Item 6E - Spin ReportJUSOUTHLAKE SPIN MEETING REPORT SPIN Item Number: City Case Number: Project Name: SPIN Neighborhood: Meeting Date: Meeting Location: Total Attendance: SPIN2022-10 N/A 300 Parkwood Dr. 10 April 26, 2022 1400 Main Street, Southlake, TX City Council Chambers Hosts: Madeline Oujesky Applicant Presenting: Gerald Ward, Ward Architecture PLLC, Phone: (817)281-5600, Email: Gerald CcDwardarchitecturepllc.com City Staff Present: Madeline Oujesky, Assistant to the Director Town Hall Forums can be viewed in their entirety by visiting http://www.cityofsouthiake.com and clicking on "I Want to" and "View" "Video on Demand" — forums are listed under SPIN by meeting date. FORUM SUMMARY: Property Situation: The property is located at 300 Parkwood Dr. Development Details: An applicant is proposing to develop an approximately 10,000 sq ft medical office building. Proposed building is a one story building and are maintaining the integrity of the tree preservation area. One structure, with four separate office spaces. Presentation: 300 Packwood Or, Southkake X R I J 913 ,81E Y17- e33 His104a 703 a [alesY IMF JIM�� 8 530 100 901 m Show search results for 30C Park._ ael etv m _ �' BOo wmer c eat•i .P°"'"' E Souhlake Blvd• ' ImB r vl 1°t; w c4A1.wry rn an zb1 m 315 335 415 435 579 95 bill WI 135 za m1 �l MI I11 llo j \ IOB 104 100 + —_1— W 185 - 307 n � 600. ?� Cnapnl kglhadnl 1 1,\� e00 1 I05 lot / cn�— J J ? WI 21e 300 3M AiM RrCkE, Ro bill � m 93t 351 bl 51e 513 510 g8 eoe �Foeir•nbeuon W] E4menYry &Mll 30A M1 331 'AS 4M 901 51A ea0 107 J 317 /'731 3B1\ 57 y77 aM 50t 4pe cook ��� m zv ml eaz ebs 401 • e r bnb r �1 504 .c„_City of Fort Worth, Cii ,.!S uthlake,Tarrant C.-tx ollege, Tezas Parks&Wildlife, Esri, HERE... I I ®M I I I I I� I Poosed Medi 80,x143' al OfTce Idg. III 10,76 sgf R—TION AREA Axe 8parking (-150 parking s ratio) aces requi duRewce 80 parkingsp eS p—id d I I I I t� �I DTI I N I .—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—._. ,.�..—._.—._ --------------- SITE PLAN EAST ELEVATION (FRONT STREET WEST ELEVATION (REAR PARKING LOT) .. .. . ... ........ ........ . ...... ... . ... .;ate n, NORTH ELEVATION (PARKING LOT SIDE) I�f L Llllll�wn _ � - ,�Inillllllll���ll�l SOUTH ELEVATION (TREE PRESERVATION SIDE) v .+.� Questions and Concerns: Citizen 1, Q1: Expresses concern and desire for the road (Parkwood Dr.) remain closed. C1, Al: We don't plan on connecting the road or any road work. We are only doing roadwork on a private road between Calloway's and ourselves. C1, Q2: For the record, going forward, can the map correctly depict that Parkwood is in fact not connected so that someone does not think that it is or can be. C1, A2: (Madeline Oujesky) This image was taken from our interactive map. Because of the way the properties are lined it looks like it is connected. When you look at the map without those lines, it clearly shows that the roads are separate. Citizen 2, Q1: What times will this property be occupied as a medical facility? C2, Al: Being a doctor's office it would be 8-5, 8-6 scenario. I will check with the city. Possibly Saturdays, but office hours. We want the light to be pointed at the building or on the property as much as possible. C2, Q2: How will this property be lit? and how much of that lighting will be projected into the neighborhood? C2, A2: We do not have a photometric yet, but we will as part of the sight plan. We will have parking lot pole lights. As required by the city the lighting from those poles will have to remain on the property only. No lighting plan for the tree reservation area. C2, Q3: Is there going to be a sidewalk connecting the parking lot to Parkwood cul-de-sac? I don't think there is a sidewalk on Parkwood, so it would just be connected to the street directly. C2, A3: Yes. We thought it might be useful, if not we can take it out. C2, Q4: Suggestion of shrubs or trees along Parkwood to shield the view of the building from the neighborhood. does? C2, Q5: Do the Stations of the Cross path go through your property and will it be disturbed if it C2, A5: We will go back and look. If we find anything we will work with the church to fix it. Citizen 3, Q1: Are you requesting any zoning changes from what is already approved? C3, Al: No. We are just looking for a site plan approval. C3, Q2: Do you have an estimate of traffic flow per day? C3, A2: We can do a traffic study but I don't have that right now. C3, Q3: If the businesses there failed, what kind of businesses would you potentially bring in? Is it restricted by the zoning and have to be other medical? C3, A3: I will have to check that. Whatever it is zoned as now is what we are building for and what they would be limited to. If they wanted to go beyond that they would need City Council approval. C3, Q4: Are you going to keep the tree preservation area and there won't be any disturbance or footpaths or recreation there? C3, A4: We are keeping the preservation area untouched. C3. Q5: Please consider renaming the segment of Parkwood that Calloway's and 300 Parkwood is on to prevent confusion with delivery drivers. C3, Q6: Request map to reflect the segments of Parkwood not being connected. Citizen 4, Q1: When will we get the information about the lighting? C4, Al: After this meeting we will pull together a packet and it will have the photometrics there. C4, Q2: What is the timing of when the lights will be on? I have a bedroom that would face the entire building. I don't want the lights on. C4, A2: I don't know. C4, Q3: Why do we need the connection path to the cul-de-sac? Concern for additional traffic. C4, A3: We thought it would be good for quick drop off's. We can remove if it is an issue. C4, Q4: How high is the retaining wall and will there be a fence on top of it? It needs something to block the enormous building from the neighborhood. C4, A4: 3-4 ft tall retaining wall, and the previous man had a good idea of using landscape instead of a wall to block the view. C4, Q5: How many feet from the retaining wall to the property line? C4, A5: Approximately 50-55 ft. C4, Q6: Are the black circles all the trees that will be gone? C4, A6: We had a tree survey done, we may be able to save the ones closer to the cul-de-sac. Where we must disturb the ground, we will lose those trees. We are trying to minimize the amount of trees we lose. C4, Q7: Where is the main entrance? C4, A7: The right side, to the left off the private road. C4, Q8: How many businesses inside? C4, A8: One building housing 4 tenants. C4, Q9: What kind of businesses will they be? Any sort of medical business? C4, A9: We don't have them rented yet. Will be some sort of professional medical office. Doctor's offices, that type of thing. Citizen 5, Q1: Traffic flow study would be good. If this is a medical office open from 8-5 why do we even need those? Not being on 24/7. C5, Al: We will look at it, it's a cost for the developer. The lights accommodate the staff that may arrive early or stay late. We will have lights on the exterior of the building that will stay on all night, but not the ones in the parking lot. C5, Q2: Reiterate not connecting Parkwood Dr. and fixing map. C5, Q3: Why create a walkway that attracts alternative parking solutions? Causing additional traffic and parking.. Citizen 6, Q1: What type of medical practice of the tenants, and what type of hazardous material the medical facility will produce? C6, Al: We are not looking to rent to labs or anything like that. Just doctors offices such as psychiatrist, dentist, family doctor, or specialist. Nothing out of the ordinary on hazardous materials. Online Comments: 1) Against the development, wishes for the field with wildflowers be preserved. 2) Against the development. Empty medical office buildings everywhere. Additional buildings and traffic flow would be unsafe for kids and families walking. Concern for displaced animals. A: We will do traffic study as part of the site plan submission. Doing this building with the least amount of impact. We are keeping about 1/2 - 1/3 of the tree preservation area to not be developed at all. We are not asking for rezoning. We are trying to design the building fit within what is already there.