U.P Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1015 and J.B. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1134 (Lot 4), 1999 - Donation Deed $:fV~ CD W ;;?:D(l~lo0fo VIII Ice q T.:xas D.:partm.:nt of Transportation Form D.l~.141 (Partial Taking) Pag.: 1 of4 R.:v, 12/92 4002-1-3 SH 114 Parcel 3 DONATION DEED Controlled Access Highway Facility THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT .. WHEREAS, the Texas Transportation Commission has been authorized under House Bill 179, Acts of the 55th Legislature. Regular Session. 1957 (Article 6674w-l, et seq" Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas) to purchase land and such other property rights deemed necessary for tlle purpose of facilitating the construction, maintenance and operation of Controlled Access Highways; and, WHEREAS, the purchase of the hereinafter-described premises has been deemed necessary by the Texas Transportation Commission for the purpose of facilitating the construction, maintenance and operation of a Controlled Access Highway facility; NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 111a1. Maguire Partners - Solana Holdings, L. P., A Texas Limited Partnershill of tlle County of Tarrant. State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as Grantors. whether one or more. for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($ 1.00 ) to Grantors, in hand paid by the City of South lake, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. and for which no lien is retained, eitller express or implied, have this day Sold and by these presents do Grant. Bargain. Sell and Convey unto The Cit)' of Southlake all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, more particularly described in Exhibit ;'A," which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for any and all purpose, subject to any and all encumbrances affecting such property that are reflected in the public records or on that certain survey dated August 4, 1999, prepared by Landes & Associates, Inc., Title to tlle following improvements located on the property described in said Exhibit "A," to wit: NONE. However if Grantor fails to remove the above described improvements from said land by the _ day of . 1999, subject. however, to such extensions of time as may be granted by the State in writing, then, without any furtller consideration. the title to all or any part of s].lch improvements not so removed shall pass to and vest in the Cit). of Southlake forever. Grantors reserve all of oiL gas and sulphur in and under the land herein conveyed but waive all rights if ingress and egress to the surface thereof for the purpose of exploring, developing, mining or drilling for same: however, notlung in this reservation shall affect the title and rights 'of the State to take and use all other minerals and materials therein m -l' and thereunder. -< (/l ,> c: .0 N .'J (') :> '). g ~ ~:'l:::~ .,~ _" "'~ -Cl .~ ." ~rr, N :l_ -.:::;: 00 P" (-) ~."II' /",.""..... I", t:l :<-~:: I;.:'~'.~ (/1 u -)r- <:r1"1 ~a I ~ c f: o 0:> .~ '1 >< :;:. (/"l TXDOT Deed -rvlP Parcel 3 page 1 re\' 8-10 l:.X 1-11011 A T arrant County SH 114 From: Tarrant/Denton Co. Line To: 0.65 Mi. East of Dove Road Page I 01'2 Parcel 3 0353-02-052 8002-1 August 1999 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION I It t d In the U P Martin Survey, 5.505 acres of land of which 0.227 of on acre s s ua e ore sit~Qt~d in . the J. B. .. Abstract No. 1015. Tarrant County, Texas and ~.27~ acres and bein~ that some certain Martin Survey. Abstract No. 1134. Tarrant Coun y. exas, Holdln 8 L P.. a Tract. 4 Parl 1 and Porl 2 conveyed to Maguire Partners-so~an~ 10. D~ed R~cords of Texas limited Partner8hi~ os recorded inf vlolumed b !387:~d'vi~~ally'descrlbe~ by' ~tes Tarrant County, Texas. Bald 5.505 acres 0 on eang . . and bounds 09 follows: 227 f in the U. P. Martin Surve..y, Abstract No. 1015 Parl , - o. 0 on acre ~ o T aluminum cop monument found at the southeast corner of the ~~~;~~~~I~~e~ ~~~t'~'a~d the northeast corner of alract of . land described tnddee~ to Ben D. Parks and T. C. Mossey, recorded In Vol~ 5523. Page 78~. Oeed Recorsr1 Tarront County. Texo~1 soid monument also being .nthe proposed new northeo'~e Y R.O.W. I ine of State Highway No. 114; THENCE Norlh 89 degrees 33 minutes ~4 seconds West, along the northerlYd Ilint~ or s~!d Park~ and Ma~~ey tract a distance or 31.69 feel to 0 5/8 Inch Iron ro W 11 PI In 0: ~~ cop stamped .Carter & Burgess. found In the existing northeasterly R.O.W. said Highway No. 114 and the southwesterly line of aald 0.227 of an cere: THENCE North 36 degrees 30 mInutes 26 seconds West, along lhe common. line of sold existing R.O.W. and the southwesterly line or the aforementioned Parl 1. a distance of 227.75 feet to a 5/B inch iron rod found; . '. THENCE North 53 degrees 29 minutes 34 seconds East. continuing a~ong said common line. 0 dislance of'6.00 'eel to 0 5/8 inch iron rod found: THENCE North 36 degrees 30 minules 26 seconds West, contInuing along sold common line. 0 distance of 460.22 feel to 0 1/2 inch Iron rod with plastic cop atamped "Landes & Assoc.. se t (here i narter 0 I J iron rods ae t ere morktJd..t.he some); THENCE North 32 degrees 30 minutes 26 seconds West. continuing along said common line. 0 distance of 132.10 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod .aet: THENCE North 18 degrees 58 minutes 58 seconcb West, cont Inuing along said I ine~ '. 0 distance of 2.56 feet to 0 TX.D.O.T. aluminum cop monument found In the aforementioned proposed new northeas'terly R.O.W. line of State Highway No. 114. aoid monument also being in the northeasterly line or said Port 1; THENCE South 36 degrees 29 minutes 20 .seconds East. along.the common line of said proposed R.O.W. and the northeasterly Ij~e or said Part 1. a distance of 702.98 feet to 0 TXD.O.T. aluminum cap monument found: T~ENCE Sou~h 42 degrees ,17 minutes 17 seconds East, continuing along said common line, a distance of 142.59 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 0.227 or on acre of land.. . Port 2 - 5.278 acres In the J. B. Martin Survey Abstract No. 1134 BEGINNING ot 0 TX.O.O.T. aluminum cop monument found at the. northeast' corner of lhe aforementioned Parl 2 and the northeast corner of 0 tract of land described In deed to Ben D. Parks and T. C. Massey, recorded In Volume 5523. Page 786. Deed Records of Tarrant County. Texas. said monument also being in the proposedne. northeasterly R.O.W. I ine of State Highway No. 114; EXHIBiT A Tarrant County THENCE South 42 degrees 17 minutes Port 2 and said proposed R.O.W. aluminum cop monument found; THENCE continuing along said common I ine. the following courses and distances: South 36 degrees 32 minutes 06 seconds East, 0 distonce of 199.81 feet to 0 5/8 inch iron rod with plastic cop stomped -Huitt-Zollar- found; 17 seconds EastJ line. 0 distance Page 201'2 Parcel 3 along the common line of aaid of 58.59 feet to 0 lX.D.O.T. inch 14' minutes 45 seconds Easl. o dislance of 200.56 feet to a lX.D.O.T. South 32 degrees aluminum cop monument found: South 36 degrees 32 minutes 25 seconds East. o dislance of 500. 17 feet to o lX.D.O.l. aluminum cop monument found: South 47 degrees 44 minutes 22 seconds East. o distance of 101 . 98 feet to o lX.D.O.T. aluminum cop monument found; .. South 36 degrees 33 minutes 05 seconds East, o distance of 355.75 feet to a lX.D.O.l. aluminum cop monument found: South 31 degrees 57 minutes 20 seconds East, o distance of 741.43 feet to 0 5/8 inch iron rod found; South 23 degrees 48 minutes 13 8eco~ds East. o distance of 912.83 feel to a lX.D.O.T. aluminum cop monument found; South 89 degrees 24 minutea 34 seconds East. 0 distance of 1~3.00 feet to 0 5/8 inch iron rod with plastic cop stomped -Huitt-Zollor- found: South 78 degrees 05 minutes 58 seconds East. 0 distance of 254.95 feet lo 0 TX.D.O.T. aluminum cop monument found: South 89 de9rees 24 minutes 34 seconds East. 0 distance of 250.00 feel to 0 5/8 inch iron rod with cop stomped -Huitt-ZoJlor- found; South 00 degrees 35 minutes 27 seconds West. 0 distance of 29.37 feet to 0 TX.D.O.T. aluminum cop monument found in the .xlstlng R.O.W. JJne of Dove Rood at the southeast corner of the aforesaid Port 2: " THENCE leaving said proposed R.O.W. line, North 89 degrees 40 minute, 11 seconds West. along lhe exIsting R.O.W. J Ine of sold Dove Road. a distance of 717.70 feet to o Texas Highway Department concrete monument found dt 0 corner cJip.ln the existing nodhea~t~rly R.O.W. I ine of ~he aforesaid Highway No. 114; '. THENCE North 54 degrees 36 minutea 30 seconds West. along sold existing R.O.W., a distance of 122.~1 reet ,to 0 Texas.Highway Deportment concrete rnor'!ument' found; THENCE North 19 degrees :27 minutes 17 seconds West continuing aJong sold existing R.O.W. line. 0 distance of 860.5~ feet to a Texas Highway Department concrete monument round at the beginning of 0 curve to the Jeft with a radius of 2401.83 feet and whose long chord bears North 27 degrees 59 minutes 13 second. West. 0 dl.tone. or 714.38 feet: . THENCE along soid curve with said R.O.W. line in 0 counterclockwise through 0 cenlral angle or 17 degrees 06 minutes 18 secondl. and arc 717,04 feet to 0 Texas Highway Department concrete monument. round at. the curve; d lrectlon. dist.ance of end of aald THENCE North 36 degrees 32 minutes 14 seconds West. along aaid curve with said R.O.W. line. a distance of 1383.90 feel to 0 5/8 inch Iron rod with plastic cop stamped "Coder & Burldess- found at the most westerly southwest corner or said POl"'t :2 and the southeast corner of the aforementioned Parks and Mossey Tract; HENCE North 00 degrees 12 minules 37 seconds West. along the eost line of sold Parks and Yassey Tract. a distance of 50.84 feet to the PLACE or BEGINNING and containing 5.278 acres of land. . Texas Department of Transportation Fonn 0-15-12 (partial Taking) Page 2 of ~ Rev. 12192 Parcel 3 0353-03-052 State Highway 114 Grantors hereby acknowledge that their use of and access to the expressway lanes to be constructed in conjunction with the highway facility of which the land hereby conveyed shall become a part, shall be and forever remain subject to the same regulation by legally constituted authority as applies to the public's use thereof; and Grantors further acknowledge that the design and..operation of such highway facility as a Controlled Access Highway require that access" from Grantors' remaining property to said highway facility shall be governed henceforth as indicated in Paragraphs (A) and/or (B) herein below; and all abutter's rights of ingress and egress and the right of direct access to and from Grantors' remaining property to said Controlled Access Highway facility, which have accrued or might otherwise accrue to Grantors, their heirs, successors or assigns are hereby waived, released and relinquished insofar as they appertain to Paragraph (B) herein below: (A) Access to and from Grantors' remaining property will be permitted: Part 1 - Not be permitted Part 2-Access to the Northerly Remainder abutting highway facility will be permitted between the end of the 14th call and the end of the 18th call of the foregoing field note description of Parcel 3, Part 2. (B) Access to and from Grantors' remaining property will be denied: Part 1- Access will be denied. Part 2- Access will be denied between the beginning of the 7th call, and the end of the 14th call of the foregoing field note description of Parcel 3, Part 2. ... I.:. ~.."q.",,"...,....,.._..,_.-.. T~xas O~partmel1t ofTransportatioll Form 0-15-12 (Partial Taking) R Pag~ 3 of 4 R~v 12/92 ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS County Of Tarrant This instlU1l1ent was acknowledged before me on ~ tL S -r ~I q '1 cr by JGm ~\ E!..rJ; SeI\JlO"v"- \9.. P Ofj'\\1~~,(,~ PCiA.~ SC'S f JJJe-, , a (to... \ rfcrr I-J ( CA... corporation, on behalf of said corporation, ,1\J rh:, C'~-:--..a..s ~e-N~ ~~ cf- r<\ll:::JtJ..i..'('~ ~~-~l~'~~, , a )~~ r I M \1€-& l~""i' 0 t6 kehal-f- ,~' {:t~1} ~~~~~SI:~;'~~S ......;:~~:?~:~~t.i. April 30, 2000 .. ,', f! /tl O/;Z tJCJO / / My Commission expires: TXDOT Deed Partial- page 2 rev Texas Dcpaltmenl orTnnsportalion Form 0..15-141 (Partial Taking) Pase 4 of 4 Rev. 12\92 After recording please return this instrument to: THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ATTN: CITY SECRETARY 1725 E. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, TX 76092 ro ltl o 0:: dl :> o o M .D o -. " lcia ....-i 0 Z 0 ....-i~~U :r: ~c:~ f.I) "0 0 .0" o ~..... Z ... c: o dl >- -0 ~ ~"O 3 C..c=oe ~Ol)co 0.- 0 U e U:CU<Cu.. o Z u U a I:l. .c .- - .- Q ~ ~~ ~~ Q ~ .Z~ 053 ~ fI) ~ rn < ~ Z u O~ Q~ c a.. - C C U f.I) l? ~ i g ~ z ~ E-4 Z 0:: ~ ~ ...:l III o f.I) 0 ~ E-4 H f.I) ~ 0 0:: H L..... W ...:l .. Z E-4 f.I) 0:: ~ oet X III W E-4 W 0:: ~ H ::> l? III ~ . ~ ...:l .. .. ~ <r.n ~~ ~~ ::J~ ~~ ~< o~ ?:i:= -::J Uo ~lZl == ~ ~ u o u 'E '0 o u CIl 0:: ... .2 '0 .!! fi:.... o >. III "'0 o~ ci ~< -:E j 0\ L;; '0 CIl '0 ... o u u 0:: .... o >. ca "'0 ui "'0 I) I) c ..... o '" "E I) o tlIl u III CIlCl. ex: ~ )( CIl f- ~ c:: c:: ~ .. 0- =' 0 CIl joo-S u~o 0\ o~ d ~< ~~ CIl =' - Co U u ~o c:: =' o U >. a) D199245123 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CITY SECRETARY 1725 E SOUTHLAKE BLD SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 .. -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE AGCY RECEIPT NO 199411865 REGISTER DR93 RECD-BY N C PRINTED DATE TIME 09/29/1999 07:57 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D199245123 WD INDEXED TIME 19990929 07:57 CK 5478 TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 19.00 B Y: ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE REN7AL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW.