1999-06-01 CC Packet City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM cr May 28, 1999 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Billy Campbell, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items Of Interest for City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 1. Agenda Item No. 4B. City Manager's Report. Included in your packet is a memo from Director Last regarding Step 2 of the annual project prioritization by the City Council. This is not an agenda item, but it will be mentioned during my report. Note that this is the actual ranking process for the projects. Please refer to Greg Last's memo for instructions on how to rank the projects. Please return your rankings to Greg Last by Tuesday, June 15, 1999. Also included in your packet is the Capital Improvement Projects Status Report. Please let me or Director Harper know if you have any questions. 2. Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held on May 18, 1999 and the minutes of the Special City Council meeting held on May 24, 1999. The minutes are included in your packet. If you have any changes to the minutes, please discuss these at the work session or notify Sandy LeGrand prior to the meeting. She will bring the amended minutes to the meeting for your consideration. 3. Agenda Item No. 5B. Resolution No. 99-11, Annual adoption of the City Investment Policy. The Public Funds Investment Act of the Texas Government Code requires that the City Council review the City's investment policy and investment strategies on an annual basis. The City's investment policy was last modified in October 1997 to comply with some legislative changes. There have Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 2 of 23 been some recent changes in the Public Funds Investment Act. In February 1999, First Southwest Company completed a review of the City's investment policy against these changes, and has identified a number of revisions which will strengthen the policy and bring it into full compliance with the Act. These changes are outlined in the letter attached to Chief Accountant Lynn Martinson's memo, and are shown with underline markings in the policy. 4. Agenda Item No. 5C. Award of bid to Brice Systems for purchase of NT servers for the citywide computer system. The purchase of the NT servers is part of the citywide computer system project currently underway. The 1998-1999 budget included approximately $50,000 for the replacement of the servers. On May 6, 1999 the City issued Request for Proposals to seven different companies. Three companies responded to the request including Gateway, Brice Systems, and True Technology Systems. Brice Systems was the lowest bid received at a base price of $37,183. Included in their proposal were upgrades to the base request to enhance our computing abilities beyond what the City required. These upgrades bring the total to $41,333 which is within the budgeted amount for this portion of the citywide computer project. Please contact Deputy Director of Public Safety John Knight if you have questions regarding this item. 5. Agenda Item No. 5D. Appointment of Brian Stacy to the position of Fire Reserve for the Southlake Department of Public Safety, Fire Services Division. This appointment, if approved by the City Council, will allow Brian Stacy to become one of the City's volunteer reserve firefighters who donate their time and skills to the City of Southlake. Brian has passed the hiring board review process and has been recommended to the position by the Director of Public Safety. If you have questions regarding this item please contact Garland Wilson. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 3 of 23 6. Agenda Item No. 5E. Authorization to advertise for bids on a 1999 road-marking (striping) machine. The purchase of a road-marking machine was approved in the 1998-1999 streets and drainage division budget. Currently the Public Works Department contracts out this service to stripe the roadways, which means we are dependant on their schedules and prices. Purchasing the road-marking equipment will allow the department to stripe the roads in a more timely manner than our contractor, and with less costs involved. 7. Agenda Item No. 5F. Authorization to advertise for bids to remove the three underground storage tanks at City Hall. Removing the underground fuel storage tanks is necessary because the City of Southlake no longer uses the fuel facility at the City Hall location. The fuel center is now located at the public works facility. ritir Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) regulations require all underground fuel tanks to add leak detection systems or abandon existing tanks. The next step in the process is to remove the abandoned storage tanks. The project is estimated to cost $30,000 and will be paid with CIP funds. The cost of this project may be higher if, during the removal process, there is a high percentage of soil contaminants found around the storage tanks. Please contact Director of Public Works Bob Whitehead if you have questions regarding this item. 8. Agenda Item No. 5G. Revisions to Park Use Policy regarding Rustin Park pavilion and other miscellaneous items. The City Council discussed this item at the May 18, 1999 City Council meeting and requested two changes to the policy. As indicated in the memo from Kevin Hugman, the non-resident reservations may only be made within thirty days of the requested date. Additionally, the policy allows for the City Manager to approve variances to the policy if timing does not allow the Park Board to review the request. Please let Kevin Hugman know if you have any questions about this item. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 4 of 23 9. Agenda Item No. 5H. ZA 99-017, Preliminary Plat for Versailles, Phase III. This property is located on the east side of South Carroll Avenue, north of Versailles Phase I, south of Oak Tree Estates and west of Napa Valley Estates Phase I. The existing zoning on the property is "SF-20A" single family residential. This property was part of a City initiated rezoning that included land which is now a part of Oak Tree Estates, Napa Valley Estates, South Hollow and Cambridge Place. The plat proposes 45 single family residential lots and 1 common area. The common area is to be proposed as a neighborhood amenity sport court. A site plan for this facility is expected in the near future. The applicant has indicated that this development is to be joined with the Home Owner's Association for Versailles Phase I and II and will be subject to the same restrictive covenants. During the first presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission, a concern regarding the alignment of the primary street (Merlot Drive) and its impact on two areas of specimen oaks trees was raised. The applicant realigned the street to avoid removal of the trees and brought the plan back before the Commission. It appears that this concern has been addressed. The applicant has requested reductions in the side yard building setback lines adjacent to the street and approval of increased building setbacks in order to comply with the lot width requirements on some cul-de-sac lots. These requests have been commonly granted by the Commission and the Council in the past. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (7-0) on May 20, 1999, subject to the Plat Review, amended as noted in the Staff Report. Feel free to contact Dennis Killough regarding this item. L Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 5 of 23 10. Agenda Item No. 51. ZA 99-037, Preliminary Plat for Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 3, Diamond Circle Estates. This property is located on the south side of Emerald Boulevard approximately 200' east of Pearl Drive within the Diamond Circle Estates residential development. It also has frontage along Southlake Boulevard. This property is the remainder of the original Stevenson family property which is now a part of Diamond Circle Estates and Mission Hills. The plat proposes two 1.0 acre residential lots fronting Emerald Boulevard and a single "AG" lot fronting Southlake Boulevard. The rezoning of two proposed residential lots to "SF-1A" single family residential was approved by the City Council on May 18, 1999. You may recall during the rezoning discussion that the owner intended for the three acre lot fronting Southlake Boulevard to remain "AG" until an appropriate user is found for the property, at which time a concept plan and/or site plan would be processed with the request for rezoning. The owner has stated that any future request on this lot will comply with the "Office Commercial" designation of the City's Land Use Plan. The owner has also indicated his intent to file deed restrictions on the property identical to those for Diamond Circle Estates. Comment No. 1 in the Plat Review Summary requires that proper zoning embrace the boundary of any plat prior to approval. This comment is in regard to the remaining "AG" portion of the property. The applicant has requested a variance to this requirement in order to process a Final Plat on the residential lots. Please note that Comment No. 2 in the Plat Review Summary will prohibit any Final Plat, and therefore any building permit, from being approved on the "AG" lot until the property has been rezoned. This is because the "AG" zoning district requires a minimum lot size of 10.0 acres. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Caw Page 6 of 23 The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (7-0) on May 20, 1999, subject to the Plat Review Summary, granting the requested variance to Review Comment No. 1. Feel free to contact Dennis Killough regarding this item. 11. Agenda Item No. 5J. ZA 99-045, Revised Preliminary Plat, for Lots 2 & 3, Block 1 Panorama Place. This property is located north of Ownby Lane on the west side of Carroll Avenue. The purpose of this Revised Preliminary Plat is to subdivide the previously approved Lot 2 into two lots for final platting, building permitting and sale of the property. A site plan for Panorama Place phase 2 offices was approved for the proposed south lot by the City Council on February 16, 1999. A reduction of the approved site plan is included in your packet. There are no unresolved issues regarding this request. The ,,, Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (7-0) on May 20, 1999 subject to the Plat Review. Feel free to contact Dennis Killough regarding this item. 12. Agenda Item No. 5K. Approving the appointment of Deputy Director of Fire Services Garland Wilson as Director of Public Safety. My packet memo describes my rationale for this appointment. This item is before you because of the charter requirement that City Council approve the appointment by the City Manager of department heads. 13. Agenda Item No. 5L. Ordinance No. 740, 2nd Reading, Authorizing the issuance of "City of Southlake, Texas, Tax and Tax Increment Surplus Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 1999." We received word on Thursday that the Attorney General's office has provided the pre-clearance we've been looking for. While this clears the way for the sale of TIF bonds, we do need to table the item one more time while final preparations are made by Mr. Esquivel and Jim Sabonis for the issuance of the bonds. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 7 of 23 14. Agenda Item No. 7A. Resolution No. 99-041, (ZA 99-007), Specific Use Permit for outside storage of plants or other greenery as part of a retail operation for Home Depot. This is a request for outside storage of Home Depot's overflow garden-related supplies which are now being stored in an area north of the existing Garden Center. The site plan associated with this request proposes a 13,452 square foot outside storage area located at the northwest corner of the property. A 10 foot masonry screen wall, a portion of which is existing, is intended to screen the view of the materials from S.H. 114. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (4-2), subject to the Site Plan Review, amended as noted in the Staff Report. Two of the more significant amendments restricted the stacking height of materials to 10 foot or not to be visible from S.H. 114, whichever is more restrictive, and placed an expiration date of July 1, 2000 on the permit. Vice Chairman LeVrier and Commissioner Sandlin dissented feeling that a two year time limit on the S.U.P was more appropriate. The time limit was put in place by the Commission to allow an opportunity for future review of the applicant's compliance with the conditions of approval. Council expressed concerns during the May 18 meeting regarding the condition of existing plant materials on the site. The applicant was asked to consider replacing those which had died and those in poor condition. The consultant representing Home Depot was unable to make any commitment until consulting with Home Depot officials. The City Council approved tabling this request until June 1, 1999 (7-0). The consultant is still waiting on the appropriate confirmations and if not received prior to the City Council meeting, will be requesting the item to be tabled. Feel free to contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this application. L Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 8 of 23 Another related outside storage issue raised during Home Depot's SUP request was the issue of outdoor vending machines. The ordinance provides that retailers may "display for sale merchandise items traditionally marketed through outside storage. These items shall include outdoor racks for the display and sale of newspapers, the storage and sale of bundled firewood, prepackaged ice if stored and displayed in a safe, hygienic storage bin or container, and items of a comparable nature." Staff has permitted outdoor vending machines due to the following wording: traditionally marketed and items of a comparable nature in the above provisions. Should Council desire to prohibit vending machines on the exterior of commercial buildings, staff can -include it in the upcoming ordinance amendment regarding outside storage. Update: It is staff's understanding that Home Depot has started the plant replacement (between rain showers) as requested by Councilmember Edmondson. 15. Agenda Item No. 7B. ZA 99-041, Site Plan for Kirkwood Hollow Neighborhood Center. This plan proposes a pavilion and swimming pool amenity center within the Kirkwood Hollow Phase I residential development. It is staff's understanding that the developer was urged by builders to construct the facility as an attraction to prospective home buyers and to address concerns of those which had already purchased or contracted homes within the development. The developer, IBM, had submitted plans to the City building department for building permit not knowing that a site plan approval would be required. A site plan approval is required for any non- residential structure within a P.U.D. and would also be required under residential adjacency standards of the Zoning Ordinance. Due to the sensitivity of negotiations between Maguire Partners and IBM regarding the Sabre project, a conditional building permit was issued to begin construction on the facility. The conditional building permit holds the City harmless with regards to Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 9 of 23 any conditions of approval or disapproval of the site plan. If the site plan is denied then all structures must be removed and the owner/applicant of the property bears all cost. The owner/applicant is also obligated to comply with any conditions of approval and shall also bear all costs involved with compliance with those conditions. A copy of the conditional building permit is included with your packet. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (7-0) on May 20, 1999 subject to the Site Plan Review, amended as noted in the Staff Report. The primary concerns were with regard to screening. The Commission recommended a 6 foot stockade fence with dense evergreen shrubs (Burford Holly or Nelly Stevens Holly) along the North and East boundaries. Please be aware that the Carroll Independent School District has purchased the property to the east of this site for future construction of an elementary school. A letter from the CISD is included in your packet. Feel free to contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this application. kor 16. Agenda Item 7C. ZA 99-043, Revised Site Plan for Rockenbaugh Elementary School. The plan proposes 9,980 square feet of additional classroom space (approximately 10 additional classrooms) located on the north side of the existing school. The applicant has requested a few variances from the Site Plan Review Comments as noted in the applicant's response letter. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (7-0) on May 20, 1999, subject to the Site Plan Review, granting the applicant's requested variances and requiring masonry columns in place of proposed steel columns. P&Z also requested that the School District have a representative present at the City Council meeting. There appear to be no unresolved issues regarding this request. Feel free to contact Dennis Killough regarding this application. 17.Agenda Item No. 7D. ZA 99-049, Revised Site Plan for Eckerd. You may recall this item being on a previous agenda as a discussion item regarding elevation Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 10 of 23 changes. At that time it was determined that site plan changes related to parking space relocation, requested by Eckerd operations officials, required processing of a revised site plan. The primary issue which prompted the revised site plan was the shifting of the building approximately 6 feet to the north, which placed the building closer to Diamond Circle Estates residential property than the plan previously approved. In relocating the parking closer to the front building entrance, the building had to be moved further to the east. Since the north and south boundary lines of the lot converge toward the east, the building had to also be moved north to avoid encroachment into the 50 foot building line along Southiake Boulevard. The applicant also requested a one parking space reduction on the site. The building elevations have been updated to address the City Council's previous motion regarding enhancements to the loading area screen wall and building facades visible from Southlake Boulevard. Please be aware that the Staff Review addresses only the changes from the previous approval or items that had not been corrected from the previous site plan review. A copy of the City Council's motion on the previous approval is included with the Plan Review. Feel free to contact Dennis Killough regarding this application. 18.Agenda Item No. 7E. Ordinance No. 748, 2"d Reading, An ordinance authorizing and allowing "Updated Service Credits" in the Texas Municipal Retirement System on an annual basis and to increase the rate of deposits to the Texas Municipal Retirement System by the employees of the City. Your last packet memo included the following explanation of the purpose of this ordinance: 'F Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 11 of 23 As explained in the memo from Director of Human Resources Lauren Safranek, this ordinance establishes the TMRS contribution rate at 7% (up from 6%, approved as part of your mid-year budget amendment). Although your budget amendment provided for the allocation of funds for this purpose, the Texas Municipal Retirement System requires that an ordinance be adopted to formally affect the change. Your approval of this item has substantially improved Southlake employees' retirement benefits. In addition, the ordinance provides for authorization of updated service credits. Updated Service Credit improves retirement benefits by using an employee's average monthly salary over the most recent three year period (not including the current year), and recalculating their retirement credits as if they had always earned that salary, and made deposits to the System, matched by the city, on the basis of that salary and contribution rate. Updated service credit is the means used to keep employee retirement benefits in line with the effects of inflation. This item has been included in the ordinance because it is necessary to adopt the updated service credit provisions any time you make changes in your retirement plan if you want to provide the benefit retroactively. If you do not adopt the prior service credit provisions, Southlake employees will not enjoy the full impact of the new benefit. The ordinance also provides for annuity increases for those persons who are retired and are receiving a monthly annuity from the system. Southlake currently has three retired persons in its system. The cost of the increased contributions, updated service credits, and annuity increases were included in the budget amendment you approved at mid-year. Please contact Director of Human Resources Lauren Safranek if you have any questions about this item. 19. Agenda Item No. 7F. Ordinance No. 745, 2nd Reading, Abandonment of right-of- way on North Carroll Avenue. You will recall from your last meeting that this item is coming to you because we have almost completed construction work on the realignment of North Carroll Avenue. The City of Southlake has entered into agreements with Cooper and Stebbins, as well as Dr. Mendez, for the exchange of Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 12 of 23 right-of-way to complete the project. This ordinance releases our interests in the portion of the right-of-way that will be returned to them. Note that a portion of the right-of-way will be released to Mr. and Mrs. Strunk, under the agreement with Cooper and Stebbins. Please direct questions about this item to Director of Engineering Services Ron Harper. 20. Agenda Item No. 10A. Authorize funding of $1 million for Southlake's participation in the Kimball Road project pursuant to Advance Funding Agreement with Texas Department of Transportation dated October 17, 1999. The Advance Funding Agreement with TxDOT was the mechanism the City used to spur the state ( to move forward with the Kimball interchange project, one of the first projects �r approved as a S.H. 114 improvement. Based upon this agreement, the $1 million was included in the City's capital projects budget. As noted in the memo from Ron Harper, the state has requested payment. Although funds have been budgeted in accordance with the agreement, the level of funding is such that staff wanted to place it on the agenda for Council review and consideration. Please call Ron Harper if you have questions. 21. Agenda Item 10B. Consideration of a sign variance appeal for Designer Studio for Women, 480 West Southlake Boulevard, Suite #131. The sign ordinance limits the size of attached signage based on the width of the store front and the sign's letter height. Coupled with the long name of the store, these restrictions will, in Mrs. Miller's opinion, make her sign impossible to read from the street. Your packet contains several items for your review, including a sign drawing. Please let Malcolm Jackson know if you have questions about this item. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 13 of 23 22. Agenda Item No. 10C. Consideration of a sign variance appeal for Eckerd Drug, 100 East Southlake Boulevard. Eckerd Drug is requesting a variance to the letter height provisions of the sign ordinance, as described in your packet memo. Your packet also contains an elevation showing the size of the proposed signage in relation to the building. Please let Malcolm Jackson know if you have questions about the request. 23. Agenda Item No. 11A. Cross Timber Hills Neighborhood Sewer Project. As mentioned at your last meeting, this item has been placed on the agenda for detailed discussion. The packet includes up-to-date information on this issue, as well as a copy of the letter that has been sent to residents. Note that 19 easements (of the 55 needed) have been acquired to date. Staff will continue to aggressively pursue the (kw easements and keep the issue before you. Note that we are currently focusing our efforts on obtaining as many easements as possible. Those that come with unusual requests will be handled at a later date. Please contact Ron Harper if you have any questions about this item. Other Items of Interest 24. Town Hall Foundation. The foundation plans for the new Town Hall have been completed and are ready to bid. This project was scheduled to be completed as a staged construction project, meaning that various phases of the project would be bid while other phases are under design. In order to complete the target schedule of October 2000, we will seek bids for the project on June 20 and 27, open bids on July 1, and bring a recommendation forward to City Council on July 6. Note that the Beck Company has estimated that this portion of the project will cost in the range of$450,000 to $620,000. Please let Ron Harper know if you have questions. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 fib• Page 14 of 23 25. Outside Storage: Wal-Mart currently has a specific use permit ("SUP") application before the Planning and Zoning Commission to address the outdoor storage of plants and garden-related items for the purpose of retail sales. Recall that this SUP is limited in scope only to garden-related outdoor sales for retailers in the C-2, C-3, C-4 and B-2 districts and does not address such retailing needs as pallet storage (while awaiting routine disposal), temporary display or sidewalk sales, and in Wal- Mart's case specifically, container storage temporarily needed for increased inventories during the Christmas rush. It is staffs understanding that Wal-Mart wants to amend their original request by reducing the area within the parking lot enclosure to a total of 3,525 s.f. (which is only 954- s.f. more than the 2,771 s.f. permitted by the 5% provision) and by limiting the display of live plants on the front sidewalk from June 1 through July 31st. 26. Traffic Management Bond Status. Included in your packet is a memo from Director of Engineering Services Ron Harper about the planning and implementation of the Traffic Management Bond program. The first step in implementing the TMB is the acquisition of right-of-way. The staff is developing a Request for Proposals for engineering consultants, and the departments are ranking the projects in priority order. Please contact Ron Harper if you have questions about the implementation of the TMB. 27. Citywide SPIN Meeting on the Bicycle Helmet Ordinance has been scheduled for Thursday, June 10 at 6:00 p.m. at the Senior Activity Center. This meeting will be widely publicized through the newspapers and city information. It will appear in two issues of the City Manager's Report (which is also posted on the web-site), and it is posted on the City's cable channel. The newspapers have been faxed the meeting schedule, and a press release will go out at the beginning of next week. Please let Shelli Siemer know if you have any questions regarding the meeting, and Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 15 of 23 contact Gary Gregg if you have questions about the bicycle helmet ordinance. As a reminder, the public hearing on this ordinance is scheduled for June 15. 28. Airport noise complaint. As you recall from the copies of the e-mail correspondence included in your May 18th packet of information, Southlake resident John Shindler plans to address the City Council during public forum about the airport noise he is experiencing in the Timber Lake subdivision. Included in your packet is a copy of a more recent e-mail sent by Mr. Shindler. Also included is a copy of the letter sent to the DFW airport noise office requesting the use of their portable noise monitor to measure the noise level Mr. Shindler is experiencing. Please contact Shelli Siemer or Pamela Muller if you need more information regarding this issue. 29. Handicapped parking update. Deputy Director, Police Services Gary Gregg spoke with Todd Thompson, Director of Maintenance for the Carroll Independent School District regarding the handicapped parking spaces located in front of the field house south of the High School. There were four parking spaces painted on the pavement but only one sign lawfully posted to enable successful citations to be issued. After consultation with Mr. Thompson and Chuck Bloomberg, the decision was reached that two parking spots would meet city code requirements and will be properly painted and delineated by sign. The appropriate sign was posted within 24 hours of our initial discussion, allowing for immediate enforcement. A memo was also sent from Sgt. Jeff Marler to the field house staff noting the changes and strict enforcement philosophy. By the end of May 14th the remainder of the small lot was sandblasted and repainted to conform to appropriate standards. L Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 16 of 23 Both remaining handicapped spaces have been properly marked on the pavement and with 60 inches from the ground. Both Sgt. Marler and other members of the patrol division are watching the area to detect any necessary enforcement activity. 30. Southlake Sister Cities. Representatives Gary Fickes and Dee Ekstrom, along with Community Services Coordinator Courtney Queen, recently visited Southlake's Sister City of El Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico. El Fuerte is located east of the Copper Canyon on the Rio Fuerte, the most extensive river system in Mexico irrigating agricultural zones of Sinaloa, Durango, Sonora, and Chihuahua. The Spanish first settled El Fuerte in 1564, which now has a population of about 25,000. Presidente Municipal Mr. Humberto Galaviz Armenta and his wife, Prof. Miguel Castillo, members of council, and representatives from El Fuerte Sister Cities greeted the Southlake visitors. That Wednesday evening, May 5th, 30 dancers presented Ballet Folklorio, "Xochiquetzal. " The dances reflected the preservation of the history of Sinaloa as well as the people's cultural heritage. The following morning, after breakfast with Mayor Armenta and other prominent members of the City, the 13 members of Council met for a special session to honor Southlake representatives. Shortly after, a tour was given of the municipal facilities and each Councilmember introduced themselves and their position as a part of the administration. El Fuerte elected officials are currently working to improve the current City administration and also the living conditions of the people. They have completed the third of three dams that are designed to provide hydroelectric power, prevent flooding of the valley, and irrigate the farmland. L Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 17 of 23 Also, as part of the mission to help provide better living conditions for the people, a local agency, provides food, shelter, clothes, and basic necessities for survival. Similar to GRACE, this agency works to provide temporary accommodations for those in need. They currently work with the Red Cross and have recently become independent and no longer rely on government funds to operate. Just completed is the public hospital that provides aid to anyone regardless of income. The facility mostly provides maternity care and hospitalization for instances that are minor in nature. They also provide ambulance transportation to the larger hospital in the neighboring city-of Los Mochis. The City of El Fuerte is also building new schools and improving their educational system. They currently are providing upper level classes such as calculus and physics to students, but with limited resources. Computer access is also limited and the library was small and contained very few books. However, the City is responding to the needs of the community and beginning to increase funding to their educational system. The Honorable Presidente Municipal Armenta was a wonderful host and opened his City and administration to the representatives of Southlake. It was a beneficial trip that provided a great amount of insight into the municipal operations as well as strengthened the Sister Cities relationship between Southlake and El Fuerte. 31. The Southlake Youth Action Commission just completed their 1998-1999 year with a membership meeting May 5th. Over 50 students were in attendance with more than half being new members. The membership drive helped to recruit over 20 new members from the middle school. These grade levels historically had fewer than five members each year. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 18 of 23 Kiko Ekstrom, Southlake Sister Cities member, was a guest at the meeting and gave a presentation of Southlake's Sister City, Toyoma, Japan. She orientated SYAC members on Southlake Sister Cities' mission, and recruited members for a trip to Toyoma planned for mid-July. SYAC members are responding enthusiastically to the opportunity of expanding their Youth in Government program to include learning municipal government operations in other countries such as Japan and Mexico. SYAC members participated in the Public Safety Household Hazardous Waste Day, May 1, 1999. Members also agreed to participate in the Keep Southlake Beautiful Adopt-A-Street program, adopting Shady Oaks, from FM 1709 to Dove. Beginning with the July 10 litter pick-up, SYAC will be responsible for that area. Newly elected officers will work hard during the summer to help develop the program for the 1999-2000 year. Since students are showing an increased interest in the Youth in Government program, we are looking to have a more in-depth curriculum that will include a broader range of municipal government operations and local government officials. 32. Sabre Status Report. There have been several meetings between Sabre's development team and various city staff members. The ongoing discussions are to assist them in meeting the submittal requirements while providing timely review of their project. Note that it is currently anticipated that the first submittals will be a zoning change and concept plan only, with the development plan, site plans, and plats coming at a future time. Please note that included in your packet is a submittal and meeting schedule provided by Karen Gandy for informational purposes. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 19 of 23 Feel free to contact Acting Planning Director Karen Gandy regarding development processing or Director Last regarding other issues. 33. The Library Board and staff are currently working with F. Mason and Associates on a citizen survey and planning information for the new library. Initial meetings have been held to develop telephone survey questions and establish focus group categories. The Library Board will participate as the first focus group on Wednesday, June 2, 1999. Other focus group meetings will target important segments of the- City's population such as care givers (parents, teachers, school librarians, day care providers), children, young adults, seniors, and local business owners. Meeting times and locations for these focus groups are still being established. The survey and focus group data will then be utilized by the consultant to develop a needs assessment which will serve as our ultimate planning tool for the library. 34. Selection Status of a Public Information Officer. This week six finalists for the Public Information Officer position participated in an assessment center, which allowed a panel of evaluators to assess the skill levels of the finalists. The panelists consisted of Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton, Director of Human Resources Lauren Safranek, Deputy Director of Police Services Gary Gregg, and Donna Huerta, Communications Director from the City of North Richland Hills. Each of the finalists went through a series of exercises including an oral presentation, oral interview, a writing assignment, creativity assignment, and a media interview. The process was very successful and we hope to make a decision next week. L Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 20 of 23 35. Cable Programming Schedule. The cable equipment has now been installed in the Administrative Offices, which gives us the ability to program the airing of the meetings from our offices, and respond quickly to problems with Channel 7 as they arise. Such problems include a faster response to reprogramming the VCR's in the event of a power surge our outage, and having the equipment in one location will eliminate the problems experienced over the past few months with the cable channel. We will still work with Charter Communications when there are problems with the sound and when the equipment malfunctions and needs repair work. Due to the equipment change in location, the airing of the meetings is somewhat behind schedule. As you can see in the table below, the programming schedule will be caught up for the June 15 City Council meeting. The schedule for airing the tapes is as follows: Meeting Programming Schedule May 18 - City Council Meeting Tuesday, June 1 - Thursday, June 3 May 20 - Planning & Zoning Friday, June 4 - Monday, June 7 Meeting May 24 - Special City Council Friday, June 4 - Monday, June 7 (TBA) Meeting June 1 - City Council Meeting Tuesday, June 8 - Sunday, June 13 June 3 - Planning & Zoning Monday, June 14 - Thursday, June 17 Meeting June 15 - City Council Meeting Friday, June 18 - Tuesday, June 22 (6:00 p.m.) June 17-Planning & Zoning Wednesday, June 23 - Sunday, June 27 Meeting The regular schedule for airing the City Council meetings will begin the Friday after the meeting through next Tuesday. The Planning & Zoning meetings will air beginning the Wednesday after the meeting through next Sunday. Each meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. and air until the meeting is over. Please contact Shelli Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 21 of 23 Siemer if you have questions regarding the scheduling, or if you notice any problems with the Cable Channel. 36.Parks and Recreation Summer Line-Up. Parks and Recreation Division has many exciting events and programs planned for the entire family this coming summer. Beginning Thursday, June 3 movies will be shown out on the hill at Bicentennial Park each Thursday through July at 9pm. This event is free. • June 3 A Bug's Life • June 10 The Parent Trap • June 17 Mulan (rr► • June 24 Babe: Pig in the City • July 1 I'll Be Home for Christmas • July 8 Antz • July 15 The RugRats Movie • July 22 My Favorite Martian • July 29 Prince of Egypt The MasterWorks Music Series, co-sponsored by North East Tarrant Arts Council presents Jan Ryberg, Classical Guitarist at the Bicentennial Park Community Center on Sunday, June 6 at 7pm. This event is free. Staff is looking at the possibility of moving the MasterWorks series to the Town Square pavilion. Northeast Tarrant Arts Council is checking with the performers and will let us know which ones can do this. L Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 22 of 23 Other park events include: •Saturday, June 26 - Fourth of July Picnic in the Park at Town Square •Saturday, July 3 - Town Square will host "Community Independence Day Celebration," 10am-lOpm. •Saturday, July 17 - 50's and 60's group, The Rankin's will be joining us at Bicentennial Park. There will also be an arts and crafts area for children to enjoy. With regard to programs, we will continue to have a variety of activities for preschool aged children, youth, teens, adults and seniors. Some of the most popular summer camps include Gigabyte Adventures (June 14-25); Art Camp (May 31- August 13); Camp Einstein, Jr. (June 7-18); Summer Camp Mania (June 7-July 30) and Summer Oaks Science Camp. A number of athletic camps and programs will continue to be offered with the addition of a few new activities. This summer we present Skyhawks Mini Hawks Camp, July 5-9 for ages 4-7. This program will focus on the basics of soccer, baseball and basketball. We will also offer a series of American Red Cross courses through Cutter Aquatics, which include swim lessons and lifeguard training. 37. Also included with my memo: • Calendar of meetings/events • Thank you letter/notes BC Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest For City Council Meeting June 2, 1999 Page 23 of 23 Staff Extension Numbers: Campbell, Billy, City Manager, ext. 701 Gandy, Karen, Zoning Administrator, ext. 743 Harper, Ron, Director of Engineering Services, ext. 779 Henry, Ben, Parks Planning and Construction Superintendent, ext. 824 Hugman, Kevin, Director of Community Services, ext. 757 Killough, Dennis, Senior Planner, ext. 787 Last, Greg, Director of Economic Development, ext. 750 LeGrand, Sandra, City Secretary, ext. 704 Martinson, Lynn, Chief Accountant, ext. 833 Polasek, Steve, Deputy Director Community Services, ext. 772 Queen, Courtney, Community Services Coordinator, ext. 827 Safranek, Lauren, Director of Human Resources, ext. 836 Siemer, Shelli, Assistant to the City Manager, ext. 806 Thomas, Charlie, Deputy Director of Public Works, ext. 814 Ward, Paul, Chief Building Official, ext. 755 Whitehead, Bob, Director of Public Works, ext. 740 Wilson, Garland, Deputy Director Fire Services, ext. 735 Yelverton, Shana, Assistant City Manager, ext. 705 M:\W D-FILES\CEH\MEETIN GS\99-06-01.doc L City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 27, 1999 To: Billy Campbell, City Manager Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager From: Ron Harper, Director of Engineering Services Subject: Traffic Management Bond Status On May 20, 1999 a meeting was held for staff to discuss planning and implementation of the Traffic Management Bond Program. A draft Request for Proposals (RFP) for engineering consultants was distributed and comments were solicited. All participants were asked to review the prioritization ranking developed by Engineering and to provide comments to Shawn Poe. Parks was asked to provide a priority ranking of trail segments. It was agreed that the top project priority is to identify and begin to acquire right-of- way. Greg Last suggested that a letter be written to commercial property owners at project points soliciting right-of-way in return for priority consideration. Another factor would be to remind the developers that the City may construct the improvements at City or shared expense rather than require the developer to construct the improvements at their expense. Ron Harper agreed to write a draft letter for Greg's review. All participants were asked to contact Tammy Smith with "best" days and times so that regular planning meetings could be held. RHts Shelli Siemer m: John Schindler(jschind@MICROSOFT.com] Tuesday, May 18, 1999 8:33 AM Lb,• 'siemer@ci.southlake.tx.us' ject: Updated Backgrounder Background * There has been a noticeable increase in over-flight of approaching jets and commuters (propeller) into DFW airport. Areas affected include Monticello and Monticello Estates, Timarron, Stone Lakes, and Timberlake. These are some of the most developed areas of Southlake for residential housing. * Intersection of commuters and jets over Timberlake with as many as one flight every 10 seconds during peak times. * After meeting with FAA and DFW representatives it was stated that no change would be made in aircraft headings or positioning of aircraft to other areas. However, most neighbors have claimed a noticeable increase meaning that flights that once flew over other areas now fly over Southlake within the"4 corner approach"system for DFW. * Continued growth of DFW Airport and increase in residential building will only exacerbate this issue for Southlake. * This growth will reduce the quality of life for Southlake as well as negatively impact property values and tax revenues for the city. Recommended Mitigation * Deliver a written request from the Southlake City Council to DFW officials asking them to voluntarily reduce over-flight over residential areas of Southlake. * Produce formal request for DFW to examine a change from a four corner approach system to a standard terminal arrival (STAR)to reduce downwind over-flight of residential areas. Immediately cease late night and early morning departures over hlake- 11:00 PM -6:00 AM. Homeowners have been regularly woken out of nd sleep. Provide commuters vectors that take their flight path closer to Davis or Whites Chapel and away from homes. * Take appropriate legal actions if DEW airport officials are uncooperative. * Organize community meeting to discuss issues with DFW officials. * Implement a homeowner call-in program to the noise complaint hotline for DFW airport. Expected Result * City council and Southlake Administrators own and drive the process as representatives of the homeowners of Southlake. * Reduced over-flight and noise over communities with the exception of weather avoidance and flight safety. Establishment of metrics to determine non-compliance of any agreement between city and DFW airport. John Schindler Premier Support Manager for Developers-Central jschind@microsoft.com 972-756-7653 ext. 47653 Mobile: 972-679-7993 Pager 1-800-759-8352 PIN# 1654036 1 :,r.:. _ c -. v- _ zr, _ ,_ Cityof :Southlak. --_ k Duthlak Administrative Offices May 27, 1999 Mayor Rick Stacy Ms. Karen Robertson Mayor Pro Tern: DFW International Airport W.Ralph Evans Manager-Noise Compatibility Office Deputy Mayor Pro Tern: P.O. Drawer 619428 scottF Martin DFW Airport,TX 75261-9428 Councilmembers: Wayne Moffat Ronnie Kendall Dear Ms. Robertson: - Debra Edmondson Gary Fawks As a result of the May 5, 1999 meeting held at the DFW noise center with ger Southlake resident John Shindler,I would like to request a portable noise monitor City Mana Curtis E.Hawk to measure the noise level experienced by the Timber Lake subdivision. Please Assistant Manager. contact Mr. Shindler at 421-3216 to schedule the appropriate time and location for Shane K.Yelverton this monitoring device. 7' Please forward the results of the noise levels to me when you are finished monitoring the Timber Lake area. If you have any questions regarding this request please contact me at 481-5581 extension 806. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, IA SteltAUki Shelli Siemer Assistant to the City Manager 1725 East Southlake Blvd. • Southlake,Texas 76092 (817) 481-5581 • Fax (817) 329-1747 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER' . City of Southtake,Texas L..- MEMORANDU1( May 10, 1999 TO: Ricky Black, Battalion Commander FROM: Anthony Green, EMSiT-IAZMAT Coordinator SUBJECT: A Letter Received From a Citizen Commending SLDPS Personnel's Actions. A note was received on May 10, 1999 by Nelda Collins at finance that is a thank you letter from a citizen who was a patient on an EMS call. The involved citizen wishes to thank the personnel who assisted her at this incident. A copy of this letter is attached to this memorandum. The incident in question is 99-3591, on March 31, 1999. The personnel involved are FF Dale Skinner, PSO Shawn Fannan, PSO Randy Baker, and PSO Curtis Morgan. L.- AG/ab Cc: Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety Garland Wilson, Deputy Director of Fire Services Dale Skinner, FF, Fire Services Shawn Fannan, Public Safety Officer Randy Baker, Public Safety Officer Curtis Morgan, Public Safety Officer C., S-1 Q b . • • • ,i., s I�► 0._ <1.� • 4. 1 `h yr_, • c n (1 Z - = N. O 0 0�. �c. v ` ' `� 1- a %'1 Z h U, 4 }� -. 2 '-4 C +,a t- Q �' t w �L City of Southiake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 13, 1999 To: Rusty Daniels, Sergeant Police Services From: Barry Hinkle, Lieutenant Police Services Subject: Officer Compliment I received a phone call from Mike Thompson on Thursday May 13, 1999. While traveling to work on this date, Mr. Thompson found the traffic backed up east bound 1709 from Whites Chapel. Mr. Thompson, opted to utilize the left turn lane for approximately a half mile, so as to make a left turn on to North Whites Chapel. Upon completion of the turning motion, Thompson was stopped by Officer Robert Hodges. Thompson described Hodges demeanor as being highly professional, and requested that an"Atta-boy" be given to Officer Hodges. Thompson pointed out that while he had not been cited for the violation, he was left with a full understanding of why it is unlawful for him to drive in the fashion that attracted the attention of Officer Hodges. He closed by stating that he would have called regardless the fact a citation had been issued or not, based solely on the professional actions of the officer. I am available for any questions or concerns. BLH/blh CC: Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety Gary Gregg, Deputy Director Police Services C:\My Documents\Atta-boy Hodges.doc L y A4 • 4 .0141\ ". p9Si� y�fi 13Car VI cLi,7 5-7_b. I imcun--ac;L -to J-hcu bL airy( /1.eri cL( r Li c j n7( 6e. Lj, (- rar'7c/ Or )t/7 OF J � ,Spare) a 3biceess L JQ r L uLC) cU cL p/cu ti- l I CJ /S y l� . a p r1 c; �� �--�c� . L� true-t S grqui l 6 clt4 -f0 knoiAJ yom_ 0o /14 � 1 YT- � � n - � 1 2 -4 � J \ ,4 k City of Southiake,Texas June 3, 1999 Resubmittal Meeting PRESUBMITTAL RESUBMITTALS CASE DESCRIPTION 99-047 PLAT REVISION Lots 2R5A and 2R5B, Block A, Whites Chapel Place Location: On the south side of White Chapel Court Current Zoning: "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District Owner and Applicant: Stephen J. Bezner • i 1 cmmu Al. am on) LOTJR1 BLOCK A G�'0�•�� rO� I �d I sQf���•�.� cj�%G'�• � wwi 'T A. a�nc �� I `�P �\4 oG 0\# yl P 1 11 LOTM FWD 1/2- BLOCK A IS• URJIY EUM (M CAMMET A. UM I 1 1 I Ia ururr cASOMNT 1 1 / (PM CAMw7 A a -j La 1 wU C ' i LOT4 ,I/ BLOCK A P G�' Q Q�1Ik LOT4—B �,���, BLOCK A f UIWT Woo A. WW r LILAC LAME 34' LO.W. LOT 2R1 — — a 0; I NMI Q�cY� I ' L_ fI MIO1wM WObIT 1 ; anc Sam; II p _ I {/OI eAR/uJN LOT 2R4 ;1 ; + LOT 2R3II I � 0 LOT 2R2 =1 I I j e I 17 OMANADR tsW. 1 1(PM CAMATT A, am IDn) I I 11 I onTuai Com4wEMTi. 1 ( Lq ol I 1\ II 1 R N 60.00• 1 1 III CS • s 7HT04.17' E oRD 4MiY A, IM 1 { CH - 116.91• , K MAN A Na NfSR "a..tT 1♦wt --- j A. �.. �----- L : 1E7.W i,e�i'_ 69.16.4r E 193.17' W NE OW COURT 1 LR. N a9'16•44' E N W717"• c ST7.Ar xv .N ESY mltsTMT. SET 1/2" La. 111.06• ---- FWD 1 I.R. Q I (POI CANCT A. wx IM» \ O SET 1/2' LR MCAMW A.A. S ) I 1 I ig6 1 1 LOT 2RSA I 112817 SO. FT. z FWD 1/2" LL NOTESs ' // TR.PLS. 1) YELLAM CA"SUM►EA HAVE A 2) TW OAR 1OQUE TRW LASENENI R A APROUPERTY OWNERS 3) NO 1� 10 K FAMOVE6 4) MD MW OOIISIRIICIIh 0 9QRISED. 3) 013LIM0 A PORIIOM OF ANK OW'+IIINMN TM 3UMMSION IS A VWATDN OF sTATE IOS:JIi4 OTtY DMOMIA= AND Is SWUM TO FMKS AID waNHOLORD OF VMMCS AND /IIHtp10 PE twm 1- ID• UMJTY MAT. I (►M CAMW A. SM IN7) r WILRY MW. S s6•x3•sa' w QMW A SIN[ MD7) VOL 11ti0i. PA. 0666 ROGER POINT OF 1 41Mgram ti J LOT 2M T--- LOT 2W ----- I S71i24 S0. M i�lI ± I II S 1 I mot" •el 1 9 r b _ 1 3 I (VON O NMMOC A URRT CSNT. C ( I CAMtaJDT T A, IN» I I 1 � I I � M = ( 1 r11 1 I 123.39• 2 I.R. fND IT2r I.R. s• uIRJTY ow. (MCAMtT A. aME I" wTz Er ux D.R.T.C.T. !t (ILO ACRES) M COY W WWMAW wiOM1i Dt MNM A MAM6 IMYN IR/NI nOM aAYANMM W AW ION ODTtMY lwM DM AOMDIL TK INYIN aR111NNM aaw AK M ON DM 16MT C III I► DNONIATIDN ASYA.M AY 1K lwt IM PLAT 6 MW AIM MR K DMMMCT 10 OVAIL AMONONAL Is IOM 011Q DIM DMR[ *WK W MW K M8W TO IaMAI /DWI ROM CUML SUN or in" AIPNOYO NR cotwr W RMMR PLAN % ZONMO COINMNON = o,u m! 7DI r M*llt r VoLmklit 1gam 1�IC1R- p >R 1 : em CIMMMM 1AtRMN% t��aar� AOC/�M • MAR IWW IONNI N WMR A. KW U67. scorn" TA~ Conn. TOM SECKU'RY MON *IDMYW. IMM ALL WO ry TIM PRODgM THAT. R. aJVIwN x NNatR AIO �A�R, 91NItc « Nmt/ RMa Dc awm DO TmY las PLAT oOMINTNO AL ImMDOI[ . wm PROPatIY As IOTs NSA AID NSD. CITY COUNCIL ATIO/T aOCc A. UM OWU PLACE AOOJ1II I AN ANMIION TO CRY W lalOaAK. TAMRANT UK M warts-w-NAY CONIfT. 1ptlA110,MA110 R o0 Im/ Domm TO Im ►UtICY AM "mm TIO FLAT D= MOT WO at ROOM ordoS. MaSIM S® SLSINCLMIMM O 1► DA1L Tlt/E AK MD t01 MOLDCIS ON TM /ROPOrtY. wm wt. aM WM$ TM DAY Of I1N. MY SOACTAN STIFLIDI J. ICDIM socomt K tam $TAX OF MW IMM M TA UwOLMU" AUUMMW. ON TM DAY P060NALLY AH[AM STUND4 L MCOM4 MOKW Lilt � ACIOWKaM TO Wt MAT M WE FROR THE FLPU N= CWKUM A1D N UK CAPAfJfY Uml STA1M. ONDI UNNM W NMD AND aAL OI 0MCE ON TMS PC OAY Of DOreNM NaQ =- am or d IL T6t M6OrNt• NOW= W 1! I ;UWVALY MPd� lt6 X L �tA. Mwwl t0 K M K lw PMNM MOSS IMIt M NOMM TO TK A O AM POi00/ID RMIRRIOfI. A1M ANDMMYO t0 K 1w !t CMMRD lK UK MR IM PUN= AM ONODMMDII ONM n AID N lot OMAOMY U �W& WM VM W WAS AM UAL W GMM ON TM Dt MY Of 1N0. r r - oo1DMRIIN. NDa(s 1WSpp DLT SUMNNY CQI:ICATMN Mg 6 TO CB=ff MAT NDMT C. WVVW A IMMMM PROMM OVAL LAID BLOWY M Of It STAR Of TaNR. MIND NLATIM UI'MK: SIt011IMON nM M ACPW MM ON TK 4000M YO NAT oulo. TCCOM[WXY 1 LtAC tAlt AND Ma 1142 FLAT M►MIOI I "W ILMM WW it 19 ON Tamil O W LMIOMM 1wRT[ C11Mra cf. or oft"s KFOK M TK MMRM6IW AMMOMY. ON TM MY PMSONAILY AffGMiT W MT C. MTMS. Old TO K 10 M IM l MOM OW 6 WAN D 10 1K AMOK AM FCNWW M MT ff. AI► /LSDINR - m 10 K ww K Comm Tlt SMR FOR Tw /IIWM[ AID COI6MDUTOM COMM AM N TK CWA=Y INMMI fWM. @A01 UNMIR W WO AND X& Of OMM ON TM MY OF 1Ns. MOIANI PYKIC tolM/saDM mtQ MAMM ti 2000 WL TT[ LRDEMSIG M AS DULY AUTHORIZED VAPRESENTATIYES Of THE RESMI UMM COMPANIM N�TM E7MW NO ODIECTIOM TAD THE AMIDDNM1011 OF THAT PART Oi THE fir UINITY EASEt=T SNDIIM HERm P, 911 1A TAT 2m MW UTRJIES ELECTRIC Mum PROMEO NAME 111M OATS: CTE CEMIRAL. MIC. PRVITED NAML TITL!(: DATE: MAO= CAKE PPMNTTM NAME: Tt1LC DATE: TRkIXINTY EtECTRJC COOMMAWL MC. TITLE. DATE: LANE SUM OAS COMPANY $WPM t4MM NAME TITLET DAM PLAT REVISM OF LOT ZRG. BLOCK A TO LOW 2=0A. AM 21086 BLOM A. �COMM PLM AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTILAM TAIMANT COUNTYTEXAS 3.82 ACID /OF THE HRAM QRAI ff R»Ul1=lE= ASSMCT NO. M Ate. 2k WN sm"ff < SCAB, Y ANALVI CAL MLYtWwo W. tom mmr. stxk ti* NUA& TEXAS 75243 P.O. MOX 2797.OAMIIM TIM 75047 (972) 2n-4207 FAX (On) 272-D407 FILED N: CAMET f am REV: 06-24-1! 2/suS2 DATE: DAM 04-t2-1D As M0. 152 _-- City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM May 28, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Director of Economic Development SUBJECT: Step 2 —Annual Project Prioritization by City Council (ACTUAL RANKING) Action Requested: It is now time to rank the priority of projects in the master schedule. Background Information: The "Project Prioritization" process has been utilized as a management tool for several years to best match staff work with the priorities of Council. It allows City Council, board members and individual advocates of projects an opportunity to place their item before City Council for collective ranking. This process has provided clear direction to staff as to the Council's desires and has greatly aided in the productivity of staff due to our ability to focus on the higher priorities. Process: The attached master schedule lists every project that has been submitted for ranking by City Council. (Note that the master schedule is at the end of the stapled items so that you can pull it off easily.) Please provide a "x" or check in (ilme the appropriate box in the columns on the left side of the chart under the "Priority" columns 1-5 with #1 being the higher priority. In order to have a distribution of projects the allocations for each priority need to be as follows: 8 - # 1 Priorities 8 - # 2 Priorities 8 - # 3 Priorities 8 - # 4 Priorities 7 - # 5 Priorities We are still working under the following schedule. The master schedule with rankings needs to be returned to Greg by Tuesday,June 15, 1999. Please keep the PAF's for your reference. May 14 - Distribute draft Master List and PAF forms to Council for review May 24 - Council to return any recommended revisions to Greg Last May 28 - Staff gives final forms to Council for ranking June 15 - Rankings returned to Greg Last June 18 - Finalized rankings placed in June retreat packets June 29 + 30 - Discuss rankings at June retreat Financial Considerations: None (Pe Citizen Input/ Board Review: Citizens, board members and any interested p.-.rties are allowed to submit a Project Advocacy Form (PAF) for consideration by Council. t I Legal Review: None Alternatives: Staff would be glad to pursue alternative management tools if suggested. However, the current process has been effective in matching Council's desires with staffs efforts for several years. Supporting Documents: Attached you will find the following information. • Project Advocacy Forms for all projects on master schedule as noted. • Master Schedule of all projects. (includes list of previously completed projects) Staff Recommendation: Continue to utilize the "Project Prioritization" system for matching Council's desires to staff work efforts. We realize that the time frames for your review are tight but our goal is to have the City Council rankings calculated prior to the June Retreat so we can include the final priorities in the June Retreat packet and discuss at the retreat. We appreciate your cooperation in providing timely responses. Feel free to contact any department director or the staff contact shown on the PAF form to discuss an item or find out additional information. PLEASE RETURN THE MASTER LIST WITH PRIORITIES RANKED TO GREG LAST BY (we TUESDAY,JUNE 15. Approved for Submittal to City Council: City Manager's Office L:\ComDev\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\pri-6mem.doc L Z p PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM Li SHORT TITLE: Drainage Master Plan TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New XX , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance , Master Plan Component XX , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: CC , P&Z , ZBA , PB , STAFF , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works, 481-5581, ext. 740 DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. The only infrastructure system without a Master Plan. 2. As the City develops, storm water runoff will become more critical. 3. Develop a CIP and maintenance plan. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Phase I, data collection is completed. 2. Because storm water crosses political boundaries, the City will need to coordinate with surrounding cities. 3. EPA- Clean Water Act and other environmental acts will impact decision. General Comments: Actual development of Master Plan has begun. • • West Jones Branch engineering design is complete. Easements are being acquired. Bids will be taken Fall 1999. • South Fork of Kirkwood Branch is 30% designed. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. Phase I - Master Drainage Plan section • Executive Summary AJb+ : 'Mere. arc • Priority Ranking nc 192 . 3+Si L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROD-REQ.FRM\DRAINMP3.DOC Form Date:March 19,1999 Page 1 of 1 5 t It PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: Drainage Ordinance No. 605 TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision X , Major Revision Type: Ordinance X , Master Plan Component . Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Scott Martin and Debra Edmondson CC X , P&Z . ZBA , PB , STAFF , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Charlie Thomas DATE OF REQUEST: June 5, 1998 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) l. We must mitigate the massive amount of new additional run-off which will be generated by the 200% to 300% increase in the impervious coverage from the expansion of S.H. 114 and its associated interchanges and "Fly-overs", the expansion of F.M. 1709 and F.M. 1938. as well as the plethora of new commercial development associated with these three corridors. ?. We must eliminate the filling of or building within the "Flood Plains" of our city in order to protect (ow the downstream properties. 3. We must mitigate the run-off of toxic materials, such as motor oil, hydraulic fluid, brake fluid. antifreeze. etc.. from roadways, highways. parking lots, driveways. etc.. in order to protect and prevent contamination of our underground water table, as well as our streams, ponds. and lakes and their associated wildlife. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. General Comments: These efforts should "dovetail" or pre-empt the Corp of Engineers, E.P.A. and the T.N.R.C.C. in regards to their anticipated new requirements/regulations in regards to the above listed concerns. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. L'CO\IDE\\\1P-FILES`PROJECTS.PRIORIT\'\PROJ-REQ.F10.1\DR-ORDO2.DOC Form Date: March 19. 1999 Page 1 of 1 6 e I PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM L SHORT TITLE: Zoning Ordinance Revisions: Outside Storage and Screening Standards TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision X , Major Revision Type: Ordinance X , Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy. Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 DATE OF REQUEST: 10/23/96 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Development standards for outside storage and screening are not compatible with the community=s vision. 2. Walls. fencing. hedges/plantings may not be adequate to totally screen the outside storage. parking areas. etc. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) cy, I. Consider differentiating between outside storage and outside display. 2. Consider increasing the height of walls or placement of more mature plantings in order to allow some outside storage. 3. Establish a work `group comprised of business representatives, city officials and staff to establish regulations which balance the objectives of the community with the needs of businesses. General Comments: 1. Zoning Administration and Code Enforcement Divisions are faced with outside storage issues on a weekly basis. Current regulations are too subjective and need more definition in order to effectively enforce the community=s standards. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. 1. N/A L L:'C'O IDEV',11 P-FII.ES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PRO.I-REQ.FRM\STORAC03.DOC' March 19. 1999 Page I of 1 7 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM LSHORT TITLE: Residential PUD - Reduction in Minimum Acreage Requirement(Land Conservation District) TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision X . Major Revision Type: Ordinance X , Master Plan Component . Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Councilmembers Scott Martin. Gary Fawks. Pam Muller (Ex-councilmember) STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. 481-5581, ext. 743 DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. lntill properties (less than 50-acres in size) have presented certain development challenges. such as lotting conti`_uration. access. street alignments. screening and buffering. etc. 2. Appears to be a need for flexibility in infill development. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. The amount of dedicated open space needs to be reviewed. Currently, the ordinance requires a minimum of 10% for properties being developed residentially. General Comments: Staff supports this concept; however, we recommend that the R-PUD not be reduced below 5 or 10 acres. Currently. R-PUD's require a minimum of 50 acres. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. Limited research has been completed. b. .c. (0. L CO\IDE\ ‘1 1,-FILES PROIECTS\PRIORITY^PROD-REQ ERNI\RPUD-AC4 DO( Form Date: March 19. 1999 Page ) of 1 8 1 [ PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: Citywide Strategic Plan TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New XX , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance , Master Plan Component . Project XX Other: REQUESTED BY: CC , P&Z . ZBA . PB , STAFF XX , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager, 481-5581, ext. 705 DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: Note: It is staffs intent with this project to begin anew after receiving feedback from the citizen survey and completion of the upcoming elections. This will allow clear feedback and direction regarding this topic. Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Ensure that the community. elected officials and staff are moving forward with a shared vision. (46.,2. Create a forum for making informed decisions when setting budget priorities or deciding when setting budget priorities or deciding among program alternatives. 3. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Process should include community, elected officials, staff 7 General Comments: Process has begun. but report needs to be inclusive of new Council members. May wish to consider updated survey data. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. (•-• L CO\IDE\ \\I'-FILES`I ROIECTS\PRIORITY`,PROJ-REQ.FROI\STRATEG2.DOC Form Date: March 19, 1999 Page 1 of 1 1 t PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM L. SHORT TITLE: Storm Water Utility District TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New XX , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance . Master Plan Component . Project XX Other: REQUESTED BY: CC , P&Z ZBA PB , STAFF , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Bob Whitehead. Director of Public Works. 481-5581. ext. 740 DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) l. Need method of financing drainage improvements besides property tax. Storm Water Master Plan is being developed which will define the drainage needs by basin and by creek branch. 3. (6., List anypotential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Surrounding cities have already instituted such a drainage district. ;. General Comments: Storm Water Utility District would also finance the engineering for the Master Plan along with capital improvements and maintenance. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. Cities of Grapevine. Keller. Colleyville all have such districts. b. L L CO\IDE\".\\P-FILESPROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\STORNI'_.DOC Form Date:March 19. 1999 Page 1 of 1 I O t l PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: Utility Placement Ordinance TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New XX , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance XX , Master Plan Component . Project Other: REQUESTED BY: CC , P&Z , ZBA , PB , STAFF , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works. 481-5581. ext. 740 DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Location of improvements to public utilities within the City. �. Lack of communication with Franchise holders (other utility companies). 3. Large number of utilities in City ROW. (age:_ist any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) l. Telecommunications Act may have impacted this area of control. ?. Utility companies have individual franchise agreements. 3. General Comments: Many meetings have been held with the utility companies jointly and individually. Utility companies do not want more regulations. City staff has received more cooperation since discussions started on a new ordinance. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. L L CO\IDE\'WP-FILES PROJECTS\PRIORITY`PROD-REQ.FRNI\UTILPLC'_.DOC Form Date:March 19, 1999 Page 1 of 1 11 t � PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM Lir, SHORT TITLE: City Initiated Rezonings TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance XX . Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Ronnie Kendall, City Councilmember STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Potential for development to occur on tracts currently zoned more intensively than might be desired. 2. Less control on already zoned tracts. 3. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. A list of zonings which do not conform to the 1998 LUP recommendations was included in the data accumulated for the 1998 LUP update. ' Look at all properties zoned "C-3" to see if"C-2" or "C-1" would be more appropriate to the intensive uses of the surrounding areas. 3. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. ,b. L.COXIDE%%1P-FILES`PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROD-REQ.FRNI\REZONE02.DOC Form Date: March 19. 1999 Page 1 of 1 I 1 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM. SHORT TITLE: Lighting Standards TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New X , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance X , Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Pam Muller, ex-Councilmember STAFF CONTACT: Gary Gregg, Deputy Director of Police Services DATE OF REQUEST: 10/23/96 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Add section on "Lighting Standards.' to the zoning ordinance 2. Address the adjacency issues between residential and nonresidential developments. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Establish measurable (enforceable) standards to assist building inspections and code enforcement. (se General Comments: Take into consideration zoning categories, light direction, parking lots, buildings, athletic stadiums/fields, parks. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. (or L':CO\IDEV\LP-FILES I'ROIECTS\PRIORITY\PROD-REQ.FRM\LIGHT4 DO(' March 19. 1999 Page 1 of 1 I3 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: Street Light Standards Ordinance TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New X , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance X . Master Plan Component . Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Pamela Muller STAFF CONTACT: Charlie Thomas, Deputy Director of Public Works DATE OF REQUEST: 1-30-98 DATE RECEIVED: 1-30-98 BY: GL Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Control glare. �. Enhance country atmosphere of community, while providing safe lighting. 3. Driving safety, provide visibility without blinding lights. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) L1. Limit candlepower. Shield light direction. 3. Floodlights. searchlights. General Comments: Take into consideration zoning categories, light direction, parking lots, buildings, athletic stadiums/fields, parks. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. Town of Kennebunkport b. City of Plano c. Maine study L`CO\IDE'. \\I'-FILES'PROTECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REO.FRM\ST-LITE;DOC Form Date:March 19. 1999 Page 1 of 1 ! it r PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: Street Standards Ordinance (Revision to Ordinance 217) TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New XX Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance XX . Master Plan Component . Project Other: REQUESTED BY: CC , P&Z . ZBA , PB , STAFF , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Bob Whitehead. Director of Public Works. 481-5581. ext. 740 DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Old ordinance which is outdated. Street construction materials have changed. 3. Opportunity to develop a"Standards Manual- for all infrastructure. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) L., 1. Construction standards -- i.e.. materials, testing methods are changing. Ordinance has not changed. I. Need flexibility in ordinance to develop new standards without the need to change the ordinance. 3. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. NCTCOG .b. TxDOT (air L'CO\IDEF'\kP-FILESPROIECTS'PRIORITY\PROJ-REQFRM\STREETS_.DOC Form Date:March 19. 1999 Page 1 of 1 Ic S � PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: Zoning Ordinance Revisions: Resurrect Ordinance 480-V (misc. revisions) TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision , Major Revision X Type: Ordinance . Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator CC , P&Z , ZBA PB , STAFF X , OTHER: DATE OF REQUEST: 10/23/96 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Clarify the variance language in the S-P-1/S-P-2 districts. 2. Revise the definition of accessory buildings/uses and address the regulation of these structures/uses. 3. Change the method of calculating parking spaces for multiple buildings constructed on the same lot. 4. Revise the roadway cross-section references in the bufferyard section to correspond with the Ce, anticipated changes in the Master Thoroughfare Plan. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. This ordinance has been worked on a great deal and has been before P&Z once. There were many changes recommended to wording in the original ordinance. Before these changes could be modified and brought forward, the Telecommunications issues required a reallocation of staff time. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. N/A (or' L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\.PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\480V_02.DOC March 19. 1999 Page I or I /6 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: SUP for Commercial Uses in Industrial Districts (amendment to Zoning Ord.) TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance , Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Developers & Land Owners in Commerce Business Park STAFF CONTACT: Greg Last or Karen Gandy. Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 DATE OF REQUEST: 3/98 DATE RECEIVED: BY: GL Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. There are multiple uses within the light industrial park that could benefit from the ability to have a small retail component. �. It might allow businesses to grow within Southlake and remain in Southlake. 3. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. 3. General Comments: There appear to be two options, create a mixed use business district or amend the existing SUP (#31) and increase the allowed percentage of retail in the designated districts. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. .c. L L.CO\IDE\'CFI'-FILES PROIECTSPRIORITY'PROJ-REQ FR\I\SCP-INDI DOC Form Date:March I9. I999 Page I of I 17 t PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: Amortization of Certain Uses TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance . Master Plan Component . Project Other: Process for the Board of Adjustment REQUESTED BY: City Council STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. 481-5581, ext. 743 DATE OF' REQUEST: 10/25/96 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. The property at the northwest corner of Highland and SH 114 2. The pool chemical facility in East Haven Addition along Continental List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) Le 1. Will require budgeting professional services for a forensic accountant to evaluate the business records of the affected companies. 2. Will require a great deal of the city attorneys time monitoring the Board of Adjustment proceedings. General Comments: We have discussed the amortization of these uses in the past. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. c. L L:\CONIDEV',WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\AMORTIZ2.DOC March 19, 1999 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM LSHORT TITLE: Sidewalk Trail Implementation Plan TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New X , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance . Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Kim Lenoir for SPDC & Park Board Members STAFF CONTACT: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, 481-5581, ext. 757 DATE OF REQUEST: 1-26-98 DATE RECEIVED: 1-26-98 BY: GL Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. To prepare a plan for implementing trail and sidewalk construction per the master plan. Much like the sewer program. 3. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Trail and sidewalk construction should be tied into CIP for street construction. '. Develop implementation plan in consent with planned Trail System Master Plan updated scheduled for 1999. 3. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. ,b. L L.CO\IDE\.\\P-FILES,PROIECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ FRNI\SIDE-IM3 DOC Form Date: March 19. 1999 Paste I of I (9 • PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: Commercial Dumpster Ordinance TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New XX , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance XX . Master Plan Component . Project Other: REQUESTED BY: CC , P&Z , ZBA , PB . STAFF XX, OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Shana Yelverton DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Many of the commercial customers are not using dumpsters. rather, they set out their garbage as if they were a residential customer. this leads to a large number of plastic bags, etc.. placed on the roadway in areas such as FM1709. In the residential neighborhoods, builders pile up the scrap material and other waste, to be removed later. Not only is this unsightly. with the wind this is a problem with paper and other (hire such debris being blown about the area. 3. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. General Comments: Requiring all commercial customers to use a dumpster, and requiring homebuilders to use a dumpster (which could perhaps be shared in subdivision where houses are being constructed next door to each other, would go a long way in cleaning up our City. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. ti L`CO\IDE\"\W'P-FILES`PROIECTSTRIORITY"\PROD-REQ FRNI CO\1DU\IP'_.Doc Form Date: March 19. 1999 Page I of I Z0 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: Utility Policies and Standards Ordinance (Revisions to Ord. 217) TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision , Major Revision XX Type: Ordinance XX , Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: CC , P&Z , ZBA , PB . STAFF , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Bob Whitehead. Director of Public Works. 481-5581. ext. 740 DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Old ordinance which is outdated. �. Water and sewer construction materials have changed. 3. Opportunity to develop a "Standards Manual- for all infrastructure. (tioL ist any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) l. Construction standards -- i.e., materials, testing, construction methods are changing. Ordinance has not changed. �. Need flexibility in ordinance to develop new standards without the need to change the ordinance. ,. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. NCTCOG Standards b. TxDOT Standards L L'.CO\IDE\.N P-FILES'PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ FRM\UTILPOL2 DOC Form Date:March 19. I999 Page I of I ZI PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM L SHORT TITLE: Zoning Ordinance Revisions: Correcting inconsistencies between "Frontage," "Front Yard," "Lot Frontage" TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New . Minor Revision . Major Revision X Type: Ordinance . Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. 481-5581. ext. 743 DATE OF REQUEST: 10/23/96 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Corner lots require front yard setback on each street frontage. 2. Ordinance requires "front" of the lot to be the lot line along the street which has the least dimension. 3. Builders want the flexibility to choose which street to front. 4. These inconsistencies have caused addressing and permitting problems. 5. There are a growing number of"flag or panhandle lots" being submitted as infill properties are being L developed. Better define where lot width is measured. (Staffs interpretation: measured at the minimum front yard setback). 7. Establish a minimum lot width for non-residential lots. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Consider adding a development regulation for "Side Yards•adjacent to Street- like PUD's have in their regulations. 2. Establish minimum criteria for approval of flag lots (e.g., maximum number of lots, maximum acreage, etc.). 3. Consider reducing the minimum lot width of cul-de-sac lots to 85' instead of the required 100' for residential lots so that only the minimum required front setback is shown on the plat. 4. Revise yard definitions to better evaluate the appropriate setbacks. especially on irregularly-shaped lots. 5. Determine whether adequate lot frontage is achieved by the lot abutting a public street or by accessing a public street by means of a common access easement. If the lot does not have to abut a public street. how are the required setbacks established...where are the front, side, and rear yards of the lot? General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. N/A L CO\IDF\ \\I-PILES'.PRO.IECTS`.PRIORITY\PRO7-REQFRU\FRONT-04DOC File Date:March 19. 1999 Page I of 1 ZZ , PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: Special Events Permit and Procedures TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New X , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance X , Master Plan Component . Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. 481-5581. ext. 743 DATE OF REQUEST: 5/97 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Currently we have no process whereby special events (school carnivals. retail promotions. art festivals. etc.) can be approved. 2. Town Square development references the issuance of Specific Use Permits for special outdoor events. The discussion at the time was that the ordinance would be amended to create a SUP for such events. ,, List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution)16 1. Need to address length of permit. frequency of permits, hours of operation. alcoholic beverage sales. parking, lighting. signage. traffic management issues General Comments: I would suggest that for certain of these events that the Council consider amending the accessory use section and establish certain criteria for Staff approval of these permits, like the tent permit for retail sales. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. Research in progress. L L CO\IDE\`\\P-FILESTROIECTS\PRIORITY`,PROJ-REQ FRSI\SPECIALS DOC Form Date:March 19. 1999 Page 1 of 1 Z3 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM LSHORT TITLE: Open Records Ordinance TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New XX , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance XX , Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: CC , P&Z , ZBA , PB , STAFF , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Curtis E. Hawk. City Manager, 481-5581, ext. 702 DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Southlake's ordinance was established in 1987. It does not follow state statutes nor necessarily represent current needs: e.g.. cost for copies. etc. Update records ordinance to address procedure for processing open records requests. 3. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Needs to follow state statutes. 3. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. L L CO\IDE\"\1P-FILES PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRTI\OPENRECI.DOC Form Date:March 19. 1999 Page I of I of PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM L SHORT TITLE: Trail System Master Plan Update TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New X , Minor Revision . Major Revision Type: Ordinance . Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Kim Lenoir for SPDC STAFF CONTACT: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, 481-5581. ext. 757 DATE OF REQUEST: 1-26-98 DATE RECEIVED: 1-26-98 BY: GL Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Per City Charter, the Trail System Master Plan needs to be reviewed and updated in four years. It was adopted in August 1995: therefore, by August 1999 the revisions should be completed. So by Fall 1998 this project should begin. 3. (me.List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. With recent development, P&Z needs further refinement and guidance as to which side of the road trails will be located. (Done - Trail System Master Plan with guidelines approved July 7, 1998.) General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. L 2S L.COMDE\'`WP-FILES'PROJECTS\PRIORITY PROD-REQ ERNI\TSMP-UP3.DOC Form Date:March 19. 1999 Page 1 of 1 • PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM Ly SHORT TITLE: Septic Ordinance TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New XX , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance XX , Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: CC , P&Z , ZBA , PB , STAFF , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Bob Whitehead. Director of Public Works, 481-5581. ext. 740 DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Septic systems in an urban residential setting tnd to saturate the soils therebyy causing runoff. 3. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Tarrant County Public Health Dept. serves as the city's provider of this service. ?. One acre lots can have `'on-site- disposal system. 3. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. L L'CO\IDE\'`.R'P-FILES.PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\SEPTIC'_.DOC Form Date:March 19, 1999 Page 1 of I PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM Please fill out the following information related to your request for consideration of a project, ordinance or revision to an existing ordinance. A disk copy of this form can be provided to allow you to insert your comments in typed form. Contact Lori Farwell in Community Development at (817) 481-5581. ext 744. SHORT TITLE: Noise Ordinance Update TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision XX . Major Revision Type: Ordinance XX . Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: CC , P&Z , ZBA , PB , STAFF , OTHER: DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. e List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. 3. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. L L.CO\IDE WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROD-REQ.FRM\NOISE I.WPD Form Date:February 24, 1998 Page 1 of 1 n 17 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: MICHAEL DRIVE INITIATIVE TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance . Master Plan Component , Project Other: Program REQUESTED BY: Barbara Claffey, Direction given by City Council on 12-1-98 CC X , P&Z , ZBA , PB . STAFF , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator DATE OF REQUEST: December 1, 1998 DATE RECEIVED: BY: KPG Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Historically has been an area of significant code enforcement issues. Landowners unwilling / unable to expend funds for upgrades due to inability to acquire zoning matching the existing uses. 3. Significant issues with dust and noise on site. LLISt any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Look at resolving existing landowner problems as well as adjacent homeowner problems. General Comments: Will require significant effort on staffs part as a facilitator/ coordinator: • Assist in preparation of adequate zoning (uses, existing conditions, etc.) • Help coordinate diverse interests List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. c. No+e. 4re are. no p� ZB + Zg L COSTDE\'WV-FILES PROJECTS'PRIORIT\,PROD-REQFRSI\MIKE-OI.DO(' Form Date: March 19. 1999 Page 1 of 1 0 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: Sign Ordinance Revisions (704-B) Open House Signs TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision X . Major Revision Type: Ordinance X , Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Debra Edmondson, City Councilmember STAFF CONTACT: Stefanie Sarakaitis, Comprehensive Planner. 481-5581, ext. 753 DATE OF REQUEST: March 19, 1999 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Local Realtors have expressed frustration with an inability to properly advertise "Open Houses" due to the limited number of signs allowed to be placed by the Sign Ordinance. They cannot attract drive-through traffic. LList any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Southlake residents may feel limited in their ability to properly market and sell their homes. This may place an unintended hardship on our residents - similar to the "Garage Sale" sign issue. 3. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. c. L L'.CO\IDEA`NI-I ILES.PROJECTS\PRIORITYPROD-REQ.FRMI\SIGNS.DOC March 19. 1999 Pant 1 of 1 3 7 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: HOTEL/MOTEL REGULATIONS TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance X , Master Plan Component . Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Greg Last. Community Development Director CC , P&Z ZBA . PB , STAFF X , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Art Wright. Zoning Assistant DATE OF REQUEST: 12/98 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) l. To establish regulations to insure quality hotel developments in Southlake 3. LList any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Proximity of restaurants, shopping, services. etc. ?. Permit hotels in certain districts by Specific Use Permit. 3. Bed and Breakfast establishments General Comments: General desire is to insure quality commercial growth, particularly along the SH 114 corridor where more regional types of services might be provided. We want to be able to assure potential corporate relocations that only hotels of a certain standard would be constructed along the corridor in order to maintain a professional image for the corridor. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. L L'CO\IDE\ \\I'-PILES`PRO IECTS\PRIORITY`PRO1-REQ FRM1\HOTE1 2 DOC Form Date:March 19, 1999 Page I of 32. PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: All America City Award in 2000 TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New X , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance . Master Plan Component . Project X Other: REQUESTED BY: City Manager's Office CC , P&Z , ZBA . PB . STAFF XX , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Shana Yelverton. Assistant City Manager DATE OF REQUEST: 2-2-99 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) l. Opportunity to obtain All America City designation from National Civic League 2. Award criteria favors community endeavors, as opposed to city, government-led endeavors. A community task force, whose mission it would be to identify projects for submission. prepare application, and present information to NCL if selected as a finalist, could increase our chances of receiving the award. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Task force would need to evaluate projects for possible inclusion in the application. 2. Task force would need to receive training on the award program, application preparation, etc. 3. Task force would need to be appointed soon. with application due in March/April 2000. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. Previous informational packets from NCL b. Application materials from award-winning cities L L.CO\IDE\"\\P-FILES PRO IECTS\PRIORITY".PROJ-REQ FRII\ALL-A\IF_DOC Form Date: March 19. 1999 Pa_e 1 of 1 3� PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: Clean Streets/Beautiful City Project TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New XX . Minor Revision . Major Revision Type: Ordinance , Master Plan Component . Project XX Other: REQUESTED BY: City Manager's Office CC , P&Z , ZBA , PB , STAFF XX , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Kevin Hugman DATE OF REQUEST: 2-2-99 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Trash accumulation on streets and in bar ditches significantly deters from the attractiveness of the city. 2. In connection with the establishment of entry portal sites, the City of Southlake should look for opportunities for beautification projects (i.e., Wal Mart strip), tree planting demonstration programs. etc. 3. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Coordination with KSB and other community groups 2. Identification of code enforcement issues. 3. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. (ow- L.`CO\IDE\':\\P-FIL ES`PROJECTS`•.PRIORITY\PROD-REQ FRMP.CLEANST'_DOC Form Date: March 19. 1999 Page 1 of 1 39 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: Southlake Historical Commission TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New XX , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance , Master Plan Component . Project XX Other: REQUESTED BY: City Manager's Office CC , P&Z , ZBA , PB , STAFF XX , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager DATE OF REQUEST: 2-2-99 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. A formal program to preserve Southlake history is needed as the "human resources" currently available to document historical events and places diminish within our community. 2. Effort would need to be coordinated with Southlake Historical Society. L3_ List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. 3. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. L L CO\IDE\'\\P-FILES'PRO JECTS\PRIORITY`PROD-REOFR\I\SLHISTO3DOC Form Date:March 19, 1999 Pate 1 of 1 35- PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: Youth Master Plan Development TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New X . Minor Revision . Major Revision Type: Ordinance . Master Plan Component . Project X Other: REQUESTED BY: City Manager's Office CC , P&Z , ZBA , PB . STAFF XX , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Kevin Hugman DATE OF REQUEST: 2-3-98 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Youth programs offered in Southlake are good and SYAC is at a point where it could really take off but we have not yet undertaken a focused and organized approach to determine the types of programs and services we need to offer children, youth and families. There is currently no formal road map guiding the community for youth initiatives. �. Through SYAC, the Youth Park Board and Southlake Parks and Recreation Board, the Drug & Alcohol Committee, local school districts and other community groups. the City of Southlake has an extensive community network of citizens (both youth and adults) to actively provide input into the development of a youth master plan. These groups also provide a framework through which services and programs could be offered. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. A broad cross-section of the Southlake community should be involved in the development of the plan. 2. The plan could be very expansive or limited in scope, but would probably require the appointment of a citizen steering committee to guide the process. 3. Strong coordination would be needed to ensure existing resources are involved and active in the process. The development of a Youth Master Plan should be a comprehensive effort. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. ICMA award-winning plans from Claremont. CA and Corpus Christi, TX L''CO\IDE\-\ !'-FILES'PRO.IECTS\PRIORITY\PROD-REQ.FRMYOUTHO2 DOC Form Date: March 19. 1999 Page 1 of 2 34 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM L SHORT TITLE: Parade and Street Closure Ordinance TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New X , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance , Master Plan Component . Project Other: REQUESTED BY: CC , P&Z , ZBA PB , STAFF X , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Gary Gregg, Deputy Director of Police Services DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Expanding city coupled with civic pride will increase requests for parades and street closures. ?. Differing opinions and groups will be requesting permission to parade in downtown. 3. Need mechanism to regulate othern than SUP. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) l. Establish ordinance to regulate parades and street closings. �. Low or no fee for neighborhoods. 3. Public Works review. DPS review, Code Enforcement review process. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. Fort Worth b. Arlington c. Dallas and other ordinances L. L`CO\IDE\'\1 P-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM'PARADE I DOC Form Date: March 19, 1999 Page 1 of 1 3? PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM LSHORT TITLE: Revise Bicentennial Park Master Development Plan TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision , Major Revision X Type: Ordinance . Master Plan Component , Project X Other: REQUESTED BY: CC , P&Z , ZBA , PB X , STAFF X , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Kevin Hugman. Director of Community Services Director DATE OF REQUEST: March 1999 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Review master plan concept and revise to incorporate unanticipated land acquisitions and as-built park components. '. Review maintenance facility layout, access roads, and future park facility needs. 3. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. 3. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. .c. L L'CO\IDE\"\ P-FILES PRO!ECM\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ FRA1\BICENNI DOC Form Date: March 19. 1999 Page 1 of 1 38 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM SHORT TITLE: Revise Bob Jones Park Master Development Plan TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision , Major Revision X Type: Ordinance , Master Plan Component . Project X Other: REQUESTED BY: CC , P&Z , ZBA , PB X , STAFF X , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Kevin Hugman. Director of Community Services Director DATE OF REQUEST: March 1999 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) l. Recent land acquisition opportunities adjacent to Bob Jones Park have significantly altered the original park boundaries. Develop a new park master development plan to include these areas. 3. LList any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 3. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. .c. L L.CO\IDE I'-FILES PRO IECTS`PRIORIT\'\PROD-REQ FR\I\BOBJONEI DOC Form Date:March I9. 1999 Pate I or I 3/ PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM L SHORT TITLE: Underground Utilities TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New XX , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance , Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Baron Rittiner (81'7) 491-3939 CC , P&Z , ZBA , PB , STAFF , OTHER: Citizen STAFF CONTACT: Ron Harper, Director of Engineering DATE OF REQUEST: 3/22/99 DATE RECEIVED: 4-15-99 BY: GL Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Visual pollution. 2. Proliferation of overhead utility cables and poles - see Kimball Avenue and S.H. 114 (NW corner). 3. Lack of maintenance of utility poles - crooked, leaning- see south side of S.H. 114 between Carroll Avenue and Kimball Avenue. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Total cost of relocating overhead utilities over a 25-35 year period of rapid growth would exceed cost to bury. 2. Dual certification - TU/Tri-County guarantees that Southlake will have a much worse problem over time than surrounding cities. General Comments: Long term visual and aesthetic impact of overhead utilities will have a significant negative economic impact. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. Flower Mound -F.M. 2499 - overhead utilities moved underground. b. April 97 -breakfast with Curtis Hawk to discuss this issue. c. Shawn Poe is researching S.H. 114 utility easements. L go L.\COMDEV\WP-F1LES\PROJECTS\PRIORiTY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\under-01.doc Form Date:May 14,1999 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM (4...,SHORT TITLE: Revisions to Tax Abatement Policy TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New . Minor Revision . Major Revision XX Type: Ordinance . Master Plan Component . Project Other: REQUESTED BY: City Council CC X , P&Z , ZBA , PB . STAFF , OTHER: DATE OF REQUEST: May 4, 1999 DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Existing policy may not clearly articulate the type and quality of entities we desire Existing policy may not clearly request adequate information that council and staff need for proper review and consideration List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. May desire clearer definition of criteria such as employment levels, investment levels, required infrastructure. and impact on the community such as environment and housing 2. May desire inclusion of a formal application ,. General Comments: As the city anticipates an increase in commercial development along S.H. 114, we would like to provide a policy that clearly describes the entities and investment we desire. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. Staff contacted over 45 communities within the DFW Metroplex to survey if they have a current tax abatement policy. Further, staff has reviewed the policies of 22 communities and Tarrant County for comparative purposes, and has also contacted the City of Austin. b. L L.COSIDE%\VI'-FILES PROJECTS'PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ FR\I\tax-policy-01 doc Form Date: May 14. 1999 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM ,,.SHORT TITLE: Rules of the City Council TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance , Master Plan Component , Project Other: XX REQUESTED BY: Patsy Dupre Kendall CC XX , P&Z , ZBA , PB , STAFF , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Shana Yelverton DATE OF REQUEST: May 18, 1999 DATE RECEIVED: May 18, 1999 BY: GL Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. 2. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) (kb;. 2. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. c. • (kw- LIV L:\ComDev\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\ccrules-01.DOC Form Date:May 20,1999 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM L.SHORT TITLE: Emergency Preparedness Notification Program TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision , Major Revision Type: Ordinance , Master Plan Component , Project XX Other: REQUESTED BY: Ronnie Kendall CC XX , P&Z , ZBA , PB , STAFF , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Director Campbell DATE OF REQUEST: May 18, 1999 DATE RECEIVED: May 18, 1999 BY: GL Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Inadequate emergency warning notification system 2. 3. any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Capital outlays and maintenance costs 2. Consider methods of notification for both indoor and outdoor systems 3. Clarity of incident and appropriate actions for the populations affected by incident. General Comments: To decide what percentage of population desired to reach. Consider more than one option if one notification system does not meet this percentage. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. Emergency Management Plan b. c. 3 L:\ComDev\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\emergency-0I.DOC Form Date:May 20,1999 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM L. SHORT TITLE: Landscape Ordinance Revisions/Consolidation TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: New , Minor Revision , Major Revision XX Type: Ordinance XX , Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Greg Last, Director of Economic Development CC , P&Z , ZBA , PB , STAFF xx , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator DATE OF REQUEST: May 24, 1999 DATE RECEIVED: May 24, 1999 BY: GL Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Architects, Developers and Builders often review either the Landscape Ordinance or Section 42 (Bufferyards) of the Zoning Ordinance and fail to realize that there are other landscape requirements. 2. cy.List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Consider consolidating the Landscape Ordinance and Section 42 (Bufferyards) of the Zoning Ordinance into a single document. 2. General Comments: To reduce confusion, Section 42 (Bufferyards) of the Zoning Ordinance can be added to the Landscape Ordinance and any needed references in the zoning ordinance can indicate that developers shall comply with the Bufferyard requirements as outlined in the Landscape Ordinance. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. None b. • L L:\ComDev\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\Iandsc-03.DOC Form Date:May 24,1999 Page 1 of 1 �� PROJECT ADVOCACY FORM LPAHORT TITLE: Impact Fee Update TYPE OF PROJECT: Scope: , Minor Revision XX , Major Revision Type: Ordinance , Master Plan Component , Project Other: REQUESTED BY: Statutory Requirement CC , P&Z , ZBA , PB , STAFF , OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. State law requires that the impact fees be evaluated at least every three years. 2. 3. moist any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Currently there are proposed changes to the impact fee laws being discussed by the legislature. 2. General Comments: This update is currently underway. The Planning and Zoning Commission was appointed as the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee. They have reviewed the Land Use Assumptions and a portion of them reviewed the water/sewer capital projects review at the last meeting. Another meeting is scheduled to cover w/s for those who could not attend or are new appointees. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. c. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\NBLANK5.doc Form Date:May 29,1998 Page 1 of 1 ♦ Priority MASTER SCHEDULE - City Council Project Priorities PLEASE RANK ITEMS USING 5 COLUMNS AT LEFT ONLY-5/28/99 9:48 AM (11bre High—Low Results Rio PAF 1 2 3 4 5 Dept Item Comp Enc. Rank Score ENG Drainage Master Plan 25% Yes Phase I: Inventory and data assembly Done Phase II: West Jones Branch Study Area Done Phase III: South Fork Kirkwood Branch Study Area 50% ENG Drainage Ordinance Revisions 80% Yes PL Zoning Ordinance-Outside Storage Issues(no workgroup) 80% Yes PL Zoning Ord: Reduce Residential PUD Min.Acreage 50% Yes (land conservation revision)on hold CM Citywide Strategic Plan 0% Yes ENG Storm Water Utility District 80% Yes ENG Utility Placement Ordinance 50% Yes PL City-Initiated Rezonings per the 1998 LUP Update(on hold) 0 Yes PS Lighting Standards 90% Yes ENG Street Light Standards(separated from lighting stds above) 0% Yes ENG Street Standards Ordinance(Ord. 217) 75% Yes PL Zoning Ordinance 480-V-Misc.Clean-up Items Phase I 80% Yes PL Zoning Ordinance-SUP for Commercial uses in Industrial 5% Yes (on" Districts PL Amortization of Certain Non-Conforming Uses(on hold) 0 Yes CS Sidewalk/Trail Implementation Plan 5% Yes CM Commercial Dumpster Ordinance 50% Yes ENG Utility Policies and Standards Ordinance 50% Yes PL Zoning Ordinance-Front Yard Issues(Workgroup) 10% Yes PL Zoning Ordinance-Special Events Permit&Procedures 80% Yes CM Open Records Ordinance 15% Yes CS Trail System Master Plan Update 5% Yes PW Septic Ordinance 25% Yes PS Update Noise Control Ordinance No.484 10% Yes PL Michael Drive Initiative(Direction from CC on 12-1-98) 60% Yes PL Sign Ordinance Revisions(704-B)Open House Signs 0% Yes PL Hotel/Motel Regulations in Zoning Ordinance 5% Yes CM All America City Award in 2000 0% Yes CS Clean Streets/Beautiful City Project 0% Yes CM Southlake Historical Commission 0% Yes CS Youth Master Plan Development 0% Yes PS Parade and Street Closure Ordinance 5% Yes CS Revise Bicentennial Park Master Development Plan 0% Yes CS Revise Bob Jones Park Master Development Plan 0% Yes ENG Underground utilities 0% Yes 14 L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PRI-RNK-07.DOC Page 1 of 3 V ti • I Priority MASTER SCHEDULE - City Council Project Priorities PLEASE RANK ITEMS USING 5 COLUMNS AT LEFT ONLY-5/28/99 9:48 AM Ligh—Low Results % PAF 1 2 3 4 5 Dept Item Comp Enc. Rank Score ED Revisions to Tax Abatement Policy 20% Yes CM Rules of the City Council 0% Yes PS Emergency Preparedness Notification Program 0% Yes PUPS Revise Landscape Ordinance to include bufferyards etc. 0% Yes All Impact fee update 50% Yes Dept Legend:PW=Public Works,ENG=Engineering,PL=Planning,CS=Community Services,CM=City Manager, SEC=City Secretary,PS=Public Safety,HR=Human Resources,FI=Finance,ED=Economic Development The following items have been asked for/approved by Councilmembers but have not been prioritized by City Council The following items are additional projects identified by staff. Cif (No, 4? L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PRI-RNK-07.DOC Page 2 of 3 -• • Following are Completed Projects from Previous Priority Schedules cSpt CC Rank Item Date Approved by Council /ED NA Landscape Ordinance Revisions Estimated June, 1999 CS 4.43 Park Dedication Ordinance-Fee Justification Study April 6, 1999 PS N/A Excavation Ordinance#693-A February 16, 1999 PL 3.0 Sexually Oriented Business Ord.No. 731 February 2, 1999 PUPS N/A Sign Ordinance Revisions(Ord.No.704-A) December 1, 1998 CMO 3.43 Smoking Ordinance November 17, 1998 PL 2.43 Zoning Ordinance 480-BB: Impervious Coverage October 20, 1998 PS 3.71 Health and Sanitation Ordinance October 20, 1998 PR 1.57 Land Acquisition Plan for Ultimate Build-out of Park System September 28, 1998 PR 1.25 Update of Parks and Recreation and Open Space Master Plan Presented to SPDC and Pk Board joint Meeting September 28, 1998 PL 2.43 Zoning Ordinance Revision: Ordinance 704 September 1, 1998 PUPS 1.57 Zoning Ordinance 480-BB:Impervious Coverage September 1, 1998 PUPS 1.57 Zoning Ordinance 480-CC:Residential Adjacency Standards July 21, 1998 (Neighboring Preservation Ord.)(also addressed parking issue) PL 1.00 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update January 20, 1998 PL 2.33 Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-A December 16, 1997 PL/CS 2.50 Sidewalk Ordinance December 16, 1997 PL N/A Zoning Ord.480-Z(Service Station Regulation) August 19, 1997 PL N/A Zoning Ord.480-Y(Personal Care Facilities) July 1, 1997 PL 2.00 Subdivision Ordinance—Park Dedication Provisions July 1, 1997 PL 2.67 Subdivision Ord. Thoroughfare References&Misc. June 17, 1997 CMO 3 Ordinance Codification(Administration portion) March 14, 1997 PL 1.00 Master Thoroughfare Plan Update March 4, 1997 'L 1.67 Zoning Ord.480-W(Telecommunication Towers&Antennas) February 4, 1997 PL N/A Zoning Ord.480-X(Revisions to PUD density calculations) February 4, 1997 PR 1.75 Master Plan for Bob Jones Park November 19, 1996 PR 2.00 Master Plan for Bicentennial Park November 19, 1996 L .Lt S L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PRI-RNK-07.DOC Page 3 of 3 r City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 28, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Ron Harper, Director of Engineering Services SUBJECT: CIP Status Report Attached is the status report of projects currently included in the City's Capital Improvement Program for 1996-1999. This monthly report is in a narrative format, which describes the ongoing progress of each project. A graphical schedule of each project is also included which shows the current schedule with it's corresponding baseline schedule. These narrative and graphical updates will include the following: 1996-1999 Sewer& Water Infrastructure CIP Projects 1996-1999 Roadway Improvement CIP Projects 1996-1999 Neighborhood Sewer/Street CIP Projects Projects Affiliated with the S.H. 114 Reconstruction S.H. 114 Project Status ifMiscellaneous Projects Attachment: CIP Report { (ire MONTHLY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS UPDATE June 1999 1996-99 Sewer and Water Infrastructure CIP Projects SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE Project Description: Dove Estates Lift Station &Sanitary Sewer Improvements Discussion: Currently, the Dove Estates subdivision is served with sanitary sewer. This sewer flows to a small treatment facility where it is treated and discharged into Lake Grapevine. This treatment facility is a maintenance problem and requires daily upkeep. In order to abandon the treatment facility, a lift station needs to be constructed so the sewer can be pumped within a force main to the gravity sewer located in Lonesome Dove Estates. The design of this project is complete and the plans have been reviewed by the city. This project was originally proposed and funded for the FY1996-97, but because no improvements to this project can occur until improvements to the lift station at Lonesome Dove Ave. and E. Dove St. occur, this project was delayed and placed in the FY1997-98. The construction of the force main and gravity sewer will be part of the contract to reconstruct Lake Drive, which is under construction. A separate contract will be executed to install the lift station once the Dove Street force main improvements are complete. The estimated design and construction cost is $195,500. 1998 1999 2000 ID Task Name IDoration AISIOIN!D JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID J�F�M�A�M�J�J�A�S�O�N�D J�F�M�A�M�J�J�AjsJoIN�D J�F�M�A 56 Dove Estates Sewer 686d ' f 57 Design 131d IMIMMMMII100% 56 Review Rams 35d 100% 59 Obtain Rgt1 of Way Od �411 60 Rnafze Rans 25d s in 100% 61 Advertise 21d 0 % 62 Councd Bid Award 1d 0 12/21 63 Obtan Contract Documents 15d 0% 64 Reconstruction Conference 1d O 1112 65 Construction 90d 0% Project Description: Crossroads Square Sanitary Sewer Discussion: The City budgeted $225,000 in the CIP budget to construct a sanitary sewer line from the existing lift station at Crossroads Square to the existing sewer line at the end of Caddo Lake Drive in the Lakecrest Addition. A portion of this project was approved and funded for the FY1996-97. The original alignment of the sewer was revised due to the developer of the Shady Oaks Retail Center participating with the city. Under this new alignment, the portion of the sewer line from Caddo Lake Drive to the north side of F.M. 1709 was constructed. The remainder of this sewer line is from the entrance to Bicentennial Park to the lift station located at F.M. 1709 and N. White Chapel. With the completion of this section, the existing lift station will be abandoned. The construction began in April and should be complete in June. 1 , L 1997 1998 1999 ID CTask rossroads Duration M[A�MI1997 SjOINID JIFIM]AIMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIM 1 9 89 Crossroads Square Sewer 433d W i•' 90 Desgn 80d gum 100% ! 91 Review Plans 18d a100% — 92 Obtain Right of Way 238d 1 00 93 Finalize Plans 3d • t100% 94 Advertise 28d 50% 95 Council Bid Award 1 d 0 /25 96 Obtain Contract Documents 15d ® 0% 97 Preconstruction Conference Id 0 /19' 98 Construction 60d 0 65 Project Description: S-7 Sewer Line Extension Discussion: The S-7 sewer line serves the southeast portion of the city. With the construction of this extension, the city can eventually eliminate the wastewater treatment facility at Bank Place. This sewer line will also serve the commercial and industrial sites located in this portion of the city. The estimated design and construction cost for this project is $1,000,000. The design of this project is complete and the city anticipates construction will occur within the FY1998-99 with developer participation. The city allocated $100,000 for the design costs in the FY1997-98 budget. The remaining $900,000 for the construction of the sewer line will be budgeted in future years in the CIP budget. The required easements are now being obtained. 1998 1999 20 ID Task Name Duration FI MIA IMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIA!MJJ!JIA1SIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJ 122 S-7 Sewer Extension 567d Cr' 123 [Design 130d w_. 100% 124 Review Plans 15d 100% 125 Obtain Right of Way 204d 15% 126 Fnal¢ePlans 15d ,„ 100% 127 Advertise 21d =i 0% 128 Council Bid Award 1d a 8/2 129 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 42 0% 130 Preconstruction Conference 1d Co 824 131 Construction 180d ,, ,o sa 0% Project Description: N-5 Sanitary Sewer Line (From FM 1709 to Kimball Ave.) Discussion: This sanitary sewer line will serve the properties located between F.M. 1709 and S.H. 114 from the Wall Street bridge to Kimball Ave. Following the construction of this sewer line, the lift station at Bank Street will be eliminated. The anticipated construction cost for the sanitary sewer appurtenances is $517,500. The engineering, which was funded in the FY1997-98 CIP budget, is complete and the plans are being reviewed by the City. The construction will take place in the FY1998-99 with developer participation. L 2 1998 L l' ID Task Name Doratlon MIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIIJJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJOIJIAISIO(NID JIFIMIAIM(JIJIAISIOINID JIF 133 N-5 Sow srBdension 645d + • 134 Desgn 262d 135 Review Flans 15d sa 0% 136 Obtain fight of Way 150d , �. .. :0% 137 Fnafze Flans 15d p 0% 138 Advertise 21d SIOX, 139 Counc/Bid Award id 140 Obtan Contract Documents 15d 49 0% 141 Fteconstructwn Conference td ‘0% 142 Construction 180d 0% DOVE STREET PRESSURE SEWER SYSTEM Project Description: Dove St. Force Main (Lonesome Dove Ave. to Kirkwood) Discussion: The first phase of this project was originally approved and funded for the FY1996- 97. The first phase will be constructing a 14" force main along Dove. St. and modifying the existing lift station located at Dove. St. and Lonesome Dove Ave. In the future, an additional 18" force main along Dove St. will be required in order to serve the subsequent development and the existing homes connecting to sewer. Therefore, instead of constructing the 18" force main at a later date and disturbing the area a second time, the city will construct the 18" force main at the same time as constructing the 14" force main. The preliminary estimated cost to design and construct these sewer force mains was $1,119,800. However, this estimate was completed a year ago and did not include the cost to construct a new lift station. The estimate assumed that the (61., existing lift station at Lonesome Dove and Dove would be utilized for the interim until the ultimate lift station is needed or the lease on the U.S. Corp property expires (Feb. 2000). However, since the City purchased park land in the City of Grapevine just north of the existing lift station, it was determined by staff to build the ultimate lift station on a portion of the purchased park land. Therefore, the estimated cost has been re-evaluated and is $1,747,500. The additional $627,700 will be budgeted in the FY99-00 CIP budget. The design of this project is complete. There are three easements yet to be obtained. The expected completion date is December 1999. The portion of the gravity sewer line from Kirkwood Hollow to Dove Street, which is a portion of the Dove Street force main, is complete. 1 1997 1998 1999 2000 ID Task Name OINID JIFIMIA(MIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAJSIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISI0IN 45 Dove greet Force Mains , I( 46 Design M MMMIMM-160% 47 Review Flans 100% 48 Obtain Right of Way r_ , ,...,_ '-80% 49 Finalize Flans M 0% 50 Advertise j 0% 51 Counci Bid Award 0 ' 7/29 52 Obtan Contract Documents p A 53 Fheconstnrcticn Conference Q 54 Construction .t 0% 3 L Project Description: 18"Force Main from Raintree Vicinity to Kirkwood Blvd. Discussion: This force main will convey the sewer from the Raintree/Shady Lane vicinity to the proposed sanitary sewer line at the intersection of Dove St. and Kirkwood Blvd. The cost of this project is estimated at $712,800, although only $432,000 was appropriated for the FY1997-98 budget. The remaining $280,800 will be funded in the FY1998-99 budget. Due to the increased cost for construction, the estimate was re-evaluated and it was determined that an additional $327,200 will be required to be funded in the FY99-00 CIP budget. This project has been designed and is being reviewed by the city. The design was delayed due to changing the alignment of the force main to cross the Tract III, Westbrook property and property owned by CISD on Highland. The necessary easements are also being obtained. 1998 1999 2000 ID Task Name Duration AISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JlFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIA 78 forc,Main from Raintra Vicinity 688d ' 79 Desgn 287d 100% 80 Review Rans 148d iii 81 Obtan Rght of Way 186d � '0% 82 FnalzeFlans 20d ® t% 83 Advertise 28d c= 0% 84 Council Bid Award 1d 0% 85 Obtan Contract Documents 15d % 86 Reconstruction Conference 1d 10% 87 I Construction 150d 0% Project Description: Lift Station Located in the Raintree,,Shady Lane Vicinity LDiscussion: This lift station will pump sanitary sewer from the Raintree/Shady Ln. area to the gravity sanitary sewer located at Dove St. and the future Kirkwood Blvd. The estimated cost of this project is $467,500, of which $318,750 was allotted for the FY1997-98. The remaining $148,750 was allocated for the FY1998-99. Due to the increased cost for construction, the estimate was re-evaluated and it was determined that an additional $182,500 will be required to be funded in the FY99-00 CIP budget. This project design is completed and the plans have been reviewed by the city. This project was bid on but the bids were rejected because the low bid was too high. This project was bid out again together with the lift station at Lonesome Dove and Dove. Construction is anticipated to begin in June. The anticipated schedule is as follows: 1998 1999 2000 ID Task Name Duration AISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAIS101NID JIFIMIA 89 Lift Station B RaintnUShady kaa 582d 41, , 90 Design 185d INIMEMBESI100% 91 Review Flats 45d % 92 Obtain Right of Way 150d 100% 93 FinafzeFlans 20d 100% T 9944 Advertise 28d taaa tt]Q% 95 Counc Bid Award 1d 101% 96 Obtain Contract Documents 15d ® % i 97 Reconstruction Conference 1d 1 0% 1 98 Construction 150dg �� 1►...R........ 0% L 4 (ow. Project Description: 18" Gravity Sewer Line from Mesco Lift Station to Proposed Raintree Shady Ln. Lift Station Discussion: This sanitary sewer line will begin at the existing lift station located near the Mesco property and extend to the proposed lift station in the Raintree/Shady Lane area. With the construction of this line, the existing lift station at Mesco will be eliminated. The estimated design and construction cost is $250,000, although only $30,000 was appropriated in the FY1997-98 CIP budget for the design. The remaining $220,000 was funded in the FY1998-99 budget. Due to the increased cost for construction, the estimate was re-evaluated and it was determined that an additional $55,500 will be required to be funded in the FY99-00 CIP budget. This project has been designed and is being reviewed by the city. The required easements are also being obtained. 1998 1999 2000 ID Task NameDuration S 100 s fromWstotoRaintru tiI INID J�FlM�A�M�J�J�A�S�O�N�D JIFINI AI`IJIJIAIsI0IN!D J J(F�M�A�M��J(A�s�OIN�D EF[MIAIM 101 Design 333d Mett, _ ti100% 102 Review Flans 112d 103 Cbtam Right of Way 150d 104 FinatzeRans 20d 16-0°,6 105 Advertise 28d 0% 106 Councd Bid Award 1d 70% 107 Obtain Contract Documents 15d ;,0% 108 Reconstruction Conference Id *0% 109 Construction 150d WATER INFRASTRUCTURE Project Description: 12" Water Line along Continental to Crooked Lane to S. Kimball to F.M. 1709 Discussion: Currently, the existing 12" water line along F.M. 1709 is fed only from one direction. With the construction of the above referenced water line, a loop with the existing 12" water line along F.M. 1709 with the 12" water line along Continental will be created. The plans for this project have been completed and reviewed by the city. The city is in the process of obtaining the required easements for construction. Construction is anticipated to take at least 180 days. 1997 1998 1999 2000 ID Task Name NID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAIS!O!NID JIFIMJAIMJJIJ!AISIOINID 67 Continental/Kmball Water II • 68 Design 63;Lev» 5100% y; I 69 Review Rens '100% 70 Obtain Right of Way t, o. 560% 71 Finakze Rans ca 1100% 72 Advertise t= 0% 73 Council Bid Award 0 74 Obtain Contract Documents 75 Reconstruction Conference 9117 76 Construction � 0% L 5 L Project Description: 12" Water Line -Dove St. to Kirkwood Blvd Discussion: This project provides water service to the IBM complex in Solana as well as the future development along the future Kirkwood Blvd. This project was approved and funded in the FY1996-97 CIP budget. The estimated cost for this project was $326,000. Construction is complete for this project and finished ahead of schedule and under budget. Project Description: 24" Transmission Water Line from Trophy Club to Ground Storage Tank No. 2 Discussion: This water line will provide a second main feed for the city from the City of Fort Worth. This project was approved and funded for $1,300,000 in the FY1996-97 CIP budget. For the FY1997-98 CIP budget, $105,500 was allocated with the remaining $105,500 budgeted for the FY1998-99 CIP budget. The design of this project is complete. The construction plans have been reviewed by the city and are finalized. The city is in the process of obtaining the necessary easements for this project. Currently, there are 4 easements yet to be obtained. This project was awarded to the contractor but will not begin until the easements have been obtained. 1997 1998 1999 2000 ID Task Name Duration FIMIAIMIJjJIAjSIO(NID J!FIM!AIMIJIJ!AISIOINID JIFjMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JJFIM!AJMIJIJIAjSIO 12 24"Transmission Water Line 906d tb 13 Design 180d 100% 14 Review Flans 50d co 100% 15 Wan Right of Way 502d '150% 16 Finatze Flans 10d 0 i10O% yI( 17 Advertise 28d O i00% L 18 Cunc Bid Award 1d 0 8R6 19 Cttan Contract Documents 15d Q j0% 20 Reconstruction Conference 1d 0 j117 21 Construction 240d 0% Project Description: 24" Transmission Line from Ground Storage Tank No. 2 to Dove Elevated Tank Discussion: The construction of this water line provides a redundant source from the proposed Ground Storage Tank No.2 to the Dove St. elevated water tower. The estimated design and construction of this project is estimated to be $850,000 and is financed through the FY1997-98 CIP budget. The construction is complete for this project and finished ahead of schedule and under budget. Project Description: 20" Water Line from FM 1709/White Chapel to Woodland Heights Discussion: The construction has been completed and the waterline is in service. Project Description: 12'' Water Line on Continental from Crooked Lane to Heritage Business Park Discussion: This water line is crucial in providing a redundant source of fire flow for Heritage Business Park. This water line will also provide a loop with the existing water lines from Commerce Business Park and Heritage Business Park to the proposed 12" water line along Continental. The estimate for this water line $162,000. The right-of-way was replatted to accommodate the extension of Continental and this water line. The water line is being designed. 6 I • 1998 1999 2000 2001 ID Task Name Duration JIFIMIAjMlJlJIA1SjOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJJAIS!OINID J�FlM�A�M[J�JIA�S�OlNID JIF�M�A�M�J1J[AlS 111 11'Ling on Conanmtal to Nanaqo 495d 112 Despn 260d 60% 113 Review Flans 21d 0% 114 Obtan Fight of Way 120d 0% 115 Fnafze Rans 10d 0% 116 Advertise 28d 41:010% 117 Counci Bid Aw ard id 10% 118 Obtain Contract Documents 15d ® It0% 119 Reconstruction Conference 1d 0% 120 Construction 60d 11e,22;12 0% Project Description: 12" Water Line on E. Dove St.from White Chapel to Carroll Ave. Discussion: This water line will replace the existing 6" water line along E. Dove St. The engineering is funded in the FY1997-98 CIP budget. The estimated cost for the engineering is $22,800. The funding for the construction of this line will be budgeted in the FY1999-00. The estimated amount for the construction is $277,200, therefore the total amount for this project is estimated to be $300,000. The engineering is complete and the City is reviewing the plans. 1998 1999 2000 2001 ID Task Name ; Duration JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID J�F�M�A�M�J�J�AjS]O�N1D J�F�MIA�M�J�JIAIS 122 12"on E.Dova from WC to Carroll 458d + . 123 Design 163d � 103% 124 Review Rans 75d 2;/A • L 125 Obtain Right of Way 150d ,.-e�.—T-�.. ,0% 126 Fnaize Plans 10d 0% 127 127 Advertise 28d t= !,0% 128 Counci Bid Award 1d % 129 Obtain Contract Documents 15d Gl 0% 130 Reconstruction Conference 1d yp% 131 Construction 90d ...- i 'JIM 0% Project Description: 12'' Water Line on N. White Chapel from W Highland to F.M. 1709 Discussion: The current 12" water line along N. White Chapel is deteriorating and requires replacing. It was once thought that the entire waterline from FM 1709 to Highland would have to be replaced. However upon further investigation, the waterline only needs to be replaced from FM 1709 to Bicentennial Park. The design of this project will begin in the near future and the construction will take place during the FY1998-99 and FY1999-00. The engineering costs are estimated to be $22,800 and have been allocated in the FY1997-98. The remaining $262,000 will be funded as part of the FY1998-99 and FY1999-00 CIP budgets. The preliminary design and construction schedule is as follows: L 7 L C. L L C. L � IJ 2000 JIJID Task Name Duraion M[JIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMJIAISIOINID J[FIMIAIMI IAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID J (,,,,„ , 3 iron WC from Highland to rrno9 340d 134 Design 45d ® 11.1.110% 135 Review Rans 21d NIi 0% 136 Obtan Rift of Nay 150d I 1INIMINI101110;0% i 137 FnaYze Rans 100 i u Z,0% 138 Advertise 28d 411.0% QOM 139 Council Bid Aw and 1d T0% 140 Obtain Contract Documents 15d ® 0% 141 ReconstructonCanference 1d 70% 142 Construction 90d cissimmistmm 61111111111111 0% Project Description: Miron Elevated Tank Discussion: This water tower will maintain adequate fire flow and water pressure to the east side of the city's water system. The original estimated amount for this project increased from $1,560,000 to $1,860,000. This increase is attributed to required modifications to the elevated tanks at Bicentennial Park and at E. Dove St. once the construction is complete to the Miron elevated tank. These improvements total $90,000. Furthermore, a second floor in the tank shaft will also be constructed as part of the Miron elevated tank. This improvement will cost $60,000. The remaining $150,000 is for the design and construction of the aesthetic features of the tank portion of the water tower that the City Council approved. The engineering and construction costs are divided between the FY1997-98 and FY1998-99, which amount to $855,000 and $1,005,000, respectively. The low bidder for the project bid $1,485,000, which does not include the aesthetic features to the tank. A change order has been issued for the aesthetic design. This project is currently being constructed. 1997 1998 1999 2000 ID Task Name Duration RID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINIO JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJ 78 Miron Devoted Tank 640d r 40 79 Design 200d % 80 Review Rans 16d 100% L. 81 Obtain Right of Way 0d I j 82 Fna ze Rens 21d 83 Advertise 19d Te100°� 84 Council Bid Award 1d �; 6 85 Obtain Contract Documents 15d ..1100% 86 Reconstruction Conference 1d 87 Construction 285d ,N .�. 85% Project Description: Pump Station No. 2 at T.W. King Rd. Discussion: This pump station will provide water storage and distribution to the northern part of the city. The tank itself was approved and funded for the FY1996-97 for an estimated cost of $600,000. Along with the ornamental facade, which was not estimated in the original cost of the tank, and the increase in the bid of the tank from the estimate, there was a $400,000 increase to the project. Construction of the tank is complete. The design of the pump station is complete and the plans have been reviewed by the city. Construction of the pump station will begin in the near future. For the FY1997-98 CIP budget, $1,825,000 was appropriated and the remaining (...,' $685,000 will be funded in the FY1998-99 for a total estimated cost of the project of$3,110,000. 8 1997( 1 2000 se 999 ID TaskNane Duration NID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIM)JIJIAIsloINID JIFIMIAIMl 111 TX Ping Ground Storage Tat* 734d ' 4 I 112 Desgn 2926 100% 113 Review Flans 103d OM 114 Obtain Fbght of VVay Od n u3 1 115 Fnaize Flans 20d 116 Advertise 28d tMSI 11MVO% 117 Card Bd Award td t00% 118 Cbtan Cmtract Documents 15d an 100% 119 Reconstruction Conference Id 100% 120 Constructor 210d ♦ 40% i r Project Description: Oversizing of 20" Water Line Through Town Center Discussion: The current Master Water Concept Plan requires a 20" water line to loop with the existing 20" transmission line along N. White Chapel and the existing 20" transmission line along F.M. 1709. The proposed route for this water line is along N. Carroll from F.M. 1709 to S.H. 114 thence along S.H. 114 to N. White Chapel. Due to the future vertical alignment of the proposed N. Carroll/S.H. 114 intersection, the city proposes to locate the section of this 20" water line from F.M. 1709 to S.H. 114 through the Town Center Development. The construction of the first phase of the water line is complete. The second phase will be constructed in conjunction with the second phase of Town Center. Project Description: McKee Water System Purchase and 8" Water Line Construction for Oak ce, Lane Residents Discussion: The residents of Oak Lane are being served water via a private water system, which was owned by the McKee Water System. The city is in the process to purchase the rights for the private water system. The city proposes to construct an 8" water line to serve the residents of Oak Lane. Following the construction of the water line, the private well water system will be abandoned. During the FY1997-98, $175,000 was appropriated for the purchase of the water system and engineering and construction of the proposed 8" water line. The preliminary schedule is as follows: 98 1999 2000 2001 ID Task time Duration JIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIM JIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINIO JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIM 144 Oak Lane r Water Line 443d 145 Design .... 60d0°6 146 Review Flans 15d ta 1-0% 147 Obtain Right of Way 150d m0% 148 Fnaize Flans 15d a 0°b 83 149 Advertise 21d 114-0°b, 150 CounciBieAward 1d '0% 151 Obtain Contract Documents 15d ea .0°b 152 Reconstruction Conference 1d 110% 153 Construction 180d 0% L.' L Project Description: 30";36" Waterline along N. Pearson and Randol Mill and Pump Station Improvements to the Southlake/Keller Pump Station Discussion: The 30"/36" waterline is required to complete a looped transmission water system for the City. The looped water system will provide a redundant water feed to the City from the City of Fort Worth. The FY 98-99 CIP budget provides funds to engineer the water line. The construction of the waterline is scheduled to begin in the FY 99-00. There are currently 4 pumps operating at the Southlake / Keller Pump Station, which pump the water from the City of Fort Worth to Southlake and Keller. A total pumping capacity of 22 to 24 MGD was used on several occasions during the summer of 1998. In doing so, the existing pumps at the pump station were pumping above their design capacity. As Keller and Southlake water demands continue to increase, it is recommended that additional pumping capacity be added to the Southlake / Keller Pump Station. This can be accomplished by replacing the smallest 3-MGD pump with a 10-MGD pump. The project has been bid and the materials have been ordered. Construction will begin following receipt of the materials. In the FY98-99 CIP budget, $300,000 was added to fund this project. Project Description: 12" Waterline from the T.W. King Pump Station to the Solana Office Complex (Sabre building) Discussion: As part of the agreement between the developer of the Solana office complex and the City, the City is required to provide a redundant water feed to serve the office complex. Currently, the City provides water to the office complex via a waterline along L Kirkwood Blvd. The City has an agreement with the Town of Trophy Club to provide water to the office complex in an event that the water pressure in the Southlake waterline drops below a certain pressure (20 psi). The 12" waterline from the T.W. King Pump Station will provide the redundant water feed and the Trophy Club agreement will not be needed upon the completion of the project. The FY98-99 CIP budget provides $94,500 for the design and construction of the waterline. L 10 MONTHLY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS UPDATE June 1999 1996-99 Roadway Improvement CIP Projects Project Description: Slurry Seal in Various Subdivisions Discussion: The city has established a roadway rehabilitation program for existing asphalt streets. Primarily, the rehabilitation of the streets will consist of a slurry seal application over the existing asphalt. The city plans to slurry seal each subdivision that has had sanitary sewer constructed to serve the subdivision. The city plans to slurry seal the various subdivisions approximately one year following the construction of the sanitary sewer. For the FY1997-98, $80,000 has been appropriated to slurry seal Emerald Estates, Highland Estates, Whispering Dell Estates, Dove Estates, Harbor Oaks, Brittany Court, and Raven Bend. The Street Department is repairing road base failures as needed within these subdivisions. Once these repairs are completed, this project will be bid out. Project Description: W. Dove Reconstruction from S.H. 114 to N. White Chapel Discussion: Construction of this project involves reconstructing the existing roadway. The widening of the existing cross-section of this road will be limited to 1 to 2 feet to provide a width of 22'. Minor drainage improvements will also be constructed for this project. This project was originally approved to be budgeted for the FY1997-98 for an estimated cost of $150,000. Originally, this project was delayed so as not to risk damaging the reconstructed road during the L proposed development along Dove. However. under the approved developer's agreement with Maguire Thomas, this project has been moved up to be constructed as soon as possible. Therefore, the cost for designing and constructing this project was allocated within the FY1997- 98 CIP budget. The design has been completed and the construction will begin following the sewer line construction along Dove. 1998 1999 ID Task Name Duration NoviDec Jan)FebiMarlAprEMaylJun1Jut;AugtSepJOctiNoviEecJaniFeoiMarIApr1MaylJunIJulfAugfSepjOct]NovlDec Jan jFebjMarlApr1AkyiJun 89 W.Dove 114 to White Chapel 550d * 90 Design 190d ,►�100%.,,,.._.. a 91 Review Flans 21d lin 100% t i 92 Obtain Right of Way Di V 421 Q 93 Fnaize Flans 101d 0% 94 Advertise 28d 0%:. 95 Council Bid Award 1d 711 96 Obtain Contract Documents 15d ® 0% 97 Reconstruction Conference 1d a 4723 98 Construction 120d F— 0 Project Description: Union Church and S. Pearson Reconstruction Discussion: This project is estimated to cost $534,311. For the FY1997-98, $42,745 was appropriated for the engineering. For the FY1998-99 & FY1999-00, the remaining $491,566 was divided equally each FY to fund the construction. The widening of the existing cross-section of this road will be limited to 1 to 2 feet to provide a width of 22'. The design of the water line along Union Church and S. Pearson will be incorporated in the design of this project. The design has been delayed in order to discuss with the City of Keller the possibility of Keller participating 11 L in funding this project since most of the traffic generated is for Keller residents. Preliminary discussions with the City of Keller staff indicate that the City Council for Keller is interested in participating with the reconstruction of Union Church and S. Pearson as well as N. Pearson. 96 1999 2000 ID Task Name Duration Jul IAugISepI Oct INovIDec Jan lFebl Mar lAprIM31 I Jul IAugISepI Oct jNovjDec JanIFe13IIWIAprJIyl I JJ lAuglSeploct[Nov 4DeeIJanjFeb 111 them Church&S.Pearson 316d + • 112 Design 90d 0% 113 Review Pens 21d =I 114 Obtain Right of Way Od 0 ;3134 115 Fnaize Plans 10d 1110% 116 Advertise 28d © 1111001,0% 117 Cornci Bid Awad 1d 6/11 118 Cam Contract Documents 15d ® 0% 119 Reconstruction Conference Id O .7/5 120 Construction 150d 0% Project Description: N. White Chapel from S.H. 114 to County Line Discussion: This project was constructed as a cooperative project with Tarrant County. The city paid the engineering and material cost and Tarrant County provided the labor. The estimated material cost was $181,850. The existing cross section of the roadway remained the same. This project is complete and finished under budget. Project Description: S. Kimball Extension from Crooked Ln. to Heritage Business Park (b., Discussion: The projected cost for this project is estimated to be $1,978,887. This project has been delayed and will be funded for the design and engineering in the FY1999-00 ClP budget for $157,611. The remaining $1,821,276 will be budgeted in later years. Developer participation may accelerate the construction of this roadway. The improvements include constructing a divided four-lane arterial roadway. 1998 1999 2000 ID Task Name Duration Jun I Jul'Aug l$epl Oct INovlDec Jan lFeb1M3rIAprlMryIJunI Jul lAugISepl Oct INwlDec Jan IFebII IAprlMayIJunI Jul IAuglSepl Oct jNovjDec Jan 130 S.IOmball Extension 346d ' 41, 131 Design 120d ,.... ,0%', 132 Review Flans 21d ^0% 133 Obtain Right of Way Od 134 Fnafze Flans 10d •0% 011 135 Advertise 28d 0% 136 Council Bid Award 1d 0 {7/23 137 Main Contract Documents 15d i ® 0% 138 Reconstruction Conference 1d Q 8116 139 Construction 150d . Project Description: N. Carroll from FM 1709 to Ownby Discussion: This project is for the realignment of N. Carroll to match S. Carroll. For the FY 1997-98, the project was designed. The project will be complete before the Town Center, Phase I is complete. This realignment is also essential before the traffic lights on FM 1709 can be synchronized using a computer closed loop system. The cross-section of the roadway will be 4 lanes divided by a median. The contract bid price for this project is $850,000, of which $250,000 L 12 L, was funded in the FY1997-98 CIP budget. TIF funds will reimburse the CIP budget once TIF funds become available. The project has been completed. Project Description: Brumlow Reconstruction Discussion: This project was constructed as a cooperative project with Tarrant County. The city paid for the engineering and material cost and Tarrant County provided the labor. The material cost was $112,700. The existing cross section of the roadway remained the same. The construction has been completed. Project Description: Traffic Signal Lights on F.M. 1709 Discussion: The city conducted a traffic signal warrant analysis along F.M. 1709. The results warranted traffic signal lights at the intersections of Shady Oaks and F.M. 1709 and Commerce and F.M. 1709. For the FY1997-98 CIP budget, $100,000 was appropriated for the signal lights at each of these intersections. The design is complete and approved by TxDOT for these traffic lights. The Shady Oaks traffic light will be complete in June and the Commerce traffic light will begin in August. Project Description: Traffic Signal Light Synchronization on F.M. 1709 Discussion: As discussed in the past, HDR Engineering was retained to perform a F.M. 1709 Traffic Signal Study. Their report was delivered to the city on August 8, 1997. This report confirmed staff's opinion that the signals along F.M. 1709 should and could be coordinated by means of a centralized computer system. Council recently approved a professional service (..„ contract with Lee Engineering to proceed with the design of this coordinated system. For the FY1997-98 CIP budget, $25,000 was appropriated for the design of this project. Funding for this project was placed in the 1998-1999 budget cycle. The anticipated amount to fund the implementation of the proposed computer closed loop system was originally estimated to be $250,000. However, since TxDOT has took an active role in this project and replaced key components in each traffic signal, the estimated cost has been reduced to $120,000. In the interim, a timing plan has been submitted and approved by TxDOT for the existing traffic lights, as well as for the proposed signal lights at Shady Oaks Drive, Town Square, and Commerce Street. With the implementation of the timing plan, the traffic lights were sequenced or time based coordinated with one another to allow for more through traffic along F.M. 1709. The timing plan was phased to account for the peak flow of traffic with respect to the time of day. This project will be complete in July. Project Description: Byron Nelson Parkway and Southridge Lakes Parkway Striping Discussion: For the FY1997-98 CIP budget, $65,000 was appropriated to stripe Byron Nelson Parkway and Southridge Lakes Parkway. Prior to restriping Byron Nelson, a portion of the roadway was widened south of the intersection of Wentwood and Byron Nelson. The widening will improve the transition from the 4-lane divided roadway to the 4-lane undivided section of roadway for the southbound traffic. The widening is complete. The striping is also complete. Project Description: Mustang Court Improvements to serve the Fuel Facilities along SH 26 Discussion: The City has an interlocal agreement with the City of Grapevine to construct roadway improvements in order to eliminate several existing railroad crossings. The City of 13 LSouthlake is responsible for the cost to construct a cul-de-sac that the fuel companies will use for access to their properties. The City of Grapevine will construct a deceleration lane on SH 26. The FY98-99 CIP budget provides $265,000 for the construction of Mustang Court. L 14 • Lie MONTHLY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS UPDATE June 1999 1996-99 Neighborhood Sewer/Street CIP Projects NEIGHBORHOOD SEWER/STREET PROJECTS Project Description: Shady Lane Area (Sewer, Water and Road Improvements) Discussion: Originally, $1,467,445 was approved and appropriated for the FY1997-98 CIP budget. Due to expanding the original concept of this project, there was an increase of$458,550. This is attributed to providing sanitary sewer service for the residents north of the Jones Branch creek as well as building the ultimate culvert under Shady Ln. across the Jones Branch. The construction of the water lines replaced the existing undersized water lines. This project is complete. The culvert under Shady Lane will be bid separately following the completion of the drainage study for West Jones Branch. Project Description: Huntwick Sanitary Sewer Abandonment of Lift Station at Carroll and Dove Discussion: Construction of these improvements will provide sanitary sewer service to Huntwick Estates. The construction of the sewer lines are complete, however, electric power has to be installed to the lift station located in Quail Creek Estates that serves Huntwick. L., Project Description: Mission Hills Sanitary'Sewer Discussion: This project was approved and funded for the FY1996-97 in the amount of $368,000. The cost for this project increased due to efforts to save existing trees and replace existing landscaping within the R.O.W. The increase totaled $62,000 and was funded through the FY1997-98 CIP budget. This project is complete. Project Description: Burney Ln. Reconstruction from N. Carroll to Lonesome Dove Ave. Discussion: Construction of this project involves reconstructing the existing roadway. If needed, the widening of the existing cross-section of this road will be limited to 1 to 2 feet. Minor drainage improvements will also be constructed for this project. This project was approved and is funded in the FY1997-98 & FY 1998-99 CIP budgets for an estimate of $147,000. The design is complete, however the construction can not begin until the sewer and water improvements are complete to Lake Drive. 1998 1999 20 ID Task Name Duration NovjDec Jan jFebl Mar lAprIMaylJtnI Jul IAu9ISPI Oct lNovlRec Jan IFebIkkrIAPr IM3Y1Jufl I Jul IAu91SePI OCtlNovlDec JanIFeblNarlAprIMaylJun I Burney(Carroll to Lonesome Dove) 4g1d ' 2 Design 135d , 1,100% 3 Review Flans 85d l:d 100% 4 Obtan Right of Way. Od 5 Fnakze fans 10d 0% 6 Advertise 28d szen I 0% 7 Cotnci Bid Award 1d 0 8 Obtain Contract Documents 15d(or, 9 Reconstruction Conference td 0 10 Construction 90d 0% 15 • („,,,, Project Description: Love Henry Court Reconstruction Discussion: This project was approved to be funded for the FY1997-98 for an estimate of $109,00 to design and reconstruct the road. These proposed improvements include replacing the existing concrete curb and existing asphalt roadway and constructing minor drainage improvements. The City Council directed staff to include the sanitary sewer for this subdivision as part of this project. The estimated cost for the sanitary sewer is $350,000. The project will be funded with $206,425 in the FY1997-98 CIP budget & $152,575 in the FY1998-99 CIP budget. The project is designed and the plans have been reviewed by the city. The necessary easements are being obtained. 1998 1999 20 ID Task Name Duration NovJDec Jai IFeblterIAprI1vyIJtnI JulIAu8I$ePI Oct lN I Dec Jan IFeblMerlAprlMaylJunIJuilAuglseploct'Novi Dec JanIFebjMarlAprlldaylJun 12 Love Henry Court 430d 1 I 13 Design 120d 100% 1 14 Review Flans 80d �1 100% 15 (Ilan Right of Way 205d 10% 16 Finalize Plans 10d Ca li 0% r 17 Advertise 28d 0% 18 Counci Bp Award 1d �7122 I I 19 Obtain Contract Documents 15d j 0 0% 20 Reconstruction Conference Id 0 113 21 Construction 60d . 0% Project Description: Lake Dr. Street Reconstruction along w Water & Sewer Improvements Discussion: This project was approved to be funded in the FY1997-98 & FY 1998-99 CIP budgets for an estimate of$169,000. The improvements for this project include a new water line along Lake Drive, a sewer line, and repaving Lake Drive. The proposed water line will replace the existing undersized water line along Lake Drive. The proposed sewer line will serve the residents along the east side of Lake Drive. This project is under construction and is anticipated to be complete by July. 1998 1999 20 ID TaskNane Duration NoviDec Jan lFeblMarlAprlMaylJun1 Jul lAug[SeplOctjNovIDec Jan IFeblMarlAprIMayJunI Jul IAu9ISePI Oct INovIDec Jan lFeblMarlAprlMaylJun 23 Lake Drive 422d 1 24 Design 25 Review Flans 75d 100% 26 Obtain Right of Way 197d i 100% 27 Finalize Flans 10d W 100% 28 Advertise 28d ==a 100% 29 Counci 8d Award 1d 0 18 30 Obtain Contract Documents 15d00% 31 Reconstruction Conference 1d P ��1 12 32 Construction 120d 35% Project Description: Lilac Ln. Reconstruction and Sewer Improvements Discussion: This project was funded in the FY1997-98 CIP budget for an estimate of$168,768 and funded in the FY1998-99 for an estimate of $65,832. The design of the sewer and road reconstruction is complete. The estimate reflects the anticipated costs to build the sewer along L., ..., 16 Lilac Lane followed by reconstructing Lilac Lane. Construction has begun for this project and L will be complete in June. 1998 1999 2000 ID Task Name Duration ApriktyliurtlAiIAoglSePIOct]NovIDec.411FebiktrIAVIN130101IdIAuoISeplat!NovIDec JanIFebIMarlAprjMay(.MI AilAugiSeplOctfNov 34 Lilac Sew er)Roadw ay 284d 1 35 Design 50d 100%= 36 Review Rens 38d 100% 37 Obtan Right of Way 45d _ 38 Fnai¢e Rans 25d 100% 39 Advertise 28d 100% 1 40 Coulcj Pad Award 1d •1114 41 Wan Contract Documents 15d 100% trai 42 Fteconstruchan Conference 1d 2J15 I 43 Construction 120d 75%loso Project Description: Sutton Place Drainage (CDBG) Description: As part of this fiscal year's CDBG project, Sutton Place is scheduled for drainage improvements. Storm drain will be constructed in the subdivision and also extended to relieve the offsite drainage. Sutton Road will then be paved following the drainage improvements. The plans have been designed and have been reviewed by the city. The required drainage easements have been obtained. The city portion to fund this project is estimated to be $250,000. 1998 1999 2000 2001 ID Task Name Duration NID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINIO JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIM1AIMIJIJIAISfOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJ 155 Sutton Place Drainage(CDBG) 404d 156 DLesign 88d 10% 157 Review Flans 50d 100% 158 Obtan Rgnt of Way 150d 0(961j 159 Fnaize Flans 10d 0 til00% 160 Advertise 28d o 100%i 161 Councd Bid Award 1d V1009 162 Obtain Contract Documents 15d p l 610% 163 Reconstruction Conference td I il I Construction Consctian 90d ° a.r '0% Project Description: Harrell Drive Reconstruction (from Johnson to Gray Lane) Discussion: Construction of this project involves reconstructing the existing roadway without widening the existing roadway. The existing drainage problems will be addressed in the design of this project. This project is estimated to cost $140,000. For the FY1997-98, $11,200 was appropriated for the engineering. For the FY1998-99, the remaining $128,800 was funded for the construction. The project has been delayed until the park is developed. The preliminary schedule is shown below. L • 17 1999 2000 !'! ID Task Nane Duration AuelsePlodll�Jai I�IIAPrI► lf Jul Vuaiswl00:1lNovlCet Jan IFeblIkrlAPrlll la lAu91SPI1► I Janll►.tor I 100 Hared Cr.Reconstruction 271d 101 Desgn 75d ====== 10% 102 Renew Rails 21d I;0% 103 I WanRight of Way 3d ;`AZ 104 1 FnaYzeRans 10d ca ;•0% 105 Advertise 28d0% 106 Council Bid Award 1d 0 1216 107 Obtain Contract Documents 15d ® 0% 108 Fteconsbuc0on Conference 1d t2128 109 Construction 120d 0% Project Description: Year 3 Neighborhood Sewer (Jellico, Cross Timbers, Dove Acres, Hillwood Acres) Discussion: As part of the Neighborhood Sewer Program, sanitary sewer service will be provided for residents in Jellico Estates, Cross Timber Hills, Dove Acres, and Hillwood Estates. The estimated engineering and construction cost is $2,000,000. Due to the extent of these projects, $1,550,000 was budgeted for the FY1997-98 CIP budget and $1,150,000 was budgeted in the FY1998-99 CIP budget. All construction plans are complete and have been reviewed by the city. The required easements are also being obtained for Cross Timber Hills and Dove Acres. Construction has begun for the Jellico project. 1998 1999 2000 I ID Task Name Duration SIOONOD JIF!MIAjMIJlJIAlSIOjNID JjFjMIA1M 34 f iUw sod,Dove Acres,Jel8co 703d ' 41 35 Design 120d 100% 36 Review flans 68d = 100% 37 Obtain fight of Way 328d 50% 38 Fnafze Rans 10d ® 100% 39 Advertise 28d r 0% 40 Counci Bid Award 1d 0 7129 41 Obtain Conrad Documents 15d 62k I % 42 Reconstruction Conference td O 48120 43 Construction 210d I, 0% 1998 1999 2000 ID Task Name Duration SIO1NID JIFIMIAIMIJ!JIAISIOINLD JIFIMIAIMJJIJJAISIOJNID JIF!MIAIM 45 Cross Timbers Sewer 554d 46 Design 174d 100X 1' 47 Review flans 50d =1 mei 100% 48 Obtan Rght of Way 294d ......,, 30% 49 Riot e Flans 45d Ott9= O 50 Advertise 28d r% trami 51 Carnet Bid Award 1d 11120 52 Obtain Contract Documents 15d ® 0% 53 Reconstruction Conference 1d O 12/14 54 Construction L 18 (hipi Project Description: Cedar Creek Plantation Sewer Description: The design of the sanitary sewer for this project was budgeted in the FY1997-98 CIP budget. The design is complete and the project was bid. The bid for construction was $75,000. The construction is complete. Project Description: Seal Coat- Woodland Heights and 8" Water Line Construction Discussion: This project was originally funded for completing the seal coat in the FY1996-97 for an estimated $17,500. The seal coat has been completed. The 8" water line was approved to be funded for the FY1997-98 at an estimated cost of$30,000. This water line will loop the water line within the Woodland Heights Subdivision and Cambridge Place, Phase II. The design of this water line is in the beginning stage. Project Description: Highland Street from Shady Oaks to White Chapel Discussion: This project involves reconstructing the existing roadway. Although there will be no widening of the roadway, the alignment of W. Highland will be realigned with E. Highland. The city is currently negotiating with two property owners to acquire the required right-of-way. Construction is anticipated to last for 180 days. ID Task Name �8uration SI Ol Nl FI MI A[Mll JI D lllllJ A S O N J FIMIAIMIJI97 �JIAISIOINID�JIFIMIAIM JIJlAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJ 1999 O 1 12 lighfand)Shady-WC) 899d , 13 Design 65d ,-48q% 14 Review Rans 21 d 100% 15 Obtan Rght of Way 639d (hoe 16 Friaf¢e Bans 6d p488% 17 Advertise 28d t= ,0% 18 Councd Bid Award td tr'29 19 Obtan Contract Documents 15d 10X 20 Reconstruction Conference 1d { 21 Construction 150d 111=====1 0% Project Description: Ridgecrest Drive Discussion: This project involves reconstructing the existing roadway and constructing various drainage improvements. If needed, the widening of the existing cross-section of this road will be limited to 1 to 2 feet. The design of this project is complete. The easements for drainage have been obtained and the bids were received. Construction has begun on this project. 1997 1998 1999 2000 ID Task Name Duration FIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINID JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOIN 34 Ftidgecrest Road 653d r I 35 Design 140d 100% 36 Review Rans 5d = 100% 37 Obtan Right of Way 257d 100% 38 Fnake Bans 10d 100% 39 Advertise 21d 6":9 O00% 40 Councdt3ktAward 1d 11/17 41 Obtan Contract Documents 15d 100% 42 Reconstruction Conference 1d 12l0 43 Construction 90d TIMM=5% L 19 Ly Project Description: Continental Blvd.from Davis to Peytonville Discussion: The scope of this project involves reconstructing the roadway and improving the drainage along Continental. The roadway width will be increased to three lanes along Carroll Elementary. The design is complete. The city has reviewed the plans and the project has been bid. Construction is anticipated to take at least 180 days. 1997 1998 1999 2000 ID Task Name Duration FIM(A(M(JIJIAISIOINID JIF(MIAIMIJIJIA(WINO JIF(MIA(M JIJIAISIOIN(D JIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOIN 45 Continental Blvd 700d ' 46 Desk 3144 + t 100% 47 Review Plans 21d 100% 48 Obtan Right of Way 0d 0 12110 49 Fnal¢e Flans 10d 50 Advertise 21d 6511 L—ffp% 51 Counci Bid Award 1d 0 " 16 52 Obtan Cartract Documents 15d 63 100% 53 Reccostructian Conference Id 0 54 Ccostrucbdn 180d � �, 0% Project Description: Burney to Cul-de-sac Discussion: This project involves reconstructing the pavement from the cul-de-sac to approximately 1250' west along Burney. The construction is complete. CITY PROJECTS AFFILIATED WITH S.H. 114 RECONSTRUCTION Li The State of Texas has recently committed to appropriating money over the next several years for the reconstruction of S.H. 114. Consequently, the City of Southlake must satisfy several agendas before the start of construction. The next few projects listed were funded in the FY1997-98 CIP budget in order to carry out these agendas. Project Description: Channel Improvements along the Jones Branch Discussion: Currently, Wal-Mart and the Village Center Development are detaining the runoff from their sites. The proposed R.O.W. for S.H. 114 along these developments is the land area, which these detention ponds presently occupy. These detention ponds will be eliminated in the reconstruction of S.H. 114. Before these detention ponds are eliminated, provisions must be made to the downstream properties in order to increase the capacity of the current Jones Branch. The City Council appropriated $25,000 for the FY1997-98 to fund the engineering and $475,000 was appropriated in the FY1998-99 to fund the construction and easement acquisition of drainage improvements along the Jones Branch. These improvements must be accomplished before construction of S.H. 114 begins. The preliminary construction plans have been reviewed by the city and the consultant is working with the Corps of Engineers and the TNRCC in order to obtain the required permitting. Project Description: R.O.W. Acquisition at S.H. 114 and Dove St. Discussion: The city has committed to obtaining the additional R.O.W. required to build the future intersection of Dove St. and S.H. 114. The estimated cost for the appraisals, property, etc. (I., is $1,500,000, which was funded for the FY1997-98. All parcels except one, the Westerra tract, has been acquired. 20 Project Description: Utility Relocation along S.H. 114 Discussion: The city must relocate the existing utilities, which are located in the S.H. 114 R.O.W. These utilities must be relocated prior to construction of S.H. 114. For the FY1997-98, an estimated $269,600 was appropriated to relocate utilities before the first phase of construction begins (Kimball/S.H. 114 intersection). The construction plans are being developed for the utility relocations at the Kimball/S.H. 114 intersection. The construction plans for the Kimball section are anticipated to be complete by March 1999. The construction plans for the Dove section are 90% complete. The utilities can be relocated once the plans are near completion and the required ROW is obtained. S.H. 114 RECONSTRUCTION STATUS Below is the anticipated bid letting dates for each of the four sections of SH 114 to be reconstructed. • Kimball Interchange — SH 114 will be built over Kimball Road. The plans are complete. The project will be bid on in August 1999 with construction beginning in March 2000. • Dove Interchange - SH 114 will be built over Dove Street. The plans are complete. The project will be bid on in August 1999 with construction beginning in March 2000. • Carroll Interchange - SH 114 will be built under Carroll Road. The plans are 75% complete. The project is estimated to be bid on in June 2000 with construction beginning 6-8 months following the bid letting date. • White Chapel Interchange - SH 114 will be built over White Chapel Road. The plans have not yet begun to be designed. The project is estimated to be bid on in January 2001 with construction beginning 6-8 months following the bid letting date. Each project is estimated to be under construction for at least 30 months. MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS Project Description: Heritage Business Park Infrastructure Improvements Discussion: The city is committed, through the Developer's Agreement, to reimbursing the developer for the oversizing of the water line along Kimball and the street improvements constructed in the Heritage Business Park. These reimbursements are estimated to cost $85,000 and were funded in the FY1997-98 CIP budget. Project Description: Keller Water Meter Purchases for Southlake Residents on Keller Water Discussion: The City of Keller currently provides water service for approximately 250 residents of the City of Southlake. In order to transfer these customers to Southlake water, the city must purchase these water meters, water lines, etc. Therefore, the city proposes to transfer residents in the coming fiscal years in phases. For the FY1997-98, the city allotted $250,000 for the purchase of a number of meters. In the subsequent years, all residents of the City of Southlake will be transferred to Southlake water. L 21 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM , May 28, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Lynn Martinson, Chief Accountant SUBJECT: Resolution No. 99-11, Adopting the City Investment Policy Action Requested: Approval of Resolution No. 99-11, to adopt the City of Southlake Investment Policy. Section 2256.005 (e) requires that the governing body review its investment policy and investment strategies not less than annually. Background Information: Section 2256 - Public Funds Investment Act ("Act") of the Texas Government Code establishes the requirements for a local government investment policy. The City of Southlake last modified its investment policy in October 1997 to comply with then-recent legislative changes. In July 1998, the Council approved a list of training providers for the law's required investment training. In February 1999, First Southwest Company completed a review of the City's investment policy against recent changes to the Act and have identified a number of changes which will both strengthen and bring the policy into full compliance with the Act. The suggested changes are outlined in the attached February 26, 1999 letter. A copy of the investment policy has been provided to the City attorney for review. Financial Considerations: Approval of the Resolution will have no financial impact. Investing activities will continue in the same manner as has been in the past. Citizen Input/ Board Review: There is not a requirement for citizen or board review of the investment policy. Legal Review: The investment policy has been reviewed by the City attorney's office for compliance with the law. Alternatives: None available. Supporting Documents: Resolution No. 99-11 City of Southlake Investment Policy dated October 21, 1997 .� 1A_ I • Billy Campbell Resolution 99-11 . May 28, 1999 `age 2 Staff Recommendation: Approval of Resolution No. 99-11. Approved for Submittal to City Council: 4 City Manager's Office (NY 56-- FEB-25-99 THU 03:59 PM FIRST SOUTHWEST COMPANY FAX NO. 512 481 2010 P. 01 1111111 FIRSTKATIHNSTASSETMANAGEMERINC Scott b.McIntyre.CCM Sr"i►r Yar Aram; February 26, 1999 To: Lou Ann Heath From: Scott Mdntyre Re: Investment Policy Review First Southwest Asset Management has contplst+ed a review of the City's Investment policy against recent changes to the Pubic Funds kweeUnent Act ("Act'), Texas Government Code, Chapter 2256, and have identified a number of changes which will both strengthen and bring the policy into tut oornpiance with the Act Add:RI A.(regarding training) Note that in addition to the Director of Finance and the Project/Chief Accountant any members of the investment Committee must also attend training on the Act These persons must also"attend an investment training session not less than once in a tavo-year period and receive not lass than 10 hours of instruction relating b investment rues under this subchapter tom an independent source approved by the governing body of the local government Or a deagneoed investment (isie committee advising the investment officer as provided for in the investment policy of the local government' Add:B B.(regarding controls) The City, in conjunction with its annual finenoiel audit shaft perform a compliance audit of management controls on investments and adherence to the City's investment policy and strategy. Add:OF C.(regarding ethics) For purposes of this subsection,an investment officer has a personal business relationship with a business organizadon (1) the investment officer owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock or shares of the business orgenizafion or owns$6,000 or more of the far market value of the business orlon; (2) funds received by the investment officer from the business organization exceed 10 percent of the investment ottioefs gross income tor the previous year;or (3) the investment officer has acquired from the business organization during the previous year investments with a book value of$2,500 or more for the personal account of the investment officer. Add:V.A.5.(regarding repurchase sgreeroenta) • 'ChM term of any reverse repurchase agreement shalt net.exceed 90 days.' • 98 Saw Jacinto Blvd. •ache 370•Mstin. Torts 787014039.800-84'2 •5124812040•Fax 512-481-2050' S6 -3 FEB-25-99 THU 04:00 PM FIRST SOUTHWEST COMPANY FAX NO. 512 481 2010 P.02 Livy Lou Ann Hea h February 25, 1999 Page 2 Add:V.A.9.(regarding money market funds) The fund must provide the investing entity with a prospectus and other information required by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934(15 U.S.C. Section 78a et seq.) or the Investment Company Act of 1940(15 U.S.C. Section 80e-1 et seq.); Add:V.A.10.(h)(regarding pool maintenance) h.the net meet value(NAV)of the pod shall be maintained bebveen 99.50 and 100.50. Add:VV.D.(regarding Pi Stations) Attach to the end of sentence#2.`except to the extent that this authorization is dependent on an analysis of the makeup of the City's entire portfolio or requ*ee an interpretation of sub)eccve investment standards.' Add VB.A(regarding reporting) Between 83 and#4,add:"Fully accrued interest for the reporting period.' In urgency #4, (regarding compliance) add: '...City investrnent policy and the Texas Public Funds inveebnerd Ad.' Le, Add#5.(Auditor Review.) If the city iwasts in other than money market mutual fluids. investment pools or accounts offered by is depository bank in the form of certificates of deposit, or money market accounts or similar accounts,the reports prepared by the investment officers shall be fondly reviewed at least annually by an independent auditor,and the result of the review shall be reported to the City Council by that auditor. I hope these suggestions are helpful. if you have any questions regarding this matter or if we can be of further assistance,please contact me at 1-800-575-3792 or directly at(512)481 2009. Sincerely, Scot ividntyre Sg -c-t RESOLUTION NO. 99-11 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE CITY INVESTMENT POLICY. WHEREAS, Section 2256.005 (e) of the Public Funds Investment Act (the "Act") directs the governing body of an investing entity to review its investment policy and investment strategies not less than annually; and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake's financial advisor has reviewed the investment. policy against recent changes to the Act and have identified changes to the investment policy which will both strengthen and bring the policy into full compliance with the Act; and WHEREAS, these recommended changes have been incorporated into the investment policy. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. The City Council of Southlake has reviewed the Investment Policy and investment strategies and hereby adopts the Investment Policy dated June 1, 1999, as attached to this resolution. The Investment Policy amends and supersedes the Investment Policy adopted by the City on October 21, 1997, to incorporate the changes as recommended by the City of Southlake's financial advisors. Section 2. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of , 1999. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ATTEST: Mayor Rick Stacy Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary M:\W DFILES\RES99INV.DOC • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS kre INVESTMENT POLICY Amended June 1, 1999 C C • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Cie INVESTMENT POLICY TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Purpose 1 A. Formal Adoption B. Scope C. Review and Amendment II. Investment Strategy 1 A. Operating Funds B. Debt Service Funds C. Debt Service Reserve Funds D. Special Projects, Special Purpose, or Construction Funds III. Responsibility and Control 2 A. Delegation of Authority and Training B. Internal Controls C. Ethics and Conflict of Interest D. Prudent Investment Management IV. Investment Objectives 3 A. Safety of Principal B. Liquidity C. Yield D. Public Trust V. Investment Portfolio 5 A. Eligible Investments B. Unauthorized Investments VI. Safekeeping and Custody 8 A. Collateralization B. Allowable Collateral and Collateral Levels C. Monitoring Collateral Adequacy and Additional Collateral Securities D. Collateral Substitution E. Safekeeping F. Delivery versus Payment VII. Selection of Banks and Dealers 11 A. Depository Selection B. Investment Advisors C. Selection of Investment Broker/Dealers and Advisors D. Approved Broker/Dealers and Investment Advisors VIII. Reporting 12 A. Quarterly Reporting Appendix "A" - Certification 14 C., Appendix "B" - Glossary of Common Treasury Terminology 15 • I. PURPOSE A. Formal Adoption. The purpose of this document is to set forth specific investment policy and strategy guidelines for the City of Southlake, Texas in order to achieve the goals of safety, liquidity, yield, and public trust for all investment activity. This Investment Policy is authorized by the City Council in accordance with Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code, the Public Funds Investment Act. B. Scope. This Investment Policy applies to all the investment activities of the City, excluding funds governed by Council approved trust agreements and assets administered for the benefit of the City by outside agencies. In addition to this Policy, bonds funds (as defined by the Internal Revenue Service) shall be managed by their governing ordinance and all applicable State and Federal Law. C. Review and Amendment. The City Council of the City of Southlake shall review its investment strategies and policy not less than annually. H. INVESTMENT STRATEGY The City of Southlake maintains one portfolio in which all funds under the City's control are pooled for investment purposes. Within the pooled portfolio are fund components, each having Lan investment strategy as described below: A. Investment strategies for operating funds are to assure that anticipated cash flows are matched with adequate investment liquidity. The secondary objective is to create a portfolio structure which will experience minimal volatility during economic cycles. This may be accomplished by purchasing high quality, short to medium term securities which will complement each other. The dollar weighted average maturity of 365 days or less will be calculated using the stated final maturity date of each security. B. Investment strategies for debt service funds shall have as the primary objective the assurance of investment liquidity adequate to cover the debt service obligation on the required payment date. Securities purchased shall not have a stated maturity date which exceeds the debt service payment date. C. Investment strategies for debt service reserve funds shall have as the primary objective the ability to generate a dependable revenue stream to the appropriate debt service fund from securities with a low degree of volatility. Securities should be of high quality and, except as may be required by the bond ordinance specific to an individual issue, of short to medium term maturities. City of Southlake Investment Policy-amended June 1,1999 1 5 3 - s D. Investment strategies for special projects, special purpose, or construction fund (hirie portfolios will have as their primary objective the assurance that anticipated cash flows are matched with adequate investment liquidity. These portfolios should include at least 10% in highly liquid securities to allow for flexibility and unanticipated project outlays. The stated final maturity dates of securities held should not exceed the estimated project completion date. III. RESPONSIBILITY AND CONTROL A. Delegation of Authority and Training. The Director of Finance and Chief Accountant are designated as Investment Officer(s) of the City and are responsible for investment decisions and activities. The Director of Finance will retain ultimate responsibility for investment decisions. The Director of Finance, the Chief Accountant, and any members of the Investment Committee must attend an investment training session on the Act not less than once in a two-year period and receive not less than 10 hours of instruction relating to investment responsibilities under this subchapter from an independent source approved by the governing body of the local government or a designated investment committee advising the investment officer as provided for in the investment policy of the local government. B. Internal Controls. The Investment Officer is responsible for establishing and (re maintaining an internal control structure designed to ensure that the assets of the City are protected from loss, theft or misuse. The internal control structure shall be designed to provide reasonable assurance that these objectives are met. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived. The City, in conjunction with its annual financial audit, shall perform a compliance audit of management controls on investments and adherence to the City's investment policy and strategy. C. Ethics and Conflicts of Interest. City staff involved in the investment.process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the investment program, or which could impair the ability to make impartial investment decisions. The Investment ®fficer who has a personal business relationship with an entity seeking to sell an investment to the City shall file a statement disclosing that personal business interest with the Texas Ethics Commission and the City Council. For purposes of this subsection, an investment officer has a personal business relationship with a business organization if: 1. The investment officer owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock or shares of the business organization or owns $5,000 or more of the fair • market value of the business organization; L City of Southlake Investment Policy-amended June 1,1999 2 SQ 9 • 2. funds received by the investment officer from the business organization exceed 10 percent of the investment officer's gross income for the previous year; or 3. the investment officer has acquired from the business organization during the previous year investments with a book value of$2,500 or more for the personal account of the investment officer. D. Prudent Investment Management. The designated Investment Officer(s) shall exercise the judgement and care, under prevailing circumstances, that a prudent person would exercise in the management of the person's own affairs. Unless authorized by law, a person may not deposit, withdraw, transfer, or manage in any other manner the funds of the investing entity. IV. INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES The City of Southlake shall manage and invest its cash with four objectives, listed in order of priority: Safety, Liquidity, Yield, and Public Trust. The safety of the principal invested always remains the primary objective. All investments shall be designed and managed in a manner responsive to the public trust and consistent with State and Local law. A. Safety of Principal. The City shall seek to control the risk of loss due to the failure of a security issuer or grantor. Such risk shall be controlled by investing only in the safest types of securities as defined in Section V-A of this Policy, through portfolio diversification by investment type and maturity, and by collateralization as required by law. 1. Diversification by Investment Type. Diversification by investment type shall be maintained by ensuring an active and efficient secondary market in portfolio investments and by controlling the market and opportunity risks associated with specific investment types. Bond proceeds may be invested in a single security or investment which exceeds. the City's maximum percentages if the Investment Officer determines that such an investment is necessary to comply with Federal arbitrage restrictions or to facilitate arbitrage record keeping and calculation. Diversification by investment type shall be established by the following maximum percentages of investment type to the total investment portfolio: a. U.S. Government Securities 100% b. States, Agencies, Counties, Cities and Other 50% • c. Repurchase Agreements 50% d. Certificates of Deposit 100% L, e. Bankers Acceptances 20% f. Commercial Paper 20 City of Southlake Investment Policy-amended June I,1999 3 5 0 g. Money Market Mutual Funds 50% (16•• h. Eligible Investment Pools 100% 2. Diversification by Investment Maturity. In order to minimize risk of loss due to interest rate fluctuations, investment maturities will not exceed the anticipated cash flow requirements of the funds. The City of Southlake intends to match the holding periods of investment funds with liquidity needs of the City. The maximum final stated maturity of any investment shall not exceed five years. Maturity guidelines by fund are as follows: a. Operating Funds. The weighted average days to maturity for the operating fund portfolio shall be 365 days or less and the maximum allowable maturity shall be three years. b. Debt Service Funds. Debt Service Funds shall be invested to ensure adequate funding for each consecutive debt service payment. The Investment Officer shall invest in such a manner as not to exceed an "unfunded" debt service date with the maturity of any investment. An unfunded debt service date is defined as a coupon or principal payment date that does not have cash or investment securities available to satisfy said payment. c. Debt Service Reserve Funds. Market conditions, Bond Resolution constraints and Arbitrage regulation compliance will be considered when formulating Reserve Fund strategy. Maturity limitation shall generally not exceed the call provisions of the Bond Ordinance and shall not exceed the final maturity of the bond issue. All Debt Service Reserve Fund investment maturities shall not exceed five years. d. Special Project, Special Purpose, and Construction Funds. The funds used for construction and capital improvement programs have reasonable predictable draw down schedules. Therefore investment maturities shall generally follow the anticipated cash flow requirements. Investment pools and money market mutual funds shall provide readily available funds generally equal to one month's anticipated cash flow needs, or a competitive yield alternative for short term fixed maturity investments. A singular repurchase agreement may be utilized if disbursements are allowed in the amount necessary to satisfy any expenditure request, this investment structure is commonly referred to as a flexible repurchase agreement. All earnings will be segregated and made available for any necessary payments to the U.S. Treasury. L City of Southlake Investment Policy-amended June 1,1999 4 Sg -�� • 3. Collateralization. Collateralization of securities will be made in compliance (iwe with Section VI of this Policy. B. Liquidity. Liquidity shall be achieved by anticipating cash flow requirements, by investing in securities with active secondary markets and by investing in eligible money market mutual funds and local government investment pools. A security may be liquidated to meet unanticipated cash requirements, to re-deploy cash into other investments expected to outperform current holdings, or otherwise to adjust the portfolio. C. Yield. The City of Southlake's investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a market rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account investment risk constraints and cash flow characteristics of the portfolio. D. Public Trust. Investments shall be made with judgement and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of capital as well as the probable income to be derived. (1., V. INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO A. Eligible Investments. Investments described below are authorized by Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code as eligible securities for the City. City funds governed by this Policy may be invested in: 1. Obligations of the United States or its agencies and instrumentalities, excluding principal-only and interest-only mortgage backed securities, and collateralized mortgage obligations and real estate mortgage investment conduits. 2. Direct obligations of the State of Texas, or its agencies and instrumentalities. 3. Other obligations, the principal and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed or insured by, or backed by the full faith and credit of, the State of Texas or the United States or their respective agencies and instrumentalities, excluding principal-only and interest-only mortgage backed securities, and collateralized mortgage obligations and real estate mortgage investment conduits. 4. Obligations of states, agencies, counties, cities, and other political subdivisions of any State having been rated as to investment quality by a City of Southlake Investment Policy-amended June 1,1999 5 • nationally recognized investment rating firm and having received a rating (re of not less than "A" or its equivalent. 5. Fully collateralized repurchase agreements having a defmed termination date, placed through a primary government securities dealer, as defmed by the Federal Reserve, or a financial institution doing business in this state, and secured by obligations described in Section V-A 1 above which are eligible investments under the Public Funds Investment Act, pledged with a third party selected and approved by the City, and having a market value of not less than the principal amount of the funds disbursed. The term includes direct security repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements structured in compliance with the Texas Government Code. All City repurchase agreement transactions shall be governed by a signed Master Repurchase Agreement. The term of any reverse repurchase agreement shall not exceed 90 days. 6. Certificates of deposit issued by state and national banks domiciled in Texas that are: a. guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or its successor; or, secured by obligations that are described by Section V-A 1 through 4 above, which are intended to include all (lore direct Federal agency or instrumentality issued mortgage backed securities, but excluding those mortgage backed securities of the nature described in Section V-B, that have a market value of not less than the principal amount of the certificates or in any other manner and amount provided by law for deposits of the City; b. governed by a Depository Contract, as described in Section VII-A, that complies with Federal and State regulation to properly secure a pledged security interest; and, c. solicited for bid orally, in writing, electronically, or any combination of those methods. 7. Bankers' acceptances that: a. have stated maturities of 270 days or fewer, b. will be liquidated in full at maturity, c. is eligible for collateral borrowing from a Federal Reserve Bank, and, C City of Southlake Investment Policy-amended June 1,1999 6 • d. is accepted by a bank organized and existing under the laws of the United States or any state, if the short-term obligations of the bank, or of the bank holding company of which the bank is the largest subsidiary, are rated not less than "A-1" or "P-1" or an equivalent rating by at least one nationally recognized credit rating agency. 8. Commercial paper with a stated maturity of 270 days or less from the date of issuance that either: a. is rated not less than "A-1", "P-1", or the equivalent by at least two nationally recognized credit rating agencies; or b. is rated at least "A-1", "P-1", or the equivalent by at least one nationally recognized credit rating agency and is fully secured by an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a bank organized and existing under the laws of the United States or any state thereof. 9. Money market mutual funds regulated by the Securities & Exchange Commission, with a dollar weighted average portfolio maturity of 90 days or less, that fully invests dollar-for-dollar all City funds without sales commissions or loads; and, whose investment objectives include seeking to maintain a stable net asset value of$1 per share. The City may not invest funds under its control in an amount that exceeds 10% of the total assets of any individual money market mutual fund or exceeds 80% of its monthly average fund balance, excluding bond proceeds and reserves and other funds held for debt service in money market mutual funds. This Securities and Exchange Commission regulated fund is required to provide the City with a prospectus and other information required by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. Section 78a et seq.) or the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. Section 80a-1 et seq.). 10. Eligible Investment Pools as defined in Section 2256.016 of the Texas Government Code provided that: a. investment in the particular pool has been authorized by the City Council; b. the pool shall have furnished the Investment Officer an offering circular containing the information required by Section 2256.016(b) of the Texas Government Code; c. the pool shall furnish to the Investment Officer investment transaction confirmations with respect to all investments made with it; City of Southlalce Investment Policy-amended June I,1999 7 • d. the pool shall furnish to the Investment Officer monthly reports that (hre contain the information required by Section 2256.016(c) of the Texas Government Code; e. the pool's investment objectives shall be to maintain a stable net asset value of one dollar ($1); f. whose investment philosophy and strategy are consistent with this Policy and the City's ongoing investment strategy; and g• the pool provides evidence of credit rating no lower than "AAA" or "AAA-m" by at least one nationally recognized credit rating service. h. The net asset value (NAV) of the pool shall be maintained between 99.50 and 100.50. B. Unauthorized Investments. The following investments are specifically prohibited by State Law: 1. Obligations whose payment represents the coupon payments on the outstanding principal balance of the underlying mortgage-backed security (hipe collateral and pays no principal. 2. Obligations whose payment represents the principal stream of cash flow from the underlying mortgage-backed security collateral and bears no interest. 3. Collateralized mortgage obligations that have a stated final maturity date of greater than 10 years. 4. Collateralized mortgage obligations the interest rate of which is determined by an index that adjusts opposite to the changes in a market index. • VI. SAFEKEEPING AND CUSTODY A. Collateralization. Consistent with the requirements of State Law, the City requires all bank deposits to be federally insured or collateralized with eligible securities. Financial institutions serving as City Depositories will be required to sign a Depository Agreement with the City and City's safekeeping agent. The safekeeping portion of the Agreement shall define the City's rights to the collateral in case of default, bankruptcy, or closing and shall establish a perfected security interest in compliance with Federal and State regulations, including: City of Southlake Investment Policy-amended June 1,1999 8 56 - 1V • 1. the Agreement must be in writing; 2. the Agreement has to be executed by the Depository and the City contemporaneously with the acquisition of the asset; 3. the Agreement must be approved by the Depository's Board of Directors or loan committee, and a copy of the meeting minutes must delivered to the City; and, 4. the Agreement must be part of the Depository's "official record" continuously since its execution. Repurchase agreements must also be secured in accordance with State Law. Each counter party to a repurchase transaction is required to sign a copy of the Public Securities Association Master Repurchase Agreement. An executed copy of the Agreement must be on file before the City will enter into any transactions with a counter party. B. Allowable Collateral and Collateral Levels. 1. Certificates of Deposit. Eligible securities for collateralization of deposits are defined by the Public Funds Collateral Act, as amended, and meet the constraints of this Policy. The market value of the principal portion of (fre collateral pledged for certificates of deposit must at all times be equal to or greater than the par value of the certificate of deposit plus accrued interest, less the applicable level of FDIC insurance. 2. Repurchase Agreements. Securities underlying repurchase agreements are limited to U.S. Government, Agencies and Instrumentalities obligations, which are eligible for wire transfer (i.e. book entry) to the City's designated safekeeping agent through the Federal Reserve System and meet • the constraints of this Policy. A repurchase agreement's security value shall be the par value plus accrued interest, and the security's market value must be maintained at the following minimum levels: Agreement Maturities Greater Than One Business Day U.S. Treasury Securities 102% U.S. Agency and Instrumentalities 103% Mortgage Backed Securities 105% Agreement Maturities of One Business Day All Securities 100% L City of Southlake Investment Policy-amended June 1.1999 9 5BH4 • C. Monitoring Collateral Adequacy and Additional Collateral Securities. 1. Certificates of Deposit. epo The City shall require monthly reports with market values of pledged securities from all financial institutions with which the City has certificates of deposit. The Investment Officer will monitor adequacy of collateralization levels to verify market values and total collateral positions. If the collateral pledged for a certificate of deposit falls below the par value of the deposit, plus accrued interest less FDIC or other insurance, the institution issuing the certificate of deposit(s) will be notified by the Investment Officer and will be required to pledge additional securities no later than the end of the next succeeding business day. 2. Repurchase Agreements. Weekly monitoring by the Investment Officer of market values of all underlying securities purchased for City repurchase transactions is required. More frequent monitoring may be necessary during periods of market volatility. If the value of the securities underlying a repurchase agreement falls below the margin maintenance levels specified above, the Investment Officer will request additional securities. If the repurchase agreement is scheduled to mature within five business days and the amount is deemed to be immaterial, then the request is not necessary. D. Collateral Substitution. Collateralized certificates of deposit and repurchase agreements often require substitution of collateral. Any broker, dealer or financial institution requesting substitution must contact the Investment Officer for approval and settlement. The substituted security's value will be calculated and substitution approved if its value is equal to or greater than the required security level. The Investment Officer, or a designees, must provide written notification of the decision to the bank or the safekeeping agent holding the security prior to any security release. Substitution is allowable for all transactions, but should be limited, if possible, to minimize potential administrative problems and transfer expense. The Investment Officer may limit substitution and assess appropriate fees if substitution becomes excessive or abusive. E. Safekeeping. The City shall contract with a bank or banks for the safekeeping of securities either owned by the City as part of its investment portfolio or as part of its depository and repurchase agreements. All collateral securing bank deposits must be held by a third-party banking institution acceptable to and under contract with the City, or by the Federal Reserve Bank. The securities purchased under a repurchase agreement must be delivered to a third-party custodian with which the City has established a safekeeping agreement. F. Delivery versus Payment. The purchase of individual securities shall be executed "delivery versus payment" (DVP) through the City's Safekeeping Agent. By so doing, City funds are not released until the City has received, through the Safekeeping Agent, the securities purchased. The security shall be held in the City of Southlake Invesunenc Policy-amended June 1,1999 10 5 6 --1 • name of the City or held on behalf of the City. The Safekeeping Agent's records shall assure the notation of the City's ownership of or explicit claim on the securities. The original copy of all safekeeping receipts shall be delivered to the City. VII. SELECTION OF BANKS AND DEALERS. A. Depository Selection. A qualified depository shall be selected through the City's banking services procurement process, which shall include a formal request for proposal (RFP). The City shall permit consideration of applications for a depository contract from banks, credit unions, or saving associations that are doing business in Southlake, and from banks, credit unions, and saving associations that are doing business in the cities contiguous to Southlake. The centralization of depository services is designed to maximize investment capabilities while minimizing service costs. The selection of a depository shall be based on the financial institution offering the most favorable terms and conditions at the least cost, while adhering to the guidelines and provisions within the request for proposal. In selecting a depository, the City shall give consideration to the financial institution's credit characteristics, financial history, service capabilities, and costs for required services. The City's depository contract shall be for three years with an option to extend for an additional two years upon mutual agreement (lar' of the depository and the City. Specialized services may be contracted for by the City with another financial institution or company if the depository cannot provide such service or charges more for the same service with little or no appreciable benefit. B. Investment Advisors. The City may contract with an investment advisor, who shall adhere to the spirit, philosophy and specific term of this Policy and shall invest within the same "Standard of Care". C. Selection of Investment Broker/Dealers and Advisors. Selection will be performed by the Investment Officer, with ratification and approval by the City Council. Selected Investment Advisors and Broker/Dealers shall provide timely transaction confirmations and monthly portfolio reports. Prospective Broker/Dealers shall provide financial and other information as requested by the Investment Officer sufficient to evaluate their fiscal condition and ability to service the City. The Investment Officer will establish criteria to evaluate Investment Advisors and Broker/Dealers, including: 1. Adherence to the City's policies and strategies, - 2. Investment performance and transaction pricing within accepted risk constraints, (11.•••• City of Southlake Investment Policy-amended June 1,1999 1 1 • 3. Responsiveness to the City's request for services, information and open communication, 4. Understanding of the inherent fiduciary responsibility of investing public funds, and 5. Similarity in philosophy and strategy with the City's objectives. D. Approved Broker/Dealers and Investment Advisors. Broker/Dealers and Investment Advisors eligible to transact investment business with the City shall be presented a written copy of this Investment Policy. Additionally, the registered principal of the business organization seeking to transact investment business shall execute a Certification as shown in Appendix "A", or a Certification similar in form, to the effect that the registered principal has: 1. received and thoroughly reviewed this Investment Policy, and 2. acknowledged that their organization has implemented reasonable procedures and controls in an effort to preclude imprudent investment activities with the City except to the extent that this authorization is dependent on an analysis of the makeup of the City's entire portfolio or requires an interpretation of subjective investment standards. The City shall not enter into an investment transaction with a business organization prior to receiving this written acknowledgement. The City Council or designated investment committee shall review, revise and approve a list of qualified brokers not less than annually. VIII. REPORTING A. Quarterly Reporting. The Investment Officer shall submit a signed quarterly investment report that describes in detail the investment position of the City for the period. The report will include the following: 1. For each pooled fund group: a beginning book and market value; book and market value additions and changes; and ending book and market value, including fully accrued interest for the reporting period. 2. The book value and market value of each investment at the beginning and end of the period by type of asset and fund type invested. • 3. The maturity date of each investment. 4. Fully accrued interest for the reporting period. City of Souchlake Investment Policy-amended June 1,1999 12 5B --1 ct (Be 5. Statement of compliance of the portfolio as it relates to the investment strategy, City investment policy and the Texas Public Funds Investment Act. 6. If the City invests in other than money market mutual funds, investment pools or accounts offered by its depository bank in the form of certificates of deposit, or money market accounts or similar accounts, the reports prepared by the investment officers shall be formally reviewed at least annually by an independent auditor, and the result of the review shall be reported to the City Council by that auditor. 7. The City will seek a third party independent pricing source to determine the value of the City's investment portfolio. 8. The City's independent auditor will review the quarterly investment report for compliance with the Public Funds Investment Act and report findings annually to the City Council. L • (ire City of Southiake investment Policy-amended June I,1999 13 SB- AO APPENDIX "A" L CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that I have personally read and understand the investment policy and master repurchase agreement, (if applicable), conditions of the City of Southlake, Texas, and have implemented reasonable procedures and controls designed to fulfill those objectives and conditions. Transactions between this firm and the City of Southlake will be directed towards precluding imprudent investment activities and protecting the City from credit or market risk. All sales personnel of this firm dealing with the City of Southlake's account(s) have been informed and will be routinely informed of the City's investment horizons, limitations, strategy and risk constraints, whenever we are so informed by the City. This firm pledges due diligence in informing the city of foreseeable risks associated with financial transactions connected to this firm. Le FIRM REGISTERED PRINCIPAL OF FIRM PRIMARY REPRESENTATIVE: NAME/TITLE (please print) • PRIMARY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE • DATE C City of Southlake Investment Policy-amended June 1,1999 14 5 ' i • APPENDIX "B" GLOSSARY OF COMMON TREASURY TERMINOLOGY Agencies. Federal agency securities. CUSIP. A unique security identification number assigned to securities maintained and Asked. The price at which securities are transferred on the Federal Reserve book- offered. entry system. Bid. the price offered for securities. Dealer. A dealer, as opposed to a broker, acts as a principal in all transactions, buying Broker. A broker brings buyers and sellers and selling for his own account. together for a commission paid by the initiator of the transaction or by both sides; Debenture. A bond secured only by the in contrast to a "principal" or a "dealer", he general credit of the issuer. does not own or take a position in the security. In the money market, brokers are Delivery versus Payment. Delivery of active in markets in which banks buy and sell securities with an exchange of money for the money and in inter-dealer markets. securities. (seCertificate of Deposit (CD). A time deposit Depository. The bank selected by the City to with a specific maturity evidenced by a provide depository services. certificate. Discount. The difference between the cost Collateral. Securities, evidence of deposit or price of a security and its value at maturity other property which a borrower pledges to when quoted a lower than face value. A secure repayment of a loan. Also refers to security selling below original offering price securities pledged by a bank to secure shortly after sale also is considered to be at deposits of public monies. a discount. Commercial Paper. Short-term, unsecured Discount Securities. Non-interest bearing promissory notes issued by corporations to money market instruments that are issued at finance short-term credit needs. Commercial a discount and redeemed at maturity for full paper is usually sold on a discount basis and face value, e.g., U.S. Treasury Bills. has a maturity at the time of issuance not exceeding nine months. Diversification. Dividing investment funds among a variety of securities offering Coupon. The annual rate of interest that a independent returns. bond's issuer promises to pay the bondholder on the bond's face value. Also, a certificate attached to a bond evidencing interest due on a payment date. City of Southlake Investment Policy-amended June I,1999 15 Federal Credit Agencies. Agencies of the Federal National Mortgage Association Federal government set up to supply credit to (FNMA or Fannie Mae). FNMA, a federal various classes of institutions and corporation, is the largest single provider of individuals, e.g., savings and loans, small residential mortgage funds in the United business firms, students, and farmers. States. It is a private stockholder-owned corporation. The corporation's purchases Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation include a variety of adjustable mortgages and (FDIC). A federal agency that insures bank second loans in addition to fixed-rate deposits, currently $100,000 per.deposit. mortgages. FNMA's securities are also highly liquid and are widely accepted. Federal Funds Rate. The rate of interest at FNMA assumes and guarantees that all which Federal funds are traded. This rate is security holders will receive timely payment currently set by the Federal Reserve through of principal and interest. open-market operations. Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB). Created Consists of seven members of the Federal in 1932, this system consists of 12 regional Reserve Board and five of the twelve Federal banks, which are owned by private member Reserve Bank Presidents. The President of institutions and regulated by the Federal the New York Federal Reserve Bank is a Housing Finance Board. Functioning as a permanent member while the other credit reserve system, it facilitates extension Presidents serve on a rotating basis. The of credit through its owner-members in order Committee periodically meets to set Federal to provide access to housing and to improve Reserve guidelines regarding purchases and the quality of communities. Federal Home sales of Government Securities in the open- Loan Bank issues are joint and several market as a means of influencing the volume obligations of the 12 Federal Home Loan of bank credit and money. Banks. Federal Reserve System. The central bank Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation of the United States created by Congress and (FHLMC or Freddie Mac). A stockholder- consisting of a seven member Board of owned corporation that provides a continuous Governors in Washington, D.C., 12 regional flow of funds to mortgage lenders, primarily banks and about 5,700 commercial banks that through developing and maintaining an active are members of the system. nationwide secondary market in conventional residential mortgages. Freddie Mac Government Agency Issues. Debt securities purchases a large volume of conventional issued by government-sponsored enterprises, residential mortgages and uses them to federal agencies, and international collateralize mortgage-backed securities. institutions. Such securities are not direct obligations of the Treasury and involve government sponsorship or guarantees. L City of Southlake Investment Policy-amended June 1,1999 16 Se) --c?3 Government National Mortgage Association eliminating the uncertainty of ownership and (GNMA or Ginnie Mae). Securities hence, allowing investors to liquidate guaranteed by GNMA and issued by collateral if a bank or dealer defaults during mortgage bankers, commercial banks, the term of the agreement. savings and loan associations, and other institutions. Security holder is protected by Maturity. The date upon which the principal full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. or stated value of an investment becomes due Ginnie Mae securities are backed by FHA, and payable. VA or FMHM mortgages. The term pass- through is often used to describe Ginnie Money Market. The market in which short- Maes. term debt instruments (bills, commercial paper, bankers' acceptances, etc.) are issued Liquidity. A liquid asset is one that can be and traded. converted easily and rapidly into cash without a substantial loss of value. In the Mutual Funds. Mutual fund providers are money market, a security is said to be liquid investment companies that sell shares to if the difference between bid and asked investors, offering investors diversification prices is narrow and reasonable size can be and professional portfolio management. done at those quotes. Prices fluctuate with the performance of the fund. Money market mutual funds invest in Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP). short-term securities such as treasury bills, The aggregate of all funds from political bank CD's and commercial paper. (wesubdivisions that are placed in the custody of the a state managed pool, or other qualifying Open Market Operations. Purchases and pool(s) that meet state statute criteria, for sales of government and certain other investment and reinvestment. securities in the open market by the New York Federal Reserve Bank as directed by Market Value. The price at which a security the FOMC in order to influence the volume is trading and could presumable be purchased of money and credit in the economy. or sold. Purchases inject reserves into the bank system and stimulate growth of money and Master Repurchase Agreement. To protect credit; sales have the opposite effect. Open investors, many public investors will request market operations are the Federal Reserve's. that repurchase agreements be preceded by a most important and most flexible monetary master repurchase agreement between the policy tool. investor and the financial institution or dealer. The master agreement should define Par. The value of a security as expressed on the nature of the transaction, identify the its face (face value) without consideration of relationship between the parties, establish a discount or premium. normal practices regarding ownership and custody of the collateral securities during the Portfolio. Collection of securities held by an . term of investment, provide remedies in the investor. case of default by either party and clarify issues of ownership. The master repurchase agreement protects the investor by City of Southlake Investment Policy-amended June 1,1999 17 S B _a Positive Yield Curve. A condition where Rate of Return. The yield obtainable on a interest rates are higher on long-term debt security based on its purchase price or its securities than on short-term debt securities current market price. This may be the of the same quality. amortized yield to maturity on a bond or the current income return. Premium. The price that a security demands over its par value. This is the difference Rating. A formal opinion by an outside between the price of an instrument and its professional service on the credit reputation value at maturity (par value) when the price of an issuer and the investment quality of its is higher than the maturity. securities. This opinion is expressed in letter values (e.g., AAA, Baal). Primary Dealer. A group of government securities dealers that submit daily reports of Repurchase Agreement (REPO). A holder of market activity and positions and monthly securities sells these securities to an investor financial statements to the Federal Reserve with an agreement to repurchase them at a Bank of New York and are subject to its fixed price on a fixed date. The security informal oversight. Primary dealers include "buyer" in effect lends the "seller" money Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the period of the agreement, and the registered securities broker-dealers, banks terms of the agreement are structured to and a few unregulated firms. compensate him for this. Dealers use REPO's extensively to finance their posotions. LPrudent Person Rule. An investment standard. Investments shall be made with Safekeeping. A service to customers judgement and care, under circumstances rendered by banks for a fee whereby then prevailing, which persons of prudence, securities and valuables of all types and discretion and intelligence exercise in the descriptions are held in the bank's vaults for management of their own affairs, not for protection. speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as SEC Rule 15C3-1. See uniform net capital the probable income to be derived. rule. Qualified Public Depositories. A financial Secondary Market. A market made for the institution which does not claim exemption purchase and sale of outstanding issues from the payment of any sales or following the initial distribution. compensating use or ad valorem taxes under the laws of this state, which has segregated Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). for the benefit of the commission eligible Agency created by Congress to protect collateral having a value of not less than its investors in securities transactions by maximum liability and which has been administering securities legislation. approved by the Public Deposit Protection Commission to hold public deposits. Cr- City of Soudilake Investment Policy-amended lune 1,1999 18 s�--aS Student Loan Marketing Association (Sallie Uniform Net Capital Rule. Securities and (1.,, Mae). A government sponsored entity that Exchange Commission requirement that provides liquidity for private lenders (banks, member firms as well as nonmember broker- savings and loan associations, educational dealers in securities maintain a maximum institutions, state agencies and other lenders). ratio of indebtedness to liquid capital of 15 to Sallie Mae participates in the Federal 1; also called net capital rule and net capital Guaranteed Student Loan Program. ratio. Indebtedness covers all money owed to a firm, including margin loans and Treasury Bills. A non-interest bearing commitments to purchase securities, one discount security issued by the U.S. Treasury reason new public issues are spread among to finance the national debt. Most bills are members of underwriting syndicates. Liquid issued to mature in three months, six months, capital includes cash and assets easily or one year. converted into cash. Treasury Bond. Long-term U.S. Treasury Zero-Coupon Security. A security that securities having initial maturities of more makes no periodic interest payments but than ten years. instead is sold at a deep discount from its face value. Treasury Notes. Intermediate term coupon bearing U.S. Treasury securities having initial maturities from one to ten years. U.S. Government Securities. Various types (re of marketable securities issued by the U.S. Treasury, including bills, notes, and bonds. Such securities are direct obligations of the U.S. Government and differ mainly in the length of their maturity. Weighted-Average Life. The weighted- average life refers to the average amount of time that will elapse from the date of a security's issuance until each dollar of principal is repaid to the investor. Yield. The rate of annual income return on an investment, expressed as a percentage. (a) Income Yield is obtained by dividing the current dollar income by the current market price of the security. (b) Net Yield or Yield to Maturity is the current income yield minus any premium above par or plus any discount from par in purchase price, with the adjustment spread over the period from the date of purchase to the date of maturity of the bond. City of Southlake Investment Policy-amended June 1,1999 19 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 28, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: John Knight, Deputy Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Award of bid to Brice Systems for purchase of NT servers for the citywide - computer system. Action Requested: Consider authorizing the replacement of the citywide NT network infrastructure. Background Information: Our present system is approximately two years old. Due to the continuous usage, the hardware is beginning to have failures, resulting in the loss of data processing time throughout city government. The system is also overloaded which causes the same types of interruptions. As an example, the main file server has the ability to store 4 gigabytes of data. At the present time, by running data compression, we are storing 7.2 gigabytes of data. This causes the system to run slower, thus effecting the operation of city staff. On May 6, 1999 we issued request for proposals for the replacement of this equipment. On May 14, 1999 the City Secretary opened and recorded these proposals. An evaluation of the proposed pricing and equipment from the vendors is attached. Financial Considerations: During the 98-99-budget process this problem was recognized and prepared for. We requested, and the City Council approved, a budgeted amount of $50,000 for the replacement of this equipment. Brice Systems submitted the lowest bid of$37,183. In this proposal they recommend the use of RightFax as opposed to the LanFax product we requested for an additional price of $1,500. They also recommended increasing the processors in all servers to dual instead of single. This would be an additional $1,800. And, finally, they suggested increasing the main file server by an additional 18.2 Gbyte hard drive for the cost of$850. This would make the total cost of the project $41,333, which would be within the budgeted amount and enhance our ability beyond what we requested. Citizen Input/ Board Review: No citizen input has been received. Not subject to any Board review. Legal Review: Not Applicable 5C-1 Billy Campbell May 28, 1999 Page 2 Alternatives: None Supporting Documents: Vendor evaluation of proposed pricing and equipment. Staff Recommendation: Place the award of bid to Brice Systems for the purchase of NT servers for the citywide computer system on the June 1, 1999 City Council meeting agenda for approval. JK/bls C., Approved for Submittal to City Council: 6L_ City Manager's Office (se 5C-2 City of Southiake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 28, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: John Knight, Deputy Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Vendor Evaluation of Proposed Pricing and Equipment On May 6, 1999 we issued Request for Proposals on the replacement of the City's Network Servers. The closing date for submittal was May 14, 1999. We submitted these proposals to the following companies: Gateway Systems Comp USA Dell Brice Systems Missi Computers True Technology Systems Unisystems We obtained copies of the proposals received from the City Secretary on Tuesday May 18, 1999. Only three of the above listed companies responded to the request, Gateway, Brice Systems, and True Technology Systems. The following are the results from an analysis of three proposals that were received in answer to the RFP. Indicated are the areas and details in which each proposal varies from those of the RFP. • Gateway Companies, Inc. Variations from RFP common to all server proposals: RFP page 1 line 5: no burn-in period is provided. RFP page 1 lines 19,20,21: proprietary motherboard does not supply the AGP chip set, the 2 16- bit ISA slots and 1 32-bit AGP slot, or the Infra-red port. Each of the servers is to have installed in it an LS-120 (120 megabyte bootable floppy drive). None of the seven Gateway server proposals included this device. 5C-3 Each of the servers' hard drives is to be installed in a brand-specific removable SCSI drive kit. LNone of the seven Gateway server proposals included these devices. Each of the servers is to have installed in it one 2 Mbytes S# Virge SVGA PCI video controller card. Each of the seven Gateway server proposals specifies that the video controller is integrated into the motherboard. Each of the servers is to have installed in it either one or two brand-specific 3COM Network Interface Cards. While each of the Gateway server proposals does include this piece of hardware, each server proposal also includes an Intel NIC that is evidently integrated into the motherboard and for which there is not an option to remove or omit. Machine-specific variations from RFP: File Server RFP page 3 lines 59,60: calls for brand-specific RAID controller card and SCSI controller(DPT Mellinium),proposal does not specify brand Exchange Server RFP page 4 calls for no RAID controller card,proposal includes one RFP page 4 line 76 calls for two internal modems, proposal shows one only SMS Server RFP page 5 calls for no RAID controller card, proposal includes one Utility/Communications Server RFP page 6 calls for no RAID controller card, proposal includes one RFP page 6 line 99 calls for one brand-specific internal 8-port modem card, proposal shows none RFP page 6 line 104 calls for one internal brand-specific 2 Gbyte SCSI JAZ drive, proposal shows none Proxy Server RFP page 7 calls for no RAID controller card,proposal includes one RFP page 7 line 110 calls for two brand-specific 3COM NICs,proposal shows one only RFP page 7 line 116 calls for one internal brand-specific 2 Gbyte SCSI JAZ drive, proposal shows none Remote Site Server RFP page 8 calls for no RAID controller card, proposal includes one Application Server RFP page 9 calls for no RAID controller card, proposal includes one RFP page 9 lines 134,135 calls for brand-specific RAID controller card and SCSI controller L, (DPT Mellinium),proposal does not specify brand SC-4 • Brice Systems, Inc. Variations from RFP common to all server proposals: No variations from RFP were noted. Machine-specific variations from RFP: No variations from RFP were noted. • True Technology Solutions, L.C. Variations from RFP common to all server proposals: Each of the servers' hard drives is to be installed in a brand-specific removable SCSI drive kit. None of the seven Gateway server proposals included these devices. Machine-specific variations from RFP: File Server RFP page 3 lines 59,60: calls for brand-specific RAID controller card and SCSI controller(DPT (bre Mellinium),proposal does not specify brand TTS proposal page 1 shows one Digi 8 port RJ45 which is not a part of the RFP All other server proposals comply with all other areas and details of the RFP The following is the price breakdown of the submitted proposals: Gateway Brice Systems True Technology $58,835 $37,183 $89,645 JK/j k L 5C-5 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 28, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Garland Wilson, Deputy Director of Fire Services SUBJECT: Appointment of Brian Stacy to the position of Fire Reserve for the Southlake Department of Public Safety, Fire Services Division. Action Requested: Appointment of Brian Stacy to the position of Fire Reserve for the Southlake Department of Public Safety, Fire Services Division. Background Information: Southlake Department of Public Safety encourages and invites residents to participate in a variety of programs. The fire reserve program is one example of community based opportunities in DPS. Brian Stacy has made application and has successfully completed the entrance exam, polygraph, and the psychological test. Mr. Stacy has always held an interest in fire services. as evident of his role in 1984/85 when he served as the Southlake Fire Department mascot. Mr. Stacy graduated from Carroll High School and will (line graduate from the fire academy in July. Financial Considerations: None. Volunteer Reserve Firefighters donate their time and skills for the citizens' benefit in lieu of pay. Citizen Input/ Board Review: No citizen input has been received. Brian passed the Hiring Board review process and was recommended for appointment, subject to City Council approval. Legal Review: None Alternatives: Not applicable Supporting Documents: None Staff Recommendation: Place the appointment of Brian Stacy to the position of Fire Reserve for the Southlake Department of Public Safety on the June 1, 1999 City Council meeting agenda for approval. .1 GW/bls 5D-1 Billy Campbell May 28, 1999 Page 2 Approved for Submittal to City Council: _1/.5 e( City Manager's Office C C SD-2 c--------- City of Southiake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 21, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Authorization to advertise for bids on a 1999 road marking (striping) machine. Action Requested: Authorize staff to advertise for bids on a 1999 road marking (striping) machine. Background Information: Currently the Public Works Department contracts an outside company to stripe the roads of Southiake. By using other contractors, the City is subject to their schedules and prices. By obtaining a road-marking machine, both time and money can be saved. Financial cliv, Considerations: This item was included in the 1998-99 Streets and Drainage division budget under the object code 940.00 heavy equipment and was allotted $29,000. Citizen Input/ Board Review: None. Legal Review: None. Alternatives: Approve or Deny Supporting Documents: Bid Proposal Staff Recommendation: Authorize Staff to advertise for bids on a 1999 road-marking machine. VB/vb Approved for Submittal to City Council: 6 z., City Manager's Office 5E-1 PROPOSAL TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council BID DATE: June 21, 1999 City of Southlake FOR: Permission to advertise for a bid on a 1999 road-marking machine SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of work includes: See attached specs. PROPOSAL SCHEDULE BASE BID: 1. All equipment required by the attached specifications for a 1999 Road Marking Machine. Receipt is acknowledged of the following addenda: Addendum No. 1 (SEAL) If bidder Corporation Addendum No. 2 Addendum No. 3 Respectfully submitted By Title (tti.., Address 5E-2 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 12, 1999 TO: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works FROM: Brad Payton, Street and Drainage Superintendent SUBJECT: Advertisement for Bid I would like permission to advertise for a bid on a 1999 road-marking machine. This item was included in the 1998-99 budget under the object code 940.00-heavey equipment, and was allotted $29,000. BP/sh 5E-3 Le CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE 1999 ROAD MARKING MACHINE (Self-contained, Dual Color, Airless, Single Operator) These specifications are intended to outline the minimum requirements to provide a 1999 Road-Marking Machine to the City of Southlake. Other proposals may be considered if it can be demonstrated that the machine is equal or greater than the minimum requirements. All equipment is to be factory installed. Delivery is to be made within thirty (30) days of bid award. Meets Specifications Yes No 1. GENERAL ( ) ( ) 1.1 This specification describes and defines the minimum requirements of a self contained, dual color, airless, single operator, road marking machine capable of applying individual line widths from 2" to 12" per gun in a single pass. ( ) ) 1.2 herein described road marking machine is designed without the requirement of mounting or residing the road-marking machine in the bed of the pickup, flat bad or utility vehicle, but rather to mount to a dual trailer hitch thus combining the truck and the road marking machine as one. ( ) ( ) 1.3 The specified road-marking machine shall be designed specifically for single operator road striping. ( ) ( ) 1.4 The specified road-marking machine shall have a dedicated airless pump(s) for each color to allow instantaneous color selection and for simultaneous dual color striping with a single carriage. ( ) ( ) 1.5 The specified road marking machine shall not only be 100% chemically compatible with all single component traffic paints but must also have the ability to effectively apply all single component traffic paints including conventional solvent based formulations, VOC compliant high solids solvent based formulations, traditional waterborne formulations, and the new high performance waterborne formulations. L 5E-4 (11110e O O 1.6 The specified road marking machine shall have the ability to apply all mentioned traffic paint at speeds up to 10 MPH while applying double 4" lines at a wet film thickness of.015 mils. ( ) ( ) 1.7 The intended road marking machine is sized to allow its use with a standard (non modified) '/2 ton pickup truck, '/4 ton pickup truck, 1 ton pickup trucks, or a larger truck chassis. ( ) ( ) 1.8 The road marking machine itself(less the truck) shall conform to all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards in effect on the date of manufacturers. 2. FRAMEWORK AND MOUNTING ( ) ( ) 2.1 The road marking machine's frame shall be constructed with a minimum 2"x 2" square steel tubing with a minimum wall thickness of.188". ( ) ( ) 2.2 When removed from the vehicle the road marking machine shall have two (2) integral fold down caster wheel assemblies plus a third full time, highway rated caster wheel assembly to allow easy rolling of the road marking machine to and from the intended vehicle to the storage area. ( ) ( ) 2.3 The caster assembly shall allow 360 degree turning radius with no stops. ( ) ( ) 2.4 The caster wheel assembly shall have an integral dual coil spring suspension system. ( ) ( ) 2.5 The swiveling bearing of the full time caster wheel assembly shall be a variable tensioning type that will tighten as the turn radius increases. 3. COMPRESSOR ( ) ( ) 3.1 The compressor shall be rated for 10.6 CFM at 100 PSI while operating at 1,200 RPM. ( ) ( ) 3.2 Compressor shall be all twin cylinder, air cooled, and of aluminum constructing. ( ) ( ) 3.3 Compressor shall have an unloader device to accurately and precisely manage the compressed air when there is no demand. The unloader shall be preset at 80-100 PSI and designed to unload to atmosphere. 5E-5 3.4 A safety pop off valve set for 150 PSI shall be installed to further protect the compressed air system. 4. ENGINE ( ) ( ) 4.1 The engine shall be a four cycle, twin cylinder, air cooled gasoline engine rated for 18 HP. ( ) ( ) 4.2 The engine shall feature electric start and 12 volt battery shall be supplied with the system. ( ) ( ) 4.3 The engine shall be pressure lubricated. ( ) ( ) 4.4 The engine shall have an integral 15 amp charging system. 5. HYDRAULIC SUPPLY SYSTEM ( ) ( ) 5.1 -A pressure compensated vane supply pump shall be provided and have a rated capacity of not less than 10.5 GPM. ( ) ( ) 5.2 The pressure compensated vane supply pump shall provide Lpe hydraulic discharge pressures up to 1500 PSI. ( ) ( ) 5.3 Oil supply reservoir shall be included. The oil supply reservoir shall be of all steel construction. ( ) ( ) 5.4 The hydraulic system shall be a closed loop design. ( ) ( ) 5.5 A 12 volt DC electric oil cooling fan shall be provided to continuously (when the road marking machine's ignition key is turned on) force ambient temperature air through the hydraulic oil cooling radiator. ( ) ( ) 5.6 All hydraulic fittings shall be JIC type. ( ) ( ) 5.7 All hydraulic hose shall be color coded for easy visual identification. All hydraulic hose shall have a minimum pressure rating of 1500 PSI. ( ) ( ) 5.8 The hydraulic loop shall have built in pump run away valves (one for each pump) to limit the pumps cycle rate in a paint pump run dry condition or any other pump run away condition. The restrictor shall allow the each individual paint pump to reach the (we intended application cycle rates. 5E-6 5.9 All paint pumps shall include a color coded pump flow selector valve station to allow the bypass of hydraulic oil to the oil reservoir or to direct the the oil flow to the pre-selected pump, two pumps, or to all three pumps for simultaneous three pump operation. ( ) ( ) 5.10 A single pressure control knob shall simultaneously and uniformly adjust the hydraulic pressure from 0-1,500 PSI to all airless pumps as selected. ( ) ( ) 5.11 The hydraulic supply system shall be protected from contaminates by both a suction strainer with a minimum sized filtration area of 250 square inches and an oil return filter with a minimum sized filtration area of 17 square inches. 6. AIRLESS PAINT PUMPS ( ) ( ) 6.1 The airless paint pumps shall be hydraulic driven,-piston sty 1 , pump. ( ) ( ) 6.2 All wetted pump metallurgy shall be 303, 304, or 316 series grade (kkire stainless steel. ( ) ( ) 6.3 In addition to the stainless steel requirements mentioned above, the paint pumps piston rod, check balls and piston sleeve shall be 316 stainless steel for corrosion resistance and then hard chrome plated for greater abrasion resistance. ( ) ( ) 6.4 The airless pumps packing shall be staggered leather and Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene and have provisions for external adjustment of the upper packing stack. ( ) ( ) 6.5 The airless pump wet cup shall be an enclosed design featuring packing cover protectors to prevent dirt or bead contamination into the wet cup and upper packing area. ( ) ( ) 6.6 A total of three (3) airless pumps shall be provided with a dedicated pump for each painted line (two yellow and one white pump as standard). ( ) ( ) 6.7 The airless paint pumps shall be rated for continuous service with flow rates to 2.5 GPM. And have a maximum paint discharge pressure of not less than 2,000 PSI. L 5E-7 LO O 6.8 A total of three (3) liquid filled fluid pressure gauges shall be provided and installed on the outlet of each airless pump. O O 6.9 In addition to the standard packing stack the piston packing shall include a reverse directed wiper packing. The upper packing stack shall include an additional leather packing as the sixth packing. ( ) ( ) 6.10 The suction side of the airless paint pump shall include a barbed, straight suction hose fitting to allow direct, inline paint flow directly into the in lower check ball. ( ) ( ) 6.11 The fluid pump shall have a maximum working pressure rating of not less than 3,000 PSI, although the system requires only 2,000 PSI. 7. PAINT FILTERS AND INLET STRAINERS ( ) ( ) 7.1 An all-304/316 stainless steel filter assembly shall be located at the outlet of each airless paint pump, for a total of three (3). ( ) ( ) 7.2 Each filter assembly shall include a replaceable 30-mesh stainless (11111re steel filter screen element. Each filter shall have a minimum filtration area of not less than 18 square inches. ( ) ( ) 7.3 Filters shall be rated for a working pressure of 5,000 PSI. ( ) ( ) 7.4 The exterior of the filter cylinder housing shall be splined for easy hand disassembly and for easy reassembly without the use of hand tools. ( ) ( ) 7.5 Each filter shall have a combination pressure relief, dump, and priming valve on the outlet side of the high-pressure housing. This combination valve shall be of all 300-grade stainless steel and feature a tungsten carbide seat and a hardened SST ball. ( ) ( ) 7.6 All three-paint pumps shall be protected with individual suction side, 304/316 stainless steel paint strainers. ( ) ( ) 7.7 The total surface area of each suction side filter screen must be no less than 22 square inches. L 5E-8 L ‘kaire () () 7.8 Each of the stainless steel high-pressure airless filters shall have stainless steel ''A" hand gun filter connectors with paint isolation shut off valves or paint shut off caps. 8. PAINT GUNS ( ) ( ) 8.1 Two (2) airless paint guns shall be furnished. ( ) ( ) 8.2 All wetted gun parts shall be 300-grade stainless steel including the entire fluid housing and the packing assembly. ( ) ( ) 8.3 The paint gun outlet ball and the ball seat shall be constructed of tungsten carbide. ( ) ( ) 8.4 The fluid outlet shall be ported for extra high flow rates and viscosity with a paint outlet of no less than 3/8" diameter orifice. Paint inlet ports shall be 3/8". ( ) ( ) 8.5 The packing needle shall feature a non-exposed, fully enclosed needle assembly that has provisions for instant packing nut adjustments without any disassembly. (kw ( ) ( ) 8.6 The paint guns shall have a pressure rating of 3,000 PSI. ( ) ( ) 8.7 The actuation air chamber and the fluid section shall be divorced and separate to eliminate the possibility of paint entering the air chamber upon paint seal failure. ( ) ( ) 8.8 Each gun shall include two reverse-a-clean switch tips with tip guard. ( ) ( ) 8.9 Provisions shall be made to allow the guns to be easily and simply adjusted in all directions including up/down, side to side, and forward and back ( ) ( ) 8.10 Included will be a hand gun assembly to include a flex gun with all stainless steel wetted parts and complete with a reverse-a-clean tip, tip guard, 18" tip extension, and 50' of high pressure hose. ( ) ( ) 8.11 A hose rack shall be provided and will include a single knob, screw type, gun storage clamp to rigidly hold the gun in the storage position and help hold the racked hose in position. 5E-9 Lope 9. MATERIAL CONTAINERS AND SIPHON SETS ( ) ( ) 9.1 The road-marking machine shall be set up to allow siphoning from the original material containers-55 gallon drums. ( ) ( ) 9.2 The drums are to be located in the forward bed of the vehicle, and a 1" ID by 12' long siphon hose assembly shall be provided for each of the three airless pumps for the siphoning and transferring of traffic paint from the drums to the airless paint pumps. ( ) ( ) 9.3 The yellow(dual pump) system shall include a tandem 1" ID siphon hose assemblies connected to a single siphon tube. ( ) ( ) 9.4 All siphon hose connections, all fittings, siphon tubes and strainers shall be of 300 grade stainless steel materials of construction. () () 9.5 The siphon hose will run directly inline and into the paint pumps. ( ) ( ) 9.6 Each siphon tube shall have a 2" threaded locking collar to thread into the 2"bung opening of the drum to securely hold the siphon tube in place. In addition to the 2" threaded locking collar, an additional siphon tube locking device shall be located on the cop, siphon tube to allow setting the siphon tube at the correct depth within the drum. 10. BEAD TANK AND DISTRIBUTION ( ) ( ) 10.1 The bead tank capacity shall be 350 pounds and adequately sized for 1-55 gallon drum of traffic paint. ( ) ( ) 10.2 The bead tank and lid assembly shall both be ASME certified and be of all steel construction. ( ) ( ) 10.3 Lid design shall be single locking lever type that shall open inward. ( ) ( ) 10.4 Bead tank shall have a top lid assembly and filling area of not less than 14" in diameter. ( ) ( ) 10.5 Tank air system shall include an over-pressure relief device set at 75 PSI, and an air regulator/moisture separator automatic drain and air filter assembly. ( ) ( ) 10.6 Bead distribution manifold shall be located at the tank's 2" outlet and then ported to three (3) 1" ID outlets. 5E-1 0 (karie () () 10.7 Two (2) 1" ID by 12' long bead hose shall be used to transfer beads from the bead tank outlet to the bead guns. ( ) ( ) 10.8 All bead hose shall be PVC material and clear for easy bead flow diagnostics. ( ) ( ) 10.10 A three-way valve shall be provided to allow the operator the choice of pressurizing the bead tank or quick relief of the tank's air pressure. Air relief outlet shall be routed to the underside of the road-marking machine with the use of adequately sized plastic tubing. 11. BEAD GUNS () ) 11.1 Two (2) bead guns shall be furnished. ( ) ( ) 11.2 Bead guns shall come complete with"no tools" quick-change nozzles in 4 sizes to allow accurate and repeatable bead flow rates from 0 to 40 pounds per minute per gun. ( ) ( ) 11.3 The bead guns shall have an oversized (spherical) hardened stainless steel ball and seat outlet. ( ) ( ) 11.4 The entire needle assembly shall be completely enclosed and not exposed to external bead and paint contamination. ( ) ( ) 11.5 The needle packing on the pressure bead guns shall be non- adjustable type and not require any packing adjustment throughout the life of the gun. ( ) ( ) 11.6 The bead gun shall have many common and interchangeable parts with the specified paint guns. ( ) ( ) 11.7 The external housing of the bead gun(s) shall be hard chromed for good wear characteristics and easy clean up. ( ) ( ) 11.8 Bead spreader shall be surface hardened to a hardness of 78 to 82 on a 15N scale and then chrome plated for extended service and for protection from the elements. ( ) ( ) 11.9 Air chamber and bead chambers within the gun shall be divorced and separate. ( ) ( ) 11.10 Each bead gun shall have the ability to uniformly apply beads in widths ranging from 2" to 12" in a single pass. 5E-11 12. GUN CARRIAGE AND OUTRIGGER ( ) ( ) 12.1 The carriage shall be a weight forward design with the carriage extending forward from the carriage centerline rather hanging rearward. Rear hanging carriages are not acceptable due to their tendency to "kick" upward upon contact with a bump. ( ) ( ) 12.2 The carriage outrigger shall allow instantaneous changes from thecenterline to edgeline side without the use of tools. Disassembly, unbolting, unscrewing tees or component removal is not acceptable. ( ) ( ) 12.3 The carriage when in the transport mode shall lock and clamp in the center of the unit and not hang to the side of the vehicle's chassis and be within the confines of the striping machine. ( ) ( ) 12.4 A proximity switch shall be located in the gun carriage storage position(transport position) to disable the paint and bead gun to prevent accidental gun actuation while in the storage position. ( ) ( ) 12.5 The outrigger shall include a gas assist piston to ease the lifting of the carriage once the carriage is elevated approximately one foot off the ground. ( ) ( ) 12.6 The outrigger shall be constructed of heavy duty 2" x 2" square tubing that shall be zinc plated for easy clean up and protection from the elements. ( ) ( ) 12.7 A single 10" highway rated outrigger carriage wheel is to be furnished. Carriages with dual tires are not acceptable. ( ) ( ) 12.8 The pivot bearing assembly as part of the outrigger wheel shall be of variable resistance type. The variable resistance bearing assembly shall allow moderate turning radii with increased bearing resistance as the wheel radii increase. ( ) ( ) 12.9 The carriage caster wheel shall allow 180-degree swiveling in either direction from the forward direction for a total 360-degree swiveling area. ( ) ( ) 12.10 The carriage shall allow backing up of the vehicle without the requirement of lifting the carriage caster from the road surface. ( ) ( ) 12.11 The distance from the truck's rear axle centerline to the centerline of the gun carriage wheel shall not exceed 48". 5E-12 ( ) ( ) 12.12 Paint and bead gun MAC Electro-mechanical solenoid actuation valves shall be no more than 6" from the paint and bead guns to assure the fastest response time. LONGER DISTANCES OR GUN MOUNTED (EXPOSED) MAC VALVES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. ( ) ( ) 12.13 All MAC Electro-mechanical valves must be protected within an all-steel enclosure. ( ) ( ) 12.14 The road marking machine shall be fitted with four MAC solenoid valves with provisions for an additional two (pre-wired and drilled valve compartment) to accept the additional MAC valves required for the third gun installation. ( ) ( ) 12.15 Both the carriage and outrigger assembly shall clamp firmly in place once the correct striping positioning has been determined. Two clamps shall hold the outrigger in position and one clamp shall firmly hold the carriage in position. Each clamp shall have a locking surface area of XX square inches. ( ) ( ) 12.16 All paint, bead, air hose, and electrical wiring that runs from the (11110Pe main unit to the gun carriage and outrigger assembly shall be fully enclosed within an accordion-like flexible thermoplastic rubber hose with external helix to organize and protect all hosing and wiring within. 13. ELECTRONIC SKIP LINE CONTROLLER ( ) ( ) 13.1 The road-marking machine shall include a Programmable Skip-line Controller. ( ) ( ) 13.2 The skip-line controller shall have a single, integral emergency system shut down switch that (from the driver's position) shuts down the skip-line controller, the engine, all airless pumps, the compressor, the hydraulic system, and all other active systems on the road marking machine. ( ) ( ) 13.3 The controller shall have a primary electrical protection by a 20 amp, 32 V, type AGC fuse. The 20-amp fuse shall also protect the 12 volt hydraulic cooling fan, all Electro-mechanical solenoid air valves, proximity sensors for the pumps, and the gun disable proximity sensor control while in the storage position. ( ) ( ) 13.4 The skip-line controller shall be further electrically protected by a 4 amp, 32 V type AGC fuse. 5E-13 (400.0, () () 13.5 The skip-line controller shall have a POWER ON/OFF SWITCH that in the ON position enables battery DC power to the skip-line controller. The OFF position shall remove power from the skip- line controller. For additional safety, when the skip-line controller is in the OFF position the road marking machine's engine shall be disabled and incapable of being started. ( ) ( ) 13.6 The skip-line controller shall have a total of(3) three, three-way PAINT GUN switches to allow the choice (SKIP-OFF-SOLID) for either of the two standard paint and bead guns and for activation of the optional third paint and bead striping gun. ( ) ( ) 13.7 The skip-line controller shall have a RESET/HOLD switch-In the HOLD position, guns 1, 2, and 3 are disabled "and" the internal cycle counter shall be reset. In the RESET position the switch shall reset the internal cycle counter without affecting the solid line striping activity. ( ) ( ) 13.8 The skip-line controller shall have an ADVANCE/RETARD switch for adjusting the skip-line position to accurately match a previously painted skip line. ADVANCE shall move the dashed line forward while RETARD shall move the line backward. The line position shall be shifted, in the desired, no more than 1.2" every time the ADVANCE/RETARD switch is toggled. ( ) ( ) 13.9 The skip-line controller shall have BEADS ON/BEADS TEST switch-in the BEADS ON position the bead guns shall be enabled with the paint guns. In the BEADS OFF position the paint guns will operate without actuation of the bead guns. In the BEADS TEST position the guns shall be momentarily actuated without paint gun actuation for flow rate purposes and for visual testing that the bead guns are working. ( ) ( ) 13.10 The skip-line controller shall have an AUTO CYCLE SET-UP mode to allow the measurement and calculation of previously painted skip-line patterns from the drivers/operators position. Calculated measurements are automatically placed in the paint and cycle length menu. ( ) ( ) 13.11 The skip-line controller shall have a SYSTEM DELAY ON/OFF feature that in the OFF position shall allow the guns to respond immediately. In the SYSTEM DELAY ON position actuation of the PAINT GUN switch and the RESET/HOLD switch shall be delayed by a preset delay distance. 5E-14 Lar 13.12 The internal menu of the skip-line controller shall include the following: 13.12.1 - The main SCREEN MENU of the internal menu shall include continuous MPH readout, the painted skip-line distance and the total skip cycle distance (paint and skip), plus a"P"to indicate the status of the skip cycle. 13.12.2 - The COUNTER MENU shall measure the actual linear footage applied by each gun. Each gun shall have its own registry column to include individual totals for guns 1, 2, and 3 to include linear footage of skip lines, linear footage of single solid lines and linear footage of double solid lines. All totaled figures shall have the ability to be reset. 13.12.3 - When the optional metering system is utilized the COUNTER MENU shall also indicate the actual gallons or liters of paint sprayed by guns 1 and 2. In addition, the controller shall automatically calculate and register the average application rate in the form of average linear feet per gallon. All figures shall have the ability to be reset. 13.12.4 - SYSTEM DELAY SET-UP MENU shall indicate whether the delay is on or off In addition, the programmable delay distance shall be indicated. 13.12.5 - A PREMARK MENU shall allow the road marking machine to apply a programmable, small, preset amount of paint and a second preset amount of paint to highlight the beginning and the end of a specified length for pre-marking for roadway tape or thermoplastic application. 13.12.6 —A SYSTEM CALIBRATION MENU shall be used to simply calibrate the system with the touch of one button. 13.12.7—A SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MENU shall offer the choice of metric or standard units of measure. 13.12.8 —A DISPLAY CONTRAST ADJUSTMENT MENU shall allow the operator to adjust the LCD display's visual contrast to the available light conditions. 13.12.9 —A SKIP CYCLE START SETUP shall allow the operator the choice of starting the cycle with paint or with a space. 13.12.10—An AUDIBLE SPEED ALARM shall be provided to allow the operator to set speed parameters to work within. A rapid beep shall sound upon exceeding a preset high speed and a slower beep will sound upon falling below a preset lower limit. Both the upper and lower limits may be reset, at any time, within a range of 2 to 15 MPH. 13.12.11 —The controller shall have provisions to delay the paint gun on and off actuation time as well as provisions for the bead on and off delay. 5E-15 13.13 The controller shall have an integral female plug jack port to allow future addition of the optional remote plug-in MPH display. ( ) ( ) 13.14 The controller shall have a secondary integral female plug jack port to allow the use of the included remote finger triggering device (with 6' cable and a male plug) to ensure accurate skip or solid line retracing regardless of the previously used skip-line controller. ( ) ( ) 13.15 The controller shall be protected from reverse polarity and noise spikes. ( ) ( ) 13.16 Operating temperature range for the controller shall be 32-130 degrees F. ( ) ( ) 13.17 Furnished with the system will be a weather resistant 30' control cable to interconnect the road marking machine and the skip line controller in the vehicle's cab. ( ) ( ) 13.18 The face of the skip-line controller shall have a matte finish decal to eliminate glare from the sun or any of the vehicle's interior lights. 14. MECHANICAL LINE GUIDE ASSEMBLY ( ) ( ) 14.1 A mechanical line guide shall be easily attached to a previously installed front hitch mount on the intended striping vehicle. () O 14.2 The line guide shall be mechanically adjustable up and down, forward and back, side to side, and be reversible for centerline or edgeline striping. ( ) ( ) 14.3 In the striping mode and in the storage position the mechanical line guide shall not extend more than two feet forward from the vehicle. ( ) ( ) 14.4 In the storage/transport mode the mechanical line guide assembly shall retract within the confines of the front of the vehicle, and safely out of view of the driver. ( ( 14.5 The mechanical pointer assembly shall firmly, positively, and rigidly lock in both the striping mode and in the storage mode and be unaffected by both vehicle vibration and road terrain. L 5E-16 () () 14.6 The transport locking devices shall be integral to the mechanical pointer and the use of leather straps, rubber shock or bungee style cords or any other banding equipment used to store the pointer for transport is not acceptable. ( ) ( ) 14.7 The entire mechanical line guide assembly shall be zinc plated for rust resistance and uniform appearance. A painted mechanical line guide assembly is not acceptable. 15. FITTING AND HOSE ( ) ( ) 15.1 All paint hose, both on the suction and high-pressure side shall have nylon or Teflon core. ( ) ( ) 15.2 All paint hose end fittings and connectors (suction and high pressure) shall have 300 grade stainless steel wetted parts. ( ) ( ) 15.3 All paint hose connections shaii be NPSM type, having initial tapered sealing surface with a secondary sealing surface being the actual threads. ( ) ( ) 15.4 The high-pressure 3/8" airless hose shall be rated for 3,000 PSI, be statically grounded and feature a urethane cover. In addition, spring guards are to be placed at both ends of all airless hose to minimize kinking. ( ) ( ) 15.5 All lengths of the airless paint hose shall be color coded at both ends for quick identification. ( ) ( ) 15.6 Bead hose shall be 1" ID, clear in color, color coded, and of PVC material. ( ) ( ) 15.7 All air supply lines and fittings shall be reusable push lock type. Air lines shall have adequately sized ID's and lengths for their intended function. ( ) ( ) 15.8 All air supply lines shall be constructed of reinforced nylon with a minimum temperature rating of 200 degrees F or higher. ( ) ( ) 15.9 All air, paint, and bead hose leading out to the carriage outrigger shall be neatly contained and protected within a heavy duty polyethylene hose cover that extends to within one (1) foot of the actual spray guns. L 5E-17 (tiir 16. STAINLESS STEEL WETTED CONSTRUCTION ( ) ( ) 16.1 It is the intentions of these specifications to describe a road- marking machine that has 100% 300 grade (303,304,316) stainless steel wetted metallurgy. By wetted metallurgy we are referring to any metal part that is exposed or comes in contact with the traffic paint. No wetted parts are to be constructed of nor contain steel, carbon, galvanized steel, 400, 410, 416 grade stainless steel, cast iron, ductile iron, brass, bronze, copper, aluminum or zinc plating. NO EXCEPTIONS ARE ALLOWED. These metals are not compatible with waterborne traffic paint. ( ) ( ) 16.2 The use of any plastic fittings, plumbing, or components in the paint system is not acceptable. 17. PROFESSIONAL QUALITY PARTS AND SERVICE MANUAL ( ) ( ) 17.1 The intent of this section of the specifications is to establish that the buyer will be able to simply and quickly identify all major components and all related parts, to ease in the section of spare parts as required, without unnecessary reliance on the manufacturer of the road marking machine. caw ( ) ( ) 17.2 The intent is to allow the buyer to keep his equipment properly maintained and well serviced without unnecessary downtime resulting from a lack of professional manuals. ( ) ( ) 17.3 The Parts and Service Manual shall include detailed CAD drawings including cutaways and exploded views of the entire road marking machine plus all the major components. THE MANUALS SHALL BE EASY TO USE, ALL PARTS SHALL BE EASILY RECOGNIZED, CLEARLY IDENTIFIED, AND ALL PARTS ASSIGNED A PART NUMBER. NO EXCEPTIONS ALLOWED. ( ) ( ) 17.4 An additional complete parts and service manual shall be included with the delivered unit. L 5E-18 18. TECHNICAL SUPPORT ( ) ( ) 18.1 The manufacturer shall have a dedicated and fully staffed technical service group available through an 800 number and be fully staffed. ( ( 18.2 A full inventory of road marking machine parts and service capability shall also be available through the assigned regional service center and sales outlet. 19. WARRANTY ( ) ( ) 19.1 Company warrants all equipment manufactured by it and bearing its name to be free from defects in material and workmanship on the date of sale by an authorized company distributor to the original purchaser for use. A purchaser's sole remedy for breach of this warranty, company will, for a period of twelve months from the date of sale, repair or replace any part of the equipment proven defective. This warranty applies only when the equipment is installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the company's written recommendations. 20. DELIVERY ( ) ( ) 20.1 Delivery of the road-striping unit shall be made within 30 business days after receipt of the hard copy purchase order. 21. OPERATOR CONVENIENCES AND SAFETY ( ) ( ) 21.1 The road-marking machine shall have two integral STOP, PARKING, and DIRECTIONAL lights that meet DOT standards. ( ) ( ) 21.2 All direct connection power transmission locations and all belted areas (engine to hydraulic oil supply pump and engine to compressor) shall have OSHA approved belt guards and be fully enclosed on all sides and top and bottom. NO EXCEPTIONS. ( ) ( ) 21.3 The decibel level as measured from the driver's seat with windows closed shall not exceed 56 decibels. Measurement shall be made with the road marking machine's engine running full throttle, compressor fully operational and unloading, and while applying beaded double yellow lines. L 5E-19 21.4 Any pressurized component of the road-marking machine (paint, ) ) hydraulics, and air) shall have a minimum burst rating of 4 times the maximum pressure rating of the component. L L 5E-20 City of Southlake, Texas r--------- MEMORANDUM May 21, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Authorization to advertise for bids to remove the three underground fuel storage tanks at City Hall Action Requested: Authorize staff to advertise for bids to remove the three underground storage tanks at City Hall. Background Information: The removal of the three underground fuel storage tanks was planned for two reasons: 1) current Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) regulations require all underground fuel tank operators to add leak detection systems to existing tanks or abandon them and 2) the City's desire to convert the Public Works Center to the fuel center for the City of Southlake. Options other than removal were considered, but based upon TNRCC experience, the removal of the tanks is the most cost-effective measure. Financial Considerations: Unless a high percentage of soil contaminants are found, this project is estimated to cost the City $30,000. The cost of the project will be paid with CIP funds. Citizen Input/ Board Review: None. Legal Review: None. Alternatives: Alternative 1. Use the tanks for re-fueling of vehicles. Drawback: TNRCC requires all underground storage tanks have leak detection systems. L 5F-1 Billy Campbell May 21, 1999 Page Two Alternative 2. Leave the tanks in the ground and fill them with a substance approved by the TNRCC. Drawbacks: a) Resale value of the property declines; b) Records of closure must be maintained forever and passed on to every owner of the property (with removal requirements diminish to 5 years); and c) any cost savings that occurs by not removing the tanks will likely be spent on the increased difficulty of obtaining the required samples from the dirt surrounding the tanks. Alternative 3. Use the tanks to store another liquid. Drawback: The amount of money required to clean the tanks from all contaminates may equal the amount of money required to remove them (as explained by TNRCC). Supporting Documents: Bid Proposal TNRCC Technical Guidance: "How to Remove Your Underground Storage Tank from the Ground" Lie Staff Recommendation: As recommended by TNRCC, staff requests permission to advertise for bids to remove the three underground storage tanks at City Hall. VB/vb Approved for Submittal to City Council: City Manager's Office L 5F-2 PROPOSAL TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council BID DATE: June 24, 1999 City of Southlake FOR: Preparation, removal, and disposal, of the three underground fuel storage tanks. This includes release determination, release reporting, removal documentation, and all other requirements of TNRCC related to the removal of the tanks. A pre-bid conference will be conducted on June 15, 1999 at 2 p.m. on site at 667 N. Carroll Ave. in Southlake. SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of work includes: • the cutting and removal of concrete pavement from above the tank site; • the removal of three underground fuel storage tanks (two are 8,000 gallon steel gasoline tank and one is a 6,000 gallon diesel fuel tank); • the removal of the dispensers; • the removal of assorted piping from the tanks to the dispensers; and • the replacement of the concrete. CONDITIONS: The procedures used to perform the above tasks shall conform with accepted industry practices; and in accordance with a code or standard of practice developed by a national recognized association or independent testing laboratory; and in compliance with any applicable federal, state, and local government regulations; are in compliance with Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) rules (Title 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 334, Subchapters A, C, D, and I) and minimize the possibility of any threat to human health and safety or the environment. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. The required city permits shall apply and be issued to the contractor at no charge. 2. Upon removal of the tanks, they shall be removed from the site the same day to minimize the disruption of normal city functions. 3. Any contaminated soil required to be removed and stored shall be hauled to 1950 E. Continental Blvd. until the contractor can dispose of it. 4. The excavated area shall be back filled with a free flowing select backfill in one-foot lifts compacted to 95% density to within eighteen inches of the surrounding pavement. The remaining 18 inches shall be filled with a good flex base material. 5. The contractor shall use preventative measures (such as shoring or sheeting) to maintain the integrity of the trench so as not to disrupt the existing buildings. L 6. The contractor shall perform all requirements listed in "How to Remove Your Underground Storage Tank from the Ground" by the TNRCC. 5F-3 • PROPOSAL (Continued) Pursuant to the foregoing "Notice for Bidders," the undersigned bidder having thoroughly examined the contract documents, including plans, specifications, the site of the project and understanding the amount of work to be done and the prevailing conditions, hereby proposes to do all the work, furnish all labor, equipment, and material, which is necessary to fully complete all of the work as provided in the plans and contract documents and subject to inspection and approval by the City of Southlake, Texas, and binds himself upon acceptance of this Proposal to execute a contract and furnish an approved Performance Bond, Payment Bond and such other bonds, if any, as may be required by the contract documents for the performing and completing of said work. Contractor proposes to do the work within the time stated and for the following sum: PROPOSAL SCHEDULE BASE BID: 1. All work required by the plans and specifications, including labor and materials for removal of the three underground fuel storage tanks all work not specifically identified as (1410., an alternate. TOTAL BASE BID: ALTERNATE NO. ONE: The replacement of the concrete pavement, which will match in thickness the existing pavement. The concrete will be 3600 psi at 28 days using the North Texas Council of Governments (NTCOG) specifications. ALT. NO. ONE TOTAL: $ TOTAL $ L 5F-4 (kw PROPOSAL (Continued) Within ten (10) days after acceptance of this Proposal, the undersigned will execute the formal contract and will deliver an approved Surety Bond and such other bonds as required by the Contract Documents, for the faithful performance of the Contract. The attached bid security in the amount of 5% is to become the property of the Owner in the event the contract and bond or bonds are not executed and delivered within the time above set forth, as liquidated damages for the delay and additional work caused thereby. The undersigned assures that its employees and applicants for employment and those of any labor organization, subcontractors, or employment agency in either furnishing or referring employee applicants to the undersigned are not discriminated against. The bidder agrees to begin construction within 10 calendar days after the issuance of the Notice to Proceed with Construction (Work Order), and to complete the contract within consecutive calendar days after receipt of said notice. Receipt is acknowledged of the following addenda: Addendum No. 1 (SEAL) If bidder Corporation L.., Addendum No. 2 Addendum No. 3 Respectfully submitted By Title Address L 5F-5 TNRCC TECHNICAL GUIDANCE OMWM1PRODUCT / PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS SUBJECT: How to Remove Your Underground Storage Tank From the Ground Any owner or operator who intends to permanently form which must be sent to the TNRCC's remove an underground storage tank (UST) system central office in Austin or to the appropriate from service by having the tank(s) removed from the TNRCC Regional Office in accordance with ground shall ensure that the procedures used: conform 30 TAC §334.6 (relating to Construction with accepted industry practices; are in accordance Notification). with a code or standard of practice developed by a nationally recognized association or independent test- B. The removal of underground storage tank ing laboratory; are in compliance with any applicable systems can only be performed by qualified federal,state and local governmental regulations;are in personnel who hold an appropriate license compliance with Texas Natural Resource Conservation or certificate from the TNRCC. The owner, Commission(TNRCC)rules(Title 30 Texas Adminis- operator or designated agent must therefore 1 i trative Code[TAC],Chapter 334,Subchapters A,C,D, retain the services of a UST contractor, and I) and minimize the possibility of any threat to registered with the TNRCC. This contrac- human health and safety or the environment. tor is required to utilize a UST on-site super- visor who holds a valid TNRCC Class This document addresses only the removal of a UST "B"license (see also Sections I-E II-A and system, which is one of three methods which can be III-A of this document). (30 TAC,Chapter used to permanently remove a tank from service.(Aban- 334, Subchapters C and I) donment-in-Place or Permanent Change in Service can also be utilized.) C. The owner, operator or designated agent 1. should also notify local government (city , The following guideline is provided to help describe and/or county) and the local and/or state 1 the major activities involved in a "routine" UST re- Fire Marshal of the intent to remove a UST moval. This document is only intended as a guideline system. Any necessary permits, if appli- ! and the user is reminded that thorough knowledge cable, should be obtained. of and compliance with all applicable federal,state, and local governmental regulations as well as appli- cable and accepted industry codes, practices,stan- of the TNRCC,the owner,operator,or des- dards and procedures is required. ignated agent must also contact the appro- 11 priate TNRCC Regional Office 24 to 72 hours in advance of initiating construction 11 11 I. NOTIFICATION and activities. (30 TAC §334.6) ADVANCE PREPARATION E. The following steps are suggested prior to A. The owner, operator, or designated agent initiating removal.(Note that these steps do shall first provide written notification,which not require notification, do not require the :11 must be received by the TNRCC at least 30 use of a registered UST contractor, and do ! days in advance of any pending tank re- not require the presence of a licensed UST moval activity, using a TNRCC authorized on-site supervisor). I Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission • P.O. Box 13087 • Austin, Texas • 78711-3087 printed on recycled paper using soy-based ink (Rev)November 1995 RG-16 5F-6 1. Locate all underground and above- eduction ventilation requires leaving the tank ground utilities. fill tube in place; diffused air ventilation requires removing the tank fill tube;and the 2. Remove pavement over USTs(concrete, treatment or disposal of contaminated water (17 asphalt, etc.). used for purging may be cost prohibitive.) (API-1604 and 30TAC §334.55) 3. Relocate affected objects and structures (if applicable). D. Frequently check the vapor concentration in the tank using a combustible gas indicator II. TANK PREPARATION (CGI)to determine the lower explosive limit of the tank. Take readings at the bottom, A. Empty all product piping and ancillary equip- middle, and upper portions of the tank for ment(into the tank,if possible),disconnect each check. If the CGI probe is inserted it, then properly cap, plug or remove it in through the fill opening,make sure the drop accordance with accepted industry proce- tube is removed. Clear the CGI after each dures. (Leave vent lines in place.) (Note reading. Make sure the CGI is properly that the removal of product piping requires calibrated before use. CGI readings may be the presence of a licensed UST on-site su- in error in low oxygen atmospheres. Check pervisor who holds a valid TNRCC Class oxygen levels with an oxygen meter when in "B" license.) (API-1604; 30TAC §334.55, doubt. Please note that flammable vapors §334.412, and §334.414) may flow into the surrounding tank pit areas. This possibility can be reduced by capping B. Remove all regulated substances and clean all openings except the vent line while purg- out all accumulated sludges or residues from ing. Observe all normal safety precautions the tank in accordance with accepted indus- try procedures. (Note that sludges,residues, and 30TAC §334.55) and wash water may be classified as hazard- ous wastes). (API-1604 and 30TAC regarding flammable vapors. (API-1604, E. Once the tank has been completely purged §334.55) of all flammable vapors,all holes and open- ings shall be properly plugged or capped, C. Purge the tank of all flammable vapors in except for one 1/8-inch diameter vent hole accordance with accepted industry proce positioned at the top of the tank. (API 1604 dures by the use of inert gas(such as carbon and 30TAC §334.55) dioxide or nitrogen)displacement,by venti- lation using an air eductor type mover or a diffused air blower,or by filling with water III. TANK REMOVAL to displace vapor and dissolved residues. The lower explosive limit (LEL) must be A. A UST on-site supervisor, holding a valid less than twenty percent(<20%)prior to the Class B"license from the TNRCC,must be removal of the tanks from the ground and present during the entire time that removal must be maintained at or below this level activities are in process;beginning with the initial excavation of backfill material(after from this point until the tank reaches a final removal of any pavement cover) and con disposal site. (Note: Inert gases must be tinuing through the time the tank is physi- introduced at low pressures and ventilators cally removed from the site. (30TAC must be properly grounded and/or bonded §334.55, §334.412, and §334.414) to prevent the generation and discharge of static electricity; inert gas displacement B. Remove soil overburden/backfill from the eliminates oxygen from the tank and breath- top, sides and ends of the tank. (API-1604) ing apparatus is necessary for entry; air LT 5F-7 C. Physically remove the tank from the ground IV. TANK TRANSPORTATION and place on a level surface. Chock the tank with wooden blocks of appropriate size to The methods and procedures used for the handling prevent movement. After removal, a tank and transporting of any removed underground shall be transported from the site within 24 storage tanks (and parts of such tanks) shall be hours of the removal, unless prior approval protective of human health and safety and the of a longer on-site storage period is obtained environment, and shall be in accordance with all from the appropriate TNRCC District Of- applicable federal, state and local regulations. fice. (API-1604 and 30TAC §334.55) Prior to transporting any removed tank from a D. On-site storage of tanks for 24 hours or less UST facility,the following minimum preparation must be in a designated area which is an procedures shall be followed: adequate distance from known ignition sources and is clearly identified with appro- A. Ensure,in accordance with commonly used priate barriers and warning signs to restrict and accepted industry practices, that all re- access by unauthorized persons. (30TAC maining regulated substances have been re- §334.55) moved, and that visible residues or sedi- ments have been cleaned from the tank as E. On-site storage of removed tanks for more completely as possible. (30TAC §334.55) than 24 hours and off-site storage for any period of time is only allowed in locked, B. Ensure that residual vapor concentrations in securely fenced,or similarly restricted areas the tank remain at non-explosive and non- where unauthorized persons will not have ignitable levels. These concentrations must access. then be frequently checked and maintained at non-explosive and non-ignitible levels F. No later than 24 hours after removal, all during the entire period of transportation. removed tanks(regardless of condition)shall (30TAC §334.55) be legibly and permanently labeled (in let- ters at least 2-inches high)with the name of C. Ensure that all holes/openings in the tank are the former contents,a flammability warning plugged or capped except for one 1/8-inch (if applicable),and a warning that the tank is vent hole positioned at the top of the tank unsuitable for the storage of drinking water during transportation. (30TAC §334.55) or the storage of human or animal food products. (30TAC §334.55, API-1604 and API-2015A) V. TANK STORAGE AND DISPOSAL G. Residual vapor levels in any removed tank A. Removed tanks(and any parts of such tanks) must be maintained at non-explosive and which have been emptied, thoroughly non-ignitible levels at all times. (30TAC cleaned of all remaining substances and any §334.55) remaining residues, and permanently purged of vapors may be appropriately dis- H. Regardless of where the tank is stored, not posed by scrapping,junking, or reusing for later than ten days after the tank has been purposes unrelated to the underground stor- removed from the ground, any residual liq- age of regulated substances. (30TAC uids or vapors shall be permanently re- §334.55) moved to render the tank non-ignitable and non-explosive. (30TAC §334.55) B. Regardless of where the tank is stored, not later than ten days after the tank has been removed from the ground,any residual liquids 114171 5F-8 or vapors shall be permanently removed to and surrounding soils, where such (171 render the tank non-ignitable and non-ex- samples shall be analyzed for major con plosive. (30TAC §334.55) stituents and/or indicator parameters of the stored regulated substance(s). C. Off-site storage of removed tanks for any period of time is only allowed in locked, 2. Collection and analysis of groundwater securely fenced,or similarly restricted areas samples secured from the UST system where unauthorized persons will not have excavation zone and surrounding area, access. (30TAC §334.55) where such samples shall be analyzed for all major constituents or indicator parameters of the stored regulated VI. RELEASE DETERMINATION substance(s). As part of the required procedures for the perma- nent removal of any underground storage tank For additional information regarding sample system from service,the owner or operator shall collection techniques and preferred analyti- determine whether or not any prior release of a cal methods, refer to the pamphlet entitled stored regulated substance has occurred from the Soil And Groundwater Sampling And Analy system. This determination must be capable of sis(formerly pamphlet PST 91-06). measuring for the presence of a release from any part of the UST system and, at minimum, must include measurements tor releases at locations VII. RELEASE REPORTING where contamination is most likely to be present. It must be performed after submittal of construc- If sample analyses indicate that a release of a tion notification and before the completion of the regulated substance has occurred, the TNRCC permanent removal from service. One or more of the following methods may be used for con- must be contacted within 24 hours of the discov- ery of the release,even if no further action will be ducting the release determination: (30TAC required. 334.55) A. The continual operation (through the time VIII. EXCAVATION that the stored regulated substances are re- moved from the UST system)of one or more For any overexcavation activities to be reimburs- of the external release monitoring and detec- able, written approval is required from the tion methods specified in 30TAC TNRCC. Normally this approval will be issued §334.50(d)(4) through(d)(8). only after a site assessment and a remedial action plan have been completed. However,under cer- B. The performance of a comprehensive site tain circumstances,particularly emergency situ- assessment,conducted by qualified person- ations, additional excavation may be allowed at nel possessing the appropriate skills,experi- the time of tank removal. For further details, ence, and competence to perform the contact the site remediation coordinator. assessment in accordance with recognized industry practices and TNRCC rule require- ments. One or both of the following IX. BACKFILLING methods may be used for conducting the site assessment: (30TAC §334.55) After removal of the tank system, the exca- vated areas should be backfilled to grade as 1. The collection and analysis of soil soon as possible for safety considerations. In samples secured from unsaturated sec- situations when contaminated material is used tions of the UST system excavation zone for backfilling excavations in which a new 5F-9 If II tank installation will not occur, this material sample location designations,sample depths, should be placed in the bottom of the pit and and the analytical results for each sample. (17 subsequently covered with clean materials to Lab reports and chain of custody documen- the original grade. When contaminated back- tation should also be submitted. fill can not be utilized in the excavation, it must be treated and/or disposed. For informa- C. A written description of the removal, trans- tion on the reuse of treated soils, refer to 30 portation and disposition of the tank(s), all TAC §334.501. substances removed from the tank, all con- taminated soils and water,and all other asso- ciated wastes. This accounting should in- X. RESURFACING clude copies of all required waste mani- fests.* After all excavated areas have been backfilled to their original grade, the excavated areas should D. A copy of the original Construction Notifi- be resurfaced with the same paving material cation Form which was filed for the removal which existed prior to tank removal activities. activity. E. The TNRCC Central Office tracking num- XI. WASTE HANDLING,DISPOSAL, ber for the removal activity. If unknown, OR TREATMENT then provide a copy of the TNRCC letter which acknowledged receipt of the original The handling,transportation,storage,treatment, Construction Notification form. and disposal of any regulated substances re- moved from an underground storage tank sys- F. A copy of an amended TNRCC UST Regis- tem, and any contaminated soils,backfill mate- tration form, signed by the owner or his rial, groundwater, or other wastes generated representative, showing the date the tank(s) during site activities shall be conducted in a safe was/were removed from the ground. and environmentally sound manner,and shall be in accordance with all applicable federal, state, G. A site drawing(to scale) which portrays the and local regulations. following: 1. the locations and types of USTs for- merly in place; XII. TANK REMOVAL DOCUMENTATION Tank removal documentation that includes all 2. the locations of the former product lines pertinent details of the UST system excavation and dispensers; and removal processes must be submitted to the TNRCC. Tank removal documentation does 3. the locations (with designation num- bers)not have to conform to any specific report of all samples collected during the format. Tank removal documentation should UST removal process; include: 4. the final limits of excavation; A. A written description of the conditions of the tanks and/or lines at the time of their re- 5. a North arrow; and moval.* 6. a bar scale. B. A cumulative table of laboratory analysis * The inclusion of photographs can be helpful when describing tank results for all soil and water samples col- and/or line conditions or the removal process. If photos are provided, lected, including verification samples. The they should be glued or taped to a letter-sized sheet of paper with table should include the sampling date, a description of the view typed or printed beneath each photo. 5F-10 1, XIII. OWNER RECORDS substance previously stored;the method of con- ditioning the tank for removal; the methods of The owner must keepa record of the removal in handling,transporting, and dis disposing of gstoring P g a secure location either on the premises of the the tank; the names, addresses and telephone 11 facility or at an alternate site. If the record is kept numbers of the persons conducting the activities at an alternate site, the owner or operator must and any information regarding any known re- notify the TNRCC,in writing,within 30 days of leases from the tank. This record must be main- the removal,as to the specific location of the site tained for as long as any UST remains in service and the name,address and telephone number of at the facility or for 5 years after the only(or last) the authorized custodian. Regardless of where it UST is permanently removed from service. is kept,the record must be readily accessible for (30TAC §334.10 and §334.55) reference and use by the UST system operator and readily available for inspection by TNRCC Please contact the PSTD Technical Services Section at personnel. This record must contain: the prior 512/908-2182 if you have any questions. location of the tank; the date of removal; the NNE rag TNRCC Office of Waste Management Petroleum Storage Tank Division P.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711-3087 The TNRCC is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.The agency does not allow discrimination on the basis of race,color,religion,national origin,sex.disability, age,sexual orientation or veteran status.In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,this document may be requested in alternate formats by contacting the TNRCC at(512)239-0010,Fax 239-0055 or 1-800-RELAY-TX(TDD),or by writing P.O.Box 13087,Austin,TX 78711-3087. 5F-11 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 26, 1999 (kbige TO : Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Revisions to Park Use Policy regarding Rustin Park pavilion and other miscellaneous items Action Requested: City Council approval of revisions to the Park Use Policy regarding Rustin Park pavilion and other miscellaneous items. Background Information: The Park Use Policy serves as a guideline for the management of public park and recreational facilities. The Park Use Policy has an effective date of August 4, 1997, and there have been no revisions since that time. The first phase of Southlake Town Square opened on March 20, 1999. This included the opening of two public parks: Rustin Park and Family Park. Rustin Park includes one (1) bandshell pavilion. The intent of the Rustin Park pavilion is to be a unique community facility, available for cultural and community activities held by individuals, community groups, and not-for- profit users. Availability is conditional upon the facility not being reserved for a City function. The current policies do not presently include provisions for the scheduling and use of the Rustin Park pavilion. The proposed changes define the unique nature of the facility and preserve its use for cultural and community activities, while also restricting other uses that could result in continual bookings and thereby prevent opportunities to host events that are more community-oriented. Other revisions are recommended in an effort to update and strengthen the policy. These revisions reflect the organizational changes (i.e. Department of Community Services) and address issues such as the overnight use of Bicentennial Park and Bob Jones Park, and further define individual and/or group responsibilities in reserving city park facilities. Financial Considerations: At this time, rental fees for the Rustin Park Bandshell Pavilion will remain consistent with the existing fee schedule. L, C3E- ' • Billy Campbell, City Manager May 26, 1999 Page Two (110.' Citizen Input/ Board Review: The Parks and Recreation Board unanimously approved the revisions at its May 10, 1999 meeting. The City Council considered this item at its May 18 meeting and requested two changes be made to the policy: (1) non-resident reservations be limited to within thirty days of reservation date; and (2) allow the City Manager to approve variances without the Park Board's recommendation if timing does not allow Board review and recommendation. These changes have been made and are identified by the revision bars in the margins. Changes were also made to the wording in paragraph V(B) to regarding the review and approval of requests. Legal Review: Not Applicable. Alternatives: Revisions to the Park Use Policy as desired. (lawSupporting Documents: Strikethrough version of Park Use Policy with proposed revisions (in bold italic). Staff Recommendation: Approval of revisions to Park Use Policy regarding Rustin Park Pavilion and other miscellaneous items. KH Approved for Submittal to City Council: • City Manager's ice L Department of Community Services Policies and Procedures Manual Policy: Park Use Policy Source: City Council Category: Reservations Effective Date: a„guct 1 oo7 Revised Date: June 1, 1999 I. Statement of Purpose. The City of Southlake has several park facilities that offer recreational opportunities for all citizens of Southlake. The Park Use Policy is a guideline for the management of these public facilities. For information and reservations for any park facilities, call 817-481-5581 ext. 756; or write to the City of Southlake, Parks and Recreation, 400 North White Chapel, Southlake, Texas 76092. A. Definitions - For the purpose of this Park Use Policy the following terms are defined as: 1. Residents: Citizens who live within the city limits of Southlake or pay property tax to the City of Southlake or Carroll Independent School District. 2. Regular Meetings: Meetings held on weekdays, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. on Monday to 4:30 p.m. on Friday. Regular meetings are held on a biweekly, monthly, or bimonthly basis, held at least six (6) times per year and no more than two (2) times per month. B. Facilities and Fees - The City of Southlake shall have the authority to bring in priority functions which may necessitate the removal of activities previously scheduled. The primary use of these facilities is to benefit the public at large and any activities scheduled by the City for the benefit of the public should be given priority over private individuals or groups using these facilities. The Parke and Resr-e tine Department Department of Community Services prepares weekly schedules of authorized building reservations and forwards that schedule to dispatch. Keys will only be given out for scheduled meetings or activities. The park facilities are not available to for-profit or for commercial uses. The community facilities are available for public uses, community benefits and not-for-profit uses, unless otherwise restricted. Non-residents may use the facilities on an as available basis. (Iwo- II SLKSV00011SHARED IParkRec IREFERENCIMANUAL IPOLICIESIPkuse-reel.doc LII. The Lodge and Community Center. A. Regular Meetings - The Lodge and individual rooms in the Community Center may be reserved for regular meetings by residents. The-Par•ls-aad The Department of Community Services will be responsible for handling all reservations and scheduling. An annual fee, as specified in the City's fee schedule, is to be paid prior to the first usage of the facility. A list of regular meeting dates must be submitted with the annual fee. A security deposit, as specified in the City's fee schedule, is required at the time of completing the reservation application and may be left on file for the duration of the regularly scheduled meeting dates. The security deposit will be refunded if the facility has been left clean and in order and all keys issued are returned to the Parks and Recreation Department Department of Community Services or Police Dispatch at City Hall within one (1) hour of the conclusion of the facility's use. The parks and Uecre tion Departme t Department of Community Services must be notified within 48 hours of a cancellation of a regular meeting. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of the security deposit. No group or individual may reserve the Lodge or Community Center for Lir regular meetings from 4:30 p.m. on Friday to midnight Sunday. B. Reservations for Special Activities - may be made by residents and non- residents for special activities, holiday parties, family reunions, birthday parties, etc. on a first-come basis. Teen parties are allowed only in the Lodge. The hours from 6:00 a.m. to midnight, seven(7) days a week, may be reserved on a first-come basis, and reservations cannot be made more than one (1) year in advance. Non-residents may only make reservations within thirty (30) days of the requested date. No group or individual may use the facility for more than three (3) consecutive weekends, not to exceed twelve (12) weekends in a fiscal year. A reservation fee and security deposit, as specified in the City's fee schedule, are to be paid at the time the reservation is made for the facility. The security deposit will be refunded if the facility has been left clean and in order and all keys issued are returned to the Department of Community Services or the Police Dispatch at City Hall within one (1) • hour of the conclusion of the facility's use. The Depagment Department of Community Services must be notified within 48 hours of a cancellation of a reservation. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of the security deposit. L II SLKSV0001ISHAREDIParkRecIREFERENCIMANUALIPOLICIESIPkuse-revl.doc Variances to these requirements may be granted, upon request, at the discretion of the City Manager. If timing allows,Xthe Southlake Parks and I Recreation Board will make recommendations regarding variances to the City Manager. A variance shall not be granted by the City Manager unless a written request ice is submitted which demonstrates: 1. Special circumstances exist which are peculiar to the applicant's ability to secure meeting space, and 2. That use of the facility by other groups will not be adversely affected by granting the variance. C. Equipment—A TVNCR and other equipment may be available, as specified in the City's fee schedule. The request for the use of equipment must be submitted with the facility use request. D. Scheduling and Access—The buildings shall be locked when not in use. The keys will be available and can be obtained from the Parks and Recreation Department Department of Community Services or Police Dispatch in City Hall. Access to the buildings is limited to the scheduled group when meetings are in session. Access to buildings is controlled by Parks and Recreation Departraeht the Department of Community Services. Multiple activities and/or groups may be scheduled at the same time. No group may schedule the buildings*for a use that precludes the use of the other available meeting rooms. with all City property in its original location and to pay replacement or repair of any damage to the facie or e ' Payment of the security deposit does not release the user of the facility from responsibility for damages. Any user found in violation will not only forfeit the security deposit,but may be denied further use of the facility. Users found in violation may also be subject to applicable civil and criminal penalties. III. Ballfields and Practice Fields. Ballfields, soccer fields and practice fields are available to the citizens of Southlake. Groups outside the City will be given consideration on an as available basis, but reservations may not be made more than thirty (30) days in advance. The Southlake Baseball Association, Southlake Girls Softball Association, Grapevine Southlake Soccer Association and any activity sanctioned/sponsored by the City of Southlake shall be in accordance with the annual Facility Utilization Agreement. Reservation procedures are available from the Parks & Recreation Department Department of • Community Services. L IISLKSV00011 SHAREDIParkRecIREFERENCIMANUAL IPOLICIESIPkuse-reel.doc �C�-5 IV. Concession Stands. The City of Southlake may have concession contract(s) granting particular vendors exclusivity. All concession vendors must obtain a health permit. Residents and non-residents may request use of a concession stand. Requests must be in writing. Requests will be reviewed by staff and the Parks and Recreation Board with the City Manager granting final approval. At least one adult must be present in the concession stand while it is open. V. Pavilion, Tennis Courts and Sand Volleyball Courts. A. General- Facility reservations have priority. If there is no reservation, use of the pavilion, tennis courts, and sand volleyball courts will be on a first-come basis. Non-residents may only make reservations within thirty (30) days of the requested date. Facilities and equipment may be rented in accordance with the City's fee schedule. B. Pavilion at Town Square-Rustin Park -The Pavilion at Town Square-Rustin Park may be reserved for cultural and community activities by individuals, community groups, and not-for-profit users on a first-come basis when it is not scheduled for a City function. Non-residents may only make reservations within thirty (30) days of the requested date. Due to its uniqueness as a major community facility, reservations for the Pavilion at Town Square-Rustin Park are subject to the review and approval by the Department of Community Services and/or the Parks and in accordance with this policy. Each reservation request will be evaluated based on the requirement that it be tied to a cultural and/or community based activity. Reservations are subject to last minute revision to ensure the availability of the pavilion for public functions. This shall include the right to terminate a reservation during the activity if conditions so warrant. I. Variances- Variances to these requirements may be granted, upon request, at the discretion of the City Manager. If timing allows, Xthe Parks and Recreation Board will make recommendations regarding variances to the City Manager. A variance shall not be granted unless a written request is submitted which demonstrates: a) Special circumstances exist which are peculiar to the applicant's event but is consistent with the standard of the use at the pavilion, and b) That use of the pavilion and surrounding park areas by other groups will not be adversely affected by granting the variance. L II SLKSV00011SHAREDIParkRec IREFERENCIMANUAL IPOLICIESIPkuse-revI.doc • Any user found in violation of the City of Southlake Park Use Policy and/or coe Building Reservation Procedures will not only forfeit the security deposit, but may be denied further use of the pavilion. Users found in violation may also be subject to applicable civil and criminal penalties. VI. Other Facilities, Playgrounds, Trails and Individual Picnic Tables. Use of all other park facilities are available on a first-come basis only during park operating hours at no charge. VII. Overnight Park Use. A. Bicentennial Park and Bob Jones Park—Bicentennial Park and Bob Jones Park may be reserved on an overnight basis subject to approval by the City Council. In deliberating the merits of the use, the Council shall consider the factors outlined in Zoning Ordinance #480, Sec. 45.5. Council shall specifically consider the length of time for the use, any fees or deposits to be charged and security to be provided. No other parks may be reserved on an overnight basis. VIII. Insurance Requirements for Specific Activities. Any organization or association that desires to utilize the athletic fields belonging to the City of Southlake for the purpose of establishing an organized program of athletic competition, such as soccer leagues, softball leagues, little leagues, or other comparable activities on a continuing basis for structured athletic competition shall be required to provide proof of insurance. Such organizations shall have a general liability policy, naming the City as additional insured for an amount of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000). This policy is specifically designed to cover the cost of defense and of liability for injuries suffered by competitors in the organized athletic activity. Organizations subject to this provision shall be required to submit to the Park& Department of Community Services proof of insurance in a form acceptable to the City Manager prior to commencing use of City athletic fields. The requirements set out above are designed and intended to be applicable only to formal organizations and leagues who sponsor and control organized continuing athletic activities on a seasonal basis. The insurance requirement is not applicable to individual citizens or groups of citizens who desire to use athletic fields on a one-time basis. The purpose of this regulation is to protect the City against any costs which might arise from an organized program of league activities with its increased risk of competitor injury due to volume of activity. L I SLKSV00011SHAREDIParkRec IREFERENCIMANUAL IPOLICIESIPkuse-revl.doc These formal organizations and leagues must enter into a Facilities Utilization Agreement with the City of Southlake to formalize the details and liability requirements. IX. Individual and/or Group Responsibilities. The responsibility of setting up tables and chairs (if applicable) shall remain with the individuals or organizations making the reservation. If applicable, tables, chairs, and any provided equipment must be returned to the original arrangement when the reservation is complete. Individuals and organizations must remove all trash, equipment and decorations at the end of the reservation time. Facilities must be left in good, clean condition when the activity is complete. Individuals and/or organizations making the reservation shall be responsible for turning off all lights and securing the facility. Individuals or groups making reservations are responsible for any damage to the facility, and may be subject to applicable civil and criminal penalties. X. Compliance with applicable procedures, policies, and pertinent ordiances. Users must comply with procedures, policies, restrictions, and all pertinent ordinances of the City of Southlake. Any questions arising about items not specifically addressed in this policy should be referred to City staff, the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board, or the Southlake City Council as appropriate. L IISLKSV00011SHAREDIParkRecIREFERENCIMANUALIPOLICIESIPkuse-revl.doc City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT May 28, 1999 CASE NO: ZA 99-017 PROJECT: Preliminary Plat-Versailles,Phase III STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner,481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat for Versailles,Phase III,on property legally described as being Lots 1 and 2,Block 1, E. A. Smith Subdivision,an addition to the City of Southlake,Tarrant County,Texas,according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-154,Page 91,Plat Records,Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 27.36 acres. PURPOSE: Subdivide property for residential development. LOCATION: On the east side of South Carroll Avenue approximately 600' south of Westmont Drive. OWNER/APPLICANT: Dickerson Development, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "SF-20B" Single Family Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO. NOTICES SENT: Forty-two (42) RESPONSES: Nine (9) responses were received from within the 200' notification area: • Fredrick W. Grubb, 1104 Fontaine Drive, Southlake, TX in favor, "It will be an asset to the Versailles Homeowners to approve this proposal." (Received March 29, 1999.) • Dave B. Marshall, Murchison Properties, Inc, 1445 Ross Avenue, Ste. 5300, Dallas, TX undecided, (Received March 31, 1999.) • ,Lonna E. Licata, 601 Morningside Drive, Southlake, TX opposed, "The destruction of huge oak trees to continue Merlot Drive. I would be in favor of islands to preserve the trees." (Received March 31, 1999.) • Steven B. Neal, 1103 Fontaine Drive, Southlake, TX undecided, "Doesn't seem to be sufficient entrances/exits." (Received March 31, 1999.) L City of Southlake, Texas • Paul Bushway, 1225 Merlot Drive, Southlake, TX opposed, "The • present plan would have the eastern portion of Merlot Drive go through large oak trees. The lack of a plan to save the land's exitsting mature trees is not acceptable." (Received April 5, 1999.) • James and Ginger Chiles, 506 Morningside Drive, Southlake, 7X, opposed, "The street Merlot will be where many large trees are located. Please reroute the street or make an esplanade around the trees." (Received April 5, 1999.) • Michael Martin, 405 Wellington Court, Southlake, TX, in favor, "We are pleased with the lot size and the overall quality of the homes to be built." (Received April 5, 1999.) • John Piszor, 2852 Ridgewood Drive, Grapevine, TX, undecided, "Concerns about drainage. Concerns of unneeded tree removal. Will they replace trees they cut down in Phase II in same place?" (Received April 7, 1999.) • R. Terry Kiesler, 507 Morningside Drive, Southlake, TX opposed, "Century old oak trees would be removed." (Received April 7, 1999.) P&Z ACTION: April 8, 1999;Approved(5-0) at the applicant's request to table and to continue the Public Hearing to May 20, 1999,Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. May 20, 1999; Approved(7-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 4, dated May 14, 1999, deleting Item #l.a; adding Lot 25, Block 6, to Item#l.b and then deleting that comment(100' lot width); deleting Item #1.c (perpendicular or radial lot lines); deleting Item #1.d (building line); adding Item #1.e requiring compliance with the 35' front building line for Lot 18, Block 6; deleting Item #2 (5' U.E.); advising the applicant the Commission is looking carefully at the drainage issue on this property,and when the Final Plat comes up,the Commission will need strong assurances from City staff that the drainage issues have been addressed; and if legally possible, acknowledging the applicant's commitment to restrict the removal of protected trees in the deed restrictions for Phase III without the Homeowner's Association's approval. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Revised Plat Review Summary No.4,dated May 28, 1999. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\MEMO\99CASES\99-017PP.doc L HANK DICKERSON & COMPA ` Y / REALTORS March 25, 1999 Planning&Zoning Commission City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 RE: VERSAILLES PHASE III To Whom It May Concern: In response to the Staff's letter dated March 1, 1999, we have addressed the comments except for clarification on the following items: Item la: As the staff states in their letter, what we are requesting has been the normal building line requirements that have been approved in the past. Item lb: We are requesting some latitude to increase the building line at 45 feet in order to require the houses to be setback further as all the lots are on cul-de-sacs and are all a minimum of 21,000 SF lots and most range 26,000 to 32,000 SF. Item lc: We have adjusted Lots 1 thru 4, Block 7, however, Lot 1 and 12, Block 6 are unusual circumstances. Lot 1, Block 6 abuts a detention facility that requires the configuration and the lot lines on Lot 12 were created in order to accommodate an existing.house that will remain and be platted with the addition. Several exterior items around the house(T.V. dishes, etc.) dictated the line location. City Staff has requested that we construct one-half of the street section of south Carroll along the frontage of our property. We have no objection to constructing this section if the City will construct that same section from our north line to F.M. 1709. We feel in the interest of good design the entire section should be designed and constructed in order to insure property grade and drainage design. We would also request that we receive full credit on any impact fees for the construction cost of our section. Should our impact fees not cover the entire cost of our section to include engineering design, relocating utilities,grade drainage work, etc. ,we would request some cost participation from the city and request guidelines from the city prior to our Developers Agreement. Concerning the comments regarding the minimum 8" water line, we are connecting on each end to a 6" water line. We feel up sizing to an 8" in the middle will only reduce pressure and not add any volume. COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES,1NVESTMENTS/LAND DEVELOPMENT (1 8333 Douglas Avenue • Suite 1300 • LB#72 • Dallas,Texas 75225 • 214/691•5300 • FAX 214/691 MAR 2 5 1999 SN-3 C Planning&Zoning Commission March 25, 1999 Page Two Concerning the comment regarding manholes 500 feet apart, we have one area where our manholes exceed 500 feet and it is 525 feet. Normally, there is variable distance that can be attained by sewer cleaning trucks. Five hundred feet is generally what they prefer but we have been granted up to 550 feet in other cities. Should you have any questions regarding these issues, please contact our office. Sincerely, DICKERSON DEVELOPMENT, INC. 'JCL --a//e•.. — John F. Dickerson President JFD/bd C RECD MAR 2 51999 5N- N . ' °w .` ^� _ • I NU w v) 7•+ N ilt: . 7.1 a cc ., Q INY Q C: us •W LYt N NI e t O F- ,,) 2IQ gCO m.S9AII118 �� N Y - 3 A x _ o ��g w co 4 d ' o H 3 c: so CC CC U g 0- I i. W < 1 • ,id x a m 2 Ill �J n .r se I r u mt N i a i!Q vQiONI'S3LLH3d0ldN o "a1 Lb�SI A13 7 14lfin Nosl►aanw � Y \ us .01HCN CCO J p i o < S O 4 - > ct _ Qx+: 3 > IIIIIII J Q el $ y W w J > " C0 iol I- v.-. ° tS ON s3ua3doad Z NOSHOanw = -Q " . a (a* to � _ u1 a= tWUI J H < O ' N:4' 01 3 _an " a NZ j —S3111VSH3A y S X 7 A w •• q i ,pa „ > + /.i 9 O ^t 2 all 7 H•. in Oaip 'S3TIVSH3A CV • 4 nil 3:. 1v Zo `'21 i2 = \I„ - 'ONI S3LLH3dOHd •• _ O 2 .-VMIVHONVd  acxi s ��Itl I •. 0ll'S3w0H + Le- .., wV►+atlw o CO �� SiinN F. .•- tb • U y qi I ,- U 1u 1 _ s• 3 R: m x _ V� �`S• \ J Q v W •.� o s y M m w J : _. ;�O x a \ I La • i v Z 0 o �/�\ —I ♦� 0 in to 2 =G Q 140 a m Z NVMIOn3Ouda T n I • •'Lrl 3 e �" ' LL N �/ 1 11 • _ x p IA: J C F I p z N O I = W g s - m . 1 m 13 II, to; $ . W r p al S1NIIVE p < J�C •.• L \ \ \ ;N s - I -.11u Ice izoE- N-tt-oo -- - - —�- -- - - `� — — a nrVolydnVII‘,....,' w AI jO S371Vl 3H1 i a ADJACENT OWNERS t Q 8 0 �, N • Li AND ZONING Cl) • if 1 1 1ftpih 4I. , _• �1 i �� r 11 . ..1 , i rill , I j1 !! ;� �aY i tI d f HIllfl Ii !� j tt itl ai.i, ll Y b 1 ! 3i ai � �`> �;�+.{ 4: • :11:11 C H j� I 1MI • d t '� a.fit i1I!IPJIIflIll L1i1i I III! o a., 0 t L r P Crs • v. s (--- — /,............5.....,as smac.-.re•9..-y.....w�..� ..... . 4( kuriJ u., 4 AyYV n>Yr�.rcnr �. t > a m r Qr t �� } Q t N. N O ra J W °�� a i :i _ ZmoW Jbegt 4 G O • O il Z * J 0 J h UON G=<a f Yi 0 03 o W W 9 { � xHy VF i N Zga to zuww O W $cgy3 • i r 4HOW r x L., : ;.: ........ . . .... . ...,:_..,...- -,,.... ‘ 41,7;--.....,...ily.....) 1 , , = . v Jigs' ...S4) Apar"- (-104:o�&'rf .44+~."7-1�N3�- - -- —` �•— /ll........ .,1ryI'N/MdSb. v,.. — 4 • City of Southlake, Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 99-017 Revised Review No: Four Date of Review: 5/28/99' Project Name:Preliminary Plat-Lot 1 -28,Block 6,and Lots 1 - 18,Block 7,Versailles,Phase III,being a 27.36 tract of land out of the J. W. Hale Survey, Abstract No. 803, and the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529 APPLICANT: SURVEYOR: Versailles,Ltd. Washington&Associates,Inc. 8333 Douglas Avenue, Suite 1300 500 Grapevine Highway, Suite 375 Dallas, Texas 75225 Hurst,Texas 76054 Phone: (214) 691-5300 Phone: (817)485-0707 Fax: Fax:(817)485-4106 Attn.Jackie Fluitt CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 4/27/99 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT LISA SUDBURY AT(817)481-5581,EXT.862. 1. The following changes are needed regarding the proposed lotting: a. A 35' building setback line is required on both street frontages fora corner lot. This plat proposes the normal 5' reduction (30' B.L.) for Lot 15, Block 6 and Lots 5 & 8, Block 7 "Reverse Frontage Lots".A 10' reduction(25' B.L.)is proposed along the southwest portion of Lot 28, Block 6 with a 5' reduction (30' B.L.) along the southeast portion of lot, also a "Reverse Frontage Lots".A reduction to the standard side yard requirement of 15'(15'B.L.) is proposed for Lots 18& 19,Block 6, "Back to Back Lots." (P&ZAction 5/20/99:Delete) b. Provide the minimum 100'lot width at the front building line. The following lots do not meet the 100' minimum at the 35' building line and propose increasing the front setback to 45': Block 6,Lots 6,7, 12,22,&25,and Block 7,Lots 11 & 12. (P&ZAction 5/20/99:Delete, adding Lot 25, Block 6 to the request) c. The following lots do not appear to meet the requirement for perpendicular or radial lot lines: Block 6,Lots 1 & 12 and Block 7,Lots 9, 10 and 16— 18. (P&ZAction 5/20/99:Delete) d. The building line proposed along the south line of lot 28,Block 6,adjacent to the north line of Merlot Drive,appears to have a complex curve which transitions from a 30' building line to a 25' building line as noted in Comment No. la. Provide a consistent building line with a simple curve through the length of this side yard identifying the building line curve radii and tangent lengths. e. Correct the building line along the lot frontage of Lot 18, Block 6 to a 35' B.L. (P&ZAction Cd 5/20/99:Added to review) s'H-8 City of Southlake,Texas 2. Where adjacent property is unplatted or platted showing a 5'U.E.,provide a 5'U.E.along the property line;if adjacent property is platted and shows no easement,provide a 10'U.E.along the interior of the property line. Although required by Ordinance, staff recommends the' applicant evaluate the need for easement in areas with existing trees. (P& ZAction 5/20/99: . Delete) Additional P&ZAction 5/20/99:advising the applicant the Commission is looking carefully at the drainage issue on this property, and when the Final Plat comes up, the Commission will need strong assurances from City staft'that the drainage issues have been addressed;and if legalbi possible, acknowledging the applicant's commitment to restrict the removal of protected trees in the deed restrictions for Phase III without the Homeowner's Association's approval. * Construction of the east side of Carroll Avenue is required with this subdivision. * If the applicant chooses to place a fence/wall on the perimeter of the property adjacent to the right-of- way,the wall must be 10'off the right-of-way or vary back and forth within the 10' strip as long as approximately 50%of the fence is at the 10' offset. If the fence offset varies, some of the required landscape canopy trees may be behind the wall while the remainder of the plantings must be in front of the wall or visible from the street.A plan for the wall must br presented to the building inspection department for permitting prior to construction. * Insure that all lots meet the minimum lot area of 20,000 square feet. It appears the lots are currently in compliance. * Please be aware that the previous plat of this property must be vacated prior to filing a new final plat. The plat must be vacated"Save&Accept"the right-of-way for South Carroll Avenue. * Staff recommends the applicant process a street name change ordinance changing Bastogne Way to Merlot Drive, in the previously filed Versailles. * Consideration should be given to the location of driveways on Lots 16, 17& 18,Block 7,regarding visibility. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Versailles,Ltd. VIA FAX Washington&Associates,Inc. VIA FAX L:\ComDev\WP-FILES\REV\99\99017PP4.doc 2 sN-41 , City of Southlake, Texas C TREE PRESERVATION ANALYSIS (RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT) Case: 99-017 Date of Review: 5 - 5 -99 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Versailles,Phase III(Preliminary Plat Third Resubmittal) OWNER: PREPARED BY: Versailles,LTD. Washington&Associates,INC. 8333 Douglas Ave., Suite 1300 500 Grapevine HWY. Suite 375 Dallas,TX 75225 Hurst,TX 76054 Phone: (214) 691-5300 Phone: (817)485-0707 Fax: Fax: THIS ANALYSIS IS PREPARED AT THE TIME OF REVIEW OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT AND IS TO PROVIDE AN ANALYSIS OF THE PLAN OR SURVEY AND THE IMPACT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ANY PROTECTED TREES ON THE SITE. FOR ANY QUESTIONS OR CLARIFICATION CONTACT KEITH MARTIN, LANDSCAPE ADMINISTRATOR AT(817)481-5581 EXT.848. TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS: C 1. The applicant has made a good faith effort to avoid the protected trees on this site. Only one Post Oak appears to be within the right-of-way, requiring removal. This is due to the new configuration of Merlot Drive, which avoids the larger existing 40" Post Oak. The applicant has also curved Merlot Drive further into the subdivision avoiding two (2) other Post Oaks, an American Elm and a Green Ash. 2. All of the proposed utilities are located within the right-of-way. The only trees slated for removal are three Cottonwoods in the back of Lot 12 and Lot 22. * Residential Subdivisions: All areas within public right-of-way, utility easements or drainage easements as shown on an approved Final Plat and areas designated as Cut/Fill on the master drainage construction plan approved by the Landscape administrator shall be exempt from the tree protection and replacement requirements specified in the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-A. All other areas shall be subject to the requirements. * Grade Changes: No grade changes shall be allowed within the limits of the critical root zone of any protected tree unless adequate construction methods are approved by the Landscape Administrator or if grading is as directed by the City's Drainage Inspector. * All requirements and regulations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-A, apply to the entirety of this property. Please be aware of the penalties of not applying the tree preservation protection (60, methods required by the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-A. BUILDING INSPECTIONS L:\Trees\dre99\99-017 . rn rn rn C • i II (Lit IP; AM h ;ifIli 14 •1! il lig 5 Ilb ES' ■ii 1 i� . , I ii +lljj, ill I iiij ;i •jjIjIh il ji 1t1 t [I• ii �•. 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G 4\ f6 cl C I a o3�. c 15 ��� 1 28 I II 10' TYPE B BUFFERYARD �F kry a�a�� J� �3P5" ii'JLLOy w I & LWDSCAPE E4SEMOJT IN 10 0. I ' 'OA � Io� I 3 ci MERLOT DRNE �E9�4•e°------ a 1 I i I 2 ��:G��`c 6y{C'D �Pv` o r pG,�OY Qo „MERLOTDRIVE 2 12 13 14 15 16 I 17 18 I I � 35k75' II sr�r �nPr / I I I COMMON OPEN PJ / BLOCK 7 BLOCK 7 S "HA 4E:4RY I I W �I I ____ -----J ------ - - -- -------- ---� ---- - f r-- — — — — —— --- --- ---.— 9055'55— t357- -------------------7jr 111.66 o TREE EXHIBIT N PED APR r 1999 �m P City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT May 28, 1999 • CASE NO: ZA 99-037 PROJECT: Preliminary Plat-Lots 7,8, and 9,Block 3, Diamond Circle Estates STAFF CONTACT: Dennis KiHough, Senior Planner,481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat for Lots 7, 8,and 9,Block 3,Diamond Circle Estates on property legally described as Tract 3 situated in the William W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 687, and Tract 1 situated in the John M. Stevenson Survey,Abstract No.2040,and being approximately 4.889 acres. PURPOSE: Purpose of this preliminary plat is to create lots in order to get building permits. LOCATION: On the north side of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) being approximately 500'west of Diamond Boulevard. OWNER/APPLICANT: Bob Stevenson CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential and Office Commercial NO. NOTICES SENT: Sixteen(16) RESPONSES: Two(2)response was received from within the 200' notification area: • J.W. Richards, 3957 Crest Road, Weatherford, TX in favor. (Received May 11, 1999.) • Robert Stevenson, 2113 Tazco, Carrollton,TX in favor,"This is ideal use of the property. It will finally complete the development of Diamond Circle Estates and allow construction of 2 homes."(Received May 13, 1999.) P&Z ACTION: May 20, 1999;Approved(7-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 3, dated May 14, 1999,deleting Item#1 (proper zoning on Lot 9). STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Plat Review Summary No. 3, dated May 14, 1999. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\MEMO\99CASES\99-026PP.WPD 1 4.::I i 1 �_-I \t' i / j n AG f 4 4A , • --•, �� •` 86 k TR AD I^� 1R�A 73 AC JI i i ' gal _ IZIEZt `�\.;� • ' Ts ec 7: , ;;�; TR 4C'Al e43 AC `� __J, E _ �� 43 c r.! T� R TJ 30 k IL 1 .0.". ..1 120 1C _ __ i to g'1 a1 I TR IA 0 a - 3 A$A i as '' ! _�,,`� 1J n ,`,,•; Ate[�u Tit u + 14 n •� t 9114AC a �e ! 9;Ac is, a .vA..' a 11 -� 1 n rt I i� ' e>�jig ':. 3L17 Ac "i___ a "'' ' n�■�'�e��` I064 Ac 3561i6 AC 2q4 k ,� 14� ii11 ;44 21745 I �� �� \\\\n\::\ n'L, \ �, taiN... 1s1AA7A2 ifinnir I � ! „a,INI■■w Ina. ul . 1: Nig arifilikha alitili' 2.Min I - jtii — MAIM 142k i—ini,.-.--..0„kom,, t,= .4. :Oh l. -°tom= � . ammS t 0 __ 11111b ♦ fE�11ililtriiii MI": 50111C fig■TIVIN 11111tIkkAillinlibill11111 : 0451 !MS2175 AC Ed E 11 211 Teai 2125 Ac 72 ec ..1111 f ls�60 AC aeo Ac n r,)111111101111111111!Th , e , �■ i . ��� �' vJk • •• , IIII i , TRX , 31 �, 1s x iR 3D6 99 lc 1 TR ICiiiIiii. fA6-44, i �'. 11 �rdi . ;, T AC Ts n mr 311 15 Ihntame% Ammo ! / li'(� -- z ►v CtI k :411 , CE a Y h �� �; ' i8xT9 I amil pa 1t SF Tt SE TH ni, TR ., : NTB 4C _ s Ts 4D ?gl L7 Y /r •'� .� ACsal6 , ' 4.723 682 AC ' 33 •, �:� TR 3A 713 , ` .ID�T , ti 41�AC N k IEDr9 if . , 0. 2A2 1s . 711213 �,QO111 II. � 42 AC TR SBI IUNMIlla Ilia ;�� TR s- � L 4312 .,V- 1e •• �. �.5�. sp IVA .4— ERr - ��I/ im At TR 2 r>i 49 i �/ n 1Ac , -/ 8 •4, A ri,r . . , , 1s 28 1.1��I/�,41 i4 48 n1 k Tt 111, .r�.i1'� Il� is s -5811s AC E IMEEImam. '4I ,,�� 4091 AC to 2e t- pi TRACT MAP ! 28"`s ;. A18k r as Q0, ii er•� orA 1 >/ nx 51-2 1 , AVM" i AIR se AC 8 9A 98 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 DIAMOND BLVD 2 3 4 _ 5 6 7 8 EF`J' 7 TAT 17 rR C� ; I ON C g'1. 9 i 8 J.STEVENSON G. KERBOW W. HICKAM J.STINNETT T. ORZECH /� 10 " F- A" " -1 A" zoo q EMERALD BLVD a 5R1 Lz 9 1.002 0 Z J. MABRY 4 J. a. olol 5R2 40 _1A" D.TINKHAM MELLINGER f A 10 ' 1.021 0 R 4.4 0 Ale=... O.JOHNSON "SF-1 A�� 11 11A 12A 13A SOUTHERN 3A J. HOLT HOME REALTY Li 1 to1: 2 B. MCCOY 3A 4 12ATR AC 1A INC. 3A 916*1 II 8 _ — 138 - Q , A-2040 STATE OF TEXAS - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - SOIITHLAKE BLVD I TR_51)1-_- TR 5D2 1.698 AC R T€ A a J.RICHARDS 1A2A1 4 .66 AC ' rf I M TIMARRONI ILri, CV LADJACENT OWNERS p� 1 A3 um 81 AND ZONING TR 5E TR 5D28 IK out)5.916 AC E 5 351 0 TR 5D3 3.948 0 2.78.0 B 1.68AC " i 1 - } ADOPTION OF RESTRICTIONS 0) THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT § WHEREAS, ROBERT L. STEVENSON is the owner of the following described real g property situated in Tarrant County,Texas, to-wit: Lots 7 and 8, Block 3,DIAMOND CIRCLE ESTATES, PHASE II,an Addition to the City of Southlake,Tarrant County,Texas,according to Plat recorded in Cabinet , Slide , Plat Records,Tarrant County,Texas; and WHEREAS, the said ROBERT L. STEVENSON is desirous of placing certain Protective Covenants on said property, said covenants being attached as Exhibit "A" hereto and made'a part hereof for all purposes, having been previously recorded in Volume 8086, Page 1202 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County,Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration,ROBERT L. STEVENSON does hereby adopt those certain Protective Covenants attached hereto as Exhibit "A':, previously recorded in Volume 8086, Page 1202 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County,Texas,to also cover and encumber the above described property. EXECUTED this day of May, 1999. ROBERT L. STEVENSON THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of May, 1999, by ROBERT L. STEVENSON. Notary Public, State of Texas Printed Name of Notary My Commission Expires: 8) t4 5 1 i (11,/ 1. . '^,6,0/ EXHIBIT "A" .19.00 Y 0 PROTECTIVE COVENANTS 1000 03912 3 02/08/15 . DIAMOND CIRCLE ESTATES, PHASE II THE STATE OF TEXAS I j KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT I That S. LLOYD CARnER AND ASSOCIATES ("Owner") , being the L owner of the real property ("Property") situated in Tarrant County, Texas, being described as: • LOTS 5 and 6 Block 3 Lots 11 through 17 Block 4 Lots 4 through 9 Block 5 Lots 2 through 4 Block 6 Lots 7 through 14 Block 6 All of the above named lots contained in that ' certain tract and parcel of land being Diamond , Circle Estates, Phase II, an addition to the • City of Southlake, Texas, according to the plat l recorded in Volume 388/181, Page 69 Tarrant County Plat records. Owner has adopted an overall plan for the orderly development of 1 the Property, and to implement such plan desires to and does here- by adopt the following Protective Covenants which, together with any covenants and restrictions which may hereafter be contained in deeds from the Owner covering any lot contained in the Property Ishall constitute covenants running with the land and shall be upon , any purchaser, grantee, owner or lessee of any land or building in_ the Property, and upon the respective heirs, executors administrators, i devisees, successors and assigns of each purchaser, grantee, owner • . % or lessee, and shall insure to the benefit of and be enforceable by ; i the Owner and the Owner's successors and assigns: i 1. Prior to the construction, remodeling or alteration 1i of any building or other structure, two complete sets of plans and lilt ��specifications showing plot layout, -exterior elevations and_mater ials therefor and structural design, covering such proposed work ,, shall be submitted to the Architectural Control Committee (as Herein- � . (.... after defined) for approval and no construction shall commence until such plans have been approved. One set of plans will be retained by iI the Committee until the home has reO0iVed a Certificate of Occupancy ,. fr.,m the City of Southlake. • VG( . roes t*tt1 O2 _ " . • 'Oh.•�I is .• ..( 1�.� . ••+ it . . . N . •� �' ,•a (11101 . ' , .. •' : : • - .• • t . • ,:+ r ' e. shall not be constructed or placed upon any ;• ,i Therestructure except a single- lot contained in the Property any s sea- •lt: family residence and other attached and detachedbuildings sonalbly suited to the residential purposes none rea ofer igh shall exceed roOVe tinowritingsby theiArchitecturalhControlh • greater height is approved I Committee. permit- Construction of new buildings only shall be ted, it being the intent of this covenant to prohibit the moving • of any existing building onto a lot and remodeling or converting the same into a dwelling unit upon the Property. 4. Any two-story residence erected shall have not less • than 2,900 square feet of living area, excluding all porch, patio Lme and garage areas. Any structures of greater height shall have area as may be required:allhe beAconstructedl of lessl 2t900. No residence sthan and garage square feet of living area, excluding all porch, patio areas. Any structures of greater height• shall have area as may be required by the Architectural Control Committee. 5. The exterior walls of any structure erected on a lot shall be.a minimum of 70% of the total outsidt eewall are therea acof brick, tural brick veneer, stone or stop=c enather materials. • Control Committee shall app . G. The roof of any structure shall be Composfition,e Tile, orretar- dant t te or Sohedglystheat have been fire department aofdt a City of ake chemicalsecptw approved by South- lake, except where the Architectural Control Committee Con ° eei use other materials. n e � sidncesmust be a 5/of12 pitrteperunesoherwiseapprovd by the Architec- tural Control Committee. - 7. No garage or carport shall open to the front ublicy lot or toward the side of any lot, which is adjacent to a P among garage opening to be equipped with street or thoroughfare. The Architectural Control Committee, anhar things,ati garage reeduore anyopen g or other similar and dissimilar requirementsrmee appropriate is ar to thehe.protection of the aesthetics of the vin appdopermte subdivision, as determined in the exercise of the Architectural Con- trol Committee's sole good faith descretion. • (2) Lie. 51- t VOL 8086 tact 1Z43 f, ' ` , • • fiT r •(, •`,t6 It 1."- :. ij;:: •; 8. No building shall be located on any lot nearer to , if•if: " 'the front lines than the building lines established on the record • - ' :::' . .• ed plat above-described, unless otherwise approved by the City of ' • Southlake and the Architectural Control Committee. No main or out- • :; building including, but not limited to, garage, carports, and stor- r. • . age buildings shall be erected closer than the greater of (i) ten 1, (10) feet from a side property line or (ii) a number of feet from the side property line which is 10% of the average width of the lot except as may be approved by the Architectural Control Committee. On corner lots, buildings shall be located to conform to the build- ing line from the side street property line as indicated on the recorded plat, except as may be specifically approved by the City of Southlake and the Architectural Control Committee. The Owner reserves the right to change in writing any property and/or building lines of any and all lots shown on the (hope recorded plat of the addition as long as the Owner holds legal title to such lot or lots; and the Owner further reserves the right to make such changes with respect to building lines with the consent of a subsequent owner of the property involved after the Owner has parted with title to such property. • The Owner reserves an exclusive easement on, over and under the property designated on the recorded plat of the Addition by the • term easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining or permitting the construction and maintenance over and under any re- sidential tract of pipelines, conduits, telephone, telegraph and • electric light poles and such other equipment necessary to the supply of any public utility service or construction and maintenance of . drainage facilities. fences, walls and hedges, but no building or structure of any other character, may be erected or maintained on the easements or drainage facility shown on the recorded plat of the Addition, provided (1) that such fences, walls and hedges do not • interfere in any way with the use of such easement by public utili- ties then utilising or hereinafter wishing to utilize the same, (2) that tie rights of the owners of such fences, walls and hedges shall be subordinate to the rights of such public utilities, and (3) that : such public utilities may at any time without liability to the owner . of any such fence, wall or hedge remove such fence, wall or hedge, where the removal of same is incidental to the performance of public service operations, (4) that such fences, walls and hedges do not in- terfere in any way with the maintenance and operation of drainage • facilities. The Owner shall have the right to vacate or relocate the easement appurtenant to any residential tract provided such vacation or relocation shall not prevent access by utilities then occupying • • any easement to any residential lot shown on the recorded,Plat of'the _ Addition. Electrical, telephone service, or cable service to each . eace _ resident shall be underground from the overhead primary pow � poles as installed by the appropriate utility company. ,,. 1.1 (3) . VOl 8086 PACE1204 • 51- 1 ,•�� �1'' .., , . ' .�;•. r• ;,• lull ./ 1I �. 1 .A.,• •r t, >- kW,' 0 , . • . • • •, d{y , • "'� tip. 9. No oil drilling, oil development operations, oil re- rt r% fining, quarrying or mining operations of any kind shall be permitted ; :'',k upon or on any lot, not shall oil well, tanks, tunnels, mineral ex- permitted upon or on any lot. No derrick or .r� cavations or shafts be YA other structure designed for use in quarrying for oil or natural gas 4,, . shall be erected, maintained or permitted upon any lot. 4Cr• 10. No vehicles are to be parked on any street in the Addition on a regular basis. Recreational vehicles, fie) boats, • motor homes, travel trailers, must be parked behind back building i line of residence, and inside the side building line, on a concrete pad, properly screened to protect the aesthetics of the neighborhood. 11. No vehicle of any size which transports inflammatory or explosive cargo may be kept in this Addition at any time. I 12. No structure, fence, wall, hedge, or shrub planting which restricts sight lines at elevations between two and six feet • above the roadways shall be placed or permitted to remain on any corner lot within the triangular area formed by the street property lines, and a line connecting them at points 35 feet from the inter- section of the street lines, or in the case of a rounded porperty corner, from the intersection of the street rroperty line with the edge of a driveway. No trees shall be permitted to remain within such distances of such intersections unless the foliage line in main- tained at sufficient height to prevent obstruction of such sight lines. Any common improvements referred to in this paragraph or changes after construction of such improvements must be approved by the Architectural Cc:,trol Committee. . 13. No fence, hedge or wall shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot at a height of more than (6) six feet and nearer ' to any street than the minimum set back line and shall not extend past the front of the residence, unless approved by the Architectural Control Committee. All fences shall be of wood or masonry conbtruction, and if constructed of wood, must be solid and of 1" x 4" planks of spruce or cedar, with gothic points at the top. - 14. Every residence constructed on any residential lot shall front on the street on which it is located. Residences on corner lots may face either street subject to the approval by the City of Southlake and the Architectural Control Committee. 15. After the acceptance of the streets by the City of Southlake, lots must be kept mowed and clear of underbrush so as not to be an annoyance, nuisance, or eyesore to the neighborhood. If the' , lot is not mowed and/or cleared within 10 days from receipt of notice from the Architectural Control Committee, then the Committee shall have the right to have said lot mowed, cleared, cleaned-up or what- ever else is necessary in order to bring the lot into conformance Li•• (4) '�• � g ,J VOL 8086 n,�lzas ;. ..�_ r • Sp�' . • 1'4a a t.a(:y f I — •a 1• LII ' 1.' .fir cl '� '''- ith this convenant. If the Committee has to take action under the 7-_4. ; , terms of this covenant, then it shall be reimbursed by the lot owner . el. . for costs incurred plus 15% administrative charge. , ! .;,•• 16. Construction of any residence shall begin within nine (9) months of purchase of lot, and be completed within nine (9) months ... from the date of the building permit. If not completed within this ', A iod the amount of $25.00 per day shall be paid as agreed partial :;c damages to Owner (as above defined) , it being acknowledged that Owner will be damaged in an amount difficult to ascertain. 17. During and upon completion of any construction, the builder and owner of a lot shall be jointly and severally responsi- ble for the removal of any trash or debris that may have been thrown or placed on the premises or any adjoining property and shall leave clean the street adjoining the premises. 18. No structure of a temporary character, trailer, mobile- L." home, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding shall be used on any lot at any time as a residence either temporarily or permanently. No garage, servant house, garage house or outbuilding shall be occu- pied by owner or tenant or anyone prior to the erection of the main dwelling. 19. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any lot except one which is not more than five (5) square feet advertising the Property for sale or rent or signs used by a builder to advertise the Property during the construction and sales period. • 20. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on . upon any lot nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. , 21. No lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish, trash, garbage or other waste trash; garbage or other %taste shall be kept in sanitary containers. • 22. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept in numbers not to exceed four (4) so long as they do not constitute an annoyance or nuisance to the neighbor- hood and provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purposes. Anything pertaining to this restriction is sub- ject to all applicable City, County, State, and/or federal laws, rules, or regulations. 1 • • 23. No radio, television towers, satellite disc or other similar apparatus, and aerial wires shall be maintained on any lot that does not contain a residential structure, and no commercial towers for that purpose shall be constructed. Any such proposed structure must have the approval of the Architectural Control Commites. • . t"% 5.V-ci VOL 8086 1011.206 • • r . t . L. .. . . . , . . . .. . . . , ,. . i. , . . , • •, • . . a 2 • . , .. ,. .. „( . . • I. • •''.\ 'r• • . i ,` 24. The Owner may include restrictions, other than .46' • those set out herein, in any contract or deed to any tracts with- .' out otherwise modifying the general plan above outlined, and such :. `' other restriction or restrictions shall inure to the benefits of ji and bind the respective parties in the same manner as though they had been expressed herein. 1 . :.i 25. The restrictions herein set out shall be referred to, adopted and made a part of each and every contract and deed executed by and on behalf of the undersigned conveying said pro- ' perty or any part thereof to all sucn intents and purposes as though incorporated in full therein; and each such contract and ' deed shall be conclusively held to have been so executed, delivered, and accepted upon the expressed conditions herein stated. 26. All the restrictions, convenants, resolutions, liens and charges appearing herein, as well as those appearing in any (lame contract, deed, or other conveyance to or covering any part of this property, shall be construed together. If any one of the same shall be held to be invalid or for any reason is not enforced, none of the other provisions shall be affected or impaired thereby, but shall remain in full force and effect. In event of any dispute over the proper interpretation of P any of the provisions of this instrument, the determinations of the Owner shall be final and binding on all interested parties. • 27. The Architectural Control Committee shall be composed of S. Lloyd Carder and John Newberry, and the committee shall act by a the execution of any approval or other document by any two or more ' members of such committee or such committee may designate by writing i a representative to act in its stead. In the event of death, resig- nation, failure or refusal to act of any member of the committee, • Owner shall fill the vacancy,thereby created by written instrument filed in the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas. Owner may re- . move or replace any member of the Architectural Control Committee 1 with or without cause at any time by executing a written instrument and filing the same in the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas. . Neither the members of such committee, nor their designated repro- - sentatives, shall be entitled to any compensation for services per- formed pursuant'to this restriction. The powers and duties of each - member of the committee, ind of its designated representative,.ihall cease one year after construction has been completed on the last lot in the Property and, thereafter, the approvals described in these restrictions shall not be required unless a written instrument shall . be executed by the then record owners of a majority of the lots in the Property and duly recorded in the Deed of Records of Tarrant County, Texas, appointing a representative or representatives, who shall thereafter exercise the same powers previously exercised by said committee. 28. Approval or disapproval of any plans or specifications (,.....„ '' submitted to the Architectural Control Committee hereunder shall be based, among other things, on the adequacy of site dimensions, ade- gr%cy of structural design, conformity and harmony of exterior design i "IO VOL 808G HCU2G1 • ' . • •t , , . ; � • • '(fte • - . U • ,. ` .y 4 , • ' with the neighboring structures, effect of location and use on neighboring lots and improvements situated thereon, relation of topography, grade and finish ground elevations of the lot being :.. . improved to that of neighboring lots, proper facing of main els- i • vation with respect to nearby streets and conformity of the plans , and specifications to the purpose and general plan and intent of these Protective Covenants, all as determined by the Architectural Control Committee in its sole discretion exercised in good faith. • • The Architectural Control Committee shall not in bad faith arbi- trarily withhold its approval of such plans and specifications. • If the Architectural Control Committee fails either to approve or disapprove such plans and specifications within thirty (30) days • after the same have been submitted to it as evidenced by written dated receipt by any member of the Architectural Control Committee or its designated representatives, it shall be conclusively presumed . that the Architectural Control Committee has approved such plans and specifications. (asoe 29. Neither the Owner nor any member of the Architectu- ral Control Committee nor their successors or assigns shall be liable in damages to anyone submitting plans for approval, or to any owner or lessee of land affected by these Protective Covenants by reason of mistake in judgment, negligence or nonfeasance arising out of or in connection with the consenting or failing to consent, approving or failing to approve any matter with respect to which the Owner and/or Architectural Control Committee may have authority under the terms hereof. Every person who submits plans to the Owner • for approval agrees, by submission of such plans, and every owner or lessee of any of said Property agrees, by submission of such plans, and every owner or lessee of any of said Property agrees, by ac- • quiring title thereto, or leasehold interest therein, that he will not bring any action or suit against Owner or any member of the Architectural Control Committee, their assigns, to recover any such damages. . . 30. These covenants are to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming them for .a period of thirty (30) years from the date these covenants are recorded unless . • at any time after said thirty year period an instrument signed by a majority (by number of lots) of the then owners of the lots has'bsen recorded, agreeing to change said covenants in whole or in part. In addition to the Owner and to the other parties for whose benefit these , covenants shall run, the Architectural Control Committee shall fur- •, . ther have the authority to enforce any and all of the covenants and j • conditions set forth in these Protective Covenants against any person or persons violating or attempting to violate the same. In further- i ance of the foregoing, and not by way or limitation, the Architectural Control Committee, Owner and any other party for whose benefits these covenants shall run may enter proceedings at law or in equity to re- - - 'strain violation violation of these protective Covenants and to recover damages for the breach or violation thereof. Notwithstanding any express or . Cie . implied term or provision hereof, neither Owner nor the Architectural Control Committee shall ever be obligated to enforce any provision hereof and failure to do so shall never be grounds for any liability 5111 ' 0 voL sass riuixce :. . •)i 4 .-k. ,t I I:, J .n •L,• •..� �. •� , iy..ii. 1, . �f 1, ,,1. it- % • (...., . , • . . , • :TM:. j.•r, • • t • for or recovery of any damages against Owner, the Architectural • Control Committee or any member thereof. . ' i- •.. t,�, , i 31.. All 'construction shall comply with all applicable zoning ordinances, building codes, fire codes, and any other laws, • ordinances or regulations of any applicable governmental body or agency including but not limited to City, County, State, and Aede- , ral Governments or Agencies. . • • . •.'32.i . ThI Developer and Dedicator reserve the right, 10 • . long as it is the owner of ••t or more of the lots in the property, ' • to amend, revise, or abolish any one or more of the foregoing re- . • strictions, and to revise the plat of such subdivision by instru • - , ment duly executer: and acknowledged by the Developer in the Deed • Records of Tarrant County, Texas. 33. The location and design of any proposed swimming (Iker'• . ' pool or tennis court including fencing, pumps and any other related t, , paraphernalia must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee , ...lie. in the same manner as set forth in Paragraph 1 herein. • 'i 5INC1.E ACKNOWLEDGMENT . THE srATE2LayS, 1 1 COUNT OF t �' 1 + :•..•. k • ` the er n d,• N Is, blk Ip and for said County and State,on this day p.,soully appeared e • ,it �'• ••' 1 ►:chrereen whom name ice subscribed to the foregoing Instrument, sad acknowledged to '`f-�/!j�',l •at}r �:H1; /agcuted the same for the purposes and eonrrderation therein upreused. f t•p !.,• 1 !I ....c f' p ' N•u.'Di. HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE.this the '], day ol9.�-G.e-1, A.D. If aS OrS; , 8evetlee PlkuEss v�C.�-L.�-,+.r.......• ssion plres • M�v .q. 1°8A Notary Public in and lee s county Tense •I!I, +. w—cue Mee Comwr.Mw.—tl.w • ' 3INVLa ACKNOWLEDGMENT 4 : . TUUE STATE OF TEXAS, [ p % p •.r ...G,01111L Kla i„Il±rdersip.d,a Notary Public In and Me said County and State.on this day remotely appeared . a li W .y *ie yells. - - - - t ' whose name /I'� subscribed to the txetlain� Iw�trament, and ackeewkdp/ I. • �1 i d .t.. . .muted the same foe the purposes and coasideretbn therein impressed. — • .•GL [R I,1( HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE.this the 7 day o1 J.�`'''" A.D.It cf L. . r.R'.,. .t• etice .. us MJ GomtnisWn _us l.2.ce f May S(y,1988 __ _ _..._.. _....._._•._Q,•�,�l',,.__._.__ 1 ue_Ta.oew t we.r.Awr.r-0.� Notary Peek In and I ch'`_ e.�1 Tea& • • C Y@l �R086 i ' 12 i. •ram .�.�_._._.-. • r, . . ' Sx.12 r . .r '1 , •. • ,gt 4` , ..4 .�:.._i.. 11.2, • f ' • :1 ,.. •...,_ _ •7,v •.�`1.• s:. -L. • TTZT131J 9898 19A ..-/ (411... . . r n t • 16 �""o.r N nwuto imp I rW i • :i w _. y wink I FEB ,. �' { !I 3. 'El. *) . .; .. 1,. • t • 1 I I I - 6 GAAP t L • , 3,, QoA,,_ cRLyT , ���PD1 $ TXIS • • '1,i 1? 1. . • . . • : . ... . • . , . f M lM : LtNV I I I F FHIXVE Pij. : 214 S5k1 bbb.S May. 1.3 1999 111:45M 1 Lae May 13, 1999 P`ih. o f Cn, thake Dl'anninn and Inning e`nmmieeinn VIt V. Scut hake I W.11{I Ia and r�/1 I.I I� V Va$1..I�wisetI )VUU lane, visas RE: Plat Review Summary, case#LA 99-03i I am requesting approval of the attached preliminary plat. There were no objections to the zoning changes for Lots 7& 8, Block 3 at the April 22, 1999 public meeting. I request a variance so that the remaining 2.9 acres on the south side may remain zoned AG. (R.Fwlt Td a**"MQ"T 140.1 o r ' LT 14""1"1y SJ."w1"76i) I request this variance for several reasons; I have no immediate plans for development of this 2.9 acres. The city's Master Plan shows this property to become office development which is what I plan to follow Any concept plan for development will take considerable time and expense, and it will most likely be changed by the final developer. Any future development and zoning change must be submitted through all city processes and approvals. l just seems logical to do all the approval processes only one time with actual, viable plans from a developer. It will be much more convenient for the neighbors, the commission, and all other concerned parties to go through this zoning change only one time. Thank you for your time and consideration. Bob Stevenson RECD MAY 1 31999 L City of Southlake, Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 99-037 Review No: Three Date of Review: 05/14/99 Project Name: Preliminary Plat—Lot 7,8,&9,Block 3,Diamond Circle Addition,being a 4.889 acre tract of land in the W. W. Hall Survey,Abstract No. 687 and John M. Stevenson Survey, Abstract No. 2040 APPLICANT: SURVEYOR: Bob Stevenson Ward Surveying Co.,Inc. 2656 Freewood P. O. Box 820253 Dallas, Texas 75220 Fort Worth,Texas 76182-0253 Phone:(214)350-8863 Phone: (817)281-5411 Fax:(214) 357-8692 Attn.Bob Stevenson Fax: (817)838-7093 Attn.Waymon Ward CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 05/10/99 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT LISA SUDBURY AT(817)481-5581,EXT.862. 1. No plat shall be approved until proper zoning embracing this property shall be approved and duly adopted by the City in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance, Section 4.01 C. Please note that the proposed zoning to "SF-1A" is currently in process for proposed Lots 7 & 8, Block 3. Lot 9 is currently zoned"AG"and no proper zoning is proposed at this time. (P&Z Action 5/20/99:Delete) 2. All lots must meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance. Proposed Lot 9 does not comply with the AG district regulations.A change of zoning to an appropriate zoning district must be approved by the City prior to processing a Final Plat on this property. * The applicant has indicated that existing structures not in compliance with zoning regulations are to be removed. * A Developers Agreement is required prior to construction of any public infrastructure.The Developer's Agreement for this addition should consider streets,drainage,park dedication requirements and fees, off-site sewer extensions,off-site drainage and utility easements and impact fees. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: W. Ward VIA FAX ABOVE B. Stevenson VIA FAX ABOVE L:\ComDev\WP-FILES\REV\99\99037pp3diamondcircle.doc City of Southlake,Texas Case No. 99-037 Review No. Two Resubmittal Dated: 5—6-99 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Lots 7,8, and 9,Block 3,Diamond Circle Estates(Preliminary Plat) Contact: Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 481-5581, x 848 Fax: (817) 421-2175 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on 04 - 26 - 99 . Comments designated with a (#) symbol may be incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Other items will not be addressed by either the P&Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modcations as required by the comment. TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS: 1. The applicant submitted a Tree Survey that meets the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. • No other comments. BUILDING INSPECTIONS L:\Trees\DRC99\99-937r2 zi iT M ,e CO c) 4i s. : ? ;. • 's3 = ` • u b ', .:I iii i33 ;- :! R? ill p it !i« a'', ii; s! 3!? 0, 2 E 9 : cis! - r - r 1IP Ili iI I g !A, ss v.- "sa; : : iE !s ;2�b s"i« i :i= g is as 42 1 _a !1E z,E ,ri !IP: !igi la: lir is'fill:a R E s s sis i l I N g $ 1 e1 E [ S a - `s 3Eg ti # Y 4 E ii •s �e3 ; - if 5 Y;xii « fy! i 1/ XXX 07 I ' , $li 1„2 ` III g�y�C yil . Ar E 8 "A >.ev. 141 ail sx•.5 iii 9 lip �! Xi ".rs.es •t; u IS • 41 e 9 ia� g - 3 ......---- - Te I 3 ; 117 i 4 1 i • 0 , ,2 T • X it m 9 ` —t a .e.n�— j a s ff: `*g1 !Y ie j 1.11.E ■f .l :i , :" i 5 3 m 424 ; i Jii ag tea[ lil!is�'ia..���ii'a 1 9 ZI(...., .. tr : + �—'_ IIR f.(.pjJ 'f=fir 'FP, sr� .... •:1 ,;, -- dT l7 City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT May 28, 1999 CASE NO: ZA 99-045 PROJECT: Revised Preliminary Plat-Lots 2 and 3,Block 1, Panorama Place STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner,481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Revised Preliminary Plat for for Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Panorama - Place on property legally described as Tract 5A situated in the W. W. Hall Survey,Abstract No. 695,and being approximately 2.830 acres. PURPOSE: To further subdivide the previously approved preliminary platted lot into 2 lots for future final platting. LOCATION: On the west side of North Carroll Avenue approximately 370' south of Southcrest Lane. OWNERS: John Cole APPLICANT: Panorama Properties,Inc CURRENT ZONING: "0-1" Office District LAND USE CATEGORY: Office Commercial NO. NOTICES SENT: Thirteen(13) RESPONSES: One(1)response was received from within the 200' notification area: • John Cole, 5001 Spring Valley Rd#1100-W,Dallas, TX 75244, in favor, (Received May 13, 1999.) P&Z ACTION: May 20, 1999;Approved(7-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated May 14, 1999. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated May 14, 1999. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\MEMO\99CASES\99-045RPP.W PD • u our i ,4' ,41k. ' ..,. ,or . . 111PRIPIN n 3122 i n� n$ - 111111 Q311Q SY ?. n 73 x *MA." s 3191Z n 3A6tJ --� SA IC 31171 0\\.g�L n 4CL4 2 " WIC n id ■,�\O161 st Ac =1 Id 2 to & U CAT . n; to+ C k— bra . g 12ll x 6l krii n 3W TY 311A4 n�311J1 �T � i ' IC "Ma I:fi= 5/1 2 I` n II k CaR a It a in me V, II Ac ow- a nc 1911 lc !ligi , • a164 is 3517 �77 k a v n g MI ' MI IC n ♦ ' ZLt45 AC '�' I a n PM/C ,�A ❑ t'I �"11111 J-`W sLk312 �Q�R�'IS a1• n' ' fibs/'$ .,.III x�IC .,9:0 521 k 4.. III ; S'�" %r 23A •;;,� � �r :�ME R.EA VIES T.MAE 4.1 A-481 I SURVEY , .1111iiillAl 9.1 le 111 3 III 1111111-: 'Entatais �..r' 73b 81 0 tea• ��� �� • - Tim l004 i II C IiiI !WuitW are iiih i bib_ ,.., mr Aka ,,,■, TRIP @ 3C TB 2A TB 'IV \I\ \C. ',,, , ���/ g Tl 32EC 51491 is C�y� Itniiiliti M :11114 MIL s ,. s ; T ill a �� nx s n ,, e N n 32 TRIG n 71 GORet1' Iu lIE n4n \11R 4MiC IC 4 ■ ,`� i ' 3�P IC 4t14'1 ,R / 111. ��o0 nt 4 3 44 k ► ►I' 1111 _ kifiAmv1459" 3215 . 1,/ a �1V 1111iiimmur llA,RJ,i 1�11. 4 IC n 2 TH 4Bl •'♦♦,�.,,,,11611—r� C, rrRr, Iit ,. 111111 filti 1121 IC 0111111111111, 4 ;i ; .►),41A a,` TRACT MAP � l� �; . aim] : AI�� j, vita k ` ` �`i'<<i,4f!JiiiiVa 427 A • 1 ,! ....l r> '''11I _ nc it"-, a I nu I - / 1 1 n 's l.� 4 te, . . SOUTHVIEW TR = ca 7 s+ w ss a , a ss .` a+ 1000 180 0 ' RCS 4 ^ a 3 x 2 ? 1 t U Al" 5 x TR 5D jfl +.. ,3s m 2.892 AC Rl(i I lu ,ss us 1' �n s 481 15 ti 16 s 17 � x 6 x 130 N 2.6; \0401 ,7s # s, U, 29 6 x' SOUTHCREST CT SOUTHCREST LN 3311 s ma ,a 180 - 2411 17. = 14 " GENESIS 13 ? 12 s A 1 x 7 e ' FINANCIAL r 73 GROUP "' "`w INC. \ us 1M i� 9 p. tQ i = SOULIER "O_1 " ' N e 6 - 9 i 10 _ 11 l 0 IV 131 137 „ ,>. SOUTH BEND TR = J.COLE i2' "' I7 » \MOOR Eg f 8 1 7 6 5 J.HARVEY I 12$ 525 170 ss 9 P. 10 p 11 Q 12 R•CALLAN IR. Y SA L., s KUHNEN 29 ® a THE FECHTEL GROUP ,2s 125 us at ,40"--- OASIS CT •6a110 ,,, o 127 125 1y 12s�` C. - "C_3" JACKSON= i • 20 3 .19 g 18 $ 17 IM.: 's •iJ Tj r. -i cc i » 134 FO�RYti 1— 1140 12 12: s 26 # N If — 22 x 23 - 15s 158 25 4 8 1 OWNBY LN r. sb no „o ++o so `s 5 4'HIIiILEY us to a 3 :: : ! 8n 762 g ,m +b ` sso MO aw I ADJACENT OWNERS �'- ~"--..., AND ZONING me ------- TR AMA TR 3D3 g-A. _ TR38 ■ g, ° a 1 r ii ii !iiti a$ Ili '1 rill * 141 0 4 • J i1 lax 4 1 i Le > q Y 1 iiR lilt- ,, �12 i spp 1 lair, ' I a� - R R III V P ,� Ihul I1 1 IRI i if s Orr:I iRi i; !sa hill Ai li i e !� illii I°° ! ;Rli R l `l •4Ill ` 5 I i O, ill 1IiiI gi 130431111! cea li- 1-4 a J 0- )- Cr a Z J I. Li 0 ill i� I ow > fr n. Q [,jd x) — i91 ... ,� ..i .,..,....a ... I', "— Cl) � 0 '7 I $ 11 5� I- Ii �� d • • IL! I.. -r -I- ...�. 1i i HH1 ,, j -7.— WCS1NNnRRRR RtR�RTNTRRR1 1-(�'— of .-]] 6666 I0 ti 1 r ,......,_ , i A 8 0 I (if e l Q�Q 5 t 4 ( It r i-q. 44' i!li ,_Li t�: o INI 5 x I acts-eR►-Lte . um srx31 3xrnws aallvllunov •anv TIOI V,)•M _ ah' k L 5 VI4d '37`'1d dW`d21ON'dd 7 ;;7 0 i i 4 I 9� $4"1u4oJV e)Ie1e, I •'ONI'C ObJd dWd?JONdd 4 14 87} a 44 i .* e (\weill¢-( f - ac o ! gl T I- 5 it - m4 .. ., m , c:4 1 1 .,,..,Ywf f , _-- - .! _, 1 - ,� - ,, / I I �-• j I ant .� I i f. • I I nJ 1 I I 1 1 1{�� Ti z yy Q c 1 1 z k "il . r 11 •; w ay� � R —^� yYq Y /'ittl':,,,,..'''; (n :Ili ' 6 I I s 1 i LLI tti It j j 3 " os d i - ri O - et t fgf,I ���� � i � � IJI• �,7rI a. 1 k , . _. .,... .. : . 11 1 ri, 1. I . I 1 111115 : i • IIII ;ha j j ;(-171111IIIII r:- Lu5 - ---, i I .....,.., ill t CC _ -o . Slot I t H+ i -� I , L,l13 ,,,.;' :0, 1 1b r I `i 4' . I .j v PI rr , I 1 4:----1-- . h 1 11!!!! . i!it.,4_4 (.---1 - iii : I . 1 ILI i I , t S 1 1� i It i. s !PI 16 1 y a I : , " t,a , z 1 5 > • A qf-ii,--,fvii �>,1: l i ill! ; 1 Q ti. �I I • I I \_l.-_per k R ` _ �. �'�l . I .g" : i j S2#l 5 § IQ P.WTVII P ` �t c (� i C�v I Q cih r zta ass - �t'' �- - 0 :at ..,...we.le (�\. ,o I Pr I. i oA � 4�oo YR d no. t......4.......it _ F� OI S, ,. • ?-.--,--.. Ezi! Icc 1 , I k 6/iSiO , sty; Cirno' ■ A Divbion of PiNlofdII\d Prow-tic\ Ilk. City of Southlake Planning&Zoning Department 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake,Texas 76092 May 5, 1999 RE: Case No. ZA 99-045 Attached are the revised copies of the preliminary plat for the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on May 20th, 1999. We intend to change the drainage plan so as to incorporate comments regarding the type `Y' inlet. Additionally,the 24"concrete drainage pipe will be shortened so that the drainage improvements will remain entirely on Lot 3. This will alleviate the need for an additional drainage easement and maintenance by the City. We are also under the impression that this will eliminate the need for a (klige' Developers Agreement. Please do not hesitate to call our office if you need additional information or clarification. Sincerely, #‘•"rs /)1L .c4 - Will Edgington • • r,''1, .,.:':: U c 1999 1.L RED MAY 0 J 1999 502 N. Carol mac.. Sutc Ito • Southlahc. TX 76092 (817) 488-9000 • Fax (817) 488-0819 • www.cadencecustanhanescan . City of Southlake, Texas S PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 99-045 Review No: Two Date of Review: 05/14/99• Project Name: Revised Preliminary Plat,-Lots 2 and 3,Block 1,Panorama Place Addition,being a Revision of the approved Preliminary Plat for Lot 2,Block 1,Panorama Place Addition,and being 2.830 acres out of the William W. Hall Survey,Abstract No. 12023 APPLICANT: SURVEYOR: Panorama Properties,Inc. Loyd Bransom Surveyors, Inc. 502 North Carroll Avenue#120 1028 North Sylvania Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 Fort Worth,TX 76111 Phone: (817)488-9000 Phone: (817) 834-3477 Fax: (817)488-0819 Will Edgington Fax: (817) 831-9818 Charles B.Hooks CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 05/05/99 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT LISA SUDBURY AT(817)481-5581,EXT.862. 1. Correctly show the existing C.A.E.filed by separate instrument on the north side of Lot 2.As depicted, the shaded area is greater than the filed easement. * A Developers Agreement is required prior to construction of any public infrastructure. The Developer's Agreement for this addition should consider streets,drainage,park dedication requirements and fees, off-site sewer extensions,off-site drainage and utility easements and impact fees. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Will Edgington VIA FAX ABOVE Charles B. Hooks VIA FAX ABOVE L:\ComDev\WP-FILES\REV\99\99045RPP2PanoramPlace.doc % . . 0') co 5 (r) .z.:,...:•,.. - ,...: II i .•,....kly= .4,-. 3 ' .. . a ... .,, d ' t4 1, 4i . ay ha 11.4 I 4 lb 1 .-1 sul.141 I ki ilPiik .. , t i lgii iiiii 1 1 I 1 —, to II ill 1 I ! ! i I _ III i 1 II — I v ! ; . - 1 5 II i VI tip 16 . ip se i ;1 I q 0 .0 diP 0 N $1 gi I NON TOMO'11 \\N' ‘... .......‘ .211'111111810O1 . I I woo P I WM )R t1 1 11:1111 i II it I II .I I V ri 1 pio 8 I dI\ L •N p \I, . ( 1 \id 1 1 t I gsiiN ---1 I ill )I 01 iliNsi %to 4 N ,.. t ri---N 1 N.‘ I A de II ,, -,\ ...,1 1 11 . \111 iti t "4. 6i ......SJAINAIVI PA ININIO MUM Iiii li gi 0 ill lir If Ir i \ N.‘ i N\ v . 4 ig. 2 _ • 1 ..amia II I. ii . I g r .... i In i :.. r.pi. ,r.'. r • !: 4-3—s _ I t I City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 28, 1999 TO: Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Billy Campbell, City Manager SUBJECT: Approving the appointment of Deputy Director of Fire Services Garland Wilson as Director of Public Safety. Action Requested: City Council approval of appointment of Garland Wilson to Director of Public Safety. Background Information: Garland Wilson has been with the City of Southlake for over ten years, serving in the capacities of Fire Captain and Deputy Director of Fire Services. He has interacted with City Council both at a local level and as Fire Chief in Aubrey, Texas for 10 years. He was instrumental in Southlake becoming the first Fire Service in Texas to obtain accreditation, and this experience will be vital with Southlake's planned police accreditation process. Garland's appointment will create a vacancy in Fire Service and Ricky Black will be appointed to that position. Because I held the title of Chief of Police. we will retitle the Deputy Directors to be as follows: Deputy Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police Services, Gary Gregg; and Deputy Director of Public Safety/Chief of Fire Services, Ricky Black. We will also reduce the number of Deputy Directors from three to two within the Department of Public Safety, as John Knight will be reassigned in order to more clearly facilitate the citywide computer and radio system. Financial Considerations: The position requires no additional budget personnel or additional budget money. Citizen Input/ Board Review: No citizen input has been received. Not subject to any Board review. Legal Review: None Alternatives: Not Applicable Cr Supporting Documents: Not Applicable 5K-1 Mayor and Councilmembers May 28, 1999 Page 2 Staff Recommendation: Place the request for approval of appointment of Deputy Director of Fire Services Garland Wilson as Director of Public Safety on the June 1, 1999 City Council meeting agenda. BC/bls Approved for Submittal to City Council: City Manager's Office Lie 5K-2 l City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT May 28, 1999 • CASE NO: ZA 99-007 PROJECT: Resolution No. 99-41 /Specific Use Permit/Outside storage of plants or other greenery/Home Depot STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator,481-5581, ext. 743 r REQUESTED ACTION: Specific Use Permit for outside storage of plants or other greenery as part of a retail operation per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (29) on property legally described as Lot 4, Block 2, Village Center, Phase 2, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slides 3095 & 3096, Plat Records, Tarrant County,Texas, and being approximately 11.732 acres. A Site Plan will be considered with this request. PURPOSE: Approval of outside storage as specified under the requested action and address associated wall construction and parking reductions. LOCATION: On the west side of Village Center Drive approximately 500' north of East Southlake Boulevard(F.M. 1709). (kr OWNER: Home Depot USA, Inc. APPLICANT: Winkelmann& Associates, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District LAND USE CATEGORY: Retail Commercial NO.NOTICES SENT: Six(6) RESPONSES: None P&Z ACTION: February 18, 1999; Approved(7-0)to table at the applicant's request and to continue the Public Hearing to the March 4, 1999, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. March 4, 1999; Approved(6-0)to table to the April 22, 1999, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. April 22, 1999; Approved (4-0) applicant's request to table to the May 6, 1999, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. City of Southlake, Texas May 6, 1999; Approved(4-2) subject to Specific Use Permit Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated April 30, 1999; deleting Item #2 (6.2 variance on parking spaces); requiring all retail merchandise to be located in the store, garden center, or outside storage area; requiring that material stored in the outside storage area will not exceed 10' in height and will not be seen from State Highway 114 whichever is more restrictive; placing the propane tanks inside the darkened outside storage area if legally possible, and if not, adjacent to the darkened outside storage area; requiring the S.U.P. to be renewed on July 1, 2000; providing color scheme to City Council; and allowing only two (2) vending machines.\ COUNCIL ACTION: May 18, 1999; Approved (7-0) to table to the June 1, 1999, City Council meeting. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Specific Use Permit Revised Review No. 1,dated April 30, 1999. With the exception of items addressed under this review,this site is subject to all conditions of the previous site plan approval. L:\COMDEV\W P-FILES\MEMO\99CASES\99-007SU.WPD L �A� 7iY U9 NC. V 146Y aural -. TR 4, i TR t5i Y T 1B 11� TR �Q. 2P t7 Y .412 ,l'‘\\itA-- t TR WC 1.-%1' n • . /1131111 pi 2 ICn' III k 3i11► lit 3111t TB 31W R 211 hi 113 1 41C Au-, 4��� 1 s, is ' ��� ,. ;,. , I"9 q�nicI tt IC 2g SOY Tim \ 8 5; �Qrta R16 INIP Y Ls. `\ 75530 a:i 81151 $Y Text 177k �Y �8 • au Y R�1C TR „• 2111111 t es I i awl. ��� R 2► t036 Y R 512 ' It 52 1e x t Tat eY n• 4 Es 312 C�� 1 It: k "I, - � i r it a TB 21 n „' l Fa it RtOW i3c 4.911 Ai R3 � R511It 4 �� , I ACI831 toll Y I a+t • \���,��, , 4884 A 4 Y i�? J nan n�, �� R.EA D ES T.MAH 14.404 Y R 514 = , a . ':1.ins A-481 SURVEY A- I •9 ta5 Y ,,, es k R 585 r Mei , TR 5D ii. woo* e rR2eu ' • A A IN.11 14 II 50 1004 X Lad , .g. TR 5' . ..i4. 112C use um ,,. as . iit \ U 96 ,11: i.!mai 71 utitta. ,,,..., IR w1 1` sa28 vs iii tai 111 i TR 582 lirea ..-''' TR 5821 ' • 53N C "NAST PM TR 2A F � �Text 1 1- 11111% 14 . O. Tt1 51497 c y o \*, 4 79AC : 210k 55k il 5 - ----- �� •. ..a --------+ 1 .,a. . .... . , 4. IN" ,k0.\: , li ill Ta • W., ' t'` i R En miir71 , !! ij 3tt�Y 4191Y TR t45laY 112k $2$Y Te, I R21L ,ffi TR 3 1C ,_-. ,. ' TR iC �(s CI le to a ~A '�' li1L"�.,� � ,t‘ 14 ID S T8461 — '•� is- �, 1 t: TR 33 IHN U 8 •/ 1 a i t34 le ; 1 2110Y Biu ' T R3 R3D' '.AC 1113 %.•,- minim's,. ma $ es f laww, / , ilif , p • ... , n . no TRACT MAP I111 se R .__ impp( ' 1.1iiii IR 3 Ti3 T ` ' 1 2 W — v Of? ' BRE 1 L STRIA 11 ' • -5469 A i • I C. PETERKA "C-3N T&M SOUTHLAKE DEV CO.' "NR—PUD" 1 "C-3" "C-3" T&M 4SOUTHLAKE • • 0 DEV CO. C. PETERKA :i ' 4. g os TR 2A1�_ 'W? A.. t — 11 w1 AG A��66gJ cs CEN 'w VILE f 1 T "C-3„ w .111 ' 7 3 1` 13.07 I OTR/REGENCY 1 I' ARIZONA FUNDING CORP. TX REALTY HOLDINGS N N I >� 442 Ia • r - 2.270 O " fat . 58 O 934 O 1 _ R. EADES I .J JAG% g, 2 1 a.078 .6 SURVEY )4 VIL v N rr � ,sa a 44669" A 3 z i . /'� R A-481 2 i 9 ,' ,� / - 018 AC ADJACENT OWNERS ><„ -.A- 1 1 —" —Coi — ' AND ZONING • b WO 111 61R 5 .51 AC 7A-11 h 1.00 AC 1.03 AC to _ 04121 _ AAA =� '"" •�••�• AAm.• Z 3SVHJ '1131N33 39V11IA . " ""'"*"' •® �'�•�� Z X3O111 't (INV f S107 ntsl•>i�lA► I'iw 'maim. 44 '1 ' �...1 ««w ow.w.•19911..... NV1J 3.LIS 1IV13O .i dt =:r`-...'�'... 1 .�.. u ! I il! ! ' 11 J i I ttlI.; e. ; = y W"at ��� ilsill (ill t .. . 1 I,.... 14 I� ii t sJ s ! , 1 '. ...; . 1 r OZr. oz1 S� s y ` F •li s't 1} 1'tdl I, 1! hid!1t 1III1{, I ;j r42•V '" _ /16 ttn.tl1r 1 I' iY?ivi1IJi 111 �! iJ :� ii tijf f :1,! t�� t E 1 _ .WW �<�z �!�• �O• N �.I/ I i 1 3 < < I,Lit/ _.... .._.. .'111 I !•t fi!,.1 1 1111 i .s.! !�t � 1 II Iq liii 44'II I lef di P i1zi •• � 1 I ,I 1 ,� ' 111 s` it1 r0 _ N1 •. N i j bil !j `li si1 O '-11 1 Jo I .•"" 1 IN i di Z ; , I 1 II ! ; 1 {s'e is "t W {' CO �u iii t .y 1 I. f I lb-,,..� s. 1 in I1 ': ! it I!I;!1�{11; jjt 1;,� 1Js I I?) X Ig# Y • I ` i It. ••• e. I... I f t /. I. 1011` h 1 I;!'I1'j I I 1 �> z id1�6 ' r I II I .1 tj li 10 iv;1{�Ii 1 Rd i0;o ;1 Z y# - ----, : , ; k,;Uzz1; Is 1:� II I I .; i x I !1! 11)11111I illj 11 I .I 1 1 e • x 10 ,/ 1 ' i;i i i Il I� 1I y jig ; s li ;1' J1 c� IL J F! n ——J _ I i!fill / jiJIIj` tt=I !MR 1j-- 4.. i I 1@I I I I I i!ill I 1`� IIJJ ' ii,!'I ' ;1 • •t CD t1`I.111 — —— ti .. ...a, Il:1 1 11 I ;,�tt9; ��l ill; ifs;;y i !!,i �'-1 1 '`IS CD . i S3SII jI iii B©ti 111,r 11111! 1iI1 !i. r 1- �!I •1 cc ;. i _ t i/ I i3.t, g 1 I . 6! fij JJ i.if! j,I., If I . M. s 1 .. g \ t / p % I 1 1'=I !1. I. Ij di s' ;Il s! I lid ).St I� Y" / r"' d? , ji1 •� S! P�'j' 11!I II.!;r %!!i1�! I W g - - IT/t'. s IIg: 11 ill • 1.J�i1 is •j•i; 81 al / V `_.,, hi: a. '1!1! 1•.1 11c!tI —- -ilm) l'''.1 0 g Inn 111I!IIIHOh1Rn III 1 U Q[ / /, , 1,_ • a. I CL (110pc'; i a �; / �1 `�� Mg11 I 1i t CL �at#q/ ir C, 1' ; .7:V�y' ^! � wee iains�a�vrun a J X / / at // » " » a . I .` 0 a , 1 3 // *"/ » a 3 c La it ilk E � I! J _ �' Lf:'. i = a CC bt. 6 1:it - .. — „ ..t .. .. t. / N r rn '. t , , , • •, F;�1 i�G,tI • / I' -1`41s IIIII i!,-„ .� III , ,,i I� ����...7L-1 / } a1:r•r+� r it r / ....... .y4 rf,„,„,,g4 , a ►i I ,I , .• .. k .; • iiii '..,::'• III... " - II ae Y i g 7. 11• M i E1 1 e! 41 I� ,,, I t,I Il i 1 i atilt �1J,I o lf;, 1 3 kit • f!. 1=7'i' . o l! ! 1,11 I 9.- I-•1.,/' . —.., 7 — • �_-_ -_ .- - —..1 -- e - - i.JK nnWA AO L 11 Y m1 a. a 1 o to '� I` M : $ 1 1 1% 1! A 1 2e 2 11 :S i i g¢" 911-5 Winkelmann REC'D F E B 1 5 1999 &Associates, Inc. CONSUt1 G CNR ENGINEERS• SURVEYORS February 17, 1999 Ms. Lisa Sudbury City of Southlake 817/481-5581 1725 E. Southlake Blvd. 817/488-6796 (Fax) Southlake, Texas 76092 RE: Case No. ZA99-007 SUP Home Depot & Outside Storage Ms. Sudbury: This letter shall serve as Home Depot's response to staff comments regarding the above referenced request. 1. Dimensions have been provided around the outside storage and the total area shown. 2. We count 574 spaces or a 5.75% reduction. 3. Variance note has been modified as per #2 above. Lir 4. No reply necessary. 5. We will resubmit copies by 2/22 following P&Z Action. 6. Case No. has been incorporated as requested. 7. We would anticipate that all fees have been paid with the original Plat and Site Plan. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, WINKEL ANN & ASSO • TES, INC. Michael D. C ark, P.E. Vice President MDC:trr cc: Emilou Barnes, HD Tommy Todd, WAI f:\work\0795 3\staff cm nt.ltr L 12800 Hillcrest Rd.,Suite 200 Dallas,Texas 75230 (972)490-7090 Fax(972)490-7099 City of Southlake,Texas SPECIFIC USE PERMIT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA 99-007 Revised Review No: One Date of Review: 4/30/99 Project Name: Specific Use Permit-For Outside Storage of Plants for Home Depot,being a portion of Lot 4,Block 2,Village Center,Phase 2 APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: Home Depot USA,Inc. Winkelman&Associates,Inc. 2800 Forest Lane 12800 Hillcrest,#200 Dallas,Texas 75234 Dallas,Texas 75230 Phone: (972)402-3800 Phone: (972)490-7090 Fax: (972)402-3871 Fax: (972)490-7099 Attn: Mike Clark CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 1/25/99 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT LISA SUDBURY AT(817)481-5581,EXT.862. The applicant submitted"Line of Site"and"Wall Detail"drawings attempting to address the Commission's concerns regarding the screening wall around the outside storage area.No new review was generated. This review is isolated to the cross-hatched area proposed for the outside storage of plants and related materials and the elimination of the existing parking spaces in that area.No other changes are proposed. All other aspects of this site plan comply with the previously approved plan. This area combined with the existing outside storage,previously approved,represents a total of 25%. Five percent is permitted by the ordinance. The additional 20%is part of this request. 1. Provide dimensions around the perimeter and square footage of the area being utilized for this storage. 2. With this proposed outside storage,parking spaces will be eliminated. The applicant is requesting a reduction in parking.The required parking for Home Depot is 609 spaces. This plan shows 571 spaces,a variance of 6.2%. 3. Correct the"Variance Request"note to reflect the actual number of spaces shown on the site. Staff calculated 571 spaces,a reduction of 6.2%. 4. Clarify the specific materials proposed to be located in the new area. NOTE: Ordinance 480, Section 45.1.29- "This specific use permit is designed to permit the City Council to allow limited outdoor garden sales activity in conjunction with traditional retail operations...". Fencing materials may not be permitted within this area. * This plan proposes a 10'masonry screening along the north and west perimeter of the area. The north portion screening currently exists.The south side,interior to the sight and adjacent to the existing building, shows an 8'black vinyl coated chain link fence. • City of Southiake,Texas • * Although not required by ordinance,staff would appreciate placing the City case number'ZA99- 007" in the lower right corner for ease of reference. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a fully corrected site plan,landscape plan,irrigation plan,and building plans,must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees:Park Fee, Roadway Impact Fee, Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees,and related Permit Fees. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Home Depot USA,Inc Winkelman&Associates,Inc ULKSV0001 WP- SIR.doe(11, .,• +.. z. '#+sr? a? -w r. •, 3• : i � ._7*,} .4= s1, 4 xz .,e t T3` 5 , C Y x - a ,V wit m ;H g . ..-.. .. ........,. . .-..,-.. . ...,..:��a,.....�,.....<..,.. .. .=fin.. .. City of Southiake,Texas Case No. 99-007 Review No. One Dated: 2-4-98 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name:Lots 3&4,Block 2.Village Center Phase2- Home I2 t(Specific Use Permit) • Contact: Keith Martin. Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 481-5581, x 848 Fax: (817) 421-2175 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on 01 - 25 - 99 . Comments designated with a (#) symbol may be incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Other items will not be addressed by either the P&Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modifications as required by the comment. LANDSCAPE COMMENTS: 1. There are existing trees in the area of the west proposed 10' masonry wall.Although they are not located directly whwere the wall is proposed,they are within five feet(5'),between the wall and the property line or barbed wire fence. 2. A minimum of 50%of all canopy trees planted on the site are required to be 2"caliper and 50% shall be 4"in caliper. • C . The applicant is proposing to plant Japanes Black Pine as one of the trees that will provide a screen along the 10' masonry screen wall. Austrian Pine would make a much better screen than Japanese Black Pine. RECvF -B C ; 192 BUILDING INSPECTIONS.; t 6661sg Nara 'Yd_ aa-= «..�s.."M.`='moo. i 3SYN1 `13LN3D 39Y711A ...w T.=i.+o _• ® �, i 23011 `t (INV 3 S101 ._. tf ��Igq.N M... 1r:..., NY1a 3115 1iY13Q r_ j! 1 e l t z-. I luny rA 1 t, �� ,I i/ •t• w w+� Am 1 (!! 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Sent by: CASCO CORP 3148214912821 ; 04/23/99 9:38; jelFax #939;Page 1/1 F!'K-ee-1V77 1 b ui5t.0 lk�u r.eid/od Co; PRE CAST CONCRETE • 1°.° 41r CAP W/ BEVELED TOP 1/2" MIN. OVER MANGE 11 EA, SIDE DOWELL INTO TOP OF WALL 0 4'-0" O.C. App 1Z 'RI? of EX 1ST. 14 012" O.C. "TEx COTE" EA. SIDE HORIZONTAL TEXTURE COATED PAINT TO MATCH ' PRIMER COAT PER V MFG. SPECS' ri a` r. NS {`I 12" O.C. r. VERTICAL o e co -1 1 t a) N 0 Z 4000 PSI CONCRETE WALL C x W LL _ r8" s\-- GROUT k Rue SMOOTH 7. 1 : ALL FORM WORK MARKS o E ei #5 DOWEL TO MATCH .e & VOIDS PRIOR TO (ALT MKS.) .I PAINTING WALL GRADE 05 0 12" O.C. 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Resolution No. 99-41 Page 1 RESOLUTION NO. 99-41 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, GRANTING A SPECIFIC SE PERMTrYORI. OUTSIDE STORE, e T P GREY n � - F ON v�<< PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS, BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS, LOT 4, BLOCK 2- VILLAGE CE PHASE 2, ADD Oil TO THEI ;� � r A : bra s �39 11 51,V A � ,MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", AND AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED SITE PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a Specific Use Permit for outside storage of plants or other of a retail operation has been requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in the property zoned as "C-3" General Commercial District; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of Section 45.1 (29) of the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance,the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have afforded the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, and, WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find and determine that the granting of such Specific Use Permit is in the best interest of the public health,safety, morals and general welfare of the City. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS: L:\ComDev\WP-FILES\RES-ORD\99-41.doc 1A-15 Resolution No. 99-41 Page 2 SECTION 1. A Specificvse Permit is,zheo y granted roT c ifor i plar is ar* part of a To* _ 'on on the property being legally described as ': Phase 2,an addition to the:City of SonthlakeilTairltnteoTarrant in Cabinet A,Slides 3095 and 3096,.Plat Records,larrant County;':Texas,and being approximately ll s _- ,more fully and completely described in Exhibit"A",and as depicted on the approved site plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B" and providing an effective date, subject to the provisions contained in the comprehensive zoning ordinance and the restrictions set forth herein. The following specific requirements and special conditions shall be applicable to the granting of this Specific Use Permit: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SECTION 2. This resolution shall become effective on the date of approval by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 1999. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Rick Stacy,Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\RES ORD\99-41.DOC Resolution No. 99-41 Page 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Southlake,Texas C C L:\COMDEV\WP-FILESIRES-ORD'199-41.DOC �A J; , Resolution No. 99-41 Page 4 EXHIBIT "A" rr Lot 4,filook 2,11:41,,..$4: art.00:1* q fssmithi Taant County , Texas,accorcling*;thep4at recorded in Cabinet A,;$411#a3095-*..3996,illat'itcoot4si,Taxrant County,Texas,*,L '-aivraiOn*ab, 11.732 acresC C L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\RES-ORD\99-41.DOC Resolution No. 99-41 Page 5 C., EXHIBIT"B" 6661sz NdrQ —' L 3SYHd 'U31N33 37V111A i .1 ® L 71�O1Y f ........ANY t 5101 .w .. '� �- �� ���•...-., I NYId 3115 11Y13O _ °' �� 1 1 I -zQ ah1 1 :; �� F • 1 r4ii, i i' r �W ti . .i - I 1fI ..y•1•ai':!' 1 1, :, !1 III II . , ; 3:' :s• , • :''►- t� Ir _ e- i1 I 1 h.; 7•i 4 1'. . ' 1 :! 1,11, t II' 'fi l' 1 ..o'-W sr,Ic i I _ 2; MO 111111111j�a i ! 1 ;t ;, r•1 1■ is 1= -0. 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IIiIut! k !!�F 1 .l.i 1 i / �. %4,// Ii I.1 i• t1 ,� 9 lb h!.Y . /' `'r,,- iK._. • 1 .1 I Ott rt3i , • a \ f '1:- .z , : 1 - g c _ :l•: ' '' .. 11 Yi�1 it.t 1} ,I .'/T,1 •f n^- ;.'amyl $ ali 'S .IE gr- rt111./i ri i; 121 fd 'III i is F Ili ,.. II !'� ; �— 11 a �1! X i t . it 1 'r I I LL 1 i' ,1/ ,J • +gEm 4''' 1 i i t i li I 1-- �, , 5 , f -( i'1 f ■ 1� # (...., }t- i a 4 a''t 7, 11 :1 1: • 4i: 111 L:COMDEVWP-FII.ES'RES-ORD\99-41.DOC t1 MQ 4°4 2800 Forest Lane Dallas,TX 75234-7502 Or May 27, 1999 The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Southlake 677 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake,TX 76092 Greetings, I am the recently appointed Maintenance Manager for the Home Depot Southwest Division. I visited the Home Depot in your city this past week. The condition of the landscaping was unacceptable. We have placed our landscape maintenance contractor on notice and have given him direction to replace the dead plants. The site will be in compliance with the approved landscape plan by June 1, 1999 and will be maintained as such for as long as Home Depot owns the property. I assure you that Home Depot will not allow this condition to be repeated. It is in our best interests,as well Las the City of Southlake's,to have an attractive,well maintained store. I can not speak to the issues of the past,however,if there are any issues with the building or grounds in the future,please ntact me at(972)402-3916. As ectfully Dea Pea on Facility Maintenance Manager Southwest Division cc: Emilou Barnes Michael Clark Sam Atkinson,Store Manager Troy Rice,District Manager iuN o �999 bw �� USA "Alto X USG VP Proud Sponsor 1 V4 DIAMOND SHAMROCK CORP. VOL 581Z PG. 2108- D.R.T.C.T. "ME WA DRAINAGE \ s\ a4F\ EASEMENT \ W,qy\ I \F\T \ 0-01Wr SON, \ r L . 100 02 ?: TRUCK 14Et1 I DO DOUBLE ! CANOPY ].LEES • I I l,'ET9./TRANS.4:- Ti a LOT 1 1 GDr,rcD IWMIST1711'c tR . S 6r4Str E - Naar .PROP. 10' UTIL ESNIMW'4yr -� Ye,' NHLMTER rum FUTURE 0 • 01•%'JO' T (J) \\`'SS - � yxy00'SY L. IW02' DOUBLECIODOUBLECe . S b7a'42' E ;PEES - 1500r \\ \+a \ ROW DEDICATED TO TXDOT I II R1 11 CONC -AD I I. CAROL JEAN NWAMS VOL 8516, PG. 595 ZONED C-3 END DOUBLE CANOPY TREES EGM OOLO E CANOPY TREES POC ----- CENTER ��� gFCY N A-A-w• - � /a Iw ru LOT 4, BLOCK 2 THE HOME DEPOT 101,860 BE (TILT BALL CO6TRt1CTON) ZONED C-3 I JT 3. BLOCK 2 I RETAIL g 37,500 sf. i 220't s• eAu% M �,Re-tAf- I 1 - ER YARS(A ♦' rDE YWfOaMD SDEMAIJt Ja' WIDE ASO'� AIDE f$MT. ACCESS mt.- LOT 1, BLOCK 2 (NOT A PART) o� xmgr� �}�[LT�w' N-O;.m UULONC LYRE - '- --- )_E -T)- 71 L- D R•�_SJ9067' T. 21J�WO L. AS701� •7.27'WC\ 177.7T i FE•EE`NWWT HOME DEPOT 0 FUE�iIE� DEVELOPMENT D `W.) R • IO�o.04QT0• � � T e tE.n L . R.x• a - zxiir'ttrn'r AL.KLAUL .IUMMAKT ALL ►ROPESTY ZONED C-3 WITH PEAIMIED RETAL/C0IMERCIAL USE. LOT S 4.606 ACHES LOT 4 1 N.621H ACRE THIS DEVETO WIT IL214 ACRES LOT 1 2270 ACRES LOT 2 2:158 ACRES LOT S 3.120 ACRES ROW DED. 0.061 ACRES TOTAL 24.027 ACRES r v I I I I I I 111E _ II / L:K„y%ram - M I M I I I • _ UPON I I I I ryee /� / EQIREl4NT CALQ THE d F, 1. 2V 510 1E3 FRONVIELD 532 SPACES L GAR CER COVERED3, AAOS1.200 9 S"CES ORVEN TIOPEN .364ffr. i.a00 21 SPACES I I q' ► eJrr r De M t / TOTAL IWIG RE EE09 SPACES to d I el i STOP/ LEGEND I I ( / aYFERTUm / WTEMOR LANDSCAPE AREA I I ! DINED C-3 HOME DEPOT PA%DWG LOT LANDSCAPE .m 1IaT .aE ill 10111 I N (TM) to M - - 41595 56P�S%�iliwmu 9 I ` - A',WIDE MEANDERING SDEF �N•y Y BUPTER L See 16 W S. III YARD I I L1. ta30a1 eP' LOT 2, BLOCK 2 (NOT A PART) t WE SULUNe LINE 30-A 7( -`Br 5B 9a5,r E fG 59.87' iS He, 114) C 0' -W 60' xbv SUMMAKT LOT A NTIM effT UNTO am WA. IHOI(K1ODIPP1O' IIAEI ACeO 1 O r [�W FAEOINWEETEP Ir LCAWWOTW C (4 11C) IiVIDIR nt IVACIEf (S M) WOOItO, EDE SrACCS. (12 Ky. P00f Era EPA U9 NC) OIr, [01 ARED,D, I TWAK NOYO@ 2 WACE, •LOV�1 SID,L, 8 10.Ri P10OFa: a YAKS 12N Deer ,mlrt W,YS NNL1YAR" YIRN fiOT eemR Wee W.0 �f ~ WfWW Iffy S4• IM t PA rAfr tx ev..r O'+ a 9 FAR «r n.Aer 1 w ILIA MMejr, Y•A f 1aY 1{ A. r1.4 � 4T� ne�•r MOM M«e ii �TT'aw�4rr iti -1 Tlo lr li T •-^ ` uWa Wi Do-. l(wI NOOC ro IfR19.) aAAbI (bit M(!M To Pwe IRVIDb, THjIAef NA WIIMW ro fOi) rRWDED, IMn,I (Io.9II NIDIOR ro f16tG) rIAR•ps (1YIOD11) f''f"TNp{ (MfpD,1) fwOrr T1ta AOfafr 1ITK >rN and•D ca.0 fEQAEm/r11DYDm S/ 61 to IMaer awWt me WORTH fliW DROAO IbYG II[gMMD/rWDVID[D: 21 of 66D awl ITFW,'. ar-a- TO W W PN EYILDYID, 1(MK2 sIOYf1T. a1.-r To IM OF rAWCf O1UNUOMo, (1c11E 11.A 'WEN V,tCV(xatE 'dEN 9Af1' (7/WdIS) - �IO.IN eoAff) A oIAIND[ ROWY[ Poet ,WT1tux f M01[ APFRCI. RYE Or 01fS1MKIKN FALL I.N APPbt. RARr W ca11tWI1G11D1F F- Taw Y..1I. A01M,aM W +mMetlMKclnb „R.Ip Ifn ..r.ef. GM,RRtlII W mMiT.,GROM MR.n, iN) = PNtONG VARW10E W[OIICIM D (0.7W MONUMENT SIGN ROTES, MD-L OUTSIDE VIOWAK - II•STe Ir' (2m N w ebe) 1 • 1. PARKPO LOTS AMD DIWK.5 WILL E CONCRETE PAVOIDIY J LESS NOTED � ,/ I / , 1)ANT L EOST114 AM PROPOSED ZON M: C-3 DM GARDE) FUTURE SIGN PARKING PARKINGG LOT. L4EWWAn AND SIDEWALKS WILL E CONCRETEPAVDE1f. � Y i• ♦. ID SCAM04 WALLS AROUND LOADI NO SPACES SHAIJ. E CONSTRUCTED OF MASONRY MA1Ee1 LS SRNRMI TO THE PeMART STRUCTURE. , ' . to•M'%' S. SE[ ARCIERCR0.R/1 REVA71oN5 AMID ARIKylA1ON ED.B1S FOR fRAD•1G DOORWAYS A4o AOOTONAL BIIIDwc DMLTI9CNS W ` R . 670.00' 6. THERE AE PO E)(TERKR AUCITCWY SPEAKERS PROPOSED. . 63.2o 63.2V L Q1 : Y]9' » 7. CONFORML MINAATION REt10 0 AS SET F B^ THE OF SOU1ilN(E. TYFTCAL ff HEXPfT PLIGHTS OLES A0 4f QIKiND 1 1.1 II- 0. THIS PROPERTY LES WI1NN THE 6S LON DFW RII AIRPORT OVERLAY NNE AND ON -SE CONSTWTON SHALL COMPLY WITH THE AIRPORT WATSILE LAND USE 2ORMO °MN%11OE r79 AND WILL REQUIRE THE •AVWA'JOI EAXMCeT AND RELEASE• 94MN INz APPENDIX • 3 OF THE SQITNUKE su6DlWsw OROMANCE HQ 461 L FULL �, W FIELD NOTE DESCAPTIOH LOTS 3 AND 4, SLOCK 2 71EHCE SM 7OW31' Emt Tar o d o-e of 51.00 feet to 0 1/2 i,N km Boa Pet far the W I '� (tale a Irael a ,ard edud,k F me T. MAHAN "VEY. Abtracl 1fa lDe9, T-t C-IA ppapplFnnyyqq a a e,.. a Ube lan heww o reawe or 539Q3t feet d wp aura met bean swm 7/t EEaet b s .nerd btenae a 427.27 Reef r ' .FRO rQ �R/ (I 7- aM FMna a rrnmaar of a -W •9.14 Pae beet of land:,n br oarreata, Ora to J- Fa et. d_ m r.aara.a k, V1Yan. fls2a Beare as a eh. D..e Reear4 d rarront THENCE olee9 nd erw to E,,, laa t1-0 a oe,vd ar,y. d 04'32'x, lar an arc irpm a Q t County. I- (D-ILT.E.T.). ee'd -.1 b" - CotbAoly d..aEed by Pelee am Band. m 477-M feet be, 1/2 FNN Man .ea M la the -My R^e of VILLAGE CENTER DRIVE (a prapoeed I I b laao.r 7D Met RQE) .a a ken ee Fel9 M bymb9 a a ou . m he, etl ear �y o M a t6600 70 . FtO d,.re Er. ee,a. SeuM APTLY%' Peet far a Mad alaa,r. of 27.E feet II Ef c4 VILLAGE CENTER COMDICING d • 5/8 " Fan rod fang la Er na•rrly rlynt-a-.Ot• IM a SOUINAK¢ b I BOULEVARD (FM. 1709), edd Yee red bean the sarlMeeRoly inner d tN,a aarlak, lrea a Ir,a PHASE 1 Page TNFNCE SIAM W2rIr •eel a bto are of 267.80 feet to a 1/2 k,N Fan red .et far Me W emreyed to Card Aae Mien. of -Nd i, Vclm 0516. 395 of Dee DALCT4,t t; �,ea d • eew M ths Aft 6rAnv o Nda. d 670.00 Met a lae9 Nara Mal beer. So D wee1 Mr a ch""' baw a 223.26 Mt II$ I I THENCE N" OD W23' Weet slap 1b e,eetMy NN a Oda WIIBo . Ir t. MAD feet to 0 1/2 ^'-^ Q H gFW, _ Fa, IPd .et tr fM POM/ K EiNNR IIfEM; ala,M .eY area le Er MIL W.0 a ee,nbd -0 .1 19Z1'YS'. for m arc w4th of ve.% tees . • 1/t .Hh Fen - eeF. f I. • I I W i 11ER1. 9 eve DDIe'15. 1MMt am1Y„rq dap IM eaMedy M d Mtl Mlrn bact a blar„w a TI61.6• N.a b e 1/t Joel, Fan rod Rand a nr +wlhrb• Nr of • beet a N1d -.V d to ADb I ENCE SmM 0OW5r ,M.t abfr,ee a 2M) W feet to a 1/2 1,N Fen red set •11J ( II Ve DeeMaprr,•N Cape•a+ ee reasdM F Vdr,.e, q7•, Pe•e N. O.ET.CE; . O Wei m (A) I - O RETAIL TIENK MAIM •IYY' Eoet, asap U,e eeu1My M d soM AWm DeebenM,t b-L to o DOOM SEW, MA4370 reef deearMl9 tlee eeeterly Ne a .dd PrNae,.d 1aLACE WRIER DEW. for a btse a of 116.7t feet to a 1/2 k,N Fee red M b Ne / a a,rva I. tM W,r - m p110Nl1MEM b/rKa of 1E.T2 irl b a 1/7 Y,N Fan red set b tlee of • auree le tlw left ha`n9 a rod.,e, of Sm- .eel a larN dwa ma bare, SaM W'a3 ee,t b e altarf de,M,ee o1 rq,1 nM,q a w!r a 4oaW Mt a lap ehartl tbl Peon Norm 7675 W Weet far a Cord 1'et000e of 161.9. WI IIJ 3 100.02 i.et: THENCE do" .'W Dave to It.e, Zl tMeugh a Vd aly. d 2321'30', for an are kor of I W, TmtmCE damp eei i - To Ur I.R. ue-0 a eenbal any. d MVS4r. b en ac W oh a 111107 Met a a t/z .Kh For, rw eel far Ube point or .e rw aeT a e aKre To Me Nil haKp - - - f0002 feet To . 1/2 kWh Fee red eet rPoAe a %ESA %et a bnq Mad mot bete Nolte 78'3540' Waft for a Mad bt000e of 144.33 k t, A) N 6PU ST FI 1t0.71 THENCE swo, 341414* Ew. fa a bbw a 51m feet b a 1/2 MFarod art fo, ce iM •6e697a6r'e4r2,p' e,t Mdwe wb b Iem taaya etrd ade a 'w.bk"m of PY/2 Efee ba bet- *1 13Q07 Jeff; fool, 145.34 feet to ken fad eel: tx.n AM 9loeea 1R t M1 n0 «"two a eM,M any. of t7 -mw. for al arc w9a, a RENEE SwR, 6 AYW Reet a beta d 35656 feet Ibe PONT K KGNN1Q CCNTAN/f aRl,• Oeee -.tee o,o 6aKMe. 16.418 oo,ee a 713.154 ea,ae Met of land. mare, or le,ee I PROPOSED VARIANCES DETAIL SITE PLAN I OF T W O LOTS Y _ - I I 50' IBUILDiNG LINE 1. �ARfOIPD vAR1ANCE To Ora StACE3 (a.76z RE1R)CTION) LOTS 3 I& 4, BLOCK 2 - _�rs SIGN - _ VILLAGE CENTER aoF ; Jlaw_' = -- -_------ - PHASE 2 0.. BEING 16.418 ACRES OUT OF THE -RE FUTURE SKH q' 6 ° f1' T. MAHAN SURVEY, ABSTR. No. 1049 ? 3 MIRON ADDITION VOL. " _131, PG 24 a � : OFF -PREMISE HOLE DEPOT RETAIL MONMENT SIGN /p TO E SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY SIGN ORDINANCE O �, I//--�^--�-- --- L - - I ( MIRON ADDITION F}v) CAB. B, SLIDE 1252 I SOUTHLAKE BLVD. (F.Ia�. 1709) (1J0' R.awJ BDOCMAucs SQUARE CUT a LEST ENO (TOP a CONOEIE HEADrAU UNDER SOIJIMAKE 6LVO. (PM 1 S !fY "MIN OF OAbAIE Y *3Sd WEST Of KWU AWL N 3.N CIUQ OF ON OF AS14MT M ON SOUTH SIDE a r DIA MAL MIT POLE bk--X 0 SOUTH WE Or IfIfEtSOCRON Or SK Rm OF NawE Y SOu7M 114D► Nm0[ a T nEVATOM m7.a IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ARRANT COUNTY, DATE: 3/21 96 fYt ('� �P7� �% 1, 111 � ••/YJ• a00 mA 7Msa DrtaRl`-'4�aWW TEXAS N O L!� ^ evA W.iy t " �P ' OF s WOODLANDS HEIGHTS ADDITION •• •• •• VOL. 388-155, PG. 13 "' ' " "•...... ... ........: 7, .AC):, i :T,�c;. T ..... ...... 9 a PROPOS D 10' MASONRY SCREEN WALL PROPOSE 8' CHAINLINK — FENCE 1. CHAINLINK FENCE TO BE- BLACK VINYL COATED 2. MATERIALS LOCATED WITHIN CONFINES TO BE LIMITED TO LANDSCAPE MAT'LS. & ACCESS. ITEMS SUCH AS MULCH, PAVERS, FENCING, ETC. 3. NO MAT'L. TO BE STACKED ABOVE 10' WALL 4. PALLETS & EMPTY PLANT RACKS TO BE MAINTAINED INSIDE ENCLOSURE 10' UTIL. ESMT. 0 203.72' 25' BUFFER YARD 01 EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT LP N OUTDOOR STORAGE AREA ( 13,370 S.F. ±� SLIDING GATE rim= EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT S89°38'45"W EXISTING 10' MASONRY SCREEN WALL EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED 8' 1t21 —CHAINLINK FENCE- 20' UTIL. ESMT. � EXISTING 24' FIRELANE 0 UY� Z10 <g aJa^ m8Z < V Z ' W X 41 0 K i a � s n mj N s rn r N 3 F 2 0 0 13 q T �� N OF I SYMBOL BOTANICL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE COMMENTS CC CERCIS CANADENSIS RED BUD 6' B & B PT PINUS THUNBERGII JAPANESE BLACK PINE 6' B & B QS QUERCUS SHUMARDII SHUMARD OAK 2" CAL B & B QV QUERCUS BIRGINIANA LIVE OAK 2" CAL B & B UC4 ULMUS CRASSOFOLIA CEDAR ELM 4" CAL B & B 3 cc PROPOS D 10' MASONRY SCREEN WALL 2 I PT PROPOSE 8' CHAINLINK FENCE t I. EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT LP EX. 10' MASONR P T SCREEN WALL _ OUTDOOR STORAGE cc AREA 3 EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT Q V I— EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT, ZI co 20' UTIL. ESMT. EXISTING 24' FIRELANE i w Y Q J J W 0 V) W a_ Q � 00 a_ p W Z p Q J LLI 0 SMT 3 OF i •'! 635 OR 625 620 615 610 STATE HIGHWAY 114 FUTURE MAIN LANES VIEW SECTION THROUGH DOCK AREA F- z W W Q 0 wl 0 o I W 1 640 0 z_I F- I N X w 1 635 630 /EXISTING HIGHWAY 625 i I I I 620 615 l REQ A p R 2 61999 0 a w a Y U O V) t- a d W O p w Q. Y = W O o= V) P U V) N 3 w 5 1 V4 DIAMOND SHAMROCK CORP. VOL 581Z PG. 2108- D.R.T.C.T. "ME WA DRAINAGE \ s\ a4F\ EASEMENT \ W,qy\ I \F\T \ 0-01Wr SON, \ r L . 100 02 ?: TRUCK 14Et1 I DO DOUBLE ! CANOPY ].LEES • I I l,'ET9./TRANS.4:- Ti a LOT 1 1 GDr,rcD IWMIST1711'c tR . S 6r4Str E - Naar .PROP. 10' UTIL ESNIMW'4yr -� Ye,' NHLMTER rum FUTURE 0 • 01•%'JO' T (J) \\`'SS - � yxy00'SY L. IW02' DOUBLECIODOUBLECe . S b7a'42' E ;PEES - 1500r \\ \+a \ ROW DEDICATED TO TXDOT I II R1 11 CONC -AD I I. CAROL JEAN NWAMS VOL 8516, PG. 595 ZONED C-3 END DOUBLE CANOPY TREES EGM OOLO E CANOPY TREES POC ----- CENTER ��� gFCY N A-A-w• - � /a Iw ru LOT 4, BLOCK 2 THE HOME DEPOT 101,860 BE (TILT BALL CO6TRt1CTON) ZONED C-3 I JT 3. BLOCK 2 I RETAIL g 37,500 sf. i 220't s• eAu% M �,Re-tAf- I 1 - ER YARS(A ♦' rDE YWfOaMD SDEMAIJt Ja' WIDE ASO'� AIDE f$MT. ACCESS mt.- LOT 1, BLOCK 2 (NOT A PART) o� xmgr� �}�[LT�w' N-O;.m UULONC LYRE - '- --- )_E -T)- 71 L- D R•�_SJ9067' T. 21J�WO L. AS701� •7.27'WC\ 177.7T i FE•EE`NWWT HOME DEPOT 0 FUE�iIE� DEVELOPMENT D `W.) R • IO�o.04QT0• � � T e tE.n L . R.x• a - zxiir'ttrn'r AL.KLAUL .IUMMAKT ALL ►ROPESTY ZONED C-3 WITH PEAIMIED RETAL/C0IMERCIAL USE. LOT S 4.606 ACHES LOT 4 1 N.621H ACRE THIS DEVETO WIT IL214 ACRES LOT 1 2270 ACRES LOT 2 2:158 ACRES LOT S 3.120 ACRES ROW DED. 0.061 ACRES TOTAL 24.027 ACRES r v I I I I I I 111E _ II / L:K„y%ram - M I M I I I • _ UPON I I I I ryee /� / EQIREl4NT CALQ THE d F, 1. 2V 510 1E3 FRONVIELD 532 SPACES L GAR CER COVERED3, AAOS1.200 9 S"CES ORVEN TIOPEN .364ffr. i.a00 21 SPACES I I q' ► eJrr r De M t / TOTAL IWIG RE EE09 SPACES to d I el i STOP/ LEGEND I I ( / aYFERTUm / WTEMOR LANDSCAPE AREA I I ! DINED C-3 HOME DEPOT PA%DWG LOT LANDSCAPE .m 1IaT .aE ill 10111 I N (TM) to M - - 41595 56P�S%�iliwmu 9 I ` - A',WIDE MEANDERING SDEF �N•y Y BUPTER L See 16 W S. III YARD I I L1. ta30a1 eP' LOT 2, BLOCK 2 (NOT A PART) t WE SULUNe LINE 30-A 7( -`Br 5B 9a5,r E fG 59.87' iS He, 114) C 0' -W 60' xbv SUMMAKT LOT A NTIM effT UNTO am WA. IHOI(K1ODIPP1O' IIAEI ACeO 1 O r [�W FAEOINWEETEP Ir LCAWWOTW C (4 11C) IiVIDIR nt IVACIEf (S M) WOOItO, EDE SrACCS. (12 Ky. P00f Era EPA U9 NC) OIr, [01 ARED,D, I TWAK NOYO@ 2 WACE, •LOV�1 SID,L, 8 10.Ri P10OFa: a YAKS 12N Deer ,mlrt W,YS NNL1YAR" YIRN fiOT eemR Wee W.0 �f ~ WfWW Iffy S4• IM t PA rAfr tx ev..r O'+ a 9 FAR «r n.Aer 1 w ILIA MMejr, Y•A f 1aY 1{ A. r1.4 � 4T� ne�•r MOM M«e ii �TT'aw�4rr iti -1 Tlo lr li T •-^ ` uWa Wi Do-. l(wI NOOC ro IfR19.) aAAbI (bit M(!M To Pwe IRVIDb, THjIAef NA WIIMW ro fOi) rRWDED, IMn,I (Io.9II NIDIOR ro f16tG) rIAR•ps (1YIOD11) f''f"TNp{ (MfpD,1) fwOrr T1ta AOfafr 1ITK >rN and•D ca.0 fEQAEm/r11DYDm S/ 61 to IMaer awWt me WORTH fliW DROAO IbYG II[gMMD/rWDVID[D: 21 of 66D awl ITFW,'. ar-a- TO W W PN EYILDYID, 1(MK2 sIOYf1T. a1.-r To IM OF rAWCf O1UNUOMo, (1c11E 11.A 'WEN V,tCV(xatE 'dEN 9Af1' (7/WdIS) - �IO.IN eoAff) A oIAIND[ ROWY[ Poet ,WT1tux f M01[ APFRCI. RYE Or 01fS1MKIKN FALL I.N APPbt. RARr W ca11tWI1G11D1F F- Taw Y..1I. A01M,aM W +mMetlMKclnb „R.Ip Ifn ..r.ef. GM,RRtlII W mMiT.,GROM MR.n, iN) = PNtONG VARW10E W[OIICIM D (0.7W MONUMENT SIGN ROTES, MD-L OUTSIDE VIOWAK - II•STe Ir' (2m N w ebe) 1 • 1. PARKPO LOTS AMD DIWK.5 WILL E CONCRETE PAVOIDIY J LESS NOTED � ,/ I / , 1)ANT L EOST114 AM PROPOSED ZON M: C-3 DM GARDE) FUTURE SIGN PARKING PARKINGG LOT. L4EWWAn AND SIDEWALKS WILL E CONCRETEPAVDE1f. � Y i• ♦. ID SCAM04 WALLS AROUND LOADI NO SPACES SHAIJ. E CONSTRUCTED OF MASONRY MA1Ee1 LS SRNRMI TO THE PeMART STRUCTURE. , ' . to•M'%' S. SE[ ARCIERCR0.R/1 REVA71oN5 AMID ARIKylA1ON ED.B1S FOR fRAD•1G DOORWAYS A4o AOOTONAL BIIIDwc DMLTI9CNS W ` R . 670.00' 6. THERE AE PO E)(TERKR AUCITCWY SPEAKERS PROPOSED. . 63.2o 63.2V L Q1 : Y]9' » 7. CONFORML MINAATION REt10 0 AS SET F B^ THE OF SOU1ilN(E. TYFTCAL ff HEXPfT PLIGHTS OLES A0 4f QIKiND 1 1.1 II- 0. THIS PROPERTY LES WI1NN THE 6S LON DFW RII AIRPORT OVERLAY NNE AND ON -SE CONSTWTON SHALL COMPLY WITH THE AIRPORT WATSILE LAND USE 2ORMO °MN%11OE r79 AND WILL REQUIRE THE •AVWA'JOI EAXMCeT AND RELEASE• 94MN INz APPENDIX • 3 OF THE SQITNUKE su6DlWsw OROMANCE HQ 461 L FULL �, W FIELD NOTE DESCAPTIOH LOTS 3 AND 4, SLOCK 2 71EHCE SM 7OW31' Emt Tar o d o-e of 51.00 feet to 0 1/2 i,N km Boa Pet far the W I '� (tale a Irael a ,ard edud,k F me T. MAHAN "VEY. Abtracl 1fa lDe9, T-t C-IA ppapplFnnyyqq a a e,.. a Ube lan heww o reawe or 539Q3t feet d wp aura met bean swm 7/t EEaet b s .nerd btenae a 427.27 Reef r ' .FRO rQ �R/ (I 7- aM FMna a rrnmaar of a -W •9.14 Pae beet of land:,n br oarreata, Ora to J- Fa et. d_ m r.aara.a k, V1Yan. fls2a Beare as a eh. D..e Reear4 d rarront THENCE olee9 nd erw to E,,, laa t1-0 a oe,vd ar,y. d 04'32'x, lar an arc irpm a Q t County. I- (D-ILT.E.T.). ee'd -.1 b" - CotbAoly d..aEed by Pelee am Band. m 477-M feet be, 1/2 FNN Man .ea M la the -My R^e of VILLAGE CENTER DRIVE (a prapoeed I I b laao.r 7D Met RQE) .a a ken ee Fel9 M bymb9 a a ou . m he, etl ear �y o M a t6600 70 . FtO d,.re Er. ee,a. SeuM APTLY%' Peet far a Mad alaa,r. of 27.E feet II Ef c4 VILLAGE CENTER COMDICING d • 5/8 " Fan rod fang la Er na•rrly rlynt-a-.Ot• IM a SOUINAK¢ b I BOULEVARD (FM. 1709), edd Yee red bean the sarlMeeRoly inner d tN,a aarlak, lrea a Ir,a PHASE 1 Page TNFNCE SIAM W2rIr •eel a bto are of 267.80 feet to a 1/2 k,N Fan red .et far Me W emreyed to Card Aae Mien. of -Nd i, Vclm 0516. 395 of Dee DALCT4,t t; �,ea d • eew M ths Aft 6rAnv o Nda. d 670.00 Met a lae9 Nara Mal beer. So D wee1 Mr a ch""' baw a 223.26 Mt II$ I I THENCE N" OD W23' Weet slap 1b e,eetMy NN a Oda WIIBo . Ir t. MAD feet to 0 1/2 ^'-^ Q H gFW, _ Fa, IPd .et tr fM POM/ K EiNNR IIfEM; ala,M .eY area le Er MIL W.0 a ee,nbd -0 .1 19Z1'YS'. for m arc w4th of ve.% tees . • 1/t .Hh Fen - eeF. f I. • I I W i 11ER1. 9 eve DDIe'15. 1MMt am1Y„rq dap IM eaMedy M d Mtl Mlrn bact a blar„w a TI61.6• N.a b e 1/t Joel, Fan rod Rand a nr +wlhrb• Nr of • beet a N1d -.V d to ADb I ENCE SmM 0OW5r ,M.t abfr,ee a 2M) W feet to a 1/2 1,N Fen red set •11J ( II Ve DeeMaprr,•N Cape•a+ ee reasdM F Vdr,.e, q7•, Pe•e N. O.ET.CE; . O Wei m (A) I - O RETAIL TIENK MAIM •IYY' Eoet, asap U,e eeu1My M d soM AWm DeebenM,t b-L to o DOOM SEW, MA4370 reef deearMl9 tlee eeeterly Ne a .dd PrNae,.d 1aLACE WRIER DEW. for a btse a of 116.7t feet to a 1/2 k,N Fee red M b Ne / a a,rva I. tM W,r - m p110Nl1MEM b/rKa of 1E.T2 irl b a 1/7 Y,N Fan red set b tlee of • auree le tlw left ha`n9 a rod.,e, of Sm- .eel a larN dwa ma bare, SaM W'a3 ee,t b e altarf de,M,ee o1 rq,1 nM,q a w!r a 4oaW Mt a lap ehartl tbl Peon Norm 7675 W Weet far a Cord 1'et000e of 161.9. WI IIJ 3 100.02 i.et: THENCE do" .'W Dave to It.e, Zl tMeugh a Vd aly. d 2321'30', for an are kor of I W, TmtmCE damp eei i - To Ur I.R. ue-0 a eenbal any. d MVS4r. b en ac W oh a 111107 Met a a t/z .Kh For, rw eel far Ube point or .e rw aeT a e aKre To Me Nil haKp - - - f0002 feet To . 1/2 kWh Fee red eet rPoAe a %ESA %et a bnq Mad mot bete Nolte 78'3540' Waft for a Mad bt000e of 144.33 k t, A) N 6PU ST FI 1t0.71 THENCE swo, 341414* Ew. fa a bbw a 51m feet b a 1/2 MFarod art fo, ce iM •6e697a6r'e4r2,p' e,t Mdwe wb b Iem taaya etrd ade a 'w.bk"m of PY/2 Efee ba bet- *1 13Q07 Jeff; fool, 145.34 feet to ken fad eel: tx.n AM 9loeea 1R t M1 n0 «"two a eM,M any. of t7 -mw. for al arc w9a, a RENEE SwR, 6 AYW Reet a beta d 35656 feet Ibe PONT K KGNN1Q CCNTAN/f aRl,• Oeee -.tee o,o 6aKMe. 16.418 oo,ee a 713.154 ea,ae Met of land. mare, or le,ee I PROPOSED VARIANCES DETAIL SITE PLAN I OF T W O LOTS Y _ - I I 50' IBUILDiNG LINE 1. �ARfOIPD vAR1ANCE To Ora StACE3 (a.76z RE1R)CTION) LOTS 3 I& 4, BLOCK 2 - _�rs SIGN - _ VILLAGE CENTER aoF ; Jlaw_' = -- -_------ - PHASE 2 0.. BEING 16.418 ACRES OUT OF THE -RE FUTURE SKH q' 6 ° f1' T. MAHAN SURVEY, ABSTR. No. 1049 ? 3 MIRON ADDITION VOL. " _131, PG 24 a � : OFF -PREMISE HOLE DEPOT RETAIL MONMENT SIGN /p TO E SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY SIGN ORDINANCE O �, I//--�^--�-- --- L - - I ( MIRON ADDITION F}v) CAB. B, SLIDE 1252 I SOUTHLAKE BLVD. (F.Ia�. 1709) (1J0' R.awJ BDOCMAucs SQUARE CUT a LEST ENO (TOP a CONOEIE HEADrAU UNDER SOIJIMAKE 6LVO. (PM 1 S !fY "MIN OF OAbAIE Y *3Sd WEST Of KWU AWL N 3.N CIUQ OF ON OF AS14MT M ON SOUTH SIDE a r DIA MAL MIT POLE bk--X 0 SOUTH WE Or IfIfEtSOCRON Or SK Rm OF NawE Y SOu7M 114D► Nm0[ a T nEVATOM m7.a IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ARRANT COUNTY, DATE: 3/21 96 fYt ('� �P7� �% 1, 111 � ••/YJ• a00 mA 7Msa DrtaRl`-'4�aWW TEXAS N O L!� ^ evA W.iy t " �P ' OF s WOODLANDS HEIGHTS ADDITION •• •• •• VOL. 388-155, PG. 13 "' ' " "•...... ... ........: 7, .AC):, i :T,�c;. T ..... ...... 9 a PROPOS D 10' MASONRY SCREEN WALL PROPOSE 8' CHAINLINK — FENCE 1. CHAINLINK FENCE TO BE- BLACK VINYL COATED 2. MATERIALS LOCATED WITHIN CONFINES TO BE LIMITED TO LANDSCAPE MAT'LS. & ACCESS. ITEMS SUCH AS MULCH, PAVERS, FENCING, ETC. 3. NO MAT'L. TO BE STACKED ABOVE 10' WALL 4. PALLETS & EMPTY PLANT RACKS TO BE MAINTAINED INSIDE ENCLOSURE 10' UTIL. ESMT. 0 203.72' 25' BUFFER YARD 01 EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT LP N OUTDOOR STORAGE AREA ( 13,370 S.F. ±� SLIDING GATE rim= EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT S89°38'45"W EXISTING 10' MASONRY SCREEN WALL EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED 8' 1t21 —CHAINLINK FENCE- 20' UTIL. ESMT. � EXISTING 24' FIRELANE 0 UY� Z10 <g aJa^ m8Z < V Z ' W X 41 0 K i a � s n mj N s rn r N 3 F 2 0 0 13 q T �� N OF I SYMBOL BOTANICL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE COMMENTS CC CERCIS CANADENSIS RED BUD 6' B & B PT PINUS THUNBERGII JAPANESE BLACK PINE 6' B & B QS QUERCUS SHUMARDII SHUMARD OAK 2" CAL B & B QV QUERCUS BIRGINIANA LIVE OAK 2" CAL B & B UC4 ULMUS CRASSOFOLIA CEDAR ELM 4" CAL B & B 3 cc PROPOS D 10' MASONRY SCREEN WALL 2 I PT PROPOSE 8' CHAINLINK FENCE t I. EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT LP EX. 10' MASONR P T SCREEN WALL _ OUTDOOR STORAGE cc AREA 3 EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT Q V I— EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT, ZI co 20' UTIL. ESMT. EXISTING 24' FIRELANE i w Y Q J J W 0 V) W a_ Q � 00 a_ p W Z p Q J LLI 0 SMT 3 OF i •'! 635 OR 625 620 615 610 STATE HIGHWAY 114 FUTURE MAIN LANES VIEW SECTION THROUGH DOCK AREA F- z W W Q 0 wl 0 o I W 1 640 0 z_I F- I N X w 1 635 630 /EXISTING HIGHWAY 625 i I I I 620 615 l REQ A p R 2 61999 0 a w a Y U O V) t- a d W O p w Q. Y = W O o= V) P U V) N 3 w 5 City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT May 28, 1999 CASE NO: ZA 99-041 PROJECT: Site Plan/ Kirkwood Hollow Neighborhood Center STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner,481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Site Plan for Kirkwood Hollow Neighborhood Center on property legally described as Lot 32,Block 2,Kirkwood Hollow, Phase I,an addition in the City of Southlake,Tarrant County,Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 4537,Plat Records,Tarrant County,Texas, and being approximately 0.694 acres. PURPOSE: Due to this property being within a Residential P.U.D. and being residentially adjacent, site plan approval is required prior to issuance of a building permit. LOCATION: 2800 Tyler Street being generally on the southeast corner of the intersection of Tyler Street and Kirkwood Boulevard. OWNER: 300 Convent Corporation APPLICANT: Huitt-Zollars, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "R-PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO.NOTICES SENT: Two (2) RESPONSES: None P&Z ACTION: May 20, 1999;Approved(7-0)subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated May 14, 1999,deleting Item#1 with the understanding and the applicant's admission that that 14 spaces will be required with } the next phase of development; deleting Item #2 but placing the required plantings throughout the property; modifying Item #3 as follows: south side=requiring a 5'metal picket fence;north and east sides =in addition to the 10' bufferyard, requiring a 6'wood picket fence with the pickets out and requiring shrubs (such as a Burford Holly) to be planted every 3' inside the fence; and deleting Item#4 (dumpster). City of Southlake,Texas STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 2,dated May 14, 1999. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\MEMO\99CASES\99-018SP.doc . s.. (We • CARROLL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION (817)416-1420 ANNEX• METRO(817)424-9113 GRAPEVINE,• (817)251 66 76051 22 Coe- o n Ov Ate HEART of;r EN", LE I.�14. #1. pR l�l April 16, 1999 99c Maguire Partners Ocie L. Vest 3131 McKinney Ave., Suite 600 Dallas, TX 75204 Dear Mr. Vest: The Carroll Independent School District's intention is to use the Stanford Property for a school site, depending upon the approval of the voters of Carroll Independent School District. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, gait:I:04. Olt John H. Craft Assistant Superintendent of Financial and Business Operations chard,/ma dit • FG'Q : .`.' 0 5 1999 B-3 till" VV.IVIILL nn mniuiu L_j' -- vt-,r A=s Aa ' �1tR3 ����r��.�rr�� ' ■111111 If11II.�1 A;: I ��` '•1111111/4 S 84 r 11111111\ A-1607D i Et �p It ■11111111► �� ' �- 111 111►Immo- i r�rr..���r..�Y:ri.� N S 12 Y �-bes ,lam 1.DOUTHiT /�- a 1 At s 2A2 SURVEY A ' ^.,iJen \cv. 40k . pot N TR 42 TR E . 9E11 WOO II ail 101. • 111 q TB 4A1 'Iti ,�, '11 .\' , JJJ ,MART) a otos . . • j SURVEY A— ' . - A-120 8 n9 r162 8 215 Rug U 31411 114 It• it0� 1.tr *\ Ir&j. 616n 1 , I #ft%**OV# , . --IT . , 11 fa,4it a/ 4. .. , TR 1G aazs AC to .,;-*Allibglidik IR IGI - 112W0 U \ �- IV ate' --- a All ® a` .\ ARTIN 4 ti• - �:� Q tee ,. A-�Ls n�c -�t A-1134 ♦ :IV 'VEY A � ..•.\ is :�t� to ICI" 157/AC 3Ui iC [R U li: • aAc s�— tev _ : � ,p v '` a p t , lici 0� Cp\0 i -.k ga Ac ,s TR IA3 133 X O AC s m . WEST 4.8 k ' - �:'rill►,'` � rn x�*p t :T="4, A-72 �� A-1620 '�� a it ,`,; t�W '� kCHIVERS ' qk iff,...L U 212 1 ._ _ q AC i p rip _ TRACT MAP suRVEY -300 i .. 1 ‘,,,,ii,_t 2l i. ,i ....,,,A.: .. >�k �= �1.� r! ns 1, . L7 IRS Gr�0• � 300 CONVENT STREET CORPORATION �Cm, - ,, „•--------.-- � Z D' - OOs� � .B. MARTIN St "NR-PUD" 134 -',.,�,� fr:::,-';ce:r",:..4,....- ,-' •, �� ' p��95- G. `` 'h�� ��6•\55•.; ' ° 147 s?i• b�'_ JO‘,� ��. �,�,,��, � 2 ?i .ti .ti - 'c� s�ti titi�O 00'300 CONVENT:°� 4 . -/ et �°' i" STREET s%°- 2 s G •00� a° c�� , • CORPORATION // -/ °` - , 5a s �S ' 29 \ -/ CA_A43'c5, \s 'h� '-, c ' �20.� 35'B.L. C6A C PP��'' pp G 6 \ All:Pe---- 5 ��p A-1 . �t: `il�4P C35 R P U D • ,�, Qp� , a ° ;. 5 /�O • Cep 8Lj om -:• •. C 109 56.79' C108 -35/ 3 —300 CONVENT m t° I ;u 300 CONVENT a . N STREET c�6� , G` ,, �Nt N �� al 32 _: STREET CORPORATION P E CORPORATION m m - Z°' SeE 0 E NS\ 2 --5' -.E. --•, r---1 5�p PfP� _ 13 .67' i 203.37' 206.30' _ \APPROXIMATE LOCATION IRON ROD •- 5' U.E. —t S00° 10' I 2"W TO( OF SURVEY UNE FOUND "R-PUD" 300 CONVENT STREET CORPORATION CARROLL I.S.D. CARROLL I.S.D. INVENT STREET CORP.13247,PAGE 317 "SF-1 A" R.D. PRICE "SF-1 A",/ D.R.T.C.T. ADJACENT OWNERS AND ZONING LOT 2 Hk_IITI-ZOLLARS Huitt-ZoIIars.Inc./3131 McKinney Avenue/Suite 600/LB 105/Dallas,Texas 75204-2489/214/871-3311/FAX 214/871-0757 - i May 5, 1999 Lisa Sudburry City Planner City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake,TX 76092 Subject: Kirkwood Hollow Neighborhood Center Case No.ZA 99-041 Dear Ms. Sudburry: The following are items on your site plan summary review letter dated April 30th that we are not able to comply with, and the reasons for the noncompliance of these issues. Parking Spaces: We are happy to provide the twenty-seven (27) parking spaces for the amenity center as required by code. However, we would request that only the twelve (12) onsite spaces be constructed at this time, and that the additional fourteen spaces shown adjacent to the site as " future parking" be constructed at the time Kirkwood Hollow Phase Ill is developed. Landscaping: We are requesting a waiver of the type "B" bufferyard along the existing fifty (50) foot greenbelt since the existing greenbelt already provides the buffer needed between this • site and Kirkwood Blvd. We also request a waiver of the type "B" bufferyard along the south property line because this area will become a part of the common open space area providing parking for the neighborhood center. Screening Devices: Northern Property Line: We would ask that the eight (8) foot screening device requirement be waived along the northern property line as we feel that an eight(8)foot screen would be out of scale for the size of this project. Eastern Property Line: We would request a waiver on the eight (8) foot screening device requirement along the eastern property line, due to the current plans to use the adjacent tract as a school site, per an enclosed letter provided by the school district dated April 16th. We do, however, plan to include a six(6)foot fence for the privacy of the neighborhood center. L 1g4, llhzdallasl WdtskllprojM012187041-181docWnenitiesLtr050599.doc C Southern Property Line: We would request that the eight(8)foot screening device requirement be waived, due to the flow of residents between the future parking area and the neighborhood center. We are also requesting the waiver along the southern property line because of the existing screening already provided in the fifty(50)foot green belt area. Trash Removal: Trash collection will be handled by a series of individual trashcans that will be regularly maintained by the management company working for the homeowner association. Per our continued discussion on these matters, we feel that the requested waivers are relatively insignificant and that our plans reflect the intent of the codes and ordinances of the City of • Southlake. If there are any questions on any of these items, do not hesitate to contact me. • Sincerely, Huitt-Zolla Inc. 1 '•ci Ocie est, P. . Vice President End. Cc: Kevin Spraggins-HZI Anthony Canonaco—300 Convent Street Corp. RED : . . 16-1 • MhzdaMaslldskllproll012187041r1 99.doc Playland International,L.L.C. - Systems - PS-22400 Page 1 of 2 L Playland International 150 Adamson Industrial Blvd.-Carrollton.GA sYSTE�0 PS-22400 Play System I Abb. 77, • �1J - !rb< ,iv.-yt:'Ci . s t•�� i. tr�.+4j�`x��t µit; ,C .�- `h� �.cited FEATURES: milts-S IT — ~"' • 1-Spiral Slide • 1-Sliding Pole • 1-Wave Slide • 1-Triple Rail Slide • l-Coil Climber �`• __• 1-Cargo Net • 1-Pyramid Roof • I-Safety Gate • 1-Slotted Panel Click to enlarge the • 1-Deep Rung Arched Climber Detailed Plan View • 1-90°Triangle Rung Ladder L, Play equipment must be installed over an impact-absorbing surface. Playland International, L.L.C. 150 Adamson Industrial Blvd., g- 8 REG'D 0 51999 http://www.playland-inc.com/ps22400.html 5/5/99 s- -. '*tits .. s11110so •.. . PARKING STRUCT.. • PGL Omni -SysternTM { GL2l3 -t - SERIES Ir- 'cr?,v` ..-:7;l:'!IOI., `r.---- .-:I.-.f+-= _r:;.._.. _i I . . , .e.,------------ . ,:, T.:7 .___ fv;4rzo"9117 — , _...._', ,...F.:31,,,nrt,tt,-A .....-- -,inFi -- 1 -tf-rr- r �rjL7:re r /Ak KI M LIGHTING 3. � __- 1 _ L o3•Dimensional •Ilium nation • _`., Performance Task-Driven Optics ' Modular Brightness Control Permanence N$ .-'r - I Easy Installation and Maintenance -.1, 111111 i , Iiiiimmili I ,-- , . • r 4• .......... , ApplicaLion %, _ . .••.,, . .,,. ...,.„..„,„ .., , Vol. : .,• ... .. .. kr ,.„. , , • ,...,. ..4,...„:„..,.•.. C .....,,,.. . • ,.:3,4,-p, ,is. . ,;•.,..‘4. • ••••• - •••:.•-71-.r: .':`,(-.;••••,- ;4.7 .0.-'t!.-V,f,';,..1.':'31' '1' ?:,*W ,'t -;' ' . ••'.".:',1:1..'-'1•,-'.'41;tr•sli,/,4.1.1-y•.,--- -. :3,,•.,,..,,.: k,...,..).-;‘-,, -k,..4-fi,., . :-.:--. -'- .••::...'•.t,. :•••• -.e,.. -,- , t. t-1.-: )';i3-, . .,,,..A 4.....- •••' A -:•?:;1 . •' ' . s*••,.....e't....... 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Because of the where lighting the ceiling is as important as lighting the visible glass enclosure,these fixtures will still serve as eye attractors 1.--- ground and wall surfaces. and architectural delineators. i _ i - I • • voodtp , - . ...sig . •__ . • , . • . - • . . . •. . . . • 11111111k.,.•:-.- --....;-•fr- • •• _.-.---•; _. -IF - ,,- ---,- --:- I . . _ -. _,_•,--olio...1801-- =, ' '.-_-_--7,--7,-T.s.,.;;;-_- —,.c;------- 4 - I -. 1.-1.1—..F:--:."7; :.',77- G' ,- • - •it t'`.: t• -— • • — - i • • a••!' .:-!Lrf.e•-: :_s -ll os iA, r '"IT ..-: - - _,1 I., 1•Air •- s•--....i:--.-.--.g c •- # • . .,..... ,...,,.,, ..----- ri ' 4.1 L' rt.. • •• // //o.i,ps AM, A Ivairrf 1 -)... win 1 , ... r 47Pmito, -- .... , •.• . • _ iii ft - ;...,.- .,„ 1‘.. ., ..• • . .• •. ... , . -------46.-...-"•": 4;.. ..i.,,;T.--• lliaiik . -----... ...... •r....r•-::::.;:-..:•.-.-.0-••••-••- ,. •. .:.. - 7- -.-- - • - -. . , .t....s............. • • IA 1 • I 1 • . ,.., . • .,---- --.(3.913......, i — ... . . . - • . g r 1 si , . ' 1(2,e•/0 .. ........... . • (taw . . r�I r i - . I 0 Application Versatility The NeoSpherel"" has an amazing abilic, -_ S•. w - " :� look and function in harmony with many c - el-"= • 'E. . J A. YFi�s �- ferent environments. This adaptive nature s ',A i s' , the product of classic design integrated .' '-- ' ,�, functional optics.The NeoSphere is at nor-re - ' in a strong architectural setting, or an oce^ i` park area where landscape is the princ,oat _ theme. I j J _r Architectural -. _ v Strong vertical and horizontal lines resci,;e " themselves into a classic sphere that ccrrc,,- ments contemporary or traditional architect r - ` • In addition. the NeoSphere projects a bier ; i F- .6► functional image along with strength arc I r` (hoe vandal resistance,As a design statement - i - says"I may be a sphere,but I am the state- _ -- ;� of-the-art in technology". --:— Open Space _ For public spaces,parks or any landscacec --• �' area. the NeoSphere functions as an uncc- trusive yet powerful lighting element. _ N.,,,,,,;.,-N.,,,,,,;.N.,,,,,,;.,-;;I .;, simple form becomes a part of i � '1„.....#4..." i { sitescape,while its pedestrian scale prcvices intimate lighting for pathways or where're' people circulate and congregate. • Function With a choice of vertical o'' ontal lame ' optics, types II, Ill, IV, and V Square distr ca- tions plus three lens configurations. t``e • NeoSphere is a versatile lighting instrume'- , I` . ,`• ' All reflector systems are engineered 'c' • i. • maximum pole spacing and superb Uniformir, i • 1 - of illumination, while the three lens config.,- - - �[t - _ rations offer a selection of brightness cortr: -; - >: _- and vandal protection.A 100,000 hour lark : .� - .: -j r option is available for installations when= '" ..� relamping is to be avoided for decace _ ;:-,:I See page 13. (1111100," . . _ ••:- • . REC'D 51999 =� - . ` - City of Southlake,Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY • Case No.: ZA 99-041 Review No: Two Date of Review: 05/14/99 Project Name: Site Plan-Kirkwood Hollow Neighborhood Center,Lot 32,Block 2,Kirkwood Hollow APPLICANT: ENGINEER: 300 Convent Corporation Huitt-Zollars,Inc. New Orchard Road 3131 McKinney Ave, Suite 600 Armonk,NY 10504 Dallas,TX 75204 Phone: (914)499-4811 Phone: (214)871-3311 Fax: (914)499-7804 Attn: A.Canonaco Fax: (214) 871-0757 Attn: Ocie Vest CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 05/05/99 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT LISA SUDBURY AT(817)481-5581,EXT.862. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations N NA Residential Adjacency Y Complies Building Articulation Y Complies Masonry Standards Y Complies Impervious Coverage Y Complies Bufferyards Y See Comment No. 2 Interior Landscape Y Complies Driveways Y Complies 1. Provide parking as required by ordinance at 1:100 for the building area and 1:500 for the pool and deck area.This plan requires 27 spaces, 13 spaces are proposed on the immediate site. Fourteen (14)additional spaces are proposed with the future adjacent neighborhood parking lot and common area for a total of 27 spaces. If requested by the applicant,the Council can approved a 10%reduction in the number of spaces with this site plan approval.NOTE:Site plan approval is required for the adjacent parking lot. (P&Z Action 5/20/99: Delete, with understanding that and applicant's admission that 14 spaces will be required with the next phase of development) 2. Provide bufferyards along the south property boundaries as shown on the attached chart This shows no bufferyards along the south and the applicant is requesting relief from these bufferyards. (P&Z Action 5/20/99:Delete, but placing the required plants throughout the property) . 1 City of Southiake,Texas 3. Provide a minimum 8'screening device along the side and rear property lines abutting residential properties on the north,south and east. This plan proposes landscaping on the north, however,it is unclear as to the type. Screening shall mean a fence,wall,dense evergreen hedge or other device which is solid,made or of durable material,and without holes,penetrations,or other • opening other than those required for passage,and which is designed to prevent persons from seeing through in accordance with Ordinance 480, Section 39.4.b.The applicant is requesting relief from the eight foot screening device. (P&ZAction 5/20/99:Modifying as follows:south side to be a 5'metal picket fence; north and east side, in addition to the 10'bufferyarcZ requiring a 6' wood picket fence with pickets to the outside and requiring shrubs(such as Burford Holly) to be planted every 3'inside the fence) 4. Provide a dumpster on site for trash removal.The applicant indicates trash collection will be handled by a management company. (P&ZAction 5/20/99:Delete) * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan.A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * It appears this property lies within the 65 'LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone which will require construction standards that meet requirements of the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan,irrigation plan,and building plans,must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees,and related Permit Fees. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: 300 Convent Corporation VIA FAX ABOVE Huitt-Zollars,Inc. VIA FAX ABOVE L:\ComDev\WP-FILES\REV\99\99041 SP2.doc 2 • City of Southlake,Texas Case No. 99-041 Review No. Two Dated: 5— 14-99 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Kirkwood Hollow Neighborhood Center(Site Plan) Contact: Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 481-5581, x 848 Fax: (817) 421-2175 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on 05 - 5 - 99 . Comments designated with a (#) symbol may be incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Other items will not be addressed by either the P&Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make mod cations as required by the comment. TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS: • There are no protected trees existing on this lot. • g,i C R 1 ! 1 �� iA s r . X c k * y ►ck Cr) Ce .!illi : i 1 i I ill l if c -36 III I I 111111101 li _ CI- 1, -1 8.60E BUi i t 1 • 134•Beget - i ! 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I ii Ii iii 11111 111111111 / i Hfl o. 3 •€ elan • is 0 4 i I $ i ! II : I I I I�I 1 ' 31 k 11 IrH1=1 - - Z `Ili II; ' • e s a Ili 1- Iliw f a Ili L, . f I _. l• i Ii ij Fi '' I !I!I I. II I I , it / q l 91 3 • r 1, IF dI lilt gd1I•I ', I I i! ! ; .I lji I o IIIII I (WI! il: • .ii 1 1 I .2 s �i;liil I' .«.�■■. Y 4 N III l i i I l l 511 .44t,i ./ I .1 11 lk1141 `. _ \ 1 U !; I11 1 ; I 14 I I /idpiiAL'!I i 4 • i i i nun ` � u IR— I ' 1 I �� 112 !Ili I I 11 III tk i• Y g II J 1,■■■■. II 1 1 iiiii M 2 :1i i 1', 1 , - ■��■■ 0 ``EN , $lI,e P i I ��■■■_ 1�1\ 1 �4 51Vt: // 1 \ 1 } 'I dl �— C ill pi .3 P €. . - t I ;, it 'i :tiY I) 1 1in. 1 ••10,fQ � T RELEASE/INDEMNIFICATION FOR CONDITIONAL BUILDING PERMIT For and in consideration of the right and privilege to obtain from the City of Southlake a conditional building permit to proceed with construction of a pool and pool house prior to obtaining approval of a site plan for the Kirkwood Hollow Neighborhood Center on the subject property by the City Council of the City of Southlake, 300 Convent Street Corp., HEREBY ASSUMES ALL• RESPONSIBILITY AND AGREES TO HOLD HARMLESS AND RELEASE THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, DAMAGE, OR EXPENSES SUSTAINED BY US AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THE ISSUANCE OF THE CONDITIONAL BUILDING PERMIT OR RELATED TO THE CONSTRUCTION, USE, OR OCCUPANCY OF ANY STRUCTURES ON BLOCK 2, LOT 32, KIRKWOOD HOLLOW, PHASE 1, LOCATED AT 2800 TYLER STREET, SOLE, TEXAS, CURRENTLY OWNED BY 300 CONVENT STREET CORD WHETHER OR NOT SUCH LIABILITY, DAMAGE OR EXPENSES SUSTAINED BY US IS CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY ALLEGED ACTS, INTERPRETATIONS, OMISSIONS OR ERRORS OF AGENTS, OFFICERS, SERVANTS OR EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE. FURTHERMORE, WE HEREBY ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND AGREE TO INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND DEFEND THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ITS OFFICERS,AGENTS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, FOR PROPERTY LOSS, DAMAGE, OR PERSONAL INJURY SUSTAINED BY OTHERS BY REASON OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CONDITIONAL BUILDING PERMIT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION REASONABLE EXPENSES AND FEES OF ATTORNEYS, EXPERT WITNESSES AND OTHER CONSULTANTS, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH CLAIMS OR SUITS ARISE OUT OF, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ALLEGED ACTS, INTERPRETATIONS, OMISSIONS OR ERRORS OF OFFICERS,AGENTS, SERVANTS, OR EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE. Furthermore, we agree that if proper approval is not received by the City Council for the site plan for the Kirkwood Hollow Neighborhood Center for the subject property legally described as Block 2, Lot 32, Kirkwood Hollow, Phase 1, being located at 2800 Tyler Street, Southlake, Texas, then we will thereafter conform to all requirements of City ordinances and we will not hold the City liable for any costs or damages incurred by us or by reason of being permitted to begin construction prior to obtaining all necessary approvals. We further agree subject to any of our rights to appeal to fully comply with any and all decisions of the City Council. We understand that this conditional permit does not and is not intended to provide us with any rights other than those expressly stated herein. It is not evidence of the City of Southlake's intention to issue a full and final building permit unless and until favorable approval of the site plan for Kirkwood Hollow Neighborhood Center is received from the City Council. RELEASE/INDEMNIFICATION FOR CONDITIONAL BUILDING PERMIT Date ig-f A L 23k 1119 0 300 Convent Street Co By. LA/v )2. I� � eK \)Ice 7fetceerTI- Date ofr City of Southlake, Texas By: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager (Agent) City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT May 28, 1999 CASE NO: ZA 99-043 PROJECT: Revised Site Plan / Rockenbaugh Elementary School STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Revised Site Plan for Rockenbaugh Elementary School on property legally described as Lot 1,Block 60,Timarron Addition,Phase 5,an addition in the City of Southlake,Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 3674, Plat Records,Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 15.357 acres. PURPOSE: Due to this property being within a Residential P.U.D. and being residentially adjacent, site plan approval is required prior to issuance of a building permit. LOCATION: On the east side of Byron Nelson Parkway across from Parkwood Drive. OWNER: Carroll Independent School District. APPLICANT: Cheatham and Associates CURRENT ZONING: "R-P.U.D." Residential Planned Unit Development District(P.U.D. No. 1, Timarron). LAND USE CATEGORY: Public/Semi-Public and 100 Year Flood Plain NO.NOTICES SENT: Nine (9) RESPONSES: None P&Z ACTION: May 20, 1999;Approved(7-0)subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated May 14, 1999, deleting Item #1 only with the understanding that masonry columns be used on the canopy structure; deleting Items #2 and #3 only with the understanding that the comment in the Interior Landscape Chart(Ensure plantings h d as "provided" are alive. Any dead plants must be replaced.)be made a permanent requirement and requiring them to provide canopy trees and accent trees in accordance with the ordinance (3 extra canopy trees and 11 extra accent trees); deleting Item#4(parking spaces). lie City of Southlake,Texas STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 2,dated May 14, 1999. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILESAMEMOW9CASES\99-018SP.doc (1000.:, • - a' k rK tz 3 s2 • L 3W ig r '-', R EACb t 7,14.4 .() 4• i 4 * �i ..... R� ■..■ /\ear .....1 : ,invialit ` x. digiii- twin , . llff 1111 vim.ism iRd"=O�� r. F . • I.Esi ......,:,...,...... i?„. 1 _ . �l�� mr, .....�,.r a�,, ,,. �, 1!5S /• , g ' /AMIDE& wattpipOimimaimmili4111111 40 StarI:IA- %ii.:' ilifilltrallnith 111 Int . 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I . ,-- , csiii.... .--,,, ' .', s,\, , / —. — IMO ":11Y, J, ''S1 ilIfIllt::"1 \\ Allt*1111: .• i ).--t.9.a onowt..m.nowool• on — erne Al IP A n <nnr CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES May 6, 1999 City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake,Texas 76092 Attn: Edward McRoy The owner/applicant hereby petitions City Council to waive requirements of recent ordinances as applied to previous approved construction due to the hardship imposed on owner/applicant to bring the school building and site into full compliance. Relief is requested from comments as enumerated below: Item No. 1: The horizontal and vertical articulation requirements of Ord. 480 Section 43.9.c.l.c along the east, west, and north facades of the building due to the existing building being approved prior to the residential adjacency amendments. The facades of the addition shall match the existing brick and cast stone structure in texture and color. Item No. 2: a. Minimum buffer yard and planting b. Relocation of existing parking Item No. 3: a. and/ Additional interior landscaping Lie The existing landscape,parking setback and buffer yards were established within the requirements of Timmaron Development and ordinances of the City of the Southlake. Relocation of the parking and provision of buffer yards along Byron Nelson Parkway would require a redesign of site grading, sidewalks, irrigation and landscaping. Item No. 4: Owner/applicant request a reduction in the number of required parking spaces (170) to the currently constructed parking of 167 spaces. Item No. 5.c:. Owner/applicant requests a variance to the masonry requirements of Ord. 557 and Ord. 480, Section 43.9.c.1.a in relationship to the columns supporting the canopy structure over the north entrance. We are requesting to use 6" x 6" painted steel columns with painted steel base and capital. The columns shall be painted to match the brick and cast stone. The canopy only covers the stairs and the portion of the ramp closest to the building. With the lower walls constructed of masonry and the ramps being only five feet wide, we would like to have the canopy as open as possible in the upper half for light and security reasons. Masonry would dramatically mcrease the size of to columns ad reduce the openings between the columns. Sincerely, Gord.;ohns F:\WORDWLK Arch-1014\238Vtr.McRoy.wpd I IEf M a Y 0 6 1999 L ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. • Suite 200• Arlington,Texas 76011 817/548-0696 • Metro 265-8836•Fax 817/265-8532 M I_ • City of Southlake,Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY • ZA 99-043 Review No: Two Date of Review:05/14/99 • Project Name: Site Plan-Revised Site Plan- Rockenbaugh Elementary School,Lot 1,Block 60, Timarron Addition,Phase V APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: Carroll I.S.D. Cheatham and Associates 1100 N. Carroll Avenue 1601 East Lamar Boulevard Southlake,TX 76092 Arlington,TX 76011 Phone: (817)481-5775 Phone : (817) 548-0696 Fax: (817)251-6622 Attn:John Croft Fax : (817)265-8532 Attn: Gordon Johns CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 05/06/99 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT EDWARD MCROY AT(817)481-5581,EXT.880. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations N Not Applicable Residential Adjacency Y See Comments No. 1 Building Articulation Y See Comments No. 1 Masonry Standards Y Complies Impervious Coverage Y Complies Bufferyards Y See Comments No. 2a&2b Interior Landscape Y See Comment No 3a Driveways N Not Applicable—The increase in building area and the increase in required parking is less than 20°A * Review of this site plan is limited to the area of new construction and any direct impacts due to this new construction. 1. Provide horizontal and vertical articulation meeting the requirements of Ord.480, Section 43.9.c.1.c.on the east,west and north facades. Compliance with the articulation requirements is as shown on the attached articulation evaluation chart. (P&Z Action 5/20/99:Delete, with understanding that masonry columns be used on the canopy structure) * Expansion of the existing structure requires an evaluation of the facades impacted. The existing structure was originally approved prior to the residential adjacency amendments (City Case No. 96-86). No requirement existed at that time for the building to comply with articulation. n . '1C7 City of Southiake, Texas 2. The following changes are needed with regard to bufferyards: (P&ZAction 5/20/99:Delete, with the understanding that the comment in the Interior Landscape Chart(Ensure plantings listed as 'provided"are alive. Any dead plants must be replaced) be made a permanent requirement and requiring them to provide canopy trees and accent trees in accordance with the ordinance (3 extra canopy trees and 11 extra accent trees); a. Provide at least the minimum required bufferyards and plantings within the site in accordance with the attached Bufferyard Chart. * The proposed addition is greater than 5,000 square feet requiring a reassessment of all landscaping issues on the entirety of the site. No bufferyard was previously required along Byron Nelson Parkway, as this street was originally not designated as an arterial street on the Thoroughfare Plan. Bufferyards and plantings depicted are existing. b. Relocate parking spaces outside of required bufferyards. A number of existing parking spaces encroach upon the south Type"B "bufferyard. 3. The following changes are needed with regard to interior landscaping: (P&Z Action 5/20/99:Delete, with the understanding that the comment in the Interior Landscape Chart(Ensure plantings listed as 'provided"are alive. Any dead plants must be replaced)be made a permanent requirement and requiring them to provide canopy trees and accent trees in accordance with the ordinance (3 extra canopy trees and 11 extra accent trees); a. Provide at least the minimum required interior landscape area and plantings within the site as indicated in accordance with the attached Interior Landscape Chart. Additional plant material and area is required with the construction of this addition. In addition,correct the landscape credit referred to in the chart for enhanced paving and for R.O.W. landscaping. A total of 660 square feet of landscape area credit may be granted for the paving and 2,309 square feet for the R.O.W. turf grass. b. Show the location of all interior landscape areas to be provided on the graphic(use shading or cross hatch to distinguish) 4. Provide a minimum of 170 parking spaces on the site. The applicant has requested a reduction in the required parking under the provision of Ordinance 480-CC, Section 6(Total of 167 spaces to be provided). (P&Z Action 5/20/99:Delete) 5. Label all entrances and exits on the plan view. The elevation drawings appear to indicate an entry along the west elevation that is not indicated on the plan view. * The proposed site does not exceed the maximum permitted impervious coverage area percentage of 65%for the"CS" Zoning District. The impervious coverage area percentage of this is approximately 33%. * Denotes Informational Comment tt: Bufferyard Calculation Chart,Interior Landscape Summary Chart,Articulation Evaluation Chart cc: Carroll ISD Attn :John Croft; Cheatham&Assoc. Attn: Gordon Johns;VIA FAX ABOVE L:V;01yIDEVIWP-FlLES REVWSPLAN-1.WPD ricti 4 C . Rockenbaugh Elementary School SUMMARY CHART-BUFFERYARDS Location/ Length of Required/ •. Bufferyard Canopy Accent Fence/Screening Base Line Provided Length Width/Type Trees Trees Shrubs Height& Material North No. 1 Required 478' 5'-A 4' 8' 32' Not Applicable Provided 478' 10'—A 4 8 32 Not Applicable East No. 1 Provided 267' 10'—C 6' 9' 30' Not Applicable Provided 267' 20'-C 6 9 30 Not Applicable North No.2 Required 496' 10'—C 15 20 60 Not Applicable Provided 300'b • 20'-C 73 31 43 Not Applicable_ East No.2 Required 504' 10'-B 10 15 50 Not Applicable Provided Noneb Noneb None None None` Not Applicable South Required 1,412' 10'—B 28 42 141 Not Applicable Provided 1,095'6 10'—B 21` 32` 120` Not Applicable West Required 644'd 10'-E 6 13 51 None Provided None None None None None None *Note any credits used in calculations: a. Required plantings have been reduced by 20%for an increase in bufferyard width. b.The applicant has requested a reduction in bufferyard length to accommodate the existing natural area and plant material within the eastern portion of the property. c.The applicant has requested a reduction in plant materials to accommodate the existing natural area and plant material within the eastern portion of the property. d. Required bufferyard length has been reduced to accommodate drives. Other Comments: 1. Where parking is provided between the building setback line and public R.O.W.,shrubs obtaining a mature height of three feet(3')or greater must be planted at a maximum spacing of thirty inches(30")on center continuous along all paved edges of the parking or drive areas. 2. Ensure plantings listed as"provided"are alive. Any dead plants must be replaced. 3. Clarify which plant materials are located within"natural areas"and those that are within"bufferyards". SUMMARY CHART—INTERIOR LANDSCAPE Landscape %of Area in Canopy Accent ' '�:.' Ground Cover Area Front or Side Trees Trees Shrubs (So.Ft.) Required:' 20, 125 S.F.' 75% 30b 67 325 2,013 S.F. Provided:- 16,905 >75% 27 56 338 1,750 *Note any credits used in calculations: a. Required Interior Landscape area has been reduced by 10%for R.O.W.Landscaping(2,309 S.F.credit) and an additional reduction has been allowed for enhanced paving(660 S.F.credit)provided at the drive entrances. b. A credit has been granted reducing the required interior plantings for existing trees. Col Other Comments: 1. Ensure plantings listed as"provided"are alive. Any dead plants must be replaced. 7C . a ' 1h1dhhatb0n Evaluation No.11oity of 'Texas Case No. ZA 98- Date of Evaluation: 04/30/98 I levations for Rockenbaugh Elementary School Received: 04/19/99 ;Front-facing: (West Wall ht. = 18 [Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation i Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max. wall length 54 56 4% No 54 80 48% No Min. artic. offset 3 4 33% Yes 4 2 -50% No Min. artic. length 12 18 50% Yes 14 4 -71% No Rear-facing East Wall ht. = 18 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided -Delta Okay? Max. wall length 54 32 -41% Yes 54 176 226% 4o Min. artic. offset 3 4 33% Yes 3 2 -33% No Min. artic. length 14 19 .36% Yes 14 19 36% Yes ,Left Facing: North Wall ht. = 18 1 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation I Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? - . wall length S4 152 181% No 54 152 181% No Min. artic. offset 3 4 33% Yes 3 4 33% Yes Min. artic. length 14 4 -71% No 14 .4 -71% No 1 1 e 1 f 1 • y' r' " 'In A City of Southlake,Texas Case No. 99-043 Review No. Two Dated: 5 - 12-99 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Rockenbaugh Elementary School(Site Plan) • Contact: Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 481-5581, x 848 Fax: (817) 421-2175 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on 05 - 6 - 99 . Comments designated with a (#) symbol may be incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Other items will not be addressed by either the P&Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above ;: and make modifications as required by the comment. LANDSCAPE COMMENTS: 1. The applicant did plant the required bufferyards and interior landscape when the school was built, but some of the required plant material has died. Since the bufferyards are already existing all the applicant would have to do is replace the dead plant material. 2. Please correct the Interior Landscape Chart to reflect only what is required and to be provided for the square footage of the proposed addition. TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS: * No existing protected trees will be effected by the proposed construction. BUILDING INSPECTIONS ;3 F i i z _ 11-71111 ��5 �S 1 3 f � � !!!rill if �y+;��.L A� •� 1 � �`�i ���ill �3 e-;� Ig�z�•' Ill � leg ce, 11 ilitR,.i:ba I i) !�-g p/ 5 1 . a .I t maR'1� di# li s I� . , �� ��:.. t '''` J� If'7 I■ 411 I ¢g a �3 Y2 B. lei A -cC I s 0075 05" E 207:50 8 • a ii� t - _�� S 00'I2 J5_ E_ 296.78__�__—.. �J�Jjjjj 1 —.Ai- — -- Q 1 ! f Ili l'ia3 !1i ;!3I 1111 !111_.. �j -- 1 ,� Z- i Lip, i _ W � , { { _ la u 9 i M d h\ I R / IV, . 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(115 I riCS City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT May 28, 1999 CASE NO: ZA 99-049 PROJECT: Revised Site Plan—Eckerd Drug Store STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner,481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Revised Site Plan for Eckerd on property legally described as Lots 5 and 6, Block 6, Diamond Circle Estates, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-181, Page 69,Plat Records,Tarrant County,Texas,and being approximately 1.698 acres PURPOSE: Relocate customer parking closer to the building entrance. LOCATION: On the northeast corner of the intersection of North White Chapel Boulevard and East Southlake Boulevard(F.M. 1709). OWNER/APPLICANT: EPIPD-Southlake No. 1, L.P. CURRENT ZONING: "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District LAND USE CATEGORY: Office Commercial NO. NOTICES SENT: Eleven(11) RESPONSES: One(1)response was received from within the 200' notification area: • Robert and Debbie Montoya, 809 Pearl Drive, Southlake, TX in favor, "The revised site plan for the Eckerd's does not adversely affect the plan for the site behind my home. An Eckerd's at this location is the best possible neighbor." (Received May 20, 1999.) P&Z ACTION: May 20, 1999;Approved(7-0)subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 1,dated May 14, 1999,deleting Items#1 (4:1 slope line)and#2 (parking spaces). STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated May 14, 1999. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES MEMO\99CASES\99-049SP.doc L Architecture lntetiots ain Sp g Space Planr><tg ALUANCEARCHITECTS DaMos•Richardson Stephen B.Johns.AIA Michael W.Parrish,AIA Dutch E.Wickes.AIA Charles J.Reagan.AIA April 1, 1999 John Maggiore North American Properties—Southwest 14990 Landmark Blvd., Suite 300 Dallas,Texas 7524076729 • Re: Southlake Eckerd Drug Store Dear John, The following design items have been added, deleted or modified on the above referenced (kw project from the City of Southlake approved design: 1. The building has been moved to the southeast approximately 30 feet. This is to accommodate the new drive aisle, giving customers more direct access to the entry of the building. 2. The dumpster and its enclosure have been rotated counter-clockwise 90 degrees to give better access. 3. The 4' x 4' design articulation on the south elevation has been moved to be centered on the exit door. 4. The exit door will be a raised panel hollow metal door,painted to match the brick. 5. Pilasters have been added to the rear-screening wall. 6. Limestone panels (2' x 2') have been added as design articulation to the north, south and east elevations. If you have any further questions concerning this matter,please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully, • • 4. Michael Hoslans,R.A. (re Alliance Architects, Inc. Project Director 11 Ba51c �—..A. TR 301 2�e k 1 R I>,c6 ... 13 s� Tit ec Iz, INiA VEY 3 n�l aart-- 1 3 f e 1 a q IL 'Q�����:•� GQ� 5aD 1�C 27�� R II ae _ TB61 R 3 3is6a11In V,��k n lc 934 1C 4" a e :/e a se ',.. , Ilia F, 35a�x k nIn 21116 3 i s- I yti �,t1'v •1061 AC • a e t su .' 21345 iNCNN6605 1nC TRllPy ► n■■■4 • _jfd 1D A 294 k \Q ?QCi 500 IC IUIII -�P i s 31&3L • 1 IIIII11 7 ID TR 10 ••Willi =`" ti til � �10 bo ..eid 521 k NMI . i papiriffa! FAA . • ;i'- I Atli 44011losiz -,.... .„.ti!, n g s;s__,,. . tO.Olia.,isiti-.., 411111111gru-n., Tri „s \. 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GARRETT 1 --P—Ln 1 5A 1 313r VC 6A - 987 9A1 CROSSROADS 777 m GCSW LTD.) _ -3 SQUARE LTD. 1 I _ r D _ '=— STATE OF TEXAS 5B STATE OF TEXAS - 9Ai r n0_1 u 1 ^IR 1C4 1 �� 10A r._. — _ 9B 10B MAKE BLVD w -rf� NSON _ _ _ _ TR 1A G. LECHLER 9 I STATE OF TEXAS L A-2040 1 U 44 0‘39 —I ts,. figi4 1 . ' 1 MET I W- w wI C S as TR 5G1 1 q $ .79 AC 1 8 1 1 1a R1/ I G ,B�Dg ,m �o N° 5814 g64 - A ' �� 1 1 P� „ill r. T. �I ADJACENT OWNERS (IIW12- TR 3M TR 5F 1.0 AC AND ZONING TR 5G 9.5 AC 10 AC ,,, 1.0 AC I 653�, Th aft I 1 l ' # 1 nu I CO CT) Cr) • (0..... ,.. 1! 1 11 1 i 1,1 14 tl 5 1 IRCaa a • 1 "� o 1!t Ilii Aim , ii a <11 g 1 sD R 6 4/1 160 P el- gui 1 a:3 gl IIIIIIiii 1 I I I I 1 li (s) 1 iii.1 .i I ][1, .• i : 99 � >I e'Y "!1 1 r i ► sy !1 • .I 1 1 I IT S. . i ,� 9 , I --� �.:_.11 Ij,; t79 tt-- � E . 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I. 1114 F S r J�� 3 ttitlllill �� k r, s. —111111111I Oil y_"Mi, chars ----------- iiii I ILII II j 14 u 11 E 11 ! 0, :92-7 I!i II111IIIIIiII0 / (..- = kt..1 ., ,,I0j,,.. ■r ---, L ! 1 1 II11 . M6= 1 RIM 1 Z \ i Q \ a ill Cl)U a I w On rr l cc O \\\ Vi!! a5 a_ a O n 1 1 - Q ko? alkali 1i I I _ I 5 (we , 1 Lu t119j S iihi c 11i11 c F_ 1i 2r m cn z .r;: _0 H # Q It > _ - ® ® ® .,� in 1 I It % i 0[. 1 1 ICI rw.. Et oi oi Et . 4 !. Li J S. 05/20/99 THU 13:17 FAX 972 888 9888 NORTH AIIERICCN la on J NORTH AMERICAN PROPERTIES - SOUTHWEST May 20, 1999 Mr.Dennis Klliough Via Fax: (817)488 9370/3 pages Planning Department City of Southlake 667 N.Carroll Avenue Southlake,TX 78092 Re: Revised Site Plan—Eckerd(Case No.ZA 99-049) NEC of White Chapel Road&FM 1709 Dear Mr.Killough: Please accept this as North American Properties'response letter on your comments dated 5/14/99 concerning the above referenced development. The following comments correspond nurhericaliy to the comments from the City: 1. Eckerd's Operation Division is requiring North American Properties to move the 8 parking spaces from the rear of the site to the front door because customers will not use the any spaces in the 'back" of the store. The site plan changes were a result of moving these (hese parking spaces. 2. At Staffs request,one(1)parking space was reduced from our original site plan(56 to 55)to provide for an increase in the stacking distance for cars exiting onto White Chapel Road. 3. We will make sure that the Site Plan is consistent with the Landscape Plan. • 4. We will correct the Impervious coverage and open space data in the Site Data Summary to match the revised site plan. 5. We will label the type and height of the proposed lighting. All lighting will comply with the standards of Ordinance 480,Sect.43.13i. 6. All curb and pavement radius adjacent to a We lane, including driveway curb returns, will have a minimum of 30' on the interior radius and a minimum of 54 ' on the exterior radius. Please note that a copy of the common access easement was submitted with the application for this revised Site Plan. Also, the Engineering Department was also given a copy of the common access easement. The permit from TXOOT is attached with this fax. If there are any questions,please give Steve Lipscomb or me a call. Sincerely, /41 -- ri - John Maggiore/Vice President (Ia.• Copy:Steve Lipscomb/North American Properties—Southwest I President Retail Group. 14990 Landmark Blvd. • Suite 300 • Dallas,TX 75240-6729 REV MAY 2 0 1999 972/866.9555 Telephone 972/866-9888 Fax ' o -i 05/20/99 THU 13:17 FAX 972 866 9888 NORTH ANERICCN 003 FROM : SOUfaiAKE PUIR-IC WORKS PHONE NO. : 81742157E12 Jan. 13 1999 18:S3tam P2 — � Permit to Construct Access Driveway Facilities • on Highway Right of Way . To: Hwy '1 1709 Permit No. Control Section The State went of Highways and Public Transportation.hereinafter Bailed the State.hereby authorizesNorth American Properties Southwest ,hereinafter called the grantee,to(re)construct an access driveway on the highway right of way abutting highway no. FM 1709 in Tarrant County,located near the northeast corner of East $SOuthlake Blvd. and North White Chapel Rd. Subiect to the following: The grantee is responsible for all costs associated with the construction of this access driveway. 2. Design of facilities shall be as foUows and/or as shown on sketch: Sheet C3 of Construction Plans for Lot 5R, B1k. 6, Diamond Circle Estates 'Second tnstalimet (aekerd' T • All construction and materials shall be suhjcr:t to incpcction and approval by the Slate. 3. Maintenance of facilities constructed hcreuundr, ch:111 he the responsibility of the grantee,and the State reser.%r.the:irl:! to require any changes,maintenance or repair 5 at mr.•: be necessary to provide protection of life or pruprt t) c.: ::- cent to the highway. Changes in des w.0 i)e mane only with approval of the State. L 4. The Grantee shall hold harmless thc5taic and its duly appointed agents and employees against any action fur lwr!:'rct injury or property damage sustained by reason of the exercise of this permit. 5. The Grantee;hall not erect any sly)on or extending over any portion of the highway right or way,and vehic:lc se vice fixtures such as service pumps. vender stznd$, or tanks shall be located at least twelve(12)feet from the rir;ht-of•u:iv line to ensure that any vehicle services from these fixtures will be off the highway. 6. This permit will become null and void if the above-referenced driveway facilities are not constructed within ;ix (6; months from the issuance date of this permit 7. The Grantee will contact theState's reotssentative _ tdcphorc ( ) at least twcnry.tour hours prior to begsntung the work authorized by t i permit•-_-- State Department of Highways and Public Transportation Date of Issuance —- -- - Davin 6apnea The undersigned hereby agrees to comply with t`'c ti:rrns and conditions set forth in this permit for construction of an driveway on the highway right of way. Signed: ,14444 _._.__. Date: _.__... . PLfAs� g- R-,E TAR ti f o a v+QV - n Tbq n/1c—s 70-8 ( City of Southlake,Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA 99-049 Review No: One Date of Review: 5/14/99 Project Name: Revised Site Plan- Eckerd's,Lots 5 and 6,Block 6,Diamond Circle Estates APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: Ewing North American Properties Alliance Architects 14990 Landmark Boulevard Suite 300 1600 N. Collins Blvd., Suite 1000 Dallas, Texas 75240-6729 Richardson,Texas 75080 Phone :(972) 866-9555 Phone : (972)233-0400 Fax : (972) 866-9888 Attn: Steve Lipscomb Fax : (972) 233-2259 Attn: Michael Hoskins CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 5/10/99 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.880. * The purpose of this Revised Site Plan is to consider the relocation of the proposed building associated with the reconfiguration of the parking spaces. With the exception of comments listed below this plan appears to conform with the previously approved Site Plan and unless otherwise noted or approved is subject to the conditions of the previous approval. A copy of the Staff Report for the previously approved Site Plan is attached. C 1. No non-residential building above 20' in height may encroach in the area above a 4:1 slope line extending from any single-family residential property line. The rear of the proposed building encroaches above this slope line extending from the north property line. * Please note that previous plan approval allowed the building setback at 53'—6"from the north property line. This plan proposes a setback of 47'—6"from the north property line. (P& ZAction 5/20/99: delete, allowing as shown) 2. A Total of 56 parking spaces are required. The applicant has requested a reduction to 55 spaces (reduction of 2%).The Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 43.9b permits approval of up to a 10% reduction at the request of the applicant. (P& ZAction 5/20/99: delete, allowing reduction as proposed) 3. Correct the bufferyard chart on the face of the Site Plan to match that shown on the provided Landscape Plan. Correct the required shrub plantings in the west bufferyard to 21. Provide the landscape calculation chart on the site plan to match that shown on the landscape plan. Add the following note to the plan referencing the required landscape area"10%credit for providing,irrigating and maintaining turf grass within the parkway of adjacent rights-of-way. * Bufferyard lengths and plantings shown on the provided landscape plan are as approved on the previous Site Plan for this development. Specific plant types and locations are subject to review by the Landscape Administrator during the building permit application process. 1D-q r • City of Southlake,Texas 4. Correct the impervious coverage and open space in the site data summary to match the revised plan. It appears that the revised plan provides 31 percent open space and 69 percent impervious coverage. This plan complies with the maximum 70%permitted impervious coverage area. 5. Label the type and height of proposed lighting. Lighting must comply with standards of Ordinance 480, Sect. 43.13i. 6. Any curb and pavement radius adjacent to a fire lane,including driveway curb returns,must have a minimum of 30' on the interior radius and a minimum of 54' on the exterior radius. * Driveways and building elevations are in compliance with the previous plan approval. Architectural enhancements have been added to the building elevations and loading area screen wall per the City Council motion on previous site plan. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be filed in the County Plat Records,a fully corrected site plan, grading and utility plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan,and building plans,must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park,Impact,Tap and related Permit Fees. - * A letter of permission and Common Access Easement from the adjacent property owner(s)must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit for the construction or removal of off-site pavement. A permit from TxDOT is required for curb cut along F.M. 1709. * Denotes Informational Comment att: Council Action on previously approved Site Plan cc: Ewing North American Properties VIA FAX ABOVE Alliance Architects VIA FAX ABOVE David McMahan VIA FAX(817)481-4074 L:\ComDev\W P-FILES\REV\99\99049sp 1.doc 1D-Io �3: • City of Southlake, Texas PREVIOUS CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS COUNCIL ACTION: December 1, 1998; Approved (7-0) on consent at the applicant's request to table and to continue the Public Hearing to the December 15, 1998, City Council meeting. December 15, 1998; Approved (5-0) on consent at the applicant's request to table and to continue the Public Hearing to the January 5, 1999, City Council meeting. January 5, 1999; Approved (7-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2,dated December 31, 1998,amended as follows: 1) Item #1 b, granting relief on the bufferyard length and requiring a Bufferyard Type `B' and relocating the required plant materials to the large green areas in front of the building and along the south side of the building; 2) only 1 drive is allowed on Southlake Boulevard, either Dr. Wright's existing drive with common access easement to Eckerd's site or a new drive being constructed on the common property line or on the Eckerd's property; 3) on Items #2a and #2b, allow driveway as shown (with concurrence with Dr. Wright); 4) on Item#2c, allowing stacking as shown; 5) on Item#3,allowing the existing 6' fence on North plus the existing 6' grade to satisfy the 10' screening wall requirement; 6) insure that lighting is shielded to protect surrounding neighborhood; 7) on Item#5,allowing setback (4:1 slope)on North,as shown; 8) accepting applicant's commitment to comply with Item #6 (50' front setback); 9) accepting applicant's commitment to maintain the plantings on site indefinitely 10) and placing any required additional plants in the mitigated pervious areas as required by the landscaping ordinance; 11) accepting applicant's commitment to enhance the building's design,especially on facades adjacent to F. M. 1709 12) and to repair the wooden portions of the existing fence on the North adjacent to properties owned by Randall Boyd and Dr. Montoya 13) and accepting the applicant's commitment to add end-caps on the screening wall in the loading area and finishing the top of the wall with decorative cast stones and inserts along the length of the wall. 1 D-I I i ■ W !1 • • < ' 10 •CWd Bi 1 2 �u E� I ( • Fi EdIE F.C L .. fVC � . • cn # 1 t+r`�' 1 i of 'i _ II I a+ 1 is Ih: 1 ,:-:-: rxsr.usnsav , ii ' 1 is iitil:li l ' L (I:,,f `��`+ [ 1 i.1 1 '` Ylrrri !A'. . rE i !'!'!'!' IfliiiiIi 1 ii' 1 p 1 la 7 sn.,-.,�oz..u/, 7.----- _.ro s 11 _I t �. - - _ � I Ii /� ../. it. .� .�;� 3'1 fie. -- / a $ I ii I _ I I f s6 i ) ) I I Ea k II ® / /r'f1 a a I � %' `• I , / .„,„ b qq W ,. ,, , , - 7 Y ( • `` / / I 1 1 ( V `/ / • ' / i ac ,; t r r ./ 1 ., ,. I-- 11 , s mom ; f% i //cf:t bL ' I• /,,i _. 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Q / // 989L 8 9a — b' _ . ..Q 7 7 V H • M • M _— _-_____ � V �.l°AYAd'PA41"gN7 7 tVH 9 • 8 7 ese C,,, _____________11______ I T T r T l I r 1 I / lcH(1 i City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 27, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Lauren Safranek, Director of Human Resources SUBJECT: Second Reading of Ordinance No. 748 Authorizing and Allowing Updated Service Credit in TMRS and to Increase the Rate of Deposits to the TMRS System by the Employees of the City Action Requested: Second reading of Ordinance No. 748 authorizing and allowing the continuation of Updated Service Credit in TMRS and to increase the rate of deposit to the TMRS system by the employees of the City from 6% to 7% Background Information: During the April 20, City Council meeting, the Council approved Ordinance No. 709-A amending FY 98-99 Annual Budget. This budget amendment included funds to increase the City's TMRS contribution rate by its employees from 6% to 7%. The next step in this process to increase the City's contribution rate for its employees is to adopt the ordinance required by TMRS acknowledging and authorizing this change. Ordinance No. 748 is the ordinance required by TMRS authorizing and allowing the re-adoption of the Updated Service Credits and the employee contribution rate increase from 6% to 7%. Updated Service Credit is a plan provision that the City already has in its TMRS plan, however, TMRS requires that this provision must be re-adopted whenever a plan change is made. Financial Considerations: Approximately $60,000 for the remainder of FY 98-99, which was approved in the budget amendment. Citizen Input/ Board Review: Not applicable Legal Review: The Ordinance has been reviewed and approved by the attorneys. Alternatives: Not applicable Supporting Documents: Ordinance No. 748 Staff Recommendation: Approval of Ordinance No. 748 by the City Council -1E- I • L Approved for Submittal to City Council: 6. City Manager's Office L L • (kire TMRS-C/R-T-D ORDINANCE NO. 748 TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND ALLOWING, UNDER THE ACT GOVERNING THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM, "UPDATED SERVICE CREDITS" IN SAID SYSTEM ON AN ANNUAL BASIS FOR SERVICE PERFORMED BY QUALIFYING MEMBERS OF SUCH SYSTEM WHO AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE ALLOWANCE ARE IN THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE; PROVIDING FOR INCREASED PRIOR AND CURRENT SERVICE ANNUITIES FOR RETIREES AND BENEFICIARIES OF DECEASED RETIREES OF THE CITY; TO INCREASE THE RATE OF DEPOSITS TO THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM BY THE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THE ORDINANCE. NOW, THERFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE _ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. Authorization of Updated Service Credits. (mpe (a) On the terms and conditions set out in Sections 853.401 through 853.404 of Subtitle G of Title 8, Government Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "TMRS ACT"), each member of the Texas Municipal Retirement System (hereinafter referred to as the "System") who has current service credit or prior service credit in the System in force and effect on the 1st day of January of the calendar year preceding such allowance, by reason of service in the employment of the City, and on such date had at least 36 months of credited service with the System, shall be and is hereby allowed "Updated Service Credit" (as that term is defined in subsection (d) of Section 853.402 of the TMRS Act), (b) On the terms and conditions set out in Section 853.601 of the TMRS Act, any member of the System who is eligible for Updated Service Credits an the basis of service with this City, who has unforfeited credit for prior service and/or current service with another participating municipality or municipalities by reason of previous service, and was a contributing member on the 1st day of January of the calendar year preceding such allowance, shall be credited with Updated Service Credits pursuant to, calculated in accordance with, and subject to adjustment as set forth in said Section 853,601, both as to the initial grant hereunder and all future grants under this ordinance, (c) The Updated Service Credit hereby allowed and provided for shall be 100% of the "base Updated Service Credit" of the member (calculated as provided in subsection (hre' (c) of Section 853.402 of the TMRS Act). 1E— 3 • Ordinance No. 748 Page 2 (d) Each Updated Service Credit allowed hereunder shall replace any Updated Service Credit, prior service credit, special prior service credit, or antecedent service credit previously authorized for part of the same service. (e) In accordance with the provisions of subsection (d) of Section 853.401 of the TMRS Act, the deposits required to be made to the System by employees of the several participating departments on account of current service shall be calculated from and after the effective date of this ordinance on the full amount of such person's compensation as an employee of the City. Section 2. Increase in Retirement Annuities. (a) On terms and conditions set out in Section 854.203 of the TMRS Act, the City hereby elects to allow and to provide for payment of the increases below stated in monthly benefits payable by the System to retired employees and to beneficiaries of deceased employees of the City under current service annuities and prior service annuities arising from service by such employees to the City. An annuity increased under this Section replaces any annuity or increased annuity previously granted to the same person. (b) The amount of the annuity increase under this Section is computed as the sum of the prior service and current service annuities on the effective date of retirement of the person on whose service the annuities are based, multiplied by 70% of the percentage change in Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, from December of the year immediately preceding the effective date of the person's retirement to the December that is 13 months before the effective date of this Section. (c) An increase in an annuity that was reduced because of an option selection is reducible in the same proportion and in the same manner that the original annuity was reduced. (d) If a computation hereunder does not result in an increase in the amount of an annuity, the amount of the annuity will not be changed hereunder. (e) The amount by which an increase under this Section exceeds all previously granted increases to an annuitant is an obligation of the City and of its account in the municipality accumulation fund of the System. Section 3. Dates of Allowances and Increases. The initial allowance of Updated Service Credit and increase in retirement annuities hereunder shall be effective on January 1, 2000, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees of the System. An allowance of Updated Service Credits and an increase in retirement annuities shall be made hereunder on January 1 of each subsequent year until this ordinance ceases to be in effect under subsection (e) of Section 853.404 of the TMRS Act, provided that, as to such subsequent year, the actuary Ordinance No. 748 Page 3 Lie for the System has made the determination set forth in subsection (d) of Section 853.404 of the TMRS Act. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED: Section 1. That all employees of the City, who are members of the Texas Municipal Retirement System, shall make deposits to the System at the rate of 7% of their individual earnings. Section 2. Effective Date. Subject to approval by the Board of Trustees of the System, this ordinance shall be and become effective on the 1st at day of June, 1999. PASSED AND APPROVED ON second reading this day of ,1999. Rick Stacy, Mayor (ise, ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary L City of Southiake, Texas ‘11."( MEMORANDUM May 28, 1999 To: Billy Campbell, City Manager From: Ron Harper, Director of Engineering Services Subject: 2nd Reading, Ordinance No. 745 - Abandonment of right-of-way on North Carroll Avenue Action Requested: Place abandonment of right-of-way on City Council agenda for second reading. Background - Information: This ordinance covers three distinct parcels of property. Parcel A is located between Crestwood Office Park and is owned by Cooper and Stebbins. When the Developer Agreement for Town Square Phase I was approved, the City agreed to abandon the portion of the right-of-way in this area to Cooper and Stebbins in consideration for Cooper and Stebbins dedicating the entire right-of-way for the "new" North Carroll. Now that construction is substantially complete, staff has prepared this abandonment ordinance. Parcel B is adjacent to Juergen Strunck's property. The realignment of North Carroll Avenue has produced an area adjacent to Juergen Strunck's property for which we have no use as City right-of-way. Typically we would abandon half of the right-of-way to each of the adjacent property owners. The Developer of Town Square (Cooper and Stebbins) has agreed to dedicate their "orphan" property to Mr. and Mrs. Strunk. Rather than create a deed-tracking problem by creating two abandonments, the City proposes to convey the entire right-of- way to the Strunks. L 7F-1 Parcel C is adjacent to property owned by Dr. Mendez. In order Lir to realign North Carroll Avenue, the City needed to obtain right- of-way from Dr. Mendez. In return, City Council authorized the trading of abandoned right-of-way. One change has been made to this ordinance since the first reading. There are existing utilities on the east and west edges of the old right-of-way. This ordinance has been modified to reflect the retention of two ten-foot utility easements. The action requested by this ordinance is to finalize the process previously initiated by City Council. Financial Considerations: None. Previous Council Action: City Council approved this ordinance on first reading on May 18, 1999. Citizen Input/ Board Review: None. Legal Review: Quit-claim deeds are being reviewed by the City Attorneys. Alternatives: None. Supporting Documents: Portion of Developer Agreement for Town Square, Phase I Quit-Claim Deeds (3) with Exhibits Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that this right-of-way abandonment be placed on the June 1, 1999 regular City Council agenda for second if reading. „, ,t o t-r Director of Engineering Services Approved for Submittal to City Council: /57 Late City Manager's Office 7F-2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE (re ORDINANCE NO. 745 AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING PORTIONS OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, LOCATED IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; DECLARING THAT SUCH PROPERTIES ARE UNNECESSARY FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE QUITCLAIM DEEDS RELEASING PUBLIC OWNERSHIP INTEREST AND CONTROL OF THESE RIGHTS-OF-WAY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, after careful study and consideration, has determined that portions of the right-of-way of North Carroll Avenue, located in the City of Southlake, are not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general; therefore, it constitutes a public charge without a corresponding public (bre benefit, and the public would be better served and benefitted by its vacation and abandonment; and WHEREAS, in order to remove any question as to the continued interest or ownership of the public in said rights-of-way, the City desires to execute quitclaim deeds releasing all title, ownership and control in said rights-of-way to the owners of the abutting properties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. Portions of the right-of-way of North Carroll Avenue, more specifically described in Exhibits "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", and "F" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, are not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general. They constitute a public charge without a corresponding benefit, and the public would be better served and benefitted by their vacation and abandonment. Accordingly, the above described rights-of-way are hereby vacated and abandoned as public property and shall revert in fee simple to the owners of the abutting properties. Lie 7F-3 • Section 2. The Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute quitclaim deeds to the following persons or entities: 1) Mendez, Ltd. For the right-of-way described in Exhibits "A" and "B"; 2) Juergan F. Strunck for the right-of- way described in Exhibits "C" and"D"; and 3) Cooper and Stebbins for the right-of-way described in Exhibits "E" and "F", releasing all claims to title, ownership, or control of these rights-of-way, on behalf of the City of Southlake, Texas. Section 3. Copies of said quitclaim deeds shall be presented for filing with the County Clerk of Tarrant County, Texas by the office of the City Secretary. Section 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, and it so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF , 1999. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY L 7F-4 PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS Lie DAY OF , 1999. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY L L 7F-5 • MAY-14-1999 10:31 LAW FIRM 817 332 4740 P.05/10 .0 ?t 1 ' 4.%e gl .: \ i Ce- N r 46 _ WEST `i� 0� + 33.33 _ � ---- �. a •*, • g � t!� Z 9 � 0 /� t a `�' D,�• x �► > _ TO 3 ka se I e coN 1 _«t, \ . s itiS IVgl1 N i i gIII \ • .1:* s et e 0 N P pic . ")•••IC:Ir= '..ii " �� O 1? al IIIII " TICl/ C wigSill Oo al A tei bA0 m� mP 23 : f � I ID0 `� I 0) -� ♦'acn�c0i .' -W 0 . �Cb p �. p w.$3 s O ,En ► v; c.. r lit: �1 `Ja•�' a �? Q t ,q vLo 2� Le P • • B it .g \ oi m a 1 ch t t z t ,,- �1 ..o ..4N" \ . Oo. pp R ›. I '9xM I " i§§ i r� t V (31 t 5 �; 1 2 '.-/ITI\- _____ lip f.. i .• $Q O M \ C)722 4111 (iii £ ~ :0 1 s ~ a • EXHIBIT "A" 7F-6 • MAY-14-1999 10 31 LAW FIRM 817 332 4740 P.06/10 Lee Being a 0.046 acre tract of land in the W.W.Hall Survey,Abstract No.695.City of Southlake, Tarrant County,Texas,and being a portion of a tract conveyed to Viola describedM.G as follows: COMMENCING recorded in Volume 1948.Page 151(D.R.T.C,T.)and being more particularly COMMENCING at a 5/8'iron pin found in the tenth property line of said Guess nem.said point also being the southeast corder of a tract conveyed to Sou hview Joint Venture 11.as recorded in Volume 9994,Page 1954(D.R.T.C.T.); THENCE EAST,along the north property lute of said Guess tract,for a distance of 19.61 feet to the northeast corner of said tract.said point being in the existing west right-of-way line of North Carroll Avenue, THENCE SOUTH,for a distance of 169.59 feet to a point in the east property line of aiJ Guess tract and in the west right-of-way line of North Carroll Avenue,said point beingE a curve to the left having a radius of 1050.00 feet,a chord bearing 3 a chord length of 68.70 feet,said point also being the POINT OF BEGTNNTNG; THENCE continuing along said curve,for a distance of 68.74 feet to a point: THENCE WEST,for a dtsrancc of 33.33 feet to the southeast comer of said tract.said point being in the existing west right-of-way line of North Carroll Avenue: THENCE NORTH.for a distance of 126.04 feet to the POINT OF BEIINNING,containing 0.046 acres,more or less. owns zi=24l. soweiba e.►aye C L EXHIBIT "3" 7F-7 • MAY-14-1999 10:31 LAt4 FIPM 817 332 4740 P.07:10 c4 1 1 ! L" c:•• C4 r)!.*reW 44 M Z.e a Mtal ! "it! 41 N a - 7 _ 2 ' p Pe asm A 8 Q I 0 `< r - 1 49 s9 l b 7 ••i A e j+ N pp ✓ S •g 3 .. i • ; e O• k p p a n I ,;A, �a.� o g :' i f—&• - 2 • • e _o •• u 4. Q3:Q N� C/► a 1 ,a? Cti`i c `� << dP, c e ; <.. ay n.z d : Z $ jiI • I b •1 1 U �c o L . �en � • • � Cw es� N tio ,, C o» $ N ut 01 el2.. \ cD O t N• .\- , .- • �� 1 •0o r N. (Al' cola t--..... \ ; N-.J 0 0 n. :* . , \ ' . A[ , • 0 sm4 ... i' i i � i sn�2 s - • n I \,\ i s; •- EN ! 1 I �N ! »•pwy d 1 1 V _ - n 1 N i EXHIBIT "C" 7F-8 1')W-14-1999 10:32 LAW FIRM 817 332 4740 P.08/10 • • Being a 0.2332 ante Tact of land in the W.W.Hall Survey,Abstract No.695,City of Sotrthlake. Tarrant County,Texas,and being a portion of the Carroll Avenue t of way and being_more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1f2"iron pin found,said point being the southeast comer of a tract conveyed to Juergen F.Strunk in Volume 6365 Page 206(A.R.T.C.T.)and in the west right-of-way line of Carroll Avenue; THENCE NORTH.along the east property line of said Strunk tract,ff r a distance of 295.30 feet to the northeast comer of said tract,said point being in the existing west right- of-way line of North Carroll Avenue; THENCE EAST.for a distance of 32.64 feet to;i point in the west line of Lot 2,Block 9 of the Sotrthlake Town Square addition; TIIENCI: S 00'41'17"E,fora distance of 295.32 feet continuing along said arost line of Lot 2,Block 9 of the Sou hlake Town Square addition to a point.said point being in . the existing west line of Lot i,Block 9 of the Southlake Town Square addition; THENCE WEST,for a distance of 36.111 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,concr►ning 0.2332 acres,more or kin. vast.nrmx..rr C • • EXHIBIT "D" 7F-9 • MAY-14-1999 10:32 LAW FIRM 817 332 4740 P.09/10 ,. f o"n"11#1 , Z t 1 �� oH'0 tO ., i x..1 N° PQ LA ° N i i :WFM La Ca l ` 0 O • r • 7 1jj1 I j aQ a= • s ¢¢ �' 3g . • . . I it al . i lig 1! I II ii it . . ; El!! L • • 1 if re • g . : w moo $ a 53 _ it i M , a (...., �v: qa • t71). cs O W O C .1► ` W N Z tO lit ..%-,c- CA ; - vm O • 4t 0 • mo i W- G L � � ON pLL ,� 0 ao • • 43 az to . t o� • 61 in. . `pis i m - 34 a. • tin VIuLI . YI 47; CI • I N.A ci I:, L 1 i2 u. EXHIBIT "E„ 7F-10 • MAY-14-1999 10:33 LAW FIRM 817 332 4740 P.10/10 Being(bre a 0.305 acre tract of land in the W.W.Hall Survey,Abstract No.695,City of Souutdake, Tarrant County,Texas,and being a portion of the Camall Avenue right ofiway and being mote particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument found,said point being in the noethxight-Oof-way line of Southiahe Boulevard(FM 1709); THENCE N 89.23'40"W,along the north right-of-way line of Sou hlike Boulevard(FM 1709)fora distance of 3.66 feet to a'A"iron pin found,said point being the southeast corner of Lot I R2 of the W.W.Ball No.695 Addition,Cabinet A.-Slide 4545.(P.R.T.C.T.)and in the west right-of-way line of Cartail Avenue: THENCE N 00°45'53"W,along east line of said Lot 1112 and the west right-of-way line of Carroll Avenue for a distance of 280.99 feet to a'4"iron pin found,said point being the northeast corner of said Lot IR2; THENCE S 89°54'44"E,fora distance of 48.21 feet to a point in the west lime of Lot 1, Block 9 of the Southlake Town Square addition; THENCE S 00°23'09"E,for a distance of 28133 feet to a point fora corner,said point being the southwest corner of Lot 1,Block 9 of the South/aka Town Square • addition; THENCE N 89°00'34"W,for a distance of 42.63 to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.305 acres,more or less. (se (me EXHIBIT "F" TOTAL P.10 7F-11 • City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 28, 1999 To: Billy Campbell, City Manager From: Ron Harper, Director of Engineering Services Subject: Authorize funding of $1 million for City of Southlake's participation in the Kimball Road project pursuant to Advance Funding Agreement with TxDOT dated October 17, 1997 Action Requested: Authorize payment of $1,000,000 for improvements to State Highway 114, particularly Kimball Road interchange project. Background Information: On October 17, 1997 the City entered into an Advance Funding Agreement with TxDOT for the payment of $1,000,000 for the reconstruction of State Highway 114 from 0.5 miles west of Kimball Road to FM 1709 (attached). The City received on May 7, 1999 a request for this payment, due within thirty days of receipt. Financial Considerations: The amount of this item was included in the 1998-1999 budget approved by City Council. Citizen Input/ Board Review: None. Legal Review: None. Alternatives: None. Supporting Documents: May 6, 1999 letter from TxDOT received May 7, 1999 Advance Funding Agreement signed October 7, 1997 L 10A-1 • Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that payment of$1,000,000 be authorized to be made to TxDOT. on Director of Engineering Services Approved for Submittal to City Council: City Manager's Office L L 10A-2 41" L I" Texas Department of Transportation P.O. BOX 6868•FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76115-0868•(817) 370-6500 May 6, 1999 CONTACT: DD-CM Advance Funding Agreement }l U CSJ: 0353-03-053 +► SH 114, From: 0.5 miles West of Liu, MAY - 7 1999 Kimball Road, To: FM 1709 ��-- OFcit,c:Jr CITY Tarrant County Rn�i�;.urR 1 Mr. Curtis Hawk, City Manager n G�4 City of Southlake OU" - 1725 East Southiake Blvd. Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Mr. Hawk: The above project is scheduled to be let in August 1999. In accordance with the Advance Funding Agreement executed on October 17, 1997 between the State and the City of Southiake, we are requesting the City's portion of the funding for the project. Within 30 days of receipt of this letter, the City should forward to the Fort Worth District a check or warrant made payable to the Texas Department of Transportation in the amount of S1.000,000. If you have any questions concerning this request, please contact Mr. Joel Mallard at (817) 370-6591. Sincerely, Charles L. Conrad, P.E. Director of Transportation Planning and Development JM cc: Mr. Mark Schluter, P.E., NTCAO L An Equal 1 OA-3 plover • Agreement No. 02-0353-03-053 County: Tarrant CSJ: 0353-03-053 Project Number: ADVANCE FUNDING AGREEMENT FOR STANDARD HIGHWAY PROJECTS (ON-SYSTEM) THE STATE OF TEXAS § THE COUNTY OF TRAVIS § THIS AGREEMENT IS MADE BY AND BETWEEN the State of Texas, acting through the Texas Department of Transportation, hereinafter called the State, and the City of Southlake, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter called the Outside Entity. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Transportation Code §201 et.seq. and Transportation Code §221.001 authorize the State to lay out, construct, maintain, and operate a system of streets, roads, and highways that comprise the State Highway System; and, WHEREAS, Commission Minute Order Number 106940 authorizes the State to undertake and complete a highway improvement generally described as the reconstruction of State Highway 114, From: 0.5 Miles West of Kimball Road, To: FM 1709; and, WHEREAS, the Outside Entity has requested that the State allow the Outside Entity to participate in said improvement by funding that portion of the improvement described as the reconstruction of State Highway 114, From: 0.5 Miles West of Kimball Road, To: FM 1709 herein after called the "Project"; and, WHEREAS, the State has determined that such participation is in the best interest of the citizens of the State; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties hereto, to be by them respectively kept and performed as hereinafter set forth, the State and the Outside Entity do agree as follows: (kir 1 0A-4 • AGREEMENT Article 1. Time Period Covered This agreement becomes effective when signed by the last party whose signing makes the agreement fully executed, and the State and the Outside Entity will consider it to be in full force and effect until the Project described herein has been completed and accepted by all parties or unless terminated, as hereinafter provided. Article 2. Project Funding The State will authorize performance of only those Project items of work which the Outside Entity has requested and has agreed to pay for as described in Payment Provision and Work Responsibilities, Attachment A, which is attached to and made a part of this contract. In addition to identifying those items of work paid for by payments to the State, Attachment A, Payment Provision and Work Responsibilities, also specifies those Project items of work that are the responsibility of the Outside Entity and will be carried out and completed by the Outside Entity, at no cost to the State. Texas Government Code Chapter 2106 requires the State to recover indirect costs associated with this agreement. The indirect cost will be calculated based on prevailing rates as determined through the State's Indirect Cost Recovery Program. Article 3. Termination This agreement may be terminated in the following manner: • mutual written agreement and consent of both parties. • by either party upon the failure of the other party to fulfill the obligations set forth herein. ♦ by the State if it determines that performance of the Project is not in the best interests of the State. If the contract is terminated in accordance with the above provisions, the Outside Entity will be responsible for the payment of Project costs incurred by the State on behalf of the Outside Entity up to the time of termination. Article 4. Right of Access If the Outside Entity is the owner of any part of the Project site, the Outside Entity shall permit the State or its authorized representative access to the site to perform any activities required to execute the work. The Outside Entity will provide for all necessary right-of-way and utility adjustments needed for performance of the work on sites not owned or to be acquired by the State. Article 5. Responsibilities of the Parties The Outside Entity acknowledges that while it is not an agent, servant, nor employee of the State, it is responsible for its own acts and deeds and for those of its agents or employees during the performance of the work on the Project. L 10A-5 • Article 6. Sole Agreement Le In the event the terms of the agreement are in conflict with the provisions of any other existing agreements nts between the local Outside Entity and the State, the latest agreement shall take precedence over the other agreements in matters related to the Project. Article 7. Successors and Assigns The State and the Outside Entity each binds itself, its successors, executors, assigns, and administrators to the other party to this agreement and to the successors, executors, assigns, and administrators of such other party in respect to all covenants of this agreement. Article 8. Amendments By mutual written consent of the parties, this contract may be amended prior to the expiration of this contract. Article 9. Interest The State will not pay interest on funds provided by the Outside Entity. Funds provided by the Outside Entity will be deposited into, and retained in, the State Treasury. Article 10. Inspection and Conduct of Work (lki'Y Unless otherwis e specifically stated in Attachment A, Payment Provision and Work Responsibilities, to this contract, the State will supervise and inspect all work performed hereunder and provide such engineering inspection and testing services as may be required to ensure that the construction is accomplished in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All correspondence and instructions to the contractor performing the work will be sole responsibility of the State. Unless otherwise specifically stated in Attachment A to this contract, all work will be performed in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges" adopted by the State and incorporated herein by reference, or special specifications approved by the State. Article 11. Increased Costs In the event it is determined that the funding provided by the Outside Entity will be insufficient to cover the State's cost for performance of the Outside Entity's requested work, the Outside Entity will pay to the State the additional funding necessary to cover the anticipated additional cost. The State shall send the Outside Entity a written notification stating the amount of additional funding needed and stating the reasons for the needed additional funds. The Outside Entity shall pay the funds to the State within 30 days of the written notification, unless otherwise agreed to by all parties to this agreement. If the Outside Entity cannot pay the additional funds, this contract shall be mutually terminated in accord with Article 3 - Termination. If this is a fixed price agreement as specified in Attachment A, Payment Provision and Work Responsibilities, this provision shall only apply in the event changed site conditions are discovered Lor as mutually agreed upon by the State and the Outside Entity. 10A-6 Lt.rticle 12. Signatory Warranty he signatories to this agreement warrant that each g has the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of the entity they represent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE STATE AND THE OUTSIDE ENTITY have executed duplicate counterparts to effectuate this agreement. THE STATE OF TEXAS Certified as being executed for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies, or wor programs heretofore approved and authorized by the Texas Transportation Commission under the auth rity of(Minute Order 100002. /17 By L,f?a,t,ev' ( Aci---)Z1 Date lc., /7_ y District Engineer THE OUTSIDE ENTITY Name of the Outside Enti CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By Date October 7 , 1997 yped or Printed Name and Title RICK STACY, MAYOR For the purpose of this agreement, the addresses of record for each party shall be: For the Outside Entity: For the Texas Department of Transportation: Mr. Curtis Hawk, City Manager Mr. Charles W. Heald, P.E., District Engineer City of Southlake Texas Department of Transportation 667 N. Carroll Avenue P.O. Box 6868 Southlake, Texas 76092 Fort Worth, Texas 76108 (kir' 10A-7 J Attachment A Payment Provisions and Work Responsibilities Description of the Cost of the Items of Work The State shall be responsible for the reconstruction of State Highway 114, From: 0.5 Miles West of Kimball Road, To: FM 1709. The Outside Entity's cost for the work will be the fixed amount of $1,000,000.00. The fixed amount of$1,000,000.00, includes engineering and contingencies cost and indirect costs at the rate in effect for the year in which the work will be performed. The Schedule of Payments One payment in the amount of$1,000,000.00 will be paid to the State, upon notification, at least thirty days in advance of the bid opening for the construction contract. The Outside Entity will remit a check or warrant made payable to the Texas Department of Transportation in the amount of$1,000,000.00 to be used in payment for the proposed work required by the Outside Entity. L Lime 10A-8 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 28, 1999 Lie TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Malcolm Jackson, Administrative Operations Coordinator SUBJECT: Consideration of a sign variance appeal for Designer Studio for Women, 480 W. Southlake Boulevard, Suite#131. Action Requested: City Council consideration of sign variance. Background Information: Mrs. Miller has operated her business in Southlake for ten years. Her location on Carroll Ave. is in the line of expansion of S.H. Highway 114. Therefore, she is moving to the new center, Southlake Oaks Phase II, at the above address. Section 16-A of the sign ordinance limits the area of attached signs to .75 square feet for each linear foot of store front. The variance is being requested because the store is relatively narrow at 26 feet, allowing 19.5 square feet. The overall area of the requested sign is 3' x 13', or 39 square feet. The business name contains four words that would necessitate the letters be reduced to the point they would be hard to read from the street. Due to the distance from the street, the ordinance would permit 24 inch letter height. The requested sign has 22 inch letters on the top line and 12 inch letters on the second line. Financial Considerations: Not Applicable Citizen Input/ Board Review: No citizen input has been received. Not subject to any Board review. Legal Review: None Alternatives: The City Council may approve the sign as requested, approve it subject to whatever changes or conditions they deem appropriate, or they may deny it. Supporting Documents: Variance Application. Sign drawing/elevation. Site Plan. Sections 14 and 16 of Sign Ordinance 704-A. w-- 10B-1 r Billy Campbell May 28, 1999 Page 2 L Staff Recommendation: Place the sign variance appeal for Designer Studio for Women located at 480 W. Southlake Blvd., Suite #131 on the June 1, 1999 City Council meeting agenda for consideration. MJ/bls Approved for Submittal to City Council: City Manager's Office (lbw (ow, 10B-2 r� khr CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SIGN VARIANCE APPLICATION APPLICANT OWNER(if different) NAME: An1% A tvti L- ADDRESS: I lcf vi. c4,1 AL Sc, -rllLA le„& T Z PHONE: 81 -1/¢8( - 63 94 FAX: The following information pertains to the location for which the variance is being requested: NAME OF BUSINESS OR OPERATION: -DcsIG -rur>,o PHYSICAL ADDRESS: J ILEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block Subdivision I hereby certify that this application is complete as per the requirements of Sign Ordinance No. 704 as summarized below. I further understand that it is necessary to have a representative at the City Council meeting who is authorized to discuss this request. Applicant's si nature: 1\ Date: r•ir,a Icfcr'9 The following checklist is a summary of requirements for sign variance requests as required by the City of Southlake. The applicant should further refer to the Sign Ordinance No. 704 and amendments, and other ordinances maps, and codes available at the City Hall that may pertain to this sign variance request. Completed sign variance request application. Completed demonstration of conditions applicable to the requested variance(see• attached.) Site plan showing the location of the sign variance request and any other signs that conform to or are exempt from the sign ordinance. The site plan shall also indicate the building, landscaped areas, parking &approaches and adjoir.i-+g street R. O. W. Scaled and dimensioned elevations of the signs for which the variance is requested. For attached signs, the elevations shall show the building, the :ign for which the variance is requested, and any other signs that conform to cs are exempt from the sign ordinance. _ v 10B-3 L Demonstration Please demonstrate that the following conditions are applicable to the requested sign variance: 1. That a literal enforcement of the sign regulation will crate an unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty on the applicant. '�I_4 I.R r M A F'-f R U41 0..! r=0 2 Tr-4l 5 G c.tt�-r ic.�IC_ A vA K I r J CE t (S l(+t_ N E�.J�, A'1'pi20 =c' SI G►.1 C ep I r.L�N c.,r_ r{-, r v L.Lc-S SIzE T1...14r 4 51GA/ CA,J Ccv --j1-4 SPAcc AvAik-p- Fr,R 1,4`-( -5 i G nl r W I.41 t'FI t 5 4 4,5(.Cc,E7.4.l I Z 1 o h( d F- N1 Y f�lJ S r n1cSSr I S Li M TG17 T.0 T4+E ARtr_,.s. or my gTo rz fiirc i T i 4,,,D A Re.>J l_ S wr�L- 'aCCCIVE LESS yr 3riS(LtTY �j2.,rK C nAC:e•S Lc." R.AvcyL ALN��:G .50L.7HLA(&c $CJC.t JR r2t7 TrZA..lSt ATr 11C7 To Fa(-%.;elZ Sq L€S :4K 7oc-c_A'ZS If • z-P.I 2. That the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the r affected property and is not self imposed. Z A rs4 LocATEL> I,J pkASE T .vo of 1.4 E' GLcJE �j I R Cc-T(1 .4 D_.1 A C 17I4 S r-1 C 'ovc/GJtc [�Y 'IA Nje,A� SI6r.l C,2ArIJA,,/CC ASTHE I rc Res-% ; �1Cr w( L)L.� #MPL.I T►4A T EAC 14 PHASE'r Jr1l Lt, • i�!c.a(LLy t1>t/.1Tic.AL- Ir.! 41=crl(r i_c i uf .AL - 0-87I • E: ALL 'TNc S.•4^-1E 6 C . 3. That the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties. S AAA/1 nic-r y E Pay o CI i C F Sow-�l�,tk.0 :N Tt4C SIZE of AA`( Si6-,h , B:JT Y -Ft DCVEtA?E . 1 r1 h C EIATC DS .T O , Co N STra u C-ri o NJ A hl J A P c 4 Ti o raj C1= y" Siva TralS IZE�v�S'r 1=o2 A v.41Z1Xi Pr�-r/1i rJS 6 3' -E, Ais/ i HEEEPro,Z.E "TFt Ae.L A-1 i ulT I-i- W il,L Cove . 4l.L. G' TI-(EIZ ASP Ec c E(ZP.1 WILT. CotiF C2 To T+IE AQ.S4Cc �.I 41� 3 �� Y (C�'N �J- ES�cS. 4. That the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of the sign ordinance. • T- ,,- c.-rAN 71.JC-1 'TLC 03SEc_7( J' rc TI-te ?e-c Si ZC Q1= M1 kl ALL- c, iT 1 s' A_,PEc-t-S ®F MY SiGJ./ tELL Cc?4PL.1 W i T i+ CIT.i c^.F Sc.vTt-(LAILE 2EGO , qry� CP'hJT174c-ruIi iNTS C7i= 7-4-1 vaLoP✓R., A RIAt. CE To r 4C Sl zE- Cam= SjGhl i W1-111 44 IS �t M FL y i o Q I.C.c cv ,.( E A s76,i.! C��'c iZ.(iJ& T7 a i✓ Ait A PErZMISSrgLe, gy TNC P�EvIews M:\wpfiles\building\variance.app S r Ci Rl O e D 1,4 .4 NC t W!L c_ C 4 g£V E FI T 'Ta hi•yi g,1st r.:cSs A N -rt. -TNE. CITY 10B-4 x . (.0 z (i i z ez z n, 0 w 1 ;61'' v— tkiip, . . ,, o 111116 >- 1--- 01 01 2 1.-1 u.i faz 9 d w . w i_ — Q If) 1— N 0 k) t-- 1 Z 2 0 tc?) ne co I' 0 o o 0 1_,) :4 - • • • .. 1 0 q (i) Dz ° w a , w : (...... i 14 _ ._ ____ _ / i I - II [ LL1 D z , < / v\R 1 ----- -- -- - — 1 o 1-, z , _ 1 D C U. : W ES i • Di P- I Z w 1 z , Le i w 1 0, 1 \ D _J _1 10B-5 — - R 1 ,1 • Sou-hIcke Oaks Shopping Cenfier rF',cse II 480 West ScutHcke Blvd. Scuthlcke, Texas 76092 5icent;ennial Park lits ..-7 Ma 11aa-l�1!!�l�sa■M���auaa-RUM aa� area are 11 Ste Sole Satesuite Sure -aas * % a c,or Est. 115 119 131 132 133 :C VI hip • \.;->:. N— 5 S trlcte ‘A::AN id- CesiVer N.ACAN" Cat akrens P.: ` ...cm Sn,do • :Q l - rs.s= . x 1 ea I ASV IIII.4141.J1111.1- ..11111111..111IIi L _ 1 1_ *,,:e-4 tti ,may 1 .,_ 1 1 FM 1709 SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD evrre,/ ilarets es y - 12 - 9 • /2 ✓ C1,cr/D Ca; J„4,, /t✓ sl,,,'gtn%es f 972 — if/ - 27 0 th2 L_`4gL ; I'�(� 9` �ovTHL-,1 O4K5. ADDIJ, ccK l } Lor ,Zc;,v/Nc7 . C -2 L. c onlST, ryty ; ✓"N) $7R1/4416D 10B-6 City of Southlake, Texas SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS May 7, 1999 SIGN ORDINANCE NO. 704-A The following is excerpted from the Sign Ordinance: SEC. 14 VARIANCES The City Council may authorize variances to any restriction set forth in this ordinance, including but not limited to the number, type, area, height, or setback of signs, or any other aspect involved in the sign permitting process. In granting any variance, the City Council shall determine that a literal enforcement of the sign regulations will create an unnecessary hardship or a practical difficulty on the applicant, that the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self-imposed, that the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties, and that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this sign ordinance. A person may request a variance from the Sign Ordinance by filing the request with the Building Official. Any request for variance shall be accompanied by a completed application and a non-refundable filing fee in the amount specified in the current fee schedule adopted by City Council. SEC. 16 PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURES AND GENERAL REGULATIONS A. ATTACHED SIGN 1. GENERAL: Unless otherwise specifically provided, the regulations set forth in this subsection shall be applicable to all attached signs which are allowed under this ordinance. Signs may not be attached to light fixtures, poles, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, streets, utility poles, public buildings, fences, railings, public telephone poles, or trees. The direct painting of signs on buildings shall be prohibited except for signs less than a three (3) square foot area used for building identification. 2. MINIMUM /MAXIMUM LETTER/LOGO HEIGHT: The minimum height allowed for letters or logos shall be six (6) inches. The maximum height allowed for letters or logos shall be based on the following criteria: Distance From R.O.W. * Maximum Letter/Logo Height Less than 100 ft. 12 inches 101 - 150 ft. 18 inches 151 - 200 ft. 24 inches 201 -250 ft. 30 inches 251 - 300 ft. 36 inches 301 and greater 42 inches * - For any lease space which does not front on a street, the maximum letter/logo height shall be based on the distance from the vehicular driveway access (see Appendix 'B' for 10B-7 further clarification). 3. MAXIMUM AREA: 0.75 square feet for every one foot of width of building or lease space not to exceed 400 square feet (see Appendix 'A' for further clarification). 4. NUMBER OF SIGNS: Only one attached sign per lease space shall be allowed along each street frontage on any site, unless otherwise specifically provided in this ordinance. A secondary sign may be permitted at a public entrance, provided the entrance is on another side of the building, but shall be limited to twenty-five percent (25%) of the primary or permitted sign size, whichever is more restrictive. The six (6) inch minimum letter/logo height will not apply to these secondary signs. No more than two (2) attached signs shall be allowed per lease space. Attached signs shall be located within the first story of the main exterior entrance for a building or lease space (see Appendix `B' for further clarification). 5. SIGN WIDTH: Attached signs shall be limited in width to the middle seventy five percent (75%) of the width of any building or lease space. In the event the lease space facade is horizontally articulated, the 75% rule shall apply to the allowed sign to be located on any single plane facade (see Appendix 'B' for further clarification). 6. ROOF LINE LIMITATIONS: In no case shall an attached sign project above the roof line of any building, except those attached to parapet walls and the sign may not extend above the parapet wall. Signs shall be no closer vertically to the eave of the roofline or overhang than the predominant letter height(see Appendix `B' for further clarification). Signs may be attached to a continuous plane fascia, if the sign does not extend above or below the (lbw' projection of the fascia. Signs attached to fascia are only allowed when attached to structural canopy supported to the ground by columns constructed of similar masonry material as the primary structure (See Appendix `B' for further clarification). 7. ILLUMINATION: Attached signs may only be illuminated utilizing internal lighting. Exterior letters with exposed neon lighting are not allowed. 8. PROTRUSIONS: Attached signs may not protrude farther than eighteen inches (18") from the building, excluding signs attached to canopies. 9. RESIDENTIAL ADJACENCY: Attached signs shall not be allowed on any facade (other than the main front of the building) which faces property zoned for single-family residential uses if the sign is within one hundred fifty feet (150') of the property line of said residential property. L:\BUILDING\CHUCK\SignSupport.doc L 10B-8 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 28, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Malcolm Jackson, Administrative Operations Coordinator SUBJECT: Consideration of a sign variance appeal for Eckerd Drug, 100 E. Southlake Boulevard. Action Requested: City Council consideration of sign variance. Background Information: Eckerd is presently located at 100 W. Southlake Blvd. in the Crossroads Square center. They would like to relocate to the above location in order to have a larger freestanding facility. Section 16-A of the Sign Ordinance limits the letter height of attached signs to various heights corresponding to the distance from the property line along the appropriate street frontage. The proposed sign on the south elevation is set back approximately 80 feet from Southlake Blvd. and is, therefore, limited to 12 inch letter heights. The requested sign has 28 inch high letters. The sign contains 36.5 square feet in area compared to the 111 square feet permitted by ordinance. Other proposed signs on the property comply with the sign ordinance and are not a part of this request. Financial Considerations: Not Applicable Citizen Input/ Board Review: No citizen input has been received. Not subject to any Board review. Legal Review: None Alternatives: The City Council may approve the sign as requested, approve it subject to whatever changes or conditions they deem appropriate, or they may deny it. Supporting Documents: Variance Application. Sign drawing/elevation. Site Plan. Lim." Sections 14 and 16 of Sign Ordinance 704-A. 10C-1 Billy Campbell (48., May 28, 1999 Page 2 Staff Recommendation: Place the sign variance appeal for Eckerd Drug located at 100 E. Southlake Blvd. on the June 1, 1999 City Council meeting agenda for consideration. MJ/bls Approved for Submittal to City Council: City Manager's Office Lee 1OC-2 05/13/99 THU 08:26 FAX 9722332259 ALLIANCE_ARCHITECTS tl003 rqY-12-1999 09:27 FROM CITY OF SOUTFLRKE TO 19722332259 P.02 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SIGN VARIANCE APPLICATION .171 APPLICANT OWNER(If dlfferentgjy NAME: STeVat P e..4pS EP11'0 - irtit t.s NO• ( ) t._P. ADDRESS t tO L.hNtam P4..VV. . 1212.1.I.41.c , T1. iC 24-0 Sp►M E PHONE: 41'7 2. F5,6 4 . q;55 FAX: ' l ?. • $(P(a • $ it4 The tiollowing.inforrnation pertains to the location for which the variance is being requested: NAME OF BUSINESS OR OPERATION: EC . P-b PHYSICAL ADDRESS: IJ olztu eArT CoR-ue'R or W N 1ZE CNA et. 4 FN1 �109 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot ti to Block G Subdivision V e+4 b U G,uzc e4,-traTES I hereby certify that this application is complete as per the requirements of Sign Ordinance No. 704 as summarized below. I further understand that it is necessary to have a representative at . the City Council meeting who is suthori2ed to discuss this request. L Applicants signature: 9't&t. e _�j� < (,e_wl 4 Date: ' t 3 ' ct The following checklist is a summary of requirements for sign variance requests as required by the City of Southlake. The applicant should further refer to the Sign Ordinance No. 704 and amendments, and other ordinances maps, and codes available at the City Hall that may pertain to this sign variance request. Completed sign variance request application. ✓ Completed demonstration of conditions applicable to the requested variance(see • attached.). ✓ Site plan showing the location of the sign variance request and any other signs that conform to or are exempt from the sign ordinance. The site plan shall also indicate the building, landscaped areas, parking&approaches and adjoining street R:O. W. Scaled and dimensioned elevations of the signs for which the variance is. requested. For attached signs, the elevations shall show the building, the sign for which the variance La requested. and any other signs that conform to or are exempt from the sign ordinance. • )11111.1.1' 10C-3 05/13/UU liiu UES:LO CAA VILLJ3LL.Oy ALL1A1'l.n_AAWIhL 1 ) 46iUV4 MAY-12-1999 09:28 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO 19722332259 P.03 - _ Demonstration Please demonstrate that the following conditions are applicable to the requested sign variance: 1. That a literal enforcement of the sign regulation will crate an unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty on the applicant. TNS W ESTlbou Nu) Tv.1%FpiL tS 'N o t.L.E( To Tt+f✓ pay aos Sti•LtitrJ6 Tx+Tatzs fay Gt Azt4t • V� su CsF+cult A GLANS F00_ S'Te, G 1 OEt..1 t F\crS.T 104. ON 'tU�T F M 11 ( C 5 o u Tc) F t-o tr-e 4 e- 2. Thatthe situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and Is not self imposed. rots IS A 2Et.47oaT\ol.1 of t6r3 ef t sr%..iG -te..,A. w was S t G fa 6,cs. \S p.p., 11.\..0 m;%.* 1e! " %cot: Snail rums-r 't V—t" X I5'- 5 • T wlc L1sT wrz- 14J -tick " Pr ov. �e �•-21!✓ $tt -t-A u.- • m K s S 261 I.Aarcbteizs ze 1Z.E &V e b sv CN "f�-►T -CskU R. exl s-ri►J 6 S1'A W b s rtb L oG o C-A.►J GtzoN e, Fa0(vow. tz-En. 3. That the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties. 4.,tvy a.c.e t rf' t>e v �—Lp en ems rs PE u T7 6 tZ pa-wry O t!s S t G:N e r=-o t w A•IJ c t3 e t-t A LLD W->c.b po12- G 2LEA-C t St(*.N fr•'Qe f4 - T1-tl s 5 t L.iJ W t IA- &E 4. That the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of the sign ordinance. U.tl42-eta Ttkt~ �StGt•� ma,t,t ►.� eNc� aVt,:W.s FvR.. stGv/►G E •oNG FM. 11o41 -tti (3 ► t \ Sl= C501.1Et, - IN) . Tkarw 'SIGN x4. e P-opoSab 15 3G• 5 5F i' enn Et - lN) M:\wpflles\buildina\variance.app C 10C-4 TOTAL P.03 •% 1r;r _ , .0-91 t S '$'1,, I:4i L'ln d a 1 I rY ' t 1 l,i'' �II) _ ,', ZI� _ • TCIlli WIscY uJ t�'t� Ll.l b J I I .1 �.��I a = 7 6 = o Z GIP 1 F. OI i�' 1r ' I t ' 1' Wfg i�+�I p .n Z 3 j h3 Via, r} el ',II, IIH1ILEl F1111 Ill1x'•� o N 1 1i �� . Si oi list II vc i) \--. ]I Lv4�• oft 11 '4 1,, `I,. p ��1 IL AIll I I�IIl�,°'Mill l�Gi `o ��/ it lLf L ~x r IL £ �'° Ili , i _ _ I la!® i I a) y 3 1 ig .,i 4'1 p �III ii i 11 I 'i�,1 1Nili b z 1 r1i�C }1 t 't }`'q:7 1,11 ,'I'il 'i11'I, K, 4�Ili ii,1 1 ��+i � � � III ' �L�!�1�� ll 14/ h I * Ilt\ :iii fr �[il1 • a " • LL , I I t{y��5il .Y' 1 � ;t��_ ,,., 4 ,.t, °X nir7 llitislil,'1:;.!;.1 N�� a j . ' 1; ( r — iwiJl 41 ? r. ,. 1 w4r, Al1 iL S� V I IC ` i' , W II H I- • `lV 1 �, I. 1 t ' ' , ,, i 'r'+'°�liti c.. �\ L' II i! I'I� 1111Wt1 11 t�,}>; i . a7 ,,FF Jy, E r�, 1` , 7,1 IT c f' u> , V i1t ,1 r AE W 5 t' 1 I,1 '`, II - 9 NN gl L--.tom- _ ,�NRC/S,C#�1r'.`i i is*_ t JiJS4 1,11,��� q " 3 al , 3v 1J 1 1 I >,a .o-.o0, 10C-5 .... -, KOCK 6 - , DIAPON: C:RCL= ES7A7ES SECOND INS-AL...JAEN vOL.388-181. RG.59 — _ P.R 7.C.7.. . 70NED SF-1 - saw wow_....., ,.......z.,., ,........., ., _,.. , , ,,.. „ _._ 2 - LOW OrNS17Y RcSIDENT;A:., Al ENTER _ •:v-_____ ..•,. --:- ,---- ---m ra----- . -.--.I : ''''• - +. -MY S--..$SCAM% .129.C.1.0 0...WISSOO.rA- fill 1,1L_, -. -. •mc-ra-- ., 7z.„-- -- !_r7=,.......„ __--.. - --••••• - - I --......,..„, • -`,.., .%*c . Ne ---. • -_-_•••-7.---'' M-I , ,:._ C. -'- Efie------2. _ . .•. .•.1..;.,7 'ANa.,.:\._ ''. .,,.. ' `,,,,,_ I •.',:,1. ..:1 ''.!' ', , /44./A..t<%•... '',..,„.. /N......... .......2 / 7A.. i 1 '''... IcP• /. -IS' • Si6' „...... —•_ \ ..,....7.....\ PO Parr ',,„.:N%•..,'''.C,, LOT 7 ./ ,-.'.......','••---,)\''',i,"; ,, ......../„....„. *7 67..3 • . • '0).• ! if -) i• ' I 1 et e / • i • W - ,,,.,..,,. `•,....: / 494 ....,s0CETA.9046 MAI-L. Ohl • • '50' ' I .....:......... .s. IIP. \„...• I le W i <1.• , • 1. . • P ,..,‘N 21:, ,,, • , • I / '.......•••,....„,/,• ', '\% ,`• j'i' ''' '`‘LI-7(\''''',:• .'... 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T,...oftp, M t • -4..... two. .....___ 1 , . 0314'13- • — • • -- • • -- . • —______ -___ _ • • R = 2919.79' • • •••••....... . . •••••••••-...---. --- . L = 166.65' ''.......W 7 - • C.B. .. S 88.38•16. w 101.;.:7" • C.D. = 166.63. W • "•"•••••••.-- 5 ,, 4.— :e-- SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD VARIAL.E VAI.1.,,R.U.W7- LErr 11JRN LAN( •2.4•L E.:71.7A ...) - ----•- -_____ City of Southiake, Texas SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS May 7, 1999 SIGN ORDINANCE NO. 704-A The following is excerpted from the Sign Ordinance: SEC. 14 VARIANCES The City Council may authorize variances to any restriction set forth in this ordinance, including but not limited to the number, type, area, height, or setback of signs, or any other aspect involved in the sign permitting process. In granting any variance, the City Council shall determine that a literal enforcement of the sign regulations will create an unnecessary hardship or a practical difficulty on the applicant, that the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self-imposed, that the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties, and that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this sign ordinance. A person may request a variance from the Sign Ordinance by filing the request with the Building Official. Any request for variance shall be accompanied by a completed application and a non-refundable filing fee in the amount specified in the current fee schedule adopted by City Council. SEC. 16 PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURES AND GENERAL REGULATIONS A. ATTACHED SIGN 1. GENERAL: Unless otherwise specifically provided, the regulations set forth in this subsection shall be applicable to all attached signs which are allowed under this ordinance. Signs may not be attached to light fixtures, poles, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, streets, utility poles, public buildings, fences, railings, public telephone poles, or trees. The direct painting of signs on buildings shall be prohibited except for signs less than a three (3) square foot area used for building identification. 2. MINIMUM /MAXIMUM LETTER/LOGO HEIGHT: The minimum height allowed for letters or logos shall be six (6) inches. The maximum height allowed for letters or logos shall be based on the following criteria: Distance From R.O.W. * Maximum Letter/Logo Height Less than 100 ft. 12 inches 101 - 150 ft. 18 inches 151 - 200 ft. 24 inches 201 - 250 ft. 30 inches 251 - 300 ft. 36 inches 301 and greater 42 inches * - For any lease space which does not front on a street, the maximum letter/logo height shall be based on the distance from the vehicular driveway access (see Appendix `B' for 10C-7 further clarification). 3. MAXIMUM AREA: 0.75 square feet for every one foot of width of building or lease space not to exceed 400 square feet (see Appendix 'A' for further clarification). 4. NUMBER OF SIGNS: Only one attached sign per lease space shall be allowed along each street frontage on any site, unless otherwise specifically provided in this ordinance. A secondary sign may be permitted at a public entrance, provided the entrance is on another side of the building, but shall be limited to twenty-five percent (25%) of the primary or permitted sign size, whichever is more restrictive. The six (6) inch minimum letter/logo height will not apply to these secondary signs. No more than two (2) attached signs shall be allowed per lease space. Attached signs shall be located within the first story of the main exterior entrance for a building or lease space (see Appendix 'B' for further clarification). 5. SIGN WIDTH: Attached signs shall be limited in width to the middle seventy five percent (75%) of the width of any building or lease space. In the event the lease space facade is horizontally articulated, the 75% rule shall apply to the allowed sign to be located on any single plane facade (see Appendix 'B' for further clarification). 6. ROOF LINE LIMITATIONS: In no case shall an attached sign project above the roof line of any building, except those attached to parapet walls and the sign may not extend above the parapet wall. Signs shall be no closer vertically to the eave of the roofline or overhang than the predominant letter height(see Appendix 'B' for further clarification). Signs may be attached to a continuous plane fascia, if the sign does not extend above or below the (116.0 projection of the fascia. Signs attached to fascia are only allowed when attached to structural canopy supported to the ground by columns constructed of similar masonry material as the primary structure (See Appendix 'B' for further clarification). 7. ILLUMINATION: Attached signs may only be illuminated utilizing internal lighting. Exterior letters with exposed neon lighting are not allowed. 8. PROTRUSIONS: Attached signs may not protrude farther than eighteen inches (18") from the building, excluding signs attached to canopies. 9. RESIDENTIAL ADJACENCY: Attached signs shall not be allowed on any facade (other than the main front of the building) which faces property zoned for single-family residential uses if the sign is within one hundred fifty feet (150') of the property line of said residential property. L:\BUILDING\CHUCK\SignSupport.doc Cow- 10C-8 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 28, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Shawn Poe, Capital Projects Engineer SUBJECT: Cross Timber Hills Utility Easement Acquisition Update Action Requested: Not applicable Background Information: At the May 18, 1999 City Council meeting, staff updated Council on the status of the easement acquisition in order to construct the sanitary sewer to serve the Cross Timber Hills subdivision. At that time, 13 out of the 55 easements required had been obtained. The Council expressed concerns about the amount of time it is taking to acquire the easements. The City Council requested staff to place an item on the June 1 City Council meeting to discuss options available to expedite the easement acquisition. (lire Attached is a spreadsheet showing the property owner name, address, and status of each easement. As of today, 19 easements have been acquired. I have been continually meeting with the residents on-site to answer any questions. I have also been following up with the residents via phone that I have had previous contact. Financial Considerations: When the easement documents were sent to the residents, a cover letter accompanied the documents (see attached cover letter), however no mention was made in the letter of the City's intention to waive the $1300 participation fee for consideration of the easement. At the previously held neighborhood meetings, City Staff did indicate to the homeowners present that the normal "policy" for acquiring easements was to first request the homeowner to donate the easement to the City without compensation. If the homeowner requested any compensation for the easement, then the City would waive the $1300 participation fee. Therefore, the cover letter to the residents sent with the easement documents did not refer to the City's intention of waiving the $1300 participation fee. In order to minimize any confusion regarding compensation for the easement, staff mailed a letter to the outstanding residents in Cross Timber Hills where an easement is required (see attached letter dated May 27, 1999). 11A-1 I � Lir There have been several residents that have returned the documents without requesting the waiver of the $1300 participation fee. However, to be fair and consistent, once the City received the easement document, I added to the document that the $1300 participation fee would be waived and mailed a copy of that document back to the homeowner. The City has received three requests in writing from residents that wish to be compensated more for the easement than just the waiver of the $1300 participation fee. The letters from each resident are attached. The homeowner names and requests are as follows: Homeowner Address Concession Requested Pennington 1825 Sleepy Hollow - Plat Revision - $1300 Participation Fee Waiver Caston 1357 Lakeview Drive - $1300 Participation Fee Waiver - $200 for Watering - $3,360 for trees Adrian 1362 Woodbrook - $1300 Participation Fee Lane Waiver - $1,200 Cash I have responded in writing to each of the residents above to confirm that I have received their letters. I plan to proceed aggressively to obtain the other easements now and receive direction from Council at a later date regarding the homeowners who have requested additional concessions. Citizen Input/ Board Review: Not applicable Legal Review: Alternatives: Not applicable Supporting Documents: Cross Timber Hills Easements spreadsheet Utility Easement cover letter dated March 1, 1999 Letter dated May 27, 1999 Letter dated April 11, 1999 from Mr. Pennington Tree evaluation from Mr. Caston Letter dated April 5, 1999 from Mr. Adrian Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends proceeding to acquire the easements. Staff also recommends negotiating further with the homeowners that are requesting 11 A-2 more compensation for the easement once all the other easements have been acquired. 7A(4 . SEP/sep Approved for Submittal to City Council: 6 City Manager's Office L L 11 A-3 a) a) U, N u) L = ..._ 1 LL co- CI` ; d' 0) rn rn 'rn a) • a) C) 10)M- dye a) a) o-) a? a? a) a) CI) a) :rn a) :rn ,a) I N a) �. r- � 0 r ) Cr, a) 0 a) CT Li) O 7 C N- (V N "T N U N-') N Lc) I N C M C) C C") U) U) C C C co' U�) I c%) W W W W LU Q LU W :Q LU W W LU '.W 'W W w LU W W LU W W W w .w ' W I,W U. LL U- LL U U- U- LL LL LL U U :LL C i- I- I--; H H O F- F- W f- H H F- 1— F p:: 2 a a a CC W a a U a a' a' a. Ce I CC Q Q Q Q :Q a < < Q Q Q Q Q Q "y" a a. Cl. a '.a Q a : a M a a s a a 1 Cl_ �; O : O O 0 'O 0 O :co 1 W O O O 'O O :O 'O 0 O 0 'O 'O O O '.CD i0 O O O G- CO : : ':C) I^ :C) CO �CO , .C/) Cl '.CO ,CO 'C) CO IC) O, !A CA b4 1 Cff 69 a CA 0 E9 1 CA to ess 1 69 ' W 1, W III 1 I W !W W ;LU W W W 1 W LU I W W :> '> > i> > !F I> > I 101 > 1> > > . (1) :.> > sx0. 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FLU- M w F H � (n 2 Q ¢ W CC cr a x0 xp 'c :cc O ww cn F- 0 .z co cn :2 5 Q O w () 2 2 0 F- :--) Q Q a 0 ac 0' N V O .- co LC, Is- N p N C) R N C) v u) cD CO a) N O O J O O Co O CD --I --IJ J J --I --I J J J -20 p �- cO n CO o 0) N co R M) CO N CO a) tf) F t() 1f� CO 0 C) C) C) CO ' 'Cr 'Cr - ' 'Cr v v ' -a- 11A-5 • L.- ,. __.,______ _ _ { City of Southiake Duthla� - March 4, 1999 Mayor: Rick Stacy Cross Timbers Resident Mayor Pro Tern: Southlake, TX 76092 W.Ralph Evans Deputy Mayor Pro Tern: RE: Sanitary Sewer to serve Cross Timbers Subdivision_ ScottF.Martin Required Easements Coundlmembers: • Wayne Moffat Dear Mr. Resident: Ronnie Kendall Debra Edmondson Gary Fawks The City is in the process of obtaining the necessary utility easements in order City Manager: to install the sanitary sewer that will serve the Cross Timbers Subdivision. Curtis E.Hawk Attached you will find two copies of the necessary utility easement that is required on your property in order to install the aforementioned sanitary Assistant city Manager:(hip, ;hana K.Yelverton sewer. I will be pleased to meet with you at your convenience to discuss this utility easement along with the -construction process and how each relate to City Secretary: your property. If you do not have any questions, please sign and date the two Sandra L. LeGrand copies in the presence of a notary and return one of the copies via mail or drop off in person at the address shown on my enclosed business card. The other copy is for your records. The City will not advertise for bids to construct the sanitary sewer until all the required easements are obtained. Therefore, your prompt response will be appreciated. I can be reached by telephone at (817) 481-5581 extension 846. Sincerely, iqi\ ;,Y Shawn Poe, P.E. Capital Projects Coordinator Attachments cc: Bob Whitehead, P.E. Director of Public Works L 11A-6 1950 East Continental . Southlake,Texas 76092 • 11 City of Southiake Duthiak- MIay 27, 1999 Mayor: Rick Stacy Cross Timbers Resident Mayor ProTem: Southlake, TX 76092 W.Ralph Evans Deputy Mayor Pro Tern: RE: Sanitary Sewer to serve Cross Timber Hills Subdivision Scott F.Martin Required Easements Coundimembers: Wayne Moffat Dear Resident: Ronnie Kendall Debra Edmondson Gary Fawks As you know, the City is in the process of obtaining the necessary utility easements in order to install the sanitary sewer that will serve the Cross City Manager. Timber Hills Subdivision. The Cityhas mailed two copies of the utility E.Hawk P easement document that is required on your property in order to install the Assistant City Manager: aforementioned sanitary sewer. According to our records, the City has not ana K.Yeiverton received your executed easement document. Secretary: Sandra L. LeGrand The installation of the sanitary sewer to serve the Cross Timber Hills subdivision is a priority to the City because it will be beneficial to the residents of Cross Timber Hills. In consideration for the utility easement, the City will waive the $1300 participation fee. The $1300 participation fee is required to be paid by the homeowners to the City prior to connecting to the sanitary sewer. Prior to returning the signed easement document to the City, write on the front of the signature pages the following: "In consideration for the said easement, the City will waive the $1300 participation fee." By doing so, the waiver of the $1300 participation fee will become a binding agreement between the City and the utility easement grantor. The City Council will discuss the easement acquisition as an item at the June 1. 1999 City Council meeting and is seeking your input. The Council will discuss the options that are available to expedite the easement acquisition process in order to complete the sanitary sewer project. One option is not constructing the sanitary sewer within the entire subdivision or in portions of the subdivision where the easements have not been granted. Another option that is least desirable is to begin the condemnation process. I would encourage you to call or meet with me at your earliest convenience to discuss the utility easement along with the construction process and how each 11A-7 1950 East Continental • Southlake,Texas 76092 /R171 A 1_AC.Ql - GAY tR17\d`)1_c752') May 27. 1999 Page 2 relate to your property. If you do not have any questions, please sign and date the two copies of the easement document in the presence of a notary (notaries are available for your convenience at all City offices) and return one of the copies via mail or drop off in person at 1721 E. Southlake Blvd. The other copy is for your records. The City will not advertise for bids to construct the sanitary sewer until all the required easements are obtained. Therefore, your prompt response will be appreciated. I can be reached by telephone at (817) 481-5581 extension 846. Sincerely, • a."'"(4912-- Shawn Poe, P.E. Capital Projects Engineer cc: Ron Harper, P.E., Director of Engineering Services Charlie Thomas, P.E., Deputy Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer (we 11 A-8 Gary E. Pennington 1825 Sleepy Hollow Southlake, TX. 76092 April 11, 1999 Shawn Poe. P.E. Capital Projects Coordinator City Of Southlake 1950 East Continental Southlake, TX. 76092 Subject: Sanitary Sewer Easement on Block 1 Lot 8. Cedar oaks Estates, Southlake, Texas. Dear Mr. Poe: • I received your letter of Mar. 4 requesting my approval of the subject sewer easement. I have reviewed the survey showing placement of the sewer line, two manhole covers, 4" S.S. service connection, 4 bores totaling 163', and a 10' concrete encasement under creek bed. I have also reviewed the EXHIBIT'A" survey showing the 15' permanent utility easement and the 35' temporary construction easement, EXHIBIT "B", which appears to be a verbal description of the permanent easement, and the associated contract L, In consideration of the impact to my property and the disruption of my privacy, I would like to respectfully request the following changes and additions to the subject easement and associated documents: 1. The City of Southlake is to waive the connection(or tap)fee, allowing me to conned my house to the sewer at no cost(I understand that I must provide for the line from my house to the service tap, and that I must pay the usual monthly sewer fee once I am connected). This waiver is to be permanent (no time limits) and is to be transferable to the new owner(s) should I sell my house before I connect to the sewer. 2. A permanent marker(1/2"iron rod)shall be located at the P.O.B. as shown on EXHIBIT"A". 3. The City shall abandon the existing 50' public utility, drainage, and access easement located along the north boundary of my property(adjacent to lot 7). This may be replaced by a 10'utility and drainage easement 4. The 25' building. line. adjacent to the. above. (item.3.) easement shall be.eliminated The.25' building line around the Sleepy Hollow cul-de-sac may be continued around the circle so as to intersect with the north property line. 5. I shall not be prohibited from constructing a fence on or across the subject easement after construction of the sewer is completed. 6. Construction of the sewer shall be completed in a timely manner with minimum disruption to the environment. Care should be taken to avoid unnecessary damage to trees or the creek bed. After the construction is completed, the area is to be restored to a reasonably pristine condition. All debris(trees, brush, etc.) is to be hauled off or ground up(no burning). 7. The temporary construction easement shall have a reasonable expiration date and said date shall be clearly stated in any contracts I am required to sign. 11 A-9 Lave 8. I shall be furnished with an official survey showing changes to my property ro as outlined in items (2.)through(4.)(above). I would be happy to meet with you at a convenient time to discuss these matters. My home phone number is(817)488-6633; my work phone is(817)280-4347. Sincerely, Gary E. ennington (time • Page 2 11A-10 A ` 8 I C I D l E F G 1 H 1 I IIJ ( K 1 -=EE .ALL AT.C1,4- :ASTCN EASEMENT 2 1 - _- 1._ 3 I.4LJAT!CN (TE<AS A,3 M-.ME� CCCLOtiY) 4 ‘1E_- £ .L :LASS% L E SIZE Al .ONCITION LOCATION� it(Bi VALUE 5 tFlah CF 85.:; 3 "iCI-. L Q.;NC!-c 4CT P(S .LOCATION FF•_e EIL:- r'✓4L�.E-3 8 - _ - _C 35 ISO IC 4 _ = = C -. c5o 1 ' i -: C. 13 13 1-_ 6•_2ST 04 _ - 2.3 0.75 0.35 1,057` 0.1 106 12 I CST OAr 0.3 31 78.89 0.60� 0.35 9981 C.1 1CC 14 8 jPCST OAK 2i 0.3.1 31 1 97.40 0.901 0.85 1,848p 0.1 I 185 1 5 9 P0ST OAK 21 0.8I 31 49.69 0.65 0.95I 6;?1 1 0.i 168 16 I 10Fr.cT_;. k 0.31 31 4v?5 0.55; 0.35 5 i 0.1;` 55 17 1 1 POST OAK 2 0.3 31 190x9 I 075 0.35 3.0.131 0.61 1.811 18 1 12<ELACK JACK OAK 2 C.3 31 36.58t C.35 0.85 1,551 C. 155 19 i:.ELACK JACK OAr 7 0.3 31 161. 00 75 0.40 1.1_�'3 C.i 120 20 :'4_ • 21 s I =-' 3,360 22 7 7 _ c,r 1i 24 { f _.._....1 i3 25 TREE# TYPE CIRCUM- PIE DIAMETER !DIAMETER CROSS CROSS _-__ SLRVEY zs•----.---.--... _.._...-...___..__.....7 i..___._._rEnENCE FACTOR_ µ SQUARED SECTION SECTION _ _DIAMETER 28 FACTOR (SQ.INCHES) ___ 1;OAK 35.5 3.143 11.29 127.581 0.7854 100?0 I 11 1 29 2IBLACK JACK OAK 27.5 5.143 8.75 76.56 0.7354 60.13 14 30 3 BLACK JACK OAK 1 46 i ?.1 43! 1 s 5.i 714,2 i n.:loci. co i_ -- 31 41POSTOAK 32 3.143 10.13 .-1.03.66� 0.7354� 3?.41: j 0 32 5`FGS24 T OAK 1 1�.,-3 7.64 58.31 0.7354 45. 01 7.1 33 61FCS'; OAK 4 3 '.43 9.=3 35.13 0.7854 66.36I I 101 34 7;FC311 OAK i 31.5 3.143 10.021 100.45 0.7854 78.591 1 10 35L 3`PO5T OAK 35 3.143 11.14 124.01 0.7854 97.4043.53 1 1 10 ROS`OAF' 25 _. '95 Fo:7 ••c_ 7 I. ___, 22-5. 491 - 3.143 1 59 243.05 0.785 50 89 7 101POST OAK i,;FCST OAK a._.._ 4€ 190.89 16 39 • 12'BLACK JACK OAK I ......-..--_-..__89. _ 6. 33 3.143 10.50 1 10.24 0.7854 86.581 POOL FENCE 40 13 BLACK JACK OAK 45 3.143 14.32 204.99 0.7854 151.00 12 41 42 1 f 43 , 44 _ :c ,C ic N -3 45 3 =E -_' r,. 3RO 7 PLC REINSECT . -..011:'1 ' 46 __ _ � L,FE -.T%1 CONCITiO^, IEISEASE aEKFECTANC'r"I FACTOR 47 i t AK c ?' ' 51 3 5' 3i 24 0.90 48 218LACK JACK OAK ; 5 2 5 _ 3 3 21{ 0.751 49 3 BLACK JACK 34K I 5 2 5 3 3 3 21J 0.75 1 -- _ 50 4 i FCST OAK i 5 3 5 _._31 _ __.-3..-._-.-- _-3._ __.-.80 51 5 FCST 0AK 5 2 5 3 3 3€ 21 _ 0.75_._.-. 52 SIPOST OAK I Si 2€ 5€ 3'•. 31 31 21 0.75 53 7 POST OAK -•-I 5i 1 i 3€ 3 3i 3 18 0.60 54 8 POST OAK 5€ 3 c1 3 5' .. 3 24 0.90 55 3 POST OAK _ __.. __- I Si51 2 31 3 31 31 131 0.65 56 10IPCST OAK 21 31 31 3 i 3I I3! 0.65r 57 11 F:Si OAK 5 2 5 3 3 ii 0.751 58 - - :SLACK JACK OAK i 5 9 1315LACK JA::e OAK 5 2 a 3 I 5 3 211 0.75! 1Z400 M(Sc.ELLANmvS L. 11A-11 rt4/7.'99 Cr', 8:53A.M 1/1 April 5. 1999 Mr. Shawn Poe Capita! Projects Coordinator City of Southlake Subject: Easement Giant Compensation RE: Utility Easement Grant; Exhibit "A" Dear\lr. Poe. In reviewing the documents you left us regarding the utility easement in the Cross Timber Hills su!bdivision, it appears that the easement-will cross anproximate1y 300 feet of our property. Its you have seen. it will also place several large trees at risk. On our next door neighbors' property at 1364 Woodbrook(lot 24 on exhibit "A"), it appears the easement will cross less than 10 feet and place no trees whatsoever at risk. Cur neighbors are receiving as compensation for their easement the waiver of the $1,300 participation fee. We feel that in view of the great disparity between the length of the easements and risk to trees, we should be entitled to some increased compensation. We feel we should receive the waiver of the participation fee plus a payment of Si 200 for a total of S2.500. Shawn. we don't know if yours is the office we should send this proposal to or not. If not, will you picasc forward this letter or give us the name and address of the correct point of contact. Sincerely. Thomas R & Mary Adrian Thomas R & Mary Adrian 1362 Woodbrook Ln. Southlake, TX 76092 Phone Fax(not full time) 817-424-3834 L 11A-12