A-1045 (Decker-Chandler) @5 r - .. j~ h b' "-. ~~ v v r ':; n t") 8 .J '-' .J ,_i CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PERMANENT EASEMENT AND TWO TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS O ""' It ~1"'" - .,"V.... ,,' ':... '->1:_4'-1 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON THAT I, Rhooda C. Decker-Chandler, hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of Thirty.five thousand DOLLARS ($35,000) and other good.and v.a1uahle consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by the CITY OF SOUTBLAKE, a municipal corporation situated in Tarrant and Denton Counties, hereinafter referred as GRANT:ER with its principal office at 667 N. Carroll Avenue, Southlake, TX 76092, the receipt of which by GRANTOR is hereby acknowledged, have ~anted and conveyed, and .do by these presents grant and convey, unto the GRANTEE, its successors and assigns a permanent water line easement and right-of-way twenty feet in width (described in Exhibit A and depicted in Exhibit D, attached hereto and made a part hereof) to lay, construct, inspect, operate, maintain, repair, replace, operate, and/or remove one subsurface 24" Transmission water line together with all incidental equipment and appurtenances (F ACILITIES), in, on, over, through, under and across that certain land situated in Denton County, Texas, together with the right of reasonable ingress and egress across GRANTOR'S land, but along and within said easement for the purposes of laying, constructing, inspecting, operating, maintaining, repairing, replacing, changing, and/or removing said FACILITIES, said work to be performed with a small-wheeled, rubber tire backhoe or other suitable equipment to minimize damage, and two temporary construction easements (described in Exhibits B and C and depicted in Exhibit D), to use in connection with the construction of said initial FACILITIES, said temporary construction easements to expire upon completion of construction and acceptance by GRANTEE of said initial FACILITIES or on December 31, 2001, whichever occurs first. No FACILITIES may be ~ted above the surface of the ground and the top of the transmission line must be at least et below the surface of the ground. - iUt) There is not included the right in the future to lay, construct, inspect, operate, change, maintain, repair, replace, and/or remove any different or additional pipe (only one line of pipe in this easement) not described in this easement instrument. GRANTOR acknowledges that the consideration paid by GRANTEE is full and final payment for the grant of the permanent easement described. on Exhibit "A" .and depicted on Exhibit "D" and temporary easements described Exhibits "B" and "c" and depicted on Exhibit "D" and ordinary and reasonable dam~es to the surface of the land resulting from the initial installation of the Facilities but does not cover any other damages which may result from GRANTEE'S activities hereunder. GRANTEE shall promptly pay GRANTOR for all other damages to GRANTOR'S land or the improvements located thereon which are caused by or result from GRANTEE'S operations thereon. GRANTOR, GRANTOR'S heirs executors administrators successors and assigns, may fully use and enjoy said , , , -"~""'-" ~_._. .-.......,-..- _.",-_.,-.._..,,_.~.._" ....... ... -......------ ""~'. ..,,_.,.._,--"-...........,."'.,~"""".,.,._._.-_..-._...~..~"- ,.. ,..-.. l~ 0 0 J '..'"11"1....9 f ~,~!.. .J v u V premises encumbered by said permanent easement described on Exhibit "A" and depicted on Exhibit '<.0" and temporary easements described on Exhibits "B" and "c" and depicted on Exhibit "D", except that such use and enjoyment shall not hinder, conflict or interfere with the exercise of GRANTEE'S rights hereunder and no temporary or permanent building, structure or reservoir shall erected, placed or constructed upon, under or across the permanent easement described on Exhibit "A" and depicted on Exhibit '<.0" herein granted without GRANTEE'S written consent; provided further, GRANTOR, GRANTOR'S heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, may construct, dedicate and maintain across said permanent easement and right-of-way such roads, alleys, utility lines and fences as will not interfere with the use by GRANTEE of said permanent easement for the purposes of aforesaid. It is further agreed that the GRANTEE may remove from the permanent easement described on Exhibit "A" and depicted on Exhibit '<.0" any fences, buildings, structures or other obstructions which interfere with the exercise of GRANTEE'S rights herein which are constructed without GRANTEE'S consent and GRANTEE may trim shrubbery in connection with the construction, inspection, .operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, change, and/or removal of said FACILITIES if necessary. GRANTEE shall clean up and remove all trash and debris, repair and replace fences, roads, alleys, utility lines and repair other damages caused by or resulting from said construction, inspection, operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of the utility 1ineand shall restore the surface to as near its original condition as reasonably possible. Any sinking of the ditch or excavating due to rainfall or earth movement during the term of thisea~ment shall be filled by GRANTEE and tamped solid. GRANTEE will not remove excess dirt from the permanent easement if it is possible and feasible. GRANTOR will be contacted by City of Southlake Engineer and approval obtained from GRANTOR before any placement of dirt on GRANTOR'S remaining land not described by this easement instrument. In digging the ditch for the transmission water line and in other operations on said easements GRANTEE agrees to employ the "double ditching" method in order to preserve any topsoil excavated during the ditching or excavation operation. In this connection, GRANTEE agrees to refill the ditch first with the subsoil and then with the topsoil removed therefrom. GRANTEE hereby agrees to indemnifY, defend and hold harmless GRANTOR from and against any and all loss, damage, liability, cost and expense arising out of.or related to in whole or in part (a) any activities conducted by GRANTEE or GRANTEE'S successors and assigns within the area snbject to the .pern1anent and temporary easements~ (b) the construction, maintenance, use, repair, or operation of the FACILITIES or ( c) and entrance upon adjacent property owned by GRANTOR or GRANTEE, its employ-ees, agents, licensees or contractors, except for those losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses caused by sole n~gligence or willful miscondlJct of GRANTOR. This i...dpmnity shall apply regardless of whether such loss, damage, liability, cost or expense was caused in part by GRANTOR of the concUlTaU DcgJlgence 4f GRANTOR. ~ ,..^-,.._._~...,_.,--_.~---._--'--_.'"'".~_......_''"~--,._..--". , t-'" r." ~'1 t) b .:~ 'J f"\ f"\! 0 I J U:..t. In the event that any legal proceeding is brought to enforce any provision of this easement instrument by GRANTOR or GRANTEE, the same shall be brought in Denton County, Texas. GRANTEE acknowledges that GRANTOR claims ownership of the property to the centerline of Precinct Line Road. GRANTOR and GRANTEE will honor the terms of the permanent easement and temporary easements to include this property. GRANTOR is not responsible for conflicts or damages to pre-existing easements. ~ ,-"...,.,.......,._-._-,-_.~-~-,_.."'~'~_.__................""',""> 'v .) ~J ~:J ,-, '""l t"!! I U ,) U t~ -..." .,~_.- . -. '. ...P--?, ~concurrent negligence of-GRAmOR. . . . event that any legal proceeding is brought to enforce any provisiQ!Lof th~asement instrument JP_R or GRANTEE., the same shall be broughttrrDenton County, A) ~ Texas. . ~.. ~ &,...",,,+ee ~.(!,.A. ()(J GRANTEE acknowledges th91 GRANTOR c1a~wnershiP of the property to the centerline 91,Precingt 1:irreRoad, GRANTOR will honor the terms of the permanent ~(~d.temporary easements to include this property,GRAN!2R is not ~ for conflicts or damages to pre-existing easements,.", The Temporary Construction Easements shall expire upon completion of construction and acceptance of FACILITIES by the City of Southlake or on December 31,2001, whichever occurs first GRANTEE shall notify GRANTOR in writing of the expiration date before any responsibilities of the GRANTEE shall end pertaining to such Temporary Construction Easements, at which time GRANTOR may fence the property covered by the Temporary Construction Easements. GRANTEE shall notify GRANTOR in writing prior to construction of FACILITIES beginning, The permanent easement rights and privileges herein granted shall be perpetual, and shall constitute covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of GRANTOR and GRANTEE, respectively, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns and said grant is expressly excepted from any right of reversion of said premises under any prior deeds in GRANTOR'S chain of title, GRANTEE'S rights and obligations hereunder may be assigned in whole or in part to one or more assignees, The temporary construction easements granted herein shall include the right to excavate and fill within the temporary construction easements, but GRANTEE shall replace any fences, buildings or other structures within the temporary construction easements without cost to GRANTOR, and shall restore the property which is subject to the temporary easements as closely as possible to its condition prior to entry thereon and shall pay for any additional damages resulting from such activities. GRANTEE may trim and bore under trees and shrubbery in connection with the construction, operation, repair, inspection, change, replacement, maintenance and removal of the FACILITIES, if necessary, The GRANTEE shall bore the tree as shown on Exhibit "E." However, within the permanent easement described in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit "0" and temporary construction easements described in Exhibits "8" and "C" and depicted in Exhibit "0," GRANTEE shall make a good faith effort to avoid damage to or removal of any tree that measures eight inches or greater in diameter (said diameter being measured at 4.5 feet above the average surface of the land around the tree), and shall notify GRANTOR before removing any such tree. All measurements in diameter will be made by use of a caliper, an instrument used to measure diameter and thickness. Any tree may be removed by the GRANTEE if the tree creates a definite safety hazard and/or precludes pipeline trench excavation. . 'vI:IWD. FILES\CIP\W A TERICHANDLER EASEMENTI.DOC Pag0" 1- -~. .,---. .-..---""<-' ~_..~.. "-",,,--""'~""'''-''''''''''''~'';'''''''-''_.'''''''''''''''''--'-''-' .._--_.~_...,,~.._.,.._....--_.....,._..,..., --._"~,- .;. D () :' (~00!.') U ..) U.~ '- . With respect to any live tree growing within the areas described in Exhibits "A" through "D" that is removed or damaged by GRANTEE to the extent it dies within one (1) year after final acceptance of the IMPROVEMENTS by the City of South lake, GRANTEE shall replace each such removed or killed tree with a tree of equal diameter (said diameter being measured by using a caliper at one (1) foot above the root ball), provided that no such replacement tree shall exceed nine and one half (9 1/2) inches in diameter. In the event that any such removed or killed tree exceeds nine and one half (9 1/2) inches in diameter, GRANTEE shall replace such tree with four trees that measure not less than 5 inches in diameter each but do not exceed 6 inches in diameter each. GRANTEE shall retain a qualified private landscaping tree nursery company to perform the tree replacement, and each replacement tree shall have at least a one-year warranty. After the tree warranties have expired, GRANTOR shall be totally responsible for the care and maintenance of the trees. Replacement trees shall be white or red oaks and planted within the area of removal in planting locations specified by GRANTOR. GRANTEE shall cut back to the nearest main limb or trunk, whichever is appropriate, all tree limbs that are cut, damaged, broken or frayed as a result of GRANTEE'S construction activities. Such limbs shall be removed with a clean cut, leaving no stub. All cut surfaces (including any tree trunks and/or limbs that are "scraped" by construction equipment) shall be painted by GRANTEE with black pruning paint within 30 days after CONTRACTOR'S backfilling of the pipeline trench within GRANTOR'S property. All trees, limbs and shrubbery that are cut in accordance with the hereinbefore described stipulations shall be totally removed from GRANTOR'S property by the GRANTEE in accordance with all federal, state, county and city ordinances, regulations and laws. GRANTEE shall place protective construction fencing along a portion of the southern line of the Permanent Easement as depicted in Exhibit "E." The GRANTEE shall construct a gate along the east property line as shown on Exhibit "E" for access to maintain FACILITIES in the future. At all times the 24" Transmission water line shall be used, operated and conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, statutes, rules and regulations of any governmental authority having jurisdiction and all environmental laws, statutes, rules and regulations of any federal, state or local authority at any time applicable to the permanent easement. Specifically, and without limiting the forgoing, GRANTEE agrees that (1) no toxic hazardous substances shall be generated, treated, stored, disposed of or otherwise deposited or released in or on the permanent easement or temporary easements described in Exhibits "[:\' through "0," (2) GRANTEE will not engage in any activity with respect to the permanent easement and temporary easements described in Exhibits "A" through "D," which would cause (a) the permanent easement or adjoining property of GRANTOR to become a hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facility within the meaning of the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act of 1986 (RCRA), as now or Y1:\WD-FILES\CIP\W A TER\CHANDLER EASEMENTI.DOC Page :V .'S" t' ," l} 0 0 J l'" " n I '" U J J ~r. J hereafter amended, or any similar state law, local ordinance or other environmental law, (b) a release or a threatened release of a hazardous substance from or to the permanent easement or temporary easements described in Exhibits "A" through "0," or adjoining property or GRANTOR within the meaning of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), as now or hereafter amended or any similar state law or local ordinance or any other environmental law, or (c) the discharge of pollutants or effluents into any water source or system or the discharge into the air of any emissions without a permit under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or the Clean Air Act or any similar state or local ordinance or other environmental law; (3) GRANTEE shall not permit any substance or conditions in or on the permanent easement or temporary easements described in Exhibits "A" through "0," or the adjoining property of GRANTOR which might support a claim or cause of action under RCRA, CERCLA, or other federal, state or local environmental statutes, regulations, ordinances or other environmental regulatory requirements. As used in this provision, the terms "hazardous substance" and "release" shall have the meaning specified in RCRA; provided that in the event either CERCLA or RCRA is amended so as to broaden the meaning of any terms defined hereby, such amendments shall apply to GRANTEE'S covenants contained herein, and provided further to the extent that the laws of the State of Texas established a meaning for such terms which are broader than that specified in either CERCLA or RCRA, the broader meaning or definitions shall apply. Furthermore, as used in this provision, the term, "Remedial Work" is defined as any site investigation or monitoring, any cleanup, containment, remedial, removal, or restoration work performed in response to any federal, state or local governmental authority or private or general action, or pursuant to any federal, state or local statute, rule, regulation or other laws. GRANTEE agrees (1) to remove from the premises covered by this agreement, if, as, and when required by law, any Hazardous Substances (Materials) placed or released thereon by GRANTEE, (2) to perform Remedial Work where the need therefore is caused by and results from GRANTEE'S operations or activities on the premises, and (3) to comply in all respects with all federal, state and local governmental laws and regulations governing operations by GRANTEE and Remedial Work on or associated with the premises. Such Remedial Work shall be performed by one or more contractors selected by GRANTEE and approved in advance by GRANTOR, and under the supervision of a consulting engineer selected by GRANTEE and approved in advance by GRANTOR All costs and expenses of Remedial Work caused by and resulting from GRANTEE'S operations shall be paid by GRANTEE, including, without limitation, the charges of such contractors and/or the consulting engineer, and GRANTOR'S reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in connection with the monitoring or review of Remedial Work. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described permanent easement and temporary easements described in Exhibits "N through "0" and right-of-way, and rights appurtenant thereto unto GRANTOR, its successors and assigns, until said FACILITIES are declared permanently abandoned by GRANTEE, in which event said permanent easement and rights appurtenant thereto shall cease and terminate and revert to GRANTOR and GRANTOR'S heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. M:\WD-FILES\CIP\W A TER\CHANDLER EASEMENTI.DOC Pagel [P "_~""" ,_ ..__."..._,....."'__,,__==-.~,~.....,.~_."..._-<4-."'..........~_..~~'----'- , .r".. .... i), I) h :i .; ~ ~ - n '? n l I U J .. q. l~ GRANTOR hereby binds GRANTOR, GRANTOR'S heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to WARRANT and FOREVER DEFEND said easements and rights appurtenant thereto unto GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, against claims by, through or under GRANTOR but not otherwise. It is expressly understood that all rights, conveyances or covenants are herein written, and no verbal agreements of any kind shall be binding or recognized or in any way modify this instrument of conveyance. j ?J day of '-vJ" & ,/ EXECUTED this V1 / I ltIJ-t- ' 2000. 'J '. n 7 ? W,~d(J. (~, fV,g ~ - ~~ Rhonda C. Decker-Chandler THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ ~ COUNTY OF DALLAS ~ BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the above County and State, on this day personally appeared Rhonda C. Decker-Chandler, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the ~ day of '>>u-<t ,2000. SANDRli,:'::~;;;1 Notary PUblic R STATE OF TEM:: ~ MI' COI1'll\1 htJ C2IC.i2Ci01 ~; o. ','~.:rT.;~1;',,::"':'~~f.:r.:1~ ~1~/j'\ 11 ~L~tJJ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas M:\W])-FILES\CIP\W A TER\CHANDLER EASEMENTI.DOC Page r 7 ""......._,.. ...."'_N...' _ ...,,~~~, ..."...__~~""__..______,~,.~,,._._....___.......,..~~"____.___......."...~.._"-"-,~..~.",.._,,,-,~..,- 02/08/2000 08:24 '325-'3347 KERRI PAGE 04 r r - ~i 00 J ,'\ ') 0' 5 j , ,'I .-, U ,_ . . EXHIBIT "A" U:GAL DBSCRInIOJi PBRKAN~.T WATER LIRE EASBMB"T BEING a 20 foot wide strip of land located in the W. PEA SUR~Y, Abstract No. 1045, Denton County, Texas, and crossing the tract of land conveyed to Rhonda C. Decker-Cha~1~r, by the deed recorded in Volume 1139, page 580 of the Deed Records of Denton Co~nty, Texaa. Said 20 foot wide strip of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds, 86 follows: B~GINNING at a point in the East right-of-way line of Precinct Line Road, and located at a point lying S 02" 34' 03" W 31.28 feet, from the intersection of the East right-of-way line of said Precinct Line Road with the Southwest right-of-way line of State Highway No. 114; THENCE S 89" 01' 43" E 41.72 feet, to a point; THENCE S 66" 54' 07" E 222.00 feet, to a point in the East boundary line of said Decker-Chandler Tract; THENCE S 000 31-' 14" E 21.83 feet, along the East boundary line of said Decker-Chandler Tr8ct to a point; THENCE N 660 54' 07" W 226.84 feet, to a point; THENCE N 890 01' 43" W 38.37 feet, to a point in the East right- of-way line of aforesaid Precinct Line Road; THENCE N 020 34' 03" E, 20.01 feet, along the East right-ai-way line of said Precinct Line Road to THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 5,289 square feet of land. B _ _," ""__"'''~'' __....... '._' ~,."~._.........-"",,.,...,._.,__..__~~,.--.-._...., "~"'_""_" _~~;,.___._~~'_'.~M~~ ,.". .~.._,__~.; +.'~"_'_<_""'" 02/08/2666 08:24 '325-'3347 KERRI PAGE 65 4 G 6 :1 0 3 0 t~ 6 EXHIBIT B LEGAL DE8CRIPrION TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMERT IfUMBER OIlE BEING 0.148 acres of land located in the W. PEA SURVEY, Abstract No. 1045, Denton County, ~.. and crossing t.he t.ract of land conveyed to Rhonda C. Decker-Chandler, by the deed recorded in volume 1139, Page 580 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas. Said 0.148 acres being more particularly described by metes and bounds, as follows: BEGINNING at a point at the intersection of the East right-of-way line of Precinct Line Road, with the Southwest right-of-way line of State Highway No. 114; THENCE S 71" 03' 54" E 258.17 feet, along the Northeast boundary line of said Decker-Chandler Tract, and the Southwest right-of-way line of said State Highway No. 114 to a point in the East boundary line of said Decker-Chandler Tract; THENCE S 000 31' 14" E 35.27 feet, along the East boundary line of said Decker-Chandler Tract to a point; THENCE N 66" 54' 07" W 222.00 feet, to a point; THENCE N 89" 01' 43" W 41.72 feet, to a point in the East right- of-way line of said Precinct Line Road; THENCE N 020 34' 03" E 31. 28 feet, along the East right-of-way line of said Precinct Line Road to THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 0.148 acres (6,452 square feet) of land. q ,""'_"""''''''''H_'' .._'.._ -_._",~----...--_..-....,.._____--_.~.._,.~..__.,-~-,-,~~.._.,-_....-.-.-"",-.., 02/08/2000 08:24 '325-9347 KERRI PAGE 05 . (" (" r" r. r) n' .., 400;) UJL:";' j EXHIBIT C LSGAL DESCRIP~ION ~SMPORARt CO.S~RUC~XON EASBMSM~ NUMBBR TtfO BEING 0.225 acres of land located in the W. PEA SURVEY, Abstract No. 1045, penton County, Texas, and crossing the tract of land conveyed to Rhonda C.- ueclfer-ChBndler, 'by the deed recorded in Volume 1139, Page S80 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas. Said 0.225 acres being more particularly described by metes and bounds, as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the East right-Of-way line of Precinct Line Road and lying S 020 34' 03" W 51.29 feet, from the intersection of the Southwest right-of-way line of State Highway No. 114; THENCE S 890 01' 43" E 38.37 feet, to a point; THENCE S 660 54' 07" E 226.84 feet, to a point in the East boundary line of said Decker-Chandler Tract; THENCE B 000 31' 14" E 33,04 feet, along the East boundary line of said Decker-Chandler Tract to a point; THENCE N 700 04' 13" W 264.62 feet, to a point in the East right- of-way line of aforesaid Precinct Line Road; THENCE N 020 34' 03" E 32.51 feet, along the East right-of-way line of said Precinct Line Road to THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 0.225 acres (9,812 square feet) of land. (0 . ~.,.....~...._._o__.~_",,_ ,_..........._. _""_"",~,,,,_'''_..ri'''''.''_'_'_____'______~'__'_ ..__.....~_.~---.._,~---.,.,.._.~_....~_...~._-..,. 02/08/2000 08:24 926-9347 KERRI PAGE 07 EXHIBIT 0 ~lUTI'AIN Ie CRAWFORD lMO S__. _....tc ......."" ~.n) e.."11 - _119 "~''''II' ,.... JII.. 1'17' '"-""1 P.G. ... t I'''' ..... 'CIImI '"f~' 'lilT waiT". 1'(~ reoo ,-- ..;- C'I 0.... (;1 EASEMENT AREA PERMANENT EASEMENT ~ 5,289 SQ. FT. TEMP. EASEMENT No.1 = 6,452 SQ. FT. TEMP. EASEMENT No.2 = 9,812 SQ. FT. I I j o (;) c:> ,- -.- co ~ ~~ ( r 1 I I g I I !; . Ie. I '0 \'= ~ w : ~ ~ ~ -i co....~... ~ ~ ~I ~ I'" ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ - I~ ,.., 1'.... 0 0 en ~I ?/ ffi r.. Z I R ~i~~1 z/ Z/ ~ r B w. PEA SURVEY 0.: I \ ABSTRACT No.1 045 ~ I \ DENTON COUNTY I \ /;,;,:[1 ~ 3J.O~' f / ! I I ~ ----- ----- ~ -----\ ~ ....~~o~ 1 \ ~~_CP ~.o.C-' of(..C~ ":J~ O. \ ~o" C. 'i',s:;~ \ ~ ~t. ,,!l9 'lQ\.U S'UIlVEYED ON no:: GROUND AUGUST 16, llW7 \ \ \ o z >- c( ~ I CI :E w ~ c( ~ tn l.AJ[l;S I.. BRrI"l'AIN RlGI8TIJlU:D PROFESSIONAL LAJIID BURVEYOR ::rfATJ: or TEXAS NO. 1e74 S 00.3"'."E 35.27' MTP-18M P)-iASE \I de III JOINT VENTURE VOLUM( 8995 PC. '268 OR.T.C.T. I ! I I j PERMANENT WATER LINE EASEMENT AND TEMPORY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS FNSlL'oZ II IIO~'" "'lI'l:"" < I lI'l"" .... ~ VI II II II a::WZ_ Ii I " i! : (j II " ! 11 ri rt v lJ_:lU "i" '_,)1! ~ . '9"1" ,... 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G ~0< z -, , OViot! l/'l<Z<( -,U<(..J ~(j~~ (11 w 0"" ~tiiCD~ ---:f-~ \ \ \.;, / o,? r>-'i)..f'~- ~,1..? ~ f?-O'-'OP- S,I'- I \.\~/ - <D\ft- ll..~~C\~C. / \ ?,/ '1"11'1-11 - \- l...r>-s'i' t -+--- I 0 I- -.J I ci i z \ w ID l: :i: 0 -l I -l ;: :! t "'- I I I ~ ~I 0 ""I 0 z' 0 <, :i: ::;;>- -l o:Z w"" -l a.::;; I "" I"" w -VI 0<( ,IV Z "'w IlI'l ::; w ';{ o .0.... 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DATED: ~J,), looD ~~ ATTEST: ~\\\\\'"11111/f1J: >>\\\':\ "\ l-\ LA L.- I'/~ ~~, 0 \.,) .......fI.~'~.. ~ .$f Vl "s'P-.r. ee_.: ~ ~ '-,; .;....'1 ~. ..-<'\ ..~ :2:-~ ~. 6. \\. ~ 2o'l \~g ;~-t >-.. i~, J (i) ~ .'~ / ~ ~ " ',; > ~ ,.>,~S". h~41 >1 A{~~ . CITY SECRETARY AFTER FILING, PLEASE RETURN TO: GRANTORS GRANTEE City of Southlake c/o: Sandy LeGrand City Secretary 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 M....__.__.._.._..__'_.~...___----.______.,..,_,~._..~~_'"'" ..'~ ~ --~....,'->'"~_.__._"'- r ..~ :.... ~ b u:' .' ..... '"\"... I ,,'J 'I~ '," "I, tJ \1 ". r"~ ,., 1 r.. .. .) t.. fl. .Pih I., v!f'~\ .0.... j, _ ,'::'~ '-," l)f:t-J! C,r-.: (<)Ui'~T''i' rr:~>-:J:l,S Filed for Record in: DENTON COUNTY TX CYNTHIA MITCHELL, COUNTY CLERK On Aug 31 2000 At 4:44pm Doc/Num : 00-R0084775 Doc/Type : EAS Recording: 29.00 Doc/Mgmt : 6.00 Receipt ~: 35755 Deputy - Christy '.':\ !;,q; (--iL, ...,;; In. ,w D200149435 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N 0 E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 200286036 REGISTER DR91 RECD-BY CAP PRINTED DATE TIME 07/10/2000 09:42 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D200149435 WD INDEXED TIME 20000710 09:42 CG TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 33.00 ~- B Y: ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. ,~,_"""_"c,,,"_'""__"" ._,...._.,,___;...._'"'...~..............___'M...__..~,.....,._...~...~~._--.-.,.."..-.