Woodland Hills RSU (Lot 1, Block 1) - Permanent Utility Easement t! OFFICIAL RECORD 1-/, \. ) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WE, GTE Southwest Incorporated, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Grantee herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, sell and convey to the City of Southlake, Grantee herein, of Tarrant County, Texas a permanent and perpetual Easement for the purpose of installing, repairing, maintaining, altering, replacing, relocating, and operating utilities in , into, over, upon, across and under that land in Tarrant County, Texas described as follows, to-wit: Being a permanent UTILITY easement, described as follows: See attached Exhibit "A" for graphic depiction See attached Exhibit "B" for metes and bounds description together with the right of ingress and egress as necessary for such purposes. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described easement, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, it successors and assigns forever, and We do hereby certify that We are the owners of the property described herein and bind ourselves, our heirs and assigns, to warrant and to forever defend all and singular the premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim same or any thereof by through or under Grantor but not otherwise, subject to all matters ofrecord. Grantor retains all rights to its above, below, or grade level equipment lying in the area over which the foregoing easement has been granted. Any damages caused as a result of this easement shall be the responsibility of, and paid for by, the grantee of the foregoing easement. The party requesting the easement shall be accountable for locating underground wires, cable, and equipment, and for any damages incurred. f/5 EXECUTED this the ~ day of.fJ[e.c~ (c-~ ,1998 ~\Xl ., /..h-- ~A~~? I:-~/~ BEFORE ME, th, und=igned anthority, 00 "'"' day pe<sonally aPP''''ed,4,~ I!;(;d known to me to be tlie person ose name are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein express. ..r;t " GIVEN under my hand and seal of office on this the ~ day of /Y.J;M;17'd....l1 , 1998. ~~~~ t. ~~~ ~: ~*~ \~. ..: j .,1h.....\~ .#",,'trlt~f."" JEAN BURNS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES October 12, 2002 /1 Public in and for the State of Texas My commission expires: I () J I :;2) 0 .:;t--- Accepted by the City of Southlake, this the 3 J day of By: DEC-02-1998 12:07 BAKER & BOTTS 7th C0 P.02/02 CITY OF S01JTHLAKE PERMANENT UTIT...ITY EASEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT KNOW ALL 1VJ.l!N BY THESE. PRESENTS: THAT w.B'. on S~ ~-. fin cd m couIc!lndon Dr 01. IUm ot T~ (S10.Cn) DoI1an =do atMr poa. Mc1 valu_I. CONIldcrr=fOD m hmd. 2&14 11)' ~ hc:rd,Q. ~ rocolpl: _ ~_cy "i" ......ic:h j~ hc:nby lolalmCIW]'d::..s tInIII ~ bYe sn-~. "lei -. c:"""C)'104, ad by mete pl'e!ll!'l'lt$ del IftDI. wi -.11 conYe)' to ihe City d S..v..hbd_, Onmeo herein, at' TllfT'lIm COUDI)I'. T~ Ii Jl~t lJIIlId pcrp..Ml.l S. _. Ibr m.. 'pw?oac of i~. repa.l1'1"S, m~. ~S, n::;pboQu50 ....locuil113, _ op~g ~Jjt'es in . mm. OVl1lf'. upon. auo811 and .....,l.,.. iis.... 1:arJ<l;,." THftSDt COll'I'l:Y, Tex.as dcsc:n"blld as tbllowll. lo--wit; Bc;-ng... pa:o:mn""'~ UTlLITY eaBemenr, 4e;;l;lllD.cd lIS fbliows: s..... a=11e4 ~bh "A-- 1"ot' gn..phil;: dllpil;:tioU So: -=ac:hllcl ~it <<B" tbr lII.tellIDl.l 'bouadl ddOl'lp~on to.~ wi1b w.. rieh~ of ~ Imd~o ~~~tor ~ :purr:-1I1;1I, TO SAYlE AlV.D TO BOLD !:1le above dcscnbed, casement, tD~""';'d. :0.11 UlG ~~ me riSh= II1l\i apPl<<t<:nuncc:s tllcretO. any-isc beL:m5il"lg IIDto 1:hc !:3id Uftn[l!e, it GllOOCll!lOtS and aasl~S Rlr<WCl', ;md We do hctaloy c::mty that We are !be 0WDBIll afms ~J)Q:ty described. hcrcin !Itld bind Dursd~, Dt:1r hcirli and ulligDA. to Wart'AllllUJiI TO f"~ defend aU a..d ~.... tlu:: pr~ UIlta the s~ Ci71lntel:,. its SIll:C8liSQrS Iln4 aauigo.s, oetlinst evCT)/ pcr.ron ....hC>l:OW~ .Iawr~n:y "]..mmu:- or to l:lai1T1 ~ or IlW tbcreorb,. tbroush DO" UDCk:r Gr.ontDr bl.n no. othSIwise, SUbjelA 111 aU ~ Q;hl;eo~d._ G't8!Itor ~s Q11 ri&h~ to:. its: ab....... b,,~, OJ" gnId~ l8ve1 equipment ~ in the area OVSI' which the fbn:B"Uas - has beeh gt:Inteo:l. AnY dllDlaC8E ~<:d ;:z:; Q, 7:c:roIt oftllj6 CCSlCID<;at shall be: m.. r....lX'1)&ibility of, liI:Gd t1.:id tor by, Qlc a:t=tcc of tm: f~ ..............rn.. Th~ psny requeB1:lDg the ~m=r aball be accountable for l~lI.B' ~ WirCIl, cable, lI!Ic1l!Ql.QpmQDt. and fur allY damag<>:> inourrcd. EXECUTED this the _ day of ---' 1998 .B1!FO.u MIl. fbt uwierlliJ:mld authoritY, On thi.s day pcrso.nalJ.y s.ppc:a:red bo_ to me to bc the p=o:>D.'I< -lws;: DliIID.c: lU:C subscribed to tho. foro:going msmuueD.1;. QJ1d. acknow1li1clgec! W m= that fbl:;y COCQ01.'I.tll:d. t1:I.c ...m:nt: iUr tho. pu:po~c ond coasidcratian ~ ~_ GWBN un_ :tD,)' baM :ltIod r;;l:'al Qf ofliGt: <7D tlW; th,= day 01: .1998. Notcr;y Pu.blic :in aad Cor tho. SiatJ:: ...f Tc:xa.s M)- ..Q;J;Qmi$SiOD cxpi:Ee'" Acct::pb;d by the City 01'8011710'..,.. tbili T.bf!l da,vof A.D lQ98 ~ -:~~._.. Thli: City of SOIldWlks.. T~8.8 RE'l1..JlU'O OOctJMENT'S TO: City of SOU1hhkc % SaD~ LeGnmd CI1;y S~a-y ti57 N. CClm:Jn A...c::. Som!bla1l:e, T.X 76Q:;f2 m:veo AS ~;:MAND 1BWJIY .ns:a0tt8. L.t.: " UgaI COUn"1 to GTE DIIe: ,)..J ~~" p~ Utility BaseIIJenl-GTB TOTAL P.02 q:\OOl-445" 445-13.dqn lAon lAoy 18 12 '09'02 1998 PLOTTED BY' Ken Cheothom ;:01 C.o.- II ;:)..... <e. a. c g I"'l ..... III 11"00.0."" Ii 1\.1\ .... 2: 9: < .....:..,,\30VlII II '<o.~'-< a. III < . "0 ~ "12,~ 0 ~ o .~~gi iD ggo!a l:: e.a-S- 0' III ;:) s: 3 ~ .g0.1ll r ~ii'Vl2. ~ )~: ~ ~ Q o 0.11 fTI VI ;:):xo)>-z C ~n--I ~ 0 ~. -I ~ ~ 3~~~ o 0 a .... 0 ;:) III )>- Z ;:) III' Z .0 00.0 0_0 N ~...:TO; UI g2:~Vl ~ -111110 0'1 IIII11CTC) ~c'<j; < ~ a. -I III II II fTI '<,<oVl U' 3:Eo~ o .... o.~II;:o , 1111..11 r ::roO -, g-g!a[ ~ 0..1ll ..." :T ~ , i~lIg" )00-<0"0 0"0 e..... c .... g 0 ;:)1I-iD 0."00111 . O~. en n; 0 -. o.ag . e. OlOC-o · lO --I ::0 00-0 N r-o lJJ(J)-O .0 --I Vl o -<rr1 o -h CJ "1-+rr1 CD )>~ (J) VlO fTl ... 3:: rr1 Z --I i>> g 9 fT1 Ul ai)> ...~~-I Ol:o,.,J: ~~i~ end~ ~z )> .. .....pi!z :;"M<O o Xo i>>~Vl)> _ !;U1 :::!0l.....U1 ~9MO Ul-N() . 0- ~ 0)> t.l -I en rTJ III 5' o - ::r Z . 'TI fTI U1fT1 0-1 - .. ~;t~ !"'l- ..... .. ~~~ ""tIlr- 0..... cr-ffi t::l~). r-",~ ~c~ t::5.....tIl ;:t:r-... r=c~ r-.....~ tIl ._ ~ :\) V1l!!C !=:c~ ~ en o C -i :I: s: " m OJ ~ C . '"' :-n ~ ..... ...... o <0 - o a "'> 0<9 ~O 00,;.(0 'S'<S\1( ".1> . 'S'-( ~ r<!,>~ \$I: 0 <'1:> O'S' 0+- ~+~.? <.? 'l?v> 'S'.o '.? <:> ;';,;. ""0 ':1- -- ---~ I 'if' I ~@l I -------~ -- <$ I v~~~ i _:-\--i 4 I ~ --- I I \ A+ /~ ~o~ 0(' , "/610>.-y "'(9 "1.0 - ...0 '.J- Q 0 . /u- "11-, "'~ 0> ('/> .0 z o .... .... . OUl 'UI o . ~c...I I J ~=- __ =--=- _ T-~ 'I 40-0 I 0D.o( \ ~~~ I s....:ut>or- r,' 'S' 4-(/-( \ . . . . r9in~~1-JL I , . "''''-- '" ~A '~', I " ZOll' .0 -<9v<!,>'<.(' '" Yi \- -~;~~~ ? ~~~~~ : t' Q-I:otor- \-*'L ~ ~ 7 I ..... ,,_-l-----~ CIll!:~-:O - - --r- - - - ~oeg? \ ' ."". ..0 c:~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~ .-+...": I \ \........ s ~ ~ -+ o. -<~ .\ \ \ ~ ~ ~~ ..... ~ \ "i ?:. \ \ ~ ~'i2E J I I -u m :JJ ~ )> Z m Z --1 C --i r =< m X I - OJ - --I ~ ~ )> m )> en m ~ m z --i ~ ~ EXHIBIT 'B' 10' PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT Field Notes Being a 0.023 acre tract of land in the L.B.G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and being a 10 foot wide strip ofland, over, through, and across Lot 1, Block 1 of Woodland Hills RSU, as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 608 (P.R.T.C.T.) and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2" iron pin found for the southwest comer of said Lot 1 and in the north right-of-way line of Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709); THENCE N 010 33' 31" W, along the west property line of Lot 1, for a distance of 14.96 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 010 33' 31" W, along the west property line of Lot 1, for a distance of 10.00 feet to a point in a curve to the left, having a radius of 5,634.58 feet and a chord bearing ofN 860 21' 33" E; THENCE proceeding along said curve for a distance of 100.01 feet to a point for a corner in the east line of said Lot 1; THENCE SOlO 33' 31" E, along the east property line of Lot 1, for a distance of 10.01 feet to a point in a curve to the right, having a radius of 5,643.91 feet and a chord bearing ofS 860 21' 47" W; THENCE proceeding along said curve for a distance of 100.07 feet to a point for a comer in the west line of said Lot 1 to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing within these metes and bounds 0.023 acres or 990 square feet of land, more or less. \\msbsvr\drawings\OO 1-445\445-13 .doc D199017068 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 199121421 REGISTER DR92 RECD-BY T024230 PRINTED DATE TIME 01/21/99 09:21 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D199017068 WD INDEXED TIME 990121 09:21 CG TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 15.00 B Y: ~ ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. .- ...q_.^_...._..".~"' ....-.-, .._._._-_."~_._^,-"----"-"~...,,,^"...,.,,,