Item 6A - PresentationSite Plan for Lonesome Dove Baptist
Chruch Addition
Item 6A ZA21-0093
OWNER:Lonesome Dove Baptist Church
APPLICANT:Kirkman Engineering
REQUEST:Approval of a Site Plan to allow an approximately 13,893
square foot worship building to be added on the property.
LOCATION:2380 Lonesome Dove Ave.(also called Lonesome Dove
Rd.),generally located on the west side of Lonesome
Dove Ave.approximately 400’north of the intersection
with Emerald Circle.
Medi um Dens ity R es Identiel
Future Land Use
2380 Lonesome Dove Ave.
CT z
IP.Ul dS-4tl� llc
400-Year Fhod Phirt
Land Use Designation:
Future Land Use Update
100-Year Flood Plain
Corps of Engineers Propelt_
- Public ParklOpen Space
Low Density Residential
- Medium Density Residential
Office Commercial
Retail Commercial
Mixed Use
- Town Center
Regional Retail
245 450 SM
2380 Lonesome Dove Ave.
Cs: Community
Service District
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0 SF1A - C3
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R-PLIa 0 11
0 MF1 12
0 MF2 0 SP1
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Aerial View
Street View
Street View
Previous Site Plan (ZA99-009)
Added an approximately 5,996 square
foot fellowship and education building
Previous Site Plan (ZA17-063)
Added 12 parking spaces
Site Plan
P & Z Commission Conditions
P&Z Commission Conditions Applicant’s Response
Approving the variance related to the sidewalk but noting
the applicant’s willingness to dedicate a pedestrian
access easement.
A 10’pedestrian access easement is shown along
Lonesome Dove Ave.on the revised Site Plan.The
easement must be dedicated by separate instrument
or by plat.
Denying the variance related to the fence and noting our
recommendation that the applicant meet with the
homeowners and try to come up with some alternative
opportunity there with respect to fencing.
The variance request has been removed and the Site
Plan has been revised to show an 8’wood fence
along the west and south property lines.
Noting the request of the applicant to evaluate dedicating
a one way in or one way out type of traffic flow before
they go to City Council.
A note has been added to the Site Plan stating that
during church services,the church will direct traffic
and dedicate each driveway to serve as a one-way
drive.The church will place signs stating “Enter”and
“Exit”at designated drives.
Variance Requests
Variance to allow no 8’screen
along west and south property
lines has been removed and an 8’
wood fence is shown.
Variance to allow no 5’ sidewalk along
Lonesome Dove Ave. A 10’ pedestrian
access easement has been added.
Variance to allow existing 17’4” throat width –
24’ minimum width is required
Variance to allow ±40’ stacking depths for all
3 driveways –75’ minimum is required
Variance Requests
1)Driveway Ord.No.634,as amended,Section 5.2.d requires a minimum stacking depth of 75’.A variance is requested to
allow a stacking depth of approximately 40’for all three driveways.A variance was approved with the previous site plan
(ZA99-009)to allow a stacking depth of ±40’on all three drives.Reapproval of the variance is required since the existing
use of the driveway is projected to increase in actual or proposed daily design hour volume by 20%or more.
2)Driveway Ord.No.634,as amended,Section 5.1 requires a minimum throat width of 24’.A variance is requested to allow
the existing throat width of 17’4”for the center driveway to remain.A variance to allow the 17’4”throat width was
approved with the previous site plan in 1999.Reapproval of the variance is required since the existing use of the driveway is
projected to increase in actual or proposed daily design hour volume by 20%or more.
3)Zoning Ord.No.480,as amended,Section 33.19 requires a 5’sidewalk to be constructed along Lonesome Dove
the time of construction.A variance is requested to allow no sidewalk to be constructed along Lonesome Dove Ave.A 10’
pedestrian access easement has been added along Lonesome Dove Ave.
4)Zoning Ordinance No.480,Section 39.6.a requires an 8’solid fence to be constructed where the non-residential use
abuts the residentially zoned lots to the west and south.A variance is requested to allow the existing fences and vegetation
to remain.The Zoning Board of Adjustment approved a variance (ZBA-313)to the fence requirement in 1999.Reapproval of
the variance is required since the previously approved variance was based on the plot plan presented at the time.The
Zoning Ordinance was amended in 2000 to give City Council the authority to grant a variance to the screening requirements
for non-residential uses where they abut residentially zoned lots or tracts or lots having an occupied residential dwelling.
Tree Conservation Plan
Landscape Plan
East Elevation
South Elevation
West Elevation
North Elevation
Preliminary Grading Plan
Existing Drainage Area Map
Preliminary Drainage Area Map
Preliminary Storm Plan
Preliminary Utility Plan
Variance Requests
January 6,2022;Approved (7-0)subject to the staff report dated January 5,2022 and and Site
Plan Review Summary No.2 dated January 5,2022 specifically approving Variance No.1 related
to driveway stacking depth,also specifically approving Variance No.2 related to throat width,
approving Variance No.3 related to the sidewalk but noting the applicant’s willingness to
dedicate a pedestrian access easement and denying Variance No.4 related to the fence and
noting our recommendation that the applicant meet with the homeowners and try to come up
with some alternative opportunity there with respect to fencing and then finally noting the
request of the applicant to evaluate dedicating a one way in or one way out type of traffic flow
before they go to City Council to present at City Council as well.
Surrounding Property Owner Responses
10 responses received within
the 300’notification area.