Item 9D - TIA Updated MemoKimley»>Horn MEMORANDUM To: HCCP Property Partners From: Scot Johnson, P.E., PTOE Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. e * ;' .................... Date: August 2, 2022 SCo7 A..JOHNSON_. . I 92sT5 Subject: Kirkwood Boulevard / Street A Right -Turn Lane If o -liNs �Z Carillon Parc — Southlake, TX Introduction Kimley-Horn prepared a traffic impact analysis (TIA) for the proposed Carillon Parc development in 2018. Since that time, the proposed land uses and site layout have been updated. The changes in land use will result in a notable reduction in site -related vehicle traffic on Kirkwood Boulevard compared to that accepted in 2018. This memorandum document how the proposed Street A access point connecting to Kirkland Boulevard can meet City standards and function appropriately for the updated vehicle demands. Kirkwood Boulevard Infrastructure In the 2018 TIA, the intersection of Street A (then called Drive 1) with Kirkwood Boulevard was designed to form the 4t" leg of the existing Kirkwood Boulevard intersection at St, Tropez Drive. This unsignalized intersection had an existing median opening with an eastbound left -turn lane for St. Tropez Drive. Kirkwood Boulevard is and will remain an MD arterial on the City's Thoroughfare Plan, with a four -lane divided cross-section. In the 2018 site plan, the new south leg of the intersection would be a major access point to the overall mixed -use Carillon Parc development. The mixed -use development had a grid of internal streets with access to SH 114 WBFR, White Chapel Boulevard, and Kirkwood Boulevard, plus emergency access connections to Riviera Lane. Street A had two outbound lanes to Kirkwood Boulevard. For inbound traffic, both a westbound left -turn lane and an eastbound right -turn lane were to be constructed. Exhibit 2 from the 2018 TIA is attached at the end of this document. For the 2022 site plan, the northern half of the Carillon Parc site has been redesigned to provide 79 single-family residential lots. The 2022 site plan is shown in Exhibit 1. These residential lots do not have a vehicular connection to the remaining mixed -use parts of Carillon Parc. Some fire lanes do connect but these will be closed to non -emergency vehicles. The 79 residential lots will take all vehicular access from Kirkwood Boulevard and Riviera Lane. None of the vehicle traffic for the mixed -use areas would use those residential access points. Analysis later in this report will show the reduction in traffic from the new development. Because of the switch to single-family residential uses with lighter overall traffic levels, the Street A connection to Kirkwood Boulevard can be smaller and of Kimley»>Horn residential rather than commercial character. The following figure shows the lanes proposed in 2018 and those proposed in the 2022 site plan. 2018 TIA Lanes: 2022 Proposed Lanes: v o N N 2 O � H ~_ N � c� a Z' a V' .__STOP r v Kirkwood sroP � Kirkwood .�. STOP c==�> STOP Boulevard STOP STOP Boulevard 4- U) �a N W [If(if For 2022, Street A will have a single -lane approach to Kirkwood Boulevard, matching the north leg of St. Tropez Drive. The westbound left -turn lane will be constructed, as is typical for any median opening. There is no eastbound right -turn lane for Street A. The intersection of Kirkwood Boulevard and Riviera Lane is already built to its final configuration. Carillon Park Residential Traffic The site -related traffic using Street A is projected using the same TIA procedures as in the 2018 TIA. The 79 residential lots will have the following trip generation estimate: Land Uses Amount Units TE Code Daily One -Way Trips AM Peak Hour One -Way Trips PM Peak Hour One -Way Trips IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL Single Family Detached Housing 79 1 DU 210 1 812 16 44 60 50 30 80 Trip Generation rates based on ITE's Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition. All of this vehicle traffic enters or exits Kirkwood Boulevard at Street A or at Riviera Lane. As noted, there is no longer any commercial traffic from Carillon Parc using Kirkwood Boulevard for access, although some may still use Kirkwood Boulevard before or after reaching the commercial site via SH 114 WBFR or White Chapel Boulevard. Furthermore, the above residential vehicle trip estimate does not have reductions for internal capture by walking within the Carillon Parc development. Some of the vehicle trips will not actually take place since the residents can fulfill some of their work, shopping, dining, library, or recreation trips by walking next door to the commercial parts of the site. The following figure shows the traffic assignment, showing the percentages of residential traffic arriving and departing from the two residential access points. As shown, most of the residential traffic enters and exits via Street A. Based on the lot layout and how people would select the shortest paths to reach their homes, Riviera Lane is only advantageous for a small amount of the residential lots. Kimley»>Horn 2022 Traffic Assignment 15% (15%) Il V (70%) Z v 0 r N U 0 a)m L > (� (10%) V y 10% 10% (75%) 75% 10% 5% Kirkwood Boulevard (10 (10%) 10% � (10%) (5%) C J N Multiplying the trip generation by the traffic assignment percentages results in the residential traffic volumes. The following figure shows the 2018 TIA volumes and the new 2022 traffic volumes for the updated residential areas. As shown the 2022 residential traffic represents a substantial reduction in traffic volume compared to the 2018 TIA. Of specific note is the northbound left -turn volume at Street A, which has been reduced by about 90% with the change (from 246 PM outbound trips to 23). With less than 40 outbound vehicles in any peak hour, this shows how the single northbound lane is appropriate for the change in land use. 2018 TIA Site -Generated Traffic Volumes j45 23 43 (205) 17) 0 31 9 (0) � 23([�40) 90 (0) 41) 5711 110 Il 9 45 (80) (246) (0) (41) 2022 Residential Site -Generated Traffic Volumes 0 2 (0) (8) 1 (5) 31 (21) 4 10 m0) (30) U 0 m o r_ m >L 0 0 0 (0p) (n0) (0) o (o) a 4 (3) 2 (5) 0 (0) u 2 (5) 33 0 4 12 (38) (23) (0) (3) 23 (40) 0 (0) Kirkwood 170(f20) I �J Boulevard (0 0 0) (0) 2 (5) 1 (3) Kirkwood � Boulevard 2 (5) 4 u 2 (3) (2) a) Kimley»>Horn Adding the residential site -generated traffic to the 2018 TIA projection of background traffic in the study year 2026, the following ultimate traffic volumes are found. The following figure shows the background plus site traffic from the 2018 TIA, and the new background plus residential site traffic with the 2022 land uses. While the Street A volumes do not change from the previous figures, these background plus site traffic figures show the total traffic volumes for the Riviera Lane intersection, including the traffic from the existing residential uses along that street. 2018 TIA Study Year 2026 Background Plus Site -Generated Traffic Volumes 478 45 61 0 3 `L 1(3) (607) (54) 37 (55) (28) (0) (5) 63(44) fl Q_C� /r 147(256) C�J fl k 23(40) 30 (26) 4 341 78 69 (99) 51 0 9 (481) (141) 45(80) (246) (0) (41) 50 (74) on) Kirkwood 77(131) � & Boulevard 22 (14) 22 1 (12) (0) iY 2022 Residential Study Year 2026 Background Plus Site -Generated Traffic Volumes 433 24 5� 61 0 31 () (527) (221 :a 135 35 (72) (28) (0) (5) V J.73(47) V F' 30 (26) S/ I '*� 4 r' 324 57 62(63) 33 0 4 (399) (90) 12 (38) (23) (0) (3) Right -Turn Lane Volumes at Street A �P 29 (39) p Kirkwood 64 (52) �J Boulevard 24 (19) q 26 3 (15) (2) m m m 0_ Per Section 5.4.a of Southlake's Driveway Ordinance, a right -turn lane is required at driveways with right -turning volumes over 50 vehicles per hour. In the 2018 TIA, this volume threshold was met. As seen in the above figure of 2022 residential site -generated traffic, the eastbound right -turn at Street A is only 38 vehicles during the PM peak hour, when inbound volumes are the highest. Site - generated right -turning volume at Riviera Lane is also extremely low at 24 vehicles or fewer. With the residential land use, no right -turn lanes are required at Street A or Riviera Lane. Kimley»>Horn 2026 Background City of Southlake Plus Site -Generated Threshold Right -Turn Right -Turn Lane Location Peak Hour Right- (city ordinance No. Recommended? Turn Volume 634, Section 5.4.a) Street A from 38 vph 50 vph No Kirkwood Blvd. Riviera Lane from 24 vph 50 vph No Kirkwood Blvd. Summary The current Carillon Parc site plan has an 79-lot single-family residential area on the north side of the site. This change in land use and the residential area's separation from the mixed -use remainder of the site will result in a significant drop in vehicle trips on Kirkwood Boulevard when compared to the 2018 TIA for the previous site plan. With the reduction in site -generated traffic at Street A, the main residential driveway to Kirkwood Boulevard, no eastbound right -turn lane should be required for Street A. END Attachments: Exhibit 1 — 2022 Site Plan Excerpts from Carillon Parc TIA, April 30, 2018 Kimley>»Horn Attachments NORTH I a. I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 0 50 100 200 THE SHIVERS FAMILY I I PARTNERSHIP, LTD. VOL 13218, PG. 461 D.R.T.C.T. I W I I I I EXHIBIT 1 2022 Site Plan -�o CARILLON PHASE 1A OPEN SPACE �a ewe INST.NO. D211101073 P.R.T.C.T. nx WJH1 B LOCK B IF:1 Mi AL-1 0111000� IRAN 1. SHIVERS I R / a rz� a �L µ / INST. NO. D212271166 I O.P.R.T.C.T. - I oo s. ' 'ES' BLOCK A�TLOFTsA ; r� I Re BLOCK F I I I BLOCKF nepoo AF. ' -1 - -SO FIRE-E �o- m zoo , TCT2 24'FIRELANE v RA I BRIAN ZVONECEK I T y;o,eoo sEF. �y / (NST. NO. D204133485 I (BLOCK G• O.P.R.T.C.T. R2 STOP ES { ;s Zoo AF. P - O BLOCK -- m II F I - HOPKI a W I a ` S DALLAS EE U < r \ " PROPERTIES, PER TIES, LTD. I ` s-� -- INST. NO. D201201397 r ` I \ \ O.P.R.T.C.T. I I ETA TOFF c \ - \ BLOCK F BLOCK G BLONH BLOCK G \ \ BLOCK F P / o/FIc n, ann�s saIA LBLOCKF 74 4\ �I a I ME a I CARILLON PHASE 1A NST I. NO. D211101073 xo bp, C Fwm-mv�NGCE P.R.T.C.T. IGE BLOCKD �I I 8 - M OFTEMpAR�0�R\v� MA o��NryNOP I \ BLOCK E CARILLON PHASE 2A-1 r INST. NO. D213015134 ioMH P.R.T.C.T, 1 CIS BLOCK E \ _?°„'„,�xEo �A \ / �I DRVVB I PA �AD\AN `gyp \ BLOCK H G A Feosu m 1 `� ➢ CARILLON PHASE 2A-2 I 'D INST. NO. D213015133 P.R. T.C.T. �\ \ L `�\ \ \ ss�H� 1 1 � � I BLOCK :° 11FIGESPET TSTCEIE`AR SEFUTURE A BLOCK F; BLOCK F / / SOUTHLAK JOINT VENTURE,, LLC INST. NO. D217205606 / O.P.R.T.C.T. / Excerpt 2018 TIA Traffic Impact Analysis Carillon Parc Mixed -Use Development NEC White Chapel Boulevard and SH 114 South lake, Texas Prepared by: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Tower, Suite 700 Dallas, Texas 75240 Registered Firm F-928 Contact: Scot Johnson, P.E., PTOE Jake Halter, EIT 972-770-1300 Original Submission: April 6, 2018 Revised Submission: April 30, 2018 I SCOT A- JOHNSON...0 �� , ��....Q 2615s ®® ® p Excerpt 2018 TIA Kim1ey y>> Horn Page h EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed Carillon Parc development is located at the northeast corner of White Chapel Boulevard and the SH 114 westbound frontage road in Southlake, Texas. This study is intended to identify traffic generation characteristics, identify potential traffic related impacts on the local street system, and to develop mitigation measures required for identified impacts. The following existing intersections were selected to be part of this study: ■ White Chapel Boulevard at SH 114 eastbound frontage road; ■ White Chapel Boulevard at SH 114 westbound frontage road; ■ White Chapel Boulevard at Kirkwood Boulevard; ■ White Chapel Boulevard at Dove Road (Roundabout); ■ Kirkwood Boulevard at St. Tropez Drive; and ■ Kirkwood Boulevard at Riviera Lane. The analysis also included the following proposed driveways: ■ Drive 1, which is a full -access driveway to Kirkwood Boulevard; ■ Drive 2, which is a right-in/right-out driveway to White Chapel Boulevard; ■ Drive 3, which is a full -access driveway to White Chapel Boulevard; and ■ Drive 4, which is a right-in/right-out driveway to the SH 114 westbound frontage road There is no public access to Riviera Lane or Carillon Court directly from the development. Gates will be installed at the cross -access locations to the adjacent residential areas to allow access by emergency vehicles only. Traffic operations were analyzed at the study intersections for existing volumes, 2021 and 2026 background traffic volumes, and 2021 and 2026 background plus site -generated traffic volumes. The future years correspond to the expected buildout year of the site and a key future study year. Conditions were analyzed for the weekday AM and PM peak hours. The background traffic conditions included existing traffic with compound growth rates, plus explicit modeling of the following developments in the vicinity: ■ White Chapel Village, a development consisting of 50,000 SF office, 35,000 SF retail, a 220-key hotel, and 15,000 SF restaurant. It is located on the southeast corner of White Chapel Boulevard and the SH 114 eastbound frontage road. ■ Southlake Office Plaza, a development consisting of 71,200 SF office located on the southwest corner of White Chapel Boulevard and the SH 114 eastbound frontage road. ■ 10-Acre Office Site, a future development consisting of 10-acres of land located on the northwest corner of Southmont Drive and the SH 114 westbound frontage road adjacent to the eastern boundary of the site. The site was modelled at an FAR of 0.3, which calculates to 130,680 SF office. Excerpt 2018 TIA Kimley>>> Horn Page iii The proposed Carillon Parc development is expected to generate approximately 625 new weekday AM peak hour one-way trips and 1,603 new weekday PM peak hour one-way trips at buildout. The distribution of the site -generated traffic volumes onto the street system was based on the surrounding roadway network, existing traffic patterns, and the project's proposed access locations. Based on the analysis presented in this report, the proposed Carillon Parc development can be successfully incorporated into the surrounding roadway network. The proposed site driveways provide the appropriate level of access for the development. The site -generated traffic does not significantly affect the existing vehicle traffic operations. The following improvements are recommended for the site: Monitor the intersection of Kirkwood Boulevard and White Chapel Boulevard for signalization. As this is an intersection of two City -designated Thoroughfares, the intersection volumes would reach warrant volumes eventually. The future Kirkwood Boulevard extension to the west will likely signalize the intersection. The traffic volumes are due to the numerous developments in the area. 2. Drive 1 should be constructed with 2 outbound lanes, a westbound left -turn deceleration lane, and an eastbound right -turn deceleration lane. 3. Drive 2 should be constructed with a northbound right -turn deceleration lane. 4. Drive 3 should be constructed with 2 outbound lanes, a southbound left -turn deceleration lane, and a northbound right -turn deceleration lane. 5. Drive 4 should be constructed with a westbound right -turn deceleration lane. April 30, 2018 Update Note: This analysis and report has been updated throughout to reflect the current site plan and address comments from the TIA review dated April 20, 2018. The comments and the responses to each comment are included in the first section of the Appendix. Excerpt 2018 TIA �0�6006BA N Q t9 L v w s 3 I St. Tropez Drive I -- -� - Boulevard Kirkwood _ EXHIBIT 2 Conceptual Site Plan North Kim 1 ey >> Horn Not To Scale Excerpt 2018 TIA SH 114 SH 114 nFU r U wm t EXHIBIT 3 LEGEND: Lane Assignment and Intersection Control O =SignaliIntersection zed STOP = Stop -Controlled * Turn Bay 4— = Driveway Lanes or North Kim ey >>> H o r n Approach = Travel Lane Off -Site Improvements TWLTL = Two-WayLeft Turn Lane Not To Scale Excerpt 2018 TIA 136 195 61 () (P92)) `I17 60 (75) 238 (170) 113 (76) 167 (98) �7 Dove Road > p 206 (134) 13 (37) 4 N a 42 161 73 2(37) (190) (59) F 315 12 (395) (10) 21 (6) V V44 80 (39) 36 (287) (46) 82 (173) 38 (160) 6 377 406 (588) ( ) n �Cj 108 (72) SH 114 WBFR V 122 197 (136) (154) 591 208 (758) (218) SH 114 EBFR n 6 (2) 801(25) 300 454 121 (127) (280) (234) N U Q N l6 > t � U D o -m r EXHIBIT 4 2018 Existing Traffic Volumes Kimley>>>Horn 47 2 1 Q (5 � = 1 (2) a 48 (29) 23 (20) 42 (44) a 20 (22) 0 (1) Kirkwood 42 (37) r> Boulevard 17(11) 17 1 (9) (0) 86 24 (84) 235 (284) 430 (645) LEGEND: X (Y) X= Weekday AM Peak Hour Turning Movements North Y = Weekday PM Peak Hour Turning Movements Volumes may not sum from point to point due to rounding and reaence of smaller drivewa s not included in analysis. Not To Scale Kimley>»Horn III. PROJECT TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS A. Site -Generated Traffic Excerpt 2018 TIA Page 9 Site -generated traffic estimates are determined through a process known as trip generation. Rates and equations are applied to the proposed land use to estimate traffic generated by the development during a specific time interval. The acknowledged source for trip generation rates is the 10th edition of Trip Generation Manual published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). ITE has established trip rates in nationwide studies of similar land uses. The trips indicated are actually one-way trips or trip ends, where one vehicle entering and exiting the site is counted as one inbound trip and one outbound trip. Trip generation for the conference center was taken from Kimley-Horn data collected at existing conference center sites. Reductions to the base trip generation estimates are sometimes applied due to internal capture. Internal capture is the tendency for customers or tenants to visit several parts of the mixed -use development in one trip but be counted twice in the trip generation since the formulae assume the residential, hotel, office, retail, and theatre developments are isolated. Internal capture reductions are applied based on the procedures in the 2014 3rd edition of the Trip Generation Handbook, a companion manual to Trip Generation Manual also published by ITE. The internal capture worksheets are included in the Appendix. Internal capture reduces the number of trips leaving the site, and results in a projection of internal trips and external trips. No reductions were taken for pass -by trips or multimodal use. Table 1 shows the resulting daily and weekday AM and PM peak hour trip generation for the proposed development, showing new external trips. Table 1 — TOD Generation Land Uses Amount Units TE Cootie Daily One-Wa Trips AM Peak Hour One -Way Trips PM Peak Hour One -Way Trips IN F OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL Multifamily Housing (Mid -Rise) 50 Units 221 272 5 13 18 13 9 22 Hotel 271 Rooms 310 2,633 77 53 130 90 87 177 Library 30,000 SF 310 2,162 21 9 30 118 127 245 Clinic 9,000 SF 630 343 26 7 33 9 21 30 Medical -Dental Office Building 52,440 SF 720 1,927 98 28 126 50 130 180 General Office Building 105,600 SF 710 1,119 108 18 126 19 101 120 Retail/Shopping Center 196,860 SF 820 8,406 117 72 189 350 380 730 Movie Theatre 24,000 SF 444 N/A 0 0 0 139 9 148 Quality Restaurant 44,000 SF 931 1 3,689 26 6 32 230 113 343 Conference Center 30,000 SF 558 14 7 21 6 68 74 Development Totals Raw Trip Generation Total: 1 21,109 1 492 213 705 1,024 1,045 2069, Internal Capture Total: 4,646 40 40 80 233 233 466 Total Net New External Vehicle Trips: 16,463 452 173 625 791 812 1,603 I rip Generation rates based on ITE's Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition. Internal Capture procedure from ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition (2014). Conference Center trip generation rates based on Kim ley -Horn data. Excerpt 2018 TIA a 5% �7 Dove Road > 0 5% N op (5%) (5%) (5%) o 10% 5% (5%) fl (L> (25%) 1 (25 %) 4 � 5% 20% (10%) (25%) 10% (10%) fl V /� V� (25%) 25% 40% 25% a (10%) SH 114 WBFR 4 40% (2nn5%) (25%) SH 114 EBFR V 10% 4 30 % N U a m m > t � U D o -m r EXHIBIT 5 Trip Distribution and Traffic Assignment Kimley>>>Horn F U) „1J 5% 10% Drive 2 Drive 3 v a� 0 /a 5% V Kirkwood Boulevard (5/) V () 15% 25% (5%) 35 % 0 0 E 0 0 (5%) I 5% j 5% LEGEND: X % (Y%) X%= Percentage of Inbound Site -Generated Traffic North (Y%) = Percentage of Outbound Site -Generated Traffic T Not To Scale Excerpt 2018 TIA 0 23 0 (40V) 0 (0) o (o) 23 (40) t� 0'(o) �/ �7 Dove Road > 0 (0) 23 (40) 4 p` N p. 9 9 9 O (41) (41) (41) F U) 45 23 (80) (40) 9 (41) fl V /� Cj17 43 (205) ll(8811) (82) 88 (285) 9 (41) 4 � 40 90 (122) (160) 43 45 (205) (80) 17 (82) fl V /� V� 43 (205) 113 180 (200) (320) 113 (200) a 17 (82) 9 77 9 (41) (441) (369) 26 (123) SH 114 WBFR V 0 180 (0) (320) 43 43 (205) (205) SH 114 EBFR b 45 (80) 4 �' 0 (0) 135 0 0 (0) (240) (0) N U Q N l6 > t � U D o -m r EXHIBIT 6 Site -Generated Traffic Volumes Kimley>>>Horn 0 0 0 - 0 (0) (0) (0) (0) a 0 (0) „ j fl > 23 (40) o (o) 9(41) 4 <N f> 45 (80) (246) (0) (41) a 23 (40) 0 (0) Kirkwood 17 (62) r> Boulevard 0 (0) 0 0 (0) (0) N N � > N J N Drive 2 Drive 3 v a� tj 43 (205) 68 (120) a 121 (241) 158 (280) 0 0 E 0 0 9 (41) `� 23 (40) 0 a 23 (40) LEGEND: X (Y) X= Weekday AM Peak Hour Turning Movements North Y = Weekday PM Peak Hour Turning Movements Volumes may not sum from point to point due to rounding and presence of smaller driveways not included in analysis. Not To Scale Excerpt 2018 TIA 176 291 79 () (430)) `I17 78 (97) 308 (220) 179(141) 216 (127) �7 Dove Road > p 267 (174) 46 (89) 4 N a 63 225 106 2 (89) (309) (128) F U) 478 45 61 0 3 1 (3) (607) (54) 37 (55) (28) (0) (5) a 63 (44) 147 (256) aj n L> 23 (40) r> 30 (26) 1 341 78 69(99) 51 0 9 (481) (141) 45(80) (246) (0) (41) 625 (862) 9 (41) 4 � 411 90 (580) (160) 567 58 (780) (82) 18 (88) fl V /� V� 43 (205) 484 218 (658) (327) 220 (430) 68 (301) 17 577 680 (1054) (53) (932) V 175 (271) SH 114 WBFR 183 537 (1 81 ) (541) 919 404 (13306) (584) n SH 114 EBFR 66 (85) 4 �' 1069(66) 582 675 171(178) (687) (472) N U Q M l6 > t � U o -m r Drive 2 Drive 3 a 50 (74) 0 (1) Kirkwood 77 (131) Boulevard 22 (14) 22 1 (12) (0) 48 (236) 113 (128) a 1136 (1767) 934 (1279) 0 0 E 0 0 123 (142) 54 (149) „ j a 352 (415) EXHIBIT 10 LEGEND: X (Y) 2026 Background Plus Site -Generated Traffic Volumes X = Weekday AM Peak Hour Turning Movements North Y = Weekday PM Peak Hour Turning Movements Kim 1 ey >>> H o r n Volumes may not sum from point to point due to rounding and resence of smaller drivewa s not included in analysis. Not To Scale