1998-05-19 CC Packets-- INTERIOR LANDSCAPE SUMMARY CHART BUFFERYARD SUMfMARY CHART ---------------- T- - - - LANDBCAPE AREA 16 OF AREA /N CANOPY ACCENT, 8##1" i Ismaw came fSa FT.) FRONT t SIDES rREE5 TREES (9(2 FTJ I�GD ! 3rRbs I 7$x b 12 ; �. ---- 347 PRt7VJDED _ 3,469 75% 6 /2 116 - ' 347 NOTE: PLANTffiW OF ALL CANOPY TREES ON THE 817E SHALL BE A MIXTURE OF -50% s^' CALIPER AND 5:Ox 4' CALIPER M/N1M1A`1 8/2E. NOTE: ENTIRE PROPOSED SITE /5 NEAVILY a1000ED_ LOC IWN LEN3rH CANOPY ACCENT Pecs / SCREENING j IWDTM - TYPE I 1)R"S TRRES 3 ! i 04EAC44r of MATERIAL --- NORrit ; wain ED IO7^ 20'- O 7 -t-- A -- 20 NOW { lsr an' - o i EAST REQUIRED 192' 'J'- A 2 I 4 B NOW 3 PROVIDED I43' I 5'- A 2 4 a NICYVE SAtl1Xl M"Qmp /7T s' - A 2 4 ht 1SE 1 NO s >'reO►4DE�4 I4?' A'- A 2 4 14 I NOW i"r -S3' 3' _ A 3 3 20 NOW 3 PR'JNDED4 I60' 5'- A 3 5 20 NONE I- Ows parvcing Is provided bstummr the bulldlrrg setback line and public ROIU., shrubs obtaining a mature height or tiree Feet (Y) or greater must be planted at a maximum spacing or thirty Indies (30') on center continuous along an paved edges or the park. g or drive areas. 2- A minMrum or 5C% or all canopy tress planted on the site must be 2' In caliper and 5C-% must be 4' in caliper This Includes p/antive in burreryerde as "I/ as /nter/or to the s/te; 3- Accant tree* are a 6' minJm4m height -ather than the 4' rninhm„ to height as rercluirsd by ordlnancs. 4- applicant r0gL,&*te relocation or the ourreryard. 5- Excludes dr/vetudy curb cut ,uldth PERRYIALLEN APCV710N y I LOT 1, BLOCK I (APPROVED FINAL FLAT,) / EX/SrIrIG ZONED C3 - 27' IUIDE CG7I`1Gl'J EX/sTffilG HCXU4RD E. CARR ✓R �' L r�,1PE I LAND USE OE5/CsNATION: RETAIL/ COP?MEIFC/AL 1 ACGE55 EASEI IEw i0' LANDSCAPE VOL. 0091 PAGE 149C DEER 'r7OE a 5 Ft. UE. I l5' SIDE YARD BUFFER TYPE 75' DRTC.T. ZCNED AG. - BULL: lIWS SET BACK 912.4C' N 00d 0D'?0' E LAhV um pEsA5&47lcst: RETAIL/ C0PIlEVCIAL Ac rt. UF. I I 110111111111111 rrrrra_rrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrtr'rrrrrrrrrrrrrr irrr�rttrrrrt►wrrr�trrrrrrr�rrtrit�.tt.rrrrrrrr.�rrrrr rrrltatrrrt�rrrrrr•trrttrrrrrr�lt. �rrr.rrattrtr* rr.ttr)rrJrtrrlrrrrtt�rr�rtwwtrr,trwttrrrwtrr.tl;rtr r_I�tt t.rrw�triirit / It � •------ - - --t--- - -__ _ . _ �-----1 ,--� � { _ ,� ��, _`� DRA/N.4.iE E.nSEI`1EWT l Nt C2;r I s' LANUSCdPE LOT I—R-1, BLOCK 1 / ' ` ■' tj rC, UE ! 1 3 i ' BLOWER 7Y11E A T 1—R-2, B ANDREU) L. JAME$ JR AND WIFE �' LANDSCAPE i �- PHASE II , ' I . { i L INDA JAMES p E+e+ T r i4E B' f PHASE I J CA VOL,121 l . PROPERT/E5 LTD. EXIST NG } / L 1?I?3 PAGE :18 x. 1tiEADocu oAK$ $UBDJVrs/oN _ _- - -_-_ _ —� �a c+ercr VOL 3AO-129 PAGE 39 ` , -- - .- EMSTINQ { r _ I I IACCESB EASF,T7EM } r\ ?7' ullOF GCaTMN 1CN 5r. rsTING / STATE OF 7EX.4S / ZONED C3 ZONED SF/,4 fi { { ji-11 F� H A''�cCEss EA3Er�Nr ` FIB HYDRANTS /� vOL 9�4' PAGE ?06! LAND LISE DESIGNATION: MIXEDlGJdAT/0N: - - - -uTILITV EASEMENT - - - - - - — TS LAND USE DES RESIDENTIAL1LANCR5' L WDSGAPE l , �1 SR4! � 1 1 m 11 6p 1 1 tNo 1 1 am t I roof t t t.N>•. I I 'm I t u ti,s 'l I 11-. 81i 'R TYPE 'A' fir' 5 ODCd ®0'20' U) ?33.49 mod 00?0,10 l 5' L4�JDSC f N 8gd 59'40' 441 GEN R L /lam I tr�rr+nr►tr�ttwsttrrrr�nrrr�tt�rritrrttrrt�wrr0rrt�il rrsore_i,14M4re:ttmWtrmWt it.wast�lt�tr,�rtrttt_rt�tr�tt ttsttwtt�rr , /; , ORIVEW4Y ,DER TYPE 'A' Z3.19 25' FIaE LANE h. carve s/Dr 4CCEaS EA MEPIT '� G® rt, uF • { LOT 1- 1 f LITY EASEMENT /� - _. ! / N S9'4®' (i! �j�Q 1- - {� X .� - --- 3(e° UAl7E GlJPi'1/VJ. : I,er' 4PL Lg� MAY 4 CG►MG. DRIVE / 1 • EX�TING �� I �E , J r- •� ' AGC.ESB EASE? lErIT 'P eracrsrr /BERT1' BANK RGYsER GLENN tUiLL lAMs y UTILITY EAS�tENr f - - - _ _� _ eyr f A.aec. - �QJ / _ - r,r'c'°Ir-- -'i , / / e R r� o f o / VOL. 12222. �.4GE 1970 MEdDOtU OAKS L VOL, 11862. PAGE 1685 rJ i ' ; i N D0d ®70' E ✓, I, ` _ sr•.ac�s t`\ 1 /� I ZU'VED G2 D.1�T.C.T- - 10.00 r 9Mrr PA�arn0 r LAND U5E DE5/GNAT/ON. M/XED Ir ZONED AG 9 s q �V LAND U5E DES/CsNAT/ON: ! - 6 / Low DEN5Jrr RE$VEN71AL N � � � - °1 ' - _ / / ,_ _ � LOT 2, BLOCK l �- LOT 3-R-2BLOCK LPHASE IV _ �reoocsEc i c� I l sTORr ^ cPRo►PO�SF,D) A'' �� ----� `--- I PHASE V # - -- -' ? = BUILDING " 7 • ' �0m /cm, - i / 14 / r - i F , �, i I - - - - - - - - - - - - - ri -- ' - -- - - � ' -4 z ca* Mow ENT PROPOSED LOT 3-R-1, BLOCK 1 j C i , / ttr' 44 G r / MO$I1 EX/SriNs 1'� - - -- -- - - - -- -- --� �- ,� -- _-_1 i ------=-----------� - _�______ '-- "- -- ----- �` _i GEORGETOWN PARK ------- l0'LArvpSCAPE --------- - -------- -- - A --.o*- - A - ---- - — — r t� i i�d r rd• � 1 1i r � � I r r t r l l t� r l •r f r w 11 .� r r .. i t .r r if r l r� r r� i i r r r rr (r .. rl r r r �r r r: r« ... r r� i r 1.ri* rti.t ��*e+w�•Me•**�* •�*irw*i rls..e,rtt•.�urn�rr�r.rtitY��il�•rw�*j*4ar•Nrr�s•� ��•� *•ra,�*•t}�tt)�ss�sst�M*ia��*1 *sus* '!•s ►fer a* +t - STATE OF 'TEXAS J99.93' S 00d 0i'38' W i95.38' S 00d 01'38' !Lr {`� _ - -_-- - - = . AGE C113 Ex/BT/NG (( ?0433' 43537 N-?J,?3d E/ 38 E t 1l 43537' N 00d ,0148' IE ! .?7, b I !0'LANDSCAPE EXlBTlNG !0 rt. LIE J �- 1-- r-- ---t-- - - -------------i---- ft ED 1---. _ __ ,,-P1 D r DER TYPE 'S' - ! S' LANDBGAF�E S' LANDSCAPE ' '��' BL19CE14'T77�E 'A' GILffER TY� 'A' l � / I i / i5' SIDE 'r'ARC � 7' . FN M'DRANT9 C%NLzn N SET SACK /r 1 1 f HAP�LEY E. t CHARLOTTE J EA.T67N EMIL T 5l-tANKL IN -.__ -__ L J / 04C CA MS J4 VOL. I??bb. PAGE /60? VOL. 87/6, PAGE 764 ACCF _ .: 1 1d o ' 1 r / DRTC.T LANDSCAPE AREAS B.lrz7-ER T ARDS * E©rR4N/LCE6 I$ EX1r$ rt i-1,4ND/C�4PPED ACCE55 AISLES NANDlGAPPED FRl'! SPACE5 O )OPOLE PfOWTED - GLCOAL, !-4a.1I pws&jp sODItP7 L/Ori7 (PE54N TO 5E S/M TO PH. 1, 120 VOLT, t?'- 14' HT-) ORIENTATION- FULL $0WROLP0 COVERAGE MUSIC --LAND AREA: 0.9 a AC1WS 39,346 SF. 9272 ACRES 36C3: a SF 9 '-5 A�5 3 90-6'5 -_ - PAWIW-s RiEQ'D: i R67AIL: 34 0.2AW - 13 k --- REG. PAWA4, PROV'L7: 4 349 31 TOTAL SPACES PR!'1'VD: 1 43 3tb? 4AW 1�Q(1/RED LOADING SPACES ® 4 4 PROVIDED LOAp/NG SPACES ® k 4 4 SITE COVERAISE AREA: 6,�38 SF Rib { 73,09W 5F - - — - S0,0t3? 5>F - —20.0i — -- 817E COVERA�aE f'CT.. i �E I 2L — � PAVM AREA: 19,29D 5F i46JOF **Ae3F PAVffia PEIRCENTA0E: { AREA OF OPEN SPACE 13,10 SF 14LI22 8F 04,24e 5F PERCENTAGE OPEN SPACE 33. .392 %f ; AIMA OF OUTSIDE 5r0RAGE 0 5Q FT. 0 5Q 0 da S CaF OUTSIDE STORAGE le Sa FT, 0 5Q Fr. 1 0 sa FT 6,756 Sc ± . 118,622 SF 12637E SF I�P'IBER AF STORIES — -- 1 t 2 { 112 ___.__ ---- — , - �------------- P'1,4)Cl1"fiJly eLtx.� i,��,lr j 2�'-a• ANPCIPATEO CON57. SCHEDULE: FALL - 98 ZONED AG t LAND USE DE516N4TiON: MIXED LAND USE DE5/5s447'/ON: t-1/XE0 �- 8i 9 ;, l PROPOSED l 41 � ?0' LANDSCAPE / - _ ti �r % ! BI�FER TYPE �O' i 1 JIf . I ' LOT 4, BLOCK I ;� — -15 rt. OF l 10 rt. Ut/J1ty Easement PHASE IV (PROPOSED) _I r RIGHT -OUT ONLY/ If i ---- - -- - - - - __--------__--_F- 71, 'l J :.�r Lriamr+.Ir�ri+i ++iiYfriftiiivt�Ir.hf irir..rr.o Horne.trrrrarrtr+.�rarfi`irr't5 ir'►(t'rrrrFlsrir" / I ' 33635' S 00d 0138' !1J , / 10 EM/L'r 6!-IANKL IN l VOL. 8716. PAGE 764 O.R TC T. ZONED AG LAND USE DESIGNATION: RETA/L/ COMMERCIAL DRRIOUS 7DITOR: 1. 10:05 4.V.. 06/26/98 / I / ArrJ.rit.!"11\ 1 REAL TY CAPITAL CORPORATION 9?0 s. Main st, Su/ter 170 Grapevine, Texas 76051 7dr (8171 488 - 4200 Fax: (617) 488-525 7 OWNEW. CsFOQr%E70ILN MONT/CELLO PARTNERS 520 s. Main st., 6uite3 /70 Csrapevines, Texas 76051 Tel.: (817) 488-4200 ULTASJTS� Arch tect civil C < 4550G/ATE$ INC. 4DAM5 CON&LTLN-2 ENGINEERS 2045 `. Hlghruty 36C sulte 016C 9 IC a- 11*m st., Su/te /7C Grant Prairies TX 7505C GrapevinB, Texas 76051 Tel.: (8/7) 640-0100 Tel,: (ell) 329-6990 Fax: (817) 633-3309 Fax: (817) 329- 76 7/ SITE PLAN LOT 3-R-1, BLOCK L GFARGB TOWN PARK, SOUr II.AKE, TARRAW CO., TEXAS © 25' 50' 75' 100, DO,G. Fi-F SC -LF: 1 ,.-40' VICUCT Y MAP ti ems„ 4 1709 SOUTNLAKE U q w PRQOCT LOC'A77 N RE7 i j 31998 PREPARATION DATE: 6/26/98 CITY CASE NUMBER. "ZA98- PRN: RFC'V. CHKD: p in C • u1 M 0 In wi w w X oC < < sL ce tL OC < o ae U `O O W v H 0 �o } 2 U z to IV O N JOB NO.: ISSUB DATE- 6/15/'98 9M PLAN FOR Ulf 3-R-1, BL( I:�I •r.. : - a -�.y� , , _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION - f BEING a 1.04 acre tract of land in the Jahn A. Fre-Oman Survey, Abstract No 529 situate'd.in the W E City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and bean Lot 5. Block 1 of the Mitton Addition., an Slide the Plat Records of. addition to the City of Southlake as recorded in abinet A. 1252 of Tarrant County, Texas and,'being more particularly, described as follows: S BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron pin found at the Northeast corner of Lot 5. Block 1 of said Mirony South line of East SOuthlake Addition, said pin being at the intersection of''the right-of-way Miron Drive (56.' ROW). Boulevard (FM 1709) (130' ROW) and the Nest right-of-way line of GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=40' said pin being also being the Northeast corner of the herein described .tract; t THENCE S00'00'30"W along the West right-of-way dine of said Miron Drive. 80.64 feet to a 1/2" iron pin found, said pin being the Point of Curvature of a circular curve to the night having a g 0 40 80 i20 radius of 151.23 feet, a central angle of 23'52` 18"".' 'a chord length of 66,69 feet and:8 chord bearing of S12'07'35W: _ THENCE along said curve to the right and the West right-of-way line of said Miron Drive, 67.17 feet to a 1/24 iron pin found: THENCE S24'03'44"W along the -West right-of-way line of said Miron Drive. 18.51 feet to a the Point Curvature of a circular curve to the left having a 1/2" iron pin found, said pinbeing ,of • ~' 9 90 f t d a chord Q,,.111�l1 LIM. Mixed Use Lac i, $lc�k Z A I+%T.S. �v F:c iUNiC�; Cs viilse Cater, I haw 24 ., Fni�mcnmy P'tai LLTf3: Mixed I1sc Cab A, S'Uxie 3095, i�K'rGT Sorge Tovvo � zoNi 1 . IMF .PUDV, 1 East SQu�uevrd 1 i (00 ROW) -,, EXISTING POLE SIGN + TO BE; REPLACED WITH M PROPOSED MONUMENT SIGN POINT' OF �. B , O Q ° va N8 56 46 E 233.83 ' Uj i TYPE "E" BIEFERYARD BX I.ST ING 44 .. 15 ' UE CONCRETE CAN l u, I w ° CAN 61GHTS LIGHT ; . ��. 77 SINGLE ° 50L' • ° METAL MASON BIQG w Q_ � c COMMERCIAL •- ' � r 2-HANDICAPPED Q 6140 sf cn O !s SPACES `u w SEP IC TAi�jl( ° _ � PROPOSED .�. a •�EX,IS IK _ r, _ ASPHALT TO BE ABANDONf-D PLACE_ - TE , EX ZOMING: C2 e j y z > 4 DUMPSTER wf A p, SP CE S�4jEENTNG 4S 052 r 1 G7:' TA 3 NO Ln (a4 fIF�STING CONCfj�TE PROPOSED ASPHALT o _ sio' 1 g J ° 00 4 i PROPOSED y .' ASPHALT 9' 08 N89 *52 ' 29W R ►18 .43 ° L-=3 radius of 188.43 feet, a central angle of 12 09 18 , a chord length Of 3 ee an bearing of S17'59'05"W: L' THENCE along said curve to the left and the West right-of-wa�t Lot line of said Miron Drive,`39.97 U. Block i of the Miron Addition, feet too -a 5/8" iron pin found for the Northeast corner of Iaddition to the City.of Southlake as recorded in Cabinet A. Slide 3901 of the Plat Records of an Tarrant County, Texas: w THENCE N89052'29"W along the North line of said Lot 4, Block, 200.40 feet to a 5/8" iron, pin of Lot 6, s found for the Northwest corner of said lot 4. Block 1. said pin being on the East line - .: Block 1 of said Miron Addition; THENCE N00'07'55"E along the _East line of said Lot 6, Block 1, 200.03 feet to a 1/2" iron pin found on the South right-of-way line of said East Southlake Boulveard: THENCE N89'56'46"E along the South right-of-way line of said East Southlake Boulevard, 233.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 45.220 square feet or.1.04 acres of land. a SITE DATA GROSS TRACT ACREAGE 1.04 NET TRACT ACREAGE 1.04 EXISTING ZONING C-2 PROPOSED ZONING C-2 LAND USE DESIGNATION Office Commercial PERCENTAGE OF SITE COVERAGE 9.4 AREA OF OPEN SPACE 29, 600 sf OPEN SPACE PERCENTAGE 45% TOTAL BUILDING AREA 6140 sf COMMERCIAL USE 6140 sf TOTAL FLOOR AREA 6140 sf REQUIRED PARKING SPACES 31 PROVIDED PARKING SPACES 32 HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES 2 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS I PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION START DATE July 1998 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION DATE November 1998 arty. 4 Tye {,.I II: 0MCC C YM r a SUMMARY CHART BUFFERYARDS Sufferjard Canopy Accent Fence/Screeningg Inrn+inn Length Width- Voe Trees Trees Shrubs Height/Material NORTH Required 234' 20'-"0"1 9 7 32' NONE Provided 234 ' 10 ' -." E " 2 5 19' NONE EAST Required 307' NONE 0 0 0 NONE Provided 307' 10'-"B" 6 9 31 NONE SOUTH Required 200' 5'-"A" 2 4 16 NONE Provided 200' 5"-"A" 2 4 16 NONE WEST Required 300' 5'-"A" 3 6 24 NONE Provided 300' 5'-"A" 3 6 24 NONE i. Shrubs reaching a mature height of 3' must be planteo {I at maximum 30" centers along paving edge of adjacent parking spaces. I SUMMARY CHART - INTERIOR LANDSCAPE Required or Landscape I of area in Canopy Accent Ground Cover Provided Area (SF) front or side Trees Trees Shrubs (SF) REQUIRED 0 75% 0 0 0 0 PROVIDED 0 0 0 1. , 0 0 0 NOTE: DUMPSTER SCREENING SHALL MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THE CORRIDOR OVERLAY ZONE ORDINANCE. BENCH MARK EL EVA TION r 692 . B 7 SQUARE CUT ON CONCRETE HEADWALL AT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 5 - 8X4 BOX C(/L VERTS SOUTH SIDE OF 1709 60't WEST OF' SOUTHWEST CORNER OF WALMART SrI E PLAN OP F. 3 Ci ty an Add to C * of udhi" T T as 1 efibiret A SH& 1252 FR is d 4y OWNEDBY: PR�ARBD BY: in $1C Y0b1i:: , AbsUM 529 MARTImus abosadinbe . • 9 aq Tarmc Teal 601 W. Wall �K 76051 COAL -r PLANNERS. - 1998 _ (817) 481--7751 � erw�. . ate. goo, re„ Moto (8i7) 4�W379 Gse No , '4 r:c:Y fax 81 481-2597 Mr. hm PE MA s ad -. - c. : , r .:..,d. L•r_ l.:d_YS.__ _.emu Z 7 ow 4 R_ V �j 39 LJL 46 tc CL 0 Z z ci 0 z t7 z (A a 0:0 w tc \!3 44 z ic �14 rt3 ti- I 4q 9*- 6c 3A IL ILL ozw 44 SL < Iq Mvl It _T oc IL 41C 44 ic /tit, A-4 *4AV a A V"l K tj f Ck j . kZ1 V496 't� r Lip tf -77 th Of tc #AIP t4* 7� 4117 - T-' to 'Ic VF dL ho- Ir L -Ir 1 1, 7, �X illy '47 2 A IiI4p 'r iw ir! e-,m- Ii_4 iiNk iirn 7L IV 14' tItiUA I7k 1, 0 x I310 3�0 ItIAk IV Ior 1: ItT, 1�, I---------- Tn .0 0- 1> 7 < z f" O o3 x INpp V% C=w N I i-Alt---------------- tcft tOW m r" m 0 sc co -4 jp r*j tr4 C) 0 0 tO 40 30 :41NL J;p �10. z tm r AJ too rnCA Om tlip C7 30 i. e11 mi 3 I 0 4PN I L5 I I ......... ....... W8 OD 0. < <,� x x X 0 w cr z W 0 CL w 0 w z LL, Z < < 0 X: 0: _jF- 0 0 w >j CD W Z 1-:< W-0 F- F- a. 0 _j in N 0 CD o < w CO z M CO) r ) CLM 0Z at -01) =) V . 3: 0 0 L) z D > 0 1-- CO Z U) OD 0 W E ro < U- cr 0 w cr 0 X GoW 5 j cn,m Ej z > 0 C) 0>- w w < U) w > w x cr a z w D cn t7 I SOUTHRIDGE LAKES PHASE 11 CAB. A, SL. 466 BL 0 CK 1 49 1 50 1 G 5/8' IRF 100 0 100 200 300 SCALE: 1" = 100' JAMES R. STACY AND WIFE, SHARON D. STACY VOL. 12061, PG. 164 D.R.T.C.T. 5" STL. FENCE CORN-_R POST I 1 51 1 52 1 - —N 89 ° 51,' 29" E - 661 .51 ' �-- 5' UE ' CAB. A, SL. 1392 OWENS ADDITION 19.522 ACRES �:20.0' DRAINAGE ESMT. CAB. A, SL. 1392 BLnCK y •L.. POB +" CUT IN CONC FND. 53 1 54 1 I 1 �5' UE 15 D & UE CAB.*. A, SL. 1392 II fl 0I� o rn v I rn r� I00 co 3 APPROVED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION neT�• CHAIRMAN: P&Z SECRETARY: APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL DATE: MAYOR. - CITY SECRETARY: L.B.G. HALL NO. 686 ADDITION CABINET A, SLIDE 2877 o j� 10' D&UE I CAB. A, SL. 287' LOT 5' UE---- CAB. A, SL. 1392 1/2" IRF I L- —N 87*0818" E 1/2" IRS I - 395.95' N 87°08'18" E II 1 '\1/2" IRS o LOT BLOCK 1 N OWENS ADDITION I�LU - 10.000 ACRES II N' .;a N F .; ;ZERv ' � 5 Pt;. `_'5 ; `n I .R.T.C... o ,I S 88°28'05" E - 41.00 Z i_ OGARY R. 1 1/2" IRS �i _Ln ° ' z . 50' BUILDING SETBACK LINE (CAB. A, SL. 392) I) 10''UTILITY ESMT. (CAB. A, SL. 1392) 1/2" IRS( T —23'— — — — — — — — ——432.5O' — — — N 88°30'20" W - 985.73' l 1/2" IRS/ SOUTHLAKE BLVD. (FM 1709) OWNER OVEN LAND AND PROPERTIES, INC. PO BOX 143038 IRVING, TEXAS 75014 FOUNTAIN FIVE ZERO TWO TRUST 4600 GREENVILLE AVE. #200 DALLAS, TEXAS 75206 LANDES & �.SSOCIATES, INC. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 1107 E. FIRST STREET FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102 (817) 870-1220 - FAX 870-1292 1/2" IRS 428. 19' S 87°02'29" W - 460.22' 1/2" IRS SOUTHLAKE FOUR INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP VOL. 8433, P. 1069 3 0 0 Ln 1 1 LOT 5 3/8" IRF / 1/2" IRF 30.03' 86°58'49E 410.3e3, : 'f I- S 05'44'28" E 60.07' _-N :.fi378.30'388.24' N 86°58'49" 1/2" IRS E I c I �' It o 4. .A ry A Go C I 1 I o w LA0 CO N � I ---A 32.00' DEDICATED AS R.O.W. --+- 21.78' 5�8" IRF THIS is to certify that I, Coy D. Landes, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor of the State of Texas, having platted the above subdivision from an actual survey on the ground; and that all lot corners, and angle points, and points of curve shall be properlky marked on the ground, and that this plat correctly represetns that survey made by me or under my direction and supervision. `OFE'f R o ; e Jt •• •• COY D. LANDES •~. .• 1886 �• ,,.. `•-t�fESS 0'�• •�� SURd• yO Coy D. Landes, R.P.L.S. 1886 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT WHEREAS Owen Land and Properties, Inc. is the owner of Tract One and Tract Two situated in the Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract 686, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, Tract One being a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Owens Addition to said city as filed in Cabinet A, Slide 1392, Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and WHEREAS Fountain Five Zero Two Trust is the owner of Tract Three and Tract Four in said Hall survey, and WHEREAS it is the desire of Owen Land and Properties, Inc. and Fountain Five Zero Two Trust to subdivide Tracts One, Two, Three, and Four into two lots to wit: BEGINNING at an "+" found cut in concrete around a corner post at the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Owens Addition to the city of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1392, Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas, said "+" also being in the south line of Lot 54, Block 1, Southridge Lakes, Phase II, an addition to said city as filed in Cabinet A, Slide 466, Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas; said "+" also being the northeast corner of Lot 7 of the LBG Hall No. 686 addition to said city as filed in Cabinet A, Slide 2877, Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE S 01 31' 55" W, 568.99 feet along the east line of the Owen Addition and the west line of said Lot 7 to a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the southwest corner of said Lot 7 and the northwest corner of Fountain Five Zero Two Trust's (hereinafter referred to as "Trust") Tract 3,- THENCE N 87 08' 18" E, 324.06 feet along the north line of said "Trust" Tract 3 to a 3/8 inch iron rod found at the northeast corner of said Tract 3 and the northwest corner of said "Trust" Tract 4; THENCE N 86 58' 49" E, along the north line of said Tract 4 at 387.00 feet passing a 3/8 inch iron rod in the west ROW line of Shady Oaks Drive, a public roadway, and continuing in all 410.33 feet to the northeast corner of Tract 4 in said road: THENCE S 05 44' 28" E, 410.38 feet along said road and along the east line of said Tract 4 to the southeast corner of said Tract 4; THENCE S 87 02' 29" W, at 21.78 feet passing a 5/8 inch iron rod found in the west ROW line of said road and continuing in all 460.22 feet along the south line of said Tract 4 to a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the southwest corner of said Tract 4; THENCE S 01 39' 12" W, 371.64 feet along the east line of "Trust" Tract 3 to a 1/2 inch iron rod set with plastic cap stamped "Landes & Assoc." (all 1/2 inch iron rods set hereinafter are so marked) at the southeast corner of said Tract 3 and in the north ROW line of Southlake Blvd. (F.M. No. 1709); THENCE N 88 30' 20" W, along said ROW line and the south line of said Tract 3 at 432.50 feet passing the southwest corner of said Tract 3 and the southeast corner of the aforementioned Lot 1, Block 1, Owens Addition and continuing along said ROW line and along the south line of said Lot 1 in all 985.73 feet to a 5 inch metal corner post found at the southwest corner of said Lot 1; THENCE N 01 31' 55" E, 1307.67 feet along the west line of said Lot 1 to a 5/8 inch iron rod found at the northwest corner of said Lot 1, said iron rod being in the south line of Lot 49, Block 1 of said Southridge Lakes, Phase II Addition; THENCE N 89 51' 29" E, 661.51 feet along the south line of said Southridge Lakes, Phase II Addition and along the north line of said Lot 1, Block 1, Owens Addition to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 29.827 acres of land. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT Owen Land and Properties, Inc. and Fountain Five Zero Two Trust through their duly authorized agents do hereby adopt this plat as their plan to subdivide said property to be known as: LOT (R AND LOT 2 OWENS ADDITBLOCK 1 fON an addition to the city of Southlake, Tarrant County Texas and do hereby dedicate to the public's use forever the easements and rights -of -way shown hereon. This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restrictions or covenants, if any, on this property Executed this day of BY: Ernest R. Owen, president Owen Land and Properties, Inc. STATE OF TEXAS Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas on this day personally appeared Ernest R. Owen, president of Owen Land and Properties, Inc., known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity indicated as the act and deed of said corporation, and for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of A.D. 1998. Notary Public in and for The State of Texas My Commission Expires Executed this day of 1998. BY: Gary R. Levitz, Trustee Fountain Five Zero Two Trust STATE OF TEXAS Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas on this day personally appeared Gary R. Levitz, Trustee of Fountain Five Zero Two Trust, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the some in the capacity indicated as the act and deed of said Trust, and for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of A.D. 1998. Notary Public in and for The State of Texas My Commission Expires LOTS 1R AND 2, BLOCK 1 OWENS ADDITION RECI) APR 131998 BEING 29.522 ACRES OUT OF THE LITTLEBERRY G. HALL SURVEY, A-686, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, APRIL 9, 1998 #98019A