1993-08-03 CC PACKET A • SOUTHLAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL • PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-1994 • SOUTHLAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL • PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-1994 Budget Items Amount Salaries & Taxes $15,000.00 Telephone/Voice Mail 2,000.00 Printing/Supplies 1,500.00 Promotional 4,000.00 Dues/Mem./Sub. 100.00 Postage/Freight 2,000.00 Furn./Equip. 2,000.00 Travel/Training 100.00 Utilities 600.00 Accounting/Prof.Svc. 300.00 Office Rental 3,750.00 Insurance 200.00 Miscellaneous 250.00 Other Operating TOTAL EXPENSES $31,800.00 Funding Funding 1993-1994 1992-1993 City Participation $21,200 $22,000 Chamber Participation 10,6001 11.000 Total Funding: $31,8002 $33,000 1 Total Chamber budget is approximately $75,000. 110 2 Does not include $13,000 in current reserves. • SOUTHLAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Accomplishments • Ally Cities Program of Greater Dallas Chamber • Staff support for Ally Cities Program • Southlake Economic Profile • Southlake Fast Facts • Citizen Survey on Economic Development • Business Retention/Expansion Survey • • Metroport Cities Promotional Video • Southlake Promotional Video • Presentation on Pegasus Project • Presentation on TIG Holdings Project • Discussions with DFW re Noise Corridor development • Disbursal of information pertaining to Southlake • Disbursal of information on prospects from Ally Cities program S .I' SOUTHLAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL 93-94 Projects • Update Economic Profile • Update Fast Facts • Finalize Property Profile • Business visitations re retention/expansion • Update and utilize Fantus Forte program • Tax Abatement policy suggestion to City Council • Under Consideration • Participate in F.M. 1709 Corridor Study • Participate in developer's trade show • Business round-table discussions • Participation in developer's handbook from City • o " City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM July 30 , 1993 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting - August 3, 1993 1 . Agenda Item No. 4 . City Manager' s Report . We will report on the status of our water situation and the SH114 trip during this time . 2 . Agenda Item No. 5A. Interlocal Agreement, TML Group Benefits Risk Pool . As pointed out in the memo from Lou Ann Heath, Finance Director, most of the changes are technical . The new agreement makes it clearer which provisions of the Risk Pool operate under Chapter 172 of the Local Government Code, and which operate under Chapter 791 . There is also new language setting out the responsibility of the employer member (City) to notify terminating or retiring employees of their conversion right . We comply with our legal notification requirements . The changes described in the memo from Terry Hale, Executive Director of the TML Risk Pool, have been highlighted for your review. • 3 . Agenda Items 5B. and 5C. provide for renewal of existing contracts for services, an agreement with Tarrant County for the collection of ad valorem taxes, and an agreement with TRA for wastewater sampling/testing. Currently we contract with Tarrant County for tax collection because they can provide the service more effectively and efficiently than. we could do otherwise. . r Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting, August 3 , 1993 July 30 , 1993 Page 2 • We are required to conduct industrial wastewater inspections by state and federal laws, and under terms of our service agreement with the TRA for participation in the TRA Big Bear Creek Sewer Interceptor line to the TRA Central Wastewater treatment plant . - 4 . Agenda Item No. 5D, off-site utility easement for Princeton Park. The City requires a utility easement dedication in order to tie the water line in Princeton Park to a line in Continental Blvd. The developer has obtained the necessary approvals of the property owners . The dedication instrument • will facilitate compliance with City requirements . The dedication instrument should be considered independently of the Princeton Park issues, and will be filed only if the plat is filed. 5 . Agenda Item No. 7A. Ordinance No. 480-90, 2nd Reading, Rezoning and Concept Plan for Princeton Park. Note the comments in the staff memo. The developer has provided stubs to the west and south as recommended by City Council last meeting. Staff concurs with the new alignments; Greg Last has noted that the stub south might also allow single family along the east side of the stub, thereby reducing commercial at the corner to 2-3 acres rather than 5 acres . 6 . Agenda Item No. 7B. Ordinance No. 587, 2nd Reading, TU Electric Franchise Agreement . The agreement in your packet is identical to the first reading. Recall that TU Electric wanted to add back a sentence to the last paragraph in Section 6 , which would read: " . . . 1993 -Ordinance No. 587 amending the .............................. current franchise between the City and TU Electric . maim r >a .efdu f :.:; c :<.°>:<° °et": ...................................................... ..... :. >::>Rfec : vex: da 4<:> : :>:> a : :: amendme : :, :. .:::: .... ......:...:......:::..eEeb..::.:;:aigEe:gg::::>:ES::>:;ri.!6.:•:af:gaEC»ali::>::.�:c0d:::>::�:�:�::�h:::»s,+r.:�: h<:::::��h� Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting, August 3 , 1993 July 30, 1993 Page 3 : :E]J.7i::::::>:or:>€:"•<•e:fo:.:•::..::::> ::.:<::.e ................................................... . current:::»:>,:;.:.::..;:.ncme:<<:€and:>:><: o€:€<:€inc ude:>:» : ::::: ::::.:: i t e.;:::::>::;» >i€€: is i>'€€> iii e H ;;e d< "'ro de i immkso<€< 4 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. We did not add the sentence back in. If TU Electric is to negotiate in good faith, the provision is not necessary. We would like to omit any reference to the 15 year period provided in Section 3 because it pertains to the $4 million rate case reimbursement threshold which TU - Electric has insisted is not negotiable . Concerning the $4 million threshold and the "not negotiable" position, TU Electric has changed the threshold for the City of Fort Worth. Apparently TU Electric will also accept a different proposal from Carrollton. There is no overriding need for the City of Southlake to hold out for different provisions in that, given our size, we are not likely to actively challenge the rate increase proposals of TU Electric during the lifetime of the franchise agreement, which expires in November, 2006 . If approved, TU Electric estimates we will receive an additional $11, 000 revenue this fiscal year, and more than $20, 000 next year. . 7 . Agenda Item No. 7C. Ordinance No. 588 , 2nd Reading, Tri- County Election Rate Increase. City Council approved the rate increase request on first reading. No changes have been made since first reading. Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting, August 3 , 1993 July 30, 1993 Page 4 8 . Agenda Item No. 8A. Ordinance No. 480-92, 1st Reading, rezoning and concept plan for 19 .414 acres at 2929 North White Chapel (Massey property) . Note the staff memo comments . FYI, the existing drive will be upgraded to meet fire lane standards . 9 . Agenda Item No. 8B . ZA 93-49 . Preliminary Plat of Fina Addition. Note in staff comments that the plat contains a private drive, not a private street . 10 . Agenda Item No. 8C, ZA 93-42 , Revised Preliminary Plat , SouthRidge Lakes, Phase VII . The developer has resubmitted the revised preliminary plat for Phase VII submitted last meeting. Since the developer withdrew his request, he is able to bring it back to City Council without going back to P&Z. Greg Last and I met with the developer, Sean Randall, and his engineer, John Levitt Tuesday afternoon, July 27, and reviewed the various alignments discussed at last City Council meeting. Given the constraints with the lot dimensions, the road access reservation to the east, and the concern for traffic safety if the trees are too close to the roadway, there appears to be no viable alternative to the roadway alignment as proposed in the revised plat . The developer stated last meeting that he would provide the same treatment to the trees at the intersection of SouthRidge Lakes Drive and Peytonville as done at the other end, in order to facilitate keeping the trees at the intersection. Developer will include language to this effect in the. developer' s agreement when it comes before City Council . Developer has also indicated that his developer' s agreement will contain a provision for tree planting in the landscaping of the parkway to the east of the proposed roadway adjacent to Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting, August 3 , 1993 July 30, 1993 Page 5 Raven Bend. The developer performed a tree inventory to locate the existing trees in and along the proposed roadway alignment and had included .it in your last packet . The developer did this on his own initiative to make the City Council aware of the trees to be removed. (I believe this is the only time a developer has done this during my almost five years with the City. ) Given the heightened sensitivity of the City to tree removal issues in the last year, the developer conducted the inventory independent of staff suggestions . The inventory and the plan to plant trees in the parkway between SouthRidge Lakes Drive and Raven Bend is indicative of Arvida' s efforts toward saving and planting trees within the subdivision. As a reminder, the developer' s agreement is a separate issue from the plat . FYI, for future reference, I asked the attorney to give us a written legal opinion on the criteria for plat approval . The opinion is attached hereto. 11 . Agenda Item No. 11A. Bicentennial Park Entrance Sign. The park and Recreation Board has suggested a design for a sign to be placed at the entrance to Bicentennial Park. A copy of the design and a location sketch are in your packet . Two CISD high school students sketched the proposed design. A Park Board representative will present the proposed sign to City Council . Points to ponder in considering a park entrance sign concerns issues of consistency and compatability. Our park ordinance (Ord. #515) requires a sign indicating hours of park use. Do we have more than one (1) sign? Are all future park signs to be identical? Will there be a design- that incorporates a graphic different from our logo? There may be other issues Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting, August 3 , 1993 July 30, 1993 Page 6 and concerns from City Council . The Park and Recreation Board and staff would like your direction. 12 . Agenda Item No. 11B. This item will be a discussion of the proposed Budget . We will go over the summary sheets and also have a presentation from the SEDC and our Joint Utilization projects . We will hand out the line item work sheets Tuesday night . r 1LLL 11YV! DrimmL 1 I _A ram. ICL• Olf-JVV FIELD[NG, BARRE'IT & TAYLOR, L.L.P. Carvan E.Adkim AT RORNEYS Swan S.Jones 40 Robert M.Allibon ATRIUM CENTRE. Wayne X.Olson Daniel R.Barrett* 8851.HIGHWAY 90 W STE 300 'Elm G.Sralb ' Elizabeth Elam PORT WORTH IX 76116.6041 J.Mark Sudduth David Fielding TBLF.PIIONE(817)360-0303 B.Mica rr,Ira Josephine Garrets FAX(817)560-3953 James P.W E.,Glenn Gidel Wendy R.Wilson Dwayne D.Hitt Analcslic Munry Susan H.Holloway .of Counsel *Board Certified Personal Injury Trial LawV— "Board Certified Civil Appellate Law— Trans Board of Legal Specialization Texas Board of Legal Specialization Civil Trial Sctalint• National Board of Trial Advocacy July 30, 1993 • Mr. Curtis E. Hawk VIA 7ACSPMILE 817/481-0036 City Manager City of Southiake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southiake, TX 76092 Re: Criteria for Plat Approval Dear Curtis: This letter is in response to your questions regarding the proper criteria for the approval of plats that are submitted to the city. Chapter 212 of the Local Government Code requires the filing of a plat on new property that is divided into two or more parts to lay out a subdivision. This statute sets forth specific requirements that must be met for the platting of property. Section 212.010 provides that the municipal authority responsible for approving plats fthe City Council] shall approve a plat if: 1. it conforms to the general plan of the municipality and its current and future streets, alleys, parks, playgrounds and public utility facilities; 2. it conforms to the general plan for the extension of the municipality and its roads, streets and public highways within the municipality and in its extraterritorial jurisdiction, taking into account access to and extension of sewer and water mains and the instrumentalities of public utilities; 3. a bond required under section 212.0106,if applicable, is filed with the municipality; and 4. it conforms to any rules adopted under Section 212.002. The rules that may be adopted under Section 212.002 must substantially promote the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the municipality and the safe, orderly and healthful development of the municipality. The requirement for plat approval under i��. ...i.v. ui n �� i �� vie ✓vv v�✓v ....... .�.. �., r.� .... .... .....� oiet Mr. Curtis E. Hawk July 30, 1993 Page 2 Section 212.010 has been held by Texas Courts to be a ministerial duty on the pan of the City Council. Unlike zoning decisions which are left to the discretion of the City.Council to determine the appropriateness of a particular classification, the approval of a plat is deemed to be automatic if it conforms to the general plan of the city and the rules and regulations that have been adopted by the city for the implementation of that plan. This basically means that the city may adopt regulations providing minimum standards for street layouts, park dedications, lot sizes,water and sewer extensions and related criteria. These are set out in the city subdivision ordinance and the subdivision rules and regulations. If the developer meets these requirements and the requirements of the statute, the plat should be approved. It is my opinion that the council does have the authority to enforce reasonable requirements or impose reasonable revisions on a submitted plat If the council in its discretion deems the requirements necessary in order for the plat to conform to the general plan of the municipality. For example, as long as the council's decision conforms to the general criteria set forth in the plan for the extension of streets within the city, it is my opinion that the council may require a realignment or addition of a roadway if it is deemed reasonably necessary for the circulation of traffic within the city. However, any such revisions should be substantially related to public safety in this regard. Whether the council may require realignment of the roadway in order to preserve trees is questionable. A realignment of the roadway for this purpose would be subject to attack unless it could be shown that the realignment was rationally related to a legitimate health or safety reason. This will particularly be true if the realignment of the roadway substantially diminishes the developers ability to subdivide his property in accordance with the city's regulations. Very truly yours, /C, Wayne K. Olson WKO:njjw C1ri1csAinuniVinkollettcriNhawlcOmitr City of Southlake, Iexas MEMORANDUM July 27, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement-TML Group Benefits Risk Pool Texas Municipal League (TML) has presented the City with a revised Interlocal Agreement for the Group Benefits Risk Pool . This is the City' s employee insurance program for medical, life, and dental benefits . Southlake has contracted with TML for group benefit services since fiscal year. 1990 . The specific revisions to the Interlocal Agreement are discussed in the memorandum from Terry Hale, Executive Director of the Group Benefits. Risk Pool . Most of the revisions are of a technical nature, and were 'recommended by TML attorneys . Approval of the revised interlocal agreement is not a commitment by the City to any extension of the current contract for Group Benefits beyond the end of the fiscal year. The City Council must review and approve the interlocal agreement . Please place this on the August 2 agenda for approval . LAH tmlgroup BERIEZENSEEM Corpus Christi Office: Dallas Office: Houston Office: Lubbock Office: 5151 Flynn Pkwy. 14275 Midway Rd. • 363 N.Sam Houston Pkwy.East 3223 South Loop 289 Suite 412-C Suite 220 "- rs Suite 1100 Suite 240-Q ,pus Christi,Texas 78411 Dallas,Texas 75244 }• Houston,Texas 77060 Lubbock,Texas 79423 (512)853-3556 (214)980-3723 GROUP BENEFITS RISK POOL (713)820-7822 (806)793-2440 TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE GROUP BENEFITS RISK POOL 211 EAST SEVENTH STREET,SUITE 1100 AUSTIN,TEXAS 78701 (512) 320-7863 :ir"'y« .{ '1✓G � tdt -d It MEMORANDUM JUN241993 TO: All Pool Members OFFICE OF ' DATE: 6/21/93 CITY SEC_ ETAR , J RE: Interlocal Agreement Enclosed are two copies of the revised Interlocal Agreement which has been established by the Texas Municipal League Group Benefits Risk Pool Board of Trustees. Please review this document and • have it approved at an official meeting of your governing body. Please note that on the back page (page 6) is an area which is not a portion of the Interlocal Agreement but is required information. • We need to update who is the employer member benefits coordinator for communication purposes. The individual listed here is the person referenced in 7 which is found on page 3 of the Interlocal Agreement. The Trustees have not changed the purpose nor intent of the Pool through this revised Interlocal Agreement. The changes are of a technical nature and were recommended by the Pool's General Counsel. Through the following I will attempt to highlight the modifications and explain the Trustees' reasoning.(,One of the changesVt-o=maIKit eleai er 4fiat-the:P000l:operatiesand'piovides ertain-benefits-under,Chapter 172 of-the Local GovernmenfCode';a_rid�'also makes other benefits available under Chapte 791-o_f tihe,_Local Government Code: - Cha ter:;:':172:. P,.._ ,�. authorizestheT .establishment,of 1pools--to,-proKide-Health, disability and accident benefits. It specifically does not authorize life benefits. SLife-benefits•are:.proyided-throughlCha ter791:of tlie,Goverunent:Code. Counsel was somewhat concerned that under the prior language.aalife company mu ht.challenge-our �.:abilityFtio offer•life-benefits. Anothei=change is.to includeclearer language relative to the Pool being.,-, • "...a legal-trust under:tl e;tTexas Trust Code:, The reason for this is that absent this language, the Pool would be required to pay, and pass along to members, the premium tax for life insurance. This tax would currently represent a 2% increase for life benefits. >This,I,ilterloval AgreemeitiVin:5nuinb_eri1 snow,provides_defini"tions. Another change which is consistent with current Pool policies,is to-no - 4bnger require-l00%-:employo contnbut) .- or employee co7yt age._ Please note that this has not changed the requirement of 100% employee participation. This Agreement also shows that the Board of Trustees is the.final step in the appeal of a claim..Again;-this'.change°is-to=makeconsistentY. the-benefit-boo e � _ a—n �ih-e oc kl is/documenas�wliich fhe'Podl `ties=used-,for the past 3 years and the Interlocal • Agreement._Para a h l3_'makes it clear that the e et;s1,res' ns li e Y - -"'-" gr p , __ employer0.m: m � Fpo i l�`for`.�tliei�T�oli�cies' e b �� `an_d proce'dure's�bel_ng_m compliance with tate and federal'laws: The other participating members cannot be liable for illegal acts of other members. Paragraph 14 is a.clarification which I would like our y �atten to call to tio .__ ragraph Pa 14 clearly ms. n sets_'''_foitli..that;<�it, ,is _the-Aemployermembers.' re"sponsib>htytto�notify,term>nating5or4retlnng employees that they have the nghtuto a conversion • policy th-rough-'.the Pool's bienefitsA.This is being brought to your attention so that you will alert your • Sa - z 2 ,personnel department. lc_t e.,conversion,;policies require,that,the;,terminating or,ret ring employee enroll�within'31�days.` Some,problemsa ave:developed because the ernployer meniberi did not notify us until the month following the termination or retirement and the 31 days had lapsed. Paragraph 15 makes it clear that the Pool, which isthe agent,for all_Participating Employers, should be held ..a a iil'ess'from'iinproper .acts or%omissions of a ParticipatingEmployer. Paragraph 24 changes the Interlocal Agreement from an automatically continuing Agreement to an annual Agreement. This is something that Counsel believed was necessary. The language which Counsel has provided grants extensions of the Interlocal Agreement so long as the member continues their benefits with the Pool for the following year or unless either party provides a written notice of termination. The final change is in the section for signatures. ;Tlus=-ehange;:specifie'i that til e=Interlocal,Agreement wasr ,adopted-at a'd'uly'ca�h0meeting of-'a poht cal;entity Counsel believed this shouP lebecontained,in ,ay:j x,y ...we�rdl' ...i.....w i.a`?'aYK.�_.,i'v,. —..,ry.... xu... v _ ete;,�'^.�, 4="the Inteilocal'Agreement. .- After this revised Interlocal Agreement is approved by your governing body, please execute both copies, including completion of the last page, and return them to the Pool. The Pool will execute the Agreement and return a copy for your files. Should you have any questions relative to the Interlocal Agreement, please do not hesitate to contact your Benefit Services Representative. • OC.5/2511e Terry D e Executi a Director TDH/ss Enclosures 5e -3 • MEW MEM GROUP BENEFITS RISK POOL INTERLO CAL AGREEMENT Texas Municipal League Group Benefits Risk Pool Austin, Texas INTERLO CAL AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Texas Municipal League Group Benefits Risk Pool, hereinafter referred to as TML-GBRP,is a legal entity created by political subdivisions of the state and governed by elected trustees, and is the successor to the Texas Municipal League Insurance Trust Fund established May 1, 1979; and WHEREAS the TML-GBRP Board of Trustees accepts the trust herein created; and WHEREAS, the undersigned Employer Member represents that it is a political subdivision of the state and its board and governing body has acted by majority vote, at a duly called and posted public meeting, to authorize and participate in this Interlocal Agreement; and WHEREAS, the undersigned political subdivision has examined all the facts and issues it deems relevant and determined that it is in the best interest of the political subdivision, its officers and employees, to enter into this agreement and obtain the coverages provided in the selected benefits plan; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein set forth, the • undersigned political subdivision, together with other political subdivisions executing identical or substantially similar interlocal agreements, contracts, agrees, covenants and enters into this agreement for the purpose of providing certain benefits and coverages for their officials, employees, retirees and dependents. The benefits will be provided under the authority of the laws of the State of Texas including the Texas Political Subdivision Uniform Group Benefits Program (Chapter 172, Local Government Code) and the Interlocal Cooperation Act (Chapter 791, Government Code) and the Texas Trust Code (Title 9, Subtitle B, Texas Property Code). The Employer Members hereby designate the Texas Municipal League Group Benefits Risk Pool to administer the business and supervise the performance of the interlocal agreement and the operation of the risk pool. All money transferred by the Employer Members to the TML-GBRP under this agreement, together with any other property which may become subject to this agreement, will be held in trust by the Board of Trustees of the TML-GBRP for the benefit of the covered participants. The conditions of membership in the TML-GBRP are agreed upon by and between the parties as set forth hereinafter. �'cc - s- 1. When used in this Interlocal Agreement, the capitalized terms shall have the meanings specified in this paragraph unless the context clearly requires otherwise: "Board of Trustees" or "Board" or "Trustees" means the trustees elected by the participating Political Subdivisions to supervise the operation of the TML-GBRP. "Covered participant" means a person who is eligible for coverage and who has enrolled in a Plan. "Dependent" means the legal spouse or eligible unmarried child of a covered employee who is enrolled in the Plan. "Employee" means a person who works at least 20 hours a week for a political subdivision. "Employer Member" means a political subdivision entering into this interlocal agreement. "Official" means a duly elected representative of a political subdivision. • "Plan" or "Plans" mean the TML-GBRP benefit plan selected and adopted by the Employer Member. "Political subdivision" means any legal entity included within the definition of political subdivision in Chapter 172, Local Government Code or Chapter 791, Government Code, or otherwise qualified as a political subdivision under Texas law. "Retiree" means an individual who is eligible to retire after at least 10 years of creditable service and is receiving a retirement annuity as a result of such service to a political subdivision of the State of Texas. "Risk Pool" means an administrative agency as set forth in Chapter 791, Government Code and/or a risk pool as set forth in Chapter 172, Local Government Code. "TML-GBRP" means the Texas Municipal League Group Benefits Risk Pool. 2. The Employer Member agrees to be bound by this Interlocal Agreement and the bylaws, policies and procedures established by the TML-GBRP which collectively establish the conditions for membership in the TML-GBRP. 3. The Employer Member will adopt one of the TML-GBRP plans and make the payments and contributions set forth in the Summary of Benefits. The payments and contributions shall be made at Austin, Travis County,Texas, on the dates and in the amounts as the TML-GBRP requires for providing coverages and services in administering the TML-GBRP. Interest, beginning the first day after the due date and continuing until paid, shall accrue at the maximum rate allowed by law on the balance of any, payment or contribution not paid when due. All such payments, contributions, and interest shall be paid from then current revenues and be available for payment of eligible benefits and administrative expenses for all participating Employer Members. Interlocal Agreement (rev.4/93)Page 2 • Ii 4. This agreement shall terminate at the expiration of twenty one (21) years from May 1, 1979. Except as may be otherwise specified in the TML-GBRP bylaws, this agreement may also be terminated by either the Employer Member or the TML-GBRP upon 30 days written notice which will become effective on the first day of the month following the 30 day notice. Retroactive termination is not permitted and any terminated Employer Member shall not be entitled to any future excess contribution refunds or credits. At the discretion of the TML- GBRP and upon payment of all past due contributions, fees and interest, a terminated Employer Member may be reinstated once within a plan year. 5. Each Employer Member is required to have 100% Employee participation in the Plan and, if applicable, 100% official participation, and may require the officials, employees and retirees to contribute to the cost of providing coverage under the Plan. Every Employer Member shall furnish all the information the TML-GBRP deems necessary and useful for the purposes of this agreement and shall abide by the rules and regulations adopted for the administration of the benefit plans. The TML-GBRP may amend the rules, regulations and bylaws, at anytime, to the extent it deems advisable except that no amendment shall change the purpose of the TML- GBRP. The TML-GBRP may employ and contract with a third party administrator. b. The TML-GBRP will purchase excess loss coverage or reinsurance as provided in Chapter 172, Local Government Code, and all Employer Members are subject to the terms and conditions of any such excess loss coverage or reinsurance agreement Copies of the agreement will be provided to the Employer Member upon request. The TML-GBRP may adjust the level of such stop loss coverage at anytime a change is justified by the fiscal soundness of the TML- GBRP or will produce additional benefits or savings for the Employer Members. 7. Each Employer Member will designate and appoint a coordinator of department head rank or above and agrees that the TML-GBRP shall not be required to contact or provide notices to any other person. Further, any notice to, or agreement by an Employer Member's Coordinator, with respect to services or claims hereunder, shall be binding on the Employer Member. The Employer Member reserves the right to change the coordinator from time to time by giving written notice to the TML-GBRP. 8. The Employer Member hereby appoints the TML-GBRP as its agent to act in all matters pertaining to the processing and handling of claims and agrees to cooperate fully and provide all information necessary. All decisions on individual claims shall be made by the TML-GBRP. 9. Any Covered Participant may appeal any final administrative decision on a filed claim. Appeals shall be to the Board of Trustees whose decision will be final for all purposes. All appeals must be made in writing to the chairperson of the Board of Trustees within 30 days of the final administrative decision. 10. The TML-GBRP shall periodically provide administrative reports and information to each Employer Member. The format and content of the reports will be determined by the TML- GBRP. Intertocal Agreement(rev.4/93)Page 3 5-mac - 7 fr--- 11. The TML-GBRP shall be audited annually by an independent certified public accountant, and the audit shall be filed as required by the laws of the State of Texas including, but not limited to, Chapter 172 of the Local Government Code. A summary financial report will be provided to each Employer Member annually. 12. All monies available for investment shall be invested by the TML-GBRP in compliance with the Public Funds Investment Act of 1987 (Article 842a-2 V.T.C.S.)or the Texas Trust Code (Subtitle )3, Title 9, Property Code) . 13. Each Employer Member, as Plan Administrator, retains the rights, duties and privileges of the Plan Administrator and acknowledges it has responsibility for compliance with the state and federal laws applicable to employee benefits. 14. The Employer Member acknowledges that employees have a very short time period (i.e.,31 days) from the date of retirement or termination to make important decisions about their life and health coverage. The Employer Member agrees to provide information immediately to terminated or retired employees on their rights to convert their group life policy to an individual policy; convert group health coverage to an individual policy and to advise retirees of their rights to elect retiree health coverage (if offered by the Employer Member). 15. The Employer Member agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the TML-GBRP for all claims, damages and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys'fees and costs of court, arising out of acts or omissions of officers or employees of the Employer Member in connection with the Plan. The Employer Member agrees to pay all such claims, damages, and expenses out of current revenues at the time the obligation is determined. In the event current revenues are inadequate to fund the obligation at the time it is determined, the Employer Member agrees to take the appropriate budgetary action sufficient to pay the obligation. 16. The Employer Member agrees that all conditions of coverage for the benefits provided shall be as specified in the plan booklet/document furnished to the Employer Member by the TML- GBRP. The Employer Member agrees that the employees and the Board of Trustees of the TML-GBRP and individuals and entities with whom the TML-GBRP contract for staff functions may receive coverage and plan benefits. 17. Each Employer Member acknowledges that some plan benefits are provided in accordance with Chapter 172 of the Local Government Code. These benefits are not insurance and the TML-GBRP is not an insurer under the Insurance Code or other laws of this state. 18. The Employer Member and the TML-GBRP may contract for additional administrative services related to the Employer Member's employee benefit programs. • 19. The Employer Member agrees to provide the TML-GBRP individual enrollment cards, changes in individual enrollments and the initial and all future required contributions in a timely manner. If the Employer Member fails to provide the TML-GBRP notice of enrollment changes, the Employer Member is responsible for any claims paid due to the failure to notify the TML-GBRP in a timely manner. The Employer Member agrees that no benefits will be provided prior to TML-GBRP's receipt of the individual enrollment cards, initial contribution and signed interlocal agreement. Interlocal Agreement(rev.4/93)Page 4 — 8 20. The Employer Member agrees that no covered participant shall have any claim against the property of the trust. The rights of covered participants are limited to the benefits specified in the Plan. 21. No bond is required of the Board of Trustees of the TML-GBRP. 22. If any part of this agreement, save and except paragraph 3, is declared invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining parts and provisions shall continue in full force and effect. It is further agreed that venue for any dispute arising under the terms of this agreement shall be in Austin, Travis County,Texas. 23. This agreement represents the complete understanding of the TML-GBRP and the Employer Member and may not be amended, modified or altered without the written agreement of both parties. 24. The term of this Interlocal Agreement shall be one year commencing on the day of , 19 . , at 12:01 a.m., and expiring at 12:01 a.m. on the same month and day of the following year, provided that, absent notice of termination, the Employer Member may annually renew and extend such term by executing and returning the rerate notice and benefit selection form as authorized at the inception of this agreement. This agreement is entered into for the Employer Member under authorization of at a duly called meeting held on By (Signature) Authorized Official Title Date Employer Member This Agreement Entered into and Appointment Accepted By: The Texas Municipal League Group Benefits Risk Pool at Austin, Texas • BY Date Interlocal Agreement(rev.4/93)Page 5 Sa - 9 TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYER MEMBER: EMPLOYER MEMBER BENEFITS COORDINATOR Name Title Mailing Address Street Address (if different from above) City/State/Zip Phone • FAX • Interlocal Agreement(rev.4/93)Page 6 SQ_ l0 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM CITY MANAGER i J July 21, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Tarrant County Tax Collection Contract June Garrison, Tax Assessor-Collector for Tarrant County, has presented Southlake with a 1993-94 renewal contract for property tax collections. The contract is identical in all material respects to last year' s contract . The rate per transaction remains at $ .40 . The total estimated cost for Southlake, based on 5, 000 transactions, is $2, 000 . Tarrant County provides satisfactory service at a very reasonable cost. I recommend renewal of the -contract for property tax collection with Tarrant County. LAH 51r-! • qr .coUNT .�.. 9 '993 f • JUL JUNE GARRISON :d �> j % a e Tex Assessor-Collector :H •o /," on �r OFFICE OF CITY J , P.HAMRICK •,a • I*; MANAGER /►,fr thief Deputy .i;. DONALD P.SHARP � 9r�u Assistant Chief Deputy TARRANT COUNTY 6/3/t3 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76196-0301 M- 16/71a1 7-0 July 13, 1993 apt 54 4/),(71-/-- ) City of Southlake 'G224V Attn: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Mr. Hawk: Please find enclosed our renewal contract for collection of your ad valorem taxes. If you will be so kind as to sign and return the document to my office, I will send a copy for your records after it has been executed by the Commissioners Court. You will note that the contract has set 2:00 p.m., Friday, September 17, 1993, as the last day to furnish your newly adopted tax rate and exemption schedule. Thank you for your splendid spirit of cooperation. Please contact me or Don Sharp any time we may be of assistance in any way. Sincerely, Ili:at-A( ��C(vatJ June Garrison Tax Assessor-Collector Tarrant County JGIoj Attachment: contract (1) STATE OF TEXAS X X AGREEMENT COUNTY OF TARRANT X Agreement made this day of , 1993, by and between June Garrison,Tarrant County Tax Assessor-Collector,and Tarrant County,hereinafter referred to as ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR, whose address is 100 E. Weatherford Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76196-0301, and the City of Southlake, hereinafter referred to as CITY, whose address is 667 N. Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas 76092. PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT The purpose of this Agreement is to state the terms and conditions under which the ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR will provide assessment and collection services of Ad Valorem taxes levied by the CITY. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained,the parties hereto agree as follows: I. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED The ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR agrees to collect the taxes due and owing on taxable property upon which the CITY has imposed said taxes. The ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR shall PERFORM THE SAID SERVICES IN THE SAME MANNER AND FASHION AS TARRANT COUNTY COLLECTS ITS OWN TAXES due and owing on taxable property situated within its boundaries. The services performed shall include, but not be limited to: receiving information from the Tarrant Appraisal District for purposes of the Certified Appraisal Roll, and monthly changes thereto; providing mortgage companies, property owners and tax representatives, tax roll and payment data; providing all necessary assessments of taxes and Truth in Taxation calculations as required; the transmittal of tax statements via the U.S. Mail or electronic transfer of data; rapid deposit payment processing. All CITY disbursements, made by check or by electronic transfer (wire), for collected tax accounts will be made to the CITY on the day the County Depository Bank indicates the mandatory assigned "float" period has elapsed and the funds are posted to the collected balance. If any daily collection total is less than one hundred dollars ($100.00), the disbursement will be withheld until the cumulative total of taxes collected for the CITY equals one hundred dollars ($100.00), or at the close of the month. II. REPORTS The ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR will provide the CITY the following reports, if requested: Daily: General Ledger Distribution Report Weekly: Detail Collection Report (Summary) Monthly: Tax Roll Summary (Totals Only) Month End Report Detail Collection Report (Summary) General Ledger Revenue.& Expense Report Agriculture Rollback Collection Report Annual: Paid Tax Roll Delinquent Tax Roll Current Tax Roll Other requested reports that require programming: $ 25.00 per hour Other reports requiring computer run-time: $350.00 per hour III. AUDITS The ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR will provide to the CITY auditor necessary explanation of all reports and access to ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR in-house tax system computer terminals to assist the CITY auditor in verifying their audit samples of the financial data previously provided by the ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR during the past audit period. If the CITY elects to have their auditors conduct a "computer system assurance review audit" requiring assistance from ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR system's programmers and accountants, the fee is $660.00 per day, which will be deducted from the CITY'S current collections at the end of the month. Page 2 of 6 r IV. COMPENSATION In consideration of the services to be performed by the ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR, compensation for the services rendered are as follows: 1. A rate of forty cents ($.40) per financial transaction. A financial transaction is defined as when a CITY account is credited with a payment or debited for a refund. 2. Any additional reports or services provided as outlined in Section II that are requested by the CITY. V. TAX RATE REQUIREMENT The CITY will provide the ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR, in writing, their newly adopted tax rate and exemption schedule to be applied for assessing purposes no later than 2:00 p.m., Friday, September 17, 1993. Under authority of Section 31.01 (h) of the Property Tax Code, any additional cost of printing and mailing tax statements because of late reporting of the tax rate or the exemption schedule will be charged to the CITY. If the CITY wishes their collection reports to be broken out as to maintenance and operation fund and interest and sinking fund, then the notice advising of the new tax rate must set out the separate rates, as well as the total rate. VI. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall become effective as of the date hereinabove set out,and shall continue in effect during the 1993 tax year, unless sooner terminated by providing notice as outlined in paragraph XI. Page 3 of 6 III. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE STATUTES, ORDINANCES, AND REGULATIONS In performing the services required under this Agreement, the ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR shall comply with all applicable federal and state statutes, case law, opinions of the Texas State Attorney General, Court orders and Comptroller regulations. If such compliance is impossible for reasons beyond its control,the ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR shall immediately notify the CITY of that fact and the reasons therefor. DEPOSIT OF FUNDS All funds collected by the ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR in the performance of the services stated herein for the CITY shall be promptly transferred to the account of the CITY at their depository bank. Electronically transferred funds incur an additional fee which will be charged back to the CITY and deducted from those collected funds. If the CITY desires their tax disbursements to be made by electronic transference of funds (wire) the ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR assumes no liability for the funds after initiation of the electronic transference of the CITY'S funds from the County Depository to the CITY'S designated depository. IX. REFUNDS Refunds will be made by the ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR. The ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR will advise the CITY of changes in the tax roll which were mandated by the Tarrant Appraisal District. X. DELINQUENT COLLECTIONS The ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR will assess and collect the fifteen percent (15%) collection fee pursuant to Section 33.07 of the Property Tax Code, when allowed. The ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR will disburse the amount directly to the CITY for compensation to a Firm under contract to the CITY. The ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR will provide all delinquent information on monthly computer magnetic media, if requested and as set out in Exhibit "A", to the law firm under contract to the CITY to enforce delinquent tax collections. Page 4 of 6 If the delinquent collection Attorney contracted by the CITY requires attendance of Tax ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR personnel at a court other than the District Courts in downtown Fort Worth, and the county is not a party, the employee's expenses and proportionate salary will be the responsibility of the CITY and will be added to the collection expenses and charged to the CITY. XI. NOTICES Any notices to be given hereunder by either party to the other may be effected, in writing, either by personal delivery or by mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid with return receipt requested. Mailed notices shall be addressed to the address of the parties as they • appear in the introductory paragraph of this Agreement, but each party may change this address by written notice in accordance with this paragraph. XII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 1. This instrument and the attachments hereto contains the entire Agreement between the parties relating to the rights herein granted and obligations herein assumed. Any oral representations or modifications concerning this instrument shall be of no force or effect excepting a subsequent modification in writing and signed by the parties. 2. This Agreement shall be construed under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, and all obligations of the parties created hereunder are performable in Tarrant County, Texas. 3. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective legal representatives and successors. 4. In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or enforceability shall not effect any other provision thereof and this. Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provisions had never been contained. Page 5 of 6 5 - 7 5. This Agreement and the attachments hereto constitutes the sole and only agreement of the parties hereto and supersedes any prior understandings or written or oral agreements between the parties respecting the within subject matter. Executed on the day and year first above written, Tarrant County, Texas. JUNE GARRISON TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR TARRANT COUNTY 4f.4.4c0,021 '7 0-92 DATE FOR THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: BY: TITLE FOR TARRANT COUNTY: BY: TOM VANDERGRIFF DATE TARRANT COUNTY JUDGE Page 6 of 6 EXHIBIT A TARRANT COUNTY TAX OFFICE NAME: DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS - MASTER FILE RECORD LAYOUT: DESCRIPTION COBOL PICTURE ACCOUNT NUMBER PIC X(11). ROLL CODE PIC X(01). OWNER NAME 1 PIC X(30). OWNER NAME 2 PIC X(30). ADDRESS LINE 1 PIC X(30). ADDRESS LINE 2 PIC X(30). CITY PIC X(20). STATE PIC X(02). • ZIP PIC 9(09). BAD ADDRESS FLAG PIC X(02). LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1 PIC X(30). LEGAL DESCRIPTION 2 PIC X(30). LEGAL DESCRIPTION 3 PIC.X(30). LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4 PIC X(30). ACRES PIC 9(11). STREET NAME PIC X(18). STREET NUMBER PIC 9(07). PIDN PIC X(30). OVER 65 PIC X(01). HOMESTEAD PIC X(01). DISABLED PIC X(01). TAD EXEMPTION CODE PIC X(03). ARB PIC X(01). ENTITY CODES PIC X(45). NON BILL CODE PIC X(15). SPTB PIC X(03). QUARTER PAYMENT PIC X(01). SPLIT PAYMENT PIC X(01). AGREEMENT DATE PIC 9(06). FILLER PIC X(15). TAPE FORMAT: ASCII LABELED DENSITY: 9 TRACK 6250 OR 1600 BPI RECORD SIZE: Ml BYTES BLOCK SIZE: 13320 Page 1 of 2 �e- - 9 EXHIBIT A (CONTINUED) TARRANT COUNTY TAX OFFICE NAME: DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS -RECEIVABLE FILE RECORD LAYOUT: DESCRIPTION COBOL PICTURE ACCOUNT NUMBER PIC X(11). TAX YEAR PIC 9(02). TAX UNIT PIC 9(03). INSTALLMENT AGREEMENT PIC X(01). FIDUCIARY PIC X(01). DELINQUENCY DATE PIC 9(06). YYMMDD 3307 DATE PIC 9(06). YYMMDD BASE LEVY PIC 9(09)V99. BALANCE DUE PIC 9(09)V99. JUDGEMENT DATE PIC 9(06). YYMMDD SUIT NUMBER PIC X(15). BANKRUPTCY NUMBER PIC X(15). FILLER PIC X(10). TAPE FORMAT: ASCII LABELED DENSITY: 9 TRACK 6250 OR 1600 BPI RECORD SIZE: 98 BYTES BLOCK SIZE: 14700 Page 2 of 2 5 - /O City of Southlake,Texas CITY MPN M► IER MEMORANDUM 93 July 28, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: TRA Contract for Technical Services-Central Regional Wastewater System Trinity River Authority (TRA) , has presented a contract for technical services for the fiscal year that begins October 1, 1993 and ends September 30, 1994 . The contract is for analysis of water, wastewater, industrial inspections and/or sampling services . The contract includes a technical services fee schedule, Attachment A, which lists all types of testing that is available. Mr. Bill Cyrus, Laboratory Division Chief of TRA, has indicated that TRA does very little sampling or testing within Southlake. The contract requires a maximum amount for services to be listed under Sections III and IV. The contract reflects an estimate of $2, 000 for the year, based on the conversation with Mr. Cyrus . It is recommended that the Council approve the Interlocal Agreement with TRA for Technical Services, Central Regional Wastewater System, and the accompanying fee schedule for the fiscal year October 1, 1993 to September 30, 1994 . LAH tratest Trinity River Authority of Texas Central Regional Wastewater System 3110. 500.042. 101 M E 0 U N July 15, 1993 JUL 1 91993 OFFICE OF CITY J MANAGER Curtis Hawk City Manager City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Mr. Hawk: Subject: Contract for Services - Fiscal Year 1994 Revised Technical Services Fee Schedule Central Regional Wastewater System In June 1993 Board Action, the Technical Services Fee Schedule for Fiscal Year 1994 was approved in connection with all contracting work relating to the analysis of water and wastewater, industrial inspections, and/or sampling services. As in recent years we proposed to perform associated services to all Authority Contracting Parties under the provisions of an annual contract for services. Enclosed please find two (2) copies of the Trinity River Authority Contract for Services for Fiscal Year 1994 with Fee Schedules attached for your review and official authorization. Upon the City's approval for renewal of annual requested services between the City and Trinity River Authority, which presently expires September 30, 1993 , please return both authorized copies with Attachment A - Technical Services Fee Schedules for final execution to this office. After execution by the Authority's General Manager, one (1) original Contract for Services will be returned for your files. P.O. Box 531196 Grand Prairie, Texas 75053 Metro (214) 263-2251 Fax: (214) 264-1382 Fax: (214) 262-0619 ��—z July 15, 1993 FY-1994 Contract for Services Page 2 Please address and refer the correspondence regarding this matter to: Trinity River Authority Central Regional Wastewater System P.O. Box 531196 Grand Prairie, Texas 75053-1196 Attention: Patricia M. Cleveland Manager, Technical Services To coordinate our efforts accordingly, the Authority requests the renewal of this contract to begin on October 1, 1993 and terminate on September 30, 1994. Also enclosed are additional copies of our Board Approved Fiscal Year 1994 Services Fee Schedule for your use and files. The service fees are effective December 1, 1993 through November 30, 1994. Should you have any questions concerning this contract, please contact this office at your convenience. Sincerely, PATRICIA M. CLEVELAND Manager, Technical Services PMC/jm Enclosures Se-3 CONTRACT FOR SERVICES I. CONTRACTING PARTIES The Receiving Agency: City of SOUTHLAKE whose authorized address is 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake. Texas 76092 The Performing Agency: Trinity River Authority of Texas, whose authorized address is 5300 South Collins, P. 0. Box 240, Arlington, Texas 76010, Attention: Danny F. Vance, General Manager (or his designated representative). II. STATEMENT OF SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED In order to discharge the responsibilities associated with the enforcement of Federal, State, and City regulations, the Receiving Agency requires services of a laboratory qualified to perform water and wastewater analysis, and of personnel to conduct industrial inspection and/or sampling services, such services detailed in Section A, Subsection(s) 1-3 , below. • A. PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES 1. Industrial Inspection Services In keeping with the foregoing, the Receiving Agency employs the Performing Agency and the Performing Agency agrees to perform industrial inspection services within the parameters listed on the attached schedule sheet. The Performing Agency (Trinity River Authority of Texas) shall perform all Industrial Pretreatment Inspections, review permit applications and prepare for submittal Permits to Discharge Industrial Wastes to the Sanitary Sewer in accordance with procedures established by the Trinity River Authority of Texas in accordance with 40 CFR Part 403.8. Industrial Pretreatment Inspections, Application reviews and Permit preparations and submittals shall be in compliance with the Receiving Agency's Industrial Waste Ordinances, Sewer Ordinances Numbers 567 & 514 , and EPA General Pretreatment Regulations for Existing and New Sources. Records of Inspections, Applications and Permits shall be maintained as required by EPA General Pretreatment Regulations, 40 CFR Part 403.12. 2. Industrial Sampling Services In keeping with the foregoing, the Receiving Agency employs the Performing Agency and the Performing Agency agrees to perform industrial sampling services within the parameters listed on the attached schedule sheet and in accordance with the Receiving Agency's Industrial Waste Ordinances and Sewer Ordinances Numbers 567 & 514 The Performing Agency (Trinity River Authority of Texas) shall perform all sample collections, sample preservation, and maintenance of chain-of-custody records in accordance to the approved procedures set forth in Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, EPA Manual SW-846, Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA Manual EPA-600/4-79-020, and the Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation of Water and Wastewater, EPA Manual EPA-600/4-82-029. The samples shall be properly collected, preserved and delivered by the Performing Agency to the Performing Agency's laboratory located at 6500 West Singleton Blvd., Grand Prairie, Texas. When feasible flow or time composited sampling will be conducted. When composited sampling is not feasible, grab sampling will be appropriate. Se - 3. Analytical Services In keeping with the foregoing, the Receiving Agency employs the Performing Agency and the Performing Agency agrees to perform analytical services within the parameters listed on the attached schedule sheet. The Receiving Agency estimates an average of samples per month will be collected and delivered to the laboratory for analysis. It is understood that these samples will be properly collected and preserved in accordance with applicable sections of A Practical Guide to Water Quality Studies of Streams, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration publication and Methods for Chemical Analysis for Water and Wastes, EPA manual, as well as the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. A chain- of-custody procedure shall be maintained in the field and the laboratory in accordance with procedures to be established by the Receiving Agency. The Receiving Agency will furnish chain- of-custody tags. The Performing Agency (Trinity River Authority of Texas) will perform all analyses according to the approved procedures set forth in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, current edition or the latest edition of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA manual. Samples will be analyzed by these methods on the production basis, to include appropriate analytical quality assurance procedures. Records will be kept for documentation of the Performing Agency's quality assurance program and copies will be available to the Receiving Agency upon request. Unusual interferences and problems will be reported to the Receiving Agency at its authorized address noted above. Research into specific techniques to overcome these difficulties will be undertaken when practical, and by mutual agreement. The sample information sheet submitted with each sample will designate the particular analysis or analyses to be made of each sample submitted. The laboratories will be operated in such a manner as to insure the legal sufficiency of the sample handling; analytical and reporting procedures; and to remedy effects in the procedures should such be discovered. The various laboratory personnel shall be directed upon receipt of written notice from the Receiving Agency 72 hours in advance, to appear and testify in enforcement actions. In such event, travel and per diem expenses for such employees shall be paid by the Receiving Agency. Travel and per diem for court appearances hereunder shall be based on current State laws. Receiving Agency may deliver to Performing Agency samples for analysis separate and apart from those samples collected by the Performing Agency. When the Receiving Agency delivers samples to the Performing Agency for analysis, the Receiving Agency shall indicate the nature and extent of the analyses it desires to be conducted. Performing Agency shall not be responsible for the manner of collection or chain-of-custody tags or sheets which are matters entirely outside Performing Agency's control. Performing Agency shall receive, log and perform such analyses of samples in accordance with that part of the chain-of-custody procedures identified as Transfer of Custody and Shipment attached hereto. Samples analyzed to maintain the normal quality assurance program which the Performing Agency presently maintains in its laboratory will be charged to the Receiving Agency at the same rate as submitted samples. B. TERMINATION Either party to this Contract may terminate the Contract by giving the other party thirty (30) days notice in writing at their authorized address as noted previously. Upon delivery of such notice by either party to the other and before expiration of the thirty (30) day period, the Performing Agency will proceed promptly to cancel all existing orders, contracts, and obligations which are chargeable to this Contract. As soon as practicable after notice of termination is given, the Performing Agency will submit a voucher for work performed under this Contract through its termination. The Receiving Agency will pay the Performing Agency for the work performed less all prior payments. Copies of all completed or partially completed reports, documents, and studies prepared under this Contract will be delivered by the Performing Agency to the Receiving Agency when and if this Contract is terminated prior to the completion of the prescribed work. C. AMENDING THE CONTRACT The parties hereto without invalidating this Contract may alter or amend this Contract upon advance written agreement of both parties to exclude work being performed or to include additional work to be performed and to adjust the consideration to be paid hereunder by virtue of alterations or amendments. III. BASIS FOR CALCULATING REIMBURSABLE COSTS The financial basis for calculating reimbursable costs shall be as stated in Attachment A. The expenditures by the Trinity River Authority of Texas of funds paid to it under this Contract shall be subject to such State or Federal audit procedures as may be required by law and by accepted practices of the State or Federal auditor, or both, if requested. The Trinity River Authority of Texas shall be responsible for maintaining books of account that clearly, accurately and currently reflect financial transactions. The financial records must include all documents supporting entries on the account records which substantiate costs. The Trinity River Authority of Texas must keep the records readily available for examination for a period of three (3) years after the close of the last expenditure. Reimbursement for the inspection, sampling, and/or analytical costs, and cost for any travel and per diem expenses shall not exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00 ) for the period of this Contract. IV. CONTRACT AMOUNT The total amount of this Contract shall not exceed two thousand dollars ($ 2,000 ) nor be less than -0- dollars ($ -0- ). V. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES The Performing Agency shall bill the Receiving Agency monthly for services performed. Charges for these services shall be based on the attached cost schedules. The Receiving Agency shall pay the monthly billings of the Performing Agency within thirty (30) days of their receipt. VI. TERM OF CONTRACT This Contract is to begin October al, 19991 and shall terminate September 30 , 19 93. Sc-<O VII. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Inasmuch as the Receiving Agency and the Performing Agency are political subdivisions of this state, and inasmuch as the testing of water and wastewater are critical to the maintenance of public health and such testing is there- fore, a governmental function and service, this contract shall be deemed authorized by the Interlocal Cooperation Act, art. 4413(32c), Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Receiving Agency: Performing Agency: CITY OF TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS BY: BY: TITLE: GENERAL MANAGER DATE: DATE: • ATTEST: ATTEST: (SEAL) (SEAL) .5c- 7 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY PROCEDURES Sample Collection 1. To the maximum extent achievable, as few people as possible should handle a sample. 2. Stream and effluent samples should be obtained using standard field sampling techniques and preservation procedures. 3. Chain-of-Custody tags or sheets should be attached to each sample at the time it is collected. The tag or sheet contains basically laboratory (requested parameters) information; however, certain identifying items including City, City Code, Type Sample, Material Sampled, and Method of Preservation must be completed by the field personnel collecting the sample. In completing the Chain-of-Custody tag or sheet, care should be utilized to insure that all necessary information is correctly and legibly entered onto the form. A black ballpoint with water proof ink should be used at all times. • Transfer of Custody and Shipment 1. All samples should be handled by the minimum possible number of persons. 2. All incoming samples shall be received by the custodian', or his alternate, and logged into a record book (log book). Information to be entered into the Log Book shall include the sample number, date received, source, time(s) sampled, date(s) sampled, and analyses requested. 3. Promptly after logging, the custodian will distribute the sample to an analyst or place the sample in the sample room, which will be locked at all times except when samples are removed or replaced by analysts. 4. The custodian shall ensure that heat-sensitive samples, or other sample materials having unusual physical characteristics, or requiring special handling, are properly stored and maintained. 5. Samples shall be kept in the sample storage security area at all times when not actually being used by analysts, such as during overnight absences. 6. The analysis sheet will be signed and dated by the person performing the tests and retained as a permanent record in the laboratory. 7. Test results shall be sent by the laboratory to the appropriate Receiving Agency control point. r ATTACHMENT A Trinity River Authority of Texas Central Regional Wastewater System $• TECHNICAL SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE FOR LABORATORY ANALYSES INDUSTRIAL INSPECTIONS AND INDUSTRIAL. SAMPLING FISCAL YEAR 1994 December 1, 1993 through November 30, 1994 P.O. Box 531196 Grand Prairie, Texas 75053 Metro (214) 263-2251 Fax: (214) 264-1382 Fax: (214) 262-0619 .5c_9 • 4ICAL ANALYSES WAlER Alkalinity, Total $ 5.25 pH $ 3.50 Alkalinity, Pheolphthalein $ 5.25 pH Sediment $ 6.00 Bicarbonate $ 5.25 Phenols: Carbonate S 5.25 High Level $ 33.00 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B0O5) $ 14.00 Low Level $ 53.00 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (C-B0D5) $ 14.50 Phosphorus: Biochemical Oxygen Demand (C-BOD20) $ 14.85 Ortho $ 6.20 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (80020) S 14.85 Total $ 9.50 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (800-7) $ 14.65 Solids: , Chemical Oxygen Demand S 8.00 Total (TS) $ 5.00 Chloride $ 5.25 Total Dissolved(TDS) $ 8.75 Chromium Hexavalent $ 11.00 Total Suspended(TSS) $ 7.70 Conductance, Specific $ 4.00 Volatile Suspended (VSS) After TSS $ 4.15 Conductance, Diluted S 7.00 Sulfate $ 13.00 Cyanide $ 28.50 Sulfide $ 5.25 "0 Cyanide (Amendable to Chlorination) $ 33.00 Surfactants - MBAS $ 28.35 Fluoride, Dissolved $ 9.50 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons $ 48.00 Fluoride, Total S 9.00 Total Organic Carbon S 11.75 Hardness $ 7.00 Turbidity $ 3.50 Ignitability ' (Pensky-Martens Closed Cup) $ 32.00 Nitrogen: SEDIMENT ' Ammonia $ 6.20 Kjeldahl, Total $ 15.00 Chemical Oxygen Demand $ 23.75 Nitrate $ 6.20. Cyanide $ 31.50 Nitrite $ 6.20 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total $ 18.00 Organic $ 32.00 Oil and Grease $ 24.75 Oil and Grease $ 27.25 Phosphorus, Total $ 11.50 Solids, Total Volatile $ 9.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons $ 42.00 . `1AA METAL ANALYSES PRIORITY POLLUTANT METALS i9.00 EACH S 130.70 TOTAL Antimony Iron Thallium Barium Lead Tin Antimony Mercury Beryllium Manganese Uranium Arsenic Nickel Cadmium Molybdenum Vanadium Beryllium Selenium . Chromium Nickel Zinc Cadmium z Silver Cobalt Silver Chromium Thallium Copper Tellurium. Copper Zinc . Lead $7.00 EACH SAMPLE PREPARATION Aluminum Potassium Boron Silica Sediment and Oils $ 15.00 Calcium Sodium EP Toxicity Leachate $ 67.00 Magnesium TCLP Toxicity Leachate $ 80.00 TWC Leachate $ 36.00 $14.00 EACH Arsenic Selenium Lead - Low Level Copper - Low Level Cadmium - Low Level Chromium Hexavalent - Low Level Thallium - Low Level t12.70 EACH 'rcury • `J -/O GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY ANALYSES RITY POLLUTANTS (GC/MS) PESTICIDES/PCB'S votatiles Quoted Upon Chlorinated Hydrocarbons, S100.00 Base Neutrals Request' Organophosphate Pesticides, and Acid Extractables Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Sample Pesticides/PCB's preparation, extraction, and clean-up per sample) ORGANIC DETERMINATION (GC) ADD for Chlorinated Hydrocarbon S 47.00 Hydrocarbon/Solvents (Confirmation and quantification per sample) General'Hydrocarbon/Solvent $105.00 ADD for Orgenosphosphate Pesticide S 50.00 Scan (VOA) (One column); • (Confirmation and quantification • *Five or less components; per sample) including quantification ADD for Polychlorinated Biphenyls $ 50.00 General Hydrocarbon\Solvent S160.00 (PCB) - Water (Confirmation and ' Scan (VOA) (Two column); quantification per sample) *Five or less components; ADD for PCB - Oil (Confirmation and $ 35.00 including quantification quantification per sample) la Volatile Organic Constituents $ 59.00 (EPA regulated -.method 601/602) TRIHALOMEiHAHES *ADD fifteen dollars ($15) for each extra component Trihalomethanes $ 40.00 scanned and quantified HERBICIDES SAMPLE PREPARATION Chlorinated Phenoxy Acid $115.00 ADD for Special Treatment/Per S 18.50 Herbicides (Confirmed and Sample (Sediment, Oil) quantified) ADD for Special Treatment/Per Sample $ 67.00 (EP Toxicity Leachate) ADD for Special Treatment/Per Sample $ 80.00 (TCLP Toxicity Leachate) SPECIAL ANALYSES P/EP TOXICITY PRIORITY POLLUTANTS Leachate Extraction Procedure S 80.00 • Cyanides $ 28.50 Metals: Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium Metals $130.70 Chromium, Lead, Mercury, Selenium Organics Quote Silver $ 85.70 Organics: Endrin; Lindane; Methoxychlor; Toxaphene; 2, 4, D; 2, 4, 5-TP Silvex $262.00 MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSES Chlorophyll "a" $ 7.70 Chlorophyll "a" and Pheophytin "a" $ 7.70 Coliform, Fecal (MF) $ 8.35 Coliform, Total (MF) $ 8.00 Coliforms, Total (HMO/MUG) $ 7.85 Microscopic General Examination $ 9.00 Microtox, Bacterial Bioassay S 43.50 Streptococcus, Fecal (MF) S 8.35 Heterotrophic Plate Count S 8.20 �C- // -1 . INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT SERVICES • ISTRIAL SAMPLING INDUSTRIAL INSPECTION composite Sample $ 65.00 Inspection/On Site $ 70.00 Additional Composite Sample $ 20.00 Grab Sample $ 32.00 Additional Grab Sample $ 8.00 - Installation of Automatic Composite Samplers - Permit Application Review - Grab Sampling - Verification of Application Data - Delivery to TRA Laboratory - Consultation with Industries on Industrial - Field Testing Available Pretreatment - Sample Preservation - Chemical Inventory Review - Proper Chain of Custody GENERAL SERVICE INFORMATION 1. Effective Date: December 1, 1993, all prices listed are per sample and subjeqt to review. 2. All analyses are run in accordance with "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater," 17th Edition, 1989 and/or EPA "Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes," 1983 and the 3rd Edition of Solid Waste Manual SW 846. 3. TRA will add a 10% charge, at the same rate as submitted laboratory samples, on the monthly billing to maintain the normal quality assurance program. 4. Customer required priority laboratory samples completed and reported within 50% of the normal time will be billed at one and one-half times the routine rate. Emergency samples run immediately or ASAP will be billed at two times the routine rate. 5. Sample preparations, if required, are charged additionally as listed. 6. Sample containers, preservatives, and supplies will be provided upon request at a reasonable charge. Bacte- riological sampling supplies are included in the cost of the analyses. Samples* should be delivered to the laboratory before 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. Samples cannot be accepted on weekends or holidays unless special arrangements are made in advance. *(Bacteriological samples should be delivered prior to 2:00 p.m. unless special arrangements are made in advance. After-hour samples may be left in cold storage vault with analyses request form.) 8. Billing statements for completed monthly analyses are mailed by the 15th of the following month. 9. Laboratory hours are weekdays 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and weekends 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 10. Environmental Field, Engineering Field and Pretreatment Services office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For after-hour emergencies, leave message with computer operator. 11. Environmental Field and Engineering Field Services are requested to be scheduled a minimum of 72 hours in advance. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: METRO: (214) 263-2251 FAX: (214) 262-0619 Patricia M. Cleveland Manager, Technical Services Bill Cyrus Randy McIntyre, P.E. Robert J. Roth , Quality Laboratory Division Chief Pretreatment Coordinator Technical.Services Engineer Assurance Coordinator City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM July 30, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director • SUBJECT: UTILITY EASEMENT DEDICATION - Off-site Water & Sanitary Sewer Service for the Princeton Park Addition The purpose of this off-site easement is to provide water and sanitary sewer service for the Princeton Park subdivision. Attached is a copy of the proposed easement dedication with the appropriate description and exhibit . City staff has also reviewed the request and has no problem with the dedication of the easement. Please place this item on the council' s agenda for approval of the utility easement dedication and authorization for staff to take relevant action to facilitate the filing of record of the dedication. Staff will obtain signatures upon approval . GL/te Attachment : Utility Easement Dedications • File: C::Iwpfilesimemosiprincton.esm • 5/)—! • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PERMANENT 20' UTILITY EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT That we, TRUSTEES E-SYSTEMS, INC. POOL TRUST, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Grantee herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have granted, sold and conveyed; and by these presents do grant, sell and convey to the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, Grantee herein,of Tarrant County,Texas, a perpetual easement for the purpose of installing, repairing, maintaining, altering, replacing, relocating and operating utilities in, into, upon, over, across and under that land in Tarrant County, Texas, described as follows, to wit: Permanent 20' Utility Easement: See attached Exhibit 'A' for metes and bounds description. See attached Exhibit 'B' for graphic depiction. together with the right of ingress and egress as necessary for such purposes. Such permanent easement shall include the right to excavate upon such property, but Grantee shall replace any fence, improvements, or other fixtures upon said property without cost of Grantor, or current owner thereof, and shall restore the property as nearly as possible to its condition prior to entry thereon. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever; and We do hereby certify that We are the owners of the property described herein and bind ourselves, our heirs and assigns, to warrant and to forever defend all and singular the premises unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim same or any thereof. Executed this the day of , 1993. TRUSTEES E-SYSTEMS, INC. POOL TRUST By: JIM CROWLEY,Trustee 5b- - STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared JIM CROWLEY, Trustee, TRUSTEES E-SYSTEMS, INC. POOL TRUST, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of , 1993. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My commission expires: Approved by City of Southlake, day of , 1993. By: Mayor,City of Southlake • Return to: City Secretary City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 Grantor: Trustees E-Systems, Inc. Pool Trust P.O. Box 660248 Dallas, Texas 75266-0248 EXHIBIT A , IELD NOTES FOR 20' UTILIITY EASEMENT BEING A TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE H. GRANBURY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 581, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING A PORTION OF A TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 8205, PAGE 2119, DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron pin found for the Northwest corner of said tract as described in deed recorded in Volume 8205, Page 2119, Deed Records,' Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE South 89 degrees 08 minutes 03 seconds East 'along the North line of said Tract 20. 00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 42 minutes 00 seconds West 416. 69 feet to a point for corner in the North line of Continental Blvd; THENCE North 89 degrees 59 minutes 08 seconds West along said Continental Blvd. 20..00 feet to a 5/8" iron pin' found for corner, for the Southwest corner of tract described in Volume` 8205, Page 2119 , Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE North 00 degrees 42 minutes 0 seconds East along the West line of said Tract 416. 99 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0. 19 acres )f land,, more or less. N SCALE 1 LEGEND :: LOYD BRANSOM SURVEYORS INC. • IRON PIN • / CHARLES B HOOKS JR. 0 IRON PIPE l ' •O REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR BOIs D'ARC STAKE • /i�Q'e�,o,aTE,� •1,��, 1028 NORTH SYLVANIA AVE. • o• FT. WORTH, TEXAS 76111 O CONCRETE MON • • CHARLES B. HOOKS.JR. ► 834-3477 —X—X— FENCE \ q I. '/ I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP IS TRUE AND CORRECT AS —'—'— POWER LINE T 'o 3946w,�fA sURVEYED ON THE ROUND,AND THE RE ARE NO EASEMENTS OR -T--T— TELEPHONE LINE \•Vy Rt ENCROACHME IBLE,OTHER THANE SHOWN. • • —CATV— CABLE TELEV1 ION �O S sj-s� ( "' J J SHADED AREA DESIGNATE!!CONCRETE DATE 7 -IJ i..\i11 131 I 13 • VERNIS FUU.IER V. 4636. P. 607 D.R.T.C.T. S 89'08'03" E • P.O.B. 20.00 CND spy"IP rn rn o) cn 5/ Ce. o cp �r Z E—SYSTEMS, INC. POOL TRUST oa (71� V. 8205. P. 2119 cc a:Li I I w N 0.R.T.C.T. •co 2 u) O lit O Q o .r 4 d LJ o O D 00 D Z b (/) ' (V FNO 6/6' IP 20.00 N 89'59'08" W CONTINENTAL BLVD. • • SCALE 1" =/oo • LEGEND LOYD BRANSOM SURVEYORS INC. • IRON PIN O� CHARLES B HOOKS JR. IRON �..�p- ris.71"..44 fREGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 0 IRONBOIS PIPEARC STAKE ' 1028 NORTH SYLVANIA AVE. CONCRETE MON 0%. FT. WORTH, TEXAS 76111 --x—X— FENCE -CHARLES B. HOOKS,JR. 834 3477 4 `�• I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP IS TRUE AND CORRECT AS • — POWER LINE ? 3946 t• • OA �:••C� SURVEYED ON THE GROUND,AND THERE A ENO EASEMENTS OR —T—T— TELEPHONE LINE 'syCSf O ENCROACHMENTS VISI LE,OTHER THAN 0 E SH N. --CATV— CABLE TELEVISION O 'S V CT 5 SHADED AREA DESIGNATES CONCRETE - DATE 7--is-—93 j City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM July 23, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 93-40 Rezoning and Concept Plan REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Concept Plan approval for Princeton Park, being 45.201 acres situated in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 1C1. LOCATION: West side of South White Chapel Road approximately 400' North of Continental Blvd. OWNERS: Sandra Fulmer Davidson and Charlotte Fulmer Ballard APPLICANT: Sunnybrook Properties, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: "SF-20A" Single Family-20A Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential BACKGROUND INFO: The developer proposes seventy-three (73) single family residential lots with one common access drive onto South White Chapel Blvd. Note that no private driveway access to South White Chapel Road will be permitted. The developer requests that Parkcrest Drive to the West in Timber Lake not be extended through this development. NO. NOTICES SENT: Eleven (11) RESPONSES: None P & Z ACTION: July 8, 1993; Approved (6-0) subject to Plan Review Summary dated 7/2/93 with the following changes: Delete No. 2a. , stub to the South; Change No. 2b. , requiring Princeton Park to accommodate existing Parkcrest Drive stub from Timber Lakes. COUNCIL ACTION: July 20, 1993; Approved (5-1) subject to the Plan Review Summary dated July 16, 1993 requiring Princeton Park Drive to extend to the West to connect with Timber Lake's Parkcrest Drive and to provide a stub to the South for future development of the Jackson and Roach tracts. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the July 16, 1993 Plan Review Summary with the exception of those items addressed in the attached third Plan Review Summary dated July 30, 1993 . Also note that the developer has provided stubs to the West and South recommended by the Council during the previous meeting. This submittal has maintained a lot count of 73 lots. KPG/gj .„... - • ..„ . ___ .,...,...,. 2Eir 41 ' >< .A P pr I 3C1 A W, ...a. x 34 dr_ cH NA te_k 4.102.1)46 Afr ilii IliWalemill. 3,) foi 34 3F 2AIC 2AI2A10 2A2 215 ��2r ` • d,! m aal 1.42 ��4 1, 4,�, 'Air 40.110 . / A-911.400111r• �' • •1, 1Ei����l� V��p /j. ;0sin ,. �N• �� I�� x a: A ''' Pam- "�.,. I � ,� A , NW.* r IRO ��•� 101 1D 1C 1P _ �• an 78 203A 263 .., , I 1 iiftnn T�1f n,IB�-.��WHSo ----- -- -------- -E,e!•?4►`� WO NN 4 ®UIGWN I,x .J 2C2A ZC1 r , �■�'�I • IN -Oe I a.-1 TR 2A ♦ J (rJ7"TR 2 ` 1 1 _ ADD14 TR 3 LAC 1D i 1 5B I \ • .. ,� .L ec \ SL � 1 1 IV.+ — 7 K2 amHILL 11 lE 1E1A v1"J. HYDE / Ea Jb?dl' A 06I c '� . 11. iB 1A7 .1A4 1 TR 1 I SA 5 I • 1A5 1 1 :ax..'■1� IA1 SAf a I IA 18 IC O ' . ' �� I.i.\ f 1 iBl inUD I SE- IA inI Warr CONi►DllAL !AM ---- i �� - 1 1 . ]C • C 204 _ 4011114.Aft"*'" Fii4 pii1111)".11 il I ala , . I. ..mitaws 2F(-�' p� iliptow Irk a LMLgr',a Fes: Gkg AD .'••-`' a ■1r, • 2s !►, I MISCIII0 4 . *F A Pftu> I ' 1A2 1F ...es& er, .7.4.11k. 0 er . ! FIN - QUV I HOOKS O N S lC Vi -•` .,t_iii.).4 ..... ' 1 Vmev A I C ) OO�{NJ , a x A-2 2J I j TC lik,„ ' It/ 1 � I _,---13\ I IA 1D 1 P• . 3A2 I ' I I 'Ell 4111 3Y , \TRACT LOCATION MAP 9.or 1 , 1 1 ,-., , i , , mia mai' • . . . ..,._, , II. , • JP' I • 1 , I- , , 1 \ • - , - a)l7 1. 45 9.3G Al: ID p .4 3 CHAP: Ilir 1 iI cc A U 4A1 I 4A2 I99 @ 1.44 @ '✓--•...._4: TR S "AG" 4 ',, — i I 16.29 AC 1 / 4 .D.Dlepenbrock 4B I J.Wright tV "R-E" ' / Y. .AG" L.G.Mantooth . TR 5B 9 0 AC 1 1 � " . 11 IMO I s d D.:89bon shin ¢k0 AC I i 1 "P.U.D.' w, I E S.Bumitt,Sr. '1..TII 50 TR 5Ci 111 4.0 AC 2.05 AC i .Y w ./ ••Z / Southlake Joint Venture __1 % I TR S'1•4// N : "SF-1" W.Gilchrist 5A l T A . ( 0) i� 7AAC? A� P�- C� Y IEF a T vY H• 5IJA 1 • • Y, ( TRACT • 1R .TR''5A TR 5 / TRACT F wyyy1. 0AC s .86AC 1 f 2A i t I / �• d I •I �!w "AG" Y ... ll w I w L m B.Ely / 1 TRACT i A.Jackson J.Roach E-Systems,Inc. //7 3 J 1/ d / TR 5A1 TRACT j 4 i Ii TRTRIIITR1C 5ADJACEP'T O' 'P'ERS ;. zor'.Ir'9 _____......) I M I . / .w I .., .Y sa. M ,Y 1 Pit- REVISED CONCEPT PLAN PRINCETON PARK --., — tf� I �— �N89'48' "E • 13 P" 13 I N 181.12' 14.5' 125' 5' J/E ' 130' 130'• 128.5' 20' 0 &11 it •--- _ 1 I. — —1 �o, 3 8 z 9 0. g 10 ul i m 11 12 a N 14 I I_ — II' A pp J N \I +GI W m O� __ 0. 4 L,S U 0r A — — Af 35_BUILDING NE— — _� 15 n &I •--I I �7h / ' 125' 130" — 130' — 13+ -- 128.5'A I .e I S0 �1.5' HARV'•RD FIVE 5°t: , � 15 U/E EwS, 15 -- - - _ I 11 150' 125' 125' 125" 145' 164. 1 I 1.5' — — — — 4 I 1 —� 3•" BUILDING LI �o' e • o '' o ^ O3 16 6 0 7 ++ G 9 0 10 mlo I I 16 157.16' ' 1� 5 4 q • � q I L — _ ^ ^I • I I 185.00' 145.00' 2 . I. 00' 125.00 145.00 50' I I 1 4.08' l•- 11 30' 2 . \' / ,, 00 195.00' - CL 7 to o a 4 0 20 a 11 z 17 J//�r I n 158.50" o `( ��� N 1.; �. 7 I l 175.00. `\, — 11-1-1 ` �U 181.36' m �°o`O i Ago. ` 195.00' Z <r N,,, 3 ��— $ L1 s oe�C ,.27 \� 12 m PEN PLACE ,B I in 6 3 N P� W \�: N �I� '--I n 0 N ( o Sd� q16 n 0 / 175.+■' I '3i!I _ 173.34' ■ 7163.23. e 19•.13' I N is cf:,4; 3 In _ 0, 22 0• n 31.50' 0. U F ONE II,I 184.90' o Z25' 1, 50 6.O!' . LINE I ■I' iEnn1 o tso.00' mZrz3.4T I sz.tz' I ! 20 I r11., ' I 160.00' In m �mio 0 7. II lg2 _ 23 n -RI 00. 6 w 1. 0 14 ` 2 2 !. 160.0* CREST 1.1 n I ■ NE I OL 20' 8 /'120• 125' 6' 115' 1 ���� 65 PARKD. w, l 3N_ PRINCETONW 135" 125' 26• 125' ■5' $ •\ U`F r - O 9 Bair_ 125 5 / 35' BJILDING NE ' J �1 I I55/ 15,,�4. � dill • 1 N 1' .' .. 9 0 8 0 �7 a 0 N1 I r o I O z r 11 0 1 0 0 0 6 o c 0� O �{ 0 1111 - o W — Z n 8 0 1 1 mall 90.6' 34.18' 126' ■. 82.37' I O I "'1 I 115' gp' I 21• 104' 137..5' 1 3.80' 51 �49.95' 120' I 70' 45.8 ' 115' 1 204.92' 49.35 II n Wit 0' q 85' 0' 1,I w15' /E '! 154.41m a \\ 15 16 _ 1• 1 - 1 oI n� o 13 `} of 17 p 8 u IV � O1 UL 12 c, o ,y1O,I 1D o o. 5' BUILD! G LINE 0 �. 45' B L • '120' S' — 120' 12!' ■ 4 3'■3• 20 • I — "l4159.12/ ^ 11111P R I 311111111111111111r11.11...- g +. YALE� J °":1 5 1 c 110 �� �173. 71' 6 0 12:' 125' — pir ho AV 1 6' I I I 5 �� 35' e.LONG E 2 1 1 W 1I 24 0 • `§' 21 <I m u in i 1 'Cory' 5 0 4 Pa. v I V V� I I 0. EXIS \`„A 211.60'__ 128' S' U/ 125' _ 110' , — 122_ � 0 �--4---'_. 115_ 156.50' 137.50_ /�� BE I } S81'4• 9.93 I I 89'16.26"W 618.6 ' ( 1 ` 7 I i 'NI 1 1 111111* City of Southlake,Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY 40 CASE NO: ZA 93-40 REVIEW NO: THREE DATE OF REVIEW: 7/30/93 PROJECT NAME : Concept Plan for Princeton Park being 45 . 201 acres situated in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 1C1 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/PLANNER/ARCHITECT: Sunnybrook Properties, Inc. Teague Nall and Perkins 5125 Davis Blvd. 220 W. Irving Blvd. , Suite 2 NRH, TX. 76180 Irving, Texas 75060 Phone : (817) 656-4354 Phone: (214) 254-1765 Fax: Fax: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLANS RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 7/27/93 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 744 . 1 . Show and label the required 10' Bufferyard 'B' along South White Chapel Blvd. 2 . Add back the vicinity map- which was on the first submittal . 1110 * Staff will coordinate street name approvals with fire department staff prior to final plat submittal. ® * Denotes Informational Comment - cc : Sunnybrook Properties _ Teague Nall & Perkins 7 g_5 . . CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS D J NANC - AN e' .INANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE 'SMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING APPROXIMATELY A 45 . 201 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE HIRAM GRANBERRY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 581, TRACT 1C1, AND MORE FULLY AND . COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL TO "SF-20A" SINGLE FAMILY-20A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDI► 'IN ECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the • - - - , exas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural under the City' s Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and ' WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street ' size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading 480.90/ORD �A Page 1 v spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over- crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and,' WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health= and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over-crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS : Section 1 . That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being approximately a 45 . 201 acre tract of land out of the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 1C1, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A, " attached hereto and incorporated herein. From "AG" Agricultural to "SF-20A" Single Family-20A Residential District . 480.90/0RD //� 7 Page 2 / Section 2 . That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3 . That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas . All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4 . That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5 . That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance . Section 6 . That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7 . Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2, 000 . 00) for each offense . Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8 . All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and- criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final 480.90/ORD L7// Page 3 disposition by the courts. Section 9 . The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3 . 13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10 . This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1993 . MAYOR - ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1993 . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE : ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE : 480.90/ORD /9_q Page 4 / EXHIBIT "A" METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION BEING A TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE HIRAM GRANBURY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 581, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, ALSO BEING THE SAME TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 4628, PAGE 607, DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS' BEGINNING AT A 1/2' IRON PIN FOUND FOR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT, SAID POINT BEING LOCATED IN THE WEST LINE OF SAID HIRAM GRANBURY SURVEY AND BEING 416.6 FEET NORTH 00 DEGREES 30 MINUTES EAST FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID HIRAM GRANBURY SURVEY, SAID POINT ALSO.BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 2608, PAGE 304, DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS! THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID HIRAM GRANBURY SURVEY, 1464.15 FEET TO A 3/8' IRON PIN FOUND FOR CORNER! THENCE NORTH-89 DEGREES-48 •M-INUTES -33-SECONDS-EAST-1336.63 FEET-TO A 1/2' IRON PIN -FOUND FOR CORNER AND BEING LOCATED IN WHITE CHAPEL ROAD1 THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 51 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID WHITE CHAPEL ROAD 1474.21 FEET TO A 3/4' IRON PIN FOUND FOR CORNER! • THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 16 MINUTES 26 SECONDS WEST 618.67 FEET TO A 3/4' IRON PIN FOUND FOR CORNER! THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 49 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST 729.93 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 45.201 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. 480.90/ORD /► Page 5 �N-/0 _ w. ORDINANCE NO. 517 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 4 OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, AS AMENDED, GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY TO PROVIDE FOR A DIFFERENT CONSIDERATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE BY TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW. WHEREAS, Texas Utilities Electric Company (hereinafter called "TU Electric") is engaged in the business of providing electric utility service within the City of Southlake (hereinafter called "City") and is using the public streets, alleys, grounds and rights-of-ways within the City for that purpose under the terms of Ordinance No. 4 of the City, adopted on November 12, 1956, and duly accepted by TU Electric; and WHEREAS, TU Electric has, pursuant to said franchise ordinance, been paying to the City a sum equal to three percent (3%) of its gross revenues received from sales of electric energy by TU Electric from its residential and commercial business within the City for the rights and privileges set forth in said franchise ordinance and, in addition thereto, has reimbursed the City for its ratemaking expenses pursuant to Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act; and WHEREAS, the City and TU Electric desire to amend said franchise Ordinance to provide for a different consideration to consist of a sum equal to four percent (4%) of its gross revenues from the sales of electric energy by TU Electric from its residential and commercial business within the City which different consideration includes, among other things, TU Electric's obligation to reimburse the City for its ratemaking and other regulatory expenses to be incurred by the City involving the regulation of TU Electric; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: 'm I TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY FRANCHISE AMENDMENT PAGE I SECTION 1. The consideration payable by TU Electric for the rights and privileges granted to TU Electric by Ordinance No. 4 of this City adopted on November 12, 1956, and duly accepted by TU Electric is hereby changed to be four percent (4%) of its gross revenues from the sales of electric energy by TU Electric from its residential and commercial business within the corporate limits of the City, said changed percentage to be applied to said gross receipts beginning on June 1, 1993, and being payable as specified in said franchise ordinance and based upon the same time periods as specified in said franchise ordinance and being payment for the said rights and privileges during the period specified in said franchise ordinance, said payment being in lieu of and shall be accepted as payment for all of TU Electric's obligations to pay municipal charges, fees rentals, pole rentals, wire taxes, inspection fees, easement taxes, franchise taxes, certain regulatory expenses under Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act or any similar or successor law, or other charges and taxes of every kind, except ad valorem taxes, sales and use taxes, and special taxes and assessments for public improvements. SECTION 2. TU Electric shall make a one-time payment hereunder for the purpose of making the changed consideration as specified in Section 1 hereof effective on June 1, 1993, without altering the payment dates specified in Ordinance No. 4, said one-time payment being due and payable thirty (30) days after TU Electric's acceptance of this ordinance as provided in Section 6 hereof, and being a sum calculated as follows: (a) TU Electric shall determine the monthly average of its gross revenues from the sales of electric energy by TU Electric from residential and commercial business within the corporate limits of the City during the period upon which the most recent franchise payment made to the City prior to June 1, 1993, was based; (b) the said monthly average of its said gross receipts shall be multiplied by 1% (0.01); and (c) the product so calculated shall be multiplied by the number of whole months from June TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY FRANCHISE AMENDMENT PAGE 2 1, 1993, through the last day of the last month of the period for which the most recent franchise payment made to the City prior to June 1, 1993, was made. SECTION 3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Section 1 hereof, if TU Electric files general rate cases and the City incurs cumulative expenses, otherwise reimbursable by TU Electric under Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act or similar or successor law, in excess of $4 million, then in such event, TU Electric shall reimburse all of the expenses incurred by the City in connection with all general rate cases filed during the period ended fifteen (15) years from the effective date hereof in excess of said $4 million. The term "general rate case" as used in this Section means a rate case initiated by TU Electric in which it seeks to increase its rates charged to a substantial number of its customer classes in the City and elsewhere in its system and in which TU Electric's overall revenues are determined in setting such rates. City agrees to exercise reasonable best efforts, considering the facts and circumstances, to keep its expenses on average to under $1,000,000 per general rate case. SECTION 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1 hereof, TU Electric will continue to reimburse the City's ratemaking expenses, if any, in connection with the appeal and any remand of Public Utility Commission of Texas Docket No. 9300 that are otherwise reimbursable under Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act, and will continue to reimburse the City's ratemaking expenses, if any, in connection with Public Utility Commission of Texas Docket No. 11735 that are otherwise reimbursable under Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act to the extent that said ratemaking expenses are incurred through the entry of the last action by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (i.e., the said Commission's order overruling the last motion for rehearing) in said Docket No. 11735; the City hereby agrees that any ratemaking expenses incurred in connection with said Docket No. 11735 that the City incurs 7L9 - 5 TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY FRANCHISE AMENDMENT PAGE 3 on appeal of said order will be the City's sole responsibility and further agrees -- in the events that the City is a participant in the joint intervention of cities managed by the Steering Committee of TU Electric Service Area Cities intervening in Docket No. 11735, that the City decides to continue to participate with the Steering Committee in such appeal of said order, and TU Electric is required to reimburse said Steering Committee for ratemaking expenses under Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act that are incurred on appeal of said order in Docket No. 11735 - - to reimburse TU Electric the City's share of reimbursable expenses related to said appeal and owed by TU Electric to said Steering Committee determined by the methodology chosen by the said Steering Committee (the City notify TU Electric of the method so chosen by the Steering Committee prior to the submission of an invoice by the Steering Committee for the payment by TU Electric of said reimbursable expenses related to said appeal). SECTION 5. In all respects, except as specifically and expressly amended by this ordinance, Ordinance No. 4 shall remain in full force and effect according to its terms until said franchise ordinance terminates as provided therein. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its final passage and TU Electric's acceptance. TU Electric shall, within fifteen (15) days from the final passage of this ordinance, file its written acceptance of this ordinance with the Office of the City Secretary in substantially the following form: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Texas Utilities Electric Company (TU Electric), acting by and through the undersigned authorized officer, hereby accepts, on this the day of , 1993, Ordinance No. amending the current franchise between the City and TU Electric. TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY By: -* TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY FRANCHISE AMENDMENT PAGE 4 • J4 SECTION 7_ It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed is open to the public as required by law and that public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given as required. PASSED ON FIRST READING this the day of , 1993. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary PASSED ON SECOND READING this the day of , 1993. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney 76—� TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY FRANCHISE AMENDMENT PAGE 5 • ORDINANCE NO. ��Q AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE PROPOSED RATE SCHEDULES AND SERVICE REGULATIONS OF TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE WAS PASSED WAS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 17(a) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act (Article 1446c, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes), and its City Charter, the City of Southlake currently exercises exclusive original jurisdiction over electric utility rates, operations, and services; and WHEREAS, on April 22, 1993, Tri-County Electric Cooperative filed with the City of Southlake an Application and Statement of Intent, together with its rate filing package, proposing to change the rate schedules and service regulations of said company within the City of Southlake; and WHEREAS, on May 4, 1993, the City of Southlake adopted Resolution 93-32, suspending the proposed changed rate schedules and service regulations of Tri-County Electric Cooperative for a period of ninety days from May 28, 1993, in order to allow the City Council sufficient time for the consideration of the voluminous data filed by said company; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, after having thoroughly considered the matter, is of the opinion that the proposed rate schedules are reasonable SL\cicctril.ord(071593) -1- 76 - 1 and that the best interests of the City and the citizens will be served by the approval of the proposed rate changes and service regulation changes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 That the Application and Statement of Intent to change rate schedules and service regulations filed by Tri-County Electric Cooperative with the City of Southlake on April 22, 1993, is hereby approved as the rate schedules and service regulations under which said company is authorized to render service and to collect charges from its customers for the sale of electric power and energy within the corporate limits of the City of Southlake until such time as such rate schedules and service regulations may be changed, modified, amended or withdrawn with the approval of the City Council of the City of Southlake. SECTION 2 The rate schedules and regulations herein approved shall be effective from and after the date the Public Utility Commission of Texas orders said new rate schedules and service regulations effective for Tri-County Electric Cooperative. SECTION 3 The filing of said rate schedules and service regulations with the City Secretary shall constitute notice to the consumers of electricity within the City of Southlake of the availability and application of said rate schedules and service regulations. SECTION 4 Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed now or hereafter as limiting or modifying in any manner the right and power of the City Council, under statute or charter, to regulate the rates, operations, and services of Tri-County Electric Cooperative. SL\electril.ord(071593) -2- 0 SECTION 5 It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this ordinance was passed was open to the public as required by law and that public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given as required by law. SECTION 6 This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 7 It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 8 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, and it is so ordained. SL\electril.ord(071593) -3 • - 17c-.3: PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS "AO DAY OF 1993. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF , 1993. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney Date: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: SL\electril.ord(071593) -4- 7e r i City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM July 23, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 93-48 Rezoning and Concept Plan REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Concept Plan approval for American Aquatics, Inc. , being 19.414 acres out of the R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207, Tract 3 . LOCATION: 2929 N. White Chapel Blvd. OWNER: Bill Massey APPLICANT: Michael & Dorothy Calli, d\b\a American Aquatics, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: "B-1" Business Service Park District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential BACKGROUND INFO: The applicant proposes to utilize the facility for wholesale Freshwater Tropical Fish distribution and retail sale of related aquarium products. (See attached letters. ) The "B-1" Business Service Park District is cumulative of all "0-1" Office District uses which permits up to 15% of floor area for retail use as related to the principal use only. The applicant is requesting a waiver of all bufferyards. NO. NOTICES SENT: Nine (9) RESPONSES: One written response: * Kenneth and Joan Sorg, 2825 N. White Chapel Blvd. , expressed no opposition to the rezoning and requested that no vegetation barrier be placed between their property and the subject tract. P & Z ACTION: July 22, 1993; Approved (6-0) a "S-P-2" district for a tropical fish distribution facility and related ancillary uses (to include retail sale of the related products up to 15% of the floor area) per the "B-1" district regulations, the concept plan presented with the application, and Plan Review Summary dated July 16, 1993 and recommending a waiver of all bufferyards at this time. The Commission amended the rezoning request to limit the use of the tract to only the fish distribution use and related ancillary uses rather than the entire list of permitted uses in the "B-1" district. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the July 16, 1993 Plan Review Summary with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plan Review Summary dated July 30, 1993 . X4 KPG/gj C:\CD\KAREN\MEMO\ZA93-48.MEM 8/9 Sow 04-02-1993 15:52 • • • *•* AMERICAN 4UATIC$ INC. 1 420 SOUTH CARLOS STREET • ONTARIO, CA 91761 TEL: (714) 923-6166 • FAX: (714) 923-6169 April 2, 1993 To Whom It May Concern: • American Aquatics, Inc. is a wholesale distributor of Freshwater Tropical Fish and related aquarium products,, to the retail pet industry. The function of American Aquatics is to. source different kinds of aquarium fish and related products from all over the world. We acclimate and condition and then distribute to retail outlets. . We would need a facility .wih insulated and climaticaly . ' controlled buildings to accomodate several hundred aquariums for housing tropical fish. Additional building space to house related dry good items and greenhouse space for the aquarium plants. Also space for possible retail sales. Sincerely/,, ��i f 1 id to t' lA ex �e Michael V. Calli, President bow 06-02-1895.1.S:54 P.02 .dam AMEEIAN_A9IATIS INC. '4111" '1420 SOUTH CARLOS AVENUE - ONTARIO, CA 91761 Ilk TEL: (909) 923-9166 • FAX: (909) 9.3•8169 May 29y 1993 To: City of 6outhluke • Re; gill Massey Fr'�verty We own and operate a freshwater tropical fish distribution • business. We sell •o retail Tropical Fish and Pet Stores through-out the tin ted Staves. We atatted the business in 1979 in .Southern California selling to the local stores, them expanded to i l°clude other states, wit.hi Texas:. beirrfI the l argeet, we ship tm . Because of our increased out of state shipping. we found the need to estab4sh a second distribution center. After visiting several other states, We decided we liked Texas. Not only do we already service many stores in Texas , the Dallas/Port Werth airport makes it ideal for shipping to ether minted no well. In February of this year, we spent a week in Texas looking at available housi. g and commercial buildings �:n the,:area sUr.`rounding the aiport. We loved. Southiake as soon as we saw it and decided` that was where we would like to live. Not only did we li. a the "look and feel" of Southiake, the fact that it had t e best schools in the country was very important to us. While looking at available homes in Southlake, we happened to see Bill Maasey}' s advertisement showing an aerial view of his property for sale. It had everything we were looking . for! Not only did 'it already have an established business with buildings that would easily accommodate our business, it also had a beaMtiful home on the adjoining property. It was perfect. Ws'. could live in Southiake, send our kids to the best sehooTs, and operate our business. Being so close to the airport is an important factor for our type of business . We' deal wit l' a: i.vel'.produot, and it can be critical at times that .these small, delicate and expensive little fish be q picked up and acclimated as anon as possible. The lame goes for shipping out. The less time involved in. getting them to their destination the better. g �.3 e6-02-io t3 15:5S P.03 WA pick up our shipments and make local deliveries using Our own vans, so traffic in and out of the prbporty would be light, no larg trucks coming or going. Our facilities are not open to t1te general public, so we don't require a lot of visibility. A few of the local stores may want to visit and pick up', but stores usually prefer delivery. We do, on occasion, pave schools and community• groups come • to the facility for educational tours, but our general day tc5 day operationslis very quiet. We hope this overlview gives you a general idea of the type of business we world like to establish on this property. We are definiteiy1 going to expand into Texas, and we do need to live close to our business to proper).y care for the fish. We would love to make southlake the place for both. Our business is very family oriented and our family l Very coma unit oriented. Thank you for yo r consideration to this request. If you need any more information, please feel free to call as. Sincere y, cs. .(al,..e.r142 .4ec) Michael Ca i, P .•esident Dorothy Calli, Vice President $11" - KENNETH & JOAN SORG June 25, 1993 Mr. William E. Massey P.O. Box 429 Grapevine, Texas 76051 Re: .c.cning Change Requirements Dear Mr. Massey: We :derstand that you are attempting to change the zoning affecting all or a portion of the property described on the attached Exhibit A to a B-1 Business Service Park District - classification. We further understand that this new classification may require you to plant certain trees, bushes and other vegetation along our mutual property line on the south side of your property or to erect some other type of barrier between our properties. Please be advised that we have no objection to a change in the zoning classification as described above and we waive any right to require the creation of any barrier between our properties (including a barrier of trees, bushes or other vegetation). This letter may be relied upon by the Southiake city council, city staff and members of city boards with regard to the matters set forth in this letter. Sincerely, Kenneth Sorg Aj—e/nevtA Joan Sorg g -5 --- - --- - -- \ I 13 -- / ---/1 r S 1 M S 1 1 ro, ,� � r f /1' .; v, i / ,D.r. Iu�teGg1A � I ///' NWtGI P�I6Q_ I it RI a , 1 7, M S 1 1 . �I1F ace I 11 S S- 10 \� 1\\\C \ p S ll 71 1111 1/ IS IS-I I W. PRICE ' it 11 I M. DA;NA! FIL Y �1�\ 1 I 's M I \ n n 1, \ L �� -11111 11111111.,11111�1111111 I ink. 111..E -- -- — - - -- ......e:tlt. i m s■�� III-'■a=■■sa■•.aa ■-.arm s �-- — � — _ ■■ ■■_III ....Tiza ...4.■,,.. REIS4. PRICE ,t4 1 =I t1-s ,1;r1�� b W I UU �rI�(Iii ?IU;. CS][ MEDLIN! ••'-' el W. MILLS 1,•';','>i I �1 I A1w,rr.-sm 111 3 I 3 41I11111HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I ';';' i i j f y' wasn111111 111 min I !!//!' 4'p I LN1N%1I DAVID DOUTb14 /, U!A I Es ,,! 10 11 NI: ' I // 1 e JIwKY - A , '/i • 1 -,}_ j/ 6 91�11 DENTON Ill J. HENRY ,A /W. AI/AILL$ 11 111�1•II I TARRANT _ •• 1 IAt 1n• w SAlm& row t _ 04 5 04 GWII�DI.I-Pi 1A Alash,,a "` t. on•g ----i- ----- - itd - / — DAMID D® Val • tea ' ` to w •w 1 inter.-... �/ igs rAia` No, . tic.,-,,-,..i. 1;1\ 51711111.411111bilibli _ ,r.M� /,�. -.,.. r- al Irrik ullieriotit.gm • . -S U.P MARTIN w Iw 1A ' a DmD ` I IG1D I ,! J ' IIw .111JA x/ D. 1:. ,.r 77 I r I y , 3,6 A _ 1 30P J 1 m1 5iTf, ' -_- .%.11G __ 1M - ----- ,, __ __ ----'�-- - wA x Inc lc;� x � tlM 1 _� + I - I�© 7 lAl � M _Al_IC11A O1 )O _�d�11 �� 1_s uus DB MARTIN I N" 411 gP 0 �1 �ilt.rv�n1A © � a«K. ,-„r 142— `"'/ irM 11_ 4R�. Idb j r ra In Jun. .-,M :WIC I 3447,1n, MA I r 'I 10I� �ItI4I IIn no i tc7. x ,t-�� w1 — al ;. ,,,,..H...m a ,, III 7A1A ii.i ,a R 010" I-1, 1rrR lC t� 'A �1711r'•1nom,mrt o r a1w1 / 7�'�— 1 m ' usroo.�aT tI • r 1, ��U ndu n,a, I , 1NIa f 1 IA>f ---- --- p Ili 1 -= - �► N 1. _n 4. In,— w � ,j1 �i r•• �; V' , x w i I IA to • bo r/�r l�. ' ,..0 Y �j I ..■ IlikAi,•.i 1 i ; M i IN I ..I VA I L_ r I LI,' TRACT LOCATION MAP yA �::I C. DAR1 �f 1 ' I ,a I ta.1L:1.!�! • w I ..nl,,,I 1A1, I TR 4C /I M 11 J I - __ T 482 I 14 AC ^ U ¢ = IIIL--. m ,,,_. IIF U ..y 9R o r E 4 10 17 1 PAI Y 1.08 AC I TR 481 �./ ASUFI12nolF. . �. TA 4A1 A/1G 1 1 AC TA 4A "AGE' 3 .83 AC TR 2A2 TR 2A1 3 cm J J PARK CITIES LIONS A I L I N 2. 3A1C L l, 2.3 AC [Cy _ J( MTP- gM W. MASSEY {�y(O� i. R2A4 C'-PUD TR 3F 1 2g69 72A.. / TR 3A 5@ 1 2 1A 2 (r 4.3 AC 5.504 @ 11.896 @ 3.0 @ r "AG" "AG" 4 SF-1 1 20 KIDWELL I I1 9�, I I TR 3A1A $, TA 3A4 I I 4.2 AC ,5, • ‘F TR 3 C3PUD CI 19.77 @ 9q • 1 ,1A2 IBM CORP-ED WAITS TR 2F7 R 3A4B 4.12 AC AC 4.35 AC �(L TR 381E �� 0 , .B AC TA N7. 7 2F l ' TR 3A4A International Bus.Mach. L SF-1 SF- TR 3A1A1\ 4.47 AC STRANBURGER & PRICE 811-1.2581 .52 AC ))) TR 381C TR 2F6 AC I J 2.39\ J,_ \\ .B7 AC 2 1 TR 3A3P IBM 7 PLANO BANK & TRUST j `\ 5 AC / K. SORG GONZALEZ SF-1 \. / 2 "AG" TR 3B1 1 \--_______.'--\, .f \ C3-PUD TR 3E If TR 3A3A1 \ 6.95 AC — — _ _ _ _ i\ 12.005 @ • \. --\\•� 1A fB I 1C 2 /� 4A " f^E TR 3A3A SWEET ST EN ^^TR '^ •^ 41 4.99 AC fr 1G i ADJACENT OWNERS .& ZONING I 0 P^- b • City of Southlake,Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO: ZA 93-48 REVIEW NO: TWO DATE OF REVIEW: 7/30/93 PROJECT NAME: Concept Plan for B-1 Zoning Request for American Aquatics, Inc . , being 19 .414 acres situated in the R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207, Tract 3 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/PLANNER/ARCHITECT: Bill Massey David Surdukan, R. P.L.S . 2929 N. White Chapel Blvd. Vilbig & Associates, Inc . . Southlake, Texas 76092 2720 Stemmons Freeway Suite 400 South Tower Dallas, Texas 75207 Phone : (817) 430-8380 Phone : (214) 630-1565 Fax: Fax: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLANS RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 7/26/93 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS . IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 744 . 1. Add site land use designation ("L.U.D. = Medium Density Residential" ) . 2 . Correct the gross acreage in the title block to reflect the 19 .414 acres called in the metes and bounds description. 3 . Bufferyards per the following summary are required. Delete the "*" by the West 10 ' Level B bufferyard since this level does not require a 6-foot fence. REQUIRED PLANTINGS IN BUFFERYARDS CANOPY ACCENT LOCATION REQUIRED PROVIDED TREES TREES SHRUBS North-934 ' 10 ' Fl* None 28 56 75 East-392 ' 10' Fl* None 12 24 31 North-550 ' 10 ' Fl* None 17 33 44 East-556 ' 10' F1* None 17 33 44 South 10' F1* None 24 47 63 West 10 ' B None 24 49 65 * Six foot (6 ' ) Wood Stockade Fence required in addition to the required plantings . * Platting is required to subdivide the property or prior to the issuance of a building permit which expands the footprint of the existing structures . * All signs and culverts must be permitted separately. * Denotes Informational Comment cc : Bill Massey David Surdukan, Vilbig & Associates, Inc . Ruth Smith gA-8 • ./ IA/ lar CrJa t► 00ItQ/ MIME MIA PAR• WA.WILY WWI 113313111114. py WI KWIC.1111-1114 MC 41.PA 1110C/4 IA 104113 VI LLCM.WI WWI fm/fML r IV 10'00*E 1134S0' KV 530.00' . #4 1%, R G..dN 00' if71400' K' 01CAC1 ESL SSW AIM 31100 MEWL 01010 LAM 09101 won'aas.cc y IA 1 C MAW.31iF�1,MK 21 IA b WM . QK)„....... 1-;...A_„„\A \ MOMENT ,,,, ,AO \ . • erA \1' ` ,�, ` ` / f VC as ��I )1,... roar 1►1r1210 ROWS XI?WWI �0 \, IR- ' it M GIGS Carlo OA �p •t/ Yr 4A0...IR LSI 41 14. \\\V ilip s at ss'or w Nair giv In 9 . MOM MX 110 K10r AWN.J7a MLA 1714 L1a 5K MR , L.LL6. 2141•7�L►OWY81L 50 1 4E f .•f00.fO R Nrut.rt Y ISMS gR .P 44111 LC Ft [OG717!WA I CONCEPT PLAN FOR Ep-2 FOR FISH DISTRIBUTION AMERICA AQUATIC, INC. 19.65 ACRES " y ,10,,,,r NORTH MITE CHAPEL R art '�se A x o1 A N 0111,01I 11,F1• KM 17 a M • SCUM W P,• NM H O 10 *or f/■ • lar LN Y O •.a00M WEN~ma AM.wp1.1r Waft rr MAY OMENS. %uSWAc f Mirg(f • JRr I••r 1r Alf XII .-Illt IN /r•) (A/ J\ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-91 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480 , AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING APPROXIMATELY A 19 .414 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE R.D. PRICE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1207, TRACT 3 , AND MORE . FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL TO "B-1" BUSINESS SERVICE PARK DISTRICT' SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural under the City' s Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street - loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking C:\CD\ORD\ORD480\480.91 Page 1 areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over- crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original. investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over-crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population,. and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1 . That Ordinance No. 480 , the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is 'hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being approximately a 19 . 414 acre tract of land out of the R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207, Tract 3 , and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A, " attached hereto and incorporated herein. From "AG" Agricultural to "B-1" Business Service Park District. C:\CD\ORD\0RD480\480.91 g&-!/ Page 2 Section 2 . That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3 . That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the' City of Southlake, Texas . All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4 . That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been _ made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5 . That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6 . That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7 . Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2, 000 . 00) for each offense . Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8 . All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and- criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final C:\CD\0RD\DRD480\480.91 g 4/h Page 3 n p� disposition by the courts. Section 9 . The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3 . 13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10 . This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1993 . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1993 . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: C:\CD\ORD\ORD480\480.91 gam//3 Page 4 r, EXHIBIT "A" BEING a tract of land situated in the R. D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and also being part of a 24.55 acre tract as called in a Warranty Deed as recorded in Volume 7495, Page 1974 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, said tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner in the East Right Of Way line of White Chapel Road (County Rd. No. 3016) , said point being the southwest corner of said 24.55 acre tract; THENCE North 35 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds West following the East Right Of Way line of White Chapel Road a distance of 834.91 feet to a point, said point being at the beginning of a curve to the left with a radius of 1580.00 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left following the East Right Of Way line of White Chapel Road through a central angle . of 8 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 236.24 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 43 degrees 40 minutes 00 seconds West following the East Right Of Way line of White Chapel Road a distance of 96.91 feet to a point at the northwest corner of .said 24.55 acre tract; THENCE North 89 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds East following the north line of said 24.55 acre tract a distance of 934.20 feet to the northwest corner of a 5 acre tract recorded in Volume 564, Page 481 District Court 302nd Judicial District, Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 02 minutes 52 seconds East following the west line of said 5 acre tract a distance of 392.00 feet to a point; THENCE DUE EAST following the west line of said 5 acre tract a distance of 549.95 feet to a point in the east line of a said 24.55 acre tract, said point also being the southeast corner of said 5 acre tract; THENCE South 00 degrees 02 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 555,81 feet to a 1/2 iron rod found for corner at the southeast corner of laid 24.55 acre tract; • THENCE South 89 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds West following the south line of said 24.55 acre tract a distance of 788.12 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 845,681 square feet or 19.414 acres of land. C:\CD\ORD\ORD480\480.91 8/9—/1/ Page 5 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM July 23, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator • SUBJECT: ZA 93-49 Preliminary Plat REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat of Lots 1, 2, & 3, Block 1, Fina Addition, being 20.741 acres situated in the C.B. McDonald Survey, Abstract No. 1013, Tracts 3A, 3B1, 3B2, and 4. LOCATION: North side of S.H. 26 approximately one mile Southwest of S.H. 114. OWNERS: Fina Oil & Chemical Co. and CITGO Refining & Chemical, Inc. APPLICANT: Everage Consultants, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "I-2" Heavy Industrial District with special exception use permits for petroleum operations. LAND USE CATEGORY: Industrial BACKGROUND INFO. : The owner proposes to plat: Lot 1, the existing Fina/CITGO terminal; Lot 2, proposed site for Koch Metering Station; Lot 3, proposed site for future development. City Staff has assisted the owners in this area in a coordinated effort to significantly upgrade the private drive and RR crossing at the southwest corner of this tract. Although not a public street, it will provide much better access for fire prevention equipment. NO. NOTICES SENT: Five (5) RESPONSES: One written response: * Donald Ray Jones, representative for Conoco, Inc. , in favor P & Z ACTION: July 22, 1993; Approved (6-0) subject to the Revised Plat Review Summary dated July 19, 1993, recommending a waiver of item #6 which requires the fronting of all lots on a public street due to the proposed 24' concrete private drive along the west side of the property. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the July 19, 1993 Plat Review Summary with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plat Review Summary dated July 30, 1993 . /Alk KPG/gj C:\CD\KAREN\MEMO\ZA93-49.MEM a \___- , •_ �0 ,4 �- 1 1 1 LI..1 J 1 8.Tl •_ ."..UR. 11111 ISII gU g Oriiitipp:-. - ., :A>A .,..2At....., �� 1� 1 us tAtA fAl" LAM b .�_� iliw► irf, . ' ' All �' ' 0 7N .�� I� r 11A IN pit: 0 I% 1. fOA 1 , 1K r�a A . ik •: !A 1A J. RAWA'474 A. C`C _I`fiAr` 1 tivos_ ° SA • r9i 5 L. , ttO Vr-07; gill. li-i., ---;� u w w I 1 40 , • • —TJ 1nm 1 w nn C,��'{ nama Oib4 __ • I E ` '1I i r.o.�[ ;-111A1 I ` i ..,rn..a —.ao 1 IGiti l yIi -eK /� 1 1 1 1 i, t . 0 . ROC O LD c %' I •,\•,‘,ki, ,.... .,..... ... , tru• '.r •, I 1:°,- 11 Vi .---1. 1 1 Mit.“ 1 1 Nr 1w*IA N.NIA INC • 0.r/1. IT o7E4 MR W i NI% ,� j • I Si ww � 1t f 1 '°" HARRISON DECKED �7 Q .�{ ( r I ___ ___jun .....•.. 001,02\ "�_coo y -.x I !MKT A-15.R • I .0 Frw .4 plik v1 S I . 411001, �-� ` r TRACT LOCATION MAPkIATE; �1 �yWE �'�' CONSULTING ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS - PLANNERS g 1170 CORPORATE SUITE 207 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 760 (817) 633-1023 METRO 640-43 • 03-0, :::: NEN---) j P� N ilj • IecK f; 1 • I \+ NNof a3 R I .�.� la� TRACT 3 (10.504 AC 1.145 @ _ — "" EXPLORER—PIPELINE CO. T• 1810A ie AMBER PIPLINE CO. (.55 @) .45 AC -�5C1 I-2 T� SBSOC / T6 TR SBSA I-1 / 45 AC ''6C2 15.6 AC R 1815 �Se I P90 4 AC 6F / 1A 1614 _. / 1.4 1AC8 se. I W.R. WALLACE Z TR 1 I ) "AG" .46 @ zee Ti 1817 _•TR / .4 AC SO I /fig • i / Z T a 11318 TR V� 4 AC �� I 1 5 R. AC L/ �43AC3 i CONOCO,INC.so 3A SC��G 11 ip I-2 .02 AC , /Q�`1 TA41pC "6c N /PP 6l I . TR41AC �ER I ��,y 2 TR 1B1 1 / \ TR SB C -al 00 16.654 AC I 1 m / .4 AC eel W 1' P .4 AC 60: ( / 9@ OJ TR SAS Ta SBBB �,ie /: 9. �OQ 1 AC .4 AC 6e' Ta 18781 I 'b` V .4 AC 6Af 1 ,CQ�dCio`V. TR SB7B le TR SBSC I .4 AC '6AI 1.906 @ 2 T41 A /A 4 , eI. ITR 187 1e I.3B AC ''di TR 4 .45 AC ! 5�9° • 6 pN 1 EXPLORER PIPE. / 0 9.�ti pplT I I I TR 4B / ..s A,�' A • 1-2 V^ ,c, y — — 1\1 GEN� aNO 3_ — — --� C PETROLEUM CO. OF TX./CONOCO INC. / c,' PQ�, °' ' U�/�1.10 SUGAI' • I-2 Ep ff^^ J l7 P TR SB18 �P GP ! PI 15 AC / n' 056 S A061A I ,u (3) I. / A /A` S 11 43.489 @ 1 ADJACENT OWNERS & ZONING City of Southlake, Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO: ZA 93-49 REVIEW NO: TWO DATE OF REVIEW: 7/30/93 PROJECT NAME: Preliminary Plat - Fina Addition OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: Fina Oil & Chemical Co. Everage Consultants P. O. Box 2159 2630 West Freeway Dallas, Texas 75221 Suite 100 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 PHONE: (214) 750-2707 PHONE: (817) 429-7560 FAX: FAX: (817) 429-9322 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 7/26/93 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 744 . 1 . The subdivision ordinance requires that every lot abut a public or private street . Lot 2, Block 1 does not meet this requirement although a 24' fire lane will be constructed in the private easement to the west . cc : Fina Oil & Chemical Co. _ Everage Consultants tL 8/3'"7 • CT :'e'wATEn �$ `-, ,h-uEu15T • • 0.0 -'� sO r J,� I E. CONTINENTAL BLVD. a�'"" "'�""` r,� _� ;.•lP CIO • wY. 6-PRIVATE WATER�� ,_ • S g 1 j# r(l it VICINITY MAP I e0 9 I N •401L TRACT 2 A 'y� I ! GREEN MEADOW ADDITION. Sj !� . I _ _ ' TRACT 3. 388-96/45. P.R.T.C.T. '- J • AMBER PIPELINE COMPANY `' I 7296/1758 D.R.T.C.T. •I »: 1I - I-1 ZONING' • C • .,• "' -. - "' ,/N CONC. : UTIL,TX EASEMENT 1 >L ' CON . POINT OF BEGINNINGI n ' •,a•Y .csY,--S 89'46'32" E _ - PT�1k _ ::n,..r, ___. . ., _ ._-_____. -- I/ q 'PROPOSED�50'.DRA;NACE-EASEME�T�"/�.,) • i :;�:1 • FINA OIL.& • 1' 1yr� (% tom_'- ___LLL...JJJ I, : 7 ..' I•'� %-'A-'%mil CHEMICAL COMPANY I Ir yam.'/f v:J., . 11' i �-V I1 �' !t� 8309/532 I �I�' v !j •i:? --- �� , L` I /1}ems JnL Zs. 1 7.. Il 5.250.000 CAL \ `~� v (� V 1 TANK LOT 1, BLOCK;1 �1;--0;tiN./U 1 .1 . I ?' l ,J 14.356 ORES l ✓J pi 11 I •T•YIWII[e WPEL«C r0. - �� I G�" - /•\{II I' 0 q� .- _' 11q .. -, .. . .,. ... . : : �'. PJE aion%{iicnrs , L..J�I• / jvc�\� ,,,"N"'llV//_-_ 3\ i h 'III 1� xllaaoo )��.IIII 6 89"59'�29"t- z , 'iI I w''-N TANK .I 'J, •�� O1Q'1� •, R •eti. ,. Ji 1 I' Ili :1'•I LJ I I' Sig) `°l.-T ,n ft f NI• =I4 \.INI Anil '"` ci ••• Ia- ' 'I', I / I11 ti o 11 31I`•, .I I l soma' I, t I,eeo.oaa I / irw �r, / i LOT 3, BLOCK 1 ; , USE DESIGNATION 1 ,.r. • I�o .i 11 rANA/ I\ i�IIM'_i:.�,' 5.678 ACRES I 3`..'\ t-2ZONINC �Iul �h (II ry. _ - —_ (�� (aa.000 �I"I�10 :I: I ('---. ^ V �//-�-(yfx :Ii i;^s�_ / CITY UNITS.. I i': Iv ti — ? I ' :..�.� _.___ pa,�naN--�.z. � _:.� ,L,G— ,,mac W 7 ' 1 I I'�q—I ' v r4a-AI i HTa U 1. /CD: l �gf3 •I .a} i�J lt$T .• rni. _ __ •.. I F.` /'-_J'ur°,m-EwT.-'I V r i.w9' 71 2 :.. E ,• an 0_.\4` �,• r«.n `y __;, i• s e 'o'..._wa ,;}' -Uy_\y n0 • • W.kO.a,k7E5Yi :.Y• _ .__.- _- ._. ?,(T •> wAce•e ` • '•.� 'I 1 eaa4/+aar r�N BOI$D•ARC • �_ •}. Jl a•a i r +'Y STAKE Fn0 • o I;I i,' f t ,� ._ PWE CO/R. +OaYG�« -� w v•l. • -. �,;• .• (• 'A': .t 1 ..; se>o as\' �l W«.ca '� .Y *' 0. :,••,' off /' _ •i",.,-'-.i!..-••.•••••,•,.:•.."?•.•„ii.-.- 1,5:.„'-',:,; • l:'.'-• • ;.-----:.-.. ,.4.:1-:.--.,'-5.0...-..-, .s•''.':.-1L-\7;: .•V. . .• .'. ':,. nuns PPCUNE ' Aj 1ac.s;i Lo'U'e•''•,•'...'....`..!?.1 .. i -. 00 ..,t, / V /• 1 i 'c.•.,,nEaaw. yy I ._ �- •AA4 �.' r„S"`Tii�• �• , ...i'",:,....-.•,. . • -•:--. '• bN, 4,•••••-.\•;••,---7.: .%..„:..,#.,.'..0..., • .:. . e oe/1n X Vf '` ..5., •-,,,1'• 91 -•,__ COMMON ACCESS � I )OJ V 'yEtt I pNE`, _' g"�..••. %� .I 'cP l� /, .{. _ EASEMENT .I m•S 'f' - -.• r_- : yh j, /j(}t r`- -•------ I; -1•.YnU,Y EAYYOIT • 1/2•IPSs'.In, J:' ]a'Bulpr.a urd� 1/Y IPS. ''�w /'' 's� /'' PREDYINARY PLAT NOTES' 1:r. rn°r..r w '• a '- :Gn2*-Islw 3.$5- .� �% _.. _ :. � nvw``otia .aai � �, � , ,,,; '•'.,,,�_ ¢ A EXPLORER PIPELINE CO.�,'•�` j •,L•.... �'.L "4-:..,.«N •' F 5569/987 / � / /� - _ '•• / • i n,icn..aw'o[i.,.ma'�oa�s,.•"-aiii zi`.°r''.�wo. y 0,1457 AC - '^°" ^'..•,:ve - • ',' :}:.'a'rn•"^a.•..�.�•...r....+.^•G.•�N 0- - EXPLORER PIPELINE CO. '"� /'' /,' M°w`,°,vrt.'Or� , nog 705}/903 �,•.� /' - - /'' S .di u: :"tea.:n v.asj mi,�K ww.n..obia __ _.h " o o� ,+ \ ZONED 1-2 /.- /.• ::x pia;:a K«`K °ems:. i' N um o -- —f= '— '/� —'— :a•.. .«. !`� P.R. SPLANE SURVEY .r= _ A.---. s A,.�.g_'P 7 / ABST. 1453 • . — �.r.i:,�.wi,wo. �.. , - '4` /,, Or .. • u.[.4«wwua -,�,. r",,,., �''.�`� 0.-` N; .Z10 / PRELIMINARY PLAT OF NOTE SITE-ZONED I-2 VATH A LOTS 1, 2 & 3 BLOCK 1 - ' .�«x'Z:11.447. ,,'. ",Y / \\- ' SPECIAL EXCEPTION FOR• - _ _;.,.:.T.:- /' • /' - PETROLEUM OPERATIONS. •• - FINA ADDITION • - BEING A 20.741 ACRE ADDITION OUT OF THE C.B. I';.,?.=_ "¢-;.�f -,:' .' /-/ / _ NI DONALD SURVEY,ABSTRACT No.1013 IN_THE CITY OF SON THLAKE. TARRANT COUNTY.'TEXAS • I ., • - .. _ c7L ' / ,... , _ orm acnNP•t; o u,E•1¢us.NC. r«.oa ANo Ixlnc.0 cwPAn• M�^FVERACE ONc..NCN PUCE Pass 0,11E 00C n54 /�OYNSULTANTS -W 1r'. e a405.KaA$ rlaal E./•-..:. ' MESA oA...0.4 .102 •FCC n,cmnE •.. • ITC AYI I :Ea rspr10-1ra7 — „ •.":.uf • ,n !.'nIK,AJd • - 4D-C.,Pp.AP a a,r.Cr. 0a-5 -0 A City of South lake,Texas MEMORANDUM July 29, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 93-42 Revised Preliminary Plat REQUESTED ACTION: Revised Preliminary Plat for SouthRidge Lakes, Phase VII, being 20.410 acres situated in the T. M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. .706 and the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522 . LOCATION: East of North Peytonville Ave. , West of Shady Oaks Dr. and West and South of Raven Bend. OWNER/APPLICANT: Arvida/JMB Partners, L.P. -II LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential BACKGROUND INFO. : On June 3, 1993, a Final Plat of SouthRidge Lakes, Phase VII was tabled due to the plat not conforming to the original Revised Preliminary Plat (ZA 91-07) which was approved by City Council in June, 1991. This submittal is a revision to the approved Preliminary Plat. NO. NOTICES SENT: Eighteen (18) RESPONSES: Two written responses received in opposition: * Fred Joyce, 455 Randol Mill Avenue (See attached letter. ) * Nolan and Tara Berg, 1101 Raven Bend (See attached letter) P & Z ACTION: July 8, 1993; Approved (6-0) subject to Plat Review Summary dated 7/2/93 with the following changes: Delete No. 8b; Change No. 9 omitting Lot 129, Block 1 and adding Lots 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 and 136, Block 1 as indicated in the new exhibit ('C' ) submitted at the meeting and requiring the north line for those lots to be 125' in width; Change No. 12 to reflect necessary off-set to Fred Joyce's property as indicated in the new exhibit submitted. COUNCIL ACTION: July 20, 1993; Sean Randall with Arvida withdrew the submitted revised preliminary plat from consideration by the City Council and indicated that Arvida would proceed with the approved preliminary plat already on file with the City ('Alternative E' ) . STAFF COMMENTS: The developer has resubmitted the revised preliminary plat reviewed by the Council on July 20, 1993 for further consideration by the Council at their August 3, 1993 meeting. The applicant has met all the review comments of the July 2 and 16, 1993 Plat Review Summaries with the exception of those items addressed in the attached third Plat Review Summary } dated July 30, 1993 . //' KPGgj C:\CD\KAREN\MEMO\ZA93-42.MEM Fred Joyce 455 Randol Mill Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 • July 1, 1993 Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Ave Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Commission Members: I am writing to you because I will be out of town when the Arvada Southridge Lakes Preliminary Plat for Phase VII comes before you. 1 would like to refer you to my earlier objections when I appeared before you and explained some of the problems the Arvida Subdivision has created for my 7 acres which joins this Phase VII. I have tried to work with them about the ingress/egress easement we share as well as the locating of this street. On several occassions Arvida, through their representatives, have agreed to a solution, only to refuse to honor it later. I want to ask you to make your recommendation to the City Council to either: 1. Require Arvida's street to be so situated that I can build a street down the middle of my property being In compliance with the requirement of 125 feet distance between the center lines of two streets that intersect a third street. OR 2. Allow me to build my street right down the middle of my property, even though Arvida's street is nearer than the 125 foot requirement. If this is passed, as is, 1 will not be able to utilize my property to its rightful potential. I will greatly appreciate your making some provision now,while it is before you,and before it is too late for me. Sincerely red y • may uc L1.1.1Cu (JUL di1Q MMMa11eQ co the ulty or Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas 76092 . REFERENCE NO. : ZA 93-42 I am (in 'favor of) opposed to (undecided about) the request for the following reasons : se s znstde' ll v ' `� s our b -11, ,1 ce r n e.Y. ere_ Cure- so a e6 fr !n9 a Ye_a_ av,d i-}- Sec, Nis easier -to le-in -vilely)n in +lit f- h am e c$ prosres5 ar, -to DO GYea+IVO o.ii -frj +o sa✓e, -+1' m . Please_ cons,d.Pr 0)6)790 -die road moire -Fo -tine. vJes-t-. SIGNATURE: /Mai& 6e-16/6/ ADDRESS : l ) D ) IOU1 A ho4he r Loin+ z'd 11 IGe_ -Jo bvi h9 up is -late }-opo eci )of saes. When Arv►d& inf.-Ha-fly ploMned 'This lasf phase- l-f- was meji+rov, cd - &+ +he Co-l- sizes wou_lci be_ CUrouna( 3/( ac, to iQQping wi`Mh thte 2 aner suhdivisial5 t± bac Cs GT it), CMCS )of sizes are I acve), As D-F nau, +hey have_ cts mot y h oases as poss suee.k•d ch. `tic. Kc_h16 to . -P►' vino me_ -the p boy-{u�r►c -to r-ess oc�w -�I nJcs n -�h s s Ubacc` -. - P -:-_-.;}�. 3,.,-..3..:..•,•.`+ ,.,..i� ti .. +� , r,... .,. ,._ ,.ti..,.. ......, i•iY` '::`};iFi'ti;'ti:4<: ';'•;�:'''•h",•• •tip .....'}�.'+�. �,.....>..........•.,..•...•...� ., ,,t,., ..;.+..>.. .tti... 4;i}<;i n. .•2?tom,. ..3:...b. <!S2<' ,^s:� oL•b 81 3 II --t-i • I . � ■ M. -NE$ M. MARTIN v \ , I . . L". LM ■hIY NI � , I t , Yi1x1:a W II it m • t• .or.+.IeA1 IFt r+moo L. _ :eaSeamen II 1 M.,.a.. ow corgi 1 W.N. in MARTIN Arrit C. DART u I' I . WEEDY I J. WESTIngle 1� a..,.r.-r.. A fr. .....r._mr P ....".-II ,Y yr1.r�,w u ' [ , a �p o w ��V' w. , ii111.5i�E�IIiFtir I l a l WA ©■1riJ'o�t II �1`.p_.ILd.! • ?`ON w I i `•.i�Idle c.a.; ,011i600l••,a �. ' a � a r �tu a. 1" aIG+Ilrb I.ICillikjj fil Clai.I ifi Jill X a —v , is ,. Ifi`1 w .111101 `© --ir-2' I sui q w_ 4;- m n n ■ •t a rL '.I= .,Y w ■ 1Y� I a I ...� ■ I S.Sc nl o Obi .:.1=gg a M RAlm• , `I a DM 1 . ' I[ w �1 .fly'— ,.: • a '—S:l m V�o i V• OW I ' •�IC , d��ptn�.. I 1 M u f1 f K O w •C In,:P m r -ad C `' w u ,. . C,,..s+ �� r Tb®f 1AR f,112 n --1 I n a, a _ �� ' +_'ON�t�M=� a.1rr w rah .or n..w n..r �11 1 J �� l' 1a .Rt u M WI •,0 W • M r .1 I ` ■:,�rk �({{��.•�Ii1■■"f- 1K "WYA"; W 11/ ;t W \ m •• .: 111Sillia milrloW Ot/ • 4d1111 Pm. ..Mk, nc, Kt us tuA p lip!miik111.4*/ •- raj t n MAW iI! 1à' ligleltAF=Eumk Pr Nail if I jr. „ / I��I damn. -Aiiiv awry._a. a Rik,l' �`11 I. 'l) "`..l �. �-- -: illr6�-ff.A=WEI MI.-...Milo ER IL( iNii • 1 *..1•P-11.4111P.41N#M3 0 di immfig -- • ■, g;�_..��llfillIP...��� � � `Ll iP ,41" I I I I ► Ill m ■ 1 � I I I '_i NI F.I<1• --L PA �� >� . x r 1n. -Rx, 1a / It PL.A1FA a itimill:.-4,1 . i imtial I�.� �.� >., IG■ i • s a ■2 wei..■ aw amu, rigi, ..,,,,,i,j ...„... a it ral [5.- ._.A __._. -,. _. „ ._.__,, . p . in wro,r1:11 . di rt...,,,,, ;c ge• 1 1 7 i :1-it - ,A Idk 100114151 -41, 1. ,*40.4.1;: i NI .i_-_.-' p mrPosvpcogo a et:wok. ing 1 r,.0. w Mt., .11r, . wi,,e I' a DI 1 TRACT LOCATION MAP Y- sul® r ©. 6-...:.s....6.:41:717::::', ijpr,,oiLmv-72.4r.u'4''''7111111:T---'''''":4':: : 411 ., W. EA i ES y ' sl "A.. I ( ' �. I al.I.:rig a. . nal=. .. r • .... r FA cYIV 0 Ul f 1 a I f� .U' G22 4 3 2 1 c c.� SU , h....5 J C 17.16 AC �. • 1;1 6 -Is. 5 l-J • IIII IC VP CsOSS eel • 12 s 13 s 3 9 10 C ao I CH =I e.e w III + "AG" CROSS TIMBER OR 'SF-1 TR 11C2 8 TR 11C2A TR 11C2 TR 11 q. .w .r u• 'a i� 4 it M.OTTINGER •• r $ , 16.605 AC D.STEELE 10 z 9 a 8 E 7 a 6 8 5 41.' 1 36AGJ H.HOVEN , G.JONES , C.PAGEL• D.HEATH I NO 2 3 • 3 ..... • 4 to a. rn RI IN IN .M /51 r 2 • • — N.BERG V/�RAVFN 3 4 TR.281 1311.1 2 BFNQ ((�� i AC I 11! �'''.-- sr 5 uV sr 4 r STEFANSSON P.WIG I ' 1 i 12. EN �J U1 ilA .. oia/ 6 TR.2B5 i1 SO 33�OA$e�/ \D. LCOMB 6.36 Ac 'u/ TF K.LEE Q 7 'AG' TR• I C.CAPILI • ti M.MAHAN 35 a3 AC 2 R.2B4E 'AG', L.MCCAIN 43 AC J.CLOW Z :I1AC aG' 21 AC • x7TR.2C10 1 1 AC .../' , "AG" F.JOYCE .. TR.2C1 i 1 TR.2C1D1 - 4.49 Ac 3.1 Ac C:23 I •AG• I TR 1144 I 25.32 AC I . "SF-20A• I / "SF-20A" ADJACENT OWNERS & ZONING : .. TR.2CIB SOUTHWIND PARTNERS LP 111 .o on / - -� . ,,nI • / •NJ 1 - IM:Th.li _ 0 100 200 300 CALE IN FEET NORTH ' )"1:y..----"( i PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PREL. PLAT TOTAL NO. LOTS : 390 1 ' P'RELIMINARY PLAT `ALTERNATIVE E :...<-„Lt Y • ' COURT I 1 1 II C'tl `�. � TRAVIS COURT•1 ces.17 I, , , i - -. ,.../ .................... - 1 ...-:.. ‘. 011 vr',' *_ 1 1 1 1 r • ) t \\/ .... 1 sal '°76 H s�' ! 1.4► ! Ii r-1.H I Z 1 rli 4" 2 i . i I 7 ! ! r.1 1 1 I ./' H tj:11 � I , ... i 1 O i • 1 .......„. i g 1 I. / Az \,, cn CD i "7--- •:, .4, x / O I / PI \,\ . ;': . g rt 4 I 1-3 1 \ i \ ,d0( 1 ,,,,, N \I., 6 -=---c--- tk6c, _ i• SOUTHRIDGE LAKES DR. /' 12' STRIP RESERVED FOR FUTURE R.O.W. OP ighrA i i . . ._, _, r"4°°"P'ac , .. a J , ,_ rt F .. 1 ! 1 ! F I 1 1 1 I l I I 1 1 I 1 S ! 1, 4 f N s , w ► City of Southlake,Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO: ZA 93-42 REVIEW NO: THREE DATE OF REVIEW: 7/30/93 PROJECT NAME : Revised Preliminary Plat - SouthRidge Lakes Phase VII OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: Arvida/JMB Partners, L. P. III John E. Levitt Engineers, Inc . 1122 W. McDermott 726 Commerce Street Allen, Texas 75002 Suite 104 Southlake, Texas 76092 PHONE: (214) 390-1190 PHONE: (817) 488-3313 FAX: (214) 390-9359 . FAX: (817) 488-3315 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 7/26/93 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS . THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED :URTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 44 . 1 Label the existing zoning on this property. ((;tcn ,A Dimension northern property corner to the centerline of Raven Bend Court . . Lot 129, Block 1 requires a 125' lot width along the north line. • The following lots require 35' building line on both streets : Block 1, Lot 136 Block 5, Lots 1 and 14 5 . Lot 128, Block 1 does not meet the minimum 100' lot width at the building line. * The approved concept plan, submitted at the time of zoning, does not require lot sizes to be 30 , 000 square foot minimum adjacent to platted property zoned SF-1 . * Although there are a few lot lines which are not perpendicular or radial, they appear to meet the intent of this requirement . * Denotes Informational Comment cc : Arvida/JMB Partners, L. P. II John E. Levitt Engineers, Inc . SO-8 I VULUML .00-1//, rim.,c u • . -._. P.R.T.C.T. \ \.,••• ZONED SF-1 \ ;� ► / 15'U.E. 4--_--- - ! �- IVILLE AVE.'aI N 80'58'10" E 533. 4' �515 - 4 N_ ••• .. S, \' /` 9 '(?" C LOT 2 1'X (PF F 40' R.O.W. DEDICATION 6 --E I _ . I 244.44' 129.54' 129.77' II 4 I N 89'39'12" E \ LOT 3 LOT 4 I I I 29.97' - 3I ��--�`�~ Rq� N DFN % LOT 12 e R ; m ; LOT 13 �� p CO _ -, i' 26,450 S.F. LOT 13 LOT 14 f•I $ I RT S 21,013 S.F. S n 21,064 S.F. ""I' .- 1 I ,' Z• / \~ b aT27p't• z z ` 10 FT. .II- I .'' /`--._ LOT 5 bgJp- /,� .\ UTIL ESIR�., J M t EC TI �~ 30' 30� 4'y / �•�1__. 104.34' 125.79' -'V 1 ~\ o/ �'• '"• -. o LOT 9 / n j / s SAN AUGUSTINE COURT ` / LOT 11 ----9 LOT 12 r ' 'i 33.580 S.F. 1 21 /C.-----30285' / -.\ • / \ 37.87. '',� r• 97.34' B7D0 131.61' Al-I O \ �^ \/ \ • _// _ 35�T•-.P9E .- l• i ti a6AppQp' o RAVEN BEND ESTATES co I .2. 0,• tom 13 nI . u o VOLUME 388-1E12, PAGE 34 // / \\ LOT 6 ! LOT 10 LOT 9 E, - LOT 8 N '- [I US P.R.T.C.T. / LOT B 1 II W a 24,352 S.F. $ R 20,011 S.F. = 2o,o9e S.F. I •g I_ ZONED SF-1 \• d 1 5 FT.UTIL ES/IT. 10' S N 8839'26'E LOT 7 I ' Is L7 L 241.60' J 2 132.93' 127.93. I S / \ d J z LOT 11 ) / - 7 f--1 2.39.48. - 1 3 132.10' 13o.6e' ? LOT 10 •' �....to Fr. \ .I // •UTIL ESUT \ a b • `' `.5 FT.U71L 15N. ? BLOCK 5 G�II. a /! / aLpc� 1 E ; I s al I N 89'42'21" EJ/t/987.58' 2 I I LOT 5 z LOT 6 • X $ LOT 7 I lV EXIST.1s'U.E U bg?J- 23,404 S.F.�p0. LA( 20,027 S.F. $ 20.052 S.F. \ r • -__,___-____-__.-- 1 5/E g K I I gip f c' .'- ,\ z �10 Ff.U11L ESMf.J. I _ f'� 123.00' 125.00' 125.00 } 125.00' 125.00'-_--- 125.00' -�.� 164.42`- /�_ 73,12'-I la ` / �_ -- -- -- ....... I Y I f 1 I 5 FT.UTIL ESNT • N o: /• - 35 FT.BLO•C.UNE I I LOT 134 I LOT 133 LOT 132 LOT 131 I i w / ,35' N101.88' 129.62•I J i IT sT 130 I $ �. I r 11.568 S.F.S23,125 S.F. 23.125 S.F. 20.916 S.F. D:2 6 0 3 . x 3 2D,557 S.F. p r, G�• { , 1- LOT 136 LOT 135 . 3. V roc W I / / - BOWIE COURT �11 1^ 29'335 SF. 24,3Bt S.F. o m o 35 Fi. ,,...Vic' + 0- LOT 4 r N R' 33.OT 4S. I •.t{' /'`..-_-- 306.64- 1 o g R r I .eutc. r,,A ;,i w I ` e�`I' I? N 8839.26'E r n \ ) �.r I� '8 =! glo S- gI SI o LINE O40LOT tS.F. C.i 0_"'1 R- s /-- `- 20 FT.BU1C LN.2 z �I v) U m I • f5'' 116.51' 119.23' 1 I ; I 35 FT.BLDC IN• --•- Y Zv I ��-'� _ I �, I It. 3s FT.BLOC tv.--•----- --•--•-----•- 12s3�-� uFT. I d: ,-j C \ 4t BLdC.UNE 3-• I Ii� /• I :/ \ el.= 5i d' h> I ti5y; •\ 3 I�•y5 Q Z 1 ...Yi 63� 29.36' -76.77' 125.00' 125.00' 101.12' eA.`•Q' �'' UNE a� ``-; -- 8 9 = I ... II I^ ei"° -.1' � \ �I w LOT 2 I a LOT ^ LOT II g '= _ TRAVIS 1 ....... i5,296 S.F. 22,081 S.F. S ^ 20,090 S.F. ✓ 'p60 i COURT ---- ,�,7•_..� �__ 5 B7L`5.37-E I -.:•5 F1.U71L ESU1. z ^ M1 I Z' I- �_Cl N 69'42'21'E g / 55.28' U3 • 1 t 1563E - - / nI �,-,•--r--L_•-- 248.40' F- 145.11' 140.73' 4 -�� /'g 33.32' -67.01' -- 124-95'--- -110.00' -107.00' -t� �•26' / t/j2'IPF S 88 59'26" W 533.64' • 1�2� IPF 11516' 18y61 /7351 /_• . --� _- / o 1 L.24.50' I \• .10 FT.UiIL ESNT. .I 1n / q l m I 35{T. 3 + 31 I I 1'i.62' LOT 123 USE 35 R:` N LOT 128 �I �; I -11I135 R. N 21,e01 S.F. f` r t` ^ nI�! BLOC. °'• 29,124 S.F. mI W .8 - / BLDG. CC LOT 14 LINE m;a- tg LINE N a • a z4,1ez s.r. S - Slm LOT 127 m�°m• 1 c L6 ,• o- N z z m L 1 LOT 126 z, LOT S.F. \• FRED JOYCE, ET UX C I LOT 121 a• J LOT 122 •�.Vm, BLOCK 1 S. \\ _ ,DD.96• VOLUME 4937. PAGE 530 02 W z 1, 3• rn • SOUTH]RJDGE REVISED LADES PRELIMINARY PLAT PHASE VII n • 11....NIANc;t:‘` ' -,--r, -- 4 I lila • . A ,... _.. ,„ . .._ ,.......r..__ I `\ ,. fjlt� �_ . \k � " • . ':.".,;... .Y... ..-1 . . -s...t c1 ‘ -• ,,,, , , ,,% ` 4i// ,7 :, < ilk \ . '.. ..\\ . v /// \.z...,L1\.....>.......•''. _•;, > Ali • Lf T - _....- .,.....yit„...,,-, • \owe13I CyouCIdca�le� 'Akt,;:e ., ' r trrt' .`Ff Rof\S aid fee doJlC _Ij ..c ..ifigti.,./,...4ik . Y - _. . 6 i cen- enn l, 0 Pa,rk . • Parks q„J I ' Wi1447 t' 1 r Pl°2vesfbl►shed. lP 1.4 dev+ ner cxedi 5 ddei cci t ON () 1 1 .a - I . . x 1 '-----, / i -- ----,-,-"-- ,,, .,- .„-----------_-:----> ep 7 //r--- Z 36"077 . 'OSED \ vs"yEDA.R \ I iSs, / \ \ \ %/LION \ ii. I 1\10g-11.1 , Alt\\\ ) 1 2 7"orc :)\ 111*,(":""? 6"Tviuv, KET(...N PoNt __-- /;___>-->—•t. I I M 1186. _____—_,--------- ____ -- Zec —:„...:1,......„../ • / n A 20. 11 / V lb ° X ..--•"------- / II _------ N..3 _ .-------____------ 11,---- ------- -- --- x Nf II___.----- ,------ -- 6. 64' r .----- _ ------ <-- ---- --- ----< !I nic•l _ • •: : ____-=----- ----- __----< ,------ t...) / I • ---------- / FOCAL P 6NT PLANTINGS ---- _------'- _________--'7-- _____ ------- BY GARD N CLUB.' - ,:,, ___.---7- ' --------- ..7''' - - 4:1•:: ; --.7-,=-tr ,----- ,/ . f;05.•>-• ki : trim Koa-0 ------ ENT,E!! 8)9* ' '.* 43/ 1,„ • 5 L.V D.rEL • DRIVE --...--* LIUTP DR i E. ---'—'---, -7--&55 - ao ._ I / - 2 I q. ::. • City of Southlake F, July 30, 1993 JUL 301993 Mayor: OFFICE OF Gary Fickes Honorable Mayor Fickes and CITY SECRETARY. Mayor Pro Tern: �. Jerry Farrier Members of City Council City of Southlake Councilmembers: 667 N. Carroll Avenue Barry K.Emerson Southlake, Texas 76092 W.Ralph Evans Stephen W.Apple Sr. Jon Michael Franks Andrew L.Wambsganss Dear Mayor and Councilmembers: City Manager: Curtis E.Hawk • City secretary: The proposed FY93-94 Annual Budget presents in financial SandraL.LeGrand terms the plan for accomplishment of municipal objectives during the forthcoming fiscal year. In accordance with the Texas Local Government Code and the Charter of the City of Southlake, the proposed Annual Budget for fiscal year beginning October 1, 1993 and ending September 30, 1994 is submitted for your consideration. The budget proposes maintaining a tax rate of $ .455 per $100 . 00 property valuation, the third consecutive year with no increase. The $ .455 tax rate is one-half of one percent over the calculated Effective Tax Rate for the year, $ .45241 . The Effective Tax Rate is the rate that will generate the same amount of property tax dollars as the previous year when the two years are compared. Projected service demands of this growing community present a challenge to the budget preparation process . The budget preparation requires a comparison of the anticipated revenues with proposed programs, and priorities are established based on service demands or prior commitments to projects . 667 North Carroll Avenue • Southlake, Texas 76092 (817) 481-5581 • FAX (817) 481-0036 AN EQUAL �RTj/�Y EMPLOYER" wink. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council July 30, 1993 Page 2 IIII FUND SUMMARIES The proposed FY93-94 Annual Budget has four (4) separate funds : General Fund; Utility Fund; Debt Service Fund; and Special Revenue-Parks/Recreation Fund. General Fund Summary The proposed FY93-94 Annual Budget projects $4, 848, 674 in General Fund revenues, which is an increase of $687,454 or 16 . 5% from the FY92-93 Adopted Budget. Revenues projected in the proposed FY93-94 Budget will support the estimated $5, 768 , 667 in General Fund expenditures . The proposed budget reflects a decrease in the undesignated Fund Balance, beginning at $1, 221, 391 and ending at an estimated $866, 398 . We anticipated an undesignated fund balance of $798 , 283 in the General Fund ,® when the 1992-93 Annual Budget was approved last September. The higher than anticipated growth resulted in an (estimated) additional $423 , 108 in the undesignated fund balance. We propose to use the growth in the fund balance to help pay for the demands generated by the growth, while keeping the proposed ending fund balance for FY1993-94 at the level previously recommended by City Council . This Fund Balance represents 15 . 0% of estimated expenditures, a level sufficient to ensure the fund' s financial integrity. Revenues The largest single revenue source in the proposed budget is the ad valorem (property) tax. The budget as proposed will provide $2 , 204, 198 in revenue for the General Fund //'-z Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council July 30, 1993 Page 3 maintenance and operations budget, an estimated increase of $101, 714 or 4 . 89s from the FY92-93 Adopted Budget . The second largest General Fund revenue source in the proposed budget is derived from the municipal permits and fees charged for various development activities, such as fees for zoning, platting and building permits. The proposed budget of $1, 088, 000 projects an increase of $465, 850 or 74 . 99:5 over the current year. As of June 30, 1993 the City has issued 322 single family building permits, compared with 203 for the same period last year. For FY93-94, the City is projecting 425 permits to be issued. The FY93-94 budget incorporates a revenue neutral change in the rates charged for zoning and platting fees, which will bring the City more in line with neighboring communities . The third largest General Fund revenue source is the municipal sales tax. Sales tax revenues are projected at $701, 500 in the proposed budget, an increase of $122, 500 or 21.20 over the FY92-93 Adopted Budget . Consistently over the past several years, the City has experienced double digit growth in sales tax receipts . During FY92- 93 , the City' s first major retail center opened, and another retail center is scheduled to open in the latter part of FY93-94 . Based upon current collections, the sales tax revenue for the 1992-93 fiscal year is estimated to be $610, 000, an increase of $31, 000 or 5 .4 0 over the amount projected for the current year. The other major revenue sources for the General Fund are franchise fees ($336, 400) from the private utility // P11.111114' Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council July 30, 1993 Page 4 companies operating in the City, municipal fines ($231, 440) , and transfers ($159, 446) into the General Fund from the Utility Fund. Franchise fees are projected to increase by $31, 950 or 10 . 50, while revenues from fines are expected to decrease $39, 160 or -14 . 5 o from the amount budgeted in FY92-93 . A decrease in the number of citations from the previous year is projected due to an increase in the calls for service. Charges for services are estimated at $59, 750, which includes $35, 000 for the Special Services Program. This is the interlocal contribution from the Grapevine/Colleyville and Carroll Independent School Districts to the City' s D.A.R.E. program. Other charges for service are for Recreation class fees and Fire Division related income. Miscellaneous income is projected at $17, 940, a slight increase over the prior year. The proposed budget reflects $50 , 000 in interest earnings, the same estimated for the current year. Expenditures The proposed General Fund budget provides $5, 668, 667 in expenditures to accomplish municipal objectives, with an additional $100, 000 allocated for the initial implementation of a Pay and Classification Plan. The proposed expenditures represent an increase of $1, 269, 275 or 28 . 2% over the current year. The budgeted increase includes $704, 700 in major capital equipment expenditures that are proposed to be financed through issuance of a $720, 000 five year Personal Property Contract Obligation. //g- ' • Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council July 30, 1993 Page 5 There is $155, 000 budgeted for the first year' s payment of the obligation during FY93-94 . The bulk of the total increase is in Public Works, $668, 012 (52 . 6%) . The largest increase within the Public Works Department in Streets/Drainage, increasing approximately $523 ,438 (59 .290 . Total new requests within the Streets/Drainage Division are $825, 826 . New programs for the year include $431, 000 in heavy equipment financed through the Contract Obligation and $50, 000 for the City' s portion of the reconstruction, jointly financed with FEMA, of the White Chapel Bridge north of Dove Street. Other bridge improvement devices are estimated at $20, 000 . There is $78, 000 allocated for reconstruction of Burney Lane and $81, 675 for Ridgecrest, both with Tarrant County road crews . Summer Place is also scheduled for reconstruction through contract at $93 , 370 . Three Drainage Maintenance Workers are scheduled for a January 1 hire date, an estimated $49, 081 . This crew represents the first personnel resources that are dedicated to drainage improvements. Allocated for culvert replacement is $10, 000 . A Pavement Management Plan is to be implemented, scheduling and assessing the maintenance requirements for the City' s streets, estimated to cost $10, 000 . Mobile radio equipment is estimated at $2 , 200 and office equipment at $500 . Total expenditures within the Public Safety function are proposed to increase $231, 728 over the FY92-93 Adopted Budget .. There is $75, 000 budgeted for the purchase of an ambulance to serve as the City' s primary emergency medical response. Four emergency response vehicles are // Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council July 30, 1993 Page 6 estimated at $69, 500 . A January 1 hire date is scheduled for one Firefighter/Paramedic ($24, 121) and one Communications Specialist ($16, 651) . One additional radio console estimated at $11, 000 is proposed. Other equipment is proposed for a total of $38, 000 . Tax Rate The proposed budget reflects a total taxable value of $680, 726, 791 in tax year 1993 , an increase of $62, 405, 759, or 10 .196 over the taxable value currently on the rolls. The 1993 taxable value reflects $65, 546, 03.5 in new improvements since last year. The proposed budget reflects a proposed tax rate of $ .455 per $100 valuation, of which $ .30229 is for general operations and maintenance and $ . 15271 is for debt service. The portion of the tax rate available to support maintenance and operations is decreased by $ . 02003 , or 6 .296 from last year. This is primarily due to additional debt issued by the City during FY92-93 , and addressed further within the Debt Service Fund discussion. The effective tax rate in the 1993 tax year is $ .45241, up from the $ .45084 in the 1992 tax year. The rollback tax rate for the 1993 tax year is $ .49884 . Employee Salary Increases The proposed budget provides $100, 000 for implementation of a pay and classification plan, to be implemented in January 1994 . Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council July 30, 1993 Page 7 New Personnel The proposed budget projects an increase of eleven (11) positions in the General Fund--eight (8) full time; one (1) part time, and two (2) temporary. These positions are needed to enable the City to maintain effective management of service demands. The positions are: one (1) Full time Accounts Payable Clerk one (1) Full time Firefighter/Paramedic one (1) Full time Communications Specialist one (1) Full time Code Enforcement Officer one (1) Full time Plans Examiner three (3) Full time Drainage Maintenance Workers one (1) Part time Planning Intern one (1) Part time Teen Court Coordinator one (1) Temporary Public Works Council of Governments (COG) fellow All full time positions except the Accounts Payable Clerk, which will be funded beginning October 1, are proposed to be funded beginning in January, 1994 . Utility Fund The Utility Fund revenues are projected at $3, 265, 532 for an increase of $511, 998 or 18 . 6% in the proposed budget. Expenditures are projected at $3 , 402, 055 for an increase of $632, 668 or 22 . 8% over the FY92-93 Adopted Budget. The proposed budget does not includes any increase in water or sewer rates. The budget includes one Water Maintenance Worker for $22, 186 and $316, 600 in capital expenses . The fund will be reviewed prior to formal adoption of the FY93-94 Budget to ensure its financial integrity. //l/` "7 r_ � I Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council July 30, 1993 Page 8 Debt Service Fund Debt service expenditures have steadily escalated over the past several years, reflecting the debt issuance required for major infrastructure projects . The FY93-94 budget reflects an increase in debt service of $393 ,432 over last year. This is due to debt service requirements for the issuance of $1.3 Million in Certificates of Obligation for water and wastewater line improvements, $1. 5 Million General Obligation Bonds for street improvements issued in October 1992 , and $320, 000 in Certificates of Obligation scheduled for issuance in the third quarter of 1993 . Debt service for the $1. 3 Million issuance is to be funded through a transfer in of water impact fees of $152, 000 . The increase in debt service funded by property taxes is $241, 432 . r-- Special Revenue Fund-Parks and Recreation The proposed budget includes the special revenue fund to account for revenues and expenditures dedicated for park use. The proposed budget reflects revenues of $50, 000 in park dedication fees from developers, and $2, 000 in interest income. The City is negotiating the purchase of additional land adjacent to Bicentennial Park. A portion of the purchase price will be funded through Park Dedication Fees, with the balance funded through the issuance of $320, 000 in Certificates of Obligation. Total expenditures for the land are estimated at $467, 710 . Other park improvements scheduled are Joint Use projects at the Carroll Independent School District' s Intermediate School . Improvements to the Carroll Middle School Athletic Field and Basketball Court are estimated Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council July 30, 1993 Page 9 at $49, 157, providing recreational facilities for the citizens. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The proposed budget represents progress toward a proactive approach to the operation of the City of Southlake. The scheduled equipment purchases and additional personnel provides the framework for addressing the service needs. Planning for anticipated growth drives the budget process . Sin erely, Curtis E. Hawk City Manager CEH/lah/kb // - 9 r. 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 04:37PM ALL FUNDS SUMMARY REVISED 1992-93 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1993-94 BUDGET 93stmal6.wk3 07/29/93 1993-94 • .....00�'€:: Inc 1992 93 1992-93 +t55. $ / 1993-94 ::::::: :::-f:::: 1991-92 Adopted3 '>1992+ 93' $Inc/ %Inc/ ..1995,: s4:i: (Decr) %Inc/ REVENUES Actual Budget :Re3►:isedi: (Decr) (Decr) :::Proposedi?s Adopted (Decr) Ad Valorem Taxes $2,739,249 $2,909,533 `::i::S2 974 9 $64,516 22% =>::`:$3 85;3G : $375,828 12.9% 31,000 5.4% '':z$ii:::>z:i<7015.00:: 122 500 212% Sales Tax 510,036 579,000 ?` 1D*WQs .:::;" r 485 0.2% :i::::::'.::>336'400''• 31,950 10.5% Franchise Fees 279,619 304,450 >i :iii3D4..35': ,.;;;;;:_ 208 682 270 600 :::is::ii20 >500' 69100 -25.5% ='i': <'.i 23144Q`.i (39,160) -14.5% Fines , :>:>::>::»?;::;z:::>: ( ) ;:.;:.;:;;?:.;:.;;:: Charges for Services 46 360 55 750 :::::;:::::::$ : SQ; 4,000 7.2% ; :;::59 7;i:,:* 4,000 7.2% 893 697 654 350 i>?`<`>> 1 610: 564 862% `:=:??> : :1'138:0:00:: 483 650 73.9% Permits/Fees , r . ..R,.::.::.• , : :. ..,........ r 105.0 0 > <> > >. 4 814 -12.0% Miscellaneous 65,065 40,254 ><$Z515:;• 42,261 % .. ., s ,440€: ( , ) 770 0 0.0% `. ?<>zi:::d21:`6i3:' 154 18 5 . % Transfer-Utility Fund 161,774 267,295. i:::::i::26?;295:: :.,_.;:.;:.; ,3 Transfer-Insurance Fund 29,450 0 :i:#:: % 0 0.0% 30 340 960 20 % WaterSales-residential 1,560,336 1,677,540 «ii 8 0t1` 157,4 % . ....; , 18 ii , 419,385 (39,385) -9.4% : ; :::::d18 Qitiit 1385 -0.3% Water Sales commercial 318,453 >::i:3OQ ::i.:•_:. ( , ) ::co-`1 6 0 185 824 205 454 >225'000 19,546 9.4% :'"?'??:i?;-:':70i454:: 65 000 31. % Wastewater Sales , , ,;;;:?:;•>::.;:� :.;:.;x:.;:.:>:.:� r Sales 235 603 258 000 :::::i:i240 00Q. 32 000 12.4% iii:32OQ: 62,000 24.0% SaliltatiOn r r ::::f:::::: , ..�........ :<::€2 1> 2Q= 86 453 59.6% `<=::?::i<:i:197 078 52,011 35.9% Other Utility Charges 218,109 145,067 .,,5..: : ;,.;.;.: 113 696 92 970 ?::i?:::99 0' 7 000 7.5% 'i> i:i:€i86OQ0i: 6,970 -7.5% Interest Income ::::: 1 . ( ) Total Revenues $7,565,953 $7,879,648 ::i$8 780 144; 900 496 11.4% :=s>i<S9 5195 3 $1,639,888, 20.8% EXPENDITURE S E 2 .8 0 1.0 0 :<i`: :<" 154811E 14 12 9 % City Secretary $124,457 $145,599 :' :i$gd9 !:3 $1,400 % ..,_..$,,,,,;,.::.::.::.:� $ , CityManager 129129 <`.i`'<i 1 9,08 17,843 12.6% =:'' ::i b7 . 6? 26,287 18.6% 141,239 ::i:.... sue..... 0010.6 0 94 586 18.5% Support Services 417,492 509,964 : ;::`5129b5 3� % :<6045SO: General Gov Total 671 078 $796 802 €€$8 9;0`.46: $22,244 2.8% =<: 'ii`i 933'887:> $135,085 17.0% Finance 192 339 205 487 > <ii:205487:; 0 0.0% 251074::: 45,587 222% Municipal Court 145 344 162 858 ':>>s<'.1'6(3'608` 2 250 -1.4% ':' ?3'3168 003 5145 3.2% Finance Total $337,683 $368,345 >$366 095:; $2,250) -0.6% ;::::;$419:07:7i $50,732 13.8% 531671 569 238 ><'<?'%` 55`590: 3 648 -0.6% [':690'14.8`: 120 910 21.2% Fire , , :1::.::.. ( r ) : ::_.::::::: i Police 825 243 909,33 3 :€910`603'.= 1,270 0.1% :'< `'>:i 981 9: 71,826 7.9% 306 -0.6 0 :-:Cii ::ii 417844:. 38992 10.3% Public Safety Support 340,626 378,852 iii ::i37G546 (2,306) % Public Safety Total $1,697,540 $1,857,423 :$1852Z34 ($4,684) -0.3% y :$2089151 $231,728 12.5% BuildingInspections 127329 161870 >i 15991 ', (1,959) -1.2% >. :� ::::, 20SX:i 66,681 41.2% Streets/Drainage 685 699 883 730 i >914'$it7 3.5% :.:; ii i1447168: 523,438 59.2% , , 31,117 Parks and Recreation 105 999 171595 :::ii14288: (8,907) -5.2% :.. '`: :714328'.: 542,733 316.3% Public Works Admin 69 674 93 739 ::::'':>:1.05if5 : 12,414 13.2% €117 7G5'. 24,027 25.6% Water 1,244,889 1,605,572 :;:::i: 420}461 14,889 0.9% 85034 244,797 15.2% Wastewater 866,653 559,601 554£i88: (4,713) -0.8% .>.;:88:7 I:78i: 327,577 58.5% Sanitation 206,396 232,200 ::[::::::::::263500 28,300 12.2% :?i:288,000' S5,800 24.0% Public Works Total $3,306,639 $3,708,307 .;`$3779448:` $71,141 1.9% : ;;:?$5493360;; $1,785,053 48.1% Community Dev.Total $145,412 $197,888 ::>;:$22b 191>' $28,303 14.3% $281 606< $83,718 42.3% Transfer-General Fund 159,446 267,295 :: <:i:;267,29$: 0 0.0% >:;269,6 2,318 0.9% Other 0 25,000 ; : ::2 000 0 0.0% : 25 000 0 0.0% Debt Service 848,420 996,117• 9.06t117? 0 0.0% 1391 725:'. 395,608 39.7% Total Expenditures �7,166,218 $8,217,177 >>$8 33-1 931:. 114 754 1.4% $10 90.1 4 9[:3 2,684,242 32.7% Net Revenues $399 735 $337 529 $448 13; $785 742 1381 f 83: Add:Proceeds from C.O.Sale $0 $0 :i i? 0 $0 .:':$1040 000 Add:Proceeds from Note 0 0 " :::'0; 0 <Q.; Less:Reserve-Personnel 0 0 ?i'i0 0 :::100 000 Less:C.O.Payment 0 0 ;:;::i?i::` >:i lj 0 :, (155,000) Less:Transfer to Special Rev. (796) 0 `? ?:;::0':: 0 ::'0`: - Net Revenues $398,939 ($337,529).; ; ;$448 1 : 785742 "">($596;$i33) Beginning Fund Balance : $2130;786" $0 $2578;999> Ending Fund Balance $2,130,786 ,$1,793,257 i::z 2 5$ 78999: 785 742 $t 982116: $1,731,847 $2,130,786 .: 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CONSOLIDATED GENERAL FUND AND DEBT SERVICE FUND 04:43PM REVISED 1992-93 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1993-94 BUDGET 93stsaa16.w1c3 07/29/93 a.1992 1993-94-93 ikigii . .,..: 1992- 3 �' f : Inc 1993-94i IncAdo Adopted 1991-92 1992-93 is`1992°-' 93 Decr %Inc/ :`- g (Deer) %Inc/ REVENUES Actual Budget !R(4:'V1S 4 Adopted (Decr) lCf3pOS i Adopted (Decr) Ad Valorem Taxes $2,739,249 $2,909,533 $2974;049: $64,516 2.2% ` > •3>•„5;35. $375,828 12.9% Sales Tax 510 036 579 000 :: ` 610,?0,00 31,000 5.4% .: 701::.:::OG 122,500 212% Franchise Fees 279 619 304 450 z: ` 049 5': 485 0.2% :i'#ii"':s >`:83t'4QQ 31,950 10.5% 100 -25.5 0 '`:.:'`!..i- (39,160) -14.5% Fines 208,682 270,600 < <>?2�1Sa0< (69, ) % ... ...::'23.7.t441 4 000 7.2 0 Charges for Services 46,360 55,750 '�i`<' .5%'TSQ': % .. ...;:.'a.,., ,,.. , 791983 »i i 72 499 710 80.3% ::> ::�>1 0 'tHltl`:'.s 465 850 74.9% Permits/Feesr 622,150 ::.x:.�:::r. :: r : .:. ,::::. r 42147 17 340 > <»24,1I5 6 775 39.1% > >1 '940 600 3.5% Miscellaneous ;:,:: :: :::.r.:.:::. 6 0 0.0 0 'z'?::?:>t":•2:1::: 154318 57.7% Transfer Utility Fund 161,774 267,295 :'':imim 9 % .. :m,,4 1i.C1:3; ,_ 0 0 0 0 O.Oo :'. 0%ce Fund 29 450 0 :i % ':]:0<Transfer-Insurance F a :`:%>(I r 000 . - .7 0 5 6 6 000 >`:> > >'i}'()DO' S 7 %Interest Income _ 7 ,188 5,000 €`:`.:::::?71 ilOD::' 92% .. ii, ..... ( ) Total Revenues $4,884,488 $5,091,118 $S,6 04 $543,386 10.7% i''€ $6j202 004i $1,110,886 21.8% EXPENDITURES City Secretary $124,457 $145,599 Z4G 9!'`' $1,400 1.0% ::;;::::5159,&11€ $ ,21 % City Manager 129,129 141239 i»€# 159 082 17,843 12.6% » s>€ 167 526: 26 7 18.6% ` < 5 iii :' 04,55D 94,586 18.5%Support Services 417,492 509,964 :`•.: "51 `96 , 3.001 0.6% i 6 : General Gov Total $671,078 $796,802 z:` `.$819 0d6: $22,244 2.8% :>€€ ig$931;8&7':? $135,085 17.0% Finance 142 339 205 487 0$'4s7 0 0.0% <z 2$1,0 45,587 22.2% 145 344 1 2 858 > > >11:':::::+60& 2 250 -1.4% ' > > '8' '3'? 5 145 3.2% Municipal Court 6 . .;:.;::.;:..164,G0$. ( , ) ...........1. ,00 , Finance Total $337,683 $368,345 :: :$36(i�19S 250 -0.6% <` 419°077 S50,732 13.8% Fire 531,671 569,238 >>>ii 65 9t1 (3,648) -0.6% •»;i :> 698148 120,910 21.2% Police 825,243 909,333 ><"`:. : 1,270 0.1% 9 : 71,826 7.9% Public SafetySupport 340,626 378,852.> 7C 546:: 2 306 -0.6% 417 844: 38,992 10.3% :.;.;:.;: :: Public Safety Total $1,697,540 $1,857,423 51;852 739 ($4,684) -0.3% � `:$2 S a:75I j $231,728 12.5%, 5 0 ?<= 66 68 41.2 0 BuildingInspections 127,329 161,870 Migiii: 59'411': (1,959) -12% 55ti: 1 % Streets/Drainage 685,699 883,730 >i ii�i 114 47 31,117 3.5% :>407`16 3:: 523,438 59.2% Parks and Recreation 101924 139,595 ;i )46 688: 7,093 5.1% < 193,461:= 53,866 38.6% 6 6 2 414 13.2 0 :i 24 027 25.6% Public Works Admin 9, 74 93,739 > ' 19 rs1'S3 J 1 % .. €i':»€iE 7766 Public Works Total $984,626 $1,278,934 1 327t599i $48,665 3.8% »<:$19:469:46 $668,012 52.2% CommunityDev.Total $145,412 $197,888 s $226'1 1: $28,303 14.3% . . $281�6.06 $83,718 42.3% 0 0.0 ,, > 0 0 00 NotePayable 0 0 "1 % .. €: :::(1:: % Debt Service G.O.Bonds 758 997 916,398 <: 6`39$:i: 0 0.0% �z<%1�>�09 830. 393,432 42.9% Total Expenditures $4,595,336 $5,415,790 5 518068 $92,278 1.7% ''>'.$6 978 497' 1,562,707 28.9% Net Revenues $289,152 324 672) ;<'.'`<$126 43; $451,108 ;i t$776 493) Add:Proceeds from C.O.Sale $0 0 i:::;;0;' $0 3':<7211000 ...... ...... 0 d Proceeds from Note 0 0 1111111111°01 ::0> Ad . Q0 0O'000: Less:Reserve Personnel op.,•. ) 0 ,000) Less:C.O.Payment 0 0 :': ?::Q; Y55,,:,,,, :Q. 0 <: `0: 0 _Less:Transfer to Special Rev. -796 P Net Revenues $288,356 $324,672 :'i ':::$I6'2436? $451,108 >':$31493' Beginning Fund Balance $1,062,834 $1,351,190 : i$1'(126518._ $324,672 : $11529 ' Ending Fund Balance $1,351,190 $1,026,518 :': $1r1:52954:. $126,436 $841A'61' 4) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE GENERAL FUND 04:78PM 93suaa16.wk3 REVISED 1992-93 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1993- BUDGET 07/79/93 94 1992-93 1993-94 Inc 1992-93 i::>`iz4S5 .`.1i10;::: Inc 1993-94 1991-92 1992-939 '.: (Deer) %Inc/ f� - Decr %Inc/ REVENUES Actual Budget R YiS Adopted (Decr) : 1Cq OSEi :?. Adopted {Decr) Ad Valorem Taxes $1,964,449 $2,102,484 >$2135 000 $32,516 1.5% : >$220? 9 $101,714 4.8% Sales Tax 510,036 579 000 >'::610,000::' 31,000 5.4% is`:`:`:":?.>`:`:`:`:`>€''701�00': 122 500 21401...285i 1.2% Franchise Fees 279 619 304 450 .'•.>'''':304'935:'.: 485 0.2 0 »>:%:<i`:>•.`:?33 i 400`.: 31950 10.5 0 Fines 208 682 270 600 >> 69100 -25.5% iii::»'.:::•>.z 39160 -14.5% e ices 46,360 55 50 >>> >'> r 0 <<> >? <;<:<'>' Charges for Services ,7 :.: 9,750 4,000 7 2% ... 5.9.., 5(!` 4,000 7.2% 791 983 62 Permits/Fees 2150 ?`: >f` l 8SQ: 499 710 80.3% >i'.€i::]iimii:> 0 000>': 465 850 4.9% 2 Miscellaneous 4 147 17 340 ii:::'.::i::>A. 2 :.>': 6 775 1bl ;::.;:t.:::$: 39.1% :':':::::ii?><it.44.ty 600 3.5% Transfer-UtilityFund 161,520 159 446 ::;i::ssi'>':�;:•'44' ' 0 0.0% > >>::ii:::s: >: 0 0.0 0 Transfer-Insurance Fund 29 450 0 0 0 eIncome 6412 Int rest 1 50 000 >`>'"`` .>»0 10 000 20.0 0 »> »»> `` Total Revenues $4,098,367 $4,161,220 6? ? Q6 $515,386 12.4% ' 4, 48t x7 $687,454 . 16.5% EXPENDITURES CitySecretary124 457 145 599 » �r( >' $1,400 1.0 0 :`::>':': l? '' :1• 14 12 9.8% CityManager 141 39 ' >>>``•> 17843 12.6 0 i'.: 26 7 18.6 0 1t 129,129 ,2 ;.;:.:x+�'?,Q82: % . <'ii< 5?t2fr' f28 % �i t o Support Services 417,492 509.964 :`:`:```i':#51 965i' 3 001 0.6% 3i: 604'S50€< 94.58: 18.5% PPS `3i:i: General Gov Total $671,078 796 802 ii $812 if : $22,244 2.8% `:>?>>?$931s 87 S :5 17.0% Finance 192 339 205 487 > »>: 05'487: 0 0.0% > ?><> '.251''ti7 45,587 22.2% Municipal Court 145 344 162 858 '>:>i::i:`:i::`Gll60 2 250 - . :.;;;:.;;;;;;:.::.::.......:... P +.... ( ) 14% •.`:.<i isi G$; b3:i 5.145 3.2% Finance Total $337,683 $368,345 : 6'095 $2,250 % <i i [>$419ti077i 50 732 13.8% Fire 531671 569 238 :3 :::>::565590: 3 648 -0.6% <: :€:€:€:'€690'1*I8 120 910 21.2% Police 825 2 0 3• Polr 43 9 9 33 Eii ii pl,7:0 : 1270 0.1% 981#54 71826 7.9% Public SafetySupport 340 626 378 852 s'.::::i:37'54fi': 2 306 -0.6 0 #1:r+844E 3 0.3 0 Public Safety Total $1,697,540 $1,857,423 ::$1 852 39>= ($4,684) -0.3% illrili611;;:#H:5:::1,":.:51:141 31.72812.5% Buildin Ins ections10, 127329 161870 >::>>> .'.: 1959 - 2 g P , , ...:.;:;:U9t911.; ( , ) 1. % 66,681 41.2%Streets aina a685 699 883730ii'.» ``' 4...'.. /Dr g , :::91?,847: 31,1173.5% 3y3QI68: 523,438 59.2% Parks and Recreation 101924 139 595 `:E:>>.`'•:i1: t'Sff8':. 7,093 r.::.:... 5.1% >`: 1j361 53,866 •3g.6% r�i��>3 Public Works Admin 69,674 93,739 '•'s:><:>": 4G' Sh 12 414 3.2% ''X 'sd 24 027 25.6 0 Public Works Total $984,626 $1,278,934 Illii!..,,:..!.,::1X.i.i....900.,:.i,:.,iie $48,665 3.8% : 5 9.46 946:' $6 ,01252.2%. /Community Dev.Total $145412 $197,888 $28,303 14.3% ::i''$28 i506<• $83,718 42.3% Note Payable 0 0 '•>'• '0':. 0 Y Debt Service C.O.Bonds 0 0 :<:0:. 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Total Expenditures 3 836 339 4 499 392 '.`' 9 >Yi7W 92 278 2.1% ' > '5:' :1 $`, :�4 1 169 275 26.0% e e 262 028 338 1 2 :s `: $4" 6:�= 423 08 Net Revenues S S 7 :..S 93 $ 1 ::::'5819'.993 481 821 Add:Proceeds from C.O.Sale 0 0 ?: ::0 $0 ::;$72.i3�00[ $720,000 Add:Proceeds from Note 0 0 :':�. 0 0 s• es Personnel 0 0 0 (100,000)Less:Reserve P :i::;:;:`;0 i- ;::< ;Z{)O QQ0 1 Less:CO.Payment 0 0 ::::: i:`i 0: 0 :i':155'000; 155 000 Special Rev. (796) 0 '::' :'>:>0` 0 »:z`6:= 0 Less:Transfer to _ Net Revenues 261 232 $338172 '` :;: `' 84 03G $423,10B €[[: $35d;993 $16,821 Beginning Fund Balance $875 223 $1 136 455 €:$1`136"455 $0 S:1 21'39I': $84 936 Ending Fund Balance $1,136,455 798 283 : :`$14...21391-: 423108 ;i<:$867r398>' $68,115 s 0 CITY OF S OUTHLAKE DEBT SERVICE FUND 04:40 PM REVISED 1992-93 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1993-94 BUDGET 93sima16.wk3 07/Z7/93 1992-93 1993-94 Inc 1992-93 : >' 45$' "Inc 1991-92 1992-93 : ?199 -93: (Decr) %Inc/ 99 94:: (Decr) 1993-94 REVENUES Actual Budget ::::Revised:;* Adopted (Decr) ?.tO OS:d31i`:': Adopted %Inc/ Ad Valorem Taxes $774,800 $807,049 €<: ::$839t4!: $32,000 4.0% <: ';;$1081r163; $274,114 34.0% Interest Income 11,067 15,000 >€<:::`:»11',000 (4,000) —26.7% :'.>::»<<:`.::<<1ot0:0:0( (5,000) —33.3% iii:iOperating Transfer In 254 107 849 > >`:>:':"07•P •9::: 0 0.0% ':>`:':>': >:»>.62..,•`61% 154,318 143.1% Total Revenues $786,121 $929,898 ><:z$957$981 $28,000 3.0% : :<$135333O $423,432 45.5% EXPENDITURES <> : <:.:..' <. Principal $205,000 $240,000 > >`.' 4 : $0 0.0% ':::':»:< : 100 000 41.7% Interest 333,489 423,935 :z' €'423'935s 0 0.0% '':: ;:`:<:':':7.2X`'88 297,947 70.3% Admin.Expenses 15 586 1 00 :` ` "`: '.40.::. 0 0.0% >>:::m>:»>:::<`......0 0.0% ,5 ;. 1f Hl; .... :.::::1,�.... 0 _ OperatingTransfer/ Water Sewer Fund 204 922 250 963 :>'.>:>��':::25e9c : 0 .0 0 ?:': #€`<z:?`24G 4. :. (4,515) -1.8 0 Total Expenditures $758,997 $916,398''':'$9161398` $0 0.0% >: '$Ir3g9 39 $393,432 42.9% 27 4 00 Net Revenues 12 13 500 3:�: ':< •+11%SDO>: Z8 0 3.0 `'$43'`�•00?.= 30 000 Beginning Fund Balance $187,611 $214,735 ? $0 0.0 0 Ending Fund Balance $214,735, $228,235 >:: S256;235:- 28 000 0.0 0 ? ' $2I9'1 :: a CITY OF S O UTHLAKE UTILITY FUND 08S1AM 93suma15.wk3 REVISED 1992-93 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1993-94 BUDGET 07/28/93 1 992-93 19 93-94 94 Inc 1992-93 Inc 1991-92 1 992— 93 Decr % ) 1993-94 REVENUES Actual Budget €<€Rcvis ':: Adopted (DIncDecrecr) €€s rn qS Adopted %Inc/ Miscellaneous $21,323 $22,118 ' ``.: 5..`'100 :5357,'49:° 162.7% > >> >$17'Q € $4,61 —20.9% Interest Income 35,693 25,970 :'<:`.`: ':€ 5,97Q: 0.0% ': : :s 24,000 1970 —7.6%WaterSales—residential1,560,336 1,677,540 ? .,8 500E 9.4% <` : .'18SOQ: 340,960 20.3% Water Sales—commercial318,453 419,385 3$GQ44` (39,385)ii] -9.4% z: 41 igifj:: (1,385) -0.3% Sewer Sales 185 824 205 454 ; 22S,000?. 19 546 9.5% >%>< `:< > 65,000 31.6 0 Sanitation Sales 235 603 258 000 '.I':`:iii 29a'000 32,000 12.4% <?: >#"::' 32Q,00D 62 000 24.0 0 Other utilitycharges 218109 145,06 g7 : >`>?231520 86,453 59.6% :'€'.€sz>?IVZ;028:: 52,011 35.9% Total Revenues $2,575,341 $2,753,534 $ Q4$ (l':. $292,056 10.6% ::$32:G 5 : $511,998 18.6% EXPENSES 0 Other 0 25 :i Debt Service—Revenue Bonds 89 423 79 719 ?'.` >''' J'#9:`s 0 0.0% ' >>81s 89s 2,176 2.7% Water 1,244,889 1,605,572 " ,`620 461': 14 889 0.9% > >»?'':::313: 244,797 152% Sewer 866,653 559,601 ? $$$ (4,713) —0.8% :::::;::':`:::::$$71 :; 327,577 58.5% • Sanitation 206,396 232 00 � ':26(?,50( 28 300 12.2% `:: '?::' 8 55 800 24.0 0 Operating Transfer Out 159,446 267 295 : :: :2fn7 95', 0 0.0% ? >?`:2i '6 8 2.318 0.9% Total Expenses $2,566,807 $2,769,387 : 867863 $38,476 1.4% `:': 3 #02 5: $632,668 22.8% Net Revenues $8,534 ($15,853) ?<$237727:, <:•: 186 2 Beginning working capital $665,982 $674,516 $ 4$16 :'::::$7x 7i Ending working capital $674 516 $658 663 < :: ::$9 2 43<; B B , , G CITY OF S OUTHLAKE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Parks/Recreation 04:28 PM REVISED 1992-93 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1993-94 BUDGET 93sima16.wk3 0729/93 1992-93 1993-94 9 Adopted Inc 1 992-93 $Inc/ 1991-92 1992-93 . (Decr) % Inc/ X���" 1!� (Deer) 1993— 94 REVENUES Actual Budget ':sRevised#: Adopted (Deer) Adopted %In Permits/Fees $101,714 $32,200 ::::::Egpfagti $64,550 200.5% € €€ � $SO00G $17,800 55.3% • Miscellaneous 1,595 - 796 »<»`><>>z.>3iX1� (496) - 62.3% <?? ''':� >< ?Q�: (796) 100.0% Interest 28 5 Total Revenues $106,124 $34,996 <>< XQ 1''0 0`:> $65 054 185.9% >si#E##E>$z`49:f�>.:;; �:::::::.•...�:::::: � .::.;;;��2,fl00:. $17,004 48.6% EXPENDITURES Park Improvements $0 $30,000 ».:'::'.:•�16OQ::.� ($14�000 ) — 46.7% :'?>`>'»`:>s>egts57 $23,157 772% Parks and n Recreation 4,075 2 A (2,000) —100.0% (2,000)—100.0% Land _0 .•-,,,0.; 0 100.0% 467,710 0.0% Total Expenditures $4,075 $32 000 € I6'00 $16 000 � < ) —50.0% <E' gSl$fr7 $21,157 66.1% Net Revenues 102 04$ 9 $2,996 ' �8�'0��.< 81 054.:::::�::::.t.;;:.;:.;:. S <<(�?l��867� ($4,153) Add:Proceeds from C.O.Sale 0 Beginn ing Fund Balance 3 031� g $ , $105,080 M:::$145p8Q:'•.: so • Ending Fund Balance $105,080 $108,076 is E"'$1$4;7$0?: $81,054 0 SCHEDULE OF NEW REQUESTS 07 . 0k14 PM GENERAL FUND 94sInewlAk3 TOTAL DEPARTMENT/Division ITEM AMOUNT PERSONNELOPERATIONS CAPITAL 100-GENERAL GOVERNMENT 100-City Secretary/Mayor/ Two fireproof cabinets 5,588 0 0 5,588 City Council Software licensing 1 0000 0 0 1.000 TOTAL 6,588 0 0 6,588 103-City Manager's Office Software licensing 1,000 0 0 1,000 Envelope feeder-printer 235 0 0 235 Facsimile machine 1,500 0 0 1.500 TOTAL 2,735 0 0 2,735 105-Support Services Postage Machine 3,500 0 0 3,500 City Hall Building Expansion 75.000 0 0 75,000 TOTAL 78,500 0 0 78,500 106-FINANCE 106-Finance Accounts Payable Clerk 22,174 21,724 0 450 Personal Computer/Printer 4,500 0 0 4,500 Software licensing 1.000 0 0 1,000 TOTAL 27,674 21,724 0 5,950 107-Municipal Court Teen Court Administration(Reimb 1/2 by CISD) 20,000 12,771 7,229 0 30-PUBLIC SAFETY 131-Fire Services 1 Firefighters/Paramedic(1-1 hire) 24,121 24,121 0 0 Ambulance 75,000 0 0 75,000 Vehicle(replacement) 14,700 0 0 14,700 TOTAL 113,821 24,121 0 89,700 132-Police Services 5 Chairs 2,500 0 0 2,500 4 Emergency Response Vehicles 69,500 - 0 0 69,500 3 hand-held radios 2,400 0 0 2,400 3 Traffic Radar Units 554400 0 0 5.400 TOTAL 79,800 0 0 79,800 133-Public Safety Support 1 Communications Specialist(1-1 hire) 16,651 16,651 0 0 Computer Upgrade/Software licensing 10,000 0 0 10,000 2 Communications Chairs 1,000 0 0 1,000 Desk Top Copier 1,000 0 0 1,000 Communications Radio Console 11,000 0 0 11,000 Tape Logger Tapes(25) 11000 0 0 1.000 TOTAL 40,651 16,651 0 24,000 • ' CU SCHEDULE OF NEW REQUESTS GENERAL FUND TOTAL IEPARTMENT/Division ITEM AMOUNT PERSONNELOPERATIONS CAPITAL 140-PUBLIC WORKS 142-Building Inspections Personal Computers/Printers 12,136 0 0 12,136 Personal Computer Software-Building Permits 7,125 0 0 7,125 Code Enforcement Officer(1-1 hire) 19,529 18,929 0 600 Plans Examiner(1-1 hire) 19,529 18,929 0 600 1 Motorola Radio(for truck) 900 0 0 900 1 Mid-size Truck 13,000 0 0 13,000 TOTAL 72,219 37,858 0 34,361 144-Streets and Drainage White Chapel Bridge(FEMA participation$50K) 50,000 0 0 50,000 3 Drainage Crew Maintenance Workers(1-1 hire) 49,081 49,081 0 0 Bridge Improvements-guard rails,safety devices 20,000 0 0 20,000 Culvert Replacement 10,000 0 0 10,000 Two 5 ton Dump Trucks 60,000 0 0 60,000 Roller-4 to 6 ton 33,000 0 0 33,000 Motor Grader 135,000 0 0 135,000 Backhoe 43,000 0 0 43,000 Gradall 130,000 0 0 130,000 Rebuild Burney Lane(County) 78,000 0 0 78,000* Rebuild Summer Place(Contract) 93,370 0 0 93,370 Rebuild Ridgecrest(County) 81,675 0 0 81,675 2 Radios for Dump Trucks 2,200 0 0 2,200 Flatbed Truck-1 ton 30,000 0 0 30,000 Office Equipment 500 0 0 500 • Pavement Management Plan 10,000 0 10,000 0 TOTAL 825,826 49,081 10,000 766,745 145-Parks/Recreation Roof repair-Community Building 6,000 0 0 6,000 Library Books 5,000 0 0 5,000 Sidewalk/footbridge Field#1 4,000 0 0 4,000 Finishing mower 8,000 0 0 8,000 Joint Use-John Elem fitness stations 3,500 0 0 3,500 Joint Use-Carroll Mid Gym gates 2,000 0 0 2,000 Weedeater 300 0 300 0 Light switch-Field#1 2,500 0 2,500 0 Refrigerator-concession stand 400 0 0 400 Printing-Pa program brochures 1,500 0 1,500 0 Special events-holiday celebrations 2,000 0 2,000 0 Carroll Elem practice fields 5,000 0 0 5,000 Push mower 400 0 400 0 Consulting fees-Park expansion 10,000 0 10,000 0 Park benches 1,155 0 0 1,155 Dugout covers 1,500 0 0 1,500 Tractor with mower attachment 20,500 0 0 20,500 Trailer 1 000 0 0 1 000 TOTAL 74,755 0 16,700 58,055 9 SCHEDULE OF NEW REQUESTS GENERAL FUND TOTAL IEPARTMENT/Division ITEM AMOUNT PERSONNELOPERATIONS CAPITAL 140—PUBLIC WORKS 146—Public Works Admin. Public Works Intern—COG fellow 1,500 1,500 0 0 2 Personal Computers/1 printer 4,475 0 0 4,475 Software licensing 2 000 0 0 2 000 TOTAL 7,975 1,500 0 6,475 150—COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 150—Community Development Plat Storage/filing cabinets 2,000 0 0 2,000 Corridor Study—FM1709 20,000 0 20,000 0 Personal Computer Software 6,850 0. 0 6,850 Personal Computer Upgrades 900 0 0 900 Personal Computer 3,000 0 0 3,000 1 Chair 150 0 0 150 Filing Cabinet 150 0 0 150 Planning Intern 8,447 8,447 0 0 Storage Cabinet 500 0 0 500 Roll Storage Boxes 400 0 0 400 Construction Plan Hanging Rack 550 0 0 550 Layout table and Chair 350 0 0 350 LAN-5 personal computers 2,650 0 0 2,650 Bookcase/hutch 200 0 0 200 Ink Jet Color Printer 1000 0 0 11000 TOTAL 47,147 8,447 20,000 18,700 Pay and Classification Plan 100,000 100,000 0 0 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1,497,691 272,153 53,929 1,171,609 ID SCHEDULE OF NEW REQUESTS UTILITY FUND TOTAL 1EPARTMENT/Division ITEM AMOUNT PERSONNELOPERATIONS CAPITAL 200-WATER/SEWER 147-Water Utilities Meter Reading System-Computer 17,000 0 0 17,000 Transmitting Devices-Meter Read System 71,500 0 0 71,500 Water Maintenance Worker 22,186 22,186 0 0 Two 1/2 ton trucks 22,000 0 0 22,000 Two 2-way radios 1,900 0 0 1,900 Flatbed Dump Truck 30,000 0 0 30,000 Building Improvement 8,000 0 0 8,000 Water System Improvements 46,000 0 0 46,000 Personal Computer,Printer 4,000 0 0 4,000 Personal Computer Software 4,000 0 0 4,000 Plug Trinity Well @ CPWP 12,000 0 0 12,000 Water Meters 50,000 0 0 50,000 Office Equipment 500 0 0 500 Maintenance-Telemetry System 5,000 0 0 5,000 Oversizing Payments 25,000 0 0 25,000 TOTAL 319,086 22,186 0 296,900 148-Sewer Utilities Replace Lift Station Motor/2 Pumps 10,000 0 0 10,000 Safety Equipment 3,500 0 0 3,500• Sewer Mains/Manhole Maintenance Equipment 66 200 0 5,000 1,200' TOTAL 19,700 0 5,000 14,700 GRAND TOTAL UTILITY FUND 338,786 22,186 5,000 311,600 PECIAL REVENUE FUND-PARKS/RECREATION 350-SPECIAL REVENUE FUND (Includes Park Dedication Fund and Park Special Revenue-Other) Joint Use-Carroll Int Athletic Field 27,652 0 0 27,652 Joint Use-Carroll Int Basketball Court 21,505 0 0 21,505 Carpet Replacement 4,000 0 0 44 000 TOTAL 53,157 0 0 53,157 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1,889,634 294,339 58,929 1,536,366 0 PROPERTY TAX proptaxl.wk3 07/29/93 REVENUE ALLOCATION 1993-94 AMOUNT Total Appraised Value 1993 $765,065,228 Less Exemptions (-) (84,338,437) • Total Taxable Value (Assessed Value) (=) 680,726,791 Proposed Tax Rate (x) 0.45500 Estimated Tax Levy (_) 3,097,307 Estimated Percent of Collections (x) 98.00% Estimated Current Tax Collections (=) 3,035,361 Estimated Delinquent Collections, Penalty,and Interest (+) 250,000 Estimated Available Funds (=) $3,285,361 PROPOSED DISTRIBUTION GENERAL FUND RATE PERCENT TOTAL Current $0.30229 65.53% $1,989,198 Delinquent (+) 215,000 Total General Fund (=) 2,204,198 DEBT SERVICE FUND Current 0.15271 34.47% 1,046,163 Delinquent (+) 35,000 Total Debt Service Fund (=) 1,081,163 Total General and Debt Service Funds $0.45500 100.00% $3,285,361 HISTORICAL TAX INFORMATION DEBT NET GENERAL SERVICE TOTAL FISCAL TAXABLE FUND FUND TAX YEAR VALUE RATE RATE RATE 1993-94 $680,726,791 $0.30229 $0.15271 $0.45500 1992-93 608,254,817 0.32232 0.13268 0.45500 1991-92 569,475,542 0.31985 0.13515 0.45500 1990-91 520,442,493 0.36750 0.07750 0.44500 1989-90 534,140,023 0.35830 0.02990 0.38820 1988-89 437,252,301 0.34820 0.04000 0.38820 1987-88 389,287,099 0.28831 0.04169 0.33000 1986-87 366,024,873 0.27480 0.04520 0.32000 1985-86 248,920,765 0.22900 0.03100 0.26000 1984-85 214,807,784 0.14300 0.03800 0.18100 - 1983-84 85,604,834 0.30750 0.19750 0.41500 1982-83 72,720,108 0.23500 0.18000 0.41500 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SUMMARY OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST REQUIREMENTS 1993-94 REQUIREMENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1982 General Obligation Bonds $55,000 $3,575 $58,575 1984 General Obligation Bonds 35,000 11,872 46,872 1990 General Obligation Refunding Bonds 45,000 186,433 231,433 1990 Public Property Contractual Obligations 40,000 7,837 47,837 * 1990 Tax/WW and Sewer System Revenue Certificates 30,000 80,167 110,167 # 1990 TRA-Denton Creek Revenue Bonds 35,000 98,848 133,848 # 1990 TRA-Southlake Sewer System Contract Revenue Bonds 30,000 82,600 112,600 1991 Combination Tax/Revenue Certificates of Obligation 40,000 6,300 46,300 1992 Series Tax/WW and Sewer System Revenue Certificates 35,000 84,526 119,526 1992 Series General Obligation Bonds 0 175,357 175,357 ** 1992 Series Tax/WW/Sewer System Certificates of Obligation 0 152,000 152,000 1993 Series Certificates of Obligation 60,000 13,815 73,815 GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS 1992-93 $405,000 $903,330 $1,308,330 Less: Funded through other sources 30,000 232,167 262,167 Funded through Property Taxes $375,000 $671,163 $1,046,163 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST*TOTAL 1982 General Obligation Bonds $55,000 $3,575 $58,575 1984 General Obligation Bonds 120,000 24,832 144,832 1990 General Obligation Refunding Bonds 2,991,137 2,219,241 5,210,378 1990 Public Property Contractual Obligations 130,000 14,249 144,249 * 1990 Tax/WW and Sewer System Revenue Certificates 1,050,000 850,008 1,900,008 # 1990 TRA-Denton Creek Revenue Bonds 1,435,000 1,115,625 2,550,625 # 1990 TRA-Southlake Sewer System Contract Revenue Bonds 1,195,000 923,825 2,118,825 1991 Combination Tax/Revenue Certificates of Obligation 125,000 11,550 136,550 1992 Series Tax/WW and Sewer System Revenue Certificates 1,285,000 962,525 2,247,525 1992 Series General Obligation Bonds 1,500,000 1,164,356 2,664,356 ** 1992 Series Tax/WW/Sewer System Certificates of Obligation 1,300,000 1,003,982 2,303,982 1993 Series Certificates of Obligation 320,000 41,625 361,625 TOTAL OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT REQUIREMENTS $11,506,137 $8,335,393 $19,841,530 INTEREST.SHOWN IS THE TOTAL OF EACH ANNUAL REQUIREMENT FOR THE REMAINING LIFE OF THE SERIES *Utility related debt funded by transfer from Utility Fund #Utility related debt funded by property taxes **Utility related debt funded by impact fees gosum.wk3 07/29/93 1993 EFFECTIVE TAX RATE WORKSHEET effm3.wt3 City of Southlake,Texas 07/29/93 Using July 25,1993 Certified Values TAX YEAR 1993 TAX YEAR 1992 TAX YEAR 1991 TAX YEAR 1990 FY1993/94 FY1.992t93 FY1991/92 FY1990/91 1.1992 total taxable value. Enter the amount of 1992 taxable value on the 1992 tax roll today. Include.any adjustments since last year's certification. $618,321,032 $574,080,211 $528,597,548 $531,341,816 2.School Districts 3.Preliminary 1992 adjusted taxable value. Subtract line 2 from line 1. $618,321,032 $574,080,211 $528,597,548 $531,341,816 4.1992 total tax rate. 0.455000 0.455000 0.445000 0.388200 5.1992 taxable value lost because court appeals of ARB decisions reduced 1992 appraised value. A.Original 1992 ARB values: B.1992 values resulting from final court decisions: C.1992 value loss. Subtract B from A: $0 $0 $0 $0 6.1992 taxable value,adjusted for court-ordered reductions. Add line 3 and line 5c. $618,321,032 $574,080,211 $528,597,548 $531,341,816 7.1992 taxable value of property in teritory the unit deannexed after January 1,1992. 8.1992 taxable value lost because property first qualified for an exemption in 1993. Note that lowering the amount or percentage of an existing exemption does not create a new exemption or reduce taxable value. A.Absolute exemption. Use 1992 market value: $60,000 $782,585 $0 $1,024,827 B.Partial exemptions. 1993 exemption amount, or 1993 percentage exemption times 1992 value: $854,406 $1,293,786 $665,100 $0 C.Value loss. Total of A and B: • $914,406 $2,076,371 $665,100 $1,024,827 9.1992 taxable value lost because property first qualified for agricultural appraisal (1-d or 1-d-1),timber appraisal,recreational/scenic appraisal,or public access airport special appraisal in 1993. Use only those properties that first qualified in 1993; • do not use properties that qualified in 1992. A.1992 market value: $1,457,965 $661,981 $3,276,909 $3,093,963 B.1993 productivity or special appraised value: $19,235 $2,302 $0 $23,118 C.Value loss. Subtract B from A. $1,438,730 $659,679 $3,276,909 $3,070,845 10.Total adjustments for lost value. Add line 7,8C,and 9C. $2,353,136 $2,736,050 $3,942,009 $4,095,672 11.1992 adjusted taxable value. Subtract line 10 from line 6. • $615,967,896 $571344,161 $524,655,539 $527,246,144 12:Adjusted 1992 tax levy. Multiply line 4 times line 11 and divide by 100. $2,802,654 $2,599,616 $2,334,717 $2,046,770 13.Total 1993 taxable value on the 1993 certified appraisal roll today. $680,726,791 $588,676,293 •$562,233,774 $501,735,973 14.1993 taxable value of properties under protest. The chief appraiser certifies a list of properties still under ARB protest. The list shows the district's value and the taxpayer's claimed value, or an estimate of the value it the taxpayers wins. For each of the properties under protest, use the lowest of these values. Enter the total here.. $4,311,881 $19,578,524 $7,241,768 $18,706,520 15.School Districts 16.1993 total taxable value. Add line 13 and line 14. Subtract line 15. 3685,038,672 $608,254,817 $569,475,542 $520,442,493 17.Total 1993 taxable value of properties in territory annexed since January 1,1992. $0 $0 $1,055,169 $643,790 18.Total 1993 taxable value of new improvements and new personal property located in new improvements. $65,546,035 $31,645,801 $28,859,890 $10,220,771 19.Total adjustments to the 1993 taxable value. Add lines 17 and 18. $65,546,035 $31,645,801 $29,915,059 $10,864,561 20.1993 adjusted taxable value. Subtract line 19 from line 16. . $619,492,637 $576,609,016 $539,560,483 $509,577,932 r, 22.Counties only. 1993 ROLLBACK TAX RATE WORKSHEET TAX YEAR 199TAX YEAR 199TAX YEAR 199TAX YEAR 1994 FY1993/94 FY1992/93 FY1991/92 FY1990/91 33.1992 maintenance and operations tax rate. 0.322320 0.319850 0.367500 0.358300 24.1992 adjusted taxable value. Enter the amount from line 11. $615,967,896 S571,344,161 $524,655,539 $527,246,144 25.1992 maintenance and operations tax levy. A.Multiply line 23 times line 24 and divide by 100. $1,985,388 $1,827,444 $1,923,109 $1,889,123 B.Cities and counties with additional sales tax. C.Total of A and B. S1,985,388 $1,827,444 $1,928,109 $1,889,123 26.1993 effective maintenance and operations rate. Divide line 25C by line 20 and multiply by 100. 0.320486 0.316930 0.357348 0.370723 27.1993 rollback maintenance and operations rate. Multiply line 26 by 1.08. 0.346125 0.342284 0.385936 0.400381 28.Total 1993 debt service to be paid with property taxes. $1,046,163 $807,049 $769,685 $527,950 29.Certified 1992 excess debt collections. $0 $0 $0 $124,661 30.Adjusted 1993 debt service. Subtract line 19 from line 28. $1,046,163 $807,049 $769,685 $403,289 31.Certified 1993 anticipated collection rate. 100% 100% 100% 100% 32.1993 debt service adjusted for collections. Divide line 30 by line 31. $1,046,163 $807,049 $769,685 $403,289 33.1993 total taxable value. Enter the amount on line 16. $685,038,672 S608,254,817 $569,475,542 $520,442,493 34.1993 debt tax rate. Divide line 32 by line 33 and multiply by 100. 0.152716 0.132683 0.135157 0.077490 :>:: �'»`<�a `'•.,.:$<>»> �>� '»> >>»< >< >s»>>»<>><'•>;>�<:`»>>�s'•> > >s>>'s> ><';>:>,;:,«:<>:>�� :z''<�'•> >04:������><`<':�?<`'.'O.S2 Q��': >s':'?"'0���8't:I :�5z<t99'.�:`sitttack:[aesafe<:rAilit.Itn.�7. d.�............:............. ........................................................................;:.�}:4'S#Sif ............. .7.4.1'Z7.. ... ... 36.Counties only. 1993/94 1992/93 1991/92 1990/91 EFFECTIVE TAX RATE 0.452411 0.450846 0.432707 0.401660 NOTICE AND HEARING LIMIT=EFFECTIVE TAX RATE x 1.03 0.465984 0.464371 0.445688 0.413710 ROLLBACK TAX RATE 0.498841 0.474967 0.521093 0.477871 ................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................... DEBT TAX RATE T ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................ DEBT TAX RATE INCREASE(-DECREASE) 0.020033 -0.002474 0.057667 Tax Rate • MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 0.302284 0.322320 0.319850 0.367500 DEBT SERVICE 0.152716 0.132680 0.135150 0.077500 TOTAL TAX RATE 0.455000 0.455000 0.455000 0.445000