Item 9D - TIA Review of Updated Memorurccac rcncinrwime August 9, 2022 Sandra Endy, P.E. City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 320 Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Carillon Parc Traffic Study — Updated TIA Memo Review Dear Ms. Endy: ARIZONA NEW MEXICO OKLAHOMA TEXAS Per your request, we have completed a review of the traffic study memo update for the proposed Carillon Parc development. The proposed development will be located on the northeast corner of the intersection of White Chapel Boulevard and SH 114 in Southlake, Texas. The traffic study memo update was prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., and dated August 2, 2022. This memo is an update to the TIA previously reviewed by LEE on April 20, 2018. Comments are numbered for ease of reference and the numbering does not imply any ranking. We have divided our comments into two categories — Informational Comments are those that require no action by the city or the applicant. Action Comments are those that require a response or action by the City or applicant. We offer the following comments on the submitted study. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS (REQUIRE NO ACTION BY CITY OR APPLICANT) 1. The previous (2018) study assumed that the proposed development would include 50 mid -rise multifamily units, a 271-room hotel, and over 490,000 square feet of mixed -use space. 2. The site plan has since been updated and the northern half of the Carillon Parc development has been redesigned to provide 79 single-family residential lots. The residential portion of the development is the focus of the updated TIA memo and of this review document. 3. The residential lots will not have cross access to the remaining mixed -use parts of the Carillon Parc development. The residential lots will have one (1) full -access driveway ("Street A") along Kirkwood Boulevard at an existing median opening and access to Riviera Lane. 4. Street A is now proposed to be a single -lane approach rather than the two-lane approach shown in the previous TIA, due to the projected reduction in traffic volumes utilizing the driveway. 5. The current mixed -use portion of the site will be served by one (1) right-in/right-out driveway along the SH 114 westbound frontage road and one (1) full -access driveway along White Chapel Boulevard. Only emergency access will be provided to Kirkwood Boulevard. Note that previously the site had two (2) access points on White Chapel Boulevard. 3030 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1660, Dallas, TX 75234 (972) 248-3006 1 www.leeengineering.com Page 1 of 2 6. The proposed single-family residential land use is projected to generate 812 trips on a daily basis, with 60 trips during the AM peak hour and 80 trips during the PM peak hour. The single-family residential vehicle trip estimate does not include reductions for internal capture as cross -access is no longer provided with the adjacent mixed -use development. 7. Existing traffic volumes were collected on Thursday, March 8, 2018. These volumes were grown at a 6% annual rate for 3 years to 2021 and then 2% annually for five years. Anticipated traffic from three other nearby developments was also included in background traffic projections. The 2026 volumes were utilized in this memo to show projected Total traffic along Kirkwood Boulevard. 8. The northbound left turn volume at Street A has been reduced by approximately 35% in the AM peak hour and approximately 90% in the PM peak hour with the updated single-family vehicle trips generated compared to the 2018 TIA predicted site generated traffic. 9. A westbound left -turn lane on Kirkwood Boulevard will be constructed in the existing median opening. 10. Installation of an eastbound right -turn lane at Street A on Kirkwood Boulevard is no longer planned. With the predicted change to site generated traffic volumes, the City's threshold for consideration of a right -turn lane is no longer met. ACTION COMMENTS (REQUIRE RESPONSE OR ACTION BY CITY OR APPLICANT) 11. The directional distribution requires minor revision: • 90% of inbound traffic is shown for the overall distribution percentage. • There is a discrepancy for inbound traffic volumes (-10%) traveling north on White Chapel Boulevard at Kirkwood Boulevard. 100% of traffic is shown entering the site via Street A and Riviera Lane. • 60% of inbound traffic is shown making a northbound right turn at White Chapel Boulevard and Kirkwood Boulevard. This percentage should be shown as 70%. • There are 10 vehicles during the AM peak hour and 30 vehicles during the PM peak hour shown making a northbound right turn at White Chapel Boulevard and Kirkwood Boulevard under total conditions. These volumes should be updated to 11 vehicles during the AM peak hour and 35 vehicles during the PM peak hour making a northbound right turn at White Chapel Boulevard and Kirkwood Boulevard. • These are minor errors and are not expected to change the results of the updated study. If you have any questions, please contact me or Kristen Novak at (972) 248-3006. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these services and are available to address any additional comments or concerns. Sincerely, Z-�f—� John Denholm, P.E.,PTOE Senior Project Manager Lee Engineering TBPE Firm F-450 LCC CnainCC:vIna Page 2 of 2