1998-03-17 CC PacketTO: FROM: SUBJECT: City of Southlake, Texas March 13, 1998 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Counci Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Agenda Item Comments and Other Items Meeting March 17, 1998 I I. Agenda Item No. 4B. City Manager's Report. Included in your packet is the financial report prepared by Finance Director Lou Ann Heath. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact her. 2. Agenda Item No 4C SPIN Report and 4D Parks and Recreation Board ReportBrief reports will be presented by SPIN Neighborhood #6 Representative Tom Ward and Parks and Recreation Board Member Richard Anderson. Lane. This project, and the associated timeline, is described on page 23 of the CIP update included in your last meeting packet. Note that we are slightly ahead of schedule. Staff recommends your approval of this item. Please contact Public Works Director Bob Whitehead if you have questions regarding this item. 4. Agenda Item No 5B Authorize placement of log cabin at Bicentennial Park The Southlake Historical Society is requesting to place the log cabin they dismantled from the former Southlake Commons property, at Bicentennial Park. The group presented their request at the March 9 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. The Park Board supports the idea, and is recommending approval. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest March 13, 1998 Page 2 The Park Board clarified that they did not recommend this site be considered a historical village. The Park Board is considering Bob Jones Park and/or Smith Park as possible historical parks. It is anticipated that a representative of the Southlake Historical Society will be at work session to answer any questions you may have. the fence at Bob Jones Park. You will recall awarding the bid for the pipe rail fence at Bob Jones Park to Ratliff Iron Works in December 1997. At that time, we recommended that you award the base bid to Ratliff, recognizing that the bid did not include gates. Staff was still considering shop drawings for gates submitted by the bidders, and noted that we would bring the gates forward as a change order at a subsequent meeting. We are now ready to proceed, and recommend your approval of this change order. Note that the cost of the gates ($2,100) brings the total cost of the fence to $38,725, still below the budgeted amount of $38,750. Note also that SPDC will consider this item at its meeting on Monday, March 16. Miron Water Tower. This bid is for the construction of a 1.5 million gallon water tower. The low bidder was Landmark Structures, Inc. with a bid of $1,485,000. The bid amount includes the structure and a painting scheme similar to that of the existing water towers. Bids for two alternates were also provided. One option provided for a second floor, which would increase the cost by $40,000. The other option provided for painting the structure blue. This option had no impact on the cost. SPIN Neighborhood #8 held a meeting to discuss the water tower and different paint schemes. It is anticipated that Arthur Weinman, the architect that designed the ground Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest March 13, 1998 Page 3 storage water tank, will be hired to design several different painting options. When these designs are complete, a second SPIN meeting will be held to review the options and develop consensus among the neighbors on an appropriate paint scheme. Please contact Bob Whitehead if you have questions regarding this item. Court. This request was brought forward by the three residents whose property abuts Pine Court. They are requesting this abandonment because they all possess frontage on existing streets and have no need for this right-of-way. Pine Court has never been built as a public street. All of the franchise utilities have stated that they have no objections to this abandonment. There are no public utilities located in this right-of-way and a utility easement will not be required in this area, thus, staff recommends the right-of-way be abandoned. Please contact City Engineer Ron Harper if you have questions regarding this item. Block 53 in Timarron Addition Northwood Park, Phase —I. As noted in the memo from Ron Harper, this easement was recorded in error on the final plat. This easement provides no public benefit and is in fact an unnecessary encumbrance on the property. Staff therefore recommends it be abandoned. Please let Ron know if you have questions. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest March 13, 1998 (aw Page 4 10. Agenda Item No. 5H. Resolution 98-23. Abandoning a utility easement on Lot 2. Block 3 Hills of Monticello. This easement is no longer necessary since a separate sanitary sewer line was built adjacent to this property. The abandonment of this easement will not compromise the integrity of our sewer system since the easement was never used for its original purpose. Please contact Ron Harper if you have questions regarding this item. ITUMMITO between City of Southlake and Crossroads Square. Ltd. As pointed out in the memo from Shana Yelverton, the final execution of this agreement was delayed due to a variety of circumstances. The developer is now ready to proceed, and has requested that we reinstate the agreement and extend the closing deadline to December 31. 1998. The attorneys will be drafting a letter for the Mayor's signature. Since it will be twenty (20) days until our next meeting, we would like for you to authorize the reinstatement and extension at this time. It is a good deal for the City now just as it was in 1996. Given the time that has gone by, we are including a copy of the original agreement in your packet FYI. Please let me or Shana know if you have any questions concerning this item. 1998 Ordinance No 480-267. 2nd reading (ZA 97-157). Rezoning and Concept Plan for Hilltop Country Plaza. On January 6, City Council approved this item on 1st reading with the understanding that the second reading would not be heard until we had made our decisions regarding the alignments of any roadways in Village Center East (VCE). Since we are asking Council to table the VCE study until the first meeting in April, we suggested to the applicant that they table their request until that time. The recommendation from the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest March 13, 1998 Page 5 P&Z Commission did not impact this property, however, a second preferred alignment throughout the study deliberations did impact the east boundary of this property. Contact Community Development Director Last should you have any questions regarding this application. 13. Agenda Item No. 5K. Request to table and continue the Public Hearing to April 7. 1998. Village Center East Circulation Study. At the direction of Council, staff has been working through possible scenarios involving improved circulation patterns in the Village Center East area (east of Kimball between SH 114 and FM 1709), in anticipation of substantial retail activity in the future. Three separate property owner meetings and a public hearing at P&Z have resulted in several preferred alignments for future roadways. There are two graphics attached to the rear of the memo and report which explain the recommended alignments: the first depicts all previously discussed alternatives; the second, Figure 7 entitled "Recommended Alignments - P&Z: 3/5/98," reflects P&Z's recommendation at their public hearing. This item was advertised for a public hearing for this date a couple weeks ago. We are requesting that you table the item until your first meeting in April to allow us to notify all property owners of the recommendations of the Commission and distribute the draft study prior to the meeting. Contact Director Last or Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter should you have any questions regarding this item. 14. agenda Item No 5L Request to table item and continue the Public Hearing to April 7, 1998• Ordinance No 699 2nd reading. A1212 in -across connection control policy. As directed by Council at the March 3rd meeting, staff is working to incorporate language regarding the inspection process. The City Attorneys are drafting the specific language N Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest March 13, 1998 Page 6 that will be required. Please table this item and continue the public hearing as requested by staff. the TRA for the Denton Creek_ Wastewater_Intercentor Pressure Svstem (DCWIPS). As mentioned in the memo from Bob Whitehead, this agreement is required by TRA before it will allow discharge from the N-1 manhole at Dove Road into the DCWIPS. This agreement is merely a formality since the land in question has already been deeded once to the City by Maguire Partners. Richard Kuhlman has told us that execution of the new deed could take anywhere from two (2) weeks to three (3) months, since the paperwork must go to Los Angeles and New York. The agreement in your packet was drafted by the TRA attorney, and is being reviewed by our attorney. We are requesting you authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement as approved by our attorney so we can quickly move forward with the operation of the lift station. 16. Agenda Item No. 6B. Presentations. There will be two formal presentations made to Council on Tuesday evening. The first will be the presentation by the U.S. Federal Protective Service, recognizing the assistance we have provided through our K-9 program. We have also received a request from Dick Johnston, who wishes to update you on the status of the tree farm. to SF1A, North Peytonville Ave. There have been no changes in this request since Council approval of this item 7-0 on first reading. Feel free to contact Dennis Killough should you have any questions regarding this request. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest March 13, 1998 Page 7 May 2. 1998. for the purpose of amending the Home Rule Charter. At the request of Council, staff has worked with the City Attorney to draft wording for propositions regarding term limits. Two propositions will be necessary to determine if voters want to allow for consistent treatment of the Mayor, Councilmembers, and Municipal Court Judge, whether this be term limits or no term limits. Proposition #7, if passed would remove the limitation on the number of terms that the Mayor or Councilmembers may serve. If it fails, the charter would remain as it is currently worded. Proposition #8 is a contingency proposition. If Proposition #7 fails, then Proposition #8 would allow voters to determine if the Charter should be amended to require a limit of two successive terms for the Municipal Court Judge, consistent with the limitations imposed on the City Council. If Proposition #7 passes, then Proposition #8 is invalidated. Please contact Kevin Hugman if you have questions regarding this item. Site Plan for Health Partners Medical Group Primary Care Center. There are no unresolved issues regarding this request. During deliberations at the P&Z Commission, the applicant amended their request to SPl with 0-1 uses. The purpose of the change was to allow the city to reduce the required number of parking spaces and leave a larger open area in front of the building. The Commission recommended approval 6-0, allowing the horizontal articulation as shown. Feel free to contact Dennis Killough should you have any questions. Qe Commission to fill unexpired terms. This item has been put on your agenda to provide Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest March 13, 1998 Page 8 you the opportunity to fill the one member and two alternate seats that are currently vacant on the Senior Advisory Commission. You will note that two of the three unexpired terms will expire in May. Please contact Sandy LeGrand or Kevin Hugman if you have questions regarding this item. items we disseminated to you Tuesday morning. We have included another copy of the material in this packet. As we mentioned in the March 10 memo, we have been communicating with TxDOT regarding our desire to incorporate urban design enhancements in the SH 114 project. As a result of a meeting held February 26, 1998, staff gained an awareness that TxDOT is moving quickly with their plan preparation and time is of the essence regarding our input into their decision making. Staff met with representatives from TxDOT and worked through questions regarding how best to implement aspects of the corridor study recommendations. We have placed this on the agenda with hopes of briefly discussing some of the design considerations we need to be thinking about, using the attached "State Highway Design Criteria Decision Matrix" as a tool to discuss potential costs which may be expected from the city. There is also a second attachment which reflects budget estimates from Newman, Jackson, Bieberstein mostly for the landscape architectural enhancements that have been proposed. We do not anticipate having estimated costs for each item at the upcoming meeting. Our goal is to receive Council's direction regarding interest in pursuing different enhancements before we spend a great deal of time working out the details. Contact Director Last or Chris Carpenter should you have any questions regarding this item. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest March 13, 1998 Page 9 Other Items of Interest 22.Insurance Service Organization Rating_ This is a subject you will be hearing about in greater detail at the June retreat. Texas is one of the last states in the nation to implement the ISO rating system; we previously used the "key rate" system which many of you may be familiar with. The ISO rating scale is from 1 to 10, with a rating of 1 being the most desirable. Southlake's current preliminary rating is a "4," an improvement from a "6" rating in 1995. The ISO rating has a direct correlation to the insurance rates paid by consumers. As such, the lower the rating the better for homeowners, unless the home is of a size (a structure needing 3,500 gallons of water per minute for fire flow ) to require an individual rating. The memo from Garland Wilson attached to my memo describes Southlake's efforts to improve its rating, noting that our total points have improved from 37.13 in 1986 to 67.57 in 1996. (Although the State was using the key rate system in 1986, we were rated by ISO at the request of an insurance company.) It is important to note that the ISO rating is "to provide insurance companies with a tool allowing equal and comparative premiums for insurance. It does not and is not intended to determine a fire service's ability to fight fire." We are aware of an upcoming newspaper story which could be misleading on this point in that the reporter does not seem to understand the broader issues. If you have questions about the rating process, our review, or the purpose of the ISO rating, please feel free to call Garland. 23. Fire Training Exercise, Garland Wilson initiated a review of our fire systems for Thursday evening, March 12. This review was a true test of all of our systems, including the public notification system, communications, response procedures, policy compliance on the local level, as well as compliance with the national standards we would be compared Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest March 13, 1998 Page 10 against in a high risk incident. The surprise exercise involved calling in a fire, with management stationed in areas to observe the response and record the results. Much of the evaluation was focused on issues such as response times, information accuracy, and appropriateness of tactical decisions. This exercise was unique in that it was live and unannounced, and it provided an excellent opportunity to evaluate our ability to respond to an incident. 24. Crime Control Board of Directors Meeting. The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for April 1 in the Council Chamber at City Hall. The two items of consideration/discussion will be the administrative services contract with the City and a presentation by Director Campbell on the Uniform Crime Report. Note that the Board will also discuss land acquisition in Executive Session. We are hoping to move very quickly on tying up property for the facilities. 25. Mid Year Review/June Retreat. As noted in my last memo to you, mark your calendar for the Mid Year Review, scheduled for March 24, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Also, the June retreat is tentatively scheduled for Thursday June 25 and Friday June 26. We expect the schedule to be from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Thursday and for a full day on Friday. Please let us know if these dates are inconvenient for you. 26. FM 1938 Update. Last Thursday, March 5, the Mayor, Bob Whitehead and I met with County Commissioner Glen Whitley and his staff, Lyle Dresher and Keller staff, Richard Kuhlman of Maguire Thomas Partners, Larry Cain of Hillwood Development, and representatives of Freese and Nichols to discuss the construction of FM 1938. The meeting allowed us to present the proposed alignment of the road, and to assure Commissioner Whitley's support of the project. Yesterday, Commissioner Whitley accompanied a group including representatives of the City of Southlake, City of Keller, Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest March 13, 1998 Page 11 and Town of Westlake in making a presentation to the Texas Department of Transportation District Engineer in Fort Worth. The Fort Worth District is supportive of our proposal. We still have some work to do and we will keep you informed of progress. FYI, attached hereto is a newspaper article about the meeting yesterday. It appears that the Town of Westlake notified the newspaper and invited the reporter to the meeting. This is not something we usually do when we are attempting to work through the process in order to bring something forward to TxDOT. It indicates the "paranoia" that Westlake has when it comes to the City of Southlake and MTP. 27. Southlake Sister Cities will be hosting a student delegation from Toyoma at the end of this month. The group of three adults and seven students will arrive the evening of Thursday March 26 and will stay in Southlake until the following Tuesday. The group will stay with host families in the community, and will have many planned activities such as visiting the schools and going to Six Flags. A pot luck dinner is scheduled for Sunday March 29 at 6:30 p.m. The dinner will be held at Carroll High School, and invitations will be mailed next week. On a related note, Texas Sister Cities had its second organizational meeting this past Wednesday at the Fort Worth International Center. Over 25 individuals from throughout the state attended. The majority of time was spent brainstorming and identifying possible projects and goals for the organization. Six committees were established: Membership, Organizational Relations, Information Technology, Education, Culture, and Development. The group plans to meet again in May, however, the date and location were not determined. We will inform you when the date has been set. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest March 13, 1998 Page 12 • Austin Trip - In April each year the Southlake Youth Action Commission travels to Austin to learn more about state government. This year's trip to Austin will include a visit with Governor Bush on April 20. SYAC met with Governor Bush during their first trip to the Capitol in 1995 which was the highlight of the year. The students were able to observe the legislature in action by attending both the House of Representatives and the Senate in session. Representative Nancy Moffat recognized the students during the session and briefly visited with the group. They also met Senator Jane Nelson. SYAC also observed two cases being appealed before the Texas Supreme Court. Last year SYAC was unable to meet with the Governor because of his busy schedule. Mock City Council Meeting - SYAC is preparing for this year's mock City Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 14 from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Please mark your calendars because the kids have been preparing all year for this event and have been looking forward to playing the role of the Mayor and City Council members. Throughout the year, city staff have addressed SYAC members on various city functions. The mock city council meeting is an exercise that gives SYAC members a chance to put the information they have learned about local government into practice. SYAC members participate in the meeting by taking the roles of the Mayor, City Councilmembers, city manager, department directors and citizens. SYAC chose the topic of a youth activity center to consider at the mock city council meeting. The Youth Park Board will also play a role in the meeting. In order for the SYAC members to effectively learn how a real city council meeting operates, your attendance at the meeting will be very helpful. A SYAC member will play your role and will perhaps seek your advice during the meeting. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest March 13, 1998 Page 13 29. Economic Development Activities. Following are some recent activities from the Economic Development staff. Feel free to contact Kate Barlow or Director Last if you have questions or would like additional information • Awards from the Dallas Business Journal. In late February, the Dallas Business Journal announced its annual real estate awards. Southlake Town Square received runner-up within Best New Development: Mixed Use, and Heritage Business Park received runner-up within Best New Development: Industrial. It is interesting that only a limited portion of Heritage Business Park is located in Southlake, but has the first built and occupied building. • Summary from The Business Press. Attached is a summary entitled "Tarrant County's most active residential communities" with Timarron ranked number three with 195 starts. Note that Timarron's lowest price range is at least $40,000 higher than any other community. • Realtors' Tour. Staff will be working with and participating in the May 8 Society of Commercial Realtors' Tour highlighting Southlake, Keller, Alliance, Grapevine, and possibly Colleyville. Planners anticipate two busloads with respective community and project staff providing narration during the tour. The event will start and end at Southlake Town Square. • Business Expansion Project. Staff is working with Standard Aero within Commerce Business Park to gather data and information for a proposal to expand their operation. Standard Aero overhauls jet engines and is competing with other Standard Aero locations to service another line of engines. �a Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest March 13, 1998 Page 14 • Chamber participation. The Southlake Chamber is initiating a business retention program and staff anticipates participating with business visitations to existing Chamber members. the attached nomination submitted by Cara White. Although it would not be appropriate for Nona to receive the award, the gesture is noteworthy and very complimentary of her work. I certainly echo the remarks made. 31. New SPIN Officers, The SPIN Standing Committee elected new officers at their March 12 meeting. Serving for the next year will be: Chairperson Al Morin, Vice Chair Tom Ward, and Secretary Angela George. (4hW The City Council Candidate Forum is scheduled for April 8, 7:00 p.m. at Johnson Elementary. Cara White is heading this committee and should be sending out detailed information in the next week. 32. Town Hall Planning. On Wednesday, staff met with Southlake Town Square to discuss plans for Town Hall. Space needs for the City and CISD are being finalized, and the County will be reviewing their space allocation and placement in the next few weeks. Issues involved in the development of a "downtown" area were also discussed. This is indeed an exciting time for the city, but we must have proper foresight to anticipate the needs and problems we might encounter down the road. Careful planning and establishing proper policies at this time will make Southlake Town Square an exemplary downtown. I will keep you informed as we proceed with these plans. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest March 13, 1998 Page 15 33. Tentative Vacation Plans. I am trying to work out details so that I can take a vacation May 11 through May 20 (+/-). If I can work out arrangements I plan to visit in Toyoma. I will let you know as soon as I can finalize arrangements. Barlow, Kate, Economic Development Specialist, 776 Carpenter, Chris, Planner, ext. 866 Gandy, Karen, Zoning Administrator, ext. 743 Harper, Ron, City Engineer, ext. 779 Hawk, Curtis E. , ext. 701 Heath, Lou Ann, Director of Finance, ext. 716 Hugman, Kevin, Community Services Manager, ext. 710 Imm, Darcey, Assistant to the City Manager, ext. 759 LeGrand, Sandra, City Secretary, ext. 704 Killough, Dennis, Senior Planner, ext. 787 Last, Greg, Community Development Director, ext. 750 Wilson, Garland, Deputy Director Fire Services, ext. 735 Yelverton, Shana, Assistant City Manager, ext. 705 IR r J CARROLL MIDDLE SCHOOL MAR 1 019% Mr. Curtis Hawk City Manager of Southlake 1725 E. Southlake Bouvelard Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Mr. Hawk; Achieving Excellence In Texas Robin Ryan Principal Kimbroly Pool ,Assistant Principal Jerry Hollingsworth March 8" 1998 Assistant Principal I would like to express our appreciation for your presentation on Wednesday, February 18th at the 1998 Carroll Middle School Career Expo. Your talk was well received and had a positive influence on both staff and students at our school. Middle school students are exploring various careers and your presentation exposed students to future employment opportunities in an established field. It is likely that ideas which you shared with students on this day will influence their future academic and vocational plans. Thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to make a difference in the lives of our students. Sincerely; z- S`��'5 � llol E. uo�e Robert Brown Kay Tergeson Southlake, Terns -61Y1' 817-481-3 l 83 Fax 817-488-8200 F 4m A ,a I- 2 w a z 0 z Q ■A ■ ■ N "1 A „ , 1 =8 —0 ■D ■E 0 R T H E L E V A T I 0 N GLAZING SYNTHETIC PLASTER SYNTHETIC PLASTER ` GLAZING HA ALL GLAZING IS 1" NON - REFLECTIVE SOLAR 0 S( I L E STONE MIGHT 8E MASONRY OR SYNTHETIC PLASTER (PENDIBG ON FINAL PRICE) 1A „ , 1 =8 -0 OF 8 PageSoutherlandPage 1898 1998 A 3500 Maple Avenue Dallas Texas 75219 TEL 214 522 3900 FAX 214 522 4380 Architects Engineers Consultants Austin Dallas Houston Washington DC B O l� lJ J C LLl Z I� 0 10 20 30 40 50 W W= U ,- W o Q U� U � W REDUCED CANOPY AT PORTE COCHERE BY 14' ON 3.9.98 ISSUE DESCRIPTION DATE PROFESSIONAL SEALS F EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS DRAWN BY A[ CHECKED BY EGL I G ■ ■ DRAWING NUMBER A3ml REC'D LIAR 0 91998 0 t II 00 r. W a z z Q 0 I [=IMM ■C 1 AMON ■E OF ®G 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 A WE e._o. 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ZONING - R SOUTHLAKE WOODS PHASE III II + + +We�o+ + +, U.G. ELEC-. O G �- w + + + + R + + + + + + + 97 _ + j +1, + + + + + + + + - + + ~ + _ . +ram + 4+l 4 I- + t} y + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ► I r _ -- - C - - rs D.3U; MPSTER+ esa.4e + + + + + + + + --9 SPA 0 - 9. SP B3.0 32. h� _ + +. + + + + + - + 23.5 I V E + + + + +: + + + + 'r v! a a 1 W y + + + + + + - - 6 SPA O 9'=54.0' 9. 9 SPA O 9'r811 0' 1 PA ®'9L_ SPA O 9 �. + ' __-1 ! <l� zt j + + + +1 + } + + + _ -+- - Y -- - - r + + + + + + - gg I i + +: �� Q i + + + + + o, - ; po , 1 \ A I I ! A + + f WALL ENCLURE ~ 3 ~I + +�+T+ �+ A A I i 1 4+ i + + +! i SEE ARCHITECTURAL DWG. Jpfilm L9 1t 40 - _-_. -- . - 537.60'- RELOCATE PP- , GRAPHIC SCALE r 40 0 20 40 I A57,.37 ' ( IN FEET) i inch = 40 ft. I i i TVY 75.5 TW 70.5 . ee• 07 . 879.74 PAT SHEEHEY ET UX VOL 6150, PG 882 4r,rj 0• 1„ BENCHMARK - SQUARE CUT IN CENTERLINE OF CURB INLET AT STATION 219+50 RT. 1709 (850 FEET -I-/- N.E. OF FM 1938) ON S.E. SIDE ELEV. 657.60 LIGHTING t=IXTUR� SCHEDULE OEM. MOUNTIING vMTS MANUFAC7UREWS CATALOG NO. RE1w1ARKS SINGLE HEADED POLE MOUNTED FIXTURE, WITH q F Gi c KIM LIGHTING REFLECTOR CUT-OFF TO ELIMINATE UGH- #lA/AR4%25OMH SPiLLING TO THE BACK OF i_UMINAIRE. I KIM LIGHTING DOUBLE HEADED POLE MOUNTED FIXTURE, WITH I R P.-i L - #26/AR4/25pMH REFLECTOR CUT-OFF TO ELIMINATE UGH" SP!LLING TO THE BACK OF LUMINAIRE. K IM LIGHTING HORIZONTAL SPOT FLOC`O LIGHT WITH DIE CAST #IM LI HOUSING, HEAT -DISSIPATING R18S AND ADJUSTABLE SWIVEL STERNBERG SINGLE HEADED POLE MOUNTED FIXTURE WITH POLE -- �i61030 BI W.ALK-M.H HISTORICAL FEATURES AND PULYCAP•BONATE POLE #4.511-7 GLOBE. --__ b N L le'_�• L -P L A N M J N U M E N T G1"=10'-0" Health Partnem Neeiical Group Primary Care Center Ke1er • thlake E L E V A T I❑ N S I v N NOTE: \ ALL DIMENSIONS EVEN APE V E CIRRUS GROUP. TO THE FACE OF CURB TOLL BROS, INC `b8o i • \ ZONING - R SOUTHLAKE WOODS PI,-ASE III . b,, .5 LRETAINI'iG WALL I MICHAEL P COSGROVE VOL. 7011, PG 700 i N P L A N J �vl P S T E Q OUTSIDE FINISH TO MATCH BUILDING 1- s-3• L 0 1 00 E L E V A T I❑ N nV C L 0 S R E , (- LINE TABLE UNE ( L1 LENGTH 278.59 BEARING N89'S4'55'E-� N89.54'S,"�'E-� S00'Q5'0$"E_ ' _ L2 L3 228.71 136.31 - L4 L5 __..._ _LB 228.04 228.04~- 138.31 S89 54'55"W -Sg9 54'55*W_ S00'05'05- "E_� L7� 1k-31 -S00'11'379W -� L8_ L9 140.9_5 44.84 500'11'37' Vim_; 1 N89'58'38*w S I I E S U M M A R Y EXISTING ZONING AG PROPOSED ZONING SP-1 LAND USE DESIGNATION "MIXED USE" ACREAGE 3.737 SITE COVERAGE 11% OPEN SPACE 60% OUTSIDE STORAGE SPACE 0% TOTAL BUILDING AREA (FOOTPRINT) 18100 SF GROSS FLOOR AREA 30,000 SF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 189 PARKING SPACES PROVIDED 189 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS 1 START CONSTRUCTION 4//15/97 FINISH CONSTRUCTION 11 /1 /98 NUMBER OF STORIES 2 MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 33' REQUIRED LOADING SPACES 1 PROVIDED LOADING SPACES 1 + PENDING CITY APPROVAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHEREAS The Cirrus Group is the owner of a tract of land situated in the W. R. Eaves Survey, Abstract No. 500, Tarrant County, Texas according to the deed recorded in Volume 5072, Page 963, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument found in the east right-of-way line of Davis Boulevard (F.M. 1938), a variable width right-of-way, said point also being the sout hwest corner of Block 1 Southlaka Crossing, Phase II an addition to the City of Southlake, Texas according to the plat thereof as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2425, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE North 89 deg. 54 min. 56 sec. East continuing along the south line of said Southlake Crossing, Phase II a distance of 539-60 feet to a 1 /2 inch iron rod set for the northeast corner hereof; THENCE South 00 deg. 05 min. 08 sec. West a distance of 302.46 feet to a 3/4 inch iron rod found for the southeast corner hereof; THENCE South 89 deg. 57 min. 15 sec. West a distance of 537.50 feet to a 1 /2 inch iron rod set for the southwest corner hereof and being an the east line of Davis Boulevard (F.M. 1938); THENCE North 00 deg. 18 min. 47 sec. West along the east line of Davis Boulevard (F.M. 1938) a distance of 302.10 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 162,789 square feet or 3.7371 acres of land. SUMMARY CHART - BUFFERYARDS Health Partners Medical Group Case: ZA 98-014 Location/ Required % Length of Length Bufferyard Canopy Accent Fence/Screenings Shrubs Provided Base Line Width/Type Trees Trees Height 9: Material North - Required 537' 5' - A 5 11 43 Provided* 537' 5' - A 5 54 0 East - Required 302' 10' - F1 9 18 24 6' Stockade Provided* 302' 10' - F1 10 41 0 South - Required 537' 10' - F1 16 32 43 6' Stockade Provided* 537' 10 - F1 9 84 0 West - Required 267' 15' - R 8 5 32 Provided* 267' 10' - E 3 25 0 * Note any credits used in calculations: a. Other Comments: 1. Where parking is provided between the building setback line and public R.O.W., shrubs obtaining a mature height of three feet (3') or greater must be planted at a maximum spacing of thirty inches (30") on center continuous along SUMMARY CHART - INTERIOR LANDSCAPE Landscape X of Area in Canopy Accent Ground Cover Shrubs Area Front or Side Trees Trees (Sq.Ft.) Required:* 8,145* 75% 14 27 136 815 Provided: 16,957 75%+ 32 ? ? ? *Note any credits used in calculations: a. 10% credit was provided for maintaining the R.O.W. b. No credit was provided for existing trees at this time. Other Comments: 1. No credit was provided for existing trees at this time. 2. Interior landscaping space measured for provided does not include the area between the R.O.W. and the West bufferyard or OWNER & DEVELOPER: THE CIRRUS COMPANY 1700 PACIFIC AVENUE STE_. 2'730 DALLAS, TX (214) 953-1722 J m /p. SI TE aU_ MICHAEL VICINITY MAP N.T.S. CITY -CASE NO. ZA98-14