2021-11-09 SAC signed minutesSenior Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes of the November 9, 2021 CITY OF Q SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES: NOVEMBER 9, 2021 LOCATION: THE MARQ SOUTHLAKE Legends Hall — Executive Board Room 285 Shady Oaks Drive Southlake, Texas 76092 Members Present: Vice Chair Greta Schumacher, and SAC members, Bernadette MacDermott, Esther Spickler, Kathryn Orler, and Scott Cox (Alt #2) Commission Members Absent: Chair MaryLee Alford; SAC members Julie Walter, Jayne Winfrey (Alt#1) Staff Members Present: Deputy Director of Community Services David Miller, Hospitality and Sales Manager of Legends Hall at The Marq Southlake Crystal Maddalena and Senior Services Coordinator Soheila Mashat-Phelps 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Greta Schumacher called the meeting of the Senior Advisory Commission to order at 1:01 p.m. 2. PUBLIC FORUM- Vice Chair Schumacher opened Public Forum. Victoria Clyde, 106 Starling Ct, Southlake, Senior Advisory Commission member, spoke to receiving a letter notifying her that she was not reappointed to the Senior Advisory Commission and expressed her well wishes and gratitude to the commission. Vice Chair Schumacher acknowledged the Public Forum comments. There being no one else to address the Commission, Public Forum was closed. 3. DISCUSSION 3A. CALL A RIDE SOUTHLAKE REPORT SENIOR SERVICES UPDATE Call A Ride Southlake, Inc. (CARS) Chairman Ernie Meyer presented the CARS quarterly report to the Commission and was available to answer questions. A copy of the CARS 2021 cumulative report was included in the meeting packet. 3B. CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE REPORT Assistant to the City Manager Lauren LaNeave provided a City Manager's Office Report handout on upcoming events and responded to questions. Information concerning these events may be found on the City's website www.citvofsouthlake.tx.us. Item 4A-1 Senior Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes of the November 9, 2021 3C. COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATE Hospitality & Sales Manager Crystal Maddalena presented a Community Services update to include the upcoming holiday events and Home for the Holidays and was available to answer questions. 3D. SENIOR SERVICES UPDATE Senior Services Coordinator Soheila Mashat-Phelps presented an update to the Commission on current and future senior programming and events to include the booster clinic, Fall Festival, Veteran's Day breakfast, Murder Mystery lunch, and the Holiday Party. Coordinator Mashat-Phelps was available to respond to questions. 4. CONSENT CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda items are considered routine by the Commission and are enacted with one motion. 4A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE OCTOBER 12, 2021 REGULAR SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING. Vice Chair Schumacher presented the Consent Agenda, including approval of the minutes of the October 12, 2021 meeting. Vice Chair Schumacher asked if there were any revisions to the minutes. No revisions were discussed. APPROVED A motion was made to accept the minutes of October 12, 2021 meeting as read. Motion: Orler Second: MacDermott Ayes: MacDermott, Orler, Schumacher, Spickler Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 4-0 Motion passed 5. CONSIDER 5A. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION Vice Chair Schumacher presented a brief presentation describing the job duties of the Vice Chair and Secretary. The Commission discussed who was interested and who was not interested in serving as an officer. Item 4A-2 Senior Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes of the November 9, 2021 APPROVED A motion was made to elect Greta Schumacher as Vice Chair and table the election of Secretary. Motion: Spickler Second: Orler Ayes: Cox, MacDermott, Orler, Schumacher, Spickler Nays: None Abstention None Vote: 5-0 Motion passed. 5B. APPROVE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION 4TH QUARTER DASHBOARD REPORT Vice Chair Schumacher presented the quarterly dashboard with no direct questions. APPROVED A motion was made to recommend the Senior Advisory Commission 4th Quarter Report as presented. Motion: MacDermott Second: Spickler Ayes: Cox, MacDermott, Orler, Schumacher, Spickler Nays: None Abstention None Vote: 5-0 Motion passed. 5C. APPROVE CANCELLATION OF DECEMBER 14, 2021 SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING Vice Chair Schumacher presented item 5C for discussion with no direct questions. APPROVED A motion was made to cancel the December 14, 2021 Senior Advisory Commission meeting as presented. Motion: MacDermott Second: Spickler Ayes: Cox, MacDermott, Orler, Schumacher, Spickler Nays: None Abstention None Vote: 5-0 Motion passed. Item 4A-3 Senior Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes of the November 9, 2021 6. ADJOURNMENT APPROVED A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 1:44p.m. Motion: Cox Second: Orler Ayes: Cox, MacDermott, Orler, Schumacher, Spickler Nays: None Abstention None Vote: 5-0 Motion passed. Greta Schumacher, Vice Chair r.tal Ma dalena, Community Services Department A digital recording of this meeting is available by request in the Office of the City Secretary. Item 4A-4