so 0 25 so 100 200
Lot 3 /
Aubrey Estates
\ Volume 388-142, Pg. 41,
/ \ Tract
Wayne E. Howell
Lot 2 \ and wife, Lena M. Howell
The purpose for this plat revision
is to increase the buildable area.
Selling a portion of any /at within
this addition by metes and bounds
is a violation of State Law and City
ordinance and is subject to fines
Aubrey Estates Vol. 4998, Pg. 472, and withholding of utilities and
\ Volume 388-142, Pg, 41, \ DRTCT
\ PRTCT building permits.
\ No improvements exist on the subject
\ property except perimeter fencing, utilities
/ \ line, etc.
\ \ � The City of Southlake hereby reserves the right to require minimum finish floor elevations
\ \ / on any lot contained within this addition. The minimum elevations shown ore based on the most
\ t 'nf rm tion available at the time the /at is filed and mo be subject to change
I inch = 50 ft. Lot 4R2R I \ �, Curren o a p y
Aubrey Estates I \ \ / �, per Additional lots, other than those shown, may also be subject to minimum finish floor
\ 06 Tract to criteria.
Cab. A, Slide 4514 Roger G. Baird
PRTCT \ � \ � �0 9 This property may be subject to charges related to impact feet and the applicant should
\ � o and wife, Lavon E. Baird t t th C't re drain on a licable fees due
o Vol. 8043, Pg. 1100, con ac e y g g y pp
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ \
. P „ \ cps `�� DRTCT Per Todd and Amanda Tracy they are the sole owners of this property and
N 00 53 00 E 2 \ \ \ \ 1s' Drainage & 7 �'�
' ;2- IRF\�F
\ \ u5' Ease ent \ a� there are no lienholders on the subject lots.
/2. 1R 146.70 \ y Lot 1R mac,
Aubrey EstatesCabinet A, Slide 4514,
\ \\ 47.00'
1/2- IRF \ \
I 1 \ \ \ 1/2' CIRF
Lot 2
Pine Acres
Vol. 388-113, Pg. 833,
Lot 1
Pine Acres
Vol. 388-113, Pg. 833,
47. 00'
10' Utility Easement _\ - - - 3 \ 1/2' IRS
Per. Cab. A, Slide 354.6 _ _ �i \ - / \'ro,
PRTCT I �-I - _ , - C\ " W i �% ♦ C-
�- �s♦moo\\ N \V_�5�5,4�� \\�� ♦ 06,E
f 1/2- IRF \ \ A "Joj�SS''
4'`S �-
Lot 5 \\\ \\ ♦/ T \\ ° ��5t 01 �G\
Aubrey Estates
Cabinet A, Slide 4514, o\
= 09'37'15"
DRTCT a\ oa moo\ R = 1230.24'
T = 103 53' \ \ ` A nn'
- - H. Granberry Su
52.40' - - - D. Knight Surve
L = 206.58'L-
� �\ ���r \ \ _ - - _ t Cab. A,-S�451� _ - 3 75,
Utility Cc
Can � N 3.003 Acres � � � - �S 08'26,50" E
N) I 112• Iron Rod Found
10 Beare- N 69'43*58' W
s 1� Z I
� 1=
I`` Oo
rn ^j
13 Tract To David
Cash Acres Vol. 7193, P7
Vol. 388-114, Pg. 611 I DRTCT
I p ' aD
-tAl' Bldg. Line, Cab. A, SI. 4514, PRTCT I - I
P. 0. B. I
S 00'04'32" E 236.38' 1/2• C1RF
1/2" C1RF
30.00' 30.00' - - - - - - - - - -
rvey, A- 581//VE U/� /y G Approx. Centerline Pine Drive _
60.00' Varible width right-of-woy Cab. A, Slide 4514, PRTCT
- Tract to
3 = ti White's Chapel United Methodist Church
Lot 2R Lot 1 R o Tract To I ` o I Vol. 12988, Pg. 268, DRTCT
Block A Block A I ,� I Alma V. West
Graham -White Addition Graham -White Addition e° o ,'�� Vol. 10851, Pg. 2271, DRTCT o Ln rn
Vol. 388-201, Pg. 82, PRTCT I Vol. 388-201, Pg. 82, PRTCT I U I I �-
U O) p
We, the undersigned, as duly authorized representati,les of the respective °
utility companies, hereby express no objection to the abandonment the W
easement being previously recorded in Cabinet A, Slile 4514, Plat
Records, Tarrant County, Texas.
Texas Utilities Electric
Signed: ___-__-__.
Printed Nome: __---.
Date: -----------------
GTE Central, Inc.
Signed: _-__--_--
Printed Name: _-__
Title: -----------
Date: _-_-___-__.
Marcus Cable
Printed Name:
Title: ---------------
Date: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Signed: --------------
Printed Name: - ____-__-_-
Title: ---------------
Lone Star Gas Company
Signed: ______.
Printed Name:
Title: -__---_------.
Date: -------------
Dot: ------------------------- ' 999.
Chairman: ----------- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P&Z Secretary. ---------------------------
Dot: ------------ ------ ' 999.
Mayor: - - - - - - - - - - - -----
City Secretary --__--_-___---____-
UO p 0-
This is to certify that 1, Richard C. Maki, a Registered
~ Ern Professional Land Surveyor of the State of Texas, have
N plotted the above subdivision from an actual survey
W o mode on the ground, and that this plat correctly OF i
o represents that survey made by me or under my
m direction and supervision, and all lot corners, angle
points, and points of curvature are marked as shown. XCHARD•C. N.AX0
.... ................
;•� 4587 R.1:
------ -----
°+ �O
Richard C. Maki e e8 VR
Texas Registration No. 4587
P/at Revision - Lot 6R
on Addition to the City of Southlake,
and being a revision of Lots 6 and 7, Aubrey Estates, an Addition to the City of
Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the Plat thereof recorded in
Cabinet A, Page 4514, of the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas.
3.003 Acres situated in
the H. Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581
Tract to
Roger G. Baird
and wife, Lavon E. Baird
Vol. 4836, Pg. 467,
0 WN ER:
Todd Tracy and wife, Amanda Tracy
6323 Club Lane Court, Dallas Texas 75214
Ph. (214) 887-8714
Maki and Associates, Inc.
3521 W. Pioneer Parkway, Suite E, Arlington, Texas 76013
Ph. ( 817) 274-6883
Fax: ( 817) 261-8223
-act to
ne Harreson
93, Pg. 561,
WHEREAS, Todd Tracy and wife, Amanda Tracy, are the sole owners of
a tract of land situated in the H. Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581,
and being Lots 6 and 7, of Aubrey Estates, an Addition to the City of
Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the Plat recorded in
Cabinet A, Slide 4514, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, said
ownership as shown on the deed recorded in Volume 13840, Page 497,
Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly
described by metes and bounds as follows;
Beginning at a 112 inch
iron rod found, said point
being the
Southeast corner of said
Lot 6,
said point also being the
corner of Lot 5, of said
Estates, and also being in
the West
right of way line of Pine
Drive, (
a variable width right-of-way
Thence South 88 deg. 52 min. 15 sec. West, along the common line
between said lots 5 and 6, a distance of 421.86 feet to a 112 inch
iron rod found, said point being the Southwest corner of said Lot
6, the most Northerly Northwest corner of said Lot 5, and also
being in the Southeasterly line of Lot 1R, of said Aubrey Estates;
Thence North 47 deg. 31 min. 00 sec. East, along the common line
between said Lots 1R and 6, a distance of 145.86 feet to a 112 inch
iron rod found for corner, said point being the Southwest corner of
said Lot 7, and the Southeast corner of said Lot 1R;
Thence North 15 deg. 15 min. 41 sec. West, along the common line
between said Lots 1R and 7, a distance of 352.14 feet to a 112 inch
capped iron rod found for corner, said point being the Northwest
corner of said Lot 7 and the Northeast corner of said Lot 1R, said
point also being in the Southwesterly right of way line of South
White Chapel Boulevard, ( a variable width right-of-way );
Thence North 50 deg. 34 min. 00 sec. East, along the Southeasterly
right of way of said S. White Chapel Boulevard, a distance of 27.57
feet to a point at the beginning of a curve to the left, said curve
having a radius of 1230.24 feet;
Thence continuing along said right of way, along said curve to the
left, a distance of 206.57 feet to a 112 inch copped iron rod found,
said curve having a interior angle of 9 deg. 37 min. 15 sec, a
tangent of 103.53 feet, and a chord bearing of North 45 deg. 45
min. 22 sec. East, and a chord length of 206.33 feet, said point
being the Northeast corner of said Lot 7, and being in the West
line of a tract of land described in a deed to David Machalica,
recorded in Volume 7193, Page 160, Deed Records, Tarrant County,
Texas, -
Thence South 08 deg. 26 min. 50 sec. East, along the common line
between said Lot 7 and the Machalica tract, passing the Southwest
corner of said tract, and the Northwest corner of Lot 1 of Cash
Acres, a addition recorded in Volume 388-114, Page 611 of the Plat
Records of Tarrant County, Texas, continuing along said common line
between said Lot 1 and Lot 7, in all a distance of 385.75 feet to
a point for corner, said point being the Southeast corner of said
Lot 7, the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, Cash Acres, and the
Northwest corner of said Lot 6, from said point a 112 inch iron rod
found bears North 68 deg. 43 min. 58 sec. West, a distance of 0.27
fee t;
Thence North 82 deg. 16 min. 20 sec. East, along the common line
between said Lot 6 and Lot 1 of said Cash Acres, a distance of
182.77 feet to 112 inch capped iron rod found for corner, said point
being the Northeast corner of said Lot 6, and also being in the
West right of way line of said Pine Drive;
Thence South 00 deg. 04 min. 32 sec. East, along the West right of
way line of said Pine Drive, a distance of 236.38 feet to the Point
of Beginning and containing 3.003 acres of land, more or less.
THAT, 1 Todd Tracy and wife, Amanda Tracy, do hereby adopt this plot designating the
hereinobove described real property as Lot 6R, Aubrey Estates, on Addition to
the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and do hereby dedicate to the public's use
the right-of-ways, easements ( and Parks ) shown hereon
This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restrictions or covenants, if any, on this
Todd Tracy
Amanda Tracy
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally
Todd Tracy and Amanda Tracy
known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and
acknowledge to me that he executed the
some for the purpose and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated, and
as the act and deed of said partnership.
day of
Notary Public in and for
the State of Texas
My Commission Expires:
This plot is recorded in Cabinet
DE'D l , I �// �099
Slide No.-_____________ Case No. ZA-99-073
-----------• Drawing No. 25633-DQ7-2
Date: 5126199
Rev. 7128199