Item 6E - PresentationCITY VF SOUTHL,4 Item 6E ZA22-0028 300 Parkwood Drive ZA22-0028 OWNER: Beam Real Estate APPLICANT: RE UEST: LOCATION: Ward Architecture, PLLC Site Plan for 300 Parkwood Drive Medical Office Building on property described as Lot 13R, O.W. Knight No. 899 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and located at 300 Parkwood Drive, Southlake, Texas. Current Zoning: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District. SPIN Neighborhood # 9. 300 Parkwood Drive Future Land Use 300 Parkwood Drive Land Use Designation: Office Commercial Future Land Use enmty I Public Pa tliumffInti 900-Year Flood Plain = Corps of Engineers Property OfFmc menial 0� once com ercial Public ParklOpen Space esour} , ,E$LV PubliGSemi-Public nKe-aivn E sou Low Density Residential E —iai ff� ce m ercial F-M-Mr.- Medium Density Residential Office Commercial R mn•er[ia PubiicfSemi-Public Retail Commercial Puhlidsem FPuhiic A Mixed Use On Den initial PublicdSemi-Publi - Town Center e Regional Retail - PuhlidSemFPuhlic Industrial 1 yi y= 0 225 450 900 rc $ =w Feet CL I e tlentl E o L� Low nsity e dim e i R 00-Year FI Plain ium De siry esi ent - Current Zoning El =f----------- -urrem z-umng: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District Zoning districts: 13 Parcels selection C1 �. SQ11TH 0 AG C2 ®RE C3 0 SF1A - GA 0 SHIB - MR-1 ® SF2 - HC 0 SF30 0 B1 0 SF20A - B2 0 SF20B 11 - R-PUD - 12 MF1 0 SP1 ® MF2 SP2 MH DT 0 CS ® TZD 0 O1 ECZ r' 0 02 a ix xa 5m Feet £.,SO UT u ffim- I L VDI 91.. 315 41.. r d2 25 4 23 a r a Con 4 AIF {{ q } r 5 \•s " a i 1 Q 22 i 2,Q 201 LL C` ti- Dieriai vie x Ir ? ,8stic urgery Chapel Hiil w Idre School _ - r TI i r 1 4 _K' J1 lit Oblique Aerial View North Permitted Uses This property shall be limited to the permitted uses found in the "0-1" Office District as described in Section 18of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, to include "retail nursery" as a permitted use on proposed Lot 12R.. Devela rnent Re lations This property shall be subject to the development regulations for the "0-1" Office District, and all other applicable regulations with the following exceptions; The maximum impervious coverage shall not exceed 70 percent of the total lot area for proposed Lot 12R. ■ The total required parking for proposed Lot 12R shall be 85 spaces. • The natural tree cover shall be permitted in lieu of the required 8 ft. screening device adjacent to single family residential property for proposed Lot 13R. MIS Site Photographs Galloway's �'5s �R2 fo i om i 1r !q'3„ a iNS o 9 p a §5.i[ ..l"1g IN I biia��;' peNN�NN„„yygM�YE ti 3 O i3 ° w •�, F i JR %:i I wS:.dl Srk! rg�xi g i— yIfk �a= ;i are �dM'f`'MI ill" �l° q 9 ��91, - 1%r �". $ .. m = p 4 & 41 d e y '..�. 8k a ° s i S �a �,� � ��_€ �� °���; �d�� �f� g�ga € �'#��.a���d 'A �i�$I �s€ on 12 innmved Concent Pi; SITE DATA SUMMARY CHART — LOT 13R ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPMENT - LAST QUARTER 2012 EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATION - OFFICE COMMERCIAL PROPOSED LAND USE DESIGNATION - OFFICE EXISTING ZONING - SP2 PROPOSED ZONING - SP2-0 GROSS ACREAGE 2.927 ACRES; NET ACREAGE - 2.927 ACRES PERCENTAGE OF SITE COVERAGE - 29,79% AREA OF OPEN SPACE - 90.471 sq. ft. OPEN SPACE AS A PERCENTAGE - 70.23% _ m TOTAL BUILDING AREA(BUILDING FOOT PRINT) - 12,000 sq. ft. % r TOTAL FLOOR AREA - 000 aq. H. in 0 pRW, WJMNIHG WOJ-L PARKING SPACES REQUIRED - aO y+ _ PARKING SPACES PROVIDED - 50, INCLUDING 2 HANDICAP SPACES - fir-- NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS - 1____ IMPERVIOUS COVER - 29.07% � ` �-� ern` I p ., n p rn a - 8 r w I SK -� ---' 19 lie OP 43a---- - - -Ul-- I --� _ 72� Y�ti1 / • F # -3 3- c lip approved Concept Pla Proposed Site Plan N 00753'41" W 505 90' --—--� �� � a•RErnINIl�wnuF-L xre ® a ti� ct o € D.W KNIGHT NO.&% ADDITION DOC. NO. DM8354134 P-%*X.T. � oB � R g u u SONAREA r. �y U.1Ea a5o) �j� s vaMin vrner� m � NOODDISTURBATUREANCE AREA q�_ cw 2700.0' PRESERVATION AREA NO DISTURBANCE AREA ��a PER SITE PLAN 2007, ZA 07 m e U cC. NC i)I 08 P..T R.T — ENTI N . — uaowa ffre�cx = — — _ _ .o NI A .,.x...a.Mo......,, 10' 0 & 11.E nG a xc CAB. B SEB5' h u� unur—En AAA svxErrl O�yI�M NT m -5 E 508 _1 RAT-C-T, E. PRT.CNO, B202248555 DRIv� sn mio a� mpo II OD PARKWO z� Aowp DAm N�mno �$ %X%XV\f\\\\\\t%till 11111////, ............................ Ill���ul uplllllq � ii i Us I ii ii 1011 H H I ON ii ii JOE ii IgililililiiPliliPPllllll IIIU Iff iP'R°11iii'i'iiiiii'' ' ii 111 ii ii IEI ii ii 111 ii ii j/l ii ❑❑ ❑❑ »o ❑❑ ❑❑ 11EL- lii i■ ii ii ii Proposed Elevations I —ikl Office B d, .9 �P=pZu.dn."tl ry -------------- ------- dY:' Landscape Plan k1 � 11 Ll)T 13R i O.W. KNIGHT NO. 899 ADDITION RCC NO DOD83fi 134 1 PRTCT I PRESERVATION AREA NO DISTURBANCE AREA ok DFosed Medical Office Bldg. r Ili P°F��1o3u'�aie� Orking sp aces required parking spy ces provil �z 2700.0' PRESERVATION AREA NO DISTURBANCE AREA PER SITE PLAN 2C 07, 7A 07-1D8 - a Rti L g z T OC. U-E. NO. D202248555 P.R.TCT. P oc N5�96P—m Landscape Plan DOD. NO, 1 I 11 III I .,.TENTI ON I� P(IND AREA I MONUMI NT I f E So+efhbfre B1vU •-. whhea C hepel For: �amasry Opposed: 6�,Y Undecided: wnire•'v—rJ the pel y Hlethodlsj n U 1 0091 E. So u[hla ke BINd -• 'F4 kenb-gh Elementary,' School I CITY VF SOUTHL,4 Questions?