1997-03-17 City of Southlake,Texas
Ole Monday, March 17, 1997
6:00 p.m.
LOCATION: City Hall, Council Chambers
667 North Carroll Avenue * Southlake, Texas
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of the February 17, 1997 meeting Minutes.
3. Executive Session: Pursuant to Open Meeting Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas
Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition.
4. Reconvene: Action Necessary on Items Discussed in Executive
5. Consider: Prioritization of Projects and the Adoption of Three-Year SPDC
Plan and Budget
6. Consider: Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with
Cheatham and Associates to provide professional services in
connection with the design of Phase I of Bob Jones Park.
7. Adjournment
I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the Official Bulletin Boards at City Hall, 667 North
Carroll Avenue, and 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, March 14, 1997 at 6:00
p.m. p rsuant to the Texas Gov ment Code, Chapter 5\5J,,,,,:,,�fltl���/
Sandra L. LeGrand = of•• ' c .•.�i m
City Secretary =►}- I� •>
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If you plan to attend this meeting and have a disability that fires I n ois,please advise the City Secretary 48
hours in advance at 481-5581, extension 704, and reasonable a s will be made to assist you.
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Southlake Parks Development Corporation
March 17, 1997
Members Present: Ralph Evans, Carol Lee Hamilton, Ronnie Kendall, Scott Martin, Pamela Muller,
Rick Stacy, and David Yelton.
Staff Present: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Director of Finance Lou Ann Heath, Director of Parks
and Recreation Kim Lenoir, and Acting City Secretary Kim Bush.
President David Yelton called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2 Approval of Minutes.
Motion was made to table consideration of the February 17 and February 18, 1997, minutes until the
meeting in April to allow sufficient time to review.
Motion: Martin
Second: Muller
Ayes: Evans, Hamilton, Kendall, Martin, Muller, Stacy, Yelton
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 3. Executive Session.
President Yelton announced that SPDC would be going into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551
of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition.
SPDC adjourned for executive session at 6:10 p.m.
SPDC returned to open session at 6:25 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 4. Reconvene.
There was no action necessary as a result of the executive session.
Agenda Item No. 5, Prioritization of Projects and the Adoption of Three-Year SPDC Plan and
Scott Martin asked Ms. Heath about the $40,000 difference in operating funds appropriation of
reserves that were shown to be $590,000 but then recorded at $550,000. Ms. Heath confirmed that
the $40,000 should have been included in tonight's draft (Draft #2 as of February 17, 1997 SPDC
meeting). This would bring the total funds available to $6,173,000 and the amount to be allocated to
Mr. Yelton addressed the request by the Park and Recreation Board for the SPDC to consider
matching funds of up to $3750 for a temporary T-ball field at Bicentennial Park as proposed by the
Southlake Baseball Association. The Board discussed the $100,000 included in the SPDC budget for
matching fund projects and whether there was a need to approve each project on an individual basis.
It was suggested that if projects were under $5000 they could be approved by the Park Board and not
have to come forward to SPDC for approval. City Manager Curtis Hawk suggested that a written
policy be drafted and approved by the Park Board and then passed on to the SPDC and the City
Council for review and approval.
City Manager Curtis Hawk commented that the request for $3750 is a small enough amount that it
would not be a problem approving as a part of the $100,000 matching funds included in the SPDC
budget that is under consideration tonight.
Ronnie Kendall informed the Board that the Park Board, at their last meeting, discussed what projects
they felt needed to be included in phase II construction at Bicentennial Park. The Park Board's
recommendation included the teen area (basketball, in-line hockey and sand volleyball), 12 tennis
courts, a joint restroom and storage facility between the teen area and tennis courts, parking to
accommodate those facilities, north berm, land acquisition, and the mile loop hike and bike trail.
Scott Martin commented on the possibility of the City building the shell for the tennis pro shop and
then allow the Tennis Pro to do the interior finish out of the shop that he would in turn use for the
tennis operations. This would reduce the cost of building the pro shop from $150,000 to
approximately $100,000.
Carol Lee Hamilton suggested that some funds be set aside for the planning of three additional parks:
Coventry and Versallies dedicated by the subdivision developers; and parkland acquisition now
underway on Florence.
City Manager Curtis Hawk informed the Board that the salary for Director of Parks and Recreation is
currently provided for in the SPDC budget. The new project manager position will be funded through
SPDC and the Director of Parks and Recreation will be funded in the General Fund after City Council
The Board discussed the plans for screening the Love Henry Subdivision against noise and lights from
Bicentennial park by developing a berm and landscape buffer.
Motion was made to approve prioritization of projects and adoption of the three-year SPDC plan and
budget as amended by allowing the following: $9,000 for planning of hike/bike trail at Continental
and White Chapel, $25,000 for planning the three neighborhood parks, $20,000 for planning the
educational nature center at Bob Jones park, $60,000 for the 1/2 mile loop at Bicentennial Park,
$100,000 for approxinately-86 additional parking places for tennis and teen recreation area, $360,000
for tennis courts, reduction of$50,000 on teen area due to shared restroom facilities, $150,000 for a
joint restroom (tennis and teen area); approve matching funds of$3,750 for T-ball field as requested
by the Southlake Baseball Association and request staff to prepare a matching funds policy for the
$100,000 allocated for matching fund projects specially for items under $5,000.
Motion: Stacy
Second: Martin
Ayes: Evans, Hamilton, Kendall, Martin, Muller, Stacy, Yelton
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 6. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Cheatham and
Associates to provide professional services in connection with the design of Phase I of Bob Jones
Parks and Recreation Director Kim Lenoir presented the proposal by Cheatham and Associates (see
attached to minutes) to provide professional services related to Phase I construction improvement to
Bob Jones Park. Ms. Lenoir explained that the fees presented in the contract are based on a flat fee
of 9.8% of the bid price for the proposed project, however, Ms. Lenoir recommended that the Board
ask for a not-to-exceed amount of$58,000 on the contract. Ms. Lenoir commented that the second
phase of the professional services contract which would include the landscape architecture and the
architecture for the entire project will be brought forward separately to SPDC for approval at the next
Mayor Stacy questioned the availability of funds to pay for these services. Ms. Lenoir commented
that MESA did not include engineering/surveying fees etc. in their design plan. The Board will be
looking at the budget month-to-month and adjustments will have to be made to work in these fees.
Motion was made to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Cheatham and
Associates to provide professional services in connection with the proposed improvements at Bob
Jones park including an amount not-to-exceed $58,000 and that those funds be derived from the
existing allocations for construction of soccer fields.
Motion: Hamilton
Second: Martin
Ayes: Evans, Hamilton, Kendall, Martin, Muller, Stacy, Yelton
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
There being no further business Motion was made by Ralph Evans and Seconded by Carol Lee
Hamilton to adjourn the meeting--motion carried.
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David Yelto esident
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Acti : City Secretary *
March 17, 1997
Ms. Kim Lenoir
Director of Parks& Recreation
City of Southlake
667 N. Carroll Ave.
Southlake, TX 76092
Re: Proposal for Providing Professional
Services in Connection with Proposed
Improvements at Bob Jones Park
The City of Southlake is currently proposing to construct 11 irrigated soccer fields, parking lots,
landscaped berms, restroom/concession building,playground,pavilion and pond upon 50 acres
of Bob Jones Park.
The proposed project will be divided into two (2)phases. Phase I will consist of the field work,
and office work, necessary for a 1 foot contour map of the area to be developed into fields,
parking, etc., and the proposed pond. Also, a grading plan will be prepared for the proposed site
improvements. Finally, in Phase I, a preliminary site report will be prepared. This will include a
water, and sewer analysis, and drainage study, along with cost estimates for all proposed
Phase II will follow later, and will include the design of the parking lots, drives, irrigation and
landscaping, restroom/concession building, pavilion and playgrounds.
This proposed is for Phase I of the project.
1.0 Surveying
1.1 Our firm will furnish all necessary surveying field and office work necessary to
perform the engineering design and to prepare a grading plan for the project.
1.2 We will also furnish control for all construction staking, but not final grade
A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc.
1601 E. Lamar Blvd. • Suite 200 • Arlington, Texas 76011
817/548-0696 • Metro 265-8836 • Fax 817/265-8532
Ms. Kim Lenoir March 17, 1997
City of Southlake Page 2
2.0 Engineering
2.1 Our firm will furnish all necessary technical expertise required to accomplish the
engineering design of the proposed park improvements. The design will be in
accordance with applicable state and local regulations.
2.2 Our firm will then prepare construction plans, specifications and contract
documents based on the engineering design.
2.3 We will assist in the advertising for and taking of construction bids. We will
issue any required addendums. Our firm will assist in the processing of contract
documents after contract award and will issue notice-to-proceed.
2.4 Periodic on-site visits by an engineer will take place during construction. We will
issue and process any required change orders.
2.5 We will provide assistance in conducting the final inspection and issuance of
certificate of completion.
3.0 Inspection
4.1 We will not furnish full-time on-site construction inspection, but will make
periodic visits to the site, and will be available for plan interpretations.
We will provide all the services and products described in the scope of services including all
design surveys, engineering,preparation of construction plans and specifications,preparation of
construction cost estimates,contract administration, construction staking and periodic visits
during construction, and as-built plans for a flat fee of 9.8% of the bid price for the proposed
improvements. The fee of 9.8%relates to 6.8% for engineering and design, see fee curve on
following pages, and 3.0% for surveying services.
Please note that all direct expenses, such as travel and printing, are included in the above fees.
The fees cover only that work specified in the proposal. It does not include;
- Soils testing
- Other testing involving outside laboratory services
Revisions to material prepared beyond that specified in proposal
- No final grade staking - this to be provided by Contractor
The above listing of services, or others not included in the basic fees, may be added to our
agreement at your request and approval of estimated costs or rates.
Invoicing will be based on percentage of completion. Billing will normally occur around the first
of each month and payment expected within ten working days.
Ms. Kim Lenoir March 17, 1997
City of Southlake Page 3
The following schedule indicates target dates for project completion:
Submit plans to City for review by May 15, 1997
Revise Plans by June 1, 1997
Advertise Project June 1, 1997
Award Project June 17, 1997
Begin Construction July 15, 1997
Cheatham&Associates guarantee to maintain the fees presented herein for 90 days from the date
of this proposal unchanged.
If the above meets with your approval,this proposal can also serve as our agreement, which you
may indicate by signing in the space provided below. Please do not hesitate to call should you
have any questions, or requested modifications of the proposal. The opportunity to be of service
to you and the City of Southlake is greatly appreciated.
Eddie Cheatham, P.E.
F:\WORD\PROPOSAL\SOUTHLAK\bob jones.park.wpd
Accepted this day of , 1997
Curve A is intended to apply to assignments of which the following are
typical examples:
Water, wastewater and industrial waste treatment plants
Low cost, or complicated, waterfront and marine terminal facilities
Complicated dams and hydro-power installations
Small bridges and bridges which are complicated by involved geo-
metrics and unsymmetrical features, or which require location
and/or alternate design studies
Grade crossing eliminations
Urban streets and freeways, including related drainage facilities , �--�
Water distribution lines under 16-inch diameter .111&--
Sanitary sewage collection lines under 24-inch diameter .r`--,
Pumping stations
Air pressure tunnels
Swimming pools
Curve B is intended to apply to less complicated assignments of which
the following are examples:
Large intercepting and relief sewers
Storm sewers and drains
Sanitary sewage collection lines 24-inch diameter and over
Water distribution lines 16-inch diameter and over
Simple bridges and other structures of straightforward or conven-
tional design
Dams of average complexity
Airport paving and grading
Irrigation works, except pumping plants
Levees and flood walls, conventional
Sewer and water tunnels(free air)
Earthwork and dredging
Highways and rural roads, except low-cost rural roads
High-cost wharf facilities of conventional design
Retaining walls and bulkheads, conventional
Roads and streets
NOTES: L) When Construction Cost is under $100,000, use reim- ment may vary above or below the curve, depending upon corn-
bursable basis of compensation. plexity. '
(2) Construction cost below is the work authorized at one time. (4) Compensation for alteration work should be increased by at
However, where the work is to be accomplished in a number of least one-third above the median compensation illustrated.
separate construction contracts, then each such project element (5) Curve A and Curve B are consistent with Curve A and Curve B
should be evaluated on an individual basis, with additional in Manual 45, published by the American Society of Civil Engi-
compensation to the Engineer. neers. New curves will be issued as subsequent revisions are
(3) The Basic Charge presented below represents median corn- published by ASCE.
pensation. The appropriate compensation for any given assign-
14 ,I r
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W 1 1 N
vii, See USE OF CURVES; page 14
And TYPICAL EXAMPLES; page 16 10m M-+•
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