2000-06-06 CC Packet City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM June 1, 2000 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Billy Campbell, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held May 16, 2000. If you have any changes to the minutes, please discuss these at the work session or notify Sandy LeGrand prior to the meeting. She will bring the amended minutes to the meeting for your consideration. Agenda Item No. 5B. Ordinance No. 781, 1s` Reading, amending Ordinances 717 and 717-B and Chapter 18, Article III, Section 18-79 of the Southlake City Code; designating the speed limit within Cambridge Place Addition as 25 mph. Public Safety and Public Works staff have been working with the Cambridge Place Homeowners Association to investigate and reduce the speeding problem in the Cambridge Place Addition. DPS has placed the "Smart Trailer" and conducted additional enforcement in an attempt to educate the offending drivers. The City Engineer has received a petition from the Homeowners Association, requesting the City Council consider reducing the speed limit in Cambridge Place Addition to 25 mph. This ordinance reduces the speed limit to 25 mph in the Cambridge Place Addition as Council did, previously, on Lake Drive and in the Timber Lake Addition, Southridge Lakes Subdivision, Coventry Manor Addition, Cross Timber Hills Addition and Oaktree Estates. If you have any questions, contact Charlie Thomas. Agenda Item No. 5C. Ordinance No. 782, Reading, authorizing and allowing a buy back option for specific employees with TMRS. This ordinance would allow employees with at least 24 months of service with the City of Southlake to "buy-back" service credits that they have previously- Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 L, Page 2 of 26 forfeited with TMRS. If an employee has previously work for a TMRS entity, and upon leaving that entity they withdrew their member contributions from TMRS, this ordinance will allow eligible employees to "buy-back" those funds that they withdrew early from TMRS. The last buy-back ordinance was passed in September 1993. Since that time, several other City employees have become eligible to buy-back previously forfeited service if another ordinance is passed. For the remainder of FY 99-00 and for all of FY 00-01 there will be no financial impact, even if an eligible employee buys-back their forfeited service credit next month. If an eligible employee takes advantage of the buy back option, the earliest the City's contribution rate would be affected would be FY 01-02. TMRS has determined that the maximum the City's contribution rate would be adjusted if all eligible employees took advantage of the buy-back is .37%. However, TMRS only adjusts our contribution rate if an employee buys back forfeited service credit, and even then, it would be a pro- rated percent of .37%. During the last buy-back in 1993, 15 employees were eligible and only 3 have bought back forfeited service credits. Agenda Item No. 5D. ZA 99-139, Site Plan and Rezoning for 114 Kimball Square. (The applicant has requested to table this item to the July 18, 2000 Council meeting.) Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this item. Agenda Item No. 5E. ZA 00-016, 1' Reading, Property south of Walgreen's, "C-2" to 0-1." (This item has been requested to be tabled until 6/20/00.) Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this item. Agenda Item 6A. Presentation by Stuart Marshall, "Christmas Decor by Zenith." Recall that Stuart Marshall, owner of Christmas Decor by Zenith, the contractor who designed and installed the holiday lighting at Town Square, informed staff that they won Best Commercial Display. They were competing against more than 250 franchises from across the United States and Canada, and according to Mr. Marshall, "it wasn't even close." He plans to present to City Council a plaque and photograph of the holiday lights. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 3 of 26 Agenda Item No. 7A. ZA 99-125, Ordinance No. 480-341, 2"d Reading, Rezoning and Revised Site Plan for Tri-Dal, Ltd. This site is located in the Commerce Business Park between Commerce Street and Market Loop. Most of the structures on this site are existing and house Tri-Dal, a large construction/excavation company. The property is currently zoned "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District to specifically allow "I-1" Light Industrial District uses plus a contractor's storage yard with outside storage. The requested zoning is for the same. The purpose of this revised site plan is to locate a two-story, 9,100 square foot office building north of the existing building. The previous site plan showed a one-story, 9,000 square foot building in the existing parking area in the southeast corner of the site. Additionally, newly adopted regulations require a Specific Use Permit for all outside storage, this request incorporates the outside storage use (0., into the "S-P-1." The only issues on this plan are derivatives of this being an existing business with previously approved variances. There were no significant issues raised during the Commission's or City Councils consideration of this request. On May 4, 2000, the P&Z recommended approval (5-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated April 28, 2000, deleting Item #1.a (minimum 75' stacking depth); deleting Items #2.a (bufferyards) and #2.b (landscape islands), but accepting applicant's commitment to relocate required plantings to other areas of the property; and deleting Item #3 (recycle bin screening). On May 16, 2000, the City Council approved first reading (7-0) on consent and subject to Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated April 28, 2000, and subject to P&Z's motion. Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this request. (10.- Agenda Item No. 7B. ZA 00-020, Ordinance No. 480-337, 2"' Reading, Rezoning and Concept Plan for Gateway Plaza, Phase II. The property is located on the south side of S.H. 114 and the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 (..., Page 4 of 26 north side of East Southlake Boulevard (F. M. 1709) approximately 200' west of Crooked Lane, directly west of Gateway Plaza Phase 1. The requested zoning is "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with "C-3" General Commercial District uses, including outdoor dining, a gasoline service station, and tires, batteries, and automobile accessories. The concept plan for the 39.5 acres developing as Gateway II includes elevations for the proposed Costco building and proposes approximately 334,000 square foot of retail and restaurant development. The "S-P-2" regulations, proposed by the applicant, generally follow the "C-3" zoning district with some variations on impervious coverage, parking, and providing a permissible building area to allow flexibility in locating buildings to accommodate future tenants. The applicant is asking for relief on some driveway locations and stacking and some minor changes to bufferyards and articulation. The Planning and Zoning Commission made a recommendation to amend the Master Thoroughfare Plan (MTP) to show 5 lane undivided arterial street with an 84' right-of-way for the proposed Nolen Drive. The concept plan was originally reviewed with Nolen Drive being considered as a 70' collector. Given this direction, staff added comments during the P&Z meeting addressing right-of- way dedication, bufferyards, and driveway changes for the 84' arterial. The review in the Council packet assumes the 84' arterial street. The applicant had no problem with providing the 5-lane arterial roadway, but requested that he be permitted to construct it within 70' of right-of-way. The staff had no problem with this request so long as a 10' utility easement was provided along each side of the right-of-way. The Commission allowed the applicant's request subject to providing the easements on each side of the right-of-way. The primary concerns of the Commission were related to driveways, screening of the Costco loading areas and articulation of the Costco building. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 5 of 26 On May 4, 2000, the P&Z recommended approval (4-0) subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated April 20, 2000, and subject to the following modifications: 1) In addition to this Concept Plan approved with the S-P-2 zoning, the development regulations in the document shall be required on this development. If any requirements in the regulations are in conflict with other requirements of the approved plan and development regulations, the more stringent requirements shall apply. 2) Regarding Item #1.d, (Impervious Coverage) Allow as shown, but recommended decreasing the number of parking spaces along Nolen Drive by increasing the size of the parking islands located on the east side of the parking lot except those affronting Nolen Drive by two spaces; 3) Delete Item #1.e (parking requirements for restaurants) no additional parking is required for outdoor seating; (Or 4) Allowing the variance requested in Item #1.f with respect to the one ancillary building less than 2,000 square feet limited to the gas station building only; 5) Regarding Item #2.b (parking encroaching into the 5' bufferyard), allow as proposed; 6) Permitting the variance in Item #3 (location of loading dock) but accepting the applicant's guarantee that it is not visible from F.M. 1709 or S.H. 114 and requiring the applicant find ways to soften the appearance of the loading docks facing Nolen Drive; 7) Regarding Item #4.b, unless the driveway is moved, requiring a right-in/right-out on Drive A; 8) Regarding Item #4.c, keeping Drive B as far east as possible with out conflicting with the culvert on the south side of F.M. 1709; 9) Delete Item#4.d (minimum 500' driveway spacing), and allowing as shown; 10)Regarding Item #4.e (stacking), requiring Drive B to be reevaluated due to the new design; increasing the stacking for Drive F by eliminating two parking spaces on the south and one space on the north; and moving the entry into the gas station at Drive G as far west as possible; 11)Delete Item#4.h(relocating Drive J further north); Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 L Page 6 of 26 12)Delete Item #5.c (articulation) and allowing as shown and requiring articulation on all visible areas; 13)Recommending outside storage as permitted by Ordinance 480, Section 45.11, as amended, with noted conditions; 14)Permitting 5 lanes on Nolen Drive within 70' right-of-way, as shown, with stacked utilities; 15)Allow bufferyards along Nolen Drive as shown; 16)Allow Drive I as shown; 17)Allow one gas station as approved tonight, and 18)with the following excluded uses: Allowing "C-3" Uses, excluding the following: 1) conventional golf courses, including outdoor driving ranges accessory thereto, but excluding outdoor miniature golf courses; 2) Lodges, sororities, and/or fraternities; 3) Mortuaries, funeral homes and undertakers 4) Plumbing and heating appliance repair installation service Allow the following "C-3" Use, amended as follows: Allowing medical care facilities to include nursing and care homes, hospitals with their related facilities and supportive retail and personal service uses operated by or under the control o f the hospital primarily for the convenience of patients, staff and visitors. Allow "0-1" Uses, excluding the following: Radio recording and television broadcasting offices and studios. Allow "C-2" Uses, excluding the following: 1) Business colleges or private schools for vocational training 2) Frozen food lockers for individual or family use. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 7 of 26 Other Use Limitations include: 1) Limiting any office related training to 30% of the tenant's floor area 2) Limiting the number of screens in auditoriums, theaters, and cinemas to twelve screens On May 16, 2000, the City Council approved (7-0) First Reading subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 5, dated May 12, 2000, and the recommendation of P & Z modified as follows: Subject to amending the movie theater to ten screens, deleting nursing homes, providing additional landscaping at the southwest corner of the Costco building and amending the impervious coverage requested to be: 75% maximum on Tract A, 75% maximum on Tract C, and 80% maximum on Tract B, (calculations excluding Nolen Drive right-of-way). Prior to the motion being made Councilmember Potter went through each review comment with Terry Wilkinson addressing the requested variances for development regulations, bufferyards, driveways, building articulation, loading dock screening, etc. (Please refer to Concept Plan Review Summary in your packet). Councilmember Potter also stated that the Driveway B, intersecting Southlake Boulevard east of Nolen Drive, could be moved further west from its present location. Councilmember DuPre also requested that Drive D be straightened and Nolen Drive be allowed a 70' right-of-way with 10' utility easement on each side of the right-of-way. The plan and development regulations provided in your packet reflect the changes recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the first reading approval by the City Council. Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this request. Agenda Item No. 7C. Consider Conditional Sign Permit for Gateway Plaza Development, Phase II. Mr. Terry Wilkinson of Wyndham Properties has applied for a conditional sign permit to establish special sign criteria for the Gateway Plaza Development, Phase II. The criteria is identical to the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 C., Page 8 of 26 standards approved by the City Council on February 2, 1999 for the original Phase I of this development and allows consistency throughout the development. Contact Malcolm Jackson with questions on this issue. Agenda Item No. 7D. ZA 00-014, Ordinance No. 480-339, 2"d Reading, Rezoning and Revised Site Plan for White's Chapel Methodist Church. The property is located near the southeast corner of E. Southlake Boulevard and S. White Chapel Boulevard. This site also has frontage along Pine Street. The current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District and "CS" Community Service District. The Requested Zoning is "CS" Community Service District. This zoning request takes in the additional land being acquired by the church for long term future development. The land added includes approximately 6 acres on the southeast portion of the site acquired from the Garretts and property on the east side of Pine street, along with proposed Pine Street abandonment associated with the realignment of Pine Street. The site plan reflects the realignment of Pine Street/White Chapel intersection. The plan is a combination site plan for the proposed 2,000 seat sanctuary and concept plan for future buildings and parking proposed on the church's master plan. Revised site plans will be required for future buildings prior to issuing building permits. The primary issues associated with this plan include relief from landscaping and screening, articulation and building materials, and driveways. Although the driveways are not totally in compliance with the driveway ordinance, it is staff's hope that the improvements to South White Chapel and Pine Drive may improve the existing driveway problems. Adjoining neighbors expressed their concerns regarding the close proximity of parking to the residential properties and lighting. The church has altered the plans to meet their requests and the recommendations of the Commission. On May 4, 2000, the P&Z recommended approval (6-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. L4, dated April 28, 2000, and subject to the following: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 L Page 9 of 26 1) Providing the 10 trees required with the 1998 plan submittal and relocate to appropriate places; 2) Providing a tree survey on the additional property being acquired by the Church, with the new parking lot to City Council; 3) Deleting Item #1.a (synthetic product shall be limited to 80%) and allowing as shown; 4) Deleting Item #1.b (articulation) and allowing as shown; 5) Requiring applicant to get a letter from the Garrett's regarding the bufferyards and loading dock; 6) Allowing applicant to remove the landscaped islands in the big parking lot and to increase the bufferyard between the residential properties and the parking lot, however, save any trees within the parking lot areas by providing islands and save as many trees as possible adjacent to the residential area; Lir 7) Requiring applicant to meet with Mr. Small and agree to plantings; 8) Requiring the 41 parking spaces south of the pond to be grasscrete; 9) Regarding Item #3.a, waiving the screening requirement for the east 1 and north 2 bufferyards adjacent to the Garrett property and east portion of south property line (where 6' residential fencing is in place) but requiring applicant to get with Mr. Small to agree on plantings for south side adjacent to his property; 10)Relocating the 14 parking spaces across from Mr. White's property and meet with Mr. White and agree to a suitable buffer for that area; 11)Regarding Item #3.b, allow as shown but request the applicant get a letter from Mr. Garrett regarding the lack of screening on the loading area; 12)Deleting Item #4.a (500' driveway spacing) and allowing as shown; 13)Deleting Item #4.b (driveway on a local street) and allowing as shown; 14)Deleting Item#4.c (200' driveway throat depth) and allowing as shown; 15)Requiring ballard lighting to be placed within 200' from south property line; 16)Requiring pole lighting to be reduced from 30' to 20'; 17)Permitting the roofing materials as shown in the slide of Alamo Heights Methodist Church, and Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 10 of 26 18)Permitting the phasing of bufferyards. The Garretts have agreed to waiving the screening requirements along their property lines and for the loading areas. The Smalls have agreed to a bufferyard with a split rail fence along their property line. Letters from each party are included in your packet. Nothing has been received from the Whites. Their concerns were the re-alignment of Pine Street and the proximity of parking spaces adjacent to Pine Street. The White's property is located on the west side of Pine Street just south of its proposed intersection with S. White Chapel Boulevard. The parking spaces along this portion of Pine have been removed and a 20' buffer provided. It is staff s understanding that a bufferyard proposal has been sent to the Whites. An increased buffer area has been provided along the southeast portion of the property between the parking areas and the Timarron and Small properties. There are three letters from Timarron residents stating opposition. No additional response letters from Timarron residents have been received since the plan has been revised. On May 16, 2000, the City Council approved (7-0) first reading on consent subject to Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 5, dated May 11, 2000, and subject to an agreement between the church and the Smalls and the Garretts addressed in letters dated May 15 and May 10 respectively. Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this request. Agenda Item No. 7E. ZA 00-039, Ordinance No. 480-340, 2"d Reading, property on Lilac Lane. This property is located at 223 Lilac Lane being on the south side of Lilac lane approximately 400' east of Pine Drive. The property is currently zoned "AG" Agricultural District and the applicant's are requesting "RE" Residential Estate zoning. It is staffs understanding that the applicant plans to (6., remove the existing structures and build one single-family residential structure. They have submitted a single lot plat showing for staff approval. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 11 of 26 On May 4, 2000, the P&Z recommended approval (6-0). On May 16, 2000, the City Council approved (7-0) first reading on consent. Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this request. Agenda Item No. 7F. ZA 00-026, Site Plan for Carroll I.S.D. No. 5 Addition. The property is located on the north side of East Continental Boulevard, south of Carroll Avenue and east of Breeze Way. The current zoning is "R-PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development District with "CS" Community Service District uses. This property is part of the Versailles Planned Unit Development. You may recall that during the approvals of the Versailles development it was discussed and anticipated that this would be a school site. A city park adjoins the east line of this property. The plan proposes a single story a 79,000. s.f elementary. It should be noted that the school has agreed to provide a common access easement to the park property through their east driveway on Carroll Ave. There are no significant issues remaining on the Staff Review. The applicant is requesting a variance with regard to building articulation. The school district representatives did have a SPIN meeting prior to this item coming before the P & Z. It is staff's understanding that the results of that meeting were positive and that no significant issues remained. However, during the P& Z meeting, there were a few residents from the Versailles which had concerns regarding traffic and utilization of Carroll Avenue as the primary access. There is also a resident along the south side of Continental which is concerned with drainage. City (1.- Planning and Engineering staff will attend a citywide SPIN meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday June 3, 2000 at the Senior Center to try answer questions regarding the technical aspects of the plan. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 12 of 26 One of the primary questions asked of staff regarding the traffic is "What factors were considered in determining where the school would front and where their primary points of access would be?" Although the staff did not dictate the orientation of the school, they provided the following information: South Carroll Avenue is designated as a 4-lane arterial street which should be better equipped to handle traffic than E. Continental Boulevard which is designated as a 3-lane undivided arterial street. Breeze Way is a local street. The driveway ordinance does not permit non-residential driveway access onto local streets unless no other access is available. Presently, South Carroll Avenue exists as only "two lanes" of the ultimate "four-lane" arterial. In reviewing the site plan, the City Engineer recommends that a left turn lane be added in front of the school on S. Carroll Ave. This is necessary because all of the access to the school is off S. Carroll cw Ave. Also, the City Engineer recommends that CISD be required to construct the remaining three lanes on S. Carroll Ave. at the time of the construction of the school to eliminate the need for the City to have to construct those lanes at a later date with the school traffic. The site plan shows to only construct one extra lane with the school construction. Possibly, the City could reimburse CISD for the other two lanes. The storm drainage on this site is generally north to south. There is presently an open channel running from S. Carroll Ave. south to E. Continental Blvd., then under E. Continental through a concrete box culvert and then across private property in a open ditch. CISD is required, by city ordinances, to take the storm water runoff coming to them and carry it through their property. They are also required to detain any of their increased runoff from their developed site if the system downstream will not accommodate it. The system immediately downstream, across private property, will not handle their increased runoff; therefore, CISD must detain their increased runoff or make the necessary downstream improvements to accommodate it. The site plan shows that CISD intends to construct a detention pond within the existing open channel running north and south across the Cschool property to detain their increased runoff plus as much additional runoff as the channel will contain. The channel/detention pond could be replaced with an underground box culvert on the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 13 of 26 school property with downstream improvements when funds were available in the future. This method of handling the drainage on this site is acceptable by city ordinances. On May 18, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (5-1) (Pamela Muller dissented) subject to Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated May 12, 2000, deleting Item#4 (articulation). Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding any zoning or site plan questions. Contact Charlie Thomas regarding traffic, street and drainage questions. Agenda Item No. 7G. ZA 00-027, Preliminary Plat for Lot 1, Block 1, Carroll I.S.D. No. 5 Addition. This is the preliminary plat associated with the previous Elementary School Site Plan. cThere are no unresolved issues related to the plat. On May 18, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (5-1) (Pamela Muller dissented) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 3, dated May 12, 2000, adding a comment regarding the addition of a common access easement with the park property at the northeast corner. Contact Dennis Killough regarding this item. Agenda Item No. 7H. ZA 00-042, Revised Site Plan of Block 2, Phase 1 - Stage 2, Southlake Town Square. The property is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of North Carroll Avenue and Main Street. The plan proposes a 24,000 s.f. one story retail building along the north side of Main Street and the East side of N. Carroll Avenue. L. There were no significant issues raised during the discussion of this item before the P&Z. The applicant is requesting variances on the Type '0' bufferyard plantings along Carroll Avenue, Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council • Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 (sip, Page 14 of 26 driveway stacking depth and articulation. The landscaping, driveway stacking and articulation appear to be consistent with the rest of Town Square. On May 18, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (4-2) (Mike Sandlin and Pamela Muller dissented) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated May 12, 2000, deleting Item#1 (20' Type '0' bufferyard) and allowing the applicant to use the proposed alternative landscaping; regarding Item #2 (minimum stacking depth of 100') requiring the applicant to delete two parking spaces on either side of the north entrance and three parking spaces on the east entrance; and Item #3.a (articulation) allowing as shown. Feel free to contact Karen Gandy (ext. 743) or Dennis Killough (ext. 787) regarding this item. Agenda Item No. 7I. Ordinance No. 780, 2' Reading, Amendment to the Master Thoroughfare Plan. (Please note this item remains unchanged from the first reading). This item requests an amendment to the currently adopted Master Thoroughfare Plan (MTP) to incorporate the addition of an arterial-level right-of-way in the vicinity of the Gateway Ph. II and Easter Plaza developments between S.H. 114 to the north and Crooked Lane to the south. The Planning and Commission recommended approval 5-0 with the Gateway section as 5 lanes in an 84' right-of-way and the Easter Plaza section as 4 lanes in a 70' right-of-way Council approved it as recommended (7-0) on consent on the first reading. The basic premise of this request is to gain assurance for the city that the roadway is developed as part of a comprehensive plan and not piecemealed if parcels happen to develop individually. This alignment was adopted in the Village Center East Circulation Study in April of 1998. Please contact Senior Planner Chris Carpenter with any questions. Agenda Item No. 8A. ZA 99-078, 1S` Reading, Rezoning and Revised Site Plan for Lot 1, Block 1, Carroll High School Addition. The primary purpose of this zoning change and revised plan is to address a proposed natatorium facility on the High School site. The CISD acquired two tracts of land adjacent to the northeast corner of the existing school site for this project. This plan also C., proposes additional accessory buildings, modification to the track & field area and elimination of the stadium shown on previously approved plans. Its should be noted that "future classroom" options Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 15 of 26 shown on the north side of main school building were part of the previous site plan approval and have not been constructed. The primary concerns regarding this proposal, with both residents and the Commission, has been the proximity of the natatorium to the Stone Lakes residents and its height. There has also been concern regarding location of proposed accessory buildings and landscaping along the south and east property boundaries. A small "lower level" portion of the natatorium was approximately 71' from the Stone Lake properties on the plan presented to P & Z. The larger portion of the building was approximately 100' from the Stone Lakes properties. At this location the building encroached approximately 10' above the 4:1 slope setback line. CISD has relocated handicap parking to the south side of the c„, natatorium and has moved the building approximately 19' to the west. They have also lowered the height by 2' on the west portion. The closest portion of the building is now approximately 90' from the residents, with the larger portion of the building being approximately 120' from the residents. The building now encroaches the 4:1 slope setback by approximately 4 feet. The plan presented to P& Z proposed four accessory buildings two along the east boundary and two along the south proposed. The Commission recommended moving these buildings as far away from the residents as possible. The school now proposes a single accessory building approximately 40' x 100' located just south of the Activity Center. This revision was a result of meeting with some of the adjacent residents. You may recall that variations to the bufferyards were made during the approval of the previous site plan for the High School. The bufferyard plantings along the east and south were changed to require mondell pines, equal in cost to the required plant materials. Berming was also required along the south. Due to drainage concerns along the south the berms were not installed and the Landscape (16., Administrator has concerns use of a single plant type. The staff review requires that the bufferyards and interior landscape areas comply with the current requirements of the city ordinances. The Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 16 of 26 school has been working with both the residents and the Landscape Administrator on an alternate landscape plan to bring before the Council for approval. However, there are still unresolved issues with both residents and the Landscape Administrator regarding this plan. If an appropriate plan cannot be established prior to your meeting for first reading, staff would recommend that any action regarding bufferyard/landscape issues, other than requiring current standards, be deferred until second reading. Please refer to the memo from the Building Division regarding landscape issues. On May 18, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (5-1) (Dennis King dissented) subject to Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated May 12, 2000, and subject to the following: 1) Regarding Item #1 (interior landscaping and bufferyards) referencing the Building Dept. (kw Landscape Administrator's Review No. 4, dated May 11, 2000: removing the berms listed as the second #3; 2) regarding #4, not requiring there to be all Mondell Pines and instructing the applicant to work with the Landscape Administrator to determine what canopy trees and accent trees would be most appropriate for the south and east areas; 3) regarding #5, the applicant is to mitigate as required the 2,250 inches and with respect to the placement, diameter, and number of trees defer to the decisions made by the Joint Utilization Committee; 4) regarding #6 (previous Site Plan approval) (the 1S` bulleted item) with respect to the trees to be placed along Peytonville Avenue the applicant is to install the remaining trees and shrubs that have not been installed and replace those that are demolished or dead; (the 2nd bulleted item) referring back to the item regarding Mondell Pines; (the 3'd bulleted item) requiring the applicant to do as the Landscape Administrator suggests and place all plantings on the west side of the channel; removing the 4th bulleted item (berm); (the 5th bulleted item) applicant should note at the time of final inspection for final Certificate of Occupancy all required plant materials will be required to be installed as was approved; Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 17 of 26 (the 6th bulleted item) applicant should meet the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance; 5) regarding Item #7 (high school site landscaping) requiring the applicant to provide an Interior Landscape and Bufferyards Summary Chart as required by the Zoning Ordinance and Landscape Ordinance and shall comply with the Interior Landscape and Bufferyard Summary Chart that is attached to the Landscape Comments; and 6) regarding Item #8 (Natatorium Site Landscaping) requiring the applicant to remove the undesirable trees and replant quality trees in their place noting that the undesirable trees consist of China Berry and Mulberry; 7) allowing no variance on Item #2 and keeping the height of the building at 35'; 8) regarding Item #3 (screening device) if the residential properties on the east and south sides already have fencing, the school district shall maintain those fences and if there is no fencing, the school district shall complete the fencing at 6' or 8' in height, whichever the resident wants; 9) deleting Item#4.a (articulation); 10)allowing no variance on Item #4.b (4:1 slope) and instructing the applicant to move the building as far west as possible, a minimum of 20', and requiring the applicant to explain to City Council why they absolutely cannot move it any further west; 11)regarding Item #5 (lighting) requiring the lighting on the east and south sides of the Natatorium building to be nothing but sconces with the lights pointed to the ground and allowing one sconce on either side of each door with a total of six on the east side and two on the south side; 12)allowing frosted glass on the windows on the east side of the Natatorium; 13)regarding the accessory buildings, requiring the buildings along the south property line to be moved as far north as possible and the buildings along the east property line to be moved as far west as possible and asking the applicant to completely reassess what it is they need regarding accessory buildings and come back with the absolute minimum (if four are not needed, then do not put in four); approving 30' X 60' and moving each of Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 L Page 18 of 26 them a minimum of 50'; requiring that any lighting on the accessory buildings to be sconces with the lights pointed downward and to the interior of the site; 14)requiring applicant to include all uses on any future Site Plans; 15)approving the hammerhead turnaround shown on the exhibit tonight and putting the emergency access gate 170' from the east residential properties; 16)asking applicant to consider moving the Natatorium to the parking area shown in Phase 5 and to explain to City Council why that is not a better site and why it would not work; 17)and requiring compliance with the Lighting Ordinance. It should be noted that there is more than 20% opposition by the surrounding property owners. This will require a super majority vote in the affirmative to approve the zoning change on this site. Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this item. Agenda Item No. 8B. ZA 00-006, Plat Revision of proposed Lot 1R, Block 1, Carroll High School Addition. This plat combines the two tracts acquired by the CISD into the existing school lot. The school has also provided additional right-of-way dedication along Peytonville Avenue for TMBP intersection improvements. There are no significant issues regarding the plat. On May 18, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (5-1) (Dennis King dissented) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 3, May 12, 2000, adding a comment that approval of the plat is subject to approval of the zoning. Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this item. Agenda Item No. 10A. Request for a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A for The Trailhead, 2260 Johnson Road and 525 North Pearson Lane. The Trailhead is a 28-lot subdivision located on (6, the north side of Johnson Road between Pearson Lane and Randol Mill Avenue. Perry Homes has purchased the lots and is building houses on them. This request is to allow off site development signs Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 (4., Page 19 of 26 at the nearest intersecting through streets. The proposed sign structure would comply with the ordinance criteria for a ground sign as specified in section 16-C. Staff has noted that in the last couple of years the larger subdivisions have been built out leaving only smaller parcels such as this available for development. A result of this situation is they tend to be more remote creating a hardship for the builders to assist customers in finding their home sites. Although the original 1995 sign ordinance permitted subdivision signs, the revisions adopted in 1998 removed all "off-site" signs. Bill Marrin of Perry Homes will be present to speak on this issue. Contact Malcolm Jackson with questions on this item. Agenda Item No. 10B. Authorize the Mayor to execute a Developer's Agreement for CISD No. 4 Addition (Middle/Intermediate School), located on the west side of S. Kimball Ave., approximately 900' south of E. Southlake Blvd. The site plan for the middle/intermediate school on S. Kimball was approved on March 21, 2000. Since that time, construction plans have been completed on the off- (..„ site and downstream drainage culvert and sanitary sewer line running from the school property to FM 1709. According to CISD, an agreement has been reached with the downstream property owners to provide the necessary easements as well as participate in the cost of the drainage improvements to accomplish construction of the culvert to carry the 100-year flood. Provisions were made in the construction plans for the sanitary sewer line to allow the property owners to the west to be able to connect to the sewer line at the property owners' expense. The developer's agreement covers the construction of on-site public water, sanitary sewer and storm drainage improvements as well as the off-site sanitary sewer and storm drainage improvements and a 12" water line along S. Kimball Ave. CISD is requesting that the following fees be credited: - 3% Inspection Fees - 2% Administrative Processing Fees ♦.,,• - Roadway Impact Fees - Water Impact Fees Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 L Page 20 of 26 - Wastewater Impact Fees - Park Fees In the past Developer's Agreements with CISD, the City Council has credited these fees. The amount of these fees is approximately $100,000 If you have any questions, contact Charlie Thomas. Agenda Item No. 10C. Award of bid to W.R. Hodgson & Company, Inc. for the construction of sanitary sewer improvements to serve the Cross Timber Hills subdivision. As part of the Phase III Neighborhood Sewer Program, Cross Timber Hills is scheduled for the installation of sanitary sewer to serve the subdivision. This project has been delayed due to the acquisition of 54 utility easements. All the easements have been obtained. Six contractors bid the project. The bids ranged from a high bid of $3,289,926.74 to the low bid of $2,566,793.49. The contractor that submitted the low bid was W.R. Hodgson & Company, Inc. The City has reviewed the references submitted by the contractor and deems the contractor qualified and responsible for this type of project. The CIP budget has allocated $2,080,000 for the total cost of this project. The total cost of this project, which includes the engineering, surveying, and construction cost is $2,811,783.49. Obviously, the total cost is above the budget amount by $731,783.49. There are several factors that have contributed to the project cost exceeding the estimated budget. These factors are outlined in the memo by Assistant City Engineer Shawn Poe. They include costs for tree protection and mitigation, additional sewer line borings, special conditions placed on the contractor, and additional engineering fees. The cost overrun can be funded using funds for other sanitary sewer projects not yet constructed. There is $873,649 that has been budgeted to construct the next phase of the neighborhood sewer Lprogram. The next phase includes Cedar Oaks Estates, Shadow Creek Addition, the Trail Creek Addition, and the Timberline/Woodsey Court Additions. The engineering is ongoing for these Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 21 of 26 projects, with the exception of the Timberline Woodsey Court project. Unfortunately if Council chooses to use funds originally intended for the next phase of the neighborhood sewer program, those projects will be delayed another year. The City polled the residents in the aforementioned subdivisions to determine the support in the subdivisions for the neighborhood sewer program. In Cedar Oaks, of the 29 notices mailed, 14 were completed and returned. Of the 14 completed surveys, 8 residents support the installation of sanitary sewer. In the Shadow Creek Addition, of the of the 6 notices mailed, all 6 were completed and returned. Of the 6 completed surveys, 5 residents support the installation of sanitary sewer. For the Trail Creek Addition, of the 18 notices mailed, 11 were completed and returned. Of the 11 completed surveys, 10 residents support the installation of sanitary sewer. And finally for the Timberline/Woodsey Court Addition, of the 67 notices mailed, 25 were completed and returned. Of the 25 completed surveys, 13 residents support the installation of the sanitary sewer. CDue to the overwhelming support from the residents in Cross Timber Hills for the project along with the amount of planning and work that has taken place, Staff recommends Council award the project. However, Council must direct staff on how to fund the cost overrun. If you have any questions, please call Shawn Poe. Agenda Item No. 10D. Approval of Change Order No. 4 to the contract with Pate Brothers Construction, Inc. for the construction of a 14-inch and 18-inch force main along Dove Street. The City agreed to block sod the disturbed areas within the easement area on private property following construction on several properties in consideration for granting the required easement. The construction is complete for the force mains. The City made provisions to sod the disturbed easement areas on several properties via Change Order No. 1. The change order provided 500 square yards (square yd.) of sod to be furnished and installed by the contractor. This amount was estimated prior to construction to account for the area disturbed within the easement areas. However following construction, the actual easement area disturbed was larger than estimated. Furthermore, several residents requested the City to block sod the disturbed areas within the City right-of-way. The City restores the area within an easement on private property with block sod. Areas within the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 L Page 22 of 26 City right-of-way are hydromulched. The request from several of the homeowners to sod the right- of-way is reasonable since the homeowners previously maintained the right-of-way prior to construction. Change Order No. 4 is for the contractor to furnish and install an additional 5000 square yards of sod to the remaining disturbed areas located in the right-of-way and easement areas. The change order totals $27,500 and will be funded using funds remaining from the 18" force main and gravity line along N. Kimball project, which was recently awarded and was $159,000 below budget. If you have any questions, please call Shawn Poe. Other Items of Interest Bicentennial Park Rezoning / Site Planning / Platting forthcoming. The S-P-1 rezoning / site plan process will allow the Park's Division to address the variety of uses proposed for the site as well as the location and screening of vending machines. A lighting variance will also be processed at the same time as the rezoning. As many of you are aware, the city entered into an exclusive contract with Coca Cola to provide soft drink beverages at the park. In exchange, Coca Cola will pay the City $325,000 over a 10-year period and 20% of commissions on vended products. The Park Board voted on January 31, 2000 to recommend acceptance of this agreement and requested staff to investigate Coca Cola's willingness to eliminate the lighting from the vending machines. Coca Cola agreed to this, as well as removing the side logo decals from the machines and replacing them with other decals that do not carry a product name. Staff has been unable to execute this agreement due to the recent adoption of changes to the zoning Lordinance that now prohibits vending machines from being placed outdoors. Because it is our practice to abide by our own ordinances wherever feasible, this presents a conflict that is best Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 23 of 26 resolved by rezoning Bicentennial Park to an S-P-1 district (which permits flexibility to zoning regulations if approved by the Commission and Council). The Parks Division has submitted a S-P-i rezoning / site plan and plat for processing. Accompanying the rezoning is a lighting variance: specifically, 1) type of lighting - metal halide versus the required sodium type lighting; and (2) foot-candles will exceed the maximum allowable of 20 foot-candles. The design work for lighting ballfields #4, #5, and #10 has been completed. SPDC approved funding for lighting of ballfields #4, #5 and #10 at Bicentennial Park in the FY 2000 SPDC Capital Improvements Plan budget. These fields are the coach pitch and t-ball fields. Since this age group is the largest, Southlake Baseball Association (SBA) requested lighting to be able to extend their playing time and accommodate the large number of teams. ihr Both the rezoning and lighting variance are scheduled on the Planning and Zoning Commission's June 8 agenda, followed by placement on Council's June 20th agenda. Staff has already advertised for bid and plans to place an award of bid on Council's June 20th agenda in order to meet a construction schedule goal of having the lights in time for the fall season (if the variances are approved). Baseball practice begins August 19, with the season beginning September 9. Staff would not have placed both items on the same agenda if it were not for the timing issues discussed previously. However, if the site plan is delayed to July, the lighting variance could also be delayed or if Council denies the variance for the ballfield lighting, they could also reject the bid as well. FYI, SPDC has also approved a request for matching funds to Southlake Girls Softball Association (SGSA) and SBA for design and construction of lights for the new batting cages. This will also require a variance sometime in the future, once the design is completed and illumination plans are completed as required by the ordinance. Contact Kevin Hugman or Karen Gandy regarding this matter. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 (4.., Page 24 of 26 Sabre Project. City staff members met with Sabre representatives on April 26, 2000 to review the current status of the project development. One of the topics discussed involved the construction of an on-site drainage retention pond that will require the non-exempt removal of approximately 2,250 caliper inches of trees. Under the current landscape ordinance, these trees fall outside of the technical scope of exemption. The ordinance provides an exclusion for cut/fill areas shown on approved plans for residential sub-divisions; however, this provision is not mirrored in the non- residential development section. The ordinance also allows a provision for mitigation exceptions in approved public rights-of-way for drainage easements. Because this is not a public drainage easement, technically no exemptions are permitted. Staff has recognized a significant commitment in the preservation of the environment by this Ccompany. Sabre is actively pursuing the nationally recognized Green Space Building certification and has repeatedly shown an intent to maximize the preservation of trees and open space on the site. In addition, Sabre has demonstrated efforts to engage in water conservation measures, with the intent to use this retention pond as a method to control down-stream water runoff as well as a supply for irrigation for an on-site natural source. In compliance with the provisions of the Tree Preservation Ordinance, the Landscape Administrator and Chief of Building Services have conducted initial discussions on meeting the technical requirements of the ordinance while recognizing Sabre commitment to the environment. A suggestion has been made to Sabre that would allow them to landscape the pond with plants that would provide both habitat and natural food sources for the local wildlife. Additionally, the city would waive all other mitigation requirements for this issue in lieu of a monetary payment of $50,000 into the Reforestation Fund earmarked for planting of trees within the public parks in the name of Sabre. C Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 L., Page 25 of 26 Sabre has indicated their interest in exploring this and similar options in a face-to-face meeting with staff and attorneys and may request a delay in their project requests to City Council pending the outcome of those meetings. Public Works Week. On May 26, 2000 a Public Works Rodeo was held in North Richland Hills as part of National Public Works Week. Representatives from six cities participated in this event. Seven members of the Southlake Public Works Department competed in the events: Jay McCoy, Mike Monroe, Terry Holloway, Ryan York, Ricky Robertson, Richard Lewis, and Mark Mercer. Overall team scores were not kept; however, based upon individual results Southlake would probably have finished 4th overall. Special recognition should be given to the following individuals: Terry Holloway and Mike Monroe for competing in all 4 events; Terry Holloway for finishing 2`' in one of the backhoe operating events; Jay McCoy, Mike Monroe, Terry Holloway, Ryan York and Ricky Robertson for all finishing in the top 20 in the truck event; and Ryan York and Mark Mercer for finishing in the top 20 in the Gradall event. Terry Holloway was the top performer in the Water Utilities Division and Ryan York was the top performer in the Street Division. We would like to host the competition during next year's Public Works Week and will be working with the participating cities to arrange this. DPS Scheduled Burn. Fire Services will host a live burn training on June 5, 6 and 7th from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 each day. The location of the training is at the residential structure on the public works site at 1950 E. Continental. The structure will be burned down on June 7. Contact has been made with area homeowners advising them of the training. If you have any questions, please contact Chief Ricky Black. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 26 of 26 Also included with my memo: - Meetings / Events Calendar - Code enforcement report - Memo to Mayor Stacy regarding follow-up items - Southlake Volunteer Program Report - May 2000 Staff Extension Numbers: Campbell, Billy, City Manager, ext. 701 Black, Ricky, Chief Fire Services, ext. 735 Elam, Sharen, Finance Director, ext. 716 Gandy, Karen, Zoning Administrator, ext. 743 Harper, Ron, Public Works Director, ext. 779 Hugman, Kevin, Director of Community Services, ext. 757 Jackson, Malcolm, Administrative Operations Coordinator, ext. 726 Killough, Dennis, Senior Planner, ext. 787 Last, Greg, Director of Economic Development, ext. 750 LeGrand, Sandra, City Secretary, ext. 704 Martinson, Lynn, Assistant Finance Director, ext. 833 Payne, Bruce, Planning Director, ext. 767 Polasek, Steve, Deputy Director Community Services, ext. 772 Safranek, Lauren, Director of Human Resources, ext. 836 Thomas, Charlie, City Engineer, ext. 814 Wilson, Garland, Director of Public Safety, ext. 735 Yelverton, Shana, Assistant City Manager, ext. 705 r , MONTHLY CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT MAY 2000 SIGNS IN R.O.W ..110 VEHICLES TAGGED .. 7 VENDORS . 3 TRASH 0 TOTAL CASES FOR MONTH 88 HIGH GRASS/WEEDS CASES 50 TOTAL(excluding high grass/weeds) .208 MEMORANDUM June 2, 2000 TO: City Manager, Assistant City Manager and Department Directors FROM: Nona Whitehead, Volunteer Program Coordinator SUBJECT: Southlake Volunteer Program (SVP) Report -May 2000 Department/Division Number of Hours Estimated YTD Volunteers Savings* Savings** City Manager's Office 1 3 $28.50 $280.25 Building Services 2 $190 $190 20 Community Services 3 20 $190 $1387 Economic Development 1 3 $28.50 $586.12 Finance Fire Human Resources 1 11 $104.50 $608 Library Planning 1 9 $85.50 $460.75 Police/Community Service $152 Public Works Senior Activity Center 13 138.5 $1,315.75 $6044.38 Teen Court 2 12 $114 $327.75 Totals 24 216.50 $2056.76 $10,036.75 • Estimates of savings are based on $9.50 per hour as reported by each department ` Year to date savings are based on a calendar year, January 1 - December 31 ATTACHMENT (G) C:\Nona\Other\Vol-Misc\SVP Director's Memo City of Southlake, Texas (.7 MEMORANDUM June 1, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Ron Harper, Director of Public Works, x779 SUBJECT: Town Hall Finishes Report For the past several months, Council Member Potter and city staff have been working with Tarrant County representatives and the Town Hall architect to select a finish schedule for Town Hall. In addition, the Library Board has met to select the finishes relative to the library area. Attached are color pictures and drawings of the selections made. Most selections were made to give the building a traditional Town Hall look and feel. Staff will be presenting these items in more detail during the reports section of the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 6, 2000. Please call me with any questions. 4B-1 City of Southlake, Texas(we MEMORANDUM June ?. 2000 To: Billy Campbell, City Manager From: Charlie Thomas, City Engineer, extension 814 Subject: Ordinance No. 781, 1st Reading, Amending Ordinances 717 and717- B and Chapter 18, Article III, Section 18-79 of the Southlake City Code; designating the speed limit within Cambridge Place Addition as 25 mph. Action Requested: Consider amending Ordinance 717 and 717-B and Chapter 18, Article 18-79 of the Southlake City Code to designate the speed limit on all streets within the Cambridge Place Addition, specifically Brookshire Drive, Chaucer Court, Manchester Court, (wie Montfort Court, Westminister Way, Derby Court, Chatham Court, York Court, Sussex Court, Kent Court, Rainbow Street and Ponderosa Way as 25 mph. Background Information: City staff, Department of Public Safety, and Public Works, have been working with the Homeowners Association to investigate and reduce the speeding problem in the Cambridge Place Addition. DPS has placed the "smart trailer" and conducted additional enforcement to attempt to educate the offending drivers. The City Engineer has received a petition of request from the Cambridge Place Homeowners Association for the City Council to consider reducing the speed limit in Cambridge Place Addition to 25 mph. Financial Considerations: The cost of the signs will be in the range of $400 to $600, depending upon the number needed. This amount of funds is available in the current budget. Citizen Input/ Board Review: City staff has been working with the Homeowners Association. 5B-1 L Legal Review: Legal staff is reviewing the amended ordinance. Alternatives: None. Supporting Documents: Ordinance 781 Petition Map Exhibit Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that this request for Ordinance 781, amending Ordinance 717 and 717-B, designating the speed limit in Cambridge Place Addition, as 25 miles per hour be placed on the June 6, 2000 Regular City Council Agenda for consideration. Should City Council approve the request, City Council will need to state that the speed limit has been lowered to 25 miles per hour due to the special hazard that exists. (hie / 4, „„j 7 harlie Thomas, P.E. City Engineer L 5B-2 kw %re ORDINANCE NO. 781 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 717, 717-B, AND CHAPTER 18, "TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES", OF THE SOUTHLAKE CITY CODE (1996), AS AMENDED, BY; DESIGNATING THE SPEED LIMIT WITHIN THE CAMBRIDGE PLACE ADDITION AS 25 MILES PER HOUR; DIRECTING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO POST APPROPRIATE SIGNS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 545.352 (b) and 545.356, Texas Transportation Code, the City of Southlake, Texas has the authority to establish prima facie maximum reasonable and prudent speeds within its corporate boundaries for vehicles on streets and C (He highways; and WHEREAS, a special hazard exists that required a slower speed in order for an operator to drive at a speed that is reasonable and prudent under the existing circumstances in the neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the prima facie maximum reasonable speed limits adopted herein are not in conflict with any order of the Texas Transportation Commission declaring speed limits along any roadways within the city limits of Southlake; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS: SECTION 1. SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED That section 18-79 of Chapter 18, "Traffic and Vehicles", of the Southlake City Code is amended to read as follows: The prima facie maximum reasonable and prudent speed for travel on the portions of the streets or highways designated in this section shall be the speed in miles per hour (mph) designated as follows, provided that an appropriate sign giving notice thereof is erected: L 5B-3 Street Speed Limit (mph) North White Chapel Boulevard from F.M. 1-7n9 to the north end 40 of White Chapel Boulevard F.M. 1930 (Davis Boulevard) from mile point 0.000 south to 45 0.892 miles to mile point 0.892 All portions of the following streets located within the Timber 25 Lake Addition, including Lake Forest Dr., Edgemeer Lane, Edgemeer Ct., Shorecrest Dr., Parkcrest Dr., Elmbrook Ct., Shorecrest Ct., Parkdale Dr., Windmere Ct., Timber Lake Circle, Winding Creek Ct., Shadybrook Ct., Glenbrook Ct., Brookdale Ct., Woodcrest Ct., Shadow Glen Dr., Timber Lake Dr., Timber Lake Way, Ridgedale Ct., Timbercrest Ct., Brook Meadows Ct., Lakehurst Ct., Spring Brook Ct., Woodglen Ct., Parkdale Ct. All portions of the following streets located within the Southridge 25 Lakes subdivision, including San Jacinto Ct., Sabine Ct., Donley Ct., Irion Ct., Valverde Ct., Gregg Ct., Pecos Dr., Houston Ct., Liberty Ct., Concho Ct., Coreyell Ct., Stonewall Ct., Crockett Ct., Bosque Ct., Brazos Ct., Sterling Ct., Presidio Ct., Blanco Ct., Bowie Ct., Travis Ct., Brazos Dr., Loving Ct., Bandera Ct., Llano Ct., Kleberg Ct., Southridge Lakes Parkway, St. Augustine Ct. All portions of the following streets located within the Coventry 25 Manor subdivision, including Turnberry Lane, Coventry Lane, Exeter Ct., Ramsgate Ct., Devon Ct., King's Ct., Suffolk Ct., New Castle Road, Norwhich Ct., Thetford Ct. Lake Drive 25 All portions of streets located within the Cross Timber Hills 25 Addition, specifically Morgan Road, Forest Lane, Lakeview Dr.._ Hidden Glen Ct., Wood Creek Lane, Cross Timber Dr., Twin Creek, Woodbrook Lane, Woodbrook Ct., Holland Hill, Estalla Way, Ten Bar Trail, Ten Bar Circle, Meadow Glen, and Glen Cove, and designate all streets with Oaktree Estates, specifically Westmont Dr., Westmont Ct., Kings Brook Ct., Kings Brook Dr., Milton Dr., Lakeside Ct., Forrest Hills Ct., and Forrest Hills Dr. All portions of streets located within the Cambridge Place 25 Addition, specifically Brookshire Dr., Chaucer Ct., Manchester L., Ct., Montfort Ct., Westminister Way, Derby Ct., Chatham Ct., York Ct., Sussex Ct., Kent Ct., Rainbow Street and Ponderosa Way 5B-4 (kw %kw SECTION 2. POSTING I S GNS; INVENTORY The Director of Public Works is hereby directed to ensure that appropriate signs are erected and maintained giving notice of the speed limits adopted in this ordinance and to file an updated inventory indicating the new speed limits with the City Secretary as provided in Section 18-82 of the City Code. SECTION 3. CUMULATIVE CLAUSE This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, (lbw (bpi paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in its ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence,paragraph or section. SECTION 5. PENALTY Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. SAVINGS CLAUSE All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, or any other ordinances or statutes adopting prima facie reasonable and prudent speed limits which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. C SB—;� SECTION 7. PUBLICATION The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance or its caption and penalty in the official City newspaper one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF c MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY (be, 56-6 (Pr 41hre PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE DATE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney L 5B-7 CAMBRIDGE PLACE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (aw '‘C May 17, 2000 Mr. Charlie Thomas City of Southlake 1950 E. Continental Blvd. Southlake,Texas 76092 RE: Cambridge Place, Southlake,Texas Dear Mr. Thomas: Thank you for your assistance in guiding us through the process of lowering the speed limit in Cambridge Place. Kevin Leaverton, a Cambridge Place homeowner, has led a campaign over the past few months to obtain signatures(petition enclosed)from the majority of the property owners in support of having the speed limit lowered to 25 mph. If this motion is approved through the city,we suggest the following locations for the new speed limit signs: ➢ Brookshire Drive-on the property line between 2808 and 2810 (currently undeveloped) (kw (pie i Brookshire Drive-near the play ground and lake area • Ponderosa Way - outside of the wall (west of 900 Westminster Way) marking the entrance to Cambridge Place ➢ Rainbow Street-at each end We feel that placing the speed limit signs at these locations would provide awareness as traffic enters Cambridge Place. Additionally, if you feel more signs would be helpful in successful enforcement,we will gladly designate other areas for posting the signs. We would appreciate your assistance in taking the necessary steps to bring these issues before the city council. If you have any questions or need to contact someone about this matter,please contact Kevin Leaverton at 817-416-2494. Thank you for your assistance in expediting this matter on our behalf. • ely, M. P President MPS/ss Enclosure C' ** 2740 Fuller Wiser Rd. *Euless,Texas * 76039 * 817-540-3993 * Fax 817-540-5422 ** 5B-8 r . r . Cambridge Place - Primary Impact Area Page 1 dt 9 Petition for Speed Zone Ch Twenty-five MPH We,the undi,hereby petition to request the City of Southlake to set the posted speed limit in Ca ...Age Place at twenty five(25)miles per hour on the streets of Brookshire Dr ,Chaucer Ct., Manchester Ct.,Montfort Ct.,Westminster Way,Derby Ct.,Chatham Ct.,York ct.,Sussex Ct.,Kent Ct.,Rainbow St.,and Ponderosa Way according to the Policy for processing neighborhood requests for traffic managment Initiatives. Each household,business,school,etc.within the Impact area Is entitled to one signature on the petition per address. Non-property owning residents are not included in the petition to:Andy process. in the case of one property owner with multiple properties within specifically affected area,that property owner will be provided 1 vote for each parcel they own. Cambridge Place: Pi unary Impact Area -The primary impact area Is defined as those residents along the proposed streets. By placing a signature below,the property owner is placing a positive vote for the lowering of the neighborhood speed limit as described by the language above. A blank space indicates a"NO"vote. ;i:$ 1 . 2'R, i5i'l,.is ::>:;;>::.::;.,:>:::::;»>:::AWNt»ft::N1�M>�:><>:<:;»::>'<:::»:::::>::>::::»::;:>::::<.:. . �. -.•:;::�::<::<:::<:<>.:::>:<t�WlV�t:�1�1E....,. . ;;»;:: • • :::.. ::>::.:..::.:.:..:..:.... .. _.... ...:. •.•..... � .,,.........•..... .�.... : i'Rf�,,� ?F'�'::A�i�iC3���...........:..:..: .::..,�;..;:..:,. ��A't'tJf;;E Roark,Joseph Etux Carmen 2700 Brookshire Dr Southlake r Brookshire Dr BMS Custom Homes,Inc 1741 Acorn Ln ' Hurst TX 2701 Brookshire Dr t Bunce,Gerald A Etux Cheryl A 2702 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2702 Brookshire Dr Carr,Thomas E&Lori M 2304 Hunter Palce Ln Arlington TX 2703 Brookshire Dr Bridgers,C E Jr Etux Elizabeth 2704 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2704 Brookshire Dr ` rit=z1 -, K'nipper,Thomas Leonard 2705 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2705 Brookshire Dr Grissom,Douglas K Etux Lisa N 2706 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2706 Brookshire Dr Terra/Cambridge Ltd, 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 2707 Brookshire Dr (co g i A'i' ff,24 ,.> :c et‘42 mmon area-Home ars Assoc CJi Prewit Building Corp, 2701 W Pleasant Ridge Rd Arlington TX 2708 Brookshire Dr 03 Cassidy William F 2709 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2709 Brookshire Dr ,I C . co McCormack,Brian Etux Barbara 2710 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX. 2710 Brookshire Dr Woodward,Steve Etux Terri 2711 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2711 Brookshire Dr "0�, , ,k,t C. Nicaud,Michelle P 275 W Campbell Rd Ste301 Richardson,TX 2712 Brookshire Dr Potwora,Dennis F 2713 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2713 Brookshire Drtt-EErF.. A , ,,1,-, V Patrick Gray Cus Homes Inc, 2608 N Carroll Ave Southlake TX 2715 Brookshire Dr Unumb Enterprises Inc, 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 2717 Brookshire Dr Terwilliger,Kathryn Etvir R W 2719 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2719 Brookshire Dr t..3- - l Kienast,Joseph P Etux Deanna 2721 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2721 Brookshire Dr Renfro,Billy W Etux Angela M 2723 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2723 Brookshire Dr Casey,Steven Etux Cassidi L 2800 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2800 Brookshire Dr Wg0,0-74m,' — Lacey,Forrest D Etux Lois P 2801 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2801 Brookshire Dr Kapouralos,Mark A 2802 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2802 Brookshire Dr - Benoist,Glenn H Sr Etux Tanya 2803 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2803 Brookshire Dr VFW j I i Goebel, L Patrick Etux Janice 2804 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2804 Brookshire Dr •., Howell,Kevin Etux Gayla 2805 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2805 Brookshire Dr Dit. ,At Terra Land Development Co, _2807 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2807 Brookshire Dr — ;i Peracha,Mohammad Etux Rubins 2808 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2808 Brookshire Dr i terra Land Development Co, 2807 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 2809 Brookshire Dr /r- ;- Terra/Cambridge Ltd, 2807 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 28j d$rookshire Dr �y+� p r rn,-,-,(1-,, enf-6,-, nr,fiH,-. hr1 4 r. ('ifs, r.f Cn.il-h1h1„o P uhlir- lhlnrke tlirnrtnr 15 F Cnrrth aka. 14. Xeif % , rl`r , r r . - Cambridge Place - Primary Impact Area Page 2 oi 9 . Petition for Speed Zone Ch Twenty-five MPH _ --( We,the un r Al,hereby petition to request the City of Southlake to set the posted speed Ilmit In Ca dge Place at twenty five(25)miles per hour on the streets of Brookshire D1 ,Chaucer Ct., Manchester Ct.,Montfort Ct.,Westminster Way,Derby Ct.,Chatham Ct.,York ct.,Sussex Ct.,Kent Ct.,Rainbow St.,and Ponderosa Way according to the Policy for processing neighborhood requests for traffic managment initiatives. Each household,business,school,etc.within the Impact area Is entitled to one signature on the petition per address. Non-property owning residents are not Included In the petition to study process. In the case of one property owner with multiple properties within specifically affected area,that property owner will be provided 1 vote for each parcel they own. Cambridge Place:Primary Impact Area -The primary impact area Is defined as those residents along the proposed streets. By placing a signature below,the property owner Is placing a positive vote for the lowering of the neighborhood speed limit as described by the language above. A blank space indicates a"NO"vote. •::�:"::`: :.Y.;;,.;:::::::.:..:.... :.;.......;..y;;:;..,a..;.. ,.;,,..;:..,z.;:,.:;::----:::.;--;::.:,�::. x: :;as8s; ::; ; at;•::::•::;:e•;::;:{a,;•;,._,_:.•i.ji:i;:'a::a:;;•:::a:;;:;;;o- ta;;>:azc:::;;;a ;;�;::;.::,:::;:...:.;:,.::,•:.;.;>,;::-,,; a;r,,;,.....;.,...;.... ...... ................GIWht�R NA► l«........... .........tilti�. � ..... ... .......�WN�t:�1Y:Y.::.::.;:.::.:.:;.:;:.;:. N '�'Y`llirlfJ�i >�:.<.:::>::::::::: :::::<>:.;::::::;:>:>:>:>::::>:::>:.»::;;::>::; ::: :; Gerlach, Roger 7 Sr Etux Jeann 700 Manchester Ct Southlake TX 700 Manchester Ct Taylor Bradley P Etux Deane 701 Manchester Ct Southiake TX 701 Manchester Ct . �)r ../rye-- Charles Kelly LLC 4036 Diamond Loch N Richland Hills,TX 702 Manchester Ct �/ t Ervin,Richard L Etux Terri K 703 Manchester Ct Southlake TX 703 Manchester Ct . .....F..___________ , Jones,Nancy M '704 Manchester Ct Southlake TX 704 Manchester Ct �( Marquise Homes Inc, 2310 Michigan(t Arlington TX 705 Manchester Ct U Minor,Dane 706 Manchester Ct Southlake TX 706 Manchester Ct j EGUt-i4, A-&c -e. 707 Manchester Ct Southiake TX 707 Manchester Ct e- /4�i � t COBaird,Hubert Etux Tracy J 709 Manchester Ct Southlake TX 709 Manchester Ct �� -C C . I -'-.(.-- Helling,Rick Etux Tomasa 710 Manchester Ct Southiake TX ,710 Manchester Ct lJ/ 0lcha,Keith E Etux Karen E _711 Manchester Ct Southiake TX 711 Manchester Ct Meador,Larry D Etux Annette L 712 Manchester Ct 'Southlake TX 712 Manchester Ct Ila, c c. 4 Sanchez,Sherry 713 Manchester Ct Southlake TX 713 Manchester Ct _ / ;'11 t iv• . :, ..,-is Levitz,Gary R Etux Shelley R P 0 Box 3062 Park City, UT 714 Manchester Ct ' CLz ) Dao,Huu N V Etux Kim U Nguyen 715 Manchester Ct Southiake TX 715 Manchester Ct /Pryor,John C Etux Anne W 716 Manchester Ct 'Southiake TX 716 Manchester Ct • /11(4f(,( 1,,Y1.- Palmer,Lee J 000717 Manchester Ct Southlake TX 717 Manchester Ct ��,,� Hoss,Gregg M Sr Etux Tory L 2700 Montfort Ct Southiake TX 2700 Montfort Ct — Neat, Kerry 0 Etux Georgia L 2701 Montfort Ct Southlake TX 2701 Montfort Ct Vintage Custom Homes,Attn Michael Ga PO Box 54543 Hurst TX 2702 Montfort Ct _ _ �� - Dolezal.Tony A Etux Suzanne R 2704 Montfort Ct Southlake TX 2704 Montfort Ct ! - / ,• ) a7Uo,Pioi�` f t- , �4� l ,/ j Cc.1(O(' ,Jrc�-rAb— -1 -70�tY1 o�tt-�of' � ti� .�;;*r " < /E, . . ,u• ., bn te., ,--i+ . ,r r'-..,1'.1.,1•n t1„4-,Ur "1,"-1rr rTh'''.-i'nr 1"-": r r,-,to-1,t,t,n, ril,,rr r'rW1111,1,P Tnv , -1 r nC4"1 r . , r r . Cambridge Place - Primary Impact Area Page 3 ol 9 Petition for Speed Zone Ch Twenty-five MPH N- We the un fd herebypetition to request the Cityof Southiake to set thepostedspeed limit In��e. .�id a Place at twentyfive(25)milesper hour on the streets of Brookshire Di Chauce C q g r t., Manchester Ct.,Montfort Ct.,Westminster Way,Derby Ct.,Chatham Ct.,York ct.,Sussex Ct.,Kent Ct.,Rainbow St.,and Ponderosa Way according to the Policy for processing neighborhood requests for traffic managment initiatives. Each household,business,school,etc.within the impact area is entitled to one signature on the petition per address. Non-property owning residents are not Included In the petition to:,hilly process.in the case of one property owner with multiple properties within specifically affected area,that property owner will be provided 1 vote for each parcel they own. Cambridge Place:Primary Impact Area -The primary Impact area is defined as those residents along the proposed streets. By placing a signature below,the property owner is placing a positive vote for the lowering of the neighborhood speed limit as described by the language above. A blank space indicates a"NO"vote. M ::;:t^�VVN�t;�I.T.':f'<::«;�.�:::<..::....i''Rf�pl�l'I'�':J�! .ft n r. . .....::...;;::..,�::.;:.;�pYV... �:;;:::::::;:,;;:;•;;;:.:::.:.:..;:: .;.::.::.. ... :�::.::.;;;.;•:�;::. :.::.::..::::::::::..:.:. ..:::::: . A Usti». . Johnson,Kevin L Etux Kerry L 700 Chaucer Ct Southlake TX 700 Chaucer Ct Jolley, Monte G 701 Chaucer Ct Southlake TX 701 Chaucer Ct Jameson,Mark J Etux Nicole M 702 Chaucer Ct Southiake TX 702 Chaucer Ct Rader,Richard G Jr Etux Kath- 703 Chaucer Ct Southlake TX 703 Chaucer Ct • Zagar,Keith C Etux Amy S 704 Chaucer Ct Southlake TX 704 Chaucer Ct ( �t� heir Eberhardt,Jeffrey Etux Diane 1714 Altacrest Dr Grapevine TX 705 Chaucer Ct Kleinhammer,Rodney Etux Jeann _706 Chaucer Ct Southlake TX '706 Chaucer Ct f�j G Cadiz,Hesse L 707 Chaucer Ct Southlake TX 707 Chaucer Ct r�' t ti Stratford Homes Inc, 900 Squaw Creek Rd Weatherford TX 708 Chaucer Ct WLacirteta. , ' /M8 CitactCH (- Scut tfn/ake-Ti( 700 acute-A-C*2 ,a-ei -eez_. ---,(/i(k_ . i y . Au. .- r , ..r r . ,-,r 1 nt,• 1 r ., rl.l T,... -., ,b, r , (11111/4.. • Cambridge Place - Primary Impact Area Page 49 Petition for Speed Zone Ch Twenty-five MPH We,the un d,hereby petition to request the City of Southlake to set the posted speed limit in Age Place at twenty five(25)miles per hour on the streets of Brookshire Dr ,Chaucer l., Manchester C.,Montfort Ct.,Westminster Way,Derby Ct.,Chatham Ct.,York ct.,Sussex Ct.,Kent Ct.,Rainbow St.,and Ponderosa Way according to the Policy for processing neighborhood requests for traffic managment Initiatives. Each household,business,school,etc.within the impact area Is entitled to one signature on the petition per address. Non-property owning residents are not included in the petition to.tuwly process.In the case of one property owner with multiple properties within specifically affected area,that property owner will be provided 1 vote for each parcel they own. Cambridge Place:Primary Impact Area -The primary impact area is defined as those residents along the proposed streets. By placing a signature below,the property owner is placing a positive vote for the lowering of the neighborhood speed limit as described by the language above. A blank space indicates a"NO"vote. :v.:::::v.:�:.of J" ".':.iiY"l:•J."•r:ii::?^ii::...:..:...:!4i:.:•iiiiviiv..:i::::•:::.�::.� ;....... .......n....:..v.::;i:•}:.Y:4i}i:v:•4::y:,,{.ii":::.:iii::.iri.i..:.ii:::.:i: ::}::.iiii:ii}iv::::.;:;.....::::.:::.....:..�:.......:.....:...............�.:..... -...........,.............♦ :C:::.iii::iiiiii:{:iCiuiii:.�:.�:.... ..; ..: :::':.::•:iii::.:.::::::..::::.�:v.vf : ! /. •::::};v:•: •..::::::::: '. .: .../.;n•, ..:.:... ......... .......:::::.�.::..:::::::.:::. ........ ...: .. :.ii:iii:C::•ii}iiii::i ii i:•i:C{•iii: '::ri. 'M1%:i::: .. is .i:tii::•i'ti:i:ii:•:i�iiiiiii}iii:.::<•:i::::.i;:'.i:.:.::..:::5•i' ..:.: :>::>::::::>: <:::><:><::><:>:t�4titC���l,:iJAiMI". i:.i<.is.i:,. .:.i:.:..:i::::.i.:. � :>::>::::>::�:.>. >:<::>::> ' .. ..:.:.�.:::.:...::::.: •��1��........:... .......AVItN�tt.�J�1E.....:. i..i.....ilpi 'f"y':J1t�pl��l� :ii:.i:.;{:.;:.»:.i:.i:.;:.;>r:.;:.:.:;.i:;::i:.ii:.:>:.ii:.i:.:;:.ii::>:: >::::>:.>;:::i Divis,Gregory&E Schweitzer 2700 Derby.Ct ' , Southlake TX 2700 Derby Ct CMG. `_—' Trader,Michael 2701 Derby Ct Southlake TX 2701 Derby Ct 4. Rost,Timothy Etux Holly F 2702 Derby Ct . Southlake TX 2702 Derby Ct f . Adair,Ronald T Etux Terri J 109 Blackfoot Trl Lake Kiowa TX 2703 Derby Ct ♦. ,Y'' 1 ,,A._ Grossman,Wm S Etux Anna M 2704 Derby Ct Southlake TX 2704 Derby Ct ir.„ .. /LYr7.O'1"/, Rhodes,David P Etux Susan K 2705 Derby Ct 1 Southlake TX 2705 Derby Ct v Powell,John E Etux Susan M 2707 Derby Ct Southlake TX 2706 Derby Ct fallfall . yr 6} j2.707 Derby Ct Southlake TX 2707 Derby Ct fin'., /, co Friedman,Harold L Etux Laura 2708 Derby Ct Southlake TX 2708 Derby Ct gip. ,,�� n1 Crow,Neale Kay 2709 Derby Ct . Southlake TX 2709 Derby Ct �/ N Parrish,R David Etux Karen M 2710 Derby Ct Southlake TX 2710 Derby Ct `d 1 ,• ` a '_ r Unumb Enterprises Inc, 2711 Derby Ct Southlake TX 2711 Derby Ct I/ •! Coffee,Todd A Etux Mary A 2712 Derby Ct ' 1 Southlake TX 2712 Derby Ct '_ rl�riPr Unumb Enterprises Inc, 2709 Derby Ct Southlake TX 2713 Derby Ct (not li ted in reco•s)�, Howard Homes Inc, 3204 Long Prairie Rd Flower Mound TX 2714 Derby Ct . Christy,Samuel Etux Hilda S 2715 Derby Ct . Southlake TX 2715 Derby Ct Please return petition to tiie City of Southlake, Public Works Director, 1725 F. Southlake Blvd, Southlake , Texas 76092 Cambridge Place - Primary Impact Area Page 5 � 9 Petition for Speed Zone Ch Twenty-five MPH (.1PrN7 We,the un 4,hereby petition to request the City of Southlake to set the posted speed limit In C __,4ge Place at twenty five(25)miles per hour on the streets of Brookshire Dr.,Chaucer Ct., Manchester C Montfort Ct.,Westminster Way,Derby Ct.,Chatham Ct.,York ct.,Sussex Ct.,Kent Ct.,Rainbow St.,and Ponderosa Way according to the Policy for processing neighborhood requests for traffic managment initiatives. Each household,business,school,etc,within the Impact area la entitled to one signature on the petition per address. Non-property owning residents are not Included In the petition to stuuly process in the case of one property owner with multiple properties within specifically affected area,that property owner will be provided 1 vote for each parcel they own. Cambridge Place:Pr imary Impact Area -The primary impact area is defined as those residents along the proposed streets. By placing a signature below,the property owner is placing a positive vote for the lowering of the neighborhood speed limit as described by the language above. A blank space indicates d"NO"vote. :;:.;:.;>;>;;.>;:::;:<;::: M : ::.:.: .:::::.:.:::<.::::::.. . :::::::>s>::::::: iiiiiigibMitittlf.tiiiiiiliiiii a#gb 'r"i?: itd € : :<_ > :: : ;;::> <;;:>:> Leaverton,Kevin 0 Etux Gwen M 800 Westminster Way Southlake TX 800 Westminster Way A, / -,2. Hubbs,Russell C Etux Alison L 802 Westminster Way Southlake TX 802 Westminster Way 4t1.4"1. Lambert's Ornamental Iron Inc 4116 McLean Rd Fort Worth TX 804 Westminster Way 'ir _ Lambert's Ornamental Iron Inc 4116 McLean Rd Fort Worth TX 900 Westminster Way j . Cionts,Richard A Etux Susan R 000901 Westminster Way Southlake TX 901 Westminster Way C__at,x:,•,;� Talisman Homes Inc 1609 Oak Knoll,Dr Colleyville TX 902 Westminster Way Hatfield Custom Homes 2666 Juniper Ln Grapevine TX 903 Westminster Way `/' c 1,42 Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 904 Westminster Way l s� BMS Custom Homes 1741 Acorn Ln '.. Hurst TX 905 Westminster Way t3, J Lambert Construction Inc 4116 McLean Rd Fort Worth TX 906 Westminster Way 96, cc, 1 Crescent Construction Inc PO Box 37 Grapevine TX 907 Westminster Way W Ambiance Custom Homes Inc 6312 Regiment PI Colleyville TX 908 Westminster Way Berry Construction Inc PO Box 821693 N Richland Hilts TX 909 Westminster Way / Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 910 Westminster Way Al ell. t" Talisman Homes Inc 1609 Oak Knoll Dr Colleyville TX 911 Westminster Way Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX .912 Westminster Way .41f:: _ „ ; i+� ,Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 NormandyAve Dallas TX 913 Westminster Way ,��7. . 7, t Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 914 Westminster Way AK 1 r! .e - ‘ Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 915 Westminster Way �l��� .. �,%> •Pr Pip-,7,, 'ehirn nptitinn to 111P city of Snrrthlakp, Ptihlir Workc fllrPrtnr 17,C F cotithlakp Rivrl, Sntithlake TPyak- -wy1) , r '• Cambridge Place - Primal Impact Area Page rui 9 Petition for Speed Zone Ch o Twenty-five MPH We,the un Ad,hereby petition to request the City of Southlake to set the posted speed limit In ridge Place at twenty five(25)miles per hour on the streets of Brookshire Dr, Chaucer ct., Manchester t.,Montfort Ct.,Westminster Way,Derby Ct.,Chatham Ct.,York ct.,Sussex Ct.,Kent Ct.,Rainbow St.,and Ponderosa Way according to the Policy for processing neighborhood requests for traffic managment Initiatives. Each household,business,school,etc.within the Impact area Is entitled to one signature on the petition per address. Non-property owning residents are not Included In the petition to study process.In the case of one property owner with multiple properties within specifically affected area,that property owner will be provided 1 vote for each parcel they own. Cambridge Place:Primary Impact Area -The primary impact area is defined as those residents along the proposed streets. By placing a signature below,the property owner Is placing a positive vote for the lowering of the neighborhood speed limit as described by the language above. A blank space indicates a"NO"vote. :i'•:::':::•'•i:•::•::!(•i i`.:i:::i:i'•::'..i:::::.:::::::i 'v+i{{{L:'i:; •:ti•ui: lr..i:4;: f::•%::' itti Y.•::. ........................... • ... ....... ... ::::..:::::::•:•::ii:::::.•.•:'::•i:•i'f. •.is is/�::•::::?i•::. .. ":•:':'•:••'•'!:♦.4r.y::::. •:Y:iiiii::N:ii:•}:'(:{::: •::.::i:•i:':: :::..•:v: .. : :::..:::...:.. ::<::>;»:<:»:«::>.: :»CWItt�1�NAlM�.....:......::.....:.::.......... .. � . .........<..:.:,.:..�ElV�li»lit.?CIT'.1'�.:....:...::....ip �4�:11fi�i�lia��.........:::.:......:..: :....... ::. : .. :.f�14N,0.'i'tJ Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave' Dallas TX 700 Chatham Ct Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 701 Chatham Ct Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 702 Chatham Ct J.A.Hatfield Inc 2665 Juniper Ln Grapevine TX 703 Chatham Ct J A Hatfield Inc 2665 Juniper Ln Grapevine TX 704 Chatham Ct Hess,Terry R Etux Sharon K 601 Quorum Dr Trophy Club TX 705 Chatham Ct )4... 4- Kellum,Danny Etux Debbie 706 Chatham Ct Southlake TX 706 Chatham Ct Littner,Michael J Etux Ulla 707 Chatham Ct Southlake TX 707 Chatham Ct `� -- cri Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 708 Chatham Ct CO _ efeer-,graAe‘r 1 K&H Homes 3204 Long Prairie Rd Flower Mound TX 709 Chatham Ct .b Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 710 Chatham Ct Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 712 Chatham Ct Akyaw-Owusu,Samuel Etux Maria 714 Chatham Ct Southlake TX 714 Chatham Ct , Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 2701 York Ct .'/. Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 2703 York Ct i, J A Hatfield Inc t2665 Juniper Ln Grapevine TX 2705 York Ct t J A Hatfield Inc 2665 Juniper Litt Grapevine TX 2707 York Ct Neely,Jeffrey A Etux Colleen 4549 N O'Connor#1260 Irving TX _2709 York Ct Randy Bollig Builder Inc PO Box 93055 Southlake TX 2710 York Ct _ Roesenberg,Norman Etux Debbie 2711 York Ct Southlake TX 2711 York Ct I`/ e. Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX _2712 York Ct Charles Kelly LLC 4036 Diamond Loch N Richland Hills,TX 2713 York Ct J A Hatfield Inc 2665 Juniper Ln Grapevine TX 2714 York Ct Darovec,James L Etux Tara K 2715 York Ct Southlake TX 2715 York Ct k,`4 (EriAAJI4 t WA'- ', J A Hatfield Inc 2665 Juniper Ln Grapevine TX 2716 York Ct Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 2717 York Ct .1 j I e Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 2718 York Ct _ t/�, �e Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 2719 York Ct 4'w 4-)-5%, nt ,-:,+sir., nntiHnn to *:n cif,of Cn,ithfakp Ptthlir• 1Alnrler flirnr•tnr 171c F= cniithlalep Rlvrl cntIf-hIPf e TPv""- 7gnn' (I r/ (Rik -. , r Cambridge Place - Primary Impact Area Page r Petition for Speed Zone Ch o Twenty-five MPH We,the un d,hereby petition to request the City of Southlake to set the posted speed limit In ge Place at twenty five(25)miles per hour on the streets of Brookshire Dr., Chaucer :., Manchester Cr. ,oiontfort Ct.,Westminster Way,DerbyCt.,Chatham Ct.,York ct.,Sussex Ct.,Kent Ct.,Rainbow St.,and Ponderosa Wayaccordingto the Policyfor processingneighborhood Y J requests for traffic managment initiatives. Each household,business,school,etc.within the Impact area Is entitled to one signature on the petition per address. Non-property owning residents are not Included in the petition to:.tudy process.In the case of one property owner with multiple properties within specifically affected area,that property owner will be provided 1 vote for each parcel they own. Cambridge Place:Primary Impact Area -The primary impact area Is defined as those residents along the proposed streets. By placing a signature below,the property owner Is placing a positive vote for the lowering of the neighborhood speed limit as described by the language above. A blank space indicates a"NO"vote. h������!.�/pM�;;>ii:ii�::i':iii;:i:r; ai :;:�.. t .. M��H .'•i:l �F::7iiIN�NFif"wQQ�c:i'2"�'ti::i5'::;',ia::...i�. i ;.�1�y ..7I1►1R �7 AAy�� '•�� �1hI41 Lambert's Ornamental Iron Inc 4116 McLean Rdv Fort Worth TX 700 Kent Ct Comwell,Robert W Etux Karen 2702 Valleywood Drive Grapevine TX 701 Kent Ct Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 702 Kent Ct t ' Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 703 Kent Ct --.1 '►dr Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 704 Kent Ct i7�a' rX� ,/ Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX _705 Kent Ct ' i ' 4 ,// Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 706 Kent Ct .4.911 ..7.' 7,../- Harrell Custom Homes,Inc '2807 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 7707 Kent Ct M/�j j� %7��./ c,n ..1Lambert Construction Inc 4116 McLean Rd Fort Worth TX 708 Kent Ct `l y CO de .me 1 Harrell Custom Homes,Inc 2807 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 709 Kent Ct "Ail' � , �/ Ch 1Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 710 Kent Ct i . Al. �z__ Harrell Custom Homes,Inc 2807 Brookshire Dr. Southlake TX 711 Kent Ct Any j�/,� J�!t , L� Lambert's Ornamental Iron Inc 4116 McLean Rd :. Fort Worth TX 712 Kent Ct i v. Lambert's Ornamental Iron Inc 4116 McLean Rd Fort Worth TX 713 Kent Ct 1 Ira. Lambert's Ornamental Iron Inc 4116 McLean Rd Fort Worth TX 714 Kent Ct /Iiir / Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave.. Dallas TX 715 Kent Ct if%i"i , Air, , , r . -... • PIeRce return netition to the City of Southlake, Public Workc Director, 1725 F. Southlake Blvd, Southlake . Texa'; 7609? rk - - r Cambridge Place - Primacy Impact Area Page frallif 9 Petition for Speed Zone Cho Twenty-five MPH We,the un ki,hereby petition to request the City of Southlake to set the posted speed limit In ,rge Place at twenty five(25)miles per hour on the streets of Brookshire Di ,Chaucer Manchester .,Montfort Ct.,Westminster Way,Derby Ct.,Chatham Ct.,York ct.,Sussex Ct.,Kent Ct.,Rainbow St.,and Ponderosa Way according to the Policy for processing neighborhood requests for traffic managment initiatives. Each household,business,school,etc.within the Impact area Is entitled to one signature on the petition per address. Non-property owning residents are not included in the petition to study process.In the case of one property owner with multiple properties within specifically affected area,that property owner will be provided 1 vote for each parcel they own. Cambridge Place:Primary Impact Area -The primary impact area is defined as those residents along the proposed streets. By placing a signature below,the property owner Is placing a positive vote for the lowering of the neighborhood speed limit as described by the language above. A blank space indicates a"NO"vote. .:: ::.�:;:.;::;.; . NBR.NAiM :::::.;:.;;;:.;:;,;:;.:i:.:;:<>.:«:::.;:;•.. ... l� .� :::.�:.::.�.:.:::::::tYVa11x1�i:�lY':.Y::,:<:>::>:::>:::><::::»1?ttQp .'I':'y: ..:... ............... .. .............. .. . . ::::::.::.1�1►i) �. .. .. : ...:::.. .. ...;t�VYt ,..�i� ._........,...................,.. . .,..,..... „�,,,.....�.. ........:... �.8�.................:... .. . : ..:...:. :sI4NA1' E Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 700 Sussex Ct Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 701 Sussex Ct � Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave 1Dallas TX 702 Sussex Ct ��• �"19. Grays,Peter Etux Alina 2336 Leafy Glen Ct Bedford TX 703 Sussex Ct Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 704 Sussex Ct Lambert's Ornamental Iron Inc 4116 McLean Rd Fort Worth TX 705 Sussex Ct Randy Bollig Builder Inc PO Box 93055 Southlake TX 706 Sussex Ct Lambert's Ornamental Iron Inc '4116 McLean Rd Fort Worth TX 707 Sussex Ct tr Randy Bollig Builder Inc PO Box 93055 Southlake TX 708 Sussex Ct 03 Harrell Custom Homes,Inc 2807 Brookshire Dr Southlake TX 709 Sussex Ctcria...ef.0,-`2 . I Crescent Construction Inc PO Box 37 Grapevine TX 710 Sussex Ct �, Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 711 Sussex Ct Randy Bollig Builder Inc PO Box 93055 Southlake TX 712 Sussex Ct Harrell Custom Homes,Inc 2807 Brookshire Dr ,Southlake TX 713 Sussex Ct Lambert's Ornamental Iron Inc 4116 McLean Rd,. Fort Worth TX _714 Sussex Ct Terra/Cambridge Ltd 3732 Normandy Ave Dallas TX 715 Sussex Ct t . • Please return petition to fge City of Southlake, Public Works Director, 1725 E. Southlake Blvd, Southlake ,Texas 76092 Ifill".4 - - Cambridge Place - Primary In1pd t Aie,i P�uge 9 Petition for Speed Zone Ch to Twenty-five MPH We,the d herebypetition to request the Cityof Southlake to set theposted speed limit In Age Place at twentyfive 25 miles er hour on the streets of Brookshire U� Chauc 'un�i q P �9O P , Manchester\ _.4ontfort Ct.,Westminster Way,Derby Ct.,Chatham Ct.,York ct.,Sussex Ct.,Kent Ct.;Rainbow St.,and Ponderosa Way according to the Policy for processing neighborhood requests for traffic managment Initiatives. Each household,business,school,etc.within the Impact area Is entitled to one signature on the petition per address. Non-property owning residents are not included In the petition to!Andy process. In the case of one property owner with multiple properties within specifically affected area,that property owner will be provided 1 vote for each parcel they own. Cambridge Place:Primary Impact Area -The primary impact area is defined as those residents along the proposed streets. By placing a signature below,the property owner is placing a positive vote for the lowering of the neighborhood speed limit as described by the language above. A blank space uidicates d"NO"vote. .. .......................�............ ...................... .. ........ ...:.....v:::::r{:y::•:ti•is3i'•::::l.iiii:Ji:^iiiiiii:.:...::is i.:.::.:i. .:::.i:<:.:': ., .. ... •rtr::•+::r:frr:r�•:. {{;+1,:•'F.S+.•::::• :')•:S:I.v:•'Fn 4ii::i4ii:�i:ii:<:;v::�::':.:.:�:>::: :::..:.:•............... :. :v:::•:itii!+,:.iii:•:•.r,i�.::.};^.�::.. �: .:.�v:r:/.•::x:::::. !.� i. ;•:: :••r: {•ii:.n... ..n..,.......,............... :::. '. .. :'':'.':i::.:•;''::,:�, .:..:,:..:::.�:::::::::pWNEB..NAM)�.:::::......:......::....:........:1�R.. .�....::...... ......:�AVVf..�I1�tt.GJY't`:;.::::.;�.:.;•::.,.ap 'ti'�i".�1 !.ftle>��........::r............:.::::.....:.... .. :...:.SipNA'i'tJ . .::>:::;::>':'. Waitman,C P Etux A G 1401 Rainbow St Southlake TX 1401 Rainbow St ��� Odette,Edwin Etux Angela 1403 Rainbow St Southlake TX 1403 Rainbow St C .♦, -. _: ./Ak.... , Newman,David Etux Marilyn 1501 Rainbow St Southlake TX 1501 Rainbow St _ � I14. 1.° Bartley,Robert D Etux Faye L 1503 Rainbow St Southlake TX 1503 Rainbow St - Wetteland,John K Etux Michele 100 Harvard Dr Southlake TX 1713 Rainbow St 1 ' ..i l r Please return petition to f fie City of Southlake, Public Works Director, 1725 E. Southlake Blvd, Southlake , Texas 76092 Cit of Southiake y 0 Cambridge Place Addition Speed Limits 1 I II I IF __Li BU-G .nY_rt dill E,G` / N. • P :4 '� .. w a 'Y3"t:s�ss � s t Ma`s` zc ' S F ^'t o lilt BROOKSHIRE DR .<. .. z rn �: PLAGE LEE F ad ?____ DERBY D� ,,^ 4. � C 0 , 11 E7 OSX _----- WAYC DE p VIO -e � .� PRK • lidfilb..1111141. . QW . A I _ UCHARDO • . CT S•RUC1 CT z EAST CO NTAL BLVD I N t -c it E 1 • +� S No Scale Geographic Information Systems City of Southlake, Texas 4 MEMORANDUM June 2, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Lauren Safranek, Director of Human Resources SUBJECT: Ordinance Authorizing and Allowing a Buy Back Option for Specific Employees with TMRS Action Requested: City Council consideration of Ordinance No. 782 authorizing and allowing a buy back option for specific employees with TMRS. Background Information: TMRS permits participating cities to pass an ordinance allowing its qualified employees to "buy-back" previously forfeited TMRS service credit. This is possible even if the employee's service credit was previously terminated and the employee withdrew member deposits. Forfeited service can be bought back from the City of Southlake, or another participating TMRS city. To "buy-back" previously forfeited service credit and member deposits, the employee must: • Be an employee of the city and a member of TMRS on the date of the "buy-back" ordinance's adoption; and, • Must have at least 24 consecutive months of service credit as an employee of the city adopting the ordinance; and • Re-deposit, in a lump sum, all of the amount previously withdrawn plus the reinstatement fee equal to 5% per year of the amount withdrawn. Because employees must have at least 24 consecutive months of service with the City of Southlake when the ordinance is passed, all employees that may have with drawn previous funds from TMRS may not be eligible to buy back. For this reason, it is best if the City can pass a buy back ordinance every 3-4 years so that effected employees have the option to buy back forfeited funds. The last buy back ordinance was passed in September 1993. The buy back ordinance does effect the City's TMRS contribution rate because the City must now provide the funds necessary to match the employee's contributions at a 2:1 ratio upon the employee's retirement. However, the City's contribution rate will only be affected if an employee actually "buys-back" their forfeited service credit. (1°. TMRS conducts a study, upon our request, to determine which of our employees are eligible for buy-back once an ordinance is adopted. 5C-1 Billy Campbell, City Manager Ordinance No. 782 June 2, 2000 Cge 2 Currently, there are 22 employees that would be eligible for buy-back if this ordinance were adopted. If all employees chose to buy back their forfeited service credit, the City's contribution rate would increase by .37%. However, TMRS only adjusts our contribution rate if an employee buys back forfeited service credit, and even then, it would be a pm-rated percent of .37%. When the last buy back ordinance was passed, 15 employees were eligible for buy back. Since that time, only 3 employee have bought back forfeited service credit. Financial Considerations: For the remainder of FY 99-00 and for all of FY 00-01 there will be no financial impact even if an eligible employee buys-back their forfeited service credit. If an eligible employee takes advantage of the buy back option, the earliest the City's contribution rate would be affected would be for FY 01-02. TMRS only adjusts our contribution rate if an employee buys back forfeited service credit, and even then, it would be a pro-rated percent of.37%. Citizen Input/ Board Review: Not applicable Legal Review: The Ordinance has been reviewed and approved by the attorneys. Alternatives: Not applicable Supporting Documents: Ordinance No. 782 Staff Recommendation: Approval of Ordinance No. 782 by the City Council L 5C-2 ORDINANCE NO. 782 TMRS-H TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM AN ORDINANCE ALLOWING CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY WHO HAVE TERMINATED PREVIOUS MEMBERSHIPS IN TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM, TO DEPOSIT THE SUMS SO WITHDRAWN, PLUS ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL CHARGES, AND ALLOWING AND UNDERTAKING THE COST OF ALLOWING ANY SUCH EMPLOYEE CREDIT IN SUCH SYSTEM FOR ALL SERVICE TO WHICH SUCH EMPLOYEE HAD BEEN ENTITLED AT DATE OF SUCH WITHDRAWAL, WITH LIKE EFFECT AS IF ALL SUCH SERVICE HAD BEEN PERFORMED AS AN EMPLOYEE OF THIS CITY. WHEREAS, the actuary of the Texas Municipal Retirement System has determined that all obligations charged against the City's account in the municipality accumulation fund, including the obligations arising as a result of this ordinance, can be funded by the City within its maximum contribution rate and within its amortization period; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that adoption of this ordinance is in the best interests of the City; now therefore WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, finds that it will be in the public interest for the City to have its employees participate in the Texas Municipal Retirement System as hereinafter provided; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. Pursuant to Section 853.004 of Subtitle G of Title 8, V.T.C.A., Government Code, as amended, the City of Southlake hereby elects to allow any member of the Texas Municipal Retirement System who is an employee of this City on the 20* day of June, 2000, who has terminated a previous membership in said System by withdrawal of deposits while absent from service, but who has at least 24 months of credited service as an employee of this City since resuming membership to deposit with the System in a lump sum the amount withdrawn, plus a withdrawal charge of five percent (5%) of such amount for each year from date of such withdrawal to date of redeposit, and thereupon such member shall be allowed credit for all service had been rendered as an employee of this City, whether so rendered or not. The City agrees to underwrite and hereby assumes the obligations arising out of the granting of all such credits, and agrees that all such obligations and 5C-3 Ordinance No. 782 Page 2 reserves required to provide such credits shall be charged to this City's account in Lthe municipality accumulation fund. The five percent (5%) per annum withdrawal charge paid by the member shall be deposited to the credit of the City's account in said municipality accumulation fund; and the deposits of the amount previously withdrawn by the member shall be credited to his or her individual account in the employees' savings fund of the System. Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective on the day of , 2000, which is a date on or after the date set forth in Section 1, above. Passed and approved this the day of , 2000. Rick Stacy, Mayor ATTEST: (mr. Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary L. 5C-4 City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT June 2, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 99-139 PROJECT: Ordinance No. 480-332/First Reading/Rezoning and Site Plan - 114 Kimball Square STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator,481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Senior Planner,481-5581, ext. 787 Attached is a letter from the applicant requesting to table this item to the July 18,2000,City Council meeting. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\99CASES\99-139ZS.doc L 5D-1 M%TLSE REALTY SERVICE May 10, 2000 Mr. Dennis Killough Via fax #817/488-9370 Senior Planner City of Southlake 1721 E. Southlake Blvd. Suite 100 Southlake, Texas 76092 RE: ZA 99-139 114 Kimball Square, Ltd. Southlake, Texas Dear Mr. Killough: I request City of Southlake's consideration of the referenced site plan and rezoning be tabled until July 18, 2000. I am planning to deliver engineering drawings and other information on or before Monday, May 29, 2000. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincep APe ://///7n DVM/dg (Iwo FCCOMav 7n .. City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT June 2, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 00-016 PROJECT: Ordinance No.480-342-First Reading-Rezoning - Tract 3C1 and a portion of Tract 3C, W. R. Eaves Survey,Abstract No. 500 STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Attached is a letter from the applicant requesting to table this item to the June 20,2000,City Council meeting. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-016Z.doc L 5E-1 05/30/2000 12:32 81732973@1 WILSIJhI STONAKER PAGE 02 Wilson & Stonaker, L.L.C. flikw (nmmt'rria/rti Inverinte'nt keu/Estate Services. May 30, 2000 Dennis Killough City of Southiake 1721 E. Southlake Blvd. Suite 100 Southiake, TX 76092 RE: ZA 00-016 Tract WR Eaves Survey.Abstract 500,Lot 6 "B Lot"from Walgreen's Development SWC FM 1709&Peytonville Dear Dennis? I will be unavailable to represent our interest in the above referenced case at the June 8 City Council meeting. I request that you table our case for the June 6 meeting and that our case is placed on the June 20 meeting for consideration. Thank you Sincerely,lienialk4./•--- William E. Stonaker CCIM,SEC Manager City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT June 2, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 99-125 PROJECT: Ordinance No.480-341-Second Reading-Rezoning and Revised Site Plan - Tri-Dal,Ltd. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning on property legally described as Lot 2R1, Block C, Commerce Business Park, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 3817, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 6.65 acres. A Revised Site Plan for Tri-Dal,Ltd. will be considered with this request. PURPOSE: Add a new, slightly larger,building to the site in a location other than approved on the existing site plan, as well as, address the new standards recently approved in the outside storage regulations. LOCATION: 540 Commerce Street being on the west side of Commerce Street approximately 200' south of Market Loop. OWNER/APPLICANT: Tri-Dal, Ltd. CURRENT ZONING: "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District to specifically allow "I-1" Light Industrial District uses plus a contractor's storage yard with outside storage. REQUESTED ZONING: "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District to specifically allow "I-1" Light Industrial District uses plus a contractor's storage yard with outside storage. LAND USE CATEGORY: Industrial NO. NOTICES SENT: Thirteen(13) RESPONSES: Two (2) responses were received from within the 200' notification area: • Bob Gammon, SLML LP, PO Box 794, Colleyville, TX, opposed, "This property has a large amount of traffic now which is very bad. By adding this building it will increase the traffic, which this area does not need." (Received March 15, 2000.) L '7A -( City of Southlake, Texas • John Dorety, 2875 Exchange, Southlake, TX in favor, "We own the property to the south, would like to be assured that we will incur no drainage problems." (Received March 23, 2000.) P&Z ACTION: March 23,2000;Approved(6-0)to table at the applicant's request and to continue the Public Hearing to the May 4, 2000, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. May 4, 2000; Approved(5-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated April 28, 2000, deleting Item #1.a (minimum 75' stacking depth); deleting Items #2.a (bufferyards) and #2.b (landscape islands)but accepting applicant's commitment to relocate required plantings to other areas of property; and deleting Item #3 (recycle bin screening). COUNCIL ACTION: May 16, 2000; Approved (7-0) First Reading on consent subject to P&Z motion and subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated April 28, 2000. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated April 28, 2000. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\99CASES\99-125ZS.doc L • . . City of Southlake, Texas Tract Map ZA99-125 _ ,,,,,.,, .., t___L___ i 1_ -_ _I i _I r I, ------- i -I--)1 - - - -- ' -II -------- [_,_--i _ -77,0,j--: f 1 _ \ v - , ----- -----I 1 -1' , -7-1-t. :.00.K 1 K--- Afs,c, •.. .,, , _ ,i.:____j___\- I_ 0-- 11-1 , \,c•fr, --,'-) --,'.1<1 , ' I I-:-:, 1 , g, - t \ \ -7=1-1 I I- IL 1 i_h_ 7---18 9.(P0f- - -1111:1- -0 \ ‘iivi 1 d.., :ffi:FiV \\\ \ \ . .. ... ........ ...wi 2000 0 2000 Feet ....Imo ... ........m.„,„,.. N I W --177 E (41.0.- S -7A -3 City of Southiake, Texas Surrounding Property Owners ZA99-125 I ''''b illiii,... n Ts, Aili 'AIL ., ,,,,,.. #41 11111111111 in ,;!'61. 1111 ill i„,,„„ ri Iry .. pm elEl 111111m w 10 9 8I ■•� ti EFL ■ Property Owner Zoning Land Use Description Acreage 1. AKP Management LLC 1. "I-1" 1. Industrial 1. 1.36 acres 2. Automation Sery Engr Inc. 2. "I-1" 2. Industrial 2. 0.89 acres 3. L.Pack 3. "I-1" 3. Industrial 3. 0.92 acres 4. Four Star Investments 4. "I-1" 4. Industrial 4. 0.95 acres 5. E.Mannhart 5. "I-1" 5. Industrial 5. 1.65 acres 6. Ram Interests LP 6. "I-1" 6. Industrial 6. 1.25 acres 7. Four Star Investments 7. "I-1" 7. Industrial 7. 1.25 acres 8. Commerce Business Park JV 8. "I-1" 8. Industrial 8. 3.76 acres 9. SLJ Commerce/Exchange II 9. "I-1" 9. Industrial 9. 1.66 acres 10. SLJ Commerce/Exchange II 10."I-1" 10. Industrial 10. 1.66 acres 11.Market Loop Ltd. 11."I-1" 11.Industrial 11.0.82 acres 12.L.Burchett 12."I-1" 12.Industrial 12.0.83 acres 13.J. Wang 13."I-1" 13.Industrial 13.0.83 acres 14. SLML,LP 14."I-1" 14.Industrial 14. 1.65 acres L N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\99Exhibits\99125ZSP.doc • . .\ r • . . • .... • REQUIRED UUFFERYARDS II f I. II/a Cull MINI ew11w, 11w•ta lima t.m wwa. • • • •aria•MI I••• ma • la r • 1.111.1W 111•11 l w•i .•aa w.I ~II If S. ♦ N. •p . It Y �, ' a sea-a. re • r a" �•'/ ! IiII A a?•• Il r r•♦ St • sil•WV UMW, ..w• M. tnt E Y • wa • la M ^I VICINITY MAI' M Sea ..t I V NO 1Y)AU: / I I REQUIRED INTERIOR LANDSCAPE: / I I 1 I MI♦" [un1 etan r r • :NI IN 111 1::U a / . •.a•.. n.0 n.C• Inn, wra . . I • „ tr•r Let•••• \ 4 I II I Wlyr PAC&Or.. I 14IIDi Pad.�w I,p}a ' I 1.n a (Ann ulvl VOW 1• 10 —1 L. / _ ! •� _ I I wIDT ACID .r t..>a l...w II .CL ..r,70. • I. ( p/ I .w uM• ru a a u r.r . .. ,. ; (11. ............ L 1 rwwra II ( / / • I PRELIMINARY SelIEMII.1•:. i1 `I' I 1 _ _l. ;! :- • —_ ..... , Y. ell . I� ......•.... •I I I • •• •••r• , - 'r•' a rpm.n ma.ram IA lar•r.•a n.rr um*ono IA t r 10 ral I I / 1 , I( I • ® IMVtY.a I I,.' I i I.1. I • 10 1.••. I••.W...In•.•••M I1Y1 r.•••I.1.1.1• 4 Ill�11',L • ..j I LOT De1( I . '41 I l•'lY;Al f I a I I iII 1'' L i !j I I I h I •....• •I • I .rdr I sl I I! SITE PLAN NOTES: A. Ij I I �� I I M°, .ekal.'al�, Y••' I •- I I I rm..41./I.w/n•r a.••.nr.l•.1....w•.•• J 1 t '• a ••••••a.1w•I.a.••t•.a••••A•••••••••I•I1a.rt ur rN V 'j R •; l I 'I I I.�4 y. ' w y�y.• Y rl.w •` . l �I L: j MI.M 1 •Iw•r.W MI•ann.a.•.•M w.Yu••w ` O I I 1 '=.1 . ` I a «lfl IY•A.a•••a•UYA/1•n T_al.TV..4/1aT.•• WIWI a F 11 •le a•..t lta an saws.inatat a•net Ij a C I 1 w I I�I�•l{1 I aw a I ♦ 1RY IN MY• 111ia.AI 1RY Ilp.YYA•r NM nsa..IV r ••aI I. 1 5 I •1ew•/.041«.n•la I . •. .I $C rl I w.. C— I P. a rrrw a.rf. Lam Al«r•c 1•1..1 1.ww+a Mir (71 • 6., I .rr.r•.�. �a:++.:.•�•�.r.'��•• sa..ac�o cars. . —• ••`�` ' �•1 II hwaU. /wwrr aa•or•ns. w••rrr"KM 11 Z a f..a•a..ann r ow.nW•Mani••• •pg..a .� ••.•+ y..__' wv_ I I w•. I I ! •j a w•avas Yt tYIM1rt I••on,Nan w w•.n•.m Ir.rn r.v II II lr I '^ YJ. I I r• ; I w"—' Ij I' O ..w•.aI 11•aaM.a„r P. OM.NMI Iti aNn..t.a1r.•r 1.1 aataA••aw«r•r•l■ 0 OVUM PM unary Kra MINIM. 1\ 6kiiii'irivia4 aI I. I Ij II I! \ ••� 1e l a I I II APPROX. SITE COVEIIACK: 1 I. lay. A , ar i.�`1I I a.am.. •a•.afA....A..ar I II -iI \1 I I • I • I .. I Ii w..u.. lays/I .a I l ` L� a. • ! N/fiA ra.l•a/na•YM la a.Or lin i\ I+IYal.:rl.•. 1 • /r •••IMII•w r..n•n•..1 Sf ar la= I• Y4� \ 1 / I ' /.�•11 1TM it •' M•re•Nr/a♦•1.OW a.•11•• Mn ,I f!!1 r`.- ram— Il Ii I �-•.-. Mr. I , I ••'. . II. My 1•..1•Ir Min �j 711 I W 11 I ..._. ..H I •• a1 j • .I r. 1 11 -II \ I[I .. .w...� 111. 1 '' •.1 a I.11.a \ \ j r / v:• I� .. an MaM•a IeRlr..M•COP,arl �j •I .rar/r+ a•a.r. .n t 11 a..t.aA•.11.Ir.rnr•r 1•i.••I. .I \�. L I / '�• / I I j Y♦.rua_a/S ••I1.W nay•I. alt Il _• \ ' _ _r wy D�^ .-r.. •r I I• II 1♦.aCY'1.1/t•aw.M•• assay II •1 It I .w.L`.r..a•1.= __ _/ (/ I— I • IaTY 1•..Y.// I.11 Lw / ��al• Car.'..M ..�...��• .nw / .�a.••1.1:/• I I • Ii I; I ., 1 I I /'� II t..SS I.• Iet i . •• LOT 1 /Law V / ) x aANDT PACK 0111.1 ` / AAKOT PAC / (.(s SITE PLAN FOR STP-1 REZONING / / / / I . PUXI C.1017 II 3N 4 IMIDI NC1 MUSS PARR / CITY.Of 70UTNIAIa.TARRANT(4r.OVNRY.TGW �� DANDT.An I I: MA(.A•TP:I( E:NCIN:KIIIN(I. INC. KMa••s a. !I I)•'I•4.1.1wss..s.•a.4. Ian•go P.n. M.ITTINA(C.T]at 100011 .••• II IS i' Mon MOO W. RYA an PS AO - • PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE PLAN • • 11 - ( 2S" ^ 60o S. Main x3oo 100 CfV'L W( I1(3 Rhome,Texas 76078-0681 fkllor (PóUP 1 Metro817 638 a7i7 � tiGIfiERS PLAf1f11 RS Fax 817-636-273o May 4, 2000 Ms. Lisa Sudbury, Planner City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Tri-Dal, Ltd. Site Plan, Lot 2R1, Blk. 1 Commerce Business Park Dear Lisa, tilor I have reviewed your comments of April 28, 2000 and offer the following: 1. There is an increase in office space, but there is not an increase in the number of office employees. The employees are now doubled up in existing office space. The proposed building will relieve the overcrowding that Tri-Dal is now experiencing. Therefore, the existing driveways will not see a twenty percent increase and a variance is not required. 2a. We respectfully request that the required number of plantings be allowed within the provided bufferyards, and the existing parking in the southeast corner be allowed. 2b. We respectfully request approval of the existing parking without the planter islands. 3. There are no trash dumpsters on site. There are two recycle bins as shown on the site plan. These bins need access from three sides to allow for material to be placed in them. The recycle bins are within an enclosed yard surrounded by an 8' screen fence. We respectfully request approval of their location and without the barrier and metal gate. 1A-Co L Page Two May 4, 2000 Tri-Dal , Ltd. 4. All proposed lighting will comply with the existing lighting ordinance. 5a. Corrected. Your assistance in this matter, has been appreciated. Should you have any other questions, please call. Sincerely, Civil Works up, Inc. (Iike Jo n E. Levitt,P.E. L City of Southiake, Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA 99-125 Review No: Three Date of Review: 4/28/00 Project Name: Site Plan-Tri-Dal, Ltd.,Lot 2R1, Block 2 Commerce Business Park APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: Tri-Dal,Ltd. Sun Coast Architects 540 Commerce Street 2379 North Carroll Avenue Southlake,TX 76092 Southiake,TX 76092 Phone: (817)481-2886 Phone: (817)424-4277 Fax: Attn: Bob Bailey Fax: (817)329-7177 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 4/18/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT LISA SUDBURY AT(817)481-5581,EXT.862. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations N None Residential Adjacency N None Building Articulation N None Masonry Standards Y Complies Impervious Coverage Y Complies with"I-1"zoning. Bufferyards Y See Comment No.2 Interior Landscape Y See Comment No.2 Driveways Y See Comment No. 1. Lighting Y See Comments No.4 1. Provide the required minimum 75' of stacking depth for the driveway into the existing south parking lot. This driveway provides 26', a deficiency of 49'. (Variance Requested) (P&ZAction 5/4/00: allow as proposed) 2. The following changes are needed regarding landscaping,bufferyards and screening: a. The bufferyards on the north and south property lines are deficient in length per the ordinance requirements. The required number of plantings is shown correctly. In the southeast corner of the site, the parking spaces appear to extend into the 5' bufferyard noted. (Variance Requested)(P&Z Action 5/4/00: allow as proposed, locating required plants elsewhere on the site) • b. Provide landscape islands in compliance with the Landscape Ordinance No. 544-A. Planter islands shall have a minimum width of 12' back-to-back if curbed or 13' edge-to-edge if no curb is intended and shall be equal to the length of the parking stall. Each row of parking shall provide the required landscape areas.No islands are provided behind the cite existing office building. (Variance Requested)(P&Z Action 5/4/00: allow as proposed, locating required plants elsewhere on the site) 1 • R City of Southlake, Texas 3. Show the location of all trash dumpsters noting the type and height of screening device.Two recycle bins are noted on the property. Trash/recycling receptacles shall be totally encircled or screened by fence,planting or other suitable visual barrier six feet in height and shall have a metal door which shall remain closed at all times. This plan proposes the recycle bins within an enclosed yard, surrounded by an 8' screen fence. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action 5/4/00: allow as proposed) 4. Any proposed lighting shall comply with the existing lighting ordinance. 5. The following comments pertain to the zoning request: a. Correct the zoning, existing and proposed, to read: SP-2 with"I-1"uses plus a contractor's storage yard and outside storage. NOTE: This plan appears to comply with the general criteria for outside storage, including but not limited to: • Outside storage is accessory to the principal use; and • Storage areas meet the setback requirements for the principal buildings; and • Outside storage areas are of an all-weather surface,exclusive of required parking areas; and • Outside storage areas comply with screening and bufferyards; and • Materials,other than vehicles, trailers, and mobile machinery or equipment, are stacked not higher than one foot below the top of the screening device P&Z Action, May 4, 2000:Approved(5-0)subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated April 28, 2000, and as noted above. CC Action, I S`Reading, May 16, 2000:Approved on Consent(7-0)subject to Site Plan Review No. 3, dated April 28, 2000, and subject to P&Z recommendation. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan.A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * It appears this property lies within the 75 'LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone,requiring construction standards that meet the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee,Perimeter Street Fee,Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: John Levitt,J.E. Levitt Engineering VIA: FAX 488-3315 Bob Bailey,Tri-Dal, Ltd VIA: Sun Coast Architects VIA: FAX ABOVE N:\Community Devclopment\WP-FILES\REV\99\99125sp3.doc 2 1A-I • City of Southlake, Texas Case No. 99-125 Review No. Two Resubmittal Dated: 2—24-00 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Lot 2R1,Block C, Commerce Business Park(Revised/Site Plan) Contact: Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 481-5581, x 848 Fax: (817) 421-2175 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on 11 - 15 - 99 . Comments designated with a (#) symbol may be incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Other items will not be addressed by either the P&Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modifications as required by the comment. LANDSCAPE COMMENTS: * New construction greater in size than 30%of the existing building or greater than 5,00 square feet shall require compliance with the Landscape Ordinance 544-A, as it applies to the entire square footage of the existing building and proposed addition. * The applicant's property has a considerable amount of existing landscaping and may already meet the requirements of the Landscape and Bufferyard Ordinances. The applicant has previously meet all prior landscape requirements. * There are no existing protected trees on the site. The only existing trees are the ones installed by the applicant for previous landscaping requirements. BUILDING INSPECTIONS ?A-to (1111113/4 1 L I I i 1.....r.,... Oa" a ono oa I -1 L.--- WO I `1 A1111 .. 1 i 41 ia7 1 • J . , , / t! a•, ' o �; I ,wr ,o ��� ` ilo ,... 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I w fl1" 11101101111110110 IDIOM 04 SOUTH BUILDING ELEVATION 0 i d N111 - r.n. a o A Q 1 to WL11VOW Cal 4 V� .4 1.61011111011114,111113. ...1NN1...p. 1p11fl'.l raawNrwearl414. -- - II I ! I III iq II 0 I'.pI II1//1i1Ni1111 4 II. , (II I�I ill .-� 0111111rA1RN1 I 'I'I 'III I ❑ ❑ II!1 1 ' .1�r1.- l , of I r� W I,I I I 'I I I II III — ----------------- — Lr 1 —�' _ �s a I fI , - IN'�A1. itawirmantwor LI 11 I,IIWII, .=ink —---T''s"�'°1'Y YiN11i111. RR 11N1110/11 N1RTN1 03 NORTH BUILDING ELEVATION .1. r.... �a.1y�. 111 iM •••R • Imo„ .aaa�sl A-3.1 A�M)l4pD 1 0 �nnn �t"�yi OCT.27.�910 • I • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-341 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 2R1, BLOCK C, COMMERCE BUSINESS PARK, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN CABINET A, SLIDE 3817, PLAT RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING APPROXIMATELY 6.65 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "S—P-1" DETAILED SITE PLAN DISTRICT TO SPECIFICALLY ALLOW "I-1" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT USES PLUS A CONTRACTOR'S STORAGE YARD WITH OUTSIDE STORAGE TO "S—P-1" DETAILED SITE PLAN DISTRICT TO SPECIFICALLY ALLOW "I-1" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT USES PLUS A CONTRACTOR'S STORAGE YARD WITH OUTSIDE STORAGE AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED SITE tor PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B", SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST,MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-341.DOC Page 1 authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of thw, buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS,the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District to specifically allow"I-1" Light Industrial District uses plus a contractor's storage yard with outside storage under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public facilities; and, N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-341.DOC Page 2 7d -6 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes,that the public demands them,that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets,helps secure safety from fire,panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas,has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large,the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS: N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-341.DOC Page 3 1 4 -I 40 SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being Lot 2R1, Block C, Commerce Business Park, an addition to the City of Southlake,Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 3817, Plat Records, Tarrant County,Texas,and being approximately 6.65 acres, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" from "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District to specifically allow "I-1" Light Industrial District uses plus a contractor's storage yard with outside storage to "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District to specifically allow"I-1" Light Industrial District uses plus a contractor's storage yard with outside storage as depicted on the approved Site Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit"B",and subject to the specific conditions established in the motion of the City Council and attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit"C." SECTION 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. SECTION 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs, sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby,but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. SECTION 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety,morals and the general C N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING1480-341.DOC Page 4 -7 A-1'1 (Ihr welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits,neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not cr, more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-341.DOC Page 5 14 -Iei permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and,as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation,both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not,under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public (lior hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. L N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-341.DOC Page 6 d Q / r ` � I 1 PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: C N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-341.DOC Page 7 EXHIBIT "A" (low Lot 2R1, Block C, Commerce Business Park, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas,according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 3817,Plat Records,Tarrant County,Texas, and being approximately 6.65 acres C C N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-34I.DOC Page 8 1A -}-t LK EXHIBIT "B" ..dr , 1 1? 010 Lij I I , r _ (( ;Yam ' --l---is1 MM.MAP Coma I 1 ) . r r—� j I ��p —_1 >t A. F J 1 i i 1. � ili \ �L.. i i] .C. )�i pi .L�'�La gal 1 Q ds SII i]�]IFf i ;11 l II't� Itli 11 �41�1 I ow..: r.� dy0f��73: I Iti L. j , 1 '7 Ir— _ ` ç_Ljój I1.10 g 0. —I I, ! r--1i1(1 PP] i L :' ? .ma . t\ „\\ —,k. �- I r—,v'r.ED—Er ararl•ar,.c-r r-r./ Ile —I ,— 1 ] ) O ,,, ft il --1 l:rtic/ fc�ftt�l i_ to I t •t _ , rmil �cdavaoo1C11 .-ram z < —— , 1 t ) i' EMINc 1rr.v.tt.ria1r.rr--•--,-ra yW �. ci F-r.--.. —,,,„L.-4 !i to Id ki..„ , , .,__- :.-------; .., t— , . . . . ..,to, a to ..di:.. I i i v. •" 'T' %. v. ._`•ii •--r��r::•s.T i� • I F X 0 L ' t II . t_ ...r:1.00 I It „i ____"—_ �______ s-`�ir-E-r�,•-vow~:r ale 0.0 10 r'T7w,....a ...1 Cr r ttt Al A C N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-341.DOC Page 9 1 A-?-2- EXHIBIT"C" (lar This page reserved for the approved City Council motion. Ls' N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-341.DOC Page 10 -7 A -a-3 City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT June 2, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 00-020 PROJECT: Ordinance No.480-337 - Second Reading-Rezoning and Concept Plan - Gateway Plaza, Phase II STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Zoning Change on property legally described as portions of Tracts 1, 2,3,4, 5, 6, & 7, W. E. Mayfield's Subdivision, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-C, Page 4, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 39.5636 acres. PURPOSE: Zoning/Concept Plan approval required prior to development. Property is located in the Corridor Overlay Zone. LOCATION: On the south side of S.H. 114 and the north side of East Southlake Boulevard (F. M. 1709) approximately 200' west of Crooked Lane. OWNERS: Conner Lam, Gregory P. Woodside,Donald E. Vogel, Chung Cheng Hong, Glen Scott Harrell, Wetzel Family Partnership, Ltd., and Gateway Phase II J.V. APPLICANT: Wyndham Properties, Ltd. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District and "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District REQUESTED ZONING: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with "C-3" General Commercial District uses, including a gasoline service station and tires, batteries, and automobile accessories. LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use NO.NOTICES SENT: Twenty-five (25) RESPONSES: Three (3) responses were received from within the 200' notification area: • Michael Wetzel,president, Wetzel Family Partnership, 4212 Wyldwood, Austin, TX, in favor,"Let them go! Do it...more tax base for Southlake." (Received March 29, 2000.) • Glen Scott Harrell, 2706 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, TX, in favor. (Received March 30, 2000.) • A second letter was received from Glen Scott Harrell on April 20, 2000. See attached letter. • Gregory P. Woodside, 2724 E. Southlake Blvd, Southlake, Texas, in favor. "The businesses that will occupy this development should generate substantial additional tax revenue for the City of Southlake." (Received April 6, 2000.) City of Southlake, Texas Seven(7) responses were received from outside the 200' notification area: • Dana Sternfeld, Spin Represantive Liaison 9W, Dominion Development, opposed. See attached letter. (Received April 6, 2000.) • Terri Caniford, 810 Huntington Court, Southlake, TX, in favor. See attached letter. (Received April 13, 2000.) • Mark Terry, 2122 Forest Hills Road, Southlake, TX, in favor, "I was surprised at the Star-Telegram story yesterday as it did not indicate the amount of support that the Costco presentation generated. I was pleased at the tone of the meeting and thought that most of the citizens at the meeting supported this project. I am looking forward to shopping there." (Received April 13, 2000.) • William R. Prechtel, 905 Independence Parkway, Southlake, TX, in favor, "So far this year I have attended 5 SPIN meeting and all but two City Council and P&Z meetings and never have I seen such overwhelming support for a project. On four different occasions all but a handful of the over than 100 attendees broke into applause in support of this project and the positive thing it will bring to this community. Certainly, I too am in complete support of this project." (Received April 14, 2000.) • Laura Chelf, 701 Bryson Way, Southlake, TX, opposed. See attached letter. (Received April 24, 2000.) • Lynda Warner, 716 Wentwood Drive, Southlake, TX, opposed. See attached letter. (Received April 24, 2000.) • Vic Vincent, 701 Garden Court, Southlake, TX, in favor, "I understand there is a possibility of Costco coming to Southlake. I also understand that there may be a question of whether this is the type of business we want in Southlake. Many people think Costco is a `member warehouse club' like Sam's Club, it is not! I am a member of both and liken Costco to Nordstrom's and Sam's to Wal-Mart. In my opinion Costco is exactly what we are looking for and would be a great addition to our city." (Received May 12, 2000.) P&Z ACTION: April 6, 2000; Approved (6-0) to continue the Public Hearing to April 24, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Building. April 24, 2000; Approved (4-0) to table and to continue the Public Hearing to the May 4, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. May 4, 2000; Approved(4-0) subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated April 20, 2000, and subject to the following: • In addition to this Concept Plan approved with the S-P-2 zoning, the development regulations in the document shall be required on this development. If any requirements in the regulations are in conflict with other requirements of the approved plan and development regulations,the more stringent requirements shall apply. (kw • Regarding Item #1.d (impervious coverage) allow as shown but recommending decreasing the number of parking spaces along Nolen Drive by increasing the size of the parking islands located on the east side of the parking lot except those affronting Nolen Drive by two Q 1 1 City of Southlake, Texas spaces; • Deleting Item #1.e (parking requirements for restaurants) requiring no additional parking spaces for outdoor seating; • Allowing the variance requested in Item #1.f with respect to the one ancillary building less than 2,000 s.f. limited to the gas station building only; • Regarding Item#2.b (5' bufferyard), allow as proposed; • Permitting the variance in Item #3 (location of loading dock) but accepting the applicant's guarantee that it is not visible from F.M. 1709 or S.H. 114 and requiring the applicant to find ways to soften the appearance from Nolen Drive; • Regarding Item#4.b,requiring a right-in/right-out on Drive A unless the driveway is moved; • Regarding Item #4.c, keeping Drive B as far east as possible with out conflicting with the culvert on the south side of F.M. 1709; • Deleting Item#4.d(minimum 500' driveway spacing), and allowing as shown; • Regarding Item#4.e, requiring Drive B to be reevaluated due to the new design; increasing Drive F by two spaces on the south and one space on the north; and moving Drive G, the turn into the gas station, as far west as possible; • Deleting Item#4.h(relocating Drive J further north); • Deleting Item #5.c (articulation) and allowing as shown and requiring articulation on all visible areas; • Recommending outside storage as permitted by Ordinance 480, Section 45.11, as amended,with noted conditions; • Permitting 5 lanes on Nolen Drive within a 70' R.O.W. as shown with stacked utilities adjacent to the R.O.W.; • Allowing bufferyard along Nolen Drive as shown; • Allowing Drive I as shown; • Allowing one gas station as approved tonight, and • Allowing "C-3"Uses, excluding the following: 7) conventional golf courses, including outdoor driving ranges accessory thereto, but excluding outdoor miniature golf courses; 16)Lodges, sororities, and/or fraternities; 18) Mortuaries, funeral homes and undertakers 23) Plumbing and heating appliance repair installation service Allowing this "C-3"use, amended as follows: 17)Allowing Medical care facilities to include nursing and care homes, hospitals with their related facilities and supportive retail and personal service uses operated by or under the control o f the hospital primarily for the convenience of patients, staff and visitors. Allowing"0-1"Uses, excluding the following: 29) Radio recording and television broadcasting offices and (toy studios. Allowing"C-2"Uses, excluding the following: 8) Business colleges or private schools for vocational training 24) Frozen food lockers for individual or family use. ��3 City of Southlake, Texas Other Limitations include: a) Limiting any office related training to 30% of the tenant's floor area b) Limiting the number of screens in auditoriums, theaters, and cinemas to twelve screens. COUNCIL ACTION: May 16,2000;Approved(7-0)First Reading subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 5, dated May 12,2000,and subject to P&Z's recommendation, and subject to amending the movie theater to 10 screens, only, deleting nursing homes,providing additional landscaping at the southwest corner of the proposed "Costco" building and amending the impervious coverage requirement to be 75% maximum on Tract A, 75% maximum on Tract C, and 80%maximum on Tract B(excluding Nolen Drive right-of-way from the calculations). STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Concept Plan Review Summary No. 6, dated June 2, 2000. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-020ZC.doc L L Tuesday,April 18,2000 Karen Gandy Zoning Administration City of Southlake 667 N.Carroll Ave. Southlake,Tx 76092 Dear Karen Gandy, My property at 2706 E.Southlake Blvd.is a part of Mr.Willikinson's Gateway Plaza Phase 2 planned development. I have been a resident of Southlake and Grapevine most of my life.My business is here and my son goes to school in Southlake. Our family has deep roots here. We feel privileged to live in this community. Southlake has set the standard for a sense of community with well planned growth and a commitment to the families that live here. Over the years Southlake Blvd.has changed from a two lane street to a five lane road. I have seen numerous small animal that couldn't make it across the road. I have personally lost two dogs to the traffic. Planes fly over our house day and night making it impossible to enjoy the outdoors.It is almost impossible to get out of my driveway to take my son to school due to the back up to get onto Hwy. 114. There is a Lowes,a Liberty Bank,a Wal Mart,several office buildings and a large shopping center within walking distance. There are no neighbors or children for my son to play with. Four vacant houses are on either side of my lawn. This is no longer a residential area. It has become an excellent commercial district that can further enhance Southlake's reputation for excellence. I am for the proposed Gateway P . 1•hase 2 development. S` , dei . .- _ • • Harrell •I. E.Southl. • : .. Southlake,Tx 76092 AED APR 2 0 2000 l6-5 Apr-1'1-00 02:51P P.01 (Iirw April 6, 2000 P& Z Commission Mtg. RE: Gateway Plaza Costco Addition Dear Sirs, Please accept this letter as my statement regarding the Gateway Plaza Development. I am concerned with news of an addition of the Costco Super Center at the intersection of Hwy. 114 & Southlake Blvd. I was told by a neighbor and not informed by a newspaper or flyer which has been the procedure in the past. Having another "box" of this magnitude will totally deface Southlake not to mention the multitude of traffic and undesirables it will attract. Is this what we want newcomers to see as they're visiting our city? This development is starting to represent Southlake as a fast, busy and blue-collar type of town. With the current infrastructure in place, the police force and city services couldn't even begin to handle the problems that it will create. Not to mention the amount of truckers coming in with supplies from 114 Hwy...as if there aren't enough already. I'm really surprised that city officials would allow such a project. Why don't we suggest that companies like Costco and other supercenters of this sort fill the empty buildings that currently exist rather than create another? We would still benefit from the taxes and benefit from the services as well. Costco didn't make it in central Dallas, why do they think they can make it here? I would also poll the residents to see how many would use this type of service and/or do they currently buy products from a Sam's Wholesale or Price Club. Please re-think this project and the repercussions it will cause as a result. Naturally, I am against this project and will continue to voice concerns over this development at City Council if need be. Thank you, 1 , J Dana A. Sternfeld Spin Rep. Liasion 9W Dominion Development L 'p APR p62 ° City of Southlake, Texas Lori Farwell crom: TLCaniford@aol.com 'ent: Thursday,April 13, 2000 7:12 AM To: Ifarwell@cityofsouthlake.com Subject: Costco P&Z Members and Council Members, After reading the Star Telegram article on April 12, 2000, regarding Costco planning to come to Southlake in the Gateway development, I wanted to express my support of the retailer but I was not able to attend the S. P. I. N. meeting. Based on the information provided by the Terry Wilkinson, the developer, and Costco, I am mystified that there is opposition.As a taxpayer I welcome a company that will add over$1.5 million to the city's tax revenue. By my calculations that is almost 8.5%of Southlake's total budget of$18.4 million. Costco will be helping to carry a large portion of the tax burden that the homeowner has had to shoulder in Southlake. I can assure you that I would be extremely vocal if the Costco proposal fails and property owners are assessed additional taxes. Costco offers upscale merchandise and it's location is perfect since it is in the midst of a commercial area not a residential area. As a resident, I want to be able to keep my spending dollars in Southlake and not have to travel all over the Metroplex. If the detractors are so upset about Costco, why didn't they protest Lowe's?We already had Home Depot! have been happy with Southlake's commercial and residential growth plans up until now, but I am beginning to be concerned that a few interest groups seem to think they know what's best for everyone in Southlake. I want you all to know this is not the case--they do not speak for all homeowners! Regards, Terri Caniford 810 Huntington Court (Southlake resident for 4 years: Northeast Tarrant County resident for 19 ears) (a." REcp APR 13 2000 75.7 4pr 24 00 02: 23p Laura B. Chelf 817 421 -5054 P- 1 klar, Laura R. Chelf mterysemway ea,a,talm_nc Maz($17)42s3909 April 24,2000 City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake,TX 76092 Dear Commissioners, I am opposed to the proposed Costco in Gateway Phase IL Below are just a few of my concerns: • While the plan for Highway 114 looks sufficient to handle the traffic,how long will the Costco be open before the highway construction is complete? • What percentage of the customers of Costco will actually use the Highway 114 entrance and what percentage will be using Southlake Boulevard? Traffic congestion on Southlake Blvd.is already almost unmanageable. Will the addition of a warehouse club raise crime rates and force the city to hire more police officers to handle it? • Does this type of business fit into our community? • What will it cost the city to bring in this type of business? • t keep hearing about the tax revenue the Costco will bring to Southlake. How is that going to help the residents? Will our taxes be lower? If so,how long will that take? I am confident you will examine all of these issues as well as many others in making your decision. If the Costco is inevitable,please consider the following: • Is it possible to make sure the infrastructure is in place before the store is allowed to open? • Will every effort be made to save the many beautiful trees on that property? • Will the structure be designed to keep it from looking like a"big box"? Thank you for your careful consideration of this matter. Sincerely, La hell REC'D A P R 2 4 2000 t 13"0 • 04/24/00 13:14 FAX 01 • 716 W ertwuod Drive • Southhke,TX 76092 • (NY facsithile.transtiiittal To: P&Z Committee Fax: 488-9370 From: Lynda Warner Date_ 4/24/00 Re: Gateway Phase 11 Pages: 1 CC: ❑Urgent 0 For Review ❑Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recynle • • • • • • • • • • I would like to formally oppose the proposed Costoo in Gateway Phase II. My concerns include the following: -Is the current/future highway infrastructure truly able to handle the traffic this type of business will bring? -Will the addition of a warehouse club raise crime rates in our town forcing Southlake to hire more Police? -Does this type of business truly fit into ow community? -Do we really want another"big box"store at the gateway to our community? I am confident that the committee will examine all of these issues before making a decision. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Lynda Warner RECD R P R 2 4 2000 L elbq r I r „,... . ! , , , 1 I. c, ---- -- - r • i�1 I-- - u id_—+' -' i �i I _.,, -,...,,Air!--1 - 7- L II II - --�r- -- - I r , I r _ -_ - 7;: I 1- - I 1 1 T T_ — — _� _ — —� l� II� 7 Lix I----1 , iMI _ 11dd 1 1 - _I 1 -- i ---. 1.0 E 1, �°F - 1 ,, 1 _______ ____H147_1_, , _ _:; - __,=1,_--.7_=-_-_ __1 _ __,1 I i___ ,.1 t-ri _IL 1 1 .,.., T1-, -1- / r`/ i 3 1 Otog,' 1U` W — f1F +' 7 ,i,. -C",-. -,‘•.-..7 a L I 1 i I y1 Surrounding Property Owners (01.., ZA00-020 City of -�<ruill NIGrapevine __LI_ _ 2 *1L 4 r 7 S� rQ f Ili �9 Pil tiq 9 16 15 s°UrN* AZ I' 14 13 �Is H 12 11 .■mmui / Property Owners Zoning Land Use Description Acreage 1. DFW Highway 114 Ltd. 1. "C-3" 1. Office Commercial 1. 5.56 acres 2. DFW Highway 114 Ltd. 2. "C-3" 2. Office Commercial 2. 2.20 acres 3. N.Graham 3. "C-3" 3. Office Commercial 3. 0.89 acres 4. N.Graham 4. "AG" 4. Office Commercial 4. 6.41 acres 5. Austin Oaks Homeowners Assn. 5. "C-1" 5. Office Commercial 5. 0.20 acres 6. 168 Venture No. 111 6. "C-3" 6. Office Commercial 6. 0.45 acres 7. 168 Venture No. 111 7. "C-3" 7. Office Commercial 7. 0.46 acres 8. Wyndharp.Properties Ltd. 8. "S-P-2" 8. Mixed Use 8. 1.38 acres 9. Wyndham Properties Ltd. 9. "S-P-2" 9. Mixed Use 9. 32.00 acres 10. State of Texas 10. "AG" 10.Retail Commercial 10. 1.24 acres 11.H.Carr 11."AG" 11. Retail Commercial 11.2.49 acres 12.B.Gordon 12. "AG" 12. Retail Commercial 12. 1.53 acres 13.M. Sathre 13."AG" 13.Retail Commercial 13. 3.23 acres 14.H. Shanklin 14."AG" 14. Retail Commercial 14. 5.32 acres 15.Park Monticello Ltd. 15. "C-2" 15.Retail Commercial 15. 2.52 acres 16.International MBC Inc. 16. "C-2" 16.Retail Commercial 16. 0.89 acres 17.Liberty Bank 17. "C-2" 17. Mixed Use 17. 0.18 acres 18. Southlake Office Partners JV 18. "C-2" 18. Mixed Use 18. 0.40 acres 19.Liberty Bank 19. "C-2" 19.Mixed Use 19. 0.72 acres Low 20. Southlake Office Partners JV 20. "C-2" 20.Mixed Use 20. 0.40 acres 21.Lowe's Home Centers Inc. 21. "C-3" 21.Mixed Use 21. 14.72 acres 22. State of Texas 22."C-3" 22. Mixed Use 22. 2.84 acres N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\2000 Exhibits\00020ZCP.doc 113'11 trki. r r . Gateway Phase 2 Economic Impact . Description City City School County/Other Total Property Tax Property Tax Sales Tax Property Tax Property Tax & City Sales Tax Block 1 Bldg 1 thru 8 $-113,059 $ 880,075 $ 479,563 $ 240,349 $ 1,713,046 Block 2 Bldg 9, 10 $ 26,982 $ 219,600 $ 114,448 $ 57,359 $ 418,389 Block 2 Bldg 11 - Costco $ 106,258 $1,450,000 $ 450,713 $ 225,890 $ 2,232,860 Totals: $ 246,298 $2,549,675 $ 1,044,725 $ 523,597 $ 4,364,295 Additional Notes: 1) The alignment of Nolen Road is consistent with the Village East traffic study. Construction of this roadway will be required to provide access to the express lanes that TxDOT has designed to improve travel through Grapevine. The construction and R.O.W. cost of Nolen Road is over$1,200,000. 2) In addition to the projected $4,364,295 annual revenue of property taxes and city sales tax, this development will pay over$750,000 in development fee. Support Detail: N Description Real Property Personal City Total % City Land S.F. Bldg. S.F. Land Bldg Property Property Tax Sales S.F. Sales Taxable Sales Tax B1 - L1 Bldg 1 - Restaurant 744,502 7,400 $10.00 $ 100.00 $ 30.00 $ 35,477.62 $ 338 2,500,000 100% 50,000 B1 - L1 Bldg 2- Restaurant 6,000 $ 100.00 $ 30.00 $ 3,291.60 $ 333 2,000,000 100% 40,000 B1 - L1 Bldg 3- General Retail 7,100 $ 62.00 $ 70.00 $ 3,954.98 $ 250 1,775,000 100% 35,500 B1 - L1 Bldg 4 - Small Anchor 9,155 $ 55.00 $ 85.00 $ 5,408.77 $ 250 2,288,750 100% 45,775 B1 - L1 Bldg 5 - Small Anchor 35,000 $ 55.00 $ 90.00 $ 21,416.50 $ 400 14,000,000 100% 280,000 B1 - L1 Bldg 6 - Grocery Anchor 85,000 $ 52.00 $ 45.00 $ 34,793.90 $ 565 48,000,000 35% 336,000 B1 - L1 Bldg 7 - General Retail 12,560 $ 62.00 $ 60.00 $ 6,466.39 $ 250 3,140,000 100% 62,800 B1 - L1 Bldg 8 - Restaurant 4,100 $ 100.00 $ 30.00 $ 2,249.26 $ 366 1,500,000 100% 30,000 B2- L1 Bldg 9- General Retail 181,029 26,600 $10.00 $ 62.00 $ 75.00 $ 23,017.95 $ 300 7,980,000 100% 159,600 B2 - L1 Bldg 10- Restaurant 7,225 $ 100.00 $ 30.00 $ 3,963.64 $ 415 3,000,000 100% 60,000 B2 -L2 Bldg 11 - Costco 712,352 148,000 $10.00 $ 52.00 $ 70.00 $106,257.57 $ 676 100,000,000 72.5% 1,450,000 Totals: 1,637,883 348,140 $246,298.19 186,183,750 2,549,675 REP'J J 1. 2000 CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No:ZA—00-020 Review No: Six Date of Review: 06/2/00 Project Name: Concept Plan -Gateway Plaza Phase II DEVELOPER COMMENTS: 1.b. Outdoor Dining: We are asking that outdoor dining areas not be calculated in the overall square feet of the shopping center. We believe that outdoor dining will be used as alternate seating rather than in addition to inside seating. We request that parking spaces not be required for these areas. 1.c. Impervious Coverage: We request impervious coverage for each tract as follows: Tract A—75%Maximum impervious coverage. Tract B— 80%Maximum impervious coverage. Tract C—75%Maximum impervious coverage. 1.d. Ancillary building shall have a minimum floor area of 2000 square feet: This gas station will not have a convenience store, and will be unattended; however there will be a small structure that will house equipment. This structure will be approximately 72 feet square. 2.a. No parking spaces may encroach into a bufferyard. A 5-foot bufferyard is required between Gateway Phase I and Phase II. We propose to increase this bufferyard to 10 foot for the entire property line of the property with the exception of the area of the 6 parking spaces shown in the southeast corner. If we are required to shift these parking spaces over we will begin to encroach on the creek that we are working to preserve. 3. In the Corridor Overlay Zone, a minimum 10-foot solid screening wall shall be required to screen views of loading docks: We will provide 10 foot screening walls that will screen along Highway 114, and Southlake Blvd, and will provide landscaped berms within the bufferyards to help in screening, however we request that the loading docks be allowed as shown on building 11. We have prepared line of sight studies. 4. Driveway ingress and egress: As you will note we only have two drives on F.M 1709 and one on S.H. 114 access road. Therefore we are making the primary access on Nolen Drive request that the drive alignments be allowed as shown. 4.a. Provide the minimum 500, spacing between Driveways on S.H.114 and F.M. 1709: Driveway To Driveway/Intersection Required Proposed Deficiency Spacing Spacing 1) Drive A *West to Eaton or Liberty Dr. 500' *287'or 489' *213'or 11' 2) Drive A East to Nolen Dr. 500' 314 186' 3) Drive B West on Nolen Dr. 500' 421 79' 4) Drive B East to nearest Dr. 500' 351' 149' 1) * The Driveway that should be considered is the Liberty Bank Driveway, which is designated as a Common Access Drive. The Eaton Driveway is to an abandoned house. 2) Drive A east to Nolen Dr: we have located the drive at this location to provide 287' center lane stacking depth from the Georgetown drive located to the west. 3,4) Drive B is in this location at the request of the P&Z, making the drive as far east as possible, leaving more room for a deceleration lane at Nolen Dr. RECCC'DJUN 022000 4.b. Driveway Stacking Depths: Driveway Required Spacing Proposed Spacing Deficiency Drive A 75' 41' 34' (kw Drive B 100' 42' 58' Drive E 150' 137' 13' Drive F 100' 30' 70' Drive G 150' 72' 78' Drive H1 100' 40' 60' Nolen Road will be five lanes, two each direction, and one center turn lane. We believe that Nolen Road will have high northbound traffic volumes in the morning with the rush hour traffic getting to the S.H. 114 on ramp, there will be very little south bound traffic. We believe that the extra lanes on Nolen Road combined with the fact that the peek rush hour traffic will not occur during normal shopping hours, will help to alleviate the need for the extra stacking depth. 4.c A change to the Master Thoroughfare Plan will be considered making Nolen Dr. an Arterial: 1) Provide a minimum 84' of Right-of-Way for Nolen Dr. The Village Center East Circulation Study called for Nolen Dr. to be a Collector Road. We have honored this study and providing 70' of R.O.W., which is the widest R.O.W. requirement for Collector Roads. It is our understanding the staff wants this road to be a five-lane roadway, which has a paved width of 62'. The 70' R.O.W. dedication will accommodate the paving, additionally; we will agree to dedicate a utility easement to increase the effective width. We request that the required dedication for Nolen Road be 70', with Utility Easements totaling 14' providing the requested 84' width. 2) Provide the minimum 250, spacing between Driveways on proposed Nolen Dr: As stated above the Village Center East Circulation Study called for Nolen Dr. to be a Collector Rd. We have honored this study and designed this development around those guidelines, and are in compliance with them. By changing the designation to Arterial the spacing requirement are changed, and we no longer comply. We request that the spacing requirements for this section of Nolen Road be calculated at the Collector Road spacing requirement. 4.d. Relocate Drive J further north, does not align with the existing stacking provided in Gateway Phase I: We feel that it is important to connect Phase I with Phase II, we will have this connection drive back behind the electrical transformer, but due to the topographic changes and trees within this area, we will not be able to move the drive back to the approved location. 5. Proved horizontal and vertical articulation on Building 11: The articulation of the building will substantially comply with the ordinance. We request that the walls not visible from the R.O.W. be excluded from the articulation requirement. Line of site detail is being provided. L City of Southiake, Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY IL, Case No: ZA 00-020 Review No: Six Date of Review: 06/2/00 Project Name: Concept Plan -Gateway Plaza Phase II APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Wyndam Properties Ltd. O'Brien&Associates 751 E. Southlake Boulevard, Suite 130 5310 Harvest Hill Road, Suite 136 Southlake,Texas 76092 Dallas,Texas 75230 Phone: (817)329-4599 Phone: (972)788-1010 Fax: (817)488-2420 Attn.T Wilkinson Fax: (972)720-1058 Attn.Lisa Leslie CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 05/25/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations Y See Comments No.3 Residential Adjacency N None Building Articulation Y See Comment No.5(Building 11 only) Masonry Standards Y See Development Regulations ce Impervious Coverage Y See Comment No. lc and Proposed Development Regulations Bufferyards Y See Comment No.2 Interior Landscape Y To be evaluated with Site Plans Driveways Y See Comment No.4 Lighting Y To be evaluated with Site Plans 1. The following changes are needed regarding the regulations document: a. Variations to city development regulations are proposed in the attached documents entitled, "Concept Plan submittal for Gateway Plaza, Phase 2". This proposal is subject to all applicable city regulations unless otherwise approved. Staff recommends that the document be approved,subject to the following caveat: "In addition to this Concept Plan approved with the SP-2 zoning, the development regulations in the document shall be required on this development. If any requirements in the regulations are in conflict with other requirements of the approved plan and development regulations,the more stringent requirements shall apply." (Request regulations as proposed) (P&Z Action 5/4/00:Allow as submitted with caveat.) b. Provide parking for restaurants at 1 space per 3 seats under maximum seating arrangement, or 1 space per each 100 square feet of floor area,whichever is greater. Show the approximate area of square feet proposed for outdoor dining. (Variance requested) (P&Z, 5/4/00:Allow as proposed.) 1 ribt • City of Southlake, Texas c. Provide additional open space such that the maximum impervious coverage does not exceed 75%. The applicant is requesting 80% on Tract B, "Costco". (Variance requested) (P&Z, 5/4/00:Allow impervious as shown on the plan and recommending decreasing the number of parking spaces along Nolen Drive (on Costco site) by increasing the size of the parking islands located on the east side of the parking lot except those affronting Nolen Drive by two spaces.) d. Show any buildings (ancillary or otherwise) proposed with the gas station, at the northeast corner of Tract B.A separate building in the"C-3"district can not be less than 2,000 square feet. The applicant indicates an ancillary building of 72 square feet will be provided on the site. Details regarding design and materials must be included on any future site plans for this development. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action 5/4/00:Allow smaller building associated with the gasoline station only.) e. An alternate Concept Plan is also included in the document.This shows some variations to the elevations, size and siting of the buildings, as well as,driveway changes along Nolen Drive. No evaluation has been prepared of this plan. If approved as an alternate, staff recommends that the driveway locations be conditional to meeting the ordinance requirements and subject to the City Engineer's approval. They will be evaluated further on future site plans. 2. The following changes are needed regarding landscaping and bufferyards: a. A Type A — 5' bufferyard is required along the eastern boundary of Tract A, adjacent to Gateway 1. This plan shows a 10' bufferyard, with a 20% reduction in plant materials (as allowed by ordinance). This plan shows the bufferyard at 5' along a portion in the southeast corner. Staff recommends this be continuous along the entire length of the property. It appears the bufferyard was reduced in this area to allow 5 parking spaces to encroach into 5' of the 10' buffer. No parking may encroach into any bufferyard. In lieu of mix-matching bufferyards, the continuous 10' bufferyard with a variance allowing 5 spaces to encroach is more practical. (Variance requested) (P&Z Action, 5/4/00:Allow as shown) b. If Nolen Drive is approved as an arterial, with the Master Thoroughfare Plan update, the adjacent bufferyards shall be Type E— 10'. (P&ZAction, 5/4/00:Allow as shown.) 3. In the Corridor Overlay Zone, loading and service areas shall be located at the side or rear of buildings. minimum 10-foot solid screening wall shall be required to screen views of loading docks and loading spaces intended for tractor/semi-trailer delivery from any public right-of-way. This 10' wall must screen the entire loading dock or space. This plan indicates one loading area facing Nolen Drive in the southeast corner of Building 11. (Variance requested) (P&ZAction 5/4/00:Permit with the applicant's acknowledgement that the loading docks are not visible from S.H. 114&F.M. 1709 and request the applicant find a method of softening the view of the loading docks from Nolen Drive.) 2 114 City of Southlake, Texas 4. The following changes are needed regarding driveways and rights-of-way: a. Provide the minimum 500' spacing between Driveways on S.H. 114 and F. M. 1709. The following drives do not comply: (Variance requested) (P&Z Action, 5/4/00:Allow as shown.) From To Driveway/intersection Required Spacing Proposed Deficiency Driveway Spacing Drive A West to Eaton Drive 500' 287' 213' Drive A East to Nolen Drive Int. 500' 314' 186' Drive B West to Nolen Drive Int. 500' 421' 79' Drive B East to nearest Drive 500' • 351' 149' b. Proposed connections to public rights-of-way must be in compliance with the minimum stacking depths.Provide the minimum stacking depth of 150' on Tract B, 100' on Tract A and 75' on Tract C. The following do not comply. (Variance requested) (P&Z Action, 5/4/00: Increase the stacking provided on Drive G, by relocating entry from Drive G into the Gas Station as far west as possible.) Driveway Required Stacking Proposed Stacking Deficiency Drive A 75' 41' 34' Drive B 100' 42' 58' Drive E 150' 137' 13' Drive F 100' 30' 70' Drive G 150' 72' 78' Drive H1 100' 40' 60' c. A change to the Master Thoroughfare Plan will be considered by the City Council at this meeting regarding the designation and right-of-way width for Nolen Drive.Nolen Drive. At their meeting on May 4,P&Z approved Nolen Drive as an"A5U 84 ` Arterial",generating the following comment: 1) Provide a minimum 84' of right-of-way for Nolen Drive. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action 5/4/00:Allow Nolen Drive as an A5U 70'Arterial and require additional utility easements along the right-of-way to insure adequate area for utilities.) 2) .; Provide the minimum 250' spacing between Driveways on proposed Nolen Drive. Drives G&H2 are in compliance with the 200' spacing requirement from S.H. 114. The following drives do not comply: (Variance requested) (P&Z Action, 5/4/00: Allow as shown, eliminate space as Drive F) Plan eliminated spaces at F as requested. • From Driveway To Driveway/Intersection Required Proposed Deficiency Spacing Spacing Drive C To Drive E 250' 195' 55' Drive D To Drive F 250' 210' 40' Drive F To Drive H1 250' 220' 30' Drive H1 To Drive H2 250' 240' 10' 3 16'i1 City of Southlake, Texas d. Relocate Drive J further north. Drive J does not align with the existing access easement provided in Gateway I, and has reduced the amount of stacking provided in Gateway I from 150' to 79'. Additionally,there is a large transformer in that area,which appears to be in the way of this proposed drive. (Variance requested) (P&Z Action 5/4/00:Allow as shown) 5. Provide horizontal and vertical articulation meeting the requirements of Ordinance 480, Section 43.9.c.1.c. Compliance with the articulation requirements is as shown on the attached articulation evaluation chart. Some of the dimensions are as scaled by staff. Line of sight drawings are needed to determine what portions of the buildings are visible from rights-of-way.(Variance requested) (P&Z, 5/4/00:Allow as shown and requiring articulation on all visible areas) 6. Correct the Site Data summary chart and parking calculations. 7. The following changes are needed on the graphic: a. Show and label the lots and blocks as proposed on the Preliminary Plat. b. The Eaton tract is zoned"Ag". c. Remove the word"Costco"from the plan. If approved, the zoning will permit any"C-3"use not specifically prohibited. NOTE: Signage is not a part of the Zoning or concept plan. P&ZAction: May 4, 2000;Approved(4-0)subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated April 20, 2000, and subject to the following: • Allowing one gas station as approved tonight, and • Allowing "C-3" Uses, excluding the following: 7) conventional golf courses, including outdoor driving ranges accessory thereto, but excluding outdoor miniature golf courses; 16)Lodges, sororities, and/or fraternities; 18)Mortuaries,funeral homes and undertakers 23)Plumbing and heating appliance repair installation service • Allowing this "C-3"use, amended as follows: 17)Allowing Medical care facilities to include nursing andcare homes, hospitals with Iheir related facilities and supportive retail and personal service uses operated by or under the control o f the hospital primarily for the convenience of patients, staff and visitors. • Allowing "0-1" Uses, excluding the following: 29)Radio recording and television broadcasting offices and studios. • Allowing "C-2" Uses, excluding the following: 8)Business colleges or private schools for vocational training 24)Frozen food lockers for individual or family use. • Other Limitations include: a)Limiting any office related training to 30%of the tenant's floor area b)Limiting the number of screens in auditoriums, theaters, and cinemas to twelve screens 4 1V4 City of Southlake, Texas CC Action: 1S`Reading,Approved(7-0) on May 12, 2000, subject to P&Z's motion and amending the movie theater to 10 screens, only, deleting nursing homes,providing additional landscaping at the southwest corner of the proposed "Costco"building and amending the impervious coverage requirement to be 75%max on Tract A, 75%on Tract C, and 80%on Tract B (excluding Nolen Drive right-of-way from the calculations). NOTE: This revised plan and regulations reduced the number of movie screens to 10, eliminated the nursing home use, and revised the impervious coverage to match the Council's motion. See revised regulations for complete list of permitted/prohibited uses. NOTES: • Consistent with the plat, provide deceleration lanes and/or free right turn lanes at high volume street and/or driveway intersections, including Drive B and Nolen Drive. A minimum right-of-way dedication 12' in width and 150' in length from the intersection with a 150' transition is required. Proposed driveways can not be located within transition areas. • Nolen Drive is evaluated as a collector, as it was not on the Thoroughfare Plan when the initial review was prepared. • Driveways along S. H. 114 (and its future frontage roads) shall be designed in accordance with Texas Department of Transportation access control guidelines as applicable to the conceptual design and alignments of the proposed reconstruction of S. H. 114. Driveways will not be allowed within areas indicated as"access denied"as per Appendices 2 & 3. • This plan shows a gas station in the northeast corner of Tract B. The regulations of Section 45.10 of the Zoning Ordinance will be used to evaluate the gas station siting and design controls. Although further evaluation will be made during the Site Plan review,some of the standards that will be considered are as follows: -pump canopies shall be constructed with a gabled or hipped roof with a minimum pitch of 4:12,and -buildings will meet articulation,except for pump canopies and freestanding car washes, and -all exterior facades shall be constructed of the same materials, and -any ancillary building shall have a minimum floor area of 500 square feet, and -outside display of goods is prohibited, and - a system to light the gas pumps shall be provided. • The proposed'uses of restaurant and retail are noted as "estimated". This allows staff to evaluate the approximate amount of parking. It does not,however, indicate that the uses can not change. • Building 11 provided elevations, however a complete site plan has not been submitted. Prior to construction,a Site Plan shall be processed and approved on this site in accordance with Ordinance 480, Section 40. • Show and label common access easements,as required. A common access easement is needed between Gateway II and Gateway I,where connections are proposed. An easement will need to be prepared and filed by separate instrument for any additional easements in Gateway I, which were not previously provided. No access easement was provided in Gateway 1, in the northeast area of Tract A, where the cross over in now being shown. 5 1-11 City of Southlake, Texas * The Village Center East circulation study showed a public street through this property. The proposed Nolen drive appears to conform to that study. * A letter of permission and/or common access easement must be obtained from the adjacent property owner(s)prior to issuance of a building permit for the construction of the off-site pavement. * A permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along State Highways or Farm to Market Roads. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a site plan must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council,and a fully corrected site plan submitted to the Building Department along with landscape plan, irrigation plan,building plans,and all required fees. Required fees may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Impact Fees,Tap Fees,and related Permit Fees. * It appears that this property lies within the 65 & 75 'LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone which will require construction standards that meet requirements of the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. * This review is based on the "C3" Zoning District Regulations. * Although no review of the following issues is provided at the concept plan level, staff strongly recommends that the applicant evaluate the site for compliance with the following sections of the city ordinances prior to submittal of the site plan. Note that these issues are only the major areas of site plan review and that the applicant is responsible for compliance with all site plan requirements. • Masonry requirements per §43.13a, Ordinance 480, as amended and Masonry Ordinance No. 557, as amended. • Roof design standards per§43.13b,Ordinance 480,as amended • Mechanical Equipment Screening per §43.13c,Ordinance 480,as amended. • Vertical;and horizontal building articulation(required on all building facades)per§43.13d,Ordinance 480, as amended. • Building setback standards as per§43.13h and as shown in exhibit 43-E,Ordinance 480,as amended. • Spill-over lighting and noise per§43.13i and§43.13j,Ordinance 480,as amended. • Off-street parking requirements per§35,Ordinance 480,as amended.All areas intended for vehicular use must be of an all weather surface material. • Screening as per§39.4,Ordinance 480,as amended. 6 City of Southlake, Texas • Interior landscaping per Landscape Ordinance No. 544 and§43.9C3 and Exhibits 43-B and 43-C on Pages 43-12 and 43-13, Ordinance 480, as amended; and Parking Lot Impacts on interior landscaping in §43.9C3h and Exhibit 43-D on Page 43-14,Ordinance 480,as amended. • Fire lanes must be approved by the City Fire Department. * Denotes Informational Comment N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\REV\2000\00-020CP5.DOC 1' • IUr2t • City of Southlake, Texas ARTICULATION EVALUATION REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA 00-020 Review No: Six Date of Review: 06/2/00 Project Name: Concept Plan—Gateway.Phase II Received:05/08/00 North Wall ht.= 31 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 93 82 -12% Yes 93 82 -12% Yes Min.artic. offset 5 5 0% Yes 5 5 0% Yes Min. artic. length 20 20 0% Yes 20 20 0% Yes South No elevations have been provided.Building may not be visible due to Building 9. West Wall ht.= 31 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 93 346` 2724— NO= 93 346 /72°Aa No Min. artic. offset 5 5 0% Yes 5_ 4 -20% No Min. artic. length 23 20, --I3%_ NO 23. 2 -1 % No East Wall ht.= 28 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided , Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 84 72 -14% Yes .84. ; . 125 49% No Min. artic.offset 4 4 0% Yes 4 4 0% Yes Min. artic. length 18 20 11% Yes =2I 20: 5°o ->lo N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\REV\2000\00-020art3.doc 112 TREE PRESERVATION ANALYSIS (Non-Residential Development) Case: 00-020 Date of Review: 3 —31 - 00 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Gateway Plaza Phase 2 (Rezoning Concept Plan)Resubmittal OWNER: PREPARED BY: Lincoln Properties Company O'Brian&Associates 500 Akard St., Suite 3300 5310 Harvest Hill Rd., Suite 136 Dallas,TX 75287 Dallas, TX 75287 Phone: (214) 783-3100 Phone: (972) 788-1010 Fax: Fax: THIS ANALYSIS IS PREPARED AT THE TIME OF REVIEW OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT AND IS TO PROVIDE AN ANALYSIS OF THE PLAN OR SURVEY AND THE IMPACT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ANY PROTECTED TREES ON THE SITE. FOR ANY QUESTIONS OR CLARIFICATION CONTACT KEITH MARTIN, LANDSCAPE ADMINISTRATOR AT (817)481- 5581 EXT. 848. TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS: Ce 1. The applicant submitted an Aerial Photograph but it does not quite meet the requirements of the Tree Ordinance 585-B. The transparent overlay is not to the same scale as the photograph. It is the correct scale North to South, but larger East to West. A Tree Survey and a proposed Grading Plan were not submitted. 2. During the grading of Gateway Plaza Phase 1, The applicant applied and received an Earth Disturbance Permit for the placement of excess fill in the location of Tract A of the proposed Gateway Plaza Phase 2. To enable the placement of the fill on Tract A, a temporary bridge was built across the creek between Phase 1, and the proposed location of Phase 2. In this process approximately four (4) trees were destroyed or damage. One of the conditions of receiving the Earth Disturbance Permit was that the temporary bridge was the location of an access drive connectingzPhase 1 with Phase 2. The applicant assured city staff that the drive would be in the temporary bridge exact location and that if were not shown and approved that the trees destroyed would be mitigated. The applicant is not proposing an access drive in the place of the temporary bridge across the creek. * Non-residential Development: In a non-residential development, all protected trees that the Landscape Administrator determines must be altered in order to install utility lines within public R.O.W. or public utility or drainage easements as shown on an approved Final Plat, or to install fire lanes, required parking areas and building pad sites as shown on an approved Site Plan, shall Co' be exempt from the tree protection and tree replacement requirements listed in Sections 7 and 8 of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B. Any protected trees within these areas that the Landscape BUILDING INSPECTIONS 1313 Administrator determines do not have to be altered shall be subject to the tree protection requirements listed in Section 8 of the Ordinance, but not to the tree replacement requirements listed in Section 7 of the Ordinance. All other areas of the development shall be subject to both the tree replacement and the tree protection requirements, all other provisions of the Tree Preservation ordinance 585-B. * All requirements and regulations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B, apply to the entirety of this lot. Please be aware of the penalties of not applying the tree preservation protection methods required by the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B. Cie z.. BUILDING INSPECTIONS 1 .Z4 c s GATEWAY PLAZA PHASE II rive SP-2 DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Gateway Plaza Phase II will be a retail development that compliments and continues the architectural design of Phase I. These developments will be separated by a preserved creek way, but will connect at strategic locations. As with Phase I, we have worked to assemble several smaller tracts of land, in order to provide a comprehensive plan. The approval of these plans will allow for the consolidation of nine separately owned tracts into a master planned development. The primary facades of the buildings are oriented north (towards 114) and south (towards FM 1709) with service and delivery courts between the buildings. This was done in order to conceal the backs of the buildings from view from SH 114, FM 1709, and the new Nolen Road. When retail projects are in the planning stages, potential tenants are arranged on the plan in different configurations, and a variety of concept plans are developed. The concept plan as submitted is our best guess at this time. As new tenants are signed the applicant desires flexibility to modify the plan. To that end we have submitted an alternate plan to accommodate tenants that could potentially be signed. The maximum footages are shown on the concept plan for Tract A and C. The total square footage will be controlled by the parking requirements, and the impervious coverage requirement. While individual building sizes and configuration may change, the design character of the facades will remain the same and will adhere to the articulation ordinance. ceUse Regulations: Permitted Uses —Permitted uses shall be in accordance with the C-3 Zoning District including outdoor dining, tire, battery and automobile accessory sales and gasoline service stations. Non-Permitted uses are provided below. (as approved in Phase I) C-3 with the following exceptions: 7) Conventional golf courses, including outdoor driving ranges necessary. 16) Lodges, sororities, and/or fraternities. 17) Medical care facilities to include nursing homes. 18) Mortuaries, funeral homes and undertakers. 23) Plumbing and heating appliance, repair and installation service. 0-1 with the following exceptions: 29) Radio recording and television broadcasting offices and studios. C-2 with the follovng exceptions: 8) Business colleges or private schools for vocational training. 24) Frozen food lockers for individual or family use. Other Limitations include: a) Limited any office related training to 30%of the tenant's floor area. b) Limiting the number of screens in auditoriums, theaters, and cinemas to ten screens. Impervious Coverage: The maximum impervious coverage for the overall development site shall be 75% for Tract A, and C, and 80%for Tract B. Col 16•6 REC'D MAY 3 12000 ,+ Building Materials and Facades: The building front facades are a combination of cultured stone, brick, EFIS, and split face block applied over tilt wall or concrete block construction, with terra cotta colored concrete tile roofs. Other materials to be used on the fronts of the buildings are ornamental ironwork, cast stone medallions and granite tile. The backs of the buildings and other nonvisible areas are designed as tilt wall or concrete block with a textured paint. Vertical wall heights may be modified slightly to accommodate screening of mechanical units as contract documents are developed. Some of the pad site buildings are planned to be national restaurants, the facades of these buildings may have some variation in architectural style, however some of the same construction materials will be integrated into these buildings. Lot Lines, Side Yard Setback Lines and Buffervards: As shown on the concept plan, we have established the required bufferyards for the development, however, to accommodate some retailers, it may be necessary to subdivide the property into additional lots. We request that this be allowed, without additional bufferyards being placed internal to the development, and without side yard setback lines. Front Building Setback Lines: As with Phase I of Gateway Shopping Center, we request that the pad site buildings along FM 1709 and SH 114 access road have a minimum thirty-foot setback. No drives or parking will be allowed or within the thirty (30) foot setback. All other buildings will be per ordinance, which is fifty (50) foot _ setback along Southlake Blvd and Highway 114, and thirty(30)foot setback along Nolen Drive. Parking Spaces: We request up to a 10% variance on the number of required parking spaces. Outside dining areas shall not be counted in calculating the required number of parking spaces. Outside Storage: Shopping cart storage will be permitted within a non air-conditioned enclosure that is under roof, enclosed on three sides, and carts are not visible from the R.O.W. The enclosure will be integral to the design of the building. Outside storage will comply with Ordinance 480, Section 45.11 as amended. C 1 rl( . A ai c2 lea csa ccc rap; G 1 o O ❑ 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 010 0 0 0 0 +O 0 046 S jj £NYi/tO WO LKINU UA1Q Y 1 I � Ri 1111 s• 'aiviacos I 9 ��1�31 Phu ��y It1 a ivL tSVIU YZY'id 1YA181Y0 �qq l� ii1i `g �1I�1 U b 10d xrta ddBDNOO �1��� �11 �J1� !! �� .. 0 0 0 0 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ aI O o o ❑ a ❑ ❑ o o ❑ ■ ' s • • • 1 - �. . 1 I I i!IIElU!I MITI I I I 1111111111 / All • a •Ic' "as aa aa ■ a • ■ a Ii E, 1 t i t 1 1 ii II 1-I 11 1 ! 1 i �sailg 11.1 • ' ,. 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WY NAY ..t.• WOOD OM ®BUILDING 51GNAGE Au.w.,,nL OGANOPY SI NAGE ALlWM.AXLC am ❑ SHEET NO. ■ o,o ❑ CP3 ii, I MAY 2 5 2000 ■ ��� CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-337 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS TRACTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7, W. E. MAYFIELD'S SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 388-C, PAGE 4, PLAT RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING APPROXIMATELY 39.5636 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AND "C-2" LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT TO "S-P-2" GENERALIZED SITE PLAN DISTRICT WITH "C-3" GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT USES INCLUDING A GASOLINE SERVICE STATION AND TIRE, BATTERIES AND AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORY SALES AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED CONCEPT PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B", SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals C N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-337.DOC Page 1 and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural District and "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the C N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-337.DOC Page 2 a 1 3D (kw view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over-crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: C N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-337.DOC Page 3 16-31 SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being Tracts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7, W. E. Mayfield's Subdivision, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-C, Page 4, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 39.5636 acres, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" from "AG" Agricultural District and "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District to "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with "C-3" General Commercial District uses including a gasoline service station and tire, battery and automotive accessory sales as depicted on the approved Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B", and subject to the specific conditions established in the motion of the City Council and attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit"C." SECTION 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. SECTION 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. SECTION 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in (lior accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals N:ICOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-337.DOC Page 4 �16.3z and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present (16, conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, (taw Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be (or N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-337.DOC Page 5 fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. C N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-337.DOC Page 6 is-34 PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-337.DOC Page 7 • EXHIBIT "A" (tor Tracts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7, W. E. Mayfield's Subdivision, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-C, Page 4, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 39.5636 acres. FIELD NOTES Proposed Gateway Plaza,Phase II Southlake,Tarrant County,Texas A tract or parcel of land situated in the Thomas Easter Survey,Abstract Number 474 and in the S.Freeman Survey,Abstract No.525,in the City of Southlake,Tarrant County,Texas,and being a portion of Tract Numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 of W.E.Mayfield's Subdivision as recorded in Volume 388-C,Page 4,Map Records,Tarrant County,Texas: BEGINNING at a 5/8"iron rod found for corner in the northerly line of Southlake Boulevard(a variable width right-of-way),said rod being the southwest corner of Gateway Plaza,an addition to the City of Southlake as recorded in Cabinet A,Slides 5365&5366,Map Records,Tarrant County,Texas: THENCE North 73°04'12"West along the northerly line of said Southlake Boulevard for a distance of 108.26 feet to a 1/2"iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped"RLG"set for an angle point; THENCE North 65°38'14"West continuing along the northerly line of said Southlake Boulevard for a distance of 140.89 feet to a brass Texas Department of Transportation(TXDOT)monument found for an angle point; THENCE North 78°54'51"West continuing along the northerly line of said Southlake Boulevard for a distance of 171.16 feet to a brass TXDOT monument found for an angle point; THENCE North 73°00'43"West continuing along the northerly line of said Southlake Boulevard for a distance of 590.31 feet to a aluminum TXDOT monument found for an angle point: THENCE North 71°16'47"West continuing along the northerly line of said Southlake Boulevard for a distance of 333.62 feet to a capped iron rod found for corner,said rod being the east line of a tract of land conveyed to Harley Eaton by deed recorded in Volume 12266,Page 1602,Deed Records,Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE North 01°02'44"East,departing the northerly line of said Southlake Boulevard,and along the easterly line of said Eaton tract for a distance of 234.67 feet to a 1/2"iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped"RLG"set for corner; THENCE North 72°51'35"West along the northerly line of said Eaton tract for a distance of 175.76 feet to a 3/4"iron rod found for corner,said rod being the easterly common corner between Lot!RI,Block 1,of the Plat Revision of W.E.Mayfield Addition,an addition to the City of Southlake as recorded in Cabinet A,Slide 3447,Map Records,Tarrant County,Texas and Lot 5,Block 1 of the Plat Revision of Kimball/1709 Addition,an addition to the City of Southlake as recorded in Cabinet A,Slides 4551&4552, Map records,Tarrant County,Texas; THENCE North 06°32'49"West along the easterly line of said Lot 5 for a distance of 198.13 feet to a 60d nail found for an angle point; THENCE North 00°20'14"West continuing along the easterly line of said Lot 5 for a distance of 572.33 feet to an aluminum TXDOT monument found for corner in the southerly line of State Highway No.114, said monument being the northeast corner of said Lot 5; THENCE South 87°59'54"East along the southerly line of said State Highway No.114 for a distance of 528.17 feet to a aluminum TXDOT monument found for an angle point; THENCE South 73°59'0T East continuing along the southerly line of said State Highway No.114 for a distance of 143.20 to a 1/2"iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped"RLG"set for an angle point; RECD FEB 14 2000 C N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-337.DOC Page 8 16 36 • (ow EXHIBIT "A" THENCE South 85°14'47"East coriiinuing along the southerly line of said State Hiahway No.114 for a distance of 198.69 feet to a aluminum TXDOT monument found for an angle point; THENCE North 86°04'42"East continuing along the southerly line of said State Highway No.114 for a distance of 171.63 feet to a aluminum TXDOT monument found for an angle point; THENCE South 82°13'40"East continuing along the southerly line of said State Highway No.114 for a distance of 266.72 feet to a aluminum TXDOT monument found for an angle point; THENCE South 79°57'57"East continuing along the southerly line of said State Highway No. 114 for a distance of 193.52 feet to a aluminum TXDOT monument found for comer,said monument being the northwest corner of said Gateway Plaza Addition; THENCE South 08°13'02"East,departing the southerly line of said State Highway No.114,and along the westerly line of said Gateway Plaza Addition for a distance of 260.23 feet to a 1/2"iron pipe found for an angle point; THENCE South 01°27'06"East continuing along the westerly line of said Gateway Plaza Addition for a distance of 530.07 feet to a 1/2"iron rod found for corner; THENCE North 87°27'56"West continuing along the westerly line of said Gateway Plaza Addition for a distance of 73.94 feet to a 1/2"iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped"RLG"set for corner; THENCE South 00°23'40"East continuing along the westerly line of said Gateway Plaza Addition for a distance of 541.05 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1,732,991 square feet or 39.5636 acres,more or less. RECU FEB 14 2000 (ow N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-337.DOC Page 9 116.37 • EXHIBIT "B" 0 0 47 0.1 7- 1 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 II1ii400 a 1 ❑ ❑ r ❑ a ❑ 111 E!(WN Ufl4OrdWI '' d I 1 a1E �� I 0110VZ d:OM 111V3 o iw4 i iEt� g� itII xia3er4VXii amxino4 1 1! 1t 1. �� illh!ii ii-��rEpe lt ad 3 i H4YHd YZY'Id AYA►IIVOq� ly l\IP ti �i U04 b r e >tod xru uaoxoa I (��j �I1�r4 11CI r4 "II o ❑ ❑ ❑ o ❑ o ❑ o ❑ o ❑ ❑ ❑ e ❑ ❑ o ❑ a ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ r,,,, 11 ! 1 rsryereerr II 1 . 41 . . . . . h 1111111:1 !1 , 1 , , ii`i II lit ,. b. I. 1 a 1 al. I I i islli€ ■ hid],], ! (i1 1 pn4 i #1 ]i F I1i 1iltA 7 I' II" ��I9 4IF(;.9e(3 e pfpfpfffp Ifilfglk 3 IIIli�l1 . . �1 Irdrrrrrrr Lir E NiIhi 1.11 i41 i� I. 1 / DO '■ 0 0 0 / / 0 1• 0 0 , pc .� :.<f 11 0 0 d r a_ a ,w � ...'" or. 74 . S;® � p i -11-1M-11144HIHRHHH1 ,, 1 /4:.. mil i--i7lifflistigio �I i � MHNyy� li 3pa -kvi EK9 'aril itrij , ii, hdi il —=.4-- 3•„,.=--,-_ff_14,,...,Ai...-----:-zz, „,. 1 . rye , i I i ; ,il,, , --------...st / 1 t/ i11Lithit1 ill -MN 1= / g HIfNf#,ammii r r r, k NMI rir Ie If1H$r /el/43 - 44a i .,, ' PI P /i5., -3 ■ I 1 , ■ , ■ ■ N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-337.DOC Page 10 `1ib3 (iive EXHIBIT "B" GATEWAY PLAZA PHASE II SP-2 DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Gateway Plaza Phase II will be a retail development that compliments and continues the architectural design of Phase 1. These developments will be separated by a preserved creek way,but will connect at strategic locations. As with Phase I, we have worked to assemble several smaller tracts of land, in order to provide a comprehensive plan. The approval of these plans will allow for the consolidation of nine separately owned tracts into a master planned development. The primary facades of the buildings are oriented north (towards 114) and south (towards FM 1709) with service and delivery courts between the buildings. This was done in order to conceal the backs of the buildings from view from SH 114,FM 1709, and the new Nolen Road. When retail projects are in the planning stages, potential tenants are arranged on the plan in different configurations, and a variety of concept plans are developed. The concept plan as submitted is our best guess at this time. As new tenants are signed the applicant desires flexibility to modify the plan. To that end we have submitted an alternate plan to accommodate tenants that could potentially be signed. The maximum footages are shown on the concept plan for Tract A and C. The total square footage will be controlled by the parking requirements, and the impervious coverage requirement. While individual building sizes and configuration may change, the design character of the facades will remain the same and will adhere to the articulation ordinance. (ariflf Use Regulations: Permitted Uses—Permitted uses shall be in accordance with the C-3 Zoning District including outdoor dining, tire, battery and automobile accessory sales and gasoline service stations. Non-Permitted uses are provided below. (as approved in Phase I) C-3 with the following exceptions: 7) Conventional golf courses,including outdoor driving ranges necessary. 16) Lodges, sororities,and/or fraternities. 17) Medical care facilities to include nursing homes. 18) Mortuaries,funeral homes and undertakers. 23) Plumbing and heating appliance,repair and installation service. 0-1 with the following exceptions: 29) Radio recording and television broadcasting offices and studios. C-2 with the following exceptions: 8) Business colleges or private schools for vocational training. '24) Frozen food lockers for individual or family use. Other L'imitations include: a) Limited any office related training to 30%of the tenant's floor area. b) Limiting the number of screens in auditoriums,theaters,and cinemas to ten screens. Impervious Coverage: The maximum impervious coverage for the overall development site shall be 75% for Tract A, and C, and 80%for Tract B. (60, RECD MAY 31 zaaa N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-337.DOC Page 11 (ow EXHIBIT "B" Building Materials and Facades: The building front facades are a combination of cultured stone, brick, EFIS, and split face block applied over tilt wall or concrete block construction,with terra cotta colored concrete tile roofs. Other materials to be used on the fronts of the buildings are ornamental ironwork, cast stone medallions and granite tile. The backs of the buildings and other nonvisible areas are designed as tilt wall or concrete block with a textured paint. Vertical wall heights may be modified slightly to accommodate screening of mechanical units as contract documents are developed. Some of the pad site buildings are planned to be national restaurants, the facades of these buildings may have some variation in architectural style, however some of the same construction materials will be integrated into these buildings. Lot Lines,Side Yard Setback Lines and Buffervards: As shown on the concept plan, we have established the required bufferyards for the development, however, to accommodate some retailers, it may be necessary to subdivide the property into additional lots. We request that this be allowed, without additional bufferyards being placed internal to the development,and without side yard setback lines. Front Building Setback Lines: As with Phase I of Gateway Shopping Center, we request that the pad site buildings along FM 1709 (6..„ and SH 114 access road have a minimum thirty-foot setback. No drives or parking will be allowed within the thirty (30) foot setback. All other buildings will be per ordinance, which is fifty(50)foot setback along Southlake Blvd and Highway 114,and thirty(30)foot setback along Nolen Drive. Parking Spaces: We request up to a 10%variance on the number of required parking spaces. Outside dining areas shall not be counted in calculating the required number of parking spaces. Outside Storage: Shopping cart storage will be permitted within a non air-conditioned enclosure that is under roof, enclosed on three sides, and carts are not visible from the R.O.W. The enclosure will be integral to the design of the building. Outside storage will comply with Ordinance 480,Section 45.11 as amended. C N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING1480-337.DOC Page 12 7 Q-Ll b I ti EXHIBIT "C" This page reserved for the approved City Council motion. C C N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-337.DOC Page 13 164 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM June 2, 2000 • TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Garland Wilson, Director of Public Safety(Ext. 730) SUBJECT: Consider Conditional Sign Permit for Gateway Plaza Development, Phase II. Action Requested: City Council consideration of request for Conditional Sign Permit. Background Information: Mr. Terry Wilkinson of Wyndham Properties has applied for a Conditional Sign Permit in order to establish special sign criteria for Gateway Plaza Development, Phase II. The sign criteria is identical to the standards approved by the City Council on February 2, 1999 for the original phase of this development. Financial Considerations: Not applicable. Citizen Input/ Board Review: No citizen input has been received. Not subject to board review. Legal Review: Ordinance 704-A, Sign Ordinance, Section 6 permits council to grant Conditional Sign Permits. Alternatives: The council may approve the conditional sign permit as requested, grant the request subject to whatever changes or conditions they deem appropriate,or they may deny the request. Supporting Documents: Sign Variance Application Sign Criteria including Exhibits A and B Section 6-A of the Sign Ordinance Staff Recommendations: Place the request for a conditional sign permit for Gateway Plaza Development, Phase II, on the June 6, 2000 City Council agenda for consideration. bk) GW/bls 7C-1 MAY 15 2000 f CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SIGN VARIANCE APPLICATION APPLICANT OWNER(if different) NAME: rN I d LAN' Raiplie446493 In/ ADDRESS: 7S7 A •1v EA/ S,.ih/Ad 41 a rifle 774 76 091 PHONE: frt7-329- S/S-99 FAX: ff7-4I r'#- 2 gay The following information pertains to the location for which the variance is being requested: NAME OF BUSINESS OR OPERATION: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: f*wir &4L fa6Cs2T LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block Subdivision I hereby certify that this application is complete as per the requirements of Sign Ordinance No. 704 as summarized below. I further understand that it is necessary to have a representative at the City Council meeting w au orized to dis this request Applicant's signatur • Date: / /40 yl S 20O d The following checklist is a summary of requirements for sign variance requests as required by the City of Southlake. The applicant should further refer to the Sign Ordinance No. 704 and amendments, and other ordinances maps, and codes available at the City Hall that may pertain to this sign variance request Completed sign variance request application. • Completed demonstration of conditions applicable to the requested variance(see attached.). Site plan showing the location of the sign variance request and any other signs that conform to or are exempt from the sign ordinance. The site plan shall also indicate the building, landscaped areas, parking&approaches and adjoining street R.O.W. Scaled and dimensioned elevations of the signs for which the variance is requested. For attached signs,the elevations shalt show the building,the sign for which the variance is requested,and any other signs that conform to or are exempt from the sign ordinance. C 7C-2 • Exhibit A , ,,, L, Y, -.1/1/1/1/1/101 k i 11I11/1/111111010110N ,--410001411011010101014110101 ,.emit Lr. _alit:...an , , PIIIIMAPINIP �1 olPalpr.o1=e1'�►`, � IM! ail 4•1111.. IL _' k •NP. - ..t.J1 -- - f k ►t ( 2 • _ _I _j � 4- _ _ 1 i s. 4,,t ___' A 4 1_ :- ff..........14). ii EXHIBIT A ENTRY FEATURE NOT TO SCALE C 1 7C-3 g i III 1 % \ \\ a I 1 . • \\ 101 %. ,0001111. 11111111111111111---- t , -,,,,r ..- .: (be A % 101. .,:-- --. I. ,,, . • U oast-- ,..-• -•t:,...-- 0 - '' ..' ,l, ,....--7„,...% . •-•i:...._____.-, , „..--..,.._„,t'. . - ---1 Ira! . ,,,,,, ___-.-- , ,, , 4* '' ' •.- - - ' - 1 - Ill ' ' ; : .••-:-. 1 j ,.s•- ;-*'-',‘'''''''''%': --:.'' ---'''' ,:ItiV.,,, ''.; Pli'll.'4VT?''''''rt;ti,;:'4, " / 1 ///1//' ' / '' ''''*;.' ..-' pi • "^ el$S.F6_'5.,.(x .'27'.'* -,.',..-i ..''. ?.5.,,j'4-"V‘V'-4,0,t, .-•.6• 11,7447,41/4/ /;,/, 1/410 ,.' , ....'''' '' ,.! '',,."'" II 0,4.'2'1"tliS'ft*,...•.•t;,,43,''';','.s.' "- " '• ' 1/7' N ,' ,,,,,:t;,:",'„e,,k; ::41,,e•"..,t,>;''.`"'•'' 4Kkekkalp ,,,,„:. _ ,yr-•...„, 00" Tri%:.,..,,,. .. ,„.,,..v ...i. -;',. .< . ,.r-'-'t ‘• 't,'.1. .sr'•,;.-C..;-4.1_.....' •`-;,..Tit,f.,',-; :,-,‘..i. 1 ''.- ' ''m,' '''**C. 1 ,.‘'\•-*'*'" ..* • ••,•:".':::.4'4 '..•''''.-"".*-7.,'.*:\-,. 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The sign area will be a factor of.75 times the width of the building or lease space. C-Large Anchor(70,000 SF and over): The primary anchor shall be allowed two signs with a maximum letter height of 60" and a third sign with a maximum letter height of 48"; any additional large anchor shall have a maximum sign letter height of 48". The sign area will be a factor of.65 times the width of the building or lease space. D-Entry Feature: (lbre In order to limit the number of monument signs for the project we have provided 3 entry feature signs for the purpose of identifying tenants not visible from key road frontage locations. As with Phase I the Entry Feature located on Southlake Boulevard will be shorter in height than the ones to be located on Highway 114. Exhibit A shows how these entry features will look. From Sign Ordinance 704-A: SEC. 6 CONDITIONAL SIGN PERMIT A. GENERAL: Notwithstanding anything in this ordinance to the contrary, the erection of a sign or signs may be approved pursuant to this section under a conditional sign permit approved by the City Council. The purpose of this section is to allow for a specialized review of signs which may not be appropriate generally without certain restrictions, but which, if controlled as to the number, size, height, color, location, lighting, or relation to adjacent properties, would promote the health, safety, and welfare of the community. Conditional permitting of signs shall not be based upon the content of the sign, but is intended to allow for the evaluation of the physical impact of the proposed sign on adjacent properties and to ensure adequate mitigation of potentially unfavorable factors, such as the number, size,height, color, location, lighting, and other potentially unfavorable impacts. C 7C-5 S r City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT June 2, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 00-014 PROJECT: Ordinance No. 480-339 - Second Reading-Rezoning and Revised Site Plan -White's Chapel Methodist Church STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Zoning Change and Revised Site Plan on property legally described as Tracts 5G, 5G1, 5H and a portion of 5F situated in the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, and Tract 3D1 and a portion of 3D situated in the H. Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, and a portion of the Pine Drive right- of-way, and all of Lot 1, Block A, White Chapel Methodist Church Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-204, Page 12, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a total of approximately 24.0 acres. PURPOSE: Applicant is requesting site plan approval for construction of new 2,000 seat sanctuary on existing "CS" site, concept plan approval for future development, as well as, incorporating and rezoning six additional acres from adjoining agriculture land. Site Plan and/or Concept Plans are required on the Corridor and due to Residential Adjacency. LOCATION: On the east side of South White Chapel Boulevard approximately 300' south of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709). OWNERS/APPLICANTS: White's Chapel United Methodist Church, City of Southlake, S. Garrett CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District and "CS" Community Service District REQUESTED ZONING: "CS" Community Service District LAND USE CATEGORY: Public/Semi-Public and Low Density Residential NO.NOTICES SENT: Twenty-three (23) RESPONSES: Six(6) responses were received from within the 200' notification area: • Cindy Wright, GCSW Ltd., 200 E. Southlake Blvd, Ste 30, Southlake, TX in favor. (Received March 29, 2000.) • Blayne and Carolyn White, 250 Pine Street, Southlake, TX, opposed, "I am not in favor of the realignment of Pine or the proposed parking lot directly across the street from our residence." (Received March 29, 2000) • David Ford, P. O. Box 1702, Roanoke, Texas, in favor. (April 20,2000.) • Bobbie S. Barnes, 512 Northwood Trail, Southlake, TX opposed, "When I bought the adjoining property, the zoning commission assured me of a City of Southlake, Texas 200' minimum between my property& any improvements. All trees to provide buffer in the 200' boundary must be retained." (Received April 20, 2000.) • Charles and Amy Ezell, 514 Northwood Trail, Southlake, TX, opposed. See attached letter. (Received May 3, 2000.) • Dale and Donna Ledbetter, 516, Northwood Trail, Southlake, TX, opposed. See attached letter. (Received May 4, 2000.) P&Z ACTION: April 6, 2000; This item was tabled to May 4, 2000, under provisions of Ordinance No. 480, Section 40.2. May 4,2000; Approved(6-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated April 28, 2000, and subject to the following: • Relocating the 10 trees from the 1998 submittal; • Providing a tree survey with the new parking lot to City Council; • Deleting Item #l.a (synthetic product shall be limited to 80%) and allowing as shown; • Deleting Item#1.b (articulation) and allowing as shown; • Requiring applicant to get a letter from the Garretts regarding the bufferyards and loading dock; • Requiring applicant to do tree survey, remove landscape parking lot islands on the east parking lot and relocate the landscape area along south portion of the property; • Requiring applicant to size and locate parking islands in a manner to maximize tree preservation; • Requiring applicant to meet with Mr. Small and agree to plantings; • Requiring the 41 parking spaces south of the pond to be Grasscrete; • Regarding Item#3.a, waiving the fencing requirement for the east side and east portion of south property line but requiring 8' screening along Mr. Small's property; • Relocating the 14 parking spaces across from Mr. White's property and meet with Mr. White and agree to a suitable buffer for that area; • Regarding Item#3.b, allow as shown but request the applicant get a letter from Mr. Garrett regarding the lack of screening on the loading area; • Deleting Item#4.a (500' driveway spacing) and allowing as shown; • Deleting Item#4.b (driveway on a local street) and allowing as shown; • Deleting Item#4.c (200' driveway throat depth) and allowing as shown; • Requiring ballard lighting to be used within 200' of single family residential properties with a maximum 20' pole lighting to be used elsewhere; • Permitting roofing materials as shown in the slide of Alamo Heights Methodist Church; • And allowing the phasing of bufferyards on the east. (hr, COUNCIL ACTION: May 16, 2000; Approved(7-0) First Reading on consent subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 5, dated May 11, 2000, and subject to P&Z motion and subject to agreements between church and Mr./Mrs. Small and Mr./Mrs. Garrett addressed in the letters dated May 15, 2000, and May 10, 2000, City of Southlake, Texas respectively. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 5, dated May 11, 2000. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-014ZS.doc L '1D -3 � T To: Southlake City Planning and Zoning Commission (hr. Re: White's Chapel United Methodist Church Site Plan Date: May 1, 2000 From: Charles A. and Amy L. Ezell Amy and I wish to express our concerns over the proposed expansion plans for White's Chapel United Methodist Church. We are homeowners at 514 Northwood Trail in the Northpark subdivision of Timmaron. As the proposed site plan currently stands, this expansion will have a dramatic effect on the quality of our home life as well as our property values. The parking lot for the proposed expansion creates the greatest concern. The current site plan brings the parking lot within 50 feet of the rear of our property. Behind my property are many beautiful, mature hardwood trees that will be destroyed under the current site plan proposal. I'm sure you will agree that Southlake's beautiful trees are one of its most valuable assets. I propose that before any site is approved, a thorough tree survey should be conducted. Also, I can only imagine what having 800 cars just behind my fence will sound like with doors opening and closing and people running around whenever services are held. Lastly, I object to having 30-foot lights in the parking lot. As earlier stated, I will be able to see the parking lot from my second floor windows. The 30 foot lights will create an eye sore and there is no way you can insure me that the illumination from 30 foot tall lights will not have a negative impact on my property. I urge you to visit my home and walk behind my lot to truly understand how the proposed site plan will effect my family and our neighborhood. I do want to express my thanks to the leadership of White's Chapel United Methodist Church and their willingness to listen to their neighbors and their concerns regarding this project. On April 136 , thiar several church leaders, including the senior pastor, met with 2 neighbors and me to discuss the impact of the proposed site plan on our homes and families. The church leadership listened sincerely to our concerns. Following the meeting they came over and walked our properties, looking at the trees and our homes to see exactly how the site plan would effect us. Before that meeting, they admitted that they had never gone out to see how this plan would effect their neighbors or the trees at the perimeter of their property. After visiting with us, seeing our homes, and looking at the beautiful trees, they gave us a commitment to save the trees and do everything possible to limit the impact of the expansion on our homes. I expect them to honor their word and commitment to us as homeowners and neighbors. 1 would like to propose the following: 1. Establish a minimum buffer of 200 feet between our property and the site plan. 2. Conduct a tree survey of all wooded areas impacted by the expansion. 3. Limit height of parking lot lights to 10 feet. Thank you for your consideration in this matter of vital importance to my family and our neighborhood. Sincerely, , rits-n Charles A. l Amy L:Ezell ( ) RECV MAY 0 3 2000 To: Southlake Planning and Zoning Committee (kw Re: White's Chapel United Methodist Church Site Plan Proposal Date:May 4,2000 From:Dale and Donna Ledbetter We are homeowners at 516 Northwood Trail. Our property borders the southern corner of the White's Chapel property. Our issues with the planned expansion are the removal of the trees along the southern border and the height of the lights in the parking lot. At a meeting on April 13, with church leaders and others involved with the project, Brian Small, Charles Ezell and I expressed our concerns regarding the trees and lights. We explained the 30' lights specified on the plan would be an eyesore and diminish our property values. We also asked them to reconsider the back parking area. We asked them to try and save as many of the large trees as possible as they would provide a sound and visual barrier for us from the parking lot. After touring the area, the church expressed a desire to leave as many trees as possible but they were not specific. They also said a tree survey would need to be done to plot the trees accurately on the property. At the April 27 SPIN meeting, held at the church, I again questioned the height of the lights and if the church had decided to modify the back parking lot to preserve the trees. The project's architect stated all lights in the parking areas had been changed to a 4'height, but I did not fmd that change on the site plan provided at the meeting. On the issue of the trees, they again assured me every effort would be made to save as many trees as possible. They again promised a tree survey showing which trees would be saved. Before we could endorse this site plan, as adjacent property owners, and believe it would have a minimal impact on our property and its value, we would like the church to: 1. Specify on the site plan the 4' lights described at the SPIN meeting and their placement in the parking lot. 2. Conduct the promised tree survey of the area impacted by the parking lot and specify which trees will remain. 3. Redraw the parking area on the site plan showing the changes necessary to preserve the trees. We hope Planning and Zoning will require the church to provide this information before endorsing the plan. We appreciate the church's willingness to listen to our concerns. Please know we want to be good neighbors with the church. Our family worships at White's Chapel and we look forward to attending the beautiful sanctuary they plan to build. However,we feel strongly that the creation of the sanctuary should not diminish the beauty and quality of life we currently enjoy at our home and in our neighborhood. Thank you for_your consideration of our opinion on this matter, /141 / /f d'��< , Dale and Donna Ledbetter Iv' i` U 4 Z000 '7 f)-6- Tract Map ZA00-014 x- L , t i w won $014,iilo,'N , . - g i -----7-1_ r I i ' VE HEN —ri I= „lir / g o simiti....• i --- --( -' . i .aw , , , , r_____,., ifprairiND 1 , ,7-1,6 _ , , H , k \ Trikipi- L i , 4,1.1 _ .__L r , , i 1 L !(1I--,) I1e, l.N1„..ilo1l,6tt.:_,--7m.- 40 -ftm,ate.:--A-ii,l ;0 Irn I' ' Ir i =Mt 7• 0��• mr R .:o_rio1l,s.1l1_leH 4.1.:4)o,,3:l;,,af',pk IgNM.=N-. fs r 4Hk w R„mOI ,1 V`ik,3.l'.a.al.Wsm_Ai'&_r ,1 ail= , p :a7:: ii J�i�� .41. � � :1C:1T?P D �,- maim mg � qa ma _ ;r � ► 2000 0 2000 Feet N W - � E L S , Surrounding Property Owners ZA00-014 I I ,,III IljtiQr_tr- -. I 00,„ 41101,4A..., _ r.ISi.C�imY� _ 1 T upNE III di 0., v 1 aim 23 24ili ui I 1 1 212 6 20 .. IDA 10 111.11fin _ 4i615 14 r971 I:,! PIO LAK- iil ,.. ,, .. ,,, , . T A Mane' Ariume lel PPOPTrIF inuir/ L. . I EN 1 I I I- 7 1 11 1 ititt, Property Owner Zoning Land Use Description Acreage 1. F.Putt 1. "C-2" 1. Office Commercial 1. 1.72 acres 2. GCSW,Ltd. 2. "0-1" 2. Office Commercial 2. 0.987 acre 3. D. Stoner 3. "SF-1A" 3. Low Density Residential 3. 1.04 acres 4. S.Bryant 4. "SF-1A" 4. Low Density Residential 4. 1.00 acre 5. S.Garrett 5. "AG" 5. Low Density Residential 5. 5.02 acres 6. Bes-Tex Financial Serv.Inc. 6. "S-P-2" 6. Low Density Residential 6. 5.92 acres 7. J.Foster 7. "R-PUD" 7. Medium Density Residential 7. 0.25 acres 8. M. Sager 8. "R-PUD" 8. Medium Density Residential 8. 0.25 acres 9. B.Barnes 9. "R-PUD" 9. Medium Density Residential 9. 0.25 acres 10.C.Fogliano 10."R-PUD" 10. Medium Density Residential 10.0.25 acres 11.C.Ezell 11."R-PUD" 11. Medium Density Residential 11. 0.24 acres 12.D.Ledbetter 12."R-PUD" 12. Medium Density Residential 12.0.40 acres 13.M.Farrell 13."R-PUD" 13. Medium Density Residential 13. 0.25 acres 14.B. Small 14."AG" 14. Low Density Residential 14. 3.00 acres 15.A.West 15."AG" 15. Low Density Residential 15. 1.94 acres 16.A.West 16."AG" 16. Low Density Residential 16. 1.00 acre 17.T.Tracy 17."SF-1A" 17.Low Density Residential 17.2.99 acres 18.M.White 18."SF-1A" 18.Low Density Residential 18. 1.26 acres 19.City of Southlake 19."AG" 19.Low Density Residential 19.0.98 acres 20.R.Malone 20."AG" 20.Medium Density Residential 20. 8.31 acres 21. R.Malone 21."AG" 21. Medium Density Residential 21. 1.00 acre 22. Southlake Baptist Church Inc. 22. "CS" 22. Public/Semi-Public 22.0.96 acres 23.G.Lechler 23. "0-1" 23. Office Commercial 23. 13.11 acres 24.White Chapel Cemetery 24."CS" 24.Public/Semi-Public 24. 0.87 acres N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\2000 Exhibits\00-014ZSP.doc 1 D- 7 , I •;.a•r r r -i E ' .. f l/+Y A-. L AV lir/ rl h �, ,; i:...<,� s,. ) :e : :. *••• o_w+.r•'tru. - h •h l �G'../f.R X,N ' .. ---_ ..inym6 conch:it.x UPC w r-•ac' _ CZ 7 s rn.r.1• :'171.G'r vt A-1 ... lh.R,.a nt�c ••••e.n.*'1r,cs' d <' t... T • -.awrvt ellt4n wlnnLAgNa,r'aWn:fi• 't�N+..A.n.t.M IL,1tino�(yf,,Prstt }'• �:t -ZN.VteLfil tr/Aelt4n±1,,Ii07171.1P114.2147.2.115411 141144 xP7 GencH... „N M1N i $vans..._ :LorYruitti F.'6.K. ---_- I I I I I" I "1W,f=ALL.nL'" -•_ -- c�r r I NM WAn..q'..ti:" 4, •4 I r-'- P iLi Mim ,�'x,'A.% it�;ii' 1 C _---1 .naXT1'Ssi'' ..1. ._ .,a ,,. &Ay C ' r I 1�-- 'di:, - -_- ---~__ liri'i ftl.M' .4,N+Lrt k A I —� w to. i -----/ • j 1 P<rwe w�\ —.� Tim_ !.. 3 2 - .�1 r`r:... , IL_: - i - ......,MAW,.....1..u...t<nt. v'; % I —` I \\ 1'^k_i . _ \ I — -_, i* enc.lmurr rm'IAA.TrA-04.14 ev. Levan �- -i- -K1W.M.ST fff'i 3 . j/ \ 1 .J w 1 nY.,vit'Afro h.w:..urrr • 1 \\��' ,( :� }. -i". - _ rmt.i..Lv14A.4.9L'Nif.lr_:. .fV J1i�..,� :y-i TiNM M.iln - - - - _ -I{- • br.:�4.�a<x.:41• R_ i. V t. \ (Fnl.. 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I crv, .f,.'t.�r.rrnr .w.y.•,r�.l.r.u....PAVAN SITE PLAN !Nowt .1w. f:•'. .'_L=:___ / �y.e.- .. e...x...a,..,.c,' a....11....wjrc f APP. ...r['....AL y'x L v [+^-rt Rif - _.' 1 14111 2...f/N...1 NA. /` .4,r...... 4.... ; f w J iW.e.r.aNW.ere . •• O•c.•Yw110/1•/100, ..Inn.A _.RPPANW • �Mt A* n . _ CIF- _N 444 I r.n..w,,..� Ttr.brit r �.o Rdmwv', M` P$' .<....�M�a. yarn.. ri-i,.Ant r. ..r.8r. <.�.wn wr ier/A - ., J11, Ynl.,rr.tr fin^^"-J Mu+NY M1.M.art x r[,, sYRY.1'WAY. Y0..<...OYtRY[. ' tPMM. `.•-,N� • •N_ "- in .IML oars x hi.TM n[.a.W 4,u. rrr..s: .«4n.. ; rNw<FF., ..n.n'... SHEET(a. <.w w...a-ea' rr[-rv.L%n.. REC.')MAY PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE PLAN 11199R i L To Whom It May Concern: Re: Letter of May 10, 2000 from Dick Rawlins; business manager of White's Chapel United Methodist Church concerning landscape bufferyard. We agree to the proposal outlined in the above letter. In addition White's Chapel United Methodist Church will provide a split rail fence along the Western most area of the northern boundary of our property in addition to the proposed landscaping. 'an{S all Date C Ell CLVIAP / 5 1 5 fl Shari Small Date Lir 95/1e/2000 10:03 8176523536 ELECTROTECH PAGE 01 MAY 10 '00 08:54AM C LAM TITLE CO /FAX 817-488-3347 P.2 1NY•M ill P10140141W MOW MI gP401E1 Tal g} NON .L. To Whom it May Concern: lte; £1te Plan Review,Calf Alm 7.A 00-014 We,Stem and Dixie Gnat,request the the requirement lbr.creasing devices alone the Bart I and.North 3 bud!<i.yeeds be waived. Additionally we requnt the taquirement for softening dvvivas for off-ahtoet boding effete be valved. fir. St44fiti10. AAij • S-io-oe DUO ofy.;*;,A.47.44.2:tt-- S—/O—OD Dixle Ds • L . RECD• MAY i 0 z000 • Z 'd 9161'IN '• INd91:11 000Z '6 'AIR "/0- (D WHITE'S CHAPEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 185 South White's Chapel Boulevard Southlake, Texas 76092 L., Phone 817.481.4147 Fax 817.481.2140 www.whiteschapelumc.com May 10,2000 Bryan& Shari Small 201 Pine Dr Southlake,Texas 76092 Re:Landscape Bufferyard along southern property boundary It is our understanding that you do not want an 8 foot fence along the southern boundary of the property,that you prefer a landscaped buffer. As we have discussed we are looking into installing a split rail fence in the area that is to be planted. We propose to install the following landscape materials within the bufferyard along the southern property boundary. As previously explained, the bufferyard plantings would stop at the line of the existing trees. We propose to install a combination of the following plant materials: Live Oak Trees Wax Myrtles Eastern Red Cedars Fraser's Photinias The plantings will be installed in a manner that will create a visual barrier without appearing as merely a hedge. Enclosed is a landscape plan that will provide you with some ideas as to how this may be accomplished. White's Chapel United Methodist Church does not have a landscape plan at this time,we will provide to you a copy as it becomes available. As the plan is developed,the combination of plants materials proposed above may increase,but this will give you some idea of how the bufferyard can be planted to provide some interest and variety. Ifyou agree with the direction that we are heading with these plans please in " ate so inArrif g so that we can present it the next City Council meeting. Dick Rawlins, Business Manager Et MAY 1. 1Z000 A3e lof,3 John E.McKellar Jo V. Ponder Betsy S. Godbold Norma M. Quinn Marty M. Dunbar Senior Pastor Executive Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Associate/Youth Pastor _ a 23,._____:- .. ( 3) OGM < . a . • ( 24, BOOSF) BG :::7- 6 5 4 3 2 co) (4........:.: Lfc,-,:j 0411.*:,..::.: O ( 5) ERC ,-.....4 N t ( -'C' • _ Iki ' ( 3) ERC 3 s: �-•rt ( 6 ) PH ( t 4) PH ( 6) ERC ( 14) PH ( 41 ERC— ..---.- - --.. -.. -• .... .- — —... --- - ... — ----- . .. --- — ... _ _ . . ...4 u. to • ��:- /�l..%� .9i ,� h - .�'��.-<:�� '���-fit* �•. -. , . . . -- . . . P.•••••••:••••,:•:..-;,' ::.....••••:.:............... ..... ............:••••:.-.....-.-.....:: :.... . . 1104k 1� . ' ..•••• ..•.•:•.•.•. • •... 3 . .'......::;,;(:.:.-:•.:•..1.:.:1::......:'::: rI t - a l • . (,.3 ) BC ( 3 ) WM - - ( 30; 000SF) BG m) CM ( 3 ) BC w )E BEND DRIVE _ ( 3 ) LO , cm cv J ....) J Y v ... • •• • S _ yr. v11 -.. 1..vi ... .. IF 1-',;....::::::.: , ••...::::::::. Loir4 .-... .:, -. ---.... .1. .:3p. . :::::-......... .:..., ' ..-...::,-.:.......:::::.:::::::•:.:::.:::,.14-117.:........-......:::.,..:.. ... -4411hi,....:.- -:-‘-•••••• :- .....•::::-.•••••••• :116..-.-.1—Oisk... ....,....... 't..::;-..... • ... .... . . ... . eefiri im, .. . r 1rr: L (kw i:b43e„3D3 n-13 SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA—00-014 Review No: Five Date of Review: 05/11/00 Project Name: Site Plan—White Chapel United Methodist Church,Lot 1R, Block A,White Chapel Methodist Addit. CHURCH COMMENTS: l.a. The use of synthetic products shall be limited to eighty percent of the buildings exterior finish: We request a variance;we believe that the architectural style of the Church is best served with either an EIFS or stucco exterior,the addition of brick or stone would not be appropriate in this application. (Approved by P&Z) 1.b. Provide a standing seam metal roof constructed of a factory-treated, non-metallic finish: The roofing system is galvanized and will oxidize, and turn to a weathered gray color with exposure to sun and rain. (Approved by P&Z) 1.c. Provide horizontal and vertical articulation: We request that the building elevations be allowed as shown. The nationally renowned firm of Hesson Andrews Sotomayor Sprinkle/Roby Architects has designed the new Sanctuary in a Gothic-Romanesque style. These plans are the culmination of 18 months of work, and White Chapel United Methodist Church is very proud of their results. The Church and architects believe that the architectural beauty of the new Sanctuary would diminish, by adding additional articulation. (Approved by P&Z) 2.a. Provide bufferyards and plantings as required by ordinance: i) Some of the bufferyards and open spaces being preserved are heavily wooded. It is the Church's desire that these areas be left in a semi natural state in order to preserve the native stands of trees. We are concerned that installing irrigation within these areas will be detrimental to these trees. The Church request that the preserved trees be credited toward the required tree plantings. (Approved by P&Z) ii) On a portion of the parking areas there are a few large oak trees, we propose to place larger islands around those trees in lieu of some of the small islands. The total square footage of the larger island will be equal to or greater than the required smaller islands. (Approved by P&Z) 2.b. Bufferyards shall be installed at time of building permit: The parking lot shown in Tract 3 is not to be constructed in this phase of the expansion. We request that the bufferyard plantings not be required for Tract 3 until such time as these parking spaces are constructed. (Approved by P&Z) 3.a. An 8-foot high screening fence shall be erected along the property lines abutting residential dwellings: The Church has met with the three property owners to the south;We will provide a split rail fence with landscaping for one of the property owners, the other two are residents within Timarron, and already have a fence that is sufficient in their determination. The church is providing a much larger set back along these areas (Approved by P&Z) 3.b. Insure that the loading areas east of the existing Sanctuary are not visible from residential property: As noted the off street loading areas are located on the existing Sanctuary, as shown the proposed future expansion of classrooms will further screen these areas. The Church has received a letter from Garrett stated that no screening is required as requested by P&Z. (Approved by P&Z) 4.a. Provide the minimum 500' spacing between the drive on F.M. 1709 and the drive to the east: This driveway currently exists, and is proposed to remain at its current location. The area located west is heavily wooded; any relocation of this driveway will necessitate the removal of a large number of trees. (Approved by P&Z) 4.b. Provide the minimum 150' driveway throat depths for stacking: The White Chapel Blvd. driveway throat depth cannot be made deeper due to the location of the current structures. (Approved by P&Z) Commercial service driveways shall not be permitted on collector or local streets unless the tract or lot has no tir, other public access: The Church currently has five driveways along Pine Street and White Chapel Blvd. This plan removes two driveways on Pine Street, and two driveways on White Chapel Blvd. We believe this Site Plan provides adequate access for the site, however it is important to maintain these two driveways. The driveway located on Pine Street is close to the south property line so that it will not be located within the curve of the roadway. (Approved by P&Z) D_ICI REDID MAY 16 MOO • City of Southiake, Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW.SUMMARY Case No.: ZA 00-014 Review No: Five Date of Review: 05/11/00 Project Name: Site Plan—White's Chapel United Methodist Church.Lot 1R.Block A.White Chapel Methodist Addition APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: White's Chapel United Methodist Church Hesson/Andrews/Sotomayor/Sprinlde/ 185 South White Chapel Boulevard Robey J.V.Architects Southlgke.TX 76092 9901 Broadway,Suite 115 Phone: (817)481-4147 San Antonio.TX 78217 Fax:(817)481-2140•Attn:Dick Rawlins Phone: (210)820-08.88 CITY.STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 05/10/00 AND WE OI.FbR THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS, THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT LISA SUDBURY AT(817)481-5581,EXT.862. General Development,Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations Y See Comment No. 1 Residential Adjacency Y See Comments No.3 Building Articulation Y See Comment No. 1 Masonry Standards Y See Comment No. 1 CImpervious Coverage Y Complies Bufferyards Y See Comment No.2 Interior Landscape Y Complies Driveways Y _ See Comment No.4 Lighting Y See Comment No.6 This review includes a Site Plan for the new Sanctuary and Concept Plan for future development. Any development labeled as"future"will require a revised site plan prior to construction. 1. The following changes are needed regarding the elevations: a. The use of synthetic products(e.g.,EIFS,Hardy plank,or other materials approved by the Chief Building Official, as noted above) shall be limited to eighty percent(80%)of the building's exterior finishes, exclusive of all windows, doors, and glass construction materials.Although labeled as Stucco,it appears EIFS will probably be used. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action, 5/4/00:Allow as shown) b. Provide a standing seam metal roof constructed of a factory-treated,non-metallic,matted finish.This plan proposes a"Standing Seam Galvanized Metal Roof'. (Variance Requested) (P&ZAction, 5/4/00:Allow as shown as presented in slide show) 1 1D-6 • City of Southlake, Texas c. - Provide horizontal and vertical articulation meeting the requirements of Ordinance 480, Section 43.9.c.1.c. on all facades visible from a Corridor R.O.W. and/or any portion of the building within 400' of a property zoned or designated residential. Compliance with the articulation requirements is as shown on the attached articulation evaluation chart. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action, 5/4/00:Allow as shown) 2. The following changes are needed regarding bufferyards: a. Provide bufferyards and plantings as required by ordinance. This plan proposes alternate bufferyards and plantings in the East 1 and North 3 bufferyards, as noted in the charts. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action, 5/4/00:Allow as shown with letter from Garrett's acknowledging same) b. All bufferyards shall be installed at the time of building permit. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action, 5/4/00:Allow phasing of bufferyards with parking lot phasing.) 3. The following changes are needed regarding screening: a. Where a non-residential use abuts a residentially zoned lot or tract or lot having an occupied residential dwelling,a screening device shall be erected along the side and rear property lines abutting said residential lot or dwelling to a height of eight(8)feet. Where a non-residential use abuts an existing residential screening wall or fence and a witten agreement is executed between the developer and a residential property owner,it shall be deemed the intent of the screening ordinance to allow the residential screening fence to satisfy that portion of Section 39.4.b as long as said screening device is maintained in good repair. There 8' screening device is required along the southern property line and along the East 1 and North 3 bufferyards. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action, 5/4/00:Delete screening device on East 1 and North 3 with letter from Garrett's acknowledging same and require applicant to meet with Mr. Small to agree with plantings on the south, adjacent to his property.) b. Insure that the loading areas east of the existing Sanctuary are not visible from residential property. Off-street loading areas shall be adequately screened from view of any residentially zoned lot or tract or lot having an occupied residential dwelling or of any other adjacent land use. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action, 5/4/00:Allow as shown with letter from Garrett's acknowledging same.) 4. The,following changes are needed regarding driveways ingressing and egressing the site according to the Driveway Ordinance No. 634: a. Provide the minimum 500' spacing between the drive on F.M. 1709 and the drive to the east.This plan shows 418', a deficiency of 82'. (Variance Requested) (P&ZAction, 5/4/00:Allow as shown.) b. Provide the minimum 150' driveway throat depths for stacking.The White Chapel Drive appears to provide 75' of stacking depth, a,deficiency of 75'. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action, 5/4/00.:Allow as shown.) 2 1D-I40 City of Southlake, Texas c. Commercial,multi-family and service driveways shall not be permitted on collector or local streets unless the tract or lot has no other public access. This plan proposes a driveway on Pine Drive, a local street. Where provided on local streets,the minimum spacing should be 100'.This plan shows a driveway approximately 60' to the south, a deficiency of 40'. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action, 5/4/00:Allow as shown.) 5. Show the proposed finished grade of the site,with contour intervals not exceeding 2 feet. Spot elevations must be shown at all critical points, including but not limited to edges of pavement, curb returns,building corners,drainage paths,etc. Include directional flow arrows in all flow lines, and label all existing drainage structures labeled with size,type and flow line elevation. Also show centerline of water courses and existing drainage easements. And note the benchmark used for the topographical information. This should correspond to a City approved benchmark. 6. All new lighting proposed shall comply with the City's Lighting Ordinance No. 693-B. 7. Insure the lot dimensions and areas comply with the plat. There appear to be some discrepancies. 8. Verify the number of parking spaces. Staff counted 1217. Revise the numbers in the chart,as needed. NOTE: A preliminary plat accompanies this site plan. A Final Plat will need to be processed along with plat vacations, abandoning existing platted rights-of-way and various easements. P&Z Action: Approved(6-0)subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated April 28, 2000, with the following conditions and as noted above: • Provide the 10 trees required with the 1998 plan submittal and relocate to appropriate places; • Requiring applicant to do tree survey, remove landscape parking lot islands on the east parking lot, and relocate the landscape area along south portion of the property; • Requiring applicant to size and locate parking islands in a manner to maximize free preservation; • Meet with.Mr. White and agree to a suitable buffer for the area in front of his house, across Pine Drive; • Requiring ballard lighting to be used within 200'of single family residential properties with a maximum 20'pole lighting to be used elsewhere; • tnd allowing the phasing of bufferyards on the east. CC Action: Is`Reading, May 16, 2000:Approved(7-0) on Consent subject to Site Plan Review No. 5, dated May 11, 2000, subject to P&Z motion and subject to agreements between church and Mr./Mrs. Small and Mr./Mrs. Garrett addressed in the letters dated 5/15/00 & 5/10/00, respectively. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. 3 10-1/ City of Southiake, Texas * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected site plan,landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans,must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee,Perimeter Street Fee, Water&Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * Denotes Informational Comment att: Bufferyard Calculation Chart,Interior Landscape Summary Chart, Articulation Evaluation Chart N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\REV\2000\00-014SP4.doc 4 10 -18 - City of Southlake, texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 00-014 Review No. Five Date of Review: 05/11/00 Project Name: Site Plan—White's Chapel United Methodist Church SUMMARY CHART-BUFFERYARDS I Location Length Bufferyard Canopy Accent Shrubs Fence/Screening Width-Type Trees Trees Height&Material Required None None Northl - Provided None None 1 Required 287' 20'—O 11 9 40 See Note 1. North 2- Provided 287 20'—O 11 9 40 Node _ -- Required 418 10'—C 13 17 50 None North 3 . Provided 418 5r; A. _ 4 , S None Required 482 10'—C 14 19 58 None East 1 - Provided '5' A 3 l0' 4 None Required 620 5'—A 6 12 50 None East 2- Provided 620 5'—A 6 12 50 None Required 1086 10'—C 33 43 130 None South- Provided 1086 10'—C 33 43 130 None Required None None West 1- Provided None None Required 527' 10'—E 5 10 42 H 1 hedge West 2- Provided 527' 10'—E 5 10 42 H 1 hedge Required None None West 3- Provided. None Notes 1. Where parking is provided between the building setback line and public right-of-way,shrubs obtaining a mature height of three feet(3')or greater must be planted at a minimum spacing of thirty inches(30")on center continuous along all paved edges of the parking or drive areas. r: 1 1Or'IR • City of Southlake,Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No:ZA,00-014 Review No.Five Date of Review: 05/11/00 Project Name: Site Plan—White's Chapel United Methodist Church SUMMARY CHART—INTERIOR LANDSCAPE Required or Landscape %of area in Canopy Accent Shrubs Ground Cover Seasonal Color Provided Area(Sq.ft.) Front or Side Trees Trees (Sq.ft.) (Sq.ft.) Required 22,718 75% 46 92 574 3,441 459 Provided 22,718 75% 46+ 10 92 574 3,441 459 • { ?D- City of Southiake, Texas ARTICULATION EVALUATION REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA 00-014 " Review No: Five Date of Review: 05/11/00 Project Name: Site Plan—White's Chapel United Methodist Church Received:05/10/00 North Wall ht.=,36 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 108 58 -46% Yes 108 66 -39% Yes Min.artic.offset 5 6 20% Yes 5 8 60% Yes Min.artic.length t5 12, : }" o, l 11, -13%o ,,i.: .__.. a South Wall ht.= 36 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 108 62 -43% Yes 108 89 -18% Yes Min.articulated offset -5 3 4O -lea 5 11 120% Yes Min.articulated length .,.- 16 : $-_ 0014 t _ $p '.1.5=; • 13 =13 o h West Wall ht.= 36 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 108 77 -29% Yes 108 65 -40% Yes Min.articulated offset 5 5 0% Yes 5 7 40% Yes Min.articulated Length 8 14 75% Yes_; _;_.;`.. :16_:, .: :7 5.6°a_ . .::_ No East Wall ht.= 36 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 108 56 -48% Yes 108 58 -46% Yes Min.articulated Ofet 5 18 260% Yes 5 14 180% Yes Min.articulated Len _•.: .. :ri - . Length 14 23 64% Yes r -,����F .' ,-7 �JS�-, _. .,. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\REV\2000\00-014art4.doc City of Southlake, Texas .y Case No. 00-014 Review No. Two(Resubmittal) Dated: 3—09-00 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: White's Chanel United Methodist Church(Revised Site Plan) Contact: Keith Martin. Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 481-5581. x 84$ Fax: (817) 421-2175 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on 2 - 28 - 00 . Comments designated with a (#) symbol maybe incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Other items will not be addressed'by either the P&Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modifications as required by the comment. LANDSCAPE COMMENTS: • 1. The applicant has neglected to provide the required landscaping for the previous development approved in 1998. A 30 day Temporary Certificate of Occupancy was issued on December 17, 1998 for the latest addition to the site. At the time the required landscaping was not installed, and it remains uninstalled today. * Please provide the required Interior Landscape and Bufferyard Summary Charts on the Site Plan. * Please provide the square footage of the proposed Sanctuary on the Site Plan. The amount of required interior landscape area and plant material is based on the square foot area of the first floor or square footage of the largest floor,whichever is greater. * Please locate and label all required bufferyards. * New construction greater in size than 30% of the existing building or greater than 5,000 square feet shall require compliance with both the Landscape Ordinance 544-A and Section 42, Bufferyards, of the Zoning Ordinance; as it applies to the entire square footage of the existing buildings and the proposed construction. Provide all required interior landscape and bufferyard information on the Site Plan. BUILDING INSPECTIONS 9 City of Southlake,Texas TREE PRESERVATION ANALYSIS (Non-Residential Development) - Case: 00-014 Date of Review: 3—09-00 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: White's Chapel United Methodist Church(Rezoning/Revised Site Plan) OWNER\DEVELOPER PREPARED BY: White's Chapel Methodist Church 185 South White's Chapel Southlake,TX 76092 Phone: Phone: Fax: Fax: THIS ANALYSIS IS PREPARED AT THE TIME OF REVIEW OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT AND IS TO PROVIDE AN ANALYSIS OF THE PLAN OR SURVEY AND THE IMPACT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ANY PROTECTED TREES ON THE SITE. FOR ANY QUESTIONS OR CLARIFICATION CONTACT KEITH MARTIN, LANDSCAPE ADMINISTRATOR AT (817)481- 5581 EXT. 848. TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS: 1. The applicant submitted a Tree Survey/Site Plan that does not meet the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B. Please reference Schedule-B of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B. 2. Most of the trees being effected by the proposed development consist of Post Oaks and Eastern Red Cedars. * All requirements and regulations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B, apply to the entirety of this lot. Please be aware of the penalties of not applying the tree preservation protection methods required by the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B. BUILDING INSPECTIONS 7D-}3 ht-4L 1 ."l"1-ki W1n cI- '17i,7 ' 1;1; �1�I i7.;':i !1 igIlc `; 1( ` ' �iij I'll_ i!itril 'iii ffill 1 10101011113110EA 1 '_ l !I . ii � «t! 11jtIt; f .� ,; :, , 1 ' 1 � ti j• ltle lr,..;:f,:, 1a spt; !flt l i ; !4i .1 1_i 1 I °i (',1 1 i!1 1 1! _ !1 I,,i 1 I jr.,i,,, bl . Li__` i:_ ! 1.!.� :; S.V.1 a I I 1 1 .- 1 1 r:::1 f l I p `W ,$I ! «@i ,I .iI i'1;It°i 14 'HIV i i ! 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SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 11 III f N A4IflU 9DT®ILYOA/SHOW Korn MIME istimRCTs lmos'Roomy. BAN £NTONt0.Tiff!MOO Old)sio-Ogl1, 114i- .1.:• 1 Y Y Y V Y u Y G Y Y Y L. Y V Y Y V I III( 2.1-... I i I .-; :"'"'•''''• 0 _ Milt, ' illif 'grill. ���/,'m TI 1 I l WI 1 )1 ill 'i k lk%\\F. /i/ Ilia ..gi i = i.nitt % .. ••_. , „ ,, , , r 7,>i 1 III ( t , m I I I I I 1 1 1 ' I IIII 111Rt 1111111111111W 11'111411111 I II III 111111 II III 1111111111111111 II III II till 1In 111111111 tl l 1'= 11I11111111II II I1111 P1111I I I I111111111118I II11111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111 i l l l l l l l l 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 t�6- m1, lru.4n11c ionnrppr, -II l k 114IJc(c( 11;r: L i\k\ i ,,ii: 11 A 1 1 II -. s' : :4 i FIIJII I 1 I III 1 IL 1, _ ,i :� �� .,_I • �_ u v � ■! --- - -ice.- 61 �\ 1 ,fi u�nr 1,4111 k h-+ N Icz o 0 i e b 11 i #$ I WHITE'S CHAPEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ( i > 185 S. WHITE CHAPEL HLVD. I , 1 2. i; 1 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ; i $ESSON ANDREWS SOTg1UYOR //551551RLE/RORCY)DINT VENTURE ARCRITECTS / / SSOI RROAOwAY SUM 115, SAN ANTONIO. _•Y ,-. d F . . • , . . .. _ . •• . , * , . . . , .... 1 ,i ., , ,t.:„.. u , , . „.,... ,,..... • _ - -,/,"4'''''"•-• •'‘,:k;'rr,-;.''" '' •• . . .4,,„..cl.,34 af.,!..r.• ,-,-T, ,., ; • . . . . . .'.V '— P.,:te..,,, • ..• , A . ,.. •.• ',..,7,4:.4,....`-', . . . ......., ., .,: \\ ' \\\ , , , , - y, . , , ,.', .:_, I--;,:.' - ' - • - - . - -",....;„14, I • .:-., '''• s '' '4 ' 1 ‘',. •41"'.c.ii. .,..-.;*;,1 .vo...-.. — ::::' F?.,..,..,•,- ,,,,,,„.,- . . ' ''‘;''f.F/4..,i4...,,,,,,.. • • 4 - . 'a.,,,''' '''..i ''.1'.',:i.';:'--Ati;9'''.5'':•4e4;AZ3- ,- 7-;, ,''a/ . fr2,P7.--'';',g-.,,,,i..f, ; ',..% ., '..A., .:Ar,i:i,, , r i - .. Wi:i,.;,.,',--..-Ej;.'",r.t.ii‘si,.:''le-A- a-s.::,,4,4* ,..,., - -.-- , :---';* -i- '-',..', ••• .:, W-1.441. .&,', i f ...11X '' l'A„,..W±i:k,"". ilk;1'',ilt4m-z, • ,•:-;------------,-r ,,,; ".. 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'Y�," � '.. yz z i1 \• � x t . vn, ':'.t r,t� �.....�o.;..,;....n' s' ""n"'-F.--..»-.,-•xe t c -. .x _,. s. , .or r�'2 - s ,4,. t,."�c,cF '$ '' , .t� •T t ' r•,e`"'a"iA r .•" ry`',d+ ;.,4 '�{r'' ,. r Tz 3:tif3"'ti .. ?r£*t�-...c { r v, X>`.5-^.,< Y -.. ., � r ; *` ' `?vk s' v #,-- h. ,' tfi ..,7 f1 . ., ', '�Fq= � A5-:+',r�'� `�'4 '�n+-.- 3' r� S3• 4 4a "� a �y t� U,x'y- .c5 ',rt, f c£ h.N ;d ztnt, a e .'.^"Tr Y F3� - .z ._ it' ...X,. .i+�. rzVn 4* 'sP'Ml '4 ;�e`5he'�(S.A•'y' ALAMO HEIGHTS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 03/20/00 Wyp� 13,.3emaiwnir 4rAZ 210 820 0526 HAS ARCHITECTS. -+-+-► WHITE'S CHAPEL 000E :Design SJ Sharp Cutoff,,Aral Mounted,Rectilinear Luminaire with Flat Lens for Low to High Mounting Heights-70 to 1,000 Watt 0 The low profile housing enhances and blends with contemporary architectural styles. 0 A.selection.of five cutoff reflector systems combined with internal cutoff blades elir ninates light trespass. C A choice of three housing sizes assures proper aesthetic . appearance at any mounting height. C Innovative design and quality construction reduces installation and maintenance costs. Distribution Patterns: -HYPE " " l l4K( tint* Type S Type VS Type 2 Type 3 OM — Type f /1 0 V), ( 6)) Only S120 Consult pages 35-38 for specific photometric data. Specifications: Housing: Each SJ housing shall Dual Gasketlng:The lens shall Reflector System:Each eiectro- ward throw distribution segmented be formed from heavy-gauge alu- be silicone sealed in the extruded brightened, anodized and sealed reflector. Each sharp cutoff refiec- minum and internally welded. 'i'channel lens frame.The lens aluminum reflector shall be for system shall be available with There shall be no seams, weld frame shall be gasketed to the mount-ed to a mounting platform internal cutoff blades and louvers leads or other visible disturbances housing's internal reinforcement The mounting platform shall be for custom tuning.All photometric to the housing's smooth surface. ring with silicone impregnated clipped to the housing for ease of data shall be certified by an inde- All external hardware shall be Dacron gasketing. access to the ballast compartment. pendent testing facility. stainless steel.Design Si shag be„ Installation: Each Design Si The fully enclosed optical system Ballast:All CWA ballasts(+10% auil"uie fn tlrree housing sizes: ) shall be provided with an extruded shall hold a porcelain lamp holder to-10% lamp power regulation) 20'x 15.5'x 6.5'for 70to 250 watt aluminum Haunting arm(1J5'W and insulated lamp support. stroll be tray mounted and sup. lamps;2)24'x 19'x$'for 250 to x 4.5'H x T L,3'W x 5'H x 71 Design SJ shall be available with plied with quick-disconnects. 400 watt lamps;3)29'x 23'x 10' or 3'W x 5' H x 9'L). Please the rdlorw In9�P c ubfi refle - Ballasts are rated for 20 degree F for 1000 wattlamps.Each fixture for systems 1)Type S-square �': shall be U.L listed'suitable for wet N and coMlgur rm. distribution.horizontal lamp,seg- operation. d fix-tares to assure collect arm Finish:The fixture shall be pre- iocatians.' mented reflector-'2)Type VS- The fixture shall be seamed b the ,some distribution,vertical tamp, treated, primed, baked,covered Lens Frame:The extruded,clear pole with captive through bolts retiector,{nniy in sad with high solids polyester finish anodized aluminum lens frame and,one-piece backup nutptate. up to 175 W max.) 3)Type 2- and baked again.(Standard finish fall be concealed pin hinged to (See Ordering Information for fully rotatable,asymmetrical distri- is dark bronze-313.)The double the housing and secured with two alternate mounting options). ,hotaor>Tal lamp segment_ baked finish shall meet or excused flush mounted,captive,vibration Luminaires shall be perked with mom.4 T 3-fully rolat- all AAMA requirements for 1,p00 % • resistant stainless steel fasteners. high tem-perature wire, making hour sat oral disassembly for installation able,asymmetrical distribution, shy g . Lens:The flat,therms!and shock horizontal lamp,segmented retlec- • anodized finishes shaft be a plied resistant glass lens shall be sealed �n tor;5)Type F-fully rotatable,for- over brushed aluminum.surtaees .. ;;: to the lens frame and secured with Jr of a uniform grain. • ..four corner dips. — REM MAR 2 0 2000 1 D-3D ' - •- 03/20d00 tEON 13 s35 FAX 210 820 0526 HAS ARC✓HITRCT`S -;->-+ WHITE'5 CHAPEL la 003 Di mensionaland Physical Data: • DS PROJECTED AREA(EPA) it 1 -A-- -I Site 20' 24' 29' Sias 20' 24' 29' , (il�'� 1r A 20.00' 24.00' . 29.00' 1 Fixture 126 1.82 2.69 III rain - C B 15.00' ' 19.00'- -23.00' 2 Fixtures 2.52 3.64 5.38 sq.t. . 11111111111MENI > 1 C 6.50' 8.00" 10.00' 3 FHdures 2.9 4.2 8.2 sq.IL .• E0 .4 7.00' 1 4 Fixtures 4.03 5.82 8.61 sq.ft. , MAXIMUM LAMP WATTAGE: WEIGHT: Size. 20' 24' 29' , _ Site 20' 24' 29' } 150W 400W 1000W . `° 11111111111111111111�; B 26 lbs. 46 is. 76 lbs. MH 250W 400W 1000W - Alb* 'f ' - . tit Extruded aluminum arm standard Ordering Information: IMEIMM MUMME: ( SJ 24 3 MN 400 240 Oez FD f . (Diagram at right describes sbquence in this example.) DESIGN .. This example illustrates the standard ordering sequence. SSZE Each part of the ordering number is chosen front the DISTRIBUTION appropriate..coiumn in the orderin chart below.The LAMP TYPE number in the example dim a Si fixture,24 LAMP WATTAGE inch housing.with standard extruded minuet arm, PRIMARY BALLAST VOLTAGE Type 3 distribution,400 watt metal halide lamp,240 volt • CoWr A ballast,dark bronze finish and single fusing. FINISH . - pole ordering information,see Pole Index page 48. OPTIONS - liar DESIGN ¶7F roFTF?i.-'opON iAtil k.AMP VOLTS OPTIONS f3 20 S,VS',2,3,F. 150W nut. 250W max. 120,208;240,277,480 M(Specify tenon dimensions) Si 24 ' S,2,3,F (t400W max. 400W max. 120,208,240,277,480 SJ A Round Hob(2.375'-4"OD.Tenon) $3 29 S.3,F L 1000W mast. . 1000W max. 120,208,240,277,480 Si$=Square Hub(2.375'-4'0.0.Tenon) III=Swivel Knuckle(2.375'.0.0.Tenon) MOUNTING OPTIONS:(Extruded aluminum arm standard) Ms=Wall Bracket ,,, FM=Flush Wail Bracket 1101 -Sl R-Round Hub SJ S-Square Hub PCT=PhotoCelland Receptacle • lel • FD=Single Fuskg 120VR71V • NM=Double Fusing up to 480 volts • FOPS=Double Fusing 206V/240V OPTICAL: . . .) I!X=Vandal Resistant Texan Shield INS=House Side Shield , I II'=Perimeter Cutoff Blade" K Seivet Knuckle CWB-Wall Bracket FWB-Flush Wall Bracket ' Fos CC=Custom Colors(Specify) . Flit mewling bracket data and multiple fixture configurations.see Bracket Index page 53. AN=Anodize(Specify Colo() refectoravaOablewitr175W MN(max.)&150W HPS(max.)tamps.Only SJ20. . - OC,y TpeFdbNfbUtiononly. • ,` pC�+�tt nnn. 2 Q 20�0 Lamps up to 175W utilize medium base sockets. REL'l.1 IVi A , ?D-31 Group toe. 6.itZiL�, gleihlL 117/ 111636 f Mrarw Av. Fratikitr�k.ILIA,131_1 �A 8rbddrY of JJI tiph��D �� ^''---^^"' 03/20/00 loN 1337 FAX 210 820 0526 HAS ARCHITECTS 444 WHITE'S CHAPEL gh004 -N TERNBEI19 VINTAGE LIGHTING 7401 Oak Patk Ave * Niles IL 60714 . Illso, Scale 1/2-inch = 1-foot BARRINGTON 5200-TFP Base Size D - 20" H - 24" 7, Wall Floor Thickness - 2.50/1.00 Fluted Shaft 0.D. -6" to 3" Wall Thickness - .250-.375 1 Candy Cane Available . .. .11 Overall Pole Heights 5210-TFP- 10' I fI 5212-TFP - 12' 1 Ca; 5214-TFP- 14' o - i 11 , i 11--. ; 1 II -.. -..; . .- 4 CO 1 I i I* *lc I I •- ... I i el I i •-- 1 I (111; AIL iiint • 1/IL ... • , • AM!VP? • 01 D( Will470 All11111 L. • . _...._ . I moo _ I RECD MAR 2 0 2000 ,... P-I I 03/20/00 1t0N •13:38 FAX 210 820 0528 _, HAS ARCHITECTS -444 WHITE'S CHAPEL iiii 005 TE1INBEW VINTAGE LIGHTING 7401 Oak Park Ave * Niles IL 60714 -: C; Scale 1/2-inch alg 1-foot I - A If Al .ivpi.ft , D� I" . _ . • V RIPON-A RIPON-B TOWN SQUARE (1130-A) • (1130-B) (A880R) Ice 18" x35" 18" x40" 18" x411" Mercury Vapor 100. 175,250w Mercury Vapor 100, 175,250w Mercury Vapor 100, 175,250w High Pressure Sodium 70, 100, High Pressure Sodium 70, 100, High Pressure Sodium 70, 100, 150w 150w 250w Metal Halide 70. 100, 175w Metal Halide 70, 100, 175w Metal Halide 100, 175w II It -TVE 15 ROW 04 ri Row T 1, z". i' � iv, `Ir II III I =I= `,�,, N N • ELM STREET MAIN STREET-A and MAIN STREET-B and (B780R) - A-O with Glow Top Roof B-O with Glow Top Roof Cr' 18" x 37Lh" (MS805-A)/(MS80S•A•O) (MS805-BY(MS80S-B•O) 16"(17lfi" on diagonal) x 38" 151/2"(17" on diagonal) x 38" Mercury Vapor 70, 100, 175w • ` High Pressure Sodium 70, 100, .Mer ur Va r 100, 17 ") Mercury Vapor 100, 175,250w 150w . . ugh Pressure o rum 70, 100. ISO. High Pressure Sodium 70. 100,150, Metal Halide 70. 100..175w 50w - 250w etal Hal'' ' '-- 250w . Metal Halide 100. 175,250w 7 I D^..3 mm 2i `• RFC :I) NIA A 'nnn F CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-339 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS TRACTS 5G, 5G1, 5H AND A PORTION OF 5F SITUATED IN THE O.W. KNIGHT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 899, AND TRACT 3D1 AND A PORTION OF 3D SITUATED IN THE H. GRANBERRY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 581, AND A PORTION OF THE PINE DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND ALL OF LOT 1, BLOCK A, WHITE CHAPEL METHODIST CHURCH ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 388-204, PAGE 12, PLAT RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING A TOTAL OF APPROXIMATELY 23.030 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AND "CS" COMMUNITY SERVICE TO "CS" COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED SITE PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B", SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and 11SLKSV4001\LOCAL\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN7IWP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-339.DOC Page 1 1p-3N to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural District and "CS" Community Service under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the L \\SLKSV4001\LOCAL\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENIIWP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-339.DOC Page 2 ��-3S view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land (60, throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over-crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate (likr provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: (iv \\SLKSV4001\LOCAL\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-339.DOC Page 3 1D-34 • SECTION 1. iksv That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Cit y of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being Tracts 5G, 5G1, 5H and a portion of 5F situated in the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, and Tract 3D1 and a portion of 3D situated in the H. Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, and a portion of the Pine Drive right-of-way, and all of Lot 1, Block A, White Chapel Methodist Church Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas according to the plat recorded in Volume 388- 204, Page 12, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a total of approximately 23.030 acres, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" from "AG" Agricultural District and "CS" Community Service to "CS" Community Service District as depicted on the approved Site Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B". SECTION 2. (6.0 That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. SECTION 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. SECTION 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals \\SLKSV4OOI\LOCAL\COMMUN1TY DEVELOPMENTIWP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-339.DOC Page 4 and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present (Or conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, (rsor Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be Lie \\SLKSV4001\LOCAL\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-339.DOC Page 5 � D-3$ fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a (lbw violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. (kw \\SLKSV4001\LOCAL\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-339.DOC Page 6 PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 2000. (60. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 2000. (iwie MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: 1\SLKSV4001\LOCAUCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENIIWP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-339.DOC Page 7 EXHIBIT "A" (hr FIELD NOTES Description for a tract of land in the O. W. KNIGHT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 899, and the HIRAM GRANBERRY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 581, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and being Lot 1, Block A, WHITE CHAPEL METHODIST CHURCH ADDITION, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-204, Page 12, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, Together With tracts of land described in deeds to WHITE'S CHAPEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, recorded in Volume 12988, Page 268, and Volume 13678, Page 237, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, Also Together With a portion of a tract of land described in a deed to STEVE GARRETT AND WIFE, DIXIE GARRETT, recorded in Volume 8247, Page 1622, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being described as one tract by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron pipe found, said pipe lying by deed call, 220.0 feet South and 229.0 feet East from the northwest corner of said Knight Survey, said pipe being the northeast corner of said Lot 1, Block A, and the most westerly northwest corner of said tract described in Volume 12988, Page 268; (60, THENCE South 86 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 94.00 feet to a 1/2" iron pin set with cap marked, "AREA SURVEYING"; THENCE North 07 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 244.69 feet to a 1/2" iron pin set with cap marked, "AREA SURVEYING" in the south line of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. Highway 1709); THENCE the following courses and distances along the south line of East Southlake Boulevard: South 74 degrees 11 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 29.81 feet to a 60d nail found at the beginning of a curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 1,959.86 feet, and a long chord which bears 281.81 feet, South 79 degrees 20 minutes 12 seconds East; Easterly along said curve, passing through a central angle of 8 degrees 14 minutes 44 seconds, a distance of 282.05 feet to a 3/4" iron pin found at the end of said curve for the northwest corner of said Garrett tract; THENCE SOUTH a distance of 484.97 feet along the west line of said Garrett tract to a 1/2" iron pin set with cap marked, "AREA SURVEYING"; C IISLKSV4O01\LOCAL\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENf\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-339.DOC Page 8 ^/ .yI EXHIBIT "A" THENCE South 89 degrees 38 minutes 56 seconds East a distance of 424.16 feet to a 1/2" iron pin set with cap marked, "AREA SURVEYING" in the east line of said Garrett tract; THENCE South 00 degrees 03 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 615.71 feet to a 5/8" iron pin found for the southeast corner of said Garrett tract; THENCE North 89 degrees 38 minutes 56 seconds West a distance of 424.83 feet to a 1/2" iron pin found for the southwest corner of said Garrett tract and for the southeast corner of said tract described in Volume 12988, Page 268; THENCE North 89 degrees 40 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 674.97 feet to a 5/8" iron pin found in the existing east line of Pine Drive for the most southerly southwest corner of said tract described in Volume 12988, Page 268; THENCE North 00 degree 20 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 102.08 feet along the existing east line of Pine Drive to a 1/2" iron pin found; THENCE North 00 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 379.83 feet along the existing east line of Pine Drive; THENCE North 89 degrees 18 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 43.27 feet to a 3/8" iron pin found in the existing west line of Pine Drive for the southeast corner of said (lor tract described in Volume 13678, Page 237; THENCE North 81 degrees 05 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 220.35 feet to a 1/2" iron pin found in the easterly line of White Chapel Boulevard for the southwest corner of said tract described in Volume 13678, Page 237; THENCE the following courses and distance along the easterly line of White Chapel Boulevard: North 30 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 194.85 feet to a 3/8" iron pin found; North 22 degrees 09 minutes 56 seconds East a distance of 209.01 feet to a 3/8" iron pin found; North 21 degrees 40 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 155.94 feet to a 1/2" iron pin set with cap marked, "AREA SURVEYING" for the northwest corner of said Lot 1, Block A; THENCE South 89 degrees 22 minutes 48 seconds East a distance of 251.31 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 23.030 acres of land.. L \\SLKSV4001\LOCAL\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-339.DOC Page 9 , . EXHIBIT "B" (Iire Ntsaato *ye ...mem.9019 "at871Ft`.:1 2::.,...L...'' 'ft"'''''' '"""re f59."'" 1,313.1. '3XtrilliklOS "Ute111 TadY113 3,1110t gittgo$ sat , , 1 ,,„ I i 1 i -.1„- - :: __ ,,,, II 1-4 ;,_01 g 1, t II it‘" .if 7 ,r ___ ilAfilij ISIGHOoild1.3takivipairs410.31sadvylla S31111/4 it, III I - - . d itt- --t c. -„,,,?.- — .... 1 ..,..,1 ---r ;W-Z.*.-7...8_..4""' '..r.14. :' :.-•- j,:,;.' I --"--1,FF.,....- 4174 —..---,,y4-•0, -4. .......—4--4-4:47'''''-.7:'-',.77-1 C''''',I -,st >'." 1,..,ir'''I F 7:7,-if-r,t1T,7'n 1.1-ItItillti•H+44444ftt.,±t 7,1,-,„,,,,, .:.1 1 -.-...; - . il 0 M 1 f I i lg. 1 i ' 4 .e '- -1-114-k!1,14!14-4-Iii,,t it 1-,.,rhit H- ---„i1„ 1,-1‘41, - •, ...., ..,. eli --..A l' 1 fl, '1 Iti ft 1 I 1 112-1 qig J 1,3 k, .4.1„H.14,44-4,-.14,fim 0, 1,11 I ! 1 lignihgt . 1-1 i 11 j git in-441-14-1-i414444-4441-iiq'klAt - , , i _ .., 1',,.,,_M, I 1-:_!':i'-','14. HI ._ it si i ; 14. 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'' CPO I t 1 tlIctriillft 1 ''Lt.:r'• 11- . +ill a i i.1.1414 illir '::11 '' :IL' 10EC-..1111111111i 4 111 '1'1/0'111.1 "' 1-: 1 0.1i ii a. i, fa f ill :Is i 1.13 hitt 14111,4dolia_ 1 . , _ 10 ,• N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBATENDING\480-339.DOC Page 10 -7 D-4; City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT June 2, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 00-039 PROJECT: Ordinance No.480-340-Second Reading-Rezoning - Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, Tract 2C2A STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator,481-5581, ext. 743 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning on property legally described as Tract 2C2A situated in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, and being approximately 7.0 acres. PURPOSE: Zoning approval required prior to development. LOCATION: 223 Lilac Lane being on the south side of Lilac Lane approximately 400' east of Pine Drive. OWNERS: Carlos Ramirez and Pam Bolen APPLICANT: Struhs-Mattson Company, Ltd. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District REQUESTED ZONING: "RE" Residential Estate District LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential and 100-Year Flood Plain NO.NOTICES SENT: Twenty-eight(28) RESPONSES: Three(3) responses were received from within the 200' notification area: • Joan M. Hunter, 235 Silverwood Circle, Southlake, TX, undecided,"On the surface,this looks ok,but it would be nice to know details — how tall homes, will they be `built up' etc." (Received April 26, 2000.) • Pamela J. Bolen, 223 Lilac Lane, Southlake, TX, in favor, "I am wanting to build a house on the property." (Received April 26, 2000.) • Kim D. Holmberg, 412 Bryn Meadows, Southlake, TX, in favor. (Received April 28, 2000.) P&Z ACTION: May 4, 2000; Approved(6-0). COUNCIL ACTION: May 16, 2000; Approved (7-0) First Reading on consent. City of Southlake, Texas STAFF COMMENTS: Please note that a change of zoning to the "RE" Residential Estate District does not require a Concept Plan Review by Staff. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-039Z.doc L Tract Map ZA00-039 44 ta I \ I- iM ____ I-L_ ilia ti4 i Iro aidi - , �In�4 '��.i�.411 Mil l ��, — ram- ,,,`.,a. / ,__ �y�41,If/ — 4:21 ����� It ���' fsti 6111441041 ,III 1. I la Inn WI Atim hf>1811. MP ii mai pt.4 I_ _ i wi ' iNIP FC 1 Mild .%Ma im '^�.\0dm k ill . �j• i\IIIn .� al. %., i■■fr 10 t LQ F ■um_ vim •1 r wdri:An n�:1I■■■►. a1�1E=1�■r III:drip iiP a � lb IN s ill . 4 /11111,4b IL MINIM I��;Mtn I s 11 ud t twill a■■■■■■■kVV�_ �I���� tII i r r i i T I. soi�4I■uuurir dig■■1I11" - 411■1r��11: 11 -mit4,0* %Q,K z77,x4r9 _ 6 2000 0 2000 Feet N \kJ L � �W E S - 7E-3 Surrounding Property Owners L ZA00-039 pi i' i • ■■ illiL . C+ ■r�� r����, fiNow r T ig III / I Mr . -•1" PPP rot "Mar Inv 1 _ sons; ` 1 2 3 4 5 ?MilrI i II AC i ., s ■,IN la ._ .. w A - 9 10 .,iii _ 2.1 .A..,, ,,,.. ,t., „`• �♦� .„. rummilva- - . ...ip 4 lop.,,i iiii.pi 3 1I1917 ilik ,,go 44Mi%i \" _ ma gi&-Wimp sea ...,„, Ica Imp iliw Property Owner I Zoning Land Use Designatilig on Acreage 1. S.Talley 1. "SF-1A" 1. Low Density Residential 1. 2.26 acres 2. W.Ryon 2. "SF-1A" 2. Low Density Residential 2. 1.34 acres 3. B.Williams 3. "SF-1A" 3. Low Density Residential 3. 1.41 acres 4. Jeff Mercer Inc. 4. "SF-1A" 4. Low Density Residential 4. 1.36 acres 5. E. Stevens 5. "AG" 5. Low Density Residential 5. 4.84 acres 6. M.Cosway 6. "SF-20A" 6. Medium Density Residential 6. 0.52 acres 7. P.Marshall 7. "SF-20A" 7. Medium Density Residential 7. 0.51 acres 8. B.Wilson 8. "SF-20A" 8. Medium Density Residential 8. 0.51 acres 9. J.McSweeney 9. "SF-20A" 9. Medium Density Residential 9. 0.51 acres 10.A.Mitro 10."SF-20A" 10.Medium Density Residential 10.0.51 acres 11.W.Harper 11."SF-20A" 11.Medium Density Residential 11.0.53 acres 12.G.Maher 12."SF-20A" 12.Medium Density Residential 12.0.50 acres 13.G.Reis 13."SF-20A" 13.Medium Density Residential 13.0.67 acres 14.G.Jones 14."R-PUD" 14.Medium Density Residential 14.0.52 acres 15.N.Whittington 15."R-PUD" 15.Medium Density Residential 15.0.48 acres 16.R.Rietig 16."R-PUD" 16.Medium Density Residential 16.0.33 acres 17.J.Wagner 17."R-PUD" 17.Medium Density Residential 17.0.42 acres 18.R.Milling 18."R-PUD" 18.Medium Density Residential 18.0.32 acres 19.D.Holmberg 19."R-PUD" 19.Medium Density Residential 19.0.36 acres 20.G.Weber 20."R-PUD" 20.Medium Density Residential 20.0.33 acres 21.M.Parsons 21."R-PUD" 21.Medium Density Residential 21.0.32 acres 22.J.Krause 22."R-PUD" 22.Medium Density Residential 22.0.33 acres 23.C.Hunter 23."R-PUD" 23.Medium Density Residential 23.0.30 acres 24.J.Welch 24."R-PUD" 24.Medium Density Residential 24.0.33 acres 25.B Cepak 25."R-PUD" 25.Medium Density Residential 25.0.36 acres tillw 26.V.Carlile 26."AG" 26.Low Density Residential 26.3.54 acres 27.J.Fultner 27."AG" 27.Low Density Residential 27.0.45 acres -G CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS (11w ORDINANCE NO. 480-340 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS TRACT 2C2A SITUATED IN THE OBEDIAH W. KNIGHT SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO. 899,AND BEING APPROXIMATELY 7.0 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "RE" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ESTATE DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST,MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A (Ilw SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and illsr WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-340.DOC Page 1 1�.S District under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and (loov WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; Cir adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes,that the public demands them,that the public interest clearly N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-340.DOC Page 2 requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those fair who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets,helps secure safety from fire,panic,and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore (ire feels that the respective changes in zoningclassification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, P g are called for,and are in the best interest of the public at large,the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being Tract 2C2A situated in the Obediah W. Knight Survey,Abstract No. 899, and N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-340.DOC Page 3 7e -7 • being approximately 7.0 acres, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit (tor "A" from "AG" Agricultural District to "RE" Single Family Residential Estate District. SECTION 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. SECTION 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs, sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby,but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. SECTION 4. thr That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety,morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of (iw land throughout the community. N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480.340.DOC Page 4 SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits,neglects or refuses to comply (11br with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and,as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation,both civil and criminal,whether pending in court or not,under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. L N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-F1LES\ZBA\PENDING\480-340.DOC Page 5 SECTION 9. (libe The CitySecretaryof the Cityof Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. (bw PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY • N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-340.DOC Page 6 -7F -(o PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of ,2000. (ir MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: fhw CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBAWENDING\480-340.DOC Page 7 77-II EXHIBIT "A" (lorr FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION ALL that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the 0. W. KNIGHT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 899, Tarrant County, Texas and containing the tract described in the deed to B. L. Marriott and wife, Nancy Marriott as recorded in Volume 9609, Page 906. Deed Records. Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 3/8 Inch steel rod found for the southwest corner of said Marriott tract and being the southeast corner of the tract described in the deed to V. Carlile as recorded in Volume 11581 , Page 495 of said Deed Records, said point being in the northerly boundary line of Lot 19. Block 2, Timarron, Phase One. Section One, The Highlands as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1014, Plat Records. Tarrant County. Texas: THENCE NORTH with the westerly boundary line of sold Marriott tract, passing a 1/2 inch steel rod found at 808.40 feet , continuing a total distanei of 825.98 feet for the northwest corner of same and being in Lilac Lane: THENCE South 89 degrees 09 minutes 07 seconds East with said Lilac Lone. 389.20 feet ; THENCE South 00 degrees 00 minutes 39 seconds West with the easterly boundary line of said Marriott tract. 628.30 feet to said northerly boundary line of Block 2, TImarron; THENCE North 89 degrees 08 minutes 07 seoonds West with sold northerly boundary line, 389.05 feet to the place of beginning and containing 7.0 acres of land. more or less. (awe N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480340.DOC Page 8 City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT June 2, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 00-026 PROJECT: Site Plan - Carroll I.S.D. No. 5 Addition STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Site Plan for Carroll I.S.D. No. 5 Addition on property legally described as Tract 1A4 situated in the J. W. Hale Survey, Abstract No. 803, and being approximately 16.081 acres. PURPOSE: Site Plan approval is required prior to issuance of a building permit. LOCATION: On the north side of East Continental Boulevard approximately 400' west of South Carroll Avenue. OWNER: Carroll I.S.D. APPLICANT: Cheatham & Associates CURRENT ZONING: "R-PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development District with "CS" Community Service District uses. LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO.NOTICES SENT: Thirteen(13) RESPONSES: Two (2) responses were received from within the 200' notification area: • Brian Mitcham, Mitcham Homes LLC, 5121 Thompson Terrace, Colleyville, TX, in favor. (Received April 28, 2000.) • Randall Sullivan, Randy Sullivan Custom Homes, Inc., 1500 Corporate Circle, Suite 18, Southlake, TX, in favor. (Received May 8, 2000.) One (1) response was received from outside the 200' notification area: • Keith Turner, 1027 E. Continental Boulevard, Southlake, TX, opposed. See attached letter. (Received May 12, 2000.) • A second letter was received from Mr. Turner on May 17, 2000, opposed, "1. The district has no intention of containing the water on the property. 2. They need to provide a lane for access on Carroll to the school." See attached letter. • A third letter was received from Mr. Turner on May 17,2000. See attached letter. P&Z ACTION: May 4, 2000; This item was on the Commission's agenda but was not heard and was continued to the May 18, 2000, agenda due to Case Resolution No. 97-22. City of Southlake, Texas May 18,2000;Approved(5-1) subject to Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated May 12, 2000, deleting Item#4 (articulation). STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated May 12, 2000. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-026Sp.doc L 'lcL --Original Message--- (Imr From: Keith[SMTP:kcturner@flash.net] Sent: Friday,May 12,2000 8:21 AM To: kgandy@cityofsouthlake.com Subject: elementary on continental opposed 1. they need to add a longer stacking lane 2.drainage - 1) when you dug the ditch to catch Versaille's water we were told it was a retainage pond now the school says they will turn it into a channel) so they can get the water off their property and put it on my property faster. this is not acceptable 2) the school says they will fill the pond and wet land area with dirt because "the pond only holds water when it rains" That is the function of the pond ie.when it rains it catches the water that falls onthis property and holds it. If you fill the pond with dirt youy will be adding to the water flow going downstream and onto my property, this is not acceptable keith turner 1027 e continental L REC'D MAY 12 2000 keith turner 1027 E.Continental Blvd Southlake,Tx 76092 Phone 817-488-7814 mobile 817-723-7171 Fax 817-488-3016 May 12,2000 RE: new elementary school at Continental 1. The five car staging lane the school district has proposed is inadequate. They need to get the traffic going to the school off of Carroll Ave. by building an actual road for the parents to wait on. 2. Their solution to the drainage problem is to make the retention pond a concrete causeway. This is not acceptable. When the water was diverted off of Versaille subdivision into this ditch, it was supposed to be a retention pond. This has always been a wetlands area. There were no ditches or channels for the water to exit this property until you dug what was supposed to be a retention pond and now the school proposes to take care of the water generated on their property by filling in the retaining ponds and sending their water downstream. This will result in flooding my property. 3. They plan to fill in the pond with dirt because "it only fills up with water when it rains". The reason the pond is there is to absorb the water before it goes downstream and floods me out. 4. The school needs to take care of the water as required by law. They should not be allowed to say that the water problem is the responsibility of the City of Southlake and that some day in the future TIF money will appear to correct the water problem. Sincerely, � t RECD !Uri , oo . ,:. L JIELL R property without compensation. ago. Even it me pt opt.,..1 John Wilson said he grows hay being flooded as a result of the and raises cattle on his 25 acres building, the flooding was not (llior From Page 1 B south of Shady Grove Road, and Keller's fault,Lowry said. that water from the subdivisions "This is very frightening for created five ditches in his land Texas cities, because what it says Texas cities generally are not and washed away more than 18 is that if the city allows any kind held liable for the engineering and inches of topsoil. of development to go in, even design work done by a property Casey argued that because though they did not design and owner or a developer, which is Keller approved the drainage sys- engineer that development, the why the decision could have far- tems, it is liable. Casey said his city can be held responsible," • reaching consequences for Texas clients were being inundated with Lowry said. cities if it is upheld,City Manager water from two developments that "If that development is seen to Lyle Dresher said. the city had approved. proper- "In this case,the issue was just "I think the Supreme Court tidamage any surraunding approving permits," Dresher said. will see the facts and support the ruling states that the city "That's what the city did in this jury's ruling,"Casey said. isheld that is responsible,state and we development. We've been chal- A state district court jury ruled believexs. is not the law in lenged on our authority to simply that Keller had intentionallyIn t Tom' approve a permit. If that is diverted the natural flow of water, '°weeks,the court should upheld, cities are out of business, causing permanent damage to the decide whether a new trial will be -use that is what we have to Wilsons'property. granted, Lowry said. If the court order to grow and expand." Keller attorney Stan Lowry denies the motion, the city is pre- he Wilsons' attorney, David said there is a natural drainage pared to appeal the original rul- y, said Keller is making too way along the Wilsons' land, and thg,Lowry said. t of the case,which he says is the property is receiving no more Mitch Mitchell,(817)685-3807 'he city using the Wilsons' water now than it did 20 years mitchmitehei1Vstar-telegrum.com (kW L POfje 2 0 ^ RECV MAy 17 200o C-5 Ie turner 1027 F. Contindnta!Blvd Southlake.Tx 76092 Phone 817-488-7814 mobile 817-723-7171 Fax 817-488-3016 Ard n4 u 1lev- May 12,2000 RE: new elementary school at Continental 1. The five car staging lane the school district has proposed is inadequate. They need to get the traffic going to the school off of Carroll Ave. by building an actual road for the parents to wait on. 2. Their solution to the drainage problem is to make the retention pond a concrete causeway. This is not acceptable. When the water was diverted off of Versaille subdivision into this ditch, it _ .was-supposed to be a retention pond. This has always been a wetlands area. There were no ditches or channels for the water to exit this property until you dug what was supposed to be a retention pond and now the school proposes to take care of the water generated on their property by filling in the retaining ponds and sending their water downstream. This will result in flooding my property. (bw 3. They plan to fill in the pond with dirt because "it only fills up with water when it rains". The reason the pond is there is to absorb the water before it goes downstream and floods me out. 4. The school needs to take care of the water as required by law. They should not be allowed to say that the water problem is the responsibility of the City of Southlake and that some day in the future TIF money will appear to correct the water problem. 'C� _ t2.S�.a t 'e I��S S F'Cj �"iQiti^ w a e, 1J C ,v , To -1 ,,5 r G )s 1. 1, e-,c TJL tti` ( z, )()SS f 1 jy‘QfL� • r L) I C I ) (1) Q C4,2 t\ „ ESQ C \4\,(_ v 44 C�9 �;� 7 c- r-i icE CiSFov iL 3 V ° \1 11'1 I) r � n D\1 fte;5 t`3 4+ fir CO rec r-0 L,Ir R ' MA? 1720O0 Tract Map ZA00-026 L / T l iB� e , ,, II / L �1 ill � -� i ,_[__ami II sh.ol Nu Ns!..1-1111 AM / � 1atsmans I%MI :l�plmpINs� P. int 0 42.4 • MN,' 7 6v-.An%10v-a hi WWII) R ir *umuu.iu.m, 1I '- li g mII . o -1 bye:mImv • b 1 16111. MO Si , I I ,i II ■ j 0ONTINENTAL�I �G���Gta�/r�i!I= 1 i �/11111\ � III .; : �_ �♦111111� I - . ��-� /��11111\� I R Rtr (11° ��.� ,�� Q,111gm 1:- I a- cn — 4 Nov ��� um 111111,- -< To 4, • - r 4 . , • atilt ��ViIII1I! ��.`�� �nt O L1 111 1111111 �' a blur %� NMI n a.���0� ��� IIIII / z- toI 1 2000 0 2000 Feet mommimmi 416,0 W � � E S rw 1 L., Surrounding Property Owners ZA00-026 ii 10 :- b II I I i �:�■�� *'ror NBOW I d :ill �� � i \ Ilk Il 112641tAttakir - ' — Ill MIMI "viriiii MO A ' ____1„F v /:7 tom= _= _, 37 7 �g6n89 1011� 13 111 v �i� _ 1440 i 1s. _s!�,� 36 r II era ��► 15 � • • sib \ m 0 • - ,.�� �� CONTINENTAL �- I j 2827t' ss ss s+so+1. „ILIe u v. emsi \ 0 _ � . (.... M.), Page 1 of 2 Lye Surrounding Property Owners ZA00-026 Property Owner Zoning Land Use Designation Acreage 1. C.Pond 1. "R-PUD" 1. Medium Density Residential 1. 0.04 acres 2. McGough Homes,Inc. 2. "R-PUD" 2. Medium Density Residential 2. 0.38 acres 3. V.Patrick Gray Custom Homes 3. "R-PUD" 3. Medium Density Residential 3. 0.38 acres 4. Versailles,Ltd. 4. "R-PUD" 4. Medium Density Residential 4. 0.38 acres 5. Randy Sullivan Custom Homes 5. "R-PUD" 5. Medium Density Residential 5. 0.38 acres 6. Randy Sullivan Custom Homes 6. "R-PUD" 6. Medium Density Residential 6. 0.39 acres 7. V.Patrick Gray Custom Homes 7. "R-PUD" 7. Medium Density Residential 7. 0.34 acres 8. Randy Sullivan Custom Homes 8. "R-PUD" 8. Medium Density Residential 8. 0.35 acres 9. Versailles,Ltd. 9. "R-PUD" 9. Medium Density Residential 9. 0.36 acres 10.Mitcham Homes,LLC 10."R-PUD" 10.Medium Density Residential 10.0.36 acres 11.Randy Sullivan Custom Homes 11."R-PUD" 11.Medium Density Residential 11.0.36 acres 12.Randy Sullivan Custom Homes 12."R-PUD" 12.Medium Density Residential 12.0.41 acres 13.Versailles Ltd. 13."R-PUD" 13.Medium Density Residential 13.0.49 acres 14.Versailles Ltd. 14."R-PUD" 14.Medium Density Residential 14.0.44 acres 15.City of Southlake 15."R-PUD" 15.Public Parks/Open Space 15.4.91 acres 16.Westerra Timarron LP 16."R-PUD" 16. Medium Density Residential 16.0.26 acres 17.Westerra Timarron LP 17. "R-PUD" 17.Medium Density Residential 17.0.25 acres 18. Westerra Timarron LP 18."R-PUD" 18.Medium Density Residential 18.0.26 acres 19.Westerra Timarron LP 19."R-PUD" 19.Medium Density Residential 19.0.26 acres 20.Westerra Timarron LP 20."R-PUD" 20.Medium Density Residential 20.0.26 acres 21.Westerra Timarron LP 21."R-PUD" 21.Medium Density Residential 21.0.26 acres 22.Westerra Timarron LP 22."R-PUD" 22.Medium Density Residential 22.0.29 acres 23.Westerra Timarron LP 23."R-PUD" 23.Medium Density Residential 23.0.28 acres 24.Westerra Timarron LP 24."R-PUD" 24.Medium Density Residential 24.0.57 acres 25.ASF Homes,Inc. 25."R-PUD" 25.Medium Density Residential 25.0.37 acres 26.Westerra Timarron LP 26."R-PUD" 26.Medium Density Residential 26. 1.05 acres 27.Westerra Timarron LP 27."R-PUD" 27.Medium Density Residential 27.0.42 acres 28.Westerra Timarron LP 28."R-PUD" 28.Medium Density Residential 28.0.32 acres 29. Westerra Timarron LP 29."R-PUD" 29.Medium Density Residential 29.0.18 acres 30.J.Wright 30."SF-20B" 30.Medium Density Residential 30.0.80 acres 31.Westerra Timarron LP 31."R-PUD" 31.Medium Density Residential 31.0.46 acres 32.Westerra Timarron LP 32."R-PUD" 32.Medium Density Residential 32.0.66 acres 33.Westerra Timarron LP 33."R-PUD" 33.Medium Density Residential 33.0.49 acres 34.K&H Homes Ltd. 34."R-PUD" 34.Medium Density Residential 34.0.56 acres 35.Westerra Timarron LP. 35."R-PUD" 35.Medium Density Residential 35.0.59 acres 36.W.Boren 36."AG" 36.Medium Density Residential 36. 1.0 acres 37. First Baptist Church of 37."CS" 37.Public/Semi Public 37. 2.02 acres Southlake 38.First Baptist Church of 38."R-PUD" 38.Medium Density Residential 38.0.34 acres Southlake N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\2000 Exhibits\00-026SP.doc (bor Page 2 of 2 1E "q L April 27, 2000 City of Southlake i01 RE:ZA-00-026 Response to Site Plan Review Summary—Site Plan, CISD Elementary#5 Total Program Management, Inc. Item 1: Corrected. Item 2: CISD will provide a temporary third lane on Carroll Ave. This will allow for access to 860 W.Airport Frwy. the School Site providing stacking space for left-hand turns from the South and a right Suite 101 hand turn lane to the first drive from the North. CISD does not have budgeted nor can it Hurst,TX 76054 provide the full section of Carroll Ave. as the City of Southlake hds plans to do in the future. (817)427-7500 fax(817)l-m.c08 Item3: CISD is re uestin an articulation variance on this ro ect. The School façade is a www.total-pm.com requesting project. dimensional duplicate of Rockenbaugh Elementary School. Item 4: Site lighting of parking and building will comply with ordinance. Item 5: Drainage • — kb" a). Existing Open Drainage: CISD will fence the existing open drainage crossing the site from north to south. The drainage will be left open until the TIF monies are available to provide for an enclosed box culvert to eliminate the opening. b). Drainage to the downstream: CISD is currently prepared to install a weir in the open culvert to meter the flow of water off the school site and not allow for an increase in the current flow rate. Water will be detained on site in the culvert. If there is to be an improvement downstream to control water flow CISD will contribute to the improvement their portion of the increase in flow caused by the School Facility. Regards, j( Mark J Daniels, AIA, CSI, CCCA Program Manager Cc: John Craft, CISD Ted Gillum, CISD Gordon Johns, Cheatham &Assoc. Brent Kline, TPM (1110,0 t' v x; 2uOU Austin,TX Fort Worth,TX ` -10 Houston,TX "14G�A AS PARK.VA`r E JTE 201 -ALL.S.TEXAS 75287 '972'248.3006 FAX 972.248.3855 LEE cncinc'cglnc March 27, 2000 Mr. Charlie Thomas City of Southlake 1725 E. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: New Elementary School Campus (Carroll at Continental) Traffic Impact Analysis Review Dear Mr. Thomas: As per your request, we have reviewed the traffic impact study submitted by Innovative Transportation Solutions for the new elementary school campus of the Carroll Independent School District, located on Carroll Avenue near Continental. Based on this review, we offer the following comments: General Comments The report does not utilize figures to illustrate traffic distributions or assignments. This makes the report difficult to review. We would suggest future traffic impact studies be required to include figures to illustrate existing traffic volumes, projected traffic volumes, lane configurations and site traffic assignments. The assumptions made regarding directions of approach and traffic growth appear to be reasonable. Traffic in the immediate area may grow at a rate even greater than 8 percent due to the large residential areas that are developing adjacent to the site. Trip Generation Issues: The report utilizes a method of estimating trips based on student enrollment and staffing rather than standard trip generation rates. This results in higher projected peak hour trip generation for the schools. This is appropriate due to the anticipated low percentage of students who will walk to the school. The estimated trip generation for the site represents traffic that will be generated over the peak hours at the schools. In reality a majority of the AM trips will occur during a 20-30 minute period before classes begin. The same will be true of the PM trips after classes are dismissed. To more accurately assess the projected traffic operations at the area intersections during the schools AM and PM peak periods, the site traffic volumes should be doubled to �E-�� REGO APR 0 5 2000 • represent an hourly flow rate and account for the short duration of the peak. Traffic Assignment and Analysis Issues: Traffic count data was compared to data collected by Lee Engineering in July of 1999 at the intersections of Continental with Byron Nelson and Carroll. The A1V1 peak hour total entering volume counted by Lee at Byron Nelson was 1241 vehicles. The total entering volume presented in the report is 1272 vehicles. At Carroll the Lee count showed 1085 vehicles and the report showed 1078 vehicles in the ABM peak hour. Based on this comparison the count data used in the analysis appears to be reliable. Left turn lanes were assumed to be present on Continental at Carroll and Breeze Way. These turn lanes will be important to the safe and efficient traffic operations in the area. A figure would make the trip distribution more clear. The analysis software utilized in the analysis has been updated. Utilizing the updated software would not significantly impact the results of the analysis. Traffic volume projections and analyses were reviewed for consistency. Several inconsistencies were found in the data input. These are highlighted in the attached copy of ‘Ner the traffic study. Most of these will have little if any impact on the results. Site Plan Issues: A 20 mile per hour school zone was recommended for the section of Carroll in front of the school. The recommendation was also made to wait to observe pedestrian crossing patterns until after the school opens and then establish cross walks if necessary. A reduced speed limit school zone may not be required if no pedestrian activity is expected. Based on our review, the intersection with Bordeaux is the likely location for the crossing. Sidewalks should be configured to accommodate the movement. We would also expect pedestrian movements across Continental Boulevard at the access drive to the new subdivision to the south. The traffic on Continental is fairy high volume and is uncontrolled at this intersection. This location should be carefully examined to be sure pedestrians are accommodated on the opening day for the school. Sidewalks should also be configured to accommodate the movement. The one-way circulation within the school site may create some awkward traffic movements in the area as visitors approaching from the west are forced to turn left at Breeze Way to access the school. It would be desirable to construct the ultimate section of Carroll Avenue in the area of the school prior to the opening. While projected volumes in 2002 may not warrant the ultimate section. the disruption caused by widening Carroll after the school is in operation would be significant • Conclusions: The improvements assumed on Continental need to be in place when the school opens. The widening of Carroll to its ultimate cross section should be completed before the school opens. Again. figures illustrating site traffic assignments would allow a more reliable review of the analysis and recommendations. There are a few technical issues raised above that need to be addressed before a final assessment of the impacts of the proposed development can be made. If you have any questions or would like a more thorough discussion of any of these issues, please contact me at (972) 248-3006. Sincerely, Jose h T. Short, P.E. Office Manager L 11V-13 -y: City of Southlake, Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.:ZA 00-026 Review No:Three(Revised) Date of Review: 05/12/00 Project Name: Site Plan-Carroll ISD No. 5 Addition,Lot 1,Block 1,J.W. Hale Survey,Abstract 803, Tract 1A4 APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: Cheatham&Associates VLK Architects 1601 E.Lamar Blvd..#200 1161 Corporate Drive West. Suite 300 Arlington,TX. 76011 Arlington,TX. 76006 Phone: (817)548-0696 Phone:(817)633-1600 Fax: (817)265-8532 Fax: (817)633-9600 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 04/17/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT KEN BAKER AT(817)481-5581,EXT.753. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations N Residential Adjacency Y See Comment No. 4 Building Articulation Y See Comment No.4 Masonry Standards Y Complies Impervious Coverage Y Complies Bufferyards Y Complies Interior Landscape Y Complies Driveways Y Complies 1. Parking spaspacr required for Phase I: 153;Parking spaces required with the Phase II addition: 163; ..Parking provided on the site plan: 167. Revise Site Data summary chart to reflect that 163 spaces are required instead of 173 spaces. 2. Provide a note on the site plan that the ultimate section of South Carroll Avenue will be constructed prior to the opening of school in a manner consistent with the Master Thoroughfare Plan and that all lanes will be concrete pavement. 3. An off site drainage easement is required for proposed downstream improvements. 4. The following are comments in regards to residential adjacency: 1 $ City of Southiake, Texas - Ordinance 480, Section 43.13 (d) -Vertical and horizontal articulation is required on all facades. The building does not meet the articulation standards. See attached articulation chart. (Variance Requested)(P&Z Action,5/18/00: Allow as Shown). 5. Show the location,orientation,type and height of any proposed lighting,signs, and exterior auditory. All exterior lighting shall comply with Lighting Ordinance 693-B. P&ZACTION:• May 4, 2000; This item was on the Commission's agenda but was not heard and was continued to the May 18, 2000, agenda due to Case Resolution No. 97-22. May 18, 2000;Approved(5-1)subject to Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated May 12, 2000, deleting Item #4(articulation). * All requirements and regulations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B,apply to the entirety of the site. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records,a fully corrected site plan,landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans,must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee,Perimeter Street Fee, Water&Sewer Impact and Tap Fees,and related Permit Fees. * Provide a drainage easement for storm sewer pipe that is located between the drive on Continental Avenue and the pond located on the adjacent park. The pond will be left as is and reevaluated again this summer. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Mark Daniels-TM!VIA FAX L:\OMDEV\WP-FILES\REV1#SPLAN-1.WPD • X4 City of Southlakez Texas __w _ _...__ _,________ ' - . s Evaluation No.3 ' 1 __. Cii r.:;'=:_�frfl0-026 1 _ _ IDate of Evaluation_5/12/00 ' i V _ L ' ' ` : 4/17/00 Front facing; _.North .__. .. lWallht _-1......,. r 13i .M_...-„'.._y._.-.-___--__.� -- ..___._ �.._ = , _._��_. .T._a_. 4 }Horizontal articulation ; :Vertical articulation r Required I Provided! Delta? Okay?' Required' Provided; Deltas okay?I Max.wall length 1 39 53' 36% No! 39 1 641 64%1 No; offset 2 1 41 100%, Yes! 2 4: 100%i Yes; Min.artic. L. -.___"- .... ..:.__.. ______.._,. - Min artic. length 13 : 19: 46%3 Yesi 16 — 19 19%1 Yes! m._.... t.-----...__._,_....__._ 7_--__-_.__. . I 'Rear-facing I South" Wall ht. = i 13' ? i =Horizonntal articulation 1,__„_.___..__r.__.-_.. _..y.:Vertical articulation _ ______._ _._.�,m_ 1 Required; Provided: Delta OOka ? Required; Provided' Deli Okay?! Max.wall length 39 ' p_..__._._15 ..i ._.90%1 e° -_ 392 1521 5 150%! LL , Min._ardc.offset ' 2 . Yes! _ __ t_Y ,.----- F__.._.�_.--r- _.__.___.._..� _.._..,.� Min.artic. length ; 38 19' -50% No 16 1 191 19%� Yes; E ' } i , -i �RRi ht-facing: West Wall ht. _ ' 20' -__.., ! ______ x _. orizontai articulation 1 Vertical articulation _ i ' Required i Provided! Delta! Okay?; Required Provided; _ Delta I Okay? Max.wall length_.. ___....._-....60....____ 7 21 20%f No! 60 ; 561 -7%1 Yes !Min.ardc.offset I 3 61 100%J Yes; 3 3; 0%; Yes! in.artic: length .._ 18 10, 44%1 No! 14 12: -14%! No! .______._._ r- i--- { E Left-facing: East i Wall ht. 17! _.______. I -.i ,Horizontal articulation V1. ertical articulation _ l eq,fired`_- +... Okay?; R uired: Provided, Delta; Okay. Required; Provided Delta! _ 'Max.wall length �_.. ._._.. - 3I% No; 51 95 86%' Nod }Min.ardc.offset ._. 3„z .._._.n. 5..-_... .._... . .. .�..,__... _..- __..___. .._. ... .._.".._. s 51 6 E _ 67% Yes; 3 I 5 67% Yes, !Min. artk. lenIth i 8 ' _. .___.._._ 8_ ._.- 0% Yes _..__.-...._._.,23 '___._...,. . 571 148%; M Yes; • City of Southiake, Texas TREE PRESERVATION ANALYSIS (Non-Residential Development) Case: 00-026 Date of Review: 3—09-00 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Carroll I. S. D.No. 5 Addition(Site Plan) OWNER\DEVELOPER PREPARED BY: Carroll I. S. D. Cheatham&Associates 1101 N. Carroll Avenue 1601 E. Lamar Blvd., Suite 200 Southlake,TX 76092 Arlington,TX 76011 Phone: Phone: (817)265-8532 Fax: Fax: THIS ANALYSIS IS PREPARED AT THE TIME OF REVIEW OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT AND IS TO PROVIDE AN ANALYSIS OF THE PLAN OR SURVEY AND THE IMPACT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ANY PROTECTED TREES ON THE SITE. FOR ANY QUESTIONS OR CLARIFICATION CONTACT KEITH MARTIN, LANDSCAPE ADMINISTRATOR AT (817)481- 5581 EXT. 848. TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS: 1. The applicant submitted the Site Plan with all existing trees located on it. Although the scale is small,it does meet the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. 2. Please relocate the storm sewer pipe from the West side of the access drive entering from Continental Blvd. The location of the pipe infringes on the critical root zone area of the trees that are being preserved West of the access drive. The storm sewer drain can be placed on the East side of the drive instead of the West. 3. Please relocate the placement of the proposed 8" water line and sanitary sewer on the South side of the school. Both of the lines cut directly through existing trees that will not be effected by construction. 4. Please look at shifting the circular drive on the South side of the building to the West. By doing this two(2)existing large Post Oaks can be preserved and less concrete would have to be installed for the access drive to the circular turn around. 5. I estimate that approximately fifteen (15) existing trees will have to be removed for the proposed construction.Nine (9)of the trees are not within the area of the building pad,parking, access drive or fire lane. - 6. All proposed sidewalks that are proposed within the critical.root zone area of existing trees should be constructed at grade to reduce cutting or filling within the area. • BUILDING INSPECTIONS `If 11 •�., City of Southlake, Texas is * All requirements and regulations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B, apply to the entirety of the site. Please be aware of the penalties of not applying the tree preservation protection methods required by the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B. BUILDING INSPECTIONS C r c • , , . .1 KKEEo'm0 ,121 . . r '.1 1 • ' NO.x B.wxB Ot fz o' I f ] I'h_. cWEan A oIw \ 44 ° ��at —'� -- o NOON ----( �,' \\ I " u�� �\��„ ,i•� . LW oAmN.a , II" • VE BAILEE I r « P. z• \ 2. 5i1 -.mill- -ir4u• Y . mmmm �.lau,w.fl1■» tl CS ! \ .4 /"..W. C.B. A. S D• 298.16 299E « — 1--L ', Eeme - I (LLII c� P.•.T.C.T m .m :1--:i: '` 1� E r crEV»cx \ / « Y7 'Y LORRAIN1E DRIVE LORRAINE COURT f° ° ' 9 � Y,Ilryy I ll • { VE /7 -O v 1 INN PUT R M�; . -� � ; }Rya N16 m �, s� °N a /9/ I •1 sz -n1J Ej I.a•re r r sill Iac. »T ' _ i5 r H ]S5• JS IR• DROSS ACREAGE-1G.011 ACES •. -'' ry( I i. �•n NBN■snw, 1 ze ROB OFDICATIM FM S.CAM0.L AYE.-7.0T7 ACHES w / �` Dr's I I ° i.__ 1N I sI I'. NET ACREAGE AFTER DEDICATION-51.250 ACRES / r 1 \• ALB .1, - - - -1 $ NET SO.FT..1.701.T70 JL.1•N fF : ` II wr .i• �� �� H sZ 9Yi_....AR, ._ m r P I II r�``�stom. ra k y /" 1�� �� �"1 , / L• I�F »_lr 1 Lt� 11 I• I : -" is Pj r.. la../ (r Lis.. IM.P ' �'v r / P/L CURVE DATA VICINITY YAP II y I �.+° cr :I► I _ wTeR I .-ml.m•I�til '�"""fF \._\ c .E•Sror I°.0 II UV till' I X1n uM.� M,,, 1 lca•241.0r \:V< - T I 1I 1s r- ii'l is V F." f .. f x Al I , ,4 SITE DATA suerRT PHASE 1 PRASE: TOTAL • _I Ti I ll• ».. Hi* �• .CARROLL 041 Me MY CI No s A001f MM. _ ", J a`� 1 _ Q .rs.•cs• IMAM Efl.'a. KO Moult+N■.II.. r"o'"`I,.. `�0010'.�\`L --- r I" ° I� �. ^ �,,yy iiu1N � : �EE C�C'' i W .I•N.�aur Amu,u Lc9'441.0C i• i u sz•E !vfl n ,n 9°I} Ir_ --_ A;x =j I} «'I� S»".515 ''E�ar. \ 1 . I.a• n1 s/rf m. _.x.N • 89 w:,.,,f,. L.0. ,�• r.n ..0 r. ,r,mr.v.IYN. a r p'fl■J� .IINpmMg '��. --�r Cm. .2990au. ma .�' .�:•. , 1� II,II�I � Ii�} t' = .\Y �J_ RN Al�... . . 1I IIH.IN sm.mg MO 01nI.IG BO J �I D yu•I9'zf•s\:I' • •Ieesnn /;— U Q ....\ U OE MOM • :f .N cm :".'..,E fo,...n I - .Y G s-L?; �'• — I I E S' 1€L \, i;.• 1 m.Ys:P fr°..,.1.r .. m Ha �— �'PARXIw SII 01Y -T-1 z .41 I ',i "` r. ',1 I. ...I—re. / T Er.m Fi .I�y..1.:'.. - Y I .IN....»I.a7r.l Irf c,r.1 BLOCK IC I -is,- x^Me A. '}}II _ - e. Q\� 1 f .N.I:N I.Sa.IE1,1. • _ -1 I ''I a m. I-FS - /u a E,. �ia, rM /ST �? 1e;I�o e. . �I I 1ywl�yill,.N- f N 'E ..nl:.r.n •Buts Km.e. - ato.x _ f.I.c.,_,. -•_I.•f Sr} "2- i.. a•'S 1 »•.`. V OF10TE5 BUILDINGENTRANCES i� ___-. �_�r�.•--..r+�.c '...I.1 .� ,• ........ - _ --- w.1 s ■DENOTES EXTERNAL AUDITORY LOCATIONS .p IwErrs,I9er �I1 - L.- � L� -BEIFEIIITII�I-a -- �usiiK•m "yei r. `��/ �{- IN r •"" WNW MR mi �a ..c •� v I I ° .ear ur .m fsI u".Y?5�f it sin GENERAL NOTE CONCERNING ON-SITE DRAINAGE IWROVENENTS: _1 -._ D..KNti OICI:.� ci it BLUCIL i LTHORN M OPEN CHANNEL IS NMI ON THIS PLAN.THE Pcul•„KC •,// c -_- _ -- _y -- --'-l- 8 • 'Bar" ---- _ -- - + Q.t n Cr..2 v16.45SCNODI DISTRICT PREGERES THAT 11E OIAINAGE N IIIOER- 1 mL. ', - I 1 ry I` : .L'•1 ?,w _I I . 1 u..E..l I— -• 11;°=. w s y . e _ .y a I A G o ,°I: GNO%a IN A BOX cu9ERT. I/r/ i _ t' !ais sf4� PER EXHIBIT E W THE TIE AGREEICBT GOI REINVESTMENT 20NE 4Ti:.9.,.�i 1 ' }I: I "' !Ll I "" I i0 r.c. f II -- "W+R 1CK G EEN y / - I i r 111 i�I' NO. 1 FROM THE CITY O SOJTHLME. IT WAS AGREED THAT THE --. Ut m1eB.';E�` '"`f101r' I .."L I y, \I I CAB. "AA I DE •t 50. 5_t 5 t -.' PIA, ( 0 `2� !!yy CITYT HICT TO LUHA THE COST O ERT CO%CULVERT.VUCICD DE TCN00. �"�J t11 11*r'l. DISTRICT WILL HAYS A BOX BLE THE CMS DICE THE \ �C „c/I11111 CITY HAS LIE FUNDS AVAIL ABLE TO RE INRIASE TIE OISIIII[T It. I. \ •1 - BARLUN BEND vs '.•'V, -G .. 1` yH G' "* MONTGOMERY LANE • 1 `u N». 01111 F FOR THE COST OF THE CULVERT. Iz ] y C I"` _u f Q, rL .5, u YA-o A ;H-tl GENERAL NONE CONCERNING CAM0.L AVENUE IIPNOIEIENT: IEs.':.a. ♦1` I'-- -% S CI k'a.Y--L �: r: �NjT• » y 7 ,. N,•pf sr ti- c!llii "(Ii7L II •_ _- - �{ 1100:! • 11 a f,+Y `:'.q S EFt BIENING ANO ELATED MAINALE I PROVEENTS. Ili / u - em2 I z 11z.'p I I a f �,- - -- ---- -- ' -_\ i1 \ 2::-.1-.. mu oo UTILLFTTHHATTr THE..ALTHE T LSSOIMILAPE AS DIIIpSTRICTO ILL TCONSTRUCT 11 V' 1 ' I-N I a y \ \ „i:, PLAN WO IN NE TRAFFIC IWACT ANALYSIS PREPARED BY II II '" I * I o. I'- I II . N. \\ ' \\ ii,01 R ris• N.. ITS.FEBR INC.Y UV 2000.ELIVEED TO TIC CITY 00 SONTEA%E IN NOTE: BEE NSTALLEODD.1LLOGMTIE VINYL T�iiYl 00 LION BRREEEZEHi T SHALL S i TE PLAN SUMMARY CHART-BUFFERYARDS CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD AS ELL AS ALONG THE COIE1I PROPERTY LINE OF TIE SCHOOL TRACT NO THE CITY PARK LOT 1. BLOCK 1 wnu. (NOT SHOW FOR CLARITY!. CARROLL ISO No. S ADDITION N �' Li_maw A SIX IGI FOOT NUM VINYL CLAD MAIN LINN FENCE SHALL TO THE THE CITY OF SOUTHLANE ' ° ' BEINSTALLED ALONG BOTH SIDES OF THEEXISTING DRAINAGE TAflflANT COUNTY. TEXAS Du .oe CHONEL ANO SHALL Rill TIC LENGTH CI THE SCHOOL PROPERTY BEING IE.0E1 ACRES AS RECORDED IN INOT SHOW PM MARITAL v4UNF 127.5.PAIN 21f E norm norlw Ma v , W 1 Or ARM -.N'ER ION YYDS[APH•s OW.,DINANIOARB•mat Nfry/N1, SITUATED IN THE HALE SURVEY mou......_ ABSTRACT No.B45.r ANr T0MTY.1E0A5 MINI ., moms mme sec mont 1. OM Iwo M NM MC f.f m 1DNA RLGD APR 17 2000 mama .H.r». Ns .. Oa4I. s»s/uI mama .ff/dPRDR,.rr,ltd61 AecA12317 DItliB • Ill ARCIIITICT3 �om.IR �...a..�rN111,.OS, lump Or IA, . 1 . �»mE.Im.1.A ,�:..'=ROHN eV. .` r II .N fH. .. �. .�N ;.I,R cr rN 11111•w-I.. IIIl.TOM Tuft APE LOTIan *W" I YI.-ITN I5-,Nw'x� 1 F»_MN1�1,f bl_EEiA E.SE No.IA 0a-D2E t . 9 E �'. UMW. ANN CYR REVISED.-14-00 SHEET 1 02 1 . fill" . . . 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Delta I Okay?: Required' Provided' Delta Okay?. :Max.wall length 39 . 152' 2900/0: No 39 . 152r 290% No' Min.artic. offset 2.: 4: 100%i Yes 1 2 5: 150%, Yes, i. :Min.artic.length 38 , 19, -50%: No i 38 : 19. -50% No. 'Right-facing: West Wall ht. = . 20 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay?' Required Provided Delta, Okay? — . Max.wall length 60 ' 72, 20% No 60 56' -7°/o't Yes' !-. Min.artic. offset 3 6, 100%! Yes 3 3. 0%n Yes: cin. artic. length 18 10 -44°/o' No 14 12: -14%' No Left-facing: East Wall ht. = 17 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta, Okay? i Max.wall length 51 67 31% No 51 95 86%, No Min.artic. offset 3 5 67% Yes 3 5. 67°/o Yes: . --, Min.artic. length . '8 , 8, 0%, Yes; 23 57: 148%: Yes: (hoi li-21 . , 'SW . . I ,-,. 1 r t -. ; ,: r . r r ri .:, . ' , I t-t ' 1., "'.1' 1 1 .0 -,Itt . .... 41s ' ; ,-4' ',- ' ' k . t, ; . .. . . . . .:,.. z, , Oh t, .' . 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No. 5 Addition STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat for Lot 1, Block 1, Carroll I.S.D. No. 5 Addition, on property legally described as Tract 1A4 situated in the J. W. Hale Survey, Abstract No. 803, and being approximately 16.081 acres. PURPOSE: Preliminary Plat is required prior to Final Plat. A Final Plat must be filed with Tarrant County Plat Records prior to issuance of a building permit. LOCATION: On the north side of East Continental Boulevard approximately 400' west of South Carroll Avenue. OWNER: Carroll I.S.D. APPLICANT: Cheatham & Associates CURRENT ZONING: "R-PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development District with "CS" Community Service District uses LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO. NOTICES SENT: Thirteen (13) RESPONSES: Two (2) responses were received from within the 200' notification area: • Brian Mitcham, Mitcham Homes LLC, 5121 Thompson Terrace, Colleyville, TX, in favor. (Received April 28, 2000.) • Randall Sullivan, Randy Sullivan Custom Homes, Inc., 1500 Corporate Circle, Suite 18, Southlake, TX in favor. (Received May 8, 2000.) P&Z ACTION: May 4, 2000; This item was on the Commission's agenda but was not heard and was continued to the May 18, 2000,agenda due to Case Resolution No. 97-22. May 18,2000;Approved(5-1) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 3,dated May 12, 2000,adding a comment regarding the addition of a common access easement with the park property at the northeast corner. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Plat Review Summary No. 3, dated June 2, 2000 (60, N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-027PP.doc r Tract Map ZA00-027 ID .. ,41Iry.6;•1111npriattig ill KINIgsti ky- , / i'.4 "minium& , Imo:►laiti ltz niiii\ •'� �► — r r r riI 1�/IIIA I• M 4 X ► ICJ 41 \%•� 1�;Mims D .'.�,EMI!MI Iyrt■m Waal x .,,%w/.minim o__moord■cir■:al 7�0 Mum 7,,,,,, WWII / ♦ ., `�11� • .���/�i.:ma At Mr■,Jm.cia�w�:■t ir ile 7i 1:34-1:3 WA ‘,18inu;--:- I. illIM ;11111in I 47"O"n=r11",-, . � lcr70 c �Q1111110 re. Immo M.- iiI� pp 11111 O -i.- !i VA1takil-1i-1 r.pir ez• .44iNIum • ISM SimL wa; `— m 0 ■.;11101• s 1 mt Alums F1:mdh. 4 Pr fle \ :1�;7�ladl► '/G ;1..1 1 - + .- cA a —� . �I: Ji01MMIlli � •Ami01111 : - �irLn-ins fl,\t J O1dIr ♦ /1111 .�� .ate :,/ 11 oT y w. ma 0 4 ot, s#4.-•.- N g:mom- ami •.„..404.0 ,. , IP ,..) ........., ø,::i, .a-; ��0� 4 11111= • •.`O .Si O\ m mg 1111111 ` : ...... ■ m• 1111 ..♦ , C? �� 2000 0 2000 Feet 1 N W - � E 0 S 1G-z Surrounding Property Owners L ZA00-027 j -'64614- 11,11Niam. 1 i i I I IL l,lr � . NB OW 11 + i �� 411�� t i� 1 111011111 nn siltR ' 37 4 14 6 WsM 1011 l 13 Ii lit a.. _Si1_.MNI 36 � @I 34 15 IUI CONTINENTAL r 1 1 I I —11 Di: liniEdEVEZSIMINII, Ult - —1_ *1.411 di\6' 1 kaw 1 —L-7 '1411ft Am, ril LIB1111114 ii lin7 _,. 4 -#14111711.4Widirlinifill Page 1 of 2 1G-3 Surrounding Property Owners ZA00-027 Property Owner Zoning Land Use Designation Acreage 1. C.Pond 1. "R-PUD" 1. Medium Density Residential 1. 0.04 acres 2. McGough Homes,Inc. 2. "R-PUD" 2. Medium Density Residential 2. 0.38 acres 3. V.Patrick Gray Custom Homes 3. "R-PUD" 3. Medium Density Residential 3. 0.38 acres 4. Versailles,Ltd. 4. "R-PUD" 4. Medium Density Residential 4. 0.38 acres 5. Randy Sullivan Custom Homes 5. "R-PUD" 5. Medium Density Residential 5. 0.38 acres 6. Randy Sullivan Custom Homes 6. "R-PUD" 6. Medium Density Residential 6. 0.39 acres 7. V.Patrick Gray Custom Homes 7. "R-PUD" 7. Medium Density Residential 7. 0.34 acres 8. Randy Sullivan Custom Homes 8. "R-PUD" 8. Medium Density Residential 8. 0.35 acres 9. Versailles,Ltd. 9. "R-PUD" 9. Medium Density Residential 9. 0.36 acres 10.Mitcham Homes,LLC 10. "R-PUD" 10.Medium Density Residential 10.0.36 acres 11.Randy Sullivan Custom Homes 11."R-PUD" 11.Medium Density Residential 11.0.36 acres 12.Randy Sullivan Custom Homes 12."R-PUD" 12.Medium Density Residential 12.0.41 acres 13.Versailles Ltd. 13. "R-PUD" 13. Medium Density Residential 13.0.49 acres 14.Versailles Ltd. 14."R-PUD" 14.Medium Density Residential 14.0.44 acres 15. City of Southlake 15."R-PUD" 15. Public Parks/Open Space 15.4.91 acres 16.Westerra Timarron LP 16."R-PUD" 16. Medium Density Residential 16.0.26 acres 17.Westerra Timarron LP 17."R-PUD" 17.Medium Density Residential 17.0.25 acres 18.Westerra Timarron LP 18."R-PUD" 18. Medium Density Residential 18.0.26 acres 19.Westerra Timarron LP 19."R-PUD" 19.Medium Density Residential 19.0.26 acres 20.Westerra Timarron LP 20."R-PUD" 20.Medium Density Residential 20.0.26 acres thir 21.Westerra Timarron LP 21. "R-PUD" 21. Medium Density Residential 21.0.26 acres 22.Westerra Timarron LP 22."R-PUD" 22.Medium Density Residential 22.0.29 acres 23. Westerra Timarron LP 23."R-PUD" 23.Medium Density Residential 23.0.28 acres 24.Westerra Timarron LP 24."R-PUD" 24. Medium Density Residential 24.0.57 acres 25.ASF Homes,Inc. 25."R-PUD" 25.Medium Density Residential 25. 0.37 acres 26.Westerra Timarron LP 26."R-PUD" 26. Medium Density Residential 26. 1.05 acres 27.Westerra Timarron LP 27."R-PUD" 27.Medium Density Residential 27.0.42 acres 28.Westerra Timarron LP 28."R-PUD" 28.Medium Density Residential 28.0.32 acres 29. Westerra Timarron LP 29."R-PUD" 29. Medium Density Residential 29.0.18 acres 30.J.Wright 30."SF-20B" 30.Medium Density Residential 30.0.80 acres 31.Westerra Timarron LP 31."R-PUD" 31.Medium Density Residential 31.0.46 acres 32.Westerra Timarron LP 32."R-PUD" 32.Medium Density Residential 32.0.66 acres 33.Westerra Timarron LP 33. "R-PUD" 33.Medium Density Residential 33.0.49 acres 34.K&H Homes Ltd. 34."R-PUD" 34.Medium Density Residential 34.0.56 acres 35.Westerra Timarron LP. 35."R-PUD" 35. Medium Density Residential 35.0.59 acres 36.W.Boren 36."AG" 36. Medium Density Residential 36. 1.0 acres 37.First Baptist Church of 37."CS" 37.Public/Semi Public 37.2.02 acres Southlake 38.First Baptist Church of 38."R-PUD" 38.Medium Density Residential 38.0.34 acres Southlake N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\2000 Exhibits\00-027SP.doc Page 2 of 2 1G-4 City of Southlake, Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 00-027 Revised Review No: Three Date of Review: 06/2/00 Project Name: Preliminary Plat-Carroll I. S. D.No. 5 Addition,being 16.081 acres out of the J. W.Hale Survey,Abstract No 803 APPLICANT: SURVEYOR Cheatham&Associates Cheatham&Associates 1601 E. Lamar Blvd.,#200 1601 E.Lamar Blvd.,#200 Arlington.Texas Arlington,Texas Phone: (817)548-0696 Phone: (817) 548-0696 Fax: (817)265-8532 Fax: (817)265-8532 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 04/17/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT LISA SUDBURY AT(817)481-5581,EXT.862. 1. Remove the 15'building line shown along the eastern property line. 2. Provide minimum finish floor elevations on the final plat as required by Public Works. 3. Provide easements for water, sewer and/or drainage as required by public works on the final plat. Easements for private services are not required. 4. Provide a common access easements in accordance with the site plan which provides access to the parking lot located on the Noble Oaks Park. P&Z ACTION: May 4, 2000; This item was on the Commission's agenda but was not heard and was continued to the May 18, 2000, agenda due to Case Resolution No. 97-22. May 18, 2000;Approved(5-1)subject to Plat Review Summary No. 3, dated May 12, 2000, adding a comment regarding the addition of a common access easement with the park property at the northeast corner. * A Final Plat and a Developers Agreement approval is required prior to construction of any public infrastructure. The Developer's Agreement for this addition should consider streets, drainage,park dedication requirements and fees, off-site sewer extensions, off-site drainage and utility easements and impact fees. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Mark Daniels TPM VIA FAX: ABOVE Gordon Johns,Cheatham and Associates VIA FAX: ABOVE 1G-5 • r e Y+�`� ' ,' ` is• �41° ,e r � �t r-� ti s i 3 s x 9 it _ i4. .: _4 , '.1311;""Asit".. ,tt.„„11.44,s 0.0.::-,,,,, I 4 ti IA z lieliitrilt tAl 1 r • i 0 '.4‘ ts t ; li es igl I lit % \--;„'„,,,,.d. ".041140 '24'- '.-,' .1--101,4 4,.,..--..,0.1,,...7.'..4.- ,,,,,..4 t4, t i S ;:sii, ti riit i it Iiit 1 % figist.,?Tig Ti,t,,,t; ol7,.i:v.t., 5 .ti 1 vi, ail ---..7.7.-r,;t:-,,,,,,„2.‘ -or, ..istuiLiric illitit4 ..qttill 1 % 11 $ 1 It � . 1tt .s titt %II it i v ' It. it 11 IA AU '' a ittil ft tiiiii 1 it T. ,a Ai% t . it 5 Y t Iva ci= psz ill x . VI tliti :7- 1 • 1 itea/ ....... r .............,:. ...... ` il : ' '" "„., t // pia III i 1stOlt �1 . , W 1 t IIIIII '1j° 1 gip.. / s �+�' i; :s 11 1 s s Y ^� -14 i rN t / / s: :Il'-'s t.V: \ it 1 101 S 1 t 1 , N Oil 1 a g�fix. 11:411 ti4„It o ..., . ..., &0 , . ‘ let mion,11,„ w., a..!..„, ii, i y 14 1 1 , �{ 1 '0.;"' &MIL sowin /4 iSI Avila":*.: . . ' A"i Sis . 1 1 \ I I - a- -I_--• ..1 1$1 1114-i.4Pla `'. g B -- Itf C '.I I,F- 1' _-�_tj.ai ij et j� t{ {' Jam'` ill 1� 1 � o { t ' n!.{I 11 } t11 4 / _ SSi N ` 0� 11 r0� 1 L - w ;� qq- \ a 'i it* 1I0pj 1 a+s— 1 ,..s ,.? EY OR IA NO s „� ------1: , 1a ' _3 —sue 5 WAY i to t- 1, j� / ES i +i' /I 7 / __ 1 b _ a ,1} ik \1 "/�/ t, •f+Ti,1� --�.$_r_ .1;1'[x" t 1 1 rr.a.1, NUPag 1 1µ8 g •{`• t It, 11 .t' "/ / ; +'.+. ---- tn. WAY i 1 Ike / -*It''. ey { ' fl � /7. 211, is It t...- ._...14411101s... L:. ' 1,4, f�. M�h� a it Y 1 a sx• It 4..4 # �.1tt 1: 14�w1 to ,. j i1 City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT June 2, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 00-042 PROJECT: Revised Site Plan -Block 2, Phase 1 -Sta2e 2, Southlake Town Square STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Revised Site Plan of Block 2, Phase 1 - Stage 2, Southlake Town Square on property legally described as Block 2, Southlake Town Square, Phase 1, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slides 4892 and 4893, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 5.624 acres. PURPOSE: Site Plan required prior to issuance of a building permit. LOCATION: On the northeast corner of the intersection of North Carroll Avenue and Main Street. OWNER: Southlake Venture West, L.P. APPLICANT: Cooper & Stebbins, L.P. CURRENT ZONING: "NR-PUD" Non-Residential Planned Unit Development District with "C-3" General Commercial District uses. LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use NO. NOTICES SENT: Six (6) RESPONSES: One (1) response was received from within the 200' notification area: • Juergen Strunck, 200 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, TX, undecided, "Information in this notice is insufficient for a considered response." (Received May 15, 2000.) P&Z ACTION: May 18, 2000; Approved (4-2) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated May 12, 2000, deleting Item #1 (20' Type '0' bufferyard) and allowing the applicant to use the proposed alternative landscaping; regarding Item#2 (minimum stacking depth of 100') requiring the applicant to delete two parking spaces on either side of the north entrance and three parking spaces on the east entrance; and Item #3.a (articulation) allowing as shown. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated May 12, 2000. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-042SP.doc 1R.1 Tract Map L ZA00-042 1 1 ■ 444 dal a IIII 1.1116 M a . nen ix Imo ‘ . i WO war Aim - WroviNgilll'groom i lip .. ifir Ai r.I., kg / 1 (' ... , • MI 1•Iim Am- III widllipvelemort wrim* No faik :10 , FL, dijk \ : Or In ' ( 1 kV ), , , i -IA l N. , E D 1,, 8 f -A -- 1 ' IE t4 ILlrir��r���i�ia II'itlArliva 2000 0 2000 Feet imilmmil..gym. N / �W E S 1RI Surrounding Property Owners ZA00-042 iaimi:s Aesop in•ilifiknIi us '� it .u1j immitirginTMA riummill �14.0.,k pd. ., �11 wi ate■ ` 1 2 6 4 prerillitvradE pia RIMNI 9 T /6 paiiit,fri!Fil �, 6 E.::: nI •IUi kiw \__ il Al 1111611 i pip vuomminiiira , \ Property Owner Zoning Land Use Designation Acreage 1. The Fechtel Group 1. "NR-PUD" 1. Mixed Use 1. 2.66 acres 2. The Fechtel Group 2. "NR-PUD" 2. Mixed Use 2. 2.97 acres 3. The Fechtel Group 3. "NR-PUD" 3. Mixed Use 3. 5.20 acres 4. The Fechtel Group 4. "NR-PUD" 4. Mixed Use 4. 0.69 acres 5. The Fechtel Group 5. "NR-PUD" 5. Mixed Use 5. 0.81 acres 6. The Fechtel Group 6. "NR-PUD" 6. Mixed Use 6. 5.46 acres 7. The Fechtel Group 7. "NR-PUD" 7. Mixed Use 7. 0.26 acres 8. J. Strunck 8. "AG" 8. Medium Density Residential 8. 3.36 acres 9. Mendez Ltd. 9. "AG" 9. Medium Density Residential 9. 3.21 acres 10.B.Paulsen 10."SF-20A" 10.Medium Density Residential 10.0.54 acres 11. Southview Ph.II JV 11."SF-20A" 11.Medium Density Residential 11.0.47 acres N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\2000 Exhibits\00042SP.doc 11-1-3 r r r . 1.1 SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE is.utle.AKc•TO Y II\• '❑ I• I I I iI. I r •L.,.... i , i I I 1 CLIENT: .. 1 i • i /g7�`.t/SIffI _Lt�li/tJ��—�sI. illm•a. Igni 1s.N sauA x ,,,. " :AOi��t ► a•W e• ''," KEY HAP RECORDECT OP • I "Waal ril IX 11 REDZIrg Drat ; -' —•—- I Y /Is! ��l �� 1 E:::ca .I ® , ,r �i(i ,z.s•.: •A' T MCNI TECT: . II / • ........... J 1 I ' / VAkinallinglik ,. CD OWE MAP TUC rrlo.wn II 1 1• ii �i '�/ "� tOrP. STRUCTURAL 1 1/ 0 11 1 �..f... ‘i \ ', so, ,--- ,-- ..-lir 1 ...• ,..© L 'I -,' w WUa NM ISE ENGINEER: (((91111'J eons. 1 r 1 , r11: � Slat 01 MIOSAT CIVIL I ,• •• •1• ( r �/ za court arola AT A0. ENGINEER: ( il ` 1/ I' -� ``I ' \ / ��® INIfASECTIOa Ia 20.a• .A. m«. VAri �i iS\'‘ w 1' r i \ �W�fl'I�r�r�' W' \•�� A .A /, �i A.ac or OeIW7'1 P 1 1 I '` ......�i6Ll..8T.�I.,Ytl!\ i7 I '� I ___ �, � � TRAFFIC rout �� h `I``II I111 •tdI! 1I �4 llir ia;rt oAu ENGINCERING: 1111 \ \ 11�'1 `, 111 ��� I 1 EIIISTIM OWIIK. ENIACE(e1033 AWG. Ia7 /a.Wm AC. 1I / / " fr A I _ KT MEM 2M.WU Cf./S.Wfe M. ,1 yy 'a0 a �S LOTS. 1 4 4/E/• PI1�111 , ' /r 7 41111F;:' i FUMING l�ceoai�. :a s. ENGINEER: I: •\' ilititi,' , _ ; II .O ❑. a aiThaf1 . aor fr. m r.ISEL MTE mI , , II/ / BLOCS a . _I'' ':a�• :�J ■e I• — Mu a aEa�.¢. o S.P. .« �«..... •17 IS �� �`� I;' /I ' .I,I I &` _,di - +- �� - igkiK O[N YAQ KOCKAQ. O[ [ •ru'.�. r\ 1 1 I I,�• ' , V; MR FIRE PROTECTION .� / ze• Ae.s+ ,I; �. .,,i • I M .. ..— �� IA M. STINT o.ar.M CaAN1at SPACES a m.MT1N1 SIM ENG I NEER 1 NG:. �� 'I .,I 111 I -- I' I 7 2.,*IWO PAWNS IS LL10OO WITHIN mO FUT Of CA01 100. W�..I I LJ ;RM.'. OISIICSS AS w11C0 WITHIN M M POO. a'y� '�'' ���! 1',.` 1K1^i -- , i i ,- I TALL -IF•, N"`� �� �` >/: .0 _ 3.1 THE CM/ACT MI Aas'IIATLOIONrz Am.TIC RIOS TO KTIC M PM. GENERAL 191f (F;— �'�ners�aQsz��/%/ \ 23 CKO 0•Hampli ONTRACTOR: .116. - --.- --.- - r''.7 C"'*"':"S.1 r ; - 1 ' 40104.,al r a I I re rA°WA I IE VA 7-i"I FAB'' II' A:1 ttX L& 6A 1 1 1 .‘A .' ''- • li E, �! �® teraMirlubleglin, . WngT ArrAmmitel �'MiY+1S► T,P. .. .�ALr q.: ••;a z...W.a . .Y r 4Zr411LJ ( I, /�7�' ,.1e .y .,I'. �� 13 r...w ..{. • . L in alkallan MO j_� I r; SITE PLAN BLOCK 2 �... I « SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE - A 41.045 ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THE SITE PLAN . RICHARD EARS SURVEY. ABST. NO 481 OL.00K 2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE • TARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS ....-. CASE NO.ZA 117-100 6 OF 7 I I PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE PLAN COOPER & STEBBINS Cooper&Stebbins,LP.,1256 Main Street,Suite 240 Southlake,Texas 76092 Telephone(817)329-8400 Facsimile (817)251-8717 May 16, 2000 Mr. Dennis Killough City of Southlake Senior Planner 1721 E. Southlake Blvd. Suite 100 Southlake, TX 76092 Re: ZA00-042 Southlake Town Square, Block 2 Phase One-Stage 2 Dear Dennis: In response to your Site Plan Review Summary Number Two, dated May 12, 2000, we would offer the following response (listed and numbered from your Site Plan Review Summary): 1. We would request a variance from the type "0"bufferyard along Carroll Ave. and propose to continue the Carroll Ave. streetscape completed with the Phase I Stage I development and shown on our Landscape Plan. 2. We would request a variance of the 100' stacking depth for the driveways accessing this block. The Site Plan shown is consistent with the Town Square development and the existing driveways within the completed block. Further, the plan as shown allows for an actual stacking depth of approximately 50' —0". 3.a. We request a variance in regards to the building's articulation. We believe th_ building, as designed, is consistent with existing structures within Town Square. 3.b. The footprints as shown on the building elevation sheets are correct. 4. Agreed. L NC MAY 2 2 2000 iitof 5. A plat revision is being drafted for the abandonment of a portion of the existing municipal utility easement. 6. The 10' — 0" high screen wall at the loading clock will be masonary (CMU) or cast in place concrete similar in finish to the buildings E.I.F.S. façades. Should you have any questions or additional comments,please call Sincerely, o�� i - Pre t-Development cc: FLB BRS L L 1N-6 City of Southlake, Texas • SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Ci Case No.: ZA 00-042 Review No: Two Date of Review: 5/12/00 Project Name: Revised Site Plan—Block 1 Southlake Town Square,Phase I APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: Cooper&Stebbins Beck Architecture 1256 Main Street, Suite 240 Southlake,TX 76092 Phone: (817) 329-8400 Phone: (214) 522-8494 Fax: (817)251-8717 Attn: Jeff Jones Fax: (214) 522-8537 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 04/24/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations Y See Comment No.4 Residential Adjacency Y See Comment No.6 Building Articulation Y See Comment No.3 Masonry Standards Y Complies ceImpervious Coverage N Bufferyards Y See Comment No. 1 Interior Landscape Y Subject to P&Z recommendation and City Council approval Driveways Y See Comment No.2 Lighting Y See Comment No.4 1. Provide the 20' type 0 bufferyard along Carroll Avenue.The applicant is proposing an alternate landscape bufferyard, see attached landscape plan. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action:Delete and allow the applicant to use the proposed alternative landscaping.) 2. A minimum stacking depth of 100' is required for all driveways accessing this block.The provided sicking is approximately 18'. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action:Allow as shown but require the applicant to delete two parking spaces on either side of the north entrance and three parking spaces on the east entrance.) 3. The following changes are needed regarding elevations: a. Provide building articulation in compliance with PUD Regs. See attached chart. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action:Allow as shown.) b. Correctly show the building footprints. The footprints shown on the elevation sheets,under the buildings, do no match the building footprint on the site plan, on the east and west facades. Insure that no other conditions are impacted by these changes. 1111 City of Southiake, Texas 4. All lighting must comply with Lighting Ordinance No 693-B. 5. Show, label, and dimension easements on or adjacent to the site. It appears that the proposed structure will encroach into existing utility easements. A Plat Revision must be processed for abandonment and relocation of the easement. 6. Clarify the 10' screening wall adjacent to loading docks is masonry. P&Z Action: Approved(4-2)on May 18, 2000, subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated May 12, 2000, and as noted above. * Although not required by ordinance, staff would appreciate placing the City case number"ZA00- 042" in the lower right corner for ease of reference. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat Revision must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected site plan,landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans,must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee,Perimeter Street Fee, Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. att: Articulation Evaluation Chart cc: Jeff Jones, Cooper& Stebbins L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\REV\#SPLAN-1.WPD _ • City of Southiake, Texas Articulation Evaluation No.1 Case No.ZA 00-042 ; [Date of Evaluation:5/12/00 ,.. : ;Elevations for ;Block 2 'Southlake Town Square,Phase 1,Stage 2 _ .. :-.-- ,eceived:4/24/00 : - ! ; Front-facing: 'South iWall ht.= ! 20! Horizontal articulation 'Vertical articulation t __ Okay?: Required. Provided° Delta; Okay?1 Required Provided, 43 -28%' ye , .6°d'. Provided' Delta--1 Max.wall length 60 28 -53%'; Yes • Min.artic.offset . 3 ' 7 133% 7 ,Min.attic.length 1 1 43 291°-i„ Yes 14: 100%1 Yes, ... .... _ t ; ,Rear-facing: North Val!ht.= 23. _ ' ----- - - Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Requiredt Providedr- Delta Okay? Requir73d'ii Provided Delta;33,yo l,,..., ,Okay?ys,: Max.wall length - • Min.attic.offset 3 18; Yes: •-- 500% Yes:: ' : Min.attic.length 18 641, 256%1 Yes' 18 64 256')/0 Right-facing: Ea!t Wall ht.= ; Horizontal ar_ticttlation I Vertical articulation Required; Provided: Delta Okay?I Required: Provided' Delta'. Okay? Max wall length 72 7 r _1%, yes . . 4 7 75% Yes ,. Min.artic.offset __ _ in artic. length 18 43 139% Yes Left-facing:facing: _ Wall, ht.= 27: Horizontal articulation . Vertical articulation — - -- - - - Required. Provided, Delta; Okay?, Required. Provided: DeltaL _.Okay?. : ;Max.wall length_____ _ 81 0% Yes Min.artic.offset 4 ' 18'. 350%:,_ Yes 4 . _ — 4' 0% _,.. Min.attic.length___ 20 61: 205%! Yes, 15 20; 33%-, Yes: 4 11A-q ifi..0", (4) .. ., eil, • • ANTAAL NOTES , CITY APPROVED BENCHMARK ;wEas 1.1 wax 1 N.s cawLEEEa a N.1.2..IE!! . ;a,llrau.TEAMS TESI.L P TA. IXI12. PG. :40.O.a.T c r 1,,_ SOUTHLAKE rim 21 -P.R. SPIKE IN P.P AT S.N. CORNER xNEPAE Fr THE Imam wwsEs TOMN SQUARE Llrrlt01L CEHTAAL MENIME TOL. 13104 PO. 32s.u.a.T.C.T CANNOT x°ERMINE°AT THIS TINE S.N. 1fA&N. CARROLL AVE. ELEV. •657.A3 4WENLrxE CENTIML...N.0 E AM I1IEa PG. ]2a OS*C.r 2.1 ALL PATENENT Mu x ASNIAL1 l'y~T'-+RA .� �r wuHa.aE. TX `L PEE 6 ,OO..a A/CaACR!E Cu1B E WTTER. • •• T s/! 0*141 E lTE SATE LJ 7 !AI AM St.. WIrE 2.0 !1 al b10ENALEf STALL r CONCRETE I NS, ...•~' . iO M.YIE• TEXAS EEr2 101,1 NO•EAr 4 1 NAIES E SLAM MIMICEE EAT ISIAIIOE .'ICJ; i. , s F.A Iem 20renr A1IOR To TENAMr rINALIE1na. .� aR.'`;• CLIENT: tl �,[y J/// 9.1 INS A HEFTS..u R NOT CONSOIICTEO. 1� , I g i '' / IHAN THE l.31x ra.P AND AL E ••.�:�-:„Tr,..?. ':) -T Fi ' I I G ,/ /•/ IN.INNS MAY MT EE ND SONFY. F• {: T•i v A.1 AMINO SPACE COMA 0I E r 000 ;le $L' r ^r•'r '-'. ',. •. - SATE SPACES.Co..CI SPACES NM r ,• `sl; + 1 ga ., Naa I, , ,I LOW 1 •• I WI 2 , ITTCwirATEO MEN THE MARLINES ") ;E' "1 T`I h'• ARCHITECT oc 0 THE P.110. --v. DLO.1 : I I: i , I ♦ VICINITY RAP I RECORD: •ae:Ex.4.A : • ,; a .•ti.a .1 r.1 ALL IAd['ALOPl9 PRISMS MILL 4 AMIR A IYYIxa 411EA,AN WIa1 V. 1 LTACK IS Q � iO ISEWTQ OF W1L01NS PORT VIE OATH -- 11 II II MN IMAM I : e Q IN rat FAME• MOSS ANEA 1.MO.ON S.f /AS.oO AC. :.e••ax ,. --• C`11 MWE 1 - ' ••„ a 1 ALL HNAC rO r'MEMO rb1 viFx RAW um .:r I I i, O SA Nlll x OPEN TO ME III. L u O..•MEET SANS.l.>S.N./12!+o K. . W. r-w.w 11.11t. - .; O '/ Mo C.-NN,o 9.1 ION LIPPING E LAYrCrlrla xE L Y.O.•SPAN, J0.u2 f I./ I tea a. ARCHITECT: DE I i �' L Y A.A M I RO U51 I.RS SWOP./as.l x 4. IQECAIE RAM EXIST.1rINS NAM a.ao,ar. -Of 1.ROCX! "OATH _ �� Q TO 1 PE OVALO IR RESERVES 11E p.... OM!PACE .1E114 •. W.I..~ :0 TO INSTALL CONTACT CM!PALE!IN WOOING Ax1: a1T.MS!I. '..n ?W IMIIEN RMx 2 •• _ _ _ ., u•„a1 r11,,.r 1 �� G'7 XDa•E Q\ '^ S +^..A SPACES B WIN 11E M PO.ALL SITSEROOF / 17 Slt E.I. ... ._, i l•:AJtl.. .,y ROW E:`t^• ' ,A SPACES NIDIEI ARK 0'A IB'EXCVT ll.IW.:611 .St ...nr ro.:r,E�„ I I ^ 'i, dRuxLF rNss. Pa.fr roes rs•a +ex 7P1C[f A _ '� STRUCTURAL .s .... ` •._r�I=� " ' ,;.0 u.1 OIITII uxIENr!r asal 2 TA r PN.IINS saes AON•a ear...SPACE: ENGINEER: ., .Ana .- - _ {:, ti- ,A % /� LOAS1M fPARE rO'a 1 r.as 1�w• .Nw.rr � rNa�r F �\ ?a. REVISIONA�oxo IMI"OonNro awrNucEia�T SwaENS SPARES rry o s SPICESW. ?ONTHv 1EN PHASE 2 1�• - �O`.. • ,\1(. BUILDING AREA TABULATIONS :II'.Ili..,.. l 1 i 1 ;` oHw \L+13E1 F --. 11 �. `_ 1P t! I Waur NXva IS GFF1co TOTAL CIYILH t.� ;, •_2 .,_► QIIIIIIUI1111YID��O,iI�i1111i1f�111 1Ji11iD 5, ��\�,�/`� , qO �'1 .1 1111/1111�f�� -.:�. \ \` • `� - / 1,41 la AIL.isa WOW li Eli is 'II i:: ENGITER: ;,.r:I"� \� \�••;\.�\\•_; 9\A C fiiw..0+7. p W+Lars2A El.WO ass 2saA,. 11 �, •I- t..ti•.J 'y` • .EIOLi I.. .. `\•\" .\,Lo \„��; , C BE'�A: -.� .O• w'WIKw RMAT. MEA1.r. Msr •a w1n... a i' trI1111111 I (mg.. . NS• %� `�\�\:\�.:.�\"\\..„;:•.;/ MsDING M RR E T. Manx.., nuts r INNSTTITTIi•I lI I E. /L \.'•. ~' :•:' •H... ATOM A1.w..T NV..r a1 i.r cc o 1 I 1 1.1 L \'. -•. ``: P .•e +TH w •WRws a.w s.r. R.w s.T. .. ., TRAFFIC r 1 ��, • t 1 �= '�j •, O .g.� sT .1Twlrs nwe MI TEMEr. Tams... ENGINEERING: K. I 1 •,�. r.�+' la '}� RNA!Las sic) :! j?: ai w a Aa A r. tams".i eMNa TN. L 1 4 r ,� .1awr aAl sr anosrn�.r. \\ ��� ` - 1 � \•• AF_./aJrO .,T Euw.Tra'i Ed• 1...riA 5 i u a I' ll Eli s i ia.IN i V. •,••E.H'In.uT. �yl,U 1,:,.I11''' ! w _ _ 'a' nT.Twar .w..s• •� �` ' \ 8 NOTET: ENGINEER:A A v. .. 11LTIOMYEWILOIrCa00f:�; �" �` \: ( `��� `v.`bLrT a:Tn� + ' �• M \�•"••�� \ \�\ \\ \ ,♦p i414..1\`. + AIL 1/220.,L,..s ._ .th/mxi.1 i•' " , aEST.auNr sr!sus AT,v.s MATS• 1a mv.11 ENGINEERING: ; .son• 1.131.Ws - •+ .. - _._ __... _._ g1NP.T.a.IS AEb.r .EWIREO u .r1YAU N1a I �EOFJ "E. •,0 ACE • • 9.• 1 t i • k\ ua.w NE emLOAWO.Aa,IIw.w. n� ._==4EN F 4Talde v • /� I \\ ` O ,_ 411.Q.LMW TWY..Iw.N TI[L1Iw-a T.. r ` ` - I" ,'.\ ` r 1111111 1 11+ \ +ua TwanA.M.' , \ - 1 Iai •\rl��!`: tg \:•:•: 11tt 11 - _ T.aA MC.v Ts miss mos awl.. GENERAL OjTi^^7�7+Tr•'-•O I \ :Qi(ii((i' IlfiiT'0 1.I H'y"si P. "oiai iE�� Jar.' �,MOR1I ll j..1:. . - 1 1, , 4 11 HN:1Tw sT A ARAM.A.Me wuu.TT CONn ACTOR:1 i �.\ r .rrin as WM wa ..1.u �tirr*rflr`^r ..\i: ,,��J :::; ,fir t}` r}!}rt� E /%;, ., 1..,.1.T _ ne r 1 ;•:\:\ %" %/ !I , •'1. \:... mum a 4r4 'fir^' raa.T-Nwo n 2 1 SRAM FOOTAx OF WILDING!WA APPAOMATE --• A'j 1 { '�: I 1 \\; I ' 011,:',{O 1 p ' \;N F:NT.R NA r 3.1 Au MIONI IS s2•.Nna ATE E4EPnr Of A ....._--_..i 31V '..I I`t ;r oi{{i'tt al{••[^IO' . .. -,CP -1.0.(!®ii,, r: ` c rTWH OWL/YE10,1 TO x RIMMED,. ..__.�__.._{ il: I I� I �,j_•-`•.1_ T:\\.L,/ .dI T. .a. . ..k C C AMER OF slam O x Wm r1[ aP SAS n09 1' ' I } ;2� IDIII'i"..Yr�!:'r'D ,• N _I 1 Glili111iBlirililTO' \\ E.eFPTlar ASIaM TOM MALL mi r _ �'. STEMMA •i1__Y7ILT I;.r;�aAiH •�'�., II 71 " 4 _,',•: A `� :I Wi�(I �- g L I) COOPER AND StLBHINS. L.P. 1 \,,•"1JI.iE9W ,1 -'T � . \JT l,.II{I � 414 �q",sOTNT� .. .., w _,k a:'. ra• 11 A F Y II " PMW• 'r�,/ t�l.__.-�__. .\\ a Hon Tao o rr n • u :IT 1.ELOC.T J 1 s S 1 - ��iJru TAV� ,-.,F,,,,'± I a kw \ \�� .". `1\•�.,[Lnl�•.\ ' • .n. ...IOW _RESTWOOD OFFICE PAN. I.1 .. E I 1 ., r. ``�,\\:••'. Ak _.. , • `.T -_ ..- MN l� •• . :,.. < �. IT.A..a •r'..An.. ._ :�,a �-'� T ��_Ilail'Y^F A •- .r. "��y .� w ?4..: EryEE�,/.�1E,L1 APR {r.-/� (%� r/111�' ..M-srla0 __ rr' - -_ al.n TYrVY Fl\ TL N�LVOO Y.I..ra x'i T. '' T REVISED SITE PLAN :ow*su --1 ' T~ - '� PHASE 1 - STAGE 2 arlli:iN,iaA1IH •_�y •ao!.V..., sy/`• _g a R H wa:E To SC INSTALLED ..A MOE OS 'o ff INDEX MAP wl ..t lira' N r,H,..r 4'A P ITO'�"" SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE 3,3 _04.0;. an MT4 • �LYY 4.uSSE1N1.OINI 1ENTIAI 1Ha w .,ow. �.uo a.IA'i`Tom+ailoow pi,i�N .a.MM. :O IAA A 42.013 ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THE NEVIIEO nRICHARD EARS SURVEY. ASST. NO EB1 SITE PLAN 4,i32' �'`, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Dux NAP ll le COUNTY, TEXAS .M OE CASE 1n. ECAAL 1•,100• 1 Yr 2 filla ital") . , • . . . •• . . . . i..-FFER solo sLe•Aav CHART ••••EAR.ROES , . I 1 .t.siseEt c PAPAW.SR.,.RE AsPRALT pArtn0 2/ENIS., • I-i ri SOUP-IL AKE • Tt1:111 SUUAFIE ,,,...s sc5,... ca.C.GOITER ARO Au SIOCuALES SR.,-GE Caricieff. n , •,.. 1 - - - - - .... - _ 2.1 INAPSIER PCLOSPE SAk4.at CATER PATO HArE•PIRO.. ' SOuTRLARE. 13 ,Er • 2....AAR,MALL SIRIL.TO TIE PAIRAav STRucTuRE. . ....1. . -. • - - I:,,,,,.,,,, I I • . 1 • I k14\0 . • •0 AMMO Pts1 P u 0 II 1 . ::1.-:t.:0,IIKLIONS..ARE.,113 .1 0 CLIENT: . i --: I' 1 .1 1 El , • li I 1 II"--- , *-4,3,, , ,..•,,i \ I I 01 F•p••12,2/Neo, , • .. .....•..,•••• • 1..., ;p...,1...._: • . .. • 1 i/ i 'i ..- I,-0 "...s. ..'.7..).2' .-.. , SIETIRAES TORN SWAIM a•ai - 7"....______,I__'' _A_,... sr maser Inert 51± • ARCHITECT OF iI.or 44.44 Kri. MAP .ECOPO: -- - . \\, r"'..7:\I& P41 \\\\\11 \Kk r. I 0 \--c5 -...„ ( --EAST , SITE LIGHTING SYMBOL LEGEND / I I I ,1 L.., I • ILO ,-II On I • - •I I • ,, OECORAME STRUT stature-LANA NA(• . ' 0 OESIGN ‘a'-6-HEIERT , IIII1 1 I _ I I - . 0.\xt,• ,,,,.., RAMIRO LOT?IMRE-Law 1201 0 ARCHITECT: .,.. ,......, ...1144,4.11.4.,I1•.7. ( 9, oililti .lifilililb oii'i I 111 H i: , ----/-16 , , I,. 1,,,. •:„ ,,,, , ___. •... ,SIMILE LAM FIXTURE 1 30,0-HENRI s s 11 '111101# --. '' • ...... .., Amain.LOI FLAPS/•Loop'TOE 0 00o I 1 111111 NU - - , ..R.14'. • 1111.00 , to 4. 3,, ...• I mai LOP FIXTURE 1 304'WIGHT STRUCTURAL &\ 11. .);' tr 14.46.54. iiii. 111 : ENGINEER: ELECTRIC TAAREFERNISI ltia fill it, a _.. ,.........., 114950.00' S. TA123.51. i .2-I\ lumpoilullimitai-r_-_-iiiraiiiPla Eiiie.iiiiiin. .10. L•2•15 54' 111.1111M, I 1. et. 1 1111111hri0E_ATI", .. .‘.. ,z. ___... ...,,,,_ .,•11 - , ENGINEER: WiTISIrit , • .. uls j....mr.,"__ . ''• 1 • MIMI fel k MI „ ENISTIRS ANEW •Is 411.133.3.0 CA053 AREA. 244E63 S./ /5 82,1 AC. • .11 • I \ IS 11.11111.1111111111i 41 laiiiimilitingumillimvatfR' -4•ka, TRAFFIC • nine, " . 1ill I 1111111411=1.1g0101641, - 30•11-'---)iiiiiii- E111 • " r ,I I• • -L-.-.e. 'f:II-Ir C-Alko. . . . N -......11:r E•OP01110 SAC AREA SITS COURAGE • ' WEIER OF MANS ELME S.F. . ENGINEERING: .0...r..4..(44••alK611./..144 or...'.411:;;X!,er.. , ._..1 , 1 \ I ;-T-; -awr i or IIIMOIT41111 1 i--,,:„.,„': .,•..-1 s- .1P-IE "...>" .,,r.-.,,,....r..ao,N.r.r.'4107110'IbM"1 If i J 4. 1 • : a 14441111014 SLOG P11861.1 F"-F'.1.--C- 444.4 Of OPER SPACE RIF 11.004 OPER SPACE INSICEINACEE L. LI.TEO SS PERVIOuS MD. II.is PErrilauS AAEA '.*. ...t., ',S 1 . m/E/P =, .\ \ • • CLL i- PE"WMID01.1111E0 PAINIUMIX" ••- Pfarti1E0 pASIRMIONSITE1 11"6.1.14.L22, l'ESILIT 30°.1•4.."‘ TSS aa. 313 \ 4‘fir'47.07,00041 ••••irlaIa•-•••• X!VOX.00.X '1:12' V Ol 34 XX Iss.213. \ .,. r/7 i/At I.! n . • , ! I : ,- .1 i,. suerT0E13 PAMIRS=aiREETI 32 FECUISES LOADING SPACE 0 ' FIRE PROTECTION plyst0E0 LOADING SPAcE i 4 -,c9E, I . r,,,- 21' Tir ' ••Cre. ENGINEERING: \ ' t\ :pie,:, i i_r_i_. _.r •,__.4 --1 s'-',....-1._ _I : ' 1.1. 0... S• .1' 3• . 1 1 OR STREET POND*MAME SPAUS 0.1 AWACErd SIRE •...,.41.101 I.31X14M.11C• ....IV .0081,41,..4•4 V ..3 4-ip ,,i • [ . . Of WOW pet 2 1 SHAW PAIVIDO II MORO NO FELT of EA. .... 7r , or",- .1 •f. 1 1 1 • 1 4 .= ,• • • 111.11111{1S AS REFINED 1111.011 MI NI PUO. GENERAL ,t,e,p1;r 1 . 0 CONTRACTOR: 'Ill,A 3.1 Ile OPIUM RESERVIS THE PEW TO IMITALL 5 5/ 2- ' lExISTINGI CONPACT CM SPACES IN ACCONIAnce AI/.ON Pla PLO. 1 II I , a, ! : . i 2 STORY Ati . IAN. , : 2 t 1 z,zrlig, 56.672 Sa.f t. ic,/,.. ,,• Li At.1.FUN*MAILMEN ARE SUOJECI la ROMEO il TEFL.•PPROM. ' 1.6 4/X4 .4..I, . . 1 IA ...:,20o.Sa.pf.t,...,., I I I • I I ' ' . 4411 / / E.7.* • ..- 'irrifiEn ' ......,;:.-.6,. .. .3 i•04) 4.7 -...:9--"' 4." e '1,4,4CLE7Ipt'.CA•44'‘' ''' n . I\II.Seel A. •.••• . -... AA,VI. XIV 3 X I . h •i i 11\ItIll:: 1 1, \\ . / 1 ' 1 riq J : . . - . r-i ..- ....:„•IIECD APR 24 ZQUI)- 61S.MO as me-••••••• I axe ma.• REVISED SITE PLAN PHASE 1 -STAGE 2 BLOCS 2 ,•••••4 , ........ ..... SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE ........ it33..1114 ...... :•••• A 42.013 ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THE RE1ISE0 . RICHARD SALM SURVEY: ASST. NO,481 sITE ALAN . .. - - • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BLOCK 2 , TARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS .44•••4s. . CASE NO. . . 2 OF 2 . . . . , in tool) . - • • I SOUTHLAKE TOWN SOUARE II SCIJINLAPPI. IF 0 Ii . ,mui En CLIENT: ...1•a UMW '.. . .....L......... ., ..rr411!, li A• AsmoissrAmir----. . - • ••'1/1 I ' ..... . , •• .. t. liKairkigE.' irielink...---iar '-•-‘ i.. 7141111MiiiLi.:IL ' • ABLOBAILVALHEIEL I ARCHITECT OF I Aipt I I . adtv-... KEY MAP i RECORD: :t:"* 1 I Millt1;:Illaf ',--41Sri'""-Y.ARUs '\\NIt.VagiltatINII.' 8 * • i l millowlearaninsminalaivairsa-p=..,-aiwaiamiiliw ---40- -. _ - ,,,, \\ ... ta ..... EV' "V .4,"?Z.;•;;,-.;:-•,7147•,716';Vilirt.';.•117,,t IT c.:.n'T-7,,7:759R.77:,....' ,,,.....„..,4;;.-1. iv i I -,..li-i't;;;I,g.44/L.'-:.. ' ' ..--„ .,... 4.,,.. .' 7- '1-;'..t-lt,'--?'-'-'-'. '.:-.4—',...',-..,.. '. . r' \. . ..",... + FINE PitORPFIT DESIGN ARCHITECT: „i,a..,..". ,''' ', ' ..,i.. .,,- ''` , '',..' '?'-'-.. ,, ,,...: 7.--. ,,',,, ,'t 7.' ':,, * ' '..• ''' 1...111• 1../.1/ ...•:!---,--,i.,-,J,, . •, r 4 .-..,;.;.'-:-,-,-,,-,,i,,,r,ii• fi.. 7•,,,,,,,,,„-- .. ,-, „ , t, ,...-- ._ WWI WW1= ..11104.44 Waelitl•C ,'...''';' 4.a Ajtj.6.f 4/4,11'40:+4-17.0''''.`"4''dr-L-''Jr:,r.. -1 4..'4 .!..,:,.:!1 ,4..!.,er le;:,,,,,,, ., . ;,4,.`"‘,. • ,.- v,-.1„..‹. .. - - .......00.',4-- .. ....f ....,---- '..,. -------,.- a:. ,....,-..-t. _ .........,4a „•,..,,. •71,..F. .....,. a rourrones 1 1• 51.'irr,-)7*-14'''''l '' ' -'-.--. ''''- ' •'', '.."-- e-'1.,----', '' - ---,.. -- f.,,,,i, , VI * , :' : STRUCTuRAL 1 ENGINEER 014'8E54' ' 111,40ril riell'/ki Aillijiaii19,4011L';'11.i,'4.;--3.-jciiNrisva ,t,;) L -,,,,,.2,--,:-:.,-1--'$Iii,-• ,....,,, \ •-•**,. 11.950.00' i T.183.51' , i 1;i4 IditylAlr ON ili!rit 1 i i4'7•'''4'''..1.','F;":;:7" •:•':-E,4-: -• -L:4-s-,-- 1t4.,,br,._ \ L.245.64' . ....,..... • . ivy A,.'„,, r' ":".r7,,,,,-,t,-4'.2-1 ,.,--•••7.-7 ;,,,v-N-1,....,,,..N-,..to....fl, CIVIL I 1• '-, f ma,. ,-. LI--...-,..'','",.' --.----,------".—--,... - .',.:=,-;.—-7-- ',-i- , .\ ENGINEER •••-••••si4C10611.Me'. ..... 0..405 1 l'142,41721411"2"4"13F'4P Ji'''''';' :10 IlY7-1.1i:4411L1-i;t142/11hZt=06 - ' ............._ TRAFFIC i A.-2,:!!! leif:"CI 44 9..6,,,..-L....i.1%ISININNEESEEMEEM/E10.1* I,,'. ENGINEERING: \ 0 othei!Wii " ,h4i.alv..,,,ht,tv-.., ,,,immilv r • 1 ......) , „ , • .....ims.,... ..,1, -.-0,./, , 1 marl, i'114. t • vg , •,_ ,, I.. • . --___,...m.Titl ‘,.\,...1 i, Ilit \ a i vw-- , .:,... i• t PrINI t.',,(;',.., ''..--. - -,,,--1-i' !',;A ' A 1 I 1 I ;, 1 • i'l,ri l!•*.B I A 1 ENGINaft_ N L -,, //<.,./.,;:. , -.-' ' 1,11 lir / g f- i. \ ' r,/..:::::.:.,..i"• '-'•• 1,,,,,:pir iT,.,-- .,,• , • : . . ?...4, r r.Eur. aii".7. : (5.7‘'.....,:i.J. Ill l':.:.:-L1F Oa as R 1,, .4, : ••• ".....8.4 , . 1. 1. ‘.k• I,i. ,..•••• , , ,. 111 , 1 , . Ia._ •••.:_. . FIRE PROTECTION ,\ / p ,• •r F ELEY..48A.F51' ICI . - I '., .• No' '‘,-- ' A 1 14, ''' „ • I:I 1. it . : ' r--,—.-- . -.., ENGINEERING: - ...., ';';/'',:','"'''I. .';'7"il ' --7--- ---- p • . I. . . -13 28 ..... .. %V ,,'''.:;'/ :'(.11E/I. /.'""II .' ' I 1 1 , a 2, i I— ® i 1 GENERAL ..4...... -- •, w, -?';'•.,'';7,':::::;•,' .,,t/,', ,/,.. ';' 1 ii ' 1 ' .:1 .`, ' NI- 1111! Ill CONTRACTOR: DY /' :,'..',.,'• / '"/•t ',' g an .• .., • /'.''..',Y/./r-z• •:/. ' . T• .._ ,-1 " I . -1--- -4 „ / „ %ad. ,.,/,.„ ,,,..., ,„,:,.,. /,,, ,, ,411ii. 1 ra, 114_11.01114 I 1 p III /14 . I.F.111.1v. I.F.cur. Fr.ail:,. i1 ir , . 35.57 1 1 5 036.13 - ' ....,..-......EIP '' 1 1114A RECO APR 2 4 2000 I iit , , . -%• - 11,...'"- -:'..--_---_--...:.....4...,...,1..... ' ••,....4A4,„...ria.....71 --11 . *,;::.:. .• ..._,M,111111kCIE,AT..,..;.,1111.1,%AI Off...31 E 61,2,.„. \s? • ',F il/s... 111=111110107110.111111.0 4' . . ..• i t.' .1 5 1.• , `-"/ ' •.00 ' r " ii, --__ „ .,--,.\..--- ,, _ ....., , ,.. .. % .1 ' 1 c....z .p..F .7 cm moms pan ' •' 1. 'F 1 II.. 1. 1 \ I I I 11 • : . 111 ; • • • , ' I I 1 . 4 r — .144 01.124, Ia.n.MO••MV111111 \ , .MA OM tei GRADING 6 UTILITY PLAN PHASE I-STAGE 2 BLOCK 2 . C.c... ••• SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE A 42.013 ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THE '.."ORA— ( 4o RICHARD LAOS SURVEY. ASST. NO 481 UTILITY PLAN CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 01001 2 ' TARRANT COUNTY. 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NO 481 SLICK 2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS +.,•. . CASE ND. i 1 OF 1 el) fill flit" . . t { I II II II II waxes----,.->;. (-6)e�-__-._ (C) ... _r,9 (A) (�} ( aremx"_ Y wool-- , T 1 a1- - _____ z _ _ Thi. C ,ial,iiit i Sio,- w�l■IrI � w�M LA J =1 = � Yx, ::, 5 wnew BECK °4 41f 1110/,0 .._. ---Mrark rwtw.atlor-- "-- [04-[NORTH EL.EVATI�I _ 1/8"4-0' maws--I exannia --- „35e=z3_______ _ . — ..---_,,A, —_i ___ --—-----i—-—g ——0 I Ii kt I I i Aft' k (D) ) (B) (AO I031 ROOK PLAN AT NORTH ELEVATION 1/ral'411 - ( r�ama�a_— aaowu_— } (8) MIMI& (C) aamc- ) ,130.0. 1i" 7crar .._._ T - ""i i anyili i i ._...,...z...„ .is _..Y._ .._ II +aaa! star '..V ':':'..''.-'' int MIN 1.111111 — 118=1'•0' ' - _aim � 162-ISOM ELEVATION _ - 0NAlME I I I I BOWS MIX* = t i —_ ..__ _._� _ ..P.. ICU APR 2 4 2000 NORTH 2 Woe 01 FLOOR PLAN AT SOUTH ELEVATION MUM xrl 0A077.o0 1 of 7 "" 1 ;__-- N----*- I rT 1 1 t I t t , ! . R Its") (00% ry 1 1 1 1 t 1 11 1 ` ow- i 1 J -__ 1) I I T _ - \wwrrr �l aw rr�t i �7 ETA — C�tlasIP \ ti( :_:� I—�7 C_..__. I i mil MIVOINI MIMI MO .-.._ ..._....—��_._-__. .. _..—..._ _..—.__...� # rie7ttiRiR— __, 1041-WESTELEVATIOP1armatome 1 1 .__ lfir.1'tr' Nam _-_ { l0 •_Ta--- __-_ __-- —em — -- - ;Ow ,. rr= w__ r —_ AIM re 1 I I r 1 1 1 /1__.__.....-.._....ate.__ 3_._._.__ _xt — A..__...._.._..—..,____-.__l!,T-_._.,..____..- 1 t 1} _._3) (3) t 4) ) • -_ 103IFLOOR PLAN AT WEST ELEVATION il8'.1-0`) aeuawa- rims— VOIM011.-^--- t ) (3) O ) r T T s— fl�q,- as a1051"1 wr ,w^,.' wt �rrw.aa. OM i(II IL�Ifill,li x ' imi urn ---__- 1 -_, Illliliillt�lillf .... (1 � x .era■ 02(EASTELEVATtON^ — -- _kg•' ::.' ... ;„.,' ',-1,:-C; �_ _ roil-6 118'61'0' I 1 ( 1 1uniumnimmumeme 1 1 r eTw R 7 . > II _ ONIMIN __ _ ammo 2A (It � IN .._.______.__ {j} ET APR 24 Z000 2 fFE 0A PLAN AT EAST ELEVATION it8.1'-0' ED 'AIM Viltr- s®onao 2OFx --- 1 r r 1 1 1 1 1 I o City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM (111,' June 2, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Chris Carpenter, Senior Comprehensive Planner SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 780, 2nd Reading, Amendment to the currently adopted Master Thoroughfare Plan, regarding the extension of Nolan Drive from Crooked Lane to State Highway 114 Action Requested: To amend the currently adopted (3/4/97) Master Thoroughfare Plan (MTP) to incorporate the addition of an arterial-level right-of-way in the vicinity of the Gateway Ph. II and Easter Plaza developments between S.H. 114 to the north and Crooked Lane to the south, as shown in "Exhibit A" attached to the ordinance. Please note: This request remains unchanged from the first reading of the ordinance. Background Information: As you may know, the text of the MTP notes that the thoroughfares represented in the plan show only existing roadway networks, with the note that the city may need future rights-of-way at various points between (liof existing roadways where no thoroughfare currently exists on the MTP if development conditions warrant it. In this case, the city would prefer to address the need for potential new rights-of-way in undeveloped areas by actually amending the MTP to show a new thoroughfare. Amending the MTP to show a potential thoroughfare accomplishes at least two important objectives: (1) It serves as an advanced notice to both property owners and potential developers that there is a need to accommodate a new thoroughfare in their plans prior to the development of the property, and (2) it serves as an advanced notice to surrounding property owners and others of possible changes to circulation patterns in the subject area. Financial Considerations: There are no current financial issues to consider with this amendment. However, the right-of-way necessary for this roadway could be required to be dedicated at no cost to the city based on its inclusion in the MTP. Citizen Input/ Board Review: • Several neighborhood/developer meetings have been held to discuss this roadway extension and have been favorably received. • A city-wide SPIN meeting was held in the Johnson Elementary (kw auditorium on April 12, 2000, to discuss the Costco project as well as this roadway issue. N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\MTP-96\NOLEN DRIVE AMENDMENT CC2.DOC '71 - • Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of this item (5-0) on May 4, 2000, with the recommendation that the R.O.W. be an A5U (84') section through Gateway Plaza Ph. II and an A4U (70') section through Easter Plaza; recommending that Easter Plaza accommodate additional turn lanes at F.M. 1709 if directed by staff; and recommending staff consider bringing forth the R.O.W. abandonment and possible cul-de-sac reconfiguration of Crooked Lane at some point in the future to alleviate traffic hazard issues. • City Council approved this item on First Reading on consent (7-0) per the recommendation of the P&Z. Legal Review: The City Attorneys have been forwarded a copy of this memo and ordinance. This item has been placed on your agenda in fulfillment of both the City Charter and Local Government Code requirements that state all master plans adoptions or amendments must move forward to the governing body (City Council) upon a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission. Alternatives: The alternative to amending the Master Thoroughfare Plan to show this street is to not amend the plan, with future development conditions dictating the need and location for access in the area on an individual basis. Supporting Documents: • Ordinance No. 780, Amending the Master Thoroughfare Plan • Exhibit"A"—Proposed General Location of Amendment • Copy of the approved Village Center East Circulation Study graphic depicting the need for a roadway in the subject area • Text from the MTP describing typical characteristics of arterials and collectors • Copies of the preliminary plats for the developments in the area Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the MTP amendment for future right-of- way acquisition purposes as shown in Exhibit "A," or with any modifications to location and lane configuration as seen fit by Council. Please place this item on the agenda for the regular City Council meeting of June 6, 2000, and please do not hesitate to call me at Ext. 866 with any questions concerning this matter. CLC Approved for Submittal to City Council: LP. City Manager's er's Office N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\MTP-96\NOLEN DRIVE AMENDMENT CC2.DOC / -C"- ORDINANCE NO. 780 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE ADOPTED MASTER THOROUGHFARE PLAN; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, Section 11.06 of the Southlake City Charter provides for the adoption and updating of a Comprehensive Master Plan and its components, including the Master Thoroughfare Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has forwarded a recommendation for an amendment to the Master Thoroughfare Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 Pursuant to Section 11.06 of the Southlake City Charter, the Comprehensive Master Plan, of which the Master Thoroughfare Plan is a component, may be submitted in whole or in part from time to time to the Council for their adoption, accompanied by a recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and shall contain a planning consideration for a period of at N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\M�TP-96\NOLEN DRIVE AMENDMENT CC2.DOC ' =J least ten (10) years. The proposed amendment to the Master Thoroughfare Plan, noted by graphical depiction in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, is hereby approved. SECTION 2 The different elements of the Comprehensive Master Plan, as adopted and amended by the City Council from time to time, shall be kept on file in the office of the City Secretary of the City of Southlake, along with a copy of the minute order of the Council so adopting or approving same. Any existing element of the Comprehensive Master Plan which has been heretofore adopted by the City Council shall remain in full force and effect until amended by the City Council as provided herein. SECTION 3 This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 4 It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 5 N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\MTP-96\NOLEN DRIVE AMENDMENT CC2.DOC This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as Le required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS 16th DAY OF MAY, 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS 6th DAY OF JUNE, 2000. MAYOR kiro ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney Date: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: L, N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\MTP-96\NOLEN DRIVE AMENDMENT CC2.DOC Exhibit A - Potential Nolen Drive Alignment (Per recommendation of P&Z) _____ i,—______ [_ ateway `---,_ t ---_.__ Ph. II - Sy 114 -- -----_ _ _ F.M. 17°9 644110, 7-- 11 _...i._ A U- Five lane undivided section with : R.• W. ,...1_,,_,_ li ......\ c-- --\\ A4U-(Four lane,undivided section wth 70'R OM.)-�-�-�-I �� 0 _ — Easter ��"� iw) › -- II Plaza ro 1 E U S g \\--). A E Ql \ ill r_____r W k-.°by ct il N _—I ,-- I A __._.__ \J 7 • 2000 0 2000 Feet w --;,r E • j timmimmisimmilmommou jimiumimmaimin 7.i......J.---es 1 - - - -=t �Y Approximate omits of 1 • i1 new S.H. 114 R.O.W. 1 ____________)( • r EAST A _ J / Approximate areas of J [.11J/ controlled access i`\ —Ai " 1 1 Is LEGEND �� �_ _•___ ( Potenlial collector from r__ Vogel Mob it lam-�a�.� }�� ry N.W. Hwy to Commerce 1 ill Potential collector roadway 1 -• - - systems �.. - rIg 1 .-_,_ ■ME■gm■Isl�atrnNMII OM II ( t. WO% cam of Potential Internal common drive �� suskl - 1 iron i�irr w . I. I�l1t♦�00�0 0��0t101��1 Wetzel I 11 :a - 1 1 _-- I AmeAw (S.H. 114controlledacaA��" /iim.:�-- 1 fS 1 �_ : Tobmaflico -4 4%444 L ---- CaWry --- IF 1 1--- 1'- , .,� Tate f co' Bank Plaza/ r 1 Eatan Lee1 Leighton— I Martell I t 1 AA I Tale ^oupc01( 0• Perry2 �� ���� ���• 1 �s r* �t� ——� \` �410 >s Darn WS. p 2---- t 0655 t.'PT*m [Park �O Milli - Woodside I C.Smith] \ Vales A Brutal J m wow Shankin I` � \ al I. . � .' I Potential collector tie to IIIIIIIIIL '� ;� Austin Place 1 �MIIkIM� 1 \ I _i r 1\` -F- \ \1 -E- 1 1 Potential internal I _ 1 1 \\ 1 Crooked Lane n common drive I :_---- m a \ irsejii - - -- --- r • / — - whas1 %../* &mg lir' PY. - v r-- 1 V1 al c 5 ♦,t White J •71 I Potential collector 1 i 1 r ��- I alignment I t• 1 cO___S_______ 1 1 Recommended Alignments-Approved by City Council 4/7/98 1 Basic Roadway Classification L Types of Facilities A. FederallState/County Facilities Freeways Sr. Principal Arterials SH 114 Freeway SH 114 Freeway Frontage Roads FM 1709 FM 1938 B. City Facilities Arterials - Divided & Undivided Collectors (kw Local Streets Commercial/Industrial Residential Street or Cul-de-Sac Not classified are urban expressways, access streets, park roads or other types of roadways that tend to be individually unique and should be treated individually. L 77- ' Roadway Classification Definition - Discussion L Classification: Principal Arterials & Arterials - Divided & Undivided Function: Serves regional and major traffic generators and specialized land uses. Trip Length: Long - one to five miles System Continuity: Connects to freeways, other arterials, major and minor collectors. Land Use Interaction: Should not penetrate neighborhoods. Direct access to adjacent land strictly controlled. Access Management: Partially, but strictly controlled. Access spacing and design controls should be used to insure traffic flow and safety. Intersection Treatment: At grade intersections with separate turning lanes. Traffic carrying capability should not be limited by overly-frequent spacing of traffic signals and intersection access. Median Treatment: Left-turn lanes or bays in medians Comments: The intersection of two regional arterials may require grade separation to accommodate high traffic volumes. L 10 Roadway Classification Definition - Discussion 46. Classification: Collector Function: Serves local areas, minor traffic generators and neighborhoods. Forms connection with adjacent suburban areas. Trip Length: Generally under one mile System Continuity: Connects to freeways, arterials, and other collectors. May extend across arterials. Land Use Interaction: Penetrates neighborhoods Access Management: Limited regulation. Design controls should be used to ensure safety. Can provide direct access to nonresidential land uses. Intersection Treatment: At-grade Median Treatment: None. Right-of-way and street section should be widened at major intersections to allow for left-turn lanes with storage and deceleration lanes with free right-turn lanes. 11 -71, -10 o M m too aoe soo / r. 43414.x M r». r 1 LEGAL�`SCRIPTION n w:M.r..r ».w w.IIMYNA 1.3 or r1 R.4Oste MO• faN[iR N9K�r.r a wr ..ter »i�rr ariw..+.:.r ria„a�.i wi.»« r.a...w.a'tr:�As ialww.T. u.wa.M• '01 a, m7 i.wr..i�wrrrmrwr....ea.•. T....rrw ..w• r•.w....•....w..TwwwNNWb f•Ito' y, +.,ry .. L r.wr•rrw.TaaT w.•wtNa.rwr r�.wrr.+r.wrr.rM�.. wr•...:.I'�...^ ) .�..'1'�rw. ... W.rr ��, rawer...•T Y....r�..L.w-+i+..f w. s»wr ww.0.rrr r�.:.arM«`�..`.i` .r.�.•""»r TY BIT! MI"'"""'.."=.M`r.. ..Y....r.w uw`�r•L:n:"+"i.r=r�r,r....ri.•r...0 _....••rr•.•r•M.0.0.A...r»... a r TM/r r.•..•... NINON Me••w... a.w»rw•rr•r.MT •t.r M•TO•..w.rr.rn.w.....[r Y..r..r r 16144 MA»•4.1... 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PRS11Y7NART PUT OP �.I �; Mr �> •••• 0.16 GATEWAY P�LLAZA PHASE II BLOLOCATION NAP ��o°` BLOCK �/t 2 REED MAR 13 2000 tII rlrcl iaictii MINAS 087p1 wow AMAMI'NO CAP r.IRlraAN roar,►.AIr7RAC7 Si era EMI M SOUMIANL MOUNT min OTOS ARPMRI al Mr PANNING A Same CONNISSIW a LOTS I.'a OTT CAST NO. mom NAMN E.MOO CM AWR ..,..NEVER M.O. CM strum. IYMMGN MIPIItI 1.LTR MISIMI S.~M°M.AC N.L. /moron.=M.NV /We Or GIIMIT_.SLIM PA. n AR mom nom Mrr•a.., Mr I wAfin pro)••..irwir Non !6,...L 6 City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT June 2, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 99-078 PROJECT: Ordinance No. 480-338-First Reading-Rezoning and Revised Site Plan—Carroll High School STAFF CONTACT: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning on property legally described as Lot 1,Block 1,Carroll High School Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1460, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; and Tracts 1 A and 1 A 1 situated in the R. J. Paden Survey, Abstract No. 1255, and being approximately 56.100 acres. A Revised Site Plan for Carroll High School will be considered with this request. PURPOSE: Site Plan required prior to the issuance of a building permit for the Natatorium and classroom additions and storage buildings proposed at Carroll High School. LOCATION: On the southeast corner of the intersection of West Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) and South Peytonville Avenue. OWNER: Carroll I.S.D. APPLICANT: Cheatham& Associates CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District and "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District. REQUESTED ZONING: "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District with "CS" Community Service District uses LAND USE CATEGORY: Public/Semi-Public and Medium Density Residential NO. NOTICES SENT: Fifty-two (52) RESPONSES: Eleven(11)responses were received from within the 200' notification area: • Anthony Bologna, 100 Waterford Drive, Southlake, TX, opposed, "As property owners, we have serious concerns related to this project; we are opposed to the fact of not strictly complying with the articulation ordinance. We are opposed that the building is taller than allowed by the ordinance. We are opposed to the building being moved 40 ft. to clear the height requirements." �A-I City of Southlake, Texas (Received May 10, 2000.) • David and Sandra Nuese, 102 Waterford Drive, Southlake, TX, opposed, "The proposed Natatorium does not comply with the articulation ordinance, along with several other concerns stated in the cover letter." See attached letter. (Received May 11, 2000.) • Mary Ann and William Harless, 106 Waterford Drive, Southlake, TX opposed, "The building is taller than allowed by ordinance. The building being moved 40' to clear height requirements." (Received May 12, 2000.) • Mahmood Rabbani, 104 Waterford Drive, Southlake, TX opposed, "1. As property owners, we have serious concerns about this project. We are opposed to the fact that it is not complying strictly with the articulated ordinance. 2. We are opposed to the fact that the building is taller than allowed by ordinance. 3. We are opposed to the building being moved 40 ft. to clear the height requirements." (Received May 15, 2000.) • Rev. Michael B. Beaugh, Southlake Boulevard Presbyterian Church, PO Box 93164, Southlake, TX in favor. (Received May 15, 2000.) • David Howell, 1408 Park Place, Southlake, TX, opposed. See attached letter. (Received May 16, 2000.) • Robert E. Finn Jr., 1404 Cambridge Crossing, Southlake, TX opposed. See attached letter. (Received May 16, 2000.) • Craig and Kathy Rodgers, 108Waterford Drive, Southlake, TX opposed, "I would like to see the building moved closer to the school and away from the homes. I would also like to see the turn around moved away from the homes(make it a bull nose turn around.) I would also like to see more landscaping between the building & the homes." (Received May 17, 2000.) • Karen Nyhoff, 1404 Mayfair Place, Southlake, TX, opposed, "Please do not remove the trees that are along the homeowner fenceline! We feel the building is too tall and too close to homes. We are concerned with the parking lot turn around area being behind our home. We do not wish to have our yard illuminated any more than it already is by the tennis courts." (Received May 17, 2000.) • Kelly and Jack Kapich, 1402 Mayfair Place, Southlake, TX opposed, "1. Because the building is taller than allowed by ordinance. 2. Opposed to the building being moved 40ft. to clear height requirements. 3. Does not strictly comply with articulation ordinance." (Received May 17, 2000.) • Daniel and Susan George, 1406 Mayfair Place, Southlake, TX opposed, "We are opposed to the fact that the building is taller than allowed by ordinance. We are opposed to the building being City of Southlake, Texas moved 40 ft. to clear the height requirements." (Received May 17, 2000.) One(1)response was received from outside the 200' notification area: • David W. Anderson, 107 Waterford Drive, Southlake, TX opposed, "Zoning is established to create some uniformity, protect the environment, and to preserve property values. This eyesore accomplishes none of these." (Received May 12, 2000.) A petition written by Charles and Vaunda Whitacre, with 26 signatures, was received on May 18, 2000. See attached petition. A petition, in opposition,with 49 signatures was received on May 18, 2000. See attached petition. P&Z ACTION: May 18, 2000; Approved(5-1) subject to Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated May 12, 2000, and subject to the following: • Regarding Item #1 (interior landscaping and bufferyards): The following items are referencing the Landscape Comments Review No. 4, dated May 11, 2000: removing the berms listed as the second #3; regarding #4, not requiring there to be all Mondell Pines and instructing the applicant to work with the Landscape Administrator to determine what canopy trees and accent trees would be most appropriate for the south and east areas; regarding #5, the applicant is to mitigate as required the 2,250 inches and with respect to the placement, diameter, and number of trees defer to the decisions made by the Joint Utilization Committee; regarding#6 (previous Site Plan approval) (the Is`bulleted item) with respect to the trees to be placed along Peytonville Avenue the applicant is to install the remaining trees and shrubs that have not been installed and replace those that are demolished or dead; (the 2"d bulleted item) referring back to the item regarding Mondell Pines; (the 3.d bulleted item) requiring the applicant to do as the Landscape Administrator suggests and place all plantings on the west side of the channel; removing the 4th bulleted item(berm); (the Sth bulleted item) applicant should note at the time of final inspection for final Certificate of Occupancy all required plant materials will be required to be installed as was approved; (the 6th bulleted item) applicant should meet the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance; regarding Item #7 (high school site landscaping) requiring the applicant to provide an Interior Landscape and Bufferyards Summary Chart as required by the Zoning Ordinance and Landscape Ordinance and shall comply with the Interior Landscape and Bufferyard Summary Chart that is attached to the Landscape Comments; and regarding Item #8 (Natatorium Site Landscaping) requiring the B�-3 ri City of Southlake, Texas applicant to remove the undesirable trees and replant quality trees in their place noting that the undesirable trees consist of China Berry and Mulberry; • allowing no variance on Item #2 and keeping the height of the building at 35'; • regarding Item#3 (screening device) if the residential properties on the east and south sides already have fencing, the school district shall maintain those fences and if there is no fencing, the school district shall complete the fencing at 6' or 8' in height, whichever the resident wants; • deleting Item#4.a(articulation); • allowing no variance on Item#4.b (4:1 slope) and instructing the applicant to move the building as far west as possible,a minimum of 20', and requiring the applicant to explain to City Council why they absolutely cannot move it any further west; • regarding Item#5 (lighting) requiring the lighting on the east and south sides of the Natatorium building to be nothing but sconces with the lights pointed to the ground and allowing one sconce on either side of each door with a total of six on the east side and two on the south side; • allowing frosted glass on the windows on the east side of the Natatorium; • regarding the accessory buildings, requiring the buildings along the south property line to be moved as far north as possible and the buildings along the east property line to be moved as far west as possible and asking the applicant to completely reassess what it is they need regarding accessory buildings and come back with the absolute minimum(if four are not needed,then do not put in four); approving 30' X 60' and moving each of them a minimum of 50';requiring that any lighting on the accessory buildings to be sconces with the lights pointed downward and to the interior of the site; • requiring applicant to include all uses on any future Site Plans; • approving the hammerhead turnaround shown on the exhibit tonight and putting the emergency access gate 170' from the east residential properties; • asking applicant to consider moving the Natatorium to the parking area shown in Phase 5 and to explain to City Council why that is not a better site and why it would not work; • and requiring compliance with the Lighting Ordinance. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is the Site Plan Review Summary No. 5,dated June 2,2000. City of Southlake, Texas A super-majority (6 out of 7) vote of the City Council will be required for approval of this item due to the opposition within 200' exceeding 20% of the total land area. N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\MEMO\99CASES\99-078ZSP.DOC B A-5 May 10, 2000 Cir Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100 Southlake, Texas 76092 RE: Planning and Zoning Reference No. ZA 99-078 Dear Commissioners: We are the owners of a property directly east of the Carroll High School, adjacent to the proposed location of the Carroll ISD Natatorium. We are opposed to the requested variances to the zoning ordinances, particularly the articulation ordinance. The following is an initial list of concerns, which in no way should be construed to limiting our list of concerns or potential legal actions regarding the proposed structure: 1. Impact on our property value 2. Size and height of the Natatorium 3. Landscaping or other plans to screen the Natatorium from our property 4. Plans for proper water drainage L, 5. Lighting plans 6. Facility open/closed hours 7. Alternatives considered for building site and size 8. Construction schedule 9. Noise level during construction and during operation of the facility We are confident that the Commission will continue Southlake's tradition of respecting homeowner's concerns. Thank you for this opportunity to voice our concerns. We also request direct notification of all further correspondence regarding this request. Sincerely, David & Sandra Nuese Owners, 102 Waterford Drive Lot 2, Block 7 of Stone Lakes C: Robert Walker, SPIN Representative 16 Ted Gillum, CISD John Craft, CISD Mark Daniels, TPM RECD MAY �. 12000 Lori Farwell From: Ken Baker ent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 1:30 PM 'o: Lori Farwell Subject: FW: Plat Revision Request-Carroll High School Addition Importance: High Below is a letter I received concerning the Carroll High School project. --Original Message— From: Howell,David[SMTP:David.Howell@FMR.COM] Sent: Tuesday,May 16,2000 10:39 AM To: 'kbaker@cityofsouthlake.com' Cc: 'jinxhowell@aol.com' Subject: Plat Revision Request-Carroll High School Addition Importance: High Hello Ken: Here is a summary of our discussion: I am OPPOSED TO the Revision Request. Specifically and exclusively to the Accessory Building that backs up to the south property line behind Park Place street residences. I am purchasing a home on Lot 27 1408 Park Place which backs up to the south property line. I strongly feel that the Accessory building could be placed on another part of CISD Property that would be less visible to Park Place residences. Preferably to the North and East directly between the Softball Field and Baseball field. Already, there Ca mature tree line along the east property line. Either way, additional monies should be spent toward landscaping trees along the southern property line. Given the total budget for the planned expenditures, allowances for more trees and larger trees would be minimal and is the right thing to do for CISD neighbors to the south. In addition, the initial proposed berm should be reconsidered (allowing for potential flooding problems)to elevate the tree line. My opinion is that Park Place residences would benefit from greater privacy rather than less. Thank you, David Howell Phone: 972-584-7750 Email: David.Howell@FMR.Com Pager: DavidHowell@BjllsouthlPS.Com RECD MAY 1 Z000 1 $11.7 err May 15,2000 Planning&Zoning Commission City of Southlake,Texas Reference number:ZA 99-078 I am opposed to the request for the following reasons: When the project to install the Softball Field and Activity Center was presented to the residents located on Park Place and Cambridge Crossing we were assured that the project included adequate landscaping so as to obstruct the unpleasant view inherent with these types of structures.While researching the most recent rezoning request,ZA 99-078,we discovered that the promised landscaping has been removed from the site plan per city instructions.The proposed 12 foot high and 95 foot long building will be in clear view of properties located along Park Place and Cambridge Crossing.If the rezoning is allowed to pass my family as well as others will be forced to endure further aesthetic unpleasantness. The only acceptable solutions are to insist that the promised landscaping behind our property be installed, or relocate the proposed building to another area on the school property that is non intrusive to the residents along Park Place and Cambridge Crossing. I respectively request that the rezoning request be denied,and that the Planning and Zoning Commission conduct further inquires regarding the recent elimination of previously approved landscaping that was to be located along the East and South fence line of the Carroll High School property. Yours truly, /-)64 Robert E.Finn Jr. 1404 Cambridge Crossing Southlake Texas 76092 Phone: 817-421-6275 • RECVMAY 7 May-1B-b0 09: 16A p.O2 1 ,1 May 8, 1999 ; ._____.___...__ ._.. OFFICE CF CITY SECRETARY Dr. Ted Gillum, Superintendent Carroll Independent School District 1201 N. Carrell Avenue C rY`', Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Dr. Gillum: This letter is regarding the new aquatics center which will be built on the property between Carroll High School and Stone Lakes subdivision. We notice that clearing of the lot has already begun, so we hope you will give this your immediate attention. As residents of Stone Lakes and property owners whose lot backs up directly to the proposed site, we have several concerns which we would appreciate your addressing: 1. Existing Trees -There are several large trees on the property now which are close to the Stone Lakes fence. They provide a shield from the school and the tennis court lights. We would ask that you leave these trees in place. 2. Berm and New Trees - We would request that CISD plant new "trees" in a raised berm along the Stone Lakes fence to provide a barrier between our lots and the new facility. The two-story aquatics center is going to be so close to our property that large trees should be planted to begin with. It would be nice if these could be planted before the projected completion date of 2001, so they could be growing during the construction period. 3. Lighting-This is a particularly important concern to us as we currently deal with the bright tennis court lights. We do not want to see any more lights from our backyards. Even though we understand that you plan to put the parking on the school side of the facility,we do not want high, gooseneck lights used that will be visible from our property. Please consider low, minimal lighting. 4. Windows - Since the facility will be so close to our backyards, we obviously do not want any windows looking onto our property. 46. Pctce. ( o '1 RECD MAY 18 Z000 May-18-00 09: 16A P.03 L., There are ten homes in our subdivision that directly back up to the aquatics center. Many more homes are involved when you consider that those homeowners will look out their front doors and see this huge brick complex. We all have a lot invested in our homes, and we would like to see our investment continue to increase. If the concerns in this letter are not properly addressed, your facility could have a devaluing effect on our property. We solicit your assistance in seeing that our home values are protected. We would personally be glad to meet with you to discuss these concerns or to assist you in any way. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, GJ .-4--...,„ Charles & Vaunda Whitacre 110 Waterford Drive Sout hake, TX 76092 Cpv 817-488-2034 cc: CISD Board of Trustees Rex Potter(Stone Lakes resident) Palkwe 2- be14 gi1-io May-1B-00 09: 16A P.04 Cry As homeowners and residents of Stone Lakes,we share the concerns expressed in the attached letter dated 5/8/99 from Charles& Vaunda Whi tacre_ . c.Nmt•we Printed Name& Address tl 1 ? MC.D 0( Lic4.7_41,21 --.7.7.1 .... _c_LerAz‘ gatw__ __to_E_ 1p._!...(-.. 1 00/. •• ) .: , ,r ..10?.. A'4T9'y ,e646c-x2.5 /a Y am 7eiv Ai 1 io 6 AVe. . 1 i ,2, 4,i _ .. e iv f 6' A' p ) 30 y hj id I ..3-kc1,h 4 11,3b f PiS t 04'fil?:Leh i OR, ,1130,-ILI l'. 1.ii-ye- 1.11)K5 2.ol, flIttroq iL.i )7,-0( 1 II iq i. ae , L /7 ----e:7 - 7$4.0 tel i m k' 2674/, Aer-&.*- 040,e lel , e ,-, .. Arbcf?&• t4-kc-f 1,1-bolo A',v6._ 26.:5- ilL161-14 /clill -III 1 _!,1\ W)e A C3 /09 ./ %N (Ai"7"I-1 \l‘t 6 '''\ 4tAilAnAi.i.- .P.ArvoleidS1*, ::L'41) C--)/,',7a/C) ,if;AlliPt;e7"iirtihY,,), . ridelighfitik Miklithinn •CAPI /65 141C4ab. . 6i-8ki4Y 01..,, N,_14_01 iblylk4 Aiilq. ,, ‘Ar,- v_Z:.(fiff.„...:_IL -XL .A.• ''''' - 4..ALLicovitil-LA51106 ttadviiSil Da • 11147 - 4ce OV "- . _- / ' Orir .,,•-.),,:. _ 1...%"34k CI. i t. k CI- ALISKrt Pt , A2*2c re------4.9,f,71- .1-) 'WY'tie:1.1 049/ 701A01 1- ' c Rty of Li sA-11 May-113,00 09: 16A P.05 411.1 As I omeowners and residents of Stone Lakes,we share the concerns expt:ssed in the attached letter dated 5/11/99 from Charles&Vaunda Wlii acre. Signahere Printed Name&Address A ni u,T IA/ i4OD P4AiFAIAPL A/Nit-4. 1i I"' 1401 MA V ji;EIOT.TDC-13- 5311 :1)h3e titie 4.06 -5 u 447 egly „ iv Ay 2_0s p r (•A7,4/7"ert. 61---- ",;3/-- 1_ 3 LP/ (-3 _A •-• fifilt. -pvizatoip,v--_10i) / ) It ,): ' .peA.A lie • ectof rPC 711-12 . *6.,,,r1., at.... L., 4,-,14:....... .ao 0 *1-- 1 .7".„4„,4 repe.,,Zi The following homeowners are opposed to any zoning or plat changes tothe property at Carroll High School that would result in more trees being removed from the south of the property and/or the construction of`accessory' building(s) close to the Park Place property lines as shown in the proposed drawing. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 4. fi;"---, P-- ------- -)7' J/� 1 1-- / ' ./ ji/d6/ &i,k.. kin_ ,q 57—r.;2-/49 0 *//', 1 "'-2 .-//________________A1-2°_:; _'__A/,. i71: .:Z:-/Z:27/2 _ * .1;24,4,7 i 91:':i:// A it jai r f______ ,i:;25/ --(-1' ),-7--) _ --- ,,-__91c...L.k..+Cen4,924___L L /-z,1-- -- -- -----?`1171- '= -_ ._ " f i '_— j 1, /' __ ,� i 4 ,,� 1 3 PP-k- Pig Y d- c — go z( 7 I, ..i .. .; r/� iv©3Pa. Pk ivy7 MI.i f.. _----_____l tt L_ PA12.1c. rP Da - t�S 3 'sue:_,,,, st,„�:i,,,4 /4c4 A,,L. ,/2-&t c c 'T +2_ l-7 5 3 li w t K J -P k_ place__ 467-e 3 4-..„,,,,i(e- , II 'f -- 7J 1 , . l , :t. -4 .1lr. a ..sty f f( fi '1 -_ i1)��j _ ____ :f_j- _w_ li._.•I(_ 'fir 1________- ,s-_ . - , I * ji-k .' 4, _, 11--)c i ervir_ e 1 c --; )-7,,,,1,F--) ___. .,..., `, ev-in l__ /, t)fri 711-/-2-ic'774(2_C 4-2----cW/ Pat3eIofq gR-13 RED MAY 1 Zi 2000 The following homeowners are opposed to any zoning or plat changes to the property at (111, Carroll High School that would result in more trees being removed from the south of the property and/or the construction of`accessory' building(s)close to the Park Place property lines as shown in the proposed drawing. NAME ADDRESS PHONE ; .. 4.44464- 46 - 5-543 Joy `14J -A( /4640 lociAb ie.Cact ;k( LeatiPocr,_. `M., ?a-ck c 3 - 6-75- `f?C.)-—P✓1Au-t-� a �f`f :026 1 i The following homeowners are opposed to any zoning or plat changes to the property at LCarroll High School that would result in more trees being removed from the south of the property and/or the construction of`accessory' building(s) close to the Park Place property lines as shown in the proposed drawing. NAME ADDRESS PHONE (4. /..t,t/ idr4. L2.0 a_i_at,_„6z 7/,, ,-, --„.;z,. - s- ---'aM e Lul------ ______wi2 j (A -----------V1\ 0 .1fiS 1_„< c4�, 4- --- _---__—C.=�y (?rt 7- ray c."� -//e) /1. -p '�/% �" 6 / ate '�, '`� ��';l [ r`' 7.4!:4,-; 1 - -6. / « - P ( C r SFr, 7___ .7- /,/ /4 y)-/a( ' C' OT Ce67 ..,___J to 77-<:-/7-- --;,::"..77/ , _,e7 *.f.,,e,:c7_,:-C---. ---tzl-Z__3 '.'Y :.Y,N-- c 1L_1,i1f- (- Lam( )Crr fY r7- i_-2 `3-) -:51,51,,,,_- ,)Y n://t,e/ 0 /t h /�C-6t di. Y!-,_ 0 ' .1 :33 f _ et:V/)(ke4. -- 15 ../' _1'.(- 6-6 1__zt4;-,,zz ,/ -c.iv. 9( e 6 of i %art,re I, tjC) - 09 % . 2:12r__ (.(.,()C 66(464(16 7 . .3,2 -.,,1,2k..2_ ''''''' ''' .:, 61,-- ' ' 7-: '''' " 'L- '..‘„4,f______ko er 4)ceia,,itv4:: ye7-7) k(,, / ,.. : - = / L 7 71A-15 RECD MAY 1 b Z000 The following homeowners are opposed to any zoning or plat changes to the property at Carroll High School that would result in more trees being removed from the south of the property and/or the construction of`accessory' building(s)close to the Park Place property lines as shown in the proposed drawing. --------DAME ------- ADDRESS�---------- PHONE 2l _- 0 3 (o_ia FcalitudIC qz1-000s //2.•/-4,/wy ... _ _ 6/1;2- .6764v./Alg,,:__ ?0,3e tiocti gA-�t� . Y Tract Map ZA99-078 1 Mr % I ' ' � OW' l■■♦ it�7 mi 11 1 II PlituAw•mill44A/� ► -* WO-4 :11♦• • 11 �L a I� Sri vvE0Ari�►��4���►i<•AWN HP 0, mby o old ' 1 /MI Trits0 * \ ,ni,grows-44.., , !l!log% a.III%tik �.it 1 I 100., ' had .■ z ' -� IJ HN •�. 2:�ct4 ;;ElfPH. IIII , SOUTHLAKE r.iow.D 'r---4- Pv Dna% v ' pr, 2-n, .... , i ll l � „_1 1 i J (I) �a A , , t= was 1_*.4.. , , \ 1, '4 i ■■■■■■I �'=1 1,i' r H i g ' . mil giftwrap•I7! ■■■■I V 1Alb 111.40 4 ,_i 1 I ismom■■sk y,X IN MOW MI:i ir CIA is bg,t to •• , ��1ir1 I V mkt �� �`� 1 I VRC - �'w moll a �� �,� Tl� 2000 0 2000 Feet N \ / W / � E Caw • i „„ Surrounding Property Owners ZA99-078 6_,' II ) Viltb, 5 [6- 7 1 ,-9 2 3 4 0 • ;. 44 r !! hUI Iwo in 111111, Vilop 64 1110 IFS:16111111V NMI ellatittec' jiklAtWS asilmirvi :QM ATi 10" viLa . a il -r- (tip .r45 4 ` " ,in ��� 43 42 41 40 39'38 37a 6353k, � � : L ---1 illWAlliallikill ill 0111„ 1111 ok •',, vilik V4.# B0 m �� A Property Owner Zonine Land Use Designation Acreage 1. Myers Meadow 1. "R-PUD" 1. Medium Density Residential 1. 4.95 acres Homeowner's Assn. 2. Farmer Madison Turner I 2. "C-3" 2. Retail Commercial 2. 1.08 acres 3. Southlake Safeco Ltd. 3. "C-3" 3. Retail Commercial 3. 1.37 acres 4. Southlake 114 Investors 4. "C-3" 4. Retail Commercial 4. 0.85 acres 5. Southlake Blvd Presbyterian 5. "CS" 5. Retail Commercial 5. 5.17 acres Church 6. Realty Income Texas Prop.LP6. "C-3" 6. Retail Commercial 6. 1.13 acres 7. Southridge Lakes 7. "C-3" 7. Medium Density Residential 7. 3.32 acres Homeowner's Assn. 8. A.Bologna 8. "R-PUD" 8. Medium Density Residential 8. 0.59 acres 9. S.Morningstar(TAD records) 9. "R-PUD" 9. Medium Density Residential 9. 0.35 acres D.Nuese(new owner) 10.M.Rabbani 10."R-PUD" 10.Medium Density Residential 10.0.43 acres 11.W.Harless 11."R-PUD" 11.Medium Density Residential 11.0.39 acres 12.C.Rodgers 12."R-PUD" 12.Medium Density Residential 12.0.39 acres 13. C.Whitacre 13. "R-PUD" 13.Medium Density Residential 13.0.38 acres 14.A.Jain 14. "R-PUD" 14.Medium Density Residential 14.0.38 acres 15.J.Kapich 15. "R-PUD" 15.Medium Density Residential 15.0.35 acres 16.D.Nyhoff 16."R-PUD" 16.Medium Density Residential 16.0.36 acres fiar 17.D.George 17."R-PUD" 17.Medium Density Residential 17.0.53 acres Page 1 of 2 S 41601 Property Owner Zoning Land Use Designation Acreage 18.C.Williams 18."R-PUD" 18.Medium Density Residential 18.0.57 acres 19.L.Giglio 19."R-PUD" 19.Medium Density Residential 19.0.40 acres 20.E.Walter 20."R-PUD" 20.Medium Density Residential 20.0.33 acres 21.R.Dahlson 21."R-PUD" 21.Medium Density Residential 21.0.44 acres 22. S.Tarrant 22."R-PUD" 22.Medium Density Residential 22.0.54 acres 23.D. Bennett 23."R-PUD" 23.Medium Density Residential 23.0.43 acres 24.J.Henson 24."R-PUD" 24.Medium Density Residential 24.0.39 acres 25.T.Evans 25."R-PUD" 25.Medium Density Residential 25.0.31 acres 26.D.Webb 26."R-PUD" 26.Medium Density Residential 26.0.52 acres 27.J.Johanson 27."R-PUD" 27.Medium Density Residential 27.0.55 acres 28. S.Roberts 28."R-PUD" 28.Medium Density Residential 28.0.56 acres 29.M.Burz 29."R-PUD" 29.Medium Density Residential 29.0.36 acres 30.E.Armstrong 30. "R-PUD" 30.Medium Density Residential 30.0.73 acres 31.R.Finn 31."R-PUD" 31.Medium Density Residential 31.0.42 acres 32.H.Bush 32."R-PUD" 32.Medium Density Residential 32.0.33 acres 33.K. Sietz 33."SF-20A" 33.Medium Density Residential 33.0.61 acres 34.K. Swieter 34."SF-20A" 34.Medium Density Residential 34.0.46 acres 35. S.Reindl 35."SF-20A" 35.Medium Density Residential 35.0.46 acres 36.Randy Bollig Builder(TAD) 36."SF-20A" 36.Medium Density Residential 36.0.46 acres R.Nall(new owner) 37.Pence Enterprises Inc. (TAD) 37."SF-20A" 37.Medium Density Residential 37.0.46 acres D.Howell(new owner) 38.T.Bums 38."SF-20A" 38.Medium Density Residential 38.0.46 acres 39. S. Little 39. "SF-20A" 39.Medium Density Residential 39.0.46 acres 40. C.Vanyo 40."SF-20A" 40.Medium Density Residential 40.0.46 acres Cr 41. S. Kolar 41."SF-20A" 41.Medium Density Residential 41.0.46 acres 42.G.Middleton 42."SF-20A" 42.Medium Density Residential 42.0.46 acres 43.Dynasty Custom Homes(TAD)43."SF-20A" 43.Medium Density Residential 43.0.47 acres D.Rogers(new owner) 44.W.Castro 44."SF-20A" 44.Medium Density Residential 44.0.53 acres 45. Southlake Woods,LP 45."SF-20A" 45.Medium Density Residential 45.0.47 acres 46. Southlake Woods,LP 46."SF-20A" 46.Medium Density Residential 46.0.22 acres 47. Southlake Woods,LP 47. "SF-20A" 47.Medium Density Residential 47.0.48 acres 48.Southlake Woods,LP 48."SF-20A" 48.Medium Density Residential 48.0.48 acres 49. Southlake Woods,LP 49."SF-20A" 49.Medium Density Residential 49.0.73 acres 50.C.May 50. "AG" 50.Medium Density Residential 50. 1.01 acres 51.L.Akard 51."AG" 51.Medium Density Residential 51. 1.06 acres 52.C.Akard 52. "AG" 52.Medium Density Residential 52.2.06 acres 53.R.Greenwood 53."AG" 53.Medium Density Residential 53. 1.00 acres 54.D.Davis 54."AG" 54.Medium Density Residential 54. 1.00 acres 55.C.Lam 55. "C-2" 55.Retail Commercial 55.0.69 acres 56.C.Lam 56."C-2" 56.Retail Commercial 56. 1.31 acres 57.C.Lam 57. "C-2" 57.Retail Commercial 57. 1.80 acres N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\99Exhibits\99078SP.doc tallw Page 2 of 2 gp-n C C r • ,,..,....,...::_• ... ,,,..,...„..._ /• ••• \ (7:::::1) • 11•1111\11.011M.000112- \ \ '':\\:\'>1:...........,............_.'''''.•........"":.r..na:3tMa:" 5., 110.nr......•_ma,......_--.7-7-mm ,--"'\-_--- 1=1"Irr-t'-....'1V.. .. . .__.______________ _...4%,...•. / \ -- • .........,..7., il..---Iii 4,F,E,2!•alinr4- \ . ,' \, , • • ,• Ontff...1 K.! ( =..----T1 1:r....•;7.L....z- I A ' , :s ...s,&cal. CV.--V..-=ZIL.rjti:=NZ•... / ' ) ) \ i..../ • • ,• rttg,•1.or Jog toKata mute..77..0 /1: 2Mil ., ,-esi•, 1 i ----- DA•poi Warr)1301.12S\ ....,. I \ \ 1..39 , , ,,,..2,,,.C.• V in..., sr o. I / ,,. ., I/ ' ' . 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HAS BEE r - ..- ..,..7t7,..7171-1.• ..!.. . =- : c 1 ...1-....- f 1 4-1,.... x ..4 .........=j REVISED .5 iu.ion NV •eLarag MN,*MOM ' I 1 REFLEC1 , • .,..,-.., --.17.- -.....7-- 1 HANDICAP PARKIN DETAIL , 3E 1111111 0,„, ! 3C :ICI 3C2 3C2A I ..1 3A I Ali — CURREN Aottorcr -,..,.-.,.. w ,, FUTURE _./.)--- i ...........0 t.... .....'a'....— ‘4101 Wt.NEN 111=11111.SCIIC2, 01`37'.,' ' CHANGE ,--.. su.TE.0 iiiift."-Vii r ..,_'--- =.4747-41::: 0 riltif /DALL/s.TEIO 3 752,4 ihtt ...! -.\..._...... PHONE 372-70 I-0 ICU ri:NiA. ,-.4.. •': ''.,,I„;,„„2...•,;`,..,,.....::.\,\-3 • ,1! -. .r A. FAX. 372-70:-0799 ltrt 1Lii . ...- 0:a.A.-c"." 1;:‘!'.> ------- 1 8 • ::.2,,,L5....., 1 A' A Titt,tra'sat..,. r 1 D sa 60 IGO 1111111110 DI THE „,, a MI.sr,rta wows NA MOON SUPIXT ATOTRACT Nil I 236 "tioil ; .:m I,.•'ow S4cLi 14 TAOTONT COMM,MAT WV/Goo* IMLIITO AMU C MAY IN? inh CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL-MASTER SITE PLAN .-..-.. HANDICAP PARKING DETAIL (7, HANDICAP PARKING DETAIL ,--, HANDICAP PARKING DETAIL ,,-\._HANDICAP PARKING DETAIL -___ --- i-A4 ___•__ __ CASES 2A97108 SO 11.0C11 ,....... - --- -- -. -- PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE PLAN 0 09:02 FROM TOTAL PROGRAM MGMT TO 4689370 P.02 • 9 May 11,2000 Mr,Ken Baker, City of Southlake 1721 E.Southlake Blvd. I:) Suite 100 Southlake,TX 76092 Total Program RE: Re-Zoning of Carroll High School—Case ZA 00-006 Management, Inc. Dear Ken, 86o W.Airport Frwy. Please remove the item indicating lighting at the baseball fields. The district does not suer iai intend to address this item. We are not prepared with any information pertaining to the Hurst,TX 76054 design of this item and do not intend to present baseball field lights to the Planning and (sn)427-7500 Zoning Board for approval. fax(817)427.4708, www.total-pm.com Thank you for you attention to this matter. Regards, .0/1_.."4' t Mark J Daniels,A A, CSI,CCCA Program ManagerCry Cc: Ted Gillum, CISD John Craft,CISD Brent Kline,TPM • Eddie Cheatham, Cheatham and Assoc. i .. Austin,TX • Fort Worth,TX thooHouston,TX y • • RECD MAY Tlei E P 0 �A-21 c Memo To: Dennis Kilough From:Brent Kline -TPM Date: 06/01/00 Re: Modifications made to the Site Plan Submittal for the Carroll High School Site &Addition of a new Aquatics Center Dennis We wanted to detail out all the modifications to the original submittal to make a clear as possible. Between the P&Z Committee Meeting and this submittal the following meetings occurred. 1. Meeting with the Architects & Engineers to discuss the possible modifications to the Aquatic Centers Plans. 2. After the plans were modified, they were presented to the School Board for approval to go forward. 3. Then a meeting was set up with the neighbors to the east of the Aquatics Center 4. A meeting of the Landscape Committee (part of the Joint Use Committee) to discuss the project which also included one neighbor from Stone Lakes. 5. Finally on Tuesday the 30th we met with neighbors to the south on the High School_(Park Place). We wanted you to know the process, and the reason the landscape plans are not up todate. fECD •Page 1 W22. The following are the modifications that have been agreed to. In the Northeast Corner of property surrounding the Aquatics Center. • The Aquatics Center was moved 16 feet to the West. This reduced the distance above the 4:1 slope barrier by 4 feet. • Due to the move the parking space that were located west of the building were relocated to the south of the building, off of the drive to the hammer-head fire lane access. It was agree to have the parking spaces moved as far to the south along that drive as possible. This has been shown on the newest site plan. • A breakaway chain will be located at the East End of the parking spaces across the drive to restrict access to the mechanical yard & hammer-head area. • The shrubs that were required in the East & South bufferyards will be placed in a row around the East and South ends of the hammer-head to block head lights from car pulling into the lot. • Light on the East Side of the building will be performed with wall sconces on both sides of the exit doors, and in the mechanical yard. These lights are to project light down onto the ground only. • Light of the parking lot will be handled with 6 to 8 bollard type lights (3 to 4 feet tor tall), surrounding the lot. • The landscaping on the East& South boundaries will use as many of the existing trees as possible (those located immediately adjacent to the east property line). The remainder of the area will be have a variety of trees in a triangulated pattern in a minimum of two rows. The types of trees are to be a combination of screening trees, and long growth canopy trees. The determination of the final mixture to be accomplished by the Landscape Committee and Keith Martin. L •Page 2 D 22 r ! In the Southern Half of the Site. • The landscaping on the East& South boundaries will use as many of the existing trees as possible (those located immediately adjacent to the east property line). The remainder of the area will be have a variety of trees in a triangulated pattern in a minimum of two rows. The types of trees are to be a combination of screening trees, and long growth canopy trees. The determination of the final mixture to be accomplished by the Landscape Committee and Keith Martin. • A series of trees on the south side of the softball field will be planted on top of a berm with bushes at their bases to screen the scoreboard and foul ball pole. Similar tree plantings will occur on the East Side of the field but without the berm due to drainage concerns. • The area between the neighbors and the shot put pads will have the two rows of trees planted there also, where possible. The installation of a series of bushes (bufferyard bushes) which are design to deter students from congregating by the fence. • The number and location of storage buildings has been changed from four to one. The one building will be located south of the new Activity Building and associated drainage way (nestled in the trees), and is to be 40' x 100'. The building will have wall sconce lights installed on all four sides. • Rebuilding of a wood fence for the last home site to the west along Park Place to provide better screening of the field. General Modifications or Agreements • All Mitigation trees planted along the property lines will be of 4" caliper. • The School District will repair any of the existing fences, and will fill in any areas, which do not have fences presently with fences, which blend in with adjacent fences. The School District has agreed to maintain the fences. We will attempt to update the landscaping plans by the end of the day to day but will commit to have the updated plans at the City Council Meeting. •Page 3 VA 2,1 City of Southlake, Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.:ZA 99-078 Review No: Five Date of Review: 6/02/00 Project Name:Revised Site Plan-Carroll High School.Carroll High School Addition.Lot 1.Block 1 and Tract lA& IA1 of the J.L.Chivers Survey,Abstract No. 348 APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: Carroll I.S.D. Total Program Management 1201 N.Carroll Avenue 128 E. Texas Street Southlake,TX 76092 Grapevine.TX 76051 Phone:(817)416-1420 Phone : (817)488-7732 Fax:(817)251-6622 Fax: (817)488-9708 Attn: M.J.Daniels CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 05/31/00 AND WE 01H1.E1t THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT KEN BAKER at(817)481-5581,EXT.753. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations Y See Comment No.4 Residential Adjacency Y See Comment No. 4 Building Articulation Y See Comment No:4A and Attached Chart Masonry Standards Y Complies Impervious Coverage Y Complies Bufferyards Y See Comment No. 1 Interior Landscape Y See Comment No. 1 and Attached Chart Driveways Y In compliance with previously approved plan Lighting Y See Comment No. 5 1. Provide the"required" interior landscape and bufferyards shown on the attached chart. The landscape plan shall meet all bufferyard and interior landscape requirements. Also,refer.to Memorandum from Malcolm Jackson, Chief of Building Services,dated June 1,2000. 2. In the"CS" Community Service District,no building shall exceed thirty-five(35)feet. Portions of the Natatorium building are indicated on the elevation plan to be thirty-eight(38) feet in height (Variance Requested)(P&Z Action,5/18/00: allowing no variance on Item#2 and keeping the height of the building at 35'). Note: Elevation plans dated May 31,2000 indicate portions of the natatorium building exceed 35'. 1 %A15 City of Southlake, Texas 3. The following change is needed in regards to screening of residential property. Ordinance 480, Section 39.4(b) -Where a non-residential use abuts a residential lot or dwelling,a screening device shall be erected along the side or the rear property lines abutting said residential lot or dwelling to a height of eight(8)feet. The site summary chart and the site plan indicates a six(6)foot wood screening fence on the east property line and a six(6)foot screening fence on the south property line(Variance Requested) (P&Z Action, 5/18/00: The school district shall maintain those fences and if there is no fencing, the school district shall complete the fencing at 6'or 8'in height, whichever the resident wants). 4. The following are comments in regards to residential adjacency/corridor overlay: a. Ordinance 480, Section 43.13 (d) -On all facades vertical and horizontal articulation must be met. The Natatorium does not meet vertical or horizontal articulation requirements.Please refer to attached articulation chart. (Variance Requested)(P&Z Action,5/18/00: Allow as shown). The future classrooms located on the north side of the main school building do not meet Articulation..Please note that these additions are compliant with previous site plan approval. (Variance Requested)(P&Z Action, 5/18/00: Allow as shown). Note: The May 31,2000 site plan submittal indicates a 40'x 100'future accessory building located just north of practice field#3. This accessory building is not subject to horizontal and vertical articulation requirements due to the building not being visible from Southlake Boulevard(F.M. 1709) and being greater than 400'from the southern property line. b. Ordinance 480, Section 43.13(h)-Setbacks/Yards-No non-single family residential building may encroach the area above a line having a 4:1 slope from any single family residential. The portion of the building facing the east property line does not meet the 4:1 slope. The Natatorium appears to encroach the 4:1 slope by 4' 6". (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action, 5/18/00: allowing no variance on Item #4.b(4:1 slope) and instructing the applicant to move the building as far west as possible, a minimum of 20, and requiring the applicant to explain to City Council why they absolutely cannot move it any further west). Note: The applicant's May 31, 2000 site plan submittal indicates that the Natatorium has been ' relocated 16'to the west from the previous site plan.This reduced the 4:1 slope barrier from 10' feet to 4' 6". Due to the relocation of the building to the west, the parking spaces previously located on the western end of the building were moved to the southern end of the building. 5. All exterior lighting shall comply with Lighting Ordinance 693-B.A photometric lighting plan and cut-sheet has not been provided to the City at this time. 6. The applicant is requested to remove the berms and the Mondell Pines notation from the site plan as agreed to at the May18,2000 Planning and Zoning meeting. It has been noted by City Engineer that the berms in this location would result in drainage problems for residents to the south and the 2 City of Southlake, Texas Landscape Administrator feels that the use of the single plant type could have a negative impact on the site. P&Z Action: May 18, 2000;Approved(5-1)subject to Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated May 12, 2000, and subject to the following: • Regarding Item #1 (interior landscaping and bufferyards)and referencing Landscape Comments Review No. 4. dated May 11.2000:removing the berms listed as the second#3;regarding#4, not requiring there to be all Mondell Pines and instructing the applicant to work with the Landscape Administrator to determine what canopy trees and accent trees would be most appropriate for the south and east areas; regarding#5,the applicant is to mitigate as required the 2,250 inches and with respect to the placement, diameter,and number of trees defer to the decisions made by the Joint Utilization Committee;regarding #6 (previous Site Plan approval) (the 1S` bulleted item) with respect to the trees to be placed along Peytonville Avenue the applicant is to install the remaining trees and shrubs that have not been installed and replace those that are demolished or dead; (the 2nd bulleted item) referring back to the item regarding Mondell Pines; (the 3rd bulleted item) requiring the applicant to do as the Landscape Administrator suggests and place all plantings on the west side of the channel;removing the 4`h bulleted item (berm); (the.5t bulleted item) applicant should note at the time of final inspection for final Certificate of Occupancy all required plant materials will be required to be installed as was approved; (the 6th bulleted item) applicant should meet the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance; regarding Item #7 (high school site landscaping) requiring the applicant to provide an Interior Landscape and Bufferyards Summary Chart as required by the Zoning Ordinance and Landscape Ordinance and shall comply with the Interior Landscape and Bufferyar..d Summary Chart that is attached to the Landscape Comments; and regarding Item #8 (Natatorium Site Landscaping) requiring the applicant to remove the undesirable trees and replant quality trees in their place noting that the undesirable trees consist of China Berry and Mulberry; • allowing no variance on Item #2 and keeping the height of the building at 35'; • regarding Item#3(screening device)if the residential properties on the east and south sides already have fencing, the school district shall maintain those fences and if there is no fencing, the school district shall complete the fencing at 6'or 8'in height, whichever the resident wants; • deleting Item #4.a(articulation); • allowing no variance on Item #4.b(4:1 slope)and instructing the applicant to move the building as far west as possible, a minimum of 20, and requiring the applicant to explain to City Council why they absolutely cannot move it any further west; • regarding Item it5(lighting)requiring the lighting on the east and south sides of the Natatorium building to'be.nothing#ut sconces with the lights pointed to the ground and allowing one sconce on either side of each door with a total of six on the east side and two on the south side; • allowing frosted glass on the windows on the east side of the Natatorium; • regarding the accessory buildings, requiring the buildings along the south property line to be moved as far north as possible and the buildings along the east property line to be moved as far west as possible and asking the applicant to completely reassess what it is they need regarding accessory buildings and come back with the absolute minimum (f four are not needed, then do not put in four);approving 30'X 60'and moving each of them a minimum of 50; requiring that any lighting on the accessory buildings to be sconces with the lights pointed downward and to the interior of the site; • requiring applicant to include all uses on any future Site Plans; • approving the hammerhead turnaround shown on the exhibit tonight and putting the emergency access 3 City of Southiake, Texas gate 170`from the east residential properties; • asking applicant to consider moving the Natatorium to the parking area shown in Phase 5 and to explain to City Council why that is not a better site and why it would not work; • and requiring compliance with the Lighting Ordinance. * The applicant has requested that the variance for the lighting of the baseball field be removed from consideration. * The zoning ordinance requires that under build-out of this site, 1,367 parking spaces must be provided. Currently, 1,196 parking spaces with 28 handicapped spaces are provided. A total of 1,689 parking spaces with 33 handicapped spaces are planned. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected site plan,landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans,must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee,Perimeter Street Fee,Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees,and related Permit Fees. * All driveways existing are in compliance with previously approved plan. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan.A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records,a fully corrected site plan,landscape plan,irrigation plan, and building plans,must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee,Perimeter Street Fee,Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees,and related Permit Fees. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Mark J.Daniels Gordon Jobs 4 - i 1Articulation Evaluation No.5 T- Case No.ZA 99-078 - Date of Evaluation: 6/2/00 _ Elevations for CHS Natatorium � —_: .ecelveda 5/31/00 1. t� _ Front facing: North Wail ht. = 38 1 ; Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided - Delta Okay? Max.wall length 114 50 -56% Yes 114 67 -41% Yes Min.artk.offset 6 • 5 -17%^ Nod _ 6 8 33% Yes Min.antic. length 13 15 15% Yesi 0 1 161 ##### _ Yes 1 T. IL J,._ , I }a..__ __t_ _.._.__ Rear-facing South WaiI ht. = s 35 3 s Horizontal articulation •Vertical articulation [ Required Provided Delta Okay? Required; Provided! Delta1 Okay?1 Max.wall length 105 120 14% No 105 I 59 -44% Yes] Min.antic.offset ' 5 0 -100% No 5 i 5 0% Yes Min.artic. length 30 �. 0 -100% No: 15 1 _ � _4_ _15 0% Yes Right-facing, West I Wall ht. = ! 35 L ._i _ . _.___L._ Horizontal articulation !Vertical articulation Required l Provided Delta] Okay? Required Provided' Delta Okay? I Max.wall length 105 170 62% No 105 0 -100% Yes' in.antic.offset Mt 5 25 400% Yes 5 0 -100% No.'s in.antic. length 0 42' ##### Yes" 0 I 0 #####J • Yes; i 1 i Left-facing: East Wall ht. = 351 ; Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation, Required . Provided! Delta Okay?1 Required' ._ Provided; _Delta Okay?] Max.wall length 105 501 -52% Yes' 105 i _ M100 -5% Yes ' Min.artk.offset 5 5 00% Yes 5 1 4 -20% Nol Min.antic. length 13 1 15 15% Yes, 13 1 161 23% Yes' ', 1' Cs; . City of Southlake, Texas SUMMARY CHART-BUFFERYARDS Location/Length of Required/ Length Bufferyard Canopy Accent Shrubs Fence/Screening Base Line Provided Width/Type Trees Trees Height&Material North- Required 1490 20'-0 58 45 209 See Note 1. Provided 43x $ 2O9' South(A)- Required 1278 10'-B 26 38 128 8'Screening Device Provided 26 17. 'i:... 4` 6`ftVatyfence South-(B) Required 228' 10'-B 5 7 23 (Natatorium) Provided Ox 7 24 East-(A) : Required 1233 10'-B 25 37 124 8'Screening Device Provided 25: 6 0 ,:t! !Wood fence; irovided . West- Required 1788 10'-E 18 36 144 See Note 4. Provided 8 25 55 Other Comments: 1. Where parking is provided between the building setback line and public right-of-way,shrubs obtaining a mature height of three feet or greater must be planted at a maximum spacing of thirty(30)inches on center Continuous along paved edges of the parking area or drive. 2. A minimum of 50%of all canopy trees planted on the site shall be 2"in caliper and 50%must be 4" in caliper. This includes bufferyards as well as interior. 3. A total of 750 mitigation trees are required. 4. A portion of the bufferyard will be lost due to widening of Peytonville Avenue. X-Taking existing tree credits /- SUMMARY CHART-INTERIOR LANDSCAPE .. Landscape %of Area in Canopy Trees Accent Trees Shrubs Ground Seasonal Cover Area Front or Side Cover Required: 85,788 75% 172 343 2,144 12,868 1,716 Provided: 137 273 1; 2 8831 216 5 Dn � , s Case No. 99-078 Review No. Four Dated: 5— 11 -00 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Lot 1R,Block 1;Carroll High School Addition(Site Plan/Rezoning) Contact: Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 481-5581, x 848 Fax: (817) 421-2175 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on S- 10- 00. Comments designated with a (#)symbol may be incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or-City Council. Other items will not be addressed by either the P&Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modifications as required by the comment. LANDSCAPE COMMENTS: 1. The applicant has previously submitted Landscape Plans in two phases for the existing and proposed construction on the school site. The first phase of construction and landscaping involved the Library;Cafeteria,east parking lot additions and landscaping between the high school building and the R.O:W.. The plans were approved and the plant material installed. The second submittal of plans involved the construction of the Activity Center and playing fields on the campus. These Landscape Plans were disapproved because they did not meet the requirements of the Landscape Ordinance, Bufferyard section of the Zoning Ordinance and the previous requirements set forth by the City Council approval of the previous Site Plan. In addition it did not meet the requirements for tree mitigation regulated by the Tree Preservation Ordinance and show the amount of mitigation specified to be provided on the plans by the Landscape Architect. 2. The applicant has chosen to provide a Landscape plan with the Site Plan because the previous City Council action's regarding landscaping was confusing for both the Applicant and City Staff.There are also previous requirements set forth by Council that cannot occur because of constricting circumstances of the approved construction. Although the submitted Landscape Plan does not meet City regulations,we all felt that it would be in the best interest of all parties to publicly show what landscaping was possible on the site and receive an approval, denial or alternative to satisfy all parties involved. 3. Since the applicant is rezoning and joining the Natatorium property to the High School property the entire site is required to comply with the current Landscape Ordinance regulations. This increases the amount of required interior landscape area and plant material on the entire site. 3. Berms: It will not be possible to construct the previously required berms within the area of the south bufferyard. There is a drainage, swell within this area that directs site water run-off from west to east for both the school site and the adjacent Park Place properties. Berms cannot be built within this swell because it will impede the flow of water into the southeast detention pond. I also feel that the placement of 4' high berms next to a 6' fence will allow the Park Place residents privacy to be infringed upon. All of the required bufferyard landscape trees and some mitigation trees can be planted within this area without restricting the flow of the drainage. BUILDING INSPECTIONS iR-31 4. Mondell Pines: Although the thought of planting a solid screen of Modell Pines in the south and East bufferyrds is excellent, it would not prove to be an effective screen between the school and its adjacent properties. A varied assortment of canopy trees along with Modell Pines and Eastern Red Cedar, as shown on the plan; would look better, be more practical and prove to be a much more effective screen. A solid screen of Mondell Pines would work if the berms could be built. 5. Tree Mitigation: Currently the CISD is required to mitigate two thousand fifty(2,250") inches of protected trees for removal of protected trees not within building or parking lot areas. This amount equals to seven hundred fifty (750), 3" caliper canopy trees. Approximately 1/3 of the required mitigationrrees are shown and provided for on the submitted Landscape Plan. The School District may plant the remaining trees on other school sites within the City or make a payment into the Reforestation Fund as provided for in the Tree Preservation Ordinance. 6 Previous Site Plan approval regarding landscaping: * 50% of the required accent trees and 100% of the shrubs for east and south bufferyards be placed along Peytonville Avenue. (A portion of this has been installed but due to the current construction has been demolished or is dead. At the time of inspection for a Final Certificate of Occupancy all required plant material will be required to be installed as was approved.) * Noting the applicant agreement that 100% of the cost of canopy trees, accent trees, and shrubs in the east and south bufferyards will instead be used for Mondell Pines in the east and south bufferyards. (This will be installed during the current phase of construction. The landscape Plan reflects Mondell Pines in the south bufferyard but the applicant is proposing to take existing tree credits for thirt six(36) trees of the fftyeight(58) required Mondell Pines.) * Allowing the required bufferyard plant materials within the east bufferyard to be planted on the west side of the channel. (Some trees are located on the west side of the existing channel but because of the majority amount of the proposed landscaping is mitigation trees for the current phase of development, most of the trees are shown adjacent to the east property line. There is not,enough area between the drainage channel and the east property line to plant the trees,please place all plantings on the west side of the channel.) * Requiring a 4' berm in open areas along the south property line and along the east property line west of the drainage channel in a manner to not effect detention. (Berms are not proposed on the obmitted Landscape Plan. Because of the actual grading and placement of the ball fields, there is a drainage ditch along the South property line and 4' berms would impede drainage.) * Noting the :applicant's commitment to plant along Peytonville Avenue. (This has been installed,.but due to the current construction has been demolished or is dead. At the time of inspection for a Final Certificate of Occupancy all required plant material will be required to be installed as was approved.) * Accepting the applicants commitment to follow the current Tree Preservation Ordinance and their willingness to consider following the proposed Tree Preservation Ordinance once they BUILDING INSPECTIONS • i a lave review it. c follow the requirements of the Tree Ce preservation Ordinance (The andappli has proposedanthas to placeattempted 291to mitigation canopy trees on the site in accordance with the Tree Preservation Ordinance. This is over and above what is required for the developmental landscaping of the proposed construction. The total required mitigation amount equals 2,250 diameter inches equaling 750, 3" caliper canopy trees. 291, 3" caliper mitigation trees equaling 873" are proposed on the site. 1,377 inches, equaling to 459, 3" caliper canopy tress remain to be mitigated.) 7. High School Site Landscaping: The applicant did not provide an Interior Landscape and Bufferyards Summary Chart as required by the Zoning Ordinance and Landscape Ordinance. Since there is no legend provided with the Landscape Plan that distinguishes required bufferyard and interior plant material from mitigation trees it is difficult to determine if the plate complies with City regulations, The attached Interior Landscape and Bufferyards Summary Chart reflects what' is required versus what is provided by the applicant based on what is shown on the Landscape Plan. The "Required" amounts as shown in the summary charts are correct. The "Provided"amounts as shown in the Summary Charts are unclear. 8. Natatorium Site Landscaping: The applicant is proposing to take existing tree credits in the north, south and east bufferyards as well as the interior landscaping. Some the existing trees within these areas are either dead or not considered quality trees for preservation. It would benefit the site as well as the adjacent homeowners to remove the undesirable trees and replant quality canopy trees in their place. The undesirable trees are comprised of China Berry and Mulberry. Most of all the Canopy trees provided on the site are mitigation trees from the High School's ci current construction. Attached: Interior Landscape and Bufferyards Summary Chart c BUILDING INSPECTIONS BA-33 i • --7:. ' MEMORANDUM June 1, 2000 TO: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator • FROM: Malcolm Jackson, Chief Building Services SUBJECT: Carroll ISD Site Plan and Plat Revisions for Carroll High School During the Development Review Committee meetings, staff recommended that Carroll Independent School District(CISD)representative, Total Project Management(TPM), submit a'landscape plan to clarify the ever-changing landscape and tree mitigation issues surrounding the various CISD projects under review. Through the various presentations made by TPM there have been several differing provisions and promises made relative to landscaping and tree mitigation requirements, many of which either conflicted with previous approved plans or were not feasible as a result of a wide variety of-problems, including drainage complications. By developing a comprehensive plan that would address all of the school sites, such a detailed plan would permit clearing all of the previous and often conflicting plans, and better clarify the issues and requirements. TPM agreed. For clarification, issues exist with both landscape requirements and tree mitigation requirements. Bufferyard landscape requirements are regulated by the Zoning Ordinance. Interior landscape requirements are regulated by the Landscape Ordinance., Tree mitigation requirements are regulated by the Tree Preservation Ordinance. It remains important during presentations to the various boards and to the City Council to keep these requirements separate, since the provisions of these ordinances differ significantly. The Landscape Administrator initially received two sets of landscape plans for the-Carroll High School site. One was presented by Shrickle&Rolings and one set by Balwin, each showing the entire site.. Neither set maintained consistency with the other, and neither met the requirements. In addition, neither indicated with any specificity the location or quantity of tree plantings at other sites as a result of required tree mitigation plantings. On Thursday, June 1,,2000, Baldwin submitted a revised landscape plan; however, it is unacceptable for a variety of reasons. It fails to accurately reflect the existence of the locations of buildings on the site. It fails to meet the minimal bufferyard landscape requirements. It fails to meet the minimal interior landscape requirements. It fails to have a legend which clearly indicates the trees by identifying them as bufferyard, interior landscape or tree mitigation plantings. Specifically as it relates to tree mitigation requirements, CISD is required to plant seven hundred fifty (750)three inch(3")trees as a result of the destruction of trees totaling 2,249" at the Carroll High School site. In addition, CISD is anticipated to be required to plant seven hundred fifty nine(759) three inch(3")trees as a result of the destruction of trees totaling 2,277" at the school and stadium sites along Kimball Road. These plantings are required in addition to any requirements under the bufferyard requirements and the interior landscape requirements. 8R-3.1 Garland.Wilson, Director Public Safety Carroll ISD Site Plan and Plat Revisions for Carroll High School June 1,2000 (3, Page 2 TPM representative Brent Kline has indicated CISD desired consideration be given by P&Z and/or City Council for a variance to waive the tree planting requirements, particularly those related to tree mitigation requirements. While the landscape ordinance permits the City Council to grant variances under specific guidelines and limitations, there are no provisions for a variance to the tree preservation ordinance. More specifically, Section 4.2 of the Tree Preservation ordinances states, "a person aggrieved by a decision of the Landscape Administrator may appeal the decision to the Tree Board. The decision of the Tree Board shall be final." Mr. Kline further indicated a desire to offset tree mitigation requirements with the planting of other landscape plants such as shrubs and/or flowers. The Landscape Administrator denied this request because the life.expectancy and ecological benefit of shrubs and flowers remain negligible in comparison to that of trees, and although these plants may enhance the appearance of the sites, it remains clearly outside of the intent and provisions of the tree preservation ordinance. Section 5.2 of the Tree Preservation Ordinance does permit some limited flexibility in the decisions made by the.Landscape Administrator. This section states, "The Landscape Administrator shall be authorized to work with owners, developers, and builders to make non-substantive changes, within the scope of this Ordinance, to plans, permits and other requirements throughout the development and construction processes that will provide the greatest reasonable protection toward achieving the purposes of this Ordinance," lcGiven the significant number of trees required to be planted for mitigation under the Tree Preservation Ordinance,we all recognize that it is not possible to successfully plant 75Q trees on the high school campus site. Nor would the planting of 756 trees on the Kimball Road sites represent sound practices under universally accepted'arborist and horticultural practices. In accordance with the provisions of Section 5.2 of the Tree Preservation Ordinance as outlined above, the Landscape Administrator has suggested a plan consistent with the following provisions to minimize the impact of the tree mitigation while maintaining the integrity of the ordinance requirements: • Determine the exact total number of trees to be planted for mitigation purposes. • Plant as many trees as possible, consistent with universally accepted arborist and horticultural practices, on the high school campus. - • Plant as many of the remaining required plantings as possible, consistent with universally acceptedsrborist and horticultural practices, on all other school campus sites. • '' For any remaining trees,the Landscape Administrator can permit 50%of these plantings to be made in public areas such as parks and the roadway medians along South Kimball in front of the school sites and a waiver of 50%of the plantings. (This is in lieu of direct payment into the Reforestation Fund.) Mr. Kline was contacted on Thursday, June 1, 2000 and all Of these issues were discussed in detail. In addition, it was suggested that he should be prepared to address these issues during the presentations to City Council and that he presents a landscape plan that: • Shows compliance with the bufferyard requirements • Shows compliance with the landscape ordinance requirements • Shows compliance with the tree mitigation planting requirements on the Carroll High School site. Garland Wilson, Director Public Safety. Carroll ISD Site Plan and Nat Revisions for Carroll High School June 1, 2000 Co; Page 3 • Indicates at what campuses the additional plantings will take place for all of the required tree mitigation planting of trees that cannot be made on this site. For example: 150—3"trees at Durham Elementary, 100—3"trees at Carroll Middle School, etc. • Provides a legend that clearly indicates which trees are designated for compliance with the bufferyard requirements,which are for interior landscape requirements, and which are used towards tree mitigation requirements. Mr. Kline indicated that he might not be able to provide such a detailed plan until June 20, 2000 or later. Nonetheless, it was suggested that it remained possible to indicate the intent to achieve these items as outlined, along with specific dates, which could then be made as a part of any motion approved by the City Council. Mr. Kline further indicated a concern about undertaking the actual plantings during the summer months in order to meet the requirements for obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. Although plantings undertaken during the summer months require detailed attention to care, especially sufficient watering, such plantings are successfully undertaken by landscape companies routinely. Nonetheless, there is a provision in both the Landscape Ordinance and the Tree Preservation Ordinance that permits delayed plantings with specific provisions. Consistent with the ordinance provisions, the Landscape Administrator can accept a letter of credit, cash escrow, or bond to ensure Ce compliance with an approved landscape plan. This mechanism was designed to provide an alternative to off-peak planting season activity. It remains important to clearly understand the history of non-compliance and to review the complexity of the various landscape and tree mitigation proposals previously existing. To this end, a matrix is attached that outlines these issues. These landscape requirements no doubt necessitate an expenditure of CISD funds. However, it is important to also note that in the spirit of inter-governmental cooperation and betterment of the community, the City of Southlake provides significant monetary savings to CISD by waiving of all building permit fees. Specifically, the City has waived $ 461,575 in fees for current projects while continuing to provide the building plan review and inspection services these funds would normally cover. -A separate chart is attached that details the specifics of the fee waivers provided. . We remain willing to assist TPM and CISD in achieving their objectives of providing quality campuses in compliance with the specifications of the applicable ordinances. Moreover, we are open to alternative ideas consistent with these provisions. As always, I am available for any questions or comments. MWJ/mwj Cc: Garland Wilson, Director Public Safety 1110 Bruce Payne, Director Planning Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager Billy Campbell, City Manger. 7A-36 • 1 CISD Project History Relative to Landscape and Tree Mitigation June 1, 2000 Durham Elementary Approved Details _Current Status Original Building built in 1996. Landscaping No approved plans submitted and no plantings to be done as a result of a gardening project conducted. Last notification letter of non-compliance designed and operated by the Joint Use sent to CISD representative John Craft November 1999. Committee project. Carroll High School (Library/Cafeteria/Activity Center/Ball fields) Approved Details Current Status Allow 50%of required accent trees and 100% Plantings done along the west side by Peytonville, but all of required shrubs for the east and south have since died or been destroyed by construction bufferyard requirements to be moved to the activity. west side along Peytonville. No plantings conducted along the east side. Plantings complete along the north(FM1709)side. 100%of the cost of canopy trees and shrubs in No plantings of trees along the east or south sides the east and south to be used for only trees _.selected by the Landscape Administrator and to be planted in the east and south bufferyard Trees planted along the east bufferyard are to No plantings of trees along the east side be placed on the west side of the drainage channel Construction of a 4' berm along the east and Unable to construct berm, particularly along the south south sides side, due to restrictions in drainage flows. Comply with tree mitigation requirements for No mitigation plantings and/or payment to the replanting of 750 trees to replace the 2,249" of Reforestation Fund non-exempt trees destroyed on site Request for submittal of a detailed landscape No acceptable landscape plan submitted. Two plan that shows bufferyard, interior landscape, companies presented conflicting plans,neither of which and tree mitigation,.lblantings. met minimal requirements. Carroll Intermediate#2(Kimball Road) Approved,Details Current Status As many mitigated trees to be planted on site as Projected amount of mitigation requirements to be 759 possible with remainder to be placed in the trees with a maximum of 358 able to be planted on site. Kimball Road median. Stated intent to plant remaining at other schools, not median. Save the tree with the Hawk Tree currently remains Plant as many trees as possible along the Not currently complied with the tree survey plan Croperty lines requirements and no preliminary landscape plans submitted. T CISD Project History Matrix—June 1, 2000 CPage 2 Carroll Middle School(Dove @ Carroll Road) Approved Details Current Status Waive the west and north bufferyard Project still under construction. requirements Require planting on the south half of the east Project still under construction. bufferyard only at this time/deferring the plantings in the north half of the east bufferyard (Note: Significant planting area available on this campus until construction of the stadium is complete, site for mitigation tree plantings.) with a full waiver if plantings result in the loss of parking spaces. Allowing the Landscape Administrator to work Plan submitted and approved. Plantings pending with the Landscape Architect in determing the completion of construction. best location for interior landscape plantings to be made. Durham Elementary Upgrade/Additions Approved Details Current Status Currently under review for comments CISD Stadium(Kimball Road) Approved Details Current Status Currently under review for comments Additional Notations: (1.) . Landscape Administrator Keith Martin met with Joint Use Committee, Dr. Giliam(CISD), Brent Kline(TPM), and Shrickle&Rollins(CISD Landscape Architect)on April 26, 2000 to discuss the use of drought tolerant plants for landscaping. Clarification was given regarding the Landscape Ordinance provisions and the Tree Mitigation requirements. (2) No issues exist for the Administration Building, Carroll Intermediate#1,Johnson Elementary, Carroll Elementary, Carroll Junior High, or Rockenbaugh. Significant area available for planting of tree mitigation plantings at these sites. r ,1; �' • • Current Construction Projects for Carroll Independent School District June 1, 2000 Description Estimated Construction Cost Estimated Permit Fee Waived Elementary School#5 1050.S. Carroll $11,000,000 $ 63,025 . Intermediate School# _3 500 S. Kimball $ 13,000,000 $ 79,525 Middle School,#2, 400 S. Kimball $ 19,500,000 $ 109,775 Rockenbaugh Elementary Addition $ 2,000,000 $ 13,525 301 Byron Nelson • Carroll Middle School Remodel $ 6,000,000 $ 35,525 1100 E. Dove Durham Elementary/Intermediate $ 1,000,000 $ 8,025 . Gymnasium—,801 Shady Oaks Durhami Elementary/Intermediate $ 250,000 - $ 3,275 Cafeteria-801 Shady Oaks Carroll Elementary Cafeteria ' $ 500,000 $ 3,725 1705 W. Continental Stadium $ 13,000,000 $79,525 1085 S. Kimball Natatorium-;Carroll High School $ 5,500,000 $ 32, 725 14501 W. Southlake Blvd. %eirltipurpose Bldg.—Carroll High $ 2,000,000 $ 13,525 1501 W. Southlake Blvd. Co-Curricular Items Carroll High $ 1,000,000 $ 8,025 1501 W. Southlake Blvd. Transportation Center $ 1,600,000 $ 11,325 • 1075 S.Kimball Totals $76,350,000.00 $461,525 Current Building Fees Waived ., , (111.11) a + WATERFORD DRIVE (111111 ZONED - PUD tA3 Iil f'R �' aiaT LUD = NED DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 4� , ._ tw .. •� '1 // STONE LAKES PHASE I �' craea��1s ..,......- St � i: / : '_ a a ! a • ,'`rwi.rr CAB.A. SL.915 N 4.4` s ilt 4-. rS 741,, , " o I _'� .1 1E T s t �r/ ' • �I� Iwwr1 -.1. �t"'tfi 7,1.•'Y L.= I +� , ` �. ..., INC TEIICE�' V `WI- 61- aoa•T C MK1 I it. w Na. -f" / "7 � , y» • yy �, i\J,_,cd, ......./ w arm W1ww/Wive•Y.m I•.• - I..ram ij II r......... r•�., r 1•M•4iK J•M "� ,ptx ,,y1J \ f l ,. l,t'. t �i �M II1rra ._...__ ........•n j W /� . 0 �:��,' •••••••,v»rlwl»•1.«r. ---•e't�'-.` �!( , ; S f � `,....' Ilw .— '1. ' •all . 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IA LAIOSCAlIMS TO RD IEIEO TO tAORDINAIE NITN MIIIOYEN WfSTIEICTION /d1� N� TWOS Ni TIN aa.•a•r MEW 1 FLAIR FOA 111 0 ION INC. laatrr•rware ma•N•or,apt rrr.tOlo•Ir KMa•■rr � �•rla"Miff WNW K.Ira TWIN a■Ky Tar t N ■1rNrKl llailp POMO MI Ir�N N MI YAM■N RN 1•N L IaNM Wt.MR M •IM MINN API MIN M M I,a1NTMT/d•» �• I �aKf Na (1• VP IONS 1M1 MMTt I MSIIMS RIK Tar /NM Clot mg Na/ W71 M•-IW ONO WC •11N1INIa+>Ar�»1{'rlr0'OIl•NNS MI.'•F'r NN.MO KOIIK MNK/KI ItlM(•IT)�,I.MMi Mf IA ININ•III• h11•N w•• ON ANTI aMMr ..-.. .�. _....._ - ( SITE DATA SUMMARY BY PHASE PROPOSES/SS-1 RECUTATI0NS nA.11 L�11 M.7III e� an IV P9/$'V 1roe ,„5'' IfFI f Ialf F8{Ibp IM�Ish Mlp lug 0(P.M.,Cme&11uh51hnl latl0 Black l (..Nu. ZA 59-071 W1 nt arm Hama 11.615 16.151 11.110 11.04 MOM HIM Proposed Rnguhnos C.omoer Ikil.r of lob. 1 Palmated Um Same CS with Je M...map..-allowme- NM Farm. St.N51 ll.M]E yMM M•Mt M•Rt M•N1 fajaia.m Scilides within City of Sa•thI.ke. Pn.ella..P.IN 1.M I. 1.15 /1.11 11.11 R 2 Amessay Urea Sur As CS,ad ddio{..uraimc ligh..Reis floe dOpn Spa. I401.111 a. J R ems,UMW Haan fddt with bloclns.ed Tmv.p IC Cam 711 Ma swung WM.Pr....&M.W i.doa.�hg fstlny. N�of 0dalth W W Y Si Y Y 3 Specific U.Permits SIMatl 1.'a.rla of3d•li W IA NZNAY at 4 Oevclapnnv Rngul.timts SM W.firallen M 1-11 5-4 1-01 FAS 1 nal4 fwlee_Illm M FM F 1-M 16-00 I1-05 4.1 Mei& Same ea W4lI SStIt. MIMI H ll. St NC Mt.7M 41{ NS`000 ho ..i Fro.Yad S.eoe e. 141Y1 Ib W1�1 MM.Iwldlrpl IC NM- - SIN. af. !M - Nm..I is YM 143.011 RS C V.TM NImt •el 04 C .J Sick Yard S.me.CS...0 mevo lot line...loom., 15•13 RYo Maid . allowdkmnear 4 IT Um I11.I11 w.f..CM- IC •1.156 Sim. 41.6 I.M. 41.066 tine R 14 Rear TM S.me as CS Tool 14.1fl as.N.tie 711.111 Sin. 251.16 On. 1M.46 tine 45 Mein..Id Coverage Sum a E1 l.bylr.d pllp III I C I. 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IS SOUTH ELEVATION ' mmr4r 1 t Ii1111111 IIIIILT I 1 fr ] f i I i lit ---- - - = moo wow 1 /1] fiti 1 1 1 I-11 1 i 1 /-71,rmv, 111 11 [111 WOW liDoOlai TOM 11 1111111 I L[1 1 (2411 I 'Jill I .r.".. Re'n JUN 0 2 Z°D° watiaX 14,11°1 \ cr. ---- ------•"'---------- _ _ , ..............-3 / NNW y IS! I -F-'' OMR all ............. 1 ... 1----- Now=woo iik OS.OVP4 -fi-- w x iir ViittatAD ti(** Mr NUM '--(1) --- NORTH ELEVATION CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-338 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 1, BLOCK 1, CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN CABINET A, SLIDE 1460, PLAT RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS; AND TRACTS IA AND 1A1 SITUATED IN. THE R. J. PADEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1255, AND BEING APPROXIMATELY 56.100 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AND "S-P-1" DETAILED SITE PLAN DISTRICT TO "S-P-1" DETAILED SITE PLAN DISTRICT WITH "CS" COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT USES AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED SITE PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B", SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of L N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-338.DOC Page 1 buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural District and "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, L N;\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-338.DOC Page 2 • WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among (Ow other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other (kir dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over-crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land iequested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. L N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-338.DOC Page 3 -52 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being Lot 1, Block 1, Carroll High School Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1460, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; and Tracts 1A and 1A1 situated in the R. J. Paden Survey, Abstract No. 1255, and being approximately 56.100 acres, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" from "AG" Agricultural District and "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District to "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District with "CS" Community Service District uses as depicted on the approved Site Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B", and subject to the specific conditions established in the motion of the City Council and attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit"C." SECTION 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. SECTION 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall j• be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and defmitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. L N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-338.DOC Page 4 'N-53 SECTION 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. C N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-338.DOC Page 5 n SECTION 7. Le Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication C N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-338.DOC Page 6 3R- as required by law, and it is so ordained. L PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 2000. L MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY L N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-338.DOC Pagel A r, 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: L CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: L N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILESIZBA\PENDING\480-338.DOC Page 8 131-5rj EXHIBIT "A" L Lot 1, Block 1, Carroll High School Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1460, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; and Tracts 1A and 1A1 situated in the R. J. Paden Survey, Abstract No. 1255, and being approximately 56.100 acres BEING a 1.75 acre tract and a 1.45 acre tract,shown as Tract 1 and Tract 1 A by Tarrant Appraisal District, situated in R.J.Paden Survey,Abstract No. 1255,City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at a point for the northeast corner of Carroll High School Addition to the City of Southlake as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1460,Plat Records,Tarrant County,Texas,and also being in the south right-of-way line of F.M.Highway 1709; THENCE N 89°27'18"E,a distance of 229.60 feet along said south right-of-way of F.M. to a point for corner; THENCE S 01°01'36"W,distance of 608.53 feet,to a point for corner; THENCE S 89°33'55"W,a distance of 229.66 feet,to a point for corner; THENCE N 00°01'14"W,a distance of 608.09 feet to the Point of Beginning,and containing (kW 3.19 acres of land, more or less. L N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-338.DOC Page 9 8 1]. Q c r r .. . " o 03 X C HRIOCE ZONED - PUD tt3 - •' - Z LACE WATERFORD DRIVE \ g c = r . .. 4 -.-RKWY LUD •=AIED DENSITY RESIDENTIAL `-:' •" 'C WY11 ' I `" /r , STONE LAKES PHASE I ��__ �"�°mE Kai -:'��a t".' �_ m I i P `\\ [ ' , Qv CAB.A. SL.915 o N I7iC- S 1�T I-,rI ram.I tail �J+yI. tu�-I ! I II..lJ.'r fiE1"1 ".I ! W �� .::,'.r'„ �� I_S L�',�1� 3W a4 �..... I scx rtNcl �u uI C� p w. el?' s -- O �cu1„ I .1 k GYl[r_-:-..� - �+ 1 p _u ,Im Donn nw Semi AMU.•U.I.um n. �r�� "O , N� — ira 1 x .1•c s \-\R/ ..n.I au. wl Jur Ai .11 • s A ! - ili 14M,�• :i Ir.... „ I/'..` • Rar.r-..Pr. �'I- 1pt ,I I1 ! r '' ``11 i i /ISTONE LAKES PHASE�+�',1, -.- ._ -€ -"- i j \,♦.I / `` /' CAB.A. SL.679A C Mrs NM IN ur u..rr EMI r/MOW IlrMM. .Ywln - lj / 11 r • C" wI II 1!-i �_- . ij,_ ' p _ _! E[Isrl(IG f'Nir Dr, t®w,O ROM UM PO nn leAnlr. -7 MIrIIY MICE ' Y�.R r U1Ow MOMS ieY RN UM MI '' I! C; ,4,1 !- 1TOS7-ar+ur i 751. L.. f i =",r„y, Ii rm MMnw N to .— s1, t.,I it tea_ Jrj_-7"' S- _ - ,r uI— t 1 — .— —If; • o P.0.8. b Pifu _ ��Iiii1r : erg, ® I SOFTBALL ti4. + \a" �'.� ® , I r 5 C575 9 $ �, miv i _� 111.31 " $ •Muc.X "-f- E[Ili liw ne11' 1 n w�arw H Mrvx rtNc� �r�.�,sM.arlaml.�Yl�.wr�.rvw.Rl f� � • NIO —_ii C 41 IM I12.p R.II.iR...% trl _ ::. 1� .,i.1 tra ,}�.� Itilik J j 1001011 11 II gal Di W UX e,■�l 1:1-.i - •- '�,]r(-�-- �,r IOW onto - .- -- p in.■ � All M.i�: �S 3.•� yy�e1i.�1� r 11 r �-� '/S �LVMI�•.� '�i n II u o WOW r4 tran,ai "�' t3A I1_•t I =I.��11Irlw �I �� I' ' w•.�14� Z o� r11� MN �f CMIKILL f H Ii t _ .� /' AM ON I tr7711cTIrtr 1 , I 1 „ 1 .wN.Palm- - i.F..• LOT irEo I �� I I Mru.M1-r 1 11111C1 1 it M 'C _a lain L.YIf.I.t1II 1 r.., I . .: , N OM i tri I R MOWING, t`'� -t F[ I sraP Irlr C_.'::SAG. "); e� 1 I OAT n1uiM Mma au m y wnwc ma.noM a e 33/1.41.111111 al Muni I,IC i5 I i$. ' à L ;,,. s'Yraln WPM _P■ ■ .._. n as w/w MINIM ar • IP K._ + - 1 s 4E1 6 I r __....... M rower sum r r MP r.nP MOM iwssm•P A.MOMS l..M rm Y ll k _i. ! �: I I m pp I -4 -Fk - ., I I-i-i ,1(�M I TEN[ r u r■u 1.I. .,`N = rM I - S �I --wa;` Ear_ _ '7 , ,IM to NO Rwr�u k �'`1 ..__..-cur IJ ` I ` b OC.II i ai _ ,,„x.. r , 9r- -..- " ce .a=�:I= flECO MAY 312000 � ii1 �1 - r. - �s.®esa•amz xaxsas■r..,-..--,;,. - --- • �--- - -- I i •..R.. . IN—T ..i roc pimi S�l=F.,��r�� ., �+. ' 11010,11I ! II i 'a'•i I.nr k "'�'' '!" ?"' a�In .iss:�-•w-=-•• REVISED SITE PLAN atl , L•S•7T . w I sals s : IO .:M 'ly'3E� I ..IMAM u•E , il i'9 , .E.n• �j -�-. (JCARO: BLOCK 2 I^r�+f BLOCK �' 7or ut ewa 5 EU ZONEt�r,C2 Im. .��: .+ V.388-142,P•100 I I m i I CETR011 TSB T CI BO ADDITION 10'�O11�■Err BAKER ESTATES To ra TY CRT M SarrU CAB.A, SL.2917 1 LIMIT Lmrrr.mu I i ° y ut rr..r /. ZONED -AS .w M w.r.M w w..■1m L tr.E srsa s..nwi IIImEP LUD =RE �ORB.ERCIAL LUD =MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONED - SF 20AnsmMse�OVUM�rrsa ...rPw SmITImIrL uwTa-rlr SE■ES1Er M YErroRll.E EYFMr nu REOYII[ LUD =MED DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ULM. rM. n.. . r� ME inOtSIa TO EYOIOIMIE ACCESS. SITE ENTRY.POLING EYNFImMT1Or. r MM��. .�'U,yM NO LN■SCNING m OE ItKSI c0 TO m■■IwTL CTY AMMO COST/UMW AO®Q aye RUM MrIs 7LNe iml rrvosEa HEMS LIME. MAIM Y.M1orM .4 rw,MG Mu...uwr== .UMW.ii,, Wit w+.a VW UMW AMC 16131 I- uaan r:.r_r MMIr.I.YMr r m•w mamma r w a I.rM NUR an 1M.Owe NOW M w r...s.M noon MUMwiirtw NMI NM ..aM NM Mu r...I.MN.a 1.wrYww,VMS P t��I.s>ta.Ms.MU w ���x1 mu n.I OM I1-Ir m■r Mor.M...rr.r..Msow.14Nu. iI al PM .ai[44 MAIM Ru Irn .R. Mnl M.•re EXHIBIT "B" L PROPOSED SP-1 REGULATIONS Title of Project Carroll High School Lot 1R Block 1 Case No. ZA 99-078 Proposed Regulations Comments I Permitted Uses Same as CS with the following exceptions-allowing for joint use facilities with the City of Southlake. 2 Accessory Uses Same as CS,and adding natatorium,lighted tennis courts,lighted baseball fields with bleachers and concession sales running tracks,practice fields,and indoor training facility. 3 Specific Use Permits Same as CS 4 Development Regulations 4.1 Height Same as CS 4.2 Front Yard Same as CS 4.3 Side Yard Same as CS,except no zero lot line development allowed. 4.4 Rear Yard Same as CS 4.5 Maximum Lot Coverage Same as CS 4.6 Maximum Impervious Coverage Same as CS 4.7 Additional Development Regulations Same as CS,except the existing high school Existing trees being saved along residential for building uses lying within 400 feet educational building and additions attached thereto property lines will partially shield the of single family residential zoning. shall emulate existing construction materials,surfaces, building from view and mandatory fire and and architectural style. The proposed natatorium safety external lighting will be directed shall be exempt from vertical and horizontal away from residential property. articulation requirements and the requirements for a 4:1 height setback from existing residential zoning. 5 Concept Plan No Concept Plan shall be required. Site developed as a SP-1 requiring a site plan to be submitted for additional development 6 Effect of Concept Plan No Concept Plan required. 7 Site Plan Same as CS 8 Special Exception Uses Same as CS L N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-338.DOC Page 11 (i n- l rY i EXHIBIT "C" This page reserved for the approved City Council motion. L L N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-338.DOC Page 12 W) • City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT June 2, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 00-006 PROJECT: Plat Revision - Proposed Lot 1R,Block 1, Carroll High School Addition STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Plat Revision of proposed Lot 1R, Block 1, Carroll High School Addition on property legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Carroll High School Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1460, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; and Tracts 1A and 1A1 situated in the R. J. Paden Survey, Abstract No. 1255, and being approximately 56.100 acres. PURPOSE: Incorporate unplatted property into the existing platted lot.A plat must be filed in County Plat records prior to issuance of a building permit. LOCATION: On the southeast corner of the intersection of West Southlake Boulevard(F.M. 1709) and South Peytonville Avenue. OWNER: Carroll I.S.D. APPLICANT: Cheatham&Associates CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District and "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District LAND USE CATEGORY: Public/Semi-Public and Medium Density Residential NO. NOTICES SENT: Fifty-two (52) RESPONSES: Eight(8) responses were received from within the 200' notification area: • Anthony and Susan Bologna, 100 Waterford Drive, Southlake, TX, opposed, "As property owners we have serious concerns relating to this project. We are opposed to the fact of not strictly complying with the articulation ordinance. We oppose the fact that the building is taller than allowed by the ordinance. We are opposed to the building being moved 40ft. to clear the height requirements." (Received May 11, 2000.) • Jeff Daoes, Southlake Safeco Ltd., 777 Main Street, Suite CIO, Fort Worth, TX undecided, "What revision is being requested and for what purpose?" (Received May 12, 2000.) • Rev. Michael B. Beaugh, Southlake Boulevard Presbyterian Church, PO Box 93164, Southlake, TX in favor. (Received May 56- 1 City of Southiake, Texas 15, 2000.) • Craig and Kathy Rodgers, 108 Waterford Drive, Southlake, TX opposed, "I would like to see the building moved closer to the school and away from the homes. I would also like to see the turn around moved away from the homes(make it a bull nose turn around.) I would also like to see more landscaping between the building & the homes." (Received May 17, 2000.) • Karen Nyhoff 1404 Mayfair Place, Southiake, TX opposed,"We Please do not remove the trees along the homeowner fenceline! We oppose any buildings that do not strictly comply with all ordinances. The buildings are too tall and too close to homes." (Received May 17, 2000.) • Charles Whitacre, 110 Waterford Drive, Southlake, TX opposed, "The bldg. is too close to the property of the homeowners. The building is taller than what is allowed by ordinance. The emergency turn around shines lights into my yard. We don't know details of the landscaping." (Received May 17, 2000) • Daniel and Susan P. George, 1406 Mayfair Place, Southiake, TX opposed. (Received May 17, 2000.) • Michael F. Burz, 1400 Cambridge Crossing, Southlake, TX opposed, "Will ruin residential area — ball field will attract students through our yard—will school pay to put up our fence?" (Received May 30, 2000.) P&Z ACTION: May 18, 2000; Approved(5-1) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 3, May 12, 2000, adding a comment that approval of the plat is subject to approval of the zoning. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Plat Review Summary No. 4, dated June 2, 2000. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-006PR.doc L • Tract Map .... ZA00-006 w1wW- al111 r til - a 4--0-76.f0k:ig[i1U4►o lab - - I ';antr. New -4.m.,it".7.."..011,0 ion... i .. rsa4s 0/meedwadio- 410.0: i _, Ella I�!� AMP all,� IILLSID •rri♦ , n .►eve ••♦c:0. 1■111► ♦M% •■ r Amu 8 i b& ii NSDN t'R.f;', �s up war rip I I� ' ' lt - , C'etlt,'It.0.?#* Nv**lb-, a ow ma New • Ilk.�" Liord o ko oirk VIP.Illimii - a \II 41W j -IMO- I _ �■■tIL !■!I�'� \���i Q .;1♦oII .! - ;�■■■■■ tom.;!• t isk ♦•i- ♦� 5�■N ::II■■■eC •.is♦i It;, - r ma c as ARM _ IMMINIIII '4ilig A " CH k AT •:VOA Plitrianitilloort. dp ilizaSIP 11111111" 2000 0 2000 Feet N \ / W / � E L S Surrounding Property Owners 0_, ZA00-006 , ,...____i_.. 1 'WI 2 3 4 54 OP 4IJ' 52 Rallialittii"P 51 Will11 ralaWe immis4 momilip EA A 1 Itir s d wing Surol'Adir ir m MI art147 NO wiltirep nil iiIII ir■ 45 �� ;�;�� 0► ♦'�/,, .11P ,31L 34241 :�`ii®ii'�i�Fi►,It A r- *to 0 10" --70.1111110.1111111111 I.. ■so: -m D. 10 ri- Ill BIN ■m it Wan 4ti,r*,�►�A Property Owner Zoning Land Use Designation Acreage 1. Myers Meadow 1. "R-PUD" 1. Medium Density Residential 1. 4.95 acres Homeowner's Assn. 2. Farmer Madison Turner I 2. "C-3" 2. Retail Commercial 2. 1.08 acres 3. Southlake Safeco Ltd. 3. "C-3" 3. Retail Commercial 3. 1.37 acres 4. Southlake 114 Investors 4. "C-3" 4. Retail Commercial 4. 0.85 acres 5. Southlake Blvd Presbyterian 5. "CS" 5. Retail Commercial 5. 5.17 acres Church 6. Realty Income Texas Prop.LP6. "C-3" 6. Retail Commercial 6. 1.13 acres 7. Southridge Lakes 7. "C-3" 7. Medium Density Residential 7. 3.32 acres Homeowner's Assn. 8. A. Bologna 8. "R-PUD" 8. Medium Density Residential 8. 0.59 acres 9. S.Morningstar 9. "R-PUD" 9. Medium Density Residential 9. 0.35 acres 10.M.Rabbani 10."R-PUD" 10.Medium Density Residential 10.0.43 acres 11.W.Harless 11."R-PUD" 11.Medium Density Residential 11.0.39 acres 12.C.Rodgers 12."R-PUD" 12.Medium Density Residential 12.0.39 acres 13.C.Whitacre 13."R-PUD" 13.Medium Density Residential 13.0.38 acres 14.A.Jain 14."R-PUD" 14.Medium Density Residential 14.0.38 acres 15.J.Kapich 15."R-PUD" 15.Medium Density Residential 15.0.35 acres 16.D.Nyhoff 16."R-PUD" 16.Medium Density Residential 16.0.36 acres 17.D.George 17."R-PUD" 17.Medium Density Residential 17.0.53 acres (11161. Page 1 of 2 Qg- L( Property Owner Zoning Land Use Designation Acreage 18.C.Williams 18."R-PUD" 18.Medium Density Residential 18.0.57 acres 19.L.Giglio 19. "R-PUD" 19.Medium Density Residential 19.0.40 acres 20.E.Walter 20."R-PUD" 20.Medium Density Residential 20.0.33 acres 21.R.Dahlson 21."R-PUD" 21.Medium Density Residential 21.0.44 acres 22.S.Tarrant 22."R-PUD" 22.Medium Density Residential 22.0.54 acres 23.D.Bennett 23."R-PUD" 23.Medium Density Residential 23.0.43 acres 24.J.Henson 24."R-PUD" 24.Medium Density Residential 24.0.39 acres 25.T.Evans 25."R-PUD" 25.Medium Density Residential 25.0.31 acres 26.D.Webb 26."R-PUD" 26.Medium Density Residential 26.0.52 acres 27.J.Johanson 27. "R-PUD" 27.Medium Density Residential 27.0.55 acres 28. S.Roberts 28."R-PUD" 28.Medium Density Residential 28.0.56 acres 29.M.Burz 29."R-PUD" 29.Medium Density Residential 29.0.36 acres 30.E.Armstrong 30."R-PUD" 30.Medium Density Residential 30.0.73 acres 31.R.Finn 31."R-PUD" 31.Medium Density Residential 31.0.42 acres 32.H.Bush 32."R-PUD" 32.Medium Density Residential 32.0.33 acres 33.K.Sietz 33."SF-20A" 33.Medium Density Residential 33.0.61 acres 34.K.Swieter 34. "SF-20A" 34.Medium Density Residential 34.0.46 acres 35. S.Reindl 35. "SF-20A" 35.Medium Density Residential 35.0.46 acres 36.Randy Bollig Builder 36."SF-20A" 36.Medium Density Residential 36.0.46 acres 37.Pence Enterprises Inc. 37."SF-20A" 37.Medium Density Residential 37.0.46 acres 38.T. Burns 38."SF-20A" 38.Medium Density Residential 38.0.46 acres 39. S.Little 39."SF-20A" 39.Medium Density Residential 39.0.46 acres 40.C.Vanyo 40. "SF-20A" 40.Medium Density Residential 40.0.46 acres 41. S.Kolar 41. "SF-20A" 41.Medium Density Residential 41.0.46 acres 42.G.Middleton 42."SF-20A" 42.Medium Density Residential 42.0.46 acres 43.Dynasty Custom Homes 43."SF-20A" 43. Medium Density Residential 43.0.47 acres (kW 44.W.Castro 44."SF-20A" 44. Medium Density Residential 44.0.53 acres 45.Southlake Woods,LP 45."SF-20A" 45.Medium Density Residential 45.0.47 acres 46. Southlake Woods,LP 46."SF-20A" 46.Medium Density Residential 46.0.22 acres 47.Southlake Woods,LP 47."SF-20A" 47.Medium Density Residential 47.0.48 acres 48. Southlake Woods,LP 48."SF-20A" 48.Medium Density Residential 48.0.48 acres 49. Southlake Woods,LP 49."SF-20A" 49.Medium Density Residential 49.0.73 acres 50.C.May 50."AG" 50.Medium Density Residential 50. 1.01 acres 51.L.Akard 51."AG" 51.Medium Density Residential 51. 1.06 acres 52.C.Akard 52."AG" 52.Medium Density Residential 52. 2.06 acres 53.R.Greenwood 53."AG" 53.Medium Density Residential 53. 1.00 acres 54.D.Davis 54."AG" 54.Medium Density Residential 54. 1.00 acres 55.C.Lam 55."C-2" 55.Retail Commercial 55.0.69 acres 56.C.Lam 56."C-2" 56.Retail Commercial 56. 1.31 acres 57.C.Lam 57."C-2" 57.Retail Commercial 57. 1.80 acres N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\2000 Exhibits\00006PR.doc fhilor Page 2 of 2 c3g-5 r (14."' C . DELTA-o2 99.79 ,. .....•....NNW. � Yw Y�w,- sees.. 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D`f6S1 -t O. 8....1_ _ 1 x '��^ A FINAL PLAT OF KK.nYK ; ` LOT 1 BLOCK "1" ^~ ', ^, CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION r f- notefen . -^...w. SITUATED IN THE W G,a S011i•ai.0.ant• R. J. PADEN SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 1255 CITY OF SO UTHLAKE 8 • IW TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 8 .w-� la 54.6152 ACRES 8 x I� November 1990 -' ______ '_- Io ARCHITECT: ONNER: SURVEYOR: _'- »�-______________ 1104.00• .1 1^ SHWC INC. CARROLL INDEPENDENT AYRES ASSOCIATES • Ir N E9 JB'00'W •IJ26.00-_ 5601 U*CARTHUR OL O. SCHOOL OISTRIGi 2110 WALNUT HILL LANE \ P.O.BOX 6I9087 IJ00 N.CARROT AVE. SUITE 134 tigis l srwo•.WOW TARRANT COUNTY DEED RECORDS OHCI'hE TEXAS 75261 SWTMAKE. TEXAS PH NC, IFXA�730JB VOL• CABINET r41f,n S.1 I THIS PUS��E .J� -,�M PHONE(214)350-0700 PHONE(E17)481-5775 PHONE(2f 4)570-3577 PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PLAT City of Southlake, Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 00-006 Review No: Four Date of Review: 06/02/00 Project Name: Plat Revision-Lot 1R.Block 1, Carroll High School Addition,being a revision of Lot 1,Block 1,Carroll High School Addition and being 3.207 acres out of the R.J. Paden Survey. Abstract No 1255 APPLICANT: SURVEYOR: Carroll I.S.D. Cheatham and Associates 1201 N. Carroll Avenue • 1601 E. Lamar Blvd..#200 Southlake,TX 76092 Arlington,TX 76011 - Phone: (817)416-1420 Phone: (817) 548-0696 Fax: (817)251-6622 Attn:John Craft Fax: (817)265-8532 Attn: G.Johns CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 05/31/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT KEN BAKER AT(817)481-5581,EXT.753. 1. The following changes are needed with regards to easements: a. Show a 15' drainage and utility easement along the south and east property line (Delete reference to 10'drainage and utility easement). b. If any easements require abandonment and relocation, note so on the plat and provide franchise utility company approval block. 2. A"Certificate of Taxes Paid" indicating that there are no delinquent taxes owed on the subject property from each taxing authority must be provided to the City prior to filing this plat in the County records.A copy of this information may be obtained from the Tarrant county Tax Assessor/Collector's Office located at 100 E. Weatherford St. in Ft. Worth(across from the old red courthouse).There is a service charge of$10 per account for this certificate. For more information contact the Assessor/Collector's office at(817) 884-1103. P&Z 4CTION: May 18, 2000;Approved(5-1).subject to Plat Review Summary No. 3,May 12, 2000, adding a comment that approval of the plat is subject to approval of the zoning. * Please submit a revised blueline "check print" prior to submitting blackline mylars with original signatures. * Original signatures and seals will be required three blackline mylars prior to filing the plat. Also required are two sets of owner's dedications and notaries (8.5" x 11" or 14" paper) with original signatures and seals on each. Mylars will not be accepted if any erasures or original ink,other than signatures or seals,appear on the plat. * A Developers Agreement is required prior to construction of any public infrastructure.The Developer's Agreement for this addition should consider streets,drainage,park dedication 1 ei City of Southlake, Texas requirements and fees,off-site sewer extensions,off-site drainage and utility easements and impact fees. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Mark Daniels TPM VIA FAX: ABOVE Gordon Johns,Cheatham and Associates VIA FAX: ABOVE \\SLKSV4001\Local\Community Development\WP-FILES\REV\2000\00-006PR1.doc A,, tY n 2 filli fillil) (1111111If IP ; WATERFORD ORIVE `I ' Sd y I • a 4 • • r•ar B NR1L . fa r. .L�jc �� • SWar CAB A. S191TONE LAKES 5A$E 1 \ N 'e h S �r rrf 1 flrr YFA Il _..._ °i r y y yCT` ` am \is-f ^ 'ate y .. f" • NM NW a 1111 Warr \\ 't, / ` ,.� u�•.. .••4t7i 1 s 1 r TONE L ,. - c-. Ae1.wC acArs „- -y II 1 ��• 'CAB.A. 679 a iiiTmir fi r _ aa+•4r7 4,A• Gan)a _ on.. — r �^^} ; P.O.B.'� ism i Ir a•.famfarannr• I wwaIr•.I AMMO aw.IO VIVO �"'~lrla/AYa LAII A!M lit .,r1. •�sz...Idle aa1 aalall yr aged..a wr4444 Oa rWI �ppIIN a 10 Ate.. .2,' 5 L Ben •a�r ••rw ayr • M is - I wz.A'i�'w L' w »Sba Wlr.tw naa..IIa a I.AII Ara. •. M • 'la4701'fJ'=01:4"'220 C.» :�"'AW ' § rr ' I �� ' 4 Iwo 4.0 NOON w W.INb. II al Fraaawal UM Draw _ r�ij'ti s/r marwr�•n�riiti� I I lw 4 i fr !4 I - I ''* ma, 1 '.- CARROLL SCHOOL ADDITION • ` :f- I I ^a••►am a ai mnn LOT 1.IF 1.CM.A.SLDE 1460 rrwwa If IN MOM A.mw ars e. : '.I I4, # a•ffamfamfs/nn I ed. Ia armor Iar atilt_aaa II .r Nerstrys �;; al. 'ter: y. 4' s a �,. •w ' • • , faslo a we art a.ra WWI ACRE ROW DEDICATION I a ••'•1 0 4 I. m WITH INS PLAT I iron -KIr win laa I ■ Ha r..1.„ ,� ■r.l 'raft" 'Mr wMr of P -- 41 '—�rtws7rO�irr MY r a r.; r,a ar. - r, V4: .. nII VT1IIVl1 I r in ' n _ I a a.araw um• lir. Ile• • PUT > IOIf l...0' •a Oa I a 1 a • 1 a • a LOT UP.NM 1 r, y :Iv' TM V.368-14O.100 13 2 I OCK a'MATAVI'o INCIAoleo 8 RESTATES .,c CAB.A. SL. 917 Ir•ari _ILr r r mow 1�' - -- Alminceismal ar a an an is •a sa f�i•�r Iran am w• w .• .. a•arlrl.rrae aa- NMI UNRECD MAY ;� 2000 r• sau �rr.Iraryaw.�.Ma tr ar. �w.. ��f�'� �?!.. >I<`.�r ■e ye i rT�• mitt en a a•Fw MOW r•• 111.014111 ,� A+F o ' a _ J - 1 w : '!- L. E!,4,, E �7Y x ; I IF ,., 1' IL • • I ��•. I Ivp,0 0 ���`�' �s Ill I ! a I i ,„. ,, 1 I ��,�� ,�s��.-_.a:► . �Ili 7. •ry i R 1h i ! 1i i i It ii,f, i irk 1 pjg h1g 1 poi Or f Nr It 11 I 141 1r ii 4, h fid$ i , hi j si I iti 4 i A iIi!i M r, 1 .la b' i ,t. l a 1 R r$ et kip p rI bi I . • R ; , II 4 III a 3.' , or ra I u 4 'T k go ti t 'kg g 01 ; • liii 1 NA g ... 4 II. I 411 111 i 1 r I I rf;11 lit ' p. 1 r di ic p pi f.,,,,, 1 . de I . ,--,4. - • 1 2- 'is 1 1 p pi 4, ; , ri.,1 i ,, , T., IIT,'/ . d lip. - • 1 0 i . wail 1 11 II d i i r , ru r rh.E IiiiI1! IiiII liii I I ! iIIIiiI I c • City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 2,2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Garland Wilson,Director of Public Safety(Ext. 730) SUBJECT: Request for a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A for The Trailhead, 2260 Johnson Road and 525 North Pearson Lane. Action Requested: City Council consideration of variance to Sign Ordinance 704-A. • Background Information: The Trailhead is a 28 lot subdivision located on the north side of Johnson Road between Pearson Lane and Randol Mill Avenue. Perry Homes has purchased the lots and is building houses on them. This request is to allow off site development signs at the nearest intersecting through streets. The proposed sign structure would comply with the ordinance criteria for a ground sign as specified in section 16-C. Staff has noted that in the last couple of years the larger subdivisions have been built out leaving only smaller parcels such as this available for development. A result of this situation is they tend to be more remote, creating a hardship for the builders to assist customers in finding their homes. The 1995 Sign Ordinance No. 506-A permitted one such sign for subdivisions up to 200 lots, and two such signs for larger subdivisions. The New Sign Ordinance No. 704 adopted in September of 1998 and the revision Ordinance 704-A adopted in December of 1998 removed all off site signs. Bill Marrin of Perry Homes will be present to speak on behalf of this request. Financial Considerations: Not Applicable Citizen Input/ Board Review: No citizen input has been received. Not subject to any Board review. Legal Review: None Alternatives: The council may approve the request, deny the request, or approve it subject to whatever conditions they deem appropriate. 10A-1 Billy Campbell June 2, 2000 Page 2 Supporting Documents: Variance Application Form Sign Drawings and Location Map Letters of Intent Ordinance No.704-A, Sections 14, 16-C and 17 Staff Recommendation: Place the request for a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A for The Trailhead, 2260 Johnson Road and 525 North Pearson Lane, on the June 2, 2000 City Council agenda for approval. .0hi GW/bls • (sr 10A-2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SIGN VARIANCE APPLICATION MAY 5 2000(Dr APPLICANT • OWNER if differen NAME: Perry Homes(Bill MarO.n) Perry domes ADDRESS: 2714 Aurora Court 9000 Gulf Freeway Southiake, Texas 76092 Houston, Texas 77017 PHONE: 817-482-1010 FAX: 817-482-1074 The following Information pertains to the location for which the variance is being requested: NAME OF BUSINESS OR OPERATION: sPP multiple locations below: 1 ) 2260 Johnson Road, Southiake 76092. PHYSICALADDRESS: 2) 525 Pearson Lane North, Southiake 76092 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block, Subdivision I hereby certify that this application Is •• • s per the requirements of Sign Ordinance No. 704 as summarized below. I furth- nd that it is necessary to have a representative at the City Council meeting who �'/ to discuss this request Applicant's signature: � Date: WSJ OC The following checklist is a summary of requirements for sign variance requests as required by the City of Southiake. The applicant should further refer to the Sign Ordinance No. 704 and amendments, and other ordinances maps, and codes available at the City Hall that may pertain to this sign variance request. x Completed sign variance request application. • X Completed demonstration of conditions applicable to the requested variance(see attached.)' • X Site plan showing the location of the sign variance request and any other signs that conform to or are exempt from the sign ordinance. The site plan shall also indicate the building, landscaped areas, parking &approaches and adjoining street R. O.W. X Scaled and dimensioned elevations of the signs for which the variance is requested. For attached signs,the elevations shall show the building, the sign for which the variance is requested, and any other signs that conform to or are exempt from the sign ordinance. Siv • • • 10A-3 Demonstration Please demonstrate that the following conditions are applicable to the requested sign variance: • 1. That a literal enforcement of the sign regulation will crate an unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty on the applicant Subdivision is on a two lane, low traffic street which is unknown to most local residents and very difficult to find by out of town prospects wanting to relocate to Southlake. This problem persists even when directions have been given verbally or in writing. Resulting traffic has been very low with only two sales in over five months . 2. That the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self imposed. Attempts to overcome this low traffic by way of newspaper ads, Realtor Flyers, Realtor meetings and direct mailouts, and Prospect mailouts, flyers, phonecalls have failed. 3. That the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties. Owners of both properties have given us permission to place the requested signs, would be placed in accordance with Southlakes sign placement guidelines , and since they are both on corners , should not affect any surrounding properties . 4. That the variance will be In harmony with the spirit and purpose of the sign ordinance. Our only objective is to deliver 27 quality homes to the city of Southlake, and complete this project in a timely and efficient manner. This variance request, if approved should enable us to sell these properties over a 12 month period which should benefit allparties. M:lwpflieslbuildinggvariance.app 10A-4 . , NORTH 4er PERRY HOMES THE RAILHEAD MYERS MEADOW COMMUNITY REANI1« mummism 0 c" em1 it : + . • ° LOVEGRASS LN. zo 525 to Residence a . 4 FM 1709 AAP Annroximate Sign Location (Will comply with all size and setback requirements) WhanC tem burgundy background PERRY 0 0, THE HEAD 41111111111111 (817)482- 1010 from the $320s er homes.e � ry om Two sided sign - 8 X 4 size - to comply with all size and set-back requirements Located at the Northwest corner of Randol Mill and Johnson Road "White ext � y bur d . / background PERRY HOMES c, Tm3 TRAILHEAD MI9 (817)4824010 from the $320s perryhomescom Two sided sign - $ X 4 size - to comply with all size and set-back requirements Located at the Southeast corner of Pearson and Johnson Road • /L LETTER OF INTENT DATE: ,5700 LAG (61.9 OWNER: Name: I7/7/ d 1 i tz/ Address: SPcS- PAy rl/ eA d2I City, State and Zip: .Sd a/1/ TA-- 26 Q/Qz Home Telephone: giP--y 3/--/qy/ Office Telephone: (1) (2) PROPERTY: Lot , Block , Addition: Section: , County: 7)43 4f'I` , Texas, Owner will agree to permit Perry Homes to erect a sign on the Property contingent upon the approval and issuance of a sign permit by the applicable municipal entity. OWNER PERRY S, a enture iti/(4/f4 ._.�. �� � BY: S'•t:ture of Owner Signature of Representative Ltattors of Intont'8lgn.doc L 10A-8 • LETTER OF INTENT çATE: . 5/4100 OWNER: Name: Mr . and Mre. Phillips Address: 2260 Johnson Road City, State and Zip: snuth7 aka. Texas 76092 Home Telephone: Office Telephone: (1) (2) PROPERTY: Lot , Block , Addition: Section: , County: T a r r a n t , Texas, Owner will agree to permit Perry Homes to erect a sign on the Property contingent upon the approval and issuance of a sign permit by the applicable municipal entity. OWNER PERRY -1. enture (Sr, fit4.74 Signature of Owner Signature of Representative L•u.ete.n of InMmtMSlg.doc L 10A-9 The following sections have been excerpted from the Sign Ordinance No. 704-A L',C. 6 CONDITIONAL SIGN PERMIT A. GENERAL: Notwithstanding anything in this ordinance to the contrary, the erection of.a sign or signs may be approved pursuant to this section under a conditional sign permit approved by the City Council. The purpose of this section is to allow for a specialized review of signs which may not be appropriate generally without certain restrictions, but which, if controlled as to the number, size, height, color, location, lighting, or relation to adjacent properties, would promote the health, safety, and welfare of the community. Conditional permitting of signs shall not be based upon the content of the sign, but is intended to allow for the evaluation of the physical impact of the proposed sign on adjacent properties and to ensure adequate mitigation of potentially unfavorable factors, such as the number, size,height, color, location, lighting, and other potentially unfavorable impacts. SEC. 14 VARIANCES The City Council may authorize variances to any restriction set forth in this ordinance, including but not limited to the number, type, area, height, or setback of signs, or any other aspect involved in the sign permitting process. In granting any variance, the City Council shall determine that a literal enforcement of the sign regulations will create an unnecessary hardship or a practical difficulty on the applicant, that the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self-imposed, that the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties, and that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this sign ordinance. A person may L request a variance from the Sign Ordinance by filing the request with the Building Official. Any request for variance shall be accompanied by a completed application and a non-refundable filing fee in the amount specified in the current fee schedule adopted by City Council. SEC. 16 PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURES AND GENERAL REGULATIONS C. GROUND SIGN 1. GENERAL: Unless otherwise specifically provided,the regulations set forth in this subsection shall be applicable to all ground signs. 2. MINIMUM SETBACK: Fifteen(15)feet from any property line. 3. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Three feet(3') 4. MAXIMUM AREA: Eight(8)square feet with a maximum of four(4) square feet per sign face. 5. NUMBER OF SIGNS: One(1)sign per site. SEC. 17 PROHIBITED SIGNS A. GENERAL Any sign which is not specifically permitted in Articles V and VI of this ordinance shall be prohibited. 10A-10 City of Southlake, Texas • MEMORANDUM June 2, 2000 To: Billy Campbell, City Manager From: Charlie Thomas, City Engineer, extension 814 Subject: Authorize the Mayor to execute a Developer's Agreement for CISD No. 4 Addition (Middle/ Intermediate School), located on the west side of south Kimball Avenue, approximately 900' south of East Southlake Boulevard Action Requested: Authorize the Mayor to execute a Developer's Agreement for CISD No. 4 Addition (Middle/Intermediate School). Background Information: The site plan for CISD No. 4 (Middle/Intermediate School) was approved on March 21, 2000. The Developer's Agreement includes the construction of on-site public water lines, public sanitary sewer lines and public drainage improvements by CISD. The agreement also includes the construction of off-site sanitary sewer lines and a reinforced concrete box culvert extending from the school property to FM 1709 and a 12' water line along South Kimball Avenue by CISD. In the agreement, CISD requests the following fees be waived or they be given credit for them: 1. 3% Inspection Fees 2. 2% Administration Fees 3. Roadway Impact Fees - 4. Water Impact Fees 5. Wastewater Impact Fees 6. Park Fees CISD agrees to use the most northerly driveway for construction access and construct the most southerly driveway as a right in/right out driveway. The detention pond on the site is designed to hold the increased runoff of the developed site plus 15%. The off-site drainage • system is designed to carry the 100 Year Flood. 10B-1 Financial Considerations: The total amount of the fees is approximately $100,000. Citizen Input/ Board Review: None. Legal Review: This is the City's standard Developer's Agreement originally drafted by the City Attorney. Alternatives: Approve it, deny it or modify it. Supporting Documents: Agreement Plat Exhibit Staff Recommendation: Please place on the June 6, 2000 City Council for Counsel consideration and approval. ,. Charlie J. T as, PE City Engineer 4 I I ' 1 OB-2 CISD No. 4 ADDITION COMMERCIAL DEVELOPER AGREEMENT An agreement between the City of Southlake, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "City", and the undersigned Developer, an Independent Sc , , hereinafter referred to as the '`Developer", of CISD No. 4 Addi intermediate,school and new middle school on the west side of KimbF between FM 1709 and Crooked Lane, hereinafter referred to as ''Addition" to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, for the installation of certain community facilities located therein, and to provide city services thereto. It is understood by and between the parties that this Agreement is applicable to the Addition (a comtnercla! public school development) and to the off-site improvements necessary to support the Addition. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. It is agreed and understood by the parties hereto that the Developer shall employ a civil engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas for the design and preparation of the plans and specifications for the construction of all facilities covered by this Agreement. B. The Developer will present to the City farDveloper , l either a cash escrow, Letter of Credit, performance bond or payment bond acceptable to the City guaranteeing and agreeing to pay an amount equal to 100% of the value of the construction cost of aU the required public facilities, as®) :_. ,., , . _... approved plans, to be constructed by the Developer, and providing for payment to the City of such amounts, up to the total remaining amounts required for the completion of the Addition if the Developer fails to complete the work within two (2) years of the signing of this Agreement between the City and Developer. All bonds shall be issued by a Best-rated bonding company. All letters of credit must meet the Requirements for irrevocable Letter of Credit attached hereto and incorporated herein. - The value of the performance bond, letter of credit or cash escrow will reduce at a rate consistent with the amount of work that has been completed by the Developer ` d4 and accepted by the City. Performance and payment bond, letter of credit or cash escrow from the prime contractor(s) or other entity reasonably acceptable to the City, hereinafter referred to as Contractor, will be acceptable in lieu of Developer's obligations specified above. C. The Developer agrees to require its Contractor to furnish to the City maintenance bonds, letter of credit or cash escrow amounting to Commercial Developer Agreement 1 10B-3 20% of the cost of construction of underground public utilities and 50% for the paving. These maintenance bonds, letter of credit or cash escrow will be for a period of two (2) years and will be issued prior to the final City acceptance of the Addition. The maintenance bonds, letter of credit or cash escrow will be supplied to the City by the contractors performing the work, and the City will be named as the beneficiary if the contractors fail to perform any required maintenance. D. It is further agreed and understood by the parties hereto that upon acceptance by the City, title to all facilities and improvements mentioned herein above which are intended to be public facilities shall be vested in the City, and Developer hereby relinquishes any right, title, or interest in and to said facilities or any part thereof. It is further understood and agreed that until the City accepts such improvements, the City shall have no liability or responsibility in connection with any such facilities. Acceptance of the facilities for this provision and for the entire Agreement shall occur at such time that the City, through its City Manager or his duly appointed representative, provides Developer with a written acknowledgement that all facilities are complete, have been inspected and approved, and are being accepted by the City. E. On all public facilities included in this Agreement for which the Developer awards his own construction contract, Developer agrees to the following procedure: 1. Developer agrees to pay the following: cost of tho water , street, ctrajm2ge. and sanitary se ; facilities, on all facilities included in this agroomo b. Administrativa Processing FOR equal to two percont (2%) of the cost of water, streot, drainage. and Agreernant for which Dc veloper awards his or her own constructiona contract, to be paid prior to t l yl.. construction cost; c. Tronch testing (P5% Standard); Commercial Developer Agreement 2 10B-4 ._ w.r- ry,,.W/ _g. •isQ YSI�i ae a ....0 w.�'w.+ALAfxme o. Any charges for rotesting as a result of failed tests; f. All gradation tests required to insure proper cement and/or lime stabilization. 2. The City agrees to bear the expense of: a. All nuclear density tests on the roadway subgrade (95% Standard); b. Technicians time for preparing concrete cylinders; and c. Concrete cylinder tests and concrete coring samples. The City can delay connection of buildings to service lines or water mains constructed under this Agreement until said water mains and service lines have been completed to the satisfaction of and ; x' - � by the City. F. The Developer will be responsible for mowing all grass and weeds and otherwise reasonably maintaining the aesthetics of all land and lots in said Addition which havo not boon sold to third parties. After fifteen (15) days written notice, should the Developer fail in this responsibility, the City may contract for this service and bill the Developer for reasonable costs. Such amount shall become a lien upon all real property of the Addition so maintained by the City, : 120 days after Developer has notice of costs. G. Any guarantee of payment instrument (Performance Bond, Letter of Credit, etc.) submitted by the Developer or Contractor on a form other than the one which has been previously approved by the City as "acceptable" shall be submitted to the City Attorney and this Agreement shall not be considered in effect until such City Attorney has approved the instrument. Approval by the City shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. H. Any surety company through which a bond is written shall be a surety company duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, { rovid'ed that the City, through the City Managor, shall rerfri surety for any work Commercial Developer Agreement 3 10B-5 Texas. Approval by tho City shell not ho unreaForabl} ` •".gym: delayed. The Developer agrees to fully comply with the terms and conditions of all other applicable development regulations and ordinances of the City, except as noted otherwise in other development documents. J. The Developer agrees that the completed project will be constructed in conformance with the Development Site Plan, Construction Plans and other permits or regulatory authorizations granted by the City during the development review process. II. FACILITIES A. ON-SITE WATER The Developer hereby agrees to install water facilities to service lots as shown on the final plat of the Addition. Water facilities will be installed in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineer and released by the City. Further, the Developer agrees to complete this installation in accordance with Ordinance No. 170 and shall be responsible for all construction costs, materials and engineering. In the event that certain water lines are to be oversized because of City requirements, the City will reimburse the Developer for the oversize cost greater than the cost of an 8" line. Additionally, the City agrees to provide temporary water service at Developer's request and expense, for construction, testing and irrigation purposes only, , even though sanitary sewer service may not be available to the buildings. B. DRAINAGE Developer hereby agrees to construct the necessary drainage facilities within the Addition. These facilities shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications to be prepared by Developer's engineers, released by the Director of Public Works, the City, and made part of the final plat as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Developer hereby agrees to fully comply with all EPA and TNRCC requirements relating to the planning, permitting and management of storm water which may be in force at the time that development proposals are being presented for approval by the City. Commercial Developer Agreement 4 10B-6 C. STREETS (NOT APPLICABLE) The street construction in the Addition will be installed in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developers engineer and released by the Director of Public Works. 1. The Developer will be responsible for: a) Installation and two year operation of street lights, which is payable to the City prior to final acceptance of the Addition; or an agreement with utility provider stating that no charge will be made for street lights for the two-year duration. b) Installation of all street signs designating the names of the streets inside the Addition, said signs to be of a type, size, color and design standard generally employed by the Developer and approved by the City in accordance with City ordinances; c) Installation of all regulatory signs recommended based upon the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices as prepared by the Developer's engineer by an engineering study or direction of the Director of Public Works. It is understood that Developer may put in signage having unique architectural features, however, should the signs be moved or destroyed by any means, the City is only responsible for replacement of standard signage. 2. All street improvements will be subject to inspection and approval by the City. No work will begin on any street included herein prior to complying with the requirements contained elsewhere in this Agreement. All water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage utilities which are anticipated to be installed within the street or within the street right-of-way will be completed prior to the commencement of street construction on the specific section of street in which the utility improvements have been placed or for which they are programmed. It is understood by and between the Developer and the City that this requirement is aimed at substantial compliance with the majority of the pre-planned facilities. Commercial Developer Agreement 5 1OB-7 It is understood that in every construction project a decision later may be made to realign a line or service which y� e_ may occur after construction has commenced. The Developer has agreed to advise the City Director of Public Works as quickly as possible when such a need has been identified and to work cooperatively with the City to make such utility change in a manner that will be least disruptive to street construction or stability. D. ON-SITE SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES The Developer hereby agrees to install sanitary sewage collection facilities to service lots as shown on the final plat of the Addition. Sanitary sewer facilities will be installed in accordance with the plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineer and released by the City. Further, the Developer agrees to complete this installation in compliance with all applicable city ordinances, regulations and codes and shall be responsible for all construction costs, materials, engineering, permits and Impact Fees. In the event that certain sewer lines are to be oversized because of City requirements, the City will reimburse the Developer for the oversize cost greater than the cost of an 8" line. E. EROSION CONTROL During construction of the Addition insta the Developer agrees to keep the streets free from soil build-up. The Developer agrees to use soil control measures such as hay bales, silt screening, hydromulch, etc., to prevent soil erosion. It will be the Developer's responsibility to present to the Director of Public Works a soil control development plan that will be implemented for this Addition. When in the opinion of the Director of Public Works there is sufficient soil build-up on the streets or other drainage areas and notification has been given to the Developer, the Developer will have seventy-two (72) hours to clear the soil from the affected areas. If the Developer does not remove the soil within 72 hours, the City may cause the soil to be removed either by contract or City forces and place the soil within the Addition at the contractor's expense. All fees owed to the City will be collected prior to acceptance of the Addition. Commercial Developer Agreement 6 1OB-8 F. AMENITIES It is understood by and between the City and Developer that the Addition may incorporate a number of unique amenities and aesthetic improvements such as ponds, aesthetic lakes, unique landscaping, walls, and may incorporate specialty signage and accessory facilities. The Developer agrees to accept responsibility for the construction and maintenance of all such aesthetic or specialty items such as walls, vegetation, signage, landscaping, street furniture, pond and lake improvements rosponsibility is turned over to a homeowners association. G. USE OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY It is understood by and between the City and Developer that the Developer may provide unique amenities within public right-of-way, such as landscaping, irrigation, lighting, etc., for the enhancement of the Addition. The Developer agrees to maintain these amenities q until such ``responsi ility is turned -over to ass•esi'at . The Developer understands that the City shall not be responsible for the replacement of these amenities under any circumstances and further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all damages, loss or liability of any kind whatsoever by reason of injury to property or third person occasioned by its use of the public right-of-way with regard to these improvements and the Developer shall, at his own cost and expense, defend and protect the City against all such claims and demands. H. START OF CONSTRUCTION Before the construction of the water, sewer, streets or drainage facilities can begin, the following must take place: 1 . Approved payment and performance bonds must be submitted to the City in the name of the City ykrt _, A[ e ' Ctor prior to commencement of any work. 2. At least six (6) sets of construction plans to be stamped "Released for Construction" by the Director of Public Works must be submitted. 3. All feos required to be paid to the City. 4. Developer Agreement must be executed. Commercial Developer Agreement 7 10B-9 5. The Developer, or Developer's Contractor, shall furnish to the City a policy of general liability insurance, naming the City as co-insured, prior to commencement of any work. 6. A Pre-Construction Meeting to be held with Developer or Developer's Agent, all Contractors, major Sub-Contractors, Utilities and appropriate Government Agencies. III. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. INDEMNIFICATION DEVELOPER COVENANTS AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND DOES HEREBY INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS AND DEFEND CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, OF WHATSOEVER KIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, REASONABLE FEES AND EXPENSES OF ATTORNEYS, EXPERT WITNESSES AND OTHER CONSULTANTS), ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, OCCUPANCY, USE, EXISTENCE OR LOCATION OF SAID IMPROVEMENT OR IMPROVEMENTS, AND SHALL FURTHER BE LIABLE FOR INJURY OR DAMAGE TO CITY PROPERTY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY AND ALL ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF DEVELOPER, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES, INVITEES OR TRESPASSERS. DEVELOPER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY_ THE CITY, ITS OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR ANY DAMAGES, CLAIMS OR LIABILITIES ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION, OR OF THE CONCURRENT NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION, OF THE CITY, ITS OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. B. Venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. Commercial Developer Agreement 8 10B-10 C. Approval by the Director of Public Works or other City employee of any plans, designs or specifications submitted by the Developer pursuant to this Agreement shall not constitute or be deemed to be a release of the responsibility and liability of the Developer, his engineer, employees, officers or agents for the accuracy and competency of their design and specifications. Such approval shall not be deemed to be an assumption of such responsibility and liability by the City for any defect in the design and specifications prepared by the consulting engineer, his officers, agents, servants or employees, it being the intent of the parties that approval by the Director of Public Works signifies the City's approval on only the general design concept of the improvements to be constructed. In this connection, the Developer shall for a period of two (2) years after the acceptance by the City of the completed construction project, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, servants and employees, from any loss, damage, liability or expense on account of damage to property and injuries, including death, to any and all persons which may arise out of any defect, deficiency or negligence of the engineer's designs and specifications incorporated into any improvements constructed in accordance therewith, and the Developer shall defend at his own expense any suits or other proceedings brought against the City, its officers, agents, servants or employees, or any of them, on account thereof, to pay all expenses and satisfy all judgements which may be incurred by or rendered against them or any of them in connection with herewith. D. This Agreement or any part herein, or any interest herein, shall not be assigned by the Developer without the express written consent of the City Manager, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. E. On all facilities included in this Agreement for which the Developer awards his or her own construction contract, the Developer agrees to employ a construction contractor who is approved by the City, and whose approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, said contractor to meet City and statutory requirements for being insured, licensed and bonded to do work in public projects and to be qualified in all respects to bid on public projects and to be qualified in all respects to bid on public projects of a similar nature. In addition, the Developer's,-a Contractor shall furnish the payment and performance bonds in the name of the City prior to the commencement of any work hereunder and shall also furnish to the City a policy of general liability insurance. Commercial Developer Agreement 9 10B-11 j%10' F. Work performed under the Agreement shall be completed within two (2) years from the date thereof. In the event the work is not completed within the two (2) year period, the City may, at its election, draw down on the performance bond, letter of credit or other security provided by Developer's Contractor and complete such work at Developer's expense; provided, however, that if the construction under this Agreement shall have started within the two (2) year period, the City may agree to renew the Agreement with such renewed Agreement to be in compliance with the City policies in effect at that time. IV. OTHER ISSUES A. OFF-SITE DRAINAGE The Developer will construct a reinforced concrete box culvert from school 'property to F.M. 1709 to carry the 100-year flood and provide the necessary drainage easement. B. OFF-SITE SEWER The Developer will construct an 8" sanitary sewe < �re school property to F.M. 1709 and provide the necessary sanitary sewer easement. C. OFF-SITE WATER The Developer will construct a 12" water line along the right of way of South Kimball Avenue and the City will reimburse to Developer for the oversize cost greater than the cost of an 8" line. D. PARK FEES Because many of the proposed facilities are_to = = q! , between the Developer, CISD and the City, no Park Fees will tr requiredyfor this project. E. TREE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE All construction activities shall meet the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585-A. Commercial Developer Agreement 10 10B-12 F. OTHER 1. Developer's Contractor shall require that all construction traffic use the northern most driveway. 2. Developer shall provide a sanitary sewer connection in th, northwest corner of the site so that neighboring propert may tie on at the neighbor's expense. The Developer will restrict traffic movement,:, 4 �� ` southerly drive should circulation and safetyconceirt"sari ` in the field. SIGNED AND EFFECTIVE on the date last set forth below. DEVELOPER: By: Title: Address: Commercial Developer Agreement 11 10B-13 STATE OF COUNTY OF On , before me, Notary Public, personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (SEAL) Notary Public My commission expires: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS By: Rick Stacy, Mayor ATTEST: Sandra LeGrand, City Secretary Date: Commercial Developer Agreement 12 10B-14 REQUIREMENTS FOR IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT 1 . The Letter of Credit must have a duration of at least one year. 2. The Letter of Credit may be substituted for utility security deposits exceeding $10,000.00. The City reserves the right to specify the face amount of the letter of credit. 3. The Letter of Credit must be issued by a FDIC insured bank in a form acceptable to the City of Southlake. The City reserves the right to approve/disapprove the bank issuing the Letter of Credit. 4. The Letter of Credit must be issued by a bank that has a minimum capital ratio of six (6%) percent, and has been profitable for each of the last two consecutive years. 5. The customer must provide the City with supporting financial information on the bank to allow the City to ascertain requirements are met. Suitable financial information would be the previous two (2) years December 31 Call Reports submitted to the FDIC and audited financial statements. 6. Partial drawings against Letters of Credit must be permitted. 7. The City must be able to draft on sight with proof of amount owed. 8. The customer pays any and all fees associated with obtaining Letter of Credit. 9. Expiring Letter of Credit must be replaced by substitute Letters of Credit at least 30 days prior to the expiration date on the Letter of Credit held by the City. Commercial Developer Agreement 13 10B-15 r 6 • MI MCI TIJcr 1-�yalyc�w I NIA f-IMAa = wl .Ie. Ne lrltr nY[II 55 -- --. I a_ t LW r OM il.l.M.1.aR. 11rT II-PTV i TC.w.r Pa10M 114r1P.0.B. t.nllan RYI II 11..POOR. 1IOa 1.-.IIU i'I /I,' I- IF n I[R1 5. aM.M.I11 wIR MOM rt. IIIIII'''"' pool M.Hard!11.1*w*I II.tIN 1.r w ewr r w.l.ltNn!per _ , /1.I.rr.IMO.M.Nl.Itr r Ir NI..Iw MON IR1. r .r b.1.rr1 ?I. 1m'.. f '!v v r rw.at I.r.w uwi.hp tr.w rPt lop.tan.Imo 10106 r...wen. 1� I n 1 :ie,, !M'N�ttt 11r41 '1 TWW Mrr\' .�.ur..w...ara.t�.l..la.r�...r.an.r lr.rr lr. 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Y�,rrrr rr�"a Era.Nh_4 N Or LOT UMW.IsarMIL GNU APE /q N.a 'a°r Mr A 111 1,1 I �.I 1 i, I) - I)U U ....... .. ...... .. .rMit aLe.T�i.:M ri_rT"�q�Mfnsr S rwarT a...,. w-w City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM June 2 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Shawn Poe, Assistant City Engineer, extension 846 SUBJECT: Award of bid to W.R. Hodgson & Company, Inc. for the construction of sanitary sewer improvements to serve the Cross Timber Hills subdivision Action Requested: Staff seeks Council award the bid from W.R. Hodgson & Co., Inc. for the construction of sanitary sewer improvements to serve the Cross Timber Hills subdivision in the amount of$2,566,793.49. Background Information: The installation of sanitary sewer to serve Cross Timber Hills is part of the Phase III Neighborhood Sewer Program (see attached project map). Phase III of the Neighborhood Sewer Program includes installation of sanitary sewer to serve Jellico Estates, Dove Acres, Hillwood Estates, as well as Cross Timber Hills. The installation of sanitary sewer is complete for Jellico Estates, Dove Acres, and Hillwood Estates. This project was delayed for several months due to the acquisition of 54 utility easements. All easements have been obtained. There were six contractors that bid the project. The low bidder was W.R. Hodgson & Co., Inc. of McKinney, TX in the amount of $2,566,793.49 (see attached bid tabulation). The City has reviewed and investigated the references submitted by W.R. Hodgson & Co., Inc. and has determined the contractor to be qualified for this project (see attached letter from Cheatham & Associates). The contractor will have 210 calendar days to complete the project. Financial Considerations: The CIP budget has $1,900,000 allocated for the construction of this project. The CIP budget also includes $180,000 for the engineering and surveying for this project. Therefore, the CIP budget includes a total of $2,080,000 for this project. The costs associated with this project are tabulated below: Estimated Construction Cost $2,556,793.49 Estimated Engineering& Surveying Cost $252,990 I Easements Cost (one appraisal) $2,000 Total I $2,811,783.49 .\oC_ \ City of Southlake, Texas The estimated total cost is $731,783.49 above the budgeted amount. There were several factors that contributed to the project cost exceeding the budgeted amount as follows: • The estimated cost did not account for tree mitigation and extensive tree protection. At the time of estimation, the City did not mitigate trees on City projects. The contract includes $125,000 for tree mitigation. However, this additional cost for the tree mitigation is not known at this point. The contractor will coordinate with the Landscape Administrator prior to construction to determine which trees will be required to be removed in order to construct the sanitary sewer lines. The trees to be removed will be measured prior to removal. A tabulation of trees removed along with the caliper size can be documented. The City will replant an amount of trees that total the same number of caliper inches as the trees removed. • As part of negotiations with the property owners for easements, the City agreed to install the sanitary sewer line by trenchless technology methods (boring) in lieu of open cut trenching. There was approximately 1700 linear feet of additional bore that was not originally estimated. This accounted for an additional $220,000. • There are additional costs associated with special conditions placed on the contractor by the City. Special conditions have been placed on the contractor given the sensitivity of the project with regard to tree protection and mitigation, coordination with the residents during construction, and timely restoration of the areas disturbed. Discussions with the low bidder indicate that this amount is close to 10% of the contract price ($255,700). The additional costs associated with the special conditions are included and spread out over the unit costs of the project. The special conditions include the following: 1) Keeping track of the number and size of trees removed for mitigation purposes. 2) Restoring the areas disturbed by construction immediately following installation of the sanitary sewer line. Usually, the areas disturbed are restored after the installation of the sewer for the entire project is completed; 3) Coordination with the residents during construction. • The engineering and design cost exceeded the estimated amount primarily due to revisions to the construction plans. As the City negotiated with the residents for the easements, changes had to be made to the construction plans to reflect the revisions due to the additional bores or sewer line alignment 10E-2 City of Southlake, Texas changes. When changes occurred to the alignment of the sewer line, the easement documents also were revised. This additional cost totaled $79,315. Several alternatives exist to fund the cost overrun. These alternatives are discussed further in the memorandum. Citizen Input/ Board Review: Prior to commencing construction, the City will hold a neighborhood SPIN Meeting to discuss the construction project. The contractor will be present to discuss the construction schedule, construction practices and techniques, and coordination with the residents. Legal Review: None. Alternatives: Council may choose to fund the cost overrun by delaying the construction of other sanitary sewer projects currently budgeted. Construction has not begun for several projects planned for construction this year as part of the Neighborhood Sewer Program. Funds exist for construction of sanitary sewer improvements to serve Cedar Oaks Estates ($404,269), Shadow Creek Addition ($82,800), Trail Creek Addition ($97,980), and the Timberline and Woodsey Court Additions (288,600). The construction cost that has been budgeted for the construction of the aforementioned projects totals $873,649. All these projects with the exception of the Timberline/Woodsey project are currently being designed. If the projects are delayed in order to fund the cost overrun of the Cross Timber Hills project, the delayed projects will have to be funded and constructed in the FY00-01 C1P budget. This project has been added to the attached Project Cost Ledger. Supporting Documents: Project Map Bid tabulation Letter from Cheatham & Associates, Inc. Project Cost Ledger Staff - - Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council award the bid to W.R. Hodgson & Company, Inc. for the construction of sanitary sewer improvements to serve the Cross Timber Hills subdivision in the amount of$2,566,793.49. Please place this item on the June 6, 2000 Regular City Council Agenda for review and consideration. c/2 SEP/sep C 10E-3 CROSS TIMBER HILLS L SANITARY SEWER PROJECT EXISTING N-1 SEWER LINE , !r'-, " 1 1 'Urr' 'Cpf'\ 1 11 I--ff J j 1/ I '-- y _ = .±P I SLEEPY HOLLOW I'II --, 1 , ' \-j_POST K TRL / 1 cReeK II4 1_ It---h4 , ASS/1 ,-• 5 1 H [ NW 1 ��- � . I JPNES 9 j � . Ppp • AKA MN :v' C� pp\S\ON i_ o .,, ToOk.:tt....rni 0.11111111_11_,.---1101111.*/ ____.— „- - is,., .1 ,i‘ssolii 0 iv4igi i 1 WAgeigt 11 pi Ite. \ ___ Q c. 111141w:am IlLwillWrifiailiM.— -4 , , mom imiik, 4 i• SAN AUGUSIIHE • /I PROPOSED SANITARY$ECT 1 14 i SEWER LINE INIle � m ma _ yak 1 .. ,. it* A pvm q .No. - asoliiier 1 ot"..07 it --1 sviogo 47, .- c , 4 mhip ..---, limp IN*444,II ell 1111"440 4 111, 6tv‘ 10E-4 ( C SA1._.ARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS JOB NO. 001-444 CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES BID TABULATION SHEET 1 OF 4 OWNER: City of Southlake W.R.Hodgson&Co.,Inc. Mid-State Utilities,Inc. Pate Bros.Const.Inc. Johnson Bros 5350 W.University P.O.Box 1160 780 W.Mansfield Hwy. 14200 Midway Rd,#118 JOB TITLE: Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve McKinney, TX 75050 Waco, TX 76706 Kennedale, TX 76060 Dallas, TX 75214 Cross limber Hills Subdivision PHONE 214/544-3222 PHONE 254/863-5644 PHONE 817/483-0999 PHONE 9/2/239-2550 PROJ.MOR: Robert Rowley FAX: 214/544-3224 FAX 254/863-5698 FAX' 817/483-0859 FAX: 972/702-8968 AMT.BID: $2,566,793.49 AMT.BID: $2,746,324.00 AMT BID: $2,980,590.20 AMT.BID: $3,046,750 00 BID DATE: Ma 11,2000 JOB NO. 001-444 ITEM PLAN UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST 1 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(0'-6') L.F. 1,112 26.65 $29,634.80 46.00 $51,152.00 40.55 $45,091.60 42.00 $46,704.00 2 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(6'-81 L.F. 4,798 29.55 $141,780.90 50.00 $239,900.00 43.00 $206,314.00 43.00 $206,314 00 3 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(8'-101 L.F. 4,880 33.90 $165,432.00 57.00 $278,160.00 46.25 $225,700.00 45.00 $219,600.00 4 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(10'-12') L.F. 4,596 41.14 $189,079.44 64.00 $294,144.00 50.80 $233,476.80 46.00 $211,416.00 5 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(12'-14') L.F. 2,297 46.94 $107,821.18 82.00 $188,354.00 57.65 $132,422.05 48.00 $110,256 00 6 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(14'-16) L.F. 1,096 55.64 $60,981.44 89.00' $97,544.00 69.00 $75,624.00 53.00 $58,088 00 7 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(16'-18') L.F. 539 70.13 $37,800.07 100.00 $53,900.00 160.00 $86,240.00 56.00 $30,184 00 8 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH L 8'-20') L.F. 225 84.62 $19,039.50 114.00 $25,650.00 251.25 $56,531.25 60.00 $13,500 00 9 10"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(0'-66 L.F. 197, 27.82 $5,480.54 60.00 $11,820.00 42.00 $8,274.00 46.00 $9,062 00 10 10"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(6'-8') ^L.F. 738 30.71 $22,663.98 66.00 $48,708.00 44.50 $32,841.00 46.00 $33,948.00 11 10"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(8'-10') L.F. 557 35.06 $19,528.42 73.00 $40,661.00 47.75 $26,5£6 75 50.00 $27,850 00 12 10"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(10'-12') L.F. 304 42.31 $12,862.24 85.00 $25,840.00 52.30 $15,899.20 50.00 $15,200 00 13 10"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(12'-14) L.F. 256 48.10 $12,313.60 97.00 $24,832.00 59.10 $15,129.60 53.00 $13,568 00 14 10"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(14-16') L.F. 27 56.80 $1,533.60 110.00 $2,970.00 70.50 $1,903 50 56.00 $1,512.00 15 8"PVC SS PIPE,FIVE FEET LONG EA. 4 2208.75 $8,835.00 375.00 $1,500.00_ 58 60 $234 40 300.00 $1,200 00 Tl 16 BORING 8"PVC SS PIPE L.F. 5,054 119.17 $602,285.18 55.00 $277,970.00 77.65 $392,443 10 100.00 $5354400 00 I 17 BORING 10"PVC SS PIPE L.F. 209 100.93 $21,094.37 85.00 $17,765 00 82 65 $17,273.85 120.00 $25,0d0 00 11 18 BORING 8"PVC SS PIPE IN 20"CASING L.F. 1,653 128.84 $212,972.52 155.00 $256,215.00 158.30 $261,669.90 180.00 $297,540.00 19 10"PVC SS PIPE IN 22"CASING L.F. 140 169.79 $23,770.60 180.00 $25,200.00 175.20 $24,528.00 200.00 $28,000.00 20 STAND 4'DIA SS MANHOLES(0'-6'DEPTH) EA. 117 2068.88 $242,058.96 1300.00 $152,100.00 1386.00 $162 162.00 4000.00 $468,000 00 21 4'DIA.SS MANHOLES(0'-6'DEPTH) EA. 31 2064.05 $63,985.55 1450.00 $44,950.00 1450.00 $44,950.00 4500.00 $139,500.00 22 EXTRA DEPTH STAND.4'DIA.SSMH V.F. 650 75.67 $49,185.50 112.00 $72,800.00 66.50, $43,225.00 80.00 $52,000.00 23 MANHOLE VENT ASSEMBLY EA. 9 1045.75 $9,411.75 300.00 $2,700.00 684.00_ $6,156.00 300.00 $2,700 00 24 8"ALT.CLEANOUT EA. 4 1045.75 $4,183.00 400.00 $1,600.00 260.00 $1,040.00 500.00 $2,000 00 25 4"STAND.SS SERVICE CONNECT EA. 77 103.40 $7,961.80 160.00 $12,320.00 60.50 $4,658.50 300.00 $23,100.00 26 4"DEEP SS SERVICE CONNECT. ,,EA. 124 103.40 $12,821.60 215.00 $26,660.00 80.00 $9,920 00 500.00 $62,000 00 27 BORING 4"PVC SS SERVICE PIPE L.F. 3,513 44.47 $156,223.11 30.00 $105,390.00 35.00 $122,955.00 45.00 $158,085.00 28 4"PVC SS SERVICE PIPE L.F. 2,746 16.90 $46,407.40 25.00 $68,650.00 14.00 $38,444.00 20.00 $54,920.00 29 ENCASE 8"PVC SS W/PORTLAND CEMENT L.F. 195 24.26 $4,730.70 55.00 $10,725 00 27.00 $5,265.007 14.00 $2,730 00 30 ENCASE 10"PVC SS W/PORTLAND CEMENT L.F. 60 24.26 $1,455.60 60.00 $3,600.00 27.00 $1,620.00 16 00 $960 00 31 GROUTED RIP-RAP L.F. 512 20.39 $10,439.68 31.00 $15,872.00 128.00 $65,536.00 6.00 $3,072 00 32 SAWCUT&REMOVE ASPHALT PVMNT S.F. 800 16.57 $13,256.00 13.00 $10,400.00 8.50 $6,800.00 5.00 $4,000 00 33 TRENCH SAFETY L.F. 28,835 0.65 $18,742.75 1.00- $28,835.00 12.60 $363,321.00 1.00 $28,835.00 34 EROSION CONTROL L.S. 1 29375.00 $29,375.00 9000.00 $9,000 00 81700.00 $81,700 00 8000.00 $8,000 00 35 PRE-BID ALLOWANCE L.S. 1 50000.00 $50,000.00 75.00 $75.00 50000.00 $50,000.00 50000.00 $50,000.00 ' 36 SHADE TREES EA. 250 500.00 $125 000.00 750.00 $187,500.00 335.00 $83,750.00 400.00 $100,000 00 , TOTAL BID AMOUNT $2,640,147.78 - $2,716,462.00 $2,949,696.60 63,014,324.00 1 (ITEM NOS.1-36) SAlvl fARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS JOB NO. 001-444 CHEATHAM &ASSOCIATES BID TABULATION SHEET 2 OF 4 OWNER: City of Southlake W.R.Hodgson&Co.,Inc. Mid-State Utilities,Inc. Pate Bros.Const.Inc. Johnson Bros 5350 W.University P.O.Box 1160 780 W Mansfield Hwy. 14200 Midway Rd.,#118 JOB TITLE: Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve McKinney, TX 75050 Waco, TX 76706 Kennedale, TX 76060 Dallas, TX 75244 Ciuss Timber Hills Subdivision PHONE: 214/544-3222 PHONE: 254/863-5644 PHONE: 817/483-0999 PHONE: 972/239-2559 PROJ.MGR: Robert Rowley FAX: 214/544-3224 FAX: 254/863-5698 FAX: 817/483-0899 FAX: 972/702-8968 AMT BID $2,566,793 49 AMT BID: $2,746,324 00 AMT BID: $2,980,590 20 AMT BID: $3,046,750 00 BID DATE: May 11,2000 JOB NO. 001-444 _ ITEM PLAN UNIT I UNIT UNIT UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST 1A 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH 10'-6') L.F 15 26.65 $399.75 46.00 $690.00 •I $608.25 42.00 $630.00 2A 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(6'-8') L F 10 29.55 $295.50 50.00 $500.00 43.00 $430.00 43.00 $430.00 3A 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH 8'-10' L.F. 83 33.90 $2 813.70 57.00 $4 731.00 46.25 $3 838.75 45.00 $3 735.00 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(10'-12) $4,813.38 •4 •' $7,488.00 50.80 $5,943.60 46.00 $5,382.00 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(12-14') $2,722.52 r• $4,756.00 $3,343.70 48.00 $2,784.00 I 8"PVC SS PIPE INTRENCH DEPTH(14'-16') $2503.80 r r $4,005.00 •r $2,637.00 r r $2,385.00 18"PVC SS PIPE,FIVE FEET LONG r $2208.75 rr $375.00 $77.65 r r r r $300.00 BORING8"PVCSSPIPE $3470.95 r r $2,625.00 $8,793.75 r r r r $3,500.00STAND.4'DIA.SS MANHOLES(0'-6'DEPTH) r•: :: $6 206.64 5 r 5 1 $3 900.001386.00 $41�8.00 40110.00 $12 000.00 EXTRA DEPTH STAND.4'DIA.SSMH 16 75.67 $1,210.72 112.00 $1,792.00 66.50 064.00 r $1,280.00 TOTAL BID AMOUNT • $26,646.71 $30,862.00 $30 894.70 $32,426.00 "` ITEM NOS.(1A-GA,16A,16A,20A&22A) C (Tl TOTAL BID AMOUNT I $2,666,793.49 S2,746,324.00 $2 980 6V0.20 $3,046,760.00 CD r 1 I C ^ SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS JOB NO. 001-444 CHEATHAM &ASSOCIATES BID TABULATION SHEET 3 OF 4 OWNER: City of Southlake BCI Utility Construction,Inc. H&W Utility Contractors (Bidder Name) (Bidder Namd) 1711 South I 35-E 305 Main Street (Street Address) (Street Addn'-,) JOB TITLE: Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve Carrollton, TX 75006 Lake Dallas, TX 75065 (City,State,Zipcode) (City,State,smcoda) Cross Timber Hills Subdivision PHONE 972/245-9550 PHONE: 940/321-5158 PHONE.' PHONE: PROJ.MGR: Robert Rowley FAX: 972245.9559 FAX: 940/321-5160 FAX FAX: AMT BID: $3,193,391.00 AMT.BID: $3,289,926.74 AMT.BID: $0.00 AMT.BID: $0 00 BID DATE: Ma 11 2000 JOB NO. 001-444 ITEM PLAN UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST 1 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(0'-6') L.F. 1,112 21.00 $23,352.00 35.42 $39,387.04 $0.00 $0.00 2 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(6'-8') L.F. 4,798 21.00 $100 758.00 42.10 $201,995.80- $0.00 $0.00 3 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(8'-10') L.F. 4,880 23.00 $112,240.00 45.50 $222,040.00 $0.00 $0.00 4 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(10'-12') L.F. 4,596 23.00 $105,708.00 49.60' $227,961.60 $0.00 $0.00 5 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(12'-14) L.F. 2,297 26.00 $59,722.00 55.80 $128,172.60 $0.00 $0.00 6 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(14'-16') L.F. 1,096 75.00 $82,200.00 65.20 $71,459.20 $0.00 $0.00- 7 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(16'-18') L.F. 539 80.00 $43,120.00 75.00 $40,425.00 $0.00 $0.00 8 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(18'-20') ! L.F. 225 90.00 $20,250.00 85.00 $19,125.00 $0.00 $0.00 9 10"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(0'-6') L.F. 197 30.00 $5,910.00 37.60 $7,407.20 $0.00 $0.00 10 10"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(6'-8') L.F. 738 32.00 $23,616.00 44.10 $32,545.80 $0.00 $0 00 11 10"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(8'-10') L.F. 557 34.00 $18,938.00 47.50 $26,457.50 $0.00 $0.00 12 10"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(10'-12') L.F. 304 36.00 $10,944.00 51.60 $15,686.40 $0.00 $0.00 0 13 10"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(12'-14) L.F. 256, 40.00 $10,240.00 57.80 $14 796.80 $0.00 $0.00 'T 14 10"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(14'-16) L.F. 27 100.00 $2,700.00 67.20 $1,814.40 $0.00 $0 00 v 15 8"PVC SS PIPE,FIVE FEET LONG EA. 4 1000.00 $4,000.00 275.00 $1,100.00 $0.00 $0.00 16 BORING 8"PVC SS PIPE L.F. 5,054 175.00 $884,450.00 125.00 $631,750.00 $0.00 $0.00 17 BORING 10"PVC SS PIPE L.F. 209 180.00 $37,620.00 135.00 $28,215.00 $0.00 $0.00 18 BORING 8"PVC SS PIPE IN 20"CASING L.F. 1,653 185.00 $305,805.00 140.00 $231,420.00 $0.00 $0.00 19 10"PVC SS PIPE IN 22"CASING L.F. 140 190.00 $26 600.00 145.00 $20 300.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 STAND.4'DIA.SS MANHOLES(0'-6'DEPTH) EA. 117 4250.00 $497,250.00 1425.00 $166,725.00 $0.00 $0.00 21 4'DIA.SS MANHOLES(0'-6'DEPTH) EA. 31 4500.00 $139,500.00 1600.00 $49,600.00 $0 00 $0.00 22 EXTRA DEPTH STAND.4'DIA.SSMH V.F. 650 200.00 $130,000.00 140.00 $91,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 23 MANHOLE VENT ASSEMBLY EA. 9 1250.00 $11,250.00 350.00 $3,150.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 24 8"ALT.CLEANOUT EA. 4 2000.00 $8,000.00 650.00 $2,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 25 4"STAND.SS SERVICE CONNECT EA. 77 500.00 $38,500.00 650.00 $50,050.00 $0 00 $0 00 26 4"DEEP SS SERVICE CONNECT. EA. 124 550.00 $68,200.00 850.00 $105 400.00 $0 00 $0 00 27 BORING 4"PVC SS SERVICE PIPE L.F. 3,513 25.00 $87,825.00 50.00 $175,650.00 $0.00 $0.00 28 4"PVC SS SERVICE PIPE L.F. 2 746 20.00 $54,920.00 30.00 $82,380.00 $0.00 $0.00 29 ENCASE 8"PVC SS W/PORTLAND CEMENT L.F. 195 25.00 $4,875.00 35.00 $6,825.00 $0.00 $0.00 30 ENCASE 10"PVC SS W/PORTLAND CEMENT L.F. 60 25.00 $1,500.00 35.00 $2,100.00 $0.00 $0.00 31 GROUTED RIP-RAP L.F. 512 40.00 $20,480.00, 15.00 $7,680.00 $0.00 $0.00 32 SAWCUT&REMOVE ASPHALT PVMNT S.F. 800 20.00 $16,000.00 5.00 $4,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 33 TRENCH SAFETY L.F. 28,835 1.00 $28,835.00 4.00 $115,340.00 $0.00 $0.00 34 EROSION CONTROL L.S. 1 25000.00 $25,000.00 _ 250000.00 $250 000.00 $0.00 $0.00 35 PRE-BID ALLOWANCE L.S. 1 50000.00 $50,000.00 50000.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 36 SHADE TREES EA. 250 400.00 $100,000.00 550.00 $137 500.00_ $0 00 $0.00 TOTAL BID AMOUNT S3,160,308.00 63,262,069.34 60.00 $0.00 (ITEM NOS.1-36) I Si-,._. I ARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS JOB NO. 001-44+4 CHEATHAM &ASSOCIATES BID TABULATION SHEET 4 OF 4 OWNER: City of Southlake BC!Utility Construction,Inc. H&W Utility Contractors (Bidder Name) (Bidder Name) 1711 South I 35-E 305 Main Street (Street Address) (Street Address) JOB TITLE: Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve Carrollton, TX 75006 Lake Dallas, TX 75065 (City,State,Zipcode) (City,State,Zipcode) I,,,s Timber Hills Subdivision PHONE: 972245-9550 PHONE: 940/321-5158 PHONE: PHONE: PROJ.MGR: Robert Rowley FAX: 972245.9559 FAX: 940/321-5160 FAX: FAX AMT.BID: $3,193,391.00 AMT.BID $3,289,926.74 AMT BID: $0.00 AMT BID: $0 00 BID DATE: May 11,2000 JOB NO. 001-444 ITEM PLAN UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST 1A 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(0'-6) L.F. 15 21.00 $315.00 35.42 $531.30 $0.00 $0 00 2A 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(6'-8') L.F. 10 21.00 $210.00 42.10 $421.00 $0.00 $0 00 3A 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(8'-10') L.F. 83 23.00 $1,909.00 45.50 $3,776.50 $0.00 $0 00 4A 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(10'-12') L.F. 117 23.00 $2,691.00 49.60 $5,803.20 $0.00 $0 00 5A 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(12'-14') L.F. 58 26.00 $1,508.00 55.80 $3,236.40 $0.00 $0 00 6A 8"PVC SS PIPE IN TRENCH DEPTH(14'-16') L.F. 45 75.00 $3,375.00 65.20 $2,934.00 $0.00 $0 00 15A 8"PVC SS PIPE,FIVE FEET LONG EA. 1 1000.00 $1,000.00 275.00 $275.00 $0.00 $0.00 16A BORING 8"PVC SS PIPE L.F. 35 175.00 $6,125.00 125.00 $4,375.00 $0.00 $0.00 20A STAND.4'DIA.SS MANHOLES(0'-6'DEPTH) 1 EA. 3 4250.00 $12,750.00 1425.00 $4,275.00 $0.00 $0 00 22A EXTRA DEPTH STAND.4'DIA.SSMH V.F. 16 200.00 $3 200.00 140.00 $2,240.00 $0.00 $0 00 TOTAL BID AMOUNT $33,983.00 $27,867.40 $0.00 $0.00 ITEM NOS.(1A-6A,16A,_16A,20A&22A) TOTAL BID AMOUNT $3,193,391.00 $3,289,926.74 O T CHEATHAM AND ,,. ASSOCIATES May 24, 2000 Honorable Mayor& City Council City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 Re: Project No. 001-444 Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve Cross Timber Hills Subdivision City of Southlake As advertised, bids for the referenced project were received, opened and read publicly at 10:00 o'clock A.M., April 13,2000. The low bidder for this project is: W.R. Hodgson& Co., Inc. 5350 W. University cry. McKinney, Texas 75050 Phone:214-544-3222 Fax:214-544-3224 Amount Bid:$2,566,793.49 We have checked the Contractor's references and the proposal and find them to be in order. Therefore, we recommend award of the contract to R.W. Hodgson & Co., Inc in the amount of $2,566,793.49. We enclose a bid tabulation for your use. If we may be of further service in this matter, please advise. Respectfully, Eddie Cheatham,P.E. Recommend.award.doc Enclosure: Bid Tabulation cc: Ron Harper Shawn Poe L ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. • S"- - A-"ngton, Texas 76011 817/548-0696 • \letrc 10E-9 3x 817/265-8532 CIP PROJECT COSTS l A B C D LOOPROJECT DESCRIPTION BUDGETED AMOUNT BID/FINAL COST DIFFERENCE 1.5 MGD MIRON ELEVATED TOWER* S1,860,000 S1,832,0001 S28,000 3 20"WATERLINE ALONG FM 1709 I S641,000, S638,408; $2,592 4 24"WATER LLNE ALONG N.WHITE CHAPEL S850,0001 S826,455', S23,545 5 BRLIILOW S112,700, S111,000, S1,700 6 BLRNEY LN.-REHAB CUL-DE-SAC 1 S57,000 S64,5231 (S7,523) 7 BYRON NELSON STOP LIGHT S40,000: S65,0001 (S25,000) • 8 BYRON NELSON STRIPING i S65,0001 S65,637 i (S637) 9 COMDIERCE TRAFFIC LIGHT* S100,0001 S48,4051 S51,595 1 10 CROSS TIMBER SEWER* S2,080,000I S2,811,78311 ($731,783) 11 DIAMOND CIRCLE STREETS&SEWER $1,286,000 $990,161 $295,839 12 DOVE ACRES SEWER* S405,000 S205,474 S199,526 13 DOVE ESTATES LIFT STATION• S300,000 S167,47311 S132,527 14 DOVE FORCE MAIN,PHASE 18 S1,747,500 S2,113,218 (S365,718) 15 DOVE FORCE MAIN,PHASE 2* S1,809,650 $1,650,649 S159,001 16 DOVE/HIGHLAND PAVING' S611,480 S778,533 ($167,053) 17 DOVFISH 114 WATER LINE RELOCATION $339,200 $280,424 $58,776 18 FLORENCE TOWER TANK PAINTING S105,000 $152,200 ($47,200) 19 FM 1709 TRAFFIC SEQUENCING• $120,000 $42,000 $78,000 20 FM 1709 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONVERSIONS• S200,000 S123,399 $76,601 21 HARRELL DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION S140,000 $175,464 ($35,464) 22 HILLWOOD SEWER* $95,000 $82,415 S12,586 23 HUNTWICK ESTATES SEWER $200,000 5276,123 ($76,123) 24 JELLICO SEWER' $500,000 S419,723 $80,277 25 KIRKWOOD WATER LINE $326,000 $266,159 $59,841 26 LAKE DRIVE WATER,SEWER,PAVING• $364,500 $376,991 (S12,491) 77.LILAC LN.WATER,SEWER,STREET• $234,600 $286,782 ($52,182) EVE HENRY COURT SEWER&STREET• $359,000 $401,474 ($42,474) r\ itioei HILL SEWER $430,000 $489,099 ($59,099) 30 N.WHITE CHAPEL-COUNTY LINE TO LAKE• $340,000 S470,970 (S130,970) 31 N.WHITE CHAPEL-DOVE TO COUNTY LINE• S181,850 5177,010 $4,840 32 N-3&N-4 LIFT STATIONS* S1,000,000 S1,009,500 ($9,500) 33 N-5 SEWER&KI BALL/SH 114 WATER/SEWER RELOCATIONS• $762,500 $743,255 $19,245 34 NAPA VALLEEY/WOODLAND HEIGHTS WATER LINE' $30,000 $59,960 ($29,960) 35 PEARSON GROUND STORAGE TANK NO.2• $1,687,400 $1,545.247 $142,153 36 PINE SEWER* S200,000 $183,368 S16,632 37 PLANTATION SEWER S110,400 $84,676 T25,724 38 PUBLIC WORKS CENTER IMPROVEMENTS* $405,600 $472,580 (S66,980) 39 PUMP STATION NO.2• $3,110,000 $3,176,800 ($66,800) 40 RAINIREE/SHADY LN WATER,SEWER,PAVING $1,925,995 $1,615,029 $310,966 41 RIDGECREST• $355,576 $400,504 ($44,928) 42 SABRE SEWER CONNECTION-SOLANA S25,000 S21,700 S3,300 43 SHADY OAKS TRAFFIC LIGHT• $100,000 - $91,000 $9,000 4 44 SOUTHLAKE/KELLER PUMP STATION MOD. S300,000 $116,281 $183,720 45 SUTTON PLACE DRAINGE&PAVING IMPROVEMENTS• $270,000 $311,865 (S41,865) 46 TIMARRON-BENT CREEK REPAIR• $726,986 S699,315 S27,671 47 TROPHY CLUB 24"WATER LINE• S1,511,000 S1,440,693 S70,307 48 W.CONTINENTAL RECON.-PHASE 1• $755,750 S808,177 ($52,427) 49 W.DOVE RECON.-PEYTONVILLE TO SHADY OAKS $259,680 $298,397 (S38,717) 50 W.JONES BRANCH CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS' $1,000,000 $930,522 S69,478 51 WATER&SEWER TO MIRON ADDITION $196,781 S262,535 (S65,754) k 52 TOTAL $30,633,148 S30,660,354 53 TOTAL(OVERyUNDER BUDGET (S27,206) 54 Limo, oject not yet complete. Cost shown reflects contract bid price&engineering,surveying costs 10E-10 5/25100 City of Southlake, Texas • MEMORANDUM June 2, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Shawn Poe, Assistant City Engineer, extension 846 SUBJECT: Approval of Change Order No. 4 to the contract with Pate Brothers Construction, Inc. for the construction of a 14-inch and 18-inch force main along Dove Street Action Requested: Approve Change Order No. 4 to the contract with Pate Brothers Construction, Inc. for the construction of a 14-inch and 18-inch force main along Dove Street in the amount of$27,500. Background Information: The installation of the force mains is complete for this project. As part of the easement negotiations, several residents that dedicated an easement requested that the disturbed areas from the construction within the easement area be block sodded rather than hydromulched. The City normally hydromulches the areas disturbed within the right-of-way and sods the areas within easements on private property. The City made provisions in the contract for the installation of sod within the easement boundary on several properties via Change Order No. 1. The quantity of sod included in Change Order No. 1 was 500 square yards. However following the construction of the force mains, several residents requested the disturbed areas within the right-of-way to be sodded as well since they maintained that area previously prior to construction. This additional area equates to an additional 5000 square yards. Change Order No. 4 is for the installation of the additional 5000 square yards of sod. The following is a quick recap of the other three change orders. • Change Order No. 1 was for considerations granted to homeowners in return for granting the required easements (see attached copy). The considerations were for additional bores on their property, various landscaping, and sod replacement. These considerations were negotiated while the project was out for bid. Knowing there was the potential for additional costs associated with granting of the easements, staff included in the contract a $15,000 pre-bid allowance. This change order did not change the contract amount because it was below the pre- bid allowance ($11,977.39). C IOD - 1 City of Southlake, Texas • Change Order No.2 was required to save existing trees along the west side of Lonesome Dove (see attached copy). The force mains were installed along the edge of the pavement of Lonesome Dove rather than in the bar ditch where several large pecan and willow trees exist. The change order was required due to the additional pavement replacement and storm drain replacement. The amount of this change order was $16,505.33. Together with Change Order No. 1, Change Order No. 2 increased the contract amount by $13,482.72.. • Change Order No. 3 was for additional bores that were required for conflicts with trees along Dove Street (see attached copy). Since the bidding of the project was concurrent with the negotiation of the homeowners for the easement, an estimated bore length for each tree was used in the original contract. Following measurements in the field once construction began, additional bore lengths were required to adequately bore the trees without harm. Change Order No. 3 totaled $32,900. Combined with the previous two changed orders, Change Order No. 3 increased the contract by $46,382.72. inancial :onsiderations: The construction costs associated with this project are tabulated below. Original Contract Amount $1,110,278.30 Change Order No. 1 $11,977.39 Change Order No. 2 $16,505.33 Change Order No. 3 $32,900 Change Order No. 4 $27,500 Pre-bid Allowance (included in ($15,000) original contract amount) Total Contract Amount $1,184,161.02 Therefore, the original contract amount has increased due to the change orders by $73,882.72. This project previously exceeded the budgeted amount with the original bid. The cost overrun had to be funded using available funds that exist from projects that were below budget. The second phase of the Dove Creek Pressure System was previously awarded, which was $159,000 below the budgeted amount. Change Order No. 4 will be funded using those available funds. The additional cost attributed to the change orders for this project has been included in the attached CIP Project Cost Ledger. itizen Input/ likinsoard Review: None. 10D-2 City of Southiake, Texas •eat Review: Not applicable. Alternatives: None. Supporting Documents: Change Or der No. 1 Change Order No. 2 Change Order No. 3 Change Order No.4 CIP Project Cost Ledger Project Map Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council approve Change Order No. 4 to the contract with Pate Brothers Construction, Inc. for the amount of $27,500 for the construction of a 14-inch and 18-inch force main along Dove Street. Please place this item on the June 6, 2000 Regular City Council Agenda for review and consideration. •P/sep • IOD -3 CHANGE ORDER I No. 1 Lor Dated: August 30, 1999 OWNER'S Project No. N/A ENGINEER's Project No. 001-435B Project Proposed 14"and 18"Sewage Force Mains OWNER City ofSouthlake Contract for Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Improvements Contract Date: August 18, 1999 To: Pate Brothers Construction, Inc. Contractor You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject contract: City of Southlake Qwncr By: l 0 Date: / , 1999 lature of the changes: Net total increase(See attachment): $ 11,977.39 Adjustment to pre-bid allowance(Bid Item No. 16): 15,000.00 - 11.977.39 Remaining pre-bid allowance: S 3,022.61 These changes result in the following adjustment of contract price and contract time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order $ S 1,110,278.30 Net(Incrcn3e)(Dccreasee Resulting from this Change Order S 0.00 Current Contract Price Including this Change Order S 1,110,278.30 NSPE-ASCE 1910-8-B(1978 Edition) 1OD-4 Contract Time Prior to this Change 120 Calendar Days (Days or Date) Net(-Ietereasc}{Deereasej Resulting from this Change Order 0 Calendar Days (Days) Current Contract Time Including this Change Order 120 Calendar Days (Days or Date) The above changes are recommended: Cheatham and Associates By: 2* r Derek Cheatham.P.E Date: Aueust 27 , 1999 The above changes are recommended: City of Quthlake try v: Tine: r-e c -or- OE. CRi 1 c Date: S , 1999 The above changes are accepted: Pate Brothers Construction, Inc. Contractor , By: y''% � ,`L�L'�--'� ij v Date: Z� j�j , 1999 F:IWORD\Southlake1435B1Change Order 1.wpd (111111110. 1OD-5 i CHEATHAM&ASSOCIATES 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD. SUITE 200 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 CHANGE ORDER NO.1 SHEET 1 OF 1 JOB NC. 301-4352 i OWNER: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE JOB NAME: MODIFICATIONS TO 18"&14" DIA. FORCE MAIN SEWAGE LINES _ DATE: August 17, 1999 BID ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PLAN UNIT TOTAL NO. QTY. PRICE COST ADDITIONS I —I 2 18"PVC(SDR-35)SEWER PIPE(12'-14') I L.F. 85 79.001: $6,715.00 3 18"PVC(SDR-35)SEWER PIPE (14'-16') I L.F. 167 I 79.00 $13,193.00 4 4'DIA. SANITARY SEWER MH(0'-6') EA 1 1525.00 $1,525.00 8 CIMJ FITTINGS FOR 14"&18"F.M. TON 1.27 2915.00 $3,702.05 10 BORE& INSTALL 14"FORCE MAIN L.F. 10 56.00 $5660.00 11 BORE & INSTALL 18"FORCE MAIN L.F. 10 56.00 $560.00 14 HMACPAVEMENTREPLACEMENT L.F. 70 21.751 31522.50 i N/A 14"PLUG VALVE W/BOX&MARKINGS EA 2 3050.00 $6,100.00� N/A 18"PLUG VALVE W/BOX&MARKINGS EA 2 3750.00 $7,500.00 N/A 6"DR-18 C900 PVC F.M. PIPE L.F. 10 50.001 $500.00 N/A CONNECTION TO EXIST.6"F.M. L.S. 1 ' 33C6.0C 33,306.00 , N/A 4"SANITARY SEWER SERVICE EA. 2 627.00 31,254.00 N/A 8"SDR-35 PVC SEWER PIPE(14'-16') L.F. 6 70.52 $423.12 N/A ST.AUGUSTINE SOD S.Y. 500 5.00 32,500.00 N/A LOWER BORE PIT STA. 26+06 L.S. 1 1514.001 $1,514.00 N/A LOWER FORCE MAIN L.F. 627 4.141 32,595.78 NIA EXTRA BORE PIT(F.M.SEPARATION) EA. 2 750.00 _1.500.00 I TOTAL ADDITIONS I $54,970.45 DEDUCTIONS 1 18"PVC(SDR-35)SEWER PIPE(10'-12') L.F. 270 79.00 ($21,330.00) 6 14"PVC(DR-18) FORCE MAIN L.F. 10 34.65 ($346.50) 7 18"PVC(DR-18) FORCE MAIN L.F. 442 44.33 ($19,593.86) 15 TRENCH SAFETY FOR SEWER&WATER CONST. L.F. 322 5.35 ($1.722.70) TOTAL DEDUCTIONS ($42.993.06) L , NET TOTAL INCREASE S',977.39 1OD-6 Oct-20-99 01 :06P P.02 CHANGE ORDER 2.. No. 2 Dated:October 11, 1999 OWNER'S Pmject No. N/A ENGINEER's Project No. _ 001-435B Project Proposed 14"and Is"Sewage Force Mains OWNF.R City of Snuthlake Contract for Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Improvements Cortract Date: August 1,4, 1999 To: fate Brothers Construction, Inc. contractor You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject contract: (:itv o£Southlake Owner By: Date: , /999 Nature of changes: ini RELOCATION OF 14"AND 18" FORCE MAINS ALONG LONESOME DOVE. Additions: I. 12 L.F.of 18"dia. PVC force main($44.33/ft.) $531.96 453 1..F.of HMAC pavement replacement($21.754t.) $9,852.75 0.56 Tons of Mi.finings($2915/ton) $1,632.40 4. 12 L.F.trench safety($5,35/ft.) $64.20 5. 150 L.F.remove&replace 27"dia. RCP($36/ft.) $5,400.00 6. 150 L.F.of road base material($1 I/ft.) $1,650.00 TOTAL: $19,131.31 Deductions: 1. 8 L.F.of 14"dia.PVC force main($34.65/ft,) [$277.201 2. 5571..F.(sta. 82+00 to sta.87 57)of raced force main elev.($4.14/L.F.) [$2,305 98} 3. 8 L.F. trench safety($5.35/11.) f$42.801 TOTAL: ($2,625.98] NET TOTAL: S 16,505.33 REMAINING PRE-BID ALLOWANCE: I$3,022.61 I NET TOTAL INCREASE; $13,482.72 These changes result in the following adjustment ol'contract price and contract time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order $ 1,110,278,30 Net(Increase)(Beerce3)Resulting from this Change order $ 13.482.72 Current Contract Price Including this Change Order .8 1,123,761.02 NSPE-ASCE 1910-8-R(1978 Edition) 10D-7 Oct-20-99 01 :06P P.03 Contract Time Prior to this Change. 120 Calendar Days ([lays or hare) Net flneretat-"^ ` Resulting from this Change Order 0 Calendar Days (Days) Current Contract Time Including this Change Order 120 Calendar Days (Days or Date) The above changes are recommended: S teathgtrisgad Axwciates Ln By: j Derek Cheatham.P.E. Date: October 19 , 1999 The above changes are recommended: City ofSaud:lakc ray By: Title: t v t L ti tS I n%C-:2�Z Date: ✓C i r,13 CTZ. 1099 Le. The above changes arc accepted: Pate Brothers Construction,1nc. Contractor By: Date: , 1999 YAM r nti riSuutldak'143581Changc order 2.wpd 4 1OD-8 CHANGE ORDER ; No. 3 CO) Dated: November 17, 1999 OWNER'S Project No. N/A ENGINEER's Project No. 001-435B Project Proposed 14"and 18"Sewage Force Mains OWNER City ofSouthlake IContract for Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Improvements Contract Date: August 18, 1999 To: Pate Brothers Construction, Inc. Contractor 4 You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject contract: City ofSouthlake Owner By: Date: , 1999 Nature of the changes: Field modifications to the length of bores to accommodate tree drip lines and driveways. Net total increase(See attachment): $32,900.00 These changes result in the following adjustment of contract price and contract time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order $ 1,123,761.02 Net(Increase)(Dccrca c)Resulting from this Change Order $ 32,900.00 Current Contract Price Including this Change Order $ 1.156,661.02 • NSPE-ASCE 1910-8-B (1978 Edition) C 1 OD-9 (I.- Contract Time Prior to this Change 120 Calendar Days (Days or Date) Net(Increase)(Beeresse)Resulting from this Change Order 0 Calendar Days (Days) Current Contract Time Including this Change Order /20 Calendar Days (Days or Date) IThe above changes are recommended: Cheatham and Associates _ Engineer By: Derek Cheatham,P.E. Date: November 17 , 1999 The above changes are recommended: City ofSouthlake City By: Title: Date: , 1999 The above changes are accepted: Pate Brothers Construction. Inc. Contractor I By: Date: , 1999 I I 1 F:\WORD\SouthlakeW35B\Change Order 3.wpd Ce., al inn-1(l CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD. SUITE 200 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 CHANGE ORDER NO.3 SHEET 1 OF 1 JOB NO. 001-435B OWNER; CITY OF SOU T HLAKE JOB NAME: MODIFICATIONS TO 18"&14" DIA. FORCE MAIN SEWAGE LINES DATE: November 17,1999 BID ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PLAN UNIT TOTAL j NO. QTY. PRICE COST ADDITIONS ' 10 BORE&INSTALL 14"F.M.(STA.61+98) L.F. 3 56.00 $168.00 11 BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M. (STA.61+98) L.F. 3 56.00 $168.00 10 BORE&INSTALL 14"F.M. (STA. 60+96) L.F. 26 56.00 $1,456.00 11 BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M. (STA.60+96) L.F. 26 56.00 31,456.00 12 BORE&INSTALL 14"F.M.W/CASING(STA.58+45.54) _ L.F. 40 160.50 $6,420.00 13 BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M.W/CASING(STA.58+45.54) L.F. 40 172.00 $6,880.00_ 10 BORE&INSTALL 14"F.M.(STA 43+77) L.F. 54 56.00 $3,024.00 11 'BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M.(STA.43+77) L.F. 54 56.00 $3,024.00 10 BORE&INSTALL 14"F.M.(STA.42+04) L.F. 20 56.00 $1,120.00 1 BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M.(STA. 42+04) L.F. 20 56.00 $1,120.00 10 BORE&INSTALL 14"F.M.(STA.39+92) L.F. 33 56.00 $1,848.00 J 11 BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M. (STA.39+92) L.F. 33 56.00 $1,848.00 10 BORE&INSTALL 14"F.M. (STA 37+21) L.F. 5 56.00 $280.00 11 BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M. (STA. 37+21) L.F. 5 56.00 $280.00 4 10 BORE&INSTALL 14"F.M.(STA.35+16) L.F. 13 56.00 $728.00 11 BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M. (STA. 35+16) L.F. 13 56.00, $728.00 10 BORE& INSTALL 14"F.M. (STA.31+41) L.F. 82 56.00 $4,592.00 11 BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M.(STA.31+41) L.F. 82 56.00 $4,592.00 10 BORE& INSTALL 14"F.M.(STA.29+93) L.F. 63 56.00 $3,528.00 11 BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M.(STA.29+93) L.F. 63 56.00 $3,528.00 TOTAL ADDITIONS $46,788.00 DEDUCTIONS 10 BORE&INSTALL 14"F.M. (STA.58+90) L.F. 20 56.00 ($1,120.00) 11 BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M.(STA.58+90) L.F. 20 56.00 ($1,120.00) : 10 BORE&INSTALL 14"F.M.(STA. 58+20) L.F. 12 56.00 ($672.00) 11 BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M.(STA. 58+20) L.F. 12 _ 56.00 ($672.00) 10 BORE&INSTALL 14"F.M. (STA. 56+73) L.F. 20 56.00 ($1,120.00) 11 BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M. (STA. 56+73) L.F. 20 _ 56.00 ($1,120.00) 10 BORE&INSTALL 14"F.M. (STA.45+15) L.F. 10 56.00' ($560.00) 11 BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M.(STA.45+15) L.F. ` 10 56.00 ($560.00) 10 BORE& INSTALL 14"F.M. (STA. 28+49) + L.F. 20 56.00 ($1,120.00) --11 BORE& INSTALL 18"F.M. (STA.28+49) L.F. 20 56.00 ($1,120.00) 0 BORE&INSTALL 14"F.M.(STA. 19+22) L.F. r 21 56.00 ($1,176.00), ,' 11 BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M. (STA. 19+22) L.F. 21 56.00 ($1,176.00), 10 BORE&INSTALL 14"F.M. (STA. 18+77) L.F. 21 56.00 ($1,176,00) 11 BORE&INSTALL 18"F.M. (STA. 18+77) L.F. 21 56.00 ($1,176.00) TOTAL DEDUCTIONS! ---- - i nel-1 1 --I-- --a- ' -- - Lre CHANGE ORDER No. 4 Dated: May 30, 2000 OWNER'S Project No. 97-2005 ENGINEER's Project No._ 001-453 Project 14"& 18"Sanitary Sewer Force;Mains along Dove Street OWNER City of Southlake Contract for Sanitary Sewer Improvements Contract Date: August 18, 1999 To: Pate Brothers Construction, Inc. Contractor You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject contract: Owner By: Date: ,2000 Nature of the changes: Installation of block sod at various properties 5,500 S.Y. Furnish and install block sod to disturbed areas @ $5.00/S.Y. = $27,500.00 $27,500.00 These changes result m the followmg adjustment of contract price and contract tune: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order $ 1,156,661.02 Net Increase Resulting from this Change Order $ 27,500.00 Current Contract Price Including this Change Order $ 1,184,161.02 NSPE-ASCE 1910-8-B(1978 Edition) Lioe 1OD-12 ( ontrTime Prior to this Change 120 Calendar act � (Days or Date) Net Increase Resulting from this Change Order 2 Calendar (Days) Current Contract Time Including this Change Order 122 Calendar (Days or Date) The above changes are recommended: Ronald J.Harper,P.E. City BY: Title: Director of Public Works Date: , 2000 The above changes are accepted: Pate Brothers Construction, Inc. Contractor `..- By: Date: , 2000 \....— 10D-13 CIP PROJECT COSTS A B C D PROJECT DESCRIPTION BUDGETED AMOUNT BID/FINAL COST DIFFERENCE Q MGD MIRON FI FVATED TOWER" S1,860,000 S1,832,000 S28,000 3 20"WATERLINE ALONG FM 1709 $641,000 S638,408: S2,592 4 24"WATER LINE ALONG N.WHITE CHAPEL $850,000 S826,455 S23,545 5 BRUMLOW S112,700 $111,000 S1,700 6 BURNEY LN.-REHAB CUL-DE-SAC I $57,000 $64,5231 ($7,523) 7 BYRON NELSON STOP LIGHT 1-_ S40,000 S65,000 (S25,000) 8 BYRON NELSON STRIPING j S65,000 S65,637 (S637) 9 COMMERCE TRAFFIC LIGHT` S100,000 S48,405. S51,595 10 DIAMOND CIRCLE STREETS&SEWER S1,286,000 S990,161 S295,839 11 DOVE ACRES SEWER• $405,000 $205,4741 $199,526 12 DOVE ESTATES LIFT STATION• $300,000 S167,473 i S132,527 13 DOVE FORCE MAIN,PHASE 1• S1,747,500 S2,154,200 ($406,700) 14 DOVE FORCE MAIN,PHASE 2• S1,809,650 $1,650,649 S159,001 15 DOVE/HIGHLAND PAVING' S611,480 $778,533 (S167,053) 16 DOVE/SH 114 WATER LINE RELOCATION S339,200 $280,4241 S58,776 17 FLORENCE TOWER TANK PAINTING S105,000 S152,200I ($47,200) 18 FM 1709 TRAFFIC SEQUENCING• $120,000 S42,000 S78,000 19 FM 1709 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONVERSIONS• $200,000 $123,399 $76,601 20 HARRELL DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION' $140,000 S175,464 (S35,464) 21 HILLWOOD SEWER* $95,000 $82,415 S12,586 22 HUNTWICK ESTATES SEWER S200,000 $276,123 ($76,123) 23 JELLICO SEWER• $500,000 $419,723 S80,277 24 KIRKWOOD WATERLINE $326,000 S266,159 S59,841 25 LAKE DRIVE WATER,SEWER,PAVING' $364,500 $376,991 ($12,491) 26 LILAC LN.WATER,SEWER,STREET• S234,600 $286,782 ($52;182) 7 'VE HENRY COURT SEWER&STREET• $359,000 $401,474 ($42,474) ION HILL SEWER $430,000 S489,099 (S59,099) 1. _ CHAPEL-COUNTY LINE TO LAKE• S340,000 S470,970 (S130,970) 30 N.WHITE CHAPEL-DOVE TO COUNTY LINE• $181,850 $177,010 S4,840 31 N-3&N-4 LIFT STATIONS* S1,000,000 $1,009,500 ($9,500) 32 N-5 SEWER&KIMBALL/SH 114 WATER/SEWER RELOCATIONS• $762,500 $743,255 $19,245 33 NAPA VALLEEY/WOODLAND HEIGHTS WATER LINE• S30,000 $59,9601 (S29,960) 34 PEARSON GROUND STORAGE TANK NO.2• $1,687,400 S1,545,247 S142,153 35 PINE SEWER' S200,000 S183,368 S16,632 36 PLANTATION SEWER $110,400 $84,676 S25,724 37 PUBLIC WORKS CENTER IMPROVEMENTS* S405,600 S472,580 ($66,980) 38 PUMP STATION NO.2• $3,110,000 S3,176,800 (S66,800) 39 RAINTREE/SHADY LN WATER,SEWER,PAVING 51,925,995 $1,615,029 $310,966 40 RIDGECREST' S355,576 $400,504 ($44,928) 41 SABRE SEWER CONNECTION-SOLANA $25,000 S21,700 $3,300 42 SHADY OAKS TRAFFIC LIGHT' $100,000 S91,000 $9,000 43 SOUTHLAKE/KELLER PUMP STATION MOD. S300,000 $116,281 $183,720 44 SUTTON PLACE DRAINGE&PAVING IMPROVEMENTS• S270,000 $311,865 ($41,865) 45 TIMARRON-BENT CREEK REPAIR' S726,986 S699,315 S27,671 46 TROPHY CLUB 24"WATER LINE• S1,511,000i $1,440,693 S70,307 47 W.CONTINENTAL RECON.-PHASE 1• S755,750 $808,177 (S52� 48 W.DOVE RECON.-PEYTONVILLE TO SHADY OAKS $259,680 $298,397 (S38,717) 49 W.JONES BRANCH CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS• S1,000,000 $930,522 $69,478 50 WATER&SEWER TO MIRON ADDITION $196,781 $262,535 f (S65,754) 51 TOTAL S28,553,148 S27,889,5531 52 TOTAL(OVER)/UNDER BUDGET i $663,595 53 54 ect not yet complete. Cost shown reflects contract bid price&engineering,surveying costs 10D-14 5/31/00 Dove Street Pressure System ( )' 7171ri::: 400 s : ;Pli AIL --d° _ ri- . .. .Tµµ , P.....i. ' K\DW E\\ p\S O ,--- o 0, r rum •IN PD 1 M ! Agoura am \F N -_-- ..,. SGP's 0‘,1\ Niiiiiiiiiklial if ).(1,43 �OMPNOR 1— ■■.�. ,h:a�wu. fitl, e.s1P.: \ 1 1 ll Mail NI FAS ---"N. au P's\k" tio- .l'7 0 li & UM ii. ,,,,y7 ./ 4,. I . 'bilk*. 0191 Bh," j IL 0 Ta 0 4 I L\ aw4. .• it '-..-4___. 40111 p., 1 I---- Olovalbi ..411.#1,4:041.1:Al. N #A11111111111k ~ 4 . w+.1.. ir, STPNFOR W DD. . Pam, A hA/LQR]T No Scale ��10111 _ TPTE z P��T\o Pr. D —' , ` CAR ROLL �C'\,D �-- _cr 0 1 MIDDLE �M fo - v o 14" and 18" iSCHOOL — — — C= Force Mai_n_s r�\ I►, "'Fh_ u_�I ��r „F�,I I E;VIERP`►0 Lift Station] 1111 ESTATES"gyp{P _ s-04 . SOUTH rT\ON _ S, ______ PQD' — _ — vPNN __, . Wo . jp;As,,,IL, eik„.• 00 ) — — „ i - — "AC., _ PTVAROSE L 4(PVT) � � J lI1N It. ERS •W -- \N -- ST A E` FICE Vv -- --- _. m IL F-A I Mrs M AA EAST WALL INTERIOR ELEVATION AT MAIN LOBBY SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" Chem CBT of SODIBLARE Design Architect DA= M SCHWABTI AACHI3EC19AAL S�VICFS. wc. w��uc_m xv Architect of Record mseec�x-is. wc. I� �snm CMWdChM Manager stet« Stoctanl Engineer cmAacenscis, we MEP Conaeltanta Dw FNGwFFBS, MC. [ yn'ispnM ]IxIYfY SOUTMA !TOWN HAII, SOlnnf ^1EKAS ou UfrMOR RH AnOK N LOBBY NORTH WALL INTERIOR ELEVATION AT COUNCIL CHAMBERS SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" Client CIfY OF SOIIffi.A%E Design Architect Architect of Record m nscarans, rtic. Construction Manager Stuctmah EnI ineer cn nacmaFns. arc MEP Consultants &.!P EN(�, INC. c�yr� SOUtffi.AKE MWN HAIL ��mm rnlpXpq na DMWORF AnON ® COUNM �+ WEST WALL NORTH WALL INTERIOR ELEVATION AT COURTROOM SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" Client -OF SOLRHI.A%r ]cWOHUT�.0 Y93� Dmp Arcbdect DAVIlIY SCHWARL ARC9f1ECf0AA1. SQYfCES. nIC Acclutect of Re d GSf ARCHRFL9S, niC c ..twt— M.MlgeD HCBECR bie44'R'Wo3 Sh.ftm l Engs— (Sf AaCHRFL'15. HK' pax�°w' uIW MEP Conmlmm our rN�s. aac SO. TOWN aA1L sovtffi.A�'tHx.+s �. MIBHIOR E7 Ai @COURTROOM I un C-2 Commercial LU_D_ = Office/Commercial Nvelnnment Data 1 Note. 40 Buld g etha,k ar C1 slope as requ-J by me Resaen[a Aolacency Ordnance 490, Sect'bn 43. Symbol Key _ --- — P p,,ty L e F' L _ -- -- E—I.elt P -dery _ _ — — B Id g SetbacF 10 1 = Type C Baff-/oni 1 l i 1 l I I I 1 I l I 1 I Type "A Bufferyard Type •E• Bufferwrd V Bufferyard - 20' Pale Lght? Ez-st ng Structures 12 Pole �LUggh, • `Q Fre Hydrant ac f Bu (ding Entry Landscape 4ea \ evy' ;a ?F ^• Concrete Puv ng Brick Paving e. _ Summary Chart - Landscape Requirements SIMMS �® Summary Chart - Bufferyards ®EMS SEE ®®mamma �rrrr®= 1 WE ®I®� SEE MIMESIS ®®®® ® rrrrrEE P-e ry II 7- U,ce W' y T Jv �C /`tract 2 0 ro 39Z I �2,2. o �w 20 sf _p ra / R C'ty of Southlake AG' - cu Agrlti \\ L.U.D. =Low Densty Res dent\\ NOTE: FINAL ALICNMENT OF PINE DRNE IS C1111111 BEING NEGOTIATED WITH THE CITY OF SDOUTHLN(E 3 M. White 'SF -IA" UJ.D. = LDR II F tar _ { Oftses ._ Story l &00f} sql Ft. L - _ 0-1 Office SF -,A Single Family L.U.D- = Office/Commercial L.U.D. =Law Censity Residential East SonWake Boulevard FH _ o be tst re;—yey to d _P ff rd 1i E rF: Ys I F + _ + Gm, + L + - 3 + ++i {`+ 3 y + } , i $ + i + 00 _-d... ++ - Project Vicinity Plan Naa Lane �� .e _ �, _ -2 + -1 o Whte5 Chapel J d Methbd,t Church o As C k Ra 8- es= K—aer 11 ` 185 So th Whie's Chqll Blvd. 1 V i I 3•o thlak T 76092 -_"j ~# _ A,,h,te,t Hesso, Ardre.s Sotc,oy- L* a1 Spnkl> Robe, ! f " Rlchenf G a Pal at !a•:hitect I. t -3 5q Ft,; P d o *: .,� - Son Ant-, e s 78209 ej (210) 820 0888aFa. f_t 0182C n526 +..�+ + ._ yam~- { I _ 31 r-:----- - - - - -; �!I NORTH Phi- Z P I ':-34 Spaces) � I' yP 'a -Her d ( bu'It wth phase par nq)I 1g r Q __ _ �- 1 'n7 back ti w - ttm• 4 }} I ! — — -- - — _ aae Ea= T T T I- 1 —E-T 1 ,seaa�t S. Bryant SF-1.A Sigle Family L.U_0. = Low Oensiy, Resldentlal _ Seat SonctacY nd Floor _J-_ -�- _-4-- --4-- --� Second Fleor ` I • L -�- o Tract 1 -T- iC5 ionirtP ti'eg�este'd)T- �- -T -T -T -T --T T _-T -T _T T- I a m T _ I =T T =T -T � � - I _ - �/•d. 1 r _ IN IJ 89.40 50 W E51 A West I AG" L.U.D. = LDR Ckainage Ea.em t J- - _ — Pend \� � I �_ (•�� � � 1 �n � 1+i� LLL�' I � = ,1_�� + \ +i Gr Gran �_ _ _ as 44 B ild ng Srtba 24 Fir. Lane 1`_� g 15'.-C% ye $. bt Ity-E se�nf - ■I�I�I■I�I�I I���I�I�I�I�I�!�I�I�'II�_ rpe ro' B«nerd (10)�,�� L - 5 89-8 56 E 424.33'� E L d coped 5=reen'ng Buf ffer SUUTH !`We Hcmes LP. v F PUD" B. )mall L.U.D. = MDP. ,AG•. Pm PUD 'AG' I LU.D_ = LOP, L.U.D. = Medi Density Residential L.U.U. - LOR Site Plan Chapel United Methodist Church _ 0 J � L"J w x � c Qi w Q W Qa x ^W^ -et E" u "I w�D E- o R�sb�s: / 1 May 8, 2000 SSCE DATE. 000 0—N sr. � SHEEi CP-1 OF COO SHEET$ PROECT uG. 99i3 East Buiidina devotion s me: r = 2" —III�� iiu li i'f iin'!. m rn rn cn CD U L U Metal Steeple West B ildinq Elevation scale: r- = 20' Metal Steeple !iiiii -C�l n, dTj ' aeoo _. csoaian v waumlc.Ua 1 �= Level 1 Floor Pian Iw ualluiuu II III �1 » K � Level 2 Floor Plan Scale: l" = I6' ' Issueio a+re: ep.0 z000 Da W. 91: SNFi�: CP-3 ff—CD APR i 172000 PROJECT N0 8313 M � T AN SF jI � ! Imo^, ,� �►'' _ 1 � £"z ,T ,. :}, arIr., estts Y�I Bldg. 11 TRACT B /% �I /• >.. Z fZ&DtAf � TRACT OWNER ZONING LAND USE VOL. 7283, PG. 332 CONKER LAM AG MIXED USE VOL.11355, PG. 2205 MOBILITY SYSTEMS, INC. AG MIXED USE VOL. SM PG.1791 MATT A. & LORETTA A. LEK3MTON AG MIXED USE VOL..11258, PG.1973 GREGORY P. & LYNN E. WOODSIDE AG MIXED USE VOL. 7159, PG. 55 DONALD & MARTHA PERRY AG MIXED USE VOL.12740, PG. 498 GLEN SCOTT HARRELL AG MILD USE VOL.132OZ. PG.160 CH & ANNA LIZ tqNG C2 MXED USE VOL*Mpa 9m . - 4MTZEL FAMILY PARTHERNP, LTD. AG MIXED USE VOL. 8178, PG. 847 SANDY XX & CAROL SUE MOGEE; AND GLYNDA M. KIRKLAND AG MIXED USE �Y Y Ot7 T"' -N Z", I T i6l Wit WW 4, KIT, S, MCI - Its -,li 7 1141 1p 41 .1 ,04 1.� �k_ VV NMRwqww, or ZJ, x 4! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T:.. tl .1 No No 0.1pow- Imp - W. - 60AW vw I" ia 13; ION 12 13 49SAO AF WrAL $arm Z40OW APP. gn El C 0 0 D +*l_r AP 93 13 13 c 1 93/ 43 0 0 - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----Sam W Glow low. NM qTr u ORTH ELEVATION Pi 2w_r 26 WfUM -9 r form num vim r —maw TV$lAPAM 4*W 1=11 (W Now- - - - - - - - - - - - -vim 41 rpm mw 49 ELEVAT I CM , vpmrvmw_w"w7F N COMMERCE BU41NE55 PIR•' ' I T Y0- SB6-214. PG. W P.0.,T.CO.,TX NMURML Ll7T t _I r, f M Tee- — w B L [ ' R0 ccvlouMEl Ww11tT EcaP—r - — - — - — P,LCO.,TL LOT 4 - — — —1�— — — —{ — — — — '- — — EXES:. Ir SCREEN Ft O16tTaAL — — = LpT6. L . a [ . K -- -- --.---------__0{i9. —�.-- s� MMCA LaTe lAT S 'jI I - • E7aST. cRkr:,An.yn ' pRpp� L°ATi�u • !/, MATiYI to I 1 �- '^.�". IMW 1 STORAGE YARD J ENIST. Lore (6aDp zF.) i i • (46m SF.) F.F-- 6LVO �I ► m II a / — I _ ! \ ` / / ( Lore o —r--t— i� I -mr se w s ""� - • b0 ,JI I ``{ I i---j EXIST. COK- . . . r W y COMMERCE elms PANG F p i i STORAGE VAPn { 1 \• _ • \• _ U VOLa6 lla, x so 1 I I PR TCQTX in Is ENTRY 1 . :E I I • I \ 8Ef34r. ]IAIliTEBANCE SHOP {� STORAGE YARD I I w - - • \ m �' � (MOD SF.) I 1 j 1 f Laren I • -�T\ \COVERED COMMERCE \ I{ SFs G SJ I. I I II 7• x I, rl 1 I \ � 1'\ E7D51. .. ffcc _ - �!, ?— • s W w N se st t IF F Rax:R"ac A 400,75' •'•• ( I 797.00' a ...s'fe nPT A LOT I I I \it1 EXIST. a SL4ftEEY FG I I ^s S COMMERCE BtSNESS PART; '-- VOL 3W-214. PC, W I I 11 , t: cumpML N Z LA,O Dl611COMMERCE BUSINESS.rMIM I I IR1YG 4 j 1 Lori VOL YB-zT4. Pu. SC I I LOTL P.R.T.00.,7X 17 n 'L zaaD a III n 0 L 0 0 [i iE i LET D -------- —E----------- CET7ERLLNE pICNMIr — - — - — _ [EWIFRUME FXCNVIGE TREE LEGEND BENCHMARK: NOT : MS PROPpOY LICS YRT1�: it[ NOISE FXTNT01A6 C -CYPRESS !v �`.>•est Omer d 10 ft. iOMt, East side of �L'•I- N• TIE Te74 FINrt U'4= .UT NPACf S. STATEMENT Tt3�OP�4 at eENDOAU~13 WNT -1 PROPFA6 aX oR1rTKrCL AT16N THE COTY OF SOURRRLE ARRORT a.ERLAf ZONE ESTABL"IFD fir ORDNANCE NO 476 AND 6 SOBIECT TO - - - 674.56 AN ROGATION EASEMENT AND RWW-OF-TAY FE.FD IN THE COUNTY DEED RFC. oripinaf Scoot: r' - 40' q ee 46 Be 6}opO1: Soot. L4 Feet olmar/DwelopQ: TFii—CAL, LTC. 540 COMMERCE SOUTHAN[ TX "On e17-4e1-2106 SUIOLARY CHART - MMOR LANDSCAPE LANDSCGPE AREA 1 2 AREA N FROMT OR . CWIDM' TREES IOCDTT SNNJLS eLmIRO 7RkF.S WAFR 5060NM. COEOR TEONI P aMt LF. Imes U. Van) 12 24 lso IM7 SF. t2G SF. -RClWVE9 64.2Te SF. It—S.F. 12 24 130 t,alA S.F. 1 lx S.F. SUZURY CHART - BUFFER YARDS LocmmN REURED/ mm mEn LE98c1H I WOW TYPE CARO" P=W TREES TREES I SKWW I FEhICQUAFi)MP. mwt R wTDw WORM REOLARED 600' s•/A 6 12 4e - PROWNU 23W s'/A 6 12 As 6' $OREDi trNN UNN m Som REGUIRD SAC S/A 6 12 4e - PROOM 1 s' S A 1 6 1 13 1 4a I 6' FC. SIGWY EA60NC OUTDOOR WOW SRAIIiM W108GVE AREA W a a rn Uz Q E/ H X UMU F QO�x a�U� a ANzU a I E. 0 � z001 0 tisse=x DESIGNED BY: JSL DRAW BY: JmEL DHEMED BY: J LEL SCALE: DRAWING: TRD 4 DATE m4-IA& -men y OF s I 18 2000 ...�� 'imam uwl ���„ ��� .. ..... ..... .... .................. ���ll�ll�i IIh811111111IIIIIIIIII���III►��•"'""""""""""" h' I'IIIII' r .f ,\ �I �IIIIIIIIIIII �� s�S��l _ JOE iME 01 EAST BUILDING ELEVATION SCALE. W •r-O V%ff FACE MA60Wr wart E,w W ATKW POM TO rATCII V4 M3 ELAN' PIE-PNOW METAL rat 4r-r FRMK ED allmo . s•.p Eavrm MNLDM aopm a PMSWARanW Lie CP IGCT SLOPE 6, AL�ew+neae wom ur CLEMt HUAMD GLAl6 a•-r RAVED ace M&"W urn aAPPM POW TO rATCM 1 oGi61NG suLONa lM! El El 0 --Elm PJliT ILOpt 02 WEST BUILDING ELEVATION vs ooa�w a w\ \� mw au wo NOV. 09, 1999 ALUMUM FRAME OCCO Wr aZAR NIILAND GLAee LME Gr Floor !LOPE PRE494 am METAL MLL c4rm mro tm -,�, — Y WI AGGW TOMIAM ALLIMW sram HKATIN eeccw er Spam RAW odpw w=MASONRY tom dKwmlftvj�Lvm —I-- VP CLEM El 0 mtwAowwm ------------------ 04 SOUTH LT.JTT�nnvr ELEVATION IG" W.r-O LEE Or lom •A.L AMU~ rRIr1E aroma cm-w a -METAL W' CLEAR NML4W aLAw t Tox erurrAaruewar i AO W W*V WAFl%W Pf M I W MATCN "" am" ® ; &Yr o NlliATW awA i rtrnJ a - RDM W-r �: �.- lrAl1011L wi..reA a I �_- fir== sra�le�Rart mr� —mmPAGI INIIIMM{iCfM = _ ra-wOw= WL amee # DCrMC1R aloes enri 03 NORTH BUILDING ELEVATION s� Nr.r.s ns atatsr s rat mor tE�s aar ro t for raoo to R u10 rat oatnrw7toL eto a Tarr rwmo. Ll [f �`�I�18 2000 ,'o i H ues OCT. 27. 1999 RhVI SIGN A X ►aWa W Aoo� O Lt1 a Oa' O a vs BOUBBAEL IN (817) 4U-4M. m.to Draw% $CA ft �� NO. A-3.1 a or z 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 LUD = MED DE ITY RE IDENTIAL \\ - to'uE 'l ,\ ZONED R-PUD ti N NOAH B. POND \ \ �o�� N c VOL. 7134, PG. 944 m \ I I D.R.T.C.T. \ \ \\ \ 15 K Q J N 0 W o CHERYL A. POND 0- 1 Vol.12409,Pg.825 .7S6F 17 18 1 I 26 D. R. TC. T. 19 C14 7 �16 Go N24 II i LUDIED DENSITY RES. = \\ QGPQ� � V E S A I L L E I N N L\ D ac _____� \� � � s 8 1 & 2 9 9 0 zoNEC B. A, S D. 2 9--i- ___----' \ I I LUD = PUBLIC/SEMIPUBLIC 8 �� /S P . R. T . C . T .I ZONED cs Ln FIRST BAPTIS \� �� \\ 10 &r '' &�F'� // LORRA I NE DRIVE LORRAINE COURT 150' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CHURCH OF \ \ / (50 R.O.W•) o I OF SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE LOT 2 Vol.12409. P9.830 O.W. KNIGHT D. R. T. C. CNO. 89 AB. A9 SL DDI ION N460 29' 5611E o Js, \ �\\�F / // o oar P.R. T.C.T. Lij 41. 9 P � O / W J Ln ---� ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Qom, o) /� -- 27Uj 11 I 32 _---__-1-I------------ f�'1 33 35 34 -- - - - - - - - - - LUD = MED DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 28 ZONED R-PUD a I So, o 10'UE I 31 -------------- � I I O,UE 1 OPOo�°' ��� �, / L= 483.02' -`bi`. _ O�Q<v�o � p / /V _ D D L C 1 �� _ _ r ) I 1 I Rz 0j 'R'�' �0 qC; / c i / PROP. / / ` / ` �T+4---& \ I �� L � L I tl V L-� OF I 1 5' UE--I P y• L' Q`�1`� Q �. / 10 U.E. I / / �� /g" CIRF S89° 14' 05 "E - 435.47 rn 5/a" CIRF ��' / I EXIST. �/ j �v _ _ 5 8" CIRF\'\ ���Sli 29 I 1 36 i `�`�� °� `P�P'`� i Q / VOL. S.S.E.2445, 1 / \� ( r- ---- ----- '--------------- --- _ '\ `� F 10'UE I I I"- 14 N 13 I I------ CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS LENGTH C1 192.50 51.76 C2 192.50 58.33 C3 192.50 71.79 C4 207.50 81.98 C5 192.50 76.05 C6 207.50 71.51 C7 207.50 62.88 C8 207.50 55.60 C9 135.00 86.86 CIO 1550.00 1229.31 C11 450.00 1 30.38 C12 235.00 1144.53 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 S17.17'45"W 139.14 L2 S00.04 05 E 164.02 L3 S01.09'53"W 146.30 L4 I S45.56 07 W 21.30 L5 N00.04 05 W 164.02 L6 N17.17 45 E 139.14 L7 S02.26 49 E 389.15 L8 S89.14 04 E 68.61 L9 N00.04 05 W 20.00 L10 I S89.39 21"E 178.12 L11 NO2.26'49"W 389.15 L12 N89.14 04 W 55.02 L13 N89.14'04"W 15.00 L14 NORTH 43.93 L15 N67.49 25"E 75.50 L16 S00.45'55"W 16.19 L17 S67.49 25 W 59.33 L18 SOUTH 33.82 I I I �Q�o`' �v�o • U 1 PG. 551Ito/ 1 /w 101 U.E. Cn 1' ---- ill ___435.47' -- --- __- _RIO P n1 130 BUILDING, LINE 100' 6-E. 5,_•.I I I / I I L_ 220.67 t u_E_J L----�n.eJ------� R= 5524' I L=111 24 ,L I I 1 1 O' uE I LUD = M6 DENSITY ES. " ,1 --- ZONED AG I5/ CIRF �I� 1 23.49J r-- - - - - - - - - - - - -I o 1 ; ^- U In i 0.329 Acre Right -of -May Dedication with this plcilat �•�� � a. I \ �s,� �, I i p I I i I I C�,G0 �e 23.33' PROP. I \ 'ems O �< 1 m I I O I I II I I i� LOT 1• BLOCK 1 .�- ��` •� to u.E. N \ \ Q I 2s 1 37 1 i -A r I I j I I I� CARROLL ISD No. 5 ADDITION I I `�o Of o' L = MED DENS f RESIDENTIAL I z I II 1 I Ion TO THE THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE I 1 c' \ w , ZONED R-f'UD �� --10' uE -"I I Ln I �' I I I TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS ZONED R-PUD _ - I r- I IIr' Ir PRQP. ^�I I23.25 BEING 16.081 ACRES AS RECORDED IN I Im I N LUD D MR- DENSITY RESIDENTIAL \ 1� 15 U.E. L VOLUME 12785, PAGE 249 0 1 \ I T--------- I rZr1 v' ^�I I� I I ,;,, SITUATED IN THE J.W. HALE SURVEY �I I- I WITH CS USES <v I I 111 I 1 _ IN ABSTRACT No. 803. TARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS NI I$ I \ \ J �� I 70 I ROW I I I 1 I I I EXISTING ZONING- R-PUD W/ CS USES �I ($ o C I I I I I I PROPOSED ZONING- R-PUD W/ CS USES NI I= I \ m 3 9 1 I ( EXISTING LUD- WED. DENSITY RESIDENTIAL i t W I i CD 3 8 i I I t I win I 11� PROPOSED LUD- PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC I z 1 - i� I ( I (� MINIMUM FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION•610.00 �PR J BLOCK 6, LOT 1 Ln I I Io No EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS ON -SITE t 1 15?U.E. I WYNDSOR CREEK � x ; II k I I I 1 1 I + I '� IN I 1m� I PUBLIC PARK DEDICATION �5 \ d P A S E 2 I M PROP. ` I 1 9* I I I' Qj I TO THE \ 0 , i � 10 U.E. �, I I. I In I �.tT I� Cna I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 0 CAB' A • S L �,4 2 I \w`� I > I ! 134_15 � GENERAL TREE COVER ``-f' t N M \ to -tin I 1Dm I BLOCK 6. LOT1 , \ I EXIST. 20 D.E. I I I I I VERSAILLES I to /ho 0 UE j N I VOL. 12445. n 1 k 3.79' 8.22' (� Ln PG. 556 l o 0 �t I L� ;n I CAB. A. SLD. 2990 ' 1 e 40 I O I ���� j I jM so,i'� I r- 18.54' I 3 P. R. T. C. T. ' 'n I c) n 1 275.01 _-_\ I - - - - - L10 - - - wIA I I L------------------- `------------� +� 1 I --- _ _ , I u't \ j D �- - - - - - - - .�LO 8" CIRF I I I-----�a�.tT� --�. - - - s9oroo'o'r ,6' o I Lc') I I PR I N89 759 00� WW I t f XIST. o l I- 15 U.E. log; 10' E. I I O 15 S.S.E/ ,o O PRE' I O I I LUD = MED DENSITY RES. A 10' UE I--- VOL. 1244Ej. $ I IOf 1 D.E. � ZONE$ sF-20B N,,I� 1 I w PG. 5511 c 1 i' O ACCESSD� I I 41 W II 1 z ESMT. �"``- �- W 42 I � EXISTING N- I I t o PROP. I I I BLOCK 16 1 25' 10 U.E. _ _ I In O t I / C I I - -- GENERAL �,�`' i I w I I 1 / 10' PED. I I pR9p. i PROP `� TREE COVER I 15'DE I ' c� ��' I / ACCESS I �15 U.E. 30' BUILDING LINE-- �E� 10' U.En1'- 30' B.L. --J �i JOEL. WRIGHT Z3 a cD I ESYi. - - e � j------------ ----------1------------� I VOL. 8030, ;r, ,-o o / -I _ �� =-_ _ = -��' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �!- " CI RF LOT 4 10' uE PG. 2181 N - . Z - - - - r L III_ I ---X Of � \- ----------I z8.57 D.R. T. C. T. ''5/e" C PtF L8 0 i� ' 13 L12 J . w. HALE SURVEY N89 14 04 W o CONTINENTAL BB~OO�EVARD 21' 17_ __ __ __ _P�LNI�F__ EDIAH W. KNIGHT SURVEY __ ABSTRACT N0. 803 °B __ _ I -- -- BEGINNING ABST.NO.899 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20 PAE J 591 __ __ __ __ 30 OHN N. GIBBON SURV HOLLINGSWORTH & BARNETT SURVEY 20' PAE 00 ABSTRACT N0. ABST. N0. 797 op -Bfi'AiNxl---t>Bt-tPrs7$.-P6. ii-' --C FiDtT WA R LINE ESMT.--------------------C-E}M-GO�� OC I€�=-�BLK-3------ ---- ------ ------ 82 R.O.W. LOT 1 4-.��ac .�----- vOL 12 P . 72D _----------- --- - ---- ------ ------ -,-- ------ -----5 (----- ---- ----- LUD MED DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 5 / PLUM CREEK MANOR - �- - - - - - - 1 0 15 0 . E O' U.E. O ZONE R-PUD -7 VOLUME 388-161 . PAGE 1 7 5'UE,' w o BLOC C 2 40' 40' { I I �, I c o o I C P. R. T. C. T. I > - 1o'uE R.0.w. N in 1 I I A I I 00 LD 0 N w // o c 1 N / I Z rn ic=iiUj 'IfL m I 1 1 w I I 1 1 cn rn W C� `�" j I N Qri o I N L_1O'u.E. 10'u.E. I i t o I I �o // c• i r t o mo oZ 1 N I_--1o'U.E. I I I I �_ WARW I CK G EEN c / / m N O Z I, I VAR IABL I , , I I _ _C_A_B_._ "A" SLIDE 150, 5151 T �---// � L , 08 m � _ I I � � I Pmizcr LUD = MED D SITY RESIDENTIAL ��� j I I l-- N yo_ o a v> ZONED R-1 15' U . E \ ----- ---� ------ 3 IZ� 30' 30' 1 w �, ��� O,� `�I MONTGOMERY LANE N I \ o NN = N R.O.W. r1jJ I lm 1 = �z i� BARLOW BEND `� _ jocf � _ I I�, \ m� N ID Ln C mm o C C ----- ----- --- ---- \\ !� O O ------ ----- ----- r / N L I.r5'U.E. O \ i� C I -r---- - I \\ "Ti- /�' �1 F- C yam\ \ \ I 1 A', ��'\ ----- --- ,-0 Z I o �� T? I `------ - / 1 0 �n -gym ,� o \ \ �s I I JooQ. i 0 1-L------- - //' 0 11 N w cn rn � m o\ \ 26 A� p `I/ i I �„. Oo A O o• I I 25 M m - jam � m I I 8 U.E. / \ •II U' `T' o\ \ \ --- _ \ ODD I (A I� O / Z I I� � 1 I o I 1 \ \ 27 \ I I it O I -� C I I I I I I \\ \ \\ I I I G I cn 10 1. E 0') Ln A LAN \ \ \ D i a U. Er 1 1 1 Bearings based on the south line of a tract of land as recorded in Volume 12785, Page 249 Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Being - N 89014'04" W GROSS ACREAGE - 16.081 ACRES ROW DEDICATION FOR S. CARROLL AVE.- 1.077 ACRES NET ACREAGE AFTER DEDICATION - 15.044 ACRES (655317 SO. FT.) SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: I. EDDIE L. CHEATHAM, of CHEATHAM 8, ASSOCIATES. a Registered Professional Land Surveyor of the State of Texas, having platted the above subdivision from an actual survey on the grounds and that all lot corners. and angle points. and points of curve shall be properly marked on the ground, and that this plat correctly represents that survey made by me or under my direction and supervision. Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 2346 Address: 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. Suite 200 Arlington, Texas 76011 P/L CURVE DATA A = 46034' 03" R = 315.00' L = 256.02' LCB = N23012' 56"E L = 249.03' 0 = 42°34'26" 2 R = 635.00' L = 471.84' LCB = S67056'52"E L = 461.06' A = 11012'19" 3 R = 565.00' L = 110.50' LCB = S83037'56"E LC = 110.32' N W ( IN FEET 1 iimh - 100 f>>~ E PROPERTY DESCRIPTION s O.A. I`00','] 17 1-1 f AOWt .1 VICINITY MAP WHEREAS. CARROLL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. ACTING BY AND THROUGH THE UNDERSIGNED. ITS DULY AUTHORIZED AGENT, IS THE SOLE OWNER OF A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE J.W. HALE SURVEY, ABSTRACT N0, 803, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 12785, PAGE 249, DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS (DRTCT). AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A5/8' IRON ROD FOUND FOR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 6, VERSAILLES ADDITION. TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, AS RECORDED IN CABINET A, SLIDE 2990, PLAT RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID POINT BEING IN THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SOUTH CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD: THENCE N 89°14'05" W. ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD A DISTANCE 921.17 FEET, TO A5/8' IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER IN THE EAST LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND TO JOE L. WRIGHT AS SHOWN ON DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 8030, PAGE 2181, DRTCT: THENCE N 01009'52" E. ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 169.03 FEET. TO A5/8' IRON ROD FOUND FOR THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID WRIGHT TRACT: THENCE N 89039'21" W. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WRIGHT TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 175,00 FEET, TO A5"e IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER IN THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF OLD CARROLL ROAD: THENCE N 00004'05" W. ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 375.50 FEET. TO A5/8' IRON ROD FOUND IN THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 46034'03" AND A RADIUS OF 315.00 FEET, WITH A LONG CHORD BEARING N23'12'56" E A DISTANCE OF 249.03 FEET: THENCE NORTHEASTERLY. ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 256.02 FEET TO A51" IRON ROD FOUND: THENCE N 46.29'56" E. CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE 41.59 FEET, TO A5/8' IRON ROD FOUND IN THE RIGHT -OF -MAY INTERSECTION OF OLD CARROLL ROAD AND SOUTH CARROLL AVENUE. SAID POINT BEING IN A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 42.34'26". AND A RADIUS OF 635.00 FEET, WITH A LONG CHORD BEARING S67.5652"E, A DISTANCE OF 461.06 FEET: THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY CURVE TO THE LEFT AN ARC LENGTH OF 471,84 FEET, TO A5�8' IRON ROD FOUND; THENCE S 89014'05" E. CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID SOUTH CARROLL AVENUE A DISTANCE 435.47 FEET, TO A518' IRON ROD FOUND IN THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 11°12'19" AND A RADIUS OF 565.00 FEET. WITH A LONG CHORD BEARING S83.37'56"E. A DISTANCE OF 110.32 FEET: THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 110.50 FEET, TO A5/8' IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER: THENCE S 00045'55" W, A DISTANCE OF 624.23 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. AND CONTAINING 16,081 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. PROPOSED EXISTING PROPOSED NUMBER OF GROSS NET DENSITY -DU OPEN SPACE PHASE LAND USE ZONING ZONING UNITS ACREAGE ACREAGE /GROSS AREA AREA/% 1 SCHOOL R-PUD R-PUD N/A 16.081 15.044 N/A 64% W/ CS USES W/ CS USES Acres Acres 2 SCHOOL R-PUD W/ CS USES R-PUD W/ CS USES N/A 16.081 Acres 15.044 Acres N/A 63% SURVEYOR_ / ENGINEER CHEATHAM $ ASSOCIATES 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD. SUITE 200 ARUNGTON, TESA.S 76011 (817) 548-0696 FAX (817) 265-8532 CONTACT: GORDON JOHNS ARCHITECT VLK ARCHITECTS 1161 CORPORATE DRIVE TEST SUITE 300 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76006 (617) 633-1600 FAX (817) 633-9600 CONTACT: STEVE HAM 0MER CARROLL ISD 1101 N. CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHIM, TEXAS 76092 (817) 416-1420 FAX (617) 251-6622 CONTACT: JOHN CRAFT PRELIMINARY PLAT LOT 19 BLOCK 1 CARROLL ISD No. 5 ADDITION TO THE THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 16.081 ACRES AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 12785, PAGE 249 SITUATED IN THE J.W. HALE SURVEY ABSTRACT No.8039 TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS ONE LOT APRIL 17. 2000 CASE No. ZA 00-027 RECQ APR 17 2000 REVISED 4114100 SHEET 1 OF 1