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1993-07-20 CC PACKET
. City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM July 15, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, P.E. , Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Award of Bid for S-2 Sewer Line as the Result of the Bid Opening on May 27, 1993 The S-2 sewer line will serve the southwest portion of Southlake, along Davis Boulevard. The construction of the sewer is being funded by Myers Meadow, Southlake Crossing and the City of Southlake . On May 27, 1993 , sealed bids were opened and publicly read. Five bids were received with Aledo Construction being the low bidder at $446, 860 . 00 . The attached letter from Cheatham & Associates provides details on the reasons for the increased costs over the estimated cost . Staff recommends the Council award the bid to Aledo Construction • for $446, 860 . 00 for the construction of the S-2 sewer line. Please place this item on the Council' s July 20 agenda for their consideration. If you have any questions, please contact me. BW/lc Attachments : Letter from Cheatham & Associates Bid Tabulation Sheet c:\wpfiles\memos\S-2bid.AWD 0 CHEATS pgiCENT811 AND ASSOCIATES JUN 2 51993 PUBLIC WORKS DPP June 25, 1993 • Mr. Bob Whitehead, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. . Southlake, TX 76092 • Re: Award of Bids for Sanitary Sewer Line S-2 City of Southlake No. 001-417 Dear Bob: Enclosed herewith is the bid tabulation for the S-2 sewer project. The low bidder was Aledo Construction with a bid of$446,860.00. As you are aware, this project is to be funded jointly by Mary Stone Myers (Myers Meadows - Project), John Drews (Southlake Crossing Project), and the City of Southlake. As per the existing agreement, the parties are to participate as follows: Myers - $150,000 Drews - 135,000 City - 161,860 In addition, the City must bear the cost of the engineering/surveying ($63,450), and easement acquisitions, ($19,000). The original cost estimate was prepared in October 1991 and estimated the total project cost to be $435,000.00. However, the total project price is actually $529,310. There are several reasons for the actual cost to be higher than the.estimate. The primary reason is that construction costs have risen considerably within the last year. As a comparison, we have enclosed several typical prices from the S-4 and S-6 lines, along with the bid price for the S-2 line. The comparison are shown below: Price/Ft. Item S-4 S-6 S-2 10" PVC (10'-12') $15.15 $16.50 $23.35 12" PVC (10'-12') 18.29 19.45 24.60 15" PVC (10'-12') 21.03 23.63 25.65 18" PVC (10'-12') 26.02 27.38 44.30 Manholes 814.00 920.00 1291.00 ENGINEERS •PLANNERS •SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Finn of Southwest Planning and Design,Inc. 1170 Corporate Drive West • Suite 207 • Arlington,Texas 76006 817/633-1023 • Metro 640-4329 5�.- 2, Mr. Bob Whitehead, P.E. June 25, 1993 City of Southlake Page 2 In addition to higher unit prices for the S-2 line, there is approximately $60,000 in borings for the S-2 line. Approximately one half of this cost is for boring under trees. This was not included in the original cost estimate, since the S-4 and S-6 had very little tree borings on those two projects, and the S-2 cost estimate was based upon the S-4 and S-6 project costs. As a condition for being granted easements on the S-2 line, several property owners stipulated that several specimen trees should not be removed. This resulted in requiring the Contractor to bore under several trees. The Developers are anticipating that they will be credited with the cost of their.participation toward sewer impact fees. Therefore, the additional cost which the City must fund, over and above the original estimate, actually means that the Developers will pay less up front, but will pay more in sewer impact fees, than if the total cost were evenly distributed among the three parties. It is our understanding that the City has the funds available for your portion of the project, and the Developers will have made their portions available prior to the funds being required. Therefore, we recommend that an item be placed in the City Council agenda for July 6 to award the contract to the low bidder, Aledo Construction in the amount of$446,860.00. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Respectfully, Eddie Cheatham, P.E. \award.ale Enclosures 50-- 3 I W S-2 SANITARY SEWER OUTFALL, BEAR CREEK TO RANDOL MILL RD., N.OF F.M.1709,JOB NO.001-417 CHEATHAM&ASSOCIATES BID TABULATION SHEET 1 OF 4 OWNER: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BID DATE: MAY 27,1993 ALEDO CONST. PATE BROS.CONST. LARRY JACKSON CONST. WRIGHT CONST. P.O.BOX 568 780 W..MANSFIELD HWY. 5112 SUN VALLEY DR. 601 W.WALL ST. JOB TIME. S-2 SS OUTFALL,BEAR CREEK TO RANDOL MILL RD. ALEDO,TX 76012 KENNEDALE.TX 76060 FT.WORTH,TX 76119 GRAPEVINE.TX 76051 NORTH OF F.M.1709 PHONE:817/441-9402 PHONE:817/483.0999 PHONE:817/572-3303 PHONE:817/481-2594 -FAX:817/441-6605 FAX:817/483-0899 FAX:817/478-0443 FAX:817/481-2597 JOB NO.: 001-417 AMT.BID: 5446,860.00 AMT.BID: S563,164.04 AMT.BID: S587,413.25 AMT.BID: S608,312.00 ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PLAN UNIT COST UNIT COST UNIT COST UNIT COST NO. QTY. PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 1.4"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 100 14.80 $1,480.00 20.63 $2,063.00 23.50 $2,350.00 60.00 $6,000.00 2.6"DIASDR 35 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 100 15.40 $1,540.00 _____21.36 $2,136.00 24.00 $2,400.00 61.00 $6,100.00, 3.8"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 60 16.10 $966.00 22.49 $1,349.40 24.75 $1,485.00 62.00 $3,720.00 4. 10"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 10-12'DEPTH L.F. 100 22.00 $2,200.00 22.25 $2,225.00 24.25 $2,425.00 23.00 $2,300.00 5. 10"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 150 22.40 $3,360.00 23.46 $3,519.00 25.75 $3,862.50 25.00 $3,750.00 01 6. 10"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 14-16'DEPTH L.F. 50 25.00 $1,250.00 24.92 $1,246.00 27.75 $1,387.50 27.00 $1,350.00 r 7. 10"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 10-12'DEPTH L.F. 655 23.35 $15,294.25 23.20 $15,196.00 25.25 $16,538.75 23.00 $15,065.00 8. 10"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 675 26.00 $17,550.00 24.41 $16,476.75 26.75 $18,056.25 26.00 $17,550.00 9. 10"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 14-16'DEPTH L.F. 214 26.00 $5,564.00 25.88 $5,538.32 28.60 $6,099.00 28.00 $5,992.00 10. 10"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 16-18'DEPTH L.F. 140 26.00 $3,640.00 27.67 $3,873.80 31.00 $4,340.00 35.00 $4,900.00 11.12"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 10-12'DEPTH L.F. . 20 24.60 $492.00 25.03 $500.60 27.25 $545.00 25.00 $500.00 12. 15"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 8-10'DEPTH L.F. 316 23.80 $7,520.80 24.81 $7,839.96 31.00 $9,796.00 24.00 $7,584.00 13. 15"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 10-12'DEPTH L.F. 512 25.65 $13,132.80 25.83 $13,224.96 29.75 $15,232.00 26.00 $13,312.00 14. 15"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 6-8'DEPTH L.F. 118 24.40 $2,879.20 25.89 $3,055.02 29.00 $3,422.00 25.00 $2,950.00 15.15"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 8-10'DEPTH L.F. 253 24.50 $6,198.50 26.88 $6,800.64 30.00 $7,590.00 27.00 $6,831.00 16. 15"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 10-12'DEPTH L.F. 351 24.50 $8,599.50 27.90 $9,792.90 31.25 $10,968.75 29.00 $10,179.00 17.15"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 540 27.70 $14,958.00 29.10 $15,714.00 32.75 $17,685.00 31.00 $16,740.00 18. 15"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 14-16'DEPTH L.F. 488 30.35 $14,810.80 30.57 $14,918.16 34.75 $16,958.00 33.00 $16,104.00 19. 15"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 16-18'DEPTH L.F. 620 30.35 $18,817.00 32.37 $20,069.40 37.25 $23,095.00 46.00 $28,520.00 20. 18"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 430 40.60 $17,458.00 27.14 $11,670.20 34.00 $14,620.00 34.00 $14,620.00 21. 18"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 14-16'DEPTH L.F. 310 43.65 $13,531.50 28.61 $8,869.10 36.00 $11,160.00 37.00 $11,470.00 22.18"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 10-12'DEPTH L.F. 197 44.30 $8,727.10 35.12 $6,918.64 36.25 $7,141.25 35.00 $6,895.00 23. 18"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 434 45.70 $19,833.80 36.33 $15,767.22 37.75 $16,383.50 37.00 $16,058.00 24. 18"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 14-16'DEPTH L.F. 637 47.65 $30,353.05 37.79 $24,072.23 39.75 $25,320.75 40.00 $25,480.00 25. 18"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 16-18'DEPTH L.F. 296 49.90 $14,770.40 39.59 $11,718.64 42.00 $12,432.00 50.00 $14,800.00 26. 18"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 18-20'DEPTH L.F. 680 52.60 $35,768.00 41.82 $28,437.60 45.50 $30,940.00 ff 58.00 $39,440.00 27.STANDARD SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE EA. 12 1291.00 $15,492.00 883.30 $10,599.60 1000.00 $12,000.00 li 1000.00 $12,000.00 28.WATER TIGHT SSMH EA. 18 1338.00 $24,084.00 929.19 $16,725.42 1200.00 $21,600.00 1050.00 $18,900.00 S-2 SS OUTFALL,BEAR CREEK TO RANDOL MILL RD., N OF F.M.1709 - JOB NO.001-417 CHEATHAM&ASSOCIATES BID TABULATION SHEET 2 OF 4 OWNER: CITY OF SOUTHIAKE BID DATE: MAY 27,1993 ALEDO CONST. PATE BROS.CONST. LARRY JACKSON CONST. WRIGHT CONST. P.O.BOX 568 780 W.,MANSFIELD HWY. 5112 SUN VALLEY DR 601 W.WALL ST. JOB TITLE: S-2 SS OUIFALL,BEAR CREEK TO RANDOL MILL RD. ALEDO,TX 76012 KENNEDALE,DC 76060 FT.WORTH.DC 76119 GRAPEVINE,TX 76051 NORTH OF F.M.1709 PHONE:817/441-9402 PHONE:817/483.0999 PHONE:817/572-3303 PHONE:817/481-2594 FAX:817/441-6605 FAX:617/483.0899 FAX:817/478-0443 FAX:817/481-2597 JOB NO.: 001-417 AMT.BID: S446,860.00 AMT.BID: S563,164.04 AMT.BID: S587,413.25 AMT.BID: S608,312.00 ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PLAN UNIT COST UNIT COST UNIT COST UNIT COST NO. QTY. PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 29.ADD.VERTICAL DEPTH FOR SS MANHOLE V.F. 280 50.70 $14,196.00 48.49 $13,577.20 120.00 $33,600.00 75.00 $21,000.00 30.CONCRETE ENCASEMENT FOR 10"PVC SS PIPE L.F. 44 18.20 $800.80 _ _ 15.23 $670.12 25.00 $1,100.00 24.00 $1,056.00 ' 31.CONCRETE ENCASEMENT FOR 15"PVC SS PIPE L.F. 152 18.20 $2,766.40, 17.48 $2,656.96 35.00 $5,320.00 - 25.00 $3,800.00 32.CONCRETE ENCASEMENT FOR 18"PVC SS PIPE L.F. 81 18.20 $1,474.20 17.48 $1,415.88 40.00 $3,240.00 26.00 $2,106.00 r 33.10"DIA.SS PIPE BY BORING L.F. 636 73.00 $39,128.00 149.85 $80,319.60 170.00 $91,120.00 190.00 6101,840.00 V' 34.15"DIA.SS PIPE BY BORING L.F. 200 63.00 $12,600.00 207.61_ $41,522.00 170.00 $34,000.00 250.00 $50,000.00 p - 35.18"DIA.SS PIPE BY BORING L.F. 153 69.00 $9,027.00 214.37 $32,798.61 200.00 $30,600.00 260.00 $39,780.00 36.PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT H.M.A.C. L.F. 700 18.55 $12,985.00 69.40 $48,580.00 35.00 $24,500.00 27.00 $18,900.00 37.PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT CONCRETE L.F. 30 17.30 $519.00 65.60 $1,968.00 40.00 $1,200.00 33.00 $990.00 38.PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT CL B CRUSHED STONE L.F. 90 5.00 $450.00 24.11 $2,169.90 10.00 $900.00 7.00 $630.00 39.CLEAR R.O.W.FOR PIPELINE CONST. L.F. '8700 1.50 $13,050.00 0.90 $7,830.00 3.00 $26,100.00 1.00 $8,700.00 40.TRENCH SAFETY IN ACCORDANCE WITH O.S.H.A. L.F. 7400_ 1.50 $11,100.00 3.19 $23,606.00 1.00 $7,400.00 1.00 $7,400.00 41.4"DIA.SANITARY SEWER TAP EA. 6 400.00 $2,000.00 114.80 $574.00 400.00 $2,000.00 700.00 $3,500.00 42.36"DIA.CL III RCP CRK.XING INC.CON.RIP RAP L.S. 1 4500.00 $4,500.00 9068.68 $9,068.68 7500.00 $7,500.00 7500.00 $7,500.00 43.6"THK COMPL CLB CRUSHED STONE FOR ACCESS RD. L.S. 1, 2000.00 $2,000.00 16089.53 $16,089.53 3000.00 $3,000.00 12000.00 $12,000.00 BASE BID_ TOTAL AMOUNT BID (ITEMS 1.43), $446,860.00 $563,164.04 $587,413.25 $608,312.00 r_ S-2 SANITARY SEWER OUTFALL, BEAR CREEK TO RANDOL MILL RD., N.OF F.M.1709,JOB NO.001-417 CHEATHAM&ASSOCIATES BID TABULATION SHEET 3 OF 4 OWNER: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BID DATE: MAY 27,1993 TKINS BROS.CONST. 18 W.MARSHALL JOB TITLE: S-2 SS OUIFALL,BEAR CREEK TO RANDOL MILL RD. RAND PRAIRIE,TX 75051 NORTH OF F.M.1709 HONE:214/647-8890 HONE: HONE: HONE: AX: AX: AX: AX: JOB NO.: 001.417 .BID: $816,279.00 .BID: $0.00 .BID: $0.00 .BID: S0.00 ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PLAN UNIT COST UNIT COST UNIT COST UNIT COST NO. QTY. PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 1.4"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 100 25.00 $2,500.00 2.6"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 100 26.00 $2,600.00 3.8"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 60 29.00 $1,740.00 4. 10"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 10-12'DEPTH L.F. 100 26.00 $2,600.00 5. 10"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 150. 31.00 $4,650.00 6. 10"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 14-16'DEPTH L.F. 50 35.00 $1,750.00 (f 7. 10"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 10-12'DEPTH L.F. 655 27.00 $17,685.00 v' 8. 10"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 675 32.00 $21,600.00_ P 9. 10"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 14-16'DEPTH L.F. 214 37.00 $7,918.00 1 10. 10"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 16-18'DEPTH L.F. 140 40.00 $5,600.00 11.12"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 10-12'DEPTH L.F. . 20 31.00 $620.00 () 12. 15"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 8-10'DEPTH L.F. 316 31.00 $9,796.00 • 13. 15"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 10-12'DEPTH L.F. 512 34.00 $17,408.00 14. 15"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 6-8'DEPTH L.F. 118 30.00 $3,540.00 15.15"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 8-10'DEPTH L.F. 253 33.00 $8,349,00 • 16.15"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 10-12'DEPTH L.F. 351 36.00 $12,636.00 17.15"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 640 40.00 $21,600.00 18. 15"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 14-16'DEPTH L.F. 488 44.00 $21,472.00 19.15"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 16-18'DEPTH L.F. 620 47.00 $29,140.00 . 20. 18"DIA.SDR 35 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 430 44.00 $18,920.00 • 21. 18"DIA.SDR 36 PVC PIPE 14-16'DEPTH L.F, 310 48,00, $14,880.00 • 22.18"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 10-12'DEPTH L.F. 197 46.00 $9,062.00 23. 18"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 12-14'DEPTH L.F. 434 60.00 $21,700.00 • 24. 18"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 14-16'DEPTH LF. 637 63.00 633,761.00 26.18"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 16-18'DEPTH LF. 296 58.00 $17,168.00 . • 26.18"DIA.SDR 26 PVC PIPE 18-20'DEPTH L.F. 680 62.00 $42,160.00 -f}t 27.STANDARD SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE EA. 12 1120.00 $13,440.00 28.WATER TIGHT SSMH EA. 18 1182.00 $21,276.00 • • S-2 SS OUTFALL, BEAR CREEK TO RANDOL MILL RD., N OF F.M. 1709 - JOB NO.001-417 CHEATHAM&ASSOCIATES BID TABULATION SHEET 4 OF 4 OWNER: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BID DATE: ATKINS BROS.CONST. 918 W.MARSHALL JOB TITLE: S-2 SS OUTFALL,BEAR CREEK TO RANDOL MILL RD. GRAND PRAIRIE,TX 75051 NORTH OF F.M.1709 PHONE:214/647-8890 PHONE: PHONE: PHONE: FAX:214/602-0910 FAX: FAX: FAX: JOB NO.: 001-417 AMT.BID: S816,279.00 AMT.BID: S0.00 AMT.BID: 50.00 AMT.BID: 50.00 ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION __UNIT PLAN UNIT �COST-Yr� UNIT _ COST UNIT COST UNIT ��COSTW NO. ' QTY. PRICE PRICE PRICE _ PRICE 29.ADD.VERTICAL DEPTH FOR SS MANHOLE V.F. 280 156.00 $43,680.00 _ 30.CONCRETE ENCASEMENT FOR 10"PVC SS PIPE L.F. 44 19.00 $836.00 31.CONCRETE ENCASEMENT FOR 15"PVC SS PIPE L.F. 152 25.00 $3,800.00 • 32.CONCRETE ENCASEMENT FOR 18"PVC SS PIPE L.F. 81 29.00 $2,349.00 I i 33.10"DIA.SS PIPE BY BORING L.F. 536 214.00 $114,704.00 V 34.15"DIA.SS PIPE BY BORING L.F. _ 200 322.00 $64,400.00 _ 35.18"DIA.SS PIPE BY BORING L.F. 153 311.00 $47,683.00 1 36.PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT H.M.A.C. L.F. 700 66.00 $38,500.00 ` 37. PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT CONCRETE LF. 30 71.00 $2.130.00 38.PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT CL B CRUSHED STONE L.F. 90 7.00 $630.00 39.CLEAR R.O.W.FOR PIPELINE CONST. L.F. 8700 6.00 $52,200.00 40.TRENCH SAFETY IN ACCORDANCE WITH O.S.H.A. L.F. 7400 1.00 $7,400.00 41.4"DIA.SANITARY SEWER TAP EA. 6 373.00 $1,865.00 42.36"DIA.CL III RCP CRK.XING INC.CON.RIP RAP L.S. 1 9579.00 $9,679.00 _ 43.6"THK COMPL CLB CRUSHED STONE FOR ACCESS RD. L.S. 1 41052.00 $41,062.00 BASE BID . TOTAL AMOUNT BID (ITEMS 1431 $816,279.00 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM July 13, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 93-34 Rezoning REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning approval for 2.545 acres situated in the Reis D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207, Tracts 3B01, 3B1B, and 3B1C. LOCATION: 2930 Ridgecrest OWNER: Peter F. Gonzalez APPLICANT: Jerry and Marilyn Gilbert CURRENT ZONING: "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District REQUESTED ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential BACKGROUND INFO: These tracts have been incorporated into the final plat of Stonegate Manor Estate approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 8, 1993 . Note that the final plat has not yet been filed of record at Tarrant County. NO. NOTICES SENT: Twenty-two RESPONSES: One in favor: * Bill Kaizer, 3025 Briar Lane P & Z ACTION: June 17, 1993; Approved (7-0) COUNCIL ACTION: July 6, 1993; Approved (4-0) , First Reading, Ordinance No. 480-88. KPG/gj C:\CD\KAREN\MEMO\ZA93-34.MEM J.4. RAcWU / f%;,• N. THROOP , • u SA n r ! '' 7 „,,,, 1 m . \ IA" � V -IA F.:Y ' =t r• � I— -CIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIII1�111111111111111111111 I , — ' — — — dii„.,,, J. WIZWELLaGEin la nnn s n I — •• — J.D. JONES •':_� n:15C: Cn>— , = 111 Ea III? would7s /REI34. PRICE ,� IIII ;: • / VIA I Es -=asprg- -:///,';./, "0.// wI111N11111111111111111111111 ! �/% %;./ J. %VIZIR/ELL 7s wM III1111111111111111111111 •/ • I � -.o.;-,:,„;?„, ,„;;:;,-,..;.-,..2,,,,. , .,1',?<,,, � '1 ( R'.i1M111111111 111 111111 %/j';r;✓/ � %/'' .; N1111n1I� DAVID DOUTIUT I /�/ : , / ;, !;:;•;;;;%! './; — _1 gliiljl111111111\ DENTON �.©i� 7 J ■1111u11111111' T/1RRANT °Y �lir� `' _ IC Mil .00 . il Ig '" DAVID DOUTbI •�iiiiI� is woj• ',l Will ��� sl'`' \ : IBS_........„I'll", I 0.Ziatg VIM*" t -' . `W+,_±■` a. a s. . i mir �'-N ; if RE.S.''1.a,101 WOE grmai visa • i 41 4:11k Aapr_.- -"AI \- , illek.M. Rife/ :Mlii • 0,014.1:iimm -. i ,.. RE''. IE im mairt. � 1 1.4 1 . • :.-hith .. �''' � �i :: u . in . , mil _ .. � r ,. . ■■�� 1■IIIunuI. _... al__ -,.......!...pi 1 1@AEm 18. NIAnTIfn� , •IiD 0 `, 111) all ,. air retie- 4 lI I" .... 11/411:f j ,;, '.w L. . .•., ,,,,,,g Aagigl Tit • HIV. RS ' 1 iiii ' '•M1:l',01i1 IIII z , aiiin * • ,cam , NI ; .' . illil LEON, 11 rl , 0 4,.41.I III I 7.. �� f, II■11 i �°Il� �111,.�,,, g — NZ. ", -----J: INEWINIP„.‘ ...m. _ 2.. t, 1 • 1R I 1.,. g yy r G C Q C L f f. 1 1 ,.� i•,tr w —� . 1.7 1' r 7 7 , i 41 401.1kr. i J. QRfO �T TRACT LOCATION 4,- lit sil 1W . % ES MAPg01• � I 1 � ���y • ,R.n. 1 '� r 7uo, � 'r ABtaA Q � N. CHIVE I rr1a _ ,,, N � � Q. 1�. off; ri , 7/2A/ .� Q //// IA. LOC / nAc - - 12 c 1LKE �, \--- -. .2 ("5 6 < tl cr SO (�9 -1 :CI ,�.. 16 2 6 P�I •, in 6 \,............„."\\. TR .CJ7l?...... 1 — 10 CC • a Pf]ICE1.G6 AC a9I SUa 207 eaZaa.lp. = foaA-1 I y00o m 11 OS' e PatY 3 TR 2A2 TR 2A1 3 1 ('yO ` a'SUS l/ I Kidwell, S.G. oq 1z �•� A,1 3AI Kaiser, Wm. d^ I SF-1" \.� Kidwell, S. �LL ��'i_I ]/IDWE.'L William Earl tQWIif K • ' ``v • / ' . : .N\,_ C3 Massey, t(I A ' TR 3F Morris, D. tz • 7 f 1 23® 12a-1 Scarmardo, Jo Ann Fryer10 7.70� f 3.0 f 2.396 f "AG" I 9.799 f"SF-1" ' 1" "SF-1" TR 26 TR ze1 Ta 2C1 -• "NSF-1"� 21.6 AC' 9.6 AC 16.2 AC Massey, William Earl • yea �i • 1- Mitchell, T. "AG" F • TA 3 •.I 2A W ( 2.398 f \ "AG" .RE:361e o - _ r Ac • TR2F .9 AG a ."SF_1„ V 1 TA 3ByyAA 8.2��C , TR 36 `�}d McPherson, a. 67 C 7R 2F6 TR 2F6 •12R-3 • 2.39 AC. 6.13 AC 2.396 0 "SF-1"J. • F -\ Sorg, Kenneth D. 361 COKER, TR 3E \ 12C —\ 6.97 AC 4 — — — "AG" ,Nelson D. i Erikson,C1 1Scott R. • \"N. I Conway, Lee F. McPherson,.James I AG;s6 AL 19 "AG" emenscheider, J.I W. ,a Conway, S. "AG"• Ta 1c1 Eag� ,Walt ?a 1c Fletcher, -P. Sparks �� AG �A 06 AC �, 1A ��16 1C 2'�AG' TR 9 AC SHEET ST ---Or) vEa$ TA 1c1 •.99 AC Th Bci5.e;,7K. Sparks A,G! i GN VE lA AC JI z i 1"AG"I `)• SUaSO VARNELL,L ,." 2RS m, f 6 s A ^- ?R °c1 „AG„ , Compton, Eugene \ "1G" I \ •• TR 1C1E1•1 TR 1G ( / 1.66 AC TR 1C1E IA ADJACENT OWNERS & ZONING CI e - _- - _s . TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-88 O' % p�j� �NjENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480 , AS AMENDED, THa O 'R �TsS �� 2ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHL• E, T' AS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR " RACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEI G APPROXIMATELY A 2 . 545 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE REI. D. PRICE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1207, TRACTS 3B1, 3B1B, AN) 3B1C AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "SF-1A" SINGLE FAMILY-lA RESIDENTIAL TO—"AG" AGRICULTURAL SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ' CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONINe ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORAL. AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING, CHANGES • ► D AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDIN' CE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDIN' A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; P'. IDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND "ROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. the outhlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9' of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "SF-1A" Single Family-lA Residential under the City' s Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or . corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading 480.88/ORD _ Page 1 . / spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over- crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encdUrage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over-crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and' need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, , the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS : Section 1 . That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being approximately a 2 . 545 acre tract of land out of the Reis D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207, Tracts 3B1, 3B1B, and 3B1C and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A, " attached hereto and incorporated herein. From "SF-1A" Single Family-lA Residential to "AG" Agricultural . 480.88/ORD 7n-5 Page 2 Section 2 . That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3 . That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4 . That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6 . That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the- validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land , described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7 . Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2 , 000 . 00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8 . All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final 480.88/ORD 9//_ g Page 3 disposition by the courts . Section 9 . The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten. (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3 . 13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10 . This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1993 . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1993 . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE : 480.88/ORD /t?- Page 4 EXHIBIT "A" TRACT OF LAND IN THE R. D. PRICE SURVEY, A-1207 TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS The following described tract of land situated in the R. D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207, County of Tarrant, according to the dccd recorded in Volume 10872, Page 1424, DRTCT, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a set stone at the most northerly Southeast corner of a 50 acre tract as recorded on Page 543 of Volume 326 in the Tarrant County Deed Records and being by deed East a distance of 750.0 feet, N 88 29' W a distance of 63.49 feet, and N 89° 51' 54" W a distance of 505.64 feet from the Northwest corner of the Joel W. Chivers Survey, A-350, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 89° 51' 20" W a distance of 17-3.31 feet to a 5/8" iron rod; THENCE N 00° 12' 50" E a distance of 267.22 feet to a 5/8" iron rod; THENCE N 00° 26' 06" E a distance of 389.55 feet to a 5/8" iron rod; THENCE N 86° 57' 12" E a distance of 148.25 feet to a 5/8" iron rod THENCE S 0° 08' W a distance of 155.02 feet to an old 5/8 inch iron rod; THENCE N 89° 32' E a distance of 24.79 feet to an old 5/8 inch iron rod; THENCE S 0° 21' W a distance of 510.26 feet to place of beginning, containing 2.545 acres or 110,978 square feet of land. 480.88/ORD Page 5 P711yY City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM July 13, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 93-37 Rezoning REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning approval for 1.17 acres situated in the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, Tract 4A1. LOCATION: 710 S. Kimball Road OWNER: Beverly Bratcher APPLICANT: James R. Phipps CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: "0-1" Office District LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential NO. NOTICES SENT: Nine RESPONSES: One in favor: * Jack Petty, 616 S. Kimball Avenue Two opposed within 200 feet: * Donald M. Ramsour, 703 S. Kimball Avenue * Gary Fox, owner of Lot 7, Meadow Oaks Two opposed outside of the 200' notification radius: * Jerry and Mary Forbus, 595 S. Kimball Avenue * Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Johnson, 495 S. Kimball Avenue Copies of these letters are attached for consideration. P & Z ACTION: June 17, 1993; Approved (to deny) "O-1" rezoning request (5-2) . COUNCIL ACTION: July 6, 1993; Approved (4-0) to table Ordinance No. 480-89 until July 20, 1993 KPG/gj C:\CD\KAREN\MEMO\ZA93-37.MEM James Phipps 6-3- 1993 603 Field Street Col 1eyville, Texas 76034 0 173nrica J s 1993 City of Southlake 667 North Carrol Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 817-481 -5581 LETTER OF INTENDED USE Ref. Subject Property 710 South Kimball Road Southlake, Texas 76092 This letter is to request zoning change of subject property to 0-1 , Commercial use by normal proceedures, variance or what ever legal remedy at law now existing for the purpose of allowing the property owner to use subject property for the following use. Computer Research, Study and Office Center for local members of our nation wide educational sales material and educational organization. There will be approximately ten computer work stations in the main computer room. Aprox. room size of 400 square feet. (See photos provided.) We will be selling new and used books, and educational programs of all kinds through mail. order and by private membership similar to the original Ben Franklin library clubs started in the 1700's before public libraries existed. Many of these courses are the types you see currently advertised on t.v. on the subject of real-estate, mail-order marketing, auction buying, money management, speed reading, modern math, self Improvement, etc. The purpose for this facility will be a product order fullfillment, telephone and data processing center to support the activities of outside sales people selling educational material of the nature listed above which helps individuals learn how to start, run and succeed in their own home operated business. Expected occupancy of the building during the week will be aproximately five staff members and generally two to ten students comming and going at various times during the day. This facility will not be like the normal traffic generating walk in off the street retail sales type business. Sales are created by mail order. The staff will be doing normal computer and clerical work and telephone answering services for our membership. There will not be any loud noise or obnoxious behavior of any person or persons on the property. No alcoholic beverages, drugs, etc. what-so-ever are allowed on the property and we do not allow smoking within the building 'Company Policy_' This rural setting is perfect for a quiet congenial study atmosphere and conducive for our clientel and employees. The facility and all activities on the premisis are neighborhood friendly. There is already in existance adequate parking space automobiles for the expected use of the building and as presently required by city code. Additional space of aproximately one full acre is directly behind the building for additional parking. It is not our desire at this time or in the near future to use the facility to accomodate crowds of people at any time which would make it necessary to convert the present green belt into parking space. The requested usage of this property will not significantly add to or cause more traffic than what presently occurs on Kimball Road or adjacent streets and no use of the property by the would be detrimental to the public health, safety or morals of the community_ Any concerns by city officials or any neigbor living anywhere around the facility regarding this matter will be totally unjustified_ It is not the desire of the property owner to be a bad neighbor for anyone within the residential neighborhood around the property or to do anything which would harm or decrease the value of surrounding property. 8/1-3 • This zoning request should be granted by the City of Southlake for the following reasons. 1 . The existing structure meets all code requirements for subject facility use without any structual or parking changes needed. PREVIOUS USE 2. The property has been used as commercial property for eight years before the present owner purchased the property and was at one time part of the existing commercial business directly next door. CURRENT STATUS 3. The property is currently being taxed as commercial property. It has been on the State Board of Insurance Records and insured as commercial property for eight years. 4. The city recognizes it as commercial property in their own UTILITY DEPARTMENT as it has a commercial water meter and the present owner has paid commercial utility rates for one solid year. 5. (A) The structure does not meet the current requirements for being used as residential because there are no bed rooms, closets, living room, den, dining area, game room, or other rooms commonly found in a house. (B.) The main room in the front is aprox. 60 feet long including the two offices and 24' wide making it one room of 1500 square feet! (C.) The room has a high valuted ceiling and the flooring is commercial ceramic tile. (D.) The building has two rest rooms, one with two mans urinals and one comode. (E.) One rest room has a 2'8" door to accomodate wheel chair traffic for the handicapped. The structure has no bathtubs. (F.) The property owner has owned the building for over one year and has not been allowed to use the property for any use which has created a legal problem for both the city as well as the property owner. (G.) Any use of the property other than commercial would require major structual changes and would not be conducive for the building. The building is and has been designed for commercial use for a LONG, LONG, LONG TIME! (H.) All sidewalks leading up to the property are over 5' wide to accomodate wheel chair traffic and parking space is available for the handicapped. (I.) The property owner simply wishes to remedy all problems the city has with the subject property and all legal problems concerned. (J.) The property owner desires to simply use his property and be a good neighbor. Any problems associated with this property are best resolved as soon as possible for all parties concerned. This letter of intended use is being submitted to the City of Southlake in good faith by the property owner for consideration and approval. The property owner desires the classified of 0-1 for commercial use of the subject property. Nothing in the nature or operation of the business which will be operated from these premisis is harmful to the health, safety or welfare of the community or neighborhood_ The property owner expects fair and equal consideration and treatment by the City officials in zoning this property based solely on clearly written guidelines within the zoning code book. Speculations of unknown factors or discriminatory actions or attitudes of anykind by any city official simply will not be tolerated by the property owner. It is not the desire of the property owner to be a problem for the city in any shape, form or fashion but adequate measures to protect the property rights of the owner will continue as long as necessary to obtain equity in this matter. Please respond in writing as soon as possible regarding this matter Respectfully submitted, This third day of June 1993 All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice 1-207-U.C.0 James R. Ph'pps The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas 76092 . REFERENCE NO. : ZA 93-37 I am (in favor of) (opposed to) (undecided about) the request for the ' g reasons : ti �. \ SIGNATURE: �/ ' SO ` , ADDRESS : T /7 C:\CD\NOTICE\ZA93-37.OWN The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission,. 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas 76092 . REFERENCE NO. : ZA Q3-37 I am (in favor of) opposed to (undecided about) the request for the following reasons : r "3'0 L 7,-r 7-7t-75 /S Co/jp�( �)�� rS t ,D c�/f,a-2 s��1� .90,e�o o ,��40 45 lam= �� iiv '-' �r r -G^ SIGNATURE: °� ADDRESS : 4`-3b L 4i07 it � ` 'l� 'y �- / o ' C:\CD\NOTICE\ZA93-37.OWN 1 A'r f ' ' i �I "� Oat .A-6 .June, l`-1 19g3 ____ierrLA and Mar or0Us ..5a5" 5 U4 V YY-too-LI Nie. S© cad ZOO►n 0--onlyylAss :oit'l -.3eXc d Max\ALc c-3 us w.o�l 01 dee- \ � o Ems, ceQ.0• o s be, h ole-p.o a - - (1e✓ z.ontn. e rn �� r z. ' 3-- 31 • r �� lo p s � �`'1e ro er� CU u`S aerrk bLA- De-K e c\i er ©Yl k-krA\10 0,1 Nei. e,a e ` n c�nc�.�n � `.,`�oLs dt�c ec� Y eo _1 P Z c4nck * e Ci, .COv nee l . na-L be,\ e_vo r e J e --ecl e, \A - 1e_ be5-\- neic)\(-1,\D©rc\<1.0c^ra cyr UvYr-Aift.• t 5 \e_.- -)C 0A3 o V Ces ; n k o N\c. Mrs . e, 5a ADVV(\SOY\ U..A1b 5 v AA(V K; -Y\.\3 0---11 a e_ Aso p�Ces5�Ck e\r �J(?os� oy\ .\`n -0Y\ V o ©ri �e-QoY0 as \PDe_A‘ oc) ..y\c. '"?\(-\\ eps _ l .\0e, ptoC.ua fur dea, 6�k avi.k Sv po'( 2 C5� 80 -/7 llnr. 11,..-,h 1 �..� 1V11VWllly 1_ULM may L)e tilled out and mailed to the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas 76092 . RFFFRFNCE NO. : ZA 93-37 I am (in favor of) opposed to (undecided about) the request fory phe following r aso /56-e44 acl AI/�L.c �� v G�rc-r��-c• / / ' SIGNATURE: 4w ADDRESS : ? .3 - 4;: : .„4 r46, 4 C:\CD\NOTICE\ZA93-37.OWN • 84 8 F ' I D sI 5. �:, y ti/r� I5.,.. 1G,MI. ( l I:;I liklill 39401 XX J n u 7 I ,6 SEC I y� wl ' 712 a 7S MO/X4 10, IIP \ 3C IC —.I X■i4111W I I r ., X O 2a: 30 7I1 711 gm. Etma st2o-t, off NI i 332C I CfRipl u . 1 71 t4T"' O 1S2 1 to t'' ��� NORTHIYES - PKWY a•S©� 1 I I lMn -jail afi I i I 1 `Ilit, 3) V. Ina) 2A2 IC usr aw>'aA z nw I ••� © • .....•�'I' • _Ai -111L111411 lag/ 7A I '-1314- .___ ____1- - 2 2e fe2A IK -ler•" - , V(1 II MIMI o sus 'eRe g .I�� ;•• -„ ,,. s- lam01 2m. 41, _ •. 8 • , u� ►:.. �' I 1 2A 2A) WA 2AtA 241 4, , Y 7lir IC I i 2Ax �' :u / •,, I ' t� to• to fo.1, �d , r I•'r 1 I_�I ' 11E , .� •. - 1A IK !Ai I f1O17171A`i i 2# I J A-aN J®G�a d. FREI Gf1A'. ' ' ,' • S SA • ][ArSCY A-I1M^ 1 i• / 01114 8 •I.2 / 70 110 hi/ �1 - —frA-------------- ' S° I I �' I I 4, 4 1101 w ©, w , J.W. HALE I1 I� Ate— 1106AI ' 11D1 17Cl fYAILIG ' '�—; , 313• 3 -- -- 1 ',,'Po" 7 L 70114" A-I03 um*.laI I ut I kI iA2A ZA 22 xl 1 1 r IA2 I 133 A q1 < � t 1A X i 1y 11 Itr.( I1 is 1 L�A�"'y. "_'J �c �o Y A 1 \` 4w t� I 1``1 ' 1 J un OWM11D/iAl MVO •-j w`-- I --- Y_,........ I J ��.....C.A. .l IN{I�i./�Wa WILD I �� 'I u'" IA TRACT LOCATION MAP _ ..,.;;.., ,Ali r': 70 Is‘ 3si io as, lest 9 I , �, ,m ' r II M t1` I t Wd� 7r1 I r � ,A 1 wn w lwe 7E�ISe i f rr 5A 1 TA it .r I Ins N I _ S7A I I?>iI Q?�(.11 I.T'T M1I T IN LY ' __--_1 Al �_I1VE • 25" _ I 4 TR 3A I 10J 13.5 AC l___,..' (:5 :3 5 0 \ 1 D. FAGLIE 6 J. PETTY P.CARROLL JR. O "SF-IA" TR 3 "AG" r.) TR 30 8.6 AC ^ 2. 19 AC TR� �1 3C TR 38 G.FOX - . I"AG" .14 1 AC 7 II "SF-1A" TR. I 11 __ TR 6G D.RAMSOUR i A I "AG" 2 AC I I Z I .. TR 6H TR 4A4 / I 0 Pj0 O "AG" 2 AC V1 O ENTEK CORP. ^ i 0 - I D. HOOD 10 , ,'� "I-1" TR 6K .684 AC W. LEE II 1 �Q N7C-E I o� E I-1" II 8 9 •ti, r�QG P PUMPCO, INC. ,,GVJ I "SF-1A" I TR I '' A ( i 11D5A i o oI / .777 TR 6K1 1 I ' .0 TR 1105A1 8 AC I1 .967 AC "m ADJACENT OWNERS & ZONING =--__J rfl GRE W • •�. o MI---sue TR 383 OC 3 AC TR 3 ._.1 TRACT 5 a I 6.15 AC11 TR 6 g A Bata° ;rt ,R'ro r k 4:,.t• rcu t?V.-4,‘4,,,t353ntl$7.1�Ti4::i;::: ..�,•--;,..:i rg 4 :.. 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FREEMAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 529, TRACT 4A1, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL TO "0-1" OFFICE-1 SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI , Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural under the City' s Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking 480.89/ORD Page 1 0� areas to control dust ; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over- crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over-crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in • zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land • are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS : Section 1 . That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989 , as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: • Being approximately a 1 . 17 acre tract of land out of the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529 , Tract 4A1, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A, " attached hereto and incorporated herein. From "AG" Agricultural to "0-1" Office-1 . Section 2 . That the City Manager is hereby directed to 480.89/ORD Page 2 correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3 . That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas . All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4 . That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate ' light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5 . That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions, of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6 . That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7 . Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2 , 000 . 00) for each offense . Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8 . All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts . 480.89/ORD 8fi -/414 Page 3 Section 9 . The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3 . 13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10 . This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1993 . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1993 . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: • 480.89/ORD 819-/.51 Page 4 EXHIBIT "A" Metes and bounds Description follows : Fka3ThI� NING at a steel pin in the West line of County Road No. 3114 (Kimball Road) at the Southeast corner of a 2.19 acre tract described in a deed recorded in Vo1u-re 4212, Page 141, Dccd Records of Tarrant County, Texas, said beginning point being the North east corner of said one (1) acre tract; TEE�I South along the West line of Kimball Road, passing at 115.39 ,feet the Southeast corner of said one (1) acre tract, same being the Northeast corner of said 0.17 acre tract and continuing on said course a total distance of 135.39 feet to a steel pin at the Southeast corner of said 0.17 acre tract; TF'�'` South 88° 35' West, 377.5 feet to a steel pin at the Southwest corner of said 0.17 acre tract; Ti-D�NCE North, oassinc at 20.0 feet. the Northwest corner of said 0.17 acre tract, sane being the southwest corner of said one (1) acre tract and continuing or. said course a total distance of 135. 39 feet to the Northwest corner of said one (1) acre tract; THENCE North 88' 35' East, 377. 5 feet to the PLACE OF F.r:INNING and conta;ping in all 1. 1.7 acre of Land. • 480.89/ORD Page 5 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM July 13, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 93-40 Rezoning and Concept Plan REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Concept Plan approval for Princeton Park, being 45.201 acres situated in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 1C1. LOCATION: West side of South White Chapel Road approximately 400' North of Continental Blvd. OWNERS: Sandra Fulmer Davidson and Charlotte Fulmer Ballard APPLICANT: Sunnybrook Properties, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: "SF-20A" Single Family-20A Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential BACKGROUND INFO: The developer proposes seventy-three (73) single family residential lots with one common access drive onto South White Chapel Blvd. Note that no private driveway access to South White Chapel Road will be permitted. . The developer requests that Parkcrest Drive to the West in Timber Lake not be extended through this development. NO. NOTICES SENT: Eleven (11) RESPONSES: None P & Z ACTION: July 8, 1993; Approved (6-0) subject to Plan Review Summary dated 7/2/93 with the following changes: Delete No. 2a. , stub to the South; Change No. 2b. , requiring Princeton Park to accommodate existing Parkcrest Drive stub from Timber Lakes. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the July 2, 1993 Plan Review Summary with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plan Review Summary dated July 16, 1993 . /4/1 KPG/gj C:\CD\RAREN\MEMO\ZA93-40.MEM - 1---1 ' I 30 A 04 el, I" arirrogo04, ' 2 imegriukk 1 1 -/ i . •P DO 114 14•••\4 IOW. 1116 4111110Feim. 30 • e/C14 Wit S tee$.1 111'Mr*IOW i_____ BIM,tx1244)41 - °O1 ift in. 4010--- 3„ it: cvl P. . TR 94 IUP. I ASSte II e I I i!* jot,„,111; 134( 2A5 it&. 4Wae r_JP • ii.PAIPI INV/ *;111.11 II P;10ba l':', ataii/I :,ri--TV,111.;41111111.11 J1 Dal igmfairop,. A_are ,. :t .. 3timpirlikie rboer co. .#4 ,_,11111,5..,-.411111 AN. .1 INIPagal g-.di : 05, ,.., - •••• A--Alte441 ' .•-44* *. MVI1110.11% In x Pk - w40;0111,. Wig *1 III Nst 21 201A 293 ....W1i.a. .410. jrar, ,01 ID I ' IF / rf 50 1 • 4 114nkii* igi M ILV.L.44 4 HIORIMA Gli&ROD , Imir., ._ 41,10 AN IR 2A . gel I i.131/4C -1.._. / • 1R 3 117/ 9j 4347 It I° \ ' - A 5 xi iMILL ' 0 ,1 DEI .i U. IE 1E$A ii „II. HYDE , .. . -0 . 1 COei .--. la • 5A p k. T/-1A7 1A4 IR I S 18 5A1 lAS 1A1 IA 18 IC lin 1A2 AI IM . AiIA IAD WE31 CON11,0174. IILM) -'. ... - • ill MUM LIII .. Itiripmar .%),21010 iti MUM BE pi rinfraiiiirg ril .. . ',/ Akts ,. ,401116 IN •12•01 •••• .. a 1 r itoiyaL.,,L. G 0 ........,;:zsc;j... IIPP Ha Igigert E;11.)1. GI ; 014 ileglimkaa \ AD ,A°444111151ffiftitYP 1A2 C 1 .. I IF 4' .04-0 *ft......4., i • °/. FR am J ROOKS lc 1 4i.'-' A.11 4s0 i , EIRRWY A—zst5 ! IC Ilk V 2ii Ilaa I ---__ •,.. ..„..............,.......---- -- 1A ' 8' ID 1 r• . 3. .... lif • , I , . ____ 1 pi _ _‘.,_ _ . 6\ 1 I •,... x rC:'. - Mit .5 ) TRACT LOCATION MAP 9./A4TA ri 1 • Oil Um , Um i• Ac145 III I „ A . ...•I 0 , • I . . „ 111 3 CHA ..,-).. o . in 11.c ., .-.-- H A653C3 . 4 .... CE A / I . v / . C..1 4A1 I 4A2 ) • 199 0 I I 1.44 9 r._......_ ( .N.........----..,... :i TR 1 "AG" 1 . f 6.29 AC / I Lt I D.Dlepenbrock 113 \----- I J.Wright \./ . •R-E" I urt . 1 L.G.Mantooth . JR.5ABC I) / 1 .... "AG" . 9 - P ( 1 1 ; , •AG° ----'. PM \ .f) ) 1; D.Washington It4+•50 ../ i po AC ..., ' . • I . i ... _. _ . . ' .1 "AG- I .. / S.Etumitt,Sr. ''r 111 50 •.0 AC • 1 TR 5CI 2.05 AC - ... ‘,. .1 c..Ai 1 \ 1 I , I __J_ Southlake Joint Venture --I ' W.Gilchrist rc / I TR 1'1 • AC !. "SF-1" I I --Tri-A-C-T >-2-° 5A i 5-. .45. '• . \1 i . N.• D5UN( 1 ft TRA5.iC.T rLWn\e P' ) i h . •i 1 r i P - I . . 2 TRACT IA TR 5 TRACT ..! i .86 AC 9. [ ... ,.. TRACT 3 4 I .. ..:( 2R 1 I UM St. I SO L Sn "Ad" TRACT• :::".)t..7./(:..\.• 3 1 E-Systems,Inc. • A.Jackson J.Roach .. Z‹ ii • / .)f. zB..TE11.15A -• 1.70 AC TR 5A1 5.363 AC "AG" 9 I- 'TR SA , . TRIO 9 TR 1C ADJAc NtoWNER ZONING I . 41. / i Oa .. ,... L... - - •-• — F COPT;NEAT AL—OL‘10______ — City of Southlake,Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO: ZA 93-40 REVIEW NO: TWO DATE OF REVIEW: 7/16/93 PROJECT NAME: Concept Plan for Princeton Park being 45 . 201 acres situated in the Hiriam Grandberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 1C1 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/PLANNER/ARCHITECT: Sunnybrook Properties, Inc . Teague Nall and Perkins 5125 Davis Blvd. 220 W. Irving Blvd. , Suite 2 NRH, TX. 76180 Irving, Texas 75060 Phone : (817) 656-4354 Phone: (214) 254-1765 Fax: Fax: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLANS RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 7/12/93 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS . IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 744 . 1 . Show and label the required 10' Bufferyard 'B' along White Chapel . 2 . Add back the vicinity map which was on the first submittal . 3 . The subdivision ordinance requires street stubs at approximately 1, 000 ' intervals . Council may wish to consider a street stub south between Lots 12 and 13 , Block 1 which would also encourage residential development of the Jackson/Roach tracts . * Denotes Informational Comment cc : Sunnybrook Properties Teague Nall & Perkins y:..,,_ ;:i.t,i1 mil,• .o t { 3 / _„__—1=1---t . : '� ' 1 ' '' /l' 5 Fi ....."'-- • .„_-? /: ' .-- ,.z.A k ill .---7 i _ ' r NA II �` 4 71 1 1iii i ( )11 11? 72- 1 f!)! >c. 1,1:1 4114111 . 1 o:.� \ X i hkWI)Y _ -ter ,„ f ,� '°I Q r s. . _ ,, _ „.wt..,i • ;,. .r RO a IVE ., i , ,P/ ��- HARV �_ ri „s yi vw ,xs __y - ; 1 "IC? yt 11 �J/ s r01 t E 7 • .. $ R t 1 �' .. . I 4;'-'--' . Olt . \ _. . ,p.,i 1' , u!_x , N q a� , (' . ' ‘4". . ' :2g1 1.11:a: ' 4"--1 e -,,,,' 0:,',A*--='-------- 1 (1)(4_ -,._. 9,,.. „... , v....,,•.. \ . " ;11; 1 +gi 3 ? R 19 ,•1 .1 li\ ...„.......N....s. \\N \i/ To A - i,Eilimativesfilk,ca ))/. 1 Ago , ,t,_ ....-'`-----.., i,p, . . ,.... v 11.0.5,* ' VC 4 . li W it. • lapilli,„,..os . _tat \ 1 ‘ 1, 20,;,...lt ,.. 1:,,,,s,e: . ,„„, ,... .. .... . .4.1 . 0 . 41 1 ___\___. _IA: .(( .----,1- ____-___- ,....,.... _ :_. _ , ..._:__......0 a 011111.‘,- _. is3 * ~ i 1� it'lrilikii ... ill „ �,�: �"1"�RlNCE70N , r-f •n j3( ,x! _ 04. a zIi? s 1 $ k -!„. . 1,r • • S I R �tR 7 Ili 111.- — L, P. gee itv 1 127 .[ tag�Tis�� � dil#11110111111b. `111101 RI 1 R m« 1 7,:,/ . • ir 1 N...N.+. 1.1 .),,C1 — . I; .• 1,.-s'ill -I' . TIr. lip7r4 V.4. 4 _ li . i A t ' 12 i ' 1 1 2.141 ,S;i: ,w _ , . .i . . _ . - — . irte , . ° — 1C y/ 4., W W /I P . ,/ • . 1, .ei, , __ Ai • . ,. ..,; ----.___.. --\----- . , ite.....6.„ . 4016„ 4:` CoNT/N6/V7A L A-vL11 1.11/ �yf1� i,,, - .moo.....aoo 2 3o. a 2D4 1 Si ,i,.; 9. 16'.‘" F8-5 Tillp w. iiii 1 1 - • • LOT-1 AMR A vKITG[went RAGS ADDIIICN GRAPHIC SCALE • i V.N01-150 P.Sr d I ArCr. LOT 2R GRITTING ZONING•''R• N GRAD IUI.NO.561 ADDllld -L1- !ePylln- Ov RN;•KS. I SLID{,Y [AA•SLID{,) /Alai. I O - EAISIIrG lad. •AG• METES k BOUNDS DESCRIPTION - - PRP.Lula-rtn RN;ALL I LC 9.N11330N N89'48'33-E 1338.83' I v.a.,.A 21R RING A TRACT P LARD WI P TIC I.0 w w*ARI suvn..IS14[I.AGt SAL I.x94.1 _ _ _ _ _ _ MT Cr CMir,TOP.;ALSO RUG Tr(SM(IAA[r Or L••0 AS OGLCA11CD U.KID ACCCR CO Iw ,) RA;2' II.1' „1.5' 1)a'- �)p•-- 37-- !NY nla' J -JAI-v x •,alga.21.PAGE 601.KGB ACrRO;rµeArar MN..TEA•;Arab AI.G C[S(AIRD 5' /[ 1 Dahl.2TPVNG-'AV AS r2AOvi, - -- A 9 f0 - „ ,2 - 13 14 GF 1 I P•�.LARD-Lev DEN;RCS. • 11� 5 x ] 8 - !. I - _ KGIM1r4•I A I.Y IAO,•IN rONO FOR Ian sO,INV[SI CORN[N S w0 IAAG I,w0 .- e 9 3 v ..tt 0�1 ? o Ir - POINT RING..KA1E0 IN I,(.Est LINE:I.12 nwAA G.01.11 ILSPar 6•O RING I. -' P - - • - T1 iP I I AMA rat,.R rn A IACOCCA A Nllui[S CAS/fftN irC ALINVCyi CUrKR Q LLD 01` - y_ ua[ I NII1wa:AM.*,SUVC0.SAID P01Nr KSD Rlr. K rd INvEST Cgll(A P A NWT Cr -,•L / k h 15 1•ND AS 265201RD Ca RED HCMRO iN,OLL,A...Le,.10A KID KCOREs - - 1�-°� \9D1. I - 12• 1 '-_ /la _ ,SO' _ /UV t DAv10 9 .,:.d.G:.T UNVANr:pRr,,ILA:. -- I •11 • HARVARD R DRIVE I?y.GR `D'A 11 cr°A r.(r..0 POOR A D[InLl1 11 Maul".A':000.OS RAIN.Lx I,( Ail LII(P wD 15 __ -r - - I CATS llr4 lO.IrG•'b• NUN.G......SWdr,.Huy FLEI l0 A 1.D•1.0.PIN r0A1O FOR CavGA Yfi 5 1 2 1V• „+n_ =25'- in. 125' __ 1W' 6.29. '.1 010P -90 -a0.[CNS ALI '''I I rl(r(E.eR rN H CREAM•D IIG LAC 0:I?.LOl[AST 11Y6);Ur 10 A I.e.lee. - MIL. -✓ y •uaLP4 Ile I 1 PIN MAO NA GR.,AND RING a0:•IED IN'v.16:APO.RWq 5 .S 6 S 7 6 9 $ to 4 b 16 k'q°. 'lCI7A:LLIN m RMCCS A nINUICS yl:CC4.DS i0ST A«Solo unlit Cr.,.iW0 I. If u' Y $ $ :I I Lr.21 f[Ci r0•L.'IP°N PIN FnNO iP CO.r(M • I I WI I I I ��' -- -- '- ,KKC.Aer0 49 RWLC4 t6.1wlCS 16 SLCCN05 Ail 61)6)!ICI 10 A 1,•'1A0, ft. a. > 1A.AY ,.aar ,2].m' ,}am' 11a'A' 1.]m' so- I Tram' I PIN 1ON01 DI:4KW - ♦ - )n 1.0' '.m JI 11 TICICE:0•IF•r 2(001(5•.Vrul[f 1]1(L,,.LS.[zl 1299]PACT r0 TIC POINr G Ir I a+ ♦ = 20 6 g 11 I 17 ;� 1 RANI. Ra...INc•Ao•:,.1.ulw.s_.r ACRES.r a.v.1,+xc.1R LCAL nl'A' $., • �, 8 I.l I I SArv.O']6 P,2A 11t1A,)0' - 19 - 120Va Ir100'i urI 3 1^_ yr -$ 21 - b. I 1 C I, ' cx13784:am-'„G• NI Isn1IRAP(ANT varwc - + ^ • 14 J "' �'o.\? sIr rY NS 12 9 X I 18 I • V.0719 P.599- 1,13r a bbb $ 6 $ I 196 • CONCEPT PLAN DAr CT, Sn 1600P $ ~ 16 MAE --�1.0I' I rV PAP.L,6n-rtn Lora.RE1 -{ 2 1 b I. / 13 19 1t' �, v FOR - - to la.m' 1 I 2 $ 22 ql A a exam'2.s,.xlm sa' ...2.' `i .i'L::1`�L< I PR/{�CETO PARK $ g I NOTC.• IA PRIVATE DPoKWAY A1`.07. • m ar 6/L J= Q ,soar 160m'RI-i I 17 $ 16 -1 'In5'• r 1O S vERrr�iEn�.Avu"°A° SF-20A ZONING REQUEST " _ IVI mI 23 I. UgI $ 15 S 14 �>;• •�j 20 i``�1 s BEING A 45.201 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE PAIUOas 7 1 Y R Z_ $ x g TRACT ra] DEVELOPER REQUESTS craw I J- L - - - J 1P 0~ r�c1 e-miai i ez[• CO THAT PARK7iEST DRIVE - - 251 -L a$ HIRAM CRANBURY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO 581, ,w m' m a.t. inn Q lot ,m' n>' Ito J 1\ rw Aal car. 1 CCNS BE MDERATICN NATED CR 'L'c ' )Q I/L 1^ U °d PARK a i Ea:rlrG LlNlr4-•v•,A• CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS �• E CIENCN. 3 17 '3 PRINCETON ,,. T,,: � DRIVE s I PM'Li.-Ln„RN:I.S. - :t lm' l _a AS DESCRIBED IN VOL 4628, PACE 607 _g 1610' $ 5 E 4 $ 3 $ 2 N 1 )n -. 41II DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 2 8 16 it... h ifi-- 8 $ $ • $ $ , 1AI PREPARED.LINE.1993 I - I u90• 50' I]' top Tn I'n / 170.0E' n HO 95' Q' 9n p•) 11151. J I30• 6]' b 120 1] .a s 10 - 11 _ I / 2 ET0 J IIQ,T9 JD9! 7 - 15 I RI I IU 7 'V 8 a R. 8 L 12 : 13 y I 19)w j I 47 8 , 15. DIALOG UDC }( J^r 9 F - _ � Ou1NWTATf1E LAND USE ` 15..ar) 1 L - •� ,2n Hn nP 1`� 177' \ 3 +�` I - - - - UK,1S IIiR NQ 0v01O0 Pt=1M man i 75 ` 1>o u 9 DR1VE n•°r I ICIPN.O I'ELI uRra DEPORT KAGA V.72•P P MI •- 1 c 101.5' 107.]' a ', DAT C.T. 5040.E/MKT l-10A 70 l.n/AC M2N AC , M 14 MAIL I,..r I I HO' 10• !...,I, IT y ^ 101 121a' - T-y u[I '1 I Ar li hi LUSTI G 1MU4-•PG' A4 1 I)r S - - '� I 1 �' ram' Mr.uan-Lou R'a.Kt 91L MOLES POINT OF BEGINNING 10 - 1 9 - - - r 13b' b 12 17 t la u1( r� Y 8 C 7 j a ,Y 5 4 - rill ,.COS1►4 ECOMC A'AC'AGDOA.TORAL u 4 I -IF 11'U X 'y I�rl 2.PROPOSED zOrMC-'sr-MA'SINGLE FAIRr I a DGstsNc 1.w0 USE-VACANT - - liar 1),' S'U Y1225 S' "15' 15'uiS ) 00- Ir5' D'u� I ♦[,sI10 USE PUN OES,G.AnON-I(DAAI DENSITY 11E90£1/11A[ bs - 6s 1`5+`� l+ RArNeR LLr•G..L.K.r. I PROPOSED LAND USE Ar NEDUN CdSTr RESIODOZIAL 7 389'4933 W 729.9 N13918'28 W 6,8.67; II v BLICI.21 5 I I Ct1STMO ZWOG-•AG' VISR r I I I PROP. 00T..LAD. Lev 004.M „'Y s q I I " I.- ...yin...yinA 1AG•SC04 J�POACH I TRUSTEES[-STITCH 0G V.2W P.A. V.61.1 A.21W-� L.--N V.0L20.5. P.2115 y DArtT. I oL.TCT. GR rcs. OWNER DEVELOPER ENGINEER/PLANNER alaRi METING ZOG.G-•AG' Atop HAM-•w'I MISr17G 1aa0G-'AV SANORA MAZER DAVIDSON A 1ZA•r1eRDON PROPERTIES,INC. TEAR.(NALL a PEM.1uL FIG P .LJ11-'CA.DCM RCS. •_.L4In-'An rams. ; P .LLLn-Lan MM.PS i 613CHARLOTTE 1 FUUO'C s.IA61AIm 5121 OASIS 0.w MI R CRYING SIAO.SUM 2 2 �.j_ I1J NORWs AS 02011CR.SATE y NORTH 0-4254 HLLS, TEXAS 78160 (214) TEXAS-178 7y6eo CONTINENTAL BLVD IR6IPr 1tD0ts 710/1 (/T7)Rye-415♦ (21 a1 22♦-77s3 =-=. �� �� TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS • j�, ' �i PRINCETON PARK ,I" CSlI P•0[Ci 01ugA n�rt ' j ,993 •,T C I R I V 2 T 1 R I I A I 1 1• S I B S 4••Ar• RCCCULECNOEO: PROJECT N0. - 220 I. IrvIA/ 0144. 3v It• 2, Irving. 7 780I0 tA... - r 7 r 4 2 A -9 7 I I •y ii CONCEPT PLAN W RENOON IT OAIE K..1AA11•MOON;K Stc c.1C,n(\u/ll�w CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-90 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480 , AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING APPROXIMATELY A 45 . 201 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE HIRAM GRANBERRY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 581, TRACT 1C1, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL TO/ "SF-20A" SINGLE FAMILY-20A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and - WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural under the City' s Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated • by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading 480.90/ORD 4� Page 1 Q-17 spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over- crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over-crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes. in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS : Section 1 . That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989 , as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being approximately a 45 . 201 acre tract of land out of the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 1C1, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A, " attached hereto and incorporated herein. From "AG" Agricultural to "SF-20A" Single Family-20A Residential District . 480.90/ORD 13-8 Page 2 Section 2 . That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3 . That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas . All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4 . That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5 . That this ordinance shall be cumulative of' all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6 . That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7 . Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2 , 000 . 00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8 .' All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480 , as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final 480.90/ORD Page 3 8 8-9 disposition by the courts . Section 9 . The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition, of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3 .13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10 . This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1993 . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1993 . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: 480.90/ORD v -/D Page 4 EXHIBIT "A" METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION BEING A TRACT ❑F LAND OUT OF THE HIRAM GRANBURY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 581, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, ALSO BEING THE SAME TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 4628, PAGE 607, DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLL❑WS' BEGINNING AT A 1/2' IRON PIN FOUND.FOR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT, SAID POINT BEING LOCATED IN THE WEST LINE OF SAID HIRAM GRANBURY SURVEY AND BEING 416.6 FEET N❑RTH 00 DEGREES 30 MINUTES EAST FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID HIRAM GRANBURY SURVEY, SAID POINT ALSO.BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN DEED REC❑RDED IN VOLUME 2608, PAGE 304, DEED RECORDS, TARRANT C❑UNTY, TEXAS) THENCE N❑RTH 00 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 06 SEC❑NDS EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID HIRAM GRANBURY SURVEY, 1464.15 FEET T❑ A 3/8' IRON PIN FOUND FOR CORNER] THENCE NORTH--89 DEGREES-48 -M-INUTES -33• SECONDS-EAST •1336.63 FEET-TO A 1/2' IRON PIN -FOUND F❑R CORNER AND BEING LOCATED IN WHITE CHAPEL ROAD) THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 51 SEC❑NDS EAST AL❑NG SAID WHITE CHAPEL ROAD 1474.21 FEET TO A 3/4' IRON PIN FOUND FOR CORNER; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 16 MINUTES 26 SECONDS WEST 618.67 FEET TO A 3/4° IRON PIN FOUND FOR CORNER; THENCE S❑UTH 89 DEGREES 49 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST 729.93 FEET TO THE P❑INT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 45.201 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. 480.90/ORD Page 5 38—f/ fr City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM July 13, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 93-41 Preliminary Plat REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat for Princeton Park, being 45.201 acres situated in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 1C1. LOCATION: West side of South White Chapel Blvd. approximately 400' North of Continental Blvd. OWNERS: Sandra Fulmer Davidson and Charlotte Fulmer Ballard APPLICANT: Sunnybrook Properties, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential BACKGROUND INFO. : The developer proposes seventy-three (73) single family residential lots with one 84' common access drive on South White Chapel Road. Please note that no private driveway access to S. White Chapel Road will be permitted. The developer requests that Parkcrest Drive to the West in Timber Lake not be extended through this development. NO. NOTICES SENT: Eleven (11) RESPONSES: None P & Z ACTION: July 8, 1993; Approved (6-0) subject to Plat Review Summary dated 7/2/93 with the following changes: Delete No. 7a. , stub to the South; Change No. 7b. , requiring Princeton Park to accommodate existing Parkcrest Drive stub from Timber Lakes; Change first informational comment to show as required comment No. 8 . STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the July 2, 1993 Plat Review Summary with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plat Review Summary dated July 16, 1993 . KPG/gj C:\CD\KAREN\MEMO\ZA93-41.MEM 4•\. ..1* * '--' eim'ime I 1 . -i„,o.p6,,, , .0...,011,..- 2 ell ...,,,..t.:, .......," rimir, 4,00 r lop, sj,* 'o' .. us. orApa IFIV- Imo%k.is SI ' II WO Alai ‘,1'Atratcwit. two 4wdifit Mr4.041111 LE r• --tialos,0A1,„waio j di r3t,1 LPIRejagli.. Ase.,-; :i.- Mita! i. t4,1 //� ■ A.A. i+ice'I IF . ' 7 MEM fafivp 'Am= rc, . . I -- r 4 ar*, i 44,0 ` ' r IkI� Atli kalif®C�3Fb k✓ r .xNT 1- •y a L. I TR 3 'ti° A9P11; 11iritlit Er 'c FE2 6" ,L >E J / 1 I4141 • .•l( Awe/ 1 1111 ma so 1 1 SA S 4. 1 k'll, - 1® 11 1A4 TR t ' L SA1 •, A Ih 1 ,Allill III ��,�A lA, IA ir' Ye A3 igi ! ` Nig x )Th '' ''''' 11 An IA2 1M 1 IA mg I wsr mwr►otrlL RAO ll r-al I .. fah �' 1 A ., 1 �14"Z. 14 .. !� �./ 1_ -1 ,' ironr I �, � Emanimile �.. Orem,Zalllb+irwift " ._.00m I *I i AP so•-el inti_igfAi-8:1 . 04° _\ MIN& ' 's---)ir,pw ,, . ti rill,. /...., , ,,. FRE ,w�AGI J ROOKS ,c -.,, r� 1/ 1 ffRiY A ))--- � I ,, � � I 1(J "—?AS 1 � �1 xt 1 _____, Q 6-\ , IA I Su Hfl,,ftlAKfA 14 TRACT LOCATION MAP Ell na 1 milli 1 port"• ' I■■ 1 . . I\ .. ' o_. ei45 NP o • S 1L w. cc A_ / `. U > '4A1 I 4A2 . 199 @ I 1.44 @ r --- -r r•—•— ✓' TR 1 "AG" i ti, / I 16.29 AC ) " l 4 .D.Diepenhrock 46 I J.Wright \/ R E I L.G.Mantooth ' R 5B "1 % I n.. "AG" 2 E.0 AC E. I. r , \_,./ I / 1. I "AG" 0s. 1 .ii, `1 i ka-sc �! 19 i D.Washington ¢0 AC / r' C' I S.Bumitt,Sr. Tp 5D TR 5C1 4.0 AC 2.05 AC "' n. w. w. + I I �1 (A I Southlake Joint Venture --I I " TR 1'i W.Gilchrist 1 '45. • AC i "SF-'1" 9A T = S / I P'LA� (�� TRACT R‘( I EFpY TH I l r,•ANC Y r ✓/� N• AAA 1 i l TRACT "P.U.D." ... 1 1R .TR 5A 7R 5 /lll TRACT e 1.70 AC s .86 AC f• I 2R Iz "AG" » o. w .I 77-',...‘ .n I n .1. I" . B.Ely "AG" "AG" TRACT 1 i E-Systems,Inc. ; �/ A.Jackson J.Roach Z/ TR 5A3 TRACT (� I. . TR Sa . ; 7R SB 2 TR 1C / / 5.363 INCi i \, s` _. ADJACENT OWNERS ZONI — — 60NTIN€NTAr-136 44- — — — — — — ' — — — — — — E CONTINE tTAL-.BLVD — — r City of South lake,Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO: ZA 93-41 REVIEW NO: TWO DATE OF REVIEW: 7/16/93 PROJECT NAME : Preliminary Plat - Princeton Park OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: Sandra Fulmer Davidson & Teague Nall & Perkins, Inc. Charlotte Fulmer Ballard 220 Irving Blvd. Suite 2 613 N. O' Connor, Suite 23 Irving, Texas 75060 Irving, Texas 75061 PHONE: PHONE: (214) 254-1765 FAX: FAX: (214) 259-2621 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 7/12/93 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 744 . 1 . A 35' building line is required for both streets on a corner lot. The applicant has requested the normal 5 ' reduction (30' B.L. ) for following: Block 1, Lots 1, 17 Block 3 , Lots 5, 10 , 14, 17 Block 4 , Lots 1, 20 2 . Indicate the general outline of area embraced by tree cover. 3 . Remove the decorative wall from the plat . This should only appear on the Concept Plan. 4 . The subdivision ordinance requires street stubs at approximately 1, 000' intervals . Council may wish to consider a street stub south between Lots 12 and 13 , Block 1 which would also encourage residential development of the Jackson/Roach tracts . (See attached exhibit . ) • * Although there are a few lot lines which are not perpendicular or radial, they appear to meet the intent of this requirement . * Denotes Informational Comment cc : Sandra Fulmer Davidson Charlotte Fulmer Ballard Sunnybrook Properties, Inc . Teague Nall & Perkins, Inc . attachment : Street stub-out exhibit 8e 'F v9111[O+PlotEI 0.fOCn Plrl[A AODIIIOn CRAPIIC SCALE a. v) I10. 31 K I LOT?R A r C I. N OIAPPLAT M 501 ADMIIw ..4- I w A AIM 1326 • P]L/SWI. I METES k BOUNDS DESCRIPTION ) cmru4 m•INc-•w• / - - I / ,o- ^., V. wlOOln �Ne9 -E 1 I•�•• .5.1.P 230 XUL A Itv,:r Df LAAD WT Q I,[wAn WANtui SU1v[r..OSTRACI,m SAL IMIX.NI DA IC, COIwt1,I[A.S r;0 KI.•O IK TP.r[r4Cf O'..n0 AS XSDIXD!n K[D R(COAXO In 12G!' v0.,Pt K2%oKt.n2,OM AMNIA.I.wvw,l:Mr..Mx..ma KUL XSTAIXD I) r0 as. if' S]/E �,�• I]O --'� 3C D•Y/[ I [AIM.4 2.1.- W K lO1Dv1• 1 i8 9 u 10 1 12 - 14 v i LL - _ KOIMI.At A 1.•INCH PIA EC..POP T.SWInv[ST MOOT Of SAID IA.T.SAID - I11,' - $ u u a D - POINT EET _GATED DI T.v[ST LINER SAID T CAANOWr SuRV[T AND KM /->N' { .146 MI•.NrA RD KGIKET 16 PUCKS EAST FR.IK SOU NV[ST CORNEA OE SAID Y s -LI0CL / '` /�] .`IV WRAP CAPatu,t SLIMY.SAID rolnt PLED XIK.rl(MIrNv[ST CORKA J A IR.,Uf r( �]•./f 4j � - gyp -R ,/ .]a ni5.•'.. I WVID a vAsnucl:n iµARnw.Kl CDE:C•iilIE[.NNDUD A[CaKc IN vau1C EM,D.PK[)a.PIED/CORDS. 1 �� It. 13' 1 1 TT.P PP - - --11 'bpt - (((��R��c • I7 I (NSA]D'ROsv DAIC! NEW(,E1rn AI LUPUS tE PUPILS.4 SECONDS CAST 060..0 I.AST.IIC Of SAID HARV RD y`I Y C u`�Y L NM..1 Ulm..SwvET.1 ..EEO TO A yr 1RO.Pin rN D f®COU[w ,D / - .yT;, - 1' EAISTtw]C6Uq- A� S 1{. -� ISO' 13f_ r I�� ]D' _'•�' 1 l / '••3Y 1, w T.NCE 019,1.i[fAEE3 a nlwrCS n saws EAST 3)su)[CI TO A VE•ITN, I I I PIN FOUND fW CO¢KR AND KIw LSATCD IN vnITC CNYCL ROAD r UALMG ' le Q • I1aNCC.Quin a:[:NC:D9 nlwiCi]I TLC LMDT DST.�_,y SAID vnlr([.W'[L ROAD �1° SA• y E 7 : P fp ?. 9 8 10 + _,'2 IO 53 I - - ._. - 1.•._I fLn I0,]2.•,:. Pw ra,1D ra caRKw p ;I 15716 I- 3 / n� ( R I I i y-_ f I� L(K[,.W rn D1 allIEs a PUPAE:26 S[LIMDA Alt 602.2 rc(r TO A 314 IRO. .1 I :,I P • 1 I I '- 'l AIN 1'0.N0 fCN CCRMw - ?-�I1- 19D:P' l i Ir4KC:Win a9 EL';NCCT•1 Nlwf[f JS S[[wD5•ESI 1E9.Y]FEET TO T.POINT d EI Q' \ S ' • 11 ,D `•T(1 ^-I 17 :i_ II 40 #2 w..No L'CNIAINI701•SEOI f2!E%Of LAn2•401 09 LESS. 12 ;, p .'�,4 !!. -Lox. -_ ' Oki. 3 ]I o`? :� `I I sM Sax YAfaiiR. ; p11,1 tf In,. .. ! 1 goo IUN „A'TT t 1.J0' , Q.•I I•. 125 Au•. v• DA I:r • ..TROVED PR[1in19AR1'tAr - I,.:., 3 --•g ],p' 4 p `q �I i [A1SNL lO.I1 '.•G' rIKCR LA,c[. PrwX 3 '0 .tl-i _$ �(.1• v1 x �'E ]t1 R 18[ :.JII N SO,I....L li 1 Ts9ff•TLoc- - di ^ 8 Q rA �� - FA 13'�.- - J .v -.-- v.EAISII.ZwU4-'.VD P.E• 1( I 163 TS . 1- 'I n 'Ii1 2� '� I. �.. ..+ II I^ Pg1E: NO PRIVATE DRIVEWAY ACCESS g x)11D' ,.r'villaa` _'� 1O SCUM HATE CHAPEL ROAD -,I • 1....cr IS$ ar, illir I, POLL BE PERl4Tim. DEVELOPER REQUESTS '_ T =� mow 'I z u•r i t40.4. i.BEAT PARKCREST DRIVE To ELIMINATED FROM • AA A n * 0 20 I Sow1Nc IaoTE:PRE.viOPOSED T�2CPPNOASF-20A•. CONSIDERATION FOR �1n ' - A U S_ -$ 8 t4 .1 a I IR.CI.a s • PAf EST T TO A -. 'T.%Dm RAU. V H. V d 125 S' .1u• . { QUANTITATIVE wa USE adih'1^ I•o PARKS Z�_. ulsnw Zwiw-v--IA• LANO_ vs! ]a«D No.°m,s'°110 �� - I W pacwaz ; PRINCETON - >,• >o 1itiv 01k4 f` - 7PJ `II 9.0.0 rMtT WAWA n Le2/AC purl AC ,D r. 91101/ r e $ • $ 2 , 1 3 1 S II T 8: 'I, �,0 9]' I. , 90' p TO' ]1' / w ] ' OW. 1?: , ,1:, .7� 11 /1 fz -011 . r= 6 PRELIMINARY PLAT .... F i $ - -� s ' - '- PRINCETON PARK DAr[1 BEING A 45.201 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE YALE .�11av ;•-yam ' /'rr'.6 -1 I (AI[Tlw Twlw•,.W HIRAM CRANBURY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO 581, �� • �ti 12 11 0.' . �- -• e 7 S g' II CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS POINT OF BEGINNING I t3 O: O ,•Yrt -i• s urn s I MT ad ROY AS DESCRIBED IN VOL 4628, PACE 607 - -�r/! t, s Y,rt a _ u]]• _ 1, t- �1v 11s s° 6.' _ _ _m K.NP.D nv.Te�. ..c r DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS •4r >.o� ____,` . Neaie'2e=w j 828.8 - I DAI,:I r I ,;- /�_� �` t_11- !� (rtsllw/IY4.•.A• PREPARED JUNE. 1993 - SQ I i� ALVIN A.JACKS.. I 15 RSM01 I I tau[i[ES C-S1SSCn.WC • >i- K v.x6R r•.)Ds A.'Xu P.3lw-, D 0. / v'OA?CT�9 D(��R ENGINEER/PLANNER ',.+p-3/`� D,4LT. I DA.4LT. Ad .°9„ w:rDG zI].YG-•AO• MVO.)TMTrr-•AG• 1 DEsrV4 zONlw-•AV SAPD]A CHARLOTTE/TA RDAMSONBALLA D4 3N.5OkAS Pf10PEATIE(MG TGQIE KILL.t PER30.91.I ARC �'I . I i I 009394 0 T99 eN.tARD 5123 OAKS�w • T10 A.DAMN'eLw,SATE 2 •4Z 4 -- tj 813 NORM 33 73 R.SATE 23 NORTH RICKANO PILLS, TEXAS 70180 MIND. TEXAS 75040 CONTINENTAL BLVD IT(TNG. TF]IAS 75031 (D17) '�.N-43S4 (214)234-nW Lad:. ..'.. J suBTAITTED SCALE �, TEAGUE ENALL AND PERKINSi9 PRINCETON PARK , SHEET " PRDA.CT oom. DA; ,.R. 1 • ->•� PIW4CTNO dd9 Er.RICOMMENDUt s •I.e, So0l. d• EP.2Ad, 1 75000 T±:_�P.4 PRELIMINARY PLAT E.' NO. 1(NS.01. es OA1E ''"''' 10003,E POLL 4 PW1R11,DC DUE (d 1 4) d 5 4-3)/5 4 CAR 1.1 04 D)-N • 4 J '4 N89'48'33"E 1279.73' r 181.12' 114.5' 111.5' -- 125' 5. U/E/ 130' 130' 130' 128.5' _ 229.11 - I.n J,/ �" O 6 m 8 9 10 11 12 13 �, 14 o y// �6 II- 7 N m m P. rn _ ryp// ry�0. o i-- Il.\7\U 9r ;= 35' BUILDING UNE / p a I I J4 h; 55' 11 5 - 125' 130' 130' -- 130' 128.5' ^� oe 15 96• "''S HARVARD L -- DRIVE _7 15' U/E In 5• 1 m\ .':,/ 164.29' I I -J 35' BUILDING UNE a rJ 6 'o 7 8 9 0 10 IO4 16 �I 157.16' 3 a a I I 11 O I LLI I I H N I N1 > I 11--- 18$.00' 145.00' 125.00' 125.00' 125.00' 145.00'I 50 I 174.08' 4 I' 0 20 O 11 O zI W IZ 17 �I 1sa.so' a 4 0 J �'8 19 c. U I 17-1.., I t70 r1 `°= 181.36' ' i 195.00' a I Q I Z 175.00' ri i�W 3 N m o 21 ' - 9 p J m I N 19 CD G 12 5 N 0 '- I \ 3 \� ztj7� N. Im 18 QICC \t. 0 In o I- \ o n I 1 2 I O L-- 173.34' 50. 160.00' 196.13' l m163.23' w O /o 18 0 174.08' z N 2 I 1c, = a 13 N ..I 22 L / I I 19 0- I 184.90' 2 0 P. J I 25.00' 106.50' ` = Q I 1 Q • a 160.00' mI I Z I 123.47'I In in ♦- 160.51' I -__ 3o BA J COi 160.00' n Q1 16 tD t Ijl 17 O 20 I 186.58' I 23 I U I 0 N 15 P 14 I g ao 1 a o z L L . a L 30_BA ILLI - o tO• J 1 - IY- I 186.55' I 20' B/L �.J d L_ J J 0 `� my - BCE In30' B/L l a 17 tn PRI G� I H W _ _ - La r+ - / 35' BUI ING UNE J - , r� 160' I N I 167.05' �,. m 4 0 3 0 2 N 1 30' B/L O O • 16 91N 6 0 5 a a a ::-1 1 � ' 1 ."- el z m / 1�- 170.06' 149.95' / I I I 153.51' - `Z v 10 11 �' 0 2 a o 15 I l a 8 9 N o 12 > 13 O J O I •-I I IN 7 N P ": o - NI 193.45' o N 35' BUILDING UNE 00 J a _ _ L - 3 --- 154.57' n n �^ 2 DRIVE-- co`N 75•DB`�'& ll'• 14 I n YALE 114.5' 1 107.5• 107.5' 1 110' /1' 171.66' - /8 w 701' 125.5� I i 35' BUI ING UNE I 115' TOO h� " ' rtti >4 I'�1" 15' U E� m �� i/F Rs•� _� F.I.N m m 1 9 8 8 8 h 4 0l - P. ) I / II- 6� m I. 12 11 / g 7 6 5 > �,5 13 m la I -sl 15' U/E O�'. -1923' -oi 2 131• 5' U/E _125.5' 113.5' --, Lam=-5r15' U�E'- 110' 115' S U/164' 125' - S89'53'30"W 729.78' N89'16'29"W 561.71' r 1 2 3 4 5 / - I.+-- PROPOSED 20' U/E CONTINENTAL BLVD _ f- 89'48'33"E 1279.73' r 181.12' 114.5' 111.5' -- 125' 5. D/E/ .30' 130' 130' 128.5' _ 229.11' ,7 _ i. �I. O v.// N 4 6 m 7 m a u 9 0 10 11 12 13 14 °// o n r_ ���S r �^ ? 35' BUILDING UNE / ci �JF 5 0/ �� �'C A� 15 I I 7 �b 051 1145 125' 130' -- 130' -- 130' _- 128.5' B I 9s•46. '- 111.5' o ' C HARVARD DRIVE /-164.29' 15' U/E I' S 1 fO -` \ II 35' BUILDING UNE I I < 5 3O 6 it; 7 8 9 0 10 I i IN 1016 �I 157.16' I I I I _ N I NI > I I 185.00' 145.00' 125.00' 125.00' 125.00' 145.00'I 50' I 174.08' I I� 4 I 11 w1 m I 17 I Z tsa.so' tCJ 4 0 2,0 20 19 I I ' M �'- 181.36' m 1- 195.00' 1 0 I z 175.00' t'1 N w 3 I N co O 21 ' Rom' 9 I N I J CO O I D I' 3N . \ems21-739: N1m m 18 Q CC \E% N o � i � IOL 173.34' Sp' C 160.00' 18 196.13' rn 174.08' I I m163.23' w O / o N 2 N 22 o 0 r/ / 13 \ CO b ' \ 19 - w 184.90' I 2 o 4 E I g 25.00' 106.50' __ Q I .. I 0? 123.47'I F=-- 160.51' I = in In 1 Q 160.00' mI 10 I U 160.00' H D 30' B J COI n w I 17 0 16 a; O 20 j 186.58' I I 23 I U I o N 15 0 14 J 1 0 b I 1 E L. _ _ < L 30_B/L }- O J J 0_ L._ -1 I a `, 160' = 1 18s.55• 0 1 20' B/L / J p In 30' BA 1 L_ PARK 13 W 17 r, PRINCETON . --- DRIVE , - I� z / r / 35' BUI_DING UNE r! 160' ~ 4 n - - 167.0 J 4 0 3 0 2 N r 1 30' B/L O I o 6 0 5 o 0 0 .i 1 1(r149.95' oo 16 S ^ o / � � Z m - 17o.os'to I "' 153.51' m 10 -4 11 7.1 �� 0 2 o 9 N12 ., a n 15 I `'t I I I IN 7 N 8 o rn 0a. 13 NI 193.45' o ra 35' BUILDING UNE 00. o L - - _ b 3 -- 154.5T n - -- I N ei DRIVE _ 15'oet,� _ N 14 YALE 114.5' I 107.5' ions I 110' ih -171ss �' / 9 'S 101' 125.5' _.------ I r35' BUI ING UNE i 115' 100• �° r �°� �4 w� 10 a 1 9 a' 8 h° -- I ,i`'�4S•A a I 12 �i 11 Si 15'U/E m f� 7 N 6 m 5 ... 4 m /otr. UI I N ., m > 192.3' 1� 131' 5' U 125.5' 113.5' L 15' U/E --,/J 110' 115' 5' U/E iD_ -- I- -- __ TOM-- 0 164' 125' S89'53'•0"W 729.78' N89'16'29"W 561.71' 3 I 4 2 / I I j I 6 9 I I 1- ----\ _ I� PROPOSED 20'U/E , 1 I / / - r.‘ CONTINENTAL BLVD • r 181.12' 114.5' 111 - .S U,/ 130' 130' 128.5 229`11'7N89'48-313"E. 1279.73I. _ III O � > 14 i/ I� ¢ 6 8 9 10 11 . 12 13 '0 / a' _ II I N 0 7 m u m a o m °: - ti°/ titio. '8 I Il�1s• J.. 35' BUILDING LINE __ / r 15 N I I 148 �5�,h 51• 114.5' 125' 130' 130' 130' -- 128.5' �_4` 10 96 ' ' "'S HARVARD . DRIVE / ' 15'U/ 1 n -- --I^ -- 164.29' I I" 5 a O -1 I_ 1 I 35' BUILDING LINE el. 5 3 s o 7 8 s g 10 IN 1016 157.16' N II I I I _ NI > I I 185.00' 145.00' 125.00' 125.00' 125.00' 145.00' I 50' I 174.08' 1 4 1 I ' I to I 17 to I 4 p 20 O 11 z Iii Z I o �° 7 > 158.50' 0. 2,0 °'' 19 I I in Nt IN 181.36' m CA t,3 �� ^ 195.00' i Q i 175.00' r' "iw 3 1.1 I ''r m o 21 FO' 9 I 19 O �� I 3 N \°31 %Al37: N 12 m N m 18 Q L- I 1' \c% o r I_ \ o n I I I 173.34' 1 196.13' ` M 50' C 160.00' tt 18 174.08' 1 I I Z„163.23' w l D o in N▪ 2 N N 22 I U / / 13 I ^ I 19 ' w I 184.90' I 2 P o JI h25.00'. 106.50' 1 Z 123.47' = I = 1 Q 160.00' m I I 0 I H 160.51' U 10 iin 160.°D' D I 30' BA J ' CO l M LLJ I 17 m 16 p t 23 I U I o 15 0 20 In 1 tes.sa' „ 14 1 m N 0 1....._ �* W :o z L - q L 30' B/L I- I 0 e J - - J Q �_ 160' 1 II 1ass5' U I 20, BA ,_.--.1CL `_ u, 30' B/L 1 N L PARK ▪ 17 PRINCETO� DRIVE , co n z / 35' BUI_DING 11NE - - r 160' _ ~ to - r N 1 167.0 4 0 3 0 2 �, I 3°' B/L p Z 6 p 5 0 0 0 74 1 g 1 n I 0 '' Z N 16 9 N / m 170.06' i n 149.95' / I 153.51' .o O o m 10 0 11 j mi 2 • 15 I '0'1 I I N 7 N 8 0 9 rn 0 $ 12 7.1 13 N !I 193.45' I I o cn ,... 35' BUILDING LINE 0° o i L ,_ - - - b 3 o I 154.57' - -- en I - I �^ DRIVE N is'p 4E__ I I � 14 " YALE 114.5' 1 107.5' 107.5' 1 110' /yt` 171.66' csi115' yo °' /B 101'- 125.5' 1-35' BUI ING LINE I 700, `' ��°�i >4 w 10 5 1 9 a 8 5 J J h% 4 QI [- ..-o '5%'e u I' 12 11 15' U/E o f�- o g 7 .1 6 51 ., mI att �! a '� N 0° I N. ; 5 S �1y 13 o°'i, L N. 0 I �1 15' U/E O`'�. 1923' 131' 5' U 125.5' 113.5' 15' U/E �J 110' 115' 5' U/E -- S89'S3' 0"W 729.78' N89'16'29"W 561.71' _ I 3 4 5 6 5. 2 / _ 1 I -- ) /I 7 re I r / I I-.-- PROPOSED 20' U/E 1 / 10 9 g / rN CONTINENTAL BLVD City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM July 12, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 93-38 Concept Plan Approval REQUESTED ACTION: Concept Plan approval for South Chapel Park, an office center, being a 1.53 acre tract, legally described as Lots 5 & 6, Block 6, Diamond Circle Estates. LOCATION: Northeast corner of F.M. 1709 and N. White Chapel Blvd. OWNER: 1709 Partners APPLICANT: Charles Lambert CURRENT ZONING: "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use BACKGROUND INFO: The applicant proposes a 23,400 sq. ft. office center of which 6, 000 sq. ft. will be the lower level and 17,400 sq.ft. will be the upper level. The applicant proposes a 36' common access driveway onto F.M. 1709 and requests a variance to the interior landscaping area of 571 sq. ft. NO. NOTICES SENT: (9) Nine RESPONSES: None P & Z ACTION: July 8, 1993; Approved (6-0) subject to the Plan Review Summary dated July 2, 1993 with the stipulation that no double fence be required at this time but the applicant be liable for the replacement of the existing fence if it is removed. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the July 2, 1993 Plan Review Summary with the exceptions of those items addressed in the attached second Plan Review Summary dated July 16, 1993 . Please note that an amended plat deleting the lot line between lots 5 and 6 must be approved administratively prior to the issuance of a building permit on this site. KPG/gj C:\CD\KAREN\MEMO\ZA93-38.MEM 8D "mtrl 1 ',gm W warm. •1 �r�l� ����I ,,P'4V 1 until u 11 — - —--- Paf53�Pa�®� F7 a N. N ,A, • . WIN . 611' x aft , 4 3,,, i' Enrimisew ----7-- • i �i' t� tee© aSI►�r ,���Mill � �; "'�N • � r ;I �.it33Ser mAi1 !ram " P 112-sst �Ir o. %R 1111 mom : vs.4- Pri . mug pirrimnuaNisiiinfirui 00 pros visii.PIrgrJr11 Pm-- . TH°P.PIZ ii ill _Nig imilli AD Eh . tl ii _-_Aaritootuf-•.. avoinotiv .....----i- 1: ui -Pit ow, II thm tiouto \ 1 1 40,- ,, i I Ill Asp`.��61' = a�Wiliblir' kft■u11L i b IIIPIIII ii as...„a",... — vialiviaddik A :Ipiii iiiillgil ME. 16 IN matiriPi vu...4......ri MEAN �o4$11111k iregalizo4 ,, i di1111' I i riii El /Vb.r .4041 lits 14714//4)14r$;OW&" • EMETC:MOW VIIIIIIIWilimajri •-•* ,„4 i-.0.114 ft.,' aoo Nu x Periiimatvoirilip, #11111111, -Milmegm:.,, L- .oda.4-04 it --‘40*tirs it..--ler-wyeidarit .., .,. ..4.10,--vjgoom— Lv4 ate 4,84111174gultaivAt Ibinumel .,. ,i1NpoLvaiim. P5frvizykoosrivai - - -_,voii- - • ,ci 111/41111111111, inlilAnti actegp„..ors =vim-. idea I'illw-woo r mr-F-4. 4Atoalstrat . Imil iii.....; . I ip, umagliguniq . gargrser.--1- ---usim ,l.O HIGHR6R SCHOOL LMw.gk..ai.i.g..1..I.gi "1_i.s p.•a4m0.'41Nr�..v� \r�//�� �_© 1'ff'r . iEllli fp 1Ic. ♦ A ui —P '.-'0 m2 il*rmI..h liflyst!!Poks . - -2 r'i -alter 1..wr , .' AIM hirrtamelpli _ 4:04/A10,01 & milfilIP%in _ my .„: '"kg ri.-----. 14.1....m ''' r ' ..1100,24 eibrillarmi, . oft Irpillipirf OMEDIAH 64:1;.....MIt T iv ., ,i.0i.w• gigI - . , Meal KE i --.1�, -mow . : ■,cAlgr �.► . - Miles K 111.E TRACT LOCATION MAP r 1 . 0 AC I 1R 1R 1 2 2R iif:Aral., c M o 1\1 P w 5 � A -c 9 qt 3 8 f COONS. G. A f k.qR4 4 0,4�' 1,0 4 "SF-1. TR 1.0 7 0'�° fr 9 . 22@ � 8 °O° I "SP-2" "C-2" PLEASANT HILL 6 ADV. CHRISTIAN CROSSROADS SQ. LTD. TR 3B r�l TR 3A • f 4 _807 "cs" 1 .268 @ z - '- 9 v_ .AC 56 68 W. HAL STATE OF TX i . 220 27.2 ") TR •38 H/ 65 @ (o) _ SUR E 4 STATE OF Till 3A 1 A-687 I - T44) 1 A • • ) S G.I-E 1I� TR 1A 1 . 0 AC• 2 TR 1 ,7B AC �' eo= 040 . A — — PLEASANT HILL • "CS" - "O 1„ ADV. CHRISTIAN -1•0154TR • „AG" L l 5A p • O . "1 REI41 . 14F, l 'G I ___• TR 561 ADJACENT OWNERS & ZONING;79 ACC o � 0 320 , ° -3 I 15 I • yv •• rI3 yI 1V f.vao Hk,. N c "I = o \... =boo. " 1.004 AC. ' 9 ro�1.063 AC.. 1 $ t. n.r L-ZO O o N�z• ) a / o?��\ :'�R cq2: , • 2� g p. 4ti� �� 1.054 AC. ° Nh\ A 0 \ �p��0 �`�/?a7 ..... y04241. 2Q0S� Jv y 3 r r / / 8 s) 03/, .p` o 1 1.006 AC. r/r \\. r / 1.017 AC. EyAT�, Ses 4 N ��' p� •6 jr \\ \ 1.002 AC. J• st,a r CO A r 4 1.000• AC. °�o i 1Aticr .093 AC. 44' \ r,' o - \ �/ j y. z ,7 �► b7C • ' � h,7ti�' t, a iv I s) \ 4, �, ts, \ �rt I ''3 , 7@S9 j�;� 6 3 , Jr f�Q>, ,. 1.043 AC. \' 3•,`t 1.010 AC. r �q; 1re 4 a* 8 / t.K d� 6��33 1.301 AC. /�� /T z. \ ! f - • Z k 3a•s4 e. 1 44 • 0 �� — u ?�o� C.2 I ,.� ( asp, I76 AC. th I ^1155°43'08"W 314.59' 1 '300. � N 6 I 1 1.045 AC. 1 if t I 9 — N I 1.141 AC.1 ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURC.H ) I rl„I vol.6/9, P9, l80 Q voI l379, P9. 59T, N p N D.f�.T.C.r o� 61. 15(S. — rZ I` S Z h 1.361 AC. S Lo R=1814,02' Q=10°51'p4,, La 9 , J 1 /4 169. -- N 34Z,�6, 1 z `� N7'42'36"W _� City of Southlake,Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO : ZA 93-38 REVIEW NO: TWO DATE OF REVIEW: 7/16/93 PROJECT NAME : Concept Plan for South Chapel Park being 1 . 53 acres, legally described as Block 6 , Lots 5 and 6 , Diamond Circle Estates OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/PLANNER/ARCHITECT: 1709 Partners Lambert Architects P. O. Box 8 1001 Cross Timbers Kingsland, Texas 78639 Suite 2330 Flower Mound, Texas 75028 Phone: (915) 388-4480 Phone: (214) 539-8838 Fax: Fax: (214) 539-2295 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLANS RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON July 12 , 1993 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 744 . 1 . Provide the volume and page for Diamond Circle Estates, Phase II . 2 . The interior landscaped area is approximately 571 sq. ft . less than the required 7, 830 sq. ft . The applicant seeks a variance to the required square footage with the condition that trees are added to the north line . * Staff recommends that the ' F1' fence not be required at this time along the north property line to eliminate a double fence. If however, at any time in the future the existing fence is removed or falls into disrepair, it shall be the responsibility of this development to provide a fence meeting the ' F1' requirements . * An amended plat deleting the lot line between lots 5 and 6 must be approved prior to the approval of a building permit . * All signs and culverts must be permitted' separately. Proposed improvements within State R.O.W. will require TxDOT approval prior to issuance of a building permit . * Denotes Informational Comment cc : 1709 Partners Lambert Architects '8D-5 , 1AEIF OF PUFFER)ARDS-------- - -- -- •- • -•• / '1 1 OCA11ON REMARK, PROVIDED CANO") ACCEN1 SHRUBS Lora BLK. 6 B U I L D I N G SUMMARY 14O11114 10-111 10'41 FZCr�' 'Z, 31 EAa s Ar s A r /r I ,' LOWER LEVEL = 6.000 S.F `so'Bl'OM4 Lie UPPER LEVEL 11.400 S.F. soa1H 0•Et n-E T 25 a'E51 0-Er 0-E 22 TOTAL = 23,400S.F. ,ssfn_icAur rQ.oPoScs To lNc�li>4F >vo.oI: I \ ' s'� PARKING REQ'D V300 (8FOUR FIRST 1000) - 40 CANoP� TRL•ES IN 1Jo2T4 B�FFGR"641t0 IN \ Qj3,;F PARKING PROV'D 81 SPACES ueu Or- 471 "Ars of g-L=Q.LJ�uoscah2 �\ I \ \ LOT 1 BLK 6 3.9f3.. LANDSCAPED AREA = 1259 S F. so%OF n1oo•a.1oo SFg 11830 SF) ` rqR C AACCEM TREES NoRT •1 120 �.._ \O Fr �TF.p SKIES GROLPID __ ____ \ r., -\ \�;s. i Vs CREUtT101t/I lAtiDSCAPE AREA " IiiiHl . DIAMOND CIRCLE ESTATES PH. II I —---I '\ DE TO/ROGATION OF ALL PARKaA' I \ ZONING SF-IA L.U.D.=LOU.! DENS! T. RES PER°DNAlia No.5".SECTD" ��c i iii OWNER: I9PARTNERS p I _.-- LINE OF REAR WAIL EI.0W • I IS B41fER TARS)'A" W 'm I ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1--- 9 %; l I., VOL. 619 PG.180 t VOL.1319. = Li -- �5 = PG591 DP, TCT z I ` �'---L __ I I L�� • .. . d I. 1 ( 3 ZONING I.11.0 -L DERYTI SOEKTIAL 24' FIRELANE ram- . CONCEPT PLAN FORO L53 ACREOFTRACT9 1 _ _1" I, I J ( „=7� I I ' 0' B.L. 6 THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF F.I1. 1109 l -t— WHITE CHAPEL BLVD. BEING LOT 5 f 6 I I CONN1�1 A S \ - DIAMOND CIRCLE ESTATES-CITY OF SOUTHLA = eilFr R FA �'; I �. I EASENExT lARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS ZONED 'C 1' R,e1ic L-3 3.se D E is-1ry -� 3� I L.U.D.=MIXED USE F. M. I 0 ®k N3ydTI NAP NO TREES ON SITE I i I 3.0E I' = 20•-0' PROPOSED CONCEPT PLAN FOR SOUTH CHAPEL PARK -A - -_---- - _ 0 City of South lake,Texas MEMORANDUM July 13, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 93-39, Revised Site Plan/Magic Mike's Convenience Store REQUESTED ACTION: Revised Site Plan for Magic Mike's Convenience Store, being a 0.83 acre site situated in the L.B.G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, legally described as Lot 4, L.B.G. Hall No. 686 Addition. LOCATION: Northwest corner of North White Chapel Blvd. and F.M. 1709 in the Crossroads Square Shopping Center OWNER/APPLICANT: Mike Farhat d/b/a Magic Mike' s Convenience Store CURRENT ZONING: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use BACKGROUND INFO: The following are the noted changes from the previously approved site plan: * addition of a driveway from the site onto North White Chapel Blvd. , approximately 150' (curb-to-curb) from intersection to the drive * relocation of the driveway from the site onto F.M. 1709 37' to the West * enlargement of the carwash facility by 90 sq. ft. * addition of a vacuum, air and water island within a parking stall, decreasing the parking total by one stall * relocation of the underground fuel storage tanks * increase in the fire lane width from 20' to 24' * relocation of the five parking spaces in front to the East NO. NOTICES SENT: Nine (9) RESPONSES: None P & Z ACTION: July 8, 1993 : Approved (4-2) subject to the Plan Review Summary dated 7/2/93 which would eliminate the requested curb cut on North White Chapel Blvd. and accepting Staff's recommendation of increasing the radius to 18' on the existing drive to the North of the site. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the July 2, 1993 Plan Review Summary with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plan Review Summary dated July 16, 1993 . KPG/gj C:\CD\KAREN\MEMO\ZA93-39.MEM --A 1.1C N 6 NI n(1 nA R N. CMMAAW2RO aV/'' 1 3 21 Ivry" 11.5„J(.... !, Mk. II 1 m �I iAIIIIN 1-3A2B 3A2 : 4� ti 3M x ' " ` ra_ I ' O�'T� t—� a �' '° I AD ;Its?.pat bA 4 ( ' r u p;.P!✓ 3n0 x1A I1C Bu,- s 1 m. l ©I Ate. VpvfoN MMilI .. id P• dr ..Fmk 4 szn�.cr w-toa _ II J_ tl. 147 H aAn..- MIA IA HMI M12 p I".' In - 1- I, 1e2. - IA C nC 4 7A/ Al 1113 1 M : ,d(Z MIS MC 1 ✓ A e7f'I C7`-YY a {.'.1f' H2 fA2 M H10 1.1. -I �3. -.` II Mt to .BI. , � '' 11f 10 I.,,,,1��,, 1 / no 11111M � , . I 11111111614.** _1f\1.1 *tee 44 LW ' 11A2 . -'-_ Emu TT . - —�IN �.. ... I I ors ��=� 1��x t7 p . • Y ormili iwhisson'�.mil 1 w F " ooQ 4111 0.43 VW Win IIM' - jag 3A .2.1*/*..0,.........g!,.. mm:mmonliii um ipp,0„.„,... 03_,_____I oi Pi re arjei hii ii4jI �`j 311A 3N .x x 331A .. -A-� 711 1C G• xi I 3) 10 liClc2 i lat%Immo Ur IS •4911,Di... . .. . WA741 Of rAf;* I I PI m ' phiMINNIr •x �^ " 2 3A 3( 3C so SDI302 x 3 "Il 1 1 _ 3 Gmeg moil I ' - 1 so3 A. Mk 1111..40,111 ,-) st OP GO. iZCH — .' I' . 480, ' ? 7AIc n us u3 2 r• A-. .v4ivw°3l-r'ln.1e��� ,, 1 - silI—li ( A-3311, U 1 exrA .1. m II ti 4WA211"2e% '�'''''�' LOCATION MAP . 1► : 101 10 203A 783C 1 w 5 W . * rn �v 3LKl(7 A-... �• �R,► , HI P nG`3-esikDE3( N 3 ,..A 22 2QA Sc' • F I 1 D. '46` 7.31 AC EMERALD BCVO TR 1C1 1 .0 AC SR I TR 1C2 i I 1111 6.0 AC i C`° 2 City of Southlake 1 2 �� s "cs" M N AT SA Coo�s3 C I ,NSF—IN. •• 1 jOFg9 . Crossroads Square LTD I g4 C O boy a' q,`' 9,1-1, 1st American "S-P-2" ��Sg-�' / Savings Banc. TR iC i 7 9.22 @ / TR1C3 ' 1709 8 'artners ; 5. 15 AC "S-P-2" I 5A j "C-2" I .607 @ 1.266 TR 1C4 =65 @l' �7 : - SURY STATE OF TEXAS . — — .0 _ _ __ gLVO T 1 SOUTHI'AKE \ TR_1A 1.0 AC s • ( TR 1 .78 AC 81° ) 040.-E. .o Jackson, A.R. "0-1" Pleasant H' l Ad . Chr sti-1; "CS!' TR �® �/) 5A r. I ' a 6 . AC • - - - �J�� no 7F TR.3C a s 13. 11 AC Lechler, G 32,3 "0-1" • 2 TR 3C1 - • . i.o• AC 2/1 M�� COPeL ADJACENT OWNERS & ZONING 1 TR 5G TR 301 ' 9.5 AC al. na 1.0 AC 'j AC A663 .1 z� 8L 3 Ny.,,,,, Y//� Li" I 1) 1L+cn1•1+ {a,111LAAL GM.11..,9) _.i.. ,,�I ., I Ex1 "(,n4+ 1! .• . ---, ,-. -a _..__j w....r.. C. r—i� LOCATION MAR I I Q r+tp\O fj Bb'DB_e 1 :'I if 7 �1 1Y• UNOIROPOUNO OA[TANMEI bb '■•OTIN 1• •MN,- SAM N RIR[ NYO+InANI it ,I ` _ �r II' ncNRo 0 1/ il- 10'BURRlR YARD TYP[•A• J,Nay , '^I I \1 2 WATQR MST[ Y •I .,1.. .. '��� 0✓ 11 11 I J I� AT r. rl TL► ... r \ o>y 11 11 1 2 FOX IKKI ATION OWN[R PIMA PROPSRTISB II !I 1- L • ZONING, SP-at II SO U 11 1 n • r (�{1� (FOOD LION e7oI .) a �..i II I 0 N ,, I I RROr outs:. ••SANITARY BSWIR �•� T �oaF. F b in a OQO��.� . N0•MIOM RANOPY ■ :A At • OUMPBT/R W/t'-O•WOO.✓ . 1 ?111.4, WIC-ge.IIy UNW� 1 II Q 71 SCR QtNINO RSNOS.I. • 41,• :0Z;k01...,7I• /U} Cj,NQPY� ✓✓✓ I,O .I = f • .... 51 nuts F�"T / 1 (x yN4 Y I Z 06 u N BUFFSH YARD TYPE•A• / /� a fa A / j /rfGAO PUMPS A. I i • .�„Vta •101.,E I,TILI�I\ \ \\......, ff D.. .G '� ` ANSARO ] t1 YAs6n k.n ^ 0 O .SP..4 3 • 1 I^ ` �/O O ���0 O O O grp� I 1.? Y 2 S U / t \•kV1 tSL -.nL. ° Dvffcc pco^AI / el No al • g a � GI JOR of o° Ir GIU ACs f b "i"'I GO? e _ - --_ I - - - I /jb 1 n I I C51 LCn'aF!'S a' M NGR PIA PgOPQpTIlBI r1I"1 B O• S• 8TSXACO SION� JNING •BP-v 1 W I I 3Or SUI DING L Na 4...... ,-� O� 4 ,• 3•n IX.O IAA. I !-1, _01- II _ — -0k- :— ._.----------••---- -a• 3 1 ■ , _9O.RUA SR YARD TYPS•1. .� -__--'---r+O,UTILITY eABQMSNT- • L J -I I I G•1•ZLI sL1 • A•1.61 171 I r R•29M.79' I — _�.. II 1'�9.� T• SS A•I' A• 1E3,ST. I f I T• �1l'o I I. •Ssr�?rdu 70.to t,c.• Sb6•o'1''u•'u • 163.11' SW 4D D*lyt— �T I F 4RIbTIM4 •ir:: GO' I • ' •7GIVe, PLANNSO ORIY[� 1 i nC \ -- -- r k-NO CURS LN>TI MU. TICARRIt.WGN Ts o PREVIOUSLY APPROVED _-_ .. -- SITE PLAN SOUT1ILAKE BLVD. IF.M.1709) ) • 1`3 •itr-i., ,/<</y, City of Southlake,Texas REVISED SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO: ZA 93-39 REVIEW NO: TWO DATE OF REVIEW: 7/16/93 PROJECT NAME : Revised Site Plan for Magic Mike' s Convenience Store Lot 4 , L.B.G. Hall No. 686 Addition OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/PLANNER/ARCHITECT: Mike Farhat John Taylor 6001 Airport Freeway 3212 Mary Ann Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76117 Fort Worth, Texas 76119-6626 PHONE: (817) 831-8460 PHONE: (817) 446-1364 FAX: FAX: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLANS RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 7/12/93 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 744 . 1 . Staff recommends an increase in the curb radius on the Crossroads Square driveway to approximately 18' rather than adding another driveway onto North White Chapel Blvd. as shown. (See attached exhibit . ) This would allow adequate truck access without the additional driveway. * A revised landscape plan will be required if this plan is approved. * All signs and culverts must be permitted separately. Proposed improvements within State R.O.W. will require TxDOT approval prior to issuance of a building permit . * Denotes Informational Comment cc : Mike Farhat John Taylor attachment : Driveway Exhibit 1 T ALTef2NA'tN TO . sec.oND ARIVE b 1• ,create raJivb •e er.'�'r ( ) i i dv tqa r-e 18' 40 ellvw f 6e'}kec +ruck -ac.cesc. I ,, I I 1 _3 + o, J 1 I l io5{. / I 1S'r I1`} 35-oI sr 1 �I zv / 1 1a I 1 EXIST N4 Pig oP'0'en �. 89° 56 O��GURQ AIL cues 32' �= ~ ' i E STIN 1 i fRIB/ ' I XIIS NG FIRE NYE/ ANT pf�0 . p 2- I II0 ��Via \ ,r7 1 III2 * V�/AT METER$ , f 2- 3- 9 5 1 ' p i 1 cl, __.: ,...9„. .,./... I I O i al i Hi IC-��1 c.IZ F 1 Fc. 6 O / elf ! b ve_ 04 15+Z:).C5)1 _ i / / / VT) I ' S. O' HIGH CANOPY I / . / I a LIC-H T U rtbW. I / i z 7 V5444ze Y / i 1 N z � �/ IiI4 . .1 i f W 5 0 w _ ½ AS P MPS l / / Q , M - .6.6tr4,i,. ub '�O'o" 0 / fIII _ \ SAKD / \\� W 1 1 15'4 / /01/4c1,g Sao -c Pr t D , r rl 1: f\\ — eP'p gr-6 0 I 10 1 ,, 2 5-off C • PZ•I�ro lo'bIFV e• r I v.....0 1 I. fM _-- 1 / SITE DATA A .5 n: I�a V (4•• ) / r M1 n r tR. I N1A 7 ! ` I • I CAT[p0\T [epU1R[D P•OTID[D ,-• yI 1; fit Y wn.... CJ—1:— {• III`I1(/ I I W.W.I .� — u:N., r->^ .� _ 1 Jf I 1 I. , "M'I.f6 1 _. : •1u••ar Mn Pia,. - iII I I ! I f61 T' U'o NPn0r1 oven, sinnt TVA, +,L eTAT,oN 9� if. —� I on o I, =,I t0•ATI®OAF ! nun MC w„ _ 1 \ Y +46.E '-1 .T•� ToTAL L� a l i. 1'• •\) ti ].1 11 Lli�.�t LtJT .F Le.T.♦ .`F3 ,:f 1 I. (/ � i%. . .... b. ova•u , I • / '• A i I�,�/� (•DOD uoM •70XL '11110•- \/ICINIT' I IAkr 1-0T-1 LIO.•Mi.I6D obi. % '1 OO 3 fl�L IFT a 11 • l] GtlN1 . G r,agweo .-..wrAwvaTall� - ui` I .` 'rf I _ I f,u.s, 8 ; F 44:- I ,n t D s ...aa,.. - ..NA' I n i O F „...., it 0 4. • i a :,�` �;..4.4,, _ 1 M I : ,'I i o r5 .lflo u»IM�O•II�IMt6M R1Yi� � �Y' r' 'p /' , � ��'• (p•1 •�QY•• ! !A►u+s.lt. .1_ I / {,O O AID°P�/P - •)r y SI)+ I S0 I p s s.o vAcyYrf g��+��- > 0 /.i ,PAPA.` �..1 t„ ® W"N�r1.{ 4 4k r N.H"t\ ,1 ,k. a.� I '�a,.N�..tii I I ` f Q' F (� ,ems U00 �1x L, F 1 / 1pr"''''./ Q -' I ` • I --1,- �.`. d ty- p,N,�,f..., _ .-. I �m• r 1 B �� tir 1? Y•,f�DDM6•.� I / I OWNER:(Lows.Po•AT+•i w i J r r _ I ra► ( - Y.AaTrw•:- IDEV[LOPER: af*RRT D � .d ,. n.I : ,; PALMY..."w.T..v.,n.MG. Q I _�+>� ltlL / 1 n.t•1 A•,./•1' I .°"oo"i `wo.T1 .•.,PALM wn.:w,.+ x AV �` /� -�:'i�f.]Tt' ` N R / t / ' . Tr/b` I PONT w.z.*..,T•w.•T•, A•:•S.l.. D..IY 1•,Tl 1.148.00 �,�,y,N I .., I PREPARED IT: / •••.65 9d• T '-- --'-""' --- JONK TAILOR.,O[•10 M1• /• _. q1•MADT A p RA _ PM•RT 110RTR:TR4A• . y 4.4V.•• `1LI FOo LoT•. - lI••eD f.54.A) CITL•aY NF ADDITION :/m •"X( (.••cc .ITT • AR[.tA44ANT coon Pi',1<M7 I'[•IN4 s --p'' ZONING:•P.6 ' y4..1i 'YOI,LP_ roll. clot O' NORTMLA51 • S I.IMt or Ir SMArIL MNY.!.o rI IY.L. 6.ot D•UTMLAEE •LVD..1l.M.ITpsl (t I'-ATenn �-42 72) t'' (- -- ....,,.,-,.. . IE PLAN "cik*No. ZA °93-31" 2 „•AaL ,,. i 'SITE PLAN "..a 0 LI City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM July 13, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 93-42 Revised Preliminary Plat REQUESTED ACTION: Revised Preliminary Plat for SouthRidge Lakes, Phase VII, being 20.410 acres situated in the T. M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706 and the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522. LOCATION: East of North Peytonville Ave. , West of Shady Oaks Dr. and West and South of Raven Bend. OWNER/APPLICANT: Arvida/JMB Partners, L.P. -II LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential BACKGROUND INFO. : On June 3, 1993, a Final Plat of SouthRidge Lakes, Phase VII was tabled due to the plat not conforming to the original Revised Preliminary Plat (ZA 91-07) which was approved by City Council in June, 1991. This, submittal is a revision to the approved Preliminary Plat. NO. NOTICES SENT: Eighteen (18) RESPONSES: Two written responses received in opposition: * Fred Joyce, 455 Randal Mill Avenue (See attached letter. ) * Nolan and Tara Berg, 1101 Raven Bend (See attached letter) P & Z ACTION: July 8, 1993; Approved (6-0) subject to Plat Review Summary dated 7/2/93 with the following changes: Delete No. 8b; Change No. 9 omitting Lot 129, Block 1 and adding Lots 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 and 136, Block 1 as indicated in the new exhibit ('C' ) submitted at the meeting and requiring the north line for those lots to be 125' in width; Change No. 12 to reflect necessary off-set to Fred Joyce' s property as indicated in the new exhibit submitted. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the July 2, 1993 Plat Review Summary with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plat Review Summary dated July 16, 1993 . KPG/gj C:\CD\KAREN\MEMO\ZA93-42.MEM Fred Joyce 455 Randol Mill Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 July 1, 1993 Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Ave Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Commission Members: I am writing to you because I will be out of town when the Arvida Southridge Lakes Preliminary Plat for Phase VII comes before you. I would like to refer you to my earlier objections when I appeared before you and explained some of the problems the Arvida Subdivision has created for my 7 acres which Joins this Phase VII. I have tried to work with them about the ingress/egress easement we share as well as the locating of this street. On several occassions Arvida, through their representatives, have agreed to a solution, only to refuse to honor it later. I want to ask you to make your recommendation to the City Council to either: 1. Require Arvida's street to be so situated that I can build a street down the middle of my property being in compliance with the requirement of 125 feet distance between the center lines of two streets that intersect a third street. OR 2. Allow me to build my street right down the middle of my property, even though Arvida's street is nearer than the 125 foot requirement. If this is passed, as is, 1 will not be able to utilize my property to its rightful potential. I will greatly appreciate your making some provision now,while it is before you,and before it is too late for me. Sincerely red J y '1•ne following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas 76092 . REFERENCE NO. : ZA 93-42 I am (in ',favor of) G;;;;;r12) (undecided about) the request for the following reasons : se n s l d&r ll v e. s`o our bear i of c.e ►-n v. o n r i n9 �'he.�-� cc�� so a c -h�ea9-55 a re 0.-h`A'? �eThS 4's easier - D ki 11 -Wieun i n � name e o P prcJYYS5 e- cr& dive. avid_d- -frJ +o sale. -i�iem - Pleas e, consider plac Y7 -the road tort_ -f-o -Hie Was-)-. SIGNATURE : • /V&Lo- - a- 1 1 2EL& i5efitic- ADDRESS: I ) D I 00� A h ey he r •po in+ I'd I i I� -b bri h9 r .p i.s e ro posed Io+ sizes. When Arvtd.o. ind-oJ pl"ned phis las+ phase- 1-&- alas meii-hohed -f�a+ +he Coo- s1zeS wo c1d b ci'ou ict 3/ ac, +n )CQzp ng wtlh th� 2 o-tiie.r Sudivisi6ns t*-(- bco +o- (The )of sizes are I acve). 0-C- now -1'hey have_ as mcuny h ouses as po3s)b)r, sgueeyd ova c. ewe_ Lott_ _parn.iv,n me -he o pay'-Iunii b sipr�ess ou-v -�1inis n -(-hYs s u.b,(C-t . p ---_��:! b,3fsY.��:,:.-..:k•:`,.•.-.:•.-.:.:....,veti```.:;,`�`�;'„rt ..:.. a..... _::� :=:�::• �:„,:;:::�...;.,.y:.... .�t�:<ci':i .•:•:ti::�:�i::::;•::-.:.>;;.;.;::;::�;•:;�:;:.<:�''�:-.tiw,,...._ .-.,.. ........��'!.•._•............ .. ...... .... ... ..,. ,:t�,;.t�..+....,..1........,,,.,.r.•?.w.,..,.,,..;,...r, l.,.?<a:.z.tR�'. Rtitt;;i'fl,;,..,.;E..3�`t>kl,.....:,. .:k..:- .. :'•:}:�iit'ti};Y�it{>.t?�,§?,y &F-,3 MI T _ fir,, N h. 1 I0fi NWY toi ''Mk 2 T \451!Nr IF© I, r ..- K44 p I MO , AT K .0 II TA i*I'L'N ���.005 rt '''' 1 illi 111114 MAIM WI 0.1 1111! �� i_ ' ills ..=M rs t immilMkojild . lil \ , G .1 . • `�jno ,,'I f I Lil W.N. FflARTI21115111 C. DART ES -,—{� I J. WEST ME a illiailitilliF LE i� ��J G�i��;iL� 11!...P,:,d,iL'J.!! ►�Tr�71��.. w■,�'I ©` figs: i.]� ' •;:iwGlJl�'J'i,.l_ r a i , j ;Cis'�'�• F � •r...�............•. W F -._ ��d0� 11: •ice�,-1?`r ���". P• w r - — w it,- ,, 9 MINE ,I kill III e+o GR �!!aa � rid ;1 ���� Will' WWI orrai Mill-Wit� r i �f1 � S L � . tit ��� 1. im II Milo, . Illii oya isi . FIN HERY Mir, JIM tes, 6" IMF �■ ITortarer4M1.11 Iffillii- . � • .:El rat7 011gr*AaleillPj A I Y p a vuo ii 1 ilia: la, r 1 Nill I iltligbmlefileV - . Al: i 1 ill . IN"5,,,,,.ue, III i ermilkamto iv+.13111 - .2. u ._.?..ou /Or # 40111111nom INF "is jaw el* ."'; Ripmaiik ii11..,Atted - . As Ezi ng,gcag la km it:ru n=W;;�.� 1►�:�`. abram1�mr� 1 ,�u �� ��T 1. , .�, - lib Psi. . ii•Ii.mom Will :mi woo - . . m I, /.....i., 41111.-f 4.41-21-Elowiem ivagimmt.szi e..T -----2 2.6 ma nil- :ZEN kiiiirittlit4 Nel*Stites-441 tile !•,gam���fe- 410011!� 11/ ia K _�3,, w Ell. EL _ A '-,mi. ����® ®mra. © ■,. I EarI�.��°^� coa:= 1111=MIME _11L -Mt up -inimprart\si ow 0- .* u, 'AlN . oft Idli . _ TRACT LOCATION MA P �; W. EA./ES it 4711114/• I . ! .61-r8 1m -r -r,-/-_.(4,-,-;-;.;mi ,. • 1 i U F- � iii! ;, ,uI H, ��. cn FAEEMY _ o F 1 R aE , , I vGG22 : 4 3 2 i g U sat . , J 17.16 AC F!, 6 5 L" 1/y /� ,� u; .n 2 9 l.J • i i m xa O so CROSS eel" I t• 12 E 13 ? 3 B g 10 C .x I R. .n r.1 of II. VI •AG" CROSS TIMBER DR "SF-1 TR 11C2 Q TR 11C2A a TR 11C2 3 TR 11 ,,, ,.. ,.. u+ ,,, ✓ 4 i 3 • 16.605 AC M.OTTINQER D.STEELE ! 10 i g i 8 i 7 i 6 B 5 I 1 Q5 H.HOVEN G.JONES C.PAOEL I / ` D.HEATH I 00. 2 3 • 336 4 Lit sea n. its .2 MI IN •5 • • _. N.BERQ E �\R4VF 3 4 T1 AC 13 2 "SF-1 N BFN� Li Ac 11../ CcTi 5 4 STEFANSSON P.WILSON I • �y • 12. EN �J 2/ 1 I TR.285 10 3s... e, D.HALCOMB I (A 6.36Ac 11 +i/ 'AG" TF TR. = I C.CAPILI K.LEE M.MAHAN 35 _ — — .43 Ac a 4 .284E 'AG' L.MCCAIN , 43 Ac J.CLOW 1 TR.28 f TR i 'AG- 21 AC '.� AC x 7 TR.2CS0 1 i Ac 'AO' F.JOYCE TR.2C1 [ . ;' TR.2CiD1 4.49 Ac 3.1 Ac (:: � 1 I '•AO" \v/ TR i 1A4 25.32 AC • I •SF-20A" \ / • "SF.2OA" ADJACENT OWNERS & ZONI • NG '; , l ( TR.2C16 I SOUTHWIND PARTNERS LP ..... . ,. _ --:--. 7--, ---- _ ,r.--, L...7-L..t 0 100 200 300 SCALE IN FEET NORTH PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PREL. PLAT \\\NCLry.--- TOTAL NO. LOTS : 390 I 1 r"RELIMINARY PLAT ALTERNATIVE E j- . .. . '• COURT • I I / i 1I TRAVIS COURT uru _. '� S , 0 TT- / -I T ( I I 11 • : L....„ : r ; . ..;./ ....... • ;41.. t'Ir•'' -: - ' \-1 4"?. , .---:- .. ----H. /. I I ,‘"\-\\/// ... y .7.... i` •1 Ir .. City of Southlake,Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO: ZA 93-42 REVIEW NO: TWO DATE OF REVIEW: 7/16/93 PROJECT NAME : Revised Preliminary Plat - SouthRidge Lakes Phase VII OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: Arvida/JMB Partners, L. P. III John E. Levitt Engineers, Inc. 1122 W. McDermott 726 Commerce Street Allen, Texas 75002 Suite 104 Southlake, Texas 76092 PHONE: (214) 390-1190 PHONE: (817) 488-3313 FAX: (214) 390-9359 FAX: (817) 488-3315 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 7/12/93 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 744 . 1 . Label the existing zoning on this property. 2 . Dimension northern property corner to the centerline of Raven Bend Court . 3 . Remove duplicate bearing on common property line of Lots 125 & 126, Block 1 . 4 . The 24 . 56 ' arc distance of Lot 136, Block 1 appears to be incorrect. ' . Lot 129, Block 1 requires a 125' lot width along the north line. 111 The following lots require 35' building line on both streets : Block 1, Lots 121 and 136 Blo 5, Lots 1 and 14 Lots 128 does not meet the minimum 100' lot width at the building 1111 line . * The approved concept plan, submitted at the time of zoning, does not require lot sizes to be 30, 000 square foot minimum adjacent to platted property zoned SF-1 . * Although there are a few lot lines which are not perpendicular or radial, they appear to meet the intent of this requirement . I * Denotes Informational Comment cc : Arvida/JMB Partners, L. P . II John E. Levitt Engineers, Inc . 8F-7 ' VULUML .300-1 i,, rnt,t yt. •- `••' P.R.T.C.T. \ v 15 U.E. F� ZONED SF-1 \1\4 ---J - �� / 1 .1 N 7ILLE AVE.'al N 88'58'10" E 533 15 B LOT 2 s 1_� IPF 5 40' R.O.W. DEDICATION N �/i ' 129.7>' III {r11�I 'N 89'39'12" E .._�._ / LOT 3 LOT a Ili 2M.44 129.54' I Y / .. _./ L 1 29.97' / R4 I l _ �N bfN �i LOT 12 3 11 1 3 LOT 13 �. �' � O COURt ----_,... / .,,,/ ! 1 26,450 S.F. LOT 13 LOT 14 }� 8 I]. qd; d / `�- -` y 71 - 5 21,013 S.F. p : 21,064 S.F. R.i g 1 1.1 r. _ LOT 5 5 n I I H __ 1oR. ��-9• .' MIL.ESUT..• ,n ij Q,T / ��` Low 3o• cc; -\---- •.. y / tp' \ I .34' 125.79' U] / `'\. �'- c/ eP• �` v ii, m LOT 9 / ' SAN AUGUSTINE COURT t / 9i J,OppTO Sr.A ~ I /�----_-302�.a5----'+, LOT 12 \� / •,I N 6p59'26'E L - 4. / / \ -'• -I i` yi c- fat, / 3 . s. • RAVEN BEND ESTATES ro A`p�605 • �D 1TT:J X 'I a0 bo VOLUME 386-182, PAGE 34 �� �t LOT 6 m W Fn // LOT 8 LOT 10 3 LOT 9 S LOT 8I P.R.T.C.T. \ `. 24.352 SF. .A : 20.011 S.F. z 20,099 S.F. I ZONED SF-1 t I $ / 1 j W "�. •',a R.MIL ESUT, t0' S - N 86.59.26'E P+ • F' if. / LOT 7 \ o 0 L L 241.80' I z 132.93• 127.93• J g 1 o I L * LOT 11 A LOT 10 "�/[ ^ ; E71 Pr;r-\ 239.4C - 3 132.10' 130.sa' 10 FT. I •-1 BLOCK 5 G / U1L EMIT } b ^I ••'s R.tmL Fsui. a • i / BLOCK 1 s 5 N 89'42'21" E //987.58' �. LOT 5 z LOT 6 7 $ LOT 7 pI N oast 15 U,E J L -- a, �9• 2],404 SF. C• LN 20,027 S.F. 24032 S.F. I �' 7 f-V 7j• 61.0..�- 5 '10 FT.UTR.ESUT. - ---__-- _ ___- _ 7]T2 .�r . 1 _{_. 7, 5 f 1n •19. . ?!.1.'•- 1 1 125.00 t 125.00' 125.00' 125.00' �.I ts,.42 w O4/ \ S 12S'•°°• 125'°°• 15 R.UTIL ESUT / 0 o • 36 R BLt1C.UNE r+ LOT 134 I LOT 133 LOT 132 LOT 131 107.6p' 129.62' i+ OT 130 / W / ,.�' \ 1 1 1- 21,Sa6 S.F. 2],125 SF. 23.125 S.F.F 20.916 S.F. ¢.1 6 'i➢���'- I 176 3 LOT 135 3� 3 3 3( 20,557 SF, ^ . W" I / a BOWIE COURT � nt)l I^ T.7.51AF. $ 21.384 S.F. o 's ^g 's �1;� 3s R. s�'` ;,1 2. L07 4 -r-- 1 ..tt g 1,i .BLOC. 2-," N a R 3}ezt SF. I I R p�- 3op.a4 r ` � m I o i LINE i LOT 129 7S \ \ �, N 885528'E f 1 ' 8 z . §' gl_ glm 81 : :_____ 29,owSF. Rw,o IT' -''1 _ 2O FT.BLOC w.z z z1 zzt i � 61K rn - a3•06' S/� 1/6.51• 119.23' 1 ^ I 35 FT,BLOC LN. Izv \ _ / - I • I1• 35 R,BLDG IN. �. IS FT. I •±J C \ Ft BLDC.UNE 3� ... .• IIYc. ,I•_ .:/ C. 5i '7O O 1�9? \- 3 �5 A g7 I '1 I ^ i i tA.Oy 29,38' -78.77' J 125.00' 125.00' -i_ 101.12• -__. �1`A �•. N. UNE dIayzz6j9LOT 3 pXp H LOT 2 LOT 1 5l 1 :' I1 6�"%'� TRAVIS COURT }:,7 a' 1 �• 1 w 25,296 SF. 5 n 22,Op1 SF. 5 20,090 S.F. mI 1 g $^ V` 7---i __ �_ _ _-� 5 87T16'S7•EI ,p R.ll7R ES7lT. z G1 I x L 1•�L}l^ C- t N p9'42'21'E __ o .�•' 1 1 /g90'001" i 33.32' p7.07' Y 124,95' 110.DD 707.00 _-'1" �•�' / / I O ,. 246.40' 145.11' 140.13• •7.p1 --• 141 S7.2ti /�, C. 1/4r IPF S 88'59'26" W 533.64' 1/2" IPF �.a'62 / - - .'� t y44.'s - 0 R.Lan_ES f. Y n 3 35 h. 3 ;I 'Ai 1d't52, n 11NE n • ,n'I,$ a LOT 128 0I f LOT 123 a I BLDG. I }s R:` ` I 1 Sp R. N 21.801 S.F. h ^ fh BLOC. 29,124 S.F. -I W g.1 BLDG. LOT 124 r a - r- UNE o'[�, 1 318 uNE a 24aei SF. 88^ 8` •i" m• `<!' z ^ L 1 LOT 126 Z. LOT 127 0•, (\�. 20,068 S.F. `V FRED 4937, A UX o ^ ,' L07 1-- LOT 122 Y, 20,9a3 S.F. I •F• I ' VOLUME 4937, PAGE 530 • W = 432 S.F. 27,609 S.F. n T.um...ESMT. I • � co 1 ' P- BLOCK 1 _ --� --100.98J F D.R.T,C,T. C 180.29' O A I 124.99' 110.03• 107.OJ' �/_ -N' -1------- 87 L�7 ZONED • Ac c I I I 20 R. % 1 7ep1� ---- S 88'15'47" W 603.32' �I�1•z fir• `� P....LDc.UNE m 5/8" IPF s'U11Lt ESUT. _t. 1 1 r I I THE COVERAGE 1,. I P+.A +10 P+L B IB8 O 1c„ I I sty /i \ LOT LOT LOT T LOT LOT •13+ 8 Io P+ L` ,~' 11[2 . r I �1� its II5 114 113 112 Co, 1, PT. FOR CDR. •U ' i10 117 , ,,;' SOUTH GE REVISED LAKES PRELIMINARY PLAT __PHASE VII • 4 il Jr w s� i'I ! Cd 1-3 x !J1T 1-3 Pd tzi _iit.,y rn .' . 1 gi 11/,, ,r ,,, 1 . • 1 iv ' ,--" \, 1 1 i 4, NI- \, i -T i fr r 1'--4° g I '� I m I i L. \ k' •:) 0 I P It 4 i \ -4) P3 I . . , • Nil \I\ I M— A..1 E I I / ~-. e______ -=----:_ --- — ----- --1----_- ____SOUTHRIDGE LAKES DR._----I--- --- 1 ram a��-� ; . 12' STRIP RESERVED FOR FUTURE R.O.W. OP I -�� `._ ..-.-.,-r.�.. I i (■tea --a _a M_= a a J 1 a_ J J 1 1 I 1 ` 4 1 , I I- ! I I 1 1 4 1 4 4 4 tl I- I I I I Iii.\-'"".....»..15' USA.--• b I 4 � I I I s 5 I N -1 u 0 I C xiia • `. \ \\ \ 1 W� \ \ j Oil SHERRIAN KAYE HENSLEE I LOT 6 \ \ VOL. 6935. PG. 1823. D.R.T.C.T. LOT 5 \ \ LOT 4 BLOCK 3 10'D.E. \• \\ II �` BLOCK 1 73.RO.W. / CROSS UMBER HILLS. PHASE\t \ 11°PEC.D% �y1e�'LOT 1 / I VOLUME 388-177, PAGE 99 \ \ .13'D.E I J P.R.T.C.T. \ V' Z111 1� N (i ZONED SF-1 \ \\ .PLC.-- - W �- / VILLE AVE.11 N 88'58'10" E 533.• h-!L�wm; "' .. _' �, •,a zit,"Pscar4 ��\ 1/A IPF - 40' R.O.W. DEDICATION Z•0"mut_esRRY T-g " Z6"PECD.t1 .0••. .N 89'39'12" E 244.44' 120.54' I 29.97' Fes `\ 11". ^ LOT 12^1D a 11 IV LOT 13 �. // • 26,450 S.F. rj p LOT�' I Ci c U / - 8 21,013 S.F. • I $ uj / 4, 1B)• 7 z C 4 .Af/ er _ N__.-.- . I ',7.:(,) �..I C. /0.62' , �.-104.34' I C7 �I SAN A S.GUSTINE . I �13"PECAN LOT kLOT 12 \• 9i 33,860 S.F.F. �I •f?'' L38 I it"feasN / .\ n ?� A \ N�.B7' • / 97.34' ` ' 40 1 L;PepJ1 \ ,/ 3 _ I = t2 r; /• • 6,• ,1 RAVEN BEND EST< m 5y1+�16';C. '7• IF--- L 7 • '• ��i i4 // VOLUME 388-182, P, C.I LOT $0'8 a LOT • V1 P.k.T.C.T. 24,352 S.F. ,y >Y 20.011 S.F. I I ZONED SF-1 W 1,, '':5 FT.UTIL CWT. 10' S R N 8859'26'E 1 137 .- .I .. .__ °_ LOW- LOT 10 I v T-�.. 239.48' 7 3 132.10' • Zo=xs PEcgN O `I •5 FT.U11LMIT. n BLOCK . O s LOT 5 LOT 6 .. EXIST.15'U.E. N 89'42'21" N O 7' -.'D9. 23,404 S.F. G, LN 20,027 S.F. D N 2?6••f, a f•c .+ \ .i0 123.00' 125.00 123.00 ' 12S WlY p./ �_ --._ ,- I 10 d / -- 35 F1 6I.OG u _ LOT 134 LOT �,35 .��-101.66_ 1 3 LOT 135 21.556 S.F. 3:i 23.125 �v�i - LOT 136 N „g , 1 W'. • / ,•� BOWIE COURT . 29.335 S.F. 24.384 S.F. _ CZ ^g Si., 'R 33.821 S.F. I I /�___�Spe,gT ' g n S- "8 tr. ¢c.D m \• 4'•06' S -116.51' 119,23' 35 F7.E 35 FL BLDG .00 6 f} BLDG-DNE 3 g 11 i1�. Q �' 29.Sa_ 70.)T _ t5. n> a76 M1�A9 \ .L/'h •� $ PL`LDµ S 7� �q.s `i' 6/4,----- S -- -1-1 6 LOT 3 LOT 2 _ ... 25.296 S.F. $ .3 22.081 S.F. O - 20,090 S.F. �q+ . 1. ... � BB-5 ��-5 1 5 FT.UiIL FSA/T. z CI 1 `I .L_ -� '156�?/ C- - 1 e I ' 1 t N 5��� / 32' 87.ot' t2• 1 • 1 ' 248.40' 145.11' 140.13' :47.62' _1; 37.1� Cal L•.• 1/2' IPF N �!'16'E -By61 i7�5 .� �.--- 1/2' IPF S 88'59'26" W 533.84' 1 ys4.56 •-i I s ;I I17.62' - i 8 LOT 12 11._ .-_.. .. - .___ .W.I.. .. I I S 35 FT. • . a .801 _.,:' T Y- I • BLOC. •--jt .3`F� - .._-_. Ig UNE q 1 '. .51411 FRED JOYCE, ET UX m 1 LOT 121 LOT 122 Y, (N} I (s] z`! I I 34.432 S.F. V. 27.609 S.F. n VOLUME 4937, PAGE 530 ow o O I. D.R.T.C.T. N O La 1 87 • r� ZONED AG O i I 2D Fr., Di _-- � • Z I E-' . I ...'LDE. 51 6�j i 5/8' IPF t ,/i ] I I I .,Si i L07 O ICn V) $yi�• yi 1�•�� PT. FOR COR......t. I •U I I - Ala 1� 117 �"�l BIT k✓ �br..�}� 20, i^/ isl3'oe:;- ma56 's gz5� 1 LOT 1 N I/ , [)40� s/9' IPF 119 OSG+ La t�OV+ • I /`/Vt LOT LOT souTHRlc •J BLOCK 3 ` LOT120 119 "APR', LOT 98 N11�' ��o ' LOT 96 u8i<1 �e /io1 . . . . _ - ' _ - r �x . . ... _ . o t4 a L \ \ wl \ \ I LOT 6 \ \ I NI SHERRIAN KAYE HENSLEE - \ \ I Li VOL. 6935, PG. 1823, D.R.T.C.T. LOT 5 BLOCK 3 \ \ LOT 4 I D.E. • i :0D.E. \ \ BLOCK 1 __ \ \ I • •-_73'R.G.W. CIROSS TIMBER HILLS, PHASE\/ \ 51"?EOM I 'yyyy Lc' ,' gl`LOT 1 I VOLUME 368-177, PAGE 99 \ \ 75.O.6. \ `.. l E �71 P.R.T.C.T. \ \,/ . it1 III\\\ w J I.`" I ZONED SF-1 \ \ �WI' I I W O 15 U.E. 1 \..1.-.-- J :� o: / 1ILLE AVE.'' Nf88'58'10" E 533.••' 8 ° � 1 1/2• IPF'5. 40' R.O.W. DEDICATION _ I ZOtt P6G6417 .....�\` 3 N .:58-10 L z6"PEcAT1 sI • •.:�. z0"MVL63RRY • To 244.44' 129.54' 129.7s7' iI i 'N 89'39'12" E 29.97' ^� \ n LOT 12 g s cI I ' LOT 13 �. 1 ` le2a.450 S.F. 1 a LOT 13 . LOT 14 �. Go v �' ,1, f1B • o 21,013 S.F• o Z 2l,C64 S.F. N $w 2 J°'be.�„' z^ 70 FT. 4. O _ O 12. SAN AU.GUSE COUR LOT 11 .i I -- I3�•PECAN LOT 12 n 33.860 S.F. I ��_-_--302.65' I • � '\ nl• \ ., e N 8839.26•E ' 11"PEE- �\ N�87' 1 �cTS; ' 97.34' 131.65 13 lL•�PCLAti 35�•3140,yNc , u '., i /-._- 3 .4 i b u rn l''bIi 'T.• 4r •I . • x c _ b 14'1 / RAVEN BEND EST., CD ti16• 1# $ VOLUME 388-182, P, l LOT 10 LOT 9 c LOT 8 P.R.T.C.T. 24,352 S.F. ,� 20,011 S.F. Z 20,098 S.F. I ZONED $F-1 [s7 w 5 FT.URL Ma. 10• S R N 8839.26'E --1-40_.L-�L __ .241.60'__�_._ Z-•..._ _- 3��...�-. 127.93'• _ . --- LU1 if- 1 o -h T- , 239.48' 1 3 132.10• 130.88' Z01=Z511 F N LOT 10 PEGn ` S FT.UTIL ESN. BLOCK 5 X o I 8 9 1n~ Z I s� LOT 5 • LOT 6 X $ LO 7 EXIST.15•V.E. N 89'42'21 ,. U ? ba • 23.404 S.F.,,OG.L"\-.... 20,027 S.F. 20,05 S.F. 141 ----- 0 I �•4 J f •i' o '10 FT.U11L ESIR. L1 I a• 4�� \ Z 125.00 125, z m 125,00• 125.00' --'� 35 if. BLDG.11NE n I I LOT 134 1 LOT v ,}5• 101.88• 129.62'.i J :e+ s I 0 20616 S.F. 23,125 I ? I- LOT 135 sI tal LOT 136 P r S m LOT 4 • I / BOWIE COURT - �` 2933s s.F. p a z4,364 s.r, r o „s Li"- R 33.821 S.F. I I �, ��',. _'--_--306.6� I ' .[. n 8^ %.,,4 10 , \ e; 819'26•E I 2 zI S W h \ 4• ___ - -1 I L.•20 FT,BIDG(N.Z '"• 51 i-- ^ 1 Z 35 FT.8 Z a 05' 116.51' 119.23 ? • I � 35 FT.BLDG IN 6 . �.� l BL➢G-71NE._ • qq_._-A' 'QR:R.P. I ___ --._,-._-_.- 00 �,t6-' \' 3--jS4 x $ Pd,,, I +IF IIv DG Y �'i• �05 29.3a;-- e.n' ._-_ixs; . a16' LOT 3 pxp LOT 2 5 LOT 5 k 1 • -' Y 1\ i 6-% T-- �..._ 25.296 S.F. P n 22,001 SF, c 20,090 S.F. I I .g + if8,6�r- ,,:•5 R.UBL E5121. z z' -.L 1�`3��. --'"--CO " ,•..- 1 • -r-_L 24&40' 145.11' J 140.13' N\ 1 '47.82' - N�� S.16' Ti-- 87.01• 1i. 1/2• IPF S 88.59'26" W 533.64' 1/2• IPF N 1S'ta•E iey61 J 73.51• ��' _.--._. g1.5fi .i r• 1 i LOT 123 . ;' ,8 -. 21,601 S.F.W 35iT. ,n 1;' xI5 BLDG. LOi -�,ri I • LINE : r.:a�• � 2{,11 FRED JOYCE, ET UX o O I ��� III LOT 121 LOT 122 8 5, VOLUME 4937, PAGE 530 I w z 34,432 S.F. . 27,609 S.F. D.R.7.C,7. cv b A I 87 ZONED AG o I _ I I 1: 20 rT. __ Z .�. I .•'J9 . .....BUNG. n ePi i 5/8" IPF x E-+ 1'I r t1NE !^.`�i I I i ``y j,'�"I\ LOT PT. FOR COR. •U i 114. %' 31b h5• 117 u 1 di�.T it N �'b &ice �3 LOT S Q / 19, 3.0g W-`' 2 �TS ., N4p, 5/8- IPF 118 • BLOCK 3 7." �W LOTLOTSOUTHRIC /4' 120119 •APPi LOT 98 w� /io LOT 96 [1j4 I � � - _ � • X H•t 51T C - - yC Re\ EERSE C.IIKVS LD•'COUT 0 :9 ,l a[1 W rl City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM July 13, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 93-43, Revised Development Site Plan REQUESTED ACTION: Revised Development Site Plan of Timarron Golf Course and a portion of Village "A" being 18.37 acres situated in the Hollingsworth and Barnett Survey, Abstract No. 797. LOCATION: South of East Continental Blvd. and East Haven Addition and Southeast of Glendover, formerly known as Village "A" . OWNER/APPLICANT: Timarron Land Corporation, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "R-P.U.D. " Residential Planned Unit Development LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential BACKGROUND INFO: The developer proposes to revise Phase 3 Development Site Plan to reconfigure the area of "C-3" use (i.e. the golf course club house) and maintenance facility and delete some areas of residential use. NO. NOTICES SENT: Eight (8) RESPONSES: None P & Z ACTION: July 8, 1993; Approved (6-0) subject to Plan Review Summary dated 7/2/93 . STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the July 2, 1993 Plan Review Summary with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plan Review Summary dated July 16, 1993 . Please note that the developer plans no changes to the development regulations for the villages in Phase 3 but has revised the gross acreage and density calculations in the attached development regulations. KPG/gj C:\CD\KAREN\MEMO\ZA93-43.MEM 6G-I ' Urn-bi U4:UIrm IV UlltVIVVJU Cglirso Carter = Burgess Consultants in Engineering,Arckitecture, Planning and the Environment June 15, 1993 Mr. Greg Last Community Development Director City of Southiake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 • Reference: Application for Revised Development Site Plan Phase 3 Dear Mr. Last Please find attached the submittal items for the above referenced application. The requested revisions to the Development Site Plan (DSP) focus primarily on the area of the proposed golf course club house and maintenance facility. The new proposed location of the club house (this application) better conforms with the existing topography and trees. Positioned atop a bluff overlooking the proposed 18th Hole Lake, the revised location also provides a more dramatic view of the golf course. The repositioning of the club house necessitates the relocation of approximately seven (7) future residential lots. These lots are shown on the current DSP as backing to a portion of the 18th Hole Lake. The tots are removed from the Revised Phase 3 DSP altogether and shown as 'Future Residential' backing to the No. 1 Hole Fairway northeast of the new club house location. The shifting of these tots allow the club house drive to be located adjacent to the 18th Hole Lake near the entrance at the 60' collector road (Byron Nelson Parkway on the Revised OSP). The golf course area shown on the Revised DSP as Tract 2 is shown on the current DSP as common green for residential. This area includes a portion of the 18th hole take and logically should be maintained by the golf course. The revision Is simply to place the area in the golf course as opposed to a Home Owners Association maintained Common Green. The area shown on the revised DSP as Golf Course Maintenance Area Is shown on the current DSP as residential use. The reason for the revision is to place the maintenance area adjacent to more compatible uses that exist on neighboring property as opposed to being located adjacent to the club house, golf course, and future residential areas. Carter&Burgess,Inc. /950 Elmbrook Drive Suite 250 Dallas,Texas 75247-4951 (214)638-0145 Metro 263-2019 Fax(714)638-0447 86a Mr. Greg Last June 15, 1993 Page 2 More "secondary' revisions that are a part of the Revised DSP include updated Information regarding the residential areas that have been approved by as preliminary plats since the approval of the current DSP. Also, more current Information regarding areas adjacent to the DSP boundary is being shown. Please call with any questions or comments. Sincerely, CASTER & BURGESS, INC. Atte trend citk, 64; Paul D. McCracken, P.E. PDM/kaa 93311401.LOi cc Mr. Steve Yetts, Timarron Land Corporation 86-3 • REVISED DEVELOPMENT SITE PLAN PHASE III - TIMARRON SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS INTRODUCTION This proposed development site plan by Timarron Land Corporation, Inc. is submitted for Phase III (294.16 acres) of the 914.74 acre Timarron Planned Unit Development. This plan is designed to adhere to the intent of the approved Development Concept Plan for this project as well as the City of Southlake Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Section 30. PROPOSED LAND USE AND ZONING The proposed land uses for Phase III include P.U.D. Residential, C-3 Commercial, and golf course. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Permitted Uses The permitted uses will comply with those uses identified in the revised Timarron Concept Plan. Development Regulations These regulations apply only to the 294.16 acres identified in the submitted development site plan for Phase III. Phase III is divided into four categories of residential development. The following Development Regulations are identified for each residential category. PRODUCT - TYPE A Height: No building or structure shall exceed two and one-half (21) stories, nor shall it exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Depth of Front Yard: Twenty-five (25) feet minimum - no more than 50% of the lots will have front yards less than thirty-five (35) feet. Depth of Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum 92301801.R07 Width of Side Yard: Five (5) feet minimum, no more than 25% of lots. No house may be closer than 20 feet to adjacent house. Width of Side Yard Adjacent to Street: Twenty (20) feet minimum Lot Width: Eighty-five (85) foot minimum lot width (90% of the lots); 10% of the lots may have lot widths at the front setback line that vary from 50 feet to 85 feet. Lot Depth: One hundred fifty (150) feet minimum Lot Size: Fifteen thousand (15,000) S.F. minimum Maximum Lot Coverage: 30% Minimum Floor Area: Two thousand six hundred (2,600) S.F. minimum PRODUCT - TYPE B Height: No building or structure shall exceed two and one-half (21/2) stories, nor shall it exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Depth of Front Yard: Twenty-five (25) feet minimum - no more than 50% of the lots will have front yards less than thirty-five (35) feet. Depth of Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum Width of Side Yard: Five (5) feet minimum, no more than 25% of lots. No house may be closer than 20 feet to the adjacent house. Width of Side Yard Adjacent to Street: Ten (10) feet minimum Lot Width: Eighty-five (85) foot minimum lot width (90% of the lots); 10% of the lots may have lot widths at the front setback line that vary from 50 feet to 85 feet. Lot Depth: One hundred twenty-five (125) feet minimum Lot Size: Eleven thousand two hundred fifty (11,250) S.F. minimum Eleven thousand five hundred (11,500) S.F. average Maximum Lot Coverage: 30% (50% of the lots); 35% (50% of the lots) 1 92301801.R07 86-5 Minimum Floor Area: Two thousand four hundred (2,400) S.F. minimum PRODUCT - TYPE C Height: No building structure shall exceed two and one- half (21) stories, nor shall it exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Depth of Front Yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum - no more than 50% of the lots will have front yards less than twenty-five (25) feet. Depth of Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum Width of Side Yard: Five (5) feet minimum, no more than 25% of lots. No house may be closer than 15 feet to the adjacent house. Width of Side Yard Adjacent to Street: Ten (10) feet minimum Lot Width: Seventy-five (75) foot minimum lot width (90% of the lots), 10% of the lots may have lot widths at the front setback line that vary from 50 feet to 75 feet. Lot Depth: One hundred twenty (120) feet minimum Lot Size: Ten thousand five hundred (10,500) S.F. minimum Eleven thousand (11,000) S.F. average Maximum Lot Coverage: 45% (50% of the lots); 35% (50% of the lots) Minimum Floor Area: Two thousand two hundred (2,200) S.F. minimum PRODUCT - TYPE D Height: Forty (40) foot maximum (25% of the lots); thirty- five (35) foot maximum (75% of the lots); no building or structure shall exceed two and one- half (21/2) stories. Depth of Front Yard: Fifteen (15) feet minimum Depth of Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum Width of Side Yard: Zero lot line allowed with ten (10) feet minimum between units 92301801.R07 .Sj co Width of Side Yard Adjacent to Street: Ten (10) feet minimum Lot Width: Sixty (60) foot minimum lot width (75% of the lots); fifty (50 foot minimum lot width (25% of the lots). Lot Depth: One hundred (100) feet minimum Lot Size: Six thousand (6,000) S.F. minimum Seven thousand two hundred (7,200) S.F. average Maximum Lot Coverage: 50% (25% of the lots); 40% (75 % of the lots) Minimum Floor Area: Two thousand (2,000) S.F. minimum NOTE: Developer agrees to submit detailed concept plans for villages containing product Type D for Council review upon final platting of the villages. The conceptuals will include site plans and architectural renderings of typical units in these villages. PHASE III - RESIDENTIAL DENSITY • The total number of lots in Phase Ill in Southlake is 240 lots. The total gross acreage of residential is 125.30 acres. The gross density of residential development is 1.92 du/acre. The entire project to date for Phase I - Ill includes 518 lots. The total acreage of residential development for all three phases is 309.15 acres. The gross density of residential development to date is 1.68 du/ac. These calculations are based on Final Plats (approved and submitted) for Phase I, Phase II, Brenwyck, Wyndsor Creek, Glendover, Phase 3/ Section 2/Bent Creek, Village "D", and future Wyndsor Creek lots as shown on Preliminary Plat for Villages A, B, C, and D. PHASE III - AREA OF GOLF COURSE AND OPEN SPACE The total area of golf course and open space in Phase Ill in Southlake is as follows: Project Open Space 20.03 AC Golf Course 152.35 AC 172.38 AC 92301801.R07 36 _ 9 . CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS a a HIGHLAND STREET w° 0 u_ a a > �, a 9 0 .1. ` • //q - c t SOUTHLAKE BLVD FM IT09 SPUR 382 ?q J Q aG [u V I �I g rj Ir • 6..,0 "7 id CONTINENTAL B VD 94-0 —I re* V4 La CR ♦�• ►Ar..e a EFk t �� �J `� , o 4 1 ;.a..-,. I` ,•� �` .4tr ' a arc m DALLAS/FT.WORTH JOHN McCAIN ROAD \REGIONAL AIRPORT GRAPEVINE / N <o PROJECT N � AREA 6 `.1 �. a COLL VILLE • TRACT LOCATION MAP City of Southlake, Texas REVISED DEVELOPMENT SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO : ZA 93-43 REVIEW NO: TWO DATE OF REVIEW: 7/16/93 PROJECT NAME: Revised Development Site Plan for a portion of Timarron Golf Course and Glendover (formerly Village 'A' ) OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/PLANNER/ARCHITECT: Timarron Land Corporation Carter and Burgess, Inc. 300 E. Carpenter Freeway 7950 Elmbrook, Suite 250 Suite 1425 Dallas, Texas 75247 Irving, Texas 75062 PHONE: (214) 791-3333 PHONE: (214) 638-0145 FAX: FAX: (214) 638-0447 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLANS RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 7/12/93 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS . IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 744 . * The purpose of this submittal is to reconfigure the area of "C-3" use (i . e . the golf course club house) and maintenance facility and delete some areas of residential use. * The approval of development site plans for the Golf Course Club and Maintenance Areas will be required prior to issuance of a building permit . Any request for the sale of alcoholic beverages at the golf club house will require approval of a Specific Use Permit . (6 - 8 week process) * Although not required by ordinance, staff would appreciate placing "Case No . ZA 93-43 " in the lower right corner for ease of reference. * Denotes Informational Comment cc : Timarron Land Corporation Carter and Burgess �6-9 . . •. . __- .. ..... .. ........-..----. - .-.......-...-.....-..-.........-.--....----•..-:.••-•.-............-..........----..... —. .._. . . ...• • . . • . ,.• , . .: . .. . ... .. . . • I . i .. • .-, ........ • • ,..•- .... • - ' • •.. . . •" ' . . • . •••• ..... . • . . . • • . .--J.• — . - • . • • • • F ...it • . I .• . • .• . ... . . . .....•.... •• • -.• \ \ • i • .• i ••....• • ...MIS P. • • SI, .... . .. •I . . . , .•PRODUCT TYPE C .• • IP OJECT OPEN.SPACE ......__. ....._: . . . • A-RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND ROADWAYS, ..36% 105.27 ACRES '' ' ' • • • • ..:6 1 %.; I 1 1,1,11 MY.II . • . ..• ..,.I1 . '' I I Ll1D.K0a.DV,.Kl1[01,..l B -PROJECT OPEN SPACE 7% 20.03 ACRES • C-GOLF COURSE CLUB AREA (C-3 USAGE) 4% 12.61 ACRES . / , . I I.E.NRwyvcE. I'''V. -: .N.J.(rlioW•I I I•••••,I WO itr,••,‘" . • D •-GOLF COURSE 63% 152.35 ACRES . _;.:1 APi.9 diii '-7\1\. . TOTAL 100% 290.28 ACRES PROJECT OPEN SPACE•-/„ I-;,-;: . .• • . ,. . (13, -,,„ (W NPihrl- ; •-- --,-,c,,-,.• i blEtk — •_.,_...._ ............u‘s,.•.."....„ .•...son"SOO ccoro•••r• , .• --,11 . - • il•I:ROSS CO•51,DI.istemAL LIIIS 1•SCIOGOKI 11,31(Cl n.i••3I•CFS IS It/CU.. IUD•ULItO US(0114/1A,I.11,01.I CITT WWI,ILAN Fa PRODUCT TYPE 8-— - :.] -. .< , ,)-_, L...4 ENTRY .11-7,`,Q--1 -.1--• .,.... /,/ •.. •,o.SIO,•alL',SINAI cn...:l•.1.. c . . P i-,3 3•75fak " *--./Iqkik;•17, ----/7 """"''''''''''.‘"". \• 7 (---:7-vvYNDSO-Fi'CREEK , -A As -pi- ,, 1 .L.yr.L), •_, • •., ',-, 4 --• -.•••••-./.rt,..,•• 0”. ,. .,6..6•••'....'...''''."'''''' 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GOLF •..x.1....!.'1;•.‘s,',',....t•••••,..., .. / , k.•3. • '''''':''I "33'N.,,J " ,', ' '.. -':COURSE h .--1.... .... . • i 1 . r-:.:7/ e , .4. •f; ,tkl--,....i. A -„It.: • • / %.: 6..\ - --MAINTENANCE'/ .• iW. ' ...,/ ",E • .i:„.---' ..1. •-",-,• a() .]A 1 :72-5 f-' i -)y;.:. :14. - ....4-0.• ',.. /• ,' '...ki:,, . ,. ,),,,,:34,::: 0' \111.v...kl AREA® .. .. . 13 15 .. r -1.,,,. ' •Hill r r ',.• /.4,1,• ...,.,. ;Jai 18 )0)-Pigi.,' Ill=11 ItZtr. -PSI.' ! '.\k ip, ' "--"1.....7,, Ii:•. ''';.“.•••••• 1 . •-GOLF COURSE ...ig •...1,>;!,, COURSE ''' •• i...pir,i;.,.• 6 0 A.1:41 r ) ;...1 C> • i • (APPROVED • ; y' • ii:X,,.< a r---I:\i-, • ,- z : ' , GOLF COURSE CLUB AREA ....- " /.. [PRELIMINARY PLAT) /'.. r".. ".• 2 IC-3 usacE) • i .1 , • ttc•"TV 1/- -."...‘...k : .. „., ..0•' ...- ... .7. , •,• ,,.. ,,2= .,- , ,...,•••,..ti,..1.Fr.(0....I. ' 2 p ‘) "'" 1p) ;_ ..."PROJECT VI 14 Pi::... '1,..ils,fr f;.1,..e. .g.1,2kir..7, ...4,....u. • FUTURE RESIDENTIAL .•. . - ' ..-T,I.::, .• 16 ...: .-3 OPEN (APPROVED: ""--\,l' /7 /)?..1(2 ''''' I Perm: ..,`-..‘ • , ... .. •' 4%14., . .4• SPACE pR Li mi NA y.i.1 ‘;..- (.. -rr,'$,t, . ':•77`..;T',..).,..,..,,......,. K••.I.Of 0.•CCOKFKI MN A\ ../ •,.. / I '4°'-...-------1.6i,i--17,11-"--'''''" II. -01.-1 ' .••. t.t.r...c it...,rts•co•Im.•tin.oo.c.e. -. PRODUCT TYPE 0-• . ... '.:',.. I .c...r,"';* .71,/,' ' Z, • i , ,:;...,r,:..,",• ‘:Ez'Agv.:r:e. 4. ;/. •,•••, • •c • .,. • U.•v: `-':,i...t.•••‹-1'''''- / (-15)--•-fr• •••-• • GOLF COURSE 5I. (APPROVED PRELIMINARY PI-An 1•••••V•WO(040•1.0. 5' Y.;''. ':'' 1 ,,,, .: .; •,-.. 4 ' • •„;',• • •• ' ". ,.,... -- h' • ... ..------ .1 .1;.. •' I 3 'I ' .1":,Tr..'111'.77.:,'4.:I1:17:11',1:•1:!... .r.....r..z.,,, . .).•: ...' A,ii ,...?:'......---- •„-- . •. . .1 )r-•-,'' ,-',s, • __2'.1:•','!".:?,,, ----'• • -. •• I , , , • • .- •. •......; : -..... ! ,.., „ . . / '' . --. :.- -. • ' ‘,.• 41.;','Ta ..) . \ i2 ' $, •,,,,,,,,-..)„ • • J.-i.: '1••• - :-: '.. ... _.,_ . --•-.---;,-'1-,.FUTURE • •• ':-. • IS -'.::';':' .,' .• , . :,!..).• ' - '------- 'I 1 PHASE 2A ••... , .•, -.„ ; I • ; \ ; (Appl,; 9 OVED : _," ' •,;:•'' •,-„,...:•'' • .. .,. •••• -•• , ,. !, -- Yl.v •-.:-...„ i ----- .PEELIMIN.:::1? -.',-•-• -,. '''. ‘.••','•;‘.\I.-/(;:, ''''''..., ' AnT<As,C0 SC(( (Cr 00(1.06.(ml :,: I • PLAT) • ,,,, .., , .• , i • ".1...'" ,:,•-•;.,,,I < BE,..,co1,516uCT•Cli P.0(Ctis T 6t.lc MN . . •,,.• CCM'. . OTT OF.0...11, room T14. •• r..•SE I -6.%•.0'3 ••••.Oil . 4.. '1 . •4::•....''''' ''I:U...1 : .S. I tl.•>•• .." • Li I! GOLF COURSE -7•,.. .... gi -7 1 .. CAPPAT/ED PAELIMINATIY FLAT) COLLEYVILLE '':. . .... ' . , .. . . .- . • .•, • . . . . ) . . .1 t . ".•....,,,.1,.. . . . • TiimARRoN -.----. .. . •... urt .--.'. • • • • •. ! RSOiUTEH_LAWKE,TAORORANTE COUNTY, Y,TEXAS EYELO. PMENU 307E PIL -. ',‘ . -..... .- - 4... ..'. r A . np• • LOW.YIP ----7•1 =cm .nOSENLIMI LID • r __.:, --- (BEING A REVISION OF WYNDSOR CREEK PHASE 1 AND 2; BRENWYCK PHASE 1; GLENDOVER PHASE 1 AND 2 & TIMARRON GOLF COURSE) 1.71, :!!!!,P.!,a`!2,`:`,?:;.'.'5; W.A.1..µ0 CPFIK10/10,1 . I ii, ...•=rm••••••.,,,,..,. I — .. ,M 1 City of Southiake,Texas MEMORANDUM July 13, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 93-44, Revised Preliminary Plat REQUESTED ACTION: Revised Preliminary Plat of Timarron Golf Course, being 3.43 acres situated in the Hollingsworth and Barnett Survey, Abstract No. 797 and 161.53 acres situated in the Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1037, the Hollingsworth and Barnett Survey, Abstract No. 797, the J. N. Gibson Survey, Abstract No. 591, and the W.M. Davenport Survey, Abstract No. 432. LOCATION: South of East Continental Blvd. and East Haven Addition and Southeast of Glendover, formerly known as Village "A" . OWNER/APPLICANT: Timarron Land Corporation, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "R-P.U.D. " Residential Planned Unit Development LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential BACKGROUND INFO: The developer proposes to revise Preliminary Plat of Timarron Golf Course, reflecting the changes requested in the Revised Development Site Plan and adding Block 3, Lot 1 for the golf course maintenance facility. NO. NOTICES SENT: Eight (8) RESPONSES: None • P & Z ACTION: July 8, 1993; Approved (6-0) subject to Plat Review Summary dated 7/2/93 . STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the July 2, 1993 Plat Review Summary with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plat Review Summary dated July 16, 1993 . KPG/gj C:\CD\KAREN\MEMO\ZA93-44.MEM S / r r LSTRE0 cr c, HIGHLAND ET O 0 W r cc . /14 i SOUTHLAKE BLVD FM 1709 SPUR 382 CP �� CO o CC x 1 U s" r , 9,L, CONTINENTAL Bl.VD two' ♦ aCR 1 b. �F�k r �• . Et aA . • DALLAS/FT. WORTH , JOHN McCAIN ROAD • REGIONAL AIRPORT • `. GRAPEVINE it Q <0. PROJECT = a �. AREA 6 . ', Lt, �• n COLLEYVILLE TRACT LOCATION MAP 67y City of Southlake,Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO: ZA 93-44 REVIEW NO: TWO DATE OF REVIEW: 7/16/9 PROJECT NAME : Revised Preliminary Plat - Timarron Golf Cours OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: Timarron Land Corporation Carter & Burgess, Inc . 300 E. Carpenter Freeway 7950 Elmbrook Drive Suite 1425 Suite 250 Irving, Texas 75062 Dallas, Texas 75247 PHONE: (214) 791-3333 PHONE: (214) 638-0145 FAX: (214) 541-0800 FAX: (214) 638-0447 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 7/12/93 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 744 . 1 . The following changes are needed with regards to platted property within 200 ' : A. Show R.O.W. , lot lines, and lot & block numbers for all of the Phase One, Section 1 property within 200' . 2 . The distance of the N 63°42' 27" W - 92 . 10 ' legal description call does not match the corresponding distance on the plat (92 .40' ) . 3 . Dimension and label the R.O.W. separating Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2 . The centerline radii for this road should be revised to meet the criteria of the subdivision ordinance. Provide scaled dimensions for both R.O.W. lines and street name. * Although not required by ordinance, staff would appreciate placing "Case No . ZA 93-44" in the lower right corner for ease of reference. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Timarron Land Corporation Carter & Burgess, Inc . e,/ 3 k LANs) u�8 9CHFOVLE • _ . , _;. . r.Y �� ..ter 1 I I LPO IrUE •O.3011 rot ACRCAaE I..� r • / r f ,} COL,EOIPM1[ 7 92.53 I I !r Cltse,a]1Ls[ I 12,q ' ..�.OCYELOPUE1rT COR!oRArGON, •.r,•- 1 II _ - r014 . K4.]{ . .... 71•C 00u+.Onl /. • i • _ _ 1 ''S • ' CrPECTED COLARATv,()ATE9<li' MM CO M[IF-20A- AT I, + P.O.B. TWARRO+ P,uSE ONE..SECTgN.ONE `r, • ••1.._•_ .. . -• . 1CT 2 1G P.U.D.48070e .li l • :�lac) , +LA' H.1r IIL]� CON T1„EMtµ ROI.ICVAAO.__ _ .. , e - 1 '-• • I i,ra rr 11, _-__ ••I • I Toa .oc .-. .T • •) C$ .L2•ui./1I •- \ - • 'irs• •-•1....• ��; LOCA iION uAP- - ^fYILRR°N.001��, .I'.- r •� 1 r \VfEV , , a • 0.ErOOVER.PNASET,lAW 2 I I I r • ...I., U�'A.SLOE❑ - i }Y� r•L` r4. I I ....' - �1c,E°� ti• R° I L., .L e. _ sr•sraE �� f -P.Q.0 1 t.�_� lP.trD. z , OWE � un., ¢ea-PCAn T.I. 1 sl _ _ f ..u•o,'.r:• s -Teo-oe.2.) L I *1' 4, - I a_ =:,r •-sA H Y tr rY,1s �� ���'--'• { - -,� i:ms� i ram • Y! •voom T/: 'E7� /)) .'n -r' ,r ., L' ,n; ..j , ° .. a.17•322 •,‘. �`` l4L Dom.SiATAIC[S fPAll Y Pfl,OH11 :.("T'aaAa '� / rq v/ i1.11 r (BLOC[2 . \ }� ! j _- g L•L'L-'2. ^ 122\111 xS f1�rURE RETIOFNTIAL • `}� �'- ,``\_ a La � �7 ,, `• .el C� , LO,Y" TaRRRON UW CORPORATION v^, do} •.. . G 4 QoA,[ • .Y p�$ 4� ^�jR,6.6. 4 V01..9d7.PC.2775 ..I ' 4'? 1'4 .rp 24A •• ., s �4.v� '��.��,Tla `...�wp�,(`� �� PLD.+RO09 • /r • � • Ra � p __ • t�• Q O � gt�@ P � • �/, 2n:o7 'A•!a'2l'vT •S eioar a '- � .1 0 - z w aa9i, /k. sr.an. l!syq. 8•wrLrar i,l.a- ' r= • =1 �'.r.• • - ' d Y snm• s. .7 ~�'�t \ 3�. ���:i.W 1•• ...Woo Lmix X r ',(�'. 'MARRON LAN°CORPORATION r•s°•K C ,-( }.� ,per 1 , T•.2.1r r ' 3 1) , A f v01.,9813.PG 2775 _. .. Lmszr 9? a z 4 ',,.' T f •22vr i:K>sm� i - J- i ill I. , y '' DA_T,C.T. '"j• : �i� I �•�/•� ._.. i•u,1v/' , • ;, TA,ARRW LAW CORPORATION dE ,II �r O L_ P.U.O.,a0-Oe 5. )'V. ,ice .I ,•2 4LR�r NOL.9d].PC.2750. - € Y'=(1 ` `j` _ •:F • r Yr� r el�. '. g DA.12.T. " s O X - • �• .-4 ,. •o� Jir 1, �: I r • P1sD.,aO-oe .. r:ati sa i n" ` �. Y .at F i Cho 7 + LA J.-uE°AP - - i' - `I`J ✓ yas A,f,((['7o'�Q�r �j '-O(NLTT RESCENnaL-r: t 1.0 �� _ uoi.°•i'[ M 73.. ,n•�rro.T s,.»• __ 'l\ �r ,: :^ 1..is .. 1pi \ scu,as O .w ,.,, Yr . ',' ;,. .4. Tin `�� /, = t� } • a . o eta[I fi • ,..Ro ;,. r,. , (Ogg l• 0 1 ,o I •P ; 8 �' �_T` LOT I P PHASE 1.115 w r • .. ` 1. ;.k. 2_,/.... ,,,,,;.. ': r "'I '•`r:�_0 0 - p _ • L°wARr PL{n 1 1 d \,� a N ry4 r T s+t°s. in•rai ,1 LTY s` \[% Ir-� I 1 1 z' • .°' „rJr 4Pa I r 1' ! • ' i1 .�i ., • • „,,,,5/ ... '" o,}�} NTUNT PES CI9TIAL �. Ar.�/ 0 �p iY • cA T' rnARRON uW{oRPoa.ruN •r 'I •.1• i 's` `,..,•� 0 Ci^ .�,. VOL.• LAND 2775 •(. ▪ '7T = I '+.1'O I IT - •T Ada t i .1 TIC . `__` • P.UA.41•Oa 3� .S I'.''S�agA1 -:`'. .....•'. L1 • \ / 'Ts °4'o•Pr,'L s.a-rnLc s,+.hA,..`J``�'a+rn a•.r , ++jyj•+�j • s f .P �\-;- _ , • • 1,..3 + �� , S:,L .I1' M ,?T ` •mil .. "+\�� , /. O I. =-'• o�vn�....IL. S N. .',.!`--iWARRON�,', f J' 'r.4• ,,• .°.o L1L^O L•.` it _ • • .: a4 X_`. `� �`` .•,s.� >a+Nwesv.. LonLs .L•un.AAs nm ;cssM..- _ ` • , • %` fNASE 2 'r vv T r r .O•• t, ,/e�a,..w.e L �.:. A •\ • 4.. .. (APPROVED •'},, • ' BLOC[2 `'`/r `.P..;, r Il . N4uo.Os M L a,.:1T,Sloan �'.�� 'rL , rr, j` % ;PREY ART PL.ATT,,,e; ,' OT 1 9I( A _ -_ _ - I NI Y _/` L �' • 7. r ,esrv,, •,:nr _I REV SED PREIBn R PLAT :`� N ',11 riirA.r sw.Er--•,asrR.T•o::it ` .ram r sr _ ?j - `. '•�• •• ' _> .' :;, vi o, �•( il, am!"" yoito-i• Q ,.. IIMARRON GOLF COURSE.. •_ f .`.. \'.?,< -/ ,' C ".• .. v.OrN..` r' :'I .. ii i., fm�lrLK �:. 4u*.uLrLa.. _. - • oui°F rNE !-.:i:..:;-.1 i V . ..�`›..z im wr, a' K ,1 r^ L ` r`r S ��r. 1 s' �a, ;'f HALL uEDIW SURVEY.ABSTRACT NO.I037 8 1038, '` r .� .��°. �? r ..+ Tj.. 01 \ II ,�`-- -:NOLLWGSNORTN B BARNETT SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO,797 { f `\ / •lr.'a_'Sw _:__:_: Nw' �� / .. I i wrsL•sv+" �.•: L .m i __::_ :-•� __ !rm W .l•h' "sii 17 :°s' ..r ,•~j, °1m a- ' J.N.CIBSON SURVEY.ABSTRACT NO.591 � art u.r t'=••-� �> - I•. ::' j ;,. . M.0AVENPOR7 SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.432 , ,a,maw.raJ _ N.oi or '"L" i r N '"n 4� r M.20 10t : ,• • . N nE ' •: .• �� _,� ,.noaonA.,���.` ``7om - rLI'iioo er` _▪ _ ;'i • - - 4 t ''''< uDO ss,...50/ _- CITT OF SOUTNLARE,TARRANT COUNTY,TExASr- . Aa,A,,,u.r� +. \V� s•s' .4 ---,Asa,o°. ,A�= ..fir. h•. ? r ..L snuml /NL�m•wc s r.•� s•°o° Pa a ��\ " - _ _ 41.f. r ia, ssyQ ORNER/DEVELOPER. TIUARRON LAND CORPORATION •f' ,Y]K •'••� �Eff°J0'• •1+ \ `L �. ` `./ mar 1.sL`S`a ?� s a>;w 1a 300E CARPENTER FREE/AY,SLATE 1425 . ,I .. D_ Ao• sNy� - ,F. .,vltt\•ra s 9�m,s'c , C WVWC,TEXAS TS062 j 4a' • ``v` 'g 3 y ` `•z` • Vr soY•f� B u J,i To. 1• ;; .12N1 T91-7333 i li ,,t4,,.. ,arnv. 'r'r L 3„j `.� .` , ...I• •- - ENCWEERr CARTER a BURGESS.INC.• • I: '�• `�Y 4. 't4h ` ��` sT 1 •r'�++ - -, 7950 ELUBR00K ORrvE,SLATE 250 i, �i /r -L sr^r BURG CCLLJOS • 'Y`\:. "�S"P '1 - DALLAS.TEXAS 75247 _ :, • • ,..+Aw v0..a0a4.PG ITS! ` 1rL1 IONE0 AO ` I noO is / 164.96 AC./4 LOTS i� is `�" rnARRON LAW CORPORA.ION ; :.; -' - .. • I ` VOL 9d7.PO,2775 'I - - • .. ZONED 400-018 +. . • P11D.+a0-OR .. , • • NNE.1993 - - 1: I I • 177..on C_`.------: MilEMEN=MMS c�1=r s - i TUELECTRIC May 14 , 1993 Louie P.Rhodes,Jr. Manager Mr. Curtis Hawk Southlake City Manager 667 N. Carroll Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Mr. Hawk: As part of TU Electric's commitment to fairness to the cities it serves, the company plans to offer an additional 1% of its gross revenue from retail electricity sales for franchise payment to those cities that it currently pays 3%, to bring them to the level it compensates the City of Dallas. Prior to the merging of Texas Power & Light, Texas Electric Service, and Dallas Power & Light to form TU Electric, the City of Dallas was paid a 4% franchise fee, while the cities served by the other companies were paid 3% . The commitment was made at that time, that when the Dallas franchise was renegotiated, all of the TU Electric cities would be treated consistently. TU Electric has paid the City of Dallas 4% of its gross revenues from retail sales of electricity since the first franchise was granted in 1917 to form Dallas Power & Light, and that level not only represented payment for the use of the city streets and alleys for its facilities, but also served as payment for other permits and fees within the city with the exception of sales and ad valorem taxes. It also covered the expenses of the city's regulatory staff which took a very active role in the regulation of electric rates and services. The city's current regulatory responsibility is changed somewhat by the Public Utility Regulatory Act but is still reflected in the current franchise. The Public Utility Regulatory Act, which is the law governing both cities and the Public Utility Commission in Austin, provides for utilities to reimburse certain expenses to cities for the regulation of rates. In the future, reimbursement for these expenses will be covered by the additional 1%, as it is in Dallas. Yours truly, arif.(L Sonny Rhodes A -- P. 0. Box 1329 Grapevine,Texas 76051 M ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EXISTING FRANCHISE BETWEEN THE CITY AND TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY TO PROVIDE FOR A DIFFERENT CONSIDERATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE BY TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, Texas Utilities Electric Company (hereinafter called "TU Electric" ) is engaged in the business of providing electric utility service within the City and is using the public 'streets, alleys, grounds and rights-of-ways within the City for that purpose under the terms of a franchise ordinance heretofore duly passed by the governing body of the City and duly accepted by TU Electric; and WHEREAS, TU Electric has, pursuant to said franchise ordinance, been paying to the City a sum equal to three percent (3%) of its gross receipts from the retail sale of electric power and energy within the City for the rights and privileges set forth in said franchise ordinance and, in addition thereto, has reimbursed the City for its ratemaking expenses pursuant to Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act; and WHEREAS, the City and TU Electric desire to amend said franchise ordinance to provide for a different' consideration to consist of a sum equal to four percent (4%) of its gross receipts from the retail sale of electric power and energy within the City, which different consideration includes, among other things, TU Electric' s obligation to reimburse the City for its ratemaking and other regulatory expenses to be incurred by the City involving the regulation of TU Electric; g r-2 Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF THE CITY OF , TEXAS : SECTION 1 . The consideration payable by TU Electric for the rights and privileges granted to TU Electric by the franchise ordinance heretofore duly passed by the governing body of this City and duly accepted by TU Electric is hereby changed to be four percent (40) of its gross receipts from the retail sale of electric power and energy within the corporate limits of the City, said changed percentage to be applied to said gross receipts beginning on June 1, 1993 , and being payable as specified in said franchise ordinance and based upon the same time periods as specified in said franchise ordinance and being payment for the said rights and privileges during the period specified in said franchise ordinance, said payment being in lieu of and shall be accepted as payment for all of TU Electric' s obligations to pay municipal charges, fees, rentals, pole rentals, wire taxes, inspection fees, easement taxes, franchise taxes, certain regulatory expenses under Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act or any similar or successor law, or other charges and taxes of every kind, except ad valorem taxes, sales and use taxes, and special taxes and assessments for public improvements . SECTION 2 . TU Electric shall make a one-time payment hereunder for the purpose of making the changed consideration as specified in Section 1 hereof effective on June 1, 1993 , without altering the payment dates specified in said franchise ordinance heretofore duly -2- passed by the governing body of this City and duly accepted by TU Electric, said one-time payment being due and payable thirty (30) days after TU Electric' s acceptance of this ordinance as provided in Section 6 hereof, and being a sum calculated as follows : (a) TU Electric shall determine the monthly average of its gross receipts from the retail sale of electric power and energy within the City during the period upon which the most recent franchise payment made to the City prior to June 1, 1993 , was based; (b) the said monthly average of its said gross receipts shall be multiplied by l% (0 . 01) ; and (c) the product so calculated shall be multiplied by the number of whole months from June 1, 1993 , through the last day of the last month of the period for which the most recent franchise payment made to the City prior to June 1, 1993 , was made . SECTION 3 . Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Section 1 hereof, if TU Electric files general rate cases and the City incurs cumulative expenses, otherwise reimbursable by TU Electric under Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act or similar or successor law, in excess of $4 million, then in such event, TU Electric shall reimburse all of the expenses incurred by the City in connection with all general rate cases filed during the period ended fifteen (15) years from the effective date hereof in excess of said $4 million. The term "general rate case" as used in this Section means a rate case initiated by TU Electric in which it seeks to increase its rates charged to a substantial number of its customer classes in the City and elsewhere in its system and in which TU Electric' s overall revenues are determined in setting such -3- rates . City agrees to exercise reasonable best efforts, considering the facts and circumstances, to keep its expenses on average to under $1, 000 , 000 per general rate case . SECTION 4 . Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1 hereof, TU Electric will continue to reimburse the City' s ratemaking expenses, if any, in connection with the appeal and any remand of Public Utility Commission of Texas Docket No. 9300 that are otherwise reimbursable under Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act, and will continue to reimburse the City' s ratemaking expenses, if any, in connection with Public Utility Commission of Texas Docket No. 11735 that are otherwise reimbursable under Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act to the extent that said ratemaking expenses are incurred through the entry of the last action by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (i .e . , the said Commission' s order overruling the last motion for rehearing) in said Docket No. 11735 ; the City hereby agrees that any ratemaking expenses incurred in connection with said Docket No. 11735 that the City incurs on appeal of said order will be the City' s sole responsibility and further agrees -- in the events that the City is a participant in the joint intervention of cities managed by the Steering Committee of TU Electric Service Area Cities intervening in Docket No. 11735, that the City decides to continue to participate with the Steering Committee in such appeal of said order, and TU Electric is required to reimburse said Steering Committee for ratemaking expenses under Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act that are incurred on appeal of said -4- 9T — order in Docket No . 11735 to reimburse TU Electric the City' s share of reimbursable expenses related to said appeal and owed by TU Electric to said Steering Committee determined by the methodology chosen by the said Steering Committee (the City to notify TU Electric of the method so chosen by the Steering Committee prior to the submission of an invoice by the Steering Committee for the payment by TU Electric of said reimbursable expenses related to said appeal) . SECTION 5 . In all respects, except as specifically and expressly amended by this ordinance, the said franchise ordinance heretofore duly passed by the governing body of this City and duly accepted by TU Electric shall remain in full force and effect according to its terms until said franchise ordinance terminates as provided therein. SECTION 6 . This ordinance shall take effect from and after its final passage and TU Electric' s acceptance . TU Electric shall, within fifteen (15) days from the passage of this ordinance, file its written acceptance of this ordinance with the Office of the City Secretary in substantially the following form: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council : Texas Utilities Electric Company (TU Electric) , acting by and through the undersigned authorized officer, hereby accepts, on this the day of , 1993 , Ordinance No . amending the current franchise between the City and TU Electric . Further, in recognition of the fact that the current franchise between the City and TU Electric terminates prior to the expiration of fifteen (15) years from the effective date of said amendment, TU Electric hereby agrees to negotiate in good faith with the City for a new franchise to be effective on or before the termination of the current franchise and to include in said new franchise a -5- ffL-6 provision that will give the City the full benefit of the fifteen (15) year period provided for in Section 3 of said amendment . TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY By: President SECTION 7 . It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed is open to the public as required by law and that public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given as required. SECTION 8 . An emergency exists necessitating the suspension of any rule requiring multiple readings of this ordinance and all multiple readings of this ordinance are hereby waived. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF THE CITY OF , TEXAS, this the day of , 1993 . Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney -6- EJELDiN' , HRR:R'ETT TEL : 17- 6i1-3953 Jul 15 ,93 11 : 17 No .002 P .03 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE DENYING THE PROPOSED RATE SCHEDULES AND SERVICE REGULATIONS OF TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLARE; PROVIDING FOR TIIE CONTINUANCE OF CURRENT RATES AND SERVICE REGULATIONS; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE WAS PASSED WAS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVE'RABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC."I'WE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 17(a) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act (Article 1446c, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes), and its City Charter, the City of Southlake currently exercises exclusive original jurisdiction over electric utility rates, operations, and services; and WHEREAS, on April 22, 1993, Tri-County Electric Cooperative filed with the City of Southlake an Application and Statement of Intent, together with its rate filing package, proposing to change the rate schedules and service regulations of said company within the City of Southlake; and WHEREAS, on May 4, 1993, the City of Southlake adopted Resolution 93-32, suspending the proposed changed rate schedules and service regulations of Tri-County Electric Cooperative for a period of ninety days from May 28, 1993, in order to allow the City Council sufficient time for the consideration of the voluminous data filed by said company; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, after having thoroughly considered the matter, is of the opinion that the proposed rate schedules are unreasonable 5Llcicctrk.orJ071593) -1- - ELDING . BARRETT TEL : 1 r—560-3953 Jul 15 , 93 11 : 1? No .002 F .04 and that the best interests of the City and the citizens will be served by the denial of the proposed rate changes and service regulation changes. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 That the Application and Statement of Intent to change rate schedules and service regulations filed by Tri-County Electric Cooperative with the City of Southlake on April 22, 1993, is hereby denied and disapproved and Tri-County Electric Cooperative shall continue to provide electric service within the city limits of Southlake in accordance with the rate schedules and service regulations in effect within the City on April 22, 1993, until such time as said rate schedules and service regulations may be changed, modified, amended, or withdrawn with the approval of the City Council of the City of Southlake. SECTION 2 Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed now or hereafter as limiting or modifying in any manner the right and power of the City Council, under statute or charter, to regulate the rates, operations, and services of Tri-County Electric Cooperative. SECTION 3 It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this ordinance was passed was open to the public as required by law and that public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given as required by law. SECTION 4 This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of SouthIake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with SL\ckctrk ord(07X593) -2- LLLU11'du . tlHK:Kt I I ILL - til r—DOU—C,'ADO JU. 1 l-0 ,y 0 I1 - 1 i the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 5 It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 6 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS — DAY OF 1993, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY $L\ctcctdc(wd(071593) -3- 1tLll1fN13 IlHKKtI I ILL - 01i -7OV—U�JJ uL i " ' •"" , PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF j1993. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY; City Attorney Date; _ - ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE- SIAC1ectric.ord(07159 -4- «r CITY OF S OUTHLAIkE GENERAL, FUND 02:32PM REVISED 1992-93 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1993-94 BUDGET 93sumal6.wk3 07/20/93 1992-93 1993-94 $Inc/ 1992-93 :'::$:4551$100'': $Inc/ 1993-94 1991-92 1992-93 :>1992-:=93: (Decr) %Inc/ ::1993.9q (Decr) %Inc/ REVENUES Actual Budget :<.Revised:'. Adopted (Decr) '<Proposed:> Adopted (Decr) Ad Valorem Taxes $1,964,449 $2,102,484 ::::i$2125,000:': $22,516 1.1% '::::::$2;191;314':: $88,830 4.2% Sales Tax 510,036 579,000 ':``<?61•0 000.; 31,000 5.4% »::701500.:. 122,500 21.2% Franchise Fees 279,619 304,450 <:;304935 485 0.2% .;:;:3254.Q0. 20,950 6.9% Fines 208,682 270,600 :.;.:2015.00.: (69,100) -25.5% ...g01440:: (69,160) -25.6% Char es for Services 46 360 55 750 59 750 4,000 7.2% ;<'S9;750 4,000 7.2% g > Permits/Fees 791,983 622,150 ::1121860:- 499,710 80.3% Si:820;500 198,350 31.9% Miscellaneous 42,146 17,340 ::'':r;>24;115: 6,775 39.1% '.::::::17940 600 3.5% Transfer-Utility Fund 161,520 159,446 ::.:159,446! 0 0.0% " ': :<159;446` 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Transfer-Insurance Fund 29,450 0 .'• i0 Q Interest Income 64,121 50,000 '.:':?: '60,000' 10,000 20.0% ;50;0.0.0 0 0.0% Total Revenues $4,098,366 $4,161,220 ::$4;666 606 $505,386 12.1% '.:$4 527 290: $366,070 8.8% EXPENDITURES City Secretary $124,457 $145,599 .$146999 $1,400 1.0% : $:1;5981.1 $14,212 9.8% City Manager 129,129 141,239 :::;:159 082 17,843 12.6% ...:::':;187;675:` 46,436 32.9% Support Services 417,492 509,964 •::.' 512 965 33 001 0.6% . " >846550 336,586 66.0% General Gov Total $671 078 $796,802 <:;:.:$819 046 $22,244 2.8% $1;1945036 $397,234 49.9% Finance 192,339 205,487 :••::: :;:.205,487:• 0 0.0% • 251074 45,587 22.2% Municipal Court 145,344 162,858 : < .::.160,608: (2,250) -1.4% >168;003: 55 145 3.2% Finance Total $337 683 $368 345 ' $366;095 ($2,250) -0.6% ;: $419;077: $50,732 13.8% Fire 531,671 569,238 :.<:•::' 574,538 5,300 0.9% ;:;699114 129,876 22.8% Police 825,243 909,333 :.::;r..906 433:' (2,900) -0.3% : :987,544 78,211 8.6% Public Safety Support 340,626 378,852 384352:;- 55 500 1.5% •425;835 46,983 12.4% Public Safety Total $1,697,540 $1,857,423 :i$1 865323. $7.900 0.4% >$2;112 493:: $255 070 13.7% Building Inspections 127,329 161,870 i><i::>159,911. (1,959) -1.2% :7241;171 79,301 49.0% Streets/Drainage 685,699 883,730 ; :: i:914.i847. 31,117 3.5% ..• 1948153'. 1,064,423 120.4% Parks and Recreation 101,924 139,595 :1:46;688;: 7,093 5.1% ;;319,721 180,126 129.0% Public Works Admin 69,674 93,739 '93971'ii (19,768) -21.1% .;::;:i160418' 66,679 71.1% Public Works Total $984 626 $1,278,934 >$1295 417 $16,483 1.3% $2 669 463> $1,390,529 108.7% Community Dev.Total $145 412 $197,888 >::$226191 $28,303 14.3% ::. '$309906:: $112,018 56.6% ' Note Payable 0 0 0:. 0 0.0% ><0. 0 0.0% Debt Service C.O.Bonds 0 0 :>'iO3 0 0.0% :d; 0 '0.0% Total Expenditures $3,836,339 $4,499,392 :$4572;072' $72,680 1.6% ';: :$6 7.04 975 $2,205,583 49.0% Net Revenues $262,027 ($338,172) ::::$94;534` $432,706 ($2177;685.)($1.839,513) Add:Proceeds from C.O.Sale 0 0 0. $0 :::::::;$0: $0 Add:Proceeds from Note 0 0 •: 0: 0 >E:'0': 0 Less:Reserve Personnel 0 0 i:;. Q,. 0 1.00'000 100 000 Less:Reserve-Infrastructure 0 0 %: .'..'.':0` 0 ,:: 0 0 Less:Transfer to Special Rev. (796) 0 0:. 0 '::'::'>0 0 Net Revenues $261,231 ($338,172).,:::':;$94,534:: $432,706 ($2277;685) ($1,939,513) Beginning Fund Balance $875,223 $1,136,454 ::':$1 136,454:: $0 ::::i.$1;230;9$8 $94,534 Ending Fund Balance $1,136,454 $798,282 81,230,988i $432,706 ($1;046697) ($1,844,979) • - fi SCHEDULE OF NEW REQUESTS 07/20/93 03:24 PM GENERAL FUND 94atnewl.wk3 TOTAL 'DEPARTMENT/Division ITEM AMOUNT PERSONNELOPERATIONS CAPITAL 100-GENERAL GOVERNMENT 100-City Secretary/Mayor/ Two fireproof cabinets 5,588 0 0 5,588 City Council Software licensing 11000 0 0 11 000 TOTAL 6,588 0 0 6,588 103-City Manager's Office Administrative Assistant 31,850 28,550 0 3,300 Software licensing 1,000 0 0 1,000 Envelope feeder-printer 235 0 0 235 Facsimile machine 11500 0 0 1 500 TOTAL 34,585 28,550 0 6,035 105-Support Services Emergency Electrical Generator 13,000 0 0 13,000 Fuel Island 41,000 0 0 41,000 City Hall HVAC 155,000 0 0 155,000 Postage Machine 3,500 0 0 3,500 Portable Building Addition-City Hall 75,000 0 0 75,000 A.D.A.Building Improvements 33,000 0 0 33,000 TOTAL 320,500 0 0 320,500 106-FINANCE 106-Finance Accounts Payable Clerk 22,174 21,724 0 450 Personal Computer/Printer 4,500 0 0 4,500 Software licensing 110000 0 0 1 000 TOTAL 27,674 21,724 0 5,950 107-Municipal Court Teen Court Administration(Reimb 1/2 by CISD) 20,000 12,771 7,229 0 130-PUBLIC SAFETY 131-Fire Services 1 Firefighters/Paramedic 32,162 32,162 0 0 Ambulance 75,000 0 0 75,000 Vehicle(replacement) 14,700 0 0 14,700 TOTAL 121,862 32,162 0 89,700 132-Police Services 5 Chairs 2,500 0 0 2,500 Cabinets/Lockers 2,000 0 0 2,000 4 Emergency Response Vehicles 69,500 0 0 69,500 3 hand-held radios 2,400 0 0 2,400 3 Traffic Radar Units 5,400 0 0 5,400 Restraining Chair/booking cage 1 900 0 0 1,900 TOTAL 83,700 0 0 83,700 133-Public Safety Support 1 Communications Specialist 22,202 22,202 0 0 Computer Upgrade/Software licensing 12,000 0 0 12,000 2 Communications Chairs 1,000 0 0 1,000 Desk Top Copier 1,000 0 0 1,000 Communications Radio Console 11,000 0 0 11,000 Tape Logger Tapes(25) 11 000 0 0 1 000 TOTAL 48,202 22,202 0 26,000 2 i SCHEDULE OF NEW REQUESTS GENERAL FUND TOTAL DEPARTMENT/Division ITEM AMOUNT PERSONNELOPERATIONS CAPITAL 140-PUBLIC WORKS 142-Building Inspections Personal Computers/Printers 12,136 - 0 0 12,136 Personal Computer Software-Building Permits 7,125 0 0 7,125 Code Enforcement Officer 25,839 25,239 0 600 Plans Examiner 25,839 25,239 0 600 1 Motorola Radio(for truck) 900 0 0 900 1 Mid-size Truck 13,000 0 0 13,000 TOTAL 84,839 50,478 0 34,361 144-Streets and Drainage Drainage Materials 50,000 0 50,000 0 White Chapel Bridge(FEMA participation$50K) 50,000 0 0 50,000 3 Drainage Crew Maintenance Workers 65,441 65,441 0 0 Drainage Master Plan-phase 1 20,000 0 20,000 0 Bridge Improvements-guard rails,safety devices 20,000 0 0 20,000 Culvert Replacement 10,000 0 0 10,000 Two 5 ton Dump Trucks 60,000 0 0 60,000 Roller-4 to 6 ton 33,000 0 0 33,000 Motor Grader 135,000 0 0 135,000 Backhoe 43,000 0 0 43,000 Gradall 130,000 0 0 130,000 Rebuild Johnson Road(County) 84,000 0 0 84,000 Rebuild Burney Lane(County) 78,000 0 0 78,000 Rebuild Summer Place(Contract) 93,370 0 0 93,370 Rebuild Ridgecrest(Contract) 247,500 0 0 247,500 Seal Coat Streets 50,000 0 0 50,000 2 Radios for Dump Trucks 2,200 0 0 2,200 Personal Computer/Software 8,300 0 0 8,300 - Flatbed Truck-1 ton 30,000 0 0 30,000 Right of Way Clearing-Professional Services 10,000 0 10,000 0 ' Pavement Management Plan 10,000 0 10,000 0 TOTAL 1,229,811 65,441 90,000 1,074,370 145-Parks/Recreation 1 Crew Leader 28,271 28,271 0 0 2 Recreation Clerks 13,152 13,152 0 0 Roof repair-Community Building 6,000 0 0 6,000 Carpet replacement-Community Building 4,000 0 0 4,000 Library Books 5,000 0 0 5,000 Sidewalk/footbridge Field#1 4,000 0 0 4,000 Finishing mower 8,000 0 0 8,000 Joint Use-Carroll Int Athletic Field 27,652 0 0 27,652 Joint Use-John Elem fitness stations 3,500 0 0 3,500 Joint Use-Carroll Mid Gym gates 2,000 0 0 2,000 Joint Use-Carroll Int Basketball Court 21,505 0 0 21,505 Tennis Court screens 6,220 0 0 6,220 Utility Car 6,000 0 0 6,000 Water Pump-irrigation 5,000 0 0 5,000 Weedeater 300 0 300 0 Light switch-Field#1 2,500 0 2,500 0 Refrigerator-concession stand 400 0 0 400 Printing-P/R program brochures 1,500 0 1,500 0 Special events-holiday celebrations 2,000 0 2,000 0 Carroll Elem practice fields 5,000 0 0 5,000 Push mower 400 0 400 0 Consulting fees-Park expansion 10,000 0 10,000 0 Park benches 1,155 0 0 1,155 Dugout covers 1,500 0 0 1,500 Tractor with mower attachment 20,500 0 0 20,500 Trailer 1,000 0 0 1,000 Corps-Trail Head Improvements 5,260 0 0 5,260 Picnic area improvements 2,400 0 0 2,400 Chipper/shredder 1,500 0 0 1,500 Exercise equipment 55 300 0 0 55 300 TOTAL 201,015 41,423 16,700 142,892 3 SCHEDULE OF NEW REQUESTS GENERAL FUND TOTAL DEPARTMENT/Division ITEM AMOUNT PERSONNELOPERATIONS CAPITAL 140-PUBLIC WORKS 146-Public Works Admin. ADA Consultants 3,000 0 3,000 0 Project Engineer/personal computer(Bonds) 41,452 39,452 0 2,000 Public Works Intern-COG fellow 1,500 1,500 0 0 2 Personal Computers/1 printer 4,475 0 0 4,475 Software licensing 22 000 0 0 22 000 TOTAL 52,427 40,952 3,000 8,475 150-COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 150-Community Development Plat Storage/filing cabinets 2,000 0 0 2,000 Corridor Study-FM1709 20,000 0 20,000 0 Personal Computer Software 6,850 0 0 6,850 Personal Computer Upgrades 900 0 0 900 Personal Computer 3,000 0 0 3,000 1 Chair 150 0 0 150 Filing Cabinet 150 0 0 150 Planning Intern 8,447 8,447 0 0 Storage Cabinet 500 0 0 500 Roll Storage Boxes 400 0 0 400 Construction Plan Hanging Rack 550 0 0 550 Layout table and Chair 350 0 0 350 LAN-5 personal computers 2,650 0 0 2,650 Bookcase/hutch 200 0 0 200 Planning Technician 28,300 27,000 0 1,300 Ink Jet Color Printer 11000 0 0 1 000 TOTAL 75,447 35,447 20,000 20,000 Pay and Classification Plan 100,000 100,000 0 0 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2,406,650 351,150 136,929 1,818,571 4 \ \ -- — \ \ \ \ til i- \ \ i LOT 6 \ tiI t^ SHERRIAN 'AYE HENSLEE \ \\ it VOL. 6935, PG. 1823, D.R.T.C.T. LOT 5 \ \ BLOCK 3 \ LOT 4 / \ \ _ BLOCK 1 73'RO.W. CF055 TIMBER HILLS, PHASE\/ \ 11"Qs•µ "••.•� �71e'LOT 1 / I VOLUME 388-177, PAGE 99 \ \ 75'O.E 1 ZONED SF-1 \ \ QG6*� W� \ 3. VILLE AVEN ee'Se'10" E 533 " - '_ ' •- „ rue.AN 1/2 IPF.,_:-.1 40' R.O.W. DEDICATION o $l Z20"t"LVL$6RY.Y -_,_ T-g N Z6"PEAr. N 89 39'12" E r21 244.44' 129.54' 29.97' /r----____ "---- n \ LOT L? 1� 10 11 WI • • 13 h / • 26.450 S.F. n o b LOT 18^ ., ,,, �2 - S 21,013 S.F. ju s.>7, z Q k• +/ —.— o 30• Sow / 62• N 104.34' mj� ( SAN A 8.GUSTINE to LOT H - 13"PELT)." LOT 12 �. R 33.6e0 S.F. `1 p• (38 � � "PECAN ---.... / ,Z11 i' e,. " / RAVEN BEND EST; co ag,'l•66 i • �03-��.- • • �, ' I * O ,„. �/ VOLUME 388-182, P. t- fi LOT i S.F. a LOT / F� Vl P.R.T.C.T. 24,352 F. >t 20,011 S.F. • • I ZONED SF-1 W a '•:5 FT.UIIL ESAR. 10' S R N 68'59 26'E 137 . I —_ LOT T LOT 10 Cl 1 o"I--\.••' 7.39.48' , 3 132.10' Zo-zs"PEc►,N 0 - •'5 FT.UT1L ESUT. BLOCK , X o N 89 42'21" '= s LOT 5 • LOT EXIST.15'U.E. o Z �43. 23.404 S.F. 0• LN 20.027 S.F. 123.00' 125.00' 125.00' • 125. wd \ -.——.- - I - 3s n BLDC,u LOT 134 LOT W / t.>5 \ I r 21.5ee S.F. I 23,125 cc.1 ' LOT 136 LOT 135 ; w �,.•� BOWIE COURT 29'335 S.F. 2 5 24.384 S.F. •'0 a '$ , 33,821 S.F. ,, I .. "--------SOe.6�- . 1+ 8 S ,�g Uh \. 43•05' S "'-116.51'ti‘ --- 119.23' 35 R.BLDo Z3. N 35 FT.B i, \ l BLOC-DNE g n>° �ya116a •\�.X �0 OT2• b $ i pK5 I y/�q\ I' • s�4�.— 29.Je_ 70.77' I-t=25_ LOT 3 25.2915 S.F. n 22.081 SF. 6 - 20.090 S.F. - . 'Ile-- �\•/i6.eo- z • I 1 ;s Fr.unL Fsur. _ 11 `I L" 15633/ C� - I . e 145.11' 140.13' ' i t N jiV 12 67.01' 12• I - 24&40' 47.62' S{ •Ins L 1/2' IPF N 1s'te'E' �e`261 �7} /. —.--_ —.—. 1/2' IPF S 86'59'26" W 533.64' 456 • I 1 a �l ;I ti�' ' ,3 LOT 123 a I. - - W' �;l $ e c a 21, K , LOT 1 412 �I UNE a�., 'i' .•7'='.24.11 'r .xd 11 '� ' FRED JOYCE, ET UX co I I W °�� I LOT 121 LOT 122 ;G, VOLUME 4937, PAGE 530 d 0 = 34,432 S.F. m 27.809 S.F. r, D.R.T.C.T. o q I I• °' i t: 87 ZONED AG i ' I zo Fr.• = 0{� •, '� I I ;l r....BLDG. ,,, /./ 5/8 IPF I� "11 I 11 jii.l LOT 5 it / 1 PT. FOR COR. I•' .•O ��'6'I\ 117 ^ 14 1 B`T ID tit Ic 1 T1 :1 N 1 20_ 05,, -to S 6 63 \ e !� 19 3'08'.iY_ 2 LOT N T rJ i �40' 5/8' IPF 118 0 ffse+ L a�Ov+ 9LOT 0 LOT SOUTHRID BLOCK 3 ` 12T 119 APPF LOT 98 cs)Ill /ii �o LOT 96CV�� a I�I n rtz;Q 0 0 . W Ez .4 \ \ \ \ f \\ \\ LOT 6 \ \ 1 El SHERRIAN KAYE HENSLEE \ \ I Lo VOL. 6935, PG. 1823, D.R.T.C.T. • LOT 5 \ \\ LOT 4 R • BLOCK 3 \ \ 73'R.O.W. BLOCK 1 \ \ O CROSS TIMBER HILLS. PHASE sV \ 11°PEAK '' 0 10,‘LOT 1 VOLUME 388-177, PAGE 99 \ \ 7s DX- 1 / ' P.R.T.C.T. \ \r•• •�111 - N J1^"� ZONED SF-1 \ \` .°I't4P A s VILLE AVE.„ 88'58'10" E 533 3 s��1ii1 ea •ze."PGGAN 1/2- IPF o 40' R.O.W. DEDICATION N $J ";.� ZO"T"1•V L.gs RKY `\\�' •3 Z6"PEtto4 N 89'39'12" E �I 244.44' t29sY 129.7T '.I I I 29.97' /� ` n 3 u. I,, W / `�' _ LOT 12 } I ' LOT 13 / , • 2e,4so S.F. `.• LOT 13 . LOT 14 E G B 2 / 4,�l�B ' -21,013 SF. o u 21,064 S.F. 6?, I 3 (/\/ 0 ,� = z 10 Fr. SY BJy, ' • MIL EMIT.. /— N In • SAN AU.GUS E COUR I Lo ,. ecDJ� LOT 12 LOT ii •I/ 1 T-----30S.85' I . n 33.880 S.F. :1 \ • ,a N B8'59'26'E 1 '.� `\ I u"Pecws .� '�8'77' M r-—97.47Irit 1J1.61' t0 16'PLLTJI / •,, N " �. /' 3 i 16, RAVEN BEND EST! CT; �16-l� �D�. X 'o / i4 �� VOLUME 388-182, Pr I t. LOT 10 LOT 9 LOT 8 I En ZONED SF-1 24,352 S.F. ,Y. 1..,-,: 28011 S.F. = 20,098 S.F. '‘ 13 Cs7 0, 5 FT.MIL ESNT. 10' S R N 8859'26'E ^ I $, .241.60'---A-- z_-- . 2 3.,.__ 127.93' - .I - ._- -*gin"LE- L LOT T1 LOT 10 1 m T-—h Z39.48' 7 3 13z10' 130.68' • Zo=25,, LOT O - •'5 FT.UTIL ESBL n BLOCK 5 O I 8 5 ; o N 89'42'21" `= LOT •5 • LOT 6 X g LO 7 EXIST.IS'U.E. s .. Z I 3'6' = 0,05 S.F. O AT,. 23,404 S.F. p0, LN 20,027 S.F.SF F _ I �76*zj'F �.i. S "10 FT.UTIL FSIfT, 125.00 ��- 125. y _ 125.00' 125.00' /— • 35 W.TWO.UNE • a LOT 134 LOT 0 /61• -• \_ 101.88' 12852' i J 1-+ ; = 21,555 S.F. 23,125 t LOT 136 LOT 135 N•$ 3 I BOWIE COURT 1 I 29'3J5 S.F. .o 0 24.384 S.F. r e „g m 33,821 S.F. , I S ��-—_---306.e�r---vr— n N S.. 'I g N R 1 `' 819'26"E 1 111 S zI S ✓�ip \ 4 r!` _ ___ _ 1 1-�•20 FT.BLDC LN.= z c g' \ 4 Or 4 /——116.51' 119.23' 1 35 FT.B Z v N. / __ I 1.. 35 FT.BLDC LN . _• 1 A:os' 1 E. \ — 1 BLDCZNE n> ,�ds5 •\ ; }S f. a u µs z1 1 ••s 1 1= \ 4 SyoS 29... --78.77' ——i z5, �� v X g P fA 1 1A': 48' .� T- 16 LOT 3 ppx • � 2 LOT ♦ 1 ••1� 1 � � 1 P r- 2zoei S 20,090 S.F. 1 1 3 :1 9". B'6� ..:-----'•-$•- _ - J I 1 5 Fr.LML ESIZT. = n G11 zI L 156 J3 C- _ 1 • 1 145.11' NI 1 I � � - 32 87.01' 12. I.n I L. 248.40' 140.1J' +' '47.82•E - 15.528' .__1' .JII- �516� 1' —I — -- 1/2" IRE' S 88'59'26" W 533.64' 1/2" IPF Nl/24.56 B-62 � .� s I 11Tez, '' ' 1 LOT 123 ' I. n,eot s F, ^ _. —_. .. - . 11g SA eioc• m h L1 LOT 1 1 x . 21 UNE � � 4.11 FRED JOYCE, ET UX 0 u7 LOT 121 LOT 122 Ig, ' •_�~ ,\ 34,432 S.F. 27,609 S.F. VOLUME 4937, PAGE 530 �o P.1 1 • � D.R.T.C.T. <I,0 La I 1 = 1. 87 l� ZONED AC o i 1 zo Fr. .g Y, off/ . .: LDE. n aej/5/8" IPF 6t6 • 11 r o L� ' I 1 1�1i/ Lor 1 PT. FOR COR. ,� •U I I //�19�� 117 d%+�N a�g / 19 3'°e„�}Y= . LOT r 440' 5/8- IPF 118 / • / /V LOT • LOT SOUTHRID BLOCK 3 120 119 'APPF LOT 98 w��..., /�o LOT 96 ^ CV/� ' ` . X t 511' G � ReVERisE diLlitvt Lki.OU'T 2 SPECIAL ELECTION FOR SALES AND USE TAX NOVEMBER 2, 1993, ELECTION DATE PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE August 17, 1993 1st reading of Ordinance, Calling Special Election for November 2 , 1993 . September 7 , 1993 2nd reading of Ordinance, Calling Special Election for November 2, 1993 . September 18, 1993 Mail out "Ballots by Mail" . September 18, 1993 Last Day to Order Election (45th day) . October 2 , 1993 Last Day to Register to Vote in November 2 , 1993 Special Election. October 14, 1993 First Day to Early Vote in Person (19th day) . October 28, 1993 Last Day to Early Vote in Person (4th day) . November 2, 1993 Election Day- 7: 00 a.m. to 7: 00 p.m. November 4, 1993 Canvass Election at Special City Council Meeting- 6 : 00 p.m. STATE OF TEXAS § § INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT § FOR ANIMAL CONTROL COUNTY OF TARRANT § THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this the day of , 1993, between the City of Grapevine, Texas ("Grapevine"), a municipal corporation, and the City of Southlake, Texas ("Southlake"), a municipal corporation. WHEREAS, Grapevine has constructed at its expense, an animal control facility for the purpose of holding animals prior to transfer to a full service Animal Control Facility; and WHEREAS, the growth of Southlake has created the necessity for a city animal control policy and enforcement of animal control laws; and WHEREAS, it is to the financial benefit of both cities to enter into an interlocal agreement whereby Southlake will contribute to the expense of Grapevine's animal.control facility and operations and Grapevine will provide shelter and animal control enforcement • services to Southlake; NOW, THEREFORE, Grapevine and Southlake agree as follows: Ga c vi ie>::antl:::St uthla : .:e:>a; >:to:::: »::. .......................:.........:...........:.....a� :::... .�:e:: cr. ���r::x4t�:::fie:>falict :twa rpOwgt` ;uratxt<tm SECTION 1. SERVICES PROVIDED BY GRAPEVINE. Grapevine agrees to provide the following services on behalf of Southlake: (1) Maintain an animal control facility ("facility") that meets all the requirements of state law and that is large enough to accommodate the demand for animal holding services in Grapevine, Southlake, and any other entities contracting for its use; (2) Operate the facility in accordance with state laws and regulations, INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL PAGE I including, but not limited to treating animals humanely while in its custody, holding animals a reasonable period of time before transferring to an authorized full service Animal Control Facility, returning animals to owners when they are claimed before transfer, and providing facilities for rabies observation which have been inspected and approved by the state Department of Health; (3) Prepare animals for rabies testing and properly pack and ship them; (4) Keep the facility open to the public for at least eight hours per day on weekdays and at least three hours on Saturday for the purpose of giving owners ample opportunity to redeem their impounded animals; (5) Require every owner who redeems an impounded animal to pay the then current impoundment fee; (6) Provide sari :e sery s tc ::thee tt na of oufi �avai lei to iyt zei€ goiMinigN4 animal control staff sufficient to operate the facility in an efficient, sanitary, and humane way, and to'pawn expeditiously respond to calls for animal control services ....:.................. within Southlake as requested by the Southlake, including, but not limited to, responding to complaints, impounding animals, issuing citations, and providing testimony in court, and responding to emergency animal control situations; (7) Prepare and provide to Southlake a quarterly report that includes the following information: (i) statement of all fees collected, indicated separately by city to which the fees are attributable, and all contributions made to the facility, with the origin of the contributions; (ii) number of dogs, cats, and miscellaneous animals taken into custody 111 or received in the facility, by city of origin; INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL PAGE 2 (iii) number of animals in rabies observation, broken down by number redeemed by owners and number of unclaimed animals and number of days in custody, by city of origin; (iv) number of animals shipped for rabies testing, by city of origin; (v) number of animals reclaimed by owners, by city of origin; (vi) number of adoptions, by city of origin. SECTION. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF SOUTHLAKE. In the performance of this Agreement Southlake shall: (1) Maintain in force an animal control ordinance that governs animals at large, and other areas determined appropriate by the Southlake city council, vl c ord z ri e a:>::>nc ude:;:pr t: isions:::>1 r<:: : :oundment>::> es:>::>:si. s::<:a d>::rab es;c rntro . otection ......................................................................................... (2) Provide information to its citizens on the policies and operations of the facility. SECTION 3. FEES AND PAYMENTS. (1) Payment For Services. As a payment for services under this Agreement, Southlake agrees to pay to Grapevine $50,000 on or before October 31, 1993, said amount to represent $10,000 per annum for each year of the Agreement beginning October 1, 1993; (2) Animal Control Attendant. Upon execution of this Agreement, Southlake agrees to pay to Grapevine an amount sufficient to pay: (i) personnel costs of one animal control attendant for the facility, for a time period beginning at the execution date of this Agreement and ending September 30, 1993; (ii) in addition to the above, on or before October 31, 1993, Southlake shall pay to Grapevine an amount sufficient to pay the personnel costs for said animal control INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL PAGE 3 attendant position for the budget ow year beginning October 1, 1993 and ending September 30, 1994; (iii) in addition to the above, on or before October 31 of each succeeding budget fiscal year remaining during the life of this Agreement, Southlake shall pay to Grapevine an amount sufficient to pay the personnel costs for said attendant for the respective fat budget year; .............. (iv) the personnel costs for the animal control attendant position under this Agreement shall be based upon the Grapevine pay and classification plan and personnel benefits schedule in effect at such time the costs are to be paid. (3) Disposition of Fees. Grapevine shall retain all fees collected from its activities under Section 1 of this Agreement. (4) Annual Review of Payment for Services. 111 (i) • Within 90 days of the end of each Mail budget year during the life of this Agreement, the financial officers of the two cities shall calculate the amount of Southlake's annual payment for the Animal Control Attendant. If they cannot agree on the amount, the two city managers shall consider the matter. If no agreement can be reached, the cities shall retain the services of an independent accountant to make the determination. The cost of the accountant shall be shared equally between Grapevine and Southlake. (ii) Within 90 days of the end of fiscal year 1994-95, and of each fiscal year remaining during the life of this Agreement, the two cities shall review the Agreement to determine whether Southlake's payment for services under this agreement, including fees collected by Grapevine during the year under Section 1 of this Agreement, are sufficient to equitably pay for the animal control enforcement activity attributable to Southlake. The INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL PAGE 4 determination of "activity attributable to Southlake" shall be made using generally accepted 111 accounting practices. SgCTIONAMENFORCEMENTAUTHOREFIN :.;.. :r b: ::<s eei#icaI:..>:<: rant .;:.ta:.;;Gra . -...auth •>:::t ::enrce=;emu tts ::>::>t,»><antmal::>::t ontrc i.;:.;:int ludin .::::the:::::>auth..rit:.:>;:.>ta.;;:.p rft rnr:>:::an : :»a:nc ::>:all e ow :.:;::: ...: . r:::<:>. 1 s :>:sa ae:::."*Kid € lI but:€:n t<N ited€>to .::�.: :E�..:.�;CS::;�t�Gac�.. ::::t�::���G11�€ :�1..::::::..:::.::.:.;: ::...:...::::.::.::.:.g.:::::::::::::::::.::::.:::.:.:::.:::::::::::::. 40 .4{y a1 ..;issu..Q.citations,testifyin in co rt ;:issu:t: <ap ro date<notic s and>orderg .....:..:....:.:...:.....:............................. ................................................................................................................... aifafoutae SECTION -4- $. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. (1) Length of Term. This Agreement shall terminate September 30, 1998. Either party may terminate this Agreement any time during the term of the Agreement upon six (6) months written notice, with or without cause. (2) Refund upon Termination. If this Agreement is terminated by Grapevine prior to September 30, 1998, Grapevine shall immediately refund to Southlake the pro rata amount of the $50,000 Payment For Services, and the P`ro.:..'rat a o 5 annual payment fotciYtrritra ;eat for the Animal Control Attendant personnel costs paid by Southlake under this Agreement. (3) Beginning of Term. The term of this Agreement shall be measured from INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL PAGES the execution date of the Agreement to September 30, 1998, unless otherwise provided. SECTION -5-0. INDEMNITY AND DEFENSE. ---:::v:..::..:.�:::.::::.�::::::.::::::•:•::::::::::::•:::::::v: ':•:ii}iii".iii":iiii:•}"4:•:•i}:4:L::iY'-iiif:ti:ti:.i}i:•}iiiii iiiiiiiiiii i:•ii:G;;?{x'i}iii4:•iii}i}iiiiiiii:i .i:4iii:::•••J;iiimii:L;i; ,..:..,..;..(y..{::r..:.;..:I•pn::.:..:r...:'vi'::•ii: �'� •rr�•`�''•' ::::. ... :.i..:.. ::.: .:... :.i.v.... .. ..i}:. ....i..: .....i. .. yi::': '.i'r' :•k�?hi:•::•i}i: :::: :: l iiiiiii ::ii}iiii:iii'}ix-vi:9:4iii:.iii::}ii:�iii: •iiiii{sti►•_•i:•i:•i:{ii�:}�:nni}:Y}yti�:l♦,:�i:' : �:yy `s�•%i: n:.;:v'. i: }:...•..i 'i:::::i ::::,:,'::::::: ..:%i:. ...• i:': :. .S:::. v •j��..... . {� ?✓#Fki7:••�::37V*:�::{FILAMF.••::::V�4i;4'.iF�'.i!al!�..F1'.kA4�.:::;4f,.�4f �iT1.:Ali:.?LJC�kFh: ........ .......................... .........................................1....................v..:: 4riii}i::}4ii} i:4:i.iiniiiv:^i::.:i}iis4:i?;i:?ii"r:''+isiiii::isi'ti::ii::i::i'::iif`•::i:>.:::i'::: iY' ii :{:jY':J:v:iix'.iii4iitiii:iY'�i":Y:i.'::f':'Y:iiiii'ii•.•:.i:i•'iiit:i'i:::?;'i:1::i::i ::: a�•ainst::any:>dda s••:<:su€its,.demands, lossesr.>d ' es, causes::0.0. tion:and:: i€ ..•::o >ev..:r>;:: i n�}g(, ut+{ '{.u }y '$01e' {t c'.e ::::of li€t •: tton or::s ttte t.':::;co ::> €stgt aridiligar0:Elk; � ':ch:::ma••>:::a sc::: i ::::the::::acts:>: :::omissi t :o f said de €::;in <:'a >,whe�r:;:or not a to1;::::ro: . ; >mefu€din :::; n::::a ma'.:: .:In 1 a ::i. ::::with::::li�s::<:''. cti n neither<: j :all::<::.a ha:Ie _ 'tt A r �r .to.. mly ext nt.. Bate. than:> i'':>: :.:.::::: ::mod::::'.e:>liable.:in del` nse::•f its::own:ac 'n:>. '•er t •':::p vts ons€cf: e:: exas Polmajgolgoomotsgingoonwitertgortaudiiittaigatikesiir , limited to, expenses of litigation or settlement, court costs, and.attorneys fees which may arise of this Agreement. Grapevine further agrees to defend, at its expense, on behalf of Southlake sequence of the performance of this Agreement. Grapevine, consequence of the performance of this Agreement, to any extent greater than Grapevine would be- lei-de€ense of its-own actions--undew-the-provisions-e eTexas—TerClainis-i Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code. SECTION-6- . SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this Agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent of the parties that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the extent possible. EXECUTED this day of , 1993. CITY OF GRAPEVINE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL PAGE 6 II Mayor Mayor ATTEST: ATTEST: City Secretary City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: AND LEGALITY: City Attorney City Attorney INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL PAGE 7 1. STATE OF TEXAS § § INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT § FOR ANIMAL CONTROL COUNTY OF TARRANT § THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this the day of , 1993, between the City of Grapevine, Texas ("Grapevine"), a municipal corporation, and the City of Southlake, Texas ("Southlake"), a municipal corporation. WHEREAS, Grapevine has constructed at its expense, an animal control facility for the purpose of holding animals prior to transfer to a full service Animal Control Facility; and WHEREAS, the growth of Southlake has created the necessity for a city animal control policy and enforcement of animal control laws; and WHEREAS, it is to the financial benefit of both cities to enter into an interlocal agreement whereby Southlake will contribute to the expense of Grapevine's animal control facility and operations and Grapevine will provide shelter and animal control enforcement services to Southlake; NOW, THEREFORE, Grapevine and Southlake agree as follows: SECTION 1. SERVICES PROVIDED BY GRAPEVINE. Grapevine agrees to provide the following services on behalf of Southlake: (1) Maintain an animal control facility ("facility") that meets all the requirements of state law and that is large enough to accommodate the demand for animal holding services in Grapevine, Southlake, and any other entities contracting for its use; (2) Operate the facility in accordance with state laws and regulations, including, but not limited to treating animals humanely while in its custody, holding animals a INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL 1 0 el - I PAGE I .. reasonable period of time before transferring to an authorized full service Animal Control Facility, returning animals to owners when they are claimed before transfer, and providing facilities for rabies observation which have been inspected and approved by the state Department of Health; (3) Prepare animals for rabies testing and properly pack and ship them; (4) Keep the facility open to the public for at least eight hours per day on weekdays and at least three hours on Saturday for the purpose of giving owners ample opportunity to redeem their impounded animals; (5) Require every owner who redeems an impounded animal to pay the then current impoundment fee; (6) Provide animal control staff sufficient to operate the facility in an efficient, sanitary, and humane way, and to expeditiously respond to calls for animal control services within Southlake as requested by the Southlake, including, but not limited to, responding to complaints, impounding animals, issuing citations, and providing testimony in court, and responding to emergency animal control situations; (7) Prepare and provide to Southlake a quarterly report that includes the following information: (i) statement of all fees collected, indicated separately by city to which the fees are attributable, and all contributions made to the facility, with the origin of the contributions; (ii) number of dogs, cats, and miscellaneous animals taken into custody or received in the facility, by city of origin; (iii) number of animals in rabies observation, broken down by number INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL Oq _ PAGE 2 redeemed by owners and number of unclaimed animals and number of days in custody, by city • of origin; (iv) number of animals shipped for rabies testing, by city of origin; (v) number of animals reclaimed by owners, by city of origin; (vi) number of adoptions, by city of origin. SECTION. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF SOUTHLAKE. In the performance of this Agreement Southlake shall: (1) Maintain in force an animal control ordinance that governs animals at large, and other areas determined appropriate by the Southlake city council; (2) Provide information to its citizens on the policies and operations of the facility. SECTION 3. FEES AND PAYMENTS. (1) Payment For Services. As a payment for services under this Agreement, Southlake agrees to pay to Grapevine $50,000 on or before October 31, 1993, said amount to represent $10,000 per annum for each year of the Agreement beginning October 1, 1993; (2) Animal Control Attendant. Upon execution of this Agreement, Southlake agrees to pay to Grapevine an amount sufficient to pay: (i) personnel costs of one animal control attendant for the facility, for a time period beginning at the execution date of this Agreement and ending September 30, 1993; (ii) in addition to the above, on or before October 31, 1993, Southlake shall pay to Grapevine an amount sufficient to pay the personnel costs for said animal control attendant position for the budget year beginning October 1, 1993 and ending September 30, i 1994; INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL /Dq PAGE 3 • M (iii) in addition to the above, on or before October 31 of each • succeeding budget year remaining during the life of this Agreement, Southlake shall pay to Grapevine an amount sufficient to pay the personnel costs for said attendant for the respective budget year; (iv) the personnel costs for the animal control attendant position under this Agreement shall be based upon the Grapevine pay and classification plan and personnel benefits schedule in effect at such time the costs are to be paid. (3) Disposition of Fees. Grapevine shall retain all fees collected from its activities under Section 1 of this Agreement. (4) Annual Review of Payment for Services. (i) Within 90 days of the end of each fiscal year during the life of this Agreement, the financial officers of the two cities shall calculate the amount of Southlake's • annual pa ment for the Animal Control Attendant. If theycannot agree on the amount, the two PY g city managers shall consider the matter. If no agreement can be reached, the cities shall retain the services of an independent accountant to make the determination. The cost of the accountant shall be shared equally between Grapevine and Southlake. (ii) Within 90 days of the end of fiscal year 1994-95, and of each fiscal year remaining during the life of this Agreement, the two cities shall review the Agreement to determine whether Southlake's payment for services under this agreement, including fees collected by Grapevine during the year under Section 1 of this Agreement, are sufficient to equitably pay for the animal control enforcement activity attributable to Southlake. The determination of "activity attributable to Southlake" shall be made using generally accepted accounting practices. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL I 0 PAGE 4 SECTION 4. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. (1) Length of Term. This Agreement shall terminate September 30, 1998. Either party may terminate this Agreement any time during the term of the Agreement upon six (6) months written notice, with or without cause. (2) Refund upon Termination. If this Agreement is terminated by Grapevine prior to September 30, 1998, Grapevine shall immediately refund to Southlake the pro rata amount of the $50,000 Payment For Services, and the annual payment for the Animal Control Attendant personnel costs paid by Southlake under this Agreement. (3) Beginning of Term. The term of this Agreement shall be measured from the execution date of the Agreement to September 30, 1998, unless otherwise provided. • SECTION 5. INDEMNITY AND DEFENSE. will:have<€c you ror<ta:<T esda::::>. Grapevine agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Southlake, its officers, agents, employees, and volunteers, in both their public and private capacities, from and against claims, suits, demands, losses, damages, causes of action, and liability of every kind, including, but not limited to, expenses of litigation or settlement, court costs, and attorneys fees which may arise due to any death or injury to a person or animal or the loss of, loss of use of, or damage to property including an animal, arising out of or occurring as a consequence of the performance 410 of this Agreement. Grapevine further agrees to defend, at its expense, on behalf of Southlake INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL / OQ - � PAGE 5 and in its name, any claim or litigation brought in connection with injury, death, or damage arising out of or occurring as a consequence of the performance of this Agreement. Grapevine, in complying with this section shall not be liable for injury, death, or damage occurring as a consequence of the performance of this Agreement, to any extent greater than Grapevine would be liable in defense of its own actions under the provisions of the Texas Tort Claims Act, Chapter 101, Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code. SECTION 6. SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this Agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent of the parties that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the extent possible. EXECUTED this day of , 1993. CITY OF GRAPEVINE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Mayor Mayor ATTEST: ATTEST: City Secretary City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: AND LEGALITY: City Attorney City Attorney • INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL /pq _ PAGE 6 FIELDING, BARRETT & TAYLOR, L.L.P. Carvan E.Adkins ATTORNEYS Susan S.Jones Robert M.Allibon ATRIUM CENTRE Wayne K. Olson aniel R. Barrett° 8851 HIGHWAY 80 W STE 300 Tim G. Sralla lizabeth Elam FORT WORTH TX 76116-6041 J. Mark Sudderth avid Fielding TELEPHONE(817) 560-0303 E.Allen Taylor,Jr. Josephine Garrett FAX(817) 560-3953 James P.Wagner E. Glenn Gidel Wendy R.Wilson Dwayne D. Hitt Analeslie Muncy Susan H. Holloway -of Counsel *Board Certified Personal Injury Trial Law— **Board Certified Civil Appellate Law— Texas Board of Legal Specialization Texas Board of Legal Specialization Civil Trial Specialist— National Board of Trial Advocacy July 20, 1993 Mr. Curtis Hawk City Manager City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Annexation Procedures Dear Curtis: This letter is intended as a brief outline of the law and procedures pertaining to annexation. It is my understanding that the City of Southlake intends to annex an area Grapevine has released from its ETJ. A home rule municipality has fairly broad annexation authority controlled by Chapter 43 of the Local Government Code and its charter. A few limitations apply. In general, the area must be in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city unless the property is owned by the city, and the area must be adjacent to the municipality. The annexation must be accomplished by ordinance, and the ordinance must describe the area to be annexed with certainty. Involuntary annexations (that is, annexations not pursuant to a request by the owners or residents of the area) may not exceed a total area greater than 10% of the incorporated area of the municipality as of January 1 of that year, although the city may carry over to subsequent years any unused allocation up to the 30% of the incorporated area of the city. Finally, the procedures set forth in sub-chapter C of Chapter 43 of the Local Government Code ("LGC") must be followed. Before a municipality may institute annexation proceedings, the governing body of the municipality must conduct two public hearings at which persons interested in the annexation are given the opportunity to be heard. The hearings must be conducted on or after the 40th day, but before the 20th day, before the date of the institution of the proceedings. The Texas Supreme Court has defined "institution of the annexation proceedings" as the date the annexation ordinance was passed on first reading. City of Duncanville vs. City of Woodland Hills, 489 S.W.2nd 550 (Tex. 1972). Mr. Curtis Hawk July 20, 1993 Page 2 Notice must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality and in the area proposed for annexation. The notice for each hearing must be published at least once on or after the 20th day, but before the 10th day before the date of the hearing. Additionally, the city must give notice by certified mail to each railroad company that serves the municipality and is on the municipality's tax role if the company right of way is in the area proposed for annexation. If more than 20 adult residents of the area to be annexed file written protest of the annexation with the city's secretary within 10 days after the date of publication of the notice, at least one of the hearings must be held in the area proposed for annexation. Before the publication of the notice, the governing body of the municipality must direct its planning department or other appropriate department to prepare a service plan that provides for the extension of full municipal services to the area to be annexed. The service plan must meet the requirements of LGC Section 43.05(b). It must provide for the provision of certain enumerated services in the area within 60 days after the annexation of the area. Additionally, it must include a program under which the municipality will initiate the acquisition or construction of capital improvements necessary for providing municipal services adequate to serve the area. I have included for your review a sample service plan. You may find it useful in developing a service plan for this annexation. I have also included for your review a proposed schedule for the notice, public hearings and adoption of the annexation ordinance. The purpose of the proposed schedule is to accomplish the annexation in the shortest period possible. Note that the annexation of the area must be completed within 90 days after the annexation ordinance is adopted on first reading. I hope this adequately responds to your concerns regarding this matter. Please call if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely, Be BE:mjw f:\csr\slake\letters\hawk.59 PROPOSED SERVICE PLAN FOR SERVICES WITHIN SIXTY (60) DAYS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF ANNEXATION 1. POLICE PROTECTION The City of , Texas, and its Police Department will provide police protection, such as traffic enforcement, crime prevention unit activities, patrolling, radio response to calls, and other routine services to the newly annexed tract at the same or similar level of service now being provided to other areas of the City of Texas, with similar topography, land use and population within the newly annexed area. No additional personnel or equipment will be required. 2. FIRE PROTECTION The City of , Texas, and its Fire Department will provide fire protection to the newly annexed tract at the same or similar level of service now being provided to other areas of the City of , Texas, with similar topography, land use and population within the City. Further, the City of Fire Department will respond to all dispatched calls and requests for service or assistance within the newly annexed area. No additional personnel or equipment will be required. 3. SOLID WASTE COLLECTION At the present time the City of _ , Texas, is using a designated, specific contractor for collection of solid waste and refuse within the city limits of the City of , Texas. Service will be extended to cover all newly annexed area as required. 4. ! MAINTENANCE OF WATER FACILITIES Any and all water or waste water facilities owned or maintained by the City of Texas, at the time of the proposed annexation shall continue to be maintained by the City of , Texas. Any and all water or waste water facilities which may be acquired subsequent to the annexation of the proposed area shall be maintained by the City of , Texas, to the extent of its ownership. The now existing water line mains at their existing locations shall be available for point of use extension based upon the current City's standard water extension policies now existing or as may be amended. 5. WASTE WATER FACILITIES The now existing sewer lines at their existing locations shall be available for point of use extension based upon the current standard sewer extension policies now existing or as amended. 6. MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND STREETS Any and all roads, streets or alleyways, if any, which have been dedicated to the City of , Texas, or which are owned by the City of , Texas, shall be maintained to the same degree and extent that other roads, streets and alleyways are maintained in areas with similar topography, lands use and population density. Any and all lighting of roads, streets and alleyways, if any, which may be positioned in a right-of-way, roadway or utility company easement shall be maintained by the applicable utility company servicing the City of , Texas, pursuant to the rules, regulations and fees of such utility. 7. MAINTENANCE OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND SWIMMING POOLS The City Council of the City of , Texas, is not aware of the existence of any parks, playgrounds or public swimming pools now located in the area proposed for annexation. In the event any such parks, playgrounds or swimming pools do exist and are public facilities, the City of , Texas,will maintain such areas to the same extent and degree that it maintains parks, playgrounds and swimming pools and other similar areas of the City now incorporated in the City of Texas. 8. MAINTENANCE OF ANY PUBLICLY OWNED FACILITY, BUILDING OR MUNICIPAL SERVICE The City Council of the City of , Texas, is not aware of the existence of any publicly owned facility, building or other municipal service now located in the area proposed for annexation. In the event any such publicly owned facility, building or municipal service does exist and are public facilities, the City of , Texas, will maintain such areas to the same extent and degree that it maintains publicly owned facilities, buildings or municipal services of the City now incorporated in the City of , Texas. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN 1. POLICE PROTECTION,FIRE PROTECTION &SOLID WASTE COLLECTION The City Council of the City of , Texas, finds and determines it to be unnecessary to acquire or construct any capital improvement within 2 years of the effective date of the annexation of the particular annexed area for the purposes of providing police protection, fire protection or solid waste collection. The City Council finds and determines that it has at the present time adequate facilities to 2 provide the same type, kind and level of protection and service which is presently being administered to other areas already incorporated in the City of , Texas, with the same or similar topography, land use and population density. 2. WATER AND WASTE WATER FACILITIES For the next 2 years the City Council of the City of , Texas, believes that City water mains exist for points of connection for serviceable extensions to provide water service within the area to be annexed pursuant to the City's standard water extension policies now in existence or as may be amended by the City Council. 3. ROADS AND STREETS Within 2 years from the date of the annexation of the proposed area, the City of Texas,with a cooperative effort of the City's designated utility company, will undertake to provide the same degree of road and street lighting as is provided in areas of similar topography, land use and population density within the present corporate limits of the City of , Texas. Maintenance of properly dedicated roads and streets will be consistent with the maintenance provided by the City to other roads and streets in areas of similar topography, land use and subdevelopment of the annexed property, the developers will be required pursuant to the ordinances of the City of , Texas, to provide internal and peripheral streets and to construct those streets in accordance with the specifications required by the City of , Texas, for a properly dedicated street. 4. MAINTENANCE OF PARKS. PLAYGROUNDS. AND SWIMMING POOLS, AND THE MAINTENANCE OF ANY OTHER PUBLICLY OWNED FACILITY, BUILDING OR SERVICE To the extent that it becomes necessary because of development demands, population growth, and a bona fide need, the City Council of the City of Texas, will undertake to provide any such facility which it deems necessary to adequately provide for the health and safety of the citizens of the newly incorporated area based upon the standard considerations of topography, land use and population density. ******************************************************************************* SPECIFIC FINDINGS The City Council of the City of , Texas, finds and determines that this proposed Service Plan will not provide any fewer services and it will not provide a lower level of service in the area proposed to be annexed than were in existence in the proposed area at the time immediately preceding the annexation process. Furthermore, the City Council of the City of , Texas, finds and determines the rural nature of the area is characteristically different from other more highly 3 developed areas within the corporate limits of the City of , Texas. Consequently, because of the differing characteristics of topography, land utilization and population density, the service levels which may ultimately be provided in the newly annexed area may differ somewhat from services provided other areas of the City of Texas. These differences are specifically dictated because of differing characteristics of the property and the City of , Texas,will undertake to perform consistent with this contract so as to provide this newly annexed area with the same type, kind and quality of service presently enjoyed by the citizens of the City of , Texas, who reside in areas of similar topography, land utilization and population. APPROVED on this the day of , 19_ CITY OF , TEXAS Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary slake\service.pin 4