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1991-11-17 CC Packet
CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1 ACRES ZONED CS L.U.D. - MIXED USE i N 89.56'38' E 903.19' --------- --------------- 381•.4%--------------------------- ----------------- ---- � I i -U I / I; Wes- �a C' v0 5s p FUTURE DEVELOPMENT `0 Iul I� Q,.39 , ' 0A 0 I \ � zI � I i FOOD LION 34,182 SF. 390.05 I --------------------------------N 89.58'09' W--------- Q � W W b � 0 Q � J � w n U 4, .00 / 9 e FUTURE DEVELOPMENT (REVISED CONCEPT PLAN IS REQUIRED) F.S. SCHNITZER 4.g ACRES ZONED S-P-2 L.U.D. - MIXED USE g GRAPHIC SCALE 40 o Za ( IN FEET ) I inch = 40 ft. 318.34 g Sl•10'2(0 U) 160 RETAIL 30-00, A � 11355 SF. u 0 3 W a r Q N 0 z m S LOT 3 14089 SF. PAD A MAX. 5LDG. AREA 3,000 S.F. 5 22.m� 516 01 f 5' UTIL. ESMT.--T 5' BUFFER YARD TYPE 'A' 30' FIRE LANE e RETAIL 5 5,099 SF. 6 vp2!r 3�000 -00000 _fig / "I 1 64 6 Q d) ECKERD'S 8,640 SF. 4 F w- m� 0 � 64 FOOD LION PYLON SIGN � I I P 3 � I LT �-< ? 45,515SF.(NET) i MAX BDCs L. AREA I FOOD LION 10' BUFFER YARD I PYLON SIGN TYPE 'G' -— — — — — — — — — — 1m' Um-vrY EASEI..IEN — — — — — — — — — I i i so 843'43' W i= I.22'32' 103.11' i R = 294g.19' A = 1082' T= 35.41' I� R= 2954.19' i i i L.C. = S 8-1-42'20' W Ili A = 16332 i `Ui 1082' L.G. = S 83.09'36' W n� � 183.29' RO.W. VARIES (FJ" 1. 1109) T-Z SOUTµLA 50ULE\/A'� BUPPERYARD TABLE NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST LOT - -- _ REQUIRED PROVIDED REQUIRED PROVIDED REQUIRED PROVIDED REQUIRED PROVIDED 2 TYPE 'A' 5' TYPE 'A' TYPE 'G' IO' TYPE 'G' TYPE 'A' 5' TYPE 'A' TYPE 'A' NONE 3 TYPE 'A' NONE TYPE 'A' NONE T'G' YPE YG 10' TYPE ' TYPE 'A' NONE 4 TYPE 'A' 5' TYPE 'A' TYPE 'G' 10' 1Y1'£ 'G' TYPE 'G' 10' TYPE 'G'l TYPE 'A' NONE SCHNITZER TYPE 'A' NOW TYPE 'G' NON(: TYPE 'G' NONE TYPE 'A' NONE * I I I i I • BIAF-ERYARD AS SHOM SUBJECT TO CHANGE UPON SUBMITTAL OF CONCEPT/SITE PLAN FOR THIS AREA. 0� 0� zUJ XLL W } W Q 4 � w _ ZNOR71-I Q w p .Q SITE � OW FM 1109 SOUTHLAKE BLVD. LOCATON MAP GENERAL NOTES: I. PROPOSED USE- COMMERCIAL/RETAIL 2. EXISTING LAND USE: VACANT -AGRICULTURAL OWNERS: oa[E-T=Lrza cao 4001 FAIRWAY CT. ARLINOTON, TEXAS 76013 -T mu07r°[-EF0 (0) IF =7 Gt7m � 07-FF L �g 0LJV�o9 (0)0-0- Is7r P.O. 660248 DALLAS, TEXAS 75246 DEVELOPER: G�0G�ACQ EP)MCEF)MM=0=0C09 OCr�flCo 5655 LINDERO CANYON ROAD SUITE 321 WESTLAKE VI LLAOE, CALIFORNIA 91 362 ENGINEER: ,11oI'Mo LL=CMMO= 1= EME�c0)OaFEFEFQca;9 0EM ENGINEERS —PLANNERS 726 COMMERCE STREET SUITE 10,4 SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS 76092 (81 7) 488— 331 3 W Z Q� Q 0 4� Q Q W Ou- aco�Q JOB NO. =!l rlz�Ia21 DESIGNED BY: G-FS/JAL DRAWN BY: �S III CHECKED BY: SCALE: 1 " _ .45:0)' i DRAWING: DATE: 1go>- 1-4-=-.51 REVISIONS CITY OF SOLITHLAKE 1 ACRES ZONED CS LU.D. - MIXED USE R.O.W. VARIES DIP%R1'AI® TAKE NOM EAST SOUTH VEST LOT REcmIREDREQUIIFEp PROVIDED IlE6 OMM PROVIDED WEE IIREp PROVIDED 2 TYPE 'A'TYPE 'G' 10' TYPE S'l TYPE 'A' 5' TYPE 'A' TYPE 'A' NOW J w Q w Q u O } NORTI-I W OQ SITE 3 W fL FM 1"108 SOUTHLAKE BLVD. LOCATON MAP SITE DATA SUMMARY CHART ITEM PHASE 1 PHASE II TOTAL GROSS AREA 339,,951 OF. 63,855 OF. 400,812 OF. UNDEVELOPED 13,110 OF. 0 I 13,110 OF. R.O.W. DEDICATION 1,2 4 OF. 3,450 OF. 10,144 OF. NET AREA 256,493 OF. 60,405 OF. 3160W OF. PROPOSED 5LOG. AREA 65,818 OF. 8000 OF. 13,818 OF. PERCENTAGE OF COVERAGE 25.1% ! 233% �1332% - SCHEDULE BEGIN JAN '82 N/A N/A OF COMPLETION OCT '82 N/A DEVELOPMENT N/A PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 330 N/A 330 PARKING SPACES PROVIDED 302 N/A 302 -- - - LOADING SPACES REQUIRED 2 0 2 LOADING SPACES PROVIDED 3 0 3 ---'--------------- - AREA OF OPEN SPACE — 1 13,268 S.F. N/A 13,268 S.F. PERCENTAGE OF OPEN SPACE 5.2% N/A 1 4.2% TURF 4 IRRIGATED RrO.W. 53,S 12 SF. N/A 53,S-12 SF. EXISTING ZONING 5-P-2 S-P-2 S-1=-2 GENERAL NOTES: I. PROPOSED USE: COMMERCIAL/RETAIL 2. NUMDER OF STORIES: ONE 3. MAXIMUM HEIGHT ■ 35 FEET 4. FRONT BUILDING SETBACK ■ 30' 5. REAR YARD SETBACK 10 FEET 6. SIDE YARD SETBACK ■ 15 FEET 1. BUFFER YARDS AS SHOWN. S. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: TILT -UP CONCRETE/BRICK 9. TRASH ENCLOSURES SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ORDINANCE NO. 480, SECTION 31JA-C. 10. ENTRANCES AND EXITS OF EACH TENANT TO 5E DETERMINED AT LEASING. 11. ALL PAVING TO 5E CONCRETE. 12. ALL SIGNAGE SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ORDINANCE NO. 350. 13. 5UFFERYARDB FOR LOTES 3 t 4 TO 5E CONSTRUCTED WITH PHASE II DEVELOPMENT. DEVELOPER HAS AGREED TO THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 1. OVERSIZE PLANTING IN SIFFERYARDS ON FM. 110E t WHITE CHAPEL ROAD. 2. TURF ! IRRIGATE NORTH HALF OF F.M. 110E PARKWAY. 3. PARKING AREA LIGHTING (WHITE CHAPEL) WILL 5E DIRECTED TOWARD THE DEVELOPMENT. REQUESTED VARIANCES ZONING DISTRICT S-P-2 ITEM REQUIRED REQUESTED FRONT BUILDING SETBACK (SOUTHLAKE BLVD.) 50' 30' BUFFERYARD WEST PROPERTY LINE 5' 0 PARKING SPACES 330 302 LEGEND PLANTED ISLAND PAINTED STRIPED AREAS OWNER: `0_m uMa_r FFrFa a_'y a�isR Io g �LJV�og C OO Oo IL 7 mua_' P.O. 660248 DALLAS, TEXAS 75246 DEVELOPER: S6 SS LI N DERO CANYON ROAD SUITE 321 WESTLAK E VILLAGE, CALIFORNIA 91 362 ENGINEER: m- C-CMO Zr L �UVJ (350 mEm W 'co cj7 0LI�] �o ENGINEERS —PLANNERS 726 COMMERCE STREET SUITE 104 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 (81 7) 488-3313 11-7-91 11-12-91 � i I x w I I � I - �w ,o w aI p Ni v, Um 0) JOB NO. �Cd�21 DESIGNED BY: CAS/JE-L [DRAWN BY: � i�S Ifl 1 CHECKED BY: J E=_ L_ SCALE: I" = 4;:0>' DRAWING: CS-Sf F=2 DATE: 1gO�)- 14-1 sI smi r 1 ©F 1 REVISIONS CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ► 1 11-6-91 1 FUTUIRE DEVELOPMENT �, I O uNDEIZSTo R-`( i'��S 3" CALI P�fZ Cp H I_ ICE HT 5 GrAL�H .� NC7T�' �iZ!✓5 =��� NIIMIMUMS STA'f�D I� �,vPaSr_D Cis`( I..�D�GAP� �2dII��.NGG F.S. SCHNITZER GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 40 ft 160 r LOT 2 LOT 3 10 1T i I � J lU fL 0 0 �G► 1�1Dic�."t't`b oN l-�'t' � l� _.1=t�TL.1� D>✓V � to PM �.N-t' LOT 4 o ----� _ --------------- o - -- --- -o - - o - i'o � D�?i 21•�I � f� � D a.F�,•P �LtTGa fz � ; - t-t►�N1�t�.Y �cPa►�l�►v �i j��.►� GvM fi- D SOUT14LAK oUL.EyARD (F1"1. 1709) LANDSCAPE � ARCHITECT: 726 COMMERCE STREET SUITE 107 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 (21 4) 438— 8020 { N W 0 (D 4 W r ri 4 Q U X plp 1 ljW��'t �Dw„ a 0 < 0 00 z � N 7 r D 0 a U) W Z UW z Ul Z a � W a �U Q � z 0 x zaHU O O Q z �x p �UV)0) mmod JOB NO. =590>90)21 DESIGNED BY: JAL — DRAWN BY: 1@S If! CHECKED BY: Jul_ SCALE: 1 " - DRAWING: CS—ILS—F=2 DATE: 11--4-91 11-11-91 Q W cn, � J O U IU-_ SITE FM 1109 SOUTHLAKE BLVD. 50 LOCATON MAP 10 0 N I fn W U H Q 0 JCL~Uj UO Q17a:N J 1:7 6 W X �Uj a o GRAPHIC SCALE 25 so 100 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 50 ft. The owners of all corner lots shall maintain sight triangles In accordance with the City Subdivision Ordinance. Oo V LJ L'�J L- APPROVAL DATE MAYOR SECRETARY �0)U_\�]0C�flcM APPROVAL DATE CHAIRMAN SECRETARY rg� r�� /OWNER /�jD E �V®E�}L. O��eP E R : r�� U2,0R1 oZR, 1PW®OW IMM U DLEay 0UV(0e 5655 LINDERO CANYON ROAD SUITE 321 WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CALIFORNIA 91 362 - O . E3. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT I OWNER'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND DEDICATION WHEREAS, PIMA PROPERTIES, INC., a Texas Corporation, acting by and through the undersigned, its duly authorized agent, is the sole owner of this certain tract of land situated in the L.B.G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, as described in deed recorded in Volume , Page , Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas (D.R.T.C.T.), and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin at the Northeast corner of the herein described tract in the Westerly line of White Chapel Boulevard (County Road No. 3019), said iron pin being, by deed call, 1914.20 feet South and 25.0 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Hall Survey, LOT 2 THENCE South 00 degrees 03 minutes 51 seconds West 631.77 feet along the Westerly line of said White Chapel Boulevard to an iron pin in some at its intersection with the North R.O.W. line of Southlake Boulevard (Farm to Market Highway No. 1709), said iron pin being in a curve to the left having a central angle of 01 degree 22 minutes 32 seconds, a radius of 2949.79 feet and a long chord which bears South 87 degrees 42 minutes 20 seconds West 70.82 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left an arc distance of 70.82 feet to an iron pin; THENCE South 88 degrees 43 minutes 43 seconds West 103.11 feet to an iron pin at the point of curvature of a curve to the left having a central angle of 03 degrees 33 minutes 17 seconds, a radius of 2954.79 feet and a long chord which bears South 83 degrees 09 minutes 36 seconds West 183.29 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left an arc distance of 183.32 feet to an Iron pin; LOT 3 THENCE South 80 degrees 57 minutes 38 seconds West 22.07 feet to an iron pin; THENCE South 75 degrees 55 minutes 31 seconds West 116.92 feet to an iron pin in the most Easterly V) West line of the tract conveyed to E-Systems, Inc. Pool Trust by deed recorded in Volume 7949, Page 722 (D.R.T.C.T.); Z < UJ THENCE North 02 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West 501.89 feet along said Easterly West line to an iron w M a _ pin at a re-entrant corner; w I- voo (i to I Y THENCE North 89 degrees 58 minutes 09 seconds West 390.05 feet to an iron pin for the most Westerly X Z 1 ►7 00 0 Southwest corner of the herein described tract; 8—cow 0 Z to a_oo I m 0 THENCE North 01 degrees 08 minutes 51 seconds West 188.04 feet to an iron pin for the Northwest corner 0 w Zo02 of the herein described tract; o V) of > THENCE North 89 degrees 56 minutes 38 seconds East 400 812 38 1- t 903.19 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing , squore e (9.20 acres) of land. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, PIMA PROPERTIES, INC., a Texas Corporation, acting by and through the undersigned, its duly authorized agent, does hereby adopt this plot designating the hereinabove described real property as Lots 2, 3 & 4 of the Littleberry G. Hall Survey, an addition to the city of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public's use the streets and easements shown thereon. LOT 4 Witness my hand at Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas this day o LOT 5 ZONED C2 �SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD (F.M. 1709) (R.0 ENGINEER: ZaMal—rMW0 -0-I=r,�1®0rV0MMME gr,9 0&�oCo e ENGINEERS —PLANNERS 726 COMMERCE STREET SUITE 104 SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS 78092 (81 7) 488-331 3 SURVEYOR: SEMPCO, INC. SURVEYING — MAPPING PLANNING — CONSULTANTS P.O. BOX 1 776 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76101 (OFFICE) Z5208 SOUTH MAIN STREET (817) 926-7876 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This plat has been calculated to ascertain the mathematical certainty of the lots shown hereon, based on a boundary survey by SEMPCO, INC. in , All lot corners will be set, prior to any construction on said lots, and I hereby certify that all calculations were made under my supervision and correctly reflect the proposed subdivision. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT DAVID McMAHAN, VICE PRESIDENT PIMA PROPERTIES, INC. a Texas corporation 1991. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared David McMahan, Vice -President of PIMA PROPERTIES, INC., a Texas corporation, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated and as the act and deed of said corporation. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this day of 1991. NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF TEXAS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: PLAT SHOWING LOTS 2, 3 & 4 L.B.G. HALL NO.686 ADDITION in the L.B.G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686 an addition to the city of Southlake Tarrant County, Texas Date : 3 LOTS David A. White --- -�- R.P.S. No. 1824 9.20 ACRES EXISTING ZONING S—P-2 14 OCTOBER 1991 - THIS PLAT FILED IN CABINET SLIDE# DAT 3168/ J. A. HARRELL, JR. VOL. 4525, PG.831 BURNEY P►PE 00 N +,R� 4r I v � W h I (0 V � k00 a� W (3 � a rz to 2 3 ^ I h kt � � IJ v� O v I � J APPROVED — City of Planning CHAIRMAN SECRETARY LANE N. 89° 3/ E. 389.75 15 4. 8 235.3 tl DED/ CA TED FOR R.O. W: 40� BUILD/NG L INE P p51 E FENG Lot l Lot 2 430,560 S.F. 6I1P 511 S. F. _N W tp— / 0, E A S E M E N N T. _ h � I N 2 0 Q VOL. 4993, PG. .524 Southlake S Zoning 179.9— S. 89° 49� W. I,J i ✓ACK E., 5' UTILITY ESMT. '�'I -235.3- 415.2 i i SA NDL I N VOL. 4937 PG. 747 VOL. 4908, PG. 402 APPROVED City of Southlake City Council MAYOR SECRETARY POINT OF BEGINNING )s' SCALE - I" = 501 OWNER Joe E. and Lois Kennel 1600 Burney Lane Southlake, Texas 76092 (817) 488-0753 SURVEYOR Clarence W. Hart Area Surveying, Inc. 102 West Trammell St. Fort Worth, Texas 76140 (817) 293-5684 This is to certify that I, Clarence W. Hart, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor of the State of Texas having platted the above subdivision from an actual survey made on the ground; and all lot corners, angle points and points of curve have been properly marked on the ground and this plat correctly represents that survey made by me or under ■y direct supervision. :A�ytLL Clarence W. Hart Texas Registration No. 1600 DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF TARRANT ) THAT WHEREAS, Joe E. Kennel and wife, Lois Freed& Kennel, are the owners of the following described tract of land, according to deed recorded in Volume 4251, Page 165, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; BEING a tract of land out of the John Childress Survey, Abstract No. 234, Tarrant County, Texas, and being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe fence post in the East line of said John Childress Survey, said point being North 00 degrees 26 minutes East 423.3 feet from the Southeast corner of said John Childress Survey; THENCE South 89 degrees 49 minutes West 415.2 feet to an iron pipe found for corner; THENCE North 05 degrees 56 minutes East 265.43 feet to an iron pipe found in the South line of Burney Lane; THENCE North 89 degrees 31 mginutes East 389.75 feet along the South line of Burney Lane to a fence post for corner in the East line of said John Childress Survey; THENCE South 00 degrees 26 minute West 266.0 feet along the East line of said John Childress Survey to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 2.44 acres of land. NOW THEREFORE, Know all men by these presents; That Joe E. Kennel and wife, Lois Freeda Kennel, do hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described tract of land to be known as Lots 1 and 2, John Childress No. 254 Addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and do hereby dedicate to the public the streets and easements shown hereon. Witness our hands this the day of 1991. Joe E. Kennel Lois Freeda Kennel STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF TARRANT ) Before me, the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared Joe E. Kennel and Lois Freeda Kennel, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. Witness my hand this the day of Notary Public 1991. PLAT SHOWING LOT / AND 2, ✓OHN CHI L DR ESS No.254 ADDITION Being 2.44 Acres of Land in the John Childress Survey, Abstract No. 234, Tarrant County, Texas. To The City Of Southlake Tarrant County, Texas. PREPARED 10111191 AMENDED II/II/91 PLAT FILED /N CABINET SLIDE DATE AREA SURVEYING, INC. Registered Professional Land Surveyors 102 W. Trammell St. • Fort Worth, Texas 76140 a (817) 293-5684