Talley Semi Jan 2022CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER FORM CIOH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG I The 00H Instruction Guide explains how to mnp4ete this form. I Filer 10 ("ft Cormadsion Paws) 2 Total pages filbd: 3 CANDIDATE/ MS I MRS I MR FIRST MI OFFICEHOLDER Kathleen OFFICEUSEONLY NAME NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX Kathy Talley 4 CANDIDATE/ xxw&ss Igo Bwc: APT I SUITE A, CITY, EIATE; ZIP CODE JAN 18 2022 OFFICEHOLDER MAILING ADDRESS OFFICE OF CfrY SECRETARY —E:]Change of Ad&m 5 CANDIDATEI AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSON Date Postmarked OFFICEHOLDER ( '"rq, PHONE 6 CAMPAIGN W�fARSIMR FIRST MI Roosipt W Amount $r TREASURER Michael NAME NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX Mike Talley Date Imaged 7 CAMPAIGN SUWETAMMSS (NGP0BOXPI-E&SEj APTISUffE*, CITY; STATE; 7F CODE TREASURER ADDRESS (Residence or Business) 8 CAMPAIGN AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION TREASURER PHONE ( 9 REPORT TYPE January 16 3M day Wona mactIon Rwvff 15th day aftr con� treasurer appointment (Offloaholder Only) Jwy is so, 4w bolon, atodra, ad find F)rmm RWort ~ OmH PP) Reportingi-knit 10 PERIOD Month Day Year Month Day Year COVERED 07 /'01 THROUGH 12 31 /,""2021 11 ELECTION R ECT ION DATE ELFCTM TYPE A PrImmy El Runoff [I Omer Month ray year Dascrto- 03 -"�020 0 Genon" E3"Peohn 12 OFFICE OFFICE HBLD (If wry) 10E SOUGHT Qf knmmj 14 NOTICE FROM THIS BOX 15 FOR NOTICE OF POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS ACC EPIM OR PMMCAL OWFAWTURES, MADE BY UT AL COMMITTEES TO SUPPORT POLITICAL THE rAHMATE10FRCEHOLOSIL MAYRAW ROM 41405 YMMffWff C"WATE'S OR OPMEMLOWS 1WWJWQff OR COMMITTEE(S) COWENr. CANDIDATES AND OPPICENCLOSRS ARE REWIRED 70 REPORT THIS NPORNIATION ONLY IS THEY RECEIVE NOTICE OF SUCH EXIIENIMEMe COMMITTEE TYPE COMMITTEE NAME [:]GENERAL COMMWIEE ADDRESS Additional Pages 0SPECIFIC COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME COMMITTEE- CAMPAIGN TREASURER ADDRESS GO TO PAGE 2 Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www-ethics.atate.bws Revised 811712020 COVER SHEET PG 3 19 FILED NAME 20 Flier III (Ethics Commission Filers) 21 SCHEDULE SUBTOTALSSUBTOTAL NAME OF SCHEDULE AMOUNT 1. SCHEDU Ala MONEMARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 2- SCHEDULE A2, NON -MONETARY (IN -KIND) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 3- SCHEDULE E: PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS 4, SCHEDULE E_ L O 5. SCHEDULE F1, POLITICAL EXPENDITURES DE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS . El SCHEDULE F UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS 7. 1:1SCHEDULE F3: PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS E FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS El SCHEDULE F m EXPENDITURES MADE BY CFIE fr CARD $ SCHEDULE G: LMCAL EXPENDITURES E FROM PERSONAL FUN 10. SCHEDULE H, PAYMENT MADE FROM POLITI[CALCONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF C/OH 11� SCHEDULE 3_ NOWPOLMICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL i IEU NS 12. ONS SCHEDULE INTEREST, C ED AND, GAINS, REFUNDS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS RETURNED TO FILER Faris provided by Texas Ethics Is mi " n www.ethica.sbte.tx.us ReWised 811712020 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE SCHEDULE F1 FROM POLITICAL CONTRI13UTIONS If the requested infomiation is not applicable, 00 NOT Include this page Illy the report EXPENOrrURE CATEGORIES Advertising) Expense Evert :k FFund ngExpense Acco-&O'Barildng Fees .... c e Transportation Eclulixneralli Related Expense F e'.. Petting Travel In otaidot Contributionsitknations, MadeBy GWAnerdWMeniodals Expense Printing Travel Out Of Exabirt Cry er/Polffical OoffkmfMe L er(entera category notflated) CredlCmdNirwit The instruction Outdo explains how to complete this fem. Total pages Schedule Ft FILER NAM8 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filer) KathleenB Talley 4 Date Payee name -2-21 wix.corn Amount (S) 7 payee acid IIa t�da Miami i Beach, 33,39 . 1691MichiganAve. (a) C see Categorfesi atthetop DIM edule; ( ) Description. Advertising ep nWebsite fees PURPOSE- OF EXPENDITURE iCheck IftraMoUlside offwas. ComplabaSchedda T ck B d vogn, TX, oftsholdeT 11VW9 expense Complete Q= If direct Candidate 1 Officeholder nome Office sought Office held expenditure to bdhe t C10 PayeeDate name -2 -21 Wix.com Amount IS) Payee address, Slate; zip Code $5.35 1691 Michigan Ave; Miami Beach, FL 33139 Category (See Categories Islas! afthe top ofthis schedule) Description Advertising expense Website fees PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE :iP is of ompi % Check .fd Austin, TX, afliceholder luring expense Complete Q&Y If direct Candidate l Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit Cft3it 138110 Payee name 9-27-21 Wixcom Amount IS) Payee address; ov. aaw. Zip Code $5.35 1691 Michigan Ave. Miami Beach, FL 33139 Cet0 ry ($$es categories listed atthe top ofmis saft6u1s) Description PURPOSE Advertising expense Website fees OF EXPENDITURE is If T ie Check if fin, TX, officeholder living expense Complete DM if direct. Candidate f Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C10 ATTACHPIES OFTHIS SCHEDULEAS NEEDED Forts provided by Texas Ethics Commission ion te.ty-us Revised 1171202 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE SCHEDULE F1 FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS If the requested infbirmation is not applicable, DO NOT Include this page In thea EXPENOMURE CATEGORIES Advertising Expense EventExpense, 1-cenRepsynVNIVRAIrnbussernent SoldtationtFundrabdrill Expense - aTransportation & Related Experse, Consulting F o.. Pricing Expense Travel In DIstrirt made By GffVk a Printing out0i' stet Legal ' Ter (enters category nd't listed above) The Instruction Guide explains how to cisimptaft this fo "I Total pages Schedule FI: 2 FILER NAME Filer ID (Ethics Commission Plans) 3 Kathleen B Talley Fa a name ` 10-2 21 I. Amount $} 7 Payee address; Slow, Zip Code Miami Beach, FL13139 $5.35 1691 Michigan Ave. (plCategGrYlSee Categories listed at: top of e) () description Advertising expense bit fees I OF "E rfu E t ➢itra l .... *iTaxaa, e 3 7; Check It Aust°sn, TX, afffoaaaolder liu➢»g expense . 9 Complete Q= If direct Candidate I Officeholdernarne Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit CIOH Date Payee name 11-1 - 1 1-800-Flowers.com Amount { } Payee acid City„ ; ZJP Code 32.4 Category (See Categories listed at the the ofthiasctsdule) Description you gifts PURPOSEGiftsnk OF ExPENDiTURE g T T....Check i'- Austin, TX,::e1ffeeholder living expense..... complete Y If direct Candidate ! Officeholder name Offioesought Office held expenditure to benefit C/0H Date Payee name 11- - 1 Wix.com Amount ) Payee address;Cstate, Zip Code $535 Miami Beach, FL 33139 1691 Michigan Ave. s (See "Categories listed atthe top ofthisa ule) Descriptbri Advertising expense PURPOSE Website tees' OF 1EXPIENDITURE C N Acetic, Tx, 4tfiGehower living expense Campiete OM if direct Candidate / Officeholder name Office, sought Office hold expenditure to benefit C10H ATTACH ADOMONAL COMES OF THIS Forins provided by Texas EtWicie Commiswri, .ethics. te.i u Revised ; 117120 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE SCHEDULE F1 FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS It the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT Include this page In CATEGORIES1EXPENDITU RE R Advertising Expense Even Expense Loan Repwmatmarnbursomeert Soldtatlim/Fundrals"Expense Accotinting/Barddrig Feas OffloeOveahaordRertif expense Transportation Equ C-onstftgExpense FoodgaVerags Expense P Travel In District e,dy A Poi Out OfDistrict CendidetelOftehokledPolidoal Committere, L er (enter qua ) The Instruction Guide explains how to complabs this form - I Total pages Schedule Ft: 2 FILER NAME Filer GCS (Ethics Commission Filers) Kathleen B Talley d Date a Payee name 12-27-21 Wix.com Amount 7 Payee . add city;State; 7jp code 5.35 1691 Michiganis each, FL 33139 y category (see Categories asted at Ine top of twosChad€tia) () Description PURPOSE Advertising expense Website fees O EXPEND rU ion ttasear ats rarer ass e T. Ctieck RAAusti . TX, oftabolder 1lAng expense Complete ONLY if direct Complete ONLY if direct Oandldato I Officeholder name Offlos sought Office held expenditure to benefit GIOH FeDate name rit ct 7-15-21 Amount f) Payee address-, City,State; Zip Code 546.90 1601 Trapelo Rd., Ste. 329 Waltham,02451 Category (ses categories listed Ott" topofthW schodute) Description . PURPOSE Advertising expense Email service OF FXPENDrrURE 1t 3s elT pate 7: Check it Austin, TX,.. alooelx4dir lMng expense Complete QMA it direct Candidate f Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to beneift tiff 1 Elate Payee name Amount t) Payee address; C tea ZJP code Category (Sorr Categories listed atthetop ofthisschedulsj Description PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE DI Char* if Awtin, TX, officeholder riving expense Complete Q= if direct Candidate 1 Officeholder hams Office sought Office held expendiftre to benefit CIOR ATTACH ADOMONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULED Forms provided by Texas EthicsCommission ion telKt US Revised t171 020