1991-12-17 CC Packet City of Southlake,Texas CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: DECEMBER 17, 1991 LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas City Council Chambers of City Hall WORK SESSION: 6 : 30 P.M. 1 . Discussion of all items on tonight' s Regular Council Meeting Agenda. REGULAR SESSION: 7 : 00 P.M. 1 . A. Call to order. Invocation. B. Executive Session j Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Article 6252-17 V.T.C.S. , Section 2 (e) 2( f) 2 (g) 2 ( j ) . Refer to posted list attached hereto and incorporated herein. C. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in Executive Session. 2 . Approval of the Minutes of the December 3, 1991, Regular City Council Meeting. (4.0. 3 . Mayor' s Report. 4 . City Manager' s Report. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Council member or citizen so request, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business, and considered in its normal sequence. 5 . Consider:A. Resolution No. 91-49 , abandonment of easement for Thomas Residence in Continental Park Estates . B. Agreement with North Richland Hills for mobile dispatch terminals . C. Authority to execute Tower/Ground Lease Agreement between City of Southlake and Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems . D. Resolution No. 91-51, Authority to Purchase through the State Purchasing and General Services Commission. C City of Southlake,Texas L City Council Meeting Agenda December 17, 1991 page two REGULAR AGENDA 6 . A. Public Appearance: Presentation by Bob Dowdy, chairman of the Community Road Improvements Task Force. B. Public Forum. 7 . Consider: Ordinances, second reading and related items . A. Ordinance No. 480-61, 2nd reading. (ZA 91-66) . A zoning change request and concept plan approval for 7 .5 acres out of the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, more commonly known as portions of Lot 1, Miron Addition and Lot 2B, Gorbett Addition. Current zoning is "C-2" , Commercial-2, with a request for "B-1" Business Service Park. Owner/Applicant: Robert Miron dba Miron Properties, Inc. Public Hearing. B. Ordinance No. 555, 2nd reading. Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc . Rate Change. Public Hearing. Le C. Ordinance No. 554, 2nd reading. Creating Police Reserve, Fire Reserve, and Auxiliary Service. Public Hearing. D. Appointments to Fire Reserves . E. Ordinance No. 544, 2nd reading. Landscape. ICPublic Hearing. F. Ordinance No. 536, 2nd reading. Weeds . Public Hearing. 8 . Consider: Ordinance, 1st reading, and related items . A. Ordinance No. 480-62, 1st reading. (ZA 91-67) , A zoning change request and concept plan approval for 5 .43 acres of land out of the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, more commonly known as portions of Lot 1, Miron Addition and Lot 2B, Gorbett Addition. Current zoning is "C-2" Commercial-2 and the request is for "B-2" Commercial Manufacturing District. Owner/Applicant: Robert Miron dba Miron Properties, Inc . B. Ordinance No. 480-63, 1st reading. (ZA 91-71) . A zoning change request for a 1 . 8465 acre tract of land out of the William Winn Survey, Abstract No. 1660, Tract 1D. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural with a requested zoning of "SF-lA" , Single Family-1A. Owner/Applicant: Thomas J. and Susan Joy Holbein. I City of Southlake,Texas L City Council Meeting Agenda December 17, 1991 page three C. Ordinance No. 556, 1st reading, amending Ordinance No. 447, in regard to Master Plan/Land Use Plan. 9 . Consider: Resolutions . A. Resolution No. 91-50, appointments to the Park and Recreation Board. 10 . Other Items for Consideration. A. Thoroughfare Plan. B. Park Master Plan. C. Southlake Joint Venture Agreement for Drainage Facilities . D. S-2 Sewer Line Agreement. E. Contract with Cheatham and Associates for S-2 engineering. 11 . Other Items for Discussion (no items for this agenda) . E., 12 . Meeting Adjourned. C I I I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official II bulletin boards at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, December 13, 1991, at 5 :00 p.m. , pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Article 6252-17 V.T.C.S. IA tostummos,,, ' andra L. LeGrand ,� SO F',� City Secretary •P•c �: 4,, ,,, _ ,. `C=- \ [60 1 v% O fft11 MOO N I C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 17, 1991 7 : 00 p.m. MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Rick Wilhelm; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Sally Hall . Members : Barry Emerson, Mike O'Brien, W. Ralph Evans . COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Jerry Farrier. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works; LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance; Greg Last, City Planner; Chris Terry, Assistant to the City Manager; Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer; Wayne K. Olson, City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. INVOCATION: Councilmember W. Ralph Evans . The Work Session was called to order at 6 : 30 p.m. to discuss the agenda items for tonight ' s meeting. Mayor Gary Fickes called the meeting to order at 7 : 00 p.m. limpe Agenda Item #1-B, Executive Session Mayor Fickes hereby advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant to Sections 2 (e) 2 ( f) 2(g) 2 ( j ) of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our City Attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials and regarding the deployment of specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices . Council went into executive session at 7 : 05 p.m. Council returned to Open Session at 7 :40 p.m. Agenda Item #1-C, Action necessary/Executive Session No action was taken during the executive session in regard to pending or contemplated litigation, purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, or appointment and evaluation of public officials, or deployment or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices . C LCity Council Meeting Minutes C December 17, 1991 page two Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes/December 3, 1991 The Minutes of the December 3, 1991 City Council meeting, were approved as modified during Work Session. Motion: Emerson Second: Hall Ayes : Emerson, Hall, Wilhelm, O'Brien, Fickes Nays : None Abstention: Evans Approved: 5-0-1 1 vote fAgenda Item #3, Mayor' s Report Mayor Gary Fickes congratulated the Southlake Carroll Dragons on a Cgood season. Mayor Fickes reported on a meeting which was held last evening in regard to the Corridor Study which Southlake commissioned through IE the University of Texas Arlington, Institute of Urban Study. The Mayor stated, good presentation was made, and the City Staff will make that same presentation during the second meeting in January. L.. The project was funded jointly by the City, McGuire Thomas/IBM, and Mobil Land Development. I Councilmember Barry Emerson stated he spoke with Cathy Livengood with the Women' s Division of the Grapevine Chamber of Commerce in regard to the "Adopt a Child Program" . There are still about thirty-five children (35) who need to be adopted. Basically it involves buying a Christmas gift for that child. Anyone interested should contact Ms . Livengood at Ebby Holiday Real Estate. Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm read from the proclamation signed by Mayor Fickes in regard to the "Holidays Ahead Campaign" , encouraging safe driving during the holiday season. Councilmember Sally Hall reported on progress being made by Planned Cable Company, stating they are in the process of cabling the old and new high schools, also that they have applied for a grant which would put cable in the classrooms of the Carroll Independent School District. Mrs . Hall also commented on an article which appeared in the Grapevine Sun recently on Southlake Teen Court, stating the article in incorrect, adding Megan Hartman has been designated as the person on the advisory committee responsible for press releases from the group. Hall commented the four (4) young adults on the board, noting they are doing an excellent job. I: L City Council Meeting Minutes December 17, 1991 page three Agenda Item #4, City Manager's Report The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, asked Council to consider available dates where a Joint meeting of the Council and the School Board can meet in future joint efforts for the City. Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda The Consent agenda for this meeting consisted of the following items : A. Resolution No. 91-49, abandonment of easement for Thomas residence in Continental Park Estates . B. Agreement with North Richland Hills for mobile dispatch terminals . C. Authority to execute Tower/Ground Lease Agreement between the City of Southlake and Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems . D. Resolution No. 91-51, Authority to purchase through the State Purchasing and General Services Commission. air Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm asked that item 5-C be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda consisting of items, A,B, and D, as presented. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Emerson Ayes : Wilhelm, Emerson, Hall, O'Brien, Evans, Fickes Nays : None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #5-C, Tower/Ground Lease Agreement with SW Bell Mobile The City Manager, Curtis Hawk explained that Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems has approached the City concerning a possible lease of space from the Florence Road water tower. The request was originally for a twenty (20) year lease, but was shortened to ten ( 10) years, in two five (5) year periods . The agreements now provide termination, upon a one year prior written notice, after five (5) years . Southwestern Bell Mobile System feels it needs at least this time, to make it worthwhile. Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm stated he would like to see a "nonexclusive type use" . He expressed concerns about the terms of the lease; if the City needs to tear down or move the tower, the City should have that option. It was noted Southwestern Bell would have a key to the locked tower site. He would also like to see the City be able to terminate the lease after five (5) years with one ( 1) year I C City Council Meeting Minutes December 17, 1991 page four Agenda Item #5-C, Continued notice, notwithstanding the fact that the lessee may or may not be at fault. The lessee has the right to remove their building including the slab. Billy Pettigo with Southwestern Bell Mobile System was present for the meeting indicating he has no problem with the items noted. Motion was made to approve the Tower/Ground Lease Agreement between the City of Southlake and Southwestern Bell Mobile System with the changes as suggested above. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Evans Ayes : Wilhelm, Evans, O'Brien, Hall, Emerson, Fickes Nays : None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #6, Public Forum No discussion was held during the public forum. The presentation for the Community Road Improvements Task Force will be heard at a later date. Councilmember Barry Emerson stepped down for agenda item 7-A, as having a vested interest. Agenda Item #7-A, Ordinance No. 480-61, 2nd reading (ZA 91-66) . Ordinance No. 480-61, 2nd reading, a zoning change request and concept plan approval for 7 .5 acres out of the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, more commonly known as portions of Lot 1, Miron Addition and Lot 2B, Gorbett Addition. The current zoning is "C-2" Commercial-2, with a request for "B-1" Business Service Park. A presentation was made by Greg Last, City Planner, who noted ten ( 10) notices were sent to persons within one hundred feet, with one response being received from Daryl McNutt, 212 Westwood, who opposes the request. On November 21, 1991, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the request with a 7-0 vote, contingent upon the concept plan and the summary review letter dated November 15, 1991 . On December 3, 1991, the City Council approved the first reading of the ordinance, contingent upon the review letter dated November 27, 1991 . John Levitt, Levitt Engineers, was present for the meeting, representing Bob Miron dba Miron Properties, Inc. I C City Council Meeting Minutes December 17, 1991 page five Agenda Item #7-A, Continued Public Hearing: John Nappier, Dallas, Texas . Mr. Nappier stated he has property to the west of the tract being considered for rezoning. He expressed two concerns : 1) He does not want to view the metal buildings, and, 2) He is concerned with the concept plan showing a thoroughfare through the property. Mayor Fickes noted "B-1" zoning is the most restricted use and he doesn't not think they could build a metal building in that zoning district. John Levitt noted if the property is ever developed, the road would be determined at that time. He does not think they are down zoning the property. They are trying to get something going on the property at the request of the lender. Public Hearing closed. Mayor Fickes replied to the concerns in regard to metal buildings . Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-61, with the suggestion to cul-de-sac the road, including the concept plan. Motion: O'Brien Second: Wilhelm Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes : O'Brien, Wilhelm, Hall, Evans, Fickes Nays : None Approved: 5-0 vote Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm noted that "B-1" zoning should be masonry requirement, if the Zoning Administrator determines that it is not, the action should be brought back before the City Council for reconsideration. Councilmember Barry Emerson returned to Council table. Mayor Fickes stepped down from Item #7-B Agenda Item #7-B, Ordinance No. 555, 2nd reading. Tri-County Electric Rate Increase Request Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm stated during the last City Council meeting, [0. the City Council understood City of Keller had approved the rate increase, and this is not the case. Keller voted to table the action. L. Mr. Ed Kelly with Tri-County Electric was present to answer questions . I C City Council Meeting Minutes December 17, 1991 page six Agenda Item #7-B, Continued The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Councilmember Mike O'Brien expressed concern with approving the rate increase, indicating they have not shown him the increase is needed. Motion was made to postpone action for ninety (90) days and do a study. Motion: O'Brien Second: Hall Ayes : O' Brien, Hall, Evans Nays : Wilhelm, Emerson Approved: 4-2 vote Agenda Item #7-C, Ordinance No 554, 2nd reading, Creating Police Reserve, Fire Reserve, and Auxiliary Service Ordinance No. 554, Creating Police Reserve, Fire Reserve, and Auxiliary Service, was discussed. The City Manager, Curtis Hawk reviewed the changes made as the result of the first reading. ime Public Hearing: Chris Moore, 675 Cherry Lane, Southlake. Mr. Moore stated he has two problems with the ordinance. It removes the Southlake Volunteer Fire Department and creates Fire Reserves . He expressed he does not know why Council has to form a new branch. He stated he has submitted two other applications, has a state certification, and asked why isn't this good enough? The Volunteers want the organization to remain the Southlake Volunteer Fire Department, with all original members being reinstated. David Windrow, 1042 Summerplace Lane, Southlake. Mr. Windrow feels there is a great lack of information on both parties . We are all interested in providing fire service. He feels the City will loose some good people, people who have made commitments to the City. Mayor Fickes noted two separate meeting he attended with volunteers, in a effort to come to some conclusions . Rexene Allen, 1613 Mockingbird Lane, Southlake. Mrs . Allen stated they are strongly requesting to keep the name, "Southlake Volunteer Fire Department" . In Section 13 of the Ordinance, they have a problem with the Department of public Safety being the authority, [me' but not requiring them to be residences . I C City Council Meeting Minutes December 17, 1991 page seven Agenda Item #7-C, Continued Richard Allen- passed. Chris Moore, 675 Cherry Lane, Southlake. Mr. Moore apologized to Mayor Fickes for not showing up for the meeting held last Sunday night. Councilmember Barry Emerson stated he will not listen to a debate tonight on this issue, after the public hearing has been closed. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 554, 2nd reading, including, "all reserves will be under the personnel reimbursement policy now in effect. " Motion: Emerson Second: Wilhelm Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes : Emerson, Wilhelm, O'Brien, Hall, Evans, Fickes Nays : None Approved: 6-0 vote L., Agenda Item #7-D, Appointment to Fire Reserves In association with Ordinance No. 554, the City Manager, Curtis Hawk, asked for Council approval of the recommended Fire Reserve, including: Gary Traver; Jerald Don Kovar; David Windrow; Tony Gutierrez; Ryan Paul Lorimer; Daniel C. Barnes; Michael Fruci; Patric Root; Justin Robinson; David Barnes; Thomas K. Schneider; and Scott Pruitt. Richard Allen, 1613 Mockingbird Lane, Southlake. Mr. Allen stated several people were not in town and not able to complete applications and get them in on time. Director of Public Safety, Billy Campbell, explained the procedures for requesting applications, stating the memorandum was posted nine (9 ) days ago on the Fire Services Bulletin Board, with a copy of the ordinance. He noted, applications approved tonight are subject to a drug test; driving records check; etc. Motion was made to approve the appointment of: Gary Traver; Jerald Don Kovar; David Windrow; Tony Gutierrez; Ryan Paul Lorimer; Daniel C. Barnes; Michael Fruci; Patric Root; Justin Robinson; David Barnes; Thomas K. Schneider; and, Scott Pruitt, subject to proper testing as noted above. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Emerson Ayes : Wilhelm, Emerson, Hall, O'Brien, Evans, Fickes Nays : None Approved: 6-0 vote I C City Council Meeting Minutes December 17, 1991 page eight Agenda Item #7-E, Ordinance No. 544, 2nd reading. Landscape Ordinance No. 544, 2nd reading reading, in regard to the Landscape Ordinance, was not discussed tonight. Motion was made to table action on Ordinance No. 544, until the January 7, 1992, City Council meeting. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Evans Ayes : Wilhelm, Evans, O'Brien, Hall, Emerson, Fickes Nays : None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-F, Ordinance No. 536, 2nd reading. Weeds Ordinance No. 536, 2nd reading, in regard to a Weed ordinance was discussed. The City Manager explained the changes made as the result of the 1st reading, including right-of-way and how to deal with it. Public Hearing: ime Conner Lam, 1280 Post Oak Trail, Southlake. Mr. Lam suggested this ordinance be tabled and put in the next newsletter as a notice to all citizens that they must clear off all their "nature and brush" . He referenced selective enforcement. Mr. Lam stated he feels mowing is a duty the city needs to retain. He does not feel the general citizens would feel it is a threat to public health, safety, and welfare. A lot of people in the city like it just the way it is . Councilmember Sally Hall commented that it is a City responsibility to mow in the right-of-way on Peytonville Avenue, Dove Road, Shady Oaks Drive, etc. She suggested the City budget funds to contract out mowing of the right-of-ways . Mr. Lam added, he feels we do not want to be Plano or Richardson, adding, "there is a price to be paid for this semi-rural community, while the city is trying to grow" . Mayor Fickes stated we have a weed problem in a lot of our areas . The City Council is not in a hurry to get this passed. Charlie Broadaway, 600 Bentwood, Southlake. Mr. Broadaway stated the ordinance is an invasion of privacy. He recommends the mowing requirement be removed from the ordinance. C City Council Meeting Minutes (1ww. December 17, 1991 page nine Agenda Item # 7-F, Continued Motion was made to table Ordinance No. 536, time certain January 21, 1991 City Council Meeting. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Evans Ayes : Wilhelm, Evans, O'Brien, Hall, Emerson, Fickes Nays : None Approved: 6-0 vote (to table) Agenda Item #8-A, Ordinance No. 480-62, 1st reading ZA 91-67 Ordinance No. 480-62, 1st reading, a zoning change requested by Robert Miron dba Miron Properties, Inc. This item was withdrawn at the request of the applicant. No action was taken. Agenda Item #8-B, Ordinance No. 480-63, 1st reading, (ZA 91-71) Ordinance No. 480-63, 1st reading (ZA 91-71) , a zoning change request for a 1 . 8465 acre tract of land out of the William Winn Survey, Abstract No. 1660, Tract 1D. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural with a requested zoning of "SF-lA" , Single Family-1A. Owner/applicant is Thomas J. and Susan Joy Holbein. Greg Last, City Planner, presented Ordinance No. 480-63, stating thirteen ( 13) notices were sent to property owners within 200 ' and no written responses have been received. The City received two telephone inquiries . On December 5, 1991, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request by a 5-0 vote. No comments were received during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-63, 1st reading for a zoning change to Single Family SF-lA Zoning District. Motion: Emerson Second: Hall Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes : Emerson, Hall, O'Brien, Wilhelm, Evans Nays : none Approved: 5-0 vote Mayor Fickes was out of the room and did not vote on Item #8-B. City Council Meeting Minutes December 17 , 1991 page ten Agenda Item #8-C, Ordinance No. 556, 1st reading, Amending Ord. 447 in regard to Master Plan/Land Use Plan. The City Manager, Curtis Hawk introduced this ordinance, explaining that the verbiage on the Master Plan/Land Use Plan displayed on the wall in the Council Chambers, and Ordinane No. 447, necessitate the Thoroughfare Plan be adopted by ordinance. The proposed amendment will allow City Council to approve the various components of planning by minute order. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 556, 1st reading, amending Ordinance No. 447 in regard to the Master Plan/Land Use Plan. Motion: Emerson Second: Hall Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes : Emerson, O'Brien, Hall, Evans, Wilhelm Nays : None Approved: 5-0 vote Mayor Fickes was out of the room and did not vote for Lime Item #8-C. Agenda Item #9-A, Resolution No. 91-50, appointments to Park and Recreation Board Resolution No. 91-50, was approved, naming Anne Barnes to another term on the Park and Recreation Board, and adding Mike Thompson as a member. The other opening will be filled at a later date. The City Secretary was instructed to advertise for applications to that position. Motion: Hall Second: O'Brien Ayes : Hall, O'Brien, Wilhelm, Emerson, Evans, Fickes Nays : None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #10-A, Consideration of Thoroughfare Plan City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham presented the Thoroughfare Plan for consideration. A discussion was held in regard to Alternate Route 'A' and Alternate Route 'B' , as shown on the map attached to the minutes of the meeting. Bubba Ragan, 1512 Rainbow, Southlake. Mr. Ragan was present for the meeting and is a land owner from the area described in Alternate Route A and B. Mr. Ragan stated they have more to loose than anyone with this new alignment, not only their business, but 11: the family home site. I I Le City Council Meeting Minutes December 17, 1991 page eleven Agenda Item #10-A, Continued Susan Evans, President, Timarron Land Development. Ms . Evans stated she agrees with Council discussion, in that the shift over of Alternate B is an appropriate design for this road. She felt it is the maximum use of the existing right of way. This will have less impact on the individual land owners, and it shares the responsibility. There is a portion that will cross over on their property south of Continental Blvd. as you connect into Brumlow. Mike Barnes stated we will proceed with changing Ordinance No. 417, to coincide with the changes being made on the Thoroughfare Plan. Motion was made to approve the Thoroughfare Plan as presented, with the elimination of Alternate Route A, shifting Alternate Route B, to line up with Carlisle Road. II Motion: Wilhelm Second: Hall Ayes : Wilhelm, Hall, O'Brien, Emerson, Evans, Fickes Nays : None Approved: 6-0 vote. Agenda Item #10-B, Consideration- Park Master Plan E., City Planner, Greg Last, presented the Park Master Plan to the City Council, stating there have been no significant changes to the Park Master Plan. Janet Murphy, Chairman, Park and Recreation Board, was present to answer questions for Council . Mayor Fickes expressed that Council should be very careful that this study does not imply that Council is ready to spend 24 million dollars at this time. Councilmember Emerson stated we are very fortunate to have so much Corp property in our City that we can work with. Mr. Last added, they have talked with the Corp about first rights issue with the Corp property. Last stated he feels fairly sure that they will Ihonor this . Greg Last was asked to look into Camp Burnett property. Mayor Fickes commended Janet Murphy for all her hard work on the Park Master Plan. Motion was made to approve the Park Master Plan, including the recommendation made by the Planning and Zoning Commission on November 21, 1991, items 1-3 . r Motion: Hall Second: Wilhelm Ayes : Hall, Wilhelm, O'Brien, Emerson, Evans, Fickes ''Is Nays : None Approved: 6-0 vote I IL Le City Council Meeting Minutes December 17, 1991 page twelve Agenda Item #10-C, Southlake Joint Venture Agreement for Drainage Facilities . Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works, explained the agreement stating the City is requesting the Highway Department to include a multiple box culvert in their construction plans of F.M. 1709 and E to vacate and deed back to Southlake joint Venture that portion of the drainage easement which is not needed for the location of the box culvert. Southlake Joint Venture has paid for the design of the plans and is committing to pay for the box culvert at an C estimated cost of $115,000, when Chevron purchases the tract at the southeast corner of F.M. 1709 and F.M. 1938 . If Chevron does not purchase the property by May 1, 1992, Southlake joint Venture will C pay the $115, 000 cost of the box culvert or the City will have to request the Highway Department to remove the box culvert from their construction plans . If this agreement is approved, Mr. Barnes indicated he would write a letter to the State Highway Department and asked them to include the box culvert in their contract. Motion was made to approve the agreement with Southake Joint Venture concerning the box culvert. Le Motion: Wilhelm Second: Emerson Ayes : Wilhelm, Emerson, O'Brien, Hall, Evans, Fickes Nays : None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #10-D and #10-E, S-2 Sewer Line Agreement/Engineering Contract with Cheatham & Associates Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works, noted that the details of I: the pro rate share of the S-2 Sewer Line Agreement and the Contract with Cheatham and Associates for S-2 engineering have not been completed. He asked that Council not take action of these items . The items will be presented on January 21, 1992 for consideration. I: Agenda Item #12, Adjournment I: The meeting was adjourned. Motion: Hall Second: Wilhelm I: Ayes : Hall, Wilhelm, O'Brien, Emerson, Evans, Fickes Nays : None Approved: 6-0 vote dommaryp 0D�SNL014% 1: � F n , g`gip % s or Gar Fi kes r :A T 4-4/ :.a$ / I .:ndra L. LeGra33d,'• ity...SecOtary . . C . . L i ir t ,.k. 1 . CiT) it 6 ,T, , Li, , 0, _743 1,r fIii• S' 43 r 7- -- tti- m a. i 7._ ( ) A 3- __ r- ?"-- z__ 'NI 1‘,, \s,f ) IN el V . , . r- i ____ .s.L. .s;,-- z, = _c , 5....) N , ) i:,-- 1 3 I c' i a \ k) c : c � �" �\ L 7C D C . �' Z W , — t v o Z I r 3 r rr I Z c. -...) --) ,_ _,,( n . bi V ,% , ' m0 se: > vs = I v, _ .. E, THE STATE OF TEXAS * _ * COUNTY OF RAN I * II I, cz.,Z Em►e�'J as a member of the �, make this affidavit and hereby on oath state the following: I, and/or a person or persons related to me, have a substantial interest in a business entity that would be peculiarly affected by a vote or decision of the # as those terms are defined in Chap er 171, Texas Local Government Code. The business entity is ' / tc,r,t, c /►/{A4-;4iJq,(_ CeggJ k 3 o c 6 . kik.w41 1 14 Svc' 4t' , C (name and address) I have a substantial interest in this business entity for the following reasons: (Check all which are applicable) Ownership of 10% or more of the voting stock or shares of the business entity. Ownership of 10% or more or $5,000 or more of the fair market value of the business entity. Funds received from the business entity exceed 10% of gross income for the previous year. ilimwe Real property is involved and have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair market value of at least $2,500 . I A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the business entity or property that would be affected by a decision of the public body of which I am a member. Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this business entity and from any further part' ' ation on this matter whatsoever.Signed this ( 7 day of _ , 19cri . B //v/..0.) -3;„011(.4,4sE ; s -714i Gc..7, ►2 .Ef - AM C igatuaofofficial -ipz, i ci ANJ , 644t) d F-Fi c6E 64c; L t r R64-ct 2— Title I I , BEF RE ME, a undersigned authority, this day personally appeared � and on oath stated that the L, facts reinabove stated are true to the best of 7)11 knowledge or belief. • Sworn �t�o� / �and subscribed to before me on this / 7 day of I�CX��1'Yl 4l!AJ , 19 7 ) • • /49:7;1\ R r ( A..` � d,=.,t,;,�; u,<tic otary PubPdkili) in aor E 1 '` ` 0,1 STA'E °F T '.AS the State of Texas (' My Commission Expires: 1 Le -rand j ,i Type Print rint Notary' s`Name C9N/ i q3 L C I C _ • E • C C Chre MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORTS NOVEMBER 1991 ZONING 4A PARKS & RECREATION 4B STREET 4C WATER/WASTERWATER 4D BUILDING 4E Le. PUBLIC SAFETY 4F MUNICIPAL COURT 4G FINANCE 4H c C I I City of Southlake,Texas I I. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT II FEE REVENUE REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING 30 NOVEMBER 1991 II ZONING $ 00 1 .00 NO. OF CASES (1) IPLATTING .00 NO. OF CASES ISITE PLANS .00 NO. OF CASES I SPECIFIC USE PERMITS . 00 NO. OF CASES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 150.00 ife' NO. OF CASE (3) I MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 134 .00 NO. OF RECEIPTS ( 10) C I TOTAL REVENUE $ 384 .00 TOTAL NO. OF RECEIPTS ( 14) , I I 4a-1 Le I I III J • C.... Q C..) CC N) Q _ WLi 00 000 CD CD CD O O O J ►-+ CD CD C1 LC) LC1 •M M �,- M to O w D: Q )P.- F- 00 000 O F-O 00 O Li) ILO LC) r4 Q O .-4 J F- III 111 CI: W W O O O O O O O O O O O O 111 1--• 01 LC) LC) C) M S O M LC) O F-F- III r-1 W O ..1011 Y 0-4 e-• iL- ll J Q CI: CT ! F- CC a.--� CD U W M O O O O O O O W D: Q_' 00 000 O to a= W F- • • CO t!) O O III <L O J Q r+ r+ O 4 Z 0 J - CI)O Z • Y f U (0: Cl.III 2 CE- 0CD CD CD CD CD O O O O s L/) LC) LC) ►••- N CV CF- III Z .-4 N el CD '--4 F- OOO d J J .J 1: H J W W W 1111100" Cl: W (/)Q Li LL. L.L_ F— , ,I."' J J J Z C3Z JJJ W W W Q Q Q U Or'd' CC O] CC CI) 1[ Zvi = C9 ►-4 1.....4 U J City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 13, 1991 C TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Street Department Monthly Report - November, 1991. The enclosed report details the Street Department activities for the month of November, 1991. This report is to be included in the City Council packets for their December 17, 1991 meeting. MHB/ck 1 ye-/ L C C I I City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 13, 1991 I TO: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works FROM: Ron Morain, Streets Supervisor SUBJECT: Monthly Report for Street Department November, 1991. The Street Department continued pothole patching per schedule during the month using 70 tons of U.P.M. type asphalt. Ditches were cleaned to improve drainage on South Peytonville. We hauled approximately 500 tons of dirt from the ditches to the new High School site. Street signs were maintained using 16 posts, 4 speed Low' limit signs, 2 stop signs, 8 no parking signs, 9 sign blades and related hardware. Application of block numbers to the street sign blades continued during the month. The remodeling of the field operations office and breakroom was completed during the month. The floor was raised 2 inches using concrete and tile was laid over this concrete. Interior walls were refinished, the ceiling was replaced and the exterior wall was replaced to include asphalt paper, flashing and 111 caulking to preclude water damage to the interior. Routine maintenance was performed as required on all vehicles and equipment as required during the month. The Street Department wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. be k I City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 13, 1991 C TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Water Department Monthly Report - November, 1991. I The enclosed report details the Water Department activities for the month of November, 1991. This report is to be included in the City Council packets for their December 17, 1991 meeting. C MHB/ck ' I C I City of South lake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 13 , 1991 TO: Michael H. Barnes, Public Works Director FROM: Ernest Bramlett, Water and Wastewater Supervisor SUBJECT: Monthly Report for Water Department November, 1991 . The Water Department took daily meter readings on water received from the city, tested water quality as required by state law, and flushed dead end lines during the month. The City water crew repaired 4 fire hydrants, made 3 water taps, 5 main breaks, took water samples for Stone Lakes, set piping and meter vault at the New High School and completed 12 miscellaneous work orders for this month. Routine maintenance was performed on all vehicles and equipment during the month. EB/cbk ti:r I I I V-7 7 I UTILITY DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH November 1991 (1Ww GALLONS PUMPED THIS MONTH FROM WELLS 0 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH 25,337,000 TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 25,337,700 NEW WATER TAPS INSTALLED 28 VALVE AND FIRE HYDRANTS REPAIR 4 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED 0 METER CHANGE OUTS 29 ADDRESSES: 900 Mission/1911 E. Highland/ 555 ENW Pkwy./ 1023 Summerplace/ 901 Mission/ 903 Mission/ 904 Mission/ 1016 Alamo/ 1017 Alamo/ 2403 Carroll 1633 Mockingbird/1611 Mockingbird/395 S. Kimball NEW DEPOSITS 37 LOCKED METERS PER CUSTOMER REQUEST 8 LOCKED METERS PER DELINQUENT PAYMENT 6 PULLED METERS PER CUSTOMER REQUEST 0 PULLED METERS PER DELINQUENT PAYMENT 4 Lrie PROCESSED WORK ORDERS 133 LEAKS: WATER MAIN BREAK REPAIRS 5 1300, 2800, 1600 W. Southlake Blvd. , 3100 E. Southlake Blvd. , 400 E. Continental Blvd. FLUSHED DEAD END WATER LINES Ravenaux Ct. /Lilac Lane/Primrose 4 Lane/ Primrose Lane/Sleepy Hollow/ Forest Vista Hillside Ct./ Love Henry Ct. /Estella Way/ SEWER LINE REPAIRS 0 C c 4'./A1A.1.-- DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 16-3 tI ONTHLY REPORT SEND REPORT TO: TES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF WATER HYGIENE WATER WORKS OPERATION FOR 1100 WEST 49th STREET ROUND WATER SUPPLIES AUSTIN.TEXAS 78756-3192 Fame of System CITY OF SOUL[-ILAKE County TARRANT 1a) Water System LD. No. 2200075 Monthof November ' 19 91 Day Pumpage to Distribution System in Thousand Gals. (6) (7) (g) (9) of (2)Direct (3)From Gad. (4)Purchased (5) Total Disinfection Corrosion Other fluoride I Month from Wells Storage from Others Purnpage Control Treatment Residuals 1 0 570.0 570.0 2 0 726.0 726.0 , • , 3 0 933.0 933.0 , 4 0 873.0 873.0 5 0 942.0 942.0 6I 7 0 711.0 , 711 .0 , 0 924.0 924_0 8 0 761.0 . 761.0 I9 0 - 869.0 869.0 10 0 1,330.0 1,330.0 11 0 1,330.0 1,330.0 II 12 0 1,127.0 1.127.0 , 13 0 669.0 669.0 , 14 0 804.0 804.0 15 0 739.0 739.0 16 0 715.0 . 715.0 , _ 17 0 803.0 803.0 , Liis 0 752.0 7S2.0 19 0 612.0 612.0 _ 20 n 725.0 77 5.0_ SAMPLES l EGATTVF 21 0 _ 804.0 804.0 , I22 p 804.0 804.0 , 23 0 804.0 804.0 24 0 807.0 - 807.0 , , 25 0 950.0 95n_n , , 26 0 849.0 849.0 27 0 1.026.0 , 1,026.0 . 28 0 792.0 , 792A: 29 0 792.0 792.0 1 30 0 794.0 794.0 _ I 31 Total 0 25,337.0 25,337.0 Avg. , 844.57 844.57 IMex. 1,330.0 , 1.330.0 Min. 570.0 570.0 • il No.of Active Water Services(10) 2,417 Chemical Analysis(11) 11-83 ug Dates and Results of Distribution Bacteriological Analyses(12) 8-SAMPLES NEGATIVE . Dates and Results of Raw Unchlorinated Well Water Samples(13) NONE ts.„Reservoirs or Tanks Cleaned(14) 8-87 Dead Ends flushed(15) RAVENAUX CT./LILAC - PRIMROSE LN./ General Remarks(16) SLEEPY I IOLLOWJFOREST _ VIST3 c Submitted By(17)`4,. v f �n--._ Certificate No.(18) 450-31-2396 FORM.NO-li3 All reports due by the 15th of the following month. 5/88 II . L. O Z 11.14 7.1 U re/ tOd' eMOOlO10 NNlod' O M0� MMNO V O E N Q1 M t0 Io d' N M m cnw � 1 O,_, a I ,_,W .-I >4 U I r U) •'"I VI--It00 00 ODItld� •-IQ d' N .-1t000M 0 W Cl) 1-1 C i M .-I t0 N V t0 N .-I ellH I \ o 0 O W a, Cl) W Ear 'ONlod' DDNd' 001Nt00 d' •-I OVM .-4 ' ' >1 AH CNN N Lo MNO -1 min Nm 1-1 N O E r1 .••1 al I aHal 1g � UO1"'a a -4 NflW Eve% rnDDtOM ' ' MM tON010d' el ,-I U 0MON d' il y1 Q ."1 CNN N COMMN � NV N CO .-I Ch I-I li 11 o zz , � - °'' za E' < o Hw° wo N I W E 01 r4 N N N O M O N N N N O d' N O NN wa "�L"ial p' Fad' O'"1 NOd' ot0 ') N --I0 ON N -400 .-4 01 ,�i E .--I M d' .--1 �' .-1 .-i r-1 I p F•iy i Q1 0 ' 0 -Id' oMod'N M � � oo N `" C It) 0ON x z tc II 1-1 C � a A EM3 .0 a a wo >1z < oo El U 0 Cl)0 rff ) N430 .-1 .'10a° 4 -I o Ora b Z NH •• .-4 l0 u 10 0 o MO 0 Hot ,--1 0 �, 0 c7 0+ W w Y1 -•1 H 01 o 01 H w 4i I-+ •.-1 H w Cl) ZCOW004JC MH = H4J4J000 a ME4 aE h H .I.I U i4 W Ion O WH < - .i Wa •• oa as Cl) w1-+ AAm .-+ U d o 'O 6 U +J dr1 • 'l7W a m0 > W y 1•� I as o f I o E � > o E -'� W Uzo < U fi I-1 to E E o ••-I M�q d o o .-� E a U) Z to 0 = U z 0 w D a) 0 0 0 3 D •-I .-I w a w W w o -•.1 1--1 U DC w z a zm UUwm mwa. xOA OW0 OzmmwN [ ....., E : 01 W ..a .-1 01 In d 0 CO O CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 h ?+C RUC \ 0 ut d' 0 CO 0 .-i in O in O O 0 O O 0 ‘O 0 d' .i E CO 0 0 10 In d' h In 01 CO 0 0 CO 111 r in ro to H O1 O1 LC/ In N 0 h ri M t0 r d' .-1 N d' ( a0 a4 \ .-•1 In '.0 .- h 4--11 N 0 In N N 0 N 01 4--1 .i 0 M .•i 10 In M r•1 u1 H 01 d' 10 1-1 01 a M 0 0 0 0 0 0 d' u1 In o 0 0 0 0 0000 h 141 V .Hi to O O O O O d' 01 N r O O O O O O o O N 0 V) 1 CO M CO N M el .i O 1f1 O • d' If1 1-1 • 10 • CO H .i N h 10 10 1-1N d' h 10 .-1U, Cl CON H G4 01 .i .•-I h h .-I h 0 in N to O N N x •'`. . . 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CO 14 04 14 •-• a • 00 ol i ‘1111.1 Ipt. NII C0.. \ 0zaoO M a �1 3 ! o ' 1a Di a oC.. to • �..I . 0 • o Qea Ir •.. •., •d a IO o 0 0 U a o 0 -I I i...• � ((� m a H � • � Qp * C b U U JJ C o +1 11 +1 C co OO P. ICIV1 WM +1 M . $4IO +11.1 M •0 1J 0 .-1 p piMV6HC8u y a p • .4 d U MI C 7/ a H iH cn go Er Q ~ � 03maa A cDwaX 03 aUurNttf go I C C C SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MONTHLY REPORT • C I I C I I C I I C (iwe CSOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MILEAGE AND GASOLINE REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, 1991 111 11/01 11/30 TOTAL MILES TOTAL GALLONS UNIT ii MILEAGE MILEAGE DRIVEN GASOLINE USED 226 124,862 125,156 294 29 . 5 C230 115,554 117, 044 1, 490 79 . 5 232 104,762 106,262 1, 500 79 . 0 234 81,950 83, 210 1, 260 93. 3 235 102,864 104, 524 1, 660 116 . 4 236 43, 727 47,988 4, 261 452 . 0 237 53, 382 55,910 2, 528 212. 6 ir'"' 238 21, 881 22, 731 850 81. 2 239 21, 498 23,027 1, 529 121. 0 II240 40,149 42, 251 2, 102 96 . 8 241 17,783 19, 264 1, 481 35. 5 C242 4, 765 7, 880 3,115 232. 4 243 4, 801 7,094 2, 293 159 . 4 250 (VAN) 89, 740 89, 859 119 14 . 0 310 42,908 43,701 793 65. 5 C-1 17397 18,174 777 67 . 4 C TOTAL MILES DRIVEN 26, 052 TOTAL GALLONS GASOLINE USED 1,935. 5 (br y`-a C eport Date: 12/12/91 sort Nmbr : OFFOy00 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM Page 5 11/01/91 TO 11/30/91 lc Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status f f en ses for TR:F WRNT ARREST 11/01/91 910850 145 / 999 C) i? CA 11/01/91 910854 139 / 999 0 0 CA 11/04/91 910857 los / 999 0 0 CA 11/05/91 910861 145 / 999 0 0 CA 11/12/91 910875 114 / 999 0 0 CA lc 1 1/14/91 910880 145 / 999 t 0 0 CA 11 /15/91 910885 148 / 999 ti 0 CA 11/21/' 1 910901 141 / 0 i? CA 1 1/19/91 '_9108'98 127 / 0 0 1i 25 :;` _ii , 9 ;7 114 999 A 1 1/22.'91 910903 106 / 999 0 r? CA 1 '2 2 `' - A i 1/26/9 1 910910 145 / 999 0 0 i_A 1 1/'2 1/91 910902 108 / 999 0 0 CA 11. 20/91 910900 143 / 999 0 0 CA 1 1/'27/91 1.40463 139 / 0 0 C Lue 1 1 / •7/y 1 910914 1 r,._{ / 999 0 0 CA O : fen=es for +VAi_A .lON Hl.JUSF WATCH 11/2/:''D1 140420 111 / 0 _? '_ Offenses for VICIOUS ANIMAL 11 1 1/19/91 910896 148 / i? 0 A : 1.t+_-_'n_=;tee-.c fDr WARRANTAPR ST 11I +_'5'51 910859 14 / '_j'"+ a 0 i-i 1 11 't/91 'D108E 2 / 999 ii 0 ':A 11/13/51 910877 108 / 0 0 A • 1/27/91 14040E _ II . 1 . ?. 9 1 1 ='J.w 1 4J 999 . a 11,Dt21 uf 'fe1'tae,= f='- mj_ei • 1: CArrests 18 Accidents Major 6 Minor 12 1 9F- 3 I C . • eport Date: 12/12/91 Page 4 -)ort Nmbr : OFFO300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM As 11/01/91 TO 11/30/91 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status f f en ses for PROWLER 11/29/91 140792 144 / io 0 C: f fenses for RAECID ANIMAL 1 1/14/'91 910879 108 / 0 0 A f f en ses for RECKLESS DRIVER 11/26/91 140325 127 / 0 0 i_ 1 1/26/91 140334 143 / 0 f f en-.f_'_ for"r" RECOVERED PROPERTY 1 1/08/91 910864 148 / 0 0 A ffenses for SIMPLE r_PLE ASSAULT 1 11/09/91 910865 108 / 0 0 A 1 1/.24/91 910906 111 / 0 0 A Lens for SUSP PERSON _ 11 , .-_/91 140336 143 / ro 140594 114 0 o I_: `f f en s.es for SUSP VEHICLE 1 1 /91 140460 144 / 0 o 0 C 11/29/91 140687 141 / 0 o 0 i_ 11/29/91 140777 144 / 0 0 C: 11/29/91 140. 7S. 144 0 0 _ liffenses for THEFT T 200/750 11 /yj4/'91 910856 108 / K () 0 :t ' i h , 1 `r THEFT -I- F ' `10 f 2 j i _4 i '1 910823 1 4`j- i',. 0 0 i r fen ---_ for THEFT li e _ 1 /02. 31 910855 1 _4 I 0 0 A TRAFFICOffense.z for ASSIGNMENT 1 1 , 6 '-�1 1 4i_iy;8si i1` E. 0 0 J 14095 tj' 7e !'_ems• for TRF VIOLATION 11/05/91 910860 111 / 999 ;i 0 CA 11/16/91 910889 133 / 999 0 0 CA 1 1 /1 . /=a 1 9loaDo ill s 999'a,- 0 t0 CA A V P- v C epcirt Date: 12/12/91 Page 3 -oc'r t Nmbr : OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM '"" 11/01/91 TO 11/30/91 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status 1 1/ S/91 910908 111 / 999 0 C) CA f fenses for DWLS 1 1 / 7/91 910911 111 / 999 0 0 CA Offenses for FAIL TO ID 1 1/1 C)/91 910867 111 / 999 C) 0 CA _:f f en ses for INFORMATION 11 /04/91 910858 143 / 0 0 A tenses for INVESTIGATION 1 1. 2 6. '9 1 140310 127 ,.'9 1 140359 - 141 0 0 - IF-lenses for MEDICAL CALL. 11/30/91 140899 144 / 0 0 c Lenses Cn for MEET COMPLAINANT 1 1. i-, ':J 1 140268 111 0 0 f Ten ses for MINOR ACCIDENT 11/14/91 910881 148 / 0 0 A 11/22/91 139795 139 / [) C) '- 1 1/26/91 140252 111 / 0 0 C 11 /27/91 140496 1:79 I r 1 1 -. _a 1 1 •a 0 0 'Lenses for MOTORIST ASSIST • 1 1 . 2_.. :a 1 139810 129 .__9 0 0 - y q' ` . 106 0 i e _ .}__ _ ___ _r OPEN DOOR 11 `y.. +1 129775144 / , .11 E. 91 140221 134 0 0 1 . 2 /'9 1 140506 122 0 - - 11.11/29/91 140702 114 :-- Offensesfor PI 1 1 L 7, .31 910863 148 / 999 0 0 OA 1 1 / 1 0/9 1 910866 134 999 0 0 CA 11. 25 1 91 309 114 / 999 0 0 A 1 1 3/9 1 910905 139 ' 999 0 0 CA yam- S C , . I pert Date: 1 /1' /'31 Page 2 port Nmbr : OFFS I,3,-�0 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM II11/01/91 TO 1 1/30/91 Offense Offense` -_ _ ___Officer f i'_er Property_ Date Number Detective Stolen 1 en POE MOE Status liffenses for ATTENDED DEATH 11/11/91 910868 108 / 0 0 A 111 f f enses for AUTO THEFT 1 1/20/91 910899 148 / D 0 0 A 't f en_I ._ f/91 i_+r BARKING DOG a _ 140357 141 Offenses for BURGLARY .E 11/11/91 Ali=''8 y 1 143 / 133 A 1 55 CA ((((1111 1 1/ 18;/' 1 910894 111 / 133 K 15 r 5 S "fense=• for BURGLARY r.R., [�,r 11 /01/91 910851 148 / r''• 1 f,% 11/05/91 11/11 /91 91088E9 12; / t_% A 1 1/ 1:c /'i 1 910 7 6 1 1 4 / GB c 55 A 1. 1 /1 4/91 910884 141. / K 6 51 A 11/27/91 140427 148 / 0 0 i_ 11/27/91 910912 148 / Ff+. 5 65 A Of f en s__� .!r BURGLAR i M. . i s 1 - V;1 8 1'..8 '9 ice. 148 1 55 _ I11 .1.2_. 91 91ri87: 148 K 1 r-_ r: 1 1 1 - 1 910895 111 / 133 K 1 65 8 if fens t iffensesfor CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 1 1 . 1 , 9 1 910872 114 / 0 0 A 1 1 . 1 . . 9 1 q10891 127 / 0 1 1/1 /'9 1 910893 144 133 0 0 11. 29/91 140706 148 0 0 _ 1. 1. . 29/ 1 '_a 1 is 9 1 5 1 4 133 0 0' feases for DISTURBANCE 11/27/91. 91 140494 144 / 0 0 C. li men.es for DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 11/11/91 910870 143 / 0 0 A. 11/ 1 / 1 910885 1 0 _ (ffnse . for DWI Vse- 6 C . 41 Page - Report Date: 12/ 12/91 I Report N,mbr : OFF 0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 1 1/01/91 TO 1 1/30/91 Property -_ Offense Offense Officer Property MOE -;='"`, Detective Stolen Date- Number --- ------ =_--__- __- ___ ----- _ _ -Offenses for ABANDONED VEHICLE 00 �_ 11/26/91 140313 1 1 1 / 'Offenses for ACCIDENTAL DEATH _ _ 1 1 19/91 910897 114 i; A IIOffenses - -- AGG ASSAULT 1 1/2. . 1 140478 144 01 i2- `91 910915 144 / Offenses1 for AGi_i SEXUAL ASSAULT r; J 86- 0 ` 140 11 /16/91 '�1�_�c+u� 1�•r._. low Offense,.. f . . ALARM CALL 1 1/28/ 91 140597 114 140602 114 / 114 / 0 140604 10801 . ._ , 1 140607- 108 r l 1 141_+ 1 1 j• S[Fi 1 14054 4 0 '- i . _ - li 4 + 1 4 i_7 4}_: 4 _ - _ 1 140743 - i N i 1 , / 91 140892 si { ,^� 140885 1`+E 140932 5i;!_' B11 /30/S1 Offenses for ANIMAL DITE133 _-- 0 [ 11/01/91 910852 143 / Offenses for ANIMAL DETAIL 0j 1 1 ; 26/'9 1 140335 12 7 L" — „ tenses for ARSON 1 1 / + - S 1 '_{1 l J892 1--.. _, Offenses _. for ,,._ 1ST O HE . AGENCY - _ 0 _. SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL DIVISION SUMMARY November 1991 CALLS FOR SERVICE 561 CITATIONS 454 PATROL 191 S.T.E.P. 263 C ARRESTS 28 FELONY 2 MISD 26 ACCIDENTS 18 MINOR 14 MAJOR 4 C • I C C I S OUTHLAKE r DEPARTMENT OF P TJ13 T-•I C SAFETY MONTHL Y 197ARRANT DI VI S I ON REPORT 11.0.• NOVEMBER , 1991 C MUNICIPAL WARRANTS CURRENT MONTH PAST MONTH YTD WARRANTS QI, HAND Beginning Count 436 486 N/A Received 3 2 418 Served 32 34 336 Purged 86 18 246 Ending Count 321 436 N/A FINES COLLECTED By Warrant Officer 3,999 3,340 30,066 By Other Agency 1,259 1,658 15,203 Total 5,258 4,998 45,269 WARRANTS SERVED By Warrant Officer 25 21 225 By Other Agency 7 13 111 Total 32 34 336 II L.' I liF- 9 C INVESTIGATION DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT "I November 1991 NEW CASES ASSIGNED —16_ CURRENT ACTIVE CASES 95 CASES CLEARED: UNFOUNDED —0— INACTIVATED/SUSPENDED _7_ EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED —2— BY ARREST/CITATION 3 WARRANT ACTIVITY: SEARCH WARRANTS OBTAINED 0 SEARCH WARRANTS SERVED 0 (0.0„ ARREST WARRANTS OBTAINED 0 ARREST WARRANTS SERVED 0 GENERAL ACTIVITY: MEETINGS ATTENDED 1 SURVEILLANCE TIME (approx) —0 PUBLIC SPEECHES/PRESENTATIONS _2_ CRIME SCENES WORKED —2— SEIZURES FILED —0— VALUE $ 0 SCHOOL/TRAINING SESSIONS 7 I I I FIRE SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT November, 1991 PREVENTION ACTIVITIES li ?revention Class Number-Students Reached Plan Review Age Group Totals 0-5 0 Commercial/Mercantile 5 6-12 5 Industrial 2 13-18 0 Assembly 0 II Adult 1 Residential 0 Subdivision Review 1 *Inspections/C.O. & Scheduled Commercial/Mercantile 5 Pre-fire Planning/Engine I Industrial 0 Engine Company Inspection 0 Assembly 0 TOTAL 0 • Residential 0 Control Burn Permits Issued 26 TOTAL 5 High Grass & Weed Complaints 17 FIRE SUPPRESSION ACTIVITIES I *Incidence Reponse Fire Exposure N/A Structure Fire 0 Fire Loss $ 4,000 Automobile Fire 1 Brush/Grass Fire 3 Equipment Used MVA 7 Engines 17 Good Intent 3 Attack 6 False Alarm 1 Ladder 2 I Mutual-Aid Ambulance 10 Given 1 Grass/Brush Unit 20 Received 0 Feet of hose used: imme Medical Assistance 9 Reel 700 Hazardous Materials 4 1-3/4 450' Smoke Scare 4 2-1/2 0' Rescue Call 0 5" 0 ' IOther 1 TOTAL 33 Ground ladder/feet 0 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ACTIVITIES Calls-for-Service Equipment Used Transport 16 Ambulance Miles Traveled 1580 INo Transport 11 Monitor/Difibulator 9 TOTAL 27 Thumper 0 • Suction 1 II Type of Call I .V. Therapy 6 Medical Emergency Spinal Immobilzer 7 Cardiac 5 Traction Splinting 0 I Respiratory 0 Bandaging 2 Sick Call 2 Splinting 1 Neurological 4 Intubation 0 TOTAL 11 Drug Therapy 4 Oxygen Therapy 10 [ Trauma Emergency Injured Person 4 Training Motor Vehicle Accident 7 CPR - Classes Taught 0 Industrial Accident 0 Total Student 0 TOTAL 11 No.Pers . No.Hrs. Total Manhours LI Paid Volunteer yF-/i L SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY SPECIAL SERVICES DIVISION NOVEMBER MONTHLY REPORT �y. NOV . 1 . VISITATION JOHNSON ELEMENTARY DEPARTMENTAL MEETING ESCORT FOOTBALL TEAM TO SPRINGTOWN 3 . VEHICLE MARKINGS DETAIL NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH 4 . CORE CLASSES JOHNSON ELEMENTARY RESIDENTIAL SECURITY SURVEY TEEN COURT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING 5 . VISITATION TIME CARROLL ELEMENTARY VISITATION TIME JOHNSON ELEMENTARY 6 . CORE CLASSES CARROLL ELEMENTARY ADMIN . TIME 7 . VISITATION TIME CARROLL MIDDLE ADMIN . TIME 8 . VISITATION TIME CARROLL HIGH 11 . CORE CLASSES JOHNSON ELEMENTARY TEEN COURT MEETING 12 . INSERVICE TRAINING ( RANGE ) RESIDENTIAL SECURITY SURVEY DEPARTMENTAL MEETING 13 . CORE CLASSES CARROLL ELEMENTARY 14 . VISITATION TIME CARROLL MIDDLE 4E- z E 15 . VISITATION TIME CARROLL HIGH CRIME PREVENTION PRESENTATION 18 . CORE CLASSES JOHNSON ELEMENTARY TEEN COURT MEETING 19 . CORE CLASSES CARROLL ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL PTO 20-22 . TRAINING (CRIME SCENE SEARCH , BOWIE TX) 25 . CORE CLASSES JOHNSON ELEMENTARY TEEN COURT MEETING 26 . CORE CLASSES CARROLL ELEMENTARY Err 27-29 . THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS I • !! I C (bre SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY D .A .R .E . DAILY OFFICER SCHEDULE 122 11/04/91 TOTAL STUDENTS DATE JOHNSON ELEMENTARY MRS . COUISIONS SCHOOL PRINCIPAL C 1301 N . CARROLL ADDRESS 481-2184 TELEPHONE C TIME GRADE TEACHER 0830-0920 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 0920-1020 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 1120-1230 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 1530-1430 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 1430-1530 5 MRS . JACOBSEN !:, C I C I SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY D .A.R .E . DAILY OFFICER SCHEDULE 89 11/06/91 TOTAL STUDENTS DATE CARROLL ELEMENTARY MRS . HENDERSON SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 1705 W . CONTINENTAL ADDRESS - 9 481 88 9 TELEPHONE TIME GRADE TEACHER 0845-0930 5 MRS . HARDING 0930-1015 5 MRS . ENGLAND 1015-1100 5 MRS . KILLION 1410-1500 5 MRS . CAGLE • C 1 yi.f- is" SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY D .A .R .E . DAILY OFFICER SCHEDULE 122 11/11/91 TOTAL STUDENTS DATE JOHNSON ELEMENTARY MRS . COUISIONS SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 1301 N . CARROLL ADDRESS 481-2184 TELEPHONE L TIME GRADE TEACHER 0830-0920 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 0920-1020 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 1120-1230 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 1530-1430 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 1430-1530 5 MRS . JACOBSEN I C L I C SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY D .A .R .E . DAILY OFFICER SCHEDULE 89 11/13/91 TOTAL STUDENTS DATE 111 CARROLL ELEMENTARY MRS . HENDERSON SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 1705 W . CONTINENTAL ADDRESS I 481-8899 TELEPHONE L TIME GRADE TEACHER 0845-0930 5 MRS . HARDING 0930-1015 5 MRS . ENGLAND 1015-1100 5 MRS . KILLION 1410-1500 5 MRS . CAGLE IL' I I C r yP- /7 C C Cre SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY D .A .R .E . DAILY OFFICER SCHEDULE C 122 11/18/91 TOTAL STUDENTS DATE JOHNSON ELEMENTARY MRS . COUISIONS SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 1301 N . CARROLL ADDRESS 481-2184 TELEPHONE C TIME GRADE TEACHER 0830-0920 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 0920-1020 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 1120-1230 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 1530-1430 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 1430-1530 5 MRS . JACOBSEN C C I I SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY D .A.R.E . DAILY OFFICER SCHEDULE 89 11/19/91 TOTAL STUDENTS DATE CARROLL ELEMENTARY MRS . HENDERSON SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 1705 W . CONTINENTAL ADDRESS C 481-8899 TELEPHONE L TIME GRADE TEACHER 0845-0930 5 MRS . HARDING 0930-1015 5 MRS . ENGLAND 1015-1100 5 MRS . KILLION 1410-1500 5 MRS . CAGLE I I C SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY D.A .R .E . DAILY OFFICER SCHEDULE 122 11/25/91 TOTAL STUDENTS DATE JOHNSON ELEMENTARY MRS . COUISIONS SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 1301 N . CARROLL ADDRESS 481-2184 TELEPHONE firmo"C TIME GRADE TEACHER 0830-0920 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 0920-1020 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 1120-1230 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 1530-1430 5 MRS . JACOBSEN 1430-1530 5 MRS . JACOBSEN I C I I SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY D.A.R .E . DAILY OFFICER SCHEDULE 89 11/26/91 TOTAL STUDENTS DATE CARROLL ELEMENTARY MRS . HENDERSON SCHOOL PRINCIPAL I 1705 W . CONTINENTAL ADDRESS 481-8899 TELEPHONE L TIME GRADE TEACHER 0845-0930 5 MRS . HARDING 0930-1015 5 MRS . ENGLAND 1015-1100 5 MRS . KILLION 1410-1500 5 MRS . CAGLE I I I I C -x C . r ,. 1 i . , CII . 0 . E m , A ...1 0 0 0 0 00 00 . N 0 < z x 4 .... .J " I -I w 4..) Cil - .•'. J . ...Y I < E J , • I . ' 0 . , q_ 41 I I I I I 0 tfl V I I I I 1 0 . CC 2 I 1 I I 0 . ). 0 ic I" 2 2 71 . 0 4 0 00 0 0 1,1 - , 0 I i I I ,..! - „, - , , 1I 1 , '0 0 u2 0 ! 1 N -, I I I li l' ..t,IJ D t 0 I i , 7 '''..; • al . Z .-. 7 I_I.- .... i Z C C.. > I-- J . . 1 I.. . C.- I 0 I- F. c z (.2 < = .., .. 'ff ,..) :.r I t.,1 I •• -I 0 A (. 0 7_ t• .3: J. ... LI .... . ;..7 6.7 _J U 3 - 7 .J 7 ,-< < < -- LI ..J C. C _1 fl CIC -• c c c :s. c+ c (A Li': i.- 1- 7 1.- -• .. I.- I , Z Z Z 7 Z & Z <. ..1 chi • Z '- ft.45V: c- L7 --o 3 r• (..‘ - . tfl 0 C z n• ... --_ 1 1... L.: 1.. .1.1 1.• '...) A D J -I '414 ' C :1 : ..;-. I 7 k' a - < 2 c le Z Z C. N . c Cr. -. c c J., > r.. .7' U. . < 'IL "...“ c ^* ,.• ....1 tr 1.- 7 0 6 I-. 0 4 t.- ;.. c < c Z.. .. 1..1 Q. • • • • • 7 . N I" 4 V) sO I.1 1.1 w.1 .., . . . wed . r•f•-• 0 Z M ',1 0 72'LJ - z o ln N 33 4' 0 0 0, s., 0 13 ,,, 0 I I I I (NI C I V .e. 1 4 .. .-. , N U T -7. 4' I I I I 11 - < I I ii LI- a. I.I. L I I I I I I 5 I I I < - II I I - - - 1 Ill 1 1 t 1 I , III 1 Y 1 I 1 . 7- - -i r . •• 1 Z 0 1 /... ...: 11 •-•, '7 < 7 -, • > 6 - > c - •V - , > 1 C - i...) - .... ri ...1 I- F. ...1 1 os 1.. J -I tP U _I ,"'" IL. 0 C M U . --. >- 0 Z .-. 7(.1 0 2 I- Eli ,12 R U. I C J > 7 >- , I- C.. < 0 Cr' 'JJ Z (- U ..- I- I- < I- .t., 1-0 J th Z " UJ . 1 1.4 C. U 7 , I- C .... _JJ U. •-• 11) I.- U. L.7 < 4: < C 0 ' Z 61 Z •-• I- .... 1.- < 0 LI. 4 •• ti -4 7. -.I 0 '..) III < Z 0 1- L1.1 C. I.- •• M 0 M 0 C En Q >- •-• 1- •-• 0. V in I- a. - . •-• Z LEJ II '..I Z - J Z ILI .., 0 U. CL . '7.: -7 7- 7. < I- tr/ U ..?.. i IX :1.1 1..1 tn 1.•0 > U.1 C LI UJ 0 IA ... .. uJ < C Z -1 0_ < c c. 4. tsn a c u.. ,.... X U. 'J. LI UJ Z 7,,,. U7 > Z LI '..1 UI.. < 0 it 0 CC ' .... 7. 00 DOD t-. rALILZ ILI .6. 0<- < u > S < . Z c Cz u.. tp ti: z e: LI --) z t1.1 C J I 'l J 0 IA ••••• LL. 0 I- < 0 I- Z "4 ....1 : .., 1:3 >. ZZ )1. ZZ ...1 !E .% :LI Z ...1 VI Z 0 0 j , ... 1.- 1.- e.,. ... 0 .... ... = Fe F. C (j) C C C. C. 0 ..li ... 0 ...I X 0 IF 0. F. U X X C C 0 1,A C •-• 1- •-• Z I- 0 0 0 . M .:1 Z Z r- J IJ --: I- ct U. .-• 14 1.1.1 In .-....1 Z Z -1 Z Z U, 0 X Cr CC . < _t .... U.1 Z 1.• tn '41 4 1-4 1. < ' •.1 .1 UJ LU 1.61 . Z I- .J 3,- > Z J , L 'A 0 a. >. In 0 . U. Lt. . L. U. Vt cr I- I- I- In Z IX < 0- '•- Z . 7 .1.1 3. JJ < < 1 X 2 ..il . I • < -U ti. Lt. 4. , VI < « '..1 > Ill C =J 1.1 < I- ....1 Z X c z 7 VI 0 1 t..) VI I- • • - • t. -i < 7 < .. .. .. .74 .... N < < C 7 -I 'C ••• tj C • • • C. • • • 1.) • • • 1.) n • • • U U. Li .1C XI 0 < - ... s.) 4 0 t.J < al Li • • • • • • • • • • C -4 N 1 t .,1 a .... 0 '7 .. C C 4r► INVESTIGATION DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT NOVEMBER, 1991 I NEW CASES ASSIGNED 32 CURRENT ACTIVE CASES 125 CASES CLEARED: UNFOUNDED 1 INACTIVATED/SUSPENDED 12 EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED 3 111 BY ARREST/CITATION 6 WARRANT ACTIVITY: SEARCH WARRANTS OBTAINED 2 SEARCH WARRANTS SERVED 2 ARREST WARRANTS OBTAINED 2 ARREST WARRANTS SERVED 2 C GENERAL ACTIVITY: MEETINGS ATTENDED 5 SURVEILLANCE TIME (aPProx) 0_ PUBLIC SPEECHES/PRESENTATIONS 2 CRIME SCENES WORKED 5 SEIZURES FILED _0— VALUE $ 0 SCHOOL/TRAINING SESSIONS 8 days I C CITY OF SOUTHLAIKE General Fund and Debt Service Fund Statement of Revenues,Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended November 30, 1991 with Comparative Actual amounts for the period ended November 30, 1990 Percent Actual Percent 1991-92 Actual Collected/ Actual Total Collected/ REVENUES Budget 11/30/91 Expended 11/30/90 9/30/91 Expended Ad Valorem Taxes $2,738,380 $168,347 6.1% $123,821 $2,421,311 5.1% Sales Tax 475,000 46,731 9.8% 44,081. 448,149 9.8% Franchise Fees 265,500 86,176 32.5% 68,650 255,644 26.9% Fines 285,000 34,535 12.1% 31,365 221,331 14.2% Charges for Services 41,000 1,857 4.5% 5,053 36,980 13.7% Permits/Fees 404,500 128,738 31.8% 76,917 557,685 13.8% Miscellaneous 5,240 2,051 39.1% 1,694 30,179 5.6% Transfer In-Other Funds 188,896 0 0.0% 27,952 159,446 173% Interest Income 62,600 4,754 7.6% 6,618 56,058 11.8% Total Revenues $4,466,116 $473,189 10.6% $386,151 $4,186,783 92% EXPENDITURES City Secretary $122,310 $17,458 143% $22,011 $129,861 16.9% City Manager 120,464 23,552 19.6% 17,853 133,665 13.4% Support Services 409,520 76,458 18.7% 63,321 529,059 12.0% El Finance 196,883 25,755 13.1% 26,122 169,241 15.4% Municipal Court 140,438 18,332 13.1% 20,611 118,660 17.4% Fire 556,945 75,622 13.6% 90,922 495,435 18.4% r Police 836,025 124,029 14.8% 137,167 811,297 16.9% ir Public Safety Support 313,940 43,595 13.9% 29,127 247,473 11.8% Building 124,230 16,707 13.4% 25,715 96,948 263% Planning and Zoning 126,044 22,923 18.2% 17,776 143,957 123% Streets/Drainage 597,178 48,995 8.2% 43,025 605,824 7.1% iir Parks 90,385 8,134 9.0% 6,641 89,479 7.4% Public Works Administration 58,915 10,848 18.4% 10,882 74,073 14.7% r Debt Service-General Obligation Bonds 771,185 0 0.0% 5,085 527,950 1.0% Note Payable 38,500 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% Reserve-Uncompensated Vacation Benefits 0 0 0.0% 0 39,864 0.0% Total Expenditures $4,502,962 $512,408 11.4% $516,258 $4,212,786 12.3% Excess(deficiency)of Revenue over Expenditures ($36,846) ($39,219) ($130,107) ($26,003) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND(USES) Reserve-Infrastructure $0 $0 $0 ($376,288) Loan Proceeds 107,775 0 0 0 C.O.Proceeds 0 0 0 200,000 Excess (deficiency)of Revenues and other sources iii over Expenditures $70,929 ($39219) ($130,107) ($202291) FUND BALANCE OCT 1 $925,417 $925,417 $1,127,708 $1,127,708 ENDING FUND BALANCE $996,346 $886,198 $997,601 $925,417 I a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses frt for the period ended November 30, 1991 and 1990 a Percent Total Percent 1991/92 Actual Collected/ Actual Actual Collected/ a REVENUES Budget 11/30/91 expended 11/30/90 9/30/91 expended To Water Sales-residential $1,644,888 $249,442 15.2% $1771834 $1,421,633 123% Water Sales-commercial 411,222 66,036 16.1% 56,382 328,942 17.1% Sewer Sales 88,914 29,225 32.9% 10,526 97,953 10.7% Sanitation Sales 200,350 43,967 21.9% 0 0 0.0% osP Other utility charges 132,960 26,171 19.7% 22,517 167,033 133% a Miscellaneous 21,200 6,444 30.4% 9,699 51,556 18.8% Interest Income 24,500 5,519 223% 1,228 20,892 5.9% Total Revenues $2,524,034 $426,804 16.9% $278,186 $2,088,009 133% EXPENSES * Water $1,387,395 $75,271 5.4% $218,867 $1,260,104 17.4% Sewer 708,060 34,147 4.8% 10,091 251,334 4.0% r Sanitation 179,710 15,596 8.7% di Debt Service- Revenue Bonds 89,423 0 0.0% 8,482 80,070 10.6% Transfers-General Fund 159,446 0 0.0% 27,952 159,446 17.5% Reserve-Uncompensated or Vacation Benefits $0 0 0.0% 0 5,898 0.0% Total Expenses $2,524,034 $125,014 5.0% $265,392 $1,756,852 15.1% Net Income/(Loss) 52 $301.790 $12,794 $331,157 ore 116 orP a 1 II IN W ill iii ow OW WU 'OIANW OWWOON 00 WO OOW NOO OOr-00000 00 0 000001A N2 CIA P-ONNOOM 00 NO OON .t00 00'01A0000 'CO O WOOOOMI \ JJ 004:10.0.tW000 WWI MO OOM 101 M <6 N-}COCp N.t IA IA�p OOIA ..COIIAn O CO IAOOOO IAO'OO N O'OO.t 'O'O .t0 a0.t 'O'O'0 '0ry'O N'O'OdM Wf- 0 'OPOOOMI W W .t.t IA NO.-'O IA0P .l.t -O 00- -.tN NA-N.IA .1'O MF F .-O-M.-O N 2 414,Nr-OO O.f.f NWP 00 M� IAOP O N CO N- 0. 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O- I-OC in # V1 N 111-ON IA V1 IA N M IA UN N • U a.. * S e- f� - - N Y\ # I- it I-O. it --o # 0 . 0 •000.t0.343.0 N 000'0�p000 F- O 0 P U 0 O P•0•0•P•CO•N•O.•UI O• M In 0000.•000 O O 0 Ili p< • MVI•ONO.OF-.-N IA • . • • • •0 O .t 1-0 N.O��UI .O•O IA N I- MM CO N IA ZI— CO , MV1F-N.t F- F-F- P 40 M U . . . . a UI N N M IA P N - IA IA 00 N .t V7 le W 0 0 I- a a 010 Z co) 0 W N W N O W 2 0 W O W ZI- itW•--VI 0. VI # W-U..V/ V1 # U it 0 0 a # U>Z x Z # U>z Z # - # # 2 -+ it OC 0 W 0 # OC 0 0 it CC it it 0 UOC N # >W-+ VI UY it >W-+ VI U> it LU it it U. U U LU it CC U1 I- W W a it CC VI 1• W a it VI It # • IXaW Z #VS CO it W V/J LU LI Z-+W a I- it CO J 0 Z W'I- it J it # US 1- CI UJ a it NJ J=J CI.a200 ita` O.20 # j # # J 0-1 a Z O 19 SC X -.1-I W I-m V/X OC a- J WI-CO CA X a-. J 1- .J J = W a s 2 U O W W 1-z N J a Z U O W W 2 N J a U a a 1-I- 2 a -• .Cl)LU N a 1- Z a ^ W V1 a I- a I- 1- OC 0Z OOC W JOC21-W 1- 0 0OC co JOC I-W I.- 0 a' 0 O LU I-W NI-VIO.Ill--•24.-+ H U) -N O.W ZU.-+ I- I- /- I- `�`. = Z OC Z.0 O.=X•+0 O. Oe 2.O.Z--0a 2 • I- I- wow01-ppaoea WOWOI-aaxa o z 0 0 DOC 0.UJ VIO.Za C.) F- O.UJ Col 0 X O.U 0 U 00 00 0 3.ce Oa - •- �6 N C07 0 0 000000000 OC 00000000 K co 1- p W O 1._ 000000000 HW 00000000 1-W 0 1--• 0 2 1- V1 112 -N M J V1.OF-OP 0I- .-Al M.t IA F-co,P a3 N az Z U • U to tic sc LU N ILI N =, 0Z 0 p O U. tri CITY OF SOUTHLAKE UTILITY BILLING MONTHLY REPORT o. NOVEMBER 30, 1991 THIS LAST YEAR MONTH THIS MONTH it ACCOUNTS BILLED: WATER $132,091.61 $135,363.36 SEWER 14,932.40 5,154.28 GARBAGE 17,039.30 15,657.07 SALES TAX 1,240.58 1,135.49 RECYCLE 4,126.79 0.00 wo TOTAL $169,430.68 $157,310.20 NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS: WATER 2,388 2,168 or SEWER 406 155 GARBAGE 2,417 2,217 +err TOTAL ACCOUNTS BILLED 2,608 2,357 CONSUMPTION BILLED (IN 000'S): WATER 25,686 28,356 10, NEW CUSTOMERS 37 36 fof AMOUNTS COLLECTED DURING MONTH $221,415.00 $192,107.00 ofo FINAL BILLINGS 26 22 116 Me all al WI • dig di s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .— 0' 0 0 0 I- 0000000000000000000000000000•0 •o .t 2 .O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 V1 �1 O O 0.O V1 0 0 0 O O O O O O V1 V1 0• 0 0 V1 O V1 O O V1 m O O N .O U) O O 0. < N Z I P O NN r O N . P 1 M P. in N U U) T Un IA O N M IA '0 P 1t 0 m .OAAf� - O . IAf• _ O 0OU) OD0U AAAm .0m O ^ NPPPNP - MOPPPPMMMMaPP _ NN 01. .OPPP0• P0• - 0• O• O• O. - - - PP 0 0 C.7 0C9 C = M W 2 ZZZZ 1-- > O 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 < 6 < < Q O O O O O O O O O a •CO 6 0 0 0 N U C.1 C.) U U U U U U U N V) V) V) U U U U U U C.) U U C.) U N CA C.) U U CPI III IC Z W 2 a I- CO 0 CO Y .1- Cl) Y .) Y - pay pa J < C C Y CO OC Y 2 2 < 0 CI N Y Y Y Y K J U 2 •U-• CO Y CO CIO C Wr W 2 < •-• 07 m m 07 2 2 2 2 0 CO 2 CO 6 OC Z 07 E O! Y < m m N _ se •• < < < < U. CO m W < U Z 2 CO N O I- aJ Y C N CO m CO CO •+ Y Y I•- N Z 07 CC/ 0 • •.- W < I- m � 0C CO J 00 Z I- 2 ]L O • Z Y C C ++ C > m J r 3 CA O1 L. W CO . . . . . . 2 < N < 2 Y O 2 O J O E ! O 6 O W_ < O +' 4• CO ..1‘ F• 6 < < < U CO O 0 6 Y CO •+ O 6 •.- 6 2 2 2 W 0- V) C CO C L 2 2 2 2 V) U m 2 I- 0 m 4' Z +' O OC > Z W a) >. +' CO 0 0 0 0 O • U U U 6 W 7 2 CO O CO I- ••- U OC 0 III U •' C m Z •-• •+ •- •-• CO .0 •-• 1^ •-• I- CO O I- ^ V) 2 •+ 2 CO L OC I- 1• 0 L /0 I- I- I- 1- 2 1 IX J V) •+ - O. F- 01 Wr 0 6 I- W 1L I- N 4.' U t 0 O < < < 6 W < CO < CO W r (i) r I- O. m 6 vl C al O. 2 0 J •-• U) E 0) U L L 2 2 2 2 0 = 7 CO 7 3 CO I- CO V) •••• CO 2 W 0 C W Of J J CC L. L. 13 I M V U O. OC 0. 2 CC Cl) 2 OC CC X X 0 CC H U. U W U. 11. Z = 2 Z I- I- I- I- CO 2 OWC CO 2 Cl) O. 3 V U. V) I- I- I- CO) O. 1- .- 2 u W 0) Z 0W 2 .O O O 0 it t •O •O S 00 OD00 •O.p .p IA O 00 pp.. 00 •O O 00 IA O .t N 00 .t 0. .O P IA O O f� O P .t F O O •O O M S 2 r O P 1- S N O U 00 O P. h P .t S N O M M S M •O CO O U P •O N O .O .O •O •. U •O .- .t O O M .t S M •O N i .t N U) M IA O U) P N O U .t •O -I P .t P P .t .t .t S .t .t M .- M P 2 S P .t P •O .0 M M U O U O O Y W . . . •- N M •O .O J = I-B yV�1 �1 �IAA I- .00 10A M .t .Ot CO0 CO CO 000 N. N. IA N N N N O N M N N - .0 O I11 M N M. N O O 00000000000000 W < .t M IA V1 M V7 V1 V1 M M IA .t S .t .t V1 V1 V1 M V1 V1 V1 IA V1 IA 0 M .t IA •O .O 0 0 CC 0000000000000000000000000000000 O • - C) 20 VI 0000000000000000000000000000000 M 1. 0000000000000000000000000000000 N 0 O - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..t} M1 M1 M M M M O O O O N M .O •O P M •O .O •O •O PPP P P P M M M M •O •O .O •O •O •O •O P P P P IA o N .•MO0 ••.0 U. O OP 2 CI P ill CO C. m § O a) a+ CU 0 CO P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P < IOC U = f` •O .O •O •O P P P (1. O O .t IA P 00 P P P P P P N N N N N •O O C„) O N N N N N N M O O O CIse m _ O O O O Q PPPP g• P P O O O. cc O O O O O O U) O• P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 0N. P P P ON. ON. P ON. 0N• ON. P P O CU MI N. P 0N• P 2 Is •O •O •O •O CO CO CO 00 O• P .t IA 0 O O O O .- 1,- .0 .- .- 0 O N N N M N N N N N N N N O O < N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N CO O O Z O O O O O O O O O O O O O O V* CITY OF SOUTHLAIE SALES TAX REVENUES six year comparison 1991-92 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $475,000 $74,660 $400,340 84.28% FISCAL';FISCAT FISCAL FISCAI FISCAL FISCAL YEAR : YEAR %Inc YEAR %Inc `FEAR %Inc YEAR %Inc ''YEAR %Inc MONTH 86/87 187/88 (Dec) 88189 (Dec) 89190 (Dec) 90P91 (Dec) 91192 = (Dec) • October 42.1% $27,970.; -21.7% $37,776> 35.1% Xl$A98.1V 16.7% 46,731. 6.0% November 19 304 17.3% 45,428< -31.9% 24,573_ 59.3% 37;11'7 51.0% 27,929; -24.8% December 13 717 16, 23:; 19.0% 1?,830 9.2% 24,05 18.1% 28,46+ 35.2% ▪ January 2•2119 32,703: 47.9% 26,75fx`: -18.2% 3+4,463 28.8% 471( 36.7% February 11,800 : 13,163 11.6% 1.5,894. 20.7% 25,594; 61.0% 22;487 -12.1% rrr March 1t 20 9, 25: -14.6% 14,778! 58.5% 30,657 1075% 3295$ 7S% April 37129 37,845 1.9% 48,635' 28.5% 37,201 -235% 41:,445 11.4% May 13 719 15,510 13.1% 27,824 79.4% 31,501 13.2% 36,627 16.3% 'Jr June 12,6i3 22,I9S 76.0% 24,051 8.4% 37',447 55.7% 37,$94 1.2% July . 26,837 32,159 19.8% 38,630; 20.1% 51,374 33.0% 47;017 -8.5% August 21881 24,1?5 103% 22,699 -6.1% 3I,969; 40.8% 35 $i 12.5% September 18,066 19,141 6.0% 31,204> 63.0% 32,499 4.2% 3?;004 13.9% or TOTAL $233,240 $280„901 20.4% 5311,699: 11.0% $396,106 27.1% $448,14$ 13.1% 474 60 -8.1% -01 S di d id S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX XXXXXXX IANMnOtfl.--.JNNnn NnnOO..SOJ.0 Nr'fHA O IAnn NNMO. 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