1997-02-17 SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 February 17, 1997 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: David Yelton, President and W. Ralph Evans, Vice-President. Members: Rick Stacy, Carol Lee Hamilton, Scott Martin, Pamela Muller. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ronnie Kendall. STAFF PRESENT: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance; Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks & Recreation and Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. Agenda Item #1. Call to Order President David Yelton called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. A quorum was present. Agenda Item #2. Approval of the Minutes The minutes of the January 20, 1997 meeting were approved as presented. Motion: Pamela Muller Second: Carol Lee Hamilton Ayes: Evans, Hamilton, Martin, Muller, Yelton and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #3. Executive Session: Pursuant to Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. Vice-President Evans announced that SPDC would be going into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. SPDC adjourned for executive session at 6:05 p.m. SPDC returned to open session. Agenda Item #4. Reconvene: Action Necessary/Executive Session No action was necessary as a result of the Executive Session. C L, Agenda Item #5. Consider: Prioritization of Projects and the Adoption of the Three-Year SPDC Plan and Budget Finance Director Lou Ann Heath presented the draft SPDC Three Year Budget and Plan (attached to minutes) and summarized the fmancial aspects of the Plan. (tape recorder begun recording meeting at this point) Among other items listed on the hand out Lou Ann Heath presented ("SPDC Draft #1-Three Year Plan and Budget, Feb. 1997 through Feb. 2000, as of Feb. 17, 1997), which is attached to the minutes, the committee discussed allocating funds for the renovation of the Senior Citizen's building (former Richard's/Timarron home), which is shown on the line item "Special Projects." During the discussion of the worksheet handed out by Ms. Heath, Chairman Yelton recalled that during the last meeting, the committee had talked about allocating $50,000 (Special Projects) for the renovation of the City-owned homes (Senior Citizen's building) and also allocating $100,000 (Matching Funds-Community Groups) for citizen matching funds and $500,000 designated for "Reserve for Unanticipated Projects." The committee discussed some of the issues involving the Durham and Middle School gymnasiums and Mr. Hawk reiterated that the SPDC had never committed any funds for the Durham gym. Mr. Hawk said the School Board was told that the City did not have the funds to Li participate in any gymnasiums for the next three years. Mr. Hawk said that at the school board meeting the board said that since this gym was already built, to fmd other kinds of joint use things to participate in. He said that not all the joint use projects the City participates in are paid from SPDC funds, citing an example of the recent commitment of$1,000,000 for the road between two schools that will connect Peytonville Road and Shady Oaks. Mr. Hawk's comments were that in discussions he has had with Dr. Gillium and School Board members, the District wants the City to look at other joint-use projects and forget about payment of the Durham gym. Mr. Yelton says that in conversations he has had with the superintendent, the superintendent believes the funds are due and payable. Mr. Yelton reiterated the point of this item before the committee tonight, is whether SPDC wants to allocate funds towards gymnasiums as joint use projects. Kim Lenoir touched on the possibility available to SPDC to fund floor and lighting for the Rockenbaugh Elementary School gymnasium. The District will present cost estimates to SPDC for consideration. For the record, Mayor Stacy stated that the City paid for the Middle School gymnasium. Mr. Hawk said the District is looking at ways to make the Rockenbaugh gym a joint use project. He said it will take about $50,000- $60,000. Hawk said this is the only project the City can participate in right now due to other allocations. The SPDC continued their discussions and commented on the following: C., 1 7 PAGE F3 SPDC MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING ON FEBRUARY 17, 99 G O It would be a good idea to have someone from the School Board/school administration on represented on the SPDC. All items on the Three Year Plan and Budget are joint use projects. Previous discussions with School Board representatives and Dr. Gilliam indicated that the District would rather the City not participate in any more funding of school gymnasiums, but rather the City fund the proposed multi-use facility. That Southlake's citizens voted on the 1/2-cent sales tax because of it was presented as a mechanism for funding joint use projects. Joint utilization does not mean exclusively joint use with CISD. The committee is considering allocating $300,000 for land acquisition for a joint use project with KISD. Millions of dollars will be needed to build the multi-use facility. SPDC members turned their attention back to the Plan. There was discussion of the teen recreation area proposed by the Youth Park Board and Scott Martin supported the item stating he felt it was very important and should be considered ($380,000). Funding of the parking areas Lneeded for the tennis and recreation area addressed in the Plan were talked about. If the tennis center was located somewhere other than Bicentennial Park, the parking needs would be reduced. Cost estimates for each phase and the design plans will be coming forward. The committee agreed not to include the $300,000 for the parking lot improvements as noted in the budget since it is not needed at this time. Finance Director Lou Ann Heath clarified the issue concerning Mr. Smith's property -- no additional funding would be added to that line item. A recommendation to allocate $380,000 for the teen recreation facility, including the lighting, excluding the parking, was suggested by David Yelton. Regarding a request from citizens in the Love Henry area supporting the completion of the buffer, the problem is not spending the money or lack of support, but acquiring the land. Carol Lee Hamilton recommended allocating $500,000 for the landscaping and berm. Scott Martin was in favor of erecting a fence, which would be considerably less expensive. The playground pavilion(for $50,000) can be removed from the budget line item. Donations and volunteers will be obtained to cover the cost, however, the Park Board will bring their requests for expenses they can not get by donations to SPDC once the project is underway. Next the committee discussed the development of Bob Jones Park as a "passive" park. Scott (kw' SPDC MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING ON FEBRUARY 17, 1997 PAGE 3 OF 3 t F i Martin said he has heard from manymembers of the north side who fear that the park will become nothing but athletic complexes. Mr. Martin presented handouts of concepts he had developed for the educational/passive use of the park. Martin thanked staff for the foresight and help in the progress of cleaning up the area. He stated his belief in offering matched funds projects. Kim Lenoir stated the first phase of the projects in the area are the soccer fields and parking lots (at a cost of approx. $150,000) and then construction of a road back into the nature areas in Phase II. In the following phases, trails will be installed and once the nature facilities are complete, the k second loop of the road will be done. Mayor Stacy asked if staff could determine which properties the City currently owns and which properties need to be acquired and report at the meeting on Tuesday. Chairman Yelton asked the committee if they are ready to allocate funds to do Phase I, road and parking? Lenoir said that some of the initial funding for Bob Jones Park development will be put into a grant for matching funds which she will know about by August. Funding is needed to draw up design plans for passive use. Chairman Yelton proposed SPDC allocate $100,000 for development of plans and implementing any projects. After a lot of discussion about the order of development for the Bob Jones Park, the committee tentatively decided to designate $200,000 for the land acquisition, $500,000 for undesignated projects at Bob Jones Park and $50,000 to plant trees at Bicentennial Park to be reviewed. David Yelton suggested hiring a full-time project manager. Mr. Hawk said the suggestion would go to Council at the mid-year review in March. Mr. Hawk explained that this position would (00., come out of the operating budget and would not impact what the committee is considering here. Chairman Yelton asked about paying for projects as they are done and not borrow the money. Lou Ann Heath, Finance Director, said there is a good opportunity to do that. She explained that the forecast coverage ratios were developed by looking at the last 12 months, so with the Home Depot coming on board, there will be an opportunity to do that. All six million dollars in bonds will be collected, but what is not spent, will be drawing interest. Another funding project was suggested by Scott Martin. He suggested updating the concession restroom building the Girls Softball Association uses with additional storage. Lenoir said they are in good shape right now, but will probably come forward with some matching funds requests for renovations on the concession stands and storage. She mentioned that they could use some new lighting. Chairman Yelton reminded members of the Public Hearing Tuesday night. He said some citizens may come forward with valid requests and suggested the SPDC not finalize their recommendations tonight. Lou Ann Heath explained that the public hearing is a requirement of issuing the bonds, but it is not required to have the Plan adopted. Yelton recommended tabling this item for 30 days to allow input from citizens on February 18. A motion was made to table agenda item#5, consider prioritization of projects and the adoption of three-year SPDC Plan and Budget by Pamela Muller. Rick Stacy seconded the motion. Ce 7 1 7 PA E 4 OF 3 SPDC MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING ON FEBRUARY 1 99 G 1 Motion: Muller Seconded: Stacy Ayes: Muller, Martin, Hamilton, Stacy, Evans, Yelton Nays: none Vote: 6-0 to table Agenda Item #6, Consider: Approve Funding to Start Design Phase of Soccer Fields at Bob Jones Park, Kim Lenoir presented this item. The request is for $1.365 million project with the soccer complex plus a pre-development buffer. She explained that usually about 14% of construction cost is budgeted to cover planning and development fees. Money is available to move forward. The costs comes to about $200,000. Scott Martin made a motion to approve funding to start the design phase of soccer fields at Bob Jones Park. The motion was seconded by Pamela Muller. After further discussion, the motion was amended to approve with a cap of 14% of the budgeted amount that SPDC has approved or reach consensus on a budget of 1.365. Carol Lee Hamilton seconded the amended motion. Mr. Stacy requested that the motion be made to just put it out for bids or to move ahead, and not establish 14% of an unknown number as part of the record. Ms. Lenoir explained that on professional services, proposals are solicited, not bids. After more discussion about the scope of c, work involved in the project, the amended motion was withdrawn by Scott Martin. Another motion was made to move that [SPDC] instruct staff to proceed with requests for proposals for the engineering and construction documents for the soccer fields at Bob Jones Park and the necessary surrounding areas by Scott Martin. Motion was seconded by Rick Stacy. There was more discussion about the motion and the extent of work needed to construct the soccer fields properly and the ultimate cost. Carol Lee Hamilton asked to amend the motion so that it does not say soccer fields and other necessary areas, but rather it says for the soccer complex, because she would like for the design to start on the soccer complex. Scott Martin explained that his motion was nebulous because first the buffer area to the north was going to be done. Mr. Martin again amended the motion to include the pre-development buffer to the north of the soccer complex and include the soccer complex. Sandy LeGrand, City Secretary, restated the motion and Pamela Muller and Scott Martin added comments to it to say, "to instruct staff to proceed with request for proposals for the design phase of the pre-development buffer of the soccer complex and the construction document phase." Motion: Martin Seconded: Evans Ayes: Martin, Muller, Hamilton, Stacy, Evans and Yelton Nays: None Vote: 6-0 approving the funding to start the design phase SPDC MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING ON FEBRUARY 17, 1997 PAGE 5 OF 3 Agenda Item #6. Adjournment A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. David Yelton, esi t ATT ST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary A:\96-2-17.WPD C -- MEETING ON FEBRUARY 17, 1997 PAGE 6 OF 3 SPDC MINUTESREGULAR