1994-06-07 CC PacketSCALE: 1'=50' Fnd% I.R �V DASD O 34� H• � I 0%0 PA C1 Wf- 10� ID.cc `DS 3 SSA, P9.31 K� 3, 0 I co**govo cam'- g21 ViH�' Va':c•C'� clap �4' p •19� V�-14R:� D Fndd/t' I.D. Pipe N-00-54-02-E 251.35 r42.48,------------z^AEB�--- i------ Fnd Fence N-00-15-0 -E 659.09 g I { _ 421.09 Fndl/2' 1.R. 23Z00 I i 5' U.E.J i I Corner Post ---- ----------------- ------_----- -----End_.R.BI TIE I �- I I ------------ ---------- Fence Corner Posi y I to, U.E. I I 10'U.E.�-----------T I I 1 20' EE(IM5S 1- I I 55'` EASEMENT IO' U.E.'- 1 I 15, U.E. I I I I I �--5' U.E. f I •;+ I I N --►1 5' U.E. I m ar Lot 2R4 63, 049 SF THiS BUILDING TO BF I REMOVED PRIOR TO + I PROPOSED ACCEPTANCE OF SUBDIVISION. -20' EQUESTRIAN PROPI i I EASEMENT 20' EQUEESTRIAN - I I I APPROX. LOCATION EASEMENT I WATER LINE ESMT. - --- i Vol 4200 Pg.407 , D.R.T.C.Y. I I i I} c2 I I ZL ZZ I Q 6�n 1, M 11 Q� Lot 2R5 m , I j i i z Q Q` 1709 741 SF , , $ I C� S QA °° Q •� 0o L o t 2R 1 i QQ As co LP N Lot 2R3 I I rri � to � I I CD c o i 4 p I I I Lo I I 40' DRAIN. 1 CD 1 i � I UTIL. ESMT. ------------------------�-- �. S-00-41-16 -E I -- - - - 398.43 ,p w ' --- 26 �I I m, of R. D.W. I I Qi N Lot 2R6 i 959025 SF 1 Hi R�1it > GRANBERRY SUR1/E)"' I AE3ST No. I I L*- 5' U. E. / 4 AL93 r / � ` 1 \ i �/ ` ce \ ---------------------------- - -'� �F ndilz ' I R 4i8.79 -A , ��ox �occtlo^.- -- ' ' S-00-47-33-E 809, ' uw Vey i doe FndV,' I.R. 15' U.E. �2 1 23, LO ,D��ON�� pNE sE Ar l V NORTHEAST CORNER TIMARRON PHASE ONE, SECTION ONE O.W. 1<N101--Y7_ SURVEY ABST No.899 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE I S-01-01-29-E 109.01 2 N-90-00-00-E 20.55 3 S-89-17-32-W 23.00 4 N-01-01-28-W 17,25 5 N-88-39-00-E 30.00 6 S-00-54-02-W 42.48 8 N-88-39-00-E 12.53 CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS TANGENT CHORD ARC 4WLTA CHORD BEARING 1 80.00 80.15 1 13. 24 125.81 WD6' IT' S-44-15-36-W 2 60.00 R 60.00 314.16 .2W59' 55' N-01-04-08-W 3 20.00 20.04 28.31 31.45 Sa06' 17' N-44-15-36-E 4 260.00 25.96 51.66 51.74 11'24'07' N-04-54-31-E 5 1 200.00 20.38 40.54 40.61 1 1'38' 04' N-04-4T-33-E 6 230.00 41. T9 82.23 82.68 20'35' 46' S-09-54-42-W T 230.00 42.63 83.84 84.31 21'00' 08' S-09-42-3 I -W 8 50.00 50.09 70. 78 78.63 90'06' 17' S-44-15-36-W 9 230.00 51.89 101.24 102. OT 2525' 39' N-1 1-55- I T-E 10 170.00 5.24 10.47 10. 4T O3'31' 42' N-22-52- 15-E 12 1 230.00 48.68 95.26 95.95 2354' 08' S-10-55-35-W 13 230.00 48.20 94.34 95.02 23'40' 12' S-1 1-02-33-W WHITE CHAPEL C LOCATION MAP N. T«S. oo� 8` VdDRj C� P I NE DR. 248.70 i BRICK LWAJ F ► 4lA,, m I I - lo I cp ,O^ Q' Debris Am Pearson I I 1 STATE OF TEXAS L O t 2 R 2 I I � i I { COUNTY OF TARRANT 4 3 , 560 SF I� I BEFORE ME. the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared , , ; Debris Am Pearson, known to me to be the person whose name is subsor(bed I I I to the above and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purpose and consideration expressed and to the i 1 I capacity therein Stated f I I I _ 1 I I I GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE I I 40 B.L. I on this the day of 1994. -- --- 35.B.L. 4- I I 1 I Notary Public I :.a _ 55'+ I I 100.64 ___._.__ Commission expires 230M - - - - _4 ._ 02.07 I - - - - N-00-47-33-W 331.32 ' C9 I /0 ' 1 5-00-47-33-E 330.49 -D O Set%p' I.R _ °D - - - . Set%z I. R. 'r- 11 /-t EXIST. PVpi. N a Approx. i ocation S -00-47-33-E 330.49 - - _ ---- - - --- - -- -- _ ---- r Ina - - ey -PINE DRIVE STATE OF TEXAS COLMITY OF TARRANT WHEREAS Irk Strpf>ee d Bezr�er. ONorls Am Peorwn and Wanda Pulla�►. ore o1of the owners o a tract of knid situated in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract 5% County of Tarrant, imp to the deed recorded In � y , POP �, Records, Ta am Conxoty. Texas, and more oewi BEING o troot of Ilanandhd sided in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abetroot No. SK City of Southidce, Tarrant County, Texas and being a portion of Lot 2, 8iook A. Whito Chapel Place Addition. an Addtion to said City as recorded i i Volume 388-t5O, Pops 37. PI& Records of said Courft and being more pa-ttculory described. by motes and bounds as followr>s BEGDNNSNG at a 1/2' iron rod set for the most northery Northeast oorner of odd Lot 2. sold rod also being the Southeast corner of Lot 1 of said Addition lying on the West right - of -way to of Pine Drive (a variable right-of-way) add owner duo being on the North One of a 0.26 acre irgress/egress tract of kid oonveyed to Debris Am Pearson recorded in Volume 92S2,Pogo 2385 of the Deed Records of sold County; THENCE done amid West right-of-way Mne South Or 01' 29, East a distance of IMOI foot to a 1/7 iron rod set for corner on the intersection of sold West right-of-way Orne and the South right-of-way line of Lilac Lane (a variable night-of-wayk THENCE along sold South right-of-way One due East a distance of 204% feet to a 1/2' Iron rod set for the most southerly Northeast corner of aforesaid Lot 2; THENCE along the East property line of add Lot 2 dong a fence South 00' 4713Y East, a distance of 809.42 feet to a 1/2' Tron rod fourKt THENCE along the South property One of sold Lot 2 South 89' 23' 58' West, along a fence, a distance of GW9 feet to a 3/e' iron rod food for corner; THENCE long the most easterly West property One a" and now a fence of sold Lot 2 North 00' 15' 08' East a distance of 659.09 feet to a rdilrood tie fence corner post found; THENCE abnq a fence South 89' I7' 33' West a distance of 23.00 feet to a I/2' LD. pipe found for corner; THEKE along the most Westerly West property line of said Lot 2, along a fence North 00. 54'02'East a distance of 251.35 to a fence corner post found for the northwest corner of let 2, also being the southwest corner of let I of sold addition; THENCE de tiny said West One North 88. 39' 00' Emt, a distance of 641.28 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 598,034 square feet or 13.729 cores of land. NOW: THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, WE, Stephen J. Bezner, Delorls Am Pearson and Wanda PLAkm being allot the owners do hereby adopt this pkrt designating the heretriabove described property as Lots 2R1 to 2R6, Block A. on addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County,Texm, and we do herby dedicate to the public's use the streets, and easements shown thereon WITNESS our hands at Southloke, Tarrant County, Texas this the day of -,1"4. Stephen J.Bezner STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE WE, the undersigned outhortty,on this day person appeared Stephen J,Bezner,known to me to be the person whose name Is i)ed to the above and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consideration expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this the day of , 1"41. NOTES U The Equestrion easement is a privote easement and is to be maintained by the Property Owners or Homeowners Association. 2) Allstructures shown on this plat are to remdin unless otherwise noted. Approved Hay: PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Dote Chairman Secretary CITY COUNCIL Mayor City secwtafy -R, W. f DEED RESTRICTION STATEMENT I THIS pbt doss net dtwr or rosowe ed atirg deed restrictions or oovenants,lf any,on the property. I zi` U I SURVEYOR'S CERTFICATWN Q ( THIS is to oertlfy that 1, G. Oemla Quoins, a Registered Professkxndland Surveyor J ( of the State of Texas, having platted the above subdivision from on actud a rvey on the groundi and that all let corners, and angle points, and points of curve shall be J ( property marked on the ground and that this plat correctly represents that survey made by me or under my direction and supervision. THIS PUT HAS BEEN RECORDED IN Cabinet- Skis - Plot Records Tarrant County Texas G. Dennis Oudle, R.P14% Sod No. 4276 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE WF, the underslgns0 oufhortty, on fhls day personally appeared 6. Dennis Qualls. known to f" to be the person whose nose to aubeorlbed to the above and foregoing tntrum Tin, and oeknoW9dped to me ttoot he executed the same for the purpose and aor>stderation expressed aid in the oopaotty therein stated. GM MY HAW AN SEAL OF OFfK:E . the day of IM Notary Public Cosiehoon expires Notary Public Commission expires II Wanda Pulliam STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Wanda Pufflw4 known to we to be the person whose name is subserbed to the above and foregoing instrument. and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purpose and consideration expressed and in the capacity therein stated GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this the day of ,199L Notary Public Comrmission expires PLAT REVISION LOTS 2R1 - 2R6, BLOCK A WHITE CHAPEL PLACE ADDITION BEING A REVISION OF LOT 2, BLOCK A. WHITE CHAPEL PLACE ADDITION AN ADDITION TO THE CiTY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 13.729 ACRES OUT Of THE HIRAM GRANBERRY SURVEY ABSTRACT 581 MAY 19 9 4 / 6 LOTS Lichtiter/Jameson do Associates, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS and PLANNERS 1420 W. M0CK#4MRD LANE, SUITE 300, ONIAS, TEXAS 75247, 214/6,30-8Q67 Cosa► No. ZA "-40 j F•\ WNitr NAP'! wr-.CI AT fYU ■ Z. hB 2 9.3z - '\ 42.1z CAD: .76�00 1 y p�pr5 j Ca F�JPP��o� I i .. I I L o 7- / V � v p Q 2 . �P�4 P•, r Al Z S /s/ Ice c� n OI �0 • 0 J Il �• �. 1�423 x'2.eE'5 AcaA441Y A Y �OU7�1L,/1/�� ....... ........ r..._..._._....--.---...-._...till a a L /D �%' /l l6g% D lZ 1J I N' B9 �� • o� • E . /G f BB A I �. o I � a ti Mod pt�� Off. o• L o r- Z �lZ �NIDCS LAI�L i A/ i� ZS9 BBB dD coo .I YDJN a ?iGNr 6F -' �✓A� J"ICAr/oti/ I J —I --- 4 L_ r A _ - G+12O G/o aD i1/C/1f'1Tl- &X/ CAL E / .• loon' S 2S o /0 So /ao AVIGATION EASEMENT AND RELEASE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, THE MONTESSORT ACADEMY AT SOUTHLAKE hereafter called "Owner" (whether one or more), is the owner of that certain parcel of land situated in or within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Southlake, Tarrant and Denton Counties, Texas, being more particularly described hereon for all purposes: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of ONE AND 00/00 ($1.00) DOLLAR, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, Owner hereby waive, release, snd forever hold harmless the Cityof Southlake, Texas, a municipal cor- poration, herein called "City", from any and all calims for damage of any kind that Owner may have or may hereinafter have in the future by reason of passage of all aircraft (" aircraft being defined for the purpose of this instrument as any contrivance now known or hereinafter, invented, used, or designed for navigation of or flight in the air) by whomsoever owned and operated, in the air space above Owner's property, as hereon before described, and above the surface of Owner's property such noise, vibaration, dust, fuel, and lubricant particles, and all other effects that may be caused by operation of aircraft landing at or taking off from, or operating at or on the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport; and Owners do hereby fully having remiss, and release any right or cause of action which it may have or which it may in the future have against the City, whether such clain be for injury to person or damage to property due to noise, vibration, fumes, dust, fuel and -lubricant particles, and all other effects that may be caused or may have been cauded by the operation of aircraft landing at, or taking off from, or the operation and /o-r maintenance of aircraft or aircraft engine at or on said Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport . It is agreed that this release shall be binding upon the Owner, their heirs and assigns, and successors in intrest with regard to said property located in or in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, running with the land, and shall be recorded in the Deed Records of Tarrant and Denton County, as appropriate,Texas. Executed this day of A. D. 1994. Owner Approved BY: PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Date Chairman Secretary CITY COUNCIL Date Mayor City Secretary STATE OF TEXAS 00UNTY OP TARRANT *E:REAS, THE MLrTTESSORI ACADEMY AT SOl19 AKE, acting by and through the undersigned, its duly authorized agent is the sole owner LOT 3, BLOCK 1, CHIVERS PARK an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide #320, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and a tract of land situated in the A. CHIVERS SURVEY, Abstract #299, according to deeds recorded in Volume 10405, Page 2086 and Volume 11546, Page 0196, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and more particul- arly described as follows; BEGINNING at a 1/2 inchiron stamped Landes, the Northeast corner of said Lot 3, the Northwest corner of Lot 2, in the South line of Lot 1, said '--6lock 1; THENCE South 00 degrees-34 minutes-28 seconds West, 249.43 feet to a 1/2 -- inch capped iron pin stmped Lanes, an East corner of said Lot 3 and the Southwest corner of Lot 2; THENCE North 88 degrees-11 minutes-11 seconds West, 12.61 feet to a 1/2 inch iron, a re-entrant corner of said Lot 3; THENCE South 00 degrees-14 minutes-13 seconds West, at 2.00 feet a P. K. Nail in concrete at the Northwest base of a steel fence corner, an East corner of said Lot 3 and the Northeast corner of before mentioned Academy tract (Volume 11546, Page 0196), continuing with its East line, at 239.62 feet a 1/2 inch iron in the North line of Highland Street, in all 258.86 feet to the Southeast corner of said Academy tract; THENCE North 88 degrees-00 minutes-00 seconds West, with Highland Street, 175.08 feet to the Southwest corner of last mentioned Academy tract; THENCE North 02 degrees-32 minutes-35 seconds East, at 20.4 feet a 1/2 inch capped iron pin stamped Landes, in the North line of said street, in all, 32.00 feet to the Southeast corner of before mentioned Lot 3; THENCE North 88 degrees-00 minutes-00 seconds West, with the North line of Highland Street, 259.42 feet to a 5/8 inch capped iron stamped Hancock, the Southwest corner of Lot 3; THENCE North 02 degrees-00 minutes-00 seconds East, with the West line of Lot 3, 440.40 feet to a 1/2 inch capped iron pin stamped Landes, the beginning of a curve to the right whose radius is 25.0 feet and whose tangent length is 24.35 feet; THENCE ina Northeasterly direction with said curve and the boundary of Lot 3, through a delta of 88 degrees-29 minutes-36 seconds, a distance of 38.61 feet to a 1/2 inch capped iron pin stamped Landes; THENCE South 89 degrees-30 minutes-24 seconds East, with the North line of Lot 3, at 42.76 feet a 1/2 inch capped iron pin stamped Landes, the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, in all 408.44 feetto the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 4.6722 acres of land. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT THE MONTESSORI ACADEMY AT SOUTHLAKE, by and through the under- signed, its authorized agent, does hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove property as LOT 3-R, BLOCK 1, CHIVERS PARK, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and we do hereby dedicate to the public's use the streets and easements shown thereon. WITNESS our hand at Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas this the day of 19 BY: SUSAN MCCABE, President This Plat does not increase the number of lots or alter or remove existing deed restrictions or covenants, if any, on the property. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared SUSAN McCABE , President of MONTESSORI ACADEMY AT SOUTHLAKE, a corporation, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the above and fore going instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration expressed and in the capacity therein stated, and as the act and deed of said corporation. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this the day of 19 Notary Public Commission expires IL.9r ZE yl'15-ia4/ a/.!" La r . 41_�z Zy/ k2�_Z.s 7+"nGETf�f.Q h/rry ,A /�O,QT/o .✓ a F 7�� A. L'l�i�/E.PS �DredE_s! A Y7S eWc> Ald. 199, /� r�E -.SoZ1r41Z"Z I 2;5 Qe e"7- ,172-7 �L'.Pfs a ,� L,4,f 0.97E - o 4� z/- 94 This is to certify that I, Wendell Hancock, a Registered Professional Surveyor of the State of Texas, having platted the above subdivision from an actual survey on the ground and,�.`i / that all lot corner and angle points and points of curve shall be properly marked on the /CcL�D,�D DG//LE.� %�/� /1lo/t: 7'E�-SD'P �CAD.�i1�1f�AT ground and that this plat correctly represents that survey made by me or under my direction and supervis ion . :- 3--le 77' 11 Hancock .: .o9zRegistered Professional Surveyor #1326 /B/7% ¢S8 - 2 /S81721 Haltom Road Ft. Worth, Texas 76117 (817 ) 834-6243 + ' r ^lengiml �D T/!/S .FLAT �Ec o,E'G'L O ��t% _'.'��� ? - y tJ� O NN tN G agaag cZZ 4P, r — N- r t� NT ►� S • 3 W L . l�� ..rrtixir .� p►S�' N,02,so.oa.�' "'o.!+v• - awITAW rmwr �►•.� w .� .� rr wrr �. ��► • �" ��^w� ..► �� '< � to ! MW A it K. ,- is -i • flu ta r- z • E 70 a • l .�,' � � � S ITS • i r, A"LAB 1 Its �•�. :. ---� ft^ t J 1 w N_..........• .. T � 4'• I .t, � 1 t� . tot X'Pon --1 Ile fn r'-~e► f � Ex t ST 11,4 chi OWE C _,...._.�,�...,.......r_...._._._._.,.may...._._.-.._....__.......� % . j be -XIS 'W4h ' x 1 L . U 62) ..:,r�- ED USE 014 ix NO SCALE a � I LOT 4 _--------- LOT 5 RAN PACK, 0 er I RANDY PACK, 'Owner LO 6 RANDY ACK, caner 8 -0• CHAIN LINK FENCE AROUND YARD kn - --=L• _ - - -� OOD-SLATS LiN .CU&N LINK FABRIC � -�z• __ e _ S 8dfL 59�$ afm L `15' U.E. (VOL. 88-214. P . 60, I . / 15' B.L. �• I � GRASS AR A GRASS AREA %ram_ 0' x 25' LOADING ZONE I 5' , I •I PROPOSED 4 MAINTE ANCE (1118, z 18' 60 4 16 WARE USE = 20 II II o (75' x 00') O. • � ,) m I CONC TE PAVING cD . y 69j O I I I a I FINISH F OOR 1 I <�� 24 I E LANE �� !� I STORAGE YARD EL. 685.5 I 6 :41 3 TC sae T c C�2 (PAVED W/ALL- �A,THER SURFACE) 35,Y�Y S.F. N P .a = 20 7,500 S.F. B LDING I I \ co • I I �.�j o I WG' POOFFISED w • - LOT 3R (� I i a BUILD G w ( ) co IZ -oil l I I WASHRACK I FINISH 6B 8 I z O o .I E' W � PIANI'Qi N U •I I REFUSE DUMPSTE L J I / R = 25' f''�` 4.800 S.F. B ILDING / I¢ z I I I (BY OTHERS) - 20' If1, GRASJ AREA o i I �� � � CURB � � �, n CURB .� Z 1 I I 2-12' GATES a I I ` W/WOOD SCREENMI B s `■■ s I I l I I ITO PERIMETER FACE. o 1111 FI E LANE � N I 6 SP S 9 0 cliG S�AREJA 25 R- ZO • I X Lo O� � GRASS AREA I � I \ O v --GRASS�EA \ d U jjj a 1 15' B. L. E--. W c° - - - - - 300.36 S 89 46' 0�'; :YARE 688 I 15' B.GRA EA8'-0" CHAIN LI 'K FENCE AR UND[OLRIC // • I W/WOOD SLAT ON HAIN INK GRASS AR o/G SS .KREA(TO BE REMOVE FROM COMMONT LINE I I r , 1 WHEN LOT 2R IS DEVELOPED) I L = 25 I , I I' I GRASS REA RE USE DUMPSTER 24' IRE (BY OTHERS) I �� < I I I I TC 6a2 TC g' URB �¢ 1 I I I I 6' CL >� b R- 2 P� PROPO ED x I I OFFICE I w I I BUoILDI o'G x co ! LOT 2R I I / I FINISH I EL.H683 8 FLOOR i o co 3 I z S 0RAGE YARD o I R= 2' 4,800 S.F. UILDING y / (PAVED W A)�-WEATHER SURFACE) �• cp I nv. I � I � � = 20' I I O I I I2-12' GATES TOWPE R METER FENCE. > ( RB Tc 6g TI RB ' I � GRASS AREA m \ � 24' FIRE LANE C2 I CONCRETEVI to I� r I I Y > = 20' GRASS ARIA \ SS AREA cli (• I 1 \8�rCHAIN LINK FENCE AROUND YARD 15' B.L. . W/ OD SLATS ON CHAIN LINK FABRIC I I �275 S 89d 46' 05" W Tt� 297.00 N 89d 51 1 W II i LOT 1 / LOT 9 I RANDY PACK, Owner RANDY PAC Owner f I NOTE: EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED FROM ' RECORD DRAWINGS OF "COMMERCE BUSINESS PARK', PREPARED BY TEAGUE. NALL & PERKINS, AND DATED JULY 1906. THE CITY'S BENCHMARK LISTED IN THOSE PLANS WAS NOT FOUND. I 11 X • W I EX. F.H. • (145' TO BLDG.) .I .I I I I I I I EX. F.H. • (145' TO BLDG.) I .I REQUIRED BUFFERYARDS 1. LOT 3R CANOPY ACCENT REQUIRED PROVIDED TREES TREES SHRUBS NORTH - 600' 5' - A NONE 6 12 48 EAST - 173' (STREET) NONE NONE - - - SOUTH - 598' 5' - A NONE 6 12 48 WEST - 263' NONE NONE - - - 2. LOT 2R CANOPY ACCENT REQUIRED PROVIDED TREES TREES SHRUBS NORTH - 598' 5' - A NONE 6 12 48 EAST - 220' (STREET) NONE NONE - - - SOUTH - 596' 5' - A NONE 6 12 48 �T WEST - 244' NONE NONE - - - 1 REQUIRED INTERIOR LANDSCAPE 120 0 20 40 80 1. LOT 311 CANOPY ACCENT GROUND TREES TREES SHRUBS COVER AREA REQ'D.: 2.460 S.F. 4 8 41 246 S.F. GRAPHIC SCALE (FEET) 1" = 40' 2. LOT 2R CANOPY ACCENT GROUND TREES TREES SHRUBS COVER AREA REQ'D.: 960 S.F. 2 3 16 96 S.F. PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE: 1. LOT 3 DEVELOPMENT TO COMMENCE UPON COMPLETION OF REZONING & REPLATTING. 2. CURRENT PLANS CALL FOR EXPANDING THE FACILITIES ONTO LOT 2 IN THE NEXT 5 - 10 YEARS. LAND USE WILL BE SIMILAR TO THAT PROPOSED ON LOT 3. SITE PLAN NOTES: 1. PROPOSED 4,800 S.F. OFFICES ARE FOR CONSTRUCTION TRADE PURPOSES. 2. PROPOSED 7,500 S.F. BUILDING IS FOR WAREHOUSE AND MAINTENANCE OF OWNERS' EQUIPMENT. A 1,000 S.F. WASH BAY IS ATTACHED TO SOUTH OF WAREHOUSE. 3. OFFICE BUILDINGS ARE SINGLE STORY CONCRETE TILT -WALL STRUCTURES. HEIGHT IS 14'-0" ABOVE FIN. FLOOR. MASONRY PERCENTAGE IS 88.5%. 4. TOTAL LOT AREA = 144,359 S.F. TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF BOTH BUILDINGS IS 13.300 S.F. (9.2% OF TOTAL). 5. PARKING REQUIRED: 4,800 S.F. OFFICE (® 1:300) = 16 SPACES, PLUS 7,500 S.F. WAREHOUSE (® 1:1000) = 8 SPACES (9' x 18' EACH). PARKING PROVIDED: 27 SPACES, PLUS 2 HANDICAP SPACES. PARKING PROVIDED: 19 SPACES, PLUS 2 HANDICAP SPACES (PHASE 2). 6. THE OFFICES AND WAREHOUSE WILL EACH HAVE ONE 500 WATT QUARTZ MERCURY VAPOR WALL PACK ON EACH SIDE OF STRUCTURE. 7. EXISTING ZONING FOR ENTIRE SUBDIVISION IS I-1. REVISED ZONING OF S-P-1 IS BEING APPLIED FOR ON LOTS 2 AND 3. (L.U.D. = INDUSTRIAL) APPROX. SITE COVERAGE: 1. LOT 3R SITE COVERAGE: (GROSS AREA = 144,359 S.F.) BUILDINGS 13,300 S.F. 9.2% CONCRETE PAVING/SIDEWALKS 18,048 S.F. 12.5% OUTSIDE STORAGE AREA 35,000 S.F. 24.3% LANDSCAPING/GRASS AREAS 78,011 S.F. 54.0% TOTAL 144.359 S.F. 100.0% 2. LOT 2R SITE COVERAGE: (GROSS AREA = 145,558 S.F.) BUILDINGS 4,800 S.F. 3.3% CONCRETE PAVING/SIDEWALKS 14,375 S.F. 9.9% OUTSIDE STORAGE AREA 43,225 S.F. 29-7% LANDSCAPING/GRASS AREAS 83,158 S.F. 57.1% TOTAL 145.558 S.F. 100.0% OWNER: RANDY PACK 2,00 Bank St. SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 irin�r At r ulLA111- "m CASE NO. ZA94-30 %k , AREA MAP TROFIfff CLLM VICINITY MAP Y COLLM COUNTY ROCKIMALL COUNTY rKM AN COIMTY 1 i COUNTY / SOUT'/,LAKE I I &.-am TARRANT I COWTY 4 El v . � v S i9' lr M' f W0.TT *' v - G CA j" *.W AG M GRALD F. fEF> " AW sss �• w � R6RfiR To SITE P�..AN LOT 1 _ FoR meTSs 4 8o wqS ` S o F LOT PRNPOS® LOT 2 jkot nor wrjr 111M. WA I S EY, ABSiMCT N0. 877 1 r � :-- + wtlA. IM1.S S11RVE`f + AB. 1066 ' w. WEDUR ", aaaT�u►cT ►>ro. ►tee r IWIr °AaIaW ON WE raw 11114 aw DAD "is SITE MAP 4o0I -O" mom POINT OF BEGINNING (Le,AOe Ate) LEASE L RJE 161 LESXft A.F.. QEN. JR. *,CAROL AN �..: 14440 WEST DOVEAAD ROA40KE, TEXAS 1`6262 $1J•t�91-16'!3 j LESSEE �901 i�lYESTEF 98L MOKE 1INSTEM PFAM lOII A SLEW MA DALLAS,TMXAS 75M � ',/RE ENTATIiIL FOR. Y, SoathrrstKrt SON Nobs System Antuai Eq*rmw Jim mdkrtw Phos.: W71- 35S-4227 Mobile (6171 929.9916 Fix: ;1491 $40-1693 PROPERTY LINE RE: SITE PLAN "SouthnestaA " MLIIbii;$ystl>" b'-On H CHAINLINK 4EN4E W/ „ Con=ttuCtiOA MANW: WIR E RE ON LEASE LINE (TYP.)S 89 33 b E 50.0 �.r DiNu. Tgxis 7*52 o Ph.ni:12141 1t3 tSo CRUSHED STOSU NE RFACE INSIDE FENCED - - --b?? fix: ��l4 113-4TE'1r HE AREA AT .AREA OF NO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC PROPOSED ioo' MONOPOLE MONOPOLE CONCRETE FOUNDATION O 3 p THIS CONTRACT. 100' MONOPOLE UNDER SEPARATE W �" J � '=0". � `" DALLAS AREA CONTRACT. UTI' o_ X. O o SOS.AU CELL 31T 'L LAT. 32 58 2t66 NORTH LONG. 87o OWS4.85' WEST &a ji, o $ S.OUT NESTpl( BELL PREFAB EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE UNDER SEPARATE CONTRACT. CONC. SLAB BY --- I EASE LINE (M r 3346 THIS CONTRACT. FMISH SLAB ELEVATION b 3. L— FRENCH DRAIN. 10';-Q RE: 3/A2. TYP. OF 2 b'-O" H CHA .MK FENCE W/ 8S/EGRE , PIROPOSED `'-O" HIGH C14AINLIW CONCEPT PLAN EASEMENT FENCE W/ RAZOR WIRE FOR RAZOR WIRE ON LEASE LINE (TYP.) CS ZONING REQUEST 12'-0" W X b'-O" H C4AINLW GATE PROPOSED 1I'-3" X 26'-O" CITY OF SOUTILAKE PMENT W/ RAZOR WIRE ENNCCLOSU� W EXPOSE DENTON COUNTY,TEXAS AGGREGATE FINISH 2.7 acres FLEXIBLE STONE BASE DRIVE WITH 2 15'-0" DRIVE SURFACE Z1 r ° EXISTING ZONING=AG EXISTING LAND USE=UNUSED PROPOSED LAND USE= • MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL s s o � a LOT 1, 8L6Ck A _ ouT plvt6lotJ CAI KM,9 P.R. N M%w 50'-0" 20'-9" 1'-0" II'-3" ! M DETAIL SITE PLAN SOUTH ELEVATION PROPOSED ZONING=CS ;. EA I" = 20'-0" N, T 5, s 1 E NORTH0 0 ­0 n �acE IM ' o POINT OF BEGINNING sU�NG o I ?0I-0 N ' - - _ _ �R�Nr I II 4-1 is all (17 EX IST f,1�R- F�sEM� EUR c � EXIST, k x-, � gd-o'I l i T p21 V i= l►`r I NDUSE x PROPOSED LOT 1 Exost>er� , W Esi _125 PROPOSED LOT 2 _ _o I � Z X AR'CHITEC«1T�S 206' BRYAN TOWER -SUITE 2720-DALLAS, TX - 75MI 214/979-0201 FIEVIISED PER 0 %A 1 it 0 TS Ic i REVISED PER CITYS'COUL"T4 FOR. = # y RELOCATION Of SITE • 5-77-84 � F 1E AY 2 3 1994 MUR.Lq -L-4 I I I DATE 3-9-94 ',)RA004 BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO SITE PLAN REFER To SITE AIA►P F=4 LOT 2 a RQ 1TZ1 _ P'�INTED DATE SHEET NO �- FI iLE �tYDRA►�1 i = 50'- DPRo P e RTY M EfiEs ¢ F3o t) N hS ' NM - _ ISSUE DATE Case No. 94-21 3-9-94 X X X X X