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1997-03-18 CC Packet
%A. city manager ' s report • i SPIN II, march 14 , 1997 tilt Congratulations CITY COUNCIL AGENDA March 18, 1997 1997 SPIN Officers __ The following items will be addressed at the l A SPIN Standing Committee cast a regular City Council meeting on March 18, 1997: DUthlok- unanimous ballot to re-elect David Baltimore as SPIN Chair, and Joe Consent Agenda: Mast as Secretary. New to the 1) Res. No. 97-17, appointing Tom Ward as representative for SPIN Executive Board is Al Morin who was Neighborhood#6 elected as Vice Chair. 2) Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Cheatham and Associates for providing professional services in connection with the design of a 1.5 million gallon elevated water ��®; tank in Miron Addition. Thanks A Bunch : 1404A 3) Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for Karen Cienki for the m�,.. engineering services for the design of street reconstruction in excellent SPIN training f'' " Southlake Park Addition and Ridgecrest Drive. presentation. �18, 4) Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Freese and Nichols, Inc. to develop a Drainage Master Plan for the City of Laura Mikiosko for Southlake. serving two terms as Vice Chair on the 5) Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with S Executive Committee. Cheatham and Associates to provide professional services in connection with the design of Phase I of Bob Jones Park. — Regular Agenda: second readings, public hearings, related items: .o Computer 1) Ord. No. 672, Adopting parking regulations to include prohibited News parking and repealing Ordinance No. 323. �_ 2) ZA 97-006, Site Plan of Crestwood Office Park, located at the i :I-4 NW corner of N. Carroll and 1709 (#10) /AM13.3111 3) ZA 97-015, Plat Revision of Timberlake Phase 5, approx. 150' west of the intersection of Lake Forest Dr. and Continental. (#14) E-Mail Addresses Ordinances, First Readings and Related Items: SPIN Information in either a Word 1) Ord. No. 480-231, Rezoning and Site Plan for a Professional Office Building at 1302 West Southlake Blvd(1709) (#13) 1 Perfect or Word format can now be 2) Ord. No.480-232, Rezoning and Concept Plan for Shurgard received at the following address: Storage Center, approx. 210' south of the intersection of 1709 and khugman@ci.southlake.tx.us Bank St. (#7) Other addresses are expected to Resolutions become available. Please notify us that 1) Resolution No. 97-18, Closing Bluebonnet Drive E-Mail is being sent. 2) Resolution No. 97-20 Moratorium on service stations on FM 1709 corridor Other Items for Consideration: Home Page 1) Project Priority List On Tuesday, April 1, there will be a 2) Adoption of park names Ribbon Cutting and Presentation at 3) Authorize the City Manger to hire additional staff to address Council, of the City Home service needs. Nye/Web Site Other Items for Discussion 1) Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts • lippr CHECK Parks & Recreation DEVELOPMENT YOUR Information. ACTIVITY UPDATE CALENDAR >Youth Park Board members P& Z March 20. 1997 97-018 Final Nat, Callicott Rhodes (31 March 16, 1997 are reviewing the by-laws of (#4) Senior Advisory Reception the Park Board. The goal is to 9'7-002 Zoning/Site Plan, CISD (#10) 3:00 p.m. White's Chapel Rm. customize those by-laws for 97-003 Preliminary Plat, CISD (#10) adoption by the Youth Park 97-013 Zoning/Site Plan, Antioch Church (#12) March 17, 1997 Board. 97-016 Site Plan, Fox Hollow (#10) Park Development Corp. Consider-Personal Care Facilities 6:00 p.m. Council Chamber >The Parks Department is 97-017 Zoning, 1966 E. Dove (#5) Historical Society looking at these possible 97-019 Zoning/Concept Plan, Harrell Place (#16) "Bonnie & Clyde" improvements to the park 97-020 Preliminary Plat, Harrell 7:00 p.m. Lodge buildings: Place (#16) 97-021 Zoning/Concept Plan, Timber March 18. 1997 Lodge: Improved lighting in Lake Estates (#14) City Council the meeting room and kitchen; City Council Work Session-3/31/97 96-137:00p.m. Council Chamber a pass-through counter to the Plans for Timarr31,132on nZ Commercial P g Plans Timarron Commercial kitchen. Tracts March 19. 1997 City Council-April 1. 1997 SPIN/DPS Community Center: Front 97-005 Zoning/Site Plan, MedicalAir Services (#13) Speedway Presentation office redesigned for more 97-008 Zoning/Concept Plan, 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber openness and additional Shurgard (#7) Youth Action Committee personnel. The Jellico room 96-130-131 Zoning/Concept Plans, 7:00 p.m. White's Chapel Rm. will be closed to accommodate Timarron Commercial Tracts I&II C111 the Landscape Administrator (#2,#4, #5) March 20. 1997 and Recreation Specialist. Consider-Mid-year review Consider-Village Center Issues Planning & Zoning Planning& Zoning April 3. 1997 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber >Senior Citizen lunch 96-162 Concept Plan, Telesupport programs are held every (#8) Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. - 97-023 Site Plan, Chevron(#4) 2:00 m. at Bicentennial Park. 97-024 Specific Use Plan, Chevron P 97-025 Zoning, Rucker(#9) Advance Notice 97-026 Abandon Plat, Myers Meadow (#13) 97-027 Plat Showing, Baca, Crooked There will be another COMPOSTINGLane 011ie opportunity to hear the 97-028 Zoning, Stonecrest Business Speedway presentation on CLASSES . Park, Crooked Lane (#7) March 25, at 7:00 p.m. .� 97-029 Zoning/Concept Plan, Free Compost Stonecrest Business Park(#7) City Offices will be Closed on bins are available to those who 96-159 Zoning, Stroncrest(#7) take the Composting Classes 97-030 Preliminary Plat, Stonecrest Friday, March 28, 1997 97-031 Final Plat, R.O.W. offered through Parks and Dedication,Brunlow Organizational meeting of the Recreation. Call Geri at 481- 97-032 Site Plan, Mobil-Southridge Southlake Carroll Council on 5581 ext. 756 for dates and Lakes (#13) times. 97-033 Zoning/Concept Plan, Church Alcohol & Drug Abuse, of Christ(#15) Tuesday, April 8, 7:00 p.m. at CHS Student Activity Center NEWS CUPPLYG Source: 3</v i , A4 . �' Date: Southiake looks at tax district for Town Center. City Hall/school district complex may be built from millions raised • BY LESLIE HUEHOLT i Star-Telegram Staff Writer Southiake Town center SOUTHLAKE — The city is preparing to create a special tax .SOUTHLAKE ;'\ district at Rialto Development's Town Center that could pay for ® Site of planned millions of dollars in public im- office and shopping center. provements, including a City Hall/ school district complex. Property tax revenues from the r commercial-based town center • would finance the public im- nos \ provements, if the plan wins ap- 6 proval. i — V© mamma a"This is the best vehicle we know A ''lb,area of right now to try to do joint o "'"sif projects,"Mayor Rick Stacy said. ci ` rx,es In the first of a series of steps to r form a tax increment financing dis- 2 (;• • trict,the City Council on Tuesday is r .. . ...............: expected to approve a resolution Star1blegram setting a public hearing on the mat- ter.The public hearing must be ad- Texas 114. Developer Brian Steb- vertised seven days in advance. bins and the City Council also sup- After the public hearing, the port building a City Hall at the site. council would approve an ordi- Under the state Tax Increment nance designating Town Center as Financing Act, a financing district a reinvestment zone, according to could be used to pay for project the law. costs such as buildings, land acqui- Town Center could include of- sition,construction costs and public fices,businesses and restaurants on improvements such as streets,side- 109 acres east of Carroll Avenue walks and parking. 0\1 _7 between Farm Road 1709 and (More onSOUTHLAKEonPage8) Southlake see,"Stebbins said. and attract business to the area,ac- City staff members are preparing cording to information from the a financing packet to determine Attorney General's Office. From Page 1B how much money a financing dis- In Grapevine,a tax increment fi- "We're open to all of that,"City trict could collect.The information nancing district was created to help Manager Curtis Hawk said. "If we will help officials decide whether to pay for$27.5 million in road,utility didn't think so, we wouldn't have pursue the plan. and other improvements for proposed to do it." "It's all so preliminary right Grapevine Mills mall. -A first phase of the project, in- now," Finance Director LouAnn A finance district is being used at eluding construction of a City Hall, Heath said. Texas Motor Speedway to collect parks and a band shell, could cost But city officials said they may property and sales tax revenues $15 million,Hawk said. not be able to finance the im- from the track to pay for millions of Rialto does not plan to use the fi- provements unless the Carroll dollars in costs associated with the .: nance district to pay for construc- school district participates with its project. tion of Rialto-owned buildings or tax revenues from Town Center, Gillum said he was concerned :; for land,Stebbins said. • and Carroll officials say they are about potential changes in laws "We think in the context of what hesitant to commit to something concerning tax incentives. State ithose dollars should be used for,at they still do not know much about. policy-makers are questioning the ''. a.st in our development,are things "I don't think we have the hard effectiveness of the programs, ac- ' �'. iat the public will benefit from data yet in order to be able to make cording to The Council of State did have ownership of," he said a decision about the district partici- Governments.The Legislature may isterday. pating," Superintendent Ted Gil- address the issue this session. .Stebbins said his company hopes lum said. "We need to know what .ti use the financing district for impact it will have on our tax base A3.5-miiebenefit w`ithings that are for the use of the and the property tax value base for i for the AIDS tiblic," includingstreets, side- the district. outreaa�center. walks, landscaping, parks, street "If there's a way we can partici- Li j i Sunday, rniture, street lights, utilities, pate as a district and it's an advan- April 27 at 4torm drainage and a band shell pa- tage to the district, I think we AID Trinity Park ai�rlion. would participate." Pavilion - WALK"We're looking to use whatever Finance districts are a govern- Callu for Win. benefit we can gain from a TIF. .. ment tool used to finance public TARRANT COUNTY (8�in s-1994 to allow us to get the types of users improvements in a defined area. • in retail and commercial lrom a The improvements are usually de- Sponsored by:Harris Methodist brmation 1quality index that the city Ants to signed to promote existing'business n"Star-Telegram, Tandy Caps mn�RMwrkMW�Nnr i ` y 'd m G1 -1 ,e35 = r3A = 3A0cCA O z VI 0- r ..4 - Viti `-; •= c ° " ti °' a .,' SDI+ n z ` y ,.D 0 .. . c 0 "d C A, X °^ n AD ~ A cpo 3 o• i co- n• O ? y 3 14) e.. cam -, = •cw " 3 y co 'fl in 1110:qoug y Q' GD GD OFi, y lD N •`p0 so A y* a y ern.*oyAo'°� o � I 5- Ee3 et, O� o0om c � °D _ pa J• a � � o -t Po"o y y A+. a -, D N ? 0-. D � MI c co0 0J c, Co-- co so y A y CA 'A O y �• to �� p. 0 0 n O CD GoMa cn3 2. 0 c . P -- -. . -, ( N s °' Pft� __, 5 0 ao ^? 2, 0 0 -4 O CCD C/! p O D . .-. .^.-. fir/_, G=G n y •A aaS,O c� 5 2 .' n 3w ° '°oo �' �' °' ,..,, cD 'CO yr elp (lb ., A c n O S y C o n S - C fl- U: cgIU' ilio0 0 E. - d .-. GAD ai co y ? < �+ .4 `� p `< .— c O a ~. CD /�� y DO y S O M l V r go C0.D ° a G C A A• O a c�D eD CD wCD • c ., ° cD A cD VI CA 5- lD � 0 . cn • cDooc' r • w,..,,,,. ,.,..; ,,..,_, , , - 0,,,,,,,,,:i-,,, ,.v.: •-c,•Af--• , '; '-i-' _ -4:-.' -n 'U •., i-..,,,.' - • • t\ t 3 w 1 ,, x ' Izare A 7 dC o "C .� ,ssC m y SI r• H Ay to C ! a) o. A 4 � 4- ° rt y 3 + ues. v' s. > Z,' r4 A eDv' Xa@ C w ., co � " A toA , w "After we receive the forml, Focus paramedics will conduct personal .. interviews with applicants to gqt From Page 1 additional information," Fulling- ton said. "All the information wl, would be good for paramedics to be . be confidential." aware of my daughter's condition When the information is gatl- before they arrive at our house,if I ered,the data will be stored in the ever needed to call them." communications system that is used Southlake DPS already operates by dispatchers when they send of an ambulance service for the city's emergency crews, authorities said. 15,000 residents. The forms will be reviewed annu- "The new program will provide ally, and new residents will lie additional information to paramed- mailed forms in their water bill, ics, firefighters and police," said authorities said. Robert Finn, a Southlake DPS Similar programs exist in Euless, spokesman. Haltom City, Irving, Grapevine, Special need applicants include Hurst and Keller. a senior citizens and residents with "The program is for medical- long-term or short-term dis- related calls,but we'll be taking in- abilities, Fullington said. Most of formation about hazardous maten- the applicants are expected to be als as well," Fullington said. "I'm senior citizens,since Southlake has optimistic that people who needya about 1,000 elderly residents, she program like this will take advag- tage of it" said. k 1 • d E I • i , 7 NEWS CLIPPING Source: a , Jr/ I, ' , .14,, ___ Date: 91/V Planning &Zoning Action For Marcn 6 The Planning'and Zoning Heights,approx.900's of 1709 • Approved the Site Plan for Commission, in regular session and Kimball. March 6,took the followingac- Crestwood Office Park. Size: Approved 4-3 (Edmondson, 3.5083 acres. Location:nw cor- tion (all votes are unanimous Potter and Creighton against)a ner of Carroll and 1709. Cur- unless otherwise indicated): Rezoning and Site Plan for rent Zoning: S-P-2 Generalized • Approved the Final Plat for Southlake a professional office Site Plan limited to 0-1 Office Rodgers Addition. Size: 2.456 building. Location: 1302 W. District. acres. Location: W of Kimball Southlake Blvd.,approx.390'e • Denied a Rezoning and Con- 1400' north of Hwy 114 and of Southridge Lakes Pkwy and cept Plan for Shurgard Storage Kimball. Current Zoning: AG 1709. Current zoning:AG Ag- Center. Size: 4.038 acres. Lo-1 Agriculture District.. riculture District. Requested cation: e side of Bank St. • Approved Final Plat for Zoning:S-P-1 Detailed Site Plan approx. 210' s of 1709 and • Meadow Ridge Estates. Size: limited to 0-1 Office District. Bank. 37.416 acres. Location: w side Applicant: Medical Air Ser- • Approved a Plat Revision of of Kimball, e of Woodland vices. Timberlake. Size:9.0796 acres. Location: n side of Continental and approx. 150'w of Lake For- est and Continental. Current Zoning: R-PUD Residential Planned Unit Development.. • Tabled to 4/3 the Rezoning of 43.696 acres located E of; Crooked Lane, approx. 560' S of 1709 and Crooked Lane. Current Zoning: AG Agricul- tural District. Requested Zon- ing: I-1 Light Industrial. •Tabled to 4/3 the Concept Plan of Telesupport East Campus. Size: 2.070 acres. Location: 1901 E. 1709 at the SE corner of 1709 and Westwood. Current Zoning: C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District. • Tabled to 3/20 the Rezoning and Site Plan for Antioch Churches and Ministries. Size: 2.9571. Location: s side of Randol Mill at Marantha Way. Current Zoning: AG Agricul- tural District and S-P-1 Detailed Site Plan.. Requested Zoning: S-P-1 Detailed Site Plan. •Tabled to 3/20 the Site Plan for Fox Hollow Office. Size: 1.146 acres. Location: 300 block of Hwy 114,approx 145'w ofHwy; 114 frontage and approx. 1,400' w of Hwy 114 at White's Chapel. The next P&Z meeting will be held March 20 at 7pm in the City Hall Council Chambers. NEWS CLIPPING Source: 1/(fhl6tita JOU nilJ Date: 7 j C� So Long, Sally...We'll Miss You! ! ! ! i w F . R s a \tea a � photo by Terry Fox Sally Hall,who has committed years of service to the Southlake community,including her years as coun- cil member, Deputy Mayor Pro-Tem,and mayoral candidate,will be moving soon. A farewell luncheon was held by city officers and employees to show their appreciation for her hard work,dedication,and integrity. Above:City manager Curtis Hawk and Sally Hall. NEWS CLIPPING Source: 4LIWid- 4 -d-c.in..e.6 [ Date: p�-�11 Medical Air Services plans to build a brand-new office by Ryan S. Otto in a revised format—was pre- After an extensive amount of sented by architect Greg Hernan- discussion and a motion to deny dez. Hernandez explained to the Medical Air Services Associa- commission that the number of tion's application during a March parking spaces had been reduced', 6 meeting,the Planning and Zon- from 41 to 27 and that a vehicle-': ing Commission approved the re- activated gate would be installed zoning and site plan for the new to limit after-hours usage of the professional office building by a property. 4-3 vote. In addition,the facility's garbage• The site, located at 1302 W. bin, previously located directly Southlake Blvd.,is approximately behind the neighboring residents, 390 feet east of the intersection of had been re-located in the site plan. Southridge Lakes Parkway and W. Also, the roof configurations Southlake Blvd. were designed in a residential style Within the 200-foot notification in order to maintain a uniform area, seven residents opposed the look. Surrounding fence heights project through written responses. were raised to provide additional Seventeen outside the 200-foot screening and the building was notification area also responded moved 4 feet to the south in re- negatively. sponse to requests from residents The proposal submitted to the on the north side of the land. commission requested that the ag- "This plan is designed to accom- riculturally zoned land be re-zoned modate a residential concept and as S-P-1, detailed as a site plan it fits the use and needs of the ap- district and limited to 0-1 office plicant,"Hernandez said. district use. Several commissioners ex- Previously, commissioners and pressed a concern that the build- residents had expressed concerns ing was too large.Hernandez said about parking lot size,after-hours the building size could possiblebe disturbances, building design, lo- reduced,but not substantially. cation of the building and layout Surrounding homeowners ar- of the site's facilities. gued that the building size intruded The applicant's new proposal— (see "Planning,"page 3) I << rn ° 0 0 (� O °' A a''b ,:rg 0 io o co ZD A A a ti A A A A a. IQ pO OCl.. D A A O p to S a 0 A i a. + .. A C3 b? � '0 A r " "a a .b3 0 � < yO" 9 O CD 0 ... ° vi. ° y N CL t .•r, Dn M '° b °' .0 A f• cn • C 0 0 'a 4 r, _' A3c . . ou_ Ay ° yA, D < -, 7.. 0oA - aA. a. A c o o• o a H 0 • ao � o` 5. er• 0 � g. = , „., o a 0 n' - a g y o a a. a 0 c. 7, 5 = �' c�D CD CD CD 1 0 ... , a.`< s p O p' 0 0 • • c< O p W E. �0 'p� A A 0 A o' p ., . .0 ,- p . OAaa• iw , v Cya O co A • `ti y A << C . � ay• O CS ' p y M y a 'd— - N _ A , E .cD co a a a G a gCD vi n 0 Q ° (5) °CD - co O AWAO7co _, otOQ CA r.. .0 .9 ( -.UQ O r ► N prA c too co "' .y y AD CD O << A .yp, y co a. ° ? ' : . 7' A A c. s CD�, O. co a. .A., O C w. 0 O < .+ ° 0 -co 0 a. 4 0 CD 0 '0 CD 153 D m C0A. yV '4 nO `D O p 0 • 0 • CM ar o 'a c.D " o ^; < o •-- m y w I N• y �. a. A .a.. x O °p m . a. co I cam° a. 5 cr r = a _ a. a. -.. ,...3 0, ?�'.� CD i °' p A (AD ° CD O N °: (no d ^:CA 0 • N o -, a. A iA A `< a, w A A O A rO . Q 00 , 2m ? [ 7 i 4 i i I 4 NEWS CLIPPING Source: 1U&tr grit A Date: Z f 1 Afternoon of information::- ; for seniors News and Times The Southlake Senior Advisory .Commission will host a spring re- ception for persons 55 and over at the Bicentennial Park community center on March 16 from 2 to 5 p.m. Mayor Rick Stacy and other city officials will speak from 3 to 4 p.m. on the activities available to seniors through the Southlake Parks and Recreation Department ! and Metroport Meals On Wheels. I Dick Johnston, chairman of the (see "Meeting,"page 2) Meeting welcome the opportunity to share information and experiences with ;X from page 1 newcomers. The senior advisory Senior Advisory Commission,will commission aspires to make the discuss the proposed new senior life of every senior in Southlake center and the possible formation enjoyable. • of a seniors board. People of di- Free refreshments will be pro- verse interests and talents will be vided at the reception. needed to develop a comprehen- If transportation is needed, call sive program that will serve the Geri McGrail at 481-5581, Ext. needs of early,middle and late re- 756. tirees. For more information on the re- Seniors who already attend the ception,call 251-0671. weekly luncheons and programs NEWS CLIPPING Source: /i0,iiS1 '1 I M-S I Date: ZZL______„ City séks 'Volunteerof the Year' nominations • News and Times in Tarrant County. Local residents are invited to Honorees will be recognized on select a"Volunteer of the Year"for April 24 as part of the United Way outstanding service during 1996. sponsored program. The honoree must be a resident For information on how to nomi- and will be selected by a panel of nate someone as"Volunteer of the city residents. The volunteer ser- Year,"contact the city secretary at vices must have been performed 481-5581, Ext. 704. J 1n 111 CAa CC •� 't7 ICD ^ —• ^3 n s C O. If"" 0, an w CD cD o. o co ro -0 PU 0...i - CT :0 �. r/s O CD ilig A n. 'CD . + ( -- I Or.0.1.13c# En - r A...- nA pcD p 1 OCI cD ti O.. = ccpp o Iin. on 1 y� t C. 0 P 0 I-I. .0 V = 1 S 0 0 c — `6 3 Er g i cD O ,� H �0 CT A a © kr �t Ho ^ rn _ a.�.. C A• • n lD C P •• O !A • cep n 00 A H "t 4 c. O — O (A k.) 1 ,X+ O O •n UO o OC CA X CA CA i HhU cc 0 0. � o� ca eD a e � CL CD h ' �• Q -0 lw AD � O. 1c. a5 i fq. S� p=p�� = O (p O to (D a NEWS CLIPPING Source: 10 utj C Pr5 a'/ Date: 1 Application being accepted for boards and commissions Applications are now made in May 1997. The City being accepted for appointments Council may require interviews to City of Southlake boards and prior to appointments. Deadline commissions. Places will be for applications is April 30, 1997 available on the following: at 5:00 p.m: A separate applica- Planning and Zoning Commis- tion is required for each board or ‘j sion, (3) two year terms; Zoning commission. 1 Board of Adjustments, (4) two , Applications are avail-'year terms; Parks and Recreation able from the City Secretary in .i Board, (2) three year terms, (I) the City of Southlake Admini- complete a one year term; Build- stration Office at 1725 East ing Board of Appeals, (4) three Southlake Boulevard. For more year terms; Senior Advisory information concerning the terms, Commission, (3) two year terms; duties of members, objectives as and Southlake Park Development a member, etc., contact City Sec- Corporation,(4)two year terms. retary Sandy LeGrand at 817) Appointments will be 481-5581 ext.704. NEWS CUPPING Source: � l r-'4 . IJ Date: y� U.S. Congressman Dick Armey 1 speaks at Chamber . 1 p .... ... ., ... . luncheon ,,,.....„,,,,,,,,-,.,::-..‘, , . ,...,...„,..„.... ,....,,,,,,,,.......„..., ... ,, •. . . „,,,,,,„,,;,,,,:,),„,..-,,--. .,.. .. . , .,,.... .. „,...,, , . ,. . ...,.. s. ........... .‘.... ,.,..., , .., it„,.. ,,, ,• _ ........ .„, .... . . ,.„ .„:„.., - -...„,. .. .„ ,,,....,..„,,,,,,,. ., - -. - ., ,. :. , , ....... ..,.. .......,...,,„,,,,,,.. _ .. ... .. . ._, . ,., ... . . „.,.,.:.,..... .. ........„..,. .. ..........,- ... .........t....., . • „...„..,...„.,,,,... ... ., is, .., . ....:, _,..•••• ,4„.., ,`.. . .....,..,.... > "� •, . ....,.,,,„......,,„„.:::.,..:.,:. . ,.,.1 ,.......:......:. ..,........,'.4..-, . . ...,. Ri M F iR . ident Larry Flynn. (L-R) Southlake Mayor Rick Stacy,Congressman Dick Armey,Chamber vice-president Al Suarez and Chamber pres• �° ...,' - ' „.,-- -. v•-•••w ,..':'•:,:5.,..:',..i.',..::::,.....,,...-.... yG3Pl• S' 0' .5(R :k f L^C Elizabeth Fawks,Southlake City Councilman Gary Fawks and Bob Mundlin. NEWS CLIPPING Source: �JO1A{ h tc,k,�, )r /vt.S S Date: 2 / Planning and Zoning approves Timarron's Tract II Progress Report _ the property extending from White Chapel to Shady Oaks The Planning and Zoning Cl.. connecting the new school to Commission gave its approval to 0 Durham Elementary/Intermediate Tract II of the Timarron L School to the west. commercial development at its (,) -We are granting the city , February 20 meeting.Tracts I and CD A Primrose Ln. the right-of-way for the new III received approval at the L road."said Mr.Kline."it is not in commission's last session. our budget so the city will build In their effort to elevate it' citizen and commissioners • concerns Timarron made a Z Q A large contingency of B O residents spoke out against the number of concessions, as they C school district's plan for a myriad did on the two previous tracts. of reasons. Noise-lights.ttaffrc. They agreed to allow no access to ` loss of privacy, lower property Primrose Lane which borders the CD values and the new road caused property on its northern edge and the most concern for area they also agreed to limit access to L' neighbors. Carroll Ave. to one full access '11,1,_ Some residents were drive only if that part of the tract i J4 totally against the school being on is developed for residential use.If N the site at all. but commission i it develops commercially there A chairman Joe Wright informed will be no public access points. them that by state law the school There will be one emergency district could build a school entrance fitted with a -crash Mop not to scale wherever it saw fit-All we can gate do is tweak their plans,we can't Commissioner Debra Tract II-272 Acres-Timarron agreed to limit access to Carroll Ave,to emergency deny them building the school on Edmondson expressed concern use only if the property develops commercially and one full access point if it develops this site that the buildings put on the residentially.There will be no access at all to Primrose Lane. Glens Davidson who property nearest to the schools borders the school site to the located on Carroll needed north was not opposed to the considerable buffers and He added that keeping kids out of to limit CI and C2(smaller retail but plans are to change it to a 9th school but was against all the setbacks.-I don't want to see any the project should be a parental uses)to 50%of the gross acreage and 10th grade facility a few sports amenities that are to go possibility of children getting 8 Bin concern in any one parcel and C3 uses years after it opens The new site along with it. "Our last bond the project"she said. Commissioner Dona (large retail up to 40,000 square is 50.6 acres directly east of the issue was for education not sports Dennis lerke of the Schroetke was against allowing feet)to 20%percent of any one present Durham school location. amenities."she said. engineering firm Carter and any commercial retail uses on the parcel. Brent Kline.representing Nina Dunn who also Burgess told the panel that they tract. "We could wind up with Debra Edmondson the CISD. told the commission lives on the north side of the site could address that at the site plan retail all up and down 114.I want thanked the residents in that the new school would be a said that this school will ruin all level.-If you want a fence or a to break it up and allow office attendance for their valid input three story building on a 136,950 the reasons she moved to wall that is fine, but the only.- throughout the whole process. square foot footprint that would Southlake. "This is a beautiful appropriate time to do it is at site Commissioner Jim The rezoning passed on a vote of accommodate 2000 students, wooded lot that is going to be plan"he said. Murphy said. "We encouraged 5 - I. with Dona Schroetke have a lighted football field and ruined and my property values Timarron marketing these uses along 114 that will against. lighted tennis courts,one practice will go down the tubes." vice-president Steve Yeas said someday be a 6 lane highway The next item on the field. one softball field and one City Manager Curtis that not being able to build in the with access roads,to keep them agenda was the rezoning request baseball field.There would also Hawk who was on hand at the flood plain moves the otT 1709 and out of other parts of by CISD for a new school on be parking for 700 cars. meeting told the audience that!! development almost 2000 feet the city." White Chapel Rd.The school will A through street is also from the closest school property. The commission decided initially be for grades 7-8-9. proposed along the north edge of sue"PuStZ"page VET. P&Z from page I o Highland Ave. ' co may not be too popular but the 0 school would be located on the 0 Proposed new road proposed site. Ile also said that the ne.+ road was recommended a by traffic consultants in an effort in • Ascot Dr. 1i to internalize traffic going Z e between the two schools and c�i keeping it off surrounding streets. a New school sit Commissioner Murphy, who was not pleased with the A n plan told the CISD representative CI that the concept called for too p much density on the acreage and Chapel Downs Dr, a) that some of the uses needed to he eliminated. "I for one would i like to see a better plan,"he said. Map not to scale The commission recommended that the planners address these suggestions prior to 50.6 acre site of the new school for grades 7-8-9 and the locatio f returning. Have a complete of the proposed new road. lighting plan and consider not lighting the football field and tennis courts, try to move traffic internally and not build the Cl) ` proposed new road,but if it is to be built move it 50 feet south and leave everything north of it open Da space,put a fence along the north "f' property line to assure privacy for Q those homeowners and study the t;'_y density of the facilities on the site Da j and attempt to lessen them. Q The item was tabled until 'Q • I the commission's March 20 .Q meeting. Realty Capital Continental Blvd. Corporation brought a rezoning N application before the A commission for a parcel of land at the corner of W. Continental , ; Blvd. and S. White Chapel Rd. The request met with considerable opposition from Map not to scale residents in the area. This j. particular tract, which is 4+ acre site of office complex proposed by Realty Capital approximately 4.4 acres has come Corporation that was denied by the Planning and Zoning r before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commission,as well as,the City j Council on previous occasions homeowners who spoke out almost certainly dooms the . and been denied rezoning for against the rezoning request property to the west to I commercial use. talked of loss of property values commercial development also." Richard Meyers, and the destruction of the The rezoning request 1 representing Realty Capital said residential look in the area. was denied 7-0. j that they proposed to develop the Ashok Agnihotri a In other action the most expensive and upscale resident of Princeton Park said it commission approved the final 1 office park in the whole area.The this way. "This is my home and plat for Foxborough, a 48+ acre j plan called for 34,000 square feet I'll fight for my home,as will all residential development on of space in six two story these people. Why this corner Southlake Blvd.(FM 1709)about buildings or about 2900 sq.ft.per keeps coming up in a master 1140 feet west of the intersection floor and would look more like planned city does not bode well. of N.Carroll Ave. j homes than like offices. Pre- But I've been here before and I'll The commission also j leasing studies told them that be back again to protect my approved the final plat for 1 60% of their tenants will live home." Southlake Woods Phase II. a 46 4 within a few miles of the complex Commissioner Rex acre residential development and would be doctors, lawyers Potter told the applicant, "your located at the northwest corner of i architects and other professionals. project looks very nice but not on Continental Blvd. and South i MEWS CLIPPING Source: Dallas 13us gneLs J ourr i _ f Date: ain H DEAL - DEVELOPED REAL ESTATE W m office Creative lease works wonders for Solana, AMR, IBM •y MARGARET ALLEN Staff Writer out from others in North Texas for its z" . _ SOUTHLAKE— In January 1996, AMR unique look.It was designed by a Mexi- - ft' i Corp. leased 375.000 square feer at ran architect. �P.* Joiana office park. The deal capped an Mid-rise buildings of varying heights 6" y �..�. 'AP-F,i:-„-- 18-month effort to fill a vacancy that any —none taller than five stories—evoke a " ,,r F "'' ► realtor would have found daunting. Southwestern feel with stucco-like exte- '."i„�,„= % e - •"The AMR deal put the final piece in riors.and pale peach and tan colors offset v. ��r.%„ place for us at Solana."said Bill Flaherty, by bright turquoise and yellow. a!�� "CGC-Cr- . »,•.■:.: Ak hid who led the effort for the Dallas office of And at the proud heart of Solana was mar ever-' 'c"' S'•U r i� � ': •raer Maguire Thomas Partners in Los Angeles. Big Blue.At its peak in 1991. IBM had -''- i y _ r cti' "To fill 1.1 million square feet of office more than 2,000 employees in 1.5 million Marc in 18 months required a great deal w-square feet in the complex,including the of effort." largest building of 375.000 square feet. For Flaherty and others who worked But that all changed when IBM began on the deal. Christmas of 1995 will he downsizing — leaving the partnership AMR's lease capped harried efforts to fill 1.1 million square feet at Solana. remembered for long nights spent in con- with the prospect of tilling I million ference rooms, hammering out a deal square feet of space. It wouldn't be an Airlines, had decided to spin off Sabre "There were a lot of late-night negotiating involving two corporate giants:AMR and easy task, especially since they didn't Group, its reservations division, and sessions, particularly over the holiday IBM. want to advertise the fact and thereby wanted an office location near Dallas/Fort season." For Flaherty.it was the culmination of spark bargain-basement prices. Worth International Airport for its 1.800 By January 1996. all parties had a process that began shortly after he In a low-key effort. Flaherty and his employees. signed on the dotted line..A unique direct joined the Dallas office of Los Angeles- crew set about finding tenants. Scouring the Metroplex for suitable lease was executed. Though the parties based Maguire Thomas Partners. "We decided we wouldn't be able to space were Carl Ewert and John Gates of won't reveal the monetary value of the That was 1991,and his mission at the fill I million square feet all at once,so we The Staubach Co.of Dallas.They were deal,they did say it involved a buyout of time was to oversee construction of new decided we would do a little bit at a looking for about 375.000 square feet of the existing lease, restructuring the :pace at the upscale 900-acre Solana busi- time."he said. space. financing on the building,agreeing on a ness park, a joint development project They succeeded. Leases were signed By November 1995, parties from all lease,and getting IBM moved from the between Maguire and IBM. with a number of major corporate tenants. sides were well into negotiations and talks large building into smaller quarters at Located in a wide open space strad- Then the final deal came in. continued through December. Solana. dling the northern Metroplex suburbs AMR Corp., the largest employer in "It was a fairly complex transaction, "Things had to happen quickly for it to Southlake and Westlake,the park ctando rhP (btermnlex and parent of American just because of the sheer size,"said Gates. work."Flaherty said. NEWS CLIPPL"1G . Source: Da II Gt5 CjuS l ►'tES Q iA1'Y1e1I �2 � Date: /n vt I EW DEVELOPMENTw - CO reta i I Midland Group hits Southiake homerun Sy I LESLAKE— ft lEta Staff Writer SOUTHt.AKE— It all started with a gro- 1"11111 Oli cery store. When Kroger Food Stores asked The Midland Group to find it a new location in the Southlake area.Donald Silverman -s:,',- found the perfect site. t ` Silverman, the Texas development - } e+ 4,:.*:z .r partner of St.Louis,Mo.-based Midland. — IL chose a site between State Highway 111 ' - and Southlake Boulevard,the two major �w ��T'�' ��i -r-, roads linking Grapevine, Southlake, = _„- , Keller,Westlake and Trophy Club. �� -— -. _ These cities are part of a booming `- retail and residential community in north- eastern Tarrant County. Village Center:Southlake-area shoppers can"go Krogering,"and much,much more. Kroger was sold on the site,but there that it's easy,"Silverman said. was plenty of land to fill with other The shopping center also includes a you hear from everybody.It's kind of like anchor users,Silverman said.Once Home postal center, travel agency, hair salon, building in Plano,where the community Depot was pulled in,the project escalated women's spa,dry cleaner,bank and restau- has very specific ideas of what they from whirlwind to tornado status. rant.The center is nearly full,with negoti- want." The $30 million project,dubbed Vil- ations remaining on a few leases,he said. Kroger and the shopping center's first lage Center, eventually turned into a The community had a great deal of two phases are open.The third phase will 305,000-square-foot retail giant spanning input on Village Center. which was be available next month, and two more more than 44 acres. designed with Southwestern-style archi- buildings will go up Owned by T&M Southlake Develop- tecture. Midland was determined to Home Depot is scheduled to open May ment Co., the shopping center attracted please all parties affected by the deal, 15,and PetsMart should open its doors by five major anchors — Kroger, Home which was its first in the Metroplex. late 1997. Depot,PetsMart, Blockbuster Video and "It's the kind of project that Southlake, "It's one of those things that,at the end Crown Books. which has a rather demanding set of stan- of the day.I wish I had more land.I don't ones that are tough,after dards. was pleased to have in their corn- say that very often,"Silverman said. yId 0 fr ."r n I A _Az co,et, O Clef o W m El m • n .n. 'y ". m y ay ao4 5cn - -- n. gypz o p_e A t7 ..., ...4 .... •e4. illji):1 - j I iii ? a 0 cn Cb Cl. !JIH I •-• n t7 v C 0�m 0 m fi''C aoo 0 rE- ' Z O a , Z y fD C=' o. » O a aq `C G7 n "~J'. M - fD 0 .IIti "" •� fD pt M m O ....rt. /'yam lD n rz; 5 "I, C 0 p f�D b' fyD ea` El k '"' n .y'' n m a a a4 k .X y 'y O CD 'JC. y re. y p' G 8 pc: tD O y . cD . O . . . ° O --2 71 _'—' Zt ' Cy � A S'r+ ti co ,::: U° ' It! j „i 2,--7- --z--e- CM ' ,,,,:„ .,,,,, , ,, t, ts c.. , ,,,,, _,..., e.3 ID 7, -.7 I _t.- ...c r5o i 0 I X 0 , ,:% ;Teititf; - ' '. Z4'.' ' ,!..,-,r-- 1. 1 ,.. 1 1 `aA 1 ,g.0 0 . 4` =-Af / • 4-1 - - ;.i_ f. woi V . -.-!1: : i '''''' ''. 4--''' ''''. ''''-- f - $1) 46 °tea I R' 44‘1 Pt ,..,.. gleclzi T or Y i ..._......._.._____. 44 C . ve -: , • „ , view Bird s•e e to helpy Affected by traffic �assess s way traffic - Continued from Page 1N. "There's no doubt that we've put the Involvement of Neighborhoods m ,I 7., (SPIN) this week. The plan will be _01 - - `: together this plan for our rest- � dents," Mr. Stacy said. "The traffic presented to residents at 7 p.m. ' will be here and we'd be very re- March 19 and March 25 in the City Souttdake miss if we didn't address it. Council chambers. Southlake is one of several cities a."Will this plan cut into our bud- in the area that have formed plans w' get?Yes.But people would really be to handle speedway traffic through wi l mad if we didn't have some type of their cities. Keller and Grapevine Y f plan." have adopted similar measures. -ra�a�wrc' A 2 g Police officers will be stationed Public safety officials in South- ' at major intersections to direct traf- lake, however,say they're especial- N :: , f1c.Motorcycle officers and marked, ly burdened by having two major ;' " patrol cars will patrol State High- arteries into the city and the largest 1 ' K way 114 and FM1709, the city's two portion of Highway 114 frontage. , ® ®: major thoroughfares,which are ex- "We're encouraging residents to ' - — pected to bear the brunt of the start finding different ways around E"" ' 4..0 ,s speedway traffic. the area now,"said Gary Gregg,di- _' ".. s rector of police services. "People - a� , 0 '� • . -informational road signs and should plan alternative routes to ' ' `, barricades will block passage into The Dallas Morning News avoid the worst traffic spots.' neighborhoods along Highway 114 Unlike some measures other cit- and FM1709. Southlake residents ies have taken to specially identify roll Avenue and a site at Bicenten- will be encouraged to use Kimball residents with car decals or anten• nial Park along FM1709. Special Avenue, Randol Mill Road and na ribbons, Southlake DPS officers emergency-response lanes also will ' White Chapel Boulevard to move say they're concerned that they be designated along Highway 114 throughout the city. won't be able to stop traffic to direct and FM1709. ;Public safety officials presented residents. The Department of Public Safety the speedway traffic plan to City Emergency vehicles on speed- plans to practice portions of the Council members and representa- way event days will be stationed at _drill during rush-hour traffic in tives of the Southlake Program for the public-safety location along Car March. j 1 NEWS CLIPPING Source: KA/YY _ Date: 6 injured in 2-car crash on 1709 in Southiake BY BETSY BLANEY • Drive,police said.The truck appar- Star-Telegram Staff Writer ently had stopped at a stop sign and'- SOUTHLAKE — Six people was inching out to turn when it was , were injured yesterday in a two-car struck by a westbound Oldsmobile accident along Farm Road 1709 Regency Ninety-Eight,police said.' that may have been caused by ve- Witnesses said members of con- hicles parked along the road's struction crews who are working on. shoulder,police and witnesses said. a new shopping center have been The names and conditions of parking along the shoulder and are those injured were unavailable late blocking motorists' views as they.: yesterday.None of the injuries was try to turn off Shady Oak Drive. 1. life threatening,Southlake Depart- "When you try to pull out, you ment of Public Safety spokesman can't see," said Rob Gartlan, who: Robert Finn said. - at the time of the accident was in an'- Two people were taken by heli- eastbound pickup waiting to turn copter ambulance to Harris Meth- onto Shady Oak Drive and who has odist Fort Worth hospital, Finn had problems coming off the road- said. A third person was taken to way on to Farm Road 1709. Harris by ground ambulance, he Police said they have had no-• said. The three other victims were complaints about an obstructed taken to Baylor Medical Center at view but will investigate whether- Grapevine,he said. the construction vehicles need to be The accident occurred about parked elsewhere. 12:30 p.m.in the 600 block of West "Any time something like this Farm Road 1709 when a Ford pick- happens, there are always adjust up attempted to turn off Shady Oak ments made,"Finn said. 'YEWS CUPPING Source: �jl � � - Y ?� ��C U I Date: /(p uL4 Master plan changerr, scales back for Southiake ro a BY LESLIE HUEHOLT ture road development.Thorough- Star-Telegram Staff Writer fare plans allow cities to'set aside SOUTHLAKE — With this rights of way for road projects that week's approval of the city's master may or may not ever happen. i;; thoroughfare plan, residents along "They didn't really have aiiSW Continental Boulevard can be as- thing to get scared about,"Coundi . sured that the roadway's rural in- man David Harris said. "Nobody tegrity will be preserved—at least on the council is looking to do and' for a few more years. thing that's going to hurt theme or The City Council on Tuesday their property values." • ti adopted an updated version of the Some city staff members chid thoroughfare plan that calls for a four to five lanes along Contineiftat three-lane Continental Boulevard, will be warranted in coming years; • as opposed to a five-lane thorough- The roadway, which carries m +e fare as the plan originally recom- than 3,600 cars daily between . mended. White Chapel Boulevard and Car- Since residents learned about the roll Avenue, is expected to carry plan in November, many have ob- 9,200 cars a day by 2010,according jetted to the proposed widening of to the North Central Texas Council the two-lane roadway,saying that it of Governments. would invite heavy traffic and The city has not established.,a crime into their neighborhoods. time frame for widening Continei - , Hundreds of residents have aired tal Boulevard to three lanes,saying their concerns by writing letters to money will have to become avail- the city, signing petitions and at- able first. The road could eventu- tending public meetings. ally contain a bicycle lane, accord- "We've chosen to live in a rather ing to the thoroughfare plan. inconvenient area because of the Also on Tuesday,the council: "# lifestyle.We certainly don't need to ■ Approved a bid for a second change the type of community we ambulance for the Department Of live in to get out of town a few min- Public Safety fire services dill- uses faster," said Michael Boutte, sion.The city budgeted money for who has attended seven meetings the ambulance in 1995,but the Ye- about the master thoroughfare plan hide was never ordered. and has protested the proposed • Approved zoning changes widening of Continental Boule- and plans_for a TU Electric sub- yard. station on 2.5 acres northwest of City officials said residents over- Kimball Avenue and Texas I44. reacted to the thoroughfare plan, Some residents oppose the s -c- which is updated every four years ture, saying a power plant ' -- to serve as a guide for possible fu- an eyesore and health hazard, HEWS CLIPPING Source: `,U),Jl I Date: 3 7 EDITORIALS Peacemakers Two YEARS AGO, when a group of leaders from Southlake and the Carroll school district saw rising violence 41 nearby schools and communities, they decided to do something aimed at stemming the tide. - "We wanted to take some pro-active steps" that would help keep individual conflicts from turning to an atmosphere of confrontation and violence, says Brad Bradley, Southlake's municipal judge. What those community and school leaders did two years ago was a small step at the time,but one with a great future. They started with I, children, teaching attitudes and methods that can be used to turn • conflict into compromise and smoother relationships. The Carroll school district's Peer Mediation Program celebrated. .. . its second year yesterday by recognizing 152 students,from third grade through high school, who have been trained to help settle dis- putes.The program, and the kids who participate in it, are becoming well known in the schools. Conflicts that arise at school can be submitted voluntarily for res- olution assistance from the peer mediators. Teachers also report to program leaders that those who have received the program's training often spontaneously help resolve problems in school classrooms and hallways. ' "You are recognized as people who can be trusted,"Assistant Superintendent Mike Murphy told the students. "You bring people together. You are respected." If violent trends in our society are to be turned around, it will be through programs just like this. We all have to learn how to steer " ourselves and others toward peaceful resolution of conflicts. We can learn from these young peacemakers. NEWS CLIPPING Source: ,�,� 3 \Sk ' \ Date: 1 1 a ' — i tie . Marcus .0;,,, , . acquires ' Harron ue • A S1 rr 1 Cable deal would add_ 21,800 Texas customers BY LESLIE GORNSTEIN Star-Telegram Staff Writer . 1 FORT WORTH — In its biggest acquisition since buying the bulk of Sammons Cable, Mar- .cus Cable has agreed to buy the Texas division1 of Harron Communications. The Dallas-based Marcus will add 21,800 Harron customers in 36 Metroplex communi- ties, including Southlake and Keller, with th -- deal. . Marcus plans to pay an undisclosed-sum to • Harron, a family-owned company with 250,000 subscribers based in Frazer,Pa. Each of the communities involved must sig#, off on the deal. In all but Carrollton, Harron t the sole cable provider. •"Ai` Lou Borrelli, chief operating officer at Mar- (Weir cus, expects the approval process to take 90.to -----------. 150 days. �1i Other Harron market areas involved art . Addison, Haslet, Marshall Creek, Roanoke, - Trophy Club, Westlake, Alvarado,. Blo_ omi Grove, Combine, Crandall, Dawson, Ferri i { (More on MARCUS on Page 4) ,;;_ , t� 4 .7,7 t:,I , 00 eca _ o .4 o �J'b � � 0?f Pi a m• w cr y ,. _ < co k 0 n• VI CA o �• CD -'= � � a � = ° � a4x0Ifll w t y y a y y 0 O to C C a�cr CD a►r10 c a;'a^' m� �x 4 rD a r = 0 go Y 0 C � V .w C W A• y O pop C CIO a O r•h r. c g °,0'Eco3 ,^ �' y'0 O.0a:..4 b co xm =r.,.,cd co a.O�:o w Co 04 co '. c �• It i o'cDoFO ay pr so°' 0;y 44 0 0"0'.•3 0 '0 g O 'C7 'O n m Z n 5, 5.? m p cD '"+ '•4 -0 C G C cD C O n �VP �.0 r� n pni M �y y n a' w ��1�+y C N ?y fD y M. :py CD n CD ca CD CD ".14►.p G ry CD CD gyp' ~ �..w 5.. p' y . `a Mr" R ? <0'Oo �a y' 0`�� ° ° o°o »gym�°O.F ^: 'o ... 0' n �. c ti -� cr cr O•'-.o c' nyA 00 nyDyz9P air + ^' CD .y QQ " to CD pN .•A � n * v OQ #OCC + y a � CR ■'. O .. Q•••' p C p� bQ - .. C ►Co .Z rn • OD O gio �< y CP O "�O �' J a• pi' :'O' C9 O' n 5 aCD,N O ny.0 ice-. �] Q Ay7 r. CI P. 1 O fill. N �'I .`�C7 �n O M rpy m y� 4 pc g ,...c � g,. O,a,CD t7d . x � n�..p~y� n y N0 0, C n n N� h .— ram.. coo„ " y•y C ~'y G y' co naco n.. C �O p y y O CL O 0 '7 _ J 'cn n1 �. "< ,_, O p N CD '�•. FA CD`C N .y� co w c. CD n M y K y 'o O .`.. so i C 7C .c O, C W O M ^ p D C .y .'CD ,-IC '. *. O▪ r• q y ..+7 9' �, Vi OG -CA .may w w' y K �.i „n...... n e =. prob 1 , o y QJ' G. r 0 Cr 65 C t� C'ti co"g C41. C C(pp CD n cw Fp, o a • EA CI) cop t AI U a5yv » ' o Et < w ►-3 CD a ' P r7 R .+ � C .. pp r _• n FPOr y Pa a. W .y-. 'Y n = °. 0. c� ... C.r � ..� cD zC 0 a ! •ril C R .,. CD 1510.04 s, n p y G N y O 'J' .y-. 0- 06 4O O0 'a•. CD y n cD '.. i' t i 1 , ! t NEWS CLIPPING Source: /rbd I Date: 3/q • Candidates enter races for May 3 News and Times Four Southlake residents have filed for public office in the May 3 city and school board elections. On the city ballot, both Rick Stacy, Southlake's current mayor, and Councilman Wayne Moffat Council,Place 2,have filed for re- election to their respective munici pal offices. In a telephone interview on Wednesday,Moffat said he wants to continue his commitment to Southlake. "We're in an explosive growth period in Southlake," he said. "I want to share the voice of the homeowners without unduly pun- ishing developers." John Rollins and Robert Glover have filed for re-election on the Carroll Independent School Dis- (see "Race,"page 3) 0\1 tr- Race from page 1 trict ballot for Places 4 and 5 re- f; spectively. The filing deadline is 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 19. The last day to withdraw as a candidate is • March 28at5p.m ; For fUr*erinformation concern ing the city elections,contact city,.': secretary Sandy LeGrand,at 481- 5581,Ext. 704. For school:board ' fr information, contact the CISD's business office at 329-0619. y�y { 3 ' { NEWS CLIPPING Source: QU,JSI Date: 311 City Council casts votes for update of master plan by Ryan S. Otto in the fall of 1995. The 1997 Master Thoroughfare The council also unanimously Plan update was unanimously ap- approved the re-zoning and con- proved by the Southlake City cept plan for the Texas Utilities Council during a regularly sched- Kimball Road substation. uled meeting Tuesday. The site is located on the west Over the past several months, side of Kimball Road, approxi• the majority of the opposition to mately 1,400 feet north of the in- the updated plan has been directed tersection of State Highway 114 toward the road classification of and Kimball Road. Continental Avenue. The city re- After weeks of discussing land-: ceived more than 60 letters from scaping, safety issues and build- residents of the Hills of Monticello ing setbacks in SPIN, City Coun- opposing the proposed expansion cil and Planning and Zoning meet- of Continental Avenue from three ings, TU Electric representative lanes to five lanes. Sonny Rhodes said he feels his Although the public input re- company has done everything pos- suited in the re-classification of sible to make the site as unobtru- Continental from a five-lane road- sive as possible. way to a three-lane roadway, suf- The portion of land, approxi- ficient right-of-way will be ac- mately 2.456 acres in size and pre- quired for a five-lane street. viously owned by Loyd Edward According to the thoroughfare Rodgers,was purchased by TU af-'I plan report prepared by Lee Engi- ter three years of evaluating neering, Inc. and Cheatham & Southlake's growth and electrical Assoc., "Southlake is faced with needs. the classic dilemma of wanting to TU Electric provides roughly 50 preserve the narrow, tree-lined percent of the area's electricity and country lanes and to avoid the dis- will now use the land to build a$2 ruptions associated with...the con- million substation. struction of wider streets." Deputy Mayor pro tern Pamela In accordance with a Jan. 21, Muller will represent Southlake at 1995 amendmett to the city char- a Sister City seminar in San,Di- ter,Southlake officials are required ego,Calif.,this summer. _ _ , to review most master plan com- "'We need to explore the next ponents every four years. The level of our Sister City relation- Master Thoroughfare Plan, origi- ship," said Curtis Hawk, South- nally adopted in December of lake's city manager. 1991, was the first master plan Sister City International, bases component scheduled for review (see "Council,"page �l Jr Council take place July 29 through Aug.2. was never ordered and the money from page 1 Through interactive workshops to purchase the ambulance went and forums,Muller will seek new unspent. •in San Diego, Calif., is now in its ideas for Southlake's economic de- fourth decade of operation. The velopment. This January,to maximize pur- :group represents over 1,100 U.S. Typically, funds for City Coun- chasing availability, Southlake Communities and their partners in cii members to attend meetings entered into the bid process along 1,909 sister cities in 123 nations with the Dallas/Fort Worth Inter- and educational seminars are in- worldwide. national Airport Department of eluded in yearly budgets;however, Southlake recently celebrated its the Sister City seminar was over- Public Safety for a new ambu- lance. fifth year of participation in the P looked and was not included in this program. It has built a Sister City year's budget proposal. The$600 Garland Wilson,deputy director relationship with Toyoma,Japan. necessary for the trip was ap- of fire services,recommended that Since the program's adoption, proved by the council 4-1. the council accept the bid for a representatives from Southlake To accommodate Southlake's Frazer ambulance valued at have visited the schools and gov- increasing public safety needs,the $104,000. erning bodies of Toyoma to en- council voted to approve a bid for Mayor Rick Stacy said the am- :Courage diplomacy, deeper cross- a second ambulance for the De- bulance would not be ready for the :eultural understanding and global partment of Public Safety. April opening of the Texas Motor • cooperation. The funds for the ambulance Speedway, but that Frazer has This year, the conference will were allocated in August of 1996 agreed to loan Southlake a similar focus on health,education and the and set aside by the finance direc- unit during the event. environment. It is scheduled to tor. By mistake, the ambulance 4Z 1 S t °0a c y aGo a se12 .ga . Z � gCZ. COD g Oq a ° 8 ea cn s p . ' gE � oo0 tt y p ... � psG O co �� O1 CDo-Oj r 0 .y+ i &1n p'" 0CD cers CD cD y p e � `0 rD so CD m p O m m I a yif . o0"os p m ypomsc4o � a I 0 -cpom0* .O�jmO ='NZa 3 �p R. pg p ^ m OMNI& , 5. .Oy p o. g O .0.0.m a m p'. m ... y A —yage• I G QQ X y " cD • r'° -- r.-,. ;7A " m co oe 0m p Q CD 1 O e�D d f�D p`'d R7 f<D CD 1 < g mp er m y 1 p Oc0 & .3. < p , W M cD y E A �QCD mm ' aA el jCDl < mop somcob,= � $ 1Z&Ds ° O re 1f i oat:r CT �• ° • fcop `' cam..o „... 0y ' p ~Ui Pp mism ... m.0DymApkayda oa "f mpO, o — o+ e p pmmAyp . PC101 i:'-' I 62 OApo0 'o pO'7 ., ayp .0O O �' m.„ o a e a 0 `< TT i acD I y y p 4 o !"'t r UP 0 .-,' a eD p " Ogg -G'G. y iliIliPi! A1nm Pimik . ('D i V.r p n o.��Om y w W N j7 ``Y p .. hn.,.m ,m Et `1-0 i O O p ^ mm p p m CD (D y O p �• ( ) .dw p• -u' m o No O. r p,0p A ,- .r• "g Ir cD eD m 1.40m.- g 1 °f . F p a y •eva — o = 00 ;;; 6.... 0,.. co, A axym R r~�% W CD 0 I ....cD m m p pp ... a F- ,1 1 • opomym. aa+ pa bp 0 p 0p• i m ry O m .+c., L7 L� �-/ O eT eD „n `C `: eD po r. ~� —1 b p , ,m.n _ 0 p i O eD .y � o . .4-iaem Wa A S. • 0 2 0 , { Amom ....1O pm .. .. m . 00 Alog' ° acAn "'' c0 - goo. Cl) Oli /� tP .wpm0p m » ~ p � i : 4) : PH . E:!: 0eDtl �fpo .oyd pAeD �+. m O " f • A O p m O "c o 1'4 �D t+. pop „ ca...r,a O .�. - cD • e...+ �q 0. �'. o;,M�p r t p' �°ii . .y-eli 0m 'F15' 4aa. . f { a}g ttt� : Road plan in Southlake draws unusual fire Continued from Page 1N. that bulldozers would come out to- ly have to be widened to five lanes. : way 26 but fashioned morrow. The roadway carries 3,600 cars a curved link to Kimball Avenue. "It's a shame that everyone had daily between White Chapel Boule- Cars turning off Highway 26 must to get so upset about something yard and Carroll Avenue.Area traf- . -:travel on Kimball and make a turn that,by charter,we have to update fic planners estimate that it will onto Continental instead of having every four years," he said. "If the carry 9,200 cars a day by,2010. direct to the street demand is not access �Rick Stacy spoke of the need to widen the Mayor roads beyond two Mr.Elgin said city planners will turn . ::,tension about the plan before vot- lanes,we won't" nownowthe land-use plait,their attention to a document that stud big on the issue_this week at the council meeting:He reminded rest- All traffic projections for Conti- ies what areas of the city should be +dents that the document was just a nental, however, seem;to suggest developed for commercial.or'',resi- .planning measure and didn't mean that the road will have to eventual- dentist use. ti 6 � a { C �tyty 1 9 A o-- ° •-2o Knm y a C� ° s lw `'9 n. o. I C' j < 3 -f D, n O < 0 s ' cra y. - O O CD 00 �' (D w r•�n y .< N CD n S CA < A O 0 ' _Q7 0: B O N 1 s cr G n. cm O 3 El; O y C II •... O lD f�D it y " = >1.. o r 03 0 y co O 3 2.2- : Pro t2n on d �' CD 0.) to O. 0 cD 7- G. = <<• LA Gl -1 C ill• CD 0< 3 CD w oo 3 n. K X CA CDo co 79 co aC 0) O in' O = ° = c n = C CAD 0• n Q.,0 y = ; I O -, A) Ll. P7 7 a =• rn C .� Ve 3 c<D fD o =v o s 3 _ .-. ° w H n S .3 cD = e — s•= 'C cD a,. G. — * co y a y N \/` ( 0 �s o w -°'t 3 O co a 44 CO 0. D • CD FT' < y• c. :.. Vf rn RI O ril Cl ' pO 2.2 O • CD lD in °. co ° co -2 -02 _, =• 1• O to cn 7r y Vl In 'y ='' CDO C 0 -0 s 0 O = ' 3 aO < 3 ap c' — cD cD q . 7 cD Cl.. CA fimIL O CO N = Oh Cr LA CO v 0 00 d. . .•g n et) Q [ J' fD A_ O _ n CD t O y A) N A VI on I I cn i HEWS CUPPLYG Source: ' A1 tla r��� Date: S Local city and school elections set for May 3 • Progress Report Moffat, a life long The Mayor's seat and resident of Southlake said, "This city council Place 2 are both on is the most explosive time we've the ballot for the election in May. ever faced in Southlake and I The two incumbents, Mayor Rick want to be sure the interest of the Stacy and council member homeowners is represented but, Wayne Moffat, have both filed without unduly penalizing the necessary paperwork stating developers." their intentions to run for another Early voting for the May three year term. 3 city elections will begin on Filing began February 17 Monday,April 14 at the Office of I for both municipal and school the City Secretary, 1725 E. district elections and runs through Southlake Blvd. Voting hours March 19. Elections will be held will be: May 3. April .14 through 18 - Two places on the 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Carroll ISD Board of Trustees are April 21 through 25 - also up for re-election. Board 8:00 PM to 7:00 PM member Robert Glover, Place 5, ' April 25 - 8:00 AM to , said it is his intention to run for 5:00 PM another term, while John Rollins, April 26 - 10:00 AM to Place 4,has said he will not. 5:00 PM Mayor Stacy said of April 28 & 29- 8:00 AM seeking his second term, "We've to 5:00 PM been doing our best to protect the The May 3 election will integrity of the community and I be held at Johnson Elementary feel another term will help School, 1301 North Carroll Ave., maintain the continuity." from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. -- r NEWS CLIPPING Source: 1b kk'rASL , Yo YC‘,S 22 _ I Date: JJi SL Tennis Assn. to host Spring Round-up and Mayor's Cup The Southlake Tennis play, the balls will be donated to Association will be hosting the the CISD elementary and 1997 Spring Round-UP on April intermediate schools tennis 5, 1997. This event will be a programs). This amount includes funfilled day of tennis for the a tournament gift and lunch. entire family. During the lunch break, The Spring Round-Up there will be lots of fun and will offer players the opportunity laughs as the Southlake city to meet other area players in an officials and employees compete enjoyable "round robin" style of against each other in the Mayors play. The tournament format will Cup Challenge.There will also be be doubles only. Categories activities for children 3 and up. offered are adults 3.5 and over Plan to be a part of the and 3.5 and below; mixed 1997 Spring Round-Up. Many doubles; and juniors age 12 and prizes have been donated by area under and age 13 and over. One merchants. If you are not able to point will be awarded for each play, come watch the fun of the victory during the round robin Mayor's Cup Challenge or bring play, and winners will be the kids out for the children's determined by total number of activities. points accumulated. Proceeds support the Entry fee is $15 + 1 can Southlake Tennis Association of balls per person (following scholarship fund. NEWS CLIPPING Source: 0(nAkVaxA Y(P,c Date: 314 Letters to the Editor including fast-food restaurants and taverns.They have also asked for the zoning to allow six-story Letters to the Editor should be legibly written,preferably typed and hotels on two parcels of land and must be signed by the writer,a current address and telephone number four-story hotels on a third. is also necessary. Letters may be edited for length. Frankly, it appears that Send your letters to Southlake Progress at P.O. Box 92521,Southlake, Timarron's "market driven" plan Texas 76092,or fax 431-8720,or Email to SLProgress@aol.com for Southlake could well turn our quiet, almost crime free, Dear Editor: development. The parcels in community into a party town for Thank you for your question will effect three, perhaps attendees of race-way events. All coverage of the land use changes five, Carroll ISD schools and citizens of Southlake have reason occurring in Southlake. Southlake another two private schools. to get involved in the process. has built its reputation on being a According to their own request, The City Council will review quiet bedroom community. With Timarron's intentions are market Timarron's request Thursday, a rural character and excellent driven. When public hearings March 13. They may take their schools, the city has attracted a began late last year. they spoke of final vote as early as Tuesday, lot of attention for its quality of a vision of corporate campuses; March 18. Make your presence life. That quality of life is now other occupancies would exist to known;write letters and BE threatened. support the office uses. As THERE! Timarron land is asking discussions developed. Timarron for the rezoning of over 500 acres has now asked for up to 70% of _ M.P.Cameron of Southlake for commercial the project to be retail in nature, Southlake NEWS CLIPPING ' Source: ?Y2ti Date: 1709 at ShadyOaks scene of ma'or J accident On March 4 a major from Shady Oaks. Colleyville. accident occurred at the A total of six patients Traffic on Southlake intersection of Southlake Blvd. were transported to area Blvd. was stopped in both (FM 1709) and Shady Oaks Dr. hospitals. The driver and a rear directions for a time while one Southlake Department of Public seat passenger from the of the Careflight helicopters Safety personnel responded to Oldsmobile were transported landed in the middle of the road the two car accident at 12:40 via Careflight helicopters to to load an injured motorist. The PM. Harris Hospital Ft. Worth. The second helicopter landed at An Oldsmobile other accident victims were Bicentennial Park. traveling west bound in the 600 taken to Baylor Medical Center None of the 'victims block of Southlake Blvd. struck Grapevine and Harris Hospital involved in the mishap were a Chevrolet pick-up truck by ambulances from Southlake, from Southlake, according to turning onto Southlake Blvd. Keller, Trophy Club and DPS spokesman Robert Finn. I y n C" t.. H C 7,, rn<D E• n C n O.1 N 8N -W cc C ~I aG O >r S <A' A /�� i G j G w 7 70 7.. .� �. A ,� E 7 '< • 3 �1 J 3 "' _ 3 rmi a E < • u . rD 'n m c rD _ _ 7 . 3 E 7 O . m 0 -t ry A — A O = rD coNxi 7 S 7 m to 9ro 7c �. n w a< rD n n• a n `< n . "'1 E .A. , O 3 E E wa 7• a O • A c S A F C At' , jir" .. n `'`< a O w ,� s o c 3 0 o 1 7 o n a .-1 of in Cr to R p' m °= 3 = ° O co oo to S _ a O 5, '' G• 3 T •' ;. i a o S y y ^ N' •T n Dr m c A 7 . C. O = -, N to rD n A- n 5, N r' a "' W y' p• rSD U , cn ryo w nCD" H =..,, nA at- _ S - H E _ "� E pp cow' • m 5.. a D c, O w 7 rD n = S n H .< = S G w - n co 0 7 C W g c T y n o oo O o < S .. =- 3 -• ° .... ..1 Cri A 5 3 n C n S' 7 rn '^ — —omo o' — — O n• o o oo ` � A rn O 00 co % p •A co t� C A 3 y .C. A 0 7 7 b o 2 co, o 0 3 �, S = o, o a 3 2 s •< r2D p' E '0.7 '`' 1. A n z.. °. n N w —V re e n a to »; ro co o a ro ro Foie 111 7 00 `< •• m' O. 070 .O H O n▪• O n CrC a 3 Afa 'C a S IC= s 0O o en a ° Dc .CO 7a u, o �' of -r: `° g a E. 7 • `^ N O ei • i• ; jj on 7GSA < N EA Cdir V 7 Pr 0 , m O S l V' 7,,i, S E S N Cr A ^a 7 S C E. 7- c w — 3 to go 3'• 0 o o 70 0 7 f� y y A 7 7 n cc 1 p' _ C y• "r C N ^' O a ,� a C 00 O' HiI c 3 ao o �. � 3 5' w =. �. m o 3 a S O � y c N' p' rD O y A -O c a r'o m rD S n w :4 m 7 = P, <. N N '+ A 3 A' A m a y n n n 7 a A 7zi ° n S 7 7 N a • E n m -., C AUO D opf9 0- sr D '' , y ° n n n yc 7 o to n g : .....- ti I Er `< OD 4 O n co N _ ' . o co oN AOa CO ' 7dE to O n An aE0to vFoa 'on m y : w3. ��� — o nao 0 on—I a' SS ^ H = 0 r, �, ; z3' aa' f ? a �oo �' � °li • � wo � _°miao w o -O -no 5. o sa > >. la n rn :3:6, o ? a . c _<< d 3om n 0 '11 a5 c $• '0 A' m = t'Zi .- a O A� 0. 3 � r' y' nto� � c 3 wE. �e "' �• ' Wayw _ jE O `vI n ?: m • royw " y �f ° ECA 7cro ra$ 7a E f oncaa7c ~�m :700 cnm1 7 O UO n G . O n' O 4 .m, m rDA < S — 7 7 0 Dn O S 7 N x w 00 < '•' n 7 F'n COM LA I 1 Page 2/Southlake Progress/ Friday,March 7, 1997 in excess of S10.000 in one time Z The DPS is looking for Speedway charges for equipment that will volunteers to help with, be used for every event. answering phones and other from page 1 According to officials ancillary jobs that are necessary the Traffic Management Plan on the busiest days. Shifts will closed will be reevaluated after the be from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM Short.not.N. Carroll will i be revampedand 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM. A but barricaded. Drivers will April race�We havend training session will be held for also find some intersections necessary.' volunteers at a later date. with right turns only. No nothing to go on,this is new to call Anyone interested Racetrack Access signs will all of us."said DPS information ' 4 can c I appear at White Chapel. N. officer Robert Finn. Carrie onllington at Carroll (south of 114), and "None of us asked for ext.800. Kimball. this. it was a gift from the city If you are concerned about For Southlake residents of Ft. Worth." said Mr. Black. getting to and from work on North - South through access "but we have to be flexible and April 3rd, 5th or 6th you can will be limited to Randol Mill. get through it as best we can" call the DPS and they will help White Chapel and Kimball you map out a strategic route. while East - West through iII"_ The DPS will work with the access will carried on Dove • Pace Caro school district to accommodate and Continental ( this is local school bus routes. The DPS is traffic not race traffic). The The Southlake Department of also proposing to open S. DPS is recommending residents Public Safety will barricade a Peytonville until 9:00 AM to stay off 114 and 1709 during number of city streets to allow high school traffic to get peak race traffic hours and limit attempt to lessen the impact to the school and again at 3:00 ;h.ir local travel to the time the of race day traffic in town. PM to let it leave,but having it race is to progress and Residents are encouraged to barricaded the remainder of the congestion the lightest. use the streets represented by time. In addition to the other bold lines as their north-south Z The DPS will make their precautions the city recently and east-west access.The DPS presentation at two citywide hired two additional is recommending that people meetings on March 19th and motorcycle officers in avoid Hwy. 114 and FM 1709 March 25th in City Hall at 7:00 ;. anticipation of the heavy during peak race traffic PM. If spring break does not workload on race days.Costs to hours. If possible limit your allow you to attend you can get the city are expected to run as travel to the time the race is in a to a of the presentation from per day in progress,between the high as $6200 hours of the• city. overtime for DPS personne l and 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM. fi } Igo / y J Dove Rd. Dove Rood a N ti o a EY„.,Southlake Blvd.• 1 !1 *!1 1 NEWS CLIPPING r Source: 'i ' _�,\ -� \ Yv�.1Z,_ I Date: 3 i i Photo b Aaron Seamrster' ,. k t 4. 4 " ^tb n 1`s cY' c 2"x>f"�ea`J �:.` R� 3..,',. g y .o,d� vt,,, ,,,g-#,,,.„11, ,„ ,i , fri apvt* 4 m‘,..7,,,,,e,,,,,, .,.; z &*'''''''' � " i .. ate, " ys at> { "'C dam, y-b` h *' • -. � x F 4`-' ',-*&-". ''' - -=. .• ,,,,,!1* ° ,,,,''' .,'''''-',"`..' , ',', ,-,,,T lfi , � '. ... �>+> •"s z +�.> '> ,r p �.,•� Sgt.Russell Daniels of the Southlake Departrnent of Public Safety helps prepare the clty'sr' traffic plans. Texas Motor Speedway is scheduled to open the first weekend of April. Southlake makes • for speedw by Ryan S. Otto i‘Imajor roads serving the North Department of Public Safety An estimated 200,000 fans Texas facility could see signifi- During a presentation o traveling in at least 60,000 ve- cant traffic congestion. State Southlake's speedway traffic fr hides are expected to arrive in Highway 114 and Interstate 35 plan on Feb.27,Black told tk.,z, Northeast Tarrant County the West could be backed up as far City Council and the SP ?,"' first weekend in April for the p as 10 to 20 miles at times, the groups that dealing with the <: opening of the Texas Motor report indicated. surge of raceway traffic wtfl b �. Speedway. It's a gift froifi the city of a d'haTlenge. According to the October Fort Worth that I don't think "Most cities only have t+ " — 1995 engineering report from any of us asked for,"said Ricky contend with one maj ii or rotrf Carter & Burgess, Inc. and Black,battalion commander of to the raceway.We have to � :-'1 . l Prime Strategies, Inc., all the fire services for the Southlake (see ,•"Plans, „pa.' ) The city could require as many plan requires Southlake to spend 19 and March 25 at 7 p.m. in the Plans as 53 people-30 public safety more than SI4,600 on vests,signs, City Council chambers. from page I personnel and 23 non-public safety flashlights,traffic cones and por- For more information, contact tend with two,'Black said,refer- table radio programming before Gary Gregg, deputy director of the first event begins. police services,at 4R1-55R1,t.'xt. ring to Southlake Boulevard and ' prior to Black's presentation,the 733. State f lighway 1 1114. Traffic flow, law enforcement c.I t�S a gift possibility of issuing special iden- tification to Southlake residents and emergency vehicle response from the city had been discussed.The sticker or during Texas Motor Speedway ribbon placed on a car would have events were some of the major of Fort Worth allowed Southlake residents to concerns discussed in Black's pre- that I don't think move freely through the congested sentation. Routes along Southlake Bottle- any of us asked for. areas. The Raceway Traffic Commit- yard, Pearson Lane. Peytonvillc tee of the Southlake Department Avenue and South Carroll Avenue of Public Safety decided that will be closed to through traffic to al- alleviate traffic flow problems. personnel—to execute the plan lowing special privileges to South- To discourage shortcuts through during events that expect crowds lake residents could cause tense situations between drivers. residential areas, passageways of more than 100.000. is all new for us." Black such as Davis Boulevard and With an average cost of overtime sai"This is programf will Bbe ck Randol Mill Road will have signs for a Department of Public Safety evaluated as our experience and re- indicating that no racetrack access employee at S20.16 per hour, knowledge of the situation fin- is available from those routes. Southlakc could spend up to creases." Dove Road and North Carroll S6,200 a day on public safety pay- The traffic management plan Avenue north of State Highway checks alone. will hepresented again on March 114 will also be closed to through In addition, the traffic safety traffic.Other signs indicating vari- , ous traffic instructions will be lo- cated at key intersections along both major routes to the raceway. To expedite response time,sev- eral of the city's emergency re- sponse vehicles will be located at the lodge building at 400 N.White Chapel during large events at the Texas Motor Speedway. If Southlake experiences jail overcrowding during speedway . events, municipal and associated judges have agreed to a system of arraignments which could occur r every two to four hours. The Speedway Traffic Commit- tee,a group of traffic experts,high- way officials and representatives from 21 area communities, has recommended that Southlake,Tro- phy Club, Keller, Justin and Ar- gyle turn off signal lights,remove stop signs and have police offic- ers use hand signals to control traf- fic in potentially clogged areas. At major intersections such as White Chapel Boulevard, public safety officers aided by a crew of non-public safety personnel will 3 direct the traffic flow.Officers at each intersection will relay infor- mation to a command post that will 1 in turn report any problems that arise along the heavily traveled arteries. NEWS CLIPPING Source: s ,`\.,L) I Date: 3J I + CityCouncil Action on For Mar. 4 The City Council, in regular session March 4, took the follow- • ing action(all votes are unanimous unless otherwise indicated): • Approved Deputy Mayor Pro-Tern Pamela Muller to attend a Sister City seminar in San Diego, California from July 29 to Au- gust 2, 1997. • Awarded bid for a second ambulance for the Department of Pub- • lic Safety, Fire Services Division. •Authorized mayor to execute an agreement with Public Manage- ment Associates (PMA) for Solana Tenant's Wage and Benefit survey. • Authorized to seek bids for mowing contract. •Authorized Mayor to enter into a Cost Reimbursement Interlocal Agreement with Dallas Area Rapid Transit to construct a concrete crossing at Brumlow Ave. • Authorized the City Manager to execute an'emergency contract to install sanitary sewer to the Public Works facility. • Authorized the City Attorney to proceed with condemnation of .045 acres of the Jones Tract to acquire the property for the con- struction of a meter station on the Denton Creek Pressure System for Trinity River Authority. • Approved T.U. Electric to provide electric service to the city's booster pump station No. 1 at Pearson Ln and 1709. • Authorized revisions to the Investment Policy to facilitate com- pliance with arbitrage regulations. • Authorized the appointment of three reserve firefighters for the Department of Public Safety, Fire Services Division. • Approved the 2nd Reading, Rezoning and Concept Plan for Kimball Road Substation. Size: 2.456 acres. Location: West side of Kimball, approx. 1400' north of Hwy 114 and Kimball. Cur- rent Zoning:AG Agricultural. Requested Zoning:CS Community Service. •Approved the 2nd Reading and Rezoning of Aubrey Estates. Size: 6.854 acres. Location:east side of White's Chapel,approx. 1300' south of Pine and White's Chapel. Current Zoning: AG agricul- tural. Requested zoning: S-P-2 Generalized Site Plan district with 0-1 Office District uses. • Approved the update to the Master Thoroughfare Plan. •Approved the 2nd Reading of an ordinance adopting the Codifi- cation of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City to be known as the Southlake City Code. • Approved the 1st Reading adopting parking regulations to,in- clude prohibit parking. • Approved the City's participation in a traffic signal at 1709 and Byron Nelson Parkway. NEWS CLIPPING Source: S Y\1/401/4SI-- Traffic Date: 3 l;For Race Days � -- -' The city of Southiake DPS Along with increased traffid signs will be posted aloe g 1709 Speedway Traffic Committee, patrol by DPS personnel, the at ; .Davis`, ` 'd Mill, which will manage the large plan includes prohibiting Sodtlirid`ge-. ..aces Pkwy, volume of traffic expected to through-traffic on the following Waterford,. White's,,: hapel, travel through Southlake on race roads along 1709: Pearson, Carroll,and Kimball?$rid along days due to the Texas Motor Peytonville, and Carroll, and Hwy 114 at White's Chapel, Speedway,has developed strat- along Hwy 114'at Dove and Carroll;and Kimball. ' egy to accomplish this goal. . Carroll. "No Racetrack Access' - _ r NEWS CLIPPING Source: 9tetA j'aelflat/YAI Date: l /0 Southlake supports wine sales legislation BY LESLIE HUEHOLT Star-Telegram Staff Writer SOUTHLAKE.— The City Council voted last night to back legislation that would-allow Southlake to have an election for beer and wine sales in grocery stores. City statutes currently allow I. for beer sales only, but grocery 1 chains say they are losing out by not being able to sell wine. "All we're doing is losing sales and tax dollars," said Bob Williams, manager of the Kroger supermarket in Southlake. Grapevine is the only city in Northeast Tarrant County where wine is sold. Most other North- east Tarrant County cities sell , beer. "Grocery stores are at a com- petitive disadvantage,"City Man- ager Curtis Hawk said. "People are driving to Grapevine and oth- er places to buy wine." The legislation, filed last weck, is sponsored by Sen. Chris Harris,R-Arlington. Senate Bill 888 concerns home-rule cities that are located in two counties and have a popu- VeY lation of less than 30,000. Most of Southlake is in Northeast Tar- rant County, but a portion is in Denton County. The city's total population is about 16,000. "We know what the added rev- enue.means to the grocers,"May- or Rick Stacy said. Having to drive to other cities to purchase wine can be a hassle, (More on ALCOHOL on Page 15) qt { j C Alcohol and around looking for it," said Debbie Coulson,who was shop- From Page I ping at Kroger last night. i "I forgot that if I'd gone to Tom Thumb [in Grapevine] I residents say. could have gotten wine." "The fast time I came here to Harris filed the bill on the do my shopping, I was having behalf of Mansfield, which is`dry. dinner guests and wanted to buy Mansfield extends into Tarrant, some wine.I kept walking around Johnson and Ellis counties. • City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM March 12, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution No. 97-17, appointing Tom Ward as representative for SPIN Neighborhood #6 As you may know, Doug Fierce has resigned his position as Standing Committee representative for Neighborhood#6, due to his recent appointment to the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board. As a result, residents of the neighborhood were informed of the opening and two expressed some interest. Ultimately Tom Ward was the resident willing to make the commitment. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this appointment. Please place the attached resolution appointing Mr. Ward to fill the unexpired term previously occupied by Doug Fierce on the City Council agenda for the March 18 meeting. i 1 3 % City of Southlake,Texas RESOLUTION 97-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING NEIGHBORHOOD REPRESENTATIVES TO THE STANDING COMMITTEE FOR THE SOUTHLAKE PROGRAM FOR THE INVOLVEMENT OF NEIGHBORHOODS (SPIN); PROVIDING FOR TERMS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council is of the opinion that a citizen advisory committee would be of assistance to the City Council and City staff by providing a more available form of citizen participation in the affairs of the City and to create a forum for neighbor to neighbor communication; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has created such a committee by ordinance; and, WHEREAS, the City Council is to appoint one youth representative, as well as one representative for each of the designated neighborhoods from recommendations provided by their neighborhoods; and, WHEREAS, vacancies occur when SPIN representatives decide to seek elective office and/or other board appointments and new appointments are required; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. All of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. The following is hereby appointed as neighborhood representative for the term specified: Neighborhood #6 Tom Ward 1998 5F, Resolution No. 97-17 SPIN Appointment Page Two Section 3. This resolution is hereby effective upon passage by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF 1997. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BY: Mayor Rick Stacy (PATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary C 5A -- . City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM March 14, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead,Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Authorize the City Manager to Enter into a Contract with Cheatham and Associates for Providing Professional Services in Connection with the Design of a 1.5 Million Gallon Elevated Water Tank in Miron Addition Backgroun l The Southlake Water System Capital Improvement Plan has shown the need for an elevated water storage tank in the vicinity of E. Southlake Blvd. and Miron Drive. Cheatham and Associates have presented to City Council a study of various alternative sites. After much consideration, an approximate 1.5 acre parcel was acquired on the southwest corner of the Miron Addition. Subsequently,the 1996-97 Capital Budget included funds to construct the necessary 20-inch water main from White Chapel Blvd. to the Miron tank site. The 20-inch water main is now under construction. The elevated tank is scheduled to be built in the FY 97-98, as per the 1996-97 adopted Capital Projects Budget. Also,Cheatham and Associates have presented a water pressure study showing the need for the elevated storage tank to meet fire flow demands on our present system. Proposal Cheatham and Associates have presented a proposal to provide the necessary professional services to produce plans and specifications for a 1.5 million gallon elevated storage tank on the Miron site. Their fee will be $63,500 for the engineering and $16,125 for surveying for a total of$79,625. Attachment"A"in Cheatham and Associates proposal is a breakdown of services which was used to determine the fee. Fiscal Impact Fund- 1997 Water/Sewer Bond Projects will be used to fund the professional services(engineering) for the elevation water tank. By proceeding with the engineering now,the City will be in a position to advertise and award a bid when construction funds are authorized. Recommendation Public Works Staff recommends the City Council to authority the City Manager to enter into a contract with Cheatham and Associates to provide professional services in the design of a 1.5 million 5B-1 MEMORANDUM CURTIS E.HAWK MIRON ELEVATED WATER TANK MARCH 14, 1997 PAGE 2 gallon elevated water tank in the Miron Addition for a fee of$79,625. Please place this item on the Regular City Council Agenda for March 18, 1997, for City Council's review and consideration. 639147214-e)- BW/ls Attachment: Cheatham and Associates Proposal D:\WP•FILES\WATER\TANK MIRON\ENO.MEM • L. 58-2 CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES March 5, 1997 Mr. Bob Whitehead, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Re: Proposal for Providing Professional Services in Connection with the Design of a 1.5 Million Gallon Elevated Tank in Miron Addition CONSULTANT'S UNDERSTANDING The City of Southlake is experiencing a considerable amount of growth in the southeastern portion of the city. As a result, the city needs to boost the water pressure, and provide storage for possible fire fighting requirements, in this area of town. Therefore, the city has purchased a site for a 1.5 MG elevated storage tank, within the Miron Addition, and plans to construct a tank upon this site. In addition, an extension of a 20" water line, which is currently under construction, will be required as shown on the exhibit. It is proposed that the overflow line from the tank be incorporated into a storm drain system and piped away from the site. SCOPE OF SERVICES Preliminary Design: 1. Perform necessary field survey work for the preparation of construction plans, including any additional topographic and contouring which may be necessary for the completion of our tasks. 2. Visit with members of your staff, to discuss our design concept, and overall approach to the project. Make any changes deemed necessary prior to proceeding into final design. 3. Prepare preliminary plans including plan/profile sheets of the project. 4. We will provide your office with preliminary construction plans for your review. 5. Provide a preliminary cost estimate of all proposed project. ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. • Suite 200 • Arlington, Texas 76011 817/548-0696 • Metro 265-8836 • Fax 817/265-8532 58-3 Mr. Bob Whitehead, P.E. March 5, 1997 City of Southlake Page 2 Final Design: 1. Prepare final construction plans and profile sheets for the water lines and storm drain. 2. Provide your office with final construction plans and specs for your review. 3. Make necessary revisions to satisfy the City's requirements. 4. Provide your office with a quantity take-off, in proposal form, for civil improvements to include in your contract documents. Construction Phase: 1. We will provide construction staking for the Contractor. 2. We will be available during the bidding process to answer any questions regarding plan interpretation, and will assist if addendums are required. 3. Periodic on-site visits will be made during construction by the design engineer, or as deemed necessary by your office, to assist you in contractor discussions. 4. We will provide assistance in conducting the final inspection and will be available, if your office has any questions regarding the materials or workmanship of the contractor. 5. Prepare as built plans once the project is complete. Easements (if required): 1. Our firm will conduct the search for deeds and conduct other research at the Tarrant County Courthouse necessary for the preparation of the required easements. 2. We will then prepare the legal (metes & bounds) descriptions of the easements with computer plotting. This work element also includes the surveying work necessary to prepare easements and to tie easements to the base line(s). 3. This element includes preparation of the final written easement document and of the accompanying drawing. 4. This proposal does not contemplate our firm providing assistance in acquiring property owner's signatures, nor participating in any condemnation proceedings without additional compensation. FEES We will provide all the services and products described in the scope of services including all services necessary for engineering surveying, engineering, preparation of construction plans and specifications, preparation of construction cost estimates, contract administration, construction staking and periodic visits during construction, and as-built plans for a flat fee of$63,500.00 for engineering and $16,125.00 for surveying. See attached breakdown of services which was used to determine the fee (Attachment"A"). 5B-4 Mr. Bob Whitehead, P.E. March 5, 1997 City of Southlake Page 3 TERMS Invoicing will be based on percentage of completion. Billing will normally occur around the first of each month and payment expected within ten working days. GUARANTEE Cheatham&Associates guarantee to maintain the fees presented herein for 90 days from the date of this proposal unchanged. If the above meets with your approval, this proposal can also serve as our agreement, which you may indicate by signing in the space provided below. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions, or requested modifications of the proposal. The opportunity to be of service to you and the City of Southiake is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Eddie Cheatham, P.E. F:\WORD\PROPOSAL\SOUTHLAK\miron.tank.wpd AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED: Accepted this day of , 1997 By: Title: 5B-5 ATTACHMENT "A" ENGINEERING/SURVEYING FEE CALCULATION: PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE: Field Crew $ 75.00 x 80 hrs $ 6,000.00 Staff Engineer $ 75.00 x 160 hrs $ 12,000.00 Cad Technician $ 55.00 x 140 hrs $ 7,700.00 SUB-TOTAL $ 25,700.00 FINAL DESIGN PHASE: Staff Engineer $ 75.00 x 250 hrs $ 18,750.00 Cad Technician $ 55.00 x 210 hrs $ 11,550.00 SUB-TOTAL $ 30,300.00 CONSTRUCTION PHASE: Field Crew $ 75.00 x 135 hrs $ 10,125.00 `�•- Staff Engineer $ 75.00 x 180 hrs $ 13,500.00 SUB-TOTAL $ 23,625.00 TOTAL SURVEYING $ 16,125.00 TOTAL ENGINEERING $ 63,500.00 TOTAL FEE S 79,625.00 50-6 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM March 14, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Ron Harper, City Engineer SUBJECT: Authorize the City Manager to Enter into a Contract for Engineering Services for the Design of Street Reconstruction in Southlake Park Addition and Ridgecrest Drive Background The City of Southlake Budget for FY96-97 contains $246,700 for the reconstruction of Ridgecrest Drive. In addition, $250,000 had been allocated to reconstruct selected streets in the Southlake Park Addition(Briar Lane, Hilltop Drive, Woodland Drive and Crescent Drive). The low bid for these streets in Southlake Park was $95,755.94. A change order to expand the paving project was approved in the amount of$35,731.52 for a total of$131,487.46. Recommendation Staff is recommending that the available funds ($118,512.54) be used to complete the paving of streets in Southlake Park in conjunction with the Ridgecrest paving project. Attached is a proposal from Cheatham and Associates to perform the required work. The Cheatham proposal for all engineering and surveying is $30,600. This fee is based upon actual anticipated work to be done. Staff recommends that Cheatham and Associates be awarded this design contract of street reconstruction in Southlake Park Addition and Ridgecrest Drive. Please place this item on the Regular City Council Agenda for March 18, 1997, for City Council's re ' d o sideration. 1 Attachment: Cheatham and Associates Proposal ,,\WP-FILES\STREETSPUBLICRDGCT-SL.MEM 410 5C-1 CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES March 5, 1997 Mr. Bob Whitehead, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Re: Proposal for Providing Professional Services in Connection with the Design of Street Reconstruction in Southlake Park Addition and Ridgecrest Drive CONSULTANT'S UNDERSTANDING The City of Southlake is proposing to reconstruct several streets within Southlake Park Addition, as shown on Exhibit"B", and also south along Ridgecrest Drive to Dove Road. In addition, the drainage along Ridgecrest Drive will be analyzed to determine what drainage improvements are required for proper drainage. This project will complete the street reconstruction within the Southlake Park Addition, which was performed recently. SCOPE OF SERVICES Preliminary Design: 1. Perform necessary field survey work for the preparation of construction plans, including any additional topographic and contouring which may be necessary for the completion of our tasks. 2. Visit with members of your staff, to discuss our design concept, and overall approach to the project. Make any changes deemed necessary prior to proceeding into final design. 3. Prepare preliminary plans including plan/profile sheets of the project. 4. We will provide your office with preliminary construction plans for your review. 5. Provide a preliminary cost estimate of all proposed project. Final Design: 1. Prepare final construction plans and profile sheets for the streets. 2. Provide your office with final construction plans and specs for your review. •— ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. • Suite 200 • Arlington, Texas 76011 817/548-0696 • Metro 265-8836 • Fax 817/265-8532 5C-2 Mr. Bob Whitehead, P.E. March 5, 1997 City of Southlake Page 2 3. Make necessary revisions to satisfy the City's requirements. 4. Provide your office with a quantity take-off, in proposal form, for civil improvements to include in your contract documents. Construction Phase: 1. We will provide construction staking for the Contractor. 2. We will be available during the bidding process to answer any questions regarding plan interpretation, and will assist if addendums are required. 3. Periodic on-site visits will be made during construction by the design engineer, or as deemed necessary by your office, to assist you in contractor discussions. 4. We will provide assistance in conducting the final inspection and will be available, if your office has any questions regarding the materials or workmanship of the contractor. 5. Prepare as built plans once the project is complete. Easements (if required): 1. Our firm will conduct the search for deeds and conduct other research at the Tarrant County Courthouse necessary for the preparation of the required `�- easements. 2. We will then prepare the legal (metes & bounds) descriptions of the easements with computer plotting. This work element also includes the surveying work necessary to prepare easements and to tie easements to the base line(s). 3. This element includes preparation of the final written easement document and of the accompanying drawing. 4. This proposal does not contemplate our firm providing assistance in acquiring property owner's signatures, nor participating in any condemnation proceedings without additional compensation. FEES We will provide all the services and products described in the scope of services including all services necessary for engineering surveying, engineering, preparation of construction plans and specifications, preparation of construction cost estimates, contract administration, construction staking and periodic visits during construction, and as-built plans for a flat fee of$23,100.00 for engineering and $7,500.00 for surveying. See attached breakdown of services which was used to determine the fee (Attachment"A"). TERMS Invoicing will be based on percentage of completion. Billing will normally occur around the first of each month and payment expected within ten working days. 5C-3 w Mr. Bob Whitehead, P.E. March 5, 1997 City of Southlake Page 3 GUARANTEE Cheatham & Associates guarantee to maintain the fees presented herein for 90 days from the date of this proposal unchanged. If the above meets with your approval, this proposal can also serve as our agreement, which you may indicate by signing in the space provided below. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions, or requested modifications of the proposal. The opportunity to be of service to you and the City of Southlake is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Eddie Cheatham, P.E. F:\WORD\PROPOSAL\SOUTHLAKstreet.recon.wpd `tn. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED: Accepted this day of , 1997 By: Title: 5C-4 ATTACHMENT "A" ENGINEERING/SURVEYING FEE CALCULATION: PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE: Field Crew $ 75.00 x 60 hrs $4,500.00 Staff Engineer $ 75.00 x 60 hrs $4,500.00 Cad Technician $ 55.00 x 40 hrs $ 2,200.00 SUB-TOTAL $ 11,200.00 FINAL DESIGN PHASE: Staff Engineer $ 75.00 x 120 hrs $ 9,000.00 Cad Technician $ 55.00 x 80 hrs $ 4,400.00 SUB-TOTAL $ 13,400.00 CONSTRUCTION PHASE: Field Crew $ 75.00 x 40 hrs $ 3,000.00 `�— Staff Engineer $ 75.00 x 40 hrs $ 3,000.00 SUB-TOTAL $ 6,000.00 TOTAL SURVEYING $ 7,500.00 TOTAL ENGINEERING $23,100.00 TOTAL FEE $ 30,600.00 5C-5 • r DENTON EXHIBIT 'B' _ I 18 T AR R AN T HILLSIDE _ ..— DRIVE 1 / 1 2C / \ -, SOUTHLAKE _ \ SOU THLArKE • J 2F2 `, -. CIR.W. / CIR.E- JA / OE \ 1R / \ - la 5 STI - /�\ 11� /Is . r \\` SOUTHLA.(E / � 1 j - Z �!-J, I - -1 - . PARK RD EAST \ - ....rip 51 I ►;• 1 \ 4C Nt�1 -1- - - o 0L -- - - - �B 2B1 -s I - , I - - 2C1 ip I 2A2 2A1 '., - � 3F � T��N�9"°°, — — PROPOS D S : a - Ktpy�E knoll I TO BE R CO STi3UCT: D - - - -0 1 , I \ I, 3 T NEGp - - - ,M - 0- STO N 0R , r' .14A STATE _ — � , --- � 3E E 12C \ \ I i 1 I I --- - - � I I A3A I I I 1G 1c c 1C I I Q I -,-11C1 1CiH I I "r \ WEE' S 1C \ I 3A2 3C 1 3D1 1 \ i/ 1 1 i 1c1 1ClE�lE1C 1C1E1A /\I // ,.. 1C1E1 - - - T-- -I - - a 1E2 G " 1c3 PR�N c --- FORD oo 1 L tG2 ,C,E,B SOAKS o XNF C� I \ LE ,E A o - -, Vet R 1F o 2 1C1 1C EI T/,TE N ° ZR1 pp w _ U- i1 �_ U O - w n a o ° t ,- a = o 0 1Q1 CC Q N Pis{ w = 2t,H- 1stE1D :ESH gf 1E1 1D1 0 1 z 5C-6 'v 1B I 1FM 1J I I I L EAST DOVE ST. a 1 L 1 E 1 , I I L k 1 _, „ I- -_- --- ; L Y City of Southlake,Texas M_RMORANDUM March 14, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Ron Harper, City Engineer SUBJECT: Authorize the City Manager to Enter into a Contract with Freese and Nichols, Inc. to Develop Drainage Master Plan for the City of Southlake Background In the FY95-96 Budget, $100,000 was allocated for Phase I of the Drainage Master Plan. The City began the consultant solicitation selection and negotiation in later summer 1996. The City was unable to complete these activities prior to the end of the 95-96 budget year and these funds were credited to "free cash". In October 1996,the selection committee selected Freese and Nichols as the consultant for this project. For the past several months Staff has been attempting to refine the Phase I Scope of Work and to negotiate a fee. Freese and Nichols has proposed a fee of$120,700 for the services covered in Phase I. A copy of the Scope of Work is attached. The major thrust of Phase I, as decided by the selection committee, is to develop a comprehensive inventory of existing drainage infrastructure prioritize drainage problems,to develop funding sources and strategies for future phases and improvements, and to provide a Phase I report. The FY96-97 Budget allocated$100,000 for the Drainage Master Plan. Director Heath has stated that we can transfer the appropriate funds from"free cash" ($20,700) in order to award this contract. Freese and Nichols intends on completing the Phase I portion of the study within 6 months . Recommendation Staff recommends that a contract be signed with Freese and Nichols,Inc. for Phase I of the Drainage Master Plan in the amount of$120,700. Please glace this item on the Regular City Council Agenda for March 18, 1997, for City Council's review • co•siderati . Attachment: Contract Scope of Work D:\W P-FILES\DRAIN AGE\PLAN\CON TRACT.M EM C 5D-1 A CENTURY O F SERVICE 1111 FREESE-NICHOLS March 10, 1997 Mr. Ronald J. Harper, P.E. City Engineer 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Mr. Harper: We are pleased to submit this proposal for providing professional engineering services to the City of Southlake for the Phase I Drainage Master Plan. Scope of Services Freese and Nichols will render the professional services as described in Attachment A. Time of Completion Freese and Nichols is authorized to commence work on the Project upon execution of this AGREEMENT and agrees to complete the services within six (6) months. Freese and Nichols reserves the right to extend the completion schedule due to OWNER's delays. Additional compensation may be requested by Freese and Nichols if project is unduly prolonged due to delays beyond the control of Freese and Nichols. Responsibilities of the City of Southlake The City of Southlake shall perform the following in a timely manner so as not to delay the services of Freese and Nichols: A. Designate in writing a person to act as The City of Southlake's representative with respect to the services to be rendered under this Agreement. Such person shall have contract authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define The City of Southlake's policies and decisions with respect to Freese and Nichols' services for the Project. B. Assist Freese and Nichols by placing at Freese and Nichols' disposal all available information pertinent to the Project including previous reports and any other data relative to the Project. C. Arrange for access to and make all provisions for Freese and Nichols to enter upon public and private property as required for Freese and Nichols to perform services under this Agreement. L Freese and Nichols, Inc. Engineers Environmental Scientists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth,Texas 76109-4895 817-735-7300 Metro 817-429-1900 Fax 817-735-7491 5D-2 Mr. Ronald J. Harper, P.E. March 10, 1997 Page 2 D. Examine all studies, reports, sketches, drawings, specifications, proposals and other documents presented by Freese and Nichols, obtain advice of an attorney, insurance counselor and other consultants as The City of Southlake deems appropriate for such examination and render in writing decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the services of Freese and Nichols. E. Provide such accounting, independent cost estimating and insurance counseling services as may be required for the Project, such legal services as The City of Southlake may require or Freese and Nichols may reasonably request with regard to legal issues pertaining to the Project. Compensation Compensation to Freese and Nichols for the Basic Services shall be the lump sum of One Hundred Twenty Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($120,700), in accordance with Attachment "CO", Compensation. Terms and Conditions of Agreement We propose to furnish our services as described herein in accordance with Attachment TC, " Terms and Conditions of Agreement." We appreciate this opportunity to submit this proposal. If additional information or clarification is desired, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you are in agreement with the services described above and wish for us to proceed with this assignment, please sign below and return one copy of the agreement for our files. Yours very truly, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Jerry L. Fleming, P.E. Title: Principal Date: OFF97050[R:\CONTRACT\1997\AGREEMNT\SOU-JLF.AGRI 5D-3 ATTACHMENT CO COMPENSATION A. Basic Services: Compensation to Freese and Nichols for the Basic Services shall be the lump sum of One Hundred Twenty Thousand,Seven Hundred Dollars($120,700). If Freese and Nichols sees the Scope of Services changing so that Additional Services are needed,including but not limited to those services described as Additional Services in Attachment SC,Freese and Nichols will notify OWNER for OWNER'S approval before proceeding. Additional Services shall be computed based on the Schedule of Charges. B. Schedule of Charges for Additional Work: POSITION MIN MAX PRINICIPAL 148.34 181.74 SENIOR CONSULTANT 72.85 215.66 MANAGER-BRANCH OFFICE 107.04 144.07 GROUP MANAGER 124.71 157.68 SENIOR DISCIPLINE LEADER 125.58 164.82 DISCIPLINE LEADER 96.27 146.26 PROGRAM MANAGER 80.53 100.67 SENIOR ENGINEER 98.80 119.22 ENGINEER V 86.72 111.14 ENGINEER IV 73.24 98.68 ENGINEER III 61.45 82.51 ENGINEER II 54.16 68.55 ENGINEER I 50.35 57.04 SR.ELECTRICAL ENGINEER 101.32 126.65 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER V 80.70 105.91 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER III 70.75 88.43 MECHANICAL ENGINEER II 55.81 t§$ MECHANICAL ENGINEER III 61.29 76.61 MECHANICAL ENGINEER IV 6220 81.64 RESIDENT ENGINEER 93.06 122.14 SENIOR RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE 75.45 85.49 FIELD REPRESENTATIVE II 53.60 68.39 DESIGNER II 76.25 98.71 DESIGNER I 48.95 74.38 SENIOR ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 71.25 83.79 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 51.59 75.50 TECHNICIAN II 49.55 65.38 TECHNICIAN I 38.92 48.98 DRAFTER 36.53 41.94 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES TECH II 45.35 56.68 ''••••. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST VI 80.45 100_56 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST V 71.74 89.68 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST IV 71.34 84.62 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST III 48.47 60.59 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST II 48.73 56.39 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST I 36.26 47.59 SENIOR ARCHITECT 98.38 122.97 ARCHITECT V 80.54 100.67 ARCHITECT IV 65.07 85.40 ARCHITECT II 45.50 56.87 HYDROLOGIST II 47.54 62.40 HYDROGEOLOGIST 72.48 90.60 WORD PROCESSING/SECRETARIAL 38.22 50.17 OPERATIONS ANALYST 66.85 79.45 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR 38.57 48.21 INFORMATION SERVICES CLERK 34.09 42.61 CO-OP 18.78 40.15 The ranges and individual salaries will.be adjusted annually. RATES FOR INHOUSE SERVICES Computer and CAD Print Shop Testing Apparatus PC CAD Stations $10.00 per hour Bluelines $0.08 per square foot Density Meter $350.00 per month PC Stations S8.00 per hour Offset and Xerox Copies $0.07 per single side copy Gas Detection $10.00 per test VAX Computer $20.00 per hour Offset and Xerox Copies S0.14 per double side copy GBC Binding(Reg.Cover) $2.00 per book Caleomp Plotter GBC Binding(Emboss.Cover) $4.00 per book Bond S200 per plot Tape Binding(Reg.Cover) S1.75 per book Color $3.50 per plot Tape Binding(Emboss.Cover) $3.75 per book Vellum $4.00 per plot Mylar $10.00 per plot OTHER DIRECT EXPENSES Other direct expenses are reimbursed at actual cost times a multiplier of 1.15. They include outside printing and reproduction expense,communication expense,travel, transportation and subsistence away from Fort Worth and other miscellaneous expenses directly related to the work,including costs of laboratory analysis,tests,and other work required to be done by independent persons other than staff members. PNI CO-I OWNER cpm:A 1-31-97 5D-4 ATTACHMENT TC 8-20-96 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT I. DEFINITIONS: The term Owner as used herein refers to City of Southlake The term FNI as used herein refers to Freese and Nichols, Inc., its employees and agents; also its subcontractors and their employees and agents. As used herein, Services refers to the professional services performed by Freese and Nichols pursuant to the AGREEMENT. 2. CHANGES:Owner,without invalidating the AGREEMENT, may order changes within the general scope of the WORK required by the AGREEMENT by altering, adding to and/or deducting from the WORK to be performed. If any change under this clause causes an increase or decrease in FNI's cost of,or the time required for,the performance of any part of the Services under the AGREEMENT, an equitable adjustment will be made by mutual agreement and the AGREEMENT modified in writing accordingly. 3. TERMINATION: The obligation to provide services under this AGREEMENT may be terminated by either party upon ten days'written notice. In the event of termination, FNI will be paid for all services rendered and reimbursable expenses incurred to the date of termination and, in addition,all reimbursable expenses directly attributable to termination. 4. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: In no event shall FNI or its subcontractors be liable in contract, tort, strict liability, warranty,or otherwise for any-special,indirect, incidental or consequential damages, such as loss of product, loss of use of the equipment or system, loss of anticipated profits or revenue, non-operation or increased expense of operation or other equipment or systems. 5. INFORMATION FURNISHED BY OWNER: Owner will assist FNI by placing at FNI's disposal all available information pertinent to the Project including previous reports and any other data relative to design or construction of the Project. FNI shall have no liability for defects or negligence in the Services attributable to FNI's reliance upon or use of data, design criteria, drawings, specifications or other information furnished by Owner and Owner agrees to indemnify and hold FNI harmless from any and all claims and judgments,and all losses,costs and expenses arising therefrom. FNI shall disclose to Owner,prior to use thereof,defects or omissions in the data,design criteria,drawings, specifications or other information furnished by Owner to FNI that FNI may reasonably discover in its review and inspection thereof. 6. INSURANCE:FNI shall provide to Owner certificates of insurance which shall contain the following minimum coverage (All limits in thousands): Commercial General Liability Workers' Compensation General Aggregate $2,000 Each Accident $500 Automobile Liability(Any Auto) Professional Liability CSL $1,000 $3,000 Annual Aggregate 7. SUBCONTRACTS:If, for any reason, at any time during the progress of providing Services, Owner determines that any subcontractor for FNI is incompetent or undesirable, Owner will notify FNI accordingly and FNI shall take immediate steps for cancellation of such subcontract. Subletting by subcontractors shall be subject to the same regulations. Nothing contained in the AGREEMENT shall create any contractual relation between any subcontractor and Owner. 8. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: All drawings,reports data and other project information developed in the execution of the Services provided under this AGREEMENT shall be the property of the Owner upon payment of FNI's fees for services. FNI may retain copies for record purposes. Owner agrees such documents are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by Owner or others. Any reuse by Owner or by those who obtained said documents from Owner without written verification or adaptation by FNI will be at Owner's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to FNI, or to FNI's independent associates or consultants, and Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless FNI and FNI's independent associates and consultants from all claims,damages, losses and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. Any such verification or adaptation will entitle FNI to further reasonable compensation. FNI may reuse all drawings, report data and other project information in the execution of the Services provided under this AGREEMENT in FNI's other activities. Any reuse by FNI will be at FNI's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to Owner, and FNI shall indemnify and hold harmless Owner from all claims,damages, losses and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. 5D-5 9. POLLUTANTS AND HAZARDOUS WASTES: It is understood and agreed that FNI has neither created nor contributed to the creation or existence of any hazardous, radioactive,toxic, irritant, pollutant, or otherwise dangerous substance or condition at the site, if any,and its compensation hereunder is in no way commensurate with the potential risk of injury or loss that may be caused by exposures to such substances or conditions. The parties agree that in performing the Services required by this AGREEMENT, FNI does not take possession or control of the subject site, but acts as an invitee in performing the services,and is not therefore responsible for the existence of any pollutant present on or migrating from the site. Further, FNI shall have no responsibility for any pollutant during clean-up,transportation, storage or disposal activities. 10. OPINION OF PROBABLE COSTS: FNI will furnish an opinion of probable project development cost based on present day cost, but does not guarantee the accuracy of such estimates. Opinions of probable cost, financial evaluations, feasibility studies,economic analyses of alternate solutions and utilitarian considerations of operations and maintenance costs prepared by FNI hereunder will be made on the basis of FNI's experience and qualifications and represent FNI's judgement as an experienced and qualified design professional. It is recognized,however,that FNI does not have control over the cost of labor, material, equipment or services furnished by others or over market conditions or contractors' methods of determining their prices. I1. CONSTRUCTION REPRESENTATION: If required by the AGREEMENT, FNI will furnish Construction Representation according to the defined scope for these services. FNI will observe the progress and the quality of work to determine in general if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. In performing these services,FNI will endeavor to protect Owner against defects and deficiencies in the work of Contractors;FNI will report any observed deficiencies to Owner,however, it is understood that FNI does not guarantee the Contractor's performance, nor is FNI responsible for the supervision of the Contractor's operation and employees. FNI shall not be respon"sitte for the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction selected by the Contractor, or the safety precautions and programs incident to the work of the Contractor. FNI shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of any person (except his own employees or agent)at the Project site or otherwise performing any of the work of the Project. If Owner designates a person to serve in the capacity of Resident Project Representative who is not a FNI's employee or FNI's agent, the duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of such Resident Project Representative(s) will be set forth in writing and made a part of this AGREEMENT before the Construction Phase of the Project begins. 12. PAYMENT: Progress payments may be requested by FNI based on the amount of services completed. Payment for the services of FNI shall be due and payable upon submission of a statement for services to OWNER. Statements for services shall not be submitted more frequently than monthly. Any applicable new taxes imposed upon services, expenses, and charges by any governmental body after the execution of this AGREEMENT will be added to FNI's compensation. If OWNER fails to make any payment due FNI for services and expenses within thirty(30)days after receipt of FNI's statement for services therefore,the amounts due FNI will be increased at the rate of one percent(I%)per month from said thirtieth (30th) day, and, in addition, FNI may, after giving seven (7) days' written notice to OWNER, suspend services under this AGREEMENT until FNI has been paid in full,all amounts due for services, expenses and charges. 13. ARBITRATION: No arbitration arising out of, or relating to, this AGREEMENT involving one party to this AGREEMENT may include the other party to this AGREEMENT without their approval. 14. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNMENTS: OWNER and FNI each are hereby bound and the partners, successors, executors, administrators and legal representatives of OWNER and FNI are hereby bound to the other party to this AGREEMENT and to the partners,successors,executors, administrators and legal representatives(and said assigns)of such other party, in respect of all covenants, agreements and obligations of this AGREEMENT. Neither OWNER nor FNI shall assign,sublet or transfer any rights under or interest in(including,but without limitation, moneys that may become due or moneys that are due)this AGREEMENT without the written consent of the other,except to the extent that any assignment, subletting or transfer is mandated by law or the effect of this limitation may be restricted by law. Unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under this AGREEMENT. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall prevent FNI from employing such independent associates and consultants as FNI may deem appropriate to assist in the performance of services hereunder. 15. PURCHASE ORDERS: If a Purchase Order is used to authorize FNI's Services,only the terms,conditions/instructions typed on the face of the Purchase Order shall apply to this AGREEMENT. Should there be any conflict between the Purchase Order and the terms of this AGREEMENT,then this AGREEMENT shall prevail and shall be determinative of the conflict. FNI OWNER 5D-6 ATTACHMENT A CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR PHASE I DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN MARCH 6, 1997 GENERAL The scope of services presented herein is for the first phase of a City of Southlake Drainage Master Plan. A second phase is ultimately planned, but is not currently included in our proposed scope. This first phase is intended to make an investigation of existing drainage system, identify these systems on city maps, identify and prioritize drainage problem areas, evaluate and recommend possible funding sources for storm water management, and make recommendations concerning additional comprehensive planning efforts for Phase II. -The following-scop e-nf services is proposed by the Freese and Nichols team. II. INVENTORY A. Data Collection The work effort will begin with an initial coordination "kick-off" meeting to discuss the overall project with city staff and to define procedures for acquiring city data. Drainage data from the City of Southlake and, if necessary, from other surrounding communities to be collected includes: • existing drainage system "As Built" drawings • current drainage policies, criteria and ordinances • city topographic maps (reproducible and digital) • applicable master plans and zoning maps • park policies, criteria, and ordinances • FEMA maps, hydrology models and hydraulic models • Federal and state regulatory requirements B. Field Reconnaissance Field reconnaissance of existing drainage systems will be initiated to confirm the general condition, location and size of the drainage facilities. Verification of bridge openings and culvert sizes will be made in addition to locating storm drain outfalls. To the extent possible based upon historical flooding problems and experience with similar systems, drainage system problem areas will be identified. -1- 5D-7 Each stream will be investigated to assess current conditions that affect capacity and identify maintenance requirement areas. For example, FEMA flood plains and floodways will be evaluated during the reconnaissance effort to determine if existing development is within these limits. Existing environmental conditions along each stream will be assessed to determine impact to jurisdictional waters and assess permitting requirements. In addition, the environmental scientists will evaluate the stream habitat for threatened and endangered species. Potential NPDES sampling sites will also be noted at storm drain discharge points. Erosion areas along streams and at storm drain outfalls will be identified and located, photographs taken and the erosion areas ranked according to severity. Field reconnaissance will be limited to those items that can be visibly observed. No surveys to verify flow lines elevations or underground pipe sizes are included in this scope of services. C. Map Preparation Storm drainage systems will be graphically located on the City of Southlake topographic maps. The city's "As-Built" records will be used to determine location of current drainage system. Field reconnaissance will assist in confirming size and location of the various systems. Data to be shown on the maps include: pipe systems (size and grade), inlets (location and size), storm drain pipe outfalls (location and size), detention ponds and outlet system, bridges, culverts (type and size), improved channels (type and configuration), and natural streams. Data shown on the maps shall be presented in DXF format for translation by the city into their ARC/INFO geographic information system (GIS). A sample of the DXF data will be submitted to the city in order to test compatibility. D. Stream Model Status During field reconnaissance, the streams will be assessed to compare current stream conditions with conditions represented in the stream computer models. In many cases, improvements may have been made that are not reflected in the stream models. This will require modification of the models to reflect current conditions. Areas of change along each stream reach will be noted and the need for additional surveys recorded. In addition, the need for additional field surveys to supplement the existing computer model cross sections will be identified. No new stream surveys will be made during this phase, but recommendations will be made for future surveys that may be needed in the detail phase study for each drainage basin during Phase II. -2- 5D-8 E. Verify Existing Topographic Maps Confirmation surveys will be made at select locations throughout the city. Spot elevations will be made in addition to cross sections that will verify the accuracy of the elevation contours. Both vertical and horizontal checks will be made for select facilities. One (1) week of field survey time is included in the scope of services to make these assessments. If additional surveys are needed, this effort will be considered as additional service. A letter report describing the methodology, accuracy of the maps compared to field surveys and recommendation for future mapping needs will be prepared and submitted to the city for consideration. F. Public Information Release During the initial stages of the project, Freese and Nichols will prepare news releases that will be furnished to the city for distribution. The city will be responsible for distribution and for fielding responses from each of the news releases developed throughout the project. The news release will advise the public that the city is undertaking a drainage master plan and describe the benefits that a drainage master plan provides the community. Additionally, the news release will inform the public that staff members from our team will be making reconnaissance trips and gathering information. G. Deliverables/Activities • Attend one (1) kick-off meeting with city staff. • One set of Mylar reproducible topographic maps and one set of ARC/INFO compatible digital files identifying existing drainage systems within the City of Southlake. Information provided will include pipe storm drain system (pipe size, grade and location), inlets (location and size), bridges, culverts (type and size), detention ponds (location, size and outlet system), improved channels (location, size and type) and natural streams. • Ten (10) copies of a letter report discussing accuracy of the city's topographic maps. Recommendation will be made in the report concerning future mapping needs. • Ten (10) copies of a letter report discussing status of current FEMA hydrologic and hydraulic models. Additional survey needs for streams will be identified in the report. -3- 5D-9 III. PRIORITIZE DRAINAGE PROBLEMS A. Drainage Problem Identification Storm water drainage system problems will be identified based upon knowledge of the area, field observations and comparison of existing system design criteria and other data previously developed by members of the Freese and Nichols team. We will coordinate with city staff to delineate known problem areas and utilize previous studies that identify known problem areas. Reconnaissance efforts will identify erosion areas, maintenance areas, and physical characteristics within the drainage system vicinity that could result in possible flood potential problems. An example could be developed encroaching into the stream floodway zone. We do not propose during Phase I to perform hydraulic analysis to define drainage problem areas. The problem areas to be identified and catalogued include storm drains, culverts, bridges, roadside ditches, erosion areas, detention ponds and channel capacity for each drainage basin. Preliminary maps will delineate the type and nature of the drainage problem. A draft copy of the maps will be submitted to the city for review and comment. B. Prioritizing Drainage Problems Each identified drainage basin problem area will be evaluated and a methodology established to rank the problem areas. The methodology will allow ranking of problem areas individually or basin by basin. The ranking process will be based upon a scoring procedure that subdivides each basin into logical segments. The basic drainage system elements consisting of storm drain pipe and inlets, culverts and bridges, detention ponds, and channels and streams will be evaluated. A ranking process will be implemented. The higher the value the greater the problem magnitude and/or life-safety issue. A smaller value will represent less critical nuisances/problems. Each stream segment drainage system element will be scored and the highest combined basin score will identify the basin that should be first in priority for detail study in Phase II. This procedure will also spotlight individual segments that should receive consideration for detail study even though they may be in a relatively low ranking basin. C. Drainage Problem Report Drainage system maps developed during the Inventory Phase will be utilized to identify the drainage problem areas. Each stream segment will be identified on the map along with the combined drainage problem score. The overall basin score will -4- 5D-10 also be shown. A brief letter report describing each basin and the drainage segment drainage problems shall be submitted to the city for review. A summary of basin and segment scores identifying priority areas will be presented along with recommendations for further studies in Phase II. The team shall attend one (1) coordination meeting with city staff to discuss the findings and confirm the overall rankings of problem areas. D. Council Presentation The drainage problem areas and priority ranking of these areas will be presented in one (1) meeting to the city council in either a workshop session or formal council meeting. This meeting is intended to inform the council of findings and provide guidance for formal adoption of the Phase I effort that will establish the order of basin study to be accomplished during Phase II. E. Public Information Results of the drainage problem identification effort will be summarized for public release. This document will be submitted to city staff for approval prior to final preparation. Final copies of the public information release will be submitted for city distribution. F. Deliverables/Activities • Submit ten (10) copies of draft map identifying drainage problem areas. • Submit ten (10) copes of draft drainage problem report and map to city staff for review. • Attend one (1) drainage problem coordination meeting with city staff. • Submit ten (10) drainage problem reports to city. • Make one (1) city council presentation discussing identification of drainage problems and the prioritization development. • Submit five hundred (500)public information newsletters on city-wide drainage problem areas. City to distribute the newsletters. -5- 5D-11 IV. FUNDING STRATEGIES A. Investigate Available Funding Sources Freese and Nichols will develop a list of possible funding sources for storm water management. A draft letter report discussing the issues and probabilities of obtaining funding from the various sources will be prepared and submitted to the city for consideration. We will attend one (1) meeting to discuss the report and discuss the funding source or sources that best match with the city's capital improvement programs as related to storm water management and are likely to be accepted by the community, if community participation is required. It is anticipated the SPIN questionnaire response will provide guidance concerning public view of a storm water utility fee and other methods. Based upon this meeting, the formal report will be developed discussing the funding sources and making recommendations for candidate sources to be pursued by the city. B. City Council Presentation The funding strategies report will be presented at one (1) council meeting. C. Public Information Freese and Nichols will develop a news release that is to be distributed by the city. The news release will briefly describe funding strategies to be pursued by the City of Southlake. D. Deliverable/Activities • Submit ten (10) draft copies of letter report on storm water management funding strategies to the city for review. • Attend one (1) coordination meeting with city staff to review and discuss the funding strategies draft report. • Submit twenty (20) copies of the funding strategies letter report to the city. • Attend one (1) city council meeting to present the results and recommendations of the strategies report. • Submit five hundred (500) copies of public information newsletter for distribution by the city. -6- 5D-12 V. PHASE I PROJECT REPORT A. Project Report A report summarizing the events of Phase I will be prepared. The primary focus will be upon describing the identified drainage problem areas and the drainage problem priorities, funding strategies and the recommended scope for Phase II. Included in the report will be maps identifying the existing storm drainage systems, drainage problem areas, and the priority ranking maps. An initial draft will be prepared and submitted to the city for review. One (1) meeting with city staff will be held to review the report. Refinements will be made and the report submitted for city council review. One (1) workshop meeting with the city council will be held to review the report for general acceptance. Following the council workshop meeting, the final report will be developed. B. Council Presentation The Freese and Nichols team will make one (1) formal presentation of the Phase I - City of Southlake Drainage Master Plan for city council acceptance. C. Public Information A public information newsletter will be prepared summarizing the Phase I study. D. Deliverables/Activities • Submit ten (10) copies of the draft Phase I report to city staff for review. • Attend one (1) coordination meeting with city staff to review and coordinate the draft Phase I report. • Submit twenty (20) copies of final draft Phase I report for review with city council and city staff in a workshop meeting. • Attend one (1) city council workshop meeting to review and discuss the final Phase I report. • Submit thirty (30) copies of the Phase I - City of Southlake Drainage Master Plan. • Attend one (1) city council meeting to present the Phase I report. -7- 5D-13 • Prepare five hundred (500) copies of a public information newsletter for City of Southlake distribution. VI. PROJECT CONTINGENCIES A total of five (5) additional meetings with city staff for each firm is included in the scope of services. This time will only be charged in the event more meetings than described in the foregoing scope of services is needed. A total of three (3) additional meetings with city council for each firm is included in the scope of services. This time will only be charged in the event more meetings than described in the foregoing scope of services is needed. 1 ♦ [OFF97050]T:\MEM\SOULAKE.SCP -8- 5D-14 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM March 14, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation RE: Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Cheatham and Associates for the preparation of contract documents and related services for the Phase I construction improvements to Bob Jones Park As you know,the Southlake Park Development Corporation has authorized the City to proceed with hiring a consultant to prepare the contract documents and related services for the Phase I construction improvements to Bob Jones Park. This $1.5 million project includes soccer fields, parking lots,restroom/concession stands,the lake and northern berm. The goal is to have playable soccer fields by August of 1998. City staff has formed an interdepartmental team to meet this challenge. Members of the team include Shana Yelverton, Ron Harper, Chris Carpenter, Lou Ann Heath and myself. We have met and determined the we have a narrow window of opportunity that must be met to meet this goal. It is extremely important that a grading contract be awarded this summer. Cheatham and Associates committed to this time frame. The industry standard percentage fee contract will be discussed with SPDC Monday, March 17 at their regular meeting. To keep this project on schedule we need to move forward with a contract with Cheatham and Associates. A cost proposal is being prepared by Mr. Cheatham and will be provided to the City Council on Tuesday. The Cheatham and Associates contract will be in two parts. The first part will include only the surveying and planning needed to prepare grading contract plans and bid documents. Following is the proposed project schedule which outlines the remaining steps needed to complete this project: Date Item Action 3/18/97 Contract with Cheatham and Associates CC 4/21/97 Consider additional professional services for landscape architecture SPDC and architecture 5/6/97 Consider additional professional services for landscape architecture CC and architecture 6/3/97 Advertise for grading bids CC 7/1/97 Award Grading Bids (90 to 120 day project/July to October) CC 9/2/97 Advertise for remaining park construction CC L City of Southlake,Texas 10/7/97 Award contract for remaining park construction (6 to 8 months/ CC October to May) 5/98 Seed and sod soccer fields (3 months of growth) 8/98 Opening Day of Soccer Fields Please put an item on the March 18, City Council agenda for City Council to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Cheatham and Associates for the preparation of contract documents and related services for the Phase I construction improvements to Bob Jones Park. If you have any questions please call me at 481-5581 extension 757. L KML L City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM March 14, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 672, 2nd reading, adopting parking regulations to include prohibited parking, and repealing Ordinance No. 323. This proposed ordinance is part of the ongoing process of updating our ordinances and repealing those that are outdated. It specifically addresses the city control of parking, access to and through streets, and sale of goods, services, or vehicles from the public right-of-way. The ordinance particularly addresses the following items: - Establishes penalties for blocking roadways and intersections. Continues the Director of Public Works authority to establish no parking areas after study, and to post temporary signs or cover existing signs in emergency situations. Continues the practice of parallel parking in areas not otherwise designated. Allows 45 degree angle parking in areas where provisions have been made. - Provides for restriction of parking at essential designated areas. Defines offenses of leaving a vehicle unattended and parking in a fire lane. - Allows the Director of Public Works to supplement signs in certain areas with designation "TOW ZONE" and establishes conditions when vehicles may be towed and impounded. - Brings our regulation regarding disabled parking into compliance with State law and establishes penalties for non-compliance. - Prohibits sale of goods along the shoulder of streets or right-of-ways if they are designated as arterial in the city's Thoroughfare Plan, including S.H. 114, F.M. 1709 and F.M. 1938. - Exempts authorized emergency vehicles. - Repeals Ordinance 323 which dealt with disabled parking. We have incorporated the request by Council to add S.H. 114, F.M. 1709 and F.M. 1938 to Section 14, which prohibits the sale of goods along roadways. BC/bls 7A-1 ORDINANCE NO. 672 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 323, RELATING TO PARKING REGULATIONS; ADOPTING CERTAIN PARKING REGULATIONS; PROHIBITING THE PARKING OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN CERTAIN AREAS; ESTABLISHING AREAS IN WHICH MOTOR VEHICLES ARE PROHIBITED FROM PARKING; ESTABLISHING A PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING AREAS IN THE FUTURE WITHIN WHICH AREAS MOTOR VEHICLES WILL BE PROHIBITED FROM PARKING; PROVIDING FOR THE POSTING OF SIGNS IN AREAS WHERE MOTOR VEHICLES ARE PROHIBITED FROM PARKING; PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR DISABLED PARKING; PROHIBITING THE SALE OF GOODS FROM AND UPON CERTAIN RIGHT-OF-WAY; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Southlake has determined that the adoption of amended parking regulations for the city is necessary to provide for traffic safety and to protect the safety and welfare of the citizens of Southlake; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that the solicitation, or offering for sale of goods on the public right-of-way along certain streets constitutes a traffic hazard and a threat to the safety of the solicitor and the travelling public and should be regulated; f:\files\slake\ordinance\parking.fn2(03/11/97) Page 1 • 7A-2 C„, NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS THAT: SECTION 1. Ten Feet of Roadway to be Left Available for Traffic A person commits an offense if the person stops, stands or parks any vehicle upon a street in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than ten feet of the width of either lane of a roadway for free movement of the vehicular traffic, except that a driver may stop temporarily during the actual loading or unloading of passengers or when necessary in obedience to traffic regulations or traffic signs or signals of a police officer. SECTION 2. Parking Near Intersections A person commits an offense if the person parks a motor vehicle on any street closer than 35 feet from the intersection of the pavement line of such street with the pavement line of the other street, such pavement line being extended if necessary to determine the intersection point. Le SECTION 3. Prohibited For Certain Purposes A person commits an offense if the person stands or parks a vehicle upon a highway, roadway, or the shoulder or unpaved portion of the right-of-way, for the principal purpose of: (1) Displaying it for sale. (2) Washing, greasing, filling with gas or oil or repairing such vehicle, except repairs necessitated by an emergency. SECTION 4. Designation and Marking of Parking Spaces and Areas Where Parking is Prohibited or Limited (a) The director of public works shall conduct studies and investigations of the public streets and highways within the city and shall study: f:\files\slake\ordinance\parkingin2(03/11/97) Page 2 7A-3 (1) the needs of the public for parking vehicles on public streets; (2) the width and length of public streets where parking is desired; (3) the availability of parking space and frequency of parking on the public streets; and (4) the need to have regulated parking on the public streets. (b) After conducting such studies,the director of public works may designate those areas on public streets in the city where parking should be prohibited or regulated by imposing a time limit on parking, or otherwise regulated. (c) The director of public works or his designee shall cause spaces in which parking is prohibited or limited in time to be maintained and marked off or posted in and on such streets and parts thereof as have been designated in accordance with this Section. All such spaces, places or areas shall be clearly indicated by appropriate signs or marking on the pavement. In areas designated for time limit parking, the director of public works or his designee shall indicate such areas to be by markings or signs at both ends of time limit areas and at reasonable intervals between the beginning and ending of such time limit areas, with such signs to indicate the time allowed for parking in such area. (d) In an emergency or special situation, the director of public safety or his designee is authorized to: (1) post temporary signs prohibiting parking; and (2) permit parking by covering signs which prohibit parking. SECTION 5. Parallel Parking (a) A person commits an offense if he parks a vehicle upon any street, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, in any other manner than that the right-hand wheels of the vehicle are parallel to and within 18 inches of the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. f:\files\slake\ordinance\parking.fn2(03/11/97) Page 3 7A-4 (b) A person commits an offense if he parks a vehicle on a one-way roadway, except as otherwise permitted in this ordinance, in any other manner than that the vehicle is parallel to the curb or edge of the roadway in the direction of authorized traffic movement with the right-hand wheels within 18 inches of the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway or the left-hand wheels within 18 inches of the left-hand curb or edge of the roadway. SECTION 6. Angle Parking It shall be lawful for a person to park a vehicle at any angle not greater than 45 degrees to the line of traffic at such places in the city as the director of public works shall determine that angle parking shall be permitted and shall cause the same to be marked or posted and in all places where sidewalks have been set back and provisions made for parking vehicles across or inside of the usual curb line on any street. In leaving said angle parking space, a person shall not back a vehicle into the traffic lane any further than necessary to get straightened out and faced in the proper direction for traffic between the space and center of the street. SECTION 7. Restricted Parking (a) No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or to comply with the law or directions of a police officer or traffic control device, in any of the following places: (1) On a sidewalk; (2) In front of a public or private driveway; (3) Within an intersection; (4) Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant; (5) On a crosswalk; (6) Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection; (7) With 30 feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon, stop sign or traffic-control signal located at the side of the roadway; f:\files\slake\ordinance\parking.fn2(03/11/97) Page 4 7A-5 (8) Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within 30 feet of a place on the curb immediately opposite the ends of the safety zone, unless the city council designates a different length by signs or markings; (9) Within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing; (10) With 20 feet of the driveway entrance to a fire station and on the side of a street opposite the entrance to any fire station within 75 feet of said entrance, if the entrance is properly marked within a sign; (11) Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when stopping, standing or parking would obstruct traffic; (12) On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge of or curb of a street; (13) Upon any bridge or other elevated structure upon a highway or within a highway tunnel; (14) At any place where official signs prohibit parking or standing; or (15) In anyalley. (b) A person commits an offense if the person moves a vehicle not lawfully under his control into any such prohibited area or away from a curb such distance as is unlawful. (c) A person commits an offense if he parks, or permits to park a truck in excess of 1 1/2 tons according to manufacturer's classification or any truck-tractor, tractor, trailer- rig, trailer or bus on a street located in a residential area except for the time necessary for loading, unloading or the delivery of goods, wares and merchandise. This section shall not prohibit the parking of a motor home upon residential property. For purposes of this subsection, "residential area" means property zoned for single or multi-family uses. (d) A person commits an offense if the person parks a vehicle upon any public street in the city in the same location for more than 24 continuous hours except when such vehicle is parked in front of and adjacent to real property owned by the owner of the vehicle, in which case such vehicle may remain so parked for a period up to 72 continuous hours. f:\Cites\slake\ordinance\parking.fn2(03/11/97) Page 5 7A-6 L SECTION 8. Unattended Motor Vehicle A person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle commits an offense if he leaves the vehicle unattended without: (1) first stopping the engine; (2) effectively setting the parking brake thereon; and (3) when standing upon any grade,turning the front wheels to the curb or side of highway. SECTION 9. Responsibility of Owner for Illegal Parking A person commits an offense if he allows, or permits any vehicle registered in his name to stand or be parked in any street in the city in violation of any of the ordinances of the city regulating the standing or parking of vehicles. SECTION 10. Parking or Standing in Fire Lane (a) A person commits an offense if he parks a vehicle within a fire lane which is marked in accordance with the requirements of Division 3 of Chapter 18 of the Southlake City Code. (b) A person commits an offense if he parks a vehicle in such a position as to block the entrance, exit or any part of a fire lane which is marked in accordance with the requirements of Division 3 of Chapter 18 of the Southlake City Code. SECTION 11. Tow Away Zones (a) In addition to signs regulating stopping, standing or parking of motor vehicles upon any public street or highway within the City of Southlake, the director of public works may supplement any such sign with an additional sign stating 'TOW AWAY ZONE". The use of signs stating "TOW AWAY ZONE" or the like shall not, however, prohibit the removal by the city of any vehicle found in any area not so marked if the vehicle is parked in violation of this ordinance and removal is necessary to address a traffic hazard. f:\files\slake\ordinance\parking.fn2(03/11/97) Page 6 7A-7 (b) Any unredeemed impounded vehicle may be disposed of as provided by Chapter 683 of the Texas Transportation Code. (c) Any vehicle found stopped or standing or parked in or upon any public street or other public place in violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed to be a nuisance per se, and a traffic hazard, and any such vehicle shall be removed in the manner and to a place as authorized by law. (d) Any vehicle, or any other property, found on any public street or other public place under any circumstances hereinafter set forth shall be deemed to be a traffic hazard and a nuisance per se, and may be removed in the manner and to the place provided by this ordinance, provided, however, that such listed circumstances shall not be deemed exclusive or prohibit such removal in any circumstances not listed: (1) When any vehicle or any other property constitutes an obstruction to traffic by being left unattended upon any bridge, viaduct, or causeway, or in any underpass or tunnel; (2) When any vehicle is found upon a street, or highway, and information has been reported to the effect that such vehicle has been stolen in a warrant issued on the filing of a complaint; (3) When a vehicle is unattended and the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the vehicle has been abandoned for longer than.48 hours; (4) When a vehicle upon a street, or highway, is so disabled that its normal operation is impossible or impractical and the person or persons in charge of the vehicle are incapacitated by reason of physical injury or other reason to such an extent as to be unable to provide for its removal or custody, or are not in the immediate vicinity of the disabled vehicle; (5) When a police officer arrests any person driving or in control of a vehicle for an alleged offense and such officer is by law required to take the person arrested immediately before a magistrate; (6) When any vehicle is parked or standing in or on any portion of street, or highway, or along the shoulder or unpaved portion of the roadway, in such a manner that the vehicle constitutes a hazard, or interferes with a normal function of a governmental agency, interferes with access by emergency vehicles, or by reason of any catastrophe, emergency, or unusual circumstance the safety of said vehicle is imperiled; or f:\files\slake\ordinance\parking.fn2(03/11/97) Page 7 7A-8 (7) When any vehicle is stopped or standing or parked in a manner prohibited by Texas law or by this ordinance, or when any vehicle is stopped or standing or parked in violation of any official sign or other traffic-control device where said sign or device gives notice of a tow-away zone. (e) Any vehicle which is towed or removed from any public street or public place pursuant to this ordinance shall be released to the owner thereof upon payment of all charges levied by the city or any private wrecker company employed for such purpose and upon presentation of proof of ownership of such vehicle by such individual. It shall be the responsibility of any person whose vehicle is towed or removed from any public street or public place to contact the department of public safety to determine the location of such impounded or towed vehicle. SECTION 12. Special Parking for Disabled Persons (a) Authority to Designate. The director of public works or his designee and any person who owns or controls property used for parking are hereby authorized to designate one or more parking spaces or parking areas for the exclusive use of vehicles transporting temporarily or permanently disabled persons as those terms are defined in Texas Transportation Code §681.002, as amended, and pursuant to said statute. (b) Designation of Spaces. The director ofpublic works or his designee or a g P � person who owns or controls property used for parking shall designate the space, spaces, or area by posting in a conspicuous place signs that conform with the design and posting requirements of Texas Transportation Code §681.009, as amended. Upon the request of the owner of any off-street parking facility, the director or his designee is authorized to approve spaces for the exclusive use of vehicles transporting disabled persons. The spaces shall be marked and sized at the owner's expense, in conformance with the design and posting requirements of Texas Transportation Code §681.009, as amended. (c) Compliance with State Law. All requirements of Texas Transportation Code §681.009 are to be complied with by the parties posting such signs relative to designation of parking spaces of the disabled and the posting of same. (d) Vehicles to Display Identification. All vehicles parking in designated parking spaces shall display the special license plates issued by the State Department of Transportation pursuant to Texas Transportation Code §502.253 or a disabled parking f:\files\slake\ordinance\parking.fn2(03/11/97) Page 8 7A-9 placard issued pursuant to Texas Transportation Code §681.002. • (e) Violations - not transporting disabled person. A person commits an offense if the person is neither temporarily nor permanently disabled nor transporting a temporarily or permanently disabled person and parks a vehicle with such special plate or displaying a disabled parking placard in any parking space or parking area designated specifically for the disabled. (f) Violation - no plate or placard. A person commits an offense if the person parks a vehicle neither displaying the special license plate nor displaying a disabled parking placard in a parking space or parking area designated specifically for the disabled. (g) Violation - blocking access. A person commits an offense if the person parks a vehicle so that the vehicle blocks an access or curb ramp or any other architectural improvement designed to aid the disabled. (h) Penalty - first offense. An offense under this section is punishable by a fine of not less than $100.00 nor more than $200.00. (i) Penalty - second offense. If it is shown on the trial of an offense under this section that the person has been previously convicted one time of an offense under this (me section, the offense is punishable by a fine of not less than $200 or more than $300. (j) Penalty - third offense. If it is shown on the trial of an offense under this section that the person has been previously convicted two times of an offense under this section, the offense is punishable by a fine of not less than $300 or more than $400. (k) Penalty - fourth offense. If it is shown on the trial of an offense under this section that the person has been previously convicted three times of an offense under this section, the offense is punishable by a fine of not less than $400 or more than $500. (1) Penalty - fifth offense. If it is shown on the trial of an offense under this section that the person has been previously convicted three times of an offense under this section, the offense is punishable by a fine of not less than $500. SECTION 13. Penalties, other than for Section 12 Except as provided in Section 12, above, any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, f:\files\slake\ordinance\parking.fn2(03/11/97) Page 9 7A-10 C., shall be fined in a sum not to exceed $200.00, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs. SECTION 14. Sale of Goods along Roadway A person commits an offense if the person sells, or offers for sale, any goods,wares, merchandise or thing of value, along the shoulder of any street or within any right-of-way for any street or road in the City which is designated as an arterial on the City's Thoroughfare Plan or along Highway 114 or F.M. 1709 and F.M. 1938. SECTION 15. Posting of Signs Generally The director of public works shall, prior to the enforcement of any violation of sections 4, 11, or 12 of this ordinance prohibiting parking, cause to be posted a sign which shall be clearly visible to the driving public which prohibits parking at the particular location where such parking is prohibited and stating any hours of limitation of parking or any other special limitations for parking and stating, if applicable, that such area is a Tow Away Zone. Such sign shall be of a size, color and type of print and shall be erected at a height from the ground so as to comply with all laws of the State of Texas and with all rules, regulations and L policies of the City of Southlake. This section shall, however, not be interpreted to require nor is it in any way intended to require the posting of a sign of any nature for any parking prohibited by Section 7 of this ordinance, including warning signs that a vehicle may be towed away from any area described in Section 7. SECTION 16. Authorized Emergency Vehicles Excepted Authorized emergency vehicles shall not be prohibited from parking in any space or location which would otherwise violate any provision of this ordinance when such parking is incidental to and results from an emergency to which such vehicle is responding. SECTION 17. Should any section, subsection, clause or paragraph of this ordinance be declared or determined to be invalid or unconstitutional, then it is the intent of the City Council of the City of Southlake, that such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the remaining f:\files\slake\ordinance\parkingin2(03/11/97) Page 10 7A-11 • portion or portions of this ordinance, and such remaining portion or portions of this ordinance would have been passed and adopted notwithstanding the invalidity or unconstitutionality of the other portion or portions. SECTION 18. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed, provided however that Resolution 86-17, Resolution 90-77, adopted on November 6, 1990, and Section 18-84 of the Southlake City Code establishing parking regulations, shall remain in full force and effect. Ordinance No. 323 is specifically repealed. C SECTION 19. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 323, or any other ordinances relating to parking which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. (we f:\files\slake\ordinance\parking.fn2(03/11/97) Page 11 7A-12 SECTION 20. Effective Date and Publication This ordinance shall be and become effective from and after its passage and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF , 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF (np,' , 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY EFFECTIVE DATE: f:\files\slake\ordinance\parking.fn2(03/11/97) Page 12 7A-13 City of Southlake,Texas STAFF . REPORT March 14, 1997 CASE NO: ZA 97-006 PROJECT: Site Plan/Crestwood Office Park STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Planner I, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Site Plan for property described as being approximately 3.5083 acres situated in the W. W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695,being a portion of Tract 3D as recorded in Volume 8564, Page 285,D.R.T.C.T. This plan proposes one (1) individual office building. LOCATION: Northwest corner of the intersection of North Carroll Avenue and Southlake Boulevard(F.M. 1709) OWNER/APPLICANT: Four Peaks Development CURRENT ZONING: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District limited to "0-1" Office District uses i{ LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential (may include limited low intensity office and/or retail uses) CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Residential (any Single Family District) NO. NOTICES SENT: Six (6) RESPONSES: None P&Z ACTION: February 20, 1997; Public Hearing continued to March 6, 1997 due to Resolution 95-24. March 6, 1997; Approved (7-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated February 28, 1997, deleting Item #1 (requiring that 42' R.O.W. dedication from centerline of Carroll Avenue R.O.W. be shown); amending Item #3a (provide all required bufferyards) to allow the phasing of bufferyards as shown on the site plan ; deleting Item #4 (requiring 8' high screening device along the entire north and west property lines); allowing Item#5 as shown(20' x 30' � 6- 1 City of South lake,Texas loading space); and allowing Item #6 as shown (horizontal and vertical articulations). STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all items in Site Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated February 14, 1997 and Site Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated February 28, 1997, with the exception of those items in the attached Site Plan Review No. 3 dated March 14, 1997. L:\WP-FILES\MEMO\97CASES\97-006SP.WPD 1g -2- _ 5„....... . i i-t- i ' '-) -- • • I 364,4 1113 Ac n ;.--0.001"......_ 9 104 - ! pPkg 0] --- 0,, •-- A NNN ia94 04 s v --- Aprfr ""--4C29 4D3 i 7. MC 3,41,1 3A141-7.19 3AIJIF—' -----''TL II •-• .:1uttALAND Si- , i _ .- , 5. EAST 1104LAND STREET IA /--11 i .4 4 ,., ci 101 IfrAVIE3 TT 15 1 IC IA 2D '' MINial,_I gr. CtAggVa I '1111 in I 102 glom 2", • 1 Al • 1 24.91 Ac , 003 Ac . 1 • . Ar • _.__. i .... . . • .• HALL Lri10I4 W.W. HALL :0 P 1 a 1AI E 44 _LA IA 0 .., Ayr. IRICH2. EADS . I ; I ; i .1' . . • . . '• ....6.5>, r". I ,---,. i i I i \ ' i I • 11." „.......------- .. I I t ----eyL-Ir- -4- "--- '' c , , ,. ,,, ; ! \N ) IA 'YL, I 1 U. ! I • ! 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TR 3B 1 " 1.0 AC M ond az Lmd t _ Si_ Strunck 1 "AG" "SF1 A" "AG" TR 302 2.0 AC 100450 r R .D 3.6% A :,,, L TR 3D3A TR.3F TR.302 7.665 AC�ALL. 303 TR D 1 , t v E� r.419 3.6 AC '1.79 Ac 1.93 Ac c, tR69iAC ' II .7 V 1 ` TR.3D2A ' TR 3D3A1 A— ' 1 T° 3D4 i ` r .066 0 .085 0 " Stato of Texas $ p - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ Stato of Tsxas _ t 3C1 TRI'62 R TR TR 4D2 /.151 0 .063 0 301 . 3D1A 190 0090 TR 3B .017•' ! .707 AC 1 - 11AG11 "AG 11 TR 3C A_ Prad e I 5.82 AC Timarron Land Corp_ 1 TR 3B1 i 2.773 AC I J ! i .. , ADJACENT OWNERS SPIN REPRESENTATIVE#10 AND ZONING AL MORIN TR 30. !I ' Tpi1pp iii$ itIt E I}_ f eta 'i win _ ill i k ffg I le 1 t ; f^ Q x t � 1 b 3 . i s s, rrl ss Sa S tl i l t li 1 1 iiiiii t11 _'�ii 9 zE=.i! o. o ,Ail s i]!t : hi i3J li All `� 1)} I z amU S gt,Ic!{ t iP , J � ,i •ff61,.. ii o F' 7 1. kp�r1111 : of`'r! ;ji y °^ }„..t xS Sli Twl W x 0 fiiril Yrl .24 If 9' AI h e, Ulc i 11;i 111; d I t I I Co L — - - 0' a, TAY TIONSv3'S •--4 "—Icd Z T - - - - > — J z 0 a— b,a1 ! W i? S I Z0 0 a lg U 1 f t ' s.av ..awe.l��.yn r. r .arwv k._.. . .`a 1i Al td,41 0 E _ it •; s k I! q F- - t- Y i ,_II I g CC „ ar :• p CL i _,.. y. a k itl I � 11 Q i O• 0 a ;II I o' • >— p aII I OH O O� I , II I > I i'l 1 _li i w s r CC lk i -7-7-i r 0 = u I- - - - - a. • — -- M gY]3 -z , ' f ' poi A .5. . I i^ '( '-- 1 iE' , .¢ S d < i Al be i: 74 ;. add I II I 1.4 I • I� • Stu j • o , i I. I li r I At sA , j I ' _ O I 0 r= O I tr , ,....,.�1.,^.j.. 1 0 0 l.30Z0. g' 3 x I Z s a z pp tii7 d 7^ ,_ o 4111111r , 1A. -81 ydk I I ec r , Q.Q9 AlSi 1 i a 3 �g—S Q City of Southtake,Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.:ZA 97-006 Review No: Three Date of Review:3/14/97 Project Name: Site Plan-Crestwood Office Park Phase I,beinr 3.508 acres located in the W.W.Hall Survey,Abstract No.695. OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Four Peaks Development,Inc. J.E. Levitt Engineers,Inc. 100 W. Southlake Blvd..#320.Suite 234 726 Commerce Street, Suite 104 Southlake,Texas 76092 Southlake,Texas 76092 Phone:(817)329-6996 Phone:(817)488-3313 Fax: (817)329-6996 Fax: (817)488-3315 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 3/10/97 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. 1. According to the Approved Master Thoroughfare Plan,a 42' R.O.W. dedication from the apparent existing centerline of the Carroll Avenue R.O.W. is required.This should be accommodated on the site plan. (P&Z Recommendation 3/6/97: delete) 2. Provide all required bufferyards. Required bufferyards and plantings are as shown on the attached bufferyard calculation. The applicant proposes phasing of South and East bufferyards as shown on the site plan. (P& Z Recommendation 3/6/97: allow phasing as shown) 3. A minimum 8' high screening device meeting the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Sections 33.2, 33.3, and 39 is required along the entire north and west property line. An 8' fence has been provided along a portion of the property lines as shown on the plan. (P & Z Recommendation 3/6/97: delete) 4. Provide a minimum 10' x 50' off-street loading space. A 20' x 30' loading space has been provided. (P&Z Recommendation 3/6/97: allow as shown) 5. Provide horizontal and vertical articulation meeting the requirements of Ord. 480, Section 43.9.c.l.c. on all facades. Compliance with the articulation requirements is as shown on the attached articulation evaluation chart. (P&Z Recommendation 3/6/97:allow as shown) City of South lake,Texas * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. - * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water & Sewer Impact and Tap Fees,and related Permit Fees. * A permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along F.M. 1709. * The applicant should be aware that a revised site plan must be approved prior to issuance of a building permit for structures shown as"Future Development"in Phase Two. * Please be aware that any change of tenant/owners with a request for a new C.O. will require that all parking areas meet the "all weather-surface" requirement in the zoning ordinance and all fire lanes shall be per the Fire Department's requirements. * Denotes Informational Comment att: Bufferyard Summary Chart,Articulation Evaluation Chart cc: Four Peaks Development,Inc. J.E. Levitt Engineers,Inc. Alan Ward Surveying,Inc. L:\WP-FILES\REV\97\97006SP 1.DOC r City of Southlake,Texas • SUMMARY CHART- BUFFERYARDS Required/ Length Bufferyard Canopy Accent Fence/Screening Location Provided - Width/ i.- Trees Trees Shrubs He: t&Material North Required 548' 10'-FI 13 a 26• 35• Fl Fence w/8'scrn •provided* 548' 20'-Fl 13'b 26• 35■ 8'fence o ?„,fi P 'Fr^77 • '2;Z.;y,. /"J' , i5,ti of •r:.w.t ..».?,.. n> .. ... ... ....'. .. •n West Required 283' 10'-Fl 9 17 23 FI Fence w/8'scrn Provided` 283' 10'-FI 9 b • 17 23 8'fence *Note any credits used in calculations a. Required plantings have been reduced by 20%in lieu of double width bufferyard per Ord.480,Sect.42.4f. b.Reflects existing tree credits.Existing tree credits shall comply with Ord.480,Sect.42.4g. c. d Other Comments: 1. Where parking is provided between the building setback line and public R.O.W.,shrubs obtaining a mature • height of three feet(31)or greater must be planted at a minimum spacing of thirty inches(30")on center continuous along all paved edges of the parking or drive areas. ' 4(114 1s-S . Articulation Evaluation No.3 Case No.ZA 97-006 Date of Evaluation: 3/14/97 evations for Crestwood Office Park,W.W.Hall Survey,Abst.695 (, )ceived3ll0/97l Front-facing: South Wall ht.= 10 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation R uired Provided Delta Oka ? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 30 27 10% Yes Min.attic.offset 2 4 100% Yes Min.attic. length 11 19 73% Yes L.Side-facing West Wall ht.= 10 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation R uired Provided Delta Oka ? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 30 24 20% Yes Min.attic.offset 2 27 1250% Yes 2 4 100% Yes Min.attic.length 5 -11 120% Yes Right-facing: East Wall ht.= 10 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation R uired Provided Delta Oka ? Required Provided. Delta Okay? Max.wall length 30 28 7% Yes Min.antic.offset 2 11 450% Yes 2 2 0% Yes Min.attic. length 7 9 29% Yes ',ear-facing: North Wall ht.= 10 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation R uired Provided Delta Oka ? R uired Provided Delta Oka ? Max.wall length Min.antic.offset 2 2 0% Yes Min.attic. length 3 3 0% Yes 4 13 225% Yes ti 8-9 • I g WOE n 1 Q1i _ W�—G iirii ! ! zo0aao ,, 7O6 2 Ojw-)A ; i 0 p r ill?.4 9" coUw E1::.:iqI:I:; I :� h '11 cn y4 tt. hr II ! 1 kir I.r. lii ! _ �, I CC SEE Er :AI :lit i 1 !is NiI. -'.r," ......-.. pill;,.. i„.,1 ill Ee a ill !, __ r---- Iv 1s11 i I p ,�� I y d M YIYSoY.dr011 1 jR` ..ate ii ....urr.,wwar :rI''w'37:: A;-1 1 I ' g3 •1 a -- -,. -4,--- Ili, i ill 1 7 1 11 - �1 r 1 t I ' I : 1 it. :k II .: .. .,0,, i , ,yam\� • - -�_ , , r;._,: , : 1„ c ti P et 1-4 it, ' S!O`- If ; _ mi. _ #. er `1 O> 1 I x6j ''' *4%. ,,,.„ .5illii : : �} i 01 ;I., i 1 s,.. 1 11'1111 'VIII I Pli (bpi till i' V is . i I i i -1A-io 37i�0 GUOf11187lifilt tij i Cri ,I,t. • . I I:; i,i: 11 1 1 , 1.1 � 1 11 I.li ,t1)..IA /.... :';',::.17:E71 as ,/ f , ,,, ..,,i,,,L ,..i!,„. .,. 1 I 1 ".. _. 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(NI . _ 1 0 111 • iligh �� tELEI $ it • l••• 3 Iliv Nil 1 11 4 1 2 ] 1 Q k 81 • 'mod' : i N _W - 'lg- ,3 I. 1 a i • t'll: -. _ w 0 a �e lg i i cr / a v py i.le �`J 1 i a IE WE4Wog io 0 ...3 W o.-.4%bi ..; el - ty coow s rM O ,...,., L———— lig , a(tii. 1 VAill _!I __ r---- 1-3 !� i .......".,.,� ._,,, _— --- ii I II id 1 rg ® - - - ,,dy • 1 1 �_ ift '? I U 1 7`! 'T,-+., v.,. . ;apt 11 1 o 1 -=1..- a ss� �.+r 1 ... , • d'...- Q • ki . .:• .-e),7-. .. .._•Th-LJ- .7, 1; ,.. , ',ice I 1� o .p ` ' x 1 a a :G 1+� S3gg�`QQ li _ `! Iiii1:1- - fix iii•„ L . • 1�(_ley 4pdo lir C_1 • atC,Or it it i' N -- -v.- "r- ' I!. 1. ` - . , i � _ _� / is _ .(bstio; i ad co el d r 9 t 3 i F -7g-fy City of Southlake,Texas STAFF REPORT March 14, 1997 CASE NO: ZA 97-015 PROJECT: Plat Revision -Timber Lake, Phase 5 STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Planner I 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Plat Revision for Lots 47-R and 63-R,Block 2,Timber Lake,Phase 5, being a revision of Lots 47 and 63, Block 2, Timber Lake, Phase 5, and being approximately 9.0796 acres situated in the P. J. Hyde Survey, Abstract No. 667. LOCATION: North side of West Continental Boulevard and approximately 150'west of the intersection of Lake Forest Drive and West Continental Boulevard OWNERS: Larry G. and Diana L. Howard (Lot 47-R) and Timberlake Residential Association, Inc. (Lot 63-R) APPLICANT: Post,Buckley, Schuh, &Jernigan, Inc. (we CURRENT ZONING: "R-P.U.D." Residential Planned Unit Development LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential(may include limited low intensity office and/or retail uses) NO. NOTICES SENT: Eighteen(18) RESPONSES: Two (2)responses were received within the 200' notification area: • Richard Edgington, Vice-President, Calais Construction Inc., 190 W. Northwest Parkway, Ste. D., Southlake, in favor. "I (we) have no problem with this." • Harold Lavender, 820 Parkdale Dr., Southlake, opposed. P&Z ACTION: March 6, 1997; Approved (7-0) subject to Plat Revision Summary No. 1 dated February 28, 1997. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all items in Plat Revision Summary No. 1 dated February 28, 1997, with the exception of those items addressed in the attached Plat Revision Summary No. 2 dated March 14, 1997. L:\WP-FILES\MEMO\97CASES\97-01SPRWPD 7C-1 y24t� L- 21 '-- is }} .t. .1 �C / \ ,4. �/,�,4Uff , . ;1 ` � a " na 31 ` 4 26 ADJACENT OWNERS 1 p 30 111 Z . 23 �b •t' m '30� _. 27.. AND ZONING qt., it ‘ go 31A 24 0 �\. _ 25R I SPIN#14 DOUG MCKELVEY u \ 20 3 33 . 225 I m (. ; ) 71- / I z air .:30• /w I 1 �„ .1 421�aG . 7 `. /' t p ray , 32 3 31 � .�4► 4. r 54 E' 9 46.�. ~ I— TR.2 . . ... 0 t 25.361661 4� 1 4 ^ . � 5.5. S ti 6 � I osllHO°'"I'Win �O1. . / . 0s6P: p �.URVE' el o� si o 52 _.w I �'• N I TIC- st , x ,.. TATE q y2 et ii , .. t S s/ 10 8 50 4 59 E - / 10 , *141 . WI so 0 • ulrw ja b., 4. 0 ,„• ,. __ 17 w ,�y/ i ill hiltdIS A 62 1 7. 1/1 TR 2` 4 �� .17- vi.�14 "•\ . Ott 42 ■ ��,a,�2 ! tstilk16 25.361 0 4' y�,i PARADALE l 7 1 • ELMBROOK CT y i�� 63 Ir 5.�, \;i' d U/ ` ` 1• \ 15 33 221% / 3� g 1 4 .14 �� tt 134, 21�' /. i Cal Vi 371•.A I 1 g k • 18 (v�,�+� tr0�� \II. 13 // '6 S ;�. 1 •35 3641 1 4� 4 V+' Y 13 t y2 40010 19 ,, . 47 �1. 14 +11� �� VA �t� • t5 J Ct\ /' w i ` ) 3 COMMON AREA NO/1.i: y,,,-�5\ ttA1011 4t 3.7 1 3� Y' • F.. .4\,fi, 10 \ ‘,. le . „Do ittr ..M. A t ... \ .1 Vv. . 1 20 A 9 / 18 kei.+ �� \ )� TIMBER LAKE CIR ' ft,4.: .In ‘. 21 s �8 t 28 22 (MIN ON �\�o `� No 2) / .. .o aalt ` \4� 7 s � ftly3 'wUM . Q ` 27 _ 23 ��� '1'9. V..4V 4/11 if r �r� pc no a tra 4.687 0 • 44,441IP 7 1 (Oo 26 , 25 5 24 :/ /! 5" ( 9 8 ¢V`_ - . Ok iiilliVta IA i 14110, . . II - , . - 426_A r 1 1 2 s an 4. �• „.., �,a M1?V . - 5r . i / tt 1 I 16 15 14 ! - •No ARfA 4... _._aanar.a. r�mM_ _Li ------------- ---- ,. . _------------- ---CON a€rgr %i M �— 7C-3 , t ,� �� ; • 1 I I .. I '73 / .• 1•1 r LADJACENT LAND OWNERS AND ZONING 17-Feb-97 # Owner Name Zoning SPIN#14 DOUG MCKELVEY 01 TIMBER LAKE RES ASSOC I PUD NO. 2 02 NELSON, D. PUD NO. 2 03 LUMLEY, E. PUD NO. 2 04 SISOIAN, T. PUD NO. 2 05 ZOELLERS, M. PUD NO. 2 06 CALAIS CONSTRUCTION IN PUD NO. 2 07 SOUTHLAKE JV. PUD NO. 2 08 HARWOOD, D. PUD NO. 2 09 FABIANO, J. PUD NO. 2 10 GRAFF, S. PUD NO. 2 11 STUDY, K. PUD NO. 2 12 BROWN & HILEY INC. PUD NO. 2 13 WEINREB, M. PUD NO. 2 14 CHATEAUMAR HOMES INC. PUD NO. 2 15 SOUTHLAKE JV, PUD NO. 2 16 BENCO HOMES INC. PUD NO. 2 17 SOUTHLAKE JV. PUD NO. 2 18 SOUTHLAKE JV. PUD NO. 2 19 SOUTHLAKE JV. PUD NO. 2 20 SOUTHLAKE JV. PUD NO. 2 21 SOUTHLAKE JV PUD NO. 2 22 SOUTHLAKE JV. PUD NO. 2 23 SOUTH LAKE JV. PUD NO. 2 24 SOUTH LAKE JV. PUD NO. 2 25 SOUTHLAKE JV. PUD NO. 2 26 BARFIELD BUILDING CO. PUD NO. 2 27 MITCHAM HOMES PUD NO. 2 28 SOUTHLAKE JV. PUD NO. 2 29 SOUTHLAKE JV. PUD NO. 2 30 CALAIS CONST INC. PUD NO. 2 31 CHATEAUMAR HOMES INC. PUD NO. 2 32 LAVENDER, H. PUD NO. 2 34 SOUTHLAKE JV. PUD NO. 2 35 SOUTHLAKE JV. PUD NO. 2 36 SOUTHLAKE JV. PUD NO. 2 (me 1 7C-5 '~ t' '� THE NELSON CORPORATION • D A L L A S, TEXAS p::a Pi i! lir 1'. tc, I!O1IIIHIIH!!!IUIIIIIIHIIUII.IMM!UIUI11; + lai::: .Ia;li'i�; y � � _ � IIIII1II�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1h •i= •1 it slit/ ` 4 N 'n .. faa ••rt:'i.{ �\ .145 7 ««r R e 'R.R«k ill '- 'a is.:ii% m s - j. -� I���III I II 11 I (�I�II �IIIIIII 9h �i i.,If-I P : ' ;, 1-.'`ti: . - a -: : _/ III I II_III._II I I • IF;. - I:11 11-7, - i {? 8+; y ` y`•f, y - w. t aIWa ai 16 11111 ` `uI c 1I �? '• -t !I ii? I .�lIt a: . . 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N: .0. -- • .... - Pt .1.116. c -�t I •*l.'`�s' +,`so4i\` , 'e:, f`r "t3µ t "'=i,r'N if sa 'Se ii --L-f-I - Ri: ,.,i z� - ,t —.s•h� w ("; allnin A ill", _th 17 414 .' ".1.:"-i.!. 1mi' ''' '. ,‘ •, C I �i= N i S'.+�i'! . \\�•r?`,� � `` •rY �.1t.• �,. • `awe s •era ... ili : .Ail ...,' • i'44 're. •••p ar • attitir II ;`,i:,,,,,. ;tit.i; 1...Z;.:,,,,,AH, A, ,',4 4p, .;• , ' s.. -- 'I .:.'"- r-.' 1 // 1 %_/ i- • iT a m- .Y- ; - :1 as' Z [ A •.4.• 'i: c.;�.•• E. .. , , 1• ... - mat.. MIA El V MI. T 7`"CONTINENTAL BLVD. I. + tE EF ..„� mar IS 1_ p . F+ �♦ . ~ ",- .. 3 m• YMfif f R _. 1feIC�JIJT - --`rl' Zi '-_ C - v 3 _� i '� e ■ a• tics r•eccu real r g ' i 1rEb A \` > iiSac - - n 1- a 7•Y I r•� .W ,_, p ''!• "CrS8ORC Cr wp%/TCESBuec VAT i ''' a PRINCE CSORCE Cr. -C._.- -_}------ �i. = :•-' n .� � f,, 1--____:'' - BLACK I t .„ L , 5 1'eF 1 -2 w-> �1 :Err rmrtxrt-xx.t.c:.=: :.:s::=...c: ...._«...»s...a_cai:J\_ i(r8 I _iiii i` -t om ,: h ,=I o,,t =a APPROVED FINAL PLATr � , 7C-4 • City of Southlake,Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No:Zak2141.5 Review No: Two Date of Review:3/14/97 Project Name:Plat Revision-Lots 47R& 63R, Block 2 of Timber Lake.Phase 5 being 9.0796 Acres located in the P.J.Hyde Survey,Abstract No.667 APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Ti�Residential Association.Inc. Post.Buckley.Schuh and Jernigan.Inc, 15811 W tarkway.Suite 100 5999 Summerside Drive, Suite 202 15248 Dallas,Texas 75252 Fhonr<7" 490-3255 Fax: Phone:(972)380-2605 Fax (972)380-4581 Attn: Scott Ramsey COFFER Tie ITY Ma HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 3/10/97 AND WE SWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT AppurvAt,IneasS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. 1. A"Certificate of Taxes Paid"must be provided to the City prior to filing this plat in the County records. • * Original signatures and seals will be required on three blackline mylars prior to filing the plat. Also required are two sets of owner's dedications and notaries(8.5" x 11" or 14"paper)with original signatures and seals on each. Mylars will not be accepted if any erasures or original ink, other than signatures or seals,appear on the plat. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Timberlake Residential Association,Inc. Post,Buckley, Schuh&Jernigan,Inc. Larry G.&Diana L. Howard L:1WP-FIL 1R1;v 7015PRI.DOC 7C-6 r.saass. POST. BUCKLEY. SCHUH Is JERNIGAN. INC. DALLAS. TEXAS I ill ; 1' ' I il tdd iiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiifii CoiI• i I. i t.� iia Di ; rI IIIIIIIIuJIIIIIIIIuhIIIIIIIi if } `` ; _1 t _ _ '#_� IIIIIIIIIIIIIiIiIIiIIIIIIIIII' I a 1 IL A E 1 1 1 re ,��! a IbiliiiltlltUEiiitiiffilttttl t t I i I ! I I di i . ,1 i rlif., WNW li If t I I r ` p .� .if k so_ . NI I v . 4 .., '/, I. l'k i i 1111 I it ��? "-,, * - _ 1, - i `+a 1,I . -/ Il4iiii, ` 111 1 4 . i ,,' '.„„.-,, Ii.;iiti,,, ,t0.4,„ is ,..., ti. ' I . \ \,\I: = III\ � , . rotw i:,,,,,',1011\A‘' .*::4;4":74.10":114,14111: i \ . :-. ‘,10 -0 Ai* 1 - 4' to 77r'f -«- c ` \ g Ilii I '"4: 04 i 1 -: , 1 t, \ (t44.11/41114171t 1 i I 1111 % ‘11111 A ...... y. , / ..,, Its I .07/1411 . ll I i ,41IV:ai - 11111 " 411r/ ' e 14pir -it'&111.44===,—- tiiF It ,: '' )gri ftglal : , _,.‘ ... Ikk_ '- ...-- Iii )k 8 II ffl. T i a r•AI. t* 3 ... ■ ... + 4111 I. l IIlitilI `3�►BIB 3 'Q:�� ` ' `« ` = (.." , up J " - 7C-7 • City of Southlake,Texas STAFF REPORT March 14, 1997 CASE NO: ZA97-005 PROJECT: First Reading / Ordinance No. 480-231 Rezoning and Site Plan/Professional Office Building STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Planner I, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Concept Plan of Tract 1A in the A. A. Freeman LOCATION: Survey, Abstract No. 522, and being approximately 1.344 acres. 1302 West Southlake Boulevard and approximately 390' east of the intersection of Southridge Lakes Parkway and West Southlake Boulevard(F.M. 1709). OWNER: Jerry Black APPLICANT: Medical Air Services Association CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District REQUESTED ZONING: "S-P-1" Site Plan District limited to "0-1" Office District uses LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential (may include limited low intensity office and/or retail uses) CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Residential (any Single Family District) NO. NOTICES SENT: Eleven (11) RESPONSES: Eight(8) responses were received within the 200' notification area: • William D. Maxwell, 1304 Normandy Drive, Southlake, opposed. "I strongly oppose the development of this property as indicated, this is a residential area and should not be developed as commercial." • Kenneth and Sharon MacMorran, 1202 Sabine Court, Southlake, opposed. "An office building surrounded by residential property is inappropriate." Resident Kenneth MacMorran has also submitted letter. See attached letter. • Frank Esposito, 1300 Normandy Drive, Southlake,opposed. "My home overlooks this area. I purchased because of the zoning and 8A-1 City of Southlake,Texas the view. Granting a variance violates the trust of a new home buyer. I intend to vigorously defend my position to keep the integrity of my community." • Southridge Lakes HOA, William Kemp, 4835 LBJ Freeway, Ste., 600 LB, Dallas, TX 75244, opposed. "Contrary to Land Use Plan and corridor ordinances." • William Leary, 1204 Sabine Ct., Southlake, opposed. "Proposed rezoning is inconsistent with the corridor overlay land use recommendations and the Master Plan." • Kenji Mizuno, 1212 Normandy Drive, Southlake, opposed. "I want to keep the site residential." • Gary G. Buckmaster, 712 Stratford Drive, Southlake, opposed. • Gloria and Brian Anding, 1210 Normandy Dr., Southlake, opposed. See attached petition. Two (2)responses were received outside the 200' notification area: • Richard Ponder, 1200 Sabine Court, Southlake, opposed. "Currently shown as medium density residential under master land use plan and corridor overlay land use. All property around site is residential in use. A 10,000 sq. ft. 2 story bldg in residential is totally unacceptable." • Laila Zarroua, 1308 Normandy Drive, Southlake, opposed. "Please keep residential area residential area." A letter stating opposition has been received with twenty-four (65) signatures. Seven(8) residents are within the 200' notification area. Seventeen(57)residents are outside the 200'notification area. Letter states, ". . . we do not believe that the requested rezoning of this property is in the best long term interest of the city or its residents . . ." See attached letter with signatures. P&Z ACTION: February 20, 1997; Public Hearing continued to March 6, 1997 due to Resolution 95-24. March 6, 1997; Motion to deny failed (3-4). Approved (4-3) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated February 28, 1997, allowing variances as proposed on Item #la (4' Stone Post/Steel Fence in lieu of "Fl" fence with 8' screening), Item #lb (40' building setback along east and 25' building setback along west in lieu of 4:1 slope), Item #lc (27 parking spaces instead of required 42 parking spaces), Item #ld (no loading space instead of the required one loading space), and Item#le (driveway being 108' from existing off-site residential driveway to the east instead of (We required 500'); applicant to work with adjacent home owners to the north on fence gap; provide 3' berm and evergreen plantings along 8A-2 City of Southlake,Texas the north; eliminate, frost, or raise windows of the second floor on the north side of the building so that a 6' person cannot see out; lower building height by 3'; screen view from the north side of balcony. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all items in Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated February 14, 1997 and Site Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated February 28, 1997, with the exception of those items in the attached Site Plan Review No. 3 dated March 14, 1997. L 8A-3 G 00DwiN CIVIL ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS ARSHALL January 27, 1997 To: City of Southlake Community Development Department From: Goodwin& Marshall RE: A Professional Office Building on a 1.334 acre tract Attached is a list of intended uses for which Medical Air Services plans to utilize for the above referenced site. L R C'D JAN 2 7 1997 8A-4 6001 BRIDGE STREET, SUITE 100 / FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76112 / 8 1 7-429-4373 (METRO) te SECTION 18 0-1 OFFICE DISTRICT 41. 18.1 PURPOSE AND INTENT-This district is a commercial category designed and intended for the exclusive use of office and office related activities. It is established for and will capable of supportingbe allocated to those districts commercial activity of an office character. 111. It is envisioned as possessing a lower overall intensity of use and development when compared to other commercial categories. It isparticularlywell-suited for environmentally sensitive areas and those sites in which natural limitations make full area utilization infeasible. It has been established to encourage and permit general professional and business offices of high site quality and appearance, in attractive landscaped surroundings with the types of uses, and design exterior appearance so controlled as to be generally compatible with existing and future adjacent and surrounding residential development. This district should generally be located in areas abutting arterial and/or collector streets which are, because of location and development trends,suitable for the establishment of office uses that 111 are compatible with residential uses thereby maintaining the character and integrity of existing and developing neighborhoods. This district is also ideally located in transitional areas between commercial and residential development which is adaptable to occupancy by certain office uses. The ultimate development within this zoning category must provide a low intensity of land usage and site coverage to enable the site to retain its park-like image. 8.2 PERMITTED USES a. Office Uses 1. Accounting and tax preparation; 2. Adjustment and collection services; • 3. Advertising agencies; • - 4. Architecture; 5. Banking; - • 6. Billpaying 3CrVicc3; 7. Business corporate headquarters (when used for office purposes only); ..8. Business holding and investment servioes; • 9. Chamber of Commerce; RECD JAN 2 7 1997 � 8A-5 1111 • O. Chiropractors; Pli 11. Computer oorvicca; reporting;Consumer and mercantile credit 13. Contractors offices (provided no outside storage or display is permitted); t 14. Dcnti3t3; 15. Duplication and mailing 3crvices; 16. Employment c,ervices; 17. Engineering; 18. Financc; 19. Interior design; - 20. Land surveying; 21. Law; 22.—Management-eensultents; 23. Optometrists; business21. Other offices of a providing fabrication,including the retail sale, -nurchandise,-- 25. Phy3ician3; 26. PodiatLista, 28. P3ychologists; television29. RadIo recording and •30. Real estate and inzarance, j 8A-6 Pli 31. Sav'ings-ead Lean; offices; 33. Stenographiccervices; 34. Title companies; •35. Travel bureaus-er services; -36. Utility offices; b. Commun cility Uses 1. Public, semi public and private-parks; 2. Recreation and open apage to inolude playgrounds,grounds, parkways, greenbelts, 3. Libraries; _. . . . . 18.3 ACCESSORY USES -In addition to those accessory uses specifically authorized in Section 34 of this ordinance,any use may be established as an accessory use to a permitted use when it complies with the conditions for an accessory use as defined in this ordinance. 18:4 SPECIFIC USE PERMITS - Specific use permits may be approved by the City Council following a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission as specifically authorized in Section 45 of this ordinance,subject to full and complete compliance with any and all conditions required in Section 45, together with any other conditions as the City Council may impose. Any use accessory to an approved specific use permit shall be permitted without specific approval if it complies with the conditions for an accessory use as defined in this ordinance. (As amended by Ordinance No. 480-C.) 18.5 DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS-In this district,the following development regulations shall be applicable: L 8A-7 , . . , 4..Y. ... Alp , ., ,4_,.,,,. , -... r.0.,N...•1 ..*". V.):... .:". "PAW'1.1-Z.,.rs I. • . . • 7! r 4 -,,'r-•,,,=:----.• .1,- , 4 , , • - ,,,ss., nt"%7,... '-;`#...', 1" ..t; f.4.e.:'''.t.'. I ''•64. • •••-i r I/•,Ns•Ai,.A4! .,Iii- • I....7-„, '..•.•• ,!...•,:•41. .:. ,. „e.g. -a,, .. . . g- .. 1, to:vo ..,••• -1„ y t , .-yr , .n.. .-. -.k. .f., ki ..,.4,, -;:,„. ,..,,,-- ,--t-01..,1 ...akti.,:-...i,•••/di-. "' '*' lit; ‘';'''' 1`I 1 r ''' .p.. - -7-1:- ..,, .. NY ''.- . • , ..c,,.,,... . ,...A.-tc.411 ii %. ,;-,, •-;_r ••, -4, ,..... .0.-IF••• ... .,.44**1 if ,.f..'i•;;,.. ti;t4,11Ltr ...ifikay.ri'i . ir-S.r4-7-.t •-•Z ,,Z.‘,,,,' -14...;;;Pie.‘ Vo ' <-• t.,-, ' .,---4 ;,.3... . 1 -4" Y41„..,,_il.**a.r....- 1.' -" -k.,... , I , -Ar'-'. ,,4*-•,-...,-.4: ' -,,, - '!' ..." 'I,*. 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TEXAS Rv;-,...u(vD ',, ANi 2 7 1997 -6) Fernandez Architects 8A-8 1017 BLUE LAKE DRIVE • FORT WORTH , TEXAS 76103 • ( 817 ) 486 0307 • MEDICAL AIR SERVICES ASSOCIATION PROPOSED EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING (re VARIENCES REQUESTED: 1. SECTION 43.11 non-residential building required setbacks based on 4:1 slope and 40 'building setback from property lines pertaining to the proposed developement's west and east property lines only. This prohibits all but the smallest of single story structures, much smaller than the surrounding residential structures. 2. SECTION 39.4 Non-residential use 8'-0" high required screening requirement as it pertains to the west property line and a portion from the southeast corner of the proposed (mise developement. This requirement create a very harsh barrier to the west adjacent to the recreational area (pond and tennis courts) . To the southeast corner a common access easement will be required to serve any future developement, this is also where a drainage creek is located, plus we are proposing to provide a vehicular traffic gate in this area to' prevent unwanted after hour passge to the rear parking area, in response to comments from the residents in the area. 3. SECTION 35.6.B Required parking based on building floor area criteria rather than actual staffing requirements of the proposed development. Maximum staff requirements for parking spaces are 27. L 73 . L. :o Q JD b D D L - a n a- i ita - - 0 7 — , D Q = ,_7in et I ❑^ D 0Os IIIIl11IIII a a ctø: trim I _ � D • UI e In 'SL ., o D D 0 . `c'` IT 4 0 r° ,° El f. L e _ 00 l o t •►_, _. c N� a .a ___.% D z n oo6 (AD 11► i . in.. a Q i �Is : •• .. — BID O id, 11.1 ' �O ® A � - I q q U/ p O - X Q y co ill O .aa C cc f i'9t5-‘ in 2 86- ETO~ 2 WW t1oOOoo � - a J U u u 1 % , I I . I ❑ ❑n ❑n ❑ 1 o I I i t 1 1 n i 1 -M pit! T111 r1 ., . . 0 ilium 1 LD0 : f hi:e. ______ ,_ 0 e, 0 Lo o ___ o i o 00 t1 iod. j Io,, IIto to 1 o u U L� 1- in Y L 8A-10 'fix a i,,-` ,. ..7;,i_. •l 5,. a ♦ C� 11/ r 'fir• • 'k, +. „t, . � t ` ,fi r. ' "w�•'' , k'•Nt. .I l •¢ 1 [ ......:' ' * . ' kj. .. "' '.1.• .„ii •Lt`' • •••• . 1 ! %,", • 14.'4 1 •. ','• '. - 4 ) . . tist42(k.‘''' •n , i Ls r Z _ ...' r -err it • •lel,. . .,s4r,:: ..' ;' _ : „ 445154' • pl. r',•i..11,4, '' ": 4 '..'•.1.. ' . ''' ..,4 1 ft-, is • . •• • !a-zi ), • ..,,.1.,,,,..:5.1 ......,,..t‘3, • t;,.. ,•_-Nir4-.r.t..,..,:,.. •.•,,0,4,.,..• •ct ...,, -...,..YL,I....... •• . ' • i . . • - 1 . , • f • , '. '% 1 .,. ,fill', . .t df f ( a ,_!-,>, 1 ,., , tir•� L •. •} i ry 0 iit y O J r�" .•. a '-•t.• li I �i r !•'-f Oar •: _'i/. t!. 1 •..7i+ c•_••' 1-:. i. • ,�u�� � -n •� .. ',...a Ae • , fin.• �4 •. 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L 8A-12 . 1 N 2.L�(J February 10, 1997 (illore Mr.Joe Wright Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Mr.Wright, In the summer of 1990, my wife, Sharon, and I moved from Dallas to 1202 Sabine Court in Southridge Lakes. What initially attracted us to Southlake was the quality and style of living offered by both the community and the Arvida development. Before purchasing our home, we carefully checked the surrounding property to ensure it was zoned residential, which it was. Soon afterwards,the City of Southlake completed a land use plan which further restricted and guaranteed the land adjacent to our property for residential use. Recently,the P&Z was notified of a proposed zoning change to a portion of the land from AG to 0-1 (ZA96-158). The proposed plan for the property was presented by the developer and his client, Medical _ . Air Services Association, at the P&Z meeting on January 9,1997. Almost sixty residents from three different developments (Ginger Court, Stone Lakes, and Southridge Lakes) submitted a signed petition to the P&Z voicing opposition to the change from AG/Residential to 0-1. After lengthy discussion, the Board requested that the developer meet with the residents and help address their concerns and re-submit under an SP-1 zoning change. The developer has yet to contact me or conduct a meeting with the homeowners most affected by this change. During a Southlake City Council meeting when Gary Fickes was mayor,the Council affirmed that strip zoning of F.M.1709 would not be tolerated. Consequently, the land use plan was created to designate locations appropriate for commercial development. Please remember that several houses have been built along West Southlake Blvd. (F.M 1709)in Stone Lakes, Myers Meadow, and Timber Lake since 1990. My request is simple-follow the Plan,and reject indiscriminate strip zoning. Doing so will result in a community we can all be very proud to call home. Should you have questions or wish to discuss the matter further, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you for your sincere interest and concern. Respectfully, 'QY.,.‘._CY)^‘?,7\---___ Ken MacMorran %ZOZ- SAgir/ 1 C. L REC'D F E B 181997 8A-13 ` / lull • 16 February, 1997 (imie City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Attn: Planning and Zoning Commission Mr. Chairman and Commissioners: We are writing to you concerning the requested zoning change of 1.344 acres at 1302 West Southlake Boulevard from "AG" to "SP-1" with "0-1 uses", Reference No. ZA 97-005. We commend the Planning and Zoning Commission's desire to pursue a compromise on this issue that will satisfy all parties. However, we do not believe that the requested rezoning of this property is in the best long term interest of the city or its residents for the following reasons: 1. Both the Master Land Use Plan and the Corridor Overlay Land Use Recommendations specify that this property will be zoned medium density residential. While it is currently zoned (my "AG", its current use is residential which is consistent with the Master Plan and Recommendations. Allowing an office to be constructed on this property is clearly inconsistent with the Master Plan and Recommendations and provides a foothold for commercial development in this area. The adjacent 3.5 acre parcel east of the subject property will likely be the next to request rezoning to allow commercial development. It will be very difficult to prevent the commercial development of the adjacent 3.5 acre parcel after an office is constructed on the subject property. 2. The proposed rezoning is clearly inconsistent with the surrounding land use. All adjacent properties are residential, both in zoning and use. 3. Residents in the surrounding community are overwhelmingly opposed to the construction of an office building on this property. A petition opposing the previous rezoning request(ZA 96-158)contained the signatures of 58 residents of the surrounding community. This petition was provided to the Commission during the January 9, 1997 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Please note that the petition opposes the construction of an office on the subject property and remains valid even though the Applicant has changed his requested zoning from "0-1" to "SP-1". Additional copies of this petition will be provided at your request. L REC'D F E B 1 81997 8A-14 . / L4. Traffic congestion is already a problem on the section of Southlake Blvd. fronting this property due to the traffic light at Southridge Lakes Parkway. During rush hour traffic, cars back up to the subject property making access to and egress from the property difficult. An increase in the number of vehicles accessing the property that will result from its use as an office will create additional traffic congestion and a potentially dangerous situation that could result in accidents in the future. In addition, the driveway does not comply with Driveway Ordinance No. 634 because it is only 108 feet from the driveway on the ajacent property to the east. Ordinance 634 requires 500 feet minimum spacing between full access driveways intersecting Southlake Blvd. It is not clear how the Applicant plans to address this issue. 5. Placing an office in the middle of a residential neighborhood creates a host of potential problems including uncontrolled use of the subject property after business hours, uncontrolled access to the adjacent residential properties at all hours, compromised privacy of the surrounding residential properties, and noise pollution. We should not be misled into believing that these problems will be prevented using controls such as an electric gate to control vehicle access. The owner will have no motivation to keep a vehicle gate operational that he installed solely to satisfy the concerns of the surrounding residents during the rezoning hearing. 6. This property is clearly unsuited for the proposed use. A two story structure is necessary to (hiw, meet the developer's building space requirements due to the property's size and shape. A two story structure creates numerous significant problems. The developer will not be able to meet slope setback requirements for both the east and west property lines with a two story structure and has requested a variance. Setback requirements are necessary to ensure that the appropriate building density and ambiance is maintained in our community. Setback requirements also help preserve the privacy of the surrounding properties. We are opposed to the granting of this variance. In addition, multi-story commercial buildings are not appropriate adjacent to residential properties for reasons of appearance and privacy. It will be an invasion of our privacy to have the building's occupants looking into our back yards from their second floor picture windows. If allowed, this will be the first multi-story commercial structure fronting residential property along Southlake Blvd. L 8A-15 • Finally, if the rezoning request is approved, the current owner will sell the property, collect his Lmoney, and leave the community. The residents of this community will have to live with the impacts of the zoning change forever. While the Commission's compassion toward this land owner is understandable, we do not believe that a decision that benefits only this owner to the long-term detriment of the rest of the community makes sense. Accordingly, we urge you to deny the requested zoning change when it comes before the Commission on 20 February. Thank you for your support. Adjacent Residents (see attached signatures) L L 8A-16 Residents Opposed to the Rezoning of 1302 West Southlake Blvd. from AG to SP-1 erence No. ZA 97-005) signature signatureAt' -7! r name `�064,2A) � � name ►z N f". I-/TZ /4- l C L address /26r, _fAii/4/ & ,JMTf1VNio- address j 20 s�}1�jw� C signature signature CI 1444 .my �( d2ed4e.Le name I.'9/ 7/1 / '/t//2f/r name CA.Mt ri L. 6le40 L address (j address /Z0f iYie ( f. signatur signature ,1( //// '• name c.2N1,'fr Za S name tint int Mitt address o f c ,SG u+krtd e, LiCS f ddress I ;.0( signature signature name ° " —S c_Wria(1 it/(13‘51119 /11"-aki address address /070 j� iasignature signature name 1 (� 0name c_ e,0 eAk. F(_._ address 1_/¢` 411 e C S kk address /0,1 ` ,Sl take_ L 8A-17 Le Residents Opposed to the Rezoning of 1302 West Southlake Blvd. from AG to SP-1 (Reference No. ZA 97-005) signature signature name l ( i rt name. ii c S --.776 .X.5 address (SO (c" tga{ a. .._ address f co 6// h2 c5 signature 11104 , J( _ signat name .�/llaje bathn name -/"4Gj�► �T/L,_es address 300 ah 1 C address /00 ,/4/6 A2 G'saGlig7- signature signature name L i, ,- name jart,.t address ll- 0 6 /„5,C, address S s O GI CSC& CO U(u signature signature /I/ name M 1 ,i n, 5-f(,( V7 c u�� name de;11 Z,1l U address /06 G/ nL.-CA.- Cr- address 500 I ., ept Li C signatureb,i)L.M,Y)(.0i.k, signature iDCLOR-111\ C� name 6.)(\( l f i f Q- (jv name °.. Lt N.c. ,42 ,- address ZO C/M E/e Q1 .j, address O t n 20 cuk k -i` L 8A-18 • LResidents Opposed to the Rezoning of 1302 West Southlake Blvd. from AG to SP-1 (Reference No. ZA 97-005) signature signature 9ei „led,- nameB 4 name Sni // address //!! J id I5 et e/-- ?..c.S47) f9'/ %I�j e Y address �6 �/� VV signature .4.c. -"-- - --- signature 4,(xtl m-4 Ya t'1 name ‘%S/ 16 1-a name LeSiti ni. fCran2 address 15-0 6-;,, f/ C.:1" address C 50 6/69-ev a signature Ilk i, signature 4.8t-4-sek. name t t i GOI/) name 2)46 /vU(J Giq address KOC714/\ 01J- address /.5) 6//<J(ce c.4 signature� signature name kilr e.n. -kr' S name L'i'd 74/-G address35(' C i rt- -e,( - r. address /103 ra S11)- signature ? JYY1J) signature , �,f/I0fr,-----_ . name Q S (C name t_Arill u , address '3 �- i(e) k nCQ el r(', Q address /4 S{ � CRAttr Id* (,(AicQS� t L 8A-19 Residents Opposed to the Rezoning of 1302 West Southlake Blvd. from AG to SP-1 (Reference No. ZA 97-005) signature signature name G. oar,id Clef-lc_ name S h a.►-o n A.. L' 1 a.Vic address Gs Dori tee, G._ address 0 56,44444e 11c 7609 signature ��..y7g i signatur , name RAit)k 4 ' '1®Z name address 4/42 -�vTyero6 /4.5 y av address a C t ( �- , � �tX Won signature , qjik signature ) name au) lypa - name /./ 52 e M /t'7 R C. address 4/c ;4 �i. ,b ® / address /a( - Brri zo S ,fir. 7U09c) signature G. )%.'7 .. signature name IGyoillGL ll irS" alii►idx) name g l'i?jjr 9rr .rj ri address 102 v,,,v , CT address 3 Q 3 ( QV N J signature 41 signature name Anne E. O name /� (Irii — address i 31 20:Pe.cos1)f- address /419 7 Ads -Z-1 .. 061,wce—r,,7 609,, 8A-20 Residents Opposed to the Rezoning of 1302 West Southlake Blvd. from AG to SP-1 (Reference No. ZA 97-005) signature 1/46, signature3/2_04.....i name ✓ Jr,/ c IJQJqa ((AA) name Sa�� 455 Cu- address god k/e.bevcv Gt. address 01. /'/e.Z signature signature name 1Ll (Ala/ 5;42 �rt V Y) name 6- L ( JPJ ,¢p address 1 D Z /)rl at, 6 Y, address kior fiC S/ L signature/�! gn �.. signature ..��_ name .tilt c4fs t- to. t i€R t.c_ name CAI/Ida Yv 9 address Alpq, hec—s tj)10 en address f7 9 f re c /o a. signature signatu name _ jPT.1- LD , �jq��-p}J _ name , CI address /I Og -selen5. address i so S (0 RI'tL Cour signature signatur 6 name �b 1\ 1$0 name ( J I address 120(o ?7OV Covert address 016 Cr 8A-21 Residents Opposed to the Rezoning of 1302 West Southlake Blvd. from AG to SP-1 (Reference No. ZA 97-005) signature t0 o(-4",) signature /S(341,2, name Don tk. ,1orotilm name ,1.y L J4'vi address I tog Coci c a address YOO Pon Icy CA ' signature signature . ` name -J - 4 1? M, /Zi t, d name c S e4,P N--l /� e S. Se address /G / ' 4 d49�a.S ek• address zoo /.J a.i l ia y"c.!'' ��,, signature g /�v4e.e ��,� signature ��2l ,A ,Aname Adige,ci[ J�i�c� � name address Ida 6. �ecas b r 1 ve address / Z'a Z tii V signature signature E- t T CIA ??1/ gii:e-/-2 name aA Lc tGH name Jy P2Rb-"' address Ano So c t W'ti r' � LC.<1 6 address /)-1' ii eiA/2 .Or. G CD' 'I signature signature name Lam& vo(L-K name PAv L, A• cc A - c-E•tarteivusw 4,0,L•He _ address CIA- b2b2ce7 address 203 So u-r 4 it IDCtc, Lk5 ptc wy L 8A-22 Cie Residents Opposed to the Rezoning of 1302 West Southlake Blvd. from AG to SP-1 Reference No. ZA 97-005) signature signature r name V1 l S name /6. le e.0 411-c-/ cJJ ( I address c address i.�b/ `f '� _7 �� cro p�' / 7 76 signatureo& p {�� signature -4 , name A Gq c+ l 71* b v, name ! 114-tz c a F2s2( `Cf ,./No-s address DOL9 %cx& e; Q, \---fieS address ( r signature N ) signature /)a-24.,AeOffiett., name Q c-'ves? name 1J 41CAlge address Mb address // Sign i1,MGwvo 1 - r) signature - signatur name Afn -c�`R-.c./D c,Q ras,/ name ow '/ A DA A-1(e address l (0) $ 67 c1 . address .PA �c� 2,K-u‘ et<t- signature 6 signature name etc e1S name address //a ) e,)CCyy C7 address 8A-23 Residents Opposed to the Rezoning of 1302 West Southlake Blvd. from AG to SP-1 (Reference No. ZA 97-005) signatu signature name Qe e$ name r--- ff address 105 SC�to-(to ft) C . address signature signature name name address address signature signature name name address address signature signature name name address address signature signature name name address address 8A-24 (kw, Residents Opposed to the Rezoning of 1302 West Southlake Blvd. from AG to SP-1 (Reference No. ZA 97-005) signatinin_ signature name I, ,,v Qe$ name address 1 d Cto-N.10,C;,1 ft c address signature signature name name address address signature signature name name address address signature signature name name address address signature signature name name address address 8A-25 Adjacent Residents Opposed to the Rezoning of 1302 West _Southlake Blvd. from AG to SP 1 (Reference No. ZA 97-005) signature WA/ 1.0.47-- signature name Vi alla n 12. Leary/ name C4 d address (U4'1 dah/h.0 Cf address I /Ua✓•fr► Q1/1 signa signature dj4 "&rvN- name C5 4k( ;ID name A i i s o,,, L ems✓ address` 3bO ilrr anc!_ �l�' address (a-o signatures !8?-L4. /`_ 61C signature /C/o' 1Lo)49eja-: name r—/..WO r2/Y2/krA0('n017 ge.Diname GvcLc,c/f--rvi. P . i Q l.4-)6g.Q address a (cAI4 K • C/H ti address 13O 5L tier✓ nn ) /-, signature signature A name 4iik.H A ti name O O&R' address /l'o ^/oAMa,.d.-1 ,- address L.36 • 4.Q 1-kk•tl (-4bt....<•owrt4"^S signature `� - signature Iv.c : a (< elf-0-1 1P name1<e., 0\-1 Zit n O name 1,t/ (i itk address 7 3 5 L 6 Z1 2 kips^ address L 8A-26 (... Adjacent Residents Opposed to the Rezoning of 1302 West Southlake Blvd. from AG to SP-1 (Reference No. ZA 97-005) signature,. signature F2f- 11V Tspos;ro name 13 00 Aid t,,,, ->„i y Dr;Ve name address CO✓/1/7/ACC Ti( 76O 9 address signature,.. signature name SXaron mete ilt o r yi AA name address /2O 1 $q4 i n e G f: address Sog44rh l t.K'Q, T X 1 G o f L signature signature name 1<L t T c M 1\e- v(l,t A,) name address 12 O 1- S A(5 VN) ( c l, address f signature 'r�vr.t Q— L, signature name A M1S C- i-.(4...C C/1/4 name address 2O SQ z_a)c- 4,4_,/ciEs, address signature signature name name address address L 8A-27 1 , Y._. ' J SINf1 Y A-JR 1 1 1 i 1 a i i i r t ; i =�.---- • i I i i��+T i �. ,A•,��: .` r i I( I "4--- 5.53 Ac 118 6A ii' I i I I i in„f'v .. N. j�lJ' '......„ 'c,,,' ....it ),` •i F i s Mdpi i i i i i i i .T` ``J-r"-: i �'_'- iA.C- IIC DE I i i i y 1 i...} r;- L`. i i i • - H"y"_. . i i i i t-.� ,,IS i i i 1_-i ; i ; t4'' Y'_ i i I ;� i i i ii ii _-. i,-. 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E 1.. _� ' `! • ;.36 Ac ,-�} .. 13 k a• IJ i UI ir- i 2 k .A.. i i i 'i Y ' ,� . ^IH p p IA2 163 Ell Sltt� _ ( _ 4 ''j� I 1 A'(i •-.. :A IA SA - ® -_- mcT T ?` 8 i 5 x 5 S'q�IN� at i ' 7,3 1. d, `'l. 13A ' I w 5R1B 16 = - 9 4 6 t ; %. j il r ' ANT r+ Y ri ril `' 3 s 3 7 t7 15 13B G +i N L 211 v `3 x b. Ir j 55�c .1� z ,in 1M SF-30 t c0 r 59 , 2 p. 8 i I EST. 15 M & la to % • 171 1 4 1 .P % »7 ,q. ' i 4R INTO x '16 R I r x CT c3 >< 12 2' O, 1 18 17 1 43 �rc—3o -; .W. Leary 11 400 K. Macmorran \„ .ram 1 iq 1K 1» , 3 ill 144 I- Southridge Lakes AG I Homeowners Assoc. 1 J. Alexander 2 I t 1 1 6 1 �� 3.5 AC 1 I _ _ _ -•-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - State of Texas �SOUTRT.AKE—SLYD r- 1 .. TR �B '� ---00 R 1 B — N718 0 .773 O I TR 1A2 1a IOC Si 03 +� ••• ss » m 1s: .088 0 TR 141A* X a YI C C 0740 1 8 17 16 - g ^ g ? a 10 9 8 ti • COW '` ` T3 N (9, Li: ]2 Cli .1 i 2 NORMANDY DR - ° Ill TR 1A TR 1Al 74 °f 1a 1.412 O 1.426 O as ., 3 ? _ 27 ? 28� 29 pU D 'a +o+ 11 32 35 u1 a 1'1 0 W a 10 ,as /7j 2 ip . ii. B 4 26 13,� R 12 b •0 1$ .r 1_ 1p or 14 , 5 ;� 25 1 p 11 4 '" 1st .0. .TN 2 1 .4' ITS SOS SPIN REPRESENTATIVE#13 .. 4, 'b 1 a 6 110 ` +=o �, I.. JIM GOGGIN , P 5 \ • \ t 2 1 ,,,,,. '� = a 7 ADJACENT OWNERS 6 s 14 1=1 AND ZONING ` �� 3 'L Kt MAYFAIR PL 's �,° 1 ' O,Q 11s 15 �� 2 7 City of Southlake,Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No:ZA97-005 Review No: Three Date of Review:3/14/97 Project Name: Site Plan for S-P-1 Zoning-Professional Office Building being 1.344 acres situated in the A.A.Freeman Survey,Abstract No.522 APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Jerry R. and Karen Marie Black Goodwin&Marshall,Inc. 1302 W. Southlake Blvd. 6001 Bridge Street, Suite 100 Southlake,Texas 76092 Ft. Worth.Texas 76112 Phone: Phone:(817)429-4373 Fax: Fax: (817)446-3116 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 3/10/97 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT (817) 481-5581, EXT.787. 1. The applicant has requested variances to the following requirements: a. An F 1 fence with 8'screening is required along the west property line. The applicant proposes a 42"Stone Post/Steel Fence. (P&Z Recommendation 3/6/97:Allow as proposed) * Please note that there is an existing 6' stockade fence,offset 5' north into the lots of Southridge Lakes and north of the north property line of this site. The construction of the 8' stone post wood fence for this site will result in a"vacant"5' strip of land.(P&Z Recommendation 3/6/97:Applicant to work with adjacent home owners to resolve gap) b. A 4:1 slope line building setback is required from the east and west property lines. The applicant proposes a 40' building setback line along the east and a 25' building setback line along the west. (P&Z Recommendation 3/6/97:Allow as proposed) c. 42 parking spaces are required. The applicant proposes 27 parking spaces. (P&Z Recommendation 3/6/97:Allow as proposed) d. 1 loading space is required. This should be shown in the Site Data Summary on the plan. The applicant proposes none. (P&Z Recommendation 3/6/97:Allow as proposed) e. According to the Driveway Ordinance No.634,the minimum spacing required between full access driveway centerlines intersecting F.M. 1709(Southlake Boulevard)is 500'.The proposed driveway is approximately 108'from an existing off-site residential driveway to the east. (P&Z Recommendation 3/6/97:Allow as proposed) 8A-30 City of Southlake,Texas 2. Correct the percentage of site coverage in the Site Data Summary to reflect percentage of lot area covered by the building footprint. 3. Delete "Development Regulations"chart from the plan. 4. Provide horizontal and vertical articulation of building facades according to the requirements of Ord. 480,Sect. 43.9.c.lc. Compliance with the requirements are as shown in the attached articulation evaluation chart. Additional P&Z Recommendations 3/6/97: 1. Provide a 3'berm with evergreen plantings along the north property line. 2. Eliminate,frost, or raise windows of the second floor on the north side of the building so that a 6'person cannot see out. 3. Lower building height by 3 4. Enclose the north side of the balcony. * The applicant should be aware that revised submittals for the next scheduled meeting must be received at the City by 5:00 PM on 3/24/97. If not received by that time,no review will be prepared until the following submittal schedule. All 17 revised submittals must be folded 6" x 9" and an 11" x 17" revised reduction must be provided. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan.A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * Please be aware that all mechanical units must be screened of view from residential property and F.M. 1709.Also,please note that the 8' screening shown for the dumpster must be constructed of a masonry material similar to the building and the dumpster must be gated. * A permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along F.M. 1709. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, and a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees,and related Permit Fees. * Denotes Informational Comment att: Articulation Evaluation Chart cc: Jerry R.and Karen Marie Black Goodwin&Marshall,Inc. Medical Air Services,Nine Village Circle, Suite 540,Roanoke,Tx. 76262,Ph. (817)430-4655 L:1WP-FILES\REV\97\97005SP 1.DOC C 8A-31 • Articulation Evaluation No. 1 Case No.ZA 97-005 Date of Evaluation:3/14/97 - evations for Medical Air Services Building ived 3/10/97 Front-facing: South Wall ht.= 24 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 72 29 60% Yes 72 29 60% Yes Min.artic. offset 4 10 150% Yes 4 8 100% Yes Min.artic. length 7 19 171% Yes 7 19 171% Yes L.Side-facing West Wall ht.= 24 Horizontal articulation - Vertical articulation R uired Provided Delta Oka ? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 72 38 47% Yes Min.artic.offset 4 15 275% Yes 4 7 75% Yes Min. attic. length 10 32 220% Yes Right-facing: East Wall ht.= 24 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation R ired Provided Delta Oka ? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 72 38 47% Yes Min.artic.offset 4 8 100% Yes 4 7 75% Yes Min.artic. length 10 32 220% Yes (.4ir-facing: North Wall ht.= 24 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 72 29 60% Yes 72 37 49% Yes Min.artic.offset 4 6 50% Yes 4 6 50% Yes Min.artic. length 4 8 100% Yes 9 15 67% Yes C 8A-32 do ]� �Kp+l c Q L6610 I triti 0,038' s it (� a�a�� 1:1 _L 6 alp- 5 i i fi = }. 'fp:= l,!II ; h I 1 a 0O:r:':':,' Is 03 s 11 i•t d fail: I MIMI! i .4,1 i !I hi, . ilii tit. ni.r 1� ! t pp aaaGa» t ! i3� 3t =ss sly. 3 ©0::��2 it I Es zaw-g NM i klij. iy 11.10 i 'u 111111 iii i4 MR 101:1 is s ill ------ i - ---------------------I j - ' I il .te lI ". g§ v. g I� I i *k 1014;;:‘ t. I� r3� I I _\ II i :1- * in' c, 4,1 . .. ........_, _...,•, u 11 i *,,, . z 4 \.4) i . —f — _ '41;k.-- „?' la 1 1@1 _ ,I11 $• II i ri -N.7...?... 14 1 5gii Ij i §444)* 1 A�, i • ....-...4 l'ttk,s: 4:4:4:4, /5 , '44. l E I i I------- .i II a d —Z— g� iY,y it _$ g w . a • Eli Et i !fin PIO a : ! +�_•fir':� 4 i u. ;Tir it i -, 1- G— - E'frit' b" ie eii % 141"4 C . Z 01 1 / �, • rigil � ' �>�: o 8 Nil 8A-33 wl.M✓M NM GI f.0{wlq.(.DI Y..a1/I ins ow /■� �.q�rI�CKA C t rIII .10.4 M•t1,aim; r10VC CAI siaal!Uaiy zapueuia-i "11"+1 »•+�•� , •,''.. H`i1,- ? • - I 1 I xatroarV my mean, i - 2 ci 1 I i I I o•> N r-- I I I o g i I i ^' 9t I I I �i Q ...... 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(se CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS v AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING ()? :s3 �N'P€s) 1,°1`. v 1 P'`; AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM z "' TO � < . ri:. % SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC -REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST,MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; (Fe PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as A District under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS,a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-231.SP 1 Page 1 8A-36 • (sir facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites;safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population,and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the-value_of the bitildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the-land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their ce original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land,avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed,are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989,as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed Cy and amended as shown and described below: Being a " 'Ole tract of land situated in th ' re ,b ',` ,FNo L:\CTYDOC S\ORD\CASES\480-231.S P 1 Page 2 8A-37 • until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10)days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance,as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: Li CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1997. MAYOR C L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-231.SP 1 Page 4 8A-38 (pe and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein,fro a; °I4 to ')(^9 ; Sj, 11:-:„9 ; as depicted on the approved Site Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B". Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs,sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. -—Section 4: That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed,with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets;to provide adequate light and air;to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population;and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water,parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the partbreicular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation,both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-231.S P I Page 3 8A-39 A 1-1'EST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY C.' L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-231.SP 1 Page 5 8A-40 • EXHIBIT"A" C BEGINNING at a 3/4" bolt found in the north line of F.M. No. 1709(Southlake Boulevard -called 130'R.O.W.)at the corner common to the southwest co rner of sa Black tract and the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block I'of Southridge Lakes Phase I d an addition to the City of Southlake, Tan-ant County, Texas as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 468 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 00°01'68"E(Reference bearing-Pei-Plat recorded in Cab. A, Slide 468, ), departing the north line of said F.M. No. 1709, along the east line of said Lot - 1, Block 1 of Southridge Lakes-Phase I, a distance of 416.49 feet(Deed 416.45 feet, Plat 416.32 feet) to a 5/8" iron rod with a plastic cap found at the corner common to the northwest corner of said Black tract and the southwest corner of Lot 9 of said Block 1 of Southridge Lakes-Phase I; THENCE N 89°55'06"E, departing the east line of said Lot 1, Block 1 of Southridge Lakes -Phase I, along the south line of said Lot 9 and Lot 10 of said Block 1 of LSouthridge Lakes-Phase I, a distance of 140.75 feet(Deed 140.7')to a 5/8" iron rod with a plastic cap found at the corner common to tract and the northwest corner of a tract of land desc bed in deed to of Black lW k Alexander and wife, Iva S. Alexander, recorded in Volume 2537, Page 188, DRTCT; THENCE S 00°01'08" W, departing the south line of said Southridge Lakes-Phase I along the line common to the east line of said Black tract and the west line of said Alexander tract, a distance of 415.54 feet (Deed 416.45 feet)to a 5/8" iron rod with a plastic cap found in the north line of said F.M. No. 1709, at the corner common to the southeast corner of said Black tract and the southwest corner of said Alexander tract, from which a 1/2" iron rod found bears S 24°12'15" E, 1.07 feet; THENCE S 89°32'00" W, along the north line of said F.M. No. 1709, a distance of 140.75 feet(Deed 140.7'feet) to the POINT of BEGINNING and containing 58,553 square feet or 1.344 acres of land. 1 C L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-231.SP1 Page 6 8A-41 .r. ..••it,•-••.L • / w.nu.u..n EXHIBIT "B" Q L6610 I aVW Q23a• _ 6,0-46 ' ( a. e: fE_ } t si 3 IiiiiIlia j l pi! i 1 sr. 4 :tj� s: 1jf": !i: . •`1 64 ®ECG^7CC3"� tp` g �? :s i Ali -B .s Iff.t #i: iisieo j .1 it mio�,I�zi! ! 1 11•j q ogiligi ; Deis NE AA._ ! is i ijil.1 i. ii 4L MOE f' �1 9 e rn 0 PIN ~ .S 11 „$ = sl ,S s`_sa !M ! I : 1! H ®ISINEG 11 e<r 1 i i f E.. ! Ki41 €s: i vi 11/0. illcy 12. iri`pp I P' ;, Oil g _ 0_ o . • ! _ 9 _ �SI©I is 6 g ie it L4 �e{J* L 4, lis8= :..e ti 111 :R�1g o£#tiff� i siEiE;: �i , ::fat •1iti 81 2-f ei :1 81111 rib I I I 11111 I I I F I I i:4 ' -,‘, II I I I! ..,,N\ , -‘4* I; a 4 SI.t b\N,, 5 1 i 1 II vs> xPa ri \ I� e� n i Ce I 1 i 19 fi ll \ o a I •' r.7 > • .r. — e .: ' 446 S . • ,,A_ 1 - 4, [b tl {7 a ;,^ p 53 $ a°• En g ��r►9 I .�Y a F p' .E .».a.n c7 W • _-7R u :- • .a .10...: ;--- lift t St F I p �g QI I I ' ":"...4,4,>„\\\*;'‘ IN. 6-.> , , .,I o I 14, u 11- I if. 4§F0.j _ I— �mI R k� F8 8 g 8p 1 t A 4 hagiii : 3 .v t ;'- :,! 4 '. . /14 BM.. 1Caap b p�y�5 1i 51 IRH �1•gg8•' Cie . ' z+u) =t, s PvtIONIPO Irr •�nr nwaa Alen jr�l w!8' , �`Y y ? illi itil CI iI 1I r j L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-231.SP 1 Page 7 8A-42 21-4.1:1721 1 k 1 i4 M 1 ..............r.! ........,-,,..4%. c.,1 , eilln.... CUM en.. itsa nee Y.31',IMO i.e. ....... Iv!, , , ft - 1- . ! . ,1 .-ii , w, ..:,:-....,_...a Ilt•-•ft I Min....MI so."R:J.:...., , ,* 14 v: 1 i , ! WM"401.....40:11 OKI 1.4=1 : < sioallgoiv zaou2iiiad ' ',.'‘ws':-i' I NOLVDOSSI COWS=IAN TV3KI:0; -I , 1! , 81 g 141 A i V Cie (8 f`-.. cr) . .Z. .- cr) 2 0 \ cc , czr 1 1 I , g I ( pz c._., .. ; l! • , III 1 ri 1 k2 1 i, tat i tt , tz .1 . I • .., • ., -- ...•...-,•-•- - , --,-- - • , i ' • MI i ,iiil' i I i i I A i I i i 1 .11="1191 . . i / .• ; .1 , .,..... • 1 1. , i 1 ' / .!1; : [IN . . . 11 II 1 /I • ' I- , ri, I : / INN 1I I z !!--.Ei:'1 i? 1 • • . 0, 1 _' . i' •--- I - •-••••a= .. , '' - =r • :::.-z! ! ilaai L12E01 . .., ,11 . /MOM i 1 1 1"."..1...... •_.---..... i I I II. /HIM:OPT 1"". I; it, , ::.i ,:::: I 1-1: ' I••••. 1 . I. ilL AN 8.41 co It 1 l'ir.:11. ISF.-7.1 11 i C) . , , 4 1 , 11 i .. ( .1. ..,, 1 1 i 1 n 1 II MIMS i! mmiiii ; I I '• • I• i. MIME I \ t . •. i , \ - i. . \ z \ 1 1! o _ - Ng <i• ;...1\ •. gli At .."-•• NMI -11 i ..., - .. k ...... I WI; e-----1 ------- 1! g 7 ' 1 li 1 7 i L , 3 ' , i' ....... / 1 (el • .......--, , 1-:CYDOCS\ORD\CASES1480-231.SPI - Page 8 _ 8A-43 ...„ ' tItO'. N�(T.4'+�✓J�tVJr w!wv�inwl iM. n� , NI='9 1 IA 12 1! f I I I 1 �+�QKt. !new 77J .1��^0 . I K4 uRl gat sioal!u�Jv zaQueuJati IN ygrrt��..�y�I � Sif! I i i m+.+acs+..ml aonrmn:os NIT. iT M ■ (09.' , 1 I ^ 1. I \/I ^ I b o i I 6 I1 i $ I I 1: � ¢ Q. I Q§ iI I ijl M I I cr,i.„ 1. [ Inn= .... rc II I PA1I f•. '. Y �'' +f . -w ,-.„-vd,' d' ;eWl`*a•- _.�y„.,:. Y.�.,.II _ I111'. {£Al.'�.. 1� ;I ?11,1 - 11 ii ! .. >, EI' 1'.I c, . ' I. ui 41 Egg I 'ii-- II I' 4 1. Sf 1 / . /.`I S, OCI:_ I I ) " OI I ,II I i1?1 I I UI ■1 ...I i 3Y i11.4_771,- i rL 1I,: ;P. i,r—lic i E,,,,,d Hii1 \ !? . : f I 1. ►::.. 1 ._=I z1 O. P i !D I. A='. i >I MINIM 1• . I wii I! 1 �I: ___i. I 01i i L _ . L:1CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-231.SP 1 Page 9 8A-44 { City of Southlake,Texas STAFF REPORT March 14, 1997 CASE NO: ZA 97-008 PROJECT: First Reading/Ordinance No. 480-232 Rezoning/Concept Plan/Shurgard Storage Center STAFF CONTACT: Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Planner I,481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Concept Plan of approximately 4.038 acres situated in the Thomas Easter Survey,Abstract No. 474. LOCATION: East side of Bank Street approximately 210' south of the intersection of Southlake Boulevard(F.M.1709) and Bank Street. OWNER: Gary Houdek APPLICANT: Shurgard Storage Center CURRENT ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District REQUESTED ZONING: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with "I-1" Light Industrial District uses. AMENDED REQUEST: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with mini-warehouse (self- storage center)use only CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Retail Commercial (same as in CS, 0-1, C-1, C-2, C-3, and B-1 districts) LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use(may include office buildings,hotels,and commercial and retail centers that serve local and regional needs) NO.NOTICES SENT: Twelve(12) RESPONSES: None P&Z ACTION: February 20, 1997; Public Hearing continued to March 6, 1997 due to Resolution 95-24. March 6, 1997; Denied(7-0). L 8B-1 City of Southlake,Texas STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all items in the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 1,dated February 14, 1997 and Concept Plan Review No. 2 dated February 28, 1997,with the exception of those items addressed in the attached Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3 dated March 14, 1997. L:\W P-FI LES\MEMO\97 CASES\97-008ZC.W PD 8B-2 L . a SHLRGARO 502 G7.1 I a::w�Oubv*c3.EYEy',cni.Tee Mt telephone:(817)26: 315:.tad. I F be(BM 318' February 28, 1997 Ms. Karen Gandy Zoning Administrator City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Southlake, Texas 76092 RE: City of Sonthiake Zoning Case ZA•97•008 Dear Ms. Gandy: We respectfully request that you amend our application to our use only. Thus, the application would be for SP-2, with mini warehouse use, i.e., self storage center. Sincerely, Ron Newhouse Director of Development As Owner,I concur: Mr. Gary Houdek Date: RN/ks 8 \991 L 8B-3 The 71)2 MAKENS COMPANY February 28, 1997 City of Southlake 1725 E. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Commissioners, For the last eight and one-half(8%2) years we have been marketing the 12.8 acres at the southwest corner of FM 1709 and Highway 114 in Southlake. Initially,we thought this site was a retail "power" center and accordingly, the property owner sought a zoning change from industrial to retail. Time and effort has shown our desired development to be wishful thinking. After countless conversations and site meetings with over 52 anchor retailers (i.e. Petsmart, T.J. Maxx, Linens N Things, etc.) we have come to the regrettable conclusion that this site is not a retail "power" center. All of these retailers contacted are either looking at the second phase of the Target Center in Grapevine, The Midland Development in Southlake, or The Rialto Development in Southlake. The following reasons were given as to why this site was not acceptable as a retail "power" center: 1. The site is too small and cannot accommodate more than three (3) anchors, which is not competitive with those sites which can accommodate several more and larger anchors. See Plan#1. 2. There is no traffic light at Bank Street and FM 1709 and because the Highway 114 frontage road is one way, their is no protected left turn out of the property. See Plan#2. 3. The primary visibility to FM 1709 is already taken by Texas National Bank and Kinder Care. It appears that this site may be conducive to office and possibly "limited" retail uses. By "limited" retail, I mean uses which are not extremely heavy with traffic flow(i.e. carpet store, furniture, etc.) or retail uses which have predominantly heavy morning sales (i.e. gas station, cleaners, donut shop, or even a health club). L 8B-4 2220 Airport Frwy.,Suite 400,Bedford, Texas 76022 Metro(817)540-3229 (214)696-0530 Fax(817)540-1583 City of Southlake February 28, 1997 Page 2 The land that we are proposing to sell to Shurgard is the southern portion of the property which is the deepest (east to west) portion of the property and the least visible from the corner of FM 1709/Highway 114. Since we are not able to build a retail "power" center due to lack of user's interest in this location, we don't need this land to accommodate an office development or limited retail development. See Plans#3 and#4. In fact, the proposed Shurgard development would prove to be an excellent buffer or transitional zone between the remaining general commercial and industrial activities which currently exist on the contiguous southern and western sides of this property. We feel that Shurgard would be an excellent use because of the following: 1. Shurgard is an excellent transitional zone from the existing industrial properties to the south and west. In addition, Shurgard will visually buffer the industrial buildings from those people entering the City of Southlake from on top of the bridge over Highway 114. See Photos#1, #2, #3 and#4. 2. Shurgard is a low density use from a traffic standpoint which should have less impact on this intersection as opposed to a large retail center. (per 3. With the high number of home based businesses in the Southlake are there is a g a, need for this product. Currently, this need is being satisfied in the City of Grapevine. 4. Shurgard will increase the tax base for the City of Southlake. 5. Shurgard has the reputation of being the "crème de la crème" of the mini- warehouse developers/owners. Sincerely, Jim Makens JM:ma enclosures d:thin\Shurgard L 8B-5 PLAN #1 L -., .. 8ltN K STD -:-:, --------\ -, „.____4 , I Iva) ; , ‘`/)4 4 ' ti s__i_ ...---- itt IS 1 4— I ,\./7' V 'c L 7" q -Pil .,' k----. :7' 4 ‘7, ii, \ thr) t a, E- frr-P Rim— .0 01P1 W -if . " G. .!Jr L 1. i 8B-6 PLAN #2 NO TRAFFIC SIGNAL NO PROTECTED LEFT TURN BOULEVARD -- GRAPEVINE KELLER ROAD (NEW �" E. SOUT LAK— 17091 DAY CARE 473, \ I li 6„,.. , • , ,,,,__L \ Zg19' 'To tP W �� L LLI cc `n SITE z 9,L. CC `J .., 7 1,050' BOULEVARD I NORTH z 8B-7 PLAN #3 Li .,----\ • .. ,. '` fl 4' DUNQ BUILD EMAREA E TO EASENTS •:!_\ 7.. ..._ : , ( DAY CARE I Z I \ ' . 4 \\ \ • • BANK •i 7•4/ \ . • \ L 1 . : k 1;1\ . \v, ft V t . \ , .4k 9114 i el f. 4 45.; i 0 ill L., 40'h i \;,1 . 8B-8 PLAN #4 C <L-. NO BUILD AREA— i ti \0 .r'�- . I r DAY CARE eil :/>. ‘ e,7 ii •\ BANK L 0)\,)\ 43(\01 • lk, . ..,A, it, P \j t . g\ 4h • 40;" r • 8B-9 • — Tom' /, y p 1X �^ - .;� 'OW ♦ 1 n . • • • —"-,, 11111,11116_ ' • 4. 1* AY. \ S8 � --- ' a , _ — •• J'�s • n ._ bra „esc- lk t- .. tr ♦ : r. • \'j. . it N.,,,, .. • • y, • • y , :..tt \ .,,,.., ,:t.,.., ,,..; ' ,.: . • ' _t 'i 111 I. 4 • X CAso ,0 ••44, y ` t � } �. � may// ..., ,�T°f ` ` � --' . , /lj3 \� The .T., MAKENS 8B-10 \ COMPANY 4� • 4 r i i I • ti- i/ is 'h' 1. \ d • f,.f:.. 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HOUDEK 1 Z7C-3 1 B I ! • G. HOUDEK /14 Co. S T URDIRANT t BUILDING ON FAITH 040I t- / 433Z / N DOTTY CORP Y z m LAKE PROPERTY 1\...1H2 — . • ti DEVELOPMENT .0132 @ 1 R CITY OF GRAPEVINE il1pL I -1 DOTTY CORP 3fi E 1 3 v �� —1 • ( ) . i = CV v 1N AR y ,g pPE P 60E) y4 �. V N ' (10'' ' ADJACENT OWNERS AND ZONING SPIN #7 DARRELL FAGLIE 8B-15 m i SA{ 5D1 1 .,Ni.i Li- I I- k Z_F MI@ N'N \ A • _ —r -}-- . . i . . ��nIryry/���1I1^^1��1pnn'' Mx aau ;� V.4 ! r dA3"�11AI11',.-HAN j � m' / - .y. 11 1 1 11 I I 1 A, . �N-• eee� 2910 2a{ F ' ,` -Ty . ..I_tile( 7"+i!! 4 Wei 2D zc 2R 2F TJ 2P. V�; •. . f g ©© tir (O'/ nu la 3 2E 20 2R 211 �. ' i s. ' !mom i ii Yp . 2A, 2A D VV�,�- _ —or , p. � -r:�.niA 2A2 OP 2A1 A t 5a2C A M4 p6R2A18 L— Sala 562A 3. ,�,. -r•Irr:>nnt...ye. [ A�, ER1 �® is M ,/ A-� D� NORTHWEST PKWY I•ST 'AAA • I 2fi4 3 ! Ea 21 al Rp'R i �•, © •i 6 �14N �� i MAIDuhalligi �_._ � !!: 2(5 '��� p 1_ -- --,_-_-- HOMY ! IL �� '�� 1 211 102A 182 18 , iA 1 '. t�r'-J L.~�— ! i I ! ! • �_ • a IJ5-11V v. - 2A3A �74 - i lam,B iBt 2A2A3 2A2A 2AtA ��:i 6AtAi1M� �`2 2A18 . 111111Vil i S� 3 A 111 tlia c �' -i l A Fil -- 302 C ,C 1 2A3A .0 i F 12.09 Ac �� 'v IL. 11A 118 1 i i; 1 r , —_ ram\' • 1 %.$ _ i , ' g p1 b f vt A r : .-1, 3A 1101-7 -, A1 _,,....c I \ A-474 ! 1 `` .1. , , _...... . �/ S / .� , q :I.. p ' [ It 61, A I ' no, __ I .F R a 1 6R� 61U Ki i i 1 I i m i I i i _, E i ® 1164 I I I '• • _1113A1 C ;, ,-----1 t 383 3 — 1 GRAPEVINE CITY OMIT .....) 1 , ` 0t.1 3 Ac 6.15 Ac '\ e , ..,,,.i-, BLVD .- • li%. 0 _N 1 ' K 0 BP 0yA1K N al 661 rt_.\ ::gAR , 11E BJ51N- ------- \ -. 0- 61 Ac 6cw 6E i IM�'D'4 PpRK INDU `Rp e✓.Ire. 1 1 1 \ {A I1 I I - _- - `\` 1it �1�811 1p1 1 1- -- ,;-- .,\ A-)OIJ I N0R(tp ( it so BM TRACT MAP MS tarn ,1 �. 15.6 Ac , '�... 186E ' ,iiIIM AIFIA� • lea J 68/ um 181 ?L 1 IMO I' — ' I. - f1NP'rr1C0MI ,■• IBM ADD to I.i M le\e SIB g:J IBM lAl i, 1A -• I.- :. 11._>t IBM W H417 W.'. E'° A oci 1 3{A l A i. 1BM7 1 1 fdAD ,83 1818 , {a 4,0 �C i FAPS�EY A-I5M 1AI 8B-14 : -rl SWAY A-47e \--- .At 6 i';1*A I . • t\I \ . V1@ • 1 2A o \ . py3 @ ` 4 �.oe AC It f. .53 AC TR.88 \ ?.718Ac\ TR8 AlliV,.. •� �40� ,�s1@ 16 s - ogiell 9 D cp .987 @ .328 •326 @ 9 TR 8A Z .169 oI ti� 2ai� - w 'a'_ 2R C-3 w L' w : u1 ; 111 U Y 7 . v R. PACK • �..G. HOUDEK, 1 • C-3 1 % • B / 1 G. HOUDEK I I ii• • . STURDIRANT / i 04#BUILDING ON FAITH / F- 22 _ � cn DOTTY CORP ii z . m ri\_1112 LAKE PROPERTY . • 1 DEVELOPMENT .0132 @ 1 R I • CITY OF GRAPEVINE R say I -1 DOTTY CORP ?F-1 ( . � 1 = SIN AS 3 `'APE P 65 yy3IIII ' `� N ADJACENT OWNERS AND ZONING SPIN #7 DARRELL FAGLIE 8B-15 City of Southlake,Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No:ZA 97-008 Review No:Three Date of Review: 3/14/97 Project Name: Concept Plan for S-P 2yoning w/"I-1" Uses, 4.038 acres being a portion of Lot 4R 2R 3 and a portion of Lot 6.Block A of Southlake Bank Place APPLICANT: ENQI EER: ,Shurgard J.E.Levitt Engineers,Inc. 1200 East Copeland Road,Suite 504 726 Commerce Street,Suite 104 Arlington.Ted 76011 Southlake,Texas 76092 Phone:(817)2k1-315j Ext. la phone:(817)488.3313 Fax: (817)261-3181 Attn: Wade Strain Fax: (817)488-3315 Attn:John Levitt CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 3/11/97 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING FiPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE..HEREBY=BADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817) 481-5581, EXT.787. 1. The following changes are needed with regard to proposed driveways: a. Provide the distance to the nearest driveway centerline intersecting the east line of Bank Street north of the proposed driveway entrance. The minimum spacing permitted is 100'. b. The proposed driveway intersecting S.H. 114 does not meet the minimum throat depth of 43' for traffic stacking. The provided depth is approximately 30'. Please note that the required throat depth could be increased up to 100' upon future development of the tract to the north currently zoned"C-3". * This review does not include off-site driveways shown as"Proposed Future Drive". 2. The following changes are needed with regard to bufferyards (see Tables One and Two, Sec. 42 and Exhibit 43-B and 43-C,Sec. 43,of the Zoning Ordinance No. 480): a. Provide a 10' Type B bufferyard along the south property line adjacent to the north R.O.W. line of Industrial Boulevard. b. Correct the width of the bufferyard along the north and easterly property lines adjacent to the remainder of Lot 4R-2R-3, Block A and the remainder of Lot 6, Block A, Southlake Bank Place,to a 10' Type F 1 bufferyard.Applicant has shown a 5' F 1 bufferyard. c. A 10' F 1 bufferyard is required along the most northerly north line adjacent to the proposed drive intersecting Bank Street. The applicant has shown a 10' B bufferyard. . If any, show approximate extent of existing tree cover. 8B-16 • City of Southlake,Texas 4. The following changes are needed with regard to building setback lines: C -% A 30' buildingsetback line isrequired alongthe south propertyline adjacent to the north J and west R.O.W. line of Industrial Boulevard. The applicant proposes reduction of this setback as shown on the plan. b. A 15' side yard building setback line is required along the south property line adjacent to Lot 3, Block A, Southlake Bank Place and Lot 8, Block 1, Grapevine Industrial Park. The applicant proposes a reduction as shown on the plan. c. A 15' side yard building setback line is required along the northerly property lines adjacent to the remainder of Lot 4R-2R 3,Block A,and the remainder of Lot 6, Block A, Southlake Bank Place. The applicant proposes a reduction to a 5' building setback line as shown on the plan. 5. Verify the location shownfor the:15' T.P. & L. Easement along the south lineJt appears that this easement extends west 447.5 ` from the northeast corner of Lot 8, Block 1, Grapevine Industrial Park. 6. Correct the discrepancy between the distance in the 2nd call from beginning in the written description and the labeled distance on the graphic. 7. Provide fire lanes as required by City Fire Department. A sketch showing required fire lanes per Fire Department has been forwarded to the applicant and consultant. Please note that loading and parking spaces cannot encroach the fire lanes. u * The applicant should be aware that new submittals for the next scheduled meeting must be received at the City by 5:00 PM on 3/24/97. If not received by that time, no review will be prepared until the following submittal schedule. All 17 revised submittals must be folded 6" x 9" and an 11"x 17"revised reduction must be provided. * Although not required by ordinance, staff would appreciate placing "Case No. ZA 97-008" in the lower right corner for ease of reference. * This review is based on the"I-1" Zoning District Regulations. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat Revision must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, and a site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water & Sewer Impact and Tap Fees,and related Permit Fees. * It appears that this property lies within the 65 'LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone which will require construction standards that meet requirements of the Airport Compatible Land Use Ci -Zoning Ordinance No.479. 8B-17 • . City of Southlake,Texas * A letter of permission from the adjacent property owner(s) on the north must be obtained priorito issuance of a building permit for the construction of the off-site pavement unless adequate Common Access Easement has been dedicated and a permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along S.H. 114. Any reconfiguration or dedication of Common Access Easements must include all affected lots in any Plat Revision. * Although no review of the following issues is provided at the concept plan level, staff strongly recommends that the applicant evaluate the site for compliance with the following sections of the city ordinances prior to submittal of the site plan. Note that these issues are only the major areas of site plan review and that the applicant is responsible for compliance with all site plan requirements. • Vertical and horizontal building articulation is required on all facades visible from S.H. 114 per§43.9.c1c,Ordinance 480,as amended. • Masonry requirements per §43.9c1a, Ordinance 480, as amended and Masonry Ordinance No. 557. • Interior landscaping per Landscape Ordinance No. 544 and §43.9C3, Ordinance 480, as amended; and Parking Lot Impacts on interior landscaping in §43.9C3h and Exhibit 43-D on Page 43-15,Ordinance 480,as amended. • Spill-over lighting and noise per§43.12,Ordinance 480,as amended. • Fire lanes must be approved by the City Fire Department. All fire lanes must be a minimum 24' in width and all curves must have a minimum 25' inside and outside turning radius. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Shurgard Y.E. Levitt Engineers,Inc. L:\WP-FILEs\REV197008CP1.DOC 8B-18 r 1/4-ei , ..........c... ..0.1........ I........ Ajlenik.. WAX:ILL '21311rilLL(10111 co aztioz - cansov icao-c • V coons •i• At c-tia-ar• =Lon /s..4 I pi •. . , mov-La xxvic zotvmsaos • i gi-; - wa.T.biao colruom comotarsua gil g i g ,I.,: i .... . .csoes_a_aliammeleina tonWear*worms ar-a-•wee•rvws Arassoes I i i i ii,a-i- 4 0 L66l TT titla,331 re" a 800-L6 s . 1 it PO I lag ; 1 I 1 , 1 I 41ilip 111 1 • spoiiiii : irglis ,, 11 ' ni 41 . . 1111p:A - ., ,, , IF 44,10iiiigpli ;if'', P1' ri.11, , 1 111.1T if 1 g li i i 1 i leo:Ill 6 1' ow.,`,.. 1. . I 0/4;1111 kir • .„, .., ' • Ag filjlgalgg; a 4 I I , "Vie- /..... ild4i i }I IRENI! . I , ,ri„ • . 0 )(..- .iri: oe -0. el -1 • c. ca , . ' ,--,1 okr; ...- .,...,- ,.. .1 I. No _1 ,co i , ill mis ...4/ ,•, ..": Mi. 751 ,..- ..... . ..."„.••• ` ,'! - P41 iii;ii 14 ./ •:. \ .. .,-- Ism d) \\It• e ,, .04 ..., " ........ 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I 4 i S° 1 1 i• ‘ ° (2 1 , I2 ,1,-, ;-, _ , li i` II il . i. ,... g. J § 1 i r--0-11 I i_j_. ;- —::: • . iiell,:1 -,0.-- ...=. -1 1 • I 1,r-7; rrit-- '1.=, -—..177-— :--- 1 1 ; c I, --,--17--------r---------- 1. ( 9=1101 VIII ‘1111 M[ t: 111.1t•i ...._ ', 1_1, .d::lieL z---- • i ea 40ma I mil , • .A VIN111.114//01 t '-.1 Di 4.-1- _-- .., .; c..1 C >IN 2 .1.(.3 VIA .1m, ....... . r w w ____ 1 — T •J01 I Lw S AM I rain I II WI veZ. •WI•t• MOM COM norl amino I 1 8B-19 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS °RIWAtleElla � a, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEIN B ffi . ya D s . B �� F R' e tiA� S ��e. Ks € � P ;,; ' D BEING AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM ' 1,: TO ,£ ypr3 d .;,o a^3k � a < , :�,,• ,'.fin., �b���� � -3. SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST,MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as %g °::::017,1 under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS,a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person C or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, at a public hearing called by L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-232.SP2 $B-20 Page 1 • L the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location,lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population,and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land,avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas,has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed,are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No.480,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City Cof Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989,as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-232.SP2 8B-21 Page 2 C., Being a pp l i ftbot4:and,a e' onE6f,Lot 6,:Igock.A, SO thl: ,; 13 E Addition being approximately 414,038facres of land situated in the c i . , '" . 04714,and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from"C-3"eneral Commer €to "S '-2 e flan D. ct with,the mink-warehouse,(self - a , , as depicted on the approved Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B". Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas,to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs, sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets;to provide adequate light and air;to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population;and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates,disobeys, omits,neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any L.\CTYDOC S\ORD\CASES\480-232.SP2 Page 3 8B-22 L and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation,both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10)days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law,and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1997. (hre MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1997. MAYOR Li L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-232.SP2 8B_23 Page 4 CATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY C C L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-232.SP2 8B_24 Page 5 • EXHIBIT "A" BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron pin found for the.common Southwest corner of L, Lot 4R-2R-3,Block A, of said Southlake Bank Place and Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block A, said Southlake Bank Place in the East right-of-way of Bank Street; THENCJ with said Bank Street,North 00 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds East, 440.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE departing said Bank Street, South 89 degrees 54 minutes 38 seconds East, 177.5 feel to a point for corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds West„ 106.71 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 32 degrees 35 minutes 29 seconds East,284.42 feet to a point for corner, THENCE North 89 degrees 43 minutes 55 seconds East,201.24 feet to apoint for corner, THENCE South 87 degrees 43 minutes 04 seconds East,270.18 feet to a point for corner, THENCE North 58 degrees 29 minutes 27 seconds East, 155.00 feet to a point for (how, corner in the West right-of-way of State Highway(S.H.) 114, said point being in a curve to the left having a central angle of 04 degrees 06 minutes 04 seconds,a radius of 2,799.06 feet and a long chord which bears South 37 degrees 06 minutes 55 seconds East, 200.31 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left an arc distance of 20035 feet to a monument found for the common Southeast corner of said Lot 6, Southlake Bank Place and the Northeast corner of Grapevine.Industrial Park,an addition to the city of Grapevine, Tarrant Cpunty, Texas according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-111, Page 27, P.R.T.Co.,Tx., in the North right-of-way of Industrial Blvd; THENCJ with the South line of said Lot 6 and South 89 degrees 40 minutes 36 seconds West,322.68 feet to a'A inch iron pin found for the common Southwest corner of said Lot 6 an4 the most southerly Southeast corner of said Lot 4R-2R-4; THENCE along the South line of said Lot 4R 2R 3 as follows: • South 89 degrees 29 minutes 08 seconds West, 133.43 feet along the North line of said Grapevine Industrial Park to a 5/8 inch iron pin; ■ South 89 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds West,432.89 feet along the North line of said Grapevine Industrial Park to a 1 inch iron pin found for the common Northwest corner of Grapevine Industrial Park and the Northeast corner of said Lot 3, Block A, Southlake Bank Place; Soutll89 degrees 58 minutes 51 seconds West, 161.71 feet along the North line of said Lot 3 to the Point of Beginning and containing 4.038 acres. L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-232.SP2 Page 6 8B-25 EXHIBIT "B" .».....�» svxa.r. •axvuci.nos .� �.. — r - co aaxoz saxov sec.-, • �Z ! E • av-i (1111100? i .......... � � v xooza .0 4 s—xz—Zlr SSo1 $`i It Ei 0 " oa xxve axv-Ix.i.nos 733.1.1,130 3ovtroSs a#VounHs 4o q -, b1,A�� �I'0` Yanba ammo:--J-b rw..n-i.m..o b Im / A 0 L661 T I UVIN 0,0% le! i 1{'`.�•iiii 1!! i E !!!' '11115111 ! 1�a III t!i ii III 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 ii 1, iti1;1 -1 ° Irl��3 j!Il 1 P 1 1 1 1 t.1,it I1tlrt ! i[191;; :.39., `� 1; , !h!hill >i• • a v ■! 1 11� 1-, iif1{]i1- _ .1 :411:1,;_,� 'j ;,11 1 1k��p 4.1 ill al al still ,,� !p!1 ''i''i1 1 i 1,fl,�lt3 � ; � �.ilt�,11!l1i1�1!1!1!l,��Ili; �.� ioo o y �\ 57 e9 . !ii- di! .t1 eili.. \e^' V '' ,f' ,' \II 'I C) was a G O i i/ ... _�k, /,�� ;. ; I � it ,i/ P� I .— /i, C z7.777.-- a 77- \ 4.,N ././ ,' 07 14,ti ill ill 1! iii -1 2'; t- ‘� \ , i' \ i ' IiiII! r uI:ill ail P HMI b�Y- . . :' as f \ -. o k-; 1,411111111 ;t oo s� 1 ag t :,r \ i - t - ': \ \\ s` I /,< \ \ A j.� 1 't I. Mgt: f gi One 11 <`-5 \\'So ., \\ •�C* 1 1 \ d ` 14. II ... .a•.. _ i. ;� -offe • b O �' ="' •� �� i iy r,--_J ' —,--- �''. �_--- _ 1 ,1: 6' 6 -- r1 ��� i! ! ; � +■!nt ; (.... _ _ i�.iNbr io'1 3 = 1-- 1 Wk►.1 �,l T T - r-1111 La .c B -IL ,i I I15 >N7 R it, I .1c1 I 1101 _+C��q_ •101 I i , n.0'".5 a'muna I i L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-232.SP2 Page 7 8B-26 City of South lake,Texas MEMORANDTTM March 14, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Resolution No. 97-18,to Close Bluebonnet Drive to through Vehicular Access Background Prior to the completion of the construction of F.M. 1709, Short Ave. served as the F.M. 1709 connector to S.H. 114. Short Ave. ran northeasterly from approximately where N. Kimball Ave. now connects to F.M. 1709 to where Bluebonnet Dr. would intersection S.H. 114. Bluebonnet Dr. was a local street serving the homes along the west side of the street. After the completion of the new F.M. 1709, Short Ave. was abandoned by the State of Texas. Bluebonnet Dr.has become a"short-cut",almost a collector street in the volume of vehicles,between S.H. 114 and F.M. 1709. The houses along Bluebonnet Dr.have been closed and boarded up. However, land parcels still front on Bluebonnet Dr. Bluebonnet Dr. is a narrow hard surfaced,mainly with pothole patches, local street that is not designed nor intended to carry the volume of traffic it is now experiencing. Previous City Council has agreed to abandon Bluebonnet Dr. conditioned upon the land owner or owners meeting all legal requirements to allow the abandonment of a public street. Recommendation Staff is recommending that City Council close Bluebonnet Dr. to through traffic. The attached resolution will authorize the street closing. Public Works Street Division will accomplish the closing by erecting a guard rail and barricade the south line of the Chevron gas station. This will allow Chevron to utilize all of their driveways. Bluebonnet Dr. would then function as a cul-de-sac street with access to Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709). Proper signage will be placed at Southlake Blvd., stating the road is closed to through traffic. Please place this item on the Regular City Council Agenda for March 18, 1997, for City Council's review and consideration. BW/ls Attachments: Street Closing Plan Map Resolution 97-18 D:\WP.FILES\RES\91-OIR.MEM 9A-1 / x �f1 �tl �+ _ ' 5A4 501A1 501 u " ak\st . 50481 2.04A gC1 oCS 5848 Z81 2B 288 287 2812';12A 286 H. Z N `J•LI • I *. ! 5A4A �� 282 M) A3 i; 284�''` `.. 2810 r.,�9� ' 3A2 3A1 •:4C 20 2G 2C 2- 2N 21 2d 1► 2P , '40) •-•----: • - 5: h 2K 2Q 2R 214 • '\ au al mi 511 286 2A1 "( . j Y. :: _5s2os - - - -582 . ri ._._ P D - - . _co_uil - .-©~ 582C -- J 14CE -----.A CO 5828 582A linr183 * OR CHEVRON STATION DRIVEWAY ON SHORT VE 182 1 A ,, __����.� TO REMAIN OPEN n NORTHWEST p Vionnil 3C1 U1 KWY 2 • ST C1 FUTURE ii S.H. 114 ROW il3B '.� i IilloOekf . INSTALL PHYSICAL BARRIER TO CLOSE BLUEBONNET DRIVE,.•� 7 n CREATING A CUL-OE ii. _SAC wv-AA IL SHORT AVE.ABANDONED , - �j/{� i BY TXDOT ki W `�C 1 ! v . $v Z 7 i f ri,,:Akip. . . ..,._ N. 1.4 � 5 f• 1 1826 , - 1 1 , 2 1: .;*7' i f Air....for _ gitek Apt,. " 1 :1A 8 �5' ' Rizi 5, `'4-.�-411101.- % �r ! 161 C2 P R5 2A3a 2A2 �Bi m 2A , 6AtA Y 2 2A3 2A2A 2A1 A �. ! Fs 3 Ac C 2 2A16 1 0 2A 1C A ?J11 Ad 3A � 441111 1 12.09 Ac 1 . op 1D ----411 A 4, ____, cs 11E • :Q-1: 7 %5SF2OA ' ----- ' -- - - --- 3A ` IA . _._._._ �� l 9A-2 �, 13.6 Ac L J� _ RESOLUTION NO. 97-18 (pie A RESOLUTION CLOSING BLUEBONNET DRIVE TO THROUGH VEHICULAR ACCESS IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS;DECLARING THAT SUCH ACCESS IS UNNECESSARY FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO HAVE CONSTRUCTED A BARRIER; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO CLOSE SAID BLUEBONNET DRIVE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Whereas,the City of Southlake is a home rule city acting under it's charter adopted by the electorate pursuant of Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and Whereas, Bluebonnet Drive is narrow, substandard, local street; and Whereas,Bluebonnet Drive only connects State Highway 114 and Farm Market 1709; and Whereas, the intersection of Bluebonnet Drive at S.H. 114 and Bluebonnet Drive at F.M. 1709 are not signalized,thereby creating unsafe conditions; and Whereas, current road conditions create a safety hazard that should be eliminated in the public interest; and Whereas,the City of Southlake has constructed an arterial street, Kimball Ave.,parallel to Bluebonnet Drive and approximately five-hundred(500) feet to the west; and Whereas,the intersection of Kimball Ave. at S.H. 114 and Kimball Ave. at F.M. 1709 are signalized; and 9A-3 r Whereas,the City Council of the City of Southlake, after careful study and consideration, tile has determined that the public would be better served and benefitted by Bluebonnet Drive being closed to through vehicular access. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS: SECTION 1 That Bluebonnet Drive, a public street which only exists between S.H. 114 and F.M. 1709 was designed,constructed and intended to be a local residential street providing public access to the abutting properties and that the public would be better served and benefitted by it's closing to through vehicular access. Accordingly,Bluebonnet Drive,City of Southlake,Tarrant County,Texas is hereby closed to through vehicular access. SECTION 2 The City Manager is hereby directed to install the appropriate physical barrier across Bluebonnet Drive approximately nine-hundred.(900) feet north of the intersection of Bluebonnet Drive and F.M. 1709. SECTION 3 The Mayor of the City of Southlake,Texas,is hereby authorized and empowered to close to through vehicular access on behalf of the City of Southlake,Texas. A copy shall be presented for filing with the County Clerk of Tarrant County, Texas by the office of the City Secretary. SECTION 4 This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage as provided by law. 9A-4 PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS DAY OF , 1997. Mayor Attest: City Secretary D:\WP-PILESUIES\97-9Ii.EES 9A-5 • MAR-14-1997 14:10 FIELDING,BARRET 8, TAYLOR 8173324741 P.02/05 RESOLUTION NO. 9'J- A RESOLUTION DECLARING A ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) DAY MORATORIUM ON THE APPROVAL OF FILLING STATIONS OR SERVICE STATIONS WITHIN THE F.M. 1709 CORRIDOR ZONE; DIRECTING THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUT LAKE TO CONDUCT INVESTIGATIONS AND TO REPORT TO THE CITY couNaL AS ERPEDTIIOUSLY AS POSSIBLE ITS RECOMMENDATIONS RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF FILLING STATIONS OR SERVICE STATIONS WITHIN THE F.M. 1709 CORRIDOR; PROVIDING FOR A METHOD OF REPEAL OF THIS MORATORIUM; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS RESOLUTION SHALL TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY UPON PASSAGE WHEREAS, the city Council of the City of Southlake has adopted Ordinance No. 480,as amended, as the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City,which regulates the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes; and WHEREAS, Chapter 43 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance establishes a Corridor Overlay Zone adjacent to F.M. 1709 within the city for the purpose of encouraging pedestrian oriented retail and entertainment uses having high quality urban design characteristics which are consistent with adjacent residential uses and which are designed to enhance the visual image of the corridor and to maximize traffic safety; and WHEREAS, the city has received inquiries regarding the location and development of filling stations or service stations within the F.M. 1'709 corridor which might adversely affect surrounding properties or the proper and orderly growth of the F.M. 1709 corridor and the city; and WHEREAS, the city council desires to maintain the status quo within the city until such time as the city council has had a reasonable time to review the provisions of the e1d�W�+�\ram\ (03-1447) Page 1 • MAR-14-1997 14:10 FIELDING,BARRET 8 TAYLOR 81'i-1-Q4741 P.03/05 Cy"' Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance related to filling stations and service stations within the F.M. 1709 corridor and to take appropriate action as may be required to protect the public health, safety and welfare with regard to the location and development of such uses; and WHEREAS, a one hundred twenty (120) day moratorium placed on the issuance of permits for filling stations and service stations in the F.M. 1709 corridor is a miniMfdly intrusive method of maintaining the status quo until such review can be completed. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL,OF THE CITY OF SOUTHELAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Effective immediately, and for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days, no application for a permit shall be accepted and no permit shall be issued for any filling station c„, or service station within the F.M. 1709 corridor in the City of Southiake unless an application for the permit was received by the city prior to the passage of this resolution or unless the filling station or service station receives planned unit development zoning approval from the city council. The purpose of this moratorium is to maintain the status quo within the city until such time as proper regulations have been adopted with regard to filling stations or service stations. SECTION 2. The term"permit"as used in this resolution shall mean a license,certificate,approval, registration,consent,permit,or other form of authorization required by law,rule,regulation, or ordinance that must be obtained by a person in order to perform an action or initiate a project for which the permit is sought. h\sia\alabe\oa ac.ma(03-1447) Par 2 • MAR-14-1997 14:11 FIELDING,BARRET & TAYLOR 81Y-5324741 P.04/05 SECTION 3. The Planting and Zoning Commission is hereby directed to conduct public hearings and initiate proper procedures for consideration of possible amendments to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance regarding the location and development of filing stations or service stations within the F.M. 1709 corridor. In particular, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall review and consider the most appropriate zoning district for the location of filling stations and service stations in order to achieve consistency with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the types of development regulations that should apply to filling stations or service stations,and whether special permitting or approval procedures should apply to such uses. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall send out notices and hold public hearings in accordance with Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code and shall elicit citizen (me comments with regard to the amendments to be considered. SECTION 4. This moratorium shall remain in effect until such time as the City Council has had a reasonable opportunity to consider and act upon appropriate amendments to the zoning regulations applicable to filling stations and service stations. Upon final adoption of any ordinance amending the regulations applicable to filling stations and service stations or upon a final determination being made by the City Council that amendments are not necessary, this moratorium shall expire. This moratorium shall automatic-silly expire 120 days from the date of adoption unless it is specifically extended by additional City Council action. (1.0#' t\Gks\s a1ce\cex\aec.a at.mor(03-14-97) rase 3 y ' MAR-14-1997 14:11 F I ELD I NG BARRET & TAYLOR 8173324741 P.05/05 440." SECTION S. PASSED,APPROVED and EFFECTIVE on this day of ,1997. Mayor, City of Soathlabe ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: (hise City Attorney tS/1! .keVe.\sc vstat.mor(03-14-97) Page 4 TOTAL P.05 . r City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM March 14, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director SUBJECT: City Council Scheduled Priorities for Community Development-March 14,1997 Attached you will find a schedule chart showing the scheduled priorities as of March 14, 1997 for the projects related to the Community Dev€lopment-De xient. A couple of points should be made regarding revisions shown in the schedule. 1. Master Land Use Plan Update:I have talked to a couple Councilmembers and the Planning and Zoning Commission about delaying the start of the land use plan update for two reasons. The obvious reason is that Tom Elgin, Senior Planner over comprehensive planning is leaving as of March 21. Although I had intended to be fairly involved in the "kick-off' meetings with the Commission,I am going to find it difficult to drop everything and solely concentrate on the land use plan update. Another factor is that I would like the new comprehensive planner to be involved in the update from the beginning so that they will understand the direction of the Council and Commission and why we did certain things so that they can better represent the issues to SPIN and other meetings that they might be involved in. And third,if we were to postpone the land use plan update,that might allow us to slip in some ordinance changes/adoptions in the next few months. 2. "Focus Groups"concept: Karen Gandy is recommending a method of expediting requested ordinance revisions as summarized in the attached memo from her. Generally it just means getting representatives together who are interested in working on an ordinance and letting them work through the issues prior to bringing it forward for formal consideration. We have also attached the"Ordinance Request Forms" for almost all of the projects shown in the schedule chart. These should assist you in remembering what the proponent of the ordinance had in mind. It is my understanding that this item will be a consider item and that Council will make decisions regarding any reprioritization of the projects currently in process as well as any desire to insert the additionally requested projects into the anticipate work schedule. Please feel free to contact me or Karen Gandy if you have any questions regarding this item. GL/gl enc. Schedule dated 3/14/97, memo from KPG on"Focus Groups", Ordinance request forms L L:\WP-FILESTROJECTSTRIORITYNCC-CEH3.WPD �oA- 3 1 . II U N II ........: :>::>: ::>:::::::: i:.. II it ; ,, :. ::i::i 7x: 0... a a.. i::;di:::i II ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,... ::iC .:<: N N U a r.' ....... �'I i w ... 'iiV`:::' II U U II a rla. :::: 4 p N U II 0 :. . :..:. a ¢ v, ,.:::. : U a - N a s a .�t 3 w ::<::>::>:: II el ::;;:::;;:::::.;:;:;i;;.•:,. I,: ::ri ii ii U Na a � a it a U O i i::'4:ii iiCi U 3 II ° II ---� t`f::.Mi i 1 '• U s _ -r t h ... ' :.':::.. it '::::i':iltt*: 00 3 a II c O :isi, "' a II II w •.. : i cq a 6 `.) 4,- _.a .._........ 4 > > a > a � a a a '�> > a ' a r a ° a u a > > > a > a > a ' ° a >0 a � �'° a ° a a° a ° a ° a a N c ¢ x ¢ x ¢ x ¢ x ¢ a: ¢ x ¢ a: ¢ x ¢ x Y "'':' a � M MMMM a0i 2 t, A 2 ya C a y a; H ° • � 1i'nf' p A eOq �dD 00 0 ,--- U� ` al �I :::: ° 0 > O y cad pV •C ..-. ° �'. ' Ca .2 v o ..... 0 0 4:: Z OF r0 ° U C� i 00 g a 0 ;V N a 0.A `' a . " a ... v a > < ° U U a G ga fx - cO �°b �d _ o a •O O Ilignain � OE f O 0 N N ° O . Obo U 'Rt„O > b0 by 0 a. 0 >a ..= y vjU b a a a _ • v� .n u% abo II u b 0 ° tjo N .. N Et O U ssi Er I " yy II 'a IS r N N N N N — N N c `� :a::23.: Ax L •.•::it':'.:i::. A Z A A A A A A A o A ::`•••..''�++...E»:'::>> a c A U a. O U O U U U U U U °° fir. O. O Y1 C.- en: `•�.�. CACA CA CA en 10A-Z ::: > L Oo. U >F.1s o N .N N ti w : o `» :::::::::::. b c .3.:....„....„....:;.: �D N .:......................,..• ::::::: : ........... N A V a 00 O U a cd U %:30 ::: :'::::::. :: G. b N q o ii:i1�� �+ww.wr 00 C C C Y co iii}}MMMh (� Y O !�� liii O O W 0 o ._ N 0 3 is r . (O N . as POD. s::q:>' ::::�fi:::» c c c 3<':.4 ' U o E o IS ::: :y > > > c 0 A : 9Q3::: O O O ',I:: d C a I, {r a a •0 b Cl) l'',�!``[ E � a. a a U •_ E i;:: O C :S:::yYl:S:: E U V 5 `� W: d d d o o d o 1 �yyyy�� U a O O trI sei'. ILlc� ::3fi'Fi:'ri.::? :: o U E <c co O C cC :[:[::.ii �, C4 e a O >, a = F o a..)cE � c, v> 0 oc " _ II Ti< G F.Z. y OOD CO N c c a c ft U': .X $ c O� v N at CYi U i c 'C "O 'O O .0- 0 < N. 0o0U 4 O O O o [� 'ClY C _ O--------------- O C C C C p v, C C C C N a 11 '1'. c0 Op N 0 �" O O 0U ti V] U y N N N fx U N H • w a4! A A A O o d d CA U 0 W w City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM March 14, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Focus Groups for Ordinance Revisions In an effort to process.items on the priority list in a more timely and efficient manner, I would like to extend the opportunity to members of the Council and the Commission to participate in the drafting of these ordinance revisions on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. I would.lik. t4uhaueni tative from the Council and the Commission fausach priority. I normally set aside this time period for Board of Adjustment meetings; however, Zoning Assistant Stefanie Sarakaitis has attended the last two Board meetings (while I attended P&Z rollover meetings on the Timarron project) and this staffmg arrangement has worked out well. I would like for interested members in each body to sign up for the ordinance that they have a particular interest in. These sessions will afford them a "hands on" opportunity to pen their ideas and to use their "pride in authorship" when the revisions are presented to the respective bodies for review and approval. I envision having several groups working simultaneously after the initial "kick off" meeting and perhaps scheduling follow-up meetings on alternate Thursdays. This would provide everyone with drafting time before the next meeting. I feel that this is a viable solution to the growing lists of priorities facing staff and will provide staff an opportunity to work one-on-one with members of the Council and the Commission. frL,1) L IO/ -Lf Ordinance Workgroups Proposed Staff Liaison City Council Planning& Other Ordinance Zoning Commission Outside storage Karen Gandy & display Impervious Greg Last Coverage Karen Gandy Lighting Chuck Standards Bloomberg Karen Gandy Yard/frontage Karen Gandy issues Corridor Overlay Greg Last Regs (i.e., Karen Gandy pitched roof, mechanical screening, etc.) tme Tree LandscapeAdmin Preservation (yet to be hired) Greg Last Sign Ordinance Paul Ward revisions Chuck Bloomberg L:\W P-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\W ORKGRP.W PD L �aA -s ORDINANCE REQUEST FORM Please fill out the following information related to your request for consideration of a new ordinance or revision to an existing ordinance. A disk copy of this form can be provided to allow you to insert your comments in typed form. Contact Kim Bush in the City Manager's office at(817)481-5581, ext 702. SHORT TITLE: Park Dedication Ordinance REQUESTED BY: K. Lenoir CC P&Z ZBA_PB X STAFF X OTHER BOARD OR GROUP: DATE OF REQUEST: 10/18/96 DATE RECEIVED: BY: SCOPE OF EFFORT: New Ordinance ,Minor Revision X , Major Revision Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Question need to provide 50%credit for private amenities 2. Involve developers early with concerns for public park and recreation needs, including trails 3. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. 2. 3. General Comments: This ordinance has been prepared by Chris Carpenter of the Community Development staff per the feedback and direction of the Park Board. The Park Board has given formal recommendation for approval and it is scheduled to be a discussion item for the second P&Z meeting in March. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. c c. L:\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROD-REQ.FRM\PARIC-DED. March 14,1997 Page 1 of I I0t —( ORDINANCE REQUEST FORM (tar Please fill out the following information related to your request for consideration of a new ordinance or revision to an existing ordinance. A disk copy of this form can be provided to allow you to insert your comments in typed form. Contact Kim Bush in the City Manager's office at(817)481-5581, ext 702. SHORT TITLE: Zoning Ordinance Revisions: Outside Storage and Screening Standards REQUESTED BY: Karen Gandy,Zoning Administrator CC_P&Z_ZBA_PB_STAFF X OTHER BOARD OR GROUP: DATE OF REQUEST: 10/23/96 -DATE RECEIVED: BY: SCOPE OF EFFORT: New Ordinance .Minor Revision , Major Revision X Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Development standards for outside storage and screening are not compatible with the community's vision. 2. Walls, fencing, hedges/plantings may not be adequate to totally screen the outside storage,parking areas, etc. co, List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Consider differentiating between outside storage and outside display. 2. Consider increasing the height of walls or placement of more mature plantings in order to allow some outside storage. 3. Meet with the business community to determine their needs. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed(other cities,etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. N/A L L:\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PRO!-REQ.FRM\STOR_SCR.480 October 24,-1/996 Page 1 of 1 I o4q' f ORDINANCE REQUEST FORM Please fill out the following information related to your request for consideration of a new ordinance or revision to an existing ordinance. A disk copy of this form can be provided to allow you to insert your comments in typed form. Contact Kim Bush in the City Manager's office at(817)481-5581, ext 702. SHORT TITLE: Zoning Ordinance Revisions: Lighting Standards REQUESTED BY: Karen Gandy,Zoning Administrator CC_P&Z_ZBA_PB STAFF X OTHER BOARD OR GROUP: DATE OF REQUEST: 10/23/96 DATE RECEIVED: BY: SCOPE OF EFFORT: New Ordinance , Minor Revision , Major Revision X Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Add section on"Lighting Standards"to the zoning ordinance. 2. Address the adjacency issues between residential and nonresidential developments. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Establish measurable (enforceable) standards to assist building inspections and code enforcement. 2. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. N/A L L:\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROD-REQ.FRM\LIGHTING.480 October 24,1996 Page 1 of 1 Ib44 ORDINANCE REQUEST FORM Please fill out the following information related to your request for consideration of a new ordinance or revision to an existing ordinance. A disk copy of this form can be provided to allow you to insert your comments in typed form. Contact Kim Bush in the City Manager's office at(817)481-5581, ext 702. SHORT TITLE: Zoning Ordinance-Impervious Coverage Regulations REQUESTED BY: Scott Martin/Bill Kemp CC X P&Z_ZBA PB STAFF OTHER BOARD OR GROUP: DATE OF REQUEST: * DATE RECEIVED: BY: SCOPE OF EFFORT: New Ordinance - Minor Revision X , Major Revision Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Run-off control/mitigation to lessen drainage impacts. 2. To lessen erosion of natural stream beds List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Will lessen financial demands to "concrete over"our natural stream beds. 2. Will help maintain our existing native trees through keeping their critical root zone open for water & gas exchange. General Comments: Southlake citizens do not want to live amongst a"sea of parking"as is allowed in most other communities. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. N/A L:\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\IMP-COV.WPD October 25,1996 Page 1 of 1 w4 ORDINANCE REQUEST FORM Please fill out the following information related to your request for consideration of a new ordinance or revision to an existing ordinance. A disk copy of this form can be provided to allow you to insert your comments in typed form. Contact Kim Bush in the City Manager's office at(817)481-5581, ext 702. SHORT TITLE: Amortization of Certain Uses REQUESTED BY: Council CC X P&Z ZBA X PB STAFF OTHER BOARD OR GROUP: DATE OF REQUEST: 10/25/96 DATE RECEIVED: BY: SCOPE OF EFFORT: New Ordinance . Minor Revision , Major Revision Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) T r 1. The property at the northwest corner of Highland and SH 114 2. The pool chemical facility in East Haven Addition along Continental 3. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Will require budgeting professional services for a forensic accountant to evaluate the business records of the affected companies. 2. Will require a great deal of the city attorney's time monitoring the Board of Adjustment proceedings. 3. General Comments: We have discussed the amortization of these uses in the past. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. c. L:\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\AMORTIZ.WPD October 25, 1996 Page 1 of 1 104-10 • ORDINANCE REQUEST FORM SHORT TITLE: Revisions to Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585 REQUESTED BY: Scott Martin CC X P&Z—ZBA PB STAFF DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: SCOPE OF EFFORT: New Ordinance , Minor Revision ,Major Revision X . Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. The absence of a required Tree Survey, in order to have eve'the vaguest idea as to the existing conditions on the proposed site, renders the existing ordinance impotent to do anything. 2. The definition(size & specie) of a"Protected Tree" need to be modified/expanded. 3. The "Exemptions" Section is so broad that virtually every possible activity that could take place on a potential buildable site is exempted. 4. There is no requirement for"Replacement" of any of the trees on a site that the existing ordinance allows to be destroyed. Thus creating only a Lose-Lose situation. 5. Virtually no "Tree Protection" is actually required by the existing ordinance. 6. No Site Plan review is required. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. New emphasis should be placed on coordinated control of the "Site Planning Process" for each proposed site, emphasizing that good site planning is the objective of the ordinance. Encouraging "Quality Site Planning" is an age-old tool of the City Planner. 2. Resolve the six major issues mentioned above. 3. Initiate a"Reforestation Fund" as an"cash contribution" option to replanting every destroyed tree. This Fund could be used to purchase some of the heavily treed properties adversely affected by this ordinance. 4. Create a direct "Inch-for-Inch" credit for newly planted trees required by our Landscape Ordinance. 5. Strengthen the Penalty Clause to truly deter any activities in violation of the revised ordinance. 6. Expand the factors required to be considered before a tree may be removed. 7. Eliminate trenching through the protected root zone of any protected tree. Include landscape sprinkler systems within this requirement. 8. Any grade change is harmful. The allowed change should be cut in half if not completely eliminated. 9. Protect all listed(and newly added Native)Understory Trees. General Comments: Numerous environmental factors such as filterization of pollutants, run-off control, mitigating heat gain, etc. Should also be of concern these days. __ List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. Reference pre-submitted draft ordinance. (re L:\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROD-REQ.FRM\TREEORD.WPD October 25, 1996 Page 1 of 1 /DA-I' ORDINANCE REQUEST FORM (wr Please fill out the following information related to your request for consideration of a new ordinance or revision to an existing ordinance. A disk copy of this form can be provided to allow you to insert your comments in typed form. Contact Kim Bush in the City Manager's office at(817)481-5581, ext 702. SHORT TITLE: Zoning Ordinance Revisions: Resurrect Ordinance 480-V(misc. revisions) REQUESTED BY: Karen Gandy. Zoning Administrator CC_P&Z_ZBA_PB STAFF X OTHER BOARD OR GROUP: DATE.OF RF,QUEST: 10/23/96 DATE RECEIVED: BY: - SCOPE OF EFFORT: New Ordinance , Minor Revision . Major Revision X Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Clarify the variance language in the S-P-1/S-P-2 districts. 2. Revise the definition of accessory buildings/uses and address the regulation of these structures/uses. 3. Change the method of calculating parking spaces for multiple buildings constructed on the same lot. t4. Revise the roadway cross-section references in the bufferyard section to correspond with the anticipated changes in the Master Thoroughfare Plan. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. This ordinance has been worked on a great deal and has been before P&Z once. There were many changes recommended to wording in the original ordinance. Before these changes could be modified and brought forward,the Telecommunications issues required a reallocation of staff time. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. N/A L:\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\V_MISC.480 October 24,1996 Page 1 of 1 104—M ORDINANCE REQUEST FORM ,,, Please fill out the following information related to your request for consideration of a new ordinance or revision to an existing ordinance. A disk copy of this form can be provided to allow you to insert your comments in typed form. Contact Kim Bush in the City Manager's office at(817)481-5581, ext 702. SHORT TITLE: 1997 Update of Master Land Use Plan REQUESTED BY: Greg Last CC X P&Z X ZBA PB STAFF X OTHER BOARD OR GROUP: DATE OF REQUEST: 10/23/96 DATE RECEIVED: BY: SCOPE OF EFFORT: New Ordinance ,Minor Revision , Major Revision OTHER: Master Plan Component - - Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. We do not have the land use recommendations of the Corridor Study blended into the Master Land Use Plan. 2. Charter requires the update of the Land Use Plan every two years List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. This is the next Master Plan Component to be addressed. General Comments: It is Greg Last's recommendation that this process not begin until the new Planner II in Comprehensive Planning is hired and after we are sure the Planning and Zoning Commissioner appointments are finalized. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. N/A L L:\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\LUP97.WPD March 14,1997 Page 1 of 1_ ioA-(3 ORDINANCE REQUEST FORM Please fill out the following information related to your request for consideration of a new ordinance or revision to an existing ordinance. A disk copy of this form can be provided to allow you to insert your comments in typed form. Contact Kim Bush in the City Manager's office at(817)481-5581, ext 702. SHORT TITLE: Zoning Ordinance-Neighborhood Preservation Sections REQUESTED BY: Gary Fawks/Scott Martin CC X P&Z_ZBA PB STAFF OTHER BOARD OR GROUP: DATE OF REQUEST: DATE RECEIVED: BY: SCOPE OF EFFORT: New Ordinance , Minor Revision , Major Revision X . Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Need to address adjacency issues between single-family residential and non-residential uses 2. Issues to address include lighting,noise, screening,etc. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. 2. 3. General Comments: Greg Last and Karen Gandy feel that we could address the desired issues by creating"residential adjacency standards" in each of the non-residential districts rather than trying to create a new ordinance or new section in the zoning ordinance. List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. c. L L:\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\NBEIDPRES.WPD October 25, 1996 Page 1 of 1 1DA` !4f ORDINANCE REQUEST FORM Please fill out the following information related to your request for consideration of a new ordinance or revision to an existing ordinance. A disk copy of this form can be provided to allow you to insert your comments in typed form. Contact Kim Bush in the City Manager's office at(817)481-5581, ext 702. SHORT TITLE: Subdivision Ordinance Revisions -Update Thoroughfare References REQUESTED BY: Tom Elgin. Comprehensive Planner CC_P&Z_ZBA_PB_ STAFF X OTHER BOARD OR GROUP: DATE OF REQUEST: 10/23/96 DATE RECEIVED: BY: SCOPE OF EFFORT: New Ordinance . Minor Revision X , Major Revision Outline-pr m, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Revise the roadway cross-section references in the Section 5.02 and 5.03 to correspond with the anticipated changes in the Master Thoroughfare Plan. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) Le 1. The subdivision ordinance is the vehicle by which the city obtains R.O.W. dedication. Although the changes in the text would be minimal to implement the Master Thoroughfare Plan Update,the impact of these changes is substantive. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities,etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. N/A L:\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\F_MTP.483 October 25,1996 Page 1 of 1 /OR—i.‘ ORDINANCE REQUEST FORM cPlease fill out the following information related to your request for consideration of a new ordinance or revision to an existing ordinance. A disk copy of this form can be provided to allow you to insert your comments in typed form. Contact Kim Bush in the City Manager's office at(817)481-5581, ext 702. SHORT TITLE: Zoning Ordinance Revisions: Correcting inconsistencies between "Frontage," "Front Yard," "Lot Frontage" REQUESTED BY: Karen Gandy. Zoning Administrator CC_P&Z_ZBA_PB STAFF X OTHER BOARD OR GROUP: DATE OF REQUEST: 10/23/96 DATE RECEIVED: BY: SCOPE OF EFFORT: New Ordinance , Minor Revision ,Major Revision X Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Corner lots require front yard setback on each street frontage. 2. Ordinance requires "front"of the lot to be the lot line along the street which has the least dimension. 3. Builders want the flexibility to choose which street to front. try 4. These inconsistencies have caused addressing and permitting problems. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Consider adding a development regulation for "Side Yards Adjacent to Street" like PUD's have in their regulations. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities,etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. N/A L:\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\FRONTAGE.480 October 24, 1996 Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE REQUEST FORM Please fill out the following information related to your request for consideration of a new ordinance or revision to an existing ordinance. A disk copy of this form can be provided to allow you to insert your comments in typed form. Contact Kim Bush in the City Manager's office at(817)481-5581, ext 702. SHORT TITLE: Revisions to the Corridor Overlay Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance REQUESTED BY: Gary Fawks CC , X P&Z_ZBA PB STAFF OTHER BOARD OR GROUP: DATE OF REQUEST: February. 1997 DATE RECEIVED:— > _' BY: SCOPE OF EFFORT: New Ordinance , Minor Revision ,Major Revision X . Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Concerned about buildings on the corridor not having pitched roofs. 2. Concerned about screening of HVAC equipment on the roofs. tList any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. 2. 3. General Comments: List any references to be reviewed (other cities, etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. c. c L:\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\CORIDOR1.WPD October 25,1996 Page 1 of 1 /pA -r7 • ORDINANCE REQUEST FORM Please fill out the following information related to your request for consideration of a new ordinance or revision to an existing ordinance. A disk copy of this form can be provided to allow you to insert your comments in typed form. Contact Kim Bush in the City Manager's office at(817)481-5581, ext 702. SHORT TITLE: Sign Ordinance Revisions REQUESTED BY: Greg Last/Bob Whitehead CC P&Z_ZBA PB STAFF X OTHER BOARD OR GROUP: DATE OF REQUEST: March 14, 1997 DATE RECEIVED: BY: SCOPE OF EFFORT: New Ordinance , Minor Revision X , Major Revision Outline problem,concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. Signs being constructed are maximizing the area of the sign panel and not providing for any architecturally integrated support structures. 2. tw List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 1. Look at the way the size of the signs are measured 2. 3. General Comments: The current ordinance measures the area of the sign to the exterior of any supporting structures. The tenants are demanding the biggest sign possible, not allowing the sign contractor or the developer the ability to provide an architecturally integrated sign support structure. A revision to the ordinance where the size of the sign is measured by the size of the sign panel itself would easily correct the problem. List any references to be reviewed (other cities,etc.) or any documents attached to this request. a. b. c. iklow L:\WP-FILES\PROJECTSWRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\SIGNI.WPD March 14,1997 Page 1 of 1 /',A—/S • ORDINANCE REQUEST FORM Please fill out the following information related to your request for consideration of a new ordinance or revision to an existing ordinance. A disk copy of this form can be provided to allow you to insert your comments in typed form. Contact Kim Bush in the City Manager's office at(817)481-5581, ext 702. SHORT TITLE: Placement of Accessory Buildings REQUESTED BY: Brandon Baker CC P&Z ZBA PB STAFF OTHER BOARD OR GROUP: DATE OF REQUEST: 2/28/97 DATE RECEIVED: BY: SCOPE OF EFFORT: New Ordinance , Minor Revision ✓ , Major Revision Outline problem, concern or opportunity. (Do not define solution) 1. The Bakers want to build a 2-story, 3,400 s.f. barn on Lot 2, Baker Estates zoned SF-1A. Their home is on Lot 1 which is zoned RE. They own both lots. 2. They feel that if the structure is built on Lot 2 it will provide better setbacks and screening than if placed on Lot 1. 3. Their 9.8 acres was subdivided originally to accommodate their mortgage financing. They choose not to replat the property at this time for that reason. List any potential considerations. (Do not define solution) 2. Accessory structures (i.e., barns) are required to be on the same lot as the principal structure(even if both lots are owned by the same property owner. 3. Accessory structures may not exceed one story or 14' in height. General Comments: In general, the concern is that there is the possibility that the second lot could be sold to another individual with the accessory structure in place and the possible improper use of the existing structure. The"same- lot"requirement was established because a residential garage was allowed to be constructed for the convenience of the property owner while constructing a home, and he parked an RV inside the garage and established residence. The"one-story" limitation was placed on accessory structures due to the ordinance permitting them to be constructed as close as 10' to a side or rear property line. Previously, a homeowner built a two-story ,, accessory structure just because the ordinance permitted it as retaliation against a neighbor and it was L:\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROJ-REQ.FRM\BAKERBRN.WPD October 25, 1996 Page 1 of 1 • determined that the structure was very instructive to the adjacent property owner. The property could be replatted to just one lot which would permit the placement of the location. barn at the desired List any references to be reviewed (other cities, or any documents at tached to this request. a. Letter from Brandon Baker b. c. tar LAWP-FILES\PROJECTS\PRIORITY\PROD-REQ.FRM\BAKERBRN,WPp October 25, 1996 Page 2 of I /DA — zo February 21, 1997 REC'D FEB 2 81997 Mrs. Karen Gandy City of Southlake Zoning Administrator City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Karen: We hereby request you to submit our proposal before the Planning and Zoning Board and to the Board of Adjustments for a Special Exception to Ordinance Sec. 34.2. We ask the board to approve an adjustment to the current ordinance that will allow us to build on Lot 2, currently zoned SF1. We agree to re- plat and rezone Lot 2 by the year 2000 when we refinance the property to include Lot 2 as Residential Estate (similar to the existing Lot 1), which allows the accessory structure proposed. For the aesthetics and possible economic impact of the immediate surrounding residential development, we feel an exception to the ordinance is in the best interest of the community. The property is approximately 10 acres, known as Baker Estates, located at 620 S. Rd., Plat # Lot 1 & 2, Block 1 Baker Estates, Cabinet A, Slide 1575. We purchased this property in 1994 for the purpose of building our personal residence, and raising horses and cattle. At that time, the property was zoned agricultural, and its use had been agricultural for at least the past 75 years. We divided the property into two five acre lots for financing reasons only, otherwise, we would have zoned the entire 10 acres Residential Estates allowing us to build the barn without these complications. Lot 1 and the residence was finance through a conventional bank lender, while the seller financed Lot 2 and will need to be refinanced in three years. Looking at the layout of our property, the best site for the barn is at the back of the property, surrounded by trees. Considering the new homes that will be built in the next few years on our property line, this placement is the logical position for both us and our new neighbors. We, of course, do have the option of placing the barn on Lot 1, twenty-five /Ng- Zi • Page 2 feet from the north property line, however, since the Toll Brothers will construct homes facing that position, it is not the ideal location for them! Our proposed site is over 50 feet east of the west property line, and over 94 feet south of the north property line. In addition, Toll Brothers will have a 25 foot buffer on our west property line along with minimum one acre lots. We ask you to consider granting this exception so that we can begin construction immediately. Sincerely, Brandon and Kay Baker L JM-Z Z c . • Iit; i Ill; l;rg I r''= 111 i /I;a r k4 AV o n aA 11111l ;; 63y't ii� !j1jP nil m��s gV; r 9 S {jo 6 Sc.N1 s AN v l wil i1111 " y^� 3 el II -! Hll;�bi .! ! 1 ,1E ; 2, , r- 4 u 11.5 e l� 1t!;r •4 •� ��y j. ;lja oa ! @ ppall 1 pp•;� Q •a pp � 1 { +� C I 1 ®• O •c L II 1j61 Ij lilS�i�!Si'�Slr!'r"s i! �d a B�. l - f 11 Ili = a I f•tlj iiIhr IIIIII !iti 1 # : 1 t �# ili s m IS OvOe 311 ANOl lad) i�,�5 .ram — —...tea .... .a� i I ff ' st I Iil 0 I� I _ x' II ; - Ii I I "s E 9 t . I l l 7. = :� \\'`" \ — erg.- 4 . I - I I t :I.I t 9 ki; i, t - R 'al: $ iii1 ; %! i e 1i I I• • 3 i1t , I ....w-c nc..c nos '-J lii i� 1 t R o q� ¶91 i ? 1. t if i --1( u j 1gl . L ii °E1 i ft :_ I I 1o4— � 3 1 zu., I -- ZQ ox •/1 a N H City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM March 14, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation RE: Adopting Park Names As you know, the Parks and Recreation Board has conducted a"Name the Neighborhood Parks" publicity campaign during January and February. Attached is the list of names suggested by the citizens of Southlake. The Park Board asked that the Youth Park Board review these suggestions and make a recommendation to the Park Board. Monday, March 10 the Youth Park Board made a recommendation to the Park Board which the Park Board in turn approved and are recommending to City Council. The Youth Board and the Parks and Recreation Board recommend Lonesome Dove Park for the park in the Lonesome Dove Subdivision, Koalaty Park for the park next to Carroll Elementary,and Noble Oaks Park for the park donated by Versailles developers. Please put an item on the March 18, City Council agenda for City Council to adopt park names. If you have any questions please call me at 481-5581 extension 757. 4 'IL - KML L 10 — B — I City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM March 14, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation RE: Adopting Park Names As you know, the Parks and Recreation Board has conducted a"Name the Neighborhood Parks" publicity campaign during January and February. Attached is the list of names suggested by the citizens of Southlake. The Park Board asked that the Youth Park Board review these suggestions and make a recommendation to the Park Board. Monday, March 10 the Youth Park Board made a recommendation to the Park Board which the Park Board in turn approved and are recommending to City Council. The Youth Board and the Parks and Recreation Board recommend Lonesome Dove Park for the park in the Lonesome Dove Subdivision,Koalaty Park for the park next to Carroll Elementary,and Noble Oaks Park for the park donated by Versailles developers. Please put an item on the March 18, City Council agenda for City Council to adopt park names. If you have any questions please call me at 481-5581 extension 757. KML L 10 - B - L Nominated Neighborhood Park Names BOLD Names Recommended by Park Board 3/10/97 Park Name Suggested Nominated By "Hous"Thompson Park Billie J. Farmer White Hills Meghan Wernicke Bluebonnet Park,Bluebonnet Trails, Bluebonnet Diane Packard, Melissa Dodson,Arew Zapatka,Frann Centennial Park Brown Lonesome Dove Park Sharon Parker,Shawn Rielly,Floyd McGlothlin Continental Park Shawn Rielly Carroll Elementary Park,Carroll Elementary Taylor&Keisey Conophy,Megan Rodts,Lauren Friendship Park,Friendship Park Villa,Maddie Standerfer A.O.Brumlow Park,A.O.Brumlow Memorial Park Margaret Melton,Wanda Stowe Sunshine Park Lauren Villa The Rainbow-Makers Anthony Case's mom Koala Court,Koalaty Kourt, Koala Park, Koalaty Karaline Wiltz,Matthew Dominguez,Tyler Webster, Park,The Park of Koality Kids Aubrey Scheidt,Marie Hale,Brad and Kristen Keiser, Maddie Standerfer Dragon Park,Dragon Valley,Dragon's Den,Lil' Ross Stripling,Kristen Tomdale,Wesley Jones,Kyle Dragon Park,Fire Dragon Park,Country Dragon Park, Jansen,Aubrey Scheidt,Jason Lowry,Jenny Carroll Dragon Park,Southlake Dragon Park,Dragon Anderson, Scott Zapatka, Sport Michael Mabry,Matthew Dominguez, Shawn Rielly, Lauren Villa,Ashlin Choate&family Carroll Diamond Park James Bartik Carroll Kid's Park Alex Adam The Lady Bug Park,Hotel Park Tyler Webster Noble Oaks Park Max Standerfer Fielder's Park Mike Hayes Carroll Country,Carrollville Aubrey Scheidt Crazy Park Cass Roberts Mountain Trail Tyerr Thompsom Silverset Park Trevor Owen Roadrunner Park Scott Zapatka Adventure Park Colleen Aschman Cat Nap Alisa Hurtado Longhorn Park Arew Zapatka Io — B L L City of Southlake FY1996-97 Mid-Year Budget Revision Personnel Additions Position Personnel Operations Capital Total Human Resources Assistant $15,495 $500 $3,500 $19,495 Community Services Manager $29,063 $500 $4,700 $34,263 Code Enforcement Officer (Zoning) $13.417 $500 $27.700 $41.617 Total General Fund $57,975 $1,500 $35,900 $95,375 Assistant to the Director of Public Works $20,766 $500 $4,700 $25,966 Capital Projects Coordinator $24.039 $500 $4.700 $29.239 �r Total Utility Fund $44,804 $1,000 $9,400 $55,204 Park Planning and Construction Superintendent $25,241 $500 $4,700 $30,441 Total SPDC Operating Fund $25,241 $500 $4,700 $30,441 Total All Funds $128,019 $3,000 $50,000 $181,019 Salary; benefits @ 25% for 6 months software licensing, office supplies $500 Office equipment (desk, chair, telephone) $1,200 personal computer and related equipment $3,500 vehicle and support equipment (Code Enforcement) $23,000 L 03/14/97 MIDYRPRS.WK4 IOC - 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT Department: Human Resources Date: March 13, 1997 Job Category: Para-professional FLSA: Non-exempt Reports To: Human Resources Administrator Basic Functions: Under general supervision, will assist the Human Resources Administrator with the administrative functions of the Human Resources Office. Responsibilities include assisting employees with benefit questions and problems; answering questions concerning employment opportunities from the public; maintaining the HR information system; responding to salary surveys; and assisting the Human Resources Administrator with special projects. Essential Functions • Answer questions from the public concerning employment opportunities and process applications. • Place employment advertisements in newspapers and develop employment postings. • Enroll new employees for benefits and process enrollment forms and payroll information. • Input new employees into HR database/information system; maintain database; enter status changes and create necessary reports. • Complete external salary surveys from other entities. • File status change forms and other documents into personnel files. • Complete workers' compensation reports and assist with the coordination of workers' compensation information and benefits. • Send COBRA compliance notices to new employees, upon change of dependent coverage, and upon termination; track payments for COBRA participants. • Assist employees with insurance questions and problems and assist with obtaining resolutions. • Process invoices. • Assist with the coordination and scheduling of education and training sessions. • Prepare correspondence for internal and external purposes. • Assist with the development of new job descriptions and salary surveys. • Assist HR Administrator with special projects. Other Duties • Process Payroll during the absence of payroll administrator. • Assist HR administrator with responses to requests for personnel records and verification of employment requests. HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT PAGE 2 Performance Qualifications Knowledge/Skills/Abilities • Knowledge of City policies and procedures. • Knowledge of City benefits, compensation and classification systems. • Knowledge of personal computers and current word processing and spreadsheet software. • Skill in researching and investigating problems and obtaining answers or solutions. • Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. • Ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. • Ability to complete assigned tasks with minimal supervision. • Ability to manage multiple tasks. Education/Experience/Training Education and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in human resources, business, management, or related field Knowledge of employment law preferred. L IOC - 3 COMMUNITY SERVICES MANAGER Car Department: City Manager's Office Date: March 14, 1997 Division: Community Services FLSA Designation: Exempt Reports To: City Manager Basic Function: Under general direction, supervises, directs, and controls activities of the Community Services Division. Essential Job Functions • Recommend goals and objectives; assist in the development of policies and procedures. • Responsible for the appointment of personnel; provide or coordinate staff training; prepare and conduct employee performance evaluations; work with employees to correct deficiencies; implement discipline procedures; recommend employee terminations. • Ensures efficient and effective administration of the Community Services Division. • Provides general direction and guidance regarding the activities of the Community Services Division. • Develops policy proposals through conference with City Manager, Assistant City Manager, department directors, boards and commissions, private and governmental agencies; and explains such proposals to City Council for consideration. • Meets with the public and with officials of other cities, state and federal agencies and civic groups in the development and coordination of City community services. • Reviews results of major or special studies and coordinates the preparation of reports and recommendations; may institute programs. • Prepares and presents a variety of written materials and exhibits. • Prepares and submits detailed budget requests; participates in the forecast of additional funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials, and supplies; administer the approved budget. Performance Qualifications Knowledge/Skills/Abilities • Knowledge of principles and practices of supervision, training and personnel management. • Knowledge of budgeting procedures and techniques. • Knowledge of methods and techniques of effective administrative report preparation and presentation. • Skill in the use of personal computers and current word processing and spreadsheet IoC- 4 COMMUNITY SERVICES MANAGER PAGE 2 programs. • Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. • Ability to prioritize multiple projects. • Ability to analyze problems, identify alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions and implement actions. • Ability to establish and maintain cooperation working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Education/Experience/Training • Bachelor's degree in Public Administration or related field, master's degree preferred. • Three to four years of experience working in a municipal or community service environment. Supervisory experience preferred. L IDC, 5 ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Department: Public Works Date: March 13, 1997 Job Category: Professional FLSA: Exempt Reports To: Director of Public Works Basic Functions: Assists the Director of Public Works with special projects including, but not limited to, preparing and presenting ordinances and policies; researching existing policies; preparing budgets and information for City Council. Essential Functions • Research, prepare and present new ordinances and policies to the Director, Assistant City Manager, and City Manager. • Research, prepare and present changes to existing ordinances and policies to the Director, Assistant City Manager, and City Manager. • Research and develop departmental policies and procedures. • Assist with the preparation of departmental budget and track monthly expenditures; participate in the forecast of additional funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials, and supplies. • Oversee the preparation of information and memos for City Council packet. • Coordinate participation with citizen groups for special projects including, but not limited to, identification of capital improvement projects. Performance Qualifications Knowledge/Skills/Abilities • Knowledge of budgeting procedures and techniques. • Knowledge of methods and techniques of effective administrative report preparation and presentation. • Skill in the use of personal computers and current word processing and spreadsheet programs. • Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. • Ability to prioritize multiple projects. • Ability to analyze problems, identify alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions and implement actions. • Ability to establish and maintain cooperation working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. C ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS PAGE 2 Education/Experience/Training • Bachelor's degree in public administration, engineering, or related field. Master's in Public Administration preferred. • One to four years in a municipal public works environment. • Knowledge of engineering preferred. ► oC- 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS COORDINATOR Department: Public Works Date: March 14, 1997 Job Category: Administrative/Professional FLSA: Exempt Reports To: Deputy Director of Public Works/City Engineer Basic Function: To assist with managing, directing and coordinating the planning, design and construction of City capital improvement projects. Essential Job Functions • Assist with managing, directing and organizing planning and construction activities for City wide capital improvement projects. • Oversee and participate in the development of capital improvement work plan including work activities, projects; monitor work flow; review and evaluate work products, methods and procedures. • Assist with the preparation of the construction budget; assist in budget implementation; participate in the forecast of additional funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials, and supplies; administer the approved budget. • Work directly with planning consultants, architects, and engineers in the planning phase of projects. • Assist with the preparation, review and evaluation of bids, proposals, specifications and cost estimates for projects and products; make appropriate recommendations for contract award. • Respond to citizen requests and inquiries regarding capital improvements; resolve complaints as necessary. • Prepare and maintain appropriate records, reports and files. • Attend and participate in public functions and meetings. • Prepare and oversee all state and federal grant applications for the capital improvement projects. • Perform construction site visits to review and evaluate project progress; photograph construction activities and operations; ensure work performed according to standards and established procedures. • Complete other duties as assigned. Performance Qualifications Knowledge/Skills/Abilities • Knowledge of modern and complex construction design and materials and techniques, as well as applicable codes and ordinances. • Knowledge of principles and practices of construction management, contract (r administration, and scheduling. �uC- 8' CAPITAL PROJECTS COORDINATOR PAGE 2 • Knowledge of principles and procedures of purchasing. • Knowledge of pertinent Federal, State and local laws, codes and regulations. • Knowledge of general PC skills and familiarity with Microsoft Word, spreadsheet applications, and various project management software. • Ability to read and interpret architectural and engineering plans and specifications. • Ability to organize, direct and implement a comprehensive construction program. • Ability to prepare and administrer budgets, long range plans, and capital improvement programs based on current and future demands. • Ability to review construction bids and make appropriate recommendations. • Ability to deal firmly and tactfully with contractors, engineers and property owners. • Ability to analyze problems, identify alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions and implement actions. • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with City officials, co- workers, agencies, contractors, architects and engineers. • Ability to communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. • Ability to visually inspect projects under construction throughout the city. Education/Experience/Training Bachelor's of Science in Civil Engineering or related field. One to three years of related experience, municipal experience preferred, or any combination of experience and training. P.E or E.I.T preferred. Conditions of Employment • 75% indoors • Light, (occasional lifting and carrying of objects up to 10 lbs.; sitting most of the time) • Non-hazardous work • Frequent contact with the public, City Council members, other City Departments. • Broad assignments; little supervision required in following established procedures. L 1DC- 9 PARK PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT Department: Parks and Recreation March 14, 1997 Job Category: Administrative/Professional FLSA: Exempt Reports To: Director of Parks and Recreation Basic Function: To manage, direct and coordinate the planning, design and construction of parks and related facilities and to provide highly complex staff assistance to the Director of Parks and Recreation. Essential Job Functions • To manage, direct and organize park planning and construction activities for the department • Direct, oversee and participate in the development of the Park Construction work plan including work activities, projects; monitor work flow; implement policies and procedures; review and evaluate work products, methods and procedures. • Prepare the construction budget; assist in budget implementation; participate in the forecast of additional funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials, and supplies; administer the approved budget. • Work directly with planning consultants, architects, and engineers in the planning phase (r, of projects. • Prepare, review and evaluate bids, proposals, specifications and cost estimates for projects and products; make appropriate recommendations for contract award. • Meet with park user organizations to prevent and review proposed project designs; respond to citizen requests and inquiries regarding park facilities and improvements; resolve complaints as necessary. • Prepare and maintain appropriate records, reports and files. • Prepare and present a variety of written materials and exhibits to the Parks and Recreation Board and SPDC; present proposed project designs and receive input from the advisory boards. • Attend and participate in public functions and meetings. • Oversee the preparation of master plans and cost estimates for existing and potenial park sites; review and evaluate park designs, material and construction methods; make appropiate recommendations to ensure successful implementation. • Prepare and oversee all state and federal grant applications for the Park and Recreation Department. • Perform construction site visits to review and evaluate project progress; photograph construction activities and operations; ensure work performed according to standards and established procedures. • Assist in design and implementation of small community projects. • Complete other duties as assigned. L IDC - ID PARK PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT PAGE 2 Performance Qualifications Knowledge/Skills/Abilities • Knowledge of modern and complex parks design and construction materials and techniques, as well as applicable codes and ordinances. • Knowledge of principles and practices of construction management, contract administration, and scheduling. • Knowledge of principles and practices of landscape design and materials. • Knowledge of sports, recreation facility concepts and designs. • Knowledge of principles and procedures of purchasing. • Knowledge of pertinent Federal, State and local laws, codes and regulations. • Knowledge of general PC skills and familiarity with Microsoft Word, spreadsheet applications, and various project management software. • Ability to read and interpret architectural and engineering plans and specifications. • Ability to organize, direct and implement a comprehensive park planning and construction program. • Ability to prepare and administrer budgets, long range plans, and capital improvement programs based on current and future demands. • Ability to review construction bids and make appropriate recommendations. • Ability to deal firmly and tactfully with contractors, engineers and property owners. • Ability to analyze problems, identify alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions and implement actions. • Ability to recognize quality of products an materials to ensure compliance with project plans and specifications. • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with City officials, co- workers, agencies, contractors, architects and engineers. • Ability to communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. • Ability to operate surveyor's level and instrument. • Ability to visually inspect projects under construction throughout the city. Education/Experience/Training Equivalent to a Bachelor's degree in Landscape Architecture, Park Planning or related.area. Five years of increasingly responsible experience in park planning and construction. L !D C- l k PARK PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT PAGE 3 Conditions of Employment • 75% indoors • Light, (occasional lifting and carrying of objects up to 10 lbs.; sitting most of the time) • Non-hazardous work • Frequent contact with the public, City Council members, other City Departments, Park an Recreation Board, and Southlake Parks Development Corporation. • Broad assignments; little supervision required in following established procedures. Additional supervision required when completing tasks out of the ordinary. LINE NO. BEARING DISTANCE L1 N24'55'00"E 124.00' LOT LINE A L2 N28'20'00"E 1013.00, 22 L3 N34'05'00"E 52.00' _� i 10 N43.00'00"E 64.00' -� I I 5' i + + 8 L4 ` \ L5 N19 '00' 00"E 37. 00' i i`— ' \\`\� \ - -- SO U.E. L6 N08'00'00"E 43.00' + \ ` i ' i' i 1 21 ''r _ i 1 I I � i � I i �\ \ , ``. // I� I , I L7 N08'00'00"W 37.00' �� .� 15 0 i o r r- LB N27'00'00"W 30.00' 0 50 100 200 300 ---- Lg N40'00'00"W 96.00' LOT 47, BLOCK 7 10 U.E. ` ^ - _ _- -- L10 N41'20'00"W 80.00' U.E. DETAIL TIMBER LAKE ' '' `- 3 - _ _ + ' w� DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND '_- 5 8, t 10 ' ` A I nt L 1, N21.00 ' 00"W 113.00 SCALE IN FEET 1" =100' + _ ' ---- COMMON AREA N0. i i i -`- z_ U� � � �' �-' � i f"� � �2 3 1. L12 N35'00'00"W 60.00'L APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PHA SE S 5 + ' I _, \ MM44 L13 N51'28'48"W 1 2.93' 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN + ' \ �� lm 5 U. E. �� i Q� I Q CABINET A, SLIDE 2557, P. R. T. C. T. i o 9 , i , (� L14 N13'00'00'E 63.61' / __ L15 NO2'00'00"W 30.00' i _ I,�`'� f 0 SO // ---------- L 16 N05 '00' 00'W 93. 00' I I-+---- _ _ -__ `� 1 6 O I I N17'00' 00"W 73.00' ' ' ' _ ,- ! + I _ \\��\ \� / I m I c-15' U.E. ^i L 17 ., L 18 N06 '00 ' 00 " W 60. 00 ' � �•-9�' I I + .--------- 5 U / I '� �► I � � 536 '00 � 00'W 60. 00 ` I+ , L19 11 ' 0 ` / i ,ulill I L20 524 '00' 00"W 36. 00' 12 / _ j 13 / aL2 NO2'00'00"W 55.00' / ' + i m 55 '�S W`, �,, I v 24 N24'00'00"W 41.00' ; BLOCK , 4;7 N40'00'00"W 65.00' / I m I o .� 17s N20 '00' 10 22. 06' PROJECT _ �' 5 UE �' l -+ ---- t 19 ' LOCATION -- --- % / + G \\ \ + J� L25 N51'54'i1"E 65.14' 14 17 -F-- 56 F 18 18 W t i to �, L26 N27'00'00"E 37.00' s PARKD \ �'/ / ^� e \ + R-450.00' ,�� + '� t i i \��� `� \�`? �n i a, � ; BLOCK 4 L27 N17'00'00'E 68.00' ti r D D �'� Grapevine �`� lL j 0• �0 A-0303'2� .r C� r �3.J�J ` 57 �S`'O `\\ �fG \\` Will- L28 N09'00'00"E 30.00' Keller v P - --- 16 \ '"� -r L-24 01 0. ?� / F ---�r' ) z O I 2 5 L29 N73'31'22"W 24.01' ;� '//l \`\\ CB—S%C=24.01E �� ' Nf� \\\`\\\�� ``\`� , / e< / �\ \ \ \ — __� // Z ~ � I / / \ + \ \ 15' U., LANDSCAPE & FENCE ESMT SOUTHLAKE 4 / / / + ' / ! j + nM 58 \ / \ v / \� � a I \� ,� ,1 / 1 \ \\ N , O ,j , 5 E Z6 G \ . C�/ Y ' POTOMAC y Calleyville DFw Airport TIMBER LAKE �� ti , ' ,/ •�; >>IM ` ` , 59 -' - , -_---- --- 5'-U. E. n \`, ' �� /� \\\\ �! �' �, 46 / / O�SA�Fq psi\ `�\ �' /�� D E. \\ \_ - ' 1 O O----- PHA SES 3 �c 4 _-- g� - 5 ' ' U F�, F ` _ FENCE ESMT . PE & LOCATION MAP /p� 3 ' \/ /'�, 5 W. M \ 15' U., LAN CABINET A, SLIDE 1787, P. R. T. C. T. ' \` 20 / ' Z�''� R`f 1& ��� t ? U + 3 .�,, E. W W ; BLOCK , 1 2 21 Cr ✓'� S44, 12 ; W � \\ \\ ii' W 40 Cj Q l7 A-�y@Q J m a � r7 i i r ,' `� \\ 26 / ��' / 53 to �o•,�Q�w l�j� i j +�? 1 �; i�,E BLOCK 2 36 s. p .y w { I ` �/ \\``\\�\\�� C �S�i, i —�" 25 \\\`\\ 0 �'' /,i' ' �O �0�'� _ �(� / 586.�i,3,•533 \9 1 O,' i T MBER LAKE ' (� I I / SECTION It ; I � 39 / / 9 ` R � 30'��' , \ �� 5 2 O1 oe���� N6 t . , .7s + , 1 2 4 'i . \ \ �.' n t 109 68' I �. iA \��3•� 3~� �/ / (�1��0� p / 3.92, 1! \ �N 1 CABINET A, SLIDE 484 i + '''� Q= ;// S. �/ / 8 % 1L3 L��� Z, C / ,' U ��� �� ��.. -' 22 �` v'Z 21.4Eu (/`I i / / /� 5�, � I + ( 3 /�.T� ,'' �/ 8j.•Zg�� RF '-O6� FLOODWAY��1_----y \ 2 j I k' 0' Qco V / 40 !� 1 �� ; I' �— �i� (�� ,� \ �\ I i QQ J� ! ' F.` 7-5' I C i / t W 11� _ S1 \ Y / / / 37 Qi" 38 /� /'�` i % 3 T�� ��\ �� __� LIE ` '' �+NOR,� 51 /� ' YO '1 /�� �' S£ le /{� 's?W 3 �'` \ h o / `� ---- -� u` J y' / / Ste, i "Q. 07,g9. 5/8 I.R.F. �/ / , / S ----- \ ' y/ �g J 8 i --- -- - - 1g4��, _ _ ' S 11824• -%� 41 VF \� �5//Z� 1/2" LR.F. a1E�i �i' OS �l C / - 50 O aA \ W 144 78� 1 2 y' /a ?e"'W i /l\ 2 \����7 - p E F f / SyC�i �'/2e8 \ �9p 2 V°� 7ILITy E/4.4g' _��� 1 , �- �g 7 s 4 i3'16�- ` 95 / 0 / i � t��q CIO ASfMENT - / U?•O C�' '^``� �_ �•R.F - , 3 49 FLOODWAY �. +�� t se. PG. N Q EXISTING t 5Jg" I.R.F. `� COMMON AREA 't� p l l "------------------------ `I ��Y''� . �ZON y t ��'� 1 1 'i�� 580 v S02'43'S0"W zgg,fi / / W �� _ N t 1 OGA`P� /'LA '� ���� N� i i APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF �� �"'• zv0-, FLOODWAY 6 DRAINAGE ------.------- -- 43 / / 48 t pRW+� O X �' P '� vo 10) — ---- `i t t 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN �', o 47 —R $ N of o°c' S �A 000 EASEMENT �.- 20.00 — S0743-- ----- \�` / / t D.E. 2as.o7' � / 46 LOT45 gp.FT• b�'�S�TM��� v _ LL _ PQP� �pP / � 1 \ 1 t ` \\ 1/2" I.R.F. NO158' E 42 ,' a w RAINAGE EASEMENT AND � _ \ ' � ` - ------ _ _` 36.32' coMMDN aaea No. 2 COL 9 rT y f - l - U E - ----- . �j; \\` 3�632, e'° POSE" Nt � l l 45 IN-.g.F. �' �jN 182.0 / ,p� . �� �� �► '�-__-- \ 121.02' { Z '1 P NWi5 E 300.34 / _ -,__w 457s 5) .�. / / s E .E. Z _ - S02'59 10"W56e' 0� ; _ \ Y J w t 1/2" i.R.F. �` '1 ( OF 30' O ---- 12 , �j� _ 29 s�i COMMON AREA N0. 1 i / _--- S0' 5� N07l2 �' ? '�263� �Q►'S " 1t `~\ a t t _ , 1 AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT S�?9• F 4543j'`````2e �2� J"\\ - 1 �� �`- —R, J'BLOCY. 23Gigo G i�� N S � �'• c i 6R Q4 _ I - LET 6 Ani1fi� E i 6� s g ,. ' 7'� m ' 5 R _ _ -----jk � ---- ------ N�2a'1 , 1I0 �Rqy' 5/� I.R.F. L21 EASE - u.E��------- -- -__ E 221.54 29 '���'+��� S?3,�3 SF �,2�/� OftA,,l A NO. 2 u6 L14 S �g7.72�� �' �, t 4R A �r aaE 0 , �o 5 +/2" I. ,q 30 03"8. 2'R FSy COµ140N tj 56.5T 8 R 1 % R.F. �V �` ? �w ?`'3 T <� ' ,(SIG SJ� �' w j4�fl J. i?�S9 _�621 J9 118/ 1892� jai IRF , ,' ' 8 - �. SIC 0 �`\��� <24�� `� FLOODWAY 413.61 629.28' ,I� a No ENz 0 �•/ cJ i 6 - �8 A�LLO\ £ ?e8 \ 395p�%��e3' NOT29' W �g0� 25g' MMON A G EASEM ��A/ 49. 1 LOCK 5 6 U.f ,,, sLI�� �9T�S 3Og6 99' �� 'S3614¢�W Zd2639. 3�� - ANO OAAI �—'� 9R Ac 10' U.E.- 4 r-- 4 28�6 f'If 30 �` �4N�'N2 �--� OWNER CERTIFICATION 10R s STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT WHEREAS, LARRY G. HOWARD and DIANA L. HOWARD and TIMBERLAKE RESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION, INC., acting by and through the undersigned, their duly authorized agents, are the sole owners of a tract of land out of the P. J. HYDE SURVEY, Abstract No. 667, in the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEIo the City of all of Lots 47 and 63, thefTIMBER LAKE. PHASE 5. plat thereof recorded innCabiinetoA,tSlide 2557 of thete Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, LARRY G. HOWARD and DIANA L. HOWARD and TIMBERLAKE RESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION, INC., by and through the undersigned, their duly authorized agents, do hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described eal Southlake,rTarrant pCounty, Texas, 47and ado hereby Bdedicate LOCK 2 ftolthe Rpublic's Huse the ASE 5. astreets land on to the y of easements shown thereon. This plat does not increase the number of lots or alter or remove existing deed restrictions or covenants, if any, on this property. WITNESS my hand at Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas this the day of 1997. TIMBERLAKE RESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION, INC. By: David Howell, President Larry G. Howard Diana L. Howard STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared David Howell, President of Timberlake Residential Association, Inc., a corporation, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated and as the act and deed of said corporation. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of 1997. Notary Public, in and for the State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS * COUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Larry G. Howard, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of 1997• Notary Public, in and for the State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Diana L. Howard, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of 1997 Notary Public, in and for the State of Texas J 2 0 1 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION 14R I I H 12 R t 13R THIS is to certify that I. John Vicain, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor of the State of Texas, having platted the above subdivision from an actual survey on the ground;_ and that all lot corners, and angle points, and point of curve shall be properly marked on the ground, and that this plat correctly represents that survey made by me or under my direction and supervision. DATED this day of 1997. JOHN VICAIN, Registered Professional Land Surveyor #4097 POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC. 5999 Summerside Drive. Dallas, Texas 75252 (972) 380-2605 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION APPROVED CHAIRMAN SECRETARY APPROVED BY THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE APPROVED MAYOR CITY SECRETARY NOTES: 1.) THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS ON ANY LOT CONTAINED WITHIN THIS ADDITION. THE MINIMUM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON THE MOST CURRENT INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT THE TIME THE PLAT IS FILED AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. ADDITIONAL LOTS, OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN, MAY ALSO BE SUBJECT TO MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR CRITERIA. 2.) THE OWNER OF ALL CORNER LOTS SHALL MAINTAIN SIGHT TRIANGLES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. 3.) ALL IRON RODS ARE 5/8" IRON RODS WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAPS STAMPED "NELSON CORP." 4.) ALL COMMON AREAS ARE PRIVATE AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. 5.) THE OWNER OF LOT 63, BLOCK 2 IS TIMBERLAKE REALTY ASSOCIATION. INC. AND THE OWNERS OF LOT 47. BLOCK 2 ARE LARRY G. HOWARD AND DIANA L. HOWARD. 6.) SELLING A PORTION OF ANY LOT WITHIN THIS AMITION BY METES AND BOUNDS IS A VIOLATION OF SIA.I�E AAW AND CITY OiDnUMCE� AND IS SUBJECT TO FINES AND WITHHOLDING OF TIES AND BUILDING PEIFMIITS. r 7.) AN INACCURACY HAS BEEN FOUND ON THE FINAL PLAT OF TIMBER LAKE, PHASE 5 FILED IN CABINET A, SLIDE 2557, P.R.T.C.T. COMMON AREA NO. 2, LOT 63. BLOCK 2 IS ADDITIONALLY LABELED INCORRECTLY AS LOT 47, BLOCK 7 ON THE FINAL PLAT. THIS PLAT REVISION OF LOT 63, BLOCK 2 OF TIMBER LAKE, PHASE 5. NOW KNOWN AS LOT 63-R, BLOCK 2, RENDERS THIS MISTAKE NULL AND VOID. 97_a/5 REC'D MAR 10 1997 THIS PEAT FILED IN CAB. B.) LEGEND: MIN. F.F. - MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR ,SLIDE U.E. - UTILITY EASEMENT P.R. T. C. T., DATED D.E. - DRAINAGE EASEMENT W.M.E. EASEMENT TO HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION PLA T REVISION TUE T.U.MAINTENANCE U. ELECTRICEASEMENT GTE = W.M.E. GENERAL TELEPHONE & = WALL MAINTENANCE ELECTRIC EASEMENT EASEMENT TO HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION L 0 TS 4 7 -R and 6 3 -R, BL 0 CK 2 = INDICATED STREET NAME CHANGE T j A 0� TIMBER LAKE.9 P AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS BEING A REVISION OF LUS 47 & 63, BLOCK 2 OF TIMBER LAKE, PHASE 5 RECORDED IN CABINET A, SLIDE 2557, P.R. T. C. T. BRING 9.0796 ACRES (2 LOTS) OUT OF THE P.J. HYDB SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 667 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE„ TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS OWNER -APPLICANT PLANNER -ENGINEER -SURVEYOR LARRY G. & DIANA L. HOWARD TIMBERLAKE RESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION, INC. POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC. 802 SHORECREST DRIVE 15851 DALLAS PARKWAY, SUITE 100 5999 SUMMERSIDE DR. SUITE 202 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 ;DALLAS, TEXAS 75248 DALLAS, TEXAS 75252 (972) 490-3255 (972) 380-2605 MARCH 5, 1997 SCALE: 1" = 100' PBSJ# 89018.01 CASE NO. ZA 97-015 ' SHEET 1 OF 1 i OTC" &,04 , 0 cvwlght 1996 M M O O taw W -P w .2 L 0 0 C m� L• U. Qa� =30 0, ~M tv ._ x $ v 3�qa� m Quirts Y^ .m MQ vP -� 0 C) • L o Wx 10� a fte No. l GRAPHIC SCALE 1"-40' 0 40 80 120 N w z > `� KW y a Q�- Li o > z v O a t- w Li0 a W . SOUTHLAKE BLVD. UMN \ 10 1111I I l 1\51 •\I" VARIANCES REQUESTED 1. A VARIANCE IS REQUESTED FOR THE SECTION 43 CORRIDOR OVERLAY 4: 1 SLOPE SETBACK PEQUIPEMENT FPOM THE EAST AND WEST PROPERTY LINES. THIS PEQUIPEMENT IS MET FOR THE NOP TH PROPERTY LINE. A BUILDING SETBACK OF 25' FPOM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE AS WELL AS A 40 ' BUILDING SETBACK FROM THE EAST PPOPEP T Y LINE IS PEQUES TED. 2. PPOPOSED PARKING OF 27 SPACES IN LIEU OF THE PEQUIPED 42 SPACES. 3. A 3. 5 ' STONE POST/STEEL FENCE IN LIEU OF THE 8' SCPEENING ON THE WEST PROPERTY LINE. 4. A DPI VEWA Y SPACING OF APPPDXIMA TEL Y 108 ' FPOM THE EXISTING DPI VEWA Y TO THE EAST IS REQUESTED IN LIEU OF THE PEQUIPED 500'. A COMMON ACCESS EASEMENT WILL BE PROVIDED FOP FUTURE ACCESS TO THE ADJACENT PROPERTY IF NEEDED. SITE DATA SUMMARY CHART EXISTING ZONING = AGRICULTURAL PROPOSED ZONING = SP-1 ( OFFICE ) LAND USE DESIGNATION = MEDIUM DENSITY RESEDENTIA GROSS ACREAGE = 1.344 Ac . PROPOSED LOTS = I PROPOSED START OF DEVELOPMENT = 03-17-97 PROPOSED COMPLETION OF DEVELOPMENT = 08-31-97 PARKING REQUIRED = 42 SPACES PARKING PROVIDED = 27 SPACES OPEN SPACE = 0.604 Ac . PERCENTAGE OF SITE COVERAGE = 55% (IMPERVIOUS) PERCENTAGE OPEN SPACE = 45% (Includes Bufferyards ) AREA OF OUTSIDE STORAGE = 0.00 Ac . PERCENTAGE OUTSIDE STORAGE = 0% REQUIRED LOADING SPACES = 0 PROVIDED LOADING SPACES = 0 NUMBER OF STORIES = 2 MAXIMUM BLDG . HEIGHT = 35 FT BUILDING FOOTPRINT = 5,799 S.F. TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA = 10, 844 S.F. FIRST FLOOR NET AREA = 5,164 S.F. SECOND FLOOR NET AREA = 4, 709 S.F. CIlty of S 1 / 04,4. / c � �, 4, 4 1 LOT 99 ! V 1 / 1 BLOCK 1 B / NOTE, AN EXISTMIG 6' WOOD FENCE EXISTS APPROXIMATELY 5' NORTH OF THE PL 8'STONE P T/WOOD FENCE 5/8' IRF 140.75' —7 .� U — 42' STONE w J 20' U.E. 3/4' BOLT FND NEAREST APPROACH •E— APPROX . 508 ' (SOUTHRIDGE BEGINNING • y a y PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ' Ix All \ IAK LOT 14 STATE OF TEXAS: � BLOCK 1 COUNTY OF TARRANT =�4t f BEING a tract of land situated in the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522, City of I Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and being that some tract of land co described M 3 � deed to Jerry R. Buck and wife, Karen Marie Buck, recorded in Yolffte 52 Pcige 1 190 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas (DRTCT`) and being particularly described as follows, BEGINNING at a 3/4' bolt found in the north line of F.M. No. 1709 (Southlake Boulevard -called 130' R.O.W. ) at the corner common to the southwest corner of saidf, Black tract and the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block I of Southridge Lakes_- Phase 1, on addition to the City of Southloke, Tarrant County, Texas as recorded In Cabinet A. Slide 468 of the Plat Records of Tarrant- County, Texos,�" THENCE N 00001'08' E (Reference bearing - Per Plat recorded in Cab. A, Slide 468., I PRTCT ), deporting the north line of said F.M. No'. 1709, along the east tine of said Lot _ x 1, Block I of Southridge Lakes - Phase 1, a distance of 416.49 feet ( Deed 416.45 ` feet, ; Plot 416.32 feet I to a 5/8' iron rod with a plastic cap found at the corner common to the northwest corner of said Black tract and the southwest corner of Lot 9 of sold Block I of Southridge Lakes - Phase 1,'. THENCE N 89055'06' E, deporting the east line of said Lot 1, Block I of Southridge Lakes - Phase I, along the south line of said Lot 9 and Lot 10 of sold Block I of Southr idge Lakes - Phase I, a distance of 140.75 feet (Deed 140.7' ) to 0 5/8' iron rod I with a plastic cop found at the corner common to the northeast corner of said Black p tract and the northwest corner of a tract of land as described in deed to Charles W Alexander and wife, Iva S. Alexander, recorded in Volume 2537, Page 188, DRTCT , r THENCE S 00'01'08' W, departing the south line of said Southridge Lakes - Phase 1, along the line common to the east line of said Block tract and the west line of said Alexander tract, a distance of 415.54 feet (Deed 416.45 feet ) to a 5/8' iron rod with a plastic cop found in the north line of said F.M. No. 1709, of the corner common to the ° southeast corner of said Block troct and the southwest corner of said Alexander tract, from which a 1/2' iron rod found bears S 24° 12'15' E, 1.07 feet, THENCE S 89 ° 32 '00' W, along the north line of said F.M. No. 1709, a distance of 140.75 feet ( Deed 140.7 ' feet ) to the POINT of BEGINNING and containing 58, 553 . square feet or 1.344 acres of land. 1::—COMMON ACCESS EASEMENT ' I � I 0 ,4 a ill''i 11 � i i jig (130' R.O.W.) (89' BACK CURB - BACK CURB) (ASPHALT PAVEMENT) LOT 15, LOT 14, LOT 13, LOT 12, _ 11, BLOCK 1 BLOCK 1 �„� BLOCK 1 �„� BLACKfI '� BLOCK 1 I 4A49' I I V I STONE LAKES, P HLASE 1 v CAB A, SLIDE 915, .R.T.(C.T. OWNED BY: DBYBI.OPED BY: 113LAC K MEEDHCCAL AIR SIERVH CIE A SSOCEATH®N III RNANDE ARC. S° PRHPARED BY: � E �Y Igo �� W �9 G ®ODWINI 1302 W. ithialre Blvd. Nine Tillage (Circle, Suite 540 1017 BLUE LAKE DRIVE RS1RATr•IL SRoanoke, Texas 76262 FORT �®�7�TEXAS 76103 Ouae, � CML ENGINEERS -- PLANNERS '-- SURVEYORS (817) 430 — 4655 (817) 496 — 0307 8001 Bridge Street, Suite 100, Fort Worm Texas r6l12 Moto (817) 429-4373 DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ZONING SP-1 REMIREMM DEVIATIONS FRONT YARD BUILDING NONE SETBACK OF 50' 10' TYPE FI BUFFERYARD ALONG EAST, WEST, AND NORTH NONE PROPERTY LINES 20' TYPE M BUFFERYARD ALONG NONE W. SOUTHLAKE BLVD. SUM1&%RY CHART — BUfffRYARDS Location Length Bufferyord Width - Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Shrubs Fence/Screening Height 8 Material North Required 14 1' 10' - FI 4 8 II VFENCE e Provided 14 1' 10' - FI 4a 8 38 a' STONE/WOOID East Required 416' 10' - FI 13 1 25 33 Provided 416' 10' - FI 13b 34 140 —9 STONUWOOU FENCE South Required 117'# 20' - M 4 2 14• NONE Provided 117' 20' - M 24c 3 85 NOW West Required 417' 10' - FI 13 25 33 Provided 417' 10' - FI 13d 34 160 Notes: *Where parking is provided between the building setback line and public R.O.W., shrubs obtaining a mature height of three feet (3' I or greater must be planted at a minimum spacing of thirty inches (30' 1 on center continuous a" ON paved edges of the parking or drive areas. #Length reflects deduction due to the driveway width crossing bufferyard Comments o NCLUDES CREDIT FOR 4 TREES b NCLIAES CREDIT FOR 10 TREES c NCLIAES CREDIT FOR 24 TREES d NCL=AES CREDIT FOR 12 TREES WhO ARY CHART - IN1=" LANDWAPB Landscape Area (Sq. ft.I X of area in front or side Canopy Trees Accent Trees Shrubs Ground Cover (Sq. ft.I Required 2,927 75% 5 10 98 293 Provided 16,853 100% 15e 11 315 2356 Notes Comments • NcLuDES CREDIT FOR 12 TREES SI I I' I" I \ OF PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDING IILDII` . c :• I 1.344 ACRES ffMATWINTM SURVEY ." ,J LOMMM IN r Y xa CITY OF SOUTHLAKK TARFkW COUNTY, TEXAS JANUARY,1997 CASE NO. ZA REC') MAR 101997 LOMMM IN r Y xa CITY OF SOUTHLAKK TARFkW COUNTY, TEXAS JANUARY,1997 CASE NO. ZA REC') MAR 101997 J �r PLANT LEGEND � 1 Existing Trees / See Tree Survey for type and size � J + Canopy Tree / Oak Live Oak or Red Oak / 4" cal. min. / 12' ht . min Canopy Tree / Pistcache Chinese Piatache / 3" cal. min. / i0'ht min. • Understory-Ornamental Tree / Redbud Redbud / 8'ht min. / container Understor I-Ornamenta I / Crape Myrtle Crape Myrtle / Mlt. Trk / 1' ht . min. / 3-5 trK,, Unclerstory-Ornamental Tree / Yaupon Yaupon Holly / Mlt. Trk / 8' ht min. / 54pd. min. / 4 trk min. Evergreen Screwing Tree / Eastern Rod Cedar Cedar / 591. Trk / Full To Ground / 8'-10' ht / 4'-6' spd 0 0• 0 U7 L0 00 LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS ® Accent Shrubs Soitieef Yucca / Dwf. Crape Myrtle / A.W. Spidrea REQUIRED REQUIRED RE=IRED PROVIDED PROVIDED TOTAL 0 Foundation Shrubs MTERIOR BUFFER TOTAL INTERIOR BUFFER PROVIDED Dwf. Ek r cord Holly / Sea Green Juniper / Needlepoint Ho l Iy O Flowering Shrubs Ldscapo Area (SF) 2921 SF 11,135 SF 14062 SF I6,8OF 11,135 SF 21,9 8F Indian Hawthorn / Azalea / Viburmo % of Lot Area 5% ICJ% 24% 25 29x 197t 48% o Dwarf Shrubs Canopy Trees 5 35 40 28• 39• 61• Dwf. Yaupon / Harbor Dwi. Nandina / C. Pygmy Barberry Accent Trees 10 58 68 23 58 81 ® Twining Vine Shrubs 50 90 140 215 161 382 Cross Vines / staked and espallerod Ground Cover (SF) 293 SF 293 8F 22008E 24008F 46008E ® Ground Cover Asian Jdamww / dig Blue Liriope •Includes credit for exists trees existing ® Seasonal Color Arnia l Color Greenlee i'T5W M.Y. Douw+light for lighting/ Mount site in�xtsting/New Trees as drawn ,tVS'Sl-V M"90, L0.00 S A ." - , -- j6t'91-b 3«90,10.00 N /. 42" STONE P09T/81TEL FENCE 42" STONE WALL F''1ELIMINARY LANDSCAF''E PLAN WEST ELE�,i� 1�IUN 0) � O � Q •W 0 _J zD � O Q M 3 W Z � Q Z � 1. Z •0 CIO r +PSaa:�:1�31i � t •o• a Qi 0*t �++' S414g.Q. J'tjo Gi III, . EOE U N O 4) d 4)'S Zs x y W �V) U O CrLJ l E-m k E a E e z �W� U N N Z � O N o Q� M Qi MvhN } j � cn •t W L) N W U V � CV u � v -y-� o Wc. v Z C� COL, A < W <x u s. 00 I Z m y' .- :3 v <�3� �aor 0 p In �i ui (City of 7, _lj it 0 Nlitii, *r /.,- , -A , � � ': , - k., wA tu Z 'a Z T .47 N AM 7, 74 v slam 1 ls� ? 7Y x 'c" Z 75 s 5/8' T Tn 140 5/8, flF J, - ly. 70 co _7 Olt 51 GRAPHIC SCALE 1"-40' ro 4 8 'N, k Mor ',4", - A V .1 _Iz 0 40 so 120 v: '4 IR 4,- VICIN= MAP .48.4 N.T.S. FF.�= 65i.00 4M CbNWCT 4' S.S TA %0, 20 U E iq 7V w NEAREST APPROACH AWROAW w 42 APPROX. 508 NAYJ NEAREST EXISTM FW 77 WST ft APPROXNATELY 757- FRM LAKES 4W;AY (p.M 17W) W_ Sol -Y I D low -ow BLOCK I 4c . 99 P a W f v grom 01 W w: W, C v w7mRy* 4 J� : -� I . , AV, -AWS] FRRY and wife, KAREN MARIE IOLACK m W" 14V f'4" 0. W aim W, N_.., 44- -77 1% 7M -�.i; i w, , ll�_,�. _f MAWR VA !!I' III�� 11 1111f I IF X' g M, A10- 31- 4t, O J -I U-1 O J w U rn aW 0 x¢ a ¢I�o QW 00 rolo)a z� z 0UJI a N 4 x� E- o 0 � I co 0 J . I...50'. R/W �. 0 .1 a w - / �•��� \ \ / / /C \ 0 / E 0'0' N \ S Original Scale 1 = 40' 111.45' R5. 0 20 40 80 / I \ •S3 �9, Graphic Scale in Feet / U 1 Uj A � �z� I LOT 6,ELK. A \ N Q ZONED C3 L.UD. (AXED USE / / \ Q !' 84.04' EA5T / /. •' Q ..................................................... — — —. - .-..-.......... /... .,�. �. �. /. •;�'L�\ EAST - 2i1.94' - CONC. --- 5 89'54'38" E / i 10' BUFT RYARD 'B' F. _-- 3a' . B _� _ AQ�ES 0 GATE SLOG. 13' 2 J60 OF. v 3558 BLDG. 'A' 21350 S.F. 30.00 x BLDG. 'c' SW OF. `. LOADINGASSA \ �` (35LOT5) ' \ SITE DATA SUMMARY CHART TOTAL AREA 175,882 S.F.(4.038 AC.) BUFFER YARD AREA 19,768 S.F.(11.2%) LANDSCAPE AREA 24,956 S.F.(14.2%) TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA 44,724 S.F.(25.4%) BUILDING AREA (TOTAL, INCLUDING 900 S.F. OFFICE SPACE) 71,220 S.F.(40.5%) PAVED AREA 59,938 S.F. (34.1 %) NUMBER OF STORAGE UNITS 470 FRONT YARD 50 FT. SIDE YARD AS SHOWN REAR YARD 30 FT. EXISTING ZONING C3 REQUESTED ZONING S-P-2 W/I1 - SELF STORAGE UNITS USE PARKING TYPE REQUIRED PROVIDED OFFICE 3 3 OTHER 14 16 LOADING SIZE REQUIRED PROVIDED 1OX50 2 2 1OX30 3 3 VARIANCES REQUESTED BUFFER YARDS LOCATION REQUIRED I TYPE -IREQUESTED1 TYPE NORTH R.O.W. OF INDUSTRIAL BLVD. 10, B 5' B NORTH/EAST P.L. (ADJ. TO LOT 4R-2R-3) 10' F1 5' F1 BUILDING SETBACK LINES LOCATION REQUIRED REQUESTED NORTH R.O.W. OF INDUSTRIAL BLVD. 30' 10, SOUTH P.L. (ADJ. TO LOT 8, BLK.1, GRAPEVINE INDUST. PK. 15, 10, & LOT 3, BLK.A, SOUTHLAKE BANK PLACE) NORTH/EAST P.L. (ADJ. TO LOT 4R-2R-3) 15' 5' SIGNIFIES LANDSCAPE AREA REMAINDER of LOT 4R-2R-3 FLOCK A SOUTHLAKE BANK PLACE CABINET A, SLIDE 2242 P.R.,T.Co.,TX. ZONED C3 L.U.D. !NIXED USE 10' UT:LIT`r EASEr`ENT TO BE V4,C47ED s f:LWE BLVD. to G SITE LOCATION MAP PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BEING a portion of Lot 4R-2R-3, Block A, Southlake Bank Place, an addition to the city of Southlake, Tarront County, Texas according to the plot recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2242, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas (P.R.T.Co.,Tx.) and Lot 6, Block A, Southlake Bank Place, an addition to the city of Southlake according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2242, P.R.T.Co.,Tx., and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows. BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron pin found for the common Southwest corner of Lot 4R-2R-3, Block A, of said said Southlake Bank Place and Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block A, said Southlake Bank Place in the East right-of-way of Bank Street; THENCE with said Bank Street, North 00 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds East, 440.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE departing said Bank Street, South 89 degrees 54 minutes 38 seconds East, 177.5 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds West, 106.71 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 32 degrees 35 minutes 29 seconds East, 284.42 feet to a point for corner, THENCE North 89 degrees 43 minutes 55 seconds East, 201.24 feet to a point for corner, THENCE South 87 degrees 43 minutes 04 seconds East, 270.18 feet to a point for corner, THENCE North 58 degrees 29 minutes 27 seconds East, 155.00 feet to a point for corner in the West right-of-way of State Highway (S.H.) 114, said point being in a curve to the left having a central angle of 04 degrees 06 minutes 04 seconds, a radius of 2,799.06 feet and a long chord which bears South 37 degrees 06 minutes 55 seconds East, 200.31 feet. THENCE along said curve to the left an arc distance of 200.35 feet to a monument found for the common Southeast corner of said Lot 6, Southlake Bank Place and the Northeast corner of Grapevine Industrial Park, an addition to the city of Grapevine, Tarrant County, Texas according to the plot recorded in Volume 388-1 11, Page 27, P.R.T.Co.,Tx., in the North right-of-way of Industrial Blvd. THENCE with the South line of said Lot 6 and South 89 degrees 40 minutes 36 seconds West, 322.68 feet to a 1 /2 inch iron pin found for the common Southwest corner of said Lot 6 and the most southerly Southeast corner of said Lot 4R-2R-4; THENCE along the South line of said Lot 4R-2R-3 as follows: ❑ South 89 degrees 29 minutes 08 seconds West, 133.43 feet along the North line of said Grapevine Industrial Park to a 5/8 inch iron pin; ❑ South 89 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds West, 432.89 feet along the \ \ North line of said Grapevine Industrial Park to a 1 inch iron pin found for the common Norhtwest corner of Grapevine Industrial Park and the \ \ \ Norhteast corner of said Lot 3, Block A, Southlake Bank Place; \ ❑ South 89 degrees 58 minutes 51 seconds West, 161.71 feet along the \ N*� North line of said Lot 3 to the Point of Beginning and containing 4.038 acres. 40, MON. W EXISTING PROPERTY LINE TO BE VACATED PROPOSED 5' B.L. c 'L^" s `lam' o \ e & BUFFERYARD 'F1' 71 r---- gib. o — I I--- N 89'43'55" E 20124' S Sl 43'4" / \ j 210.18' I ZONED C3 \ \ ;'� L.UD. WXED USE 1— LOT 6, BLK. A J- - T SOUTH — LAK E BANK PLACE C BLDG. E' VOLUME 388-176, PAGE 9 T� --__-_--_-----_-J L_____ J r EXISTING BLD Cs LINE —�, 1ox50 i u2405F. UJI P.R.,T.Co.,TX. ��- m L---------- L --- -- ---- TO BE VACATED LOADING. I W DUMPSTER ,G, A�\ { m a, CONC. PROPOSED b (�IQ (SCREENED PER REQUIREMENTS) -9 \ a I N-------- 2 - ---- � �a X3NG ELDG.F' 30' BUILDING LINE F- - -- ----- i cl� 5,445OF. � f { _ I LOT 4R-2R-4 5� OF. — — — — — — - \ �_ OFFICE \ 17 I j J F F I Y - -— — Tui7- P :9 0' E. 00 388. t. S 89'58'S1" W - 161.'11' 1 I.R.F. S 89'44'4m" W - 432 89' S/8" I.R.F. S a 29'8" W - 133.43' — — -- ,—D' o-- — -- — — — —! I S 89'40'36" W E. 10' U.E. 5' BUFFER YARD 'A' 15' T.P.& L. ESMT. 5' BUFFER YARD 'A' 5' BUFFER YARD 'B' ILA VOL.7268, PG.1956 P.O.B. 5 w �NDL�GTFZ ,4 �C I LOT 3, BLK. A LOT 8, BLK.1 SOUTHLAKE BANK PLACE oI VOLUME 388-176, PAGE 9 aJ VOLUME 388-111, PAGE 27 P.R.,T.Co.,TX. -� �o P.R.,T.Co.,TX. — ZONED 11 L.U.D. NDUS TRIAL ( (� II' F 04' 06' 04" L .. .... ..........200.35' R.. _ . ........ ....2799.06' I TAN ..-100.22' LC S 37- 06' 55' E 200.31' -i-� y 01 D' Amy I� 13,825 OF. ? % I, L i (60' R.O.W.) REVISIONS z 0 F o. w 0 a 0 z Q�o C/ �O W W 01 z W o� Z F- r UI 't V) Q, WOX W I [ff r W1' U) WI- 't a 3 Ij „ (� 0 r 0 _j ao v °o z t` 0 z 0 W ,9 W LwL � (1''� c ✓ Zw0U a W U � z �W wacOZ 0 rh Q N V N aZ 0�� w 0 Wow W a Y) c U N 0 o x00 0 JOB NO. 1 =-5-7cZ>cZ>a DESIGNED BY: o c� o o JAL MON. DRAWN BY: JAL Owner / Developer: CHECKED BY: SFRJ%GARV III JAL SCALE: 1200 EAST COPELAND ROAD 4-4: 1 _ .4c�' SUITE 504 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 (817)261-3151 DRAWING: 1�7-0o:5 e"C=- -cal NEAR 111997 O DATE: cZ>2-24—cB—t SITE DATA SUMMARY CHART TOTAL AREA 175,882 S.F.(4.038 AC.) BUFFER YARD AREA 19,768 S.F.(11.2%) LANDSCAPE AREA 24,956 S.F.(14.2%) TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA 44,724 S.F.(25.4%) BUILDING AREA (TOTAL, INCLUDING 900 S.F. OFFICE SPACE) 71,220 S.F.(40.5%) PAVED AREA 59,938 S.F. (34.1 %) NUMBER OF STORAGE UNITS 470 FRONT YARD 50 FT. SIDE YARD AS SHOWN REAR YARD 30 FT. EXISTING ZONING C3 REQUESTED ZONING S-P-2 W/I1 - SELF STORAGE UNITS USE PARKING TYPE REQUIRED PROVIDED OFFICE 3 3 OTHER 14 16 LOADING SIZE REQUIRED PROVIDED 1OX50 2 2 1OX30 3 3 VARIANCES REQUESTED BUFFER YARDS LOCATION REQUIRED I TYPE -IREQUESTED1 TYPE NORTH R.O.W. OF INDUSTRIAL BLVD. 10, B 5' B NORTH/EAST P.L. (ADJ. TO LOT 4R-2R-3) 10' F1 5' F1 BUILDING SETBACK LINES LOCATION REQUIRED REQUESTED NORTH R.O.W. OF INDUSTRIAL BLVD. 30' 10, SOUTH P.L. (ADJ. TO LOT 8, BLK.1, GRAPEVINE INDUST. PK. 15, 10, & LOT 3, BLK.A, SOUTHLAKE BANK PLACE) NORTH/EAST P.L. (ADJ. TO LOT 4R-2R-3) 15' 5' SIGNIFIES LANDSCAPE AREA REMAINDER of LOT 4R-2R-3 FLOCK A SOUTHLAKE BANK PLACE CABINET A, SLIDE 2242 P.R.,T.Co.,TX. ZONED C3 L.U.D. !NIXED USE 10' UT:LIT`r EASEr`ENT TO BE V4,C47ED s f:LWE BLVD. to G SITE LOCATION MAP PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BEING a portion of Lot 4R-2R-3, Block A, Southlake Bank Place, an addition to the city of Southlake, Tarront County, Texas according to the plot recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2242, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas (P.R.T.Co.,Tx.) and Lot 6, Block A, Southlake Bank Place, an addition to the city of Southlake according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2242, P.R.T.Co.,Tx., and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows. BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron pin found for the common Southwest corner of Lot 4R-2R-3, Block A, of said said Southlake Bank Place and Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block A, said Southlake Bank Place in the East right-of-way of Bank Street; THENCE with said Bank Street, North 00 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds East, 440.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE departing said Bank Street, South 89 degrees 54 minutes 38 seconds East, 177.5 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds West, 106.71 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 32 degrees 35 minutes 29 seconds East, 284.42 feet to a point for corner, THENCE North 89 degrees 43 minutes 55 seconds East, 201.24 feet to a point for corner, THENCE South 87 degrees 43 minutes 04 seconds East, 270.18 feet to a point for corner, THENCE North 58 degrees 29 minutes 27 seconds East, 155.00 feet to a point for corner in the West right-of-way of State Highway (S.H.) 114, said point being in a curve to the left having a central angle of 04 degrees 06 minutes 04 seconds, a radius of 2,799.06 feet and a long chord which bears South 37 degrees 06 minutes 55 seconds East, 200.31 feet. THENCE along said curve to the left an arc distance of 200.35 feet to a monument found for the common Southeast corner of said Lot 6, Southlake Bank Place and the Northeast corner of Grapevine Industrial Park, an addition to the city of Grapevine, Tarrant County, Texas according to the plot recorded in Volume 388-1 11, Page 27, P.R.T.Co.,Tx., in the North right-of-way of Industrial Blvd. THENCE with the South line of said Lot 6 and South 89 degrees 40 minutes 36 seconds West, 322.68 feet to a 1 /2 inch iron pin found for the common Southwest corner of said Lot 6 and the most southerly Southeast corner of said Lot 4R-2R-4; THENCE along the South line of said Lot 4R-2R-3 as follows: ❑ South 89 degrees 29 minutes 08 seconds West, 133.43 feet along the North line of said Grapevine Industrial Park to a 5/8 inch iron pin; ❑ South 89 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds West, 432.89 feet along the \ \ North line of said Grapevine Industrial Park to a 1 inch iron pin found for the common Norhtwest corner of Grapevine Industrial Park and the \ \ \ Norhteast corner of said Lot 3, Block A, Southlake Bank Place; \ ❑ South 89 degrees 58 minutes 51 seconds West, 161.71 feet along the \ N*� North line of said Lot 3 to the Point of Beginning and containing 4.038 acres. 40, MON. W EXISTING PROPERTY LINE TO BE VACATED PROPOSED 5' B.L. c 'L^" s `lam' o \ e & BUFFERYARD 'F1' 71 r---- gib. o — I I--- N 89'43'55" E 20124' S Sl 43'4" / \ j 210.18' I ZONED C3 \ \ ;'� L.UD. WXED USE 1— LOT 6, BLK. A J- - T SOUTH — LAK E BANK PLACE C BLDG. E' VOLUME 388-176, PAGE 9 T� --__-_--_-----_-J L_____ J r EXISTING BLD Cs LINE —�, 1ox50 i u2405F. UJI P.R.,T.Co.,TX. ��- m L---------- L --- -- ---- TO BE VACATED LOADING. I W DUMPSTER ,G, A�\ { m a, CONC. PROPOSED b (�IQ (SCREENED PER REQUIREMENTS) -9 \ a I N-------- 2 - ---- � �a X3NG ELDG.F' 30' BUILDING LINE F- - -- ----- i cl� 5,445OF. � f { _ I LOT 4R-2R-4 5� OF. — — — — — — - \ �_ OFFICE \ 17 I j J F F I Y - -— — Tui7- P :9 0' E. 00 388. t. S 89'58'S1" W - 161.'11' 1 I.R.F. S 89'44'4m" W - 432 89' S/8" I.R.F. S a 29'8" W - 133.43' — — -- ,—D' o-- — -- — — — —! I S 89'40'36" W E. 10' U.E. 5' BUFFER YARD 'A' 15' T.P.& L. ESMT. 5' BUFFER YARD 'A' 5' BUFFER YARD 'B' ILA VOL.7268, PG.1956 P.O.B. 5 w �NDL�GTFZ ,4 �C I LOT 3, BLK. A LOT 8, BLK.1 SOUTHLAKE BANK PLACE oI VOLUME 388-176, PAGE 9 aJ VOLUME 388-111, PAGE 27 P.R.,T.Co.,TX. -� �o P.R.,T.Co.,TX. — ZONED 11 L.U.D. NDUS TRIAL ( (� II' F 04' 06' 04" L .. .... ..........200.35' R.. _ . ........ ....2799.06' I TAN ..-100.22' LC S 37- 06' 55' E 200.31' -i-� y 01 D' Amy I� 13,825 OF. ? % I, L i (60' R.O.W.) REVISIONS z 0 F o. w 0 a 0 z Q�o C/ �O W W 01 z W o� Z F- r UI 't V) Q, WOX W I [ff r W1' U) WI- 't a 3 Ij „ (� 0 r 0 _j ao v °o z t` 0 z 0 W ,9 W LwL � (1''� c ✓ Zw0U a W U � z �W wacOZ 0 rh Q N V N aZ 0�� w 0 Wow W a Y) c U N 0 o x00 0 JOB NO. 1 =-5-7cZ>cZ>a DESIGNED BY: o c� o o JAL MON. DRAWN BY: JAL Owner / Developer: CHECKED BY: SFRJ%GARV III JAL SCALE: 1200 EAST COPELAND ROAD 4-4: 1 _ .4c�' SUITE 504 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 (817)261-3151 DRAWING: 1�7-0o:5 e"C=- -cal NEAR 111997 O DATE: cZ>2-24—cB—t SIGNIFIES LANDSCAPE AREA REMAINDER of LOT 4R-2R-3 FLOCK A SOUTHLAKE BANK PLACE CABINET A, SLIDE 2242 P.R.,T.Co.,TX. ZONED C3 L.U.D. !NIXED USE 10' UT:LIT`r EASEr`ENT TO BE V4,C47ED s f:LWE BLVD. to G SITE LOCATION MAP PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BEING a portion of Lot 4R-2R-3, Block A, Southlake Bank Place, an addition to the city of Southlake, Tarront County, Texas according to the plot recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2242, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas (P.R.T.Co.,Tx.) and Lot 6, Block A, Southlake Bank Place, an addition to the city of Southlake according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2242, P.R.T.Co.,Tx., and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows. BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron pin found for the common Southwest corner of Lot 4R-2R-3, Block A, of said said Southlake Bank Place and Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block A, said Southlake Bank Place in the East right-of-way of Bank Street; THENCE with said Bank Street, North 00 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds East, 440.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE departing said Bank Street, South 89 degrees 54 minutes 38 seconds East, 177.5 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds West, 106.71 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 32 degrees 35 minutes 29 seconds East, 284.42 feet to a point for corner, THENCE North 89 degrees 43 minutes 55 seconds East, 201.24 feet to a point for corner, THENCE South 87 degrees 43 minutes 04 seconds East, 270.18 feet to a point for corner, THENCE North 58 degrees 29 minutes 27 seconds East, 155.00 feet to a point for corner in the West right-of-way of State Highway (S.H.) 114, said point being in a curve to the left having a central angle of 04 degrees 06 minutes 04 seconds, a radius of 2,799.06 feet and a long chord which bears South 37 degrees 06 minutes 55 seconds East, 200.31 feet. THENCE along said curve to the left an arc distance of 200.35 feet to a monument found for the common Southeast corner of said Lot 6, Southlake Bank Place and the Northeast corner of Grapevine Industrial Park, an addition to the city of Grapevine, Tarrant County, Texas according to the plot recorded in Volume 388-1 11, Page 27, P.R.T.Co.,Tx., in the North right-of-way of Industrial Blvd. THENCE with the South line of said Lot 6 and South 89 degrees 40 minutes 36 seconds West, 322.68 feet to a 1 /2 inch iron pin found for the common Southwest corner of said Lot 6 and the most southerly Southeast corner of said Lot 4R-2R-4; THENCE along the South line of said Lot 4R-2R-3 as follows: ❑ South 89 degrees 29 minutes 08 seconds West, 133.43 feet along the North line of said Grapevine Industrial Park to a 5/8 inch iron pin; ❑ South 89 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds West, 432.89 feet along the \ \ North line of said Grapevine Industrial Park to a 1 inch iron pin found for the common Norhtwest corner of Grapevine Industrial Park and the \ \ \ Norhteast corner of said Lot 3, Block A, Southlake Bank Place; \ ❑ South 89 degrees 58 minutes 51 seconds West, 161.71 feet along the \ N*� North line of said Lot 3 to the Point of Beginning and containing 4.038 acres. 40, MON. W EXISTING PROPERTY LINE TO BE VACATED PROPOSED 5' B.L. c 'L^" s `lam' o \ e & BUFFERYARD 'F1' 71 r---- gib. o — I I--- N 89'43'55" E 20124' S Sl 43'4" / \ j 210.18' I ZONED C3 \ \ ;'� L.UD. WXED USE 1— LOT 6, BLK. A J- - T SOUTH — LAK E BANK PLACE C BLDG. E' VOLUME 388-176, PAGE 9 T� --__-_--_-----_-J L_____ J r EXISTING BLD Cs LINE —�, 1ox50 i u2405F. UJI P.R.,T.Co.,TX. ��- m L---------- L --- -- ---- TO BE VACATED LOADING. I W DUMPSTER ,G, A�\ { m a, CONC. PROPOSED b (�IQ (SCREENED PER REQUIREMENTS) -9 \ a I N-------- 2 - ---- � �a X3NG ELDG.F' 30' BUILDING LINE F- - -- ----- i cl� 5,445OF. � f { _ I LOT 4R-2R-4 5� OF. — — — — — — - \ �_ OFFICE \ 17 I j J F F I Y - -— — Tui7- P :9 0' E. 00 388. t. S 89'58'S1" W - 161.'11' 1 I.R.F. S 89'44'4m" W - 432 89' S/8" I.R.F. S a 29'8" W - 133.43' — — -- ,—D' o-- — -- — — — —! I S 89'40'36" W E. 10' U.E. 5' BUFFER YARD 'A' 15' T.P.& L. ESMT. 5' BUFFER YARD 'A' 5' BUFFER YARD 'B' ILA VOL.7268, PG.1956 P.O.B. 5 w �NDL�GTFZ ,4 �C I LOT 3, BLK. A LOT 8, BLK.1 SOUTHLAKE BANK PLACE oI VOLUME 388-176, PAGE 9 aJ VOLUME 388-111, PAGE 27 P.R.,T.Co.,TX. -� �o P.R.,T.Co.,TX. — ZONED 11 L.U.D. NDUS TRIAL ( (� II' F 04' 06' 04" L .. .... ..........200.35' R.. _ . ........ ....2799.06' I TAN ..-100.22' LC S 37- 06' 55' E 200.31' -i-� y 01 D' Amy I� 13,825 OF. ? % I, L i (60' R.O.W.) REVISIONS z 0 F o. w 0 a 0 z Q�o C/ �O W W 01 z W o� Z F- r UI 't V) Q, WOX W I [ff r W1' U) WI- 't a 3 Ij „ (� 0 r 0 _j ao v °o z t` 0 z 0 W ,9 W LwL � (1''� c ✓ Zw0U a W U � z �W wacOZ 0 rh Q N V N aZ 0�� w 0 Wow W a Y) c U N 0 o x00 0 JOB NO. 1 =-5-7cZ>cZ>a DESIGNED BY: o c� o o JAL MON. DRAWN BY: JAL Owner / Developer: CHECKED BY: SFRJ%GARV III JAL SCALE: 1200 EAST COPELAND ROAD 4-4: 1 _ .4c�' SUITE 504 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 (817)261-3151 DRAWING: 1�7-0o:5 e"C=- -cal NEAR 111997 O DATE: cZ>2-24—cB—t -i-� y 01 D' Amy I� 13,825 OF. ? % I, L i (60' R.O.W.) REVISIONS z 0 F o. w 0 a 0 z Q�o C/ �O W W 01 z W o� Z F- r UI 't V) Q, WOX W I [ff r W1' U) WI- 't a 3 Ij „ (� 0 r 0 _j ao v °o z t` 0 z 0 W ,9 W LwL � (1''� c ✓ Zw0U a W U � z �W wacOZ 0 rh Q N V N aZ 0�� w 0 Wow W a Y) c U N 0 o x00 0 JOB NO. 1 =-5-7cZ>cZ>a DESIGNED BY: o c� o o JAL MON. DRAWN BY: JAL Owner / Developer: CHECKED BY: SFRJ%GARV III JAL SCALE: 1200 EAST COPELAND ROAD 4-4: 1 _ .4c�' SUITE 504 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 (817)261-3151 DRAWING: 1�7-0o:5 e"C=- -cal NEAR 111997 O DATE: cZ>2-24—cB—t Q�o C/ �O W W 01 z W o� Z F- r UI 't V) Q, WOX W I [ff r W1' U) WI- 't a 3 Ij „ (� 0 r 0 _j ao v °o z t` 0 z 0 W ,9 W LwL � (1''� c ✓ Zw0U a W U � z �W wacOZ 0 rh Q N V N aZ 0�� w 0 Wow W a Y) c U N 0 o x00 0 JOB NO. 1 =-5-7cZ>cZ>a DESIGNED BY: o c� o o JAL MON. DRAWN BY: JAL Owner / Developer: CHECKED BY: SFRJ%GARV III JAL SCALE: 1200 EAST COPELAND ROAD 4-4: 1 _ .4c�' SUITE 504 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 (817)261-3151 DRAWING: 1�7-0o:5 e"C=- -cal NEAR 111997 O DATE: cZ>2-24—cB—t ,9 W LwL � (1''� c ✓ Zw0U a W U � z �W wacOZ 0 rh Q N V N aZ 0�� w 0 Wow W a Y) c U N 0 o x00 0 JOB NO. 1 =-5-7cZ>cZ>a DESIGNED BY: o c� o o JAL MON. DRAWN BY: JAL Owner / Developer: CHECKED BY: SFRJ%GARV III JAL SCALE: 1200 EAST COPELAND ROAD 4-4: 1 _ .4c�' SUITE 504 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 (817)261-3151 DRAWING: 1�7-0o:5 e"C=- -cal NEAR 111997 O DATE: cZ>2-24—cB—t D.J. & L.A. MITCHELL V. 6818, P. 1094 D.R.,T.CO.,TX. SF-1A LUD - MED. DENSITY RESIDENTIAL w a Oro O0 N r ©111111111106 m 0 06 24 PROP. 10' . UTIL. ESMT. GAS M 590'+/- TO EXIST S.S. K. . . • . (}-4 —E PIP : 3/4" I.R.F. "1o•xz0• STALLS _ 40' B.L. I CONC. PVMT. I I 10'X19.9' STALLS � I D9. Im I -- 10 I� I I I /�I 4 1� �O a i J.P. & G.H. STRUNCK Q O N V. 6365, P. 206 0 D.R.,T.CO.,TX. W AG LUD - MED. DENSITY RESIDENTIAL u� w TREE COVER J 0 12� (TYPICAL) Q IZ g Q o 8' SCREENING FENCE A jro TREE COVER (SHADOW BOX W/STONE COLUMNS) (TYPICAL) S 89*54'44" E �" N 444.04' 1 /2" I.R F fit..... �. TRASH DUMPST GATED & SCREENED W/8' MASONRY WALL (� (� 71.2 Z • 14 OAK 20OAK ° O F.H. 20 BUFFER YARD Ft 20 OAK** - - Li O 18.84 NO PAF� M I I n Z _ tt xx 4 a I • I I W L," I� 10'X20' STALLS II I s �r 24' FIRE LANE �:,-� ww x�a sa •FDA :STACKING DEPTH 77.35'i I x CONC PVMT .x` Ilk l00' 'x ----- } TI i I O p i.e.._:;:s:5i"�r✓-.'.-.:°-':ry^;?i:';.-.r.'';'r".',s" / 1 I / 7 11 IN/LLJ G� r----' ( �� /'�� X Q W \� I I I / lyl ii• 1 I / I I: 01 t J o 74„�5'•�. U �• sr'-...s` 46.79 ----------- ....... _ _ — — — 10' X 20' STALLS — — — LOT 1 ----- I76,0 I FUTURE i �.. _j W ~ p i W U O O O PHASE ONE SITE DATA SUMMARY CHART SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPMENT START: MARCH, 1997 - COMPLETION: JULY, 1997 EXISTING ZONING S-D-2 W/ 01 USES LUD MEDIUM DENSITY AREA OF SITE (PHASE ONE ONLY) 2.285 ACRES (99,523 S.F.) BUILDING COVERAGE (FOOTPRINT) 16,982 S.F. (17.1%) AREA OF OPEN SPACE (LANDSCAPE AND BUFFERS) 48,302 S.F. (48.5%) LANDSCAPING AREA 31,24-8 S.F. (31.4% OF SITE) BUFFER YARDS 16,674 S.F. (16.8% OF SITE) PARKING & CIRCULATION 34,619 S.F. (34.8% OF SITE) AREA OF OUTSIDE STORAGE NONE TOTAL FLOOR AREA 16,227 S.F. FLOOR AREA BREAKDOWN OFFICE & OFFICE RELATED USES: 5,733 S.F. (100%) PARKING SPACES REQUIRED: 59 - PROVIDED: 61 LOADING SPACES REQUIRED: 1 - PROVIDED: 1 BUFFERYARD CALCULATIONS AREA BUFFER YARD WIDTH TYPE CANOPY TREES ACCENT TREES SHRUBS I FENCE/SCREENING HEIGHT & MATERIAL NORTH — 548' REQ'D PROV'D -10' F1 •20' F1 13 13 26 26 35 35 477 2 L.F. F1 — 8' HIGH SHADOW BOX =ENCE PHASE I SOUTH — 356' REO'D PROVO 20' M 20' M 11 ( 11 7 7 1 43 43 I NONE PHASE II SOUTH — 188' REO'D PROV'D 20' M 20' M TO BE PROVIDED WITH FUTURE DEVELOPMENT NONE PHASE 11 EAST — 281' REQ'D PROV'D 10, E 10' E TO BE PROVIDED WITH FUTURE DEVELOPMENT I NONE: WEST — 283' REO'D PROV'D 10, F1 10, F1 9 9 17 17 23 23 194.7 L x. F1 — 8' HIGH SHADOW BOX FENCE 20% REDUCTION ' VARIANCES REQUESTED NONE INTERIOR LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE AREA (SQ.FT.) 7. OF AREA IN FRONT OR SIDE CANOPY ACCENT TREES TREES SHRUBS GROUND COVER (SO.F1 j REQUIRED .7,569 75% 13 25 126 757 PROVIDED 16,589 219% 13 1 25 26 7- EXISTING TREE CREDITS TO BE CALCULATED IN LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION PLANS + 10% REDUCTION FOR R.O.W. LANDSCAPING 24' FIRE LANE. CONC. PVMT. -,�.. DEVELOPMENT•.:''I ;, 1 1 45 x Z PERMEABLE PARKING AREAS TO BE LOCATED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION --- - YM fE/G :ADDITIONAL SITE PLAN L� I I e' 10' x z� TALI: - N/C''- REQUIRED I 10 I: 3 I Q I •�_ -'__ I ; O CV �0 = SEE ARCHITECT'S PLANS FOR FINAL BUILDING DIMENSIONS _ \ 9 I FOR PERMITTING m I x �''.P a_ v cO , E SIGNIFIES OUTDOOR LIGHTING En ENTER m N '} W _ ------ aN0 <------ •CEDA 1777777 J O 704 O >vN ----- O ---r- I x - 9 , F.F. 661 5 , I of I Q ua.e I PROPOSED "' _ >.: x.. I •CED I < I O o = 8 OAK F.F. 663.0 'ONE—STORY 3_,4 A H x Y OFFICE BUILDING,x, aI i • ^1 9 ; . ' : , I •CE AR I 1 :• of X EXIST. 10" W.L. I a o t s,82o sQ. Fr. j F.F. 658.0 -\ o • I I -- I I LaJ J4 : • I o T� 35 FT. MAX. HT. I ---^ z t 2 OAK a I F.F. 660.5 I N as q• 8 IOAK I e v i �--- • I x •18 OAK - ---- i i %r = _\ CEDAR i i T VE 981 1 FECHTEP. G I P 0 z: I I V i --- I FUTURE 8 AK o� - aoo 22 �a' ,-- OF DING 6 I X .,T a I 8 OAK x „ I FICE BUIL I '\ i D.R.,T.CO.,TX. T X. ' 1 < r a z a _ Kas xw. e x 9,467 SQ. FT. , w C3 1'I •8 OAr� z s 3tx T\ 4o I 35 FT. MAX. HT. i ----- I .... O x 46. 4' i ( 11 _ 72.17' I LUD - MIXED USE --_d.. •'�-^^•L O 3L....ry �s I x I k. x ► e� rE i'i�� z y ,� x 3 ,;x ,tt i s #� k* � 4 c r �S�•x +� a "„ • J i i P 1 RIG. �6 FIRE LINE ---- rt D — vd�' x Q�ot� .Y uvax f�..rt-m, ---— ------ T 2:98 I X EXIST. 12" W.L. o. 1RR1G, `� �'�' •2" SERv. �: 1 MON. SIGN 6' SERV: "� a; 1�4' i TELE RISER QT 10' U.E. 2" SERV ----.--------------------=------ -1---- ----~-------- D-- 121.51'-- --- - --�— �— -- 0.61.:10' EXIST. S.S.M.H. , MON. 101.18' v.�. f EXIST. 10" G.V. 2' G.V. E 1 I FL UL N E ^P E —E E E r'P� —E i E—,,, E , 0 MON. 7 RET -- S 189'18 28 w E G V. �— N 89 05 27 w F.H. x b F.H.CL SIGN COR IN SIGN _ C (�WCR X — --- -- --- ET 12" G.V. PROP. 12" W.L. DRIVE..TO.CL...CARROLL......................................................................... ................:...TC..R.;11 m :.......... ..... .. ...54..' ..... lJJ ............................. z o 01'36'05" SIG POLE " I R 11,524.16' 3: m L = 322.09 m " W.W. HALL SURVEY A-695 RICHARD FADS SURVEY A-481 --�-- -�- SOUTHLAKE BLVD. (F.M. 1'709) - - N 89.53 29 w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ---- --- �� c� :a0° c� 0 101.18 c c� o c� o o o Co r_ C�—�--- GO: O.W. KNIGHT SURVEY A-899 I y NO DRIVEWAYS THIS SIDE OF SOUTHLAKE BLVD. EXIST 12" W.L. SIGNIFIES LANDSCAPING AREA RR SPIKE — in 24" oak 80' right of hwy. station 355+00 ELEV. = 627.11 Owner/Developer: RtOUR PEAKS C>EVEL_C>PMENT, INC. SUITE 234 100 W. SOUTHLAKE BLVD., #320 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 817-329-6996 Engineers/Planners: .J. E. LEN/I TT ENGINEERS, INC. ENGINEERS — PLANNERS Lam, L-.9 726 COMMERCE STREET SUITE 104 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 (817) 488-3313 Surveyors: ^1 ^N WAR1=> SURVEYING CO. P.O. BOX 821327 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76182 OFFICE: 817- 834- 0897 FAX: 817-834-0940 TIMARRON LAND CORP. V. XXXX, P. XXX D.R.,T.CO.,TX. AG LUD - MED. DENSITY RESIDENTIAL W ANITA PRADE O V. XXXX, P. XXX I 04 D.R.,T.CO.,TX. d AG I U LUD - MED. DENSITY RESIDENTIAL CRIES OD ti0 �T Q J J O CRESTWOOD OFFICE PARK SOUTHLAKE BLVD. w D LOCATION MAP M Original Scale : 1 " = 40' 0 20 40 80 Graphic Scale in Feet SITE PLAN LOT ONE BLOCK ONE CRESTWOOD OFFICE PARK AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS W.W. HALL SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 695 LUD - MED. DENSITY EXISTING USE - VACANT ZONED - S-P-2 WITH 01 USES 3.508 ACRES � REC'D MAR 101997�! 10 MARCH 1997 SHEET 2 OF 13 CWD-SP6.DWG (F LA SHT-2,NG*,FLOW; T LA SHT-1 CASE NO. ZA97-0 A%i k-- �.fd TIZ� i -- ::..■■.. ------ - - .ne :: ./nlrii il Un Know 'AW: /1 // �■■;; ■■■ ■■■. // ■.soon ■ ■■■ ■■■_: n u :_ ■■■ ■■wNOR :01NE; KNO 1■ 1■ It! 1■, NUMOKEPTA rn rn o � �o w CO copyrtghe 1996 • • to +Aw W ID 43 w .9 L oe = LL W asto � C tD 30 P. 0! ~ a �xEV$ L qm aw 7 U •tom • L Q o �x Ir 2U.