1992-08-18 CC PACKET t„' )1. City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM August 13, 1992 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting, August 18, 1992 1. Comments on the proposed FY92-93 Annual Operating Budget. The budget before you for consideration is one that staff has labored over for more than 5 months. It hasn't been easy; it hasn't been simple. Because of the dynamics of the community, its been difficult and complex. We think it is responsible and responsive--responsible because it is within our ability to pay; responsive because it addresses service demands within that ability to pay. There is nothing new in the proposed budget--no surprises. This is to say that every proposed line item and every program has been either debated or at least : discussed with City Council. This holds true for both the, proposed expansion of existing programs and activities, or the proposed additions of new programs and activities. It is important to recognize how we got to the proposal we submitted. It did not start last April. In 1987 and 1988, the City Council committed itself to growth when it entered into contractual agreements to build water and sewer facilities.' "History has proven that two things are needed to build a City: water and sewer. To borrow a phrase, build a sewer system and people will come. Changing the zoning to less than one acre lots did not- bring growth. The TRA Big Bear Creek Interceptor Sewer brought growth. The City Council that' hired me in September, 1988, was concerned about two overriding challenges: to manage the growth that was sure to come; to develop a professional staff to do so. The City Council had adopted the FY88-89 Annual Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest August 13, 1992 Page 2 Budget before my appointment as City Manager. For reasons that do not need discussion here, the FY87 and FY88 Budgets were essentially deficit budgets (the undesignated fund balance at year end was $ -,12, 629 for FY87 and $ -90,531 for FY88) . The City Council in FY88-89 had to borrow $225,000 to meet operational needs. Over the last four years, the City Councils have led the City of Southlake from that low point of deficit spending to a position of financial integrity, all the while enabling us to slowly build to a position to where we are able to respond adequately to service demands in critical areas. Our work, however, will be never ending until we reach build out, at which time the nature of the organization must change. Our charge, your charge, the charge of City Councils since 88-89, is to responsibly and responsively address service demands extant, all the while planning for future needs so that future City Councils will be able to continue to address service demands in a responsible and responsive way. We have been able to meet the challenges so far. Our first objective was to guide the City .to where our financial condition would enable us to sell bonds at an affordable interest rate. That we have managed to do so in a time when our debt has grown significantly speaks well for the direction and leadership of the City Council. Our second objective was to begin development of a professional staff. Again, under the direction and leadership of the City Council, we have, overcome organizational conflict and have established the foundation of a professional municipal organization. However, the organization must- be as dynamic as the community if we are to address the present and future needs, and to do so within the ability and willingness of the Community to pay for the expected level of service. The above is where we came from to get to where we are today. The budget before you is our recommendation of what we would do to respond to present and future needs. The water and Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest August 13 , 1992 Page 3 sewer systems have given the jump-start to growth in our community. That decision is irrevocable. Our decisions now will concern the quality of growth. Quality of growth and quality of life are more than symbiotic. They are a necessary benefit to each. The budget before you represents the efforts of 5 years of planning to get to where we are today, on the verge of getting the kind of quality commercial growth that will enable us to be the best community in the metroplex., Commercial growth and residential growth are symbiotic. Our charge in presenting this budget has been to present you a plan that will enable you to have control over the quality of growth and the quality of life in Southlake. My budget letter and my comments in budget discussions have highlighted continuing programs, expanded programs, and new programs. Bear with me while I recapitulate. Growth Management. Two positions in the proposed budget will directly impact our ability to effectively manage growth in the coming year: the Engineer-in-Training (E.I.T. ) and the Planner. Without these two (2) position, our inability to respond to the workload will result in the organizational equivalent of ventricular fibrillation. A third position, the part time administrative intern, will enable us to more effectively plan for future needs. Quality of Life. There are many aspects of quality of life. Public safety is perhaps the most salient aspect of quality of life. Four (4) positions are directly related to public safety: two (2) firefighters, one (1) public safety officer (PSO) ,__ one .(1) traffic :enforcement officer:.: These four positions are necessary for an adequate response to calls for service. The number and nature of calls for service clearly indicate the need for additional employees. The number of Police Patrol and Fire Suppression/EMT Service staffing has remained constant over the last four years--a period of significant housing and population growth. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest August 13, 1992 Page 4 Two other positions in the proposed budget pertain to quality of life. One position, the Building Maintenance Worker, pertains also to quality of work life in the municipal organization. City Hall is in use an average of 3 nights per week, sometimes more/seldom less. The only attention given to daily operational needs (e.g. , minor cleaning, minor repairs, lighting replacement, etc. ) comes from the City Manager, the Directors, or whomever we can find to break away from their regular job to assist. As a result, often times the building is not as it should be. The same is true of the community building in the park, and this year we will add an additional building. Another position in the proposed budget impacting the Community's quality of life is the Leisure Service Coordinator. A part time position as proposed, the position would provide a person to coordinate park related activities and the use of park facilities, as well as serve as liaison with the Park and Recreation Board. These kinds of activities are now being performed by various other City staff, which in ' effect takes away from other responsibilities. The coordinator will not be responsible for park planning, including grant applications, except in a peripheral manner. Planning will continue to be a function of the Community Development Department. The proposed budget provides funding for other programs that are quality of life indicators: the Sister Cities program, Keep Southlake Beautiful program, the Volunteer program, the Public Access Cable program,, Teen Court program, and expansion of our contribution to the Roanoke Animal Shelter as a method of providing for a measure of animal control. Only the Teen Court program ($10, 000) and the additional contribution to the Animal Shelter ($25, 000) have a substantial cost. Each of these programs, however, are what makes Southlake different from other cities and which helps attract the quality growth we seek. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest August 13, 1992 Page 5 Organizational Development. The budget proposes implementation of several changes that enhance organizational development and our ability to respond to the challenges set out above. One is the creation of a Community Development Department, an upgrade of the Planning and Zoning Division of Public Works. This change will structure the operating departments by functional areas. Another is the addition of professional staff (the E.I.T. in Public Works; the Planner in Community Development) . Additionally, the budget proposes to implement innovative ways to staff, through the employment of our first cross-trained Public Safety Officer and the first attempt at job-sharing. The Public Safety Officer has been well discussed. Rather than follow the calf path of traditional methods of public safety staffing, the City Council acted two years ago to consolidate the Fire and Police service into one Public Safety Department. Our goal is to improve service efficiency and at least equal service effectiveness. We believe we will be able to improve our effectiveness also. The Coordinator in the Park and Recreation Division as proposed will continue the look at innovativeness in staffing problems. We are proposing to staff the position through the use of job sharing. The concept of job sharing lends itself well in certain types of employment. The concept holds that many highly capable people who have been:.out of the..j.ob market by choice would return if the hours were shorter. Employees in job sharing positions would be regular employees hired to work half-time and would receive the same pay and benefits as similar full time employees, but at one half the rate. This concept would appear to be ideally suited for a community such as Southlake. Typically, job sharing is more attractive to higher educated, higher income communities. 7111111 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest August 13 , 1992 Page 6 _------ Budget Integrity. Budget integrity deals with managing the various funds within the appropriate parameters. The budget before you proposes to transfer responsibility to pay for the relocation of the 20" water line along FM1709 from the General Fund to the Utility Fund. This leaves. $250, 963 in FY92-93 going from the General Fund to support Utility projects--The 1990 TRA Denton Creek Revenue Bonds and the 1990 TRA-Southlake Sewer System Contract Revenue Bonds. Requirements for funding these two projects will likely keep them in the General Fund for some time to come. Our intent is, to limit the additional use of General Fund revenues to support additional Utility projects. The budget proposes to fund park improvements through the Special Revenue Parks/Recreation Fund. The Park and Recreation Dedication Requirements, as found in Article VII of the City's Subdivision Ordinance, specifically provide for the use of such funds to make recreation improvements on park land. The budget as presented Tuesday night proposes to spend $75, 000 to make ballfield improvements: replacement of lights on Field #1 ($30, 000) ; construction of new ballfield #4 ($10, 000) ; lighting of new ballfield #4 ($35, 000) . Our rationale in making the recommendation was focused on the desire to keep the tax rate at the current $0.4550 level, and the recognition that Bicentennial Park is primarily used by ballfield users. It is an appropriate use of the funds. Given comments from the Park Board and City Council, it makes sense to not light the new ballfield #4 in that it will be a temporary facility. Should the City Council decide to fund the other $40, 000 in improvements, the Council should consider reserving the $91, 852 balance for other improvements in the future if the City passes the one half percent sales tax for park purposes. Any funds required as part of exactions can not be used as potential matching funds for park development, therefore, careful consideration should be given prior to spending park dedication funds for land acquisition if other Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest August 13 , 1992 Page 7 sources of revenues will be available any time soon. The budget proposes to utilize $338, 089 from the undesignated fund balance as it is estimated to be at the beginning of the year. Our goal has been to establish and maintain the undesignated fund balance at a level equal to three months operating expenditures (25%) . The last two years saw a rapid increase in the General Fund Balance due to higher than anticipated growth in revenues. Our proposal would maintain the fund balance at 15% of expenditures until such time as we have enough history to trend growth patterns. It is important that we maintain the fund balance at somewhere near this level in order to protect our bond ratings and to respond to. unforeseeable occurrences. Utilizing a portion of the fund balance at this time is appropriate in that the unexpected growth which generated the greater-than-anticipated fund balance will pay for a portion of the cost of that growth. Stable Tax Rate. We have paid particular attention to the need to maintain the tax rate at the current level. It will only work if growth continues, however, without growth the ability to pay for debt already incurred or committed to will be severely impaired. It is important that we maintain the ratio of the M&O portion of the tax rate to the total rate. We have been able to do so in the proposed budget before you for consideration. Given the situation with school taxes and other taxing entities, there will be additional pressures on City Council to maintain the tax rate constant. We perhaps will be able to do so in future years, but only with growth in the: revenue base.. Additional Deletions. The budget proposal before you represents our best good faith effort to address community needs given the direction of City Council. Should the City Council ask staff which of the proposed personnel to delete, it would be the Building Maintenance Worker and the Coordinator in the Park Division. This reduction would save Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest August 13, 1992 Page 8 $42,775 and would approximate the estimated cost of constructing the additional ballfield #4 and replacing the lights on ballfield #1. Deletion of the Building Maintenance Worker and the Coordinator would least impact our service delivery. City Council's Budget. The proposed budget represents the recommendations of your City Manager and Department Directors. Once the budget is adopted it becomes the City Council's budget as well as ours. Our work has been difficult. and complex as mentioned above, however, your task in the process is considerably more difficult. I am glad that we' do not have to vote because the decisions you make will set the direction of the community for years to come. This may be in many ways the most difficult budget a City Council will consider in Southlake, in this decade. 2. Agenda Item #4 , the departmental reports have not all been included in your agenda packet due to staff time allocated to the budget preparation. If you have any question about the reports in your packet or questions about those not included, please call me or the Directors. 3 . Agenda Items #7A and #8A, have been previously discussed at City Council and are succinctly explained in the staff memorandums. ' 4 . Agenda Items #8B and #8C, are 1st readings on the proposed budget and the tax levy ordinance. The budget ordinance will have a 'public hearing on first reading in:;order:.to comply with the City Charter provisions. The public hearing on the Tax Levy Ordinance will be held at the 2nd reading. Staff will be prepared to have as many work sessions between 1st and 2nd reading of the ordinances as Council may feel necessary. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest August 13, 1992 Page 9 5. Agenda Item 11A, proposed Ordinance No. 568 Contractors Registration. This item is on the agenda at this time because of its implications to the proposed budget. Note the attached memorandum from the City Attorney concerning this ordinance and our ability to charge a. fee for registration. 6. Agenda Item 11B, Timber Lake Revisions to amenity area. Planning Director, Greg Last, feels we need to address this issue at this time in order to make Council aware of the situation. No action will be necessary from the City Council unless Council indicates a concern with the revisions. 7. Agenda Item 11C, ADA Transition Plan, is included for discussion because of its implication for the proposed FY92-93 budget and subsequent budgets. 8. Agenda Item 11D, concerning FM1709 construction site, is to inform City Council of the situation and to seek your direction. 9 . Immediately following the regular Council meeting we will discuss in work session the proposed FY92-93 budget. CEH b w l ' • FIELDING , BARRETT TEL : 817-560-3953 Aug 13 ,92 11 :59 No .002 P .02 MMMOMMNDUM TO: Curtis Hawk FROM: Analeslie Muncy DATE: August 3, 1992 RE: Ordinance Requiring Registration of Contractors CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED INFORMATION. In your letter of July 24, 1992, you requested this office to draft an ordinance requiring the registrations of all contractors doing work an construction in Southlake. The sample ordinance you sent from the City of Grapevine included the registration of general, mechanical, plumbing, and irrigation contractors. I assume you also want to register electrical contractors. You stated your intent to charge a registration fee, but you did not indicate how much. There is no problem requiring registration and a fee for general, electrical, and irrigation contractors. General and electrical contractors are not licensed by the state, and the statute licensing irrigation contractors specifically provides that city's ". . .may require licensed irrigators or licensed installers to comply with reasonable regulations. . .and pay any reasonable ' fees . " (Section 34 .014, Texas Water Code. ) The provisions of the state statutes licensing plumbers and mechanical contractors are different. The plumbing license law has no provision for either authorizing or prohibiting city registration or fees for plumbing contractors. The statute regulates plumbers so comprehensively: however, the state attorney general ruled in 1984, that ". . .The Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners is the sole licensing agency for plumbers, thereby excluding this authority from all municipalities." (Texas Attorney General's Opinion Number JM- 21Q0 This opinion ruled that charging any fee for registration converts the ordinance into an invalid licensing ordinance, even if the fee is small. The attorney general did rule, however, that a city may require registration as a condition of doing business in the city, so long as no fee is charged. Mechanical contractors are referred to as air conditioning and refrigeration contractors in state law, and like plumbers, they are Fielding, Barrett & Taylor Page 1 FIELDING, BARRETT TEL : 817-560-3953 Rug 13 ,92 11 :59 No .002 P.03 comprehensively regulated by the state. (Article 8861, Vernon' Texas Civil Statutes.) Section 7 of the law specifically provides: Each person licensed under this Act shall notify the municipal authority who has control of the enforcement of regulations relative to air conditioning and refrigeration contracting in the municipality in which the person is engaged in air conditioning and refrigeration contracting that the person has obtained a state license. The notification must be in the form required by the municipality. This language authorizes the city to require registration. The statute does not mention any authority for cities to require a registration fee. Section 9 of the Act does state that licensed air conditioning and refrigeration contractors ". . are not required to hold a municipal license to practice air conditioning and refrigeration contracting in any municipality within this state. " One would assume that the same reasoning used by the attorney general in JM-210 would apply in this situation. In Attorney General 's Opinion No. JM-1195, however, the attorney general indicates that while Article $861 severely limits the authority of a municipality to additionally require a registration fee, ". . . the permissibility of a particular fee would depend on factual questions as to the nature of the fee." I must admit that I am not sure what is meant by "the nature of the fee." Although a court would most likely rule that the statute comprehensively regulates the trade, and that except as authorized in the law, a' dity may not intrude into this regulatory field, presently, the only authority for that position in these particular cases, is the state attorney general. Relying on the later Opinion No. JM-1195, one can argue that the "nature" of the cityts fees is not regulatory. SUMMARY The city may adopt an ordinance requiring registration of all contractors who do construction work in the city and may charge a fee for the registration. The right of the city to charge a registration fee is clear in the case of general, electrical, and irrigation contractors. Because of comprehensive regulation by the state, it is not certain that the city may charge a registration fee for plumbing contractors and mechanical contractors. It may very well be that the city could not refuse to register a plumbing or mechanical contractor who failed to pay the fee. There is no risk in imposing the fee, so long as, the city is willing to Fielding, Barrett & Taylor Page 2 FIELDING, BRRRETT TELL 817-564-3953 Rug 1,5 ,92 11 :b l"rc .uu: • ° register the contractor or refund .a fee if the fee is challenged. A draft ordinance is attached for your review. In the draft I have included a fee exclusion for plumbing and mechanical contractors in Section 5(b) . This draft is for discussion purposes, and the paragraph can be easily removed if the city council decides to impose the fee across the board. • • • • . Fielding, Barrett & Taylor Page 3 City of Southlake,Texas MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORTS JULY 1992 ZONING 4A PARKS & RECREATION 4B STREET 4C WATER/WASTERWATER 4D BUILDING 4E PUBLIC SAFETY 4F MUNICIPAL COURT 4G COMPLAINTS 4H FINANCE 4I (-Ay 01.70UuuaKe. I CmS CITY:=MANAGER �-/3 z PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT FEE REVENUE REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING 31 JULY 1992 ZONING $ 200 . 00 NO. OF CASES (2) - PLATTING 970.00 NO. OF CASES (3) SITE PLANS 150 .00 NO. OF CASES ( 1) SPECIFIC USE PERMITS . 00 NO. OF CASES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT . 00 NO. OF CASES MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 217 . 00 NO. OF RECEIPTS ( 11) TOTAL REVENUE $ 1,537 . 00 TOTAL NO. OF RECEIPTS ( 17) lia,"*/ • • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION MONTHLY REPORT ' JULY 1992 92 91 CALENDAR YEAR CALENDAR YEAR * JAN-DEC JAN-DEC . OCT-SEPT - OCT-SEPT THIS SECURITY LAST THIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS YEAR LAST YEAR MONTH DEPOSIT MONTH - TO DATE TO DATE FY91-92 FY90-91 LODGE REGISTRATION .00 .00 .00 70.00 200.00 95.00 175.00 RENTAL .00 .00 ' 45.00 245.00 . 110.00 345.00 130.00 BALLFIELDS LIGHTS • BALLFIELD #1 • .00 .00 .00 • 50.00 100.00 40.00 BALLFIELD #2 BALLFIELD #3 TOTAL .00 *350.00 45.00 315.00 360.00 370.00 345.00 • *!TO BE REFUNDED. : , • 4b-1 City_of Southiake,Texas MEMORANDUM CITY MANAGER 11711111311101 August 11, 1992 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Street Department Monthly Report - July, 1992. The enclosed report details the Street Department activities for the month of July, 1992 . This report is to be included in the City Council packets for their August 18, 1992 meeting. MHB/ck City of Southiake,Texas MEMORANDUM August 11, 1992 TO: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works FROM: SUBJECT: Monthly Report for Street Department July, 1992. Description July , June 1. Tons of asphalt used a. Ultimate Petroleum Mix 0 0 b. Hot Mix Asphalt 0 60 c. Cold Mix Asphalt 100 400 2 . Lane Miles of Road Repaired 75 116 3 . Number of Street Signs Repaired or Replaced (all types) 33 38 4 . Feet of Ditch Line Cleaned and shaped 500 1000 5 . Number of Vehicles Repaired 2 3 a. Rebuilt starter on one dump truck. b. Rebuilt starter motor on motor grader. 6 . Row mowed in miles of streets . 65 50 MB/cbk I City of Southiake,Texas CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM Ir''13�1U August 11, 1992 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Water Department Monthly Report - July, 1992. The -enclosed report details the Water Department activities for the month of July, 1992. This report is to be included in the City Council packets for their August 18, 1992 meeting. 1mg MHB/ck f sue• . - UTILITY DEPARTMENT .REPORT MONTH July 1992 JUNE JULY GALLONS PUMPED FROM WELLS 0 0 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH . 37,791,000 64,293,000 TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 37,791,000 64,293,000 WATER METERS SET 26 55 NEW WATER TAPS MADE 3 • 2 VALVES REPAIRED 0 2 VALVES TESTED 15 23 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED 0 1 FIRE HYDRANTS REPAIRED 3 0 FIRE HYDRANTS FLUSHED 15 15 DEAD END WATER MAINS FLUSHED 31 32 WATER MAINS REPAIRED 4 2 WATER METERS AND SERVICE LINE REPAIRED 1 4 • NEW ACCOUNTS 55 .44 FINAL ACCOUNTS 52 48 LOCKED METER FOR DELINQUENT PAYMENT 3 12 PULLED METERS 3 • 5 METERS REPLACED 38 6 MISCELANEOUS WORK ORDERS 132 77 SEWER LIFT STATIONS CHECKED (3 L.S. ) 67 69 REQUIRED MONTHLY SEWAGE TESTS 8 12 SEWER PLANT MAINTENANCE (BANK & DOVE) 47 46 SEWER MANHOLES INSPECTED 3 6 MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS 3 1 Pulled No. 1 pump from N. Carroll lift station cleaned and reinstalled. WATER SUPERINTENDENT Ott."4.-/ DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS MONTHLY REPORT SEND REPORT TV: t sure+------_- -_ ______ DIVISION OF WATER HYGIENE• WATER WORKS OPERATION FOR 1100 WEST 49th STREET GROUND WATER SUPPLIES . AUSTIN-TEXAS 78756-3192 "'.' Name of System CITY OF SOUrhLAKE County TARRANT _,(4) Water System I.D. No. 220007S Monthof ' JUIY. 19 92 Day Punnpage to Distribution System in Thousand Gals. (6) _ (7) (8) (9) of (2) Direct (3) Front Gnd. (4) Purchased (5) Total Disinfection Corrosion Other Fluoride Month front Wells Storage , front Others Pumpage Control Treatment- Residuals : - 1 - -1 1 - 0 _ 1,137.0 1,137.0 _ 2 0 1,540.0 1,540.0 3 0 1,707.0 1,707.0 _ 4 0 _ 1,_801 n_ 1,801.0 5 0 1,881.0, 1 .881 .0 _ 6 0 2 ,244.0 2 ,244.0 _ 7 0 2 ,327.0 2,327.0 8 . 0 _ 2,241.0 2,241.0 _ 9 - 0 _ 2,367.0 2,367.0 10 0 2,399.0 2,399.0 11 0 _ _ 2,658.0 2,658.0 . 12 . 0 _ 2,724.0 2,724.0 13 . 0 2 .964.0 2 .964.0 I 14 0 2,863.0 2,863.0 15 0 _ 2 .852.0 7_RS2.A 16 , 0 _ 2 ,241.0 2,241.0 SAIV LES ,NEGATIVE 17 n 7.137 .R 2.337.0 , _ 18 n _ 1.601.0 1,601.0 19 01.016.cl 1,016.a 20 0 _ 1,521.0 1,521.0 -- 21 0 _ 1.811.d 1.811.Q 22 0 _ 1,634.( 1,634.0 , 23 0 2,014.0 2,014.Q 24 0 2 ,187.d 2,187.0 25 0 _ - 2 ,494.0' 2,494.0 26 n 2 ,567.0 2 .567.Q _ 27 0 _ 2,311.0, 2 .311.C\ 28 0 1.399.0 1,399.0 29 , n _ , 1 .709.0 1 .709.I 30 0 2,075.0 2,075.0 31 0 1,676.Q 1,676.0 Total 0 _ 64,293.G 64,293.0 Avg. 0 s J 2 ,073.0 2,073.0 Mex. 0 2 ,964.0_ 2,964.0 Min. 0 1,016.N 1,016.0 No.of Active Water Services(10) 2.60 S Chemical Analysis(11) 11=_8"C Dates and Results of Distribution Bacteriological Analyses(12) 8-SAMPLES NEGATIVE Dates and Results of Raw Unchlorinated Well Water Samples(13) NONE Reservoirs or Tanks Cleaned(14) 8-8 7 Dead Ends Flushed(15) 35 General Remarks(16) Submitted By(I7) ''%� C1 1- �--> Certificate No.(18) 450-31-2396 FORM.y'Qa3 All reports due 13y the 15th of the following month'. - 5l8S 4% --3 JULY 31, 1992 CITY OF SOUTHLAXE PERMIT MONTHLY REPORT "" REPORT FOR JULY 1992 NUMBER OF THIS LAST SAME MONTH THIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS YEAR LAST YEAR PERMITS ISSUED MONTH MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE TO DATE FISCAL FISCAL JLY92 JUN92 JULY 1991 1-7 1992 1-7 1991 10/91-07/92 10/91-07/91 BUILDING: Res-Single Family 48 31 22 199 104 251 150 Alteration/Addn. 2 4 3 12 24 15 29 Accessory Bldg 2 1 1 16 14 25 20 Commercial-New 4 1 0 10 3 10 3 Commercial-Alt/Addn. 2 0 5 9 12 19 21 Foundation Only 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 Swimming Pool 13 15 10 70 57 84 62 SUB-CONTRACTORS: Electrical 96 72 41 406 245 510 334 Plumbing 68 51 34 313 234 420 302 Heat/Air 54 36 29 233 160 303 222 Culvert 1 1 1 9' 6 11 10 Demolition 0 0 0 1 4 1 5 CERT. OF OCCUPANCY: Residential 30 21 18 191 105 282 142 COMMERCIAL 5 2 1 38 24 48 38 OTHER: Misc.Building 20 20 14 116 114 150 172 SIGNS 6 2 6 52 47 70 55 SCHOOLS 1 1 1 2 3 2 5 EXCAVATION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FENCE 0 0 0 4 6 9 12 TOTALS 352 258 186 1681 1164 2210 1584 4E1 CITY O )UTJILARE PERMIT M. 'MY REPORT REPORT FOR JULY 1992 - , JULY 31, 1992 FEES COLLECTED FOR THIS LAST SAME MONTH THIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS YEAR LAST YEAR PERMITS ISSUED MONTH MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE TO DATE FISCAL FISCAL JLY92 JUN92 JULY 1991 1-7 1992 1-7 1991 10/91-07/92 10/90/07/91 BUILDING: Res-Single Family 61,457.00 39,707.00 25,483.30 251,328.00 122,682.99 282,903.63 173,596.84 Alteration/Addn. 135.00 423.00 646.00 1,552.00 5,768.80 2,380.00 6,343.35 Accessory Bldg. 368.00 457.00 103.00 3,530.00 1,736.08 4,421.00 2,925.18 . Commercial-New 10,576.00 2,372.00 .00 22,451.00 8,369.00 22,451.00 8,369.00 Commercial-Alt/Addn. 238.00 .00 , 1,698.00 2,472.00 4,873.00 5,768.00 7,997.88 Foundation Only .00 .00 .00 .00 819.68 .00 819.68 Swimming Pool 3,066.00 3,707.00 2,141.00 16,736.00 12,883.72 19,687.40 14,090.90 SUB-CONTRACTORS: Electrical 10,607.12 7,163.95 4,506.69 42,523.32 23,782.37 52,894.74 32,882.32 Plumbing 8,975.25 5,788.50 3,803.25 36,354.76 20,339.25 45,688.51 27,653.77 Heat/Air 4,530.50 2,969.00 2,008.20 18,981.50 9,844.70 24,496.75 14,820.20 Culvert 65.00 65.00 65.00 585.00 1,914.00 715.00 2,174.00 Demolition .00 .00 .00 15.00 30.00 15.00 45.00 CERT. OF OCCUPANCY: Residential - .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Commercial 150.00 60.00 30.00 960.00 670.00 1,260.00 1,090.00 OTHER: Misc.Building 486.00 510.00 82.00 2,886.00 2,968.80 3,786.00 4,538.80 SIGNS 350.00 75.00 315.00 2,986.00 2,061.50 3,925.00 2,426.50 SCHOOLS .00 .00 320.00 .00 4,595.00 .00 2,645.00 EXCAVATION .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 FENCE .00 .00 .00 1,074.00 683.49 2,437.20 9,849.52 TOTALS 100,003.87 63,297.45 41,201.44 404,434.58 224,022.38 472,829.23 312,267.94 ' 4E2 CITY OF sOUTTIHLAKE PERMIT MONTHLY REPORT REPORT FOR JULY 1992 JULY 31, 1992 THIS LAST SAME MONTH THIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS YEAR LAST YEAR BUILDING VALUATION MONTH MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE TO DATE TOTAL FISCAL TOTAL FISCAL FOR PERMITS ISSUED JLY92 JUN92 JULY 91 1-7 1992 1-7 1991 10/91-07/92 10/90-07/91 BUILDINGI Res-Single Family 10,649,200.00 6,890,400.00 4,248,894.00 41,950,600.00 20,585,076.00 52,442,902.00 28,986,050.00 A1teration/Addn. 6,200.00 28,750.00 66,800.00 120,250.00 565,903.00 196,250.00 603,851.00 Accommory Bldg. 28,000.00 44,800.00 6,500.00 300,900.00 138,850.00 364,300.00 235,605.00 Commaroial-New 1,796,100.00 191,000.00 .00 3,262,300.00 1,258,350.00 3,262,300.00 1,258,350.00 Comm.roia1-Alt/Addn. 10,000.00 .00 127,000.00 303,800.00 283,700.00 568,600.00 591,200.00 Foundation Only .00 .00 .00 .00 62,700.00 .00 62,700.00 Swimming Pool 237,600.00 302,600.00 168,195.00 1,284,000.00 1,037,680.00 1,513,500.00 1,134,455.00 SCHOOLS 45,000.00 700,000.00 .00 745,000.00 12,389,500.00 745,000.00 13,250,500.00 FENCE .00 .00 .00 86,600.00 42,087.00 228,500.00 169,087.00 TOTALS 12,772,100.00 8,157,500.00 4,617,389.00 48,053,450.00 36,363,846.00 59,321,352.00 46,291,798.00 TOTAL INSPECTIONS, 000 752 631 4129 3207 4233 3898 NUTLDINO INSPECTIONS, Building 000 142 192 Electrical 000 241 164 Plumbing 000 239 153 Mechanical 000 102 111 TOTAL BLDO. INBP. 000 724 620 CODE BNFtlNT, . Investigations 00 28 11 4 E 3 /: • ,•-•• , . SOUTHLA.KE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MONTHLY REPORT • • . . • INVESTIGATION DIVISION - r�.\ MONTHLY REPORT l � July 1992 NEW CASES ASSIGNED 41 CURRENT ACTIVE CASES 124 CASES CLEARED: . . UNFOUNDED 4 INACTIVATED/SUSPENDED 18 EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED 2 BY ARREST/CITATION 10 WARRANT ACTIVITY: SEARCH WARRANTS OBTAINED 0 SEARCH WARRANTS SERVED 0 ARREST WARRANTS OBTAINED 6 ARREST WARRANTS SERVED 5 GENERAL ACTIVITY: MEETINGS ATTENDED 6 SURVEILLANCE TIME (approx) 0 PUBLIC SPEECHES/PRESENTATIONS 2 CRIME SCENES WORKED 6 • SEIZURES FILED 0 VALUE -0- SCHOOL/TRAINING SESSIONS 1 (16 hours) . S OUrrHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBL= C SA 'Error MONTHLY WARRANT DI S71 S I ON REPORT JULY 1992 • MUNICIPAL WARRANTS CURRENT MONTH PAST MONTH YTD WARRANTS ON HAND Beginning Count 443 481 N/A • Received 0 9 546 Served 21 46 352 Purged 5 1 86 Ending, Count 417 443 N/A ' FINES COLLECTED 1 By Warrant Officer $1,025 $5,017 $39, 899 By Other Agency $1,596 $4,048 $18, 455 Total $2,621 $9,065 $58, 354 WARRANTS SERVED By Warrant Officer 11 27 240 By Other 'Agency 10 19 112 Total 21 46 352 1 Vj- 3 `° : F)8/13/'9'2 Page 1 ___�r : OFF(300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 fense Offense Officer Property . ate Number Detective Stolen POE 'MOE Status ses for 9 1 1 HANG UP 7/21/92 ._251' :5 144 / 9 •i i) 0 C 7/30/92 225444 114 / 99 ) 0 C 7/29/92 225429 114 / 999 i_) - C C 7/31/92 .2 J520 146 / 999 0 0 t_ isses for ABANDONED VEHICLE . )7/14/92 224667 111 / ',19'9 0 c_) C .. lses for ABANDONED F'F'OF'ER'TY 7/1. 1/'9'2 224301 111 . 9'ac4 0 0 C nses for ABANDONED VEHICLE . _)i`/r)i /'ay 222856 _'i' a' ;i 0 C . 07/09/92 224054 129 / 0 0 C.' 2 1/'9'2 225062 1 t_)8 / 999 0 0? C 3/q2 225189 1 7,'.0 ;J 'sc.vzi 0 (_i C _:, . ._Fi:J'I 2 225382 111 / 0 c,) C :anses for (3S ASSAULT f 07/03/92 223448 108 999 0 a c enses for A3G ASSAULT ON POLICE OFGR 07/22/92 92065 134 140 0 0 is enses for ALARM CALL 07/01/92 22319' _L2 / clqc.1 0 0 C. 07/01/q2 223208_t 12,2 99q 0 0 '_ . 0- /t)1 . 2 223211 1'-7:1-.+_'. '_?'3 (_? 0) C 0 7/02/92 . 223317 139 / 0 0 1 1_ 07 ;i; 9_ 23321 0 0 C: 07/02.;92 .�2-:33'2 132 '=99 • 0 0 C= /02/ 92 223331 140 / 999 0 0 . f_- 07/03/92 223421 111 / 999 0 0 I )7/03/92 223398 119 / 999 • 0 0 t= 07/03/9'=' 223405 420 /. '=19' 0 0 •C 07/03/92 222.407 119 / '399 0 0 ." )_ 07/03/92 03/'92 223440 ' 108 / 999 0 0) i_ . 07/03/92 223438 108 / c(99 0 0 C 703/92 223428 108 / `9'99, 0 0 C . 7/04/92 223472 111 / 999 0 0 ?I: 07/04/9=' 223495 119 / 999 0 �i += 07/ ?4/'9'2 223503 1 19 . 999 0 0 +_ • f: i ) • Page BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 7/01 J.3, TO 07/31/92 • F f icer - F'r�'perty 1) etet.t i re Stolen POE MOE Status 14 / c'Y' 0 C . 1 1 if . 0 0 I_: . 1 cl / C) 0 _ L 14 / 0} 0 1 119 / a 0 C: 145 / '9'�'; C) 0 C _ 1^ jay 0 0 CE-.- ---, ::••'.'::•:::r:..;.;":';_.:- ' `' 127 / 99'1.4 Ci 0 C: 13.... / 99'; 0 0 C: j 1 3- / 9 '; 0 i 0 } 143 / 99'a 00 C: , 134 / 999 0 i 0} C , 1✓4 is .�99 0 0} 1 127 0 0 C ' / '_} !} C -.. 1 u 4 / '7-l'_1'^! 0 0 t 1 3 2 / 0 0is 1 34 / ' '`!9 0 0 i_ 127 '399 0 0 C • 1 34 / 999 0 0} } 134 / 999 0 0 0 • 1 C} .1)9.9 0 0 C: 111 / '399 0 0 C 143 / '399 0 0% C: - 1 0 3 / '399 0 0 !_ 114 / 999 0 ) C: • 144 / 999 0 0? C: 144 / 999 0 0 i 1 ' 11: . '3'39 0 0 C: i. 14 / .999 +_', 146 / '3'39 0 i} i_; 144 / '99' e} i_} 1 1'3 / '3 9'3 0 0 i C . 134 / 999 0 0 C: . . 143 .1 99'3 • 0 i 0 i 127 / .I,99 0 0 C 1 27 / 9'39 0} 0 1_ . 13'7) / 999 0 0 C - '.�13 / '3 9'3 0 0 C: 14 6 / 999 0 0 C: - ' 132 / 0} 0 C 1: 7 / 0 0 C- 134 / 0 0 C . ' ` — te: 08/13/92 Page 3 OFF0300 � — OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM � 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 Offense Offense Officer Property � � Date Numb POE MOE Status Detective Stolen � ` fenses for ALARM CALL � 07/18/92 224B98 139 / 999 0 0 C O7/18/92 224915 132 0 C 07/18/92 224920 132 / 999 0 0 C 07/18/92 224899 127 / 0 0 C 07/18/92 ' 224916 127 / 0 0 C 07/18/92 224919 127 07/18/92 224900 139 / 0 0 C � 07/18/92 224923 127 07/18/92 224934 133 / 0 0 C 07/18/92 224933 500 C 07/19/92 224940 C 07/19/92 224995 145 / 0 0 C 07/19/92 224999 114 07/19/92 224993 114 / 0 0 C /19/92 224998 108 / 0 0 C 225060 114 / 999 0 0 C O 0 C 20/92 225056 144 / 999 ' O7/20/92 225050 119 / 999 0 O C 07/21/92 225079 119 / 999 0 0 C 07/21/92 225123 144 0 C 07/21/92 225131 108 / 999 0 0 (� 07/22/92 225142 119 / 999 0 0 C 07/22/92 225143 144 / 999 0 0 C 07/22/92 225155 144 / 999 0 0 C 07/22/92 225157 119 / 999 0 O C 07/22/92 225165 114 07/23/92 225185 127 / 999 0 0 C 07/23/92 225178 127 / 999 O 0 C O7/23/92 225193 132 / 999 0 0 C 07/23/92 225192 132 07/23/92 225195 132 / 999 0 0 C 07/24/92 225214 139 07/24/92 225219 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/24/92 225216 139 / 999 .0 0 C 07/24/92 225222 134 / 999 0 0 C 07/25/92 225237 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/25/92 225247 139 / 0 0 C 07/26/92 225269 07/26/92 225274 134 / 999 0 ` 0 C 07/27/92 225285 143 / 999 0 07/27/92 225318 119 / 0 0 C _ 07/27/92 225305 119 / 0 0 C 07/27/92 225303 144 / 0 0 C 07/27/92 225338 119 / 0 0 C � 7�- �_)�, `1 3/'a' Forge 4 )br : OFFO300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07/01/92 TO 07/31/' nse Offense / Officer Property Number- • Detective Stolen POE MOE Status . r s for AL AR CALL i 1 28/92 225346 146 / 999 0 C: C 23/9"2 22c34 J ' 27/92 225342 141 / 999 0 0 C '28/92 225390 141 / 999 0 {) !_: '28/92 7.'53 /29/92 225424 144 / 0 0 C /29/92 225427 141 / 999 0 0 C /30/92 2254 7', 144 / 999 0 0 • C: 30/92 225473 111 / 999 0 0 C: 7/3 if`R..'2 225467 11'9 / 999 0 i_i C: 7/30/92 225491 141 / 999 C) 0) i_: • 7/30; _.,._ ..-2548r 141 999 0 C> C 7 3.1 '92 225496 132 t) 0 i_" • I` I.1' .'92 225499 1 32 0 0) C" .':`)'2 225501 127 / 0 0 C . ?. . __/'9 225500 1L'9 / C) r) t )7/: 1/ 2 225515 127 c_) 0 C ' F9 255:2 'ram i9q9 - 0 i/31/92 2255 : } 108 / 999 0 j 0 C 07. 1/9 ' 225%'26 143 / 999 !i c) l ?rises for AMBULANCE UCE CALL y 14/92 ._='4666 119 / 999 C) C) ':` enses for ANIMAL CALL _ '/09/92 224058 132 / C> C) 07.'1'9/9 ` 224991 108 / E_i 0 C: 0 7" 25 _2 225248 500 r 999 0.` I_) 1^ /_'1 i 9i 2255 1 4 1 32 / C> C) - C f en_=•e s. f o r ANIMAL DETAIL 07/02/92 '30'+ 132 0 C) C 'fenses for , ARREST • 0 7/0'_/92 224075 143 / 0 CA • f ferise=_. for ASSIST FD 07/10/92 224197 143 " 999 0 c) i ,ses for ASSIST OTHER AGENCY . )7/05/'92 22361 C) 119 / C) C) C: 07/ .2_/'9: 225159 119 / 999 t) 0 C: 07 f-.- :9^ 225284 143 07/30'"92 225449 114 / 999 0 0 C: ).- .,ate: 08/13 92 Page 0 mL r : OFFO300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM • Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status enses for ATT BURGLARY (F.:) • 0 /3 i/92 225460 119 / 999 0 t) C 'enses for ATT SUICIDE 07/01/9 - 920592 143 / 0 0 A tenses for BURGLARY c:B i : 07/17/92 920636 1 32 / 0 0 A 07/17/92 224860 132 / 0 0 t_: 07/23/92 920655 127 / 133 2 65 A O ;24/92 225211 127 / 993 0 0 C: t? '. s_ '/9i. 9.2;i664 119 K 15 55 A t;;'. 27/9'2 225291 119 / C) 0 i_: 07:'2=+. '=+'2 920670 119 6 ..,-..- 0,...! A • / 9/` 2 225406 6 119 / i) 0 C '9/'9' 920671 146 / 133 H 14 90 C:A . 29/9'2 225425 146 / 999 ' C) 0 C: Ien ses. for BURGLARY R) 07/16/92 9206321 99''S 14 '90 A r •9 2 - .+8 2 r- `_? '. 1�. .,_ �._.:._'-F{;,, r: 132 1 999 0 (,! f._ _7/ _5 : - 5 _066j 500 / 1 : v t -FB_ �S 8_ O A 0 r . 25/92 225262 500 999 0 f i? t_ f fenses for BUF.:? LARY IN P'ROnRE88 07/ 14/92 224717 108 / 999 0 C) t 07/18/=72 224914 127 / 0 0 0 1 f f ences for BURGLARY M/V C-?.%'i 1 f•6,' 92 920630 127 .' r K 5 65 A C_.7 ±6: .?t 224324 127 999 0 0 i_. C_?f/ 28it92 'mot ,0665 144 K ` 65 A 225351 144 Offenses for CITY ORDINANC:E VIOLATION 07/01/92 22:7241 143 0 0 C 07/04/9'. 223515 119 999 0 0 C: 07/04/92 23534 114 / 999 0 C) 1- 0 f'/04/9'2 '--- 5`i8 114 999 0 5 C) C: 07/04/'92 227.550 108 999 0 i 0 )_ )7/04/'-12 -7-7'3555 103 / 999 0 t) t )7/05/92 223563 1118 / '99+'O 0 0 i 07/05/92 223640 ' 1 1 1 0 - 0 ) 07/05/92 .2.236:E6 114 / 999 0 C) ? e t ;e: 03/13/9'2 - Facie 6 t Dr ; OFFO300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM I 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 • If fence Offense Officer Property j >at e Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status ises for CITY ORDINAN[:E VIOLATION i 07/06/92 7?3 11 ? 0 G u U7/066/92 22373 119 / 00 Cc 07/11/92 t? 108 / 99q 0 0 !_ 07/15/92 224793 146 / 999 o 0 !_ 07/16/92 224834 134 / 999 0 0 C 07/17/92 224882 143 / 0 • 0 (_ . 07/22/92 9•20649 114 / 0 '0 A 0 r'/ 2 /'3'2 225166 114 / '199 U 0 , C ..07 - '' c' 2528 999134 / r�' 0 O . 1_ =nses for CIVIL DISPUTE i:i7 . _2. 9'2 223316 132 / 0 0 i +.?7. 28/92 92')6f:7,7 1 1 9 I 0 0 A r--,: s. for CIVIL STANDBY r) 19.2 7 *a 1 1 1 0 0 !_ 27/92 225321 119 / 0 0 . lenses for CREDIT IT CARD ABM SE • . 07/21/92 920645 119 / 0 0? A fences for CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 07/r 07/09/92 224047 139 0 0 _ 07/10/92 2241S6 143 . 999 0 0 !_ 07/11/92 224283 119 / 999 0 0 C 07/11/92 92061 7 11' 0 0 A c� - / !'i L? A 07/11/92 _i2i_)L�;:0 ._,t?i_? - 0f/15/9r' 920 •8 1: 4i .r 0 �) A 07/17/92 224853 t 0 0 i= 07/17/92 224889 143 '_a99 0) 0 C. 07/1 R/9•' 224931 j 500 / 0 0 S_: )r /1 8/92 '=9'.,:_'1 c, _- 0 0 A 07/21/92/9 74:50 108 999 0 `? C 07/21/92 920642 108 0 0 A 07/21/92 920643 144 133 C) 0 07/21/92 . 920644 144 / 133 0 0 S, 07/21/92 .7..7.5 r?8-7, 144 / ' " {) C? 07/21/92 .� 50S5 144 / 999 0 0 `- 07/2'S/' '". 225199 134 / 140 0) 0 !_ C ices. for !_R:I MNAL MISCHIEF ?7/1 1/'92 224333 500 / 999 0 t) C_ Offenses for DELIVER MESSAGE y _ ? :t- t Date: 08/13/92 Page 7 'E t Nmbr : OFFS)30i_? OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07/01 /9"2 TO 07/31 /92 Offense Offense Officer Property • Date Number Detective Stolen FOE MOE Status 07/. /9' 2 5' '80 134 ./ g99 0 0 if fences for DEMENTED PERSON 07/ 7/' ': 225341 146 / 999 0 0 C . 3ffenses for DISCHARGE FIREARM 07/ )9/'9" ` 24077 134 / 0 0 C: O /1"2/9"2 224362 114 / 999 0 0 ) 07/20/92 225064 108 / 999 0 0 i: 07/'.26/92 225'7'78 143 / 999 0 0 i_ 07:'28/9;_' a.25366 119 / 99g 0 0 [: Df fenses for DISTURBANCE C 07/01/92 223 38 134 / rj99 0 0 07/09/92 224 0A5 139 0 0 c 07/14/92 -roc g99 0 r" 07/14/'92 224712 146 999 0 0 C )7/15/'32 2L4 38 1 47 / 'i9•,' 0 0 C: )7/16/92 224836 146 / 999 0 0 I_ 07/17/92 22486 14.7 0 0 07/22/92 225161 144 / 999 0 0 C 07/26/92 920662 143 0 0 i_ 07/27/92 225277 143 999 0 0 C 7/28 92 225391 141 0 0 c 0//31 ,:r32 225531 106 / 999 0 0 C Offenses for DOG CALL 07/06/2 223. 27 119 / 0 0 C: (: / 13/92 2 552 i 0 0 _�:'�,�.�.� 1 fir 999 � Offenses. for DOMESTIC: DISTURBANCE 07/ )'3/92 223403 340:3 1 1 9 , ' 99 0 0 t_: '_ . ./0:_. -2' 920594 1 08 0 0 A 07/01;/9 2. :777 108 / 999 0 07/06/'a2 920603 108 / 339 0 0 C 07./1 1/92 .224323 108 '39'3 0 0 - t 7 /r_2 9 1OR / 0 0 - _ 07/ 15/92 224733 146 / 994; 0 0 C: 07/31/'9') 2255 146 / 999 0 0 - Offenses for DRUNK 07/10/' 2 224182 134 / 99+ t) 0 !_: nses for DWI t 1'7' -1':' 225073 1 / g9g 0 0 - 07, 21/'9"2 920641 114 / 140 0 0 CA te: 08/ 1 3/'ate: Page S Dr : OFFO300 • OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07/01/92 TO 07/31/'9'2 • if fence Offense Officer Property ( )ate Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status s S nses for DWI i 07/22 ate: =,162 114 / 0 0 C t nses for OWLS 07/20/92 920540 111 / 140 0 0 CA ?uses for EVADING ARREST 07/04/92 22355- 114 / 99'_a 0 0 a_ 07/04/92 ' 920 5'98 114 / 140 0 0 ►A is es for FAIL TO STOP/RENDER AID 07/.21/92 920646 ' 111 0 0 A • ense's for FIRE CALL 410 07/13/92 920627 r 7, 24/'. 2 22521S 13'�? / 999 0 0 r . s s for FIRE REPORT lenses for FOUND PROPERTY 07/06; 2 • 920602 119 / 133 0 ., 07/1 1/`,12 920615 111 / 0 0 A l a7/19/92 c.r7,0639 119 0 i_? f.: 07/19/'92 224975 119 0 0 • - • fenses for HARASSMENT 132 999 0 0 I 07/02/9 223323 127 / 999 0 0 C 07/02/92 c-1' 059 127 / 140 0 i' 0 A 07/16/9'' 224 818 127 . 999 0 0 C 07/18/92 9'7'0637 143 / 140 0 ri H 07/18/9'2 224890 143 / 0 0 C 1 a7/19/92 224944 1`34 999 0 0 Imo' 07/'23/92 920659 140 / 140 t o 0 07/24/92 225207 140 / 999 0 0 C 0 /.._8/92 920666 144 / 0 0 A 07/'28/'9'2 225367 144 / 'a9'9 0 0 C: 07/ is/'� 920675 144 / 140 Ei a A 07/30/'3'' 920676 114 / 0 0 A 07/.30/92 225472 144 '99'a • . 0 0 C 7/30/92 225487 141 / 999 0 0 '- i7/80./9. ..._7-'5489 114 / 999 0 0 C: 07/30/92 ' 920677 141 / 0 0 A lie // Report Date: 08/13/92 Page 9 [ rt Nmbr : OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 � Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status === === Offenses for HIT & RUN ACCIDENT 07/04/92 223505 111 / 999 0 0 C 07/07/92 223875 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/21/92 225127 111 / 999 0 0 C Offenses for HIT AND RUN ACCIDENT 07/04/92 920596 111 / 133 O 0 A 07/04/92 920599 111 / 133 0 0 A Offenses for INFORMATION 07/19/92 224958 144 / 0 O C Offenses for INJURED PERSON 07/23/92 920653 139 / 999 0 0 A 07/23/92 225190 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/28/92 225392 141 / 999 0 0 C 07/31/92 225513 139 / 0 0 C | ',nses for INVESTIGATION 07/01/92 223203 127 / 999 0 0 C 07/03/92' 221346 134 / 999 0 0 C 07/03/92 223416 111 / 999 0 0 C 07/05/92 223658 111 / 0 0 C 07/06/92 223681 108 / O 0 C 07/06/92 223747 111 / 0 0 C 07/06/92 223775 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/07/92 223887 143 / 999 0 0 C 07/08/92 223981 127 / 0 O C 07/08/92 223995 134 / 999 O 0 C 07/11/92 224263 119 / 999 0 0 C 07/16/92 224838 143 / 999 0 0 C 07/19/92 224977 145 / 0 0 C 07/21/92 225070 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/21/92 225135 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/23/92 225194 127 / 999. 0 0 C 07/24/92 225217 127 / 999 0 O C 07/24/92 225225 134 / 999 0 0 C 07/25/92 225261 134 / 999 0 O C 07/27/92 225282 134 / 999 0 0 C 07/28/92 225363 111 / 999 0 0 C 07/29/92 225432 114 / 999 0 0 C 07/30/92 225478 141 / 999 0 0 C 07/30/92 225470 119 / 999 0 0 C Offenses for LOOSE LIVESTOCK � � - ' ' :P"",t Date: 08/ 13/92 Page 10 � ` t Nmbr : OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status === === 07/02/92 223329 132 / 999 0 0 C 07/09/92 224064 139 / 0 0 C 07/12/92 224415 144 / 999 0 0 C 07/17/92 224862 132 / 0 0 C 07/18/92 224894 143 / 0 0 C 07/18/92 224901 127 / 0 0 C 07/19/92 224947 119 / O 0 C 07/19/92 224951 119 / 0 0 C 07/20/92 225035 119 / 999 0 0 C Dffenses for MAJOR ACCIDENT 07/23/92 225187 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/30/92 225476 114 / 999 0 0 C ]ffenses for MEDICAL CALL 07/01/92 223243 143 / 0 0 C 7 ' ises for MEET COMPLAINANT 37/03/92 223417 119 / 999 0 O C 07/04/92 223504 119 / 999 0 0 C 07/05/92 223660 119 / 0 0 C 07/05/92 223624 119 / 0 0 C 07/06/92 223760 119 / 0 0 C 07/06/92 223745 111 / 0 0 C 07/07/92 223891 134 / 999 0 0 C 07/08/92 223987 134 / 999 0 0 C 07/11/92 224202 143 / 999 0 0 C 07/ 11/92 224280 144 / 999 0 0 C 07/11/92 224322 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/11/92 224324 500 / 999 0 0 C 07/12/92 224348 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/11/92 224345 114 / 999 0 0 C 07/12/92 224361 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/13/92 224542 144 / 999 0 0 C 07/13/92 224580 144 / 999 0 0 C 07/12/92 224586 144 / 999 0 0 C 07/14/92 224702 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/14/92 224720 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/15/92 224790 134 / 999 0 0 C 07/17/92 224884 143 / 0 0 C 07/19/92 224997 145 / 0 0 C 07/21/92 225120 119 / 0 0 C 07/23/92 224196 127 / 999 O O C 07/24/92 225210 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/25/92 225232 134 / 999 0 0 C 07/25/92 225239 139 / 999 0 0 C • Report Date: 08:''13: 9'._ Page 11 F rt Nmbr : OFFS=? 00 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07/01 /92 TO c_a /31/9'2 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status --- Offenses for MEET COMPLAINANT 07/27/92 225310 144 0 0 )- r 8 /:;.; 725 119 / 999 0 0 - ,7/2'9/92 225412 144 / .0 0 )_ 07/31/92 2255-7' 10 8 / Ci9c; 0 0 C Offenses for MINOR ACCIDENT 07/01/92 773147 134 / 999 i) ;a is 07/01/92 223195 139 / 999 0) 0 )_ -:•-,•-'' / 999 0 0 07/04/92 223479 119 . 999 0 0 )_ 07/0%/'I+'7 223825 1'7 / 9'71.1'9 !_a 0 )_: 07/07/'I' 22 85'3 1 ;'7,1 .r 9'a' 0 0 )_ 07/07/92 .,_.,_3 R4 134 / 99 0 '_) I_: 07/08:/97 2.2'21937 13' 999 0 '_a t_ 07/13/92 224541 111 99 i_a 0 )_ - 07/ 13/': :2 224574 111 / '3,39 0) 0) )_ i s7/15 . 9' 224786 139 999 0 0 C 07 : 16:/9'2 2. ' 1815 1r,_a , 999 0 0 )_ _r'i �sir�_ -- il,%/ 16 ''_2 224819 139 999 C) f_' i_: 0:1 1 /92 224879 1.4;.-�'. 0 C:, C_ 07/1 8/'3' 224918 1217 / 999 0 t) !=: 07/ 18/'32 224917 1 999 0 0 C: y'3/'"'9i 225065 108 8 999 _t i 7 )- n;/• 'a•: 225137 108 999 0 0 . )_' 07, .7'*/9*7. 225153 111 999 ;) 0 +_ 07/2.2/'92 .__'51,58 111 / '999 C) 0 ) 07/23/92 225186 139 999 0 C:' C_ 07/'4/'9 : 225212 139 999 i) 0 C r,, , -:5/92 225236 177 999 0 r, )_ 07/27/92/92 22520 111 / 00 is 07 i - - - 225464 144 999 () i, )-. Offenses f'_''r MINOR IN FOSS ALCOHOL 07/28/ 2 .� 753c13 114 / C) 0 C Offenses for MISSING PERSON 07/03/92 22_;40F: 11,3 7 999 0 0 is 07/08/92 223986 13 c_) 0 C 07/1 1/97 224201. 134 / 999 '-a 0 )_ ❑ fenses for MOTORIST ASSIST 0 7/18/9'2 224921 127 C) 0 )_ 07/19/92 224957 111 / 999 . 0 0 i 07/28/92 225372 111 / 999 0 0 i_ • F'--.'rt Date: 08/ 13/92 Page 12 F rt Nmbr : OFFO300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07/01/92 TO 07/7!1/92 • Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status • Offenses for MOTORIST ASSIST 07/29/92 225400 114 0 . !? C_. 07/31/92 225502 139 / 0 i? C Offenses for OPEN DOOR . 07/05/9? 223632 119 / 0 • 0 C- 07/12/92 224468 145 / 999 0 0 C • 07/14/92 224615 146 / 999 0 0 C: 07/17/92 224843 143 / 999 0 0 • C: 07/17 ..-• 224848 143 / 0 O. C: 07/17/92 224856 132 / -0 • 0 C i 17/_9/9_ Y25 9A 114 / 0 0 C 07/29/92 225403 119 / 0 0 C-: Offenses for OPEN GATE 07/ ? /92 .._..?7256 143 0 0 C ( nses for PI 0 f f 10 i 9'7' 920614 134 ri 999 !_) (_? CA 0% /`-' /9:2 920656 146 / 999 0 0 CA Offenses f o r FOSS ALCOHOL U/2 1 07/28/92 920668 114 999 0 ' 0 CA Offenses for PROWLER • 07/09/9'7) 224004. 134 / 999 0 0 C- 07/13/92 . 4i_'10 146 999 0 0 • C: 27:/9 2'7'4 7 1 E 2 'a'7 9 '0 0 C_ 07/25/92 92 2 757°7:1 143 999 0 0 C.: 07/ 4 '9i 5 , 14• 9990 C_: ii�J I i 9.2 2252'"g, g 134 / 999 • 0 0 C Offenses for RECKLESS CONDUCT 07 .23 92 9:C'0654 1 • i / 140 0 0 A Offenses for RECKLESS DAMAGE 07/i?9.r92 920610 139 / 133 j i 1 J Offenses for RECKLESS DRIVER . 07 i21/9'2 225102 111 / 999 0 . 0 C.: 07/a:'4/9''' 225208 134 999 0 0 C: apses for RECOVERED PROPERTY 07/0R/9' y 375u 119 0 C_ 07/1 1/9'2 224253 111 / 999 0 0 • • • Fes" rt Date: 08/18/92 F'alge 13 I rt Nmbr : OFFO3 ) ) OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 • Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Dei:ective Stolen POE MOE Status Of f enses for RUNAWAY 07,=1F/92 . 9::_0F.,35 146 / i) 0 A 07 - 224337 146 / t) 0 I: Offenses for lr_ SALE OF ALCOHOL TO A MINOR 07/23/92 920651 108 C) t) . A 0 , ,92 2._517' 108 999 n 0 C Offenses fir SIMPLE ASSAULT 07/0: /92 920595 108 999 0 t) CA Offenses f 1_I'r STRAY DOG 7/1. 9'7' 224810 13*--' 999 0) ) I_ 07/ 17/92 92 224858 132 / - 07/20/' 2 225029 144 '^)'tea't 0 C) I-: 07/21/92 22.50 jS 1 1 9 '7;99 0 C) c - . 07/22/92 225147 11'_1 / '3.=a9 0 0 is ' 28 fr- 253 c 144 / 999 t) 0 I: Offenses for STRUCTURE FIRE RE 07 i 0 7 '_a ' 223797 145 999 0 0 I_ Offenses forr SURVEILLANCE R =I r \ , - . 07/24/92 1 225229 0 0 Offenses for it S1_!Sf' PERSON 223487 8r 1 1 r3 / 999 0 l ' 0 I : 07/05/.32 223756 56 119 C) I) - )7/08/9'7' 223928 143 '=199 C) C) 1=: 07/09/'32 224072 134 0 0 is 07/12/92/9 224357 114 99 t_) i) C . .` 1 2.`5 2 224473 108 'SY 9 O 0 i,_: 0 7 /1- ;92 224526 1 1 1 / '199 r i 0 C. 07/13/92 221602 114 / 999 r) i) 07/17/92 224878 134 / 0 1 r) I : . /1S/92 2 24938 500 / t) C) I 07/21/92 - 225071 114 / 999 0) 0 i_: 07/21/92 225069 . 114 / 999 !) 0 1_ . .._5/9 -7'25,_59 500 '3'_j9 • 0 (_) C • OforS -_I'P 'r�n�.1==. `�U•�F' VEHI)=:LE r,7/0•-.i•9-r - -r 3 -r'7 1`'3 / 9 9 r=t (_) . r) '- 07:!'7:/'9'2' 223443 108 / '999 i) 0 1 C: . 07/10/92 224184 143 / '999 i) [_) 1=: 0 7/1 1/9:L_ 2__4 22 143 / 99'3 0 0 I F'eno'r t Date: 08/13/'9'2 Page 14 rt Nmbr : Oi' FO:3i i0 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen F'OE MOE Statue. Of f en=.es for SU'SF VEHICLE f 17/1 1: 2 24244 119 / 999 0 0 C_ 07/12,/92 224514 114 / 999 0 0 C 0.7/1 O/9' 224545 144 / 999 0 0 C 07/ 1 92 224534 144 / 999 0 0 C 0//15/92 224732 146 / 999 0 0 C 07/15/'92 2 479 134 / 999 0 0 0 07/18/92 224939 143 0) 0 !_ 07 1/92 225121 144 / 999 i i r) E_ 07/27/92 225319 144 • 0 0 )_ 07/30/92 225437 114 / 999 0 C) C Of fenses for THEFT _ . !09/92 224063 132 0 0 C 07/09/92 224066 139 / 0 0 '= 07/19/92 19/92 224954 144. C) 0 .0 - 127 0? 0 C _ . �nses for THEFT 20/200 07/08/92 2_395 127 / 0 0 - 07 ff 3 1 . 9 2 '-•f i t)E 7 c 146 / K. 0 ) A 07, 1. 92 225519 148 / '339 0 0 i.: Offenses for THEFT 200/750 07/01/92 :3'7 19 132 / 999 C: 0 • C: 07/01/92 920590 132 / 133 K C: 0 '_'. . _j's:: ' 9206 2 144 K t) 0 A 07/30/92 .2.25456 14' C) 0 Of fenses for THEFT . 5C)/ 20, i_)0f 1 . _ 7/06 92 22. 72R 119 / 0 C) :- 0 / ._2 9.:'i i f=.0 119 / }-; ::I 0 .; 3 t 9:j 224575 144999 [) 0 C: ��0 S t)7..'t}/'`�•�� '�•-�1 yam' ' 144 / 1:��� �'��.F' 14 f 7/20/'9'2225044 119 / 999 i) i) )_ Offenses for THEFT U/20 07/01/92 f7/ )1. 92 223217 127 / 999 i- 0 (_ . :/i_ti3 92 2.,_3351 1 40 / 999 0 0 1_: 07/03/92 _234.12 119 :999 i) ? C_ 0 r• /1±=/92 224803 . 14`; / 999 � 0 ? - 07 1/9a_ 225493 141 / 999. 0 0 '= 30/9;_ 225477 141 / 999 0 0 i= . Ili— /7 Rencor-t Date: 08/13/'92 Facie 15 i rt Nmbr- : OFFO300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 • • Offense Offense Officer F_roperty Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status ?Offenses for TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT 0 07/9' 223086 1S9 / 999 0 0 ?_ 07/13192 224547 111 / 999 0 0 l • l= 07/14/9'2 224704 111 999 0 0' i_ 07/19/92 224992 145 0 0 C 07/19/'=ice 224994 108 / 0 C? ?_ 07/27/92 5 111 0 Cl ?_ 07/'S1.'92 225'=94 114 / 999 (_l 0 C Offenses for TRAFFIC STOP 07/ '4/9'2 920E:60 1 S'=, / C) 0 CA . Offense for TR'AFF I C:' '•1 I OL_AT I ON . 07/24/92 3 ;q _:199 0 0? C: Offenses for TRF VIOLATION '_l:/05/92 223667 108 / Cic-19 Il 0 C: r-l7 �;-l7/'3 L 223816 1 _ ,^a.-1.-1 0 ;i _ i r _ {?7/07 j92 920605 139 / 999 (t 0 CA 0 /0 ; .92 223_'48 139 0 0 07/09/92 i 999 0) 0 i : 07/10/92224164 i 0 /10/9•2 '32061:3 139 . 999 .0 0 ?__T -, - - 0 0 1_A 07/�_?q/'�'._ ' t'?0607 1 3 / ' 'I?'_1 07/13.'9'2 224568 111 / 999 C: 0 C 07/13/:32 '320r:23 111 '399 0 0 _. 07, 2C?/'32 225005 108 0 ? ?-' i? `/2'_?/ 2 225036 111 999 '•-? C) C lt7 f 2/92 225139 10 '_.:74 0 0 c 07 92 2251F,3 1 1,4 999 (_l 0 0 i?7. . . _. ;: 81 143 :3 _; 0 0 C07/28/92 11 . : ,_.7' 2._ ill1 :.J99 0 01 . C?7/'29/9 920E:69 111 . 999 • 0 0 ,_A 07/2'9/92 225407 ill . ti '_? s_ . • 07/31/92 1/9'2 92t?i_:79 14G 999 C? 0 {_A Offenses for TRF WRNT ARREST 0 07/01/9222_235 145 Cl .0 C 07/02/9 2U304 13'9 t) 0 CA 07/01/92 :3205' 1 14S . 9'__9 C l C a 07/04/92 -:532 103 / 999 ? 0 l ? : 07/04/92 920597 108 / 9199 C? C? CA 07/06/'92 223761 111 / 0 . 0t= • • - ;-;t Data: 08/13/9 Page 16 r^i, Nmbr ; u)FF030 ) OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 Offense Offense Officer Property ' Date Number - Detective ' Stolen POE MOE Status Offenses, for TRF WRNT ARREST '_)7/ )rr,',/92 920601 ill / _)' 9 0- 0) CA 07/08/92 2 2•__ . . 1 3'71 - 0 '0 ) 07/08/92 i7.'='963 132 0) - f) i-: 07/08/92 920609 139 909 [) i t E_ 07/08/92 r, 132 / 999 0 t) I: 0 f /.12/9'2 224485 114 / 999 00 - C 07/1 /9' 920621 114 / 999 i) ' t_i CA 07/ 14/92 224667 145 / 999 0 t) . )_ 07/14/92 920624 14 / 999 0 0 CA t_?7/ c1.J, 9:2 9 208�:26 1__t9 999 0 t_)r i_A ' 0/ :, 14/.9i 224.70R 145 999 i) • 0 1_ 07/14/92 920625 145 / 999 i 0 CA 07/ 15/':J. 9:'06 ' 14= / '_i' ':74 0 - () CA 07/16/92 920633 139 999 0 i 0 CA 0/ / 1 6/,_a-, 920634 1.:1 4 9'Y 9 0 0 - 1^A 7 - 825 134 / 999 0 0 C :,'.`_'1/9'2 920647 ' 114 / 999 0 0 CA r/. 21/92 225134 114 / 999 • t_) t_) t_ !_? / 1_Y. 92 92064 145 ' / '+99 [l 0 CA 07. 2'3/9:,i_ 920652 1 08 / 999 0 0 CA 07. 2 /92 225173 132 r 9990 0 i_ _7/ /9 2 92065 ? i.46 00 _:r _?7 ,. 2 0663 i _ _- . 999 t_) 0 CA 1 /3 t_1/'9:.-. 225474 111 999 . 0 0 I 07_/3 9' 225524 .' 146 / 999 0 f)07/30/9'2 0 920674 111 / 0 0 CA • Offenses for WARRANT ARREST l?///t_?',_//,=L 920589 139 / 999 f) t_? CA- . _ . /t_?7/92_ 920606 1 = 999 ti 0 t_A=, 07 /a i /9•. 7-'4256 111 999 i) 0 !_ 07//11/92 920616 111 999 0 t) CA 07/15/92 224779 13- 99= r) 0 1 : 07/16/92 920631 1.9 . 999 t) t_) {_:rt (_)/`/1 6/9'_ 224826 1 '; / 999 • • 0 i) 1_ t_)/// 16/9'2 224831 13' l / 999 t_l 0 C 07/2.7.:/9 225160 . 145 r 999 0? 0 C- 0 f ,/0/92 225490 148 999 t} C) )_ Offenses for WELFARE C:HfEC:K 07/03/92 223422 1. 1.9 999 . 00 I_ 07/06/92 2236/3 1t ti 0 )_: - 07/16/92 2?4639 134 • 999 .t:) 0 C 07/24/92 • 225223 143 999 0 0 ) • Report Date: 08: 13/92 Page 17 rt Nmbr : OFFO300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07 01/92 TO 07/31 ;92 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status Offenses for WEB FARE CHECK Total Offenses Printed: 552 Arrests 44 Minor Accidents 18 Major Accidents 5 SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBL 2 C SAFETY MONTHLY REPORT DULY 1 9 9 2 PUBLIC SAFTY COORDINATOR EMS RESEARCHED POLICY' S IN COMPLETION DEVELOPMENT DATE(S) 1 . INFECTION CONTROLL EQUIPMENT A. PROMOTION POLICY 09/01/92 2. JOB CLASSIFICATIONS B. INFECTION CONTROL 08/01/92 3. ACLS CERTIFICATION DATES C. TRAFFIC CONTROL 08/01/92 4. D. UNIFORM POLICY 10/01/92 5. E. 6 . 7. EMS REPORTS GENERATED DAILY 8. Q/A - C.E. VERIFICATION - MONTHLY REPORT 9 . 10. TRAINING NAME(S) TYPE OF TRAINING DATES FIRE "A" SHIFT EMS 07/16/92 2 . 3. 4. 5 . 6. 7. 8. 9 . 10. OTHER ACTIVITIES: COORDINATED ACCIDENT REVIEW BOARD AND EMPLOYEE COUNCIL MEETINGS. ACTIVITY IS LOW DUE TO BUDGET WORK. RICKY BLACK / 6l PUBLIC SAFETY COORDINATOR SOUTHL•AKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE SERVICES DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT - July, 1992 FIRE CALLS: AVERAGE TIME ON CALL Structure-(residential) 3 0 Hrs 41 Min Structure-(commercial) 0 - TOTAL $ LOSS (Fire) Structure-(other bldg) 1 $ 564,300 Vehicle-(car,boat,etc. ) 3 Grass/Trash 3 CALLS BY TIME OF DAY Total Fire Calls 10 0700-1200 15 26 % 1200-1900 26 46 % OTHER CALLS: 1900-2400 11 19 % Haz-Mat Incident 6 2400-0700 5 9 % Bomb Threat/Call 0 Other Emergency 9 PLAN REVIEWS: Other Non-Emergency 11 Comm./Indust. 3 Total Other Calls 26 Residential 0 Subdivision 0 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE: C/a Issued 4 Total EMS Calls 21 OTHER ACTIVITY TOTAL CALLS FOR SERVICE (Dispatched / Tone Outs) 57 Burn Permits . 46 Public Educ. PATIENTS TREATED: Classes 4 Total Patients Treated 23 Grass/Weed Complaints 28 Medical Only 8 Pre-fire Plans Injury Only 15 Reviewed . 0 . Both Med/Inj 0 . MVA Patients 6 MVA with Seatbelt 4 MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT MONTH OF JULY, 1992 MUNICIPAL COURT OF CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS TRAFFIC-MISDEMEANORS NON-TRAFFIC-MISDEMEANORS NON-PARKING PARKING STATE-LAW CITY-ORDINANCE MISC. TOTALS ' 1. CASES FILED DURING THE MONTH 491 5 11 11 0 518 2. DISPOSITIONS PRIOR TO TRIAL: A. DEPOSIT FORFEITED 86 0 1 0 0 87 B. PAYMENT OF FINES 313 0 0 0 0 313 C. CASES DISMISSED 23 0 0 0 0 23 3 . DISPOSITIONS AT TRIAL: A. TRIAL BY JUDGE: 1. FINDING OF GUILTY 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 . FINDING OF NOT GUILTY 0 0 0 0 0 0 • B. TRIAL BY JURY: 1 . FINDING OF GUILTY 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 . FINDING OF NOT GUILTY 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. CASES DISMISSED 9 1 1 1 0 12 4 . CASES DISMISSED: A. AFTER DRIVING SAFETY COURSE 47 0 0 0 47 B. AFTER DEFERRED DISPOSITION 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. AFTER PROOF OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 58 . 0 0 0 0 58 5 . CASES APPEALED 0 0 0 0 0 0 COURT WARRANTS ISSUED 0 TOTAL REVENUE 26,545 .50 - I 0 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM• August 5, .1992 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 92-26 Zoning Change Request/Concept Plan Approval REQUESTED ACTION: Zoning change request and concept plan approval for 12.36 acres situated in the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, Tracts 4A7, 4A7A, and 4A7B. The applicant further petitions the City Council to grant a variance to the masonry requirements on the north and east ' sides of the Religious Education Building shown on the concept plan. LOCATION: 223 S. Pearson Lane . OWNER/APPLICANT: St. Martin in-the-Fields Episcopal Church CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: "CS" Community Service LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential BACKGROUND INFO: This property was annexed in October, 1987 and zoned "AG" in September, 1989 with the adoption of Ordinance No. 480 and the new zoning map. NO. NOTICES SENT: Six (6) RESPONSES: One (1) in favor: Mrs. Harold Pipes, Rt. 1, Box 48, Keller. The Pipes sold the land to the church prior to Mr. Pipes' death. Mrs. Pipes still owns all the surrounding property to the North, East, and Southeast. P & Z ACTION: July 9, 1992; Approved (7-0) the applicant's request to table the item and continue the public hearing until July 23, 1992. July 23, 1992; Approved (5-0) , subject to the Plan Review Summary dated July 17, 1992. They supported the applicant's request for a masonry variance. COUNCIL ACTION: August 4, 1992; Approved, (7-0) , First Reading, Ordinance No. 7/31/92 Plan Review Summary, removing the reference to ballfield lighting. The field should be unlighted. The City Council also approved the masonry variance as requested on the North and East sides of the Religious Education Building. - - ?A- 1 • Curtis E. Hawk, City Manger ZA 92-26, Zoning Change Request/Concept Plan Approval August 5, 1992 Page Two STAFF COMMENTS: Concept plan approval is a prerequisite to granting the "CS" zoning request. Attached please find the Second Plan Review Summary dated July 31, 1992. KPG 7A`Z • • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONING • Submittal Date: 6415I Z se Number: ZA 12-A, Fee: $100 .00 Receipt No. / 77/ PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT A. APPLICANT OWNER(S) (if different) Name: St. Martin in-the-Fi el as Fri s^nr1AI VESTRY BOARD, St. Martin in-the-Fi el' Church Agent: - CORPORATION OF THE EPTSCYPAr. DIOCESE OF FORT WORTH Address : 2 o Anx tiH Keller, Texan 7674R ' • Telephone: 817-411-719A B. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Legal Description: ( ) . Property is unplatted according to the County Deed Records Vol . 4940 , Page 933 ** . It is shown as Tract `ffi7 of the J. G Survey, Abst. No. 18 City Tax Records .. **Volume 7941 Page 2214 Volume 9152 Page 448 and Volume 4940 Page 302 ( ✓ )• A metes and bounds description is attached. ( ) Property is platted and described as : Subdivision Name: Block , Lot(s ) ; Block , Lot(s) ( ) Address of Subject Property: Property Location: Pearson Lane at FM 1709 Acreage: ( ) A typed mailing list of all property owners within 200 feet of the subject property is attached. ( ) A current survey or plat map is attached. • ( / ) A concept plan shall be submitted for "CS", "SF-30" , "SF-20A", "SF-20B" , "MF-1" , "B-1" , "B-2", "HC" , "S-P-2" zoning requests . (Required prior to development site plan submittal, but ' optional at the time of zoning request for "0-1", "0-2", "C-1" , "C-2" , "C-3", "C-4", "I-1", "I-2" zoning districts. ), ( ) A development site plan shall be submitted with zoning requests in the "MH" and "S-P-1" zoning districts . 7A-3 City of Southlake - - Application for Change of Zoning . Page Two . . NATURE. OF THE, REQUEST: . • Present Zoning: AG Requested Zoning: C5 Existing Use: Church Proposed Use : • Chin-rh Reason for Requesting the Change: Required by City D. AUTHORIZATION BY OWNER(S) : - I. (We) hereby authorize the City of Southlake and its employees to enter upon the premises herein above described at all reasonable tithes' for the purpose of erecting, maintaining, or removing signs to notify the public of the pending zoning application and/or public hearing • concerning said application. I (We) release the City of Southlake and its employees from liability for any damages which may be incurred • .to my (our) property in the erecting, maintaining, or removal of said signs. . I (We) further understand that it is necessary for me (us) to be present at the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council public J-arings. . II 1 Betty Puglia RPcnrding TraaS»rar 6/12/92 - ignat ; e of O n Name Typed or Printed Date • E. AUTHORIZATION IF AGENT INVOLVED: _ in-The-Fields Episcopal Church I, Betty Fuqua, Representative of St. Martin / , owner of the aforementioned property do hereby certify that I have given my permission to Rnr„+- Be s and/or Stephanie Manczuk to act as my agent for this rezoning r uest. r Betty Fuaua. RecordincT Treasurer 6/17./92 Signatu o Ow e (s) Name Typed or Printed Date Before me, a No Public, on this day personally appeared Betty Fuqua known to me to be. the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he or she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. - Given under my hand and seal of office this 16th day of June , 19 92 . III l � A pi.� a ,�r; a.� t��� in^ri A al-AN-SLA - N• .RY PUBLIC IN FO TEXAS - Ui;i_ C $ „1 SiAl� OFTE .�,S ^`'' `+ PAy Comm. 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TR 4AIn R 62 1A1 1 TR 6619 r_; 1 42.99 AC .863 AC .80 AC a TA 4A15 1 • j Iz j � I I • 3a 05 O ecAze.•'/w=/00' ._N89.t:_L2Q"'€�.7f&:8P—_.--.-.- -- -7-S7g4Y QR,CK%F.eAse I , 1 1 C'HU.ECN(777.PEMAi.,,J _ _ 1 ' 1- 1 p �S tr V fj, rtki N 3 .o,,,e,e.,Na o 1.1 WI N. -J 3` c0 Ate/ 0 ` Y Y I /• x i , I 1C 5.59.4e..57"hi 739.44' — —O/A/T OF y •�� ,BEG/rt/AJfAIG — �� g 2 vJOQDAA/' 7 SCW.ILM( ecvn Z onN/NG EXMBET FM,7G9 ZONED AG 4.j Sire REQUEST ZOA/ED CS 'j eaPod ,Wulrw V/C/N/7"Y MAP BEING a tract of land our of the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, Tarrant County, Texas according to deed recorded in Volume 4940, Page 302, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of Pearson Lane, said point also being located in the West line of the J.G. Allen Survey and being 1071.9 feet North of the Southwest corner of said J.G. Allen Survey; THENCE North 00 degrees 17 minutes 49 seconds West along said centerline of Pearson Lane 727.81 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 43 minutes 00 seconds East 740.81 feet to an iron pin for corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 11 minutes 20 seconds East 727.78 feet to an iron pin for corner; Thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 51 seconds West 739.44 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 12.36 acres of land, more or lees. LOY11 FfAP!SOM suRVEYnns Ric. -a r:trriccR , ,:, C {7 OF ZE r,c .. t_i f'rf:F L' "JP.L \ i!: r..t.' r!1 1 IL lI C4MlE5 B.9f+rM5^!4�i , apt •t._ -14.•111S'.... ... i.,l'�rnwa!'•FnT e,n,•r'1„s Y•o,s IRC:'.min CC'+RECi As •F ►F_ st;,:•E.,r;.,,,,.'r.fact,r'.,,,p,,.ea,tic a^FaSE„r.,,nI n 7A . 9 sun �,, City of Southlake,Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO: ZA 92-26 REVIEW NO: ONE DATE OF REVIEW: 7/17/92 PROJECT NAME: Concept Plan - St. Martin In-The-Fields Church Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, St. Martin In-The-Fields Addition OWNER/APPLICANT: ENG/PLANNER/ARCHITECT:. . St. Martin In-The-Fields GSB/Batenhorst Episcopal Church 7291 Glenview Drive P. O. Box 66 N. Richland Hills, TX. 76180 Keller, Texas 76248 Phone: ( 817) 431-2396 Phone: (817) 589-1722 Fax: Fax: (817) 595-2916 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLAN RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/15/92 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR. NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 744 . 1. Add 'CS ' in the title "Concept Plan for St. Martin In-The-Fields 'CS ' Zoning Request" . 2. The common lot line dimension should be 704 .99 per the final plat. 3. Show the drainage easement required along the rear of the property and all perimeter utility easements. 4. Please separate the Land Use Designations and Zoning as follows: - Existing Zoning = Agricultural - Proposed Zoning = CS - Community Service - Existing Land Use Designation = Low Density Residential - Proposed Land Use = Public/Semi-Public 5. The Snow Tract to the south should be labeled 'B-1 ' Zoning and L.U.D. = Low Density Residential. Also show the east tract line for the Snow Tract. 6 . Adequate parking for all buildings must be provided on the lot which the building is located. The common lot line must be relocated or adequate parking should be provided on Lot 2 . * All signs and culverts must be permitted separately. * The applicant should be aware that any revisions made prior to City Council must be received at the City by July 27 , 1992. All revised submittals should be folded 6" x 9" and include an 8 .5" x 11" reduction. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: St. Martin In-The-Fields Episcopal Church, Bob Bess, Sr. Warden GSB/Batenhorst Architects • HAROLD PIPES o1e.BATENROAeT N 89'43'00° E 740.81'• AGRICULTURE ZONING /a"`° cam,. �•IBFPIOE -•_' 1 -o-IaalE+m I , , —rrrrm1111111 iliIrrrn7— - l 1 FUME PARiNO I I I I 14'4 .: I+ SOMA, C sea. IDn.CAS I `� I SOT 1 PII PEBOCt61F1?D l` PP4fLl LOCATOR x am. , ......... . ........ ``\ ' nic°Fmc lflWc mPO I Of now:fol. MIN= I , �IIII 1'Illllllllllllll �,a,o,�M 4 I , E3 xs c� 7.•-e x m•-e Tr-r MP I `°'u awe coy ur �� PROP.UNEEL1GQTp�q L— ,�7 U'11�' JO ASSEABLY F MAXIM° i 1 ( VICINITY MAP R R.11M 9ANCIUARf I FWE WAIKWAT BIKE 1 I I. I 1 I 1 .- 1 r 1 I `�i II �sm FUME n Iy # 1- 1 � RRUE SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION w =UN COM eaa onwI 1 SOCMW( 1 A (AU PROP00[5) • 'L = ..� , .: N I •: S7•aA �. • • 1LL111I 1111 IIUIIIIIIIII1IIIII fI.._.. FUME PMOG I 9w7/il I.d TIR 1mDA 1311 r. I — —_--'-1- ^ ' 1 PSOPIL MNOI ./t0.t OmumO IjI1/ Ifi : I / e17-1x1-OW I •`IJ 1BREIQ,: RASE 1PPcaY11 1 FURRE PMUG I F p smm/BM iti°a`""017 ` I l 1) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e-rr rf I n_1 11 I I I I I I I n I I I 1111) 11 I I I ' J i' " .... °. °C � I PUNKT au7wE PaE , l 1 T: 1 �-13� nFFO Rm N 89'43'00" E 704.89' —•—— —— 7 -�: nT->•I-ma DOSE MIS v1 I•: a 31£UJ I I I ■ I I. 11.019 7111(m1/111.CRC I I I I COAOAINRYCENTER I i• . FParc 308111.mixliw _ 431-3417 I •. 1 LOT 2 l: MR.ZONA I USD On I 10 � L BLOCK 1 0oo.nor TO II I 110 annul W17 w McNII 1 r' / IE117.ID./NP11R I. PNOPO.`31 T.lI .UM as I4TBO I !MOM, Ff �1 MOD �I! Ca mNNc.MCI ST. MARTIN- IN-THE-FIELDS ADDITION IN—THE—FIELDS 1 F+RUEe�uI.71M o I 1 ADDITION 51 g'1 1 (./NNRE oowlaD LOIIRNO) I I AN ADDITION TO THE gI g I k CITY OF SOVIIU,AKE CITY COUNTY.TEIIAS N 1 i , I��fE ran I I Ur/1&II,■=1 I 1 I L I I ` 11%WO 1*101A U. I 12 • CONCEPT PEAK FOR I I I I I zolu i o*x sT I I • VOL. 1 PIPES NORTH 86 'Msniar rev ---------- I: VOL TT38 PG.Ni _ - —' "— —/6d-d4 •- Ia-d nwrco -- AGRICULTURE ZONING OR4NO SCALE : �iij111 4G 41 S 89'42'51" W 739.44' le F n ~Vw�[LL H.' NG _�a11u rw uHl c rFaciva— AI;RIr,1n Ilk zu INN: SCALE fM11004 1 A/- I , City of Southiake,Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO: ZA 92-26 REVIEW NO: TWO DATE OF REVIEW: 7/31/92 PROJECT NAME: Concept Plan - St. Martin In-The-Fields Church Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, St. Martin In-The-Fields Addition OWNER/APPLICANT: ENG/PLANNER/ARCHITECT: St. Martin In-The-Fields GSB/Batenhorst Episcopal Church 7291 Glenview Drive P. O. Box 66 N. Richland Hills, TX. 76180 Keller, Texas 76248 Phone: (817) 431-2396 Phone: (817) 589-1722 Fax: Fax: (817) 595-2916 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLAN RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 7/27/92 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 744 . 1. Show the drainage easement centered on the swale along the east property line. This may be relocated pending review of the required drainage study. Li * All signs and culverts must be permitted separately. � * The zoning ordinance does not address parking requirements for sports fields as shown on Lot 2 . I * Denotes Informational Comment cc: St. Martin In-The-Fields Episcopal Church, Bob Bess, Sr. Warden GSB/Batenhorst Architects 1I}-12 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS - ORDINANCE NO. 480-75 0 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING !A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING APPROXIMATELY A0.2 . 36 ACRE TRACT(S) OF LAND OUT OF THE J.G. ALLEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 18, TRACTS 4A7, 4A7A, AND 4A7B, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL TO "CS" COMMUNITY SERVICES SUBJECT TO THE ;SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL pTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDINGITHAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE, OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I� WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under- its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and! land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and ito amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in- accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements :''and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; locaion, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance fo'"r off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading 480.75/ORD/kb In Page 1 /790e'h �l I'i u • spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust;ij effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over- crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transporation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use o!f the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the tine their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secureisafety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over-crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for ,the changes in zoning and has also ',found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the trat or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are !in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. 11. NOW, THEREFORE, IrBE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: IV Section 1 . That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance ofcthe City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: 11; Being approximately a 12 . 36 acre tract(s) of land out of the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18 , Tracts 4A7, 4A7A, and 4A7B, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A, " attached hereto and incorporated herein. From "AG" Agricultural to "CS" Community Service District. 480.75/ORD/kb Page 2 a,- /5". l Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3 . ThiI t in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulatlions contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All, existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phra'Ses and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended herebypl, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4 . That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for) the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the gener, welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonabl4 anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and oth1'er commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and fits peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. i Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6 . That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land decribed herein. Section 7 . my person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neg1p.ects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2 , 000. 00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. 1All rights and remedi-es of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of OrdVnance No. 480, as amended, or any ,other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall 480.75/ORD/kb Page3 //. - I ( �i not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the co�rts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of ijts provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (i0) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 31.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1992! MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1992 ., MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM ,1AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: II� EFFECTIVE: 1 480.75/ORD/kb Page 4 i 7Q/ —/ f City of Southiake,Texas MEMORANDUM August 12, 1992 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 480-H: Tents as Nonresidential Accessory Uses In a letter from Rick Stacy / dba Stacy Furniture, he petitioned the Mayor and City Council to revise the zoning ordinance to allow the use of tents for retail businesses on a temporary basis. Currently, the zoning ordinance does not provide for this use, and by Section 7 .2, "any use not expressly authorized and permitted is expressly prohibited. " Prior to seeking the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation, the City Council discussed amending Section 34, "Accessory Uses, " of the zoning ordinance to allow tents in all nonresidential districts for the purpose of es or a peri• ee•ing wen y-:- =�21) days twice nnually with . sixty- (60) -• - - - •aration betwe- , - . was rec n ed th. • = ructures be - . ed in compliance with e provisions of the Uniform Building Code and all development regulations of the applicable zoning district. On August 6, 1992, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the use of tents for the purpose of promoting retail sales and recommended that they be allowed as an accessory use, premitted twice annually for a period not exceeding twenty-three (23) days and with a sixty-day separation between uses, that they be charged a permit fee, and that they be permitted in accordance to the provisions of the UBC and the zoning regulations for the applicable district. Upon receiving an interpretation from an ICBO (International Conference of Building Officials) official, it was learned that the Uniform Fire Code is the regulatory source regarding tents and not the Uniform Building Code. Ordinance 480-H reflects this change. 111 KPG FA- I V •RDIHANC? NO�'�8o-H - e '• AN ORDINANCE AXENDING ORD •■-' NO. 480, AS AMENDED, TEE iifCOHPRERENSIVE ,BONING ORDINANCE 01 TEE CITY OF sour-maim, V' , TEXAS, BY AIITBORIZING THE USE OE TENTS TORTES PROMOTION OF RETAIL SALEa AS ACCESSORY USES IN ALL NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY i CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; I PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION INTER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AE EFFECTIVE DARE. tsxe, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and _Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the ' City of Southlake has heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 480, as amended, as the Zoning Ordinance for the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake now deems necessary to amend Ordinance No. 480, as amended, to specifically authorize the use of tents for the promotion of retail sales as accessory uses in all nonresidential districts; and WHEREAS, the City Council has given published notice and held public hearings with respect to the amendment of the Zoning Ordinance as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SoUTHLAXE, TEXAS C .'- ZO'd T00' oN Ttr:OT Z6' £T 6`►d - _ £S6£-09S-LT8 : 131 1132P1HR ' ntorrr-i,T 1 A I I I SECTION 1 That Section 34, Accessory Uses, of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, is hereby amended by adding a new paragraph Naa" to subsection 34.1, to Illead as follows: ACCESS9RY USE11 DISTRICTS WORN PEWITTED aa. Tents for the purpose of promoting retail CS, 0-1, 0-2, sales for a period rot exceeding twenty-three C-1, C-2, C-3, (23) days, twice annually, with a sixty-(60)- C-4, B-1, B-2, day separation between uses. This use shall I-1, I-2, require a permit and shall be constructed in S-P-1, S-P-2, accordance with thebprovisions of the Uniform C-PUD Fire Code, Article 32, as amended. It shall also meet the devei'opment regulations of the zoning district in which it is being placed. li SECTION 2 This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of suchordinancesI are hereby repealed. SECTION 3 It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council thatI the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are( I severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and IE r and TOG oN IC:0: �E'cIn .e c .,c5C-0� _,;g :131 113�dUE '9NIa13i II sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted ��. by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 4 Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 5 All rights and r�emedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 6 The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby authorized to publish this ordinance in book or pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the operative provisions I -7• v0-d T00' oN TV: OT Z6' cT 67162 6�-pcs_� T , c _ 1,1 - 8 131 _13ddaH ..INIQ13I_ of this ordinance as s? published shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without further proof than the production thereof. SECTION 7 The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 8 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its and passagepublication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON TEIS DAY OP , 1992. MAYOR AT TEST; CITY SECRETARY -c- ffet- - SO'd I00' 0N ID: OI Z6' 2I final 2S62-09S-LI8 : 131 113212idH '9NIQ13I= PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READ/NO ON THIS DAY OF , 1992. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney Date: ADOPTED: fl EFFECTIVE: stoke M4150-it III , -5- • 90'd I00- 0N It :OI Z6' £I find £5.6£-09S-LI8 :131 ii321dd8 ' 9NIII�3I_ ORDINANCE NO. 569 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPROVING REVISED BUDGET FIGURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 ; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1992, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30, 1993, AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR EACH DEPARTMENT, PROJECT AND ACCOUNT; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE:' DATE . WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared a revision of certain figures i;n the 1991-92 budget and submitted same to the City Council; alnd, WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Southlake, Texas (hereinafter; referred to as the "City") has caused to be filed with the ;; City Secretary a budget to cover all proposed expenditures of the government of the City for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1992 , and ending September 30, 1993 , (hereinafter referred to as the "Budget" ) ; and WHEREAS, the Budget, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes, shows as definitely as possible each of the various projects for which appropriations are set up in the Budget, and the estimated amount of money carried in the Budget for each of such projects; and it WHEREAS, the Budget has been filed with the City Secretary for at; least thirty ( 30) days and available for inspection by anyitaxpayer; and WHEREAS, public notice of public hearings on the proposed annual ! budget, stating the dates, times, places and subject matter of ;said public hearings, was given as required by the Charter I;of the City of Southlake and the laws of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, such public hearings were held on August 18, 1992 and September 1, 1992 , prior approval of such dates being hereby ratified and confirmed by the City Council, and all those wishing. to speak on the. Budget were -heard; and,- WHEREAS , th'e City Council has studied the Budget and listened to the 'comments of the taxpayers at the public hearings held therefor and has determined that the Budget attached hereto is in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: I�� Section 1 . That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. Section 2 . That the revised figures, prepared and submitted by the City Manager for the 1991-92 budget, be, and the same are hereby, in all things, approved and appropriated, and any necessary transfers between accounts and departments are hereby authorized, approved, and appropriated. Section 3 . That the Budget attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes is adopted for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 1992, and ending September 30, 1993; and there is hereby appropriated from the funds indicated such projects, operations, activities, purchases and other expenditures as proposed in the Budget. Section 4 . 'That the City Manager shall file or cause to be filed a true and correct copy of the approved Budget, along with this Ordinance, with the City Secretary and in the office of the County Clerks of Denton and Tarrant County, Texas, as required by State law. Section 5 . ' That any and all ordinances, resolutions, rules , regulations , policies or provisions in conflict with the provisions ofl this Ordinance are hereby repealed and rescinded to the extent of conflict herewith. Section 6 . If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereto any person or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such),' holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this ' Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7 . I That the necessity of adopting and approving a proposed budget for the next fiscal year as required by the laws of the State of Texas requires that this Ordinance shall ;take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so ordained. PASSED AND ApIPROVED on first reading this day of Gary Fickes, Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand', City Secretary Ordinance No. 569i t1 `` PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading this day of , 19 I! - Gary Fickes, Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: CityAttorney Y Date: Adopted: j Effective: �I 9 Ordinance No. 569 -3- g -- 3 , CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSED BUDGET 1992-93 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY 93cosaleork3 Special Revenue General Debt Service Utility Parks/ Fund Fund Fund Recreation Total Projected Revenues $4,161,220 $929,898 $2,753,534 $34,996 $7,879,648 Less: Projected Expenditures $4,429,309 $916,398 $2,769,387 $77,000 $8,192,094 Less: Reserve-Personnel 70,000 0 0 0 70,000 Total-Expenditures $4,499,309 $916,398 $2,769,387 $77,000 $8,262,094 Net Revenues (338,089) 13,500 (15,853) (42,004) (382,446) Estimated Fund Balance/ Working Capital 9/30/92 $1,013,480 $124,101 $700,914 $98,856 $1,937,351 Estimated Fund Balance/ Working Capital 9/30/93 $675,391 $137,601 $685,061 $56,852 $1,554,905 1991-92 1992-93 Fund 1990-91 Adopted Proposed $ Increase/ % Increase/ Actual Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) General Fund i• • . Personnel $1,981,499 $2,106,429 $2,496,732 $390,303 18.5% Operations & Maintenance 1,147,338 1,266,224 1,381,782 115,558 9.1% Capital 606,158 359,124 550,795 191.671 53.4% Total Expenditures $3,734,995 $3,731,777 $4,429,309 $697,532 18.7% Utility Fund Personnel ' $218,004 $293,455 $359,416 $65,961 22.5% Operations &Maintenance 1,241,050 1,871,710 1,888,632 16,922 0.9% Capital 181,553 110,000 149,325 39,325 35.8% Debt Service 80,070 89,423 79,719 (9,704) -10.9% Operating Transfer/Other 159,446 159,446 292,295 132,849 83.3% Total Expenses $1,880,123 $2,524,034 $2,769,387 $245,353 9.7% Debt Service Fund DebtService $493,444 $543,306 $665,435 $122,129 22.5% Operating Transfer 0 227,879 250,963 23,084 10.1% Total Expenditures $493,444 $771,185 $916,398 $145,213 18.8% Special Revenue-'Parks/Recreation Operations &Maintenance $5,850 $0 $2,000 $2,000 100.0% Capital 1 0 30,000 75,000... 45,000 150.0% ' Total Expenditures $5,850 $30,000 $77,000 $47,000 .156.7% GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $6.114.412 $7.056.996 $8,192,094 $1.135.098 16.1% ALL FUNDS SUMMARY 01:44PM REVISED 1991-92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992-93 BUDGET 93sumal5..t3 1992-93 Adopted 1991-92 1991-92 ` S-455/$160 S Inc/ 1992-93 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 S Inc/ %Inc/ ' 1992-93 (Decr) %Inc/ REVENUES Actual Budget Revised (Decr) (Decr) PIoposed Adopted (Deer) Ad Valorem Taxes 52,437,703 S2,738,380 52,779,685 S41,305 1.5% . 52,909533. S171,153 6.3% Sales Tax 448,149 475,000 490,000 15,000 32% " 579,000 104,000 21.9% Franchise Fees 255,643 265,500 275,225 9,725 3.7% : 304,450; 38,950 14.7% Fines 233,650 285,000 I 226,500 (58,500) -20.5% '' 270,600 (14,400) -5.1% Charges for Services 36,980 41,000 37,500 (3,500) -8.5% ',.55,750 14,750 36.0% Permits/Fees 557,685 434,500 720;400 285,900 65.8% :652,250 217,650 50.1% Miscellaneous 92,211 27,440 46,840 19,400 70.7% 44454 17,014 62.0% Transfer-Utility Fund 159,446 159,446 '159;446 0 0.0% .. ' 267,295 107,849 67.6% Transfer-Insurance Fund 0 29,450 ,29,450. 0 0.0% ::0 (29,450)-100.0% Water Sales-residential 1,505,624 1,644,888 :: ::1597,650. (47,238) -2.9% 1,677,540. 32,652 2.0% WaterSales-commercial 313,720 411,222 399420. (11,802) -2.9% ' `:419,85 8,163 2.0% Wastewater Sales 97,953 88,914 %.'170;000. 81,086 912% 205;454 116,540 131.1% Sanitation Sales 19,816 200,350 '.;;:,::,..231;860: 31,510 15.7% ::258,000 57,650 28.8% Other Utility Charges 147,218 132,960 '"'i139,627 6,667 5.0% ; ..:: 145 067: 12,107 9.1% Interest Income 101.444 87,100 •...: : 87i100 0 0.0% i9Q97Q 33870 4.4% Total Revenues $6,407,242 $7,021,150 '$7,390,703 $369,553 5.3% . $7,879,648' $858,498 12.296 EXPENDITURES City Secretary S131,101 S122,310 . S119,581 (52,729) -2.2% .S148,656 S26,346 213% City Manager 136,856 120,464 123;077 7,613 6.3% : '• 137 645 17,181 143% Support Services 538,946 409.520 423.350 13.830 3.4% : _ .:509.397 99,877 24.4% General Gov Total $806,903 S652,294 .,.$671:008 $18,714 2.9% $795,698: $143,4134 22.0% Finance 170,569 196,883 • 199,582 2,699 1.4% :. :'202,498 5,615 2.9% Municipal Court 119.323 140.438 153,077 12,639 9.0% 160.510 20,072 143% Finance Total $289,892 S337,321 $352.659 $15,338 4.5% $363,008 $25,687 7.6% Fire 487,106 556,945 I 556,784. (161) -0.0% 556,782 (163) -0.0% Police 813,600 836,025 I 841,959 5,934 0.7% . • 893,289 57,264 6.8% Public Safety Support 257.721 313,940 I. 320,635 6.695 2.1% •. •- 366,392' 52.452 16.7% Public Safety Total S1,558,427 S1,706,910 S1,719,378 $12,468 0.7% ; S1,816,463. $109,553 6.4% Building Inspections 97,132 124,230 138,427 14,197 11.4% I:.158,432. 34,202 27.5% Streets/Drainage 649.127 597,178 612,004 14,826 2.5% : . 876,694 279,516 46.8% Parks and Recreation 115,998 120,385 92,I35 (28,250) -23.5% ' 210;517. 90,132 74.9% Public Works Admin 75,179 58,915 61,800 2,885 4.9% 91,360:: 32,445 55.1% Water 1,387,977 1,387,395 • .1,393;355 5,960 0.4% 1;605;572: 218,177 15.7% Wastewater 252,630 708,060 . 712,610 4,550 0.6% 559,601. (148,459) -21.0% Sanitation 0 179,710 203.225 23,515 13.1% • 232.200 52,490 100.0% Public Works Total S2,578,043 S3,175,873 S3,213,556 $37,683 1.2% . S3,734,376 $558,503 17.6% Community Dev.Total $148,187 $126,044 $141,669 $15,625 12.4% $194,137 $68,093 54.0% Transfer-General Fund 159,446 159,446 159,446 0 0.0% 267,295 107,849 67.6% Other 0 38,500 0 (38,500) -100.0% ' 25,000. (13,500) -35.1% Debt Service 573,514 860,608 860,608 0 0.0% ' 996.117 135,509 15.7% Total Expenditures $6.114.412 S7,056;996 : $7:118.324'. $61.328, 0.9% 38392,094. 1.135.098 16.1% Net Revenues $292,430 35 846 . ' $272,379- $308,225 •.':•.($312;446) Add:Proceeds from C.O.Sale S200,000 SO • S0 SO SO Add:Proceeds from Note 0 107,775 0 (107,775) , 0 Less:Reserve-Personnel 0 0 0 0 (70,006) Less:Reserve-Infrastructure (376,288) 0 0 0 0 Less:Transfer to Special Rev. 0 0 (796) (796) 0 Net Revenues 5116,542 571.929 S271.583 5199.654 ($382,446) Beginning Fund Balance S1,549,226 S1,665,768 S1;665,768 SO S1,937,35I Ending Fund Balance 51.665.768 S1.737.697 _31,937.351' S199.654 51.554.905 N CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSED BUDGET 1992-93 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 93cso4a t3 1991-92 1992-93 1990-91 Adopted Proposed $ Increase/ % Increase/ GENERAL FUND Actual Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) City Secretary/Mayor/Council Personnel $52,060 $51,160 $56,229 $5,069 9.9% Operations &Maintenance 78,891 71,150 85,577 14,427 20.3% Capital 150 0 6,850 6,850 100.0% Total 131,101 122,310 148,656 26,346 21.5% City Manager's Office Personnel 119,728 103,615 122,673 $19,058 18.4% Operations &Maintenance 15,075 11,521 12,472 951 8.3% Capital 2,053 5,328 2,500 (2,828) -53.1% Total 136,856 120,464 137,645 17,181 14.3% Support Services Personnel 0 0 20,673 20,673 100.0% Operations & Maintenance 332,921 408,520 475,224 66,704 16.3% Capital 206,025 1,000 13,500 12,500 1250.0% Total 538,946 409,520 509,397 99,877 24.4% Finance Personnel 83,667 111,470 103,263 (8,207) -7.4% Operations &Maintenance 81,612 85,413 85,515 102 0.1% Capital 5,290 0 13,720 13,720 100.0% Total 170,569 196,883 202,498 5,615 2.9% Municipal Court Personnel 72,059 80,835 83,082 2,247 2.8% Operations &Maintenance 42,323 59,603 76,728 17,125 28.7% Capital 4,941 0 700 700 100.0% Total 119,323 140,438 160,510 20,072 14.3% Fire Services Personnel 392,670 380,450 457,185 76,735 20.2% Operations &Maintenance 76,904 81,252 75,672 (5,580) -6.9% Capital 17,532' 95,243 23,925 (71,318) -74.9% Total 487,106 556,945 556,782 (163) -0.0% Police Services Personnel 608,708 607,720 703,350 95,630 15.7% Operations & Maintenance 105,188 128,505 110,539 (17,966) -14.0% Capital 99,704 99,800 79,400 (20,400) -20.4% Total 813,600 836,025 893,289 57,264 6.8% CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSED BUDGET 1992-93 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 1991-92 1992-93 1990-91 Adopted Proposed $ Increase/ % Increase/ GENERAL FUND Actual Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Public Safety Support Personnel $218,087 $270,085 $300,207 $30,122 ' 11.2% Operations &Maintenance 26,121 33,855 58,185 24,330 71.9% Capital 13,513 10,000 8,000 (2,000) -20.0% Total 257,721 313,940 366,392 52,452 16.7% Building Inspection Personnel 82,102 92,200 124,852 32,652 , 35.4% Operations&Maintenance 13,518 18,430 19,880 1,450 7.9% Capital 1,512 13,600 13,700 100 0.7% Total 97,132 124,230 158,432 34,202 27.5% Streets/Drainage Personnel 204,042 249,700 266,169 16,469 6.6% Operations &Maintenance 211,270 244,450 272,525 • 28,075 11.5% Capital 233,815 103,028 338,000 234,972 228.1% Total 649,127 597,178 876,694 279,516 46.8% Parks and Recreation Personnel 24,446 25,565 47,072 21,507 84.1% Operations & Maintenance 68,702 33,695 42,445 8,750 26.0% Capital 17,000 31,125 44,000 12,875 41.4% Total 110,148 90,385 133,517 ' 43,132 47.7% Public Works Administration Personnel 59,662 49,990 82,185 32,195 64.4% Operations &Maintenance 12,845 8,925 9,175 250 2.8% Capital 2,672 0 0 0 0.0% Total 75,179 58,915 91,360 32,445 55.1% Community Development Personnel 64,268 83,639 129,792 46,153 55.2% Operations.&Maintenance 81,968 42,405 57,845 15,440 36.4% Capital 1,951 0 6,500 ' 6,500 100.0% Total 148,187 ' 126,044 194,137 68,093 54.0% Non-Departmentalized 0 38,500 0 (38,500) TOTAL GENERAL FUND $3,734,995 $3,731,777 $4,429,309 $697,532 18.7% CITY OF SOUTHLAKE . - PROPOSED BUDGET 1992-93 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 1991-92 1992-93 1990-91 Adopted Proposed $ Increase/ % Increase! UTILITY FUND Actual Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decreasel Water Utilities Personnel $189,554 $263,425 $304,727 41,302 15.7% Operations & Maintenance 1,017,919 1,098,970 1,155,220 56,250 5.1% Capital 180,504 25,000 145,625 120,625 482.5% Total 1,387,977 1,387,395 1,605,572 218,177 15.7% Wastewater Utilities Personnel 28,450 30,030 54,689 24,659 82.1% Operations &Maintenance 223,131 593,030 501,212 (91,818) -15.5% Capital 1,049 85,000 3,700 (81,300) -95.6% Total 252,630 708,060 559,601 (148,459) -21.0% Sanitation Personnel 0 0 0 0 0.0% Operations & Maintenance 0 179,710 232,200 52,490 29.2% __`, Capital 0 0 0 0 0.0% Total 0 179,710 232,200 52,490 29.2% Non-Departmentalized Other 0 0 25,000 25,000 100.0% Debt Service 80,070 89,423 79,719 (9,704) -10.9% Operating Transfer 159,446 159,446 267,295 107,849 67.6% Total 239,516 248,869 372,014 123,145 49.5% TOTAL UTILITY FUND 1,880,123 2,524,034 2,769,387 245,353 9.7% DEBT SERVICE FUND Debt Service 493,444 543,306 665,435 122,129 22.5% Operating Transfer 0 227,879 250,963 23,084 10.1% Total 493,444 771,185 916,398 145,213 18.8% TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND SPECIAL REVENUE- PARKS/RECREATION FUND Operations &Maintenance 5,850 0 2,000 2,000 100.0% Capital 0 30,000 75,000 45,000 150.0% Total 5,850 30,000 ' 77,000 47,000 156.7% GRAND TOTAL $6,114,412 $7,056,996 $8,192,094 $1,135,098 16.1% CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSED BUDGET 1992-93 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 1991-92 1992-93 1990-91 Adopted Proposed $ Increase/ % Increase/ FUND Actual Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) General Fund Personnel $1,981,499 $2,106,429 $2,496,732 $390,303 18.5% Operations &Maintenance 1,147,338 1,227,724 1,381,782 154,058 12.5% Capital 606,158 359,124 550,795 191,671 53.4% Other 0 38,500 0. (38,500) -100.0% Total - 3,734,995 3,731,777 4,429,309 697,532 18.7% Utility Fund Personnel 218,004 293,455 359,416 65,961 22.5% Operations &Maintenance 1,241,050 1,871,710 1,888,632 16,922 0.9% Capital 181,553 110,000 149,325 39,325 35.8% Debt Service 80,070 89,423 79,719 (9,704) -10.9% Other 0 0 25,000 25,000 100.0% Operating Transfer 159,446 159,446 267,295 107,849 67.6% Total 1,880,123 2,524,034 2,769,387 245,353 9.7% Debt Service Fund Debt Service 493,444 543,306 665,435 122,129 22.5% Operating Transfer 0 227,879 250,963 23,084 10.1% Total 493,444 771,185 916,398 145,213 18.8% Special Revenue- Parks/Recreation Fund Operations &Maintenance 5,850 0 2,000 2,000 100.0% Capital 0 30,000 75,000 45.000 150.0% Total 5,850 30,000 77,000 47,000 156.7% GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS. 6,114,412 7,056,996 8,192,094 1,135,098 16.1% Personnel 2,199,503 2,399,884 2,856,148 456,264 19.0% Operations &Maintenance 2,394,238 3,099,434 3,272,414 172,980 5.6% Capital 787,711 499,124 775,120 275,996 55.3% Debt Service 573,514 632,729 745,154 112,425 17.8% Other 0 38,500 25,000. (13,500) -35.1% 1 Operating Transfer 159,446 387,325 518,258 130,933 33.8% Total 6,114,412 7,056,996 8,192,094 1,135,098 16.1% CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSED BUDGET 1992-93 PROPOSED PERSONNEL (1) 1991-92 1991-92 1992-93 Increase 1990-91 Adopted Revised Proposed (Decrease) FUND Actual Budget Budget Budget Revised'92 GENERAL FUND City Secretary/Mayor/Council 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.0 City Manager's Office 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 0.5 Support Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Finance 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 (1.0) Municipal Court 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 Fire Services 11.2 11.2 11.2 13.2 2.0 Police Services 18.0 18.0 18.0 20.0 2.0 Public Safety Support 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 Building Inspection 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 Streets/Drainage 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 0.0 Parks and Recreation 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 Public Works Administration 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 1.0 Community Development (2) 2.0 2.5 2.5 4.0 1.5 Total Personnel General Fund 65.2 67.2 68.2 76.2 8.0 UTILITY FUND Water Utilities 7.5 8.5 8.5 9.5 1.0 Wastewater Utilities 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 Total Personnel Utility Fund 7.5 9.5 9.5 11.5 2.0 GRAND TOTAL PERSONNEL 72.7 76.7 77.7 87.7 10.0 Full Time 74.0 76.0 77.0 86.0 9.0 Part Time/Temporary 0.7 0.7 0.7 1:7 1.0 Total Personnel 74.7 76.7 77.7 87.7 10.0 (1) Part time and temporary positions listed as an equivalent percentage of a full time position. ) (2) One part time intern position deleted, one full time position transferred from Finance Division, one full time position added. person.wk3 ) PROPERTY TAX pcop.4, 08r07/92 REVENUE ALLOCATION 1992-93 AMOUNT Total Appraised Value 1992 3696,518,652 Less Exemptions (—) (88263,835) Total Taxable Value (Assessed Value) (=) 608,254,817 Proposed Tax Rate (X) 0.45500 Estimated Tax Levy (_) 2,767.559 Estimated Percent of Collections (x) 97.00% Estimated Current Tax Collections (=) 2,684.533 Estimated Delinquent Collections, Penalty,and Interest (+) 225,000 Estimated Available Funds (=) S2,909,533 PROPOSED DISTRIBUTION GENERAL FUND RATE PERCENT TOTAL Current S032232 69.94% S1,877,484 Delinquent (+) 225,000 , Total General Fund (=) 2,102,484 DEBT SERVICE FUND Current 0.13268 30.06% 807,049 Total General and Debt Service Funds S0.45500 100.00% S2,909,533 HISTORICAL TAX INFORMATION DEBT NET GENERAL SERVICE TOTAL FISCAL TAXABLE FUND FUND TAX YEAR VALUE RATE RATE RATE 1992-93 S608,254,817 S032232 SO.13268 30.45500 1991-92 569,475,542 031985 0.13515 0.45500 1990-91 520,442,493 036750 0.07750 0.44500 1989-90 534,140,023:"' 035830 0.02990. 0.38820 1988-89 437,252,301 034820 0.04000 038820 1987-88 389,287,099 0.28831 0.04169 033000 1986-87 366,024,873 0.27480 0.04520 0.32000 1985-86 248,920,765 0.22900 0.03100 0.26000 1984-85 214,807,784 0.14300 0.03800 0.18100 1983-84 85,604,834 030750 0.10750 0.41500 1982-83 72,720,108 0.23500 0.18000 0.41500 CITY OF SOUTBILAKE CONSOLIDA'i'ED GENERAL FUND AND DEBT SERVICE FUND Ot:6/PM REVISED 1991-92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992-93 BUDGET 93sumalS.mt3 nanndr_ 1991-92 1992-93 Adopted S Inc/ 1991-92 •$.455/$100:: S Inc/ 1992-93 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 (Deer) %Inc/ :: .1992-93" (Deer) %Inc/ REVENUES Actual Budget Revised Adopted (_Decr) Proposed Adopted (Deer) Ad Valorem Taxes S2,437,703 S2,738,380 S2,779,685: S41,305 1.5% 52,909,533 S171,153 63% Sales Tax 448,149 475,000 490,000 15,000 32% .579,000 104,000 21.9% Franchise Fees 255,643 265,500 275,225. 9,725 3.7% -• " 304 450. 38,950 14.7% Fines 233,650 285,000 226,500 (58,500) -20.5% : " 270;600, (14,400) -5.1% Charges for Services 36,980 41,000 ;.:::'37;500 (3,500) -8.5% 55;750: 14,750 36,0% Permits/Fees 557,685 404,500 626;800 222,300 55.0% '>: ' :::^>'622150: 217,650 53.8% Miscellaneous 35,392 5,240 "..:::.;.:26,640. 15,400 293.9% E`".:::::•"e;17 340, 12,100 -230.9% •Transfer-Utility Fund 159,446 159,446 ,b9,446 0 0.0% :,• `::::267, 95 107,849 67.6% Transfer-Insurance Fund 0 29,450 29450 0 0.0% .0: (29,450)-100.0% Interest Income 76,878 62,600 : ;'.:;6 :600 0 0.0% `: , 65000" 240400 3.8% Total Revenues S4,241,526 S4,466,116 •.54;707846: 5241,730 5.4% $5,091 118: S625,002 14.0% EXPENDITURES City Secretary S131,101 S122,310 " S119,581 (S2,729) -2.2% • $148;656 S26,346 215% City Manager 136,856 120,464 ; 128;077' 7,613 6.3% "" 13.7;645. 17,181 143% Support Services 538,946 409.520 423.350" 13,830 3.4% " ..::, 509397. 99,877 24.4% General Gov Total S806.903 S652,294 i$671 008, S18,714 2.9% :::::$795:698" S143,404 22.0% Finance 170,569 196,883 '""199;582 2,699 1,4% : ': ;202,498. 5,615 2.9% Municipal Court 119.323 140,438 ". " 151677' 12.639 9.0% • 160,510 20,072 143% I Finance Total j $289,892 S337,321 $352":659 S15,338 4.5% S363 008 S25,687 7.6% Fire 487,106 556,945 556,784; (161) -0.0% " 556,782 (163) -0.0% Police 813,600 836,025 841,959 5,934 0.7% . 893;289 57,264 6.8% Public Safety Support 257.721 313,940 320.635 6,695 2.1% 366392 52.452 16.7% Public Safety Total S1,558,427 51,706,910 S1,719.378 $12,468 0.7% 51,816::463 S109,553 6.4% Building Inspections 97,132 124,230 .138,427 14,197 11.4% 158;432 34,202 27.5% Streets/Drainage 649,127 597,178 614004 14,826 2,5% :876,694. 279,516 46.8% Parks and Recreation 110,148 90,385 89;560; (825) -0.9% :.133;517 43,132 47.7% Public Works Admin 75,179 58,915 61:800: 2 885 4.9% ...91:360" 32,445 55.1% Public Works Total $931 586 S870,708 $901791 $31 083 3.6%i :. S1:260:003 S389,295 44.7% Community Dev,Total $148,187 $126,044 $141 669 S15,625 12.4% •'$194 137: $68,093 54.0% Note Payable 0 38,500 ;:':0. (38,500) -100.0% '`0" . (38,500)-100.0% Debt Service G.O.Bonds 493,444 771,185 I 771":185 0 0.0% 916.398 145213 18.8% Total Expenditures S4,228,439 S4,502,962 i S4,557,690 S54,728 1.2% S5,345,707 842,745 18.7% 4 , Net Revenues $13,087 i 36$46 1150,156 $187, 02 54 589 Add:Proceeds from C.O.Sale S200,000 0 0" SO : 0 Add:Proceeds from Note 0 107,775 0". 0 .!0 Less:Rome-Personnel 0 0 •: 0 0 Less:Reserve-infrastructure (376288) 0 . 0 0 p Less:Transfer to Special Rev. 0 0 I (796) 0_16) Net Revenues (5163,201) §70.929 1 S149.360 S78,431 ($324,589) 1 "" Beginning Fund Balance 51.151,422 S988,221 51,059,150 S70,929 • $1,208,510 Ending Fund Balance S988221 S1.059.150 S1.208510 5149.360 S883,921 r CITY OF SOUTITLAKE GENERAL FUND 01:44 PM REVISED 1991-92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992-93 BUDGET 93stma15.%t3 0&07/92 ....:.: 1991-92 1992-93 S Inc/ 1991-92 $.455/$100. S Inc/ 1992-93 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 (Decr) %Inc/ 1992=93:: (Decr) %Ind REVENUES Actual Budget Revised Adopted (Decr) . Proposed Adopted (Decr) Ad Valorem Taxes S2,028,967 S1,968,695 $2,010,000. S41,305 2.1% ..:•:52,102,484 S133,789 6.8% Sales Tax 448,149 475,000 .490,000 15,000 3.2% 579;000 104,000 21.9% Franchise Fees 255,643 265,500 275,225. 9,725 3.7% : 304,450 38,950 14.7% Fines 233,650 285,000 226,500 (58,500) -20.5% : 270;600 (14,400) -5.1% Charges for Services 36,980 41,000 37,500: (3,500) -8.5% :'S5;750. 14,750 36.0% Permits/Fees 557,685 404,500 626;800; 222,300 55.0% ¢a,' 622454. 217,650 53.8% Miscellaneous 35,392 5,240 20;640. 15,400 293.9% 11,340 12,100 230.9% Transfer-Utility Fund 159,446 159,446 ::. ::::;159,446: 0 0.0% ;159.446 0 0.0% Transfer-Insurance Fund 0 29,450 ::29;450: 0 0.0% : ,i i: :';:::.`;::'0 (29,450)-100.0% Interest Income 66,780 50,000 `:50,000 0 0.0% !'50.000: 0 0.0% Total Revenues $3,822,692 S3,683,831 $3,925 561 $241,730 6.6% $4;161,220 $477,389 13.0% EXPENDITURES City Secretary S131,101 S122,310 • $119;581•: ($2,729) -2.2% ':. 5148;656 S26,346 21.5% City Manager 136,856 120,464 '°:12077: 7,613 6.3% 137,645: 17,181 143% Support Services 538.946 409,520 .: :. .423.350. 13,830 3.4% 509:397 99,877 24.4% General Gov Total $806,903 $652,294 $671,008: $18,714 2.9% 'S795,698 $143,404 22.0% Finance 170,569 196,883 :•;199 82 2,699 1.4% ;'' 202,498 5,615 2.9% Municipal Court 119,323 140,438 . 153:077i 12,639 9.0% 160.510 20,072 143% Finance Total i $289,892 S337,321 $352.659 $15,338 4.5% $363.008 $25,687 7.6% Fire 487,106 556,945 .556,784. (161) -0.0% 556;782 (163) -0.0% Police 813,600 836,025 841,959 5,934 0.7% 893,289 57,264 6.8% Public Safety Support 257,721 313.940 320:635 6,695 2.1% ' 366,392. 52,452 16.7% Public Safety Total S1,558,427 S1,706,910 $1,719,378. $12,468 0.7% S1;816,463 $109,553 6.4% Building Inspections 97,132 124,230 138,427 14,197 11.4% 158,432 34,202 27.5% Streets/Drainage 649,127 597,178 612,004; 14,826 2.5% 876,694 279,516 46.8% Parks and Recreation 110,148 90,385 89,560 (825) -0.9% I. 133,517: 43,132 47.7% Public Works Admin 75,179 58,915 I. 61:800 2885 4.9% 91.360: 32,445 55.1% Public Works Total $931,586 $870,708 $901,791 $31,083 3.6% . S1;260;003 $389,295 44.7% Community Dev.Total $148,187 $126,044 .:: $141,669: $15,625 12.4% $194;137. S68,093 54.0% Note Payable 0 38,500 `..0'• (38,500) 0.0% 1 0: (38,500)-100.0% Debt Service G.O.Bonds 0 0 : 0 0 0.0% - . . 0 0 0.0% Total Expenditures S3,734,995 $3,731,777 $3,786,505 $54,728 1.5% S4,429,309 $697,532 18.7% Net Revenues $87,697 47 946 $139,056 $187,002 ($268,089)(S220,143) Add:Proceeds from C.O.Sale S200,000 SO SO S0 SO S0 Add:Proceeds from Note 0 107,775 . .:0: (107,775) .0 (107,775) Less:Reserve Personnel 0 0 0' 0 (70,000) (70,000) Less:Reserve-infrastructure (376,288) 0 ".0 0 =. 0.: 0 Less:Transfer to Special Rev. 0 0 (796) (796) 0 0 Net Revenues (S88.591) S59,829 S138.260 S78.431 (S338,089) (S397,918) I Beginning Fund Balance S963,811 S875,220 S875,220 SO .S1,013;480 S138,260 Ending Fund Balance S875,220 S935.049 S1.013.480 S78.431 . . S675,391 ($259,658) (/1-- / 3 • CITY OF SOUTHL.AKE . UTILITY FUND 013SPM REVISED 1991-92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992--93 BUDGET 93.tatals..,k3 osm,92 1991-92 1992-93 S Inc/ 1991-92 :` S Inc/ 1990-91 1991-92 •1991=92 (Deer) %Inc/ ::::1992-=93 (Dea) 1992-93 REVENUES Actual Budget ••::Revised::: Adopted (Deer) ::>:PrapOsed:: Adopted %Inc/ Miscellaneous S51,556 S21,200 . .521400 S200 0.9To ':::":::.;::'•S22,118'• 5918 4.3% Interest Income 24,566 24,500 24,500" 0 0.0% :::25;970; 1,470 6.0% Water Sales-residenHai 1,505,624 1,644,888 1;597,650 (47,238) -2.9% >1,67740 32,652 2.0% Water Sales-commercial 313,720 411,222 ::.:; :.399;420 (11,802) -2.9% : •' ': '419;385; 8,163 • 2.0% Sewer Sales 97,953 88,914 i*:-:170,004 81,086 912% ?<::>':;'::205;454 116,540 . 131.1% Sanitation Sales 19,816 200,350 ,:.: ...:231860 31,510 15.7% ;: :: '258,000 57,650 28.8% • Other utility charges 147218 132.960 :?; : 13• 9 627: 6,667 5.0% E : .':'.::145 067: 12.107 9.1% Total Revenues $2,160,453 $2,524,034 ;52584457 $60,423 2.4% '? �527535.34 $229,500 9.1% •EXPENSES Other $0 SO '<,'`:'`> ::'`$0 50 0.0% - < '>; S25'004 $25 000 100.0% Debt Service-Revenue Bonds 80,070 89423 •-:''::::`:,89;423. 0 0.0% << '*::i:79719, (9,704) -10.9% Water •.::: : : ............ 1,387,977 1,387,395 : '; 1393 355: 5,960 0.4% `;;;;.;::;'1;605 572• 218,177 15.7% Sewer 252,630 708,060 :;:'712,610. 4,550 0.6% ` :;`:;'.; 554;601: (148,459) -21.0% Sanitation 0 179,710 4"<':''::'.203225; 23,515 13.1% :; :.: ;232,20Q: 52,490 292% Operating TrandaOut 159.446 159.446 ':''`'>'"'159:446 0 0.0% <:<:`:267295: 107.849 ' 67.6% Total Expenses 1 S80 123 $2,524 034 : 55&059:: $34,025 1.3% $2;769 387 $245,353 9.7% Net Revenues $280.330 0 ;::. : 48` ,:::: :.525:;853j - . Beginning working capital S394,186 5674,516 :'c'5674,516'. .. 5700 914 Endingwackingeapital $674,516 S674,516 .5T00;914` .. $685,061 5L/ � f T i • CITY OF SOUTBELAICE 2. DEBT SERVICE FUND ot3 PM REVISED 1991-92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992-93 BUDGET 93.umal5..h3 oamn 1991-92 1992-93 :Adopted:;:: S Inc/ 1991-92 : :;$.455/$100:: S Inc/ 1990-91 1991-92 •:::1991-42..: (Deer) %Inc/ E> 1992`-93'� (Deer) 1992-93 REVENUES Actual Budget . :Revised;.s Adopted (Deer) ::PLOpOsed':: Adopted %Inc/ Ad Valorem Taxes S408,736 S769,685 5769c685.. SO 0.0% :`::::::':` 580'I049:. S37,364 4.9% Interest Income 10,098 12,600 >: ::`:;::12 600=: 0 0.0% ':.:'.::. ': 25 000: 2,400 19.0% Operating Transfer In 0 0 '.`.:'. i:::.':>'r:0; 0 0.0% :`: :i:z 207,849 107,849 100-0% Total Revenues $418,834 $782,285 ::;::'.$7820?5 S0 0_0% :.:; ::: $9929 98:. $147,613 18.9% EXPENDITURES N ITU RES Principal S60,000 S205,000 r :?s>5205,000i SO 0.0% :?'':]:..-. $240000:` 35 000 7. .:: ;. S 1 1°�6 Interest 433,444 336,806 >336,806 0 0.0% : ::;:;?::`:`423935; 87,129 25.9% Admin.Expenses 0 1,500 :>;:`:::a<.:1500 0 0.0% >z:`>:«?`>ii.i'::1:; 00: 0 0.0% Operating Transfer/ a. Water/Sewer Fund 0 227,879 :::'.::<:227879: 0 0.0% .<:.`::..250.963 23,084 10.1% Total Expenditures $493,444 $771,185 :,.:$771,18S; $0 0.0% :: :::$916 398 $145,213 18.8% Net Revenues ($74.610) $11.100 %:$11100.: SO 0.0% .';`'::<.:$13500.: $2.400 Beginning Fund Balance S187,611 S113,001 ::'. 5113001: S0 0.0% ':>:"".:$124101:` Ending Fund Balance 5113.001 ,5124,101, ` $124;101<: SO 0.0% i<. `::::S$137;601.' • Ic CITY OF SOUTHLAKE .. SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Parks/Recreation o1 PM REVISED 1991-92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992-93 BUDGET 93uniaIS..t3 aerorAz 1991-92 `i 1992- 93 Adopted S I I— nc/ 199 92 M $In d 1990-91 1991-92 ::::1991-92:: (Deer) %Inc/ €<1992'-933�:........... . (Deer) 1992-93 REVENUES Actual Budget :'%Revisedf>: Adopted (Deer) <:::Proposed,.. Adopted %Inc/ Permits/Fees S0 530,000 i.•?.:::r$.. 000 363,600 212.0% : :': :i: 30,000. S0 0.0% Miscellaneous 5263 110000 i. >� ::4;St10 3.800 380.0% ::::::':::.:ii: :'4:996= 3996 399.6% Total Revenues $5,263 $31,000 ^>:598;400 $67,400 217.4% > 1:$34.,G3 $3,996 12.9% EXPENDITURES Park Improvements S 0 $30 ,000 ; .$4. (S30,OOD) 0.0% €�<```<<':: 57rr;OQQ; 545,000 150.0°,b • Parks and Recreation 5 850 0 : " .'r'<:2``7•': :::. .575 2,575 100.0% ::: i:: 2 k 2,000 100.0% _ Total Expenditures $5,850 $30,000 ;: : $2,5:7s ($27,425) —91.4% >:>«:'`>$TF.'000 7 000 Net Revenue 5 Beginning Fund Bala nce� 6 g S3 18 S3,031 :'<>�>:<>�:>: ::S3031 SO <s>;<S9$856 Ending Fund Balance 53,031, $4.031 ';`:•.$98;856 594.825, :'; ;'$56 852 `•yi ORDINANCE NO. 570 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, FIXING AND LEVYING MUNICIPAL AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1992 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30,, 1993, AND FOR EACH YEAR THEREAFTER UNTIL OTHERWISE PROVIDED, AT THE RATE OF $0 .4550 PER ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ( $100 . 00) ASSESSED VALUE ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, AS OF JANUARY 1, 1992, TO PROVIDE REVENUES FOR THE PAYMENT OF CURRENT EXPENSES AND TO PROVIDE AN INTEREST AND SINKING FUND ON ALL OUTSTANDING DEBTS OF THE CITY; DIRECTING THE ASSESSMENT THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR DUE AND DELINQUENT DATES TOGETHER WITH PENALTIES AND INTEREST THEREON; PROVIDING FOR PLACE OF PAYMENT; PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF THE TAX ROLLS PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas (hereinafter referred to as the "City" ) hereby finds that the tax for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1992, and ending September 30, 1993, hereinafter levied for current expenses of the City and the general improvements of the City and its property must be levied to provide the revenue requirements of the budget for the ensuing year; and WHEREAS, the City Council has approved, by a separate ordinance adopted on the 1st day of September, 1992, the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1992, and ending September 30, 1993; and WHEREAS, all statutory and constitutional requirements concerning the levying and assessing of ad valorem taxes have been complied with. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. Section 2 . That there is hereby levied and ordered to be assessed and collected for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1992 , and ending September 30, 1993, and for each V fiscal year thereafter until it be otherwise provided by and ordained on all taxable property, real, personal and mixed, situated within the corporate limits of the City of Southlake, Texas, and not exempt from taxation by the Constitution of the State and valid State laws, an ad valorem tax rate of $0 .4550 for the general operations of the City on each One Hundred Dollars ($100 .00) assessed value of taxable property, and shall be apportioned and distributed as follows: a. For the purpose of defraying the current expenses of the municipal government of the City, a tax of $0 . 32232 on each One Hundred Dollars ( $100 .00) assessed value of all taxable property. b. For the purpose of creating a sinking fund to pay the interest and principal on all outstanding debt of the City, not otherwise provided for, a tax of $0 . 13268 on each One Hundred Dollars ($100 . 00) assessed value of all taxable property, within the City which shall be applied to the payment of such interest and maturities of all outstanding debt. Section 3 . That all ad valorem taxes shall become due and payable on December 31, 1992 , and all ad valorem taxes for the year shall become delinquent after January 31, 1993 . There shall be no discount for payment of taxes prior to said January 31, 1993 . A delinquent tax shall incur all penalty and interest authorized by State law Section 33. 01 of the Property Tax Code, to-wit : a penalty of six percent ( 6%) of the amount of the tax for the first calendar month it is delinquent plus one percent ( 1%) for each additional month or portion of a month the tax remains unpaid prior to July 1st. of the year in which it becomes delinquent. Provided, however, a tax delinquent by July 1st. incurs a total penalty of twelve percent ( 12%) of the amount of the delinquent tax without regard to the number of months the tax has been delinquent. A delinquent tax shall also accrue interest at a rate of one percent ( 1%) for each month or portion of a month the tax remains unpaid. Taxes that remain delinquent on July 1 , 1993 , incur an additional penalty of fifteen percent ( 15%) of the amount of taxes, penalty and interest due; such additional penalty is to defray costs of collection due to contract with the City' s attorney pursuant to Section 6 . 30 of the Property Tax Code. Section 4 . Taxes are payable at the office of Tarrant County Tax Collector. The City shall have available all rights and remedies provided by law for the enforcement of the collection of taxes levied under this Ordinance. Section 5 . That the tax rolls, as presented to the City Council, together with any supplement thereto, be, and the same are hereby approved. Ordinance No. 570 j Section 6 . That any and all ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations, policies or provisions inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby expressly repealed and rescinded to the extent of the inconsistency or conflict. Section 7 . If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereto any person or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which. remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 8 . That the necessity of fixing and levying municipal ad valorem taxes of the City for the next fiscal year as required by the laws of the State of Texas, requires that this Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this day of , 19 Gary Fickes, Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading this day of , 19 Gary Fickes, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary City Attorney Date: Adopted: Effective: Ordinance No. 570 -3- a L R ORDINANCE NO. .5-6 g AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR REGISTRATION OF CONTRACTORS ENGAGED IN WORK ON CONSTRUCTION; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; REQUIRING INFORMATION FOR APPLICATION; REQUIRING CERTAIN AllAiligniLICENSES; REQUIRING FEES; PROVIDING FOR THE WITHHOLDING � OF PERMITS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORK; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas, is a home rule cit , / acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 0 the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that in order to protect its citizens and to assure that construction work in the /OSA City is perforated to standards mandated by the City codes, it i=% `' I necessary to require registration of all construction contractors; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF BOUTHLARE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Title. This ordinance shall be known . = the contractor's licensing ordinance. SECTION 2. Definitions. In this ordinance; j (a) CITY means the City of Southlake, Texas. ' (b) CONTRACTOR means a person, firm, association, or corporation that performs work for hire within the City that is required or useful for the construction, repair, alteration, . removal, or demolition of a structure or of an appurtenance that connects to the City's water or sewer service. (c) ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR means a contractor who performs work subject to regulation under the National Electrical Code as /<—gi published by the National Fire Protection' Association and adopted by the City. (d) IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR means a contractor who performs work as an irrigator as defined in Section 34 .001, Texas Water Code. (e) MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR means an air conditioning and refrigeration contractor as defined in Article 8861, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes. (f) PLUMBING CONTRACTOR means a contractor who performs work on plumbing as defined in Article 6243-101, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes. SECTION 3. Registration Required. All contractors must register with the City building official before performing work within the City. This registration must be renewed annually. Application for registration and renewal must be on a form provided by the building official and contain the following information: (a) full name of person seeking registration and any assumed name under which the person does business; (b) permanent business or residential address; (c) business and residential telephone numbers; (d) proof of license as required in Section 4 and a list of all licensed employees; and (e) other information determined by the building official to be necessary to identify or locate the contractor. SECTION 4. Required Licenses. (a) Before the building official may approve registration for an irrigation, mechanical, or plumbing contractor, the contractor must show proof of a current - 2 FILLIUINb , 13HF,KL i t ILL tsl r—aeu—.7�DO nuy 1v ! 1L 11 •J�• 4L state license authorizing the contractor to practice his or her trade in this state as an irrigator, air conditioning and refrigeration contractor, or plumber. (b) Before the building official may approve registration for an electrical contractor, the contractor must show proof of a current license as a master electrician from an incorporated city within the state that administers an examination for the licensing of electricians. SECTION 5. Vees. (a) Contractors must pay an annual registration fee. The first annual registration fee for a contractor is $ and ' must be paid in full in advance of registration. An annual renewal fee of $ must be paid within 30 days before the expiration of the previous registration. If a contractor fails to pay the annual renewal fee within the required 30 days, the registration expires and the fee for renewal shall be the same as the original fee. (b) Because of restrictions under state law, plumbing contractors and mechanical contractors are not required to pay a fee under this section but must nevertheless renew their registration annually in order to maintain a current registration. SECTION 6. Issuance of Permits. The building official shall not issue a permit to a contractor or for work to be done by a contractor who is not currently registered with the City. SECTION 7. Cumulative Clause. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which - 3 _ l//3 event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 8. Severability Clause. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 9. Penalty Clause. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each offense,. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 10. Pamphlet Form Publication Clause . The City Secretary of the City of Southiake is hereby authorized to publish this ordinance in book or pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the operative provisions of this ordinance as so published shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without further proof than the production thereof. SECTION 11. Newspaper Publication Clause. The City Secretary //,4y ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 12. Effective Date Clause. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON TEIS DAY OF 1992. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON TEIs DAY OF , 1992. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY - 5 - ///9s APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney Date: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: a:sl\cmtractor.ord — S — //44 j City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM CITYMANAGER • August 12, 1992 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, City Planner SUBJECT: TIMBER LAKE, PHASE 2, REVISIONS TO THE AMENITY AREA The developer for Timber Lake has requested a modification to their common area (Lot 48) along the southeast edge of their property. They intend to delete lots 43, 44, 45 and turn them into common area with a recreation center and swimming pool. They will add back two new lots (36, 37) in the common area where the lake is shown on the exhibit. The net effect will be one less lot and increased common area. . i Staff feels that language shown on the approved Concept Plan for this development allows enough flexibility to make these changes without requiring the processing of a revised Concept Plan and Development Site Plan. We would, however, like ,for the City Council to be aware that this modification is planned in case they have concern over the changes being made. Please place this on the next available Council agenda as a discussion item. GL/lc Attachments: 1 - Existing Concept Plan 2 - Revised Concept Plan • c:i»PfilestP&ZI12.a AIS‘N . c \ . . . - . 1 7.) • • i. lol k/t 'Common Area _ ._i- Gr '(.�, L?. /yy \ Camnwn Are 'I r.t • 11%111t8111 IealuP ) .._) j\, .• ,% •_•: '-' `itjgivu/bite 11 ... localiol�!11 ' \ %--_^~� N .•.• 5°S. 10' LI-is, Gr (�lt• i 10001 / '�J1 ..,7„...... • ,. ` .\. , Gazebo. N / -f��~ �<--• � k.. _ Extended ccrt --, \ -N e--- 8.. 's, . 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