1991-06-18 CC Packet ,\,,, , :i0 . E - L r „IN ..,.._ - 7-k------ . t „ ,___''- . ...' n Ip t ‘.,- 4:- 'I • 2, ,_ . , N _ c ____ F ___ \ p., ,....... ( r - ...... ,,,, 1 / 4 .- -- � - i - i • k ---- .....z I .-,:' C__-_- . : 7 :, gm IL , r r\N s. Frl — , C4-: ,....,,," .CJ" -",,,, '''' tD DIP N K Z = y ,� �� r �, a, J �. > S /J T, F. N - \ l am. ` C C 1 : ' .) C r-' .-._ - i , C (-) Z1 n Ck. in N .. i t = ,.._ i , t ‘ r \ '' • �' N .. II 9-; ' c, r, c� X I \ �, �1 Z z ,.., , .. ,Ln --- -... r �- 3 r z r r "CJ ti ~ NI 1". n z . --i... s rn: —7 , c , C,' kr E w.. L7 C 1 1 '61 „, , . { C n ,- m -4 ,E THE STATE OF TEXAS * il * COUNTY OF * IF —,1.01111A ill __,Ak as a member of the the followin I, Il mak- this of Ida it and hereby on oath state and /or a person or persons related to me, have a substantial interest in a business entity that would lae peculiarly affected by a vote or decision of the l 1 as those terms are defined in Chapter 171, Texas Local Government Code. E The business entity is c 6 p � � - G F e'N j vCCU /U) (name and address) I have a substantial interest in this business entity for the following reasons: (Check all which are applicable) Ownership of 10% or more of the voting stock or shares of the business entity. Ownership of 10% or more or $5,000 or more of the fair market value of the business entity. Funds received from the business entity exceed 10% of gross income for the previous year. Real property is involved and have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair market value of at least $2,500. A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the business entity or property that would be affected by a decision of the public body of which I am a member. Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this business entity and from any further participation on this matter whatsoever. ro Li Signed this / (� day of 'i4C,L1 19 g/ . [ /// , ignature o official L h Leu Title 0 E BEFORE ME the u d�gned authority, this day personally appeared ro, and on oath stated that the f acts he eina�e stated are true to the best of Ay L e knowledge or belief. Sworn t and subscribed to 19 6,7/. beore me on this 4J 1Y day of l SANDRA L. AND LeGR N Public 4 � "" in a O N. ary Pu• is in an• or , STATE OF TEXAS the of Texas °` My Comm. Exp. 02/04/93 • �, � S / State o / xa • My Commission Expires: -6/(d ix L, 1�: I�V�LYta / . q) Type /Print Notary's Name 7"/ L 0, 1 E .m.., City Council Minutes June 18, ik page sixteen Agenda Item #10 -A, Street Projects for FY 1991 -92 Budget The City Manager reminded the Council that this item was tabled during the last City Council meeting in order for Council to discuss it during the Council retreat which was held on June 11 and June 12. The particular streets do not have to be named, but the amount of fund will have to be budgeted in FY 1991 -92. The cost E estimates on the memorandum from DPW Barnes, includes only the materials. After discussion, motion was made to present the following list of streets to Tarrant County for their participation in the reconstruction, including: Peytonville from the entrance to the new high school parking lot to FM 1709; and Peytonville, north from FM 1709 to Raven Bend; Burney Lane, from Carroll Avenue to Lonesome Dove; Cypress Creek; Post Oak Trail; and, Ridgecrest. Motion: O'Brien Second: Farrier Ayes: O'Brien, Farrier, Evans, Hall, Wilhelm, Emerson, Fickes Nays: None E Approved: 7 -0 vote Michael O'Brien stepped down for item #10 -B, as he r 00. is a member of the Southlake Park Services, Inc. water iiii vow system. Agenda Item #10 -B, Discussion: Southlake Park Services, Inc. City Attorney, E. Allen Taylor Jr., commented that the Attorney's are continuing to work out a favorable agreement between the City and the Southlake Park Service, Inc., and this item will be further discussed in executive session. 1 il Mr. Jim Giffin, 3002 Briar Lane, Southlake. Mr. Giffin stated he i feels there is a slow down in the momentum and the item is in the City's ball park. He asked for another session between members of w Council and the members of the group. Ni Councilmember O'Brien returned to Council table. ', Agenda Item #10 -C, Award of bids for concrete box culverts The Director of Public Works, Michael Barnes, stated that on May 1 29, 1991, bids were opened and read aloud to furnish and install di concrete box culverts on Raintree, West Highland, and Shady Lane. A copy of the bid tabulation from Cheatham and Associates is hereby attached to the minutes. 4 Mr. Barnes noted since there are only enough funds to complete one culvert, he recommends that the culvert on Raintree be replaced. The low bidder is M.A. Vinson Construction Company for a cost of 4 $54,503.50. 4 k City Council Minutes ram.* June 18, 1991 page seventeen Agenda Item #10 -C, Continued Motion was made to award the bid to M.A. Vinson Construction Company as proposed by the D.P.W. in an amount of $54,503.50. Motion: Emerson Second: Evans Ayes: Emerson, Evans, Farrier, O'Brien, Hall, Wilhelm, Fickes 1 Nays: None Approved: 7 -0 vote Agenda Item #11, No items for this agenda Agenda Item #12, Executive Session Mayor Fickes announced that City Council would be going into executive session at this time, pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Article 6252 -17 V.T.C.A. at 11:05 p.m. Council returned to open session at 12:05 a.m. Agenda Item #13 -A, Action Necessary /Litigation. No action was necessary as the result of the executive session in regard to pending or contemplated litigation. glu Agenda #13 -B, Action Necessary /Public Officials No action was necessary as the result of the executive session in 1 regard to appointment or evaluation of public officials. Agenda Item #13 -C, Land Acquisition Motion was made to approve the expenditure of $5,000 for earnest money fee for the acquisition of approximately 9.3 acres of land on Johnson Road, owned by the Sword's, for use as an exchange parcel of approximately 7 aces of land on North White Chapel Blvd., owned by the Fort Worth Diocese of the Catholic Church. Motion: Wilhelm r Second: Evans Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Farrier, O'Brien, Hall, Emerson, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7 -0 vote Agenda Item #14, Resolutions (no items for this agenda) C E —^ i fit, it THE STATE OF TEXAS * * E: -, COUNTY OF j Mire 1: I, 411(12-5°W as a member of the G7 09Ar u �f (�0V Z-- make thi affidavit and hereby on oath state the following: I, and /or a person or persons related to me, have a substantial interest in a business entity that would be peculiarly affect d by a vote or decision of the 1 / f&. 4 0 rim 34174 as those terms are defined in Chatter 171, Texas Local Governme Code. The business entity is 775445 4/M'4', - / wA- 1619 W. f: I address ) P-/ -75- C I have a substantial interest in this business entity for the following reasons: (Check all which are applicable) ' _ Ownership of 10% or more of the voting stock or / shares of the business entity. 'V Ownership of 10% or more or $5,000 or more of the C \i/// fair market value of the business entity. Funds received from the business entity exceed 10% of gross income for the previous year. : Ile' i Real property is involved and have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair market value of at least $2,500. A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the business entity or property that would be affected by a decision of the public body of which I am a member. Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm that I will abstain from voting on any der sion involving this business entity and from any further pa - ip-ti.n on this matter whatsoever. Signed this 19 day of - ' , 19 7 : 11111 .ign. -re of official _4,G, �_ :��� : e- Y Pr"tle 14 411*./ C BEFORE ME, the uncle signed authority, this day personally appeared 7,/,C ;�� and on oath stated that the .0.-- facts hereinab a stated are true to the best of 2 knowledge or belief. /O p day of Sworn and subscribed to b�fore me on this �/}1 �� , 19 g . . :, i A 0 ° ( SANDRA L. LeGRAND ' / y� La ry public dot Public in� or E ' %, ,, .* STATE OF TEXAS M Y C° mm• Exp 02/04 93 ; the State of Texas My Commission Expires: a �r LLc6yaj,zLJ r Type Print Notary's Name C P ik- 1 1 C L c i ..... N.....„ i Y City of Southlake, Texas E 40..., CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM C1) June 13, 1991 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager 1 FROM: Michael H. Barnes, P.E., Public Works Director SUBJECT: PROPOSED STREET PROJECTS FOR 1991 -92 BUDGET YEAR BY TARRANT COUNTY FORCES At the last Council meeting, the following streets were proposed to be reconstructed by Tarrant County forces for the budget year '91 -92: Street From To Length Cost I E. Continental S. Carroll S. Kimball 5,000' $ 60,000 Post Oak Trail All 1,700 20,400 Cypress Creek All 700 8,400 North Carroll Dove Burney 3,300 39,600 Burney Carroll Lonesome Dove 2,100 25,200 12,800' $ 153,600 The cost estimates include only the cost of materials. All streets listed above are to be reconstructed with 6" of cement or lime stabilized subgrade, 6 -8" base material and 2" I of asphalt. This is a change from previous years in that the 6 "- 8" base material is added as part of the street reconstruction. The addition of the base material will give a longer life to the streets. There may be additional streets that the Council may want to consider (such as Peytonville) for reconstruction. If the I Council agrees that these streets or additional streets need to be reconstructed, the funding will be proposed in the Street budget for 1991 -92. Please place this item on the Council's next agenda for their consideration. If you have any questions, please contact me. E /We MHB /lc t , /0/49-/ TEXAS NATIONAL BANK June 18, 1991 BARRY K. EMERSON President 8 CEO Mr. Curtis Hawk City Manager City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Curtis: 1: At the request of the Park Board, Texas National Bank w' q 1 ank i11 be happy to donate our current building to the City of Southlake to be used as a Civic Center. Our Board of Directors would request the following conditions be adhered to: 1) Once vacated, Texas National Bank will donate the building as is, including A/C and heating units OM, 2) The City will be responsible for moving the building from our premises and will pay moving expenses 3) The building will have to be removed according to our contractors schedule, probably within a two to four week period in October or November of this year 4) Texas National Bank will notify the City 30 days in advance of this moving date 5) In the future should the City dispose of the building for value, all proceeds must go for the benefit of the Park Board Fund 6) The City must respond to this offer no later than June 1: 18, 1991 Curti , appreciate the Park Board's promptness in making this 1: requst.,' nd assure you we will make every effort to cooperate if the City olects to take the building. Sincere y, oat): K. Emerson President_ & C.E.O. BKE/reh P.O. Box 92840 / Southlake, Texas 76092 / 817 - 488 -5544 City of Southlake, Texas CI NAGER M E M O R A N D U M (a. 13 q Y June 13, 1991 1 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, P.E., Public Works Director SUBJECT: AWARD OF BIDS FOR CONCRETE BOX CULVERTS ON WEST HIGHLAND, RAINTREE AND SHADY LANE On Wednesday, May 29, 1991, at 10:00 a.m., bids were opened 1 and read aloud to furnish and install concrete box culverts on Raintree, West Highland, and Shady Lane. Attached is a bid tabulation from Cheatham & Associates outlining the bids received. These three structures were budgeted by city staff to be installed for $55,000. The bids received exceeded the budgeted amount for the following reasons. E: 4110e 1) The cost and quantities for the box culverts were more than anticipated. 2) The guardrail and base material were not included in the budgeted estimate. 3) According to some area contractors, local concrete contractors had a backlog of work at bid time. Since there is only enough funds to construct one culvert and the Raintree box culvert is the only access to the 1 subdivision, it is more important for the Raintree box culvert be replaced than Highland and Shady Lane. Staff would therefore recommend the low bidder, M.A. Vinson Construction Company, be awarded the bid for $54,503.50 for the Raintree box culvert. The box culvert for Highland would be proposed in next year's budget and the Shady Lane box culvert would be considered at a later date or in a future bond program. Please place this item on the Council's next t contact me. consideration. If you have any questions, please E # It ,...., MHB /lc C /0 e -/ ImareniemMINII, , Z . . %C. n C , ---, ,j * JUN 18 1991 - , ,- %Be , 1 OFFI OF CITY. SE_CRET,AILE I P) / atifiak I 1 ba#04 A 1 9gmui iii, igqi 1 / `iiiit-tyv ,9,/ 1 , 000vv., , . uria,mb ,,,,, • 044 1 4 4 i i ( 4 / a ). id- • i f Ili 1 at JiLid-- %/r&taiek, ,Q to, ‘-maile, 10 atink #it, 1 , . etifitiktum. VW s lahuru 1 i l 1 Yalillithi 114040-' Vict 4 ," • , i I M VALI& 1 4 1, il ' 0 *tn61i1.1i4 iU L • I ..j... 1 i #41 (Lc.) . # bilk 1360:14) 1,01 i . a laVt) , II 1 61c giv 4 , 4 will) coidi I 4 ° ,,Q ivn) . . .• I ' . I -1;6 ra . 1 1 , .„() i • ,,/,h,43, E I . t 9- 1,' dithfu cvt& al- # i 4 .1 E it 1 64-ThwinvitA U t 14 ) ) ettlitli C1,11 lilt i 1 E , Aty . 357- 5 7 O. • ---, ! r . 1 b i `r r JUN 1$1991 1004 E. Bowie la w" Fort Worth Texas 76104 r OFFICE OF iir CITY SECRETARY June 13,1991 iii 1 Re: Concerning the Property at West Beach Addition; Lots 29 and thirty, Block 3. To whom it may Concern; • ii By proxy, I give Victor Boswell the power to vote for me r m iii only to contest the cit s new development and y p plans for 29 ft. ,w wide streets with curb gutters for West BEACH Landowners, at I $45.00 per foot. Thanks for your considerations in this matter. Contact p1 me if any problem arise. 1 iii Property Owner Lots 29 -30, Block 3 i ll Sincerely, IP W'tness .I ii y { mm d JANETTE P KEESE im `, 711• - / a4 --T6 /a ; K .9, :'.'i),';:\ \:) NOTARY PUBLIC "a.... f; State of Texas , , Subscribed & Sworn o ;,, Fore me t ' S 1 �:SR 2 d. , of i, June 1991. I J anette P. - Keese 1: My commission expires 12/7/92 [mm v . ems- b `O, e--) 1".s n° c si r- c a ra 5 t CI e ru pi -to d °pr u . • Yi a., , goripr ji JUN 181991 /6 p (r t1 , OFFICE OF GLJ�:F I CITY SECRET at /- ..e i so am 9?' se • gsrft IWO tatelo Vwx Oft ow _ .......... . ....... LU C 1, ,gN A d 0/ avQl ( Al Q.S----\ ?),Q c A Is 11J4 4-e 11 1 D� /as c5 . Ui U r/ s(L Bas �c I, v.l s h c.r �- b �- i4 Q . k., rnG c- , 1, E „rej , (3 1- a - 2 - e t Q t_ tc u 1-4 1 • t, K i 1 _ 3 c3 i--.< < b 4, .)-3 02- L - Ac) 7 6z, K 1 52 s .2„6 -oz, ?oLt P)4 6J--- ∎, \ 0 2Y -z- L` (5, 9 25- 1,, eL(C I I -3 Z. O r d Wi - 1 - Cy 5 L 3 (' 4 i C l 3L(<— 4 .1 1 . a ).--v ni , 3 i_.--(_ S ( — 3 r3 c--ls 4 / 7 ( 31- K- 7 l —(0 caw h. � l` _ -� _ c � 1,. 4 , - 11/ . _ -2-7:--et.” , ..., 1 6- °I Q 1 - 7,14‘,1,-,..1' ,L., Q. >Q.�.. ,,,,, _ 4 -17' S gi. k..3 t Q p -'d T - t--1, 1- 11 Lo g,0 'i--tr- 2 > OM 9/ t. . u s c-n fi - i L-v- 3 IN i 9 / 1"/(A./L.-0 5714 ,,■t,_,L,-;,-. j 4 3 VI k '44 / ' I 94 * IVAL LC(/1/44' .C. . ( :)\ - •C' Cr \ p L12._D, Oit. I , /il . A c = 53- 161.7. -r.........%.1(1...e.----- 3 4...A.....t.,...---e- p- bop\ 3 (-c ti .t JUN 181991 OFFICE OF ,„ CITY, SECRET cc I/-5 �✓.1 n v e C - �J jcv 4J o-� j---0 AS V 1.4. 41.1mr, OFFICE OF CITY E QA`Flr6lZ � "tfrkeW.,1 (= • 3 (=° 7//414 /.1„/A/A.,,21 eadi con wct cto Mgt . .. ... .............. - ........ - ......._.. 0-C o r - fc t� c� d 5 , tU`� 'A ( ` e i ► -1q ,Ja r a. °-.6 a e) i< Cv9 C.o �� C (o O , C� o (, Q'J I , gyp, 015 J �. � X1.1 . 1)2 , JUN 18 RAA-4-A-gle OFFICE OF � 91 as2 Cv_6;; cITX SECRETARY I s. tZt „sm�s wee =a� i I PON%) ew ■ fic JUN 181991 t i � O y FFIC� OF W e the undersigned residents of Cedar Oak Estates adamantly oppose thc" SEGTX installation of TU Electric's poles and electric wires above ground. All 1 utilities in the existing subdivision, as well as in Cross Timber Hills, are below the surface. Such wires and poles in front of our residences 1] would greatly alter and destroy the appearance and feel of the existing subdivision. We petition the city council to require that any electric IJ utility company bury the lines beneath the surface. ,, 9-- 64--;7/ . ,, / 1 f v eAii fc i / tri A ' ' ' • zi a.. V3 , 0_,,,,.. O. II E 1 in ,..II .. .1 �1. p._.,_..... Doa C. tM n w 0 iniii wilinN. - 411/4„, I. ;11 iirimp I f:90 6 KO) f . et 'ILA" ple t 0...... W4 IWO% ■ . ..- / 7,25 g/1"- V")141614.° all vow' ote iii de ._�y • ��� • 7.E S I. , ,._ to._ / j 4.96 6:e ?Z iil - — --) /5 2.5 ,e.0.. e 0, 11 I ' - ‘/-. 1 P , . -, 4, aie 03 gifrr Ie °PI 0 6 . 3 7, ■ U r } . ir'� 1D- .-5 7 , 1 j2ex„ , , , / a- ca, 5r ,e a-aL Ili ,�i�� 2 0 / Z. , ,. I 0 ,:t...., / ii. CY-7'1X., dna 02 0/ a- "17.04r^-, , . ii ROPERTY 'ADDRESS f'' ' /7i� Sc. - ,YA/o`e-ow 57 _ OT 1 % 5 BLOCK / Ce49/4 OA,•s .6" - s _ A ADDITION TO THE CITY OF 5O47Nt4A' 749'4',9./7 COUNTY, TEXAS ACCORDING TO "ma' AuY THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 3 88 - /5 PAGE 97 OF THE P R OR DS OF T,MM t'7 COUNTY , TEXAS. Z al , j CF0�9R OAKS ESTATES . . 4 . , , k11 j i.v Z n /S� 9WAr.K Y I ! I r 1 V y \ \ s rt N 1 1,1 4- - -) y , I , O 2" 6'-17 S` t2 I :1. iz ( ie X 8.5', i ` C CMC N6r � ' ` Nit . r, � a tr)weI / , li ✓,4 J i f i .. ‘i. 0. 4 It/ v‘:... \\ , ) \P I ti a ilk , % ! . , . , , i • Zo' //C. °C .R. � cs F � J _ . , , 4.1 . _ " ,,,, ,, . tr .... c . iii Z /7 /o SLEEPY #laccow ST, O . _ , .4111 W W • 1 JAMES M. MOBLY A REGISTERED PUBLIC SURVEYOR HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TI4E ABOVE PLAT WAS COMPILED FROM AN ACCURATE SURVEY, MADE ON THE GROUND, UNDER MY PERSONAL p°F . SUPERVISION, A ND THERE ARE NO CONFLICTS, PROTRUSIONS, OR �/ 0 ENCROACHMENTS,OR EASEMENTS EXCEPT AS NOTED ON THE PLAT. .!/f?� ' A MOBL MOBLGY SURVEYING CO. 262-1300 4128 Q GF SCALF DA FILE � .. ms ? ... c. .�o "DRAWN 7,740. 55--206 SURVEY PLAT TO ALL PARTIES INTERESTED IN PREMISES SURVEYED: This is to certify that 1 have, this date, made a careful and accurate E 010110.., survey on the ground of property located at 1't. 1, 2006 Morgan Road in the City of Southlake, Texas, described as follows: Lot 10, , LOMA VISTA ADDITION, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant•County, Texas, according to the plot recorded in Volume 388 -132, Page 83, Plat Records, Tarrant County, 'Texas. El In '01 ti 'r Ci 19978 "' — - - -- -- — - _ — :i.s.� -- — -- — 0 — — — - T 0.2 UTIL. ESMT. [ 1 , ic he l' ._ X " x x : a pi LOT 10 iill *NW N in • N ti co ..: M M iii l' 230 ''' PATIO i' ; 1 64 39.7 . .. � 0!.. — I A o o , • RE NCE 23 32.5 S in Ito d , " ` aii 1 • 22.7 ,, .35.0 ' ' I • II . io a A 1 N o 1' Ai .*""'° Leo' i l • gu *tat C.) 1 = i °41..........° C Q MO , _,____ . 2001 06' .+ , �44■454■41_. , _ 2046 MORGAN ROAD 1 • The plat hereon is a true, correct and accurate representation of the property as determined by survey, the lines and dimensions of said property being indicated by the plat, the size, location and type of buildings and improvements are as shown, all improvements being within the boundaries of the property, set beck from property lines the distance indicated. There are no enroechments, conflicts or protrusions except as Li ' shown. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION � / C Date Il 2 9 , 1'ill 2 few iz /J / /z. ey ,714� l��a%�v , !/a GF. No. £T l 7 2 7 328 .T ., • Registered Professional Engineer scar. 1 inch - 50 feet tptE • Registered Public Surveyor Drawn by T.W.V. Legend: o Fence Corner 0 .... 4:-.4 b; VOGT Engineering, Inc. . • • o Steel Rod Found .i., ' ,.. , . 2817 Autumn Drive W. VO T • • • 4 Hurst, Texas 76063 Steel Rod Set • - '6% . • • 1928 • • X 4>� 8243 - -X - - -- Chain Link Fence tQ � � �c, = t a g o Q'I t Wood Fence qb I • t . , �O 44 SUM 4 .w r : .._ _ __ CityofSouthlake .=. Duthla June 18, 1991 r 11:30 a.m. "'Mayor: Gary Fickes STATE OF EMERGENCY Mayor Pro Tem: MANDATORY ichard W. Wilhelm W A T E R R A T I O N I N G ouncilmembers: Barry K. Emerson Dear Southlake Water Customers: erry Farrier Sally Hall Ralph Evans City of Southlake is initiating mandatory emergency Michael J. O'Brien kip water rationing until further notice. Water customers City Manager: should RESTRICT WATER USAGE TO SANITARY AND DRINKING r purtis E. Hawk USES ONLY. Outside water usage shall be prohibited. ',cit Secretary: Sandra L. LeGrand r A "state of emergency" has been declared by the Mayor it due to the shortage of water availability for fire 0.° fighting and sanitary purposes. This shortage has been brought about by a major water break in the City of Fort Worth's main line which provides water service to large areas of the City of PP' iii Fort Worth and a number of cities in northeast Tarrant County, including the City of Southlake. The City of '' Fort Worth has anticipated that the water usage will be ilir restored to normal some time Thursday. Official P* notification will be given as soon as repairs are irr completed. , ill The "state of emergency" will continue until such time as normal water uses may be resumed. The cooperation Pi of the water users during this time will be appreciated. iii For information, please call the City of Southlake at P (817) 481 -5581, ext. 740. O ii 667 North Carroll Avenue • Southlake, Texas 76092 im it (817) 481 -5581 • FAX (817) 481 -0036 "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" ili ill C ...7 = City of Southlake A thla ma yor: June 18, 1991 11:30 a.m. Gary Fickes rlayor Pro Tem: STATE OF EMERGENCY ichard W. Wilhelm M A N D A T O R Y W A T E R R A T I O N I N G ouncilmembers: arry K. Emerson erry Farrier Dear Southlake Water Customers: Sally Hall Ralph Evans dichael J. O'Brien City of Southlake is initiating mandatory emergency City Manager: water rationing until further notice. Water customers urtis E. Hawk should RESTRICT WATER USAGE TO SANITARY AND DRINKING Sandr L L.. LeG rand e water USES ONLY Outside usa a shall be prohibited. Sandra s :ii A "state of emergency" has been declared by the Mayor 4 .. due to the shortage of water availability for fire C vow' fighting and sanitary purposes. This shortage has been brought about by a major water break in the City of Fort Worth's main line which provides water service to large areas of the City of Fort Worth and a number of cities in northeast Tarrant County, including the City of Southlake. The City of Fort Worth has anticipated that the water usage will be restored to normal some time Thursday. Official notification will be given as soon as repairs are completed. The "state of emergency" will continue until such time as normal water uses may be resumed. The cooperation of the water users during this time will be appreciated. For information, please call the City of Southlake at r im (817) ':1 -5581 ext. 74 . 0 '4:5 Curtis aw , City M ager CEH /lc L Ili 667 North Carroll Avenue • Southlake, Texas 76092 :" (817) 481 -5581 • FAX (817) 481 -0036 "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" 1 Nam) MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORTS MAY 1991 ZONING 4 -1 PARKS & RECREATION 4 -2 STREET 4 -3 WATER 4 -5 BUILDING 4 -8 PUBLIC SAFETY 4 -11 MUNICIPAL COURT 4 -31 lig ' FINANCE 4 -32 OR piNg City of Southlake, Texas 1�1 RP PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT FEE REVENUE REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING 31 MAY 1991 ZONING $ 600.00 NO. OF CASES ( PLATTING 300.00 NO. OF CASES ( SITE PLANS .00 NO. OF CASES SPECIFIC USE PERMITS 100.00 NO. OF CASES ( SPECIAL EXCEPTION USE PERMITS .00 NO. OF CASES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 150.00 100.00 NO. OF CASES (3) (2) Less $50.00 Refund MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 153.05 NO. OF RECEIPTS ( c TOTAL REVENUE $ 1,253.05 TOTAL NO. OF RECEIPTS (21) I f " m 0 Cd O d' H .".""> >4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a o • MH CDul � ao a o w 00 000 0 >` .a 0 0 • • I n I E 00 CO H Et rl LO LO m CO x 0 HH x 0 >4 o0 000 0 eg 00 000 • <4 O o0 4 aH • Z C W H H ° o ° o ° o o ° o ° o .. x W 0 1-4 0 0 ' 0 in • LO 0 W CD H°H �� CO N N E ....,,, 0 w ›., ° <4 h z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E H En 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fx H O a ) O T N a x • H 0 � 00 000 o 00 000 0 [ m • • 0 • 0 ° H N N x H ill P. r-I NCM z 0 4a ! W E 4 A AA he W H a W W W H H H U HE-4 or) E-i 14 14 14 14 ii 1-1 rA PA 0 a E y —a City of Southlake, Texas iiii S M E M O R A N D U M is June 5, 1991 r i TO: Michael H. Barnes FROM: Ron Morain I: SUBJECT: Monthly Report for Street Department May 1991. The Street Department performed patching operations per schedule using approximately 100 tons of hot mix i: cold lay asphalt. Hot mix was placed on Summerplace Lane, Mockingbird Lane, Brumlow, East Highland and Lonesome Dove to repair major faults using approximately 550 tons of hot mix asphalt. Signs were maintained as required using 12 sign posts, 30 street name sign blades, 4 stop signs, and OP 1 speed limit sign. i Assistance was given to complete park scoreboards, repair ballfield fences, fertilize grass areas and move playground equipment. Routine maintenance was provided on all equipment. Major maintenance was needed to repair the transmission on a 1 ton flat bed truck and the mower deck on the kubota tractor. The Skaggs mower is currently in the shop needing the transmission replaced. ligt RM /cbk Pm b. r i irni r '" it V 3 City of Southlake, Texas p �.. M E M O R A N D U M iilr , June 5, 1991 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works I; SUBJECT: Street Department Monthly Report - May 1991. The enclosed report details the Street Department activities for the month of May 1991. This report is to be included in the City Council packets for their June 18, 1991 meeting. MHB /lc c y_ ff. City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M June 5, 1991 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Water Department Monthly Report - May 1991. The enclosed report details the Water Department activities for the month of May 1991. This report is to be included in the City Council packets for their June 18, 1991 meeting. m649 MHB /lc c i City of Southlake, Texas WO 1. , m . , M E M O R A N D U M Er June 5, 1991 II II TO: Michael H. Barnes FROM: Ron Morain li SUBJECT: Monthly Report for Water Department May 1991. F A The Water Department performed routine tasks during the month of May as follows. Water samples were taken and results were negative coliform bacteria. Dead end lines were flushed to prevent stagnation of water. Water sites were mowed and pumps were I: maintained as required. We repaired six water breaks during the month. Five of these breaks were the result of contractor operations on 1709. The other break was a leak on the city side of a water meter on 1709. i: Assistance was provided to the Street Department in paving operations as needed. li Vehicles and equipment were maintained as needed. I; /v\-- cbk I: C c E :: rill 9—' UTILITY DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH MAY 1991 GALLONS PUKED THIS MONTH FROM WELLS 0 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH 27,274.000 TOTAL PUKED AND PURCHASED 27,274,000 NEW WATER TAPS INSTALLED 35 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED 0 METER CHANGE OUTS 3 ADDRESSES: 1201 OAKHURST CT./ 1150 S. WHITE CHAPEL/ 152 JELLICO CIRCLE c PULLED METERS PER CUSTOMER REQUEST 0 PULLED METERS PER DELINQUENT PAYMENT 0 LOCKED METERS PER CUSTOMER REQUEST 6 LOCKED METERS PER DELINQUENT PAYMENT 7 PROCESSED WORK ORDERS 135 I; LEAKS: WATER MAIN BREAK REPAIRS 6 along 1709 by contractors 1: SEWER LINE REPAIRS 0 c FLUSHED WATER LINES BANK STREET /LILAC /RA AU HOLLOW/ � R A X DR./ MARANATHA WAY/ SLEEPY BROOKWOOD CT . / 1 PRIMROS '4 DRIVE / THOUSAND OAS. d 'C DI' OF P :L C WORKS y- 7 O C4 o1 C 41 • < >+U in OD t• d' d'• - 10► In CO r4 t0 t0 N M U) CM t■ r-1 r-1 e'1 01 N tO M PI d' N 01 E-1 N co r-i .--1 t0 ■ cn w 0 O r-i C4 on E 43 • < In ›+ U 0 0 In O 0 U1 Ch () mr NTr 01ri01COin MM U1 N (nt-lC/ NN r4 1--1 Tr UDmrOD 0 e Md' r-i in 1 - 1 w\ r-I N N r 1-1 r-1 N H 0 r-I C4 0 W EA 01 WI In CV mr N ri U1 P1 tO ts OD CD M CO 0 b 0 -I 01 r- >4 A 1 - 1 In •--I •- I N e'1 I - d M 1-4 ' N N i CD ri d' EA in U) O I Ev-I 1E o CA 4 3 0 4 H x w r4 W 43 gg E Ch Q,' 04 > 47 gC 01 •1' d' Mr-Ist'd' UDC1 N UD N0U1 Cs � > < > Q N N 1--1 el 1-- � .N t0 r-I r-- M el M u) 0 In .., x El atil 44411 rz4 E r4 O 0 x E-1 44 >i 144 Z W 0 0 1 : ~Xa 0 > 0) 4DNNONOOD MNC100 C11 MD N. 00 -1 Ul U W O Ea 4 * r i a r3 n U) E x� H m za Ncnrno -t c a ' 00'-1 el �oD -ioN o TM Og Deg N x r4 cn E4 Cr) M Z>>4 x O NTrC11HNr•1!■ b4'7COn')N '0 ON00 01 V E I rXi X N '1 U7 d' N r-I N •-4 M #I Cl L iho • • -4 b b < U -ri 4 ri \ >I m 0. 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O r. 0011 00 W W.�-I rl 0 C4 04 1 lir r-1 W 1 }. . >+Z 40 0 H U .--4 b M 0 LI 1 1 0 O .1 0 0 W •I ."l W M 0 0 0 , - 4 . - 4 0 0 4 4 m 0 O - I m -.I Z , 4 H ra •-1 m W W 0 a 4 i U 0% 1J • •. 0 0 0 a 000m-4-4-40 H •.1 t~ - 1 4 H ” - 4 0 - 4 4 . 1 4 1 aD 1-4 L th O W Z 0 Id W U U +i 0 Z 1 4 • 4 4 1.1 ••i 0 W 14 O H c.) H H •.1 li U ti 1.1 W -4•4 O J1 \ to .-4 V • W W • .4 4 O tag 4.3 m V 4 E E a 1 m 4 . E H m E x Z Z x U OU .i .i W 0 W MOO Z H ' W W 004 0 0 0 3 O W a x U o W 4 U H i-1 U DG W 0 W P. Pa P4 U U rz. U2 W 0 0 W m W k. H w . . v000170000 P • • o 17utn0CD000o In N r.4 PI • • Uf o • N • 4) )4 14 a O CD rl /7 .4 V N O .4 w l V V V V N 10 P 0 17 O ' E. 4 a • 0 c1 e.1 aD O .-1 m aD V of 01� i \ N .•I P mO 0 N d U2 .4 .-1 I I' o of .•1 N NI el P .4 .O F O -1 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • rl • a C4 .i11f000OON N al: aboaOO.1O Al *H. 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I O „I O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O + ri: 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO 0 0 0 r 0 10 0 CO 0 0 0 C. m 0 V O 17 10 wl rl 10 1• + 1 N lg o OYl0o17 0* 17 Y1 0 V N10 .•/ N IV M 1•110N000 N CO M1 .4.4.4 10 [ P 171010. -1 YI O .. P O 10 10 .417.-110.1 •-1 CO tIll 17 17 17 el . V • to r. M B 13 : 14 r4 • St • 0....i 2 f 10 0 •. .. 11113•10' ef Oh A 01Z4 0 el el 41 i 34 6 is Re Ile•opoce navi 1 i ID I 1 1 11 i a 1 i SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MONTHLY REPORT io Now' poi Nie et 1r *NNW S•JU1. -LAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL DIVISION SUMMARY May 1991 CALLS FOR SERVICE 637 CITATIONS 648 PATROL 254 S.T.E.P. 394 ARRESTS 10 FELONY 0 ,,,,,, MI SD 10 ACCIDENTS 24 MINOR 18 MAJOR 6 c y - / - . 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I 50 4 05::!9: 2:323 127 1 143 K 12 90 A 3fflises for TRF COLATI:N „5:27191 9:0274 122 1 132 0 0 0 I se f TRF iRN7 AFES 51::19: 3.359 140 ' 399 0 :.= CA 05;25;9: 91: 122 ! 999 0 0 CA 5s23151 910779 145 I 999 0 0 CA : i::,E: ::: EiS C 0 CA 9:325: :45 ' 9S? 0 0 C4 'ff: 3:C36E :45 ; 999 0 0 r.A yr 1/2!: : : / ;;; .:..} 3 0 0 1,4 411 0? :flpses for 'ARRANT RUE 1999 0 ) ..., 0 0 :4 999 r -c!(.6 . c.; z.i11 117 / Q 0 0 CA i; ';'..131 :27 /992 0 0 CA To: :' 70 1:- Arrests 17 Alarm Calls 87 Accidents 23 $ C Major Minor 5 18 ' fir► ° ' SPECIAL SERVICES 1 MONTHLY REPORT MAY MAY: 1. CARROLL ELEM. VISITATION TIME 2. CARROLL MIDDLE VISITATION TIME ADMIN. TIME 3. CARROLL HIGH VISITATION TIME ADMIN. TIME SENIOR PROM 5. JOHNSON ELEM. VISITATION TIME CRIME PREVENTION MEETING GRAPEVINE t vas.' CARROLL HIGH VISITATION TIME ADMIN. TIME' 7. ADMIN. TIME PREP. FOR STATE DARE CONFERENCE 8. CARROLL ELEM. VISITATION TIME CARROLL HIGH SPECIAL PRESENTATION (AUSTIN EMS /DRINKING & DRIVING) MEETING IN SOUTHLAKE 9. CARROLL MIDDLE VISITATION TIME SECURITY MEETING COLONIAL SAVINGS SECURITY SURVEY 1491 EMERALD CR. 10. MUFFINS FOR MOM, BOTH ELEM. SCHOOLS CARROLL HIGH VISITATION TIME 13. JOHNSON ELEM. E VISITATION TIME CARROLL MIDDLE VISITATION TIME ATHLETIC BANQUET 14. CARROLL MIDDLE Y4 VISITATION TIME CARROLL ELEM. 5TH GRADE FIELD TRIP 8TH GRADE PARTY 15. CARROLL ELEM. VISITATION TIME ADMIN. TIME 16. CARROLL MIDDLE VISITATION TIME 17. FIELD DAY/ CARROLL & JOHNSON ELEM. I . D . CARD MADE FOR STUDENTS 18. DARE DAY WET -N -WILD, ARLINGTON 20 . JOHNSON ELEM. VISITATION TIME CARROLL HIGH SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT MEETING IN GRAPEVINE DARE GRADUATION/ COLLEYVILLE 21. TRAINING SCHOOL 22. TRAINING SCHOOL 1 23. TRAINING SCHOOL 24. CARROLL ELEM. VISITATION TIME 28. CARROLL ELEM. VISITATION TIME SECURITY SURVEY 1207 SABINE CT. 29. JOHNSON ELEM. VISITATION. PIN 30 . AWARDS CEREMONY JONHNSON ELEM. V -17 nA 1 SOUTHLAKE D.A.R.E. DAILY ACTIVITY SCHEDULE TOTAL STUD ENTS: VISITATION DATE: 05/01/91 OFFICERS: M. BEDRICH PRINCIPAL :MRS HENDERSON SCHOOL : CARROLL ELEM. TELEPHONE: 481 -2184 Pal ADDRESS: 1705 W. CONTINETAL NO. OF KINDERGARDEN 2 NO. OF 4TH CLASSES 4 NO. OF 1ST CLASSES 3 NO. OF 5771 CLASSES 4 NO. OF 2ND CLASSES 3 ... NO. OF 3RD CLASSES 3 um TIME GRADE /ROOM TEACHER 1500 -1520 3/301 ALL 3RD GRADE 67 lie 9"/ 4E? r I V i NOW SOUTHLAKE t D.A.R.E. DAILY ACTIVITY SCHEDULE TOTAL STUDENTS: 76 DATE: 05/08/91 OFFICERS: M. BEDRICH PRINCIPAL :MRS HENDERSON SCHOOL : CARROLL ELEM. TELEPHONE: 481 -2184 ADDRESS: 1705 W. CONTINETAL NO. OF KINDERGARDEN 2 NO. OF 4TH CLASSES 4 NO. OF 1ST CLASSES 3 NO. OF 2ND CLASSES 3 NO. OF 5TH CLASSES 4 NO. OF 3RD CLASSES 3 TIME GRADE /ROOM TEACHER 0815 -0900 5 /CORE MRS HEATH 0900 -0945 5 /CORE MRS HARDING 0945 -1030 5 /GORE MRS ENGLAND 1030 -1115 5 /CORE MRS KILLION c • idi is emirs SOUTHLAKE D.A.R.E. DAILY ACTIVITY SCHEDULE TOTAL STUDENTS; VISITATION DATE: 05/13/91 OFFICERS: M. BEDRICH PRINCIPAL: MR. WILKINSON SCHOOL: CARROLL MIDDLE TELEPHONE: 481 -2183 ADDRESS: 11.00 N. CARROLL AVE. NO. OF KINDERGARDEN NO. OF 4771 CLASSES NO. OF 1ST CLASSES NO. OF 5TH CLASSES NO. OF 2ND CLASSES NO. OF 3RD CLASSES TEACHER 0910-1010 TIME GRADE /ROOM 0910 -1010 8/15 MRS. LAND 26 1170 fix SOUTHLAKE D. A.R.E. DAILY ACTIVITY SCHEDULE TOTAL STUDENTS; VISITATION DATE: 05/13/91 OFFICERS: M. BEDRICH PRINCIPAL: MRS. COUSIONS SCHOOL: JOHNSON ELEM TELEPHONE: 481 -2184 . ADDRESS: 1300 N. CARROLL AVE . "" NO. OF KINDERGARDEN 5 NO. OF 4TH CLASSES 5 NO. OF 1ST CLASSES 5 NO . OF 5TH CLASSES 4 NO. OF 2ND CLASSES 5 NO. OF 3RD CLASSES 5 GRADE /ROOM TEACHER TIME 3/302 MRS. LEDBETTER 0830 -0900 21 1130-115 3/304 MRS. COOKSEY 23 i SOUTHLAKE D.A.R.E. DAILY ACTIVITY SCHEDULE TOTAL STUDENTS; VISITATION DATE: 05/14/91 OFFICERS: M. BEDRICH PRINCIPAL: MR. WILKINSON .�r SCHOOL : CARROLL MIDDLE TELEPHONE: 481 -2183 ADDRESS: 1100 N. CARROLL AVE . oft NO. OF KINDERGARDEN NO. OF 4TH CLASSES NO. OF 1ST CLASSES NO. OF 5TH CLASSES i NO. OF 2ND CLASSES NO. OF 3RD CLASSES TIME GRADE /ROOM TEACHER 0910 -1010 8/15 MRS. LAND 26 - tea SOUTHLAKE D.A.R.E. DAILY ACTIVITY SCHEDULE TOTAL STUDENTS: mig‘ DATE: 05/15/91 OFFICERS: M. BEDRICH PRINCIPAL :MRS HENDERSON SCHOOL : CARROLL ELEM. TELEPHONE: 481 -2184 ADDRESS: 1705 W. CONTINETAL VI NO. OF KINDERGARDEN 2 NO. OF 4TH CLASSES 4 NO. OF 1ST CLASSES 3 NO. OF 5TH CLASSES 4 NO. OF 2ND CLASSES 3 NO. OF 3RD CLASSES 3 TIME GRADE /ROOM TEACHER 1500 -1520 3/301 ALL 3RD GRADE 67 4,23 SOUTHLAKE D.A.R.E. DAILY ACTIVITY SCHEDULE TOTAL STUDENTS; VISITATION DATE: 05/20/91 OFFICERS: M. BEDRICH PRINCIPAL: MRS. COUSIONS SCHOOL : JOHNSON ELEM. TELEPHONE: 481 -2184 ADDRESS: 1300 N. CARROLL AVE . moo NO. OF KINDERGARDEN 5 NO. OF 4771 CLASSES 5 gin* NO. OF 1ST CLASSES 5 NO. OF 5TH CLASSES 4 NO. OF 2ND CLASSES 5 NO. OF 3RD CLASSES 5 TIME GRADE /ROOM TEACHER 0830 -0900 3/302 MRS. LEDBEI I ER 21 1000 -1030 K—A MRS. STITH 18 1045 -1115 4/403 MRS. ANDERS 21 1130 -1200 4/403 MRS. ANDERS 22 lj 1. SOUTHLAKE D.A.R.E. DAILY ACTIVITY SCHEDULE TOTAL STUDENTS: 76 DATE: 05/25/91 mil OFFICERS: M. BEDRICH PRINCIPAL :MRS HENDERSON SCHOOL : CARROLL ELEM. TELEPHONE: 481 -2184 q ,., k ADDRESS: 1705 W. CONTINETAL ird NO. OF KINDERGARDEN 2 NO. OF 4TH CLASSES 4 NO. OF 1ST CLASSES NO. OF 2ND CLASSES 3 3 NO. OF 5TH CLASSES 4 ,,. NO. OF 3RD CLASSES 3 io 40, r TIME GRADE /ROOM TEACHER MRS HEATH 0815 -0900 5 /CORE MRS HARDING 0900 -0945 5 /CORE MRS ENGLAND 0945 -1030 5 /CORE MRS KILLION 1030 -1115 5 /CORE 4/.411?5. D SOUTHLAKE D.A.R.E. ,,, DAILY ACTIVITY SCHEDULE 4 ."' TOTAL STUDENTS: 76 DATE: 05/27/91 viii OFFICERS: M. BEDRICH PRINCIPAL :MRS HENDERSON SCHOOL : CARROLL ELEM. TELEPHONE: 481 -2184 ai ADDRESS: 1705 W. CONTINETAL ,,,I NO. OF KINDERGARDEN 2 NO. OF 4TH CLASSES 4 NO. OF 1ST CLASSES 3 NO. OF 5TH CLASSES 4 *m NO. OF 2ND CLASSES 3 id NO. OF 3RD CLASSES 3 . o• �. TIME GRADE /ROOM TEACHER 0815 -0845 4/404 MRS. ADAMS 22 i miire 0945 -1015 4/404 MRS. ADAMS 21 10 1030 -1045 4/404 MRS. ADAMS 20 1115 -1145 4/404 MRS.ADAMS 22 1245 -1315 1/104 ALL 1ST GRADE 62 1330 -1400 1/104 ALL 2ND GRADE 64 C ilii Pik i r ill Nave PIO iii 1 SOUTHLAKE D.A.R.E. DAILY ACTIVITY SCHEDULE mit TOTAL STUDENTS: 76 ' DATE: 05/28/91 OW OFFICERS: M. BEDRICH PRINCIPAL :MRS HENDERSON SCHOOL : CARROLL ELEM. TELEPHONE: 481 -2184 ADDRESS: 1705 W. CONTINETAL NO. OF KINDERGARDEN 2 NO. OF 4TH CLASSES 4 NO. OF 1ST CLASSES NO. OF 2ND CLASSES 3 3 NO. OF 5TH CLASSES 4 NO. OF 3RD CLASSES 3 TIME GRADE /ROOM TEACHER 0815 -0900 5 /CORE MRS HEATH 0900 -0945 5 /CORE MRS HARDING 0945 -1030 5 /CORE MRS ENGLAND 1030 -1115 5 /CORE MRS KILLION %we, g/6-4•2 SOUTHLAKE D. A. R. E. DAILY ACTIVITY SCHEDULE TOTAL STUDENTS; VISITATION DATE: 05/29/91 OFFICERS: M. BEDRICH PRINCIPAL: MRS. COUSIONS ,, j SCHOOL : JOHNSON ELEM. TELEPHONE: 481 -2184 ADDRESS: 1300 N. CARROLL AVE. NO. OF KINDERGARDEN 5 NO. OF 4TH CLASSES 5 NO. OF 1ST CLASSES 5 NO. OF 5TH CLASSES 4 NO. OF 2ND CLASSES 5 NO. OF 3RD CLASSES 5 GRADE /ROOM TEACHER TIME 3/302 MRS. LEDBCIIER 21 11. 0830-0900 -0900 4/401 MRS. TATE 20 0000 -1035 4/401 MRS. TATE 22 1045 5 -1115 104-11 4/401 MRS. TATE 20 15 4' S OLJThL.AKE ""' DEPARTMENT OF PtJBL =C SAFETY MONTHLY WARRANT D 2 V Z S I ON REPORT MAY - , 1991 s ui MUNICIPAL WARRANTS CURRENT MONTH PAST MONTH YTD WAR • RANT$ 4N AFi ND Wsi 496 N/A Beginning Count 487 Received 65 0 229 poi Served 27 9 189 il Purged 43 0 43 Ending Count 482 487 N/A i .INES COLLECTED By Warrant Officer 2,766 323 17,883 By Other Agency 579 363 5,485 Total 3,345 686 23,368 WARRANTS SERVED By Warrant Officer 23 5 138 r By Other Agency 4 4 51 Total 27 9 189 I: 4 ""' C V 7 16 im SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY w,. MILEAGE AND GASOLINE REPORT FOR MAY, 1991 arr om 04/01 04/30 TOTAL MILES TOTAL GALLONS s+' UNIT # MILEAGE MILEAGE DRIVEN GASOLINE USED 0 . 6 226 113,529 115,735 2,206 170.7 230 102,210 104,574 2,364 149.4 : 232 100,605 100,985 380 33.2 234 74,635 78,250 3,615 308.0 235 79,859 83,793 3,934 343.9 236 15,341 19,914 4,573 424.0 237 29,662 34,989 5,327 503.1 4 238 11,961 13,793 1,832 160.0 239 10,114 11,690 1,576 127.1 , 27 353. 1,532 532 70. 6 240 25,821 241 10,791 12,202 1,411 65.5 250 (VAN) 88,170 88,775 605 38.5 it c TOTAL MILES DRIVEN 29,355 TOTAL GALLONS GASOLINE USED 2,394.0 1 " C I/710 INVESTIGATION DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT MAY 1991 NEW CASES ASSIGNED 31 CURRENT ACTIVE CASES 65 CASES CLEARED: UNFOUNDED 3 INACTIVATED /SUSPENDED 13 EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED 2 BY ARREST /CITATION 3 WARRANT ACTIVITY: SEARCH WARRANTS OBTAINED 0 v SEARCH WARRANTS SERVED 0 ARREST WARRANTS OBTAINED 1 ARREST WARRANTS SERVED 1 GENERAL ACTIVITY: MEETINGS ATTENDED 8 SURVEILLANCE TIME (approx) 2 HRS PUBLIC SPEECHES /PRESENTATIONS 0 CRIME SCENES WORKED 3 SEIZURES FILED 0 VALUE $ 0 SCHOOLS /TRAINING SESSIONS 14 DAYS CITY OF SOUTHLAKE General Fund and Debt Service Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended May 31, 1991 with Comparative Actual Amounts for the period ended May 31,1990 Percent Actual Percent 1990 -91 Actual Collected/ Actual Total Collected/ gig REVENUES Budget 5/31/91 Expended 5/31/90 9/30/90 Expended Ad Valorem Taxes S2,447,441 $2,289,568 935% $2,037,006 $2,214,229 92.0% Sales Tax 370,000 253,656 68.6% 211,315 396,106 53.3% • Franchise Fees 226,313 247,433 109.3% 215,017 222,331 96.7% Fines 290,662 129,665 44.6% 169,046 240,819 70.2% - Charges for Services 56,491 15,149 26.8% 15,104 34,159 44.2% Permits/Fees 337,586 386,693 1145% 259,364 435,338 59.6% Miscellaneous 71,240 25,490 35.8% 59,757 85,630 69.8% Transfer In -Water 159,446 84,335 52.9% 93,178 122,673 76.0% Interest Income 37,000 36,951 99.9% 26,930 51,141 52.7% Total Revenues $3,996,179 S3,468,940 86.8% $3,086,717 $3,802,426 81.2% EXPENDITURES City Secretary $115,315 $83,909 72.8% $63,633 $124,526 51.1% flik City Manager 113,330 87,749 77.4% 54,590 88,573 61.6% Support Services 353,035 215,770 61.1% 224,114 296,519 75.6% Finance 161,307 128,246 79.5% 117,722 182,226 64.6% Municipal Court 136,359 81,098 59.5% 73,743 119,640 61.6% Fire 445,276 341,159 76.6% 295,128 431,530 68.4% Police 810,011 587,429 72.5% 599,351 923,906 64.9% Public Safety Support 269,530 132,618 49.2% 0 0 0.0% I" Building 103,369 68,577 663% 120,961 198,187 61.0% r Planning and Zoning 95,705 92,802 97.0% 0 0 0.0% Streets/Drainage 779,461 397,007 50.9% 271,642 420,860 64.5% Parks 81,967 44,611 54.4% 35,341 59,759 59.1% Public Works Administration 61,560 50,580 82.2% 37,416 61,482 60.9% Debt Service - General Obligation Bonds 527,950 396,642 75.1% 120,116 145,135 82.8% '"' Reserve - Uncompensated Vacation Benefits 39,864 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% me Total Expenditures $4,094,039 $2,708,197 66.1% $2,013,757 $3,052,343 66.0% mei Excess (deficiency) of ape over Expenditures ($97,860) $760,743 $1,072,960 $750,083 al OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND (USES) 'm Reserve - Infrastructure $376,288 ($370,000) Bond refinancing $0 $14,065 Excess (deficiency) of Revenues and other sources over Expenditures f $474,148) $390,743 $1,072,960 $764,148 FUND BALANCE OCT 1 $1,163,736 $399,588 kii ENDING FUND BALANCE $689,588 $L163,736 • 3a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the period ended May 31, 1991 and 1990 Percent Total Percent 1990 /91 Actual Collected/ Actual Actual Collected/ REVENUES Budget 5/31/91 expended 5/31/90 9/30/90 expended Water Sales - residential $1,494,386 $762,621 51.0% $602,599 $1,245,676 48.4% Water Sales- commercial 373,596 200,909 53.8% 141,731 254,093 55.8% Sewer Sales 40,000 50,560 126.4% 17,440 30,673 56.9% Other utility charges 94,400 105,610 111.9% 57,485 116,089 495% is Miscellaneous 20,280 36,828 181.6% 45,216 51,037 88.6% Interest Income 6,500 6,401 983% 4,150 4,459 93.1% Total Revenues $2,029,162 S1,162,929 573% $868,621 S1,702,027 51.0% EXPENSES at Water $1,424,643 $519,290 36.5% $454,695 $844,408 53.8% Sewer 271,183 135,833 50.1% 0 0 0.0% . ill Debt Service - Revenue Bonds 80,070 40,035 50.0% 281,762 341,592 82.5% Transfers- General Fund 159,446 84,335 52.9% 93,178 122,673 76.0% ••• Reserve - Uncompensated Vacation Benefits $5,898 10 0.0% 0 0 0.0% wr Total Expenses $1,941,240 $779,493 40.2% $829,635 $1,308,673 63.4% w. aa Net Income /(Loss) $87,922 $383,436 $38.986 $393354 ar NM OPN eA it 1111 ale IP Ili 0w 1 1 1 1 1111111111 1 111 1 1 W 0 r1 Oh CO 04 101110.0 O 00 CO 0 ONh 040100004 000000 10 O0 0001000 W re N 010.00 re CD V 010n re r1 V on 010 re 111 1-1110 00 h 01 H \ 10 01 V V 04 V V 01.010 1-h 01004 V 0 04 01 o01 001N 04 1110 O0 011.10 0 .01-11100 re OP er 10 V 44 NO 01 01 01 1-111 101010 CO 1010 W V 0) .0O CO 10001 1flO04 111 U101 A ri111 01 re A horr1 NN 10 CO o 0101 0100 hNr1 011DU101NreNrlf•l re RI CO V ON.♦ m \ •i . . . ► . . ► . . ► . . . . . • . . ► . ► MO 0 h 10 01 1 0 10 01 01Nri VI 00 01 4.-1 010 V ri. N V N10 N 1004 CO re 01 h re N W 10 1D r1 .0 ri V' d N N.i 1 w OM H 4 a a Wli 0r H w w I 0000 01 01 1- V N N 00 ri i O 000 00 00 O 100000 Z E 010 Z 1-1-0000 01 CO N ■10 10 CA V 0 O 000 0111 00 01 1000 1y r e04 0O 01U1 0 V 01 1010 00 1- n V O 000 111 CO tfl0 V Ufo V r1 W M 174 � l ON 1110 041- CO NU101 00 01 re 0.410 O CO 1+110 NN 10 V 0 r Ha 0 01 1- V'N V V 01 01 re 01 re CO re N ri 111 H y N .i 01 re O N N .-I ill 0 w N m • f t VIM 0 0 0001-0010 1-10 .0 .0 ri 100 1- 1011.0 1-14.4 10 04 r1 W 1D r10 • (Q r.1 .0.4 - 0 r1 CO 01 1010 re 10 V V 0110 N CO 01 ri10 V 0 h V W V al • re re re re re re re ri .i •1 01 r1 r1 N N 01 01 re • • • mO r1 04 CO 111111 V O 00 N 01 CO 01 CO 0100004 000000 .000 00010000 U1 Pitt • 01 0 111 01 CO 01 10 10 M 0101 111 1- 101 W V 10 0 0 o 01 N 0 0 0 0 0 N 111 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 1- E 1111- 11104 n1fln re Ps V V 0 N N CO O es. o 01 001NN W 000 10 100 CO V 01 111000 re 4 .- IA111 n n01 0 a 1010 N 01 MV r110 10 010 W.00 CO 10004 V01N 10111 CO 10 re U1001 r-1 V 04 1000444 CO 10 1010 10 01 ...4 re 0/0 rl0401 01 10 111 1D CO .4 .004 01 CO re M Ii a . ► . . . . . . . ► . .• .. . . . ► . .• ► . . . 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V •1.O• -.01. 1-97 >001.b•A 7OO15000.0•►.- Ag01O••t 0427E15O1.3). is 6<mmmi.iumwwW1iw00===I m..... =Z0.4000tNNUI ==== •• <061JZP.1..1•- N • 1I • 1- 1.., 1 1/ • dig ,,, SUMMARY OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST REQUIREMENTS gal 1991 -92 REQUIREMENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1982 General Obligation Bonds 540,000 516,250 556,250 - 1984 General Obligation Bonds 30,000 17,972 47,972 1990 General Obligation Refunding Bonds 40,000 191,860 231,860 1990 Public Property Contractual Obligations 35,000 12,937 47,937 1990 Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Certificates 25,000 85,287 110,287 1990 TRA- Denton Creek Revenue Bonds 30,000 86,254 116,254 1990 TRA- Southlake Sewer System Contract Revenue Bonds 25,000 86,625 111,625 GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS 1991 -92 $225,000 $497,185 $722,185 op• TOTAL REQUIREMENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST' TOTAL .w 1982 General Obligation Bonds $140,000 530,125 5170,125 1984 General Obligation Bonds 185,000 58,002 243,002 1990 General Obligation Refunding Bonds 3,076,137 2,600,346 5,676,483 1990 Public Property Contractual Obligations 200,000 37,673 237,673 1990 Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Certificates 1,100,000 1,018,144 2,118,144 1990 TRA- Denton Creek Revenue Bonds 1,500,000 1,303,142 2,803,142 1990 TRA- Southlake Sewer System Contract Revenue Bonds 1,250,000 1,095,150 2,345,150 TOTAL OUTSTANDING GENERAL �., OBLIGATION DEBT REQUIREMENTS $7,451,137 $6,142,582 $13,593,719 +*� 'INTEREST SHOWN IS THE TOTAL OF EACH ANNUAL REQUIREMENT FOR THE REMAINING LIFE OF THE SERIES rl SUMMARY OF REVENUE BONDS AND 44•4 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY REVENUE BONDS PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST REQUIREMENTS 1991 -92 REQUIREMENTS ISSUE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1984 Revenue Bonds 820,000 841,083 $61,083 1987 Revenue Refunding Bonds 10,000 6,263 16,263 Land Note Payable 11,182 895 12,077 REVENUE BOND DEBT SERVICE !�* REQUIREMENTS 1991 -92 $41,182 $48,241 $89,423 OPERATIONS/ - TRA DEBT SERVICE MAINTENANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1988 Denton Creek Revenue Bonds 830,100 $4,690 $45,406 $80,196 "" 1990 Big Bear Creek Revenue Bonds 40,000 87,464 311,4.86 438,950 it 1990 Central Regional System Revenue Bonds 0 19 95 114 TRA MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1991 -92 870,100 892,173 8356,987 8519,260 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS ISSUE PRINCIPAL INTEREST* TOTAL 1984 Revenue Bonds 8390,000 $265,693 $655,693 1987 Revenue Refunding Bonds 167,000 50,588 217,588 so Land Note Payable 11,182 895 12,077 TOTAL OUTSTANDING REVENUE BOND DEBT REQUIREMENTS 8568,182 $317,176 8885,358 OPERATIONS/ TRA DEBT SERVICE MAINTENANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL Eas 1988 Denton Creek Revenue Bonds 80 8609,700 $586,657 81,196,357 1990 Big Bear Creek Revenue Bonds 0 4,289,100 3,935,775 8,224,875 1990 Central Regional System Revenue Bonds 0 1,348 1,588 2,936 TOTAL OUTSTANDING TRA DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENT $0 $4,900,148 $4,524,020 $9,424,168 *� EXCLUDING MAINTENANCE/OPERATIONS *INTEREST SHOWN IS THE TOTAL OF EACH ANNUAL on REQUIREMENT FOR THE REMAINING LIFE OF THE SERIES 0 50 100 200 SCALE IN FEET 1 "=100' LOT LINE CURVE DATA CURVE RADIUS LENGTH DELTA CI 265.00' 150.75' 32'35'40" C2 265.00' 74.09' 16'01'l1" C3 265.00' 74.54' t 6*07*02" C4 265.00' 74.97' 16'12'32" C5 265.00' 41.98' 09'04'37" CS 300.00' 66.50' 12'42'01' C7 300.00' 89.76' I7'OS'33' C8 300.00' 100 61' 1912'56" C9 300,00' 103.39' 19*44*47" CIO 175.00' 146.50' 47'57'57" Ctt 1 46.39' t*1I'll9"75.00' S C12 175.00' 97.01' 31'45'46" C13 175.00' 12.58' 04'07'09' C14 50.00' 11.27' 12*55'07" C15 50 00' 58.71' 671V27" C16 50.00' 56.27' 64'28'45" C17 50 00' 16.45' 18*51'14" C18 50.00' 52.89' 60'36'26" C19 50.00' 49.18' 56'21'26" C20 50.00' 41.03' 47'01'04" C21 50.00' 1.82' 01'51.35" C22 50.00' 66.46' 76'09'31" C23 175 00' 87.82' 28'45'05" C24 50.00' 63.99' 73*19'18" C25 125.00' 81.42' 37'19'11" C26 125.00' 30.00' 13'45'03" C27 25.00' 33 86' 77'36'03' C28 22&00' 26.65' 06*47'11" C29 225.00' 95 00' 24'l1'29" C30 475.00' 80.43' 09'42'03" C31 215.00' 48.62' 12'57'26" C32 215.00' 76.68' 20'26'02" C33 62.50' 36.73' 33'40'23" C34 62.50' 33.33' 30'33'27" C35 62.50' 28,11' 25'46'08" C36 62.50' 52.54' 4810'00" C37 62.50' 48.42' 44'23'31" C38 62.50' 53.44' 48'59'33" C39 62.50' 41.94' 38'26'55' C 40 6 96.46' 78.85' 06'29' 11 " C41 696.46' 101 .62' 08 21'35' C42 696.46' 82.93' 06'49'21' C43 250.00' 75.77' 17'21'54" C44 250.00' 138,11' 31'39'11' C45 250.W' M.34' 19'47'13" CENTERLINE LINE DATA LINE DIRECTION DISTANCE L1 N51'34'42"E 31.70' 7- SC4J THL J jO;CC*1WHdWTAL 4wOJECT CATION I COLLEYVILLE WHITE CHAPEL PLACE I JACK RUDDUCK I VIRGINIA SANDERS B.L. MARRIOT DONALD FOREMAN VOL. 388-50, PAGE 37 VOL. 8727, PAGE 1007 VOL.7271, PAGE 2047 et ux NANCY MARRIOT VOL, 9499, PAGE 1753 ZONED RE I ZONED AG I ZONED AG I VOL Q609 PAGE 906 I ZONED -AC ZONED AG I S89'15'45"E 914.30' -- - -- - �022� -1 `1 i9 i.5 U.E. 90.00' ` 99:Ot�' 9Ci.6✓ - - - -- gQ�p (- 7.r U.E. -24Z7- - - W BLOCK 2 I � w -„+ W 130'D & U.E. r � 22 w w w w w 17 � 14,526s ft. 'n o 21 0 20 0 1 9 ,n a 1$ 0 I ~1 ;nl 16 23 � q 13,5 0 0 13 500 n 0 13,500 r-1 0 13,500 - 0 13,438 I 6; 20,160sq.ft tk I- ^ is v o sq. a o ft. v 0 s ft. � 0 s it. :r o sq.ft. v1 .n sq• in q � q L.G. MANTOOTH '' 23,069sq ft. 35'8L o � o t2 S' o - o � l00 �140'Qf rlrlh in VOL 5424, PAGE 238 N - - 35'BL z z 35'BL z -- 30'BL - 30`8L 30'BL to ZONED AG 0 I \ C18-7 �ou.E. IN i ° -90U0`g6.p@'-- q t� 37• �� _ _ SANDALWOOD CIRCLE \; 24.1 3sgft. F 94 rug7e s � �i n R` �i�l4 � N89'16'4•+'W 544.21 i tip RS50' u1 -- --- 24 CD I 120. 0 90.00 90.00' 104.20 j ! '32"` rn� I 169.31' 00 I2,600sq.ft (� 30'BL - - -- - -- - s8 • 1'1 " rn I , 35'BL ',�b 30'BL w 35 BL .0 30 BL w 14 '0 0) r �o r n to to 145.00 mf ! r7 ; I o 7 '� S o o o �i 15, 720sq. ft rn o DAVID R. WASHINGTON 8 25 Q N 5 6 q csi $ ,� 9 ! "'o �o o , o 14,400s ft.• o ^ $� 32" VOL 9800, PAGE 66 o aN 16,563sq.ft. z 13,500sq.ft.� I S zr 13,O50sq.ft. o u� I N82'5z " 2Q,017sq.ft,. ^ z 175.00 ZONED AG »O'U.iE a 6'20'w I I .0 I5,300sq.ft. CV o t2t} }$ m 50' ow n o - �g M �- �- aye- _ -�:s�' .� C� 13 7-5'u f, _' "7�A:� �.�� - 7 5 U.E p 15,752sq.ft. Q1 V o 50, Pow oo 3 BLOCK _ 14 -` $��3 CV go 26 "'� 4 �, OCK 3 2f ag a4� :f N N • 9,32„ 13,049Sq.ft I 13,532sq.ftw0 Z 175 45 U n 3 ' - --- S89' 1'1 " G 13,388sG.ft, is '7 2 n 2 12 O o 144.05 c�j 17,833 ft. �^ .n� 1 C, Gam/ y /`,~16,837sq.ft. m l0 W � . R-Sa' S2.90 $1. h 35 .� 0 22,924sq.ft. i' 3 27 1��'SSANpA °p 68 35. a,, �� 208 21' f� 7'o7' W c s i 16,556sq.ft. i ?l'E'�_ o �`'p 2B ( % Oa / CN CV �, / C22 1 256. a '*-/T CI o c? v°� `Lr` O ' 1 1 Ili O SAM D. BURNIT •�i �6' S 9 t t. '� t9,997sq.ft. to 0 VOL. 7036, PAGE 84 p ,,px� 3Sg v, ^35 c'N3 ZONED AG Z 00�30233.93 � 00'puj I5,247sq.ft29 - 3B- �I- O f 2 1318215q.ft. p 30 x'� �r38� `'1 10 Is =5U 2 14.72Osq.ft._"'- 31 28,256sq.ft A, � C0 ,rnvh Io w , V �0. _ C{( w' 15,563 �,`y 4g,9gQ� ? 2ry sq.ft ^ COMMON GREEN 2 ?e008 to -- - -- -1 437 , 44 w �n �' ^�' 0.959 ACRES 2a3 / `rU E 40104' �. N89'16 45 W 4 8.04 GRAPEVINE D?LLAS-FT.WOR REGIONAL .AIRPORT FV L2 NO3'36'44"E L3 N43.22'15"E 16.23' 50.00' VICINITY MAP L4 N89'28'28'W 37.50' L5 S68'17'52"E 51.10' L6 546'37'44"E 23.35' CENTERLINE CURVE DATA CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT CHORD CHORDLEN C1 37'12'02" 200.00' 129.85' 67.3V S58'31'20"E 127.59' C2 51'04'15* 150.00' 133.70' 71,66' S26'02'34"W 129.32' C3 47'57'57" 200.00' 167.43' 88.97' N27'35'43"E 162.59' C4 39'45'30" 219.63' 152.41' 79.42' S23'29'30"W 149.37' C5 180'00'00" 37.50' 117.81' 10.00' S89'28'28"E 75.00' C6 90'00'00' 37.50' 58.90' 37.50' N44'28'28"W 53.03' C7 90'01'04" 240.00' 377.07' 240.08' S45'31'00"W 339.46' C8 68*48'19" 275.00' 330.24' 188.32' S33'53'42"E 310.75' C9 18'37'21" 671.46' 218.24' 110.09' N58'53'04"W 216.64' C10 11'28'42' 500.00' 100. 17' 50.25' N06'15'52"E 100.00' C11 03'02'47' 671.46' 35.70' 17.86' N48'09'08"W 35.7C' OUTER BOUNDARY CURVE DATA STATE OF TEXAS SECTION ONE FIELD NOTES COUNTY OF TARRANT WHEREAS, Timarron Land Corporation is the owner of a tract of land located in the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, situated in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, and the Hiram Grandberry Survey, Abstract No. 501, and part of that tract of land conveyed to Timarron Land Corporation, formerly Bear Creek Communities, Inc., as recorded in Volume 9659, Page 1028, Tarrant County Deed Records, and part of a replat of Tract 1-R of 'The Glory Place', an addition to the City of Southlake, as recorded in Volume 388-151, Pages 82 and 83, Tarrant County Plot Records, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a railroad spike, found, the southeast comer of said Hiram Grandberry Survey, Abstract No. 581 and the southwest corner of said Obediah W. knight Survey, Abstract No. 899; THENCE N00'32'47"E, 11.71 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod, found, the southeast comer of said Tract 1-R Glory Place, on the southwest corner of said Timarron Land Corporation Tract, the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N89'4T27"W, 117.87 feet, along the south line of said Tract 1-R to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cop stomped "Carter & Burgess", set, on the north right-of-way line of Continental Boulevard (a 50 foot wide right-of-way), THENCE NOO'31.32"E, 144.43 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped "Carter & Burgess", set, leaving the north right-of-woy line of said Continental Boulevard; THENCE N05'43'12"E, 55.23 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped "Carter & Burgess", set, the beginning of a curve concave easterly, whose radius is 525.00 feet, and whose longchord bears N06'15'53"E, 105.00 feet; THENCE along said curve in a northerly direction, through a central angle of 11'28'42" an arc length of 10518 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cap stomped 'Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE S77'59'46"E, 50.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stomped 'Carter & Burgess", set, the beginning of a non-tongent curve concave easterly, whose radius is 475.00 feet, and whose longchord bears S11'06'55"W, 14.73 feet, THENCE along said curve in a southerly direction through a central angle of 01'46'38" on arc length of 14.73 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cap stamped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE 589'27'29"E, 144.01 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cap stomped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE N58'01'19"E, 55 83 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stomped "Carter & Burgess', set, THENCE NOO'32'31"E. 429.99 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cop stomped 'Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE N15'08'00"E, 87 09 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cap stomped "Cortex & Burgess", set; THENCE N20'42.02"W, 43.67 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cop stomped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE N36'53'04"E, 284.71 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cop stomped 'Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE S46'37'44"E, 26.19 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped "Carter & Burgess", set, the beginning of a curve concave northerly, whose radius is 646.48 feet, and whose longchord bears 547'06'09"E, 10.69 feet; THENCE long said curve in a southeasterly direction through a central angle of 00'56'50 on arc length of 10.69 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cop stamped "Carter & Burgess", set, THENCE N43 22'l6"E. 24.91 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped "Carter & Burgess', set, the beginning of a curve concave northwesterly, whose radius is 194.63 feet, and whose longchord bears N23'29'30'E, 132.36 feet; THENCE along said curve in a northeasterly direction through a central angle of 39'45'31" an arc length of 135.06 feet, to a 5/8" iron rod with cop stamped 'Cortex & Burgess". set; THENCE NO3'38'45"E, 16.23 teet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stomped "Carter & Burgess set, the beginninj of a curve concave southeasterly, whose rodius is 22500 feet, and whose longchord bears N08'51 03" E, 25 42 feet; THENCE along said curve in a northeasterly direction through a central angle of 06'28'36" an arc length of 25 43 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cap stomped "Carter & Burgess', set; THENCE N70'48'44"W. 431 72 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stomped "Carter & Burgess", set, on the east line of a tract of land conveyed to Sam D. Burnit, as recorded in Volume 7036, Page 842, said deed records; THENCE N00'28'41"E, 600.52 feet, along the east line of the following tracts of land: the said Bumit tract, the David R Washington tract, Volume 9800, Page 66, the L.G. Mantooth tract, Volume 5424, Page 238, and White Chapel Place, an addition to the City of Southlake, Volume 388-50, Page 37, all as recorded in said deed and plat records, to a 5/8' iron rod with cop stomped "Carter & Burgess" set. the southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to Jack Rudduck, as recorded in Volume 8727, Page 1007, said deed records; THENCE S89'16'45"E. 914.30 feet, along the south line of the following tracts of land: the said Rudduck tract, the Virginia Sanders tract, Volume 7271, Page 2047, the B.L. Marriot tract, Volume 9609, Page 908, and the Donald Foreman tract, Volume 9499, Page 1753, all as recorded in said deed records, to a 1/2" iron rod, found, the northwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to Donald Foreman, as recorded in Volume 6478, Page 315, said deed records; THENCE S00'30.27"W, 699.80 feet, along the west line of said Foreman tract to a 5/8' iron rod with cop stamped "Carter & Burgess', set, the northeast corner of the remainder of a tract of land conveyed to E Don Lovelace, Volume 1781, Page 516, said deed records; THENCE N89'16'45'W, 438.04 feet on the north line of said remainder of the Lovelace tract to a 1/2' iron rod, found: Opt �B( Cg/eY�` S69025'23"E a +e[ THENCE S00'30'27"W, 29735 feet along the west line of said remainder of the Lovelace tract to a �, 107.20 N82 49 20T E wr 1/2' iron rod, found; •��' a , 7 V,q s'IRF �• /� 27 Opp �\'O`'f �s2206� _ 6/� THENCE along the south line of said remainder of the Lovelace tract the following calls. Q� 21,524sq.ft. �p 26 \� !? /g C` C� \� 8 _ 2 6 - 566'53'28"E, 128.55 feet to a 1/2" iron rod, found; 14,681sq.ft.^ ,30A 4'3 < �p S41'26'55"W 9 eQ 569'25'23"E, 10020 feet to a 5/8" iron rod, found; S J 1 N6g. �`h• 25 1.56, C ',Z7.77' 19,124sq.ft; N82'49'20"E, 22G.65 feet to a 5/8" iron rod, found, on the west line of said Foreman tract; • l z�9yT3"W / 12,451 sq.ft. •O� 4� v� „� i THENCE S00'30'27"W, 934 04 feet, along the west line of said Foreman tract to a 5/8' iron rod, ^ I found, on the south line of said Timarron Land Corporation Tract; e n � O �� ^p 24 �9°� THENCE N89'09'13"W, 479,26 feet along the said south line to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cop stomped N20 42 02 W �s�'�� �� 15,175sq.ft. \� Q ,c}��i "Carter &Burgess", set; 43.67 , 91 s� % ,r p� 1r 8 T THENCE N89'41'13" W, 435.60 feet, along the south line of said Timarron Land Corporation Tract, to N1 5*08'00"E 1r 1 7 0 5�9 \tin_ °',�'4� n \ 17,758sq.ft. i the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 33.791 acres (1,471,956 square feet) more or less. 87.09 / �',s 23,472sq.ft. o � 18 ��°� 23 "w IW 00• iy a,4 0 15,072sq.ft. .F 14,903sq.ft. " r7'484a 15) Ir 16 4 1:1-ApOp - NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: la "Uj ' ' N033645E h m I 16.23 rn a'4 N43'22'16"E t N E. DON LOVELACE ul I VOL. 1787, PAGE 516 I r, 24.91' C3 QV, / Ll 3 ZONED AG 1 4 0 _lr �/ W LL ip S46'37'44"E , a ► `� y 26.19 i TIMARRO GRAND CORPORATION �6 �a rj O a `) w Q A < BEAR CREEK COMMUNITIES, INC. t!) I o 0 0 B VOL 9659, PAGE 1023 2I ZONED PD 480-01 s' ,o `Ass76�s S66'53'28 E ��6• r �O/,' �0 SS 7 t/2"IRF 128. 5�5 1 0 > N CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD CHORDLEN 18,762sq.ft G�-, C3B '`� �� 7 ;n That, Timarron Land Corporation acting p and through the undersigned, its duly authorized agent, does hereby adopt this plat designating the C1 11'28'42 525.00' � 105.18 � " N06 15 53 E T 105,00 / C5 �� 1� / /� 22 '"I N I 14,812sq.ft. j hereinobove described real property Cis Timarron Phase One, Sections One and Two, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant Count and I(we) do y y' T fe C2 01'46 38 T 475.00 T 14.73 • T n S11 06 55 W T 14"73 0) • „� �, -1 c� i O p , ,��, �, 19,151gq.fc. ".,! 17,272sq.ft. ;� ' ev g i ". O hereby dedicate to the public's use the streets, (olleys, parks„ and C3 00'56'50" 646.46' 1 fl.69' S47006'09"E 10.69'�}''`� = -= �J 75.00' " p 1[50' ' W ' " easements Shown thereon C4 39'4531 194.63' 135.06' N23'29'30"E 132.36 V m w 15 '' Z r I w{. 25' 25' , , 160.00 rW r. I lYJ P� - ,s9� 10'U�. �,) 3' N � a i'�� � °? fvitness my aurj hand(sj at Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas this the ------day • T /T C5 06 28 36 ! 225.00 T 2 5.4 3 • T " N06 51 03 E 25.42 12,616sq. ft. 0 9 3 M"o g I ^ io 20 I J 21 ' o iOfl °' 13,300sq.ft. 44.60_, r in"' oo a MIv S 16,OOOsq.ft. T) 16,002sq.ft. o o o o r a " N a, U n I rn �' Z a ` 20'BL_ _ 20'Bl I 140.00' Y 3 Larry T. Midtbo, President APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL w 14 1 "' `n ��a' t6o.0Q' 1ao.0o' 0 m U 5 o r DATE: ci, C0 14,392sq.f L4 �� " OAKMONT COURT o -- a' (� I3,300s ft. J CN STATE OF TEXAS 04 N89'28'28"W 370.01' 0 3 q m O Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public in and for the State MAYOR A 52 S C3 0 ul , NiN - i� fe? of Texas, on this day personally appeared Larry T, Midtbo, known to me to be O 16q 12.52' _ rn o a' MIS - a, - t40, � n J • O the person whose name is subscribed for the purpose and consideration therein CITY SECRETARY N58'0119E 55.83 O - 13 .� - 4�' 3 B L - 3C'i;_ 3 -,�,F_ �- - 3CBL o�00 of 7 rn O expressed APPROVED BY THE Z `0a%� t6,889sq.ft. ,,n 0 o 12 ,� S M o o ,;1 S ? N �' 4 Given under my hand and seal of office this ---- day of_-------- 19___. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION 7' " S89 2 29 E a o �� ,4,2641q , 0 ft. 1 1 1 0 ;, 0 9 o M o o $ - 13,346sq ft. • 6"E 1 o 0 0 _ STATE OF TEXAS SECTION TWO COUNTY OF TARRAANT FIELD NOTES WHEREAS, Timarron Land Corporation Inc. is the owner of a tract of land located in the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, situated in the Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1038 and being a port of those tracts of land conveyed to said T'irnorron Land Corporation, formerly Bear Creek Communities, by deeds recorded in Volume 9813. Page 2375, Volume 9920, Page 1256 Volume 9994, Page 1076, and Volume 9827. Page 937, Tarrant County Deed Records, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a railroad spike, found, the northeast corner of said Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1038; THENCE 566'55'34'W, 63.254 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped "Carter & Burgess", set, the POINT OF BEGINNING, said iron being on the south right-of-way of Continental Boulevard; THENCE 500'32'02"W. 17,05 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped "Carter & Burgess% set; THENCE S03'40'30'W, 90.95 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stomped "Carter & Burgess", set, the beginning of a curve concave westerly, whose radius is 325.00 feet, and whose longchord bears SI1'21'38"W, 122.19 feet; THENCE along said curve in a southerly direction through a central angle of 21'40'12" an arc length of 122.92 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cop stamped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE 522'11'44'W, 72.84 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stomped "Carter & Burgess*, set, the beginning of a curse concave northwesterly, whose radius is 400.00 feet, and whose longchord bears 541'10'32'W, 260.19 feet; THENCE along said curve n a southwesterly direction through" o central angle of 37'57'35" an arc length of 265.01 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cop stamped Carter & Burgess', set, the beginning of a nontongent curve concave northerly, whose radius is 110.00 feet, and whose longchord bears S58'37'59'E, 54 43 feet; THENCE along said curve in a southeasterly direction through a central angle of 28'38'52" an arc distance of 55.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stomped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE SO4-12'21"E, 154.40 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE S87-26'00"W, 110.00 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cop stomped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE Se7'41'24'W, 235.72 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cap stamped "Carter & Burgess', set; THENCE S31-46'33"W, 90.23 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cop stomped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE S08'07'01"Vv, 105.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cop stomped "Carter & Burgess', set; THENCE 500*04'18"h', 732.44 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cap stomped "Carter & Burgess', set; THENCE 544'55'19'E, 98.45 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cop stomped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE S77'26'39"W. 414.58 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped "Carter & Burgess', set; THENCE S16'00'49'E, 81,19 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cop stomped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE S24'31'59"W, 91.62 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cop stamped "Carter & Burgess", set,the beginning of a curve concave southwesterly, whose radius is 325.00 feet, and whose longchord bears S55'15'05"E, 115.28 feet; THENCE along said curve in a southeasterly direction through a central angle of 2025'51" on arc length of 115.89 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cop stamped "Carter & Burgess', set; THENCE 539-50'27'W, 68.46 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped 'Carter & Burgess", set, the beginning of a curve concave northwesterly, whose radius is 275.00 feet, and whose longchord bears S52'04'48'W, 116 60 feet; THENCE along said curve in a southwesterly direction through a central angle of 24'28'42" an arc length of 117.49 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cap stomped "Carter & Burgess', set, the beginning of a reverse curve concave southeasterly, whose radius is 350.00 feet, and whose longchord bears 563'03'27'W, 15.41 feet; THENCE along said curve in a southwesterly direction through a central angle of 2'31'23" an arc length 15 41 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cop stomped "Carter & Burgess , set, THENCE 55O'41'42'E, 107.99 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cop stomped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE S30'38'41'W, 244.94 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cap stamped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE 564'35'07'W, 127.27 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cap stomped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE S08*12'l9"W, 215.00 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cap stomped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE N58'04'28"W, 531.09 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cop stamped "Carter & Burgess', set; THENCE 549.46'29'W, 17.92 feet -to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped 'Carter & Buraess", set; THENCE S32'33'09'W, 375.02 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with cop stamped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE S57'26'51"W, 65.76 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cop stamped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE S40'41'39"W, 488.35 to the centerline of Bear Creek, said centerline being the southerly city limit line of the City of Southloke and the northerly city limit line of the City of Colleyville; THENCE along the centerline of said Bear Creek the following calls: N34'14'53"W, 92.14 feet; NIO'44'53"W, 97.22 feet; N18-15'07"E, 83.33 feet; N41'14'53"W, 175.00 feet; N58'44'12"W, 332.58 feet to an 'x" cut on bridge on the centerline of White Chapel Road (a 50' wide right-of-way), THENCE Nll'55'58"E, 710.05 feet, along the centerline of said ''White Chapel road to a 60d nail, found, southwest comer of a tract of tans conveyed to D K. Pollard, as recorded in Volume 4057, Page 258. said deed records; THENCE S89'44'35'E, 954.30 feet, deporting the centerline of said White Chapel Road and along the south line of said Pollard tract to 0 1/2' iron rod, found; THENCE N00'04'18'E, 523.68 feet, along the east line of said Pollard tract to a 1/2" iron rod, found; THENCE N89'21'10"W, 603.89 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped 'Carter & Burgess", set,the beginning of a curve concave westerly, whose radius is 1175.00 feet, and whose longchord bears N06•'54"E, 56.15 feet; THENCE along said curve in a northerly direction through a central angle of 02'44'17" an arc distance of 56.15 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "Carter & Burgess', set; THENCE N89'21'10"W, 182.98 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "Carter & Burgess', set; THENCE 507'58'45"W, 56.29 feet to a 5/6 inch iron rod with cop stamped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE N89'21'10"W, 72.60 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "Carter & Burgess", set, on the centerline of said White Chapel Road; THENCE N07'58'45"E, 531.71 feet, along the centerline of said White Chapel Road to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stomped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE NO3'41'26'E, 102.93 feet along the centerline of said White Chapel Road to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stomped 'Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE S89'4.4.48'E, 470.60 feet, departing the centerline of said White Chapel Road, to a 5/8" iron rod with cop stomped 'Carter & Burgess", set: THENCE N00'38'50'E, 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE N88'23'28'E, 115.09 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cop stamped "Carter & Burgess', set; THENCE S8228'01'E, 31.47 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped 'Carter & Burgess", set; THENCE NOO'31'32'E, 491.73 feet to a 5/0" iron rod with cap stomped "Carter & Burgess", set, on the south right-of-way of said Continental Boulevard; THENCE S8928'36'E, 4.90 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped 'Carter & Burgess", set: THENCE S89'47'28"E, 1065.53 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 69.672 acres (3,034,891 sq. feet) more or less. S77 59 4 T j;5 12,600sq.ft.u) 12,600sq.ft un 12,600sq.ft05 13,6685 ft.'c," v 'N ' a' "J. 144.01 1 Ir q' i>r, My commission expires: Notary Public in and for the State cf Texas MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION CHAIRMAN 50.00 1 - 5'u E N89'28'28"W c, 143.32 It 72 2ii - - --i47-43' - - -9&.09 - J90 04 N l - - 47 9 ' AO - 95. - iIr 96.00 - �0- - - -153. - < SECRETARY r•- so' �oiv V BLOCK 1 ou. I / 3 1 LEGEND r-1- 3�-? g wp w w 7 : ^ Y 17,348sq.ft. ' W C) LJ w '613,851sq.QL ��.'V 7 A 10' x 10' ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER PAD EASEMENT Tltt�IARRON LAND CORPORATIION -I� 1 2 "'� 3 '10 4 M g 5 :'106'� N V ,1 r y� �4 �� P j41?? - 5' ON EACH SIDE OF PROPERTY LINE FOR B AR CREEKMCOMY�UNITIE` `- 16,398sq.ft ��12,594sq.ft.0 12,60osq.ft.ro13,3G0sq.ft.;;, 013,300sq.ft."1o�13,212sq.ft.- �• B ?" B _ r ��� V ?g?, ry -SIDE YARD EASEMENTS 5�1.�_ O_ r) i 1VOL. 9659, PAGE 1028 i ry �r7 V. L- --- -- -- - _ ��'BL _ 3 a g ^ �`' B o� 'a! "' ZONED PD 480-01 - N P Z ! R�2 Z I C 7.5 ON EACH SIDE OF PROPERTY LINE FOR 1 kc)�� (nl 150.OG' 0500' 90.00' 95.00' 95.CV 4-6.79' C31 j' G 23,579sq.ft. 1 - -REAR YARD EASEMENTS O Y ,n 0 1 D S�� 10, ON INSIDE OF PROPERTY LINE FOR TRI'CT 3 TRACT 2-R L, Z� QI - _°»" _- N89'28'28� - _ ^y I -FRONT YARD EASEMENTS pI -- �- 597.s9 ROLLING OAKS CIRCLE _ _ _ ._ __ __ V"% 60' ROW C� S� ,o C S89'28 28 E 567.89 1 a O' ' - 5'U.E 25 1r� sr. `s� � D. ><tl.E. I 1 �I Z M� N. I �- o 19,206sq.ft. - I i--- --� - o f 16.1 GLORY PLACE M I J1< f�,g COMMON GREEN 1 I I I IB LOT IVOL. 388-151, PAGE 82 i4c 8 T O OF 100 1.944 ACRES I I 15'u.E N89'09'13"'iN 170.43' ZONED SF-1 - O � Z- - - N89'41'13"W 493.40' N89'09'13"W 479.31' _25 ` -1�' 1o'u� J -- - - - -D LZ I _ 17' R.O.W. DEDICATION ;700' STREET _ - - - - - - 5/E'IRF HtRAM GRAN°BERRY SURVEY. A S ACCT-N0�81 11 R.O.W. EASEME !f VOL. 1d55�G. 311 _ _ _ • t "�% }>f N Q(�•f1�' 1 �I w ��. n�+>f 1S 0 �� OBEDIAM W. KNIGHT SURVEY, ABSTRACT N0. 899_ .AL_ MECUN SURVEY, ABS-FACT NO. 10M _ AJ AQ %R_ _ ,I __ R.R.x - - _-_- 41 1 ■ 35' V V _ V "T-'t/ r' '�F-f LO-- - �- # o 3, _5� --_ HAt i MEDLI_N SUP.VEY. AESTRACT N0. 1037 N89- - - _ -- 1 EAST CONTINENTAL-BOULEVA_RO _ _L5o°'+ FUTURE 17' R.Q.W. DEDICATION 1 PeINT OF BE � - -- TIMARRON LAND CORPORATION NOO'32'47"E �M;MF?7i,� _-7PC>'A 1IUN - - - - - - - FORMERLY FORMERLY NllC BEAR CREEK COMMUNITIES, INC. 11.71' POINT OF COMMENCING BEAR CREEK COMMUNITIES, INC. All Gammon Green areas are to be Private Common Areas vol- CREEK PAGE 2350 ZONED F D 480-01 VOL, 9813, PAGE 2350 ZONED PD 480-1 dedicated to and maintained by the Home Owners Association - THE STATE OF TEXAS I, Michael R. Glover, Registered Professional Land Surveyor for the State of Texas, do hereby certify the Subdivision plot shown hereon accurately represents the described property, as determined by a survey made on the ground, under my direction and supervision, and 5/8 inch iron rods with caps stamped "Carter & Burgess' have been set at all corners and points cf curves along dedicated rights -of -way, unless noted otherwise. The monuments or marks set, or found, are sufficient to enable retracement. Doted Michael R. Glover Registered Professional Land Surveyor Number 4476 STATE OF TEXAS Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Michael R. Glover, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this ----day of__-_--__-, My commission expires: Notary Public in and for the State of Texas The City of Southloke reserves the right to require minimum finish floor elevations on any lot contained within this addition. The minimum elevations are based an the most current information available at the time the plat is filed and may be subject to change. Additional lots, other than these shown, may also be subject to minimum finish floor criteria. A FINAL PLAT OF TIMARRON PHASE ONE, SECTION ONE OU T OF THE OBEDIAH W. KNIGHT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 899 HIRAM GRANDBERRY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 581 IN THE CITY OF SOU THLAKE, TARRAN T COUNTY, TEXAS OWNER/DEVELOPER: ENGINEER: TIMARRON LAND CORPORATION CARTER & BURGESS, INC. 300 E. CARPENTER FREEWAY 7950 ELMBROOK DRIVE SUITE 1425 SUITE 250 IRVING, TEXAS 75062 DALLAS, TEXAS 75247 (214) 791-3333 (214) 638-0145 33.791 ACRES 67 LOTS 2 COMMON GREENS MAY, 1991 This plot filed in Cabinet-__--, Slide No _-_-, Date: _ 0 1 Z O C11 u. w 0 d rn > r7 10 a O m Z r co 0 LAJ U Z > Q O < O Or CDa. a. Q tT 10 to 0 X ZZhW- V V � W Z < Z (rQ' :) O ininOV m Q !- F- OV= a W Z >}< Q' in L.X� Z Q Zo in I- li O Fy _ ~ W Q Xcr to _ a ]L C3 j < 3 V) Q' QVO p Q >_ W �- m0 = V SHEET 1 OF 2 90316401D concretQ� I. v oo MEKON, INC. on cent • LOT 1, BLOCK , 12 OUTER BOUNDARY CURVE DATA 1 h1 � WILKINSON ADDITION VOL ZONED R20A 1095 - _ \ 0 50 100 200 SCALE IN FEET DENNIS FARNIK ET.AL. VOL. 4973, PG, 840 ZONED AG N 34*14'53"W N 18'15'07"E 92.14 83.33 3" W 0' 4 4' 5 �AV, _ZONED REJ CABINET A. SLIDE 228 BLOOK 2 �IJNRECORDED PLAT (OF CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD CHORDLEN 4 A��� _ /ll/ 4' T ` N11 • �� i f MONTICELLO ADDITIbN � / � � ' " ' ' ' " ' i C1 21 4012 325.00 122.92 S11 21 38 W 122.19OMMON GRd 4``"' J�5 Jr&„ _ `_ i 171 f �PjASE I I \ / 11 E C2 37'57' 35" 400.00' 265.01' S41010' 32" W 260.19' $�3 t s 5�� o. j78 WAY �� - - 16 ! 15 ' _ 1:} C3 28'38S2� 110.00' S5.00' S58'37'S9"E 54.43' ( pCR ACRES DEDICA 1i , �<'� �"� 9 7s s e" 73 �N ,,O 45 _. o a i ! BLOCK 2 " ► ► ►► ► / M21�ro ,00•� 1°'U.E. E. s' o _ �4 x _ _ ! \\ ! - C4 20 25 51 325.00 115.89 S5515 OS E 115.28 o� •� J� / 7. �N,,* " A - 1 ! J � C5 24'28'42" 275,00' 117.49' S52004'48"W 116.60' nail, + , n . • , n , 4 _ J m ,e„ a _ _ /_ ( J BLO K �+ `\ J ► C6 02'31 23 350.00 15.41 S63 03 27 W 15.41 MIN.F.F.- y �0'u.f8'S� a �_ 1J �E ��� ! f / ; \ s n s . • , n r ���'-596.50 CD r 5 coMMo- ` ` ---, PEA ROAD - j / `\ J 10 C7 02 44 17 1175.00 56.15 N06 42 54 E 56.15 ' _ N GRE o 117 �i 5 ��- _ - _ a o v� d' 70 m ACRES ao- �- _ \ 1 ! STREET CENTERLINE CURVE DATA �� ExlsnNc , MIN. F.F.= { o p !� _�- - - �_ --N�%•58' " ~~ - - 1 1 20' SANITARY / 596.30 �27,868sq.ft. ; o c� ( 1 rn .. �2' r�IGNi_ _�~ 45 531 ' CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD CHORDLEN �t#* SEWER EASEMENT / c �� { ( 17,694sq.ft. �I N89 21 10 W 0.63 ACRES WAI DEDICATIpN ��' 71 p NO3'41 J. VOL.7963, PAGE 2230 / ^p V� ct 14'19'28" 600.67' 150.17' N85'13'46"w 149.78' c { n _ r I- �`` Q 3 - C2 4S 29'40" 375.00' 297.76' S44'56'34"W 290.00' S02'23'30"E ( �, TIMARRON LAND CORPORATION 72.60 ''�'�CO NpT58'a 102.93 11 _\ C3 24'28'41" 250.00' 106.81' S52'04'47"W 106.00' •'� O / / .� w 54,,,22sq. ft. 179.07 t 70.95'" M1pfpN ARE 5"E s l ,. I FORMEPLY Qr " NOT -a a C4 19'11'l7" 375.00' 125.59' N54'43'29"E 125.00' w5 `Dc 1 MIN. F.F.= a MIN.F.F.= 596.501 I �+ BEAR CREEK COMMUNITIES, INL S07'5$ 45 W r--t� s8'45"E NO7.58'a5'oyP-' 612_06 N08'41' C6 03'31'43" 1600.00' 98.54' NO2'19'13"E 98.53' 2fL.64' \ 595.50 0, 69 m { N I 2 W 5'u•E, -- 71 4 "E~ 5 o �C7 07'2420 1000.00 129.25' S00'22'55"W 129.16' r7n VOL 9828, PAGE 726 Wit' 23.55 u' S .00' w ZONED AG �� 56.29 w 10'U.E la - O S35- - r '� C8 21.40'12" 300.00' 113.4-6' S11'21'37"W 112J9' 21,891 s ft. { 20,601 s . ft. 67 q g I q "p I �� o' BL K 6 w 7.5'UE t845 SL.E C9 09'20.19" 375.00' 61.12' 526'51'53"W 61.05' i 35'BL, J W I� o r \ I° 3 a+ • CIO 25'19'44" 375.00' 165.78' S44'11'55"W 164.43' p�' •, 39, 324sq. ft. r - _ � m o F4 0 ;., ti ;� 4r9 5 - N t � N (VCV r, 0) 00 `00° Co `?dQ 7 t � Ct1 10'49' . 375.00' 70.86' S62't6'1 11 70.75' wIIN.F.F.= C1 67.73' •S'i Q - � �Oi so 5g�50 "5a C2 . _S02'23'30'E z Z MIN.F.F.= �A� 97-"5 W { O�r-� A11. 595.00 30,053sq. of In - �00 DRIVE 4m { 3 11%�5a �' ��ro �� , ' �9 �',3 CREEI'�W 1.s _- �7.z3' �. {LO a 20,097sq. ft. ,ybi°.�'25'BL � o o{ Q ~ { ! O) i C� �d �sr• 5 65 ° o m l oC"! - I O N I 9 / i O. 0 34,961sq. ft. - G�'yj �g00 25g` 1 4 �{ N10 164.70" s MIN.F.F.= { 594.30 �° / 34 �L 15 a 20,698sq.ft. I IO 02. 3'30"= N 3 rn Ln {m Yo 21,454s .ft. 16 .00 10 1� 4 Uo 54 �. 119,819s ft. O"' < ml zi q %y 22,720sq.ft. I mr 37,109sq.ft.13o APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF St �� J"' s y C'? �°i°P N09'91.4 48 q 1 159.39 " LOCK g 18,620sq.ft.` �� 156.34' 7" VICINITY MAP h z 16,940sq.ft. 6,962s ft.z `O VOL. 9828, PAGE 726 o �+/ 5 18,780s ft. n 1 100 YEAR FLOODWAY �� �'' `�� �Q ��°oo 5' I N � 7.5'U.E. u � ZONED AG 414 • " / /� { o 21,525sq. ft. o17 m. , ^ 12 ! (" 5 N57 26 51 W , _� /'� � - �' ( ! J 19,507sq.ft. ' W CO �° �•�' o �� 17,833sq.ft. m/ 65.76 / .v`° h �/ o s G, ,800• " 7 2 .7 �/ "1, In 9„ �I K? C 20 ho PO' ►oG / 0 yam' 7888 " / i 0.94 V. APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF /21,648sq.ft. .ry . 40' O 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN j�j ^, e� 1 8 � ^ �. 17 708 ft c,. /• � LOT CURVE DATA CURVE RADIUS LENGTH DELTA C1 697.42' 99.37' 08'09'48" C2 697.42' 111.15' 09.07'54" C3 600.00' 101.43' 09'41'08" C4 600.00' 120.00' 11'27'32' C5 600.00' 120,00' 11'27'32" C6 600.00' 54.00' 05'09'23" C7 550.00' 118.47' 12'20'29" C8 50.00' 59.24' 67'52'57" C9 50.00' 47.64' 54'35.47" C10 50.00' 46.68' 53*29'14" C11 50.00' 49.00' 56'09'03" C12 50.00' 59.24' 67'52'57" C13 647.42' 77.36' 06'50'46" C14 647.42' 118.07' 10*26'56' C15 400.00' 54.04' 07'44'24" C16 400 00' 124.83' 17'52'50" C17 400.00' 124.83' 17'52'50" C18 400.00' 37.13' 05*19'05" C19 1659.45' 79.25' 02'44'10" C20 1659.45' 112.98' 03'54'03" C21 1659.45' 112.98' 03'54'03" C22 1659.45' 112.98' 03'54'03" C23 1659.45' 108.07' 03'43'52" C24 1659.45' 26.48' 00'54'51" C25 305.00' 75.96' 14*16'12" C26 305.00' 95.99' 18'01'57" C27 305.00' 95.99' 18'01'57" C28 305.00' 95.99' 18'01'57" C29 350.00' 101.80' 16'39'54" C30 305.00' 20.46' 03'50'39" C32 1175.00' 67.13' 03'l6'24" C33 1225.00' 101.29' 04'44' 15" C34 1225.00' 20.71' 00'58'06" C35 50.00' 64.27' 73'39'00" C36 50.00' 4-8.15' 55'10'52" C37 50.00' 25.76' 29'30'55" C38 25.00' 36.92' 84'36'24" C39 975.00' 85.11' 05'00'06" C40 1025.00' 81.24' 04'32'29" C41 975.00' 40.91' 02124'l4" C42 1025.00' 51.24' 02'51'51" C43 1625,00' 4C.87' 01'26'27" C44 1575.00' 35.53' 0l'17'33" C45 1625.00' 107.19' 03'46'45" C46 1575.00' 110.02' 04'00'08" C47 1625.00' 2,00' 00'04'13" C48 1575.00' 1.49' 00*03.15" C49 525.00' 105.77' 11'32'35" C50 475.00' 84.84' 10-14'00' C51 275.00' 104.01' 21'40'12" C52 110.00' 55.00' 28'38'52" C53 400.00' 52.60' 07'32'05" C54 275.00' 65.99' 13'44'52" C55 275.00' 150.00' 31'15'08" C56 325.00' .105.50' 18*35'56" C57 275.00' 108.56' 22'37'05" C58 325.00' 35.01' 06'10'16" C59 275.00' 90,00' 18'45'04" C60 325.00' 115.00' 20'16'26" C61 325.00' 5.56' 00'58'47" C62 275.00' 140.00' 29'10'07" C63 325.00' 115.00' 20'16'26" C64 325.00' 115.00' 20'16'26" C65 275.00' 141.86' 29'33' 19" C66 325.00' 88.91' 15'40'25" C67 275.00' 109.77' 22*52'10" C68 325.00' 67.71' 11*56'12" C69 225.00' 96.13' 24'28'41" C70 400.00' 104.61' 14'59.01" C71 400.00' 29.35' 04*12'15" C72 255.00' 130.0V 2912'34" C73 255.00' 9.00' 02'01'19" C74 1609.45' 116.28' 04'08'22" C75 1609.45' 125.00' 04'27'00" C76 1609.45' 120.00' 04.16'19" C77 1609.45' 120.00' 04'16'19" C78 1609.45' 54.80' 01'57'03" C79 450.00' 57.98' 07'22'58" C80 450.00' 107.81' 13'43'36" C81 450.00' 107.81' 13'43'36" C82 450.00' 107.81' 13'43'36" C83 1043.13' 100.73' 05'31'57" C84 1043.13' 120.00' 06'35'28" C85 1043.13' 40.07' 02*12*03" C86 525.00' 12.41' 01.21'17" C87 158.20' 39 55' 14*19'28" I 40 fi 1 Q 0 i 9 ? �,`� 0 7 y 11 1 C12 38,2611 300.00 201.25 N48 28 18 E 197.50 �•"- N S"co r 8 co '� " C13 29'10'55" 300.00' 152.80' N14.39'45"E 151.15' 00 19,113sq.ft. 8,454sq.ft�^ ^17,466sq.ft. ^ Off, I� C14 28'00'45" 300.00' 14-6.67' S63'23'50"E 145.22' Z 1 z 17, 752sq. ft. o C15 04'47'00" 300.00' 25.05' S46'59'57"E 25.04' \_3Q'BL _ _ 35'BL- 30'BL - ;Bl_ ��a sG C16 14'56'48" 575.00' 150.00' N49'58'26"W 149.58' C17 22'48'49" 575.00' 228.95' N31'05'37"W 227.44' 42.99 10.03' 110.03' Cis 6 W C18 17*17'42" 672.42' 202.98' N11'02.21"W 202.21' �. t C19 03'27'16" 1200,00' 72.35' S03'48'00"W 72.34' C1 0 _S02'04'20"W _ 320.06' Ovo \,17,981sq.ft. w ^. C20 48'49'10" 425.00' 362.13' S67'S8'54"E 351.27' �' LAN TAN A DRIVE - 1. C21 19'05'03" 1634.45' 544.41' N53'06'51 "W 541.90' 50'TEMPORARY C33 / C34 84.33 j 105.03 R so" 8 � C22 72'12'45" 280.40' 352.90' S81'14'13"W 330.00' TURNAROUND _ - 85.20 n �53.73`-- sr C23 77'28'31" 300.00' 405.66' N38'39'57'W 375.45' _ _ _ _ _ _ C.l C24 32'34'28" 500.00' 284.27' S77'02'0G"E 280.45' EASEMENT I 35'BL 30'E3L -- - 3 �o'u E. 35'BL 30'BL i w 00 N _ 3 �, 5 ^ (n 0011� 1 Pa0 o m� - 100 g 117,758sq.ft. TIMARRON LAND CORPORATION 16,783s .ft.rn `O 2 3 4v 4 r o to I J" FORMERLY O q oa °' I p (A - so0'38'50"w ^ I BEAR CREEK COMMUNITIES INC t�e9z---�os-ee --� 05-�-� { 5o_ao l0 4 19fi7'-- '38FO 3#349"� - �196fr' i� 7 5'u E. 96.75' N-tO� I0 w 8.26' W 110.16' � �.su.E- 1 r' 0 117,566sq.ft. ^ o of z i S014 .16' I N 00'38' 50"E 8 cv 6 �, 5 ad -1 -- -I o w , a, I 7 m D , 54., 6 5.00 00 17,073sq. ft. 18, 214s ft. 17,980sq. ft. r Z I� tf# 17,060sq.ft. 10 , q lm ' " Z I 35'8L > �, r 3 N 88 2 3 28 E I I� - - 30'BL 35'BL i - - - - -- - 30'BL p 0 �17,530sq.ft. O 115.09 + �► 45 \ C43 -- - - - - C47 S°. C6 0 64.29' 69.25' C41 C39 32.01' _ I " S82.28'01 "E SO4 05"W 133.55' S 3 ' o L A - C7 so3 t 9' 14"E r� 1s0.31- - 31. 4 7 48 NTANA WAY 57'0 C46 C44 to _ __ N00'31'32"E 491.73' 50'TEMPORARY / 74.64 158.90 C42 C40 Q1 _ la' -~ V 32.01' r s'u.E TURNAROUND - olo ( 1 2 419.81' 71.92' Q EASEMENT 35'BL - _ - - + - - _ W 30'BL 3`:�- -- - -3_O B� �' 16,973sq. ft. > 0 3 N 1 W l w o� off' a,Q 1 ao I J CV O . _1-', I 7.'S7" N N49 4629 W D.K. POLLARD 13898 I I O 18,429sq.ft. 0m17.92 VOL.4057, PAGE 258 18,960sq.ft17,6G7sq.ft. z 18,58S000011 sq..10 uoZONED AG 8 S p • , " , Q _J TIMARRON LAND CORPORATION 19,058sq.ft. 00° G� ����22,196sq.ft. ^� 9�-95'----; , z• I,� N00 04 18 E 523.68 Y IRF- 1A'4.48 5'D.& U E. 15'D, U.E -5.8� 16,864S ft. w 7 ,;� / �?9 `�>, 5 r- 1�&36----�44,44 ( q' 0 c� BEAR CREEK FORMERLY INC. Q? /� 1F ^�/ ' p F c,2$2��,����- ,o'u.E.t1737' - 1t580' -- ---445.00 �o'U.Et15A0 --- -11 . 75'uE ��j 7o'u.e ! o I Z < Q VOL. 9813, PAGE 2350 / �1� :' �' W W W BLOCK 9 W 'ram l�l o D=28'S8'St' z z ' 23 o'u E o cJ .r R=809.50' 3 0 I z �' ate^ / v 17,496sq.ft. ` "` 22 o v o 24 25 `a o 26 � '°'ve .7 5' I DO ZONED PD 480-01 ^? �, S / ;0 o �, o o 27 28 N ; 29 ' - A=409.4 1 Z CDDO 21 217,443sq.ft.u, 017,250s ft- 17,250s ft. o Z N (•� /,� �y �, ,n n q 17,250sq.ft.• q p 617,250sq.ft.;no17,250sq.ft.-018,059sq.ft.�r "'a I �' � J O r` O vti t^ /yo Sys �o °� �°k oi- 22,097sq.ft. m ^ �- 21.816sq.ft.� o°o = (!? 7 / �. .�S o v1 35'FiL `n - 35'BL- ul ^ ; 'Lyi in 35'BL / / v. 10 U w 1 S.G47sq. ft ; % 10 ,6 20 0 35 a� - _ 3o'BL - - -- - 3o BL _ - - - -- - .,� E;L - - -- - - - - 3p-81 �/ ��. Fy ' o j 16,869s ft. I ~ •9 0 °� � q � 20,463sq.ft cg0 6, 109.4-4 115.00 115.00' 115.00' 115.00' 115.00' 77.00' C58 CS =y� m 1 Q '?g i s �° �'> 0� - _ NOO.04'17"E CREEKWOOD DRIVE N0004'17~E 0 s ate/Cr w L-- -- - - - - - -- - - - / ^ �` 0� �G^h / 4�j� , j�f�, GEC- °°G0y 316.00` 446.44 - -- - - �_C7,3 oyv �j +_ � 17,232sq.ft. '�('/ Q" /p0� �y �' 9 50.00 120,00 120. Z 125.00 120.00 130.00 46.44' C `\ �� �' Q / I r� ti Q / ,r 0 1 Z4, Q, - ---- -_ z� '� -- - - - Q1 e Q 17,325sq.ft. �, 19,177s ft., a ° 3o'BL _ \?s � IZ { 30'BL 35'BL 30'BL w r30'BL W 35'BL O O`�� COMMON GREEN 3 ola 7 "U E. q s o 2 �,> I o N o Ag a. yo, 6 is 7 'a ✓2 . c n o 31 �n m o 4� � 0 11 0 o o csS \C, �G� 10.293 ACRES oo < i 1 2 � N 4 0o i ipj• ^b' B��h'.J %g o A` a O ln3U m :0 O N U'v7 [� 1 \ C4 a s ca > 3218,000sq.ft. 30 N, o o �, 10 0 <, n / �� £ w m ^ z 1 7,625s ft. N <oI- m ° 17,223sq.ft. BLOCK 5 18,000s ft. rj q• I 18,OGOs ft. q' N � � ^ do 20'454Sq.ft.^o/ �, M 12 , d 18 �' 2 33 D'u.E. J 5'U.E 5400' 118,750sq.ft. q BLOCK 5 20,556sq.ft. 8 �(/ \ oo z 8 Q 19,082s ft. �' °�' i p 18 094s ft. 9244' 12 0. _ 7.5'u.E_120.00' 125.00' -- 7.5U.E.120.00 _ _105-04' O N Cr q q0 18,110sq. ft M'' c, s q' - - 19,2G1 sq.ft. s \ 2, , N S00 04 18 W 732.44 S08•07. l,s B3e E N l o , �C 105 00 1 W /- 1 (� m ( . �, . o� N 34 � 1k I cn S31'46'33'W J� F 7 23,973s ft. �I 13o / 20,742sq.ft.. 4j / 1 1 0o q' "� 50 00' 0 1 0 / + 19,433sq.fL" �' fV CO l� I 20,614sq.ft. �� 17 r 90.23 --� s n� za 8 1n W + 00 l { l 17,213sq.ft. J 0 35E Cn `'�� �`° ^ cV v N SO4'5,'33 , -753 N 50 , m! o " o TIMARRON LAND CORPORATION �' �j 522,8 �\ ova z I 00 N 0D Q O Y 189.44 iN l 1 Os " �, n. jj2? , ~� "0. � �4 o FORMERLY !� .� �; o o Z c` ;n N. o s o A' i ^ �i S BEAR CREEK COMMUNITIES, INC. �� o I Q U 0 14 ° o u co LEGEND w r O , 0�'�17 263s ft. �'O ! 35 VOL. 9813, PAGE 2350 �i \ 6 O\ 6 �i V 3 �' q 16 ZONED PD 480-01 19,608sq. ft. o Noo'12'' ml 75. 00' n 3 00 I O m s \ ^ 0 17,675s ft. A 21 10' x 10' ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER PAD EASEMENT T" o o. CO o 25,060sq.ft. {'' 9� = i q t� -� Q I F4 o � - 17 796sq. ft. 3' 1 d" - 5' ON EACH SIDE OF PROPERTY LINE FOR S \►' 1 10 6 ., f B- g 55, ✓ 0 I ��, r 00 mJ 4.0 v o -SIDE YARD EASEMENTS z 0 - 7.5' ON EACH SIDE OF PROPERTY LINE FOR ' �\ \ % S �' �` o /o C -- - REAR YARD EASEMENTS 3 o I i 1 O N 2 \ �� / z, �� 36 A 3 \ m BLOCK 4 I I > �- ���' `Q� \� 23,853sq.ft. i / 18,453s ft. o/ D STREET 10' ON INSIDE OF PROPERTY LINE FOR \ �� 0 1 C) o� 23,336sq.ft. ��/, ° 15 so. / q co FINAL PLAT L- o� 5 0p, o/ FRGNT YARD EASEMENTS O �rOOJ � 41,368sq.fb. 1 I o,5'46„� �% ^ OF -- - _ - _ -- - - C �� I 22,253sq. ft. o°R�S�9 z _ :� •- - C^? A°' I I I U�, TIMARRON ' ^ �� �� S00't 2'32"W , 50.00' I cj 17,947sq.ft. / .� 0 B LOT 00 SO412 21 E 9, 3 8 g ! z Z I o 37 mR PHASE ONE, SECTION TWO _ _ �' 154.40' CIO 'n � I� Q-.�---- \ �^ M -pit 84� \ �' � �; 19,3519 q.ft. OUT OF THE STREET D C� \� ^??^ I►z. L c�1 O �; ,ti J _ 9S(, I'J/ `�9, E \ i? eR 4 F z a Z W I �s HALL MEDLIN SURVEY ABSTRACT N0. 1308 "??� �-�0 00 S16'00'49"E 7 NO2 38'2o"W I o D 81.19' IN' THE S�2 , ? 44 £ CS % 91 62' I ' U w a_ v G ► ,► • a�� CS o��, 00�-'31'32"E 0 32.70 U O UO rYi s5o•41'42"E IS24 32 00 W CITY OF SOU THLAKE, TARRAN T COUNTY, TEXAS �284yc w "'� 107.7G -�� Y o C, I "�a'Z 107.99' 91.62' OWNER/DEVELOPER: ENGINEER: I z°� I o W TIMARRON LAND CORPORATION Q CARTER &BURGESS, INC. _ HALL MEDLIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO 1038 ?� 1 68.46 300 E. CARPENTER FREEWAY 7950 ELMBROOK DRIVE HALE MEDLIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO.1037 - S03'40'3V W --- w m NOTE: SUITE 1425 SUITE 250 90 95' i All Common Green areas are to be Private Common Area IRVING TEXAS 75062 DALLAS TEXAS 75247 S00'32'027W dedicated to and maintained by the Home Owners Association. ' ' MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION (214) 791-3333 (214) 638-0145 The City of Southlake reserves the right to require minimum finish floor 17.05 elevations on any lot contained within this addition. The minimum 69.672 ACRES 95 LOTS 4 COMMON GREENS MAY, 1991 elevations are based on the most current information available at the time POINT OF BEGINNING the plot is filed and may be subject to change. Additional lots, other than PAINT OF This plat filed in cabinet____, Slide NO._`__, Gate: ____-_-__ those shown, may also be subject to minimum finish floor criteria COMMENCING N­1.23,355s ft. ti � s�• 0 7 /00 30 19 q o� '6°� �, 25,257sq.ft. iD 94. �s\FCi 21,450sq.ft. ate• �°j �^ 10 s9�, .k C; 19,371sq.ft. / �� 2229DS IV / -0 • � Rom. ��� 9 9° ,• � °N� 7 G " 19 637sq ft s� • 34 156s ft rt. z 0 w o: w Q 0 0 o M r Q o m z } m 0 UJ U z > Q w 3 p o w a a_ a 00 Q oW z �o U z O Q F_ ZU F- Z a OW, Q� N _J it a Q LaJ o >= ILL. O W Q :D J �~ a a Zo J (n 0 W 20 J 1` = U V) O CV Ln t` >NN a W W � W C4 Ul M c0 J N W � v z z N o o ^ N W W W ~ ::E Ln W W � �z > t o K) UzY O 0 Or N 00 M J W 0 v7 Cn r\ SHEET 2 OF 2 90316401D C � � m a� aX CC tr T U) (n C c c a) (1) N m 01 0 E 70 E " AG" 4- E U) i :D :3 c n o a C -° ° (ten I 2 I "RE" n T� Cz� � 2 1. -E ' . 0 White Chapel Place a 0 o 0) O Cz ` m J L.U.D.- Medium Density Residential a) J > -i p S 89' 16' 45" E 1)14. ; I � 1 L.G. Mantooth L.U.D.- Medium Density Residential AG.. o - -- - T I „ AG.. 3 "AG" I 1Donald J. Forman SUMMARY _ _ _ _ _ - w - 0 `' L.U.D.- Medium Density Residential David R. Washington L.U.D.- Medium Density Residential ; ° - A - 234 Residential Lots and Roadways (83%) 136.6 Acres - _- O o X " AG.. 7 0 1 16.6 Acres Sam D. Burnitt / ,� PROJECT OPEN SPACE B - Project Open Space (10 /o) L.U.D.- Medium Density Residential / ° B PRO • 1.0 Ac. 11.9 Acres -- �' �` C - Swim/Tennis Club (7%) `fi O � N 890 16' 45" W �3;,�.04 .� o • �; "AG" 165.1 Acres ��� 3 E. Don Lovelace TOTAL o- 51 55'1 8• 00. 1 L.U.D.- Medium R-200.00' -1 Density Residential L.U.D.- LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM CITY MASTER PLAN .o • B PROJECT OPEN SPACE y Sf ° o .6 Ac. PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN WALKS ° logo1 NI . o Public Access to be Provided to Adjacent Residence C C A PROPOSED P.U.D. RESIDENTIAL 3 5.8 Ac. ENTRY MI CP o o • Rail Fence w/ Stone Columns o E ° 1_ Note: Street Lighting Will Be CO ° U °With Signage & Lighting (Ground Lighting) U EZO In Accordance 50' R.o.w ° City of Southlake Regulations. C Landscaping = a o � -- -_-_-- o 1 • 60' R.O.W. At Intersection w/41 Pvmt, a U 1 :° "AG" ri CZ o I - - iM Donald J. Forman E C E 0 E a m -' R I f L.U.D.- Medium Density Residential _� �N I I I-- LU.D.- Medium W� �� " ff O _ -- Density Residential T'� 1 ch _ 1 50' R O.W 1 "AG I Benard Ely = C: C: a) � a B L.U.D.- Medium Density Residential I AG.. memo U 0� H -in -� (PROPOSED 84' ROW)Continental Boulevard- - ��' 5=�36� �.. 1 (EXIST. 50' ROW) (EXIST. 67'Row1 1 . PROJECT OPEN SPACE BUFFER YARD (Level D) BUFFER YARD (Level E) ' C-1 L.U.D.- Medium 0 0 OPEN SPACE 2.6 Ac. Density Residential 0� • • o �� • S 85° 23' 2 E 248.,S 1 -2oA SWIM/TENNIS CLUB C �" SF / Montecello Phase 1 11. 9 pro . osed x l •• L.U.D.- Medium Density Residential p •7 •� P.U.D."C-2" ;- 1 Bear Creek Communities, Ind." 1-- so3° 43' 17° E 1=3.20 ______ --�z �• ' 1 � NOTE: 1. Median Locations Will Be Finalized At Time Of Final Platting, s 89' 36' 44" E 1 +''1 ,.!• Depending On Tree Locations, Slopes, etc. PROJECT OPEN SPACE �� 0 • o • YARD (Level D) .3 Ac. •• � � 2 Phase I Open Space= 17% Of Phase I Acreage (Includes Swim/Tennis Center BUFFER\ •: • Phase II Open Space= 17% Of Phase II Acreage • 25' Wide 50' R.o.w -- - 3. Existing Zoning- P.U.D.480-01 • Landscape Buffer3 • I / ° ^' W -- -- I - ° • O n " O • O` f • ,• 3 0 R - A PROPOSED P.U.D. RESIDENTIAL - do --���_ I 1 10 0. 8 Ac. N 89° 49' 22" W 0S8. - . - • -- - • O _1 �� P.U.D. 480-01 o *F _ .,cc M= Bear Creek Communities, Inc. jr •1. - o ° O "AG" L.U.D.- Medium Density Residential W co r o CO D.K. Pollard : U �Ui , OPEN SPACE 0- L.U.D.- Medium Density Residential Y w 'I o O `° • (AAVI ° • "RE" � s 89° 44 35_E���� Wilkinson Addition l7 7 L.U.D.- Medium Density Residential PROJECT OPEN SPACE PROJECT OPEN SPACE B • .4 Ac. BUFFER YARD (Level D) .3 Ac. -0 _ ' v ,• - N 860 49' 13" E 90.14 •�;• N 42° -1.8' 3-1" E 129.50 ENTRY7�� - F /\ •••.,, / � 5 56° 13' Ol" E 170.85 ' i •••••• ••••., B i ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPMENT • Low Stone Retaining Walls 0� 1 / cc, O G �_-- ••••. S 02° 5T 17" W 155 21 • Signage o � o Lighting (Ground Lighting) z� O / �° •� _ Begin Construction End Construction • Landscaping "' ° • w _ � P � s°'R� of • PHASE I MAY '91 JAN. '92 Special Paving iv • 80' Wide R.O.W. W/ 24' Median �-� ' �^-�-„ '� - = / J PHASE II MAR. '92 MAR. '93 at the Intersection r� �'� ° o 0 V1 J� ?s8 >>.. csr O BUFFER YARD (Level D)10 , sp, {t �-�� , ° ° i , V'�� • 25' Wide T • Natural Buffer N 4i° 14' 53" W 175.W- �\, / J N 18° 15' 07" E 83.33 --�� •� \ Y� �^ ! _ C 0 W 97.22 N 10 44' 53" F/00 to ti N 34° 14' 53" W 94.44 - N 53` 44' 53° �4' 147.22,, N 10° 14' 53" W 61.11 �'J Ctel •� "AG" . ea� "1' 1`1° N 69° 4T 27" W 98?0 N 73° 15' S1" W 70.77 J 5 64° 29' 13" W 127.00 N 74° 40' 34" W N 56° 06' 53" W 101.62 I 168.29 S 52° 3T 48" W 123.70 S 48° 47' 54" W 180.07 �- N 28° 27' 57" W 103.60 S 71° 56' 04" W 136.81 � t S 39° 2T 1'" W 143.b2 "`'° 29' 53" w `17.7` PROJECT OPEN SPACE N 87° 17' 34" W 12U.53 11. 4 Ac. "AG" C_ 7L- J ENGINEERS - � N PLANNERS -SURVEYU S V= 200' BEAR CREEK COMMUNITIES, INC. 3-11-91 MAR 1 PUBLIC WORisS AppaoVED TIMAt2tZOW FAA5E I SECTION I \ 10 Pt20JECT �. w TZACT �I i Cl) Q COLLE TILELU r T z� T= 93.47' _ LOCATION MAN �o L=1GG.90' W. T. G. ,� p 0. a N� SECTION i 130UALD J. F02EMAN I Gnu q0A 13 VOL.G478, PG. 315 N0G041'28"v4 t /c 0 To �Ea �GI°05'45"E I93.°J3 ZONED AG Il.fS' +G OP`Pi�A�DL Asa W. K1JIGIJT 5Ut2VEY A85T. NO. S3 e 17' I2.0W VEDICATION FUTURE 1T' RO.W. OEDICATIOn! : 569' 060 13"E " 1, 038.26' -- N N CO�ITIAIENTAL BLVD. - - Ex16T. so'a o.w °° E.KIST20'*AGPP.PVMT. EXIST. 20'tASPWPVMT U89°09'13"W I,171.53 lo' LL EDLIN SU1:2VEY, ABST. WO. 1037 17'tz.0.W. VEMCATION 1 5ECTION 2 QUANTITATIVE LAND USE SCHEDULE u00°30'27"E� 1�.00 PHASE 3 LAND LJSE SCHEDULE IAND USE -UiE NO, LOTS ACREAGE Single Family PD-Res. 290 95.91 Residential Common Greens PD-Open Space 14 21.21 Street --- --- 20.08 Phase 3 Total 137.20 Gross Phase 3 Density = 2 .I 1 Units/Ac Expected Completion Dates: January 1994 PROJECT CUMULATIVE LAND USE SCHEDULE (Includes Phase 1 Final Plat, Phase 2 Preliminary Plat, Golf Course Preliminary Plat, and Phase 3 Preliminary Plat) Single Family PD-Res. 529 256.65 Residential and Streets Common Greens PD-Open Space 23 46.35 Golf Course PD-Open Space 2 147.72 Golf Clubhouse PD-C-3 1 12.46 TOTAL 463.18 Gross Project -to -Date Density = 1.14 Unit/Ac 44910,- DESIGNATES STREET NAME CHANGE NOTES: 1. COMMON GREENS ARE DENOTED AS -C.G.14, C.G.15, ETC.- COMMON GREENS ARE PRIVATE OPEN SPACES DEDICATED TO AND MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION. 2. ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES WITHIN THIS PLATTED AREA SHALL BE REMOVED. 3, MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS WILL BE ESTABLISHED FOR ALL LOTS ADJACENT TO FLOODPLAIN DRAINAGE CHANNELS. 4. ALL LOT DIMENSIONS AND BUILDING SETBACK LINES SHALL MEET THE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AS APPROVED IN P.U.D. ORDINANCE 480-01B. 5. THIS PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING PROPERTY ARE. CONCURRENTLY BEING REZONED TO P.U.D. 480-01B. 6. A HYDRAULIC STUDY WILL BE PERFORMED FOR THE MAJOR TRIBUTARY OF BIG BEAR CREEK. LOTS SHOWN WITHIN FL.00DWAY WILL BE RECLAIMED BASED ON THE HYDRAULIC STUDY, OR RECONFIGURED TO COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE DRAINAGE ORDINANCE AND FEMA CRITERIA. RECLAMATION WILL BE DONE THROUGH PROCESSING OF A LETTER OF MAP REVISION (LOMR). 7. PRODUCT TYPEA, B, C, OR D REFERS TO DEVELOPMENT RF-STRIC IONS AS APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON MAY 19, 1992. 8. IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT CONSTRUCTION WILL OCCUR IN SEVERAL STAGES WHICH WILL BE DETERMINED AT THE TIME OF FINAL PLATTING. A= 40000100" 12= 597 3G'- T= 217.421 L= 417.04' i61 r 0 s Id O � o s :z ll�: Q Q m > SS _ :3z- N 0 O Z J � fl kn W ::z J J O J i s 1 MSECTION ONE ETES & BOUNDS } CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 40} 5 00°4G' 28"E'°30'0.00' zO' BEING a 78.06 acre tract of land in the O. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, said 78.06 acre tract of Land ��4' 35 i being a portion of that certain tract of land described in deed to Timarron land Corporation as recorded "� 1 in Volume 9813, Page 2350, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, said 78.06 acres being more particularly 75 n N 89 °40' l5" E 421, 8l ' tZUCXtiCL J t2 described by metes and bounds as fellows: o Vol. l BEGINNING in the intersection of the north line of Continental Boulevard, (SO loot existing right-of-way), and i �1oL . \0��2 , AG 5N1 \A eo zo °j-E Y �E51p the east line of a tract of land conveyed to Donald J. Foreman as recorded in Volume 6478, Page 315, Deed ZONE10 OE�g11 Reocrds, Tarrant County, Texas; said point being South 89°41'56' East, 1656.47 feet from the northwest 33 ECJIu� corner of the Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1037; Ey 20 u E A iiii L .Up' �- moo' - J� THENCE, the following courses and distances as follows: y ° 19 ° tie.. ,' S00°48' ZG"W^' 290.52' North 06°47'28' West, 17.15 feet; 20 C 18 ! South 89° 09' 13" East, 1038 26 feet; 21 THENCE, North 01 ° 05'45' East, 193.93 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a radii is of �° fJ �AaN 2320 feet and whose longchord bears North 01°02'35' West, 166.88 feet; M 1,PG tOM THENCE, along said curve through a central angle of 03°20'18', an arc length of 166.90 feet, being the •` c if ; ?, - 1 TO 15E RELOCATI_0 v0 E0 beginning of a reverse curve to the right having a radius of 2864.50 feet and whose longchord hears North s �' 1 z " 5 89 ° ©5' 7 " E 1042 , 2G' TON 00° 48'30' West, 190.35 feet; 11111110 I 25_ Ir°o rV �•�.{o (3L� S �• 5• p '" I THENCE, along said curve through a central angle of 03°48'29', an arch length of 190.38 feet, end of curve, ..: .. °. 5 G N. 1 oil a ANi5•De5'D. ofC7 13 777 l 1 ►Q 0� L 0 THENCE, the following courses and distances as follows ��� I3 ' .b'#1lfrf3Gf 14 3° °' ° / \� `I3 ^1� IM 9a13 PG• 5 ° I" w �6 �Ql, . 0\� South 89 52th �8' West, 390 Of 66 14 n PUfl 4'rrnfeet, 5TQEET 5 J North 00° 19'45' West, 630.57 feet; °' T.C. CARNEY w r �'O Y 14 s c THENCE, North 89°40'15' East, 434.89 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 542.81 95 ti� ��''' I 2- 3 4 5 , z5' " V 0 L. 3038, pG.53 1 g g g p feet and whose longchord bears North 71 ° 11'37' East, 344.06 feet; 16 o id 1 x t °o 00 a 5' -lo' 0 1 ' r 18 N i 7 - h 5 2 _ Q THENCE, along said curve through a central angle of 36°57'15' an arc length of 350.10 feet, being the 95 \ / 17 „ ° "� W d beginning of a reverse curve to the right having a radius of 628.77 feet and whose longchord bears North 00 qo ( , yr r: r m • '}°' \,gyp i I '� O 70° 15'36' East, 379.05 feetLn to �y 5C' ° s N � BL - 197 - -, 16 I CA12120LL ROAD BAt°TlST COT ET " E i 50 '-_-_I o CHURCH THENCE, along said curve through a central angle of 35°05'it', an arc length of 385.04 feet, end of said G 5- a " I �° / �� IG R l T2oot l O VOL.7517 , i'G.514 curve; 7 °3`i 44 17 O ZONE- C.9 THENCE, the following courses and distances as follows. may# l3 Ott' d 15 s� "� �* ' Bo °u0,_-_,_1 I ' I iz5' --- - - --- - South 00°46'28' East, 300.00 feet; _ r ; 3 • # 0 t G o �0 9°' I � r5'n. E ^ �, North 89° 40' 15' East, 421.81 feet; 18'�e o .. 42 N' it 10 ' 9 °' N' � � Iz '�1� STEVE t2YAN South 00°48'26• west, 290 52 feet; 6LlC. I5 L , 060 fjto r�YP �`I V0L.7I58, South es°os'4TEast, ti)42.26feel; 6 7 9-. orb 4, too qo 0 _, South 00°02'25' East. 750.00 feet, O v �" t •, O 19\ " pE' COS I South 37°37'34' West, 126 83 feet; 9r 's e �l2 ' 1� e u STREET "G 1� ZONEi� AG North 89'22.26' West. 272 22 feet; ~ 9 2 5c Cl, �C _ South 00'02'25' East, 127 50 feet; Leo �. 5Tt2EET "E " �% t ` I I zs' _S 22 'Ll 20 ri0 South 37°37'34' West, 405 19 feet; go' II g s South 89°09'13' East, 109.67 feet; n 13© Zo`ufyE 26 o W - BLK. Q South 00°50'4T West, 17.00 feet; 10 �. r, 537°37'34"W ^ 126.83' THENCE, North 89°09'13' West, 2743.25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 78 06 acres of 6 K. I6 ~ 1 land, more or less. - - �' � ' � � N 89 o222G"W� 272.22 15 ' �, t .>�' °o ��°''•, 500°02'25"E�127.50' , Zo . l9 l8 N17 � l6 •g '� ^° � t -�'' \II .�" & 24 �, GOMMOf,1¢,AN Ac.GESS/ NO C,pCLP. o- P B r \ 25 { GREEN 2'u - 1MA�ao� PG 2�50 STREET ^ F„ 5 } �� ', o 12 AC. L. g13, - 0 00'S% Y v0 pUo CkBO �� J 12 5 G 7 8 19 s. 10 n . 1 I �� \s \ s �';' ml 5 37 ° 37' 34" W - 40 5 .19 ' V 13 BLIC.17 °r `� 1 5 80°09' 13"E N 100. G7 COMMON GREEN 18 - 5 05 A^ I -I' 20W DSDIGATIor \,L rj 0005047"W ^' 17.00' N 8J°OJ'13"W N 2 .2rTL- 06EUTAN W. KNIGIJT 5Ut2VEY ABST. NO. 82 --- ---_ _ r- _ _ EK15T. 50' R.O.W. -3,4&4, 58' t�'eo�v DEOIOArcp�l u - _- z ; 5 I NOL'LINGSWOtZTNI ggftNETf 5Ut2VEY,ADST.I. Mr r sl °5 a25 EXIST. Q0_A5FI4 PVMT. COMMON GREEN 10)�y� °37 ° 38 �.22 AcrzEs _& o G 21 22 gN �• _ 5' �O 4 SS 2 �8 !7 �� o ss: t"�5 V �4 024 ZOWED I_1 I- - 7 - 20 23 ° 3G 039 � `' I 1 3 � 3 ,� o I 2oo O 15n 10 O Qt3 I I �:IrN r EAST NA C, G4 24 3g0-1541I ,P N " I 9 � !,S. - tV . ,�5, „ �° - -4 40 S`1 W v01-. IyE0 M - 5 s° 18 ao 35 = Q o ZO �� - 25 - -� - _-' LU s 022 a a 5 �- �0 1 0 l0 Qa Q► ��' ��^ 1 _ O 3 °.e.l - �y 00°00' 55"W-748.02 6p . 0 41 V 1, Z U 16 G2L 33 0 5T. 0 17 42 c. F c 0 32 �• 5 dfl a �0 13 ���,5 °27 o.�h 28 / 'so. 31 k- -- , .'IJ89°48'24"E- 4GO. (� i t cam, ��' 9v co!5" , � . 2,3 t t T(kC9 NZ/°?6 /8 /9 3 ,,o 30 . �n �i 5 21 51 s� �, S35° lf�ti9 ?4S8?�' 4 45 >n� U 3 4- �Ss 2j S3�g6 26°4z,3 5 ,o. .8 . i .46 No a: rtg 2 d� c s , i3O ?y ii1 O 6? ti3)4 :�° G 47 ,r I`: V c _ Iz uj o , � /96 g 2A'... •' ORP h 7 9 i3 LANp (. 6 ZIMA�a0t1 1°G 23r,0 5ti �� `� `� 'so f �, ► I5�'': 3 \JOL �S �f Cs0 f0 COL)V0 g �� �,y r " �' ° w ?ti0p 4� �0' 9°I I n Ito 5 \j ;o 00 SON I.AeJ0aRP ♦ Sx ti �6e�o ? 9 � o s� Ttt�108,' PG OL� % c, R/, �S! ��.1?,°,`�' ro° \�r `Z 5TPEE .,J 10' �,06to to 150, °• L D ypRtl�LE ! _ �� o �• 8 Pu GO 33" ♦,� `�`9 `0' i l0 Wl,7TH ! �S, SS D.E y Sa U' 2 a=69°O9`07" A= 52° 10' 00 / 50' 31 d UR Me,°iu 1 �, 4 tZ = 'L5C.00' I'2 = 3 84. 04' T= 189.00' / m !� ° 30�� ;/ ♦v' 3.04ac. 9c �" '' \ _. L= 3 49. G G 2 `S� 29 j s / 1J07° 52' �5" E ti 120.00'- 3 Q�F/ b" i' / F 5 1'0` COt2? so e 6,0 f / 1 \00' g 4 �'. 4, �.ne°a lt,A A�CJ PG. 2 3 Old A= Z3°45' 00" : si ,�- a, ss A° % 2Gm 1fNOt..°� ,A80, t2 = 499, 34 5 • U '•,... ¢ 7 � = �%'•�, ;:;`; �` i >'----�/-.---;-., 5G9°37'31" W-219.9G' T- 109,00' �" g 25 _; fJOG°04'05"E 5.7G' ° , L= 2OG.<38' �i G ��` q - , h120 22 29"Vf-50.00' a24' <' M24°40'09''W-123.G5' 5G9°37' 31" W� 2G4.1­1' V It GOP 24 ,. �ANUSp l0 Q 5' Lr APPROVED 91r TF+E ,.f �-` r f 0 a8 3 46a 0\0 2a2 r CITY coo NCft DATE �•u.o. , O � _ 2 �, f Q 12 0 L3 MAYOR A°22°17,03" 13,N 20 2= 1357. 77' V l9 c 6010 11' 12"E - 470. 37' T= 2G7.4Z' L= 528.OS' 4°40' TEMPOi2APY TUPNA12CUMO T V'/ •.. . tJG2° 20'48"W- 138.G3' G 17 '�"~ S53°34' 09"W - 32.15' i G ~ 1449'4 ° '�''°08' 18"Wti -74. 34' NGI°IG'4G"W-77.30' 505023'2Z"W - 5G-74' \ U631'4V39"WN270.50' CITY SECRCTARY APPROVED BY THE PLANNING i ZONING COMMISSION DATE: - -- - SECREZAR^Y L Q�U COD p. Tlt�Aa>�oN PG.Z3`0 voL 9a Sao- of � SECTION TWO METES & BOUNDS CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS BEING a 59.14 acre tract of land in the Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1037, B. Hollingsworth Survey, Abstract No. 797, 59.14 acre tract of land being a portion of that certain tract of land described in deed to Timarron land Corporation as recorded in Volume 9813, Page 2350, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, said 59.14 acres being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point for corner in the south line of Continental Boulevard,(50 foot existing right-of-way), said point being South 87°00'40' East, 915.17 feet from the northwest corner of the said Hall Medlin Survey; THENCE south 89'09'13' East along the south line of said Continental Boulevard a distance of 3484.58 feet; South 00°00'55' West, 748.02 feet; North 89°48'24' East, 460.59 feet, South 00°28'24' West, 464.35 feet; South 89°31'36" East, 50.00 feet; THENCE, South 00°28'24' West, 142.93 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 250.00 feet whose longchord bears South 35°02'58' West, 283.75 feet; THENCE, along said curve through a central angle of 69°09'0r, an arc length of 301.73 feet; THENCE, the following courses and distances as follows: South 69°37'31' West, 219.96 feet; North 20°22'29' West 50.00 feet; Soutn 69°37'31' West, 264.77 feet; North 06°04'05' East, 45.76 feet; North 24°40'09" West, 123.65 feet; North 45°17'19* West, 391.55 feet; North 29°06'04' West, 266.05 feet; North 54°42'32' West, 374.24 feet; North 61 ° 18' 19' West, 245.87 feet; North 21°26'54' West, 97.10 feet; South 53° 12'40' West, 246.56 feet; South 35°46'26' East, 57.31 feet; South 32°02'41' East, 19683 feet; South 44°17'15' East, 687.95 feet; South 24'33'13' East, 266.26 feet; South 01 ° 11 ' 12' East, 470.37 feet; North 62°20'48' West, 13863 feet; South 53°34'09' West, 32.15 feet; South 26° 11'23" East, 144.49 feet; South 54°08'18" West, 74.34 feet; North 63°42'39' West, 270.50 feet; South 05°23'22' West, 56.74 feet, THENCE, North 61' 16'46' West, 77.36 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 1357.77 feet and whose longchord bears North 04°43'43' West, 524.76 feet; THENCE, along said curve through a central angle of 22° 17'03', an arc length of 528.08 feet, to the beginning of a reverse curve to the right having a radius of 499.34 feet and whose longchord bears North 03°59'45' West, 205.51 feet; THENCE, along said curve through a central angle of 23°45'00', an arc length of 206.98 feet; THENCE, North 07°52'45' East, 120.00 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 384.04 feet and whose longchord bears North 18' 12'15' West, 337.71 feet: THENCE, along said curve through a central angle of 52' 10'00", an arc length of 349.66 feet, end of said cuRle; THENCE, the following courses and distances as follows: North 44°17'15' West, 47.01 feet; North 32°02'41' West, 162.32 feet; THENCE, North 39°23'00' West, 388.27 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 597.36 feet and whose longchord bears North 19°22'26' West, 408.62 feet, THENCE, along said curve through a central angle of 40°00'00', an arc length of 417.04 feet, end of said curve; THENCE, North 00°09'32' East, 195.01 feet, THENCE North 89°09'13' West, 1777.53 feet; THENCE, North 00°30'27' East 17.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 59.14 acres of land, more or less; PRELIMINARY PLAT TIMARRON PHASE THREE SECTION ONE & TWO OUT OF THE. HALL MEDLIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1037, HOLLINGSWORTH & BARNETT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO 797, OBEDIAN W. KNIGHT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 899 IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 137.20 ACRES/290 LOTS/14 COMMON GREENS OWNER/DEVELOPER: TIMARRON LAND CORPORATION 300 E. CARPENTER FRWY., SUITE 1425 IRVING, TEXAS 75062 (214) 791-3333 ENGINEER: CARTER dr BURGESS, INC. 7950 ELMBROOK DRIVE, SUITE 250 DALLAS, TEXAS 74247 (214) 638-0145 C f3 B J09 NO. 92301801 D EXISTING 5 UTLITY EASEMENT Ci NP► P►001510N OPKPa RoSFpE°S ,.jag;wIrm PA —1 LOT 1 61,586 SF TOTAL z 1.414 ACRES 14 w a cn `0_` � ! ` W is P00 y 0P�y2 p0 $$' 0 5 I X o VO �1 PROPOSED 5' UTLITY EASEMENT N CV 91 Iq N O O Z 25' BULDING LINE N 00'24' W. 5.0 60' R.O W - \ LO N W I Z Z o LLI o I w > cc 0 > Q J W J Oa oc W \ Q N I U 148.8' S 89 I L- - - PROPOSI I-- - EXISTING - 5' R.O.W. TO BE ABANDONED ' �0( No P �o r• P O' 5 EXISTING TREE COVER 148.8' 15' UTLITY LOT 2 61.356 SF TOTAL 1.409 ACRES "�Z� I LAKE GRAPEVINE L/I PROJECT LOCATION HARBOR HAr� SAT W `f! :s ��•'�` BAY 1� J J LOCATION MAP N.T.S. Bt,pC'K 4 LUI 1 51.523 SF TOTAL 1.183 ACRES BLOCK 1 ■-VI[-TI►I/l 7f%KIIAI%` Ar-' o� b APPROVAL DATE --------------- CITY CO UNCI L SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MAYOR SECRETARY APPROVAL DATE ___________________- PLANNING AND ZONING SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS CHAIRMAN SECRETARY A( "%'; ��569 P Zp6 00J3t"Q 5F � do 2 EXISTING 5' UTLITY EASEMENT� - \ EXISTING 10' UTLITY EASEMENT 673.8' I 125.0' 125.0' I EXISTING 10' UTLITY EASEMENT I r�o PROPOSED 5'UTLITY EASEMENT LOT 4 51,519 SF TOTAL 1.183 ACRES v 16 LOT 5 53,441 SF TOTAL ' I 1.227 ACRES I EXISTING TREE COVER X T W ~ LAND USE CHART TRACT SIZE 6.337 Acres R.O.W. ABANDONMENT 0.078 Acres TOTAL ACREAGE 6.415 Acres PROPOSED ZONING SF - 1B MINIMUM LOT SIZE 1000 Acre LOT COUNT 5 Owned/Developed by: Burney Place. J.V. 1000 S Main Street. Suite 200 Grapevine. Texas 76056 (214) 481-7505 O 25 50 - 100 SCALE: 1" _ 50' EXISTING 5 UTLITY EASEMENT G� 2 0-0 1,01 15 '(05a9 �� �56 FPZ°g �m „ s Prepared by: 14 G 0 0 D-VIVIN M ARS HALL z CIVIL ENGINEERS PLANNERS -- SURVEYORS 6001 BRIDGE STREET, SUITE 100 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 71C112 (817) 429-4373 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Being a 6.337 Acre tract of land in the JOHN CHILDRESS SURVEY, ABSTACT NO. 254, Tarrant County, Texas, as conveyed to WAYNE B. O'DANIEL AND JERKY L. PITTMAN, TRUSTEES, and recorded in Volume 8667, Page 394, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an iron rod found in the north line of Burney Lane, said point being the northeast corner of a tract of land dedicated for street in Volume 5957, Page 689, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE S 89°46' W along the north line of Burney Lane, 681.9 feet to an iron pin at the northwest corner of said tract dedicated for street, said point also being the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Harbor Oaks, an Addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to plat recorded in Volume 388-152, Page 85, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 00024' W, 407.3' to an iron pin for corner, said point being a re-entrant caner of said Harbor Oaks Addition; THENCE N 89.47' E, 673.8 feet to an iron pin at the southeast corner of Lot 6, Block 4, Harbor Oaks Addition; THENCE S 01-32' E, 407.2 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 6.337 acres of land. A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF BURNEY PLACE AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 6.337 ac. IN THE JOHN CHILDRESS SURVEY. ABST. No. 254 May 1991 N N rn m REV. 06/06/91 4,