1997-12-02 CC PacketCity of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM November 26, 1997 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting December 2, 1997 1. Agenda Item No 5A Request to Table and Continue Public Hearing to December 16 Ordinance No 683 Sidewalk Ordinance. You will notice that we have put this item on the consent agenda as a request to table. This is in response to a request by several of you to put items that we know will be tabled at the front of the agenda. This item was tabled October 21 to the December 2 meeting in order to give us time to receive input from the development community. Staff has met with developers and with the sidewalk ordinance ad hoc committee, but due to the short workweek, has not had time to incorporate comments. We are requesting you table consideration of this ordinance to the December 16 meeting. The non -staff members of the ad hoc committee recognize the reason for the need to table and are in agreement with our request. 2. Agenda Item Nos 5B, 5C and 5D Resolutions for Department of Public Safety Grants. As you know, the Department of Public Safety applies for and receives grant funding for projects/personnel on a regular basis. These three resolutions will allow DPS staff to continue to use federal dollars to support public safety initiatives. Each of the grants will provide funding for personnel costs. The COPS Universal Hiring grant is the funding that was used to bring Community Services Officer Carrie Fullington on board last year. If this grant application is successful, the funding (which is available for each position for three years) would be used to pay the cost of an additional patrol Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest November 21, 1991 Page 2 officer. We would use this additional position to enable us to rotate current officers through the Northeast Street Crimes Unit (one officer each quarter). This would result in a core group of our officers that will be trained for what we know will probably be coming. The DARE grant is simply the continuation of a grant we have already received. As you may recall, we recently received a grant to pay 100% of the funding of a DARE officer and this individual has just been employed. The second year grant will provide 80% of the funding. As noted in Director Billy Campbell's memo, the DARE grant makes funding available for the position for a five year period, with funds decreasing in 20% increments over the life of the grant. Finally, the TxDOT grant will be used to pay officer overtime for educational programs. We anticipate a grant of approximately $10,000. Please let me or Director Campbell know if you have any questions about these resolutions. 3. Agenda Item No 5E Authorization to advertise for bids for school zone flasher assemblies. As noted in the memo from City Engineer Ron Harper, we have purchased and installed one set of solar -powered flashers for Rockenbaugh Elementary School. The assemblies work well and we are now requesting authorization to bid for 18 more assemblies to install at all of the school zones in the City. Funds for these assemblies are allocated in the FY97-98 CIP. If you have any further questions, contact Public Works Director Bob Whitehead at ext. 740 or Ron Harper at ext. 779. 4. Agenda Item No 5F ZA 97-148 Plat Revision for the proposed Lots 58R and 43R. Block 12. Timarron Addition-Brenwyck, Phase 2. There are no significant issues regarding Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest November 26, 1997 Page 3 this item. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (5-0-2) subject to the Plat Review Summary. Chairman Wright and Commissioner Tate abstained. The purpose for this revision is to realign (straighten) the common property lines between the two lots in order to create a more buildable area. Contact Dennis Killough at ext. 787 regarding this request. 5. Agenda Item No 7A Ordinance No 480-263, ZA 97-143 Rezoning and Site Plan for Lot 4R, Block B. North Davis Business Park The improvements shown on this site plan are currently existing facilities. The site plan was required as part of the SP-1 rezoning request which the applicant needed to process in order to include "Limited B-2" uses. The applicant has listed the desired uses (See Staff Report under "Requested Zoning"), however, the recommendation for approval (7-0) by the Planning and Zoning Commission eliminated all requested B-2 uses with the exception of auto painting facilities and automobile body P PP shops. The applicant's request before Council still includes the originally requested uses although the applicant at the P&Z meeting stated that they were OK with the elimination of the uses as recommended by P&Z. The City Council voted to approve (6-0), 1st reading, subject to P&Z's recommendations and allowing the encroachment of existing pavement into the north bufferyard. Contact Dennis Killough at ext. 787 or Karen Gandy at ext. 743 regarding this request. 6. Agenda Item No 7B Ordinance No 688 Adopting and levying a sales and use tax for the Crime Control and Prevention District This ordinance must be passed by City Council so that it, along with other required documents, can be submitted to the Comptroller's Office no later than December 31. Upon receipt, the Comptroller's Office will issue a certification and we will be permitted to begin collecting the tax on April 1, 1998. A Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest November 26, 1997 Page 4 7. Agenda Item No. 7C. Ordinance No. 684. Standards of Care for elementary age recreation programs. There are no changes to this ordinance since City Council approval on first reading. Please call Director of Parks and Recreation Kim Lenoir at ext. 757 if you have any questions regarding this item. 8. Agenda Item 7D. Ordinance No. 682-A, amending Ordinance 682 designating the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One. City of Southlake. This ordinance extends the boundaries of the Reinvestment Zone. You will note that the 23-acre piece below the 42 acres that CISD has under contract near Heritage Industrial Park has been included since first reading. The area now comprises approximately 408 acres. The primary consideration of this item is the boundary expansion requested by CISD. The Project and Finance Plan are still "preliminary" and any comments on this item would be (40, more appropriately made when considering Item 8B. Recall that you will also have an opportunity to discuss the Project and Finance Plan at the Reinvestment Zone Board Meeting Wednesday, December 10 at 7:30 p.m. 9. Agenda Item No. 8A. Ordinance No. 480-261, ZA 97-130. Rezoning and Concept Plan for Southlake Garden Offices. The City Council tabled this item at the October 21, 1997 meeting. Councilman Martin met with the applicant regarding the layout of this site and proposed some alternatives primarily affecting the south portion of the site which 1) reduced the number of parking spaces proposed, 2) placed all construction (parking and buildings) approximately 50' from the south property line (north property line of the Timarron - Northwood Park residential development), 3) removed the driveway crossing the City tract, 4) removed the north/south driveway adjacent to the two south buildings. These changes did not appear to significantly reduce the originally proposed floor area. A Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest November 26, 1997 Page 5 The new plan submitted by the applicant shows the south building reduced from two stories to one, a reduction in the overall floor area from 91,046 s.f. to 76,369 s.f. and a reduction in parking from 329 to 313 spaces. Placement of the proposed buildings and parking areas have not significantly changed from the previous plan. The applicant still proposes a driveway crossing the City tract. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval 6-1 (Commissioner Edmondson dissenting) subject to the Plan Review Summary. Feel free to contact Dennis Killough if you have any questions regarding this request. A copy of Councilmember Martin's alternatives along with the applicant's old plan and new plan are attached. 10. Agenda Item No. 8B. First Reading. Ordinance No. 690. Approving Project and Finance Plan for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1. The information regarding this item is attached in a separate binder and included in the packet. Call Finance Director Lou Ann Heath at ext. 716, Assistant to the City Manager Darcey Imm at ext. 759, or me if you have questions on this item. 11. Agenda Item No 8C First Reading, Ordinance No. 585-A. Tree Preservation. The Planning and Zoning Commission deliberated on this item during the last three regular meetings, working through numerous issues prior to recommending approval (7-0). The copy forwarded is draft five of the ordinance, modified per the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The redline and strikeout edit marks are based on the current ordinance No. 585, not the previous draft. Also included is a transmittal letter from the Tree Preservation Ordinance Workgroup dated September 18, 1997, a summary of "Additional Recommendations" dated September 18, 1997 from the workgroup, and copies of all letters received regarding the update, the majority of which were received just prior to the last P&Z meeting. Contact Greg Last or Keith Martin at ext. 848 if you have any questions regarding this request. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest November 26, 1997 Page 6 12. Agenda Item No 9A Resolution 97-72. A ono inting members to the Board of Directors of the Crime Control and Prevention District. This item will continue to be placed on the agenda until you have made the appointments. As you know, we advertised and received a number of applications. These have been included in your packet. Due to the short work week, we expect to receive others before the meeting. Please call Shana Yelverton at extension 705 if you have any questions. 13. Agenda Item No 9B Resolution No 97-73 Appointment to the Parks and Recreation Board to fill an unexpired term. We have received one new application for this board position since advertising again. This has been included in your packet along with the applications we had received previously. 14. Agenda Item No. 10A. Requestedvariance to Sign Ordinance N -B for Carroll Independent School District. This item was tabled by Council at the October 21 meeting. It was suggested that the applicant attempt to reduce the requested number of variances. After meeting with Paul Ward and Chuck Bloomberg, the Principal of Carroll High School addressed several of Council's concerns and reduced the number of requested variances. However, two issues remain which Council asked the school to revisit - the readerboard and the advertisements. The item was tabled at the November 18 meeting to provide the school the opportunity to look into these issues. CHS has agreed to have the readerboard messages change periodically and not continually scroll across the sign. They state they are unable to remove the advertising from the sign because without sponsorship they cannot afford the new sign. A representative from the school will be present Tuesday to respond to any questions or concerns. X Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest November 26, 1991 Page 7 Director of Public Works Bob Whitehead and I discussed this item with the attorney, with a focus on state and federal legislative and constitutional issues. We will review this with City Council in executive session. Please call Bob or me if you have any questions prior to the meeting. Other Items of Interest 15. Land Use Plan Update. The Planning and Zoning Commission completed its review of the final Study Area "H" and the other outstanding issues on November 13, 1997. At this point, the LUP is ready for discussion in the P&Z's next regular meeting of December 4, 1997, in its entirety in a composite map form. Due to the substantial number of normal agenda items, the Commission may choose to hold a continuation meeting on December 11, 1997, to finish any development cases and/or discuss the entire LUP. The December 18, 1997 date for public hearing at P&Z, as well as the January 15, 1998 date for the joint CC/P&Z work session, are still on schedule at this time. Contact Greg Last at ext. 750 or Chris Carpenter at ext. 866 if you have any questions regarding the 1997 LUP update. 16. Park Department Organizational Study. The study team is continuing its work. Customer focus group meetings have been conducted, the comparative analysis surveys have been mailed to index cities (many have been returned already), and the climate survey results have been tabulated. The next step will be Park Board/City Council interviews. As soon as the research is completed, the project team will begin compiling the written report. Call Community Service Coordinator Shelli Siemer, the study team leader, at ext. 806 if you have any questions. 17. Charter Review Committee. Unless City Council directs otherwise, we are planning to move forward with the charter amendments we previously discussed. To do this, you must proceed with the appointment of a citizen charter review committee soon after the holidays. We are hoping you can get the committee appointed in December, then the work of the committee can be timely completed so that amendments can be taken to the voters in May. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest November 26, 1997 Page 8 Let me or Shana know if you have comments or questions about the direction we are proceeding. 18. Also in May... As mentioned in my last memo, we are at the point where we are actively addressing library issues. I met again yesterday morning with my counterparts in Colleyville and Grapevine, Bob Stripling and Roger Nelson, and we are getting close to the point of briefing our respective City Councils on how the library would be funded and how it would operationally function. We will be meeting with the three -city mayor's committee on December 8, with the objective of briefing the full Council on December 16. There are many details to discuss, but the financing of this facility is the most relevant. You are all aware of the size of our public works CIP, which will make funding a library through the general fund at this time extremely difficult. The City may, however, use SPDC funds to build a library, provided Southlake voters expand the use of the funds for that purpose. I believe we should seriously consider placing a proposition on the May ballot to expand the use of the SPDC funds for library purposes. There are two reasons to place this on the May ballot. First, the use of the half -cent sales tax for this purpose provides a dedicated funding source for the library, eliminating the competition for general funds with public safety and public works operations, as well as public works road, water and sewer projects. While SPDC does have a number of projects to fund, these projects are similar in purpose to the library and should be considered in the context of providing library services. Indeed, the enabling statute envisions funding libraries with this source. With the expansion of our retail commercial base (not to mention the annexation of Solana if we prevail as expected), sales tax dollars will continue to increase and, subsequently, so will the dollars we can leverage for projects. Certainly there would be adequate funding for a library. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest November 26, 1997 Page 9 Second, placing this item on the ballot will bring the issue to the forefront. Southlake residents would essentially be forced to tell us how they want the project funded and, thus. how quickly they'll expect us to move forward. In the meantime, there are some short- term options for interim funding that we will discuss with you in detail in the aforementioned briefing. In the meantime, please call me if you have questions. 19. Special Edition Newsletter. Public Information Officer Tracy Southers is preparing the special edition of Southlake In Review for the months of November and December. This is the tabloid -size, color newsletter produced twice a year. Topics covered in this edition include: Town Square/TIF progress, Clean City 2000 achievement, Land Use Plan revisions, public works projects, senior center renovation photos, SPIN Summit proposed P results, and more. The newsletter is expected to be mailed around December 18. 20. SPIN Vacancy Status. Due to the June 1996 revision of SPIN Ordinance 598-A, all odd numbered SPIN Representative terms will expire at the end of December. City Council will be asked to confirm the following selections and reappointments probably at your December 16 City Council meeting. Reappointments: Darrell Faglie, SPIN #7; Roger Hutton, SPIN #11; Barry Friedman. SPIN #13; Wayne Haney, SPIN #15. New Appointments: Angela George to share SPIN #1 with Cara White; Milan and Mary Georgia, SPIN #3; and Bob Walker to take the revised SPIN #16. SPIN #5, currently Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest November 26, 1997 Page 10 represented by Jan Francis, will not be decided until after the Joint SPIN/City Council Meeting on December 11. A reminder: The SPIN Executive Committee has invited Councilmembers to lunch with them next Wednesday, December 3, at noon in the Administration conference room. The intention of the lunch is to follow up on the Summit outcome of a library as the project with the most community interest. 21. Dominion/Timarron Drainage Issue Update. The final plat for Wyndsor Grove was approved at Planning & Zoning on November 20, 1997. We expect that construction plans will be submitted within the next 1 - 2 weeks. You are aware of Timarron's intent to place the Dominion designed drainage in a pipe. (40" As are you probably aware, the Dominion residents want (among other things) Timarron to Y remove all the silt from the easternmost retention pond. They feel that all the silt was deposited by the Timarron builders. Dominion residents plan to hire an engineer to review the drainage plans for Dominion and Wyndsor Grove, and feel that their review should be considered by Council. Staff will be meeting with the Timarron developers Monday afternoon to talk through the problem and potential solutions. I have a meeting with Carolyn Morris on Tuesday, December 2. to discuss their concerns and how we may be of assistance. Given the extent of the problem, we are going to have to get involved in order to resolve what has become a contentious neighborhood issue before it broadens to a contentious community issue. Working with the residents and the developer, we may be able to resolve the issue and put it to rest. There is precedent already established by the City in resolving problems that are Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest November 26, 1997 Page 11 beyond the ability of the property owners to do on their own. Because our involvement in these issues has legal implications, we will discuss it in executive session Tuesday night. 22. Joint Use Meeting. I have a meeting scheduled with Ted Gillum for Monday, December 1. There are some joint use management issues that we will discuss, and I am sure the issue of the TIF will also come up. I will brief you on Tuesday. 23. Internet Home Page Activity. As you recall, we launched our City web site on April 1 of this year. We have publicized the web address in the City newsletter, the City Manager's Report, and other fliers. As of this past Sunday, November 23, our homepage has received more than 25,000 "hits," and 4013 "user sessions." The top pages that have been accessed are: The "Home" page The City Council / P&Z Minute list (which links then to the various minute files) The City job postings The City Manager's Report Economic Development Fast Facts City Staff listing Parks Department index page SPIN Map History of Southlake Public Safety page We continue to add information to the site and are currently working with DPS to update and expand their information. In the late summer, we expanded the Parks Department information and immediately noticed more user hits on the Parks page. We also have A A Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest November 26, 1997 Page 12 plans in the very near future to reorganize the Homepage and make it more visually interesting with more pictures and graphics. FYI, our web address is ivww. ci. southlake. tx. us. If you have any questions regarding the City web site, please call Kevin Hugman, Community Services Manager at ext. 710. 24. Update on Senior Adult Activity Center. The renovation of the senior center has made tremendous progress over the past few weeks. The concrete work was completed by a team of local companies donating all materials and labor including Farrier Concrete Construction, Mid Cities Ready Mix, Tri-Steel, Ready Cable and Alliance Materials. Humphrey & Associates is taking the lead in the electrical work by donating both materials and labor. The electrical wiring is completed in the existing structure and Humphrey's will return to complete the wiring in the new addition and install the fixtures. The owners of Humphrey & Associates are also Southlake residents. Teams of volunteers worked over the past two weekends to complete the framing of the new addition. This past weekend, volunteers committed both Saturday and Sunday to the renovation project to ensure the framing was completed prior to the roofing work scheduled for Monday. Most of you know Southlake resident Domenic Carlucci, a pilot for American Airlines by profession. He has worked on the house almost every day since the beginning of the project. Many others have been there on multiple days. Commitment like this is the reason this project is moving so quickly. This week the roofing work will be completed with donated materials and labor. Dan Smith of Dan's Roofing obtained donated materials from Owen's Corning and Dallas Wholesale Roofing Supply. Lon Smith Roofing is donating the labor to remove the existing roofing material (which has three layers of shingles in some places) and install the new roof. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest November 26, 1997 Page 13 The community's response in volunteering time and donating materials has been better than expected. To date, only $2,810.86 has been spent on the renovation project. Probably the largest expenditure will come with furnishing the house, e.g., dishwasher, microwave, etc. However, Mayor Stacy has agreed to donate furniture, so this expense may also be less than anticipated. The project will continue as scheduled, but will slow down due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Staff plans to host a recognition celebration for the volunteers and an open house in January. 25. SYAC Activity Report. The Southlake Youth Action Commission has been busy with community service projects and the Youth In Government program. SYAC members (am", participated in the following activities: ropes course, Southlake's Night on the Town Celebration, Southlake's Harvest Festival, a book sale sponsored by the Rotary Club, the SPIN Summit, and the senior center renovation project. SYAC plans to participate in the upcoming City of Southlake's Christmas for Kids Toy Drive, and the Angel Tree project sponsored by the Salvation Army. SYAC also plans to develop a program to build a relationship with the city's senior citizens. The Youth in Government program is receiving a positive response from the SYAC members. This program is intended to educate the youth about local government. Each month, a department director explains their operations to the SYAC members. To date, Finance Director Lou Ann Heath, Community Development Director Greg Last and myself have met with SYAC. Each session provoked intelligent questions from the youth and should help make the end of the year mock city council meeting a success. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest November 26, 1997 Page 14 26. Note: -The attached notice from Tarrant Appraisal District regarding results of vote for Board of Directors. -Letter from 1997 Campaign Chair Webb Joiner regarding increase in our United Way giving. -Letter from R.C. Payne, US Postal Service regarding official notice of need to expand. -Upcoming Meetings and Events: *Mayor's Banquet, Monday, December 1, Radisson, Downtown Fort Worth *TIF Committee Mtg, Wednesday, December 10, Council Chamber *JUC Meeting canceled for December L A ErF?FTAPY n2 5 199 TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICTCE OF CITY I ohn R. Marshall 2315 Gravel Road • Fort Worth, Texas 76118-6982 • (817) 284-0024 Executive Director Chief Appraiser November 21, 1997 Mr. Rick Stacy Mayor City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Mr. Stacy: Ballots have been received from the entities entitled to vote in the election of Tarrant Appraisal District Board of Directors. A total of 4,632 votes have been counted, with the following results: Mr. Mike Davis 1,462 Mr. Gene Miers 783 Mr. Joe Potthoff 853 Mr. Charles Rogers 621 The following nominees are elected: Mr. Melvin Shuler, Jr. 133 Mr. Jeff Stricklin 53 Mr. Tommy Vaughn 727 Mr. Mike Davis, 1020 S. Main, Grapevine, Texas, 76051 Mr. Gene Miers, 5608 Malvey, Suite 106, Fort Worth, Texas, 76107 Mr. Joe Potthoff, 7343 Kingswood Circle, Fort Worth, Texas, 76133 Mr. Charles Rogers, 6115 Camp Bowie, #290, Fort Worth, Texas, 76116 Mr. Tommy Vaughn, 2111 River Bend Road, Arlington, Texas, 76014 Thank you for your cooperation in returning the ballots to us, enabling the prompt report of the results. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to call. KRUM cc: City Manager y, ere John R. Marshall Executive Director Chief Appraiser DISTRICT MANAGER FORT WORTH DISTRICT JUUNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Honorable Rick Stacy Mayor, City of Southlake 1725 E. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, TX 76092-6426 U NOV 1 91997 y V C.L F i Dear Mayor Stacy, y KLI The U. S. Postal Service has determined a need to expand the Southlake Branch of the L� Grapevine Post Office or move to another location in order to improve the quality of service we provide to your community. Some of the improvements in an expanded or new post office will include: improved customer parking, handicap accessibility, enhanced window services, more post office boxes and a better working environment for our employees. The expanded post office should contain about 20,000 interior square feet of useable space on a site approximately 170,000 square feet. We value our customers and want to work closely with the Southlake community. As your community's spokesperson, we seek your input and concurrence with our plans. If an expansion of the existing post office is not feasible, we will seek a location within the following area: North by: East Northwest Highway (E Highway 114) South by: Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) East by: South Kimbel Avenue West by: North Carroll Avenue Please provide your comments and suggestions within the next 30 days to: Larry Andrews, Real Estate Specialist Facilities Service Office P. O. Box 667180 Dallas, TX 75266-7180 Tel. (214) 819-7213 Thank you for your participation in this important process. Sincerely, (3F(f (::]_��Y� R. C. Payne 4600 MARK IV PARKWAY FORT WORTH, TX 76161-9100 (817)317-3301 Fax: (817)317-3320 Bell Helicopter h I *A 7 . • 8*11 HNicoptor T*xtron Inc. A Subsidiary of Textron Inc. Webb F. Joiner Chairman and Chief Executive Officer November 21, 1997 Mr. Curtis Hawk City of Southlake 667 N Carroll Ave Southlake TX 76092-9595 Dear Mr. Hawk: Post Office Box 482 Fort Worth, Texas 76101 (817) 280-2011 NOV 2 5 M7 On November 14 we celebrated our greatest increase in giving since 1990. A 3.7% increase over 1996 and $800,000 in new dollars. The United Way staff has shared with me the good news about your 1997 campaign results at the City of Southlake. Building upon a great foundation of support, your employee gift is $ 14,504 , which represents a 11.16% increase over 1996 results. Please express to your employees the sincere thanks from United Way of Metropolitan Tarrant County and its 42 partner agencies. This is quite an accomplishment and is truly appreciated by the many people who will benefit from your contribution. Sincerely, —;;�)w Webb Joiner 1997 Campaign Chair Lr4 (j. W= F 0 a ao C1 — O �q J 0 O m N N w W O C O wp O �^ wo C 0 0 y n 0 � c w O r to •�7 '� a z O CD .�, w n w n; A `r1� B b7CD g CD CD n aa,x� " 0 C`c �c31 y _ril tz w N " 'ti7 C �c CD CD v O O° 0 B O O O CC v N 0 0= 0 _ O E E3 > y C� .�» n _n "CA cn a z w _ y E-cn a `° ►c a C Cc ^_ d c� o cr CD A '+ Q� N 0 C w �% Casa ►� c n y C G a k w N CD 70 ��3 " a K 4ve City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM November 26, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Ron Harper, City Engineer SUBJECT: CIP Status Report Attached are the status reports currently included in the City's Capital Improvement Program for 1996-1998. These monthly reports are in a narrative format which will describe the ongoing progress of each project. A graphical schedule of each project is also included which shows the current schedule with it's corresponding baseline schedule. These narrative and graphical updates will include the following: e I 1996-1998 Sewer & Water Infrastructure CIP Projects 1996-1998 Neighborhood Sewer/Street CIP Projects S.H. 114 Reconstruction Projects Miscellaneous Projects Attachments i MONTHLY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS UPDATE (W December 1997 1996-98 Sewer and Water Infrastructure CIP Projects A SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE Project Description: Dove Estates Lift Station & Sanitary Sewer Improvements Discussion: Currently, the majority of the Dove Estates subdivision is served with sanitary sewer. This sewer flows to a small treatment facility where it is treated and discharged into Lake Grapevine. This treatment facility is a maintenance problem and requires daily upkeep. In order to abandon the treatment facility, a lift station needs to be constructed so the sewer can be pumped within a force main to the gravity sewer located in Lonesome Dove Estates. The design of this project should be completed by the end of November 1997. This project was originally proposed and funded for the FY1996-97, but because no improvements to this project can occur until the lift station at N. Carroll Ave. and E. Dove St. is abandoned and improvements to the lift station at Lonesome Dove Ave. and E. Dove St. occur, this project was delayed and placed in the FY1997-98. The estimated desi and construction cost is $170,000. 1997 1 1998 1999 ID Task Name Duration M J J A S OI N I D I J I F I M I A I M I J I J A S O N D J I F I M I A I M I J I J I A I S 10 N 56 Dove Estates Sewer 293d 57 Design 45d 2 u� 58 Review Plans 21d 0*A 59 Obtain Right of Way 120d % 60 Finalize Plans 10d 61 Advertise 21 d D"(. 62 Council Bid Award 1 d /18 : 63 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0"6 64 Preconstruction Conference 1 d 7/10 65 Construction 90d 09A Project Description: Crossroads Square Sanitary Sewer" Discussion: A portion of this project was approved and funded for the FY 1996-97. This original funding was $125,000. The original alignment of the sewer was revised due to the developer of the Shady Oaks Retail Center participating with the city. Under this new alignment, 75% of this line will be constructed with the participation of the developer of Shady Oaks Retail Center. Construction has begun for this portion of the sewer line which extends from the Shady Oaks Retail Center to the entrance to Bicentennial Park and then across F.M. 1709 and connects to the existing sewer at Caddo Lake Drive in the Lakecrest Subdivision. The construction of this section should be completed by mid -November. Due to the alignment change, an additional $50,000 is required to design and construct the remaining 25% of this sewer line. The remainder of this sewer line is from the entrance to Bicentennial Park to the lift station located at F.M. 1709 and N. White Chapel. With the completion of this section, the existing lift station will be abandoned. The preliminary design for the remainder of this line has recently begun. The anticipated completion date is the end of May, 1998. * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a previously proposed project 1 ID Task Name Duration 1997 1998 TI A S O N D J F M A M J J IAI S IO N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F 89 Crossroads Square Sewer 100 1 90 Design 30 50 91 Review Plans 7 ® 0 92 Obtain Right of Way 0 1 25 93 Finalize Plans 3 r o% 94 Advertise 28 ® 00 95 Council Bid Award 1 Q 1119 96 Obtain Contract Documents 15 GI ©°6 97 Preconstruction Conference 1 0 10 98 Construction 15 ET 0qb Project Description: Sewer Line Extension North on White Chapel to Bob Jones Park* Discussion: This sewer line is needed to provide sanitary sewer service to Bob Jones Park. The estimated design and construction cost is $244,000. The city anticipates having this sewer line engineered and designed in the FY1997-98 and constructed in the FY1998-99. Therefore, $19,520 will have to be funded for the engineering costs for the FY1997-98. The design of this project was scheduled to be completed by the end of November 1997. However, the design has been delayed because the TRA lift station is not yet in service. The design will begin once the TRA lift station is in service. The nroiected completion date for this lift station is Febniarv_ 199R ID Task Name Duration 7 1998 1999 J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O FN D J I F MIA I Mi J I JJ A I S O N D J 100 Bob Jones Park Sewer 188d 101 Design 30d poi: 102 Review Plans 15d pob 103 Obtain Right of Way 30d 0% 104 Finalize Plans 5d 105 Advertise 21d poi 106 Council Bid Award 1 d 41 5127 107 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0°6 108 Preconstruction Conference 1d /18 109 Construction 90d oof Project Description: S-7 Sewer Line Extension* Discussion: The S-7 sewer line serves the southeast portion of the city. With the construction of this extension, the city can eliminate the wastewater treatment facility at Bank Place. This sewer line will also serve the commercial and industrial sites located in this portion of the city. The estimated design and construction cost for this project is $1,000,000. The city anticipates that the design and a portion of the construction will be completed in the FY 1997-98 and the remainder of the construction to occur within the FY1998-99. Therefore, $500,000 is proposed to be allocated for the FY1997-98, and the remaining $500,000 to be allocated for the FY1998- 99. The intended completion date for this project is December 1999. * Desigates anew project ** Desigates a revision to a previously proposed project 2 ID Task Name Duration 7 1998 1999 J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J I F1 MIA I MI J J I A IS 10 IN I D J 122 S-7 Sever Extension 458d 123 Design 90d 0% 124 Review Plans 15d p% 1 125 Obtain Right of Way 150d pad i 126 Finalize Plans 5d I 127 Advertise 21d 0% 128 Council Bid Award 1d I 4/2 129 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0% I 130 Preconstruction Conference 1d 3/24 i 131 Construction 180d pe� Project Description: Diamond Circle Estates Sewer/Streets Discussion: Construction is on schedule for this project. Construction is scheduled to last until the end of March, 1998. 1997 1998 ID Task Name Duration A S O N D J F M AIMAIMI J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F 23 Diamond Sever/Roads 379 24 Design 75 100% 25 Review Plans 21 100.% 26 Obtain Right of Way 45 i 27 Finalize Plans 10 lom 28 Advertise 19 100% 29 Council Bid Award 1 9/2 30 Obtain Contract Documents 15 ET 100° 31 Preconstruction Conference 1 9/16 32 Construction 120 25e� 0 Project Description: Sutton Place Sewer (CDBG) Description: Construction began for this project on October 27, 1997. At least 60 days will be required to install the sewer main line. As you are aware, there is a second phase of construction which involves connecting the residents from their existing septic systems to the main sewer line. This portion has been approved by City Council and currently is being processed through Tarrant County. The city hopes to begin construction of this second phase immediately after the construction of the main line. ID Task Name Duration 6 1997 1998 J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J 1 Sutton Place Sevner (CDBG) 260d 2 Design 60d 100% 3 Review Plans 21 d 1000A 4 Obtain Right of Way 60d 100°b 5 Finalize Plans 10d 6 Advertise 28d 100°6 7 Council Bid Award Id 9/2 8 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 9 Preconstruction Conference 1d �0/2 10 Construction 60d 1°f * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a previously proposed project 0 Project Description: Sanitary Sewer/Water Line Improvements for the Miron Addition Discussion: Construction has been completed for this project. Project Description: Dove St. Force Main (Lonesome Dove Ave. to Kirkwood) ** Discussion: The first phase of this project was originally approved and funded for the FY 1996- 97. The first phase will be constructing a 14" force main along Dove. St. and modifying the existing lift station located at Dove. St. and Lonesome Dove Ave. In the future, an additional 18" force main along Dove St. will be required in order to serve the subsequent development and the existing homes connecting to sewer. Therefore, instead of constructing the 18" force main at a later date and disturbing the area a second time, the city proposes constructing the 18" force main at the same time as constructing the 14" force main. The additional cost is $361,000, of which $300,000 will be allocated for the FY1997-98 and the remainder $61,000 being allotted for the FY1998-99. The design of this project is around 65% complete. Approval was recently received from TU Electric in order for the proposed force mains along Dove St. to be located within the existing TU Electric easement along the north side of Dove St. Permission still must be granted by the homeowners for which this existing TU Electric easement is located. If these homeowners are not receptive to this proposed construction within this existing TU Electric easement, another route for the force main may be evaluated. Due to the alignment issues for this force main, the design of this project has been dela ed. The expected completion date is January, 1999. 7 1 1 1997 1 1998 ID Task Name Duration 45 Dove Road sewer 538 46 Design 250 � 47 Review Plans 21 48 Obtain Right of Way 120 49 Finalize Plans 10 50 Advertise 28 51 Council Bid Award 1 52 Obtain Contract Documents 15 53 Preconstruction Conference 1 54 Construction 120 0 r �oil ■ _ 0% Project Description: 18" Force Main from Raintree Vicinity to Lonesome Dove Ave. Lift Station * Discussion: This force main will convey the sewer from the Raintree/Shady Lane vicinity to the proposed sanitary sewer line at the intersection of Dove St. and the future Kirkwood Blvd. The cost of this project is estimated at $648,000, although only $432,000 will be appropriated for the FY1997-98. The remaining $216,000 willbe funded in the FY1998-99 budget. This project is in its beginning design stage. The preliminary schedule for this project is as shown on the next page. * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a previously proposed project 4 ID Task Name Duration 1998 1999 A S O N D J F M A I M J1 J I A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D' J F 78 Farce Maxi from RaInkee Mclnay 515d I 79 Design 150d p% 80 Review Plans 30d i 81 Obtain Right of Way 150d pe 82 Finalize Plans 20d 0% 83 Advertise 28d pgb 84 Council Bid Award 1 d OPfi 85 Obtain Contract Documents 15d poi 86 Preconstruction Conference 1d p% 87 Construction 150d 0°b Project Description: Lift Station Located in the Raintree/Shady Lane Vicinity* Discussion: This lift station will pump sanitary sewer from the Raintree/Shady Ln. area to the gravity sanitary sewer located at Dove St. and the future Kirkwood Blvd. The estimated cost of this project is $425,000, of which $318,650 will be allotted for the FY1997-98. The remaining $106,250 will be allocated for the FY1998-99. This project has recently begun and should be designed ahead of schedule. The anticivated schedule is as follows: 1 1 11997 1 1998 1 1999 1 ID Task Name Duration JJJJ JAI S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O j N D 89 Lift Station @ Rahwee/Shady Area 440d 90 Design 75d e 91 Review Plans 30d lazzp 92 Obtain Right of Way 150d 93 Finalize Plans 20d 0e6 94 Advertise 28d 0e6 95 Council Bid Award 1 d pedr 96 Obtain Contract Documents 15d p% 97 Preconstruction Conference 1 d 98 Construction I 150d Project Description: 18" Gravity Sever Line from Mesco Lift Station to Proposed Raintree/Shady Liz. Lift Station* Discussion: This sanitary sewer line will begin at the existing lift station located near the Mesco property and extend along the Jones Branch creekway to the proposed lift station located in the Raintree/Shady Ln. vicinity. With the construction of this line, the existing lift station at Mesco will be eliminated. The estimated design and construction cost is $175,000, although only $116,667 will be appropriated in the FY1997-98 CEP budget. The remaining $58,333 will be funded in the FY 1998-99 budget. Approval was recently granted by Council for professional services for the design of this project. This project is in its beginning design stage. The preliminary schedule is depicted on the next page. * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a previously proposed project E A ID Task Name Duration 1998 1999 A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J I J A S O N D J! F 100 18" S.S. Llne from Masco to RalMree 515d i 101 Design 150d I 0% 102 Review Plans 30d 103 Obtain Right of Way 150d 0e 104 Finalize Plans 20d 0e6 105 Advertise 28d 0% 106 Council Bid Award 1d pob 107 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0e6 108 Preconstructon Conference 1d 0e6 109 Construction 150d 0°6 WATER INFRASTRUCTURE Project Description: 12" Water Line along Continental to Crooked Lane to S. Kimball to F.M 1709 Discussion: Currently, the existing 12" water line along F.M. 1709 is fed only from one direction. With the construction of the above referenced water line, a loop with the existing 12" water line along F.M. 1709 with the 12" water line along Continental will be created. The alignment for this water line along Continental has been revised. The plans for this revised alignment have been completed and reviewed by the city. The city is in the process of obtaining the required easements for construction. The easement acquisition should be complete by the end of December. Construction is anticipated to take at least 180 days, which will place the completion date to the end of November. 1998. ID Task Name Duration 1997 -71 1998 S O N D F 1 M A I M 1 J 1 J I A I S 10 1 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M 67 Continental/Kimball Water 493.5 i 68 Design 240 %' 1 69 Review Plans 107 i 70 Obtain Right of Way 30 50% 71 Finalize Plans 10 72 Advertise 28 o 0e,4 73 Council Bid Award 1 a 16 74 Obtain Contract Documents 15 poi 75 Preconstruction Conference 1 /10 76 Construction 180 _ ....,........_ Oe Project Description: 12" Water Line - Dove St. to Kirkwood Blvd. ** Discussion: This project will provide water service to the IBM complex in Solana as well as the future development along the future Kirkwood Blvd. This project was approved and funded in the FY1996-97 CEP budget. During the design process, various topography and development concerns led to revising the original alignment. The original estimate which was funded in the FY1996-97 budget was $200,000. With the alignment change and the addition of certain valves and fittings, the revised estimate is $326,000. This additional $126,000 will be funded in the FY 1997-98 CEP budget. Construction is under way on this project. The completion date is expected to be at the end of April, 1998. * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a previously proposed project 2 A ID Task Name Duration 1997 1998 A S54, M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F 56 Dove to Kirkwood Water 395 57 Design 60 58 Review Plans 2159 Obtain Right of Way 160io0e�60 Finalize Plans 1061 Advertise 28 100eA 62 Council Bid Award 1a 9/2 i 63 Obtain Contract Documents 19 0 190% 64 Preconstruction Conference 1 1p2 65 Construction 120 Sod Project Description: 24" Transmission Water Line from Trophy Club to Ground Storage Tank No. 2** Discussion: This water line will provide a second main feed for the city from the City of Fort Worth. This project was approved and funded for $1,300,000 in the FY1996-97 CEP budget. This amount was estimated based on a proposed 20" water line. Based upon a water model study by Freese & Nichols, it was determined that a 24" water line was required in lieu of the 20" be. Therefore the project estimate increased by $211,000. For the FY1997-98 CIP budget, $105,500 will be allocated with the remaining $105,500 budgeted for the FY1998-99 CEP budget. The design of this project is complete. The city is currently reviewing the construction plans. The city is also in the process of obtaining the necessary easements for this project. The expected completion date is the beLrinnina of Anril of 1999_ ID Task Name Duration 1997 1998 1999 J IFI M[Al MI J I J JAI S O NJ-6- J I F1 MIA I MI J I J JA I S1 01 NJ D J I F1 MIAMIAI MI J I J 12 24" Transmission Water Line 546 13 Design 180 flp 14 Review Plans 21 t 1 15 Obtain Right of Way 90 1006 16 Finalize Plans 10 0 17 Advertise 28 0% 18 Council Bid Award 1 O /9 19 Obtain Contract Documents 15 0 0% 20 Preconstruction Conference 1 a 5/1 21 Construction 240 peg Project Description: 24" Transmission Line from Ground Storage Tank No. 2 to Dove Elevated Tank** Discussion: The construction of this water line will provide a redundant source from the proposed Ground Storage Tank No.2 to the Dove St. elevated water tower. This project was originally estimated to cost $650,000 in the FY1997-98 CEP budget. The original alignment of this water line was revised in order to bypass Corps of Engineers property. Furthermore, the size of this water line was increased from 20" to 24" for hydraulic considerations. For these reasons, as well as for the purchase of the required easements, the estimated cost increased by $200,000. This amount will be financed through the FY1997-98 CIP budget. This project has been awarded and the contracts are currently being executed. The expected completion date is the end of (aw August, 1998. * Designates anew project ** Designates a rexisiou to a preNiously proposed project 7 j ID Task Name Duration 1997 1998 A S O N O J I F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J i A S O N D J F 100 24" Ground Storage 2 to Dove 413 101 Design 120 e 102 Review Plans 30 103 Obtain Right of Way 30 104 Finalize Plans 6 0� 105 Advertise 15 IML 106 Council Bid Award 1 11 107 Obtain Contract Documents 15 0AO 108 Preconstruction Conference 1 2/0 109 Construction 180 Project Description: 20" Water Line from FM 1709/White Chapel to Woodland Heights** Discussion: This water line will feed the proposed Miron elevated water tower. The capacity to the east side of town will also be increase with the construction of this water line. The original estimate for this project, which was appropriated for FY1996-97, was $541,000. Due to the easement costs and a required change order, this project is now estimated to cost $100,000 beyond the original estimate. This amount will be allotted in the FY1997-98 CIP budget. A change order to this contract was recently approved to extend the 20" water line from F.M. 1709 to the proposed Miron tank site in order to mitigate water pressure problems in Oaktree Estates. This project has been completed. Project Description: 12" Water Line on Continental from Crooked Lane to Heritage Business Park* Discussion: This water line is crucial in providing fire flow for Heritage Business Park. This water line will also provide a loop with the existing water lines from Commerce Business Park and Heritage Business Park to the proposed 12" water line along Continental. The estimate for this water line $162.000_ The nreliminary ccherinle is rlenintPrl hpinxx, ID Task Name Duration 1997 1998 1999 J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A -M J J A S O N D 111 12" Line on Continental to Herkage 196d _ 112 Design 60d 0eb 113 Review Plans 21d 00,E 114 Obtain Right of Way Od O ---- 115 Finalize Plans 10d OOA 116 Advertise 28d O% 117 Council Bid Award 1d Oob 118 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0% 119 Preconstruction Conference 1d l7°6 120 Construction 60d _ 09A Project Description: 12 " Water Line on E. Dove St. from White Chapel to Carroll Ave. * Discussion: This water line will replace the existing 6" water line along E. Dove St. The engineering will be funded in the FY1997-98 CIP budget. The estimated cost for the engineering is $22,800. The funding for the construction of this line willbe budgeted in the FY 1998-99. The estimated amount for the construction is $262,200, therefore the total amount for this project is (NOW estimated to be $285,000. * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a previously proposed project Rl ID Task Name Duration 1998 1999 O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A 122 IT' on E.Dove from WC to Carroll 415d I 123 Design 120d ©off 124 Review Plans 21 d I 125 Obtain Right of Way 150d Oob 126 Finalize Plans 10d 0% 127 Advertise 28d� 128 Council Bid Award 1 d 0"6 129 Obtain Contract Documents 15d. 0% 130 Preconstruction Conference 1d 0% 131 Construction 90d Oob Project Description: 12" Water Line on N. White Chapel from W.Highland to F.M. 1709* Discussion: The current 12" water line along N. White Chapel is deteriorating and requires replacing. The water line will be designed in the FY1997-98 and constructed during the FY1998- 99 and FY1999-00. The engineering costs are estimated to be $22,800 and will be allocated in the FY1997-98. The remaining $262,000 will be funded as part of the FY1998-99 and FY1999- 00 CIP bud8ets. The nreliminary de.6on and rnnctniotinn ID Task Name Duration 1998 -1999 -- 2000 F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A 133 12" on WC tom Highland to FM1709 340d 134 Design 45d 0.6 135 Review Plans 21d 136 Obtain Right of Way 150d 04A 137 Finalize Plans 10d Oe6 138 Advertise 28d Oob 139 Council Bid Award 1 d Oob 140 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0%! 141 Preconstruction Conference 1d pob' 142 Construction 90d -00 Project Description: Miron Elevated Tank** Discussion: This water tower will maintain adequate fire flow and water pressure to the east side of the city's water system. The design of this project is complete and is being reviewed by the city. The original estimated amount for this project has increased from $1,560,000 to $1,710,000. This increase is attributed to required modifications to the elevated tanks at Bicentennial Park and at E. Dove St. once the construction is complete to the Miron elevated tank. These improvements total $90,000. Furthermore, a second floor in the tank shaft will also be constructed as part of the Miron elevated tank. This improvement will cost $60,000. The engineering and construction costs are divided equally between the FY 1997-98 and FY 1998-99, which amount to $855,000 each. This project has been designed and the city has reviewed the plans. * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a previously proposed project C ID Task Name Duration 1997 1998 N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M 78 Miron Elevated Tank 552 79 Design 200 po 80 Review Plans 16 81 Obtain Right of Way 0 2/5 82 Finalize Plans 21 83 Advertise 28 I 84 Council Bid Award 1 1/7�6I 85 Obtain Contract Documents 15 0 86 Preconstrucfion Conference 1 2/0 87 Construction 270 Project Description: 30"136" Transmission Line from N. Pearson to SH 114* Discussion: As part of the Northeast Tarrant County Regional Water Supply (NETCREWS), the city has committed to constructing a 30" water line from Pumping Station No.l along N. Pearson to Florence, thence along Florence to Randol Mill. At this intersection, the water line will increase in size to a 36" water line and will extend north along Randol Mill to the intersection of the future Precinct Line Rd. and SH 114. With the construction of this water line and the proposed 24" water line along S.H. 114, a redundant main feed will be accomplished from the City of Fort Worth. This line is scheduled to be completed in the FY2000-01. In order to accomplish this, the engineering must be scheduled for the FY 1997-98. This amount is estimated to be $298,861. The remaining estimated costs will be appropriated over the FY1998-99, FY1999-00, and FY2000-01. The entire project cost is estimated to be $3,733,516. 1998 1 1999 2000 2001 ID Task Name Duration MAIMJIJASON JIFIMAIMIJIJIAISIOINIDJ A JJASONDJF A JJAS N D J 144 30"rd6"TransmisslonUrn 820 1 MEN 145 Design 150 poi 146 Review Plans 30 147 Obtain Right of Way 360 % 148 Finalize Plans 15 00% 149 Advertise 28 Qob 150 Council Bid Award td 0% 151 Obtain Contract Documents 15 po% 152 Preconstruction Conference 1d p96 153 Construction 250 poi Project Description: Pump Station No. 2 at T. W. King Rd. ** Discussion: This pump station will provide water storage and distribution to the northern part of the city. The tank itself was approved and funded for the FY 1996-97 for an estimated cost of $600,000. Along with the ornamental facade, which was not estimated in the original cost of the tank, and the increase in the bid of the tank from the estimate, there is a $400,000 increase to the project. The design is complete for the tank itself. Construction on the tank has begun. The design of the pump station for the water tank is still taking place. For the FY 1997-98 CEP budget, $2,110,000 will be appropriated and the remaining $400,000 will be funded in the FY 1998-99 for a total estimated cost of the project of $3,110,000. * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a previously proposed project 10 ID Task Name Duration 1997 1998 N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M 111 Ground Storage 2 520 112 Design 215 801 113 Review Plans 30 r O-A 114 Obtain Right of Way 0 14 115 Finalize Plans 20 poi 116 Advertise 28 ®YEN,066 117 Council Bid Award 1 i peg 118 i Obtain Contract Documents 15 0% 119 Preconstruction Conference 1 pob 120 Construction 210 0% Project Description: Oversizing of 20" Water Line Through Town Center* Discussion: The current Master Water Concept Plan requires a 20" water line to loop with the existing 20" transmission line along N. White Chapel and the proposed 20" transmission line along F.M. 1709. The proposed route for this water line is along N. Carroll from F.M. 1709 to S.H. 114 thence along S.H. 114 to N. White Chapel. Due to the future vertical alignment of the proposed N. Carroll/S.H. 114 intersection, the city proposes to locate the section of this 20" water line from F.M. 1709 to S.H. 114 through the Town Center Development. Consequently, the oversizing cost of this water line will be refunded to the developer if this occurs. The proposed cost to be funded through the FY1997-98 CEP budget is $20,000, with the remaining $230,000 to be funded in the FY1998-99 budget. The construction plans have been reviewed by the city. Project Description: Painting Florence Water Tower* Discussion: The Florence Rd. water tower is scheduled to be painted during the FY 1997-98. The estimated cost is $73,500. * Designates anew project ** Designates a re%isiou to a previously proposed project 11 (40" MONTHLY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS UPDATE December 1997 1996-98 Neighborhood Sewer/Street CIP Projects NEIGHBORHOOD SEWER/STREET PROJECTS Project Description: Shady Lane Area (Sewer, Water and Road Improvements) ** Discussion: Originally, $1,467,445 was approved and appropriated for the FY1997-98 CEP budget. Due to expanding the original concept of this project, there is an increase of $458,550. This is attributed to providing sanitary sewer service for the residents north of the Jones Branch creek as well as building the ultimate culvert under Shady Ln. across the Jones Branch. The construction of the water lines will replace the existing undersized water lines. The design is complete for this project. The city is currently in the process of obtaining the necessary easements for the construction of the sewer. The bids for the sewer and water portion of this project are scheduled to be opened on December 3, 1997. The street portion along with the construction of the culvert under Shady Lane will be bid separately from the water and sewer. 1997 Joao ID 1 Task Name Shady Lane Water/Sewer/Roads Duration 537 A S IOI NJ DI J I F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N IP 2 Design 75 100.E 0 3 Review Plans 21 100°6 4 Obtain Right of WaY 210 759 5 Finalize Plans 10 j 6 Advertise 25 7 Council Bid Award 1 Q I 12116. 8 Obtain Contract Documents 15 a,A 9 Preconstruction Conference 1 1/7 10 Construction 210 0% Project Description: W. Dove Reconstruction from S.H. 114 to N. White Chapel Discussion: Construction of this project involves reconstructing the existing roadway. The widening of the existing cross-section of this road will be limited to 1 to 2 feet. Minor drainage improvements will also be constructed for this project. This project was originally approved to be budgeted for the FY1997-98 for an estimated cost of $150,000. Originally, this project was delayed in order to not risk damaging the reconstructed road during the proposed development along Dove. However, under the recently approved developer's agreement with Maguire Thomas, this project has been moved up to be constructed entirely within the FY1997-98. Therefore, the cost for constructing this project will be allocated within the FY1997-98 CEP budget. The following schedule has been revised to reflect these changes. * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a previous1v proposed project 12 A ID Task Name Duration 1998 1999 Nov Dec Jan Fe Mar Apr Ma Jun Jul JAugJSepJ Oc;tJNovJ Dec Jan Fe Ma Apr 11101aJunjJul JAug 89 W. Dove 114 to White Chapel 286d 90 Design 90d 0% 91 Review Plans 21d O46 92 Obtain Right of Way Od 93 Finalize Plans 10d Q% 0 94 Advertise 28d YAWD100� 95 Council Bid Award 1d 6/26 96 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0% 97 PreconstructionConference 1d 7/20 O 98 Construction 120d Oob Project Description: Huntwick Sanitary Sewer/Abandonment of Lift Station at Carroll and Dove * * Discussion: This project has existing funds allotted. Due to a revision in the project, the project will cost an additional estimate of $92,000. This additional cost will be funded in the FY 1997-98 CIP budget. The revision includes abandoning the existing lift station at E. Dove and N. Carroll and constructing a new lift station near Quail Creek Estates. Construction of these improvements will provide sanitary sewer service to Huntwick Estates. All easements have been acquired and the project has been awarded for construction. The anticipated construction date is the end of ADril- 1998. ID Task Name Duration 6 1997 1998 J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J 12 Huntwick Sevaer 322d 13 Design 60d 100°6 14 Review Plans 15d t00°6 15 Obtain Right of Way 200d 16 Finalize Plans 10d 4 AAA 17 Advertise 12d r= 100% 18 Council Bid Award 1 d a 1 18' 19 Obtain Contract Documents 15d % 20 Preconstruction Conference 1d Q 2n0 21 Construction 90d 0% Project Description: Mission Hills Sanitary Sewer** Discussion: This project was approved and funded for the FY1996-97 in the amount of $368,000. The cost for this project has increased due to efforts to save existing trees and replace existing landscaping within the RO.W. This increase totals $62,000 and will be funded through the FY1997-98 CIP budget. All easements have been acquired and the project is being advertised for bid. The preliminary schedule reflects an anticipated completion date by the end of June, 1998. * Designates a new project ** Designates a revision to a previously proposed project 13 ID Task Name Duration 1997 A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M JJ A S O N D I J F 34 Mission Hills Sever 439MMMV 35 Design 75 36 Review Plans 21 100°.6 37 Obtain Right of Way 130 00 38 Finalize Plans 10 39 Advertise 16 5 % 40 Council Bid Award 1 Q 2/4 41 Obtain Contract Documents 15 0931 42 Preeonstruction Conference 1 O 12/26 43 Construction 120 0% A Project Description: Burney Ln. Reconstruction from N. Carroll to Lonesome Dove Ave. ** Discussion: Construction of this project involves reconstructing the existing roadway. If needed, the widening of the existing cross-section of this road will be limited to 1 to 2 feet. Minor drainage improvements will also be constructed for this project. This project was approved to be funded for the FY 1997-98 for an estimate of $129,400. Recently, we received an updated estimate reflecting the current construction prices and the estimate was $17,600 higher for a total of $147,000. This increase will be funded through the FY 1998-99 CIP budget. The Dreliminary schedule for this proiect is depicted below. ID Task Name Duration 1997 1998 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec JanJFeHMarJAprJMaA Junj Jul JAugJSepJ Oct Nov Dec Jan Fe Mar 1 Burney (Carroll to Lonesome 226d 2 Design 60d 3 Review Plans 21d 0°6 4 Obtain Right of Way Od 5 Finalize Plans 10d 0°.6 6 Advertise 28d O°b 7 Council Bid Award 1d 5/15 8 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0% 9 Preconstruction Conference 1d 8 10 Construction 90d 0% Project Description: Love Henry Court Reconstruction** Discussion: This project was approved to be funded for the FY1997-98 for an estimate of $66,800. This estimate reflected replacing the existing asphalt roadway while keeping the existing concrete curb. Recently, we received an updated estimate reflecting the current construction prices along with additional proposed improvements and the estimate was $42,200 higher for a total of $109,000. These proposed improvements include replacing the existing concrete curb and existing asphalt roadway and constructing minor drainage improvements. This increase will be funded through the FY1998-99 CIP budget. The preliminary schedule for this project is depicted on the following page. * Desigiates anew project ** Desigates a revision to a preNiously proposed project 14 ID Task Name Duration 1997 1998 Junj Jul JAuglSeploct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr I Ma Jun I Jul JAug JSepJ Octl Nov Dec Jan Fed Mar 11 12 Love Henry Court 181 d 13 Design 45d 0°6 14 Review Plans 21d 0% 15 Obtain Right of Way Od 16 Finalize Plans 10d ©% 17 Advertise 28d 0% 18 Council Bid Award 1d 6/26 19 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0°6 20 Preconstruction Conference 1d 7/20 21 Construction 60d O-A Project Description: Lake Dr. Street Reconstruction along w/ Water & Sewer Improvements" Discussion: This project was approved to be funded for the FY1997-98 for an estimate of $93,000. Recently, we received an updated estimate reflecting the current construction prices along with the addition of constructing a water line and sewer line along Lake Dr. The proposed water line will replace the existing undersized water line along Lake Drive. The proposed sewer line will serve the residents along the east side of Lake Dr. The reconstructing of the road will include widening the existing pavement 4'-6' in order to obtain a continuous 22' wide cross section. The estimate was $76,000 higher for a total of $169,000. This increase will be funded thrntluh the FYI 99R-99 CTP budget The nreliminary schedule for this nroiect is depicted below. ID Task Name Duration 1998 1999 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar A May Jun Jul JAugJSepJ Oct Nov Dec Jan Fe Ma Apr JMaJJun1 Jul Aug 23 Lake Drive 256d qP 24 Design 60d 0% 25 Review Plans 21d 0% 26 Obtain Right of Way Od j 27 Finalize Plans 10d 0% j 28 Advertise 28d 0% 29 Council Bid Award ld 7/1 30 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0% 31 Preconstruction Conference 1d 7/23 32 Construction 120d 0% Project Description: Pine Dr. and Lilac Ln. Reconstruction" Discussion: This project was approved to be funded for the FY1997-98 for an estimate of $234,600. The construction for this project will be removed from the FY 1997-98 to the FY 1998- 99 CEP budget. The engineering will be funded for the FY1997-98 for the amount of $18,768. The remaining $215,832 willbe funded during the FY1998-99. The preliminary schedule for this project is depicted on the next page. The construction of this project will include reconstructing the existing roadway. The estimate reflects widening the proposed roadway by 1 to 2 feet. * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a previously proposed project 15 A A ID Task Name Duration 1998 Ma Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nav Dec 1999 JanJFeH Mar Apr Ma Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 33 34 Lilac/Pine 330d 35 Design 75d 36 Review Plans 21d % 37 Obtain Right of Way 90d ©% 38 Finalize Plans 10d 39 Advertise 28d 40 Council Bid Award 1 d 4/29 41 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0% 42 Preconstruction Conference 1d 5/21 43 Construction 120d 0°b Project Description: Harrell Drive Reconstruction* Discussion: Construction of this project involves reconstructing the existing roadway without widening the existing roadway. The existing drainage problems will be addressed in the design of this project. This project is estimated to cost $140,000. For the FY1997-98, $11,200 will be appropriated for the engineering. For the FY1998-99, the remaining $128,800 will be funded for the construction. The preliminary schedule is reflected below. ID Task Name Duration 1998 1999 11014,lunl Jul JAugJSepJ OctJNovJ Dec Jan Fe Mar Apr Ma Junj Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan'Feb 99 100 Harrell Dr. Reconstruction 271d 101 Design 75d C % 102 Review Plans 21d 0°6 103 Obtain Right of Way Od 104 Finalize Plans 10d 0°6 105 Advertise 28d 0% 106 Council Bid Award 1 d 3/10 107 Obtain Contract Documents 15d O% 108 Preconstruction Conference 1d 4/1 109 Construction 120d 0% j Project Description: Union Church and S. Pearson Reconstruction* Discussion: This project is estimated to cost $534,310. For the FY1997-98, $42,745 will be appropriated. for the engineering. For the FY1998-99, the remaining $491,565 will be funded for the construction. If needed, the widening of the existing cross-section of this road will be limited to 1 to 2 feet. The preliminary schedule is reflected on the following page. * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a previously proposed project 16 A ID Task Name Duration 1998 1999 Ma Jun I Jul JAug I Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fe Mar Apr Ma ,Junl Jul JAug I Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 110 I 111 Union Church & S. Pearson 316d 112 Design 90d 00 113 Review Plans 21d p°A 114 i Obtain Right of Way Od 115 Finalize Plans 10d p% _ 116 Advertise 28d p°b 117 Council Bid Award 1 d 2126 118 Obtain Contract Documents 15d p% 119 Preconstruction Conference 1d 322 120 Construction 150d _.... p% Project Description: N. White Chapel from S.H. 114 to County Line* Discussion: This project will be constructed as a cooperative project with Tarrant County. The city will pay the engineering and material cost and Tarrant County will provide the labor. The estimated material cost is $181,850. The existing cross section of the roadway will remain the same. This project is currently being designed. ID Task Name Duration 1997 1998 Junj Jul JAugJSepJ OctJNovJ Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fe Mar 122 N. White Chapel 225d 123 Design 45d p° 124 Review Plans 10d % 125 Obtain Right of Way Od 126 Finalize Plans 5d % 127 Advertise 28d 0°6, 128 Council Bid Award 1d 129 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0°6 130 Preconstruction Conference 1d 224 131 Construction 120d p% Project Description: S. Kimball Extension from Crooked Ln. to Heritage Business Park* Discussion: The projected cost for this project $1,750,000. This project will be designed and engineered during the FY1997-98 CIP budget for $80,000. It will be constructed within the FY 1998-99 and FY 1999-00. These improvements include constructing a divided four lane Dortland concrete roadway. The Dreliminary schedule is shown below. ID Task Name Duration 1998 1999 I AprTM-Q Juril Jul JAugJSepJ Oct Nov Dec JanIFeH Mar Apr Ma ,Junl Jul JAugJSepJ Oct Nov Dec Jan 132 133 S. Kimball Extension 316d 134 Design 90d 0°6 135 Review Plans 21d 0% 136 Obtain Right of Way Od 137 Finalize Plans 10d 0% 138 Advertise 28d p% 139 Council Bid Award 1 d 3/31 140 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0% 141 Preconstruction Conference 1d 4/22 142 Construction 150d ° * Desigates a new project ** Desigates a revision to a previously proposed project 17 A Project Description: Brumlow Reconstruction* Discussion: This project will be constructed as a cooperative project with Tarrant County. The city will pay the engineering and material cost and Tarrant County will provide the labor. The estimated material cost is $112,700. The existing cross section of the roadway will remain the same. ID Task Name Duration 1997 1998 Junj Jul JAugJSepJ Oct Nov Dec Jan JFebJ Mar Apr JlVlaJunlJul JAug I Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feq Mar 144 Brum low Reconstruction 225d 1 145 Design 45d 0° 146 Review Plans 10d °A 147 Obtain Right of Way Od 148 Finalize Plans Sd 0°6 149 Advertise 28d 0% 150 Council Bid Award 1d 151 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0% 152 Preconstruction Conference 1d 224 153 Construction 120d OS6 Project Description: Year 3 Neighborhood Sewer (Jellico, Cross Timbers, Dove Acres, Hillwwood Acres) Discussion: As part of the Neighborhood Sewer Program, sanitary sewer service will be provided for residents in Jellico Estates, Cross Timber Hills, Dove Acres, and Hillwood Estates. The estimated engineering and construction cost is $2,000,000. Due to the extent of these projects, $1,000,000 will be budgeted for both the FY1997-98 and FY1998-99 ClP budgets. The nreliminnry deciun bac nlrendv bemin. ID Task Name Duration 1997 1998 1999 J J A S O N I D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F I M A M J J A S O N D 34 Hillwood, Dove Acres, Jellico 375d 35 Design 30d 600 36 Review Plans 21 d I °6 37 Obtain Right of Way 90d 0°6 38 Finalize Plans 10d 39 Advertise 28d 0% 40 Council Bid Award 1 d 4127. 41 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0%. 42 Preconstruction Conference 1d 5119 43 Construction 210d O°6 ID Task Name Duration 1997 1998 1999 J J A S O INID J I F1 MIA I MI J I J JA I S 10 1 N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 45 Cross Timbers Sewer 480d 46 Design 120d 25% 47 Review Plans 30d , 0% 48 Obtain Right of Way 150d 0% 49 Finalize Plans 45d 0°h 50 Advertise 28d 0°6 51 Council Bid Award Id /10 52 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0% 53 Preconstruction Conference I 9/1 54 Construction 240d 0% * Designates anew project ** Desigates a reNision to a previously proposed project 18 Project Description: Intersection at Peytonville Ave. and F.M. 1709* Discussion: The increased traffic congestion has warranted several changes along F.M. 1709 at various intersections. At the Peytonville/F.M. 1709 intersection, lane improvements are needed in order to accommodate the traffic generated by the high school. The city has recently received an estimated cost for these provisions, which amount a total of $570,258. The engineering will be budgeted for the FY1997-98 for the amount of $70,000. The remaining $500,278 will be budgeted for the FY 1998-99 when construction commences. The preliminary schedule is shown below. ID Task Name Duration 1998 1999 Jan Fe Mar Apr Ma Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee Jan I Febi Mar I Apr I Ma Jun I JuITAugFSep1 Oct 154 155 Peytonville Intersection 226d 156 Design 60d 157 Review Plans 21d 158 Obtain Right of Way Od 159 Finalize Plans 10d 0°i 160 Advertise 28d 161 Council Bid Award 1 d 8/14 162 Obtain Contract Documents 15d O-A 163 Preconstruction Conference ld !7 164 Construction 90d 0•h Project Description: Intersection at S. White Chapel and F.M. 1709* Discussion: The increased traffic congestion has warranted several changes along F.M. 1709 at various intersections. At the intersection of S. White Chapel and F.M. 1709, a third lane is needed on S. White Chapel for a left turn only lane. The estimated cost for this project is $225,000. During the FY1997-98, the project will be engineered and partially constructed. The project will be complete in the FY1998-99. Therefore, $118,000 will be allocated for FY1997-98 and $1U7,000 well be allotted for V Y 1998-99. ID Task Name Duration 1998 1999 Apr Ma Jun I Jul JAug I Sepl Oct I Nov I Dec Jan I Fe Mar I Apr I Ma Jun I Jul JAugJSepJ Oct Nov Dec; Jan 165 166 S. White Chapel Intersection 166d 167 Design 30d 168 Review Plans 21d 0°% 169 Obtair. Right of Way Od 170 Finalize Plans 10d 0°% 171 Advertise 28d 0% 172 Council Bid Award 1 d 10/13 173 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0°% 174 Preconstruction Conference 1d 1114 175 Construction 60d 0% Project Description: School Road from Shady Oaks to N. White Chapel** Discussion: This project was originally funded for $90,000 for the FY1996-97 and $860,000 for the FY1997-98. Due to the priority of this project, only funding for engineering for the (41w, FY1997-98 will be appropriated and the existing $90,000 will not be used for this project. The * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a previously proposed project 19 engineering costs are estimated to be $68,800. The remaining $881,200 will be funded in the FY 1998-99 CIP budget. The estimate reflects an undivided two-lane asphaltic concrete roadway. ID Task Name Duration 1998 1999 Apr Ma Jun I Jul AugJSepJ Oct Nov Dec JanJFebJ MarJAprJMay[JunI Jul AugJSepI Oct Nov Dec Jan 176 177 School Rd. from Shady Oaks to WC 221 d 178 Design 45d 0° 179 Review Plans 21d 0°6 180 Obtain Right of Way Od 181 Finalize Plans 10d O-A 182 Advertise 28d 0% 183 Council Bid Award 1d 12/25 184 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0°6 185 Preconsbuction Conference 1d 1/18 186 Construction 100d 0% Project Description: Seal Coat - Woodland Heights and 8" Water Line Construction Discussion: This project was originally funded for completing the seal coat in the FY1996-97 for an estimated $17,500. The seal coat has been completed. The 8" water line was approved to be funded for the FY1997-98 at an estimated cost of $30,000. This water line will loop the water line within the Woodland Heights Subdivision and Oak Hill Estates Subdivision. Project Description: W. Dove St. from Shady Oaks to Kirkwood Branch Creek Discussion: This project involves reconstructing the existing roadway. As part of this project, there will be no widening of the existing roadway. The culvert under the road located just west of Shady Oaks will be replaced as part of this project. Construction has begun for this project. The construction should take uD to four months. ID Task Name Duration 1996 1997 1 1998 JF—JTAI SIDI NJ D J I F M A I MI J I J JAJ S1 01 NJ DI J F M A M J J A S O N D J 1 Dove (Shady to Creek) 379d MOW 2 Design 65d 3 Review Plans 21d 100°k 4 Obtain Right of Way Od 5 Finalize Plans 6d 6 Advertise 13d 0 100°6 7 Council Bid Award 1d 9H6 8 Obtain Contract Documents 36d CM 0096 9 Preconstruction Conference 1d 11114 10 Construction 90d S% Project Description: Highland Road from Shady Oaks to White Chapel Discussion: This project involves reconstructing the existing roadway. Although there will be no widening of the roadway, the alignment of W. Highland will be realigned with E. Highland. The city is currently negotiating with two homeowners to acquire the required right-of-way. The city hopes to have this right-of-way by mid December. Construction is anticipated to last for 180 days. * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a pre%iously proposed project 20 ID Task Name Duration 1997 1998 A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M 12 Highland (Shady - WC) 535 13 Design 65 14 15 Review Plans 21 Obtain Right of Way 204 0O6A wn f 0% 16 Finalize Plans 6leffl 17 Advertise 28 E o% 18 Council Bid Award 1 123 19 Obtain Contract Documents 15 ® 0% 20 Preconstruction Conference 1 2/16 21 Construction 180 po{ Project Description: Timarron Street Rehab Discussion: The scope of this project has changed from the original. Originally, the distressed streets were to be repaired as one project. Under a City Council recommendation, the project was to be phased into three separate projects. Each phase would repair the distressed pavement within the phase boundary. These phases would have been completed over a 2 to 3 year period. The first phase was bid on recently. The bid prices were higher than expected and City Council directed staff to request bids on just the grouting portion of the project for the entire subdivision. The paving replacement and rehabilitation will take place separately in the coming years. The project was awarded for bid for the grouting portion to Phase One only. With these revisions, the construction start date for the IgWgroutin ortion of Phase One will be around mid -December. ID Task Name Duration 1996 1997 1998 J J A S O N D JIFTmIAIMI J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J 23 Street Rehab - Timarron etal 370d I i 24 Design 93d00% 25 Review Plans 10d e� 26 Obtain Right of Way Od 27 Finalize Plans 45d o 28 Advertise 24d 10 % 29 Council Bid Award 1 d 11 18 30 Obtain Contract Documents 15d o 31 Preconstruction Conference ld d 2/10 32 Construction 45d ©% Project Description: Ridgecrest Road Discussion: This project involves reconstructing the existing roadway and constructing various drainage improvements. If needed, the widening of the existing cross-section of this road will be limited to 1 to 2 feet. The design of this project is completed. The offsite easements for drainage have been successfully negotiated and are currently being obtained from the downstream property owner. Construction is anticipated to take at least 90 days, which will place the completion date at the end of May, 1998. * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a previously proposed project 21 ID Task Name Duration 1996 1 1997 1998 J I J JA I S1 011 MIA I MI J I J I A S O N D J I F1 M A M J J A S O N D! J 34 Ridgecrest Road 298d b 35 Design 140 36 Review Plans 5d © 100% 37 Obtain Right of Way 30d 5 38 Finalize Plans 10d o 39 Advertise 21d to o°A 40 Council Bid Award 1d O 1226 41 Obtain Contract Documents 15d ® !' 0° 42 Preconstruction Conference : Id O I. 1h19 43 Construction 90d 0% Project Description: Continental Blvd. from Davis to White Chapel Discussion: This scope of this project involves reconstructing the roadway and improving the drainage along Continental. The roadway width will be increased in areas as needed at various intersections with side streets to subdivisions and in front of Carroll Elementary. At these locations, the roadway will be widened to three lanes. The design is in its beginning stages and should be complete by the end of October. The city will need 30 days to review and approve these construction plans. Obtaining the required easements and right-of-way may take longer than originally anticipated. This delay will probably occur in part because of a possible condemnation of the property located northeast of the intersection of Peytonville and Continental. At this location, the city has recommended that the current alignment of the road be changed. This change will result in the taking of property for the ROW at the aforementioned intersection. The advertising, bidding, and award of contract will take up to 45 days. Construction is anticipated to take at least 180 days_ This nroiect should he cmmnleted by the beginning of Anril_ 1999_ ID Task Name Duration 1997 1998 1999 IJIFIMIAIMIJI JJAJI O N D J F M A M J J I A S O N D J I F1 MIAMIAI MI J I J' A 45 Continental Blvd 477 46 Design 109 50°6 47 Review Plans 21 p 48 Obtain Right of Way 150 0% 49 Finalize Plans 10 of 50 Advertise 21 ®TE, 0% 51 Council Bid Award 1 O 30 52 Obtain Contract Documents 15 0% 53 Preconstruction Conference 1 O 722 54 Construction 180 0% Project Description: Burney to Cul-de-sac Discussion: The design of this project is ongoing. This project involves reconstructing the pavement from the cul-de-sac to approximately 1000' west along Burney. This project should be designed by the end of December. The city will require 20 days to review and approve the plans. The advertising, bidding, and award of contract will take up to 45 days. Construction is anticipated to take at least 90 days. The anticipated completion date is the end of May, 1998. * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a previously proposed project 22 ID Task Name Duration 1998 1999 J F M A M JIJ A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A 56 Burney to Cul-de-sac 263 57 Design 115 3(M 58 Review Plans 15 o peg: 59 Obtain Right of Way 0 2J26 60 Finalize Plans 5 a ;; pob 61 Advertise 21 ® pe6 62 Council Bid Award 1 Q �' 4 63 Obtain Contract Documents ': 15 © is 0% j 64 Preconstruction Conference 3l18 65 Construction 90 peg S.H. 114 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTS The State of Texas has recently committed to appropriating money over the next several years for the reconstruction of S.H. 114. Consequently, the City of Southlake must satisfy several agendas before the start of construction. The next few projects listed need to be funded for the FY1997- 98 CEP budget in order to carry out these agendas. Project Description: Channel Improvements along the Jones Branch* Discussion: Currently, Wal-Mart and the Village Center Development are detaining the runoff from their sites. The proposed R-O.W. for S.H. 114 along these developments is the land area which these detention ponds presently occupy. These detention ponds will be eliminated for the reconstruction of S.H. 114. Before these detention ponds are eliminated, provisions must be made to the downstream properties in order to increase the capacity of the current Jones Branch. The city will appropriate $250,000 for each of the FY1997-98 and FY1998-99 for the easement acquisition and construction of drainage improvements along the Jones Branch. These improvements must be accomplished before construction of S.H. 114 begins. Project Description: R.O. W. Acquisition at S.H. 114 and Dove St. * Discussion: The city has committed to obtaining the additional R.O.W. required to build the future intersection of Dove St. and S.H. 114. The estimated cost for the appraisals, property, etc. is $L500,000, which will be funded for the FY1997-98. Project Description: Utility Relocation along S.H. 114* Discussion: The city must relocate the existing utilities which are located in the S.H. 114 R.O.W. These utilities must be relocated prior to construction of S.H. 114. For the FY1997-98, an estimated $269,600 will be required to relocate utilities before the first phase of construction begins (Dove/S.H. 114 intersection). MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS Project Description: Traffic Signal Lights on F.M. 1709* Discussion: Recently, the city conducted a traffic signal warrant analysis along F.M. 1709. The (40" results warranted traffic signal lights at the intersections of Shady Oaks and F.M. 1709 and * Designates anew project ** Designates a revision to a previously proposed project 23 A Commerce and F.M. 1709. For the FY1997-98 CEP budget, $100,000 will be appropriated for the signal lights at each of these intersections. Project Description: Heritage Business Park Infrastructure Improvements* Discussion: The city is committed, through the Developer's Agreement, to reimbursing the developer for the oversizing of the water line along Kimball and the street improvements constructed in the Heritage Business Park. These reimbursements are estimated to cost $85,000 and will be funded in the FY1997-98 CIP budget. Project Description: Keller Water Meter Purchases for Southlake Residents on Keller Water* Discussion: The City of Keller currently provides water service for approximately 250 residents of the City of Southlake. In order to transfer these customers to Southlake water, the city must purchase these water meters, water lines, etc. Therefore, the city proposes to transfer residents in the coming fiscal years in phases. For the FY1997-98, the city is allotting $250,000 for the purchase of a number of meters. In the subsequent years, all residents of the City of Southlake will be transferred to Southlake water. • Designates a new project •' Designates a revision to a previously proposed project 24 City of Southlake, Texas LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas City Council Chambers of City Hall 1. Discussion of all items on tonight's meeting agenda. 1. Call to order. Invocation. 2. A. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076. Refer to posted list attached hereto and incorporated herein. Executive session will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. B. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in executive session. 3. Approval of the Minutes of the November 18, 1997, Regular City Council meeting. 4. REPORTS: A. Mayor's Report. B. City Manager's Report. C. SPIN Report. All items listed below are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. 5. Consent: Table Item A. REQUEST TO TABLE AND CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING ` TO DECEMBER 16, 1997. Ordinance No. 683, 2nd reading, Sidewalk Ordinance. T City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda December 2, 1997 page 2 B. Resolution No. 97-74, Authorizing the Mayor to .execute the "COPS" Universal Hiring Grant. C. Resolution No. 97-75, Authorizing the Mayor to execute the D.A.R.E. Grant, 2nd year funding. D. Resolution No. 97-76, Authorizing a grant application to the Texas Department of Transportation for funding of highway safety and related projects. E. Authorization to advertise for bids for school zone flasher assemblies. F. ZA 97-148, Plat Revision for the proposed Lots 58R and 43R, Block 12, Timarron Addition-Brenwyck, Phase 2; being a revision of Lot 58 and 43, Block 12, Timarron Addition, Brenwyck, Phase 2, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide No. 2152, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, out of the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, and being approximately 0.671 acres. Location: 735 Ashleigh Lane and 808 Oakcrest Court. respectively. Current Zoning: "R- PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development District. Owners and Applicants: Drees Homes (735 Ashleigh) and Kerry Donegan (808 Oakcrest Court). SPIN Neighborhood #9e. 6. Public Forum. 7. Ordinances, second readings, public hearings and related items: A. Ordinance No. 480-263, 2nd reading (ZA 97-143), Rezoning and Site Plan for Lot 4R, Block B, North Davis .Business Park, on property legally described as being Lot 4R, Block B, North Davis Business Park Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 253, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Location: In North Davis Business Park on the northeast corner of the intersection of Greenwood Drive and Greenbriar Drive. Current zoning is `I-1" Light Industrial District with requested zoning of "S-P-l" Detailed Site Plan District with "I-1" Light Industrial District uses, and limited to "B-2" uses. Owner: Van Til Properties. Applicants: Jaime A. and Brenda P. Garcia. SPIN Neighborhood #16. PUBLIC HEARING. City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda December 2, 1997 page 3 B. Ordinance No. 688, 2nd reading, Adopting and levying a sales and use tax for the purpose of financing the operation of the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District. PUBLIC HEARING. C. Ordinance No. 684, 2nd reading, Standards of care for elementary age recreation programs. PUBLIC HEARING. D. Ordinance No. 682-A, 2nd reading, Amending Ordinance No. 682 designating the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One,. City of Southlake. PUBLIC HEARING. 8. Ordinances, first readings, and related items: A. Ordinance No. 480-261, 1st reading (ZA 97-130), Rezoning and Concept Plan for Southlake Garden Offices, on property legally described as approximately 6.1441 acres situated in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, and being Tract 5E. Location: South side of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709). =roximately 1.100' west of the intersection of Byron Nelson Parkway and East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709). Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District with a requested zoning of "0-1" Office District. Owner: 1709 Joint Venture. Applicant: Best Tex Custom Homes. SPIN Neighborhood #10. Public Hearing set for December 16, 1997. B. Ordinance No. 690, 1st reading, Approving Project and Finance Plan for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1. Public Hearing set for December 16, 1997. C. Ordinance No. 585-A, lst reading, Tree Preservation. Public Hearing set for December 16, 1997. 9. Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 97-72, Appointing members to the Board of Directors of the Crime Control and Prevention District. B. Resolution No. 97-73, Appointment to the Parks and Recreation Board to fill an unexpired term. 0 City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda December 2, 1997 page 4 10. Other items for consideration: A. Requested variance to the Sign Ordinance No. 506-B, for Carroll Independent School District, located at 1501 West Southlake Boulevard. 11. Other items for discussion: No Items for discussion. 12. Adjournment CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, and the Administrative Offices, 1725 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Wednesday, November 26, 1997 at 6:00 p.m., pursuant to the Texas Government Code Etter 551. g0 U l• $ Sandra L. LeGrand r v m City Secretary If you plan to attend this public mewl �ave a disability that requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581 extension 704, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda December 2, 1997 page 5 EXECUTIVE SESSION The City Council may consider and/or discuss the following pending and/or contemplated litigation subjects: 1. Vicci Winchester vs. Dan McKee Water Service Company and the City of Southlake. December, 1995. 2. D/FW-White Chapel Ltd., vs. State of Texas and the City of Southlake, Texas. June, 1996. 3. City of Southlake vs. Kathy A. Brunson, William J. Justus, Trustee, William James Elder and James M. Elder; Inc., Employee Profit Sharing Trust. May, 1997. 4. Town of Westlake, Texas et al vs. City of Southlake, Texas. September, 1997. 5. Town of Westlake vs. City of Southlake, Carroll Huntress et al. May, 1997. 6. Legal action against Scott Bradley, Charla Bradshaw, Abe Bush, and Fred Held. 1997. 7. Marriam Baloch Claim. June, 1997. 8. Town of Westlake vs. City of Southlake, Texas; Maguire/Thomas Partners- Westlake/Southlake Partnership; Maguire Partners Westlake Partnership; and MTP- IBM Phase II and III Joint Venture. September, 1997. 9. Maurice C. Robertson, Plaintiff, vs. The City of Southlake. October, 1997. The City Council may consider the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property. After discussion of land acquisition in executive session, any final action or vote taken will be in open session. The City Council may consider the appointment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of public officers or employees, including the City Manager, CitySecretary, City Attorney and City Boards and Commission members. A complete list of the city boards and commissions is on file in the City Secretary's office. DEPI OYNIENT OF SECURITY PERSONNEL -SECTION 551,076 Regarding the deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. After discussion of any or all, in executive session, any final action or vote taken will be in open session by the City Council. City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda December 2, 1997 page 6 If personnel issues or litigation arise or a need to seek the advice from the City Attorney as to the posted subject matter of this City Council meeting, the issues or matters will be discussed in executive session. 9/ 12/97 D:\WP-FILES\AGENDAS\CC12-02A.WPD City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM November 19, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 683, 2"d Reading, Sidewalk Ordinance In accordance with Council's instruction, meetings have been held to receive additional feedback from the developers concerning the sidewalk ordinance. Developer Tom Matthews held a meeting earlier this month with several Southlake developers and received written comments from several others. Mr. Matthews presented written comments to consider in the proposed ordinance. The following were present at a meeting on Tuesday, November 18, as an ad hoc sidewalk ordinance committee: Courcilmember Scott Martin, Park Board member Ronnie Kendall, developer Tom Matthews, City Manager Curtis Hawk, Capital Projects Coordinator Shawn Poe, Senior Planner Chris Carpenter, and myself. Staff is preparing a summary of the comments received to date and the recommended changes to the ordinance per the ad hoc committee. On October 7, City Council tabled the second reading to December 2. Staff is requesting that the second reading be tabled to December 16 to allow more time to prepare these recommendations. If you have an questions, lease contact me at 481-5581 extension 7 Y Yq �P 0 57. KL s� i City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM November 25, 1997 TO: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Resolution No. 97-74, Authorizing the Mayor to execute the "COPS" Universal Hiring Grant. The Southlake Department of Public Safety continues to utilize all available opportunities for resources to conduct its business, especially those that provide funding from outside sources. In 1996, we applied for and were awarded funding for a Community Services Officer under the Community Oriented Policing Program. At that time, we indicated the anticipation to request additional police personnel during fiscal year 1998-1999. In this program, we will participate with the Federal Government for three years to provide an additional Police Officer for patrol operations. While there is no guarantee of funding, we understand that priority is given to those agencies similar to Southlake that have been approved in the past, and indicated in their original application that additional personnel would be requested. Attached is a resolution to be signed by the Mayor, similar to the original resolution submitted in 1996, that needs to be sent to the United States Department of Justice for possible approval. We will keep Council posted if we are awarded this position. If you have any questions, please contact me or Administrative Coordinator Malcolm Jackson. BC/bls attch. RESOLUTION NO. 97-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, IN SUPPORT OF THE COPS UNIVERSAL HIRING COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING GRANT SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake concurs with efforts to make America's neighborhoods safe places in which to grow, live, and work, and WHEREAS, the Department of Justice has established a COPS UNIVERSAL HIRING grant program designed to assist communities in the development of innovative, locally designed, long-term community policing public safety plans, which enable deployment of police in community policing programs by making funding available to support such programs, and WHEREAS, the objectives of such programs have been designed to, promote community -based problem -solving, prevent crime, and enhance public safety through community based policing, and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake is a small, but rapidly growing community with a need to provide pro -active community policing efforts, with emphasis during the incipient phases of community development, and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake agrees to provide the necessary support as outlined in the grant proposal to augment a pro -active community policing operations, and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake agrees to conform to all of the requirements of the COPS UNIVERSAL HIRING grant program upon being awarded such grant funding, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Southlake, that the City Council of Southlake, Texas supports the COPS UNIVERSAL HIRING grant program, and authorizes the Southlake Department of Public Safety, Police Services Division, to apply for grant funding under the terms and conditions of the program. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Rick Stacy, Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary SB-2 1997. City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM November 25, 1997 TO: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Resolution No. 97-75, Authorizing the Mayor to execute the D.A.R.E. Grant, 2nd year funding. We recently received the award for first year funding for a D.A.R.E. Officer through the Criminal Justice Division of the Governor's Office. We are currently in the process of filling that position, however, the state requires a new application each year in order to continue the original project funding beyond the first year. Attached is the resolution that we will attach to the application for continued funding for the second year of the five-year D.A.R.E. Officer grant project. This is a housekeeping issue, although it is a must for continued funding. If you have any questions, please contact me or Administrative Coordinator Malcolm Jackson. 1�61( BC/bls attch. SC-1 RESOLUTION NO. 97-75 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, IN SUPPORT OF THE 1998 CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMUNITY PLAN FOR THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AND THE APPLICATION FOR RELATED FUNDS THROUGH THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE DMSION OF THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake concurs with efforts to make America's neighborhoods safe places in which to grow, live, and work, and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake has participated. in the development of a comprehensive community -based criminal justice plan for communities in Tarrant County, including the City, and WHEREAS, the Criminal Justice Division of the Governor's Office provides funding for programs designed to assist communities in the development of innovative, locally -designed, long-term community policing programs, and WHEREAS, the objectives of such programs have been designed to promote community -based problem -solving, prevent crime, and enhance public safety with a focus on the youth, and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake is a small, but rapidly growing community with a need to provide pro -active community policing efforts, with emphasis during the incipient phases of community development, and WIEREAS, the City of Southlake agrees to provide the necessary support as outlined in such grant proposal, and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake agrees to conform to all of the requirements of such grant program upon being awarded such funding, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Southlake, that the City Council of Southlake, Texas supports the 1998 Community Plan for Criminal Justice in Tarrant County, Texas and the application for related funds through the Criminal Justice Division of the Governor's Office, and authorizes the Southlake Department of Public Safety to apply for grant funding to support the continuation of existing programs and continued development of initiatives consistent with those goals. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE _ DAY OF , 1997. (awl ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary 5C-2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Rick Stacy, Mayor ` City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM November 25, 1997 TO: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Resolution No. 97-76, Authorizing the Mayor to execute the TxDOT Grant. The Texas Department of Transportation has grant money available for a variety of subjects. We have identified an opportunity that will allow us to apply for those grant funds to support a local traffic safety and education grant project through the Texas Department of Transportation. We are applying for a program that will provide the payment of overtime to our officers to conduct specialized traffic safety and education projects, including conducting bicycle rodeos and education for the youth, motorcycle safety education, and roadway safety education programs to the community. We appreciate your attention to this matter, and if you have any questions, please contact me or Administrative Coordinator Malcolm Jackson. 4ZO, BC/bls attch. 5D-1 4/ RESOLUTION NO. 97-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, IN SUPPORT OF THE 1998-99 GRANT FUNDING PROGRAM FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY PROJECTS AND THE APPLICATION FOR RELATED FUNDS THROUGH THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake concurs with efforts to improve America's roadways safety, and WHEREAS, the Texas Department of 'Transportation coordinates the Texas Highway Safety Plan with funding support through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and WHEREAS, the objectives of such programs have been designed to promote local projects addressing highway safety initiatives, and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake is a small, but rapidly growing community with a need to provide pro -active local highway safety programs, and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake agrees to provide the necessary support as outlined in such grant proposal, and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake agrees to conform to all of the requirements of such grant program upon being awarded such funding, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Southlake, that the City Council of Southlake, Texas supports the 1998-99 grant funding program through the Texas Department of Transportation, and authorizes the Southlake Department of Public Safety to apply for grant funding to support the establishment of appropriate local highway safety programs and initiatives consistent with the program goals. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF , 1997. ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SD-2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Rick Stacy, Mayor City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM November 26, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Ron Harper, City Engineer SUBJECT: Request for Authorization to Advertise for Bids for School Zone Flasher Assemblies BACKGROUND In the 1996-1997 budget City Council approved the purchase and installation of School Zone Flasher Assemblies. Staff purchased a set of solar powered flashers for the Rockenbaugh Elementary School. The intent was to analyze the ease of installation of the solar powered assemblies to determine if public works crews could install these lights. Traditional flashers would have required electric power to be run from the nearest source, installation of an electric meter for each light, and payment of electric fees to the appropriate electric company. The installation and programming of the solar powered assemblies proved to be within the capabilities of our crews. As a result of the above mentioned test, staff requests permission to advertise for bids for an additional 18 solar powered assemblies. These assemblies will provide lights at all school zones within the city (CISD and KISD). Contact was made with all three agencies with which the city has a cooperative purchasing agreement (Tarrant County, Denton County and H-GAC) and also the State General Services Commission. None of these groups have contracts for this item. Funds are available through the Capital Improvement Program funding. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that bids be advertised for the purchase of school zone flasher assemblies and that this item be placed on the City Council Agenda for the December 0 1 ffi;lol I I i il Fwq lwkwAh •I• rl • ,1 I,'i:. 111 i':' JVA M L �' City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT November 26, 1997 CASE NO: ZA 97-148 PROJECT: Plat Revision - Lots 58R and 43R Block 12 Timarron Addition - Brenwyck Phase 2 STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Planner II, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Plat Revision for the proposed Lots 58R and 43R, Block 12, Timarron Addition, Brerwyck, Phase 2, being a revision of Lot 58 and 43, Block 12, Timarron Addition, Brenwyck, Phase 2, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide No. 2152, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, out of the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, and being approximately 0.671 acres. LOCATION: 735 Ashleigh Lane and 808 Oakcrest Court, respectively OWNERS/APPLICANTS: Drees Homes (735 Ashleigh) and Kerry Donegan (808 Oakcrest Court) CURRENT ZONING: "R-PUD " Residential Planned Unit Development District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO. NOTICES SENT: Eleven (11) RESPONSES: One (1) response within the 200' notification area was received: Thomas and Debbie Duke, 801 Oakcrest Court, Southlake, Texas, in favor. P&Z ACTION: November 20, 1997; Approved (5-0-2) subject to Revised Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated November 20, 1997. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Revised Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated November 20, 1997. The purpose of this plat revision is to realign (straighten) the common property lines between Lots 43 and 58, Block 12, Timarron Addition - Brenwyck Phase 2. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\MEMO\97CASES\97-148PR.WPD � F- I WL po ARY 140 v GOLf / QUA / TRACT MAP �:� sF-z giow MV tom"'"I 10; 7 77 �e 4 'a 8 � 7= 120 6 Jr �1 / ae 71 e� 78 I 7 18 a 19 $ 202 17 - 95 1 93 9- — 137 • •J 7e 75 34 •63 62 pr,' 2 �. I rns n4 726 15161 cJ 732 ASHLEIGH LN 17 JS 75 75 75 75 33 107 • 9 723 n5 727 729 731 733 � 52 Y 53 54 141312 73 31 75 7275 75 1 71 48 47 � ... 3 so4 718 800 11 75 • OAKCREST CT �7IFit u 803 75 30 1 20 7 6 3 l 12 67 73 77 91 82 73 75 78 R 140 .o 1 0 238 37 5 4 1/ 1so4 0 10 N o$ 'I g WO 802 P DURHAM CT 6�c T E �$ R 6�c 801 803 805 807 �2 / $ 8 kco4) $ g 31 -32 33 34 140 n 7 ^ 28 27 2 ADJACENT OWNERS AND ZONING Number Owner 1 Westerra Timarron LP 2 The Drees Company 3 The Drees Company 4 Westerra Timarron LP 5 Weekley Homes 6 Robert and Peggy Crisman 7 L & L Gulati 8 Thomas & Debbie Duke 9 Weekley Homes 10 Weekley Homes 11 Kent & Stephanie Arkes 12 Weekley Homes 13 14 Weekley Homes Juha Pinomaa 15 William & Jaye Maddox 16 The Drees Company 17 The Drees Company 18 William and Zena Rucker 19 Timarron Owners Association 20 Timarron Owners Association NJ 5 F.- q A s�a � is t it i `_ . � t` � t` '; _�. t!I -� l.�i ►-��1 ��,;;� t1t t c y� !! i i i C� i I i i.c � al; ;t!t � 1• !, '1 S z ^' � i :tit f !i ! [ : ! T �! :� !<< F Si i i e•••" F- �A o W �;j+' li c� t' ! �f i � " ! ;� �fa ! Y •.; i��{ t,j.S E E F of i - v _ ttEt! IA �f ![ �! �!? t � �� �� {� I1 fFF � S ! s ? e 1�T� { ills ; i'S p u r C'Ai%•S S - fC •j i! F s o � - _ F At" !?,j '!• !t F S i J: .[� iil 3 ?� tC a 1• i' F;� i S S S ?:t�±• !{` •"•� a:.ff Sj 'i iF 'j� !:� F •! tc tc v ?st � [ . r - :i [L{•� a !i+ a i• �7r %� t � j - sjj.; !, C� ii Cti itt S � j. ft tj iF 11i Fri t ! ! ! ! j• lit;C v%i� i i � �jY��f a?� S '�' m ,, -- ! tjt i A.i- �� I' e i Ei ai � �1 j ;1 j•. °'-�•!! )� e � � i t1 �t 1 j „� Ei°i a�� � Y S 6c!'� ` Ij "tt p� .T ... F� '• t�l ``� it( !+ i 'a A i it {' � !..[i i j•4�j! jT� � ` t- � . `j 'LI�tt� ]y?t v� _� I+t !!� 1j! I 1 ii ] ji )=a 1aJ• tt ! i ! 1 =1t 3�I;i ° '+j �+ }li t 1i�?:F, A �p�C x .+: 3, _ t+t!><a ;�: +? ii` * i a�i !! � !� Di. r� rr 'v t ij. ➢� t� iil:r � � jE�f E jtt�iA T "� ji ., a Y:;,, t F E !ei t !ii !{. �•t� F� { i s :� !1 A ;,Y' 7 Y � a e 4v !} Y� a a I I� Yry� Q J Co LU cc 0 U uj 0 w City of Southlake, Texas ' I I PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY No: ZA 97-148 Revised Review No: Qum Date of Review: 11/20/97 Project Name: Plat Revision -Timarron Addition Brenwvck, Phase 2. beings revision of Lots 58 and 43 Block 12 being 671 acres out of the O WKnight Survey. Abstract No 899 APPLICANT: SURVEYOR: &erry Donegan Carter & Burgess_ Inc 808 Oakcrest Coma 7950 Elmbrook Dr. Southlake Texas 76092 Dallas. Texas 75247 Phone: (817)5 89-03 93 Phone: (214) 638-0145 Fax: Fax: (214)_638-0447 Attn• Todd Janssen CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 0/ 7/97 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 787. Place the City case number "ZA97-148" in the lower right-hand corner of the plat. 2. Below the Title Block, indicate which owner is associated with each lot. Add the following sentence at the end of the owner's dedication, prior to the signature block: "This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restrictions or covenants, if any, on this property." 4. Provide each owner's deed record information in the preamble of the M. & B.'s. 5. In the City Approval Block, below the P&Z Chairman's signature line, change "City Secretary" to "P&Z Secretary 6. In the Notary Statement below the signature block for David Harbin add, "and in the capacity therein stated, and as the act and deed of said corporation." to the end of the last sentence. 7. On the Rucker tract to the east of the site, label the previously approved preliminary plat. The Legal Description, Line 17 shows a call of S 860 2813411 E while the graphic shows this as S 89 ° 26' 44" E. Correct this discrepancy. 9. Show and label dimensions for the ultimate 100-year floodplain limits. 10. The following changes are needed with regard to easements: a. Provide a dimensional tie from the northern most point of Lot 58R to the 20' utility easement which crosses the lot to the northwest. Also label the centerline or boundary bearings for this section of easement. SF- City of Southlake, Texas b. Show the existing 15' Drainage and Utility Easement crossing Lot 43R and the 7.5' Utility Easement crossing Lot 58R lightly sketched and label it with the words " Abandoned by this Plat". Provide the signature block for approval of the abandonment. (No. 483-3.07-C) All franchise utility signatures must be acquired prior to filing this plat. d. Show the existing 5' utility easement which extends along the east boundary of lot 58R from the point where the 20' utility easement bears to the northwest. 15. A "Certificate of Taxes Paid" from each taxing authority must be provided to the City prior to filing this plat in the County records. 16. Add a Lienholder Certificate and Notary Statement for each lienholder on the property encompassed by this plat. If there is/are no lienholder/s add a statement to this effect below the Property Owner's Signature Block. (Ref, attached for standard language) Please submit a revised blueline "check print" prior to submitting blackline mylars with original signatures. * Original signatures and seals will be required three blackline mylars prior to filing the plat. Also required are two sets of owner's dedications and notaries (8.5" x I I" or 14" paper) with original signatures and seals on each. Mylars will not be accepted if any erasures or original ink, other than signatures or seals, appear on the plat. Denotes Informational Comment att: Lien Holder Ratification cc: Kerry Donegan Carter & Burgess, ,Inc. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\REV\97\97148PR I .A TF-7 A 14 Lien Holder's Ratification of Plat: STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF Whereas aien Holder Name), acting by and through the undersigned, its duly authorized agent, is (are) the lien holder(s) of the property described hereon, does (do) hereby ratify all dedications and provisions of this plat as shown. (typed name of authorized agent, title, Lien Holder) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared (authorized agent name. title. Lien Holder), known to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) is(are) subscribed to the above and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that (he/she/they) executed the same for the purposes and consideration expressed and in the capacity therein stated and as the act and deed of said (Lien Holder Name). GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this the day of , 19_ Seal Notary Public Commission expires: If no liens exist, add the following statement to the end of the plat dedication: There are no liens against this property. 49F- S 14 L 3SYHd NOI t' i fl . to R�; ~ ip" i ONpp r = 04 S �= C�r• re, + � ofi 2- a t!R OI i a 403,a;' s e �g o 3 IULO �� I J C-7c - C [ m S , t firs : kill i41 - t.~Ji .y: �- L f t ° s 1l.tt!• �R L LI 4 t f I d s; 5 F-17 holm.. in City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT November 26, 1997 CASE NO: ZA 97-143 PROJECT: Second Reading / Ordinance No 480-263 Rezoning and Site Plan - Lot 4R Block B North Davis Business Park Addition STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Planner II, 481-5581, ext. 787 Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 REQUESTED ACTION: Zoning Change on property legally described as being Lot 4R, Block B, North Davis Business Park Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 253, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas. A Site Plan for Lot 4R, Block B, North Davis Business Park Addition, will be considered with this request. LOCATION: In North Davis Business Park, on the northeast corner of the intersection of Greenwood Drive and Greenbriar Drive. OWNER: Van Til Properties APPLICANTS: Jaime A. and Brenda P. Garcia CURRENT ZONING: "I- I" Light Industrial District REQUESTED ZONING: "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District with "I- I" Light Industrial District uses and limited "B-2" Commercial Manufacturing District uses to include auto painting facilities, automobile body shops, brake shops, glass shops, seat cover & upholstery shops, transmission shops, automobile repair/service, oil & lube shops, and muffler shops. LAND USE CATEGORY: Industrial NO. NOTICES SENT: Eleven (11) RESPONSES: One (1) response within the 200' notification area was received: James W. Giffin, 3002 Briar Lane, Southlake, Texas, opposed. Mr. Giffin listed several reasons for being opposed to the zoning change request. (Please see attached letter) 'A. City of Southlake, Texas P & Z ACTION: November 6, 1997; Approved (7-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated October 31, 1997, eliminating the following uses from the requested zoning: brake shops, glass shops, seat cover & upholstery shops, transmission shops, automobile repair/service, oil & lube shops, and muffler shops; and requiring that no cars in any state of disrepair are allowed to be stationed outside. COUNCIL ACTION: November 18, 1997; Approved (6-0) First Reading subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated November 14, 1997, deleting Item # 1 b (existing pavement adjacent to the north property line encroaching into the bufferyard) with approval being subject to Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendations. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all requirements in Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated October 31, 1997, with the exception of those in the attached Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated November 14, 1997. Please note that all structures shown on this plan are existing. No new construction is proposed with this plan. L:\COiN,iDEV\ WP-FILES\,MEMO\97CASES\97-143ZS. W PD 7A -2, i t James W. Giffin CQECD NOV 051997 3002 Briar Lane Southlake, Texas 76092 488-3308 (office) 329-0358 (home) Ms. Lori Farwell Community Development Secretary City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Lori, November 5, 1997 Reference: ZA 97-143 Thank you for discussing the above referenced matter which is coming before the Planning and Zoning Commission. I own the properties in North Davis Business Park that are immediately. adjacent to the subject property in this requested action. I am opposed to the zoning change request for the following reasons among others: 1. Light industrial zoning is contemplated to include clean types of industrial businesses compatible with the surrounding area. Paint and body shops are not the type of businesses contemplated in I-1 industrial zoning. 2. On site storage of paints, thinners and other flammables required in the proposed use poses an unnecessary hazard to adjacent properties. 3. Dust and fume emissions containment will require unsightly 6posed exhaust and filtration systems. 4. Normal operations will entail outside storage of vehicles in partial repair during the daytime hours. This will be very unsightly. The subject property is at the Very front of Davis Business Park; and consequently, is the first building viewed by all parties driving into the area. 5. This site already has exposed facilities and materials stored outside. The buildings on this site are set back to the rear and side building lines and afford no reasonable area for screen fencing of outside storage or facilities. 6. Further deterioration of the quality of building and allowed uses within this business park, and I-1 areas in general, is not in the best interests of the city and citizens of Southlake. I regret that I may be unable to attend the P & Z meeting on November 6. I would appreciate it if you would submit my comments to the commissioners for consideration. As always, I am available to answer any questions you or any commissioner may have. Thank you for your help. rsic yours TiWnes W. Giffin 7A--3 0 Ir CARRaL EUDEKAW SCHoa- TRACT MAP 7A,l L—L-j I1A2B .246 AC M AC TR 1 A2A 36 AC ro I ' TR 1B3 I ' 98 AC R. MILLER II I� 1 I e TR 18 .586 AC i 1� 1�1 Ia,l TR 1B4 a HILL TR 1A 13.28 AC "11 if 5 J. GIFFIN I J. GIFFIN TR 2A 9.65 f A, 1.03 AC 1 C ' 1~' r rs R t, 11„ 101 �� �� J. GIFFIN ,�•�• SURvE �a� 11 a a 000 a ;Iv E. HUGHES CASNER GREENBRIAR DR Ib 1 1 W 1 N Z g t� Co 3 Dr' II — R Z �� „ GLOBESTAR INC. ..,� a I 1 1 MIRAGE CAR WASH LTD. > 1 3, to �• 1 bo p TR 2A3 1' q 7.86 AC 1 I o0 1 $ TR 1B1A 1 I TR 181 TR 1 B1 B $ $ T 3,0 AC' 2.73 AC 1 I 2.0 AC 2.70 AC 2 1 1 I 9441 O -- CONTMEN •Z3 -f r---- A �_ COAOAON AREA' 1' M a. 1 I 1 ' i UI i I i NI I 1 II , `T I NWOOD DR "SP1 If . 6 "11" R. YANDELL BYLER AND ZONING 1A—S AMESBUKY Vi IYld30 WO11100Y SI%Vd SS3NIS118 $$AVG NIXON 112016 it 111 5101 6.R i, , far °t3 ; a : p tOA70 =Val Iii/ 7►J -7A i( ti � i 73j J h City of Southlake, Texas Case No.: ZA 97-143 Review No: Tm Date of Review: 11/14/97 Project Name: Site Plan for S-P 1 Zoning with "I 1" and limited "B-2'• uses - Lot 4R. Block B, North Days Business Par •O_ SURVEYOR: • - .r - •• Co. _yIr, ' 1 '••1 • O Wr •a t1) CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 11/10/97 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 787. Please note that all structures shown on this plan are existing. No new construction is proposed with this plan. The following changes are needed with regard to bufferyards: a. The required bufferyards and plantings are as shown on. Place the attached Bufferyard Calculation Chart on the face of the plan. b. The existing pavement adjacent to the north property line encroaches into the required 5' Type `A' bufferyard. r P & ZACTION.• November 6, 1997, Approved (7-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated October 31, 1997, eliminating the following uses from the requested zoning: brake shops, glass shops, seat cover & upholstery shops, transmission shops, automobile repair/service, oil & lube shops, and muffler shops; and requiring that no cars in any state of disrepair are allowed to be stationed outside. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * Denotes Informational Comment att: Bufferyard Calculation Chart Brenda & Jamie Garcia Peiser Surveying Co. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\P"97\97143SP2. WPD 7^ i7 A 14 Case No. ZA97-143 SUMMARY CHART - BUFFERYARDS Location Length Bufferyard Width - Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Shrubs Fence / Screening Height & Material North - Required 250' 5' - A 3 5 20 none Provided* 250' 5'- A 3 5 20 none East - Required 193' 5'- A 2 4 15 none Provided* 193' 5'- A 2 4 15 none South - Required 275' None 0 0 0 none Provided* 275' None 0 0 0 none West - Required 80' None 0 0 0 none Provided* 80' None 0 0 1 0 none *Note any credits used in calculations: a. b. C. Other Comments: L:\COMDEVIWP-FELES\REV\97U7143BY1.WPD 7A -$ 14 C. t i I I k�w ft� �7tJ I I_ f f ( ' mm was M -7A-9 u I •` CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-263 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE; TEXAS BEING LOT 4R, BLOCK B OF THE NORTH DAVIS BUSINESS PARK ADDITION, BEING APPROXIMATELY 0.77 ACRES SITUATED IN THE THOMAS J. THOMPSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1502, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "I-1" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL TO "S-P-1" DETAILED SITE PLAN DISTRICT WITH "I-1" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USES AND LIMITED "B-2" COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURING DISTRICT USES, SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "I-1" Light Industrial District under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and L: CrM0CS\ORD\CASES\480-263.WPD Page 1 ? A .- to WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over -crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over -crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be L AC=0CS\ORD\CASES\480-263. W PD Page 2 7 A I Caltered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being a 0.77 acres tract being legally described as Lot 4, Block B, North Davis Business Park Addition, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from "I-1" Light Industrial District to "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District with all "I-1" Light Industrial uses and "B-2" Commercial Manufacturing District uses, being limited to auto painting facilities and automobile body shops. Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over -crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance (W shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. L:\CrrYDMS\ORD\CASES\480-263.WPD Page 7A-12- Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: r CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1997. L:\CITYDOCSXORD\CASES\480-263.WPD Page 4 MAYOR 7A-13 ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY LAC=0CS\0RD\CASES\"0-263. WPD �/ Page 5 -7a. -lM (W EXHIBIT "A" Being all of Lot 4R, in Block B, of the North Davis Business Park Addition as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 253 in the City of Southlake Tarrant County, Texas, and being situated in the T.J. Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1502 in the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at 5/8 inch iron rod found at the northwest corner of said Lot 4R, Block B, same being the southwest comer of Lot 1R, Block B, of the North Davis Business Park Addition as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 253, and also being in the east right-of-way line of Greenbriar Drive (a 56.00 foot right-of-way) THENCE N 89 deg. 47 min. 40 sec. E, along the common line of said Lot 4R, Block B, and said Lot 1R, Block B, a distance of 250.32 feet to a %2 inch iron rod set for corner, said point being the northeast corner of said Lot 4R, Block B, same being southeast corner of said Lot 1R, Block B, and also being the in the west line of Lot 2, Block B of said North Davis Business Park Addition; THENCE S 00 deg. 24 min. 01 sec. E, along the common line of said Lot 4R, Blcck B, and Lot 2, Block B and Lot 3, Block B, a distance of 193.10 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found at the southeast corner of said Lot 4R, Block B, same being the southwest corner of said Lot 3, Block B, end also being in the north right-of-way line of said Greenbriar Drive, and being in a curve to the right having a radius of 322.00 feet, a delta angle of 16 deg 22 min. 49 sec.; TT-IENCE along the said curve to the right and along the north right-of-way line of said Greenbriar Drive an arc length of 92.06 feet to a %2 inch iron rod set for corner, said point being in a curve to the left having a radius of 378.00 feet, and a delta angle of 24 deg. 26 min. 52 sec.; THENCE along the said curve to the left and continuing along the north right-of-way line of said Greenbriar Drive an arc distance of 161.29 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner, said point being in a curve to the right having a radius of 30.00 feet and a delta angle of 81 deg. 49 min. 07 sec.; T HE-NCE along the said curve to the right and continuing along the north right -of -wary line of said Greenbriar Drive, an arc distance of 42.84 feet to a '/2 inch iron rod set for corner, said point also being in the east right-of-way line of said Greenbriar Drive; THENCE N 02 min. 20 min. 15 sec. E along the east right-of-way line of said Greenbriar Drive a distance of 58.35 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 32,964 square feet or 0.757 acres of land more or less. G10RD=NING14W.145 Page 6 0 I I IW 1s IW la 1 L_---_—_—_—_�_ ' 3AIHO WOMNSSW , EXHIBIT "B" ?A-16 it - i City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM 1�►' November 21, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 688, Adopting and Levying a Sales and Use Tax for Financing the Crime Control and Prevention District Attached you will find Ordinance No. 688, which has been prepared by our city attorneys for the purpose of levying the tax to finance the Crime Control and Prevention District. Please note that the ordinance must be adopted prior to December 31, 1997 so that it may be submitted to the Comptroller of Public Accounts, whose certification will allow us to begin collecting the half -cent sales tax beginning April 1, 1998. Please place this item on the December 2, 1997 City Council agenda for second reading. Questions regarding the ordinance may be forwarded to me or our city r A ORDINAANCE NO. AS AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND LEVYING A SALES AND USE TAX FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING THE OPERATION OF THE SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Chapter 363 of the Texas Local Government Code, the Crime Control and Prevention District Act ("the Act"), provides for the creation of a crime control and prevention district in a city; and WHEREAS, the city council has appointed a temporary crime control and prevention district board of directors in accordance with the Act; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Act, an election was held in the City of Southlake on November 4, 1997, in accordance with Chapter 323 of the Texas Tax Code, for the purpose of submitting to the voters of the City a proposition authorizing the creation of the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District and the adoption of a sales and use tax at a rate of one-half of one percent; and WHEREAS, the results of the election were favorable to the creation of a Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District ("the District) and the adoption of a sales and use tax. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That all action concerning the submission of the proposition to the voters of the City having been taken and the tax authorized by the Act having been approved by the voters of the City as stated in the foregoing recitals, the City Council does hereby adopt and levy a sales and use tax at a rate of one-half of one percent on the sale of items at retail within the City and an excise tax at the same rate on the use, storage, or other consumption within the City of tangible personal property purchased, leased, or rented from a retailer during such time as the Tax is effective within the City (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Tax"). The Tax shall be used for financing the operation of the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District. (W f:\files\slake\ordinanc\crimedis.tax Page 1 Section 2. The Tax shall be administered, collected, and remitted in accordance with the Act and, to the extent not inconsistent with the Act, in accordance with Chapter 323, Texas Tax Code, as amended. Section 3. The effective date of the Tax within the City shall be April 1, 1998, unless the Comptroller of Public Accounts notifies the City in accordance with the Act, that more time is needed to implement the Tax, in which event the Tax shall be effective in accordance with the instructions of the Comptroller. Section 4. The Mayor shall provide a copy of this Ordinance levying the Tax to the Comptroller of Public Accounts as soon as possible, but not later than ten days following the adoption of this Ordinance, such copy to be sent to the Comptroller by certified mail in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS _ DAY OF 11997. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney f: \files\slake\ordinanc\crimedis.tax Page 2 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM November 19, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager - FROM: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 684 - 2nd reading, Standards of Care for elementary -age recreation programs Attached is Ordinance Number 684 as approved by City Council and recommended by the City Attorney during the first reading on November 18. Please add to the December 2 City Council agenda to consider the second reading of the ordinance, Standards of Care for elementary -age recreation programs. If you have any questions please contact me at 481-5581, extension 757. KL Attached: Ordinance with Standard of Care Policy --AC-I ORDINANCE NO. 684 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING STANDARDS OF CARE FOR THE RECREATION PROGRAMS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN OPERATED BY THE CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, Section 42.041 of the Texas Human Resources Code (1997) provides that an elementary -age recreation program operated by a municipality is not required to obtain a license from the Senate provided that the governing body of the municipality annually adopts standards of care for such programs by ordinance after a public hearing; and (w WHEREAS, the city Council has conducted a public hearing and desire to adopt the standards set forth in this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The Standards of Care attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein are hereby adopted for recreation programs for elementary -age children. SECTION 2. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality -1 C, _ Page 1 shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF . 199_ MAYOR (W ATTEST: 14 CITY SECRETARY & 2-) Page 2 PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF . 199_ A MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY Page 3 EXHIBIT A 1. Definitions A. City: City of Southlake - B. City Council: City Council of the City of Southlake C. Department: Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Southlake D. Youth Program(s): City of Southlake's Youth Programs consisting of the After School Program, Summer Day Camp Program and other non -school day camp programs which last one week (5 days) or longer. E. Program Manual: Notebook of policies, procedures, required forms, and organizational and programming information relevant to Southlake's Youth Programs. F. Director: City of Southlake's Parks and Recreation Department Director or his or her designee. G. Recreation Supervisor: City of Southlake's Parks and Recreation Supervisor or his or her designee. H. Recreation Specialist: City of Southlake's Parks and Recreation Department part- time recreation specialist who has been assigned responsibility to implement the City's Youth Programs. I. Recreation Leader: City of Southlake's Parks and Recreation Department part- time employee who has been assigned responsibility to implement the City's Youth Programs. J. Recreation Aide: City of Southlake's Parks and Recreation Department part-time employee who has been assigned responsibility to implement the City's Youth Programs. K. Program Site: Areas and facilities where the City of Southlake's Youth Programs are held consisting of Durham Elementary, Carroll Middle School, Community Center, The Lodge and other city or school facilities within the City of Southlake. L. Participant: A youth whose parent(s) have completed all required registration procedures and is determined to be eligible for the Youth Program. ` Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A 1c ` C5 Page 1 of 11 A M. Parent(s): This term will be used to represent one or both Parent(s) or adults who have legal custody and authority to enroll their child(ren) in City of Southlake's Youth Programs. N. Program Staff. Term used to describe the person or persons who have been hired - or have volunteered to work for the City of Southlake and have been assigned responsibility for managing, administering, or implementation of some or all portions of the Southlake Youth Programs. This definition includes recreation specialist, recreation leader, recreation aide and volunteer. 2. Inspections/Monitoring/Enforcement: A. A quarterly inspection report will be initiated by the Recreation Specialist of each program to confirm compliance with the Standards of Care. (1) Inspection reports will be sent to the Director for review and will be kept on record for at least two (2) years. (2) The Recreation Supervisor will review the inspection report and establish deadlines and criteria for compliance with the Standards of Care. B. The Recreation Supervisor will make visual inspections of the program based on the following schedule: (1) Each After School Program site will be inspected quarterly. This may be scheduled or unscheduled. (2) The Summer Day Camp Youth Program will be inspected three times during the summer schedule. (3) The other non -school day Youth Programs will be inspected once during the course of the program. C. Complaints regarding enforcement of the Standards of Care will be directed to the Recreation Specialist. The Recreation Specialist will be responsible to take necessary steps to resolve problems. Complaints regarding enforcement of the Standards of Care and their resolution will be recorded by the Recreation Specialist. Complaints regarding enforcement of the Standards of Care will be addressed by the Recreation Supervisor and the complaint and resolution will be noted. D. The Director will make an annual report to the City Council on the overall status of the Youth Programs and their operation relative to compliance with the adopted Standards of Care utilizing the City Complaint Tracking System. Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A Page 2 of 11 A 3. Enrollment A. Before a child can be enrolled, a parent must sign registration forms that contain the child's: (1) name, address, home telephone number; (2) name and address of parents and telephone numbers during program hours; (3) the names and telephone numbers of people to whom the child can be released; (4) a statement of the child's special problems or needs; (5) emergency medical authorization; (6) proof of residency when appropriate; (7) a liability waiver; (8) two emergency contacts B. In the event the enrollment of a child will require nursing care or other individualized care, the city shall determine whether these needs can be reasonably accommodated. If the City determines that it cannot reasonably accommodate the child's needs in the program, it shall communicate the determination to the parents. 4. Suspected Abuse Program employees will report suspected child abuse or neglect in accordance with the Texas Family Code. Staffing - Responsibilities and Training 5. Youth Program Recreation Specialist Qualifications A. Recreation Specialists will be part-time temporary employees of the City of Southlake's Parks and Recreation Department and will be required to have all Program Leader qualifications as outlined in Section 7 of this document. B. Recreation Specialists must have a associates degree from an accredited college or university or two (2) years of related experience in a supervisory capacity. Acceptable degrees include: (1) Recreation Administration or General Recreation (2) Any other comparable degree plan that would lend itself to working in a public recreation environment. Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A Page 3 of 11 C. Recreation Specialists must have two (2) years experience planning and implementing recreational activities. D. Recreation Specialists must pass a criminal (Appendix I) and background investigation, as well as drug screens, as required by City personnel policies. E. Recreation Specialists must have successfully completed a course and hold a current card in first aid and Basic Cardiac Life Support (CPR) based on either American Heart Association or American Red Cross standards. F. Recreation Specialists must be able to furnish proof of a clear tuberculosis test within twelve (12) months prior to their employment date. 6. Recreation Specialist Responsibilities A. Recreation Specialists are responsible for administering the program's daily operations in compliance with the adopted Standards of Care. B. Recreation Specialists are responsible for training, supervising, and evaluating Recreation Leaders. C. Recreation Specialists are responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating programs. 7. Recreation Leader (Youth Program) Qualifications A. Leaders will be part-time or temporary employees of the Parks and Recreation Department. B. Leaders working with children must be 17 or older; however, each site will have at least one (1) employee 18 years or older at all times. C. Leaders should be able to consistently exhibit competence, good judgment, and self-control when working with children. D. Leaders must relate to children with courtesy, respect, tolerance, and patience. E. Leaders must have successfully completed a course in first aid and CPR within four (4) weeks of beginning work based on either American Heart Association or American Red Cross standards. An exception can be made for no more than one (1) staff person at each site, and that person shall successfully complete a first aid and CPR course within four weeks of starting work. Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A Page 4 of 11 F. Each leader applicant must be able to furnish proof of a clear tuberculosis test within the twelve (12) months prior to their employment date. G. Leaders must pass a criminal and background investigation, as well as drug screens, as required by City personnel policies. 8. Leader Responsibilities A. Leaders will be responsible to know and follow all City, Department, and Program standards, policies, and procedures that apply to the City of Southlake's Youth Programs. B. Leaders must ensure that participants are released only to a parent or an adult designated by the parent. All program sites will have a copy of the Department - approved plan to verify the identity of a person authorized to pick up a participant if that person is not known to the Leader. 9. Training/Orientation A. The Department is responsible for providing training and orientation to Program employees in working with children and for specific job responsibilities. The Recreation Specialists will provide each Leader and volunteer with a Program Manual specific to the Youth Program. B. Program employees must be familiar with the Standards of Care for the Youth Recreation Program operation as adopted by the City Council. C. Program employees must be familiar with the program's policies including discipline, guidance, and release of participants as outlined in the Program Manual. D. Program employees will be trained in appropriate procedures to handle emergencies. E. Program employees will be trained in areas relating to City, Departmental, and Program policies and procedures, provision of recreation activities, safety issues, child psychology, and organization. F. Program employees will be required to sign an acknowledgment that they have received the required orientation training. Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A -IC- Page 5 of 11 (W Operations 10. Staff -Participant Ratio A. In a City of Southlake Youth Program, the standard maximum ratio of participants to Leaders will be 20 to 1. In the event a Leader is unable to report to the Program site, a replacement will be assigned. 11. Discipline A. Program employees will implement discipline and guidance in a consistent manner based on the best interests of the program participants. B. There will be no cruel or harsh punishment or treatment. C. Program employees will use brief, supervised separation from the group if necessary. D. As necessary, program employees will initiate discipline reports to the parent(s) of participants. Parents will be asked to sign the discipline reports to indicate they have been advised about specific problems or incidents. E. As detailed in the Program Manual, a certain number and/or severe nature of discipline reports may result in the participant being suspended from the program. F. In instances where there is a danger to participants or staff, offending participants will be removed from the program as soon as possible. 12. Programming A. Program employees and volunteers will attempt to provide cultural, educational and recreational programs for each group according to the participants' ages, interests, and abilities. B. Program employees will attempt to provide indoor and outdoor time periods to include: (1) alternating active and passive activities; (2) opportunity for individual and group activities, and (3) outdoor time each day if weather permits. C. Program employees and volunteers will be attentive and considerate of the participants' safety on field trips and during any transportation provided by the Program: Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A Page 6 of 11 -1L- I A A (1) During trips, program employees supervising participants must have immediate access to emergency medical forms and emergency contact information for each participant. (2) Program employees must have a written list of the participants in the group and must check the roll frequently. (3) Program employees must have first aid supplies and a guide to first aid and emergency care available on field trips. 13. Communication A. Each program site will have a pager to allow the site to be contacted by Parks and Recreation personnel, and each site will have access to a telephone for use in contacting the Parks and Recreation Department or making emergency calls. B. The Recreation Specialist will post the following telephone numbers adjacent to a telephone accessible to all program employees at each site: (1) City of Southlake ambulance or emergency medical services. (2) City of Southlake Police Department. (3) City of Southlake Fire Department. (4) Bicentennial Park Community Center. (5) Numbers at which parents can be reached. (6) The telephone number for the site itself. 14. Transportation A. Before a participant may be transported to and from city -sponsored activities, a transportation form, completed by the parent of the participant, must be filed with the Recreation Specialist. B. First aid supplies and a first aid and emergency care guide will be available in all program vehicles that transport children. C. All program vehicles used for transporting participants must have available a 6- BC portable fire extinguisher which will be installed in the passenger compartment of the vehicle and must be accessible to the adult occupants. Facility Standards 15. Safety A. Program employees will inspect Program sites daily to detect sanitation and safety concerns that might affect the health and safety of the participants. A � daily Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A 01c_-(( Page 7 of 11 inspection report will be completed by the program employees and kept on file by the Recreation Specialist. B. Buildings, grounds, and equipment on the program site will be inspected, cleaned, repaired, and maintained to protect the health of the participants. C. Program equipment and supplies must be safe for the participants' use. D. Program employees must have first aid supplies readily available at each site, during transportation to an off -site activity, and for the duration of any off -site activity. E. Program porches and platforms more than 30 inches above the ground must be equipped with railings participants can reach. F. Program employees must have first aid supplies readily available to staff in a designated location. 16. Fire A. In case of fire, danger of fire, explosion, or other emergency, program employees' first priority is to evacuate the participants to a designated safe area. B. The program sites will have an annual fire inspection by the local Fire Marshal, and the resulting report will detail any safety concerns observed. The report will be forwarded to the Recreation Supervisor who will review and establish deadlines and criteria for compliance. Coordination with CISD will be done if related to a CISD facility. Information from this report will be included in the Director's annual report to council. C. Each program site must have at least one (1) fire extinguisher approved by the Fire Marshall readily available to all program employees. The fire extinguisher is to be inspected monthly by the Recreation Supervisor who will keep the report on file for a minimum of two (2) years. All program employees will be trained in the proper use of fire extinguishers. D. Fire drills will be initiated at program sites based on the following schedule: (1) A fire drill will be conducted every three (3) months (Program employees will confer with school staff to ensure that city and school procedures do not conflict). Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A Page 8 of 11 -IL - (2 17. Health A. Illness or Injury: (1) A participant who is considered to be a health or safety concern to other participants will not be admitted to the program. (2) Illnesses and injuries will be handled in a manner to protect the health of all participants and employees. (3) Program employees will follow plans to provide emergency care for injured participants with symptoms of an acute illness as specified in the Program Manual. (4) Program employees will follow the recommendation of the Texas Department of Health concerning the admission or readmission of any participant after a communicable disease. B. Program employees will administer medication only if: (1) Parent(s) complete and sign a medication form that provides authorization for staff to dispense medication with details as to time and dosages. The form will include a hold harmless clause to protect the city. (2) Prescription medications are in the original containers labeled with the child's name, a date, directions, and the physician's name. Program employees will administer the medication only as stated on the label. Program employees will not administer medication after the expiration date. (3) Nonprescription medications are labeled with the child's name and the date the medication was brought to the program. Nonprescription medication must be in the original container. Program employees will administer it only according to label direction. (4) Medication dispensed will be limited to routine oral ingestion not requiring special knowledge or skills on the part of program employees. No injections will be administered by the program employees. (5) Program employees must ensure medications are inaccessible to participants or, if it is necessary to store medications in the refrigerator (when available), medications will be kept separate from food. C. Toilet Facilities: (1) The Program site will have inside toilets located and equipped so children can use them independently and program staff can supervise as needed. (2) There must be one flush toilet for every 30 children. Urinals may be counted in the ratio of toilets to children, but they must not exceed 50% of the total number of toilets. (3) An appropriate and adequate number of lavatories will be provided. Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A Page 9 of 11 -1C- t3 D. Sanitation: (1) The program facilities must have adequate light, ventilation, and heat. (2) The program must have an adequate supply of water meeting the standards of the Texas Department of Health for drinking water and must be supplied to the participants in a safe and sanitary manner. (3) Program employees must see that garbage is removed from the buildings daily. Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A Page 10 of 11 A APPENDIX I Criminal Offenses from the Texas Penal Code The following constitute criminal offenses included in the Texas Penal Code 19-25 and Section 43: Title 5. Offenses Against the Person Murder Capital Murder Voluntary manslaughter Involuntary manslaughter Criminally negligent homicide False imprisonment Kidnapping Aggravated kidnapping Rape Aggravated rape Sexual abuse Aggravated sexual abuse Public lewdness Indecent exposure Rape of a child Sexual abuse of a child Indecency with a child Homosexual conduct Assault Sexual assault Aggravated sexual assault Deadly assault on a peace officer Injury to a child or an elderly individual Reckless conduct Terroristic threat Aiding suicide Tampering with consumer products Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A Title 6. Offenses Against the Family Bigamy Incest Interference w/ child custody Enticing a child Criminal non support Sale or purchase of a child Solicitation of a child Harboring a runaway child Violation of a court order Section 43, Public Indecency/Prostitution Promotion of prostitution Aggravated promotion of prostitution Compelling prostitution Obscene display or distribution Obscenity Sale, distribution, or display of harmful material to a minor Sexual performance by a child Page 11 of 11 I(-- l5 F. Each leader applicant must be able to furnish proof of a clear tuberculosis test within the twelve (12) months prior to their employment date. G. Leaders must pass a criminal and background investigation, as well as drug screens, as required by City personnel policies. 8. Leader Responsibilities A. Leaders will be responsible to know and follow all City, Department, and Program standards, policies, and procedures that apply to the City of Southlake's Youth Programs. B. Leaders must ensure that participants are released only to a parent or an adult designated by the parent. All program sites will have a copy of the Department - approved plan to verify the identity of a person authorized to pick up a participant if that person is not known to the Leader. 9. Training/Orientation A. The Department is responsible for providing training and orientation to Program employees in working with children and for specific job responsibilities. The Recreation Specialists will provide each Leader and volunteer with a Program Manual specific to the Youth Program. B. Program employees must be familiar with the Standards of Care for the Youth Recreation Program operation as adopted by the City Council. C. Program employees must be familiar with the program's policies including discipline, guidance, and release of participants as outlined in the Program Manual. D. Program employees will be trained in appropriate procedures to handle emergencies. E. Program employees will be trained in areas relating to City, Departmental, and Program policies and procedures, provision of recreation activities, safety issues, child psychology, and organization. F. Program employees will be required to sign an acknowledgment that they have received the required orientation training. Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A -IC_ , C� Page 5 of 11 Operations 10. Staff -Participant Ratio A. In a City of Southlake Youth Program, the standard maximum ratio of participants to Leaders will be 20 to 1. In the event a Leader is unable to report to the Program site, a replacement will be assigned. 11. Discipline A. Program employees will implement discipline and guidance in a consistent manner based on the best interests of the program participants. B. There will be no cruel or harsh punishment or treatment. C. Program employees will use brief, supervised separation from the group if necessary. D. As necessary, program employees will initiate discipline reports to the parent(s) of participants. Parents will be asked to sign the discipline reports to indicate they have been advised about specific problems or incidents. E. As detailed in the Program Manual, a certain number and/or severe nature of (W discipline reports may result in the participant being suspended from the program. F. In instances where there is a danger to participants or staff, offending participants will be removed from the program as soon as possible. 12. Programming A. Program employees and volunteers will attempt to provide cultural, educational and recreational programs for each group according to the participants' ages, interests, and abilities. B. Program employees will attempt to provide indoor and outdoor time periods to include: (1) alternating active and passive activities; (2) opportunity for individual and group activities, and (3) outdoor time each day if weather permits. C. Program employees and volunteers will be attentive and considerate of the participants' safety on field trips and during any transportation provided by the Program: Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A Page 6 of 11 --IL- (o (1) During trips, program employees supervising participants must have immediate access to emergency medical forms and emergency contact information for each participant. (2) Program employees must have a written list of the participants in the group and must check the roll frequently. (3) Program employees must have first aid supplies and a guide to first aid and emergency care available on field trips. 13. Communication A. Each program site will have a pager to allow the site to be contacted by Parks and Recreation personnel, and each site will have access to a telephone for use in contacting the Parks and Recreation Department or making emergency calls. B. The Recreation Specialist will post the following telephone numbers adjacent to a telephone accessible to all program employees at each site: (1) City of Southlake ambulance or emergency medical services. (2) City of Southlake Police Department. (3) City of Southlake Fire Department. (4) Bicentennial Park Community Center. (5) Numbers at which parents can be reached. (6) The telephone number for the site itself. 14. Transportation A. Before a participant may be transported to and from city -sponsored activities, a transportation form, completed by the parent of the participant, must be filed with the Recreation Specialist. B. First aid supplies and a first aid and emergency care guide will be available in all program vehicles that transport children. C. All program vehicles used for transporting participants must have available a 6- BC portable fire extinguisher which will be installed in the passenger compartment of the vehicle and must be accessible to the adult occupants. Facility Standards 15. Safety A. Program employees will inspect Program sites daily to detect sanitation and safety concerns that might affect the health and safety of the participants. A'daily Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A Page 7 of 11 inspection report will be completed by the program employees and kept on file by the Recreation Specialist. B. Buildings, grounds, and equipment on the program site will be inspected, cleaned, repaired, and maintained to protect the health of the participants. C. Program equipment and supplies must be safe for the participants' use. D. Program employees must have first aid supplies readily available at each site, during transportation to an off -site activity, and for the duration of any off -site activity. E. Program porches and platforms more than 30 inches above the ground must be equipped with railings participants can reach. F. Program employees must have first aid supplies readily available to staff in a designated location. 16. Fire A. In case of fire, danger of fire, explosion, or other emergency, program employees' first priority is to evacuate the participants to a designated safe area. B. The program sites will have an annual fire inspection by the local Fire Marshal, and the resulting report will detail any safety concerns observed. The report will be forwarded to the Recreation Supervisor who will review and establish deadlines and criteria for compliance. Coordination with CISD will be done if related to a CISD facility. Information from this report will be included in the Director's annual report to council. C. Each program site must have at least one (1) fire extinguisher approved by the Fire Marshall readily available to all program employees. The fire extinguisher is to be inspected monthly by the Recreation Supervisor who will keep the report on file for a minimum of two (2) years. All program employees will be trained in the proper use of fire extinguishers. D. Fire drills will be initiated at program sites based on the following schedule: (1) A fire drill will be conducted every three (3) months (Program employees will confer with school staff to ensure that city and school procedures do not conflict). Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A Page 8 of 11 -�C- t2 17. Health A. Illness or Injury: (1) A participant who is considered to be a health or safety concern to other participants will not be admitted to the program. (2) Illnesses and injuries will be handled in a manner to protect the health of all participants and employees. (3) Program employees will follow plans to provide emergency care for injured participants with symptoms of an acute illness as specified in the Program Manual. (4) Program employees will follow the recommendation of the Texas Department of Health concerning the admission or readmission of any participant after a communicable disease. B. Program employees will administer medication only if.- (1) Parent(s) complete and sign a medication form that provides authorization for staff to dispense medication with details as to time and dosages. The form will include a hold harmless clause to protect the city. (2) Prescription medications are in the original containers labeled with the child's name, a date, directions, and the physician's name. Program employees will administer the medication only as stated on the label. Program employees will not administer medication after the expiration date. (3) Nonprescription medications are labeled with the child's name and the date the medication was brought to the program. Nonprescription medication must be in the original container. Program employees will administer it only according to label direction. (4) Medication dispensed will be limited to routine oral ingestion not requiring special knowledge or skills on the part of program employees. No injections will be administered by the program employees. (5) Program employees must ensure medications are inaccessible to participants or, if it is necessary to store medications in the refrigerator (when available), medications will be kept separate from food. C. Toilet Facilities: (1) The Program site will have inside toilets located and equipped so children can use them independently and program staff can supervise as needed. (2) There must be one flush toilet for every 30 children. Urinals may be counted in the ratio of toilets to children, but they must not exceed 50% of the total number of toilets. (3) An appropriate and adequate number of lavatories will be provided. Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A Page 9 of 11 -1C.- (3 D. Sanitation: (1) The program facilities must have adequate light, ventilation, and heat. (2) The program must have an adequate supply of water meeting the standards of the Texas Department of Health for drinking water and must be supplied to the participants in a safe and sanitary manner. (3) Program employees must see that garbage is removed from the buildings daily. Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A Page 10 of 11 A APPENDIX I Criminal Offenses from the Texas Penal Code The following constitute criminal offenses included in the Texas Penal Code 19-25 and Section 43: Title 5. Offenses Against the Person Murder Capital Murder Voluntary manslaughter Involuntary manslaughter Criminally negligent homicide False imprisonment Kidnapping Aggravated kidnapping Rape Aggravated rape Sexual abuse Aggravated sexual abuse Public lewdness Indecent exposure Rape of a child Sexual abuse of a child Indecency with a child Homosexual conduct Assault Sexual assault Aggravated sexual assault Deadly assault on a peace officer Injury to a child or an elderly individual Reckless conduct Terroristic threat Aiding suicide Tampering with consumer products Standards of Care Ordinance Exhibit A Title 6. Offenses Against the Family Bigamy Incest Interference w/ child custody Enticing a child Criminal non support Sale or purchase of a child Solicitation of a child Harboring a runaway child Violation of a court order Section 43, Public Indecency/Prostitution Promotion of prostitution Aggravated promotion of prostitution Compelling prostitution Obscene display or distribution Obscenity Sale, distribution, or display of harmful material to a minor Sexual performance by a child Page 11 of 11 -1C- 15 City of Southlake, Texas i 1 MEAIORAND M November 25, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager i FROM: Darcey Imm, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 682-A. Amending Ordinance No. 682 designating the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Southlake The attached ordinance will. expand the boundaries of the Reinvestment Zone to include the areas requested by Carroll ISD. The only change since first reading is the inclusion of the 23 acre piece across from the CISD property on South Kimball. The area of the Zone is now approximately 408 acres. Please contact me if you have any concerns regarding this Ordinance. i DAI '10-� ORDINANCE NO. 682-A AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance 682 expanding Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One from 256 acres to 408 acres; making certain findings and determinations in relation to such reinvestment zone and resolving other matters incident and related thereto. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas (the "City"), passed Ordinance 682 creating a Reinvestment Zone as authorized by the Tax Increment Financing Act, V.T.C.A., Tax Code, Chapter 311 (the "Act")on September 23, 1997; and WHEREAS, in compliance with the Act, a public hearing on the expansion of the proposed reinvestment zone and its benefits to the City and the property in the proposed zone was held on December 2, 1997, during the regular meeting of the Council scheduled to begin at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas; and WHEREAS, notice of the December 2, 1997 public hearing was duly published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram , a newspaper having general circulation in the City, in its issue dated and WHEREAS, on December 2, 1997, a public hearing on the expansion of the reinvestment zone was held at the time and place noted in the aforesaid notice, and all interested persons, or their attorneys, were invited to speak for or against the expansion of the reinvestment zone, the boundaries of the proposed reinvestment zone as described in Exhibit B attached hereto and depicted in the map attached hereto as Exhibit C; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The facts and recitations contained in the preamble of this ordinance are hereby found and declared to be true and correct. 0-44266 SECTION 2: The City Council, after conducting such hearing and having heard such evidence and testimony, has made the following findings and determinations based on the evidence and testimony presented to it: (a) The public hearing on expansion of the reinvestment zone has been properly called, held and conducted and notice of such hearing has been published as required by law. (b) The expansion of the proposed zone with boundaries as described in Exhibits "B" and "C" will result in benefits to the City, its residents and property owners, in general, and to the property, residents and property owners in the reinvestment zone. (c) The reinvestment zone, as defined in Exhibits "B" and "C", meets the criteria for the creation of a reinvestment zone as set forth in the Act in that: (1) It is a contiguous geographic area located wholly within the corporate limits of the City. (2) The area is predominately open and because of obsolete platting or deterioration of structures or site improvements, substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of the City. (3) The area within the reinvestment zone substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of the City; and has deterioration of site or other improvements. (d) Ten (10) percent or less of the property in the proposed reinvestment zone, excluding property dedicated to public use, is used for residential purposes, which is defined in the Act as any property occupied by a house which has less than five living units. (e) The total appraised value of all taxable real 0444266 -`Z- property in the proposed reinvestment zone according to the most recent appraisal rolls of the City, together with the total appraised value of taxable real properzy in all other existing reinvestment zones within the City, if any, according to the most recent appraisal rolls c' the City, does not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the current total appraised value of taxable real property in the City and in the industrial districts created by the City, if any. (f) The proposed reinvestment zone does not contain more than fifteen (15) percent of the total appraise:: value of real property taxable by a county or school district. (g) The improvements in the reinvestment zone will significantly enhance the value of all the taxable reap_ property in the reinvestment zone and will be of genera_ benefit to the City. (h) The development or redevelopment of the property in the proposed reinvestment zone will not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. SECTION 3: The City hereby expands Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One to include the 408 acres described by the metes and bounds in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and depicted in the map attached hereto as Exhibit "C". SECTION 4: If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any cf the remaining provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 5: It is officially found, determined, and declared that zhe meeting at which this Ordinance is adopted was open to the public and public notice of the time, place, and subject matter of the public business to be considered at such meeting, including this Ordinance, was given, all as required by V.T.C.A., Government Code, Chapter 551, as amended. 0444266 -3- 10-4 SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage on the date shown below. PASSED ON FIRST READING, November 18, 1997. PASSED ON SECOND READING AND ADOPTED, this 2nd day off -becember, 1997. ATTEST: City Secretary (City Seal) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Mayor APPROVED AS TO LEGALITY: City Attorney 0444266 -4- Exhibit 'B' Beginning at the intersection of the south right-of-way line of F.M. 1709 (Southlake Boulevard) and the projection of the west right -of -«ay line of Carroll Avenue (said right -of way being either the existing or what becomes future right-of-way after future right-of-way acquisition). THENCE NORTH, along the west right-of-wav of Carroll Avenue (said right-of-way being either the existing or what becomes future right-of-way after future right-of=way acquisition) to the intersection of the said west right-of=way line ofC'arroll Avenue and the south right-of=way of State Highway 114 (Northwest Parkway) (said right-of-way being either the existing or what becomes future right-of-way — after future right-of-way acquisition); THENCE NORTH, along the west right-of-wav of the intersection of State Highway 114 (Northwest Parkway) and Carroll Avenue (said right-of-way being the west right- of-way after right-of-way acquisition is complete for the construction of State Highway 114 improvements) to the intersection of the north right-of-way of State Highway 114 (said right-of-way being either the existing or what becomes future right-of-way after future right-of-way acquisition), and the west right-of-way of Carroll Avenue (said right-of-way being either the existing or what becomes future right-of-way after future right-of-way acquisition); THENCE EAST, along the north right-of-way of State Highway 114 (Northwest Parkway) (said right-of-way being either the existing or what becomes future right-of-way after future right-of-way acquisition) continuing to the intersection of the east right-of-way line of Kimball Avenue (said right-of=way being either the existing or what becomes future right-of-way after future right-of=way acquisition); TI IENCT: SOUTH, along the east right-of-way of State Highway 114 (Northwest Parkway) (said right-of-way being the east right-of-way after right-of-way acquisition is w complete for the construction of State Higliay 114 improvements) to the intersection of the south right-of-way of State Ilighway 114 (said right-of-way (aw, being either the existing or what becomes future right-of-way after future right-of- way acquisition), and the east right-of-way of Kimball Avenue (said right-of-way being either the existing or what becomes future right-of-way after future right -or - way acquisition); TI IENCE SOUTH, continuing along the east right-of-way of Kimball Avenue (said right -or - way being either the existing or what becomes future right -of way after liture right-of-way acquisition) to the intersection of the south right-of-way of Crooked Lane and the said east right-of-way of Kimball Avenue; TI IENCE continuing in a southeasterly direction in a curve to the left along the cast right -of way of Kimball Avenue (said right-of-way being either the existing or what becomes future right-of=way after future right-of-way acquisition) to the intersection of the east right-of-way of Kimball Avenue and the west property line of Tract l of the C.B. McDonald Survey (Abstract 1013); THENCE NORTH, along the west property line of said Tract l to the intersection of the west line of Tract l and the southeast corner of Tract 3 of the C.B. McDonald Survey (Abstract 1013); THENCE NEST, along the south property line of said Tract 3 to the southwest corner of said Tract 3; 'Il II?NCI': NOR TI I, along the west property line of said Tract 3 to the southeast corner of said 'Tract 3113; THENCE WEST, along the south property line of said Tract 3B3 to the southwest corner of said Tract 3B3; THENCE NORTH, along the west property line of said Tract 3B3 to the northwest corner of said Tract 3B3; TI IENCF. EAST, along the north property line of said "tract 3133 to the northwest corner of said 'Tract 3; THENCE EAST, along the north property line of said Tract 3 to the northwest corner of said Tract l; 7 t>_� 'I'I II?NCF 1?ASH along the north property Zinc ofsaid Tract I to the northeast corner ol'said .Tract I, said point being in the city limit line of the City of Southlake; THENCE SOUTH, alone the said east property line of Tract l to a point being in the city limit line of the City of Southlake and being in the north right-of-way line of South Kimball Avenue (said right-of-way being either the existing or what becomes future right-of-way after future right-of-%N av acquisition); tl iENC E continuing in a southeasterly direction in a curve to the right alone die north right- of-way of South Kimball Avenue (said right-of-way being either the existing or what becomes future right-of-way after future right-of-way acquisition) to the intersection of the east right-of-way Of South Kimball Avenue and the south property line off leritage Industrial Park, said point also being in the city limit line of the City of Southlake; TI IENCE SOUTH, along the south property line of said Heritage Industrial Park to the intersection of the south line of Heritage Industrial Park and the south right-of- way line of South Kimball Avenue: THENCE continuing in a northwesterly direction in a curve to the left along the west right- of-way of Kimball Avenue (said right-of-way being either time existing or what becomes linure right-of-way after future right-of-way acquisition) to a point in the east property line of Tract 1 ofthe C.B. McDonald Survey (Abstract 1013); THENCE SOUTH, along the said east property line of Tract I to the southeast corner of said Tract 1, said point being in the city limit line of the City of Southlake, THENCE- continuing in a southwesterly direction along the south line of said Tract I to the southeast corner of Tract 1, said point being in the city limit line of the City of Southlake; THENCE NORTI 1, along the said west property line of Tract I to a point in the east property line of Green Meadow Addition and the south right-of-way line of South Kimball Avenue (said right-of-way being either the existing or what becomes future right -of way after future right-of=way acquisition); THENCE continuing in a northwesterly direction in a curve to the left along the right- of-way of Kimball Avenue (said right-of-way being either the existing or what becomes future right-of-way after future right-of-way acquisition) to the intersection of the west right-of-way of Kimball Avenue and the south right-of- way of Crooked Lane and the said east right-of-way of Kimball Avenue; THENCE NORTI1, along the west right-of-way of Kimball Avenue to [lie southeast corner of Tract 3A of the John A. Freeman Survey (Abstract 529); THENCE WEST, along the south property line of said Tract 3A to the southwest corner of said Tract 3A; 'f11ENCli NORTI1, along the said west property line of Tract 3A to the s0utllWCSl corner of 'tract I of the John A. Freeman Survey (Abstract 529); TI IENCE: NORTH, along the said west property line of'rract I to the southwest corner of Tract 1 B of the John A. Freeman Survey (Abstract 529); THENCE NORTH, along the said west property line of Tract I B to the southwest corner of Tract 1 C of the John A. Freeman Survey (Abstract 529); THENCE NORTH, along the said west property line of Tract 1 C to the northwest corner of Tract I C of the John A. Freeman Survey (Abstract 529); TI IENCE EAST, along the said north property line of Tract I C to the northeast corner of Tract I C of the John A. Freeman Survey (Abstract 529), said paint being in the west right-of-way of South Kimball Avenue; THENCE NORTH, along the said west right-of=way line of South Kimball Avenue to the intersection of the west right-of-way of South Kimball Avenue and the south right-of=way of F.M. 1709 (Southlake Boulevard); TI IENCE WEST, along the south right-of-wav of F.M. 1709 (Southlake Boulevard) to the projection oflhe intersection ofthc wcsl right-of=way ul'Carrull Avenue (said right-uf=way being either the existing or what becomes future right-of-way alter future right-of-way acquisition) and south right-of-way of F.:M. 1709 (Southlake Boulevard): !I t� —%% TI 11:NCE SOUf11, along the east right-of-way of South Carroll Avenue to the intersection olthe east right-of-way of Carroll Avenue (said right-of-way being either the existing or what becomes future right-of-way after future right-of-way acquisition) and the north right -of way of East Continental Boulevard: THENCE SOUTH, across East Continental Boulevard to the intersection of the south ri�,ht- of way line of East Continental Boulvard and the east right-ot-way of Brumlow Avenue; TI IENCE SOUTH, along the east right-of-way line of Brumlow Avenue to the intersection of the east right-of-�%ay line of Brumlow Avenue and the south line of the Brumlow Industrial addition, said point also being in the city limit line of the City of Southlake; THENCE SOUTI I, along the south property line of said Brumlow Industrial Addition to the intersection of the south line of said Brumlow Industrial Addition and the %vest right-of-way line of Brumlow Avenue; THENCE NORTH, along the west right-of-way line Brumlow Avenue to the intersection of the west right-of-way line of Brumlow Avenue and the south right-of-way line of East Continental Avenue; THENCE WEST, along the south line of East Continental Avenue to the intersection of the west right-of-way line of South Carroll Avenue and the south right-of-way line of Last Continental Avenue; "1'l1ENCE NORTI I, along the west right-of-way line South Carroll Avenue to the intersection of the west right-of-way line of South Carroll Avenue and the south right-of-way of FAM. 1709 (Southlake Boulevard); TI IENCE WEST, along the south right-of-way of F.M. 1709 (Southlake Boulevard) to the projection of the intersection of the west right -of -%%ay of Carroll Avenue (said right -of way being either the existing or what becomes future right-of-way alter future right-of-way acquisition) and south right-of-way of F.M. 1709 (Southlake Boulevard) to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 408 acres, more or less. GABcmap.SIXIA927-08 ,pJ 1 I I2J/97 "-\p m MakP�:' uc �'Ir r gin lid ENV nq - i City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT November 26, 1997 CASE NO: ZA 97-130 PROJECT: First Reading/Ordinance No 480-261 Rezoning and Concept Plan - Southlake Garden Offices STAFF CONTACT: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Planner II, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Zoning Change on property legally described as being approximately 6.1441 acres situated in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, and being Tract 5E. A Concept Plan for Southlake Garden Offices will be considered with this request. LOCATION: South side of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) approximately 1,100' west of the intersection of Byron Nelson Parkway and East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) OWNER: APPLICANT: CURRENT ZONING: REQUESTED ZONING LAND USE CATEGORY: CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: NO. NOTICES SENT: 1709 Joint Venture Best Tex Custom Homes "AG" Agricultural District "O-1 " Office District Low Density Residential Residential Four (4) RESPONSES: One (1) response was received within the 200' notification area: Steve Garrett, 205 E. Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, in favor. P&Z ACTION: October 9, 1997; Approved (6-1) subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated October 3, 1997, accepting the applicant's commitment to remove the existing driveway from Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) and extending the proposed street down to the existing residential pavement. BA, I City of Southlake, Texas COUNCIL ACTION: October 21, 1997; Approved (4-0) to table to the December 2, 1997, City Council meeting. - STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all requirements of Concept Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated October 3, 1997, and Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated October 17, 1997, with the exception of those items listed in the attached Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated November 26, 1997. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\NMMO\97CASES\97-130ZC.WPD $A-2 10A 11A Al2A6 TR 3 P7 13A 4.47 AC W. HALL SURVEY _ /e 1A 2A — — A-687 - _ 108 11 B 12B J. M. STEV NSON TR 1 .409 AC __ 1 B __ 26 _ B IN if) A-2040 TR 5F 10.0 AC r 2 2A2 19 AC TR 2A5 2.398 AC rR 2A1B .97 AC 13 14 j is 10 Y LAYTON CT ,y 11 t E4 9 ,,, 0 1a 90 2 O a 10 s t a = 8 s 7 T.a i .. TR 5D5 1.945 my TR 5D1 2.365 AC r� TR 5D6 TR 5D1B 5.351 ® TR 5D3 3.948 1.68 AC �w TR 5D 1.054 AC 6�WOOD DR 24 U 1 =.o Q o 25 s 0 b a ~ m 123 26 TR 2A3 9 3� 4.712 AC2 � 4 a ° A` 29 N3 ? V� TR 5D2 1.698 AC TR 5D26 2.78 m TR 2A3C 1.93 AC 13 12 TRACT MAP 4 5 „� 10 - BIZYSON IrAY • 11 e IA :-�JV TR 3 W. HALL 4.47 AC SURVEY 1 A 2A A-687 10B "' N TR 1 .409 AC 1 B 26 B Pit A- '40 — - - - - - - STATE OF TEXAS - - - AG V.1 S. GARRETT AG s WESTERRA TR 5D1 2.365 AC AG LU W 5 TR 5D1B cnn co c 3.948 O O U () AG WESTERRA DR 24 Y U +n+ A o F 25 i O e '0 so, PUD PUD ;� ,p m 26 i WESTERRA WESTERRA R 2A1 B �• 4 97 AC g �. , Cl 14 LAYTON CT 10 11'y is A 9'= Y ADJACENT OWNERS "° 0 "° Q p AND ZONING TR 5D2 1.698 AC TR 5D2B 2.78 tq Iz- TR 2A3C t ez err s a- 8 s 7 SPIN # 10 AL MORIN E s t 3= t 2jt 10 s 11 LESLIE THONWSON / CONTRACT DRAFTING 214/637-3047 • 1320 PRUDEwnAL DR., surrE 101 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75235 CW MEMORANDUM / LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: November 20, 1997 To: David Ford RECI) NOV 2 i 1997 Project: Case No. ZA97-130 Southlake Garden Offices Subject: Summary of Concept Plan Revisions David: Attached are 17 blueline copies and one 11" x 17" reduction of the concept plan, drawing CP1, bearing revision date November 20, 1997. This drawing has been revised in accordance with the review summary prepared by the city staff, dated 10/17/97. The following responses are numbered to coincide with the city staff review summary. l,a. Under the heading Architectural Standards, the masonry requirements have been revised to read; "Masonry requirements in accordance with Ordinance No.557 and Ordinance 480-S." The facade articulation requirement has been revised to read; "Facade Articulation in accordance with Ordinance 480-S." l,b. The interior landscaping definition has been revised to read; "Interior landscaping area shall be in accordance with Ordinances No. 544, 480-42 and 480-43." 2. The area designated for a free right turn lane along F.M. 1709 has been labeled; "R.O.W. dedication for free right turn lane." The bufferyard and building setback dimensions have been adjusted. 3. The third driveway has a length of 58 feet plus or minus but joins a fire lane with no parking. With stop signs to control through traffic in the fire lane inbound and outbound traffic should not be seriously impeded. 4. The proposed driveway access and parking for the City Senior Citizen Center has been aw shown in accordance with a drawing provided by the city staff. 0A .s vid Ford outhlake Garden Offices November 20, 1997 Page 2 The following responses are numbered to coincide with comments received from the Southlake Department of Public Safety, Fire Prevention Division on November 17, 1997. 1. A fire lane has been shown on the plan in accordance with the sketch provided by the referenced department. 2. The entrance driveway medians have been shortened to improve turning clearance. The parking lot landscaping has been modified to reflect the change. 3. Curb radiuses have been shown in the fire lane. The following revisions to the plan have been made in response to suggestions from interested parties. 1. Building "A" is now shown as one story, the floor area has been reduced and it has been reconfigured to improve the possibility for preserving a greater number of the a)dsting trees. (VJW 2. Building "D" and its associated parking have been reconfigured to improve the fire lane. 3. Three points of access to thb adjoining property have been indicated on the west property line. 2. The building area tabulation, lot coverage, parking tabulation and landscaping summary have been revised. Copies to: Mr. Dennis Killough (W File: 9704.008 0A —,P City of Southlake, Texas No: ZA 97-130 Review No: Three Date of Review: 97 'I•7' 1 1 . 1 Leslie Ih=son- Contract Drafting P1,111POMM --is 1. 0IT- • 1 ' BY-19101f CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 11/21/97 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFIC4LY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 787. The following changes are needed with regard to driveways: a. The proposed driveway crossing the City tract does not meet the required 100' stacking depth. The proposed depth is approximately 501 . b. Staff recommends that the proposed driveway crossing the City tract be either further oil set from what is currently shown or aligned with the south driveway of the Senior Center. C. Show intended common access easements connecting the proposed driveways of this site and proposed cross access points shown along the west property line. * The developer should be aware that an appropriate conveyance from the City must be received prior to any construction of the proposed driveway crossing the City tract. The applicant will be required to construct the proposed roadway if construction is intended prior to the City fully developing the site to the east. The applicant should also coordinate grading and fill with the properties to the east in order to support the street profile of the proposed roadway. The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must 'be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, and a site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water & Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. City of Southlake, Texas Although no review of the following issues is provided at the concept plan level, staff strongly recommends that the applicant evaluate the site for compliance with the following sections of the city ordinances prior to submittal of the site plan. Note that these issues are only the major areas of site plan review and that the applicant is responsible for compliance with all site plan requirements. • Vertical and horizontal building articulation of building facades per §43.9C 1 c, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Masonry requirements per §43.9C 1 a, Ordinance 480, as amended and Masonry Ordinance No. 557. • Interior landscaping per Landscape Ordinance No. 544 and §43.90and Exhibits 43-B and 43-C on Pages 43-12 and 43-13, Ordinance 480, as amended; and Parking Lot Impacts on interior landscaping in §43.90h and Exhibit 43-D on Page 43-14, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Residential adjacency standards per §43.11 and Exhibit 43-E on Page 43-15, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Spill -over lighting and noise per §43.12, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Off-street parking requirements per §35, Ordinance 480, as amended. All areas intended for vehicular use must be of an all weather surface material in accordance with the Ordinance No. 480, as amended. • Fire lanes must be approved by th4 City Fire Department. The applicant should be aware that new submittals for the next scheduled meeting must be received at the City by 5:00 PM on 12/08/97. If not received by that time, no review will be prepared until the following submittal schedule. All 17 revised submittals must be folded 6" x 9" and an 11 "x 17" revised reduction must be provided. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: David L. Ford Leslie Thompson L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\REV\97\97130CP3.WPD 0 3 �awv a� wnoo ��+wva �nnuna �o wo or�.aa w uor nvw laOnoo lid 11 IL 830Id,40 N3GUV0 3HV1H.Lnoo rCQ �o i! !li • I=ills i '•� � z E 01 I•`.rw.w. � �.••.. e�..r. I I 4 ••� ! I 9 I 4 I 4 I 9 i!� i: I '-•�' - Ell;i CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING KING, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A„ FROM WG TOA""4O OFFIEE SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AGr" �lgrieultur District under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-261.WPD Page 1 M —to noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over -crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the CityCouncil of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes ty g in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over -crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being appoxuntely4 144 nacres situated in the-O.W Knight Survey, Abstract No}89� -c5E, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-261. WPD Page 2 aA - attached hereto and incorporated herein, fromGlAgricultxraiDastncf to "O Office 1 __Dis"tHdt. Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare 6f the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over -crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. t Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this. ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. L:\CYfYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-261.WPD Page 3 BA -I Z A Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1997. L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-261.WPD Page 4 MAYOR 13 A -13 0 A ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-261.WPD Page 5 Sk +I I (W EXHIBIT "A" BEGINNING at a Texas Department of Transportation brass monument found at a fence comer in the South line of State Highway No. 1709 (Southlake Boulevard) (a variable width right-of-way) as widened. said point being 95.00 feet Southerly of and radial to the Centerline survey station 333+46.97, also being the Northwest corner of the herein described 6.1441 acre tract in the common line of said Bailey tract and that certain 10 acre tract of land conveyed to Steve Garrett and wife, Dixie Garrett. as recorded in Volume 6747, Page 1622, of the DRTCT; THENCE South 83' 32' 18" East, along the said South line of S. H. 1709, and an existing fence line, a distance of 253.15 feet to an iron pin found at a fence corner in the East line of said Bailey but as referenced in Boundary Line Agreement as recorded in Volume 9823, Page 1073, of the DRTCT, said point being the Northeast comer of the herein described 6.1441 acre (said Bailey) tract. also being the Northwest comer of that certain 10.4043 acne tract of land as conveyed to Timarron Land Corporation (formerly Bear Creek Communities, Inc.) as recorded in Volume 9823, Page 1078, of the DRTCT; THENCE South 00° 22' 51" East, with the common line of said Bailey and Timarron tracts and an existing fence line, a distance of 1050.22 feet to an iron pin found at the fence corner in the North line of that certain 19.9873 acre tract of land conveyed to Buttercup Lane Joint Venture as recorded in Volume 8195, Page 1715, of the DRTCT. said point being the Southeast corner of the herein described 6.1441 acre (said Bailey) tract as referenced in said Boundary Line Agreement. also being the Southwest comer of said Tunarrou tract; THENCE South 89° 49' 53" West. a distance of 251.34 feet with an existing fence line to an iron pin found at a fence corner, said point being the Southwest comer of the herein described 6.1441 acre (said Bailey) tract, also being the Southeast corner of said Garrett tract; THENCE North 00° 22' 53" West, with the common line of said Bailey and Garrett tracts and existing fence line, a distance of 1079.45 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 267,639 square feet or 6.1441 acres of land. more or less. CThis property is subject to the Order Adopting Airport Zoning Regulations of the Dallas -Fort Worth Regional Airport, Ordinance 100, as recorded in V. 7349, P. 1106, Real Property Records, Tarrant County. Texas. i f Page 6 Qd V / � 'f.'!5- . Y�IW aarriasY �Y edlY.iO iMaYM 1NM�A/1 83119V NN) WM'A M=AXe*Uf= JO AM IBSI 1 flt1gZ 1-0O9 MOB WW 1d30N ]IDI� 'l 7i ID[ L 830Id:10 N3UtlVD 3NV1Hinos i rEXMIT "B° - i ►� cn O lii I I lli lil '� I gplM rj jm III it t 1 �iSi t i 3i8[ia{ tad p iiii a l a ■ E e�Qva i i� iiaer $M.a.t t t l r Page F • 1 } —' �.l_.._..fill, 4 / U) w D a W 0 Z z 0 N a Q: 0 Z a a w U Z! flu r • • dip L d JO I • Ao n I o • "16 . . . CD cr y � )CO tA \; 1, l • � }I{{ •` .. 1 ; K vs Z d 0LE688VLl8 A3O Woo 3>v-IHI M Wob_A WV6V=tl L661-9Z-ll W, £ d OL£699VL19 A30 WOO 3>IV-I IlnOS W0dj Wt>6V: L L L66L-9Z-L L City of Southlake, Texas November 26, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Darcey Imm, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 690, Approving the Final Project and Financing Plan for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Southlake This Ordinance approves the Project and Financing Plan for the Reinvestment Zone. The Ordinance itself is fairly standard. The Plan, including the additional school sites and projects, is provided in the enclosed three -ringed binder. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. DAI (W ORDINANCE NO. 690 AN ORDINANCE approving the Project and Finance Plan for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Southlake, Texas; and resolving other matters incident and related thereto. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas (t-e "City"), passed Ordinance 682 creating a Reinvestment Zone as authorized by the Tax Increment Financing Act, V.T.C.A., Tax Code, Chapter 311 (the "Act")on September 23, 1997; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas (the "City"), passed Ordinance 682-A amending the boundaries of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One on December 2, 1997. Notice of the December 2. 1997 public hearing was duly published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram , a newspaper having general circulation in the City, in its issue dated . the date of such publication being at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the public hearing; and amended the reinvestment zone as authorized by the Tax Increment Financing Act, V.T.C.A., Tax Code, Chapter 311 (the "Act")on December 2, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Reinvestment Zone Board has approved the Project and Financing Plan and has presented it for City Council's consideration; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 311.011 (d), the City must approve a final reinvestment zone project and financing plan containing information relating to the estimated project costs of to zone, the kind, number and location of all proposed public works cr public improvements in the zone, an economic feasibility study, to estimated amount of bond indebtedness to be incurred, the methods of financing all estimated project costs and the expected sources of - revenue to finance or pay project costs, including the percentage of tax increment to be derived from the property taxes of each taxing unit that levies taxes on real property in the district, and otter 0444266 iMwo data; a copy of such reinvestment zone project and financing plan being attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds the Project and Financing Plan feasible and conforms to the City's Master Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The facts and recitations contained in the preamble of this ordinance are hereby found and declared to be true and correct. SECTION 2: If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: It is officially found, determined, and declared that the meeting at which this Ordinance is adopted was open to the public and public notice of the time, place, and subject matter of the public business to be considered at such meeting, including this Ordinance, was given, all as required by V.T.C.A., Government Code, Chapter 551, as amended. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage on the date showy. below. 1997. PASSED ON FIRST READING, December 2, 1997. PASSED ON SECOND READING AND ADOPTED, this 16th day of December, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Mayor 0444266 (Moe ATTEST: A City Secretary (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO LEGALITY: 0444266 • City Attorney City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM November 25, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585-A, Draft 5, dated November 25, 1997 Attached you will find draft 5 of the tree preservation ordinance modified per the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission, based on the recommendations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance Workgroup. The redline and strikeetti edit marks are based on the current ordinance. Also attached to this memo are the following items: 1. The transmittal letter from the Workgroup dated September 18, 1997. 2. A summary of "Additional Recommendations" dated September 18, 1997 from the Workgroup. 3. Copies of all letters received regarding the update, the majority of which were received just prior to the last P&Z meeting. Feel free to contact me should you have any questions regarding this item. Please place this item on the next City Council meeting agenda as a consideration item. GL/gl enc. As noted above. cc: Planning and Zoning Commission (ordinance only) Workgroup members (ordinance only) L: \C ITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT%TREE\585-A\DR5 M EM. W PD layor. tick Stacy Aayor Pro Tern: V. Ralph Evans )eputy Mayor Pro Tern: )avid A. Harris ;ouncilmembers: Vayne Moffat 'amela A. Muller 3ary Fawks Scott F. Martin ;ity Manager: ,urtis E. Hawk \ssistant City Manager: 3hana K. Yelverton ;ity y: land Grand City of Southlake Administrative Offices September 18, 1997 Office of the City Secretary Southlake City Council Southlake Planning & Zoning Commission 667 N. Carroll St. Southlake, Tx. 76092 re: Recommendations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance Workgroup Dear Mr. Mayor, Council -members and Commissioners, We the undersigned members of the Tree Preservation Ordinance Workgroup are proud to present to you the attached revised Tree Preservation Ordinance for your approval. Recognizing that most ordinances require review and revision after having been in effect for two to three years, Keep Southlake Beautiful undertook an exhaustive analysis and research effort in early 1996. The fruits of their efforts were submitted to City Staff later that year. As has been the practice in our city, realizing the enormous workload of the Council and the P & Z Commission, a well respected representative cross-section of interested and impacted members of our community were requested to represent their specific professional genre within a Workgroup structure. Acknowledging that the development community would be most impacted by the required updating, the workgroup was organized to represent the area home builders, sub -division developers and commercial office and retail developers and the architectural profession. In addition, we included a certified Arborist for his technical expertise and the President of Keep Southlake Beautiful to represent their extensive research as well as to represent the general populous within our community. The City Council was represented by one member and the P & Z was represented by two members. Additionally, we were all ably assisted by the Director of Community Development, the Assistant to the City Manager and the Landscape Administrator. Following everyone's thorough review of the existing ordinance and the submitted revisions, we began our deliberations in April of this year. We discussed general philosophies of tree preservation as well as its impact on development activities. We had lengthy discussions with our member Arborist and our Landscape Administrator on various practical techniques and field procedures. We then deliberated the 1725 East Southlake Blvd. • Southlake, Texas 76092 (817) 481-5581 • FAX (817) 488-6796 W�v AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" 3 -A A A ,b t-la Page 2 of 4 recommendations of K.S.B., as well as the "National Association of Home Builders" twenty-nine page report on Tree Preservation Ordinances and their opinions on acceptable criteria. In fact, the N.A.H.B. recommendations were very similar in direction and ultimate affect to the recommendations attached. Weeks of spirited debate and serious negotiations followed. Then, in the spirit of co-operation and earnest desire for the very best for our community's long-term quality development and economic viability, we concluded on a very congenial note. The resulting document represents our very best efforts and we the undersigned do hereby request that the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council expeditiously ratify our recommendations in order to better preserve and protect our community's precious natural resources during these days of necessary development. p.s. Please refer to the following pages for additional comments. Scott F. Martin, Architect City Council Planning & Zoning Commissioner Bruce Roberts, President N.E. Tarrant Co. Homebuilders Assoc. Lanny Tat , Builder Planning & Zoning Commissioner Realty Capital Corp. Mike �iandlin, Vresioi Mike Sandlin Homes I A Mayor: Pick Stacy Mayor Pro Tem: W. Ralph Evans Deputy Mayor Pro Tem: David A. Harris Councilmembers: 'Nayne Moffat Pamela A. Muller Gary Fawks Scott F. Martin City Manager: Curtis E. Hawk Assistant City Manager: Shana K. Yelverton city ;ry: San (400e eGrand City of Southlake Administrative Offices Office of the City Secretary Page 3 of 4 September 18, 1997 re: Additional Recommendations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance Workgroup Dear Mr. Mayor, Council -members and Commissioners, During our extensive discussions, many suggestions were made and generally agreed upon which would have a significant positive effect on Tree Preservation during development. These additional recommendations did not fall within the scope of the Tree Preservation Ordinance but would directly impact the very efforts we were attempting to guarantee. We agreed that our task was in fact to study and make specific recommendations to you on how best to insure that the extensive efforts that we had made toward the overall goal of minimizing the total tree loss during development was communicated to you. To this end, we make the following additional recommendations for revisions to the City of Southlake's Development Ordinances: 1) Wave the minimum parking requirements in order to mitigate tree loss within the commercial parking lots. 2) Eliminate the rear -yard utility easement requirement. 3) Include an additional amount of $100 to each building permit fee to be dedicated to cover the cost of one additional Landscape Administrator. We felt that the Landscape Administrator(s) will be the single most effective way to insure that the overall cost of tree preservation is minimized by means of education, plan review and consultation with the development community from the earliest possible moment and to insure that the enforcement (when necessary) is uniformly administered. 4) Allow sewer lines to be placed under the streets in lieu of destroying an additional huge swath of trees running parallel to the streets. 1725 East Southlake Blvd. • Southlake, Texas 76092 (817) 481-5581 • FAX (817) 488-6796 ae �� "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" Page 4 of 4 5) Allow the waterline to placed on only one side of the street to service both sides vis under street taps. 6) Establish more extensive controls over public utility sub -contractors. 7) Establish a "Land Disturbance Permit" directive in order to enact preservation requirements while allowing early stage sitework to progress on a site prior to building permit application and issuance. 8) Allow flexibility in lot size requirements in order to preserve trees in R.O.W. and on lots. This might entail "averaging" of lot sizes. 9) Creation of a Tree Preservation Manual. 10) Continue and expand the Community Development Department's "Builders & Developers Workshop" program on at least a semi-annual basis while requiring attendance at a minimum of one workshop for continued certification. 11) Allow the placement of electrical and natural gas lines within the same trench. 12) Allow the flexibility of street -side R.O.W. and easements. 13) Allow tree replacement credits for required trees planted via the Landscape Ordinance. 14) Allow additional credits (landscaping or tree replacement) for trees saved adjacent to street R.O.W. along commercial developments. We have already had some discussion with city staff administrators in regard to many, if not all, of these recommendations and all appear to be feasible if the P&Z and Council will follow through via revisions to the specific ordinances or by drafting new ones as required. We hope our efforts in regard to these "broad -based" recommendations will be recognized as an integral part of the total overall steps necessary in order to accomplish the goal of Tree Preservation during our city's development period. Respectfully Submitted, (W 1997 Tree Preservation Ordinance Workgroup t�� t TO Planning and 7oning Commission City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 We arc opposed to the zoning change that has been requested on the 12.573 acre tract located on the east side of North Peytonville at the intersection of Plantation Drive and North Peytonville Avenue This property is currently zoned agriculture and the requested change is to SF-30. We reel that anv development along Peytonville should be in conformity with the land use plan 'fhe land use plan shows this area to be low density and requires one -acre tracts or more Furthermore. we do not accept the Concept Plan for The Vilkite at Pine Forest because the lot sizes are less than one acre and will require the SF-30 zoning We have read the above notification to the Planning and Zoning Commission and support the opposition to the Toning change and concept plan for The Village at Pine Forest (too, P' SIGNATURE _ ti�k`t PRINTED NAME CA, L�t(�� ADDRESS 13V .5 ,1•C<iC.(_�.'t_Id l`G��ri ��cti,{INI SIGNATURE: _ -•-- -- PRINTED NAME NAME' ADDRESS SIGNATURE.- �i.t�iC• PRINTED NAB Ix, ADDRF.SS ,. SIGNA i'U ,�L�4 � k L.tii( `' : _----- ----. PRINTED NAB F. _-P-��,;,: ,'�� `l-�'►�'�4 _ ADDRESS ._.Q_. I�=�/ic�w�-._'-- ------ SIGNATURE(/7N- PRINTED NAME— -Atk- ADDRESS 9,5-s— SIGNATURE 2 01997 PRINTED NAM . •�„ ADDRESS- _ SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS 10' d CJL-'6 vsv = t i 00-63-060 0 a 1-44 { O I'i<!rinin!_ ;n;r.) /.�!rin•� (�lnuln..,c:n (10i North Carroll A;cnuc• `( Iuthlake. TN ?t 0)" We a1v ohllowd it) tllc /t`Ill'1'! CiMillue that 11w; I'vell IC(Itle"Icil oil lilt- I, 1^ ` ;till• Clad lucatcd un the ca't side tit \omit i c•ctum-ille at the intcr."%ectiun ut-PLumltilm 1)ri;c aul(1 \uttl: -I his Ilrupertr is cllrrenth nlnc(l as_rir llhure and the wyle'lcd chanuc 1, to NI We ti•e; that :ill\ do;cl(ltlincnt alum,_ PC\ ;pith the land u,c Ulan. I he land use plan .how s this area to he luu density- and rc(luires unc-acre tracts or more Furthermore. tic do not accept the Concept Plan lilr The Village at fine 1:111-est because thr lot :iics;trc less than one acre and \\ill rc(luirc the SI -.,U runim_ We h:r;e rcad tale .u+o;c n►,titicatiott it) the I'lanitnim, and Ltlttim_ Cunmlissioll and support the oppo'itiun to the i(Inim, cham-c and concept Ulan for I he Vilklue at Pine Forest sICiNA I -I IRI : ADDRLSS -r. - SI(,\,\"I l Al • _ i is`t.�� _ }} PRI\ I H) \.\Nil LILIll; zl i \I)I)IZI tiff i1. < f.: (ysl.�,� `t- i PRI\I"FD\.•\\II. ADDRESS ..� j 1 PRINTED \\Il* A.-ADDRI LA_ ADDRFSS . , . �._.f�, ... �'t `- REM NOV 2 01997 PRIM1.1) TO'd H£tr=TT 00-6Z-380 A A A 10'd 1-0 Planning and 7oning, Commission City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, TX 76091 We are opposed to the zoning change that has been requested ' un the 12 573 acre tract located on the east side of North PeytonviHe at the intersection of Plantation Drive and North Peytonvillc Avenue. This property is currently zoned agriculture and the requested change is to SF-30. We feel that any development along Pcy-ton-villc should be in conformity with the land use plan The land use plan shows this area to be low density and requires ont-acre tracts or rnorc Furthermore, we do not accept the Concept Plan for The Village at Pine Forest because the lot sizes are less than one acre and will require the SF-30 zoning. We have read the above notification to the Planning and Zoning Commission and support the opposition to the zoning change and concept plan for The Village at Pine Forest SIGNATL URE. I't I 1 -1 PRINTED NAME L Cl I ADDRESS SIG . NAI'URE d1rL — PRINTED N A—','. I L-' a4m ADDRESS, SIGNATURE PFINTED. NAME ADDRESS 11/4 Ae 1 SIGNA CURE /t'ot .7 PRINTED NAME /,J;, i C C7 L e AF)DRFI;.(; AL=7r. .-. e— SIG NIATUIRE. PRINTED NAME b(z -Z It 4- 4—tj if-171 /4, IL' /X ADDRFSS SIGNATURF Oe� PRINTED NAMIE V 2 01997 ADDRESS SIGNATURE PRINTFT) NAME r Isc ADDRESS IuOkifu(a Cf. (a VLV:IT 00-6Z-000 3ec-29-00 11:51A P.O1 .A TO: Southlake City Council (W i support passage of the amendments u�e Beautiful.Tree eservation Ordinance l believe that the tree cover proposed and drafted by P ent practicable. I believe that the in Southlake should be preserved to the ext present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required todemo demonstrate of treespto lacement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizee extent practical. a tree removal 2. Most exemptions from the requirement obtain f r land zoned agricuturt al. should be eliminated including the 3. Replacement of trees removed slho�ddbbeestab�itshed to support planting trees and where that is not practical, a reforestation fun elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened an around trees during those relating to trenching near trees and putting g construction. 5. The penalties for viola are larger than the money received the ordinanceeom selling shoulda be treestreneasefirewood. so that fines I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: J= Printed Name: �. � Address: � �� C Y V` Signature: Printed Name: r � Address: �' S Signature: Printed Name: Address: 1 u Signature: Printed Name: Address: (4W ffCp NOV 2 01997 Dec-29-00 11:53A P.O1 1L, I W %%r.kelidd t Mnt 1oullilatke. l c\cis 76092 Novelllher 18. 1997 Piilnoillu .111d /-ollilit: Co.n;ill��11111 (•It\ of *-0l1lllldkL- t,t,1 \ol7 h (jrroli A\ clue Southlakc, 10m 1AN2 RF I lee P e,ir\;Ili(M (b'dinance I h;lr %jollbers On No\ ember `. 1997. 7. 1 for\\atrded a leper to Vollr ckI;till ltS�,ion e\plVNsIll•_ col►iel 11 about Irce presor\ation in our City Alier attending the lass mo mcctitlus at %khich file ordinance \\as re\ic\\ed. I ha\e all e\cn urealer concern File proposed amended ordinance "as carcti111\ researrhed by a cros"section ol- indi\ idled, \\ho are not 0111V interested huI impacted b\ this ordinance Hie \\ork 1roup \\as ci'U.10i/ed to represent area home builder., residential and colt mcici;ll Z.do\eloper,. heel) Sontillake Beautillli, arhorists, etc i lo\\r\cr. major Cliall,;e: \\erc made it, the ordinance \\ith \en little input from odirr mend\en Also. the um.10" of the \\orklirrce of the intended ordinance \\cre not in attendance tier their ill.iulll and (awmein i urthein►ore, after re\ic\\nlg the unollici II n111unes :)f the Vo\erllbcr t�. !,t,r meeting. I question the Comment that file -use Of the proper•t\ is primaiv prescr\ation of ireci is se ondar\ .. As I mentioned at the last \\c secill to stri\e li►r a tlualit\-dlc\eloped conlln1,1116 Wh\ not strive fora quality ClI ironnlorlt' It is inlperali\ c that \\e look ahead al the consctµlences 01'otu- de\cioplllent \\'e arc alreatl\- ta\in_ otll natur;ll resources--%%e are contributing to air pollution. and land erosion No%\ niore than e\c-.. %%c hoed a sironger tree ordinance and \\orkiorce to entorco it. on numerous occasions. it was indicated to AM Edmondson that " thi, is the real \ orld- as far as our present treatnieni of feces. development. etc Well. I think that in this -real t\orld- \ve have to accept the consequence• of this dle\dollnlcn; that \\c arc appro\711L. (Will Our cif\ --the Con\etlllellces ofpollutlon that preser\inn oIll- licks Citll only help \lain. let Southlake be file li►rerunne, in I e\as li►r pro\ idirn, cn\ironnlenial protection for our chdol, Ile citizens deserve a tree ordinance like that prepared by file \\oiki'mcc mentioned abo\e. we have lots to .=itin and little to lo:c--bill \\ith the many changes rccentl\ made by the ( A nlmi"ion we ha\ e )aids to Ilse andl "I"" slam thanks fair \ouI alICI1til►ll to this nlattel Mosl sincerer, \ LL�.r.�-t_L..r Earl •�:ti,'t;7• -__� Caroline P I lavers Southlake Resident REC'D NOV 2 01997 f 11-20-1997 04:59PM 817 488 6796 P.02 'TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: I. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and paridng lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. ' 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricuturai. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisiors for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating.the ordinance should be strengthener so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: �1 Printed Name: Address: Signature: Printed Name: Address: Signahue: Printed Name: Address: Signature: Printed Name: Address: RECD NOV 2 0 TOTAL P.02 11-20-1997 04:58PM TO: Southlake City Council A 817 488 6796 P.01 I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots much-dzes the removal of trees to the extent practical. I Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. I Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees d,=Lng construction. S. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money.received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: LAW Printed Name:. .Q'TTME � Address: Signature*. Printed Name: Address: r . S3g:tatt;re: )'-)I . Printed Name: 11Y)m �rjRk� Address: _ ;:C'c'D�S%'�}„�C lI✓ .�Uw�~I�c,s.�r- Z�4�LZ Signature: Printed Na Address. S~ 6 �� /iC vi r c ) i_ ' FTn NOV 2 0199 Vk- 3ec-29-00 11:49A P.01 l A (1 I'Llnitlt+_ •r•Ili /unill_ ( onumsN1011 (,c,',• \urth ('v�rull :�� euut S+u11111a1.c. IA 76(19 We aI c oplul wed I Illy /tjnim-t LhaIluc Ilia) 11a, hcelI regwfe(I o?I the 17 1 `ails tract lovated on 111C Cast side of \orlh Peviomille al the Inicr-,cola 1 ul 1'Iar11a11+>ll I)rIw and North P.•\tum illc :\\'cntle I his Is currently ioncd a�_ri�ulturc :Intl Iht w(lursted change Is it) SI•-.i11 We li•cl that ;I!.,i kk-\ej1111n1cn1 a1011 , I'C%Itnl\IIIV Shnuld he in is+nl��rmit� t%ith the land 'I he land WA! I,l,ul :hl+�.'x this Fuca to he lot\ dcn.it\ and regmle. one-CkJc ux Man tracls or nxlre Furthermo ic. x%c do not accept the Concept Plan 161- The Villaue .11 Pint Vol -cm lleCause the lot sizes are lea Man one acre and \\ill require rhe�SF-;(1 /oning We ha.c read the aho"C nutilicaiil,n to the I'lannnim, and /.otlin_ Commi-s:ion and sullpxul the opposition totilezoning chall e and conct;p pla11 1,01 The Vilklue at Pint: Forest. i SK'NATI 'RI. AI)I)RI-.Sti z., — ---t SI(i\-VH Al PRI\ IVD \.\III: ADI )RI .SS PRI\ fl•:l) \AN11-. ADDRFSS SI(iNAH'RI. PRI\ 11.1) ADDRI S SI(i\A I I `•RI \.\III. ADDRFSS SI(i\ A p p RF PR11 I I.I) \ WV ADDRI• SS Le tilt;\ ATI RI PRINTED NAMI- ADDRIiS1 4oc -13 ffCp NOV 2 01997 November 16, 1997 Dear P&Z and City Council members, The lack of planning and care to preserve the trees of Southlake during construction, be it residential or commercial, causes me great concern. As the proposed ammended tree preservation ordinance came out of the hands of the workstudy group, I believe it met the stated purpose and intent stated under 1.0, page 1 : _ "The purpose of this ordinance is to promote site planning which furthers. the preserva- tion of mature trees and natural areas, to protect trees during construction, to facilitate site design and construction which contribute to the long term viability of existing trees, and to control the removal of trees when necessary. It is the further purpose of this ordinance to achieve the following broader objectives: • Prohibit the indiscriminate clearing of property. • Protect and increase the value of residential and commercial properties within the City. Maintain and enhance a positive image for the attraction of new business enterprises to the City. ' Protect healthy quality trees and promote the natural, ecoi;:gical, environmental, and aesthetic qualities of �e City. i_ I recommend and support the workstudy croup's version that asks for thorough tree ` surveys on all developing sites, preservation of understory trees as well as canopy trees, protection methods such as fencing, flagging, and bark protection, and little disturbance allowed by grading. I can also support homeowners being exempted in the P&Z version, but must insist that all sites to be developed should be tree surveyed so that the Land- scape Administrator and the Tree Board have all the necessary knowledge to make wise decisions regarding exemptions and mitigation. Sincerely. RED'D NOV Z 01997 U wK.16r VA C� C-4 ** # * * * * * 4 November 20, 1997 Dear P & Z and City Council Members The lack of a strong tree preservation ordinance in the City of Southlake is of great concern to me. The first time I ever came to Texas, my immediate reaction was, "What an ugly place! There are no trees." Our realtor explained to us that in Texas, if a lot has one or two trees it is "wooded" and if it has more than three trees it is "heavily wooded". We laughed at her joke until we realized she was serious. After having owned properties in NC and GA with too many'trees to count, Texas was truly barren in my eyes. We purchased a home in Southlake with two trees in the front yard that the builder planted and a few more that the first owner planted. Unfortunately, these nine trees do not fill the void I feel every time I look out my windows. I wonder at times how many natural trees existed on this property before it was developed. My youngest son has planted acorns and to our delight we now have seven new oaks surrounding our fence. None of these trees that have been planted are yet mature enough to support a bird feeder, much less a child's swing or hammock. We probably will never see them reach that growth level as long as we live in Southlake. I often drive down the few streets in our neighborhood that we have dubbed "the streets with trees", just to see if homes are for sale. How wonderful it would be to live in a home shaded by tall oaks, (and what a relief in the summer to our electric bill). - Unfortunately, some of the trees left on these streets by the developer have succumbed to the stress they underwent when the houses were built. Many have already died or are in the process of dying. As developers ruin what used to be quiet countryside with endless buildings and parking lots, the least we can do is require them to save what little trees exist naturally. For this reason, I support. Keep Southlake Beautiful and the work study group's revised tree preservation ordinance that asks for thorough tree surveys on all developing sites, preservation of understory trees as well as canopy trees, protection methods,and little disturbance allowed by grading. One tree lost on this barren prairie is one too many! Sincerely, Nancy A. Summers REn NOV 2 01997 gC-( s' TO: - Southlake City Council I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the (rent Tree Preservation Ordianance No.585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to We extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance. 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strenghthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees near construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. /' 1 have read the above recommendAtigp and support% o> es statyd therein. Printed If you believe in the beauty of trees and'wildlife and want your children' children to appreciate trees the way we have, please attend the P & Z Thursday(11-20) at 7:00 P.M. on 667 N. Carroll and the next City Council Meeting. They are saying that more businesses and homes are necessary in Southlake and are # 1 priority and trees are only secondary. I f you cannot attend please send a letter to 329-618 1 (fax). QrrenotTree Southlake City Council .tpprt Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the Preservation Ordianance No.585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. . . I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance. l . Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. - 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. ' 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strenghthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees near construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above recommendation and support the objectives stated therein. Signature Printed name Address I i 1 f S,-J� 1.4 &.,k Q &.44 46- If you believe in the beauty of trees and wildlife and want your children' children to appreciate trees the way we have; please attend the P & Z Thursday(11-20) at 7:00 P.M. on 667 N. Carroll and the next City Council Meeting. They are saying that more businesses and homes are necessary in Southlake and are 91 priority and trees*�re only secondary. 1 f you (*AW' vtot attend please send a letter to 329-6181(fax be ffn NOV 2 01997 TO: Southlake City Council -)port Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the ent Tree Preservation Ordianance No.585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance. 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a.reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strenghthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees near construction. S. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above recommendation and support the objectives stated therein. Signature Printed name MONK:A Address SOUTHIAI k 'TX 76002 �- If you believe in the beauty of trees and wildlife and want your children' children to appreciate trees the way we have, please attend the P & Z Thursday(11-20) at 7:00 P.M. on 667 N. Carroll and the next City Council Meeting. They are saying that more businesses and homes are necessary in Southlake and are 41 priority and trees are only secondary. I f you cannot attend please send a letter to 329-618 1 (fax). TO: Southlake City Council I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordianance No.585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the follo king points be addressed in a revised ordinance. l . Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3.. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strenghthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees near construction. S. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above recur u�ttendation and short the objectives stated therein. . n Signatureor I XJ—P� Printed name �kh)� r A R M rak Address 3�k Wb:9'b L Am h Sc y T H L A i< C 7 X, 7 6 09 -)u believe in the beauty of trees and wildlife and want your children' children to appreciate trees the way we have, e attend the P & Z Thursday(11-20) at 7:00 P.M. on 667 N. Carroll and the next City Council Meeting. They are saying that more businesses and homes are necessary in Southlake and are # 1 priority and trees are only secondary. I f you cannot attend please send a letter to 329-618 1 (fax). ,/) /]• Vyrl RFC'D NOV 2 01997 TQ: , Southlake City Council I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the �rrent Tree Preservation Ordianance No.585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance. l . Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strenghthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees near construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above recommeA dation and�pport the ecti s ed therein. Printed name 3464 80tlfK,tcF n law If you believeinthe beauty of trees and.wildlife and want your children' children to apprecta . trees ay we have, please attend the P & Z Thursday(11-20) at 7:00 P.M. on 667 N. Carroll and the next City Council Meeting. They are saying that more businesses and homes are necessary in Southlake and are # 1 priority and trees are only secondary. I f you cannot attend please send a letter to 329-618 1 (fax). �0: Southlake City Council I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to Irevise the current Tree Preservation Ordianance No.585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance. l . Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. be strenghthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing A. The provisions for the protection of trees should around trees near construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the mone� rreceived fro selling a felled tree as firewood. I I have read the above reconuZendatipn and sup a objectives stahel therein. I n I b Printed ^UW cap If you believe in the beauty of trees and wildlife and want your children' children to appreciate trees the way we have, attend the P & Z Thursday(11-20) at 7:00 P.M. on 667 N. Carroll and the next City Council Meeting. They are (�yine gthat more businesses and homes are necessary in Southlake and are # 1 priority and trees are only secondary. I f you cannot attend please send a letter to 329-618 1 (fax). RECJ) NOV 2 01997 CA- FROM Murphy's 8174882724 11-2M7 93:45PM TO 3296101 P.1 Janet Murphy 1313 N. White Chapel Blvd. Southlake, TX 76092-4302 51743 -2934 November 20,1997 Dear P & Z Commission members and City Couneg members, The unnecessary loss of trees in Southlake due to development and construction is of great concern to me. I recommend and support the work of KSB and the workstudy group in their pursuit of thorough tree surveys on all developing sites, preservation of understory trees as well as canopy trees, tree protection methods and restricted grading. The revised tree preservation ordinance submitted by KSB (Ibw should be approved as presented. Anything less is not acceptable. A strong, enforceable ordinance with stiff penalties for violations is what is needed to save what is left of our beautiful native trees. Sincerely, r r�o -fv' Janet Murphy A 8c--(q LFCI) NOV 2 01997 TO: Southlake City Council port Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the ent Tree Preservation Ordianance No.585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance. 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strenghthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees near construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above recommen n d sup�7 !nive�s�statherein. _ Printed name �QT/'iu� . �s,J �/ 7 `� -Pax JO ,,7 f'diL�i7llJri.7Ll�L�SS�Ih//�:LL� If you believe in the beauiy of trees and wildlife and want your children' children to appreciate trees the way we have, please attend the P & Z Thursday(11-20) at 7:00 P.M. on 667 N. Carroll and the next City Council Meeting. They are saying that more businesses and homes are necessary in Southlake and are #1 priority and trees are only secondary. I f you cannot attend please send a letter to 329-618 1 (fax). REC�NOV 2 01997 m 0 PDV-20-1997 13:04 817 488 3790 P.01 1 -knA -{uzer TiM���'.n 'j. •M ._Ii 1 i1 11 $C-2 RECI) NOV 2 01997 TOTAL P.01 H3.)-20-199? 12:55 817 488 37% P.02 TO: Southlake City Council , I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed and drafted by Keep ed to the exert Practicable,u 1 believe that thethat the tree in SoudU dw should be preserved to the e present ordinance does zwt accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be requirdemonstrate o,�� tt the rees the placement of roads, bufldngs and parking lots extent practical obtain a tree removal permit 2 Most exemptions from the requirenlent to should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutwr3l- ed and where is not 3. Replacement of trees removed should be estaould be blished to Support P1that3nting trees practical, a reforestation fund elsewhere in Southlake . 4. The provisions for Me protection of trees should be strengthened including8 those relating to trenching near trees and putting fendng constructiom the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines 5. The penalties for violating are larger than the money received from selling a filled tree as firewood. I have read Tree rvation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: Printed Name: Address: to Signature: Printed Name r Address:' Address. Signature Printed N W-Z2 �gj) NOV 2 01997 112 '.4 - NOV-20-1997 12:55 817 488 3790 P.01 TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservat►on Qrdinan�le oPPo and drafted by Keep Southlake Beau(*Mw, s the r to the extent pro ui Southlake should be preserved � objective. cticable present ordinance does not accomplish1� 0 A The reasons for my support are 0 follows: ba demonstrate that the placement 1. Developers oni°p$ ems' the removal of trees too the of roads, extent practical. ent to obtain a tree removal Pit exL 2 Most exemPtions from the req mpt�n for land =ed agrlmtvral. should be eliminate$ ed and where that is not I Replacement of tr should be estd should be ablished tea support Planting trees practical, a reforestation elsewhere in 5out1>33kd- an of trees shoesbe £encinarou d including ng 4. The ' ors for the protects th o � g to trenching near tree and Pu 8 construction- should be siren$the so that fines } the ordina 5. The enalfies for ,plating a felted tree as firewood. are larger d= the money dyed from SermB 'on in SouddAe and support the objectives stated I have read Tree Preservatl thereat. w panted Nr*^�' Address: Signature: Printed N Address: Address: _--Q—u fr-Ic Signature: Printed Name: Ca`'a t R'"-dry' -�"s Address:`- 'W -7; v�En Nov 2 01997 TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments Beautiful.e Tree el believe tha the tree cover servation Ordinance proposed and drafted by Keep Sout in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be is gn�nim oedti�e� demonstrate of treesothe placement of roads, buildings and parking to extent practical. 2. Most exemptions from the requiremeX g to obtain land zoned ed agr cuturt al. should be eliminated including the exemption 3. Replacement of trees removed showbe estbe a ]wished ted and o suppo planting trees that is not practical, a reforestation fund rho elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of treesshouldpub be strengthened trees during those relating to trenching near trees an putting construction. so that 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should a felled tree as firevv od fames are larger than the money- received from selling I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. — Signature: Printed Name:,r+� $. Address: ' MAW Printed Name: 1��v�Gic. S d so C147 Address: . Signature. _ Printed N� - - Address: Signature: Printed N r Address: RECI) NOV 2 01997 TO: Southlake City Council ' n tree reservation and support their efforts I support Keep Southlake Beautiful s comrrutme t to p pp o s to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordianance No.585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance. 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable: 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strenghthened including those relating to, trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees near construction,. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above recommendation and support the objectives stated therein. Signature, Printed name Signature ,1 -.� ,` �• <.. Printed name >`,C S Address i 0 _; LLJ Q (2 — Signature_ Printed name Address Signature_ Printed name Address X $C_zS RFC NOV 2 01997 l TO: Southlake City Council I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads. buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be. eliminated'"including the exemption for -'land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement 'of trees removed should* & required and where that is -not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support plarting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provision for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating, to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger that the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above recommenat ns and suport the objectives stated therein. n Signature L' Printed Name M R-y ( 9 Address Signature Printed Name, Address3�d Signatu Printed Addres Signan Printed Add re: IN e�g - v 1 J'J J TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover (W in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my,support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. I Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake: 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the mbney received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake d s;TFort the objectives stated therein. Signature: Printed Name: Address. N Signature: Printed Name: r Address: Si gnat.L*e: Printed N pe:' dZ Address: Signature Printed N 2R - ll� UC S 4, C 5 % N 10 L(i /0 -_'-) S QV 7NL $ C -z'7 RECD NOV 2 01997 t f FROM Murphy's 9174882724 11-2"? 83:45PM TO MOIR P.2 TO: Southlake City Council I support Keep Southlake Beautiful,s cottunitmenn to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance: I. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. ?. Most etemptioas from the requirements. to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be.established to support -planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provision for the protection or trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching hear trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger that the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above reconunendations and support the objectives stated therein. Signa Printe Addn Signature Printed Name . Address Si -nature Printed Name Address Signature Printed dame Address SC - ZS RFCI) NOV 2 01997 / A TO: Southlake City Council I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordianance No.585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance. 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate -that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strenghthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees near construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above recommenda -ons and support the objectives stated therein. Signature '�- -- — Printed name__100 tv e) ::r,� A) - Address LI a15 ILi Signature Printed a Address V 2 Z'`i fl D/yl�S�i�dJL J Signature Printed a Address Signature Printed name Address Signature Printed name Address oC -2q ffelp NOV 2 01997 NOV-20-1997 12: So 817 488 3790 P . e3 TO. Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments to the Tree � believe tha tion Ordinance the tz ee coves proposed and drafted by Keep Souddalce Beauhf m Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of'Froperty should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, bullftgs and parldng lots minlmlzes the removal of trees to the extent practical. requirement to obtain a tree removal permit 2. Most exemptions from the should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. I Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting fees elsewhere in Southiake. ened including 4. The provisions for the protection of trees near bees and putting fencing should nung strengthened trees during those relating to trenchirng construction. '£ia 5. The- penalties;for vioiatutg the ordinanceshouldabefelled trgee as fir w fines are larger than the inoney received from selling I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: Printed N; Address: Signature Prinked N Address: Signature: Printed Name: Address: Signature: Printed Name: Address: SC- 30 CD NOV 2 01997 TOTPL P. as TO: Southlake City_ Council nce I support passage"of the amendments to the Tree,Presei=vation Or � �,�� �� -�- proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake BeauhEul.= I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the.eztent practicable: I believe that present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers'of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement - of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the�ietnoval of fees to extent a rdical ^ -_ P, _.__ 2. Most exemptions from'the req*e�ent ;to obtain a`tree removal pernut , should be eliminated including the exemption for and where thaiid zoned at is not 1- I Replacement of trees removed should be required practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlak_e;__ 4. The rovisions for the protection of trees.should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near`trees. and putting fencing around trees during COIlstruCtlOn:' r _ :`�"'�j `? . `;; �J. �. —R .: 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance shoulda felled tree as firewo atre�erie d- so: that les are larger than the money received from selling - Ihave read Tree Preservation in SO`uthlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: Printed Nz Address: . Signature:C Printed Nain Address: Signature Q Printed Name: 1 c!,►"n ►' Address: I D 12---) -,/ k l - - VP_1 J40 r\V 11-t) - to Signature: Printed Name: Address: 1ECD NOV 2 01997 g�-31 TO: Southlake City Council f to the Tree Preservation Ordiriance I support passage o dale'Bealldfdl.- I believe eve .that hat the tree cover-..,.--,.- T Proposdd ihd drafted byv.Keep Southlake I believe, thit the e eicten �ii&ieab e.- 41OW in Southlake should bd"prese'rved'to 7i tillia objective. present ordinance does not accomPll4h) A A The reasons for my support areas follows: 1. Developer's of property should be re ,q ed to demonstrate that the placement 't"emov hiG6�-T rdtg-,gyfta:fti�g r il-of trees to t of roads; biffidings-and:pM �die 2! extent practical.- requirement to obtain a tree removal 2. Most exemptions from -�te req -, e. _ _1 .., ­ '-"'s _.;� zoned agriclItO4. d including die.exempR`dh fdf WA should be "eliminate L should be where that is not 3. Replacement of trees removed required and ' established to support planting trees pra�tical, a reforestation'fund eisewhere in Soud'-dake. a�gm8- 4. The� Prbviiioifsfdr., thA pKqtqqti6nof.trees should be strifigthened-ind-U. putti]ig &fcirLg-&ouhd trees g,n6aFr trees an�ci th6s-e-'ieIiiinjet6 trek� ;I r nrl construction. T!F"471" - violating the ordinance should be strengthened so-._._ 5. The penalties for ii 116id tr&as fire w*' od. front j�Uirig A felled In'; received A""'- '" I wy recg�vg are larger thaii the Cr I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: VaAA,% -,--A ' A A XT I'LULLC CLLLLI-.* Address: I'Z' I I Signature: Printed Name: r � Z_ Address:. Signature: Printed Name: Address: Signature:. Printed Nam Address: J3C- -3 Z_ RECD NOV 2 01997 A 14 TO: Southlake City Council - I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance.. ri „' proposed and drafted by.Keep Southlake Beaut�fiil -I.believe'that the tree. cover , <� in Southlake should be preserved to.tJ.he extent practicable: -I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective: The reasons for my support are as fo' os _-- ' � _ .. � -- 1. Develo ers of� ro er 4should a required to demonstrate that.the,placement;} P p _ p ty , es the=removal of bees to theme, of roads, buildings and parking lots miruauz extent practi 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a t=eeremoval:p eraut�. ptioshould be eluninated including the exemn for "land zoned agncutural 3. Replacement of trees removed should b . required. and where that is not , l;ractical, a rafo:E:�ta4on funci.-�hould be establ hed.to support plan trees j. r, 4. The prbvisions for -:the protection of trees should be`strengthened u1cl ag L s Trenching near trees'and putting fencing around tre those relatutg to �� coMtruciiom�' tits a !� t a rT' {� n r 5. The penalties for=violating the ordiri ' ' should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received frd ' 11i a felled tree -at firewood.�` I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake-and support the objectives stated therein. - Signature: Printed Name: Address:.. l Signature: pp Printed Name: Address: Signature. Printed Name: Address: Signature: Printed Name: - - Address: eC -33 REC'D N O v 2 e 1997 A TO: Southlake City Council -. px I support assa �of the amendments to the Tree Preservaggh Ordinance PP r P._ a by Southlale "u elieve�that the tree_ cover ) proposed and drafte Keep. yBea hfuL, I bw . in Southlake sho"dld be preserved_to the exC It practicable I iielie've that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective = _ The reasons for my support are as follows: J 1. Developers of property_ should be equired to demonstrate that the placement of roads; buildings and parking to ,gym n e's.the removal of trees to the extent practical. _ _� 2. Most exeaf mptions from the _requirement to obtain a tree removal ' ermitM�r� should be`eiimmated includutg the exemption for land zoned agnciitui'al . -- 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not . practical, a reforestation fund should be established to supportyplanting trees elsewhere in Southlake.---�:--- �.. 4. The rovisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including ;= thos04 e ielatiiig to trenching neat trees and puttuig fencing around trees during £ :- y �._ - .a.,.n.<...r'.. �-sue..... {t 0`.Sa. -�` •f»y,6t.'.�'�`,—,''2 .ems- COIISttLiCtlOn.: - E; :.. S. The`p , ties for•violating•the ordinance should be strengthened so,,tl t fm�es� ,� r . �t; f are larger "than the money received from selling a fill 'as as firewood. d I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. • _32 u - Signatvre:.. Printed Name: t-+ n - 'rlei_ 3 Address: e _ _ Signature: Printed Name:/bef�! ` ✓�G�e� Address. - Signature: - Printed Name: , 16 Address: I a Signature: Printed Name: IUD - - . lo2 c aslp Address: se-3y %M NQV u o 1^97 � 1 _ Southlake City Council I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and `support their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake'shoutd be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. 'per �.i,A�• .' - - 4 - I ret<ommend the following points beyaddresseyd in a_ revised ordinance: ` 1. Developers of property should be required" demonstrace`that,the placement of �.. . roads.�buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to'tlie extent practicable. 2. lviost exemptions from the requirements to obtain a: tree removal permit should be .eliminated -including the exemption for landzoned agricultural r. 3. 41 Replacement of trees removed should be required andhwhe�a that is not practical; a / _ w..n .+.. reforestation End should be established to support plarittng trees else, hereym Southlake. ,. 4. The pi=ovisiori foc'the protection of trees_ ` should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees'durin� construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so chic fines are larger that the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. ` I have read Signature_ Printed Na Address 1 Signature_ Printed rT, Address Signature_ ab. commendations and support the objectives stated therein. ove Printed Name._-_ Address - - - 3isznature - Printed Name Address $ C -3S RFC'D NOV 2-01997 A X TO: Southlake City Council "I 'iVation rdinance`�-�)-_--- I support passage of the am6ndment's to the; Tree-e rese tiful. -I believe tliat the tree cover proposed and drafted b� k-e6p_S6uth.lake Beau I in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable: I believe that the present ordinance does not accdrnplis t 0 c ve. The reasons for my support are as foUow's:' :.-:-7 '-Y . S,,-. i'd `16�iori�iiite that theplacement 1. Develdpers of property shbbld be reau'-tre to, i t minid e removal �6 f trees� to. the* g�' lots of roads, buildings and p;�`ar'kin, -dzes extent practical—, tree'r removal perinit equge. o a 2. Most exerhptions from th e. r. ment t6 b - tairi , ' n for land toned agricutural. should be.eliminated including" the exeiii0tip 3. Replacement of trees removed be -re4ui,-edand,,vhe'ret*iatisnot- ' s fitino� trees tie established tosupport planting practical,'a' reidIionf6Y[.d1ho elsewhere in Southlake-CQ 5,...--;�qi�;.,.-,, �'l ' strengthened including -those relating'"t 4. i-The prbvisipqs.fo trenching nea6r -the pr6i6cti6n oftrees shoul d be �trengthan r trees and--pu­ffihg­fehdftg around trees - eesduring­ -,.:. constructi_on,;_,�;_ so that fines 5. The penalties for viola ting'the'ordinincii should b'6 strengthened are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preseivati6ft" it Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: Printed Name: Address: Signature: Printed Name: �/ _26- Address: ic Signature: Printed Name: Address: Signature: Printed Na—me: Address: e JV RECD NOV 2 01997 A TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments to.the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautiful: - I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. - - The reasons for my support are as follows Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots mm�?es iiie removal of trees: to the extent practical. ..�- �. 2. Most exemptions from the requirement. to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned ao icutural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical- a reforestation"fund should be established -to support'planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. =` - 4. _The provisions'for the protection -of.trees should be strengthened. including those relating to trenchir►gnear-trees and putting fendng around bees .during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood: I have read Tree Preservation in,Southlake and -support the objectives stated therein. _ Signature: Printed Name: $ c Address: A4 A)l LE-- -. LL Y 7Z;2 - _LL1 _ Signature: Printed lKame: 64/u f �'i EPcLf+ i4 M Address: Signature: Printed N . - , _._ , . , .... Signature:/"' — - Printed Name• o n• 1 le Address: RECD NOV 2 01997 5e--3-7 TO: City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. The minimum size tree protected should be reduced and protection should be provided to certain trees that are relatively small even at maturity. 3. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal pernut should be eliminated including` the exemption for land zoned agricutural 4. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support plantinglirees elsewhere in Southlake. 5. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 6. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tre ation Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: ✓ Printed Name: Address: Signature: • - .,- ►1� V9991SWOM Address: Signature: �S Printed Name: ?a -(a (0 Address: _ d `cW jS Col - Signature: Printed Name: SC -3Q, TO: Southlake City Council fLM' - r Lit ,. I supportpassage�of the amendineiits -to the Tree Preservation Ordinance _ ,^ proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautiful.?I believe tliat.the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. _I believe ;th'at the_ y :� present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support areas follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate ,thathe^plalcementy- of roads; buildings and parking lots muumizes the.iemova�l of trees eo ythe extent practical. =� -, Y 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to -obtain a tree removal permit-; ; should be' -ell mmi iated.including the exemption.for :land zoned agricutural._ 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is;not practical- a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees" ,.elsewhere in Southlake. �'i��r;2 ►--�_�--t�: 4. The'provi's provisions fo`i the protection of trees should be strengthened in-#_,uding �-- "Ehoserelating to trenching near,trees and putting fenong around ee iu` ing . _construction. 5. The penalties for violating the -ordinance should be strengthened soliat fines. are larger than the nnoiiey received from selling a�feh(id tree as firewood_ I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated; therein. _ /6 ::r ..- -Signature Printed Ni Address: Signature: Printed N -Address: .Signature: Printed Name: L t �1 Address: /� �13 rv,� --Signature: - _ Printed Name: _ Address: -_ e� NO V 201997 Se -3q Tx TO: City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that thepresent ordinance does not accomplish this 'objective. The reasons for my�support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2• The minimum size tree protected should be reduced and protection should be provided to certain trees that are relatively small even at maturity 3. Most exemptions front the regiarement to-' a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural 4. Replacement,of trees removed "should be required aril where that is,not _. practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere m,Southlake. 5. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 6. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: / /,�� Printed Address: Printed Name: Address: A I f) n --T-v-2 ^, ) , -,_ G Printed N Address: ame: * 7 Signature: Printed Name: Ary", 1 L— Gl t kp— ► L 8e-0 WD NOV 2 01997 qZ TO: City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. The minimum size tree protected should be reduced and protection should be provided to certain trees that are relatively small even at maturity-_ I Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal perrrut should be eluininated including the ezenlption for:land zoned agncutural. x 4. Replacement of trees .removed should be required and where _that is not s practical,`a`ieforestation- fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere M—Southlake. 5. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 6. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood I have read Tree Pre ation mi Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Sn Si afar �• � Printed N e: tS Address: Signature: Printed Nam«. -- d0 ,, „c, W4JXk7e';Z C;,ri Address: Signature: Printed N; Address: Signature: Print ed N 5(-7-q ( fEGl) NOV 2 01997 (W TO: City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. The minimum size tree protected should be reduced and protection should be provided to certain trees that are relatively small even at t maturity. 3. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree reanoval perncut should be eliiinated including the exemption for.land zoned agricutural. i 4. Replacenent of trees removed should be required and where that _is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 5. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 6. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated thorein. Signature: Printed N Address: Signature: Printed Name: Address: Signature; Printed N Address: I S Pico s T-)e-c r/2, 5�10 c LLL Signa Print( Lfi SC-g2 TO: City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlal should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for -my support -are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. The minimum size tree protected should be reduced and protection should be provided to'certain trees that are relatively small even at maturity. 3. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal per0 . should be`.eliminated including *the exemption for` land zoned agncutural 4. Replacement of trees -removed should be required and where that is not := practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 5. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 6. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. ` I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: &2� 0q, &dale� Printed Name: P Address: Signature: Printed Na Address: 154� Fiat Signature: Printed Na: Address: Signature: Printed Name: 5ta cl� 'Jo AV I 201997 i� A TO: City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this -objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots mlmrr►»es the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. The minimum size tree protected should be reduced and protection should be provided to certain trees that are -relatively small even at maturity. I Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agntu cural. 4. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 5. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 6. The penalties for viol ' g the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature:o....� Printed Name: Address: Signature: Printed Name: Address: Signature: 7 Printed Name: Re/fh 1Z. G`-a.-t t Address: /"�- i ti f/ 4 w, I rN g o C i e-/ c' S L— 10�l Signature: Printed Name: f3c - qy RECD NOV 2 01997 I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this -objective. The reasons for nay support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. The minimum size tree. protected should be reduced and protection should be provided to certain trees that are relatively small even at maturity. 3. Most exemptions from the r iurement to obtain a tree removal ermit - should be eliminated includ qg the'exemptxon for land zoned agpncuturaL 4 :Replacement of trees removed should be required and whereahat is now <� practical, a°reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 5. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 6. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: Printed Name: -�iA LLy r Address: ll Signature: Cl,(i� &t�Qo6A� Printed N Address: Signature; Printed Name: Address: l A/0� k ., L^ f So �. Signature:�,� Printed Name: -! . �L_EN� S • �v(e L_L-E N /�Y'e5S : 14ol Rop,LtJ �t1. cjovTl�`AY��TX -ilo092 B C" ql!�- REC-D NOV 2 01997 r TO: City`of Southlake Planning and Zoning Com ni lion I support passage'of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons'for mysupport are as follows: t 1. Developers of property'should be required to demonsirate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2• The minimum size tree protected should be reduced and protection should be provided to certain trees that are relatively small even at maturity. 3. Most exempizons froiri the requirement to obtain a tree removal perncut should be eliminated including the exenl tion for land zoned ap}��cutural a, ' +�. o �+ Y p�-r: ar. . d" ..t - 4. Replacement of fees removed should lie regwred4and where that is not practical, -a -reforestation fund should be established to support planting rises elsewhere in Southlake Y 5. The provisions -for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 6. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation mi Southlake and support the objectives stated therein., A Signature: , r- Printed Name: .J6wts y Address:sn, Signature: Printed Name: Address: / o Signature: Printed Name: Address: Signature: Printed Nam 751 w , 'Ay "Bi DECO NQV 2 01997 Sc -q� ri TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance d b Kee Southlake that the tree cover proposed and drafted p lake Beautiful. I belie in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the.placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of tree"s_ to the extent practical. 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agncutural. I Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection trees should be strengthened mcludin g those relating to.tteriching near trees and_ putting fencing around trees durutg N g -r - -. construction. - . 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened s that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as fire wood I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support. the objectives stated therein. Signature: Printed Na Address: _ Signature: Printed Nz Address: . Signature: g a d Al.ifs y e a AJ 1! Printed Name: Address: �7 Signature: Printed Name: _ Address: r— W- q-7 0 9 77 REC'D NOV 2 01997 TO: Southlake City Council - (4W I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance y proposed and drafted p b Kee Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of bees to the extent practical. 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including - those relating -to trenching near trees.and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthed s firewood fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled treea I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: Printed Name: re Address: g� �. � ��••��� �o`�`�-�Ce Signature: o ik- Printed Na5,ai- b �r Address: 7 r Signature: /!. Printed Name: � Address: Signature: Printed Name: Address: Se -ire REC� NpV 2 01997 .4ry' TO: Southlake City Council (aw, I support Keep Southlake Beautiful s commitment to ,tree .preservation and support ,their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordinance No.t-585.:; I believe that the tree cover in Sou[hlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. -I believe that the present ordinance: does not accomplish this objective. s ;; - I recommend the following points be!ad revised ordinance:_,�s: .1:::Developers of, property.should be_required to,demonstrate.th_ at the placement of __ roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to.the.extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain .a tree. removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for. land zoned agricultural.:_,___:. �. F _3.-.. Replacement of trees remoyp4 should.berequired and where. that: is. not practical, a "reforestation fund should ;be established to support.planting .trees elsewhere in Southlake::�_� 4._,The:provision for die. protection:of.trees.should be strengthened including'those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during"' - construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger that the money received fr_ om selling a felled. tree as firewood. I have read the above recommend and support, the ,objectives stated therein. SSignature Printed Name - - Address l tq Signature Printed ame ff Address 77�A) Signature 14 Printed Name i iN ntl (CL � �. V\ k Cc, h :.. - Address 11 CL('.OS �•f �O ��a�� ��.� �G-7S3o=;_._ Signature12, REM NO V 2]. Printed Name , G't;;r) Address /V. Pellylh // fle_ 'S.Lo, 6 Se—yq TO: Southlake City Council tidn;r 3 vSa� ��;s��f� :GT I support Keep Southlake Beautiful s "commitment 'to tree "preservation acid"support their efforts - to revise the current Tree' Preservation 'Ordinance No.' 585. I believe that the tree cover in - Southlake should be preserved to the "extent "practicable. - I'believe that the present ordinance'- does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be ares ddsed'in atevised`ordinance:=iwoil �:3 -�'` =�' 1. -:Developers' of property should be'required to 'demonstrate'tha-t the -placement of 4.'-roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. tilost exemptions from.the requirements to obtain a tree=removal permit'should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural�'ttni,'�-� 3. tReplacernent'of trees "removed shouldFbe required and where that'is dot practical, a -,reforestation -fund should_ be-established'io'=support planting trees`elsewheie in Southlake._ .:.,. .., :. . 4. `The proviston for -the protection`of trees should be-strengtiiehe"a mcludin"g those relating to trenching near trees"and putting fencing around tree's'during r_T7 construction. - 5.: _The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger that -the money received from -selling a felled tree as firewood: I have read the Signature Printed Name Address C Signature " _:- Printed Names Address .1( love -recommendations -and support the objectives "stated therein. =' �-7r1 Z D c LA Signature Printed Name Address Signature ` Printed Name Address Se -SO TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: t. Printed Name: Address Signatu Printed v�c�v.v..fL 1Jc�C'acyo,��, Address: Signature: Printed Name: Address: Signature: Printed Name: RECNOV�L ; Q 1997 Address: W -S 1 X TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the_ameridments`to the Tree'PreservatioriOrdinance�oQo�? proposed and;drafted by Keep SoutM; ke Beautifui. fI believe that the:tree.co�ver_ in ..outhlake` should be preserved to the-ektent praciicable.:I believe that the : r present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: _ • _ __ ...:f : _ ;;. _ _ .:..�,� �s 1. Developers of property should be required to.deinonstrate that the. plaa*66m. ent of' 'a—s a, buildings and parking�'Iots minimizes -the removal -of trees to_ e- extent practical. _ . 2. Most exemptions from the.requirement to obtain a tree_removal permit should be-elirilinated including the exemption for land zoned agTicutural. 3. Replacement'of trees rernoved should be required and where thatisnot' practical;`a �reforestatiori fund should be established to. support planting=rrees elsewhere in Southlake.. . ,�.'_ 4The.prov+isions Eor.the protection of trees should be strengthened�mclu r=� g those relating to trenching near: trees and putting fencing around.,treestd ing - construction.,=zin- S. The penalties for violating the -ordinance should be strengthened so,that- fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree -as fire�vooci.; I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated: therein. .� ��• Signature: -�L; Printed Name: Address: 0 l= Signature: Printed Nalne: Address: __Signature: Printed Name: IW.� _Address:y a: r C� z U S _s . .. Signature: ­Prinnted Na Address. 0C-sz RECD NOV 2 01997 M TO: City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots mini*n»es the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. The minimum size tree protected should be reduced and protection should be provided to certain trees that are relatively small even at maturity. I Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. 4. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 5. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 6. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: Printed Name: k-7 4—,K,;7o Address: Signature: Printed Ni Address: - P I�Q Signature: -4 Printed Name: f I 1 I r Printed Name: IT DD ! Avis SC -S3 KE'D N;OV 2 01997 A TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the Rresent ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical; a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: ��,- r4 ,�• Printed Name: Address: Signature: Printed Name: Address: / _� �' �--. /. , ;i ,—rJ• Signature: r Printed Name Address: Signature: Printed Name: Address: - - RCG� NOV 2 01997 TO: Southlake City Council ,,. I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Or:: �:ance proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover L- Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the ardent ordinance does not accomplish ties objective. 1 The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. tiiost exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agr icutural. I Replacement of trees removed should be requl-ed and where that is not practicai, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for heviolating mone �rece� received ffrom selling a felled tree asnce should be firewood. ewood that fines are larder than t y I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature. Printed Name: W1 c--2 G " AG4 T Address: Sim ature: Printed Name: - Address: o• �' , l , Signature: Printed Name: - Address: Signature: •1 �'� Printed Name: Address: � ljf �f� �� r ' ���� � t- �.G�J N c71 2 01997 ee -' '� TO: Southlake City Council I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commi,mcrit to tree preservation and support their efforts ,✓ to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. A i I recommend the following points be addresE%-. in a revised ordinance: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the require ments to obtain a tree removal per -nit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be establis�ied to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. Thf: provision for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees durinv construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fires are larger that the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above recommends Signature Printed i Address Signatur Printed l Addre Signa Prince and sup port thL objectives stated therein. 7(aaceZ Address ��^� K % (�CJS Z Signatu Printed Name C t--, c. /V41Y (IMW Address 1301 A4-V,,5rI6Z0 &. , OP-SV RED NOV 0 61997 TO: Southlake City Council I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. IMost exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provision for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger that the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. (W I have read the above recommendations and support the objectives stated therein. SiQ Pri Ad nature nted Name tj dress Signature -�'� \.___ Printed Name Address -�AC>21 Sig Printed Name Address q.�i� �i'► %� t� ; ��u r-� ��c.�SL,E�La-, / X %Co Uq 2— Si2natu Printed N Address _ W -s-7 0 TO: Southlake City Council I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provision for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger that the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above recommendations and support the objectives stated therein. Signature � )JC-1J0 i Printed Name t�►.J o �A Q 0.. — (" Y � �-kc . � Address Q00C) lu Signature �t it�"W Printed Name Address ? 5 ' ? ��%/�' "� l 9 <-- Signa Printe Addri Signature Printed Name Address IJ REGD N G V 0 6 1997 L-Y43V-ddYt,_! lz i %r-�Q* TO: Southlake City Council o �f Z -tzJo . �{,;� �c S I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance J�-J. does not accomplish this objective. N I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance:.. 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent ,-b practicable. 2. ',Niost exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. v d e required and where that is not practical, a 3. Replacement of trees removed shout b r q p — � reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. Z 4. The provision for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during f construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger that the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. nn I have read the above recommendations and support the objectives s t there' t' Signature Printed Name f �- C Address Signature g( t� CZ Printed Name I� o -F. H (w� Address -7 6 D Ia-- Sienatun Printed i Address Signatur Printed Address SC- s'Cf k `' 0 61997 TO: Southlake City Council I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585. I believe that the tree covg in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provision for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are j larger that the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above recommendations and support the objectives stated therein. Signa Printe Address S SA-tp S%1---PtZE)u S .Z. pT S7�hIg5wS Fai Address �-� %�cz Signature Printed Name Name ��'�// � ��m f'-5 Address /-7t/ S P*ifs PEA SiQnatu Printed (410, Addres TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. 1" A Signature: Printed Name: ?R, /) / C F� S Address: Signature: Printed Ni Address: Signature: Printed Name: Address: Signature: Printed Name: Address: IN �3c-& ( TO: Southlake City Council Preservation I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Ordinance � proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. pp Signature: C GUf n Printed Name: ���e eOI66lr' Address: ��l 1 5COF O S r, Signature: Z"I' ��- Printed Name: Z�J/i zg View,? Address: Signature: Printed N Address: Signatur" Printed Name: Address: gC-(o 2 RECT NT/ 0 11197 TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed and drafted yreserKeep ved tolthe exake Beautiful. tent practicablee I belie e � t fecover be in Southlake should p present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. e The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be fores tation fund should bee tab ired and where that is not practical, a reforestation to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. so 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance ed (from sel]in should be a felled wee as firewood fines are larger than the money re g I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: Printed Ni Address: Signature: n ����p�• Printed Name: F, I C. L l A i� Address: Signature Printed Name' Address: i Signature; Printed Name: Address: d t7r'rvri !.`r:t! �' ; 1007 P gG�(o3 J%Z TO: City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southiake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. The minimum size tree protected should be reduced and protection should be provided to certain trees that are relatively small even at maturity. 3. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. 4. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 5. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 6. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than�-the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature:2 (y,f ��� �52 Printed Name: r; % 2-) Address: Signature: Printed Name: Address: Signature: Printed Name: ��L-) � I Address: �� `� P� ��= 0.- �, ( C, `-- Signature:�-� <- �- Printed Name: ' '21 izL 'ES �Ww C T r: Iry v- 8c-(Oq TO: City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. The minimum size tree protected should be reduced and protection should be provided to certain trees that are relatively small even at maturity. I Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. 4. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 5. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 6. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Presery ' n in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. a Signature: i Printed Name: 4�zq - Address: -.)Y,,- Signature: ` Printed Namk1J8i�` �1�E L- = < - -- Address: Signature: Printed N Address: Signature Printed Name: sc -60s TO: Southlake City Council w I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. I Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preselvation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: Printed Name: Aj a C �u /� . 5(- C n., 2 r' S Address: /�0 7 P� o s 0 C-C-�a % 7 o Signature: Printed Name: ,'l j r7-,c Address: Signature: 7 / c; -- Printed Name: Address: � � A � il•{ �, ! , / Lam Signature: J Printed Name: Address: CT 7X ;�p�� TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Pres rvation ° uthlake and support the objectives stated therein. / Signature: Printed Name: Address: Signature: Printed Name: I Address: Signature: Printed Name: Address: '400 �11 �► d ka�, llcw ate, 7 76017� Signature: UJ Printed Name: hX A. Address:<<f&/ :1 1007 TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover il-i Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. �' The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where t:at is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein-, Signature: mcn Printed Name: �� m Gr a Address:Signature: Printed Name: Address: 5Y Signature: i Printed Name: i 3 VL .k? Address: / C �� �" /� v H r f Z< - Signature: Printed Name: Address: A TO: City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. The minimum size tree protected should be reduced and protection should be provided to certain trees that are relatively small even at maturity. 3. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. 4. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 5. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 6. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines # are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. (aw I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. Signature: Printed e: �e G Address: Signature: Printed Name: (� ., Address:t— Signature: Printed Name: �_ Q 1'1 it A 5l17 .• 1� Address: ^ A i Signature: do %h ,i '( t , � ,� • , 'fit A Printed Name: C :i lv r /� TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. 0 The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those -relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. .� Signature:(46MW ' Printed Name: �i- ✓� r ✓ L" Address: Signature: Printed N Address: Signature: Printed Name: a n a Address: Signature: Printed Name: Address: �-L 0 ,a(!-?O 1 TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautiful. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimises the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. .5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money recei-�ed froL% 5-21 ,g a feLled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated therein. � Signature: J Printed Name: /� - Addressc=�5 %n � Z , (5Z,YL' :�c9'u'v►1 fl�'��� Signature: Printed Ni Address: Signature: L FI Printed Name: K �l 1 ?-,h 190 -;b — Address: I620 Foce.,o-� 0'* - i'r- C So lcQ F -Y- '76 OS Z. Signature: Printed Na: Address: L W' -7 1 TO: Southlake City Council (4101I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. I'v1ost exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provision for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing; around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger that the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. (4w I have read the above recommendations and support the objectives stated therein. Slg Printed Name V 1, Gk r Address �- h C r� I� O �i; ct���cl P C 1 S Printed Name J U Ll A MITA Address �i 3 5 w . 170 Ve_ �101— Signa Printed Addres: Signatu Printed Addres: $C-? Z TO: Southlake City Council I support passage of the amendments to the Tree/Prervation Ordinance proposed and drafted by Keep Southlake Beautif I believe that eve that the tree ver in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. The reasons for my support are as follows: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practical. 2. Most exemptions from the requirement to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricutural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provisions for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger than the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read Tree Preservation in Southlake and support the objectives stated. therein. i Signature: " Printed Name: ••. S G - Il/ / Printed Name: Address: r Signature: Printed Address: Signature; Printed Name: S L- /---) Address: / 7 cly SI-7 Se -13 S P TO: Southlake City Council (awe I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585. I believe that the tree covSr in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provision for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger that the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above recommendations and support the objectives stated therein. Siana Prince Addr( ;. Signa a Printed Name J (SS e-0 kn f ( L b ;/1 Address 1 (0 `a U -PN r-0S: ►- i t4 Sig Printed Name f I �1 n t'/ 5 • ./' Address %G---�U ) e @yS �t- • sti t c -��ti �cL l� ��U SZ Signature k-(( w� 1 Printed Address 8Cr ( q Ina TO: Southlake City Council I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585. I believe that the tree coyFr in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provision for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger that the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above reconune4dgtions %f and support the objectives stated therein. 1�7iSignature �^�--A— Printed Name 0- (Z , "1 f-e- Address 4475 �rne-s-fjaJD r. - So tk� l & k-e . S P A Signature. Printed N A S P A gc -'7s TO: Southlake City Council I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots. minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere L-1 Southlake. 4. The provision for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger that the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above recor Signature and support the objectives stated therein. Printed Name �'� • �� ^� Address «6 S Signa Q-i­--A- 4-f' __ Printed Name L-1 a u r c'U Address Signature_�� Printed Name L &60A �TUI Address / N/ Si. -nature Printed i Address TO: Southlake City Council I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585. I believe that the tree cover in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provision for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger that the money received from selling a felled tree as firewood. (400, I have read the above recommendations and support the objectives stated therein. Printed Name 4. rr 0 0 /-L- Address % -3 . r-- An q I_ Printed N Address % 3-, 5 (�o "K= ✓Z -&- v"i -r � 5 I- rwaress f �7 & L.A / e- U t eo —J L,r - 0 iN Address r�5 (p�2) (CJ Lf U i t uo Y . ae --7 -7 TO: Southlake City Council .. I support Keep Southlake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and support their efforts to revise the current Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585. I believe that the tree cove; in Southlake should be preserved to the extent practicable. I believe that the present ordinance does not accomplish this objective. I recommend the following points be addressed in a revised ordinance: 1. Developers of property should be required to demonstrate that the placement of roads, buildings and parking lots minimizes the removal of trees to the extent practicable. 2. Most exemptions from the requirements to obtain a tree removal permit should be eliminated including the exemption for land zoned agricultural. 3. Replacement of trees removed should be required and where that is not practical, a reforestation fund should be established to support planting trees elsewhere in Southlake. 4. The provision for the protection of trees should be strengthened including those relating to trenching near trees and putting fencing around trees during construction. 5. The penalties for violating the ordinance should be strengthened so that fines are larger that the money r ceived from selling a felled tree as firewood. I have read the above recommendations and support the objectives stated therein. `1 (Lu- '0 Signature l , Printed Name CLt1 K cK- Address Signature—_,---!( LIA-.A �� t Printed Name t Le- A ci ri Address ,�� • Signature Printed i Address Signature (r C Printed Name, Address y1-5 Al f1 f' ~ Q 7 v 11/06/1997 16:08 8172511872 MARTIN SCHWARTZSTEIN PAGE 01 TO: Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission We support Keep Southfake Beautiful's commitment to tree preservation and suppo their efforts to revise the current Tree that the tree cover in Southfake shoulPreservation Ordinance No. 585. We believert d be preserved beli" that the present ordinance does not eooclish this obiectivnaa�cable. 1 Marcell& Schwartzstein / Z4� Martin Schwartzstein ram (i J 'U 1997 ram r� � 34 1303 Wakefield Southlakc. TX 70092 November 5. 1997 Planning and Zoning Commission Citr of Southlakc 667 North Carroll Ayenuc Southlake. TX 76092 RE: Consideration of Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585-A Dcar ,Nlcmbers: We ask your strong support for the above -referenced Tree Preservation Ordinance as submitted to you by the workforce comprised of the following persons: Scott Martin, Debra Edmondson. Larry Tate, Lisa Stokdyk. Bruce Roberts, David McMahan. Richard Mycrs, and Mike Sandlin. This ordinance reflects many hours of support for a quality -developed community that preserves and protects our precious resources which are being needlessly destroyed day by day. Now, more than ever with increased development contributing to air pollution, land erosion. etc.. we need a stronger tree ordinance in effect. According to information distributed by I Davis Trees, one acre of trees produces enough oxygen annually to support 18 people. An average mature tree will remove about 20 tons of pollution from the air each year and one tree will use the carbon dioxide which is given off by the avbrage man in a day. What greater contribution could you give to this city of Southlake--pleaseact for something that will benefit all of us. Sincerely. �n,o-�•k P �'� CUi� Caroline P. Havens KSB biembcr REC'p NOV 0 5 1997 IO'd V20=L0 00-tiI-Dea NOV- 6-97 THU 10:35 FT. WORTH NATURE CENTER November 6, 1997 A 0 To the Planning and Zoning Commission: FAX NO. 8172370653 WHO As a 13+ year resident of Southlake, I am writing in support of strengthening our local Tree Preservation ordinance. The beautiful post oak woodland in which Southlake is located was a very strong selling point when my husband and I moved here in 1984. Since that time, I have watched with great disappointment as many of the old and younger trees have either been felled or have died as a result of construction damage. Many trees could be spared with just a little more attention and care. Our native forest is one of the special things that sets our city apart. At the rate that development is clearing the land, Southlake will soon look like any other boring, homogeneous suburb. As a professional natural resource manager for the City of Fort Worth / Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge, I also have special concerns for the loss of habitat for birds and other native wildlife that once called Southlake home. Studies have shown that people are more relaxed and productive when surrounded by natural settings, and wildlife is an important part of those settings. A city government that cares about protecting the mental health and well being of its citizens is truly in the vanguard. I hope you will take my comments into consideration when you discuss changes to the Tree Preservation Ordinance. Sincerely yours, Q-7(A;bb& Suzanne Tuttle 3103 Briar Lane Southlake, TX 76092 481-3301(home) 237-0427 (work) RECD I J V 0 n 1997 MOV-06-97 12:31 PM BAKER WHITEHEAD 817 337 3321 P.01 PLEASE FORWARD to the proper authority for ty (..,)night's meeting. g Keep Southlake Beautiful Nov 6,1997 P-Lellse continue to support/enforce the tree ordi- nance that we have at present. We moved to Southlake for the beautiful trees. Trees clean our.air and cool our homes in the sum- mer. Have you ever noticed people look for trees to park under in the summer? Trees are a natural sound barrier. Trees provide homes for wildlife. What are we doing when we kill all of these trees? (aoo you like to w k ' y a e to birds singing or to the sound of traffic? Please plan your new buildings around the large stands of trees. PLEASE CONTINUE YOUR SUPPORT AND STRENGTHENING OF THE TREE ORDINANCE. Ron &Anne Coakley 3333 Southlake Park Southlake (H)817-329-1708 M 8C- REC'D N 0 V 0 b� 1997 rn w-L:"-7 4 o !!UtJLiuv uv tv 0 0 THE FOLLOWING FOUR PAGES ARE PROVIDED BY JOHN DAVIS, ARBORIST. THEY ARE APPARENTLY EXAMPLES OF A RECENT TREE SURVEY HE HAS FINISHER I HAVE INVITED HIM TO OUR MEETING TO FURTHER DISCUSS TREE SURVEY REQUIREMENTS AND COSTS se-aq i LEGEND i Post Oak >12'*dbh Post Oak >6" - <12" dbh 4 Post Oak < 6" dbh T Total . 106 Approx Total 180 Approx Total it I Mullberry > 12" dbh Mullberry >6*'- <12" dbh +, Mullberry < 6" dbh 3 Total _ _ _ IS Approx Total _ _ 20 Approx Total. i ; Blackjack Oak > 12" dbh Q Blackjack Oak >6" - <12" dbh O Blackjack Oak < 6" dbh ♦ Total 19 Ap- Total t t ApProx Total ii I � 1 0 Hackberry > 12** dbh ® Chittamwood >6'* - <12" dbh ® Chittamwood < 6" dbh 1 Total 3 Aprox Total 6 Approx Total I Bois -d'art >6" - <12" dbh 0 Bois-d'arc < 6" dbh 2 Approx Total - - 1 Approx Total i * dbh = diameter breast height TREE TOTALS > 12" dbh Trees = 17 > 6" - < 12" dbh Trees = 148 (approx) NOTE: Trees < 12" dbh locations are approximate 6 " dbh Trees = 228 (approx) 1'* = 36 ft. TOTAL TREES (approx) = 393 6 ft Grid i j I. i it I. �I l Mike & Peg Standish Lot 16 Coventry Place Colleyville Tx 76034 Mike & Peg Standish Lot 16 Coventry Place Colleyville Tx 76034 Mulibarry TREES >12" dbh I �I II Osk >12' dbh Mullbamy I I Blackjack Oak J Post Oak >12^ dbh Blackjack Oak I Hackbarry 0— BMcgacK Oak Post aK >12^ dbh � _ I` Blackjack Oak Mullbarry Post —k >12^ dbh John P. Davis 5640 E. Belknap St. Consulting Arborlst Haltom City Tx. 76117 817-634-1440 Mullborryle . - - - 3 f� . Bladga k Oak Mullbarry Mullbarry TREES >6" & <12" dbh _A 1A Mulibarry MullbaRy _ (—Blacpack Oak Blacpack Oak.E', V. Mullbarry GBlac"ck Oak q1� Blacpack Oak ci 10—MullbarryChKftrrtVVood ChK[a � Bhcpaek Oak �C Blaepack Oak 0 Blacpack Oak I -� tD r� r`�1" Blacpack Oak-��J/k Mullbarry �Mullbarry Bda-eam Blacpack Oak Mullbarry� Blacpack Oak IV�f Mullbarry Blackjack Oak. Blacpack OaK �. Mullbafry 0 _ QBla kj—ky .k O,Blaopack Oak Mullbarry Be 187 NJ Chlttamwootl ,a ��f�� ',(P Chlttarrrvvood Mullbarr�. %RAUlibarry Mullbarry jWa Mu11Wrry %f3TMu bV'•!ry a�l�Il4!'� 'Oft% Blackjack Blackack OaKlF Blackjack Oak-O TREES < Srr dbh may/! Mulltwrrrp� Blackjack Oak`s,O Chlttamwood Chlttamv✓ood--tomLLpp�� 'tF Mullbarry - OIBlackjack Oak Ghlttamwood Chlttamwood - Mullbarry Blackjack Oak 1-0,��L1. lullbarry �$r, Blackjack Oak Mullbarry � �hlttemwootl Mullbarr Blackjack Oak—�JMullbarry_ Blackjack Oak #Blackjack Oak ullbarry � � I (W TREE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE NO.585-A 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ESTABLISHING 4 CRITERIA AND REGULATIONS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF SURE 5 TREES; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR PERMIT 6 REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING A REVIEW PROCESS; PROVIDING FOR 7 TREE PROTECTION AND REPLACEMENT; PROVIDING FOR 8 RESTRICTIONS ON PRUNING AND PLANTING OF TREES; PROVIDING 9 ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE 10 SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A 11 SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR 12 VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING 13 FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN 14 EFFECTIVE DATE. 15 16 WHEREAS, the City of-Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its charter adopted 17 by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local 18 Government Code; and 19 20 WHEREAS, trees are a valuable amenity to the urban environment and serve to create greater 21 human comfort by providing shade, cooling the air and otherwise tempering the effect of summer heat, 2 thereby reducing the requirements for air conditioning and the subsequent depletion of scarce energy 2. resources; and 24- 2 5 WHEREAS, trees purify the air by filtering pollutants and dust ar# release oxygen into the air; 26 and 27 28 WHEREAStreravide nasal Habitat far many special of small �v and 29 30 WHEREAS, trees protect land and structures by reducing run-off, binding soil and minimizing 31 flood damage; and 32 33 WHEREAS, trees are known to add dollar value to residential and commercial property and 34 to increase income levels and tax revenues by attracting new business, industry and residents through 35 improving a city's image; and 36 37 WHEREAS, the City of Southlake desires to actively participate in the "Tree City U.S.A." 38 program and the "Keep Southlake Beautiful", program; and 39 40 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake has determined that tree preservation 41 is necessary to adequately protect the public health, safety and welfare. 42 4 4 45 L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFTS.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) `"' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 (W '2 4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 R� ! �"d ®1 9 •� �: �, � ��'Y� 6H� �§7s ?�P,� �� # 0! " �`rS g �''`3i �. Y ��� s 9 A ffi ! 9 ,� ��g` �. i&a � �� t . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: TREE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE 1.0 PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of this ordinance is to eneetrage- e preservation of mature trees and natural areas, to }preserve protected trees during construction; qe�N and to control the removal of trees when necessary. It is the qi f ' ; of this ordinance to achieve the following; 9 ft - Prohibit the indiscriminate clearing of property. - Protect and increase the value of residential and commercial properties within the City. - Maintain and enhance a positive image for the attraction of new business enterprises to the City. - Protect healthy quality trees and promote the natural ecological environmental and aesthetic qualities of the City. 2.0 DEFINITIONS 2.1 GENERAL RULES: For the purpose of this ordinance, the following rules shall be applied in constructing, interpreting or r otherwise defining the terms and provisions hereof: a. Words used in the present tense shall include the future, words used in the singular number shall include the plural number and words used in the plural shall include the singular. b. The word "shall" is mandatory and the word "may" is permissive. L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFTS.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) � — 10 2.2 DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this ordinance, certain words or terms applicable hereto are defined as hereinafter provided. Words and terms used in this ordinance, but not defined in this ordinance shall have the meanings ascribed thereto in the Zoning Ordinance, Landscape Ordinance or other ordinances of the City. Words and terms defined in two ordinances shall be read in harmony unless there exists an irreconcilable conflict in which case the definition contained in this ordinance shall control. AMM • $ 11 �,, W 3 A �6'. Ai::.,aiA $ .1 • fig-¢3,gJ..,q,�c"�*;A ,I.aA.ca�A'ti*°iA. A... .•� ,.. • • • 13 BUILDABLE AREA: That portion of a building site exclusive of the required yard areas on 14 which a structure or building improvements may be erected and including the actual structure, 15 driveway, parking lot, pool and other construction as shown on a site plan. BUILDING PAD: The actual foundation area of a building and a reasonable area around the foundation necessary for construction and grade transitions. pLowAl A '. A • ® 3 • A • ! �iA A69 l A IA : • • • • "' i 1 CRITICAL ROOT ZONE (CM: The area of undisturbed natural soil around a tree defined by a concentric circle with a radius equal to the distance from the trunk to the outermost portion of the driplilke. (See Appendix D.) 27 CUT/FILL: Areas where the natural ground level has been excavated (cut) ll 1F"K to 28 • (g�rffre-fi, , « t�cated 29 to 6j 30 31 DRIP LINE: A vertical line run through the outermost portion of the canopy of a tree and 32 extending to the ground. 33 34 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION: A delineation on the graphic exhibit which shows the 35 boundary of the area within which all construction activity will occur. 36 37 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC DOMAIN PROPERTY: Examples of this would include City Hall, 38 public parks, Corps of Engineers property, State of Texas R.O.W., library, fire stations, water 39 tower sites or similar properties. 40 41 PROTECTIVE FENCING: Snow fencing, chain link fence, barbed wire fence, orange vinyl 42 construction fencing or other similar fencing with a four foot (4') approximate height. 4 4 3<yy 45 L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFTS.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) A�� 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 2 4- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 TREE: Any self-supporting woody perennial plant which will attain a trunk diameter of tree f-3)M inches nor more when measured at a point four and one-half feet (45) above ground level and normally an overall height of at least ' at maturity, usually with one (1) main stem or trunk and many branches. It may appear to have several stems or trunks as in several varieties of oaks. TREE. MARGINAL: A tree which the City has determined may or may not be worthy of preservation depending on the individual characteristics of the tree. (See Appendix A.) TREE. PROTECTED: A tree identified as a'quality' tree by the City or a specimen tree in the 'marginal' category which the Landscape Administrator has determined should be saved due to individual characteristics of the tree. (See Appendix A.) TREE PROTECTION AND REPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS: Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8 of this ordinance. 10 TREE. QUALITY: A tree which the City , has determined typically has significant positive characteristics worthy of preservation. (SeetAppendix A.) TREE. SPECIMEN: A tree " at breast height, four md one half feet (4.5') above the grotmd. P A :wee h The diameter of a multi - trunk tree shall be determined by adding the total diameter of the largest trunk to'/2 the diameter of each additional trunk. (Appendix `E'). rte..s+ 1a e ® ,e ® . _ �.` W4 TREE BOARD: besha4l rnefiin the Planning and Zoning Commission: C10-M L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFT5.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) OOLOM 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2L 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4 45 3.0 TREE -REMOVAL PERMIT REQUIRED 3.1 GENERAL: No person, directly or indirectly, shall cut down, destroy, remove or move, or effectively destroy through damaging, any protected tree situated on property regulated by this ordinance without first obtaining a tree -removal permit unless otherwise specified in this ordinance. a N 3.2 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC DOMAIN PROPERTY: All municipal or public domain property shall be subject to the requirements for tree protection and replacement specified herein. a. Permit Requirements: A tree -removal permit shall not be required for removal of a protected tree, however protected trees to be removed must be shown on construction plans approved by the Landscape Administrator. L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFTS.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) Be- R 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 24" 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 4 4 45 h 3.3 EXISTING R.O.W. AND PUBLIC EASEMENTS: All construction and maintenance activity within public R.O.W. or easements shall be subject to the requirements for tree protection and replacement specified herein. a. City Projects: The City shall be subject to the requirements for tree protection and replacement specified herein on all projects. 1. Permit Requirements: A tree -removal permit shall not be required for removal of a protected tree, however protected trees to be removed must be shown on construction plans approved by the Landscape Administrator. b. Franchise and Other Utility Companies: All utility company projects shall be subject to the requirements for tree protection and replacement specified herein. 1. Permit requirements: A tree -removal permit must be obtained prior to the removal of a protected tree. This permit must be accompanied by a site plan or construction plan meeting the graphic exhibit requirements specified herein. Pruning activities by a utility must comply with Section 7. 3.4 NEW DEVELOPMENTS: All developments which have not submitted final construction plans as of the effective date of this ordinance shall be subject to the requirements for tree protection and replacement specified herein. a. Residential Subdivisions: All area within public R.O.W., utility easements or drainage easements as shown on an approved Final Plat and areas designated as cut/fill on the master drainage construction plan approved by the Landscape Administrator shall be exempt from the tree protection and replacement requirements specified herein. All other area shall be subject to these requirements. L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFT5.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) Sn CN t 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 1L 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 4 45 1 . Permit Requirements: A tree -removal permit shall not be required for removal of a protected tree within said R.O.W. or easements, however a permit must be obtained prior to the removal of any other protected tree on the property. h., Non -Residential Developments: All area within public R.O.W., public utility or drainage easements as shown on an approved Final Plat, and the fire lanes, EM, parking areas and area within +26' of the building foundation as shown on an approved Site Plan shall be exempt from the tree protection and replacement requirements specified herein. I M=MMOMMIMME 1. Permit Requirements: A tree -removal permit shall not be required for removal of a protected tree within an area noted in 3.4-b above, however a permit must be obtained prior to the removal of any other protected tree on the property. 3.5 PRIVATE PROPERTY: a. Agricultural: £ '" er o property zoned 'AG' agricultural and being actively used for agricultural purposes i .4We.a—d shall be L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFTS.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) Q '-qs�' ,Lr 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 4 45 • • • r oshall be emenvt from the tree proteetion and repineentent requirents of this wner of a residenee who mes the residenee as his home c Vim -Builders / Contractors: All builders who have not submitted a request for a building permit as of the effective date of this ordinance are subject to the requirements herein. All area within the driveway, , sidewalks, patios, septic tank and lateral lines, parking area, and area within twelve `. (12 °, - of the building foundation as shown on an approved plot plan shall be exempt from the tree protection and replacement requirements of this ordinance. All other areas of the lot shall be subject to the these requirements. 1. Permit Requirements: A tree -removal permit shall not be required for removal of a protected tree within the area noted in 3.5-c above, however a permit must be obtained prior to the removal of any other protected tree on the property. ' ® ii a e it• a a s a • r � - �. +.., -, as i � S♦�i • � •� a •, ® - ' � L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFT5.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) ���! (awl, a. Damaged Diseased Trees: The tree is diseased, damaged beyond the point of recovery, or in danger of falling as determined by the Landscape Administrator 3 prior to the removal of the tree. 44tis would ittelude removal of a diseased 4 tree by the city I OM NAM to reduce the chance of spreading the 5 disease to adjacent healthy trees. 6 7 b. Public Safety: The tree endangers the public health, welfare or safety and 8 immediate removal is required 9 10 C. Utility Service Interruption: The tree has disrupted a public utility service due 11 to a tomado, storm, flood or other act of God. Removal shall be limited to the 12 portion of the tree reasonably necessary to reestablish and maintain reliable 13 utility service. 14 15 d. Business Interests, The f�41ewing business ventwes shtdibe exempt fi!em 16 . 17 18 d.4- Landscape Nursery: All licensed plant or tree nurseries shall be exempt from the 19 tree protection and replacement requirements and from the tree -removal permit 20 requirements only in relation to those trees planted and growing on the premises 21 of said licensee which are so planted and growing for the sale or intended sale 2 to the general public in the ordinary course of said licensee's business. 2 24- 2. Golf E3ettrse, Golf eetirses shrA be exempt frorn the tree proteetion and replaeen�ent 25 26 , 27 . 28 29 :1 Alin r 30 v _P yk -A ft-fif.l.e.n.t. reqttirements anfl fiam +e tree removal permit equirements of this 31 . 32 33 4. .Other -Business -rater(, E)ther business interests may be exempt from the tree 34 35 36 Gouneil. 37 38 39 4.0 PERMIT REVIEW AND APPROVAL PROCESS 40 41 4.1 AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW: The Landscape Administrator shall be responsible for 42 the review and approval of all requests for tree -removal permits submitted in accordance 4 with the requirements specified herein. 4 45 L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFT5.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) SC-471 a. Deferrals: The Landscape Administrator may defer the approval of a tree f4aw, removal permit to the Planning and Zoning Commission for any reason. All 3 decisions made by the Commission shall be final. 4 5 b. Appeals: Any decision made by the Landscape Administrator may be appealed 6 to the All decisions made by the 7 Eenwaissien OEM= shall be final. 8 9 4.2 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: The Landscape Administrator shall establish 10 administrative procedures necessary to facilitate the implementation and enforcement 11 of this ordinance. 12 13 a. Tree -Removal Permit: A request for a tree -removal permit must be submitted 14 and approved prior to the removal of any protected tree in the City unless the 15 tree is exempt under a provision of this ordinance. (See Appendix 'B' for 16 example permit.) 17 18 b. Fees: All tree -removal permits shall be accompanied by a el3eele made 19 fable to the City of Southlake in the amount specified by City Council. 20 21 2 a graphie exhibit showing at lemt the folio requirentents may bee 2 L modified by the Lemdseape Admitti�atar as needed to administer 24 25 26 photograph may be allowed if it elearly meets these reqttirements. 27 28 ; 29 r , �1 Title ' le blo 1 1 ,] s ft + d res 1 + -,1 L-1 i L.7iyis.,..,. name eity 30 L�Zt'IL VIVG1l�IG1l1QCSSCIG�CZ[�3SZvi"Zaia oro�+n� Juvuivi�avu ucuiav� .+...) 31 and date of preparatiett7 32 33 3. North arrow, 34 35 4. Name, address and --e. an ---_ --- - - __ ,- the .L_L t i 36 d 37 38 S. T ,.+.._fall n.n.w, lines , a Ll__ ..meme� icr Yuvia�+ .. ...., 39 40 , stridetures, pools and other imppovemen 41 intended on the let 42 4 mil. A.eas of eut4iilpnd n___. lines ..L.._...-. 4 4 5a�x8; T its of .. .�.st d et line shown u 'r aYYl ivLl a,.... .. L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFT5.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) lY•�_% 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A eY ±>aas" T �a e i r m �ax➢ass s iT i L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFT5.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) d. Permit Expiration: Permits for tree removal issued in connection with a building permit or site plan shall be valid for the period of that building permit's or site 3 plan's validity. Permit(s) for tree removal not issued in connection with a 4 building permit or a site plan shall become void one hundred eighty (180) days 5 after the issue date on the permit. 6 7 4.3 ACTION ON PERMIT APPLICATION: The Landscape Administrator or the 8 shall 4eny= a tree -removal permit 9 10 11 a.Rem@-1 of the tree is not rewentibly reqt�red in order to eeftdttt emitieipated 12 , 13 1 its 14 15 b. A reasonable aleeemmodatieft ean be made to preserve the fteli 16 ' 17 b 18 19 20 21 L 2 d '2 4 25 26 e s T eici Qis iial 27 .. 28 29 f.e th a n 30 31 g 32 33 34 hW , blip az 35 36 37 5.0 TREE REPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS 38 39 5.1 TREE REPLACEMENT: In the event that it is necessary to remove a protected tree as 40 specified in 3.0-3.5 herein, the applicant 41 -q% be required to replace the protected trees being removed with quality trees as 42 defined herein or canopy trees as recommended in the Landscape Ordinance. A sufficient 4 number of trees shall be planted to equal "°" , in caliper, the diameter e 4 gr"o`, ti of dteEh tree removed. 45 1ntil, L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFTS.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 4 45 replacement trees shall be a minimum of 3" height when planted._ %E �sT. .CI ITIMiltsillicapirareNIVA .; t the time of review, the agent responsible for replacement, the time of replacement and the location of the new trees will be determined by the Landscape Administrator. The replacement trees shall be located on the subject site whenever possible, however if this is not feasible, the Landscape Administrator has the authority to allow the planting to take place on another propertySSIMMIJIM Franchise utility companies shall be exempt from this requirement.. 6.0 TREE PROTECTION A major purpose of this ordinance is to protect all qtta4ity jNg .d trees which are not required to be removed to allow approved construction to occur. The following procedures are requiredt in the situations noted, however urAque eireumstanees may be aeeemmedate4 by the i—andseepe 6.1 CONSTRUCTION PLAN REQUIREMENTS: All construction plans shall include the requirements noted in Appendix 'C'. 6.2 PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES: The following activities shall be prohibited within the limits of the critical root zone of any protected tree subject to the requirements of this ordinance. a. Material Storage: No materials intended for use in construction or waste materials accumulated due to excavation or demolition shall be placed within the limits of the critical root zone of any protected tree. b. Equipment Cleaning/Liquid Disposal: No equipment shall be cleaned or other L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFT5.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) -1 2) liquids deposited or allowed to flow overland within the limits of the critical root 2 zone of a protected tree. This would include paint, oil, 3 solvents, asphalt, concrete, mortar or similar materials. 4 5 C. Tree Attachments: No signs, wires or other attachments, other than those of a 6 protective nature shall be attached to any protected tree. 7 8 d. Vehicular Traffic: No vehicular and/or construction equipment traffic or parking 9 shall take place within the limits of the critical root zone of any protected tree 10 other than on an existing street pavement. This restriction does not apply to 11 single incident access within the critical root zone for purposes of clearing 12 underbrush, establishing the building pad and associated lot grading, vehicular 13 traffic necessary for routine utility maintenance or emergency restoration of 14 utility service or routine mowing operations. 15 16 e. Grade Changes: No grade changes in hall be allowed 17 within the limits of the critical root zone of any protected tree 18 IMMMM 19 "" unless adequate construction methods are approved by the 20 Landscape Administrator: 21 22 23 f. Impervious Paving: No paving with asphalt, concrete or other impervious 24 - materials in a manner which may reasonably be expected to kill a tree shall be 25 placed within the limits of the critical root zone of a protected tree except a 26 otherwise allowed in this ordinance. 27 28 6.3 PRESERVED TREE: A protected tree shall be considered to be preserved only if a 29 minimum of 75% of the critical root zone is maintained at undisturbed natural grade and 30 no more than 25% of the canopy is removed due to building encroachment. 31 32 6.4 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION: The 33 following alive procedures shall be followed on all types of construction projects 34 (i.e. residential subdivisions, commercial, multi -family, industrial developments, 35 residential builders and municipal/public). 36 37 a. Tree Flagging: All protected trees on the subject property within forty feet (40') 38 of a construction area or surface improvements such as driveway, walks, etc. 39 shall be flagged with bright fluorescent orange vinyl tape wrapped around the 40 main trunk at a height of 4' or more such that the tape is very visible to workers 41 operating construction equipment. This shall not include the flagging of all 42 protected trees adjacent to R.O.W. within approved residential subdivisions 43 during the construction of the roadway. 44 5(W L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFTS.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) W--(Oq 17 d. Bark Protection: In situations where a protected tree remains in the immediate 18 area of intended construction, the tree shall be protected by enclosing the entire 19 circumference of the tree with 2" x 4" lumber encircled with wire or other means 20 that do not damage the tree. The intent here is to protect the bark of the tree 21 against incidental contact by large construction equipment. 2 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 4 4 45 6.5 PERMANENT CONSTRUCTION METHODS: a. Boring: Boring of utilities under protected trees mwf= be required in eertftin tlise circumstances amble a moot ze o heptecedree When required, the length of the bore shall be the width of the critical root zone at a minimum and shall be a minimum depth of n 48" installatiefl—s- b. Grade Change: In situations where the grade change within the critical root zone of a protected tree exceeds th `t IK.6A7 the procedures noted in the City standard detail sheet shall be required. C. Trenching: All trenching where possi shall be designed to avoid trenching across the critical root zone of any protected tree. L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFTS.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) W 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4 45 +i. Root Pruning: it is reeawArf _a. a tb All roots 2" or larger in diameter which are exposed as a result of trenching or other excavation shall be cut off square with a sharp medium tooth saw and covered with pruning compound within 2 hours of initial exposure. 7.1 GENERAL: No protected tree shall be pruned in a manner which significantly disfigures the tree or in a manner which would reasonably lead to the death of the tree. 7.2 PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: All franchise utility companies shall be required to maintain at the City'a set of pruning specifications (updated annually) to be followed by all pruning contractors working for the company within the City. Prior to beginning any pruning not requested by the owner of the tree, the contractor shall submit to the City an application for a pruning permit for approval. As allowed in section 3.6 c, utility companies may prune trees as necessary to re-establish disrupted electric service without obtaining a permit. 7.3 ALLOWED PRUNING: The Landscape Administrator may approve pruning of a protected tree in cases during the eoune of , where protected trees must be strategically pruned to allow construction ' f a structure. When allowed, all pruning shall be in accordance with Wapproved Arboricultural techniques and the recommendations of Appendix G. 7.5: 7b 0 = '. 1-... 1 it 9� 129 . L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFT5.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) SC-1 ( 8.0 TREE PLANTING RESTRICTIONS 3 8.1 OVERHEAD LINES: Any required replacement trees shall not be planted within an area 4 such that the mature canopy of the tree will interfere with overhead utility lines. 5 6 8.2 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES: Any required replacement trees gj shall not 7 be planted within an area such that the mature root zone of the tree will interfere with 8 underground public utility lines 9 �€ No trees shall be planted within ten feet (10') of a fire hydrant. 10 11 S , e� 12 13 14 9.0 ENFORCEMENT 15 16 9.1 DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT: No developer's agreement shall be approved which does 17 not state that all construction activities shall meet the requirements of the tree 18 preservation ordinance. 19 20 9.2 BUILDING PERMIT: No building permit shall be issued unless the applicant signs an 21 application or permit request which states that all construction activities shall meet the 2 requirements of the tree preservation ordinance. The Building Official shall make 2 L available to the applicant a copy of the tree preservation ordinance or a condensed 24- summary of the relevant aspects pertaining to the type of permit requested. 25 26 9.3 ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS: No acceptance of public improvements shall 27 be authorized until all fines for violations of this ordinance have been paid to the City or 28 otherwise disposed of through the Municipal Courtk `" e�pfublic 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4 45 9.4 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: No Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) shall be issued until all fines for violations of this ordinance have been paid to the City or otherwise disposed of through the Municipal Court. L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFTS.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) $C -(07 13 20 21 It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, 22 paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, 2 3 paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment 24 - or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of 25 the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the 26 same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance 27 of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. 28 29 12.0 CONFLICTING ORDINANCES 30 31 This Ordinance shall be and is hereby declared to be cumulative of all other ordinances of the 32 City; and this Ordinance shall not operate to repeal or affect any of such other ordinances except 33 insofar as the provisions thereof might be inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this 34 Ordinance, in which event such conflicting provisions, if any, in such other ordinance or 35 ordinances are hereby repealed. 36 37 13.0 SAVINGS CLAUSE 38 39 All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations 40 of the provisions of any ordinances affecting the regulations for installation of landscaping 41 improvements which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to 42 such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in 43 court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be 4 prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. 45 L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFT5.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) oc-lW (We 14.0 PUBLICATIONS CLAUSE 3 The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance 4 or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public 5 hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this 6 ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any 7 of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish thisordinance in the official 8 City newspaper one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by section 9 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. 10 11 15.0 EFFECTIVE DATE 12 13 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as 14 required by law, and it is so ordained. 15 16 16.0 APPENDICES 17 18 It is anticipated that the following appendices will be changed periodically by the Landscape 19 Administrator in response to changes in the administration of this ordinance. 20 21 L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFT5.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) � �� 'ASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF ,19 3 4 ATTEST: 5 6 7 8 MAYOR CITY SECRETARY 9 10 11 12 13 14 PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF 15 ,19 16 17 ATTEST: 18 19 20 21 MAYOR CITY SECRETARY 2 2 24 - 25 26 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: 27 28 29 n 30 31 City Attorney 32 33 Date Adopted: 34 35 Effective Date: L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFT5.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) 01-1 6 (W APPENDIX A 3 TREE SUMMARY 4 The following is a summary of representative trees for each category of tree. 5 6 QUALITY TREES 7 Common Name Botanical Name Identification Notes 8 Pecan Carya illinoensis Pecan fruit, compound leaves 9 Cedar Elm Ulmus crassifolia Deciduous, 1 "-2" dark green leaves 10 Shumard Red Oak Quercus shumardii Deep pointed lobes in leaves 11 Texas Red Oak Quercus texana Vertical multi -trunk shape 12 Live Oak Quercus virginiana 1 " dark green pointed leaves 13 Bur Oak Quercus macrocarpa Large acorn, leaf border at end 14 Post Oak Quercus stellata Deep lobes, rounded tip on leaf 15 Black Jack Oak Quercus marilandica Leathery 3"-7" leaf, no lobes 16 Lacebark Elm Ulmus parvifolia Small dark serrated green leaves 17 Chinese Pistache Pistacia chinensis 3" sickle leaflets, fall color . 18 Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua Star shaped leaf 19 Austrian Pine Pinus nigra Two needles 20 Chinquapin Oak Quercus muhlenbergii Oblong 4%6" serrated leaf 21 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora Large evergreen Leaf, white flower 22 Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum Feather -like foliage, fall color 23 Caddo Maple Acer barbatum 'Caddo' Five -lobed leaf 24 Texas Hickory Carya texana Five leaflets, 1 %2" nut 25 Wsteznti3an III' ` ,� tti" ,ram 26 Iff d"da ..k-" 2 �_ 2 "" MARGINAL TREE 2 9 Common Name Botanical Name Identification Notes 30 Cottonwood Populus deltoides Deep fissures in bark, heart shape leaf 31 Mesquite Prosopis glandulosa Lacy open foliage, 10" bean fruit 32 American Elm Ulmus americana 'V' shaped main branching 33 Slash Pine Pinus elliotti Tall cylindrical shape 34 Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos Lacy foliage, thornless variety only 35 Japanese Black Pine Pinus thunbergii Twisted growth, dark green needles 36 " 37 Native, pyramidal shape 38 Deodar Cedar Cedrus deodara Large pyramidal evergreen 39 40 TREES OF GONGERN 41 Common Name Botanical Name Identification Notes 42 Redbud Cercis canadensis Purple/white flower in spring 43 Mexican Plum Prunis mexicana White flower, exfoliating bark,thorns 44 Possumhaw Holly Ilex decidua Showy orange/red fruit, deciduous 45 Golden Raintree Koelrutaria paniculata Yellow flower, panicled fruit 46 Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria Evergreen, light bark, red fruit 47 Cherry Laurel Prunus caroliniana Glossy evergreen foliage, shrubby 48 River Birch Betula nigra White flaky bark 49 Eves Necklace Sophora affmis Dull green tear -dropped shape leaf 50 515(: Rusl ifvers C ra L 5 L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFTS.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) 8e— It 1 APPENDIX B 2 3 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE - TREE -REMOVAL PERMIT APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT NAME: LOT: BLOCK: 6 7 STREET ADDRESS: 8 - 9 OVINE CONTRACTORBUILDER 10 11 NAME: 12 13 ADDRESS: 14 15 16 17 PHONE: 18 I hereby certify that this application meets the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance and further certify that all 19 construction pertaining to this project shall meet the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. 20 21 Signed: Title: Date: 22 23 For City Use Only: I hereby acknowledge receipt of this application and the application fee in the amount of $ on 24 this the day of 19 25 26 Signed: Title: 2 7 28 Shown Not GENERAL INFORMATION 29 On Plan Applic. 3 Appropriate title (i.e. Tree Removal Permit Exhibit) 31 Title block includes street address, lot and block, subdivision name 3 2 Title includes City and date of preparation 11 33 North arrow, graphic and written scale in close proximity i 34 Name, address and phone of owner 35 Name, address and phone of person preparing the exhibit 36 Location of tree(s) to be removed is tied down with dimensions from two nearest property lines 37 Location of all R.O.W. lines and public easements 38 Location;of buildings, structures, pools and other improvements 39 Areas of cuttfill and flow lines 40 Caliper and common name of tree(s) to be removed 41 Any required replacement tree(s) shown with caliper size and common name —of tree 42 Limits of construction line shown 43 44 Reason Tree Must be Removed: 45 46 47 Permit for tree removal approved the day of , 19 48 49 By: Title: 50 51 Notes: 52 53 54 5 �L L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFTS.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) %^%C-11 Z APPENDIX C CONSTRUCTION PLAN REQUIREMENTS The following shall be required as a part of all construction plans submitted to the City when reqttired by the Landseape Admittistiate. lawmard Iff ps.K,. t 1. 2. A Tree Preservation Detail Sheet shall include the following at a minimum. a. The requirements of section 6.2 - 6.4 shall be noted. b. A graphics legend to. be used throughout the plans for the purposes of showing the following: Trees to be flagged, protective fencing, trees requiring bark protection, boring, areas of cut and fill impacting protected trees. C. Graphic tree exhibit showing the features of a tree to include the critical root zone, trunk, canopy, drip line and method of caliper measuremen ,. E). d. Graphic exhibits showing methods of protection to include snow fences, boarded skirts, etc. e. Graphic exhibits showing construction methods to include grade changes, boring, trenching etc. f. Graphic exhibit showing appropriate pruning practices bier All requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance shall be shown graphically on all applicable sheets within the construction plans. r *D�cumeri xe �(;h�d�les�,�an L:\CZTYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFT5.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) ���'3 1 APPENDIX D 2 TREE EXHIBIT 4 5 CRITICAL ROOT ZONE '': The area of undisturbed natural soil around a tree defined by a 6 concentric circle with a radius equal to the distance from the trunk to the outermost portion of the 7 dripline. 8 9 DRIP LINE: -A vertical line run through the outermost portion of the canopy of a tree and 10 extending to the ground. L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFTS.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) ec-rry 1 2 L 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 26L 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 APPENDIX E ICI 1 1: ul ► ►� . • t . \ Normal Line of 4C-6" ON A SLOPE MULTI -STEMMED TREE Actual Line of Measurement IRREGULAR SWELLING (Requires Discretion) LEANING TREE Source: COA Diameter Measurement: The diameter of the protected tree shall be measured as shown. The diameter of a multi -trunk tree shall be determined by adding the total diameter of the largest trunk to '/2 the diameter of each additional trunk. L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFTS.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) 6 C—( K, 1 APPENDIX F 2 EXAMPLE BUILDER SITE PLAN ----'fi-lo' wml-TY a-amT--- --- 0 NT + + ` IZ" POs7OAK `. -to as PR ra1v�A` TREe MovEo 13i + / PERmLT W + EXISTINfy 'CC�fiE Ixabs To Sc .{- = -rp R EM At N aw. re Mp tFD o. iiOUSE PROPoSr.0 I REpLkGEMENY TREES ' 1 + —_ TREES To 6E ` JJ REMOVED C - I 4"UVE 1 +X oRK 1 Ohic J O K Q a 3 — — — —'— .- $1 DE W a LK- STREET 4 5 6 7 TREE REMOVAL PERMIT REQUEST 8 Prepared by Owner: 9 2143 Oak Street, Southlake - 4/18/93 10 11 12 Mr. Tree Saver 1913 Spruce Street Dallas, Tx. 70418 Ph: 214-240-2108 L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFTS.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) ��'(� 1 2 C Is 4 5 APPENDIX G TREE PRUNING RECOMMENDATIONS branch bark ridge AA, When removing a branch, always cut outside the Branches that do not have a distinct collar should be branch bark ridge and collar. po. not make a flush cut at a right angle to the branch outside the branch cut. bark ridge. branches 1 codomlaant atoms -*-ec branches Trees may have codominant stems, as shown on the left. If a codominant stem must be removed, cut at an angle outside of the bark ridge as shown In the insert at right. Avoid leaving any stub. e- t/ ; 2 remove limb collar 1 under cut 3 out stub outside of collar When removing heavy limbs, first make an undercut several inches outside of the collar. Then remove limb by a second cut an inch or so outside of the first cut. Remove stub with a third cut just outside of the collar, (Feucht,19M L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFTS.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) ��' I 0 APPENDIX H PREFERRED SURVEY NOMENCLATURE AND LEGEND (Page 1 of 2) 8 C MMON 1224. AD 1 I I \ \ V\ \\ Al l A,AO +4 o I \ ` i \ ZONRB�ANC� a 1 I �► 2-5'tbctY � \ s +31 I °Y yas +40 \ AL 41 fi I 27 I 1 SCALE 1"= 3d ,M VW — NO DlMR9*CF- ZONE �� 4y, - F-XIS-nNG IRE--S?b SAVE rarer wcLTEW7 s+r.w...,cwn.. amx,ea +,yy — fIZEES fb REMOVE O s�... 1 *,e —l-R5 S-rOlbNSPLAN-r 7RL'ISawuiu ,r'INC . �\� — CUT (Tr.m. 1px.�-, I pmr. - � P L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TABS\585-A\DRAFT5.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) gC-1 !8 1 2 5 6 APPENDIX H PREFERRED SURVEY NOMENCLATURE AND LEGEND (Page 2 of 2) `-TREE SURVEY SUMMARY- 0 SPECIES DBH CONDITION COMMENTS 1 Post Oak IS 1 Save 2 CedsrElm 12 1 Save _3 Pat Oak 8 2 Save 4 Black Jack 7 2 Save S Post Oak 8 2 Save . 6 Cedar Elm 6 1 Save 7 Past Oak 8 3 Remove tai driveway 8 Black Jack 7 3 Save 9 Pat Oak 6 2 Save 10 Deciduous H*4 2 1 Save 11 Cedar Em 8 2 Save 12 Mexican Plum 3 1 Transplant 13 Pat Oak 6 4 Remove for driveway 14 post Oak 11 1 2 Save IS Post Oak 9 2 Save 16 Black Oak 12 3 Remove for louse 17 CedarBlus 10 1 Save 18 Red Bud 3 1 Transisliust 19 Past Oak 10 2 Save 20 Deciduous 2 1 Save 21 Black lack 7 3 Save 22 Juniper 3 1 Save 23 CedsrElm 9 2 Save 24 Chittam Wood 7 1 Save, multi-trunked 23 Cedar Elm 8 1 Save 26 Post Oak 8 1 I Save. 27 Juniper 4 3 Remove for house 28 Red Bud 3 3 Remove for house 29 Post Oak 16 4 Remove for house 30 Madan Phan 3 3 Remove for house 31 Black lack 7 3 Remove for house 32 Red Oak 4 1 Lint 33 Cedar Elm 10 1 Save 34 Cedar Elm 7 1 Save 33 Past Oak 18 3 Save 36 M 10 1 4 Remove, Diseased 37 Pat Oak 8 2 Save 38 Cedar Elm 9 2 1 Save 39 Laural 3 1 Tilkwhint 40 Post Oak 10 2 Save 41 J 4 1 Save 42 Persimmon 6 1 Save Condition Coda: 1 = Excellent, 2 = Good, 3 = Fair, 4 = Poor, 5 - Dead -STATEMENTS- 1. Tree Grouping less than four inch (4") DBH, consists of approximately ten (10) Cedar Elms and post Oaks. Ibis area will be selectivly thinned allowing the best trees to remain 2. A one time clearing ofunderbrush on the entire site will occur before construction begins. 3. All protected trees on the property within forty feet (40') of the construction am shall be flagged with orange vinyl tape wrapped amend the main trunk at a height of four feet (4'). 4. Protected Trees to be saved within twenty feet (20') of the construction area shall be siumunded by four feet (4') high orange vinyl fencing at the Critical Root Zone. 3. Trees within the immediate area of eonstruction shall be protected by enclosing the entge cacnnfereoce of the tree trunk with 2"x 4" lumber. 6. The entire width of the "No Disturbance Zone" will be flagged off with orange vmyttape and no construction equipment or workers will be allowed to intrude, except for the onetime clearing of 7. All tree& to be remove will be cut at ground level and stumps will be ground below grade. If stumps are removed trenching will first occur around the root collar of the removed tree o sever any roots. 8. All transplanted trees will be contained on site for the duration of construction and utilized in the finished owaedDarvelope M=TSUIFRLW■ .Ire. 105 E. ASH BLVD. SYCAMORE, TEXAS 711190 (670)436-7M0 Surnyun: TREE SURVEYING, INC. 102 w1LLow ST. CEDAR. TEXAS 76543 (450)n7.6754 TREE SURVEY 2411 WALNUT TRAIL Lot 4R7RI, BLOCK I CEDAR ELM ESTATES THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 1.00 ACRES 17 NOVEAMM 1997 L:\CITYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\TREE\585-A\DRAFT5.WPD dated November 25, 1997 (3:16pm) �/ aI City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM November 21, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution 97-72, Appointment of Crime Control District Board of Directors As you know, voters during the recent election rejected Proposition Two which would have provided for the City Council to serve as the permanent Board of Directors for the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District. As we have recently discussed, state law and a recent attorney general opinion will preclude the City Council from appointing members from the Council to the Board. As such, the City Council will need to appoint other Southlake residents to the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District. The following information should be considered during the appointment process: 1. Seven (7) directors must be appointed for the District. 2. Each director must be a resident of the City of Southlake. 3. Board members will serve two year, staggered terms, that expire September 1st of each year. Terms are determined by drawing lots, with three directors serving terms that expire on September 1, 1998 and four directors serving terms that expire on September 1, 1999. 4. The statute notes that a vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner that the vacant position was originally filled. The statute is silent as to removal of board members. 5. The board has broad authority. The statute specifically states that the board "shall manage, control and administer the district funds . " The statute provides that the governing body (City Council) shall hold a public hearing on the budget adopted by the board and submitted to the governing body, and may approve or reject the budget submitted by the board, but may not amend it. If the Council rejects the budget submitted by the board, the Council and the board shall meet together to amend and approve the budget prior to the beginning of the budget year. Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager November 21, 1997 Page 2 As you know, documentation must be submitted to the Comptroller's Office no later than December 31, 1997 in order to begin collecting the half -cent sales tax on April 1, 1998. However, the items which must be submitted are those requiring City Council action, and not that of the permanent board. Thus, we will not be compromising our ability to collect the tax as soon as possible should the Council decide to delay the appointment of the permanent board members. However, given that the permanent board must adopt budget procedures, the plan, and the budget which the temporary board has already approved, appointment at the earliest possible date is desirable. The District will be unable to move forward with land acquisition and facility planning, hiring SROs and DARE Officers, or other initiatives included in the plan until the permanent board takes the aforementioned action. Please place the resolution appointing the Board of Directors of the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District on the December 2, 1997 City Council agenda. qAa City of Southlake, Texas RESOLUTION 97-72 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING PERSONS TO SERVE AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT WHEREAS, Tex. Local Government Code, Chapter 363.051 (The "Act") authorizes a municipality that is partially or wholly located in a county with a population of more than one million to create a crime control district within its jurisdiction; and WHEREAS,a special election was held on November 4, 1997 to determine whether the voters of the City of Southlake favored the creation of the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District dedicated to crime reduction programs and the adoption of a proposed local sales and use tax at a rate of on -half of one percent; and WHEREAS, Southlake voters approved the proposition to create the district; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. There is hereby created and established a board of directors of the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District. The board shall be officially designated as the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention Board, and shall be comprised of seven persons that reside in Southlake. SECTION 2. The board is established pursuant to the authority granted in Section 363.101 of the Act and the terms set forth therein are hereby adopted governing the operation and duties of the board. SECTION 3. The following persons are hereby appointed to serve as the Board of Directors for the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A 6. 7. SECTION 4. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF , 1997. ATTEST: SANDRA L. LEGRAND CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY 9A- � CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MAYOR RICK STACY City of Southlake #;J NOV 2 4 199 .APPLICATION FOR APP APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: Cri.a3 Control aid Prevention District * (name of board, commission or committee) * Use a separate application for each appointment desired Name: AIfrPrl D_ Mnrin, jr - Address: 1012 Diamond Blvd. , Southlake, Texas Home Phone: A 1 7/ 4 21- 0 8 7 3 Years in City: 6 Employer: Boy Scouts of America Phone: Q� Current and/or previous board, commission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: Vice Chairman Spin, Spin 10 Representative, Chairman Summit of Community Leaders, City Hall Planning Committee_ Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee. and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same: Reason: this is an important funct-inn tr) the security, peace, and well heing of the CaMzwj%i+-y Supppeft Sept. Of Public SafPt-y h�er2eei;Q3--t=he his-tfietlg Edn , p±cn,e i e reduction strategies, annual district evaluation. .Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position: Thirty four years executive and management experience in a national values driven youth program, United Way chairman. Rotary C'luh =ri-sident. Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? Additional information or comments: Yes Please return this completed form to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard or fax to (817) 488-6792. Each application will be kept on filt for one (1) year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply and update the inforr rein if you wish to ntinue to be considered for appointment. Signature: Date: �� 2 7- g,q _ D:1WP-FILESICITYSEC1FORbtSIAPoINf MN.FILM 11/ 24/97 14:41 0817 421 1078 JON Y FRANKS jjjj NOV 1997 City of Southlake APPLICATION FOR APPLICATION FOR APPOLNTMENT TO: CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION BOARD (name of board, commission or committee) Name: *Use a separate applicarion for each appointment desired Jon Michael FrankS Address: 1015 Diamond Blvd. Home Phone: (817) 481-3153 Years it City: 19 Employer- Self — Attorney phi: (817) 329-5573 Current and/or previous board, commission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: mUn;r;_n+ 7udryo 7R -RA, rnurt of Record rnmmittee, Teen Court Committee, City 93 - 95 Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same: Background in law, knowledge of DPS in city. Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position_ s-.t a',nVP Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and teat noncompliance could result in removal from the board? Y G Additional information or comments: Please return this completed form to the City Secretary's Office, 17231r. Southlake Boulevard or fax to (817) 488-6792. Each application will be kept on file r one (1) year. Amer that time it will be necessary to reapply and update the i if yo o continue to be considered for appointment Signature: Date: // " 'Zit' " 9 Lk1WP-ETLESW TYSEC-.F0MLSI P02M^-FR11 POU=24`97 15:03FROM:87PP 8173380700 TO:817 488 6 NOV ? -,-1 1997 City of Southlake APPLICATION FOR APPO APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: _ .eJW-4C XJ-2 4-/ '� (name of board, commission or committee) • Use a sepamm licadon for each appolmmm desired Name: o4A14W495�AJ /• �h Current and/or precious board, commission, or commitbee_experience in the City of 5outhiske: .. . s nn se a do s ark commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the that would assist you in serving in this position: 1d at your mgular ancndance and active support am required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? - M Additiortal information or comments: Please return this completed form to the City SecremrY's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Botikvard or fax to (817) 488-b792. Each application R►i11 be kept on file for one (1) year. After that time it will be t>Cces ny to respplY and update the information herein if you wish to continuc to be considered for appointment. Signature:._ ... Date: ? t .. Wp.M s=trrna�o �P-7 li NOV 2 4 ,cc, City of Southlake ��� APPLICATION FOR APPOI�g APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: Oard�Q± C7k-QS P/'e(-e 07C,/',* - _ (name of board, commission or committee) * Use a separate application for each appointment desired Name: Dd 2, cd Address: C�_ 1) lD /Y �arr c l _5Z7)- u--4- 26e-; s� Home Phone: %) �L& Years in City: SLNC.� 19� (l Psi Employer Y5 ADO 1(4-VE-k i4lMe 7—Phor,e: Current and/or previous board, commission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: A Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee. and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same: ,S o e_a t",S LA-Lo L-1 r rne/v� ExJPri�elt'C� c � 41ec?r'.S �►y�c, der Ul e� ��Cp e >'7 �e�l ems, a s-4�' �) ,'ce, �-}-c.r , �� ti%�n/c �-�- rr �� i Z �r�L�1S Do you u erst n an agree that your regular attendance and acti.e support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? T� Additional information or comments: ClhVc/ L-,) t'/41, i�t} S Zc4-(i �<<j (f - /e iU e/ -L r� Please return this completed form to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard or fax to (817) '3-6792. Each lication will be kept on file for one (1) year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply grid update t info ation herein ifu wish to continue to be considered for appointment. Signature: ���� Date: I I- c2=0 — / 7 ._ U D:`,WP-FILES`•CITYSEC'SOR.NtS\APOr\TNIN.FR.,t U 6 City of Southlak Nc� 2 5 W7 APPLICATION FOR A P- E N - SECRETARY r� /l APPLICATION FOR APPOINTLIENT TO: �/f1 nU.U0!�,QEUr.� �C�Llrs i�1G (name of board, commission or committee) * Use a separate application for each appointment desired Name: A1111a /. AO&E , )k Address: 4 j)WXIV(UG L4 Home Phone: o?S/ — 731�S6 Years in City: Employer: t,-F Ao T, W ra mER/ Phone: Current and/or previous board, commission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: AdIlle Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee. and your opinio as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same: At . i /I .. - - - - - n -n -- ualitications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position: P Do vote understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? Additional information or comments: Please return this completed form to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard or fax to (817) 88-6792. Each application will be kept on file for one (1) year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply ornd update the inf atloo herein if vo sh to continue to be considered for g appointm7�-4'7 Si nature. Date: �� n _ D:WP-FILES\CITYSEC`FOf .NIS�APONT*vN.FitNt Fiom; Bob 14rudn To: SoutN*e City Secretary Date: 11R4197 Tine: 14:46:45 7� n 1 N U 4 N 1 �1 U Cityof Southlake I1 gYT-5'k 4T - APPLICATION" FOR APPOINTM � T APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: eg,'e 6'-TP"- / "S , � /Lt c.T- (name of board, commission or committee) ' Use a separuie applicationfor each appointment desired Name: Bet A / C .L ) A-, 1.1 Address: /c �z �/t�J j moo,,-r►c!k c 7Gc 1 G Home Phone: ��� �i S Years in City: Employer: /Fti:,r � ,'1c �,Sc�f A.��F (Se zy'> Phone: 941-7J:1 Current and/or previous board, commission, or committee experience in the City of Southlakc: Cl:tMlr]ttr 1' 31 ,,( „►�, i Nr'MF3.-R Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee. and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same. L�zf trc WATT , dot-, reft �rCate: • K KMr ;Ile, 7 /fin+ EZE'rc*J'� [� ��..' A� : � !. � a � i-Y C'rt. � c7v r c' a �� /s C � �Y , � , i• i � 2c�S i!. kri7 ia� ii= :it`JJ.�iF►c Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position: Zd y#Wi C1CP�A�4�Ce= AS Mil l-11etv-►c-A— 7:r.1.. �f1E'rs,�+tr�, '► ��7�a.c�+� la�.�,- ,At'n�.. ,'�li.-�I,,�.�,y ,.�,� '�� � �icrs. Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board'? Ye s Additional information or comments: Please retum this compl e'ij to the ('ity Secretary's lice. 1723 F.. Isouthlake Boulevard or fax io (817) 488-6792. Each app ' w be kept on file for on t year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply and update the in re' if you wish to n ' to be considered for appointment. Signature: i /' Date: n_�O 7'.WP-FItESCTTYSEC\F4RMSIAPO[N7Ni* FRM 81/18/1994 17:83 9723853337 OPERATIONS PRECISION PAGE 82 City of SoutWakc APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: `Rt 1" l6 oN ro-olr ¢ ?eeV-0Mr? oNy,STRm--T ]Bo eD (name of board, commission or committee) * Use a sevarate application for each avnointment desired Nance: Address: r**dc. tx %LPL Home Phone: 117 L/ Pf-- 3• Yam in�ity: / Employer: _4:�er.F - G^fIOL--o F,u,4,ye r*. - 4 hone: Sit A-C ",IAVJ- Current and/or previous board, commission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: IN r-A4" 1A,1Cw,-'70.d ra ^dTCxfr , ca,'( n.•�1 *0+ POA- '4AST 2— S; Cft*IINMy of AiN'*AXV-4�wbCOW.-TP£rW OF �Tyl M���'Tt�S�nr f'7 IBrrrr+tilT�e Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same: bev/'Le It' A0V Sr THe ee ar7 --Al gPlw u r O.a /00I eC i4..- o G, .L Z /�ECCD/f(�tyio 734 --c OF ICIA/45 rCPA o fi i dt4 lc T►gS A7-4 Pe.e-e-"A-sW 04C C4n0„LP440V7-. A4•itl—l"f Vs. -*OF o F lc-.JV os ra 'Onav,oe- Qv 0A-4#aF > uy &4, * j&Ab4Wn,'r P6-44 od - o F RA ^r4 OWM L" If& rX'rtj4j!5RA* c&%Awrc ualifications and expe/enence that would assist you in serving in this position: &-.vroy w (�7V✓I/%dsliff T ��✓rl► 1tiVMC.7td�5 �► fir K �G r/.l�CC %" l'rt{ 6'y4wc(Rq.%/ �lA�v�✓ ,.1,� i?--y- a 6�.ngrri u3. � F c Lse' ly Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? Y+K 5 Additional information or comments: A-oWa aoyjf T-J rw ftw[e' A--4 Cbd�nr r r"rs(c�c- T� t'0 i� T)qLlr' /LEA-v r 12 a''v! CU-47 6yG T-HiS *)OIbY4V7ia( tk'f . Wr ' 0 D&-VQT6 TV 7W S I wt.4a a-t*7LV eCSu 9 9.1 4FJV C.o UA04 E Please return this completed form to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard or fax to (§17) 488-6792. Each application will be kept on file for one (1) year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply - and update the information herein ifyou wi to continue to be considered for appointme Signature: f"1 Date: D-\wr-mes\ SE UPOIPITMN.F&M City of Southl e �iJ25 Wr APPLICATION FOR 0 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: Ce;Afe e0& 7� l (name of board, commission or committee) * Use a separate application for each appointment desired Name: R4 ellyt Address: Home Phone: Years in Citv: E.i,plc;. er: 7/ 14��/.�c �p, 1 hone. U. IN Current and/or previous board. commission, or corn-mittee experience in the City of Southlake: lfl-e/!�dr r.e�� Reasons for desiring to ser-Ye on this board. commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same: Z &A-C 1 e-a„ 6� .< <o •k.hoh s .ram �� /Q � 5b 6 �2 arc_ _ �SfcT �.vsCt� s a /,� � X1, f 6-,Ae •G 74v CC 'S <� 4fW'W �IAIWI- I/�R-C 4yv G &*,-, Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position: rTi�u�le-. Sp�2GT (946 C�Git f� CKg !O f Ci �lop v I - Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? �S Additional information or comments: lease return this completed form to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard or fax to (817) 488-6792. Each application will be kept on file for one (1) year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply and update the inf ati he ein i wi to continue to be considered for appointment. Signature: - Date: /Z—�/ J� 7 - / —/ D:\WP-FILEs\crrySEc\FOR.v[s\,kPo[MN(N.FRM 11/25/1997 17:53 8173295246 FP PITTMAN PAGE 01 N A City of Southlake APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT P T • �IK� "j, cx ��rvwids^" mac? APPLICATION�4R A PQf�i �.Ei`1T TO: (name of board, commission or committee) * Use a Separate a 7plication for each appointment desired Name: Address: /evda 7' �-+� K / ✓'� Home phone: Years in City: '7` Employer: r . Sti#2 i.-.wSea��.l� �iyC. ---Phone: LZI %i�V �d 733 Current andlor previous board, conizrlission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: &dly E= Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same: (st7i etret A-7.4� Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position: S� /'r,6'*C .��. Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? y&-T Additional information or comments: Please return this coinpl d form to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard or fax to (817) 488-b79a1. Each appli tion will be kept file one (1) year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply and update the info anon rein if yv wi t co pnue to be considered for appointment. Signature: Date: / .1r Z-7 7 �wo � es oewxeo Aro�L . DftWP-F1LESNC1TY 6CIORWAPOINTMN.FRM 11/25/1997 17:53 8173295246 FP PITTMAN PAGE 02 FRANK P. PITTMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW 2001 Ross Ave., 412t FIOW (75201) A. O. Box 718 Dallas, TX 75221 November 25, 1997 TO CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: Teiephohe! (214) 740-6733 Fax; (214) 740-6853 AtmAwd in Texas and Ohio I am interested in making a contribution to our City in an area that matches my background and experience. It is my goal to help Southlake maintain the low crime rate and quality of life we now enjoy, even as we grow in population. I have been an attorney for 23 years and am licensed to practice in the states of Texas and Ohio. Early in my career, I had the opportunity to serve as an Assistant Country Prosecutor. At that time, in addition to prosecuting serious juvenile crimes, I spent a significant amount of time with police officers on patrol. This enabled me to gain first- hand knowledge in crime prevention and control, as well as a deep appreciation for the role police officers play in maintaining a safe environment for all citizens. (aw In addition to my past experience in criminal law, I also possess a Master's in Business Administration and have acted as a business lawyer for Dresser Industries since 1979. A I believe that my past experience in the criminal area will give me special insights into the goal of crime prevention and control for our City. Likewise, my experience as a business lawyer will be of special value in the analysis and decision -making necessary for maximizing the control and prevention of crime with the wisest choices for our tax dollars. I would be happy to provide references of local lawyers and businessmen if you so desire. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your consideration. Si re , Frank P. Pittman qA - 13� City of Southlake APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: -,?n-beb (name of board, commission or committee) Name: Address: * Use a separate application for each appointment desired c Home Phone: 9/ 2 - -44,f- d fff Years in City: Employer: ��/'' 1= &A.) ___C 7 I t 57W I GS, .�/C�C . Phone: SL I - YI L L I O I Curren`,t and/'or p5reiv o0uAs)b ari�om ' iss�oanLo jmem'!!i�tt ee experience in the City of Southlake: R� G GfbSRsir4in0gAt4o6skerrve on hisbi`o"arVd, cortnm"i'ssi purpose, goals, and duties of same: 1. J k-; Y1 /ITEM d tlf� )V�� ���� !� GFi�/��i25N� co�mi t , and your opinion as to ;A-) -/ e /'V wlel S/ T/OalS� Ca,�rri ti u c' /off cp"Me r4 ,!�!, in S ee,t/ �i . its tu4 .QET�f�, Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position: kE OCtJ4) ,,va e c&x) llSi.t ASS �iYI/y1�%�lAG /�i�OFiC�T/ES IIA4 S I-IM 1 7-r-OS i A,) DES! 1,�1�N77,r}-c,5 l T TioNS , Do you understand and agree t at your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? Additional information or comments: /2& �Y L%/��/AJ7�/� 7Z� 1 /) JCCcz-e_5S F::�Lal! at?6/A6 MG /A) 07Z4.!F C Lt0/1/1/1'ZGf�,tJ<!/CS �5w6fue.4 Please return this completed form to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard or fax to (817) '.88-6792. Each application will be kept on file for one (1) year. After that time it will be necessary- to reapply update the i Signature: rmation herein if you wish to continue to be considered for appointment. Date: &-o2-� el% ar ILL D:\ W P-FILES`,CITYSEC\FORN[S\APO[NTMN. FR.`[ City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM November 24, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager -FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SUBJECT: Resolution No. 97-73, Appointment to Parks and Recreation Board Resolution No. 97-73 allows for the appointment of a member to the Parks and Recreation Board to fill a position vacated by Larry Goldstein who has resigned. The term filled by Mr. Goldstein expires in May 1999. I have attached the applications I received during the past year for this position and one(s) received from the current advertisement. If you have any questions, please give me a call. 4X4'+2 he D:\WP-FILES\MEMORAND\PARKBRD 40-1 City of Southlake, Texas RESOLUTION NO. 97-73 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD TO FILL AN UNEXPIRED TERM; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a Parks and Recreation Board was created for the purpose of planning and developing parks and park sites within the City of Southlake, for the use and benefit of its citizens; and, WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Board shall consist of nine (9) members to serve three (3) year terms; and, WHEREAS, currently a vacancy exists, leaving an unexpired term which will expire in May, 1999; now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. All of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this resolution as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. The City Council hereby appoints , as a member of the Parks and Recreation board to fill the unexpired term of Larry Goldstein, with a term to expire in May, 1999. Section 3. This resolution is effective upon passage by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF , 1997. ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary D:\WP-FILES\RES-97-7. PAR CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Mayor Rick Stacy q,6 rw c:eelrenr You x.ep. NOVEMBER 10, 1997 'TO: V1CKIF JOHNSON. PRF.SIDEN'I' SOUrHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD FROM: LARRY GOLDSTEIN SUBJECT: PARK BOARD SEAT New Yorlr Life Insurance Company 2360 Airport Freeway. Suite 640 Bedfo,d, TX 16022 Bus 817 5d0.5442 / 817 355.2533 Fax 817 545-3262 www nowyorklife.coni IT IS WITH A GRFAT AMOUNT OF SORROW THAT I AM RFSIGNING FROM MY POSITION AS A DIRECTOR ON THE SOUTHLAKF PARKS BOARD. DUE TO A CHANGE IN MY PERSONAL, LIFE I AM NO [ANGER RESIDING WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, NOR DO I EXPECT TO IN THE NEAR FUTURE. FOR OVER 15 YEARS I HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN THE PROCESS OF THE CITY'S GROWTH AND IT HAS REALLY BEEN A PLEASURE THIS LAST YEAR TO HAVE: PARTICIPATED IN THE VAST EXPANSION OF OUR PARK SYSTEM. I WILL, MISS WORKING WITH YOU AND THE REST OF THE BOARD AND WISH YOU GREAT SUCCESS FOR THE FUTURE. L.ARRY GOLDSTEIN Cha *-,--d -0. U-14 w 0. Una. lvn, My -ter M.Aron uotNr Ac,.nd rgbie u -3 NVM for Financial Products & Services rivyatvrvd Rvprerrvntv4.v /v. NYLIFE Securities Inc 1320 S Unwers,TV Onvs, Suite 900 Ft Worth, TX 76107 817 336.2565 No; York 01. 1,sw—c. Campmy New York Lire Insurance and Annuity Coroorsnon LA Detewer@ Cortiorfit,om NYLIFE Socwn,es me 51 IMEiwn Aywnyr/. New York NY 10010 City of Southlake APPLICATION FOR APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: �, II APPOIN � TMENy (name of board, commission or committee) * Use a separate application for each appointment desired Name: Address: R oS C-: • c)u e Home Phone: 'j)f 7 Years in City: 5�25 Employer: WEr�kl G� e��iS S Phone: 100 33`4 q-1S1 x (088D Current and/or previous board, commission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same: r'�-2 Ch► I�yr�S r 7y►�s oI L. ,t kapQ D Imo_ a-v01 c� ire-. ►--C� Y)Clk- ffWtCW c(nt larch L t* er sk) A 0 i nijo vUe.d in -t1.2 Sa le caeYrM4- F Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position: I L"",'} �' � I rV.OLej n �k-Carr .Z ty o rl.a b 2 0-,� 1�� C 5 40z I o ' e(P s . ,1 -�, pne vj a1s 11 1 n \,d ve� �n �f -�-D c34 c,unN+ +o i rtiW Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? 4t:5 Additional information or comments: T- `'`'' �, +141`I cry)n 1 yd cwv C-�o Please return this completed rm to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard. Each applicatio.. will be kept on �f le for ne (1 year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply and update the information °rein if yo)wi�X to dontin>de to be considered for appointment. Signature: Date: I I- ZD-97 C:\ WPFILES\CITYS EC\APOI`'r`t�. FR-%t City of SouthlakelUU] Nel 2 5 APPLICATION FOR AP APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: �' GAS T eCfea �,6 n J�j 1(� x (name of board, commission or committee) *Use a separate application for each appointment desired Name: fF 11)ua /►1�IfC -� Address: l-� 1 q kE 1) w-T ,,U C� le Home Phone: a S!- Years in City: YY/vin f� Employer: ` Dt Rrno i i , �the� t-,� �,� y Phone: Current and/or previous board. commission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: IN VzE Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same: j Am fications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an aF:7ointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? Additional information or comments: S Please return this completed form to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard or far iJ (817) 488-6792. Each application will be kept o le for one (1) year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply and update the in ormati herein if yo wish o continue to be considered for appointment. Signatur : Date: �� o� / D:\W P-FILES\CITYS EC\FOR,NIS\APOI\TNt.(. FitNI Ala— o _ 1 �_ S • OFFICE APP�IC ION FOR AP OF APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: /•='Sy `�4�''`ti�'��'� (name of board, commission or committee) * Use a separate application for each appointment desired Name: `7,47-n tz- zz-7- C �O ✓� . Address: /.�•S .I - / !CC �' ��i G'i [ . C £= 7 a ,;�'--- Home Phone: Years in City: Employer: _ f�/i C'Cyf?iyt�l�r'� Crtt7G��, i Phone: Current and/or previous board, commission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: /VCr V c-:- Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same: AS- d0.4-61�,V- -z- �ti-US��L(�1? Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position: /4-::� /,z C7e!f�/y 02 LL1L-LCn �c� t pc/4T h7V 11)9 er /fir t.►�YrrytGr , �� . Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? Additional information or comments: Please return this completed form to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard. Each application 11 be kept on file for one ( ) year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply and update the information kotrein if you h z1v e to be considered for appointment. Signature: Date: q6-4 D:\WP-FILES\CITYSEC\FORMS\APOINTMN.FR,iNt JAMES E. GLOVER 1355 North Peytonville Avenue (woe Southlake, Texas 76092 Phone: (817) 488-6590 OBJECTIVE Senior marketing management in the consumer goods industry leading to general management using strengths of leadership, innovation, problem solving, presentation and follow through to grow a business m volume and market share m keeping with short -and long-range plans. QUALIFIED BY 25 years of sales, sales management and marketing management experience including: * Start-up Operations * Turnaround Situations * Strategic Planning * Marketing Research & Testing * P&L Responsibility * International Sales & Marketing * Sales Management * Advertising & Promotion * New Product Development * Re -launch Mature Product PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE COLLECTOR'S EDGE, L.P. 1996-Present Denver, Colorado [privately -held specialty trading card company] Executive Vice President, Marketing, Distribution, and Business Development Report to the President; responsible for sales and marketing to Master Distributors and selected kev national accounts as well as for development of marketing and product innovation. * Increased Master Distributor base by 33% while increasing sales through this key trade class by 66%. * Developed innovative marketing and public relations campaign to introduce a new technology to the card market. MAXX RACE CARDS, INC. 1995-1996 Charlotte, North Carolina [trading card company wholly -owned by Canadian investment group] President Reported to the Board of Directors and the President of the parent holding company in Canada. Reporting to me was a staff of 18 including Nce President of Sales, Vice President of Administration, Production Manager and Manager of Licensing. * Reduced overhead expenses by more than 20% over prior 4 years of operation. * Implemented an "on -time" production planning process which allowed the company to consistently get products in to the market place as announced and planned while reducing over-all finished goods costs by more than 35% over prior levels. FLEER CORPORATION/Entertainment Division 1994-1995 Mt. Laurel, New Jersey [trading card division of publicly traded Marvel Entertainment] I.1ce President, Entertainment Marketing Reported to Division President and managed a direct staff of nine, including five Product Managers, International Sales Manager, Finance Manager, Trade Show Managers and support staff. * Developed program to utilize outside product management and pre -press resources that reduced product costs by as much as 66% vs. internally produced products. * Designed and implemented a new "hobby friendly" policy which increased cash in advance Entertainment sales from $1.4 million to $2.4 million per product release. * Expanded international distribution, opening new markets in Singapore, Taiwan, Sweden, and Mexico, increasing international Entertainment sales 45% to $10 million. * Negotiated and signed favorable licensing agreements with major licensors such as Warner Bros. Consumer Products, New Line Cinema, Castle Rock, and MCA/Universal. 0_7 JAMES E. GLOVER PAGE TWO CARDZ DISTRIBUTION / PLAYOFF CORPORATION 1992-1994 Grand Prairie, Texas [Privately held start-up trading card manufacturer] Vice President, Marketing & Sales Reported to owner/CEO and managed a staff of eleven, including Regional Sales Managers, in-house sales and customer service, product managers, public relations and graphic services. * Developed sales organization designed to open new trade classes, hiring three Regional Managers and 54 brokers. * Increased domestic sales from S500,000 to $6 million year one and to more than S 15 million in year two through extensive consumer research and new product development. * Implemented an international strategy, opening new markets in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and Mexico, with first year sales in excess of $500,000. * Negotiated and signed favorable licensing agreements with major licensors such as NFL Properties, NHL Enterprises, NHL Players Association, Turner Home Entertainment, Warner Bros. Consumer Products and many others. SKYBOX INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED 1990-1992 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina [publicly held start-up trading card manufacturer) Vice President, Marketing Reported to the President/CEO and managed a staff of eight, including product managers and assistant product managers. * Emphasized higher quality production at competitive prices for entertainment (non -sports) card category, growing business from $3 million to $50 million volume, through the use of consumer research and innovative new product development. * Introduced unique value added consumer promotion programs to SkyBox and NBA HOOPS brands that significantly increased sell through on this $60 million sales, $20 million profit division. * Researched, negotiated and signed favorable license agreements: Paramount Studios, MCA/Universal, Turner Home Entertainment and NBA Properties. WCI MICROWAVE OVEN DIVISION 1988-1990 A.B. Electrolux, Dalton, Georgia [U.S. Division of international consumer durables manufacturer] Pce President, Marketing & Sales Reported to the Division General Manager; brought in to turn -around failing division; supervised a staff of ten including domestic sales and marketing, export sales and marketing, newproduct development and transportation and warehousing. * Developed and implemented aggressive marketing strategy for international which expanded distribution to 29 countries and 79 international customers that increased sales 27% in 1988 and 22% in 1989. * Targeted new customers for private label and O.E.M. programs, resulting in 300% sales increase in 1988 and 700% increase in 1989. * Designed and implemented new "niche" marketing strategy, including revised product features, new packaging and point -of -purchase for mass market retailers K-Mart and Wal-Mart, resulting in an 11 % increase in U.S. branded (Tappan, Gibson Frigidare, & White -Westinghouse) sales in 1988 and a 53% increase in 1989. TETRA PAK, INCORPORATED 1985-1988 Shelton, Connecticut National Marketing Manager * Developed Partnership Marketing program with major customers such as Nestle, Borden, Lipton, Ocean Spray, Coca-Cola Foods, Carnation and others which resulted in sales increase of over 20% each year in 1985, 1986, and 1987. * Designed and presented marketing program for retailers on the benefits of aseptic packaging justifying need for additional shelf space. Successfully sold program to all divisions of Safeway, Winn Dixie, Kroger, Albertsons, A&P and others. JAWS E. GLOVER PAGE THREE LIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO O ACCO COMPANY, INCORPORATED 1974-1985 Durham, North Carolina Senior Brand Manager * Developed and rolled -out new marketing strategy to reposition established EVE brand; resulted in a sales increase of 19% in 1984 and 14% in 1985. * Successfully designed and implemented Hispanic/Anglo niche -market test, doubling anticipated market share. NATIONAL FAST FOODS La Mesa, California Sales Manager 1973-1974 * Increased unit sales an average of 30% while reducing inventory shrink and reducing employee turnover. THE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION (dba 7/Eleven Stores) 1968-1973 La Mesa, California Field Representative * Franchised twelve 7/Eleven stores; maintained franchisee -company relations while improving overall gross profit margins by 20%. EDUCATION B.A., (with Honors & Distinction), California State University, San Diego, California, 1972. AMA Courses: Product Management, Strategic Planning, Outdoor Advertising Karrass Program: Effective Negotiation; Certified Trainer, Xerox Selling Skills Program. AWARD Silver Addy Award, Triangle Advertising Federation, 1983; Gold Addy Award, American Advertising Federation, 1983; Champion Innovation Award for Graphic Design, 1987; Mobius Award for Television Advertising, 1991; Telly Award, Television Advertising, 1991; 1993 Silver Addy Award, Television Advertising; 1993 Gold Addy Award for Television Advertising/Special Effects; 1994 Gold Addy Award for Television Advertising; 1994 Gold Addy Award for Regional Television Advertising. Personal and Professional References Available Upon Request. 24 i j uL City of Southlake QF C!F APPLICATION FOR APP FFICE APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: PMLk4S " a 0 11 , A-n- t> (name of board, commission or committee) * Use a separate application for each appointment desired Name: FR--Ar N c + s ,; e wPJ.sP-�-7R- c6a.- Address: 5-e 3 %ima6n- �--A-ua- Ox, &vim I+,-A-"6 - -7G c r,,-- Home Phone: 42,it. 3 S -35- Years in City: 2 Employer: 1- - b rL ; Phone: 0129 9 60 4� s 1- Current and/or previous board, commission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same: U, C. ✓.icl I�y�� ltif'i�' 41nC-litl �' �G r� CA i'�'b A YV� 1 L ✓�CQi1rStiC1 —�=1 �• C.✓� � 'F'i `YY�Q�.� G'�Y Ct:l VL�1 �.+ ilU.. r.r 'i ��� Q .l �/1 g'O �'� Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position: �/�R � r•v� a •, c-� H't) !l. i ►.L (6 �o n.e'c � 4 �C r.ee r � ,..r ��.�. J1 l�.r-c.Q, (=�� .� �wk.. I f-� ,..! wa.4 v w� a '1 0-4✓y I ct Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? '7 as Additional information or comments: Cr kTY h.+ 1 t C) Please return this completed form to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard. Each application 11 be kept on file for one (1) year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply and update the information werein if you wish to continue to be considered for appointment. Signature: - Date: ✓,7 n `1 O D:\WP-FILES\CITYSEC\FORMSWPOINT.%IN.FR-%t N March 13,1997 Ms. Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary City of Southlake 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Ms. LeGrand: Thank you for sending the Applications for Appointment to Mr. Francis Jelensperger. Enclosed is Mr. Jelensperger's application for appointment to the Parks and Recreation Board. If you need additional information, please contact me at (972) 960-4059. Again, thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Melissa Weinberg Assist. to F. Jelensperi /mw encl. HDR, Inc. 12700 Hillcrest Road Suite 125 Employee -owned Dallas, Texas 75230.2096 Telephone Architecture 214 960-4000 Engineering Fax Project Development 214 960-4185 City of Southlake APPLICATION FOR APPO APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: Ilr I.� ?�Y NT ' 6'0►" (name of board, commission or committee) * Use a separate application for each appointment desired Name: /A h -e, yr S Address: C�4V 0 V L 1A � 5 -i ✓' Home Phone: �v l 1 1 f —1 7 6 ?2 / Years in City: �� n C � Employer: t 16(cc %�%�9�0 l� L 4 0 vt � S Phone: /gj 7� 1 0 Z— 7 9 7 S Current and/or previous board, commission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: ,A% (0 V7 Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the ,i pose, goals, and duties of same e3 Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? �� 5 Additional information or comments: � ! 66 k 4 u11 U) 0 U, a -ILZO // t I M l� ; Please return this completed form to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard. Each application (be kept on file for one (1) year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply and update the information Win if you wish to continue to be considered for appointment. Signature: 1;-- Date: 2'3 9 97 D:\WP-FILES\CITY EC\FOR.'41S\APO[NTvNI TRM MAR-31-97 MON 22:33 -�`: n �� City of Southiake o F�cE oc► APPLICATION FOR APP APPLICATION FOR APPOiNTWNT TO: -- - (name of board, commission or ommittee) Ilse a separate a plicgtign for each appointment desired 1 Name: Addtess:—,�.�LGr'e�r 1-i' Home Phone: Yes in City; Employer: .,L �i//� /-U% __.. Pbone:.,�Lz_ Current and/or previous board, commission, or Committee experience ill the City of i 10� 0 Reasons for desiring to serve on this hoard, commission, or committee, and your opinio as to the i purpose, goals, and duties of same: ------------ qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this Position: uire as an ointee Do you understand a�ad agree that your re�lar attendance and active suppo rt are seq �P. and that noncompliance could result in, removal from the board`' Additional information or comments: _ i ---- lication to cea ply and update thefodmation turn this cotnplcted form to the City Secretary' 9 pffice�e7 E. Sou ake Boulev E DPP Please year. After that time it will be n will be kept on file for one (1) y herein if you wish � continue Date! be considered for appointment. . pate: Signature: _. p:�Vup-F7[..�S�C1iYS ItMS'���.FRtit TGTHL MAR-31-97 MON 22:34 P.O2 1. I desire this position because my family and 1, recently relocated from Kansas City, Missouri, appreciate funding Southlake and wish to contribute to maintaining, and enhancing, its unique qualities and amenities. An additional reason I am applying for this position is that my employer urges employees to be involved in their communities. I am currently involved primarily from a financial standpoint with numerous children's charities and my church. A position with the Southlake Parks and Recreations board appeals to me, and I would appreciate an opportunity to devote a portion of my time to the cause of keeping Southlake an exceptionally special place to live and to raise a family. 2. My qualifications in this line of work are limited with regards to past, actual experience with a Parks & Recreation department. However, through my work, I manage 270 employees as a vice president. I am an excellent organizer, and motivator. I am creative, and I believe that one should not only work bard, but play hard. Helping to build a city where residents can enjoy themselves and their surroundings would be a gratifying activity. My wife and I have three children and plan to remain in Southlake. We hope to play a part in maintaining the nurturing atmosphere Southlake provides for families. Close friendships with a member of the board for the Kansas City Park & Recreations Department and a one-time member of the board for the San Antonio Parks & Recreation Department give me confidence that I ate qualified to contribute in this position, although turning Southlake into a Kansas City or a San Antonio, is not my goal. My wife works for an insurance company in Kansas City, operating out of our home in Southlake. My children, ages 2 - 6, attend Primrose preschool and Carroll Elementary. In the short time we have lived in Southlake, we have routinely enjoyed Bicentennial Park and have participated in several of the Parks & Recreation activities. Your efforts made us feel a part of our new community in a very short time and helped my children meet new friends. Should you feel my qualifications would benefit Southlake, I would be privileged to "give back" a little of what was given us when we fast moved to Southlake. I would be interested in discussing the position in greater detail. Please call me at 214-751-8000. I City of Southlake APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT A A APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: Name: Address: (name of board, commission or committee) * Use a separate application for each appointment desired c :s Home Phone: Years in City: Employer: �' %itJi �/E ('i , Phone: 5'/% S-; / /to/ urr •��✓�9 cST�D�E ep . �P�G H,cJGE Cent an or previous board, commission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same: ��`�`tJlC� 7� rime- C.,---7 4 Quali �i j— " v �[ oI5- yoti un e s an an agree t at you re,u ar a tendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? C�4i Additional information or comments: Please return this completed f" to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard or fax to (817) 38-6792. Each application will be kept on file for one (1) year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply end update the information herein if you wish to continue to be considered for appointment. Signature: 4wt, Date: D:\WP-FILES\CrrYSEC\FORNIS\WPOI.\:TMN.FR.M so City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM November 26, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Requested Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 506-B for Carroll Independent School District, located at 1501 West Southlake Boulevard BACKGROUND Dr. Daniel Presley, principal of Carroll High School, has requested variance to sign ordinance no. 506-B. The proposed sign will replace the existing sign that has been damaged. A variance allowing the existing sign was granted by the City Council in December 1992. I j During the November 18, 1997 Regular City Council Meeting, Council tabled this request. Dr. Presley will attend the next Council meeting to continue discussions on the requested variances. ISSUES Some of the issues surrounding this variance are listed as follows: 1. The sign will have an electronic message display. As Council requested, the display will change intermittently rather than scroll continuously. 2. The sign is proposed to be 20 feet in height to avoid vandalism, which has occurred with other signs in the past. This is lower than the previously proposed 22 feet that did not meet the ordinance requirement for a "free-standing" sign. 3. The proposed sign contains advertisements of corporate sponsors, thus making that portion of the sign an "off -site" sign. The school district holds that sponsors are necessary to cover the cost of the new sign. 4. A "freestanding sign" is permitted on a site greater than seven acres with ten or more leases. The school is on a site of 52.9 acres. 1111:101 5. The proposed sign is double -poled with masonry cladding rather than the previously proposed single, metal pole design. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the requested variance to sign ordinance no. 506-B be placed on the December 2, 1997 Regular City Council Agenda for City Council review and consideration. The applicant requests variance to the following sections of sign ordinance no. 506-B: • Section 16.C.2 - allowing a freestanding sign at 1501 W. Southlake Blvd. • Section 17.A - allowing a readerboard sign. • Section 17.A - allowing an off -site sign as defined in section LA CRE/cre Attachment: Memo from Charles Bloomberg, Plans Examiner Sign Variance Application Photograph of Existing Sign Proposed Sign Drawing (6W 1 OA-2 MEMORANDUM November 13, 1997 TO: Bob Whitehead, P. E., Director of Public Works FROM: Charles Bloomberg, C. B. 0., Plans Examiner SUBJECT: Sign Variance Appeal for Carroll High School 1501 W. Southlake Blvd. Dr. Daniel Presley, school principal, has applied for a variance to replace the freestanding sign in the front yard of the Carroll High School at 15 10 W. Southlake Blvd. The existing sign has a broken panel on one side. The new sign would be located in the same place as the existing sign. On December 1, 1992. the City Council granted a variance to allow the present sign under the sign ordinance in effect at that time. On October 21, 1997 the City Council tabled this item to give the applicant time to meet with city staff and address the particular issues involved in order to reduce the scope of the appeal. This morning Paul Ward and I met with Dr. Presley to discuss his request. He agreed the school would illing to reduce the height of the sign to twenty feet, to construct it as a double pole sign, and to clad ,,,rmasonry materials per the sign ordinance specifications for a freestanding sign. He stated he still needs a variance to the following three sections: Section 16.C.2 prohibits freestanding signs on this site. Section 17.A prohibits reader board signs since the adoption of Ordinance 506-B. Section 17.A also prohibits off -site signs as defined in section I.A. Dr. Preslev stated the reason for the freestanding verses monument sign is not for the readability due to height but to make it less convenient to vandalize. The present sign was damaged by rocks being thrown at it. They recently had vandalism on items within reach of the ground. Putting a monument sign on a berm would not solve that problem. He said this is unique to a school in that it is much less of a problem on business signs. The ordinance permits a freestanding sign on a site over seven acres with ten or more leases. This site is 52.9 acres and therefore much larger than a typical ten tenant shopping center. The advertising panels are needed because the only way the school can have the sign is through corporate sponsors. Thev feel the reader board sign is more of a community service than an advertising sign in that its purpose is to communicate events to the students and parents. Dr. Preslev stated he %trill be out of to%vn on Tuesday but will have a representative there to discuss any issues that may come up at the council meeting. attachments: Sign variance application Sign drawings y Photograph of existing sign Minutes of 12-1-92 cc meeting October 17. 1997 memo 10A-3 C OF -bruarY 6 199 _ 5 S-TGii VA -RI —,,.`IC= ap?LIC%TIOV Carroll ;-de end ^`_ .....^.001 Distric 35' 1501 W South 1 a to B1 t!d 1201 N-. Carroll ]y.2nue Southlake, TX 76092 Southlake, TX 76092 817-481-2185 817-481-5775 817-481-7826 817-421-0810 110w:rq �0^a"n L_:e�.ai^S C7 Che 70Ca `;oC` for V3 "'3ZCe is DA ^C BUSI.v=ss oR o?EPA. -_czv: Carroll High School -It ADDRESS: 1501 W. Southlake Blvd. , Southlake DasCRT=T_c"'r Lot 1 Block 1 Su^d_v_s_or_ Carroll High School _s cCC�Dl e-e as _ per t. e _e _u_-ements C= s- . :c= NO. 506 as s'_=a=_zed celcw. I fur_. er understand chat it is necessary to have a antat,ve at the City CCuncil meeting who is authorized to discuss this recuest, 5 :resolved isMues,and acOrove changes, i= N PnEs�EY lo_ a::t's Sic --.at 7� ��L Data: .+++trrtter:tr.rrrrtrrr+r++rrerrttt tt+tr++trtrtrrrttr++tttttr+r+tttrtttr++t rrtrtt•t �! Use C /: _eon, ac:r...-d'-e,:-- re:ei_ t :e s variance a:7' _Ca__o:: a.d t._^_e a_^_ __on fee Ti._=. +++++t+tt♦+r�.rtrirr.+r.++++trttt+t+r+rt+ttr r4tttttt++r +t+t++rtrrttrrtt+r+ttttttlttt _1owi:,c c heck_ist is a of requirements for sic:: .ariamce recT_ests as ed by the Cit:! of Tie acolicant s.--.ou2d f-urtIher refer t0 the $i^ ^ce No. 506 and amendments, and other ordinances macs, and cedes available at the all that may = ertai : to this sic . variamce requezt. Co-:c' e=ec si;.. variance re^ est ace' _cat Ccr;.c_e_e- de cns:._a__cn O_ c:,-ndi,._O.^.s a7Cl __able to ..e re^'eszed :ar_a"ce (see a=_acned.) Site clan s cwin t e location of the si- variance recuest and a:.V of .e: signs t.^.a= ccn. J_^.., to 0= are exemot ==cm the s4-g- o=d:-a."ce. _ :e s_-e plan 5 3l_ als.^ fare e ..__ld_nc la^^_s: a: ed areas, : arki^g Y accroa= .es and s�-� ___ __. _.� .____.__ _.� _�� ��_��. _. .._�•�� J��-� �. ... ��.._... by 10A-4 De--o :st=atioa i°l3z a ' ^e - ------- -nfcrcanen_ OtSC-1 rem 'lati - - O^S w=' _ Crate ail un-necessary hardS ip or practical difficulty oP_ the applicant. in an attempt to improve communication between Carroll nigh School and the Southlak<e community, we would like to replace and upgrade our existing. message center in front of the high school. Our current message center is broken, and a urger electronic messaqe center would be much more effective in communicating with parents avid -the Southlake community. That the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self imposed. the difficulty in facilitating effective communication is unique to �arroll High School. We have a desire and reed to keep file parents !,Id com-munity aria=?• Or activities and annou-ic-em;a;;cS that-ai`.cCt the antire Southlakfe ccmnunity. As we continue to grow, so does the need or communication. We now have almost 1500 students. As we grow, the ze or more effective means of communication also becomes greater. nnat _^e variance 11 not ir.j _ 'N_ u_e and will be wloliy cor�pa` _b_e wi`h :e use and deyelo; menu Ci adjacent properties. the message center will replace an existing message center. ?t W111 be :Ompat?ble witht..e use and permitted development of adjacent properties. 'h-=t iie variance will Ice ir. ha:-,;,ony w-tn the spirit and pu---Z)ose of the slcn ordinance. the message cent will be attractive and in Purpose of the sign ordinance. The purpose be to i:;,p_ove co-_ unica:.ion between Carroll citi-7=ns o= SoLt : I=_k<e. A 1OA-5 harmonv with the spirit and of the message center will .:igh School and the 0 N O z H U1 H O U Q m z a glad :f'�: SWVI-1-11M HTIC 10A-7 T Q Irm N � O MXuj rn N CO Co .•. J �3 o co %two TZ90S89118 97-:7-T �56T!PT.,TT