1997-06-09 City of Southlake,Texas SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - i Monday, June 9, 1997 6:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall, City Council Chambers 667 North Carroll Avenue * Southlake, Texas AGENDA: 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of the May 19, 1997 Meeting Minutes. 3. Executive Session: Pursuant to Open Meeting Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. 4. Reconvene: Action Necessary on Items Discussed in Executive Session 5. Discussion: Status of SPDC Projects/Quarterly Financial Report 6. Consider: Bob Jones Park Phase I Construction Plan and Budget 7. Consider: Addendum to Cheatham and Associates Contract for professional ' services to include Phase II design of Bob Jones Park, to include parking lots, drives, irrigation, landscaping, and other park improvements 8. Consider: Mesa Group Design Contract for professional services for Bicentennial Park expansion, Phase II 9. Adjournment CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the Official Bulletin Boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, and 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, June 6, 1••7 at 6:00 p.m. pursuant to the T �ngpvernment Code, Chapter 551. S1/4 andra L. LeGrand '_ City Secretary 0 —+ m I youplan to attend this meetingand ha a f� f y � ' !4 fires special needs,please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581, extension 7#" •t, easo accommodations will be made to assist you. D:IWP-FILESIBACKUPIWP(WP).BK2 � „ • SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 June 9, 1997 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: David Yelton, President; W. Ralph Evans, Vice-President. Members: Scott Martin, Bethann Scratchard, Rick Stacy and Ronnie Kendall. MEMBERS ABSENT: Pamela Muller. STAFF PRESENT: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks & Recreation; Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance; Sean Poe, Engineer; Kevin Hugman, Community Services Manager; Shelli Seimer, Community Services Coordinator; and Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. 411 Agenda Item #1, Call to Order President David Yelton called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. A quorum was present. Agenda Item #2, Approval of the May 19, 1997 Meeting Minutes A motion was made to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Yelton asked to have the minutes revised to add Bethann Scratchard to the list of "members present" on the first page. An amended motion was made to approve the May 19, 1997 meeting minutes as corrected. Motion: Bethann Scratchard Second: Ralph Evans Ayes: Evans, Martin, Scratchard, Yelton and Kendall Nays: None Abstained: Stacy Approved: 5-0-1 vote Due to the schedule, Mr. Yelton postponed the executive session until the other business items were considered. • • Agenda Item #5. Discussion: Status of SPDC Projects/Quarterly Financial Report (Tape section 54) Committee members were encouraged to independently review the SPDC Quarterly Financial Report dated February 1997 through April 1997 which is attached to the minutes. Shelli Seimer, Community Services Coordinator, presented an update on the renovation of the Senior Citizen Center (Eubanks House). She reported that the work on the Eubanks House is still in the "needs assessment" phase of the project. Over the past two months, staff has met with the Senior Advisory Commission and other senior citizens in Southlake and have toured surrounding area centers to look at their designs. The tenants of the Eubanks house have vacated the property. There have been two public input meetings to allow input from citizens regarding what the needs are for the house and to prioritize the needs. Twenty-eight senior citizens attended the meetings. Seimer reported that the city's street crew has dug a drainage ditch along the driveway in front of the house to help detour the rain water. She further reported that Sean Poe, with the city's engineering division, is currently working on developing plans for the outside of the house to included street access, parking, drainage issues and the sewer system. Next, the committee will look at developing floor plans for the facility and will present more detailed plans to SPDC at a S later meeting. Volunteers are needed for the project. The house will be complete and ready for use some time in the fall. Sean Poe presented a conceptual plan for the parking and access and explained the layout. He stated that the conceptual plan shows parking in front with probably 40- 50 spaces on a 2" asphalt surface. He commented that some `overflow' parking could conceivably be constructed to accommodate parking on the west side of the house. Sewer is available to the site so the current septic system will be abandoned. He said that drainage will be addressed. Mr. Poe said they are open to any suggestions regarding the configuration of the parking spaces. Agenda Item #6, Consider: Bob Jones Park Phase I Construction Plan and Budget (Tape Section 256) Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation, introduced Ben Henry, the new Park Planning and Construction Superintendent. Mr. Henry is a landscape architect who graduated from Texas Tech and has been working for Dunaway &Associates for the past seven years. Ms. Lenoir reviewed the budget sheet for the Bbb Jones Park Phase I Construction Plan (attached to minutes) and pointed out that the grading of Phase I, including the lake is the portion of the contract to be considered by SPDC at this meeting. They are ready to move forward with this portion at this time. Lenoir explained the bid process for the grading. City Council could authorize staff to go out for bids at the June 17th council meeting, if the SP,DC approves it • tonight. Advertising would follow the next two consecutive weeks with the bid opening on July SPDC MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING ON JUNE 9, 1997 PAGE 2 OF 7 • 9. SPDC will hold a special meeting on July 14th to consider the bids and then Council could award the contract at the July 15th meeting. Ms. Lenoir also pointed out that the budget sheet shows the estimated costs of all the other aspects of the Bob Jones Park construction project. Phase II of the Cheatham & Associates' contract involves preparing plans and specifications for the road improvements, paving, landscaping, irrigation and fencing. More details regarding these issues will be presented at the next SPDC meeting. Committee members discussed the bid schedule sheet Ms. Lenoir handed out. Mr. Martin asked Lenoir to clarify where the "soccer field turf grass estimates" costs would fit into the overall Phase I construction budget. Lenoir said it would come under the landscaping of the park itself, in the $95,148 figure. Mr. Yelton asked if that would be adequate funds to sod. Lenoir responded "yes." Mr. Martin said the reason he questioned it, was because he feels the "sprigs" are not going to work. Lenoir said staff will work with the Soccer Association and bring several options back at the next SPDC meeting. Options could include to sod, sprig, and hydro mulch. Martin commented that this will leave $3,000 to landscape the rest of the park. Lenoir said that $20,000 is allocated for the berm, for transplanting of trees. Yelton stated for the record, that he is concerned about the amount of money SPDC has budgeted for parking --- he would like to S continue to look at options to reduce the $443,935 down to significantly less than that, at least during this first phase of construction. He said that even if the budget is under-run, it would be fine. His concerns are that there will be a lot of pavement, or asphalt, in the park and he feels that since this is a "passive use" park, the need is not as great. He reminded members of the conditions of the soccer fields now being played on at the Grapevine facilities, and that there are no paved parking spaces there. Mr. Martin agreed with Mr. Yelton's opinion, stating that the costs were lowered in April and since that time, costs have increased 200%, in spite of the concerns Yelton had voiced at the last meeting about keeping the parking costs down. Mr. Martin feels that the 526 spaces the plan calls for are more than what is needed. Ms. Lenoir explained that the plan calls for 35 spaces per field which resulted in more parking spaces than the original plan and increases the costs from the first estimate. The discussion continued with questions about the number of soccer fields. The current plan calls for 14 fields, whereas the Master Plan called for 11. Mr. Martin asked how the increase was determined. Mr. Cheatham explained that the configuration was changed to allow for two regulation-size fields by eliminating one of the fields and adding two smaller fields. Ms. Kendall asked if the Southlake and Grapevine soccer associations were involved in the decision to change the fields. Ms. Lenoir responded that it was discussed with them, however, they have not seen the latest set of plans yet. Shana Yelverton said she and Ron Harper, a long-time soccer coach, had discussions with John Levitt, of the Grapevine Soccer Association, about having the two regulation-size fields and he was agreeable. The two small fields were the soccer associations' • recommendation. Mr. Martin requested that the statement "lighted fields" be removed from the SPDC MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING ON JUNE 9, 1997 PAGE 3 OF 7 • plan Cheatham presented; that they be called "Field 1" and "Field 2," and that a footnote could be added, "may be lighted in the future." Other aspects of the plan mentioned were the size of the berm, the elevation in comparison with the houses on the north side, landscaping of the parking lot, a child-barrier around the pond, and drainage. Mr. Cheatham commented that all of the material (fill) removed from the pond would be used in grading the site and building the berm. Mr. Martin said he had some concerns about reducing the size of the berm to 3' on the east end in view of what the citizens on the north side think they will be getting. He strongly recommended that if the berm was reduced.to save costs, that the landscape architect (Lauren Griffith of Griffith Associates in Houston) be urged to use some type of "visual mitigation" running along there, such as a concrete, split-rail fence construction which will have low maintenance and have vine coverage, to give it some added height. The first two houses will be below the berm, others above the berm. The topography shown on the plan is based on actual field shots according to Cheatham and Associates. Scott Martin had concerns with the lack of landscaping in the parking lot. He feels the City should meet its own code for landscape parking lot. In regards to the barrier around the pond, Cheatham said they are concerned about it and are looking at this issue very closely. Mr. Cheatham explained the drainage plan and how it will discharge onto the Corps property and into the existing drainage basin. Rock rip rap will be used to help control the flow. • Cheatham explained the calculations which resulted in different engineering fees shown on both documents provided by Kim Lenoir as $110,750 and the fee in his letter dated June 2, 1997, amending the engineering services, which had a figure not to exceed $134,000. Mr. Yelton suggested that SPDC make a motion to approve the bottom line of the budget expenditure with the stipulation that we move forward immediately on the grading, but that SPDC will have the opportunity to review other sections in future meetings. Being no further discussion, Scott Martin made a motion "to approve the Bob Jones Park Phase I Construction Plan and Budget as submitted this evening with the budget dated June 6, 1997, stipulation that we may adjust some of the numbers within the budget, but it shall not exceed the amount shown as the revised budget total of $1,470,700." Bethann Scratchard seconded the motion. Motion: Martin Seconded: Scratchard Ayes: Martin, Scratchard, Yelton, Evans, Kendall, and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 Mr. Yelton requested that Kim Lenoir send a copy of the Plan to the president of the soccer association and ask him to respond as soon as possible. 111 SPDC MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING ON JUNE 9, 1997 PAGE 4 OF 7 • Agenda Item #7. Consider: Addendum to Cheatham and Associates' Contract for professional services to include Phase II design of Bob Jones Park. to include parking lots, drives, irrigation. landscaping. and other park improvements (Tape section 825) Eddie Cheatham addressed the question Mr. Martin brought up earlier about the total engineering fee of$134,000 versus the amount shown on the budget sheets. Mr. Cheatham said that the final engineering fee will be based on actual bid price and the $134,000 figure was just a "not to exceed" figure. He explained that one difference between the costs he came up with and the cost estimate, is that the architectural fees are at 8%, because no surveying is involved, whereas any engineering involved includes surveying at 9.3%, 6.8% for design and 3.0% for surveying. There was no further discussion. Rick Stacy made a motion to approve the addendum to the Cheatham and Associates contract. Scott Martin seconded the motion. There was no further discussion on the motion. Motion: Stacy Seconded: Martin 40 Ayes: Martin, Scratchard, Yelton, Evans, Kendall, and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 Agenda Item #8, Consider: Mesa Group Design Contract for professional services for Bicentennial Park expansion. Phase II (Tape section 924) The Mesa Design Group was recommended by the committee made up of Scott Martin, Ronnie Kendall, Sean Poe and Kim Lenoir for consideration of the contract for professional services for Bicentennial Park expansion, Phase II. A copy of their contract is attached to the minutes. The total fee is $94,500. Additional platting, surveying and reimbursables brings the estimate up to $122,500. The "other reimbursables" figure includes any faxes, long distance phone calls and principal consulting. Scott Martin recommended that the wording in the last sentence on Page 4, Topographic Survey paragraph, be changed from, "Quality hardwood trees 8" in diameter and larger shall be tied throughout the property," to "Quality hardwood and native trees shall be tied throughout the property" and eliminate the reference to 8" in diameter. His interest is to find out what kind of native trees are on the site. • SPDC MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING ON JUNE 9, 1997 PAGE 5 OF 7 110 Mr. Martin also wanted it noted that "Exhibit 2," the Proposed Schedule, is already a month and two weeks out of date and there needs to be a revised schedule brought back to SPDC and Park Board. Mr. Yelton commended the SPDC members and staff for their time and leadership in coming up with a recommendation. Shana Yelverton said the contract is currently being reviewed by the City Attorneys and there may be slight modifications made that will be resolved before the contract goes to City Council. Rick Stacy asked if the lump sum fees are based on a percentage of actual construction costs. Ms. Lenoir responded "yes." There was no further discussion. Scott Martin made a motion to approve the contract for professional services for MESA Design Group for Bicentennial Park, Phase II, making the changes noted on Page 5 of the proposal regarding surveying of trees and noting that the Exhibit 2, Proposed Construction Schedule, should be updated to an appropriate date. The motion was seconded by Bethann Scratchard. SThere was no further discussion on the motion. Motion: Martin Seconded: Scratchard Ayes: Martin, Scratchard, Yelton, Evans, Kendall, and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 The next SPDC meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m., on Monday, July 14. Lou Ann Heath noted in regards to the Financial Statement, that the figures reflect a cash basis and that there may be activity which is not reflected on the statement. Both the project fund and the operating funds are shown on the report. Agenda Item #3. Executive Session: Pursuant to Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. (Tape section 1130) President Yelton advised that SPDC would be going into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. 411 SPDC MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING ON JUNE 9, 1997 PAGE 6 OF 7 S SPDC adjourned for executive session at 6:35 p.m. SPDC returned to open session at 7:05 p.m. Agenda Item #4. Reconvene: Action Necessary/Executive Session No action was taken as a result of the executive session. Agenda Item #9, Adjournment A motion was made to adjourn the me }ing at 7:05 p.m. / N%i `{of 80�).� / / .-1 m David Ye ton, '' • dent AT EST: Y th.A:41k LA A AJA.,., Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary D:\W P-FILES\SPDC\MINUTES\97-6-9.W PD 41) • SPDC MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING ON JUNE 9, 1997 PAGE 7 OF 7 MESA 111 DESIGN GROUP BICENTENNIAL PARK PHASE II EXHIBIT"1" SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS Page 1 PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: June 2, 1997 Kim Lenoir Director of Parks and Recreation City of Southlake 400 North White Chapel Avenue Southlake,Texas 76092 Project:Bicentennial Park Phase II Southlake,Texas SCOPE OF SERVICES The consultant will provide the following planning and professional services for Bicentennial Park Phase II—Southlake,Texas. This scope of services shall apply to Phase II. DESIGN SERVICES • A. Data Collection/Site Reconnaissance 1. Acquire digital survey and perform on the ground field check for accuracy; tie down metes and bounds; locate significant trees. 2. Visit the site and coordinate pre-design meeting with Park Department to review scope and program. 3. Perform environmental review/analysis. 4. Begin hydrology analysis/watershed review, collect drainage infrastructure information. 5. Perform site analysis considering all of the following elements: Natural Features Cultural Features Topography/slope Surrounding land uses Native vegetation/plant communities Utilities • Water character/drainage Existing structures/roads B. Conceptual Design/Master Plan 1. Define specific program and facilities desired; provide alternatives and options to staff for input. 2. Coordinate user input/review meetings during master plan phase and provide support • graphics as needed. C:\My Document.\Bicentennial Peck Phase II.doc Landscape Architecture 3100 McKinnon Street/Suite 905 LB 152/Dallas,Texas 75201 214/871-0568 Fax 214/871-1507 • BICENTENNIAL PARK PHASE II EXHIBIT"1" SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS Page 2 3. Prepare two conceptual design alternatives in freehand manner to include at least all of the following elements: (12) Lighted Tennis Courts Parking lot and drives to be determined Concession/Restrooms building(1) Pond or water feature if applicable Hike and bike trail In-line Hockey Rink 1500 SF Pro-shop Basketball Courts Landscaping Sand Volleyball Courts Landscaped Berns 4. Review alternative plans with Park staff for input. 5. Refine one conceptual design; prepare preliminary cost estimate with options. 6. Review with staff and SPDC for comment and approval. C. Design Development 1. Perform on the ground limited tree survey and topography survey for facilities to be • constructed. 2. Prepare base sheets on AutoCAD Release 13 at 1"=40' scale for overall site and 1"=20' scale for detail areas. 3. Refine design of all recreation facilities such as tennis courts, basketball courts, trails, concession building, sand volleyball, in-line hockey, and landscaping. 4. Refine hardscape design;prepare materials palette for review. 5. Prepare architectural floor plans and elevations for all buildings and vertical structures; present materials palette. 6. Refine grading and pond development ideas, perform hydrology and hydraulics analysis. 7. Refine planting design; prepare introduced plant material palette for review. 8. Prepare preliminary utilities layout to include water, sewer and electrical. 9. Prepare conceptual lighting plan. 10. Prepare final design or provide cut sheets on all equipment for constructed facilities. 11. Prepare final design development plan on computer. 12. Prepare updated cost estimate. 13. Review with staff for comment and approval on periodic basis. 14. Other plans as required. 15. Review with staff and SPDC for comment and approval. D. Construction Documents 1. Prepare 100%construction documents on AutoCAD Release 13 with separate files for each sheet to include but not limited to all of the following: a. Site layout plan. • C:\My Docunente\Blcentennael Perk Phase II.doc • BICENTENNIAL PARK PHASE II EXHIBIT"1" SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS Page 3 b. Site materials plan. c. Site grading plans, details and specifications. d. Parking and roadway details and specifications. e. Civil engineering and drainage. f. Tennis court plans, details and specifications. g. In-line hockey rink plans, details, and specifications. h. Sand volleyball court plans,details, and specifications. i. Basketball court plans, details,and specifications. j. Architectural structures plans,details and specifications. k. Site electrical plans, details and specifications. 1. Water and sewer utility plans. details and specifications. m. Planting plans, details and specifications. n. Irrigation plans,details and specifications. o. Signage plans,details and specifications. p. Lighting plans, details and specifications. q. Trail details and specifications. r. Other plans as required. 2. The consultant will finalize all plans and prepare bid documents. • 3. Prepare final cost estimate to make determination on alternates for bid purposes. E. Bidding 1. Consultant will coordinate all printing and bidding with City staff/purchasing department. 2. Coordinate pre-bid conference. 3. Attend bid opening. 4. Provide review/analysis of bids for City. 'F. Contract Administration/Construction Observation The Consultant will provide the following services during the construction phase: 1. Attned pre-construction meeting. 2. Review and approve shop drawings. 3. Perform monthly site reviews. 4. Perform final punchout. 5. Perfonn one year guarantee punch out. Note: The City of Southlake will administrate all job progress paperwork including but not limited to meeting documentation, review of pay requests, requests for information, change orders, requests for pricing, etc. 4110 G. Meetings C:\My Documents\Blcentenn>al Park Phase II.doe • BICENTENNIAL PARK PHASE II EXHIBIT"1" SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS Page 4 The Consultant will prepare to attend the following meetings as determined by the Park and Recreation Department: 1. Two(2) user meetings/workshops. 2. Four(4) SPDC Meetings. 3. One(1) City Council Meeting. 4. Bi-weekly park staff progress meeting as appropriate. SPECIAL SERVICES A. Surveying 1. Boundary Check-Utilizing the deed of record and surveys for the Brunson/bank tract the boundary will be located in the field and established for reference to the proposed site improvements. 2. Topographic Survey - A complete topographic survey of the Brunson/bank tract will be made to the boundary limits. A survey along the proposed parking area outside of • these tracts shall be made in the field. Quality hardwood trees 8" in diameter and larger shall be tied throughout the property. 3. Public Utility Coordination-Public utilities shall be contacted to confirm existence of underground facilities. The public utilities shall be requested to flag their underground facilities in the field. The markings for utilities shall be field tied as a part of Item A-2 above. B. Drainage Analysis,Hydraulic Studies 1. Preliminary Studies - Provide(2)conceptual grading and drainage studies to explore drainage alternatives. Preliminary earthwork calculations shall be performed to assist in making determinations regarding the final grading plan. The final grading plan may include adding ponds or alterations to limit import of fill material. 2. Final Recommendations - Recommendations will be provided in a brief letter report and a representative from the Civil Engineer will be available for meetings with and presentations to Southlake Public Works Department. C. Reimbursables The Consultant will provide the following non-labor expense items to be reimbursed by the City: • 1. Soil Borings/Geotechnical Report C:\My Documents\Bicentennial Park Phase II.doc • BICENTENNIAL PARK PHASE II EXHIBIT"1" SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS Page 5 Acquire four(4)soil borings to a depth of approximately twenty feet. 3 . Other Reimbursables The Consultant will utilize certain non-labor costs which will be billed to the client as follows. a. Photostats or photocopying b. Binding c. Printing-sets of construction documents for bidding and construction. d. Photography e. Mylars f. Delivery Fees g. Mailing h. Drawings not described in the Scope of Services i. Blue printing other than two sets of development design documents for the Owner j. Long distance telephone calls k. Mileage(a .32 1. Travel expenses in. Other products and services requested by the Client and not specifically • described herein. n. Facsimile o. CAD plotting D. Services Not Included 1. Concrete testing for road/parking construction would be in General Contractor's scope. • COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT C:\My Document.\Bicent.mial Park Ph . II.doc • BICENTENNIAL PARK PHASE II EXHIBIT"1" SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS Page 6 PHASE II-CITY FUNDED IMPROVEMENTS (S1,350,000.00) DESIGN SERVICES A. Schematic Design Lump Sum Basis $27,000.00 B. Design Development Lump Sum Basis $27,000.00 C. Construction Documents Lump Sum Basis $27,000.00 D. Bidding Lump Sum Basis $6750.00 E. Contract Administration/Construction Observation Lump Sum Basis $6,750.00 • SUBTOTAL DESIGN SERVICES S94,500.00 SPECIAL SERVICES A. Survey Lump Sum Basis $ 7,500.00 B. Platting Services Lump Sum Basis $5,500.00 C. Reimbursables 1. Soil Borings not to exceed $4,200.00 2. Other Reimbursables not to exceed $10,800.00 TOTAL FEES-PHASE I S122,500.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES A. Services requested,but not specifically included in the scope of service will be considered additional services. Modification to drawings, after approval by client, as a result of changes requested by client or other consultants will be considered additional services and • billed at and hourly rate as follows: C:\My Docuaence\Blcencennial Park Phase II.doc • BICENTENNIAL PARK PHASE II EXHIBIT"1" SOUTH LAKE,TEXAS Page 7 B. Additional Public Meetings Public meetings/work sessions beyond those specified will be charged as additional services on an hourly basis. Additional Services Hourly Basis: Principal $120.00 Associate $75.00 Landscape Architect $65.00 Landscape Technician $45.00 Clerical $35.00 CONDITIONS A. MESA Design Group, Inc. may subcontract consultants in the performance of any services described in this agreement. • B. MESA Design Group, Inc. does not act as General Contractor in any way, or accept responsibility for poor craftsmanship. C. The above described compensation for MESA Design Group, includes the following non- labor reimbursable cost defined as follows: 1. Photostats or photocopying 2. Binding 3. Printing-Thirteen sets of documents for construction 4. Photography 5. Mylars 6. Delivery Fees 7. Mailing 8. Drawings not described in the Scope of Services 9. Blue printing, printing or binding for bidding purposes 10. Long distance telephone calls 11. Mileage C$0.32 12. Travel expenses 13. Other products and services requested by the Client and not specifically described herein. 14. Surveying as required There will be a 10% Administrative Fee for all reimbursable expenses to compensate for bookkeeping. • D. Either Owner or Consultant may terminate this contract with thirty (30) days written C:\My Docuaenta\Bicentennial Park Phase II.doc • BICENTENNIAL PARK PHASE II EXHIBIT"1" SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS Page 8 notice. Upon termination, Owner will be responsible for payment of all Consultant fees and rcimbursables expended through the date of termination. E. Compensation for all services shall be paid in Dallas, Dallas County,Texas. F. Payment Schedule: Billing will be on a design progress basis at the end of each month. Submitted by: MESA DESIGN GROUP ,..71***. William T. Arterburn Principal • Accepted by: City of Southlake Date Return Copy Enclosed • C:\Hy Documenca\Bicencenaial Park Phase Il.doc MESA Design Group City of Southlake, Texas Proposed Schedule- Bicentennial Park- Phase Il Construction Exhibit "2" TASK MONTH PARK BOARD MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER WEEK MEETING 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 PROGRAM X X X X X 2 SCHEMATIC PLAN X X X 3 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY X X 4 COST ESTIMATE X X 5 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT X X X X X 6 PROGRAM EVALUATION X 7 COST ESTIMATE X X 8 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS—50% X X a X X X 9 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS—85% X X X X 10 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS—100% X X 11 COST ESTIMATE X X 12 PUBLIC REVIEW X X 13 ISSUE FOR BID X X 14 BID OPENING X X 15 AWARD CONTRACT X 16 CITY COUNCIL X X 17 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION X X X X • • • • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered by and between the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, a Home-Rule Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City," and MESA Design Associates, a Texas Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Landscape Architect," to be effective from and after the date as provided herein. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City desires to engage the services of the Landscape Architect to prepare master plans and to perform other related Landscape Architectural services in connection with the Bicentennial Park Phase II located in the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the"Project;"and WHEREAS, the Landscape Architect desires to render such Landscape Architectural services for the City upon the terms and conditions provided herein. NOW,THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for and in consideration of the covenants contained herein, and for the mutual benefits to be obtained hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows: • I. Employment of the Landscape Architect The City hereby agrees to retain the Landscape Architect to perform professional Landscape Architectural services in connection with the Project; Landscape Architect agrees to perform such services in accordance with the terns and conditions of this Agreement. II. Scope of Services The parties agree that Landscape Architect shall perform such services as are set forth and described in Exhibit"1",which is attached hereto and thereby made a part of this Agreement. The parties understand and agree that deviations or modifications in the form of written change orders may be authorized from time to time by the City. III. Schedule of Work The Landscape Architect agrees to commence work immediately upon execution of this Agreement,and to proceed diligently with said work to completion as described in the Completion Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit"2"and thereby made a part of this Agreement. • IV. Compensation and Method of Payment The parties agree that Landscape Architect shall be compensated for all services provided pursuant to this Agreement in the amount and manner described and set forth in the payment Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "1" and thereby made a part of this Agreement. Landscape Architect further agrees that it will prepare and present such monthly progress reports and itemized statements as are described in said Exhibit "1." Landscape Architect agrees that in the • event services are not satisfactorily performed, Landscape Architect shall perform the services at no cost to the City. The Landscape Architect shall perform the services in a professional manner, consistent with the standards for landscape architects in the Dallas-Forth Worth Metropolitan area. \\Tcollins\c\Administrative\Miscellaneous\bicentennial park agreement.doe Landscape Architect Services Agreements Page 2 • V. Information to be Provided by the City The City agrees to furnish, prior to commencement of work, all that information set forth and described on Exhibit"4,"which is attached hereto and thereby made a part of this Agreement. VI. Progress Meetings In addition to providing the monthly progress reports as required under Paragraph IV hereinabove, Landscape Architect agrees to attend all monthly progress meetings scheduled by City, and at such meetings to outline work accomplished and special problems or delays encountered in connection with the Project during the previous report period, as well as planned work activities and special problems and delays anticipated for the next report period. VII. Insurance Landscape Architect agrees to meet all insurance requirements as set forth on Exhibit "3," which is attached hereto and thereby made a part of this Agreement. VIII. Indemnity The Landscape Architect agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents and employees of and from any and all damages, injuries, including death,claims,property damages,including loss of use, losses, demands, suits,judgements and costs, including reasonable • attorneys' fees and expenses, in any way arising out of or occasioned by Landscape Architect's breach of any of the terms of provisions of this Agreement, or by any negligent act, error or omission of Landscape Architect, its agents, servants, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees. The terms of this indemnification extend to the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the City, its officers, agents and employees, and Landscape Architect shall indemnify the City, its officers,agents and employees from any claims resulting from such an allegation. LX. Independent Contractor In the performance of work or services hereunder, the Landscape Architect shall be 'deemed an independent contractor and shall not, with respect to its acts or omissions, be deemed an agent or employee of the City. X. Assignment and Subletting The Landscape Architect agrees that neither this Agreement nor the work to be performed hereunder will be assigned or sublet without prior written consent of the City. The Landscape Architect further agrees that the assignment of subletting of any portion of feature of the work or materials required in the performance of this Agreement shall not relieve the Landscape Architect from its full obligations to the City as provided by this Agreement. XI. Audits and Records/Prohibited Interest The Landscape Architect agrees that at any time during normal business hours and as often as City may deem necessary, Landscape Architect shall make available to representatives of the City for examination all of its records with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement, SandIvill permit such representatives of the City to audit, examine, copy and make excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all contracts, invoices, materials, payrolls, records of personnel, conditions of employment and other data relating to all matters covered by \\Tcollins\c\Administrative\Miscellaneous\bicentennial park ageement.doc Landscape Architect Services Agreements Page 3 • this Agreement,all for a period of one (1)year from the date of final settlement of this Agreement or for such other or longer period, if any, as may be required by applicable statute or other lawful requirement. The Landscape Architect agrees that it is aware of the prohibited interest requirements of the City Charter and Code of Conduct and will abide by the same. Further, a lawful representative of Landscape Architect shall execute the affidavit shown in Exhibit 6. Landscape Architect understands and agrees that the existence of a prohibited interest during the term of this contract will render the contract voidable. XII. Contract Termination The parties agree that City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice to Landscape Architect. In the event of such termination without cause, Landscape Architect shall deliver to City all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, reports, photographs or other items prepared by Landscape Architect in connection with this Agreement. Landscape Architect shall be entitled to compensation for any and all work completed to the satisfaction of City in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement prior to termination. XIII. Cost Estimates The parties recognize and agree that any and all cost estimates prepared by Landscape Architect in connection with the Project represent the best judgement of Landscape Architect as a • design professional familiar with the construction industry, but that the Landscape Architect does not guarantee that any bids solicited or received in connection with the Project will not vary from estimates prepared by Landscape Architect. XIV. Ownership of Documents Original drawings and specifications are the property of the Landscape Architect; however, the Project is the property of the City, and Landscape Architect may not use the drawings and specifications for any purpose not related to the Project without City's written consent. City shall be furnished with such reproductions of drawings and specifications as City may reasonably require. Upon completion of the work or any earlier termination of this Agreement under Article XII, Landscape Architect will revise drawings to reflect changes made during construction and he will promptly furnish the City with one (1) complete set of reproducible record prints. Prints shall be furnished, as an additional service, at any other time requested by City. All such reproductions shall be the property of the City who may use them without Landscape Architect's permission for any proper purpose related to the Project, including, but not limited to,additions to or completion of the Project. XV. Complete Contract This Agreement, including the exhibits hereto numbered "1" through "3," constitute the entire agreement by and between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior written or oral understandings. This Agreement may only be amended, modified or cancelled by a duly executed written instrument. • \\Tcollins\c\Administrative\Miscellaneous\bicentennial park agreement.doc Landscape Architect Services Agreements Page 4 • XVI. Mailing of Notices Unless instructed otherwise in writing, Landscape Architect agrees that all notices or communications to City permitted or required under this Agreement shall be addressed to City at the following address: City of Southlake Attn: Kim McAdams 400 N. White Chapel Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 (817)481-5581 City agrees that all notices or communications to Landscape Architect permitted or required under this Agreement shall be addressed to Landscape Architect at the following address: MESA Design Group Attn: Tary Arterburn 3100 McKinnon Street, Suite 905,LB 152 Dallas,TX 75201 (214)871-0568 All notices or communications required to be given in writing by one party or the other shall be considered as having been given to the addressee on the date such notice or communications is posted by the sending party. • XVII. Miscellaneous A. Paragraph Headings: The paragraph headings contained herein are for convenience only and are not intended to define or limit the scope of any provision in this Agreement. B. Venue/Governing Law: The parties agree that the laws of the State of Texas shall govern this Agreement,and that it is performable in Tarrant County,Texas. C. Parties Bound: City and Landscape Architect, and their partners, successors, subcontractors, executors, legal representatives, and administrators are hereby bound to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. D. Severability: In the event a term, condition, or provision of this Agreement is determined to be void, unenforceable, or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, then that tenn, condition, or provision shall be deleted and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. E. Effective Date: • This Agreement shall be effective from and after execution by both parties hereto. \\Tcollins\c\Administrative\Miscellaneous\bicentennial park agreement.doc Landscape Architect Services Agreements Page 5 • WITNESS OUR HANDS AND SEALS on the date indicated below: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS DATE: By: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,CITY ATTORNEY MES SIGN A-SO ES,INC. DATE: B William T. Arterbu Principal • • \\Tcollins\c\Administrative\Miscellaneous\bicentennial park agecment.doc Landscape Architect Services Agreements Page 6 S CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this date appeared in person the within named WILLIAM T. ARTERBURN who stated that he is the President of MESA DESIGN ASSOCIATES, a Texas Corporation, and is duly authorized in his/her capacity to execute the annexed and foregoing instrument for and in the name and behalf of said Corporation, and further stated and acknowledged that he/she had so signed, executed and delivered said foregoing instrument for the consideration,uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. seal of office this the (r) day of 53t\..Q., , 1997. KAREN MELAUN �I, Notary Public: Stet- of Texas V" My Commission Expires 04-28-2001 '*<01-) -Q__,L ) M(1A 03.3 N--- ' Notary Public in and for the State of Texas III ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared WILLIAM T. ARTERBURN, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that s/he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this the (CJ day of Y'i C-Q_, , 1997. •'.• KAREN MELAUN A ) - �1, Notary Public, State of Texas ' �„ �� My Commission Expires ; �� e 1 OF o4 2s-2oo1 I a ti� Q,U ru Notary Public in and for the State of Texas S \\Tcollins\c\Administrative\Ttiscellaneous\bicentennial park agreement.doc Landscape Architect Services Agreements Page 7 • ACKNOWLEDEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared of the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, a Home-Rule Municipal Corporation, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged to me that s/he executed the same as the act and deed of the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this the day of , 1997. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas • • \\Tcollins\c\Administrative\Miscellaneous\bicentennial park agreement.doc BOB JONES PARK CONSTRUCTION PHASE I • ESTIMATED COST ITEM (Revised 6-6-97) Grading & Lake $454,837.50 Utilities- Water $13,800.00 Sewer $0.00 Parking & Roadway Pavements $348,060.00 Sub-Grade Stabilization (Parking & Roadways) $95,875.00 Sub-Total $912,572.50 Engineering/Surveying Fee @ 9.3% $84,900.00 Landscaping- Berm $20,000.00 • Park $95,148.00 Pipe Rail Fence $28,000.00 Irrigation $180,150.00 Sub-Total $323,298.00 Landscape Architect Fee @ 8% $25,850.00 Total Construction $1,235,870.50 Total Fees $110,750.00 Contingency $124,079.50 Total Estimated Cost $1,470,700.00 F:\WORD\SOUTHLAK\938\Bob.lones.Park.revised.wpd • 41) CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD., SUITE #200 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 817/548-0696 - METRO 817/265-8836 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OWNER: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SHEET 1 OF 1 JOB NO.: 001-938 PROJECT NAME: BOB JONES PARK DEVELOPMENT DATE: JUNE 6, 1997 ITEM PLAN UNIT TOTAL NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. PRICE COST 1 Site Excavation C.Y. 111,750 $1.65 $184,387.50 2 Controlled Density Embankments C.Y. 103,260 $2.50 $258,150.00 3 Parking Lot Pavements (526 Spaces), 6" Thick HMAC S.Y. 19,910 $15.00 $298,650.00 4 6" Thick HMAC Pavement Connections @ W. Chapel S.Y. 450 $15.00 $6,750.00 5 6" Thick Sub-Grade Stabilization S.Y. 22,030 $2.50 $55,075.00 6 Lime / Cement for Stabilization TONS 408 $100.00 $40,800.00 70 6" x 30" Concrete Curb & Gutter L.F. 4,266 $10.00 $42,660.00 3" (PVC Potable) Water Service L.F. 800 $12.00 $9,600.00 3" Valves & Boxes EA. 2 $100.00 $200.00 10 Fittings and Fountains (Potable Water) L.S. 1 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 11 3' Height x 2 - Pipe Rail Fence (W. Chapel) * L.F. 1,600 $16.00 $25,600.00 12 Pipe Security Gates @ Entrances * EA. 2 $1,200.00 $2,400.00 13 Culvert Crossings @ Swales EA. 3 $2,500.00 $7,500.00 14 Landscaping (Buffer Berm) * L.S. 1 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 15 Landscaping (Park Areas) * L.S. 1 $95,148.00 $95,148.00 16 Kiddies "Safety Barrier" @ Pond L.S. 1 $4,800.00 $4,800.00 17 Irrigation Distribution System & Supply Line * L.S. 1 $180,150.00 $180,150.00 * Designates Landscape Activity TOTAL ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT COST $1,235,870.50 4L------ CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $124,079.50 ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURAL & SURVEYING COSTS $110,750.00 GRAND TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $1,470,700.00 F:\OPW Southlake\938\Estimate\Park.Develop.updated.wb2 • BOB JONES PARK CONSTRUCTION PHASE I June 6, 1997 ITEM 11/96 Est. 4/97 Est. Project 6/6/97 Committee Budget Budget Design Budget comments Fees Grading (soccer) & 239,785 400,000 454.837 Lake was not in Lake original est. Utilities - Water 100,000 150,000 13,800 - sewer 75,000 0 Parking 350,000 150,000 443,935 526 spaces Street 0 100,000 0 not in crg. est. Drainage 0 200,000 0 open ditches ENGINEERING 689,785 1,075,000 84,900 - 912,572 COSTS 9.3% Restroom/Concession 250,000 250,000 0 hold for phase II • Pavilion 70,000 70,000 0 ARCHITECTURE 320,000 320,000 0 0 COSTS Landscaping - Berm 135,152 135,152 20,000 landscape & - Park 95,148 95,148 95,148 turf grass Irrigation 180,150 180,150 180,150 soccer fields Fence 80,000 80,000 28,000 pipe rail LA COSTS 490,450 490,450 25,850 - 323,298 8% TOTALS 1,500,235 1,885,450 110,750- 1,235,870 Contingency - 10% 190,000 124,080 Total of Fees 164,475 110,750 Revised Budget Total 1,500,235 2,239,925 1,470,700 Revised budget estimate is $29,535 under budget • CHEATHAM AND • ASSOCIATES June 2, 1997 Ms. Kim Lenoir Director of Parks & Recreation City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Re: Amendment to Proposal for Engineering Services Regarding Proposed Improvements at Bob Jones Park As you are aware, Cheatham and Associates is currently preparing a grading plan for the proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park. Our proposal dated March 17, 1997 pertained to this phase of the project. We have basically completed the grading plan and contour elevations for the proposed soccer fields and related parking. The next step in our design process will be to prepare construction S plans and contract documents for the parking lots and drives, water lines, drainage swales, landscaping, irrigation and fencing for the proposed soccer facilities. We are anticipating that the landscaping, irrigation, and fencing design will be subcontracted to Lauren Griffith Associates of Houston, Texas. Our firm will be responsible for the coordination of the entire design aspect, including the work to be performed by Ms. Griffith's firm, for the entire project. We hereby propose that our proposal dated March 17, 1997 be amended to add the remaining work listed above, to the site grading plans currently being completed. Our fee for the remaining portion of the project shall be a flat fee, as before, of 9.8%of the actual construction costs. The 9.8%relates to 6.8% for design, and 3.0% for surveying. This fee shall include compensation for any work performed by any subcontracting consultants. The construction budget for this project is 1.5 million dollars. Therefore, the total design, engineering , and surveying fees for the entire project, including grading, shall not exceed $134,000. This would leave $1,366,000 for construction costs. All remaining terms, scope of services and other conditions of our March 17 proposal shall be applicable to the remaining work to be performed. • ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. • Suite 200 • Arlington, Texas 76011 817/548-0696 • Metro 265-8836 • Fax 817/265-8532 Ms. Kim Lenoir June 2, 1997 City of Southlake Page 2 If this amendment to our proposal meets with your approval, please indicate by signing in the space provided below. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. The opportunity to be of service to you and the City of Southlake is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Eddie Cheatham, P.E. F:\WORD\PROPOSAL\SOUTHLAK`Bob Jones.Amend.wpd Authorization to Proceed: Accepted this Day of , 1997 By: Title: • 411 Southlake Parks Development Corporation Quarterly Financial Report February 1997 through April 1997 i Budget Transactions Transactions Balance Amount 2-97 to 4-97 10-96 to 4-97 Remaining PROJECT FUND (302) Revenue/Other Sources Interest earnings $10,000 $16,136 $24,142 ($14,142) Transfer from SPDC Operating Fund $590,000 $0 $0 $590,000 Bond Proceeds $5.107,985 $5.107,985 $5.107.985 $0 Total Revenue/Other Sources $5,707,985 $5,124,121 $5,132,127 $575,858 Expenditures Bicentennial Park - Master Plan Components. Land - Brunson tract/Bank tract $800,000 $847,000 $847,000 ($47,000) Berm south of Love Henry Court- land/construction $500,000 $0 $0 $500,000 Existing Facilities Enhancement(addl trees) $50,000 $0 $0 $50,000 Hike and Bike Trail (1/2 mile) $60,000 $0 $0 $60,000 Teen Recreation Area (3 bb cts, parking) $405,000 $0 $0 $405,000 Tennis Facilities (12 lighted courts, restroom/storage) $535,000 $0 $0 $535,000 Bob Jones Park - Master Plan Components Land - remaining lots $1,000,000 $0 $0 $1,000,000 Pre-development Buffer $135,152 $0 $0 $135,152 Soccer Complex (including engineering) $1,365,083 $11,092 $11,092 $1,353,991 H. 'ng/Nature Trail (land only) $200,000 $0 $0 $200,000 Center/Outdoor Education (planning only) $20,000 $0 $0 $20,000 J -Carroll In a nden ch of Di ri Parking Lot- CISD Middle School $70,000 $0 $0 $70,000 ISTEA Grant Highway 26 Hike and Bike Trail 500' section $48,000 $0 $0 $48,000 Joint Use - Keller Independent School District Land - community park (13 ac@Florence Elementary) $300,000 $0 $0 $300,000 Neighborhood Parks (5 to 10 acres) planning only $25,000 $0 $0 $25,000 planning of Noble Oaks, Koalaty, Florence) Matching Funds.-Community Groups $100,000 $5,333 $5,333 $94,667 (Adventure Alley Pavilion, T-ball field, etc.) Trail Development Continental Boulevard Trail (planning only) $9,000 $0 $0 $9,000 Special Projects-renovation of City-owned houses $50,000 $0 $0 $50,000 (Senior Center) RESERVE FOR UNANTICIPATED PROJECTS $500,765 $0 $0 $500,765 TOTAL $6,173,000 $863,425 $863,425 $5,309,575 Fund Balance @ 10-1 $464,656 $464,656 Fund Balance-ending ($359) $4,733,358 S SPDCQ597.WK4 06/09/97 page 1 w Southlake Parks Development Corporation Quarterly Financial Report February 1997 through April 1997 • Budget Transactions Transactions Balance Amount 2-97 to 4-97 10-96 to 4-97 Remaini g OPERATING FUND AND DEBT SERVICE FUND (300 & 301) Revenue Sales Tax $923,000 $214,639 $420,810 $502,190 Interest $44.000 $7.828 $26.353 $17.647 Total Revenues/Other Sources $967,000 $222,467 $447,163 $519,837 Expenditures Personnel $50,229 $14,277 $30,347 $19,882 Operations $4,800 $1,200 $2,800 $2,000 Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 Debt Service $345,770 $118,651 $118.651 $227.119 Total Expenditures $400,799 $134,128 $151,798 $249,001 Other Sources/Uses Transfer from SPDC Operating Fund $344,770 $57,462 $201,116 $143,654 Transfer to SPDC Debt Service Fund ($344,770) ($86,192) ($201,116) ($143,654) Transfer to SPDC Project Fund ($590,000) $0 $0 ($590,000) U f Revenue Bond Reserve for Bond Sale $Q ($252,915) ($252.915) $252.915 Cher Sources/Uses ($590,000) ($281,645) ($252,915) ($337,085) Fund Balance @ 10-1 $965,336 $965,336 Fund Balance-ending $941,537 $1,007,786 Cash Balances all funds @ 4/97 SPDC Demand Bank Account $5,000 SPDC Investments $5,189,728 Southlake Pooled Cash Investments $546.416 Total $5,741,144 III SPDCQ597.WK4 06/09/97 page 2 • • SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING 667 North Carroll Avenue itt, Southlake, Texas 76092 May 19, 1997 /: MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: David Yelton, President, W. Ralph Evans, Vi e-Preside . Members: Scott Martin, Pamela Muller and Ronnie Kendall. - ) MEMBERS ABSENT: Rick Stacy. (,-Aj �✓ 0 STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks & Recreation; Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. Agenda_Item #1, Ca1Lto_Order President David Yelton called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. A quorum was present. Yelton introduced Bethann Scratchard as a new SPDC member. Scott Martin joined the meeting • at this time. Agenda Item #2,Approval of theApri121, 1997Meeting-Minutes Scott Martin asked for clarity on the comments found in the third paragraph on page 7 and asked that the last sentence of the paragraph be struck from the minutes. He said he believed the Board's intention was that the Park Board would not have sole approval of granting matching fund requests since the Park Board would have to bring any requests before the SPDC first. President Yelton stated that the policy and procedure before the committee this evening clearly defines the roles of each and states that the Park Board will bring any requests to the SPDC for consent agenda or discussion. Also, the minutes will be revised to show that Scott Martin abstained from the vote on item #9. A motion was made to approve the April 21, 1997 meeting minutes as amended. Motion: Ralph Evans Second: Scott Martin Ayes: Evans, Martin, Muller, and Kendall Nays: None Abstained: Scratchard and Yelton Approved: 4-0-2 vote III 410 Agenda Item #3, Executive Session: Pursuant to Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. President Yelton advised that SPDC would be going into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. SPDC adjourned for executive session at 6:05 p.m. SPDC returned to open session at 6:25 p.m. Agenda Item #4, Reconvene: Action Necessary/Executive Session No action was taken as a result of the executive session. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Agenda Item #5, Consider: Project and Matching Fund Request Policy and Agenda Item#6, Consider: Keep Southlake Beautiful Waterscape Project Funding (Tape section 130) Mr. Yelton stated that these "consent" items may be voted upon together unless a Board member • requests the items be taken off of the consent items for discussion. Having no discussion of the above items, Scott Martin made a motion to approve consent agenda items #5 and #6. The motion was seconded by Pamela Muller. Motion: Martin Second: Muller Ayes: Evans, Martin, Muller, Kendall, Yelton and Scratchard Nays:. None Approved: 6-0 vote Mr. Martin asked to have the record show that the SPDC appreciates the Park Board reconsidering the Matching Funds Request Policy. OTHER ITEMS Agenda Item #7, Discussion: Status of SPDC Projects (Tape Section 163) Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation, presented the Capital Projects Status Report dated IllSPDC MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING ON APRIL 21, 1997 PAGE 2 OF 6 • • May 16, 1997 (attached to the minutes). Some of the items touched on were: ISTEA Grant - Cottonbelt Hike and Bike Hike and Bike Trail Construction - $48,000 (20% of project costs) - City is moving forward with Colleyville, North Richland Hills to enter into an agreement; currently seeking RFPs on professional services for the trail project. Plan to bring a contract and an interlocal agreement to the Council next month. Ms. Lenoir stated this will probably be a three year project as the State Highway Department must approve all the steps. Joint-Use Projects CISD Parking Lot at Carroll Middle School Gym - $70,000 The Carroll Middle School is working on the parking lot; hoping to bid construction of the project this summer. Land Acquisition near KISD (Smith Property)- $300,000 Hope to finalize the contract in June. Site is being surveyed. 0 Neighborhood Parks City will make an offer for the Park Planning and Construction Superintendent tomorrow. There were 21 applications received. This individual will be responsible for "Master Planning" neighborhood parks. Special Projects - Renovation of City-owned Homes Eubank's Home - $50,000 Ms. Lenoir stated the plans will come forward next month with a better understanding of exact costs for renovations. The Senior Advisory Commission is working with the City's Community Services Manager, Kevin Hugman, on coming up with uses they would recommend for the facility. City staff engineer, Sean Poe, is working with the Commission to determine what needs to be done to make the facility accessible and what renovations are needed. Matching Funds - Community Groups Adventure Alley Pavilion by Leadership Southlake - $25,000 The committee feels the pavilion request needs to be reviewed again by the Park Board 110 SPDC MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING ON APRIL 21, 1997 PAGE 3 OF 6 • • then brought to SPDC for their consideration for match funding. The members talked about the format of the Capital Projects Status Report and how it corresponds with the budget format. Committee member Kendall suggested that the Report reflect the actual costs of the projects in addition to the estimated costs. Committee member Martin would like the Reserve Funds item on the Report to indicate an adjusted fund balance. Mr. Yelton recommended the reporting structure to stay the same with the addition of a "remaining funds" line for each category of the Report and cited the example of the "remaining funds of $71,150" for the Matching Funds category. The committee agreed they would like to see a quarterly financial report beginning next meeting. Agenda Item #8, Consider: Bob Jones Park Construction Budget Allocations (Tape section 538) Shana Yelverton reminded members of the discussion of this item at the last meeting. More time was needed by the engineer, Cheatham and Associates, to complete the grading plan and provide better costs estimates. Ms. Lenoir presented an extension to the worksheet provided previously. The Bob Jones Park Construction Phase I, dated May 19, 1997, now includes a column, "5/97 Budget." • Ms. Lenoir reviewed each line item. Grading (soccer) & Lake - The lake was not included in original chart. This figure includes 15 soccer fields at the site and the grading for the large berm to the north. The berm is 10 feet tall the entire length of the Bob Jones Road side of the site. The cost of moving the dirt and compaction of the berm is $93,000. The berm requires 23,000 cubic yards of dirt. The estimate shown of$476,500 reflects an estimate for construction of a berm half the width and height shown but maintains the length and makes the berm appear more natural. If the berm is reduced, the cost is lowered to $70,000 from $93,000, including the landscaping and dirt. Eddie Cheatham will put together a 3-D view of the berm and bring back to the meeting in June, along with the completed grading plan. Eddie Cheatham reported that all the analysis of the lake revealed that the material that will be removed from the lake looks good and is well suited for the project. His study also shows that we are a little short of dirt for the berm but this will be taken care of since the berm is being reduced and is close to balance. The soils engineers will look at the lake to determine the bed condition and ability to hold the water. Lighting of the Soccer Fields - Ms. Lenoir stated that the Southern fields would be constructed during this phase and eventually lighted. Ms. Yelverton stated that the fields are shown on the Master Plan as being lighted. Mr. Martin clarified that these are the three southern most fields, beyond the two parking lots. • SPDC MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING ON APRIL 21, 1997 PAGE 4 OF 6 GU • 410 Mr. Yelton asked Ms. Lenoir if we ever received from John Levitt a resolution from the Soccer Board projecting their needs regarding the number, sizes and configurations of the soccer fields. Ms. Lenoir said yes and that Mr. Levitt has reviewed these new plans. Ms. Lenoir explained how the new plans deviate from the Master Plan. Utilities - Water/ Sewer - Covers distribution of the water into the park, and into the restroom facilities. Sewer was taken out and replaced with septic tanks. Restroom/Concession - Cost of septic system for restroom only. This item reduced to just restroom with septic system. Soccer Association said a concession stand was a low priority at this time. Parking- Cost for 446 spaces. Lenoir reported that at least 35 spaces per field are needed. Mr. Yelton asked if they need to be paved. Ms. Yelverton explained that the current plan shows parking paved around a grassy or gravel area which can be used for overflow. They are still trying to determine how much space is needed to accommodate the overlap traffic coming into the parking space. Mr. Yelton suggested this be significantly reduced to just having the entryways paved and use gravel. Mr. Martin recommend looking at some other material other than gravel due to dust abatement. Mr. Cheatham said asphalt would be maybe 25% cheaper than concrete. Mr. Hawk • said concrete would not be viable due to ground water problems. Mr. Yelton would like this to be brought back into budget figure. Need to look at other alternatives that don't create dust. Mr. Martin suggest a "pierced concrete paver" as an alternative, but probably not viable. Street- The third lane to turn into the park has been deleted from the cost estimate and plan. The lane may need to be added in a year or year and a half. The development of this lane is tied to the possible future development of that area and the ability to work with developers. Drainage - Ms. Lenoir stated she has concerns with this which is allowing all open ditches on the site. Mr. Cheatham said the cost to run the drainage conduit underground would be$190,000, which could be done at a later date. The fields will be designed to be built up to allow for drainage between them. Cheatham will bring the plans back to the next meeting. Pavilion - Deleted. Landscaping-Berm /Park- The actual construction of the berm is included in the grading cost. The $95,148 will include turf grass on some soccer fields and landscaping. Also looking at transplanting some of the large trees on the site. Irrigation - Nothing changed. 411 SPDC MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING ON APRIL 21, 1997 PAGE 5 OF 6 • • Playground/Fence- Playground has been removed. This does include a chain-link fence around the youth ballfields. Ms. Yelverton explained the rational for placement of the fence and the segregation of the fields from the pond on the east side. Options were discussed. There are no bleachers or goals included in the plan, but may come out of the contingent plan. The Board discussed various fence material options Contingency - 10% - Been reduced to reflect new budget figures. Total of Fees - The fees have been reduced to reflect the new budget figures. Ms. Lenoir explained how the engineering costs, architecture costs, and landscape architecture was figured into the chart. Ralph Evans left the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Scott Martin made a motion to table item #8 until the special meeting on June 9. The motion was seconded by Pamela Muller. Motion: Martin Seconded: Muller Ayes: Martin, Muller, Yelton, Kendall, and Scratchard Nays: None • Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item #9, Discussion: Bicentennial Park Design Team Selection (Tape section 1655) The committee reviewed the applicants and selected Mesa Group. They had no problem meeting the budget figures and even suggested some cost saving areas. Agenda Item #6, Adjournment A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. David Yelton, President ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary L:\CTYSHARE\MINUTES\97-5-19.WPD 0 SPDC MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING ON APRIL 21, 1997 PAGE 6 OF 6 • . SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Projects Status Report May 16, 1997 BICENTENNIAL PARK Land Acquisition - S1,100,000 Status: The Brunson Condemnation Hearing was held April 24, 1997. The City paid 5847,000 or 52 per square foot and took possession o the property May 1. On May 13 the Brunson's filed an appeal of the ruling. Dee Ekstrom is contacting the resident of the north end tract offering fair Market value. Curtis E. Hawk is contacting the landowner behind the bank for a possible trade. Phase II construction - $1,300,000 Status: Ronnie Kendall, Scott Martin, Shawn Poe(city engineer's office), and Kim Lenoir interviewed four design firms on May 7. Mesa Design Group and Michael Bardis group returned for second interviews on May 14. Mesa Design will be recommended to SPDC May 19. • > BOBJO\E:S PARK PARK Land Acquisition - $1,200,000 Status: Progressing well through the City Manager's Office. Updated map of status will be delivered Monday to SPDC. Phase I construction - $1,500,235 Design - Phase I Contract Began: March 18, 1997 Consultant: Cheatham and Associates Status: Cheatham and Associates have completed the grading plans and they are under staff review. The revised budget will be reviewed with SPDC on Monday, May 19. City staff construction team (Ron Harper, Kim Lenoir, Lou Ann Heath, Shana Yelverton and Chris Carpenter), Ronnie Kendall (SPDC and Park Board Member) and Mickey O'Brien (VP of Soccer Association) interviewed the selected team of engineers (Cheatham and Associates), architects (Ron Hobbs and Associates) and landscape architects (Lauren Griffith and Associates) on April 9. We plan to have a Phase II contract recommendation for SPDC to consider after the Monday, May 19 meeting. • iPhase II construction grant request- $500,000 Nature Center Planning - $20,000 Status: A Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant was resubmitted February 28. The City will hear in late August if awarded. A committee has formed to define the scope of the nature center for Bob Jones Park. The Nature Center Committee planned to tour the site April 11 but was rained out. The committee will reschedule the tour. Mrs. Tucker has been asked to join the tour (part of the project may be on land she now owns that she is willing to trade). The Southlake Historical Commission is wanting to move a log cabin and the Fetchel House to this area as part of a historical village. Staff is looking into the cost feasibility. 1STEA GRANT - COTTONBELT HIKE :AND BIKE Hike and Bike Trail Construction - $48,000 (20% of project costs) Status: Contract is being revised with TXDOT at the request of Southlake, Colleyville and North Richland Hill, so the cities can enter into interlocal agreements with each other to design and construct the trail under one contract with a more cost effective and efficient approach. North Richland Hills is now contacting engineers to submit proposals for the project. Staff is also working on an interlocal agreement for the IIIthree cities to enter or the design and construction of this project. JOINT-USE PROJECTS CISD Parking Lot at Carroll Middle School Gym - $70,000 Status: CISD has been notified of the funding availability and staff will work with CISD to prepare plans. CISD plans to let a contract this summer for the construction. KISD Land Acquisition $300,000 Status: The contract was signed for$28,000 per acre. The site is being surveyed , Kim Lenoir spoke to the SPIN#16 meeting May 13 about the plans for the neighborhood park. The neighborhood was very excited about the park development. NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Master Planning Noble Oaks, Koalaty, and Florence -$25,000 Status: This will be a project for the new Park Planning and Construction Superintendent to begin in June. We received 21 applications and interviewed five IIIlandscape architects. We plan to make an offer Monday. • • CONTINENTAL. TRAIL. DEVELOPWN"f Planning for Continental Boulevard Trail (White Chapel to Davis) -$9,000 Status: City Council approved on April 1 the hiring of Dunaway and Associates to plan the section of the off road hike and bike trail from White Chapel to Davis Blvd. This will be the first major trail project for the City since the adoption of the Trail System Master Plan. %LATCHING FUNDS - CO'I\IUNITY GROUPS Adventure Alley Pavilion by Leadership Southlake-$25,000 Status: Leadership Southlake is preparing bid documents. Project will be publicly bid in the next few months. Goal is for the volunteers to construct the pavilion during late summer. T-ball Field #10 by Southlake Baseball Association - $3,850 Completed 4/5/97 • Remaining Funds - $71,150 Status: The Parks and Recreation Board on 5/12/97 recommended a revised policy for reviewing projects and community matching fund requests. SPDC will consider the policy on 5/19/97. Parks Board also reviewed and are recommending a Keep Southlake Beautiful Waterscape project for matching funds not to exceed S5,000. SPECIAL PROJECTS - RENOVATIONS OF CITY OWNED HOMES Eubank's House-$50,000 Status: The Senior Advisory Commission has requested that the City proceed with renovating the Eubank's House for a Senior Center. The Community Services Division is has given the resident notice as required. Once the residence is vacated, planning can begin. Kevin Hugman, Community Services Division Manager, will be coordinating this project. RESERVE FUNDS Unanticipated Projects - $500,765 • Status: Funds remains in reserve. 0 STATUS OF SPDC PROJECTS June 9, 1997 BICENTENNIAL_PARK Land Acquisition - $1,100,000 Status: The Brunson Condemnation Hearing was held April 24, 1997. The commission awarded the owner$847,000. The City deposited a check in this amount with the court and took possession of the property May 1, 1997. On May 13 the Brunsons filed an appeal of the ruling. Curtis E. Hawk is working with the landowner behind the bank for a possible trade. SPDC will consider a contract on June 9, 1997 for additional park land at Bicentennial Park. Phase II construction - $1,300,000 Design Contract Begins June 17, 1997 Estimated Completion of Design September 1997 Consultant: Mesa Design Group • Status: SPDC members and staff interviewed four potential design firms and concluded that Mesa Design Group would be recommended to the full SPDC. The Mesa Design Group contract will be considered by SPDC on June 9, 1997. (Note that Mesa was the firm which prepared the Bob Jones Park Master Plan.) BOB JONFS PARK Land Acquisition - $1,200,000 • Status: Progressing well through the City Manager's Office. Updated map of status is attached. The City Manager's Office is estimating the remaining cost expected to complete the land acquisition at Bob Jones Park. Phase I construction - $1,500,235 Design Contract Began March 18, 1997 Estimated Completion of Design June 1997 Consultant: Cheatham and Associates Status: Cheatham and Associates have completed the grading plans and it will be reviewed by SPDC June 9, 1997 for bidding. Bids for grading are expected to be awarded by City Council on July 15, 1997. An amendment to the contract with Cheatham and Associates for engineering and landscape architecture will be considered by SPDC on June 9, 1997. This amendment expands the contract to the next phase. The • original contract primarily covered the preparation of the grading plan. 411 Phase II construction grant request - $500,000 Nature Center Planning - $20,000 Status: A Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant was resubmitted February 28, 1997. The City will hear if the grant funds will be awarded in late August. A committee has formed to define the scope of the Nature Center for Bob Jones Park. The Nature Center Committee planned to tour the site April 11 but was rained out. The committee will reschedule the tour. Mrs. Tucker has been asked to join the tour (part of the project may be on land she now owns that she is willing to trade). Note that a survey of Mrs. Tucker's property has been prepared for a potential trade. The Southlake Historical Commission wants to move a log cabin and the Fetchel House to this area as part of a historical village. Staff is looking into the cost feasibility and will report to the Park Board for consideration and a recommendation to SPDC. ISTEA GRANT - COTTONBELT HIKE AND BIKE TRAIL Hike and Bike Trail Construction - $48,000 (20% of project costs) Status: Contract is being revised with TxDOT at the request of Southlake, Colleyville and North Richland Hills, so the cities can enter into interlocal agreements with each other to design and construct the trail under one contract with a more cost effective and efficient approach. North Richland Hills is now contacting engineers to • submit proposals for the project. Staff is also working on an interlocal agreement for the three cities for the design and construction of this project. JOINT-USE PROJECTS CISD Parking Lot at Carroll Middle School Gym - $70,000 Status: CISD has completed the plans for a 50-car parking lot in front of the gym, south side facing Dove Road and east of the circle drive. CISD plans to let a • contract this summer for the construction. Smith Park Land Acquisition - $300,000 Status: The contract for acquiring this property was signed for$28,000 per acre. The site is being surveyed and an environmental assessment conducted. Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation, spoke to the SPIN#16 meeting May 13, 1997 about the plans for the neighborhood park. The neighborhood was positive about the park development. NEIGHBORHOOD P RKS Master Planning Noble Oaks, Koalaty, and Royal and Annie Smith - $25,000 • Status: This will be a project for the new Park Planning and Construction Superintendent who will begin work June 12, 1997. Crews have cleared the fence and barn off of the Noble Oaks Park. Staff is getting estimates from tree services to grind • up stumps and tree limbs so mowers can access the area and remove several dead trees and some cedar under-story trees. Site planning on the Smith Park will commence as soon as the City closes on the property. CONTINENTAL TRAIL. DEVELOPMENT Planning for Continental Boulevard Trail (White Chapel to Davis) - $9,000 Design Contract Began April 1, 1997 Estimated Design Completion August 15, 1997 Consultant: Dunaway and Associates Status: City Council approved on April 1, 1997 the hiring of Dunaway and Associates to plan the section of the off road hike and bike trail from White Chapel to Davis Blvd. This will be the first major trail project for the City since the adoption of the Trail System Master Plan. Plans should be completed by mid-August, 1997. MATCHING FUNDS - COMMUNITY GROUP Adventure Alley Pavilion by Leadership Southlake - $25,000 Consider Approval by SPDC: 7/21/97 Approved by Park Board: 2/3/97 S Status: Bid Documents are being prepared. Project will be publicly bid in the next few months. Goal is for the volunteers to construct the pavilion during late summer. Temporary T-ball Field #10 by Southlake Baseball Association - $3,850 Approved by SPDC: 2/17/97 Completed: 4/5/97 Contractor: American Tennis Court Contractors Status: Staff submitting bill to SBA for 50% reimbursement expense on project. KSB-Waterscape Project, Bicentennial Park - $5,000 Approved: 5/19/97 Status: KSB is working to secure additional funding to complete the $16,000 project, located near the White Chapel entrance of Bicentennial Park. Remaining Funds - $66,150 Status: The projects and community matching fund requests policy was approved by City Council June 3, 1997. RESERVE FUNDS 4111 Unanticipated Projects - $500,765 Status: Funds remain in reserve. City of Southlake,Texas • M_E M R A N I?_U_M June 6, 1997 TO: Southlake Park Development Corporation Board of Directors FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: Meeting - June 9, 1997 Note that this month's meeting has been scheduled for Monday, June 9, 1997 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The meeting will immediately precede the Park Board meeting, which is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. This will rush us somewhat, but if we begin promptly we should be able to move through the agenda quickly enough to adjourn at or near 6:30 p.m. Agenda Item No. 5, Status of SPDC Projects/Quarterly Financial Report - The project status report is included in your packet for reference. Note that our Community Services Division • staff will be on hand to discuss the progress of the renovation of the Eubanks home, as you requested during your last meeting. The first quarterly financial report will be provided to you at the meeting. Please feel free to contact Kim Lenoir prior to the meeting if you have any questions about our progress on any of the SPDC projects. Agenda Item No. 6, Bob Jones Park Phase I Construction Plan and Rndg-t - Cheatham and Associates have modified the grading plan per your suggestions at our last meeting, and with input from the staff development team. A copy of the revised plan is included in your packet. In conjunction with this, we also have included a revised budget. As you can see, we are working toward modifying our plans in order to meet the budget included in your SPDC plan. We are hopeful, however, that we will soon receive word from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department that we will be receiving a grant for the development of Bob Jones Park. This grant would allow us to pursue some of the items that have been removed as the plans for this first phase have evolved (e.g., pavilion, concession stand, etc.) Agenda Item No. 7, Addendum to Cheatham and Associates Contract - You will recall that the SPDC approved the original contract with Cheatham and Associates for the preparation of a grading plan, contour map and preliminary site report for the first portion of Bob Jones Park. We are now moving to Phase II of his design work, which will include the design of the parking lots, drives, irrigation and landscaping, and other park improvements which you decide to include in your budget. The contract in your packet documents the scope of services 7 for the Phase II work. lipSouthlake Park Development Corporation June 6, 1997 Page Two Agenda Item No. 8, Mesa Group Design Contract for Professional Services for Bicentennial Park expansion, Phase II - As discussed at your last meeting, the selection team which consisted of SPDC members and staff, has recommended Mesa Design Group for the design of Phase II of Bicentennial Park expansion. This will include the tennis courts and other park improvements. A copy of the proposed contract from Mesa is included in your packet for your review. If you have any questions about the selection of Mesa, please feel free to call Scott Martin, Ronnie Kendall, or Kim Lenoir. We look forward to seeing you on Monday. Please let us know if you have any comments or questions prior to Monday's meeting, so we can ensure that we meet this meeting's time constraints. ( ,---) / tit CEH • • IP BOB JONES PARK • GRADING BID SCHEDULE Date Day Group Comments 6/17 Tuesday City Council Authorize the City to Advertise for bids 6/18 Wednesday Cheatham Bid Packets ready for pick-up 6/22 Sunday Star-Telegram Public Advertisement 6/29 Sunday Star-Telegram Public Advertisement 7/9 Wednesday City Hall/City Secretary Open Bids - 10:00 am 7/14 Monday SPDC Review tabulations and award bid 7/15 Tuesday City Council Review tabulations and award bid For more information contact: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks&Recreation 481-5581 ext 756 0 Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent 481-5581 ext 848 Soccer Fields Turf Grass Estimates SOD 14 soccer fields only - 50,000 yards @ $1.85 per yard=$92,500 SPRIG 14 soccer fields approximately 10 acres - $950 per acre= $9,500 0 Southlake Parks Development Corporation Quarterly Financial Report 40 February 1997 through April 1997 Budget Transactions Transactions Balance Amount 2-97 to 4-97 10-96 to 4-97 Remaining PROJECT FUND (302) Revenue/Other Sources Interest earnings $10,000 $16,136 $24,142 ($14,142) Transfer from SPDC Operating Fund $590,000 $0 $0 $590,000 Bond Proceeds $5.107.985 $5.107.985 $5.107.985 $0 Total Revenue/Other Sources $5,707,985 $5,124,121 $5,132,127 $575,858 Expenditures Bicentennial Park - Master Plan Components. Land - Brunson tract/Bank tract $800,000 $847,000 $847,000 ($47,000) Berm south of Love Henry Court- land/construction $500,000 $0 $0 $500,000 Existing Facilities Enhancement (addl trees) $50,000 $0 $0 $50,000 Hike and Bike Trail (1/2 mile) $60,000 $0 $0 $60,000 Teen Recreation Area (3 bb cts, parking) $405,000 $0 $0 $405,000 Tennis Facilities (12 lighted courts, restroom/storage) $535,000 $0 $0 $535,000 Bob Jones Park - Master Plan Components Land - remaining lots $1,000,000 $0 $0 $1,000,000 Pre-development Buffer $135,152 $0 $0 $135,152 Soccer Complex (including engineering) $1,365,083 $11,092 $11,092 $1,353,991 H' ature Trail (land only) $200,000 $0 $0 $200,000 N. .,enter/Outdoor Education (planning only) $20,000 $0 $0 $20,000 Join se -Carroll Independent School District Parking Lot- CISD Middle School $70,000 $0 $0 $70,000 ISTEA Grant Highway 26 Hike and Bike Trail 500' section $48,000 $0 $0 $48,000 Joint Use - Keller Independent School District Land - community park (13 ac@Florence Elementary) $300,000 $0 $0 $300,000 Neighborhood Parks (5 to 10 acres) planning only $25,000 $0 $0 $25,000 planning of Noble Oaks, Koalaty, Florence) Matching Funds -Community Groups $100,000 $5,333 $5,333 $94,667 (Adventure Alley Pavilion, T-ball field, etc.) Trail Development Continental Boulevard Trail (planning only) $9,000 $0 $0 $9,000 Special Projects-renovation of City-owned houses $50,000 $0 $0 $50,000 (Senior Center) RESERVE FOR UNANTICIPATED PROJECTS $500,765 $0 $0 $500,765 TOTAL $6,173,000 $863,425 $863,425 $5,309,575 Fund Balance @ 10-1 $464,656 $464,656 Fund Balance-ending ($359) $4,733,358 S at .w,_ -to c?r,..9IQQ? SP1JC .:.,,,I,A, SPDCQ597.WK4 06/09/97 page 1 Southlake Parks Development Corporation Quarterly Financial Report • February 1997 through April 1997 Budget Transactions Transactions Balance Amount 2-97 to 4-97 10-96 to 4-97 Remaining OPERATING FUND AND DEBT SERVICE FUND (300 & 301) Revenue Sales Tax $923,000 $214,639 $420,810 $502,190 Interest $44.000 $7.828 $26.353 $17.647 Total Revenues/Other Sources $967,000 $222,467 $447,163 $519,837 Expenditures Personnel $50,229 $14,277 $30,347 $19,882 Operations $4,800 $1,200 $2,800 $2,000 Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 Debt Service $345.770 $118.651 $118.651 $227.119 Total Expenditures $400,799 $134,128 $151,798 $249,001 Other Sources/Uses Transfer from SPDC Operating Fund $344,770 $57,462 $201,116 $143,654 Transfer to SPDC Debt Service Fund ($344,770) ($86,192) ($201,116) ($143,654) Transfer to SPDC Project Fund ($590,000) $0 $0 ($590,000) U. Revenue Bond Reserve for Bond Sale $Q ($252,915) ($252.915) $252.915 T her Sources/Uses ($590,000) ($281,645) ($252,915) ($337,085) Fund Balance @ 10-1 $965,336 $965,336 Fund Balance-ending $941,537 $1,007,786 Cash Balances all funds @ 4/97 SPDC Demand Bank Account $5,000 SPDC Investments $5,189,728 Southlake Pooled Cash Investments $546.416 Total $5,741,144 (10 SPDCQ597.WK4 06/09/97 page 2