A-695 (Liao) 1 HOMEI LlAO & JIA HER HWANG, TRUSTEES Easement Cl'l'Y OF SOU'J'HL1\KE S'rANDl\nD U'I'II.r'I'Y EASEMENT 'mE S'J'A'l'E Ol!' 'fEXAS GJUNTY OF Tl\RRANl' KNCW l\Ll~ HEN BY 'l'HESE PRESEN'rs: '['I1Rt (I) (We), HOMEl ~JAO & JIA ._HE~__H_~A!~~~US~_~~_~___.______________ foe and in considerat.ion of tTie-sum of 'ren ($10) /.X)llars and oU1er good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Grantee herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, sell and convey to the CI'rY OF SOUTllL!lKE, Grantee herein, of Tarrant County, 'l'exas a perlllanent and perpetual easell€n t for the purpose of ins taIling, l'epairing, maintaining, al tering , [replacing, relocating, and operating utilities in, into, upon, over, across and under Ulat land in 'I'arrant County, Texas described as follows, to-wit: Permanent 10 foot Wide Utility Easement: See attached Exhibit 'A' for metes and bounds descrjption See attached Exhibit 'B' for Graphic depicUon togeUler with the right of ingress and egress as necessary for such purposes, and an additional contiguous temporary construction easerrent for a period of one (1) year for the purpose of installing utilities on the property known and described as follows, to-wit: Temporary 40 foot Wiele Construction Easement: Illullediately adjacent to tlle above described easelllent in a configuration as shown on the attached Exhibit '13'. Such lellllX>l:ary and perna.nent easellents shall include the right l:o excavate upon such property, but Grantee shall replace any fences, improvenents, or other fixtures upon said property without cost to Grantor, or current O\..;ner thereof, and shall restore the property, the subject of the temporary and permanent easelllents, as nearly as possible to its condition pdor to, entry thereon. '1\) HAVE AND TO IIOlD the above described perm:ment easement, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever; and I/We do hereby bind lIlyself/ourselves, my/our heirs and assigns, to \varrant and to forever defend aU and singular the premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim sane or any thereof. EXEr:UTED this -, ~: the ...:.~'l.h day of ~_'0'ul.~~___, # !~' , 'rJ77 (!'/e{.. /l- a-D -., - '~ - ~.-: u.______ '. j '. /__.1 I. . __~_ ,,"' '" ".0 ~_ , . / "_-r' 19--1 ,;. -/ nt UI ! -, i i , I ,it f1 "." *,-_J . . THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS ACKNOWLEDGE~1ENT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared HOME I LIAO known to me to be the person whose name subscri bed to foregoi ng instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. MARY E. CHAVIS NaIIIy PuIIlIc STATE OF 1EXA8 My Camnl. &Il. DIe. lit. 1110 and seal of the office 1990 .~\ L 77 ? I-.~ Notary Pub 1 i c on thi s the (;27 a day /) i / ~. )G~N un./der my hand of . / ( /(.'>--IL.-.J , A. D. Texas My commission expires: / , ;;. ""J-.. cY 0 ~~~N~~Ab~ 5(:J&-~~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared JIA HER HWANG known to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. of {/'~~~f~~rumy hand and seal of office , A.D. z-- Nota ry Publ i on thi s the (-;2 7 d day ~L for the State of Texas MARY E. CHAVIS NCIIIIy Pubic STATE OF TEXAS loIy Comm. Exp. Ole. 20. 11190 My commission expires: . .. / \ / d ~-[) -;f U Accepted by the City of Southlake, this the -13-- day Of~ /1'10 \\\\""'" "It """'1 ""... ~ l' H L A ~ I",,, " I;J ..... .... '/ I' ~ ~ ~ .... .... ~ ~ l'" .......".4~ Ec:::,: ...rt's =>-: :~= ;.....-; /.- :;J>: =_: 1/':' :(,I)~ ~ V". /f/ .: ~ ';. -., .," ~ tI1'. '.. ,"..:: .....""" .... ... ...... ,,'::::- """"'" *... ~ """ ""," 1111'1\,11 1\' By: 9 10 t1:' I~.~~ .~ 11 Ot-JED sr .1 12 ZONED C-2 I I I I I I I I I I _. .'t.. I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I .__.J \ LOT 1 27,194 S.F. \ ..\ 630 lOT :3 30,089 sr. ",/--' I (?) un 2 25,241 S,F. -. . '..-1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I -j I I I I I I I I I I I Dr 2 3 ,1Ah S.F, LOT 1 124,682 S.F. N 88.49'04" W .58' "- '---'.-28.95' S 00.09'00" I \ ."S 't:J. '.\.~'{/ ( S 0~ '\~ ~~ ~ ~0 G1, '}; y...O~' \,--\,,\xc,. ,x' <(-. ~\ ~1 G ~\ \'-- ~ '-lO~' o~, \) - - I N .!!,9-2[ Q2':..w_t _ _ 602:.9':'" r'... F.M. 1709 . " 1. .. CUtvntT (i) <( x W f- >- f- Z ::> o u I- Z <( a: a: <( e/) f- e/) o f- a: U U f- X U <( a: -' f- :;) e/) ~ B U M M ... C7l ~ --x------x--x---- X-on l Nv.rot 819.7' ....x-.. .-_..-x-- ---.._-x-- ... ---x-_.._.. -X--X-._'''_- .. ....-x._-_..n_-X-_._- (D .x--- EXHIBIT SHOWIN~ 1 d' UTILITY EASEMENT W.W. HALL SURVEY ABSTRACT 695 TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS (HOMEI L1AO, TRUSTEE, at 81 PROPERTY OCT. 12, 1990 NORTH \" = 100' --- _.._-~-~---.--_._-_.._~_._-----" --,._.~--_..,-------_._._---~_._--~. iOl17 I " r, ~ 1.-.> ",' V , -,_"._r'''___m ......._._... ._"_~_ ."_M.__.._.,.__--.--~'-~--- EXHIBIT "B" SEMPCO, INC. SURVEYING - MAPPING - PLANNING - CONSUL TANIS ~ James W. Bartlett, A.S. David A. Watson. A.S., loS.loS. David A. White, A.S. Fred A. Barnett. A.B. . Consultant Don M. Wood. A.B. " Consultant September 26. 1990 10 I UTILITY EASEMENT W. W. HALL SURVEY. Abstrar.t 695 Tarrant County. Texas (Homei Liao. Trustee. et al property) Being a centerline description of a 10 foot wide utility easement across that certain 25.196 acre tract located in the W. W. Hall Survey, Abstract 695, Tarrant County, Texas, described in deed to Homei Liao, Trustee and Jia Her Hwang, Trustee recorded in Volume 7937, Page 294, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the common East line of said Homei Liao, Trustee, et al property and West line of that certain Beulah Cross, et al property, according to Cause No. 9133-C. District Court Minutes, Tarrant County, Texas, said point of beginning being further described as bearing North 01 degree 10 minutes 56 seconds East 19-48/100 feet from an iron pipe found in the North right-of-way line of State F.M, Highway and being 5 feet North of proposed North right-or-way line of F.M. 1709; THENCE 5 feet from and parallel to said proposed North right-of-way line, North 89 degrees 57 minutes 02 seconds West 603-9/10 feet to a point in the West line of said Homei Liao. Trustee property, for the end of said easement.. said point bears North 00 degrees 09 mlnutes 00 seconds West 20-05/100 feet from a 5/8 inch iron rod found at the common called Southwest corner of said Homei Liao tract, and present North right-of-way line of F.M. 1709 right-of-way. ~-:;J.':':--"'::........ dv'};'\;,'~"" j/f,-:r.:.:fo./ 'r, :\""":;>. \>' ,'\Y:. (!': {{~t :.}\ . ... #. . ,..: ' '!...t'. ~ ' ~ '~ro\SF'i~':',; ,I,y '/\ ~ : ({~ 'qi( ". . '.)\ ~ . . 'OAVifJ';\. \~".~;;(.!:: . . i....;."' . . "... . . ..... . . , . ~ . '-1''':', .,~ 19?/} .:.....,. "..1 ( .'.'1", ~\, '''~-1 ... . v'f.'t:"'~',c..;. . ".::"::.,,' ~ --rill' ...."....... :..;.~ I .'H liD Sl \.\~,'/~,.JN ~, oJ \ . ,..%,,," ......~""..~.,. t;,'l;;"~ "~':'...-~~}!;.:' Compiled from records a'nd a survey made on the ground in September, 1990. ~J({,~ David A. White R.P.S. No. 1824 - '.. _....J ..., ~. _"_;_..i r- E'XHIB IT I'A II 3208 SOUTH MAIN STREET, FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76110 (817) 926.7876 METRO 429.6787 CJ Return to: City of Southlake City Secretary 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 i 0 I I 7 I " '1 5 L-,.;j ....., . . D190201502 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE CITY SECRETARY SOUTHLAKE. TX 76092 -W A R N 1 N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY F I LED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S 3 U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 191051/.39 REGISTER DR91 PRINTED DATE TIME 12/07/90 13:46 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D190201502 WD AMOUNT 9.00 FILED TIME 901207 13:46 CK 2218 TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE. S: 9.00 B {, Q ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. 10117 ! , , r- t l; .;. J