1997-10-07 CC PacketFENCE @ ALT.#4 ONLY FENCE & GATE @ PROVIDE WIND SCREENS ALT. #4 ONLY TYP. @ ALL CHAIN LINK ----- ------------------------------------------ ---------------- -- - _ - - -------------------- - FENCES ;r- GATE @ ALT #4 SEE DTL 12/�127 �� ;> ----- ---- ' �----------------------- FENCE LOCATION @ Al;. � 2 COURTS @ FENCE @ BASE BID PROVIDE WIND ; SCREENS �------------ -' REF. 6/2.27 TYP. @ALL CHAIN LIf>rK ALTERNATE _q#4 FENCES -------------CMO WALL @ FENCE LOCATION @ B!AREF: I3/.27BID ONLY ' ----- I' -- ------ ---- CHAIN LINK FENCE _-__ _ - - =_-_------'� I REF. SHEET 2/27 _ I I I -_-r__- - H.C. ACCESS GATE SEE DTL 12/2.27SI 6 COURTS @ BASE BID io - - -- - tJr CONIC. SIDEWAL ' I REF 7/2.26 TY. CONTROL JOINTt-, I @ 5'-0' O.0 E.W1---------- _ \ _ I TYP__ GATE TYP f-SEE 1212.27 EJ PROVIDE WIND SCREENS TYP. @ ALL CHAIN LINK FENCES @ TENNIS COURT REFER TO SHEET 2.27 FOR ADD'L LAYOUT INFO. @ I TENNIS COURTS 1- --GATE TYP SEE DTL 12 {EJ rrE CHAIN LINK FENCE REF. SHEET 2.27 10' - 0' STORAGE SHED @ BASE BID REF. 1/2.30 ..�, . _ .�.,.r.a. , 1 1ONC. SIDEWALK F� -REFER 1/`1.2 ���-�-s'�--"��_ `---' SIM--J E��J� EF 7/2.26 TYP, I FOR LAYOUT ` REFER 16/2.29 I FOR LAYOUT @ CONTROL JOINTS THIS AREA s �@ 5'-0' O.0 E.W. EJ� TYP. REF. 7/2.26 115 ONLY EFER 4/2.26 F \ 'SERVICE hANDICAP CU CUT (q 16 t8 HIAN IA 9'I ° I 129 TOTAL SPACES F� + 4 HANDICAP �- 4 S�A�Es @9- j 4S @9- o FACULTY PARKING I L 1I � a Sd E @ 9- I 1 -i i i VH IRE LANE STRIPING REFER 1/1.2 \ PAINT IN ACCORDANCE FOR LAYOUT / CITY REQUIREMENTS, TYP.) THIS AREA O 4NE WAY SIGN TO REA A THIS FACE REF 5B/2.26 REF. 2/2.26 \�\ FOR TYP. STOP SIG 4 TO READ H.C. SPACE THIS FA REF, 5A/2.26 LAYOUT & SIGNAGE DO NOT f NTER SIGN TO READ T- " - -17-7 THIS FA REF. 5C/2.26 [f '- • +3HNICP 6, I'S 1, VISI OR PARKING I I - I STRIPING @ PARKING TO BE WHITE PAINT, 4' WIDE T SITE SIGN TO READ THIS FACE REF 9D/2.26 NEW Is ra FIRE LANE STRIPING o, (PAINT IN ACCORDANCE W/ CITY REQUIREMENTS, TYP. i - I � b 0 I 11REF) 4/2.26 HIGH -----HANDICAP TYP. -HANDICAP CURB RAMP DETAIL i� CHOOL 19' - 4' o 0o 3 H.C. SPACES b 5 _%4.J.. FOR TYP.26 H.C. SPACE LAYOUT & SIGNAGE H'oe"'r e CONC. SIDEWALK REF 7/2.26 TYP. @ 5'-0' O.0 E.W. TYP. 7r R35'-0' FIRE LANE STRIPING (PAINT IN ACCORDANCE W/ CITY REQUIREMENTS, TYP.) STRIPING @ PRRKI GG TO BE WHITE PAINT/7 WIDE T w FA 3goan 0i a S1 @ SCOREBOARD AT ALT, NO. 40' REFER 10/2.32 VERIFY Z-8'H. CHAIN LINK FENCE R3 '-0' AT BASE BID REF16'ER 8/2.32 WOOD FENCE PROVIDE WIND SCREEN CON INUOU REFBETWEEN BASE LINES TAT. NO. � o 12 7' co BASEBALL 0 BASEBALL FIELD ' @ BASE BID 0 168'-0' �, 152'-0' ME 11114'. -0 MNII OMEN �w- , i■■m jam_...... • �i■■■� I■■■■■����0 _STOP -READ THIS FACE REF. 5A/2.26 + I ° jSTgSI el STRIPING @ PARKING TO BE WHITE PAINT, 4' WIDC -n• H.C. RAMP REF. 4/2.26 �.a FIELD USE 53'-10' 0 to , REF. 4/2.26 FOR TYP = HANDICAP CURB RAMP DETAIL --� REF. 1/2.26 FOR TYPICAL ;n HANDICAP SPACE LAYOUT CONC SIDEWALK REF. 7/2.26-TYP BASEBALL STADI i CONTROL JOINTS @ 5'-0' C , @ AL TERNAJFE� II 228 --SEE S14EET I I I I '-ASPHALT SIDEWALK j VERIFY LAYOUT W/ C)ARCHITECT TO MINIMIZE LF ARKIN �- 275 LOSS OF EXISTING TREES REF. DTL 8/2.26 (''} I I I I I I -----------I I 1 I----------------- ----------- ---� t I I I - I I I I I 1 I I STRIPE WITH FOOTBALL FIELD MARKINGS AS INDICATED WITH YELLOW PAINT, 4' WIDE PRACTICE FIELDS n rn O N'- Cn oc�0 z o W Z N i o p -=j � w � 0 U V ct� 1 . \ + , N N N N 7 i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - _ - - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - i _ I 2' o a' 0 U7 tl) I t - E.J. . J. E.J. E.J. J. ' 10101 NC. SIDE ALK ` J STADIUM ' I' .J. E• '_° o � o R F 7/2.2 TYP. � C NTROL J INTS Ln ` I I I , I R11 8' `�' ;i `r' ASPHALT SIDEWALK ' + @ -o' 0. E.W. P. - I FUTURE i I, CONC. SIDEWALK 11�- R36' -- - �.-Y ;-1-+_ VERIFY LAYOUT W/ I REF 7/2.26 TYP. _ RS 0 J STOP SIGN TO READ ARCHITECT TO MINIMIZE CONTROL JOINTS E.J. j R12 -0 E.J. THIS FACE REF, SA/2. SITE SIGN TO READ TREES--- -------------------------------------------------}--------------------------------- ----- I. @ 5'-0' O.0 E.W. KEY :+, ��p. o THIS FACE REF9C/2.26 REF. DTL 8/2.26 , I o i TYP. ,� E.J. I ONE WAY SIGN rO READ 32'-G' :� ,;-----------------------------------� ( PLAN THIS FACE REF. 5/2.26 SIM. STOP SIGN TO READ I 7 LANE TRACK @ ALTERNATE - I 1 f THIS FACE REF. 5/2.26 - ----- 0'-0' - 4'-4' - -I ----- - •a ---- ---- - -- ' ' FOUR REMOVABL E.J - - - � I _PIP"OLLARDS-.REF _ _ - I F. 4/2.2 ' DTL. 10)/2.26 - R TYP, IR ANE STRIPING I T NDICAP (PAINT RIJANLL ICJRB RAM - W/ CITY REQUIREMENTS, TYP.) I I VI A I 1 I I I F. 1/2 1 I r R TYP. 4W-tTAE- SPACE - ` I I I C. SPAC , I LAYOUT GNAGE-& + FUTURE PARKING I FUTURE PARKING 84 SPACES S NT WN 174 1 I I ► I t I I , I t I i l I ' 11 I I , I I I ' ' I I , I I I t UTU Ir R I I I I BUS PARKING it I , Cw CL am am I (/f U �- y NON - �/i N !n C4 (4 t/1 H (n N i J , , I SITE SIGN ''01 READ i _ BDTH FACES RAF. 98/2.2 .-v - o 0 0 0 -. .-. �---------------------------------- --- ----------------------------------------------------- t------------------------------------------ II --�CU lieI - - - - - , I I, ONE WAY {S_�IGN T.D EAD - ...... :: o BOTH FAC"a-RE /2.26 SIM. ��O SE 2191997 STOP SIGN TO READ STOP SIGN TO READ SIT SIGN TO READ E I t ( - U THIS FACE REF. 5A/2.2 THIS FACE REF. 5A/2. THIS FACE REF. 9C/2.26------------------------------------ ---- -- -- ----- ---L_��a:_________________________________________________----------------------------------- ---T I ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ---- I SHW Group Inc -- - - - - - --- - - - --- - - - - STRIPI IE PAIAI , -- - - -- -- - -- -- - - -- - --- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- - --- - - - - - --- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - STRIPIRG � FARK - - - - -- - - - - - -- --- - - T � KIDS T R - -- { ISHEET S 0 U T H P E Y T O N V I L L E R O-A_D----- ------ -- 21 1 S TRUE I T E GRAPHICS & SIDEWALK LAYOUT PLAN PHASE ONE PARKING ---STUDENT 526, VISITOR 28, OF / � ( STAFF 143, TOTAL 697 NORTH �251'=50' FUTURE PARKING --- 533 TOTAL SITE PARKING 1230 CARS CASE# 2A97-108 SET NUMBER s r EIFS AIR LOUVERS 80% MASONRY Pf FUTURE DRESSING SOUTH ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0" METAL ROOF TRANSLUCENT EIFS -- FUTURE DRES RE DRESSING 80% MASONRI NORTH ELEVATION 1/16" = l'-3" I � INDOOR RA( TICE I LUi,RE DRESSING II I IL FLOOR PLAN fi �4� EAST (VARIANCE FOR VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL ARTICULATION) 1 � 1 /�16 �=l �-O �5 WEST ELEVATION 1 /1 6„ = 1'-07) n SEP 2 91997 CASE# 2A97-108 n rn rn Q N r m o '4- O * LLJ 3 w ULJ Z CD y,Z Q I= I o Q W U U Ckf 0 z W ui O Y (m)g cf) Y 'o = oCl) = O J 0 0 Zc � wN � J Q Fes.' p Um cc U KEY PLAN TRUE NPO`RTH ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS SHW Group Inc SHEET- A NUMBER A OF-1 lm2 SET NUMBER cl: r- rn CY) C\j (\j El CD Cn r- CD 3C: TD CC CIO co cc Lij F- 'r C) (m Cr WAI 36* RCP -7 TOP 657.30 '177 FL 651.94 ­7 . . . ... . . . . . . . . 1 "41 7 T A- - A 4 T FUTURE T T - - L I DETENTION POND FYI-RT1Nr-. I FUTU BASEBALL FTBAL FIELD IY i ELD JL . . . . . . . . . . . . FW: �h O — — ---- -- 4 mad TOP 656-5,C -i f to FL 652.59 1 A 5 ADDIT TOP 658.00 FL 654.33 I-j--1 + +4++ li M + Q 1997 ADDITION11 D rRETAINING WALL FUTURE PRACTICE FIELD EXISTING PRACTICE FIELD ----------------- -�TV RE ----------- P121ACTICr. NICE n SOUTH PEYTONVILLE ROAD 3 3 C 3C1 3 C 12d 3C2A AKARD 3A 1 W.R. EANTES BENCHMARK SQUARE CUT ON N.E. CURB RETURN OF 'NE WEST BOUND LANES M THE INTER. OF F.M. 1709 AND PEYTONVILLE ROAD. ELEVATION: 674-56 0 60 120 Fm mmm� Scale 1" = 60' LEGEND a25.oTP = TOP OF PAVEMENT —425— = EXISTING CONTOUR -{ = PROPOSED CONTOUR 25.OGR = GROUND ELEVATION 25. 0 TC = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION = DRAINAGE DIVIDE = DIRECTION OF FLOW TC = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION TI = TOP OF INLET TP = TOP OF PAVEMENT G = GUTTER ELEVATION GR = GROUND ELEVATION SPOT OF ELEVATION = DRAINAGE DIVIDE RECD SEP 2 91997 MASTER GRADING PLAN Scale I" = (30' LLJ Li6i 71v77a- w Z L16J C) CT) Lulj� C:) Cl) x w 0 LLI 0 Z C/) 0 W C/) Cn 'r IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ W imm 0 4 2 C6 J O KEY PLAN ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS SHW Group Inc SHEET NUMBER 203 SET NUMBER C-1 N 88'47'35" E 17.51' rr� POINT OF iWGINNING CONNER LAM VOL. 8012, PG. 700 DC"LD G. DAVIS VOL. 6555, PG 501 Q ROBERT CURTI S GREENWOOD VOL. 9040, PG 600 L.J. WALKER VOL. 6555, PG. 502 CHARLES AKARD VOL. 142, PG. 100 I g TRACT 3 O C� $Q Qm o� Ct 2 • L ARRY AKARD J VOL. 142, PG. 100 Q W TRACT 2 1N Asa= WANDA LAMAR VOL. 7251, PG. 0104 TRACT 1 LOUISE J. KIRBY VOL. 8760, PG. 1 Wr 1 DELTA = 00'47'20" RADIUS = 2799.79' MB pARTNERRETAIL LENG-rH = 38.56' ARVIDA MERrIAL pG 227 CHORD= 38.56' ZoNEI �° OL 9'93, CH. ERG. = N 89'35 45 E F. M. H I G H W A Y 1 7 0 9 It — r� Lit - — _ — — UMPVI►r C. K#" ft*r AWMACT — Rl •AOd ftlnCr AflS1RAC' nG 00 Mr (PROPOSED 130' RIGHT—OF—WAY) roux sit' fta+ two c N R.0.W. Reserved E for future acquisition by the SDHPT 1264.16' - _89'34'S6" -- -- 8 �--�----��--���--.��--�..�� 11' UTILITY EA23dw, --��--��--....��-- — — — — — — —is, UTrJTY EA.��T— roux 11r am aw ie `' -- W wxDM u+r i t}- i\ it 0 I I i I - �= DEL TA = 00030'06" RAC I US = 2799.79' ' o I� LENGTH = 24.52' M CHORD = 24.52' W CH. BRG. = N 88 32 32 E a 42' i I ,o• uTUTY EASEIEHIT Q o J Ii J i II I II� i I I i U) i n ' �1C) � O O i ' V) I i frr, wow aac LOT 1 BLOCK 1 i ' I ilk CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL I'C- � i N f ' � I � I I 54.6152 GROSS ACRES I � I 1.7222 R. 0. W. DEDICATION 52.8930 NET A CRES ����� i C, i ' R HT �F WAY DEDICATION ' 42 IG —� — I ''22 ACRES ! . 7._ ' (75,021 SQUARE FEET) I�1 I it i ' I i I ti l In 'O Ii � O t V) fEr,/2`WON IPOG frr „r ao+ soc O ' N I,n o ,o' UnuTY EASNIMT ,o o gr— 10' UnUTY EAB1h"T � l O o - ------ ----------------------- ------ ---------- - - - - -- I ---------- ------_---- V) =r ,/r ann sac N 89'38'00" W 1326.00' I STEPHEN W. SMI THE I VOL. 7432, PG. 2324 FINAL PLAT SACLE 1"-100' i JV E I I i C 100 200 Scale 1' = 100' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, Geary Bailey, do hereby certify that 1 have prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land, and that the corner monuments showr thereon were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the City Plan Commission of Southlake, Texas. GearyBail e} Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4573 8ea�ary Date mayor 8.cr.Rry Data Note. Tne owners of all corner lots shol maintain sight triangles in accoraance with the City Subdivision Ordinance TARRANT CO UNTY DEED RECORDS THIS PLAT IS FILED IN CABINET SLIDE DATE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE WHEREAS, Carroll Independent School District acting through the undersigned, its duly authorized agent according to the Deeds recorded in Volume 10037, Page 2097; Volume 10037, Page 2108; and Volume 10037, Page 2117; is the sole owner of a tract of land situated in the R.J. Paden Survey, A-1255, Tarrant County, Texas and being a portion of a tract as recorded on Page 557 of Volume 4153 in the Tarrant County Deed Records and being the same tract as recorded on Page 137 of Volume 7244 in the Tarrant County Deed Records and the same tract as recorded on Page 139 of Volume 7244 in the Tarrant County Deed Records and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING in Peyton%Mle Road and being in the South line of F.M. Highway No. 1709 and also being South 00 deg. 43 min. 50 sec. West a distance of 77.47 feet from the Northwest corner of said R.J. Paden Survey; THENCE North 88 deg. 47 min. 35 sec. East along the South line of said F.M. Highway 1709 a distance of 17.51 feet to a 1 /2-inch iron rod found at the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 2799.79 feet whose center bears South 01 deg. 12 min. 25 sec. East a distance of 2799.79 feet; THENCE Northeasterly along said curve and along the South line of said F.M. Highway No. 1709 and through a central angle of 00 deg. 47 min. 20 sec. a distance of 38.56 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod set for corner, - THENCE North 89 deg. 34 min. 56 sec. East along the South line of said F.M. Highway 1709 a distance of 1264.16 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE South 00 deg. 05 min. 35 sec. West, a distance of 490.09 feet a 1/2-inch iron rod found at the Northeast corner of said tract as recorded on Page 137 of Volume 7244 in the Tarrant County Deed Records, a total distance of 607.74 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE South 00 deg. 47 min. 05 sec. West at a distance of 539.35 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod set at the Northeast corner of said tract as recorded on Page 139 of Volume 7244 in the Tarrant County Deed Records, a total distance of 762.15 feet to a 1/2-Inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE South 00 deg. 17 min. 00 sec. East a distance of 434.32 feet to a 1 /2-inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE North 89 deg. 38 min. 00 sec. West, at a distance of 1326.00 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod set for corner, and being in the centerline of said Peytonville Road; THENCE North 00 deg. 17 min. 00 sec. West along said centerline of Peytonville Road a distance of 434.20 feet; THENCE North 00 deg. 43 min. 50 sec. East along said centerline of Peytonville Road a distance of 1351.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 54.6152 acres or 2,379,040 square feet with approximately 1.7222 acres or 75,021 square feet being dedicated for said Peytonville Road, leaving a net acreage of 52.8930 acres or 2.304,01 9 square feet of land. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, , by and through the undersigned, its duly authorized agent,does hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described real property as Carroll High School Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and I (we) do hereby dedicate to the public's use the streets, (alleys, parks) and easements shown thereon. WITNESS my (our) hand(s) at Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas this the day of 1990. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared of a corporation (partnership, known to me o e e persons whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated and as the act and deed of said corporation (partnership, JV). GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this the day of 1990. Notary Public Commission expires: A FINAL PLAT OF LOT 1 BLOCK " 1 " CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION SITUATED IN THE R. J. PADEN SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 1255 CITY OF SO UTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY., TEXAS ARCHITECT. SH WC, INC. 5601 MACARTHUR BLVD. P.O. BOX 619087 DALLAS, TEXAS 75261 PHONE (214) 550-0700 THIS SHEET FOR Off-ORMATION ONLY SlITE EXCAVATION, SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE BY SEPARATE CONTRACT 54.6152 ACRES November 1990 OWNER: CARROLL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1300 N. CARROLL AVE. SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS PHONE (817) 481— 5 775 SURVEYOR: A YRES ASSOCI A TES 2110 WALNUT HILL LANE SUI TE 134 IRVING, TEXAS 75038 PHONE (214) 570-5577 v [n�M►t.ww.es/�ruala/�r�►� S � � N a. FL Orton Ny. wl NeNeeduN.rti VA AMEAVente. CA upend. YI 00"a. •X ASSOCIATES �Aoo � tt*-s;'o'as77 often Ayr— ! AeeeMetee In- ►.O. Mr 4124M OEM.. raw 792e, 0 4` Cr- r � U H W I-- a > A Q U U OWC WtL_. SMIAICV NC. Arena«ti E,q.sw+ Pa"rs SHEET NUMBER OF 1� ?.0 SET NUMBER Variance List Art- cuTabon ------ Vorlonce for addition on the North side of building in Phase 1 construction (Library addition) Variance for the Indoor Workout Facility - west side Su f f eryords Variance for No bufferyord requirement on the west side of property adjacent to Peytonville per original approved site plan. Variance for Overall Landscaping M bufferyords to be instolled as ad cent phase is constructed Variance for Location of the require Canopy Trees. Accent Trees, and Shurbs for the south, and east bufferyords. To allow 50% of the accent trees. and 100% of the shrubs to be located adjacent to Peytonvdie Avenue. Interior Land scoping ri Voonce for Overall Interior Landscaping to be installed ce os odjont phase is constructed Drive Way Center Lines, and Stock Spoce Depth Vorionce for oil existing drive way centerline spacing to remora as they ore. Vorionce for Stock Spoce Depth on the West exist only drive to 1709, Variance for Stock Space Depth on oil driveways to Peytonville. Miscellaneous Variance for allowing 1.5 porking ratio for future stadium, in lieu of the require 1 3. TNs is a carry over voriance from the c igmd site plan approved. SUMMARY CHART - BUFFERYARDS - -_ Bufferyord Canopy Accent � Shrubs Fence / Screening Location Length Width _ Type Trees Trees 'Height & Material ---- ---r------- Required 1,264' 20' - 0 52 39 182 •2 None North Provided • 1,264 20' - 0 52 39 182 •2 None - Required 1,803' 10' - 8 36 54 180 8' fence East1,803' 20' - 8 36 54 180 Existing Repaired 1.326' 10' - e 28 42 140 8' Fence Soup Prprided • 1.326' 20' -_ B_ 28 1 42 1 140 Existing Required 1,785' 10' - E 18 36 114 None West Provided ' 1.785' Ivor; • Note any Credits used in Calcuiotions: o. Requred plantings have been reduced by 20% in 20' bufferyords required to 10' per sec. 42.4-f. b. Refer Variances for reductions in landscaping ,n south and east bufferyards Other Comments, 1. Tree credits to be applied at the time of design 2 Where ppoork ng is provided between the building setback line and public RO.W, shrubs obtaining a mature height of three feet (3') or greater must be planted at a maximum spacing of thirty inches (30") on center c ontinuous of ong all paved edges of porkig or drive areas Berms three feet (3') high with 1.3 slope maybe substituted for shrubs_. 3 A minimum of 50. of all canopy trees plonted on the site must be 2 ,n caliper and 50% must be 4' in caliper This includes plont"s in the bufferyords as well as interior to the site 4 A8 plantings interior and Dufferyord, will be installed with the assoc,oled adjacent construction phase, rofer to attached pion for breakdown chore and pion. SUMMARY CHART - INTERIOR LANDSCAPE !- I LM;; C pe Mf0 (Sq. Ft.) % Of ore�m front or side 1 Trees Accent Trees Shrubs Ground ovK (Sq. Ft.) Regtrred 69,052 75R - 115 230 1.1511 6.905 Provided 1,175,279 75% 115 230 1,151 6,905 - Otter Comments. 1. The number of tree, shrubs, at the time of design. _ and ground cover credits to be applied i 20' TYPE 'O " BUFFER . (CORRIDOR S 2 STORY BUILDING INCLUDES: 62 CLASSROOMS 122 TEACHING STATIONS 990 AUDITORIUM SEATING 750-900 CAFETERIA SEATING FUTURE r -00 ....................... J � n Z \N F N ua ma Aso o� u «a Z N ARCHIMCiT SHW GROUP, INC. 4101 M c E W E N • CARROLL HIGH SCH -4 SUITE 300 VICINITI MAP DALLAS, TEXAS 75244 PHONE: 972-701 -0700 FAX: 972-701 -0799 _ _ - - - �- - _ _ _ _ _ - - ASPHALT PAYMENT - CONNER LAY "AID G. DA11, ROBERT Ct'Rf15 GRLI IV A)L-J. WAIAER -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VOL 8012. PG 700 VOL 6555. PG. -,01 VOL 9040. PG ypp VOL. 6555, PG. 502 LX ISE J. [1RBY %OL 8760. Pc, I LIED = -9m- = 1/fOVuw OWNER CARROLL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1201 N. CARROLL AVE. SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS CAP PIPE BEHIND - PHONE: 81 7-481 -5775 SIGN "A� 0 EA. SPACE ® VAN SIGN B ACCESSIBLE SPACES ONLY 2 3/8-O.D. GALV T1 POST LOT 1 BLOCK '1" PAVING OR GRADE - CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION 3000 PSI CONC. - SITUATED IN THE R.J. PADEN SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 1255 CITY OF SOUTHILAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 13C'42.,A r%Wnfnrau COLORS: PARKING ®LEGEND & BORDER: GREEN BACKGROUND: WHITE SYMBOL: WHITE ON BLUE BACKGROUND A PER CITY REQUIREMENTS L vANCOLOR : ESSIBLE LEGEND & BORDER: GREEN BACKGROUND: WHITE B PER CITY REQUIREMENTS CHARLES AEARD LARRY A6ARD •ANDA LAMAR VOL. 142, PC. too VOL 142, PG. 100 VOL, 7251, PG- 0104 TRACT 0 1 TRACT 2 1 TRACT 1 AKARD ADDITION 388-100, PG. too WITH "STATE OF TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS" NOTE: GRID FOR LAYOUT PURPOSES ONLY. HANDICAP PARKING SIGN (REF DTL 2/1.1 COORDINATE LOCATIONS WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION = HANDICAP SYMBOL III -REF DTL 3/1.1 aCENTER IN PARKING o SPACE (TYP 6" WHITE STRIPES (TYP) E Q E Q OR 8'-0" MIN. ® VAN SPACES V 0��J `C� FA CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL SITE DATA SUMMARY CHART 1. SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPMENT 10 YEAR PLAN 2. EXISTING ZONING SP1 CgkBRfpr.e r 3. LAND USE DESIGNATION PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC 4. GROSS ACREAGE 54.6152 ACRES 1 5. NET ACREAGE 52.8930 ACRES r 6. PERCENTAGE OF SITE COVERAGE (BUILDING FOOTPRINT) EXISTING 7 % FUTURE 10 % 7. AREA OF OPEN SPACE (AREA LEFT IN NATURAL STATE/LANDSCAPE) EXISTING 1,649,129.3 SQ.FT. (37.9 ACRES) FUTURE 1,322,726.7 SQ.FT. (30.4 ACRES) 8. OPEN SPACE AS A PERCENTAGE EXISTING 71 .0% FUTURE 57% 9. TOTAL BUILDING AREA EXISTING 159,662 SQ.FT. 1997 ADDITIONS 16,513.2 SQ.FT. FUTURE 54,000 SQ.FT. 10. SQUARE FOOTAGE BROKEN DOWN BY USE BUILDING EXISTING 159,662 SQ.FT 1997 ADDITIONS 16,513.2 SQ.FT. FUTURE 54,000 SQ.FT TOTAL 230,175.2 SQ.FT. PARKING EXISTING 421,132.8 SQ.FT. FUTURE 272,402.6 SQ.FT TOTAL 693,535.4 SQ.FT. 11. TOTAL FLOOR AREA 176,175.2 SO.FT. (EXG. AND 1997 ADDITIONS) 12. PARKING AND LOADING SPACES PROVIDED EXISTING STAFF/STUDENT 1196 HC 28 (INCLUDED ABOVE) FUTURE STAFF/STUDENT 493 �U FER HC 5 (INCLUDED ABOVE) TOTAL 1689 33 HC 13. BUFFERYARD 127,339 SO.FT. 4. LANDSCAPE (PER PARKING SPACES) REFER SHEET 1.3 5. LANDSCAPE (PER FLOOR AREA) REFER SHEET 1.3 6. AREA OF OUTSIDE STORAGE NA 7. PERCENTAGE OF OUTSIDE STORAGE NA I Prclin - EXG. CONCRETE SIDEWALKS W/ INTERMEDIATE CONTROL JOINTS. - EXG. CONCRETE PAVING W/ CONTROL JOINTS AS REQ'D. PAVEMENT NOTE: ALL PAVING AND SIDEWALKS TO BE CONCRETE U.O.N. B.O.C. = BACK OF CURB • • •- = LIGHT POLE 4'-6" PARENT DROP OFF i _ VISITOR PARKING BUS DRIVE ♦ �p ALUMINUM TUBE SERVICE ♦ I B ,,N RO0 2" X 2" X 0.1 25" STAFF PARKING N O SQUARE SECTION ONLY I STUDENT PARKING STAFF PARKING RON Roo 5'-6" LENGTH SET � � BUS DRIVE IN CONC. PIER _ I SERVICE CONCRETE PIER o C 8 DIAMETER - II II _ I v�e� l•��allo 2'-0" DEEP WITH 0 A "' 3000 PSI CONCRET HANDICAP PARKIN DETAI L NTS CAP TUBE BEHIND -� SEE DETAIL AT LEFT FOR SIGN FACE - TRAFFIC SIGNS SHALL MEET CITY REQUIREMENTS REF SHEET 1.1 FOR LOCATION AND FACES TO READ 2-3/8" O.D. GALV. B STEEL POST SITE CONC. OR GRADE 3000 PSI CONC. o "`' lC�P 91997 1" = 80' 54.6152 ACRES C MAY 1997 CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL -MASTER SITE PLAN 1 " = 80' � HANDICAP PARKING DETAIL 1.1 NTS HANDICAP PARKING DETAIL -J Nrs 4 HANDICAP PARKING DETAIL 1.1 Nrs HANDICAP PARKING DETAIL CASE# 2A97-108 r- 1711 CM r- tV r M Q LLJ W Z a Y w Ckf X: O 0 vi 0 J O Q' U) 0 W 0 Cl) CL 0 3C w cl) 3C 0 Q • cc N a J 0 C.� KEY PLAN NOTE: THIS PLAN HAS BEEN REVISED TO REFLECT CURRENT & FUTURE CHANGES i i ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS SHW Group Inc SHEET NUMBER OF SET NUMBER Q 2 Bufferyard Landscaping NEW i� M owl Buf f eryard Landscapi FUTURE PRACTICE FIELD i EXISTING PRACTICE FIELD caping FUTURE PRACTICE FIELD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------SOUTH PEYTONVILLE ROAD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.3 UNDSCAPING / BUFFERYARDS PHASING BREAKDOWN OF BUFFERYARD LANDSCAPING Phase ; Percentage Canopyi Accent .Shrubs :Notes ion-N ; of Required Trees ! Trees l----- North -- --- -------- -- -- -- - - -, 50 0 26 291 0 - - - -- 43 - - - -- - r-- -- 4 --4- 1 507 26 19 91 t --- ---- - = -------- - --- - - -- --- 5 - - , - - --- --- ------ - ------ a Totol Provided 52 ! 39 1 182 ! ---------- Total Required 52 ' 39 182 -fi ----. -- -- 1 25% 18 14 - All required plants to be substituted for equal ------- value of Mondale Pines. - I- East- 2 - ---- — ---�- - - - -- ------ I - ----- - - - -- --- ---- -- ------------- II— ! i 36 1 __— 13 T All required plants to be — — substituted --- ----- for equal — ----- value of — — --- ---- Mondale Pines. --- ---- I4 - 5 25% - + 18 --T- - - -- ---------- 14 - Alt required plants -- to be - - - --- substituted -- - for equal - -- - value of - - - - -- Mondale Pines. -- I Total Provided 36 1 27 - - - - - ''� Total Requ i red 36 54 ; 180 J - - -- -- --- - -- - - - -- --- South - - --- ----- --- - -� -- ---- - - ----- - 2 -_- - i- - - - --- !All -- to be -- ---- -- --- for equal - - value of - -- -------- Mondale Pines. --- 3 100% 56 12 12 - required plants substituted - - --4 L- --- -- -- — - — ---- --� r Total Provided 28 9 Total Required -Y 28 42 140- 1 I N/A i--' - -Accent trees, and shrubs from the south and the east bufferyards / variance' West ---------- t 2 N/A fi-- - - - - - Accent trees, and shrubs from the south and the east bufferyards / var46nce 3 ( N/A - - l Accent trees, and shrubs from south and the east bufferyards/ variance 4 N/A - ►Accent trees, and shrubs -the from the south and the east bufferyards / variance j 5 N/A _- - - - l Accent trees, and shrubs from the south and the east bufferyards / variance w Total Provided�- --- -- - -- --- - --- ----- --- d- - --- I; Total Required -----r -- ---- -- i Credits for existing trees, shrubs, and ground cover are not included, applied credits to be established at time of design. PHASING BREAKDOWN OF INTERIOR_ LANDSCAPING Percentage (Canopy Accentl Shrubs Ground Cove Notes lof Overall ITrees Trees I 1 (Sq. Ft.) 1 - f - --- - - Phase - ---�- - - - - ----- - Phase 2 30% 35 69 345 2,071 --------- --- Phase 3 20% 1 23 46 230 1,381 Phase 4 40% 46 j 92 - 460 2,762 ---------- --- Phone 5 10% 11 1 23 � 1 16 691 �-_ ------ -- - Total -__-� 100% 115 230 i 1,151 j 6,905 - ---------- -- -- ---- -- Credits p! for existing trees, shrubs, and ground cover are not included, applied credits to be established at time of design. J PE00 S*EP 2 g 1997 CASE# 2A97-108 0 �- N cn p O cG W Z Y 2: o o0 U J w W 0 z O 3C W u) U) 3C cc w F— .J to 0 Q ci ■ ch J J 0 Q V KEY PLAN i i - t ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS SHW Group Inc SHEET NUMBER OFm3_ SET NUMBER 1 T.O.N. EL=135'-7" T.O.N. EL=129'-4' E! &_EELS, -1 n r� 1 1 nn' IFV ■ V.. ■..-Saw mw Inn Iowa . 'WE .. _ . _ . /,/ �l NORTH ELEVATION (@_ CLASSROOM 1/16"=1'-O" HORIZONTAL ARTICULATION REQUIREMENTS EXISTING FACADE HEIGHT = 31'-0" 31' x 31' x 356' 3 = 15% x 25% 93' = 4'-7" MIN. OFFSET (641 PROb'IDED) = 89' MIN. OFFSET LENGTH (100) PROVIDED) VERTICAL ARTICULATION REQUIREMENTS EXISTING FACADE HEIGHT = 31 '-0" 31' x 15% = 4'-7" FUTURE ADDITON HEIGHT = 35'-7" �IA fr�C' SEP 2 91997 KEY PLAN CASE# 2A97-708 n rn N r m W o LJ Q Q w m o o V 7 O O tO Z o N 0 0 � Cn J W 0 0 W z I— CL 0 3C LLJ c/) U) 3C W I— mi U) 046 C6■ ■ J J 0 Q Cis) KEY PLAN ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS SHW Group Inc SHEET NUMBER lvlA OF — SET NUMBER B1 62 83 84 B6 88 MOTE: NEW BRICK IN EXG. OCATION REMOVE EXG. WINDOW & GLAZED BRIC . MATCH RED BRICK COLOR &: .......... PATTERN TO EXG. RE BRICK COLOR. PREFIN. METAL COPING LAB. A A d A A PREFIN. METAL COPING A A R FTFj� L IA--[]E Lj A c 4 ° co 0 0 3 CRS-(TYP SO DIER ELEVATION (REFER TO VARIANCE LIST) BOND T.O.W. EL=103'-6" 1 ST. FL. EL=100'-0"OL B.O.W. EL=98'-O" ELEVATION ELEVATION 4" RUN FACE BRICK 4" PAST EXG. FACE OF ARCH ENTRAN"CE. A18)(A17XA16 AD ✓- PREFIN. METAL COPING IF Eli I / 3 CRS. SOLDIER BOND (TYP.) J 0 ELEVATION BRICK COLOR AT LOW WALL BEHIND BRICK COLOR AT LOW WALL BEHIND T.O.M. A`� EL=118'-11" 1 ST FLOOR El=100'-O" BK BG BE BD BA NOTE: "SHA ED" IMAGES AR EXISTIN STRUCTURES --PREFIN. METAL COPING ELEVATION 3 CRS. SOLUILK BOND (TYP.) T.O.M. EL=122'-6" T.O.M. EL=113'-9" '___ c ' ° 1 ST. FL. EL=100'-0„�— (REFER TO VARIANCE LIST 3BONRDS(TSO�DIER A7 PREFIN. METAL COPING AB c 1ST FLOOR EL=108' -8" �— ELEVATION 5.2 1 /8„ J %- \J. JV VILI\ I.J VI\J. JV V�L,\ BOND M. BOND (TYP. E LEV TON (REFER TO VARIANCE LIST) A6 A5 A4 A3 , `I 7 LL='J / - U T.O.M. OIL EL=118'-11" s � ELEVATION 33 1 /8" = 1 '-0" 69 9 ELEVATION 5.2 5.2 SIM. tag,. _ 1'-0.. A2 Al N�1- / 1 U ._.._...._._._......._..._...._.._......._................_............_..._......._.-_.._........__..__._.....--..._-...__.._.....__..._.-......._.......... N � cD U I T.O.M. _.._._........ ... .... ........... _................... ...-_ - - - - - 2 6 T.O.M.OIL _ EL=118'-11CA " B U N O CA FACE BRICK Q i Az A N �jc , � B U I A 1 ST. FL. Ln T rACT (ZTr)N - C(`I IPPP-P T 4 5.2 7 5 5.2 5.2 6 5.2 -a.a. SIM. ENGINEERS s 8 SHW Group Inc 5.2 5.2 5.2 SHEET NUMBER A 2 3 5.2 5.2 5.2 KEY PLAN of --_ --- ■ CASE# 2A97-108 SET NUMBER T.O.M. EL=122'-6" T.O.M. EL=118'-11" 1 ST. FL. —06 EL=100'-0" 2. rn rn o 04 m O c0 LLI w Zrn a Z z Y Y m I w> Q w et a Of V =p op w 0 o v ,-) cr KEY PLAN _® F i. EXIST. TELEPHONE POLE FUTURE APPROACH EXIST. GAS METER (2) EXIST. TELEPHONE POLES PROP. LINE EXIST. CULVERT 0 NEW ASPHALT APPROACH C`4 w/30'R. TO BE REMOVED t"-- w/R.O.W. DEDICATION C FUTURE APPROACH EXIST. CULVERT O EXISTING O TELEPHONE POLE Z EXIST. TREES ............ N 89?43'00" E 740.819 BUFFER YARD LEVEL 'C• .... .................... � - - - - 71� - - -..T----T-- - - - -—,o'-o' REQUIRED _ .- ., , _ — ' � . amp PaIM FUTURE 30'R. w/R.q.W. DEDICATION � 24' FIRE LANE w z g w (V EXISTING TREES XAK i IM01.�. FUTURE LANDSCAPING EXISTING SIDEWALK PHASE 1 PAVBuBff 24'-0" LOT 1 BLOCK 1 EXIST. TELEPHONE POLE & ELECTRIC METER 26'-8' 74256'-4' Lu RTUE � GYM/AY i �� PLAYGROUND "" PHASE EXIST. SEPTIC SYSTEM � p�7�c/�Ly� /�/y��y� y�' � f�l! 1 Vf7G '�TifRJVL �`F71 fllJ� TMY � ---- -- - --r-j- --r--T-T-1-7- 24' FIRE LANE --r—— —----- r—T— i--r—�--r— I I Amy rnnac Ll rT n _1: 1 REQUIRED _7 7� cvl of w- zlOf w FUTtRE PARIKM 93'-1VERIFY (V HAROLD PIPES VOL. 1738, PG. 86 AGRICULTURE ZONING w un ' Or ►uj-: W IT SACK N 89?43 00 E 704.89 FUTURE 30 R I I R.O.W. I FUTLM I DEDICA N I I ICOMMLWY CENrMR I I I LOT 2 I 10r01 30 -o L-------------------------� BLOCK 1 1_ BUILDING ,__ EXIST. TREE TO BE I SETBACK REMOVED w/FURTURE I DIAMOND001. 170 �•;I is I o I RnVE 111488MLL DIAAIIM i I (w/FUTURE BALLFIELD LIGHTING) I zl i c I � I I w I ' f�MM SOCCER FAD , I Of w IEt m i z iI I �I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 0-4. -- -- - - ----- - - --- - - - - 10'-0" REQUIRED - - -- - - WELDON H. SNOW BUFFER YARD LEVEL 'C' VOL. 8031 PG. 641 S 89.? 42 51 W 739.44 AGRICULTURE ZONING W O cV O O N SOUTHLAKE BLVD. w F.M. 1709 Z o PROJECT LOCATION N CITY OF a SOUTHLAKE UNION CHURCH ROAD o 00 CITY OF m rn KELLER HAROLD PIPES VOL. 1738, PG. 86 AGRICULTURE ZONING VICINITY MAPS NOTE: LU.D. = LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (ALL PROPERTIES) GRAPHIC SCALE 4o 0 40 80 SCALE 1'=1409-0' 7i 91 Glenview Drive N, lh v R C'� AUG 2 51997 Tomas Teievno­ 6'7 589- 17,! 817 595-2915 A r c h It e c t s G S B /B AT E N HORS T REVISIONS ST. MARTIN — IN —THE —FIELDS ADDITION SITE PLAN V=4 -o. PROJECT 19111 DATE 6-23-92 Al al DRAWN KRH JMW CHECKED BINDING ORDER �11'iJI PROPERTY OWNER: HERBERT WHITE 1 LUD.• LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING- AG; AGRICULTURAL 1 7P2C 14 NEW, ONE WAY DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE ONLY PROPERTY OWNER- HERBERT WHITE 1 LUD.• LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 1 ZONING: AC; ACR/CUL TURAL TR2C 15 EXISTINC DRIVEWAY EXIT O&L Y ow-000 1 1 1 PROPERTY OWNER.- NELSON MILLER LUD.- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 1 ZONING.• AC; AGRICULTURAL TR2F1, J.G. ALLEN ADDITION — BENCHMARK RAILROAD SPIKE IN TREE 2' OFF OF FENCE.\ ELEVATION - 616.98 ---------------------- EXIST. FIRE H 1 � PROPERTY OWNER., H. C. FORESTER 1 / LUD.' MIXED USE ZONING: AC; AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY OWNER.• R-lETA MILLER TR2D, ✓. G ALLEN ADD/T/0i — L UD: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 1 / — ZONING: AG; AGRICULTURAL TRF, J.C. ALLEN ADD/TION / e_ ^ e 17,009 R s I91486' T 35.92 ' 8' PLANT SCREEN WITH EVERGREEN MIX o N�d�d p�D �0 P�2 � pR1 ALB w1D�µ ��G►� c PROPERTY OWNER- JACK W/ESMAN ' LUD: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ' ZONING: AC; ACR/CUL TURAL TR5C 1, ✓. G. ALLEN ADDITION � z W � O O Q W QL � Z v Q v ~ W I I� Q a Z W I a ►� (O wz -- -- -ram -- -- 5 89'12'54"W 189 53' PROPERTY OWNER: JACK W/ESMAN LUD: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING.- SFIA LOT 1J, BROCK ADDITION 51TE FLAN SpMAL ME KEY TO BUILDING FACILITIES: EX/STING CHURCH AUDITORIUM- First Phase of new building. Lower level contains four existing classrooms. 2 CLASSROOM ADDITION: Second Phase of new building, to be constructed beginning October, 1997. 3EXISTING RESIDENCE.- Current/v used for Preschool Program. To be removed concurrent/y with future development of Master -planned facilities. 14 EX/STING CHURCH BUILDING: Current/y contains adult classes. To be removed concurrent/y with future development of Muster -planned facilities. PROPOSED SEQUENCE OF PRESCHOOL PROGRAM EVENTS: CURRENTL Y.• Up to 65 preschool children ore housed in Building .3, from 9 AM to 2 PM, Tuesdays and Thursdays only. The church has on existing Special Use Permit for this use. NOVEEMBER, 1997.- To allow renovation of Building J for church offices, the existing Preschool Program will be relocated from Building J to Building 4. A portion of this program will also be relocated to the existing classrooms in Building 1. SEPTFMBER, 1998.E The entire Preschool Program will be relocated to new Bui/ding 2 It /s anticipated that the Preschool Program will grow to accommodate a total of 80 children d/str/buted between two, 2-day programs, Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/Thursday, from 9AM to 2PM. NOTE. No changes to previously approved Concept and Site Plans are required for this perm/t. KEYNOTES- 01 LOCATION OF LANDSCAPED PARKING ISLANDS m� TRASH CONTAINER W/ MASONRY ENCLOSURE AND GATE LOCATION OF LANDSCAPED INTERIOR AREAS 08 EXISTING 4" SANITARY SEWER OLOCATION 03 OF CONCRETE WALKS m9 O EXISTING 1-1/2" WATER 5ERVICEi INSTALL NEW 4" SERVICE 04 EXIST. PARKING LOT 10 BUILDING ENTRANCE LIGHTING STANDARDS NEW PARKING LOT LIGHTING STANDARDS OEXIST. LIGHTED POLE MOUNTED SIGN e o LEGAL DESCRIPTION: &%A OC .GALE I- • 40' LOT 3R-1, Jrz. ALLEN No. 18 ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS SITF- PROJECT DAM 1. PROJECT LOCATION: SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS TARRANT COUNTY 2. OWNER: SOUTHLAKE CHURCH OF CHRIST 2501 WEST SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 160S2 3. ZONING CLASSIFICATION: CS, COMMUNITY SERVICE 4. LUD: PUBLIC/ SEMI-PUBLIC 5. EXISTING LAND USE: CHURCH 6. GROSS ACRE AGE : 9.04 ACRES -1. NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: 2S1 NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED: 161 8. BUILDING COVERAGE: 30,130 SQ. FT. (1.5%) 9. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE: 136,03-1 SQ. FT. (34.590) 10. OPEN SPACE 22-10 S SQ. FT. (Sago) BUFFERYARD 31,900 SQ. FT. (8%) INT. LANDSCAPE IS5,115 SQ. FT. (EO%) 11. BUILDING SUMMARY EXISTING: ONE STORY 3100 SO. FT. TWO STORY 10,800 SQ. FT. ONE STORY 4485 SQ. FT. ONE STORY 1920 80. FT. ONE STORY 1235 SQ. FT. ONE STORY 235To SQ. FT. PROPOSED: TWO STORY 19,320 SQ. FT. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 35 FT. 12. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: BEGIN: OCTOBER, 199-1 COMPLETE: AUGUST, 1998 SOUTHL /.1,35 DALLAS lm VICINITY M4f= NO SCALE CO►YRIGHT ©1991, CONE - FOXWORTH ARCHITECT T -.4 S b +V> Q � r U- O W D V O x ILr== O� N o to N H o � � Q N x W H O � me 0 O 0 0 RJL- U C4 0 0 UH E 0 x O J � � H0 SSA U LU RJLA zc M M I CO)0 QN I- O M IC04 O V� ►ROACT NO., DATE, 8/25/97 REVISIOft 01C1SF.DWG 0$MET NU MRER !< I OF 1 C IMETS SOUTH 4L_A<F- CASE NO. ZA S7 - Cr w Y U Z a Cr m rr CD co CQ CD- cn 0 a w U Z 0 U v 0 cc I 0 0 A = 00*35934" R = 5824.58' T = 30.13' L = 60.26' Z O O • 0 o o Ln (n N Oo rn 60' R. 0. W. T.W. EDWARDS LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING = AGRICULTURAL SOUTHLANE aOULEFARo fF.M. vyog� T.W. EDWARDS I LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL i ZONING = AGRICULTURAL APPROVED PRELIMINARY PLAT LOT 1, BLOCK 61 TIMMARRON ADDITION PHASE 5 LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING = AGRICULTURAL I I I ' I W H O W Lu V >— Q co J '` N89.45929"E f �. 1002.63 M — — — — � _ _ -----;------------------ ------_— 5' U--nur EASEMENT —M— — — ---- ---- 0 w O la CATEGORY OF USES SENIOR CITIZENS COMPLEX MISCELLANEOUS CITY USE SITE INFORMA TION EXISTING ZONING = AGRICULTURAL L� PROPOSED ZONING = CS - COMMUNITY SERVICE L LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL GROSS ACERAGE = 14.772 ACRES NET ACERAGE = 13.479 ACRES EXISTING TOTAL FLOOR AREA = 2850 SO. FT. (ESTIMATED) Two LOTS S GRAPHIC SCALE 0 25 50 100 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 50 ft. P m i x Cr REQUEST THAT LANDSCAPE BUFFERYARDS ALONG THE NORTH AND EAST SIDE OF PROPERTY BE WAIVED UNTIL FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF SITE w I O TRACT DESCRIPTION m Cn h ? D m o� I CCu 'R1• I m — ~' EXISTING POND K I 0 A �IFT1 R. 0. W. � �xrsnx�.-�ueaAii�Ma+l�` � _ • ��`. �" Ild TAK I j+I[Sl �� ter, w ,.'' ,,. � ."' h .,•z" r, 23' f/RE' LAME Q 4 aMD q' r Z f 1 — N 5; Q EWALK uj rr G �= f` CU' (n Q `� r *tL (_ 1 M EXISTING 2521 SQ.F% r�. l_ fir,?k ram. i ,.MY4 P OPOSED 3566 SQ. FT; --, . -rj Q V / M K: 00 v. r W ft Oi �\.a -#, ISS k � +,. OSE � . CK ,p Q LOT 1 OS, 0.36 CITY OF S KE LUD MEDIUM DE;,S/TYESID 'QNING = AEVCULTURAL 1', ` t.< i a 1 ' S M-T: — N89'44'47"W 153.16' PROP Row FF-E�R -Y-A R-B-- N-E LOT 24 A � 8�' '33" NORTHWO6," PARK H SE 2 � N89.267?117w T WON]TY MAP N.T.S. ■ BEING A 14.772 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE O.W. KNIGHT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 899. IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN 10.4043 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO TIMARRON AND CORP. (FORMERLY BEAR CREEK COMMUNITIES, INC.) AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 9823, PAGE 1078 ALSO I BEING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN 35.909 ACRE TRACT OF AND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO TIMARRON LAND CORP. (FORMERLY BEAR CREEK COMMUNITIES, INC.) AS RECORDED IN VOLUME PROPOSED LOT 1 I 9827, PAGE 917 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE 13.029 cc PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 0 40• ' 1 " BEGINNING AT A 5/8" CAPPED "CARTER & BURGESS" FOUND FOR CORNER, BEING AT THE R 955. 0' INTERSECTION OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID 10.4043 ACRE TRACT WITH THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF- LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL I WAY LINE OF SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD; T 355. , 4 I ZONING = AGRICULTURAL "t-le r D— \S� LUD = ME l(l D NSI / RESIDENTIAL 0 ING - U T = �152.81 �1 4L ..-."t!=,k;'r_.{'.�__''".'}"�"pf :J.i`"i'{"'r__f'. R = 2Q LOT 23 I ;= T — 105.47' LOT 23 '= I LOT 24 I I LOT 32 I LOT 33 I L = 201.439 I I I I I I I NORT WOOD PARK PHASE 1 LOT 34 LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING = RPUD ' L 681 4 ' THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 5824.58 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 00535'34", A LONG CHORD THAT BEARS S84548'59"E A DISTANCE OF 60.26 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE I OF 60.26 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; THENCE S00505'28"E, A DISTANCE OF 291.11 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; THENCE N89545'29"E, A DISTANCE OF 1,002.63 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; THENCE S00510'06"W, A DISTANCE OF 94.44 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 955.00 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF / 40552'17", A LONG CHORD THAT BEARS S20535'33"W A DISTANCE OF 666.89 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 681.24 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; f THENCE N47528'21"W, A DISTANCE OF 33.79 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; I / THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 275.00 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF / 41558'03", A LONG CHORD THAT BEARS N68527'19"W, A DISTANCE OF 196.96 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 201.43 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; / THENCE N89526'21 "W, A DISTANCE OF 197.98 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; / THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 375.00 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 38537'33", A LONG CHORD THAT BEARS N70507'34"W, A DISTANCE OF 248.05 FEET, AN ARC / DISTANCE OF 252.81 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; THENCE S39511'13"W, A DISTANCE OF 52.69 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; THENCE N89544'47"W, A DISTANCE OF 153.24 FEET TO ;A POINT FOR CORNER; 0 THENCE N00505'28"W, A DISTANCE OF 869.76 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, AND CONTAINING / 14.772 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. OWNER SURVEYOR -ENGINEER t� �P CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES / 667 N. CARROLL AVENUE 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD. SUITE 200 °<v SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 (817) 481-5581 (817) 548-0696 FAX (817) 265-8532 CONTACT: GORDON JOHNS CONCEPT PLAN FOR CS ZONING REQUEST v° PROPOSED MUNICIPAL COMPLEX ADDITION / CASE No. ZA 96-39 / TO THE THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 14.772 ACRES SITUATED IN THE OBEDIAH W KNIGHT SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 899, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS / AS RECORDED IN VOLUME , PAGE , DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS >544 EXISTING TREE (TYP) TWO LOTS f1ECD SEp 2 2 1997 AUGUST, 1997 CASE No. ZA ??? VICINITY MAP NO SCALE ????????August 15, 1997 FIELD NOTES All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land located in the J. G. ALLEN SURVEY, Abstract 18, Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, being a portion of that certain called 13.583 acre tract conveyed to H. C. Forrester, et ux, by deed recorded in Volume 9427, Page 1330, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas (D.R., T.Co., Tx.), and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found in the North line of West Southlake Boulevard at the common Southwest corner of Lot 4, J. G. Allen No. 18 Addition to the city of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1253, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas and Southeast corner of aforesaid 13.583 acres and this tract; THENCE with said North line of West Southlake Boulevard, South 50 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds West 222.03 feet to a Texas Highway Department (THD) flush concrete monument found for the beginning of a non —tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 1,844.86 feet, whose radius point bears North 36 degrees 27 minutes 11 seconds West 1,844.86 feet; THENCE Southwesterly with said curve to the right and North line of West Southlake Boulevard, a distance of 403.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron pin set for common Southwest corner of aforesaid 13.583 acres and this tract, from which a fence comer bears South 86 degrees 25 minutes 18 seconds East 14.47 feet; THENCE departing said curved North line and with the West line of aforesaid 13.583 acres, along or near a fence, North 19 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds West 372.38 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner at a fence angle point; THENCE continuing with said West line North 2 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 734.74' to a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the Northwest corner of said 13.583 acre tract; THENCE with the North line of said 13.583 acre tract the following: 1. North 85 degrees 41 minutes 15 seconds East 148.42 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod foun d; 2. North 73 degrees 49 minutes 15 seconds East 408.15' to the Northeast comer of said 13.583 acre tract; THENCE with the East line of said 13.583 acre tract South 4 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds East 18.93' to a 1/2 inch iron rod found; THENCE with said East line of said 13.583 acres and this tract, South 05 degrees 08 minutes 25 seconds East 227.00 feet to the place of beginning and containing some 13.583 acres or 591,680 square feet. SURVEYOR SEMPCO INC. 3208 SOUTH MAIN STREET FT. WORTH, TEXAS 76110 (817)-926-7876 J II I LOT 6 TIMBERLINE ESTATES • • . • • ... I SF1 A ........... Vol. 388-99, Pg. 25 (LUD=MIXED USE) D.R.,T.Co.,Tx. LOT 6 SF1 A (LUD=LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) I I 10' U E" ` 0 � LOT 7 � 1 ��g 12/Ei � i 1 /2" I.P.F. LOT N �893' I I DRAKE ESTATES SF1(LUD=LOW DENSITY 5 V E , 3�g 8�, o4.t2'00~ E I I Vol. 388-124, Pg. 68 RESIDENTIAL) ' 148 42' 5 D.R.,T.Co.,Tx. 1 �5'41'15" E 1/2" I.P.F �k. 148.42' �61 I I I LOT 7 i SF1A I I 10' U.E. . • • • •' .' I (LUD=MIXED USE) .....10' U.E. 10' U.E:-- �... ' �I I ' O approx. of 5 U.E. treeline t Z� 3 I g I ! • • •15' D.E. 138,239 S.F. I I IN 4 66,009 S.F. I 96.66'' 1 I I �L EAST I � I / � IZ rr) to Ln CO 24 55 p w l I 1. o � . 0 S 8 44" O 10' U.E. OR 0• — m E I O V J 34.83• 10' U.E. O �^ Z I 20.51'to 2p 51, I o I Lot 4 M 1 64,414 S.F. -4 J.G. ALLEN NO. 18 ADDITION 5 2 Ui I CAB. A, SLIDE 1253 92,004 S.F. P.R.,T.CO.,TX. '. 00(mixed use) / •� \ (t4k�p0p I RHETTA MAE MILLER \ / 10' U.E. VOL. 8782, PG. 545 D.R.,T.CO.,TX. I 380 6.992 ACRES 5/8" I.SS 28' �� S'S (LUD=LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) S 82.5250" E AGRICULTURAL —A °�. 6�/ / I J J I0 DRAINAGE ESMT. .�� 21.65•^ •••'•" ZCn � ` `q7 pI i� I 1/2" I.P.F. RHETTA MAE MILLER \ VOL. 8782, PG. 549 \ D.R.,T.CO.,TX. \ 2.715 ACRES \ (LUD=LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) \ \ AGRICULTURAL 2\ \ WN a\ \ .Y \ 15' Sanitary.... • • \ Sewer Esmt: •.. 5/8,. 1_➢ S. .a OWNER/DEVELOPER REALTY CAPITAL GROUP 2425 EAST SOUTHLAKE BLVD. SUITE 150 SOUTHLAKE TEXAS 76092 (817)-591-9481 PROPOSED I j LOT 1R fy_ (LUD=LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) U O tY Co BROCK I Vol. 388-44, P.R. J.Cc 9 Original Scale : 1 " = 100 0 50 100 200 Graphic Scale in Feet NOTES: 1. Existing zoning of property is SP-2 with 0-1 and C-2 uses. 0 PRELIMINARY PLAT STONEBRIDGE PARK AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS IN THE J. G. ALLEN SURVEY, A-18 13.583 ACRES 6 LOTS SEPTEMBER 22, 1997 WC'D SEP 2 21997 n S E M P C O, INC. suRVEra+—UA KMW-oafsuLTA► TS 3208 S. MAIN ST. FORT WORTH, TX 76110-4278 TEL: (817)926-7876 FAX: (817)926-7878 CASE NO. ZA97-123 Project No. 6711PREL 0 0 OWNER CERTIFICATION I NOTES: 1. Selling a portion of any lot within this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of state law and city ordinance and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and binding permits 2. The City of Southlake reserves the right to require minimum finshed floor elevation on any lot contained within the addition. The minimum elevations shown are based on the most current information available at the time the plat is filed and may be subject to o 9e Additional lots, other than those shown, may also be subject minimum finished floor criteria 3 The owners of all comer lots shall maintain sight triangles in accordance with the City Subdivision Ordinance. ME 0 50 t60 Stab T • 50 Cumberland CL Project Location Chisum c v Y rip 1° E_ d O —o —� Johnson Road Li a� C c� J c 0 ca W a. T Z co m ra J c 0 En farley 8156/386 )OB 0 0 0 0 0 Cn I 20' X 588.13' Ingress I �w r �� 8 Egress Easement vol >, c CI 8979, pg 1001 DRTCT I� r E — IN ` wl 1 to 4 O � I --- - - I - - --T3ufldtng ir-e------�_ I , ---- - - - - - r , - r I , 128 12' N 89-38-17 E /8' irs I , I ( I z I I I , I I I I I I I � I - — - — - — I I I 10' UtilityEaseTt-' f° ' 31 88 S 89-47-40 W I I s'8' ,rr , L m� W CO L t6 I IN O M N A o I 44.012 47 sq ft , , ih 1 01 acres Cn I I 20' x 285' Ingress b Egress Easement I vol 10228, pg ' 969 ' & vol 10762, eg 2090 I , I I DRTCT I �I E osman I L 12406/1453 N I0 , uJ � O tin I , � I i I- in , -- — —— y 40' Building Line o I I I , I 128 12' 5/8" irs 50 rs 55/8" irs 178 12' S 89-38-17 W ; ro 0 r r o J. J. Freshour Survey A try J G Allen Survey Abstract 18 iii 17e.1 ii i�943-421, Johnson Road r� IRF Lot 5 I Lc* 5 Pearson Lane Addi r 388-170 / 22 i NOTE: The is no Penholder on the subject proper*, 0 J 0 J v 0 J r� 0 J N O J 0 J WHEREAS, I, Lee K. Huntley, am the owner of a 4.58 acre tract of land situated in the J. J. FRESHOUR SURVEY, Abstract No. 521, in the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas according to the deeds recorded in Volume 12049, Page 808 and Volume 11366, Page 2032 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, said tract of land being a portion of that same tract described to Bill J Kendrick as recorded in Volume 8620, Page 1449, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeast comer of said Kendrick tract at a 12 inch iron rod found for a comer said iron rod being 25 feet S 89 degrees 43 minutes 42 seconds West and 760.15 feet north from the Southwest corner of Lot 1 Block 3 of the Vista Trails Addition, an Addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-95 Page 3 Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas THENCE South 00 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds West, 475.02 feet to a 518 inch iron pin for corner THENCE South 89 degrees 47 minutes 40 seconds West, 131.88 feet to a 5/8 inch iron pin for corner THENCE South, 285.15 feet to a point for a corner in the centerline of County Road No. 4091 said point being 560.03 feet North 89 degrees 43 minutes 42 seconds East from the Southwest corner of the said Freshour Survey; THENCE South 89 degrees 43 minutes 42 seconds West, along the centerline of said county road, 178.13 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 762.96 feet to a 518 inch iron pin for corner, THENCE South 89 degrees 43 minutes 47 seconds East, 311.38 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 198,793.20 square feet or 4 56 acres of land more or less NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That I, Lee K. Huntley, being the sole owner do hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as Lots 6 & 7 of the J. J. FRESHOUR NO. 521 ADDITION, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and I do hereby dedicate the rights of way and easements shown thereon to the public's use unless otherwise noted. WITNESS my hand at Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas this the day of 1999 Lee K Huntlev STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, on this day personalty appeared Lee K. Huntley and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this the day ^f 1999 Notary Public commission expires SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT This is to certify that I, Randy Gregory, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor of the State of Texas. having platted the above subdivmon from an actual survey on the ground and that all lot corners, and angle ports, and points of curve shall be property marked on the ground. and tAst am pat correctly represents that survey made by me or under my direction and superviwon Randy Gregory RPLS 4921 o Q Approval Date M City Council Southlake, Texas ra O Vl Co Cn > M Mayor City Secretary Approval Date Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman ecretary Plat Showing Lots 6 & 7 J. J. FRESHOUR NO 521 ADDITION being 4.56 acres +/- out of the J. J. FRESHOUR SURVEY Abstract 521 City of Southlake Tarrant County, Texas 2 Lots Ap ri 18, 1999 May 24, 1999 August 9, 1999 1 Owner Lee K. Huntley 3204 Johnson Road Southlake, Texas te, Randy Gregory Surveying 7700 Precinct Line Road Suule 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76180 (817)656-0610 (817)577-9436 FAX Location Map this plat reorded in Cabinet , Slide Dated ZA 99-063