Item 9A - SPIN Report SPIN MEETING REPORT SPIN Item Number: SPIN2021-41 City Case Number: ZA21-0098 Project Name: 325 Pine Drive SPIN Neighborhood: 9 Meeting Date: December 14, 2021 Meeting Location: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, TX City Council Chambers Total Attendance: 14 Host: Muhammad Iqbal, member of the Southlake Community Engagement Committee Applicant Presenting: Ryan Peabody, phone: 817-775-9190, email: ryan@peabodylawfirm.com City Staff Present: Madeline Oujesky, Assistant to the Director Town Hall Forums can be viewed in their entirety by visiting http://www.cityofsouthlake.com and clicking on “I Want to” and “View” “Video on Demand” – forums are listed under SPIN by meeting date. FORUM SUMMARY: Property Situation: The properties are located at 325 Pine Drive Development Details: The applicant is proposing to subdivide an existing residential lot into two (2) separate residential lots. Applicant, father, and brother purchased the 4.5 acres property in November 2020 and want to subdivide the 325 Pine Drive property into 2 lots with each lot being over an acre in size. The property directly to the west of this 4.5 acre property is owned by the parents. The goal is to have the father and two brothers in this general location for a family compound. The property will be fenced, and many existing trees will be preserved on the properties. The applicant is currently cleaning up the property and plan to add fresh grass and irrigation. Presentation: Questions and Concerns: 1. Neighbors concerned that they were not notified of this project and some could not attend the SPIN meeting. 2. Concerned with lights, car noise, and how it could affect the neighbor with the new lot. Applicant indicated he would involve the neighbors during the house design process concerning lighting and sewer relocation concerns. The applicant indicated that moving the sewer line would be at his expense and minimize the lighting around the property. 3. Concern on the neighborhood being further subdivided that would ruin the ambiance of the neighborhood. 4. Question on the location of the proposed driveways. Applicant showed the proposed location 5. Concerned with security lighting. Applicant will work with the neighbors. 6. Question on whether this will go to City Council. Applicant stated “Yes.” 7. Concern over not being able to attend the P&Z meeting. There are ways to make a comment on this application for the meeting and staff will get with him after this meeting SPIN Meeting Reports are general observations of SPIN Meetings by City staff and SPIN Representatives. The report is neither verbatim nor official meeting minutes; rather it serves to inform elected and appointed officials, City staff, and the public of the issues and questions raised by residents and the general responses made. Responses as summarized in this report should not be taken as guarantees by the applicant. Interested parties are strongly encouraged to follow the case through the Planning and Zoning Commission and final action by City Council. Southlake Connect Results for the December 14, 2021 SPIN Town Hall Forum