Item 6A - SPIN Report
SPIN Item Number: SPIN2021-38
City Case Number: ZA21-0093
Project Name: Lonesome Dove Church
SPIN Neighborhood: 2
Meeting Date: December 14, 2021
Meeting Location: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, TX
City Council Chambers
Total Attendance: 22
Host: Muhammad Iqbal, member of the Southlake Community
Engagement Committee
Applicant Presenting: Jason Stover, phone: (817-448-9568, email:
City Staff Present: Madeline Oujesky, Assistant to the Director
Town Hall Forums can be viewed in their entirety by visiting and clicking on “I Want to” and “View”
“Video on Demand” – forums are listed under SPIN by meeting date.
Property Situation:
The property is located at 2380 Lonesome Dove Rd.
Development Details:
The applicant is proposing an approx. 13,000 sq. ft. expansion of the worship facility at
The Dove Church. The church also plans to add additional parking to the rear of the
existing structure. Maximum capacity in the new worship facility will be approx. 375 seats.
Exterior building materials will be made of brick and stone masonry. Highest point of the
worship center will be 32ft. Civil engineer conducted a traffic study, which is under review
by the City. Highest traffic counts are on Sunday mornings, which will not affect peak work
traffic hours. The use of the property will not change. Lighting overflow during construction
will be managed by code. If funds allow, exterior upgrades will be made to existing
buildings. Drainage – expansion includes detention pond in the SW corner, behind the
parsonage house. The pond will be recessed at 5ft with 30ion concrete pipes connecting
to Lonesome Dove Rd. drainage ditch.
Questions and Concerns:
Q: What are your plans for the parking lot?
A: We will expand it to add an additional row.
Q: Detention Pond will be 5ft deep?
A: Yes
Q: Are you planning on extending the privacy fencing by the cemetery towards the SW boundary?
A: As we work through things with the City, we will do what they recommend.
C: Your main concern seems to be worship capacity since the church is growing, so why not just
add more worship services? I see the parking plans will add 2-3 more rows, but your plans do not
give me context to where my house is located (which abuts the churches property). We are not
interested in more construction noise. Traffic congestion is a concern. Church style is a concern
by mixing older buildings and newer buildings.
C: We did not receive notice about this meeting, which seems like an oversight.
C: Interested to see the construction schedule for the development. The parking lot seems like it
will be a large parking lot and close to adjacent properties. I assume you want lighting on the
parking lot and surrounding neighbors will be unhappy with that request. Concerns about misuse
of parking lot. Architecturally it seems like a misfit. Additional traffic on Lonesome Dove Rd. is a
concern. So, I have significant reservations about your plans.
Q: How many parking spaces are estimated on your current plan?
A: I’m not for sure the exact number, but this parking will take care of the 375-seat worship center.
C: This is a family church, and we will not be having a lot of late-night activity. We are a small
church. I understand everyone’s concerns, but we are not trying to become a huge mega church
concept. Someone mentioned earlier about adding more services, but we all agree that we would
lose the family feel of the church.
Q: Why are you not expanding the parking in front of the building on the street side?
Q: Why have you not considered multiple services? It solves the problem of over-capacity.
A: It’s a theological reason for us. We believe the church, according to scripture, is a gather church
and we want to remain a small family church where people can know the pastor and everyone
else. That’s why we do a single service on Sunday mornings.
Online Question Forms Received
Danielle Schug - I apologize for not being able to attend the SPIN meeting due to a prior school
engagement but am grateful for the opportunity to still be able to submit comments. My family and
I live in one of the homes directly behind the church where the proposed new addition would be
located. We are very concerned about the size of the proposed project both in square footage
and height of the building. In addition, the rendering available on the Church's website shows that
the parking lot will surround the building resulting in mush more noise, traffic, and lighting backing
up to our homes. Is there a way to minimize the scope of this project as well as any new parking
be added only on the street side of the building and not backing up to existing homes?
A: The height of the worship center will be 32ft, which is well below code and zoning regulations.
The parking that we need, I’m not sure there’s another space for it since the cemetery is to the
north. Parking is situated on the back because that’s the flow of our church; many people enter
the building from the back anyways.
Tim Burt - Will a sidewalk be installed alongside of Lonesome Dove Rd starting at the southern
property border and extending to the north side of Lonesome Dove Cemetery? It would be nice
for pedestrians to have a safe passageway on Lonesome Dove Rd with the increased
subcontractor traffic this proposal, in combination with Grapevine's Ferguson Place development
by Maykus homes, will bring. Thank you.
A: We do not have any sidewalks plans in our plan, but we are up for whatever the City wants to
do with that.
SPIN Meeting Reports are general observations of SPIN Meetings by City staff and SPIN Representatives. The report is neither verbatim nor official
meeting minutes; rather it serves to inform elected and appointed officials, City staff, and the public of the issues and questions raised by residents and
the general responses made. Responses as summarized in this report should not be taken as guarantees by the applicant. Interested parties are
strongly encouraged to follow the case through the Planning and Zoning Commission and final action by City Council.
Southlake Connect Results for the December 14, 2021 SPIN Town Hall Forum