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1993-04-06 CC PACKET
City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM April 2 , 1993 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting April 6, 1993 Agenda Items No. 5A - 5F are Consent Agenda Items. 1 . Agenda Item No. 5A. Award of Bid for Hose Drying Cabinet . This is a budgeted item. The low bid is within budget, thus staff recommends awarding the bid to W.S. Darley and Company in the amount of $7, 194 .40 . 2 . Agenda Item No. 5B. ZA 93-11 . Plat Vacation of Lot 30R in Cross Timber Hills will return the subdivision to its original lot design. Vacation of Lot 30R will leave Lots 30 and 31 in place. The house which was constructed on the original Lot 31 will have no adverse impact on the requirements of the original Lot 30 if the Plat for Lot 30R is vacated. According to State law and our subdivision ordinance, City Council approval of plat vacations is required. 3 . Agenda Item No. 5C. Permission to Advertise for S-2 Sewer Line. This item will be funded jointly by the City, the developer' s of Myers Meadow (Mary Stone Myers) , and the developer of Southlake Crossing (John Drews) . The bid specs will specify that award will be contingent upon funding (or some such language) to assure that we do not award bids, and then not receive participation from the developers . The exact wording will be worked out prior to dissemination of the specs . 4 . Agenda Item No. 5D. Permission to advertise for bids on water system improvements . These projects are grouped together as one for bid proposal . These projects are a part of the $1 . 3 7 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest April 2, 1993 Page 2 - million water and sewer revenue bonds issued for use this budget year. (The remainder, including the low pressure plane improvements, will be before City Council in the next several meetings . ) 5 . Agenda Item No. 5E. Permission to advertise for bids for reconstruction of North Carroll Ave from Dove Road to Burney Lane, is the first project to be bid in connection with our street bond improvements. 6 . Agenda Item No. 5F. Relect bids for exterior stucco at Bicentennial Park Community Building. Note this is the 3rd time staff has requested City Council to reject all bids . We believe we can negotiate a contract with the contractor who submitted the lowest bid. Since the bids were not submitted properly, we do not recommend award of bid. We will take steps to assure that contractors are alerted to proper procedure on future projects . Regular Agenda Items 7 . Agenda Item No. 8A. Ordinance No. 480-84, 1st Reading, Zone Change request from AG to I-1 . Note the "Background Info" section of the packet memo from Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy. Note also this item was recommended for denial of request by P&Z (6-0) . It win take a super majority vote to overturn P&Z recommendation. 8 . Agenda Item No. 8B. ZA 93-08 . Final Plat for Stanhope Addition. Note in the Plat Review Summary (pg. 8B-4 in packet) that staff recommends providing drainage easements between lots . Developer does not want to do this . Our Engineer, Eddie Cheatham, believes easements are necessary due to considerable cross-lot drainage in the subdivision. The developer wants the issue to be resolved by builders and Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest April 2, 1993 Page 3 building inspectors at lot grading time. However, proper lot grading will be difficult to get without the easements. 9 . Agenda Item No. 8C. ZA 93-09, Revised Preliminary Plat, Timarron Phase III . Note the comments in the "Background Info" section of the packet memo from Karen Gandy. Note also the comments concerning density in the Plat Review Summary. 10 . Agenda Item No. 8D. Ordinance No. 583 , 1st Reading of Sammons Cable Franchise Agreement . The ordinance presented for first reading was provided by Sammons Cable in December, 1992, similar to their new agreement with the City of Keller. Our attorneys have reviewed the proposed agreement and commented by memo dated January 26, 1993 . We have met with representatives of Sammons, including Tom Soulsby, General Manager, and gone over the comments from our attorney, Analeslie Muncy. Three issues discussed in the list provided by Analeslie (beginning on 8d-11 in packet) are of particular interest : number (3) Federal law; number (4) Rates; number (8) Operational Standards. The franchise as proposed refers in Section 4 to procedures described in the Cable Act of 1984 as - amended. This should be changed to the Cable Act of 1992 as amended. i The proposed Franchise Agreement addresses rates in Section 7 (pg. 8d-4) . As pointed out by Analeslie, the new law does allow local governments to regulate rates under certain conditions, it requires going through the FCC, and it probably will be more trouble than it is worth. Sammons doesn' t seem too interested in providing for local rate approval . At this time, staff isn' t either. You may, however, want to reserve the right . Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest April 2, 1993 Page 4 - Sections 8, 12, and 16 of the Franchise deal with operational standards . Section 12 specifies that the Cable company shall comply with the ordinances and regulations of the City and state and federal agencies as they pertain to the construction and maintenance of facility and equipment . Section 16 specifies that the Cable company shall comply with FCC Rules and Regulations governing CATV operations . City Council may want to suggest that the words "Federal Cable Law" be added to this section. Overall, staff believes the agreement as proposed to be satisfactory with the possible exceptions noted above . Mr. Soulsby has told us that if the proposed agreement becomes onerous they would consider abandoning the 45 connections and let Harron provide the service. I'm not sure how much of the statement is "positioning" and how much is fact . The memo in your packet from Chris Terry refers to the proposed ordinance as a draft, however, unless there are major changes staff recommends approving the ordinance and setting the public hearing. 11. Agenda Item No. 8E is the ordinance denying TU Electric request for a rate increase. This action is what TU Electric would prefer. , 12 . Agenda Item No. 10A is to receive direction from City Council concerning the update of our Land Use Plan. Note the connection of the LUP to the Land Use Assumptions and impact fee update mentioned by Greg Last in his memo. 13 . Agenda Item No. 10B concerns the alignment of Peytonville south of the new high school . The packet correspondence outlines the options considered to date . I have asked Greg Last to look generally (versus an inventory) at the trees Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest April 2, 1993 Page 5 - along the road to ascertain general type and life expectancy of the existing trees, and give us some idea of what we could do to replace the trees we must remove with more desirable trees . 14 . Agenda Item No. 10C concerns the culvert across Continental Blvd. at the drainage easement in Continental Park Estate. At the request of City Council, our engineer, Eddie Cheatham, and the engineer for Southlake Hills, John Levitt, reviewed the dissipator as designed (rock rip-rap) . Levitt has proposed an alternative. The engineers will discuss the alternative Tuesday night . We will proceed with Council' s direction. Staff will also discuss the timing of the reclamation of the drainage easement . 15 . Agenda Item No. 10D. Proposal to hire consultant to assist with SH114 project . In follow up of our previous discussion with TxDOT, Mayor Fickes and I met yesterday with Tom Allen, (MTP) , Susan Evans and Steve Yetts (Mobil) , Don Allen (Carter and Burgess) , and Michael Weaver (Traffic Consultants, Inc. ) out of Austin, to discuss the feasibility of accelerating the development and funding of the SH114 project in Southlake. This was after a meeting last Thursday (March 25) with Billy Hardie (TxDOT) concerning the steps necessary to get on the agenda for a hearing before the Highway Commission on July 29 . At one time it was in the 10 year plan, but its status was rescinded due to lack of funds . SH114 is not currently in the 10 year plan for funding. If nothing is done to convince the Commission to move the project to a higher priority, it may well be ten years before the state schedules the highway for improvement (if then) . If we can convince the Commission to add SH114 to the 1994 Project Development Plan (PDP) for the state, then we can work toward a 1998 project letting (the earliest we can expect under any circumstance) . IIIIFF Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest April 2 , 1993 Page 6 - There is an opportunity to get a hearing before the Commission. The requirements and short timetable will make it extremely difficult without outside assistance. In the meeting with MTP and Mobil we discussed the possibility of hiring a traffic consultant to assist in the necessary preparation for the July 29 meeting before the Commission. The cost would be shared on an equal basis, similar to the cost sharing on the SH114 geometric schematic and alignment projects and the corridor study. We requested the Traffic Consultant to prepare an action plan and budget for your consideration. This will be available Monday afternoon. It is anticipated that our share of the cost will be approximately $10-15 thousand. 16 . Agenda Item No. 11A will cover the presentation of the Independent Audit for FY 92 . (The Audits were included in your last packet . ) 17 . Agenda Item 11B. Proposed transition of median on FM 1709 in Keller to the center turn lane portion in Southlake . The Highway Department is proposing to have the transition in Southlake, 540' east of Pearson Lane. Billy Hardie has requested the City of Keller provide a letter from Southlake expressing its agreement with the proposed transition. Since this is the first time we have seen the proposed transition, we would like your views before responding. OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST 18 . Attached are the meeting notes from the first COS/CISD Joint Utilization Committee meeting. 19 . County Participation Road Projects . We received word from Bob Hampton, Precinct 3 County Commissioner, that Tarrant County will be able to do only one project in Southlake this budget Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest April 2, 1993 Page 7 year due to the number of requests received by the County. Our highest priority was Continental Blvd. (approximately 5, 500 feet) . The cost for this project is currently estimated at $48, 000 . We budgeted $93 , 000 for County participation road projects . When Public Works Director, Bob Whitehead, begins works next month we will have him look at alternative uses of the remaining funds . One road to take a second look at is Ridgecrest between Dove Road and the big curve. The road has had significant deterioration in recent months . If you get an opportunity drive out the street . We have cleared some of the broken pavement and filled new base material in preparation for patching. However, it is in need of major reconstruction. 20 . Transcript of the Phipps TRO hearing has been received. FYI, copies are available for review in our office. 21 . Attached is a letter from our attorney concerning the Murawski lawsuit . 22 . Monday Wayne Olson and I will be in Austin for the House Committee hearing on the drainage legislation proposed at our request by Representative Moffat . 23 . Attached hereto is a letter from Bill Souder, Mayor of Hurst, concerning proposed amendments by Representative Carolyn Park to the legislation enabling the 1/2 cent sales tax for parks, etc. Mayor Souder has asked City Council support of the amendment (attached to Mayor Souder' s letter) . Unless you direct otherwise I will prepare a letter for Mayor Fickes to send to our representatives . If time allows, we will prepare a resolution for the next Council meeting in support of the amending legislation. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest April 2 , 1993 11/1 Page 8 - 24 . Note the attached memorandum from Billy Campbell concerning the graduation of Malcolm Jackson from the Southwestern Law Enforcement Institute Command Management School . This was a three (3) month intensive program. We have graduated seven (7) officers from the one-month program. These numbers are indicative of Director Campbell' s commitment to providing quality management training to his officers . 25 . City Hall will be closed next Friday, April 9, 1993 for Good Friday. ___a±— CEH/kb • • • MEETING NOTES JOINT UTILIZATION COMMITTEE MARCH 25, 1993 Officers Appointed: Mr. Rick Wilhelm and Mr. Buddy Luce Committee Membership: Two School Board Members Two City Council Members One Park Board Member Ex-Officio Members: CISD Superintendent One City Administrator Discussion: It was agreed that we need a Joint Use Policy/Resolution to be adopted by both the City Council and CISD School Board. The five-member committee will be voting members. Ex-Officio members will be non-voting members. It was discussed that the Park Board may have some discretionary money. One possible use of it might be to secure the middle school for more gym use. Two sub-committees were formed: (1)Joint Use Agreement (Rick Wilhelm and Buddy Luce);and (2) Facility Inventory (Bill Branum and Janet) It was discussed that we will need a system to determine how someone asks to use facilities. It was discussed that the committee should be organized with staggered terms. Chris Terry agreed to prepare the agenda each time for the City of Southlake and Carroll I.S.D. All legal postings, etc.,will occur through the efforts of Mr. Terry. Chris Terry and Cathy Bryce agreed to work on procedures for the committee. Next Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, April 13, 1993 7:00 P.M. Community Building at Bicentennial Park Meeting Adjourned PAGE TWO Attending: Rick Wilhelm Bethann Scratchard Buddy Luce Chris Terry Greg Last Tina Harvey Ann Barnes Mike Thompson Bill Branum Cathy Bryce Steve Johnson Richard Wilkinson Jane Cousins Respectfully submitted, Bill Branum City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM CITY MANAGEA April 1, 1993 `1 `1 To: Curtis Hawk, City Manager From: Chris Terry, Asst . to the City Manager Subject : Support for House Bill 1177 Proposing to Amend the Development Corporation Act of 1979, Allowing for Funding of Parks & Rec. Projects and Programs Through Implementation of a Half-Cent Sales Tax The City received a letter from the Honorable Mayor, Bill Souder of the City Hurst requesting the City of Southlake support House Bill 1177 . This legislative initiative proposes an amendment to the Development Corporation Act of 1979 which gave Texas cities the option of utilizing sales tax revenues for the development of parks and recreation projects with voter approval . The amendment introduced by State Representative Carolyn Park would permit cities to use sales tax dollars to pay not only for the development of parks and recreation projects, but for maintenance and operations costs as well . The 1979 Act does not permit such uses of local sales tax revenues . If the City Council calls for a special sales tax election to be held on August 14, 1993 , House Bill 1177 could directly impact the City' s attempts to expand our current parks system through the use of sales tax monies . Mayor Souder' s letter encourages the City to voice' our support for passage of House Bill 1177 . Passage of this amendment will help relieve the ad valorem tax burden of paying for parks maintenance and operations costs resulting from projects undertaken through the 1979 Development Corporation Act . See attached letter from Bill Souder. CT r : : city of G.R March 16, 1993 hurst .x 1993 nv-TCE OF Honorable Gary Fickes j - 113JI City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Mayor Fickes: • On behalf of several cities in this area, State Representative Carolyn Park has introduced House Bill 1177 that proposes to amend the Development Corporation Act of 1979, Section 4B(2). Section 4B(2) allows for the funding of parks and recreation projects and1programs • through the implementation of a half-cent sales tax. One important factor; that was overlooked when the original Bill was passed is the utilization of the sales tax revenues for maintenance and operations costs that are directly related to projects that are constructed under the fund. Current law does not identify maintenance and operations costs associated with capital projects as an eligible sales tax expenditure. It only makes sense that the funding dedicated to build a project pays for a portion of the maintenance and operations costs. It has been our experience that parks and recreation projects have neveri been self- sustaining. Passage of this amendment will place the burden of funding maintenance and operations costs on the funding source which is responsible for the capital projects, not the ad valorem tax rate. ; I The City of Hurst would like to solicit your City CounciPs support of House ;Bill 1177. Even if your City has not passed the half-cent sales tax, we would like to encourage you to contact your State Senator and Representative voicing your support for the amendment. We also would like to encourage you to write the Chairpersons of the Senate and House Economic Development Committees and, if you would like, the individual members of the Committees voicing your support for a prompt and positive committee recommendation. A copy of HB 1177 and a list of those legislators on the House and Senate Economic Development Committees are enclosed for your information. House Bill 1177 addresses an important, yet costly, oversight in the original half-cent sales tax legislation, and any support that your City may offer in the passage of this Bill would be appreciated. If you have any questions or need further information, do not hesitate to contact Anita Thetford, Director of Finance at 281-6160. Sincerely, (211.111 Bill Souder Mayor • I 817/281-6160 Metro 498-2700 1505 Precinct Line Road Hurst, Texas 76054 0..—a.—_Z J. :4TFr. r=c_f1 70 P.G . • LI8030C LEGISLATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEM 73 (R) DATE: 03/03/ BILL TEXT REPORT TIME: 14 :45 : H3 1177 INTRODUCED VERSION PAGE: By Park E.B. No. 1177 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to the sales and use tax that may be levied for the benefit of certain i?dustrial development carnorations. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS SECTION 1 . Section 4B (2) , Development Corporation Act of 1979 (Article 5190 .6, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) , is amended to read as follows: (2) "project" means land, buildings , equipment, facilities , and improvements included in the definition of that term under Section 2 of this Act and land, buildings , equipment, facilities , and improvements found by the board of directors! to be required or suitable for use for professional and amateur (including children ' s) sports, athletic, entertainment, tourist, convention, and public park purposes and events , including stadiums , ball parks , auditoriums, amphitheaters , concert halls, learning cen.te:s , parks and Dark facilities, open space � improvements , municipal buildings , museums , exhibition facilities , and related store , restaurant, concession, and automobile parking facilities , related area transportation facilities , and related roads , streets, and water and sewer facilities , and other related improvements that enhance any of those items , and the maintenance and oeeratinq costs for any such project. SECTION 2. the importance of this legislation and the crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create anI emergency and an imperative public necessity that the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended. SENATE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Mailing address for all Senators: P.O. Box 12068 Austin, Texas 78711 Chair: Carl Parker Port Arthur Vice Chair: Eddie Lucio,Jr Brownsville Rodney Ellis Houston Bill Haley Center Chris Harris Arlington Ike Harris Dallas John Leedom Dallas Frank Madla San Antonio Peggy Rosson El Paso • Florence Shapiro Plano Jeff Wentworth San Antonio r HOUSE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Mailing address for all Representatives: P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910 Chair: Rene Oliveira Brownsville Vice Chair: Ken Yarbrough Houston Steve Holzheauser Victoria Jim Horn Denton John Smithee Amarillo Yvonne Davis Dallas Jim Pitts, Waxahachie Nancy Moffat Southlake Tom Ramsay Mount Vernon Richard Raymond Benavides John Shields San Antonio City of Southlake,Texas CITY NAGER MEMORANDUM �i��(��►.+ March 31, 1993 j i TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director, Department of Public Safety SUBJECT: Graduation - Malcolm Jackson, Director, Police Services On Friday, March 26, 1993, Malcolm Jackson, Director, Police Services graduated from Command Management School at the Southwestern Law Enforcement Institute. Commanders from throughout the United States attend this prestigious school, with his class being represented by three different states. 1 Director Jackson graduated President of his class and gave . the Commencement Address. It was a very proud day for the City of Southlake and Southlake Department of Public Safety. ;ETZ. BC/mr • City of Southlake,Texas CITY TANAGER MEMORANDUM IM ENEFA March 29 , 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: -Billy Campbell, Director, Department of Public Safety SUBJECT: Hose Drying Cabinet Bids Director Williams issued specifications for a fire hose drying cabinet and those bids were opened March 29, 1993. We received the following bids: Casco Industries $7,435 .00 W.S. Darley and Company $7, 194.40 Riggs 1st Line Equipment $7,820. 00 Director Williams has indicated that the low bid, W.S. Darley and Company, meets specifications . We budgeted $7,000 for this cabinet in line item No. 920, Field Equipment, and have saved enough funds from the purchase of other equipment to cover: the remaining $194 .40 . I, therefore, recommend that we accept! the bid from W.S.Darley and Company for the amount of $7,194 .40 . I am available for any questions or comments that you might have. ' BC/mr } ' "I r✓F+tiemo\BoseCab.Bid - • Sa / • City of Southlake,Texas CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM 3-j5-93 March 25, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Plat Vacation - Lot 30R, Block 4, Cross Timber Hills Phase III Subdivision Ordinance 483 , Section 2 . 05, allows for the vacation of a plat previously filed by the City upon application of the owners of all lots in the original plat. Upon approval of the plat vacation, the vacated plat has no effect . Mr. Michael J. Filingeri, 1373 Holland Hill, has submitted an application to vacate the .Plat of Lot 30R, Block 4, Cross Timber Hills Phase III . Mr. Filingeri purchased adjacent Lots 30 and 31, and combined the lots into a single Lot 30R in May 1985 . Following the filing of the re-plat, Mr. Filingeri constructed a home on the portion of Lot 30R that was originally Lot 31 . Currently, Mr. Filingeri has a contract on the portion of Lot 30R that was originally Lot 30, and is requesting plat vacation so that, he may sell the original Lot 30 . Attached is a copy of the plat vacation request with a graphic exhibit of the plat to be vacated. City staff has also reviewed this request and has no problems with the vacation of this plat . On March 4 , 1993 the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of this request . Please pl"ace this item on the next City Council agenda for their consideration. GL/gj Attachment : Plat Vacation Request File:C:ICDIGIUXIIMIfMOIPIal.Vac A4 1 _ 04 -- , 4 1 _ uo 66- I 65 . o a, 62 . 1 9 67 alipz '" 3 C d d £ 60 IIIIIINip, lJ Z. p m 4 S 54 _ -, 6 '' I 13R 3 2 LAKgVIE'A OR 11011‘. I mso 5 ii 1 mS 50 SBP4821 20 P `+ .0 �__ / 17 , F. 34 1,4 aoF. 47 24 ` �QQQ /�/'i39 ., eAQQk •_ ... I <N 4 so 1 1s '" .w 19 18 15 37 x_ 33 !y 25 µ 17 g 20 30 38 J • 32 26 I S6 J I E3:1 21 22 39 440411 37 45• H ::::::: A �qY _ iia�VEE:: 20 O 40 :•,i - Q 23 TR.2E .:.:.:.:ii ii ii iiii... .92 36a :... �� ni ,., 111635 ¢ 0 43 S in HAllr34 W 30 31 32 . J 7-6-4, 22 eQq 25 24 23 33 2��, 0 jq - 1M T I� 32 26 ' 005 eel 111 ��OG :, ...I tfi IT l 31 27 15 MEADOW GLEN 3 7 • 34 11014f 30 28 14 13 12 11 I 29 I TR. 1.• 6 a • r .i l r' yt 3< 'T�(:•.e•. .. � '}}\•fir e i. • • 1".---L---........<LI. 4....,... "?°.V.4..c 5.. • ' :• a . n -o z c t n c- �.. s s r z m 0 • -o o s 0 e . r m m ti E HOLLAND HILL _ ��' ,„..., North 286.8� _ _ , ^ lu ..19'00Z m CROSS TIMBER HILLS 4.10_ PHASE III iaQ2i \ • - -vj 50' Bldg. Line Vol. 388-170, Pq.78 • .,1o, e.C.' `1 `" P.R.,T.C.,T. 2 ,0\ \ Nrn- / N \\ to 0 (...' O N W % NNi0 �` - O N I N� �- N I I \1 BLOCK 4 '• tp I \ '"7.5' Utility Etmt, ,� / South 378.0� j i' / 1 \ i / I \ ' / I \• N J -- N I - --- -- ---- - ----- - \\ ^--e— \\� CROSS TIMBER HILLS ��..--" �`_ PHASE II ------ Vol.388-167, Pg.51 P.R.,T.C.,T. . }• r CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Vacation of Plat Date: d/8 P3 1, Michael Filingeri, being the owner of all land included in the plat entitled Lot 30-R, Block 4, Cross Timber Hills, Phase III, filed for record in Volume 388-177, Page 1 of the Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, do hereby declare said plat to be vacated, and do request the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council of the City of Southlake to approve;said vacation. This is to certify that I, the ndersigned, am the sole owner of the property described above on the date of this application. ' ~ I Michael ilingeri STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Michael Filingeri, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same 'for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN DER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the 1V day of ri \OACL 1993. tary Pu and for the State of Texas My Commission Expires: v23-/ .. ! T �000 \•���`" %ITNL. JEAN __Notary eSCoArTmE.O:2•T3X/AS94 - Approved by City of Southlake, day of 1993. By: Mayor,City of Southlake Return to: Owner: City Secretary Michael Filingeri City of Southlake �, ,,, ;,._,v __,. _, ;1373 Holland Hill 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 e^•tthlake, Texas 76092 Page I of 3 • r � CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Certificate of Approval 'e, the undersigned, as duly authorized representatives of the following franchise utility companies, hereby express no objection • to the vacation of the plat(and subsequent utility easements and rights-of-way contained within)as shown on the attached exhibit. This plat to be vacated, entitled Lot 30-R, Block 4, Cross Timber Hills, Phase 111, was previously recorded in Volume 388-177, Page 1 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas. • T.U. Electric, Inc. Signed:-� 4Date: 3-8-is Printed Name:� e y Lea C u Title: /i iJ r,2,du re o r! Tri-County Electric Co-operative, Inc. Signed: /i :'t Date: Printed Name: .J6?u,ti _Title: -7)r 5 GTE So thwest Inc. Signed: CALA.) Date: 3 -/®.-?j Printed Name: )A 0 t p . A LLE I ) Title: 'R. -F,'J r2 _ • Lone Star Gas Company Signed: � ,ja,L '• Date: 3/S/93 Printed Nam.: 1-({2an 1-1 to Xl _ Title: r, Si-aJ' 005 iS fan'f' ►� Page 2 of 3 • 0,4 9LlL•!ti I`f ■ 'pi iin 'S t0[f Is»Illol • os►it T1�at7 t0[ ••L+nua• I Linw S I tY 41no irasY la..M itoj lLLI 201 .0.,3S `Ir / /, . ,, , I1. •uus••.lma' •J N ••O d W 3 S / faN.TTrf t•■laM1a•e•tMsQ!mo L • 1' ,• 1 j• riZ S a~ • ' ..- -715 •u '•net'•:•e 'fl •*f 'oat•t�t *tot■r PIP Tore 1. •a 2afraa»1 'Iroiti047-t7IIt avcrz 1t00 1t2� a01t[D11o0 Cwte0t!C•QaRT1* 'f;'•tt 'tT reo OC•7o1 I. tte J•w fiya■f.f.t• tr.ta, �! 6 • �r / i L.' 1Ra07rR t•�.[�y / i 4'� 'a'01f11 • aft •1141'Assisi...oaf •1•1 id • ono/'Lae••0 t j • anxtnot {{ . J'tip qa.a .•mr►•at 1 itt omit .1 • • k MI 120411 tfoD 1 ?2701t '1F•OC 107 IfA MOI1f001 •1 1611.60•u• v•I I • .007 '0;9/J✓dr MN I. !Litt xaa.Sore 1 P. : 1 • f•• li 62 :�', 11 f amain swigs n • e i L*a.dat .ga 1• 'wage's-trine L. rip a 'r...af .4* s. or•. 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Otis'wisp/ p• 'fiC •set 'f40, imam •t NN1aa spoor *...• Q t4 arose Osage ma 1a pillages aortal 'Li1••g anaa.i '•sot\7■•t"IDtMMOaf '• emit a7oftt floc •4a et jgoset pet ..n .4a J! t7o P11 4 roe ••e■•/ •' I se t*;ayi*au f. t[ !HMV •1uLW Rabat •I •t IV et p*snarl s■■T !•. . ..7��•••�I 1 F.11.1200, 1•'ottlj 1la Is are.. ataa all Ta•settif T•elsiN 'main • u p I tKTt[fi t0 1271f1O0 • ' ' 10ttT7td7a tut P Jm0ar10 3 [L71 f•12*t*0 4 1 MIS/O it •= ' City of Southlake,Texas MANAGE MEMORANDUM © r� t'lTYQ March 30, 1993 t, TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director, Department of Public Safety SUBJECT: Permission to Advertise for S-2 Sewer Line The City has been in the process of acquiring easements for the proposed S-2 sewer line. All easements have now been signed. The next step in the process is to advertise for bids for construction of the line. The plans and bid documents designed by the City Engineer should be ready within the next few weeks. The estimated cost of the project is $435, 000 . 00 and is funded jointly by the City of Southlake ($150, 000) , Mary Stone Myers ($150, 000) and John Drews ($135, 000) . The City' s share will come from the Sewer Impact Fees Fund (752) . Therefore, Staff request permission to advertise for bids for the construction of the proposed S-2 sewer line. Please place this item on the Council' s April 6 agenda for their approval . If you have any questions, please contact me. BC/lc Attachment : City Engineer letter Copy of S-2 line layout c:\wpfiles\memos\S-2bid.adv Se / CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES March 30, 1993 Mr. Billy Campbell Acting Director of Public Works City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Re: Advertisement for Bids on S-2 Sewer Line City of Southlake Job No. 001-417 Dear Mr. Campbell: As you are aware, we have been acquiring easements for the proposed S-2 sewer line for the last few months. We now have all easements signed, and the next step in the process is to advertise for and receive bids. There are a few minor clean-up items to be made to the construction plans involving property owner's requests which were mentioned during easement negotiations. We feel that within the next few.weeks the plans and bid documents will be ready to go out for bids. The estimated cost of the project is $435,000.00, and is to be funded jointly by the City of Southlake ($150,000), Mary Stone Myers ($150,000), and John Drews ($135,000). The City's share of the project is to come from sanitary sewer impact fees, and the funds are available. Therefore, we request that this item be placed upon the April 6 City Council Agenda authorizing the advertisement for bids. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Respectfully, Eddie Cheatham, P.E. \s-2sewer.afb ENGINEERS • PLANNERS •SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 1170 Corporate Drive West • Suite 207 • Arlington,Texas 76006 817/633-1023 • Metro 640-4329 ce-0. , U •- I l P�iga " t CAraIIiC qZ C 2U 2a I I I , mi 1 • 1 , t� � u� A{} J,4 rR x nut rAIG 1R1 i irt _ „ti r n f� �__ RIC 1' t���L I .�"�- J PQO 1R]D ���i i am, v l• 1Ruln '; �J A ' rR x j ---Ir ,,T; �R rRlnC f, - rR . 0TR2f2 RIIIA ET MUM ......_. tt (gyp /� ran fu J � rRJ!ET� TR 2v VCl. EAUES rR ]F l',,_.,, ` `" t N ,K " ���� �JC I / tNL KE WY A-5o0 IR 7A l O Q C *� IYIR 11•1 ✓' • (� I— G1N TR1A 111101j01111111e 11 GRO -i IR X 1,1 w - .•J� TR R _- tlL KN111114,:R I'/ ••fit.' TR 2A1 TR?A7 I l' R.J. 1 za7 tabpawl - IR w I UxRNJ P1 r. TR •�•, ti rR ]e Jtl�vEr rR cz.. / rt 5•/ I t• Cg G C'Ct I ' R AM •,t1�• I✓R 2A LiA I` ER ]I L IR•A,ti,+ IRWA Y.11itd:uw...EI :[•I1111*V• : 9 rR IR SC B • ' •K - - r . IR ^( _� " —i---t-��IMQ 1 E. 64 ` E G. G:II lLEn1 • • �j' -IR ---^---' -' I,4AU IJ I W) III R k fR 4C01 rL4IC R Mt SIP r A-IS A 4 CO IL '"'tom WA IR R/GI I TR U Is 2 tttArR IR IRIKc 1RIf t+ • lA] 1AI I 1R 11 TRW] i TR 1C IR 23 ula tA1� MgTR I 'Rµ 4WI Ili RIG TR4F TRSN nuAt TRSCT ! i 1R.tH IRUIRII T .* IOJECT LOCATION Ip ,n73 ' I /S rR N 14r1 I�,;,I 1ttAI .I TR rR iR L12 t 1R TR 2 gdAR x i IJ 1 •k • • ( I 5 Ili:. I HrunA [, I 7 .:.+�,i I' `®� — no E ` R ��u �..'r A-rsatr ....Le—rr1-r (R • :, 1 1 6N • a.r•,•R+ TR LA2 I� ,.`6 f I t� o: IR 6C • .. - 1 .. R 6AJ(R 61 TR 6a 01 I ► •�1 . _ 1R to I �R � tl tl TR IC RID 6NA 612 TR 6 (R 6C4 R 6C • I '�'�'2` ,,,;.;, �s..: �'S 12 TR 61:31 1. IR 112 'J tA9 R?A +- IR • TR 6f2 I TR 2A3 IR 6A2 IR TA 6E1 IR L 6fU1 1 IR III TR 11U Ai TR Imo TR i 11 IR iR 1v TA 6f 1 ✓� 1R IH IA) --T�•- 1 ---� . 1 . . -11a F\A D'...-_.-_�..----•--- t' CO''NTINENT • -SOULEVARD—�-• T j 11l IR 11 I3i • - •..55 j TR 1 --- I-MP IA .*;. .• 51 . :. f -,.,.....vat IR t( 10 Yky4iii ;R ]C ,.. ., . a.r r' tx M 1R ] 1x a �pn M y ` • ,�inlJ' IR ] ..Q• ©Q.`+ U IR IC �'1��. • ' c IR ]CFtatvrr A-24A • IR ]A • IR 2 7 • I— Cip K .R ill —I 0 rR 1 S r m LI1EL . THOMA P:$�� 4 ,,)R1�5 L( TR IR SLR A-rya+ JG15?A 1 1!rR 2Eu 4 g r — — -- + - — -- ------------------------ GR E TR 2E (t 21 3 c . .11.5 1 r. A 4 1.I City of South lake,Texas MEMORANDUM March 30 , 1993 SI 22 ( 7 4)) TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director, Department of Public Safety SUBJECT: Permission to Advertise for Bids on Water System Improvements for Lines in N. Kimball, Shady Lane, Raintree Drive, Hillcastle Drive, Brookwood Drive, Greenbrough Drive and Rolling Hills Lane Construction plans and specifications for the above referenced water system improvements have been prepared by Cheatham & Associates . These proposed improvements consist of upgrading the water lines which are currently 2" and 3" lines which will result in increased water pressure and adequate fire protection for these areas (see attached map) . There are also several fire hydrants proposed within the project . This project is to be funded from the proceeds from the recent $1 . 3M Water Bond sale. The estimated cost of the project is $400, 000 . 00 . Funds of $465, 000 . 00 are available for these improvements . Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer, recommends that once the high pressure plane is complete and the exact cost of the project is known, if any funds are remaining, the City place a 12" water line under S.H. 114 at Kimball Road and connect it to the 12" line along F.M. 1709 to loop the system. Therefore, staff request permission to advertise for bids on the construction of the water system improvements . Please place this item on the Council' s April 6 agenda for their consideration. If you have any questions, please contact me . BC/lc Attachments : Map of affected streets City Engineer' s letter c:\wpfiles\memos\CIP PHI.adv CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES March 30, 1993 Mr. Billy Campbell Acting Director of Public Works City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Re: Advertisement for Bids on Water System Improvements for Lines in: N. Kimball, Shady Ln., Raintree Dr., Hillcastle Dr., Brookwood Dr., Greenbrough Dr., & Rolling Hills Ln. City of Southlake Job No. 001-513 Dear Mr. Campbell: We have prepared construction plans and specifications for water system improvements for the subject project. These improvements consist of upgrading the water lines which are currently 2" and 3" lines. As a result of these improvements, the water pressure will be increased, and adequate fire protection will be provided. There are also several fire hydrants proposed within the project. The project is to be funded with proceeds from the recent bond sale, and the estimated cost of the project is $400,000.00. The funds available for the project are $465,000.00. Once the high pressure plane is complete, and we know the exact cost of that project, if any funds are available we recommend that a 12" water line be placed under S.H. 114 at Kimball Rd., and be connected to the 12" line along F.M. 1709 to loop the system. Therefore, we request that an item be placed upon the April 6 City Council Agenda authorizing the advertisement for bids. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Respectfully, Eddie Cheatham, P.E. \wsyimp.afb ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 1170 Corporate Drive West • Suite 207 • Arlington,Texas 76006 817/633-1023 • Metro 640-4329 l / _ 11 111/ ♦;%--... 14.1g-OC 6 C ...111SIE b.. ,„, ..., "' ,111t `1 siteI!•t Tali �,�f % FIA1 Clir t--_r: ' A d 1 I r. ruln LLw.1r/. . �y' .. ..,........„ . HIOHL � NI '•ib:i: - ,1�I 11 � ���1� RAINTREE DRIVE _.,.. T--is •� lilt,,, ,_,, r III*. W ..,a1 \ ••,,.. .,... ....., ...0 D ,'j W r" �- � HILpL�C1ASTLE DRIVE I- W.W. HALL 15.6. __" >.' =; d �' / , / I�! 1g7.r, 1 I i=iI I I ►„ '� RICH RD RAD' Q -1 1 11.1 ,l`1=1-:- BROOK WOOD DRIVE rillifilirig 1.0°77 AI THOMAS M HAM Q . Q ray i �-�, � r r4'. GREENBROUGH DRIVE , m R..I■ ka ,� —. co ��• /��Ir1�11r1.rr11111r11�i isior vet li� iki li, Z¢ !1 ROLLING HILLS LANE i .- . tuvii• W - ` � �� d MIMS tom . I GI - L*.1..sa I la fill im lilt , .40,A,Ji.amom.., isi F.M. 1709 ,'a - l1r •r111u-•.1".'`" •.4_.-1•.41r „. r...... .. R'/ ea i'''11 A.k 11ir4 4!: . l , II II ..1 tpliiiiii. mop 4 vf,..... , Offram * trialLUIRrr.e. HO A 111"1141.116 .r . VICINITY MAP City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM CITY ANAGER March 30, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director, Department of Public Safety SUBJECT: Permission to Advertise for Bids on Reconstruction of North Carroll Avenue, from Dove Road to Burney Lane Construction plans and specifications for the reconstruction of North Carroll Avenue, from Dove Road to Burney Lane, have been prepared by the City Engineer. These improvements consist of constructing a 22 ft. wide street with 2" HMAC pavement upon an 8" cement stabilized subgrade with 4 ft. shoulders . The existing right-of-way is adequate, with the exception of needing an . additional 10 ft . on the east side of Carroll for 380 ft. , just north of Dove Road and also 10 ft. on the north side of Dove Road for 200 ft . east . The additional right-of-way is necessary due to the drainage improvements which are proposed at this intersection. The task force' s estimated cost of the project was $125, 000 . The engineer' s estimated cost of the Carroll improvements mentioned above is $175, 000 . The primary difference in the two costs is the drainage improvements required. The estimated cost of the drainage improvements is $50, 000 . The project is to be funded from the $1. 5M Street Bond Fund (703) . Therefore, staff request permission to advertise for bids for the reconstruction of North Carroll, from Dove to Burney. Please place this item on the Council' s April 6 agenda for their consideration. If you have any questions, please contact me. BC/lc Attachment : Letter from City Engineer c:\wpfiles\memos\Carroll.adv S.,G -/ ` CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES March 30, 1993 Mr. Billy Campbell Acting Director of Public Works City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Re: Permission to Advertise for Bids on Reconstruction of N. Carroll from Dove Rd. to Burney Ln. City of Southlake Job No. 001-213 Dear Mr. Campbell: We have prepared construction plans and specifications for the reconstruction of N. Carroll, from Dove Rd. to Burney Ln. The improvements consist of constructing a 22 ft. wide street with 2" HMAC pavement upon a 8" cement stabilized subgrade with 4 ft. shoulders. The existing right-of-way is adequate, with the exception of needing an additional 10 ft. on the east side of Carroll for 380 ft., just north of Dove Rd., and also 10 ft. on the north side of Dove Rd. for 200 ft. east. This additional right-of-way is necessary due to the drainage improvements which are proposed at this intersection. The task force's estimated cost of the project was $125,000.00. We have estimated the cost to be $175,000. The primary difference in the two costs is the drainage improvements required. The estimated cost of the drainage improvements is $50,000. It is our opinion, however, that the South Peytonville Project should cost at least $100,000 less, since a considerable amount of the work has been done by the county. The project is to be funded by proceeds from the recent sale of bonds for street reconstruction, in the Fall of 1992. Therefore, we request that an item be placed upon the April 6 City Council Agenda, authorizing the advertisement for bids. If you have any questions or comments, please give us a call. Respectfully, ►+ Eddie Cheatham, P.E. \recon.nca ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 1170 Corporate Drive West • Suite 207 • Arlington,Texas 76006 817/633-1023 • Metro 640-4329 —a City of South lake,Texas CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM ( — / ?3 /40 April 1, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director, Department of Public Safety SUBJECT: Reject all Bids for Exterior Synthetic Stucco System for the Community Building at Bicentennial Park, and Authorize Staff to Negotiate a Contract to Carry Out Project. The bid specs referencing the stuccoing of the Community Building required sealed bids. No sealed bids were received. However, two (2) bids were telefaxed to the City prior to the 10 : 00 a.m. bid opening: Parks Plaster & Stucco from Burleson, Texas bid $27, 565 . 50 and Greater Metroplex Interiors, Inc. bid $16,486 . 00 . There is $15, 000 budgeted for this project in the FY92-93 Budget, in line item 145/970 (Building Improvements) . Since no bidder met the requirement for a sealed bid, we recommend that all bids be rejected and the City staff be authorized to negotiate a contract with Greater Metroplex Interiors to do the project . The remainder of the project cost above the budgeted $15, 000 will come from line item 145/975 (Park Improvements) . Rejection of the bids submitted March 29 will be the third (3rd) time Council has rejected all bids . Bids were also, rejected 1/19/1993 and 3/16/1993 . According to our attorney, the fact that no bidder met specifications will allow the City to negotiate the contract and still be in compliance with State bid requirements . Please place this item on the Council' s April 6, 1993 agenda for their consideration. If you have any questions, please contact me. BC/kb STOCCO.PA/CEN.CC/kb City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM March 29, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 93-08 Final Plat Approval REQUESTED ACTION: Final Plat approval for Stanhope Addition, being 15.311 acres situated in the Frances Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1511, Tract 3A1. LOCATION: 1900-block of East Highland Street between Sunshine Lane and North Kimball Avenue. OWNER: David C. Hardy, Trustee APPLICANT: Landes & Association, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "SF-1A" Single Family Residential LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential BACKGROUND INFO: It is Staff's understanding that an agreement has been reached between the developer and an adjacent property owner for offsite drainage. NO. NOTICES SENT: None required. Courtesy calls were made to Mr. Harold Knight and Mr. Joe Moore per their request. P & Z ACTION: March 18, 1993; Approved (6-0) subject to the Plat Review Summary dated March 12, 1993 . STAFF COMMENTS: Attached please find the Second Plat Review Summary dated April 1, 1993 . 4 KPG/gj C:\CD\KAREN\MEMO\ZA93-08.MEM I�nAAxnNIN ,1 MCA LA...._'.'___._.. , 7...).„ro zz y 4 I ' 46 NAAALIL u1' I� 'te Vi Q iOiIi0 '4iI111FOAITA k 8 2 JIICO AI - I. _slag_ w'Mcf. o S I y • 9BLyif 1� ,,, raJJJ .�11 1,,... „�... - -I I WWI I 'aAIY&EAtla AANDAL MILL AY� �' I la1ENFN1abNIQ'�� Q .• ��_ r-AANTMI WAT I 1 I ITV• kI 1 s te. e. ' $ tApwMill �-iir CARROLL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL I = I ,�(•♦ a n I O I gLA Y,c uNFvvtll aaltlt I 1 tI•A�,' -)I tAa77 a O o LAM AAN.O 1 1 I •J XII ; t♦ ■ ti ^ @I S _ °E�L�q :IIAYE nI . �v` hGLAIC.. /EITNMYIIIE AYE. f rETTONVI l Ape, at�'4 Y m : ^� ~ �• td oY _ A1�.. rrssC\ A �a per: p1aNNYb 9 ri°'o o II S ��1A1A��,,,.���,......,,,,NANANIN1 C I r^T . ` e, > i — :L;__ZILI 0 'IL , r�FJ rJMIMI .10' POET . •.;.� N N7A +: $ [CA[EK fAr cku ��•�7.1� e�`' ►� f/ t I moms ammo L �ui' �,bIAiAAy t �/EYTONVIIIF AYE.M I— ® 'I N F ,w.MN • 1'- '1r ! { ;•• 1 ►BER°� r�ora ip I IAITTAA {AA11LMfE�6 I - �F : AL I i NI c,T ♦ LTI= I 1 41/7 ,{ 13, O ••' I /AAUEN UT I '�: ' i(f ';t {H=�.. 1 TTJYNO 4a +•'t'� ■ na.1 I� '� �s - tuAAEYAt LN {"N,y�O i l"r7t�''`.yrh:-.4i+ I N•laiF aNA►EL MO_f }`+ r- a » +.. „ARE CI•t,rr~i V �.• ,!, ? :+. ♦ h I I r>A= O w 4 w .+.• 0G_ uA :11 , N, g �Yyt i'„,. r{ I. x v L[ = T AE r I ao r fllY t' a. a T F pF I ►EUC R .I'•,'{, iY t'�. 1. }Y --`; A �'3 PINE ON WIRElAA/EI mail '- Ct , UM N[�^ ♦ it t Ir•,. ; ;4, wa 6 ANTILO► S ►,)lc 11 i;!•E} ; . a[LE it':: i— ;IF" •_'•' "' 71. ar 1 aG- ru1IrI�6 EITFAN aA •' tS:i:'IrA •t �� ;4, L utN Ao� yy `Safsti!, f!O - AA II $ E �tr rrI}: '!y.. 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",i•1 ii •, w 1 Y! •i' fir' J--- r. i eAux1 rl A ;;�'1 - I ,-.'. • o4 ■ -r 1, I h H- • ! .••• Jg t �,yIA[N - `. -�•r► I 1 Wry.:: 1 • v _ ,. 61.LlIN� •• /5/ • il ailp' 1LOAIM[ACI STy.- ^tin l • �. L,= 0 it '� AC Tr. 3A1K 4%, TR 20 6.054 AC TR r 2.95 AC 44SI F -R\10 11AC J.D. Powers - cJU 1 1 n 1 W.A. Towler SF-lA A TR 2F2fl 1-FF R G.W. Hargardine 6- SF-IA Z.'712 g '� ' zc SF-IA - :i8 r,cc D.• Horral TR 2F3 -rR 2.F4R 2 AC I,00g SF-lA , ----. H. Wayne Wade TR 2F 6.7 AC TR 3A1H1 / SF-lA 1 .87 AC SF-lA / / TR 3A / 15.3- AC zit ) I -,S H.Wayne Wad I I I 1 I 1A '1I 1B l I( � SF-1A �1 41`1 10. I 1 7,, 1 N 1a29 TR 3A1J1 ID 6.31 AC 2 SF-1A L.R. Pierce SF-1A D. Andre C.W. Hudson TR TR TR TR 2A6 2A 2A5 2A7 TR 3AIJIA TR 3A1J1B '' .471. 18 .47 .62 AC 1 AC TR 2A1 2A8 AC AC AC I. AC SF-lA SF-lA -- - — HIGHLAND RD_ — — — — _ — — — ADJACENT OWNERS & ZONING TR IC I .. AG 49O1'1 2 AC J /�C TR 2F TR 2E1 Carter r 1 .97 AC 1 .88 A( 1 2i 1 .8 AC 1.753 1 AC City of Southlake,Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO: ZA 93-08 REVIEW NO: TWO DATE OF REVIEW: 4/2/93 PROJECT NAME : Final Plat - Stanhope Addition OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: David C. Hardy, Trustee Landes & Associates, Inc. 300 Red River Way 1107 E. 1st Street Irving Texas 76063 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 PHONE: PHONE: (817) 870-1220 FAX: FAX: (817) 870-1292 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 3/31/93 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 744 . 1 . Provide drainage easements between lots as required by City engineer. 2 . Confirm that the drainage easement in Lot 14 , Block 1 is sufficient to contain the 33 " R. C. P. and the 6' x 3 ' box culvert as detailed on the preliminary drainage and utility layout . 3 . Tie down dimensionally the above referenced easement in Lot 14, Block 1 . * We recommend this plat not be filed until the construction plans have been substantially approved. This will ensure adequate easements and finish floor elevations . Minimum finish floor elevations may be required on the following lot pending review of construction plans : Block 1, Lot 14 . * The Developer' s Agreement for this addition should consider perimeter street and drainage, pa5rk dedication requirements, and off-site grade-to-drain permission. * Original signatures and seals will be required on each blackline mylar prior to filing the plat . (Tarrant County will no longer accept brownline mylars or sepia' s . ) Also required are two sets of owner' s dedications and notaries (8 . 5" x 11" or 14" paper) with original signatures on each. cc : David C. Hardy, Trustee Landes & Associates, Inc . Ned Burleson & Assoc. C:\WPFILES\PLANNER\PLAT93.08 1 GAYLORD W. HARGADINE ; t r VOL. 3419, PG. 430 ' i WILLIAM A.YOWLER et ux MAR VOL.9548, PE S 89° 57'00"E 556.00' _ v-I/2"IRF 81 • 1/2"IRF .�.__--_ . POWERS -- 2 ,91' S' U.E./ 268.68 ^98g/ 322, PG. 599I 1? LOT 7 LOT 8 1 I m 43,560 S.F. w 43,565 S.F. 1 DUANE HORRAL 1 y v VOL.8512, PG. 1953 M m r�so m a: 1 v O Q�`9' 00 N D.o��h ,n 2 co I LOT 6 10 �� �0 e LOT 9 '^ I 43,560 S.F. 43,560 S.F. 7 c, 9�5 S< w Q,4� O I N 89°20 30"� ca u, N89°20'30"E , O J.T. DAVIS, SR. et. ux. NINA I 229.46' ICo. 6,2 50 • N b 238.81' tp VOL. 4963, PG, I BLK. I t I N In N rn d• v LOT 5 o LOT 10 m `Ic - 43,560 S.F. a m 43,560 S.F. ` \ �1 v w 0 I— - i /1/2"IRF 5\) o — 1 z 35.3927•F 7.5'EXIST.U.E. „ = Y m 1 251.61' 254.38' w L I I CC Ut In N LOT 4 N co LOT II a La • 3 �_ 43,560 S.F. _ - 43,560 S.F. hit- LOT I aa: O I• _ • (T) I QA o I. DAVID C. HARDY,TRI STE° VO .10120, PG. 1522 • 1� I a- 2 or In c „ " ( i 1 -- 1O qj/1),'• O�� 251,13' _in m 02 OC O I w a iu 253,66 1 I = o CO ▪p Fys�/0 Z 1 dOc �n in I I (XJ w m > y n 01 v v O w ro a F��y C,1�� CO. LOT 3 m m m o"', '� LOT 12 m 1 J N r' x T<��ly �- 43,560 S.F. r• 3 ti o 43,560 S.F. c_ IW m (\t> o O N y� 1 a "' BLK. 1 I �N LOT 2 OP " „ ( IN aO 250,66' 0 252.98' ` I O r Z < IW G�S -in \°'ri m '• ri c LOT 13 na, LOT 2 r` 43 560 S.F. ti ti 43,560 S.F. - -- \ j 1 N89°20'30"E IJJ N89°20'30"E '1/2"IRF 250.17" \ O 252.28' I W -- LOT I \ = LOT 14 I 0 ro 43,560 S.F. 7 Z m 43,560 S.F. o CHARLES WILLIAM HUDSON DON FRANK ANDRE co ti Q q +' and JACKIE L. HUDSON VOL. 7833, PG. 22G�5 _ t cn O,4/ r- M VOL. 7514, PG. 470 • 40' Q.2 �\ \h , 40' @? ! O • OF BEGINNING I S89°32'E 249,75' �\S 9°32'E 249.77' ), O 1!2 "IRF AT S.E. COR. HUDS •5/8 IRE 11.93 DEDICATED STREET ROW THIS PUTTING 14.46� TRACT BEARS S00°10'30"W G-H-I. B 23.0'!-�, N89°16 O W 549.34' - 20.54 STREET EXIST. ROW 46' \ OW39' v• SURVEY LINE LOSEPH G. MOORE et ux \MST-R CAROLYN H. MOORE • VOL. 5605, PG.327 AMY LYNN HILLARD and x SHIRLEY JEAN KNIGHT JENNIFER HILLARD r )I8,PG.579 n VOL.9599, PG.1I1 I• LOT I LOT 2 ' g0- 5 JACKSON' ADDITION o V —� VOL388�146,PG.432 OWEN FRANK MIKULENCAK , or v r City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM March 29, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 93-09 Revised Preliminary Plat REQUESTED ACTION: Revised Preliminary Plat of Timarron, Phase III, Section One & Two, being 133 .62 acres situated in the Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1037, Hollingsworth & Barnett Survey, Abstract No. 797, O. W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899 and being revised to Timarron Addition, Villages A, B, C, & D. LOCATION: North and South of East Continental Blvd. , approximately 1,000 feet West of South Carroll Avenue and continuing South to Big Bear Creek. OWNER/APPLICANT: Timarron Land Corporation, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "R-P.U.D. " Residential Planned Unit Development BACKGROUND INFO: The revised preliminary plat was presented to the City to reduce the number of street connections to the north-south spine road, to increase the curvature of internal streets, and to revise portions of the plat impacted by the results of a hydraulic study alone the tributary of Big Bear Creek. This plat proposes '_61 lots with fourteen (14) common areas and introduces the concept, " to aid Staff in the tracking of final plats for this and future phases of Timarron (i.e. "The Highlands, Phase I" or Bent Creek, Phase 3") . The product types are as follow: "A" - 68 lots, "B" - 95 lots, "C" - 64 lots, "D" - 34 lots. The previously approved preliminary plat consisted of 290 lots and fourteen (14) common areas. The approved number of lots for each product type are as follow: "A" - 74 lots, "B" - 103 lots, "C" - 79 lots, "D" - 34 lots. The Developer has indicated that the current development regulations approved with Phase III will be utilized with the revised plat. NO. NOTICES SENT: Sixteen (16) RESPONSES: None P & Z ACTION: March 18, 1993; Approved (5-0-1) thr Revised Preliminary Plat of Timarron Addition, Villages, A, B, C, & D subject to the plat review summary dated March 12, 1993 . Commissioner Richarme abstained due to insufficient plat review time. The Commission received the exhibits for Timarron's - - request on Monday prior to P & Z meeting due to a Staff oversight and Mr. Richarme was called out-of-town on business until Thursday. Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager ZA 93-09 March 29, 1993 Page Two STAFF COMMENTS: Attached please find the Second Plat Review Summary dated April 2, 1993 . Attached also is a copy of a letter from Susan Evans, President of Timarron Land Corporation. KPG/gj C:\CD\KAREN\MEMO\ZA93-O8.MEM • 8C -z Timarron Land Corporation 300 East Carpenter Freeway Suite 1425 Irving,Texas 75062 214-791-3333 Fax 214-541-0800 d*e T I M A R RO N February 22, 1993 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council • Chairman and Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 Re: Timarron, Villages "A", "B", "C" & "D" formerly Timarron, Phase 3 Ladies and Gentlemen: We are submitting herewith a Preliminary Plat for , Timarron, Villages A, B, C, and D which is a revision to the Preliminary Plat for Timarron, Phase 3 previously approved by the City. We appreciate the previous efforts of the Council, Planning and Zoning Commission, and City staff members during the review and approval process of the plat. Several refinements have been made to the plat which necessitate this resubmittal, and we feel that these refinements provide a more aesthetic land plan and hope that you will agree. The revisions incorporated into this plat include: • The street layout has been refined to reduce the number of connections to the north-south spine road. • More curvature is provided for internal streets. • A hydraulic study for the tributary of Big Bear Creek which flows throughlthis tract has been completed and submitted to the City. The land plan has been revised to reflect the results of this study. In addition, we have worked with the City staff to establish a "village" name concept for future platting and development of Timarron. By the time of final platting, names will be assigned to e_c:.: wllageT :, - Cand D) . This TthltLvaimplify City record keeping in that sections of Timarron will, from now on, be designated as "The Highlands, Phase 1" or "Bent Creek, Phase 3 . " F\legal\private\SEY\Southlake.ltr 3 a Mobil Land immunity 0 �� February 22, 1993 Page 2 Please note that we are utilizing the same Development Regulations as previously approved for Phase 3 . This plat also contains fewer lots than the previous plat. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, Susan E. Evans President SEE:dha • f:\legal\private\SEY\Southlake.ltr J U N — 1 1 — 92 THU 1 S : SE. CARTER D URG ESS F" - 02 DEVELOPMENT STYE PLAN PHASE III - TIMARRON SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS As Approved May 19, 1992 INTRODUCTION This proposed development site plan by Timarron Land Corporation, Inc. is submitted for Phase III (300.i 2 acres) of the 914.74 acre Timarron Planned Unit Development. This plan is designed to adhere to the intent of the approved Development Concept Plan for this project as well as the City of Southiake Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Section 30. PROPOSED LAND USE AND ZONING The proposed land uses for Phase III include P.U.D. Residential, C-3 Commercial, and golf course. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Permitted S,1ses The permitted uses will comply with those uses identified in the revised Timarron Concept Plan. Development Regulation..§ These regulations apply only to the 300.82 acres identified in the submitted development site plan for Phase III, Phase HI is divided into four categories of residential development. The following Development Regulations are identified for each residential category. PRODUCT - TYPE A Height: No building or structure shall exceed two and one-half (24) stories, nor shall, it exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Depth of Front Yard: Twenty-five (25) feet minimum - no more than 50% of the lots will have front yards less than thirty-five (3,5) feet. Depth of Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum Width of Side Yard: Five (5) feet minimum, no more than 25% of lots. No house may be closer than 20 feet to adjacent house. Width of Side Yard Adjacent to Street Twenty (20) feet minimum Lot Width: Eighty-five (85) foot minimum lot width (90% of the lots); 10% of the lots may have"It3rwititiig et etb%ack line-that vary from 50 feet to 85 feet. 92301801.R06 1 gc-5 J U N — 1 1 — 9 2 T H U 1 S : S T. C A R T E R & BURGES F - 0 3 Lot Depth; One hundred fifty (150) feet minimum Lot Size: Fifteen thousand (15,000) S.F. minimum Maximum Lot Coverage: 30% Minimum Floor Area: Two thousand six hundred (2,600) S.F. minimum PRODUCT - TYPE B Height: No building or structure shall exceed two and one-half (211) stories, nor shall it exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Depth of Front Yard: Twenty-five (25) feet minimum - no more than 50% of the lots will have front yards less than thirty-five (35) feet. Depth of Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum Width of Side Yard: Five (5) feet minimum, no more than 25% of lots. No house may be closer than 20 feet to the adjacent house. Width of Side Yard Adjacent to Street Ten (10) feet minimum Lot Width: Eighty-five (85) foot minimum lot width (90% of the lots); 10% of the lots may have lot widths at the front setback line that vary from 50 feet to 85 feet. Lot Depth: One hundred twenty-five (1.25) feet minimum Lot Size: Eleven thousand two hundred fifty (11,250) S.F. minimum Eleven thousand five hundred (11,500) S.F. average Maximum Lot Coverage: 30% (50% of the lots); 35% (50% of the lots) Minimum Floor Area: Two thousand four hundred (2,400) S.F. minimum PRODUCT - TYPE C Height: No building structure shalt exceed two and one-half (21) stories, nor shall it exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Depth of Front Yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum - no more than 50% of the lots will have front yams less than twenty-five (25) feet. Depth of Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet inininlum Width of Side Yard: Five (5) feet minimum, no more than 25% of lots. No house may be closer than 15 feet to the adjacent house. �. . .... _ Width of Side Yard Adjacent to Street; Ten (10) feet minimum 92301801.R06 2 J U N — 1 1 — 9 a T H U 1 5 5E3e4 R T E R g. F U R G E S F _ 0 4 Lot Width: Seventy-five (75) foot minimum lot width (90% of the lots), 10% of the lots may have lot widths at the front setback line that vary from 50 feet to 75 feet. Lot Depth: One hundred twenty (120) feet minimum Lot Size: Ten thousand five hundred (10,500) S.F. minimum Eleven thousand (11,000) S.F. average Maximum Lot Coverage 45% (50% of the lots); 35% (50% of the lots) Minimum Floor Area: Two thousand two hundred (2,200) S.F. minimum PRODUCT - TYPE 1) Height: Forty (40) foot maximum (25% of the lots); thirty-five (35) foot maximum ('15% of the lots); no building or structure shall exceed two and one-half (24) stories. Depth of Front Yard: Fifteen (15) feet minimum Depth of Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum Width of Side Yard: Zero lot line allowed with ten (10) feet minimum between units Width or Side Yard Adjacent to Street: Ten (10) feet minimum Lot Width: Sixty (60) foot minimum lot width (75% of the lots); fifty (50 foot minimum lot width (25% of the lots). Lot Depth: One hundred (100) feet minimum Lot Size: Six thousand (6,000) S.F. minimum Seven thousand two hundred (7,200) S.F. average Maximum Lot Coverage 50% (25% of the lots); 40% (75 % of the lots) Minimum Floor Area: Two thousand (2,000) S.E. minimum NOTE; Developer agrees to submit detailed concept plans for villages containing product Type 1) for Council review upon final platting of the villages. The conccptuais will include site plans and architectural renderings of typical units in these villages. PHASE III • RESIDENTIAL DENSITY The total"n xbi.iaf itii it = asev k i in-Sc othlake is 291 lots. '.Sin Sat `--gross acreage of residential is 137.20 acres. The gross density of residential development is 2.12 du/acre. 92301801.R06 3 8c -11 JUN - 1 1 - 92 THU 1 5 : SS CiiRTER g. BURGESS F _ 5 The entire project to date for Phase I - III includes 530 lots. The total acreage of residential development for all three phases is 303.00 acres. The gross density of residential development to date is 135 du/ac. PHASE III • AREA OF GOLF COURSE AND OPEN SPACE The total area of golf course and open space in Phase III hi Southlake is as follows: Project Open Space 21.21 AC Golf Course 147.72 AC 168.93 AC • 92301801.R06 4 ',out hla kt• !ionic%a rd 4,-„ .,...,4 ._, _44Eiw-l_t_ 2•th_.- r--__* 4, 4 ._ (.1 VILLAGE \it 1 \ _ _ .,.....,„ 1 *4. N- ...., ... • 1 t --,---...:•'+'-1 V . • I' . 4 , - VILLAGE , ‘,. 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I VILLAGE". •;•:::S tZ.7,•.....-.V:!I_ .111M10114:1...."I I, .....-. /-• .".; ,,- I • —. .— . ,-, \..,: .-------,..,_ __„:7i,„,_ • vLAGE"- -- viLus.-.,:t-,....-„, $ \.roi. ,.y,liN: 4--,--_ . f , VILLAGE\ - : '.-' ../ • \ILLAGE \ ' ---"'"'-• ' '',..__ -.".• '.s..;7‘ . ...,,...) 1 ;•-•.-:.=_*-- P. ,• .., s*,=.` ,7. .4•.- — --••'— ••'--a\ ' • -->":^ '14', -•-•.. —.7._- , CLUBHOUSE • i --. -.''' ....-,-.P.: . G11 F COUR' •y.,--( :-",-.------C' •'--.' . k" -.A.)",..,``7" " ',.. -^' - * - • • \ A_e _i , ' IL ACrE 7-- •---T-7-1 '.\ 1:-. '• , ' '-' -7,•-;- - '..-_,-7—.11. 7-'-•-- , . ... \... • '4 14410,0 4;;"..." S- -'''' \'-1 . VW Z.Williito4' . di .... ' ... PHASES I &2 ' 11- ' ' V • .. 4, a \ . . • ,. .',.----;\,-_:,-!____ GOLF COURSE PHASE \ - 'I— ' -----.- "'• Vtl-i016 • •—Y • • . • • •<, , , , — 4e6 ta -.— -- le-lireallICE-, - leil .----:----- ' John '1/41a.din Road \N•f°' 1. 0 TIMARRON TIMARRON LAND CORPORATION. INC VILLAGE MASTER PLAN ,_, C...-.9 ' er Ti , N21 LOCATION MAP 114, ilt IN Previous PREU.NARY PLAT TIMARRON PHASE THREE SECTION ONE A TWO . �Ti-' _- -- ~^~~~~~ �� City of Southlake,Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO: ZA 93-09 REVIEW NO: TWO DATE OF REVIEW: 4/2/93 PROJECT NAME : Revised Preliminary Plat - Timarron Addition Villages A, B, C & D OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: Timarron Land Corp. Carter & Burgess, Inc . 300 E. Carpenter Freeway 7950 Elmbrook Drive Suite 1425 Suite 250 Irving, Texas 75062 Dallas, Texas 75247 PHONE: (214) 791-3333 PHONE: (214) 638-0145 FAX: (214) 541-0800 FAX: (214) 638-0447 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 3/22/93 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 744. 1 . Provide current zoning for the Aubrey Smith tracts of the Hollingsworth & Barnett Survey, Abstract No. 797 . (South of East Haven) . 2 . Show and label East & West Perry Circle in East Haven Addn. 3 . The number of lots in the Land Use schedule for Village A, Phase I should be 31 with gross density of 1 .26 D.U. /Acre . Subtotals for Village 'A' should reflect a gross density of 1 . 39 D.U. /Acre and open space of 23% . Totals for all villages should reflect a gross density of 1 . 95 D.U. /Acre and open space of 15 . 9% . cc : Timarron Land Corp. Carter & Burgess, Inc . C:\GLORIA\WPFILES\PLANNER\PLAT93.09 LeGLNDI n'taml'g \NOYu.'ioN'w1_ • i U.'0I�1 WY••••••• -..-r....... - ••,•,••.._ \ -{per Il'Wl I/1 _ __ • n,Y•G[ Lwn1 1 IN..O `• a•...•~w -.•r.w.�•._•r r..w._.•� rw+•_w'Yr_�74,4 r�r.4.4.w ....r.. n o1•I»ice 1wgo: K W �Mw.+-.._.,. tw.It YL.unp9ppw W W y1a•,/Ii. t R �- plrtl Grul'N/I.Owj Yl I14All /I Ii'aO1'�t '"'� pUC^I�) r:.M rr NV. r r•� rlua•w Y!•a nod... 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Z _ IcP.tt•a• at •:.nano woi .Yw x¢ TIMARRON ADDITION .-'" . �. r 1 5 0 VILLAGES A,B,C,d D •- -••+� • •• •• ' sO;to'Ap.)t'Io oo' '+` •.. f Nt.n� ��, BEWG A REVISION OF - •.�" ,. 'u' ,. /,A•. , LyL•►'6T:A .rr.»rto Or 1,1 TYARRON,PHASE 7,SECTIONS ONE& TWO •• oAi,•: d f� o [ nrr t¢1r.ct- out a lit ,�_ .1, .. .•. , .• 1. .. 170 m• r `,. / . .w // , . • Tya¢.°0xa'''`t l.ro HALL UEOLut SURVEY.ABSTRACT N0.1017, e tl R0'¢o / :yn.A.• wok • NDLLWGSWORTH A BARNETT SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.T97, _�` p•,yu . .- A.c¢'odgi OBEOIAN w,K NIGHT SURVEY.ABSTRACT NO.699 ..,_ . .. •. •, r 1:1°ocS' • i. "ITV•• 8:1TWprl, Lilt ut.ttut y ,p C N THE ..+. ...w .-�• r_r . -. ✓ . •. ,• I7 /, k b•' /F y[Hra? . -.t.wrr..+l•+..•..• .IOI U Wpm('II 1.1 - // ���RRR•��^ 1 n/_•..G 1 1W.o C01.1S)w CITY Or SOUTHLAKE•TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS _ V fI \ Kit['ti'W-/DDo P U .tAS.19 ACRES/2/I LOT6h1 GOGIUON GREENS ..a•. w- - •-- .. • _ t -' t,J1¢i;51::'.' . a� XO�I lG41E \IN'1791'W-/G4.T7' Dr.. .b tLl i¢rasWi �- tl .•- ♦ T , U ta!, OWNER/DEVELOPER, 1WARRON LAND CORPORATION •....,rr. "'L iT n. .. . .. -. 5 p.IHl.1T'�a �. ,.,.....w... I a_Ot1A E V.1110,• are 6 100E CARPENTER FREEWAY,SUITE 1425 y1 .......................-""'-r.47"V 04r4•'- LI• Nll'ti..W.,0 DO Z O WVWG,TEXAS 15062 rY•' Lt.wirooIJ'W-moo' �' 12N1791-3333 L / 15. I ICA•I N W.I401), a§ 2. •, i ••.. L4.ll1'¢l'4rI-Iw0i A- y•� ",NGl'tDN W-qtG! , ENGINEER.CARTER& BURGESS,WC. t O�r1•u11.1 II•tt11,07.1.N N j/ is /r '�'"^•t Lc•lol ttliw•...If .r..... 7950 CLUBR00K DRIVE,SUITE L50 •Y f LT•KH'll'Il'W•41 01' a♦...•..T� • t7p+.•I. I.00II W VAN. ��'`� 514oi li W•T,.l,' t"`n G"ca/,•lrM.:4�d.1 ,DC M D►LLAS•TEXAS 152,7 NGIhi,Gti/-TI K� l tu11 rt•lsa Wa 1 tw. arr° 12141636.0145 ` Z_LX•f3 \`v /WYtr1•t1a•wat aa.4444 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM CITY MANAG�;� April 1, 1993 To: Curtis Hawk, City Manager From: Chris Terry, Asst . to the City Manager Subject : Ordinance No. 583, A Franchise Agreement with Sammons Cable Company for Cable Service in Parts of Southlake, 1st Reading Sammons Cable Co. is presently operating within the boundaries of the City of Southlake . Sammons serves several neighborhoods in the western section of the City which borders the City of Keller. Approximately 45 homes in Southlake receive cable service from Sammons . Sammons was providing service in this area at the time it was annexed by the City of Southlake in 1988 . Staff has met with representatives of Sammons to discuss the establishment of a franchise agreement to govern operational procedures and service standards of the cable company. General Manager of Sammons Cable Co. , Tom Soulsby indicated that Sammons does not object to entering into a service agreement with the City of Southlake . Mr. Soulsby did not rule out the possibility of pursuing future expansion of their current service areas in Southlake . Some of the franchise sections which should be noted include the duration of the agreement discussed in Section 4 . Section 4 grants the terms of the agreement for a period of fifteen (15) years . In addition, the City Attorney' s Office has suggested that the City receive payments from Sammons Cable Co. on a quarterly basis . • Section 5 of the current draft indicates annual payments . Council may wish to discuss this issue further. With regard to operational standards, Council may wish to include more language which specifies levels of operation and customer service standards . The first draft broadly addresses these areas in Sections 8, 12 , and 16 . Attached is a draft of Ordinance No. 583 for first reading regarding a cable franchise between Sammons Cable Co. and the City of Southlake . Staff hopes to obtain Council direction concerning any areas of Ordinance No. 583 which the Council feels require revision. See Exhibits "A" and "B" for Sammons current rate structure and service extension procedures . CT Ordinance No. 5$3 /AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO SAMMONS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. , A DELAWARE CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, TO OWN AND ( OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM 1N THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS , SETTING FORTH CONDITIONS ACCOMPANYING THE GRANT OF FRANCHISE. 0-R AS, it is the mutual desire of the City of-Southlake and Sammons Communications, Inc. to adopt a cable television franchise on the terms and conditions set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City of Southlake that the following Cable Television Franchise Ordinance be and the same is hereby adopted. SECTION 1: Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Sammons Communications, Inc. Franchise Ordinance. " SECTION 2 : Definitions. For the purpose of this Ordinance the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular number and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" 's always mandatory and not merely directory. q-IMo` (a) "City" is the City of Southlake in the State of - Texas. (b) "Company" is the grantee of rights under this Ordinance awarding a franchise, being Sammons Communications, Inc. (c) "Person" is any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind. (d) "Cable Television System" or "System" shall mean a system of antennae, cables, wires, lines, towers, waveguides or other conductors, converters, equipment or facilities designed and constructed for the purpose of producing, receiving , amplifying and distributing audio, video and other forms of electronic or electrical signals located in the City. (e) "Gross Subscriber revenues" shall mean the gross amount received from the operation of all facets of the Company' s business arising from operations within the City. SECTION 3 : Qualifications of Grantee and Grant of Author- ity. A public hearing concerning the franchise herein granted to Lhe Comoa.(v wa .held on at o'clock at the _ Public notice of !;aid tw,1 r i.n(l w t <J i.v('n in t he _ on , which notice invited interested parties to participate in said hearing and comment upon the legal , character, financial, technical and other qualifications of the Company to operate a Cable Television System in the City . Said hearing having been held on the date and place stated hereinabove , and said hearing having been fully open to the public, and the City having received at said hearing all comments regarding the qualifications of the Company to receive this franchise, the City hereby finds that the Company possesses the necessary legal, technical , character, financial and other qualifications, and that therefore the City hereby grants to the Company a non-exclusive franchise, right and privilege to construct, erect, operate, modify and maintain in, upon, along, across, above and over and under the highways, streets, alleys, sidewalks, public ways and public places now laid out or dedicated and all extensions thereof, and additions thereto, in the City, poles, wires, cables, underground conduits, manholes and other television conductors and fixtures necessary for the maintenance and operation in the City of a Cable Television System for the purpose of distributing television and radio signals and various communications and other electronic services to the public. The right so granted includes the right to use and occupy said streets, alleys, public ways and public places and all manner of easements for the purposes herein set forth. SECTION 4 : Franchise Term. The Franchise granted the Company herein shall terminate 15 years from the date of grant. The Company shall be entitled to apply for franchise renewal pursuant to the procedures described in the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 as amended. SECTION 5 : Payments to the City. The Company shall, during each year of operation under this Franchise, pay to the City an annual sum of five (5%) percent of the Gross Subscriber Revenues received by the Company from operations within the City for the prior year. At the time of payment, the Company shall furnish the City with a report showing the Company's annual Gross Subscriber Revenues during the preceding year. Each annual payment will be made to the City within 30 days after the end of each year. Such sum shall be compensation for the rights, privileges and Franchise and in consideration of permission to use public streets and ways within the City and in lieu of street and alley rentals and charges for supervision for use of public streets and ways within the City. SECTION 6 : Records and Reports. The Company shall keep full, true, accurate and current books of account reflecting Gross Subscriber Revenues, which books and records shall be made available for inspection and copying by the City' s designee at all reasonable times subject to the privacy provisions of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 as amended. ?CI - 3 SECTION 7 : Rates . Attached hereto and made a part of this franchise as Exhibit A is a schedule of current rates for basic cable television service. Such rates may be increased or decreased by Sammons from time to time. SECTION 8 : Complaint Procedures,. The Company shall maintain an office accessible by a toll free telephone number 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, to receive service complaints. Such complaints shall be responded to within 24 hours excepting delays resulting from Acts of God, strikes or other circumstances beyond the control of the Company. Any service complaints from subscribers shall be investigated and acted upon as soon as possible. The Company shall keep a maintenance service log which will indicate the nature of each service complaint and the time and date thereof . This log shall be made available for periodic inspection by the City. SECTION 9 : Liability and Indemnification. The Company shall pay, and by its acceptance of this the Franchise the Company expressly agrees that it will pay, all damages and penalties which the City may legally be required to pay as a result of the Company' s negligence in the installation, operation or maintenance of the Cable Television System authorized herein. The City shall notify the Company' s representative within fifteen ( 15) days after the presentation of any claim or demand to the City, either by suit or otherwise, made against the City on account of any negligence or contract as aforesaid on the part of the Co-.pany. The Company further agrees as follows: (a) Company shall carry Worker's Compensation insurance, with statutory limits, and Employer's Liability insurance with limits of not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100 , 000) , which shall cover all operations to be performed by Company as a result of this Ordinance . (b) Company shall carry Comprehensive General Liability and Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance with bodily injury limits of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500 , 000) per occurrence, and property damage limits of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500, 000) . (c) Company agrees to furnish City with certificates of insurance of said policies, which shall provide that insurance shall not be cancelled unles0 ten days ' prior written notice shall first be given to City'. (d) It is expressly agreed and understood that the Company is an independent contractor and in no event shall Company' s employees be deemed to be employees of the City. SECTION 10 : System Construction, Maintenance_ and, Procedures (a) Upon grant of this Franchise to construct and maintain a community television system in the City, the Company may enter into contracts with Light, Gas and Water divisions of the City , any Public Utility companies or any other owner or lessee of any poles located within or without the City to whatever extent such contract or contracts may be expedient and of advantage to the Company for use of poles and posts necessary for proper installation of the System, obtain right-of-way permits from appropriate state, county and federal officials necessary to cross highways or roads under their respective jurisdictions to supply main trunk lines from the Company' s receiving antennae, obtain permission from the Federal Aviation Authority to erect and maintain antennae suitable to the needs of the System and its subscribers and obtain whatever other permits a city, county, state or federal agency may require. In the construction, installation and maintenance of its System, the Company will use steel, cable and electronic devices, all of specialized and advanced design and type. In the operation of its System, the Company will employ personnel with training, skill and experience in electronics and communications. Neither material nor personnel of this sort may be available to the Company for its System in the event of a war or other similar national emergency. (b) The Company's system, poles, wires and appurtenances shall be located, erected and maintained so that none of its facilities shall endanger or interfere with the lives of persons, or interfere with any improvements the City may deem proper to make, or unnecessarily hinder or. obstruct the free use of the streets, alleys , bridges , easements or public property, and shall be in compliance with all National Electric Code clearance requirements. (c) The, Company may but shall not be required to extend its current cable facilities. (d) All transmission and distribution structures, lines and equipment erected by the Company within the City shall be so located as to cause minimum interference with the proper use of streets , alleys and other public ways and places, and to cause minimum interference with the rights or reasonable convenience of property owndrs who adjoin any , of the said streets , alleys or other public ways and places . (e) In case of any disturbance of pavement, sidewalk, driveway or other surfacing; the Company shall , at its own cost and expense and in a manner approved by the City, replace and restor e all p-:,.,_ n j , • sidew?lk, driveway or surface of any street or a l.ley disturbed in as good condition 'a, be'tor.e said work was commenced considering the nature of the work. ( f) In the event that at any time during the period of this Franchise the City shall lawfully elect to alter or change the grade of any street, alley or other public way, the Company upon reasonable notice by the City, shall remove, relay and relocate its poles, wires, cables, underground conduits, manholes and other fixtures at its own expense. (g) The Company shall not place poles or other fixtures where the same will interfere with any properly located gas, electric or telephone fixture, water hydrant or main, and all such poles or other fixtures placed in any street shall be placed at the outer edge of the sidewalk and inside the curb line, and those placed in alleys shall be placed close to the line of the lot abutting on said alley, and then in such manner as not to interfere with the usual traffic on said streets, alleys and public ways. (h) The Company shall , on the request of any person holding a building moving permit, issued by the City, temporarily raise or lower its wires to permit the moving of buildings . The expense of such temporary removal, raising or lowering of wires shall be paid by the person holding the same, and the Company shall have the authority to require such payment in advance. The Company shall be given not less than 5 business days' advance notice to arrange for such temporary wire changes . (i) The Company shall have the authority to trim trees upon and overhanging streets, alleys, sidewalks and public places of the City so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming in contact with the wires and cables of the Company. SECTION 11 : Line Extensions. Where the Company elects to extend its cable facilities , Company shall extend service to new subscribers, at the normal installation charge and monthly rate for customers of that classification, under the following terms and conditions. (a) Where the new subscriber; or nearest subscriber of a group of new subscribers kis located within 500 feet of existing trunk cable; and (b) Where the number of homes to be passed by such new extension cable plant 'exceeds or equals 50 homes per mile of such new extension cable plant_ (c) In the 2ve:it the -crli i r.emets or subsections (a) and ( b) are not: met, the installation cost per subscriber shall be determined as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto. SECTION 12 : Compliance with Standards . All facilities and equipment of Company shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the National Electrical Safety Code and such applicable ordinances and regulations set forth by the City and/or any other local, state or federal agencies. r SECTION 13 : Company Rules and Regulations. The Company shall have the authority to promulgate such rules, regulations, terms and conditions governing the conduct of its business as shall be reasonably necessary to enable the Company to exercise its rights and perform its obligations under this Franchise, and to assure uninterrupted service to each and all of its customers. However, such rules, regulations, terms and conditions shall not be in conflict with the provisions hereof or of federal and state laws . SECTION 14 : Procedures. The Company shall be a party to any proceeding in which its rights, privileges or interests would be affected and shall be fully entitled to due process rights. SECTION 15 : Approval of Transfer. The Company shall not sell or transfer its System to another, nor transfer any rights under this Franchise to another without written approval by the City, provided that such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld if the vendee, assignee or lessee has filed with the appropriate official of the City an instrument duly executed, reciting the fact of such sale, assignment or lease, accepting the terms of this Franchise and agreeing to perform all conditions thereof . SECTION 16 : Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations. The Company shall, at all times, comply with the rules and regulations governing CATV operations promulgated by the FCC. This shall include adherence by the Company to FCC rules regarding technical and engineering specifications involved in the construction of the CATV System and signal carriage therein. SECTION 17 : Publication CcIsts . The Company shall assume the costs of the publication of this Franchise as such publication is required by law. A bill for publication costs shall be presented to the Company by the appropriate City officials upon the Company' s filing of its acceptance of this Franchise and the said publication costs shall be paid at that time by the Company. 6 SECTION 18: Activities Prohibited. The Company shall not allow its cable or other operations to interfere with television reception of persons not served by the Company. SECTION 19 : Separability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court or agency of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. SECTION 20: Ordinances Repealed. All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this Ordinance take effect from the date it shall have been passed by the appropriate authoritative body, and become effective as otherwise provided by law. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ATTEST: By Mayor City Clerk Date: 7 Sd - � EXHIBIT A BASIC SERVICE RATES A. Primary Outlet Installation 1. Standard Installation a. Aerial $ 45.00 b. Underground where other utilities $ 75.00 are aerial A standard installation consists of a drop of 150 feet or less from the feeder line to the customer's residence. In the case of an underground installation, a standard installation shall be less than 150 feet and shall not include those installations requiring conduit or cutting of streets, sidewalks or other paved areas. 2 . Non-Standard Installation Company's cost of labor and materials plus 10% B. Expanded Basic Monthly Service $ 19 .95 C. Basic Monthly Service $ 7.95 } gd - � EXHIBIT B LINE EXTENSION FORMULA Where the Company elects to extend its trunk and distribution system to serve new subscribers requesting service after the date hereof, the Company will provide service at the normal installation charge and monthly rate under the following terms and conditions. (a) Where the new subscriber or subscribers requesting service are all located within 500 feet from the existing trunk cable; and (b) Where the number of homes to be passed by such extension is equal to or greater than 50 homes per mile of such extension. In the event that the requirements set forth in (a) and (b) above are not met, Sammons will extend its cable television system based upon the following cost-sharing formula. 1) Total Cost to Construct Extension* = Cost Per Mile Miles of Extension of Extension 2) Total Cost Per Mile of Extension = Company's Share 50 Per Home 3) Total Cost to Construct Extension = Cost Per Subscribers Requesting Service Subscriber 4) Cost Per Subscriber minus Subscriber's Company's Share Per Home - Share * Total Cost to Construct Extension is defined as the actual turn-key cost to construct the entire extension including electronics, pole make-ready charges, labor and the cost of the house drops. Sammons does not assess any additional cost for service drops of 150 feet or less. For drops greater than 150 feet, the subscriber must pay for the additional feet pn a cost-plus-labor basis. �' d -) 0 MEMORANDUM TO: - - cu+,rtis Hawk, Citf Mara3e � = :.Y . FROM: Analeslie Muncy DATE: January 26, 1993 RE: Sammons Cable Franchise The following is a list of issues regarding the Sammons cable franchise that the city council may want to discuss at their meeting next week: (1) Fee. Sammons is agreeing to pay as a franchise fee, 5% of the gross amount received from the operation of all facets of the company's business arising from operations within the city. This is the best that you can get, and I see no reason to quibble about it. Your franchise with Cablevision only pays 3% of gross service revenues, which is a smaller base. (2) Payments. They propose annual payments. For the small area they cover, this may be fine; however, as a general principle, the city should try to get payments quarterly. (3) Federal law. The draft franchise is written pursuant to the 1984 federal cable law. It needs to be updated to take the 1992 law into account. (4) Rates. The new federal law allows local governments to regulate rates under certain conditions. It requires going through the FCC, and may be more trouble than it is worth. Nevertheless, it is an option the city should keep open for the future. This will require rewriting the rate section, but I recommend doing it in case problems arise later. (There is language in the Cablevision franchise that I believe allows the city to conform that franchise with any new federal legislation. You may also want to consider talking to Cablevision on this issue. ) (5) Extension of service. `This proposal does not require Sammons to extend service beyond their current cable facilities. Cablevision is required to serve the entire city. There should at least be some discussion of the consequences of this, if any. (6) Term. Fifteen years is standard for cable franchises. I see no problem with the length so long as the flexibility is built in to take advantage of changes in federal law. (7) Transfer. Having authority to approve transfers is important, this proposal gives the city that authority. r le LU1)�1V , dHKICL I I ILL - 1 ( —D U—.)JD3 Jan L i .yJ 6 - 1 ( I O .UU I F .U:1 (8) Operational Standards. The cablevision franchise contains operational standards. It may not be feasible to require operational standards from Sammons considering the size of their in Southiake, but this ems` andt 6r item whic 'ptaf ry— =_ should be discussed. I would suggest that someone on the staff prepare a comparison between the Sammons proposal and the Cablevision franchise on all significant issues. This will be the only way to be sure that you do not generate some equity issue when you approve the Sammons franchise. It can be argued that Sammons' franchise fee proposal • will offset some of the more onerous requirements placed on Cablevision; however, that is a matter you and the council must decide. fK' /\)''\ 4_ _ City of Southake .; a 'P /L , 9 - Pam`, t �� f OT \)) December 1, 19 9 2 4V ` (, (la or: q\i , lV ;ary Fickes '0; \ layor Pro Tern: I J � } 1 lichard W.Wilhelm Mr. Tom Soulsby p �/ :ouncilmembers: Sammons Cable Services ✓�� vI 1, (� 1-4/ arry K. Emerson 4528 W. Vickery Blvd. /� ` "� erryFarrier Fort Worth, Texas 76107 lephen W.Apple Sr. on Michael Franks iichael J.O'Brien Dear Mr. Soulsby: :ay Manager: It has come to my attention that Sammons Cable Services :urns E. Hawk is currently providing cable television service to ' tysecre►ary: locations within the boundaries of the City of Southlake. ;andra L.LeGrand The City's records indicate that Sammons Cable Services has never applied to the City for authority to operate cable service in the City. Under Chapter X of the Charter of the City of Southlake, the City requires all public utilities, including cable television, to obtain a franchise before operating within the City. Please furnish to the City within 30 days, a general map outlining the location, character, size, length, and terminals of all facilities that Sammons Cable Services has installed within the City. In order to continue operating in the City, Sammons must obtain a franchise from the City Council. You should begin the process for obtaining a franchise immediately. If you have any questions concerning this request for information or if you need assistance in applying for a franchise, please contact me at 481-5581, ext. 702 . We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Curtis E. Hawk City Manager CEH/kb 667 North Carroll Avenue - Southlake, Texas 76092 (817) 481-5581 - FAX (817) 481-0036 'AN(:OVAL OPl'OIITUNITV EMPLC'Eli rf/-%� SAMMONS CABLE SERVICES P.O. Box 2666 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76113 4111 (817) 737-4731 January 18, 1993 Mr. Curtis Hawk City Manager City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Mr. Hawk: Here is the map the shows the area that we service. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me. CSincerely, <4YVY/)/AffA) Tom Soulsby, General ManaOr t TS:hpr Enclosures } A. 6 ( i r, II f FAWKES iri 4 h v J s, KELLER - .-A' o.' "• . . . SOUTHLAKE , 3x la 0 :'.7. - - RI I K ..O I I- 0 J !J J C•`_1. I 1 J o 41 I,f6;....IZ '7 = ce • C .r i 'l� ? • 1 II'� � �.. JOHNSON C.) fie: _ er E . IA;GRAY ,F L 1}' Y E i. SOS-N‘A(6 1,.m....... ...a_r..e= • 3 , b Ij 1 J' 1. {') ci> J 1 . co . S I r N { t > Q ',.x SCALE: In: 1500' Itl (APPROX.) :I. .;1 ••.. ----CABLE IN SOUTHLAKE Yam= SOUTHLAKE ' »---„CITY LIMITS TOTAL 32,552' (6.17 M1.) '/' ORDINANCE NO. 584 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS DENYING THE PROPOSED CHANGED RATE SCHEDULES AND SERVICE REGULATIONS OF TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY; PROVIDING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SAID COMPANY' S RATE SCHEDULES AND SERVICE REGULATIONS MAY BE CHANGED, MODIFIED, AMENDED OR WITHDRAWN; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW; AND PROVIDING AN ''-,, EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE --- WHEREAS, on January 22, 1993 , -Texas Utilities--Electric Company filed with the Governing Body of this municipality proposed changed rate schedules and service regulations for application within this municipality on February 26, 1993 ; and WHEREAS, the Governing Body of this municipality adopted Resolution No. 93-20 which suspended the proposed effective date of said proposed changed rate schedules and service regulations as permitted by Section 43 (d) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act; and WHEREAS, the Governing Body of this municipality, after having considered the matter, is of the opinion that the proposed changed rate schedules and service regulations are not justified. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS : Section 1 . Because on January 22, 1993 , Texas Utilities Electric Company filed with the Governing Body of this municipality and simultaneously with the Public Utility Commission of Texas a virtually identical Petition and Statement of Intent with proposed changes in the rate schedules and service regulations of said Company, and because it is in the best interest of this municipality, its citizens, and said Company to avoid the expense of a full investigation at ,the, municipal level since all issues pertinent to this particular Petition and Statement of Intent will be thoroughly investigated at the said Commission, the proposed changed rate schedules and service regulations filed with the Governing Body of this municipality on January 22, 1993 , are hereby denied and disapproved so that same can be more economically - '"` `- rrcr "' `ig'a'td at the sa c f2o;n'=incision, and the said Company shall continue to provide electric service within this municipality in accordance with its rate schedules and service regulations in effect within this municipality on January 22 , 1993 , until such time as said rate schedules and service regulations may be changed, modified, amended or withdrawn with the approval of the Governing Body of this municipality. Section 2 . Nothing contained in this ordinance shall be construed now or hereafter as limiting or modifying in any manner, the right and power of the Governing Body of this municipality under the law to regulate the rates, operations and services of Texas Utilities Electric Company. Section 3 . That it is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed is open to the public and as required by law and that public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given as required. Section 4 . This ordinance shall be effective on the date of the passage and approval hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS on first reading on this the day of 1993 . PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS on second reading on this the day of 1993 . APPROVED: Mayor, Gary Fickes ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Date : 2 c City of South lake,Texas •, C 7 ` 1/D MEMORANDUM G � January 28 , 1993 r^ r tL/ TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Chris Terry, Asst. to the City Manager SUBJECT: Texas Utilities Electric Company Rate Request On January 22 , 1993 , the City of Southlake was presented a Petition and Statement of Intent to increase their rates in the amount of 15. 32%. Under State law the City has 35 days to respond. The City's options include: 1) approve the request; 2) deny the request; 3) pass the request to the Public Utilities Commission and accept the PUC determination of the request; 4) suspend the rates for a period of 90 days to allow the City Council time to determine the sufficiency of the request. Concerning the latter, the City can choose to hire a rate consultant to study the request and make a recommendation to the City Council. The cost of the consultant would be borne by TU Electric but could be passed on to the consumers. The City has original jurisdiction in the request however, the PUC has appellate jurisdiction. By suspending the rates the City Council will be able to take time to weigh its options. CT/kb _frvm " JAN 2 21993 • 7UELECTRIC OFFICE OF CITY SECRETA,R Louie P.Rhodes,Jr. January 22, 1993 ti City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Southlake, Texas 76092 Attached for filing please find a Petition and Statement of Intent of Texas Utilities Electric Company (TU Electric) . This rate request is identical to those being filed today with other regulatory authorities and affects all customers served by TU Electric. Also, transmitted with this letter as part of this filing is a Rate Filing Package containing the testimony and data upon which the proposed rates are based. The entire Rate Filing Package consists , ) of twenty-five (25) volumes and contains a copy of TU Electric's Petition and Statement of Intent before the Public Utility Commission of Texas for your information. Should you have any questions concerning the rate filing, please give me a call. Very truly yours, //grce,_ Sonny Rhodes Receipt Acknowledged By: Title: (.Cj" Date: • o / 1G17.3 t - - �G � 7 P.O.Box 1329 Grapevine,Texas 76051 :; BEFORE THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RE: APPLICATION OF TEXAS § UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY § DOCKET NO. FOR AUTHORITY TO CHANGE RATES § VETITION AND STATEMENT OF INTENT TO THE HONORABLE GOVERNING BODY OF SAID CITY: COMES NOW Texas Utilities Electric Company ("TU Electric") , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas and a public utility as that term is defined in the Public Utility Regulatory Act, Article 1446c, V.A.T.S. (the "PURA") and files this its Petition and Statement of Intent, respectfully showing unto this Honorable Governing Body the following: I. TU Electric's last rate increase, in Public Utility Commission of Texas (the "Commission") Docket No. 9300, was based upon costs incurred during an adjusted test year ended June 30, 1989 . Since that time, TU Electric has undertaken bold initiatives to reduce costs and improve efficiencies while maintaining its tradition of providing a high quality of service to its customers. With one notable exception, the beneficial impacts of these cost reduction and efficiency improvements are embedded in the test-year data and, therefore, are automatically refl'ected in the cost of service underlying the rates requested herein. The one exception is TU Electric' s Competitive Action Plan, an aggressive and far-reaching cost reduction and efficiency improvement program that will reshape many aspects of TU Electric' s operations. While none of the PETITION AND STATEMENT OF INTENT - Page 1 savings resulting from the Competitive Action Plan occurred during the test year, TU Electric proposes a negative adjustment to the test-year cost of service in the sum of $101 million to reflect the net savings that it expects to realize as a result of the Competitive Action Plan. Savings in costs from TU Electric's fuel- supplying affiliates that are expected to result from the Competitive Action Plan are also reflected in the proposed fuel factors. These cost reduction and efficiency improvement efforts have kept the amount of rate relief required to a minimum level that will avoid undue hardships on the customers, keep TU Electric a competitive, low-cost provider of electric service, and, over time, provide for the restoration of its financial integrity necessary to assure the continuance of a reliable supply of reasonably priced electricity. The rate relief sought herein is required principally because of the need to include in rates the costs associated with the commercial operation of Unit 2 of the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station and the investment made after June 30 , 1989 , in Unit 1 of the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (the majority of the investment in both such Units having already been found by the Commission to have been prudently incurred) , the need to include in rates the substantial increases in 'state and local ad valorem taxes enacted since the current rates were set, and the need to include in rates the costs associated with certain post-retirement benefits due to mandatory accounting changes. The rate increase sought hereby is the minimum rate relief required to maintain TU Electric' s financial integrity and to PETITION AND STATEMENT OF INTENT - Page 2 permit it to attract the capital necessary for it to continue to fulfill its public service obligations of providing reliable electric service to its customers at reasonable costs. Moreover, the rate increase sought hereby is the minimum rate relief required to permit TU Electric a reasonable opportunity to earn a reasonable return on its invested capital used and useful in rendering service to the public over and above its reasonable and necessary operating expenses. TU Electric, in accordance with the Commission's Substantive Rule 23 .23 (b) (2) , is requesting final reconciliation of its fuel costs and fuel revenues during the period July 1, 1989 , through June 30, 1992 . Those fuel costs were reasonable and necessary, and resulted from TU Electric' s efficient generation of electricity and its maintaining effective cost controls. Additionally and in accordance with that Substantive Rule, TU Electric is requesting that revised fuel factors be authorized reflecting TU Electric's known or reasonably predictable fuel costs and kilowatthour sales for the period from July 1993 through June 1994 . II. This Honorable Governing Body has jurisdiction over TU Electric and the subject matter of this Petition and Statement of Intent by virtue of Section 17 (a) ' of the PURA. III. In keeping with the provisions of Section 43 (a) of the PURA and in order to assure the timely availability of the needed rate relief in the event that this Honorable Governing Body suspends the proposed effective date of the proposed rates, TU Electric ,proposes PETITION AND STATEMENT OF INTENT - Page 3 that the proposed change in rates be effective on February 26, 1993 . IV. The proposed revised tariffs and schedules are set forth in Volume XI of this filing and statements specifying in detail each proposed change are set forth in Volume XXV of this filing. V. The proposed changes are expected to increase TU Electric's fully adjusted test-year operating revenues 15.32%, or $760, 253 ,740, which includes the effect of the proposed reduced fuel factors. The test year upon which this Petition and Statement of Intent is based is the twelve-month period beginning July 1, 1991, and ending June 30, 1992 . VI. All of TU Electric's customers and classes of customers in all areas over which this Honorable Governing Body exercises original jurisdiction will be affected by the proposed changes. VII. Attached and made a part hereof for all purposes, in twenty- five (25) volumes, numbered I through XXV, is a complete rate filing package setting forth such other information required by the Commission, including testimony supporting the proposed changes in TU Electric' s rates. TU Electric is also filing with the Commission four (4) volumes, numbered I through IV, of non- voluminous workpapers associated with the rate filing package schedules as required by the Commission' s rate filing package instructions. Those workpapers will be supplied to this Honorable PETITION AND STATEMENT OF INTENT - Page 4 (� O Governing Body on request. Workpapers associated with the rate filing package schedules that are voluminous are at an Austin Voluminous Room located at 3307 Northland, Suite 320, Austin,, Texas 78731, or, if they qualify for such treatment under the Commission's rate filing package instructions, at their normal repository. VIII. Virtually identical Petitions and Statements of Intent (together with all pertinent information filed herewith) are being filed with the Commission and with the appropriate officer of each municipality that exercises original jurisdiction over TU Electric' s rates, operations and services. IX. The business and mailing address of TU Electric is: Texas Utilities Electric Company 2001 Bryan Street Dallas, Dallas County, Texas 75201 TU Electric' s business telephone number, including area code, is: (214) 812-4600 TU Electric' s authorized representatives are: Ronald D. Keeney Director of Regulatory Services Texas Utilities Electric Company 2001 Bryan Street, Suite 2100 Dallas, Dallas County, Texas 75201 (214) 812-2778 and PETITION AND STATEMENT OF INTENT - Page 5 (S91:1-7 Robert A. Wooldridge J. Dan Bohannan Robert M. Fillmore Worsham, Forsythe, Sampels & Wooldridge 2001 Bryan Street, Suite 3200 Dallas, Dallas County, Texas 75201 (214) 979-3000 General inquiries concerning this Petition and Statement of, Intent should be directed to Mr. Keeney at the above-stated address and telephone, or to the management of TU Electric' s local office serving this municipality. All pleadings, motions, orders and other documents filed in this proceeding should be served upon Mr. Wooldridge at the above-stated address. WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, TU Electric respectfully prays this Honorable Governing Body to approve and authorize the changes in its rates proposed herein and to grant and award such other and further relief to which TU Electric may be justly entitled,. Respectfully submitted, WORSHAM, FORSYTHE, SAMPELS & WOOLDRIDGE Robert A. Wooldridge State Bar No. 21984000 J. Dan Bohannan State Bar No. 02563000 Robert M. Fillmore State Bar No. 06997320 2001 Bryan Street, Suite 3200 Dallas, Texas 75201 Telephone: (214) 979-3000 • By: Robert A. Wooldridge ATTORNEYS FOR TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY ) PETITION AND STATEMENT OF INTENT - Page 6 RESOLUTION NO.g3-020 A RESOLUTION SUSPENDING THE PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE PROPOSED RATE SCHEDULES AND SERVICE REGULATIONS OF TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; PROVIDING THAT THE RATE SCHEDULES AND SERVICE REGULATIONS OF SAID COMPANY SHALL REMAIN UNCHANGED DURING THE PERIOD OF SUSPENSION; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE HEREOF TO SAID COMPANY; AND FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS RESOLUTION IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW. WHEREAS, on January 22, 1993, Texas Utilities Electric Company filed with the City Council of the City of Southlake its Petition and Statement of Intent, together with its rate filing package, proposing to change its rate schedules and service regulations within the corporate limits of the City of Southlake, effective on February 26, i 993; and WHEREAS, in order to allow sufficient time for the consideration of the voluminous data filed by said Company, it is the desire of the City Council to suspend, pursuant to Section 43(d) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act, the proposed effective date of said proposed changed rate schedules and service regulations for'a period of 90 days from February 2,6, 1993, such suspension being in the public interest. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas: I. • The effective date of the proposed changed rate schedules and service regulations of Texas Utilities Electric Company is hereby suspended for a period of 90 days from February 26, 1993. The rate schedules and service regulations of Texas Utilities Electric Company within the City of Southlake in effect on January 22, 1993, shall continue in force during the period of suspension as provided in Section I hereof. III_ The City Secretary is hereby directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to Texas Utilities Electric Companvprojaptl a£ter.:,the passage hereof. - - --- SL\cicctr k.rca -1- N. It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this Resolution is passed is open to the public and that public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given, all as required by law_ V. This Resollition shall be effective upon passage. PASSED and APPROVED this day of February, 1993. Mayor, City of Southiake ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney Date: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: sl,�ctoctricroa -2= • City of Southlake, Texas CITYtAANAGER MEMORANDUMgill1WW411 April 1, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director SUBJECT: 1993 Land Use Plan Update The Community Development Department Staff and the Planning and Zoning Commissioners are pleased to forward the updated land use map for City Council consideration. The process has taken several months and has presented many challenging decisions . Since this planning document was prepared in 1988 there have been many significant changes within the City of Southlake . The following are representative of these changes : • TRA Sanitary Sewer completed in Bear Creek. • Investment in large properties by national developers such as Arvida, Mobil Land Development, and Dixtor Int' l . • Completion of many sanitary sewer trunk mains throughout the south half of the City. • Development of comprehensive planned residential communities • Development of a Comprehensive Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan • Complete reworking of the Thoroughfare Plan and accompanying text . • Phenomenal growth in building permits • Increased commercial development activity • Starting of construction on F.M. 1709 as a five lane, curb and gutter street section. Each of these factors has been considered in the 1993 Land Use Plan update . Staff has prepared the L.U. P. update in a notebook format . Hopefully, this will aid as a ,reference for future land use decisions, and provide a format which can be easily updated on a more frequent basis . In the notebook you will find tabs for past and future memos, the 1988 L.U. P. Text, 1993 L.U. P. Text, (being reviewed by the Commission) , Park Plan and Thoroughfare Plan. Finally, you will find mapping for all eight planning districts to include a summary of land use changes, the existing zoning, existing land use map and proposed land use map . City of Southlake,Texas Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager 1993 Land Use Plan Update April 1, 1993 Page 2 As noted in our previous memo dated March 9, 1993 , the purpose of this meeting is to obtain Councils general approval of the L.U. P. recommended by the Commission. Staff must begin work immediately on the Land Use Assumptions portion of the impact fee update and we would like to base our work on the updated L.U. P. rather than the 1988 plan. It is not our intention to "railroad" this plan through the Council . The Staff stands ready to discuss each and every district in detail or only those areas of concern to any Councilmember. It may be that we need to discuss these areas over the next several meetings while the Commission works on the text, or we can wait to discuss the map further once the Commission has forwarded the text . This is up to the Councilmembers wishes . Please feel free to contact any of the Community Development Staff should you have any questions . GL/gj IIliFr City of Southlake,Texas CITYtiliAMGEa MEMORANDUM April 1, 1993 TO: Curtis E . Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director SUBJECT: 1993 Land Use Plan Update The Community Development Department Staff and the Planning and Zoning. Commissioners are pleased to forward the updated land use map for City Council consideration. The process has taken several months and has presented many challenging decisions . Since this planning document was prepared in 1988 there have been many significant changes within the City of Southlake . The following are representative of these changes : • TRA Sanitary Sewer completed in Bear Creek. • Investment in large properties by national developers such as Arvida, Mobil Land Development, and Dixtor Int' l . • Completion of many sanitary sewer trunk mains throughout the south half of the City. • Development of comprehensive planned residential communities • Development of a Comprehensive Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan • Complete reworking of the Thoroughfare Plan and accompanying text . • Phenomenal growth in building permits • Increased commercial development activity • Starting of construction on F.M. 1709 as a five lane, curb and gutter street section. Each of these factors has been considered in the 1993 Land Use Plan update . Staff has prepared the L.U. P. update in a notebook format . Hopefully, this will aid as a ,.reference for future land use decisions, and provide a format which can be easily updated on a more frequent basis . In the notebook you will find tabs for past and future memos, the 1988 L.U. P. Text, 1993 L.U. P. Text, (being reviewed by the Commission) , Park Plan and Thoroughfare Plan. Finally, you will find mapping for all eight planning districts to include a summary of land use changes, the existing zoning, existing land use map and proposed land use map. 1171. City of Southlake,Texas Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager 1993 Land Use Plan Update April 1, 1993 " Page 2 As noted in our previous memo dated March 9, 1993 , the purpose of this meeting is to obtain Councils general approval of the L.U.P. recommended by the Commission. Staff must begin work immediately on the Land Use Assumptions portion of the impact fee update and we would like to base our work on the updated L.U.P. rather than the 1988 plan. It is not our intention to "railroad" this plan through the Council . The Staff stands ready to discuss each and every district in detail or only those areas of concern to any Councilmember. It may be that we need to discuss these areas over the next several meetings while the Commission works on the text, or we can wait to discuss the map further once the Commission has forwarded the text . This is up to the Councilmembers wishes . Please feel free to contact any of the Community Development Staff should you have any questions . GL/gj 6'-i-- , , /d /'c2- . City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM CITY I�t"�I' sGER March 30 , 1993 t,�) %?( TO: Curtis E . Hawk, City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director, Department of Public Safety SUBJECT: Roadway Alignment for Peytonville Avenue, Beginning 1, 000 Feet South of FM 1709 to Continental Blvd. Upon Council' s request , alternatives to the originally proposed roadway alignment for South Peytonville Avenue, from 1, 000 feet south of FM 1709 (south of high school) to Continental Blvd. have been investigated. As a result, staff concludes that a roadway could be constructed which would result in fewer trees having to be removed. The City Engineer provided the following three (3) alternatives to consider. 1 . Construction of a 24 ft . roadway with 4 ft . shoulders and barrow ditches on each side . The roadway was proposed to be constructed to the west and would require acquisition of 20 ft . of additional right-of-way. By staying away from the trees along the east right-of-way, most of those trees should not be affected by construction. However, several trees on the east side would have to be cut in order to construct the two proposed drainage culverts . A preliminary tree count indicates that approximately 80 trees must be cut al g the west side, and 18 along the east side, for a total of 9' trees to be removed. 2 . Construction of a 22 ft . wide roadway section with no shoulder, but barrow ditches along both sides ,for proper drainage . This alternative results in losing app(oximately 70 trees along he west side, and 8 trees along the east side for a total of 78 trees to be removed. 3 . Construction of a 20-21 ft . roadway which would meander to avoid trees when possible, no shoulders, and a minimal barrow ditch. This section would result in approximately 30 trees having to be cut along the west side and 8 trees cut along the east side, for a total of trees to be removed. Although this alternative results ,in e fewest trees having to be cut, the drainage would not be handled as well as in the other two proposals . This option also does not address the close proximity of the trees to the roadway. This is a current situation which is detriment to the heavy traffic which that road will bear. n;. Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Roadway Alignment for Peytonville Avenue March 30 , 1993 Page 2 Because of the complexity of this question, please consider these three alternatives and staff will respond to the direction of the Council . Considering the three alternatives, staff finds the first or second alternative most responsive to the public needs. BC/lc Attachment : City Engineer' s letter c:\wpfiles\memos\Peytovll.alg /D•raa CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES March 30, 1993 Mr. Billy Campbell Acting Director of Public Works City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Re: Roadway Alignment for Peytonville Ave. from Carroll High School to Continental Blvd. City of Southlake Job No. 001-212 Dear Mr. Campbell: As per the request of the City Council, we have investigated alternatives to the originally proposed roadway section for S. Peytonville. As a result of this study, we have concluded that a roadway could be constructed whichwould result in fewer trees having to be removed. There were three sections considered. The first involved the construction of a 24 ft.;roadway with 4 ft. shoulders and barrow ditches on each side. The roadway was proposed to;be constructed to the west, and would require acquisition of 20 ft. of additional right-of-way. By staying away from the trees along the east right-of-way, most of those trees should not be - affected by the construction. There will however be several trees on the east side which will have to be cut in order to construct the two proposed drainage culverts. A preliminary tree count indicates that approximately 80 trees must be cut along the west side, and 18 along the east side, for a total of 98 trees to be removed. As a second alternative, a section was proposed which is 22 ft. wide, with no shoulder, but does have barrow ditches along both sides for proper drainage. This results in losing approximately 70 trees along the west side, and 8 trees along the east side for a total' of 78 trees having to be removed. The third alternative which was considered was a 20-21 ft. roadway which would meander to avoid trees when possible, no shoulder was considered, and.a minimal barrow ditch Was considered. This section would result in approximately 30 trees having to be cut along the west side, and 8 trees being removed along the east side for a total of 38 trees to be removed. i Of course, the third alternative results in the fewest trees having to be cut, however„ the drainage would not be handled as well. This section would also present the possibility of traffic accidents with trees being very close to the roadway. The first alternative seems to be the most reasonable purely from an engineering standpoint, however, the second alternative would probably function well and still save several trees. If you have any questions or comments, please give us a call. Respectfully, Eddie Cheatham, P.E. \peyton.ra ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 1170 Corporate Drive West • Suite 207 • Arlington, Texas 76006 817/ 33-1023 • Metro 640-4329 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM CI 1Y �'� �� March 30, 1993 ©0 TO: Curtis E . Hawk, City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director, Department of Public Safety SUBJECT: Continental Park Estates Drainage Easement and Continental Boulevard Culvert At the request of Council at the recent special meeting, the City Engineer has investigated alternatives to the culvert and rock rip- rap at Continental Blvd. The City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham, contacted Southlake Hills developer' s Engineer, John Levitt, for review of the drainage and the proposed culvert for possible modifications . Mr. Levitt proposes the use of flat gabions for their smaller size, thus more aesthetically appealing. The originally proposed culvert design conforms with the City' s drainage and subdivision ordinances . Without modification at a greater expense, the proposed culvert was deemed properly sized. If you have any questions, please contact me . BC/lc Attachment : City Engineer' s letter c:\wpfiles\memos\contCul CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES March 30, 1993 Mr. Billy Campbell Acting Director of Public Works City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 Re: Drainage Easement and Culvert at Continental Blvd. City of Southlake Job No. 001-513 Dear Mr. Campbell: As per the request of the City Council, at the recent special Council Meeting, we have investigated alternatives to the culvert and rock rip-rap at Continental Blvd. We asked the Developer of Southlake Hill's Engineer, John Levitt, to review the drainage and the proposed culvert for possible modifications. As a result, Mr. Levitt informed us that the proposed rock rip-rap was "over-designed", and the velocity of the water exiting the proposed culvert would not be as rapid as he first thought. Therefore, Mr. Levitt is proposing that a different type energy dissipator be installed in lieu of the rock rip-rap. Mr. Levitt is proposing that Maccaferri Reno Mattress (flat gabions) be installed immediately downstream of the proposed culvert. This would be considerably smaller in size and be more appealing than the rock rip-rap. The proposed 8' x 5' culvert was analyzed to determine if it should be oversized. As a result of this analysis, it was concluded that the culvert is properly sized, and unless a second box of equal size were constructed parallel to the one proposed, the velocity would not be reduced significantly. The originally proposed culvert was designed in conformance with the City's drainage ordinance and subdivision rules and regulations. If you have any questions or comments, please give me a call. Respectfully, L. Eddie Cheatham, P.E. \continen.dre ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 1170 Corporate Drive West • Suite 207 • Arlington, Texas 76006 817/633-1023 • Metro 640-4329 /0G `a Texas Department of Transportation P.O. BOX 6868•FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76115-0868•(817) 370-6500 '7Z March 24, 1993 II i �11(c.SJ Mr. Curtis Hawk, City Manager i ,Mtt/tl City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue , Southlake, Texas 76092 SUBJECT: Transportation Commission Hearing CSJ: 353-3-52 & 53 SH 114: From Kirkwood Boulevard to BS 114L Tarrant County Dear Mr. Hawk: Your letter of March 15, 1993 requesting a hearing before the Texas Transportation Commission (Commission) on July 29 has been referred to me for reply and assistance in preparing your presentation to the Commission. Attached is a copy of Administrative Circular No. 6-93, which establishes the - preparatory steps prior to the hearing. On page 4, a step-by-step outline is listed with timing requirements. In order to complete these steps in time for the hearing on July 29, we have noted the actual dates when the various steps must have been completed. We will be working with you as needed to prepare your presentation to the Commission. As you need assistance, please contact me at 370-6532, or Burton Clifton at 370-6542. Please note that Step 7, the delegation report as outlined in Section D of the Circular, is to be prepared by this office. Your assistance in that effort will enhance the effectiveness of the report, and we willicontact you for appropriate additional data as the work progresses. • Sincerely, //2 Billy'' . Hardie, P.E. Director of Transportation, Planning and Development BC:dh Attachment cc: Mr. Burton Clifton /0(1/ An Equal Opportunity Employer AdirinistrativeCircular No. 6-93 Texas Department of Transportation SUBJECT Implementation of Revised Rules Concerning Delegation Appearances Before the Texas Transportation Commission TO Associate Executive Directors, District:Engineers and Divisions Directors REFERENCE Rules Codified Under.Title 43, Texas Administrative Code, Section 1.4(d) .. _- RESPONSIBLE Associate Executive Director OFFICE for Project Development : . DATE February 19, 1993 Supersedes Administrative Circulars 48-86 and 1-87. Authority As a result of the 1990 Sunset Review of the department, Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6665a, mandates the Texas Transportation Commission to develop and implement policies that provide the public with a reasonable opportunity to appear before the commission and to speak on any issue under the jurisdiction of the commission. The Texas Transportation Commission adopted rules on January 26, 1993, codified under Title 43, Texas Administrative Code, Section 1.4(d). Purpose This circular provides department procedure and requirements to implement policy direction-established in Texas-Civil Statutes, Article 6665a, and in subsequent rules, which facilitate appearances of delegations. before the commission and -maximize public participation in the decision-making process, while ensuring orderly and effective conduct FEB 2 3 19921 meetings. Effective Date BAH G FYA CT The R1 `and this circular are effective February 23, 1993. BR RG G 1SP17: Delegation appearances at the March, 1993, Commission, Meeting, in Dec —` response to requests received prior to the February 23, 1993 effective dare sEt+ �— stP previousprocedure.— — will follow the "" ' TRANS FORT WORTH.TEXAS Tv-um CLC — TRF _ _ V Rmarks SEt _ .-, WIT ( 1 -V- WW _ • /ENT:. • FEB 2 31993 • • -r DE 0 DM 0 WHSE ❑ Tzo DDE 0 DC LAB 0 Porenvgg 04sejuv.rs8/9AYgte DA 0 DTO 0 0 Network /DC/- TPO 0 ROW 0 0 `-, • .•• •• . • • • AC 6-9 3 i'age 2 of 9 • Content - . . ... - • • - This circular contains the following sections: ' ` . • ::::.::.:>:::.:.;.::.::....:. ............ ��y� <rtin A� R v::iiY;:::::•,:v:ni::•'.�t.:j:-}.;{::n..n..: ::.yy� ::: ..�!�ii:•:i:w:ii:•.•:v4-;:,`:4iTa.\?.vi:v~;�•� �w.+:. A Definitions and_ estrictions • .. .:^t r:F tYt i:...E .�•w:it-��. .. • B Step by-Step gpocess • • C Contentof Delegation Petition e. D •Del6gatiort Repdr Requirements /e9C-3 AC 6-93 Page 3 of 9 Delegation Appearances Before the Texas Transportation Commission A. Definitions and Restrictions A delegation consists of the representatives of one or more local governments or of an organization of two or more persons. An opponent is a person or group identified in a delegation-petition'or otherwise known to the department to be opposed to the'action(s):requested by a delegation. A petition is a written request by a member of a delegation;.-directed .to a district office of the district in.which:the request is located. A petition:in.this•case is not a listing of names. (see Section C for a detailed description of the-petition) A delegation .report•provides a complete and concise analysis of the. delegation • • request and is used for briefing the commission and the .administration. It is prepared by the-district with•traffic data from-the:Division of Transportation Planning and accident,da fro atth the Division of Maintenance and Operations., 'It is,submitted to the ..Ezeciitive,.s-.Director.- Following administrative review 'aria—approval, .,_.approximately45,copies. of.the report are distributed. (see'Section D for a detailed :descriptioncand:instructions-for completing the report) • Delegation Appearances.. ___ ,:_._.,_, .-' Subjects - A delegation;may.request an appearance before the..commission to seek commission action on a maximum of three specific transportation projects,,prioritized by the delegation;••or on the_Teneral transportation needs for a specific geographical • - ..,. . • :� ..... . r�-. • • Time ='A:delegation-presentation, including remarks•by•elected public officials,. is . • limited to,a•maxiniumtbf=20,minutes. :. • Number of Speakers'-No more than three persons other than elected public officials may speak for.a delegation. Opponents Appearances . Subjects -.The;opponents' presentation is limited to the same subjects/requests as those of the delegation. • Time - The opponents' presentation, whether by one or more .opponents and including remarks of elected public officials, is limited to a total of 20 minutes after the delegation completes its presentation. Number of Speakers - No more'than three persons other than elected public officials` may speak for any one opposing delegation or group. _ • &)d r .. • , :. .. . . : .. , •• • . . ..... • . . . . . . • . _ . • . • •AC .679 3. - Page:.4.0 f-9. .•_...:,.•• i . .._..,,, . ., Delegation:"Appeittnn04:Befo'r :tbe•Te*isi r*-YanspOAition'Cotriglissiott. . . , F. --...••'.-.- i • B. Step-by-Step Process . , . •. . . The Texas Transportation Commission schedules delegation appearances at the regular monthly meetings. The entire process,requiring over three months preparation,is shciwnon the.following table.Days in the table are calendar days. . i ' •.Stert... .. .l'. iTimPJP94.51,,WP4s.'.. ..A#.P.P...nstsille..41 ...) ..,. 1S.qu..4. C4.441.. 9ft...i.- ' . . . 1, When a delegation _ . the district . provides information regarding petition ' indictiG' ii-intdi*t in ' •' . content and and.delegation appearance'procedure, . - appearing befOreithe'. ' • .: • 1 including CopieSialthe kW:and-Title 43,TAC, commission;.' --, : • .• -. • -§1.4(d) to interestedtelegations.•,:1 . . . . 2 No less than 90 days prior the delegation submits a petition to the district engineer in Av r .to the req. .uesied: . ; .i• • - . •the'district where ihe:yikniieit(SYis located. '•;0 • i appearance'date,,,••••• • .. . . .. f'. 1 . . ---I—• .. . . . . . . 77-- - . 3 Within 74aSi.:atcer.receipt... ..,the nistrirt. reviews_tne,Nuuon and advises the delegation I ..-14 •-..,• • i.•- • 1 .oftie petitithi.''--• - . '' '. • if further information is'heeded. ....M.Re• :i • . , . - I. ..* r .•• '. :NO'te-P IetiliStantlifidditialialiiildrmation is ' . . . ::: . . . Irequireil;tthelpr&iesstbes*gaini4t step one.. . . . -..1: 54--,,:fE.,---..-,-..:1:i • r..p.-t .,...; 4 No less than 80 days prior the district faxes the petition to'the Executive Dite,ctor.k , -tci4the-reqiiested " '. 4FAX:257.807.2)% .appearance date,,. • • . . 1 . . ‘. ,: : . ,, ••Note:-i.Th.e transrgiss.. ion-includes.the:names, 10 addresses,andzielephonentMlisw4;;any . . . • • - opponents which are not.irialiidedm:the . •. ... . .• ..: , _ . „...-..t... :,,.. : ..... ,P0.11°P,..1).4 ,r.C.,MCINP.. 0. 4;40' 64. • . . . . .. 5 Within 7.days of receipt of the Secretary Ito,-;.:.t i i•:notifieS...tidentifiectOpponenti:19fiZIgt.egation M.A c i the completed petition, , the Commission request and asks.if the apPonentsAesire to • . ... .. . . .. „. ... . . .,_:, . . .appear,before the commission,. .. 6 No less than 70 days prior the Secretary to schedules the delegation:appearance and _ . 14103 to the requested the Commission notifies the delegation and opposition,if any, jo appearance date, by letter,with a copy to the district. • . - 7 ''' No less than 35•days prior •the district • : • ' prepares and submits a delegation report j000 to the requested ,. packet to'theP.xecutiveDirector.), IA appearance date, 1 1 .. .. 8 No les.S..thatt 12 days pi-ior . appropriate " •review andapprove the delegation report for .. . . - to the ichedUled• .- t inemberS of the - ,distributicin. • 1(p appearance date, executive council •-• ' ". : : . • I.. . 9.. No less than 8 days prior. . the Secretary to distributes copies of the.report, in its final. • . ;.. • . .. i ill(3 to the scheduled 'i-- :the-C-;:s&i. niisiliAns.:4-'4.filiiki--,46;lie--commission;the governtiritde t 1 appearance date, appropriate departnient•adrhiniSfration. . ., 10 On the scheduled the scheduled appear before the Texas Transportation At 13 appearance date, delegation and Commission. 21 . I opponents I. • /&C/-- AC" 6-9 3 Page S of 9 Delegation Appearances Before the Texas Transportation Commission C. Content of A Delegation Petition Petition Requirements The district will review and validate a delegation's petition for the following information: 1 the name, address, and telephone number of.the petitioner; .• 2 a statement that the petitioner desires to appear on his/her own behalf or as the representative of a named organization or local government; also the name and address of the organization (of two or more persons) being represented by the petitioner; 3 a clear and concise statement of;the subject of the proposed presentation; 4 a brief summary of the action sought;• . 5 a brief description,of:known.or•potentiaLadverse.,impacts on the environment; • 6 the name,address, and=telephone'number of°each opponent; �f°any, to;the proposed action or relief sought; and 7. • a statement:of-the:applicable_metropolitan.planning organization's:position and endorsement, if any, of the project or projects. Note: This is a.new and critical element of a delegation request. .The district should confirm,that.,the MP.Of has,been.contacted�when a project not on the 11W is involved. Althougli the-absence.of IViPO.endorsement iiiay"restrict commission action, the delegation still.has the right to appear. A delegation requesting action on a highway project must submit with the petition a letter containing: 1 project limits; 2 an estimate of the total cost of the project, with separate estimates for right of way cost and construction cost; _ 3 a description of the existing facility, if any; 4 a description of the requested improvement; 5 proposed local government participation for: right of way; utility adjustments; environmental mitigation; construction; other project components; and 6 any proposed participation in the project by other public or private entities. • ,: ..- //-d- J AC 6-93 Page 6 of 9 Delegation Appearances Before•the Texas Transportation Commission D. D_ elegation Report Requirements The delegation report packet includes: 1. the delegation report prepared in the prescribed format, 2. a project location map, prepared with computer generated graphics 3. a list of state legislators.in whose:district.the requests are located, 4. the district's recommendations. - Delegation Report Following administration review and approval, and prior to 'the delegation appearance, a copy of the report in its final form will be provided to the district. Since the packet will likely contain predecisional reports and recommendations, the report should not be released to the public prior,to the Commission meeting. A 1992 Attorney General's. opinion concurred that disfribution to.the public would have a chilling effect-on free .and open start comment to the commission.and would be detrimental to the,proper-decision:makine=function.of:the,commission. If a written request for the report is receivea, me matter snouia oe immediately referred to the Off ce of Genera]`Counsel. The.followirig-Delegation=Appearance--.Report outline.illustrates the required:content • of a delegation report. Bold print in the outline indicates the format which should • be followed. Instructions for completing the report are in regular. print. Upon • request,.the office of the Associat; F. ecutiv' flirPrtnr fr r Project Development will "provide examples of'previous:reports-ror sinillarI,reouests: When:the:delegation,request is;for:more,:than._one..project,-provide_the.information in the outline. beginning with "Basic Data", for each additional project. Provide information about all topics which the delegation is expected to discuss. Condense as.much as possible without sacrificing content. Project Location Map Coordinate preparation and transmittal of the map with the Division of Automation, Division of Construction and Contract Administration, and Division of Transportation Planning. Contact the office of the Associate. Executive Director of Project Development for detailed instructions. The map should highlight the:project limits, show level of service and features which are pertinent to the delegation request. The district_should carefully review the map to assure that all roadways, streets, streams, and other geographic features mentioned in the report arc clearly shown On the rnap. Technical Details • Prepare the report packet in the most current version of Wordoerfect and transmit )otli'a-hard copy and floppy disk:ot.the report. Do not use'all caps in.the titles or the text of the report. Use the "indent" function instead of tabs. /Cd/ - 7 AC 6-93 - Page 7 of 9 D. Delegation Report Requirements (continued) Format and content of the report (Docket number) XXX County Commission:meeting date Delegation Appearance Report District: Number and name Population Population 1990 Census 1990 Census Counties: Cities: Delegation Request: provide a brief description of the request. 'The delegation isiexpected to request Basic Data: Highway: Limits: _ Length: Functional Classification: National_Highway System: Yes or No Trunk System: Yes or No Existing facility: _ Proposed-facility : .-_.._ ... -........--.- .-- . ADT: Contact D-10 to request traffic data. Executive Order 6-90.and AC 17-90 designate D-10 as the sole source for traffic data. Level of service: MPO: Yes or No (if yes, provide name)_ - 1 . Background: Include: • a paragraph briefly summarizing prior appearances of this delegation, if any • historical information and/or status of the project • economic development considerations • project details not covered elsewhere ' • Environmental Impact: A preliminary environmental investigation should be;conducted to identify potential environmental impacts related to the natural environment, including wetlands, threatened or • >.., nd e� s-pec-i s, as well as effects..air,water, and noise quality. . Impacts regarding hazardous materials and waste, archeological sites, historical. structures, economic !and social conditions should also be investigated. The intent of this environmental investigation is to highlight areas of potential impacts that would possibly have an effect on the Commission's decision related to the project. / 2d- • • • AC 6-93 Page 8 of 9 • D. Delegation Report Requirements (continued) • • Accident data: Contact D-18 to request accident data arid include the data in the report using the following format: t«<k =''<rY r ; kk� ;•rag:; .-:c,`cS.i v Y. '.,[+"r:G ,}:�/;r:.}. "'"'".-- .1iX/f �/.�E .).. ::yt .:•rr. .14 :.:?%F;?'•or''a3•. ?,-k Sv.. f�:„x'-Y}�`ii':N"-�,`.#}C?o4-".�'kc;-.{Z,l:y,+::�;,'-A;•fr„a�.�`S.~f�'`r�•: .`.[ti:{4!y?:..5!.,..ro`` -vt%£!:'{S ��.3 ..kr •!a" .•k.R4r..r r a.. i'I�iiJ 7,:S'x:. :C?}t •. yaY:;o a%t-� : )'�' �/.ryr��7.' 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'r w:-,.},{:.4•-}f is:.'{:i}:>.':t:r.. 'l,.{{::^%{}:xi'i'lrrv::::!J:}:av::/.{.-/lf-x vil}}.............. , ::,.......a:}v::-}:{.::::5}::}SS:.ri:•:}::-}}:.}:{y:i}.....;.....:.:.ff.:;:.:}i}:.r.;:r ..y..}}u:}�.}r,}}:!:+.:r,.}:;-::}::.. ..........,.,}}_t+.vJ {i_(S}:::{,::: • • Statewide Average Comparison Rates: : . .type of highway I 1: 1 • Estimated cost: R: h o . a f�VW • on true • ..:.... .}';..,,::: li.hes �:. :• ?:.' :: ..Total°.:":"•`:' :• : State ad::Federal:Costs $ $ $ Local Cost'. • . • ota • T • 'F'includes relocation assistance Local Participation: Define the normal requirements and indicate local government ability/willingness to meet or exceed requirements. • Project Development Plan (PDP) Information: PDP Category: PDP Status: MPO Endorsement: Opponents (if any): Briefly identify any known opponents, both those who wish to appear • and 'those who do not. Provide a description of the opposition • position. • • AC 6-93 Page 9 of 9 D. Delegation Report Requirements (continued) The following information may not be used in the report format, but should be included in the report packet. Prepare these items on separate pages. District recommendation and comments: State Senators and Representatives: List all legislators in whose district the request(s) is located. • Approved: Date: 2/113/53 / 'd- io City of Southlake,Texas CI Y I ANAGER MEMORANDUM March 31, 1993 TO: Curtis E . Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Presentation - 1992 Audit Report The fiscal year 1992 audit report has been completed and delivered to the City. Mr. Jerry Gaither of the City' s audit firm, Weaver and Tidwell, will attend the April 6 City Council meeting to present the report . He will highlight pertinent information from the report, and deliver the Management Letter. I will be available to respond to questions from Council . gkjIA,An. 11„,c,e_ LAH /� • • • A 1 . ... • . .. 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ROW - • *: ‘,...... ..,•--.!; Cilvart ----------- tor-416,1.0T 1 • Sto. 4 •53 i 1 1 -...,...•,': : ,..••• --Am . i i I if Gas Pu • 35' Asiih. Drvwy. ; . 251 AES.h. OrYwYi k ; ? ••••••. ,..:••-•.:/, . I 1._.. -2 Sta. 1574.60 : 1 1 • 10.:: . -•••65•43.,-:\ i 1 1 lil Tip. .1--Sta.-.45.5r,q---f , ' 11-1....,.. .. :: ;- • 35' ASph. Drvivy. .....- 0!--ASP11--iravY; .-----Fiiii-4.11 1 , • •• --. • . !.•4 : : ,•••—•*--“ •:-,11,' ,..----4---i: I • i 6.mr 1 • •::-**• i N, 7/ 1 1 1 ,Lie•-: PROPOSED BIEDIANIPROTECTED LEFT TURN LANE' . . : 1: . - ••••4•‘:.)::3 .1.1 ..‘ ,_.• . i i (10 FM 17011,EAST OF PEARSON LN . J • i i t Ili ....q••••••••••1••••••••;••••••••••4,1 , .,. i '.14 i ...1 : • i n : 1 ...'—'''...SWTHIAKE I . II. i ' -•"•••‘'•-i . .-C.--,,,,LJ....:•.; : . • • • • • • • • 1 . • . . . • THIS IS A PHOTOGRAPHIC REDUCTION OF A MAP PREPARED BY TXDIST ---APPROXIMATE SCALE:V'a 71 • • ;,5,• ( • . , • a - x' l _ 4- NOTES: 1) All corner lots shall maintain visibility triangles in accordance to the City of Southlake Subdivision ordiance. 2) All lot corners shall be marked with 1/2 inch iron rods with plastic caps stamped "Landes & Assoc." ********* AVIGATTON E_ASEM�iN_T AND RELEASE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, hereinafter called "Owner" (whether one or more), is the owner of that certain parcel of land situated in or within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Southlake, Tarrant and Denton Counties, Texas, being more particularly described hereon for all purposes: Now, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of ONE AND 00/100 ($1.00) DOLLAR, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, owrwr(s) do(es) hereby waive, release, quitclaim, and forever hold harmless the City of Southlake, Texas, a municipal corporation, hereinafter call "City", from any and all claims for damage of any kind that Owner(s) may now have or may hereinafter have in the future by reason of the passage of all aircraft ("aircraft" being defined for the purposes of this instrument as any contrivance now known or hereinafter, invented, used, or designed for navigation of or flight in the air) by whomsoever owned and operated, in the air space above owner's property, as hereon before described, and above the surface of owner's property such noises, vibration, fumes, dust, fuel, and lubricant particles, and all other effects that may be caused by the operation of aircraft landing at or taking off from, or operating at or on the Dallas/Fort worth International Airport; and owners do hereby fully having remiss, and release any right or cause of action which it may now have or which it may in the the future have against the City, whether such claim be for injury to person or damage to I roperty due to noises, vibration, fumes, dust, fuel and lubricant particles, and all the other effects that may be caused or may have been caused by the operation of aircraft landing at, or taking off from, or the operation and/or maintenance of aircraft or aircraft engine at or on said Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. It is agreed that this release shall be binding upon the owner, their heirs and assigns, and successors in interest with regard to said property located in or in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, running with the land, and shall be recorded in the Deed Records of Tarrant County or Denton County, as appropriate, Texas. Executed this day of A.D., 19 (owner) d GAYLORD W. HARGADINE , VOL. 3419, PG. 430 WILLIAM A. TOWLER et ux MARTHA J. TOWLER VOL. 9548 , PG. 426 1/2" IRF S 890 57' 00 E — 556_00' 1/2" IRF 81, 91' 5' U. E . 268.68' — —g. - J. D. POWERS g9 VOL.50221 PG. 599 _ \ LOT 7 LOT 8 43,560 S.F 'w 43,565 S.F. ( �6' tM (D (D !v 1 1 't _ 00 N �� oM Oo o �� '� Z LET 9 ( LOT 6 I 43,560 S.F. 43,560 S.F. ( 6S, rn I - - �� A 0 �� 0 r I N 89020 3d V, � N 89°20 30 E I ( 229.46 � 61 01 2 38.8 I' O O ( BLK . 1 50 (Dha Y) ;a N M to LOT 5 v 0 LOT 10 M r` 43 560 S.F. w 43,560 S. F W 0) o — I �( 35.39 J — Z Q u D n U I 251. 61 O t 254.38' w I 0 L i i �I Q — � (D - N LOT 4 N OD LOT 11 w 3 43,560 S. F. 43,560 S.F. N QA N '9 A O 1 DAVID C. HARDY TR TE VO . 10120 PG. 1522 I I� 0 x tD L/ 'p0 c if ,ti r 91�/0 <O 00 251.13 N 253,68' w I d w0 2 C' F�q�, O ZL� w 0 O _� �iI cr > o sF,� ti �'� N ca _ N (Drn �to 'D aD OD rn I a Fy L O T 3 LOT 12 _ </2 !y 43, 560 S.F. (W�= 3 ,� 0 43, 560 S.F. It W I -to BLK. I �; P N O\ " K) n I O 250.66 0 Z 252.98 100 Itn CD G\ in M LOT 2 ro Itt LOT 13 a l 43,560 S.F. r ti0i 43,560 S.F. P� I DUANE HORRAL VOL.8512, PG. 1953 J-T. DAVIS, SR. et. ux. NINA M. DAVIS VOL. 4963, PG. 892\\ Pa 1/2" IRF C�V 7.5' EXIST.✓U.E. -- N89°20'30"E lu N89°20'30"E 1/2" IRF 250.17 O 252.28 ( a' LOT 1 - = LOT 14 _' m 43,560 S.F. It Z CID 43,560 S.F. 0 DON FRANK ANDRE a) Q �� 0 3 VOL. 7833, PG. 22G5 O t \ \�pQ'�F, M 40 \ 40 @ I 0 O POINT OF BEGINNING--- S89032'E 249.75' 50' S 9°32'E 249.77' 0 5/8'IRF EAST - HAROLD I. KNIGHT et ux SHIRLEY JEAN KNIGHT VOL. 3018, PG.579 I, Coy D. Landes, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas Reg. No. 1886, do hereby certify that I have platted the above subdivision from an actual survey on the ground; and that all lot corners, angle points and points of curves shall be properly marked on the ground, and that this plat correctly represents that survey made by me. c Coy D- Landes, R.P.L.S. No. 1866 II DEDICATE STREET ROW THIS PL TTING 14.46 —23.0r NMI Ib OO Vv 549. 34' 20.54 STREET -EXIST. ROW 46' EXIST. ROW 39 ' JOSEPH G. MOORE et ux CAROLYN H. MOORE VOL. 5605, PG.327 AMY LYNN HILLARD and ' JENNIFER HILLARD i VO L.9599, PG. 11 14 OWEN FRANK MIKULENCAK l ' et ux ELArN E MIKULENCAK VOL. 6293, PG. 257 \ J LINDA HILLARD CART IR VOL.9599, PG. 1114 P5 \0 ENGINEER NED BURLESON & ASSOCIATES 2822 W. LANCASTER FORT WORTH,TEXAS 1- SURVEY LINE LOT I LOT 2 ' JACKSON ' ADDITION V OL. 3 88 146 , PG. 432 BLK. I LOT L 0' CHARLES WILLIAM HUDSON and JACK IE L. HUDSON VOL. 7514, PG. 470 0 100 200 300 SCALES I" = 100' CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Approved By Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Secretary Planning & Zoning Commission Mayor 1/2 "IRF AT S.E. COR.HUDSON TRACT BEARS S 00°IO'30 W 1.5 City Secretary 1 Date Date Date Date STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT f WHEREAS, I, DAVID C. HARDY, TRUSTEE, as the solo owner of a tract of land situated in the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511, County of Tarrant, according to the deed recorded in Volume 10120, Page 1522, Deed Records Tarrant County Texas, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found in the north ROW line of County Road No, 3034 (Highland Road East), a public street, R said iron rod being located by previous deed as 3621.1 feet east and 25.0 feet north of the southwest corner of said . Throop Survey; said iron rod also being the southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to -Don Frank Andre as recorded 30 Volume 7833, Page 2265, Tarrant County Deed Records; THENCE N 000 49' 00" W at 211.9 feet passing a 1/2 inch iron rod at the northeast corner of said Andre tract and continuing along the east line of a tract of land conveyed to -Joseph:. Andre, at ux Marie Francis Andre as recorded in Volume 3762, Page 631, Tarrant County Deed Records, at 946.5 feet passing the northeast 'corner of Volume 3762, Page 631 and the southeast corner of -a tract of --land conveyed" to- J.D POvters as recorded in volume 5022, Page 599, Tarrant County Dead Rscordr and continuing in all 1199.64 feet to a, 1/2 inch icon rod found near a fence corner, said iron rod being the southwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to Gaylord W. Hargadine, Jr. as recorded in Volume 3419, Page 430, Tarrant County Deed Records; THENCE S 890 57, 00" E, 556.00 feet along the south line of, said Hargadine tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod found near a fence corner and in the west line of a tract of land conveyed to Duane Horral as recorded in volume 8512, Page 1953, Tarrant. County Deed Records; SOUTH S 000 51' 00" E, 464.40 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the southwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to J.T. Davis, Sr., at ux Nina M. Davis as recorded in Volume 4963, Page 892, Tarrant County Deed Records and the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, The Hill, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas as -recorded in Volume 388/159, Page 96, Tarrant County Plat Records; THENCE S 00' 25' 30" E, 551.27 feet along the west line of said Block 1 of said addition to a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 1 of said addition and the northwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to Charles Willaim Hudson and Jackie L. Hudson as recorded in Volume 7514, Page 470, Tarrant County Deed Records; THENCE S 000 10' 30" w, 190.46 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set with a plastic cap stamped "Landes A Assoc." 0.5 feet ,west of the center of a wooden fence corner post, from said iron rod a second 1/2 inch iron rod found at the southwest` corner of said Hudson tract bears S 000 10' 30"; W 1.5 feet., said 1/2 inch iron cod set being in the north ROW line of the aformen.tioned . County Road 3034; i THENCE N 890 16' 00" W, 549.34 feet along said north ROW line of said County Road 3034 to the POINT OF BEGINNING and I containing 15.311 acres of land. - NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL NEW BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, I, David C. Hardy, Trustee, being the sole owner do hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as STANHOPE ADDITION, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and I do hereby dedicate to the public's use the streets and easements shown thereon. WITNESS my hand at Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas this the day of , 19_ Owner David C. Hardy, Trustee 'STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared David C. Hardy, Trustee, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the above and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this the day of 19 THIS PLAT WAS FILED CABINET , SLIDE , DATE: A FINAL PLAT OF STANHOPE ADDITIO AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS BEING 15.311 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED IN THE FRANCES THROOP SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 1511 — AUG. 101 1992-14 TOTAL LOTS OWNER LANDES & ASSOCIATES, INC. DAVID C. HARDY, TRUSTEE REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL. LAND SU MMYORRS 300 RED RIVER WAY IRVING,TEXAS 75063 1107 E. FIRST STREET • FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102 • (817) 870-1220 - FAX 970.1292 Notary Public Commission expires: � rnr1 oil 2A 93--08 NQ. 90067 mm�uunnunuunruurr i5 U.E• va 0.4 U.E. TRACT A TRACT B METES AND BOUNDS METES & BOUNDS BEING 74.37 acre tract of land in the O. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, said 74.37 acre tract of land being BEING a 59.25 acre tract of land in the Hal Msdln Survey. Abstract No. 1037, B. Hollingsworth Survey, a portion of that certain tract of land described in deed to Timarron Land Corporation as recorded in Volume Abstract No. 797, said 59.25 acre tract of land being a portion of that certain of of lend described to dead 9813, Page 2350, Deed Records, Tarrant Cc&", Texas, said 74.37 acres being more perticurlarfy, described to Tlmarron Land Corporetlon as recorded in Vdtrrw 9813, P by metes and bounds as follows: ape 2350, Deed Records. Tarrant COtrty, L. 2 Taxes, said 59.25 acres being more partfcullarty described by metes and bound as tolohtlrs 100 YEAR FLOODWAY `lrf ULTIMATE U) 0 j'R i)EV E LO P M E N T FLOW 5 \ �N 86�t 5 1 i o �6o .0- O ,QV CtC�R ' BEGINNING at a point for comer along the north fine d Continental Boulevard (50400t wide, existing right-d- BEGINNING at a point for corner in the south line of Conthentel Boulevard �(35.00p �-- W . pG.\\64 way), said pant being South 89.29' 21% East, a distance a 2M2.26 feet from northwest corner a tha Hen sNd p ► «way), F E M A 100 YEAR F L 00 O P L A I N _ �o ,y 3 "' 16 echo `N ' �0 e�32 . 6 5 \'(� Medfin Survey, Abstract No.1037; p�+t bei g South 87.OD • 4D' East, 915. T7 feet from the northwest Comes d" said Hal M•c�n gt,,,ey, \ o ' �' vOL10N>c'0 UM N THENCE South 89•09' 13' East along the sotto Itne a Corhtir►enlai Boulevard a d a 3,484.58 fast 5Tt2 E E T' NAME CHANGE N "3 t °J 4 85 " �' _ °o M E� �� At- THENCE North 00.06' 24' East, 377.00 feet to the beginning a a curve to the left having a radius a 1800.00 d = 2 t ° 54 OTe\ - -- I T0.- 0Taf ET" E o �.ta REg feet and whose 1«,g chord bears North net r dr west, 1076.74 feet: IS' UTILITY EASEMENT r Q = 1200.00' \/ ---�� 9 to 50 gyp' 80 4 o o THENCE South 00.00' 55' West, a distance d 748.02 feet; ' T = 232 . l9' �' N a9 40 t 5 E -� along through a central angle a 34.48' 23• an arc dlstannce a 1093.47 feet, being the THENCE North 89.48' 24• Fast, a distance a 480.59 feet; THENCE said curve thr N 8G° 15 1 0 U, �� \ ?s �t �� beginning d a ran -tangent curve to the right having a radius d 1200.00 feet and whose long chord bears 15 DRAINAGE- UTILITY EASEMENT r fl 6 5 EXlBT_20'u�3 tc` North 75'43' l t' East. 455.93 fug; THENCE South 00.28' 24' West, a distance a 464.36 fee; Lai w, L = 45 8.1 ! \ (4 �00 , � : gt > iOrb I� ,t� 1 - _ _ _ _ - _ �- THENCE along said curve through a central angle of 21.54' or an arc length of 458.71 fog, end of curve; THENCE South 89.31' 36' East, a distance of 50.00 feet: QC 30 Op �� 10%5 85, %5' tl.i 90 10 11 v"' CV < THENCE North 86.40' 15• East, a distance d 145.00 feet: \ 9 - _ 12 t`c4 I3 Q + I 't.9 O THENCE South 00.28' 24' West, 142.93 feet to the fl % AP ff _ 8 ' O Nln beginning d a curve to the N r"" ' �' '- - _ 250.00 feet whose long chord bears Smith 35°02' 5W West, 283.75 feet: � Having a radius d � \ 2 3 Y 4 _ 5 F - 7 0o 75 75 lo, Sa. o j I Ii�6' 1 A'a�E�l THENCE North o3° 1fr 45' West. a distanced 170.0o fee; THENCE along said curve through a central angle d s9'o9' OT an arc d 3ot.73 feet %0 50 - Ito ° N 9 G 20��0 THENCE North 86°40' 15' East, a distanced 135.00 feet; �h 0 200 400 - - �' 29 `, 0 5 Q = �A ' THENCE South 68°37' 3t' West a distance d 2/9,96 feet: STREET � �-• ilo_ 4, a 95 11 _ ! `� TO BE y �oM pl • ' AG ' THENCE North 03' 19, 45' West, a distance a 40.00 feet; c� THENCE North 20.22' 29" Wes>r a distance d 50.00 feet; t2ELOCATEn Zoµ 1 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET \ �o - _ o -o Igo ,� • IAA I -- -- ___ $ 8°J°05 4? E N i042.26' _ 1 U THENCE North 86.40' ,s• East, a distance a 5o.ao feet; i -200 � 2_ 5_ 4 5 G r T- g - p \ ij ► o- N is+ l0 ITS'-�50' - "- r -- THENCE North 05.19' 45' West, a distance a 125.00 last; _ v \ �ti $ c - " r o •1G R r >7L K • tom,0 THENCE South 69.37' 31• West, a distance d 264.77 feet: �5 75 V C l70 y 0THENCE North 06•04' 05' East, a distance d 45.76 feet; TO 80' 75 BLK. It'D' 115 7 8 9 = 10 _ 11 _ 12 ,$� 13 14. gl �, I THENCE North 84.40' 15• East. a distance d 160.00 feet; 20 J - ' n OI La� 3Gp 1 THENCE North 24°40. 09' West, a distance d 123.65 feet; O y tip' %0' 85 80' 8$ 0 205 I J. /?g' �° 95' 00' �. - -a S t1�p� M` fro. 2 THENCE North 13.40' 15' East, a distance d 90.00 feet; o, 90' t7 % ag, �` ,1 Q rl \ �,s- u' 50' IGO' 0 c5` o. •• O 1 j Oi-' �a\ 14�0 O 8 THENCE North 45 ° 17' 19' West, a distance d 391.56 feet; 0 - 34°Tv p Zt co 20 °' i%� 18,$ 17- - $ W 3 �T�EE� I '� u, p t t'0-- THENCE North 89'40' 15' East, a distance d t35.00 fee; �1 0 16 2n o 12 �i IsJcvl'_ THENCE North 29.06' 04' West. a distance d 266.05 feet; J NIiNLANO 9 CET �• Ito\. -°,,r 1r' O 1a tC a 'f 100' �J5 " " %5 u' � Z R = 1800.00, ¢ oj3 m. St) j5 - „ r j •�' -P t-_ m �_ O F-C. CAR NEY THENCE South 00°19' 45' East, a distance d 380.00 feet; `lt�'i .� I 2 , 9 = 4 r 5 ir+ THENCE North 54.42' 32' West, a distance d 374,24 fear T 5 64.20 tT p `�" \ _ THENCE North 89°40' 15' East, a distance d 410.00 fee; S`I �.r, zy o 6T12EET ,.C.. 7s /?a g f3 05 N �. --a o ' zcNtD AG 40UTHLAKE 7 o L = (0-03. `r 1 J► y 80' 75' g5' oho, - tip° `�y 19 L d ~ `,Ep 90 95 " %5 lop' t4 16 �, THENCE North 61.18' 19' West, a distance d 245.87 fear 100' -446'� \ - I THENCE South 00' 18' 26' West, a distance d 290.52 feet 55' 6 p 2- u U 2 71) `` G To' t u ut iy � $ '�- �� 6q _ � 27� 26u+ go. � b 4 � I THENCE North 21 °26' S4' Wesst, a distance d 40.00 feet; a soul.lurce eLvo. fM. I toe SOUR �'g - 28- _ ar -, {4}v o C •n i THENCE South 89'05' 4r East, a distanced 1042.26 feet; 3t - 75 10 20 G $ `' o CQ 0LL a0Q THENCE North 89°09, 13• West, a distance a 90.00 feet; 25 � r ro' �', .� �o - t 7 THENCE South 00 02 25 East a distance a 750 00 f D K i '3S n DLK. � I ?t3AIPTIST CHURCH �; THENCE south 50.44, 35• West, a distance a 140.83 feet to the beginning a a carve to the kit staving a is /C5' oo' 7S. 24 cn 23-.r �e 21 `$°� Z _ - o- b t^ vOZONEDL. 113 ' C 5 5 t4 THENCE South 37°37' 34• West. a distance of 126.83 feet: radius a 250.00 feet and whose < �vARUDLE D E `� �`' 200 g 7 s+ H U , no 9g \ _ � - 18 - ,�(�� IIIItIIIIIII1�I1rlIU1�U t03 D 15 ��� \\\\\�� ��p "Uj bears South 21 / ram- 190' pit 0� \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\• \ io !2 �, I LU >aT iq po p a+ $- `�' _ THENCE North 89'22' 26' West, a distance a 272.22 feet: d1Ord °40' 32' East, 89.99 feet, 4 5 �P�t• o0 oS 200 a - �- I -- THENCE t8ahg sale curve through a centrel angle a 20.44' 1r, an arc angtrt d 90.49 roar '�•. QO Lp 23� I I 1 40 2 - 6 - '� �;, a �`' 20. tlo 90 i'A t25' sI�N 5TEV E o t t9 0 THENCE South 00.02' 25• Fast, a distance of 127.50 feet: THENCE South 32'02' 41' East a distance d 780.98 tee; % , Gr. T 19 �`S` C� r s - �o TZYAN w THENCE South 44•t7' i5 u �'•�•__,_ 3 1 h STREET ` a II !0 8 9 , I Z THENCE South 37.37' 34' West, a distance d 405.19 feet East a distance d s87.95 feet GRAPEVINE / JO :0' 0 5 12 - u+ O VOL.Zt6a y " GALLAS/rr.wo rut P v 1 `�o l to' /fg, >j ry 11 tt--5 l+Jp gp 0D' %0' i25' 0 20 ,�� p p6 G •Q , THENCE South 89.09' 13' East. a distance of t08.87 feet: THENCE Sotto 24.33' t3' East a distance d 286.28 het: REGIONAL 4areRT r - -- \ - ' /?0' 9 IO �`r- 3 - i`<2 /?p I ZONEiO AG i THENCE South 00.50' 4r West, a distance a 17.00 feet to point for corner along the north line d said THENCE Seth of •11. 12' East a distance d 470.37 feet F \\ 4 �, q 5 - �� 95' l �� g s I i5o %o a5' ^° o Continental Boulevard: c o • so' - ItoJ 130 - U E ► 50 - N THE North 62.20' 4tr wear, a diaranc. d 13&03 fee; ry TRACT SZOJECa- S 80 i 75' 7`tii4, 90 �o, �, ICI u E 2t • 24 2I o ..� THENCE North 89.09, 13• west, \ _ op 9 s+ . �' _ 2 3 _ \n, i along the r10rth Nne d said Continenxal BOtlieve►d a distance d 1707.05. oS 5L K. C S 95 66 125 22 / J to the POINT OF BEGINNING and conta THENCE O i 8� 0 61.K . 1 I k►kp 74.37 acres d rand, more a Less. Cl) N I i f25 4 %o %o tin , �o' i to' S0' o �► 53'34' 09' west a distance d 3tZ.i5 ro«; GOLLE ttLE I--- - i5 Ub. ^ 21 //0' ' in '�r ADD 12 g 13 t-i - - �� - r " rr I 3 �' m LI f l cli- R 15 ° r 2B g • 2s o i 5 313734 W THENCE South 26.11' 23° o - to s - r flu East a distance d /44.49 test T 20 I �? 2 N 22 GO " %p 140 rch off. r�5' rEDE5TR11�n 126.83 Q u , so //S /?p' t t6 t l� 125 �' W ' ACCE�59 v T 54.08' t8• weer, a dstarxst d 74.34 fee; Z c DOULEVAf1D I ,;r, 125 N 14 a� i g 1 F I %� 2G • �'(2'P THENCE North 83.42' 3W West, a distance d 270.50 fear Q o _ LOCATION MAP o �, r 1� �-- `'`t, A _ _ �n ' �, k Nct3�222°26Aw o ` -t; . ENTRY WITH_j�,, I o u� r 1s V iZ+ 11 1"�6 - 5 125 ' Lt\N 7 oc la 9 9 1 I.T. S. GQV �� o Ilk a56 , NAE101,AN I�' � 50 125 - 23 cam, W tX =g I9 g `' �- 5 i00 100' - 31, ;p \t O' •/� ' 2Z2.22 �1Rt�N pG 23� THENCE South 06'23' 22" Weer. a distimm d 56.74 fast; 0 0 N A L 0 J . F 0 R E M A N � 0 sv�� $ - I �'� 155' F- 150' too' Ito 3 _ 2a ,�c g 00 02 25 E \� a ` - �4>� O THENCE North s, • 1s' 48' weer 7T.38'�est to true 0 a y • - >✓ s �` f `� Pu $ Mang a radius d 1357.77 - -o o STGCEET Z✓' o �! bagihst 6 d. 119W, to teh.l.rt + VOL.V O L G4z 8 , rG . 3 t 5 ! -- _ - _ -- i 2T. 50 neat area whose chord bears North o4.43' 43• d f- s1 OI 65 wJ? a Q ZONED AG 4G I - - -� r o 85 524.78 iesr � i n n M u � �� I � • ' ~ o "' o '^ 10 5.6T THENCE along said curve through A cwitrW angle d 22 • i r 03• an arc length d SMM foot to the I I U N in % 10 �v t l �' . 12 a beginning d a reveres curve to the rigrtt having a radius a 34 test and whew long chord bears t4orth N 00°30'21"E N I7.00' i?0•�• 4 �' 5 G N= a: �`� h R-ON DEDiCATION t3Y SEPARATE z N - � 03.59'45• West, 205.51 feet: �' TR4,CT A SLk. 15 " a5` 121i tso' 5 DD 504T W -- ODEDiA14 W. KNIGHT 05URVEY, A65T. N0, 899 INSTRu�ui;uT 121L R!✓ 50 APPARENT 8I " " " - ✓ 11.00' THENCE along said curve through a central angle a 23.45' 00' an arc length a 205.98 fret; -a -- _ �I'T. R.O.W.°�0N 8°J°09'13"W C.G. t4 - 2.78 dC. ' $ > VARtAblt: WiDTN R.O.W. tRD4CAT10N ~ / Upt(%IQLI W. ICNIGNT SUCZVEY A85T. N0. 899 CO N T I N E N T>4 - -� ITOT. 05 a - r THENCE North 07•52' 45• East, 120.00 row to the of is LV 10. 0T. 0' AS PH . PV M T: feet and whose iqg chord bears North IS- 12' 15• beginning a � to to l.rt rhaartp a radw,a a 384.a P- N 8 09 13 w � 889.81 9 80 09 i3 E * VAf�IABLE WIDTH C2.O.W. DEDICATION 3484. ` - •.• H L L ! N WOt� Tt-I bA R N E Tr 5 UtzVEY� A 05T NO . Ti THENCE e1org c a d 52• to, oo' an east; rargm of 349.es tut, and °f um ALL MEOLIN 5URVEY A135T. N0. 1037 ExtST 20'+ A9t'H.PvbIT� N 89°09'l3` W 437.05 °� C G. 20 - 2.68 AG.. ' a ) A" OB030 18,' N 85°38 55 W g 1�' ieo' I 25 EX19T. 20 ± ASPH. P MT. P. O. V . = 2000.00 204.76' ° C.G. QO I I THENCE North 44.17, 15' West. a distance of 47.01 feet; TR,4CT t3 T 61.t9' a= 03°30t8~ N 00 09'32'.E ^"tT5.00 I fjLK. to 8 9 {o = u _ / '�2 �,/�. - 12.QAAC. - -� r - eat ,6s 3z ron to an L= 122.35 R= 2000.00' 2 g; 6? 7 x 15 2 THENCE North 32.02' 41" W bagkrhkg d a alrw to the tight having a radius d r i - ! ~I t00' / ;` t-" `t� I I ,' 1d 300.00 feet and whose long chord bears Nord 11.57' 08' Worst, a distance a 206.12 feat; NOTES: T = (At. (9 r 13 I =, ZONED I- L = 122.35 1. COMMON GREENS ARE DENOTED AS'C.G.14, C.G.15, ETC.'. COMMON GREENS ARE PRIVATE OPEN SPACES DEDICATED TO AND MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION. 2. ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES WITHIN THIS PLATTED AREA SHALL BE REMOVED. 3. A HYDRAULIC STUDY HAS BEEN PREPARED BY CARTER & BURGESS, INC., FOR TRIBUTARY BB6, AND SUBMITTED TO THE CiTY OF SOUTHLAKE. FLOODPLAIN LIMITS AND RECLAMATION SHOWN ARE BASED ON THIS STUDY, W -fICH UTILIZES ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT FLOWS FOR THE TRIBUTARY. 4. MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS WILL BE ESTABLISHED FOR ALL LOTS ADJACENT TO FLOODPLAiN DRAINAGE CHANNELS, BASED ON THE HYDRAULIC STUDY PREPARED FOR TRIBUTARY BB-6. 5. ALL LOT DIMENSIONS AND BUILDING SETBACK LINES SHALL MEET THE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AS APPROVED IN P.U.D. ORDINANCE 480-01B. 6. THIS PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING PROPERTY ARE ZONED TO P.U.D. 480-018. 7. PRODUCfi -TYPE A,B,C, OR D REFERS TO DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS AS APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON MAY 19,1992. 8. iT IS ANTICIPATED THAT CONSTRUCTION WILL OCCUR IN SEVERAL STAGES WHICH WILL BE DETERMINED AT THE TIME OF FINAL PLATTING. ANY PHASING SHOWN IS PRELIMINARY. LEGEND: N 8G040',15"E \ N 05019415"W �t,13°40'lp'EMINES 50.00 ' �- -- -�i 90.00 N 89040' l5nE VILLAGE LIMITS NO3 19'45ofW/ \ 135.00, ° � i FHA5E LIMIT5 40.00' 160.00„ N $4o Is -- W LAND USE SCHEDULE - TiMARRON VILLAGES A, 8, C, D Gross Anticipated Number• Of Residential Number Of Common Percent Completion R"Wentlat Dens" Common At" Open Phase Date Zoning Land Use Lots Acreage (D.U./Acre) Areas Acreage Space VILLAGE 'A• PD 480-018 PHASE 1 Spring 1994 Pro. Ty. A I Residential 30 24.52 1.22 1 1 4.80 19-6 VILLAGE 'A PD 480-01 B PHASK 2 Spring 1995 Pro. Ty. A Residential 24 14,90 1.61 ' 2 2.80 18.8 VILLAGE 'A' PD 480-01B PHASE 3 Spring 1995 Pro. Ty. A Residential 8 3,60 222 0 0 0 VILLAGE •A' PD 480-018 PHASE 4 Spring 1996 Pro. Ty. A Residential 5 5.70 0.88 1 3.61 63.3 SUBTOTAL PO 480-01B VILLAGE 'A' Pro. Ty. A Residential 68 48.72 1.34 4 11.21 22.0 VILLAGE •B' PD 480-01B PHASE 1 Spring 1994 Pro. Ty. B Residential 52 2530 2,06 1 3 352 139 VILLAGE 'B' PD 480-01 B PHASE 2 Spring 1996 Pro. Ty. B Residential 43 19.00 2.26 3 1.92 10.1 SUBTOTAL PO 480-01B VILLAGE 'S' Pro. Ty. B Residential 95 44.30 2.14 6 5.44 122 VILLAGE 'C' PD 480-018 Spring 1994 Pro. Ty. C Residential 64 30.20 2.12 2 4.31 14.2 VILLAGE roe PD 480-018 Spring 1995 Pro. Ty. D Residential 34 10.40 3.26 2 0,29 78 TOTAL VILLAGES PD 480-01B A, B. C. & D Residential 261 133.62 1.92 14 21.25 15.6 PD 480-01B Residential 537 317.25 Clubhouse 1246 (PD-C3 Uses) -CUMMULATiVE Golf Course 147.72 Total PROJECT -TO -DATE 537 477.43 1.12 25 196.94 41 o I'Includes Bent Creek Phase 1 & 2 Fk►N Plats, The Highlands, Phase 1 & 2, Final Plats, the renhailder of Bent Creek, (see Phase 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat), Tineir►on Goff Course Preliminary Plat, and Villages 'A', 'B', 'C and 'D', Preliminary Plat. i " I THENCE along said curve through a Centrd d 40.11' 06', an arc „ I tp0 beginnilrig G t 9 ,• J 1'0 � •`r ,� 12 3 - d a ran -tangent curve to the right having a n a 282.00 feet and whose shad boars Norlh 58.27' 38• p= 2 8° 3 5 2 6 +- 1' S o 12 A 15T R E ET J' G n too' Ito' c o a„ I o west a distance d 288.22 fear angth d 210.41 to true R = 591.3 6 ; �. ; - - \tc 100 -a p 23 n THENCE as - ; � - •-� _ �pO 11 8 t4 �' '°opt' �Av�N P 6 Gar i stag said Curve 10 the a T = 2 °� 5.00 g a r- •d• 154 , � cr rive through Central ample d f� • s9' 29', an arc l.nptn d 300.19 fee; ' -'\ ?,' u+ o u, tQ I 9 $ 10 �, rt• i r y 0� 39� 1.AN, THENCE North 27.57' S2" West, a distance a 50.01 feet to the begkmkg d a curve to tie rl�tt having a L= 298.08 p lo- 2 3= 4= 5 6 7 �. 8 IC5' to DLK t'l - rr_ .4 �' I 4:3 - "ri2 1ZON�° i wi`l O�� radius a 597.36 feet and whose chord bears North 13.40' ofr west, 296.00 roar; ` 05 „ 8 12 8 8 15 O c� A ra I ce ro 9 to I 5 QN� ( I o I u' v - I Q o A,RQON pG 5o THENCE along said turns tr,rot,gr, a central angle d 28•35' 26•, an arc ranger d 2pe a�ec: to Ix, go' t5G' SG. f55' _U55_ rn" M 8 N 27 5T 52"w 4,0 9_ t - _ i 24 _o is > oa ,� y- a rn I Oo i9 9 6 r' �101-pup . 450 - THENCE North oo-a9 3r Eaec, a d a 775.oa fe.c: ? 23 m 22 , 21 20 $ 19 g �' 17 I' _ - _� tG I �- rr ° � THENCE North 8Q Op' 13' West, a distencs d 439.05 feet to the beginning d e ctrhw to the right having -- 0 = Goo59r29rr ,o `50 u~, 150 fi `1 o• 1 0 nor' u p a rediue d 2000.00 feet and whose tong chord bears north 87.24' 04• wee; 122.33 see; 14p' 15 Ss. ICI 8 14 8 iL S I T � Z R = 282.00, e ����� T = 1 G6.08 s a ` - I7 o 20 ! , THENCE slag saki chive through a cerKral arhpb d 03.30' 78', an arc lerhgtth d 122.35 fast; 1 � T � ` �� AU��'L pG•9�� ~ L = 300.1°J' Gnu /sa. N 155 �� { a s GO, , L 2 2e ^ � �lOt- • g4 ' � THENCE North 86.3e' s5• west. a distance a 2a.76 rest to the beginning d a Curve to � � �+g a <� / ' „ O $` 15 - D . ` , Q king chord bears North 87.24' O4• West, 122.33 feat A 40 i i 0 6 redws a 2000.0o feet and whose r �' 1 CO o $ la 8 { N SOJO48'2 " ^' 4C*0.59 } - THENCE aknrg,atrd anus through a c.ntrai R = 300.00 c.0. 22 �/ `so . �4 - - angle d o3 30' 18-, an are i.r,�t a 122.38 feet; T = 10°.?. 74' o. t I Ac (e'je2 'Q /, is , ss oa 1 to a� O O / \ S'u E iG5 / >n L = 2t0.41' LK. . THENCE North 89.09' 13' west, a distance d 88B.et feet S� 8T �(/ 9$ 3 /� , �. 19 tt`� �\ \ �� 3 u' G 4 ,ti'1a z O fWNCE North 00'30' 27' East, a distant• of 17.00 roes to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing a9.26 Z acres of land more or less; . cP y9 10 fl20o 7" 2 y RI c9 k s et R = 250.00' g? ,u m 2 T = 45.74', 2o`ba i : � so ;� AG L Wi13 sx. L = 90.49 ~3 r ` /s , ?so' I I 8 C. g�i to " "APP,2o lED PPEL. PLAT' % O t50' N 32°0241 W `� TiMA1200N LAND CORP. - �$ tie �, 7 ,� z ti 1GG-32' p00\ VOL.'DSt3, FG. 2350 so, e-- 1 co : � `Sl°ROP05SV GOLF COUR5E y rrj' /%S t 0' - ,t 7 g °O S{ oj,P. U .0. 480 - 0115 . I I eo • ''o 0 wlot ti'a) 15 89 313 GE 50- 00� :3' 6 o �s� o �, ,So, r _ Lam, p\.• D 6 O\ r u y�6 F r rn t'3 .t yE go - ewoPp A` A = 52°Io 00 ti s 5 oo°2a 24 W ° � o fo J _ T = t 88.00 , �' 9s - ti �� a� .. P 5 - ot N 0705245'E 50' / �t �j ���,�• Q 5fG a� 4, i20.00' ?0 �, 'Q\X01 titi 5 0 = 23°45 00 " 3 28� O\- )SOIbo_ \ 34, o , T = log .00 �-'+ o- 4 >� �►� ;,�i r y a = G9°o9 of L = 20G.°J8 �'� - \ �� `� �' ' OV G9 3T 31 W 12 = ZEO.00' s ,.N I 2l9° 0G T a N 24°40'0°J"W _ /�-TEMPORARY TURNAAOUu D L = 30 1.73 1-� c� ��- 123.G5 o 8' ' s �' N 20°22'2J"W N 50.00, 0 $''� . 10' O - z SON rGN o3�° �° ,�09` _ _ N OG°0495"E 5 G9°3T'3t"W N 2G4.77' a T - 2 G7. 42' m s. ' � 21 =1 4 150 LINE DATA mi L = 528.08' ' a I � \ 100' 1 $ 20 L I = N 2102G'54"W 40.00' L2 = N 89009' 13"W N W-00' L 3 = 5 50044' WW N 140.85 L4 = 5 32002'+1" E N 160.OG' L5 = 5 53034'09"W N 32. t5' LG = 5 05023'22" W N 56.14' L1 = N 44° 11' 15"W N 47.01 ' s� z o Q � u CD Cl G Z -1 _j _j o 2 = TemrORARY TURNAROUND N 6I6I G'4GMW 1-17.%' N G2°20'48"W j 138.63' �-- 5 2GOI I' 23"E N 144 49' - 5 54006118"W N 74.34' APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- DATE: MAYOR i . i CITY SECRETARY APPROVED BY THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DATE: CHAIRMAN OF P&Z COMMISSION SECRETARY REVISED PRELIMINARY PLAT � n TIMARRON ADDITION MAR z 2 1993 VILLAGES A, B, C, & D BEING A REVISION OF TIMARRONe PHASE 3e SECTIONS ONE & TWO OUT OF THE HALL MEDLiN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1037, HOLLINGSWORTH & BARNETT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO.797, OBEDIAH W. KNIGHT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 899 iN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 133.62 ACRES/261 LOTS/14 COMMON GREENS 3-z� qs e✓,f� J�4�,":rt,I 4/l s-sG,�,ru/ p✓� � DATE REVISION MADE CKO. APPD. SUBMITTED FEBRUARY 22, 1993 OWNER/DEVELOPER: TIMARRON LAND CORPORATION 300 E CARPENTER FREEWAY, SUITE 1425 IRVING, TEXAS 75062 t�j� °f Fusty �� tr (214) 791-3333 8 ENGINEER: CARTER & BURGESS, INC .••°•ooa t: aLlEl�l ., 7950 ELMBROOK DRIVE, SUITE 250 +�ak``s` -6 fStf'0. . • � DALLAS, TEXAS 75247 (214) 638-0145