A-392 (NISD) 8173357437 DUNAWAY ASSOC. ~ - .. .. L*i'" r ,,),, . I ' I , :.~, ...~.:".. . ~~'.Ix..:~ 4 13 j 0/285 060893 DENTON CREEK UGIONAL W..\lnWARR SYSTEM DENTON CUEK INTI:RCEPrOR SYSTEM PBASE m. SI:{'TION m SUBSTITUTION iASEMENT AND RlGHT.OF-W A Y (INCLUDING TEMPOJtAJlV EASEMENT POR CONSnUCnON) Pan:el * 24 STAn 0' TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON t . . KNOW ALL MEN BY TOESI: PIlES.ENTS: TlIAT, NORTllWUT INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTlUc:r, hereinafter rcCorred to u ORANTOR, ecUna hcnm by and ttuoup it. duly aulhorized Board Preaidem, RO.Dle N.u.... lOr and in conlidlntion of FIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SBVENTY ONE AND NO/IOO DOllARs (S5,671. 00) IIld other SOOd and nluable consideration to GRANTOR in haIld paid by lhe CITV OF SOUTBL.\Ja, I municiptJ eorporllion situated in Tl1Tlnlllld Denton COll1l(ia, hereinattcf rdrTed U) u GIlANTEE. with it. principii Qfti~ 11667 N. CarrolJ Avenue. SouthlUe, TX 76092,1he \'UlIIiJIl ofwlidl by ORANrOR It !wilby aclcnowlcdSod, hive Sl'lllted IIld conveyed, and do by dIeN preMnf. ""'IW con...ey, unto the GRAN'TEe. its IUCCetlOtI and ulign., an eaaemeot and rishl-of'-way lollY. COllltrtlCt. inspect, opvate, maintain, repalr, replace. cllanBe, add anctlor ~moyc I ubllty line or linet with all incidenW equ.iPIMIII aIld appurtenance, and the hcrc:inaftor dClCribed ernlion colltrol improyemonls (IMPR.OVEMENTS), (all ileml coIlective1y ~~ lIIl1ed JlACn.rrmS), ill, on, over. throuab, under and Icrose that c.nain land .itulted ill DeIlton County, T-. RlOre particularly dctcriboclln Exhibil . A". IRlthed hemo and made I part hqof. loaedw with the risht oflllllOlllblc: ~ and esr-e1C1'01! GRANTOR'S remailllnS land, where necatlry to and lTOII1 the lIbove.dtterlbed tract, for lite PUIpOXI of laying. oon!trocliq, iMPectiJl&, opetatina. I1lIinWnIn& repairille. replICins, addins. chu1sl1ll and/or ramovIDs said F AClLlTIES; and a tell'lpOnly CODltruction 1IIeInent, .. d.~bed in Elthibit "B., altlched hereto and I'IIIde .. pUt hetGo( to Ute ill coDII~on with the wl1lttvaion of laid initial F ACD..JTmS, Mid lemporary wnalrucUon IUemellt to ClCpire lIpon completion of COIIItructiolt and accc:ptanee by OJV.NTBe ofllid initial PACn..I'1'mS.' Tilore is included in lbi. grant llle ri&ln II any time in the l\iture to Jay, con.INCl, inlpccl, OpUlte, maintain, repU, replace, ehan80, add lIIdIor remove One or more additional linea of pipe approxi""tely plII'alIe1 wilh the fir. pipeline Or pipelln.. laid by GRANTEe hereunder. $() lon811 Slid fill,"" 6ne Or IiIlCl ft willan the eonline. of the meets and bounds delCription oontained in EKhibil "A". For erosion oornrol purpoees, the easemenl rilhu granted and conveyed hereln to GRANTEE thall alto incluQe the: rijhl at any I\me in the future fo COIIIInM:t, inspect, operate, maintain, repair, replace, change. add andlor remove concrete, rock rip rip or otllcr forms of IMPROVEMENTS to prOleet GRANTE2.S eO.tin. and fWu" pipelines l{K;Ited witl1in or adjacent to ereeh. J11l1ie. II'Id othar llIl\lfIl or mu-m_de _let dnli.n88~ wurae. looaled within the land lI'ea described in Exhibit ,. A. PAGE 11 1 02/05/2003 08:53 .... -. 8173357437 DUNAWAY ASSOC. ," - ,-~ ~ l iRl~ L Jl W r _~___,.....,..~"....."'/1J..lr ~l .".......,w.r;'r':"'\""l.'~~#...- ~ I 3 I 01287 , , TO HA VB AND TO HOLP the Ibove-dolcribed caaement wi riahl.of-W&Y and nam' appunenant \bInIO UIIlo GIANl'BB, ItI ~ AIId ..... \IIlIil Mid F ACIUTlES Ita declared pennanently &baadooeci by QllANTEE. ill whleh ewnt Mid euement &Dd right-af.WIY UId risht. appurtenant lh~ II1II1 COUll MIl tenninase lUld revert to OltANTOR Ind GRANTOll'S beiJ.. e>lea1ton. Idmiaittrllora. IUCGClUOn IIld ... ORANTOR h<<tby bIndI GIlAHTOR, QRANTOll'S IIein, ellIlOltOn, &drniniltl"ltOl1, ~n &D1l ..Mp1 to wAlUlANl' ancl POlUlVER. DEfEND Mid euemelIt II1d right.of-way and risJn. ~ tbII'aD umo ~, ill SlICOC1IOD IIICl UU"'&, qaiUlIV..y penon whomeoever 1aw8&!1y aIaimIQa. or tD claim. the IIIDt or lIlY pll1 tbctcor It l& apreuly IIdd4ntood thIt all rlptt. OOlIVIY~ or co~ ate bcrcin wrluca, &lid DO verbal ~CIIt. of III)' kiDd ahIU be blndms or recopiled or in &IJf wI)' modifY thl. i.oatrumefIt of COD\'tYlGC4, ~ EXBCUJE) thiI J). day of 1996_ J\lY\e- 1998. to be eftIativ. '\AIle 24, N."'welt ladepeodeltt Sr"Dol Dlatric:t An...- -ImJlM.dlj.l ~ utiIDLL.\ BrencII Witben, SecrtWy [0 lhe Board ofTrultee8 11 I I I I ; _,,~__"'1_ PAGE 13 3 B2/B5/2003 08:53 8173357437 DUNAWAY ASSOC. ~ - ~. , - ,. -.. , i I 1 I 1 I I I 'I I ..~ [ LJtIC_ ~ ~~_ . ......._<" _(l..~I>>~ :l~~.~ lI,...-."t"',~~.'1....4Il III ~_ 413\ 0128e STATEOFTEXA8 ACKNOWLEDGMENT . . . COUNTY OP DENTON Bcbtme ~ I~ Cl~ .Qn1hil9aY~.""cc1 RD..1e JI(.A to me (or prov to me on \he oath of ~ or thIwF l>>..q.. "'t. .5, t). (d-nption of idenlity ClIfd Of other dooument) to be the perIOll whole rlImI ia aJbIcribId to tllc foresoiq iaJtnament pel admowledaed to me that he eltIC\Ilecl tile IIIIDe fur the puIl)O_ Uld QOIlIidention them cxpreaKd. OIVEN l1Nl>IiR MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, thi. d day of :run t... . \998 .wcA It KUIU)IJ(y NOTMV PUIl.1C s. ~ T.x.. QIllllII. hI. Cl2. 1 WOCl1 -:rnro.. ~. ~U~~ Printed Name My Commiuion tIllpll'CI on the J1: tU.'f of ~. UO , """Ic.\__.IWM&'\'AlIlII: PAGE 14 4 " 0' .-.' \ 02/05/2003 08:53 , ... -." o.__.-- L-_ 8173357437 DUNAWAY ASSOC. - ld 3l 01289 ~1j: ROW AC 3136 Weebuns Drive DaUu. TX 75219 ,.r PAGE 15 :l: , --' :,' .\".j .. j I El2/El5/20El3 " - 08:53 ... .. 8173357437 DUNAWAY ASSOC. . -- - - .~ 4 \ 3 \ 0\290 FN D-~197 EH&A Job No. 1615e.01 Re-llaed May 24. 1996 Permanenl Utility E..ement J. Esda Survey, Abalracl No 392 0.526 Acrel EXHIBIT ",," DENTON CREEK REGIONAL WASTEW"-TER SYSTEM DENTON CREEK INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM PHASe 1I1\SEcnON 111 PARCEL NO. 24 BEING A. FIFTEEN FOOT wloe PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT AND A. 0.526 ACRE MRCH OF LANO SITUATED IN THE J. EAOS SURVEY. AB$TRACT NO 3P2 OF OENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING A PART OF A CALLED 15.0 ACRE TAACT OF LAND AS OEEoeD TO NORTHWEST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 1070, PAGE 378, OF THE DEED RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS (ORDCT). SAID 0626 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED A6 FOLLOWS. I aeOINNINO elthe agreed ,oul"e..t corner of ..Id 15.0 8Cl. treDI aa ,.cord8d by boundary Ilfla sgr..menl" conveyance Number ge.ROO2Z108, ORDCT same belnll the .outhw..t corner of Lot " 810ofl. 1 of Trinity la.mlng Center. In addlUo" reoorded In Cabinet " Pega 228 0' Ihe Map Record' of D."ton County, Telle.. and conveyed to Trinity le.rnlng Center, Inc., 8e recorded In Volume 3445, Page 410, DRDeT, It1d being In lIle notU111ne of Vila". Trail (8 eo feat light 0' way) from which a round "X" In concrete bee" 8 71. 24' 69" E. . dletance of 3.96 r..l: THENCE N 1e. 02' 63- W. wllh the north rloe Dr VIllage rrall. 8 dlatanoe 0' 113.81 feat to · point being In . circular curve \0 the right hevlng a radlu. of 819.89 'eat; THENCE along the north IIn, of Village rrelland ..Id ourve 10 tha right having · della Clngle 0' 55' 57' G8", itn Ire d~tance of 800.67 feet and nflvlng a chord wille" bears N 47' 03' 61" W, a dl,lanee of 769.22 ,.et to lhe beg1nl\'ng of II compound circular curve 10 Ihe right ha-llog 8 rBdlUI 0' 604.71 feet; THENCE along the north Un. of Village Trill and ,sid cuM! to the rlghll1l"l"g e delte Ingle ofl3' 16' 03.. an arC dlll.nee of 128.45 feehnd hllVlng a cl10rd which be.,1 N 12" 28' 61~W. a dlltenC9 of 128.18 f.at to the beginning of. reverse clrcullr curve to the left hiving I rad"" 0' 1,519.80 r,.l; THENCE .Iong the nor\h line of VllIs;_ Trail end .ald curve 10 th' laft ".vlng a delte enol8 0' OS- OQ' 00", en arc dletanee of '36.61 feet and hailing a ehord which beal' N (le. 23' 20" W, · dllt.no. 0' 136.66 feat 10 II point; THENCE N 10. 67' 60. W. along the oorth line 01 VlIIeg' Trell, . dlat.nee of 241.02 leet 10 the northw..t corner of '111<115.0 acre tracl per tald _g,.ome"t, .ama being en 8ngle point In Ih- south line of . clllled 210.4629 acre Iract deeded to LIIt(.,lde at TrophY Club Llmlled Partnership In Conveyenee Number 96.R0010B95. ORDcr; , I ' THENCE N 83" 33' 10" E, along Iheline common 10 .ald 15.0 ecre trect end 1.1d 31.786 acAt tract, pnal!\g et 115.48 fee' Ihe ~oulhelSt comer oltald 31.788 acre tract Ind being II weat line In the remlllndar of I called 2104829 eere Irael of land deeded '0 Trophy Club Joint Venlure and reoorded In Volume 3302, Page 693, DRDC1, In all 8 dislance of 13051 le.llo II poInt: THENCE S 10.57' 00" E. leaving said common line, a dlshmce of 15.05 feel; THENCE S 83. 33' 10" W, a dial:mce of 115.46 leel; THENCE 5 10' 57' 50" E. leaving said line, a dislance 01 224.79Ie8\ lo I point beIng in 8 circular CUNe 10 the rlghl hsvlng s radlu8 011,534.80 feel; Page' of 2 Page 2 of 2 I I I L-_ _J - ------- ------.--.. PAGE \ 15 6 132/135/213133 , - 138:53 - ... 8173357437 DUNAWAY ASSOC. . - ,'" It\3\ 0'292 FN 0.2798 EHIoA Job No. 16166-01 Rel/IHd Mey 24,19;0 . Tempore')' ConBlruc:Uon Eat.morn J, Eedl survey. Abllrsc\ No. 302 2.039 Acrel eXHIBIT "8" DENTON CREEK REGiONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DENTON CREEK INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM PHASE ""SECTION III PARCEL NO. 24 BEINCJ A sunY FOO,. WIDE TEMPORARY CON8TRUCTION EASEMENT AND A 2030 ACRE PARCEL.. OF LAND SITUATED IN THE J. EAD6 SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 392 Of DENTON COUNTY. TEXAS AND BEING A PART OF A CALLED 16.0 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AS DEEDED TO NORTHWEST INDEPENOeNT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 1070, PAQE 318. OF THe. OEED RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS (DRDeT). SAID 2.029 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND BEING MOR~ PARTICULARL V DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING for reference at the I19reBd loulh89l1toomer or laid 16.0 ,ere tract.. recorded by boundefY IIn. agreement .. Convey'nc~. Number M-ROO22108. ..rne b.1ng 'he IO\Ilhwe.t corner 0' lott. BIoeIc 1 of Tflnlty learnlnll Cenl.r, an additIon *orded In C.bln.t I. Page 219 of the Map A,.' I Record. o'O.nlon Cou"Iy, Tex.a, and conv.yed 10 Trinity lltemlng Cente, Inc., .1 reoorded In "alum. 3~&, pege 4tO ORDCT. and being In the north IIn. of Vluage TfII" (. eo foot right of WilY) from which Ii found "X" In cenCl,le be." S 71" 24' 59" E, . dlalance of 3.96 f.el; THENce N 12" 28' 21" E.lIono t~. lit' Hna of .ald 16.0 1Ic:re tract, I dl,\Alnce of 16.02 ,,,.1 to (he POINT OF BEGINNING; , ; THENCE N 75" 02' !53" W, Ie.lltnv ..Id line. . dlatance of 111.98...t to a point belrl; In · clroular curve to Ihe right havinG II r.dlu' of 804.69 feeti THENCe elong ,.Id curv. to th8 rtght h.vlng I den. angle of 6e" tl7' 88-, IIn arc dlttence of 788.02 feet -"d h"''''9 a anord which b..,. N 41. 03' 61" W, a dla'.nee of 766.14 feet 10 Iha beglnnln; 0' . compound clrcullr cUlVelo 'he right hiving a radius of 539.71 feel: Tt-IENCE ~g ..Id CUfVa '0 \he rlghl having. delle angle 0113"16' 03", 8n arc dllltl1nce of 124,98 feet and Il8vlng . chord which be.re N '2.26' 6t" W. a dllt8nC8 of 124.70'." to th. beginning of .. rev.rte olrcul8r curv. to the 18ft hayIng a r&dlu. of 1,534.80 1..1; THENCE llong ,aid cUIYe 10 theleR I't.vlng II delle Ingle of 058 09' 00", an arc dll\ancB of137 .96 fB8llnd hlylng . chord which beerl N 08. 23' 20" W. . cUIlence or 137.91 f88tlo a "oint; THENCE N 10. !l7' 50" W, a dlll.nee of 214.79 feel 10' polnl; THeNCE N 83. 33' 10" E. . dl'l_nea of 116.40 feel 10 a poln!; THE.NCE N 10' 57' 00" W, 8 dlStanc. of 15.05 'eel 10 8 point In the Igrt18d north line of $ald 16.0 acre trect by .IId bound.I'( line agreement, Ind beln9 the &greed loulh line of. celled 210.4829 acre ITllel of land conveyed to Trophy Joint Venture .nd recorded In Volume 3302. page 693. DRDCT; T~ENce N 83' 33' 10" E. alono ,aid coll'lmOn IIn., a dlalanC8 of 60.19 feet: lHENCE S 10" 57' 00" e, lell/lng .lld Iinl, II dislance of 15.23 feel; ll-\E.NCE S 83' 33' WW.I dlal.nee of n~.44Ieet Peoe 1 or 2 . PAGE 18 8 02/05/2003 08:53 8173357437 DUNAWAY ASSOC. ._I"f .. ~ \ 3 1 Ol293 Temporary Con.l,ucUoo E..eme"l J. Elide Survey. Ablllllct No. 392 2.039 Acre. FN O.;l7ge EH&A Job No. 18168-01 Reviled M.y 24. 199B THENCE 5 10' 57' 50" E, 8 dlslance of 159.86 "8110 a polnl beIng In I olroular cLINe te Ihe rlghl having a radlull of 1,694.80 fe.t; THENCE along leld curve 10 Ihe right having. della Ingle of 05' 09' 00', fin Ire dl.llInce or 143.35 feet end hltVlng a dlold which bearl 8 OS" 23' 20" E, . dlalanc. of '43.30 f..llo lhe beginning of . reverls ClrClJ"r curve to the left ha~lng . r.dlll' of ~79.7t f..t; THENce 810ng NId curve 10 ""left hevlnge deK. .ngle of 13- 16' 03", an arc dlalance of 111.08 feet and hIvIng e chord which b.ata S 12" 28' 51" E, . dlalance of 110.8~ '8e110 th. bagll1nlng or 8 compound circular curve to Ihe I.n h~lnll I rldlu. of 74',89 f..I; . THENCE ,1000g a.1d cu",elo lhelen having. della engle of 66" 57' 58", an .fO dl.tam:e of 727.41 re,land hev'ng. chord whldl bel.,. S 47" 03' 61. e, a dlatance of 888.84 f.ello It polnl; THENCE S 70" 02' &3" E, e.0lI18f1C8 of 110.31 r..llo. point In the a.1Ine of IIId 10.0 torelrect and the Wilt Un, or ,BId Leeming Center; THENCE S 12. 28' 21~ W, llong allld common 11118, . dl,'enot of eO.05 reet 10 the POINT OF BEGINNING, and eon"lnIng 2.029 lerN, tit 88,371 equar. feel or ,and, more or I.... SURVEYOR'S CERTlFlCIVE TO ALL PARTIES INTERESTED IN TITLE TO THE PREMiSes SURVEYED, , DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE lEGAl DESCRIPTION WAS PREPARED FROM PUBLIC RECORDS AND FADM AN ACTUAL AND ACCURATE SURVEY UPON THE GROUND AND THAT SAME IS TRUE AND CORRECT. Company Name: ~ By: Surveyor'e Nem.: John &Irlliwbrlda. Re\llallrld Profa.,lonel Land Surveyor, Texa. No. 4283 Olle of SUrvIlY: Os;tober. 1993 Page 2 or 2 .- -- - - - ------ ~I ~r + ; , PAGE 19 9: I 02/05/2003 08:53 8173357<137 DUNAWAV ASSOC, ;~~ . n l?q~ so. n DENTON CREEl( REGIONAL WASTEWATER Sf~JfU OENTON CIIEEI< PFlUSUAI': "SIEN PHA~ JlI\SEcrtOfol NI PlA T or EXHIBIT "Au & Me" p ,24 (I ,y or SOU~l~kE ." NORDl CA.ltOl. Awt/fur SOUIk"'lcr, rtJc..t riot' 1:1 0.."" I' I", R"~ I ItHlu. - '!I.U II..,. ... S~'S1':)Il" A"" .. eeO." C", .. 7&t.ZZ C.8. - N .7'03',," W LOT t. BLOCK' TRINITY LEARNINO CENTER ADDITION CAB, I, 1'0 22lJ M.R.OC.T, TRINITY LU"NINO CDf'!ll INC. VOI.. ,.." PG. e 10 (CAUrO 1.0500 "C,) O.Il.p.cn C2 ev,., I" tI.. 11""1 A&"Iu. - S!tol, H D"'o .. 13U'OJ" 4r. .. 128.4' Ch. - IZ8,'1l c... .. N 1378'51' W c. Rod"', .. lOe.8' 0,110 .. SS'S7'1iI' ....c - 180,0' Ch. .. 15'.Ie e... .. S ."OJ'IW [ P08 'A' POC '8' ",'.' 11110;'" I I.H' Tl N '~"O2'!ll" .w 'z N 10'57'aO" " 13 N 1J'3J'10' E 14 '.i IO~"$O' ~ I' 5 7:1'OnJ' E 'I 5 12'28'21. W " 5 03'33'10" ." TII I IO'I,'eo' [ " S "'OZ'U. [ TlO S 12'2I'ZI. W Tll S 10""00' [ '1:1 N lIJ'JJ'IO. r T1J , 10"!I7'00' E fl. S lJ'U'IO' W CJ C..,.. \0 th. IAlt ".411I, .. l'IO.eo 0.110 - 05'09'00' ~~ .. f3UlI C7 th. .. 1J6.~ C8. .. If 08'23'20' W turo, 10 Ih, Rfqhl RIIl/JII' .. '594.80 0.110 - O~'o.'OO' Arc .. 14J,35 Ch, .. 1'3,.)0 e.e. - ~ OO'U'ZO" E .n,llt' 2'1 02' 130.'" 22'.7" 11~lIe' 1',02' "5 oe' ISDIM' ,lV.Je' OOIl" ".oS' to.lt' 152J' 115,H' c' ell"" to III. '"9"1 (A) Ro4l1u. .. I'Je.1I0 0.11. .. 091)9'00. ..... . I J7." Ch. .. '3'.91 C,II. .. 9 06..no' t ell c~..o 10 lh, UII c. e..... 10 ",0 ...'\ (~) /l04lu, .. '39." 1I1l10 .. U'I5'J" Ar" . 11'.90 Ch. .. '20.10 C.B. .. I \2'11'5'" ( RD..... .. nO,11 0..\. .. '~'UI'1)3. Ar& .. Ill.OB Ch - 110 U C,.. .. ! "'2I'S'" ! C9 C...... 1& Ih. Loll Ilocllu. .. 744.&1 0.110 .. 5"'7'1)0' Arc .. nr41 eh. ~ 1118,8' c.e. .. S 41'0;)':;1' l E~ 11:..... ....... .. A..o.l...., I... ~ ;S';:.::::"~,, t~:~::~,,;=/:, ~~;".UII."" LJOU/U. r.'D. 1!1.'D r;/~) ,J',-0,'1 ~REPAREO 6'1" CHECK to BY D"TE E.H, & A, JOB TRAC l' O~ .1$ ,,~V '/24/116 '111511 .-.a.... -- ------ ~ - - ---. .--... - ---- I I I ~ PAGE 20 10 B2/p5/20~3 :i':&~~~ '!~....c,' ;' ....;.: it.;' ~ . ... "";11 ..... I" · ;e. 9.'.......~ N..... 1 IJ .#-loI '< I". -~Q>~ i 1:- tm ..:~~ L-- B8:53 .. . ::li~." ii"':: :Di~ ~l").... '"'00 ..Ii "1 ---<'" ;I';<~ z 0 g=;l ... ill ~ ... .. i ... ... 8173357437 DUNAWAY ASSOC. . 4131 01295 ~t.~r\ 1;;: fil RIGHT OF WAV ACQUISITION CONSULTANTS ~ 38$. W..burn D,lv. . 0.11.., T)( 75229 @] ~ 00 @] TO: ROW AC J836 Weebum Drive DaJlu, IX 75229 .~ . I I I' f .. I," r' . 1'-' c. "r; ."~ l,lI_ ~ " r\I':. , . ..\~ " PAGE 21 11