Item 6F - Staff MemoSOUTHLAI<,,E PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF REPORT August 9, 2022 CASE NO: ZA22-0030 PROJECT: Site Plan for 251 Players Circle Athletic Training Facility EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Signature Design Studio, representing the owner, Blue Peaches, LLC, is requesting approval of a Site Plan for 251 Players Circle Athletic for a 16,446 square foot single story building which will contain a 12,797 square foot indoor baseball training facility and 3,906 square foot office area on property being described as Lot 4, Players Circle Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas located at 251 Players Circle, Southlake Texas. Current Zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. SPIN Neighborhood #10. DETAILS: The property is located at the southern terminus of Players Circle, approximately 700 feet south of the intersection with W. Southlake Blvd. The applicant is proposing the development of an 16,446 square foot single story building that will contain an indoor baseball training facility and office area related to the primary training use. All activities associated with the training facility will occur indoors. The proposed uses and site plan conforms to the current zoning, "C-3" General Commercial District and land use designation. An approved Concept Plan for the Player's Circle area was adopted in 2005 with a zoning change. The approved concept plan for this lot indicates a 5,100 s.f. medical office building with 51 parking spaces. The impervious coverage for this lot on the concept plan is 60%. The proposed site plan indicates a 16,446 square foot building with 27 parking spaces and 62% impervious coverage. Variances: Variances are being requested for the Tree Preservation Ordinance (585-E) and the Zoning Ordinance (480, as amended) Residential Adjacency standards as follows: 1. The applicant is requesting a variance to the Existing Tree Cover Preservation Requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. There is currently 15% of existing tree cover on the property and a minimum of 70% of the existing tree cover is required to be preserved. A maximum of 45% of the existing tree cover is proposed to be preserved with the development of the site. To make up for the Case No. ZA22-0030 remaining 25% deficiency in the required existing tree cover preservation, three (3) trees equaling 40" diameter are proposed to be mitigated by a payment ($5,980) into the City of Southlake Reforestation Fund. 2. The applicant is also requesting a variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 43, Part III, Residential Adjacency Standards. A portion of the building, as shown in provided renderings, clips the 4:1 residential adjacency slope requirement. The applicant is requesting a variance with the consideration that a majority of the subject property's southern boundary is shared with the Southlake Woods Homeowners Association recreation center. The predominant building height is 33 feet. The C-3 district allows up to 35'. Site Data Summary Proposed 2005 Concept Plan Current Zoning "C-3" °C-3" Proposed Zoning 4'C-3" "C-3" Land Use Designation Retail Commercial Retail Commercial Gross Acreage 1.0 acre 1.0 acre Net Acreage 1.0 acre (45,463 sf) 1.0 acre (45,463 sf) Number of Lots 1 1 Total Building Area 16,446 sf 5,100 sf Percentage of Building Coverage 38% 12% Percentage of Open Space 38% 25% Number of Stories 1 1 Proposed Building Height 35 ft max. N/A Percentage of Impervious 62% 60% -Coverage Required/Provided Parking 21/27 spaces 51 spaces ACTION NEEDED: 1) Conduct a Public Hearing 2) Consider Approval of a Site Plan ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated August 9th, 2022 (D) Surrounding Property Owners Map (E) Surrounding Property Owners Responses Full Size Plans (for Commission and Council members only) Narrative SPIN Meeting Report Corridor Planning Committee Report PowerPoint Presentation Plans STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough (817) 748-8072 Reagan Rothenberger (817) 748-8602 Case No. ZA22-0030 OWNER: BACKGROUND INFORMATION Blue Peaches LLC APPLICANT: Signature Design Studio PROPERTY SITUATION: 251 Players Circle LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Players Circle Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas. LAND USE CATEGORY: Retail Commercial CURRENT ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District HISTORY: City Council placed the "C-3" zoning on a portion of the property with adoption of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480 on September 19, 1989. On April 19, 2005, City Council approved a Zoning Change and Concept Plan and a Preliminary Plat for this and other lots within Players Circle (ZA05-010 and ZA05-011) A Final Plat (ZA05-084) was approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission on September 8, 2005 and filed with Tarrant County on March 28, 2006. SOUTHLAKE 2035 Pathways Master Plan: A minimum 5' sidewalk will be required along Players Circle adjacent to this site. TREE PRESERVATION: The proposed existing tree cover preservation does not comply with the Existing Tree Cover Preservation Requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. There is 15% of existing tree cover on the property and a minimum of 70% of the existing tree cover is required to be preserved. A maximum of 45% of the existing tree cover is proposed to be preserved. The applicant is requesting a variance to the Existing Tree Cover Preservation Requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. To make up for the remaining 25% of required existing tree cover preservation, three (3) trees equaling 40" diameter are proposed to be mitigated by a payment ($5,980) into the City of Southlake Reforestation Fund. UTILITIES: Water The site will be served by an existing 8-inch water line along Players Circle Sewer This site will be served by a 6-inch sewer line along Players Circle TRANSPORTATION ASSESSMENT: Area Road Network and Conditions Case No. Attachment B ZA22-0030 Page 1 The proposed site will have one driveway access point directly onto Players Circle with connectivity to Southlake Marketplace. Players Circle intersects with W. Southlake Boulevard approximately 700 feet to the north of the Lot 4 property. W. Southlake Boulevard is a 7-lane, divided thoroughfare with a continuous landscape median with left -turn lanes. Players Circle is a 2-lane, local commercial street serving the retail development. UTILITIES: Water The site is served by an existing 8-inch water line in Players Circle. Sewer This is served by an 8-inch sewer line in Players Circle. CITIZEN INPUT: A Corridor Planning Committee meeting was held for this item on March 28, 2022. A SPIN meeting was held for this on April 12, 2022. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ACTION: Approved (7-0); subject to Staff Report dated July 29, 2022, and Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 29, 2022 and granting both variances requested. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated August 9, 2022 Case No. Attachment B ZA22-0030 Page 1 Vicinity Map 251 Players Circle T LO �O •^fo�h V AAQ 1` t A N 0 N N O 0 N 0 N 10 All408 05 503 501 409 407 Iro 51 � 50 $ h� ca rn ❑ ul Ln oo o O`1' :D �_ STONEBU N Ln W �64� o LO T i` N l W E ZA22-0030 S Site Plan 0 90 180 360 Feet Case No. Attachment B ZA22-0030 Page 1 REVISED SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA22-0030 Review No.: Two Proiect Name: Site Plan — 251 Plavers Circle APPLICANT: Signature Design Studio Josh Archer OWNER: Blue Peaches, LLC Kosse Mavkus Date of Review: 08/09/22 1038 Meadow Bend Loop PO Box 92-747 Southlake, TX 76092 Phone: 214.679.3580 Phone: Email: josharcher.studio@gmail.com Email: kosse@maykus.com CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 08/09/22 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT REAGAN ROTHENBERGER AT (817) 748-8602. Revise the title block and all sheets to include County. 2. The property is subject to Residential Adjacency standards, Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 43, Part III. It is noted that the applicant has requested a variance and has provided exhibits reflecting the proximity slope in relation to the building. 3. Dimension the proposed sidewalk in the ROW. Sidewalk should be 5'. The Site Plan must conform to the underlying zoning district. TREE CONSERVATION COMMENTS: 1. Please provide a color rendition of the Tree Conservation Plan. Green = Protected, Red = Remove, Yellow = Marginal. The proposed existing tree cover preservation does not comply with the Existing Tree Cover Preservation Requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. There is 15% of existing tree cover on the property and a minimum of 70% of the existing tree cover is required to be preserved. A maximum of 45% of the existing tree cover is proposed to be preserved. The applicant is requesting a variance to the Existing Tree Cover Preservation Requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. To make up for the remaining 25% of required existing tree cover preservation, three (3) trees equaling 40" diameter are proposed to be mitigated by a payment ($5,980) into the City of Southlake Reforestation Fund. Except as provided by subsection 7.2.b. of the Tree Preservation Ordinance, a Tree Conservation Analysis or Tree Conservation Plan shall be approved if it will preserve existing tree cover in accordance with the percentage requirements established by Table 2.0. If the property has previously received a tree permit related to development, the percentage of existing tree cover at the time the first such permit was Case No. Attachment C ZA22-0030 Page 1 issued shall be used to calculate the minimum existing tree cover that must be preserved under this section. Table 2.0 — Existing Tree Cover Preservation Requirements Percentage of existing tree cover on the entire site Minimum percentage of the existing tree cover to be reserved* 0% — 20% 70% 20.1 — 40% 60% 40.1 % - 60% 50% 60.1 % - 80% 40% 80.1 % - 100% 30% *The minimum percentage of existing tree cover to be preserved shall exclude any area in public rights - of -way as approved by City Council. LANDSCAPE COMMENTS: * Existing tree credits shall only be granted if the tree/s are in healthy condition and all requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance have been met as determined at the time of inspection for a Permanent Certificate of Occupancy. * Indicates informational comment. # Indicates required items comment. E-mail: kmartin@ci.southlake.tx.us Keith Martin Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 748-8229 Public Works/Engineering Review DRAINAGE COMMENTS: 1. The provided infiltration values do not match the most current iSWM manual, updated in April 2020. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS: * Submit 22"x34" civil construction plans and a completed Construction Plan Checklist to the Public Works Department through the online customer self service portal located here: CSS (cityofsouthlake.com). Please allow 15 business days for review. The plans shall conform to the most recent construction plan checklist, standard details and general notes which are located on the City's website: http://www.cityofsouthlake.com/PublicWorks/engineeringdesign.asp New Requirement: Provide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) per TXR150000. The plan must include all required elements in Part III, Section F of the permit. The Environmental Coordinator will review the SWPPP. For instructions on how to complete the review of the SWPPP please refer to the Stormwater Management for Construction Sites in: httr)s://www.citvofsouthlake.com/2237/Stormwater-Management-for-Construction-S. SWPPP shall be submitted by second review of the civil construction plans. Case No. Attachment C ZA22-0030 Page 2 Retaining walls greater than 4-feet including the footing shall require structural plans prepared by a registered engineer in the State of Texas. Retaining walls shall require a permit from the Building Inspections Department prior to construction. A Developer Agreement will be required for this development and may need to be approved by the City Council prior to any construction of public infrastructure. Construction plans for these improvements must be acceptable to Public Works prior to placing the Developer's Agreement on the City Council agenda for consideration. *=Denotes informational comment that don't need to be addressed until Civil Construction Submittals. Sandra Endy, P.E. Development Engineer Phone: (817) 748-8033 E-mail: sendy@ci.southIake.tx.us Fire Department Review 0 No Comments Kelly Clements Deputy Fire Chief/Fire Marshal Phone: (817) 748-8233 E-mail: kclements@ci.southlake.tx.us Case No. Attachment C ZA22-0030 Page 3 General Informational Comments The Development Review Committee (DRC) has determined this submittal is sufficient for formal submittal to the Planning and Zoning Commission subject to completing the changes noted above prior to submission to the City Council. No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. All mechanical equipment must be screened of view from right-of-ways and residential properties in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended. All lighting must comply with the Lighting Ordinance No. 693, as amended. All development must comply with the Drainage Ordinance No. 605 and the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance No. 946, as amended. Development must comply with all requirements in Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 43, Overlay Zones. The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water & Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. In addition to the City of Southlake impact fees, please be aware that through the wholesale water customer contract with the City of Fort Worth, all new water connections are required to pay the City of Fort Worth impact fee. The City of Fort Worth impact fee assessment is based on the final plat recordation date and building permit issuance. The applicant is encouraged to review the City of Fort Worth's assessment and collection of Impact Fees Guide to determine the fee amount. A letter of permission from the adjacent property owner(s) on the west must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit for the construction of the off -site pavement and a permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along F.M. 1709. Denotes Informational Comment Case No. Attachment C ZA22-0030 Page 4 SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS MAP & RESPONSES Lot 4, Players Circle SPO # Owner Zoning Address Acrea e Resp onse 1. DARWISH, RAED Y SF20A 505 INDIAN PAINTBRUSH WAY 0.50 NR 2. KHAN, SHABAZ SF20A 503 INDIAN PAINTBRUSH WAY 0.46 NR 3. HERN, SARAH A SF20A 509 STONEBURY DR 0.65 NR 4. CHASE, DAVE SF20A 506 STONEBURY DR 0.49 NR 5. WHITE, GREGORY A SF20A 516 INDIAN PAINTBRUSH WAY 0.74 NR 6. SAN DIEGO RENTALS LLC C3 1959 W SOUTH LAKE BLVD 1.17 NR 7. NORTHSTAR FARMS INC C3 170 PLAYERS CIR 0.65 NR 8. PALI PROPERTIES LP C3 151 PLAYERS CIR 0.66 NR 9. BARGER EQUITY GROUP LLC C3 220 PLAYERS CIR 1.05 NR 10. HILL, CURTIS B SF20A 515 INDIAN PAINTBRUSH WAY 0.56 NR 11. HAFEEZ, ABDUL SF20A 519 INDIAN PAINTBRUSH WAY 0.54 NR 12 SOUTH LAKE WOODS HOMEOWNERS SF20A 507INDIAN PAINTBRUSH WAY 0.77 NR 13. SHAW, JACK A SF20A 511 INDIAN PAINTBRUSH WAY 0.56 NR 14. 250 PLAYER CIRCLE LLC C3 250 PLAYERS CIR 2.64 NR 15. GROVES, RON D C3 251 PLAYERS CIR 0.98 NR 16. DLP VENTURES C3 201 PLAYERS CIR 0.80 NR 17. SLM DUNHILL LLC C3 2001 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD 2.40 NR 18. SLM DUNHILL LLC C3 2101 W SOUTH LAKE BLVD 9.11 NR 19. W & B KIDD FAMILY LTD PRNTSHP C2 1963 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD 14.22 NR F: In Favor O: Opposed To U: Undecided Notices Sent: Nineteen (19) Responses Received: In Favor: 0 Opposed: 0 Undecided: 0 NR: No Response No Response: 19 Case No. ZA22-0030 Attachment D Page 1 Surrounding Property Owner Responses No responses to date Case No. ZA22-0030 Attachment C Page 1