Georgetown (Lot 2, Block 1) - Permanent Drainage and Utility Easement 12--: / . / r~ nFFICIAL REeORC' CITY OF SOUTHr"AKE PERMANENT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT: That Georgetown Monticello Partners, Ltd. (Grantor) for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Grantee herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, sell and convey to the City of Southlake, Grantee herein, of Tarrant County, Texas a perpetual drainage and utility easement in, into, upon, over, across and under that land in Tarrant County, Texas described as follows, to wit: See attached Exhibit "A" TO HA VE AND TO HOLD said easement unto the City of Southlake, its successors and assigns, and Grantor hereby binds itself, its successors and assigns to warrant and forever defend, all and singular, said premises unto the City of Southlake, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. The terms of this dedication shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and insure to the benefit of the City of Southlake and its successors and assigns. WITNESS MY HAND this Jr day of !f)/If{h ,1997. By: Thomas J. Wouters, Vice President of the General Partner , Realty Capital Partners II, Inc. ,,I . ;c JhC~L,itJl1/h Grantor STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: THIS INSTRUMENT was acknowledged before me on this -~(\ ~(~ 'e~ day of , J99~ ~ j ~~ ' " ~ )("(><0\ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas \-\~\\l L. \Nacx\ Type or Print Notary Name My Commission Expires: <2\- Q ...C\~ Grantors Name and Address: A6}~Uthlake, Mayor, City of Southlake I day of ~ ,1997. Return to: CITY Of SOUTHlAKE ADlMNISTRATIVI unKa OfFICE Of CITY SECRETARY 1725 Eo SOUTMUKE ~ vO D11HI.AKE. lUAS 1609Z EXHIBIT /I A /I PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ST A TE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: Being a 0.017 acre tract of land situated in the T. Easter SUrvey. Abstract No. 474. City of South lake. Tarrant County. Texas, being a portion of that same tract of land (Tract II) as described in deed to Georgetown Monticello Partners, Ltd.. recorded in County Clerk's File No. 0196186656 of the County Clerk's Records of Tarrant County. Texas and being more particUlarly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8" iron rod found in the southwesterly line of East South lake Boulevard (F.M. 1709 - 130' R.O.W.) at the northeast corner of said Georgetown Monticello Partners. Ltd. Tract II. same being the northwest corner of a tract of land as described in deed to the City of South lake. recorded in Volume 8108, Page 1279 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County. Texas; THENCE N 70047 '12" W (Reference Bearing) along the southwesterly line of said East South lake Boulevard. 152.26 feet to the POINT of BEGINNING of the herein described tract o f land; THENCE S 00000 '20" W. departing the southwesterly line of said East South lake Boulevard. 54.01 feet: THENCE N 70047 '12" W. 14.30 to a point in the east line of Proposed Lot 1. Block i. Georgetown Park; THENCE N 00000 '20" E. along the east line of said proposed Lot i. Block 1. Georgetown Park. 54.01 feet to a point in the southwesterly line of said East South lake Boulevard. at the northeast corner of said proposed Lot 1. Block 1. Georgetown Park: THENCE S 70 '47 '12" E. along the southwesterly line of said East South lake Boulevard. 14.30 feet to the POINT of 8EGINNING and containing 729 square feet or 0.017 acre of land. NOTE I BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF EAST SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD (S 70047'12' E I PER VOLUME 9804. PG. 206', D.R.T.C.T. 1 ~ t-: ; ~ ..... "l ~ ..... .0 GOOlDWJIN! MARSlHIAlLlL ~ CIVIL ENGINEERS - PLANNERS - SURVEYORS 6001 Brldge Street. Suite 100, Fort Worth Texas 76112 Metro (817) 4294373 Scale I NONE Date I MAR. 1997 Job No. I 9683 Drafted: E.D. Checked I J. S . B . Sheet of 2 EXHIBIT /I A /I (R€F"€R~ -- ..... S ~ Nc€ a o .41' 'f:4RIN ___ J4.3() {2" EG) ..... ..... 1/2~ --""''--15 ~ IRS N OO--:-:-~~I 5. Vo?o', ~ 4.0J'c-R E ~ 5, leQ ~. 8 4ND'Mltfot.; 4c ~~ UTILI Cfss ~j ___ T'y f.' DR4 ___ 4SfltfflN4Gf --- ' --- I~ Ll .1 ~I I ~I~ :1 I ~I I ~I il ,__--=:1 L--i 13.501 GEORGETOWN MONTICELLO I PARTNERS LTD. COUNTY CLERK'S I FILE No. 0196186656 COUNTY CLERK'S RECORDS I TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS I I J I [l--J /. 1/2' IRS I! }~j I I ............. .... ............... &\~ .... _____ "I 80% ............. ..... _____ (1 fd~ 1 ~ 8t.1h.. ..... A 0 ~ vu. DRAlNAGBAND ~ 'W.) AI' UTIUI'Y BASBMBNT ..... ..... lOo<1?, 729 SQ. Fr. _____ ~S ~~.....w O.017AC. Po'Air I I. 00.00 ~ ..... ______ IS~ CO~..#fA ~OF 5. 'v". ---..:::..' . <6 IV/iv/flu 4.0J' J; .., .....' 5/8~ 'vC'/tJ- , IRF". y'S ~50' 8~'L.)' .....,.....____ N 10. ~ ..... J 41'12" --" 1 ---- / / ~4~Jg '-------"_ _ --------------l ( -----_ I I PROPOSED l EASEMENT : APPROVED PRELIM/NARY PLA T I OF LOT 2, BLOCK /, GEORGETOWN PARK ..... -- --- PROPOSED LOT /, BLOCK / GEORGETOWN PARK CAB. ,SL. P.R. T.C. T. ( TRACT /I 8 A PORTION OF TRACT I ) GEORGETOWN MONTICELLO PARTNERS L TO. N COUNTY CLERK'S FILE No. 0/96/86656 COUNTY CLERK'S RECORDS TARRANT COUNTY I TEXAS . I ~I <..> I-- ~~ <(a ,...J I;:t: -I 1-=0) I~"""I g~ lL..' o<.!) a.... >- I- - -Q) <">0 I co I I . I <5 ~ 13.50' 'Z ~\) ~ ~~ ~1 S~O' S~\>t~ ~~~~~ ~. \?S ~ frR.J. ~ :i/nl'l7 GOODWJIN! MARSHAlLlL ~ CML ENGINEERS - PLANNERS - SURVEYORS 6001 Bridge Street, Suite 100, Fort Worth Texas 76112 Metro (817) 429-4373 Scale I I' = 50 I Date I MAR. 1997 Job No.: 9683 Drafted IE. D . Checked I J. S . B . ~ Sheet ~ 2 ; of ~ -- 2 ~ ~ lu D197073232 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE OFFICE OF CITY SECRETARY 1725 E SOUTHLAKE BVD SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 197175803 REGISTER DR92 RECD-BY T003957 PRINTED DATE TIME 04/28/97 10:46 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D197073232 WD INDEXED TIME 970428 10:46 CG TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 15.00 B Y: .('.1 V ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW.