Old Orchard Country Estates (Lot E, Block 1) - Permanent Drainage Easement .Ii- / / J)- w( ~/' (J'lJ/ ~>L-L. fJl1!( (4 DOCUMENT "5", PAGE 1 - -- -! I'''') ,. CITY O~ SqUTHI?:AKE' PERMANENT DRAINAcpEEAsEMENT _~::'l COUNTY OF TARRANT r',) :/'1 . '-I .:; THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY T~E e:PRE~NT~: :> ~ I..I~ THA T WE, Rosemma Neill and Kay V, Gunn, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Grantee herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, sell and convey to the City of Southlake, Grantee herein, of Tarrant County, Texas a permanent and perpetual Drainage Easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining said drainage improvements upon, over, across and under that land in Tarrant County, Texas described as follows, to-wit: Being a permanent Drainage Easement described as follows: See attached Exhibit 'A' for graphic depiction; See attached Exhibit 'B' for metes and bounds description; together with the right of ingress and egress as necessary for such purpose. Such permanent easement shall include the right to enter for purpose of maintaining the drainage improvements upon such property, but Grantee shall replace any fences, improvements, or other fixtures upon said property without cost to Grantor, or current owner thereof, and shall restore the property, the subject of the permanent easement, as nearly as possible to its condition prior to entry thereon. Grantee shall maintain all areas within the above described easement, including any drainage structures or improvements, and normal mowing of unimproved areas in said easement. Grantor shall be entitled to redesign and replace drainage improvements constructed in the permanent drainage easement with a comparable drainage system which is designed and constructed in accordance with city specifications and all applicable regulations in order to reduce the area of the permanent drainage easement. Approval and acceptance of such proposed comparable drainage system shall be within the sole discretion of Grantee, which approval and acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld. If such proposed comparable drainage system is approved and accepted by Grantee, any portion of the permanent drainage easement which is no longer required or used will be vacated and released by Grantee to Grantor. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described easement, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever; and We do hereby certify that We are the owners of W:\Southlake\EASEMENT\Neill Gunn.doc DOCUMENT "5", PAGE 2 the property described herein and bind ourselves, our heirs and assigns, to warrant and to forever defend all and singular the premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim same or any thereof. EXECUTED this the ~ day Of~ ,2000 ~7f~/ ~~L.~ de igned authority, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the persons whose name are sub crib d to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. /\ ~ hand and the ~ day of ,2000. ~"'l~'IlI'" ~'~Cl~:t~ IC:~~;} l '",,'t"i.'."\.~""" ~""'''~:Il\\\'''' SANDY CROSS "'otary PlIhltc. State ofTc:x,,; \'Iy Commi!ssion Expires November 04, 2002 j My commission expires: /\ Accepted by the City of Southlake, this the i.> day of /f;j~UA..dr ,A.D. 2000. /, / RETURN DOCUMENTS TO: GRANTOR Rosemma Neill & Kay V. Gunn 5009 Ledgestone Fort Worth, Texas 76132 GRANTEE City of South lake % Sandra LeGrand City Secretary 1725 E. Southlake Blvd. South lake, TX 76092 W:\Southlake\EASEMENT\Neill Gunn.doc -- ,., ,', L ... .... " , ,. ;:: f' : "" I. It .. ,. . .. . , lJOCUlVIENT "5", PAGE 3 EXHIBIT .. A"" PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT 26.342 sq. ft. (0.605 aores) '--: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- --------------DOViiROA;;--------/,f~ - r o--'______________________________-{) , , ' . , ' i--------l'~J3r:53/49;'~' ~-1-1~.-q~: ,,----------------_________~, I I THD' " !h, ~ \ \Jl ", I , I t.<<lNlA€HT t rc, t-:l , I I ,...., i . Il!:~.'>. "t . I ~' ~(r\~_ I I I \ j" I I > , \1> I I :,. 'l'l:'\ <9 I I ,:~ '~\~ I, U =95 .4095 I ~ "".\ I I I 6. = 14 · 5 1 ' 17" ;.~ ,> ", R '\= 368.0090' , ~ ", T 47.9138 '. LOT E ' I ' CO =N8.1O '5~"W ~ 'b , ~ , L C =95. 142 5 ~ _ ~, ~ \ : ~ ,... : \........ \ '1\1 , ~ , \ '3t, lit , \ \ ,,~ , , ~ ". f' I ,~ ' ... I \~' .~ I~ ' \ I ~,' i ~ i ~ i ~ ~. I '~ I L = 1 .7211 I I " ' 6. =18 38'24" I ..... I R = 36~.0000' ~ ,~ T =60. 3g41' ~.: I 0) I CO =N34 ~~'51"W '0 ~ ",' LC =119. 38 ,'C?o~~ " ,. ' 0_ ~ \ t ~ I I I \ \. 4-y~. 586. 37' 4~ "E! : " YJ>> ~c9.. , r , · Y~ 0.9'.0 --..... POD I . , r.. ~ I I " . I ~, S03r22'1q"w , 'L =39. 21 ~ 5 . 00', : "6 =5. 12 15 /I : R~- 432.0000' r : T 19.6332' \ : CO - 40.52'02"W ,,' I LC =3~.2258' , , . \ ' " -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.t.-.-.-o~~.~CIt~~~~.-:1. I f Co,,"111.~-f1" p,AI ,\! : (Vel. S \ ,\ , : " - , \ , NOTE' BEAA~GS BASED ON THE EAST LIE OF THE: . ~-: \I OLD ORCHARD COUNTRY ESTATES ,l.DOITJON (VOl. 388-118, P..I (P.R.T.c.rJj . N LOT D , . , . , . , , , r . , I 1"-50' I, ROHrt D. Rowley of CHEATHAM ~D ASSOCIATES, a Rec;.tered Prof...'on\1& land SlI'veyor of the State of TllCOI, do hereby declare that thl colculaUonl, graphic deplcUon and legal dtlcrlpUonl of thl. '"vey were properly prepared under my pe,..onalluptrvl.fon from an ctuallurvey made on the ground. CHEATIWl AND ASSOCIATES UIO! .. LUWt BLVD '200 ABUNGTON, UDS 71011 11I1'IO (117) 1811-11II (117) IUI-O,IH DUCUIVJENT "5", PAGE 4 EXHIBIT 'B' PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT Field Noles Being I) 0.605 acre tract of Inull in the Thom"s Beedy Survey, Abslracl No. 72, City of SOlllhlake, Tarrant COllllly, Tcxus nud being a porlion of 1.01 E, Ulock I of Ihe Old Orchal'd Counlry ESlales Addilion, as recorded in Volume 388-118, PAl, (P.R.T.C.T.) mul heing more particularly described as lollows: COMMENCING at a W' iron pin limnd, said poinl being Ihe norlheast cornel' of Lnl E, Block I of the Old Orchard Cuunlry Estates Addilion as recorded in Volume 388-118, PAl, (P.R.T.C.T.); TI fENCE THENCE THENCE THENCE Tf IENCE THENCE THENCE T'IENCE THENCE THENCE THENCE THENCE TIIENCE THENCE TliENCE (J;\(\OI.2Jl\2l].17. wpd UccclIlhc,8. 191)<) S 0)0 22' 18" W, Itlr II dislllncc 0,.292. I 5 lectin II point in Ihe wesl righi-or.. way line of Shady Oaks Drive and in the east line of Lot E, Uluck I of the Old Orchard Country Estates Addition, as recorded in Volume 388- I 18, P.4I, (P.R.T.C.T.), said point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING; S 030 22' 18" W, lor 8 distance of 35.00 feet to a point for a corner; N 860 ) 7' 41" W, for a distance of 49.1 3 lee I 10 a point for n corner, said point being the beginning ofa curve to Ihe leli, having a radius of 432.00 leel and a chord bearing ofN 40052' 02" W; continuing along said curve, for a distance of 39.24 feet to a point for a corner; N 430 28' 09" W, for a dislance of 49.47 feel 10 a point for n corner, said point being the beginning of u curve to the right, having u radius of 368.00 leet and u churd bearing orN 34008' 57" W; continuing IIlong said curve. fhr a distance of 119.72 feel to a pninl fill' II corner; N 650 10' 15" E, for u distance of 64.21 'celto II point for u corne..; N 24052' 24" W, ft.... u dislunce uf40.00 'cello u puint fur II corner; S 8205)' 47" W, fur 8 distance 01"62.37 Icello a point for II corner, said point being the heginning of a curve to lhe righi, having a radius or J68.0n leel and a chord bearing of N 080 10' 59" W; continuing along said curve, for n distunce of 95.41 feet to u poinl for a corner; S 870 53' 49" E, for a distance of 110.00 leetto a point for a c~rner; S 210 16' 48" E, for a distance of 120.00 feet to a point for n corner; S 190 34' 0 I" W, for a distance pf 85.00 fcetlo II point for n corner;, ~ " S 320 52' 55" E, for a distance of 100.00 feel 10 a point for a corner; S 860 37' 4' It E, for a distance of 32.45 feel 10 Ihe POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.605 acres or 26,342 square feet of land, more or less, with all of said land being within an existing nood easement, as recorded in the above referenced plat D200018161 THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1725 E SOUTHLAKE BLVD SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: FIDELITY NATL TITLE AGENCY RECEIPT NO 200114369 REGISTER DR92 RECD-BY D W PRINTED DATE TIME 01/26/2000 10:59 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D200018161 WD INDEXED TIME 20000126 10:59 CK 5947 TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 15.00 B Y: ~- ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW.