Item 9D - Presentation11 CITY OF MSOUTHLA Item 9D — ZA22-0033 �* Preliminary Plat - Carillon Parc III Applicant: Kimley — Horn Owner: Carillon Parc Development Partners Request: Approval of a Preliminary Plat for the Carillon Parc being approximately 42.51 acres and containing lots for a mixed -use development of single family detached residential, retail, restaurant, office, hotel, residential lofts, library, performing arts and parks/open space within the Carillon Development.'. Location: Northeast corner Blvd. of E. State Hwy. Al ��/ NI/ NI/N. ��/ 114 and �������lll � ISOUTHLAI<E Approved Development Plan PARK DEDICATION J. L r { ,+ x= } #: z� PARK DEDICATION The arse shmm highlighted in red mpresants approximately 8-9-acm and will inckrda a cmbai fountainlb& tower and a secondary non-fumcdonmW hail tower Thisam a, alongw,Ne its amenities, shall be dedicatad to tho city as apuldicpar- Developer agrees tnshmm the maintenance costs ofthe dwitcat- edparkprop" 50/50TKA the city or as oudimedin a separate agrxement_ Thepocketparkwest ofthe nutauxants area shatlpruwda pedestrian friendly access finch thaparknganms to the nasbm=tckastw'to the matnparkc Park Dedication Approved Zoning Booklet PARK DEDICATION PARK DMICAUON _ Proposed Park Dedication & Potential Library/Performing Arts Locations t--- — Library/Performing Arts/Multi-Purpose Uses potentl locations.' L I Parkland dedication to be a minimum of 8 acres but not to i exceed 9 acres for City of r- Southlake Park." 1 ` 'Final location and design to be finalized with 380 agreement and final plat to be approved by City Council. plan Park U Open space within roundabout. t Per 380 Agreement Single Family HOA Carillon Parc HOA Open Space Maintenance Responsibility Description I Responsible Party Residential Single Family Lots Homeowner Common Lot Alley Single Family HOA Open Space and Round - About Single Family HOA Non -Residential Parkland, Library, and Performing Arts Dedicaiton Per 390 Agreement Common Access Drives Carillon Pare HOA MCINRVMAP m vm I t o n.Ax s0. 64 T STRIETB JI e• 9':_.a .4":.e a Ra. eli'ei'e. Ig JIFJS '9 � 1' gly x ar „ 91' „ a•" , e." „ ar m al5 . a•:. §�s . eIP , a . �-b ! � —_ �„'r� — ® w I STREET 0 & s. aer y C���w•a""" � a I — aomarn,airur I. SIL z r I §'z as a az S: es . ¢ az , §IF alb -b o 5 i5 ii"s ft_ III z 16 II III--- (I` 1 T° (jy� c MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET2) PRELIMINARY PLAT STREET,, CARILLON PARC ADDITION 1 T951NCiE FAMILY LOTS AT— !Jl3_IEn_ ARKNH -0­ la N E a o.or.�a OHVIOF SOITHLN(E TART-000Ntt TEXAS 1 K rm Kimlev*Horn w1MOT ��w ® ���s�eeeoemoom V-.-%I-1&-v%-1&-%0%wL i C PRELIMINARY PLAT 3 CARILLON PARC ADDITION 6 79SINOLEFA- 13 HOMLOiS LOlS 42111-1 -NH.CHIVERSSURJEY PBSIRACTN - 1 KimlevoHorn 1 A Alley#1 potential locationv�F° ��'IQ �'I � � ,� - GAiE VI.•KY9%30X Alley p1 f �• eLocrcn l� approximately IIL_ ��!• t. a°�I layout split I ' mow • between Lot 4E Alley tF2 iNs approximately - layout edge of - •Ain Lot 5. z � aniialloc�n� i A.11;�- _—_..-_- _�:• -� SY r Ill 1i �r s ly - -- - '" ICI � - w.�•"�usE - ---- III _ I _ •� I II ., i _� . _ __� ,I� CARL� � �. I }r -- - l - BLOCK E _ Alley •#3potential location _._ BLOCK �emar -wh9� - - ra+UFt- F I 31-OnL H v S5t.V(P .c i t�`ltxEquSE CAR INS] X�KtpD4XFQ tiS� L FLUM' MttppABEK ii s w% ow�.Use I{ I FLUB' M1��11 l c XOK NG". ��BE FLUN'�aFs3 ALLA�gANHp�wAYE 1KE � Alley #3 zoKM4xrCG USE — approximately gUUM layout. Planning and Zoning Commission August 4, 2022; Approved (7-0) subject to the Staff Report dated August 4, 2022, and the Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated August 4, 2022, subject to being consistent with prior approvals and zoning. CITY OF ISOUTHL,A Questions? -k Future Land Use Optional Land Use 71, W, 1. I Zoning LEGEND LEGEND Single Family Detached Home 45 �B Mixed -Use 1 - Retail, Restaurant, Office Mixed -Use 2 - Retail, Restaurant, Residential (Lofts), Office Mixed -Use 2 - Retail, Restaurant Mixed -Use 3 - Retail, Restaurant, Office, (Optional Use Hotel) �F Chapel _ Kiosk Zone Civic Alternate Use Area to include Retail, Restaurant, Office, Hotel, Chapel, and Library/Performing Arts/Multi-Purpose uses, which will be reflected in the final version of the Zoning Booklet. LEGEND Phase 1 Site Infrastructure - Roadways - Utilities Phase 1 A The Parr. Phase 1 A Buildings Carillon Bell Towers Primary Tower Secondary Tower Future Phase