1997-09-16 CC PacketW W Z Q 00 _j d Z � ! a O Q U y w LL_ �o O 0 O H �_zl w r= V FIR I d CL 1 /2" /. R. O F%ND O a' o q0 r z 0. of N � a TROPHY CLUB SECTION NINE VOLUMEI6 PAGE 17, DRDCT ZONED RESIDENTIAL "X" IN CONC FOUND W w � V% M � C1 M LLJ 0:� 0 0 O 0 O 0CY 0 < Z 112" I.R. ry W-, L_ 1/2" I.R FOUND" TRACT 1 A, A-1588 15.62 ac WILLIAM E. LAMOREAUX, Jr. AND BARBARA G. LAMOREAUX LIVING TRUST BOOK 96-R-0018218 DRDCT LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING = AGRICULTURAL 10' UTILITY EASEMENT AND ) 0' LANDSCAPE BUFFER YARD TYPE 'B 10'x8' CONTROL VALVE VAULT S89059' 57" E 8' HIGH BRICK PILLAR AND 577.28 9 I.R. too. 9 WOOD FENCE (TYP) UY ES HOG BARBED WIRE FENCE V I I I z z I FI N X 4 W I Lu- z a� as 301 I I PHONE RI ER PP ti W CL_ w ' W-I U) I 24" O/ 507.28.-'-_-o ...CLUSTER __._. _ N _.-�•.;!•.-..,:�1«drr o-.. / r �.: . ... 5 5 OAKS .............. . .-..----.---__....---...--.:__ _. - 1` PROPOSED LOT 1, BLOCK 1 PROPOSED Or,,22'�STEELLPOLE" GROUND STORAGE WATER TANK t 011 15'x15' SO. (225 SO.F TYP.> _ DISINFECTION BUILDING PUMP S TA TION 1�10-� , I�D�T�ON • 18 �iA K 21 N 118 / \ 18'� OAI 178 / I TWIN% 16';�"OA (D\-- S 12" BLACK LT o O s_ Y BOLLARDS (TYP) `to ?'1�'x12' DUMPS R ENCLOSURE / 24 S: OA HIGH BRIC WALL 1; W 5 E BRICK WALL10' WALK Ll �CONC. PARKIN) FIRE LANE N 75 4F� 5' I ACCESS o GATE Wl 89° 59' 57" 112" I. R. SET T.B.M.&24: RAILROAD SPIKE IN POWER POLE AT THE S.E. CORNER OF N. PEYTONVILLE AND W. DOVE STREET - ELEV. = 625.01 cn Q 0 CD- W (n a w U z 0 C3 Cu 0 0 VERTI AL TURBINE PHASE 2 (FUTURE CONSTRUCTION) ! PUM sLAB PROPOSED 5,06000 GALLON I PROPOSED 9,000,000 GALLON 11- - GROUND ISTORAGE GROUNDD STORAGE TWIN 161 QAI 158' DIA. I 1 SITE COVERAG =39,194 SQ.FT. 121' Off' S.W.D. 34' ° CLUSTERl '! MAX. HEIGHT = 44' 6-6" OAKS )K9 �4" OA i FOUNDATION RING EL. 619.50 T 3A, A-1588 TWIN I2� l8" 44 b3.446 ac\ OF SOUTHLNNKE I B R-0059985N�RDCT PROPOSED LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 150. WS LUMINAIRE 22' STEEL POLE ZONING = AGRICULTURAL (TYP.) _ 012" OAK 507.33' g d» PROPOSED 4' WIDE CONCRETE FLUME 10' UTILITY EASEMENT AND �- 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER YARD TYPE 'B' TRACT 3, A-1588 3.8 ac FRED PAUL ELLIOTT VOLUME 477, PAGE 302 DRDCT LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING = AGRICULTURAL NOTES 1. WEST GROUND STORAGE TANK (SUMMER 1997) CONTROL BUILDING, PUMP FIXTURES, DISINFECTION BUILDING. 2. BUILDINGS- ALL BUILDINGS SHALL BE RESIDENTIAL IN CHARACTER, PITCHED ROOFS WITH COMPOSITION SHINGLES, BRICK FACADES, 3. GROUND STORAGE TANKS - PAINTED STEEL 4, FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN- TO BE PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL ORDINANCES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 5. LIGHTING- ALL LIGHTING TO BE SCREENED TO ELIMINATE OVERFLOW LIGHTING ONTO ADJACENT PROPERTIES. 6. TREES - SHOWN FOR GENERAL LOCATIONS ONLY, 7. IRRIGATION- SITE TO HAVE AUTOMATIC CENTRAL IRRIGATION SYSTEM, 8. ALL AREAS NOT SHOWN AS CONCRETE SHALL BE LANDSCAPE AREA. 9, NO OUTSIDE STORAGE INTENDED. 10, SEE SITE GRADING SHEET FOR PROPOSED GRADES. I TRACT 2, A-877 16.26 ac WILLIAM E. LAMOREAUX, Jr. AND BARBARA G. LAMOREAUX LIVING TRUST BOOK 96-R-0018218 DRDCT LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING = AGRICULTURAL I 112" I. R. FOUND +— — — — V O C T� 1 2 II r'1 T "UT-1 It 1r WHIGH BRIC OOD FENCEK(TYP)AR AND 1__0' UTILITY EASEMENT AND 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER YARD TYPE 'B' CA TEGOR Y OF USES GROUND WATER STORAGE WATER TRANSFER PUMPING WATER DISENFECTION SITE INFORMA TION EXISTING ZONING = AGRICULTURAL PROPOSED ZONING = CS - COMMUNITY SERVICE LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL GROSS ACERAGE = 3.446 ACRES NET ACERAGE = 3.088 ACRES TOTAL FLOOR AREA = 1468 SO. FT. ONE LOT TRACT 3, A-877 ,/' 51.95 ac 0 A. F. OIEN, AND WIFE CAROL ANN OIEN 0 VOLUME 595, PAGE 340, DRDCT LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING = AGRICULTURAL 112" I. R. FOUND Li W 5 7 7.3 3' TWIN 1211$" OAK ° 06 118" OAK 0 LO 112" OAK Z I �w 1 �m I V)V) l ~ I L W m v 10Q UU)) w I � W I V) Q Oz Oa I Chry a- o I r--------------� I TRACT DESCRIPTION Being a tract cf land in the WILSON MEDLIN SURVEY, A-1588, Denton County Texas and being all of a tract of land as recorded in deed to Fred Paul Elliot in Volume 477, Page 302 Deed Records Denton County, Texas and by deed to The City of Southlake as recorded in Document No. WD 97—R-0059985 DRDCT, and being more particullarly described as follows: BEGINNING at a found 1 /2" iron rod being in the east line of the said Wilson Medlin Survey being by deed call South a distance of 1320 feet from northeast corner of said Survey; THENCE South a distance of 260.00 feet, along the west line of a 51.99 acre tract as recorded on Volume 595, Page 340 Deed Records Denton County, Texas and said survey line, to a found 1/2 $) iron rod for a corner; THENCE N 89° 59' 57" W passing a 1 /2" iron rod found in the east line of T.W. King Road at 539.38 feet, in all a distance of 577.32 feet to a found 1/2 99 iron rod for a corner in the east line of TROPHY CLUB, Section Nine; Rec. in Volume 16, Page 17, Plat Records Denton County, Texas; THENCE N 00° 00' 33" E along the east line of said TROPHY CLUB, Section Nine, a distance of 260.00 feet to a found 1 /2" iron rod for a corner at the southwest corner of a tract recorded in Volume 1167, Pg 71 Deed Records Denton County, Texas; THENCE S 89° 59' 57" E passing a 1 /2" iron rod found, at 38.00 feet, in all a distance of 577.28 feet to the point of beginning containing 3.446 acres of land, more or less. BUILDING LEGEND PROPOSED ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL BUILDING - SINGLE STORY - 1243 SQ. FT. - BRICK FACADE ON ALL FOUR SIDES - SLAB ELEVATION = 622.00 - MAX HEIGHT AT ROOF RIDGE= 19'-6" PROPOSED DISINFECTION BUILDING - SINGLE STORY, 15' x 15' = 225 SQ. FT. - BRICK FACADE ON ALL FOUR SIDES - MAX HEIGHT AT RIDGE= 13'-0' = BUILDING ENTRY / EXIT 10 N S GRAPHIC SCALE 0 20 40 80 E ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 40 ft. O IiNER CITY OF SOUTHI.AKE 667 N. CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 (817) 481-5581 NCIN/TY MAP N.T..S.I SURVEYOR -ENGINEER CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD. SUITE 200 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 (817) 548-0696 FAX (817) 265-8532 CONTACT: GORDON JOHNS CONCEPT PLAN FOR CS ZONING REQUEST PROPOSED LOT 1, BLOCK 1 GROUND STORAGE WATER TANK AND PUMP STATION No. 2 ADDITION AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 3.446 ACRES SITUATED IN THE W. MEDLIN SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 1588, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN BOOK 97-R-0059985, DEED RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS ONE LOT AUGUST, 1997 co CASE CASE No. ZA 97-116 1 TROPHY CLUB SECTION NINE VOLUME 16 PAGE 17, DRDCT ZONED RESIDENTIAL I` rn CD U) M 0 a a, cn Q a� W is a Cu Ln 1 0 0 00 a d IN IRS 112" I.F FOUND N �Q 06 LO 112" I.R. 1 /2 "I. R. FOUND 0 H W rn Q TROPHY WOOD DRIVE NORTHEAST CORNER TRACT 1A, A-1588 WILSON MEDL/N SURVEY 3 15.62 cc ABSTRACT No. 1588 p WILLIAM E. LAMOREAUX, Jr. AND BARBARA G. LAMOREAUX LIVING TRUST BOOK 96-0018218 DRDCT i ZONING = AGRICULTURAL PeOmBs (j 112 " I. R. Q FOUND S896591S7"E 577.Wks 112" I.R. FOUNI ti. n. r ti .fir 7 li Tr'.r-�.•4.�Jr Y i.. L. E.r iSrf ..:4 l A4 r'ii' .L: !.� 1!:•a.., `� t, 1. ��:�.. V- a, F------------------.......... •-....... ----------------=--------_. _- UTILITY- EASEMENT - - - - - I , --------- --------- ---------- ------ ---------- -•------- - 507.28' C-4 Allq �� 15gg I O � N c 01 1ziz) I01 1Q �f 'jam 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE I D F I Doc. No. 97-R-0059985 I cn EXISTING ZONING = AGRICULTURAL I �, O I PROPOSED ZONING = COMMUNITY SERVICE I CD > I` LP LOT 1, BLOCK 1 I z �• rh I � GROSS ACERAGE = 3.446 ACRES I (P NET ACERAGE - 3.028 ACRES I � T M rq 5'L .R. L R T9 597j7'rW 10' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ----_--�TH l�r-E,+------------------------------- -� 507.33,I� ' I I 0 - ,/ ` ( FRED PAUL ELLIOTT ri I D VOLUME 477, PAGE 302, DRDCT r m ri EXISTING ZONING = AGRICULTURAL 1 D r+i / j 1 PROPOSED ZONING = AGRICULTURAL I m LOT 2 BLOCK 1 I m � I z � GROSS ACERAGE - 4.353 ACRES I NET ACERAGE = 3.82 6 A CRES --- 95' ---� /AllCA N P i ooPO �' I METAc 2 I ' I BARN I y I Un 04 1 00 r— I STOCK �' M POND I 00 1 1 (TO REMAIN) 9��� I .� L------� -� I X 95 507.37' MI r,' dnLiTY-CVNT ---------J TRACT 2, A-877 16.26 cc WILLIAM E. LAMOREAUX, Jr. AND BARBARA G. LAMOREAUX LIVING TRUST BOOK, 96-0018218 DRDCT ZONING = AGRICULTURAL _ f;" 501 0 NVnu I P 10' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT W ON S GRAPHIC SCALE 0 25 50 100 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 50 ft. SITE iNFORMA rioN EXISTING ZONING = AGRICULTURAL PROPOSED ZONING = CS - COMMUNITY SERVICE 112" I.R. FOUND TRACT 3, A-877 51.95 cc A. F. OIEN, AND WIFE CAROL ANN OIEN VOLUME 595, PAGE 340, DRDCT ZONING = AGRICULTURAL — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ° FOUND ' "W 577.38' 1I.R. FOUND CIO 1 FOUND GRAVEL DRIVE LIN 4.75 cc Z? OO ALVIN F. OIEN REC. IN VOL. 1576, PG. 446 DRDCT ZONING = AGRICULTURAL CL a a SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: I, EDDIE L. CHEATHAM, of CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor of the State of Texas, do hereby declare that the internal easements, rights -of -way, and lot calculations, other than the property boundary, were properly prepared under my personal supervision in accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the State of Texas and the City of Southlake. Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 2346 Address: 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. Suite 200 Arlington, Texas 76011 SITE GROSS ACERAGE = 7.799 ACRES SITE NET ACERAGE = 6.854 ACRES TRACT DESCRIPTION Being a tract of land in the WILSON MEDLIN SURVEY, A-1588, Denton County Texas and being all of a tract of land as recorded in deed to Fred Paul Elliot in Volume 477, Page 302 Deed Records Denton County, Texas and by deed to The City of Southlake as recorded in Document No. 97-R-0059985 DRDCT, and being more particullarly described as follows: BEGINNING at a found 1 /2" iron rod being in the east line of the said Wilson Medlin Survey being by deed call South a distance of 1320 feet from northeast corner of said Survey; THENCE South a distance of 588.47 feet, along the west line of a 51.99 acre tract as recorded on Volume 595, Page 340 Deed Records Denton County, Texas and said survey line, to a found 1 /2" iron rod for a corner; THENCE N 89' 59' 57" W passing a 1 /2" iron rod found in the east line of T.W. King Road at 539.38 feet, in all a distance of 577.38 feet to a found 1 /2" iron rod for a corner in the east line of TROPHY CLUB, Section Nine; Rec. in Volume 16, Page 17, Plat Records Denton County, Texas; THENCE N 00* 00' 33" E along the east line of said TROPHY CLUB, Section Nine, a distance of 588.47 feet to a found 1 /2" iron rod for a corner at the southwest corner of a tract recorded in Volume 1167, Pg 71 Deed Records Denton County, Texas; THENCE S 89' 59' 57" E passing a 1 /2" iron rod found, at 38.00 feet, in all a distance of 577.28 feet to the point of beginning containing 7.799 acres of land, more or less. ALL LOT CORNERS SHALL BE 1 /2" IRON PIN SET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED NOTE: BEARINGS BASED ON THE EAST LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 477, PAGE 302, DEED RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BEING SOUTH SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: This is to certify that 1, JOHN D. ZIMMERMAN, a "Registered Professional Land Surveyor of the State of Texas, having platted the above subdivision from an actual survey on the ground; and that all lot corners, and angle points, and points of curve shall be properly marked on the ground, and that this plat correctly represents that survey made by me or under my direction and supervision. Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 2490 Address: 908 hest Main Street Arlington, Texas 76013 OWNER CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 (817) 481-5581 0 WNER FRED PAUL ELLIOT 1708 W. MARKET ST. ATHENS , AL 35611 VICINITY MAP SURVEYOR -ENGINEER CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD. SUITE 200 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 (817) 548-0696 CONTACT: GORDON JOHNS SURVEYOR JOHN D. ZIMMERMAN 908 WEST MAIN STREET ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76013 (817) 461-0188 FAX (817) 795-7880 PRELIMINARY PLAT LOT 1 AND 2, BLOCK 1 GROUND STORAGE WATER TANK AND PUMP STATION No. 2 ADDITION AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 7.799 ACRES SITUATED IN THE W. MEDLIN SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 1588, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS TWO LOTS AUGUST, 1997 MPA •+4.�rF1 �s E CASE NO. ZA 97-117 LOT 1A, BLOCK 1 SMOCK & HUSSEINI JV. L UD = MIXED USE ZONING = O 1-OFFICE Q w ` 10- OA4 r Of W 16" OAK LL 16" OAK m W 12" OAK U (n L o z U I I T_ — — — — — — I 1 I I V I I 0 � X\\ I I I I O \< �i2 h I I I I 4�� �o• 1 W I 0 I LOT 3R1 \R_ X Q I o h'� I 1 - LUD = MIXED USE N'S\ I 0 I ZONING - B 1- BUSINESS SERVICE PARK 1 p - \ W ICI Z I I I LOT 4R I I � I MARTIN SHELLING TR. ! O( W 5 0, R I LUD = MIXED USE 11 Q 01 ZONING = S-P-2 O U) �I I I Q 1 1 ( I I o ,a I p / I LOT 3R2 I 5 LANDSCAPE BUFFER YARD TYPE A , I I LUD = MIXED USE N89'58'04"E 255.62' 1 1 0 I ZONING = 81- BUSINESS SERVICE PARK N ,f 16' OAK N 10" OAK G� s = 24' FlRE LM1E I I % S R ° PROPOSED 2-13 RE NFORCED CO ORETE DRIVEWAY 18" OAS J00,C ON S- 1� Q i LO Q I " OAK / \ �Q;p `30' 41 ' N 16" o K l s 24 I 2' C ; I ILOT 3R5 DRI Y LOT 3R3 _ TRl E 18" oA)C ' MARTINI SHELLING TR. Ln Y Q I r L U0 = MIXED USE pc r LU1 -= MIXED USE ZONING = B1- BUSINESS SERVICE PARK ZONING = f 1- BUSINESS SERVICE PAR I I > Li \ — 14" QUAD CEDAR PC � 80 I I I / PROPOSED 8 MASON 0, m ( � SCREENING FENCE 2-7 WIDE ¢ w I Q ENTRY GATES a 1 —� O r 1 " OAK • k' o LOT 3R6 U I LOT 3R4 MARTIN SHELLING TR. "� z ' Cl TY OF SOUTHLAKE y16" OAK ✓ I X X 13" OAK 7- "-TWIN 12" OAK ` TWN 12" OAK` 12" OAK TRIPLE 14" OAK' J Q z ?o co 1 N rz LOT 18 N cl MURCHINSON PROPERTIES INC. W UD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL O o II ZONING = SF 20 B j Z � II 0 J MIRON ADDI TION ',°AK Q x LUD = MIXED USE LUD = MIXED USE �. - ;ND ZONING = B1- BUSINESS SERVICE PARK ZONING = B1- BUSINESS SERVICE PARK 12" OAK O EXIST. BUILDING 14" OAK PLANT S_-FEE NG 3?EQ0PEC: 0 � RADIO TOWLt ql�m./(N TI`.'E C w1r. 12" OAK 4:R TO E�E FLt1hTwG,,15" OAK 7" OAK,,"fP _ ? RECC-)M AEN TION".'�'4°x?e•s., /'. �5" OAK 6" CEDAR t 7' OAK sn x y•Sw'". 12 EXIST. 10' UTIL. T. EX ESM_ S89'58'040W 13" OAK 255.62' 5/8' "S-EXIST. 10' U L. ESMT. — — — — — — — — — — — 5/8" 1. P. S 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFEF YARD TYPE 'B' PRO OSED 1.5 M.G. ELE ATED STORAGE TANK SOUTHWEST CORNER MIRON ADDITION HEI HT = 123 FEET = 811 IELEV. OVERFLOW ELEV.= 801 BAS ELEV.= 688 LOT 20 ROHDE, MICHAEL E LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 19 ETUX FRANCIS MURCHINSON PROPERTIES INC. ETUX CAAROLROLYN ETUX CHRISTINE NEWTON, S P LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIA TENG, SAMS LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TI LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING = SF 20 B LUD = MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING = SF 20 B ZONING = SF 20 B ZONING = SF 20 B OAK TREE ES TA TES CABINET A. SLIDE 2121 PR TC T NOTES: 1. BEARINGS BASED ON EAST LINE OF FINAL PLAT OF MIRON ADDITION AS RECORDED IN CABINET A, SLIDE 1252 P.R.T.C.T. BEING N 00'28'52" E C4 TEGOR Y OF USES ELEVATED WATER STORAGE SITE INFORMA TION EXISTING ZONING = B-1 BUSINESS SERVICE PARK PROPOSED ZONING = CS - COMMUNITY SERVICE L UD = MIXED USE GROSS ACERAGE = 1.5 ACRES NET A CERA GE = 1.5 A CRES TOTAL FLOOR AREA = NO BUILDING E' ONE LOT S GRAPHIC SCALE 0 20 40 80 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 40 ft. �r r E! PIN r I n , g ..ng:I�' 1Lg1 ■ •,���� �■■■R����� �.� �� moo. .If�i1G: �'+• p O WNER CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 (817) 481-5581 VICINITY MAP N.T.S. SURVEYOR —ENGINEER CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD. SUITE 200 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 (817) 548-0696 FAX (817) 265-8532 CONTACT: GORDON JOHNS TRACT DESCRIPTION CONCEPT PLAN FOR CS ZONING REQUEST Being a 1.500 acre tract situated in the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, and CITY OF SOUTHLAKE being part of the Miron Addition to the City of Southlake as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1252, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described as ELEVATED WATER STORAGE TANK follows: BEGINNING at a point for the most southerly southwest corner of said Miron Addition; THENCE N 00 08' 52" E, a distance of 255.62 feet, to a point for a corner; THENCE N 89 58' 04" E, a distance of 255.62 feet, to a point for a corner; BEING 1.50 ACRES SITUATED IN THE JOHN A. FREEMAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 529 THENCE S 00 08' 52" W, a distance of 255.62 feet, to a point for a corner; AND BEING LOT 3R6 MIRON ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AS SHOWN ON APPROVED PLAT REVISION -MARCH, 1997 THENCE S 89 58' 04" W, a distance of 255.62 feet, to the POINT OF CASE: ZA97 - 037 BEGINNING, and containing 1.500 acres of land, more or less. 1 LOT JULY, 1997 R`ECD 5EP 0 81997 CD I CASE NO. ZA 97-115 NOTE: 21,953.02 Square Feet or 0.504 acre of land dedicated to Pine Drive 3 Lilac Lane nghts-of-way 0 50 100 150 Scale 1" = 50 ' Location Map (Spring Creek Acres 388-202174 Abandoned by Warranty Deed naming current owner) Frezza 12736/206 47 io • 30. 292.68' S 89-48-25 E 5/8" irf 73.82' N 89-58-15 E Pq 27.62' 5/8" irs 265.06' 10' Utility Easement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 5/81, irf - - - - 1 ' N 60. ' I I � I I I :3 , a I D CDIS I Lot 2 Block 1 C N • 1 58,061.29 square feet total 0 7 c -4 j C I 4,535.27 square feet in right of way ' ' zD (D I 53,526.02 net square feet m I M U _ I � I m ' 1 < I Q , 5/8" irs I D I 1 336.45' 89-48-25 W 5/8" irj 7 0 I I N pa ]. I I I m < •� I 1 A 1 VI I R CO I • � � I I w I ml I I w y I � 1 I 1 I z I ' Lot 1 Block 1 I 1 Q Q I 115,701 .81 square feet total cV N Y� Nrr y 1 17,417.75 square feet in right of way "! �p w I 98,284.06 net square feet oo ' V I M C < 1 I I ' 1 I ' I 1 ' I r I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I L-- - - - - --------—------------ - - 1 - - -- I 1 40' Building Line 60 1 I 1 I 5/8" irs 331.98' N 90-00 W 5/81* irs P Area dedicated for —I i0 Lilac Lane right of way �i 365.13' N 89-28-17 W 9r. Lilac Lane Carlile .~+r Lot 5 11 61 /485 M O. W. KNIGHT ADDITION 0 Cabinet A/Slide 3621 7 b Fultner I Marriott 9424/600 8609/806 NOTES. 1. Selling a portion of any lot within this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of state law and city ordinance and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. 2. The City of Southlake reserves the right to require minimum finish floor elevations on any lot contained within the addition. The minimum elevations shown are based on the most current information available at the time the plat is filed and may be subject to change. Additional lots, other than those shown, may also be subject to minimum finish floor criteria, 3. The owners of all comer lots shall maintain sight triangles in accordance with the City Subdivision Ordinance. OWNER CERTIFICATION WHEREAS, I, Sandra K. Talley, am the sole owner of a 3.99 acre tract of land situated in the O. W. KNIGHT SURVEY, Abstract No. 899, County of Tarrant, according to the deed recorded in Volume 6488, Page 927, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the northeast comer of said 3.99 acre tract, said comer also being the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block A of SUN SQUARE ADDITION, to the City of Southlake according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-212, Page 42, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 29 minutes 18 seconds West along the west line of said Lot 1, Block A of SUN SQUARE ADDITION a distance of 446.32 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for a comer in the new north right of way line of Lilac Lane and continuing in all a distance of 476.32 feet to a point in the centerline of Lilac Lane; THENCE North 89 degrees 28 minutes 17 seconds West a distance of 365.13 feet along said centerline to a point at the intersection of said centerline with the centerline of Pine Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 19 minutes 27 seconds East a distance of 473.64 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 89 degrees 48 minutes 25 seconds East passing at 27.62 feet a 5/8 inch iron set in the new east right of way line of Pine Drive and continuing in all a distance of 292.68 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found; THENCE North 89 degrees 58 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 73.82 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 173,763.1 square feet of land more or less of which 21,953.02 square feet lie within the right of way of Pine Drive and Lilac Lane NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That I, Sandra K. Talley, being the sole owner do hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as Lots 7 & 8, O. W. KNIGHT No. 899 ADDITION, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and I do hereby dedicate the rights -of -way and easements shown thereon to the public's use unless otherwise noted. WITNESS my hand at Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas this the day of Sandra K. Talley STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, on this day personally appeared Sandra K. Talley and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this the day of Notary Public commission expires SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: THIS is to certify that I, Randy Gregory, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor of the State of Texas, having platted the above subdivision from an actual survey on the ground; and that all lot comers, and angle points, and points of curve shall be properly marked on the ground, and that this plat correctly represents that survey made by me or under my direction and supervision Randy Gregory RPLS 4921 Approval Date City Council, Southlake Texas Mayor City Secretary Approval Date Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman Secretary Plat Showing Lots 7 & 8 O. W. KNIGHT No. 899 ADDITION being 3.99 Acres +/- out of the O. W. KNIGHT SURVEY Abstract 899 City of Southlake Tarrant County, Texas 2 Lots September 2, 1997 1997. 1997. Owner Sandra K. Talley 150 Lilac Lane Southlake Texas 76092 CDSEP o0 1997 Randy Gregory Surveying 7700 Precinct Line Road Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76180 (817)656-0610 (817)577-9436 FAX this plat recorded in Cabinet , Slide Date City Case # ZA97-104 1 TRACT 3B 16A ACRES I EXISTING ZONING. LUD =MIXED U5E 1 � EXM FRE HYDRANT - - - - Cft ABAEOOIED D(ISTNG DW - - r I DRIVE PROP06ED 25' WK CO0M - A IUMN I Dt1;SiRES, INC. TRACT 3A1B 2.275 ACRES I 1u ourruc inaU t NturI. EXISTING ZONINCs: 'IIPUD' � LUD=MIXED USE I Q J J oasroic DRIVE wcIM � C E)05TING Y wAQt uE, � VERFY LOCATION (12' *TER LINE 10 BE 0(IDIOm PoISf PROPERTY MIIFl1 12 YQfIHS) DOSIMIG 4' SIfD. GAS llE � VEF4F1' lAG7pN DOSIMIG DRIVE IPPROYN N.C.L IAIlD11G 5151E16 � 1TpCf 7AtA 4.28'15 ACA6 g 41- O i 1 k GERTi61D STARKEY I EM ST E. TAM A TRACT 5AM 1.0 ACRE I TRACT 5A4 8.05 ACRES EXI5TING ZONING: "aCs' EXI5TING ZONING: "46" LUD =MIXED USE LUD =MIXED USE I LID"OIE, VETS' LOCATION I 5' BUM YARD 'A' REOUI1111 +ii PRIOR TO INSTkLATION y N 89' 54' 26" E 586.04' _ — '�-- -- f 15' &XIM SET BACK — V4 & .7mm IR1IIES LOT 1 At 2, am 1 9falm REC. IN CAB P.R.T.C.T. l / i ' I � o; , RAINY MGM ONUS TRACT 5B4C 1.05 ACRES 1 I I 4 ' j EXISTING ZONING. "5F-1,4" - X LUD -MI ED U5E BER900- E X lb T I NCz Z ON I NC3 : AU 1 --1 PROP05ED ZONING: "G5" ( I v / � EXISTING L,4ND U5E: I I LUD =MIXED USE ( j I I -- � � 1 / C7) PROPOSED SEPTIC FED, VERFY � �' / � � ^ RANDY � 6E1ylD�AOWEIERS SIZE AND LOCATION 91i1 THE / I I I F' TRACT 5B4D1 0.53 AM N BATON cow . - Q 9 N E) SING PORTA I BMW: THE 01101'S SPECIFIC I � I O R.P PETERSON �� auLDm � 1 5' BUFFER YARD •A' REaNOENT N 890 54' 05" E)IORY & MARLEHE IVESTER TRACT 5M 4.0 ACRES EXISTING ZONING: "AG" LUD =MIXED U5E USE PERM FOR TM POK OE 8UlW EXPIRED ON I { 1 o TRACT 5B4 0.53 ACRES 1-21-95. THE CHLF0 WAS WIDE APPLICATION TO THE cny FOR A SPECK EXCEPTION USE PERKY FOR THRS Bt,M.�ING. I 1 I I' EXISTING ZONING: I I � i I EXI5TING ZONINCs: "SF-1,4" r- — — — — -� I LUD=MIXED USE I � \ r J I 1 1 \ G. PETERSON TRACT R5B40 051. ACRES CAfIlO6 LOPEZ TRACT 584E 2.10 ACRES (2) POR` E OLOW AS APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ADrAISIIENT FOR tSE BY TIE 6.C.I.S.D. FOR ITS WAXES LEArMK PROGRAM 4 EM SEP 0 81997 slorp. fNFORMATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT IR, BLOCK A E BLVD. S7. LAURENGE EPISCOPAL GNURCF+ ADDITION AN IDOIM IU itE CITY OF SOIfXW, TNiNWf COIRIn, if741S BEN A iBM OF LOT i, &IDG( A VICINITY MAP sr �unr r � jai 21su�r'' �-s� � SCALE N.T.S. iM�i1Nf OoIIY, 7FJW5. 7291 Glenview Drive North Richland Fulls. Texas 76180 Telephone 817 589 - 1722 Facsimile 817 U.5-2916 Architects GSB/BATENHORST RE VISIONS NCfffH d/b constructors inc. 2400 Great Southwest Parkway Fort Worth, TX SAINT LAURENCE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Case No. ZA 97-109 5119 NORTH KIMBALL RD. SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS CONCEPT PLAN for 'C811 Zoring Request (5.622 Acres) SCALE 1*-30'-0' PROJECT 19513 DATE 9-s-97 DRAWN JMW CHECKED B �MIU� 1G ORDER