A-1511 (3A1A) \//\ " \ ~~! v FILEO 1'ARRloHT ('nl~'XAS CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ST ATE OF TEXAS } COUNTY OF TARRANT '% f1AP 18 P3 :50 PERMANENT UTILITY EASEME~ u y \::7-' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ii.SON .-:.....lr. " II J } That e. \'\). K '('~- J ~_' I( (Grantor) for and in consideration of Southlake relinquishing applicable sewer impact fee for one single family residential or commercial connection, and sewer connection charges for one single family residential or commercial service, and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Grantee herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, sell and convey to tJ,Ie City of Southlake, Grantee F,tl.~~ if' herein, of Tarrant County, Texas, a perpetual tP'iAty foot ~) utility easement in, into, upon, over, across and under that land in Tarrant County, Texas described as follows, to wit: See attached Exhibit II A II See attached Exhibit liB II TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said easement unto the City of Southlake, its successors and assigns, and Grantor hereby binds itself, its successors and assigns and to warrant and forever defend, all and singular, said premises unto the City of SoutWake, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. The terms of this dedication shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the City of Southlake and its successors and assigns. WITNESS MY HAND this / ~) day of . , ~ I' /. . .,. .' .." ,-,,' /L./ L L-;. t ~ I . / \ ,1995. By: X e ~ '~~&--Ie 1 I r 1'--.,- -' In iv STATE OF TEXAS } COUNTY OF TARRANT } Grantor THIS INSTRUMENT was acknowledged before me on this /t-~ t/r;. /1 I gL>( of ~'-""Y";";;'" /".'\ 1#11.... !P*<~'\ l' j ':.\~:,."l' Of 1.t.i;f:/ ................ 'r~'"rr.''''<' ..~,.y"t':-D ;'0: '; :-r'ki~ I; r::f', B. J. COUCH Notary Public, Stale of Texas My Commission [xpires 7.31.96 Grantors Name and Address: / C; ,1995. /7 ,J ,/ / 1/ / /' ) ~ ~ - /" NIlIary Publtf' in and for the Slate of Teus :YZ . ") /' C-6J-.{~ / (3. J, C c; 1.../ t /1 .' day Type or Print Nocary Name My Commission Expires: 7. '3/" 7 l- ~ J.J nnO '7/ (/0 Df" 1-,',( #' 0,) I 7 /1:' r 7 day of 'rJlJ.uj / C!... L'I.l, If r-t U <--I k /S--g() E. /l,jl/o"j 5f SUiAildc/{S l'ex4s 'j/:,()y:;... f 17" Llf i - il:<.1 . Approved by City of Southlake, /?)2P~ /' Mayor. City of South lake ~ fd.Jl~t1U) City Secretary Return to: City of Southlake ~ Carroll Avenue Southlake. Texas 76092 2 L_ ~._ __ I l~. / " \ '-" -".,./ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT AND TEMPORARY eONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF TARRANT ~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, t!. UIJ k r ell C: I k , for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10) Dollars and other good and va{uable consideration in hand paid by Grantee herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, sell and convey to the City of Southlake, Grantee herein, of Tarrant County, Texas a permanent and perpetual easement for the purpose of installing, repairing, maintaining, altering, replacing, relocating, and operating utilities in, into, upon, over, across and under that land in Tarrant County, Texas described as follows, to- wit:' Being a permanent 15 foot wide utility easement and a temporary 35 foot wide construction easement, described as follows: See attached Exhibit I A' for graphic depiction See attached Exhibit 'B I for metes and bounds description together with the right of ingress and egress as necessary for such purposes. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever; and I/We do hereby certify that I/We are the owners of the property described herein and bind myself/ourselves, my/our heirs and assigns, to warrant and to forever defend all and singular the premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim same or any thereof. EXECUTED this the IS day of A'';l/f "if f3fr'2 ,1~5 J (! 'Jf ~7'~' - I r,) _' -' I f BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this d,ay'personally appeared (.:,' . Jl. A:~ f-l (. I f<.. known to me to be the persons whose name are subscribed to the oregomg mstrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. .j . /' f GIVEN under my hand and seal of office on this the ~ day of /1/ ti/f!!Jt11}tf' ?'L, A.D. 19 'l s: ~ (;~(*~i<Y";;li;;;~~,) NOlar~~U~;ic~~a~eCo~ Texas \d' ",I E 73196 ....~~~..?~..~,!.~~,' My Commission xpires . - .1 .,' I / ~// . ~,{ t-~ ,1:-.-_.., - Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My commission expires: '7, "3 (,. ;? ~ Accepted by the City of Southlake, this the 7 daYOf~, A.D. 19'1~. By: RETURN DOCUMENTS TO: GRANTOR ;~~ {d~ k r,e yel A (Y 0 8, t+ 'j Ii / ;:n7 d s't. ',)( 1..1 fl,la he -, ",' 7' . ") / A. (,(Hi :.<. Ii), 15/7-'-1-5'1-1/:)7 D. L. #: /' -, <:) . v,) Ie; 7(, 'f-G GRANTEE City of Southlake c/o Sandra LeGrand City Secretary 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 - -' , <- I r.~ . \) 1 ,": EXHIBIT 'A' 15 FOOT WIDE PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT 22.875 SO.FT. OR 0.525 ACRES 35 FOOT WIDE TEMPORARY CONSTRU9rlON EASEMENT S 90.00'00" W 15.00' cS 11 rJ'-< Q SS\ S ~ ... C,--,'v <(r>-G ... G Q ~), S?--\~ 1)/\ \ '0\S<( S )1) \ ~ 0~ 9 \ '.jO'v \ ------------7------------ , -- ~rr( g 3=E :J Q) ~ - - - V)....lJd - - - - - - U I Lu (J : h<::( I ~Q , li). ~ - - - ~-~ - - - - - - , a- '\ 2: I <::(CCl , -JCCl \ :- ~ '~--.c:s....------- \ - Lu , J:::~ \ ~ -J o :> / I / I / I / / ,'--./ I \ w Q:: o o ~ I IJ) ,<l: \ \ \ \ \ 10 z o 0__ --$ ,...... ~ o o I 7 4 5 6 .... tn N !J1 q 7 ~I :J 8 L_______ ~I o ~I I (f] <l: 8 Lh____h___ E. HIGHLAND STREET- Poin t of Beginning TR 3A1C2 & 3A1C1 --,W-oo-E -- --- ------- ---- ----~;r-----, I I I I I I I I )1 (J) o o ~ to o o I 1"=200' I I I 0 100 200 3A1D2 ~---{ su'2-~ '\ viI oo? 100. \0?- ~G\I oS\?- il I ~v..! I . 00'0ftOO" [ !lOO.ocr : ~_ T ------ ---- ---- -- ----- ---- -- - --ri<ffiO'iiO" r- -iTclll:lllr- -----,....----, ~35. Temporory Construction Easement i I z: I ~I I 15' Wide Utility Easement ~: rr1 C. W. KREYCIK VOLUME 6574, PAGE 81 \ TR 3A1D1 I I I I I I I I U; IN 1!J1 IC!. I ~: I al I Note: Bearings based on the south line of 0 : I tract of land os recorded in Vol. 3378. Pg. 599. I I : I I I : ___________________--l'~.s___..JUWIl:.____~----.-J ~~----------------------------------------------- N 90.00'pO" E 15.00 3A1A C. W. KREYCIK 1580 E. HIGHLAND STREET SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092-5314 VOLUME 3378. PAGE 599 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: I. TO....Y D. BURKS. ot BURKS LAND SURVEYING. a Re,lIlered Protesslonal Land Surveyor ot the StaLe ot Texae, do hereby declare thaL this survey wae prepared trom IIn on the ,round survey under my personal supervision. // cC:;/ c Re,lsLered rotesslonal Land Surveyor No. 3668 Address: 00 W. NorthwesL HI.hway, Sulle D Grapevine. Texae 76051 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION I, Eddie L. Chealham of CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES. a Re.lsLered Proresslonal Land Surveyor ot the Stale or Texae. do hereby declare thaL thaL the calculations. ,raphlc depiction and le.al descriptions or this survey were properly prepared under my personal supervision rrom an acLual survey made on Lhe 1J'0und by Tommy D. Burks. or Burks Land Surveyln.. a Protesslonal Land Surveyor ot the Stale ot Texas. ~- ~~~A..- Re.lsLered Protesslonal Land Surveyor No. 2346 Address: 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. SulLe 200 Arlln.Lon. Texas 76011 3........0WC ~-"'2:.\ -D\.~ CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD SUITE 200 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 METRO (817) 265-8836 (817) 548-0696 , . EXHIBIT 'B' PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Being a portion of two tracts of land lying in the F. Throop Survey, Abstract No.1511, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, conveyed to C. W. Kreyick as recorded in Volume 3378, Page 599, and conveyed to Charles William Kreycik and wife, Betty L. Kreycik as recorded in Volume 6574, Page 81, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, (DRTCT), and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point for the southwest corner of said tract recorded in Vol. 3378, Pg. 599, said point being,by deed call, in the centerline of County Road No. 3034 (E. Highland Street) and being 1611.1 feet east of the southwest corner of said F. Throop Survey; THENCE by deed call, N 00049'00" W, along the west line of said tracts, at 775.0 feet passing the southwest corner of the tract recorded in Vol. 6574, Pg. 81, in all a distance of 1525.0 feet to a point for the northwest corner of said tract recorded in Vol. 6574, Pg. 81; THENCE by deed call, N 90000'00" East, along the north line of said tract a distance of 15.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S 00049'00" E, at 15 feet from and parallel to said tracts west lines, a distance of 1525.0 feet to a point for corner in the south line of said tract as recorded in Vol. 3378, Pg. 599; THENCE by deed call, S 90000'00" W, along said south line of said tract a distance of 15.00 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 22,875 square feet, or 0.525 acres of land, more or less. F:IWORDISOUTHLAK\424\EASEMENT13A lA-LEG. WPD ... ..,. ;. " ii D196051510 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 -W A R N lNG-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 196143599 REGISTER RECD-BY DR92 T003957 PRINTED DATE TIME 03/18/96 16:46 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD 0196051510 WD INDEXED TIME 960318 16:46 CG TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 19.00 e B Y: ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. ........__.._._."" __ _,___,~_,"_~_._,,_.,.____.--.-..._~,_.- ~~__,o_._.__"