1994-09-20 CC Packet THE STATE OF TEXAS kb, COUNTY OFF I// iffisA11 I , :.'(0% as a member of the make is of id vit and hereby on oath state th following: I, and/or a person or persons related to me, have a substantial interest in a business entity that would be peculiarly affected by a vote or decision of the as those terms are defined in Chapter 171 , Texas Local Government Code. /" ^T l The business entity is -rePlAtt5 (name and address) I have a substantial interest in this business entity for the following reasons: (Check all which are applicable) i Ownership of 10% or more of the voting stock or shares of the business entity. Ownership of 10% or more or $5,000 or more of the fair market value of the business entity. Funds received from the business entity exceed 10% of gross income for the previous year. Real property is involved and have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair market value of at least $2,500 . A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the business entity or property that would be affected by a decision of the public body of which I am a member. Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this business entity and from any further participation on this matter whatsoever. Signed this day of vii`/ 19 sign, e o ,!" ficia/ Title I C ( 0 . BEFORE ME/ the y=rigned authority, this day personally appeared 4i and on oath stated that the ILfacts herein.,..ove stated are true to the best of 7ity knowledge or belief. Sworn o andsubscribed to b fore me on this v2,0 day of , 19R . O /LAsoNOTARY PUBLIC ��SANDRA State of Texas otary Public in and for C COMM.Exp,02.0447 the State Jof Texas My Commission Expires: 6tYA_ k r 11/4,e,614_,1d_, d/ik fq i Type/Print Notary' s Name R ` r TEXAS BASEBALL CENTER Specific Use Permit (1A-94-89) South Kimball Avenue CONDITIONS No public address system No bleachers or stadium seating No sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages No camping Enhanced landscaping at northwest corner Field lighting: Lighting Plan, dated July 7, 1994 by Ed's Lighting Service Lights with directional hoods focusing light on fields No inning 10:00 1000 p.m. No lights during December and January No lights Monday-Thursday during September, October and November Phasing - Phase I: Southwestern field, indoor facility and 60 parking spaces Phase II: Southeastern field and additional 40 parking spaces Phase III: Remaining field and additional 20 parking spaces DA942630293 092094p1g1 I78D T3222-75000-TEXA I C City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM September 16, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Ordinance 624-FY1994-95 Budget I During the budget work sessions with Council on August 17 and 18, the City Council reviewed the City Manager's proposed FY1994-95 Budget. There are two components to the Budget, the Operating Budget and the Capital Projects Budget. In past years, the Council has adopted an Operating Budget. Adjustments to the proposed General Fund budget include an additional allocation to GRACE in the City Secretary/Mayor/Council Division, adding $2,500 for a total of $7,500. A reduction in the travel and tuition line items within the Division offset the addition. A major program discussed with the Council is the Neighborhood Sewer program. The proposed budget included $750,000 as a capital outlay line item in the Utility Fund's Sewer Division to 0tI ,,, initiate this program. At the work sessions, the Council directed Staff to explore an expanded multiple year approach, prioritizing neighborhoods based on needs. Public Works Director Bob Whitehead developed a three year$4,370,500 proposal, with five neighborhoods listed in the first year at an estimated cost of$1,158,000. The Capital Projects Fund Summary proposes that $1.3 million certificates of obligation be sold to fund the first year of the assessment program. The All Funds Summary retains the $750,000 as a transfer from the Utility Fund to the Waterworks Improvement Fund. These funds can be used for other water and wastewater projects not eligible for funding through impact fees. At the August 16 Council meeting the Corridor Study contract was amended and increased by $15,000. These funds were not reflected in the FY1994-95 budget within Community Development. It is proposed that the funding included within Community Development for the Trails System Master Plan ($20,000) be instead allocated for this Corridor Study contract. The Trails System Master Plan is proposed to be funded through the Park Dedication Fee Fund. Operating Rndget The All Funds Summary reflects revenues of$14,485,420. Total Expenditures are proposed at $14,477,603. This is an increase of$271,310 over the budget presented at the work sessions. This increase is comprised of the $20,000 added to expenditures in the Park Dedication Fee Fund for the Trails System Master Plan. The balance of$251,310 is the operating transfer from the SPDC Operating Fund to the SPDC Debt Service Fund. This amount had been included in the SPDC Operating Fund summary, but was not reflected in the All Funds Summary. Curtis E. Hawk iikurime FY1994-95 Budget September 16, 1994 Page 2 I Capital Projects Budget. This budget is a compilation of projects funded through bond sales, impact fees, the 1/2 cent sales tax, perimeter road fees, operating fund transfers and other sources. It lists all major capital improvement projects by fund, grouped according to improvement type. There are water and wastewater projects, streets/drainage and parks projects. The budget proposes $8,343,689 in revenues and other sources of funds. Total Expenditures proposed are $11,629,951. An Infrastructure Reserve Fund is established through the transfer of $820,026 from the General Fund operating budget for street and drainage improvements. The Capital Projects budget also includes the Assessment Program. At the Council meeting September 6, the Council approved 6-0 the FY1994-95 budget and amended FY1993-94 budget on first reading of Ordinance 624. The September 20 meeting will be the final reading and public hearing on the budget. I LAH I I I I I I 7e-2 City of Southlake,Texas MONTHLY ADMINISTRATIVE CALENDARS AND DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS ire August 1994 I C Building 4-A Community Development 4-B Complaints 4-C Finance 4-D Municipal Court 4-E Public Safety 4-F Public Works 4-G Street/Drainage 4-H Utility 4-I Park 4-J Chir C C C me we rim VII rall rii ow ow mu iir nu an mu no on rim ./ Iv rime AUGUST 30, 1994 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PERMIT MONTHLY REPORT REPORT FOR AUGUST 1994 NUMBER OF THIS LAST SAME MONTH THIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS YEAR LAST YEAR PERMITS ISSUED MONTH MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE TO DATE FISCAL FISCAL AUG94 JULY94 AUG. 1993 1-8 1994 1-8 1993 10/93-8/94 10/92-8/93 BUILDING: Res-Single Family 47 47 46 414 324 557 427 Alteration/Addn. 4 3 3 35 26 49 37 Accessory Bldg 1 3$ 2 21 19 33 20 Commercial-New 2 12 0 8 10 11 20 Commercial-Alt/Addn. 3 2 2 14 8 20 10 Swimming Pool 30 18 19 213 153 257 157 Mobil Home 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 SUB-CONTRACTORS: Electrical 127 96 89 883 649 1145 896 Plumbing 91 78 77 680 528 892 690 Heat/Air 57 52 51 452 352 608 471 Culvert 3 2 3 16 10 19 13 `� Demolition 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 NCERT. OF OCCUPANCY: Residential 60 52 55 487 463 643 617 COMMERCIAL 7 0 4 40 63 46 78 OTHER: Misc.Building 69 33 28 341 254 448 321 SIGNS 2 5 2 28 34 35 47 SCHOOLS 4 0 1 4 3 4 3 TENNIS COURTS 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 FENCE 6 2 1 12 7 17 7 CHURCH 0 0 1 1 3 1 3 SATELLITE DISH/ANTENNA 0 0 0 4 1 4 1 CITY BUILDING 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 TOTALS 515 394 384 3657 2910 4796 3841 4A2 we mu rue pm run ion IP= ran me owme we we rue t • CITY Or SOUTHLARE , PERMIT MONTHLY REPORT REPORT FOR AUGUST 1994 AUGUST 30, 1994 FEES COLLECTED FOR THIS LAST SAME MONTH THIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS YEAR LAST YEAR PERMITS ISSUED MONTH MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE TO DATE FISCAL FISCAL AUG94 JLY94 AUG 1993 1-8 1994 1-8 1993 10/93-08/94 10/92-08/93 BUILDING: Res-Single Family 60,412.00 62,542.00 54,469.00 531,886.00 • 402,620.00 712,057.00 526,160.00 Alteration/Addn. 1,156.00 764.00 423.00 7,419.00 5,238.00 11,370.00 8,200.00 Accessory Bldg. 216.00 52e.00 519.00 6,024.00 2,379.00 4,815.00 4,323.00 Commercial-New 17,967.00 870.00 320.00 40,427.00 8,899.00 45,994.00 12,340.00 Commercial-A1t/Addn 1,332.00 817.00 707.00 3,890.00 3,212.00 14,596.00 4,609.00 Swimming Pool 6,383.00 3,867.00 .00 45,329.00 35,331.00 55,434.00 41,482.00 Mobil Home 10.00 .00 4,406.00 10.00 .00 10.00 .00 SUB-CONTRACTORS: Electrical 13,405.56 10,612.21 9,613.26 95,067.47 69,088.83 125,800.30 91,516.63 Plumbing 9,224.25 8,521.50 8,448.00 75,460.50 59,323.50 101,832.00 77,839.75 Heat/Air 5,767.50 4,686.50 4,473.50 42,430.05 31,739.50 56,855.10 41,557.50 Culvert 90.00 60.00 160.00 510.00 550.00 600.00 745.00 Demolition .00 .00 .00 15.00 15.00 45.00 30.00 46CERT. OF OCCUPANCY: Residential .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Commercial 210.00 .00 30.00 1,110.00 1,110.00 1,290.00 1,530.00 OTHER: Misc.Building 1,710.00 798.00 675.00 8,345.10 6,195.00 10,943.10 7,827.00 SIGNS 140.00 549.00 224.00 1,745.00 2,388.00 2,044.00 3,144.00 SCHOOLS 1,258.00 .00 416.00 1,258.00 416.00 1,258.00 416.00 TENNIS COURT .00 .00 .00 .00 692.00 130.00 692.00 FENCE 531.00 1,196.00 119.00 3,293.00 578.00 3,840.00 578.00 CHURCH .00 .00 1,812.00 1,292.00 5,007.00 1,292.00 5,007.00 SATELLITE DISH/ANTENNA .00 .00 .00 163.00 30.00 163.00 30.00 CITY BUILDINGS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTALS 119,812.31 95,811.21 88,107.76 862,674.12 634,811.83 1,150,368.50 828,026.88 4A3 PM IFIN rye roe am en on Eng ems ■es ma •, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PERMIT MONTHLY REPORT REPORT FOR AUGUST 1994 AUGUST 30, 1994 THIS LAST SAME MONTH THIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS YEAR LAST YEAR BUILDING VALUATION MONTH MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE TO DATE TOTAL FISCAL TOTAL FISCAL FOR PERMITS ISSUED AUG94 JLY94 AUG 93 1-8 1994 01-8 1993 10/92-08/94 10/92-08/93 BUILDING: • Res-Single Family 10,518,420.00 10,981,634.00 9,623,800.00 92,251,902.00 68,948,041.00 123,273,402.00 89,803,132.00 Alteration/Addn. 100,000.00 63,124.00 41,600.00 550,924.00 598,290.00 904,324.00 860,790.00 Accessory Bldg. 16,200.00 40,000.00 42,000.00 214,960.00 180,700.00 345,810.00 518,100.00 Commercial-New 4,540,000.00 75,000.00 .00 8,580,300.00 1,030,800.00 9,294,800.00 1,310,900.00 Commercial-A1t/Addn. 77,900.00 44,300.00 15,000.00 201,600.00 261,500.00 1,726,200.00 276,500.00 Mobil Home 40,000.00 .00 .00 40,000.00 .00 40,000.00 40,000.00 Swimming Pool 490,500.00 296,230.00 351,200.00 3,022,735.00 2,810,300.00 4,016,465.00 3,309,600.0E SCHOOLS 135,000.00 .00 25,000.00 135 000.00 67,000.00 436,000.00 67,000.00 TENNIS COURTS .00 .00 .00 .00 69,000.00 8,500.00 69,000.00 N FENCE 20,680.00 136,600.00 5,000.00 261,800.00 32,900.00 297,780.00 32,900.00 ( ,_ CHURCH .00 .00 203,600.000 140,600.00 699,100.00 140,600.00 699,100.00 '- SATELLITE DISH/ANTENNA .00 .00 . .00 6,300.00 1,000.00 6,300.00 1,000.00 CITY BUILDINGS .00 .00 .00 39,700.00 2,150.00 39,700.00 2,150.00 TOTALS 15,938,700.00 11,636,888.00. 10,334,200.00 105,935,801.00 74,700,781.00 140,529,881.00 96,950,172.00 TOTAL INSPECTIONS: 1845 1765 1574 13,623 11,560 18,463 15,830 CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION Oct 1992 - Sept. 1993 OCT 1993 - AUGUST 1994 BUILDING INSPECTIONS: 1803 1714 1549 OCTOBER 156 $11,700.00 101 $ 7,575.00 CODE ENFORCEMENT: NOVEMBER 59 4,425.00 62 4,650.00 Investigations 42 51 25 DECEMBER 60 4,500.00 47 3,525.00 JANUARY 39 2,925.00 51 3,825.00 FEBRUARY 20 1,500.00 29 2,175.00 MARCH 32 2,400.00 61 4,575.00 APRIL 32 2,400.00 38 2850.00 MAY 36 2,700.00 29 2,175.00 JUNE 37 2,775.00 39 2,925.00 JULY 36 2,700.00 51 3,825.00 • AUGUST 30 2,250.00 54 4,050.00 SEPTEMBER 22 . 1,650.00 • TOTAL TO DATE 559 '$41,925.00 562 $42,150.00 4A4 • City of Southlake,Texas r COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FEE REVENUE REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING 31 AUGUST 1994 ZONING $ 2,330.03 NO. OF CASES (8) PLATTING 7,180.00 NO. OF CASES (12) SPECIFIC USE PERMITS 343.56 NO. OF CASES (1) BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 500.00 NO. OF CASES (5) MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 338.40 NO. OF CASES (46) TOTAL REVENUE $ 10,691.99 TOTAL NO. OF RECEIPTS (72) C:\WPRREPORTS\REVNU-94.08 I GENERAL FUND Statement of Revenues,Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended August 31, 1994 with Comparative Actual amounts for the period ended August 31, 1993 IC (fiscal month 11 -91.67%) Revised Percent Actual Percent I 1993-94 Year to Date Collected/ Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES Budget 8/31/94 8/31/94 Expended 8/31/93 9/30/93 Expended Ad Valorem Taxes $2,175,000 $17,623 $2,168,235 99.7% $2,118,765 $2,144,650 98.8% Sales Tax 865,000 94,158 743,407 85.9% 534,052 636,737 83.9% Franchise Fees 398,125 12,927 400,036 100.5% 294,623 305,909 96.3% Fines 232,400 29,872 213,920 92.0% 163,673 182,271 89.8% Charges for Services 63,545 1,807 50,001 78.7% 52,561 59,086 89.0% Permits/Fees 1,562,020 151,857 1,485,081 95.1% 1,134,840 1,251,287 90.7% Miscellaneous 36,175 1,818 28,886 79.9% 26,020 44,846 58.0% Transfer In-Other Funds 159,446 0 0 0.0% 0 159,446 0.0% Interest Income 90.000 7.925 93,629 104,0% 61,509 54 194 113.5% Total Revenues $5,581,711 $317,987 $5,183,195 92.9% $4,386,043 $4,838,426 90.7% I EXPENDITURES - - City Secretary $219,000 $24,076 $187,422 85.6% $125,433 $143,026 87.7% City Manager 193,025 22,336 179,909 93.2% 132,105 152,073 86.9% I Support Services 634,380 35,861 548,056 86.4% 408,879 502,644 81.3% Finance 256,090 25,891 236,434 92.3% 181,362 205,844 88.1% Municipal Court 167,183 17,982 140,915 84.3% 127,854 144,786 88.3% Fire 723,144 67,764 594,859 82.3% 491,795 566,832 86.8% Police 1,028,989 104,881 952,841 92.6% 788,810 895,343 88.1% Public Safety Support 440,210 66,054 389,332 88.4% 323,320 357,268 90.5% Building 259,491 30,223 239,600 92.3% 139,040 154,005 90.3% I Streets/Drainage 1,441,301 242,985 1,189,139 82.5% 686,956 857,494 80.1% Parks 226,522 13,295 180,894 79.9% 120,255 138,224 87.0% Public Works Administration 126,233 14,052 119,910 95.0% 58,115 102,064 56.9% ICommunity Development 293.312 27 777 233.648 79.7% 217.796 234,170 93.0% Total Expenditures $6,008,880 $693,177 $5,192,959 86.4% $3,801,720 $4,453,773 85.4% IExcess(deficiency)of Revenue over Expenditures ($427,169) ($375,190) ($9,764) $584,323 $384,653 I OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND(USES) Proceeds from C.O. Sale(net) $565.827 $565.827 $12 S0 IExcess(deficiency)of Revenues and other sources over Expenditures $138.658 $556.063 $584.323 $384.653 IFUND BALANCE OCT 1 $1,405,310 $1,405,310 $1,125,708 $1,125,708 Net-Reserved for encumbrances 0 0 105,051 105,051 ENDING FUND BALANCE $1.543.968 $1.961 3_Z3. $1.604.980 $1.405.310 I 1 M IPIII Mill IMO 11111 = FUND 100 GENERAL FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 9/15/94 REVENUE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 8/31/94 PAGE 1 FISCAL MONTH 11 91.67% OBJECT ACCOUNT CURRENT YEAR-TO-DATE ESTIMATED UNREALIZED DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL %BUD REVENUE BALANCE 000 NON DEPARTMENTALIZED 100 TAXES 102.00 110.00 AD VALOREM/CURRENT 7,412.40- 2,004,226.60 101 1,990,000 14,226.60- 111.00 AD VALOREM/DELINQUENT 10,335.86 110,894.62 85 130,000 19,105.38 112.00 PENALTY & INTEREST 14,698.52 53,113.37 97 55,000 1,886.63 115.00 SALES TAX 94,157.70 743,406.90 86 865,000 121,593.10 121.00 FRANCHISE-GAS 66,884.32 100 67,000 115.68 122.00 FRANCHISE-TELEPHONE 12,926.97 45,329.26 105 43,275 2,054.26- 123.00 FRANCHISE-ELECTRIC 272,628.95 100 272,650 21.05 124.00 FRANCHISE-BANK 127.15 98 130 2.85 125.00 FRANCHISE-CABLE 15,067.48 100 15,070 2.52 100 TAXES 124,706.65 3,311,678.65 96 3,438,125 126,446.35 200. FINES 210.00 FINES & FORFEITURES 29,627.84 211,641.91 92 230,000 18,358.09 215.00 TEEN COURT REVENUES 244.00 2,278.00 95 2,400 122.00 200 FINES 29,871.84 213,919.91 92 232,400 18,480.09 300 •CHARGES FOR SERVICES 301.00 AMBULANCE 593.00 15,068.36 100 15,000 68.36- 302.00 DISPATCHING 303.00 MUTUAL AID 305.00 SPECIAL SERVICES PROGRAM 23,911.95 74 32,500 8,588.05 320.00 PARK/RECREATION FEES 125.00 225.00 225.00- 321.00 BUILDING RENTAL FEES 45.00 100 45 350.00 FIRE DEPT INCOME 5,000 5,000.00 370.00 RECREATION CLASS FEES 1,088.50 ' 10,750.65 98 11,000 249.35 300 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,806.50 50,000.96 79 63,545 13,544.04 400 PERMITS & FEES 410.00 PERMITS-RES NEW SINGLE FAM 59,493.80 708,866.20 83 854,000 145,133.80 410.01 PERMITS-BLDG RES-ALT/ADDN 1,156.00 12,369.43 12,369.43- 410.02 PERMITS-BLDG RES-ACS BLDGS 216.00 4,582.00 4,582.00- 410.03 PERMITS-BLDG COMMRCL NEW 19,225.00 48,544.00 48,544.00- 410.04 PERMITS-BLDG COMMERCIAL 1,332.00 14,855.80 14,855.80- 411.00 PERMITS-PLUMBING 8,834.75 100,009.54 91 109,800 9,790.46 412.00 PERMITS-ELECTRICAL 12,722.26 122,735.16 101 122,000 735.16- 413.00 PERMITS-HEAT & AIR 5,981.00 57,541.56 99 57,950 408.44 414.00 PERMITS-SPRINKLER 1,488.00 9,792.00 94 10,370 578.00 414.01 PERMITS-WATER WELL 150.00 720.00 720.00- 415.00 PERMITS-SITE PLAN 1,070.00 107 1,000 70.00- 416.00 PERMITS-CULVERT 90.00 630.00 90 700 70.00 416.01 PERMITS-APPROACH 90.00 306.00 306.00- 417.00 PERMITS-POOL 6,210.00 55,428.80 96 57,950 2,521.20 418.00 PERMITS-SIGN 100.00 2,194.00 63 3,500 1,306.00 419.00 PERMITS-HOUSE MOVING 40.00 40.00- 419.01 PERMITS-DEMOLITION 420.00 PERMITS-SOLICITORS 35.00 35 100 65.00 421.00 PERMITS-ALCOHOLIC USE 30.00 235.00 157 150 85.00- PM FUND 100 GENERAL FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 9/15/94 REVENUE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 8/31/94 PAGE 2 FISCAL MONTH 11 91.67% OBJECT ACCOUNT CURRENT YEAR-TO-DATE ESTIMATED UNREALIZED DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL %BUD REVENUE BALANCE 422.00 PERMITS & FEES-MISC. 3,716.80 16,785.40 112 15,000 1,785.40- 423.00 FEES-ZONING 3,417.94 31,970.13 91 35,000 3,029.87 424.00 FEES-PLATTING 6,862.00 70,465.56 94 75,000 4,534.44 425.00, FEES-BOARD OF ADJ 100.00- 100.00 426.00 FEES-ZONING SPECIAL EXCEPT 427.00 ,FEES-STREET LIGHTS 8,287.92 12,360.40 275 4,500 7,860.40- 429.00 FEES-INSPECTION 4,163.50 109,035.10 99 110,000 964.90 429.50 FEES-ENGINEERING PLAN REV 4,240.12 61,335.10 94 65,000 3,664.90 430.00 FEES-SPECIAL USE ZONING 431.00 FEES-BUILDING 440.00 CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION 4,050.00 43,275.00 108 40,000 3,275.00- 400 PERMITS & FEES 151,857.09 1,485,081.18 95 1,562,020 76,938.82 500 MISCELLANEOUS 502.00 PERIMETER RD FEE 510.00 MIS-INCOME 14,518.85 73 20,000 5,481.15 511.00 MIS-VITAL STATISTICS 309.00 112 275 34.00- 512.00 MIS-INSPECTION FEES 513.00 MIS-RETURNED CHECK CHG 80.00 392.27 98 400 7.73 515.00 MIS-FEMA FUNDS 516.00 MIS-STREET LIGHTS 517.00 MIS-ZONING 518.00 MIS-BUILDING 519.00 MIS-POLICE DEPARTMENT 138.00 1,621.00 90 1,800 179.00 520.00 MIS-SALE OF FIXED ASSETS 530.00 MIS-TOWER LEASE 1,600.00 12,000.00 88 13,600 1,600.00 531.00 MISC-PUBLICATIONS 45.00 45 100 55.00 500 MISCELLANEOUS 1,818.00 28,886.12 80 36,175 7,288.88 700 OTHER REVENUES 713.00 OPERATING TRANSFER IN 159,446 159,446.00 714.00 DONATIONS v 725.00 BOND PROCEEDS 720,826.99 100 720,827 .01 ,726.00 LOAN PROCEEDS , 760.00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 700 OTHER REVENUES 720,826.99 82 880,273 159,446.01 900 INTEREST 910.00 INTEREST EARNED 7,925.04 93,628.75 104 90,000 3,628.75- 900 INTEREST 7,925.04 93,628.75 104 90,000 3,628.75- 000 * NON DEPARTMENTALIZED 317,985.12 5,904,022.56 94 6,302,538 398,515.44 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 317,985.12 5,904,022.56 94 6,302,538 398,515.44 UPON PM FPO IWO IIIIII Mill 1111111 OM IPSO rill IMO 1111111 111111 IIIIII IMO Will ORM PPR I FUND 100 GENERAL FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 9/15/94 DEPT/CATEGORY EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 8/31/94 PAGE 1 FISCAL MONTH 11 91.67% ACCOUNT MTD *********** YEAR-TO-DATE *********** ANNUAL CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ENCUMBERED %BUD APPROPRIATION BALANCE 500 OTHER EXPENSES .00 155,000.00 .00 100 155,000 .00 DEPT 000 TOTAL ******** .00 155,000.00 .00 100 155,000 .00 NON DEPARTMENTALIZED 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 12,583.27 86,451.77 .00 86 100,600 14,148.23 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,250.00 23,646.44 .00 79 29,825 6,178.56 400 SUPPLIES 2,348.33 17,453.79 .00 90 19,500 2,046.21 500 OTHER EXPENSES 50.00 4,445.35 .00 56 8,000 3,554.65 600 AOMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 1,107.99 9,201.08 .00 83 11,100 1,898.92 700 MAINTENANCE .00 480.00 .00 100 480 .00 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 361.14 25,065.24 .00 80 31,460 6,394.76 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,374.99 20,678.37 .00 115 18,035 2,643.37- DEPT 100 TOTAL ******** 24,075.72 187,422.04 .00 86 219,000 31,577.96 CITY SEC/MAYOR/COUNCIL 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 19,735.86 147,308.28 .00 92 160,570 13,261.72 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES .00 2,592.50 .00 93 2,800 207.50 400 SUPPLIES 217.90 3,114.32 .00 125 2,500 614.32- 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 1,736.06 9,580.77 .00 113 8,500 1,080.77- 700 MAINTENANCE 81.72 627.41 .00 103 610 17.41- 1 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 564.00 13,946.06 .00 89 15,700 1,753.94 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 2,740.01 .00 117 2,345 395.01- DEPT 103 TOTAL ******** 22,335.54 179,909.35 .00 93 193,025 13,115.65 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 2,548.65 21,543.98 .00 89 24,240 2,696.02 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,185.34 192,001.76 .00 83 230,200 38,198.24 300 LEASE OBLIGATIONS 3,391.32 33,890.22 .00 86 39,230 5,339.78 400 SUPPLIES 1,462.87 7,120.04 .00 110 6,500 620.04- 500 OTHER EXPENSES 10,443.85 100,807.62 .00 92 110,060 9,252.38 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 393.01- 101,501.79 .00 101 100,800 701.79- 700 MAINTENANCE 5,172.03 43,208.90 .00 90 48,200 4,991.10 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 49.90 205.42 .00 137 150 55.42- 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 47,776.56 .00 64 75,000 27,223.44 DEPT 105 TOTAL ******** 35,860.95 548,056.29 .00 86 634,380 86,323.71 SUPPORT SERVICES 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 19,260.95 153,418.33 .00 90 169,710 16,291.67 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,515.41 60,358.56 .00 99 61,175 816.44 400 SUPPLIES 316.98 6,370.77 .00 77 8,300 1,929.23 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 177.37 2,424.11 .00 91 2,650 225.89 700 MAINTENANCE .00 282.50 .00 94 300 17.50 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 380.00 6,398.04 .00 96 6,660 261.96 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 239.98 7,181.59 .00 98 7,295 113.41 DEPT 106 TOTAL 25,890.69 236,433.90 .00 92 256,090 19,656.10 FINANCE FUND 100 GENERAL FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 9/15/94 DEPT/CATEGORY EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 8/31/94 PAGE 2 FISCAL MONTH 11 91.674 ACCOUNT MTD *********** YEAR-TO-DATE *********** ANNUAL CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ENCUMBERED %BUD APPROPRIATION BALANCE 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 11,512.62 85,179.62 .00 90 94,145 8,965.38 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,587.30 46,737.68 .00 82 57,310 10,572.32 400 SUPPLIES 239.18 1,888.97 .00 63 3,000 1,111.03 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 203.07 3,204.60 .00 56 5,700 2,495.40 700 MAINTENANCE .00 384.00 .00 77 500 116.00 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 440.00 3,322.24 .00 52 6,330 3,007.76 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 198.00 .00 100 198 .00 DEPT 107 TOTAL ******** 17,982.17 140,915.11 .00 84 167,183 26,267.89 COURT 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 64,117.29 516,039.65 .00 94 551,667 35,627.35 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES .00 .00 .00 0 1,000 1,000.00 300 LEASE OBLIGATIONS 53.00 376.03 .00 54 700 323.97 400 SUPPLIES 473.33 9,482.90 .00 81 11,700 2,217.10 500 OTHER EXPENSES 3.02 1,254.64 .00 84 1,500 245.36 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES .00 493.40 .00 62 800 306.60 700 MAINTENANCE 2,054.96 22,640.05 .00 76 29,850 7,209.95 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 1,062.58 19,700.82 .00 71 27,727 8,026.18 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 24,871.90 .00 25 98,200 73,328.10 DEPT 131 TOTAL 67,764.18 594,859.39 .00 82 723,144 128,284.61 FIRE SERVICES 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 97,449.69 795,692.49 .00 95 833,604 37,911.51 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 95.00 2,570.46 .00 64 4,000 1,429.54 400 SUPPLIES 1,667.09 11,527.31 .00 78 14,850 3,322.69 500 OTHER EXPENSES .00 102.17 .00 26 400 297.83 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 971.47 1,540.26 .00 77 2,000 459.74 700 MAINTENANCE 2,826.67 43,889.04 .00 68 65,000 21,110.96 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 1,871.25 21,684.71 .00 74 29,335 7,650.29 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 75,834.90 .00 95 79,800 3,965.10 DEPT 132 TOTAL ******** 104,881.17 952,841.34 .00 93 1,028,989 76,147.66 POLICE SERVICES 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 41,024.13 313,094.04 .00 90 347,995 34,900.96 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES .00 2,241.25 .00 86 2,600 358.75 300 LEASE OBLIGATIONS 354.24 3,896.64 .00 92 4,250 353.36 400 SUPPLIES 497.44 7,585.09 .00 82 9,300 1,714.91 500 OTHER EXPENSES .00 178.92 .00 20 900 721.08 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 525.27 1,743.23 .00 76 2,300 556.77 700 MAINTENANCE 13,227.57 29,403.19 .00 75 39,000 9,596.81 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 479.77 7,789.83 .00 79 9,865 2,075.17 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,945.99 23,400.04 .00 98 24,000 599.96 DEPT 133 TOTAL ******** 66,054.41 389,332.23 .00 88 440,210 50,877.77 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPORT 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 27,811.94 180,240.84 .00 91 197,006 16,765.16 FUND 100 GENERAL FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 9/15/94 DEPT/CATEGORY EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 8/31/94 PAGE 3 FISCAL MONTH 11 91.67% ACCOUNT MTD *********** YEAR-TO-DATE *********** ANNUAL CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ENCUMBERED %BUD APPROPRIATION BALANCE 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 290.00 1,926.41 .00 76 2,525 598.59 300 LEASE OBLIGATIONS .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 400 SUPPLIES 241.22 4,501.17 .00 117 3,850 651.17- 500 OTHER EXPENSES 37.16 57.44 .00 57 100 42.56 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 199.11 1,734.03 .00 96 1,800 65.97 700 MAINTENANCE 274.82 2,504.44 .00 91 2,750 245.56 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 1,051.01 9,242.54 .00 90 10,275 1,032.46 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 318.05 39,393.40 .00 96 41,185 1,791.60 DEPT 142 TOTAL 30,223.31 239,600.27 .00 92 259,491 19,890.73 BUILDING 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 400 SUPPLIES .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 500 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 DEPT 143 TOTAL .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 PLANNING& ZONING 000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 104,016.95 136,119.95 .00 91 150,000 13,880.05 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 38,137.04 285,249.42 .00 84 339,421 54,171.58 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,848.15 59,235.40 .00 83 71,300 12,064.60 300 LEASE OBLIGATIONS 1,981.18 8,618.25 .00 115 7,500 1,118.25- 400 SUPPLIES .00 84.25 .00 34 250 165.75 500 OTHER EXPENSES 3,287.33 27,962.93 .00 82 34,030 6,067.07 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 700 MAINTENANCE 23,646.28 135,175.19 .00 75 180,500 45,324.81 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 79.05 6,924.82 .00 87 8,000 1,075.18 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 63,988.60 529,768.85 .00 81 650,300 120,531.15 DEPT 144 TOTAL ******** 242,984.58 1,189,139.06 .00 83 1,441,301 252,161.94 STREETS 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 8,588.28 64,040.34 .00 88 72,660 8,619.66 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 596.50 17,756.52 .00 64 27,625 9,868.48 400 SUPPLIES 313.70 6,382.01 .00 83 7,685 1,302.99 500 OTHER EXPENSES 1,495.70 13,052.83 .00 76 17,071 4,018.17 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 560.73 4,579.92 .00 42 10,840 6,260.08 700 MAINTENANCE 227.07 19,336.80 .00 72 26,800 7,463.20 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 68.17 2,768.38 .00 88 3,141 372.62 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,444.68 52,976.74 .00 87 60,700 7,723.26 DEPT 145 TOTAL ******** 13,294.83 180,893.54 .00 80 226,522 45,628.46 PARKS AND RECREATION 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 12,252.79 98,683.50 .00 100 99,170 486.50 FUND 100 GENERAL FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 9/15/94 DEPT/CATEGORY EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 8/31/94 PAGE 4 FISCAL MONTH 11 91.67% ACCOUNT MTD *********** YEAR-TO-DATE *********** ANNUAL CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ENCUMBERED %BUD APPROPRIATION BALANCE 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES .00 767.16 .00 19 4,063 3,295.84 400 SUPPLIES 15.88 1,271.17 .00 85 1,500 228.83 500 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 0 300 300.00 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 25.70 304.30 .00 101 300 4.30- 700 MAINTENANCE .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 1,411.15 10,220.84 .00 97 10,500 279.16 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 346.45 8,663.04 .00 83 10,400 1,736.96 DEPT 146 TOTAL ******** 14,051.97 119,910.01 .00 95 126,233 6,322.99 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 22,170.10 159,761.95 .00 91 175,267 15,505.05 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,987.50 31,673.84 .00 43 74,525 42,851.16 400 SUPPLIES 244.52 2,664.68 .00 86 3,100 435.32 500 OTHER EXPENSES 12.50 3,822.13 .00 83 4,600 777.87 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 2,916.18 12,762.08 .00 100 12,700 62.08- 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 446.53 5,509.90 .00 76 7,270 1,760.10 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 17,453.52 .00 110 15,850 1,603.52- bEPT 150 TOTAL 27,777.33 233,648.10 .00 80 293,312 59,663.90 . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND 100 TOTAL 693,176.85 5,347,960.63 .00 87 6,163,880 815,919.37 C E - CITY OF SOUTHLAKE WATER AND SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the period ended August 31, 1994 and August 31, 1993 (fiscal month 11 -91.67%) Revised Percent Actual Percent 1993-94 Year to Date Collected/ Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES Budget 8/31/94 8/31/94 Expended 8/31/93 9/30/93 Expended Water Sales-residential $2,700,000 $397,401 $2,283,136 84.6% $1,946,099 $2,294,377 84.8% Water Sales-commercial 510,000 44,218 415,526 81.5% 368,017 438,097 84.0% Sewer Sales 360,000 38,916 331,735 92.1% 208,525 237,213 87.9% Sanitation Sales 335,000 29,025 309,577 92.4% 268,466 296,252 90.6% Other utility charges 337,500 38,872 334,526 99.1% 283,609 297,391 95.4% Miscellaneous 56,600 141 54,110 95.6% 55,276 75,380 73.3% Interest Income 65.000 7,927 05.916 101.4% 30.811 30.118 102.3% Total Revenues $4,364,100 $556,500 $3,794,526 86.9% $3,160,803 $3,668,828 86.2% CEXPENSES Water $2,478,425 $239,856 $1,603,211 64.7% $1,221,417 $1,879,712 65.0% Sewer 688,921 159,795 651,400 94.6% 395,265 428,582 92.2% Sanitation 304,500 25,758 251,807 82.7% 215,537 263,050 81.9% Debt Service- ERevenue Bonds 81,895 0 81,901 100.0% 79,719 79,719 100.0% Other-Line Oversizing 25,000 0 19,713 78.9% 3,072 24,072 0.0% Transfers-other funds 269,613 0 110.167 40.9% 107 849 267.295 40.3% I Total Expenses $3,848,354 $425,409 $2,718,199 70.6% $2,022,859 $2,942,430 68.7% il Net Income/(Loss) $515.746 $131.091 $1.076.327 $1.137.944 $726.398 1 I! 11 . C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Ill UTILITY BILLING MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 1994 C THIS MONTH II THIS MONTH LAST MONTH LAST YEAR 8/31/94 7/31/94 8/31/93 ACCOUNTS BILLED: WATER $458,439.98 $389,331.34 $481,920.84 SEWER 39,138.92 37,639.21 28,691.64 GARBAGE 29,083.89 28,813.97 26,026.99 SALES TAX 2,247.52 2,225.33 1,878.84 IIOTHER 3,395.00 2.291.22 3,942.74 TOTAL $532,305.31 $460,301.07 $542,461.05 NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS: WATER 3,783 3,714 3,142 SEWER 1,478 1,440 997 11 GARBAGE 3,500 3,459 3,131 C TOTAL ACCOUNTS BILLED: 4,017 3,950 3,382 IENEW CUSTOMERS: (increases for the month) C WATER 67 81 48 SEWER 38 59 55 *GARBAGE 41 79 46 CTOTAL ACCOUNTS BILLED 67 78 48 BCONSUMPTION BILLED (IN 000'S): WATER 111,581 95,129 130,700 CSEWER 56,221 45,177 50,518 *Beginning 6/94,all builder accounts will not be charged garbage. They are unable to utilize service while homes are under construction,because most solid waste is building materials. Once home is occupied by homeowner,garbage will be charged. C FUND 200 WATER FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 9/15/94 REVENUE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 8/31/94 PAGE 3 FISCAL MONTH 11 91.67% OBJECT ACCOUNT CURRENT YEAR-TO-DATE ESTIMATED UNREALIZED DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL %BUD REVENUE BALANCE 000 NON DEPARTMENTALIZED 400 PERMITS & FEES 429.00 FEES-INSPECTION 400 PERMITS & FEES 500 MISCELLANEOUS 510.00 MIS-INCOME 60.80 527.80 53 1,000 472.20 512.00 MIS-INSPECTION FEES 53,189.56 97 55,000 1,810.44 513.00 MIS-RETURNED CHECK CHG 80.00 392.65 65 600 207.35 500 MISCELLANEOUS 140.80 54,110.01 96 56,600 2,489.99 600 UTILITY CHARGES 611.00 WATER SALES-RESIDENTIAL 397,400.59 2,283,135.77 85 2,700,000 416,864.23 612.00 WATER SALES-COMMERICAL 44,217.68 415,525.92 81 510,000 94,474.08 613.00 WATER TAP 23,570.00 217,769.00 101 216,000 1,769.00- , 614.00' BULK WATER 5,248.62 36,025.97 103 35,000 1,025.97- 651.00 SEWER SALES 38,916.25 331,735.49 92 360,000 28,264.51 652.00 *SEWER TAP 4,300.00 39,416.00 88 45,000 5,584.00 670.00 GARBAGE SALES 29,025.30 309,576.92 92 335,000 25,423.08 670.50 RECYCLING RECOVERY 682.00 METER BOX 691.00 METER TEST 692.00 UNAPPLIED CASH 693.00 SERVICE CHARGE 2,190.00 20,011.00 100 20,000 11.00- 694.00 LATE CHARGES 3,443.57 20,219.52 101 20,000 219.52- 695.00 DELINQENT ACCT COLLECTIONS 696.00 RECONNECT FEE 120.00 1,085.00 72 1,500 415.00 600 UTILITY CHARGES 548,432.01 3,674,500.59 87 4,242,500 567,999.41 800 NON-OPERATING REVENUE 807.00 TRANSFER IN-WW/IMPROVE 800 NON-OPERATING REVENUE 900 INTEREST 910.00 INTEREST EARNED 7,927.01 65,915.85 101 65,000 915.85- 900 INTEREST 7,927.01 65,915.85 101 65,000 915.85- 000 * NON DEPARTMENTALIZED 556,499.82 3,794,526.45 87 4,364,100 569,573.55 TOTAL WATER FUND 556,499.82 3,794,526.45 87 4,364,100 569,573.55 FUND 200 WATER FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 9/15/94 DEPT/CATEGORY EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 8/31/94 PAGE 5 FISCAL MONTH 11 91.67% ACCOUNT MTD *********** YEAR-TO-DATE *********** ANNUAL CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ENCUMBERED %BUD APPROPRIATION BALANCE 500 OTHER EXPENSES .00 211,780.45 .00 56 376,508 164,727.55 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 DEPT 000 TOTAL ******** .00 211,780.45 .00 56 376,508 164,727.55 NON DEPARTMENTALIZED 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 44,772.26 354,576.97 .00 92 386,321 31,744.03 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,160.00 43,612.50 .00 84 52,363 8,550.50 300 LEASE OBLIGATIONS .00 849.64 .00 57 1,500 650.36 400 SUPPLIES 418.96 2,954.70 .00 92 3,220 265.30 500 OTHER EXPENSES 156,755.71 847,784.83 .00 54 1,573,446 725,661.17 * 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 1,968.89 16,501.05 .00 91 18,200 1,698.95 700 MAINTENANCE 11,673.09 100,054.35 .00 95 105,600 5,545.65 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 867.58 8,832.51 .00 100 8,875 42.49 . 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 22,239.52 227,844.11 .00 69 328,900 101,055.89 DEPT 147 TOTAL ******** 239,856.01 1,603,210.66 .00 65 2,478,425 875,214.34 WATER 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 5,765.02 46,566.96 .00 86 53,911 7,344.04 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES .00 4,905.00 .00 49 10,000 5,095.00 300 LEASE OBLIGATIONS .00 1,871.00 .00 89 2,100 229.00 400 SUPPLIES .00 600.75 .00 29 2,100 1,499.25 500 OTHER EXPENSES 3,235.87 20,234.80 .00 90 22,600 2,365.20 700 MAINTENANCE 150,794.07 573,132.59 .00 98 583,200 10,067.41 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION .00 904.34 .00 60 1,510 605.66 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 3,185.00 .00 24 13,500 10,315.00 DEPT 148 TOTAL 159,794.96 651,400.44 .00 95 688,921 37,520.56 SEWER 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 25,758.31 251,807.47 .00 83 304,500 52,692.53 DEPT 149 TOTAL ******** 25,758.31 251,807.47 .00 83 304,500 52,692.53 SANITATION FUND 200 TOTAL 425,409.28 2,718,199.02 .00 71 3,848,354 1,130,154.98 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SALES TAX REVENUES six year comparison revised 1993-94 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $865.000 $802.387 $62.613 7.24°/Q I AI •'1 IS AI ' FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL` FISOAL Y AI YEAR.' %Inc YEAR':':; %Inc YEAR::` %Inc ----YEAR %Inc YEAR:> %Inc I MONTH :88189'' •`•_$9190 (Dec) 90/91 > (Dec) 91/92 (Dec) <'92/93 (Dec) 93/9 '_ (Dec) October $Z 97{ $37 : 6 35.1% -:$44 081: 16.7% •$46;731: 6.0% ;:;$50 956 9.0% :.;.$99,408 95.1% 1 0 0 0 0 0 November 59.3/o '>:: ::>':>>< 51.0% -24.8/o 50.8/o . : " 20.2/o ><;1�x428: ;>::;> 4� �2 3"117 <27929: :�2�1:Lf< �Q,�2� 0 0 0 0 0 December18.1/0 5.2/0 • 16.9/0 1.7/o > . 107.3/o 17;$�t3;<<: I;t��2'� 2$,464 3 33;2�3: 3�>�St} 7b,15S 0 0 0 0 0 /o _:>:<'.::; :: � 7/o :: -15.1/o :;..;: : ;:..; 69.2/o <.# 57.3/o January ��"#��:;: :;:34�4t 28.8 ,471�6 36. '40;�'12 0 0 0 0 0 - /o- 47.0 78.4/0 1.9/0 February `:<:>I>5>59� ::>25 5... 22 487 �0,106 <393SI March l4;77$: :3(3; 57 107.5% :•.32;955 7.5% _:::.37,4$8 13.8% '`44176' 17.8% 59,378 34.4% 0 0 0 0 ° April >:;:48635 :::3724 1'' -23.5/o 4I r445 11.4/o -<57543' 38.8/0 68664 19.3/o _>..$7;43$ 27.3/o • May 27y$24;•.:31;50'1 : 13.2% 36 627' 16.3% >41;020. 12.0% `54;623- 33.2% $8291 6.7% June 24;051 `:':..37 447 55.7% •:37;$94: 1.2% :: 43 105 13.8% ••:;52;027. 20.7% 59 77 14.5% IJuly ;'>3$63(3 51;374 33.0% 47;017 -8.5% 51;357: 9.2% . 80;567 56.9% 94,157 16.9% August ._22;699;:>.•:31;969: 40.8% 35 951 12.5% .48;731 35.5% : 48,290 -0.9% : .$8980 22.1% ISeptember •• 31204 `J2 499 4.2% - 37.004 13.9% 42,741: 15.5% 54.395 27.3% I TOTAL $311699 :$396;106 27.1% $448,148 13.1% $510,036 13.8% $636,738. 24.8% $802,387 37.8% I sl.S AX94.wlc3 REPORT DATE 09/09/94 I ` First month of 12 cent additional sales tax. I C C C C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUES 1993-94 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $160.000 $135.502 $24.498 15.31% FISCAL YEAR MONTH 93/94 October $0 November 0 December 0 January 0 February - 0 March 0 April 0 May 29,145 June 29,788 July 47,079 August 29,490 September 0 TOTAL $135,502 SLSfAX94.WK3 09/09/94 I C C C we smug FPI IMMO OMNI we MO MI MI rue OMNI MO MR PM OMNI POI MONO roe rPe State of Texas Page: 32 Comptroller of Public Accounts City Sales and Use Tax Comparison Summary - September 1994 County/City Current Net Payment Comparable Payment % Change 1994 Payments 1993 Payments % Change Rate This Period Prior Year To Date To Date Tarrant Arlington 1.500% $ 3,598,374.78 $ 3, 183,951.55 13.01% $ 35,584,451.09 $ 32,280,144.74 10.23% Bedford 1.000% $ 208,083.44 $ 205,834.88 1.19% $ 2,488,900.91 $ 2,431,994.83 2.33% Benbrook 1.000% $ 47,128. 16 $ 44, 109.27 6.84% $ 609,750.88 $ 561,029.47 8.68% Blue Mound 1.000% $ 2,000.13 $ 2,324.00 -13.93% $ 32,971.70 $ 27,478.41 19.99% Colleyville 1.000% $ 78,026.35 $ 64, 159.06 21.81% $ 794,772.49 $ 648,887.78 22.48% Crowley g 1.000% $ 13,692.35 $ 10,611.30 29.03% $ 168,904.04 $ 157,372.83 7.32% EdglecliffnVillagens 1.000% $ 15,044.04 $ 21,058.86 -12.02% $ 247,317.85 $ 208,867.89 10.11% Euless * 1.500% $ 331,512. 12 $ 256,727.57 29.12% $ 3,286,935.66 $ 2, 144,745.88 53.25% Everman 1.000% $ 8,168. 10 $ 6,551.15 24.68% $ 94,805.85 $ 92, 169.83 2.84% Forest Hill 1.000% $ 41,183.27 44,808.00 -8.08% $ 461,118.65 $ 430,049.02 7.22% Fort Worth 1.000% $ 3,480,453.32 2,852,423.14 21.31% $ 36,231, 169.78 32,841,834. 19 10.32% Grand Prairie 1.500% 903,969.75 869,145.61 4.00% $ 9,885,028.57 i 7,671,727.04 28.85% Grapevine 1.000% 319,626.28 249,025.84 28.35% $ 3,318,690.29 2,915,824.53 13.81% Haltom City 1.000% 210,743.56 207, 157.01 1.73% $ 2,087,298.74 $ 2,052,045.95 1.71% Haslet 1.000% 1,339.37 $ 996.78 34.38% $ 18,358.95 $ 9,429.96 73.47% Hurst * 1.500% 490,254.65 $ 430,777.41 13.80% $ 5,946, 158.95 $ 4,080,610.68 45.71% Keller 1.500% $ 67,527.62 $ 66,822.11 1.05% $ 785, 195.73 $ 614,034.61 27.87% Kennedale 1.500% $$ 28,915. 14 $ 22,702.17 -11.20% $ 644,755.03 $ 274,398.82 15.09% Lake Worth 1.000% 57, Lakeside 1.000% $ 2,109.76 $ 1,423.48 48.21% $ 19,790.39 $ 17,421.40 13.59% Mansfield 1.500% $ 141,793.22 S 108,298.40 30.92% $ 1,403,050.43 $ 1,338,288.38 4.83% No Richland Hills 1.500% $ 700,848.71 $ 500,798.96 39.90% $ 6,563, 149.69 $ 5,069,899.72 29.45% Pantego * 1.500% $ 88,484.52 $ 70,445.36 25.80% $ 862,688.69 $ 608,417.67 41.79% Pelican Bay 1.000% $ 0.00 $ 0.00 U/C 2, 155.94 $ 1,362.57 58.22% Richland Hills 1.000% $ 92,365.96 $ 82,480.60 11.98% $ 875,200.88 $ 812,755.25 7.68% River Oaks 1.000% $ 13,432.03 $ 11,952.28 12.38% $ 163,613.51 $ 152,730.46 7. 12% Saginaw 1.000% $ 41,520.58 $ 47, 192.68 -12.01% $ 450,047.49 $ 387,498.86 18. 14% Sansom Park 1.000% $ 5,811.76 $ 6,936.57 -16.21% $ 80,027.89 $ 84,207.25 -4.96% Southlake * 1.500% $ 88,470.48 48,290. 13 83.20% $ 787,858.87 $ 489,280.10 61.03% Watauga 1.000% $ 39,088.99 $ 38,449.98 1.66% $ 539,534.20 $ 475,807.69 13.39% Westlake 1.000% $ 11,441.40 $ 3,549.73 222.31% $ 117,559.39 $ 68,930. 19 75.84% Westworth Village 1.000% $ 4,827.53 $ 5,285. 10 -8.65% $ 47,843.75 $ 37,646.78 27.08% White Settlement * 1.500% $ 198,901.78 $ 136,374. 15 45.85% $ 1,477,581.60 $ 1,333, 178.45 10.83% County Total $ 11,320,8b9.03 $ 9,558, 13b.5U 17.09% $ 115,371,845.91 $ 100,821,235.54 15.30% Taylor Abilene 2.000% $ 1,348,517.46 $ 1,291,661. 12 4.40% $ 14,384,219.70 $ 13,718,516.19 4.85% Buffalo Gap 1.000% $ 1,016.30 $ 922.95 10. 11% $ 10, 118.05 $ 9,054.79 11.72% Impact 1.000% $ 0.00 $ 0.00 U/C $ 735.88 $ 1,443.44 -49.01% Merkel 1.000% $ 3,620.85 $ 4,562.58 -20.84% $ 55,975.39 $ 58,821.22 --4.51% Trent 1.000% $ 0.00 $ 0.00 U/C $ 2,614.99 $ 2,321.82 12.62% Tuscola 1.000% $ 737.01 $ 1,386.98 -48.86% $ 9,424.45 $ 10,585.94 -10.97% Tye 1.000% $ 7,286.55 $ 5,513.24 32. 18% $ 64,527.11 $ 46,850.70 37.72% County Total $ 1,3U1,178.1Y $ 1,304,045.81 4.38% $ 14,532,214.27 $ 13,852,148.0g 4.80% Terry Brownfield 1.500% $ 81,245.91 $ 48,901.39 4.79% $ 515,608.69 514,258.29 0.28% Meadow 1.000% $ 0.00 $ 0.00 U/C $ 1,932.10 $ 1,835.99 5.23% , County Total $ 51,245.81 $ 48,901.39 4.79% $ 517,540.7g $ 510,094.411 0.28% U/C Unable to compute percentage change * Refer to the Local Sales Tax Rate Information Report MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT lEAUGUST 1994 TRAFFIC NON TRAFFIC II Non State City Parking Parking Law Ordinance Total li 1. NUMBER OF CASES FILED: 897 6 25 5 933 II2. DISPOSITIONS PRIOR TO TRIAL: A. Deposit Forfeitures 0 0 0 0 0 II B. Payments of Fine 248 3 13 4 268 C. Cases Dismissed 158 0 7 0 165 , 3. DISPOSITIONS AT TRIAL:II A. Trial by Judge (1) Finding of Guilty 0 0 0 0 0 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 0 0 0 II B. Trial by Jury (1) Finding of Guilty 0 0 0 0 0 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 0 0 0 C. Dismissed at Trial 0 0 0 0 0 11 4. CASES DISMISSED: A. After Defensive Driving 121 0 0 0 121 B. After Deferred Adjudication 114 0 1 0 115 C. After Proof of Insurance 108 0 0 0 108 11 5. CASES APPEALED 0 0 0 0 0 II 6. WARRANTS ISSUED 13 0 12 0 25 II IITOTAL REVENUE COLLECTED: CITY $30,226.84 STATE 18,465.00 TOTAL 48,691.84 II II II L C PI: MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT JULY/AUGUST 1994 COMPARISON F JULY AUGUST r01rII li 1. NUMBER OF CASES FILED: 704 933 2. DISPOSITIONS PRIOR TO TRIAL: II A. Deposit Forfeitures 0 0 B. Payments of Fine 164 268 C. Cases Dismissed 83 165 3. DISPOSITIONS AT TRIAL: A. Trial by Judge II (1) Finding of Guilty 3 0 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 B. Trial by Jury 11 (1) Finding of Guilty 0 0 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 C. Dismissed at Trial 0 0 II 4. CASES DISMISSED: A. After Defensive Driving 90 121 B. After Deferred Adjudication 94 115 C. After Proof of Insurance 61 108 ilk' 5. CASES APPEALED 0 0 II6. WARRANTS ISSUED 7 25 II II TOTAL REVENUE COLLECTED: CITY $14,977.75 $30,226.84 -Ir • STATE 9,795.00 18,465.00 TOTAL 24,772.75 48,691.84 II I I I! IL I: 1/41-01 m "Tr" 1m 11" um' MO �MII RAT . cRIANDIRII WO MO SUM WOO 01111 ( II Omi PUBLIC SAFETY . MONTH: August, 1994 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .: EST ' PRASE ,, : :; % START/END COMPLETED REMARKS 1 . Insert EMS Daga Into Sept /Oct 10% Coordinator Black handling. Computer Program Program loaded. 2 . Conduct EMT School Aluly /Sept 80% Coordinator Black handling. Into sixth week of eight . 3 . Develop Instructors April/April 10% Coordinator Ricky Black Packet working on development . 4 4 . Employee Background-Comm June /Aug 40% In process. 5 . Wrecker Contract Oct93/Aug94 95% PRF submitted. 6 . Complete Interim G.O. Feb /Sept 80% Rough drafted. Awaiting Manual action by Dir. Campbell 7 . Alarm Ordinance Jan /Aug 0% In development for review by Dir. Campbell before submit- sting to attorney. 8 . Purchase Order/PRF System Jan /May 0% Need to discuss w/Dir. Campbell 9 . Solicitor Ordinance Jan /Aug 0% In development for review by Dir. Campbell before submitting to attorney. 10 .Employee Evaluations Jan /Aug 0% In development for review by Dir. Campbell before submitting to attorney. 11.Emergency Management May92/Dec94 90% David Windrow updating plan. Working on annexes with Dir. Williams roe rtmer.rwe !MO IMO PM roe M NINIWR PIN AWN ANI NMI SOO fre !M PUBLIC SAFETY MONTH: August, 1994 PROJECT. DESCRIPTION EST... PHASE START/END ;?>:>:. . COMPLETED REMARKS 12 .Emergency Plan for City Oct93/Jan94 75% Dir. Williams handling. Hall Waiting on approval . 13 . Purchase New Ambulance Oct93/Nov94 25% Being built by Emergency One - Waiting on chassis from Ford 14 .Establish Commercial Oct93/Jan95 25% Plan to start in 1995 . Inspection Program 15 .Computer Networking Oct /Oct Final 98% Lt. Gregg handling licensing & final network connections 16 .Reports & Records System Oct /Oct 90% Beginning digitization part of computer networking and reorganization 17 . Installation of second Oct /Jan Begin 5% Lt . Gregg handling 450 Repeater 18 .Employee Background-Fire June /Aug 10% In process Reserve 19 .Emergency Management Plan / 10 % Director Campbell and Command Staff handling 20 .Complete TCLEOSE Contract Sept /Oct 30 % Coordinator Black handling. 21 .Revision of MIR Process Jan /Feb 75 % Waiting on policy. Class 22 . Insert all data in Jan /March 80 % Coord. Black handling. training records program ' Entered names & current training 23 . % . e""e" "II "la .111 MI1fR :. G N PUBLIC SAFETY MONTH: August 1994 PROJECT DESCRIPTION EST PHASE:` : st START/END COMPLETED REMARKS SPECIAL PROJECTS / 25 .Fire Prevention/Crime Oct93/ Prevention/9-1-1 Trailer 26 . / 27 . / 28 . / 29 . / 30 . / 31 . Nk� 32 . / 1 33 . / va 34 . / 35 . / 36 . / 37 . / 38 . / 39 . 40 . / 41 . / 42 . / 43 . / 44 . / 45 . / SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MONTHLY REPORT r August, 1994 y err•' POLICE SERVICES Citations Issued 933 Residential Burglaries 2 Arrests 38 Business Burglaries 2 Traffic Accidents 22 Vehicle Burglaries 0 Alarm Calls 159 Assaults 5 Animal Calls 59 New CID cases assigned 32 * Thefts Under $750 12 CID Investigations Cleared 48 * IThefts $750 and up 4 Active CID Investigations 30 * FIRE SERVICES Residential Fires 2 Ambulance Calls : Commercial Fires 0 Vehicle Accidents 9 Other Building Fires 0 Non-accident EMS 22 fir' Vehicle Fires 0 Total Patients Transported 17 Grass Fires 5 Grass/Weed Complaints 12 Fire Alarms - False 13 Burn Permits Issued 2 Fuel Spills/Leak 7 Pre-fire Inspections 19 Other Haz-Mat Calls 0 Building Plans Reviewed 28 IIBomb Threats 1 Other Fire Calls 42 ISUPPORT SERVICES Total Police Service Calls 1763 Total Training Hours : IITotal Fire Service Calls 65 Police 160 Crime Prevention Surveys 8 Fire 44 ITotal DARE Classes Taught 0 Communications 72 Warrants Received!"10, 25 Volunteers 0 Warrants Cleared 13 Total Personnel Trained 28 Total Warrant Collections $2 , 736 . 50 9-1-1 Hang-up Investigations 10 *CID numbers for Det . Sessions only. Det . Ward' s numbers were not available . //4-.-"X rpm eurrupi we u i caRIP o Irtic -11Po rim mil rig ell rim PLANS READY PERMISSION PROJECTED TtJ:> DATE DATE COMPLETION PERCENT<`*:' PROJECT DESCRIPTION ADVTG/ORDERED AWARDED?. START DATE'' COMPLETED 1 . Heavy Equipment 12/21/93 01/18/94 01/19/94 varies 1-3 80% months 2 . Kimball Traffic Signals ' 09/06/94 plans to 3 . Continental Park Drainage 01/15/94 Council 06/30/94 08/30/94 4 . Water Improvements 12/07/93 01/07/94 02/01/94 06/01/94 100% (S.Peytonville to Continental) B11-M1k 5 . Water Improvements (Pump Station) 12/07/93 01/07/94 02/01/94 06/01/94 95% 6 . Water Improvements (Pump) 12/07/93 10/19/93 11/01/93 04/01/94 100% .k 7 . S-2 Sewer Line 07/20/93 07/26/93 9/94 100% Aledo 8 . Street Bond, Phase II 08/17/93 06-16-94 Carroll Ave. (SH 114 to Dove Ck) JL Bertram 9 . Summerplace Ln. Reconstruction 93/94 budget 08/16/94 10 . Summerplace Ln. Drainage 01/15/94 In-House 06/30/94 08/30/94 11 . Water Improvements, Ph. III 02/02/93 04/06/93 04/26/93 07/15/93 100% (White Chapel) 12 . Water Improvements, Ph. II 10/01/93 01/18/94 02/01/94 07/30/94 100% (High Pressure Plane) H & W 13 . South Peytonville 08/17/93 QCof9J94) 08/01/94 09/30/94 14 . S. Kimball Road Improvements 11/16/93 03/01/94 04/20/94 Sunmount 15 .Shady Oaks Water Line (CISD) 09/06/94 1 PLANS,;REL DATE... . PERMISSION PROJECTED TO DATE DATE COMPLETION PERCENT * START DATE COMPLETED PROJECT DESCRIPTION ADVTG/ORDERED AWARDED 16 .N. Kimball Ext . (FM 1709-SH114) 06/15/94 09/06/94 01/15/95 JL Bertram 17 . Water System Improvements (SH 05/15/94 07/05/94 07/25/94 09/15/94 114-Kimball vicinity) 18 . Sanitary Lift Station & Force 06/15/94 09/06/94 Main (SH 114 and Kimball kd. vicinity) 19 . Sanitary Lift Station & Force RWW4 a O5/ 4 24r o 9c94 Pn7z/A 94 Main (SH 114 and FM 1709 and Wall St . vicinity) 20 . Westpark Water Change Order 03/01/94 04/20/94 05/05/94 100% 21. White Chapel from Bear Creek 04/05/94 Engr. contract to SH 114 04/os 22 . Dove Rd from White Chapel to 04/05/94 Engr. contract Kimball 04/05 * Percentages based upon payment estimates. WPFILES\PROJECTS.1 2 ow pm on on iroPqk sio ma on res mu on poi rera we SUBDIVISION AND COMMERCIAL PROJECTS SUBDIVISION LOCATION NO.OF NO.OF DEVELOPER/ P&Z SIGNED DEV. PERCENT DATE NAME LOTS ACRES ENGINEER ACTION AGREEMENT COMPLETED ACCEPTED Adams Add. E.Continental&S.White Chapel 7 8.73 Warren Hagen Consultants Approved 1-3-94 95% Carroll Oaks Shop Cntr SH 114&N.Carroll N/A N/A Carter&Burgess N/A N/A 100% 5-1-94 Commerce Business Park MarketLoop ~ 13 6.5 Approved Pending Country Walk Add. W.Continental 61 43.2 Continental Jnt Venture Approved Pending 0% Dalton Sewer S.Carroll N/A N/A E.L.Dalton N/A 1-27-94 100% 4-7-94 Dominion Add. E.Continental 55 39 JMB Development Approved 11-29-93 99% Hillcrest Estates S.Carroll 123 75.8 Papagolos Dev, Approved Pending 0% Lake Crest Add. W.Southlake Blvd. 51 33 G Development Approved 7-26-93 99% Lonesome Dove N.Carroll At Burney 150 82.4 Tom Matthews Approved_ 9-14-94 0% Monticello III W.Southlake Blvd 27 39 Hills of Monticello Approved 2-10-94 95% Myers Meadows W.Southlake Blvd. 272 143 Joyce/Myers Approved 6-15-93 100% 8-20-93 Oakwood Ph II Eon Bob Jones Rd. 15 20.21 Tim Fleet Approved 10-6-93 100% ^ Pheasant Lakes Addn. Randol Mill 9 17.64 Warren Hagen Approved Pending 0% v Princeton Park S.White Chapel 73 45 Sunnybrook Farms Approved 12-13-93 99% 1 Remax W.Southlake Blvd 1 N/A J.Levitt Approve N/A 100% 4-12-94 ( "U Southlake Hills Fast N.of W.Continental 18 11.455 Conn—Anderson Approved 0 21/94 0% Southlake Mk Pl.Albertson W.Southlake Blvd @ Davis 5 10.6 Southlake Jnt.Venture Approved 3-2-94 site work 70% Wal—Mart Kimball Ave. 53 31.06 Adams Engr. Approved pending Southridge Lakes VII N.Peytonville 30 20.41 Atvida Approved 3-17-94 90% Stanhope Add E.Highland 14 15 David Hardy Approved 2-3-94 100% Stone Lakes III W.Southlake Blvd. 80 37.09 Phil Jobe Approved 2-8-94 95% Timarron Club House E.Continental 1 12.61 Mobil Land Dev Approved N/A 99% Timarron III E.Continental 290 303 Mobil Land Dev. Approved 5/16/94 99% Timarron Ph IV E.Continental N/A N/A Mobil Land Dev. Approved Pending 0% Timber Lake III—IV W.Southlake Blvd. 72 34.8 Continental JV Approved 4/25/94 100% Total 1,420 1029.51 123\Subdiv.wk2 August 1994 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM(15.: September 12, 1994 TO: Robert Whitehead, Director of Public Works FROM: Brad Payton, Street Superintendent SUBJECT: Monthly Report for Street Department August, 1994. C Description July Aug 1 . Tons of asphalt used a. Hot Mix Asphalt 12 77 c. Cold Mix Asphalt 750 300 d. Base Material 400 300 2 . Lane Miles of Road Repaired 100 100 3 . Number of Street Signs Repaired or Replaced (all types) 63 48 4 . Feet of Ditch Line Cleaned and shaped 500 1500 5 . Number of Vehicles Repaired 2 1 a. Dump truck repair transmission and replace clutch 6 . Row mowed in miles of streets 92 92 BP/cbk i/7/ I r CUTILITY DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH August, 1994 Irbe July Aug GALLONS PUMPED FROM WELLS 0 0 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH 107,498,000 134,566,000 TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 107,498, 000 134,566,000 II WATER METERS SET 45 63 NEW WATER TAPS MADE 4 5 VALVES REPAIRED 13 3 VALVES TESTED 31 36 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED 3 1 FIRE HYDRANTS REPAIRED 1 5 FIRE HYDRANTS FLUSHED 23 28 CDEAD END WATER MAINS FLUSHED 7 1 WATER MAINS REPAIRED 1 0 WATER METERS AND SERVICE LINE REPAIRED 6 8 LOCKED METER FOR DELINQUENT PAYMENT -0- 9 ilh' PULLED METERS 1 0 METERS REPLACED 3 0 IMISCELANEOUS WORK ORDERS 214 267 SEWER LIFT STATIONS CHECKED (4 L.S. ) 80 92 REQUIRED MONTHLY SEWAGE TESTS 10 8 I SEWER PLANT MAINTENANCE (BANK & DOVE) 40 46 SEWER MANHOLES INSPECTED 1 4 IMISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS 0 0 Put the new high pressue plan and the Florence overhead storage tank into service on August 30, 1994 . WATER SUPERINTENDENT %be _63.diaiti IDIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS rwerrow pm wemg inass r ® we MONT REPORT PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION SEPTEMBER, 1994 REV•ISION:.. STARTIhND : .::`: >::COMPL ETE REMARKS.-: POLICX.:A•Nb:.PROCEDURE DEVELOPMNT1........ :;...:;:<: : •, ::.;:::.:;;:.:::.:;::.;:.;;::.;:: •1. Facilities Usage Agreement 2/25-9/15 75% Awaiting final input from baseball association; made changes according to input from lawyer and meeting with youth association representatives; needs minor changes; will meet with baseball and soccer associations to implement for Fall seasons 2. Procedure for scheduling of soccer practice fields on joint 8/1-9/15 50% Contacted by CISD and asked to schedule soccer use and city sites practice fields; Received list of available sites; ISD admin. notified principals; Contacted M.S. principal • and Coach Ledbetter to confirm sites and hours of usability; notification to soccer coaches of procedure on Sept. 6; Following procedure as submitted to Park Board 3. Athletic Field Scheduling Procedure 8/1-9/15 90% Constructed proposal for Field Reservation Procedures; Submitted at Aug. Park Board meeting - tabled; Awaiting Park Board recommendation; 4. Park Maintenance Work Order Submittal 7/20-9/15 100% Printed work order forms to be submitted to Park Maintenance; For use by other departments and by associations utilizing city park facilities; will be included in Facilities Usage Agreement; Used to track projects RECREATION.PROGRAMS.;: :.................... ........... M > ;• ::::::::. K • 1. Fall Recreational Programs 8/26-11/15 25% Contracted instructors for tennis leagues and clinic, preschool programs, art classes, CPR classes, teen activities; continuing karate; began Adult Softball league(8 teams in 35 and over league); concluding Teen Leadership course; Developed and distributed Fall brochure to all Southlake residents; submitted news releases; contacted people from interest survey input; scheduled facility locations; need larger facility for Karate (growing participation)-contact schools 2. Locating possible instructors for additional programs ongoing Contacted TCJC continuing education director; sending proposal/request WM worm! ma NNE IMO ME 111611--1111111 1 0% Meeting with "Friday Night Live" group t 3. Targeting programs for teens program; Attended NE Youth Task Force meeting; Meet with Youth Advisory Board in Sept.; Developing ' training for in-line hockey referees; begin in-line hockey league in April 4. Adult Exercise programs June/April 10% Attempted to contract with "Jazzercise"; Could not arrange facilities through CISD; required minimum of two nights per week continuous; continue negotiations and locate facility; plan Spring to begin classes . „„ „ . ....... . ........... ..... . ..... . ................... • ............ ........ EST •• • S STA1tTIEN1) .::::; :••••• ._„. . ..... . ..... ...........EVEN ..„.. • --. -• -- • • •••••••-- ------••• • •• -0--- ---• • • 1. Southlake Stampede 5K Run 7/1-9/17 50% Meeting with committee; will provide race day support and some equipment; arranged portable toilets; guaranteed to provide volunteers 2. Halloween Event 8/1-11/1 5% Distributed letter to businesses and churches asking for trick-or-treat site sponsors and volunteers; contacted Lion's Club and Women's Chamber to set initial meeting; searching for location for Haunted House; placed information in Fall brochure; through employee newletter asked for city employee volunteers 1:1 ‘ EST • ' COMMUNITY BUILDING/LODGE SCHEDULES . START/END- : : COMPLETE • REMARKS • -3s.1 • , ...... • .• • •• 1. Reservations for month of August ongoing 61 reservations; approximately 1,120 users 2. Constructed additional office space 8/1-8/30 100% Moved Park Crew Leader and Volunteer Coordinator to two new offices and set up office for Park Project Manager ....................................................................................................................................... • " • • • • •. ••••:. EST . .•: : • ...• •.... •. • • ....ADMINISTRATIVE.. • START/END COMPLETED REMARKS • 1. Regional Meetings ongoing Park Project Manager and Parks and Rec. Coordinator attended Metro Parks and Rec. Directors meeting on ozone issues, Metroport presentation on regional trails system, and United Way's Middle School Task Force meeting 2. Reports Monthly Weekly staff report and monthly Division report 3. 1994-95 Budget March/Sept. 95% Submitted and reviewed final budget with City Manager and Council Workshop 11/1111 ONO(wpm. Nam erns aim Nis mous vie Ito% use rim sae gas sone ens on rime rim CONSTRUCTION::PRO CTS`:::: 1. Bicentennial Park Expansion- Phase I A. Design Phase March/Sept. 95% - Architect received final staff comments B. Bidding Phase Sept./Oct. 0% Open bids September 30th/ Award Oct. 20 C. Construction Phase Oct./Sept. 0% 2. Middle School Gymnasium/Recreation Center A. Design Phase Feb./Aug. 100% Bid several alternates to make budget of$500,000 B. Bidding Phase Sept. 50% Open bids September 22/CISD awards following week C. Construction Phase Oct/May 0% >SPECIAL PRO,) CTS ST RT/END.; COMPL TET): REMARKS 1. City Wide Trail Master Plan RFP's were mailed Aug. 26; Due back to City Sept. A. Consultant Selection Aug./Oct. 5% 20; Plan to have a contract to Council by Oct. 20 B. Plan Development 11/94-3/95 0% • rill Min 1111111 ONO IMO MINI r MEI MINI NMI NMI OEM IIIIIII IMO • >:: EST::.>::>: .' °. • . ;: ; :>::,>::;;:<:>::>:: NA,N.C�.:..E>�C�N'X'��11�A�.r....,A�................................. A���:AND........... ......C�tMIQ�,�'�'� ........................... ..... . 1. Turf establishment on practice fields Aug./March 50% Assembled temporary irrigation system; seeded with bermuda; began irrigation program; prepare for use as game fields in Spring 2. General Maintenance ongoing Mowed and weedeated all areas; collected trash; cleaned restrooms; raked playground; dragged fields; Fill dirt around posts at alternate parking; removed dead trees; levelled area for practice soccer fields; performed soil pulverizing on practice fields; irrigation repairs; removed temporary tree stakes; • aerated fields; removed pitcher mound on Field#1; levelled playing surface on Field#1; landscaping maintenance 3. Fail Baseball/Softball Aug/Nov Prepare fields on Thursdays and Fridays 4. Existing irrigation system Aug/Dec 50% Removed booster pump from system; pump in disrepair and causing decrease in water pressure; rerouted connecting lines to bypass; has increased pressure; will continue to check heads for repairs MAINTENANCE ':: ESA:::>:::: : .>;:;: ::>'.,: °Ia :' :::":;::>:>:::::;;::< '..:. ':.•. ARROLL ELEM AREA :::: ;::::<.: ::.; : ;:STAR'l/END:::>:::>::: ''::�ONIPLETE� `` >:> >:;:<: '' >:<: ''':' ::>::: R�MARI�S;;::>. ....:..::;:::;;,:>:...: t ' 1. General Maintenance ongoing Mowed; collected trash and changed bags; weedeated around backstops 2. Fall Baseball Aug/Nov 10% Will mow more often for 4 baseball practice fields ES: MAINTE E.-INTERMEDIATES >HOOIt::.:. STAR: ND' COMP"ETED::.: : >'::>:>:::::.:;»: <:<::;::::: REMARKS<> NAND : ;.::.0.:.......:. . :: :.;..;..: . fE.:<..:::.;;:.::.. :.;::.:::.;::.::...... ::.: ::... . 1. Reset football goal posts Aug. 100% Were removed for spring baseball/softball; scheduled Public Works assistance 2. Moved bleachers Aug. 100% Were moved to multi-purpose court for summer hockey league. Returned to athletic field. Cleared area under bleacher location; scheduled Public Works assistance 3. General Maintenance ongoing Applied grass killer along multi-purpose court fence line; mowed around multi-purpose court; collected trash; removed home plate; watered new sod 4. Removed concrete blocks left from construction of multi- Aug. 100% Contacted Public Works. Had removed. Notified purpose court school. we r-rwi IIRRI.. MN • • . Aug. 100% Removed pins from timer to prevent lights..om 5. Set timer on lights being turned on since no activities are scheduled for Fall; install again in Spring MAINTENANCE- CITY HALL START]ENI) COMPLETED REMARKS 1. General Maintenance ongoing Trimmed shrubs; removed weeds from planting beds; planted shrubs; pruned flowering plants 2. Repaired irrigation Sept. 90% Capped line where fence was added. 3. Improve Public Safety Entrance Area Sept. 40% Trim back shrubs and remove undergrowth. Add landscaping, bench, and pavestone 4. Landscape Engineering building Oct. 0% Need to develop plan 5. Improve South fence line Oct/Dec. 0% Researching options 3. Plant Fall color / Replace dead shrubs Sept. 0% •• • , • • . EQUIPMENT.MANTENANCE/REPAI.g.':.i:::., , 1. Toro mower ongoing Replaced belt and repaired tension arm; replaced cutting blades; repaired flat tire; Greased fittings 2. Miscellaneous Equipment ongoing Replaced bolts on drag; changed oil in push mower; replaced fuel line on weedeater (..>\ 7. Transmission repaired on Chevrolet truck Aug. Estimates attained. Placed in shop. 'k r r W > 2 CEDAR CREEK PLANTATION ZONED SF1 A V) r L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES.Uj Q w o rn MTV 1 i rq':r - "011K 1 1 (private) OWNER ZONED AG I L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. 1 i i 1 9 I 7 1 z) LOT 1 a LAKE _ 1 POST OAK TR. 1 1 coco RUBY L. HILL ZONED AG L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. -11-7 S 89 7' 0" E 5 4 6 ( ' JI 7 20 1 19 21 TRAIL CREEK PHASE I LOT 1 W ZONED SF1A L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. 4 1 ' HOOD CEMETERY 30 DOVE ROAD W Q W W > J J Q O QO )- W HIGHLAND �oOpgROOK Q Q N W fl Q U LLJ FM 1709 LOCATION MAP GRAPHIC SCALE 200 0 100 200 400 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 200 ft. LAND USE DATA TOTAL N0. DWELL. NET RES. GROSS UNITS DENSITY ACREAGE SINGLE 82 1.5 du/ac 53.6 FAMILY OPEN N/A N/A 14.3 SPACE RESIDENTIAL N/A N/A 13.0 STREETS R.O.W. N/A N/A 1.4 DEDICATION TOTAL 82 1.0 du/ac 82.3 DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE START - JAN. 1995 COMPLETION - JUNE 1995 COVENTRY LANE i z 2ftis U 25T24 U 20 i 1 < b 0 I �z�-!! L.L � .Yr 26 23 A in O i 1 - - 1 (1 -j I O rrl ^f M J BLOCK TWO I LOT 9 1 1 „ 27 1 ww' .www S 89'44'W 878.42' M u) D O N tD 0 r` 21 9 27 27 26 L.U.D. - OWI"EN. RES. �� o w O�►�,6 oki > U1 - - - __� vNi V) 1 1 W p Of (sj 25 O o JAMES E. BURGER o U ZONED 10 EXETER CT. i L.U.D. DEN. RES. o z 22 Q DON J. WEEKS 1 `- ZONED AG 1 0- � 2, L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. I O� d 1 X 20 GLEN B. BURGESS, Jr. ZONED AG 19 L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. O I O E_ % 17 1 0 KATHLEEN L. SUMNER 1 z ZONED AG I L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. 28 GARDEN ADDITION I ZONED SF1A L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. 1 1 W 325.41' to 4 1 W011 CITIZENS FEDERAL BANK ZONED AG Ilk !' ,r.�• L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. p 11 . E 200.18' BOBBY L. RAMSEY ZONED AG L. U. D. • • e .•. . ZONED AG S 0936427 W 194.36' L`LARRY- • 61u) ZONED AG ���� • - LOW • ri. //• ow'' 1 1 • •• ZONED •' ZOAG NED J.M. BARLEAN ZONED AG r L.U.D.• • MARION R. BONE ZONED AG L.U.D. - LOW • '� •,111i.,,JJ� I�T ZONED AG D. - LOW • EN. RES- ljw- ZONED AG ((�� ,,�� • ,fit_ �. 1L. U. D. • 23 01 t1 0 � 1 3 1� LAND'S END CT. ---.., 1 14 •••„•w.•w•o•' 1 13 2 I co" 1� 18 15 , . �� CAMBRIDGE LN. G. R. BURNS ZONED AG L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. 800 WEST 116.96' 1 5 BLOCK TWO +,1 1 e. 2 r e) 1 N 00'45'E 147.20' WEST 1635.56' 1 F. L. BAILEY 1 ZONED AG L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. JOHN L. (LOW ZONED AG L.U.D. - MED. DEN. RES. GENERA- NOTES: 1. Minimum lot size = 21,500 square feet. 2. Front Building Line = 30 feet. 3. Homeowner Is Association to maintain all land- scaping, open space, and Hood Cementery,within the community boundaries. Membership will ma-idatory. 4. All existing structures will be removed. 5. All utilities shall be underground. 6. No driveway access from rear/side of lots to N. Peytonville Avenue or Shady Oaks Lane. 7. Percentage of open space - 17.3% 8. Conc. sidewalks on all lots by builders. Owner: MME-EEM VQvC1=<O)m 1200 SHADY OAKS SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 Owner: 1645 N. PEYTONVILLE AVE. SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 FIELD NOTES 104.76 Acres T. M. HOOD SURVEY, ABSTRACT 706 All that certain lot, tractor parcel of land located in the 5AyE__AH1L_EXCEPT T. M. Hood Survey, Abstract 706, Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, being all of that certain 60.93 acre tract conveyed to Harry J. and Four tracts of land being more particularly described as tract according to the deed recorded in volume 2741, Page 267, Deed Helen M. Bradley by Deed recorded in Volume 1749, Page 493, Deed follows: Records, Tarrant County, Texas; Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and all of that certain 43.83 acre tract conveyed to Earnest E. and Helen Taylor by Deeds recorded in Tract 1 THENCE South 00 degrees 45 minutes West 147.20 feet to the Volume 2312, Page 624, Volume 2741, Page 267 and Volume 3863, Page BEGINNING at the westerly southwest corner of a 13.75 acre tract southeast corner of said 5.53 acre tract; 460, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being more according to the deed recorded in Volume 3863, Page 460, Deed particularly described in one tract as follows: Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE West 200.02 feet along the south line of said 5.53 acre BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron pin in centerline of Peytonville THENCE North 01 degrees 06 minutes 56 seconds East 460.79 feet tract to a point; Avenue said rod also being the northwest corner of the T. M. Hood along the centerline of Peytonville Avenue to a point; THENCE North 00 degrees 45 minutes West 149.82 feet to a point; Survey, Abstract 706 and the southwest corner of a 13.0 acre tract according to the Deed recorded in Volume 6386, Page 973, Deed THENCE South 87 degrees 31 minutes 37 seconds East 290.16 feet to THENCE North 214.91 feet to a point; Records, Tarrant County, Texas; a point; THENCE South 89 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds East 1,966.45 feet South 01 degrees 06 minutes 56 seconds west 307.92 feet to THENCE South 89 degrees 52 minutes 200.01 feet to the Point ofTHENCE Beginning and containing 72,375 square feet of land. along the south line of said 13.0 acre tract (at 1,870.01 feet a point; at the point of curvature of a curve to the left having a passing a 3/4 inch iron rod at the southeast corner of said 13.0 central angle of 90 degrees, a radius of 50.00 feet and a long acre tract) to a 1/2 inch iron rod at the northwest corner of a chord which bears South 43 degrees 57 minutes 04 seconds East 70.71 5.00 acre tract according to the Deed recorded in Volume 8759, Page feet; 64, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE along said curve to the left an arc distance of 78.54 feet THENCE South 01 degrees 03 minutes 42 seconds West 325.41 feet to a point; along the west line of said 5.00 acre tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod at the northwest corner of a 3.02 acre tract according to the Deed THENCE South 01 degrees 06 minutes 56 seconds West 86.31 feet to a recorded in Volume 5064, Page 310, Deed Records, Tarrant County, point; Texas; THENCE South 89 degrees 44 minutes West 365.11 feet to the Point of THENCE South 00 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds East 200.18 feet Beginning and containing 147,647 square feet of land. along the west line of said 3.02 acre tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod at the northwest corner of a 2.81 acre tract according to the Deed recorded in Volume 6928, Page 314, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Tract 2 Texas; Beginning at the northwest corner of a 5.53 acre tract according to THENCE South 00 degrees 34 minutes 46 seconds West 183.96 feet the deed recorded in volume 2741, Page 267, Deed Records, Tarrant along the went line of said 2.81 acre tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod County, Texas and a point in the South line of a 24.55 acre tract at the northwest corner of a 3.0 acre tract according to the Deed according to the deed recorded in Volume 2312, Page 624, Deed recorded in Volume 6926, Page 314, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Records, Tarrant County, Texas; Texas; THENCE West 116.96 feet to the southwest corner of said 24.55 acre THENCE South 00 degrees 36 minutes 42 seconds West 194.36 feet tract; along the west line of said 3.0 acre tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod at the northwest corner of a 2.49 acre tract according to the Deed THENCE North 809.97 feet to the northwest corner of said 24.55 acre e recorded in Volume 5169, Page 553, Deed Records, Tarrant County, tract and the southernmost southwest corner a 13.75 acre tract according to the deed recorded in Volume 3863, Page 460 Deed Texas; Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE South 01 degrees 07 minutes 39 seconds West 157.51 feet THENCE North O1 degrees 04 minutes East 496.50 for a common ell along the west line of said 2.49 acre tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod corner of said 13.75 acre tract; at the northwest corner of a 5.3 acre tract according to the Deed Recorded in Volume 3912, Page 74, Deed Records, Tarrant County, THENCE South 00 degrees 845.73 feet to a point; at the point of Texas; curvature of a curve to the left having a central angle of 33 THENCE South 00 degrees 45 minutes 34 seconds West 287.79 feet degrees 27 minutes 23 seconds, a radius of 300 feet and a long along the west line of said 5.3 acre tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod chord which bears South 16 degrees 40 minutes 05 seconds East at the northeast corner of a 13.75 acre tract according to the Deed 172.10 feet; Recorded in Volume 3863, Page 460, Heed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE along said curve to the left an arc distance of 175.18 feet to a point; THENCE South 00 degrees 45 minutes West 5118.70 feet along the east line of said 13.75 acre tract to the northeast corner of a 24.55 THENCE. South 36 degrees 53 minutes 19 seconds West 303.86 feet to acre tract according to the Deed recorded in Volume 2312, Page 624, the Point of Beginning and containing 310,400 square feet of land. Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE south 00 degrees 42 minutes West 579.72 feet to a coswon ell Tract 3 corner of said 24.55 acre tract; Beginning at a 1/2 inch iron rod at the northeast corner of said 60.93 acre tract, said rod also being the northwest corner of a THENCE South 89 degrees 52 minutes East 658.33 feet to the 5.00 acre tract according to the deed recorded in Volume 8759, Page northeast corner of said 24.55 acre tract; 64, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE South 214.44 feet to the northeast corner of a 5.53 acre THENCE South 01 degrees 03 minutes 42 seconds west 325.41 feet tract according to the Deed recorded in Volume 2741, Page 267, Deed along the west line of said 5.00 acre tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod Records, Tarrant County, Texas; at the northwest corner of a 3.02 acre tract according to the deed recorded in Volume 5084, Page 310, Deed Records, Tarrant County, THENCE South 00 degrees 45 minutes West 147.20 feet to the Texas; southeast corner of said 5.53 acre tract; THENCE South 00 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds Fast 200.19 feet THENCE West 1,635.56 feet to the southwest corner of said 5.53 acre along the west line of said 3.02 acre tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod tract; at the northwest corner of a 2.81 acre tract according to the deed recorded in Volume 6928, Page 314, Deed Records, Tarrant County, THENCE North 00 degrees 45 minutes East 147.20 feet to the Texas; northwest corner of said 5.53 acre tract and a point in the south I of said 24.55 acre tract; THENCE South 00 degrees 34 minutes 48 seconds West 183.96 feet along the west line of said 2.81 acre tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod THENCE West 116.96 feet to the southwest corner of said 24.55 acre at the northwest corner of a 3.0 acre tract according to the deed tract; recorded in volume 6928, Page 314, Deed Records, Tarrant County, THENCE, North 809.97 feet to the northwest corner of said 24.55 acre Texas; tract and the southernmost southwest corner of said 13.75 acre THENCE South 00 degrees 36 minutes 42 seconds West 194.36 feet - tract; along the west line of said 3.0 acre tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod at the northwest corner of a 2.49 acre tract according to the deed THENCE North 01 degrees 04 minutes East 496.5 feet for a common ell recorded in volume 5159, Page 553, Deed Records, Tarrant County, corner of said 13.75 acre tract; Texas; THENCE South 89 degrees 44 minutes West 878.42 feet to the westerly THENCE, South 01 degrees 07 minutes 39 seconds West 157.51 feet southwest corner of said 13.75 acre tract; along the west line of said 2.49 acre tract to a 112 inch iron rod at the northwest corner of a 5.3 acre tract according to the deed THENCE North 01 degrees 06 minutes 56 seconds East 1,397.36 feet recorded in volume 3912, Page 74, Deed Records, Tarrant County, along the centerline of Peytonville Avenue to the Point of Texas; Beginning and containing 103.76 acres. THENCE South 00 degrees 45 minutes 34 seconds West 287.79 feet SAVE AND EXCEPT along the west line of said 5.3 acre tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod at the northeast corner of a 13.75 acre tract according to the deed ONE TRACT of land known as Hood Cemetery and more particularly recorded in volume 3863, page 460, Deed Records, Tarrant County, described as follows: Texas; BEGINNING at an iron rod in the centerline of Peytonville Avenue THENCE South 00 degrees 45 minutes West 324.34 feet along the east said rod also being at the northwest corner of the T. M. Hood line of said 13.75 acre tract to a point; Survey Abstract 706, and the southwest corner of a 13.0 acre tract according to the Deed recorded in Volume 6386, Page 973, Deed THENCE North 89 degrees 28 minutes 54 seconds West 200.79 feet to Records, Tarrant County, Texas; a point; THENCE South 01 degrees 06 minutes 56 seconds West 637.35 feet along the centerline of Peytonville Avenue to a point; Tees 71 minutes 06 seconds East 487.95 feet to THENCE North 00 de 9 a point; THENCE South 84 degrees 49 minutes 26 seconds East 580.18 feet (at 557.18 feet passing a 1/2 inch iron rod at the southwest corner of THENCE North 89 degrees 28 minutes 54 seconds West 44.0 feet to a 9 Lot 1, Bradley Addition to the city of Southlake, Tarrant County, point; Texas according to the Plat recorded in Volume 388-170, Page 31, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas) to a 1/2 inch iron rod in the THENCE North oo degrees 71 minutes o6 seconds East a9.98 feet to a 9 south line of Lot 1 and the Point of Beginning; point; THENCE South 05 degrees 10 minutes 34 seconds West 208.71 feet to THENCE North 29 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds West 181.21 feet toa point, said point being in a curve to the right having a central a 1/2 inch iron rod; angle of 45 degrees 44 minutes 31 seconds, a radius of 300.00 feet THENCE South 84 degrees 49 minutes 26 seconds East 1208.71 feet to and a long chord which bears North 23 degrees 23 minutes 21 seconds • a 1/2 inch iron rod; East 233.19 feet; THENCE North 05 degrees LO minutes 34 seconds East 208.71 feet to THENCE along said curve to the right an arc distance of 239.50 feet a 1/2 inch iron rod in the south line of Lot 1; to a point; THENCE North 84 degrees 49 minutes 26 seconds West 208.71 feet THENCE North 00 degrees 31 minutes 06 seconds East 763.71 feet to along the south line of Lot 1 to a 1/2 inch iron rod and the Point a point in the north line of said 60.93 acre tract; of Beginning and containing 1.00 acres. THENCE South 89 degrees 30 minutes Eastr 250.00 feet, along the north line of said 60.93 acre tract to the Point of Beginning and containing 406,200 square feet of land. Tract 4 Beginning at the northeast corner of a 24.55 acre tract according SOUTH 214.44' to the deed recorded in Volume 2312, Page 624, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; W. HIGHLAND THENCE South 214.44 feet to the northeast corner of a 5.53 acre Developer: 02>01R�aL, ESE (0)1P) =_M7rOEES9 Om(9'1�o 5215 NORTH O'CONNOR, SUITE 200 IRVING. TEXAS 75035 Engineering/Planning: 1Do EE. 0-1EMO-7-7 ENGINEERS - PLANNERS 726 COMMERCE STREET SUITE 104 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 (817) 488-3313 DEVELOPMENT PLAN for UOVENT-RX AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS in the T.M. HOOD SURVEY, A-706 PRESENT ZONING: AG PROPOSED ZONING: R-PUD L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. 82.3 ACRES n 82 LOTS O 16 SEPTEMBER 1994 n SEP 19 1994 II � CASE NO. ZA 94-88 CEDAR CREEK PLANTATION ZONED SN A L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. OWNER ZONED AG L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. LOT I o RUBY L. HILL w ZONED AG 0° L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. GARDEN ADDITION ZONED SF1A L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. U � I P.O.B. a - S 930 I E 1966.45 I 1 - / S 01*03'4 W 325.41 56 1 ~' CITIZENS FEDERAL BANK ' I 50 I ZONED AG NEW•,CASTLE RD. 1 L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. TREES i i 10 I O / - �, - I I •, `y - t 1 I I I ^: I r --L� I ,'� - �' _ _ S 00' 13'26P E 200.18' W I1 ,,LAKE , !�+ BOBBY L. RAMSEY 01 I 20 POST OAK TR. TRAIL CREEK PHASE I ZONED SF1A L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. r LOT 1 LOT 8 LOT 9 to In N } :D V) En N W U Z 2 OI 7) LAND USE DATA TOTAL NO. DWELL. NET RES. GROSS UNITS DENSITY ACREAGE SINGLE 127 1.7 du/0c 75.8 FAMILY OPEN SPACE N/A N/A 12.8 RESIDENTIAL N/A N/A 13.8 STREETS R.O.W. N/A N/A 1.4 DEDICATION TOTAL 127 1.2 du/ac 103.8 DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE START - JAN. 1995 COMPLETION - JUNE 1995 ZONED AG II SPA I ` ` L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. III - rivets)-' S 00'34'48" W 183.96' rn 1 y 1 25 - rJ l 1 ROBERT L. HINMAN II I TREES I / Y� - ZONED AG 1; I S84'49'26"E�"I 1 7 �� FJ,t L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. y 1 3 208.71'- / t / l I I f W I TREES !`> ,6 � S 00'36'42" W 194.36' !1 } I LARRY F. CROY Lo I' I HOOD 0 o f / 30 15 1 CEMETERY - 37 / ' i 'i ZONED AG L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. MIDDLESBO H RD.' 884.4R 6 E ' rn S 01'07'39" W 157.51' 45 r� 1 JAMES KING 34 U ' TREES �j 1 J C ZONED SF1A LOW DEN. RES. 1 I U-------- /~� ANDREA SANCHEZ O - E o� ZONED AG I (n I t \ d' 1 30 > Q L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. LLJ - Z - ` , j 40 �� -- ---- .I , . �. /. I, .� 25 TREES 20 BRAD T CT ) ! TAYLOR J.M. BARLEAN S 89'44'W 878.42' - j - - I,i ZONED AG �LON W. MOILAN, Jr. j' ; Y L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. ✓ O �• OOHED AG _: IO ✓ 4 35 ) l TREES 1 L.U.D. - t'&W-DEW RES. I`n ' co I' ltj MARION R. BONE N ZONED AG U - - - _ - L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. o 1 i o IOW, I 1� 1 = - - CHAUNCEY W. WILLIANGHAM JAMES E. BURGER O j 30 U o _ _ - ZONED AG ZONED AG I �' j W - --® L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. I ~ L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES, 1 0 - EXRTER CT, - cc I ELZA L. SHUPING Z 10 j 5 1 ZONED AG > L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. I _ DON J. WEEKS ZONED AG L.U.D. - LOW DEN, RES. - - - - - 1 25 :CD G. R. BURNS ICD GLEN B. BURGESS, Jr. ZONED AG r%LAND'S END CT. L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. - ZONED AG L.U.D. -LOW DEN. RES. I f� 15 - 15 > N I i - O O 1 o / ' 20 1 ,�, _ _ S_ _895X_E658_.33' KATHLEEN L. SUMNER I Z ZONED AG �_ _ % LU.D. - LOW DEN. RES. OPEIF� sPACEI COVENTRY LN. (private) I 1 .t I I I l 7TREE*,_� TREES ' 5 WEST 116.96' - 1 OPEN SPACEI N 00'45'E 147.20' �°(private) I 1 WEST 1635.56' i F. L. BAILEY I ZONED AG L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. JOHN L. CLOW ZONED AG L.U.D. - MED. DEN. RES. Owner: aEMiLEffa %'La"fL ®M 1200 SHADY OAKS SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 Owner: Gz ZL 09RMNY �Je omnz*�®rLGS7 1645 N. PEYTONVLLE AVE. SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 200 GRAPHIC SCALE 100 200 400 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 200 ft. DOVE ROAD i.i > a 17 W W J J Q > Z Y O Qo BROOK HIGHLAND 0V)}Q(n n Wf JQL2 U LLJ 3 So J,�Na06 Z a FM 1709 LOCATION MAP GENERAL NOTES: &)0 1. Minimum lot size = 20,000 square feet. SOUTH 214.44' 2. Front Building Line = 30 feet. 3. Homeowner's Association to maintain all land- W. HIGHLAND scaping, open space, and Hood Cementery,Wthin - -- - the community boundaries. Membership will mandatory. S 00'45'W 147.20' 4. All existing structures will be removed. 5. All utilities shall be underground. 6. No driveway access from rear; side of lots to N. Peytonville Avenue or Shady Oaks Lane. 7. PERCENTAGE OF OPEN SPACE - 12.3% 8. CONCRETE SIDEWALKS ARE REQUIRED ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET. r��/n� Der�v�er'l-�operr-:p 0 >a OL2l , 5215 NORTH O'CONNOR, SUITE 200 IRANG, TEXAS 75035 Engineering By: J. Me ILMWO,= [EK(MO[r IE[Enal aa(0�o ENGINEERS - PLANNERS L, _�L., 726 COMMERCE STREET SUITE 104 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 (817) 488-3313 FIELD NOTES 1.04.76 Acres T. M. 11(X)D SURVEY, ARSTRACT 706 SF-2.0A All that Certain lot, tract or parcel of land located in the T. M. Iiood Survey, Abstrncl: 706, Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, b0loff ail of that certain 60.93 acre tract conveyed to Barry 3. and Iielen M. Bradley by Deed recorded in Volume 1749. Page 493, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and all of that certain 43.03 acre tract conveyed to Earnest F,. and Iielen Taylor by Deeds recorded in Volume 2.312, Page 624, Volume 2741, Page 267 and Volume 3863, Page 460, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Taxes and being more Pnrl:l(,utarly described lit one tract an follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron pin In centerline of Peytonville Avenue said rod also being the northwest corner of the T. M. flood Survey, Abstract 706 and the southwest corner of a 13.0 acre tract according to the Deed recorded in Volume 6306, Page 973, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE South 09 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds East 1,966.45 feet along the Sol' 1:11 line of said 13.0 acre tract (at 1.070.01 feet Paneing a 3/4 Inch .iron rod at the Southeast corner of said 13.0 acre tract) to a 1/2 inch iron rod at the northwest corner of a 5.00 acre tract according to the Deed recorded in Volume 8759, Page 64, I)Rod Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE South 01 degrees 03 minutes 42. seconds Nest 325.41 feet along the wept line of anid 5.00 acre Erect to a 1/2 inch iron rod nt the northwest corner of 0 3.02 acre tract according to the Deed recorded Its Vnlnme 5004, Pngo 310. Deed Record", Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degreee 13 minutes 26 seconds Feat 200.18 feet along tile west line of "aid 3.02 acre trnct to a 1/2 inch iron rod of: the northweat corner of a 2.81 acre tract according to the Deed rorord"d In Volume 692.0, Pnge 314, Deed Records, Tarrnnt County, Texan; THENCE South 00 degreee 34 minutes 48 eeconde Meet 183.96 feet along the west line of said 2..81 acre tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod at the northwest corner of a 3.0 acre tract according to the Deed recorded in Volume 6928, Page 314, Deed Records, Tarrant. County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 36 minutes 42 seconds West 194.36 feet along tl,e west line of said 3.0 acre tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod at the northwest corner of a 2.49 acre Cract according to the Deed recorded In Volume 5169, Page 553. Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE South 01 degrees 07 minutes 39 seconds West 157.51 feet along the west line of Raid 2..49 acre tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod at the northwest corner of a 5.3 acre tract according to the Deed Recorded in Volume 3912. Page 74, Deed Records, Tarrant County, TexnR; THENCE South 00 degrees 45 minutes 34 eeconde West 2.87.79 feet along the west line of said 5.3 acre tract to a 1/2 inch Iron rod at the northeast corner of a 13.75 acre tract according to the Deed Recorded in Volume 3863, Page 460, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas: TIIENCE South 00 degrees 45 minutes West 528.70 feet along the east line of sold 13.75 acre tract to the northeast corner of a 24.55 acre tract according to the Deed recorded in Volume 2312, Page 624, r Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; s THENCE South-00 degtona 42. minutes West 579.72 foot to a common ell corner of. amid 24.55 Pore tract; THENCE South 09 degraeR 52 minutes Knot 650.33 feet to the northenst corner of anid 24.55 acre tract; TRRNCE South 21.4.44 feet to the northeast corner of a 5.53 acre tract according to the Deed recorded in Volume 2741. Page 267, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; TIIENCE South 00 degrees 45 minutes Went 147.20 feet to the "oul:heasl: corner of amid 5.53 acre tract; THENCE Wont: 1,635.56 feet to the southwest corner of said 5.53 acre trncl:; THENCE North 00 degreen 45 minutes Sant 147.20 feet to the northwest corner of said 5.53 acre tract and a point in the Routh Line of Paid 24.55 acre tract; 1rl1ENCF, Went 116.96 feet to Lite northwest corner of paid 2.4.55 acre tract; TIIFNCR North 009.97 feel: to the northwest corner of said 24.55 sere t•rnct and the Routhernmost Routhwest corner of sold 13.75 acre tract: TDCHuR North O1 dogreen 04 minutes East: 496.5 feet for a common ell cornnr of. field 13.75 Pere trnet; TRENCF South 09 degreas 44 minutes West 070.42 feet to the weetarly southwest corner of said 13.75 acre tract; THENCE North 01 degrees 06 minutes 56 seconds Fast 1,397.36 feet along tl,e centerline of Peytonville Avenue to the Point of Dngloninq and contnining 103.76 acres. BAVP_ANU_EXC6PY' ONE TRACT of lend known as llood Cemetery find more particularly described an follow": BECINNINC at an iron rod in the centerline of Peytonville Avenue said rod also being at the northwest corner of the T. N. flood Survey Abstract 706, and the southwest corner of a 13.0 acre tract according to the Deed recorded in Volume 6386, Page 973, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; TRENCH South 01 degreen 06 minutes 56 seconds Went 637.35 feet along the centerline of Peytonville Avenue to a point; THENCE South 04 degrees 49 minutes 26 seconds Best 500.10 feet (at 557.18 feet passing a 1/2 inch iron rod at the southwest corner of Lot: 1, Bradley Addition to the city of Southlake, Torrent County, Texas according to the Plat recorded in Volume 306-170. Page 31, Plot Records. Tarrant County, Taxes) to a 1/2 inch iron rod in the South line of Lot I and the Point of Beginning; THENCE South 05 degrees 10 minutes,34 seconds West 200.71 feet to n 1/2 Inch icon rod: TIIENCE South 04 degrees 49 minutes 26 ascends Best 209.71 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod; TIIENCE North 05 degrees 10 minutes 34 seconds East 200.71 feet to n 1/2. inch lion rod In the South line of bot 1; TIIENCE North 04 degrees 49 minutes i6 seconds West 200.71 feet along tile ''South line of hot 1 to a 1/2 inch iron rod and the Point of Beginning and containing 1,00 sates. 1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN for COVENTRY AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS in the T.M. HOOD SURVEY, A-706 PRESENT ZONING: AG PROPOSED ZONING: R-P.U.D. L.U.D. - LOW DEN. RES. 103.76 ACRES 127 LOTS 8 JULY 1994 CASE NO. ZA 94- 88 rSEP1994 0 ............................. . --- .ORAi11W EASEMENT - GAT A. SLIDE 1433. P R T.C.T. S. Wm UTILITY ! 30' LOr 1, BLOCK 1 STONEGATE MANOR ESTATE CABINET A, SL IOE 1433 LOT J2-R-2, SLOCA- SOUTH LAKE PARK VOLLINE 398-191, PAGE 32 P.R.T.Cd. 30' "�" R°° N89° 19'23"E 295.38' 110' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT Z (HEREIN GRANTED) - Iv_ p M a z S T ROD LOT 12-R-3-A 1.354 ACRES i 58,993 SQUARE FEET I I A-11.55'39" I R-527.90' L-109.89' L.C.-N06.44'02"W NOTE, 109.701 THERE ARE NO EXISITNG STRUCTURES LOCATED ON SUBJECT PROPERTY AT THIS TIME. 1 1 � 0-30° 05'33" R-527.90' �` R°° ' ` 30' 10' W���UTN UTILITY DMENT L-277.26 L.C.-N15° 48'59"W 274.08' -18.09'S4" LOT 12-R-3-8 \, R-527.90 1.000 ACRES L-167.37 43,561 SQUARE FEET L.C.-N21.46'48"W 166.67' \ A \" IRON RODS �O FT � �i �7.5­UTILITY EASEMENT - VOLUME 388-191, P ,a c, �. N890 22'02"W I I I I I u . I� I� I� I� POINT OF BEGINNIl`'G Y_" RON ROD FOUND 12, P.R.T.C.T. .32_ �� �� 1433,PA7-T=_ -� REMAINDER OF LOT 12, BLGLK4 -�- EASEMENT - CABMIE �- U \ SOUTH LAKE PARK U_� 10' YOLNE 389-11, PAGE B, P.R.r.C.r. rLITY EASE ✓OHN COKER YOLUNE 4199, PAGE 675 - - - - - - 10_WIDE UTILITY k DRAINAGE EASEMENT - CABINET A. SLIDE 1433, P.R.T.C.T. SURVEY LINE I I HONER MCPHERSON �� I VOLUME 10901, PAGE 1516 O.R.T.C.T. G od - C�� p a e• I 18.5' I 20' Q 5,0 190 1 �o GRAPHIC SCALE EQUALS 1 INCH TO 50 FEET Vz" IRON ROD FOUND 5W `:0 '00 + 6 �sw�r ` !=^1101 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT WHEREAS, We, Richard and Yolanda McPherson are the sole owners of a tract of situated in the R.D. PRICE SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1207, County of Tarrant, according to the deed recorded in Volume 8147, Page 1371, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and more particularly described as follows: BEING Lot 12-R-3, Block 4, SOUTH LAKE PARK, an Addition in the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 388-191, Page 32, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas and further described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northeasterly corner of said Lot 12-R-3; THENCE South 01 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds East, 371.60 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found; THENCE North 89 degrees 22 minutes 02 seconds West, 221.32 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set on the easterly line of Ridgecrest Drive (a variable width Right -of -Way); THENCE along said easterly line of Ridgecrest Drive as follows: North 31 degree 18 minutes 22 seconds West, 12.28 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; 277.26 feet along the arc of said curve to the right, having a central angle of 30 degrees 05 minutes 33 seconds, a radius of 527.90 and whose long chord bears North 15 degrees 48 minutes 59 seconds West, 274.08 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set; North 00 degrees 40 minutes 37 seconds West, 91.39 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set; THENCE North 89 degrees 19 minutes 23 seconds East, 295.38 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 2.354 acres of land, more or less. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, We, Richard and Yolanda McPhereson, being the sole owners do hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as Lots 12-R-3-A & 12-R-3-B, Block 4, SOUTH LAKE PARK, an Addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and we do hereby dedicate to the public's use the streets and easements shown thereon. This plat does not alter or remove exisiting deed restrictions or covenants, if any, on this property. WITNESS our hands at Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas this the --------day of ----------, 1994. Richard McPherson Yolanda McPherson STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Richard and Yolanda McPherson, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the above and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the some for the purposes and consideration -expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this the ---------- day of ------------, 1994. ------------------------, Notary Public SURVEY LINE - - - - Commission expires: SCOTT ERIKSON YOLUME 7616, PAGE 1224 o.R.r.cr. APPROVED BY PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DATED: CHAIRPERSON: P&Z SECRETARY: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL DATED: MAYOR SECRETARY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION THS is to certify that I, James T. Muller, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Texas, having platted the above subdivision from an actual survey made on the ground; and that all lot corners, angle points, and points of curve shall be properly marked on the ground( and that this plot correctly represents that survey made under my direction and supervision. ------------------------------------- James T. Muller Registered Professional Land Surveyor Texas Registration Number 4522 THIS PLAT FILED IN CABINET ------ PAGE ------ DATE: ------------ PLAT REVISION LOTS 12-R-3-A & 12-R-3-B; BLOCK 4 SOUTH LAKE PARK AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 2.35 ACRES SITUATED IN THE REIS D. PRICE SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1207 BEING A REVISION OF LOT 12-R-3, BLOCK 4 OF SOUTH LAKE PARK ADDITION AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 388-191, PAGE 32, P.R.T.C.T. AUGUST 1994 / 2 LOTS OWNER/DEVELOPER SURVEYOR RICHARD & YOLANDA MCPHERSON DAWSON MULLER LAND SURVEYING, INC 260 EAST DOVE ROAD 3211 NORTON DRIVE, SUITE 102 sOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76262 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76118 (817) 481-7112 (817) 589-0822 z w W Q 0 Ch � � N O) �o O z 3 Y w ~ Q UCO Q p O U w w 0 u 4 lei a >% .. o VO4 • - N ap o � U) p F O N I SEP 121994 CASE NUMBER ZA 94-111 L.O. L AT•rA, JR. DAVID STENGER, ETUX I VOL.9033, PG.366 V0L.11229, PG. 69 I 0 LOT 7 LOMA VISTA ADDITION VOL 388-I32, PG 83 WILLIAM WINN SURVEY A-1660 MILL AVENUE __� JOHN CHILDRESS SURVEY A-253 50' ROW Vol 3, Pq 166 0 N88 04'34"E 213.86 He, � TCCC Minutes 105.00 �N "n 109.86 \ J' 00 POINT OF BEGINNING o FOR DESCRIPTION 6'1606 40' BUILDING"� o° LINE a �� ct 1 c-1 � ROBERT W TAYLOR I o VOL. 6950, P6.2I/ 4 I ,I 3 '° �I I Ln to II W 0 O o I _ N Zo f o LOT o LOT ern w = O rn I °D N O 0 I 2: 993 Acres 3. 009 Acres o t OD CD JOHN S. SANDERS ETU)( -4 I � VOL.8762, PG.56B CD i 0 5,0 100 200 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET I SCALE I••= i00' i i I CITY COUNCIL SOUTHLAKE9 TEXAS APPROVAL DATE SECRETARY PLANNING AND ZONING SOUTHLAKE9 TEXAS JAMES B. BROWN, ✓R VOL.5565) PG. 124 VICINITY MAP PLAT SHOWING LOTS I, & 2 JO ELLEN CHARLTON VOL. 1096417 PG 8I5 MRS. D O. FANNING VOL 2232, PG.35 J. CHILDRESS N0.253 ADDITION AN ADDITION TOTHE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE IN TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING A TRACT IN THE JOHN CHILDRESS SURVEY ABSTRACT NO.253 2 LOTS 6.002 Acres Aug. 12, 1994 DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT THAT WHEREAS, John Smart and wife Malinda Smart, are the owners of a tract of land in the John Childress Survey, Abstract No. 253, situated in Tarrant County, Texas, and being the Tract described in a deed to John Smart and wife Malinda Smart of record in Volume 11641, Page 2001, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, said Smart tract being a portion of a tract described in a deed to Mrs. D. O. Fanning of record in Volume 2232, Page 35, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron found in the South R.O.W. line of Randol Mill Road, said point being the Northeast corner of a tract out of said Fanning tract described in a deed to J. B. Brown etux, of record in Volume 3470, Page 23, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, said point being, by deed call, 239.3 feet varas North, 150.4 varas East, North 929.1 feet and N. 880 - 30, E. 616.7 feet from the Southwest corner of said Childress Survey; THENCE N. 880 - 04, - 34" E. along the South line of Randol Mill Road 213.86 feet to a.1/2" iron set for corner; THENCE S. 300 - 37' - 41" E. 140.70 feet to a 1/2" iron set for corner; THENCE S. 10 - 30, E. 820.86 feet to a 5/81, iron found at the Southeast corner of the above referenced Smart tract; THENCE S. 890 - 27' - 14" W. 282.39 feet to a 1/2" iron found at the Southeast corner of the tract described in Volume 3470, Page 23, above referenced; THENCE N. 10 - 30' W. 937.48 feet along the East line of the last referenced tract to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 6.002 acres. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT, John Smart and wife Malinda Smart, the undersigned, do hereby adopt this plat designating the above described property to be known as Lots 1 & 2, J. Childress No. 253 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and do hereby dedicate to the use of. the public all streets and easements as shown hereon. WITNESS MY HAND this day of John Smart STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT Malinda Smart 1994. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared John Smart and wife Malinda Smart, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this day of 1994. • Notary Public in and for the State of Texas. My Commission expires I, Walter W. Ward, the undersigned, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Texas, hereby certify that this plat is a true and correct representation of a survey made on the ground. OWNERS JOHN 8c MALINDA SMART 1408 WATERFORD CT. Date , DE SOTO,.TEX. 75115 Registered Professional Land Surveyor NO. 2014 THIS PLAT FILED IN CABINET CASE NO. ZA 94-103 0 25 50 100 SCALE : I' - 50' 1Q L in �� Q >-- t0 cl� w N 00 m 2 OA N 00020'40" W - 2 5' BUFFERY EXISTING 15' UTIL ESMT (S'-A) r rr LITTLE FEaLWAY PARK (FIELD 3) REOUtRED UFF RYAR S REOUIRED PROVIDED CANOPY TREES ACCENT TREES SHRUBS NORTH- 692 5'-A 5'-A 7 14 55 EAST- 892 NONE NONE - - - SOUTH- 686 5'-A 5'-A 7 14 55 WEST- 300 10'-F2 25'-FI 12 25 36 SOUTHWEST -502 5'-A 5'-A 6 10 40 OG� P > TREE GROUPINGS _ LESS THAN 4") 0 QaG� OP '�-��`P� 802.02 \ 5 6 7 8 1 1 1a IS 16gm 0*0, 5' UTIL ESMT 919 10 9 12 1 25=-BUFFERYARD-w/-6--S�OCKADE-FENCE-(25--FI) I � I r r EXISTING 7.5 UTILITY EASEMENT_ TO BE ABANDONED BY PLAT FENWAY P x (FIELD ) z� w 1 w- U-; a Q r w LC J Z D m za Fw SO X O o4s 0001�,A� a5 <I - �9 .io -- � M "' Q w 00 co U-) ' w J in 7.5 7� 92-11 L *j PHASE 1 - 60 SPACES PHASE 2 - 40 SPACES PHASE 3 - 20 SPACES TOTAL - 120 SPACES SS oQOS�O�'��� 0-1 \:P —X—— IN LINK FENCE ALONG 806.1rj' TY LINE � L L AVENUE EXIS 1 ING ASPHAL ` PAVE MEN T ow) EXISTING TREES 4" AND LARGER ALONG WEST PROPERTY LNE 1 4" HACK.BERRY 2 6' HACKBERRY 3 4- LOCUST 4 4- OAK S 12- OAK 6 12' OAK 7 24' OAK 8 18- OAK 9 10- OAK 10 4" CEDAR it 10" OAK 12 10- OAK 13 16- OAK 14 16- OAK 6 14- OAK 16 12" OAK V 10- OAK 18 1Q_ OAK i9 10- OAK 20 24- OAK. 21 18" OAK 22 26" OAK VICINITY MAP •ts NOTE: I EIGHTY PERCENT (80%) OF ALL EXTERIOR WALLS FRONTING ON A CITY STREET SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF A MASONRY PRODUCT OR GLASS. 2 BOUNDARY INFORMATION BY OTHERS 3 APPLICANT IS REQUESTING VARIANCE TO F-2 PLANTINGS AND TO OBTAIN CREDIT FOR EXISTING TREES. 1' LIGHT WITH DIRECTION OF ILLUMINATION CONCEPT PLAN for SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR R2.670' Acres OWNED BY: c �` �� JOHN A. FREEMAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 529 �o� �� Z �P�- THE KELLER BANK I 50 � �P �goPREPARED BY t ��' ' PO BOX 483 C, O�. BRING THE PROPOSED I \ { I J G GG 0 D'ff 114 s LOT 4R. BLOCS 1. GRRRNLRR BUSINESS PARR, PHASE I KBLLER, TEXAS 0 APPLICANT: 76248 TEXAS SCHOOL OF BASEBALL CHRIS LAMON B.L.F.M. INC. 7503 TILLMAN HILL ROAD 1103 E. PRICB, SUITE 102 1300 SHADY OAKS LANE COLLBYVILLB, TEXAS KBLLBR. TBXAS PORT WORTH, TEXAS 76034 76244 76107 MARSHALLE SITUATED IN THE ClVL E MQMRS _ PLAII/iERB _ SURVEYORS CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 8001 Bridge Street, Suits 100, Fort Worth Texas 76112 JULY 1994 Metro (817) 429-4373 CASE No. 9