CEC MINUTES 2022-01-31 ' CITY OF
LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall
1400 Main Street, Room 4A
Southlake, Texas 76092
TIME: 6:00 P.M.
Place 1 — Sherry Berman, Chair
Place 2 —Vandana Tanneru
Place 3 — Eric Wang
Place 4 —Vamsi Alla
Place 5 — Roja Kasarla
Place 7 — Muhammad Igbal
Place 6 — Shayne Forsyth
Melody Andersen, Operations Manager, Customer Relations
Madeline Oujesky, Assistant to the Director, Planning and Development
Bora Sulollari, Management Assistant, City Manager's Office
Amanda Meneses, Emergency Manager, Fire Services
1. Call to order. Meeting called to order at 6:01 by Sherry Berman, Chair.
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2. Approve November 1, 2021 CEC meeting minutes. Muhammed lqbal made a
motion to approve the minutes as written. Vandana Tanneru provided a second.
Approved (4-0). Roja Kasarla and Eric Wang arrived after the minutes were
3. Appoint Secretary
• Sherry mentioned that Vamsi would re-serve as Secretary for CEC —Vamsi
• Muhammed lqbal made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Vandana
Tanneru provided a second. Approve (5-0). Roja Kasarla arrived after the
motion and approval.
4. SPIN Map Review
• Historically — SPIN would have representatives at each meeting, but we have
moved away from that in recent times
• Sherry — most people do not know what SPIN neighborhood they live in, so
CEC decided to provide the cross streets and direct address to each SPIN
• Vamsi — Do we know why the SPIN neighborhoods were divided as they are?
o Madeline — At this moment I am not aware how they were divided, but I
can find out
• Muhammad — For communication, SPIN sign placement is not an issue it's
the size and aesthetic of the sign. They are too small to read on a major road.
Change the colors or refresh the branding.
• Vandana — Suggestion to use the event sign structures to place SPIN signs
• Muhammad — Mobile communication, use Everbridge to create SPIN
neighborhood groups to send an email, phone call, and text to residents
where the development will affect the most. Like the new Alert Southlake
system, send the message to the whole City but target the individuals within
the SPIN neighborhood
• Sherry — Use SPIN Map to create Everbridge SPIN groups.
• SPIN Map approved
5. New Resident Webpage Review
• OCCE visited city departments to see what they thought would be important
to be included on a new resident web page
• Examples from Richardson, Allen, and Keller of what other cities have done
(for formatting and aesthetics)
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• Muhammad — We would love to take this list and absorb it (CEC members
agreed); can come back later and discuss
• Vamsi — How do we want this page to look? What direction are we wanting to
go in?
o Melody — Easy access to information that a new resident would need
to set-up in the community
• Sherry — Use the logos and branding to associate with new resident
• Sherry — Come back March 7th to discuss the new residents web page
6. Staff Reports
FY 2022 Communication Plan Review
• Newly formed OCCE — Office of Communication and Customer Experience
o Team members
o Functions
o Strategy— customer push and pull
o Marketing and branding
■ Big topics
o Channels — social media, websites, e-newsletters, event signs, contact
us, forms, etc.
o Big projects — CoS redesign launch, CRM / 311 evaluation, ADA
transition plan finalization and publication, Citizen Satisfaction Survey
results, communication with HOAs, create and publish annual water
quality report, support city department efforts
• Muhammad —When contacting HOAs check what their meeting
schedule is and take note
• Melody—Will send CEC HOAs list
• Vandana — Doesn't the building department have an HOA list?
• Melody — They do have a list of HOA names, but not the
contacts associated with them
• Sherry — Isn't there a placement on the development plans that
signifies which HOA the development will be placed in?
• Melody -
■ Muhammad — P&Z could be the group to intake that information
• Muhammad — what did not get onto the 2022 big projects list? For instance,
trash and recycling, the recycling tool?
o Melody—we did push communication out about the recycle tool, but
that is a topic we could easily bring back up
• Muhammad — Is there a capacity to the amount of projects OCCE can take on
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o Melody — more about bandwidth and how much we can take on as a
department. Priorities can easily change if Council wants to take a new
7. Discussion
ERM Manager Discussion
• Amanda Meneses — Emergency Management Program for CoS
o Emergency management topics became more popular two years ago
due to COVID and Texas Winter Storm
o What to expect with this presentation - what emergency management
looks like in Southlake, public events Southlake has held, what to
communicate to the public during events, partnership with CEC, Q & A
• Emergency planning for the City
o Winter Storm plan
o Pandemic plan
o COOP plans for city departments
o Vector plan for the City— mosquito testing for West Nile Virus,
customer concerns for standing water, public health
o Public education — most of the time the department educates during
good times, not during disastrous events — so it is hard to get the
public on board and listening when things are going well
• Public Events
o National Preparedness Month
o Severe Weather Awareness Week
o National Night Out with Police and Fire
o Speaking events — churches, schools, Rotary club, senior centers, City
leadership programs, etc.
o Annual Safety Fairs — started in 2019
o Pop-Up Alerts —Alert Southlake (email, phone, texts)
• Communication efforts
o Social media (DPS and/or City)
o Everbridge —Alert Southlake
o MySouthlakeNews
o Protect City website — branded
o Elected officials
• Partnership with CEC
o Need support at events — National campaigns
o Word-of-Mouth communication — spread the word
o Expanding outreach to other groups
o Re-post communication on social media
o Recommendations to expand EM in the community
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• Sherry - Admin for Southlake Moms on Facebook: would love to have
anything EM related be sent to their group for re-posting. Any Southlake
Facebook page would appreciate that
o Amanda —
• Sherry —Are there videographers to film your communication?
o Amanda —we use two videographers (one in TH and one in DPS) to
communicate EM materials.
o Melody —open to video ideas; partner with National Preparedness
Month; powtoon cartoon videos
• Vandana — National Preparedness Month, is it a slideshow or video?
o Amanda — We've done PSA videos and funny music videos to get
interest. We'll do presentations, story-time events, and articles as well.
Our main way to communicate to the public is Alert Southlake
• Vandana — Tying current events to emergency communication would
resonate well. Making communication more timely
o Melody— Creating a library almost? Repository of communication
information to send out
o Sherry—Yes, so we can push out communication as quickly as
o Amanda — Currently working on communication to push out before
winter weather arrives on Thursday— how to turn off your water, safely
starting a generator, etc.
o Melody— I can send you whatever is created to share on social media
and spread through the community
o Eric — Social media shares, post the original and re-share the link to
get more boosts
8. Development Report: N/A
9. Discuss community interest topics: N/A
10.Discuss future agenda items.
Melody— Next Monday Feb 7th
a. Draft of Annual Engagement Report for FY 2020 and FY 2021
i. Sherry will present at City Council, March 15th
b. Citizen Satisfaction Survey Results
c. Transparency presentation —with citizens and residents
d. CEC Meetings remotely— cannot hold it virtually, they will need to
continue in person
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i. Options for meeting location change — 3rd floor training rooms,
The Marq boardroom
Muhammad — Methodology for communicating about events in Southlake. Think
about using technology to share all events in the City.
e. Sherry — Coordinate with other groups to communicate about their
events for support
11.Adjournment. Sherry closed the meeting at 7:27 PM.
(h/(+4amsi a, Secretary
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