1992-04-21 CC PACKETREVISIONS 4-12-92 /YW 114 W D Z W Q F.M. 1709 E. SOUTHLAKE BLVD. J J 0 M Q U LOCATION MAP LINE DATA LINE BEARING DISTANCE 1 S 04'00'00" E 93.20' IL CURVE DATA CURVEI DELTA I RADIUS ARC TANGENT 1 18'02'29" 160.43' 50.52' 25.47' LONG CHORD = S 05*01'15" W 50.31' 2 03-57'21" 300.00' 1 20.71' 10.36' 0 O� 1 /2" I.P.F. 670... O O r-4 W a O 00 � 0\OO �OPG Q Av Z J �J ro 1 /2` I.P.F." _ a•� QAgO O_ 00 uriv i V v v i A 11J[111J.A L" V 1J . `1" .1I1. 1 f v U/ 1/2" I.P.F. ,,-1/2" I.P.F. LOT 2 �O LOT-3 LOT-4 GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 30 100 200 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 100 ft. GENERAL NOTES: 1. Miron Addition & Gorbutt Addition will be replatted to reflect the concept plan. 2. Proposed uses for Lots 2 - 4, Block 1 are: - Retail establishment which sells used or previous!y owned merchandise. - Builder's supply stores or outlets. - Cafe or restaurant supply dealers for fixtures. - Commercial warehouse faci!ity. - Frozen food lockers. - Janitorial or cleaning services. - Mini -warehouses. - Nursery yards or buildings for retaii sales. - Pest control services. - Produce markets. - Rental equipment store. - Retail feed stores. - Road machinery sa!es and services. - Store fixtures sales facility. - Truck sales/rental. - Upholstery shops - furniture. - Wholesale house, sales office and storage. Above uses will be in compliance with Section 25 B-2 Commercial Manufacturing District, Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Southlake, Texas. 3. Existing use for Lots 2 - 4, Blk. 1 is vacant. 4. Existing zoning: Lots 2-4, Block 1 - C2 5. Proposed zoning: Lots 2 - 4, J31ock 1 - SP2 6. L.U.D. - Mixed use/Transitionai Zone 7. Adjacent/Surrounding properties L.U.D. - I`Aixed use,/Transitional Zone Owner/ Developer: MOMENT W. MIMON P.O. Box 1164 GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 (817) 488-2659 C % 11 N A 0 W W m 4 Q O o X rr 1 +f + r` W��10 D W j 0 <10 r- U J 10 r I v { N F N 0 itL r t z. - llr ,.�; : a Z • kv:'h�N7 JOB NO. 92metro DESIGNED BY: JAL DRAWN BY: �'8 III CHECKED BY: Ja!_ SCALE: DRAWING: MI DATE: 3-12-c-52 smE rr 1 w 1 Is HILLTOP ACRES W I SOUTHLAKE PARK AODN LOT I BLOCK 7 N52°13'05'E 71.02 � _ BRIAR " LA _ *� NORTH S85°40'47"E —� 1.94' -- Sus 167 50' S66ep� o° *. I..7sE 3 g77 ' 7 . nJ O>t w —P- LOT 3 C.L. RICORD _ >3EEPHEN TUTTLE, b,e I IN POINT OF BEGINNING eo 40 Po o too Poo soo /16 SCA�E IN FEET LOT 5 , r 100' 1Lo ,IC 5 >j�im1"LAKE PARK ADON. f . ICA V.4433,P 14, DRTCT m C61 m ETUX. .� W. ` I ' t LOT 4 LAMES W.OSBORN,dR., ETUX o 10' Util. o V.7815,P.1093,DRTCT o 40•B.L V.9021, P.522, DRTCT Z 'T Esm't. �10CD Z : N (n �. �L EX. 5' U.E. _ _S89°29'09"EN813°38'23'E _ to, util. =` `7 — — -- — Esm't LOT3R ` �o�sp Q _—— _ Imo•— — — — — �.T5' -180.06 —, � 1 . 3366 ACRES * I 0 � Q' Cut stone4 N.ST°33 37 W. 9 ,• Found Ut 11 . 178.20 ': � �� 15 UTIL. ESMT.� Esm t . I Unrecorded Blanket Eea°pat To � 1\ Tri-County Electric Co-°p. Inc. 92•r5g• 230.60 e J� J I N r dated 12-19•-67. -- — 323. i9' �(-� :' J ' � � : , � I--� N89• i i' 32'E b CU i:, LOT4 o � � = I 1. 4979 ACRES I =24007' i2" h 4!s' p v NW 11' 328E 540.89' � ' WM.E. MASSEY b LOT2R ,;' o R=277.10 V.7674, P. 204, DRTCT cU� ►. LOT iR z "' T=59.20' f 4.5475 ACRES 9.7312-1-ACRES I ��n _ , to I , :, o I -J L-i 16.65 2- Story Qefw! , ; �.e... K)' UTIL. ESMT. TO BE a"IRS 3Z' Id Util. Esm't. ' ABANDONED WITH THtS N Z�y W219,' _ N86•59' 158E PLAT. IB°f10� c�v M 174.37' E 0 Ial' ' o 39 LOT 12A - I '' CO NO C'1! LOT5�CU o c N i 3.7014 ACRES v w 13. `/ I y I -• CU �' SOUTHC•AKE PARK ADON. tV C BLOCK A n I I e c BLOCK 4 I •- - NOTE: _1/2' Iron- - -- --- - — ,:� - --32 ?S Set At All Corners e �____ — — 533 05' •' Unless otherwise Notsd. B RLL NITU MAS EINC. 1 ..... � S86a59'15eM 739.17 V.7495 , P.1974, DRTCT P.F. GONZALES , V.5080 , P. 887, DRTCT I PLANO BANK 6 TRUST V.9916 , P. 1640 , DRTCT We, the undersigned, as duly authorized representatives of the following utility wig#, hereby express no objection to the abondonment of the easement to noted on the plat- (exhibit), sai&,e ent be" -previously, recorded in s Vol .W - 21l , Page 22 of the Plot Record:of 7orro n f County, Tems . Signed: Date: Signed: Date: Texas Utilities Tri-County Electric Coop. Printed Name: Printed Name: Titles Title: t Signed: _ Date: Signed: Date.4 General Lone Star Gas a Printed >!`■e. , Title: Title: SURVEYOR"S CERTIFICATE THIS is to certify that I, Roland Foerster, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor of the State of Texas, have platted the above subdivision from a actual survey on the ground; and that all lot corners, angle points, and points of curvature shall be properly monumented an the ground, and that this plat, to the best of my professional knowledge and belief, correctly represents that survey made by me or under my direction and supervision. 50 _ _ _ _ �S87° 02 2 w 766.93' I W H cc C3 U W Q ►-4 cc LOT 12A-2 DoDLApc rRYL SITE NOTE: THE OWNERS OF ALL CORNER LOTS CERTIFICATE OF OAP and DEDICATION WE MEA.S, I, STEFM Ed C. KIDWELL, am the sole owner of a 4.5475 acre and a 3.' Ot4 acre tilacti, of land according to deeds recorded in Volume 6574, Page ' 912, Volume 4676, Page �►:• and Volume 7460, Page 724, out of the Kidwell Addition, an addition to the City.of..S*tbl according to Plat filed in Volume 388-211, Page 22, of the Tarrant County Plat Coirdt#i Ar4'. Wt1FREAS, WILLJAM `D. KAIZER, and wife CATIERX E L. MATCRM. are jointly owners of',.,.* 2 .5667. ti: acre `tract of land according to deeds recorded in Volume 85%, Page 1716, Volume 8 3, . Patgt� y 865, and Volume Page out of said Kidwell Addition, said contiguous and situated in the Reis D. Price Survey, "Abstract No. '1207, Tisrritt3ugr1�1r, Texas, and said tracts being considered fdr the purpose herein as one tract' atA i$ _.aka_ -� particularly described as follows: BEGINHM at'a a iron set for the northern most northeast corner of Lot 3 :of sa' d Kidpe, F=- Addition, same being the intersection of the southeast- line of Briar Lane (a 5-I�t►tr. right-of-way at this point) with the southwest line of Woodland Trail. (a, 55 fbot,vide: �. right -of -gray at this point); THENI$, along the southwest line of said Wooclland.Trail as follows: S.38°26'29"E.; 170.48-feet to a z" iron rod set for angle point; • ' S.50026'36'1&, 333,13-feet to a 2`' iron rod set_ for corner .with -the west ,line..of 4140�r4bt' , Drive (a 57-foot wide right-of-way at this point), same being the beginning 'of a,ciirvt to jl�w , left .In a st)uthwesterly direction having a chord bearing of central angle of 24007'12", a radius of 277.10-feet and tangent length of'59.20-feet'- ,along said curve and along said west line of Ridgecrest Drive, 116.65:"foot t6 .a " iron rod set for end of curve; ME", S-00'40'14"E., 228.09-feet along the said west line of Ridgecrest Urine to a All iroo rod set for corner, same being the southeast corner of Lot 3; _ — , along the south line of the Kidwell Addition as follows: S .87*02`' 27'V. , 766.93-feet to a �" iron rod found for angle point to the left, sane 'best g "tom . southwest coiner of Lot 3 and the southeast corner .of Lbt2; S-8.6059'15"W., 739.17-feet to a ' iron rod set for the southwest eorne>r of fist same being the southwest corner of said Kidwell Addition; _>3.00.21; 24"E. , 566.42-feet to a cut stone found. for corner; E, S.89 29 09 E., 207.65-feet to a iron rod .found for corner; TM —, 9-00°33'23"E.., 174.68-feet to a iron rod set for corner in the south, line`of..aa'i'tl . Briar Labe (a 60-foot wide right -of --way at this point) ], S.$5°40147"E., 167.50-feet along the said south line of Briar lane to a iton oo set fl�r corner; TOM * S,00-48'28"E., 156.95-feet to a iron rod found for corner; 1 B, N.88038'23"E., 180.06-feet to a iron rod found for corner; , N. Q3°13'25"E. 156.89-feet to a 3/8" iron rod found for corner in stiessaid .sout'h "1-'• of Briar Lane; MHUM, along Said south line of Briar Lane as follows: S.68002'09"E. , 180.30-feet to a z" iron rod set for corner at a offset point in the sotiti ,line of said Briar Lane; North,1.94-feet to 2" iron rod set for corner; N.81°09'27"E., 371.57-feet to a 'i" iron.rod set for corner;. N.52013'05"E., 71.02-feet to the Point of Beginning -and containing 906,682 square feet•ar 20.8146 acres of land. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL M BY T]HESE PREWM: T[W, we STEMM .C. KIDWELL, WILLIAM D. KAIZ%R, AND CATRMMU, L. MATCHETT, being a:11. ©f the owners do hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described propetrty. a'--Fta, REVISION, KIDWELL ADDITION, LOTS 1R, 2R, 3R, 4 & 5, BUX:K A, an addition to the.. O�ty-of � Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and do hereby dedicate to the public's use the streets and'{ easements shown thereon. This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restrict *ls or„- covenants, if any, on the property. 1992 . SHALL MAINTAIN SIGHT TRIANGLES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY SUBDIVISION ORDINANC ° AVICMION EASIMM AD RELME CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL STATE OF TE1M APPROVED this the day of 1992. COUNTY OF TARRANT City of Southlake, Texas, Planning and Zoning Commission lI', M ALL MM BY THESE PRESENTS WHERKAS, we STEHM C. KIDWELL, WILLIAM D. KAIzER and CATHERDIE L. MATCHEIT, hereinafter called "Owner", are the owners of that certain parcel of land situated in or within the Chairman extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Southlake, Tarrant and Denton Counties, Tems, being more particularly described hereon for all purposes: NUW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of ONE AND 00/100 ($1.00) DOLLAR, and other Secretary good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, omvrs do..)lereby waive, release, quitclaim, and forever 11 ,d APPROVED this the day of 1992. harmless the City' of Southlake, Texas, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called City of Southlake, Texas City Council " to f - d 11 1 f r d e'of any kind that Owners may now have or y C.ty , rom any an a c aims o amag hereinafter have in the future by reason of the passage of all aircraft ("aircra" Of this �str vent as any of htrivance now known. or Mayor 1: of t in time fi b' omsoever owns a , r. n befe>� described, and above the surface of Owner's property such noises, vibration, dust, fuel, and lubricant particles, and all other effects that may be caused by d Secretary operation of 'aircraft landing at or taking. off. from, or operating at or on Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport; and Owners do hereby fully having remiss, release any right: or cause of action which it may now have or which it may in the fut t have against the City, whether such claim he for injury to person or damage to props y due to noises, vibration, fxvm , dust, fuel, lubricant particles, and all the of r effects that may be caused or may have been caused by the operation of aircraft 1" at, or taking off from; or the operation and/or maintenance of aircraft or aircrart engine at or on'sai.d Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. STATE OF TEXAS it is agreed that this release shall be banding upon the Owner, their heirs and assigmt COUNTY OF TEXAS + and successors in `interest with regard. to saidproperty located in or in e g extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, running It BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally the land, and shall be recorded in the Deed Records of Tarrant County or Denton Coun , appeared Stephen C. Kidwell, William D. Kaizer and Catherine L. as appropriate, Texas. ! Matchett, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the above and .foregoing instruaWnts, and acknowledged to me that EXECUTED at Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, this the do. of they executed the same for the purposes and consideration expressed 1992. and in the capacity therein stated. GIM MM 14Y HAM AM SEAL OF OFFICE on this the day of ,1992. m—m C. KINMI., i,III,LIAM D. KAA OWNERS: STEPHEN C. KIDWELL 3090 RIDGEC�EST DRIVE SOUTHLAKE JEXAS 76092 WILLIAM D. K4IZER CATHERINE �. MATCHETT R 0. BOX 9 8 GRAPEVINE,TEXAS 76051 i THIS PLAT FILED IN CABINET SLIDE NO. DATE , 1992. PLAT REVISION KIDWELL ADDITION LOTS IR, 2R, 3R, 4 & 5 , BLOCK, A Being A Revision Of Lots I ,2 a 3, Block A, Kidweit Addktion Filed In Vol. 388-211 , Pg. 22 P- R.T.C.T. 20.8146 ACRES REIS D. PRICE SURVEY, ABSTRACTNO. 1207 ' CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TARRANT COUNTY ,;TE'XAS, Roland Foerster, RPLS #3233 Notary Public Commnission expires: °O o0 '0 ° '� ►rasnOM 0 FINA/CITGO \ TERMINAL murrme SOUTHLAKE GRAPEVINE NORTH LOCATION MAP PURPOSE OF PLAN PROPERTY OWNED BY CONOCO OIL CO. ZONED 1-2 PROPERTY OWNED BY EXPLORER PIPE LINE COMPANY ZONED 1-2 -------- ----- ____--- --_----- -- _____ ------ EFLORER PRIVATE ROAD -- EXPLORER PRIVATE ROAD e02 e04 � eae � e0e DRAINAGE DITCH � eoe \\ N 00'24'21"W 239.80' POWA) Pam GHT �A� N 00'13'07"W 854.0 —FK' _ — _ d1AN LMNK FENCE -------------------------- ----------- — -- -- -- — --------T --- - — — e` awi u— — — — — — —-„yoba�r ----- — — -- — ---- - = — — — r--------i1 i \ \�-------- --,T- PROPERTY — � — — — —- —FIRE , I I Up1T 15 ILRDING SETBACK UK 1 MONITOR R \\ \ FUTURE ABOVE f,YRO M KOCH PIPELINES turI OWNED BY G i i ,a -- -- -- -- -- -- ° �, _ __ °'I; EXPLORER PIPE LINE` I FUTURE M Ii IIr 91 ° ZONED i atAN THRU DDKOCH PIPE LINE LUDINDUSTRIAL METERING IErK EAlm LIGHT RilPOLE STATION cw►va CANOPY em I AREA \\ \\ \\ \ \ q \ - \ PUMP AND METERING —•-- _— —_�! OBRMP I \ i� STATION „�--•--•--•--•— °�10 ' TANK 2114 TAM( 2113 I i it LIGHT POLE .ONE STORYSHEEI PREMNM TANK 2126 1 i I METAL BUILDING HYDRANT FFIE °"�"°E° ATER I I irk I CONCRETE , !ASPHALT PPE RAC( I i oi rn Lo PAYING I \ SEPTIC I \\ \\\\ \ C � m I� uj 1000 CAL PROPANE STORAGE TANK LURE WAREHOUSE � �� FUTURE INTERMEDIATE DOE � i � \ \ \ zf I I 11.200 $It FT. °t I ZONED 1-1 OFFICE M D FIREWATER SEPARATOR I I ado \ I GRASS I li GRAVEL � I LOADNG OONCIEiE - 1 I RntK INTERMEDIATE DBE FIRE PUMP HOUSE I PARS \II FIRE \ LIGHT LIGHT IT . \\ `\ \\ ` �\�iy\� `•' I j HIM � MBACONCRETE PAD WJA " p I D D I T I O N i(TPT PUMPER T> �0 \ \ BUILDING q° � \ \ 25'-3" X 9'-8" X 8'-7" HIGH I TANK 2ATE TANK 2,12 FVTURE NTERMIEDu►TE oRla: ; PROPERTY 0 ASiE WATER UNLEADED ' I OWNED BY i; \\\ ,\ `�\ \FLOOR AREA = 235 SQ. FT. h LN*IT POLE HOUSE I I ► AS T `'4 ° ° i ZONING = 1-2 ; I AMBER PIPE 91 PAVING SIT I GROSS ACREAGE = 20.763 ;� LINE COMPANY g IMPW pup I I FUTURE I PAVINGT ONE STORY I I \\\ \\`\\ \` \� �;, ABOVE GROUND METAL SLOG SPEED BUMP TANK 2125 i \ \ \ \O PIPE UNE ' \ \ CH IUNLEADEDREwLAR 11 N. \ LAB STALK R;I B.O. FIREWATER \\\ \\\\\ �\ ` \\ \ 1 SHEET MET I Rll (I I MC. I MONnOR FUTURE TE DIMwoIITOR E)SIN ND i P .44 I �y 603 C`T un(KOCHa i ONE STORY SHEET METAL I I S N �� `\ �� \�C. \�.BUILDING _ SPEED BUMP I I I P \ \ \ \ \ \ TANK 2116 ` TANK 2111REGULAR I N\\ \ \ \ LIGHT AREA wAMAINI SERVICE uNLFADm POLE POWER Go I' \ Sol *"AR I LIGHT EARTH MOUMA i I I 4R? POLE I oRAN THRU DID: MONITOR I; IIIIM \ \ \\POLE SIGN \ I 80. SCALE. f - e0' 1 ROE X ASPHALT 20' HIGH PAVING i \ O\ \ PLACE A NEW PREFABRICATED FIRE PUMP HOUSE ADJACENT AND CONNECTED \ TO THE EXISTING FIRE/FOAM PUMP HOUSE AND TIE INTO THE NEW TRUCK LOADING CANOPY FIRE/FOAM PROTECTION SYSTEM. SITE USAGE TOTAL SITE SITE COVERAGE (BUILDINGS, TANKS (& STRUCTURES) PAVED AREA OPEN AREA OUTSIDE STORAGE ACRES PERCENT OF SITE r 20.763 100% 59e \ 1.5 7.25% 17.65 84.75% NONE 0% TER TOR I " THRU I MIT POLE ADDITIVES I W/CAMERA - . — — . — FIRE HYDRANT FIRE DRAINAGE DITCH DRAINAGE DITCH I/ \ ZOMt]D AWA ILIURAL LAND USE DESIGNAIM INDUSTRIAL \_— 1SMEe1G�PERM S 0014'5eW am w J U Q L.- CD z 0 Q 0 C) U 0 U C) of U) _ U �3 J OQ Z li LAJ —J 0 LLJ d OU U O m Opf a- Q Y Q J H 0 >111111111 Z a a O (m) e>_ W ; N o 9L r` `" x W .-. Z J40 " LJ H� Z ^ Z UA Z LLJ m O =W 0 c~ CL � a Z m :a-- cl- 2 j 9 o W luL J coo LLJ z s JOB NUMBER: 1756 ISSUE DATE: 3-16-92 REVISIONS: 1 - 4/10/92 TE PLAN A-1 OF 1 ZONED AGRICULTURAL