Heritage Industrial Park (Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 2, Block 3) - Utility Easement 3 ;.i'm. "tJ.' . i ; Ci , ~~.. 'STA TE OF TEXAS SANITARY nEWER IEASEMENT EASEMIENT NUMBER 3 J" ',:' '-1 K~~OW ALL MEN BY THES~;;~g~' ~. (~5 "91 M/lY -9 P 3 :01 s COUNTY OF TARRANT ~ i" . - ~, THAT CRI Industrial Development. L.P. for al\ld in consideration of the'8l(mof one ' , Dollar ($1.00) cash to us in hand paiC by the City of Southlake. TeX81,( a. municipaJr- COfpOnItion of the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, the receipt of which II hereby acknowledged, and other good and valuable consideration Including the benefits that will accrue to our property, do hereby GIVE, GRANT. and EXTEND to the said City of Southlake, Texas, its successors and assigns, the right to construct, reconstruct arid perpetually maintain 8 sanitary sewer facility and appurtenances upon elnd across land described as follows: See exhibit -A- The easement described on the attached Exhibit W' is a part of a cet1ain tract of IIInd described by Plat of Records as shown in Volume 388-217. Page 13 and 14, Plat Records of Tarrant County, State of Texas. Said- easement across. tbia property comprising one part, as herein designated and described, being a f'8I'"18nent eaHment fifteen (15) feet in width, for the construction, reconstruction and perpetual maintenance of a sanitary sewer facility with appurtenances. The City of Southlake, Texas shall have the right and privilege to remove and dilpOle of otf-slte trees, brush, debris, and excess excavated materiIIl in the easelnentathat would interfere with acceII to the construction site and that would Interl'ttre with construction of the said sanitary sewer facIfities. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, nil singular. the privileges aforeuld to it, the said City of Southlake. Texas. Ita SUCC8BSOIS and assigns forever, together with the right and privilege, at any and all times to enter &aid premises or any part thereof, for the rurpose of constructing, reconAtructlng and perpetually maintaining said sanlt8ry sewer facilities together with necessary appurtenanoes Inside said pennanent easement>and tor I.. .,' WITNESS OUR HANDS THIS .'.:....',.;~~. :' _.".-- "',~ CRJ Industrlal~;l.P.: ".'~"~ :4:;...,;:~jf1.~J~;"~j}1j N~~' ;'.. TctIe: VicePresldent' '.i .. . ..... . ...... .' ,..;'./',',;, , ,C., ...j;.iti~ BEFORE ME. 1he undersigned,_ NotaryPUI:iIIC fri' MdfOr'thIe:s.o;r' O,'iC,:i4ftfttilJj[,:;,'i;,.& ~~i~~lll~ "Jq)(andi'lnd 111 the-~ ~.st-.cI. .t"'i;~ lI' !i i I ;,..,;' \ 'OJ: GM:,' 'N UNDeR MY HAND, AN,' D" ",S. ~"L Q,F, ..;0,:.'.,' ',",' ,F".,fCE'.,'" .. ..,.,:"...'..=-~.,. &..~..".,..."._.'.,."'.: .......',. .~, " ...'~.. ..J~~ . .......--.. ~.." ','.. .. ,",;,','~~~'.:{~~' This, the, -2-,',.'.'",', ,,' ..d',trf. ',' of,;"".'I..II,"",',' ,......',;. :.....".,..,."~',,,..,... '.~."".;,'..,,...~,..'..,1. 9,",..:,'''' <'. : Si.' '., AJdi,Y4J........x-.>j,>" ".'.". >,.....,,:'.' '. ,'D~' _ . J~~t: NoIaIYPubIIC IMlnd .f<M"tha',.StHtoti'tXll :;;:, . c.__:AN6.1 1O.__dMilifi~_' , ,........:"tdIfr.Ol.__.~tM~.. tntht ...... SIillIUIy........ .._....r;.i..ottMCtty6t'S~hbtrtby rrJllllllCifO.'........ lid ",Mi. 8tiI.ot.~ thI11 b6 tUbj60t aM lUbOtdil\lt, to tlle t..... .. pnwiIIoI'IIll*tOf. .1 . ~.."_____..,.__".." __". ,._ .____.._...__.,._.,_._."__.___.__...,,.c.... _.._'"__........__.--..-.........._......__.___ ~~ -~o-- NoIary Public in and for the State of Texas My Commission Expires: tf'- -'4 -(1tJ CONRN7or~ . .., ."'!:~I~ PuI'llWlt to the Aareement toPurcJJa.(..At":);~CRIIDduIItjalI'r~,L.~t;i' ,:;Y:{; ('"&Ik!") IIIllPtuCtow InduItriII:~ ~'("bi~datMuor.DecenIber;J~~~1.9.9<</'. .,~:;<:.!'; "11 ~beI1byCOlllalt.totberoreaomaSUiUrysewer.'EaacmeDt,'Eaiem_N~i~iilfiwor<;t;'i:J,(!f:;;~ . oftk city Or~R byitnignatwebdov.. " " ',:; ';;~( ;;:';:&~s'l!f:~j~;.J;';& n..-/J~ 7 . 1991 PnJCrowInduslrial~per1Uls.;,i,~,p.. .,::,', ;0,,(,,":~",;,..,':,;:C,.;",i,:.':,;,:,:~.:,,:,..,;';" -~ DdaWatertimitedpli1ftenbip' :' , .'" WItDeUes: . , " " Yff~ ".~Wii~-,' ,~..,~~~~ :':"~,':'" .,;-.',' " lJ ,,{;,:::"_~'7;\ .;" By: {:;:~;'~t ',::;,,~:<Y'i-,:' ';;'~~;.'",. ,,' ACKNOWJ~OGMBNTJ>: :~~{~~(/~~<. ..; . .,', ,,:' :', ,_;:::~:, ~~ff~~~~?1 ".! _ _",.._" __,___....._......_>_._,..,_"'_.._~. _ ", _"'.~. "h""~__ ,.__,_~..,~.".".~,_"_._. "_,__~.... ,.,,~,..- .',- ..,-..,.,~.","" ,.otary l.'l . m ana lor me ;)we DJ J ClXU - \~:~~ :1 . ~~_~_,_...._.....____,,_----.,_ . ,_..~~______.._ ~.___~,~.. _.....__~w_....~,...__.. . i r ~'09~ 1. <<-$::.00 -S--r.V . . r:- I .. I ' . ! I ..A . . .." I I · II) (II' (,/) 0- if; !.~ ~pi.".rt:.;.~1R !'i='Cs~- .' '~........ ','-1 ' ~ : ~ ,u. " ~ ,n", .,. . ~. ~~ . _crt -PI - ~'r: ... I~ -c EXHIBIT · A," HERITAGE INDUSllUAL PARK SANIT ARV SEWER EI\SEMENT EASEMENT NUMBER J BEING a tnId of land situated In the lbomas Ea:.ter Survey, Absnc:t No. 474 Tammt County. Texas..lJld being in LoI I. Block I and LoI 2, Block 3 of 1M proposed liericago Business Park addition, said lcl<Iition being a repl81 of Heritage Industrial Park. an addilion 10 the City of Orapevine, recorded in Volume JII- 217, Pa&C \3 &. 14 (PRTCT) and being more pll'tic:ullrly described as follows: COMMENCrNG at a %-inch iron rod set at the SOUIheasl boondary liDe of Lot 7. OrapcviDo Induslrlll Puk nx.onIed in Volume 311-111, Page 2, PRTCT. ~ point also beinlon the we$( bouAduy liIIe of Lot I. Block I. Gzapevinc Regionld Industrial Park. reconlcd in Cabinet A, p.o 1730. PRTCT; TIlENCE South B9 degrees 14 minuteS 02 secoDds West, along said south boundary line of Onpeville Industrial Park. a disIance of 320.03 fed to . !';-ilIdi iron rod with cap set for comer. sakf polDt lielill on the SOlJlh boundary of Lot 9A, Grapevine 1ndusttial Park, Volume 311-140. Page 84, PRTCT; llfENCE South 19 dcpees 33 minutes 32 seconds Wom. aklnC said SOIIdt lloulIdary line, . disIanee of 44324 fecttoa!.;-iDch iron rod with capsc:tt'orc:omcr. said point being on the south boundary ofLol I, Block A, SowllKc 8Imk PI-. Volume 381-17ti, PIgc 9, PRTCT; nfENCE South III degrees 54 minutes 5 I JecOads West, aklng said sou1h boundary line, a dlslance 0' 290.16 feet to a point for comer, THENCE South 01 dqn:cs 05 minules 09 _ D Easl. dcpal1ing ~aid south boundary lillO, . distantc of 10.00 feel to !be POINT OF BE<ilNNfNG; 1lIENCE South 01 degn)es 05 minutcs 09 seoonds East a distaDCC of 10.00 feet to. poiDt for c:omcr, 11IENCE Soa1h II ~ 54 miDllfc:s 51 MCmds WC$1a distIIno:e 0(14.611 feet to. poa for corner; nIENCE SoIdb 00.... 35 rolaucft 04 .... Eart a cIiIaIK:e of 460.62 feet to a PO" for comer; 1lIENCE Soutb 19 depces:U minutes 56l1eClll111B Wcsa a disClDce of 1661.20 feet to a point for eomcr; nrENCE NoctII 00 dep'ees22 mlnutcs04 -.is Wcsa adac-oflS.oo feet to a point f\ll'com<<; 1lIENCE North I9depees:U mimdes 56 _Is East a dislMceof 16S3.14 red loa poial rorc:omcr, 1llENCE NonIlllO depa:s 3S minules 04 secoMa WesI . dblallCe of 4SS.41 feet to a point for comer; THENCE Nordt II deptes 54 minutcs '1 __ East a dlstlnce of99.59 fed 10 the POINT OF BEGINNING aDd eonIIiainc 32.702 square feet ..O.?5ll1C1'eS, more or less. 'l NOTE: True blISiI of~ is tb0 T_ SaMe l'taee North Central Zone 4202, NAD 13 coordinate .,... adjuuecS ft'IIlII .I"~I~ ..en 011 Ctly ofGr.apcvlne ~ NOI. 10 IIlCl n. Belriftt;. JItCMII on lbis 1IlI'VIY" roIMecl OC\ deanes 01 millute 00 seconds eaumerclockwite ... NADI3 CIIOl1IiruM sysa:m. 1~IS3Il\SLEn!M A.2 '....--...., .----.~-,' '"-~ -,,-^-_...~..-_-._~,-,.,"'-_'_"_" _._-................._....~,_.,~._._._--.. 'J~~.""