Item 6C - MemoItem 6C CITY OF SOUTH LAKE MEMORANDUM (Aug 16, 2022) To: Shana Yelverton, City Manager From: Rob Cohen, Director of Public Works Subject: Ordinance No. 1261, 2nd Reading, amending Chapter 18, Section 18-79 of the Southlake City Code establishing a new speed limit on a portion of North White Chapel Boulevard between Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) and State Highway (SH) 114 to 35 miles per hour Action Requested: Ordinance No. 1261, 2nd Reading, amending Chapter 18, Section 18-79 of the Southlake City Code establishing a new speed limit on a portion of North White Chapel Boulevard between Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) and State Highway (SH) 114 to 35 miles per hour Background Information: North White Chapel Boulevard from Southlake Boulevard to State Highway 114 was recently widened from a 2-lane rural section to a four -lane divided arterial roadway. The engineer of record evaluated sight visibility restraints and existing speed limit along North White Chapel Boulevard from Emerald Boulevard to Highland Street. The widening of the roadway section, restricted right-of-way width, and existing speed limit of 40 MPH generate sight visibility issues along this section of North White Chapel Boulevard. The engineer of record and a third -party consultant determined that some minor signing and striping modifications along with changing the speed limit to 35 MPH would alleviate the sight visibility concerns. Reducing the speed limit to 35 MPH is still in line with the design speed for a 4-lane divided arterial (35-40 MPH) as stated in the City's Mobility Master Plan. The reduction of the speed limit and the pavement marking modifications will provide sufficient sight distance along this section of North White Chapel Boulevard. Financial Considerations: None Strategic Link: The ordinance links to the City's strategy map relative to the focus areas of Safety and Security and Mobility. The specific corporate objectives that are met by this ordinance are C1 "Achieve the highest standards of safety and security and provide travel convenience within city and region" and C2 "Provide travel convenience withing the City & region". Citizen Input/ Board Review: None Legal Review: Yes, City Attorney reviewed Ordinance No. 1261. Alternatives: The City Council may approve or deny Ordinance No. 1261 Supporting Documents: Ordinance No. 1261 Letter from Engineer of Record Staff Recommendation: Approving Ordnance 1261, 1st Reading, Approve a Speed Limit Ordinance Amending Chapter 18, Section 18-79 of the Southlake City Code establishing a new speed limit on a portion of North White Chapel Boulevard Staff Contact: Rob Cohen, Director of Public Works HuirrzOL�,�s HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. 1 5430 Lyndon B Johnson Freeway i Suite 1500 1 Dallas, TX 75240-2675 1 214.871.3311 phone 1 214.871.0757 fax i huitt-zollars.com July 13, 2022 Robert Cohen, Director of Public Works City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 320 Southlake Texas 76092 Ref: N. White Chapel Blvd. Speed Limit N. White Chapel Blvd. Reconstruction from Emerald Blvd. to 300 ft. South of Highland Street R013991.01 Dear Mr. Cohen: We have been evaluating the sight visibility restraints and existing speed limit along N. White Chapel Boulevard from Emerald Boulevard to Highland Street due to the reconstruction of the roadway from a 2-lane rural section to a 4-lane divided arterial. The widening of the roadway section, restricted right-of- way width, and existing speed limit of 40 MPH generate sight visibility issues along this section of N. White Chapel Boulevard. There is a sight distance constraint at several of the side streets on the east side of N. White Chapel Boulevard for motorists turning from the side streets onto White Chapel Boulevard with the current speed limit of 40 MPH. We made several site visits with the City's traffic consultant to look at and measure the sight visibility requirements for 35 & 40 MPH speed limits along this section of roadway. As a result of the site visits we determined that some minor signing & striping modifications along with changing the speed limit to 35 MPH would alleviate the sight visibility concerns. Reducing the speed limit to 35 MPH is still in line with the design speed for a 4-lane divided arterial (35- 40 MPH) as stated in the City's Mobility Master Plan. The reduction of the speed limit and the pavement marking modifications will provide sufficient sight distance along this section of N. White Chapel Boulevard. Due to the presence of the high school along this section of roadway, the use of the roadway by cyclists, the entrance to Bicentennial Park, and the relatively short existing sections of N. White Chapel Boulevard on each end of this projects limits we would recommend that the speed limit be reduced from 40 MPH to 35 MPH from Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) to State Highway 114. Sincerely, Huitt-Zollars, Inc. A� Q Kenneth A. Roberts, PE Vice President ADVANCEDESIGN"