Item 9B - PresentationCITY VF IBSOUTHL,A 0% im MSP22-0001 USPI Southlake Medical Office Building Master Sign Plan MSP22-0001 • •lM!\ 1 [• ,h uA PP "2Gil. �122 ,.. •1 51 • r�i� ht31 14 1 44 C4 ,w Il,l, gig.,s I ol 925 i-+Ill+w 41 1 i',N - �! -�I. Yti ,I. a; • f ;_ mr �T A 7..yr Y 77!! 7� ' f AP oe .:.k 3.a M 1 + .14457 ot ram 14 ; 1435 1 Z ER RD RUCKER - z�7j 225'' 229 3[ 1 '365 �09 37 1 � l .r`f Channel Letters I Building Distance from Tower Blvd.: +/- 157'-10" (sign GI A. 157'-6") Channel Letters I Building Distance from Southlake Blvd.: +/- 88'-2" (sign CIIB: 87'-10') Channel Letters 2A Building Distance from Tower Blvd: +f- 157'-1V (sign QIA: 157'-6') {hannel Letters 2B Building Distance from Southlake Blvd.: +/- 85'-5' {sign CL1B: 85'-1') ® Channel Letters 3 Building Distance from 5outhloke Blvd.: +]- 88'-7" (sign CLl B; 87'-10") Logo 3 GRADE Building Elevations with Sign Locations Proposed ► llIowed under 704-J Upper Story- complies with . Upper story address sign Sign Ordinance requires a sign permit . Sign Area: 5 sf . Address sign no greater than 5 . 2 inch depth channel letter sf in area ■ Nan-illi-lminated •0 ADDRESS/ REVERSE PAN CHANNEL LETTER DISPLAY QUANTITT. I jONEI SCALES 1:24 SQ/FF.5 FACE�SINGLE ILLUMINATED. NONE CONSTRUCTION, STANDARD ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION WITH MATTHEWS SATIN ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE FINISH_ Proposed Allowed under 7@4-J Upperstory attached sign a Upper story signs require with 2nd floor lease Master Sign Plan or variance approval. Offset i lift. right of the a Sign must be located within middle 75% of the plane- 75% of single t 36.25 ft. facade plane Letter height 22 in. a 1-,fax etter height 22 ir. Logo ht. 59 25 1a.47.375 in. a I Total sign area Is#94 sf a 1-,fax sic area 121.a sf"'4 ft. lease'.•:icth :n 2-: tl—ji I InternaIN lit letters and « nc •:idea IY--cju-tec cha-lnel logo bILIe 5 in Beat-1 Iet!eIa mus. be ':;hI:e iw orY, channel cut letter a - El b sick, grey, beige or s —illar logo (Blue. Teai & Yellor:j. neutral colors for internal Letters to appear blue in illLImination. Reverse channel daytime and white in letters may be anV color with nighttime- white D nft-,, ite gh-ing. Lagos may use any color- 231 Ile -- 3a1117r Day I'IIBa lorSc- tts�Wh�te'�11•-,1,1.1.-,°� _ �SU_RGICARE - SOI�THLAKE_'� 317r � --- FLUSH NOUNTED CHANNEL LE-ERS 2X-10 ;, 3•-11'tr N i g h t ,•-, 17r I' Ian-n-n-n-------n-----ra---n},-r-n-n-�y---r✓-sl-�------------ LNJ�JW�O�_'�-_U�i 45 �NJ0L�u_w lS�i_'+_W�5! $174- DUANTFFT� 1 LONEI 0 WHITE 3M LIGHT MANAGEMENT 3635-210 DUAL -COLOR FILM WHITE SCALFACE. lG SQ/FhILLUMINATED, va PM5 1235 C 3M SCDTCHCAL 3630-25 SUNFLOWER FACE151NGLE ILLUMINATFDIINTERNAI CONSTRUCT PM5 313 C 3M SCDTCHCAL 3630-57 OLYMPIC BLUE 5" DEEP FABRICATED INTERNALLY -ILLUMINATED LOGO WITH WHITE LED ILLUMINATION. FACESTO APPEARCOLOR DURINGTHE DAYAND WHITEAT NIGHT. PM5293C 3M SCDTCHCAL 3630-97 BRISTOL BLUE Proposed Allowed under 704-J . Upper story attached sign . Upperstory signs require with 2nd floor lease Master Sign Plan or variance approval. . Offset 12 ft. right of the % Sign must be located within middle 75% of the plane_ 75% of single 35.42 ft. facade plane . Letter height 22 in. % Max letter height 18 in. . Logo ht_ 50 25 1a_47.375 in_ % Max_ to go height 22.5 inch . Sign area IN r 94 sf . Max sign area 66_3 sf sign (94.6 ft. lease width on 2"1'1 floor} .Internally lit letters and 0 IT •:idually-mounted channel logo: blue 5 in_ depth letlel_ must he ::hife ivory. channel cut letters and bloc{ ji e . Leige or sil-i-ar logo (Blue, Teal & Yellow). neu-r:-�l volors far intern at Letters to appear blue in illu m nation. Reverse channel daytime and white in letkers may be any color with nighttime_ lvhite or off-•,,"ite 'ghting. Logo= may Else am color. WAR Ile n 1/r Ba lo& 1�r ttS�White�ll-1 = aa1�� - - �SU_RGICARE--FLUSH NOUNTED CHANNEL LE-EIRS - 2X-10 ;, T-11'tr N i g h t -I-----------------------1-- {}{� �y Y-11e' M D }/ LSO�V V PS IS & _ i1 r-I l�r IIsu- I0 UR-1 ��OON�4G7�G1GfC el,r QUANTLTY� I IONEI WHITE 3M LIGHT MANAGEMENT 9635-210 DUAL -COLOR FILM WHITE SCALE, 1:32 SO/FT:94 PMS 1235 C 3M SCOICHCAL 3630-25 SUNFLOWER FACE. SINGLE ILLUMINATED, INTERNAL CONSTRUCT10Nv PM5313 C 3M SCOTCHCAL 3630-57 OLYMPIC BLUE 5' DEEP FABRICATED INTERNALLY -I LL_M�.IVATED LOGO WITH WHITE LED ILLUMINATION. "ACES TO APPEAR COLOR DURING THE DAY AND W HITE AT NIGHT. PMS 293 C 3M SCGTCHCAL 3fi30-97 BRISTOL BLUE Proposed Allowed under 704-J . First Floor attached sign ■ Permitted ■ Sign to be located within R Sign musk be located within the middle 90% of the 75% of single t 33.33 ft. plane. (within a 30 ft. by fagade plane 2.83 ft- area) . Max. letter height 22 in ■ Max- letter height 22 in. . Max. logo height 27.5 in. ■ Max. logo height 27.5 in. ■ 85 sf max- total sign area + Max. sign area 45 sf (t 64 ft. lease vrUth) . 3 in. deep LEO halo R Inc"..]dually-mounted channel illuminated channel letters Iet!er= must be white, ivory: (lighting. lettering and logo L. ac{ ary . beige or similar to fallow Sign Ord. 704. as 119u:12l colors for internal amended) illum wi-ion. Reverse channel' let!er= may be any color r ith v:11ire 0- off-wI-ite L.,gh!ing. Lagos may use any ccior. 301-r rto' TENANT SIGN AND LOGO 2 -------------------------------- OVERALL TENANT SIGN AND LOGO NOT TO EXCEED 30'-0" IN WIDTH AND 2'-10" IN HEIGHT. LETTERS NOT TO EXCEED 1'-70" IN HEIGHT. COLOR LOGO ALLOWED. 3"DEEP HALO. ILLUMINATED ALUMINUM CHANNEL LETTERS/LOGO, MOUNTED TO BUILDING FACADE, WITH A 1.5" STANDOFF. BUILDING FACADE, WITH A 1.5" STANDOFF. REVERSE PAN -LED HALO ILLUMINATED --- M-43 F1 M Allowed under 704-J . First Floor . Permitted . Offset to the far right 50% + Located within 75% of a t68 of the fagade plane (Within ft_ fagade plane a 30 f - by 2.33 ft_ area) Max_ letter height 22 in. + Max_ letter height 18 inch (E_ Southlake Blvd_) Max_ logo height 27.5 in ■ Max_ logo height 2.5 in. . 85 sf max. total sign area ■ Max_ sign area 42 sf ■ 3 in. deep LED halo . Individually -mounted channel illuminated channel letters letters must be white, ivory, with white (lighting, black, grey, beige or similar lettering and logo to fallow neutral colors for internal Sign Ord. 704, as illumination. Reverse channel amended) letters may be any color with white or off-white lighting. Logos may use any color_ 3D'-r T-'°' TENANT SIGN AND LOGO 3 ----------------------------- OVERALL TENANT SIGN AND LOGO NOT TO EXCEED 30'-0" IN WIDTH AND 2'-10" IN HEIGHT. LETTERS NOTTO EXCEED V-10" IN HEIGHT. COLOR LOGO ALLOWED. 3"DEEP HALO -ILLUMINATED ALUMINUM CHANNEL LETTERS/LOGO, MOUNTED TO BUILDING FACADE, WITH A 1.5" STANDOFF. BUILDING FACADE, WITH A 1.5" STANDOFF. REVERSE PAN -LED HALO ILIUMINATED h YY��I� rr�= n - � I WIN �!Iilp E•i ' CL1B �IfYinil � 1151 a �111 Proposed Allowed under 7D4,J Y First Floor Y Permitted Y Offset to the far right 92% Y Located within 75% of single of the fagade plane (Within 32.66 ft- facade plane a 34 ft. by 2.33 ft. area) Y Max_ letter height 22 in. R Max. letter height 18 inch (E. Southlake Blvd.) Y Max_ logo height 27.5 in. + 22.5 in. logo height + 85 si max. tota? sign area + Max- sign area 38 sf fatal sign area + 3 in. ceep -ED halo R Individually -mounted channel illLI-n -,a-ed dian-el letters letters must be white, ivory, ah-ina. lete•inc anc 1,,- jo black, grey, beige or similar Io fr.11o•.. 5 gn C•cl 7F,4. a= neutral colors far internal a—anded`. illumination. Reverse channel letters may be any colorwith white or off-white lighting. Logos may use any color_ W, TENANT 3 i 301-V s'-Ir TENANT SIGN AND LOGO 3 ----------------------------- OVERALL TENANT SIGN AND LOGO NOT TO EXCEED 30'-0" IN WIDTH AND 2'-10" IN HEIGHT. LETTERS NOTTO EXCEED V-10" IN HEIGHT. COLOR LOGO ALLOWED. 3"DEEP HALO -ILLUMINATED ALUMINUM CHANNEL LETTERS/LOGO, MOUNTED TO BUILDING FACADE, WITH A 1 .5" STANDOFF. BUILDING FACADE, WITH A 1.5" STANDOFF. �Ip91llllm MWW'ttti F REVERSE PAN -LED HALO ILLUMINATED View east to site View west to site -r r to Orr ` View south to front fagade of existing building `+MO. - LIE! r- M�. 1 Attached Sign 2 {Nash elevation) Yam. 91IXrt antww Y 1: #BaylorScott&White sourxuKa FAIAWY uaoinxe 1. Upper story sign with 1" floor lease and not located within lease space frontage (non -leasable common area) 2. 22.5 ft. sign width within 75% of single plane fagade 3. 20.63 and 7.51 inch letter ht. 4. 79.39 sf total sign area 5. 47.35 inch logo height 6. 17.39 sf logo area 7. Reverse lit letters and logo: blue channel out letters and logo (Blue, Teal & Yellow) 1. Each lease or tenant space shall be permitted only one attached building sign per street front and within lease space. Upper story signs require a Master Sign Plan or variance. 2. 22.5 ft. allowable sign width within 75% of aingle plane fagade 3. 42 inch max. letter ht. 4. 91 at sign area based on 133 ft, lease width on 1f0 floor (shown in blue). Total sign area to fit within allowable sign width. 5. 52.5 inch max. logo ht. 6. 18.2 at logo area 20% of allowable sign area 7. Reverse channel letters may be any color with white or off-white lighting. Logos may use any color. 4"1 1. Upper story signs require a Attached Sign 3 Master Sign Plan or variance_ Centered within 75% of single plane fagade. 1. Sign is an upper story sign 2. 39.75 ft. sign width - - _ and located within the 3. 42 inch max. letter ht. -- tenant lease space and 4. 75.6 sf total sign area. ... located within the fagade Area is determined by (not within 751A of lease lease space width and space) what can fit into the middle eee:n�o ti - 2. 14.5 ft. sign width within 75% of the single plane - 75% of single plane facade(must be located fagade within lease space 3. 21.41 and 10 inch letter ht, frontage( 4. 34.55 sf total sign area 5. 52.5 inch logo height ' S. 27.5 inch logo height 6. 15.12 sf logo area (20%of Touchstone 6. 5.58 sf logo area allowable sign area) IMAGING 7. Reverse lit letters and 7. Individually -mounted logo: Black channel cut channel letters most be letters and logo (Blue, white, ivory, black, grey, Rust & Olive) beige or similar neutral ----�- colors for internal -- illumination. Reverse ' channel letters may be any color with white or off-white - - _ T lighting. Logos may use any color. (east elevation) eaaaa . wag V i BaylorScotr&White �i_¢� AK1eYaC� k3�iie� 611'li 1. Located within the 75% fagade width 2. 9.86 ft. sign width 3- 9-04 and 3 42 inch letter ht. 4. 15.02 sf total sign area 5. 20.75 inch logo height 6- 2-99 sf logo area 7. Reverse lit letters and logo: blue channel out letters and logo (Blue. Teal & Yellow) ■►im 1. Centered within 75% of single plane fagade (57,42 ft. lease width) 2. 43 ft. allowable sign width 3. 16 inch max. letter ht. 4. 40.2 sf total sign area. S. 20.75 inch logo height 6. 8 sf logo area (20 % of allowable sign area) 1. Individually-m ou n to d channel letters must be white, Ivory, black, grey, beige or similar neutral colors for internal illumination. Reverse channel letters may be any color with white or off- white lighting. Logos may use any color Attached Sign 5 (Seal eievanonl I 1. Located within the tenant lease space and within the 1. Centered within 75% of single plane facade (45.6 _ 75% fagade width R. lease width) 2. Sign width to be determined 2, 31 ft. allowable sign -; - per ht. of the elements so that overall sign does not width 3. 16,7 inch max, letter ht. arcwm - exceed 7.14 sf, 4. 31 sftotal sign area. _IR 3. 16,7 inch max letter height 5. 20 9 inch logo height mthin the sign area shown 6. 7,78 sf logo area (20% of 4. 7,14 of max, sign area i 2175 inch max. logo ht. 6. 7.14 all max. logo area allowable sign area) 7. Individually -mounted channel letters must be Lt limbed to within sign area as white, ivory, black, grey, 111 ^ --- -- - - - -- -- - - shown beige or similar neutral 7. Reverse fit letters and logo colors for intemal illumination. Reverse channel letters maybe any -- _ N I Sign 6 overall sire and height above sromd suai id be apgmxlmeteiy the Iy atthe pharmacy lags iacated in me adjacent ieasa w- color with white or off-white lighting. Lagos may use any color. Sign Board August 4, 2022; Approved (6-0), subject to the Staff Report dated August 3, 2022; and specifically noting that the Baylor Scott and White signs are approved with the exception of the logo, which the logo size needs to be the same as the back building or the original building; and approving the tenant signs on the north and east elevation on the building as requested. CITY OF ISOUTHL,A Questions?