2003-01-06 work session j(111; CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION: January 6,2003 LOCATION: 1400 Main Street,Southlake,Texas 31'Floor Training Rooms in Town Hall DATE AND TIME: 6:00 P.M. AGENDA 1. Call to order. 2. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076 and 551.087. Refer to posted list attached hereto and incorporated herein. Executive Session may be held,under these exceptions. at the end of the Regular Session or at any time during the meeting that a need arises for the City Council to seek advice from the City Attorney as to the posted subject matter of this City Council meeting. 3. Discussion: Ordinance 480-SS - proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning ordinance pertaining to the creation of a"Downtown"Zoning District intended to replace the Southlake Town Square NR PUD. C4. Discussion: Downtown District Design Guidelines as they apply to the proposed Downtown Zoning District. 5. Meeting Adjourned. CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at Town Hall, 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, January 3, 2003, at 5:00 p.m., pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. ''''''""'''•,,, ••••• tcrHi A '' 04r %; C/ // �-• �� •D • Lori Farwell •••' •` City Secretary ,,,,,,,,,*,If If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs,please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-481-1519 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. C r City Council Work Session January 6,2003 Page 2 EXECUTIVE SESSION SECTION 551.071 CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY The City Council may conduct a private consultation with its attorney when the City Council seeks the advise of its attorney concerning any item on this agenda, about pending and contemplated litigations, or a settlement offer, or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Board of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551. This includes the following pending and/or contemplated litigation subjects: 1. Hanson Aggregate Central,Inc.,vs. City of Southlake. October 2000. 2. City of Southlake vs. Timarron et.al.May 2001. 3. Oakmont Enterprises,Inc.,vs.City of Southlake, and Sabre,Inc. January 2002. 4. Leona and Raymond Fox vs. City of Southlake. April 2002. 5. David A. Gray vs. City of Southlake. April 2002. 6. City of Southlake vs. Pinnacle Integrated Technologies, Inc. September 2002. 7. Richard W.Hart vs. City of Southlake. September 2002. SECTION 551.072 DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY The City Council may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. CSECTION 551.073 DELIBERATION REGARDING PROSPECTIVE GIFT The City Council may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation to the City. SECTION 551.074 DELIBERATION REGARDING PERSONNEL MATTERS The City Council may deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation,reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officers, including the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, and city boards and commission members. A complete list of the city boards and commissions is on file in the City Secretary's Office. SECTION 551.076 DELIBERATION REGARDING SECURITY DEVICES The City Council may deliberate the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. SECTION 551.087 DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS The City Council may discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information received from a business prospect that the city seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the city and which the City is conducting economic development negotiations; or to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect as described above. A FINAL ACTION, DECISION, OR VOTE ON A MATTER DELIBERATED IN A C CLOSED MEETING MAY ONLY BE MADE IN OPEN SESSION. • 1. ....... .. .. or Imo City of Southlake ‘' Southlca e Department of Planning k MEMORANDUM January 3, 2003 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Bruce Payne, AICP, Planning Director SUBJECT: 1. Ordinance 480-SS:AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 480, as amended, pertaining to the creation of a "Downtown"Zoning District 2. Draft Downtown District Design Guidelines REQUESTED ACTION: Review and discuss(1)Ordinance 480-SS-proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Zoning ordinance pertaining to the creation of a "Downtown"Zoning District intended to be applied to Southlake Town Square NR-PUD and(2)draft Downtown District Design Guidelines. APPLICANT: City initiated. tr P& Z ACTION: December 5, 2002; Recommended Approval 4-0-1 (subject to recommended changes made by P&Z Commissioners) COUNCIL ACTION: December 17, 2002; First Reading Approved on Consent(6-1) BACKGROUND: Southlake Town Square has become recognized as a unique development due to its qualities as a true small town downtown. At the time of its inception, the City's Non-Residential Planned Unit Development standards (NR-PUD) were used as a base to tailor regulations to create this mixed-use development. Of late, valid concerns have been raised about the applicability of blanket NR-PUD regulations to Town Square. In particular, questions about the appropriateness of the Town Square land use use mix elsewhere in the City are being raised. In other words, does the land use mix in Town Square create a precedent in other NR-PUDs? In addressing the above concerns and in recognizing the unique nature of Town Square, the Planning Department, under Council direction, is proposing the creation of a Downtown Zoning District. This district will specifically apply to the City's Downtown as identified by the community,thus ensuring its long-term viability and distinction as the center of community life. The proposed standards are based primarily on existing NR-PUD standards as they apply to •{ Southlake Town Square. Changes are focused on formatting of land uses for consistency, ease of application, and consolidation of development standard amendments. In response to Council concerns over the lack of design guidelines, staff is proposing a draft set of Downtown District Design Guidelines for development in the Downtown District. These guidelines are based primarily on existing development in Town Square with provisions for changes to address future development trends. The proposed changes only create the zoning district and will not apply to Town Square until the current Town Square NR-PUD is rezoned to the new district. SUPPORTING Proposed Ordinance Changes to the following sections of Ordinance DOCUMENTS: 480—City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance: Attachment 1 -Section 37—`DT' Downtown Zoning District Attachment 2 - Section 34—Accessory Uses Attachment 3 - Section 44—Board of Adjustment Attachment 4 - Section 45 —Specific Use Permits Attachment 5—Draft Downtown District Design Guidelines N.•I1CommunityDevelopment\WP-FILESIMEMOI2002cases1480-SS-city council first reading.doc C C Attachment 1 Add the following as Section 37, "DT" Downtown Zoning District: Section 37 "DT" Downtown District 37.1 Purpose & Intent: The purpose of the Downtown District is to encourage the creation of a pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use urban environment Elowlerwnent,providing shopping,employment,housing,and business and personal services. Downtown is intended to be the Racal point eenter of the community. This is achieved by promoting an efficient, compact land use pattern; encouraging pedestrian activity; reducing the reliance on private automobiles within the district; promoting a functional and attractive community through the use of urban design principles; and allowing developers flexibility in land use and site design. The Downtown District is to be an area with a mixture,of moderately intense uses that are developed over an identifiable core. Buildings are close to and oriented toward the street. There is a connected street pattern, shared parking, and pedestrian amenities. 14-shal.14* Relationship to Acted Plans: The)995 Southl e Corridor Study recommends the establishment of a ' ('enter - wes v between Sf1 114 and F.M 1709 east of Carroll Avenue and t of Kiiall Avenue. The appropriate geographic location for the Downtown Dis shall > limited to the, ea known as Village Center - west. The Downtown District°%ante 1 tc be a unique, contiguous area of no less than 100 acres in size. The Downtown Ztt g districtimplements the 1998 Land Use Plan, as amended, which identifies the Down n Distric as an appropriate zonin 7 district for the Town Center land use designation. 37.2 Schedule'of Uses: Uses within the Downtown District shall be in accordance with the followin schedule of uses. P=Permitted(Development Standards apply) P#SUP=Permitted with a Specific Use Permit(Standards in Section 45 shall apply) P/A=Permitted as an accessory use(Standards in Section 34 shall apply) (6, Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 3 Draft-January 3, 2003 1 1 LAND USE CATEGORY Use Status Commercial Uses-Retail Sales or Service • Furniture or home furnishings P • Hardware and home centers, etc. P • Department store P • Electronics, appliances, computer, and software—sales and P service • Camera and photographic supplies P • Clothing,jewelry, luggage, shoes, etc. P • Tailors and custom apparel makers P • Sporting goods,toy and hobby, and musical instruments P • Bicycle sales and service P • Books,magazines,music, stationery,novelty,variety,etc. P • Florist P • Art galleries, dealers, sales and supplies P • Independent artists workshops and studios P • Tobacco or tobacconist establishment P • Antique shops P • Farmer's market P#SUP • Grocery store, supermarket,or bakery P • Convenience store P • Specialty food store P • Fruit and vegetable store P • Beer,wine, and alcohol sales PSUI' • Pharmacyor drug stores P • Cosmetic and beauty supplies P • Optician and optical store P • Pet and pet supply store P Commercial Uses—Finance,Insurance, and Real Estate * Bank, credit union,or savings institution P • Credit and finance establishment P IF Investment banking,securities, and brokerage P ■ Insurance related establishment P • Fund,trust, or other financial establishment P • Real Estate and Property Management Services P Commercial Uses -Business,professional, and technical uses • Legal services P • Accounting,tax,bookkeeping, and payroll services P • Architectural, engineering,and related services P • Graphic, industrial,and interior design P • Consulting services(management, environmental, etc.) P • Research and development services(scientific,technological, P etc.) Advertising,media, and photography services P • Office and administrative services P Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 4 Draft-January 3, 2003 LA CATEGORY Use Status ■ Facilities support ND servicesUSE P • Employment agency P Commercial Uses -Business,professional, and technical uses (contL) • Business support services, including photocopying,duplicating, P blueprinting, or other copying services ■ Collection agency P • Postal, courier and messenger services P • Travel arrangement and reservation services P • Personal Services—dry cleaners, laundry, hair care,barbers, and P other similar services • Animal and pet services, including grooming and training P Commercial Uses—Food Service Uses • Full-service restaurant(no drive-through facility)with or without P outdoor seating • Cafeteria,delicatessens,or limited service restaurant - P • Snack or nonalcoholic bar P • Bar or drinking place WSUP Arts, entertainment, and recreation Uses • Theater,cinema, dance,or music establishment . P • Museums and other special purpose recreational institutions P (bi,„ • Bowling,billiards,pool-indoor only P • Indoor skating rink P • Miniature golf establishment—indoor only P • Games arcade'eablishment P • Fitness,recreational sports,pra,or athletic club P ■ Parks,plazas, and playgrounds' P Educational,Public Administration, Health care and other Institutional Uses ▪ Child day care and preschools P • Pub lic administration—legislative and executive functions P • Judicial functions=Courts P • Publio°Safety facilities P • Business associations and professional membership organizations P • Informatio cervices including libraries and archives P • Civic, social, and fraternal organizations P • Religious institutions P • Ambulatory and outpatient care services, including doctors, P dentists,chiropractors, optometrists, etc. • Nursing and other rehabilitative services P • Hospitals P • Funeral homes and services WSUP Residential Uses • Single-family residential detached dwelling unit 11444e SUP Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 5 Draft-January 3, 2003 LAND USE CATEGORY Use Status • Single-family residential attached dwelling unit P, 4-&SUP • Residential Lofts t SUP Residential Uses (Contd.) • Live/Work units 141444t SUP • Home Occupations in designated single-family residential P/A structures • Full service hotels P Other Uses • Parking, surface P • Parking, structured P • Outdoor temporary removable displays and sales for fairs, I,SUP festivals and other special events held in outdoor spaces • Outdoor vendor sales ISUP • Sales from kiosks SUP 37.3 Definitions The following definitions shall apply to uses and category of uses listed in the Downtown District Schedule of Uses (Section 37.2) and to other terms used in the Downtown District (Section 37) only. Business associations and professional membership organizations (1.,„ These establishments promote the business interests of their members,or of their profession as a whole,including chambers of commerce. They may conduct research on new products and services; develop market statistics; sponsor quality and certification standards; lobby public officials, or publish newsletters, books, or periodicals for distribution to their members. Business support services These establishments provide any of the following: document preparation, telephone answering, telemarketing, mailing(except direct mail advertising), court reporting, and steno typing. They may operate copy centers, which provide photocopying, duplicating, blueprinting, or other copying services besides printing. They may provide a range of support activities, including mailing services, document copying, facsimiles, word processing, on-site PC rental, and office product sales. Cafeteria or limited service restaurant These provide food services where patrons order or select items and pay before eating. Food and drink may be consumed on premises, taken out, or delivered to customers' location. Some establishments in this subcategory may provide food services in combination with selling alcoholic beverages. This subcategory includes cafeterias, which use cafeteria-style serving equipment, a refrigerated area, and self-service beverage dispensing equipment, and which display food and drink items in a continuous cafeteria line. Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 6 Draft-January 3, 2003 Consulting services (management, environmental, etc.) These establishments advise and assist businesses and other organizations on management, scientific, and technological issues. This class includes establishments that provide expertise in information technologies; these may design, modify, test, support, or operate hardware and software for clients. Court A Court is an unoccupied space, open to the sky, on the same lot with a building, which is bounded on two (2) or more sides by the exterior walls of the building or by two (2) or more exterior walls, lot lines or yards. Not a court niche. Court, closed A closed court is a court surrounded on all sides by the exterior walls of a building; or by exterior walls of a building and side or rear lot lines,or by alley lines where the alley is less than 10' in width. Court niche A court niche is not a court,but is an indentation, recess, or decorative architectural treatment of the exterior wall of a building which opens onto a street, yard, alley, or court. Court, open An open court is a court opening onto a street,yard, alley,or private drive not less than �r twelve feet(12)wide. Court,width of The minimum horizontal dimension substantially parallel with the open end of an open court or the lesser horizontal dimension of a closed court; or in the case of a non- rectangular eoort,the diameter of the largest circle that may be inscribed in a horizontal plane within the court. Facilities support services These establishments provide operating staff for support services within a client's facilities. They typically provide a combination of services, such as janitorial, maintenance,trash disposal, security, mail reception, and laundry services. They provide operating staff to carry out these support activities,but are not involved with the core activities of the client. Full Service Hotels These establishments shall be defined as buildings with habitable rooms or suites which are reserved for transient guests who rent the rooms or suites on a daily basis, and with: (i) a minimum area of 300 square feet in each guestroom; (ii) either(a)a full service restaurant with full kitchen facilities providing service to the general public; or(b)provided that hotel guests have access to not less than four(4) full service restaurants operating within the Downtown district, a kitchen on the Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 7 Draft-January 3, 2003 premises in which meals are prepared by the management;or(c)a concessionaire of the management for room service delivery; (iii) on-site staff required seven (7) days a week, twenty-four(24)hours per day; and (iv) a minimum of one thousand (1,000) square feet of meeting or conference rooms. Full-service restaurant Full-service restaurants provide food services to patrons who order and are served (i.e. waiter/waitress service) while seated indoors or outdoors and pay after eating. They may provide this service in combination with selling alcoholic beverages,providing takeout services, or presenting live non-theatrical entertainment. Live-work unit A live-work unit is a dwelling unit that is also used for work purposes, provided that the work component is restricted to the uses of professional office, artist's workshop, studio, or other similar uses. Each individual unit may have commercial space located on the street level. Mixed-Use Building or Structure A mixed-use building or structure is one in which at least one of the upper floors of a commercial building has residential uses(live-work or lofts) with retail or office uses at the other levels. Mixed-Use Land Use Mixed-use land use is the location of different land uses, including commercial retail, office, residential,public, and other uses in proximity to one another either in the same building or in separate buildings but in the same development or block. Non-Residential Building or Structure A non-residential building or structure is one in which all the floors are designated for office,retail, institutional, or any other commercial use that is not a residential use. C Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 8 Draft-January 3, 2003 Office and administrative services These establishments: a)provide day-to-day office and/or administrative services, such as financial planning,billing, record keeping,personnel employment, and logistics; b)hold securities (or other equity interests) of companies in order to own a controlling interest or influence management decisions; c) oversee and administer the establishments of a company often by providing strategic or organizational planning; or and d)provide other administrative services. This definition is used only to classify such stand-alone establishments which, although they may be part of a larger companies, are separate from the actual goods or services producing facilities. Personal services This is a catchall category for all personal service establishments. These establishments offer a wide range of personal services (dry cleaners,laundry, hair care, etc.). Public Buildings Public buildings are buildings used for a jive KuvernmetU-.or related functions,including public administration (executive and judicial), courts, lihrarics, community centers, and public safety functions. Research and development services(scientific,technological, etc.) Establishments in this category conduct research, or analyze,in the physical, engineering, cognitive, or life sciences, such as agriculture,electronics, ecology,biology,botany, c biotechnology, computers, chemistry, food, fisheries,forests, geology,health, mathematics, medicine,oceanography,pharmacy, physics, veterinary, sociology, psychology, language,behavior, or economics. Residential Lofts Residential lofts are typically residential units designed to commercial standards located above-street level commercial space. Retail sales or service Ret it establishments form the final step in the distribution of merchandise. They are organized to sell in small quantities to many customers. Many have stores,but some also sell merchandise from non-stores. Establishments in stores operate as fixed point-of-sale locations, which are designed to attract a=high=w4twne=of walk-in customers. Retail establishments'often have displays of merchandise and sell to the general public for personal or household consumption, though they may also serve businesses and institutions. Some establishments may further provide after-sales services, such as repair and installation. Single-Family Residential, detached dwelling unit A single-family detached residential unit is a freestanding building on an individual lot or tract of land intended for occupancy by one family. C Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 9 Draft-January 3, 2003 Single-Family Residential, attached dwelling unit, A single-family attached residential unit is a building on an individual lot or tract of land intended for occupancy by one family that shares one or more common walls with similar adjacent units, also on individual lots. Snack or nonalcoholic bar These prepare and serve specialty snacks, such as ice cream, frozen yogurt, cookies, or popcorn, or serve nonalcoholic beverages, such as coffee,juices, or sodas for consumption on or near the premises. These establishments may carry and sell a combination of snack, nonalcoholic beverage, and other related products (e.g., coffee beans,mugs, and coffee makers)but generally promote and sell a unique food or beverage item. Specialty food store Specialty food stores primarily retail specialty food items, such as coffee and tea (i.e., packaged), confectionery products (i.e., packaged), nuts, spices, and gourmet foods. Streetscape Treatments Streetscape treatments shall include all improvements in a R-O-W that create an attractive and safe pedestrian environment. Treatments may include a range of provisions such as paving materials, medians, street trees/grates,planting strips,raised planters, street light standards, street/pedestrian/wayfinding signs,media boxes,parking meters,utility boxes, ç seating,public art/water features,bike racks,trash receptacles,bollards, information kiosks, etc. (Sections 371, 37.2, and 37.3 are all new additions to the existing standards regulating development in Town Square) (In Section 37.4and 37.5,.all existing NR-PUD standards or the NR-PUD amendments that have not been changed appear as normal text. Deletions appear as stiketliceughs and additions appear as read underlined text. Text changes indicated in blue,toglerlines and dtPubloloPiket4weligits are changes made after P&7 recommendation. Italicized text that appears in parentheses indicates staff comments) 37.4 Development Regulations for Non-Residential and Mixed-Use Buildings: All non- residential and mixed-use building development in the Downtown district shall be exempt from the all standards specified under Section 43 in lieu of the development standards set forth below. In the Downtown ZgDistrict, the following development regulations shall be applicable to all non-residential and mixed-use buildings: a. Building Height: Non-residential and mixed-use buildings shall not be less than twenty feet (20') in height nor more than fifty-two feet (52') in height; with the exception of development located along Hwy 114 which shall be no more than 90 feet. The 90-foot height limitation shall apply to all non-residential and mixed- use buildings within a 1,000-foot wide strip,parallel to and along the southern edge of Hwy 114 R-O-W. (Moved from the proposed NR-PUD Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 10 Draft-January 3, 2003 Amendment). e e e e QAvvv •.v h ilding shalt ed th« e(3) st„r of shall :t ed fire„ two (c2) feet i height. Nor Oshall it excccd the elevation of 710 fcet NGVD 1929 as specified in Ora-inance 4 Sect 43 n !` , g(:), „lo o i ficauu o 0 0 1. The ref renee d.atu.Y, shall be established b`.The height shall be measured from the sidewalk or ground surface elevation along the side of the building fronting onto a public right-of-way to the top of the roof for flat roofs (not the parapet) and the mid-point for sloped roofs, and not along the side(s) of the building facing onto interior portions of the block. 2. For buildings whose adjoining sidewalk or ground surfaces slope an average of 5%or more as measured along portions of the building abutting a public right-of-way, a maximum building height of fifty-seven(57) feet shall be permitted. 3. Public buildings may be built to four (4)stories or sixty-five(65) feet in height unless they are within 1,000 feet of Hwy 114, in which case they may be built to six;(6) stories or ninety(90) feet. In the evert a Building s treet-4-and Stre be wilt t„ f r(,,) stoves o 4 N b f st h 11 b ,plied to„arkin. structures; K rr r o 2 f t « he ght a e .ed fom the nd ele„ation• p ided � � ~ ; deleted because parking structures e permitted uses and the general building height standards for non- residential and mixed use buildings shall apply to parking structures) 4. Architectural embellishments not intended for human occupancy that are integral:to the architectural style of the building, including spires,belfries, towers,cupolas, domes, and roof forms whose area in plan is no greater than 25%of the first story plan area may exceed the height limits of this section by up to the lesser of 50% over the permitted building height er 100- er the act„al building heigh,and shall be exempt from the maximum elevation limitation of Section 37.4 (a)'13.9.c.1(h)i. of the 5. Mechanical „e„thouses a cillary to the uses below, Mechanical equipment, including, mechanical/elevator equipment penthouse enclosures,ventilation equipment, antennas, chimneys, exhaust stacks and flues, fire sprinkler tanks,of and other similar constructions may extend ( up to twenty(20) feet above the actual building height, and provided the kr Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 11 Draft-January 3, 2003 same shall be subject to approval at approval of the applicable Site Plan (ripr unless: 1) they are setback from all exterior walls a distance at least equal to the vertical dimension that such items(s) extend(s) above the actual building height, or 2)the exterior wall and visible root surfaces of such items that are set back less than their vertical dimension above the actual building are to be constructed as architecturally integral parts of the building facade(s) or as architectural embellishments as described in Section 3.a.5. Section 37.4 (a) 4 above. (This is listed under the Schedule of Uses and under Section 44 and is redundant here.);. c. Front, Side and Rear Yards: With the following exceptions,no front, side or rear yard setback is required in the Downtown District: 1. Buildings along Highway F.M. 1709 and the east right-of-way of North Carroll Avenue shall maintain a minimum thirty-two (32) foot setback; provided,however,in areas where right-of-way is provided for acceleration or deceleration lanes, the minimum required setback shall be reduced to twenty(20) feet. In the 0 ent the-Nrtli Carroll "venue right No service drives,parking or other impervious s rfaces with the exception of sidewalks shall be located in the setback area unless the buildings ate,setback a minimum of fifty(50) feet. In no event shall the bufferyard along FM 1709 and North Carroll Avenue be less than twenty (20)feet. (R-O-Wfor North Carroll and F.M. 1709 have been determined) 2. Buildings along State Highway 114 shall maintain a setback of fifty(50) feet from the projected future right-of-way of State Highway 114. h a tt, + t, �1,t of. h of bee establ 1, a at the moin ti f 1 �plan � site..l ro a the setback shag be t ,1 f. th t .1 ht of. of State High. 1 1 4 ba ed orrhifennati 1 b1 t♦b. t' f th Texan Department o f Transportation, (The future R-O-W of Hwy 114 has been established with TX DOT) 3. As to all ther P.T T.D. boundaries, the rest of the Downtown District boundaries, no building shall be located closer than fifteen (15) feet from (lip, the boundary of the P.U.D Downtown District. Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 12 Draft-January 3, 2003 d. Maximum Lot Coverage: The maximum lot coverage for individual lots is 100%. H f1. btYg a t ente lot c oe f .,l1 bui ding 0 (Has been deleted because it is hard to measure and enforce a cumulative standard when a project is being developed in phases. The Concept and Development plan approval process will provide the City adequate control over lot coverage issues.)) e. asHEle " a t a b J tw Ci+Jr cil , ecti de el vp pla site auava e„t� plan review. (Since every building will require a concept or development plan and site plan approval by City Council, it gives the city adequate control over the location and bulk of all buildings constructed and hence this standard seems excessively restrictive) e. Common Open Space: Common Open Space as designated on the Concept Plan shall be provided for public use.-'Na building or other structure shall be constructed on any Common Open Space-Without the prior approval of City Council, except as follows: a bandshell pavilion;shall be allowed on the block bounded by 1709 to the south,h Street"5"to the north, Street"C"to the east . Fountain Place to the north, Grand Avenue to the east and Sta*Atreet to t west. (Street names are now available and have been substitutedfoir alphiatized streets) £ Building Phasing: ,;Buildings fronting on adjacent-to FM 1709 and North Carroll Avenue, n h„ buildings-faeing-the-3-fleck "-Town Square" district , 7 ` eet C) shallAbe constructed prior to the construction of any above-ground structured parking behind such buildings that may be visible from F.M 1709 or Northarroll Ave. g. Building Orientation: Any building(excluding parking garages and other accessory buildings) within one hundred fifty(150) feet of a public right-of-way shall either face such right-of-way or shall have a facade facing such right-of-way in keeping with the character of the main facade. h. Design Guidelines . 43.9 .1 f the ,rYi ,Co, ehensi e Zo Ord_n_n-e_ The property owner shall ___--g a Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 13 Draft-January 3, 2003 provide an exhibit as appropriate with each development/site plan application big-perm showing that all development in the Downtown District meets the standards outlined in the Downtown District Design Guidelines, as amended and adopted by City Council. Nothing in this paragraph shall require the retrofitting of an existing building. (None of the buildings in the Town Square NR-PUD meet the requirements of Section 43 (Corridor Overlay Standards) of the Zoning Ordinance standards, but do conform to an overall theme established by the developers of Town Square. In order to provide maximum flexibility to the developer while maintaining review control with the City, Staff is proposing a set ofdesign guidelines basemen the existing pattern of development in Town Square that will be ado e l in co -zction 1%ith the Downtown District the abeve-language) Projections into Required Setback or into a Right-of-Way: The following projections shall be permitted into a required setback or landscape area or into a public easement or right-of-way, provided that i)no projection shall be permitted into a public easement or right-of-way along FM 1709,North Carroll Avenue or State Highway 114; ii) such projections do not extend over the traveled portion of a roadway; iii) the property owner has assumed liability related to such projections; and iv)the property owner shall maintain such projections in a safe and non-injurious manner: 1. Ordinary building projections, including but not limited to water tables, sills,belt courses, pilasters,and cornices may project up to twelve(12) inches beyond a building face or architectural projection. 2. .�. Roof eaves may project up to thirty-six (36) inches beyond the building face or architectural projection. 3. Architectural projections, including bays, towers, and oriels; show windows (1st floor only);below grace vaults and areaways; and elements of a nature similar to those listed; may project up to forty-two eight(42 (48) inches into a required yard or beyond the building face. 4. No portion of an architectural projection described in Sections 37.4 (i) (i, i; iii) above less than eight (8) feet above the ground elevation may extend more than forty-eight (48) inches into a required yard or beyond the building face. 5. Canopies and/or awnings may project from building face and may extend to, or be located within eight(8) inches of the back of curb subject to the following during development/site plan approval. If a canopy support is closer than two (2) feet from the back of the curb, there shall (a) be no on- street parking or loading zones along that stretch of canopy; or(b) be Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 14 Draft-January 3, 2003 , 4 parallel parking along the curb; or(c) be angled parking protected by wheel stops preventing vehicular overhang over the curb. Ground- mounted supports, subject to the above standard,may be approved as part of development plan or site plan review, as determined by the City Council. 6. Below-grade footings approved in connection with building permits. j. Off-Street Parking: With the following exceptions,parking shall be provided pursuant to Section 35 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, and such required parking shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Section 35 (including the shared parking provisions of'Section 35.2): 1. On-street as well as off-street parking shall be permitted within the P.U.D Downtown District. 2. Up to twenty-five percent(25%)of required parking maybe compact spaces having a minimum space width of eight(8) feet and a minimum space length of sixteen (16) feet; provided,however, compact spaces shall not be allowed on-street and shall be limited to off-street parking locations. Compact pprkin spaces shall not allocated to any retail or food service uses but could be-counted toward meeting the parking requirement for business, professional and'technical uses up to a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%): Each compact space shall be clearly designated. 3. Required parking.shall be located and maintained anywhere within the U P. .13 Downtown District. On-street parking and shared parking anywhere-within the P.U.D Downtown District may be counted toward the off-street parking requirement for the P.U.D Downtown District. 4. Where on-street parking is permitted, angled, as well as parallel parking shall ber permitted. Both forty-five(45) degree and sixty(60) degree angled parking shall be permitted. However, no on-street, drive, or ,common access easement parking shall be permitted within thirty(30) feet of the cross curb line for a cross street, drive, or common access easement. 5. When a mixture of office, retail, and other uses are located in the same block or street,parking requirements for such the uses shall be reduced at a rate of ten (10) percent in order to promote shared parking. 6. Cumulative parking tabulations shall be submitted with each site plan and/or development plan. k. Off-Street Loading: With the following exceptions, off-street loading shall be Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 15 Draft-January 3, 2003 provided pursuant to Section 36 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance: (i) The minimum dimension of loading spaces shall be as follows: 10' x 25' regular size space 10' x 50' large space (ii) The calculation of the minimum number of off-street loading spaces shall be in conformance with the following schedules and rules regarding shared spaces: 1. Number of spaces: Office Uses or portion of building devoted to office uses: 0—49,999 sf 0 spaces 50,000— 149,999 sf 1 regular space 150,000—249,999 sf 2 regular spaces 250,000 sf and up 3 regular spaces Retail Uses with the following Tenant size: 0—9,999 sf 0 spaces 10,000—49,999 sf* 1 regular space (iy 50,000-99,999 sf* 1 regular space and 1 large space 100,000 sf and up* 2 large spaces Restaurant Uses wills:the following Tenant size: 0-9,999 sf 0 spaces 10,000 sf and up* 1 regular space *The loading requirement for multiple tenants that are each 10,000 sf or larger may be combined within a single building and treated as a single tenant. 2. Loading spaces that are adjacent and accessible to several buildings or tenant spaces, including buildings and tenant spaces on separate lots, shall be allowed to suffice for the loading requirements for the individual buildings or tenants provided that i) the number of spaces satisfies the requirements for the combined square footages for the buildings or tenants in question, and ii) for loading spaces to be shared among separate lots, an agreement evidencing the right of tenants to the use of such spaces shall be provided. 1. Streets and Sight Triangles: Within the Downtown Zoning District the Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 16 Draft-January 3, 2003 following street design standards shall apply: Cor 1. Except as provided herein, no sight triangle shall be required. Adequate sight distance will be provided at all intersections through the use of appropriate traffic control devices. Sight triangles for vehicles exiting the development for both public streets and private drives shall be provided at intersections with FM 1709, Carroll Avenue and State Highway 114 (See figure 37.1). These sight triangles shall be the triangle created by connecting a point which is ten(10) feet into the site along the right-of- way at the intersection and a point extending away from the intersection a distance of forty(40) feet along the existing roadway right-of-way line. F.M. 1 709 or S.H 1 14 Access Road 40'-0" 40'-0" I I R.O.W ! I r - - - • 10'0" R.O.W C -`. Figure 37.1 Sight Triangles 2. For,plantings within twenty(20) feet of any public street intersection, shrubs and groundcover shall not exceed two (2) feet in height and tree branching shall provide seven(7) feet of clearance as measured from the top of the ground surface to the first branch along the tree trunk. 3. Nothing contained herein shall vary or supersede public safety requirements of the City of Southlake as set forth in the Uniform Fire Code and other applicable laws, rules and regulations of the City of Southlake. m. Buffering and Screening Sc eo shall be p idea ordanee with Seetiens-39 and 4j7.c of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance a ceps screens bo nda f the D U 7l shall bo0 o r pt fo the chite tor a ngvii ffoe t requirements of Section 13.9.c.1.(c). The following standards for buffering and screening shall apply to all non-residential and mixed use buildings in the Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 17 Draft-January 3, 2003 Downtown District: (i) Parking lot layout, landscaping, buffering, and screening shall minimize direct views of parked vehicles from streets and sidewalks, and avoid spill- over light, glare, noise, or exhaust fumes onto adjacent properties, in particular single-family residential properties. Parking lots exposed to view from adjacent single-family residential properties shall be surrounded by a minimum of a 3-foot high barrier in the form of berms, shrubs, walls, or a combination thereof (ii) Transformers, HVAC equipment, lift stationkility meters, and other machinery, as well as garbage collection points, ould be located at the rear lane or alley. If such uses are visible from any adjacent rights-of way or property, they shall be totally screened by a fence or suitable plant or other visual barrier six (6) feed in height or as proposed arid approved in a development/site plan. Trash dumpsters shall have a metal door which shall remain closed at all times. (iii) Off-street loading areas shall be adequately screened from view of any adjacent single-family residential use. (kw (iv) Outside storage standards,i $ection-39.5 shall apply to all areas of primary and ancillary outdoor storage uses in the Downtown District, with exception',of related uses specifically authorized in this section. (Given the unique nature of the mix of uses and its compact layout in the Downtown District, the traditional approach to buffering between residential and commercial approach has been altered to specifically apply to Town Square with the goal of minimizing the negative impacts of surface parking,loading, HVAC equipment, and trash receptacles.) n. Above Grade Structured Parking—The following exemptions shall apply to above grade structured parking facilities: Xbove grade structured parking f cilitiesshall be o pt from the h .ght lic itation a set f..tt, i,, Section 3 O of these Development n l t ;,lea ,t the Horizo,t ertical n..t l t;o o e ents ef- ection 42 n ofthe C h n iye Zonin r TL�11J1 Y t LVlllll~ O ,l 1, ll t pl, o opt th t ,bject to the li it:tons set f..tl, Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 18 Draft-January 3, 2003 , r het .,,. Vertical Arta„1atio shall he ,<.;.1e�1 at elevations < Bible m 1709 „d/or a sible f.e,.., a tract � ea r si e.,tial and�or aesig ated low a e,l:,,.,,, ,lens t y resi er.tial o the T ar..l T se Dlar the pro ert y line „f which ith; f r h, n,lred (400) f t of a h r rki str, at„ less than f rt<. ., ( 6) inches and shall „till ze eolors c istent with the limitations-shall-apply (i)-elevatiens-visible-betweentaps-between-buiklings of fifty (50) feet or less shall be exempt from the Vertical Articulation pisi ac�ttu,re-iamb, ilt shall be o pt fro the Ve.-t: al Art; ulat; requifem ents f r a e,l f three (3) < ntil s u,h ti .e as the f t„re s built, ithin a ch three (3) :Za.:od the p rl�ing str„cture shall thereat er e 7 1te ati, shatl'l,be ed with tr rother a ate pl until thetietha u rt is built Tfs.c..ee,.ing is„sed the method a (ir e-ofscree li�g shill b subject-te-the-C--t 's e-speci€lc boea Street—See -1 -g dam# e t itats r<ref renaed herei a reduced m fro three 3)ye ars t„ (Given that structured parking is proposed to be a permitted use in the Downtown district, all standards that apply to other non-residential building shall apply with at.few exceptions listed below. Since all the development in Downtown district is exempt from Section 43. Overlay District Standards, references to:those regulations are recommended to be deleted.) (i.) Any ale elevations of any parking structure from adjacent street R-O- Ws shlhave a solid parapet wall of not less than forty-six (46) inches and shall utilize colors consistent with the surrounding principle buildings. All visible portions shall be adequately articulated so as minimize the dal impact of any exposed vehicular parking and exposed parking structure. (ii.) At least 75 percent of the area occupied along street level facade of any parking structure that is immediately adjacent to a sidewalk or street right- of-way shall be developed for active office or retail uses. (iii.) If not abutting a right-of-way, above grade structured parking facilities shall be provided with adequate access from public right(s)-of-way via private drive(s) and/or access easements. Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 19 Draft-January 3, 2003 (iv.) Entries and exits to and from parking structures shall be clearly marked for both vehicles and pedestrians by materials, lighting, signage, etc., to ensure pedestrian safety on sidewalks. o. Accessory Structures—The following restrictions shall apply to accessory structures of non-residential and mixed use development: (i) With the exception of the following items, accessory structures shall not exceed one(1) story or a height of fourteen (14) feet. 1. park pavilions or bandshells not exceeding fifty-two (52) feet in height 2. above grade structured parking facilities. , o ee (ii) Except for open spaces and open space amenities, no accessory structure shall be located between the front lot line and the principal building on a lot. p. Minimum Width of Enclosed or Partially Enclosed Open Space—In lieu of the requirements of Section 33.7 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, the following definitions and requirements for minimum Court widths shall apply: (i). Minimum widths shall be based on the following schedule: COURT TYPE MINIMUM WIDTH/AREA Court; Open Court 3 inches per 1 foot of building height, min. 12 feet Closed Court: Min. area equal to twice the square of the width of the court based on surrounding building height,but not less than 250 sq. ft. Court Niche: no portion shall be more than 3 feet(measured horizontally) from a point where the court niche is less than three feet wide aPPlyi Cou ed er to the sky fn the a lot with a �.v of Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 20 Draft-January 3, 2003 ) a-eeurt-niehe, alley lines where tl,e alley is less tha 1 n' i i,ltl, Court nich . Not ,rt n« ndentati «' r o o n7; r do ati, e a street, yard, alley, or court. Qpen Co , n „rt- a nt street r,l alley „te dry snot less than twelve feet (12) wide .;th the o nd of.,n o „ rt'or the les„er horizontal di „ension of a rectangular., „rt the diameter of the e 7 (Definitions have been moved to Section 37.2 Definitions as they apply to the Downtown District.) q. Interior Landscape Areas & Streetscape Treatments-Specific requirements for interior landscape areas and streetscape treatments shall be proposed by the developer determined-at the time of development plan or site plan review-,-as determined by th c Council. They shall be reviewed for conformity with the DpAntown DiOrk0 Design guidelines, as amended, { to create an attractive,pedestrian-friendly district by the City'sLandscapc Administrator with City Council approval at the time of developmenlan or site plan review. Any landscaping in a surface parking lot approved in connection with development plan or site plan approval for such lot, which is taken out in connection with the later construction of a parking structure, shall be relocated or replaced. (Given the successful nature of the existing process for landscape and streetscape approvals, Staff is recommending retaining the existing process. The existing process provides maximum flexibility to the developer while allowing for City control over the resulting product.) r. Irrigation-Required landscaping shall be served by an irrigation system meeting the requirements of Section 3.6 of Ordinance 544, except in those instances and in those areas where installation of such a system is a)potentially harmful to any preserved or existing plant materials; b) not reasonably required due to the nature of the plant material (e.g. where irrigation could be detrimental to drought-tolerant plant species); or c) create a situation possibly harmful to public health, safety or welfare. Determination of the situations described above shall be made by the Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 21 Draft-January 3, 2003 City's Landscape Administrator. s ---Realignment-of-Nortk-Carf011-Avenue--All-land-uses-within-the-prepesed D TT D 1, 11 b .t tt, 11 b C 3 od fe b . N - - C - ll A t th ♦ h the Concept Plan ,c1+ « LJrty to � < L L t- t f N .•tl, C ll A h ll b ed and de„el„ped enl„,M i.L m 111Yllllt.,nno Y f Seuthlake (Alignment issues have already been resolved and are obsolete under the current circumstances) 37.5 Development Regulations for Single Family (attached and detached) Residential Uses: All single-family(attached and detached) residential development in the Downtown district shall be exempt from the standards specified under Section 43 in lieu of the development standards set fort low. In addition to the SUP requirements under Section 45, the following standards shall erect and encourage various types of single- family dwellings within the Downtown District The minimum standards as set forth below shall apply to all single-family residential us ' a.' Height. No principal single-family residential building or structure shall exceed three (3) stories,`nor shall it be less than twenty feet (20') in height or exceed fifty-two feet(52') in height. Residential accessory buildings shall be a minimum of twelve feet(12') in height and a maximum of twenty-eight feet (28'). The height -all be measured from the sidewalk or ground surface elevation along the side of the building fronting onto a public right-of-way to the top of the roof for flat roofs (not the parapet) and the mid-point for sloped roofs, and not along the side(s) of the building facing onto interior portions of the block. No residential 1, •ldi ti ll t 1. l th t „ty f et l2n') in t, ht nor,,, e tl,a f ' two feet icy>> ---h- --h+-- ---;a a> however, 0o.,:at;,,t t+, u: ;„gs ,.t „toa b 1 rtt, f D St« t d' t to Highway 1 1 shall bo er„,,itted, ate..aava u.va ...�.......... �...-��- .,._ � �_____ __ ___�_.. __� to ninety feet(90') in height. Subject to the foregoing height restriction,there tt l• •t tt, � � t ;tto,t f a t: 1 bu ldi - --- -i Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 22 Draft-January 3, 2003 Sout lake Town egua. n r r D (This part of the amendment has been moved to the non-residential development standards.) b. Front Yard. No front yard shall be required. Where a front yard is provided, porches, stairs and other architectural elements may project into such yard, up to the lot line. The maximum front yard setback shall be fifteen feet(15'). c. Side Yard. Residential dwellings may be attached. Accordingly, there shall be no side yard, except on corner lots,where the side yard adjacent to the street may be up to a maximum of fifteen feet(15'). If residential dwellings are detached, separation between the units shall meet the minimum required for fire safety. d. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard of not less than five feet(5'). The maximum rear yard setback shall be ten feet (10'). e. Maximum Lot Coverage. There shall be no maximum lot coverage. f. Lot Area. The minimum area of a lot shall be(a)one thousand six hundred eighty-seven(1,687) square feet for residences with detached garages, and(b) one thousand one hundred twenty-five(0,125) square feet for residences with attached garages. g. Lot Dimensions. Each lot shall have a minimum width of twenty-two and one- half feet(22.5') The minimum lot depth is: (i) seventy-five feet(75') for residenwith detached garages; and(ii) fifty feet(50') for residences with attached garages. h. Floor Area. Each single-family°dwelling unit shall contain a minimum of two thousand(2,000) square feet of gross floor area(excluding the area of any accessory structures on the same lot). i. 'Maximum Residential Density. The maximum number of lots allowed shall be specified in theaDevelopment Plan filed in conjunction with a request for . . Specific Use Permit for residential development within the Downtown District. j. Parking (i) Two (2)off-street parking spaces must be provided for each dwelling unit. (ii) One(1) on-street parking space must be provided for each dwelling unit. k. Electrical Service. A lot for a single-family use may be supplied by not more than one electrical utility service, and metered by not more than one electrical Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 23 Draft-January 3, 2003 meter. 1. Building Limitations (i) All residential structures (including accessory buildings resider garages) are required to be sprinklered;provided that a series of attached structures may be combined and treated as a single structure. (ii) All residential structures shall be designed and built,similar in character to the renderings submitted with an approved development or site plan herewith. (iii) All residential structures shall have all exterior walls constructed using a masonry material covering at least eighty percent(80oro)'of said walls, exclusive of windows, doors,roofs, glass construction materials,or sidewalk or walk-way covers. "Masonry materials" shall mean and include brick, stone, rock or other masonry materials of equal characteristics. The use of stucco or a similar material shall be subject to City Council approval with the review of a site plan submitted with a SUP application. m. Curvilinear Streets. The curvilinear street standards specified in the Subdivision Cw Ordinance shall not apply to residential development within the P.U.D Downtown District. n. Open Space. the P.U.D. Residentiardevelopment within the Downtown District shall be exempt from the Open Space requirements specified within Ordinance 483 for residential uses. Open space in the Downtown District shall be planned in conjunction with an overall concept and development plan approved by City Council. o. 1st, .imitatios on Residentially Designated Buildings. Once designated for single-f imilyresidential uses with City Council approval of an SUP, non- residentjal uses in single-family structures shall be limited to home occupations only. Any change in intensity of such use shall constitute a zoning map amendment and shall be processed as such. p. Design Guidelines. All single-family residential development shall meet the standards outlined in the Downtown District Design Guidelines as amended and adopted by City Council. Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 24 Draft-January 3, 2003 �r n2 article TTT of the 7... ing ll..,l;...,. ce ..hal not ., ply to « side ti l deyel,,..ment T , o residential-develop to rt ithin the P.T . ; s applicabl-dueto dent; because ofthe develop rent o esi ential thin the D T T D.) Th tent of this 37.6 Application and Development Review Process Applications requesting a rezoning to the Downtown District shall be submitted with a Concept Plan as specified under Section 41 (fur proposals encompassing more than 100 acres in land area) or a Development Plan as specified under Section 40 (for proposals encompassing less than 100 acres is land arm). -;Arl pplication for a rezoning to the Downtown District shall result in a contiguous boundary of the Downtown District of not less than 100 acres. The Planning&Zoning Commission shall make a recommendation on the rezoning request and the City Council may approve any such proposal,together with any conditions,requirements or limitations thereon which the Planning' &Zoning Commission or City Council deems appropriate and is agreedto.by the applicant. No minimum area shall be required for the submission of a development-plan application. Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 25 Draft-January 3, 2003 a. Development Plan (i) An application for rezoning to the Downtown District shall include and be accompanied by a development plan (for proposals less than 100 acres) Changes in the development plan shall be considered the same as changes in the Official Zoning Map. The proposed development plan shall be processed as required except that changes of detail which do not alter the basic relationship of the proposed development to adjacent property and which meet the conditions set forth in Section 40.0 of this ordinance, may be approved by the Administrative Official. (ii) The Development Plan may, in some cases; be a two-phase document. The first phase shall illustrate and contain the applicant's request and suggestion for the use, configuration of buildings, parking, etc., and the second phase shall illustrate the development.plan showing the suggestions-and recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission after review of Phase One. In addition to the requirements set forth in Section 40.3 of this ordinance, the development plan shall provide as much detail as possible including, but not necessarily limited to: 1. A scale drawing show any proposed public or private streets and alleys; building site, or buildj lots; any areas proposed for dedication, or reserved a,parks parkways,playgrounds, utility and garkage easements, school sites, public buildings, street widening, street changes; and the points of ingress and egress from existing public streets on an accurate survey of the boundary of the tract. 2. For buildings mom-than one (1) story in height, elevations and/or perspye drawings may be required in order that the relationship of tke buildings to adjacent property, open spaces and to other features of th development plan may be determined. Such drawings need only indcate the height, number of floors and exposures for access, light and air. „ For development projects influenced by, impacting on flood-prone areas, or containing major drainageways or areas flood-prone by definition of the City Engineer, a preliminary drainage plan shall be a part of the development plan. This requirement may be waived only upon the recommendation of the City Engineer. 4. A screening and landscaping plan shall be required where such treatment is essential to the proper arrangement of the development in relation to adjacent property. Such plan shall meet the standards established for Screening and Buffering in the Downtown District. C Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 26 Draft-January 3, 2003 5. Any or all of the required features may be incorporated on a single (hydrawing if such drawing is clear and capable of evaluation and interpretation by the Administrative Official. b. Site Plan All non-single family(attached and detached) residential development in the Downtown Zoning District shall submit a site plan meeting the requirements of Section 40 of this ordinance. This site plan shall be submitted either concurrently with the development plan for this phase or prior to requesting a building permit. This,site plan may only be approved following a public hearing before the Planning*Zoning Commission and the City Council in accordance w i the same notice and:bearing requirements for zoning changes as set forth in Section 46 of this ordinance. 37.7 ACCESSORY USES - In addition to those accessory uses specifically authorized in the Schedule of Uses under 37.2, accessory uses authzed under Section 34 of this ordinance may also be permitted use. Standards in Section 34 shall apply to all accessory structures and uses. 37.8 SPECIFIC USE PERMITS—In addition to usesr nd standards listed under this section, specific use permits may be approve by-the Cry council following a recommendation from the Plannini;npning Commission as specifically authorized in Section 45 of this ordinar‘subject Oull and comPlete compliance with any and all conditions required i S on 45, t .�mether with an •th-r conditions as the Cit Council ma impose. Any us ces *-1.9r an approv 'specific use permit shall be permitted without spec}frproval mph: 1_ conditions for an accesso use as defined in this ,Specific use pernlit requestss Qrresidential uses in the Downtown District shall be aOsqmpanied by ct ept/development plan amendment applications together with any of formation E men necessa b decision makin_ authorities includin_ elevations rends s, and otl layouts. Once the concept/development plan has been amended and an SUP ted l y�City Council to permit residential uses conversion to any other use shall also he.,41isidered as a further change to the approved concept/development plan and shall bejeviewed as such. 37.9 SPECIAL EXCEPTION USES - Special exception uses may be approved by the Board of Adjustment as specifically authorized in Section 44 of this ordinance subject to full and complete compliance with an_ and all conditions re•uired in Section 44 to_ether with any other conditions as the Board of Adjustment may impose. Any use accessory to an approved special exception use shall be permitted without specific approval if it complies with the conditions for an accessory use as defined in this ordinance. Attachment 1:Section 37-Downtown Zoning District 27 Draft-January 3, 2003 Attachment 2 Amend Section 34, Accessory Uses as follows: SECTION 34 ACCESSORY USES (As Amended by Ordinance No. 480-LL) 34.1 AUTHORIZED ACCESSORY USES -In addition to other uses which are customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises,the following accessory uses are specifically authorized in the listed zoning district when constructed or operated in conjunction with an appropriate principal use: ACCESSORY USE District Where Permitted a. Barns,stables,granaries,pump houses,water tanks and silos;but not including slaughter houses or AG processing of agricultural products,animals or poultry. b. Equipment Sheds AG,RE c. Accessory buildings enclosing equipment or activities in conjunction with the permitted principal ALL uses. No accessory use shall be construed to permit the keeping of articles or materials in the open or outside the building unless specifically permitted in Section 40 of this ordinance. d. Private stables in areas other than the Agricultural District for the keeping of grazing animals, RE,SF-1A,SF-1B provided: (where the lot on which the structure 1. Ground accumulations of manure shall be collected and properly disposed of so as not to will be located create offensive odors, fly breeding, or in any way become a health hazard or nuisance to contains the same humans or animals: minimum lot square footage required in 2. Fences for pens, corrals or similar enclosures shall be of sufficient height and strength to the SF-1A and SF-1B properly retain the grazing animal(s)on the premises. zoning category) SF-30(where the lot 3. The minimum space area upon which such grazing animal(s) may be enclosed, including on which the structure pasture,pens,corrals,and stables,shall not be less than fifteen thousand(15,000)square feet will be located per each grazing animal over five hundred (500) pounds and not less than five thousand contains the same (5,000)square feet for any other grazing animal. minimum lot square footage required in 4. All enclosures for animals as provided under the terms of this subsection shall be placed a the SF-1A and SF-1B minimum of twenty-five(25) feet from the boundary of any adjoining lot or tract which is zoning category) zoned in a residential category. e. Private residential garages,carports and related storage buildings and greenhouses accessory to AG,RE,SF-1A,SF- permitted residential uses. (As amended by Ord.480-G.) 1B,SF-30,SF- 20A,SF-20B,MF-1, MF-2,MH,DT* * Shall apply only to approved single-family residential uses in the DT zone Attachment 2:Section 34—Accessory Uses 34-28 Ordinance 480-SS Cf. Private swimming pool,wading pools,and game courts(lighted and unlighted),provided that if AG,RE,SF-1A, lighted,the lighting shall be so directed and shielded so as not to shine directly on any adjacent SF-1B,SF-30, residential property;and further provided that any such pool or game court is for the private use of SF-20A,SF-20B, the site occupants and their guests,and not operated as a business. All"at grade"swimming pools MF-1,MF-2,MH with a water depth greater than twenty-four(24)inches and"above grade"swimming pools having a water depth twenty-four(24)inches or more,except for portable tot pools,shall be enclosed by a fence and gate of a height so designated by Ordinance 481 as well as the Uniform Building Code (whichever is the most restrictive)of such material and design to discourage unauthorized entry to the facility. Ornamental pools or ponds designed for decorative purposes and having a depth less than twenty-four(24)inches are not subject to a special fencing requirement and may be located within required front or rear yards provided that they maintain a minimum ten foot(10')setback from the closest property line. All other pool(s)may be located in a side or rear yard,but not within a front yard nor forward of the principal building on the lot,and shall not be located closer than five feet(5')to any side or rear property line nor be located any closer than five feet(5')to another structure. (As amended by Ordinance No.480-C.) g. Lanais, gazebos, greenhouses garden and patio shelters, sun decks, and children's playhouses, , AG,RE, SF-1A, provided the privacy enjoyed by adjacent residential dwellings is not impaired. SF-1B, SF-30, SF-20A,SF-20B, MF-1,MF-2,MH DT* h. Required off-street parking and loading spaces. All i. Home occupation uses,as defined by this ordinance. AG,RE, SF-1A, SF-lB, SF-30, SF-20A,SF-20B, MF-1,MF-2,MH DT* j. Parking and storage of private boats,camper trailers or other recreational vehicles in conformance AG,RE,SF-1 A, with Section 35. SF-lB, SF-30, SF-20A,SF-20B, MF-1,MF-2.MH k. Model and/or sample homes for the purpose ofpromi►oting sales shall be permitted,providing these AG,RE,SF-1 A, structures are located on and within the same tract or subdivision of land being developed for sale. SF-1B,SF-30,SF- 20A,SF-20B,MF-1, MH 1. Signs for advertising uses on the premises. HC,0-1,0-2, Cl- ,C-2,C-3, C-4,B-1,B-2, I-1 and 1-2,DT** m. Tennis courts,health clubs,and related recreation facilities provided they are for the primary use HC,DT** of guests,customers or persons associated with the principal use. n. Retail uses which are reasonably related to the principal uses within the structure provided they do 0-1,0-2,B-1,I-1, not exceed fifteen(15)percent of the floor area of the building. 1-2 C * Shall apply only to approved single-family residential uses in the DT District **Shall apply only to non-residential uses and lots with mixed-use buildings in the DT District Attachment 2:Section 34-Accessory Uses 34-29 Ordinance 480-SS LI On site storage of records or file materials which are ancillary to or a portion of the office or 0-1,0-2,B-1,I-1, business activities conducted within the principal office use(an example of this activity would be DT** the file storage and records required by a title company operation). p. Retail activity of a service nature designed to provide direct service support to the businesses 0-1,0-2,B-1 and employees who occupy the remainder of the office complex. This would be limited to those activities which are clearly supportive of office operations,such as food service in the nature of cafeterias or snack bars,news stands or gift shops providing reading material and small,consumable sundries,pharmacies or drug stores,particularly when co-located with medical or medical related office facilities,office supply stores or outlets providing support to businesses within the complex itself(stores operating under this provision shall not be limited only to sales within the office complex,but should clearly be aimed at marketing primarily within the immediate vicinity of the complex site). q. Feeding pen(not commercial)accessory to farm use AG r. Retail sales incidental to principal activity I-1,I-2 s. Such other service activities as are clearly found to be directed at supporting the employees or 0-1,0-2,B-1 business operations of the office complex. In no event shall the area allocated to retail sales exceed fifteen(15)percent of the net usable square footage of each office structure. All retail operations undertaken pursuant to this provision shall involve no outdoor storage or sales and all signage for such activities shall be contained wholly within the office structure in which the retail operation is established. No outside advertising shall be permitted. cipe t. (Deleted by Ordinance No.480-Z.) u. (Deleted by Ordinance No.480-U.) v. Office or administrative areas-and activities supportive of the permitted principal uses. I-1,I-2,B-1,B-2 w. The resale of used merchandise conducted by a retail sales establishment when such resale is C-2,C-3,C-4,B-1,B- clearly secondary to and related to the sale of new merchandise. The resale of used merchandise 2,I-1,I-2, DT** shall be limited in that used merchandise displayed for sale may not exceed 20% of the total merchandise displayed for`sale. x. Publics semi-public and private,parks; recreation and open space including playgrounds, ALL parkways, greenbelts, ponds and lakes, botanical gardens, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths, equestrian bridle trails,nature centers,bird and wildlife sanctuaries. y. One temporary construction facility and/or one temporary sales facility by a Developer,including ALL manufactured housing,not to exceed 500 square feet per facility,only during actual construction for a period not to exceed two(2)years and located on property being developed. z. Temporary concrete batching or transient mix plant for ninety(90)days plus one(1)thirty ALL (30)day extension.(As amended by Ordinance No.480-D.) aa. Tents for the purpose of promoting retail sales for a period not exceeding twenty-three(23)days. CS,C-1,C-2,C-3,C- This use shall require a permit and shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of the 4,B-1,B-2,I-1,I-2, Uniform Fire Code,Article 32,as amended. It shall also meet the development regulations of the S-P-1,S-P-2,NR- zoning district in which it is being placed. No more than two permits may be issued in any one PUD, DT** year period,with a sixty(60)day separation between uses. (As amended by Ord.480-H.) ** Shall apply only to non-residential uses and lots with mixed-use buildings in the DT District Attachment 2:Section 34—Accessory Uses 3 4-3 0 Ordinance 480-SS bb. Noncommercial and nonresidential antennas: All antennas must be inspected and permitted by the building official in accordance with the city's building code. The height of antennas shall be measured in the same manner as the height of a building as determined in accordance with Section 4.2.Antennas installed for the purpose of municipal communications are exempted from the requirements of this section. (As amended by Ord.No.480-J) (1) Noncommercial television satellite dishes and noncommercial radio and television AG,RE, SF-1A,SF- receiving antennas: 1B,SF-30,SF- 20A,SF-20B,R-PUD, Satellite dishes Max.Ht. Dish Size Location MF-1,MF-2,MH (1 per site) (Max.Diameter) PLOT PLAN REQUIRED Type: Roof Mount 35' 10' Rear of roof not visible from public R.O.W. in front of dwelling Pole Mount 35' 10' Rear yard: > 10' from rear property Ground Mount 15' 10' line& > 10' from side property line or behind the principal dwelling but not in the side yard(not visible from public R.O.W.in front of dwelling) TV Receiving Antenna(1 per site) Roof Mount 35' N/A Rear of roof Lif Pole Mount 35' 35' N/A Behind the principal dwelling, but not in the side yard (2) Noncommercial radio transmitting antennas limited to 65';inheight. Must be located behind AG,RE,SF-1A,SF- the principal dwelling,but not in the rear yard. Must be no closer to a property line than the 1B,SF-30,SF-20A, maximum height of the antenna,,(Complaints concerning electrical,radio,or television signal SF-20B,R-PUD,MF- interference shall be refer red to the FCC.) 1,MF-2,MH PLOT PLAN REQUIRED (Previous subparagraph(3)deleted in its entirety and renumbered as below by Ordinance No.480-W.) (3) Nonresidential satellite dishes accessory to the principal permitted use on site. 0-1,0-2,C-1,C-2,C- 3,C-4,B-1,B-2,I-1, Tvpe: Max.Ht. Dish Size Location I-2,HC,S-P-2,S-P-1, (Max.Diameter) CS,NR-P.U.D., , Roof Mount 35' 10' Rear of roof not visible from public DT** R.O.W.in front of principal PLOT PLAN structure REQUIRED Pole Mount 35' 10' Rear yard: > 10'from rear property Ground Mount 15' 10' line&> 10'from side property line or behind the principal structure but not in the side yard(not visible from public R.O.W. in front of (ay principal structure) ** Shall apply only to non-residential uses and lots with mixed-use buildings in the DT District Attachment 2:Section 34—Accessory Uses 34-31 Ordinance 480-SS cc. Shopping carts.Cart collection areas in parking lots shall not be placed in any required parking CS,C-1,C-2,C-3,C- space.Shopping carts shall not be stored outdoors for any site approved after September 4,2001 4,S-P-1,S-P-2,PUD, unless screened from the public right-of-way by a four(4)foot masonry wall. and DT** dd. Outdoor display of prepackaged ice machines and vending machines may be stored outdoors CS,C-1,C-2,C-3,C- rovided that the machine(s)are not clearlyvisible from thepublic right-of-way or ad acent 4,S-P I,S P-2,PUD p and DT** residential property. Signage on prepackage ice and vending machines shall not be readily identifiable by type or product name from adjacent public streets. 34.2 ACCESSORY BUILDING - The following regulations shall govern the location and use of any accessory building: (As amended by Ordinance No. 480-C.) a. Accessory buildings having a permanent foundation shall be erected no closer than ten feet(10')to a property line located in the rear yard. Those structures not on a permanent foundation may be placed as close as five feet(5')to a property line located in the rear yard. b. No accessory building shall be erected within ten feet (10') of any other building, except that detached residential garages may be located not closer than five feet (5')to the main dwelling. Cov c. No accessory building shall be constructed upon a lot until the construction of the principal building or use has actually been commenced,and no accessory building shall be used unless the main building in a lot is completed and used. d. No accessory building shall be used for dwelling purposes other than by domestic servants employed entirely on the premises or by family members and only in compliance with individual district regulations, e, Accessory buildings shall not exceed one story or fourteen feet (14') in height. f. No accessory building shall be located forward of the principal building on the lot. ** Shall apply only to non-residential uses and lots with mixed-use buildings in the DT District Attachment 2:Section 34—Accessory Uses 34-32 Ordinance 480-SS e � ,,. Attachment 3 Proposed changes to Section 44, Board of Adjustment., Ordinance 480, City of Southlake Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Stfiletlifeugh text denotes deletions, red, underlined text denotes additions, and existing text appears as is. SECTION 44 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (As amended by Ordinance No. 480-C) (As further amended by Ordinance No. 480-N) SPECIAL EXCEPTION USE District Where Permitted 1. Servants or family quarters for domestic servants employed on the premises or family members ofthe AG,RE,SF-1 A,SF- owner of the premises and shall not be rented or otherwise usedaS a separate domicile provided the 1B,SF-30,DT* gross inhabitable square footage of the floor area shall not exceed one thousand(1,000)square feet. CONCEPT PLAN Such quarters may be housed within the principal residential dwelling,above a residential garage,or REQUIRED be part of an accessory building on the same premises,and shall comply with minimum standards for light,health,safety and occupancy in conformance with other applicable City Codes and Ordinances. If the quarters exist as a separate accessory building to theprincipal dwelling,Such quarters must be (10located at a distance of at least thirty(30)feet behind the prtncip dwelling,or not be visible from ther street;in addition,such quarters must share a common street access with the principal dwelling. All utilities must be on the same meter.as the principal dwelling. A separate septic system from the principal dwelling is required ifthe;qutarters are housed other than in the principal dwelling. 2. Temporary real estate "s office,including manufactured housing,to be located on property being ALL sold for a period of sale exceeding (2)years. CONCEPT PLAN REQUIRED 3. The construction'ofa+ ssory buildings or structures of a size or aggregate size greater than that AG,MF-1,MF-2, permitted under the accessory building requirements of the zoning district in which the property lies. SF-1 A,SF-1B,SF- 30,SF-20A,SF-20B, MH.DT* PLOT PLAN REQUIRED 4. Accessory buildings located in the front yard. SF-1A,SF-1B and RE PLOT PLAN REQUIRED 5. In-home day care per state regulations. RE,SF-1A,SF-1B, SF-30,SF-20A,SF- 20B,MH.DT* PLOT PLAN REQUIRED 6. In-home swimming lessons. RE,SF-1A,SF-1B, C * Shall apply only to approved single-family residential uses in the DT zone Attachment 3:Section44—Board of Adjustment 44-33 Ordinance 480-SS SF-30,SF-20A,and SF-20B,MH PLOT PLAN REQUIRED 7. Portable buildings not otherwise permitted under this ordinance, subject to the following All except RE,SF- requirements: (As amended by Ord.480-J) 1A,SF-1B,SF-30, SF-20A,SF-20B, a. Approval of a portable building shall be on a temporary basis only. Any permit granted hereunder MR-1,MF-2,MH, shall be for a maximum period of three (3) years subject to renewal for additional one (1) year PLOT PLAN periods. REQUIRED b. All portable buildings shall be constructed in accordance with the appropriate state or federal code which regulates their construction or shall meet all requirements of the City's building code. c. Portable buildings shall be placed upon a permanent foundation and shall have a masonry facade meeting the requirements of the City's Masonry Ordinance. In addition,hard surfaced parking shall be provided for portable buildings. The Board may waive these requirements where it determines that due to the location of the portable building on the premises or due to other unique circumstances,the requirements are not necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public and that they would impose an unnecessary hardship on the applicant. d. Portable buildings shall be maintained in a neat and presentable condition at all times. Upon expiration of the special exception use permit,the portable building shall be immediately removed and the premises shall be restored to their previous condition. e. The plot plan submitted with the application shall contain a narrative explanation describing the (10 applicant's plans to transition the portable building to a permanent structure. 8. The erection and maintenance of noncommercial radio and television transmitting and receiving ALL antennas and satellite dishes in excess ofmaximum height regulations or maximum dish size for this PLOT PLAN district where such strictures are related to principal permitted uses occupying the structures to which REQUIRED they are external to,attached,or affixed.(As amended by Ord.No.480-J)(As further amended by • Ord.No.480-W.) C Attachment 3:Section44—Board of Adjustment 44-34 Ordinance 480-SS 4 i II Attachment 4 Proposed changes to Section 45,. Specific Use Permits, Ordinance 480, City of Southlake Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Strilethfeugh text denotes deletions, red, underlined text denotes additions, and existing text appears as is. SECTION 45 SPECIFIC USE PERMITS 45.1 SPECIFIC USE DISTRICT WHERE PERMITTED 1. Sale of alcoholic beverages. 0-2,C-1,C-2,C-3, C-4,HC, S-P-1, S-P-2,PUD,DT** 2. Churches, synagogues,temples and other similar facilities for worship, fellowship and ALL education,subject to the following conditions: a. The City Council shall impose_such reasonable conditions as it deems necessary to protect the residential neighborhoods,in so far as practicable, from the detrimental effects of noise,traffic,fire,etc.and to protect the character of the neighborhood and the value of surrounding'properties: b. In granting or denying such application, City Council shall consider such items as the total lanct Via.to be devoted to the religious use,the size of the church structures and the ngregatio the frequency of church services, other activities which take place on the premises,acid t suitability.o f the property for residential use. The City Council shall consider all effects of such a facility, both beneficial and detrimental,*shall deny suckOplication when the detrimental effects substantially outweigh the beneficial effects. c. Children's nurseries,c ld daycare centers,and kindergartens may be approved as a part of the main or accessory religious building provided exterior instructional or play areas are suitably fenced from any adjacent street,parking area or property. d. The City Council may,where deemed appropriate,place a specific time limitation on the approval of a permit for a church. (As amended by Ord.480-F.) 3. Public,semi-public and parochial/private schools,not including correctional institutions All except B-1,CS, or trade schools. HC,I-1 and I-2 ** Shall apply only to non-residential uses and mixed use buildings in the DT District Attachment 4:Section 45—Specific Use Permits 45-35 Ordinance 480-SS 4. Colleges,junior colleges,or other similar institutions of higher learning,whether public or All except CS,I-1 and private,when located on a site of at least twenty(20)acres,and provided such facilities I-2 have direct access to a major thoroughfare street or highway and further provided that buildings and intensive use outdoor facilities are set back a minimum of one hundred (100)feet from all property lines. 5. Public governmental buildings including community health centers and recreation ALL buildings,libraries,museums,postal stations,and administrative offices of federal or state government. 6. Medical care facilities: nursing and care homes,hospitals,with their related facilities and CS,C-1,C-2 supportive retail and personal services used, operated by or under the control of the hospital primarily for the convenience of patients,staff and visitors when located on a site of not less than five(5)acres. 7. Cemetery Uses. CS a. Application. An application for a cemetery use must be in writing and shall include: (1) Name and address of applicant. (2) Location and legal description of proposed cemetery land. (3) Complete plan in conformity with the requirements of Development Plan herein provided. (4) Preliminary specifications of all buildings,improvements,utility installations and other facilities to be constructed on or under the land proposed for zoning change. (5) Such further reasonable information as may be required by the City Council b. Development Plan - The cemetery shall conform to the following minimum 41V requirements: ' (1) It shall be located on a well drained site,properly graded to insure rapid draining and freedom from stagnant pools of water. (2) All walkways and driveways within a cemetery shall be all weather, hard- surfaced. (3) When a public or community sewer system is available,sewer connections shall be installed as required bytlie local plumbing code_ If the cemetery is not to be served it mediately by a sewage collection system connected to a community treatment plant 6r to a public sewage facility, the occupancy of any building, residence or other structure shall be restricted until a septic tank and subsurface drainage field designed and constructed in accordance with methods and standards approved by the State Department of Health and the local plumbing code have been installed,inspected and approved by the City. If the permitted use is not to be served immediately by a water utility,occupancy shall be prohibited until water satisfactory for human consumption is available from a source on the land,or a public utility source,in adequate and sufficient supply for human use and operation of a septic tank and system. Individual water supplies must be in conformity to the local plumbing code. (4) All cemeteries must qualify and be maintained as a perpetual care center as provided in Article 912a,Revised Civil Statutes of Texas,as amended,and any other applicable state laws. (5) The cemetery must comply with all building codes,including but not limited to plumbing,electrical,street,and general codes of the City of Southlake,Texas,or other applicable governmental authority. Attachment 4:Section 45—Specific Use Permits 45-36 Ordinance 480-SS s (6) All use of the surface land or underground,or buildings or structures of any type shall comply with all applicable City, County, State, Federal or other governmental agency requirements as to health,sanitation,ventilation,pollution and associated matters. c. Location-Any cemetery,or any portion of land designated for the use thereof,shall comply with the following minimum requirements as to location: (1) It shall conform to distance requirements of 912a-24,Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended, and such minimum distances shall be measured from the nearest city limit point of any city or cities (other than the City of Southlake, Texas)to the boundary of said cemetery land nearest to the city limit of the other city by direct line measurement. (2) It shall be located not less than five hundred(500) feet from any residence or structure used for living purposes or any well,creek,lake,tank,reservoir or pond, or other such water source or place of storage,passage,or drainage. d. Parking-All parking shall be off-street parking with an all-weather surface located in the rear or side yard next to buildings.There shall be one(1)parking space for each four(4)seats in any assembly portion of any building or structure. e. Screening and Fencing (1) All land actually used for buildings and/or burial spaces shall be completely enclosed in a fence with gates capable of being locked to prevent trespassers from entering said premises (2) Any additional fencing,screenui& walls, landscaping, or ornamental planting shall be installed'if deemed necessary by the City Council in relation to the property itself or in relation to any adjoining property. 8. Community centers and service chibs dedicatedto social or recreational activities serving AG,RE,SF-1 A,SF- the City or neighborhoo4thereof Such buildings and facilities shall be set back at least 1B,SF-30,SF-20A, thirty(30) eet from all.side and rear:property lines and forty(40) feet from any street SF-20B,MF-1 and line. The total ground floor area of all such buildings and structures shall not cover more MF-2 than.twenty-five(25)percent of the site area devoted to such facilities and activities. 9. Public,semi-public and private golf courses together with related clubhouse,pro-shop and AG,I-2 maintenance/storage buildings,provided no building is closer than one hundred(100) feet from any adjoining side or rear property lines or closer than fifty(50)feet to a public street right-of-way line 10. Golf driving range. AG,C-3,C-4,I-1,I-2 11. Outdoor entertainment centers(including ball parks,miniature golf courses,golf driving C-3,C-4,B-2,I-1,1-2 ranges,batting cages,carnivals,archery ranges and similar uses). 12. Athletic stadiums,public or private,when located adjacent to a thoroughfare or collector AG,RE, SF-1A,SF- street. 1B,SF-30,SF-20A, SF-20B,MF-1 and MF-2 tie13. Studios designed for the practice,education or training in art,dance,music,drama,photo, C-1 Attachment 4:Section 45—Specific Use Permits 45-37 Ordinance 480-SS 6 s , or interior design. 14. The location of day nurseries or similar child care activities, if said activity is clearly C-1 designed to support neighborhood requirements in the residential areas lying in close proximity to the specific use site. 15. (Deleted by Ordinance No.480-Z.) 16. Kennels C-3,C-4,B-2,I-1 17. Veterinary clinics for large animal care,to include such restrictions as the City Council I-1,I-2 deems necessary for protecting adjacent properties from negative environmental impacts. 18. Equestrian riding stables,tack rooms, show rings, and rodeo grounds,either private or AG,I-2 when operated as a business,provided adequate measures are employed,to prevent health hazards to humans or animals,and adequate controls are used so as not to create offensive nuisances or odors. 19.Dude ranches catering to temporary guests housed on the premises. AG 20.Private airfields and aircraft landing area. CS,AG,C-3 21.Airports,aviation field or aircraft landing areas. C-3 22.Helistop. CS,HC,0-1,0-2,I-1, I-2,B-2 IL23. Sales and service of new automobiles,trucks,or motorhomes. C-4,I-1 24. Sales and service of used automobiles,trucks,or motorhomes. I-1 25. Temporary concrete botching or transient mix plant exceeding 90-day approval plus ALL one 30-day extension. (As amended by Ord:No.480-J) PLOT PLAN REQUIRED 26. Petroleum Operations. The City Council may grant this use as a specific use permit, I-2 subject to compliance with the following provisions: SITE PLAN REQUIRED a. In granting or denying a use in this category,the City Council must bear in mind that these sites are not to be located contiguous to residentially zoned properties and should be located in such a manner as to preclude the necessity to travel through residentially zoned areas to reach these sites. Petroleum operations should never be placed in an environmentally sensitive area and should be allocated only to those areas appropriately supported by public utility infrastructure and major arterial thoroughfares. Environmental impacts of this use should be carefully considered in determining whether to grant or deny an application. b. The City Council may permit the following uses within this category. (1) On-site storage of petroleum products. (2) Pipe line transfer or servicing operations relating to the delivery of petroleum based products. (3) Petroleum distribution points of a wholesale nature designed to allow the loading or off-loading of truck facilities in a non-retail setting. (Kw (4) Petroleum blending operations. Attachment 4:Section 45—Specific Use Permits 45-38 Ordinance 480-SS y at f (5) Any or all other petroleum related uses which in the opinion of the City Council appear to be in character with the permitted uses for this district. c. No specific use permit shall be granted unless a site plan as set forth in Section 27.8 is submitted to, and approved by, the City Council. (As amended by Ordinance No.480-M.) 27. (Deleted by Ordinance No.480-LL.) CS,C 1,C 2,C 3,C I,B 1, B2,I1,I2, SP 1,SP2,HC, P44B 28. The City Council may authorize a waiver of the solid wall screen requirement for I-1,1-2 outdoor storage,only when such outdoor storage abuts a lot or tract zoned AG,and only when there is no residence on such lot or tract within five hundred(500) feet of the storage area. The City Council has no authority to waive Section 38 Screening Requirements where the outdoor storage abuts properly zoned residential. The applicant requesting a waiver of screening requirements must submit a map to the City Council showing that the outside storage area is so situated that it will not be an eyesore,and is sufficiently distanced from any residences. 29. (Deleted by Ordinance No.480-HH.) 30. (Deleted by Ordinance No.480-J.) 31. The City Council may authorize the establishment of retail operations in an amount 0-1,0-2,I-1 exceeding fifteen(15)percent of the net square footage of anyone office structure if said increase is the consolidation retail from a number of different office structures under common ownership for the purpose of achieving efficiency of use and cost economies. An example of this use old be found in a business park which might contain five separate office structures A cafeteria or food service establishment to service all five structures might be located in,one central structure under the common control,direction or plan of a common ownership and management group. The City:Council shalt tie.,,pthoriteds.'to grant specific use permits to allow the consolidation of the fifteen O_percent support sales activity,provided that the fifteen (,1 r),percent maximum.Usage for retail sales limitation shall be maintained throughout overall common protect. 32. Residential Lo ,Live/Work units:The City Council may permit the construction of C-3,DT** residential units if-they are constructed as a portion of a mixed use development within a single structure. Thi ;specific provision is designed and intended to allow the construction of studio or loft-type apartments or condominium living units on the floor or floors above office and retail-type activities situated on a ground floor. 33. A residential unit(s)for the exclusive use of an employee or employees of the principal B-2,I-I use,placed upon the site when such employee(s)will be fulfilling the duties of night watchman or caretaker for the site. In approving the construction of a residential unit under this provision, the City Council may establish such terms and conditions as it deems necessary to protect the interest of the community at large,the business applicant and the future occupant of the residential structure. **Shall apply only to mixed use buildings in the DT District Attachment 4:Section 45—Specific Use Permits 45-39 Ordinance 480-SS r c' ■ 34.(Deleted by Ordinance No.480-U.) 35.(Deleted by Ordinance No.480-U.) 36.Recreational campsite or campground(As amended by Ord.480-I.) AG 37.Full Service Car Washes,subject to the following conditions: (As amended by C-3 ord.480-R) SITE PLAN a. Sanitary sewer service must be available to the site; REQUIRED b. The site must be located on a major arterial shown on the Master Thoroughfare Plan in order to ensure proper traffic circulation. c. A minimum of one parking space must be provided for each two hundred (200) square feet of total floor area of all buildings with two-thirds(213)of the minimum spaces being tandem spaces for cars awaiting washing or vacuuming. d.The wash bay and vacuum/gasoline pump areas must be forty-five (45)degrees off parallel to the adjoining thoroughfare. 38. Telecommunications towers,antennas,ancillary structures(e.g.,equipment buildings), ALL subject to the requirements set forth in Section 45.8 of this ordinance. (As amended by Ordinance No.480-W.) 39. Personal care facilities,are encouraged to be located within walking distance of shopping ALL,except AG,RE, areas,medical offices,civic centers,public parks,religious facilities,and other related SF-1A,SF-1B,SF-30, facilities or may be located in transitional areas adjacent to low and medium density SF-20A., SF-20B residential developments whencompatt'ble and shall be subject to the requirements set forth in Section 45.9 of thts ►rdinance (As amended by Ordinance No.480-Y.) 40. Gasoline service stationwhen;operated with or without convenience store,car wash,and C-3 other related ancillary uses,subject to the requirements set forth in Section 45.10 of this ordinance.(As amended by Ordinance No 4 0-4.) 41. Carports for nonesstc ntialproperty,subject to the requirements set forth in Section CS,0-1,B-1,B-2,1-1,1-2, 45.12 of this.`ordinance (As amended*Ordinance No.4804I.) and S-P-1,s-P-2 and PUD districts with CS,0-1,B-1, B-2,I-1,and I-2 uses. SITE PLAN REQUIRED 42.Multi-level parking garages for non-residential property,subject to the requirements set CS,0-1,0-2,C-1,C- forth in Section 45.12`o€this ordinance. (As amended by Ordinance No.4804I.) 2,C-3, C-4,HC,B-1, B-2,I-1,I-2,S-P-1,S- P-2 and PUD SITE PLAN REQUIRED 43.Single-family(attached and detached)residential DT 44.Outdoor temporary removable displays and sales ar fairs, festivals, and other special DT** events 45.Funeral Homes and Services DT** tiv **Shall apply only to non-residential uses in the DT District Attachment 4:Section 45-Specific Use Permits 45-40 Ordinance 480-SS C 46. Farmer's markets DT** (111, • fibre Attachment 4:Section 45—Specific Use Permits 45-41 Ordinance 480-SS City of Soutlilake outN Planning Department MEMORANDUM January 3, 2003 TO: Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Bruce Payne, AICP, Planning Director SUBJECT: Downtown District Design Guidelines as it pertains development in the Downtown Zoning District REQUESTED ACTION: Consider the proposed Downtown District Design fir Guidelines for all development in the Downtown District. APPLICANT: City initiated. BACKGROUND: On December 5, 2002, the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended the approval of Ordinance 480-SS creating the Downtown Zoning District. At the first reading of Ordinance 480-SS at City Council on December 17, 2002, the ordinance amendment was approved 6-1. A work session was scheduled for January 6, 2003 to specifically review the proposed changes. Major concerns were raised about the elimination of the applicability of the Overlay District standards on all development in the Downtown District. The concerns stemmed from the lack of any specific design standards that reflected the character of existing development. In order to address the above concerns, City Staff, together with the developer is proposing a set of Downtown District Design Guidelines based on the existing patterns of development. The guidelines are not intended to be regulatory but are intended to assist the decision making authorities in determining the extent to which proposed f development meets the goals of the Downtown District. �r The proposed guidelines are not intended to be static, but amended to better address future development and market trends. The guidelines shall be adopted by City Council in conjunction with the Downtown Zoning District. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Proposed Downtown District Design Guidelines (...„ . • ..... 7 . ray.... ._,...„ ..—.......„ E. .. , .. 1 ; .. ... / 10 Weil _ - Emil.4= . C •1 ". 4 't X - al— "...77" '' at. ' tri 1/4. ' Omi W4 EL.414 "---. 461 '--7--- i„ 1:1• 'i:46r ,...... flarvra.... awl --Iv, ' ).1••11 ibir •'1, . ....___ Z 1— ;•,`„,.. CO) ECI) 11 • e • - ...‘ - - 0 CA Z "6 4111v 1 . . . 11111 . - •. Z imommi 64 . . CA 44 0 al:111) ii • ..- ,.:1 Si, 1 INX :.., ,... - .•,:, i . 0 , :•' .„-...; .. . + LC 4110 irr ' D .. .: . • 'r , . . . ,... . Cr ,e, N Cr)(110, C) M d c0 d) 4--I 4-4N-� N-- il tx W C0-1/) cn oW -o a)Q 0. o 0.? a a?C '' o a 4'"o ncuaoZ -- sc c Loa Wc3 D. ,_, E0m . 0 Z °i Ca. > , s to z a. z Q x cn cu Q • a �n v� Q a v� 1° �o ao-a an o — .7) � .� .., .. • 0 (A ••-. .- x Q ct Q Q — N M 4 Ili C C v L. a) a a Cl.) C >, a) o a) - MO -d ,, VI.J ,• • " > • f- = c ,x CZ �.0.10 6 .F II ,a) a) ,a) O huH v) > a ; .,, ° >, a) ° °4- i p t ! 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