CEC MINUTES 2022-02-07 1 'CITY OF
LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall
1400 Main Street, Room 4A
Southlake, Texas 76092
TIME: 6:00 P.M.
Place 1 — Sherry Berman, Chair
Place 2 —Vandana Tanneru
Place 3 — Eric Wang
Place 4 —Vamsi Alla
Place 5— Roja Kasarla
Place 6 —Shayne Forsyth
Place 7— Muhammad Igbal
Melody Andersen, Operations Manager, Customer Relations
Bora Sulollari, Management Assistant, City Manager's Office
1. Call to order. Meeting called to order at 6:OOp by Sherry Berman, Chair.
2. Approve January 31, 2022 CEC meeting minutes. Vandana Tanneru made a
motion to approve the minutes as written. Muhammad lqbal provided a second.
Approved (7-0).
Meeting Minutes: Community Engagement Committee Meeting—August 16, 2021
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3. Staff Reports
Citizen Satisfaction Survey Update and Discussion
Sherry asked what everyone thought about the survey.
Muhammad and Vamsi said it was long but easily accessible.
Bora presented the survey results via power point.
Questions and Discussion:
• What is the penalty for Republic not meeting their goal?
• Sherry— asked question about Animal Control Services — how would we
make changes to that service? It will be evaluated to determine what
areas make that a gap
• Shayne asked how the respondents compare to 2019
• Vamsi asked to look at map showing distribution —why are some areas
lower than others? Discussion around industrial areas.
• Vamsi asked if we know where people originated the survey from —social
media link, website, yard signs, etc.
• Vandana asked about citizen engagement opportunities —Is the customer
service good and the area to focus on would be citizen-engagement
• Muhammad said that the website is a good avenue to use for engagement
• Vamsi thinks is more about customer service vs. citizen engagement so
maybe it should 2 questions
• Shayne —what is in the infrastructure on the word cloud. Discussion that
it is made up of multiple items.
• Sherry—what about the trails?
• What can we take and do something with? Bora said they can help
communicate survey results
• What is driving the -5% Enforcing Traffic Laws?
o Police?
o Traffic laws — round abouts and u turns
• Muhammed — how many started the survey and didn't finish?
• Sherry asked about the drag racing —did it stop?
Review and Discuss Transparency Strategy
• Melody presented the Transparency Strategy PowerPoint.
• Vamsi asked if boosting the local economy is a goal?
Meeting Minutes: Community Engagement Committee Meeting—August 16, 2021
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• Sherry wanted to know more about"We work to connect how we make
decisions to help the public understand"
• Muhammed liked the "We create multiple points of access to data" &
Vamsi followed up that it ties with how we are able to ensure citizens can
easily find the public city-data.
• Sherry discussed how the forums made people feel much more at ease
and allowed them to feel like they had a voice while also showing that the
city is demonstrating complete transparency.
• Muhammed asked if the fund's charts on the website are updated every
quarter or yearly?
• Sherry asked if the bond money that was issued can be viewed on the
• Would the students involved in the SKILS program and the citizen
academy be different? How to become more involved and engaged with
the city.
o Becoming a board member
• Vamsi asked about is there anything familiar for SKILS but for adults?
Something we should look into like the citizen's academy
o Emergency preparedness & doing a class on that
o CISD has a similar program (CLASS) that helps with what happens
with citizen engagement
• Vandana discussed also doing the Ambassador program — allow high
school students to be lead this program
• Muhammed mentioned another area of transparency should be future
• Muhammed asked if this is something that will be done once or is this
something that we will maintain regarding the knowledge articles and data
• Sherry asked if we already have a blueprint for this or if this will be
something new
• Sherry said to send everyone the links so everyone can review it so it can
be more precise
• Vandana said from a financial view the data on the dashboard will look
• Sherry asked if this will be an ongoing project
• Muhammed asked how he should send in his ideas
• Sherry asked if there are any future agenda items the group would like to
Meeting Minutes: Community Engagement Committee Meeting—August 16, 2021
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4. Development Report: N/A
5. Discuss community interest topics: N/A
6. Discuss future agenda items.
Tools to engage with the community — non city sponsored city events on the
website—show new calendar next time
7. Adjournment. Sherry closed the meeting at 7:31 PM.
4:51\(\. ,
Vamsi Alla, Secretary
Meeting Minutes: Community Engagement Committee Meeting—August 16, 2021
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