Item 4I - SPIN Report
SPIN Item Number: SPIN2021-17
City Case Number: ZA21-0048
Project Name: Ridgecrest Drive
SPIN Neighborhood: 2
Meeting Date: July 27, 2021
Meeting Location: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, TX
City Council Chambers
Total Attendance: 36
Host: Sherry Berman, Community Engagement Committee
Applicant Presenting: Kosse Maykus; Phone: 817-991- 8182; Email:
City Staff Present: Madeline Oujesky, Assistant to the Director
Town Hall Forums can be viewed in their entirety by visiting and clicking on “I Want to” and “View”
“Video on Demand” – forums are listed under SPIN by meeting date.
Property Situation: The property is located at 2645 and 2745 Ridgecrest Drive near E. Dove
Road and Ridgecrest Drive and across from the Oak Pointe neighborhood.
Development Details:
The applicant is proposing SF-1A zoning for a 10.4-acre development with 9 one acre lots with a
net density of .98 lots/acre and an average lot size of 45,785 sf per lot. There is an existing private
drive along the north end of the property with trees along the street. There is a sidewalk required
along the private drive and we will not be installing the required sidewalk along this street to
preserve the trees. The applicant will repair the road base and potholes in the existing private
drive and resurface it. For fire protection, the applicant will construct a parking place along the
road for the fire truck apparatus staging and provide an 8-inch water line with fire hydrant along
the private street (currently an 1 ½-inch water line). The existing residents will have the opportunity
to tie into the new water line. All homes will be required to have fire suppression systems. The
lots along Ridgecrest Drive will not provide a masonry wall, but will propose wrought iron fencing.
Custom homes will be built on these lots.
Questions and Concerns:
1. Concerned with the traffic along Ridgecrest with one access point. Are you
planning any additional access drives from this development? No, there are no
other ways to connect to Dove Road.
2. Have you considered reducing the number of lots to add addition parkland? No,
there are several parks in this area.
3. Concerned with drainage during construction and preventing cloudy water in the
existing ponds near the development. Where will the drainage flow on this
development? The drainage sheet flows from west to east. We will try to keep as
much natural turf during construction and erosion control measures. There will not
be any increase flow off this property.
4. Are you widening the private road? No, we are improving it for Fire access.
5. Access to the property at E. Dove Road and Ridgecrest Drive, there are several
large trees at the intersection that may be damaged from the large vehicle. We will
try to limit the number of 18-wheelers and provide times for deliveries that will limit
the conflicts with heavier traffic.
6. Where will the street sidewalks be placed as there is a need for sidewalks on
Ridgecrest Drive. The sidewalks will be placed along our property on Ridgecrest
Drive or if the City would prefer, I would be willing to participate, in some way, in
moving them to the west side of Ridgecrest (comment: that would be in my yard-
7. My neighbor may be affected by the proposed street coming out across from her
house with the traffic with cars with lights coming out across from her house. There
are only 6 lots on this street and any development may have lights that affect the
homes across the street (homes fronting Ridgecrest Drive).
SPIN Meeting Reports are general observations of SPIN Meetings by City staff and SPIN Representatives. The report is neither verbatim nor official
meeting minutes; rather it serves to inform elected and appointed officials, City staff, and the public of the issues and questions raised by residents and
the general responses made. Responses as summarized in this report should not be taken as guarantees by the applicant. Interested parties are
strongly encouraged to follow the case through the Planning and Zoning Commission and final action by City Council.
Southlake Connect Results for the July 27, 2021 SPIN Town Hall Forum