A-392 (NISD) 2 0?/05/20~3 _ 08:53 8173357<137 DUNAWAY ASSOC. PAGE 01 04G2t:J ,-,-----) D~NTON CUR REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DENTON CREEK INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM PHASE III. SECTION m ;' EASEMENT AND RIGRT-OF-WA Y (INCLUDING TEMPORARY BASBMBNT FOR. CONSTRUCTION) Parcel t# 1. I I \ I I !: !; $27.00 Rec. Em STC/GF96100364 Unit 108/MH STATE OF TEXAS COUN1Y OF DENTON i I . KNOW ALL MEN BY'1'RESE PRESENTSs r THAT, NORTHWEST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. hereinafter referred to as ORANTOR. actins heroin by and throuah It IS duly authorized Board Prosldont. Mlrk Schluter. for and in consideration of FIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY ONE AND NO/tOO DOLLARS (S5,671.oo) and other good and valuable consideration to GllANTOR in hand paid by the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, & municipal corporation .ituated in Tarrant and Denton Countiea, hereinaft~ ~Tc5"'i'fORANTEE. with it. principal office at 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Soulhlakt, TX 76092, the receipt of which by GRANTOR. is hereby acknowlodsed. have scanted and conveyed, and do by these present. grant and convey, unto tho ORANTEB, itl IUcceslOra and wian', an euement and riJht-of-way to lay, conlltruot, inspect. operate, JJ1Iintain, repair. rep!aee, "'ango, add and/or {emove a utiJity lino or linos with all incidental ICqUipmOl1t and appunenanoos, and the hereinafter described erosion control improvement. (IMPJlOVBMBNTS), (aU item. collectively hereinafter called FACILITIES). In, on, over, throush. under Ind aem.. that certain land .ituated in Denton County, TelCu, more particulady described in Exbibit "A". attached hereto and made a part hereof. together with: tbe right ofreasonabJe il'lJl"ll and tl8f'CI8 across ORANTOR.'S remaining land, where necessary to and from tho abovo-described tract. for tho purpOIel of layina. conatruotiq. inapectins, operatins, maintaining, repairing. repSacins, adding. ohansins and/or removins laid FACILITIES; and I temporary oonstrucrion ellement, 811 de"ribed in Exhibit "S". attached hereto and made a part hereof, to use in connection with the construction of &aid initial PACILITIES. Aid temporary construction e4SemefU to e"pire upon completion of construction and acceptance by GRANTEE of said initial FACD..ITIBS. There i. included in this srant the right at any time in the future to lay, construct. inspect, operate, maintain. repair, replace, chango, add and/or remove one or more additional IiDOI of pipe approximately parallel with the ftr.t pipeline or pipelinulafd by GRANTEB horeunder. 10 long .. said future line or lines are within the confinos of the meatJ and bound. description contained in E"hibit "A". For emsfon control purposea, the easement nahll sranted and conveyed heroJn to OJlANTBB .hall allO include the righc at any time in tho future to construct, inspect, operate" maJntain, repair. replace, chanse, add and/or remove concrete. rock rip rap or other tonns ofJMPROVEMENTS to protect GRANTEE'S existing and future pipeJineslocated within or adjlCeRt to oreekl, gulllel and other natural or man-made water drainage courses located within the land area described in Bxhibit · A. . PI>one Post-It. Fax Note To A CoJDept Fax . -"~",-"",,,-~-,---,._,,--,,_.,,-;,,-,,,,~,--''''---'---'-''~,,-~_.^.._-~ 07!0~!2003 08:53 8173357437 DUNAWAY ASSOC. PAGE 02 '. The noed for and desijP ofany IMPROVEMENTS are solely within tbe GRANTEE'S control ~d diacretion. The IMPROVEMENTS shall be conltructed within tbe hlgb-flow ~ndarlel of IIId water drainqe courses. The GRAN'TEE. at it. dJlCretion, may excavate and OU within the.~ent and may grade and slope tbe banks or walll of the wator drainage counel to facIlitate the IMPROVEMENTS' dos.isn and integrity. The phyJicallimitl oftho IMPROVEMRNTS .hatt be entirely confined to the area described in Exhibit n A'.. GRANTOR adcnowledge' that the coNideration paid by GRANTBE is full and flna1 payment for all right" conveyed herein. ORANTOR, GRANTOR'S heiR. executor.. IIdminiltraton, IUCCClJOr'I and asllan', may futty Ute and enjoy laid premillC! encumbered by laid ealtmCl\t, except that such ute and OI\ioymont ,ball not hinder, conflict or interfere with the exorciso ofORANTEE'S rights hereunder and no temporary or pennanent buildins, ..mcturo or reJervoir .halt be erected, placed or constructed upon. under or across the riaht-of-way II\d eaMmClllt herein sranted without ORANTEB'S written OORIDDt; provided furthor, GRANTOR, ORANTOR'S hein, u:ocutora, Idminlltratora, aucceaIOl'I and uaian.. may conICruct. dedicate and maintain acrOS8 said eucment and right-of-way such road., alleya, utility IlneB and fencea a8 will not interfere with the UIe by CITY of said CllOIIlent and right-or-way tbr the purpo"os aforesaid. It i. further asreed that ORANTBE may removo from the ealement any fencel, buiJdina.. Itructurol or other obstructions which interfere with the exercile or GRANTBB'S riahtl herein and GRANTBB may trim and cut down tfl'OS and Ihrubbery in coMection with the construction. inspection, operation, maintenance, repair, replacomcnt, change. addition and/or removal of aid FACILITlB8, if neeessary. OR.ANTEE shaJl clean up and remove aU truh Uld debris, resod. repair and replace fence. and repair other damages caused by laid construction. The euement rights and privileges herein srantod shaJI be perpetual, and thall constitute covenaDI. mnning with the land and shan be binding upon and inure to the benoftt of GRANTOR and GRANTEE, respectively, and their respective hein, executors, adminiltrator.. 1Uc:ce.SOfl and uaisn. and said grantl. elCpCeasly excepted from any right ofRveflion ofllld premises under any prior deeds in GkANTOR'S ohain of title. ORANTBB'S ript. hereunder may be asalaned in whol. or in part to one or more assignees. The temporary OODltrUction ouement 8J'IDted hemn IhaU include the right to excavate and Oil within t he temporary construction easemcmt, but ORANTEB ahall replaco any fencea, bui/dlns' or other stNCtures within the temporary construction euemont without colt to GRANTOR, and shall restore the property which i. aubject to the temporary construction e8l1ement as closely as possible to it condition prior to entry thereon. TO HA VB AND TO HOLD the abov.dOlCribod easement and right-of-way and riShtl .ppurtenant thereto unto GRANTOR, Its IUcceuo... and wiant. until laid F ACn.ITIBS are declared permanently abandoned by GRANTOR, in which event said easement and ri,ghl-of-way and rightl appurtcmant _...~.."_......____........~,.,.".........,..___.___,,~_,,,...__~._M~'''''-''''''-~''''''_ 02/05/2003 08:53 8173357437 '. . DUNAWAY ASSOC. PAGE 03 thoreto shall oease and terminate and nwert to GRANTOR and GRANTOR'S heirs. exeoutOtl. administrators, successors and ".lgna. GRANTOR hereby bind. GRANTOR. GRANTOR'S heirJ, executora, Idminlstratorl. successor, and assigns to WARRANT and FOREVER DEFEND gjd easemont and right-of-way IIId rights appurtenant thereto unto GRANTOR. it. successors and lIsiana. againlt every perlOn whomsoever lawfuny claiming, or to claim, tho wne or any part thoroof. It is exprelsly understood that .ll rightl, conveyances or covenantl .... herein written, and no verba, Isrecmentl of any kind shall be binding or recognized or in any WIY modifY this instrument of conveyance, EXECUTED thl. ~ fit day of ~-'16 < " . 1996. Northwflt Independent Sellool Dlttrlet (if) JERHfA D. NAIL ~ JtiOTARY PUBIJC ,X. STA'm OF11".xAS Mr~1cln E~ 8-Z4.87 INN.' llIent;EA.l:a.4:rtV11ect 3/5IlII By: '-.-...~~., ...~ Mark Schluter, Board Presi~ont ice President -I \ I ~".~<",--".",._......." --~". ..-.-.-..---.-----'-" 02/05/2003 08:53 8173357437 DUNAWAY ASSOC. PAGE 04 \. '. I ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF TEXAS o f . COUNTY OF DENTON BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Not8J}' Public. in and for said County and State, on this da)' personally appeared, Mark Schluter, known to me to be the person and officer whole name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that be i.tho Board President of88id Nordlwat Independent Sellool Dit.riet, and that ho WI. authorized to exeoute the foreaoina instroment for the purposes and eonaideration therein expreased, in the capacity therein stated, and as tho act and deed or laid dl.triet. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SBAL OF OFFICE, fbl. t:f1/~.y of ~ _ 1996. O JEAHEA D. NAil ~ NOTARY PUIJLlC .W", STA11!; OJr TEXAS Mt CommlHiIIII flllllru 8-2A." , Te+'hf~ D trla..; I Printed Name ~ 00mmI00I0ft...... "" ...s9!1 do IIC ~d . l" 7 "1";~""""''''''' MIlle..... .1.... ""*......0,".."'.."...,_.. .__.. ,_.~,,-_...._,_----------~"- 07/05/2003 08:53 8173357437 DUNAWAY ASSOC. P8rmanent Utility Easement J. Eada Survey, Abstract No. 392 0526 Acres FN 0-2797 EH&A Job No. 16166-01 Reviled May 24, 1996 EXHIBIT "A" DENTON CREEK REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DENTON CREEK INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM PHASE III\SECTION 1/1 PARCEL NO. 204 BEING A FIFTEEN FOOT WIDE PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT AND A O.S26 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE J. EADS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 392 OF DENTON COUNlY, TEXAS AND BEING A PART Of A CALLED 115.0 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AS DEEDED TO NORTHWEST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 1070, PAGE 378, OF THE DEED RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY. TEXAS (DRDCT). SAID 0.528 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at the agreed souttle..t corner of .ald 16.0 acre tract.. recorded by boundary line agreement .. Conl/eyance Number 98-ROO22106. OR OCT .ame baing the .outhweat comer of Lot 1, Block 1 of trinIty Learning Center, an addition recorded In CabInet I, Page 229 of the Map Records of Denton County, Texaa, and conveyed to trinity Leamlng Center, Inc., a. recorded In Volume 3't45, Page 410, DRDCT, and being In the north line of VUlag. trail (8 60 foot rtght of way) from which a found "X"ln concrete bears S 71" 24' 69" E. . dl.tance of 3.96 feet; THENCE N 76" 02' 63" W. with the north line of Village Trail, 8 dl.tance of 113.61 feet to a pOint baing in 8 circular curve to the right having a radius of 818.89 feel; THENC E along the nonh line of Village Trail and said CUNe to the right hal/lng 8 dena angle of 55" 57' 58", an IIrc dIstance of 800.87 'eet and haying 8 chord which beare N 0470 03' 61" W, . dlslanoe of 769.22 f8el to the beginning of. compound circular curve to the right haying 8 radlu. of 554.71 feet; THENCE along the north line of Village Trull ancl881d curve to the right having. delta angle of 13" 16' 03", an arc dlatanoe of 128.45 feet and having a ohord which beer. N 12" 26' 61" W, . dlalanat of 128.16 foet 10 the beginning of a rBI/8r1le circular curve to the Ie" haYln; 8 radlu. of 1,519.80 feet; THENCE along the north line of Vltlage Tran and said curve to the left having a delta an",. of 06. 09' 00", an arc dlr;tance of 138.81 feet and having a chord which bea,. N 08. 23' 20" W, a distance of 136.56 feet 10 . point; THENCE N 10. 57' 50. W, along the north line of Village Trail, 8 dl8taneo of 241.02 feet to the northwest corner of said 15.0 acre Iracl per IBId agreement, same being an angle poInt In IIle soulh line of a called 210.4629 acre tlllet deeded to lakeside at Trophy Club limited Partne"hlp In Conveyance Number 96. ROO 1 0895, ORDCT; THENCE N 83033'10" E, along the line common to said 15,0 acre tract and said 31.785 acre tract, passing al 115."6 feet the southeast corner of laid 31.785 acre tract and being a welt line In the remainder of a called 210.4629 acre tract of land deeded 10 Trophy Club Joint Venture and recorded In Volume 3302. Page 893, DRDCT, In _II a dl.tance of 130.~1 feel to. point; THENCE S 10. 57' 00" E,l.llvlng laid common IIn., 8 dIstance of 15.05 feet; THENCE S 83. 33' 10" W, a distance of 115,46 foet; THENCE S 10. 57' 50" E, leaving .ald nne, a distance of 224.79 feet to. point being In a circular curve 10 the right having a radius of 1,534.80 feel; Page 1 of2 ....._._-"..-..._.._...._._._;-"._-_._~._' PAGE 05 51 02/05/2003 08:53 8173357437 DUNAWAY ASSOC. Permanent Utility Ea8ement J. Eada Survey, Ab8tract No. 392 0.526 Acres FN D-2787 EH&A Job No. 16156-01 Rev.aed May 24, 1996 THENCE along 80ld curve to the rIght having a delta angle of 05009' 00", an are dl.ltm08 of 137.96 feet and havIng a chord which bean S OS" 23' 20" E, a dletanee of 131.91 fee' to the beginning of a reverse circular curve to the left havIng 8 radiu& of 539.71 feet; THENCE along eald curve 10 the left h.vlng a dell. angle of 130 16' 03", an 8rC distance of 124.98 fllllland having a chord which bear6 S 12" 26' 51" E, a dllitanoe of 124.70 fa8t to the beglnnln" of 8 compound circular curve to the left havIng a radius of 804.69 feet; THENCE along .8id curve to the left haVing a delle angle of 55" 57' 58", an arc dlatanee of 788.02 feet end having B chord which beara S 47" 03' 61" E, I) dIstance of 755.14 feet to 8 polnl; THENCE 675. OZ' 53~ E, B dIstance Of 112.915 feet to. point In the east line of eald 16,0 scretract and the west line of aaid Learning Center; THENCE S 12" 28' 21" W, elong said common line, 8 dletance of 15.02 reet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 0.628 acres, or 22,898 square feet of IDlld, more or Ie... SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATf: TO ALL PARTIES INTERESTED IN TITLE TO THE PREMISES SURVEYED, I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WAS PREPARED FROM PUBLIC RECORDS AND FROM AN ACTUAL AND ACCURATE SURVEY UPON THE GROUND AND THAT SAME IS TRUE AND CORRECT. ::_nYN'~'~:;;, _ Survllyor's Name: John StraWbridge Registered Professlona' Land 5ulVeyor, Texas No. A28;4 Date of Survey: Octo~8r. 1993 Page 2 of 2 i L ~~ ----------- " ----------. - ~----_.---- PAGE 05 61 02/05/2003 08:53 DUNAWAY ASSOC. 8173357437 . , Temporary ConstrucUon Easement J. Esds Survey, Abstract No. 392 2.039 Acres FN 0.2798 EH&A Job No. 18168-01 RevIsed May 24,1996 EXHIBIT "8M DENTON CREEK REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DENTON CREEK INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM PHAse IlI\8ECTION III PARCEL NO. 24 BEING A SIXTY FOOT WIDE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ANO A 2.030 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE J. EADS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 392 OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING A PART OF A CALLED 15.0 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AS oeEoeD TO NORTHWEST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 1070, PAGE 376, OF THE DEED RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS (ORDCl). SAID 2.029 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING for reference at the agreed sOUlh_1l1 corner of said 16.0 acre tract .8 ,&COrded by boundsI)' line agreement 88 Conveyance Number 96-ROO22106, ume being the louthweet corner of lot 1, Block 1 of Trinity learning Center, an addition recorded In Cablnell. Page 229 ofthll Map Records of Denton County, Texas, and conveyed to Trinity leeming Canler Inc., .s recorded In Volume 3445. Page 410 ORDCT, and belnlJ In the north line of Village nail (e 60 foot right of way) trom which 8 found "X" in concrete bear. S 71" 24' 69" E, . distance of 3.96 feet: THENCE N 12" 28' 21" E, .Iong the ealt line of .ald 15.0 acre tract, e dlet.nce of 16.02 feel to the POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE N 75G 02' 53" W, leaving said line, a dIstance of 112.96 feet 10 e point being In a circular CUNe 10 the right havln" a radius of 804.69 foot; THENCE along said cuNeto the right having a delta angle of 55" 57' 58", an arc diltanee of 786.02 feet and having 8 chord which bears N 47" 03' 61"W, a distance of 765.14 feet to the beginning of a compound circular curve to the right having a radius of 639.71 feet; THENCE along .aid curve to the right having edeha.ngle of 13" 16'03",.n .~d,.t.nce of 124.98 leel and having a chord which bee,. N 12" 28' 51" W, a dlltance of 124.70 leet to the beginning of a rever.. Circular CUNe to the len having a radius of 1,534.80 fe8l; THENCE along &sid curve to the left having a delta .ngle of 05" Og' 00", an arc diatance of 137.96 feet and hAving 8 chord which be.r. NOS. 23' 20" W, . dlalanee of 137.91 'eel to a point; THENCE N 10. 57' 50" W. a distence of 224.79 feet to a poInt; THENCE N 63- 33'10w E, a dlslanCB Of 115.46 fBel to. poInt: THENCE N 10. 67' 00" W, .. distance of 15.05 feltt to a point In the agreed north line of ,Bid 15.0 acre Iract by said boundary line agreement, and being the agrlled south line of. called 210,4629 acre tract orland conveyed to Trophv Joint Venture and recorded In Volume 3302, Page 693, DRDCl; THENCE N 83. 33' 10" E, along said common line, a distance of 60. , 9 feet: THENCE S 10' 57' DO" E, leaving .ald Ilnll, 8 distance of 75.23 feet; THENCE S 83" 33' 10" W, a distance of 115.44 feet; Page 1 of 2 "._n._..' ._~""'~"" .-,..,. .._._....,__._..__.__........_n""... PAGE 07 71 I I 02/05/2003 08:53 8173357.:137 DUNAWAV ASSOC. , , ' ~ Temporary Construction Easement J. Eads Survey, Abstract No. 392 2.039 Acme FN D-2798 EH&A Job No. 16166-01 Revlsecl May 24. 1996 THENCE S 10. 57' 60" E, a distance of 159.86 feet to 8 point being In a circular curve to the right having a radius 0' 1,594.80 feet; THENCE along 8aid curve to the rIght having a delta 8ngle of OS- 09' 00", an ale dl.tsnce 0' 143.36 feet and having a chold which bealS S 08- 23' 20" E, a distance of 143.30 feet to the beginning 0' B reverse circular curve to the left hBvlnlJ a radius of 479.71 feet: THENCE along said curve to the left having 8 della angle of 13" 18' 03", en erc distance of 111.08 feet and having II chord which be.... S 12" 26' 51. E, B distance of 110.84 feetto Ihe beginning of a compound circular curve to the teft having 8 radius of 744.89 'Bat; . THENCE along .lld CUrve to the left having a delta angle of 55" 57' 58", an en: dl.lance of 727.41 feet and having II chord which bears S 47.03' Si" E. 8 distance Or 098.84 feet to a polnl; THENCE S 75" 02' 53" E, 8 dlRtanee of 110.36 feel to II point In the ea&t line of .ald 16.0 acre tract end the west line of said Lellmlng Center; THENCE S 12" 28' 21" W, along eald common line, 8 dletance of 60.05 feel to the POINT OF BEGINNING, end oontalnlng 2.029 Bcre., or 88,371 equare roet of lend, mo... Dr I.... SURVEYOR'S CF=RTIFICAII; TO ALL PARTIES INTERESTED IN TITLE TO THE PREMI6ES SURVEYED, I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WAS PREPARED FROM PUBLIC RECORDS AND FROM AN ACTUAL AND ACCURATE SURVEY UPON THE GROUND AND THAT SAME IS TRUE AND CORRECT. Company Name: ~~. By: Surveyor'. Name: John SfrawbrldQe Registered ProfsnlonalLand Surveyor, Texa. No. 4283 Dale of Survey: October. 10g3 Page 2 of2 _.,m~_~.___"____'~'_""'_"'~_"""~_____"__" PAGE 08 8 02/05/2003 08:53 8173357437 DUNAWAY ASSOC. " OENTON CREEK REGIONAL. WAST1:WA TER SYSTE~ OENTON CREEl< PRESSUM SYSTEII Pl-4ASE III\SECTION III 4 SUFl~Y; J. EAl)S A-392 ~OCA.llON, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS [AUIII:NT AOOUlSlnQN,"A 0.621 AC. 228011 SQ. ~T. ,. 2.11311 /IoC. e87118 SQ. n. ,,"OI.[ PftOPtllTY AClltACe: 1'.0 AC. dl",1 ~ PLA T OF EXHIBIT "A" at "s" ~t ..., ~~~~~ \."lltSi w."tO ~0'9~) ue ~,1'OO 16~ "C , "0 ~\ , tc...\.L"o.I'.o.e. . 1) 1 ellT aF SOU1H\,.Al(t te7 HORIH CAAAOl A\lEHut $OU~LAI<E, 1t:XAlI 71Ot2 mOPHY JOINT VEN1\JRE \IOl 3.502, PC. 8113 (CALLED 210.4&21 AC.) O.It.D,C. r. C IOu,... 10 It!e RI9I1\ lI"dlcJ, - 818.60 II_lla - 55"7"S" Arc _ 800.& 7 eh. . 7et.22 c.e. - N U'03'5" w C2 Cur.... 10 Ih. RIQhI RolSllls .. "4.11 Dell.. .. 13'16'03" C6 A,c .. .,a..5 Ct>. - 12I.le C.. - H 'l!'26',," W C3 Cur,.. to lIle lell ROAIS - 1'19.10 0.110 - 05'09'00. A"" - 136.11 C1 Ch. . 136,$6 C8. - N 01l73'ZO" w LOT I, BLOCK 1 TRINITV LEA.RNINQ CENTER ADDITION CAB. I, PG. 229 t.4.R.D.C.T. TRINITY lEARNINC CENTtfI INC. VOl. 3445, PC. 410 (CALLED 1.0500 AC.) O.III.0.C.T. Rodlu. .. 1104,18 Della .. 55'67'$8" Arc: - 786.02 Ch. - 755.14 C.R. .. S 47'0]'111" E P08 'A' POC '1. Cu... I.. \II' Rt9h1 ROdlu. . 15'4.110 Oelto - 05"0"00" A,e . 143.35 Ch. . "3.30 C.B. - S 08'23'20" E: rND '.' I 11'2..... I '.' TI N 7!'02'S3" " f2 N lO'6nO" IV 13 N 83'3)'10" E T4 S 10'51'60" E T5 $ 1~ '02' ~3' [ Y8 S 12'211'21" W n S "'33"10. W Tll S 10'57'&0" E TO 5 7S'02'5)" [ TlO S 1l!'ZO'ZI" W TII 5 10'57'00" E TlZ H ''''J3'IO" I: Tl 3 S 10''''00" t I'4 S "'.U',O' Vi 113.'" 2",02' 130.51' Z24.711' IIz.n' 16.0Z' 1I!1.4'" I&'.M' 110,311' 10.05' 1&.05' '0.11' 7',2,)' liS. .4' C4 Curve 10 Ih. Righi (A) ~ocl\u. . 153..10 Delio. OS"OlfOlf N'C - 131,'6 ct>. - 1.37.g. C.B, . S 08'"23'20" [ C5 Our.. 10 It.. L... (A) ROd"', - 539.7' Delio - "''''J" .....0 - 124.IS tho - 124.70 C 9. - S I"211'Sl- ( ell CII'''' to Ihe L.1l Rod..e - C1!1.71 0.1\0 - '3.,,'03" .....e - III.DB th, . 110.a4 C.8. - 9 12'211"'" I: CO Cu,.. I e II" letl Rodllll - 714.69 O,lto .. 5$'&7'"" A,o - 727.'1 CIl, - 60S.84 C.B. - S 41"03'''" E: II{ft &e,.,. U.n.. .. A....l..... la.. ~".In..,.lnf1 .. Cn"ronmen',,' Cett,u"o.". , ".00 IIf".".,.I Drl..... S.,II. ~"'(J P<>II... T.... 15140 (1'4) SBT-07T/ PREPARED 6V CHECKED BY DATE E H. &: A. JOB/TRACT <i~ JS MV 5/24/96 10156 .-..... SCALE: ." - 200' 100' 200' '00' o -- - PAGE 09 9/ I I I I lot 01 39~d I- AfTER RECORDING RETURN TOj(:"S ST~WAAr TITLE NORTH TE: .. 5728 LBJ Freeway SlIlt. 260 Da/las, TeXlI 75240 ATTN: M. Hyma"/108 - Fil.d for A.cord in. DENTON COUNTY. TX HO~ORA(lLE 111'1 HOIlGI:S/COUNTY ClE~ On J" I 86 19'36 At U?15pm Oo~/N". . ~6-ReB46e4J OOclType J Em; AecO~d~"9' ~1 88 Do~/~g.t : ,"qa Receipt I: 21i47 Oeputy - 11ARY . 'JOSS~ ^~M~Nna LEt>L<;EELIS E<;:SO EOOl/<;O/lO