West Beach Addition, Bob Jones Park (Lot 5, Block 5), 1999 - Warranty Deed ~, ;e, FF$ 1..00, GF# 16064466, FNT/SJC VAllRANTY DEED Da~: S6pt~ber 15, 1998 Grantor: JOSIE PERaY AND LEONARD A. BERaY Grantor's MIIiIlD8 Address (iDeluding county): 6507 ROBIN ROAD, DALLAS, TX 75209, DALLAS COUNTY Or_: THE CITY OF SOUTHLAiCE Grantee's MaiIlD, Addteu (iDcludinJ <:ouoty): 667 N CADOLL AVE, SOUTHtAKE I TX 76092, TARRANT COUNTY CoukteralioD: ~ ' CASH AND OTHEP. VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. RECEIPT OF WICH IS HEREBY ACI<NOWLEOOED AND CONFESSED; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ALL CASH-.. -. -. . . .. . . - - - - - - - - - .. -. . -- PIoperty (htc:1wlin. ally ll11p1'OYe111e1ltl): BEING LOT 5, IN BLOCK 5 OF WIST. BEACH ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO TIlE CITY OF SO!JTHIAK:R I -DElItON. COUNTY, TEXAS ACCORDING. TO tHE MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME ----r;- PAGE 34 OF THE MAP RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS. IWervatiOllll from aod Excep&iona to CoIlVC)'IDl1C IIld W8I1'lIIIt)': + E..ementi. rightl-of-way, and prescriptive rights, whether of record or not; al1prel~tly recorded instruments, other than liena and conveyances, that affect the property; taxei for 1998, the payment of which Grantee assUllies. ~~ 2 7 2 o , I 00975 I 7 $' ~, ,.1. ? -7 2... 'f 1,.. Granlor, .1or tbe c;oDlidelll.ion aud lubj ;d1e re&elVadonl from and exceptions 10 COIlveyance and ~ t/. grmta, ec:1la;' and conveys to GrIIluee the propcny, .w6.:ther wilh all and sinJular the rlahts 8Dd appul'lellaDCel thereto In lilY wise belonJbll. to bave and hold n to Gtlatee, OtalItcc'. hein. oucuton, admlnian'8lOB, luec:etSO!1, or ...illll forever. Grll1lor binds Oranror and Grantor'. heln, execulen, IdmlIli.lrIton. and sw:c:cuon to warrant and forever defend all and sittguJar tile property to Gtaatee IIId Grantee'. hcin, aeeurors, admiDiitraton. succeUOfI, anctasslps aaalnat every penon whomsoever laWfully claImlttg or to claim the .1lII4! Or aily pan thereof, except as to the reservatiOua from and eXl:qltiOl1l10 conveyllllCCllId wmatUy. WIlen the c:ontoJU requlm, sJuavlar IIOUIIiIIlId pronouns include the plural. ~~~ .. ~ fir ~ LE A. BERRY. .. (^"",>w\ed....-> STATE OP TEXAS Coullty of day of >~ 'I. .....::;( :I- rlld~fiN N ~V PUILe .. State of iexa. . w ..c.o.mltl..e>u\-~ ,19 tjy. ... on the /~~ Notary IIal!le printed: My Coll1llliuion expires: APTER RECORDING lUlTURN TO: THE CITY OF SOUTHLAlCE 667 N CAIUl.OLL AVE SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 PREPARED IN THB OFFlCES OF: Fide11ty National Titl& 1723 E. South1ake Blvd.. #100 South1aka, TX 76092 00976 / i L ,) 7 ,;. ~j~ L. !_ ('I I) Cl -'7. UJJI " D198222629 THE CITY OF SOUTYHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 ~, Q o-W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY ;~~: I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE AGENCY RECEIPT NO 198364149 REGISTER DR91 RECD-BY T024230 PRINTED DATE TIME 09/25/98 12:44 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D198222629 WD INDEXED TIME 980925 12:44 CK 3030 TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 11.00 B Y: ~ ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. `~ ~7 z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ IC.'. ,~ 4 4:~HIC P. p,,._ ~.. n. F. rcr!-4C OR U~.E ~ ''-F CGi v`R GR RA~'.E !g ,-I ,_ .._' Z LI1.V. I ~hii - f mA r: -~ ~ ~ F D'~ r;:~:nber aequenro on Ottua; bl ~• Re,; ory t ~. .: ~' !'CORDED m tha "~^E t`~ f eM<ri ( unry Toxoa on ¢ ~~ ~ ~ iyyy ,-~° ,~ '~F.NTON COUNTY. TEXAS _- / ~~-~/~~• zt y! x t; e,~ ~: . ~;1...-...~. , ,.. •, 1~;;~a~' ~ ti_ I~jfj